#im in literature class btw
pepirfecin · 1 year
yuor art of teamd ark is so good specifically i am in love with your design/art of rouge
Thank you thank you
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Teamd ark sounded french to me so here you go. Youre a muse now.
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gaycinema · 2 years
reading an essay and being able to tell that they definitely did Not do the reading. usually i would let that slide but this girl didn’t even check spark notes bc she’s making the worst most tone deaf possible argument she cld make
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faenights · 2 years
i spent so much of my life just assuming I'd hate horror books because I'm not a fan of gore in horror movies and I can't believe I did that because I missed out on so much!! the symbolism!! the themes!! the tropes!! haunted houses slowly devouring their inhabitants !! how strong emotions take over characters and lead to horrifying consequences!! love!!! in horror!! "it is not uncommon for us to want to eat what we love"!!
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yanqings · 2 years
polyglot to-be against my will
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afterthegoldrushes · 2 years
eep finished reading giovanni's room now i am rereading mrs dalloway eep eep eep one of my favourite books of all time i love you ms woolf mwah
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kimmkitsuragi · 5 months
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thewintersbloom · 5 months
my love mine all mine | dave lizewski (f)
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♡ pairing : dave lizewski x fem!reader
♡ summary : like dave said, ever since you sat down beside him in that literature class, his and your lives have never been the same.
♡ warnings : none, pure fluff.
♡ word count : 2.9k
♡ a/n : hello, posting my first ever work on tumblr, it took me a while to write this out but it's finally done and im so excited to share it with you all, i lovee atj 🥰 thank you, happy reading and please do like, reblog and leave your precious feedback. ❤️
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It's been a week since you've joined your new highschool, the nature of your parents' jobs had your family moving often so this wasn't the first time you're the new kid at school but it definitely wasn't easier. You walk into your first class of the day, Literature, looking for vacant seats and there is one next to the jock, Jaden and there's no way in hell you're making the mistake of sitting next to him again like on your second day of school where you had to put up with his tall tales, his narcissism and his absolutely cringe attempts at flirting, You made it very very clear that you weren't the least bit interested in him and changed seats.
There's another vacant seat in the middle next to Dave, Dave Lizewski who's apparently busy doodling something in his notebook. Deciding to take the seat next to him, you walk further into the classroom, feeling everyone's eyes on you.
“Hi, is this seat taken?” You ask him, smiling and Dave looks up with a jump, snapping his notebook shut, clearly not expecting anyone to ask for the seat next to him. The rest of your classmates snicker but you've long learnt the art of ignorance as you smile and repeat your question, trying to put him at ease, for you can see he's flustered as he adjusts his glasses, the tips of his ears turning pink.
“Uh, n– no. You can sit.” He replies with a small smile, shifting in his seat.
“Thanks, I'm ________ btw, the new kid.” You introduce yourself and take out a bar of chocolate from your bag, breaking it in half and offering the other to Dave as he chuckles a bit.
“I'm Dave Lizewski, thank you and do you offer chocolates everytime you introduce yourself?” Dave smiles, accepting the half a bar of chocolate.
“No, only to the people I like or feel comfortable with.”
You watch as the tips of his ears turn pink again and so does his cheeks as he looks down at his hands for a moment and then looks back at you, readjusting his glasses as his smile, adorably shy and warm, makes your heart skip a beat. His beautiful blue eyes lock into yours, taking your breath away.
“Btw, I know you Dave. I really liked the points you mentioned in the last class about Macbeth.”
“Really? I didn't think anyone was listening.” Dave responds, surprise very much evident in his voice and you wonder why because his points were really good, they helped you in understanding the topic much better and you remember applauding for him after, when he was praised by the teacher for the very same.
“Well, I was and they really helped me with the homework. It's just that we've never had the chance to talk.”
“I'm glad then and well, we're talking right now, aren't we?”
There was that adorable shy smile again, the one that made your heart skip a beat and you blush a little this time, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. Your conversation is interrupted as your literature teacher walks into the class and it's filled with the hush of quiet chatter and rustling pages as the lesson begins.
You try to concentrate as your teacher explains the Aristotle's tragic plot structure but every time your foot gently bumps against Dave's and your fingers brush against his on the table while taking notes or when he asks for a spare pen, the butterflies in your stomach has your mind wandering and you know he feels it too, evident in the way you both are flustered and look away shyly when your eyes meet.
You scribble on a piece of paper and slide it over to Dave, who reads it, a smile lighting up his handsome features as he writes something and then passes it back to you.
Wanna have lunch together?
Lunch Break couldn't come soon enough.
Todd and Marty share a look as Dave keeps glancing at the cafeteria door every two seconds, checking his watch, adjusting and readjusting his glasses and toying with his food on the lunch tray.
“Do you think he's in love?” Marty asks Todd who takes a sip of his soda.
“Too early to be in love though, he just met her this morning but for sure, he likes her.” Todd replies, pointing his fork towards Dave who rolls his eyes at their conservation.
“I'm right here you morons.” He throws a piece of discarded napkin towards them, “Besides, there's no way she's ever gonna like someone like me. She's cool, smart, funny, beautiful and wayyy out of my league.”
“Then why do you think she asked you to have lunch together?” Todd asks, gently poking Dave with his fork.
Before he could answer, you rush over to their table with your lunch tray, placing it down beside his.
“Hi, Hi. Sorry, I got held up in history class, wanted to clear some points for the project which is due next week.” You smile at Dave as you sit down next to him.
Your arms brush and the butterflies from the morning return in full force.
“It's okay.” Dave clears his throat, smiles and then introduces you to his two friends and you to them.
“It's good to finally meet you, Dave hasn't stopped talking about you since morning.” Marty quipped and Dave kicked him under the table.
“Well, I haven't stopped thinking about Dave since this morning either.” You blurt out as you dig into your lunch but realizing what you just said, your eyes go wide and you cough awkwardly, reaching out for your can of soda.
“What?” Dave asks, eyes wide.
“What?” You ask, feigning innocence.
“You just said—”
You know what you just said and you just wish for the earth to swallow you whole, like… that wasn't supposed to be said out so loud!!
“Because I have been–”
“Me too–”
You both try to talk but keep getting shy-er, the longer you look into each other's eyes when the bell rings announcing the end of the lunch break.
“Looks like we were right.” Todd speaks as he and Marty look at you and Dave with matching shit eating grins on their faces.
A week later, Dave is at the library, browsing through the shelves for some reference books that'll help with his economics homework when he sees you walking in. Ever since that day at the cafeteria you both have been talking, hanging out in between classes, having lunch together and have been going over at each other's places for study sessions but haven't really talked about what you both had wanted to say back then.
Taking a deep breath, Dave walks over to the history section where you were looking through some reference books as well. He catches a whiff of your sweet intoxicating scent ~ subtle hints of rose and sandalwood and his mind wanders again, wanting nothing more than to sink and drown in your scent.
“Hey.” Dave whispers and you turn around to greet him with a smile, that sweet smile of yours which has his heart skipping a beat.
“Hey.” You step closer to him, whispering as well. “I haven't seen you since morning and you weren't in class either, even Todd and Marty had no idea where you were. Is everything okay Dave?”
“Yeah.. Yeah, everything's fine, just got caught up in some.. stuff, you know.” Dave nods in response, adjusting his glasses as he shifts on his feet. He hates lying to you and knows that you won't be convinced by his answer, he wants to tell you about his superhero identity, about Kick-Ass but this was neither the right time nor the place.
“I was wondering if we could have a study session tonight to prepare for the big history test next week?”
“That will be perfect, I've been meaning to ask if you want to study together for the test, you can come to my place, my parents will be out celebrating their anniversary tonight, we'll have the whole house to ourselves.”
“So, we'll be alone?” Dave leans on one of the shelves, a flirtatious smirk on his lips. He hasn't flirted much in his life, so this might not work at all but he wants to try, for you.
“Yup.” You reach up to pull out another book from the shelf.
“We can do a lot more things apart from studying if we're all alone.”
You turn to look at him, a soft gasp escaping your lips when you realize how close Dave’s face is to yours as he stands with his arms crossed at his chest. The serene deep blue hues of his eyes sparkled in the soft rays of the sun coming in from the library's skylight, you wonder what it would be like to run your fingers through his soft dark curls, you wonder what it would be like to feel his soft kissable lips against yours, while his fingers draw mindless patterns on your skin.
Unable to accurately grasp the weight of the book you were pulling out, you stumble, about to fall down on your back when two strong arms wrap around your waist, stabling you.
“I’ve got you.” Dave speaks, gently plucking the book out of your hands.
You are pressed to his chest, aware of the rhythmic rise and fall of it, looking into the tranquil blue of his eyes while his breath fans your skin and the heat of his body has your mind conjuring up all the fantasies you've had about him.
Dave tucks a stray lock of hair behind your ear as your heart feels like it would beat out of your chest,
“I’ll see you tonight at 7.” He smiles and you manage to nod, thanking him.
Shouldering his backpack, Dave turns to leave but then turns back again, places a soft, sweet kiss on your cheek and walks out of the library, his cheeks and ears an adorable shade of red.
You stand there for a good few minutes, one hand on your chest, trying to calm your racing heart and the other on your cheek where Dave just kissed, he kissed you. Dave Lizewski, the boy you've been dreaming about since the last few weeks, kissed. you. on. the. cheek.
You squeal as you jump, pumping your fists in the air and kicking your feet. The other students laugh and the librarian sends you a warning glare but you really don't give a damn, you are so excited to see Dave tonight.
Dave is running late.
He was supposed to be at your place an hour ago, but at the subway station, two thugs were cornering an old lady and a little girl, threatening them to hand over whatever they had on them or to pay with their lives.
The thugs were taken care of and by that he meant, tied to one of the pillars of the station after he kicked their asses. The old lady and her granddaughter were safe (something he had learned while escorting them to safety) and the little one had thanked Kick-Ass with a hug.
Dave now makes his way to your home, his superhero suit safely concealed beneath his regular clothes as he hears police sirens in the distance, wincing in pain with every step he takes. Though Dave has a high pain threshold due to his damaged nerve endings, he still has bruises and cuts and he's pretty sure both his elbows are scraped and bleeding.
When the doorbell rings, you run downstairs after taking a last look at yourself in the mirror and take a deep breath to calm the butterflies in your stomach before answering the door but your smile vanishes as Dave stands in the doorway with a busted lip, cuts and bruises as far as your eyes can see. He gives you a slight smile as he tries to move closer to greet you when he winces in pain and you rush forward to help him.
“Oh my god Dave, what happened to you? You're bleeding! Let me just grab my coat and then I'll drive you to the hospital. Do you want me to call your dad? I can call Mr Lizewski and he can meet us at the hospital.” You speak, trying to clamp down on the panic rising in your chest as you pull out your cellphone when Dave gently holds your wrist, shaking his head.
“Baby, breathe.” He smiles, looking into your eyes. The word of endearment from him coupled with his smile and gorgeous blue eyes calm your nerves a bit as you take a deep breath.
“It's not that bad, I have a high threshold for pain, remember? Damaged nerve endings?”
“It's not that bad? Dave, are you kidding me? You're bleeding! You have a busted lip, cuts and bruises, both your elbows are scraped and bleeding!” You point out the growing red patches on his shirt sleeves.
“Okay, that is bad but it's nothing a first aid kit can't fix. Trust me, I've been injured before and fixed myself up just fine.”
You have a lot of questions and Dave understands that, he wants to answer each and every one of them, wants to tell you about Kick-Ass and put all his cards on the table on the first date when he asks you out tonight, fingers crossed.
“Okay, but we are going to the hospital if anything's serious.”
You dab a gauze pad in antiseptic liquid to clean the cut on Dave's forehead after cleaning and dressing his scraped elbows and you had to get rid of his favorite shirt to clean the wounds, much to Dave's unhappiness as he pouted a bit but nothing a kiss on the cheek from you can't fix which had him blushing, the tips of his ears turning pink.
“This is going to sting a bit, hold my hand if it hurts, okay?” You smile as you lean in to gently press the gauze pad to his cut. Dave winces a bit, his fingers intertwined with yours as you clean the cut and blow a bit of air to soothe the sting. He chuckles at the cute furrow of your brows, a tell that you're fully concentrated, something that he's come to know from your classes and study sessions together where he just can't keep his eyes off you.
His eyes then trail down your beautiful eyes to the soft curve of your mouth, lingering on your lips, the mole right beneath your lower lip and many a times he has had thoughts about you and him, hanging out after school, you're perched on his lap while his arms are around you, homework forgotten momentarily on the coffee table as you both can't have enough of each other's lips, your hands wandering down his chest, fiddling with the buttons of his plaid shirt.
Dave gently tucks back the stray lock of hair that has been testing your patience for the last few seconds.
“God, you're so beautiful.” He speaks, fingers gently caressing your cheek as you halt momentarily in your task, blink a few times and then blush, much to Dave's amusement.
“And so cute, are you always this cute?”
“I–” You're even more flustered now as you finish cleaning up his forehead cut and Dave laughs. Groaning, you gently let your head rest on his chest.
“Do you know how difficult it is to talk to someone you have a massive crush on? God, Dave Lizewski I like you so so much and all I do all day is daydream about you, daydream about us! You know, being a couple, holding hands, stealing kisses, hanging out after school, making out in your bedroom or mine.”
“Making out in the library?”
“Definitely making out in the library, I've often thought about.. you know‐ you pinning me against one of the shelves and kissing the fucking daylights out of me.”
“Baby, you have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that.” Dave grins looking down at you, “but before that, I need to do something that I've been wanting to do for so long too.”
You nod, looking up at him.
“I like you too, so so much. All I do is daydream about you, about us too. Ever since you sat beside me in that literature class my life has never been the same. So, will you go out with me next week? We could go to the arcade you were telling me about, grab some milkshakes.”
“I would love to.”
“And I know, I know you have a lot of questions and I promise I'll answer them all, I'll tell you everything about me.” Dave adds, his fingers intertwined with yours.
“Do you trust me, baby?” He asks, his thumb drawing soothing circles over your knuckles and you nod, staring into his gorgeous deep blue hues.
“I do.”
The kiss that followed was soft, sweet and full of promises for the future, one of your hands on his chest as you feel the rhythmic beating of his heart, the other tangled in his soft raven curls while his were wrapped gently around your waist, careful of the scraped elbows.
“So boyfriend, wanna order some takeout, do a Pride And Prejudice rewatch and then cuddle with some hot chocolate?” You ask, pressing a kiss to his lips before reaching out for your phone on the table.
“Would love to, girlfriend.” Dave smiles before leaning in to kiss you again.
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piosplayhouse · 9 months
Hi! I came across a post complaining about the guy yuri poll and discourse aside, I vaguely remember you made a post about what is yaoi and what is yuri? I dunno if I dreamed this post up, but I've scrolled and scrolled and I can't find it. So, I wanted to ask (if you don't mind answering >.<), what is yaoi/yuri? (beyond the basic definitions) What counts as guy yuri and girl yaoi?
Uwaa ok so I will say Im planning to actually write a paper on this but I haven't done much research yet so ask in a few months and you'll hopefully have a better answer with cited sources. But here is a bit of what I'm conceptualizing at this point (corrections and additions very welcome!)
What set me down this path really was of course the fantastic Yaoizine hosted by tshirt3000, which includes a rather poignant author's note about broadening the definition of yaoi in public to the abstraction. Indeed, the actual origin of the term "yaoi" is an acronym for "yamanashi, ochinashi, iminashi" (plotless, climaxless, meaningless) from 70s doujinshi spheres wherein it was used as a somewhat self-degrading term to define a specific type of porn-without-plot self-indulgent indie fancomic. These were of course, mostly of the male-male variety. However, as the Yaoizine makes clear, there's not really an inherent gendering within the word in any sense but genre expectation-wise. This becomes particularly salient in the case of perhaps one of the most famous wlw romances out there, Revolutionary Girl Utena. Tshirt cites an interview with the creator of the anime, Ikuhara Kunihiko, where he refers to the relationship between the two main female characters (among other things) as yaoi, recontextualizing the term from merely a mlm genre into a statement on the dynamics of power and consumption as they relate to gender-- an act of sexual passion paired with a reversal of societal norms = yaoi in this case, which is why utenanthy fits perfectly within the term.
Conversely, yuri (lily) is a bit more difficult to analyze from a gender-neutral perspective as it originated not as a counterpart to yaoi, but instead as a counterpart to bara (rose, a term used to refer to erotic gay male content) used when lesbians would write in to gay magazines trying to hook up and whatnot. However, it's pretty agreed upon that the genre grew out of Class S literature, a type of literature based on girls, often senpai and kouhai, going to an all-girls school together and experiencing a connection that straddles the thin line between romance and homosociality. Homosociality like this among women has historically been and to this day remains somewhat under the radar and perceived as a "phase" or an amateur attempt at romance before a woman eventually marries a man. This is where we see significant overlap between pre/early modern Japanese male homosexual literature and lesbian literature, where homosexuality is seen as a youthful phase that will inevitably be grown out of (as in the case with the chigo system, LUG (lesbian before graduation), etc). Essentially, it was very common for the characters of early modern queer literature (mostly written by queer authors btw) to have brief and passionate schoolyard flings before graduating onto "normal" sexuality. Of course, these narratives fell out of style and are considered dead today, but their remnants can still be seen in the subsequent shojo and modern gl manga boom. The yuri that grew from this in the beginning was usually explicitly erotic, but still somewhat held onto the predominant themes of schoolgirl innocence and youthful beauty. Over time, meanings and terminology shifted, and the "yuri" we use today is more interchangeable with "gl", meaning it's not so much of an indicator of explicit content as "yaoi" is. However, I would still argue that one of the largest indicators of a story's "yuri factor" (if you could say that) is its ties to the establishing homosociality progressed into homoromantic relationship genre expectation. Of course, there are many wlw stories that subvert this, (as there are many mlm stories that subvert the yaoi or even bl template) but to me, if you were to compare yaoi and yuri's theming, yaoi's focus tends to skew more towards the intimacy in explicit eroticism, while yuri looks more into the implicit eroticism in intimacy. If that makes sense.
Of course, when looking into "boy yuri" there's also a transfem-coding factor to consider, which I think is what the majority of people have in mind when they refer to a couple as "boy yuri". Historically, there is massive precedent for feminization between male queer couples in historical Japanese literature, as well as in early modern relatives of bl, mainly Inagaki Taruho's work, so it would be somewhat disingenuous to say feminization is a purely modern, female-created phenomenon. But anyway, those are my (somewhat messy and likely inaccurate) thoughts so far, let me know what you all think. Have a happy yaoimas and merry new yuri, as they say.
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aristotels · 3 months
wait you arent trans? huh
you arent the first person to be surprised lol, and now i wonder if people think im transmasc or transfem when they think im trans. ive heard both assumptions. :P
in any case, whatever you think, its not a big deal, but here a more detailed explanation
i dont consider myself trans, tho i technically would fall under that umbrella i think; i am agender, i am not cis, and since i dont even perceive my gender (aside when talking about materialism and class opression of women), i just dont feel like i fit in either cis or trans categories.
in any case, even though im uncomfortable when my sex is brought up and when i am perceived and treated as of certain gender (i already talked about how this seriously bothers me regarding stand up comedy), at most its annoyance and anger at misogyny. my gender is not very important to me, i do not perform it, and i dont think about it in context of me as a person. aside, from, as i said, opression that affects me as an opressed class.
in general, i just see gender as a very annoying thing that i gotta drag around. and since i dont perceive myself as a person with any kind of gender, then cis/trans just... in my self-perception dont apply to me. cis or trans from what. from nothing to nothing.
was always like this btw, i thought i was transmasc when i was a child and a teen, turned out what i yearned for was state of neutrality; my yearnings didnt have anything to do with masculinity, but were aimed at the monologues, philosophy, literature which interested me, and often was from male perspective and gender.
but even back then masc pronouns in my language didnt feel right for me, what i used was "we" until parents trained it outta me lol.
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umeqii · 15 days
natsuki x fem!popstar!reader headcanons for a reader who's a semi-famous popstar that goes to the same school and joins the club? :33 (IM CRINGING AS I WRITE THIS GUYS 😔🥰)
NATSUKI MENTIONED RAAAHHH SHE'S SO MEEE (also dw dollface it's not cringey :33)
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-⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀AS IF I WOULD EVER LIKE YOU, IDIOT⠀!⠀⠀. . . ⠀⠀⠀ just be more careful .
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character - natsuki
fandom - doki doki literature club
gender - fem reader
a/n - no sayori (i cldnt be bothered 🙁.) + swearing + mentions of wlw sex things (??)
creator - umeqii
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okay so, natsuki is very known throughout the school on how she likes "childish and cutesy" typa things
and even throughout the club she was looked down on for her cutesy exterior; she knew they meant well but she wasn't taken that seriously :((
but you were quite similar !
you had interests that no one else had, and was mocked in school, but then you got into music and boom!!
you were famous !!
yur songs were mostly about how you feel, with hidden meanings in them or some of them just being lyrics you thought of at 2 AM when binge watching KNY
the first song you made was called 'P.U.N.K GIRL' (P.U.N.K Girl by Heavenly btw :33!!), and it blew up !!
it was used throughout wlw edits, like shinomitsu and hachinana >3<
natsuki had also seen an edit using that song and she LOVVESS it :33!!!
it's in every playlist she makes, no matter how different the playlist themes are !!
and you started posting more and more songs and your popularity grew more and more each and every day !!
for example; 'WHERE YOU BEEN HIDING?' (Where You Been Hiding by Sinéad Harnett) was one of your most popular songs !!
when you transfered to their school, you were actually in yuri's class
when she first saw you, you were definitely very accessorised and had a very different style to most people
she immediately thought of natsuki when she saw you
you actually got seated beside her, and the reason on how ym started talking was bc yu were writing another one of ur songs :P
'BANG BANG BANG' (Bang Bang Bang by Sohodolls)
you were on the verse where it mentions, 'neon streets are full of lust.' and then yuri decided to speak up
despite her socially awkward demeanor, she spoke and carried herself very nicely
she already knew you were a singer due to her classmates' conversations (she doesn't talk in class unless she gets chosen so she js listens in on others)
and you started saying how you have writer's block and couldn't think of anymore lyrics
yuri then mentioned the literature club and said she could take you along with her after class
she was genuinely so scared if you would say no, because she didn't wanna embarrass herself :((
but luckily u sed yes :333!!!!!
anyways, to the club, mc was the first one to realise you :o
( btw, in this au, monika isn't basically the creator and mc is a real 'character' aswell as you and all of the other ddlc girls )
he was literally js abt to enter the club ://
then ym started talking and he seemed to not recognise you so you were quite happy because of how yuve been getting alot of attention from ppl so it was a nice change
im kidding i luv yuri shes js my least fav member
NOT LIKE I HATE HRR BUT I JS PREFER THE OTHER MEMBERS (natsuki, monika, sayori n yuri idc if no one asked fuck you)
and he was js like "whoa, so you make songs? cool." and fr js walked inside
like where's the enthusiasm :/// slash jay
then as you walked in, mc started talking to this pretty brown haired girl who seemed quite surprised to see you
then yuri told you to wait by the door and she went to mc and spoke to the green eyed female
as you were waiting, you could hear their mumbles and as the girl with the ponytail was abt to speak, a door fr hit you
"ah, hel-"
and the thing is, the door didn't even stop moving when yu screamrd ☠️☠️
and as you were fr abt 2 throw hands, yu saw this lowkey short pink haired girl who was holding a tray of sumthin
"sorry, do you mind being more care-"
i feel like of natsuki was a big fan of ur music, she wld FREAK if she saw yu irl
esp since she hit u w a door !!
but yk who doesn't hit their celebrity crush every now n then
(devon bostick ily/j)
she webt RED RED ://
not like "omg her cheeks flushed red...kawaii..."
her whole ass body n things
"are you okay natsuki?" - monika
and she dropped the tray and turns out it was cookies and u gen felt yur heart shatter
"oh yeahhahaha that's me..!"
bro why do mfs always recognise you in the stupidest times
like sm1 fr recognised u in the bathroom when yu were gnna piss
but yh HEADCANONS time bc i'm a lazy shit and i have to wake up at 5:30 tmrw for skl
okay so natsuki is naturally insecure of her tendencies to push people away, and she honestly hates herself for it which is SOOOOOO real lmfao
but how she is towards the other members is so different compared to you
she always has a giddy smile on her face just bc of the mention of ur name
and her heart always skips a flutter seeing yur smile
she doesn't show it though of course..
they just have a littllleee bit of a softer side for ya !! (natsuki is she/they argue w the way if u disagree)
you're lowkey rich asf but not THAT rich bc yur stupidass self spends too much monry on merch n figurines
good thing yur amazing producer, mari, helps ya out >3<
i'm the creator not you like bffr ://
anyways im kidding ily probably unless you're an eyesore but anyways ahahhaa
when yu first introduced natsu 2 mari, SHE HATED HER ☠️.
mariyas js a bit too mean sometimes
"what's with that outfit? i wouldn't be caught dead wearing that ugly thing out of the house.."
"who do you think you a-?"
"ugh, shut up. your voice is hurting my head. and that's a lot judging from how i listen to Y/N's singing like..every month..."
but then again, they're really similar but they just view things differently
like mari doesn't wanna be scary, and natsuki doesn't wanna be cute >_<
anyways how ym got together was that she invited u over to make cupcakes and she sed she cld even help u w a new song
and blah blah blah she was implying it as a wlw song and you js ended up kissing eachother n made out n probably scissored or smth idfk i js saw a bird fall to it's fate ☠️ .
I SWEAR IM NOT TRYNA SEXUALISE NATSUKI BUT SHES OVER 18 N YH (im js self projecting bc im a bitch and this is what i wld do dont hate me guys)
but yh, u did make a song
it's called , 'SPACE GIRL' and it's based off of natsuki's pov of you
(space girl by Frances Forever)
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abrahamvanhelsings · 26 days
CURRY. hi, it's me again just realized i should also have asked for metternich/rossini (i am 100% serious)
going to give you a 100% serious answer. do i think they fucked? not historically but do i think in another world they might have? by god. yes. i am not exaggerating when i say that metternich was genuinely one of rossini's biggest fans, and that's saying something bc rossini had half of europe eating from the palm of his hand at the height of his popularity. i haven't read much on their interactions, and i think there's nothing on their... situationship specifically. they're briefly mentioned in various literature, and im not sure where the primary sources concerning their relationship (like letters) can be found. it's kind of hard to get a good grip on what they were to each other, bc one author will simply say that rossini was metternich's favourite composer and then another will say they were friends. however i read an article on metternich's use of music in diplomatic settings recently, Damien Mahiet, 'The Musical Diplomacy of Metternich', Diplomatica 3:2 (2018), and that really got me thinking abt how they could've been something. in my mind. for real. going to add some screenshots here:
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It's clear from this article at least that they interacted on a level that, to me, goes beyond 'guy who hired another guy', but that they really talked about music together. also, not unimportant to mention that metternich played the violin as an amateur himself, so he really did know what he was about! this is what i mean when i say they interacted on a more casual level:
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extremely funny to me that rossini would complain abt this to metternich, like the gossip... these two were hitting it off. what's also really important to me is how metternich wrote abt rossini to dorothea lieven (the wife of the russian ambassador in london who he had a situationship with, also btw a very interesting woman bc politically she was arguably a more influential figure than her husband the ambassador):
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"a very nice chap"
"he consistently touches a sensitive string in my heart" :')
metternich going 'fuck beethoven his vibes are miserable and his music repetitive. rossini is everything to me btw' has me on the floor lmfao?
"a lifelong passion for the work of rossini in particular"
rossini saying that metternich really understood music >> they were talking deep into the night i know it
in a wild turn of events metternich hated court life and the public, societal nature associated with politics and diplomacy. he really much preferred to be at home with his wife and children (and to have long conversations through letters with his mistresses, which is a whole other interesting aspect of his life, but before anyone starts making assumptions, i must state he was also happily married to his wives - id have to make a whole post abt early 19th century upper class relationship conventions and metternich's specific ideas on love to dive into this). but ?? to say abt listening to music, and apparently rossini's music in particular in such public settings, "i live in a moment when the rays of the sun enter the darkness of my jail" ?????
also there's these other bits that show metternich was SUCH a fan like he really did everything to get rossini to perform at places. and partly this was bc of his diplomatic efforts through music, of course, but that he chose rossini in particular is bc he thought he was the god of harmony and thee best person for the job. and i like to imagine he also wanted to talk to his bestie in person:
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and ROSSINI STILL WROTE TO METTERNICH IN 1858 talking abt "the brilliant days" and their friendship from almost 40 years ago. brother.
so there's this for the historical aspect of their relationship. now it's of course also very interesting to me that metternich was considered to be very attractive by standards of the time, plus he was abt 20 years rossini's senior which :) i love me an age gap (and so did metternich's third wife as ive shown you lol). lot of ways to do something very interesting with this whole dynamic. plus i think there's plenty of room for angst if we consider metternich's conservative policies against rossini's politics which are always kind of... ambiguous, but there's a lot to say abt the opera's he created and what did and did not shine through in those. also the fact that despite whatever political differences they had it clearly did not prevent them from being friends bc of the power of music <3
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pigswithwings · 7 months
and btw if you have ocs im asking questions about them. i am the questioner. i am the know nothing-er. i am asking things like it is literature analysis class. i need to comprehend your characters right now ok ?
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When You Weren’t Looking — pt. 3/?
an au where you and you literature professor realize you both have things to learn about love, and yourselves, outside of class. (as we all know, this can only be done through a big scoop of angst and a smutty cherry on top)
summary: sober-wan is gone
warnings: language, alcohol, anakin being the best and the worst at the same time (he’s gonna be v present in the series so idk if that’s a warning to u or not lol) satine
a/n: if y/n didn’t have a crush on obi then she would def have one on padme. im also entertaining the idea of dragging out the time before the smut and then throwing that shit in every chapter lmao. btw this is mostly dialogue and idk how to feel abt that yet
word count: 2,479
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“Obi-Wan?” Anakin put his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder and shook it to gain his attention.
“hmm?” he stopped scanning for places to sit and turned his head towards Anakin instead. Anakin grabbed both of his shoulders this time, turning him around fully so that Obi-Wan could see what he was already looking at.
“Isn’t she in your fourth-period class? Yeah, she is! The one you’re giving extra credit to,”
Anakin pointed at you standing behind the bar. You were serving drinks to an annoyed-looking woman and the rowdy group a couple of chairs over. Your head leaned back as you laughed at something they did. They weren’t disrespectful or anything, just having a bit of fun. They had come to celebrate the end of the work week by getting drinks at the bar, just as Obi-Wan and Anakin had come to do, except they were not aware of the small detail that was you being the bartender.
Obi-Wan clicked his tongue as he slapped Anakin's hand down. He was too late though, as you saw them standing in the doorway from across the room.
“Shit, sorry,” Anakin said sheepishly.
You didn’t seem the slightest bit bothered, a little surprised maybe, but the same could not be said of Obi-Wan. You waved, too far away for him to notice the blush on your cheeks. He returned it awkwardly as Anakin shouted your name, just loud enough to make it over the music.
He took a step forward, but paused when he noticed Obi-Wan still rigid next to him. He gave him a quizzical look.
“It’s just that it’s weird to see her in this environment I suppose,” Obi-Wan answered to his expression.
“You see her outside of class all the time,” Anakin was becoming both increasingly concerned and intrigued by his mentor’s behavior.
“True, but this is different. She’s not a student out here, she’s just…”
“a person?” Anakin raised an eyebrow.
“Glad you figured that one out,” Anakin clapped a hand on his shoulder. Obi-Wan glared at Anakin. knowing him for years through Qui-Gonn had made becoming his TA more like becoming a brother. The two of them looked back at you, now focused on serving drinks to a new couple that had just sat down at the bar. Anakin looked back and forth between you and Obi-Wan.
“You like her, don’t you?” Anakin looked at Obi-Wan with a suspicious eye.
“Don’t be ridiculous Anakin,” Obi-Wan rolled his eyes.
“You do!” he exclaimed. Anakin knew Obi-Wan well enough to where he could spot the cracks in his serious facade. He had known that Obi-Wan was romantically capable, but that was only by accident. They were having a conversation one day and somehow he made a comment that alluded to the fact that he had once been in a relationship a very long time ago, and that it had deeply affected him. Anakin was able to get her name but not much else out of him, as Obi-Wan insisted it was in the past. He had been hoping for some time now that his mentor would find someone again, and he’d be damned before he wasn’t his wingman.
“Oh admit it. You have a thing for her!”
“This conversation ends now,” Obi-Wan said firmly.
“I know that Satine—“
“Ends. Now.” Obi-Wan glared severely.
Anakin raised his hands in surrender and started towards the bar again. They took the seats that opened up now that the annoyed lady had gotten up, presumably because she had had her fill of those next to her.
“Hi! I have to say it’s a bit weird to see both of you here. I guess I forget sometimes that teachers are still people and do…people things,” you had worded your thoughts rather awkwardly but chose to laugh at the fact rather than get hung up on it.
Obi-Wan relaxed at your statement. So you felt like it was a bit odd too, you just weren’t nearly as dramatic about it. Anakin subtly elbowed him, and he inwardly chastised himself while at the same time appreciating your own brand of confidence, laughing off an introduction that you could have otherwise been embarrassed about.
“Yeah we feel the same about you and the other students too,” Anakin chuckled.
“I’ve got to say it was a bit of a shock,” Obi-Wan chimed in, your eyes flicking to him immediately.
“I hope that's not a bad thing,” you smirked.
“No no, more like a pleasant surprise,” he was quick to reassure you, his nerves now smoothed considerably.
“I’m more than happy to pleasantly surprise, which is why” you turned behind you and then spun back around facing them, this time with two drinks in your hand, “I made these for you guys,”
“oh?” your professor lifted his brow.
“I uh, it’s just fun when a customer lets me surprise them with a drink based on their preferences. I took the liberty of guessing those too,”
you’re adorable— no sweet— nice?
Obi-Wan searched for an adjective that he felt less alarmed when using to describe someone in his professional world.
You pushed Obi-Wan’s drink towards him with a wink, saying, “don’t worry it’s on me.” You didn’t have to do the same with Anakin as he plucked his drink straight from your hand when you had offered. It was a dark drink in a martini glass, a blackberry with a toothpick running through it at the bottom of the glass. He stirred the stick a bit before he lifted the glass and took a sip.
“What is this? I like it a lot. What made you pick this one out for me?”
“It’s a black martini, pretty straightforward name, but it’s got gin, lime, pineapple juice, and charcoal but you can't taste it. It’s a little…moody,” you dropped your voice and leaned in for a feigned whisper “but it’s secretly fruity,” Anakin’s eyes went wide.
“No,” you laughed “Not in that way, but it doesn’t taste as dark as it looks,”
Anakin chuckled, “I’ll take it.”
You had turned to Obi-Wan now. “Sorry Anakin, but I’m more concerned about the Professors reaction,”
“Oh? Why’s that?” Obi-Wan leaned in with curiosity
“Well, one of you has to be the harsher critic,”
“Hey, I do grade you pretty well,”
“Did I not mention that last essay a while ago?”
“Ah, you have indeed, little one,” he conceded as he lifted his glass to his lips, a yellow drink with a lemon peel curled around the rim. His eyes widened in happy surprise. “mmm, it’s delicious” his tongue darted out to savor the taste.
“but…” he started, your forming smile put on pause, “The final score is pending until you tell me what it means”
“Well it’s called,” blushed and looked down a little in embarrassment. you didn’t think this through. “it’s called between the sheets” Anakin huffed air out of his nose in amusement as Obi-Wan choked on his second sip, which was unfortunately much larger than the last, “Well it’s a classic,” you quickly continued, “with a story behind it, something I feel like you’d appreciate in a drink, but most Importantly it’s got a little sass,” You all laughed.
“Oh dear,” Obi-Wan ran a hand through his hair
“She’s not wrong,” Anakin said.
“Yeah, Professor. You’ve got more spice than you think” well thank the maker you didn’t see him as old and boring.
Anakin had his mouth open to make another comment when he suddenly stopped and broke into a smile. You and Obi-Wan waited for him to explain but when he didn’t, you both leaned next to him to follow his line of sight, landing on Ms. Amidala walking in.
“Really now, is this a school meeting I didn’t know about?” Obi-Wan cried. He didn’t have anything against Ms. Amidala, but if things kept going in this direction, he was not going to be able to enjoy his drink…or you… if Professor Windu and the rest of the staff somehow got the same idea to show up.
“Actually, I invited her,” Anakin said in a rather confident tone, no doubt prepping for when she walked over.
“What?” Obi-Wan said sharply.
“Well we were just talking today and she said she’d like to talk again some other time so I convinced her to come here tonight,”
“Now who has a thing??”
It was your turn to say, “What?” Obi-Wan made a small incoherent stuttering sort of noise.
“Just be mindful Anakin—“
“Hello!” Ms. Amidala greeted all of you as she pulled up a chair. You’d seen your school counselor many times in the halls and she was always immaculately dressed, but you’d never realized how beautiful she was until now.
“I don't think I've met you before” she turned towards you with such a pure and genuine smile that you couldn’t help but return it. She really was something, Anakin.
“I’m y/n. It’s nice to meet you Ms. Amidala. I usually see you walking around the campus. I'm a student at the university actually,”
“We’re not on campus right now, so please, call me Padmé,”
“Padmé then,”
“Padmé,” Anakin said next to her, a tinge of awe in his voice.
“Ani” she greeted him, “Thanks for asking me to come,”
“Of course,” Anakin said. Maker, could he drool any more?
Obi-Wan started to cough abruptly, and somehow that cough came out sounding an awful lot like the word “mindfulness”.
“Are you ok Obi-Wan?” Padme looked at him with concern.
“Oh, quite,” he dabbed the corners of his lips with one of the coaster napkins. Your eyes met as you smiled in amusement over his attempt at warning Anakin, which went completely over his head of course. Anakin was going to make a fool of himself regardless, but you, being the kind soul that you were, figured you could at least try to make it so he could blame the alcohol for anything too stupid.
This led to your sudden suggestion of shots, whipping out a handle of tequila in one hand, vodka in the other.
“It’s not a school night.” you said.
“On yes let’s!” Padmé said excitedly. She looked the picture of elegance with her swept-up hair and delicate blouse, and yet she was the one eagerly motioning for a little glass.
“Yeah!” Anakin agreed.
“Shit,” Obi-Wan whispered under his breath.
little one what have you done.
Anakin just laughed at Obi-Wan’s disdain.
“This is where the fun begins.”
Obi-Wan was stubborn, but as soon as you said the word, he was downing the alcohol, impressively smoothly one might add.
“Yeah! Let’s go gramps,” Anakin patted Obi-Wan on the back.
You never seen Obi-Wan as old, and the thought of it felt a little off to you.
“Just because Professor Kenobi’s the only one of you who can manage to grow a beard doesn’t mean he’s old,” you quipped.
“You make a fair point,” Padmé said and Anakin frowned.
“Thank you y/n,”
“Of course, Professor,”
You didn’t realize how much time had passed as you alternated between serving other customers and conversing with… friends? They were supposed to be your superiors but in this environment, you suddenly felt so close to them. Admittedly, it did help that Anakin was a little bit of a child at times, making you feel like you were on equal terms with him especially, you two being the youngest of the four.
It was now midnight and Padmé had sobered up from her buzz. She had only taken one shot and you realized she encouraged the shots mostly just for the boys and sat back to enjoy her own innocent amusement. She was funny.
At the same time, Anakin was revealing that he was very much a passionate drunk. He was telling stories of how he wanted to be a pilot at one point, and Padmé was thoroughly entertained. It was sweet how he made her laugh and she never had to doubt that she had his full attention.
You’d never seen Obi-Wan like this before, his eyes were a little droopy but his smile was huge. He had made himself comfortable by laying his arm on the bar, slightly propping himself up with his hand as he leaned lowly over the countertop. He was witty as ever, but as Anakin and Padmé shifted into their own little world, you noticed your Professor had been watching you walk back and forth behind the bar, wiping down the counter and getting ready to close down the bar.
“How are you feeling?” you asked him.
“Quite lovely,”
“I’d hope so, Professor. Tequila will do that to you.”
“Obi-Wan, please. Ms. Amidala had a point, and we’re both adults out here are we not?”
“Alright then, Obi-Wan,”
“I like how it sounds better when you say it,”
Was he…flirting? outright?
As much as you enjoyed it, he was drunk and you didn’t want to say anything foolish that he would remember you saying when he sobered up, but you’d be lying if you weren’t gonna take the compliment.
“Thank you. Although I think you should get some sleep now,”
“No,” he sat up and looked very adamant with a slight frown. He looked like a little boy who had been denied candy.
“Alright alright,” you turned to Padmé to whisper “I think he’s ready to go home now,”
“We are of one mind then,” she smiled. “I’m going to take Anakin home as well, I don't trust him to do it alone. it was wonderful to meet you,”
“I never expected to have this much fun—
“with teachers?”
“well, yeah I guess,”
She smiled then told both of them to stand up and they followed her out the door, but Obi-Wan only made it halfway there before he turned around, jogging back to you.
“I’d just like to say, I’m very glad I gave you a shitty grade,”
“what?” you said in surprise at his confession. You liked drunk Obi-Wan.
“No, it’s just that, if I hadn't, I wouldn't get to see you after my classes, and I wouldn't have realized how wonderful you are,” his voice was sincere and smooth. He had meant it.
“You’re right, I am wonderful,” you shrugged jokingly.
“Oh thank the maker you’re aware,” he said relieved and in all seriousness.
“I was joking, but I just want to say that I would've taken that grade any day if it meant spending time with you”
“I’ll see you next week darling,” he said as he kissed your hand. His eyes were low and your heart rate was high. You felt a dizziness that was becoming all too common around him.
He turned away too soon for your liking, and you watched him leave with Padmé and Anakin. You hadn’t even had a single drink and yet you felt so warm. After you closed up, you were definitely going to have one if you were going to digest what had just happened.
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astronnova · 1 year
Okay but I wouldn't purely blame LMK for the flanderization of Tripitaka. All the flanderized depictions in fan works I've seen are from people who actually read the book and made fan art of the original source. And both versions of Trip develop into better people, anyways. Also, it's a little hurtful to say that most people don't analyze what they read, no? Granted, it's a kids show so much of the fanbase are minors, but like...kids will be kids.
my bad that it came across as hurtful! thats not my intention, i meant it as more of an objective viewpoint on something that's become widespread online and irl then just an insult to people.
unfortunately, a lot of people within the uhhh lets say 15-early 20s range dont... dive as deep into literature as they should. you ever heard of that one meme about "the door is blue because the author liked the color blue" ?
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this is just one of many, and you couldnt go anywhere online without seeing somebody make this kind of joke. schools dont even really teach deep analysis of literature recently (i should know, ive been in multiple english lit classes and most of them don't dive as deep as you could and should. the only one that does that is with my most recent professor), and this stuff happens in highschool. yknow, during students most formative years of learnin stuff.
kids shouldnt just get a free pass on choosing to ignore the main point of a piece of literature because "kids will be kids". literature is the backbone of critical thinking, most people develop that skill through reading, and stories have a greater purpose, especially classical ones, than just "heres a show that provides constant stimulation with no reason".
i probably sound a little crazy or something, and im not articulating this as well as i could due to me taking *checks notes* two melatonin like 30 minutes ago BUT anyway tldr for that section is that a lot of people just dont dive deep into literature and its true meaning. a lot of folks like only looking at the surface level bits because its so much easier and simplier than writing an 1000 word essay about the importance of a certain theme within a piece of classical literature or something
steering this back to monkie kid,
the thing i explained above i think is one of the sources as to tripitaka, and sun wukong's, flanderization within the monkie kid fandom. instead of looking at the characters with the original intent of the religious text, its looked at as more of a "well he did X so he's a bad person". its too literal for a religious allegory. trying to apply strict "real world black & white morals" onto characters like this just wont work and will end with every character from the original jttw with the label of "bad person".
i could go onto a whole rant about how the recent decline of deep analysis of literature is the reason so many people seem to prefer "childrens cartoons" (because of the easier to understand morality/lessons) over, say, classical work or hell even some modern classics. this isnt an insult towards ppl that like "kids cartoons" btw, like look at my whole blog its just about cartoons LOL . i think theres more than just that one reason as to why people, at least online, gravitate towards childrens cartoons (likely because theyre more fantastical rather than trying to cater towards "adult gritty realism" and are animated, which is hard to find nowadays with all this "live action remake" junk), but i do think its one reason.
again, my bad if i sound like an ass or something or if i dont make sense, its like 12 am and i shouldve been asleep like an hour ago but im easily distracted LOLOL . but yeah, i think the source of the flanderization is just people misunderstanding the point of the original text and trying to apply modern storytelling conventions to something thats meant to be a big ass metaphor for enlightenment
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mvtchayam · 1 year
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Limbus OC sinner no.? Minke
“Bagaimana bisa manusia hanya ditimbang dari surat-surat resmi belaka, dan tidak dari wujudnya sebagai manusia?”
Honestly this is all made bc i rlly wanna woobify minke ^_^ i think a tragic protagonist from an indonesian literature work should be woobified. Also bc i had to read buumi manusia in hs for my indonesian literature class. Pramoedya ananta toer is shaking in his grave rn im sorry sir
Btw the way u pronounce his name is min-ke, the ‘e’ is like how you say ‘uh’ but without the ‘h’ sound in the end
As always credit is due for user @/ threadtheocracy on twt for their limbus assets thank youuu!!! ur a lifesaver
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soahbee · 7 months
I didn't think that this gathering would be so pleasant.
At first, R looked very good, wearing a dark shirt and beige pants. I also noticed that his hair has grown recently, when I first met him it was much shorter. He seemed so unattainable to me as I watched the company from behind the kitchen counter. btw I don't stay long at the gatherings, I help a little and then go home.
And here comes the point!
R came to me completely unexpectedly and leaned against the counter. Since my father and his friends like to drink, R also drank a little, but he wasn't drunk, but I could see that he was able to be a little more relaxed. He asked me how I was feeling, I told him I was fine but I would be going home soon. (He came to me just when I was about to leave) At this, R just raised his eyebrows at me and literally said to me:
"Don't you want to have a drink with me?"
I didn't even want to go home after that. How could I say no? I was so embarrassed but He just grinned at me. I didn't feel like we were in a teacher-student relationship at all. It felt like two friends meeting and talking at a party.
Finally, I said that I would stay a little longer, but only because of him, you know, I said jokingly, then he came to me behind the counter and asked what I would like to drink.
I told him that a beer would suit me and he had such a surprised look on his face afterwards and asked "Do you like beer?" I said of course, and he said, "Wow, you always surprise me with something."
I immediately asked why? is this bad? To which he laughed and said no, he likes it when a woman likes more masculine drinks, he thinks it's rare for a woman to like beer.
After that we talked a lot and even laughed. He asked a lot about me, my future, how I envision it, etc. It really surprised me that he was so interested in me, it just made me feel even more special.
I also learned a few new things about him, such as he likes cats, he goes to bookstores a lot because of his literature classes, he likes to get additional information for his lectures and he prefers to buy a book rather than look it up on the Internet. He likes to cook, but he said he doesn't cook half as well as I do. (Although I made them dinner, which was a simple carbonara lol)
And guess what, he complimented my hair. He said it was very nice long. I then told him that his is also good, although it seems to have grown a bit, shorter on the sides is better. I found out that he has a tattoo on his neck, which could always be seen a little from behind his shirt, but he said that this tattoo goes all the way to his chest.
I could rant to you girls in a thousand posts, but I've actually been confused ever since he talked to me so casually and it felt like he was really interested of me... Im so happy and sad at the same time.
I love him.💘
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