sapphicsparkles · 1 year
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A Professor Kenobi gift for @treescape 📚
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When You Weren’t Looking — pt. 3/?
an au where you and you literature professor realize you both have things to learn about love, and yourselves, outside of class. (as we all know, this can only be done through a big scoop of angst and a smutty cherry on top)
summary: sober-wan is gone
warnings: language, alcohol, anakin being the best and the worst at the same time (he’s gonna be v present in the series so idk if that’s a warning to u or not lol) satine
a/n: if y/n didn’t have a crush on obi then she would def have one on padme. im also entertaining the idea of dragging out the time before the smut and then throwing that shit in every chapter lmao. btw this is mostly dialogue and idk how to feel abt that yet
word count: 2,479
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“Obi-Wan?” Anakin put his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder and shook it to gain his attention.
“hmm?” he stopped scanning for places to sit and turned his head towards Anakin instead. Anakin grabbed both of his shoulders this time, turning him around fully so that Obi-Wan could see what he was already looking at.
“Isn’t she in your fourth-period class? Yeah, she is! The one you’re giving extra credit to,”
Anakin pointed at you standing behind the bar. You were serving drinks to an annoyed-looking woman and the rowdy group a couple of chairs over. Your head leaned back as you laughed at something they did. They weren’t disrespectful or anything, just having a bit of fun. They had come to celebrate the end of the work week by getting drinks at the bar, just as Obi-Wan and Anakin had come to do, except they were not aware of the small detail that was you being the bartender.
Obi-Wan clicked his tongue as he slapped Anakin's hand down. He was too late though, as you saw them standing in the doorway from across the room.
“Shit, sorry,” Anakin said sheepishly.
You didn’t seem the slightest bit bothered, a little surprised maybe, but the same could not be said of Obi-Wan. You waved, too far away for him to notice the blush on your cheeks. He returned it awkwardly as Anakin shouted your name, just loud enough to make it over the music.
He took a step forward, but paused when he noticed Obi-Wan still rigid next to him. He gave him a quizzical look.
“It’s just that it’s weird to see her in this environment I suppose,” Obi-Wan answered to his expression.
“You see her outside of class all the time,” Anakin was becoming both increasingly concerned and intrigued by his mentor’s behavior.
“True, but this is different. She’s not a student out here, she’s just…”
“a person?” Anakin raised an eyebrow.
“Glad you figured that one out,” Anakin clapped a hand on his shoulder. Obi-Wan glared at Anakin. knowing him for years through Qui-Gonn had made becoming his TA more like becoming a brother. The two of them looked back at you, now focused on serving drinks to a new couple that had just sat down at the bar. Anakin looked back and forth between you and Obi-Wan.
“You like her, don’t you?” Anakin looked at Obi-Wan with a suspicious eye.
“Don’t be ridiculous Anakin,” Obi-Wan rolled his eyes.
“You do!” he exclaimed. Anakin knew Obi-Wan well enough to where he could spot the cracks in his serious facade. He had known that Obi-Wan was romantically capable, but that was only by accident. They were having a conversation one day and somehow he made a comment that alluded to the fact that he had once been in a relationship a very long time ago, and that it had deeply affected him. Anakin was able to get her name but not much else out of him, as Obi-Wan insisted it was in the past. He had been hoping for some time now that his mentor would find someone again, and he’d be damned before he wasn’t his wingman.
“Oh admit it. You have a thing for her!”
“This conversation ends now,” Obi-Wan said firmly.
“I know that Satine—“
“Ends. Now.” Obi-Wan glared severely.
Anakin raised his hands in surrender and started towards the bar again. They took the seats that opened up now that the annoyed lady had gotten up, presumably because she had had her fill of those next to her.
“Hi! I have to say it’s a bit weird to see both of you here. I guess I forget sometimes that teachers are still people and do…people things,” you had worded your thoughts rather awkwardly but chose to laugh at the fact rather than get hung up on it.
Obi-Wan relaxed at your statement. So you felt like it was a bit odd too, you just weren’t nearly as dramatic about it. Anakin subtly elbowed him, and he inwardly chastised himself while at the same time appreciating your own brand of confidence, laughing off an introduction that you could have otherwise been embarrassed about.
“Yeah we feel the same about you and the other students too,” Anakin chuckled.
“I’ve got to say it was a bit of a shock,” Obi-Wan chimed in, your eyes flicking to him immediately.
“I hope that's not a bad thing,” you smirked.
“No no, more like a pleasant surprise,” he was quick to reassure you, his nerves now smoothed considerably.
“I’m more than happy to pleasantly surprise, which is why” you turned behind you and then spun back around facing them, this time with two drinks in your hand, “I made these for you guys,”
“oh?” your professor lifted his brow.
“I uh, it’s just fun when a customer lets me surprise them with a drink based on their preferences. I took the liberty of guessing those too,”
you’re adorable— no sweet— nice?
Obi-Wan searched for an adjective that he felt less alarmed when using to describe someone in his professional world.
You pushed Obi-Wan’s drink towards him with a wink, saying, “don’t worry it’s on me.” You didn’t have to do the same with Anakin as he plucked his drink straight from your hand when you had offered. It was a dark drink in a martini glass, a blackberry with a toothpick running through it at the bottom of the glass. He stirred the stick a bit before he lifted the glass and took a sip.
“What is this? I like it a lot. What made you pick this one out for me?”
“It’s a black martini, pretty straightforward name, but it’s got gin, lime, pineapple juice, and charcoal but you can't taste it. It’s a little…moody,” you dropped your voice and leaned in for a feigned whisper “but it’s secretly fruity,” Anakin’s eyes went wide.
“No,” you laughed “Not in that way, but it doesn’t taste as dark as it looks,”
Anakin chuckled, “I’ll take it.”
You had turned to Obi-Wan now. “Sorry Anakin, but I’m more concerned about the Professors reaction,”
“Oh? Why’s that?” Obi-Wan leaned in with curiosity
“Well, one of you has to be the harsher critic,”
“Hey, I do grade you pretty well,”
“Did I not mention that last essay a while ago?”
“Ah, you have indeed, little one,” he conceded as he lifted his glass to his lips, a yellow drink with a lemon peel curled around the rim. His eyes widened in happy surprise. “mmm, it’s delicious” his tongue darted out to savor the taste.
“but…” he started, your forming smile put on pause, “The final score is pending until you tell me what it means”
“Well it’s called,” blushed and looked down a little in embarrassment. you didn’t think this through. “it’s called between the sheets” Anakin huffed air out of his nose in amusement as Obi-Wan choked on his second sip, which was unfortunately much larger than the last, “Well it’s a classic,” you quickly continued, “with a story behind it, something I feel like you’d appreciate in a drink, but most Importantly it’s got a little sass,” You all laughed.
“Oh dear,” Obi-Wan ran a hand through his hair
“She’s not wrong,” Anakin said.
“Yeah, Professor. You’ve got more spice than you think” well thank the maker you didn’t see him as old and boring.
Anakin had his mouth open to make another comment when he suddenly stopped and broke into a smile. You and Obi-Wan waited for him to explain but when he didn’t, you both leaned next to him to follow his line of sight, landing on Ms. Amidala walking in.
“Really now, is this a school meeting I didn’t know about?” Obi-Wan cried. He didn’t have anything against Ms. Amidala, but if things kept going in this direction, he was not going to be able to enjoy his drink…or you… if Professor Windu and the rest of the staff somehow got the same idea to show up.
“Actually, I invited her,” Anakin said in a rather confident tone, no doubt prepping for when she walked over.
“What?” Obi-Wan said sharply.
“Well we were just talking today and she said she’d like to talk again some other time so I convinced her to come here tonight,”
“Now who has a thing??”
It was your turn to say, “What?” Obi-Wan made a small incoherent stuttering sort of noise.
“Just be mindful Anakin—“
“Hello!” Ms. Amidala greeted all of you as she pulled up a chair. You’d seen your school counselor many times in the halls and she was always immaculately dressed, but you’d never realized how beautiful she was until now.
“I don't think I've met you before” she turned towards you with such a pure and genuine smile that you couldn’t help but return it. She really was something, Anakin.
“I’m y/n. It’s nice to meet you Ms. Amidala. I usually see you walking around the campus. I'm a student at the university actually,”
“We’re not on campus right now, so please, call me Padmé,”
“Padmé then,”
“Padmé,” Anakin said next to her, a tinge of awe in his voice.
“Ani” she greeted him, “Thanks for asking me to come,”
“Of course,” Anakin said. Maker, could he drool any more?
Obi-Wan started to cough abruptly, and somehow that cough came out sounding an awful lot like the word “mindfulness”.
“Are you ok Obi-Wan?” Padme looked at him with concern.
“Oh, quite,” he dabbed the corners of his lips with one of the coaster napkins. Your eyes met as you smiled in amusement over his attempt at warning Anakin, which went completely over his head of course. Anakin was going to make a fool of himself regardless, but you, being the kind soul that you were, figured you could at least try to make it so he could blame the alcohol for anything too stupid.
This led to your sudden suggestion of shots, whipping out a handle of tequila in one hand, vodka in the other.
“It’s not a school night.” you said.
“On yes let’s!” Padmé said excitedly. She looked the picture of elegance with her swept-up hair and delicate blouse, and yet she was the one eagerly motioning for a little glass.
“Yeah!” Anakin agreed.
“Shit,” Obi-Wan whispered under his breath.
little one what have you done.
Anakin just laughed at Obi-Wan’s disdain.
“This is where the fun begins.”
Obi-Wan was stubborn, but as soon as you said the word, he was downing the alcohol, impressively smoothly one might add.
“Yeah! Let’s go gramps,” Anakin patted Obi-Wan on the back.
You never seen Obi-Wan as old, and the thought of it felt a little off to you.
“Just because Professor Kenobi’s the only one of you who can manage to grow a beard doesn’t mean he’s old,” you quipped.
“You make a fair point,” Padmé said and Anakin frowned.
“Thank you y/n,”
“Of course, Professor,”
You didn’t realize how much time had passed as you alternated between serving other customers and conversing with… friends? They were supposed to be your superiors but in this environment, you suddenly felt so close to them. Admittedly, it did help that Anakin was a little bit of a child at times, making you feel like you were on equal terms with him especially, you two being the youngest of the four.
It was now midnight and Padmé had sobered up from her buzz. She had only taken one shot and you realized she encouraged the shots mostly just for the boys and sat back to enjoy her own innocent amusement. She was funny.
At the same time, Anakin was revealing that he was very much a passionate drunk. He was telling stories of how he wanted to be a pilot at one point, and Padmé was thoroughly entertained. It was sweet how he made her laugh and she never had to doubt that she had his full attention.
You’d never seen Obi-Wan like this before, his eyes were a little droopy but his smile was huge. He had made himself comfortable by laying his arm on the bar, slightly propping himself up with his hand as he leaned lowly over the countertop. He was witty as ever, but as Anakin and Padmé shifted into their own little world, you noticed your Professor had been watching you walk back and forth behind the bar, wiping down the counter and getting ready to close down the bar.
“How are you feeling?” you asked him.
“Quite lovely,”
“I’d hope so, Professor. Tequila will do that to you.”
“Obi-Wan, please. Ms. Amidala had a point, and we’re both adults out here are we not?”
“Alright then, Obi-Wan,”
“I like how it sounds better when you say it,”
Was he…flirting? outright?
As much as you enjoyed it, he was drunk and you didn’t want to say anything foolish that he would remember you saying when he sobered up, but you’d be lying if you weren’t gonna take the compliment.
“Thank you. Although I think you should get some sleep now,”
“No,” he sat up and looked very adamant with a slight frown. He looked like a little boy who had been denied candy.
“Alright alright,” you turned to Padmé to whisper “I think he’s ready to go home now,”
“We are of one mind then,” she smiled. “I’m going to take Anakin home as well, I don't trust him to do it alone. it was wonderful to meet you,”
“I never expected to have this much fun—
“with teachers?”
“well, yeah I guess,”
She smiled then told both of them to stand up and they followed her out the door, but Obi-Wan only made it halfway there before he turned around, jogging back to you.
“I’d just like to say, I’m very glad I gave you a shitty grade,”
“what?” you said in surprise at his confession. You liked drunk Obi-Wan.
“No, it’s just that, if I hadn't, I wouldn't get to see you after my classes, and I wouldn't have realized how wonderful you are,” his voice was sincere and smooth. He had meant it.
“You’re right, I am wonderful,” you shrugged jokingly.
“Oh thank the maker you’re aware,” he said relieved and in all seriousness.
“I was joking, but I just want to say that I would've taken that grade any day if it meant spending time with you”
“I’ll see you next week darling,” he said as he kissed your hand. His eyes were low and your heart rate was high. You felt a dizziness that was becoming all too common around him.
He turned away too soon for your liking, and you watched him leave with Padmé and Anakin. You hadn’t even had a single drink and yet you felt so warm. After you closed up, you were definitely going to have one if you were going to digest what had just happened.
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phoenixyfriend · 8 months
something something one of those those "Jango falls for Courtesan/Stripper/NightclubSinger/TrophyWife!Obi-Wan" AUs...
But instead Obi-Wan actually being a sex worker, he's undercover and still a Jedi, and either:
They split ways and run into each other a few months later with Obi-Wan in full Prude Beige Knight mode OR
The situation goes pear-shaped while they're still flirting and Obi-Wan has to break cover to grab a senator and jump out a window and suddenly this half-dressed glittery Person is batting away shots with a lightsaber and there's a bratty twelve-year-old who ALSO has a lightsaber threatening people with I Will Eat Your Liver if they keep staring at his dad's ass just because the sequined sheathe dress tore in a sexy place
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vulpesarctica · 2 years
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This old post of mine of Professor Obi-Wan has been getting some love lately (and some thirst too, I See Y'all), but I've never really been happy with how it turned out, so what better subject for the first work on my new iMac than Prof. Kenobi v2.0 👀
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tennessoui · 7 months
what do yall think of a modern au where like. anakin and obi-wan are hired to be extras in the background of a sitcom, and they're paired together to talk at a restaurant/bar while the main characters have drama in the foreground of the scene
but the star actors keep messing up their lines and the scene keeps needing to be reset, so anakin and obi-wan start actually talking while they're waiting for the cameras to turn back on, and there's obviously a lot of instant attraction but also a lot of their talking is about like...the backstory behind their characters (as extras), and each take they decide to do something a little different to see which one can make the other one laugh more
so one take they go in for a hug instead of a hand shake when anakin arrives, another take they're playing footsie under the table the entire time (even if the cameras can't see it), another take, they're mouthing very obvious corny love confessions across the table, and then during what turns out to be the last take, anakin walks onto the set and greets obi-wan with a kiss on his mouth before they sit down to talk
except it's not talking after that, it's just obi-wan sitting there bug-eyed and mouth open, blush blooming across his face
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j4desblurbs · 1 year
obi wan kenobi x afab! reader
hello all and welcome back. i hope you enjoy this one.
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warnings: nsfw content (my blog is 18+), talk of professor x student relationship, alludes to oral (fem receiving), piv sex
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he smells really nice
like all woodsy and piney and yummy ksjdjdjdfj
wears comfy sweaters and polos and sits on the end of his desk when he’s reading something to the class or asking a question
calls everyone a petname, like darling or love or my dear
has a tea drawer
asks you to stay after class, and then fucks you over his desk
“fuck darling, you feel so good.”
sometimes will look up from whatever he’s doing and stare at you
you’ll make eye contact on occasion and it’s delicious
he brings you your favorite tea when he sees you
praise kink go brrrr
eats pussy all day every day
likes when you pull his hair
loves missionary because he can make eye contact with you and split you open real good
recognizes when you’re not doing very well and quietly asks you if he can help
“i noticed you don’t seem to be feeling too well, love. is there anything i can do? perhaps some tea? if not, you can certainly go to the counselors office and come back to me to go over what you’ve missed. does that sound alright?”
lets people borrow books from his room
sometimes he literally cannot control his moans for the life of him so you have to stop fucking him (😒)
he loves when you sit on his lap
chronic cheek/forehead/hand kisser
bonus: he kisses your hips before eating you out
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darthmalewife · 9 months
Nothing ever hits better than modern au Cody working in a family restaurant and Obi-Wan being a customer
It's good everytime especially when Cody's siblings are fully aware Cody wants Obi-Wan
Also Rex knows Ahsoka and Anakin because that's always a great detail
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pararararablof · 5 months
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Anakin: Hey Professor Kenobi, can I get some extra credit for the class? 😚
Obi-Wan: For the love of god Anakin, you have an A+ in the class… but you can come to my place tonight
Idk they probably make love or something that night
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luninosity · 20 days
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Always nice to come home to copies of a new academic publication with my chapter in - especially fun when it’s about Star Wars! 🙂
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go-see-a-starwar · 1 year
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iloveolivegarden · 8 days
Remus Lupin Variants (in my opinion)
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aigoos · 5 months
Date Me Art by StrawberryReddy
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Ahhh! This gorgeous art is by @strawberryreddy, who drew this based on my fic, "Date Me". This is the first Star Wars / Obikin fic I wrote, all thanks to @magnusbae amazing plot bunny. College AU has always been a love of mine, so it was fun to write this, and even better to see the art done by someone so talented. The warm palette and the lighting of this art make me super happy. Plus, who can say no to Professor Obi-Wan and college student Anakin? I know I can't!
Thank you so much, @strawberryreddy for doing this beautiful art! After a long, hard day at work, this cheered me up greatly!
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amadwinter · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
another snippet from my TopWan fest fic ❤
“What are you working on, Professor?”
Well, that’s a bit of a dampener. “I’m not your professor. Call me Obi-Wan.”
“Obi-Wan? Huh. I never would have guessed that’s what the “O” stood for.” Part of the reason why he styles his professional name as O. Kenobi is to avoid intrusive questions from nosy students. Obi-Wan wouldn’t have minded if Anakin had asked, but in a fashion he is quickly coming to realize is just so Anakin, the man will not be distracted once he has something he in sight. “So, what are you working on, Obi-Wan?”
“Does homosexuality in ancient Thebes interest you at all?”
“I… um.” A beautiful flush settles high on Anakin’s cheeks. “I wasn’t aware you were into that kind of thing.”
What kind of thing, Obi-Wan wants to tease, but he decides to play nice. “I find it to be a fascinating topic of research, but alas, I’m aware not everyone agrees.”
“No, I think it’s cool that you uh…” Anakin drops his gaze, not onto his computer but his lap. Oh no. Obi-Wan has made him feel awkward. That won’t do it all. Although, it might be for the best. If there’s no hope, he can simply move on to greener pastures.
“You don’t have to pretend you’re interested. You’re in STEM, you probably don’t want anything to do with the humanities.”
“That’s not it!” Anakin nearly shouts. He takes a deep breath, then lowers his voice to a more reasonable volume. “It’s just. An older man with a younger boy. People don’t really like that sort of thing these days.”
“Ah. Well.” That’s not an unreasonable opinion. “It was a different time. Different societal standards. And there is evidence that there was more than the typical pederasty we think of going on in some places.”
Anakin is beet read and fidgeting nervously, and Obi-Wan thinks that’s enough of that then. He can’t clarify his way out of this one, not now that he’d startled the poor boy. Hopefully he hasn’t run him out of his favourite studying spot now, even if he shouldn’t be there in the first place.
“How about you don’t talk about your thesis, which I doubt I would even understand, and I don’t try to explain my research. Sound like a plan?”
Anakin’s curls bounce with the vigour of his nodding. “Shouldn’t even be talking in a library, should we?” He sounds a bit dejected, and had that disastrous conversation not just occurred, Obi-Wan may have asked him to go elsewhere to talk.
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matt-murdick · 11 months
something about taking the wise mentor and casting them in a prequel with an actor who’s pretty and gives off slag-energy. and then you give them a tragic divorce arc?? I can’t get enough of that shit.
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tennessoui · 1 year
ok this is so self-indulgent that yall are gonna run me off my blog but
au where obi-wan hosts fancy wine&dinner parties, as he’s a renowned chef and retired sommelier (wine expert). the theme of this party is for everyone to bring a bottle of wine and a food that they think will pair well with the tasting notes in their chosen wine, and be prepared to explain their choices to the rest of the dinner-goers.
when anakin (invited by padmé, currently in grad school, easily the youngest and dirtiest person to have ever sat on obi-wan’s nice leather settee) shows up with a bottle of wine that still has the price tag on it ($13 for a “maker’s red mix”) and a bag of flaming hot cheetos, obi-wan knows they’re absolutely going to have hate sex about it
then anakin gets up for his turn to explain his choice and he bullshits so fantastically well, using all the words he just heard these upper class bougie snobs say and using them correctly, that obi-wan is genuinely actually impressed.
oh they’re still going to have hate sex, 100%, but now obi-wan respects the man enough to make him breakfast in the morning
(it’s eggs benedict florentine with house-made hollandaise sauce and freshly baked english muffins obi-wan got up early to bake, and halfway through poaching the final egg he looks over and anakin is leaning against his counter, eating granola by the handful out of the bag as he watches)
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rarepears · 2 years
Another time traveling Obi Wan idea
Because there's academics in pretty much any and every field, there's a lot of academic papers and research focused on analyzing Jedi culture/society.
There's going to be millions of higher education institutions in the Star Wars setting; some of them will be incredibly desperate to hire any expert on as a professor.
So just imagine time traveler!Obi Wan passing himself off as a Sociology Professor who specializes in researching and observing Jedi culture and is incredibly willing to do fieldwork to advance his research. You know, to explain not just how he knows so much about how Jedi's work and all, but to also explain why he pops up in so many places where there's Jedis.
He's basically a stalker protected by society's approval for researcher, academics, and good looking people lol.
[More in the #time traveling obi wan pretends to be a professor specializing in the study of the Jedi Order au]
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