#im just a zombies run blog now
ryndicate · 1 year
Hypothermic ⨳ Todoroki Touya
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“Still thinkin’ about running?”
warnings: fem body/pronouns, zombie apoc au (ofc), assault, enemies to not quite enemies, gun mentions, choking, quirkless au (no scars), blood mentions, dry humping, make out, starts out dubcon as in he doesnt ask first but she doesnt tell him to stop, and a semi ungodly pov switch but let’s run with it
event: @medusashima’s Rise of the Dead collab! Click the link for similiar lovely works!
notes: thank you for being so accommodating of me Dusa!! this came right from my soul. Love how its somehow a zombie au fic with no direct contact with zombies but like.... it works. and im over the moon about it (himmm)
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The first thing Touya notices, besides the glaringly obvious there’s an intruder—is that somehow, you’re both pretty and don’t look like much. Pretty in a way that wiggles old thoughts into his brain, old from long gone time where’d hesitate to hurt a little thing like you. But there’s a more prominent, high prevailing relief that he’s confident he can, because he has to. Because of that stupid little ramen cup that you’re helping yourself to right now. Because there’s no way you’d have that right now now unless—unless…
The undead corpses on his front lawn had been his first clue to something being wrong. Shoto doesn’t leave the zombie fuckers to rot if he can help it, an annoyance Touya’s barked at plenty of times as a waste of time and energy, only for his words to be met with quiet disapproval. So to find four of the disgusting things still pouring putrid black and stenching up the frost on his front porch…well, it gave Touya reason to be cautious. Swallowing a burst of nostalgia, he quietly opens the kitchen window—the back door squeaks loud enough to wake the dead—and climbs through with perfect silence, a skill earned in a long forgotten world that had been nothing but a blessing in the world it had turned into. The slow movements it requires give his swirling panicking mind a moment to gauge all the what if's, but when he discovers that the person sitting in his house is not his little brother it's impossible not to come to a single grim conclusion. 
That’s how he was lucky enough to get the drop on you, sitting in front of the makeshift fireplace in his beaten up living room, slurping up that ramen cup like it’s the only thing you’ve eaten in days—and given how his last run went, it’s pretty fucking likely that's how it is. Touya had already been in a pretty foul mood on his return to the safehouse, leaving to find the one thing they’re always running out of. And for the first time, he had nothing to fucking show for it. Clouds on the horizon sent him trekking home empty-handed. Scavengers fearing the approaching cold probably cleared everything out before he could get a look in. Everything they had left to eat, which wasn't much, he’d left with Shoto—who'd promised him that stupid instant ramen on his return. Said he'd save it for last. And damn it all if he couldn’t trust everything that came from his brother’s mouth, even in a world like this. 
The seconds are dragging past in Touya's mind but he knows in real time you'll notice him any moment now. By luck or skill, you've survived this long, and that counts for something. He can't give you the benefit of the doubt. He’s got a gun, secured in the waist of his jeans, but it’s been out of bullets for ages now. It’s mainly been a deterrent for strangers, kept in vain hope that he finds more ammo one day. He’d use it now, if he wanted to scare you.
But he doesn’t. Touya’s past that now. His knife comes off his belt just as silently as he came through the window. Stepping quickly on the balls of his feet, Touya crosses the room towards you, and you react a mere breath before the blade finds a new home in your neck.
Your body twists, and his reach slashes too wide. Before he can redirect the arc you’ve got your hands braced on his arm, forcing it straight with a strength he couldn’t have expected from you. Touya snarls at the combination of anger and fear on your face. You have no right. 
“The fuck’re you doing?” you growl at him through grit teeth. There’s evident strain in your voice so Touya doubles down and your wince sends a blistering satisfaction tearing through his body. When your grip weakens, he lets the blade fall and tackles you to the carpet. 
You let out a muffled yell as your back hits the ground hard, and Touya is quick to plant himself over your center mass, hands bearing down on your throat. You buck and thrash, trying to dislodge his weight, movements limited as you try to block him from cutting off your air. Touya spits a curse down at you as your nails shred at his wrists and the back of his hands. It’s incredibly difficult to keep hold of you. You’re like a fucking animal, choking and wheezing and hissing and fucking growling at him as you fight him off. With ridiculous effort, you manage to shove one of his hands off and get leverage with your feet on the ground, using his own weight to send him in an ungainly tumble to the floor.
It’s startling how quickly you react after that, gasping for air and lunging for him, putting a fist in his gut. The force of it shoves air and spittle from his lungs and has him sucking in air desperately. He rolls away from you as you pounce at him again, your shoulder checking his chin and giving him the taste of blood in his mouth before he gets a solid shove at your chest, resulting in a moan of pain. There’s a brief pause as he staggers to his feet and he freezes as his eyes lock with the gun you now have pointed at him.
You seem to have frozen as well, joints locked and chest heaving.
After a long moment Touya scoffs. “What? You just gonna point the thing at m—”
The gun clicks; time shifts; Touya jerks. 
There’s no gunshot, and your eyes fly wide in obvious fear. Time slows down just enough for him to realize that he recognizes that gun, patting his waistband. His eyes narrow, and you react, whipping the gun right at him.
Touya dodges and you turn and sprint from the living room. He lunges after you, skidding nimbly into the hall as you make a run for it. He grabs at the back your jacket, howling a curse as you jerk out of his grip, the material making an audible ripping sound and snagging at one of his nails instead, forcing him to falter. Blood wells up out of the cuticle and drips down his hand; Touya grips it tightly, hissing through his teeth and tearing after you again, catching up with you right as you start slamming a door on him. He gets his weight against the door and there’s a mad struggle as you both become opposing forces, but there’s a moment where he loses traction, the blood from his finger making his hand slide.
The door slams shut and Touya slams his fist against the wood as fury overtakes him.
“Where’s my brother, you fucking bitch!” 
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Fucker was carrying an empty gun!
You wildly look around the small space that you despairingly realize is a bathroom. The man is still pounding on the door, shouting, and shaking the handle. You have no idea what he’s talking about and you need a fix before he stops being pissed enough to figure out that a few solid kicks is all it would take to get through the flimsy wood. You rip down the grimy plastic shower curtain and twist it tightly around the handle, looping it through the towel bar above the sink, hosting a pair of decrepit floral washcloths that look like they haven’t been used since patient zero. You continue weaving the figure eight until you’re forced to tie it off as you run out of length. It’s not much, but it’ll buy you an extra minute or two if you’re lucky. 
The handle creaks with one last aggravated twist. There’s a short silence that follows as you stare at the door, heart beating out of your chest. Then his voice filters through the door, a throaty rasp full of a rage that makes you quake with adrenaline and fear.
“Ain’t nowhere for you to go, lady. Get the fuck out here and maybe I won’t kill ‘ya.”
This not what you’d bargained for. “Like I’m gonna trust the guy who tried to stab me without so much as a hello.”
He chuckles, a soft sound that you’d find pretty if it weren’t for the way your skin breaks out in goosebumps that have nothing to do with the cold. “You want a hello? Come get one.”
Ignoring him—and the way your body tremors—you turn and start trying to peel away the board covering what must be a small window. If you’re lucky enough to get it off, maybe you can drop out through the window. 
But after a solid half hour of tugging, scraping and peeling, and nothing more to show for it than torn and bloody fingernails, you admit defeat. Wincing, you carefully wipe away the blood on your jeans and listen to see if he’s still outside the door. It’s hard to tell anything over your thumping pulse in your own ears, but it sounds quiet. 
It’s better not to risk it. You settle against the back of the tub and sit; if you wait long enough, he’ll pass out and you can slip out quietly. Moving quietly and disappearing is the only thing that’s kept you alive this far, especially after the last group you left. The last thing you want to do is be out at night, between the cold and poor visibility—that’s just asking to get killed. But no part of you can deny that facing that deranged stranger outside this door would be doing more than just asking. 
Time passes slowly, painfully. Ever since the turn, dozing off idly became a thing of the past, something dangerous. You’re stuck being alert and aware of every little creak, every little sigh this house can produce. The wind tears around outside and your fingertips have become numb. It’s gotten much colder tonight that it has in the past few days, and you dig your arms from your sleeves into the body of your clothing in an attempt to keep warm.
A light tapping puts you on edge before you realize you’re shaking so hard that the buttons on your jacket are clacking against the floor. You clench your jaw. You have to try now; if you wait any longer it’ll be too cold to make it down the street, let alone how far you’ll need to get away from this place to feel comfortable ever again. Your joints protest as you stand as silently as you can, after sitting for so long. It’s much more painstaking to get the shower curtain from the door; it’s like trying to tiptoe with a windbreaker, but eventually you manage and crack the door open. 
The house is dark, but even after a few moments no one shoves the door open, so pull it wider and peek out. There’s no sign of him. You step quietly out and feel your way down the wall, back towards the living room. There’s no chance you’ll get your pack back, not much in it besides clothes and water anyways, but you’ll have to make do. You inch into the kitchen where you remember seeing a backdoor, and gently turn the lock before pulling the door open. The hinges squeak so painfully loud that you suck in a breath, heart thudding in panic, but that’s not what has you frozen, shivering in the doorway.
What you heard from the bathroom floor wasn’t just wind, but a full blown snowstorm. It’s too early for snow, at least you’d thought, but here it is swirling so thick that you can’t see more than a couple of feet into the yard, and there’s already about a foot of snow. The moon highlights your breath getting swept away in the wind.
“Still thinkin’ about running?”
You shut the door and warily face him, not deigning to answer. The chances of making it more than a couple of blocks without freezing to death are slim. You can’t see much but his silhouette and a mess of pale hair, so it’s hard to make out what he’s thinking. All you know is that he hasn’t wrapped his hands around your neck yet.
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Don’t go pointing a gun at me again, and I won’t kill you tonight.”
“Try not to stab me then.”
You think he’s smiling. “No promises.” 
Another shudder wracks through you and you try to tighten your jacket around your body. There’s a tear somewhere near the underarm seam—another reason why running is a terrible option.
“C’mon. It won’t last the night, but I’ve got a small fire going.” He turns his back on you, and you have no choice but to follow him. “Name’s Touya, by the way.”
The “fire” Touya’s got up is nothing but a few table legs crumbling into ember, but you have to admit it’s much warmer in here than it was in the bathroom. The soft light gives you your best look at him yet, and you notice he’s far more handsome than he should be. Hair a bright white, his skin is fair beneath the light grime, and he has piercing green, maybe blue eyes—it’s hard to tell in the flickering orange glow. 
He glances at your raised eyebrow and scoffs. “Look, it’s all I had left. Shoto was supposed to be gathering wood while I was gone.”
You sit slowly a small distance away from him, as close to the fire as you can get. He tosses you a ratty blanket that had been hanging off the back of the couch. “Is Shoto your brother?”
He looks at you and scowls. “Yeah he is, and the only reason I haven’t come after you again is because I have no leads if you’re dead. I need you, if I’m gonna find out what happened to him.”
“Is that why you attacked me?” you ask him quietly. He’s throwing a couple of torn book covers into the embers, light flickering brighter as they catch and blaze. “You think I—”
“An eye for an eye,” Touya chuckles, his expression hardening into something devoid, something frightening. 
“I didn’t kill your brother.” You tell him softly, wondering how you’re supposed to convince him when he’s already convinced himself. You have no idea who he is. He simply stares at you.
“Look when I got here, there were a bunch of zoms in the yard. I barely got past them, my knife broke in one of their heads. I figured the place was empty and needed somewhere to hole up. I never saw your brother, I swear.” Touya’s expression is still hard, but his eyes have begun to flicker with doubt. “Bet you went through my bag already. You know I don’t have any weapons. I’ve got no reason to lie.”
“Other than to save your own neck.”
“Isn’t that what we’re all trying to do?” You glare at him. “Look, if he was here, I would’ve asked him to let me in. I’ve never… I’ve never killed someone like that before.”
“Like what?” He looks at you now, eyebrows slackening at the tremble in your voice. “You were all too willing to pull the trigger on me.”
“Self-defense is different.” You look away, curling your legs to your chest. “I’ve never…murdered someone. I’ve seen it happen before, but I can’t. That’s why I’m so good at running.”
Touya stills, seemingly taking in your words, sifting through them like one would examine sand through a looking a glass. Finally, he sighs.  
“He’s not dead.” You glance at him; that didn’t really seem like he was talking to you, so you let it rest in the air like that. His eyes shine in the dying fire before they flicker and pin themselves to you.
“So that’s why’re you alone, then? Couldn’t kill someone?”
Your lips twist into a frown, and you look away from him, resting your chin on your knees. Your mind is a swirl of blazing violet eyes, crimson full of rage, viridian vexed of indecision. “My last group was falling apart. Left before things got ugly, been on my own since.”
“How long ago was that?” Touya asks quietly.
You peek at him warily. “Long enough.”
He nods at you at that, grunting as he lays down and gets comfortable. You take that as his signal that conversation is over and follow suit, inching closer to the tiny flames that you vainly pray will last the night.
The night passes but sleep does not come for you, held at bay by memories that you wish would fade as quickly as the fire seems to, a deep cold settling over you as the embers turn to smoke. You pull the blanket tighter around you, now scared to sleep in case you don’t wake up.
“Well fuck,” Touya sighs, sitting up and leaning on his palms. You can hear his teeth chattering. With the fire gone you can’t see his face, there’s no lighting coming through the covered windows either. “Daylight’s still a few hours off. That sucks, ain’t nothing for it.”
He rolls into your space and you try to scramble away from him, only for him to yank you to his chest and curl and arm around your back.
“You’re fucking insane.”
“No, I’m fucking freezing, and not interested in dying. You interested in dying? Or I don’t know, losing a few fingers and toes?”
You glare into his chest, clenching your jaw to keep your teeth from echoing his own chattering.
“That’s what I thought.”
After your racing heart settles, you hate to admit that it’s the only way. Wrapped up in his arms, tugged tight to his chest like this…it’s still cold, but an endurable kind of cold, the kind that has you worming your way closer to him to make it less uncomfortable. 
“Don’t,” you warn him as you feel his cheek stretch into a grin against your temple.
“Alright, alright. Fine. Could make this nicer, you know. Just sayin’.”
Suspicion blooms in your chest at his cheeky attempt at charm. “What are you talking about?”
A growl tears up your throat as he rolls you onto your back, ready to shove him off but you tense in shock as he leans down and closes his lips on the spot right beneath your ear. You exhale sharply on instinct. You haven’t been touched like this since—you slam your mind closed on those thoughts and try to think through his tongue tracing over your pulse point.
“Wh– what are you doing?”
“‘M gonna make you warm,” he whispers, nosing up and nipping lightly at the shell of your ear.
“Holy fuck, you are crazy. I’m not sleeping with you,” you hiss sharply, trying to wiggle away from him.
Touya tosses his head back in a wry laugh. “Sweetheart, if you think I’m dropping my pants in a blizzard, you’re crazier than me.”
“Then, then wh—”
“Shut up and stop thinking for a minute, won’tcha?” Touya grumbles and lowers himself back towards you, capturing your lips and working your mouth open with a little rumble of approval when you relax back to the floor. One hand comes up to hold your cheek, fingers cradled around the back of your head and the way he groans into your mouth sends a heatwave of embarrassment and arousal crackling across your body.
He paws at your covered chest, something warm and hard digging into your thigh as he grinds against you, and you resist the insane urge to wrap your legs around his waist.
Like he’s reading your mind, long fingers dig into one of your thighs and hike it up, and you gasp into his mouth as he shifts and suddenly his clothed dick is pressed hard against your core.
“Oh, you ain’t so hard are you?” Touya chuckles as you bite his lower lip in retaliation. You can almost imagine his eyes flashing at you as he begins to grind against you in slow, controlled motions. Your clit throbs underneath the rub of denim, and you can feel yourself slowly soaking through the material of your panties. “Still fiesty though. ‘S nice.”
“Fuck you.”
Touya groans, fingers digging into your hips as if trying to pull you up into him. “Don’t make me think about that, darlin’”
“Not your darling.”
“Yeah, yeah. Keep reminding me darlin’.”
He moans low and sweet into into your neck, suckling softly in one spot and continually moving to the next. It’s maddening and you keep shifting and rocking your body into to his, feeling pleasure unfurl in you so hot and deep, clit pulsing and sensitive, sparking until you’re sure it’s going to take you apart.
Touya stiffens, hips jumping before he grits his teeth and collapses gently over your chest, fists curled tight on either side of your head. The swirling ball of pleasure that had been moments from reach boils and begins to fade, leaving you gasping in frustration.
“Seriously, you’re stopping now?” you whine, squirming when he holds you in place. 
“‘M not interest in finding out how fast my pants would freeze to my dick with spunk all twisted up in there,” he snarls under his breath, biting back the urge to keep rutting against your body. “Believe me, sweetheart. Blueballing myself is not the end goal here. Fuck. You’re warm now, yeah?”
You’re struggling to get your heavy breaths under control, not giving him the satisfaction of a response. You’re warm all over, but you don’t know how long that’s gonna last. 
Touya grabs the ends of the blankets and makes sure they’re tucked around you both, shifting so that he’s no longer on top of you, but on his side next to you. “Then fucking sleep, okay? I know you haven’t yet. We’ll figure it out later. Deal?”
You snort. By figure it out, you wonder if he’s talking about the thing still twitching against your hip, or the whole mess of a situation. But either way, you’re heeding him. As the rush slowly drifts from your system, exhaustion takes over and you find yourself dead asleep, tucked under his arm. 
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heevanly · 4 months
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NOTE : Minors / No age listed blogs will be blocked if seen consuming non-sfw works on my blog. I do write non-horror (gore) / sfw fics, please look forward to those instead, as I plan them they will be listed.
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LATE NIGHT TALKS : ghostface!co-radio host!heeseung x fem!radio host!reader
𝐬yn. : being the host of a college late night talk show was a passion project since freshman year of college, but now as a senior, y/n hadn't expected the fame it brought to herself on campus... but maybe it was the recent string of murders that caused more tuning in than ever seen before.
𝐰arnings. / 𝐭ags. : (18+!). small series. gore. horror. college au. similar to a murder mystery au. swearing. mentions of wanting to vomit (no vomiting occurs). humor. mildly suggestive. no smut. main character death. side character death. heeseung and jay are manipulators. jay and heeseung have a small argument. enha members as main / side characters. lsf members as side characters. ive members as side characters. pet names used mockingly (baby, sweetheart, honey). more to be added as parts come out.
Run The Night : investigation team!enhypen x fem!private investigator!reader
𝐬yn. : when y/n agreed to take on a mysterious job that no one else in her team wanted, she expected some hardships, but nothing like she’s experiencing thus far. meeting up with a completely different investigation team makes life a bit easier though, especially when there’s seven of them. she just never could’ve fathomed the horrific scenes that would unfurl in front of all of their eyes and with no way to contact her original team, all she can do is move forward.
𝐰arnings. / 𝐭ags. : (18+)! series. investigator au. virus / zombie au. horror. body horror. gore. enha members as main characters. no smut. swearing. humor. not really romantical but there’s flirting and tension sooooo who knows in the end. no character death but a lot of character harm. fem reader.
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fecto-forgo · 5 months
top 5 robot characters
ok brain do noooot fail me now lets recall some cool robots.also ive decided to rate them on both how much i like them n how interesting i find the usage of them being robots.tho apology before hand it seems two robots who r only those in quotes due to technicalities made their way in
5.five pebbles (rain world)
ok so i love pebbles V dearly.character i heavily sympathize w, frankly one of my only favorites who actually expresses regret over doing bad things.that being said.hes.hes a giant computer im only letting him in here bc the iterator puppets border on being robots, n i think the way theyre used is cool! its a rly neat way of making iterators able to communicate w the player n the way theyre kinda puppeteered around by that giant arm is rly cool.but again barely counts.thin ice buddy.if anything moons a bit cooler bc she lost most of the computer part yeah actually pretend shes in the title of the entry too my girl deserves it.she put up w sm.
4.susie (kirby)
susie.is a weird case where.idk man we just dont know! shes a robot *to me* but ive seen ppl treat her like a cyborg some other mechanical being or straight up just some fucked up looking alien.n theres not a lot of robot thingies going on w her either.this always disappointed me a bit so its my lifes work to make my susie gijinka as explicitly a robot as possible.that being said still got no explanation for how she eats.shes just superior ig
3.metatton (undertale)
the trans allegory w how his body was made perfect for him n he loves it is rly cool but its been literally nearly a decade since my undertale phase so i sadly have lost a lot of my attachment, hes a rly entertaining character n all of his designs r rly good (someone saying they were struggling w beating his boss bc they were scared of their mom walking in on them fighting him n having to explain why the robot has such sexy legs lives in my head rent free) (also neo deserved better?? im still mad toby made it a fake out comedic fight </3)
2.gir (invader zim)
i have to obligatorily bring up gir bc.cmon this is a 2000s scene girl blog.he just has such a cute little design n bc its a cartoon its all squishy n stretchy n its so fun.that being said.idk i just dont have a lot of robot centered points to give him hes just a nifty little man made out of rubber metal
honorable mention:metal sonic (sonic)
i cant go without reminding everyone my boy exists.cmon its metal sonic.tragic guy ever.trapped in a narrative in a cell of capitalism bc any development to him would change too much from the status quo.i love him.his design is so fun its such a neat way to make a robotic sonic.his counterparts like chaos n shard n all the other robot sonic models all got cool points too ! great guy
1.cyn (murder drones)
ik ik i just bought her up i have her in my icon i kin her this is a safe blog for painfully biased ppl.but the reason cyn of all the drones wins number one spot for me is bc of how she moves n talks ! being a zombie drone she doesnt seem to function properly, shes constantly fixing her head from falling over n walking around a bit cowered n generally seems her movements dont flow naturally, she announces her actions while doing them (likely bc of some error from the zombie thing just making her naturally do that) n fully borrows her voice from the absolute solver (likely bc of some issue w her own) n generally the fact shes a robot that accidentally rebooted after being discarded n is clearly not running as intended is rly visible n i love it !!! i love robot characters whose roboticism is extremely relevant to their whole character instead of just being a quirky design thing.n ofc this all also resembles how puppets move which is such a fun double meaning thing to how shes the absolute solvers first host
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stovetoast · 1 year
i know this is my art blog but i can do whatever i want. agents posting GO (WARNING THIS IS MESSY)
agent 3: lake. 19 (11 in splatoon 1), they/them
i dont have a lot on lake!!! they actually didnt get recruited at all, they just kinda... stumbled into the battlefield while the octavio fight was happening and insisted on sticking around afterwards because they had Way Too Much Energy. they dont really know a lot about their past before that, even less after oe. they now spend a lot of time researching turf game strategies (theyre not legally allowed to play because their special limiter is broken) and trying to push through the chronic fatigue. oh, and theyre in a qpr with 8.
personality . uhh basically lake likes to pretend theyre still silly but its Not working. they cant really speak above a certain volume either without it hurting. im so bad at describing personalities heeellllp hellllp help meeee helllllp
agent 4: mari(elle). 21 (15 in splatoon 2), any
the child of two splatlandian grizzco higher-ups! like... they work with the bear himself! they worked under the company at the inkopolis location for a while, including while the whole callie disappearing fiasco was happening, at least until the company got big enough where he could quit and her parents wouldnt notice. they didnt. cool! there may or may not be a reason that they didnt (wink) but i havent decided yet.
mari is kinda uhhhm. well. ive described it as theyre working on being silly without being mean. and hes been getting better :] + toni kensa fan oh heeeeelllllll no
agent 8: august/kass. 19 (13 in oe), he/him
oh god yeah i dont have a lot on him either. basically baby kass and baby lake met a few weeks before the Oe Incident and became fast friends. but then the metro happened and uhhhyeah you can imagine what happened to that. they both know they were close but dont really uh. actually i explained this better in another thing let me grab that.
"the key difference between a normal playthrough and this is that, not only did he run into agent 3 a few times in the metro, he… lost an eye when they were sanitized. the same eye, in fact. plus, his memories weren't entirely… restored, like how it i assume its implied to in oe. the contents of the mem cakes were merely evidence that there was a life before this, something to evoke feelings, and something to keep him going. that isn't his life anymore."
anyway. oe happens and now were here. present day kass is SILLY okay? but in the way that like. he dunks bread in pepsi and stares at mari (roommate) with the most blank face imaginable when they look at him weird. i dont know where im going with this hes just weird. he also has a strange fixation on death as a coping mechanism for the fact that his first memories are pretty much of zombies but hes respectful about it dw
new 3: clementine "kit"/patch. 16, it/its
basically it was forced to take on an unhealthy amount of schoolwork (+ a few extra years of school) because its parents live all the way in calamari county and didnt want it doing stupid shit. its primary guardian is its older sister, whos a lot nicer about this stuff yay! but yeah uhh splatoon 3 basically happens because it wanted to escape that. why it actually went in the manhole is up to interpretation .
through the nss bonanza business it made a friend, my friends oc ball :] together they are agent 6 and agent 9 (dubbed by lake because they knew itd get confusing) and theyre Siblings Yaaay. its smallfry friend (agent 3) is dubbed sen, short for baby sensory video, at least while kits learning their language. it doesnt know a lot about sen but is in the process of learning!!
its generally very quiet and soft-spoken to most people because of how it grew up, but in more of the ^_^ way ig??? despite that its also known to not have a sense of self preservation, again because of how it grew up. it goes out in the scorching hot desert for random junk. it ended up with severe facial scarring because it dove into danger so much in alterna. im describing this very badly im so sorry.
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greetings and salutations, hope I don’t bother you too much by sending in such a random ask. may I please have a romantic matchup for bsd, aot and mha ? (no pressure ofc, do whatever you’d like.)
I use they/them pronouns and I’m pansexual. my myers briggs type is INFJ and my star sign is taurus.
Im about 4’11..not to happy about it. I’m kind of introverted, and can be considered not a people person. I find life a little nihilistic. I’m into dressing in all black and taking a liking to gruesome and morbid things like slashers, analog horror, witchcraft, true crime, necromancy, anatomy, etc. I typically consider myself a "gorehound" ig. I participate in "Vulture Culture"; and I also like to visit abandoned places just for fun, along with playing quite a few escape rooms. I just have a genuine comfort in the uncomfortable.
I’ve come to the conclusion I just scare people off. In reality, I’m intimidated by everyone around me and find it hard to start taking, which may or may not come off as rude to people.
when I become comfortable with someone I start to become really sarcastic and joke around with them with witty banter. most of my humor comes off really insulting, and I’m brutally honest, but I’ll apologize and say it’s a joke or I didn’t mean it if it becomes a problem. even though I do have a hard time understanding physical social cues.
lots of people don’t like me or stay away from me because of my rude behavior. I’m not good with overly sensitive or overly annoying people at all because of that, and I can’t stand kids. Idiocy can get on my nerves too sometimes. I’m a huge animal person though. I have my moments where I can get really feisty, or very quiet and closed off. I’ve been told I’m also a laidback person. I’ve also been told I never know when to quit, and I find I hold grudges for certain things. It’s not as common now but I used to get called a vampire by other kids when I was younger since I had oddly pointy canine teeth. I find it funny, seeing how I am today.
I’m the type of person that has lots of opinions on things but I keep them to myself and bottle them up. If pushed far enough I’ll become unforgiving, and aggressive. especially with the types mentioned above.
I find the most comfort in just being in my room drawing, listening to music ( pierce the veil, deftones, system of a down, slipknot, rob zombie,,, sometimes radiohead, insane clown posse, jazmin bean or mother mother, etc. ), or even occasionally playing video games, reading, writing, or talking about a random conspiracy theory I have. I do acting in my spare time as a small hobby too, and I’m learning how to play electric guitar. I also work as a scare actor.
I’m a plushie maniac and when I fall asleep you can always see me cuddled up to one of them. I find it because I’m really touch starved. I also have this specific blanket I can literally not sleep without. Im also a caffeine addict, and I’m guilty of being very submissive and maybe even masochistic- and a bit of a pyromaniac. I dissociate or daydream a lot, so you can often catch me starring.
I suffer from a handful off mental and physical syndromes like asd, insomnia, asthma, depression and anxiety. These have all been diagnosed professionally, and I’m definitely not trying to make myself "quirky". unfortunately health problems run in my family.
I’m very fidgety, and often bite the inside of my cheek or bounce my leg rapidly. you don’t need to rocmantasize this stuff ofc, but I think it’s good to know so the person can tolerate me.
you do get to this, thanks for your time. <3
Hi Coii! I might have to request something from you at some point...your blog is so cool! Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchup!
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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Dazai is immune to people who give off scary vibes. He was in the Port Mafia. He's used to it by now. In fact, he loves that about you!
Would enjoy listening to music with you. He doesn't mind more "intense" music like Slipknot or Rob Zombie but I see him as a big fan of Mother Mother. Some of their songs like "Burning Pile" give me Dazai vibes.
Will ask you to scare him whenever and wherever the mood strikes you. In his words "To pass away from heart failure when my love scares me would be a fine way to die."
Don't listen to him. But do scare him. He deserves it.
Definitely struggles with his own mental illnesses so he's sympathetic regarding your own struggles. He'll do his best to support you but feels like a hypocrite while doing so. He's still actively avoiding working on his own mental health but he might be encouraged to start when things you do to help start to help him as well.
Dazai loves listening to your conspiracy theories! No matter how far fetched they get, he'll always listen attentively and give them consideration. He might tease you about some of the more outlandish ones though...
Will absolutely tease you about your plushies. But at the same time, he'll make sure you have them when you go to sleep and will buy you new ones when he's out.
Use him as a plushie as well. He'll love every second of it. He's just as touch starved as you are so it's a win-win for you both!
In Attack on Titan, I match you with...
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You and Annie are the scary power couple everyone in the 104th is just a little bit scared of.
Annie loves that you're into horror stuff and more gory things. Even though she kind of hates that part of her life, she appreciates that you're not going to faint over a bit of blood.
Modern au Annie is definitely a horror movie fan. If you name it, she's seen it. And she's more than willing to watch it again.
Touch starved matchup part two! Annie is definitely touch starved and too proud to admit it, so you'll have to take the initiative there.
Her favourite time of day is when you can both cuddle together and not worry about the outside world.
Would love doing escape rooms with you! She's really good at them so she likes more challenging rooms that take a while to work through.
Another one who would love your taste in music. I see Annie as someone who listens to music while training and your taste in music is perfect for that kind of thing.
Annie would love to spend time with you, but each doing your own individual thing. She'll usually be training or reading while you do drawing or writing.
Things your affection for your plushies is cute. She does get a bit jealous sometimes; she just wishes she was being hugged in the plushie's place. Please make sure you give her some hugs and she'll be back to normal.
In My Hero Academia, I match you with...
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This was a close call between Shinso or Aizawa but in the end, I think your vibes match Shinso a bit better.
Touch starved matchup part three! Wow, I've really matched you with one type of person huh?
Loves hugs with you. They make him feel warm and safe and he hopes you feel the same way about his hugs.
Another one who struggles with some mental illnesses. Shinsou is really good at reminding you to take any medication you need or doing thinking exercises (or any other methods of dealing with your mental illnesses you may have).
Would love it if you're willing to share your plushies with him. He may not seem like it but he's a fan of hugging them as well. They're comforting.
When you both have a day off, Shinsou would love to stack all of your plushies on your bed and lay there with you for the whole day. He might finally get to catch up on some sleep...
Enjoys watching horror movies with you. He hasn't see a lot of horror stuff but he's enjoyed what he has seen. Always open to suggestions on what horror movie to watch next.
Definitely down to have horror movie marathons with you. Neither you nor he sleep anyway so you're good to watch until morning.
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flower-zombie-rob · 2 years
@archivefullofyoutubers Did a thing and I keep seeing people filling this out for new community members so I thought I would do one too just for the hell of it
Preferred name: either robbie or flower. Neither are my real name because i value my internet privacy, but most default to robbie so im comfy with either :)
Preferred pronouns: i dont really care
When did you start watching JSE?: I started around 2016, but 2017 was when I really got into the fandom and started watching the whole channel addictively on the regular.
Why did you start watching JSE?: I had a (really toxic) ex friend who liked it and at the time I wasn't that fussed so i watched a few vids, fell in love with his personality, went down the ego rabbithole and ended up getting so connected with it that im still here to this day and its been a really positive thing for me. I don't think she's involved with the community anymore, but I still am and will be for the foreseeable future.
Favourite thing about the channel?: its between the sweet personality of the man running the channel and the wonderful community of amazing people who inhabit the fandom. I love the whole ego thing because I am a sucker for weird characters who are played by the same person. I love the amazingly kind community and the charity work that we help sean to do. I adore all of the spectacular people and friends that I've met along the way in this community and the absolute talent that lines every part of our niche intrests. I just love JSE as a whole.
Do you have a fav ego?: Its no secret that I among the very rare few whose favorite ego is Robbie the zombie(second place is marvin). He is non-cannon and was a community creation that came about after a thumbnail was made with him in it. From there, the creatives took him and made him a great custom character who is fully up to everyone's interpretation and usually he is the sweetest little cinnamon roll boi that I have ever seen. He also has an incredibly strong connection to me personally and my blogs branding throughout the years, and I could never forget how much, as a character, he has contributed to my persona online. And hes just as cute as a muffin, i wanna hug him and squish his cheeks and pat his head and hes my little blorbo now id die for him.
What kind of community member are you?: I am a very active member of the community and thoughni dont think my art is comendable i have to condsider myself(due to others perceptions) to be a community artist. I am not a theorist because I do not have the brains for that, but I do like to entertain theories and read them. I like to get very interactive with other members of the community and according to someone on a jse discord server I am a tumblr OG of this community (though I'm not sure how true that is...)
What else do you enjoy?: In terms of content: I like sander sides, I like markiplier, I like the owl house, im obsessed with all things neil gaiman, im head over heels for good omens and the sandman, i love my own ocs even if i rarely draw them, and id like to dabble and try out cosplay because its an intrest of mine among other things. As most people do, I like music and films and I am actually a grade 3 vocalist doing a filmaking course(no way! I have a life outside tumblr!?😱)
Are you open to nice messages and new friends?: Oh yeah, 100%. Please! I absolutely love interacting with people and I get so many really kind and supportive people interacting with me! I love all of you so much!!! In terms of making online friends, I don't tend to give away much about myself personally or my information outside of what I share on my blog (like my age or my real name or my face most of the time or anything), but i have been branching out more with that, having met some of you at comic con this year. So sure! im open to friendships that dont push my boundaries :)
Thanks to the og creator for the questions and I'm glad to introduce myself to some new members of this community or migrators from Twitter
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revenant-coining · 2 years
ooo what would you say is the farthest youve went ?? and how much energy would you say you have . but ooo thats so cool its like you have an infinite source because you can cause chaos wherever you go !!
fate sounds like a lovely being ^__^ do you ever wonder if youll be able to see her again ?? and it kinda sucks how most beings in that dimension only dislike you just because of who you are you cant control that :P im glad you at least had some friends though !! 
ooo i dont know anything about politics but was the system corrupt  ?? did things works out the way they were ?? how many jobs could one person have ?? what would happen if you didnt have a job how would you live in the world ??
ooo tendrils sound very useful !! were there any other uses for it ?? i wanna draw a character with tendrils now eee /pos
wait so there were mortals in your dimension ?? is there anything else about your dimension that you havent mentioned yet or isnt related to heaven or hell ?? but ooo minecraft is so much fun im glad they have it both here and over there !! i love looking at the builds personally , im planning on making a side blog just for my interests !!
hehe being a menace is fun though !! my headmates tell me im not one though im too sweet and... theyre right FKDJLSJ TwT what kinds of problems would you cause ?? any specific tricks or tomfoolery that stand out to you ?? thats good you didnt care what others thought of you i bet you are very swag then and even now i think youre swag wee :D 
DETROIT DJFLSKFJKSDL thats so random /pos
oh my god wait i actually really love learning about your dimension ?? like i love learning about it either way but JFKDJFLFJ that. the sin and virtue system is one of my FAVORITES idk if thats offensive or not lemme know though /gen but that is soo interesting !!
ooo thats good to hear !! im glad and i hope things are still doing well !! do you think youll ever be able to go back ?? if youre the god of chaos and they banished you i wonder how its like there now , do you think the balance has been thrown off because of the lack of chaos managing ?? but YES YES YES if and when you can please do draw it id love to see your interpretation of everything !! /nf
chewies check out list : mlp and hilda (when goop has the time ofc)
dude nesting is one of the autismal things ive learnt being human its just ... yes nest for me and my little creechure brain /pos did you teddy have a name ?? and do you nest right now in this realm ?? 
ooo why was magic and potion making big ?? what were the plants like ?? what do you think brought the beginning of how your economy works out ?? economy ive never thought id be so interested in before !!
ooo that dimensions sounds interesting its like theyre trying to prepare to not have any mystical beings but it is very interesting how they were able to push you out i wonder how :O do you give dimensions names ?? do the other gods have the power to open portals ??
we experience dpdr as a symptom of being a system so we know what thats like though we never really put a name to it i like how you have a zombie ai and ghost coping link though !!
ramble anon
the only way to measure how far I've gone is how long it takes me to get my energy back (assuming I'm getting a constant stream of chaos energy). but time works differently in different dimensions. the longest i was in a different dimension is 2 years i think? but when i got back to my dimension only a month had past in hell and heaven (a week had past in my dimension's mortal plane, hell/heaven and the mortal plane had different time flow, a month in hell was a week in the mortal plane)
Fate was very lovely :]
I kinda understand why they didn't like me, cause i didn't need to cause problems on purpose, but i did anyway. and i might not have memories of most of my friends but i have positive emotions associated with them :]
despite running in politics i don't think i knew anything about them, I'm pretty sure my friend was doing most of the thinking and i was just along for the ride. i don't recall any big corrupt controversy so i don't if anything happened /gen. most people if they had a job dedicated their lives to it, but nothing was stopping them from having multiple or changing careers. money wasn't nearly as important as it is in the mortal realm (or this universe for that matter). you could trade for goods or do random chores/quests to get stuff.
i mainly used my tendrils to grab stuff i couldn't reach and carry heavy things, since no weight seemed too much for them. also they were nice for like, grounding exercises. i could wrap one around my leg or torso and be chilling
yeah there were mortals. in my universe earth was real and i'd visit sometimes (mainly to learn about music) humans were a thing along with a bunch of humanoid species (like siren/mermaids, hybrids, etc.) there were portals to and from earth, heaven, and hell so it was common for heaven and hell beings to be on earth.
another thing i haven't mentioned is the Red Dimension (a sub-dimension with my "parent" dimension, which is quite literally a dimension where everything inside wants to kill you. the entire dimension and everything in is was some shade of red. it looks kinda cool but is not a fun place to be.
and Fate lived in her own dimension, basically, an infinite space for archiving what has and what will happen, lots and lots of filling cabinets filled with records of everything. inside said dimension is the. waiting line i guess for getting souls into an afterlife if they believed in one.
minecraft builds are very cool, my (this dimension) older brother is real big on building things. and i highly recommend a side blog for your interest :]
when it comes to being a menace and getting chaos energy, chaos, destruction, and absurdity work well on getting said energy. i avoid causing destruction, but sometimes Fate would tell me that something (like a natural disaster) is going to happen so i could be ready for the influx of energy (excess energy makes me hyper). my favorite way to be chaotic was biting people, it works very well on getting energy and is just very fun to do. throwing myself around with my tendrils worked as well. if i could find something to do that would shock people in a absurdity kinda way i'd end up doing it.
the sin and virtue system IS really cool, and don't worry it's not offensive to say that /gen. I'm glad you like learning about my dimension! I really enjoy talking about it :]
I have no clue if I'll be able to go home while in this body since I don't have access to any of my magic, so I guess I'm waiting to see if some powerful being from this dimension or my own gets me home? I don't know how I ended up in this body in the first place /gen. I haven't even thought about how the balance is back home, I hope the other powerful beings have figured out at least a temporary solution.
I'm on my way home right now so when I answer you're next ask I'll have the drawings done and show you :]
I love nesting SO much. comfy objects is what it's all about. I don't recall the name of my teddy bear, and I nest in this dimension as well (not being able to purr lowkey sucks)
magic is very big in my dimension, even mortals use it. so it was used for a lot of stuff, and he'll had lots of resources for magic and potions. magic and potions are important cause of the fact that lots of creatures that are deadlier then the one's in this dimension exist, so mortals have to be able to protect themselves. The plants looked pretty funky /pos and I remember how a few of them look. (I'll show you art of the plants in my answer to your next ask!)
I think the economy started before I was made, which means it's REALLY old, I've been around for a while but it's been around longer.
I've named a couple dimensions (like afterlife but it's Detroit) but they're more like nicknames. Even the Red Dimension has a official name (which I think is just a bunch of numbers and letters?) but we call the Red Dimension cause it's. very red in there.
most powerful beings can open portals or teleport, it's the main way of transportation (especially between earth, heaven, and hell so people don't have to walk to the natural portals.)
my copinglinks are very close to my heart <3 they help a lot with making dpdr less distressing /gen
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br1ggs · 2 years
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@ mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u !
ur damn right i called u a coward !!! bc u wouLDNT SEND THIS OTHERWISE !!!! AND I N EED 2 WRITE GOOD THINGS ABT U GDI !!! anyways, lemme just, CLEARS THROAT !!!!! ok so syd, i love syd, i'd fight a hoard of the undead for u and i dont run fast or fight well but !!!!! a for effort? ANYWAYS IM GETTING DISTRACTED, OK SO LIKE LISTEN... u have been a friend of mine for a while now, and while we often lose each other in the tumblr rpc abyss, we generally find each other again and each time its always such positive vibes and rekindling our friendship time and time again! i honestly think it gets stronger each time. i love ur blogs, i love how kind you are, how genuine of a person you are. ur not fake like some people on this site can be, ur for real and i really vibe with that. ur muses are always top tier, and while i dont know some of them, i love learning abt them and or consuming the media they're in like i plan to do with star trek!!!! ur amazing, u deserve the world, and once more i'd fight (and lose) a zombie for u
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reanimated-alice · 2 years
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I posted 91 times in 2022
That's 91 more posts than 2021!
3 posts created (3%)
88 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 80 of my posts in 2022
Only 12% of my posts had no tags
#alice's reblogs - 53 posts
#why isn't he real - 13 posts
#eddie munson - 9 posts
#i need him like i need air - 7 posts
#so cute - 5 posts
#alice speaks - 4 posts
#billy hargrove - 4 posts
#steve harrington - 4 posts
#stranger things - 4 posts
#niceboyeds - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 50 characters
#i need a steve x billy x reader x eddie now please
My Top Posts in 2022:
im bored. maybe i should finish my steve fic.
@eddiemunsons-girl tell me to finish it.
2 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
Hi there! My name is Alice, and I’m 20 years old. I love Joseph Quinn and all things creepy. Ghost, zombies, skeletons, you name it. I do roleplay, if that’s what you’re into, and I do write. I just have trouble with finishing a story. Anyway, feel free to reach out, even just to chat!
4 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
comforts of home | s. h.
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A/N: this is the first work i've ever posted on here, so maybe be kind?
Warnings: none? just fluff? anyway, enjoy!
Steve Harrington x gender neutral!reader
Steve had never really felt like he had a home before. Sure, he lived in a house, but there was a difference. His parents were never home enough to make it feel like the house was lived in. A home is meant to be a safe haven and comfort zone, right? Steve's home felt more like a trophy case, meant to be seen and not touched. And he was a trophy inside.
A small noise from you broke him out of the internal monologue he was going through. He looked down at you and smiled, running his fingers through your hair. You were everything to him. Wherever you were, Steve was home. You took away all the stress life had given him.
As you shifted in his lap, Steve couldn't help but remember the times he'd tried to protect you and keep you free of the knowledge of what was happening right under your feet. The Upside Down, the demogorgans, the Russians, all of it. But eventually, (or more specifically, when the disaster at Starcourt happened and Steve had climbed through your window afterward) the truth had to come out.
"Steve Harrington," you'd said as you'd held a wet rag to his face. "If you don't tell me what's actually going on, how you're actually getting hurt, I swear to God, you'll find my window locked from now on."
Despite the pain he'd been in, he'd smiled. God, you were stubborn. And brave. And also completely likely to get what you wanted. So, sighing, he'd told you.
You hadn't turned away from him, or cried, or denied everything he was saying. You'd paled a bit as the words sank in, but other than that, you hadn't said anything, just nodded and listened as you'd cleaned his cuts and scrapes.
The quiet sound of his name broke him out of his reverie. He looked at his lap to see you rubbing your eyes, obviously just waking up from your nap.
"Hey, sleepy head," he crooned affectionately, running a hand though your hair. "Everything alright?"
"Yeah," you replied and yawned. God, you were adorable. "Just missed you."
Steve's heart swelled and he couldn't help but tease you. "I've been here this whole time, goof." He poked your stomach and you hunched over, giggling.
You moved so you were sitting in his lap, your arms around his waist, and buried your face in his neck. He could feel your warm breath against his skin and the flutter of your eyelashes against his pulse as you fell victim to Morpheus once more.
"Yeah but..." you said quietly. "You were too far 'way."
Steve pulled the blanket from the back of the couch and laid it over the both of you.
"Well, I've got you now. And I always will." Steve kissed the side of your face. "I'll never be too far from you. I love you."
"Love you too," you replied in the sweetest, sleepiest voice he'd ever heard.
Steve thought he couldn't possibly love you anymore than he'd loved you then. In your arms, Steve was home.
In your arms, he was safe.
"You're my home," he whispered into your hair as you finally fell back asleep.
116 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dykeyunjin · 2 years
hello my dear followers, i am once again blogging abt my life bc i would lose it if i put it anywhere else. namely my mc escapades w wilbur Yay
- we first begin our journey in a humble plains biome. wil accuses me of walking outside its render distance (true) running away on purpose (also true) punching it for no reason (definitely true). we exchange rage-filled blows
- nighttime falls and we are chased by mobs. i unhelpfully contribute to this situation by running out of our Hole tm and straight into a pillager outpost in hopes of killing the nearby pigs for food. by the time i finish running around, it’s daytime. wil accidentally befriends a dog
- this becomes a problem when we inevitably come to blows over wil thieving my crafting table. as a free and mature agent of chaos, i alone am responsible for being punched. however, punching wil immediately set its pink dog bff on me. i logged out and back in to diffuse the situation but that dog had an unnaturally long memory, and also wilbur called me a coward for combat logging. overall i failed at life
- wil buries its feral rabid problem causing dog ‘like joe biden’. ‘joe biden buried his dog?’ i say. ‘yesss’ wil says. ‘okay joe biden’ ‘me when’ wil replies
- Wil Runs Away: pt 1/23746: to the tulip valley
- So one thing u need to know about wilbur is that it likes to cause trouble
- Wil Runs Away: pt 2/23746: to the savannah
- eventually wil tells me to just tp to it because i’m picking up its location hints the same way my hedgehog picks up on potty training (not at all)
- turns out i ran way past the hole it was hiding in. we fight for a bit
-  Wil Runs Away: pt 3/23746: ??
- Now you may be wondering. spooky, if wil runs away so much, why don’t u just keep an eye on it? the answer is that wil BLENDS IN WITH THE LANDSCAPE AND I AM BLIND
- we make it across a river, start punching each other while swimming, wilbur drowns because of lag, more to come
- wil puts a ring of flowers around me while im cooking food and i say that im trapped in a ring fae-style. wil’s response? to dig a hole under me, cover me with pumpkins and dirt, and claim that it’s dancing on my grave. and THEN it stole my food
- the good thing is that we somehow make it to a jungle with a big ravine cutting through it like a mouth. wil’s like: lets build our starter base here. im like.Sure why not. we can mine adventurously by jumping down 200 blocks every morning
- iron and diamond veins being changed to fit copper veins remains the greatest loss to the minecraft community. i fly too close to the blazing sun with mining and get obliterated by a baby zombie and creeper
- wil is hanging out in the darkest possible cave with only three torches. ‘a bit hard to get out of this cave spookystew’ it says (i imagine despondently. in reality it’s probably just neutral). ‘we’ll see’ i say unimaginatively. thankfully, my stuff is all there
- wil: did you just see me struggle to mine a block in the most pathetic way
me, who hasn’t seen wil in 5 minutes: yep i saw everything. Ur over
- we built a house made of pumpkins with two very strange entryways. in the spirit of not being attacked by phantoms, i constructed a noble jungle plank roof. wil said Wow. i said I Know Right 
- i tried to fit jungle wood doors into our very wide and diagnonal entryways while wil chased down a bird and befriended it with seeds. freakshow the blue bird flapped all around while wil tried to get it to sit on a platform (L+ rip bozo). 
- ending this abruptly bc im tired
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The Childhood Songs of Imagination, Adventure, And My Past Self Album by Sharon Forester
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This is going to ​to be a long blog post, so buckle up for the reading frenzy of 20 songs on paper! I've written down (more like, typed in) the songs I wrote when I was a little girl. My imagination was running wild, I was busy trying to figure out how to chase my dreams, and I was going through a lot of emotions. Some of these songs may make sense while others take a minute to figure out. The notebook that kept these songs was stored away for a good number of years. It was thrown out once I typed the songs on my computer. I will never have those pages with my childhood handwriting, but at least these songs will be in my files and on the Internet forever.
​The Childhood Songs of Imagination, Adventure, And My Past Self Album
Aliens in disguise Getting inside my mind So in love with them Every time they come To make my life so different
Putting everything else aside Fantasy comes to life Their pictures from the past Aliens keep bringing back
I don’t wish for them to leave, and if they leave, then I leave too
CHORUS Aliens, let fly away I want to fly away With aliens, fly away I want to fly away Aliens, let’s fly away I want to fly away So, aliens, let’s fly away I want to fly away
No one can understand what is happening This is the strangest love I could ever hold We are all aliens What is the difference here? We all live in the stars, together or apart
I don’t wish for them to leave, and if they leave, then I leave too ​​​ SONG 2 IT WAS EASY
Live the happy days Sad days go away Let’s just rejoice At our choice
We've been given our word To live in the world always Rendering but never pretending And w are who we will be Can’t stop us now We are at our feet
CHORUS It was easy to put my heart into something new  It was easy to live and breath with all effort, too It was easy good times I would never forget It was easy never having to regret
CHORUS I'm waiting for a ship that’s coming to get me I’m waiting for a ship with aliens that won’t forget me I’m waiting for a ship to take me home x2
Im staring at the sky Waiting in the dark For my last hope Where is my home? I’m staring at the sky Smiling in the dark My only hope Out there’s my home
Did they leave me? Are they gonna get me? Out there’s where my home is And I patiently wait to go
Robots are everywhere and they make me stare What are we gonna do? My robot, robot, come with me Let’s get away My different little robot, we will forever be free
Everything has been destroyed This place is null and void So much dullness My robot, robot, come with me I can’t find you in the dust this way
CHORUS My robot, robot, are you out there? My robot, robot, come with me, I love you! My robot, robot, are you out there? My robot, robot, come with me, I love you!
I need you with me Let’s go so we can be free
Robots are everywhere Taken over thin air So evil, so restrained Lasers pointing to places Losing faces
Robot, robot, om with me Let’s get away, and we will forever be free
Zombies, zombies, zombies I love zombies They eat many things Zombies are dead, but aren't dead They are the undead
Zombies, zombies, zombies I can’t take the zombies They are slimy Zombies come to take revenge Zombies come to make new friends, Who are alive; half alive, half dead, and undead
CHORUS Zombies everywhere you go Zombies that will never go I love zombies, love them not Some are bad, and some are not Most are ugly, some are not They're all creepy, then they're not Zombies everywhere you go Zombies that will never go x2
Zombies, zombies, zombies I reach out to the zombies–the undead Zombies, zombies, zombies Don’t  reach out to the zombies–the undead They are green and slimy; they are cool and scary They eat brains; They give and take no pain What more can they be and not be? Zombies everywhere you go
Here are the herds Wandering oh so mindlessly Swallowed by the ancient curse If only they had a clue Of what they’re really dreaming of
There go the herds Following the poisoned crowd Swallowed by the ancient curse It’s land of the slaughtered The conscious try to get them out
CLIMAX They’re hypnotized so easily Killing themselves so easily If only they had a clue Of how they’re being controlled Love help us all
CHORUS The sheep keep talking, they say la-di-da The sheep keep walking, it’s like la-di-da The sheep keep gawking, they see la-di-da The sheep keep acting, they teach la-di-da
With magic, I can turn a pumpkin into a troll With magic, I could be something you wouldn’t know With magic, I can go back in time and change the past With magic, I can take back what I lost
Don’t be evil, magic can deceive you Don’t fall for magic, magic can deceive you
CHORUS Magic, magic, magic You could be good, you could be bad Magic, magic, magic You fade away, but then come back Magic, magic, magic You could be what I imagine Magic, magic, magic You fadeaway, but then come back
With magic, I can bring back the one that I love With magic, I can take away my enemies With magic, I can make what you can’t believe With magic, I can believe so many things
Don’t be evil, magic can deceive you Don’t fall for magic, magic can deceive you
CHORUS Little robot is alone Little robot trying to find his way back home Little robot malfunctions Little robot trying to find his way back home
(fast beat rap) Brave, tiny, cute little robot Malfunctioning but passing over Looking for a home like a shiny Mars rover
CHORUS - (first line change) Little robot no give up
Poor, tiny, cute little robot Losing parts like other goners So unique, not acting like the others
CHORUS - (first line change) Little robot bright as sea
My sweet, tiny, cute little robot I will save you, no matter what I love you, no matter what x3
CHORUS - (first line change) Little robot is alone
CHORUS I’m a zombie in looooove I'm a zombie in loooooove I'm in love with you I want a piece of you
I watch you where you go Never wanna let you go Groaning for you’s what I do Lusting for a taste of you Yooooooooouuuuu
I'm a zombie in loooooooove I'm a zombie in looooooooove I'm in love with yooooooou I want a piece of you
Brains,  I need to eat those brains,  It drives me insane, I need to eat those brains Until nothing remains, Except the memories obtained
You walk through the magic portal To the place I call my life And you see me move, so immortal And that's when you know I longed survived You’re walking slow-mo through the graveyard In the cemetery, my home I stare intensely at you as you go But you don’t even, even see a soul
You walk through the horrid darkness And I follow as you’re in the light You see my face, you're super hopeless And I know that I’m on your mind You walked to me and asked me questions And I stared at your pretty face Then I see my chance to tell you ​What I've always wanted, wanted to say
Damage is everywhere I look Broken hearts are in a group But the sky is turning bright instead of gray All the dullness finally goes away Graves disappear And robots are broken But I know I can fix them again Because all the dullness finally goes away
CHORUS Paradise lost is no more All the weeping is no more All the love is coming back All the beauty is coming back
Destruction has taken over me Rejection is so hurtful With so many color changes All the fullness finally goes away
CHORUS We always wept Before we got shut down again When we got hurt again We always wept But now we remain happy with who we are
We’ve been pushed around, knocked to the ground, and as we fell, we were broken We still got to our feet, we didn’t even flee, but nobody cared we were broken Why were we so mistreated?  Did we deserve to be mistreated? Why were we so mistreated?  Is it because we are so different?
CHORUS Selfish creatures in the world leave me weeping To my dream world place, I will runway What words can I say? I’m stranded, there’s no delay To palace, I runaway x2
Selfish creatures in the world, leave me weeping To my dream world place, I runway I don’t want to stay right here There must be another way For me to escape this dreadful place today
CHORUS I’ve been damaged, unloved I’ve been all fixed up and loved I’ve been damaged, unloved I’ve been forgiven, and loved I’ve been damaged, unloved I’ve been damaged
My broken parts have fallen I’ve lost my powers I completely shut down I got thrown away
I’ve regained myself I’ve united with my powers I am no longer shut down Then I don’t get thrown away
What is love? X2 Love is a powerful source in the living soul A wonderful emotion all souls know Love can be unconditional But many say it brings trouble
Many chose to make love seem bad As if it was worse than hate, that's sad But deep inside hearts Love can still be there I will always believe love goes on forever
CHORUS Love is patient, love is kind, love is not rude, love is not wrong What is love? What is love? Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it burns, sometimes it rips my world apart And sews it back together
I crawl, I walk, I run To find a place where I belong The roads are empty, but There are plenty of Places all around
A house, a castle, a beach I try to find a place, where it’s perfect for me The roads are empty, but There are places all around
CHORUS I wanted a home, but found a haunted house It’s dark, it’s scary, but that’s what it’s all about I want to flee, but I don’t want to leave I need to find a way To make it my perfect home
You imagine what would happen if I used my imagination? You imagine what would happen if I made all dreams come true? You imagine what would happen if I changed everything? With my imagination, imagination
CHORUS I sing the imagination song The sky is green instead of blue Darkness is colorful too Imagination, imagination Birds swim, and fish fly And I will always let my mind wander into space There will be no such thing as reality Because of imagination This is the imagination song x3 ​I sing the imagination song
You imagine what would happen if I used my imagination? You imagine what would happen if I could change the whole world? You imagine what would happen if I made everyone happy? I sing the imagination song
Everyone will be my best friend Everything is pretty from now until the end Imagination, imagination I will give the world many powers And I will fly forever Everything in life is able to speak There will be no such thing as reality Because of imagination
Life falls out of place Cant reach the chase Emotions running slow Nobody even knows Show me your weaknesses The ones you’ve lived with
CHORUS Show me everything there is of you Show me the beauty you hide Show me the love you have inside Take all the negativity away Take the hatred away from this place
Although we have bad thoughts at times We need to stop thinking like that We need to be happy instead of sad It’s a disaster to see someone mad
Feeling so great Cradled by so much weight Floating I can smell peace Inner shelter Chains Used to bind Me But you know they provide Me With a foundation
CHORUS Chains that are broken have disappeared Words unspoken stand right here No longer bound, I fly away Chances I’m reminded Move me today
I welcome My- Self to every- One Some goodbyes Sweet lands Oceans Salt blur off Imagining I have this No need to contradict
Drive away in the dust Been picked up and then driven away Why be so heartless? Be a caring thing today Been blown away I forget What happened so I can be happy But no realization with Every slap you’ve given me Lost a bit of identity I fall to pieces Breaking my heart I weep, weep, and weep But i get back on my feet I am stronger than you think There is a person right here In the road of life In the end we all break free And not divert our lives
CHORUS Sometimes you flee your senses Go off, boast off, ignite something else There would never be a monster Because i have seen the worst But i still love, I still forgive And then run, not giving up life We run
I am so small I have metal all over me Filed with screws, wires, and chips And there are so many I can do But I will never be a creature
CHORUS How can I be a creature when I can’t feel a thing? How can I be a creature when I can see everything? How can I be a creature when I have programming? How can I be a creature when I’m just a machine?
I have the ability of x-ray vision I have the ability for endless walks I have the knowledge to do anything But I have no heart, no brain, no real energy I’ll never be a creature
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angeltiique · 10 months
i just realised.
this is my blog.
i can do whatever i want.
so heres a giant fucking ramble with as many thoughts on Shenggou Ye as i can manage (who if you dont know is an oc belonging to my wonderful best friend reese aka rai aka rai.diate and her story universe Liar Liar Chaos Fire 😁 she doesnt know im doing this, this is for me):
if you dont know how did you NOT know shenggou ye accidentally became a biiiiiiit of a hyperfixation for me (exaggerating). reese and i can't exactly pinpoint when it started but we think its around the time we started a zombie apocolypse roleplay with us two and another friend <3
i love him so much i daydream and fantasise about him every moment i get. i see the colour red, or a wild dog or hyena, something to do with kung fu, or any obscure thing that i manage to tie him to and i go absolutely FERAL. hyenas are now my favourite animal because of him. i see a ricecooker and laugh at how he loves rice because his asian ass is so goofy (just like me fr). i love the colours red and teal which are his main colours. my favourite songs are loose cannon by set it off and mama by mcr which are his songs. he is TAKING OVER MY LIFE /POS
i feel bad that i dont get like this with other characters, especially my other friends and even my OWN, but thats just what ended up happening and i cannot seem to control myself lol
i even made up a list of why i kin him do you want to see it well too bad youre seeing it anyway i told you this is a megapost megalist mega fuckfest okay not a fuckfest but you get the idea:
- large hearts, both literally and metaphorically
- imposter syndrome (self-doubt, feeling like a fraud/liar)
- scared of being disowned/losing loved ones
- making jokes during serious moments (struggling to cope so makes light of the situation = ends up brushing it off/ignoring it)
- loving our best friend from high school fr fr /gen /pl and being so excited when we see them <3
- saying fucky ass and baybee (im the reason he says it LMAOOO)
- gayass motherfuckers (both bi)
- WE BOTH HAVE PUSSIES LMAOOOO and we aren't really dysphoric about it hell yeah (im trans and sheng is intersex 💪)
- lying lying chaos crying (i know a lot of them lie but shhhhhh)
- not being good at voice regulation/shutting the fuck up LMAO (apparently its a sign of autism... shenggou ye autism real!!? /j)
- having silly laughs <3 idk my mama makes fun of my laughs and he has a silly laugh it counts sshhhh
- he probably sits on surfaces weirdly or on places you wouldn't normally sit on, and i sit weirdly so YEAH
- sex jokes? yes please (they are funny !!!)
- dramatic as hell but its because we are silly goofy
- annoying as fuck but its slash pos
and thats all i had but theres probably more in fact im doing things because he does them, like saying "L" LMAOO BUT i mean it in an endearing way 🫶
ive also been calling my mother mama a LOT more like thats WHAT ive been calling her exclusively and i know for a fact its because shenggou calls HIS MOTHER mama and the song mama by mcr again. tsk tsk this hyperfixation is legit taking over. but i love it so much.
hes all i want to daydream about. we (friends and i) have a running joke that he is my husband, i love calling him my dearest darling husband shenggou ye. its great. but i like thinking about him with me during the day, maybe doing something stupid or dangerous and laughing at him, him helping me calm tf down when im stressed. its a weird coping mechanism but strangely effective!! i prefer keeping to myself but thinking about him with me makes me feel more seen and heard and loved. and reese is a bit like him, so its also like having my best friend with me even if shes not really. i like to think i can tell shenggou anything because thats how i feel about her. again, its all really stupid and cringe but its really nice and fun
im only now realising this is probably just turning a friends oc into a para. or like. something like a para. i mean the daydreams do get vivid.. Huh!
anyway thats about all i feel like sharing, i dont expect anyone to see this like all my other posts, i just enjoy screaming into the void and seeing if anyone screams back. let it be known, having weird coping mechanisms is cool and youre so.valid. /gen biggest hugest thank you to my bestie reese for creating this goober i am obsessed with. without her art that captures his handsomeness and her writing that demonstrates his personality i would never have fallen so deeply in love with him to the point of delusion.
Now if you'll Excuse me. i am going to dream the Best dreams (shenggou will be in it). thank you and Goodnight ^_^
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howlingcliffs · 1 year
I will be honest I do not remember many of your OCs! Could we have a rundown?
SURE ! i have a few “”””series”””” . you can find a lot of art of all my ocs on my art blog @terracomets under the #oc and #ocs tags but these two under the cut are what im fixated on rn .
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creek: woodcarver from a taiga biome. best friends with pike the enderman and cosmo calloway / dr. fear. does his best to be optimistic and comfortable but always seems to be afraid of something. has a twin brother named tide! he / him
pike: runaway enderman who escaped the end. lived with creek and tide in the woods for 14 years before an accident that made them have to leave. best friends with creek and cal and the oldest of four siblings. very in tune to the emotions of others, but isnt very good with them. she / he / they
calloway: former con artist who meets creek and pike while on their way to beacontown. runs a shop that sells stuff like oddities and antiques. always has the urge to look over their shoulder, but doesn’t know why. has wither sickness and amnesia! they / them
tide: creeks twin brother. was zombified after attempting to protect creek and find pike while being attacked in the woods. later becomes best friends with cal and becomes a courier. he / him
myrtle: pikes youngest sibling from the end. escapes long after pike does to try and find a way to save her home. has an interest in scrolls and myths and loves history! she / her
lotus: creek and tides mother who went missing after giving them time to escape their old farm while it was under attack. very fond of her sons and not very fond of their father. a former farmer and claw’s first owner! she / her
other misfits characters include bracken , great dragon aether , great mage saffron , tarragon , parsley , zombie general blitz , and eiche but i dont feel like writing blurbs . ask for information and i will provide
emmett: golden hearted tinker and proud mechanic. he owns and maintains the main group’s mode of transportation which is a run down volkswagen bus named buggy. has the worlds fattest crush on trond and the most positive outlook out of the whole group. he / him
trond: a guy with a lot of walls and not a lot of optimism. not a pessimist, but has come to accept the group’s poor circumstances and living situation and doesn’t expect their day to day struggles to ever go away. he / him
mattias: loud and proud. was in the running to be part of the campguard force but dropped it after witnessing one of his fellow trainees using the position to harass emmett. now works odd jobs to help him and his friends get by. also looking to start a revolution. he / him
tim: musician who plays songs in the square to make a bit of extra money. actual job is as a baker with the camp elder alder and his grandson sycamore. strives for change just as much as mattias, if not more, but is more careful and calculated than his other half. he / him
other truenorth characters include flint , pax, pek , yakov , bruley , and the compass keepers but i dont want to write little blurbs . ask about them and ill chat up a storm
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omegawolverine · 2 years
🤡 ⛔ 👀
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
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snippet from my crenny tumblr crush au where kenny runs a kpop blog named "bimboytaeyong". idk i just think the line about his pinned having 92 likes followed by "what is this dude fucking famous?" is really funny
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
i dont usually scrap fics, i either finish them in one night, take like a year to write a oneshot or, in the case of chaptered fics, i write half of it and then lose motivation and dont touch it for like 2 years but ermmm off the top of my head i can think of three scrapped fics. the first two were scrapped mostly bc i didnt wanna write for that fandom anymore but the third one was a reddie fic that i started writing for a creative writing grade in high school? i dont think ive ever turned in creative writing that wasnt fic and this was fine with most of my teachers but this specific teacher did not like the idea of me writing this reddie fic for a grade so i ended up turning in a different fic where the characters were less identifiable and i planned to finish the reddie fic at some point but then IT chapter 2 came out and i started writing a different IT fic and now i dont even rly like reddie anymore? like im a stozier girl now what am i gonna do with like 5 paragraphs of a reddie fic i wrote in 2017?
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
okay so technically i started this crimeboys/tommy centric wip in like 2021 and it was meant to be a sort of prequel or idk partner piece for this sbi fic where it kinda follows the same plot points like. start with tommy being born, skip to important, somewhat happy moment in tommy's life, skip to a less happy but still important moment in tommy's life, end with wilburs death or maybe tommy's death instead idk i didnt think it through THAT much but ive kinda only got the first part done and part of the second part done and it's not bad, I actually rly like the start of it, but i also just find it hard to write fics about dsmp canon (even if this is pretty canon divergent tbh) as opposed to writing like hdfi which is a zombie au or tsmpa which is an umbrella academy au? idk i just like writing aus bc then i dont have to remember canon i can just make shit up LMAO
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raazberry · 2 years
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I posted 4,434 times in 2022
That's 3,164 more posts than 2021!
180 posts created (4%)
4,254 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,092 of my posts in 2022
#obey me - 170 posts
#zzz - 144 posts
#real - 116 posts
#solomon - 100 posts
#q - 97 posts
#fav - 72 posts
#stuff - 71 posts
#wwdits - 61 posts
#&lt;3 - 53 posts
#community - 50 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but also this made me think - what exactly is the opposite of humanity. like i feel like this is a pretty non obey me related question lmao
My Top Posts in 2022:
defending solomon online isn't enough i need a gun
60 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
micah got me blushing and kicking my feet why is he the way he is.
70 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
thinking about troy and abed in epidemiology again. how troy spent the entire episode running away from the idea of being a "nerd" and essentially abed as well - only for them to run away from the zombies together and abed basically "sacrificing" himself just for troy to not get zombified. and troy initiating the "i love you" / "i know" scene (from star wars) as he's about to get away... like idc if im reaching but that is not only a proper confession of love in my opinion but also the moment where troy realises that if abed can literally sacrifice for him then he can at the very least embrace his nerdiness and not try to be so tough all the time, for himself and for abed!!! plus right after that scene u get the whole mamma mia sequence where troy decides to just be a nerd and ditch the sexy dracula costume to get the college back to normal.... but in the end it's abed who ends up zombifying him after troy punches and breaks his way away from everyone and him saying "abed, we're friends" in the saddest most betrayed voice ever aaaaaaaa fatal mistake sonething something romantic tragedy etc etc u get it
139 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
playing error143 isn't enough i NEED to kiss micah yujin. like right now.
237 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
literally nobody has suffered more than the female characters on wwdits not even jesus christ himself
558 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kodessa · 3 years
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I posted 1,064 times in 2021
32 posts created (3%)
1032 posts reblogged (97%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 32.3 posts.
I added 444 tags in 2021
#zombies run - 162 posts
#runner five - 60 posts
#incorrect zr quotes - 59 posts
#sam yao - 46 posts
#runner 5 - 33 posts
#5am - 24 posts
#zombies run spoilers - 18 posts
#peter lynne - 18 posts
#incorrect zombies run quotes - 12 posts
#incorrect zombies run - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 100 characters
#but maybe those awful professors wouldn’t have made me think i was bad at something that brought joy
My Top Posts in 2021
I know not as many of us have done the zombies run home front missions as do the regular ones but is anyone else obsessed with the Sarah smith quote from hope is an axe?
“Hope isn’t some wish washy blue bird, it’s an axe...But an axe is no use if you haven’t got the strength to wield it”
I also love this moment because Janine is always trash at accents but her Sarah smith is spot on and that’s just 😍😍
27 notes • Posted 2021-02-19 14:25:34 GMT
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Sam plays the ukulele?!? I’m sorry, you were hiding this tidbit in a building description in the base feature??
32 notes • Posted 2021-01-04 23:37:17 GMT
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See the full post
34 notes • Posted 2021-02-02 00:09:51 GMT
As I started running the new adventures on zombies run.... (I’m on mobile so I can’t do a read more. Leave now if you don’t want the new adventures slightly spoiled)
Originally I was thinking “these are literally runner 5 having fever dreams” because 1)same voice actors, 2)same names or very close, 3)zombies. But now that I’ve done “Venus rising”, “rule Britannia”, and “a study in ichor” I’m more so feeling an I’d find you anywhere vibe. Like Sam and 5 and Peter (and Maxine and Steve and all the others) find each other again and again. In any lifetime. In any reality. These people find each other. And that’s just so comforting
36 notes • Posted 2021-04-03 01:28:38 GMT
Mild spoilers for ZR season 7, episode 32 but.....
I just resynced my zombie link and got about 40 emails I didn’t realize I was missing (it’s been a busy quarantine) and this one from Amelia from after season 7, episode 32 made me remember why my 5 mostly genuinely likes her. (Now if she could just stop flirting with Sam...)
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49 notes • Posted 2021-02-02 13:34:55 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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