#im just. thinkin
aspennntree · 3 months
isn’t it a shame how blood is such a beautiful deep red yet comes from such a painful source?
isn’t it so unfair that this lovely red clumps together so quickly and then fades into a rusty brown?
and then it has to linger, staining my clothes, lingering in the cracks of my skin?
isn’t it unfair how wonderful a color has to come from a brutal source?
i think it only makes sense that such a crucial element for our bodies to work is so beautiful, for us to only see it when we are in pain
life’s quite cruel that way
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nostomannia · 1 year
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'For the greater good' is the main theme between Solita and Deity. Deity's main goal of trying to return to power, and as a result will return stability to the multiverse, isn't an evil goal, but it doesn't mean their actions are at all good.
While they don't necessarily need Solita, she certainly makes the process much faster. Having what could amount to an endless, undying army to be able to do what you need without the work of indoctrinating them is incredibly helpful, that's for sure. Without that, they could relatively easily find people to do dirty work, or more powerful shards could just fulfill it themselves.
The dilemma comes in do you break Sol and Deity's connection for the sake of someone who's been tormented by Deity for an unfathomable amount of time? Or do you stand by and let it happen for the sake of everything else that could happen if it takes too long for Deity to regain themselves.
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theclowntoon · 3 months
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YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE IT!!! MORE GUMMIGOO!!! he’s too fun to draw guys (and the purple thing)💔💔💔
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sicc-nasti · 1 month
Rapunzel type tower situation but the tower is a giant mimic and hunts in the way a pitcher plant does. Yes, fair knight. Climb up this conveniently long hair, follow the sweet smell, pull yourself up and over the window sill and fall in to the far below.
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dalvs-wife · 3 months
honestly being a selfshipper and finding irl items that remind you of your f/o is just the purest thing....
find a t-shirt that looks like your f/o's? perfect, wear it when you feel down and revel in the feeling that you're wearing their shirt.
find a book you think they'd like? get it, read it, think about how overjoyed they'd be to know they got you into something they find interesting! how happy they'd be to share that with you!
find a perfume that reminds you of them? for the love of everything holy. get it and cherish it.
every trinket, every shirt, every little nick-nack that reminds you of them. that's them loving you through the little things!!!
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nonranghaes · 5 months
joshua stirs awake at the feeling of you climbing into bed. he usually does for a minute, just long enough to acknowledge your presence, and he's already shutting his eyes when you settle in. then he hears the quietest hiccup, and he's already starting to wake up.
"hey... joshy?"
even if your voice wasn't so uneven and wobbly, joshua would have known you were upset. he's never joshy to you unless you are. he's joshua when you're speaking to or about him casually, josh when you're on the phone with your mom, shua when you're tired, and my evil, pretty boyfriend pretty much any other time. joshy is when you're upset and need to say it without saying too much. he knows how much you hate talking when you just want to cry and be held.
"c'mere," he's already sitting up and opening his arms to you. "it's gonna be okay... i'm here, my love."
my love is his way of saying everything he needs to say in moments like these: i'll keep you safe and i love you and you can cry now, i've got you. it's not the only name he has for you, but you always know what he means when he drops it oh-so-casually (always so in tune with when you're starting to get upset). one instance of 'my love' is enough to tell you he'll have the car waiting if you get your coat, or he'll make up a lie to leave early if you say it back, or he'll follow your lead if you fake sick.
you take refuge in his arms, and he's already curling them around you to hold you, safe and secure as always. you let out this quiet, shudder-y breath as you finally let go and break down in his arms. if you want to talk about it, you'll talk about it when you're done. he just strokes your back, his eyes fluttering shut as he holds you through this storm.
and he'll hold you when you resurface from underneath those waves, too, sealing the action with a soft my love just to sweeten it all.
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dalblauw · 1 year
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Tusk, my half-orc Druid 🌼
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edsbacktattoo · 3 months
one of my favourite things about season 2 is 'you wear fine things well' 2.0. like that phrase means so much to us, the super sexy audience, so knowing that it means a lot to Ed AND Stede as well?? oh my god. it means enough to the both of them that when Ed says it, Stede immediately knows what he's getting at. like sure he's saying 'you wear fine things well' with his big baby cow eyes and his little kitty cat collar but what he means is, 'this was the moment i fell in love with you. and now i'm saying it back.' and they put that in the tv show that we, the super sexy audience, watched. fucking cinema.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 3 months
I really truly still can't get over the Legends Z-A announcement. Everything about it. ULTIMATE Crazy ass moments in Pokemon history. We had Unova game vs. Johto game rumors and theories flying around for half a goddamn YEAR. People were pointing out paintings of Lugia and Ho-oh in Detective Pikachu 2, Kitakami's dex full of Johto 'mons, Indigo Disk's 32847872 Unova references, the Paradox Legendary Johto AND Unova Trios. The OFFICIAL POKEMON TWITTER was posting cryptic gifs of Reshiram and Zekrom in the weeks leading up to Pokemon Day. The day before the stream people were waving around 4chan "leaks" of Legends Celebi, ILCA BW remakes, Black & White 3. None of us went into that direct knowing what we were gonna get.
And then it was Pokemon Day and the Pokemon Presents premieres and it's start to finish full of Johto nods, Unowns bouncing around and Raikou in Pkmn Sleep and Silver in Masters. They slap THIS FUCKER up there seconds before the final teaser trailer of the stream.
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And then we get that teaser.
And then we get hit with "Lumiose City"
And then It's not Johto. It's not Unova. It's the region we haven't seen in an actual literal decade.
And then a single letter changes everything.
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AND THEN THE HITS JUST KEEP COMING ONE AFTER ANOTHER. Legends "Z-A." The A looks like the Ultimate Weapon. Releasing 2025. Not this year. For once in so, so long a Pokemon mainline game isn't coming this year. It's like exhaling a breath I didn't know I was holding. The screen goes black and every expectation we could have possible have has been flung out a Kalos-shaped window.
And then they give us one last little treat for the road
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Just an absolutely unbelievable presentation. They played us like complete fiddles. They're sending our asses to FRANCE. And I can't help but smile so big just thinkin about it!! This is the first Pokemon announcement I've seen in YEARS where the majority of folks have been not just surprised but this joyful, EXHILARATED surprised, just absolutely going nuts over 10 years of memes and jokes and game wishes that are finally getting their due. And it's just infectious. There's something really magical in the comradery and shared excitement and I'm never gonna forget it. I love Pokemon. Welcome back and welcome home, Zygarde.
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genderoutlaws · 8 months
✨ call for zine submissions! ✨
are you a DYKE? do you have a WARM FUZZY friend (or coldblooded bestie)? then submit a photo of yourself and your pets to [email protected] with any name/pronouns/caption you’d like included next to your photo, to be featured in a future zine called Warm Fuzzy Dykes, a photo collection with a halloween-y, autumnal warmth 🍂☕️🐱🐶🧡
be a dyke
be 18+
have a silly lil guy
cutoff date TBD based on submission rate
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pcktknife · 10 days
I still can't believe they gave itto a rock and roll event without xinyan
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splat-details · 16 days
its a shame it seems like for splatoon 3 were not gonna get the sorta slice of life splatband art that we got for splatoon 2
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angryaromantics · 1 year
In every lifetime, every iteration of this life or a new one, I hope I'm aromantic. I want to be reincarnated as an aro person. I want to be aro in the afterlife. I want to be aro in the grave.
Being aromantic feels like taking my first deep breath in the morning. It's comfort. It's ease. It's so intrinsically a part of who I am, that any me that wasn't would cease to hold any resemblance to who I am.
I want to be aro. I like being aro. In every single lifetime. 🌱☀️
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bookshelfpassageway · 1 month
one of these days i'm writing some kind of essay about lost media and humanity's need to solve loose ends. people only care about it because its lost. people only know its lost because somebody cared about it. it's such an achingly beautiful concept. it's such a horrifying fate. it's about mortality and the traitor that is memory and about love. its about the human spirit and a new kind of folklore. all forms of media preservation are a race against the deprecation and physical decomposition of their storage medium. i hope there's a heaven for art.
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th3idi0tsquad · 2 months
uh oh! Double Trouble!!
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kiwisandcoconuts · 1 month
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Posting Yellowjackets fanart on main I fear...
Refrences 1/2 for YJ Animorphs AU!
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