#im kinda here now hellow
hmmg hellow im back
okay so liek......... my cross encounter ask right? remember that?
g.. gh (i drop the piece of paper held in my jaws, revealing poorly drawn scribbles)
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okay context;.... a few days ago i gave birth to another au and it!!! it's honestly kinda similar to your HAITO au but like it's completely unrelated i swear i just love humans getting isekai'd into nonhuman worlds.. anyways. he. he lives in the forest like a wild animal because the sticks can't even handle looking at him 😭 their little stick brains can't take it (Their minds are unable to fully comprehend something not of this Digital World, a true God of its own kind among Mortals so far below itself)
[... in my hc anyway i don't think your fantasy au takes place in the outernet and his lack of pixels is like half of if not the ENTIRE REASON THAT HAPPENS SJDHDB]
OH YEAH HES ALSO A KID?? HES LIKE 13 oh yeah and also when he met Sec they gave him the cloak :3 (straight from party city. no joke) [ALSO THE HOLLOWHEADS CAN LOOK AT HIM. hmm i wonder why]
anyways autusm over what would happen if he found his way there (don't question it) and lived in the forest as normal and and and........ someone found him
(also don't mind his lack of an eye. that's just how i draw ALSO I AM SO SORRY IF THIS MAKES NO SENSE I CAN MAKE THIS UNDERSTANDABLE IF YOU WANT)
Now *ahem*
I love still human Alan in the outernet ideas- they're SO SO FUN. Like don't get me wrong I love stick Alan- BUT HUMAN... IN THE OUTERNET... AAAAAAA-
Anyways sorry he's getting adopted. The second you said kid his fate was sealed. There's no humans here so I imagine he might get found and taken to a dungeon of sorts at first just because... what the heck is this??? Mythical creature?? Thing?
But you bet. Soon enough. Fantasy Alan is adopting him. That's just how things go. You can't escape.
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away-ward · 1 year
Hellow, i'm a newcomer!!! I love your contents, and i might watch thailand f4(?) after this because of your blogs! Anyway, I like your blogs because there just seems to be so many different kinds of people interacting with you here?? It's so obvious and you can kinda see if they like dn or its characters or not by their asks. That led to me: You know, i've never thought the DN series books to be OVERLY repetitive but when you, your anons, and your mutuals put a lot of twos and twos together about how repetitive some plots points, characteristics and sex scenes were, it became even clearer to me about how a lot of them are just so similar now. As if it's a formula at this point.
Another scene that came to mind was when alex told aydin she can fuck whoever she wanted, this scene literally transported me back to winterdamon's bathtub scene where winter was touching herself and said some cringey shit about "little sister" "not being bossed around" or damon being her daddy or something and she can do whatever she wants. And alex moaned will's name also reminded me of that scene of rika moaning trevor/kai's name when she's with michael too, and banks with kai about damon during their first intercourse (these happened right? im pretty sure they did or my mind might just be messing with me?).
And winter calling other girls easy like how rika did in corrupt? Banks rika hideaway aka alex emmy train scene in nightfall? Even the misogyny was repetitive!!!! hELP i hate it here mom 😭 this makes me feel like rika/alex/winter are literally the same type of pd's ideal characters, the mary sue but slutty type, but not much of a whore though, but also badass, only with different hair colours and societal backgrounds. Banks is only similar to emory with her colour, Thank fucking god! Because the other FMCs were LITERALLY so similar in many ways to me. And i feel like it's so unfair because we already got so little of great FMCs in this series whatnot with the opening book: corrupt was just pure shit, but why did pd had to butcher them like that? Even the horsemen had very distinct personality, EVEN IF they had similar characteristics to their friends. Even kai and damon were told to be similar, but they were very different, thats why it wasnt confusing (to me at least). What's with pd and their formulaic overly repetitive writing? Idk if im gonna read their fall away series if they're like this too. Had anybody read it? What are your thoughts on it?
---And on a side note, funny (sarcastic tone) how a lot of things alex said or did about will or emmy's personality/situation in general could have hurt emmy (as a friend), but alex did it anyway, but then alex turned around and was always seen to be not-understanding of em's situation, and sometimes she was even inconsiderate towards how emmy COULD possibly feel about alexwill's past hookups as em's friend, even laugh at her when she was jealous of them (and also for moaning will's name!! Wtf! Pd was so wrong for making will sleep in the same bed with alexemmg. I also hate that we get to see willalex's friendship and trust building even in tidbits, but we can't get the same or more for THE main couples themselves? Will can build that trust with alex to the point she knew he would come for her and be there for he, but pd couldnt make will build trust with emmy? Will grayson deseve to die the most painful death ngl)
(Idk if these alexwill asks had been made clear by your anons many times before or not, but i have only seen your recent blogs so idk, but ig my point still stands. Please do pin/post something to indicate if it has been mentioned or if you're ever tired of seeing them for newcomers like me so we can filter our asks, if this is not too much for you) Then alex was hypocritically literally going batshit crazy for all the insinuations made by will and aydin about emmyaydin??? The situation was?? It's so???? It's like when it happened to emmy, emmy was expected to be okay with it, and not show much jealousy, expected to be perfect always, not only that, even emmy herself kept on doing all the emotional work of everyone on her own, but when it comes to alex (or even will), not only they were cruel with their words and actions, they were also irrationally angry at em at the weirdest of time? As if they had no common sense or something? Like they're the only ones suffering? Funny how will said how em didnt know how will suffered or how alex said to em about how em was not the only one suffering? But alexwill were insufferable as fuck, and they were the ones who kept on being dramatic and dgaf about em's feelings or safetyl, so?? Alexwill Truly had horribe personilities, and they were always seen to be inconsiderate of em's feelings with their thinking unless em called them out for it too, but why does emmy has to tell how much they were hurting her ALL THE TIME so only then they would stop and consider how she felt? So fucking selfish. Alexwill were really so fucking annoying istg---
Just like some of your anons, nightfall ruined will's character for me, i was so disappointed in him because he was described as "being different than his friends" in other books (and maybe the povs we got were from his worse friends, so maybe thats why the bar was under the fucking ground) but then anons were right, in his book, his outward actions were shown to be LIKE THAT. But then again, if he's been best friends with those same disgusting horsemen all his life, why wouldn't he pick up the same hurtful words and behaviour from them, even a little, right? Birds from the same feather after all. When you guys said how similar will and michael were about their misogyny and how that was the main reason why that anon hated will, it became clear to me even more why i hated will in nightfall, because gooododdd i hate michael for the same reasons too!!! That anon just put my hatred better into words. Sometimes i feel like i have a different expectations of how a dark romance should be and then i came across these books and they totally were not within my expectations, they're worse, so my expectations were the one to ruin my enjoyment of reading these dark romance books in general. Maybe idk.
Anyway, if theres any anons who love will grayson, or if KO (away-ward) yourself have some long paragraphs of why you guys love will, please do share because even as a will hater myself, its a bit existing to be in this space for Will and Emmy with so many will hates lol! Maybe if you guys share your cute reasons why you love him here, MAYBE i'll like him better and change some of my opinions about him. In very much need of will grayson appreciation in this will grayson love drought (but ONLY related to emmy please, idgaf about his cute scenes with others, especially damon. I had enough in canon, im sick of them.) 😂
Hey! Welcome.
It would make my day if you decided to watch F4 Thailand. No pressure though. The story is absolutely bonkers, but it's really close to my heart. It’s nice to know someone is getting something from the f4 posts. I mean, I’m entertaining myself, so not getting any notes hasn’t been a deterrent at all, but still. At least I know not everyone hates them. If you do decide to watch, I’m using Viki. It’s free there, as are several of the hana yori dango/boys over flowers versions, if you want to dive right in. Comparing them has been a lot of fun.
Idk if these alexwill asks had been made clear by your anons many times before or not, but I have only seen your recent blogs so idk, but ig my point still stands. Please do pin/post something to indicate if it has been mentioned or if you’re ever tired of seeing them for newcomers like me so we can filter our asks, if this is not too much for you
I’ll start off here. I, for one, don’t mind rehashing the same information. Sometimes it can be a bit redundant when I feel like I have nothing to add because I’ve said everything I have to say, but I don’t want the anon to feel like I’m ignoring their point, but for the most part anon usually bring up a new point or consideration I hadn’t thought of before, so it’s not too bad. There is a “Tag System” post on the desktop that goes over how I tag my posts to find what you’re looking for. However, if you’re using only mobile, it probably won’t show up. I’ve been meaning to add it to the master list for ease.
For a quick run-down, I tag all of my answered messages with “asked and answered”, so searching that tag within my blog will bring up all the previous discussions. You can also search by a character’s full name, but that will bring up all posts concerning them, even if it’s something I rb’d and just tagged as the character. However, that doesn’t always work. I get the best results when I just click the tag I want from a post. That typically works a bit better, simply because Tumblr’s search system is pretty bad by all accounts.
If that doesn’t work, let me know, and I’ll see if I can work out another method.
Anyway, on to your thoughts!
I like your blogs because there just seems to be so many different kinds of people interacting with you here. It's so obvious and you can kinda see if they like dn or its characters or not by their asks
I certainly wasn’t expecting the blog to develop this way. My thoughts are that people just like a place where they can express their thoughts or rant about something without having to fear being judged or someone attacking them for it. There are a lot of things about the series to complain about (obviously), but when people are so deeply entrenched in fandom stuff, it can be hard to realistically critique it without backlash. But it’s all fun to me, so I don’t mind. It’s worth a laugh.
And I hope it’s a lot of different people. It seems to be, but since most are on anon, I can’t really know. It hasn’t been a problem since everyone has been respectful and nice to the other anons, so I can’t complain about that.
DN series books to be OVERLY repetitive but when you, your anons, and your mutuals put a lot of twos and twos together about how repetitive some plots points, characteristics and sex scenes were, it became even clearer to me about how a lot of them are just so similar now. As if it's a formula at this point.
It didn’t feel repetitive to me at first, either. It really was after talking about certain parts so many times that I began to realize they felt like others parts in the series. I think there’s enough different about each scene that it’s not that easy to identify. And, to go along with that, I think it’s because of something you said.
The guys are different.
It’s hard to say which is worse in the series: the horsemen or the women. Obviously, the horsemen take more heat for their misogyny and general lack of accountability wherever they go, but there’s no denying that they are much more developed characters than the girls’. Because the horsemen are the heart of the series. They were there from the start; it’s really all about them.
So what we get left with is PD’s idea of an empowered woman. Which I guess looks one of two ways? Or the idea that these four friends would only be interested in one of two types of women?
You get sexy blonde or sassy brunette. Take your pick.
But I don’t want to break the characters down that way. I’ll never back off the idea that writing is hard, much less writing something of this size. Everyone grows in skill at a different rate, and I would have been excited to see what this story would look like in the hands of a more experienced PD. It’s a shame that the community’s fighting has tarnished their love for the series in a way. But since we got it the way we did, it seems that PD liked a few dynamics or that their imagination lead them down the same path because it’s what they liked, and in the end re-used them, maybe even unconsciously.
Alex told aydin she can fuck whoever she wanted, this scene literally transported me back to winterdamon’s bathtub scene where winter was touching herself and said some cringey shit about “little sister” “not being bossed around” or damon being her daddy or something and she can do whatever she wants
I hadn’t noticed this one, but then it’s no secret I don’t remember a lot of KS haha. Hideaway and KS are my weakest in the series, so they’ll have the most holes for me.
this makes me feel like rika/alex/winter are literally the same type of pd's ideal characters, the mary sue but slutty type, but not much of a whore though, but also badass, only with different hair colours and societal backgrounds
It is a bit frustrating that at times the girls felt like copy/paste. Like it wouldn’t matter who was in the scene, it would unfold the same way. I talk a lot about Alex’s weakness as a character, but that’s mainly because she could have been a good character if she wasn’t written to be perfect in every scene. At times Rika and Winter fall into this trap too.
Not playing favorites, but it could be why I like Emory and Banks a little more; they’re allowed to be imperfect and admit it without making a big deal about it.
Emory says something mean to her friend and apologies. It’s never brought up again, but Emory doesn’t become someone who never makes that mistake again.
Banks gets irritated that she’s dragged-out shopping, but later thanks Alex for her help. It just seemed in the narrative, the other three had to be right always, and if they were angry or mean, it’s because they were right meanwhile, Banks and Em were allowed to be wrong or needless mean sometimes, as we all are.
Idk if im gonna read their fall away series if they're like this too. Had anybody read it? What are your thoughts on it?
If someone has anything to share, feel free. I can post without commentary. All I’ve read is Bully and I can definitely say it was more tame that DN, and felt more like PD was just starting out, working their imagination while DN was more like them pushing their imagination pass it’s limits. It’s not a bad thing for a writer to do that; it’s good. But as a comparison to understand the two different feels of the books to me. Bully was like the first time you go for a run while DN was like a marathon, in terms of writing and creativity.
I still don’t know if that made any sense at all. Sorry.
And on a side note, funny (sarcastic tone) how a lot of things alex said or did about will or emmy's personality/situation in general could have hurt emmy (as a friend), but alex did it anyway –
There’s a lot to say about the Alex situation. To me, it feels like PD started with one intention for NF and Willemmy, but as they let their writing group get involved, those who already had an attachment to Alex, the intent went out the window to appease them. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement when ideas are flying, so if that is the case, I see how it could have happened. It’s just so sad that it did.
Alex should have either been Emmy’s friend or Will’s protector, but she couldn’t be both. That’s the most confusing part of the whole situation. Alex appears in NF first as someone one Emmy’s side and showing concern about Will. But as the novel progresses, she bounces around between being Will’s protector from Emmy and Aydin, to being Emmy’s friend and comforter, to hating Aydin and anyone who aligns with him – namely Emmy. She constantly rotates between these three states, and it never made any sense to me – and apparently several other readers.
I wouldn’t have minded seeing Will and Alex’s friendship developed more if it made clear why Will could never love her the way he loved Emmy, but I doubt that would have happened. I believe PD wanted us to see Will and Alex as being so close, they were basically the same person, having a deeper understanding of each other. It however, never comes to light that way in NF and instead we’re left with a shipping war that was never meant to be.
I can reason on a lot of PD’s executions, but there are a few I can’t let go. One that I’ve been thinking about lately is the fight scene at the cove?
I remember being so mad and hurt and confused that Will would leave Emmy to take on Martin while he fought Aydin. Why would he let Martin lay another finger on her? Why was Aydin more important at that moment, when we know that Aydin doesn’t want Emmy that way. He wants to hurt Will and Alex (at least as far as Will knows).
And then for Alex to be shot by Martin, and that’s what stops the fighting? And then that’s when Will finally kills him. Yes, it was for Emmy technically, and I have no doubt that Martin was trying to shoot Emory, that shooting Alex was a mistake because they were fighting.
But it’s just the narrative of it all. It really sends the message that Alex is more important to the story, to the family, to Will then Emory is.
Emory says Martin will never lay a hand on her again, and while I appreciate the overall idea of her finally fighting back, I would have loved it all the more if she had posed herself to fight him and Will refused to let her. She’d conquered her fear of him; it didn’t mean Will needed to let her fight that fight. I’m so tired of PD putting Emory in the backseat while Alex gets to right passenger in Will’s life. And it’s not fixed until Alex leaves to be in Aydin’s life. I just don’t get it.
Where’s Michael with his “I love you guys, but she is everything!” speech? I need that guy to sit Will down.
But anywho.
Funny how will said how em didn’t know how will suffered or how alex said to em about how em was not the only one suffering? But alexwill were insufferable as fuck, and they were the ones who kept on being dramatic and dgaf about em’s feelings or afety, so??
Yeah, that was pretty irritating. I just kept thinking, “do we all remember who was the one being physically abused for years? Are you talking to the girl who literally just lost her grandmother, the only person who every really cared about her? Oh, your pain is worse? Got it.” I would dare any of them to say those kinds of things to Damon and watch what happens. But no. Em’s got to suck it up.
will's character for me, i was so disappointed in him because he was described as "being different than his friends" in other books
To be honesty, I hated Will in the first three books. Except for in the past scenes. I don’t know how deeply you’ve read into the blog, but I’ve talked before about my DN reading journey, so I won’t go too in depth now, but I was really looking forward to Emory’s story and Will was so boring that I almost didn’t make it.
And then in NF, all I cared about was the past scenes. For me, that was the real Will and anything that happened after that was because he was emotionally disturbed by his heartbreak, and then stunted by his time in prison. It’s not an excuse for his behavior, but a reason I can work with.
Will is not nearly as bad alone, even in the present scenes, as he is when he’s with Alex. The WillAlex shippers really got the best of PD at some points, and it shows. Present Will is not great, but I can work with him in terms of character. Will with Alex is too much because Alex in general doesn’t make sense and is a poor character.
But then again, if he’s been best friends with those same disgusting horsemen all his life
I’m laughing because sometimes when I read sentences like this, I wonder how you as a reader made it through the series. The only reason I kept reading was for the horsemen and their friendship.
Will didn’t just pick up bad traits from them. He probably provided some of his own. It’s why the four of them work so well. I remember Damon saying that Will was the most trouble for his parents. He’s always been this way.
When you guys said how similar will and michael were about their misogyny and how that was the main reason why that anon hated will, it became clear to me even more why i hated will in nightfall, because gooododdd i hate michael for the same reasons too!!! That anon just put my hatred better into words
And this is exactly why it’s worth sharing your thoughts, even negative rant-y ones, because you never know when you’re saying exactly what someone is thinking. You’re probably not as alone as you think in your views. It’s no one wants to deal with the backlash if the wrong person reads it, so we keep silent.
Sometimes I feel like I have a different expectations of how a dark romance should be and then I came across these books and they totally were not within my expectations, they’re worse, so my expectations were the one to ruin my enjoyment of reading these dark romance books in general. Maybe idk.
I guess it depends. DN left a lot to be desired in terms of execution. I usually don’t go into with expectations other than somewhat decent writing, so it could be that you’re expecting literary worthy storytelling when the truth is you’re getting the equivalent of fast food. Maybe I’m wrong. But I think it’s worth for you to list out the things you want from a dark romance and that might help you identify what you’re looking for a little faster, so you don’t waste your time (and brain cells, if you feel that you’ve lost some just trying to process all of this).
if theres any anons who love will grayson, or if KO (away-ward) yourself have some long paragraphs of why you guys love will, please do share because even as a will hater myself, its a bit existing to be in this space for Will and Emmy with so many will hates
  I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s a Will that lives in my head that doesn’t exist in PD’s and that’s how I’m surviving. It’s a bit hard whenever I’m reminded that my Will isn’t the Real Will, but then I don’t care cause I think my Will is better.
I don’t know how to explain my Will other than he’s everything I wanted from NF and somehow he developed from the same place as Real Will.
All I can say, and I hate doing it because I feel like I’m assigning homework, is that if you want to understand how I see Will, you’ll have to read my Will grayson iii tag. Just click the one at the bottom of this post and go from there. That’s all I got.
especially damon. I had enough in canon, im sick of them
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So hey, everyone! If you’ve got any other Willemmy HCs or thoughts or scenes that you just really liked that you’ve been sitting one because you weren’t sure if it was the right time to share, this is a request to send them in. Sounds like this anon needs them.
Thanks everyone! and thanks, Anon, for your message. It's nice to hear from you and hope you enjoy the other content.
*This is unedited and will have some spelling and grammar mistakes. Edits will be done within the day*
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hellow sweetheart!! good morning, day, evening and every moment of a day!
'me and you' who is the lizard?..
'i was eating donuts but now im hungry again' my hungry baby TT bon appetit 'im going to get water' MORE WATER!
'Like I think she says Забери меня then' probably? also ig youre listening on spotify and it has the lyrics? does it have translations?.
'like the songs I used to listen to way deep in my emo phase' it is TT i remember listening to in during the noone understands me and im so sad thus so special. lots of teens here do the same so.. it is.
'I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH ITS ON MY SPOTIFY' oooh im glad it made you feel this way. check her (its actually a band but idk if that man even opens his mouth) other songs? lots of them have this vibe.
'I KNOW THAT but also I don’t' hahsja cute. давай actually means give (not the first form though) but also. it means lets [..] (e.g. lets go, lets do) or (it doesnt make actual sense in english so the most accurate translation is) go ahead. didnt you see the translation?.. 'there was a bad word somewhere there and I was right!' HAHDJSHHD i mean.. its cute how determined you were but there no bad words. i never read the whole translation that i sent you. thus i was SO confused bc there no bad words in the song. 'fuck up' is the harsh version? the word used in the song облажаешься is civil and can be translated as screw up, mess up. i did replay this song multiple times and reread the lyrics and was so very confused TT 'But I cant determine which word it is. But I heard it be said' it was an imagination trick. 'i think it would be… blyat?' would u be surprised if i said it is not hghahf. also id say it is more blyat' but nvm. also?? why hed use it?? i mean?? dont you have curse words?...
'like something was being chewed slowly' is it an insult?... tbh i dont like демоны... ig the chorus is the most questionable part for me? i dont like how they sound so... like the modern version of the nerves (suicide of my faith). so emo and pop and all. but i do have a fav song of theirs, Три дня дождя - Перезаряжай. u can also find it in spoty ig
'Are you sure Улицы ждали is the one with the annoying tempo and not Жанна д’Арк' im pretty used to the singers way of singing (DOES IT MAKE SENSE), she uses this trick a lot. my fav of hers is Луна - самолёты. the translation. and while you can say whats wrong with this, can you say whats wrong with the first one? i cant and thats why i have mixed feelings. (idk if you really understand when i use rus titles TT like yeah you can see but foreign letters r difficult to idk? remember? match?)
'is H an N in russian omg my head' HAJDHJ yes. everyone is confused at school. 'she has such a sweet and bright voice' she does! shes lovely. but tbh i dont really like this song?.. maybe ive just heard it for too many times but yeah. in the next playlist im gonna show u the other one of hers witch i like more. wait for it TT
'also is России russia?' Россия is the first form. (Rossiya). why?
'i like her lyrics. i love her' ohh cute. yeah shes lovely. i remember her also becoming popular with this very song in like 2018
'ITS LOWER BUT IT KINDA SOUNDS LIKE IT' NO TT i think this hymn has a similar male voice in the background. and also Зло just has some religious vibes?
'im sorry i just cant' dont be sorry they fucked up.
'Я is it ya' it is. 'kind of have a soft d-ish sound' idk if i really got you but no?.. its just ya. only vowel sounds. (like there IS a consonant sound but its not d, nvm it doesnt matter)
'were fucking stupid. he 99999999999% cheated' when i said im not the one to judge i meant it. like my president is... he was the president before i was born... and he still is... he literally made up new law to stay in this position in 2020... and in belarus it was even more of a meme. they also had their president nearly since USSR. and in 2020 or 21 after lots of demonstrations and obvious societys hatred towards him, after the obviously falsified election, he said that he could make up (draw) even a bigger number of those who voted for him (CLOWN EMOJI). so i understand. its not really that simple people can do something (legal) when it comes to these kind of things. these fcking arrogant men with obsession with power... we hate them
'you should try pilates' ill think abt it, thanks for your care1
'WE HAVE CHISMOSA CULTURE' its probably not the same but 1) ig there are people who discuss the others everywhere 2) ig we have something like that? we have a big weighty number of jokes about old women hangin out w/their old besties talking shit about everyone they see. its not your problem, its just them. 'filipinos love to talk about people as a bonding experience' hehe sounds pretty. like really. it sounds awful, but i like discussing others w/my friends... im not straight up insulting person in person but why not... and it is not their problem, it is MINE. so nothing wrong with them and you and anyone whos being discussed. 'there are no serial killers here cause of this' LADHJFJF i want to believe it! but then why your president...
'#1 basically call me short #2 reduce our similiarities to height' its merely a joke TT i even said sorry. 'got connected to a moderator that was im pretty sure a 13 year old boy' HAHDHDJD deserved. at least now i dont have to wait more than needed bc of your 13 yo prick TT SHDJFH its so funny? why they let him be? 'i’ll stick to fanfics' this prick never leaves me be TT
'talk to you about daemon im like TODAY' i dont mind :) can we talk about daemon? tbh i want to talk abt the darkling💀 am i crazy? but can u blame me?
'where he was named heir way before rhaenyra was born' OMG sounds SO exciting!!!! i feel like you maybe wanted me to comment on it or send some thoughts but 1) i wanna sleep rn and dont want to make extra moves 2) ive said abt my dream with dae being heir and his spouse being the smart and calm one. or not? idk if u even wanted this but now u know?
'they live in my bedroom ceiling and they party and go jogging' go jogging HDHJAHF but really... sounds dreadful. id have hysteria in your place... ok i think rats r not as bad as insects. but have them literally above you💀💀 im so sorry girl.. also i just like... hope that grandpa is great) but rat💀💀 hope for your renovation and hope youll be good and comfy and all. its good to know abt your house, though!
'you actually also dont know what your height' but i do... i just dont know how to use this fcking system TT im 178 cm thats all i know. why do u (they?) even use it TT its stupid TT
i wanted to share some of my fav songs but i want to sleep (and thats the person who needed to do lots of things today but didnt... disappointed but not surprised). do u know the hatters? its a russian band whos also close friends with little big. theyre so talented TT i love the hatters so much TT i think you may find their music interesting? they use ethnic instruments so it sounds.. like it. 'russian style' was really popular back then (watch the mv!). its pretty but my favs are Только позови, Наружу изнутри, Не услышала, maybe youll find them in spoty or yt but dont worry if you dont want to. it ok. me too TT
so! have a nice day/evening/night! take care2 drink water! love u<з
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OMG MY CAT WHEN HE GOT A MOUSE T_T HE JUST SCARED IT TO DEATH AND PLAYED WITH IT fr we had to eventually .... kill the mouse ourselves because T_T bro was made into a toy by jinjin
hellow sweetheart!! good morning, day, evening and every moment of a day!
HELLOOOOOOOOO ITS 10 AM and i helped my grandma chop vegetables. have i ever told you about my problem with the onions? T_T I cry so much when i cut them T_T her fridge doesn't get rid of the onion crying effect even after its been in there for a while, but our fridge WHICH IS SO BIG AND SHINY AND NEW gets rid of all the onion crying effects. i think it was 2 days ago. she made me chop so many TINY FRICKIN ONIONS and i was crying so bad my eyes hurt so bad but then i looked in the mirror and i was like DAMN I STILL LOOK HOT but also my entire face was covered in tears and PAIN. i was like i look like i had a bad break up.
have i told you about taho?
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i have this almost every morning T_T its so good and yummy and warm. its.... tofu?????????????????????? HAHAHH its like the white is made really soft soy, then it has tapioca pearls or sago, then the dark brown is called arnibal, which is like a sugary syrup. i think you will love it. i high school there was a taho vendor by our campus and everyday i would buy a cup for myself. now there is a taho vendor that comes to our house/street and sells taho <3 and i love taho <3 also he always says im 'the pretty grandchild' HAHHAHHHHA lol
'me and you' who is the lizard?..
you can be the lizard because youre cold HAHAHAHAH
'i was eating donuts but now im hungry again' my hungry baby TT bon appetit 'im going to get water' MORE WATER!
yes i got more water! but also i would like more donuts now (: but its ok its my sister's birthday today so we're going to buy CAKE!!!! WOW
'Like I think she says Забери меня then' probably? also ig youre listening on spotify and it has the lyrics? does it have translations?.
~Like I think she says Забери меня then it goes up half notes to the tonic then she sings the next part~
but i forgot T_T BASICALLY you know the do re mi fa so la ti do? that is called a scale and the syllables you say in that scale are called so-fa syllables. now. the tonic is the home key or the first note in a scale. in our example that is 'do'. if i started with re, (re mi fa so la ti do re) then the tonic would be re.
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here it is on a piano. the letters below it is its key degree equivalent, basically do=c, re=d, etc. now so that i have a visual, do going to re is considered a whole step because of the black key between them. re to mi is also a whole step because of the black key between them. but mi and fa is a half step because they dont have a black key between them.
so when i said in Забери меня the melody travels halfstep up to the tonic, she was on la then to the black key then to ti. i actually played it on piano and she actually started on the tonic then went up HAHAAH cos the tonic in her song is actually La LOLL so if that confused you im sorry and if this is still confusing let me just give you a kiss.
'like the songs I used to listen to way deep in my emo phase' it is TT i remember listening to in during the noone understands me and im so sad thus so special. lots of teens here do the same so.. it is.
'I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH ITS ON MY SPOTIFY' oooh im glad it made you feel this way. check her (its actually a band but idk if that man even opens his mouth) other songs? lots of them have this vibe.
I WILL! but not rn HHHAAH
'I KNOW THAT but also I don’t' hahsja cute. давай actually means give (not the first form though) but also. it means lets [..] (e.g. lets go, lets do) or (it doesnt make actual sense in english so the most accurate translation is) go ahead. didnt you see the translation?..
i saw the translation but i was trying to figure it out with the context of other times i heard someone day давай and so i googled what it meant and i was very confused
'there was a bad word somewhere there and I was right!' HAHDJSHHD i mean.. its cute how determined you were but there no bad words. i never read the whole translation that i sent you. thus i was SO confused bc there no bad words in the song. 'fuck up' is the harsh version? the word used in the song облажаешься is civil and can be translated as screw up, mess up. i did replay this song multiple times and reread the lyrics and was so very confused TT 'But I cant determine which word it is. But I heard it be said' it was an imagination trick.
LOL HAHHAHH i see so if its not a bad word, can i say that to elderly people and they wont slap me? cos if i cant i think that counts as a bad word
'i think it would be… blyat?' would u be surprised if i said it is not hghahf. also id say it is more blyat' but nvm. also?? why hed use it?? i mean?? dont you have curse words?...
my older brother is stupid. also he likes russian culture cos ig its memey? idk he like playing online games and likes history and he's just drawn to stuff like that ????? IDK
'like something was being chewed slowly' is it an insult?...
iTS NOT AN INSULT ITS JUST AN OBSERVATION. its what is sounds like to me, at least this song did as its slowed. im sorry if you were offended by that.
tbh i dont like демоны... ig the chorus is the most questionable part for me? i dont like how they sound so... like the modern version of the nerves (suicide of my faith). so emo and pop and all. but i do have a fav song of theirs, Три дня дождя - Перезаряжай. u can also find it in spoty ig
oooh i like this song! very pop punk as well
'Are you sure Улицы ждали is the one with the annoying tempo and not Жанна д’Арк' im pretty used to the singers way of singing (DOES IT MAKE SENSE), she uses this trick a lot. my fav of hers is Луна - самолёты. the translation. and while you can say whats wrong with this, can you say whats wrong with the first one? i cant and thats why i have mixed feelings. (idk if you really understand when i use rus titles TT like yeah you can see but foreign letters r difficult to idk? remember? match?)
idk what's wrong with the first one T_T maybe just a manner of preference T_T AHAHAHH i will listen to this song later i have to get ready for school lol T_T AHHA
'is H an N in russian omg my head' HAJDHJ yes. everyone is confused at school.
'she has such a sweet and bright voice' she does! shes lovely. but tbh i dont really like this song?.. maybe ive just heard it for too many times but yeah. in the next playlist im gonna show u the other one of hers witch i like more. wait for it TT
ok HAHAH its a nice song. but its nothing compared to that evil one HAHAHAHA
'also is России russia?' Россия is the first form. (Rossiya). why?
idk it was in the lyrics so HAHAH
'i like her lyrics. i love her' ohh cute. yeah shes lovely. i remember her also becoming popular with this very song in like 2018
<3 good for her SLAY
'ITS LOWER BUT IT KINDA SOUNDS LIKE IT' NO TT i think this hymn has a similar male voice in the background. and also Зло just has some religious vibes?
'im sorry i just cant' dont be sorry they fucked up.
'Я is it ya' it is. 'kind of have a soft d-ish sound' idk if i really got you but no?.. its just ya. only vowel sounds. (like there IS a consonant sound but its not d, nvm it doesnt matter)
'were fucking stupid. he 99999999999% cheated' when i said im not the one to judge i meant it. like my president is... he was the president before i was born... and he still is... he literally made up new law to stay in this position in 2020... and in belarus it was even more of a meme. they also had their president nearly since USSR. and in 2020 or 21 after lots of demonstrations and obvious societys hatred towards him, after the obviously falsified election, he said that he could make up (draw) even a bigger number of those who voted for him (CLOWN EMOJI). so i understand. its not really that simple people can do something (legal) when it comes to these kind of things. these fcking arrogant men with obsession with power... we hate them
T_T huhuhuhhuhh my love we should run away together. T_T
'you should try pilates' ill think abt it, thanks for your care1
'WE HAVE CHISMOSA CULTURE' its probably not the same but 1) ig there are people who discuss the others everywhere 2) ig we have something like that? we have a big weighty number of jokes about old women hangin out w/their old besties talking shit about everyone they see. its not your problem, its just them. 'filipinos love to talk about people as a bonding experience' hehe sounds pretty. like really. it sounds awful, but i like discussing others w/my friends... im not straight up insulting person in person but why not... and it is not their problem, it is MINE. so nothing wrong with them and you and anyone whos being discussed. 'there are no serial killers here cause of this' LADHJFJF i want to believe it! but then why your president...
'#1 basically call me short #2 reduce our similiarities to height' its merely a joke TT i even said sorry.
T_T ok i love you
'got connected to a moderator that was im pretty sure a 13 year old boy' HAHDHDJD deserved. at least now i dont have to wait more than needed bc of your 13 yo prick TT SHDJFH its so funny? why they let him be? 'i’ll stick to fanfics' this prick never leaves me be TT
WHAT I WANT TO WRITE KYLO REN FICS also ive been traumatized by that kid person thing T_T im glad my SUFFERING is funny for you
'talk to you about daemon im like TODAY' i dont mind :) can we talk about daemon? tbh i want to talk abt the darkling💀 am i crazy? but can u blame me?
omg we can talk about the darkling. we can also talk about daemon obviously <3
'where he was named heir way before rhaenyra was born' OMG sounds SO exciting!!!! i feel like you maybe wanted me to comment on it or send some thoughts but 1) i wanna sleep rn and dont want to make extra moves 2) ive said abt my dream with dae being heir and his spouse being the smart and calm one. or not? idk if u even wanted this but now u know?
i dont want you to comment on it per se but i love hearing your comments, i just wanted you to know i had this in mind HAHAH. im down to hear whatever you want to tell me my love
'they live in my bedroom ceiling and they party and go jogging' go jogging HDHJAHF but really... sounds dreadful. id have hysteria in your place... ok i think rats r not as bad as insects. but have them literally above you💀💀 im so sorry girl.. also i just like... hope that grandpa is great) but rat💀💀 hope for your renovation and hope youll be good and comfy and all. its good to know abt your house, though!
HAHAHHAH i have some horror stories about my house. how do you feel about hearing scary stuff that happened to my mom and grandma before AHAHAAH. also idk HAHAH ive gotten used to the rats AHAHHAAHAHA
'you actually also dont know what your height' but i do... i just dont know how to use this fcking system TT im 178 cm thats all i know. why do u (they?) even use it TT its stupid TT
idk all i know is a lot of people around me dont know about their height. also ... maybe i dont either [confusion intensifies]
i wanted to share some of my fav songs but i want to sleep (and thats the person who needed to do lots of things today but didnt... disappointed but not surprised). do u know the hatters? its a russian band whos also close friends with little big. theyre so talented TT i love the hatters so much TT i think you may find their music interesting? they use ethnic instruments so it sounds.. like it. 'russian style' was really popular back then (watch the mv!). its pretty but my favs are Только позови, Наружу изнутри, Не услышала, maybe youll find them in spoty or yt but dont worry if you dont want to. it ok. me too TT
i'll listen to these when i get home from school. <3 they sound really interesting. i love it when people use ethnic instruments <3 so underrated. i dont know them but i will listen to them for you <3
so! have a nice day/evening/night! take care2 drink water! love u<з
i love you <3 my head hurts now because of the heat again so im going to shower and go to school. T_T
make good choices and take care of yourself
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cherrysnax · 5 years
hm. hmmmm.
i dont like where my thoughts keeps heading
#im kinda here now hellow#vent#i. keep having reqlly bad nightmares and at the end of all of them#the end is the same.. ive been having really bad self worth issues recently which makes this all worse#the logical part of my brain tells me to expect this#and the emotional part of my brain is not dok g very well either#im trying real hard and ik its all in my head but im scared#its something really dumb to be scared about because tgings liek these happen but idk i dont want it to#i want to be dumb and pretend like i can be happy and loved long term#this is all unfounded and probably just because of the bee pee dee but im ao acared that im not gonna be enough anymore#i dont even think im worth loving so its really hard to fathom that he loves me but i cant fathom living in a world where he doesnt#so its gonna hurt so much when he doesnt anymore#i know its gonna happen one day i just dont want it to#ive been teying to be pretty and nicer and more agreeable and everything and ive even been expressing more too but its not enough#ive lived thru heartbreak before many times so when it happens ill be alright probably#prkbably not tbh. what i feel is more than love wven though my dumb ass can never xpeeas it because my emotions are just. not to be expresse#*expressed that way. does he ven know how much i love him? how much i care? im. ot good with words or wmotions and i know im easily misunder#stood but i hope he knows. i already see myself as one of his exes. only when it gets like this. ik he’ll look back n laugh at how much time#and effort he wasted on me. i hope hes loved in the future#i hope its still by me. but if not i understand#im kinda repulsive to look at and to be around me for ao long. im aurpriaed#i just. feel like my im gonna my heart broken soon. idk why. im trying to brace for it but ii dont want to become distant. idk wht to do#i feel likeif i bring this up itll be aself fuffiling prophecy. i feel like loving me is a chore. i cant see why anyone would or could#idk who to be or whst to say or how to act. i just want to be worthy of love but im gonna fuck up i already have so many times i bet#im. im not doing okay but hopefully one day i will#its 1 in the am and im sobbing in the bathroom. this has been my new normal for a while now#this is dumb! he loves me he goes out of his way to show it. i may not undersrand why but he does and ill cherish him until he doesnt anymor#j think m having an anxiety attack cause icant breath#chesco dnt look
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windbxtch · 4 years
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hellow~ thank you for the warm welcome in the community, you all are just as sweet and nice as i remembered from the fandom before!
i owe some replies, some headcanon asks and stuff, and I will get to them as the storm blows over here at home.
i live in two neigboring countries in europe, one where i do my studies and work, the other where my bf, friends and fam is. this latter decided to close the borders again, so im kinda gonna get stuck on one side... gotta prepare and look for details of the regulations now. such fun. probably not gonna see my loved ones for a long time. ehh~
at least i’ll have more time on tumblr lol
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verdigrisprowl · 8 years
Feb 1 Blurr’s Horror Stream - A Series of Unfortunate Events 4-6
Prowl is still enjoying this show a lot and wishes everybody talked like this.
(After the stream he went home with Soundwave to play with dominos.)
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. Malika: ((Omg, I forgot this website exist XD)) Roadbuster: (( OH IVE NEVER SEEN THIS WEBSITE BEFORE!)) B l u r r: [[ HIIII ]] Malika: ((THE WHOLE FAMILY IS HERE-))+ Roadbuster: (( Mali u can sit in Roadie's lap or on his shoulder)) Malika: *sitting on Road's shoulder* Malika: ((decided the shoulder because yesss)) Whirl: (9WHIRL GONNA BE MAKING THIS FACE AT U BLURR ALL NIGHT: Whirl: http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/257/968/786.jpg )) B l u r r: [[ sTAHP ]] B l u r r: IS THAT THE PRATT GIF ]] Whirl: ((never)) Whirl: ((different one this time)) B l u r r: [[ JFC ]] Malika: (( HAHAHAHAHHAH OMG THAT FACE)) Roadbuster: (( This is roadies first movie night. dont weird him out)) B l u r r: [[ OH WELCOME TO THE EMPEROR ]] Whirl: ((BACILLY)) Whirl: ((if i could spell... it'd be a good day... ok lemme go get my dinner made and I'll brb)) Malika: ((Also for Mali- *rofl*)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ohoho i see there's a someone here)) Malika: *moving her head as she was dancing* ((Hellow!)) Whirl: *gonna trot right in--OHO WHO IS THIS* Whirl: *his capacity for expression is limited but his optic is curved into the gleeful expression that would otherwise translate into a huge grin as he makes he way to the Whirl Hammock* Evening, Teach. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave trudges in and parks himself on his usual couch. Rumble rushes over to his brother and is about to give him a huge hug when he remembers he's in public. He punches Frenzy hi instead.* B l u r r: / Here he comes. Skidding in at speeds not usual for him. Slides and smoke comes off his pedes. He looks AWFUL but he's hERE / Malika: Don't mind me and Roadbuster, if you want to hug each other just do it *and what was that fooooor* Malika: Welcome back Blurr~ Whirl: *whoop, if blurr wasn't here then whirl will not have said that BUT NOW HE WILL* B l u r r: / vENTS / B l u r r: Hello, cretin... Malika: *She smiled like the lil *** she is* Whirl: ((ok... we haven't written these threads yet but whirl WAS on earth with Blurr. Should we assume he's met RB, aside from that one ask?)) Whirl: ((What about Malika? :|a or would they have kept her away from this hot mess?)) B l u r r: [[ im sure RB remembers Whirl ]] B l u r r: [[ Malika is a recent meet for Blurr, so u probably didn't meet her! ]] Whirl: ((although whirl does look A Lot Different now that he's not in earth disguise)) B l u r r: [[ true ]] Malika: ((Do as you wish guys~ there is always time for meet each other 8D )) FakeProwl: *appears. surveys room; sits with Soundwave* Whirl: ((o7 i just wanted to know where we should be re: who knows who)) B l u r r: [[ yeh yeh ]] B l u r r: [[ lemme know when yall are ready ! ]] Whirl: ((i am!)) Roadbuster: The wrecker sat at the side with a cutious glare at all the others who had arrived. Cautiously holding a servo uo to keep the girl on his shoulder. " This'll be fun right?" ItsyBitsySpyers: *Pings Prowl. Is it safe to get comfortable or should he not today?* Whirl: *get settled in his hammock and is outwardly calm except for his ever-present "smile"* @Blurr: Hot DAMN Teach, way to go! Roadbuster: ((ready!)) B l u r r: @Whirl: :: DO NOT :: ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i am ready i think)) B l u r r: / making a face. He looks like he's been dragged through energon and dirt / B l u r r: / dusts armor off / Whirl: @Blurr: Do not what? Eh? Ehh? Afraid I'll embarrass you in front of your new beau? B l u r r: @Whirl: :: I'm not afraid . :: B l u r r: / aHEM. Waves claw at Roadie and Malika / Malika: ((ready!)) Whirl: @Blurr: Anyway, the only thing I said was way to go. *his optic immediately rounds into an innocent expression* @B: I'll behave. You know ME... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy stretches tiredly and blinks at Roadbuster and... a fleshling? Yeah, all right. Must be an Autobot pet.* B l u r r: / stares at whirl for a moment B l u r r: /* Malika: *She just stay quiet, looking at the guys presents there, waving a hand to everyone, specially to Blurr* Oooh this will be very fun for sure brobuster~ FakeProwl: ((ready!)) Whirl: *THE MOST INNOCENT OF LOOKS* B l u r r: Well, before we start... /ahem. Rolls a shoulder, cracking it in place / Roadbuster: * nodding at Blurr* Hey lad. B l u r r: Frenzy and I had a great time. FakeProwl: *it takes longer than usual to decide. but then he pings an affirmative and leans lightly on Soundwave.* Whirl: *stops silently tormenting Blurr long enough to zoop his neck out of the hammock and look a Frenzy* Oh, yeah. You've been away. How's it, mech? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Carefully nudges the back of Prowl's helm with one of his collar plates. Little less public than a full on helm bump.* B l u r r: In any case... I found what I was looking for. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\'S A GOOD TIME.\\ B l u r r: / slow vent / Airachnid: [peeks sneaks in quietly] Whirl: Yeah, Blurr always knows how to have a good time. FakeProwl: *a fleeting moment of almost-tension that he quickly surpresses. sorry. bit close to the neck.* B l u r r: / shifts and flops down onto the couch / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ah. He didn't mean to set that off. Next time he'll find a different way.* Roadbuster: That's a great beard i'll admit it! Malika: "What a niiiice guy" she frowned while looking at the guy with the beard Starscream: So how did he get the snake to bite the other human ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy waves up at Blurr.* Starscream: Snakes don B l u r r: / waves at Frenzy / Whirl: *he's gonna shoot one last "grin" Blurr's way--he's fuccin DELIGHTED you guys--and flops back to get comfortable* Starscream: 't seem very co-operative ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YOU SHOULD SHOW 'EM THE THING.\\ B l u r r: ... Oh, yes! /hops up and moves the chainsaw off his back / Hey mechs. B l u r r: Check this out. Malika: "Oh look, he is clumsy like me!" B l u r r: / rests the chainsaw by his pede and motions to his lower back. It looks like a glowing disk / B l u r r: / It is absolutely, 100% embedded into his back/ Whirl: *cranes his neck up again* Fashion statement? B l u r r: / there are sCARS ON SCARS back here / FakeProwl: *in return, nudges soundwave's arm. no hard feelings.* Whirl: What's it for? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tiny nod.* B l u r r: It increases my speed. Roadbuster: This is whatcha do with the bloody chainsaw? B l u r r: ... No, I kill people with my chainsaw. B l u r r: Thank you very much. Malika: *stares with a questioning look to Blurr* Whirl: *snickers* So what, now, you can go the speed of light? ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YOU SHOULD SEE IT.\\ B l u r r: I can go much faster than before, plus still absorb speed. Starscream: ((blurr solves his problems with a chainsaw~)) B l u r r: K-Kyehehehheheh... It work-wo-works. /swats his helm/ WORKS. Malika: ((Definitely XDDD)) B l u r r: Pits... Whirl: *tilts his head* ...You all right? B l u r r: I'm fine. Roadbuster: Ya see there? The younglin is smarter than the average adult male? Sad Malika: I agree Whirl: The baby? The baby's the best character. Starscream: How can the adults be this stupid Malika: They can, trust me B l u r r: Most humans are stupid. Roadbuster: Because they're human. No offence Mali Malika: .... unfortunately Blurr is right B l u r r: K-Kyehheheh. Whirl: *now turns his attention to Malika* I've seen the big guy before, but you're new, twerp. What's your story? Starscream: Yes but the adults shouldn't be stupider than the children ItsyBitsySpyers: =They should smell him.= Airachnid: I think that is the common theme in this program. Malika: Age is not always important *replied to Starscream before looking at Whirl+ I'm a... uhm, the human sister of Roadbuster. He lives inside my house and we help each other against our common enemies. Ki Malika: kinda the long story tho Roadbuster: Well with a bloody name like that fer a reptile. I can see why it's  bein framed Shockbox: ((mmmmmhello people I took a nap for too long.)) Whirl: *small snort of amusement* And does the human sister of Roadbuster have a name...? Or should I just call you "twerp?" Roadbuster: /glares at Whirl/ ONLY I CAN CALL HER A TWERP LAD! KEEP IN YER LANE! B l u r r: HEY! ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Poor human investigation ability must aggravate Prowl. Malika: HEEEEYYY!!! *She frowned much more at Roadbuster*.... Anyway I'm Malika *forgot to rant against roady* Whirl: *glances briefly at Roadbuster, somewhat annoyed... but doesn't rise to it, even if he wants to; he's not here to rile up Blurr's beau* Whirl: *so, he just ignores him. Please appreciate this monumental expression of restraint, Blurr* Malika, then. I... Whirl: *draws himself up and drapes a claw over his chest* Am Ultra Magnus. B l u r r: ... Oh for pit sake. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble giggles* Roadbuster: Yah got ALOT of nerve! B l u r r: / sticks a claw in Roadie's face / ShhhHHHHH. Starscream: It's like watching a room full of Megatrons trying to solve a problem FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Very much so.» Whirl: *puts on an Innocent Expression* Who, me? The Big M himself? Professional killjoy, Duly Appointed Enforcr of the Tyrest Accord? Whirl: I'm made of nerves, mech. Shockbox: *Quietly slips in.* Malika: Okay "Magnus", don't made my brother mad, please-- Malika: *and she was ironic by calling out that name* Whirl: We'll see, Little M. But no promises. Whirl: *he blinks. That was a wink but he only has one eye* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Why would carnivores follow fruits.]] Roadbuster: / swatting the claw out of his face. averts back to the show/ So done with this! FakeProwl: Are all snakes carnivores? Shockbox: @Soundwave: Should I ask for a summary after the showing? B l u r r: / vents and flops next to Roadbuster / ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He has never seen human media with snakes that aren't.]] Starscream: I would assume so ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[A good idea.]] Whirl: *settles again, peeping over the top of his hammock and watching Blurr and RB* Whirl: (( whirl rn: http://www.awesomeinventions.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/loki-hammock.jpg )) Roadbuster: /leans close to Blurr's helm and whispers/ I'm gonna fight a *** soon lad.../plops helm ontop of Blurr's B l u r r: / flickers optic. Reaches up. Pat pat helm with claw / Whirl isn't harmless, but he's just poking fun. He's a good friend of mine. Malika: *Funny fact is that she is listening both of them, since she is on Road's shoulder, but she is concentrated with the show* Shockbox: *Pings acknowledgement, trusting he'll get caught up eventually.* Whirl: Best. Character. Malika: What the- I want that baby. Roadbuster: You are that baby, whatcha on about? Malika: I don't fix thing with only my single mouth... uh. B l u r r: Teeth are perfect weapons. B l u r r: / taps his own / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage yawns and shows off his* ItsyBitsySpyers: *And Soundwave just silently agrees* Malika: This man is such a failure Whirl: ((NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE)) Malika: Oh! It's Blurr and me B l u r r: [[ LMFAO ]] B l u r r: ... That was not how I reacted to you. Starscream: Teeth are awful weapons, only for use when you are unlucky enough to have nothing else Malika: ((Sorry but I had to LMAO) FakeProwl: *covers his mouth* Whirl: I prefer claws to teeth, personally. Roadbuster: He's a terrible actor right now! Roadbuster: or Roadbuster: he's suppose ta be over reactin? FakeProwl: ((... did the stream die or did my internet die)) Airachnid: When you have nothing else, you take what you can get. B l u r r: He's a terrible murderr-rrrr-r. /rubs helm / ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i think your net died)) B l u r r: [[ nooo ;A; ]] Starscream: ((you i think)) Whirl: ((it's running for me)) Malika: ((It's running to me o,o)) B l u r r: [[ shall i pause? ]] Roadbuster: (( IT MESSED FOR ME!)) Malika: ((Pause pause)) ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Bird is nice and Bird knowing picking locks.}} FakeProwl: ((it was my internet)) B l u r r: [[ is it back for you guys? ]] Whirl: Also, Little M, here's a tip to hekp you with your every day life: Don't listen to a single thing he *points at Starscream* Says. Whirl: ((I'm still runnin! )) Starscream: Shut up! Whirl: As you can see, I am doing that right now, by ignoring what he tells me. Airachnid: Very sound advice. Malika: Ow... why so? *she is curious anyway, in fact is looking now toward Starscream* What have you done to him for having such a teatment? Starscream: Shut up, both of you! Whirl: See? Another ringing endorsement. Airachnid: He exists. That's what he's done. Whirl: That's about the long and short of it, yep. Starscream: I hate you Whirl: You can join the club, mech. Malika: .. Don't know if feeling bad for him or not.. *here an indecisive human girl* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[These human younglings have promising futures. If they can evade this Count.]] Shockbox: *thinking reptile-related thoughts.* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\THEY SHOULDA PUNCHED 'EM.\\ Malika: Of course the young ones follows the bad guy Malika: SEE BRO? I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE THEN! B l u r r: YOU shouldn't be following bad guys, either. FakeProwl: ... He's larger than them and he has a knife, why are they going after him. B l u r r: That's why you ended up in MY ship. Starscream: Because no one in this show is smart Whirl: Hey, you shouldn't back down just because someone is bigger than you are, and is better-armed. Fight em anyway! Malika: Ehy, first of all, you picked me up, second.... well, it ended well for Roadbuster- Whirl: *SNICKERS* B l u r r: ... Shut up. Whirl: I'LL say it did. Whirl: I'll say it ended well for BOTH of em. B l u r r: / flickers optic / IT ENDED Airachnid: You can always outsmart them if you have nothing else. B l u r r: IN GENERAL Malika: *Smiling again and again~* Whirl: *he'd high five you, Malika, if he could reach you. ...and if he had fingers* B l u r r: [[ is it working again? ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Is fascinated by this background spy business* FakeProwl: ((fine here)) B l u r r: [[ mkay ]] Malika: *She'd do the same, if she wasn't such a smol potato* Airachnid: [it reminds of the war. good times] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Where are they keeping these?]] Malika: eh... who has it much more longer? Airachnid: [alright, that was amusing] B l u r r: / scratches finial B l u r r: I have more weapons on me than that. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes, but you are not a human.]] Malika: hopefully not hided in weird places... because it looked like they did ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They do not have subspace pockets.]] B l u r r: Hnnh. B l u r r: [[ do you guys want a break? ]] B l u r r: [[ before the next ep? ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((yes please)) Shockbox: (( a good time for shockbox to get caught up?)) Shockbox: (( and by extension, me? )) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((let me brb and yes i can catch you up)) Shockbox: (( much appreciated. )) FakeProwl: ((brb, laundry)) Malika: I should watch series more often with you Blurr, they're kinda amusing B l u r r: ... Hnh? Whirl: *hops up, streeetches, and then trots out into the hallway to pace* B l u r r: / stretches out legs and arms. / Malika: I don't spend my time too much over tv-series... too many books to read and passing my free time by playing games B l u r r: I spend a lot of time, more recently. B l u r r: I won't have time anymore, though... Malika: Why so? A lot of works to do? B l u r r: ... I just got a lot of work B l u r r: Killing that mech came with a lot of reward. B l u r r: But the reward is more than I thought... Malika: Uh? which mech? Reward? Whirl: *tots back in and goes to lea on Blurr's couch* So, who DID you kill, anyway? B l u r r: ... Thundertron. Whirl: Hmm. Never heard of him. B l u r r: Never going to. B l u r r: He's dead. Whirl: *LAUGHS* B l u r r: Hanging on my wall in my trophy room. Whirl: Nice, mech. NICE. *swivels his helm to regard Frenzy* Did you knock off a good chunk, too? ItsyBitsySpyers: \\NAW. THUNDERTRON WAS BLURR.\\ B l u r r: Tore his spine right out... took a heavy beating, though. Malika: Oh YES! This soundtrack! ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[Where were you last?]] B l u r r: /vents and rubs helm. Makes a buzzing sound. Swats helm / ItsyBitsySpyers: ((and whirl HAS heard of him heh Soundwave mentioned him before)) Malika: .... *Hiding under Roadbuster's arm while listening how he killed the mech* FakeProwl: ((back)) B l u r r: [[ wb! ]] Whirl: ((whirl..................... probably forgot)) B l u r r: [[ is everyone back? ]] Whirl: (( 8);; )) Malika: ((wb!)) Shockbox: @Soundwave: I arrived just as the "authorities" arrived to assist with the snake infestation. Whirl: ((wb!)) B l u r r: [[ Roadie's net went pfft so he went to fight it ]] Whirl: *he "smiles" at Fenzy but Blurr's swatting has his attention again* ...you haven't seen a medic yet, have you. B l u r r: Yes, yes I did. Whirl: And I mean a REAL one, not PISTON. Malika: ((Nuuuuu unluckyyy)) B l u r r: Axis installed the upgrade in me. B l u r r: He said it might cause some problems. B l u r r: [[ OKIE is everyone ready? ]] Whirl: Well, be careful with your head, you might knock something loose. Malika: ((I am!)) Whirl: ((I am!)) Airachnid: ye)) Shockbox: (( soundwave is writing a summary of everything shockbox missed)) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[And before that?]] Malika: ((Airachnid, a question, you're the same that roleplayed with me? o3o)) Airachnid: different one)) FakeProwl: ((ye)) B l u r r: [[ Spider friends ]] Malika: ((Aye oke, just wondering XD nice to meet ya anyway)) Shockbox: @Soundwave: ..I believe I may have missed an entire episode before this last one. Whirl: *that will be the extent of his fretting; instead he nods and makes his way back to his hammock* Oi, Frenzy--you gotta tell me about it sometime. The juicy bits! Airachnid: -fingerguns- hmu anytime url is rapaxregina for ever more spider goodness)) B l u r r: / vents/ In any case, I told him to just install it. B l u r r: I didn't want it to wait. B l u r r: Besides... I have an entire fleet. /scrubs faceplate/ I have to look... impressive. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\THERE WAS LOADSA JUICE. I'LL TELL YA EVERYTHIN'.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave vents softly in amusement at the news station slogan* Whirl: *nods gleefully; if he had fingers, he'd make finger-guns. Instead, he clambers back into his hammock* Whirl: Yeah well. Be careful. FakeProwl: *also amused at slogan. snorts.* B l u r r: I'm careful.. Whirl: *LAUGHS* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[DAMACLES.]] B l u r r: / he is nEVER CAREFUL / Whirl: *TOSSES IS HEAD BACK AND FLOPS BONELESSLY INTO HIS HAMMOCK, GUFFAWING* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Like the satellite weapon. For Primus' sake.]] B l u r r: ... Whirl: *WHEEZING NOISES* B l u r r: ... /vents / FakeProwl: ... Nice shot. Whirl: *flops completely, offlining his optic. Feigning death* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Shockbox: [[The human children escaped the Count human's marriage plot and were sent to a new human who cared for them very much and treated them well. Count Olaf appeared in-- Whirl: *Blurr has made him laugh himself to death* ItsyBitsySpyers: disguise, convinced the man to let him stay around, and murdered him.]] B l u r r: ... /crosses his arms and leans back in his seat / Malika: Why when I call for a taxy i have to wait 2 hours and they have it... right away? Movies.. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage pins his audials back. Running over a cat? How dare.* B l u r r: What I MEANT was... I can be. /rubbing his helm / Whirl: *miraculously is revived, raising his head* I'll believe it when I see it. B l u r r: / makes a face/ The installation of the upgrade was careless on my part. Shockbox: (( /WHEEZE )) B l u r r: [[ LMAO ] ItsyBitsySpyers: //That's rough, buddy.// FakeProwl: ((LOL)) Starscream: ((back)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((wb)) Shockbox: (( yeah wb. )) Malika: ((welcome back)) ItsyBitsySpyers: //Holy scrap.// Whirl: Yeah, well, if you keep having issues, just. Do us all a favor and make sure to get it looked at? Yeah? B l u r r: ... Yeah. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He needs a sign like that.]] Shockbox: *He pings a thanks to Soundwave.* Shockbox: (( screaming when you catch yourself in the mirror? honestly, me too. )) Whirl: Well... you've got a master plaque-maker in your ranks, Soundwave. Malika: ((XDDD when I wake up in the morning and I'm ill, lmao)) Malika: What a beautiful view... ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Buzzsaw. When you have a free moment not working on that throne, please.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Looks at Prowl and tilts his helm.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: Prowl wants similar plaque also? Whirl: Throne? *looks to Buzzsaw* Who're you making a throne for? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Thinks it might be useful with the Constructicons* ItsyBitsySpyers: }}Not Thundertron.{{ ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HEH HEH.\\ Whirl: HAH. B l u r r: KYAHAHAHHA!!! B l u r r: Part of him has become part of mine! Whirl: ...Blurr, do you have a THRONE? Malika: part of him.. and his throne B l u r r: Yes, I do. Whirl: Ugh. FakeProwl: Mm... No, thank you. I think my face does the job well enough. Whirl: You're lucky I like you. Malika: Yes he do, and it's kinda cool B l u r r: I made it... for Optimus. B l u r r: But, I brought it with me when... I left. Malika: that woman has problems oh my god. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Uncertain waver. Is he allowed to be amused by that?* Whirl: Well. Extenuating circumstances aside--UGH. B l u r r: /shrugs / FakeProwl: *tiny twitch at the corner of his mouth. he was joking. so yes.* B l u r r: I don't sit in it. Whirl: Good. Whirl: Then I've lost no respect for you. B l u r r: I'm a pirate Captain, I've no time to command from a chair. Whirl: Oh, my god. Airachnid: Is this Ultra Magnus? Whirl: Th--YES. HA/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Then as soon as he spots the twitch he will nod and huff softly* Whirl: *points at Airachnid* Either she's Ultra Magnus or his perfect mate. Malika: I agree she is Ultra Magnus in disguise Airachnid: Indeed. B l u r r: ...Ew, what is that? B l u r r: [[ THE BABY ]] B l u r r: [[ THAT FACE ]] Malika: ((PRICELESS)) FakeProwl: ... What's the Wesleyan semicolon? Whirl: (9SO GOOD)) Malika: That baby's face is my face when Ultra Magnus explain me things. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He... he does not know. Perhaps it is related to the Oxford comma.]] Airachnid: "Joy" and "grammar" do not belong together. Malika: Well.. it depends from people to people... I guess ItsyBitsySpyers: ((oop it ded)) Malika: ((Omg is black for me D: )) FakeProwl: ((ye)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((it has joined the baudelaires' parents)) FakeProwl: ((it's in peru)) Whirl: ((ye sorry it die)) Whirl: ((i'm being distracted by my vinegaroon)) FakeProwl: ((what's it doing)) Malika: ((guess internet died for Blurr perhaps? :c )) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((it ain't watchin' ASoUE)) FakeProwl: ((yeah they said comcast is being shiitty)) Malika: //Dow!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Well, while that goes on.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): What progress, Iacon? Rebuilding, learning, social - negative, public views? Malika: *she snorts* now I get why I hate streaming stuff, can happen everything. Like now. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Rebuilding is going... as well as can be expected.» B l u r r: [[ HOLA ]] Shockbox: (( hello. )) B l u r r: [[ now LS is screwing up 8') ]] FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I have informed the crew that was assigned to me that I don't have any idea what I'm doing, and since then they've been very helpful and instructive.» B l u r r: [[ SIGHS LOUDLY ]] B l u r r: [[ LISTEN HERE COMCAST. LS. ]] B l u r r: [[ BLURRS LAST NIGHT IS NOW. STAHP ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Sits up slightly straighter in surprise.* B l u r r: [[ okay are we back ? ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((back here)) FakeProwl: ((looks like it)) Malika: (( I'm here!)) FakeProwl: ((we cut off somewhere during mr snicket's speech)) B l u r r: [[ back more? ]] FakeProwl: ((close enough)) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): This, unexpected. Prowl's stress levels lowered? Public notices improvement? FakeProwl: *wan smile* @Soundwave «I wasn't making much progress pretending I was an expert.» ItsyBitsySpyers: [[So the narrator *is* a character.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Going to record that smile even if it's not the kind he most likes.* FakeProwl: ... Momento Morris' Souvenirs. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Ha.]] Malika: HOLI ***! Even this woman like Magnus loves weird stuff! Whirl: Our Magnus isn't quite this... eccentric. Starscream: At least she tried Whirl: *they have only one junkhound on the LL* Malika: Well neither mine is eccentric, fortunately Airachnid: At least she has more of a personality than Ultra Magnus. Malika: .....poor Magnus *she makes a sad face* Whirl: Eh, he deserves it Whirl: Ours does, at least. Airachnid: Don't bother pitying him. Starscream: She reminds me of my Demolisher Starscream: Insane B l u r r: My Magnus has no face... Whirl: And...? Whirl: *tilts his helm* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: Soundwave, pleased construction crew helps. Perhaps appropriate response: appreciative gesture? B l u r r: I wonder how he's doing these days... FakeProwl: @Soundwave «It's improved the work. I don't think the public's noticed that the pace has increased, but they're complaining less about me.» B l u r r: He's stopped looking for me FakeProwl: *glances at Soundwave «What sort of appreciative gesture?» Whirl: *snickers* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Safe cr--!]] Whirl: *Sunny is such the best character* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Good. The fewer complaints, the better.* ItsyBitsySpyers: //How d'ya know he stopped lookin' for ya if ya ain't seen him?// B l u r r: I don't think he's interested in me anymore. /scrubs faceplate/ B l u r r: But, I also don't think he could stand up against the fleet I stole. Whirl: Trust me, Teach. That's a good thing. Whirl: We could all benefir with a little less Ultra Magnus in our lives. B l u r r: Kyeheh FakeProwl: She's going to die. Whirl: Yep. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...What quality fuel construction crew given? Another question: This, first project together? ItsyBitsySpyers: *He's poking over a few small ideas* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It does seem to be a running theme.]] FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I don't know. But better than I have access to, I have little doubt.» Whirl: That's what happens when you get youself twitterpated. Whirl: Well. Siome of the time. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Captain Sham! Oh, he loves the language humor so much.* B l u r r: ... eugh. Malika: this guy... is worst than the Team Rocket Whirl: Oh lord. They're terrible. Whirl: They're the WORST. Airachnid: This is getting absurd. B l u r r: [[ im that seller ]] Malika: *she facepalmed for at least three times* Whirl: ((FISH HEADS FISH HEADS EAT THEM UP YUM)) B l u r r: [[ at work ]] Whirl: ((I SEE WHAT U DID THERE SHOW)) B l u r r: [[ I have limes. I sell limes ]] Whirl: ((MAN THEY COULD NOT HAVE CAST cOUNT oLAF BETTER)) Whirl: ((NPH is  a damned gift)) B l u r r: [[ I KNOW RIGHT ]] FakeProwl: ((he is)) Malika: ....*her brain totally ran off because of the show* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Perhaps celebration required when initial project completed. Malika: OMG- the grammaaaaaaar Whirl: Someone put me out of my misery. Whirl: Who wants to kill me. Malika: after me thanks Whirl: How about you kill me, and then we get someone else to kill you. Malika: and this is how "a ship is sailed", HA-HA FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I doubt it'll be within my authority to offer it.» Malika: ..how am I supposed to kill you if I'm such an insect compared to your size? B l u r r: You'd be surprised. Whirl: Yeah. A single scraplet could kill me. Whirl: If I sit really still you can probably stuff a bomb in my vestigial fuel intake or something... Malika: Those cute things called scraplet~ Malika: eww.. no thanks, not into killing people randomly for real B l u r r: ... /makes a face/ What an awful name. Whirl: The ones from his dimension--*nods to Soundwave* Are ADORABLE. With the teeth? Whirl: Ours ae microscopic. B l u r r: How are they all so stupid? Malika: good question Blurr Whirl: This obviously isn't meant to be a hyper-realistic television series, Teach. B l u r r: [[ i love that that kid is literally the guy from Jurassic World ]] Whirl: It's, y'know, kinda darkly whimsical. Whirl: The incredible contrivances, themselves, are part of the humor FakeProwl: *has prowl mentioned lately that he's really enjoying the dialogue? because he's really enjoying the dialogue* B l u r r: ... He's obnoxious. Airachnid: Extremely. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Prowl's position: foreman. If held on work site, small celebration: motivational move. Prowl useless if construction crew mutinies. Good leadership knows encouragement value. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Perhaps Starscream knows this too. Starscream: even Megatron knows that much, he doesn't use it, but he knows it Whirl: *is genuinely enjoying the multi-layered and very clever presentation of this show* Malika: ((Sorry guys, but I'm in need of lay on bed @.@ Mali will fall asleep or just be silent while watching the show. Have a nice time!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((byeeee)) B l u r r: [[ okie dokie! Bye Mali!! ]] Starscream: ((bye)) Whirl: ((Nice meeting ya! Have a good night!)_) Airachnid: bye!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Bird knowing this trick! Alternate did! Is fake suicide.}} FakeProwl: ((gnight)) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I'm a foreman under house arrest. I don't have the authority to choose to stay after work, much less to arrange a party.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Patiently* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): That, reason Starscream contact suggested. B l u r r: [[ okay i shall end it here unless you guys want one more ]] FakeProwl: @Soundwave «The workers under me know I'm under arrest too. They understand I can't give them anything outside of work.» ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Suggest photo opportunity. Share across planet. Whirl: 9(i'm fine either way!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i'll go with majority opinion)) Airachnid: fine with me)) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «And if I did receive permission from Starscream to stay late, that would expose to all of Iacon that I have more freedom to move than they thought.» B l u r r: [[ u guys r not great w/ decisions ]] B l u r r: [[ neither am i ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Vent.* FakeProwl: ((gimme a second to move my laundry forward and then i'm ready)) B l u r r: mmkay. ]] B l u r r: lemme know ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *If he could just - but no. No tampering with the population.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Understood. Soundwave will continue thinking. B l u r r: Ahh... /gets up and zooms across the room for energon / B l u r r: / zoom zoom / ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HEH HEH.\\ FakeProwl: ((back. the dryer was still being used.)) B l u r r: [[ hallo! ]] B l u r r: [[ want to wait?? oo; ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YOU LOVE THAT FRAGGIN' THING.\\ B l u r r: [[ or are yall good to start? ]] B l u r r: ... /looks at Frenzy/ Guilty. FakeProwl: ((no need to wait, i have no clue when it'll be available)) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... You needn't be overly concerned. Thus far, everything is progressing smoothly. It isn't fast, but I never predicted it would be.» Whirl: ((i'm fine for one more if everyone else is)) B l u r r: I do rather love it. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Looks at him from one side of his visor and then the other* B l u r r: It's made me much faster than I thought. B l u r r: /zooms back over and flops down / B l u r r: I wonder what its limits are... ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): As Prowl wishes. *slow helm bob* Inform if decision changes. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I'll let you know.» ItsyBitsySpyers: \\PROBABLY YA DON'T WANNA DO THAT IN HERE. GONNA SMASH INTO A WALL.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: \\TEST IT, LIKE... ON A TRACK.\\ B l u r r: ... True. Starscream: That is a very distinct outline in the window Whirl: Listen to Frenzy. Frenzy is wise. B l u r r: I don't know. I'm not a racer. Whirl: *flops back completely, relaxing into the hammock* ItsyBitsySpyers: //I ain't never heard nobody say that before.// ItsyBitsySpyers: //I can die havin' heard everythin' now.// ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble glances to Soundwave* //Beat ya to it, Boss.// Whirl: *snickers* Whirl: I dunno, there's plenty of things I'VE never said before, Rumble. Airachnid: It's obviously forged come on. Whirl: *nods* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yeah? Whatcha ain't said yet?// Whirl: I dunno. Various... colors. Whirl: I've never gotten twitterpated and said outrageously mushys tuff. *sly glance to Blurr* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Pffftheheheh.// ItsyBitsySpyers: //Like what?// B l u r r: ... I don't say mushy stuff. ItsyBitsySpyers: *She wrote it with errors on purpose?* Whirl: *innocent look* We're talking about me, not you, Blurr. Whirl: Why would you think we're talking about you? B l u r r: ... you looked at me. Whirl: I was looking forward. i's hard to tell where exactly I'm staring. Whirl: And... hmm. Whirl: *tries to think of something mushy* B l u r r: ... /frowns / B l u r r: I've no reason to say mushy things anyway ItsyBitsySpyers: //Have ya ever said, uh, uh... "Oh, my truest love, I'da thrown myself on a knife for ya, but there wasn't none so I threw myself on the berth instead?// Whirl: SNICKERS. Whirl: * add those Whirl: No, no... let's see. If I was trying to woo someone... FakeProwl: ((and now we've all heard whirl shout "snickers")) FakeProwl: ((we truly have heard everything tonight)) B l u r r: yes ]] Whirl: ((it is Done. the pact is sealed)) Airachnid: byotiful)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He knows of that plant.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...He likes that plant.]] FakeProwl: Yes, we saw a musical about it. Whirl: *SQUINTS* I'd... say.. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[No, no. That was an alien plant.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[These are Earthen.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...But he likes that one too.]] Whirl: ... Whirl: I don't know what I'd say. Starscream: It seems like every day for him ItsyBitsySpyers: //Aw, c'mon. Ya gotta know somethin'. What's - what's somethin' you'd wanna get told?// Whirl: *thinks again* ItsyBitsySpyers: //'N you too, Blurr. I wanna hear this.// Whirl: I guess... 'You fight good?'" Whirl: ((line picked from Mulan on purpose)) Whirl: Or wait, no. No. 'You kick some SERIOUS aft.' ItsyBitsySpyers: \\SOUNDS GOOD T' ME.\\ B l u r r: ... What? Whirl: Okay, wait, o. I've got it. If someone was trying to woo me, this is what they'd need to say--you ready? You ready for this? ItsyBitsySpyers: //Mush, Blurr. I wanna hear it. 'N yeah, I'm ready.// B l u r r: ... /makes a face/ I don't... I don't know. Whirl: *deep breath* Whirl: Killer moves. Whirl: That's my signal. Whirl: And, pfft, how do you not know, Blurr? *I* have an excuse. You don't Airachnid: Do you mean in actual fighting... or by dance? Because I am not too bad at either. Whirl: We-ell... I don't DANCE... *A LIE* But mostly fighting. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble throws his hands up in the air. How is HE the mushiest bot in this room?* Whirl: *WHIRL HAS NEVE BEEN IN A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP U GOTTA GIVE HIM A DAMN BREAK* Airachnid: [trust me you do not want to flirt with Airachnid] Whirl: *you underestmate whirl* Whirl: *he MIGHT, Airachnid... he might* B l u r r: ... I don't know what tosay. Airachnid: [and she will not mind that] B l u r r: / crosses arms over his chassis / Whirl: *it would end in blood. But that might not be a bad thing* Airachnid: [that's a good thing, for her] B l u r r: /vents/ B l u r r: / thinking/ ... B l u r r: /waves claw/ I don't know what to say. I have nothing to say. FakeProwl: ((i appreciate u, moby dick fanboy)) Whirl: *ah, he's back. and still so bad with his claws. MEMORIES~* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Airachnid? Prowl? Nobody?// ItsyBitsySpyers: *He shakes his helm* B l u r r: Well, I mean... FakeProwl: What? *wasn't paying attention* Whirl: Hey, I told you mine. Whirl: *blinks at* B l u r r: It depends on what you'd want me to say. B l u r r: Mushy isn't... descriptive. Whirl: Was that not GOOD enough? ItsyBitsySpyers: //Naw, you're excused. Ya got somethin'.// Whirl: *nods; GOOD* Whirl: *He happens to think "killer moves" is VERY romantic* Airachnid: [likewise] B l u r r: / vents. / ItsyBitsySpyers: //I was testin' how good you big fraggers is at mushin' at some mech.// Whirl: I'm sure that when I do it I'll be okay. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((LMAO THE BABY)) Whirl: I've not tried yet. Whirl: ((THE BABY)) B l u r r: [[ the baby jfc ]] FakeProwl: Oh. ... I'm awful. B l u r r: ... I can be poetic at the best of times. Whirl: So you SAY, and yet I know you've landed at least TWO. Pfft. Whirl: *gestures to Soundwave* Airachnid: Mainly, mecha flirt with ME first and try to impress me. B l u r r: ... what? Whirl: Clearly--*dryly* ou're doing SOMETHING right, prowl./ Whirl: ((wow my typing is horrible. forgive me. i got into the rum)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((thiiiis backfired on me)) Whirl: ((as per usual)) Whirl: ((HAHAHA)) Whirl: ((you thought whirl would just gloat over Blurr's relationship... PLOT TWIST EVERYBODY'S ON BLAST TONIGHT)) FakeProwl: I can assure you, it's not mush. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Poetic? Yeah? Ya remember any?// ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy gives Airachnid a thumb up. THat's the way to do it.* B l u r r: ... I remember plenty. Whirl: Mushy ENOUGH Airachnid: [she appreciates the gesture Frenzy] Whirl: All you mecha are mushy in SOME way. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ravage snorts.* Whirl: Even you, Airachnid. I seen the way you look at those videos of ratchet* Airachnid: [she wants to be mad, but he has a point] Whirl: *sly look* Airachnid: What can I say? He's charming. At least the one I'm courting. B l u r r: Like when I told JT that his optics burned into me like the smelting pit, eating my polymer through and melting my wiring. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ha! Ya *do* got somethin'.// Airachnid: Well, he wooed me first. Whirl: *clicks his claws in the closest approximation of a fingr gun* Mech, allow me to wish you the best of luck. Whirl: *to Airachnid, of course* Whirl: And yeah, teach, that ain't bad. B l u r r: ... /pulls leg up. Props chin on his knee/ B l u r r: My best comes out with Optimus Prime, I suppose. B l u r r: / dims optic/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble pings the Boss an apology for getting them dragged in. Soundwave forwards it to the appropriate party.* Whirl: Optimus... was. Whirl: Interesting. *optic contracts* FakeProwl: *small nod* B l u r r: They all were interesting at some point... Whirl: *pauses; has he playfully tormented everyone in the room over their romanic relations yet? Every one he knows of, at least* Whirl: *settles in, satisfied; his work is done* B l u r r: [[ A JET SKI ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble wisely does not mention his own.* Whirl: *he knows about Frenzy's... I don't think he kniws about Rumble's. YET* FakeProwl: ... she could hsave saved the children a load of trouble by ripping off the bottom of the letter before faking her death. Whirl: *fo the record. everyone here has permission to turn the tables, if the opportunity arises* Whirl: *if whirl gets twitter[ated he'll take his medicine gracefully* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yet another incompetent elder human.]] Starscream: As in sword of damoclese Starscream: hmmm Whirl: *perks up* Whirl: *do we get to see leeches devour someone* FakeProwl: ... Why didn't she tell them she ate a banana?! They could have spared an hour. Whirl: ... Whirl: Aww!~ Whirl: They're precious! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[What lovely maws.]] Whirl: I know, right? Airachnid: How adorable. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[They remind him of the drillers.]] Whirl: Also precious. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...If drillers were wiggling flesh creatures.]] Whirl: *a very insightful little line there* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i fell into a coughing fit what did i miss)) B l u r r: ... what a romantic pair. / vents/ FakeProwl: ((they caught the attention of a ferry)) Whirl: ((r u ok dude?:<)) FakeProwl: ((their parents are overhead in a plane but missed them)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((allergies/cold)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((omg so their parents aren't dead?)) Whirl: ((*pats u*)) B l u r r: [[ their parents are alive! ]] FakeProwl: ((that was in like episode 2. the people who escaped jail, ended up coming out of a door next to a waterfall, and got in a brawl in a peruvian bar were their parents)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i missed hearing that was who they were aaaaah)) ItsyBitsySpyers: \\PUNCH HIS LIGHTS OUT\\ Whirl: Do it!\ ItsyBitsySpyers: \\STUFF A MUFFIN IN HIS MOUTH 'N SHOVE HIM IN THE WATER\\ FakeProwl: Stop ranting at him and do something before he shoves you off the boat. B l u r r: Kill him, you slagger. Whirl: Strangle him! Whirl: Bust his teeth out! Whirl: Take that match and shove it in his eye! B l u r r: ... /makes a face / Whirl: Wasted opportunity. Whirl: So... Whirl: Magnus Schmagnus. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\RULES SCHMULES.\\ Whirl: Hell yeah! ItsyBitsySpyers: \\...I LIKE IT.\\ Whirl: Frenzy. Mech. I missed you. B l u r r: Oh for pit sake. B l u r r: I had to deal with this the whole time Whirl: *snickers* FakeProwl: ... Look at that. They're absorbing educational TV. B l u r r: / doesn't sound too disappointed / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy looks horrified by Prowl's comment* Whirl: *we learned good* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\EDUCATIONAL TV, SCHMEDUCATIONAL TV.\\ Whirl: HAHA! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy giggles and holds his hands out to Blurr and Whirl for slapping* B l u r r: / slaps his hand all the same / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave just gives his helm a little shake* Airachnid: It's impossible. Whirl: *aps his claw into Frenzy's palm* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Wait. Is that true?// B l u r r: He's useless... B l u r r: [[ okay and next stream will be last 2 eps ]] Whirl: *stretches* Whirl: Thanks, Blurr. I missed some of this series, but it's pretty all right. Whirl: @Blurr: And once again... congrats, mech. Whirl: *outwardly he looks like he's nonchalantly clambering out of his hammock* @BLurr: I'm happy for ya. I mean it. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave stretches his legs and gives the avatar a quick squeeze with his free arm in case Prowl's about to flicker out.* B l u r r: / makes a face / ItsyBitsySpyers: *The minis slowly rouse themselves too - Frenzy slower than most, as worn out as he is - and slowly make their way toward his couch* B l u r r: @Whirl: :: ... It's complicated. :: FakeProwl: *takes hand and squeezes back* Whirl: @Blurr: Complicated is still SOMETHING, mech. I'm sureyou'll work it out. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Appreciative ping* Whirl: *pauses; he was forced to think about... certain things, this evening, even in jest. It put some stuff into perspective* B l u r r: @ Whirl: :: It isn't... it's different. :: Whirl: @Blurr: Hey. It's SOMETHING. Not all of us are that lucky, mech. At least you've go SOMEONE. Whirl: @Blurr: Fight for him. *affectionately* idiot. B l u r r: / just makes a face. Scrubs faceplate / B l u r r: / looks a lt more tired than before / B l u r r: *lot B l u r r: @Whirl: :: Fight who... there's no one to fight. :: Whirl: @Blurr: Not who. What. B l u r r: / confused noise. Buries helm in claws / Whirl: @Blurr: Look--I've sene you two. Out there on Earth. Lord, I can't believe I gotta be mushy on YOUR behalf--just. Don't let it go, all right? Whirl: @Blurr: some of us never had a chance. Don't waste yours. B l u r r: / more noises / B l u r r: @Whirl: :: We weren't friends on Earth... we just became friends. :: Whirl: @Blurr: And? B l u r r: @ Whirl: : That's all it was supposed to be. :: B l u r r: @ Whirl: :: I drew the line right there, in the dirt. I drew the line and said it was friends. We were friends. :: Whirl: @Blurr: Pfft. Whirl: @Blurr: Look, even I can see that's all wishful thinking. B l u r r: @ Whirl: :: It's complicated ... :: B l u r r: / drags claws down face / Whirl: @Blurr: So make it simple, stupid! God, I don;'t understand you people at all. Whirl: @Blurr: You get something, and then you have to make OBSTACLES for yourselves. So stupid.' Airachnid: [is going to sneak off now, she does wave at Whirl though before departing] Whirl: *bobs his head cordially* B l u r r: @Whirl: :: I didn't make the obstacle... it's just- nevermind. :: B l u r r: / looks worn out / Whirl: @Blurr: No. You're just being stubborn. B l u r r: / and a little spaced out / B l u r r: @Whirl: ::... Nevermind. :: B l u r r: / twitches claws/ @Whirl: :: It's nothing. We're fine. :: Whirl: *even if Blurr seems worn out, Whirl doesn't relent* @Blurr: You can nevermind me all you want, but here's the bottom line: I see what's going on. And if you wanna walk away, fine. Do it. Whirl: @Blurr: But don't you dare blame anyone but yourself, idiot. Not everyone has the chance you do; some of us never will. B l u r r: @ Whirl: :: What if the chance I take is based on something else? :: Whirl: @Blurr: Makes no god damn difference, if you ask me. B l u r r: @ Whirl: :: I know who he is. I know who Roads was. What if my faulty processor can't tell the difference? What if I don't know what I want from THIS one.:: Whirl: @Blurr: Who CARES? B l u r r: / rubbing his temples  /@Whirl: :: /I/ CARe. Whirl: @Blurr: if he's happy anf you're happy, who CARES? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Rest needed or projection at Soundwave's possible? B l u r r: / mumbling to himself. / @ Whirl: :: I don't replace people. I won't replace Roads... I can't. :: Whirl: *Whirl cycles a sigh, but that;s the only visible sign of exasperation* ... @Blurr: Okay. Full disclosure: I understand that bit. A little. Whirl: @Blurr: Getting... close to someone. And then being faced with their alternate. I get that. it's... weird. B l u r r: / scrubbing faceplate/ Whirl: @Blurr: But what's happened isn't gonna UN-happen anytime soon. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I could come over for a little bit.» B l u r r: @Whirl: :: ... I know it won't. :: Whirl: @Blurr: So just roll with what you've GOT. If things were as good as you say they were, then he'd want you to be happy, right? That's usually the way things work. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Lights glow just a tad brighter. He's pleased as pit.* Whirl: @Blurr:Nobody's asking you to replace anything. Everything' s AL;READY different. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Come. Dominoes received. Plan needed for future project. B l u r r: @ Whirl: I don't know. Whirl: @Blurr: Well, if you let it go, it's your fault, and nobody else's, Teach. B l u r r: @ Whirl: I never said that I was letting go... /drags claws down his face. VENTS loudly / Whirl: @Blurr: But regardless of whether or not HE'S here necxt week, you're gonna see MY sorry face. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Carefully extricates himself and lets the minis dock. He'll ping when it's all right to patch in.* Whirl: *he's not good at this; he's tyring but he's very very bad at this* B l u r r: ... /just gets up. twitches finials/ ...I'm tired. Whirl: get some shuteye, Teach. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Is that so. Then by all means, I ought to assist.» Whirl: @Blurr: Look. Maybe comm me in the morning? B l u r r: / waves claw a little/ ... B l u r r: @Whirl: ::... Yeah. Sounds good. :: Whirl: @Blurr: All right. I'm obviously... ot good at this but still. Whirl: *bobs his head* Seeya, losers! B l u r r: @ Whirl: No... it's okay. Thanks. FakeProwl: *sits up straighter* @Soundwave «I'll let the Constructicons know I'll be up late.» *a farewell ping, and flickers out.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Sharp nod and a ping of gratitude. Then one of farewell for Whirl and Blurr before he makes his escape* B l u r r: / lifts claw. Waves . Zoom zooms the fack out of the room / Whirl: *bobs his helm to Siundwave's retreating form* Whirl: ... Whirl: *HE'S THE LAST ONE HERE* Whirl: ...................*briefly contemplates leavin graffiti* ItsyBitsySpyers: *DO IT* B l u r r: / yes do it/ Whirl: *he COULD write "praise heqet"... but no. Whirl will just leave, alone* Whirl: *maybe next time* FakeProwl: ((follow rumble's example)) FakeProwl: ((write "ultra magnus was here")) Whirl: ((excuse u whirl has a fine tradition of writing "whirl wuz here")) Whirl: ((but................... maybe next time))
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