#im like 80% done with one of the pieces 20% done with another
killcatboys · 10 months
i need to finish 3 different art pieces and a graphic design project by tuesday everyone pray for me
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mikoriin · 4 months
hey guys! i just paid a bunch of bills and need a little help getting thru the week, so im opening up a few commission slots!
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i am doing two different styles, one like the examples shown above. and another in a more painted style. those will be below, but first lets discuss the prices of this art style;
PRICES Single Character Elegant Style - $80 USD Couple Elegant Style - $120 USD (max of two characters) (+$20 for extra detail)
I will be accepting 3 (three) slots for this style.
And now for the second style!
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PRICES Single Character Painted Piece - $150 USD (+$100 for additional character. max of two characters) (+$50 for extra detail)
i will be taking 2 (two) slots for this style
all payments are made upfront, however i always send the sketch wip before i move onto any other steps of the art, that way you as the client can decide if there's any edits you would like to make before its finished up. All payments are done through paypal or cashapp. if you are interested please DM me here on tumblr, and if you have any questions my inbox is always open! if you can't afford to support me financially, please reblog this post so it can spread.
i appreciate everyone's support of my art over the years, and i look forward to drawing for you!
Slot One [OPEN] Slot Two [OPEN] Slot Three [OPEN]
Slot One [CLOSED] Slot Two [OPEN]
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studioboner · 2 years
Hi! I actually am wondering about trying watercolors for the first time but feel a little anxious haha.. how you go about drawing on the paper with confidence? Like, watercolor paper isn’t exactly cheap. I think I got the cheapest one avaible from Canson but still the anxiety is real… do you pick very light pencils like 2B so you can sketch veryyy lightly, or before sketching on the paper itself you do a planning sketch in another paper?
Im asking this cos I really love your art and it’s so cool that it’s mostly traditional! And the way you draw Tails is too adorable and consistent while being in your style, it always feels like you have confidence when you draw him.
oh i think this is gonna be a long one
all in all?i have the same anxiety as you. but i've confidense that i can make something good sometimes, but not that i will get it right every time. So i keep trying, but heres some stuff that helped
a warning though, i keep going on and on in this reply and can get pretty negative at times
my watercolor paper i use costs 2 dollars and has 20 sheets so that's 10 cents per sheet. which i feel helps with my anxiety... it's the canson multimedia block too, 140 msg .....
watercolor sketchbooks i'd find online were around 80 or more BRL, and then 20 BRL shipping.... that's 20 USD in total...
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but a block of this plus getting it binded costs me 4 USD.....so i think that one [price] helps alot lol.....
as for the confidence.....
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i've had enough time to do quite a bit of trad art, specifically ink and watercolors so im USED to the material and now quite as scared to "mess up" as when i first started it.... [hint, i still am] this is one example of a sketch page, they vary in size, and how "done" they are... i dont really worry too much about maintaining a rule of "everything in this sketchbook must be fully rendered " bc it ended up stunting my creativity
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i did try the "sketch it onto a sketchbook and then pass it to watercolor paper" approach and tbh...? not really my thing... i've found that to me the first sketch always end up being looser than when i pass it on... i'm always more focused on getting the flow, composition and pose there than i am getting the right details or right lines or colors etc....
like this one, im more happy with the sketch, it's mroe dynamic, mroe fun
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i DO sketch stuff on cheaper paper first when it's for trad art commissions though, just bc there i HAVE to make sure the client is getting what they asked
and i do use 2b pencils AND a "soft lead" mechanical pencil, btu tbh it's mroe bc of the feeling of it on paper than for the look of it...
here for example you can see the circle i used to have a basis on where tails would be.. i didnt erase it as i continued painting bc tbh it was just the sketch. i ended up liking it tho
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i actually got quite MAD and angry at myself recently bc i noticed how much my sketches were looser in the sketchbooks when i did try the passing onto watercolors thing and i had a full on discussion with a fellow artist about daring myself to be bolder in the future, it has been working well
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I sadly have to say though, that figuring out how to build confidense is more of a personal journey, and i cant claim that what worked for me [trusting my first sketch] would work for you.....
It's time, practice, trial and error....
OH, one thing though that DID help me. is:
-There's no art wasted, even if it doesnt turn out how you wanted it, you still learned something.
-Makins these personal art/fanarts isn't some school paper you have to hand it to be graded and then not get it back. You can re-do a piece as many times as you want until you get it right! I have quite a queue of pieces i plan on re-doing in the future bc i didnt like the first ones i did. im not perfect on confidence and i get scared of fully committing to drawings alot, many of them are pale not for choice bc bc i got scared of making my art too saturated and overworking it
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i am about to get negative now so stop reading if you dont want to see that.
HERE NOW i's a alot of pieces i made that im unsatisfied with and plan on re-doing one day: too dull, simply way too watered
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which led me to make THIS piece and do better colors
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i hATE the way i did the lineart here. it's boring, the anatomies are wonky. it's a good concept but i didnt excecuted it as well as i wanted. but this piece has made me just go and try inking MORE so i could make up for it
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which lead to this piece here eventually
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This one here.... the colors look so muddy it just makes me SAD, bc i had been so scared to use high saturation that i went with the muddier colors by choice, if i had allowed myself to experiment i wonder how happier i'd be about it
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which led me to make THIS piece with softer in value and more saturated colors
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The colors and blending of this one are too soft and not bold enough for what i had envisioned it, i made it as fanart of a friends fic and it made me feel like i failed my friend and insulted her fic when i finished this. I dont think the piece looks bAD, mind you. i know it looks cute. and good even. But i had such high hopes for it.
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which led me to make this one
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THIS ONE OH MY GOD HOW I HATE IT. sonics expression is SO creepy hes like a horror movie weirdo , honestly not my best work when it comes to anatomy
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so i've been doodlin sonic now and then as practice so that i could make this one eventually
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The perspective on knuckles could be better and the characters look out of place on this scene, the background is ok
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but in this piece here i was able to get a better harmony between colors, background and whatever sparse linework i threw in
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Theres so many more haha but i'll stop for now....
Dont get me wrong i dont ACTUALLY think those pieces are HORRIBLE horrible,,,, i see the flaws in them yes, but theres always something i like too, and i know people like them, and that people wont throw away a whole piece over one small detail that in the end doesnt even affect the overall thing....
i've just been getting into the headspace of "ok. at least this one is done, onto the next"
plus the whole thing i told you of realising my first sketches are looser....
sorry im not too good at talking about this and my points arent very clear, i dont think this is going to be quite the help you expected it to be because the truth is that the struggle with your art is soemthign that doesnt go away no matter what skill you have...
at times to me it feels more like a mentality practice than skill, reasurring myself that it's ok to get it wrong and try again, etc etc....
i used to go to therapy and one of the things we talked about was my perfectionism, how i used to be so scared to mess up a piece. that i wouldnt even start, and wouldnt draw for months. this has been going for years now and hey i've gotten better.
but..... yeah im in the same boat as you.... except mine is no longer just about the paper quality!
Sorry this got so personal now, i hope that this hasnt killed your hopes on getting better at the anxiety. it does get way better haha... trying to force your brain to not judge yourself so harshly is half the battle in my opinion, the practice of drawing is the other half....
good luck i hope you have fun painting, i know i do, i love the process even when i dont like the result, good night and thank you for the question
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tom-is-online · 14 days
Tomathy, how many layers on average do u end up using for a fully rendered piece I’m so curious
Hello Boxlyn my freind,
Great question, the answer is it depends on how efficient I'm being with getting rid of layers but on average:
for the redraw akito drawing i did recently I had about 80 something layers including both the character and the bg
i think for just a character if im doing like HARD on shading then i think the total would be about 25-35sh (also colours im using can change this, kinda depends on what im going for)
backgrounds are kinda hard to estimate cuz i don't draw em digitally THAT often but for the akito one i had about 20 or so layers and that was kinda a simple one for me to be doing
id say if i have a foreground id have like. 13? and then add another 15 for mid and background, cuz when i draw them i tend to separate them all into different folders for ease of reading and then add buffer layers to differentiate them so adding like shadows and that
a character - 30 layers a bg - ~40-50? both together - ~80
but keeping in mind that is for like a SUPER detailed thing like the redraw stuff I've done which i put my whole everything into lmao
TLTLDR: im insane. too many
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leviathiane · 3 years
*crawls out of dumpster* that's a nice blankie :)
HI SCRIBS ❤️❤️❤️ Excellent opportunity forr me to absolutely dump about my adventures in blanket-making thank you 
Friend Blankie (For Friend Casey) is my... 5th blanket i’ve made so far? And definitely my most complicated. I started it around 12/21/21, and finished her 2/20/22
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This is her in her fully realized prime... but do not be fooled. She was a treacherous two months of MATH. and learning a new pattern. and breaking my back sewing all 60+ pieces of her. and almost 200 dollars (brought down to just 80$ with many coupons and tears) of money. Yarn is not cheap and blankets are large. this lad comes off about 6 feet long and 5 feet wide...? I didn’t do a final measurement like a fool and while I haven’t given her to Friend yet, Im not removing her from her carefully nested box. 
Some progress photos:
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^^Blankie in final rimming stages, db inner connected fully, lb outer still in progress (I fucked up the math SEVERAL times due to a late-stage idea to overlay the edges instead of meeting them perfectly, as this stitch causes a ~~ pattern on the edges that would make edge-to-edge stitching look messy and unkempt, and so had to make MORE pieces and buy ANOTHER ball of yarn––) (we wont be talking about the corners. I gave up configuring a triangular piece, because its impossible to accurately decrease and increase stitching with the seafoam stitch pattern and still keep everything in line and uniform. I shed tears over this)
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^^Blankie With just db inner edging! I was very proud how she was turning out at this point, it was so much work. Im not going to mention the corners. 
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^^ blankie centerpiece before she was fully sewed up! It’s 26 pieces, all made individually (4 by 5 inch smalls, and like a 10 by 10 larges?) and done using the tiny heart stitch 
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^^Here she is when I was still in the process of making every individual piece. I had. No where to put her. She took up half the floor of my room for a month. I had to carefully jump to get from my bed to my desk. If you are someone who has both insomnias and gets a lot of nosebleeds (or otherwise susceptible to very staining materials) do not do this. I had many close calls of stumbling out of bed and getting blood Everywhere trying desperately not to bleed on Friend Blankie. 
Under Read More will be my dimensions notes for making the pieces! (likely won’t be legible, even if it isn’t handwritten)
centerpiece 28 by 19 inches
20 in round up — make 5 cubes, 4 by 4, short side, 7 blocks for both long sides. 24 blocks total, 8 of each color.  —> 26 not 24..
8 blocks, 4 by 5 (or 6?).
7 peg
4 5’5 for the corners - 9 peg
Whole: 27 by 39 in
outer dark short side — 29 peg
-Cast on regular (e-wrap)
-purl back
-u-wrap forward
-purl back
-4 knit. u-wrap then 2 wrap. u-knit then 3 wrap. u-knit then 4 wrap,. u-knit then 3 wrap. u-knit then 2 wrap. 5 knits. repeat: 4-5-3-5-3-5-4.
-purl back
-u-wrap forward
-purl back
-reverse wave pattern; start with drop stitches: 4-4-5-3-5-4-4. start with a 3 wrapped drop
-purl back
-u wrap forward
-purl back
-repeat 4-5-3-5-3-5-4
8 inches width,
2 pieces, 47 in total.
outer dark long side - 35 peg
8 in — 5 rows
3 per long side. 6 total.
52 inches, 27 in halves, 35 peg
Outer light blue short side;; do a slanted decrease for one end of the two pieces, so that it can fit against the long side blue?
42 inches short side, 4 5’5s for the corners light blue.
3  sections per short, 4-4-5-3-5-4-4, then 4-5-3-5-3-5-4
17, 3-4-3-4-3, 6 repetitions instead of 5.
IDEA: since the ends of the wave pieces are rippled, dont connect them at the ends, but overlap the darker part an inch or so over the light wave and sew it together overtop, layering the wave pieces.
8 by 8, reduce and increase it.
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gooeykit · 3 years
There's a lot I don't like about how Bat & Lin aged and matured. I'm working on rewatching season 1 so that I can finish season 2 so I don't know all there is to know abt what goes on with them, and that is not an invitation to tell me, but even with my limited knowledge I'm both upset with was and wasn't done with them.
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Long ramble ahead and some spoilers if you care
Bat is easily one of my most beloved characters from maybe any piece of media, so it's only natural that I've put some amount of thought in him over others. First and foremost, he's a mechanic and general handyman, he built his own dunebuggy and has been shown with tools of his own machinations as well. Of my browsing of fotns2, this is basically entirely ignored, hell it isnt till later iterations of his adult design that he has his iconic goggles again. I wont get into the convenience of finding viable clothing or even fabric in the midst of the nuclear fallout due to it being fiction as well as there being instances of thriving agriculture enough to make new thread and fabric, but it also generally isn't a fitting design for him. It's all to regal and fails to bring up notable parts of his character. Not that what was formerly part of his character is still there which is another complaint of mine, none of what I'd seen of him had been ... him. From someone who used to be rude, playful, scheming, demanding, blunt, charismatic and constantly in favor of easier choices, turning into some mild mannered, pseudo-stoic faux pas adult is just strange and it isn't really him. Again, I dont even think they utilize his past as a mechanic and handyman even for the most offhanded things.
Lin starts off as already being an underutilized character but she has her moments and exists in prominent scenes within the original story and there is stuff to build off of with what she had but again, there is a total disregard for that. I do think that she had potential to even be the strong and silent type of character more akin to Ken albeit much more outspoken in words rather than actions, I understand that it was the 80's and 90's and that it was largely unpopular to have women be more than the man's lucky token and fotns, especially 2, doesnt meet any gold standard, but come on man 😭 she gets a long lost twin who is a princess, abducted acrossed the sea and given amnesia, probably more im forgetting or am yet to see but wtf. With her design, I do have my gripes about convenience and also that it's stupid. Why is her armor pink and purple, whats with her gay ascot, I could go on.
My biggest issues are how they're handled together as adults, like mainly with the romance because first and foremost, they are siblings even if they are adoptive. Secondly, as kids its very easy to notice they have a big age gap, Lin could be anywhere from 6-8 and Bat could be 13-15 which at the minimum leaves a 5 year age gap and at most 9. In fotns2, Lin could be in her early 20s while Bat is either almost or already in his 30s.
I'm still largely getting into fotns what with only having watched the 80s anime, so I'm unsure if anything was ever retconned at all and if Bat and Lin's love plot was even in the manga, but my god..
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Chapter 133 Results
The chapter poll closed with 1456 responses. This month’s poll results brought to you by /u/berthototototo ,u/staraves, u/_Puppet_, @shifter-lines​ and @momtaku​
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,365 responses
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Nearly 80% of the fandom rated chapter 133 as good or great. In comparison with most SnK chapters, that’s on the low side. Since this was yet another set up chapter it’s possible that the fandom is waiting to see what payoff there will be before they throw their full support behind the developments introduced this month.
lmao good chapter but wtf
It's the best paced chapter since the rumbling began.
All I can say is I can't wait for the next chapter.
Great start to the end
There were a lot of contrived moments here on the first read but I'm hopeful things will play out in an unexpected way.
One of the better recent chapters, felt well paced and most of the dialogue and events seemed logical and fitting. Nice to see one more location added to the AOT world before the end.
I’ve been doing polls for almost 30 chapters now, this is the first where I have no chapter rating, I need to see how all this plays out before I decide if I love it or hate it.
All of this self-reflection is annoying. Though that feeling is just more because of the fact that waiting a whole month for another ‘these hands have killed’ chapter is not exciting when we are so close do the end and I just want to see the ending already.
Average as fuck, the intention is good but the execution is not it, and the dialogues feel very forced and repetitive.
Not good at connecting the narrative plot points 'cause there's...hundreds of them at this point but I'm here for the character interactions and to see just what the hell that "See you, Eren" from the beginning actually meant
Good but I worry about the pacing, some of this should have came earlier, will wait to see what comes from it.
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Looks like a lot of people were glad to see that this conflict will not be resolved with a little heart-to-heart (34.9%). People also loved seeing child Eren being spooky with his new pal Ymir (18.8%). 11% liked seeing Eren’s friends reach out to him – or at least try.  9.4% liked Levi, because Levi. Connie, Jean, and Reiner sharing a moment of understanding warmed 8.6% of your hearts. 5.6% were happy to see Falco and Gabi brainstorming, and seeing Mr. Leonhart being a badass was the favorite moment for 3.6%.
I don’t know how it didn’t come up in this survey that Levi called Armin COMMANDER. That was my favorite moment by far. I also enjoyed the confirmation of Levi still caring about Eren. He always uses Zeke as a scapegoat. I somewhat feel bad for monke.
Isayama yeeting the Talk no Jutsu trope was my favorite moment!
It was tough for me to decide a favorite moment from this chapter because every scene in this one was awesome. That's how fantastic of a chapter it was! I guess the only issue for me is the possibility of the Flying Titan actually becoming a reality when it felt too good to be true, but looking back, I think there was some foreshadowing to this becoming a reality.
God bless Isayama for the flying titan reveal
Favourite part was child Eren and Ymir standing in the paths.
Kiyomi being willing to die and sink with the ship actually hit me harder than I expected
Levi being the smollest husband is my favorite.
The gang forgiving RBA makes my heart weep with both melancholy and joy
  WHO WAS THIS CHAPTER’S MVP 1,363 responses
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Kiyomi and Eren are similar shades of green in this chart but I assure you it was Eren’s ranting about freedom (39.8%) and not Kiyomi’s talk of sacrifice and atonement (1%) that granted Eren this month’s MVP. Armin (18.9%), Mr. Leonhardt (9.5%), Falco (6.2%) and Levi (5.7%) are the other visible pieces of the pie.
Falco is a good boy
Proud of armin for not backing out from commander role🤩
I love every time Eren shows up nowadays, other characters are getting a little worrying tho, Its starting to seem like alot of them have outlived their usefulness to the story and are just repeating stuff until their deaths.
Reiner handsome. That is all.
eren is just a cool badass
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Because Isayama has made clear that details as small as which direction Grisha is looking while leaving the house can’t go unquestioned in this manga, we asked about the fuel tank which is at half-capacity thanks to Floch, and whether or not it will present problems for those on board. A strong plurality, at 44.2% of you, think that they’ll run out of fuel, but it won’t be a massive hindrance. In second place, with almost exactly half of the votes as the first answer, 22.2% of you think Onyankopon will use the plan in some sort of suicidal attack, and just under 20% think the fuel tank will be a major roadblock in some other way. Lastly, ~14% of voters said they’ll make it just fine despite the damage. I admire your optimism.
I hope in vain that Onyankopon doesn't die. He won't even get to go to PATHS if he does.
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Multiple select charts aren’t the prettiest but we like to think they do a good job of showcasing what the fandom thinks on a topic. While none of the options this month reached any sort of consensus, they do provide a snapshot of what we want and expect from Eren.  
Of the items offered, only “I’m glad Eren was firm and there will likely be no Talk no Jutsu” reached 50%. The other more popular choice were “I’m surprised Eren reached out to them instead of the other way around” (41%), “THAT PATHS STUFF IS STILL SO COOL” (38.8%) and “I’m glad so many were able to talk to him and it wasn’t just EMA” (33%).
The more negative options, ‘Eren was unnecessarily cruel, his friends deserve better”(13.8%), “I’m mad that Eren is letting them fight him. It’s like he wants to lose” (10.6% ) and “I don’t like Eren dismissing the possibility of talking” (8.1%) received only a fraction of support.
it looks like Eren is committed to HIS path, which backs his friends into a really tough corner. I can't say I'm surprised; we've seen it coming since they got to the ocean, we just didn't want to believe it.
Paths do be lit tho
I really wish Eren would stop the rumbling. He had done more than enough.
Eren's speech, didn't feel like him talking. It was way too typical, he used his catchphrases way too many times. This could be done on purpose for an in-story actual reason, but if it wasn't, i'm not a fan of it. The alliance talking about the colossal being able to defeat eren, makes me think armin won't be able to. I think Armin and Reiner still don't understand Eren's intentions, i fully think he does not want to be stopped. Eren is going to try to kill all of them.
I love Eren dialogues. I just loved the chapter and paths scene so much. Quality character development!!
Feel sad about Erens "catch me if you can" - I wish that the alliance will work together with Eren ....
Thank god for no talk no jutsu
he's been allowing them to use their titan powers, even against the Yeagerists who were supposed to defend their country. That means Eren doesn't dise with his friends, but doesn't side with his own supporters. Yeah, Eren's a dick.
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The attempts at talking to Eren were almost a character rorschach test as each individual brought up what was closest to their hearts in an effort to stop the rumbling. While none of their pleas impacted Eren, we were curious which one the fandom enjoyed most. Levi’s promise of an ass kicking (32.5%) was the favorite, distantly followed by Mikasa’s more impassioned “Let us share your burdens” (24.9%).
Levi beeing sassy again - awsome
Mikasa saying she wants Eren to share his sins with her may be a hint for what's to come. I think she won't be able to let go of Eren and turn against the alliance to protect him.
Levi is hilarious
Honestly, the alliance have been so clueless that even Eren himself had to spare a moment for them, explicitly telling them that talking is never an option with Eren ‘I must always fight’ Yeager.
Look man, I'm an Eremika shipper and all but I really wish Mikasa didn't go on her usual "I'm here for you Eren" spiel in paths. It felt a little forced, and this would've been a good arc to have some more upfront and major changes as to how Mikasa sees Eren, but to get that usual "100% devotion" Mikasa that we've seen all series after we got signs that she's changed how she sees Eren was kind of disappointing.
I knew that the alliance talking to Eren won't work
Everyone is all sad while trying to convince Eren to stop the rumbling, and there's Levi cracking up jokes 😂 
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It seems to be another month of Isayama dangling Eren’s motivations in front of us, though this time we got some substance in the form of some surprising words to the alliance. The most popular interpretation is the straightforward one (30.1%), that it’s as Eren says and he is genuine in not wanting to step on his friends’ freedom. Up next is people who support Reiner’s hypothesis of Eren wanting somebody to stop him (21.2%), with decreasingly popular choices being Eren wants to be killed only after the rumbling is complete (15.5%), he’s just continuing his daily “freedom” spiel (12.4%), and he’s confident in the alliance’s inability to stop him (11.6%). Many opted for the write in option to share their original theories (5.6%).
Seemed like a cry for help to me.
Im convinced that he wants to be stopped, he just doesn’t realize it yet.
Inconsistent character writing lol
Eren loves his friends, so much that he is unleashing the Rumbling, but he only cares about them on a physical level. He wants them to stay alive, no matter how they are mentally.
Eren is in the darkest part of his mind and wants to die. However, his obession with freedom is strong, so he keeps moving foward and won't allow his friends to just kill him without fight.
He wants the alliance to challenge fate, as he thinks the destruction of the world is inevitable
I believe that Eren does want to win but doesn’t want to live with the guilt, but I just felt this moment was too forced, and honestly a little bit cringe, just didn’t feel like something Eren would say
It wasn't Eren talking
No idea, not even sure it's really Eren talking
There are only a few possibilities that make sense: Reiner is right and he wants them to kill him, Ymir is controlling the PATHS and trying to imitate Eren but doesn't quite understand that his concept of freedom is hypocritical, OR Eren only sees restriction of freedom enforced through PATHS as being truly taking away their freedom, like he thinks it's alright to manipulate, gaslight, beat and imprison his friends using his own voice and hands, but using the Founder is somehow too far.
it’s all a part of his plan even tho the fandom hates it. Just wait for it guys ;)
Eren wants the world to see that the Eldians they hate are saving them from the rumbling
If allaiance kills eren then the world will respect eldians more
Zero Requiem
I don't like the Lelouch scenario, it is contrary to what Eren's character really is. I believe there is more to this because why say it now, when he could have said it before ? There has been many holes with what he's doing.
Lelouch ending
It means he values freedom over safety... which makes him look like a hypocrite because a lot of times he had no problem taking their freedom from them lol
hes hypcritical asf, getting to decide who can be free or not when he that literally was bothered by that himself. I think it was very selfish
Eren has become crazy had this point and his reasoning doesn't make sense, he's trying to dodge reality
Eren is just trying to define, create, and justify his own version of “freedom” because he can’t let go of his childish way of looking at the world. Letting his friends have their “freedom” almost feels like a cheap necessity he had to toss into his homemade definition of freedom.
Eren is a fucking narcissist, a hypocrite.
Eren is dumb
Eren is just doing what he has to do.
Eren's cool as fuck
He's literally giving them the choice to do what they want. The freedom of will. It's up to them to decide if they want to stop him by force or not. At the end of the day, Eren is already firmly set on doing what's necessary for Paradis.
If they want to die trying to stop the rumbling, they are free to do so. But, he wants them to know that negotiating is useless
Reiner is wrong, Eren doesn't want to be stopped because the Cringevengers are trying to take away his freedom to destroy his enemies
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Child Eren appears again in this chapter, but now resembling Ymir even more. About half of the fandom thinks that the shaded out eyes is a sign of loss of free will. The other popular option, at 42.1% is that they’re depicted at the age they first got their titan powers. The idea that their eyes symbolize ignorance and that their child form symbolizes immaturity each got about 16%, and 10.5% of fans think Yams drew it this way just to look cool.
Alliance POV. They cannot understand Eren/Ymir, therefore their eyes (=windows to the soul) are obscured. Note that Ymir's eyes gradually got clearer from Eren's POV as he humanized her.
Carla died when Eren was still a child. He never healed from this traumatic experience, his child-self is still strongly suffering, that why he appeared as a child. I believe that the child next to Ymir is the darkest part of Eren's soul.
child self image is reflective of eren entering a state of naivety so as to bear the pain and gravity of the rumbling which he has caused  
I think it symbolizes a kinda immature concept of freedom
"Slaves don't need two eye balls". Eren is a slave to freedom.
shaded eyes represent being blinded by their desire for freedom & child-like state represents their innocence even if deemed to be something more
The are the ages of their greatest trauma
Adult Eren couldn't live with the guilt so he's letting child Eren carry the weight.
Both of them are doing everything for the sake of others, at the moment they aren't even thinking about themselves. EREN wants the people he loves and cares about to live a happy life and for that he is ready to sacrifice himself.
Bert had shaded eyes when talking to Armin too. I think it means the character is going to do questionable actions but in a mysterious manner. If that makes sense…
Bertold had the same shaded eyes when he was acting as the villain in rts. Same for Eren/Ymir here. Like Bertold, he is willing to kill his friends
Eren could have split his psyche similar to Reiner did with Marco. He is so distraught from his actions that he is using his child self's willpower to continue moving forward.
What about that parasite thing that attached to Ymir in the tree? What if that's the big bad of the series, and has taken over Eren?
The eyes are closed because they are tapped into the Yggdrasil network and are looking at what is happening in the real world through an inner eye.
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Ymir and Eren standing side by side was quite the sight to behold, but what does it mean? The large majority at 55.9% believe it indicates that they’re on the same side wanting the rumbling. 19.2% believe Eren to be a pawn to her now, 15.6% think it’s the other way around, and 9.3% think she’s on his side but is having doubts about her allegiance.
Corrupted by the Eren’s idea of freedom (Ymir’s freedom was taken from her); Child Eren is a prisoner of Adult Eren’s future actions.
Eren is taking Ymir's place as the lord of the Paths. Like Ymir, after he dies, he will live on in the Paths.
I low key think Eren is kinda being controlled by Ymir/ conflicting with her
Eren is now like Ymir, enslaved in Paths to something bigger
Ymir started controlling Eren when he was a child
Ymir and Eren are tied together now. One is definitely being influenced by the inner emotions of the other (possibly Ymir's years of resentment for her life since we saw Eren "sleeping" at the end of one of the previous chapters with the birds)
Eren as a child symbolises regression, immaturity and narrow-mindedness. Eren refuses to be an adult (aka making compromises, listening to others…) and enslaves himself to the simplistic ideology he had as a child. Ymir was a literal slave who never managed to emancipate herself despite her power. I think the parallel between the two is to make Eren's state of mind more explicit than it already was in 131.
EY is cute and canon
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Eren’s willingness to kill his own friends has been a topic of debate ever since the two sides separated, and this chapter pushed that question further. People seem to think Eren would hesitate the most with Mikasa and Armin, and hesitate the least with Pieck and Reiner, with the others falling into various middle positions, as the chart shows. The requisite to avoid Eren’s hit list seems to unsurprisingly be a pre-existing bond with him, with some leeway being given to children. Except for Gabi, it seems, but we all know how Eren fondly refers to her as “that brat”.
Eren has accepted that he will kill his friends, and wants to get it over with
Eren explicitly said "If someone tries to take my freedom, I won't hesitate to take theirs". That was in private to Zeke, so I don't doubt for a minute he will kill anyone in the Cringevengers he needs to in order to achieve it.
He is willing to kill them and I can't wait when some of the 104th will die already
Eren kill Armin already please
If Falco dies, I cries.
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The time to make your bets is here! As the long-awaited battle between the alliance and Eren approaches, the audience is almost evenly divided on what they think the outcome will be. If this poll counts for anything, the alliance are projected as the victors (50.6%), narrowly edging out (by only 15 votes) the believers in Eren as the winner (49.4%). Whether you attribute the neck-and-neck result to the unpredictability of the setup, or simply too many clearly incorrect people from the opposing side to yours, is up to you.
The alliance will win GG WP
The alliance have 1 skilled warrior , 2 skilled former SC soldiers , 5 Titan shifters and 2 Ackermans but I still thinking that they can't defeat Eren or Ymir .
th Eldian empire will win in the end and the outside world will get what it deserves...I hope
Eren naturally shouldn’t be able to be stopped. He’s way too powerful.
I appreciate the fact that Commander Armin definitely has no tangible plan and it was the SC part manifesting their death throes for a peaceful end. Still I can't help but cringe and not feel anything at their attempt.
don’t think it’s a win/lose situation between eren and alliance, both with win and lose in some way and there will be some 3rd option
I can't wait to see the alliance-Eren fight. I just can't wait
Isayama's writing with his asshole. Whoever side gets to win, we lose.
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We’ve seen Isayama make mistakes that the fandom took too far before, is this the case again? In an incredibly close vote, 51.5% think it is just a mistake, while the other half at 48.5% are convinced Isayama slipped in this plot development.
I've been saying this for years but Levi getting his fingers back from the Paths was definitely intentional and I'm sure the relationship between Ackermans and the Paths are going to be a major plot point. And after 132 I'm wondering if the 'afterlife' aspect will prove important too.
Is it just me or has Annie been going through a growth spurt lately? Either that or Isayama's artwork is getting sloppy. Not to even mention Levi's fingers…
This was quite a chapter. So many things that could happen especially with the flying titan. And then levi possibly having his fingers back. Then learning annie’s titan power. I heard aot will have a bad ending but i hope the the alliance will win.
Levi is being healed by the coordenate. Ackerman's blood is "half titan" so he must have recovered because of that just like titans do.
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Can Armin live up to Erwin? While he’s asking himself that, the fandom has decided that in the drawing department he has not. Erwin’s (in?)famous turkey titan drawing ate up 61.2% of the votes compared to Armin’s drawing from this chapter at 38.8%.
none of this would have happened if my goat erwin was still alive
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The bets are on Mikasa being the one to stop Eren and/or inherit his burdens at 30.2%. Her words to Eren this chapter could definitely be foreboding in hindsight. Armin, leader of the uphill battle against Eren, is the runner-up at 26.5%. 18.6% think the answer is no one – presumably because Eren will either wipe ‘em all out, or be the one to decide his own fate. 13.5% think Reiner will be the one, he is the same as Eren after all. But everyone is the same nowadays, so who knows?
We then have Gabi (4.3%), Falco (2%), and Zeke, Jean, and Levi tied (1.5%). Annie follows with a tiny fraction (0.4%), and Pieck, the ultimate underdog, has the fewest votes at 2, or 0.1%.
...Hang on, aren’t we missing someone? Yes – even below Pieck, there is the underdog of underdogs: literally nobody thinks Connie will be the one to end it all. Will he ever be considered a real main character? :’(
I'm leaning towards Mikasa.
It feels like there was a lot of foreshadowing for Reiner to go head-to-head with Eren one final time.
Can't wait for Gabi to eat Eren.
  WILL LEVI KILL ZEKE? 1,322 responses
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It’s been over 4 years both in and out of world since Levi vowed to kill Zeke. Will he end up doing it after all this time? The majority of fans think he will, at 54.8%. 18.5% think he’ll die before completing his goal, and 14.2% think he’ll reassess the situation and his goal of killing Zeke.
Both will die fighting each other
He may kill him and realise it was pointless, both as revenge and to stop the rumbling. Or possibly he'll be prevented from using violence as a solution this time. No forgiveness though.
He will defeat him but die just after killing him
He will fulfill his promise to Erwin but he'll die soon after
I do think he will but I don't think it's about Erwin's promise anymore
He will prioritize stopping Eren over killing Zeke
Please don't kill monke. Let him redeem himself first. Monke to save the world!
He won't necessarily forgive Zeke, but he will take pity on his sad state of affairs, but more importantly realise stopping the rumbling is more important than his petty revenge.
I predict Levi will kill Zeke, but it will be some kind of suicidal attack that will get him killed in the process.
Zeke will die but not by Levi's hand
He'll be forced to team up with him to save the world. But won't forgive him.
Nah, characters never get what they want, plus I don't see a real fight between them, that would be repetitive and too predictable and Zeke is probably too distressed/depressed over what happened in paths. And that would be really boring if Levi killed him tbh.
No, Because Zeke is already dead
I can’t believe the Beast Titan could be any animal they wanted, including a T-Rex, and that boring jackass picked a monkey. As if he wasn’t enough of a loser.
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Levi suggests to the alliance that instead of ending Eren’s life to stop the rumbling, they could opt to kill the man previously called the key to the Founder, Zeke. Only 4.2% of people agree that this would help in stopping the rumbling, with the most popular response at 41.8% being it would fail due to Eren having full control of the Founder. The belief that Zeke’s death would have alternatively disastrous consequences is also popular, with 27.8% thinking Ymir’s presence would allow the titans’ advancement to continue, and 26.2% expecting the lack of command over the titans would render them mindless, but still functioning.
killing zeke probably won’t solve anything since the rumbling has already started, it might make a difference since eren isn’t royal but i think it’s just too late, and I really don’t want zeke to get killed
They'll find either that Zeke is already dead and was only needed alive for a moment to begin the rumbling, or that his continued existence is still necessary for defeating Eren somehow.
Everyone's talking about "stop Eren using Zeke," and here I am remembering "Zeke, stop Eren."
How is killing Zeke going to solve what Eren is doing? The poor guy just wanted to achieve his dream of eliminating all pp’s and instead he has to bear the burden of the destruction of the whole world.
Killing Zeke instead of Eren would be an emotional cop out for the Alliance. I hope that won't become the case, because that would make the ending of this manga super dissatisfying.
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In such dire times, wholesome moments really are appreciated. 43.5% loves seeing Annie recall her 104th days the most, while 28.3% appreciated Connie accepting comfort from Reiner. The rest of you were split pretty closely between Gabi and Falco being adorbs together and Armin emulating Hange in his interactions with Onyankopon.
Annie's flashbacks of the Warriors I rly liked, Reiner smugly looking at Bertholdt was rly heartwarming...
It is very heart-warming how close the surviving members of the 104th still feel to each other after all said and done, including Eren.
the 104 got some understanding /closure for previous actions, so that's nice
Gabi and falco should have listened to Annie when she told them to take care of the charcoal, instead of ruining the chapter, and spewing some nonsense
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Isayama sure is hammering home certain themes and character motivations; is it too much?  29.1% are tired of hearing everyone scream EREH, which is most often attributed to Mikasa, but it branched out this chapter to all his friends. 22.3% got bored of everyone being the same as each other; because when everyone’s the same, no one is. 19.5% are tired of every other word out of Eren’s mouth being freedom, 16.4% want Levi to get an original thought, and 12.7% want Eren to shut up about his other catchphrase and just stay put for one second.
Muh ereh
"The dialogue between Jean, Reiner, and Connie couldn’t have been worse. It felt like a bunch of stock phrases, “we’re the same”, “traitor”, etc.
Can't remember who said this and where but Eren does love his friends, it's just that he only cares about their physical well-being. ""You are free to do as I see fit.""
Ereh: Reiner, I am the same as you. I know that my enemies are the same but I have no choice because Society™
Rainah: No, you are wrong. I had a choice, but I attacked the walls because I was selfish and because I wanted to.
Ereh: Damn bro, same. Time to commit war crimes!
Man, each time I feel like the 104 can't be more annoying... I can't stand their whining about ereh, how they don't wan't to kill him and that ereh is just misguided, let's talk, please come back uwu.
The forced ""We're the same"" bullshit is really getting on my nerves. Reiner broke a wall with the goal of committing a genocide against innocent civilians. Jean and Connie killed a few soldiers with the goal of STOPPING a genocide against innocent civilians. No, these actions are not the same, and I'm sick of Isayama trying to make us think that they are. Now, I can forgive it because it seems like he's just going for a "Jean, Connie and Reiner all murdered former comrades and are racked with guilt because of it" comparison, which I'm fine with, but we're on thin ice here with the moral reductionism.
"We're the same". I'm sorry, are they suggesting the 104th and Warriors are ANYTHING alike? the 104th are victims of circumstance who were forced to make terrible choices. The Warriors willingly slaughtered hundreds of thousands. The Warriors are horrendous monsters beyond redemption, and it's insulting of Connie to say they're the same as those inhuman creatures.
even tho I liked that Connie and Jean acknowledge their similarities with the Warriors, they are still not the same, the Warriors were brainwashed coerced children when they started their crimes, the 104th were adults in high positions when they killed innocents and they enabled Eren to do the Rumbling by ignoring the signs, while RBA almost from the start fought to prevent the Rumbling.
The chapter's named Sinners, Isayama called feeding a person to a titan a sin right as chapter 84 came out, and EAMJC killing Bert still hasn't been addressed under these circumstances? They're saying they are the same as the warriors which isn't true in any capacity and I hope they fall on their ass soon to realise they are not at all the same.
Eren saying freedom all the time has been cringe since the EMA table confrontation.
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The most popular two options, at roughly a third each, are that Falco will come in clutch at the final battle, and that he’ll save them when the plane starts to falter.
Carrying the Eldian evacuees to safety but remember there are also Marleyans there. A titan saving Marleyans, by its own will, will all help for the final peace treaties  
Either taking Annie, Gabi, Yelena, and Kiyomi off the boat and picking up the Alliance in case the Flying Boat runs out of fuel at any point, or carrying the Eldians from Liberio to safety in case there are no airships left at Fort Salta to escort them.
What's the point of Annie going off if she's just going to join back a chapter later after more aruani flashbacks?
Eren is baiting him with that "scenery" because he needs to have the 9 titans to end the Ymir's curse
Fly gabi to the founding Titan to snipe eren
I get a feeling that he is the one who may inherit Eren's titans. What would be the point of giving him the titan powers, if he doesn't have any bigger role to play? Falco is somehow opposite to Eren, so if the power of the FT and AT are given to such pure boy like him, the future of the world might become brighter.
I thought the dialogue hinted more at Annie eating Falco's spinal fluid and gaining wings. Also I think it will be funny if Falco's memories are not from the previous Beast Titan but is actually the "Scenery" (it looks suspiciously similar)
Transporting Annie, Gabi and Falco where needed for the plot.
I wonder if Annie mentioning eating birds meant anything, or if it was just another poor attempt at humour by Isayama?
He'll transform thinking he can fly, find out he can't, the ship will sink and that's how Isayama will kill the characters on the ship
He'll fly far away on a different planet and start a new colony. Oh wait there is atmosphere. Whatever paths will lend him some cheat codes :P
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So many revelations! The most controversial ones are Falco potentially becoming a flying titan, him getting Zeke’s memories, and the Female Titan powers; though more people are ok with each of these than not. Eren letting his friends continue to use titan powers, and the Beast Titan being multiple animals are the most accepted developments.
The idea of a flying titan is forceful and too convenient. I wonder how Isayama will draw it and not make it look like something odd.
The flying titan thing is the dumbest and most forced thing in snk I've seen. It feels like something from a fanfic and just seems so out of place. It's so sudden and forced. There are other things that seem really rushed in this chapter too. Like the bits about Annie's titan etc.
Lol at people calling anything about this “forced”. AoT fans pretend they’re a lot smarter than they actually are.
The stuff about Female titan and flying titans and memories being distributed was maybe a bit too conveniently delivered in the very end of the whole series, but tbh it's still plausible in-universe. I take it as a sign that Isayama knows what he wants and he wants to do the ending justice, not just get it out there as soon as possible with as little work as possible."
I'm glad the Falco can fly because it means the rest of the alliance can join the final battle and him flying was well built up. What I think should have been set up better is this power coming specifically from the Beast Titan. All past users we have seen of it was a monkey and we're just being told it could be other animals now?
some things (like zeke's beast memories, female titan abilities, flying titan, warrior families being alive) were so convenient, but I'm not too mad about it
Someone had thought about the beast titan animal theory before, since there was a giant horse at those old "paintings" that tell the story about eldia in marley's perspective, it is in chapter 87 i think, when grisha's parents are lecturing him.
The falco thing is too forced. The beast titan being any animal isn’t that forced but it should’ve been revealed waaay before, not in the same chapter as this whole falco flying thing.
I fully expected the Liberio Eldians to be alive, but was not expecting them to be en route to Fort Salta.
I don't like how plot convenient it is that the Eldian evacuees from Liberio are heading for Fort Salta just like Eren with his rumbling titans, the Alliance fighters on the flying boat, and now apparently the boat crew as well.
I always thought that suggested all the forms that titan could take. In retrospect it feels obvious -- Yams, you practically telegraphed that by naming the kid Falco in the first place.
What do you mean it's stupid that Galliard cured world hunger by creating bacon with his Titan form? His name is PORCO
since when could the Female Titan copy other powers? Did I just miss that? Because it just comes across as a convenient way to get Falco, Gabi, and Annie to the final battle.
annie will eat a boat and tranform into a boat titan AND KILL EREN WITH HER BOATNESS.
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After being implied in 125, we get to see the Liberio evacuees on the run. As set up in that chapter, 44.8% were most happy to see Mr. Leonhart continuing to be a boss, while 33.6% were most hyped for another great double spread of the rumbling, as we’ve gotten for the last 4 chapters. Mr. Finger and the Brauns' concern for the children came in after that, followed by Karina and the Grices.
Papa Leonhart is a true badass. It wasn’t said if Bertolt’s mother was still alive, and the lack of Galliard parents/zeke’s grandparents was interesting- how the only warrior/cadet families shown were ones with a child that the readers know is still living.
Go Mr Leonhart we stan
I can’t believe karina is still alive
While having all the warriors' family (expect for the Yeagers) be there is forced and not natural, I'm really hoping that Falco gets to reunite with his parents.  He's so precious that he deserves that.  If the other parents die then so be it as long as I can have a Grice family reunion.
The approaching rumbling has pretty much lost its impact as a visual image because Isayama has overused it to death.
I liked the new character in the train
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The chapter ended on the cliffhanger of the blimp bombers approaching Eren, but will it be worth the wait? The Majority, at about 75% think they will take out a few colossals but nothing to write home about, 19.7% think Eren will wipe them out without a second thought, and 5.6% think they will help deal a decisive blow.
I think The bombs on the plane , The colossal Titan nuke ability and the blimps won't do any kind of damage to Eren .
the blimps Will be destroyed by founding titan eren using his thorn on his spine
I'm itching to see eren finally take some sort of action against marley's bombers :D
I’m wondering if Isayama is going to flip the script a bit and showcase how the advancing technology is gaining the upper hand over titans, and cut Eren off in his tracks abruptly/make him change his tactic. Or, if it’ll just be the catalyst for the alliance to stop him after they witness it has no major affect on the titans.
I'm not sure about the direction of the final battle but everything's colliding at Fort Salta one way or another. I'm curious about this volume's cliffhanger."
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Continuing with the theme of underwhelming reception, the responses to this were, at least compared to others months’, very low in quantity and disparity between the top words. The 5 most chosen words for this chapter, quantity and average rating included, are:
Setup/Set-up [32 ; 3.91] Amazing [28 ; 4.79] Freedom [25 ; 4.20] Awesome [19 ; 4.84] Paths [19 ; 4.16]
Honorable mentions (because they all had the same or only one less amount of picks) include Ereh, Interesting, Great and Pain.
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Since Isayama’s self-appointed deadline of 2020 likely failed to stick, we’ve decided to revive this monthly question. The last time we asked, the majority of respondents chose 138 as the final chapter, which remains the most popular option now, though now losing a majority (39.5%), with 140+ (20.9%) and 139 (21.3%) hot on its tail. Perhaps it has something to do with the shared opinion that this chapter is one of setup, but it’s safe to say most of us are unconvinced this is ending anytime soon.
I think that the manga will end at chapter 138 or 139, and so 133 has to be the last "transition" chapter before the climax (end of volume 33/beginning of the last volume)
I think the story is going to end either at 138 or 139.
it will be over in a few months and both like Eren and Yams, we will finally be free.
I just hope Iseyama doesn’t rush to end this before the end of the year. 138 is the minimum
Idc at this point i just want it to end now it feels like it's stalling
im sad its ending :(
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Wow this was close!! We have a lot of hopes for next month’s volume closer. Of the options we presented, “The alliance finally taking action against Eren” (23.1%), “ZOOK WHERE ARE YOU” (22.1%) and “I’m always down for more Eren Jaeger” (20.9%) created a tight three way race. Historia’s return to the story was a distant fourth (12%).
I'm really curious about Zeke's whereabouts, I'm sure he will play another big role from now on
I’m just confused about Eren’s motivations and desires at this point.
Love the thought of a flying titan
levi better kill zeke next chapter!!!
Pls bring back historia
I just want to see Historia. Please I miss her lesbian greatness. Please I'm tired.
Next chapter is gonna be crazy
where is monke??
Isayama has something up his sleeves and I’m scared for the next chapter lol
Just let Levi kill Zeke already
Kiyomi backstory when?
One thought, the same as after every chapter, who's gonna bite the dust next ?
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Reddit (41.3%) and Twitter (40.7%) remain the two most active platforms for fandom discussion, with Twitter stealthily creeping up on Reddit ever since we allowed multiple selections. Discord follows at (21.6%), with those lucky enough to talk about SnK in real life close behind (20.4%). Wherever you discuss the series we appreciate your support of the chapter poll! Even the Snapchatters.
WOW, something something the japanese fans are not happy copypasta
The rumbing started some time ago and our heroes should get hungry in a little bit, will they be able to call pizza? Or something? Because it'd be very sad if they had to die without dinner :(
If Falco's cloud memories end up being child-Eren's view from last chapter, that would be incredible. So many characters will seemingly play an important role now that I have no idea what will happen next.
Reiner keeps thinking that the dialogue is about their guilt and since they are the same, then Eren wants to kill himself. But one of Eren's main statements is that he keeps moving forward despite everything (and he thinks Reiner is the same). I think Reiner's ""Eren wants us to fight him because he wants to die"" will be proven wrong, and he'll come to the correct conclusion in the end.
it's frustrating seeing eren continue the rumbling for the sake of his friends when it's not what his friends want
It's good but it could freak me out
it's honestly making me feel more hopeless...
Connie Reiner conversation was perfect to bring up his late best friend Bertholdt, but I guess they forget again and pretend they never killed him brutally, and he just got thanosed one day lmao
i'm really enjoying annie's development. she's went from one of my least cared about characters to one of my favourites just from her development with armin and reiner alone. really looking forward to how isayama will finish her arc.
Eren is gonna be defeated by the power of friendship and the power of the scarf he gave to boring Mikasa and also by two kids who should honestly be dead by now but somehow are still alive in this mess anyways boring chapter i don’t care what happen anymore I just want to this to end
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a Falco should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The Falco, of course, flies anyway because Yams don't care what nerds think is impossible.
I don't mind the "inconsistencies", because most of what people are complaining about is just nitpicking that doesn't have much of anything to do with the story being told. I just hope that we're done with setup and can finally get to the final battle next chapter.
Everybody in this chapter was admitting their sins, but Bert still wasn't mentioned when so far he's the biggest elephant in the room when it comes to Reiner / AMJC. They watched Armin devour Bert and felt nothing about it, they participated in a terrorist attack against Liberio and threw a party instead/didn't protest against it, but the moment they betrayed their countries and slaughtered their comrades, suddenly they're evil sinners. It really feels iffy as shit.
Eren should finish what he started, I actually support him, I do understand his anger, his past anger, and everything that has been done to the Paradis Island. The only way to stop the exterior world’s way they think about them, is killing them all (or nearly), otherwise it’s never going to stop. It would be too much of a childish way of actually allowing the alliance to stop him knowing that he’s really REALLY powerful.
I don't get why people are having so much backlash about Eren allowing the Alliance to kill him, it's not a goad of "come get me", it would be hypocritical of him to take away their powers to stop him when he preaches about freedom, because then he'd just want PERSONAL freedom when want he truly wants it freedom for everybody especially Eldians.
@ isayama as a yumihisu shipper stop the Ymir smelling Historia's hair gag it isn't funny :/
I just think Eren doesn't detour from his character cause he's persistent on continuing the rumbling, having his own definition of freedom while he also doesn't take away his friends' power to fight him. It's just kinda frustrating that Eren is so blinded by his concept of freedom and chose this path.
People who think Eren will complete the rumbling are in heavy denial.
I kinda hope that we get to see Hizuru at least once. I also believe that Mikasa deserves to know the truth about her Ackerman blood and that it does not make her a slave in any way. More than anything though I just wanna see her character done justice in this final arc so that people will finally quit complaining about her always being "Eren-obsessed." She is without a doubt one of the most misunderstood characters in the entire series.
I liked the Paths stuff. But I'm bored of the cringe 104th, Isayama please give back Bertholdt I wanna see him, Paths is the perfect opportunity T-T
I maintain that Eren allowing his friends to fight him and potentially die because FREEDOM is fucking weird and OOC because he had no problem taking their freedom away in 112. He lied to their faces (same chapter he stated that ignorance=slavery) and locked them in prison. He also couldn't stand losing anyone close to him for most of the manga (serumbowl, hiding info about Historia, etc.), even if it went against Paradis, and so far nothing states that he suddenly and consciously changed his mind on that. If there is no explanation for his sudden change in behavior then parts of his character just went down the drain for the sake of covering up a plothole (that could easily be resolved by just saying that the founder can't control the shifters......)
I read some theories of Hange come back as a Titan Shifter. The parallel of both Ackermans put their fist on Eren and Hange before they died. Eren came back to life again as Attack Titan after that. There are also similarities between Hange and Xavier, both do research on titans, wearing glasses and I wonder if we would find out who is this person that Zeke could trust, as Xavier mentioned. We've seen Hange almost died 3 times, during the battle with Bertholdt and Reiner revelation, the crystal underground with Kenny's team and Bertbomb. Hange managed to come back again and again. Maybe I'm just being hopeful here (crying again) but I respect if Isayama sensei really killed Hange for good. But but but.. T^T
I'm beyond sick of the alliance. If they win at this point Isayama has officially destroyed his own manga.
No Hanji = nothing to smile neither to hope for in this chapter. I hate Eren for not even reacting to her death.
Isayama's doing a terrible job with the Alliance. I have many reasons to want the rumbling to be stopped, but if I forget for one second that Armin's my fave charac., I need to ask WTH?? Characters say one thing while the narrative says another. Yo, every damn chapter they've been feeling guilty and shitty, yet their constant regretting says they're good people. The heroic sacrifices say they're good people. The refusing to bring the kid although the kid can fckin fly says they're good people. This is more complex than calling an oldman with a career built in genocide HERO then calling these lost as fuck teens SINNERS. Repetition won't make me buy it. Btw, I'm not taking proJeCtiNg five chapters from the end. I refuse to believe these characters are at the same. damn. mindspace as 10 chapters ago. Nah. Losing or winning, this finale should feel dignifying, not pathetic. I'm desperate here. :(
I'm tired of Eren and the alliance. My feelings are with Levi's promise, nothing else. What comes after that (if Levi is able to kill Zeke) it would be interesting (and amazing, I'm sure) conceptually, I will love to read it, but my heart is with our midget. He deserves to rest.
Also Levi...I get why he's still ""muh kill monke"", it makes sense with his character... But that doesn't mean it's not annoying.
I REALLY enjoyed this one
Can't believe that flying titan was a sort of joke since the Marley arc, but now it's a thing uh.
More evidence that freckled Ymir may be alive.
where bert
where IS ZEKE
Where Monke?
Ymir distorting the space and keeping Mikasa, Armin, Connie and Jean away from Eren makes me think she's controlling him.
There was so much information given to us this chapter. The reveal of the possibility of Falco flying and the possible death of Zeke.
There were some alright points to this chapter but for the most point, it seemed like so many things were forced, the most ridiculous points of this chapter for me were the warrior families living, and Falco deciding he can fly simply because he had a dream
This chapter (like all the others and the others to come) made me cry. 😔
This chapter made sense. Too much sense. All the plot points we’d been expecting like Falco being able to fly, Eren bringing the alliance into Paths to tell them they have to kill him if they want to stop the rumbling, and the folks from Liberio surviving, were all present. I think Isayama is about to throw some wild curveballs and ruin our whole careers
Something's wrong with Eren
Thanks Isym for ruining Armin and make him Annie's waifu
Nice, a little boring but also not disappointed
The alliance was so annoying this chapter. Reiner projecting his pathetic suicidal thoughts into Eren was just absolute cringe. Then Jean and Connie actually saying they’re the same as the guys who killed their friends and families just made me damn near bust a vein. Then Pieck was just being a passive aggressive bitch. I was hoping that at least the 104th would make it out alive but now I straight up want Eren to kill them all. They’re just flat out insufferable, incompetent traitors at this point.
Pieck passive aggressively roasting Armin felt good
Levi is sexy take the bandages off his face and let me see the scar
Levi's really fed up. he doesn't care anymore about eren he just wanted to kill zeke. But I do agree that by killing Zeke, maybe the rumbling will end.
People thinking that Eren became a slave are speedreaders
For me, the Rumbling represents Eren’s own death drive. He’s killing others and wants do die in the process or afterwards. And his talk to the alliance is what his "if you don't fight you don't win" ideology boils down to. Blind, narrow-minded kid!Eren doesn't really see any other outcome other than him completing the Rumbling (aka "winning") or getting killed by his friends before he can complete it. I (heavily) suspect Isayama is going for a third option though.
This arc has highlighted Eren's internal contradictions regarding freedom. We have him forcing his friends to fight, imprisoning them, beating them, gaslighting them about their own free will, but most of all forcing the rumbling onto them, which completely takes away their agency to choose their own fate. I would be disappointed if Isayama has dropped this consistent pattern of Eren contradicting his own ideals of freedom, just to rectify his mistake of making Eren too overpowered due to rule of cool (something I initially feared), so I'm hoping the true reason has to do with Ymir taking the reins and speaking for Eren.
Eren can't help what he wants and believes in and he can't stop his convictions to move foreword, but at the same time he recognises his friends own free will and different convictions and has decided that both sides will never be able to give up their own convinces or meet at a middle ground and has decided to just let things play out.
Eren is resigned to his fate to rumble the world, but he will not command his friends to do anything. He is willing to die by their hands.    
Eren prizes freedom above all else. If someone uses their freedom to try to kill him, he wouldn't mind
Eren isn't sure if he's right so he wants them to have the chance to stop him if they feel so strongly
Sooo due to the Warhammer nutcracker incident, does that mean Falco has a portion of the Warhammer, or something?
Spectacular chapter completely closing the possibility of dialogue between Eren and Aliance. It's good to see that Eren remains firm with his actions and hasn't changed his psychology of freedom out of the blue. Although many people think that Eren wants to die, I'm sure that he will fight against the Alliance to survive and carry out his plan to destroy humanity.
Still feels like buildup ready for the final showdown already
Telling the story as if the alliance stands a chance, or has anything close to a complete picture of Eren, is still dumb
historia pov when
Honestly I think everything about Annie is forced and she never should have come back.
Hope Jean survives 💯
Hope will reveal historia's baby connection to the series
I believe in Isayama
I believe that Annie got the ability to harden by eating part of Reiner, I think by revealing her ability yams intends to lay foundation for Annie getting wings as well and joining falco in the sky fuck ya
I hope Annie's father dies in front of her
I hope any inconsistencies in Eren's character get clarified later.
I hope more is discussed about Historias child
I hope My beloved Eren kills levi and armin
I just can’t wait a pray that MAPPA don’t fail us💀
I don't know man why the fuck does a flying titan exist
Isayama is a hack
isayama never misses
isayama the goat, incredible as usual
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lordbord · 4 years
*cross posted on Wattpad*
First story
*This is a alternate version of the main show*
We all know how this story goes, Midoriya is born quirkless, gets bullied by his childhood friend for 10 years. He saves Bakugou from suffocating in slime after All might stepped on his dream, All Might changes his mind, offers his quirk and then trains Midoriya for the entrance exam, he gets in and then his story begins.
In the main story, Most of Izukus life was spent being picked on and bullied by peers and so called friends, with no one not even his own mother believing in his dream.
What if that were to change?
What if someone did believe in him?
What if at one point he gained a brother who helped him through thick and thin?
This is that story. A story of two brothers related in all but blood going on a journey to become hero's together. Watch as the bond they have moves mountains and see how far they go for one another in the events of their life.
Watch as they become the symbol of hope: Deku
and the symbol of change: Black Light
Heroic duo
Chapter 1
Childhood beginnings
"Not all men are created equal." that was the sad truth of the world I learned at the age of four.
One day the world had changed, after a baby started to glow brightly it was the  first recorded citing of a superpower, soon enough more and more people have ended up developing these gifts and 200 years later, superpowers became the norm. 80% of the population had developed superpowers called quirks and with them a new profession, Hero's. like all kids my age I wanted nothing more than to be a hero unfortunately....
"Sorry kid it isn't going to happen."
"Im sorry Izuku!!"
"Didn't you hear, he's..."
Quirkless, I became one of the 20% who don't develop a quirk. The door to my dream was locked before I could even open it, as for my friend Katsuki Bakugou, who I call Kacchan...
"You really are useless, deku." A ash blond said to a downed green haired boy with pops coming out of his hands.
He became my number one tormentor, I should have told mom but after dad left us she has been working hard for the both of us to live a comfortable life, not to mention that Mitsuki Bakugou is Kacchan mother and her best friend since college.
So I didn't say anything as to not burden her more than I already do and for two years I will have endured beatings, bruises, cuts and burns from my former friend.
I thought that was how my life was going to be, just a useless deku with a too big dream.
Then that day happened.
It was the afternoon in Musutafu, Japan and school just got out, at a nearby park five children were near a sand pit, three kids were standing just outside the pit with an ash blond standing in front of the trio while a green haired boy with green eyes had his arms in front of him, standing in-front of a brunette girl with brown eyes who is on the floor rubbing a bruised cheek from the hit she took from the blond.
"Stop it Kacchan! Can't you see she hurt!"  Said the green eyed boy trying to protect the girl.
"She thinks she can be a hero like me with a weak quirk like that!! She had it coming, Deku!" The ash blond now known as Kacchan says, while the girl starts to tear up a bit from the rude boys words.
The green haired boy now known as Deku gets angry at his old friend, he doesn't know why and probably never will but he instinctively responds back to the blonds cruel words.
"Who cares if her quirk is weak right now! If she trains hard it can be a great quirk, and      m-maybe she'll be a b-better hero than y-you!!"
There were four reactions that took place from that statement.
One being from the girl who looked up in astonishment and a bit of gratitude.
The two lackeys of the ash blond who can't believe that useless Deku yelled at Bakugou.
Deku himself, who just realized what he just said is slowly losing the confidence before his outburst,
And Bakugou himself who had veins sprouting around his face slowly, hair covering his eyes and shaking in quickly building fury.
Knowing whats about to come from the volatile blond, Deku backs up a bit to the girl and kneels on a knee, while picking up some sand discreetly
"Listen, go get some h-help while I distract him I'll be fine but he might focus back on you if your still here." Deku says with what ever confidence he has left.
The girl was about to protest but then saw the look in his emerald eyes and reluctantly agreed.
Deku smiled a little knowing she didn't want to leave him alone so attempts to reassure her.
"D-Don't worry I-I'll be f-fine" while giving wide shaky smile before turning back around to the sounds of popping.
"Why?" Barely above a whisper from the blond
"Why?" louder this time with explosions popping starting to pop from his hands faster and faster.
"WHY DOES A USELESS DEKU LIKE YOU THINK YOUR BETTER THAN ME!?!?" He yells before charging at the green and brown eyed children.
"RUN!!" Deku yells just before throwing the sand into Kacchans face, blinding him temporarily and catching his ire, while the girl gets up and runs fast trying to look for her parents to gets some help.
Meanwhile the two lackeys grab either arm of the greeny to hold him down for their boss, waiting until he clears the sand from his eyes.
Once Kacchan cleans the sand and can see, his pupils dilate as they zero in on deku and charge at him again and with uncontrolledly rage, he hits him with an explosion right in the chest above the heart, blasting Deku out of the lackeys hold and onto his back, with a new hole in his shirt. The blast could be heard all over the park.
While fading out of consciousness, footsteps can be heard running towards him all he can think about was that he successfully got the girl away from harm.
(??? Pov)
A minute earlier....
"How did I fall for such a obvious scam" I say to myself while walking past a park, just a couple of minutes ago I was talking with a guy who was asking for directions for a specific store, he was unbelievable vague and this distracted me long enough for his buddy to rob me with his quirk and get away. as I walk by the gate to the park a girl crashes into me, knocking both of us over, I was a knocked on my back while I can only assume the girl was as well from the soft "ow" that I heard
"Im so so sorry!" she apologizes loudly while offering to help me up.
"It's fine, why are you in such a rush?" I grunt out as I accept the help up.
She was about to say before we heard a loud "BOOM" coming from the park, we here this and she then freezes on the spot, before bolting to the sounds origins. I was both concerned and confused about what just happened so I ran after hoping to gain an answer.
I was not prepared for what I saw next.
I saw a green haired boy my age on the ground with smoke coming of his chest, the girl is freaking out above him trying to see what she can do before turning to the right to see a angry blond with a grin shouting at the unconscious boy before walking over menacingly with smoke coming from his hands.
Acting quick I pull on the shadow from a nearby bench and made a circular shield before sliding in between the two people, blocking the EXPLOSION?!? EXCUSE ME WHAT?!? The angry blond seemed surprised seeing that he didn't hit the two behind me. I stand to my full height, as I am a little taller and put away the shield.
"Now I don't know what happened and personally I don't care but can you please leave them alone or do I have to use force?" For added effect I absorbed some shadows, then made it into a giant broadsword with an eire purple glow, with one of my eyes having a purple glow, I then hung the sword over my shoulder, while glaring at the three in front of me.
Needless to say it worked, the two behind the blond with smug expressions prior to me showing up are now turning heel and running away, the blond however clicks his teeth dissatisfied with the outcome before walking away.
After getting rid of my sword I turn around and  see the girl with tears in her eyes about to rip a piece of her shirt for the green boy.
"Hey, you don't need to do that I got some spare clothes in my bag." She stops what shes doing and proceeds to help me tear a T-shirt from my bag. After wrapping the guy up, she floats the green haired boy and brought him to the bench where we lay him down, there was a bit of a silence before she spoke up finally.
"He was hurt cause of me" she said just above a whisper, I let her continue since she seemed to need to get it out of her system.
"I was punched by that blond guy from before, he p-pushed me down and started saying things, how I wouldn't be a hero with my quirk, then he showed up" she was starting to tear up again.
"He got in front of him, he defended me and helped me run away so I can get help." She says the tears coming faster now her voice starting to shake.
"If I knew that blond guy would have done this I would have stayed, I wouldn't have let him got him hurt because of me and n-now h-he's.." she was openly crying now I didn't know what to do so I just went up to her and gave a hug, she froze at first but then just let everything out, after a bit she calmed down and pulled away, looking back at the boy who helped her
"Its not your fault, you know" I spoke up finally. She turned to look at me and I took that as a sign to continue.
"Look I don't know either of you but from how you reacted to finding him hurt in the first place I can honestly says that this was not something you could have known, if anyone is to blame its the blond guy's fault, for doing this in the first place." I finish talking hoping that she will take my words to heart, from the slight nod of her head I can only assume she understood.
"My name is Ochako Uraraka, by the way thanks for helping us." She says with a small smile.
"Well its nice to meet you Uraraka my name is-" I was interrupted by a small groan, turning back we see the green boy starting to wake up.
(3rd person POV)
As Midoriya wakes up, he slowly gets his senses back, which left him groaning when he started feeling pain again and as he opens his eyes he is first see brown eyes blinking down at him.
'Kacchan's eyes aren't brown' he thinks to himself. He then tries to sit up only to wince in pain before lying back down as Midoriya looks at his surroundings he realizes he's not only on a park bench but also has two people in front of him, one the short brown hair and eyed girl that he defended from before and another one being a boy he has never seen before. He was a bit taller than Midoriya , with a bit of a round face and a dark skin tone with hair split down the middle with white on the right and black on the left, the most noticeable part were his eyes which seem to be purple on one side and light blue on the other with a bit of bags underneath. Midoriya being the intelligent human being he breaks the silence in the most eloquent way possible.
"Uhhh.... Hi."
The next thing Midoriya know Uraraka hugs him, now if this was a un-injured Midoriya he would have froze from his brain not processing physical affection from people other than his mother. Sadly, this Midoriya is injured and as such he winces from pain on contact which causes Uraraka to pull back and start apologizing while flailing her arms, with Midoriya saying its alright. After that comedic scene Midoriya decides to ask the million dollar questions.
"Uh.. sooo, who are you guys and what happened after I passed out?" izuku asks too confused by his situation to care about his anxiety.
"My name is Ochako Uraraka and this is.."
Midoriya look over to the boy as he starts talking.
"My name is Felix Richmond, she kinda crashed into me while running out the park, we then heard a big boom and she ran inside, I followed her a bit after, I took care of the blond guy and then we ripped one of my shirts and wrapped it around your burn, we moved you to the bench and we were just waiting for you to wake up." He finishes explaining.
"We were worried after you got knocked out but you woke up so at least we know you'll be okay." Uraraka says her tone going from worried to happy mid-sentence.
"Also thanks for saving me from that blond guy..." she pauses realizing she doesn't know his name.
"Oh I-I'm M-Midoriya Izuku" he says a bit shakily.
"Well it's nice to meet you both, but I feel like we should get going since it almost evening" Richmond says while pointing at the sky.
'Oh no mom/my parents are gonna kill me' went through both Midoriya's and Uraraka's mind as they internally panicked.
"Uraraka why don't you get home, I can help Midoriya here get home, since I doubted you can move all that well." Richmond says first addressing Uraraka before switching his attention to Midoriya who is startled by the offer, he was going to reject...
"Before you say anything I don't have to worry about my p-parent so you either agree and I piggy back you to your home or I princess carry you, if you don't agree." Richmond says with the last part stated with a smirk.
Midoriya, who would definitely be a strawberry if he was princess carried, nodded in defeat, saying their goodbyes to Uraraka and a promise to meet up again at a later date the two boy head onwards to Midoriya's place, it was silent till Richmond asked a question.
"So why did you do it?” Richmond asked.
"Why, what?" Asked Izuku confused by the question.
"Why did you protect her, from what she told me, you were nowhere near involved in the one sided fight so why did you help?" Richmond says.
Midoriya thinks about it before speaking again "I don't know, I guess my legs moved on there own, one second I was looking at her being pushed the next thing I knew I'm standing up to Kacchan and his friends." Midoriya finishes upset now realizing his old friend is the one who scared him.
"Kacchan?!" Richmond asked surprised such a cute name was given to someone so aggressive.
"T-thats the nickname I gave him, I couldn't pronounce his name when we were younger so I called him that, his name is Katsuki Bakugou, we are- were friends but that was before he got his quirk." Midoriya finishes once again lamenting the lose of his old friend.
Richmond in a attempt to lighten the mood jokes. "And let me guess he's a mean dandelion jealous of your quirk?" Richmond says hoping it worked.
It didn't.
"I actually don't have a quirk." Midoriya says in a soft whisper, if he wasn't on Richmonds back he probably wouldn't have been heard, but Richmond hearing Midoriya regrets the joke instantly, and says something that shocks Midoriya.
"And whats wrong with being quirkless?" Richmond ask.
Midoriya who was still a bit upset answered "Since I'm quirkless, I can't become a hero." Tears starting to well up.
"You saved Uraraka today, so I think you already are a hero." Richmond answer backs.
"Do you really think I can be a hero?" Midoriya asks, hoping beyond hope he gets the answer he was waiting for.
"Definitely." Richmond says, unknowingly opening the floodgates that are Midoriya's tear ducts.
Midoriya was overwhelmed by emotion and could only feel gratitude to the split haired person for giving him some form of hope.
After calming down they finally arrived at Midoriya's house knocking on the door, upon opening it the worried mother see a peculiar site of a child holding her baby on their back with a bag worn on the front of their body.
After some explaining of what happened, Why it happened, who caused it, and some waterfalls from both Midoriya's 'is this genetic?' Richmond thinks before the conversation switches to him.
"Thank you for helping him." The Elder Midoriya says while giving a hug to Felix who flinches slightly before relaxing again.
"It's no problem Miss Midoriya." Richmond reply's awkwardly patting the back of the women.
"You can just call me Inko." She says as she pulls herself back from the hug.
"But I can't help but ask, don't you need to go back to your home, it's getting rather late." She asks the innocent question.
Richmond's freezing doesn't go unnoticed by the Midoriya's, as he looked down at his hands he starts to remember everything he escaped from, the beatings, yells, him begging for it to stop, the crash.
"I-I d-don't h-have a-a ho-me." Richmond says still looking down, tears start going down his face.
Inko shocked by the once smiling teen froze for a moment, in that moment only Midoriya moves to start hugging the boy.
Richmond caught of guard by the hug flinches a bit but quickly returns it letting the tears flow, finally dropping his guard and relaxing slightly, he was still on edge but the Midoriya’s were very....... calming to the split haired teen.
"You can stay with us if you want." Midoriya says after a while. Surprised by his words, Richmond looks at Izuku before directing his gaze to Inko, who just smiles softly and nods to the unasked question.
Allowing himself a small smile Felix looks back to Izuku and says "I guess that makes us brothers now." He says before getting two hugs on either side of him, laughing at how his life changed in a minute.
No one knew that the two boys would grow up to become something greater than themselves.
But where's the fun in that right?
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pemini · 5 years
Irreparable Places | Lee Taeyong
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「 I picked a flower from the stem and I watched it die in my hands, and I screamed "Oh my God, I did it again” 」
⇢ Word count: 1,294
⇢ Genre: angst, zombie apocalypse! au
⇢ Warnings: implications of death, weapons
⇢ Pairing/Main Characters: taeyong x reader, potential taeyong x reader x ten
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November 5th, 2019
The Borderland
The world was burning, and all Lee Taeyong could do was drive. Ten was collapsed in the passengers seat, his chest rising and falling softly. Despite his exhausted state, his grip on the pistol in his hand was deadly. The sun had just begun to rise, casting a warm glow over the borderland. Its warmth was almost alien to a landscape so bleak, all rubble and wreckage too far beyond repair. Taeyong welcomed the sunlight as it hit his inked skin, it brought him back to moments long gone, moments pried out of his hands. The truck he was driving began to shake, its engine vibrating aggressively. He’d known that the engine was damaged weeks ago, when the truck had failed to start up and the fuel began to run out abnormally fast. Fuel was hard to come by and the truck was barely functioning, he worried that they’d have to start traveling by foot if they don’t get ahold of another one. 
Ten startled awake with the sudden unrest of the vehicle, sitting up straight before slumping back in his seat as his heavy eyes landed on Taeyong, “Do you think we’ll make it in this thing?”  He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. 
“With an engine like this, we won’t go far, but we should be able to get to the border in one piece.” Taeyong responded, sending Ten a reassuring smile.“Go back to sleep, you need it.” He turned his eyes back towards the road- or what used to be a road, at least. It was barely holding itself together, and Taeyong was struggling to drive smoothly as he drove the truck over deep cracks and attempted to avoid areas that were completely fragmented. Not much was left intact around The Borderland after the F.E.D.R.A dropped over 20 bombs in the area. Infected and uninfected alike had lost their lives, although most were already lost. Taeyong shivered as he recalled the image of disembodied corpses mangled in the debris, a burnt teddy bear lying idly on the side of the road. He could still feel the stench of burning flesh and gasoline seep through his lungs.
Ten cocked a brow at his best friend, taking in the dark circles that lay under his eyes and his tousled hair. “Bold of you to say. Let me drive for once, you can sleep in the back seat.” The smile on his face was earnest, and Taeyong couldn’t help but mirror it, his light almost contagious. He shook his head in disagreement, squinting his eyes at the silhouette of a tank emerging towards them from the dust. Watchers. 
“No need, they’re here- get the papers.” Said Taeyong, under his breath. They unstrapped their seat belts and concealed their pistols in their waistbands before getting out of the truck. Ten quickly made his way to the back of the vehicle, taking out their paperwork from a safe they’d hid under a stack of blankets and clothing, weighed down by an old carpet that neither of them knew the origin of. The wind was cold on his skin, the sunlight providing little warmth. Once he made his way back, the tank had just come to a halt in front of Taeyong. He couldn’t help but shudder, seeing it loom over him. 
The Watchers came down one by one. Two of them. Taeyong was sure there were two more inside, presumably for back up. Sometimes, they’d squeeze a fifth in. The thought alone made him scoff. He could hear Ten’s breath halt in his throat beside him, and he had to remind himself not to reach his hand out to him. Vulnerability was not an option.
“Names.” Ordered the Watcher on the left. He was masked, they all were. All black jumpsuits, rifles strapped on their backs, boots marking the ground as if it were their own. 
“Taeyong and Ten.” Taeyong responded, his voice was stable, staring the Watcher dead in the eye. Ten fumbled with the papers. The Watcher on the right snatched the paperwork from his grip, looking over the details.
“Where’s the third?” Asked the Watcher after reading over their details. He signaled to the tank before Taeyong could respond. Two Watchers jumped out, just as he had assumed. They began searching the truck, weapons drawn, pace slow and alert. “Zhong Chenle. Where is he?” 
“He..” Taeyong faltered. Ten gently placed his hand on his shoulder, squeezing it in reassurance. The Watcher gripped his rifle. “He turned. We had to..” The Watcher nodded.
“Back to base.” He ordered. The two Watchers inspecting the truck headed back to the tank. “Follow the tank to the border. Johnny’s waiting for you at the F.E.D.R.A headquarters.” He instructed. Both Watchers turned to the tank, already beginning to drive away.
Taeyong and Ten hurried back into the truck, the latter exhaling heavily as he sunk into his seat. “Fuck them.” He groaned, rubbing his forehead. He took his pistol out of his waistband, checking the ammunition. An act of self soothing. Nobody wanted to feel defenseless in a place like this. “We really have to pretend to tolerate them for god knows how long now.” He said with a roll of his eyes. 
“Hold your tongue, they’re always watching.” Chuckled Taeyong, Ten slapping his arm lightly in response. Taeyong tightened his grip on the wheel, his smile not reaching his eyes. Silence befell them, and Ten couldn’t help but fidget as he tried to come up with something to fill the silence.
“We did what was best for him,” Whispered Ten, almost hesitant to bring the topic back up in the first place, aware that Taeyong was still grieving. “You know that, right?” 
“I.. I could’ve done more to help him, Ten.” Said Taeyong, gaze fixed on the tank that drove steadily ahead of them. “I could’ve saved him.”
“No, Taeyong. You couldn’t. It was out of your control- out of our control.” Ten stared at him as if he were searching for something he could not find, existing like shattered glass, void of its true form. Taeyong clenched his jaw as tears formed in his eyes, the initials etched onto his skin burned his wrist. “He can rest now.” 
The truck came to an abrupt stop, earning a clumsy yelp out of Ten as he almost hit the dashboard. “Put your seatbelt on next time.” Muttered Taeyong, he unbuckled his seatbelt and stepped out of the truck without sparing a glance at his stunned friend. Ten stumbled out before trying to compose himself, hurrying behind Taeyong towards the entrance of the border. 
They were faced with concrete walls and guard towers, Watchers wearing gas masks, combat helmets and body armor stood at the entrance, assault rifles pointed towards the pair. The Watchers who lead them there exited he tank, one of them walked towards the Watchers at the border while two others approached Ten and Taeyong. The fourth remained in the tank. 
“We will now carry out the standard test for infection,” Stated one of the watchers approaching them. Both of them quickly took hold of Ten and Taeyong, pushing them to their knees and pinning their hands behind them. “Do not resist.” He ordered. They complied, eyeing the scanner that both of the watchers had taken out of their utility belts. They activated the scanners with a push of a button before running them across both of their bodies. Taeyong looked up at the other Watchers, only to see them with their rifles drawn towards them, ready for a signal of infection to pull their triggers. The scanners beeped with a flash of green light. 
“Clear.” They motioned for them to get up, they could barely sigh in relief before they were pushed towards the now open entrance, “Commander Seo will get you to the F.E.D.R.A Headquarters."
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- this is only the prologue, the reader will be present in chapter 1. im considering making this a potential love triangle fic w ten as well, but im not sure yet. either way, this is a slow burn so it’ll take a while before anything solid progresses so wether or not that’ll fit in will be clear by then.
- the quote under the header is from ‘its sunday, april 19th and i miss you’ by flatsound! also, if it isnt clear enough already, this fic is heavily inspired by the last of us and i really recommend you check it out if you havent already!! its one of my fav video games ever !!
- in the future there may be graphic depictions of violence and major character death. 
- pls excuse any errors im too lazy to proofread im alrdy gonna wanna kms when i reread this after uploading it and see 80 typos and 53 grammatical errors
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ageofevermore · 4 years
1-100 baby, let’s do this!
1. What is you middle name?
Mackenze (mackenzie not fucking mackenz ro)
2. How old are you?
16 (almost 17)
3. When is your birthday?
December 26
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What’s your lucky number?
7. Do you have any pets?
8. Where are you from?
New Jersey (i mean i’m african america + german + irish)
9. How tall are you?
10. What shoe size are you?
9 ½ 
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Over 17 ...
12. What was your last dream about?
i have the weirdest fucking dreams ever, but im pretty sure it had something to do with my going back to in person school but ending up at ikea and then their was a Princess bounce house and i saw a little girl i know but then i ran away because i missed my marketing class and cried bc we were drawing octopuses and i got an F... like what the hell is that?!
13. What talents do you have?
none :)
14. Are you psychic in any way?
i mean i have been known to predict a pregnancy... 
15. Favorite song?
WAP? (i have a lot man)
16. Favorite movie?
I HATE movies, but like anything Marvel 
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Idk man, Tom Holland?
18. Do you want children?
Yes, 100%
19. Do you want a church wedding?
Lol, no thanks 
20. Are you religious?
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Yes! It’ s one of my favorite places (that sounds horrible but like, i’ve just always enjoyed it their and find it mesmerizing? Also Greys..)
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Yes, but like really old ones who i don’t even know the name of, oh and the cop from one of the Spiderman movies :)
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing?
I’m not wearing socks
26. Have you ever been famous?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
28. What type of music do you like?
Country, Showtunes, Pop, some Rap, Alternative 
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
I don’t own real pillows, but i do have a body pillow and like a throw pillow...
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
On my side of my stomach
32. How big is your house?
It’s a ranch, not that big. 3 bedroom, 1 ½ bath
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
I don’t eat breakfast 
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
A nerf gun...
35. Have you ever tried archery?
36. Favorite clean word?
37. Favorite swear word?
Twatwaffle, Cuntasaurous, Bitch, Dick, Pussy, Fuck
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Around 48 hours
39. Do you have any scars?
Yup (my favorite ones my boob one bc its the only one i got and it wasn’t because i was being a complete idiot…)
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
It wasn’t a fucking secret this boy is obvious as all hell
41. Are you a good liar?
42. Are you a good judge of character?
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I don’t think so
45. What is your favorite accent?
46. What is your personality type?
Mediator INFP-T (mind 64% introverted, energy 63% intuitive, nature 63% feeling, tactics 75% prospecting, identity 75% turbulent)
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Yes, get the fuck away from me demons 
52. Favorite food?
53. Favorite foreign food?
chinese ..?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
Messy and i hate it
55. Most used phrased?
The fuck?
56. Most used word?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Could take 5 minutes could take 2 ½ hours, and i never wear makeup so don’t even try to start with me about how it takes hours to do makeup, i just genuinely enjoy sitting under blazing hot water in the shower 
58. Do you have much of an ego?
I mean, i dont think so?
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
60. Do you talk to yourself?
yes , i have like two irls and they never wanna hang our already have plans so im my own company 97% of the time
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
No, i mean i’m good, but i’m also nowhere near professional 
63. Biggest Fear?
Being alone, being rejected...
64. Are you a gossip?
I mean, i do enjoy some tea time, but i also feel anxious half the time when tea is being spilled lol
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
...American Assassin? Is that dramatic? Endgame? Whats a dramatic movie?!
66. Do you like long or short hair?
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Bitch, i can’t even name like 12
68. Favorite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Extroverted Introvert 
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Yes, tf, if you aren’t I don’t trust you 
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
No, if i did I would be correcting people 73 times a day when they say my name 
74. Are you ticklish?
Sometimes, in some places. I can turn it off
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
Lol, i mean, maybe?
77. Have you ever drank underage?
I am the queen of drinking at family parties 
78. Have you ever done drugs?
No, but i wanna get high. 
79. Who was your first real crush?
Justin Bieber, but like Harry Styles was two weeks later...i was 6
80. How many piercings do you have?
5 technically 
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
82. How fast can you type?
83. How fast can you run?
I don’t run, tf
84. What color is your hair?
85. What color is your eyes?
Idk, they were blue, then they were green, then they were hazel, now i think they’re just brown :(
86. What are you allergic to?
Human interaction… but no my favorite flowers, Lilly’s 
87. Do you keep a journal?
88. What do your parents do?
My mom was a teacher, and my dad used to work at the DMV
89. Do you like your age?
No, you don’t understand how badly i want to vote 
90. What makes you angry?
Ignorance and Selfishness 
91. Do you like your own name?
No, but it’s been growing on my ig 
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
Yes! I have two lists, one of names I love and another of names i’d be willing to agree to if my partner doesn’t like my favorites. 
Girls; Olivia, Amelia, Hazel, Leila, Charlotte, Cove
Boys: Brett, Lincoln, Landon
Unisex; Anderson, Montgomery, Maverick, Ocean, Blake 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
94. What are you strengths?
Avoiding my problems like they don’t exist 
95. What are your weaknesses?
ADD, anxiety, depression, i mean sorta PTSD i guess surrounding some situations
96. How did you get your name?
My dad named me after Kirsten Dunst (Kyrstin), and my middle name is Mackenze bc Marie is a family name but my mom said ‘lets be original’ bc literally like 6 girls in my family have the middle name Marie
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
No, but my great great great great great grandfather created the brick press
98. Do you have any scars?
99. Color of your bedspread?
100. Color of your room?
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deltanyx · 4 years
Why can’t we just fucking be happy and actually find a good guy in this fucked world who will fucking treat us right? ITS NOT THAT FUCKING HARD. Just fucking at least make it 50/50 not 80/20. I’m tired of putting myself out there and getting fucked over for some stupid fucking bullshit. I’m tired of trying. I’m so FUCKING exhausted with this shit I’m honestly numb. I’m at that fucking point in my love life that I fucking am NUMB. I hate when you talk / or dating someone and they fucking do shit like your man is doing to you. I’m the one you are with, I am the one to be supportive and understanding, I am the one who wants what’s best for you, your mental and physical health. Etc. Im not the girl who is like calling for attention. I don’t want to be that girl. people are people. We are humans and we experience emotions. But you don’t got to fucking be an ass or disrespectful. simply for me, IF YOU DONY WANT SOMETHING LET ME FUCKING KNOW SO I DONT WASTE MY GOD DAMN FUCKING TIME. dont fucking hold me on a string and carry me around like a puppet and stop treating you like a piece of fat off a steak. So idk what the fuck is up with guys but I’m honestly done. I’m tried. failed multiple times. College guys here just want fucking sex. Guys are immature And don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves and they think with their fucking dick. If their head says one thing, gut says another, they go with what their dick says Bc that’s where there head is atm. They don’t care about anything else but getting laid or flirted with. Their egos are so fucking high that they need the constant reassurance that they are the best in the world. BITCH YOU UGLY SIT DOWN. Uggggg I’m just so fucking pissed right now. You know when you can feel someone lying? Like I know I’m getting lied to behind my back and it fucking sucks. I want to fucking know the truth. Grow a pair. Tell me shit so I can know and make the best decision for my own fucking heart. Fucking bitches.
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Prompt List And Who I Will Write For
When requesting a oneshot you can but are not required to choose a prompt off this list (which is one of @marauder-exe‘s prompt lists that im using because i physically cant produce prompts lol) and just tell me what character you want it with (i will list characters and ships that i write for at the end)
Send requests here
1. “I love you ! Is that what you wanted to hear ?”
2. “I love him/her, and I know that I shouldn’t.”
3. “Can you just shut your mouth ?” 
5.“We both know that I should walk away, but I can’t.” 
6. “Wait, he/she has a girlfriend/boyfriend ?“
7. “I lo—-” “No, please… Don’t say that. You love her/him, not me.”
8.  "Could you just take this pain away ? It hurts, so much… Help me.”
9. “You’re safe here, I got you.”
10. “Don’t ask her out again, please… You’re killing me, every single time you ask that.” 
11. “Look, he/she wants you, just make him/her happy.”
12. “If you go, I’ll know that you never loved me.” 
13. “We never were just friends, and you know it.” “I know it, but you deserve someone better than me.”
15. “You love me like I’m the person who actually deserves your love.” “But you are the only one who deserves it.”
16. “I know for a fact that you’re not “fine”.” 
17. “You’re looking at me like.. you’re disgusted. What did I do? Just tell me what I did, please!” 
18. “What happened between us?” 
19. “Nothing has changed!” “Yes it has, and you know it.”
20. “Love isn’t supposed to hurt this badly.”
21. “You said you needed space. You were 5,000 miles away for a year, and you’re still unsure. I’m starting to think that an entire universe apart wouldn’t be enough space for you.” 
22.“I remember when he/she/they used to look at me that way” 
23. “I want you to list every lie you ever told me. Then I’ll forgive you.”
24. “I don’t hate you. I hate that after all of this, you’re still trying to lie to me”
25. “I can’t keep this secret for you anymore.”
26.. “I’m sorry I’m not what you signed up for.” 
27.“Why she/her/them? It could have been anybody, and you chose to betray me with her/him/them.” 
28. “This will be the last time you lie to me.” 
29.“You never loved me, did you?” 
30. “You made me miserable and I still loved you.” 
31. “Everytime something goes well, I momentarily forget how much I despise you.”
32. “We’re never going to have a happy ending, just remember that.” 
33. “Don’t pretend like you’re not happy to see me like this.” 
34. “Your mind must be a horrible place.” 
35. “Hand me the gun and I’ll kill him myself.” 
36. “And I thought you loved me.” “ And I thought I loved you.” 
37. “ Aren’t you even going to cry?”
38. “I didn’t expect you to wait forever. I just hoped…”
39. “Did you always know that you were going to leave?” 
40.“If you cry, I’ll stay, and if I stay that will just give you another reason to hate me.”
41. “I’m addicted and at this point I don’t think anything could make me stop.” 
42. ”If you wanna know, then ask.” 
43.“You never asked because you knew I wouldn’t tell you what you wanted to hear.” 
44. “We grew apart, and at this point I’m glad.”
45. “Find somebody else to kiss your ass.”
46. “When are you going to stop clawing for something that’s never going to happen?” 
47. “What you’re doing is going to kill you one day.” 
48. “It was easier to believe that the you I knew was dead than deal with the fact that I still have to see you every day.” 
49. “What you’re doing is going to kill you one day.” 
50. “Why do you have tO BE SUCH A HYPOCRITE ALL THE TIME” (this is my prompt bc the numbers were being weird)
 51. “You’re hair is really soft after you wash it.” 
52. “Ssh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.” 
53. “You smell really nice.” 54. “Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.” 
55. “I might have slept with your robe when you were gone.” 
56. “If you steal the blankets, I am going to put my cold feet on you.” 
57. “Here, let’s share the blanket.”
 58. “You’re comfy.” 
59.“You are very endearing when you are half-asleep.” 
60.“But I want to hear you sing.” 
61.“Don’t get up - I’ll do it.”
 62.“Care to give me a back scratch?”
 63.“I think I love you.”
 64.“Your bed head is really cute.”
 65.“How about a kiss?” 
66.“You made this for me?”
 67.Aw, you’re blushing.” 
68. Uh oh, I know that look. What do you want?” 
69. “Let me help you with that.” 
70. “I don’t want to forget this moment.” 
71.“Are you really flirting with me right now?” 
72.“I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
 73.“You have something in your hair, umm… Do you want me to get it out?” 
74.“It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.” 
75.“This movie is really scary, but you’re into it so I’m trying not to cover my face the whole time, but- WHAT IS THAT?” 
76.“Wait, don’t pull away… Not yet.” 
77.“Half the time I get too embarrassed to say anything” 
78.“No, it’s fine.  I can wait until you’re done talking to them.” 
79.“No, like…. It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.” 
80.“You’re a big piece of inspiration for this, honestly.”
 81.“I’ve been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half, because I know you’re going to look so good and I need to try and match up.”
 82.“I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.” 
83.“My friends get so annoyed by how much I talk about how sometimes.” 
84.“No, mom, don’t tell him/her I said that about him/her!” 
85.“I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater.” 
86.“ You are so beautiful — So fucking beautiful. “
 87.“And just WHERE do you think you’re putting your hands?” 
88.“Wow, you look even better in the daylight.” 
89.“I don’t remember ever having this many hickeys. But I don’t mind.”
 90.“We could order pizza and just stay like this all day.”
 91.“It was always you.” 
92.I love you in every possible way.” 
93.“I didn’t mean to love you so much.”
 94.“Don’t you hurt a single hair on his/her/their head.” 
95.“Duck, you idiot!” 
96.“Hey. Pal. I’ve got a wand and I’m not afraid to use it.” 
97.“Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go.” 
98.“It’s not a double date. We’re just third and fourth wheeling.”
 99.“Look, I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’m still worried about you. No one deserves to be alone.”
 100.“I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror..” 
 101.“Define normal.” 
 102.“Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?”
 103.“Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.”
 104.“Don’t look for any redeeming qualities. I don’t have any.” 
 105.“It’s amazing how fast the world can go from bad to total shit storm.” 
106.“I love you. You enormously stubborn pain in the ass.”
 107.“And you wonder why you’re still single.” 
108.“Remind me to kill you. Please.” 
 109.“That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?”
 110.“She’s crazy. And just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, there’s a crazy underground garage.” 
 111.“She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but I bet behind close doors she’s latex and whips.” 
112.“If my day gets any worse, I’m asking hell if they’re having an exchange program.”
 113.“Sorry. I don’t speak skank.” 
 114.“My middle finger salutes you.”
115.“I don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel.”
 116.Somebody’s cranky.” “Somebody needs to shut up.” 
 117.“Oh darling. Go buy a brain.”
 118.“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
 119.“All due respect, but that’s a bunch of crap.”
 120.“I am one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence behind.” 
121.“Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.”
 122.“What did I tell you about calling her/him the devil?” “That it’s offensive to the devil?”
 123.“I heard that!” “You were supposed to!” 
124.“I need therapy after this.” 
 125.“You didn’t get in trouble for lying. You got in trouble for lying badly.” 
 126.“I turned out liking you a lot more that I originally planned.” 
 127.“I think you’re weird.” “I think you’re boring.” 
 128.“I’m afraid I’ve been thinking…” “A dangerous pastime.” 
129.“Wow, there’s a big surprise. I think I’m going to have a heart attack and die from surprise.” 
130.“I’m gonna hit you so hard, it’ll make you ancestors dizzy.” 
 131.“Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity.” 
 132.“Well, excuse me, psychic wonder!” 
 133.“Don’t look in her eyes, she might steal your soul.” 
 134.“She’s hot, but she’s evil.” 
 135.“Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.”
 136.“I already know that I’m going to hell. At this point it’s really go big or go home.”
 137.“I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a damsel doing damage.” 
 138.“So stick that in your juice box and suck it.
” 139.“Never take life seriously. No one ever comes out alive anyway.”
 140.“Sometimes I question my sanity. Occasionally it replies.” 
141.“Why should we date?” “Because we are attracted to each other.” “I am attracted to pie, but I do not feel the need to date pie.” 
 142.“Neither one us is drunk enough for this conversation.” 
 143.“You’re questioning my methods.” “I’m not questioning it, I’m saying it’s stupid.” 
 144.“Wow, somebody needs a Happy Meal.” 
 145.“I didn’t do it!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because whoever did it is a freaking genius.” 
 146.“Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.”
 147.“You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.
 148.“Obviously you have mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit.”
 149.“Rule number one: don’t bother sucking up. I already hate you, that’s not going to change.” 
 150.“You make no sense to me.” “Welcome to my life.” 
 151.“Can you stop thinking about yourself for once?” 
152.“Can you stop thinking about yourself for once?” 
 153.“Don’t think I forgot about what you did last time.”
 154.“I know you lied to me.” 
155.“I’m not even sorry.” 
156.“You backstabber!” 
 157.“I never want to see you again.”
 158.“You never mattered to me.” 
159.“I knew this was a bad idea.” 
160.“Rot in hell.” 
161.“It was supposed to be a secret!” 1
62.“No one loves me.” 
 163.“He/she/they is/are so petty…” 
164.“You made me cry.” 
 165.“I don’t know who you are anymore.” 
166.“How DARE you?!”
 167.“I know you’re not talking to me…” 
168.“I SAW you with him/her/them!” 
169.“Just leave me alone.” 
170.“What did you do?!” 
171.“I told everyone that I didn’t want to talk but I’m actually dying for attention.”
 172. “Just admit that was extra…”
 173.“I forgive, but I don’t forget.” 
174.“Did you see what he/she/they was/were wearing?”
 175.“So what if I had sex with your ex?” 
176.“There’s something I have to tell you…” 
177.“I can’t do this anymore.” 
178.“You weren’t there for me when I needed you the most.” 
179.“I never loved you.” 
180.“It’s too late.” 
181.“Quit ignoring me.” 
182. “Don’t you get it? It’s because I love you!” 
183.“I love you. I’m sorry.”
 184.“I don’t want to be friends.” 
185.“Can we please pretend I never said that?” 
186.“Friendzoned again.”
187.“You should’ve loved me when you had the chance.” 
188.“Fuck you for toying with my emotions like that.” 
189.“I was there for you when no one else was!” 
190.“Alright – I can tell a ‘no’ when I hear it.” 
191.“I’m sorry I acted so creepy.” 
192.“Fuck. It’s like what they say – nice guys finish last…” 
193.“I’m tired of keeping this secret. Even if you don’t love me back.” 
194. “I knew that’d be your answer. That’s why I never told you before.” 
195.“When I said I loved you, I meant it.” 
196.“Is there any part of you, deep down, that might love me back?” 
197.“You were the one that left all those notes for me?” 
198.“You’re in a relationship with another person – you know this can’t end well.” 199.“We agreed this was just physical!”
 200.“I love you. I know you don’t love me, so don’t say it back.” 
Characters/people i write for 
Steve rogers 
Clint Barton
Scott Lang
Tony Stark
Sam Wilson 
Thor Odinson 
Loki Laufeyson 
Bucky Barnes 
Peter Quill
Peter Parker
Pietro Maximoff
Bruce Banner 
Stucky (ship)
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Aaron Hotchner 
Greys Anatomy 
Alex Karev
Mark Sloan 
Andrew Deluca 
Matthew Gray Gubler
Chris Evans 
Tom Holland 
Tom Hiddleston 
Johnny Depp 
Jensen Ackles
Sebastian Stan 
Daveed Diggs
Colin O’Donoughue 
Once Upon A Time
Killian Jones 
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley 
Sirius Black 
Remus Lupin 
Draco Malfoy 
James Potter
 wolfstar (ship)
Steven Hyde (That 70s Show) 
Jack Sparrow (Pirates Of The Caribbean)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural) 
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scribble-skull-rat · 4 years
literally all of the make the admit questions you are comfortable answering
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
I talk to them on a daily basis
3. Have you taken someones virginity?
Sort of
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
I haven't hung out with anyone, social distancing my duce
6. What are you excited for?
Seeing my boyfriend
7. What happened tonight?
I watched revolting rhymes with my mom
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
Eh idc
9. Is confidence cute?
10. What is the last beverage you had?
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
2, 3 if you count you
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
I did
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
Stay in and cry because i havent gotten over losing my cats and grandpa
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
Nothing, im broke
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
Not anymore
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
Probably not but ill try
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
Ehh no one
18. The last time you felt broken?
Litteraly 10 minutes ago
19. Have you had sex today?
I wish
20. Are you starting to realize anything?
Yeah, im a piece of shit
21. Are you in a good mood?
Im never in a good mood to be fair
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
His are black and mine are blue so, no
24. What do you want right this second?
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
Platonicly? Nothing idgaf. Romantically? Id cry
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
A stupid thing in a discord chat
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
Nah, hes really nice. I think I've told you about him, his names noah
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
Yeah it'd be a bit hard for us to be dating if he didn't
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
I rarely do
34. Listening to?
A mix of lofi and depressed music along with the song my boyfriend sent me
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
Usually i do
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
Yeah, Oregon
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Sort of?
38. Who did you last call?
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
I dont dance unless you count tiktok dances
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
Peer pressure
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
I hugged my mom so yeah
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
44. Do you tan in the nude?
I dont tan
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
Yeah, it was awkward and we both hated it
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
47. Who was the last person to call you?
48. Do you sing in the shower?
49. Do you dance in the car?
Not really since we dont have a car
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
Yeah, my sister used to teach me
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Ive never had my portrait taken
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Eh idc
53. Is Christmas stressful?
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
A w h a t
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Marine biologist, still do
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
59. Take a vitamin daily?
60. Wear slippers?
61. Wear a bath robe?
Dont have one
62. What do you wear to bed?
A t-shirt and pj pants, or shorts
63. First concert?
Never been to one
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65. Nike or Adidas?
Im poor so neither
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
Uhh calm down i guess
69. Ever take dance lessons?
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
I dont really care what job my spouse has
71. Can you curl your tongue?
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
Ive never done a spelling bee
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
I dont think so
74. What is your favorite book?
75. Do you study better with or without music?
76. Regularly burn incense?
77. Ever been in love?
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
79. What was the last concert you saw?
I've never been to a concert
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
Warm tea
81. Tea or coffee?
Red tea
82. Favorite type of cookie?
83. Can you swim well?
Eh yeah
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Yeah? Do people do that?
85. Are you patient?
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
87. Ever won a contest?
Once and i fucked up by not responding in time
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
89. Which are better black or green olives?
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
Have fun and use protection
91. Best room for a fireplace?
Living room
92. Do you want to get married
Ehh sort of
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chimcharstar · 5 years
Get To Know Me Uncomfortably Well
1. What is you middle name?
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
dec 9
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What’s your lucky number?
7. Do you have any pets?
8. Where are you from?
bc canada. my great grandparents are from russia
9. How tall are you?
5 something
10. What shoe size are you?
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
3 that i actually use
12. What was your last dream about?
i dont remember my most recent one but i had a banger of a dream i described in another post
13. What talents do you have?
i think expressing myself, or music, i have some talent that needs discipline
14. Are you psychic in any way?
well i am a spiritual person, in a way. and growing up in a toxic drama filled family, i have Developed the Skill of guessing how people are feeling and what they are gonna do. and i analyze dreams. so not psychic but i am really interested and intuitive whats goin on in there
15. Favorite song?
for some reason https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oilVq8-F4_Q colours by roosevelt ive been obsessed with lately i just loop that shit. loop loop loop. blaringit into my ears and speedwalking down thestreet. the beat.!!!! i feel like I  took all the colours
16. Favorite movie?
spiderverse. i really enjoyed always be my maybe.
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
someone who doesnt make me feel like im Too Much
18. Do you want children?
19. Do you want a church wedding?
i have no idea actually. id want a special wedding definitely.
20. Are you religious?
yes, i honestly feel like i just come like this, i dont go by any books and i dont want to be associated with christians. if i be too religious i start getting the Bad Feelings
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
yes visiting sick relatives. and one in a psyche ward.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
i got a parking ticket
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
no. maybe i did and i had no idea who they were because id never heard of them
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing?
alien socks that are green and black
26. Have you ever been famous?
no. what does that even mean !!!!
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
yes because money but noooooo. its hard when one person definitely doesnt like me. if im famous some people just wont like me and theres going to be more of them
28. What type of music do you like?
stuff with electric guitars in it. funk. bops. i cant get enough lately
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
one. and sometimes NONE. i dont fucking know why its just more comfortable. id lie down on a floor and pass out
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
i usually cant fall asleep unless im on my face with my arms tucked under me for warmpth and general log shape. after that though its chaos. dreamin
32. How big is your house?
BIG!!!!!! so many rooms. so many people. 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
on a Functional day, cereal. not because its my favourite thing but it doesnt require a lot of attention and its easiest to tolerate. my appetite is just. like this
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
HELL no.
35. Have you ever tried archery?
in my child days i shot my hair elastics around and pretended i was fighting aliens. this is definitely archery.
36. Favorite clean word?
i dont really think about words like that. pizza is a nice word.
37. Favorite swear word?
bitch. its really fun to say.
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
not all that long. if i was up the entire night i am usually sleeping in midday no matter where i am. ive disappointed many teachers. its called not caring.
39. Do you have any scars?
yes, but theres no dramatic stories to them, just me not leaving scratches and bites alone as a kid. they look kind of cool though. and theyre so mysterious. youd think id have scars from self harm but no.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
i believe so...
41. Are you a good liar?
yes, when i am 100% like morally committed to lying.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
NO. my thought process is: its rude to assume someone is going to behave badly, and they will be offended and have hurt feelings if you anticipate that. i have to like. treat everyone with exactly the same respect unless theyre a dick. otherwise its being judgmental. and it ends up as naïveté. but im okay with that . the price of being a good person
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
i could do a british one once i guess LOL and it looks like now ive Absorbed a mexican accent but i never really try to talk in other accents
44. Do you have a strong accent?
i dont know how to answer this
45. What is your favorite accent?
idk i like new things i havent heard before. and thinking about how other languages work. theres a lot of different accents at my work and i honestly enjoy listening to them
46. What is your personality type?
that.... INFJ. see. psychic
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
one of the gay jackets
48. Can you curl your tongue?
dont think so
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
depends. i had these big house spiders in my dungeon at my parents house, and id just be “hi” and set them free. but if i see one where im not expecting it i might yell a lot and tell everyone and run around and then set it free
52. Favorite food?
tacos from my old work. i was indeed. screaming, lost in the sauce. i waited until i was away from the restaurant because i knew all my dignity would vanish
53. Favorite foreign food?
idk... i need to eat more curry. i need more curryin my life. bring it on.
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
55. Most used phrased?
“this slaps” i feel like ive been saying that a lot
56. Most used word?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
a whole entire fucking hour (when i wake up) otherwise 5min
58. Do you have much of an ego?
i do, but i hide it. 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
chomp chomp. i am not a patient man.
60. Do you talk to yourself?
yes, when i know no ones around, or when im not worried about seeming like a crazy person at work
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
no. i can sing and it sound okay.  nice even. but good??? like beautiful?????? no.
63. Biggest Fear?
someone dying, natural disaster, new illness
64. Are you a gossip?
maybe. i feel like i have the Tendencies and then im like “am i being a bad person right now”. i want to know the deets though.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
i Simply Dont Have the Attention for Those
66. Do you like long or short hair?
BOTH . long hair is more fun to draw. short hair is hot
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
fuck no. why would i. fuck off. i dont care about your states.
68. Favorite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
people who are not Definitely Cheerful
72. Are you scared of the dark?
no. unless i think about things to scare myself on purpose
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
no unless they need to know. because im not a fucking ANIMAL
74. Are you ticklish?
depends. i can be not ticklish if im determined.
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
i dont think so... i started a rumor i was from mars
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
maybe i was supposed to train some girls and then i probably didnt do a great job and they didnt listen. they say my job now is somewhat authority and im like...... ok...... 
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
79. Who was your first real crush?
someone whos OUTTA MY LIFE
80. How many piercings do you have?
two? i got them pierecd at claires lmao and i didnt get an infection because im  so salty. then i took them out because they were from claries
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
hell yes
82. How fast can you type?
so fucking fast. faster than my work finder helper. im fast im very fast
83. How fast can you run?
84. What color is your hair?
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
im still trying to figure that out. whatever it is gives me hives
87. Do you keep a journal?
yes. so i can get better at handwriting and just talking in general and hear what my voice sounds like. and to have a space away from other peoples needs and pressures
88. What do your parents do?
my mom is a stay at home mom and my dad shoots pop bottles into the sky
89. Do you like your age?
90. What makes you angry?
everything. cabbage. i swore about cabbage for a long time the other day. i am just full of anger. 
91. Do you like your own name?
YES. i mean i chose it i better. honestly my first name ......... i feel self conscious about it sometimes. i think it was the only name for me though. it wasnt the ideal most wonderful namei could find because those didnt fit, it was MY name.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
im going to have two sons and im naming them brick and rusty.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
yeah, i want a boy a girl
94. What are you strengths?
my strengths doing all 100 questions, this is serious muscles
95. What are your weaknesses?
the exhaustion of jumping from one question to the next especially when they are vague. im not complaining this was my idea
96. How did you get your name?
i pfound it in the baby name book and i was lie  “hey yyy, i saw that name in black beauty, lets use it for my gay coded villain what the hell!”
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
no but i did have some ancestors who lives i a mansions andhad fucking SERVANTS. before you call me problematic my other part of family was like sewing things and not going to school 
98. Do you have any scars?
weve been over this. when im older im going to get a cool scar fighting a dragon
99. Color of your bedspread?
pink, white, blue
100. Color of your room?
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thisbibliomaniac · 6 years
Would you hate me if I asked for all 200?
 I could never hate you my darling !
200: My crush’s name is: ohhhh I’m not posting that here XD
199: I was born in: hell 
198: I am really: average 197: My cellphone company is: stupid 196: My eye color is: brown 195: My shoe size is: inconvenient 194: My ring size is: 7 on my ring finger, 8 on my middle finger 193: My height is: 5′5″192: I am allergic to: according to my most recent rescan, egg yolks, corn starch, and ... something else 191: My 1st car was: a windstar 190: My 1st job was: ice cream shop! 189: Last book you read: Pride and Prejudice. loved it 188: My bed is: blue, green, purple, and pink 187: My pet: obi, who is so cute 186: My best friend: amazing wonderful beautiful incredible 185: My favorite shampoo is: maui vanilla 184: Xbox or ps3: nintendo 64183: Piggy banks are: for collecting cool money 182: In my pockets: scrunchie and box cutter 181: On my calendar: seeing @dangerously-human asap! 180: Marriage is: unlikely 179: Spongebob can: die 178: My mom: cool beans 177: The last three songs I bought were? these boots were made for walking, 9-5, idk probably something by kelly clarkson 176: Last YouTube video watched: steven crowder on the catholic boys. worth the watch 175: How many cousins do you have? oh gosh. so many. i was gonna add them up, but honestly? there’s at least 40, and aint nobody got time to mentally run through the whole family 174: Do you have any siblings? yes 173: Are your parents divorced? no 172: Are you taller than your mom? lol yes 171: Do you play an instrument? piano 170: What did you do yesterday? worked :/[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: nope 168: Luck: i joke about it, but not really 167: Fate: no 166: Yourself: heck no 165: Aliens: nope 164: Heaven: of course 163: Hell: definitely 162: God: absolutely 161: Horoscopes: absolutely not 160: Soul mates: yes 159: Ghosts: no 158: Gay Marriage:  nope 157: War: yes 156: Orbs: ? 155: Magic: cats are magic [ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs 153: Drunk or High: neither 152: Phone or Online: phone 151: Red heads or Black haired: ahhhh. both 150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes 149: Hot or cold: cold 148: Summer or winter: nether D:147: Autumn or Spring: autumn 146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla 145: Night or Day: night 144: Oranges or Apples: apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: curly 142: McDonalds or Burger King: ew neither 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk140: Mac or PC: pc always 139: Flip flops or high heals: both!!138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: ugly and sweet are not mutually exclusive 137: Coke or Pepsi: pepsi 136: Hillary or Obama: haahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha135: Burried or cremated: idk i wont be there 134: Singing or Dancing: singing 133: Coach or Chanel: walmart 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: taylor hicks!!!!! 131: Small town or Big city: in between 130: Wal-Mart or Target: both 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: adam sandler 128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure 127: East Coast or West Coast: east coast 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: neither 125: Chocolate or Flowers: both 124: Disney or Six Flags: disney 123: Yankees or Red Sox: Indians [ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: a necessary evil 121: George Bush: i was like 12 so 120: Gay Marriage: wicked 119: The presidential election: ridiculous 118: Abortion: murder 117: MySpace: useless 116: Reality TV: depends on the show 115: Parents: not really sure how to answer this 114: Back stabbers: dump them 113: Ebay: sneaky 112: Facebook: another necessary evil 111: Work: the most necessary of the greatest evil 110: My Neighbors: enigmas 109: Gas Prices: too high 108: Designer Clothes: why? 
107: College: not for everyone 106: Sports: baseball is the best 105: My family: wild104: The future: D: [ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: my coworker hugged me yesterday 102: Last time you ate: got shish tawook earlier 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: havent really seen anyone 100: Cried in front of someone: i dont do that 99: Went to a movie theater: couple weeks ago 98: Took a vacation: went to see stell and danger 97: Swam in a pool: a looong time ago 96: Changed a diaper: longer ago 95: Got my nails done: never have 94: Went to a wedding: probably a cousin? so also a long time ago 93: Broke a bone: never 92: Got a peircing: ears 8 years ago 91: Broke the law: i do not do that either !90: Texted: stell just now [ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: @identityconstellations88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: solitude 87: The last movie I saw: far from the madding crowd 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: seeing danger 85: The thing im not looking forward to: work on monday 84: People call me: boring 83: The most difficult thing to do is: exist 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never 81: My zodiac sign is: nothing 80: The first person i talked to today was: my mom 79: First time you had a crush: high school 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: i can hide from anyone ;) 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: usually do 76: Right now I am talking to: stell 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: uhhhhhhh74: I have/will get a job: hopefully never again, but thats not my luck 73: Tomorrow: bible study! 72: Today: shish tawook 71: Next Summer: who knows 70: Next Weekend: sleep 69: I have these pets: obi, walker, punky, daisy, loki, and lady 68: The worst sound in the world: nails on a chalkboard 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: no one 66: People that make you happy:my friends 65: Last time I cried: idek 64: My friends are: amazing 63: My computer is: dependable 62: My School: over and done with 61: My Car: adorable 60: I lose all respect for people who: give up their pets , especially for petty reasons 59: The movie I cried at was: oh goodness i dont know 58: Your hair color is: red 57: TV shows you watch: so many 56: Favorite web site: i dont think i like any of them 55: Your dream vacation: paris 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: 53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium 52: My room is: purple 51: My favorite celebrity is: oh goodness i have no idea . tom hiddleston probably 50: Where would you like to be: ireland 49: Do you want children: yes48: Ever been in love: no 47: Who’s your best friend: stell 46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl friends 45: One thing that makes you feel great is: being with cats 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: any of my friends 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no 41: Have you pre-named your children: no 40: Last person I got mad at: my boss 39: I would like to move to: ireland 38: I wish I was a professional: nothing. i dont want to be a professional anything. i hate working for other people. they suck. every single one. [ My Favorites ]37: Candy: reeses pieces36: Vehicle: corrola 35: President: RAND PAUL 202034: State visited: hawaii 33: Cellphone provider: they all suck 32: Athlete: jason kipnis 31: Actor: tom hiddleston 30: Actress: sandra bullock 29: Singer: lea salonga 28: Band: needtobreathe27: Clothing store: walmart 26: Grocery store: walmart 25: TV show: the office 24: Movie: so many 23: Website: already asked 22: Animal: cats 21: Theme park: not really a theme park fan 20: Holiday: reformation day 19: Sport to watch: baseball! 18: Sport to play: bowling 17: Magazine: none 16: Book: madman 15: Day of the week: friday 14: Beach: the one in jersey stell and i went to last year 13: Concert attended: tobymac and brandon heath together 12: Thing to cook: snickerdoodles 11: Food: shish tawook 10: Restaurant: idek 9: Radio station: majic 105.7
8: Yankee candle scent: cinnamon 7: Perfume: honeysuckle 6: Flower: roses 5: Color: pink 4: Talk show host: regis philban XD 3: Comedian: probably john mulaney 2: Dog breed: pitbull 1: Did you answer all these truthfully?  yiss 
thanks dan
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batsysims · 6 years
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didnt wanna do an actual Simself Edit™ so have an arrested development reference
i was tagged by @0cherub & i tag any1 who hasnt done this yet bc who doesnt like answering 125 questions abt themselves oh also @flavortowne im forcing you to do this sry
get to know me tag
1. WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? its batsy dont worry abt it
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? its batsy dont worry abt it
3. BIRTHDAY? september 15
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? ummmm idk lmfao i havent “read” a “book”” in like 5 years 
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? 35 & 36 on sirius are like basically the exact same station but that doesnt mean i dont constantly alternate between the two whenever im near a radio
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? pink is a v trustworthy flavor
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? what kinda question is this wt f ive currently reobsessed myself w marina and the diamonds so honestly any of her discography
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? idk any words :^/ sry
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? wheels on the bus im exhausted
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? man in the high castle. man in the high castle. man in the high ca
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? almost exclusively sims and fallout but every once in a while some indie game i find on steam so. yea
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? never doing anything in my life and having nothing 2 look forward to!! yay
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? probably my resiliency, maybe?? idk
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? my habit of allowing bad things to happen to me lol
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? cats but im sorta kinda indifferent 2 both i think i might 1 of the 5 ppl on earth who dont like having pets
20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? summer and fall
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? @flavortowne eye emoji
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? its natural brown but im thinkn abt going either red or blonde again
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? like 3 ppl irl and everyone on discord u guys legit
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? my person and @flavortowne eye emoji
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? tom hardy. what is his end goal
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? tbh going 2 basic lmfao im!! lame
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? as of right now,, spiderverse lol
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? teletubbies was fckn legit and so was old school spongebob
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? im not superstitious,,, but i am a little stitious
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? i cant deal w fishing poles idk
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? sims or stitching play foods 4 the kid to use on her play kitchen
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? stop asking book questions
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? piano & i try 2 pretend i know what im doing w a ukulele
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? i had an oc that could read ppls memories like a scrapbook if he touched them and i always honestly thought that was. cool
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? in my house!! the door b locked bitch!!!!
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? toddler being an idiot toddler
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY?  its not really,, a sport,, but i bike
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? cream soda in those glass bottles is top tier non-alcoholic beverage
47. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER OR NOTE TO SOMEBODY? i wrote a letter 2 my person telling him he was an idiot and by the time it was mailed 2 his house i was already living there lol
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? either ppl blowing vape in my face or holding something so close to my face i cant see i just go ballistic
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? nope unless u count a sesame street liveshow like 10 years ago
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? this is horrible but the setting of new vegas i just feel like id be at home there, w the radiation and constant danger and dehydration
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? only when im looking in the mirror adlkfj start thinkn abt a different face showing up instead of mine idk
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? skipped a whole year adlfkj
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? this is basic but i miss the tri-state area
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? this is basic but i miss nj
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? yea :^/ a dog, a cat, and uhhhh 14 fish
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? night owl but honestly im just always tired
64. DO YOU PREFER EARBUDS OR HEADPHONES? headphones. they just work
65. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? nah but i need em
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? i listen to everything tbh
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? michael cera
68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? i used to read them religiously but not so much any more. i am reading the TAZ graphic novel tho
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? having to repeat myself 20 times. or being an idiot when i wanna start a new hobby
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? honestly i had a blast in econ and my law enforcement class
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? a bro, another sibling, and a half-bro
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? every time i measure myself im 5′2″ but the government insists that i am 5′3″ so w/e
75. CAN YOU COOK? yeap
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? alcohol, bike riding, wearing stupid makeup
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? ppl holding me back, bird box, when my nail breaks before i can file it so its all oglee
78. DO YOU HAVE MORE FEMALE FRIENDS OR MORE MALE FRIENDS? uh idk?? i dont have,, many,,,, friends
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? 2 nights ago the kid pistol whipped me in the chin w her phone and it just hurt so bad it legit made me lose it
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? ok this is dumb as shit the kid is obsessed w Blippi and i have a mom crush on him afdslfkjs
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP? i am currently obsessed w L.O.L. Surprise! Pop but all in all probs Pocket Camp
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? bad as parents but theyre fine now that im an adult and they have a grandkid they can like
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? i dont like a majority of them lmfao but idk maybe uh?? irish
88. WHAT IS A PLACE THAT YOU’VE NEVER BEEN TO, BUT YOU WANT TO VISIT? rly wanna go to nevada but im moving to the mojave soon anyways so
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? nope
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? i was raised christian but i dont rly give a shit abt any of that
92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OR THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? outer space my dood the ocean is dumb and scary
94. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING? i mean. im lactose intolerant but thats abt it
98. DO YOU PREFER THE FOREST OR THE BEACH? forest ig bad choices
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? i dont think i was ever given advice, ever. maybe thats why im like this
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? idk i try not 2 lie unless its like. an obvious exaggeration for the lols
101. WHAT IS YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE? wtf idk ok i just did one of those quizzes & im a slytherin?? what does that mean
103. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT? more of an introvert but im ok w going out there if i gotta
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? i keep one for the kid but thats abt it
105. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES? nah. unless it was something stupid like burning food like im not gonna ban u from the kitchen
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? if theres an id i guess mail it 2 the address on there?? idk ive never just. found a wallet. i think this happens a lot less than all the hypotheticals make it out to be
107. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF CHANGE? if theyre dedicated to it. i dont think ppl can just do it over night and i dont think its ever a 100% change
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? dont touch me
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? 2 in both ears but thats it
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? no :^( once im cleared for them tho deffo
113. WHAT IS THE BEST DECISION THAT YOU’VE MADE IN YOUR LIFE SO FAR? i hate that this is the answer but enlisting adlfkjs
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? yeah ig??
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? idk?? i get embarrassed but also get over it quick so like. idk
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? i was on nickelodeon back when they had those cuts to the Live Studio Audience™
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 21
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.”
125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? savory i almost never eat anything sweet
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