#im like ok it’s not the end of the world just the same stupid wound like it always is but damn i wish it would heal bc this shit is
thatdeadaquarius · 10 months
Okay so-- i was reading some sagau posts and came across this one where the reader was an army vet and my brain just Did Its Thing--
So now I'm here to inflict this on to you--
Would guns be considered as catalysts. And would they only do Phys Damage.
Me reading this ask:
😶 😐 🤨 🧐 🧐 😰 🥲 😭😭😭 💀
(Also srry took so long to respond, when i didnt realize how short this was/was just sitting over here 😓)
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^ For the sake of gun imagery being a lot/maybe staff might hate me for it,
we'll put this gay shit instead (i almost mispelled to "gay shot" lmao)
Sun: Army Veteran Reader, Gender neutral Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: SHORT Headcanons
Stars: everybody bc i think itd be funny
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: gun stuff, mild violence, mild cursing & Trigger Warnings: Gun fun everywhere
You're out here having a whole gun they let you take for off-base
And u ofc have a license so u can conceal carry
(idk how non-american gun laws work, but tbh ours are so fucked idk how they work here either, just that an army guy i knew once could have his gun when he got back home)
And ofc ur just paranoid enough (more like it just makes u feel safe)
That when u get yoinked into a portal to a silly little brightly colored gacha game fantasy world, the gun comes with 💀
Id like to add in my silly little "ur in a video game, so video game rules" AU version of genshin so:
The only other gun (ish) wielder (Mika) has unlimited bolts
Sooo I'd think your gun would be the same jfc lol
When u first stumble into abyss monsters/hostile creatures of the realm, u nearly scare off a Lawlachurl bc every shot's like thunder to these bitches😭
So not only the monsters but the vision holders think u fucking summoned lightning
STOPP- you're becoming a witchy god or smth to all of Teyvat bc it just looks like hella high level magic atp to them LMAOOO
Rumors of you get out of hand and say u just point or snap ur fingers and things get wounded/just die on the spot 💀
Oh another difference between Teyvatians seeing ur gun vs. crossbow (what they know)
Is that guns are wayyyy more destructive
Like an arrow would get shot but it'd bounce off of things like rock or wood or metal, maybe dent a little depending on how close
But a bullet goes thru that shit so easy, and leaves a whole little explosion behind, once again depending on range
(I once saw a Mythbusters episode? of them proving bullets would definitely go thru car doors, like movies lied to u, this is why drive-bys acc work like for gangs)
Lmao, the image of you in like full armor with a Teyvat made automatic gun after showing it to blacksmiths
Makes u just more convincing as a god, esp bc military training
(Ppl like Gorou and Kokomi begging for military tactics/training ur world has done)
I'll address it.
But only so u dont think im stupid later.
Yes, the Fatui have guns.
No, this not the same as having a glock LMAO
End of story.
(Also, urs runs on bullets, whereas the Fatui rely on magic/delusions to power theirs, plus they dont seem as fast or destructive as urs, more "explosions aimed at you" than real bullets)
Which,,, u leave the managing of ppl copying ur gun to ppl like the Qixing or smth, but make sure to give them advice on good gun laws if teyvat accidentally revolutionizes bc of ur advanced gun that anybody can wield (non-vision users)
Thats the best ive got abt that
Oh, also enjoy being praised as a War god now.
... dammit i had smth i was gonna tell u guys-
Uh what tf was it, it was important
Next post is the Eldritch God Oneshot! Look out for it :) !!
Safe Travels Kid,
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pepprs · 3 years
the specific way i am ******** *** is so fucking sad and painful but also so fucking funny
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mynamexm · 3 years
Summary: I don't know why, but I've always looked at Harry Potter in a different light. We are always immersed in the magical world full of dream and fantasy, the thrill of the battles and the bravery of Harry Potter. But is that all he wants? I want to create a female character, and she's just a ghost and she's not from this world, she's from one, I want her to share and accompany him.
I see them, they cry a lot. That woman, that's my mother, she cried a lot, kept ringing in my ears the words ''Please wake up. Are you torturing me?".
I heard the voice of the man next to her, still the same cigarette smell, I knew it was my father, he comforted her even though he was feeling the pain himself.
I was in pain, every muscle in my legs and arms hurt the most, my mouth filled with the smell of blood. I can't cry.
I want to cry. But this moment, it only lasted ten minutes. I couldn't feel anything myself. It was a horrible time that I still remember. I am twenty-five years old, have a happy family and a stable job. Until everything was ended by my incurable illness. It's funny when I found out about the disease at the age of twenty and didn't tell anyone. I'm afraid they have to worry, and I'm afraid to see them cry. The disease only got worse because it had no cure. And then it ended up like this. Up to now, I think I'm just a ghost. This place is strange, which helps me to know this place is not Oriental is because of the accents of the people around here and their language. They don't see me, but I see them. I don't think I will become a ghost myself, a ghost that still has memories and emotions. I don't have a home either. I can make the curb my home and my food the leftovers people throw away. When I was alive, I didn't even think that ghosts could go hungry. In the movies I've seen, there's mention of ghosts eating humans as well as eating human souls. I walk around this place, I feel cold when I see the way people dress. In the distance, I saw children gathered in groups. It became my childhood nostalgia when I was little until I saw all the kids start hitting a little boy. Oh my gosh, I didn't think I was supposed to see this. I know I can't touch all those kids because I'm just a ghost and I know they can't hear me either. I found the chubby boy to be the most aggressive. After beating and insulting the boy, they left. And from start to finish... I just stood in the corner. It seems that my bad nature is to be curious, whether in life or death it is true that this bad character cannot be abandoned. The boy was still lying on the ground massaging the place where the children had hit him. I clicked my tongue, really sorry. ''It looks like you're used to it. '' I didn't see him cry, fortunately his glasses were still more intact than his body. He looked up at me, and I widened my eyes in surprise. Did he see me? It was also possible that the boy had unintentionally looked this way. I curiously asked him. '' Kiddo? Are you OK?'' The boy looked up at me again, his sick hand caressing the wound on his cheek, answered me: "It hurts..." If I hadn't just seen the sight of a bunch of kids hitting the boy, I would have immediately thought this boy was a ghost just like me. But not... He completely saw me and even heard me. ''You see me!'' I said suddenly, my voice sounding like a scream. From a while ago until now, this is the first person to talk to me. "Boy, you can hear me too!" I said happily. At least I won't be alone. He looked at me with a frightened expression. He had a lot of anxiety on his face, and it seemed he was worried that I might come from some mental hospital camp. I suppress my emotions. No one seemed happy when their new friend was injured like that. ''Kiddo. You've been beaten like this, why don't you fight back?" I went over and sat down next to the boy. The boy pursed his lips. He bows his head slightly as if he shies to meet a mad lady. The silence end until the boy shook his head. It seems the boy endured this bullying scene. ''This wound can leave a scar. You're young, your skin will heal quickly if you take care of the wound.'' I looked at the boy's wound, there were some places that were bleeding and there were some bruises. The boy still pursed his lips... ''Where are you parents? I'll take you home.'' I asked the boy, still wondering why he was beaten so badly, his parents didn't help him. ''I don't have parents.'' He said, his voice a little low but I could still hear him. Oh my God... I pursed my lips and sighed. This seems to be the reason the boy was bullied? Lucky because I myself have full parents. They love me so much that no one dares to touch me. ''Im sorry... so... Where's your house.'' This is a redundant question, and I don't even know the way this place is. I can only ask like this to break the silence now. ''...'' The boy stroked his cheek, saying nothing. Only now did I notice, this boy was very thin, as if he had been starved? Messy long black hair. It seems that the boy's new family is not treating him well. ''Im Y/N. Can I get to know you? Kiddo?'' I said with a smile to the boy, and it seems he doesn't like to be acquainted with strangers. I dare to make friends with him. ''Im... Harry James Potter...'' the shy boy introduced. He names sounded familiar to me. Harry James Potter? The name sounds like a character from a book I once read. ''Haha. Very nice name, you remind me of a character, if you had a scar I wouldn't be mistaken. I'll ask for an autograph.'' I said while smiling. The boy suddenly looked up at me. ''The scar...'' the boy mumbled. ''You mean...'' The boy said as he lifted the black hair from his forehead with his hand. Revealing the scar right on his forehead. Is this a joke?
p/s: I had to rewrite this chapter twice from start to finish because I lost my backup. Oh my God. If my misspellings and stupid english words annoy you. I'm sorry. 
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Wrong Direction: Chapter 3 (K. Kapanen)
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My phone rings with a FaceTime call from Kasperi a few hours after we texted. My heart stops and I feel like my chest is about to explode. I let it ring out twice before swiping right on the screen to answer the call. When it connects, I see Kasperi wearing a light pink hoodie with the hood pulled up over his wavy brown hair. He looks so cozy, so comfortable. He smiles gently at the screen when I answer, taking me in the same way I am him.
“Hey,” he says so gently it's almost a whisper.
“Hey,” I say back. I turn on my side, laying under the covers on my bed. I continue to just watch him, my heart swelling. My feelings are so conflicting, but one thing I know for sure is that I'm still just as much in love with Kas as I was the day I met him, and that might never change. He was the first person I ever fell in love with.
“Look, Y/N, I feel so bad for what I did. Like, fuck, I don’t even know how to say what I’m trying to, uhh…” he looks away from the screen as he talks and tries to come up with words to explain himself.
I giggle slightly. He looks back at the screen, his brown eyes sparkling. “I missed that laugh.”
I smile gently back at him, my temples throbbing. “I'm still mad at you, Kasperi.”
He pouts. “I know. I know you are. I hate myself for ever causing you this much pain, believe me. I wanna fix this. I want to be the one to love you.”
“It's really not that easy. What you did is unforgivable. Do you really think I'll run back to you just like that? I have some self-worth, Kas, and I know I didn't deserve that. That night, I wanted to make you a nice dinner because I felt bad for leaving you at home while I was working, despite the fact that there was nothing for me to feel bad about because I was out working. I wasn't the one cheating.”
“I know. I know, I’m so fucking stupid. I really fucked up, I know. I don’t deserve a second chance. I don’t even deserve you talking to me at all right now. I deserve jack shit, I know that. But I don’t want to lose you. Is there any way I can fix this? I’ll do anything to get you back, Y/N.”
I look away from the screen and take a breath. When I look back, he's staring at me with the same doe-eyed expression as when he first asked me out. “I don’t know.”
He looks like he might cry, and in the back of my mind I feel bad for being so harsh, but I quickly push that thought away, reminding myself how grave his mistake really was. I went to sleep crying for months. I gave him my all for what felt like forever and he threw it all away in one action. Everything felt like it was built on lies upon lies upon lies. He runs his hand down his face and pushes his hair back under his hood. “What do I do to fix this?”
I'm silent for a moment, wondering if there is even a way to fix this. “Why did you do it?” I wince as soon as the words leave my mouth, unsure of whether or not I really want to hear his answer. “I, uhm, I never gave you a chance to explain yourself.” After I saw him in bed with that girl, I left without saying another word to Kasperi. And even though that's justifiable, I still feel a little guilty.
“I thought you didn't love me anymore. You were always out doing album promotions, and it felt like there was so much distance between us. I felt like you were pushing me away, and I didn’t want to believe that, I didn't want to think about it. I needed a distraction, and that sounds so fucking stupid, I know. I regretted it as soon as she walked into the apartment.
“Y/N I need you. I need you to understand how badly I need you. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't function without you. I know I don't deserve a second chance, but if you just trust me I know I can fix this. Let me fix us, please.”
I'm silent, thinking and trying not to think. “Kasperi that's the whole point, I can’t trust you, no matter how badly I want to. Please believe how badly I want to trust you like I did. But I'm coming back to Toronto next month. William’s letting me move back in with him.”
Kasperi’s eyes brighten at the news. “Then let me take you out. Let me, Y/N. Please. I miss you so fucking much, oh my God.”
I smile slightly at him, and it grows wider when I see his eyes brighten at the sight of it. If there were such things as soulmates, one person made specifically for another, I think that Kasperi would be mine. There's a lot of hurt in my chest when I look at him or think about him, but there's also an overpowering amount of love. “That would be nice.” He smiles so wide, the first smile he’s given me in what feels like forever.
“I'm going to fix this. I'm going to win you back. You're gonna be my girl again, baby, trust me. Oh, just you wait and see.” I can't help but smile back at him. There's a large amount of trust that he has to win back, but just hearing his voice makes me feel safe and warm and happy.
“Let’s see, Kasu.”
He just smiles back at me. “So, uhm, how are things in Montreal? How’s Domi?”
“Well, he's very much not on your side in this whole thing,” I laugh, to which he smiles and shakes his head.
“He was never on my side, it's not like I lost a fan or anything.”
I laugh, and the nerves in my stomach about calling him, about opening back up a wound that was just starting to heal, are gone. I still have my guard up, but he's my safety. He's my normal, my happiness.
My everything.
So I have to give him a chance to fix this. I have to give us a chance to fix us. Because he's my world, and it would be a mistake to throw everything in the garbage without ever trying to fix it. We continue to talk for a few more hours until I glance at the time and see it's close to three in the morning.
“Do you have practice tomorrow?”
“Yeah, at six. Why?”
“Because six is in less than three hours.”
“Are you joking?” He jumps slightly and his eyes widen as he searches frantically for the time to see if I'm telling the truth. I laugh at him and he calms down, smiling at me. “You're so beautiful.”
“Stop it,” I smile. “I know what you're trying to do and it's not gonna work, Kapanen.”
“I don't know what you’re talking about. I'm simply telling the truth.”
“You have to go to bed.”
He pouts at me. “I don't.”
“You do. I know you haven't been sleeping, you have to sleep tonight. In your own bed.”
He frowns, but nods. “I don't wanna hang up. I never want to stop talking to you ever again.”
“Yeah, well, your phone’s gonna die, and if you wanna talk after practice you should charge it.”
“You'll talk to me after practice tomorrow?” He sounds like a little boy who just got told he'd get ice cream after practice.
“Well, that's usually when I call William, but if you call me first…”
“Oh, I will, don't even worry.”
We stare at each other in silence.
“Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Kasu.”
“Can you hang up? Because-”
I cut him off by pressing the end call button and smile. Not even two seconds later a text dings.
‘Go to bed.’
‘fine. but only bcuz ik i get a chance to win u back’
‘Mhm. Gn Kasu.’
‘gn <3’
I smile at the phone screen and put it on the table next to my bed. I should probably get up and take a quick shower before falling asleep, but I decide to just shower in the morning. I don't want to break the feeling Kasperi gave me. I smile as I shut my eyes, thinking that he really might love me as much as I thought he did before everything spiralled out of control.
I go to sleep with a smile on my face instead of tears in my eyes for the first time in months. Maybe I'm a fool, but that's what love does to you. I'm willing to give Kasperi another chance, because he really might be my forever person. I missed him more than words can describe, and I can't wait to see him again, to feel his embrace. I will always love him, no matter what, and despite the amount of hurt he made me feel, I know that we can make it past this.
He means so much to me, and I want to try to make it work, at least once more. I don't want to give up hope of a future with him, a future of late night calls when he's on the road, him coming to my shows, and little kids running around the house. I don't want to give up hope of a life with Kasperi, and I know that we can fix things between us. He loves me, and I love him, and with that we can get through anything together.
‘R u awake?’
‘im going 2 sleep rn but ya’
‘We’re gonna be ok. It'll take time, but I think we're gonna be ok, w each other’
‘trust me, Y/N, i will never ever hurt u again. i love you sm’
‘I love u forever, no matter what’
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Could I request some angst with a happy end? headcannons or scenarios you chose. With baku, todo and if you want (authors choice charater) where their s/o takes a big hit for then during a battle? Like they jump in the way? I hope this is ok.
Hehehehehehehe angst you say? With a happy ending you say? Why this is a recipe for an emotional rollercoaster!
I miiiight've gotten carried away with Bakubabe and Dabman dnsjskjana
WARNINGS: Fighting, blood, broken bones, medical talk, hospitals, cussing, death
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You two were only fighting one person, so how hard could it be? Only you two were fighting for two hours straight now and the villain doesn't have a scratch on him. You were fighting some asshole who had a quirk that turned Bakugous explosions against him. Both of you were struggling to make a dent in the villains defenses.
He turned one of Katsuki's explosions against him causing you both to fly into a car.
"You two can't even take me on fully! Man! Where does UA find losers like you?!"
If it's one thing Bakugo couldn't handle it was his anger.
"OH REALLY? Let's see how you handle a full blast from my gernades?!"
"Katsuku NO-" you ran to shove your stupid lover as far as you could.
The last thing you remember is the immense heat and the sound of your ribs snapping before you fade into unconsciousness.
Once Bakugo turned to find you his heart sank. You were laying in a puddle of blood mixed with rebar. One of the pieces stabbed your chest, and you weren't moving.
Goddamit why weren't you moving?
"Oh how sad! I didn't realize I could swat heroes like the flies they are!" The villain was reveling in the sight of you, not paying attention to Bakugo.
You opened your eyes much to your body's displeasure to see Katsuki beating the villain into the ground.
"LETS SEE YOU REDIRECT THIS?" His punch laded with a sickening crunch to the man's nose. Even though the man was unconscious he kept beating him.
"Kacchan..." You groaned as blood spilled out of your mouth and nose.
Bakugo froze and glaced back at you, shocked to see you back in the waking world, to see him beating the life out of a villain..
He dropped the man and ran to you, eyes glistening with tears. He kneeled by you scared to move your broken and bloodied body.
"W-we did it Y/N. You're gonna be fucking fine. You aren't allowed to leave me here got it dumbass?!" He reached for his GPS transmitter to get an ambulance out for you.
"H-hey, DONT YOU FUCKING BLACK OUT AGAIN. DONT FUCKING DO THIS TO ME Y/N" His desperate tone broke your heart but your body forced you to pass out again.
The beeping of a heart monitor is what finally woke you up. That and the sound of yelling and scuffling.
"GODDAMMIT IM FINE, LET ME SEE THEM!" Your lover burst through the door with two orderlies trying in vain to hold him back.
"Y-y/n.. y-You're finally awake!! Let me go you white coat BASTARDS" he turned to fight them off of him, adrenaline still pumping through his veins.
"Kacchan! It's fine! Stay in here with me and let them work on you.." your voice faltered with the morphine coursing through your beaten veins.
After the nurses left you two together he was uncharacteristically quiet.
The beeping of your monitor was deafening. The smell of disinfectant sickening. The way your lover refused to look at you, heartbreaking.
"why..." He muttered.
"Katsu, you know I couldn't let you take that full blast. Neither of us could.." you went into a coughing fit causing him to flinch with the wet sound.
"You shouldn't have done that you fucking idiot. I could've done something for you! I SHOULD'VE SAVED YOU Y/N" he cried into your bedsheets, gripping them with white knuckles that were too scared to touch your now frail body.
"Katsu.." you groaned as you moved your hand to comb through his hair which only made him weep harder.
"I'm going to be fine, Katsuki. I only have three broken ribs, a fractured femur, 18 stitches, and a mild concussion. But your crying is hurting more than all of that.. I know you'd do the same for me you idiot. The best thing we can do now is move on." You painfully flashed him that million dollar smile when he finally looked up at you.
"Y/n.. I promise this won't happen again.."
"It better not. That villains quirk relied on yours and you thought it was a good idea to go all in with explosions?" You laughed at his realization of his mega fuck up.
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You two were out numbered and cornered. No matter how many you two managed to take down more just kept coming.
You might've misjudged how big this gang really was. They all carried some kind of weapon and of course they all have their own quirks so close combat was a last resort for you and Deku.
You both knew you had to leave and get help, the only problem was you were in a dead end alleyway and the only way out was up.
"Y/N! Be ready to jump to tha-"
It all happened in a blink of an eye. Once Izuku looked to you to tell you his plan a villain saw an opening. He was carrying a machete that seemed to break the sound barrier toward your boyfriend's neck. You grabbed Midoriyas arm with adrenaline powered force and yanked him away but your upper arm caught the blade.
That's deep.. fuck..
Izuku choked back his emotions and just flung you over you over his shoulder and used OFA to run up the wall.
The last thing you remember before succumbing to the shock and blood loss was the panic in his face and the darting of his eyes to presumably find help.
You woke up in a hospital bed feeling woozy. You tried to sit up only to have Izuku gently coax you to lay back down.
"Y-y/n you need to lay down, ok? We're both safe. We're in a hospital." He was trying to hold back tears at the sight.
You needed 9 deep tissue stitches and nearly 23 surface stitches and a blood transfusion.
Your arm was wrapped tightly with gauze to halt the bleeding. Now the only big worry was infection.
"Are you ok, Izuku?.." you weakly groaned as you looked for injuries on him.
"I just have some scratches and a few cuts, y-y/n-n..." He couldn't hold it any longer.
He broke down into tears as he held your hand to his cheek.
He apologized between sobs saying how he shouldn't have left himself to be so open and that he blamed himself for getting you hurt.
All you could've done was gently rub his cheek and smile reassuringly.
"Izuku, honey, we were in a rough situation. Things didn't go according to plan and we were flying blind. I wasn't about to let you take that hit." You wiped away some tears that were rolling down his cheek gingerly and pinched his cheek gently.
"Now stop crying, I feel fine."
"Sorry to interrupt, Y/N L/N." A nurse entered and fiddled with your morphine drip.
"Since you're no longer in critical condition we're taking you off morphine and on painkiller pills."
Well, you did feel fine.
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Ragged breaths filled the air. The smell and tased of hot copper filled the air. The burning pain in your abdomen hit you suddenly as you buckled over in pain.
You two were just out shopping for the holidays and a mugger thought to hold you two up, but panicked and pulled the trigger.
"I-I didn't mean to shoot her!!" The man backed away frantically looking for an escape route from your bi-colored lover. His flames burned hot into the alleyway openings, swirling with a lively anger. His ice created spike walls who were seemingly unfazed by the inferno surrounding it.
The gunshot wound paired with the temperature change forced your body to shut down and hit the ground.
You woke up to Todoroki giving you a piggyback to the nearest hospital. His pace jogging to prevent further injury but still rushing you to help.
"Sh-oto.." you could feel the blood pooling on the back of his shirt.
"Don't say anything Y/N, we're almost to a hospital!"
Bystanders stared at you two causing you to realize the gravity of the situation.
"Are you ok, Shoto..."
"Yes, but we're still going to the ER. Goddamit." He growled at his own panic as the hospital doors slid open.
Nurses and doctors rushed over asking questions to which, Todoroki only gave short chopped answers. When someone tried getting you off his back he couldn't help but squeeze you harder and prevent them from taking you away from him, but his senses came back and helped you on a gurney.
He couldn't even answer the other nurses questions as he watched them rush you to the OR wing.
"-sure to make her drink fluids and soft foods for two weeks. Her bandages need to be changed twice daily and her wound needs to be rinsed with hydrogen peroxide for each bandage change." The white robed man lectured Todoroki who was just staring at a jar.
He only noticed you were awake when the doctor left the room and you shifted slightly.
"How are you feeling." He hid the jar on the floor and tried to keep his eyes focused on yours and not the bindings on your stomach.
"I've been better. Although.. I do feel better than that time we had dinner with your father."
He couldn't help but chuckle at your joke. Jokes were a good sign.
"You we're right Y/n, the bullet missed every organ and major artery, but it got stuck in your hip bone."
"I told you Shoto" you grinned at him to try to make him relax a bit more. You could tell he was still tunnel visioned by the way his eyes continuously glanced at the floor.
"Did they let you keep the bullet?" He shot his eyes up at you and debating on answering.
"Well, let's see it!" You were gleaming which finally made his brain relax.
You two were safe.
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Of course Dabi just had to start a bar fight.
Some lowlife dude was supposedly eyeing you like a piece of meat, according to Dabi. So what did he do? Slammed his head into the mahogany table promptly breaking his nose. Which then made the people who were with him want to fight, which cause other people to get caught in the crossfire, which sparked an all out brawl.
Dabi was never the smartest, but he was the most protective person you've ever seen. And he loved showing you how powerful he was.
But when he threw some poor son of a bitch out of the window, one of his buddies put you in a headlock.
You struggled against his grip but stopped once you saw him holding a chunk of glass to your throat.
"Dabi!" You cried out when he added a bit of pressure to your neck. You could feel your heartbeat push the glass slightly.
His eyes were transfixed on the sight before him.
"Tch, what a pussy move, threatening a man's girl." He sounded calm but you knew he was fuming, hell you could see smoke forming in his palms.
"Stay back or I'll fucking slit her pretty little throat, zombie!" The man was terrified of your boyfriend, you could tell by the way his hands was shaking.
Dabi held his hands to his sides and slowly brought them up to his head.
"Alright, you got me. Though it is pretty pathetic to grab a chick. We we're all just having a nice little bar fight, but, whatever."
Dabi watched your hand slowly reach for your back pocket and smirked.
"All of your friends are either dead, unconscious, or ran away. You're all alone here. If you just let her go I'll let you run too."
"SHUT THE HELL UP, FREAK!" The man tightened his grip and slid the glass slightly against your throat causing blood to trickle down to your collar.
He shuffled you both closer to the exit still holding a firm grip on you.
"If you just let her go you can leave. Don't be stupid." Dabi reached for a cigarette that was on the table causing the man to focus on his hand. Dabi sure was making a fine distraction.
Your lovers blue flames lit the cigarette tip causing the man to start to lose his mind.
"Don't fucking use your quirk or she dies! You hear me fucker?! One wrong move and she's fuckin-"
You finally made your move and shoved your switchblade into his side causing him to drop the glass and stumble backwards. You grabbed him in the same fashion he did to you and placed your blade on his neck.
You and Dabi made eye contact and he smirked at your power play. With one swift motion you slit his throat. He crawled towards the door before he collapsed, gasping through a malfunctioned windpipe.
"It takes about thirty seconds for the human body to bleed out through their jugular. Enjoy the next 23 seconds." You walked towards a table and grabbed a napkin to stop your own bleeding.
Dabi let out a long whistle, "damn babe, what took you so long. You could've gotten real hurt there. I don't think I could live on without your cookin'." He made his way over to you, stepping over bodies and broken glass.
"Let me take a look." He peeled your hand away from your neck and cleaned it up a bit to get a better look. He growled softly and heated his finger up.
"Hold still baby, I promise I'll be gentle." He smirked and started to cauterize the slit. You were in pain sure but his seemingly fire filled eyes kept you entranced.
"Any deeper and you would've had to borrow some of my staples, hot stuff."
Despite his flirty nature he was scared.
When you two got back to your shared apartment he trapped you in your own bed by laying on top of you. He kissed the opposite side of your neck and made his way to your chest.
"Man, I'm the luckiest son of a bitch.."
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r0xy-w0lf · 4 years
Leonardo Davis
Nickname: Leo
Age: 27
Eye colour: baby blue
Height: 6ft 2
Hair: blonde
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Persona and upbringing.
Leo comes from a well to do family, born & raised in a wealthy upbringing. Due to that wealth, he's had the best education paid for by inherited riches. He uses this against his rivals, outsmarting their little minds before shooting them.
While he's a rich guy, he doesn't act like it! He'd be happy to get his hands dirty and is not just a pretty face. He goes out hunting a lot and runs into a lot of unpleasant beings and will happily take them out, guns or fists.
His father owns one of the biggest companies in Saint Denis and his mother is a former infamous outlaw turned housewife. His father and mother mostly his father) forced him into a marriage with another rich lass, but Leo wanted nothing to do with it.
When Leo was younger, his father knew a family from Ireland whom he did a lot trading and deals with. He made a friend called Ryan.
His mother was an outlaw and she knew many other gangs around the state, including coincidentally Stevie and Harrison’s father William George “Wolfgang” Carwyn. She got to know him rather well, as they did jobs together and spent a few “nights” together. Even after Leo was born, she would still go and see him or write to him as they remained close friends after their rendezvous.
His father would get paranoid, knowing full well where her mysterious trips were taking her to. He knew who she was with so he paid a gang to get rid of “Wolfgang” so his wife would love him again. As far as his mother knew, they had succeeded. The gang had failed to kill him, which Leo would be glad of in the future.
Leo saw Stevie a few times and the name “Miss Blackheart” spread across every newspaper. He made the connection as her and this “Wolfgang” fella both shared the same last name. He always thought she was a badass, young woman and knew that she would end up in a notorious gang in the future.
He would meet both of Wolfgang's offspring later on through Roxy. Little would they know of what his father tried to attempt on their father.
His mother would take Leo out for days and nights on end. She would teach him how to steal, kill and loot anyone, as a way of defending and fending for himself.
His mother eventually succumbed to her depression over how her life had panned out at the crippling grip of his father and ended her own suffering, never really coping with her trauma and her change of lifestyle. She left a pile of letters to Leo about her past, about Wolfgang, and about his father's evil schemes.
On days where it was just him and his father, it was nothing but education, being pushed to reach his full potential.
His father wanted him to follow in his footsteps and he did for the most part, but his mother's teaching’s had started to lead him into a different path.
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Roxy: a quick story of how they met.
He met a young lady being harassed by a man.
Leo being extremely kind hearted and heroic, decided to step in, only to be thrown to the ground with a gun to his head. Unfortunately Leo was unarmed, so he tried to talk his way out of it
All of a sudden there was a “click” of another gun, held to the strangers head whose gun was held to his. A mysterious figure. The only word that was uttered from her mouth was “valuables”. It surprised Leo that the voice wasn't deep or male like, more so feminine. He started to look closer and realised that the mysterious figure was a woman! At this point Leo was now the one getting mugged.
The aggravated stranger decided to try and be smart and without a second look, she killed him within the blink of an eye. She removed her hood and bandana showing her face without a care in the world.
The girl ran away shouting “DEATH-RIDER! IT'S HER! SHES GONNA KILL ME!”
Leo didn’t move, because he knew that name very well, he read the newspapers frequently and knew how dangerous she was, how capable she was of killing him within an instant.
As she told him to leave, Leo got up and wanted to turn and run, but there was something about her that drew him in. There was something about the way she just let him go and the way that she gave him choice to before killing him.
He looked into her divine blue eyes and saw nothing but fearlessness and beauty.
“Your name miss?”
He pondered on her face for a moment as she looked at him curiously.
“Robinson, Miss, Robinson”.
After a moment she disappeared with only a feather left in her tracks. Leo took her parting gift and decided that he would find her once again, if it was the last thing he’d ever do.
In the meantime, he had to deal with his father. He asked his trusted friend, who was involved in nature studies to find out the breed and location of the bird. His father had arranged a meeting with the family of the daughter that he would be set to marry, but he didn’t care about some girl he felt nothing for.
He wanted Miss Robinson.
A week after his encounter with her, Leo packed a bag and set his excuse of “I’m going to hunt down a legendary buck” in stone for his father. He had gathered the research and found a reliable source as to where the feather could be located exactly…
Somewhere at the top end of Annesburg...
3 days into his search and he found absolutely nothing. He set up a decent camp site and called it quits for the night. His brain then clicked from reading research articles about Miss Robinson in the paper. No one has ever found her during the day, because she roams and robs during the night. All of the robberies and the gang attacks have taken place after sunset. He got up to the sound of gunshots… Was that her? Stupidity got the better of him and he went towards the noise, pinpointing the location of the smoke..
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A a gang hideout in a small valley. He got his binoculars out and started to scan the campsite. Thinking he had found nothing but bandits, he started to move away until he noticed a wooden cage built for a wild animal. He peered for a closer look and there she was. Hogtied inside of it
He felt a sense of protectiveness to free her, but how? Everyone in camp was awake.
Slowly, he quickly but quietly assassinated each and every one of them until they were all dead. He strutted over to the cage, feeling rather good about his accomplishment. He then stopped in his tracks as he noticed that she had been beaten up abit, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle. She had gained a gunshot wound to her right arm and a knife slash to the side of her waist, which was bleeding.
“Are you ok miss?”
She looked at him and then looked away. She was racking her brain, considering every scenario of how she would escape but it seemed like he was her only one. She couldn’t just ask him to leave? Not after what he did for her. He approached her again but this time moving closer, close enough to see the face with the dim lantern that he had… and she was stunning.
All of a sudden she flinched back and tried to crawl away like he was the bad guy. Why was she, the most wanted female outlaw of 5 states, so scared to be helped?
“Easy, I ain’t gonna hurt ya.”
She stopped for a minute and looked at this stranger that she gradually came to recognise and quickly tried to manipulate the situation.
“Come on! Let me go like i did you”
“No you didn’t, you were gonna kill me!”
“That bullshit! You’re alive ain’t you?”
Leo crossed his arms
“Well you’re coming back with me then, so i can stitch those wounds up.”
“Well, undo me then, you fool!”
“I will once i've got you safe and I’m still unsure after last time.”
He picked her up and placed her upright on the back of his horse,
“So what's your real name then, Miss?”
As she went to say her surname he interrupted.
“REAL name.”
“Roxanne, but you can call me Roxy”
Leo smiled contently, like he had found out some good news.
“Im Leonardo but call me Leo”
Roxy didn’t respond whatsoever.
“Where are ya taking me?”
Leo stopped the horse and thought about her question for a moment. He couldn’t take her home because his father would either kill her or give her to the law that would deal with her accordingly for the money that was on her head.
Then he remembered a small cabin in the woods not far away from home, that he used to run away to as a boy. He could leave her there while he got supplies.
“There's a cabin not far off, you’ll be be safe there until you get better”.
She look at him and laughed.
“What’s so funny?”
Roxy rolled her eyes as she tried to process how unintelligent he was coming across as.
“Do you really think that I’ll be safe right next to town in your cute little cabin!?”
“I’m an assassin, who robs little rich boys such as yourself... So why the hell would you even think about helping me?”
Again... He had to think about it, because he knew she was right, but none of that mattered. The way she made him feel. It would all be worth it to him.
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Thanks to @theunholyoutlaw for helping/re-writing this for me and credit photo’s to her too!!! Thank sis! ❤️❤️❤️
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theskyexists · 4 years
the amazing she-ra 5
i am LOVING this first episode. they’re TRULY the underdogs now. people are hiding with magic. they live in tents. they’ve lost their edge. they’re actually leaning into the horrors of war now
Shadowweaver says OOC stupid things but it doesn’t matter because the princesses shut it down satisfactorily. Adora is weighed down by responsibility in a cool way.
Catra is staking out the enemy and weaseling her way in. (yessss)
‘You don’t need to say it! I know. I made that choice. I’m living with the consequences.’ I LOVE THIS ADORA
I LOVE THIS WRITING. Catra and Glimmer are THE greatest pair ever. Glimmer is smart enough to poke right through Catra’s defenses - and NOW they’re in the same situation - Glimmer says so - and immediately the prison wall fades away - and they’re both invited for dinner. THAT DELICIOUS WRITING
i do love how shadowweaver has been this snarky aunt for two seasons now.
Hord Prime shows us Adora in danger and Catra is like; FUCK YOU ADORA’S MINE (TO DESTROY) !!!!
I love Hord Prime’s wonderfully manipulative dinner. And I love glimmer quietly crying and I love Catra being like HRMMMM I DONT LIKE THIS. the subtle animations are so great - the close-ups
the way Catra speaks to Hord Prime - the way she’s really fuckin scared and the way Hord Prime says ‘little sister’. The way they make him seem unbeatable. I LVOE IT.
jezus but how few people really live in etheria ?
the propaganda and the tech to boost prime’s image everywhere....ugh it’s delicious. im also happy Entrapta is back and on the good side instead of helping Catra be a bitch to Adora. and im glad the princesses are wary of her.
hahahaah awww Bo came to give adora breakfast and then he panics when she’s lying on the floor. I ALSO LOVE BO AND ADORA TOGETHER BEST
goddamnit Bo YAH! finally somebody who effectively protects someone from the masses. fuck off micah!
Love the princesses acting on their own - love Scorpia mediating, love mermista stepping up, love Entrapta using her .....intelligence
I love how Hord Prime manipulating Glimmer is used to show us more about his empire.
‘i only want to bring peace’ - but also i destroyed all these worlds. how is that...how is that even surface compatible?? like no attempt is made to align those two things.
wait....the heart of etheria will destroy the universe? why??? why is that the assumption. and why...does Hord Prime want that? i....
the comedy of the princesses doing a mission alone is GREAT
IM SO HAPPY THE PRINCESSES GOT TO HIT ENTRAPTA WHERE IT HURTS. now THIS is the right level of comedy versus hurt
the way scorpia rolled to cover frosta in her bulk!
i love how adora is like - HAH sleep is great actually! wow!!
because of the underlying grievances that we EXPERIENCED as audience, this friendship moment actually LANDS
I REINSTATE MY HOORAY!!! (hahahaha god i love scorpia). oh my god Micah saying he trusts glimmer’s friends to save her - fuckin hell - heart squeeze
LOOK AT THAT SHIT. LOOK AT IT!!! Glimmer being angry at Catra - but then recanting and showing vulnerability. Catra showing vulnerability by acquiescing. GOD!!!
‘why did you do it?’ OH GOD ARRGHGHHG THATS SO FUCKING PAINFUL. why does Catra scratch Adora? Because she doesn’t understand - seems to not make the effort to understand!! because she’s never understood that everybody always hurt her - she never fucking saw when it was right in front of her. THat’s even worse in a way than being hurt.
god the fuckin scale. the planet getting bombarded from space....jezus christ.
theres a hallway with light and dark at the end - its implied she goes into the dark - BECAUSE SHE INTENDS TO HIDE FROM WHO FOLLOWS HER
wow she instantly realises he’s hordak. ha!
Catra is being so open with Glimmer. She’s REALLY REALLY! off balance
they have a talking ritual!!!! THEYRE BONDING ABOUT ADORA BEING A DORK!!!!
Catra realises that nothing she was doing on Etheria had any value to her!!!! I LOVE THIS SEASON SO MUCH
I love how Adora gets to be such a badass dork this season!!!! Bo and Adora + Glimmer and Catra are the BEST COMBINATION
godDAMN they made these clones creepy. damn i LOVE Hord Prime!!!
she pushes her onto the bed and kneels before her, holding her hands. DUDES. MY DUDES!!!! catra is they gayest cat in existence
‘do one good thing in your life!’ - oh OUCH god, you can feel the whole weight of all the hurt and injustice she’s experienced in ‘dont talk to me like you know me!’
HAHAHAHAHAHAH BO losing his mind and Adora being a hilarious himbo is SO GOOD
‘im alway going to be your friend’  - ‘i’ll never say sorry to anybody’ GODDD
‘all i do is hurt people, there’s no one left in the entire universe who cares about me’ - a reasonable assumption based on your behaviour except for the fact that Adora has been trying to reach you for 4 FUCKING seasons with hand outstretched
the animation in this goddamn season is CRAZY and INCREDIBLE
I ADORE Catra the self Martyr i ADORE that she’s going to go through the wringer still in Hord Prime’s hands.
well i guess that was pretty good with Adora. wish they had made that a little bit longer
i love entrapta. she’s such a perfect element to throw into the mix. and her connections with AI’s are great
that scorpia and swift wind talk is so beautiful. they are also the PERFECT pair. ‘gosh have you ever noticed how many moons we have here? it’s weird.’ HAHAHAHA
they’re visiting a planet that’s been conquered by Prime...
I love how they made Entrapta flirty with her tech ahahahaha
i love how Adora is like: oh??? you’re coming to me??? for emotional advice??? uhhhhhh ok haha nice
i love swift wind’s drunk history retelling of what’s going on on Etheria - especially his impression of shadowweaver and his batman micah
Bo sure is very bad at forgiveness himself lol
‘well im NOT! running awayy that is. i AM smart’ AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! i love you adora
Adora spewing all her bullshit about Catra to total strangers ahahaha
this was SUCH amazing teamwork!!!
jezus christ !! that was good!!! i take it back - it was a stupid interruption (they could have just had Bo respond ‘eh’ at an attempt at apology from glimmer....maybe) but they made the final apology INCREDIBLE
‘i can’t just leave her...’ the voice acting in this is sO GOOD
Catra made her whole plan to keep Adora away from Prime based on the assumption that if Glimmer was in Prime’s hands, then Adora would come to rescue her no matter the danger. So she saved Glimmer. But SHE FAILED TO REALISE THAT ADORA WOULD DO THE SAME FOR HER AHAHAHAHAHAHAA
the amazing thing about these highly tech advanced societies is that none of them have invented security cameras
glimmer getting some ptsd flashes
I KNEW that the heart of etheria was built by the First Ones to fight Hordak. Makes Mara’s decision a bit more ---- hMMMM not as great. Because Hordak has killed countless worlds since!
the hive mind lol. jezus Prime is so terrible.
oh my god the very concepts of Prime when behind a fictional buffer are so archtypically delicious. Catra’s glowy green eyes and full bow. hohhohhohho. that uniform also looks great
so Prime could do this to everyone but he chose to surround himself with clones. goddamn.
oh damn that lean-in, those hands on her neck. hmmmhm. gay
she FLINCHES when Prime lays a hand on her shoulder. DAMN. love it
‘you will give me she-ra’ ---- isn’t that what she’s been offering all along? lol
brainwashed Catra is really sexy and disturbing hahahahahaha
this fight is so well choreographed. Catra letting herself almost fall, Adora gathering her into her arms, the scratch across the back, the damn knee into the midriff (OUCH), the dangling her in turn.
‘i always hated that guy in particular - and also all the other guys i hit on the way in.’ LOLOLOLOL
‘you’re such an idiot!’
‘yeah! i know!’
‘im going to take you home’
Adora watches Catra probably die and fall off into a endless pit. JUMPS IN AFTER HER ONE SECOND LATER
Prime really did miscalculate lol - his ship’s been destroyed by one stab at a server.
all the fucking crying is so good
‘I kNOW YOU ALL HATE ME!” ‘I NEVER HATED YOU’ ‘Then you’re dumber than I thought’ HAHAHAHAHA i love how Catra cannot accept Adora’s friendship because she cannot forgive herself. but Adora never fucking gets it because she has the emotional intelligence of a crab!!!! the problem is that Adora is the exact shape of Catra’s heart - which is one big open wound. And if she presses - all she does is cause hurt
Catra is so adorable looking god.....
SPINERELLA AND NETOSSA KISSED!!!!!!!! awwwwwww they’ve been so cute for so long and they only got more and more screentime and Awwwww
Not-Hordak and ‘dehydrated protein slaw’ AhAHAHAHA
how did they find us? UHHH THERES A CHIP IN CATRA’S SPINE????
their first impulse is to hold each other at the ship shaking.
SHE-RA CAN LITERALLY FLY THROUGH SPACE - well. make matter from light, breathe in a vacuum, jumpt from one asteroid to another....
Catra is very lucky that her biggest likely hater is already on her side: glimmer
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SPINERELLAAAA. what a fuckin bait and punch goddamn! making them so cute and then foreshadowing it perfectly and then BAM
catra is so effortlessly cool sitting in the window sill
i am actually loving that they have a not-Hordak with them. it humanises those clones a lot
this prince has farsight but they NEVER thought to recruit him BEFORE???
FUCKIN - I LOVE how spinerella and netossa have gotten so much more screentime - relevant to the plot and also revealing their characters. i wish we’d got this from the start!
well now i ship perfuma and scorpia lolololol
HAHAHAHAHA i LOVE this Seahawk and Mermista hiding behind a bar because of ex victims skjsfajfklds
Prince Peekabloo has an AMAZING design, but also he must be a fake. IT MUST BE DOUBLE TROUBLE. double trouble has TASTE
MERMISTA LOOKS SO COOL IN THAT OUTFIT - but also especially chipped and in shadows. they do love chipping people’s love interests
SCORPIA SACRIFICING HERSELF TO SAVE PERFUMA. jezus christ so much love interest drama suddenly wow
‘happy anniversary’ that is HEARTBREAKING
what a great ending to a very silly episode. that’s the balance. a last message from the last soldier standing...
‘WHY DOES SPACE HATE ME SO MUCH!?!?!’ hahahahaah
Catra’s fingers shake......
‘take it from somebody who’s defeated you guys, like, a lot’ AAHAHAHA
chipping everyboddy so they’re like zombies was a great story idea.
catra upset at her signs of upset. CUTE
why the FUCK is Adora’s hair out of her spacesuit ahahahahahahaha. IM SO GLAD THAT BO AGREES WITH ME ON THE ADORABLENESS OF CATRAS HELMET HAHAHAHAHAA
catra is happy to see adora laugh again.... : ‘)
I LOVE how Catra is like, WHAT THE FUCK at having lost to these people
Entrapta trying to deal with Wrong-Hordak in existential crisis is a hilarious premise
oh wow! a first ones colony! very cool! this whole planet works against intruders and plays tricks on them. i do like how first ones are definitely like, still imperial shitlords like subtly. i love how Wrong-Hordak has a realisation arc in the background.
CATRA IS PETTING A CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
catra is working on not lashing out :’) <= literally adora and also me
Melog is so ADORABLE and imprinted on Catra and LOVES ADORA and AGHGHGHG
I love how Adora can make her eyes glow on command
Castaspella was blushing at Shadowweaver being so close lolololol. wow this is the first time Castaspella has been interesting. ‘and stop me, if i take the power for myself’ i love aunty shadowweaver.
AAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAH WHAT HAHAAHHAAAAHA Catra notices she’s holding Adora’s hand and goes ARGGH and doesn’t just take her hand back but throws it away ahhaahaha. Adora doesn’t even respond. that was so hilarious for some reason.
‘is what i would have said before i joined you. go team’ hahahaa
‘you’re wearing hooded cloaks. that’s highly suspicious’ AHAHAHAHAHA fucking meta
I LOVE HOW ADORA IS THE ‘oh god my fuckin friends blowing our cover great’ person here
Spinerella and Netossa are so BADASS and i love their fight. it’s so deliciously painful and cool hehehehehe
so the only person im fighting here is!.....my own wife...
spinerella is so op lololol - why did she barely do anything for them when they were still fighting hordak
wrong hordak is so fucking cute ahahahahaha
goddamn that reunion was touching and funny at the same time. and i can actually believe that Prime is having trouble with this slippery team of magic users
I love Netossa’s analysis of the princesses weaknesses. Adora: can’t act to save her life. also extreme hair envy with she-ra
BUT GLIMMER: crippling self-doubt mixed with overwhelming hubris AHAAHAHHAAHAHAHAHA
PERFUMA DON”T BE A BITCH TO CATRA. (even though yeah Catra did treat Scorpia bad) she’s right you need to fuckin go for the neck (this episode is gonna show us that you need to damage the chip AND get through to scorpia and it’s going to take catra and perfuma ofc)
awwwww glimmer and bo.... bo is really worried about his dad :’( . this is the first time ive found myself shipping bo and glimmer.....the way he sighs into her arms, turns his face into her neck. Yes....
perfuma is really getting on my nerves here. ‘we dont throw tanks at our friends’ uhhhh shes trying to kill you. just let perfuma get electrocuted adora
AH THEY FINALLY GIVE AN ORIGIN STORY FOR ‘GRAYSKULL’! ha! i do love how they keep elaborating on the First Ones as tyrants as well
hmm perfuma was right i guess. i didnt really like that development. urgh god perfuma is so grating lol..
i wonder how shadowweaver and catra are gonna....deal with each other....
hah. shadowweaver tries to weasel in with Adora again. but Adora won’t stand for it again....
Melog literally acts out Catra’s emotions and jumps adora playfully. hehehehe
shadowweaver is such a fucking bitch. i wonder if we’ll ever get her to admit guilt or apologise
no adora. you have to fucking defend catra to shadowweaver. THAT is what you have to do now that you can!
shadowweaver preying on Adora and Catra again goddddd. let this be an episode in which they finally shuck her off. Adora fucking THINK, the only reason you could transform in the first place was BECAUSE of Catra.
Melog lies half on top of Adora while Catra watches her.... god fuckin hell Melog being an extension of Catra’s feelings is so fucking AMAZING
holy FUCK that confrontation. (i love how every confrontation between adora and catra starts in roughhousing - their language is extremely physical). this is the softer version of catra’s and adora’s dynamic. Catra loves Adora and she wants Adora to choose HER, LIFE WITH HER. ‘what do you want?’ (WHAT ABOUT ME??) But Adora always chooses some higher hero purpose over her. and she doesn’t want to watch Adora die....
‘i dont have to watch it happen...’
god fuckin hell this season.
shadowweaver BELIEVES that she did the right things - of course. and that’s fascinating. and I love that Adora finally totally truly was like: YOU RUIN PEOPLE AND I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU. fuck yeah!
so when was the moment that Adora couldn’t become she-ra anymore? think it’s when she lost track of Catra....
I love Melog - I love how Catra cannot hide from her feelings anymore - at all.
the way glimmer asks adora ‘are you scared?’ ugh MY HEART
i love martyrs. i fucking LOVE martyrs.
oh my god hallucination Catra touching foreheads with Adora.....
EVERYTIME Glimmer just straight up shows Catra affection? that’s some good shit. i thought we were gonna have Glimmer going after Catra for her mother’s death at one point but no....not at all. and i dont mind it
the fights this season have been SO! GOOD!
i love how they’ve set up that Glimmer is a fucking POWERHOUSE. she can turn the tide of battle in a blink!
naturally they pit Micah against Glimmer. jfc this poor family....
there is something important about Prime not remembering Mara....
catra has such a soft heart really. she still, after everything, loves shadowweaver. god....
EVERY SINGLE LINE IS SO GOOD, so well-acted. the ‘im ready’ the way she says ‘catra’ like she can’t take anything anymore
i couldn’t write anything for the whole rest of that i was just covering my mouth with my hands
The fuckiN KISS! the look of PURE LOVE on ADoRA”S FACE
which in the back of my head - they cannot actually cut that in any way - it’s impossible to cut
adora with those blue eyes in the blaze, the magic is beautiful adora excising prime from hordak’s mind (WOW), adora and catra touching foreheads and the slight PURR you can hear, adult bo and glimmer (lookin so nice), adult catra (LOOKING SO HANDSOME in her prom-y outfit,) Glimmer chasing Catra, just, GOD, THE UTENA FUCKING REFERENCE, the way they say they love each other, my GOD, Scorpia being like woah perfuma you look nice, MY GOD MY GOD MY GOD THEM GOING TO SPREAD MAGIC TO THE UNIVERSE GOD!!!!!!
every single thing in this season was worth 4 seasons of enjoyable, entertaining, interesting, frustrating and meh. WOAH! WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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jamesdeerest · 5 years
love notes
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pairing: remus lupin x deaf!ravenclaw!reader
requested by: anon
warnings: just a lil bit of werewolf violence, nothing too gory
this is such a cute request :) im goin to try to do it justice, tell me if u liked it!
you were looking at your charms notes, trying to figure out... everything, pretty much. to say you sucked at charms was an understatement, and if flitwick wasn’t your head of house you would get a troll on every test. currently, you were scraping by with a dreadful, but flitwick’s patience was running out. he had asked a gryffindor who was acing charms to help you out, starting today- remus lupin. you had seen him around with the rest of the marauders, notably james potter, who you had known since you were a kid and taught you how to ride a broom.
you rubbed your eyes, looking longingly at the door, and glancing at madam pince. suddenly, remus walked through the door of the library, his brown eyes searching for you, lighting up once he caught sight of you. he walked over, smiling at you, before grabbing his charms books out his bag, along with a notepad and pen. he set his books aside, uncapping the pen and beginning to write. once he was done, he ripped the page off and slid it over to you along with the pen.
‘hi y/n, i’m remus :) flitwick said you needed help with charms? any particular stuff?’
you grabbed the pen and scribbled a reply under his neat handwriting.
‘hi remus :) yeah i’m failing charms :( i suck at everything so at least that’s consistent’
remus chuckled at your reply, before flipping the note over. 
‘no worries, i’m here to help :) okay so i thought we could start from the basics, and work our way up? i also brought a folder so we could make notes and stuff :)’
as you read the piece of paper, remus dug around in his bag before pulling out the folder, and wrote ‘lesson one’ at the top, before looking back to you with a smile on his face.
weeks had passed, and your grades had shot up. flitwick held you back after class earlier that day, telling you that you had got an exceeds expectations in your latest test, and you were grinning all the way to the library. you grinned even wider when you saw remus, and rushed over, pulling the chair opposite him out and plonking yourself down, grabbing the notepad and pen. ‘remus!! i got an e :) i’m so happy! thank you so much!!’ you slid it over to him, faltering when you saw his face-pale as a ghost, with fresh wounds littering his already scarred skin.
he tried to smile, but ended up grimacing. ‘that’s great y/n :) well done!’
‘whoa what happened to you? are you ok?’ you wrote back, looking worriedly at his face. he smiled at your reply.
‘don’t worry y/n, i just fell over. i’m good :)’
you raised your eyebrow in disbelief. ‘what, did you fall over on a knife?’
‘y/n. i’m good. it was just some spiky bushes, nothing to worry about :)’
‘spiky demon bushes more like. are you sure you’re fine?’
he smiled fondly at you, making your heart skip a beat- wait what? you liked... remus. shit.
‘i’m fine y/n, honestly. now let’s get back to it, do we want that o or not?’
you smiled at him, still not completely believing him. ‘let’s get that fucking o bitch im coming for you’
remus cackled at your answer, opening the folder and the textbooks.
‘something’s not right with him’ you wrote on your notepad, giving it to your friend with a worried frown on your face. ‘who, remus? your one true love? what’s up with him?’ you glared at her. ‘piss off. but yes, remus. he just seems... off. you know?’ your friend studied him, nodding.’he seems more tired than usual, yeah. have you seen sirius, james and peter though? they’re just as bad as he is.’ you perked up at the mention of your childhood friend, wincing as you saw the cuts on his face and arms. ‘i’m going to go to talk to him, be back in a bit’ you scribbled quickly, your friend nodding.
you got up and headed to the gryffindor table, squeezing in between james and sirius, and started to write. ‘hey jamie :) what happened to you? why are you all cut up?’ james pulled you into a hug, ruffling your hair, before reading your note. ‘hey weirdo :) don’t worry, i just fell over :D’
you stared at him sceptically. ‘let me guess, into some spiky bushes?’ he read your note before grinning at you. ‘yup :) how’d you know?’ one of the perks of being friends with james since you were six is that you could tell when he was lying. for example, now. ‘james, stop lying. what happened? remus won’t tell me either, and i’m really worried. what’s going on?’ james sighed. 
‘it’s not my secret to tell :(’ once he had written this, he started talking to remus, gesturing at you every so often, remus shaking his head, panicked. you tore off a new sheet. ‘what’s going on, remus?’ you reached over to remus to give him the sheet. ‘i can’t tell you, i’m sorry y/n’
you frowned at him. ‘why not?’
he ran his hands through his hair in frustration. ‘i just can’t. you’ll hate me’
you raised an eyebrow at him. ‘do you support you-know-who? are you sexist, racist or homophobic?’
remus frowned, confused. ‘what? no, of course not!’ his writing was messy now.
you shrugged. ‘then i don’t, and won’t, hate you’
remus looked at james and sirius, torn. sirius shrugged his shoulders, and james nodded encouragingly. remus sighed again. ‘okay. can we go outside?’
you read his note, nodded, and then stood up with him to leave the great hall. once you had walked down a couple of corridors, remus sat on the windowsill and patted the space next to him, indicating you to sit there. he got out the notepad again, writing something before scrawling it out. he paused for a moment, before writing again, his hands shaky. he passed it to you, and looked away, refusing to meet your eyes.
‘i’m a werewolf.’ 
you gasped, tears pricking your eyes as well as remus’. he knew he should never have told you. now you would never talk to him again, and he couldn’t bear that-
you hugged him, a few tears escaping your eyes. remus froze for a moment, shocked, before cautiously putting his arms around you and relaxing. after a few minutes, you pulled back, staring into his watery eyes. ‘thank you’ he mouthed.
the two of you stayed there, your head resting on his shoulder and his arm around yours. you sat up, frowning, and grabbed your notepad.
‘why are the others all beaten up then?’
remus bit his lip nervously. ‘they’re animagi’
‘excuse me, WHAT’
since remus had told you, you had been spending even more time in the library than usual, researching animagi. you had tried to ask james about it, but he cut you off. “y/n, you’re not becoming an animagus.” well, shove it james. you were going to do it anyways, if it helped remus. you found a mandrake leaf a few days ago, and according to your books, you were supposed to put in your mouth for a month. gross. it made talking, eating and pretty much everything difficult. however, it was worth it to help remus, and also turning into an animal is pretty awesome as well, right?
a couple of weeks had passed, and the day when you could finally take that blasted leaf out your mouth was approaching. however, so was remus. he stormed over to you, grabbing a notepad and angrily writing. ‘y/n, you better not have a mandrake leaf in your mouth.’ 
‘no, why?’
he stared deadpan at you. ‘open your mouth.’
you raised an eyebrow at him. ‘i’m not going to open my mouth so you can check if there’s a leaf in there.’
remus sighed, frustrated. ‘y/n, i can’t believe you would do this! this is completely irresponsible! how could you be so stupid!’
you looked at him, shocked. ‘okay, i’m doing this to help you! and why can’t i do it? you didn’t mind when james, sirius and peter did it!’
remus ran his hand through his hair, exasperated. ‘that’s different, y/n, and besides you’re not listening. it’s too dangerous!’
‘why is that different? i think i can handle putting a leaf in my mouth for a month, remus, i’m not going to choke on it.’ you gave the note to him, before standing up angrily, picking up your bag, and storming off. did he not think you were strong enough? you only were doing this because you cared about him!
remus was still sitting down, his head in his hands. he knew you were strong enough, he didn’t want to hurt you! he felt guilty enough about james, sirius and peter, he couldn’t handle you as well. especially as he liked you. he couldn’t stand you being hurt, even more if he was the cause.
a couple of days later, you were able to take the mandrake leaf out of your mouth, and transform. once you chucked the leaf in the bin, you stood still for a moment. how do you actually transform? probably should have looked that up. anyways, you decided to close your eyes, concentrate, and hope for the best.
suddenly, you felt yourself changing. nothing painful, just new, and whilst a wave of panic was rising up, it was overcome by a wave of wonder. you fell to the floor, but caught yourself, and you opened your eyes to see the world from a lower down view. you stared curiously at your paws, acutely aware of your furry ears, pricked up. you looked back, as well as you could, and saw your silver-grey tail waving gently. you padded over to the floor-length mirror, your steps silent as a ghost, and looked at your new body, through the same eyes. 
a wolf?
that was... amazing.
you jumped around, yips coming out your mouth, tail going a mile a minute. you had done it! you had done it. 
could you transform back?
and where did your clothes go?
oh shit.
you had shown james, sirius and peter your animagus, and sirius for one loved it. a wolf was basically a dog, right? peter wished you were smaller like him, as this means four more paws to dodge. and james? james was proud of you. proud, but also worried. he hated seeing his friends all bashed up, he didn’t want to see that happen to you too.
you hadn’t shown remus yet, as you still weren’t talking. however, the full moon was approaching, and you were ready. it doesn’t matter if remus was a git, you still were going to help him any way you could. the night was approaching, and you were ready. you cast a disillusionment charm on yourself, and headed out of the castle, walking towards the whomping willow, where you could see the boys standing. 
as soon as remus caught sight of you, he scowled. why were you here? ‘please, god don’t tell me she’s an animagus,’ he thought, his hopes falling when he saw you grimly smile at him, before transforming. he was shocked at your form- a wolf? but before he could read too much into it, the cold light of the moon lit up the sky, and he felt himself beginning to change. the boys quickly transformed, looking on with pain as their friend screamed for what seemed like forever...
until it was complete. the werewolf looked back at them, snarling, a spark of humanity still in his eyes before it was dashed away. he went silent for a moment before lunging, aiming for james. sirius immediately jumped onto him, trying to push him away without hurting him, and you did the same. however you were swiped away, while sirius had managed to cling on. suddenly, peter bit at the werewolf’s feet, and he hissed, trying to squash the rat. peter scuttled away, the werewolf hot on his tail, and you all chased after, running through the grass into the forbidden forest.
peter was finally out of sight, and the werewolf paused, looking around for the rest of you. you, sirius and james had formed a triangle, each looking out in different direction. you stared intently into the woods, determined to catch a glimpse of the boy who you fell for... until you were swept around, claws scratching down your fur, ripping into your skin. you howled, your body in agony, and you saw a quick glimpse of remus’ beautiful brown eyes, before your world faded to black.
the first thing you noticed was a grip on your hand. tight yet not uncomfortable, just comforting. it was when a kiss was pressed to it that you opened your heavy eyes, squinting at the bright light which flooded them. almost immediately you were engulfed in a hug, tears falling on your shoulder. lips were moving against your shoulder, you assumed they were making out words. suddenly, the body pulled away, and you were face to face with remus lupin. suddenly, it all flooded back-the transformation, the pain, everything. remus was still speaking to you, although you couldn’t hear him. you put a finger over his lips, looking around for your notepad that was always by your side. it was on the desk, with a pen neatly placed next to it. remus grabbed it, uncapped the pen and chucked the lid across the room, hurriedly scrawling ‘i’m sorry. i’m so sorry’ tears were still falling down his perfect face, riddled with fresh scars. your emotions were overflowing at this point. a boy this perfect should not be crying over you. so, you kissed him.
it was passionate, tears mixing together, his arms keeping you as close as possible. he picked up the notepad again, his hands shaking this time.
‘i love you.’
i’m back! with another shitty fic, i know! :) sorry i haven’t updated in a while, been busy.
comments, reblogs and likes are all appreciated :) leave an ask if you want to be added to my tag list :)
tag list: @blackpinkdolan @hoewkeye @shadyladyperfection @sassy-specter @i-am-eating-rn 
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din-skywalker · 6 years
Silenced Tongue- Part 1
Warning: This fic has graphic depictions of torture; including the sewing of human lips. If you are uncomfortable with this, then do not read this fic. There will be kinder fics in the future from me.
ok right off the bat... sorry guys. ya’ll be leaving me a ton of cool ideas to write, then im over here writing something literally no one asked for and something probably no one wanted aside from me lol. besides, people were wanting angst, and this has angst and ton of pain 
sorry atreus
anyway, enjoy:
Atreus doesn't know how long he has been in his captor’s grasp before he woke from unconsciousness, but he knows it's been long enough already. He groans, sitting up from the hard ground his captors has left him. He lifts a hand to his aching head, noticing the iron shackle around his wrist. Normally, if held like this- which was one other time, his father doesn't much like him being in the enemy’s hands- he would use his magic to make them unlock. However, upon further observation, he curses silently when he sees glowing runes etched into the metal. So they must block his magic and keep him from using it.
He sighs heavily and looks around where he is currently; what appears to be old ruins, it would seem like. He's on the edge of a large, circular stone, huge rocks stacked around the circumference in different patterns. Nearby, he can see what looks like tents and a campfire. And, sitting around the fire, are a group of dwarves.
Ah. So he was captured by dwarves of all creatures. Father would not be amused. He's not amused.
They don't seem to have noticed he's awoken, yet,  though. He could try to find a way to escape while they haven't noticed.
He reaches under the sleeve of his armor, thanking whatever god is listening- probably his father, then- that they hadn't patted him down. He finds the lockpick hidden underneath his wrist and pulls it out, setting to work on freeing himself. When the shackle clicks off, he lightly sets it on the ground beside him and slowly stands, glancing towards the dwarves.
And stops when he sees that they're no longer there.
He's just thinking of how terrible a fool he was when one randomly appears beside him. “Well, boys, would you lookie here,” the dwarf snickers, moving so fast Atreus can hardly see him. He ends up getting a fist slammed into his gut. He wretches and is then pushed to the ground as another of the dwarves kicks his backside.
“The little bastard is awake!” another of the dwarves exclaims, licking Atreus square in the face. He falls to his side, rolling just as another dwarf appears out of nowhere, landing where his head had just been.
“Woah!” Atreus exclaims, hopping to his feet, backing up until he hits one of the boulders surrounding the circle. He pants, looking from dwarf to dwarf as they slowly approach him, each holding a look of ill intent in their eye. Maybe he could somehow get out of this. Dwarves weren't exactly the brightest of creatures, after all. “What is going on? Why did you kidnap me?”
“Don't act stupid, bastard,” the first dwarf said. He was the tallest of the three with a set of golden armor similar to Sindri’s- though, of course, it doesn't have the same attention to detail. “We know who you are.”
“And we know what you will do,” says another, the shortest of the bunch. His armor is ragged cut fur, covering most of his body.
“And we know how to stop you from doing it,” the lay dwarf finishes and Atreus can now see how similar they look. Brothers, perhaps?
“I honestly don't know what you're talking about,” Atreus says, hoping he sounds confused enough about the situation to their thick skulls. “You must have the wrong person.”
The dwarves pause and look from one another. Good. His words are working so far. Maybe he could push a little more. “I promise I'm just some random mortal Midgardian who was out hunting with his Midgardian Father when you attacked us.”
They begin to mutter to one another. Atreus begins to slowly inch along the face of the boulder, thinking that he could possibly slip away. “And look, I’ll even leave, free of charge,” he said. And then he's darting around the boulder, sprinting down the side of a hill the ruins are situated on. He wobbled forwards and back to keep his balance as he hurries down the steep hillside, nearly losing his footing once or twice.
“Get him!” one of the dwarves shouts from behind and he knows they're chasing him now.
Atreus clears his throat and gathers his magic back to him, yelling out the words of a tracking spell. One that his father knows as well, and that will tell his father where he is currently. “Jag är här!” his voice booms from his mouth, echoing loudly around him and soaring through the sky. In the direction of his father. He sets off that way, hoping to try and at least meet him halfway.
But then the tallest dwarf appears in front of him, punching him in the face before he could stop. He stumbles backwards, nearly falling again because of his body’s continued inertia and he grabs at his throbbing nose, sure that it was broken as blood trickles from it.
“And where do you think you're goin?” the dwarf demands, grabbing a handful of his hair and yanking his head towards his face. Damn. A dwarf is still taller than him. He really needs to have his growth spurt already. “We ain't finished with you yet.”
“Yes, well, I could hardly breathe around you three,” Atreus snarks, unable to help himself. It's his last line of defense. “You stink worse than the World Serpent’s breath.”
The dwarf growls, slamming his fist back into Atreus’s face. Atreus sputters and throws a blind kick, hitting the dwarf in the shin. He tumbled back a few steps, drawing in another deep breath, readying himself for another spell. “Jeg opfordrer-!”
But a fist connects with the back of his head before he could finish the incantation. He bites down on his tongue, tasting even more blood just as a knee slams into his stomach. He ends up coughing, splattering the blood on the ground that was suddenly very close to him.
“We’re gonna need to do somethin about that tongue of his, aren't we?” one dwarf asks of the other two. They all snicker.
“I have just the idea, brother,” a second agrees and ah, Atreus had been right. They are brothers. He looks up, vision blurry just in time to see the dwarf reach into a sack hanging from his hip not unsimilar to Sindri’s, pulling out a clump of long, golden string. Atreus’s stomach turns when a needle is pulled out afterwards. He doesn't know what they're planning, but he knows whatever it is, it's not going to turn out good for him.
“Clever, brother,” the third dwarf remarks, taking the needle and thread from much thicker hands into his more nimble fingers. Atreus’s eyes widen as they look towards him, malice in their eyes. “To shut the bastard up, we just have to sew his lips together, after all.”
Atreus’s heart stops and he kicks at the ground, scrambling to get away from them just as the two larger dwarves dive at the ground, grabbing him by the armpits and forcing him back. He kicks and thrashes, pulling at his arms and struggling best he can to get away because oh gods they're actually going to do it. “No no no-!” he screams, drawing in another breath, a quick spell coming to mind, “Pola poltta-!”
But a hand slaps over his mouth and then his head is getting slammed into the ground. He chokes on a cry, not willing to give them the satisfaction as the dwarf with the needle bends down. “Keep the bastard still,” he said, threading the golden string through the needle. “This may take a while.”
The dwarves then situate him to where his stomach is pressed to the ground, the tallest dwarf digging a knee into his spine, holding his arms by his wrists, while the other is holding a handful of his hair, one hand gripping his chin in a vice grip. Atreus tugs at his head, trying to yank it back but the dwarves hold firm and he can only kick his legs- not that it does much for him. He kicks and thrashes best he can just as the third dwarf crouches in front of him, raising the needle towards his face.
“This ought to silence your silver tongue, Loki,” the dwarf spits his mother’s given name out like it were poison. And then he's pressing the tip of the needle through Atreus’s skin where his lip begins. The boy’s entire body jolts as the metal needle slips through skin and lip, through the bottom and lip and through the top where the dwarf pulls it through fully, dragging the string after it. Atreus’s head snaps, trying to jolt backwards, but the dwarves hold firm, even as his body instinctively thrashes.
“Stop stop stop stop-!” Atreus screams but the dwarf holding his head forces his mouth closed by grabbing both of his cheeks, applying enough pressure to keep his jaws shut. He continues trying to thrash, trying to fight as the needle is now forced through his top lip. He can feel the cool metal needle sliding through his flesh and skin, can feel the golden thread dragging after it, pulling his top lip towards his bottom. He now willingly keeps his mouth shut as they pull the needle through for the fifth time- the thick string is forcing his lips to stay together, yes, but it is also too blindingly painful for Atreus to try and open them again. This would cause the string to pull on the new wounds in his skin.
Blood seeps down his chin and drips to the ground beneath him and what feels like an eternity of agonizingly slow minutes to Atreus sluggishly pass. The dwarf dragging the needle and thread through Atreus’s lips is nearing the other corner of his lip. The other two dwarves have slackened their grips, having found the boy limp and unresistant now as the pain completely set throughout his entire body. In fact, if it weren't for the dwarf holding his head up, Atreus probably would have already pressed his head into the ground. Smashed it in, too, probably.
And finally, finally, the dwarf pulls the string through the opposite corner of where he had started. He removes what's left of the thread from the needle, tucking on it a little- Atreus flinches and groans softly- to make sure it was in good. Satisfied with his work, he ties the two ends into knots. Then, he shakes his blood covered hands and smirks at his brothers.
“Finished,” he announces, standing straight up. “I feel like he won't be causing anyone else any trouble for a long time, brothers. What do you two think?”
The large dwarf removes his knee from Atreus’s back but still the boy does not move. He hovers in front of the boy, scrunching his eyes to examine his brother’s work. “You sewed pretty crooked there, brother,” he points out, touching the middle of Atreus’s top lip, a dark amusement in his eyes as the boy whimpers in pain. “Perhaps we should redo it?”
Atreus whimpers more at the thought of going through that utter hell once more, finally letting the tears he'd been holding back up to that point run free. He just wants to go home. To wake up from a nightmare.
He just wants his father.
“No, no, brother,” the third interjects, letting Atreus’s head drop to the ground as he stands as well. “We wouldn't want to waste our precious string on this vile silver tongue, now would we?”
“Right you are, brother,” the first agrees. “Shall we be off then?”
“Well, it seems our work here is done, so let's,” the second said.
And then, thankfully, the dwarves leave.
Atreus curls in on himself, tears flowing quicker as he begins to hyperventilate. His body instinctively tries to open his mouth to draw in the quick breaths of air that it needs, only for the strings to tear and more blood to gush out and for more pain to explode throughout his body. He sobs loudly, body lifting from the ground so that he could tenderly like at his sewn mouth, sobbing more as even this causes more pain.
His young mind could hardly even process how much agony he was in currently. It was just too much and he knows he was going into shock but he couldn't stop it as his back arches, body shaking as it tries to gain the air it so needs.
He ends up thankfully passing out.
At least he can't feel the pain when unconscious.
yea... i kinda feel bad for doing this to atreus but like... i hadnt written anything brutal in so long that i really really wanted to.
Anyway, tell me what you think. And yes, there will be more parts. At least two or three more parts if I continue to be motivated to write it.
Tag list(let me know if you want to be added):
@northeasternwind @cinderletters @ali-alal @thesupernova411 @the-fungeon-of-lady-lazarus @foxteeeth @hexxous @nekorse @sugar--happy @sehumksh @izzyhere @magicpandacats @pinanolada @immortanholmes999 @astronomical-gays @elitatheblackcat @atreus-kratos-mythology @shade-without-color
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honeyjxsung · 6 years
Unsensible Pt. 3
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Part 1 Part 2
Member: Bts V x Reader (Ft. JK and JM)
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary: can u pls make a scenario with taehyung where the s/o tries to help jin and taes fight at the wings concert but tae just ends up getting mad at her so she leaves and tae regrets it. tysm i love your works!
A/N: Yep! I’m back with another one! Hope you enjoy! btw, i didn’t edit this so if there are errors im sorry! 
“Y/N!” Jungkook called out to you. Jimin scrambled to his feet and studied you. You just passed out. “We need to take her home now” Jimin cried. Jungkook lifted you up bridal style with ease and began to walk back to your apartment. “Call Tae Hyung right now and tell him we have noona” Jungkook ordered.
Tae was getting ready for bed when he checked the clock. It read 10:30. It was getting late and Jimin disappeared without saying anything, Taehyung figured that he just went home. His mind went back to you. Where were you? Were you warm? Were you safe? Taehyung cursed at himself. How could he be so stupid? He said those words to you and it hurt. He knew it hurt. All he wanted to do was hug you again. He turned back at the other side of the bed. It was empty. Normally you would’ve been laying there, cuddling with him or reading a book, but now he thinks he will never relive those memories ever again-
The phone suddenly rang causing Taehyung to jump from the sudden noise but he answered the call.
“Tae we found Y/n.”
When V heard your name his eyes were wide open and his body was awake.
“W-what? Is she ok? Where was she?”
“I’ll give you the details later but she’s really hurt. She passed out too..just leave the door unlocked and we’ll see you soon”
By the time Jimin hung up the phone Tae was already scrambling out of bed to unlock the door. His hands were shaking as he did so. You were hurt. Hell, you were unconscious and it was all because of him and his dumb actions. He had to get back to his senses and be aware that he can’t just take his anger out on you. You weren’t some toy that he can play around with. You were his girlfriend. A tear slipped down tae’s face, maybe for the hundredth time today. He’s never cried this much before, probably because he’s never been this hurt before. What if Taehyung lost you forever? What if what he said about you was unforgivable? He can’t even forgive himself, so how will you do the same? Negative thoughts flooded his mind and it was too much to bear.
The boy trudged to the kitchen to get a sip of water and he almost choked on the drink when the door burst open and a messy looking Jimin followed by a jungkook entered. The youngest had you in his arms, full of bruises on you cheek, thighs, and stomach.
Your eyes slowly opened and you were blinded by the sun’s rays.It was morning; your head throbbed a bit and your ribs hurt like hell, but other than that you were fine. You glanced around the room and you saw the sweaters on the bed, the towels on the door, the gucci in the closet. Then you remembered.
You were back home.
Relief crept through your chest, washing away the stress you had earlier. As you were about to get up, you felt something weighing you down; it was slightly heavy.
Kim Taehyung.
You eyeballed him and studied his features. You outlined his relaxed eyes, his kissable lips, his sharp jawline, and his soft nose that seemed to balance everything out. You had to be honest, you really missed him, and you wished that fight you had with him the other say would disappear into thin air. How could you leave him like that? You were about to throw away everything you cherished with him all because of some silly fight?
“I was dumb to leave you taetae. I’m sorry. I know you didn’t mean what you said. You were just stressed, and I get that. I love you so much, and I would never leave you for anything or anyone.” You leaned forward and planted a sincere and heartwarming kiss on his forehead, and smiled. When Taehyung opened his eyes, you were left shocked.
“T-tae, I’m sorry did I wake you?”
He shook his head and remained silent, smiling softly.
The boy listened to everything you just said.
“I love you too Y/n”
The two of you sat in comfortable silence, you played with his hair and he hummed a small tune that relaxed the both of you. Taehyung missed this. He missed laying on your lap while you fidgeted with his hair as you watched a movie. He missed the frequent cuddles you had every night before going to bed. You would normally snuggle in between his arms and fall asleep feeling safe and protected and tae loved the feeling of you nestled close. Most of all, he missed you.
“Mornin’ hyung! You want pancakes or waffles?” Jungkook smiles brightly as tae walked in, surprised.
“How the hell did you get in my apartment!?” He shrieked.
“We have our ways..” Jimin said smirking. Taehyung rolled his eyes and set the table.
“So how's y/n? Did she forgive you?” Jungkook asked while he set the breakfast in middle of the stand.
“She’s doing ok, and yes she forgave me. I’m really glad she gave me a second chance. I don't know what I’d do if-” “Good morning guys! Woah jungkook you made that? I didn't know you could cook, well done maknae.”
You startled the three boys and they all looked up at you in worry and shock. You knew what was coming next: the babying.
“Yah! Y/n why are you up? I told you to stay in bed you’ll get hurt again!”
“How are you feeling? Does it hurt anywhere?”
“Do you want me to get your medicine?”
The maknaes were all talking at once that you had to yell at them to shut up. Although they’re very caring boys, they can go a bit too overboard. You were already better anyway, you could walk fine and your headache went away. Despite the bruise on your rib, all your wounds were healing.
“GUYS! I’m fine now alright? You don’t have to pamper me anymore.”
The 3 sighed in defeat and Taehyung got up and pecked your forehead
“Ok, we’ll stop. Now, breakfast is ready so let’s eat yeah?” You nodded and joined them in the table.
As you were eating, the door once again burst open and in came 4 loud boys whooping and cheering.
“Seriously, you guys need to stop barging in my house!” Tae complained. Everyone just snickered, including you, and went back to eating.
The apartment was lively again; Jin and Hobi were washing the dishes, Jungkook was playing overwatch, Namjoon was reading a book, and Yoongi and Jimin were watching TV. Tae looked around and grinned, however his smile faded when you were nowhere to be seen. He cocked his head and entered your bedroom thinking that you were there, and you were.
“Hey Tae, I was just making the bed, but I’ll be out in a minute”
“Let me help.”
The two of you spent the next few minutes tugging the blankets, fixing the mattress, throwing pillows and giggling hysterically. You plopped in the middle of the bed, staring at the ceiling and Taehyung joined you.
“I’m sorry for what I said the other day, Y/n. I didn’t  mean to take it out on you.” He said suddenly.
“I know Tae, and its ok. I forgive you.”
“Just please promise me you won’t get hurt anymore. When I saw you unconscious I thought i really lost you for good.” “I promise. And I also promise to never leave you.”
The two of you faced each other smiling sincerely. You loved this boy so much, you wouldn’t trade him for the world.
Because he was your world.
And you were his sunshine.
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legion1993 · 6 years
You Killed My Love, Now Your Blood Pays My Revenge!
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A/N: this is for @imagineteamfreewill for meg's chicon challenge... another bumpy ride!
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Prompt: "If you take one more step, I can promise you that you won't like what comes next."
Summery: you and Sam have been together for a year and a half now... you loved hunting and sparring cooking dancing basically you guys loved trying to be as normal as possible! but when you found out that azazal was trying to open the devils gate and that he had captured Sam... you were dead set on a rescue mission one that you knew would one way or another not end well...
to hunt is to hunt things that go bump in the night... that's also how you met the love of your life.
Sam and his Brother Dean had saved you from a pack of werewolves, your heart raced as Sam's giant form covered yours protecting you from the lunging werewolf...
he took a set of claw marks to save you, you later thanked him by bandaging his wounds and giving him a kiss which led to a blurred night of passion!
that was what started you on the Winchester love trail... only to have something tear you away from your love...
Sam: "so according to every single biblical reference there is something called the devils gate!!! and apparently..."
Y/N: "the apocalypse is on the way and somehow Sam is apart of it..."
Dean: “ya so am i... well apart of the apocalypse anyway but you were very very right when you said that Sam is massively apart of this...”
Bobby: “none of you are 2 far off, everything with Azazel it lines up directly for the fucking apocalypse... if Azazel gets his hands on Sam he can use his blood to open the devil’s gate which is like the gateway to the part of hell where all the higher form demons and things are kept...”
Dean: “then he shan’t get him...”
Bobby: “if we let him out of the area he needs to be with someone he cant go alone... till we can find the devils gate and till we can can stop azazel we need to stay safe...”
Sam: “maybe we shouldn’t change anything maybe we should keep them the same...”
you shot straight out of your chair and stormed out of there before another word could be said...
Bobby: “Sam do you not realize what that girl has done to save your ass... seriously boy whats wrong with you... thinking things could be normal is an understatement... this is not normal, someone else would have left your ass, this girl sacrificed her entire career, going to school and everything to hunt full time just to spend all her time with you boy...”
Dean: “bobby has a point, Y/N showed me a photo of her scholarship she was supposed to be heading to Yale the week after she met us... but she gave it all up for you...  she said that giving up Yale broke her heart but she mended her heart when she started dating you bro...”
Sam looked out the door watching you standing near the edge of the property... he sunk his head down low...
Sam: “she gave all that up for me... why would she do that... i didnt ask her too...”
Dean: “you didn’t have to... she did it cause she loves you dude...”
Bobby: “Sam go talk to her now before i kick your ass to kingdom come...”
Sam got up off his chair and walked out the door adjusting his shirt a thousand times before you turned around and stood in a fighting stance...
Y/N: “what now Sam? come to break up with me to make things easier...”
Sam: “that’s not it at all, Y/N i love you and i always will... but right now you have no idea what kind of pressure i am under, i mean having my girlfriend, my uncle and my brother protecting me, its like i never had the chance to grow up at all...”
you started walking away, knowin’ he would follow, your own heart screaming at you, your mind dangerously wandering... that’s when you stopped dead in your tracks, you could feel someone or something else following you and Sam...
Sam: “whats wrong?”
Y/N: “someone or something else is following us...”
Sam: “stand back to back with me we need to prepare for anything...”
Y/N: “no we need to get back to the house...”
you turn to leave but stop immediately, you turn around to see Azazel approaching you but cant stop him in time before you get blasted into a tree... Sam rushes to your side...
Sam: “Y/N...”
Azazel: “minions grab him...”
immediately as fast as Sam’s arms had been around you, they left you as quick as well... you leaned against the tree grasping your side, you dared to look but you of course were able to move long enough to see there was blood, you pulled out your phone and hit dial for Dean...
Dean (over the phone): “Y/N...”
Y/N (over the phone): “Sam, Azazel, ambush... woods just outside of Bobby’s... im bleeding...”
Dean (over the phone): “stay calm we are on our way...”
the best description of what happened next is simple:
you were rescued by both Dean and Bobby who brought you back to the house, stitching you up they listened to you about what happened... 
as you explained how you felt like you & Sam were being followed while arguing and working out your issues in the woods... 
you were stitched up quickly before Bobby spoke up with some interesting news...
Bobby: “so i dug around a little bit more after Sam went to talk to you... i found out that Samuel Colt made a set of railway tracks in the shape of a devils trap... in the center of it is a bunch of empty field and a graveyard...”
you get up off your chair and you smile lightly making your way to grab your gun holster, you put it on switching your torn bloody shirt out for your plaid shirt, leaving it undone knowing you were wearing your sports bra... 
you were stopped by Bobby & Dean before you could reach the door... no one could tell what the fuck you were thinkng, no one could tell how pissed you were...
Y/N: “Bobby, Dean get out of my god damn way...”
Dean: “where the hell do you think you are going?”
Y/N: “i am going to get Sam back... you can get out of my way or you can come with me... but the longer we wait the worse i fear it will get...”
Dean: “slow down and think about this for a moment, Sam wouldn’t want you to do something stupid... especially when it comes to hunting or even that of saving him yourself... don’t do anything you would regret...”
Y/N: “i owe him Dean he took that huge werewolf scratch for me, i have to do this to repay him for that...”
Dean stood aside he understood where you were coming from... Bobby staring at you like you were nuts didn’t stand aside, but you walked right passed him out to your motorcycle slinging your bag of weapons on your back... you shot one more look at the house, to see Dean and Bobby standing there looking at you...
you drive off and all you could think about was the love of your life being in the hands of yellow eyes himself... although you had no idea that after you left you were about to be followed or beaten to the devils gate...
~back at Bobby’s~
Dean and Bobby were on the phone with Ellen and Jo...
Ellen: “wait wait wait woah slow down guys... we have a few small options...”
Dean: “like what ellen we couldn’t stop Y/N from leaving...”
Ellen: “boy don’t make me come over there and slap you, now lets all get to the devils gate before she does... how long ago did she leave...”
Bobby: “bout an hour...”
Ellen: “ok boys listen up Jo and I will go on ahead but at the end of it we all need to be there, this is all hands on deck... we will also see if we can talk some sense into Y/N...”
after a few seconds of silence the line disconnected, leaving dean and bobby standing in the kitchen, not sure what just happened...
Bobby: “i guess we should pack...”
Dean: “i guess we should...”
while they packed and loaded the cars you were almost at the cemetary in wyoming... but thats when you saw it, you saw the same beat up car blocking your path you pulled into the small motel parking lot to see who the fuck was blocking your path... 
you got off the bike and stored towards the other car only to watch the doors open... 
Ellen: “calm down girl its us...”
Y/N: “Ellen, Jo what the hell are you guys doing here...”
Jo: “we could ask you the same thing... but Bobby and Dean filled us in, after they called in a panic... saying you took off all pissed and hell bent on rescuing Sam whatever it takes...”
Y/N: “damnit i knew they would call for backup but i didn’t think you would try to stop me from saving the love of my life... of all people in this world i expected you guys to be on my side...”
you stormed towards the motel office to book a room, you didnt know how long you would be so you booked it for 3 days... this way you would either succeed or die trying... once in the room you unpacked the weapons to polish them...
Y/N (to self): “just because i want to be the one to save the love of my life doesn’t mean i don’t think any less of the rest of them, seriously its my fault Sam got captured, its my fault we were even outside of the property...”
Ellen: “its not your fault hun...”
Y/N: “if Sam and i hadn’t been arguing, i wouldn’t have stormed off, if i hadn’t stormed off he wouldn’t have come after me, he wouldn’t have gotten captured...”
Ellen comes over and sits beside you on the bed noticing you starting to cry, making sure that she was there incase you had a meltdown... you were on the verge of one, but you were just upset and angry... that is never a good combination of emotions in any circumstance...
Jo: “the impala should be arriving soon... mom let me worry about Y/N you deal with Bobby and Dean...”
Ellen: “ok, but neither of you leave this room tonight... well all head out as a group when the sun rises...”
Jo: “don’t worry i wont leave her side...”
you let go of Ellen and got swept into Jo’s embrace, Ellen heard the roar of the impala as she headed for the door, both you and Jo sitting cuddled on the bed... Ellen shut the door which stopped Bobby and Dean from entering...
Ellen: “she’s with Jo she is fine, neither of you are to enter this room you hear me...”
Bobby and Dean nod as they present the map to Ellen of how the lines are on the devils trap... while you and Jo sit inside and cuddle...
Jo: “once everyone is asleep we will leave, Mom will most likely bunk with Bobby and Dean... just to give us some space... so we will head out after they go to bed...”
Y/N: “but what...”
Jo: “if your gonna ask about my mom don’t worry by the time she realizes whats happened it will be too late...”
Y/n: “good but the only things we will need are guns, bullets, and voices... its mainly gonna be demons... no one is gonna blame us for this, we are gonna get in so much shit but i don’t care, i wouldn’t sleep much anyway without Sam by my side...”
Jo: “i know how you feel girl... its gonna be ok, tomorrow you will have the love of your life back, and we will spend more time together right...”
Y/N: “absolutely... i just hope i’m ready for this... but if Azazel has hurt Sam in any way shape or form, ill kill him... well that’s the plan anyway but it will be worse...”
You pull the colt out of your bag, Jo looks at it then at you and then back at the gun...
Jo: “does dean know you have this?”
Y/N: “no he doesn’t and that’s the thing is he hasn’t noticed that i took it for weeks now... i have been waiting for an opportunity to arise for me to kill this son of a bitch... i’m not gonna let him kill Sam... when do we leave...”
Jo: “in a while... i mean if we tried to leave now, we would surely be drawn and quartered...”
Y/N: “i know but every second we just sit here it could mean one second less time we have till they spill all of Sam’s blood or worse...”
Jo places her hand on your shoulder and then goes to see the stash of weaponry you brought seeking out a nice set of gun and bullets... she grabs the duel glocks you have sitting there... 
Jo: “these are very nice...”
Y/N: “lets just say they are great for making head shots on vamps, i dont even have to get dirty...”
Jo: “what do they shoot range wise?”
Y/N: “260 range...”
Jo’s jaw drops in shock and surprise... you were amazed that she didnt know...
Jo: “your kidding right?”
Y/N: “nope but my duel Uzi that i have in my duel holster are 2 up from those glocks... laced with demon trapping bullets and silver bullets... however Jo you use those glocks they wont let you put them back down, i took those off a witch who spelled them to be used against hunters, i had a different witch de spell them but they bond with their owner...”
Jo: “how will i know when they have bonded with me...”
Y/N: “when your strength feels like its gonna rip your shirt...”
at that moment Jo felt what you just described... you were certain that someone was gonna die tonight and you had a feeling that more than one life would be lost, if not 2 then 1...
that moment that the door 2 down from you guys shut and the sound of bobby, ellen and Dean floated through the walls you and Jo geared up and went out of the room as quiet as possible... went over to your bike and pushed it together down the road once far enough away you started it, with Jo on the back holding on for dear life you guys sped off towards danger...
Jo: “how do you think this will go?”
Y/N: “I think we have a 50/50 chance of this going badly…”
Jo: “what's the plan?”
You felt the wind rush passed you as you sped up… feeling like something was already wrong…
Y/N: “we go in and shoot anything that tries to stop us but Azazal is my battle and Sam needs to come out of this alive…”
Jo: “I'm ready for this… you know if we pull this off perfectly no one else will question us for anything…”
You and jo see the graveyard and you guys pull in seeing immediately Azazel Sam and some other dude… you and Jo get off the bike and are immediately pulled in closer by a force…
Azazel: “ladies welcome to the greatest moment in history… I'm about to open the gate… but I want you both to see what I've done to these 2 men…”
You saw Sam and the other man turn towards you and Jo their eyes red…
Y/N: “you spelled them you bastard... what the hell is your big obsession with Sam and what's his face anyway… why do they fit into this…”
Azazel: “their blood is used to fuel the spell to open the gate… don't worry kiddo your boyfriend won't know what he's about to do yet…”
You and Jo took a few steps back as Sam approached you both, you took steps forward and made your final approach between the 2 of you… but Sam or at least spelled Sam was either very angry or forcibly angry… he lunged himself at you… his hands clasping around your neck…
Jo: “Y/N…”
Y/N: “toss me the pocket knife…”
Jo: “Y/N no…”
you look slightly at Jo to see her being held against her will by Azazel… Sam was still choking you but you wer3 able to reach up and pull his hair back, releasing his hold on your neck you leaned up and kissed him… instantly breaking Azazel’s spell Sam instantly breaking the kiss making you gasp…
Sam: “Y/N…”
You touch his cheek and feel his hands pull you off the ground pulling you close to him, he realizes that you have fear in your eyes… Sam turns around holding onto you as he spots Azazel holding Jo…
Azazel: “Its a shame to see that true love does exist… oh well if I can't have soldiers I'll just settle for one… kill him…”
that's when there was a gunshot in the air, your love bleeding as he falls holding you, Ellen Bobby and Dean had also just shown up at the time of the order given… they all witnessed the love of your life getting shot… Azazel gets the nerve to throw Jo into another tree knocking her unconscious ...
Azazel: “oh well time to open the door…”
You stand up with tears in your eyes you look at Sam’s body, then turning to Azazel as he opens the gate… gearing up your guns you start slowly walking to Azazel…
Y/N: "If you take one more step, I can promise you that you won't like what comes next."
Azazel turns to you upon hearing that…
Azazel: “I killed the love of your life I wonder how it would look right now to him you standing over his murderer but your the true one that killed him…”
You fell to your knees, no one could blame you but Dean was at your side in an instant you leaned into him…
Y/N: “Dean I'm sorry… I said I was gonna get him back but instead I made it worse... “
Dean: “hey hey hey it's ok… none of this is your fault never believe this piece of shit…”
Y/N: “but it is if Jo and I had just waited… we wouldn't be in this situation…”
Dean looked at you then at the gate which was just about to burst… Dean covered you with his own flesh as the gate burst open… you and Dean had a front row seat… you both witnessed several thousand clouds of black smoke flying around, you and Dean dared not look up… until a white light surrounded the both of you… it knocked back several of the clouds then it faced Azazel…
Azazel: “didnt i break you… John…”
The white light turned into the likeness of John Winchester… you were amazed when he didnt speak but instead he smiled lightly as he nodded at you, you knew right away what he was meaning… you pulled the colt out of the back of your jeans, handing it to Dean he looks at you…
Dean: “you took this, why…”
Y/N: “i wanted revenge, i was seeing revenge, i wanted to kill Azazel for what he was doing to Sam… i was gonna use it on him but Sam’s death has hit me really hard… i have to let someone else do this… Avenge Sam, Avenge everything and if this works correctly, we will have victory and mourning later…”
Dean took the Colt in his hand as John watched and stepped aside, Dean kneels and looks straight at Aazel…
Dean: “hey asswipe, this is for all the toruble and pain you have caused my family… go to hell…”
With that he pulled the trigger and shot Azazel point blank… Ellen, and Bobby worked to close the gate, and with it sealed you were immediately the center of all concern...
~thats all for now folks~
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dorothyliker420 · 6 years
huuhhoOh my GOD slrprfrsrfl(more lip licking noises)ooooh my GOd whoaoaohah. *huffing* a completeed chorus 2! HOLY SHIT oh my gohd
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(silky made me this image as per request ily silky)
WELL HERE WE GO!!!!!!! A COMPLETED CHORUS CHAPTER 2!!!!!!!! CLOCKING IN AT 20,588 FUCKING WORDS AND 45 PAGES IN GOOGLE DOCS! lets see how many bs words I can add to that count am I right ladies
because of, I dont know, any italicization or bolding in the text itself was lost when I copy/pasted it to here so I guess the Experience isnt as Deep BUT ITS ALL GOOD ANYWAY because only I get to type in bold. thats how you know its me and not a rabble, but I also italicized lines that I really wanted to talk about
ill put all the Canon Real Text in an indent tho happy reading,
A Long Awaited Duet ---------------------------------***********************---------------------------------
The new canon is that in between those dashes is a really terrible swear word that the author censored with asterisks. only he knows it and he’ll unleash it when you criticize his fic
Pacing quickly around her room in a long, frustrated circle, Lisette’s worries were quickly drawing to a boiling point.
lisette’s circles make me long and frustrated am I right fellow dudes
Typically, she was a very easy-going person, the kind of girl who’d shrug off most concerns and instead focus on keeping a positive outlook. However, after spending her entire morning going through the motions, feeling trapped in a listless, uneasy funk, even she couldn’t help but be affected. It was almost noon already and still she couldn’t move her thoughts past yesterday’s tea party, to the look she’d seen weathered across Alto’s face.
Lisette is right to be threatened and uneasy. this is like the scene in the opening where the village is getting crystallized and its too late for rosa and shes like SAVE YOURSELF except instead its sexification
She hadn’t had the courage to say anything at the time, but it had haunted her thoughts ever since. Making it worse, when she’d attempted to find her mother to ask her for her advice, she hadn’t been able to find her anywhere, so she’d wound up simply spending the previous night with Marie.
the ghosts of the last chapter vaguely implying alto is too horney to sleep in the same bed as marie have returned and im frightened
“He’s… he’s still on edge, isn’t he?”
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It wasn’t right. The fighting was over and peace had been won, but even when he should have been relaxing with his friends, Alto was still wearing the same guarded, strained expression. It was the same heart-breaking look she’d seen from her friend all throughout their battles, at all the times she’d stood at his die, watching him make the most difficult decisions of his life.
She didn’t think any of the others had noticed. Perhaps she was the only one that would even be able to recognise the difference, after all, she was the only one who’d known him before all this. Back in Mithra he hadn’t been anything like that, he’d smiled freely and his gaze had was always carefree, to the point of being cheeky. Their entire lives had changed ever since she became a Witch and he followed to become her Knight… but she’d always hoped all this time that it could still return to how it was when everything was finally over.
“No,” she corrected herself, her body sagging with a deep sigh. There wasn’t any point lying to herself about this, “I’m not that naïve, I always knew it wouldn’t be that easy…”
“gee” said lisette out loud to herself with no one else around, “I am lisette from the video game stella glow. I am five foot four and my blood type is
Because, she knew Alto. And she knew, for him, that it had never been about the battles. He didn’t fear fighting, he would recklessly throw himself into danger without even a second’s thought if it meant he could help someone. As she’d told him so many times, his overwhelming compassion was both his best and worst trait. He was courageous to the point of stupidity, all he cared about was protecting the people important to him, keeping the people he loved safe and happy, as best he could. That was all the fighting had ever meant to him. And that was why she’d always known it couldn’t possibly be that easy for him.
im giving this alto analysis a 2 alto is a liberal degenerate who really loves hunting and also u dont know anything about him jl “AWOOOGAA” davenport if u tell me about him again ill kill you
Crying out in annoyance, Lisette slumped across the room and threw herself onto her bed, sinking deep into the large, soft mattress as if to try let it absorb a fraction of her worries.
I cannot shake the feeling he was thinkin bout her tiddies when he wrote this
‘Alto’s still fighting, even now,’ she knew that. It was a truth she’d struggled to deal with for days now, ‘The war isn’t over for him yet, because he’s still pushing himself to try find a way to keep every one of us happy.’
fuckin dumb ass horny ass bitch. mediocre ass, pathetic ass, money grubbing, fucking stupid bitch ass you dont put apostrophes around thoughts its ugly as shit
It was a painful thought, the elephant in the room and something she hated thinking about. But somehow, not thinking about it, pretending to simply ignore had become even worse.
does lisette know what an elephant is. does that expression exist. this is third person limited so its kind of weird to use that kind of anachronism
After all, if Alto was still fighting, then she wanted to fight alongside him! She was his family, his comrade, his first Witch and even his (prospective) girlfriend,
I had to cut this off because it was next level dumbshit literally anyone is his prospective girlfriend with that state of their relationship. im his prospective girlfriend 
there wasn’t a single part of her that wanted to do anything less than to support him with all her might. He was a part of her soul. He was the man she loved and someone who she would never allow herself to be separated from, she’d known those feelings for absolute certainty ever since the moment she’d woken up from death’s door and travelled around the world to stand at his side. Just thinking about him wracking himself with worries and her not helping him was terrifying!
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2. that last sentence is the worst written thing in, if not human existence, then the century
And, she spared a glance over at the mirror she’d been avoiding looking at all day, even aside from that, could she really say she was any different? Was she truly able to smile like before, only because their fighting was over?
hackles raised at the prospect of mirror kink
Lisette gave a dry laugh, reaching out and squeezing the small stuffed pig Popo had given her, pressing it against her considerable chest. 
1. the pig is kinda cute like maybe but who tf is vending these smutfic items. who is crawling around in the back alleys selling cursed objects that make people horny as fuck. did ewan make a deal with the devil to sell all his twilight-zone-monkey-paw shit from his brief sponsorship with baddragon
2. die
3. lisette’s chest is CONSIDERABLE all right. it makes me CONSIDER ending it all
For all their outward appearances, in this, at least, she doubted it was any different from any of the others, no doubt that was why everything had seemed so off lately, “We’re all just stuck in limbo, aren’t we?”
this is the longest string of indirect pronouns ever like whomst??? and what an eerie sentence to end a section on. though u kno what stay in limbo
those dashes are containing the massive power of the cuss word. if even one of them falters or breaks formation the sheer obscenity would vaporize us all
Unfortunately for Lisette, her self-examination came with no easy answers or steps forward. Even though she’d accepted that being stuck in place as they were was only making things worse for all of them and particularly for Alto, there was no obvious solution she could latch onto, to change things.
this literally picks up? exactly where the previous section ended? like. with information that flows from the previous paragraph. if youre going to make that fucking big then why is it functionally useless
However, now more than ever, she was a determined woman and slowly -as the time passed and the morning faded away into early afternoon- slowly, her resolve held out and she was able to fearlessly consider even the truths she’d previously tried so hard to avoid.
why is this the ugliest formatting ive ever seen have you ever heard of an em dash or, a comma. also im losing shit at Determination Resolve Holding Out Shes Never Done This wasnt this like the sole bad point of her tunings
She knew she loved Alto, that he was the only man who’d ever made her feel complete 
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But, she also knew that the other Witches felt just the same, she forced herself to accept the fact that he was just as important to them as he was to her.
ok nvm im not done being pissed at The Only Man like yeah lisette its called comphet im rewriting this so that lisette realizes shes a lesbian and also that whole Complete Her thing is all of whats wrong with lisettes arc like all of it this is what men do
It was something they’d all consciously avoided discussing, something that none of them seemed to know how to deal with. Her companions, the other Witches, were all as close as family to her, she loved them all dearly… And yet, they were all competing, in their own way, for the same man.
alto is three years old
She was sure they must feel just as awkward about that as her, there was a reason why even the ever impulsive Popo or the harsh-blunt Sakuya 
tell u whats harshing my blunt........this fic ((takes a weed puff
had never said anything and why, no matter how much they talked and how much they shared, this single topic was never once addressed directly, they’d all been working on the same process as her- that it was too strange a situation and too difficult a conversation to deal with, that the best thing to do was simply wait till after the war when Alto would be able to reciprocate their feelings, and then there the problem would solve itself. Well… The war was over. And they were all still tiptoeing around each other’s hearts, all waiting for the same response from the same man. “We must all seem so silly.”
tf were they supposed to do to address it? like lets just accept the gross situation but was they supposed to so call everyone to a room lisette spins around in a big chair and says We’re Here To Discuss The Het or maybe this happens
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She could just imagine how ridiculous this situation must appear from the outside; five best friends all in love with the same man, all waiting for him to respond to their feelings and all marooned in the same silent stand-off, walking on eggshells while pretending everything was fine. No doubt her mother found it hilarious.
thats the worst line ive ever seen in my life. oedipus rex has nothing on this bitch
that aside like accepting them all as comphets for the moment. literally never interacted on a regular basis with another boy their age. except hilda I guess but it doesnt matter this is so dumb! yall is a bunch of trauma victims you cant just jump directly into the boinking
“Grrr! This is all your fault Alto! Stupid! Since when did you get so popular anyway!? You weren’t like that in Mithra! You’re just… you’re just too dependable… You mean so much to all of us, we can’t help but love you…”
deadass u told me this was dialogue from the anime where the tiddies bounced when the girl blinked? id believe it
He was their conductor. They all loved him. They all wanted to be with him. They were all waiting for him to favour only them…
dont like how its treated that its an absolute that witches will just fall for their conductor thats like sayin no one is safe around bi ppl. reach perhaps but its the same dumbass ideas
Perhaps that was the worst part of all. The more she thought about it, the more she was starting to realise just what an impossible situation their feelings and expectations had put Alto into. She knew better than anyone just how much he cared for each of them, she’d healed the scars on his body time and again that showed just how far he’d go to protect any of them… And yet, without ever really thinking how, they were all still asking him to then choose between them, to decide which of his Witches he loved the most.
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but also I just had the revelation that author does not know what romantic love is like, at all, and the smoke cleared I am enlightened and theres nothing I dont understand
And, she couldn’t help him at all, could barely even support him in what must be an incredibly painful choice for him. All she could do was leave it to him, and trust that when he did choose, that he felt the same way about her as she did about him and they would finally be together. As for the rest… She didn’t know… The thought of him choosing one of the others over her was almost too painful, to terrifying to consider, but the knowledge that her friends would have to go through that was no less terrible…
tired of u demonizing r*mantic love. fuck its th most exhilarating experience of my life. that and having a baby shark sit in my hands. dont give all these Oh No People Get Hurt to justify just fuckin whoever u want
That was the mire they were all stuck in. That was why Alto was still looking so stressed and why none of them had been able to move forwards. There wasn’t anything any of them could do and there was no way to make everyone happy. She frowned bitterly. ‘…Would… Would it even make us happy?’
me, who had never been as happy as I am prior to being in love: hell yeah bitch dis go hard as hell flocka
It was a strange thing to consider, something she’d never once thought before this very moment- she’d thought for so long she was waiting for Alto to return her feelings, she’d wanted so long to be with him and to be together forever. But, would she really be happy like that? Could she truly be happy being with the man she loved at the expense of watching the companions she held dear, the friends she’d bled and cried together with, becoming heartbroken? Mordi, Popo, Sakuya, and especially Hilda, after all they’d been through, after how important she knew Alto was to each of them… Her heart clenched in her chest just imagining it!
if this is a question then ur not in romantic love idiot! shut up
But… That was how it had to be, wasn’t it? They’d all been foolish enough to fall for the same man, there was only one Alto. No.
dumps the big ass mess of gl***ng pr**e poly edits here but im not saving it to my computer so u gotta imagine it
Lisette propped herself up on the bed, a previously unfathomable conclusion quickly becoming clear to her. No. She couldn’t accept that. And Alto surely wouldn’t accept that. He’d never accepted that they couldn’t stop the Eclipse. He hadn’t accepted that they couldn’t fight against God. And, at the end of everything, he’d refused to accept that Mother Qualia had to be their enemy. A solution that put the entire burden on Alto and led to all her friends being heartbroken? How could she ever accept that!? How could she ever have thought something like that would make her happy!? That wasn’t how they worked! They were the Tuning Knights, humans that had defeated God and saved Marie! They would never accept such a lukewarm compromise.
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‘Well now,’ she laughed, ‘If I really think about it, the solution is pretty obvious, isn’t it?’ It was reckless and crazy, nothing at all like anything she’d ever imagined herself doing… But then, didn’t that just make it the same as everything else they’d done?
this isnt even how polyamory works!!!!!!!! sorry im not being funny I just really value r*mant*c love and listen NO ONE would just sit down and think “yes clearly the healthiest thing for the person my heart is devoted to is to juggle 6 relationships”
“Yup! I’m not gonna accept anything like that!” ultimately, all that mattered was the same conclusion she’d come to, ever since she’d returned to life. She already knew what she wanted, she just had to make it happen, “Alto, I’m by your side. Always. I’ll support you!”
hi im lisette and this is my boyfriend alto! we’re queering heterosexuality by having him fuck a ton of girls at once! swipe right if you want to hop on that dick. no gays allowed
me: this is bad content
jldavenport: h*mg*n*n*l*b*ng*s*gl*m
me: vaporized in silhouette against the wall from the sheer power
Finishing off a long day of meetings, reports and training, clad in his usual attire (sans the armour,
oh shit its sans thearmour!!!! gonna have a bad time that being said makes sense that hes european the gross fuck
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thankfully for him) and returning from the dormitory baths with a relieved sigh, Alto scarcely had time to close the door to his room behind him before he was suddenly jolted from his thoughts by an excited knocking. “Eh? Lisette?”
the phrase “dormitory baths” pisses me the fuck off where do you get off jldavenport. probably all over your keyboard but stop saying shit like that this isnt your canon bitch
A late-night visit from his orange haired friend wasn’t especially unusual, but to see her standing around in her Witches outfit 
epithets, especially those that refer to hair color, are awful and amateurish but because he still doesnt know this apparently: Redhead. Is. A. Fucking. Word. 
in her Witches outfit
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that wasnt good enough to warrant that large of an image but like that movie fucked me up so bad lets see what scars me worse the mouse scene or this fic
at this time of night certainly was. And even stranger than that, she was wearing the original outfit, the one she’d worn since the first time she’d awakened to her powers in Mithra, rather than the more dazzling Goddess robes she’d gained after he’d finally tuned her heart, ‘I suppose it’s probably easier to sit around in this one?’ If he had to wear something as flashy as any of the dresses the girls wore, he was sure he’d spent half his time worrying about ripping it.
honestly content notwithstanding this reads like an instructional on what NOT to do when writing. you write like this? dont. its very entry level like I cant say that I necessarily write better but do what I say not what I do
throwing the goddess thing out there is like him saying LOOK!!!! A FACT i KNOW ABOUT THE ACTUAL CANON!!!!!! HAHA
Despite standing staring at him from the hallway, with her face flushed and eyes not quite meeting his, she still hadn’t said anything, “Er, Lisette? Is something wrong?”
knocking on someones door and forgetting why ur there is a neurodivergent feel lisette has adhd now and theres nothing you can do about it
“Ah!” she jumped before finally shaking herself off and responding with a slight anxiousness, anxiety. see me after class “No, no not really. I just… I’ve had a lot of mind and I thought it’d be better if we could talk a bit? Do… Do you mind if we spend the night together, again?”
lisette u were literally talking to urself five minutes ago abt havin him fuck everyone and now ur all anime blushus. bitch
He swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. She wanted to share his bed again? Spend the night holding hands like back then? Stopping himself short of giving her an answer, Alto suddenly realised just how imploringly she was looking up at him.
they literally used this exact Mouth Suddenly Dry thing last chapter do ppl who enjoy this fic actually like that r smthn. they get wet 4 the dry
“Huh, it’s not like you to actually ask…” He teased softly. Usually Lisette was far more insistent about this sort of thing, he’d normally expect her to simply march into his room and seat herself on his bed. He only realised as she spoke that for her to act like this, for whatever reason she was acting like this, it must be important to her that he did accept her request 
ugly sentence. ugly, ugly sentence. ew. im actually so bored by this sentence im ceasing work on this for the night good bye
She didn’t want to force it on him. Still… He couldn’t help but hesitate. It was stupid, he knew, but he’d felt awkward spending time alone with any of the girls since after the war, lest any of them get the wrong idea.
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A moment passed and still Lisette didn’t say anything; clenching her hands nervously below her wait -and unintentionally pushing her impressive bust out even further towards him- 
the commissioner, apparently upon seeing stella glow:
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she silently awaited his response. Blushing a little under her low gaze, Alto realised it was getting harder and harder to remember the days when he’d seen her just like a sister.
this proves its inhuman and disgusting because it gave me visceral flashbacks to fire emblem fates so lemme post some of my fave incest quotes from that, starting with the ones it made me astral project into
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did that last one haunt u because for a split second you imagined a world where lisette said them? good bc that shit keeps me up at night. im tired of cropping these quotes out so like we’re done my point has been made
In the end though, he couldn’t possibly deny her. Not for no reason, and not when she looked at him like that, “Yeah, of course Lisette. That sounds fun.”
the begging thing from the last chapter hit me full force in memory and I honestly hope it comes back bc ive got a dynamite joke locked and loaded
Breaking out into a bright smile, the Water Witch sagged in relief, taking him by surprise as she reached out to take his hand in hers, letting her body fall soft and warm against him as she did so. Her breath tickled hot across his collar and Alto’s heart jumped in shock!
DONT EVER USE EXCLAMATION POINTS LIKE THIS im serious. it is about as ugly, 2007-fanfic-net-core you can get. 
Her hands felt smooth and gentle, wrapped warm around his… 
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he’d felt that before, it was pleasant, although not anything new. But feeling her head falling lovingly to his shoulder like this and having her entire body now laying against his… His mouth went dry, 
Wet 4 The Dry Confirmed
he could even feel her breasts pushing large and heavy against his own chest! ‘Woah… S-So soft… They’re even bigger than Rosa’s, aren’t they?’
can you believe this was written completely unironically? like, people find this hot? if it didnt deplete the experience of reading this fic id replace every line referencing boobs with a comment from nicki minaj’s instagram
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For just a split second, no matter how much of a gentleman he was, standing there like that, it was impossible for him not to compare the mother and daughter.
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“Li-Lisette?” he choked out, desperately reigning in his thoughts before they rampaged down a dangerous direction. “Mmm, Alto, hehe, I’m glad,” she giggled happily, skipping back and beaming up at him as she tugged on his hands, leading him off, “Even just being like this with you, I feel better already!”
ok I have NO idea what movement theyre doing. shes like, skipping and then she comes back and takes his hands and idk probably his dick or something
Absolutely caught up in her rhythm, they were halfway down the hall before Alto finally realised she’d pulled him completely out of his room!
heres a coded message just for katt: e*****t w** d****** **m!the narration means he was aware she was pulling him so like where the fuck did he think he was going if not outside his room
“Uh, h-hey, Lisette? We’re going somewhere? I thought you wanted to go to sleep?” “That’s right,” she nodded simply, giving up and tugging him and instead falling into step beside him, “But your bed’s too small for it to be comfortable, so we’re gonna use my room instead!” Alto almost dug his heels in from sheer indignation! 
im sorry. im sorry I had to cut this up but come on. come the fuck on. indignation. like she made a point and alto is all “insolent female requesting things of me” have you not met alto. authot is from r/incels
She’d come all this way to see him, just to drag him back to her room!? How self-indulgent could she be!? And, it wasn’t as if his bed back in Mithra had been any larger and she’d never complained before. Eventually, he just sighed and followed her lead, it wasn’t worth getting worked up over. If it would make her happier, then that was fine. It might be nice to spend a night in someone else’s room for a change too.
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Walking hand in hand through the halls like this was fairly embarrassing, thankfully it seemed that it was late enough that no-one else was around. He really, really didn’t want to suddenly run into Rusty like this, let alone Giselle, or Sakuya… Supressing a shudder, Alto hurried on.
“let alone giselle” wh???? I am so baffled by this. obviously rusty or sakuya would give him shit but whats giselle gonna do??? is alto being bullied by a robot?????? I want giselle to appear and smash alto’s frosting into the ground
“I won’t hesitate, bitch,” said Giselle, pointing her laser at altos dick and shattering it into one million individual pieces
Unlike the tiny spare room he’d been assigned so long ago now, Lisette, as a Witch, had been housed in the premium quarters on the other side of their dormitory. 
stop. stop saying dormitory. this is not a college
Luckily in this case, unlike the Palace, the building wasn’t overly large so it was only a short trip to her room. They arrived a few minutes later, just as his heart was beginning to settle down.
what happened to the long ass aterisks break. oh god the swear word is coming isnt it
Unfortunately, the moment Lisette opened the door and they stepped inside, Alto’s breath was one again caught violently in his throat, “H-Hilda!?” And indeed, kneeling serenely atop a small cushion in the middle of the large room, the Time Witch was sipping calmly from her usual green ceramic tea-cup, as if there was nothing strange about her presence here at all.
I dont like how shes sitting on a pillow in the center of the room that sounds ritualisitic
(bangs pink cup on the ground) She Sits On The Sacrificial Fuck Pillow ((group of hooded figures behind me start chanting “Fuck Pillow! Fuck Pillow!”
Watching as she settled the drink aside, perfectly in synch with the sound of Lisette locking the door behind her, Alto’s mouth went dry.
theres so much wrong with the syntax and shit but im pushing that all aside to say how fucking difficult it is to sync sound like that even on purpose so yeah theyre def doing a cult sacrifice to the original sex god, elcrest
A moment of silence reigned and somewhere in the back of his currently panicking mind, the bewildered Conductor couldn’t help but notice that Hilda too was wearing her standard Witches’ outfit, the same form fitting black dress 
“dress” very generous for mr boob grower
and wide sweeping hat she’d become associated with for so many years. However, in her case, this wasn’t much of a surprise. As far as he’d seen from the White-Haired woman, she didn’t seem to actually own any normal, casual attire and, while he knew she deeply adored he beautiful white dress she’d unlocked when he’d purified her lonely heart, he also knew that even she couldn’t help but feel rather self-conscious, wearing something that was practically a wedding dress as an everyday outfit, he hadn’t seen Hilda’s Goddess Robes since the end of the final battle.
I literally cannot read any part of this paragraph except the capitalization of White-Haired and Goddess Robes this was either written in the 1700s or modern day by me dissociating in a target bathroom this is so funny if the fic gets any funnier ill die
“Alto? I’m surprised. Isn’t it a bit late for you to be visiting a woman’s bedroom?”
horny dont got business hours babe
“Ah, H-Hilda! It’s, it’s not what you’re thinking, I, Lisette!? Wha-” “Relax Alto,” the Water Witch giggled softly as she stepped forward, taking his hand again, but this time wrapping herself around his arm, “She’s just teasing you.” “Wha… Abuh?”
this is harem anime/fire emblem dialogue right down to the “Abuh?” actually thats the defining thing you hear someone say that youre in a straight anime and you need to run for your fucking life
“My apologies,” Hilda nodded, offering him a small smile in recompense as she matched Lisette’s movements, taking hold of his other hand, her pale face burning bright red as her soft fingers entwined with his, “I just, got a little flustered seeing you so suddenly… I… I wasn’t sure what to say.”
ok first of all you cannot write hilda in any realm of possibility but also like this is yet another thing to not trust men for: emphasizing the whiteness of a womans skin. he is a racist, plain and simple
Her hand squeezed nervously around his and Alto realised just how easily he could feel her racing heart through the light fabric of her dress when she pulled his arm against herself. Not that Lisette was any different, he couldn’t possibly believe in the confidant front she was showing after knowing her as long as he had, not when he could feel her entire body trembling against him.
hilda is like two ft tall howd she even reach his arm. also like there isnt even any fabric boy u raw touchin her 
His mouth opened and closed, but he couldn’t think what to say, he wasn’t mentally prepared for any of this! He’d gone from expecting to go to sleep, to being visited by Lisette, to being dragged through the halls, and now he was being sprung with some surprise meeting!? And both of them were clinging to him like never before! 
this is in character alto not wanting to have a threesome so he can go nap
He couldn’t possibly keep up. Before he even realised it, he’d been pulled all the way over to Lisette’s bed and was sitting with a girl wrapped around either of his arms.
what a problem! what a terrible day for him! what are the odds of this happening!
“What… What’s going on?” “Something good.” Hilda answered in her own cryptic fashion, her voice almost breathless and her blazing red cheeks half hidden behind his cloak as she shyly slid in right next to him.
it is most certainly not good ma’am
“That’s right,” Lisette agreed, happily snuggling up against him as she squeezed herself around his other arm, “We’re gonna help you come to a decision!”
we’re gonna make u C*M...............to a decision ;)
Alto blinked, “Eh?”
petition for this to turn out like the friends episode where ross got kicked out of a threesome with his wife and another woman bc they were lesbians so he left and made a sandwich
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conveniently the fic decides to break here anyway so thats all you get for now. I’ll finish the other parts later (im expecting like maybe five because of the gargantuan size of this travesty) and link them direct from here 
Part 2 here! (coming soon)
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lukeysgirl · 7 years
Relentless | Calum Hood Series Pt.12
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                                             Part T W E L V E 
Request: Being the cousin of Ashton Irwin was exciting, especially when invited to their tour to hang out with his best friends. You found yourself becoming fond of Calum Hood, who finds you annoying from your constant appearance. But what would happen if you stopped giving him that attention?
Word Count: 3k+
A/N: im alive, still! ((thankfully)) here is chapter 12 for yall ! its a bit steamy so, sexual warning (?) i guess. brace yourselves, bc this was something beyond me. hope you guys enjoy ! :] x
Parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. [DONE]  
                                                    I M A G I N E 
Tokyo, 23:40 P.M.
“The parties here in Tokyo are amazing!” Taka, the lead singer of One OK Rock, gushed. He, along with his band mates, were touring you guys down Tokyo, the busiest and biggest city in the world (though it still fights that title with the Big Apple). The tall buildings were brightly lit with screens of commercials and Japanese icons. You couldn’t help but become fascinated with it. 
“I love the clothing they sell here!” You squeaked. The boys let you go shopping right after the concert, allowing you to fantasize over the clothing. You were able to purchase this white t-shirt with a Pikachu outline on it in black. Over it, you bought a gray kimono with camellia flowers on it. As for your pants, you got a regular pair of black pants with this pastel red heels with full wedges. They were comfy, cute, and ornate with flowers. 
“So I see,” Taka said with a soft smile. “Might I say, you look very beautiful in our fashion, Y/N.” You blushed at Taka’s kind words, having Calum growl a bit as he held your waist tighter. “We’re going to one of the nicest hotel in Tokyo– the Park Hotel.” 
“The party is going to be totally sick!” Michael entertained as he slide his guitar to his front. He began to tune his acoustic a bit while everyone walked and talked. You were curious at Michael as everybody crossed the street to the next block. “Y/N, we’re actually collaborating in a song with these guys.” 
“Really? All 8 of you guys are singing 1 song together?” 
“It’s not like we dominate the song,” Ashton says as he weaved his hands together to hold it behind his head. “But we sing the second verse and harmonize with them. We also helped write it since we’re signed together.” 
“I’d figure you guys would have 12 since you’re also signed alongside Hey Violet,” you teased.
“Yeah, but they were busy,” Calum quickly responded. You shrugged, taking this excuse as Michael tested all the strings so the chords were right. 
“Let’s sing a bit of it for her, yeah?” Michael asked happily, having all 8 boys nod as they stopped and formed a circle. You wound up being placed in the middle of them, for some reason. But you watched as Michael counted down before strumming. “At the second chorus, guys!” 
“Can you hear me? I’m tryna hear you!” Taka sang, staring straight into your eyes as you watched him sing. “Silences strikes like a hurricane–” everybody joined in to harmonize, having you fascinated at how loud and strong they sounded. 
“Take what you want, take what you want and go.” Luke began singing after the chorus, repeating the same lyrics as he tapped his foot. His voice was strong and a bit tired from the concert, but it was still as lovely as ever. 
“Still remember a time when you felt like home?” You turned to find Michael singing, watching as he strummed passionately. His green eyes were locked on yours as he sang beautifully. No matter what, there was nothing that could exhaust that boy. 
“Can you hear me? I’m tryna hear you–silence strikes like a hurricane!” You turned to hear Ashton singing, having him pat your head with his large hand. “I’m singing for you, you’re screaming at me! It’s hard to see your tears in the pouring rain!” All the boys then began harmonizing in ‘oh’ as you watched them sing. 
“Finish it, Calum!” Luke encouraged, having you turn over to your boyfriend. He offered his hands out, having you take them as Michael slowed his strumming pace. He looked into your eyes with his almond ones, seeing the adoration flow out of them. 
“Take what you want, take what you want and go…” Calum sang, having you blush before he went to plant a kiss on your forehead. Before you all knew it, people around you were clapping ecstatically. Several fans were going insane as their phones flashed several photos of you guys. 
“This is why we don’t randomly perform on the sidewalk, Michael!” Ashton somewhat scolded the bleach-haired boy, receiving a sheepish smile from him before going to take a selfie. You giggled as Calum placed his chin on your head with one arm wrapped around you. 
“Let’s have a lot of fun, okay?” Calum asked softly, his hands cupping your cheeks to turn your head to face him. You watched as he leaned his forehead against yours and looked into your eyes. There was a sudden twinkle in his almond ones, having you blush from his wild intensity. 
“O-okay…” you whispered, having Calum smile to get one out of you as well. 
23:55 P.M.
“5SOS and One OK Rock has entered the building!” Taka announced as you all stood in front of the open doorway. You were all on the top floor, which is known to have several pools, amazing service, and the best view of Tokyo. Plus, it was rumored that someone had a stage installed in the Penthouse Suite just for the party. 
“The guests of honor are here!” Someone shouted into a mic, having you giggle while watching the boys cheer right in front of you. You’ve watched them grow from those losers in the garage to rock stars on stages all over the world. Your eyes were threatening to create tears until you felt a tug upon your hand. 
“Huh?” You hummed, looking to see Calum glance at you from the front.Before he can speak, his phone suddenly began to ring. You watch as he fished out his phone and took a second to look before hanging it up. He then looked back at you again, his gaze kind and inviting.  
“C’mon,” Calum beckoned softly. “Let’s go in and party.” 
Tonight by the Jonas Brothers began to blast through the suite as everybody was having a ball. People were playing all sorts of games like beer pong and taking several body shots. It was insane how energetic this party was in comparison to Niall’s back in Dublin. 
“Y/N, baby, let me take a few shots off you!” Calum was beyond wasted. It was completely different from Niall’s party. He was practically swinging around with back to back beers, having you worry over his health. But he seemed to be having a blast, and you didn’t want to spoil it. 
“Okay,” you obliged, having him quickly pick you up to lay you down on the table by the living room. One of the many living rooms, anyways. You blushed as Calum slowly lifted your shirt up right before your breasts. Flushing, you watch as a mere stranger comes over and pours Vodka into your belly button. Moving away, you watch as Calum gives your belly a hungry lip lick with eagerness in his eyes. 
“Are you ready, princess?” Calum cooed seductively, having you jump from his lust as he suddenly latched his lips around your belly button. His tongue dipped into your belly button first, tracing circles in it as the Vodka spilled out a bit. But, he soon began sucking, the liquid being taken from your belly button. You couldn’t help but feel turned on by his suckage upon your stomach. Your skin was bound to turn red as he was sucking like he’d do when giving hickies. 
“Yeah, Hood!” People cheered him on as you shut your eyes embarrassingly. Although you trusted Calum, you couldn’t help but shy up from all the eyes locked on you. You suddenly felt the heat of his mouth disappear, indicating he unlatched his lips. You open your eyes, seeing as Calum gives your belly a kiss before looking over at you and giving you a wink. 
“Isn’t my girlfriend just beautiful?” Calum slurred, draping his shoulder carelessly on another person as he pointed at you. “Look at her– she’s as red as an apple! My new favorite fruit is her right now.” 
“Can we take a shot off her?” Another boy, fairly handsome, requested from your Maori king. Calum gave him a stupid face, looking immensely sour at the man who suddenly got nervous. 
“Ask me that ever again, and nobody will be able to recognize you after this party,” Calum threatened with a growl, having the man put his hands up while shyly escaping the crowd. The people around nervously chuckled as Calum pulled down your shirt and helped you sit up. 
“Please don’t get violent, okay?” You softly spoke to Calum, pushing yoru face against his chest as you wrapped your arms around him. He wrapped his arms around you in return, causing warmth in the loving embrace. The brace felt like it lasted years, but it came to a quick end when someone was yelling that Luke Hemmings was dancing his drunk heart out. 
“Oh fuck, Luke is dancing? This is the end of the world, honestly,” Calum snorts as he grabs your hand and leads you towards the source everybody was running to. Before you knew it, you were introduced to a side of Luke you’ve never seen before. 
On a large, runway stage, stood the blonde boy with blue eyes. His blouse-like shirt flowed with his movements while his skinny jeans restricted them. But nonetheless, he was moving in ways that you’d never imagine you’d ever see before. Luke was all smiles and pure energy in his eyes as he shook his ass on that stage. 
“Holy shit!” Calum exclaimed, letting out a laugh as he brought the both of you closer to the stage. Luke was dancing to Applause by Lady Gaga, having you cup your mouth to cover your laughter. He began clapping as he walked down the stage, having everybody clap with him as he sang the song without a mic. 
“I live for the applause, applause, applause– I live for the applause-plause, live for the applause-plause!” Luke shouted as he clapped his hands strongly together. “Live for the way that you cheer ‘n scream for me, the applause, applause, applause–!” 
“Luke is something else,” you let out a sigh as you dropped your head in your hand with pure defeat. 
24:32 P.M. 
Several people took a stab at this new Lip Sync Battle they created at the party. You thought it was absolutely silly, but loved the happy vibe they gave off from being so carefree. You then stopped giggle when Calum rushed on the stage and declared it his turn. 
“Calum, please–!” You tried, but Calum was far too drunk and glowing to even dare pay attention. 
“What song, mate?” The DJ called out. 
“Imma take Grind On Me!” Calum cheered, having the large crowd cheer with him. Before you knew it, you were being pushed forward to the stage as more people began packing the area. As soon as someone heard that Calum was performing, the party shifted from the other areas to see your Maori boy perform solo. 
“Your boyfriend is crazy, you know that?” You heard in your ear, turning to find Michael right by your side. He gave you a playful smirk before diverting his green eyes back to his band mate. “He’s really doing this…” 
“Trust me, I can’t believe it either,” you say quietly, smiling widely as you watched Calum beckon at someone for something. Before you knew it, a chair was crowd-surfing, making it to the stage as Calum reached to grab it. “What the fuck is he doing?” 
Calum sets up the chair at the front center of the stage, which is where you were stood by. He straightened it to perfection, dusting off the cushion before declaring it perfect. He then scanned the crowd, spotted you, and beckoned you over with his index finger. 
“E-eh?” You squeaked, pointing at yourself as a spotlight was shined on you. Everybody around you backed up and moved away to allow you to go to the stage. You turned to Michael, who offered his hand to you to guide you. Shyly, you take the tips of his fingers and allowed him to take you. 
“Let loose and have fun,” Michael assured with a smile, as he grabbed your waist and lifted you on the stage. Calum grabbed your hands as he did, helping you safely on the stage as you stood above everybody around. 
“Sit down, m’lady,” Calum seductively purred in your ear, feeling a sudden shudder trickle down your spine. With you practically froze, Calum grabbed your shoulders and sat you down on the chair. Once you were sat, Calum bent down to put his lips near your ear. You suddenly felt a nip at your earlobe, having your heart stop immediately. “Enjoy the show, love.” 
Speechless, you wait as the music begins to play and Calum was already starting his drunk improvisation. As the beginning music plays, Calum swayed his hips a bit before standing to your right. You watched in awe as he extends his other leg to the other side of you and slowly takes a seat on your lap. 
Baby grind on me
Relax your mind, take your time with me
His crotch was firmly placed upon yours, having you flush up immediately. But Calum refused to let you hide it, as he grabbed your chin and directed your face towards his. You locked eyes with him as you felt his hardening cock grind into your crotch. 
Let me get deeper shorty, ride on me
Now come and sex me til yo’ body gets weak
You never thought Calum was able to move like this. He swayed his hips like he’s been dancing all his life in pure secrecy. The way he moved them along with the beat was far too sexy than you could ever imagine. And feeling his hardening dick against you, you could feel yourself get hotter each time he grinds. 
His hands escape to grabs the wooden part of the backrest of the chair as he begins to grind harder. You snapped out of your frozen state to quickly grab his waist with your hands. You could hear the crowd go insane, with flashes going off and videos likely being taken. But you didn’t mind, and you doubted that Calum did, too. 
“Mmph, baby…” he moaned into your ear, feeling your body grow goosebumps all over. You took over at his face to see his cheeks flushed, his bottom lip between his teeth, and his almond eyes full of lust. You could hear his panting by your ear, hearing it so raw and raspy that you thought it’d be the death of you. 
But then again, everything Calum did was the end of you. 
Quickly, as the chorus repeated itself, Calum removed himself from your lap, having circulation return in them. He swiftly walked over behind you and gently took the chair to lay it down on the stage. With you still in it, you found your torso lying down with your legs up and bent. Screams emerged even louder this time as Calum put his legs on either side of you again, but with his knees now on the stage. 
His crotch was now pressed against your lower belly, while still managing to be able to dig into your cave. You looked up, fully blushing, as Calum stared at you with this incredible intensity. You could see him sweating, both from being turned on as well as the energy he was putting in for this. But you could tell that he was not planning to stop anytime soon. 
“You drive me insane like this, babygirl,” Calum spoke softly to you, his eyes dimming a bit as he stared at you. The both of you were practically panting, him from his grinding and you from being the one receiving the grinding. You then watch as Calum began to bite his bottom lip and biting off some dried skin. 
Without breaking the gaze, you took out your lip balm and took a dollop of it out. With the lubricant on your index finger, you reach up and wipe it slowly along his bottom lip. From left… to right… It felt smooth, like smearing butter on soft bread. Calum’s breath halted from your gentle touch, having him suddenly grab your wrist. The tip of your finger was still lightly touching his bottom lip. 
“Do you like touching my lips, baby?” Calum asked, only audible to you as you looked into his brown eyes. 
“Yes…” you practically breathed that confirmation out, feeling your cheeks burn with blood. He quickly sits up a bit and grabs the both of your wrists. You watch as he rose his crotch from your body and slammed your hands down on the stage. It was still overwhelming to you to think that he was doing this in front of so many people. 
“Do you like my lips against yours?” Calum growled, lowering his face down to you as he lightly brushes his nose on yours. 
“Do you want them on yours right now?” 
“Pl-please…” Before you knew it, he smashed his lips against yours graciously. You could feel your strawberry lip balm get smeared upon your lips as he kissed you hungrily. Even the flavor was dropping into your tongue as he broke into your mouth with his. You let him dominate as you were far too turned on and weak to even try. 
As he kissed you, you felt him pull back slightly. Not all the way, but enough to know that his lips weren’t desperately smashed on your lips. Squinting with one eye, you watch as Calum rose his left leg cautiously. He was balancing himself with his right as he brought his foot between your legs against the seat of the chair. With one motion, he quickly pushes it away, allowing your legs to fall stretched out and flat on the stage. 
The crowd was eating this performance up, having your heart pound even faster. It was practically hammering against your chest as Calum brought his crotch back down to yours. His dick was rock hard, feeling it very easily upon your oozing flower. You desperately wanted him, feeling his boner just as desperate to be inside you. 
“F-fuck–!” Calum growled, pulling his lips away from yours as he tried to grind on you deeper. You tried closing the desperate cause for no friction as you bucked your crotch against his. He cursed a bit again, having you writhe under him from how sexy he sounded. Finding this pleasantly repetitive, you finally noticed that the song was only a repetition of the chorus. 
“Calum! Calum! Calum!” The crowd chanted his name, encouraging his sexual movements being used upon you. But you noticed Calum growing tired, seeing as this performance should come to an end. You wrap your arms around his moist, hot neck and wrapped your legs around his waist. He takes note of the indication and stands up with you clinging onto him. 
With Calum back on his feet, you placed yours on the stage. You were suddenly pulled in for a warm hug, feeling Calum’s pants upon your chest as he embraced you. As the music slowly faded away, all you could hear was the incredible loudness of applause and cheers for you and Calum. 
“Um, wow!” Demi Lovato suddenly came to the both of you on stage with a mic. She was looking gorgeous, as usual. You couldn’t even get starstruck due to how much shock you were from Calum. “Where the hell did that come from, Calum?” 
As Demi handed Calum the mic, he held it to his mouth and simply stood there. Whistles and cheers were still being chanted as Calum looked at the crowd. He touched the microphone to his lips, and slightly parted them. But before he can utter any words, a sudden hiccup emerged from his mouth. 
You couldn’t help but giggle as everybody else joined in the laughter. 
this was… steamy. fuck, okay. please tell me whatcha think, loves? tell me right here aha xx thank you all for this amazing support during this crazy time in my life rn. i appreciate the patience and the support from yall bc ik i dont deserve but i really love it so much xx 
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kindofsharethat · 7 years
so last night people were sharing stories of how they became larries and i thought i’d make a big (emphasis on big) ol list of them because i found them really fun to read
I've been a 1D fan since 2013 and my sister and i always thought that l&h looked so good together but only the bromance and we're like "omg larries destroyed their friendship poor eleanor 1!1!1!", then in 2015 the "i'm gay pretty unfortunate isn't eleanor ?" happened and i was like WHAAT???? and i ended up searching more and more about larry (bc it was the only thing that came to my mind) and i found the videos and then i told my sister and then here we are.
I became a larrie because someone in my dash who rarely post about 1D posted the first louis/fred pic and tagged it babygate. So I went looking into the tag and found everything. I had doubt but then i saw the moment where H touch L arm and i was in! I actually became a fan of the music after. I've done everything in reverse with this band! But when i entered the fandom in feb2016 and i was hopping to see it all end like a month later! But hey, still here! And loving it mostly! End it!
it was 2011 and my friend told me she had found a really good song and the singers were so cute, she showed me wmyb video and i spent the whole day listening to it and then in the evening i wanted to find out more about these 5 guys. i started watching video diaries ans i was looking for the next one but i accidentally clicked "best larry moments" video aaand the rest is history
I became a larrie after aimh tweet hits 2m and everyone on all of my social media started freaking out even though I didn't follow any 1D blogs so I started search about them and now I'm here also at that time I was kinda homophobic 'cause I live in russia and grown up in middle eastern family and now I'm proud lesbian who knows a lot about LGBTQ+ history so thank you to my larents and 1D for making me gay lol 🌈💕
i was a fan since 2011 but didnt know about larry bc i was young and didnt have any social media but around 2013-2014 my friend showed me the "are you and louis dating" vid and i was like the mr krabs meme bc i just couldnt understand why larry would have to be covered up so i went home and watched "why elounor is fake" videos and my eyes were open and ever since that day ive been a larrie and i regret not knowing sooner but im here now !!
i saw the daddy daddy cool tweet and was like dude that's the wrong type of daddywtf? & I hadn't heard about a pregnancy? then a week later I had read the treatise and had a side blog and watched all the freddieismyqueen videos & was in way too deeeep lol. I've never been around when they weren't on the break even, I'm so confused about how I got here but now I can't escape 😝I had never even listened to their music before but then I also did that and was like damn they're so good?!
I just remembered going out once and being quite tipsy when DMD video came on so I pointed to Louis and Harry and said 'they're in love, but shh nobody can know' and one of my friends looked at me with a WTF?? expression on her face and said 'but I thought that was common knowledge'. Mind you, she still doesn't even know their names, let alone anything else. That was around the time bg was still a fresh wound and I'll never forget it bc it was so nice to hear it and also my hangover was a bitch.
I got interested in 1D right after their last concert, like right on Halloween. I became a Larrie that very same day too, right after i read Dan Wattpad's infamous "Harry and Louis hate each other". I saw articles floating around saying how they were enemies, reason for Zayn leaving...blah blah. I was sceptical, then i came across the famous OTRA hug, and i was like, no fucking way they hate each other, not with how they are hugging. I then delved into YT and discovered freddieismyqueen. Bless.
I joined july 2014 (2 months after they 've passed my country ouch) and was instantly hooked because this shit is like crack. Today I'm the darkest larrie that exists preaching the word for everyone who'll listen. I can WAIT for their CO because I have a party prepared? I literally have a wine since 2014 in my cellar that I'm only going to open the day they're free, I have nauthical theme stocked for the party. My friends just know that they have to come and that I'll be crying the whole month!!
weirdly enough i became a larry cos of that stupid channel 4 documentary id never heard of larry or gay shipping or whatever before that and i saw that and i was very mr krabs meme and i looked into it saw that it wasn't evil and gross like they were portraying it and never turned back
I joined the fandom in late 2012 and I wasn't a larrie but I wasn't an anti either i just hadn't looked into it but then i remember during the confirmation of bg on gma i felt bad for harry and i didnt really know why and I was surprised by my own reaction. Then with bg going on I started to realise that none of that could be real I did my research and I've been a larrie ever since :)
I joined the fandom in 2012, used to think Elounor was real but just because I never looked into it and I knew some people thought Larry was real at the time so I checked this insta page that debunked Elounor and I have no regrets 💙💚
When I become a 1D fan, in 2012, I liked elounor and I liked Eleanor unfortunately. I was not that into fandom things so I wasn't paying attention to details. But my whole view changed in 2014 when they came to South America for the WWAT and all those rumors in Argentina with the hotel room and Brazil that was an experience and I was like "ok something is happening here between them" and here I am, 4 years later and going strong as a larrie. I'm on the winning team 😌💅🏼
I became a larrie when my friend first introduced me to fanfiction. I read a larry one and was totally amazed by it. After that, I switched between het ones and larry ones, but always came back to larry. After that, I simply became obsessed with the pair, something that made me fall in love with the band and all of them. I watched the dairies and everything, and just saw how clear their infatuation was. Tumblr and a lot of other sites just simply proved the theory even more. No regrets ❤
i became a larrie late novemeber after a month of being in the 1d fandom. i watched freddieismyqueen videos and other proofs for hours everyday (especially over thanksgiving break)
I wasn't even a fan of 1D, but while I was looking for pictures of them to do a collage for a friend, I found one in which Louis and Harry were looking at each other and, damn, I can't explain what I felt, I just knew it. So, I was trying to figure out if I was the only one thinking there was something between this two, and it turned out I wasn't! I discovered tumblr, and I spent 3 days reading post, watching videos and proofs and...here I am, 3 years after, being the larriest larrie
I became a 1d fan when uan tour had just started and like. I watched all the damn youtube videos in about a week and I noticed that in the video diaries on the stairs they were so ~cozy, and they were so Extra™ on stage and hl weren't like that with the other boys. They just emanated the feelings I suppressed: Ultra Gay. And yeah. That's how it Began for me
I became a larrie when I watched the behind the scenes of wmyb and Louis was saying "I've gotta say it" and Harry was all over him and hid his face in Louis' shoulder and said "no!"
Same like that previous anon i hadnt even considered two guys being more than friends bc of where i grew up. But just watching proof videos of them for a while i kind of realized how in love they were. Thats when i started thinking about how different and colorful the world actually is compared to what I've learned from the people i grew up around
I became a larrie when my friend and I would watch their video diaries together, and I would see the way h&l acted with each other. I mentioned it to my friend and she was like yeah, Larry, and she showed me one YouTube video so I spent weeks watching every single one I could find, all these years later and I've come to accept theres no way to crawl out of this 😂
are we sharing larrie stories? my friend became a fan early 2012 (and a larrie) and was adamant on making me on too, and I finally gave in summer 2013. I rmr the day after TCAs that year, niall tried to do a twitcam and idr how but some article got written abt the twitcam that included a link to those 'you just have to pay attention' videos. I marathoned them all, and it was that arm moment that zayn failed to hide that #sealed it. though my friend gave me the skinny on haylor back in 2012~
i was like a super casual fan since their first album. my friend introduced them to me cuz she was crushing on zayn. i just knew their music but not actually them. i became a larrie during weedgate. weird timing, i know. i saw it on the news and got curious about what was going on. saw the video then got to know about the boys individually through past vids. i started from the very start from the xf vid diaries. those two, not subtle AT ALL. and well, the rest was history.
i was in entirely different fandom back in 2014, but one of my follower turns into a liam stan and starts to post about 1d and there was a post about how harry and louis can't touch each other and i thought that was really weird weren't they bandmates?? then i started digging around and stumble into a treatise blog. here i am now hahaha
I got into this fandom because of my best friend. She showed me week 4 diary video... and I was like are those two in a relationship?? I pointed at louis and harry and she said no why? And I was like I don't know they seem cozy together and I pointed out that harry was staring at louis lips... she didn't believe me first but now she is a larrie😂 So basically I got into this fandom knowing larry is real
I became a fan of the boys 4 years ago. I read about Larry and that fans believed they were together so I went on YouTube and saw some videos and read some stories (I think it was here on tumblr??) and I immediately believed they were together. There wasn't a particular moment for me, it was a lot of things. Probably, above all, the way they looked at each other. They never looked at someone else so fondly. And 4 years later I keep saying the same thing 💖
for me, i always thought louis was gay from way back in 2011 but i didn't really think of harry's sexuality cause i wasn't like a stan i was just a casual fan [which is why it confuses me when people say that if larry isn't real, louis is straight and horrible, no...he still gay as hell babe]. anyway i became a larrie cause i used to really follow celeb gossip and when the news dropped, gossip sites/tabloids kept mentioning harry and larries everywhere so i decided to investigate and...here i am
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satans-codpiece · 4 years
ok fr im gonna post this bc this is amazing @ 16 y/o me, what happened to you? selfshipping with a character not a single person on this hell of an earth cares about while staring the entire SPN cast straight in the eyes and being like fuck y’all?
[December 27th, 2012]
HE hadn't thought dying would feel quite like this. Or maybe he did, to an extent. Weightless, like he was floating was to be expected, feeling lightheaded, especially as the almost blinding light blasted from the stone. "It wall went white" doesn't have the same ring to it, though. He had seen that poor woman earlier be vaporized by the stone's power, and he was sure that was what was happening to him right now. Individual atomic bonds being ripped apart by the raw energy being thrown off by Stonehenge.
Even as an astrophysicist he hadn't expected to die such an unpredictable death. Maybe in an accidental atomic explosion at the worst, maybe get cancer or something. Much domestic deaths available than this seemed almost appealing, but in the end, he had saved the world in his death. He knew that long before he left the car with Dr. Jennings. He would die at Stonehenge, even if he failed. Getting the key to the center rock would cause what was happening: this discharge of power on a much smaller scale than the one hat would've occurred had he failed. The one that would redirect the atomic bomb, and then the one after procuring enough of the magnetic power from the Earth's poles.
That was why he left his ring with Dr. Jennings, and faked hope when she said she'd be giving it back. He would never see her again. A chestful of anticipation and the weight of quite possibly the literal world rested on his shoulders and he set out with determination.
Which he was successful and lead to this feeling of weightlessness, of falling even. To be honest he hadn't even realized he was falling until he realized his side and leg burned with pain. He had thought with just enough clarity to think that wasn't the pain supposed to stop once your brain had been picked apart one atomic-level bond at a time? Weren't you supposed to stop thinking? And in that moment he opened his eyes and he could swear on every book of astrophysical theory that he was actually falling. The light spiralling around his was not his near death experience, he was actually falling Goddamn it all. Hell, for all he knew he was actually being taken to see who the hell made Stonehenge and the key and terraformed Earth in the first place billions of years ago. He admitted earlier that there were forces they simply couldn't explain with modern theories, and maybe even any theories to ever trickle through peer reviews. Maybe they had something else at work in their terraforming device, they wouldn't even have to know.
The weightlessness was expected, the falling was a bit of a surprise but still could maybe to chalked up to last-minute hallucinations in an attempt to keep his mind in a single piece. It was the collision of his back to a very solid, very hard surface that had Dr. Glaser sputtering and trying to keep his focus on the material world.
Landing had jostled his already tender gunshot wound, and he groaned despite himself. This was so much less graceful than just being ripped apart or vaporized. He really hoped that at least the cult follower was being as disgraced as himself. Maybe a little more dead, since he did after all wish death upon all the humans in the world. That wasn't very nice.
Jacob stared up from his position on what he assumed was the ground of some abandoned building. The walls were concrete, maybe in a basement somewhere- supposing it was of human origins. The walls were old and a dingy gray, obviously uncared for and let to fall into disrepair. On the ceiling, however, Jacob could not comment since above him was only a swirling vortex of light and color: one that he had obviously just fallen from. He thought for perhaps a moment he had fallen through some sort of wormhole, created by the extreme energy at the stone and forced a counterpart white hole somewhere and had sucked him through. Though that hardly explained how he was still alive: a black hole would crush him under the extreme internal gravity. Not to mention it would also be ripping apart Europe by now.
No, Dr. Glaser was contented to ponder on how he got here as he bled to death slowly. It was a sad death, he thought. He much preferred being vaporized to this, at least in being vaporized he could hope someone would make a movie for him one day, with decent special effects for being vaporized. He could be famous, but no, like this he would be that one scientist that ends up being found in 30 years and then accused of faking his death for publicity. At the scale of everything that had happened surely it would be even more incredible than if they had found Hitler's body in South America. He pondered it a moment more.
Maybe not quite that sensational. It would certainly still rattle the gossiping TV shows for a couple weeks. No, he contented to pressing a hand to his wound which still oozed warm blood over his fingers and into this clothing. Judging from the state of the room and likelihood that he was in an evacuated zone, he hadn't expected anyone to show up. He certainly did not expect a loud cry of "Jesus Christ! Sam, Cas! Get in here!"
Actually he was expecting to really be hallucinating that. He looked lazily, the blood loss finally digging at his consciousness, and saw a large pair of too-green eyes staring back at him. The man, - oh God, Jacob could swear he looks just like Jensen Ackles, the American actor, pushes Jacob's hand out of the way to press a cloth to his wound. "Hey man, it's going to be okay, alright?" Jacob's head is too blurry to really understand what's going on, but is clear enough to know that that tone is more like 'I'm saying this so you wont freak out on me' than 'its okay'.
He expected to die anyway so it's all good. Maybe not with an actor trying to keep his blood inside his body, but hey it'll only make the story even better. He could probably get by with better last words than "It was a robot head", but he could settle for dying in an actor's basement. The man turned around again and yelled: "Sam! Cas!"
This time another man appeared from a doorway, rushing over to the first. He was remarkably tall, Jacob knew for certain even from his state on the floor. And now maybe Jacob could start having a panic attack or laughing off this hallucination because god dammit the other man was fucking Jared Padalecki. So either he was dying on the set of Supernatural, or something was definitely off. He recalled distantly that he had called him Sam, not Jared. And now he was sure he was hallucinating: this was absurdly nuts. Yeah, maybe Sabrina had told him that it was real and she was stuck on the wrong side, but come on. She was having some sort of mental breakdown when she said that. She'd said his alternate on the other side was an angel but this was stupid, this was ridiculous.
"Oh my god, Dean, he looks just like..." Jared (Sam?) mumbled, grabbing a hold of the wound on Jacob's leg. Dean- Jensen- nodded somewhere between numbly and grimly. And then around the corner came another body. Oh Christ, why would this have to be his pre-death hallucination, why couldn't he be receiving his award for astrophysics again, that would be nice.
"Move," The Jacob lookalike said, voice way too low and gravelly to be correct with his body. But they moved and Cas(?) moved in close, squinting at Jacob and all Jacob could was try to not cough up any blood that he felt trickling in his throat. Cas pressed two fingers the Jacob's temple and -now its certain he's hallucinating, but whatever- he was just fine. He gasped, happy to not feel restricted by the pain in his abdomen.
"What do we do...?" Sam began, looking helplessly between Cas and Dean. Jacob was still trying to sort his thoughts.
"Do you know Sariel?" Cas questioned, and it took him a moment to realize his lookalike was talking to him. He thought over a minute. Sariel? No, he didn't think he knew any and shook his head accordingly, too stunned for words.
"If she was stuck on the other side would she even be using her real name? Wouldn't she pick something else so she wouldn't, you know, stand out?"
Jacob could piece that together. Stuck on the otherside and there even being a Jacob alternate? He breathed in through his mouth, expecting it to feel tight and dry and shocked to feel it wet and edging on normal. He worked out, "Sabrina,"
The trio looked down at him. "This is another.. world, right?" They exchanged glances and shrugged, a unison of 'more or less'. "Sabrina Jennings, she said she was,"
The surprised yelp from above was all the warning he got as a body was falling much too quickly from the ceiling to stop. It landed heavily with a thick 'thump' on Jacob's middle, making his cough and sputter.
[December 28th, 2012]
"Oooh, I think I'm dying..."
"You are not dying, Sariel."
"You don't know that, ughh, this feels so awful. Won't you help me Jacob?" "No, just taken some more Nyquil, you're fine. You have the flu." I rolled onto my other side and mustered up my best kicked puppy dog look. "Jacob, won't you please go get it for me...?"
He turned around to glared at me, frustrated and tired with my antics. I really did feel horrible, more than what I expected the "flu" to feel like: more accurately I felt like death personified. I ached all over and moving at all left me terribly nauseousness. I'd never felt anything like it, Angelic or otherwise. Hell, I wasn't supposed to be able to get sick. I may have only partially fallen but that implied I was still partially an Angel and as a part angel being, I shouldn't be able to get sick with such human diseases, right? surely that was in my contract. Maybe
I probably should've read the fine print. I didn't even bother reading the shortened juicier version. Not that this metaphorical contract existed, that's why its metaphorical. I just didn't bother to actually consider what would actually happen if I ripped half my grace out (closer to two thirds, I still had a single pair of wings, not all three). I felt temperature and was bothered by it (I took to wearing several pairs of socks in the winter), I needed food occasionally, I slept a little off and on (maybe 3 hours a night, easily looked over). I hadn't even thought that sickness could also claim my much more fragile body.
I was still angelic enough that it would require a heavenly blade to kill me, I knew that for certain after I tripped and stabbed myself one evening. Whether it still took an archangels' blade or if any lackey could kill me was a mystery I wasn't too keen on figuring out. Being dipped in holy oil would probably fry me, which is such a pity.
But sickness is another thing all together, there were a handful of diseases that could affect angels. Mostly they attached to the wings: the most sensitive part of any angel, arch- or not. They were akin to birds' diseases, but the difference was simple. We could rid ourselves of them almost instantaneously. I'd only heard of cherubs being stuck with their sickness for a while, and even then they are so far down the food chain it isn't surprising. They're barely above humans, only capable of flight and hiding themselves from human view. They don't even require vessels.
But the flu, oh the flu. I had kept the part of my grace the healed, which seemed to be useless now, unable to rid my vessel which was essentially now my body, of this virus. Or whatever it was. It wasn't pleasant, I knew that. I ached all over to the very core of my being and even trying to press my grace against the wound-less pains seemed to be useless. I felt cold all the time and yet my body burned inside, and I was partially worried I was becoming Lucifer: burning cold and vessel flushed hot in attempts to press my grace and form out of its physical self. I slept much more, a full 8 hours which Jacob had explained was normal for humans to sleep more when they were sick. It meant their body was working overtime to try to push the stuff that was making you sick out. He swore to show me a movie he called Osmosis Jones, "Even though it's inaccurate in so many ways, it's pretty funny." I didn't really pay attention. I liked almost every movie he'd shown me thus far even though I hadn't seen a whole lot. Only maybe 50ish, and that was being generous. I guess for being around for a year on Earth, that was pretty good.
But this sickness was not "pretty good". It was horrible. I don't know how humans dealt with this as a possibility every winter. I snuggled deeper into the bed, pulling the blankets up to my nose and Jacob seemed to understand that getting up really would send my nausea into overload again. (Last time I had tried to move ended with me curled up on the floor with my head between my legs, crying out of my misery). I left the room for a minute, and I coughed roughly. Dry and it ripped at my throat, I grumbled something about probably using all my archangel abilities, as soon as I got them back, into wiping out the flu virus. This was a perfect example of grade A suckage.
I sniffled and suddenly a bluish greenish liquid in a clear bottle was being thrust at me. Jacob held it out while I took it from it, opened the top and took a large drink of it. He raised an eyebrow and I shrugged. I still had resistance to much of humanities drugs, making going to the doctor especially weird. Jacob had feigned flu as well to get a double dose of Tamaflu, whatever that was. He said I should probably just double the dose and anymore and he'd be worried about its effects on me.
So far I didn't feel any better. Doubling the amount of any medicine I took never seemed to do the trick, at tripling I got trickles of effects, mostly little things. Six ibuprofen and I noted that I didn't want to tear my spine out quite as much. It took ten to really make me relax and be able to think about anything besides it.
I screwed the cap back on and held it out to him again. He took it and set it upon the night stand. He sighed and ran a hand over my forehead, his palm feeling cool against my skin. "I'm sorry you're sick, Sariel." He cooed softly. He leaned down and kissed my forehead.
I stifled a cough and mumbled, "Yeah well, don't get yourself sick too, I can't take care of you like you take care of me... I wouldn't even be able to heal it out of you."
He laughed and stroked a hand through my hair, "I can't get the flu."
I barely contained the shock in my voice: "What? how?"
He grinned and shook it head. "Unlike you, I got my flu shot."
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
poe siblings, first day of school, the eyes of god, and other such scenarios
Akutagawa: *splashing water on his face* -he's alone in the washroom- Akutagawa: "..." *looks at the mirror, checking his eyes* atsushi?: ..... Akutagawa: "...Is that really you?" -no answer- Akutagawa: "...I demand you speak." ???: ya? Akutagawa: "?!! ...That was...surprising." mafioso: *getting out of the bathroom* what? Akutagawa: *death glare* -elsewhere- Yohei: *snores* chie:....*smiles and puts blanket over him* get some rest, hun. Yohei: *sleeps a bit easier, turning over towards her* chie: *smooch* love you. Yohei: "Mmm...Love you, too..." -elsewhere- Gopher: *shaking* kotone:...brother? inori: is something wrong? Gopher: "Wh-What? I...just had a chill..." inori:....did you wish to speak about it? Gopher: "...I was remembering...pain." inori: ..... Gopher: "...I sometimes get afraid I'll be...hurt again..." {?l?se: mother loves you....so much...} Gopher: *inhales sharply, falls back* "I-I...What...?" inori: ?! eibon: is something the matter, my child? D8> Gopher: *shivers* "M-Mother...?" eibon: ?? *small hug* Gopher: *holding on, crying* eibon: *humming* Gopher: *calming down...* -elsewhere- Wes: *chopping vegetables* -elsewhere- Relan: *sipping tea* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *hugging the toilet* @~@ kim: yikes. Jacqueline: "I bet that stupid raccoon got me sick...Or people bringing books into the bathroom...Who does that...?" -elsewhere- Montgomery: *vacuuming* -elsewhere- justin: *reading* oriko: *looking at the windows* *Knock knock* justin: hmm? Giriko: "Yo! I brought a baby!" justin: eh? owo; anna: ... justin: oh, why hello there. anna:.....*unimpressed* justin: ^^;;;;; Giriko: "See? She likes you! Say hi to Uncle Justin, Anna!" anna: T_T oriko: hnn? O.O~? Giriko: "???" *holds Anna close* "Ah, sweetie--you not feeling well?" -elsewhere- Konro: "Okay, good work!" shinra: *phew* Arthur: *turns off the flame on Excalibur* "Glad, too...Agility tests have my legs screaming." tamaki: *streeeetch* Relan: *running in place* "I still feel pretty energized..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: *looking in the box* "One Pop Tart left..." mana: time to do a snack run? Shotaro: *nods* "I got 20 dollars." -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." atsushi: ...... Dazai: *sighs* "Chubby penguin..." atsushi: .....i dont follow? Dazai: "I needed something to break the ice." atsushi:....ah... Dazai: "Something on your mind? You were quiet since the cemetery." atsushi:...just thinking....was odasaku...the reason you- Dazai: "Left the Mafia?" atsushi:...*hard gulps and nods* Dazai: "It was one reason. There were many...The donuts were stale." *weak smile* atsushi: ...was odasaku a good person?.....s-sorry if im opening old wounds at all... Dazai: "...He was honorable." atsushi:....ah... Dazai: "He...had a no-kill rule." atsushi: *listening* Dazai: "He told me, 'A writer who gives stories to the world cannot be someone who ends the stories of others.' ...He wanted to be a writer. He said it better than I just did--since I'm not a writer." atsushi:..... Dazai: "...Guess what his ability was." atsushi:....foresight? Dazai: "??? Yes..." atsushi:...ah... Dazai: "...We lost him." atsushi: *listening* Dazai: "He...Orphans." atsushi: ?? Dazai: "He tried to protect them...then..." atsushi:....oh.... Dazai: "...They were murdered." atsushi: !!!! *eyes wide in shock* Dazai: "He...avenged them, at the cost of his life...his dream...his writing." atsushi:....*tears falling* Dazai: "..." *offers a tissue* atsushi:....*sniff* Dazai: "...You'd have liked him..." atsushi:....i think so too... odasaku:....*pats his back* Dazai: "..." *sniff* odasaku:.....you're going a good job so far, dazai. atsushi:..... Dazai: *wipes his eyes, exhales* atsushi:....did you want to go home now? Dazai: "...Yeah." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *muttering in his sleep* karin: ?? Vulcan: "N-No...Get back here..." karin: vulcan? Vulcan: *throws his arm out* "Stop!" *looks around* "..." *he's covered in sweat* karin: *shaking him* vul, get a hold of yourself! Vulcan: "!!! ...S-Sorry...Nightmare." karin:....*pats his back* wanna talk about it? Vulcan: "...This really creepy robot...with Giovanni's face growing out of it...and Dad's..." *shudders* karin: easy there..... Vulcan: "Th-That wasn't all..." karin: ?? Vulcan: "The robot...had Lisa prisoner." karin:...*pats his back* Vulcan: "...More tech to build...Stop Giovanni..." karin: ok...but dont overwork yourself, ok? Vulcan: "I won't..." *picks up a wrench* -elsewhere- Kid: *nom nom* lord death: how is it, kiddo? Kid: *thumbs up* "Delicious!" -elsewhere- Poe: owo;;;; "...That's a tall stairway..." rowena: indeed. Poe: "I'm amazed you climb it so easily..." rowena: takes practice. Poe: "I guess...Like writing a bit each day..." ???: oh, fancy seeing you here, sir. Poe: o\\\\\\\\o "...Hi." rowena: ??....brother....did you finally get a girlfriend? lana: eh? o.o~? Poe: *covers Rowena's mouth* "H-H-Hi, Miss Lana! This is my sister! Ha ha ha! She's so funny, isn't she?" rowena: >n< lana: oh, you didnt tell me you had a sister. she looks a lot like you. ^^ Poe: ^^ *nod nod* "We do. Inherited the looks from our parents..." *lets go of Rowena* "...How are you?" lana: well, i just got off work, so im just running some errands before calling it a day. Poe: owo;;;;; "MY SISTER AND I WERE GOING TO GET COFFEE!" lana: i see. want me to go with you? i know a great place. Poe: *nod nod* "Th-That would be helpful--since we're still not used to Death City yet. Right, Rowena?" rowena: *nods* lana: alright, then just follow me. -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *in bed, wrapped in a blanket, shivering* kim: i got some medicinal herbs from the shop. Jacqueline: "Th-Thanks..." *coughs* -elsewhere- kirako: *humming to herself*...hmm? oh, atsushi, dazai, fancy seeing you out here. atsushi:.... *looks at the ground* hi, miss kirako... Dazai: "..." *waves* "Hey." kirako:...is everything alright? Dazai: "Just...dealing with something from long ago." kirako:.....should i come over later, or....? Dazai: "...Whatever." *sits* kirako:.....*worried* Dazai: "..." *closes his eyes, leans back* -that evening- atsushi: *laying awake* ..... odasaku: cant sleep? atsushi:.....*shakes head* odasaku: .....cant say i blame you. atsushi:.....why me? why are you here in my head? odasaku:....you could use it. atsushi: ?? odasaku: these past months, you've been trying to get out of trouble by running away. atsushi:.....i guess that makes me a coward, huh...? i know, im too scared to fight... odasaku: ....i'll give you some advice. dont be someone who fights people. be someone who protects people. atsushi:..... *Knock knock* atsushi:....door's open. Kyoka: *yawn* -____- atsushi:...cant sleep either? Kyoka: *shakes her head* "I heard you talking..." atsushi:...just...thinking out loud. Kyoka: "..." *sits by his bed* "...Want to talk?" atsushi:.......it's the voice in my head... Kyoka: "...What?" atsushi:...*shakes head* im worried about dazai... Kyoka: "And this 'voice' has told you to be concerned for him?" atsushi:....*nods* i think that it brought something up from dazai's past... Kyoka: "...Is it something he can move past?" atsushi:....i dont know. -elsewhere- kirako: ah.... =////T how's that? Dazai: "L-Lower..." kirako: ok. *rubbing her hands down his sides to his hips* Dazai: *sighs, groans* "Y-Yeah..." *his hand reaches for her...* kirako: *soft sigh* did you want me to...y'know...? Dazai: "Yes..." kirako: ok. *lick* Dazai: *shivers, lies back* "Ah~" kirako: like that? Dazai: "Y-Yeah...You're doing gr-great-Ah!" kirako: ^^ glad to hear... *bobbing her head* Dazai: *his hands rest along her head...he moans, trying to match her* kirako: u////u Dazai: *he's getting harder...he throbs a bit as..." kirako: >/////< Dazai: "A-Ah!!!" kirako: >////o *swallowing* *pants* h-how was that? Dazai: "..." *small smile* "You are amazing..." kirako: 7/////7 t-thanks....feeling any better? Dazai: "..." *nods* "That...reduced a lot of stress and pressure..." *puts his hand along her neck...* kirako: *smiles* good to know. is that all you needed tonight or no? Dazai: "I could ask you the same...Anything _you_ needed?" kirako: cant think of anything right away. i guess i wanted to help you take your mind off things. ^^; Dazai: "...I appreciate that...I owe you, whenever...whatever you want..." *rests a hand on her knee* kirako: ok. when i think of something, i'll let you know. *smiles* see you tomorrow then? Dazai: "...Could you stay?" kirako:...*sly grin* still need comfort or are you just horny? Dazai: *smirks* "Maybe both?" *rests a hand on her hip* kirako: ...*small chuckle* you hornball. but alright. Dazai: *pulls her down* -elsewhere- Kid: *turns in bed* "Mm..." stocking: *nuzzle* u///w///u Kid: =w= *cuddles* -elsewhere- Hyde: *sleep-walking into the kitchen* romina: hmm? Hyde: *opens pantry, takes out cookies...* *nom nom* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zzz..." atsushi:.....(odasaku: 'dont be someone who fights people. be someone who protects people') ..... Kyoka: *turns over, shivers* atsushi:....*small hug* Kyoka: *calms down...holds on to him in her sleep* -elsewhere- kirako: zzzzz.... Dazai: *staring up at the ceiling, half-awake* "..." -morning- Kyoka: "Zzz..." *yawns, opens her eyes, looks around* "...I want cereal." atsushi: *already working on that* school starts tomorrow... Kyoka: "Ah. Are you ready?" atsushi:...yeah. Kyoka: "...Still worried about something?" atsushi: guess im just nervous about school starting. Kyoka: "..." *pats his head* "You will be fine." atsushi: *smiles* thanks Kyoka: "I will be there to support you as well. And to protect you." *holds up a taser* atsushi: ^^; -elsewhere- Kid: *still sleeping* stocking: ....*small forehead kiss* Kid: "Mmm~" *opens his eyes* "...Beautiful." stocking: morning handsome~<3 Kid: "Morning." *smooch* "Sleep well?" stocking: yep. you? Kid: "Especially well." *hug* stocking: mmm~<3 Kid: *pats her back* "Looking forward to classes?" stocking: yeah, especially given all that's been happening with these eyes. *sigh* Kid: "..." *holds her hand* "Every little bit of work can help..." stocking: right. *smiles* Kid: "But you need to eat first...Muffins and pancakes?" -elsewhere- kouyou: chuuuya~ time to get up~ ^^ Chuuya: "Nnn...Five more minutes..." *pulls up sheets* kouyou: ...golden demon, please get chuuya out of bed. Chuuya: *eyes break open* *small voice* "Oh no..." golden demon: *picks him up by the collar* ... kouyou: good morning~ Chuuya: ._____. "Morning...I'd like to be put down now." golden demon:... *drops him back onto the bed* kouyou: did you sleep well last night? Chuuya: "Until you woke me, sure...Wish I had drunk tea beforehand, though..." kouyou: shall i prepare some for you? Chuuya: *nod nod* -elsewhere- Dazai: "Good morning!" atsushi: morning. *smiles* Dazai: *hug* atsushi: eh? o.o ??? Dazai: *pulls back* "It's a new day!" *he's smiling...is it authentic?* atsushi: i guess so...cant believe im actually starting school tomorrow... Dazai: "Nervous about new experiences?" atsushi: hard not to be... Dazai: *head pat* "Won't know what you can do until you try, though. Treat this as an experiment." atsushi:...ooookay? ._.; Dazai: "And while you're at the DWMA, see which are the best ways to commit suicide." atsushi: *sweatdrop* riiiight. Dazai: "And give my best to Marie and Christa." ^^ atsushi: will do. kirako: ^^; Dazai: "...Oh!" *stilted voice* "Hello there, Kirako. How are you?" kirako: pretty good this morning. you feeling any better? Dazai: *nod nod* "Yes, I am. Thank you--for asking." *wink* kirako: ^^ atsushi: kunikida, anything come in? Kunikida: *hands him paper* "Your mission for tomorrow, after school." atsushi: ok then. *nods and examines the paper* *It lists a number of groceries, cleaning items...* atsushi: *sweatdrop* thanks... odasaku: could have been worse. atsushi: (thinking: yeah no kidding -_-; ) Kunikida: "You will be delivering those to that cafe where your girlfriend works." atsushi: wait what? O///O ?! Kyoka: *death glare* Kunikida: "The cafe where Montgomery works?" atsushi: yeah...there. ._.; odasaku:... yeeeah im not touching that. atsushi: -_-; (thinking: some guardian angel YOU are...) Kunikida: "So focus on that mission and not get distracted by whatever 'extracurriculars.'" atsushi: alright then? ^^; Dazai: "Then when you get back from school, we can see which missions I have! Maybe a murder!" atsushi: alright then. -elsewhere- Relan: "So, Miss Fang-Hua is leading today's training?" fang-hua: yep. we're just going to be doing a relay race around asakusa. Arthur: "...But that gives the advantage to Shinra. That can't be fair." fang-hua: he'll be in the last stretch. shinra: it's kind of like the races during the school sports festivals where you pass off the baton to the next person, right? Relan: "...I always dropped the baton." O~O shinra: its alright, i believe in you! *thumbs up* Relan: *smiles* "R-Right..." Tsukiyo: *holding a starter pistol* "On your marks..." -elsewhere- Rin: "Then you can try this dish--oh! And this one! And that one, too! And dessert!" madoka: wow. izumo: can you even afford all this? Rin: "I...asked Stocking for a favor..." ^^; *holds up a credit card* izumo: D8 is that... shura: a gold card D8 HOW DID YOU- Rin: "Heh heh...Payback time..." shura: you little shit. Rin: "Buy whatever you want, guys! It's on the person whose name is on the card!" -elsewhere- Mephisto: "Yay! I won the bid!" *seated at his computer* "Now, I just need my credit card, and I--" *checks his wallet* o___O "WHERE'S MY CREDIT CARD?!" maid: right here, sir. Mephisto: *quickly types his information and--* *Computer makes happy music* Mephisto: "Huzzah!" *confetti explodes out of his chair* “SUCCESS!” -elsewhere- Anya: *packing her bookbag* -elsewhere- Tool: "Mana, did Emine get his school uniform?" mana: yeah, but he doesnt want to wear it....he's burning it right now... Tool: "?!!! Does he know how much that thing cost?!!!" *grabs a bucket, floods it with water, runs to Emine's room* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *turns over, yawns* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in human form* "They're really running..." reimi: they sure are... tamaki: *passing the baton off to sayu, who takes off in a sprint* Relan: *panting as he tries to pass off the baton* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *half awake, holding up some half-constructed robo-doll* "This is Li'l Metal Molly. She's four years old and wants to be your friend. Want to have tea with her?" Akitaru: "...He didn't sleep at all last night?" karin: no. he has not. im getting worried... Akitaru: "Maybe have the medical team take a look at him? Some medicine could help." Vulcan: *sets down 'Molly' at a table* "And who is this?" *holds up a taxidermy squirrel* "It's Ignatius P. Nutty! Hello, Iggy!" *high-pitched voice* " 'Hello, Vulcan'!" karin: what medical team? Akitaru: "We got to have a few people still in the area who can treat him." karin: maybe call the medic from squad 0? maki: we seriously need a medical team... Takehisa: "Already calling Squad 0...They should be here soon..." -elsewhere- Giriko: *holding up Anna* "That good?" anna: ^u^ arachne: ^^ Giriko: "And what do you see, Anna?" *turns Anna around* anna: mama! arachne: hi, sweetie. *small wave* Giriko: "That's right!" *lowers Anna, handing her to Arachne* arachne: *hugs* anna: ^o^ -elsewhere- Mori: Q~Q "...What else can go wrong?" -elsewhere- Gopher: *sighs* "That's better..." eibon: that's good to know. *smiles* Gopher: *nods* "A bit of cleaning can ease my mind." *the books are alphabetized by author* ^^ -elsewhere- Black Star: "Okay, that takes care of the food..." *crosses it off the list* "Time for the checkout." -elsewhere- Yukio: *rubbing his eyes* "Can't figure this out..." kyouko: ?? Yukio: "Todo needed additional security options to get to this sensitive intelligence..." kyouko: ah. Yukio: *leans back* "Can't figure this out..." -elsewhere- Montgomery: *looking at class schedule* "Hmph. Look a little boring..." employee: you got a letter, lucy. Montgomery: "???" *takes it, opens it* letter: dear lucy, congratulations on getting into school! we're very proud of how far you've come so far. keep up the good work, sincerely, fitzgerald and louisa. Montgomery: "..." Q~Q employee: is everything alright? Montgomery: "I'M HAVING AN EMOTIONAL BREAKTHROUGH!" >\\\\< employee: O-O; Montgomery: *snot coming out of her nose* "M-May I take your order, you bastard?" blue haired guy: .....*writing down* <coffee please.> Montgomery: "Okay...House blend?" blue haired guy:.....<sure.> Montgomery: "Sugar? Milk?" -elsewhere- Wes: *sips wine* liz: enjoying yourself? Wes: *smiles* "With you? Always." liz: oh you~ Wes: *kisses her cheek* "How's work been today?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *asleep at desk* *snore* atsushi: ^^; Kunikida: *pulls out airhorn* "..." everyone: *covering their ears* *BLAAAAAAAAAHRRRR* Dazai: O______O *leaps up* "AAAAAH!" *bangs his head against the ceiling* Kunikida: "That was your wake-up call to get back to work." Dazai: *looks around...then falls from the ceiling* "...Owie." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *picks up a doll* "So, you put souls into these things?" medea: not as a prison, but as a vessel to communicate through, though there have been cases of possession of another person. Kepuri: "??? People...possessing someone else's body?" Q~Q medea:....sorry. i didnt mean to reopen any old wounds. akaderu: *hugs kepuri and glares at medea* Kepuri: *nod nod* "...How long you been doing this?" medea: since i was young. my mother taught me. Kepuri: "So, is it genetic or trained?" medea: my mother is a practitioner of mystic arts. the members of my mother's side of the family have been trained in such practices for generations. Kepuri: o_o; "...Huh. So, you can do things in addition to soul transference?" medea: depends on what you ask. Kepuri: "Is it possible to bring back the body?" medea: ....there are specific requirements. mostly the soul must still be attached to the body, as if refusing to pass on. but there are occasions such as mr agey. Kepuri: "...Oh yeah. That thing." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *looking over his books* gin: *smiles* Akutagawa: "??? What?" gin: oh, am i being proud of you too loudly? Akutagawa: -\\\\\- "...Funny." gin: ^^ we didnt get to go to school like most kids. im happy for you. Akutagawa: "..." *hug* gin: *hug* higuchi:... congrats, ryunosuke. Akutagawa: "...Oh. Thank you." *bow* higuchi: 737 if you guys ever needed a tutor, i'd be more than happy to help. Akutagawa: "...I am certain of that. You are knowledgeable in many topics." higuchi: then i'll do my best! Akutagawa: "Yes, you will." *small smile* -elsewhere- Kuro: -_-; "Why do you have to go back to school?" -elsewhere- yana: hmm? oho. *has a laser pointer*.....*turns it on and aims it at the wall* -running can be heard- ???: 8D *RAMS INTO THE WALL FACE FIRST* yana: *snickers* FD: "???" barkova: @u@ yana: just having fun with the laser pointer. FD: -_-;;; "That's kinda cruel." yana: then again, we arent exactly 'good people' FD: "..." *takes the laser pointer, points it at the wall* barkova: *BAM* 8D FD: "...Need to do more training, or Barkova will just keep at it..." yana: yikes. FD: "Barkova, sit." barkova: *doing so* 8D FD: "Speak." barkova: *BARKING* zoey: ...... FD: "Zoey, do you want to give Barkova a command?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *adjusting his tie* mafioso: congrats on starting school, man. Chuuya: -_-; "I don't know why I'm doing this." mafioso: consider it info recon. Chuuya: "...Okay, that is a bit easier to accept." -elsewhere- Meme: *in her new uniform* "How is it?" mio: *blush* looks good. Meme: *smiles* "So does yours." mio: t-thanks. -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Lin, you going to school?" -elsewhere- shinra: *weird hand gesture* kyukyuuuuuu >3< hikage: there's no difference. hinata: he's just making faces like an idiot! shinra: -_- *tries a different gesture* -fwoom- shinra: hell yeah! rock on! >u< Relan: ^\\\^ Arthur: D8 Benimaru: "...Not terrible." shinra: ^u^ well, i noticed you do hand signals like this too. so i thought i'd try it out. -rock on signal- shinra: >u< this is so cool! kind of reminds me of something i saw in a tv show once. Relan: *claps his hands* "Yay!" Benimaru: "Oh. My hand signs? Yes, I use those to guide the energy in my body..." shinra: ?? kabuki: do you wish to explain or shall i? Benimaru: "You explain." kabuki: in the art of 'genkoku', there are several hand signs, each with different effects. one such sigh, the tiger sign, increases power to the legs. Benimaru: "That's the one I use for jumping higher." shinra: *listening* tamaki: whats it look like? Benimaru: *folds down his index finger and thumb* shinra: *doing the same* Benimaru: "This will transfer more energy in your body to your feet, which will strengthen the flames there." tamaki: i see. -fwoom- shinra: *focused* sayu: woah! Konro: *watching* "..." Victor: "Woot!" shinra: *flying up* Arthur: o__O "A dragon!" Relan: *gasps* tamaki: *also making the sign* (thinking: im not going to get left in the dust, idiot. im gonna prove myself...) *thinking of amber, burns, and arthur* (thinking: i have to prove myself!) *jumps up into the air, doing a spin and landing on the roof on her hands and feet* Tsukiyo: *clapping* "Good work, Tamaki!" Arthur: "...Wow..." *clapping* tamaki: ^w^ Arthur: "...I don't know that will work for me, seeing as I need my hands for my sword." *he's holding Excalibur in his right hand* tamaki: -_-; wrong hand, doofus. Arthur: "...Oh, right." *holds it in his left* shinra: *lands back on the ground* Relan: "You were amazing!" shinra: aww shucks. ^///w///^ Benimaru: "Now that you have discovered some impenetrable skills, you and Tamaki need to name them." shinra: kicker kick! tamaki: that sounds so stupid. shinra: 7-7 i panicked, ok!? Benimaru: "I agree." Relan: *holding back a laugh* shinra: Q3Q Relan: *pats his back* tamaki: as for me... well....how about 'cat-afornia roll'? shinra:... *bursts out laughing* Relan: *can't hold it back, doubled-over laughing* Arthur: "...Cat-melot?" shinra: OH MY GOD THAT ONES EVEN WORSE!! X'D tamaki: --# yu: *sweatdrop* Benimaru: "Well, I think that is all for today--" *Benimaru turns away...* sayu: *eye glint* HUWA! *jumps* Benimaru: *grabs her by her ankle, holding her up* sayu: whee! ^u^ kirei: ^^; Benimaru: "Maybe don't shout when trying to do a surprise attack on your opponent, small one." sayu: okaaaay. -elsewhere- Rin: *snores* shura: .... *notices something slipped under the door* ?? *it's a letter*.....hmmm... *puts it on the bed stand* -after she leaves his room- shura:.... !! eh? spotty four eyes?! adrian: heyo, shuran! seiya: hello, miss kirigakure. gilda: *small waves* applebee: hey. Yukio: "Where is Rin?" shura: he's in his room, sleeping right now. Yukio: "Then I will wake him..." -elsewhere- Poe: *sipping tea...hand shaking* karl: o^o~? rowena: so how long have you two known each other? lana: a few months i guess. rowena: ah, i see. Poe: *nod nod* "We met when I captured her in a book! ...That came out all wrong." rowena: ... o.o lana: yeah, that was.....interesting *sweatdrop* Poe: ^^;;; "At least no one died...I mean, no one non-fictional." lana: yeeeah. ^^; rowena: ah. Poe: *ahem* "...I could always show you other books! I have ones without murder!" *holds up a romance novel* "..." *puts it down* "I mean...um..." *awkward cough* lana: ^^ -elsewhere- Dazai: "Dinner!" atsushi: awesome! Dazai: "Yep! I told you I can cook good!" *sets down pasta* -elsewhere- Medusa: "..." neian: zzzz..... Medusa: "...Will you hate me?" neian: zzzz.... Medusa: "..." *holds Neian's tiny hand* neian: =u= Medusa: "I love you..." -elsewhere- Relan: *stretches* "I think that's progress..." shinra: sure is. *smiles* you did great out there today. Relan: ^\\\^ "Th-Thanks...I was able to get better balance when kicking..." shinra: ^///^ Relan: *pats Shinra's arm* "You're getting more muscular." shinra: *blush* Relan: ^^ "I think the work-out is paying off. You'll be faster..." -elsewhere- Mori: *whistles, as he walks through hall* naoya: *chewing gum* Mori: "??? Why are you always chewing gum?" naoya: *shrugs* helps me remember stuff. Mori: " 'Remember'? How so?" naoya: y'know, chewing certain flavors in certain situations can help you remember stuff. read it in a coffee table book once. Mori: "...Huh. Well...Could you please stop leaving your gum wads under the table." -_-; naoya: im making a mural. Mori: "WHO PUTS A MURAL UNDERNEATH A TABLE?!" naoya: me, apparently. -elsewhere- Sakuya: *sneezes* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *snoring* karin: *small smile* nozomi: how is he? Vulcan: "Zzz..." =w= karin: doing better now. Akitaru: "He can take as much time as he needs to recuperate...All the tech he's made is great!" -elsewhere- Kunikida: *looking at birthday gift* -it's a new pen set- Kunikida: "...They get me." *takes out pen, writes on pad* -elsewhere- Rino: *waves* "Hey, Blair." blair: hey rino~ soul: ah, friend of yours? Rino: "Yo. I'm Rino." *waves at Soul* "You know Blair, too?" soul: yeah. kind of a long story. blair: i guess im something of a 2nd mother to him~ soul: 7-7; Rino: *snort laugh* "Y-Yeah, I can see the resemblance..." *sits down* "So, Soul, what do you do?" soul: well, i've been planning on becoming a death scythe. just a little more to go yet. but aside from that, i work at the megalo mart. Rino: "Oh, you're a weapon? Who...works at Megalo Mart? Jeez, and I thought my work sucked." soul: oh, i actually graduated school. Rino: "That has to be nice...I'm still in classes." soul: ah. -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *counting dollar bills* alcott: i think today went pretty well! Fitzgerald: *small smile* "Quite. We are on the pathway to success. I think this warrants a celebration." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *puts her uniform on a hanger, finishes packing her bookbag* atsushi: *getting his stuff set up* Kyoka: "Do you have lunch ready?" atsushi: *nods* Kyoka: *nods* "Good. Then that is everything to finish before bed." atsushi: yeah. Kyoka: *yawn* "Okay...I'll get ready..." =_= -elsewhere- Kid: *writing notes* stocking:....*smirks and licks along his outer ear rim to the lobe* Kid: o\\\\\\o *shivers excitedly* "A-Ah~" stocking: gotcha~ Kid: "Y-Yes, you did..." *tilts back in his chair, looking at her...smiles* stocking: *smiles and smooches him* Kid: *smooch* *small moan* stocking: getting turned on already~? Kid: ^\\\\^ "What can I say? I'm Stocking-sexual..." stocking:.....*laughing* *snort laugh* ok my god kid, you're too adorable for your own good sometimes! Kid: ^^;; "Thank you..." *holds her hand* -elsewhere- Hyde: *holds a ventriloquist dummy that resembles Licht* "I got my own dummy!" licht: ...yeah, it really is a dummy. the puppet's a nice touch. Hyde: "THAT IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!" Puppet Licht: "Yes it is." Hyde: "QUIET, BLOCKHEAD!" -elsewhere- Emine: *yawn, walking to his bedroom* -later, late at night- Shotaro: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *turning in bed* atsushi?: *smiles* Akutagawa: "...You're here?" atsushi?: why wouldnt i be? Akutagawa: "Because...I never think you want to be around me." atsushi?: *hug* what is it you want now? Akutagawa: .\\\\. "J-Just this?" atsushi?: *smiles, holding him* Akutagawa: "..." *hug, sighs* =w= -elsewhere- Kid: "Mmm..." *hug* stocking: zzzzz =u= Kid: *yawn* "Zzz..." =w= -morning- Kyoka: *poke poke* "Wake up." atsushi: *yaaaawn* Kyoka: "You don't want to be late for school." atsushi: ah! right! Kyoka: *nod* "I am finishing breakfast. Go shower." -and so, in the assembly hall- Chuuya: *adjusting his tie* -_-; lord death: welcome to the DWMA! for some of you, this is the first step into the next chapter of your lives, and for others, it is a continuation. atsushi: *listening* Kyoka: *staring* "..." ("I want his mask.") lord death: there are very many experiences waiting for you here. and we wish you all the best. and dont forget; a sound soul, dwells within a sound mind, and a sound body. -soon, the students went to their first class- atsushi: *looks at the schedule* ah, seems we have homeroom together, kyouka! Kyoka: "That's good. I wonder who else--" atsushi: ah! here we are! *goes into the classroom* Akutagawa: ._. atsushi: ...... .___.;;; *sitting away from akutagawa* Akutagawa: Q~Q Kyoka: "..." *Someone taps the back of Atsushi's head* atsushi: so who's the teach-er? *turns* Montgomery: *waves* "Hey. Same class, huh?" atsushi: owo;;;;; yeeeah.... (thinking: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!) odasaku: well, this is awkward. atsushi: (thinking: NO SHIT!) Kyoka: *glares at Kyoka* "Doll Girl." Montgomery: "!!! ...Shorty." *electric glare between Kyoka and Montgomery* atsushi: *caught in the middle* [atsushi stress level: 78] *The door opens, revealing the teacher...* atsushi: *looks* Stein: "Hello, students. Are you ready to begin?" atsushi: O_O;;; (thinking: THAT LOOKS PAINFUL) -in another class- Anya: *looking around* licht: hey. yana: *leaning back in her chair* hmm? Anya: "Oh. Hello Yana..." *blushes* "L-Licht..." ao: good morning. tsugumi: hi there licht. ^^ *has her hair done in a ponytail* Meme: "Who's ready for learning?!" mio: yaaaay. *unamused tone* Meme: "???" *slight nudge at shoulder* Anya: *tries to sit next to Licht...* ao: ah, seems the teacher is in. Naigus: "Hello, class. Please have a seat. We start this new semester--" yana: *looking around at her classmates* Hyde: *is already asleep* -in another class- kirika: *looking out the window* Gopher: *hands folded in front of him* .w. rowena: *taking notes* Sid: "And that's how souls can empower the body." rowena: *writing things down* -elsewhere- marie: does anyone have any questions? mono: 7-7 Chuuya: *raises his hand* marie: yes? mr ozaki? Chuuya: "How can this technique be used offensively?" marie: oh? -elsewhere- Iida: "Oh, hello, Ochako." ochako: hey iida! time for another school year! Iida: "Yes! As class representative, I will do all that is necessary for the safety, security, education, and enjoyment of our classmates!" *wild hand gestures* -applause- Izuku: "So cool..." Bakugo: -_-; "So dorky..." -class 1-B- itsuka: so let's all do our best to succeed this year! Monoma: T~T ibara: indeed. tetsutetsu: hell yeah! pony: *claps* kinoko: dude, that's rad. Manga: *thumbs up* -elsewhere- higuchi:... Mori: "I don't see everyone working..." higuchi: i am working, sir. -_-; naoya: .... ?? Mori: "Hard to tell, Higuchi, when you're mind seems to be elsewhere. And Naoya, I'm still expecting that file." naoya: yeah, i got it right here. *she's out of sight, and slips something into her jacket pocket* Mori: "Well, bring it here..." *looking at other files* naoya: *hands him the file* -elsewhere- Kid: "How is the school day starting, Father?" lord death: off to a good start, so far! Kid: *looks around the Death Room* "Is there...anything I should do?" lord death: perhaps help those who are struggling with getting around? Kid: *nods* "I have the layout of the Academy memorized--I'll get to work!" *departs* -at lunch- atsushi: i'll have some chazuke please! Cook: "Coming right up!" Kyoka: *shiny eyes* "So many options..." Montgomery: Q~Q "I want one of everything..." -elsewhere- higuchi: *checking her mail*....??? -there is a small red book placed inside- higuchi:..... *sticks it in her bag* Tachihara: "Yo. Haven't seen you today." higuchi: oh, hey tachihara. Tachihara: "Weird that two of our peeps are in school." higuchi: yeah. it's kind of surreal. Tachihara: "I was never much for school. I learned everything I needed to on the street, not in dumb books." higuchi: i see. Tachihara: " 'Course, some things I do read..." *eyebrow wiggle* higuchi:... -_-; Tachihara: "What you read?" higuchi: a few poems. Tachihara: *nod nod* "Some old and flowery?" -elsewhere- izumi: *examining books* Jacqueline: "Find everything okay?" izumi: *nods* yep. Jacqueline: "If you need anything, feel free to ask." *smiles* "I'm Jackie." izumi: *smiles* nice to meet you, miss jackie. Jacqueline: "Likewise. How are you adjusting to the school?" izumi: pretty well. kind of exciting... *glances at the plaque on the wall....solemn face* Jacqueline: "???" *her eyes follow* "...Oh." izumi: ...i have a lot to work up to... Jacqueline: "...Maka was one of a kind. And this school has students of many varieties..." izumi:....*nods* i wish i could have met her. Jacqueline: *nods* "She was very personable." -elsewhere- Dazai: "So boooooooring...They're in school and not here..." yosano: well, they could use the experience. Dazai: "What could they learn there that I couldn't teach them here? I could make my own school here!" -elsewhere- Hibana: *sighs* "Quieter here with so many people out..." gabriella: yeah. Hibana: "It's lonesome..." *picks up a file...and drops it* "And paperwork is boring." -later, after school let out- Montgomery: "And I need that delivery to the cafe..." atsushi: *nods* Montgomery: "So make sure it is there on time, okay?" *approaching the steps* o___o "...So many..." -that evening- higuchi: *examining the book* .... -it was a journal, tied with a ribbon. there was a name written on it. 'Shizuka Kanei'- higuchi:....*examining* -may 3, [the year is faded out]; i wore the new hair ribbon mr mori had given me the other day. he said it really suited me. im so glad he thinks so.- higuchi: *cringe* -may 11; apparently some incident occurred involving 'mimic'. ace accused mr mori of slacking off, but what does that squinty little snob know? mr mori asked me to stay the night, and i happily obliged- -may 12; mr mori has a plan to deal with the whole 'mimic' situation, and get our license in the process. i admire how intelligent he is.- -may 16; im not too fond of that brat, elise. mr mori dotes so much on her. it makes me jealous. but i shouldnt let it bother me, i know mr mori really does care for me.- -may 24; we did it! we got our license! im so proud of mr mori for how much he has accomplished. he tells me he couldnt have done it without my help. i admit, i felt tingly when he told me this. i spent the night with him again too. the way he touches me sends chills up my spine- higuchi: *trying not to gag* -may 25; dazai left. mr mori isnt pleased.- -may 26; mr mori sent me a bouquet of roses today! he said he wanted to apologize for being so rough with me the other day. i already forgave him though.- higuchi: *going through more pages* -august 27; mr mori invited me to his quarters tonight. he says he has something very important to ask of me. my heart is pounding so fast. with luck, i will be writing my next entry as mrs shizuka mori- higuchi:....*turns the page.....her stomach drops* -blood. blood stains the page, as well as a bloody message....a poem....in mori's handwriting- *Phone rings* higuchi: *almost jumps out of her skin* !!!! *looks at the caller ID* Chuuya: "Yo." higuchi: chuuya! oh jeez, you just about gave me a heart attack.... *her voice is shaky* Chuuya: "??? What's wrong?" higuchi: c-could you come over? i...have some stuff to ask you... Chuuya: "??? Yeah, sure. Give me 20." -and so- higuchi: does the name 'Shizuka Kanei' ring any bells? Chuuya: *nods* "Yeah. Secretary." higuchi: this is the first i've heard of her... Chuuya: "People don't like to talk about her because..." higuchi: ?? Chuuya: "...She's no longer here." higuchi: .....someone left her diary in my mail today.... Chuuya: "...What?!" higuchi: some of what i read....*shudders* Chuuya: "Higuchi...What did it say?" higuchi: *she hands him the book* it's....pretty sickening. just read with caution... Chuuya: *skims...his face goes pale* "...N-No...No..." higuchi: .....*tense* Chuuya: "...H-He's done this, repeatedly...We didn't see it..." higuchi: .... Chuuya: "...I don't think what happened to R-Rain...was an accident now." higuchi: *nods* Chuuya: "..." *covers his mouth* higuchi:....i think we should do some research... Chuuya: "H-How?" higuchi: is there a file on all his secretaries he's had during his time as the boss? Chuuya: "There should be...Just need to get into his office to check." higuchi: might be challenging. Chuuya: "May need a distraction..." -elsewhere- Burns: "Dia, your report." dia: the flame human has been put to rest. Burns: *nods* "What have you done with the remains?" -elsewhere- Montgomery: *counting boxes* -at the agency- atsushi: and there were so many people there! Dazai: *claps* "Yay!" Kunikida: "Did you take notes in class?" atsushi: *nods* Dazai: "Did you find ideal locations for what I asked for~?" atsushi: ideal locations?.... >->; errr.... Dazai: *holds up a noose, points to it* "Eh? Eh?" atsushi: dazai no. Dazai: "...I already tried poison. Every date told me the alcohol didn't mask the taste." Kunikida: -_________- atsushi: .... (thinking: why is he like this?) odasaku: i guess the more some things change, the more others stay the same. Kunikida: "Moving on: did you finish your mission, Atsushi?" atsushi: *nods* yes sir. Kunikida: "Finish your report, then you're free for the day." atsushi: *nods and goes to do that* -ringing from dazai's phone- Dazai: "???" *looks* {text from ???: hey handsome, care 2 join me in double suicide? <3 } -an address was also written down- Dazai: owo *texts* [depends~ are you a cutie?] {text from ???: *a picture is attached of a lovely young lady with dark hair past her shoulders* } Dazai: [nice! see you at what time?] {text from ???: right now~} Dazai: [on my way! should be 20 min or so] -and so- higuchi's sister: yeah? who is it? Dazai: *wave wave* "Hello! I am here to kill myself!" higuchi's sister:....ichiyo! some weird guy is at our doorstep! higuchi: ah, there you are, come on in. Dazai: "??? Wait, what?" higuchi: yyeeeah, that text was a bluff. we wanted to ask you some questions. Dazai: "..." *looks back and forth* "But you already turned down the duel suicide, and Chuuya isn't cute enough--" Chuuya: "I AM ADORABLE!" Dazai: *smirks* Chuuya: o_o;; "...Sh-Shut up!" higuchi: -_-; *drags them into her room and shuts the door* kuniko: .... NIGHT! *goes into her room and turns up the music* Dazai: *smirks* "That kind of a 'meeting'?" higuchi: *chop* get your mind out of the gutter. this is serious. Dazai: "Owie! I was just having a little fun! Right, Chuuya?" Chuuya: *grim face* Dazai: "...That serious, huh?" higuchi: we wanted to ask you. what all do you know about mori's former secretary? Dazai: "...Oh." *stands up, turns* "Don't look into this--" higuchi: *grabs him by the shoulder* dont you dare walk away from this. *dark expression* Dazai: "...I left before that happened." higuchi: i know that much, but what all do you know about her? Dazai: "...She was tinier than Chuuya--" Chuuya: "FFFFFFFFF--" higuchi: *gives chuuya a look to say 'chill out'* Chuuya: =3= Dazai: "And Mori had her wrapped around his finger." higuchi: *biting lip* Dazai: "The things he did..." higuchi:.....*shows him the diary* Dazai: *looks through...gets to a page* "?!!! Blood..." higuchi: most likely hers.....*looking at the poem, her stomach churning a bit* Dazai: "...I knew it was right to leave..." higuchi: not sure what to do now... is there a grave? Dazai: *nods* higuchi: where abouts? Dazai: "Cemetery. I know the grave's location." higuchi: *nods* Dazai: "So, we doing this now?" higuchi: better now than never. Chuuya: "Then let's go..." -it was pretty dark out now.- higuchi: *has her flashlight out* Chuuya: *glances away from one grave* "..." Dazai: *points* "There." higuchi: *shining her flashlight on the grave* Dazai: "...We doing this?" higuchi:....by 'this' you mean....? Dazai: "I mean...This is Mori we're talking about...Do you think he...?" higuchi:.... we dont have shovels... Dazai: *pulls one out of his jacket* higuchi: where did you- Dazai: "I always carry a shovel to make my burial easier! Plus, I play a lot of video games." higuchi:.....*sweatdrop* Dazai: "Ready to begin?" -after a while, they hit something- Dazai: "??? The coffin?" higuchi: i think so... Dazai: *pushes dirt away* "Yep...Chuuya, could you do the honors?" Chuuya: "..." *uses his gravity to lift the coffin's top...* -nothing- higuchi: !! Dazai: !! Chuuya: "...The hell?" higuchi:...maybe we should leave now...it'd be a bad idea to stick around. Dazai: "...We have a long time to bury all of this--" Chuuya: *lifts the dirt, drops it* Dazai: "...YOU COULD'VE DONE THAT THE ENTIRE TIME?!" Chuuya: "I just wanted to see you suffer." *smirk* higuchi: .... *feeling like the 3rd wheel* Dazai: *impotent grumbling* "F-Fine...Let's just leave." *hands the shovel to Higuchi* -elsewhere- Mori: *looking at photos on his desk* elise: *coloring* Mori: "Are you okay, Elise~?" ^^ elise: *nods* Mori: "Very good...I'll be right back..." elise: *humming as she draws something.....a head in a jar* Mori: *enters a room* -there is a bed with several straps on it, as well as several medical tools. there is a small closet with a red light emanating from it- Mori: "Where did I leave it...Ah, there." *picks up his cell phone* *looks at the red light* "..." *opens* -on a shelf, the preserved head of shizuka rests in a jar, with some red valentine lights acting as a background- Mori: *smiles* "I hope you are well, Shizuka." -no reply, but the head's expression appears to be sleeping peacefully- Mori: *soft smile* "Rest well..." -elsewhere- Noah: *chained to a wall* "..." noelle: oi. you awake? Noah: "...I can't sleep. Ever." noelle: gee, that sucks. Noah: "Are you here to pester me?" -elsewhere- Kid: *smiles* stocking: *resting in his arms* zzzz Kid: *kisses her head softly, supporting her in his arms* stocking: =////w////= Kid: *whispers* "Love you..." stocking: *sleep talk* love you, kiddo... Kid: *smiles, lies down, closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Black Star: *opens the cupboards* "...Where's the cereal?" -elsewhere- atsushi: *yaaaawn* Kyoka: "??? Not asleep yet?" atsushi: about to do that.... Kyoka: *nods* "Today was okay, wasn't it?" atsushi: yeah. and we have to go back tomorrow, and the day after that....basically any day that isnt saturday or sunday... Kyoka: T_T -elsewhere- mito: *nuzzling chuuya's leg* Chuuya: "..." *sighs, falls over* mito: D8 *licks his cheek* Chuuya: "..." *pats her head* "Mito..." *sniff* mito: *nuzzle* Chuuya: T_T *holds her* mito: *purrs* Chuuya: "Good cat..." *strokes her* mito: =w= Chuuya: "..." *trying to smile* -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." *collapses* -phone ringing- Dazai: "...Yeah?" kirako: you get home ok? Dazai: *nod nod* "Yeah...You?" kirako: i felt a thud from the ceiling... Dazai: "...I fell down. On the floor. When coming inside." kirako: are you alright?! Dazai: "Just...thinking. Looking into something." *smile* "Nothing to worry about..." kirako: i mean from the fall! =3= Dazai: "..." *turns over onto his back* "...Yeah, I'm fine. Everything's where it should be, no pain..." kirako: *sigh* you sure? Dazai: "...Maybe not~?" kirako:... T.T; Dazai: *eyebrow wiggle* "What are you up to tonight?" kirako: watching tv mostly. Dazai: "Mind if I watch with you?" kirako: i dunno, you able to stand? *small smirk* Dazai: *already on his feet* "I rise to the occasion!" *salutes* kirako: *chuckles* Dazai: *already out the apartment and arrives at Kirako's apartment, knocking on her door* kirako: well, that was quick. mii: *mew* Dazai: "Eager, but not too fast." *pets Mii* "Howdy!" mii: ^o^ -elsewhere- Montgomery: *tossing in bed* anne: O^O~? Montgomery: "N-No...No..." *swings her arms* "No!" *falls out of bed* anne: *nice catch* Montgomery: o\\\\o "...Th-Thanks...Jeez, that dream..." anne: ?? Montgomery: "..." *hugs her knees* "I don't want to be alone again..." anne: ....*hug* Montgomery: "..." *hug* -elsewhere- Stein: *snores* -elsewhere- kirako: ahhhh... u///u *soft panting* Dazai: *lick* kirako: *shuddering, grinding a bit more* f-fuck... Dazai: "Feels good, right?" *matching her pace, his hand along her lower back* kirako: yes~ Dazai: "That's how I wanted it to be..." *pushes her lower back a bit more as he thrusts...bites lightly on her ear* kirako: *soft moan* Dazai: *clutches her hips, as he pushes her down on the bed, thrusting deeper* kirako: ah-ahhhh~! -she has a slight grip on his hair- *Her hand on his hair pulls him down against her neck* Dazai: *groans...he is twitching, as he plants his lips along her neck* kirako: mmmn~ Dazai: *panting, licking along her neck* "I-I'm so close..." *quickens his pace* kirako: *moans loudly* a-ah! Dazai: "AAAAH!" *he makes one more thrust..." kirako: *moaning, trembling* Dazai: *lies beside her...gropes one of her breasts* "Th-Thanks..." kirako: n-no problem ^///^ Dazai: "..." *reaches over to the nightstand, puts her glasses on her* *smiles* "I like you like this, too..." kirako: ^///^ *small chuckle* Dazai: *lays a hand along her stomach, where he came* "...Shower?" *kisses her neck again* kirako: good idea. -elsewhere- Relan: *yawn* shinra: zzzz.... Relan: "..." *leans over Shinra* shinra: =////= Relan: *small smile, as he kisses his cheek* -morning- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: zzzzz Kid: *hugs her* stocking: *yaaawn* morning~ Kid: "Morning...Sleep okay?" stocking: *nods* you? Kid: "Especially well." *cuddles* stocking: *smirks and kisses down his chest* Kid: *soft moan* "St-Stocking..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *runs his hands through her hair* "So luxurious..." stocking: =///u///= Kid: "..." *looks down* "Stocking..." stocking: hmm~? Kid: "Would you...I mean..." stocking: would i what~? 7u7 Kid: >\\\\< "W-Would you...go down?" stocking: go down where, kiddo~? *coy pout* Kid: >\\\\\\\\< "...On me?" stocking: oh~! wellllllll~ 7w7 Kid: "Please? I'll...make it worth your effort?" stocking: oh all right~ *giggles* i was gonna do it anyway, but you're so cute when you beg~ *gets right to business on him* Kid: *pouts* "You tease--" *shivers* "Aaaaah...Y-Yes...Like that..." =w= stocking: *chuckles* such a naughty boy~ Kid: "J-Just...interested?" stocking: ^^ *still going at it* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in medical attire* "You letting the Commander beat up on the visitors from the 8th?" fang-hua: fortunately, no one's dead yet. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Yeah, that 'yet' is not very encouraging." -_-; -elsewhere- Kyoka: *yawn* "Another day?" *pouts* atsushi: yep. -and so, class starts- Naigus: "I will need a volunteer." izumi: *raising her hand* Naigus: *nods* "Come on down--I will attack you." izumi: *gulps* o-o; Naigus: "How much experience do you have in combat?" izumi:...none, really. Naigus: "Then we will start with basic self-defense. Watch closely, class." *pulls back her arm* "I'm not going to really punch you--I'm going to show you how to block a punch..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Injuries? Missions?" -elsewhere- Rin: *stretches* -the letter is still on his bedside table- Rin: "???" *looks at it...pulls it out of the envelop* "...Well, damn..." shura: mornin'....oh...what does it say? Rin: o\\\\o *pulls up his bedsheet* "Knock first!" shura: -_-; Rin: "...And I can't read it." shura: well, you didnt grow up with kanji writing, so that's understandable. i had lessons on that, so maybe i can help you? Rin: *hands her the letter* shura:... .___. what the heck does this even say?! Yukio: *yawn* "Morning..." shura: hey yukio, mind translating? Yukio: "???" *looks* "It's from Suguro's father?" shura: oh? Rin: "Why would he write to me?" shura: *shrug* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *yawn* "Okay...I think this one is ready for testing, Doc." karin: awesome! *grips the handles, sending small bursts of flame into it, powering up the machine* Vulcan: *smiles* "Move it a bit forward..." karin: *taking a step forwards* nice. Vulcan: "Now, raise the arm..." -arm lift- Vulcan: *nods* "Good...Now, let's try dexterity..." *holds up the palm of his hand* "Soft high-five..." -elsewhere- lana: *answering the phone* yes? Touma: "Hello." lana: *tenses* !! Touma: "I have work for you." lana: ...... Touma: "Tell me about Edgar." lana: *tense* ....s-sorry sir, i'll have to call you back. *hangs up* ......... Touma: "..." *looks at the phone* "The fuck?" -later- lana: *walking home, uneasy* ....... Poe: "L-L-L-Lan-na-na..." lana: !! *turns* oh, jeez, i just about died... *wiping her eyes* Poe: "??!! What's wrong?" lana: j-just some stress at work... Poe: "Oh...I'm sorry. Long hours?" lana:....yeah... Poe: "...Maybe tea would help relax?" lana: .... Poe: owo;;; lana:...yeah, i think it might help... Poe: ^^ "I think this spot near our neighborhood has a delicious chamomile..." elsewhere- rowena: *walking home* Tsurugi: "Pardon me, miss? I'm lost..." rowena: hmm? im not sure how much help i'll be, im still new to the city as well. Tsurugi: ^^; "Yeah, I'm not used to things around here, but I thought I'd ask...Do you know the way to..." *reads address* "...'Madam Zenobia's Tarot Shop'?" rowena: oh! a tarot shop?! *shiny eyes* it's the first i've heard of this establishment, *looks at the address* Tsurugi: "I thought it was on this street--but I must have walked the wrong way, as the numbers are increasing rather than decreasing..." rowena: perhaps we could ask one of the local establishments? Tsurugi: ^^;; "Okay..." rowena: *looks around and spots a shop* ah! perhaps there? Tsurugi: *holds a knife to her throat* rowena: !!! Tsurugi: "Let's take a detour. Someone wants to chat with you...And if you don't, you'll need the occult for another reason, girl." rowena: !!! *Whistling is heard* Tsurugi: "??? Wait...That tune...Where have I--" rowena: !!! *stomps on tsurugi's foot* Tsurugi: "OW!" *pushes Rowena* rowena: *runs for it* Tsurugi: *rushes at Rowena--and tackles her* *whistling still continues* rowena: !! *kicks him in the stomach* Tsurugi: *grunts, but hangs on--as a snake appears over his shoulder, staring at Rowena* rowena: ?? *The snake opens its mouth--and bites Tsurugi* Tsurugi: o____O *high-pitched scream, as he falls off Rowena, his back on the street* rowena: !! Mikuni: "Jeje, please--no biting!" Jeje: -_-;;;; rowena: eh? Mikuni: "Howdy, little lady! I'm sorry for my old buddy here--" *picks up Tsurugi by the ankle--and tosses him up and over his head into a dumpster* rowena: t-thank you so much sir! Jeje: "Ahem..." *stares at Rowena* rowena: *getting up, brushing herself off* Tsurugi: @~@ "My head..." Mikuni: "Little lasses like you shouldn't be out here this late at night--and getting hunted by that freak." rowena: i was returning to my dorm actually. Mikuni: "Best escort you as you mosey on home...I think we can leave the trash to be picked up, right, Jeje?" Jeje: *slithers up Mikuni's arm* rowena: um... t-thank you... .////. Jeje: -_-;;;; Mikuni: "Now, what were you doing out this late?" rowena: i was visiting a local shop, trying to get a better idea of the city's layout. Mikuni: "Maybe do that during daylight hours. Real crazies in this town. Isn't that right, Amelia?" *holds up a doll, talks in high pitch* " 'That's right, Mikuni!'" rowena: how cute! Mikuni: "Isn't she?! I collect them--but that stupid bastard in my shop keeps harming my dollies." T~T rowena: oh? you own a shop? Mikuni: ^^ "Pretty much run the place. Couldn't survive without me." rowena: where abouts is it? Jeje: -_-|||||||| Mikuni: "A few blocks from here. Was out on my evening stroll--along the rooftops." rowena: ah, i see. Mikuni: "I'm Mikuni, by the way. And this snake is Jeje." rowena: just call me rowena! Mikuni: ^^ "Happy to meet you!" -elsewhere- Arthur: *rubbing his wrist* "Difficult training..." tamaki: *from the other side of the bathhouse wall* yeah, anyway. *sigh* Arthur: "???" *leans his ear to the wall* sayu: *swimming along* Arthur: "You okay, Tamaki?" tamaki: yeah, why wouldnt i be? Arthur: "I know training has been difficult on everyone..." tamaki: im used to difficult training... Arthur: "Oh...Right...Are you happy with your progress?" tamaki: *nods* yeah. im not about to fall behind you guys any time soon! Arthur: *smiles* "Good to hear...but that just motivates me to keep further along, too." shinra: that and she's busy falling in front of us. tamaki: WHAT WAS THAT?! Arthur: o____o *covers Shinra's mouth* "He was wishing you good luck!" shinra: it was a joke! jeez... although that may have been a bit too mean. sorry. Arthur: "See? He apologized!" ^^;;; -elsewhere- Montgomery: *putting out garbage* "Work shifts at the cafe, study, go to class...I'm exhausted..." *yawn* -morning- Akutagawa: *in the shower...half asleep* "Zzz..." -in classes- Chuuya: *thumbing through pages in his book* *yawns* *looks around* rowena: *taking notes* Teacher: "And who developed the first Magic Tool?" kirika: *glancing at gopher* Gopher: *raising his hand* "EIBON!" -in another part of the school- atsushi: O.O the school has a gift shop?! Kyoka: *holding up a DWMA shirt* "Neat." Montgomery: o\\\o *staring at Lord Death plushies* atsushi: this place is a lot different than most schools i've read about... Montgomery: *hugging a Lord Death plushie* "Bigger, longer stairways...more expensive food..." izumi: it's almost like a theme park, but without any rides. Yumi: *eyeglass flash* "Actually, my husband does put in a theme park during some festivities." izumi: WOAH! atsushi: YEEK! Montgomery: "Eep!" Kyoka: "..." *waves* "Hello." Yumi: "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I am Death Scythe Azusa Yumi." izumi: oh, you're one of dad's coworkers, right? Yumi: "...You are Izumi, then? Spirit has said a lot about you." izumi: yep, that would be me! Kyoka: "..." *stares at Izumi* izumi: hmm? Kyoka: *leans closer* "Are you my relative?" izumi: eh? o.o; atsushi: um, kyouka, i think 'izumi' is this girl's given name. izumi: what he said. Montgomery: -_-;;; "Not everyone with the same name is your relative, nerd." Kyoka: "..." *punches Montgomery in the arm* Montgomery: "Ow!" atsushi: come on guys, dont fight. ^^; Yumi: "Not without an official referee." *eyeglass flash* izumi: .... my full name is actually izumi albarn....well, not officially, but the sooner i can change it to that name, the happier i'll be! Kyoka: "???" Montgomery: "So...Why?" izumi:....i'd rather not talk about it. Kyoka: *takes Izumi's hand* "No need to explain at all, Sister." izumi: ^^;; Montgomery: -_-;; "I'm sorry about her. She's not quite right--" Kyoka: "I want an official battle against Montgomery." Montgomery: "...What." -elsewhere- Dazai: *asleep at his desk...then bounces up* "EMERGENCY!" kirako: ?? Dazai: "We're out of coffee creamer!" -elsewhere- Yukio: "...This is a lot to take in..." shura: what does it say? Yukio: "...Our father got the Koma Sword from Suguro's father..." Rin: "?!!!" shura: holy shit, drama bomb! Yukio: "...What does this all mean?" Rin: "It means dad is a straight-up thief!" Yukio: -_-; shura: *facepalm* Yukio: "No." Rin: "But he did steal the word, right?" Yukio: "I mean, technically--" Rin: "Boom! Dad's a thief! And he punished me for pickpocketing penny candy when we were four!" Yukio: "...Shura, where is Suguro's father?" shura: *shrugs* and i cant ask suguro's mom cause.....of an incident >->;; Yukio: "...What did you do--" Rin: *covers Yukio's mouth* "Don't ask." shura: LETS JUST FIND BALDY OK? and not that triple A baldy either. Rin: "LOL." Yukio: "It'll be a challenge. Father did say Suguro was a swift runner..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Guard on your left!" tamaki: hyah! Benimaru: *blocks* "Do not shout your attacks--just attack!" *fires a blast at her* shinra: *jumps off the roof and onto benimaru's shoulders* Benimaru: "?!!!" shinra: gotcha! Benimaru: *grabs Shinra's head* shinra: oh boy. o-o; Benimaru: *flips Shinra over* shinra: !! tamaki: D8 -DOUBLE KO- Benimaru: *folds his arms* "Good work surprising me on my shoulders. But again, do not talk: just attack your opponent. You could have disabled me immediately but you just stood on my shoulders." shinra: noted Q-Q -elsewhere- Kid: *walking the hallways* julie: *following* Kid: *smiles* "I have a shadow today?" julie: ^^ Kid: "Want to see Father's art collection?" julie: *nods* Kid: *opens the door--and there's a painting of Lord Death* julie: wow! Kid: "Father has had many artist friends..." *There are paintings resembling works by Van Gogh, Dali, and Warhol* julie: *looks* -there is another framed image of a little doodle of a skull. there is a name written under. alice b.- Kid: "..." *small sad smile* julie: ?? Kid: "Mother..." julie: aunt yumi? Kid: "My birth mother, Alice...She died when I was very young." julie:...oh... Kid: *nods* "She...left behind this art." -elsewhere- Mori: Q~Q "...My desk..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Back from the metal-work run..." maki: how'd it go? Vulcan: "You'd be amazed all the metal people just throw away...But I got chased off by landfill security. Why does a landfill even _have_ security?" nozomi: well, probably to keep people from getting hurt. there's some pretty sharp pieces there... Vulcan: *holds up gloves* "That's why people should wear these...I also use them when prepping dinners--" Takehisa: *coughs up his hashbrowns* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *leaving class* girl: um....r-ryuzaki? Akutagawa: "??? Yes?" girl: are you doing anything after class? 7///7 Akutagawa: "Yes. Going home." girl: did you want to get lunch together? >///< Akutagawa: "...Okay." girl: really? OwO Akutagawa: "Yes. It will help me learn more about the customs and intelligence offered at this Academy without resorting to torture." girl: um.....okay? ^^; Akutagawa: "And your name is?" Chuuya: "Maaaaaaaybe I should go with you." *holds out a hand to the girl* "Sorry. He forgot to take his inhaler." ^^;; girl: ah, i see. Akutagawa: "But I don't have--" Chuuya: *elbow to his gut* Akutagawa: Q~Q girl: D8 Chuuya: "See? You forgot your medicine and now have to get to the nurse's office. I'm sorry, ma'am! Bye!" *picks up Akutagawa and runs* girl:....*blinks* Chuuya: "Stupid stupid stupid!" Akutagawa: Q~Q ao: ?? tsugumi: hey ozaki, hey araragi. *wave* Chuuya: "Oh, hello!" *waves* "I'm just taking my friend to the nurse's office--he had a bad stomach ache." Akutagawa: Q~Q tsugumi: oh no. Chuuya: "Is the nurse in?" tsugumi: i think so. Chuuya: "Great! We're going in!" *Chuuya dashes for the door--and slams Akutagawa against the wall* Chuuya: "...Whoops." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: -_-;;; "If your commander keeps sending in more injured people, I'm going to put in for a vacation." sayu: are you the commander's bro? Mr. Tsubaki: "??? No. Why do you ask?" sayu: you kinda look like him a bit. Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *takes off the glasses, looks in the mirror* "...I don't have wingdings in my eyeballs, though..." *turns to Sayu, making a comical wide-eyed face* "DO I????" sayu: EEP! hahaha! XD Mr. Tsubaki: "Ha ha ha! But seriously, you look fine--no injuries?" sayu: im fine mostly. ^^ *smiles. she almost looks like naho...* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *small laugh* "You remind me of...someone in my family." sayu: hmm? Mr. Tsubaki: "...It's been some time since I've seen them..." sayu: oh. Mr. Tsubaki: "...That boy, the one you call 'big bro'?" sayu: oh, you mean big bro shinra? that's just a nickname. i do have two older brothers for real though. they're twins! Mr. Tsubaki: "Ah! Twins are fascinating, aren't they?" -elsewhere- Belkia: "Gentlemen, thank you for meeting me here." lilac: um.... Sakuya: "We didn't agree to anything. You just walked in with a chalkboard and said 'thank you for meeting me here.'" Shamrock: x_-;;; Belkia: *writing on the chalkboard: "Surprise party"* lilac: for miss tsubaki?....i-isnt her birthday later in the month? Belkia: *nod nod* "And we're going to brainstorm gifts for her!" -elsewhere- Poe: "??? Rowena?" rowena: yes brother? Poe: "You seemed distracted..." rowena: oh? i do? well. 7///7 i met a nice young man the other day... Poe: *serious face* "Oh..." rowena: ahh. im getting flustered thinking about it! >///w///< Poe: *holds her shoulders* "TAKE ME TO THIS BOY..." rowena:....eh? OuO; Poe: "I will instruct this boy on proper behavior around girls!" rowena: um... >-> Poe: "Well?!" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "What now?" atsushi: guess we check in on the agency now? Kyoka: "Do you think there is still an agency without us present to keep things in order?" atsushi: ._.; Kyoka: *walks with Atsushi* "...Do you like our classmates?" atsushi: so far, i guess.....not sure why akutagawa is there though... .___.;;; Kyoka: *holds his hand* "I won't let him near you." atsushi: thanks kyouka. ^^; Kyoka: "Here we are..." *opens door to the Agency* yosano: hey kiddos, how was school? Kyoka: "Quite well. I got a perfect grade on the quiz." yosano: that's great! Kyoka: "How did you do on the quiz, Atsushi?" atsushi: i think i did decently...^^; Kunikida: " 'Decent'? I expect far better than 'decent'..." Dazai: *chops Kunikida* "Don't put undue pressure on my boy!" atsushi: ^^; Dazai: *hands Atsushi a file* atsushi: *examines it* *It shows a grave* atsushi:..... ?? Dazai: "Keep an eye on that grave...I think it'll attract some attention soon..." atsushi: why? Dazai: *pats his face* "Just a feeling I got~" atsushi: *sweatdrop* odasaku: .... Kyoka: "How late at night are we supposed to do this? We do have a curfew now." -elsewhere- Shima: *walking around, singing quietly to himself* " 'Time keeps on slipping, slipping...'" -footsteps- Shima: "???" *looks* -nothing- Shima: "..." *slowly turns around...* -nothing...- Shima: *shrugs, keeps walking* unagi: .... Shima: *pulls out a sheet of paper, looking at it* -elsewhere- Kid: "..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "I...showed Julie artwork by my mother..." stocking: ah... Kid: "...She left quite a bit behind before she..." stocking:....*holds his hand* Kid: *small squeeze of her hand* "Thank you..." stocking: *smooch* Kid: -///- "...Mother would have liked you." -elsewhere- mikan: *petting asura's head* Asura: *slight shiver* mikan: *gentle humming* heibito: *in a baby sling, resting* zzz... Asura: "I-I-I..." mikan: hmm? Asura: "M-Mother..." mikan:....*stroking his head, humming softly* Asura: *shivers but calming down* -elsewhere- Sakuya: *lies down, staring at the ceiling* naho: zzzzzz...... Sakuya: *looks at her* ("...I don't want to be alone...") *hug* naho: =///w///= Sakuya: *nuzzles, closes his eyes* -morning- Relan: *nudges Shinra* shinra: *yaaaawn* Relan: "Sleep okay?" shinra: yeah. Relan: "...Lots more training, huh?" -in classes- hitoshi: *has his earbuds in, playing neko atsume* Bakugo: "Yo, what's that guy's deal?" eijiro: not sure. kind of keeps to himself a lot. heard he's in the general classes. Bakugo: "What's his ability?" eijiro: *shrugs* didnt ask. Bakugo: "...YO! GUY WITH THE HAIR! WHAT'S YOUR ABILITY?!" hitoshi: ..... *not even listening* Bakugo: -_-## *rips out the earbuds* hitoshi: ......dude. not cool. Bakugo: "I was asking you a question! What's your ability?!" hitoshi:.... *raising his hand* teacher? teacher: yes mr shinsou?............. *the teacher seems...off* hitoshi: may i be excused to go to the restroom? teacher: go on ahead.... hitoshi: thanks. *exits* Bakugo: >_<### "That jerk totally ignored me!" teacher:.... *blinks* wait, what was i doing just now? ah! right! eijiro:....dude. holy frickin nuggets. Bakugo: "...Teacher's all messed in the head right now..." eijiro: duuuuude. i think that was a mind control quirk. O_O; Bakugo: ._.;;;; "...I'm kind of impatient, aren't I?" eijiro: just a bit, yeah. ^^ Bakugo: "..." *goes back to reading, sweating* ._______. -elsewhere- Montgomery: "Ugh, this stupid equation!" ???: need some help? Montgomery: "?! Wh-What?" atsushi: *smiles* Montgomery: "...Oh. You good at math?" atsushi: a little bit ^^; *scratches his head* Montgomery: "...Very well. I'm supposed to solve for 'x,' but I have to find 'y' first..." -elsewhere- karl: O.O~? Poe: *fuming* >_< library worker: did something happen? O-O; Poe: "My sister has a crush!" library worker: oh my. how old is she? Poe: "Sixteen--WHICH IS TOO YOUNG! She should wait at least until she is 33, at which points her hot passions for romance will cool down into a rational fixation on more divine natures, supplemented through brooding and the idealization from afar of an unreachable beauty that continues to elude her! LIKE I LIVE THROUGH EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE!" library worker:.....uhhhhh........ *sweatdrop* Poe: "I will solve this problem..." *removes an envelope knife* "My. Own. Way." Library worker: O____O woah now. *sweats* Poe: *calmly opens a letter sitting on his desk* "...Oh! We got increased funding to buy more books!" ^^ library worker: i...i see. rowena: good morning, brother. ^^ Poe: *falls out of chair, crawling on the floor to Rowena's feet* "DON'T DO IT! YOU'RE TOO YOUNG!" rowena: o.o~? eh? Poe: "YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO HAVE YOUR HEART BROKEN! DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKES I MADE!" rowena: ... *blink blink* actually, i just came by to bring you lunch. Poe: Q~Q "...How kind of you--thanks." rowena: how's work? Poe: "!!!" *holds up letter* "We got more funding!" ^^ rowena: that's wonderful! ^^ Poe: "I know, right?! I'm sending out a request from other librarians here about which books students and teachers have requested--and which we may now be able to buy!" rowena: ^^ worker: have you been making friends here? rowena: *nods* i've even met some who share a similar fondness for the occult! ^^ -elsewhere- Sakuya: *staring into the distance* naho: *hug* Sakuya: "..." *pat pat, small smile* "Thanks..." naho: any time, sakkun~ Sakuya: *nods, opens up his book again* -elsewhere- Rino: *asleep at school desk* teacher: miss tamiya? Rino: *loud snore* teacher: *slams ruler against her desk* MISS TAMIYA! Rino: "42!" *falls back in her chair* "...W-Was that the correct answer?" teacher: are you alright? classmate: yikes. Rino: "Just...didn't sleep well. Or much. Or...*yawn* at all." ^^;; -elsewhere- Vulcan: "All set!" *tosses Broomstick/Boomstick to Maki* "Time to brawl..." maki: hell yeah! Vulcan: *puts on some metal gloves* "Let's see what you got..." -elsewhere- Naigus: "Now, what have we learned today?" student: the training dummies are not rides. Montgomery: .\\\. Naigus: "Correct." Chuuya: *eyeroll* atsushi: ^^; Naigus: *demonstrates a punch on the dummy* "Now, keep practicing. Atsushi, help Lucy." atsushi: ok, ma'am. Montgomery: -\\\\- "Just hold it so I can land a punch this time..." *pulls back her fist* atsushi: *braces himself* Montgomery: *hard punch to the dummy's gut--* atsushi: *knocked back from the recoil* ACK! Montgomery: "Woo! Hard punch!" *then notices Atsushi* "...Oh! S-Sorry..." *holds out a hand* atsushi: i-it's fine. i've taken harder hits than this. ^^; *takes her hand* Montgomery: *pulls him up* "I bet..." *struggles a bit* "B-But I caaaaan...hit harder..." *pulls harder* atsushi: woa- Montgomery: *she pulls too hard--and he falls on her* o\\\\\o atsushi: .//////. o-oh my gosh im so sorry! Montgomery: "Get off of me!" atsushi: *getting up* .////.;;; Kyoka: *flames around her* Montgomery: *not noticing Kyoka* o\\\\o;; "J-Jeez! Can't you not do things like that?!" Akutagawa: *appears next to Kyoka, black flames appearing around him* atsushi: o_o; s-sorry, really!..... ._________________.;;;;; Montgomery: "???" *turns around* "!!!" *steps back, bumping into Atsushi* "H-Hey! What's with those faces--" Akutagawa and Kyoka: *send attacks towards Montgomery* Montgomery: o_____O atsushi: WOAH NOW! ~cresendo wave~ atsushi: eh?.... O_O WHAT THE HECK?! -SPLASH- Montgomery: "Gah!" *coughing* "What the hell?!" *crashes into Atsushi* atsushi: *drenched in water* *blink* ???: attacking when you arent in training? that's just foul play! as a hero of justice, i wont let this slide! -enter sayaka- sayaka: salutations, classmates! 8D Kyoka: *glaring at Atsushi--until she spots Sayaka* *shiny eyes* "...Pretty." Akutagawa: "...Why is the waif in the outfit?" Montgomery: "??? Wait...Aren't you-?" sayaka: it's a battle costume! and yep. im sayaka miki, one of your seniors! ^^ Montgomery: "I thought so! Now, punish these two! The jerk and the brat!" Kyoka: *approaches Sayaka* "I did nothing wrong. I plead for mercy..." -tiny chops for them both- Akutagawa: >__< "HOW DARE YOU!" sayaka: lets try getting along now, ok? Kyoka: >\\\< "I beg your forgiveness..." Montgomery: *trying to ring out her clothes...* "I'm all wet!" sayaka: .///. er. hey, it's ok kiddo. ^^ *head pats* Kyoka: ^\\\\^ Montgomery: "Oh, super! I didn't bring a spare set of clothes, you asses!" sayaka: oh. there's towels in the storage closet by the changing rooms. Montgomery: "Hmph. Like that'll dry them quickly enough..." *marches to the changing rooms' storage closet* atsushi: ....s-sorry about all that. sayaka: it's alright. stuff like that happens all the time here. ^^ Montgomery: "Yo, Tiger! You just going to stand there and drench the floor or move it?!" *tosses towel at his face* atsushi: s-sorry! >////<;; Montgomery: -\\\\- *opens the door to the changing room, shutting it behind her* -elsewhere- Kid: "Students seem to be acclimating themselves." liz: yeah. Kid: "And how are you, Liz?" liz: doing well. you? Kid: *sighs* "It's...feeling more real, working with Father..." liz: *smiles* Kid: "...Did you think it would be like, five years ago?" liz: hard to think. but y'know. i think you got this. *smiles* Kid: "You don't know how much that means. Thank you, Liz." liz: *pats his back* we're proud of you, kiddo. Kid: "..." Q~Q "Th-Thank you..." -elsewhere- Emine: *holding multiple letters with hearts on them* lin: *pouts* Emine: "This was not my idea: evidently I am 'hotness'?" lin: do you want to show them 'hotness?' Emine: "..." *pulls out his lighter* -elsewhere- Bakugo: o____O ochako: what's up? Bakugo: "My brain feels fried..." momo: have you been sleeping well? Bakugo: "Now that you mention it, no..." *he tries to walk--and stumbles* eijiro: easy there. do you need to see the nurse? Bakugo: "I-I don't know..." *half his body is limp* -elsewhere- Mikuni: *whistling while walking around town* -footsteps- Mikuni: "???!" *turns* -no one- Mikuni: "...Huh." *turns back around* -elsewhere- Dazai: "So, you got her all wet?" atsushi: y-yeah. ranpo: phrasing, BOOM! Dazai: "All because you got Akutagawa and Kyoka excited...You charmer, you. You got a harem." atsushi: IT'S NOT A HAREM!! >////< Dazai: "Three people crushing on you. That's a harem, man. Or do you need more for it to be a harem? Ranpo, how many members does a harem need?" atsushi: DONT ANSWER HIM! >///<# Dazai: "Hee hee...Just teasing. When I was your age, I only wish I had as many people chasing after me...without wanting me dead." atsushi:......... Dazai: "...Oh, to be young again." *pats his head* atsushi: 7-7;;; odasaku: *sweatdrop* you're 22. Dazai: "Now, enough of that--you have a mission!" *hands Atsushi a fashion magazine* atsushi: ?? Dazai: "We get to guard a supermodel!" atsushi: oh. Dazai: "Isn't she just the prettiest? And she specifically asked for your help." atsushi: me? Dazai: "She's had a stalker, so you'll make sure none get near her." atsushi: ah, i see. i'll do my best then! Dazai: "Wait 'til you meet her--she's still talking with the boss in the office--" *The door opens* fukuzawa: -_-; good luck. ???: "Hello~!" *waves* atsushi: um...hello ma'am! i'll do my best! ???: "I'm sure you will! Because I have been so scared with these bad men following me!" *glomps Atsushi* "You won't let me get hurt, right?" atsushi: *choking* grk- daa...zaaai...save....me... *muffled* Dazai: *snaps a pic* "Oh, that's a keeper..." *puts his phone away* "Ma'am? I got your mineral water!" ???: *pulls back from Atsushi* "Yay! Sit down with me, Mr. Tiger Cub!" *drags Atsushi to sit at Kunikida's desk* Kunikia: -_____-;;; -elsewhere- Jacqueline: =\\\\= kim: how was work today? Jacqueline: *stretches* "Exhausting...I lifted books all day...Damn raccoon was running everywhere...Eyes tired starting at the computer...I want a bath..." kim: i'll go set one up for you. Jacqueline: "Thanks..." *takes off her jacket* "How was your work?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *holding a box, which he's wrapping up* -elsewhere- Relan: *gobbling a third bowl of ramen* tamaki: you sure worked up an appetite. Relan: ^\\\\^ "I guess I did...I feel really energized!" shinra: >/////< too cute for words... Arthur: *pokes at his food, listlessly...* *yawns* tamaki: you ok? Arthur: "...I can't get any faster..." tamaki: .... Tsukiyo: "That's just because Benimaru has fast reflexes..." *sneaks food from Tamaki's plate* "You just have to predict his patterns..." fang-hua: *chop* Tsukiyo: >_< "Hey!" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *sitting, arms crossed* gin: you ok? Akutagawa: "The Tiger was getting close to that Guild girl." gin: eh? Akutagawa: "I wanted to brawl with him, not have him trapsing off with her..." gin: .... 7-7; Akutagawa: "How do you convince someone to brawl with you? Perhaps wrestling?" -elsewhere- Rin: *lying on the rooftop* madoka: i brought some rice balls. Rin: *smiles* "Thanks...I'm sure they're tasty..." madoka: how're you feeling? Rin: "...Confused." *bites one* "Why did Dad hide that?" madoka:....im not sure. i dont really know anything about his past. Rin: "Letter is so long that I can't figure it all out yet..." madoka: hmm....*holds his hand* Rin: *pats hers* "Thanks..." madoka: ^^ -elsewhere- Meme: "Tsugumi...Isn't that Anya's friend over there?" tsugumi: hmm? Meme: "The girl with the Russian name...What was it...?" ao: miss yana? yana: *struggling with the crane game* ak! blasted machine! *bangs her fist against it* Meme: "Yo! Having troubles with the Claw?" yana: i got it under control. *drops her quarter* ah! fuck.... *bends down to get it, putting something on the back of the machine* there we go! Meme: "The trick is to hit the button right before the Claw aligns over the toy you want. Which one you trying for?" yana: that one. *a small mouse* *plushie get!* YES! Meme: "Oh, cute mouse!" yana: ^u^ *internally smirking* Meme: "I think Anya is around--you want to show that plushie to her?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Now, hold the camera..." *turns into fox form* -elsewhere- atsushi: TT_____TT (thinking: save me plz) ???: "More snacks, please!" atsushi: yes, ma'am.... *trying not to cry* ???: "??? Sweetie? What's wrong?" atsushi: im ok! (thinking: its like she walked out of the kardashian's show and no one knows how to send her back T-T ) ???: =3= "But you look all sad! You shouldn't be sad right now!" atsushi: i didnt sleep much last night TT-TT ???: "Well, that's no good! You need sleep to feel good throughout the day! Is your bed not comfy?" atsushi:.......um.... (thinking: WHY DO I HAVE TO STAY THE NIGHT AND SLEEP IN A PET BED?! IM NOT A PET DAMMIT!) ???: "I could add more pillows?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *struggling to stay awake while reading* mito: *asleep on his lap* Chuuya: "..." *shuts his book, pets Mito* mito: *purrs* Chuuya: "Good kitty..." -elsewhere- lana: *unable to sleep* "Touma": "You will do as I say, when I say." lana: *jolts out of bed* !!!.... h-he's not here.... *The room is dark and quiet...A creek is heard on a floorboard* lana: *turns* ?!?! *Nothing is there...* lana:....*whimpers* *Lana's phone: *CHIRP** lana: !!! *checks her phone* *It's a photo of an old-timey phone* lana: ?? *chirp* [I continue to take digital daguerreotypes of this telephone. But I don't know whether the angel waves of the Internetwork are transmitting such images.] lana:.....huh? [um. we can just talk through the text ^^; ] [Yes. But one query: what is 'text'?] lana: ^^; [it's what we're doing right now. ] [I now understand. Thank you. How are you?] lana: [could have been better. *sigh emoticon* ] [What happened? (And how did you make that face appear?)] lana: [just stressed. (i could show you sometime if you want)] [I am sorry. I find reading and tea helps me with stress. (Oh! That would be helpful!)] lana: .... [I am sorry to write at such length at this late hour. And I am sorry how your night is. I hope it improves] lana: ... [thanks, edgar.] [I hope I was of service.] -elsewhere- Montgomery: *screaming into a pillow* anne: ?? Montgomery: "He is such an idiot!" *looks at Anne* "Right?! I mean, he left me--us--behind! Then he embarrasses me!" anne:.... *pap pap* Montgomery: "..." *small hug* "That was infuriating...What is with him...?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *outside, sipping water* louisa: *checking map* ah! here it is...... ._.; Fitzgerald: " 'Wonderful...Manor'...Is that ironic?" louisa: on the bright side, it does have a proper bath and toilet. Fitzgerald: "Well, thank goodness for small favors..." *stares at her* "Books?" louisa: *nods* i've been working on strategies. Fitzgerald: "Hmm...Your ability to determine probabilities and make strategies for 'predicting' how to deal with them. Very well: if Alcott, the best ability user in the Guild, is here, then 500 million dollars is small change." louisa: !! ... ./////////. t-thank you lord francis..... um... i have to be alone to do this, so if you dont mind waiting... Fitzgerald: "Not at all." *opens a door* "I'll wait in here." guy: D8 louisa: lord francis! that's the neighbor's room! Fitzgerald: "What?! You mean our base is simply one room? ... Well, still, I'll wait here." louisa: *sweatdrop* -outside death city- girl in bandages: woah! so that's death city? coolio! vampire looking boy: *in the car* girl in bandages: alright, tomorrow first thing, we find ourselves some jobs! vampire looking boy: jooooy. TTuTT -elsewhere in death city- atsushi: TT____TT *waiting* *His phone chirps with a text* atsushi: *examines phone* Dazai: [How's the bodyguarding going, stud~?] atsushi: T-T [nothing happened yet.] Dazai: [oh-ho? 'nothing'?] atsushi: [as in no sign of the stalker! -_-] *looks out window* Dazai: [well, keep your eyes open, Tiger--counting on you!] *One person walking along the street...* atsushi:... [alright.] *The person vanishes* atsushi: .... *knocks on the door* ma'am? are you alright? Model: "Wh-What?" atsushi: are you ok? Model: "F-Fine!" *a loud sniff can be heard inside* atsushi: !!! *SLAMS DOOR OPEN* Model: "Eek!" *tosses a sheet over part of the bed...she's in her underwear and a t-shirt* atsushi: *shuts eyes* I'M SO SORRY MA'AM! >/////<;;; Model: "You should be!" *throws a pillow at him* *Something crunches outside* atsushi: !!!!! *goes to check* *The stranger is there...holding a camera...peeping through the window* Stalker: o_o;;;; atsushi: YOU! *runs to the window and lunges at the stalker* Model: "?!! W-T-F?!" *ducks behind the bed* Stalker: "AAAH!" *tries to run...* atsushi: *TACKLES* oh no you dont! Stalker: "Ow!" *the camera lands on the grass* "My camera!" Model: *putting on her bathrobe...hides the stuff on her bedsheet again, runs outside* atsushi: *has him pinned down* oh no you dont! Model: *exits, spots Atsushi on top of the Stalker...* .\\\. Stalker: "I wasn't doing nothing! You can't prove nothing!" atsushi: *checks the camera, still having him pinned down* *The photos show the Model inside, changing her clothes...and laying out a bag with a white substance, a mirror, and a rolled up dollar bill* atsushi: ?! holy shit. Model: "Wh-What is it?" *trying to look over Atsushi's shoulder* atsushi: ma'am....can we go inside now? i got this guy.... *looks at the stalker* Model: "...Okay?" Stalker: ._.;;;; "Don't tell my mom!" atsushi: *whispers* dont worry, i have a plan... Stalker: "???" -later when the authorities arrive- officer: anything else? Model: *smiling at Atsushi* Stalker: D: "I CAN'T GO TO JAIL!" atsushi: i noticed a weird smell in her room... Model: O_O;;; officer: really? ma'am? mind if we have a look-see? Model: "Y-Yes, I do! My room is a mess, and you don't have a warren!" officer: it's 'warrant'. also, we dont judge for messy rooms. unless there's something you're hiding? Model: O_____O;;;; "...I left out my vibrator on my bed." officer: ma'am... we dont judge for that either. you sure dont want us getting in there... Model: "M-My room is none of your business, everything is fine! This boy is just imagining smells! I bet he has an awful scent of smell!" atsushi: -_-; officer: ma'am. if you dont mind coming down with us to answer some questions- Model: "Wh-Why?! I haven't done anything! This little punk was spying on me in my room!" officer 2: is that right? and could you explain this? *shows the picture on the camera* Model: o___________o "...That is PhotoShopped." officer: on a digital camera? *raises brow* Model: "..." *glares at Atsushi* "I want my lawyer." -and so, after the investigation, she was put into rehab- atsushi: so....um....camera kid- Camera Kid: *cowering away* "Wh-What?!" atsushi: how did you find out about this? Camera Kid: Q~Q "If I tell you, am I going to jail?" atsushi: well, you're still just a student, so i think the worst they'd do is make you do community service. Camera Kid: "...I've been following Honeycrisp for a month now when I saw her assistant stop by the corner behind my house to buy some cocaine from my classmate Winnie--" atsushi: *listening* Camera Kid: "And I thought, 'Hey, a tabloid would be up for that stuff!' They love that stuff! And they pay! I could buy...buy..." atsushi: ?? Camera Kid: "J-Jewelry..." atsushi: hmm... Camera Kid: "For M-Mama..." atsushi: .....so you went with your gut then? Camera Kid: "..." *shrug* "Hasn't killed me yet." atsushi: .....*small smile* i decided to go with my gut too when i told the officers about the smell. Camera Kid: QWQ "Th-Thank you, Mister!" *takes his hand, shakes it* "I won't forget this!" -and so- atsushi: and that's what happened. Kunikida: "...And you just...let the supermodel...with the money...get taken by police..." atsushi: well, she got the help she needs now... fukuzawa:.....you did what you believed to be the right thing, despite orders given........good job. Dazai: *pats Atsushi's head* "Yep!" atsushi:...*smiles* odasaku:....good job, kiddo. atsushi: thanks od-....thanks. Dazai: "And just think--when she gets out of rehab, I'm sure she will thank you!" -morning- louisa: *asleep, multiple strategies written out* Fitzgerald: *returning, with a cup of tea, muttering* "That 'hot plate' is not 'hot,' nor is it a decent 'plate.' I'll have to--??? Alcott?" *nudges her shoulder* louisa: I WASNT SLEEPING ON THE JOB! O-O Fitzgerald: "...I assume you were not--that would mean you were working over-time, and I can't afford to pay you for that right now." louisa: r-right... i got several strategies written down... *yawns* perhaps a walk might do some good for me... Fitzgerald: "Excellent! I can pick up items we'll need." -on her walk- louisa: ... (thinking: hard to believe its autumn already... ) .... *notices something* -a dead sparrow- louisa:....*small frown* ???: oh no. -a girl with bandages goes over to the bird- girl: it's ok lil fella, i'll fix you right up! louisa: um...i...i dont think...there's anything...you can do for it... girl: hmmn? *smiles* dont worry, i got this! *picks up the bird* [ability; frankenstein] -a soft glow appears, and the bird is okay- louisa: !! girl: hehe, all better~! bird:....*starts attacking her* girl: good as new! louisa: D8 girl: what? louisa: t-that was- girl: oh! that was my ability! i can bring back dead animals! pretty cool, right? louisa: so you're an ability user as well. girl: EH?! YOU TOO?! YAY! boy: *pant pant* th-there....there you are, mary....*pant pant* mary: hmm? oh, bram! this girl's an ability user too! bram: oh? how... *pant pant* nice....phew... louisa: um...yes...uh...and you two are...? mary: *gives her a card that says 'Stoker and Shelly; general freelancing'* freelance ability users! we'll take any job you have for us, even if we suck horribly at it! bram: 7_7; louisa:....*idea* um...w-would you two...come with me? -and so, back at the wonderful manor- louisa: lord francis! i've recruited two new members for the new guild! Fitzgerald: *holding a large bag* "Excellent!" mary: nice to meet ya, mr fitz! bram: ....h-hello... mary: what's in the bag there? Fitzgerald: "Oh, hello! I got supplies for our new headquarters!" *pulls out a pot* mary: cool! louisa: ^^; Fitzgerald: "And more!" *pulls out two of the same pot* louisa: j-just how many... ._.; Fitzgerald: "They had a three for one sale! Sales! I forgot how fascinating they are!" bram: *sweatdrop* i thought this guild was....a lot different than this.... louisa: um...a-a lot has happened in the past months.... Fitzgerald: "We downsized." bram:....i can.....see that.... mary: cozy! ^u^ Fitzgerald: "While you were out, I was reviewing plans..." louisa: y-you were? o///o Fitzgerald: "Number 82!" louisa: eh? -one jumpcut later- -an old shed- glasses man:....*sigh* it'll all be over soon now.... -he has a bottle of plating solution and jack Daniels out- ???: "Plating solution? Hardly a decent last drink." glasses man: ?!?! w-who- Fitzgerald: "Don't mind me, Old Sport--just observing." glasses man: ?!?! h-how did you-?! Fitzgerald: "Don't mind me--I'm just observing. Good show on the choice for suicide: self-inflicted gunshot wounds are trite." glasses man: .... Fitzgerald: "When you drink, first your throat and stomach will burn and dissolve. Then there's the unquenchable thirst, ceaseless vomiting, until your organs dissolve...In Layman’s terms; you’re going to have a bad time." glasses man:........ Fitzgerald: "And still, you will be cursed, Dr. Eckleburg...Murderer." eckleburg: I DIDNT DO IT! Fitzgerald: "The video doesn't lie. The video system you yourself designed..." eckleburg: i-i couldnt have done it....yes, we did have a disagreement, and i went to drink it off....i must have collapes and i awoke in front of the building covered in blood...b-but it wasnt me! Fitzgerald: "...Hmm? Oh, sorry." *was staring at his smartphone* "GASP! She was busted for possession?!" eckleburg: D8< Fitzgerald: "Be that as it may, whether you are a criminal or not is not my concern: I will get you acquitted. For a price." eckleburg: r-really? Fitzgerald: "Yes. You will pay me the codes to the individual identification system that you developed." eckleburg: ??? j-just what are you, some kind of detective? Fitzgerald: "Please. I don't do cheap work. I'm a fixer. With powers an ordinary person doesn't have and personal connections, I distort the truth." eckleburg: so you're with the media? Fitzgerald: "Please--I have some self-respect. Now, you have a choice: give up your codes, which will pay me quite well, or the plating solution. Pick your poison." eckleburg: ..... -elsewhere- Giovanni: *inhales* "This is better." *looks at the others assembled* lisa: ...... Sho: *stares at Lisa* "...That is not the dress code." guruna: i wonder what the boss will have to say, kurukurukuru~ lisa:.... seraphim: you havent said a word since you got here... demon get your tongue? Giovanni: "No, I don't keep organs in jars. I put them in the freezer." dahlia:... arrow: ... Giovanni: "...I mean, when does the meeting start?" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Damn...That's a lot of new tech." maki: ^u^ isnt it great? pusupusu: pususu~! ^o^ Vulcan: "??? The other one looks...kind of pissy." meramera: merame! >u< Vulcan: "...And why do you give your flames faces?" maki: it adds to the cuteness! plus the 8th needs a mascot! Vulcan: "...Do the other Brigades have mascots? Like, I don't see some flower as the symbol for the 5th..." -mahasset security office- Fitzgerald: *sets down his tea* "Tepid. Shows the slovenly quality of this company." mr buchanan: my apologies. now, why exactly are you here? Fitzgerald: "I'll get your former subordinate, Dr. Eckleburg, off on the murder charge. You will give me $10,000 as a completion bonus." mr buchanan: and how do you intend to do that? Fitzgerald: "I am a man of persistence--with connections to erase this crime." Lmr buchanan: ....impossible. the security system caught that 4-eyed cretin in the act. we cant afford to save a simple employee. he's the one who started the mess, so it's best to nip it at the bud, am i right? Fitzgerald: "...'Cretin.' If you're going to insult him, do it properly." louisa:... mr buchanan: is that all you wanted?....i see we have no further business here. daisy, if you mind showing mr fitzgerald out. daisy: understood, sir. Fitzgerald: ("Treating a subordinate in such manner...") "How unpleasant." *stands and brushes aside Daisy* "I'm leaving." louisa: *exits along with him* Fitzgerald: *looks around to see whether he is alone with Louisa* "..." louisa: sir? -no one else around- Fitzgerald: "Investigate this incident from the other side. This chairman knows something." louisa: hmmm... -later- rowena: *waiting outside school* Poe: *running, panting, then stops in front of her, bending down and trying to catch his breath...waves* rowena: you seem to be in a hurry, brother, did something happen? Poe: *nods* "Th-The Guild!" rowena: eh? Poe: *holds up a file* "Case! Solve it! Murder!" rowena: ah! so you're going to solve a murder case! *shiny eyes* Poe: "I-I didn't want to...But I wasn't willing to turn down Alcott, my 'comrade in shyness'..." rowena: i see. i wish i could have met her when she was here. perhaps another time... Poe: "I-I'm sorry to do this, but I have to stop by the Agency..." rowena: *frowns* the esper? Poe: "??? You mean Ranpo?" rowena: *nods* you said he doesnt have a gifted ability, but still manages to pull such impossible feats...he must be an esper! Poe: ._.;; "...Okay, let's go with that. In any case, I was going to have him look at the file--" rowena: eh? you're going to ask him? werent you a detective as well? Poe: .____.;;; "...He beats me. All the time." rowena: be honest with me. when was the last time you did _actual_ detective work? Poe: ._____.;;;; "...Writing murder fiction is kind of detective work..." rowena: >3< brotheeeer im being serious here! Poe: *covers his face* "I'm no good at this anymore!" rowena: .... *cheek tug* you're being foolish brother! >n< Poe: TT~TT "What would you have me do?!" rowena: i know you'll find a way. *smiles* i never stopped believing in you. Poe: Q~Q "R-Really?": rowena: *nods* ^^ Poe: *sniff, wipes his nose* QWQ "...Okay! Let's do it!" rowena: yay! but we'll need a plan first. -that night- rowena: *in a janitor's uniform* Poe: *wearing a mustache* "...Maybe this is a bad idea. I should go check on Karl--" rowena: no turning back now! >3< Poe: "!!! Okay! Okay! ...This is the room..." rowena: *looks around. no one*..... hmmmm... *takes the keys out* Poe: "How did you get the keys?" rowena: someone dropped them off for me at the dorm. not sure who. Poe: "!! Don't you find that...suspicious?" rowena: *nods* but it's convenient. -they're in. the room is empty- Poe: "???" rowena: alright. let's begin. Poe: *nods, putting on a glove and removing a UV light* rowena: *keeping guard* Poe: *spots a computer, looks it over...turns it on* *Computer startup chime* Poe: D8 rowena: o.o; *No one has arrived...yet?* Poe: Q~Q *waits for the computer to start up* *The computer appears with a set of users: "Buchanan," "Daisy," "Eckleburg," "Casper"* rowena: ?? Poe: *whispers* " 'Casper'? Was that the name of the deceased coworker...?" *looks at the keyboard* "...What is the password...?" rowena: dust for prints? Poe: *whispers* "Brilliant!" *removes the dust and holds the UV light to see which keys were typed* "Hmm...Wait...0-1-E-T-U-S-G...That spells..." *types* -guest01- *chirp, as Eckleberg's system appears...with a lot of coding* Poe: o_o;;; "This...is beyond me..." *hits a key and the surveillance system comes up* Poe: "That's...video of the murder?" rowena: hmm? *remove filter* !!!! Poe: *small gasp* "Oh no...It's a technology hex that changes people's faces!" rowena: *sweatdrop* -later- lana: zzzzz.... Poe: *unlocks the door, enters--* "!!!" *clutches a hand over his mouth, just staring at Lana* lana: zzzzzz.... Poe: "..." *removes his hand from his mouth* ("The moonlight brings out the fine qualities of her skin. That is not to ignore those flaws to it--but they are flaws that enrich the texture, like the lines on marble.") *tiptoes up to her...* lana: *shifting slightly* zzzzz.... Poe: ("This bed is not fit for such an angel...Granted, the guest bedroom is not, either, but it will be of more comfort than this couch...") "..." .\\\. ("HOW DO I TAKE HER TO THE GUEST BEDROOM WITHOUT HAVING TO TOUCH HER?!") lana: *small yawn* zzzzz Poe: ("...You can do this, Edgar. Just be gentle...Gentle...") "..." *carefully puts his fingers under her back and knees...* lana: *small sleep sounds* Poe: *lifts slowly...he's holding her in his arms* .\\\\\\. ("...MOVE YOUR LEGS, EDGAR! MOVE YOUR BLASTED LEGS!") *takes a step forward--and hears a floorboard creek* o\\\\\\\o;;;; lana: *leaning her head against him, smiling a bit* Poe: O\\\\\\\\\O;;;;;;;; ("I FEEL HER BREATHING ON MY CHEST! WHAT DEVILRY IS THIS?!") *slides past the floorboard, reaches guest room door, which is ajar, and enters...approaches the bed...slowly sets her down* lana: zzzzz... Poe: *completes setting her down...tucks her in...adjusts her pillow* lana: =w= Poe: *stares...smiles* ("Good night...") -morning, during the trial of dr eckleburg- Buchanan: *seated in the audience...smiling* judge: has the verdict been reached? Jury Foreman: "Yes, your honor. We-" -SLAM- eckleburg: ?? Fitzgerald: "OBJECTION!" judge: eh? jury person: who the hell is that guy? judge: we're in the middle of a trial here! D8< Juror #3: "That's that guy from the video game--Professor Layton!" juror 4: *facepalms* judge: if you dont leave this courtroom, i'll find you in contempt and have you thrown in jail! Fitzgerald: "_I_ decide the rules of any room in which I enter! The daydreams of a child at recess are more believable than this farce--so listen to me, you fools!" *holds up a digital recorder--and presses play* voice: 'fine, i'll write you the check. but you forget about what i said about the backdoor and the murder, alright?' buchanan: !!!!! eckleburg: !!!! Fitzgerald: "Yes! This iRys audio recorder (buy one, get three free) captured the entire conversation!" buchanan: t-that must have been some actor speaking! Fitzgerald: "And an actor also signed this check, payable to me, with your signature, for $400,000?" buchanan:.........*JAWDROP* D8 Fitzgerald: "My work here is done. But feel free to continue this farce." *waves as he exits the courtroom* buchanan: *chasing after him* YOU SON OF A BITCH! *collar grab* you're going to throw all that money away for some absurd sense of justice?! neither the check or recording can be used as evidence! they cant prove it was me! Fitzgerald: *smacks away Buchanan's hand* "First, the recording is permissible--I am not a police officer. Second, your behavior is outing you already as guilty. Third..." *small laugh* " 'Justice'? Please. This was about your stocks." buchanan: ??? w-what are you- Fitzgerald: "Just the rumor of you being a murderer is enough to make your stocks plunge. It's already begun..." *holds up a phone, showing the stock market* "I already did short-selling of your stock, grossing 400 million dollars. By tomorrow, your company's stock will be worthless. That was Alcott's plan from the start." buchanan: .....*falls to his knees in shock* you got to be kidding me... all my years of work... -he throws a punch at fitzgerald- Fitzgerald: *catches the punch* buchanan: ?!?!?! Fitzgerald: *$1,000 hand squeeze* buchanan: *SCREAMS IN PAIN* officer: hold it right there! *glares at buchanan* Fitzgerald: "Attempted physical assault...Officer, please be sure to investigate that along with his other crimes." *turns and heads for the exit* -elsewhere- karl: *prodding lana's face* lana: *yaaawn* hmmm? *The scent of tea is coming from the kitchen* lana: *streeetch and heads over* morning edgar... thanks for- *ahem* thanks. 7///7; *taking a seat* so, how did the job go last night? Poe: .\\\\. *he's in an apron baking muffins* "Y-You're welcome...I...It went well. Got the information we needed, my sister and I." *nervous small laugh* lana: ^^ Poe: *sets out tray of muffins* "...Walnut maple muffin?" -elsewhere- louisa: *looking at phone*..... !!!! Fitzgerald: "???" louisa: oh goodness..... -article; family of two murdered in home.- Fitzgerald: "...Oh no..." louisa: how terrible... *holding back tears* -elsewhere- yosano: *reading the paper* victims were chad carson and veronica mckaul-carson... Dazai: "...One of those interviewed by us..." ranpo: *examining autopsy photos* look at the cuts on their necks....they were cut where major arteries are. so the killer had a fairly good sense of knowledge on the human body. and a scalpel was used to do the deed, given the size of the cuts. Dazai: "..." *stares at Yosano* yosano: D8< ranpo: they had a security camera installed. maybe we should check that out? Dazai: *nods* "Let's go." atsushi: right behind you. -and so- Dazai: "Got the video?" atsushi: *nods* -the video shows the couple relaxing at home and someone arrives. a young lady with dark hair. the three talk while the dark-haired woman goes out of the frame. she then returns with tea for the two. – atsushi: ...... -after some time passes in the video, the man collapses and the other woman sits down. the dark-haired woman pulls something from her bag; a scalpel. she then goes over to the man, and slashes his throat as the other woman begins screaming in horror- atsushi: !!!! Dazai: "That's her, isn't it? I remember asking..." -the two seem to be talking, before the dark-haired woman finishes the job on the other. she then looks up at the camera, smiling. she seems to be mouthing 'did i do a good job, master fyodor?'- Dazai: "Can you read lips?" atsushi:....*shakes his head* ranpo: *examines the security system; manhasset security* hmm... Dazai: "Spotted something, Detective?" ranpo: i think i heard this company made some face recognition security system. Dazai: *looks closer* " 'Manhasset'...Weren't they in the news?" ranpo: yeah, but who cares about that. *checking the system* -the dark-haired woman is identified... 'Zoey Lewis'- atsushi:....she looks different from the photo... Dazai: "Yeah--crazy eyes." atsushi: *examines the file*.....wait....isnt this that woman who went missing?! Dazai: "Yep...And she just killed the nurse who was trying to find her." atsushi: *gulp* Dazai: "Ranpo, you know anyone who can read lips? Or someone at Manhasset?" -two days later- eckleburg: i just wanted to thank you so much for all you've done, mr fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: *seated in his new corporate office, reading the newspaper* "How is your reinstatement going?" *pulls out shopping advertisement* eckleburg: well, my work has increased substantially. but it's better than life in prison. *chuckles* Fitzgerald: "The real crime would be to let your talent go to waste...And with the resources of this company now in my hands, especially your Eyes of God, all will help me in my search..." *takes the advertisement, stands, moves towards the exit* -elsewhere- zoey: ......*blankly staring at her scalpel* .....ehehe.... FD: "You did very well." zoey: ah~ *blush* FD: *takes the scalpel from her hand* "And what do you feel after what you did?" zoey:....as long as.....it pleases you....it doesnt really matter how i feel.... FD: *kisses her forehead* "That was the correct answer~" yana: *rolls eyes and gags* FD: "Did you complete all other work that needed to be done in your former friend's house?" -elsewhere- Izuku: "We're not really on-the-ground police...but you think this was a normal killing?" ochako: i dont know. but it's scary to think about. [all might: the villains who stand out are dangerous, but its the ones that lurk in the shadows you should really keep your guard up against...] Izuku: *balling up his hands into fists, shaking* "I-I hope that this killer is pulled from the shadows...because we should stop them!" -elsewhere- Dr. John: "..." *sips her alcohol, shakes* sachiko: ....damn.... Dr. John: *shakes her head* "I-I should have seen this coming..." sachiko: .....*sigh* i will be paying my respects... Dr. John: "...Sachiko?" sachiko: hmm? Dr. John: "...I need DWMA protection." sachiko: ?? melinda? Dr. John: *shakes her head* "I-I can't talk here...Can't you get me inside the school?" sachiko: ...i'll see what i can do.. -elsewhere- Mori: "Well, well, well, this is no good..." naoya: nyeh? Mori: *holds up an empty box of cereal* "We need more. ...What did you think I meant?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...Troubling." kirako: *nod* Kunikida: "We were assigned to find this woman, now she is killing people? What would provoke this reaction? Hallucinogens?" kirako: who can tell.... Kunikida: "Any word from Dazai and Ranpo?" kirako: nothing yet... Kunikida: "Call me the minute they contact you. I will meet with the company boss." kirako: *nods* Kunikida: *approaches boss's door* -elsewhere- Kid: "Father? What is it?" -elsewhere- Rin: "Zzz..." madoka: zzzz....*snuggle* Rin: *cuddles* madoka: =/////= Rin: *kisses her cheek in his sleep* -elsewhere- Hyde: *passed out, dosed in holy water* x___x -elsewhere- Kuro: *asleep atop a stack of textbooks* -elsewhere- Anya: =\\\\= *sigh of relief* tsugumi: hmm? Anya: "A bath is so good..." tsugumi: yeah. mio: oh, and your friend from school won you something in the claw machine. Anya: "???" -elsewhere- yana:.....*glances at the incubator* -inside resembles a small newborn- yana:...soon enough... FD: "Any idea for a name?" yana: *shrug* FD: "Well, keep at it." *pats her head* yana: *nod nod* FD: "Want me to bring other materials? I'm sure Zoey can find some more meat--" yana: i-it'll be fine. *sweatdrop* FD: *shrugs* "Whatever works..." -elsewhere- Shima: *eating a sandwich* -staaaaare- Shima: *suddenly tense* "I KNOW YOU ARE OUT THERE! AND IT WON'T WORK!" *picks up his weapon--and a slip of paper* -silence- Shima: "..." *puts away the paper* unagi: *staaaaare* Shima: *but still clutches his weapon--and dives at a tree* "There you are!" unagi: eep! >-< Shima: "??? Snake priestess?" unagi: <pink haired devil....> 7///7;;; Shima: "?! Hey...What's with that face?" unagi: <.....you have cursed me...> Shima: "???" <...How did _I_ curse you?> unagi: <ever since that night....i've had.....strange feelings....> 7/////7 Shima: <'That night'?> (" 'Strange'?") unagi: <you came in the dead of night, playing that instrument and professing such feelings for me...> Shima: "..." *claps, laughs* <Oh, yeah! Now I remember when I--> "!!!" o\\\\o "...Oh..." unagi: ./////. Shima: o\\\\o <...And you've been...spying on me?> unagi: >->;;;; Shima: <...What did you see me doing?> -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Now, hold the camera..." *in fox form, who then bounces over to Hikage and Hinata* hinata + hikage: *pose* -snap- reimi: got it! Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ "Great! Thank you. Now I just have to finish cooking..." -elsewhere- Higan: "Just got the finishing touches to do..." -elsewhere- Tool: *staring at a 'pet turtle' display at a pet shop* "..." io: O.O Tool: "...Who did this to you, you majestic creatures?" turtle: ^o^ Tool: "...I want a turtle sanctuary..." saki: ^^; Pet Shop Employee: "Sir, may I help--" Tool: *aims sickle at him* "Release. The turtles." Pet Shop Employee: ._.; saki: tuhl, lets put the sickle down. ^^; -elsewhere- Poe: *shaking* owo karl: zzzzz =w= Poe: ("I-I managed to stay calm, have a conversation face-to-face without making a fool of myself...") *instantly spills his tea* D8> karl: *licks the tea* Poe: *lays out a towel rag to soak up the rest* "St-Still not as bad as it could be..." -elsewhere- Emine: *doing homework* "..." -elsewhere- Yohei: -_-; "Stop splashing, kiddo--you're getting more water on the floor than yourself." *holds up squeaky bath toy* toru: uu! ^o^ chie: ^^ *washing toru's hair* Yohei: *silly voice* "Does Toru want Mr. Rubber Ducky?" toru: dukky! chie: ^^ Yohei: "Quack quack quack!" toru: XD Yohei: *squeezes the duck, which makes a squeaky sound* -elsewhere- Bon: *grunts* -elsewhere- mito: zzzzz Chuuya: *petting her, while he looks at photographs* -photos of a younger chuuya and kouyou- Chuuya: ("I was so tiny...unlike now.") mito: *purrs* Chuuya: "She...keeps looking out for me." mito: =w= Chuuya: "...I should do something for her." -elsewhere- Dazai: *standing on his head* atsushi: ?? Dazai: "Helps me think..." atsushi:.....oookay then. Dazai: "Zoey...Hospital...What's the link? Those people missing from the hospital..." atsushi: .......kyouka told me about a man on the camera from earlier? Dazai: "??? A man?" atsushi: *nods* she said you saw a man in the camera at a restaurant? Dazai: *sighs* "Difficult ID'ing him...Looks familiar..." atsushi: hm..... Dazai: "There was one guy I met that looked like him...Even with the tech, it looked blurry." atsushi: hmmm.... Dazai: *sighs, lying down on the floor* "Whoever this guy is, he's hiding his tracks..." -underground- yana: *checking her phone* hmm. seems the 1st brigade handled some stuff i could care less about. FD: "Well, you know, the news needs to cover random stuff to fill up the pages..." *looks over her shoulder--and spots a photo of the 1st--* "!!! Well, _this_ is an interesting development…” barkova: *barking at the photo, drool dripping from her teeth* FD: *pats Barkova's head* "You recognize her too, huh, girl? Our old friend..." yana: hmm? you know these guys? FD: *points to Dia* "One in particular..." yana: hmmm.... {young!dia: *staring in horror, unable to speak*} {FD: *quiet laughter, blood dripping from his hand*} yana: so do we do something about it or just stick with the plan? FD: "Hmm..." *holds up two hands* "Stick to the plan...or have some fun with an old friend...?" barkova: o^o FD: "Meh. Guess it's more responsible to stick to the plan." yana: ah. zoey:...... FD: "I'll finish up the look at the security system. Yana, keep me updated on the little parasite." yana: *nods* FD: "Come along, <my dear>." zoey: of course~ FD: "Time to complete this new software..." *sits at desk* -elsewhere- Spirit: *looking through files* marie: *examining papers* Spirit: "You having any luck?" marie: nothing..*sigh* Spirit: "Nothing either...Sachiko seemed shaken by this..." marie: well, it happened to a coworker, so it's hard not to be...i can kind of relate....the DWMA faces dangerous things all the time....even jo-....*bites her lip* Spirit: *pat pat* marie: *sniff* t-thank you.... Spirit: "Take five...I'll keep looking." marie: n-no, i'll be ok... *wipes eye* Spirit: "...Okay. Let me take this file..." *opens it* -elsewhere- izumi: ...... Montgomery: "Hey...You okay? izumi: yeah....just worried about my mom.... Montgomery: "Oh...She's a doctor, right?" izumi: a nurse, but yeah... Montgomery: "What has she been dealing with?" izumi: stress about this whole murder thing....it was one of her coworkers who died... Montgomery: "Oh...That one in the news? I'm sorry..." izumi: yeah...i dont know how im able to help...she's....been through a lot in life. Montgomery: "...I wish I knew what to say...Not exactly familiar with 'family life'..." izumi: ....sorry to hear that. Montgomery: *shrug* "It happens...Maybe your mom just wants to know you're there?" izumi:...*nods* yeah... Montgomery: "...Does she ever have a lunch break that you could stop by during your lunch break?" izumi: maybe. it might help. Montgomery: "..." -\\\- "Not like I'm looking for more business at the cafe or anything..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "All set." naho: they're gonna love this! Belkia: "Hee hee..." naho: *looks at the banner* -happy birthday tsubaki and lilac- Sakuya: "...Be nice if we had heard from someone else..." naho: hmm? Sakuya: "...Mr. Tsubaki is nowhere to be heard about Lilac?" naho: ....im sure he'll send something. *smiles* Sakuya: "...Better not be lying..." lavender: mail call. Belkia: *claps his hands* "Something for me?" lavender: it's from asakusa? Sakuya: "?!!" naho: *opens the box* there's a letter and a picture in here! *Letter: "To my subclass Lilac: I am sorry I am not there to wish you the happy birthday that you deserve." *inside are chocolate-covered orange slices* naho: awww... Sakuya: *removes another letter* "It's to...Tsubaki." -_-;;;; naho: oh. T_T; lavender: well her birthday is coming up too, so. naho: oh! right! OwO;; Sakuya: "...Do we have to give this to her? It's probably creepy..." tsubaki: hmm? is something going on? Sakuya: "!!!" *hides letter* ^^;; -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *humming* -someone watches from a distance- Twain: *peering through binoculars* girl in overalls: soooo, what're we doin? *swinging on a tree from what looks like a spider thread* girl in glasses: mr steinbeck told us to monitor fitzgerald's next move. man in pink: hard to believe he's head of a security company now. still no clue where nate, margie and eddie are. i hope they're ok... Twain: "Shh!" -they shut up- -peeeeek- Fitzgerald: *sets down his tea* "Hmm...But the other store had peanut butter at a much lower cost..." bram: hmm.. louisa: this is nice ^^ mary: duuuude, they got croutons and everything! Fitzgerald: "??? You like croutons?" mary: yeah, plus the word sounds funny ^^ bram:...ah. *sips tea* Fitzgerald: "Remind me again about your abilities?" mary: i can bring dead animals back to life! i think it has something to do with sending a shock to their soul wavelength or something? and bram can create and control his blood to his whims. he can even make weapons out of it! bram:..... *coughing up blood* urk- louisa: D8 Fitzgerald: "..." *offers a napkin* bram:....t-thanks.... -___- man in pink: oh no! the poor dear. D8> Fitzgerald: *looking at Bram...* bram:....i-its....a side effect...th-that happens a lot.... Fitzgerald: "Ah. Well, we can't have that. Louisa, I think we'll need more orange juice." girl in overalls: who're those guys? Twain: "...New players?" girl in overalls: neato! Twain: "Shh!" girl in overalls: OwO Fitzgerald: "We will have to make room for you in this operation, give you work as we proceed with plans..." mary: okay ^^ Fitzgerald: "And what do you want in exchange?" mary: all we're looking for is a roof over our heads and something to do. bram: i suppose we're just looking for some place to call home. Fitzgerald: "Hmm...Louisa, do you have a plan for using them?" -elsewhere- Poe: ^^;; karl: O.O~? Poe: "I was so busy daydreaming I forgot what I was doing..." *sets out Karl's food* karl: ^u^ *nom nom nom* Poe: *pet pet* "Now to make dreams into realities..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *her head is on fire* .\\\\. kim: *has the extinguisher out* Jacqueline: "J-Just do it already!" -PWSSSSSH- Jacqueline: *covered in foam* ._. "...Thank you." -elsewhere- Mephisto: *setting out coffee and treats* -elsewhere- Arthur: "Have at thee!" sayu: HYA! Arthur: *swings his blade on a low-flame* "I will get you!" sayu: *dodge and kicks him in the junk from behind* Arthur: X_____X *collapses* -elsewhere- Rin: "You can do it, Madoka!" madoka: *hitting targets* shura: *smiles*....... shiemi: way to go, miss kaname! ^o^ Rin: *claps* "Woo!" shura: ..... (thinking: this damn kid's gonna get us in so much trouble...) -elsewhere- Vulcan: *fixing walkie-talkie* "Okay, can you hear me now?" maki: yep, loud and clear. Vulcan: "Awesome..." *walks around* "Surprised you guys let them go to such ill-repair." -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "..." *he's in a closet, shirtless...* ???: *sniffle* Hawthorne: "..." *takes out a chain...* young!hawthorne: *staring at him, bloodstained* Hawthorne: "...Stop that...I have to atone..." young!hawthorne?:....hehehehe.... Hawthorne: *brings the chain down on his own back* "Shut up!" mitchell:......... Hawthorne: *pants* "I...did this all the time...to make up for my sins..." young!hawthorne?: no one will hear us screaming... im scared. im scared! ahaha! Hawthorne: "Shut up...My faith will guide me..." *whips himself again* young!hawthorne?: *broken smile* you killed that man.....monster. *blood dripping from his head* *Whip* Hawthorne: "Shut up...I will work off this sin..." mitchell:...... Hawthorne: "I will..." *whip* "I will..." *whip* "I..." *his hand trembles...he drops the chain and falls to his knees* -silence- Hawthorne: *his back is bleeding...he collapses to the floor in the fetal position* -silence...- Hawthorne: "God...Mitchell...Make it stop..." mitchell?:...s...sa...ave.....me.... Hawthorne: "?!!!" *turns* mitchell:...... -no reply- Hawthorne: "...Speak to me...Please..." -nothing- {mitchell:...i...l...lo...lo...} {Hawthorne: "???"} -silence- Hawthorne: *whimpers* "...Kill..." mitchell:.... Hawthorne: "Kill...that monster..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." gin: ryu? Akutagawa: "Hmm?" *smiles* "Hello." gin: you ok? Akutagawa: "Of course! Isn't that right, Atsushi?" *holds up tiger plushie* gin:..... Akutagawa: QWQ gin:...*pap pap* ryu... Akutagawa: *hugs* gin: just let it out... Akutagawa: "I-I'm not normal...I'm...What is wrong with me?" gin: what do you mean exactly? Akutagawa: "Normal people don't do this. Normal people don't want to do those things to someone like him..." gin: ?? Akutagawa: "...I'm a stalker. A freak." gin: ....*pats his back*..... Akutagawa: "...I'm gay." gin: there's nothing wrong with that. Akutagawa: "...I'm not doing the right thing, am I?" gin: ... -elsewhere- ango:....hey odasaku....i know you probably cant hear me, but.....i just wanted to say hello.....*sigh* of course you wont answer......after what i've done, you probably hate me too......i couldnt blame you.... Dazai: "..." *crosses his arms* ango: !!....dazai.....good to see you.... Dazai: *waves* "...Had the same thought." ango: .....i had some time off....thought i'd come see an old friend.... Dazai: "Hmm...How's he doing?" ango: ...same as always....*sigh*... Dazai: "..." *shoulder pat* ango: ...you still havent forgiven me, huh? Dazai: *holds up a ruler, points at the top* "This is forgiveness." *points at one-inch* "You're about here. Which, incidentally, is Chuuya's height." ango:...*small chuckle* Dazai: "..." *pats Odasaku's tombstone* "Hope you're getting some rest, buddy." ango:.....*wipes his eyes* Dazai: "??? ..." *offers a hanky* ango: t-thanks........*ahem* so....how's life? Dazai: "My student is kicking ass and getting all the girlies." ango:....sounds dandy. 7_.7; Dazai: "How 'bout you? Work keeping you busy?" ango: yeah. often too busy to find a romantic partner. Dazai: "How about just someone to share your bed for the night?" ango:.... 7____.7; i'd try, but walking into those kind of establishments can be a little....embarrassing....i-if you're gonna flaunt, do it in private. Dazai: "...I meant a friend with benefits." *smirk* "What were you thinking?" ango: i-i wasnt thinking anything sexual! >///.<; Dazai: "Ha ha ha!" ("Like old times...") -elsewhere- Montgomery: *wiping tables* -ding- Montgomery: "Yes, hello. Welcome." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...They are not terrible." fang-hua: *nods* they've come a long way. kirei: *nods* Benimaru: "...Hmm. If you were me, how would you reward them?" fang-hua: hmmm.... hmmmmmm..... *in deep thought* Benimaru: "Perhaps I should remove the weights from their ankles..." fang-hua + kirei: *sweatdrop* Relan: *collapsed on the ground* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "I can't figure out the answer to this question..." *holds up homework* chie: need some help, kiddo? setsuna: ^^ Shotaro: *nods* "I'm supposed to show my work..." -elsewhere- Kid: *folding clothes* stocking: hey kid? i could use some help in here. Kid: "Coming." *approaches* stocking: *tied in ropes* mind helping me out here? it's easier to do this with two people...~ Kid: o\\\\o "...H-How did you even get into this symmetrical mesh of ropes?" stocking: practice~ sooo....~ 7///7 Kid: "..." *smirks* "Why the rush?" *rests a hand along her ankle* stocking: i was hoping to surprise you i guess~ Kid: *slides his hand up her leg* "Consider me surprised..." stocking: ahh~ =///T Kid: "Persuade me to loosen these ropes..." *his hand reaches her hip, his other hand resting just under her arm* stocking: oh~ m-maybe i want them tighter~? Kid: *his hands move to the ropes around her waist* "Like this...?" *tugs* stocking: a-ahhh~<3 Kid: *small groan* "These do accentuate your body's natural charm..." *tightens the ropes on her wrists* stocking: oh~! >///< Kid: "Too tight?" *examines her wrist* stocking: *small smile* i-im ok kid. im not made of glass. Kid: *smiles* "You're right..." *a hand rests over her sex* "Still, I want to hear something shatter..." stocking: mmmn~ >///< Kid: *his finger rests along her there, as he leans his head to her arm--and licks* stocking: *soft moan* Kid: *his other hand holds one of her breasts* "These ropes make them look all the more seductive..." stocking: ahh~ Kid: *buries himself in the crook of her neck, kissing her--as his fingers squeeze her nipple* stocking: kiiid~! Kid: "Say you want it..." *he bites her neck lightly* stocking: a-ahh! k-kid! please! Kid: *unbuckles his pants, sliding them and his boxers down, as he holds her wrists* "Say 'pretty please with sugar on top'..." stocking: p-pretty please with sugar on top, babe~? Kid: *smiles, as he removes a condom* "You got it..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, napping* "Zzz..." -elsewhere- mafura:....~? Touma: "Quite a nice day, is it not, Tsurugi?" tsurugi: it certainly is, mr touma, sir~! ^^ Touma: "Indeed..." *pats Mafura's head* "Perhaps it is a day for some outdoor activities." mafura: yay! ^o^ Touma: "I want you to check in on a friend of mine..." mafura: ok! Touma: "I think you'll like her--she's quite trusting..." -elsewhere- Poe: *holding a plate of cookies* owo;;; ghost child: expecting company? Poe: "Maybe? I don't know. Probably not. You know how people's schedules are...Or how they realize they made terrible mistakes and shouldn't come over to visit." *nervous laughter* -knocks- Poe: owo "!!!" *opens the door* lana: *shaking a bit* hey. Poe: *serious* "Lana? What's wrong?" lana: j-just had some trouble on the way, n-nothing major. ^^ (mafura: mr touma said he wanted to see you again.) Poe: " 'Trouble'? Were you harassed?" lana: .... i-it's fine, really. *wipes eyes* Poe: "..." *holds out a napkin* "It doesn't seem that way..." lana: .... *wipes eyes*.... Poe: "..." *sets down cookies, takes her hand* "Come. Sit down..." lana: *sniff* t-thanks. Poe: "...This does not seem like just 'trouble'...Is this something for the police...or detectives?" lana:...i-i dont know... Poe: "...Did they follow you here?" lana: n-no....i got away... Poe: "And who is 'they'?" lana:... Poe: "...You don't have to tell me. I just...hope I can help, either way." lana:....*tears falling as she trembles* Poe: "!!!" *awkward back pat* -she explains everything. and i mean _everything_- Poe: o________o "...Vampires?" lana: i-i know, it all sounds crazy. hell, even i have a hard time believing it... Poe: "And this man...?" lana: *whimpering* he's making my life a living hell...i dont know what to do... Poe: "...You can't let him do this to you..." lana: i-i know...b-but.. -she explains some more, including that he had intentions on targeting him- Poe: ._. *small voice, points at himself* "Me?" lana:....*trembling* im sorry...he's trying to hurt you because i got close to you...im so sorry....*crying* Poe: "..." *hug* lana: ??!! Poe: "You have nothing to apologize for." lana: b-but i... Poe: "This is beyond you...Whoever this monster is, he is the one responsible, not you." lana:.....*crying into his chest* i just want my life back to normal. without him terrorizing me! Poe: .\\\. *pats her back, stroking* "...You've tried to do this alone...I think you need help..." lana: *trembling, still crying* Poe: "...You can't trust the police on this, if he is this powerful...The Agency...?" lana:...i-i dont know what to do...s-should i lay low? and what if he goes after my dad next? Poe: "...He might. Maybe you both need to be somewhere else." lana:.....where do we go? Poe: .w.;;; "...I have many spare rooms." lana: i-is that a good idea....i-if he finds out where you live... Poe: "I will protect you." lana: ..... *small blush* Poe: .\\\. "A-And we have ghosts here! Ghosts can intimidate the scariest person!" *nervous laugh* lana:....*small laugh* Poe: "So...Um...Think about it?" lana:.....ok..... *small kiss on the cheek* thanks, edgar. Poe: o\\\\\w\\\\\o *his brain has stopped working* "G..." lana:.... ?? edgar? are you ok?! Poe: *passes out on couch* lana:.... ^^; Poe: XWX karl: D8 Poe: "...Tea?" -elsewhere- Kid: =\\\\= stocking: *panting*
0 notes