#harmed me but have also made me strong and given me the things i need to help other ppl find their own way... but i cannaught đŸ€Ș it just
hotheadedhero · 3 months
In Unrequited Love
Love and relationships can't be forced but sometimes they can be built on common ground and an understanding of one another's tribulations.
Part 2 here
Donatello x Reader
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Having a crush on someone sucks. Having a crush on someone who has eyes for someone else sucks even more. This is the sad truth of your current circumstances. You knew that high school would come with its challenges but you weren’t prepared for the fact that you’d fall for the careless, hockey-loving maniac from your math class. It began with a casual friendship before feelings deepened on your end. Feelings that wouldn’t seem so terrible were it not for April O’Neil. You have absolutely nothing against the girl but it’s clear as day that she unfortunately has Casey’s heart in her stronghold. It’s not like you could even vent these frustrations, given that the only friends you have happen to be those two people. 
Then, through some shenanigans that seem like the norm for you now, you meet four turtle brothers - one of whom is in the same boat as you. Not to mention, between the very two friends in question. Were it not heartbreaking to witness each other trying your hardest to grab the attention of your crushes, you’d find some humour in this.
You tried hanging out with Raphael more in an attempt to get in close quarters with Casey, seeing as they’re practically tied at the hip, only for you to realise that the rough-and-tumble environment isn’t your strong suit. That’s when they both suggested you try your hand at assisting Donatello in his laboratory given your aptitude for the sciences. What they failed to realise is that you do well in class but that doesn’t inherently mean you enjoy it. Theoretical sciences and learning about how things work are interesting but there aren’t enough practical applications that allow you to engage in the school environment. The closest you’ve gotten to having fun was when you made “elephant toothpaste” for a chemistry lesson but that’s about it. 
Nonetheless, you see no harm in passing by the lab and giving the brainiac brothers a visit. Other than your not-so-subtle pining towards the other humans in the group, nothing has been outwardly mentioned about the situation you are both in. Neither of you has hung out enough to have that conversation. It wouldn’t be weird to talk about it, would it? A query that shall not yet receive an answer seeing as you’ve already knocked on the large, metal door. You walk through the open garage to see a couple of legs poking out from under the battle shell. 
“Huh? Oh! (Y/n), sorry- Ow!” He slides out from beneath the vehicle and rubs the fresh bruise forming on his head. “Sorry, I’m a little busy, right now. I think Leo is watching Space Heroes if you’re looking for someone to hang out with, though.”
“Actually, I came by to see if you needed any help,” you offer, holding your hands behind your back respectfully whilst also trying not to laugh. 
His eyes widen, having not expected such a proposal, and he’s quick to scramble to his feet.  “Oh, okay! Let’s see- uh
 how are you with engine repairs?”
“Depends.” Your tongue clicks contemplatively. “Is it gas, electric, or hybrid?”
“That already tells me you know more than enough,” he chuckles. “Here, I’ll show you.”
He opens the hood of the van to reveal the ensemble of burnt-out parts and overworked mechanisms. The guys’ last mission must have been intense because this engine is almost in complete disarray. Were it not for the fact that your Uncle is a mechanic, you’d be sweating under the pressure of somehow ruining this heap of metal more than it already is. A probability still if you want to jinx your person but that’s getting ahead of yourself. 
Donatello gestures towards a box of spare parts and holds the back of his neck. “These just need to be taken out and replaced. It’s probably the easiest of what needs doing but I also need to finish rewiring the brakes, check the throttle calibration, replenish the weapons ammunition-”
“You need an extra set of hands to get it done quicker,” you cut him off with a smile. “I’ll see what I can do.” 
He bares a gap-toothed smile in response and nods before resuming his initial position beneath the vehicle to finish the brake wiring. This leaves you to begin on your assigned job. For starters, you’re glad that this is a case of piecemeal repair rather than a complete engine rebuild. You’d be out of your depth were that the case. You start by pulling the entire engine out via a hoist, assisted by a load levelling bar so that it doesn’t tilt at a funny angle. Then, you secure it onto a stand and glance over what you’re working with. The crankshaft, piston ring compressor, oil filter, and fan need the most attention, so you start with those first. Just to save the disturbance, you look into a few tutorials on your phone to make sure you’re doing it correctly. 
During this entire time, the two of you work on separate parts of the battle shell in silence, seemingly content with your tasks. By now, Donnie has moved on to tightening the wheels’ lug holes. Admittedly, you had been concerned about a lack of things to talk about but this is a nice settlement. It’s certainly the most relaxed you’ve felt in a while; something to keep you distracted from the quelling of your hopeless romantic attraction. Plus, you have this sense of relief from finally being able to work on something with your hands rather than straining your brain over textbooks and pop quizzes.
"Question,” he starts abruptly, keeping his eyes on the centre cap of the wheel. “What’s it you like so much about that cave mouth?"
First, you blink quickly to yourself, having not expected to get into the nitty gritty of it so soon. So much for being distracted but you can’t be mad. Curiosity isn’t something to be berated. Then, you find yourself snickering at the mildly degrading nickname. The question may appear brash but he’s puzzled by why April seems to like Casey so much. Hearing it from you might give him the insight he needs to turn the odds in his favour. He’ll take anything at this point. 
"I dunno. There's just this air to him that I like. He's an ass, I am well aware of that, but he's fun, you know?” you admit awkwardly. “Psh! Don't ask me to explain it. You can't really put that stuff into words." You squint down at him, lips poised mockingly. "What is it you like about April so much?"
He halts his own task and glances down at his hands, cheeks reddening as he thinks about the girl of his dreams. "She just... had my heart from the first moment I saw her."
"Wow. The first girl you ever see in your life and it's just like that.” Yes, that bit of information is known thanks to our dear Raphael. “'Pretty shallow to fall in love with someone based on looks if you ask me." 
"You would know,” he scoffs sarcastically.
"Now you're calling Casey ugly?” you ask, both playful and moderately offended on your crush’s behalf. “Man, you really don't like him."
"I’m sure the same goes for you with April!"
"Hey! I don't stoop so low into my dissatisfaction of the circumstances to insult her." A wry grin then beckons your lips. "Although~"
"Whatever you think you're going to say, don't."
The staring match doesn't last long, breaking beneath a shared laugh; fond and unwilted by the ache in your hearts, which has been forgotten for a split moment to enjoy each other's company.
From that point on, that’s precisely what you did. More often than not, you found yourself in the confines of his garage, assisting him with the occasional doohickey and thingymabob. Even if there wasn’t much you could help with, you wound up being a decent lab partner in any case. In turn, he would offer to help you with your homework if you had any particularly difficult assignments. Your grades have never looked so good. When neither of you were doing that, you’d simply hang out and rant about little annoyances with your unreciprocated infatuations. 
“I mean, I try some jokes here and there but nothing seems to land,” he concedes begrudgingly, throwing his body weight into the back of his chair.
“Can I hear one?” you inquire as you gently swing around in your own seat. 
His lips press together and he mulls it over before sighing, “Okay, so, you remember how I told you about Metal Head?” You nod, to which he continues, “Well, the first time I took him out for a spin, we were on watch duty together. That’s when I asked her if she likes metal.”
He groans to himself as he replays the memory in his head, only now realising how corny that must have sounded at the time. However, you laugh and not the heckling kind either. Your head tilts back into your chair, knees lifting to compensate for the tension in your shaking stomach. How could April have not loved something as precious as that? The girl must be crazy because that would have worked on you in a heartbeat. 
“You should’ve asked if her favourite dance move is the robot,” you say in between laughs. “No, wait, wait! I got a better one! Ask her out to the circuits for a date!”
Donatello can only smile at your self-induced amusement, happy that there’s an appreciation for nerdy pickup lines and puns. They may not work on his crush - and his brothers sure don’t find them that funny - but he’s glad at least one person around here gets it. 
It felt good to know that you had a friend you could be closer to because of your mutual understanding. For the first time since you realised your feelings for your schoolmate, you didn’t feel so alone. This bond formed on cluttered affection may have seemed unlikely to begin with but who are you to complain now? You and Donnie have a good thing going given your positions. 
That is until your heart diverts its attention towards the very turtle. 
You came to the realisation when he expressed his excitement in showing you his newest invention. The fact that he had called upon you first made you feel special. It made you feel wanted and desired for the first time in your life. A seemingly small phenomenon given how he merely wanted to showcase something to you but the way it had tugged your heart was unparalleled to anything else you had ever experienced - and that smile. You could have happily fawned over that proud grin of proclaimed accomplishment and self-justified pride for the rest of that day. Then, it all came crashing down on you like heaps of scrap in a junkyard. You have fallen for someone who is in love with April. Again. Are you just doomed to fall for any man that crushes this girl? This must be some sick joke. One that you don’t find yourself laughing at. 
It eats away at you for the days - weeks - to come. You can’t console anyone on the matter, either. If any of his family catches wind, there’s a chance of him finding out. An outcome you wish to avoid if possible. As for Casey and April, dear lord you don’t even want to know what would happen if you told them. You’re at square one again just as before: crushing on someone who will never feel the same way about you. Rotting in a pool of your self-made disillusion.
Having a crush on someone sucks.
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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Urna, Buddha's Third Eye Talon Abraxas
Third Eye Chakra Affirmations The third eye is the energy center of intuition and divine wisdom. I will show you how can quickly start energizing this chakra using my favorite 35 third eye chakra affirmations.
Third eye chakra affirmations encourage you to become more connected with your Third Eye or Ajna Chakra.
Affirmations empower and restore your chakra and as a result, you acquire greater self-awareness and razor-sharp intuition.
The Third Eye Chakra seats the eyes of your soul. You will be able to discern the world with greater perspectives when you activate your third eye using affirmations. You will be able to see, hear, and feel the energy around you. You may even be able to perceive psychically and with very strong intuition.
Awakening your Third Eye enables you to comprehend complex concepts and situations you may not have understood in the past.
You will see other angles of your circumstances with sharper vision. You will also be able to communicate thoughts and feelings easily.
Your Third Eye Chakra The word chakra originates from the Sanskrit word for circle or a spinning wheel.
At times, chakras are referred to as the wheels of life. Chakras are aligned in ascending order from the spine’s base to the top of your head.
Chakras have perpetually been referred to as a classical element, an aspect of consciousness and related to bodily functions.
The Third Eye Chakra emanates from between the eyebrows on your forehead.
Essentially, chakras are multiple subtle body focal points used in various ancient practices of meditation.
Denominated collectively as esoteric, inner traditions of Hinduism, also known as Tantra.
The area between the eyebrows is where we direct our attention when doing third eye affirmations.
Early traditions of Hinduism reveal the concept of chakras. Between religions of India, beliefs vary.
Buddhism texts mention five chakras consistently while sources of Hinduism offer six to seven chakras.
Regardless of belief, early Sanskrit text revels meditation visualizations combine mantras and flowers as the physical body’s physical entities.
35 Third Eye Chakra Affirmations
I listen to my deepest intuition
I am in touch with internal guidance
My intuition always works to serve my highest purpose.
I and my intuition are made with perfection
I am blessed with an inner voice.
I always know exactly what to do, all the time.
I am full of wisdom and knowledge.
I always look within when making decisions
My intuition always tells me what to do.
My intuition is never wrong.
I am complete with inner knowing.
We are all growing and learning. I am growing and learning
I was born to fulfill my God-given purpose.
I love discovering new things every day.
I see life everywhere I look.
I am here for a reason.
I accept that I have weaknesses. I accept that I have strengths.
I completely accept myself.
I accept everything my third eye tells me.
I accept the things I cannot change.
I can only control my reactions to things.
I can always see clearly
I am sensitive to the world around me.
I am shielded from harm by my intuition
I can see clearly.
I attract everything I have in my reality.
I am enough as I am
I always know the right thing to do
I live to serve my highest purpose
I was born to serve a greater purpose
I am born with everything I need to survive.
Everything I need to know, I already know
My inner-knowing never fails
I always know exactly what to do in every situation.
I trust my inner guidance
Why Are Affirmations So Powerful? The reason is that words are, like everything else, a type of energy with their own frequency.
There is tremendous power in spoken words.
Words can heal or they can wound. They are powerful and can be used as a powerful weapon. They have the power to recreate your world and alter your life.
The reason that positive affirmations work is because of neuroplasticity, which is a proven scientific principle. Neuroplasticity is the ability to rewire your brain with the power of words. There is a major role that affirmations play in actualizing our subconscious and manifesting desires.
Words can be used to balance your chakras and can have a significant impact on the outcome of your health. One example of the power of affirmations is when we have a positive attitude and feel good about ourselves.
The Energy of Words This raises the body’s vibration into something positive and attracts renewed health, stronger chakra, and as a result clarity of vision, perfect health, a relaxed mind, and total well-being. Holistic tradition suggests that positive affirmations raise your chakra’s frequency and make your energetic body stronger.
When you believe and act as if something you are saying is true, and that you have acquired the outcome you long for, then the more you actualize the affirmation.
Thus when you tell yourself “I am tranquil,” This will affect your energetic chakra body and you will, inevitably, become tranquil. Scientifically, affirmations have been proven to work. The fact that they have been around for centuries means that generations of human beings have reaped the benefits of using affirmations.
The best method of proving that affirmations work is to see for yourself first hand. After a few days, you will notice real results in your life and might finally understand what has made millions of people true believers in the power of affirmations.
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thebottomfromhell · 5 months
Hello! I saw that your asks and requests were open so I decided to slide on in! First and foremost, I hope that you are doing well and are remembering to stay hydrated!
Could I possibly request Upper Moon 4 (main body is preferred, honestly, Hantengu is my favorite) with a fem reader? Just a thought given that we are always protecting and taking care of him, what if there is a time he is the one that needs to protect us? No one harms his human and lives to tell about it. He's brave for that moment, and then once that initial shock of it is over, and everything is alright once more, it sinks in for him as to what just happened, and we are back to taking care of him, but honestly, I could see him loving the praise that is being given to him, soaking that in like a sponge, because he was so brave for us and saved our life, of course we're going to reward and take care of him. Bonus if the clones happen to see this all happening (seeing him be the one to take out the threat just like that instead of one of them being sent in to take care of the threat, slack-jawed, I tell you). Thank you and have a great day/night!
Thank you for the concern. It seems most of my requested One-Shot/Drabbles are about Hantengu's main body, not that I mind, he deserves it.
Here we go, I hope you like it. Since what can be considered a threat changes between demon and human, I made human reader.
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Hantengu (main body) protects Human Female Reader
Warnings: Death of non-character human, Cannibalism, Slight bullying.
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You are not very powerful. You are not a Hashira, nor an Uppermoon. Hantengu, your beloved, is stronger than you, so you would expect him to handle certain things, but in reality he is pretty fragile. His clones serve as compensation to that, they can protect you both, to make sure things are done, do the hard work. In the end, most of the time you have to comfort your partner and little more. Sometimes you have to defend him from the clones, who can and will bully him in their free time.
"Can you stop being so weak? You are a demon! Upper 4 no less! It's embarrasing you can't deal with a low rank slayer by your own! WE ALL KNOW YOU COULD MANAGE IF YOU WANTED, YOU LAZY FUCK!" Sekido complains a lot, even if he himself doesn't do much neither. "Oi! Oi! Hantengu is a scaredy-cat! What is it? Going to cry? Want to look like a pathetic mess for Y/N? Mn?" "He is crying! So cute! So cute! Let me catch him so I can throw him to you, Karaku!" Urogi and Karaku straight up tease him and play too roughly with him, but it seems they are less ill intended than Sekido. And Aizetsu.... "... It's so sad how the Upper 4 demon is so useless. If it wasn't for us and Y/N he would already be dead and forgotten. So pathetic." ... Yeah, let's leave it at that.
But besides the clones? There is really not much to to. The only major threats he has are the sun, which is solved by just finding cover, and the slayers, which are, again, the clone's problem. "Leave him be. He is having a hard time as it is." You comfort him, soothe him, make sure he feels safe, that is mostly your role. You could try to take more of the clones job, but you are not strong enough for that. Also, you love Hantengu, you really do, but even you must admit that he is pretty useless. Not that you mind, you like being able to be in control, and you might be a bit of a masochist, liking a man that is constantly suffering. You are just... a woman of different tastes.
He is safe in the dark, he is safe when he is in small size, in your arms, as you walk him home while the clones hunt and play around. Most of the time is better to leave them at their own shenanigans, specially in days Hantengu is not feeling well. After a breakdown you decided to just take him away and tell the others to fuck off. The thing is... he is safe in the dark, you are not.
While Hantengu has a counted number of individuals that can actually be a threat to him, most of them being other demons, you have most demons to fear. Not only that, when it's dark, you should also be wary of other humans, specially men. You were focusing on comformting your beloved that you didn't notice someone was following you as you walked to your home, you just arrived and closed the door behind you and got ready to go to bed while the demon took a normal size. Knowing the clones they would arrive to hide from the sun. "It's ok, love. Let's go to sleep."
He doesn't really need to sleep, but being able to cuddle with you, head against your clothed breast while you, sleep, being able to hear your heartbeat and breath, is calming. Sometimes he also takes a nap while you are at it. "Ok-ok..." he says, still trembling and sniffing. You carrees his back as he lies on top of you, none of you figuring or minding the precense of a stranger outside.
You wake up sometime later, usually at this hour you rise up to close and cover the windows before going back to sleep, being a rutine by now you can't scape. You do it even when Hantengu isn't here, and now that you notice... he isn't here. His weight and heat is gone, and the more you sense awake you realize... there is a smell of blood. That makes you sit in your bed quickly, but you are still sleepy and too comfortable to move. As you rub your eyes you think that probably the clones returned and brought something to eat. You will have to talk it with Sekido and Aizetsu, because the smell of the corpse is awful. "Why are they always causing troubles?" You mutter to yourself.
You proceed calmy to close the windows in your room and look for the others, but as you go in the hallway you realize the only noise in your house are Hantengus's whimpers. "Hantengu? Are you ok? Where are you?" You ask, but there is no answer. You find him in the kitchen. "WHAT THE-" There is a dead man on the floor of the kitchen, your beloved's hands covered in blood as he holds a broken knife. "He-he-he was trying to steal! He is to blame! He is to blame! I was just trying to protect- " he can't continue as he becomes a sobbing mess. By the look of the kitchen, it seems this man got inside by the window.
The shock is too big for a while, this is the first time someone entered in your house. Once you manage to push it down you go to hug Hantengu, blood honestly being uncomfortable against your clothes, but you tell yourself you can wash it later. "It's ok. You did great. You protected me. Thank you. Well done, you were good to me." And so on as he sobs, calming down against your neck. Yous stay like this until the clones arrive.
"Home sweet ho-.... huh.... this is new." Karaku talks first, also using the window as door, once he is in Urogi does the same. "Food!" He inmediately starts eating the corpse. Sice Aizetsu and Sekido used the door, it takes them a moment to get i to tge kitchen, having a reaction more similar to yours. "What. Happened?" Ask the anger clone. "It seems someone wanted to steal. Hantengu stopped him." Of course Karaku would tease. "Hantengu, eh? Finally grew spine for the sake of your girl? Wanting to be a hero for your lady~?" "No! No! Shut up! Stop bullying me!"
Urogi just chants with his mouth full as he keeps eating. "Hantang's hera! Hantang's hera!" Aizetsu and Sekido look at each other before the anger clone speaks. "Well, it seems you managed by yourself. Congratulations." You chuckle as you pet his back. He sis save you this time. "Poor thief. Probably had a painful death. Who knows why he was here. So sad." Thant only makes Hantengu sob again...
Nothing changes, huh?
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barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
Y'know, Barry was a pretty trusting guy. Like, he didn't think he was too weird or suspicious about many things. Well, he was always suspicious given the nature of anxiety. And probably also weird, now that he thought about it. Actually, he was pretty weird and suspicious about a lot of things, but that's not the point. The point is is that he was trusting, maybe to a fault. And if there was anyone Barry trusted the most, it was himself.
Or rather, the talking coin with his voice. Same difference.
The coin had never led him astray before. Not that he could remember at least, 'cus the coin also said he couldn't remember much. But Barry trusted his past self to do what was right and tell him where to go. He was a smart guy. Dependable. Loyal. Honest.
But man, did he wish the coin would choose less stressful things to have him do.
Usually, he'd be breaking into a dungeon or maybe like, a big cave. This time, he was creeping through the halls of what just seemed to be someone's honest-to-gods home. It wasn't his smartest plan, according to the coin. Barry wouldn't know, considering the coin broke into static when it tried to explain the reasoning. The fact that this house had an intense amount of wards made him feel a little better about breaking and entering. Not a lot better, but enough to convince him that it was okay.
It was nighttime, but moonlight managed to get passed the barely open curtains in the hall. Barry crept further in, trying to keep his footsteps light. He had the coin clutched so tightly in his hand that he was sure there'd be an imprint later. He was- like, he had rogue levels, but he really hated using them. But it was better than attempting magic or trying to haul a heavy-ass sword at an enemy. Plus, this mission needed stealth. He was so stealthy. He was so good at this.
The door down the hall opened. Barry froze.
He didn't know who he was expecting to see, but it certainly wasn't his
 target? Target didn't sound like the right word. He wasn't gonna kill this guy. Probably. His
 soon-to-be-captive? No, he didn't wanna think of it as kidnapping. That felt weird. His
 guy. Whom he was going to take back to his cave. Like a hangout sesh. A good ol' sleepover pal.
"Davenport?" sleepover pal- Davenport, Barry reminded himself- said, tilting his head at Barry.
"Hey," Barry whispered, trying to keep his voice down. If the coin was correct, there was one other person in the building and he was not looking to run into her. He took a careful, silent step forward. Davenport shrunk back a little into his room. "I'm uh- Barry Bluejeans. Nice to meet 'cha. Again. Kinda."
"Davenport," Davenport said.
There was a feeling of
 something in his chest. This didn't feel right. Part of him had expected Davenport to be like, a big strong gnome. A brilliant scientist and adventurer, as the coin had said. But looking at him here, all Barry felt was
 loss. Grief. He looked like an overgrown kid, wearing a large pajama shirt that hung past his knees. This wasn't- this wasn't right. Davenport was- he was supposed to be different.
"I mean no harm," Barry said. He tucked the coin into his pocket and then held up his hands. "Really. Just wanted to, uhm. Talk to ya for a bit."
"Davenport," Davenport said doubtfully.
"Right," Barry said. "Just talking! No- no funny business, no games-"
Man. He couldn't kidnap this guy. That would feel so wrong. He checked over his shoulder at the other door down the hall, but it stayed firmly shut. Barry swallowed. He reached into his pocket and Davenport took another step back. Barry hurriedly drew a pack of cards out.
Davenport looked like he didn't know what to make of him. Understandable. Barry didn't know what to make of himself either. But if he couldn't bring himself to kidnap this guy- and oh, he could already hear the coin complaining and breaking off into a staticky rant- he might as well have an honest-to-gods conversation with the man.
"My, uhm, sources tell me you like cards," Barry said, holding the deck out like an olive branch. "Wanna play some go fish?"
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endermen-impasta · 6 months
Rise of the TMNT: Future Study... Kinda
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(( about this dude and the messy future reference in the movie ))
-- Someone made a post about the picture Casey had and how it didn't match up from Casey going to the day the war started, how the Kraang was fast to take over, so on so forth. If you don't know what I'm talking about... I kinda forgot who made that post and didn't like it BUT! I have another thing that tripped me up while watching the movie (( that IDK if someone has pointed out. )) Let's go to the time right after Raph got captured by the Kraang.
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-- This moment right here --
-- Leo and Casey have a back and forth, Leo is clearly upset by Raph being captured and fears what could happen to Raph if he doesn't get rescued, clearly understanding how harmful the Kraang can be now (( since he had a near death experience and they hurt Raph -- Raph the brother seen as strong, sweet, and overall invincible { similar to how a child thinks of their parent / parents at a young age} ))
-- As all the same Casey is just focused on making sure the world and Leo survives and doesn't have to go through the hardship that he has to go through. (( clearly the highest important person to him due to seeing -- or at least being told as a kid -- the other brothers die and not having a connected relationship to )) In the moment Casey is also distressed over the fact that he FAILED the only mission he was given from the person he adored. To Casey he needed to complete the mission, not only to save the entire world from complete distortion but to him it was some sort of last task to do so Future Leonardo could rest in peace, knowing that everyone is fine.
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-- Whenever Casey was presented with the object he wanted to get, Casey was relieved not thinking about how Raph would be in danger. As soon as Casey said "Nice" (( clearly being an apathetic thought at first )) Leo starts to go off how it's not "fine" or "nice" going over how they captured Raph, which caused Casey to rethink what he should be thinking of. At a stand point of silence Leo ALMOST realized something (( that would be considered completely wrong ))
-- He says "He's from the future, he knew this would happen" (( referencing that Casey is at blame for the events that happened and completely at fault for not warning them ))
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-- To this Casey responds with "I didn't know this would happen, it didn't happen in my time." --
-- Let's take a step back. Casey is about the age of Leo and Donnie, (( sixteen years old )) and in the future Leo was thirty / forty before he died. Getting those ages Casey would've been alive when Leo was about twenty something years old. He wouldn't know about what happened the day of the invasion (( unless someone explained it to him -- which to the story the resistance told kids how the sky ripped open and started chaos, no one went into detail about what actually happened, or the whole day was fuzzy, some sort of forgotten memory as a way to survive the war at hand. ))
-- That scene is confusing, being that someone remembering what happened on the day of the invasion being next to nothing and how Casey knew what happened that day without even being a thought in someone's brain yet. He was an UNBORN, literally.
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-- From that scene and on they went through an entire trauma enhanced movie and at the end, everyone got the good old cold glass of "here's-some-trauma-that-will-never-go-away-and-affect-your-entire-life-at-every-hour-of-your-living-breath"... So refreshing... That's all that I wanted to go over for now... I WILL be back to hyper analyze some more scenes, but for now I'ma run off and go into a coma.
(( Update, it was THIS post ))
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fantasyfantasygames · 4 months
We Were The First
We Were The First, Starfather Games, 2009
You know how some sci-fi settings have one particular alien species that is "the eldest", first in the universe to attain starflight, providing wise guidance to the newer species? No? Well, it's an older trope, it's not as in vogue any more, and it was already getting subverted by the time Babylon 5 came around. But this game puts an interesting twist on it.
You see, in this universe, humans are The First Ones. The game is set in the distant future, after humanity has made contact with dozens of other life forms. We also have a Great Disaster in our past, perhaps even the destruction of Earth itself. We Were The First (WWtF, not to be confused with W:tF) has your characters attempting to make peaceful contact with strange aliens and help them avoid the kinds of mistakes your people made in the past.
Violence is a failure state. The entire combat system goes like this: "You can shrug off any harm done to you. If you try to harm someone else or win a fight, you succeed. However, you lose something important that you have gained or could gain this session." The few weapons you bring with you are immensely more powerful than anything you're going to run into, so someone who attacks you just wastes their time. The moment you start striking back, you've lost. Negotiation, give-and-take, and empathy-building are the game's key subsystems.
Core stats are fairly simple, consisting of Professions (Diplomat, Trader, Spacer, etc.) and some Resistances (Tenacity, Wisdom, and Calm). The complex part is your relationships with others. Each relationship has a rating from 1-3, and a Sentiment (love, curiosity, deference, obsession, etc.). You have to have some positive-emotion Sentiments and some negative. You can even have multiple relationships with the same person - You might have Love 2 and Curiosity 1, or even Love 2 and Hate 3 and Obsession 2 all with the same person. It can be a fair amount to keep track of. Luckily it borrows the Exalted 3rd rule of "If it makes sense that you have a particular rating with this person, just write it down when you need it. It doesn't have to be on your character sheet beforehand." Really, the relationship system is very close to Exalted's "intimacies". Building and changing them is a core part of the system.
The random alien and planet tables are my favorite. They flow together such that one roll modifies percentages for other rolls. Certain types of aliens are more likely on certain types of planets, and certain planet types are more likely around certain star types. Communication type, sensorium, mobility, closest Earth equivalent for visual description purposes, linguistic compatibility, emotional spectrum differences... they cover a lot. You roll up how many governments there are, what types they are, who they send as their first-contact teams, what their religions are like, and more. For some people this would be overkill, but they're really well-designed and I like them.
The biggest place where WWtF fails is that it doesn't explain why the ship is entirely humans. Why don't any of the other alien species in the Galactic Unity come along? A few half-assed rationales are given, the best of which is that they have their own ships with different life-support systems, but even that doesn't hold much water for me. It feels like a plot hole. If you can get past that, this game gets a strong recommend from me.
WWtF is distributed as a file package is compatible with Obsidian, Zim, TiddlyWiki, and other desktop wiki things. You can theoretically also just open it with a web browser.
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thisisthinprivilege · 5 months
ANONYMOUS PLEASE <3 I’m at my wit’s end with my mother. I wanted to complain about her fatphobia, and I also wanted to you thank you for how reading here has helped me and my sisters. 
I’m a small fat in my 40s. I’ve been a bigger fat, and I’ve also been very, very skinny. I developed anorexia at about age 6 due to the usual issues one develops that from and was thinner than thin until I finally started to actually recover. I got very fat very quickly on the drugs I was put on, then dropped down in size to small fat once I stabilized and didn’t need them. No idea what my “comfortable” or “natural” size would have been without so much damage, but I’m going to guess “about this”, since it’s what I am when I’m neither restricting to the point of heart damage, nor on drugs that also made me sick in many other ways. For me, a comfortable size is the size I have when I’m not actively altering it in ways that hurt me, so I’m not going to question it.
My next younger sister, however, is a bigger fat, and pretty much always has been. In her 30s, she’s fat in a way that does restrict her clothing options and employment (she once told me that an interviewer had given her “feedback” on a job interview, and it was that she looked “sloppy”. She was wearing perfectly nice, clean, pressed, professional clothes- and expensive clothes of course, as that’s the rule for bigger clothes as we know. She was just fat in them.) Being “healthy” doesn’t really matter to this - and indeed if it did I wouldn’t have half of this rant - but she is. Fit and strong, great at physical things like endurance sports in a way I never have been. She is also perhaps the most self-aware and level-headed person I have ever met about stuff like this. When what people say bothers her, she will discuss her feelings and not try to hide them or their impact, but she will also deconstruct, and conclude that what the person has said is stupid. So it’s like she neither tries to pretend she’s immune to harm, nor allows others to be right in hurting her. 
And she eats exactly what she wants, and since we’re both autistic this also includes pickiness on sensory stuff - she doesn’t eat what she doesn’t want to, and does eat what she does. She was a great person to be around during my recovery, even though I never even mentioned to her at the time that I was in it (I didn’t tell anyone in my family about it until years later,) just because she made food such a non-issue. 
And our mother will not shut up about her size. Our mother is also fat, we’re a fat family, but my mother decided years ago that I am the one to make my sister “address her weight.” I literally left the country to get away from my family (not related to this specifically) and she STILL emails me about it. I don’t respond to those emails. I DO have lovely chats with my beloved sister on Skype though. 
I have tried all your scripts with my mom before - the team here have SO many great scripts that have worked wonderfully for me in other situations, like work or friend groups. I have told my mother I don’t agree, many times backed up with sources (sources thanks to you!) I have told her I’m not interested in the conversation and have hung up or walked away when she has persisted. I’ve called her out when she tries it on in public on multiple occasions. She will not stop. She is convinced that my extremely wonderful, fit and thriving, very happy sister is at death’s door. She’s also convinced that I, a person who has been repeatedly hospitalized for ED and the mental complications that caused it (which she now knows all about, and in fact did visit me in hospital the last time I was in, which was only a few years ago by the way) am the person to talk to her about it and make her see the error of her ways. My sister and I talk quite openly about this, and we’re both agreed our mother is full of shit and we’ll both be ignoring this. We both have also decided to persist in having a relationship with her, though with BIG boundaries around it. (Trust me, this fat bullshit is the thin edge of the wedge with her, and we’re both VERY exacting about when we will talk to her and what about. But we also both love our mother, and she’s the only parent we have.) The thing I’m most struggling with I think is that as I said, our mother is also fat. I actually feel some real sympathy here as I’m aware she’s clearly projecting her own issues on both of her daughters, but god is it mean. She couldn’t see how sick I was when I was skinny, even though I was very literally beginning to die (in fact, all she had to say to me was to mention my weight when I got fat) and she can’t see how happy my sister is in her life, because she’s fat so can’t possibly be happy, and she’s still, now, as perhaps some last gasp of control, attempting to make us fight each other over it. 
It hasn’t worked, thankfully, and it never will.
My mom has many other issues, I’m sure, but my god, it is sometimes quite astounding to look at what hell fatphobia hath wrought on my mom’s psyche and ideas of being a parent. I’m grateful my sister(s) and I instead read blogs like this so we’ll hopefully pass a lot less of this on. So I guess this rant is half a complaint and half a thanks. It’s been really helpful to be able to come here and read, for both of us (and our younger sisters as well, who we are steadily converting), to remind ourselves that mom’s wrong. My sister is fat and an exceptional person. I’m fat now too, and the world didn’t end (and in fact actually got a lot better.) Our mom is just plain fucking wrong.    Anyway, thank you. I know you’re not planning to be as active with new posts lately, but please know that you’ve been wonderful this whole time, and keeping your archives up is of immense help to at least this one group of sisters. It's been awesome to relay one of the younger ones to an older post from time to time (actually quite a few times!) Note: I wanted to tag ED as I do mention it but I don't see it in the list of tags under submission. I tagged "trigger warning", "Weightloss", and "food" to hopefully cover it. 
Apologies for the first post of this.
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uranium-city · 10 months
as an aspiring storyteller & writer i find analyzing what works & what doesn’t work in media to be incredibly important. not only does it help us realize where we may have made mistakes in our writing & how to improve going forward, but it also helps understand why certain stories work so well. it helps us realize why critically acclaimed media is so critically acclaimed & appreciate the thought, care, & intelligence that went into making it so special. without criticism- all that thought loses its meaning. bland stories become indistinct from the incredible ones & all the deeply well thought out plot points & messages wash away into a sea of poor &/or lazy writing. we need criticism to appreciate strong writing. being critical of your interests- whether it be a highly acclaimed film or a weaker piece of media that you hold deadly despite its flaws- shows maturity, media literacy, & overall the beauty of how different stories resonate so deeply with people regardless of its issues. that’s why the way Vivziepop responds to criticism irks me on such a strong level. Helluva Boss is a very poorly written show (in my humble opinion, at least). Season 2 has retconned a ridiculous amount of things established season 1 (most notably Stolas’ entire character), has a massive problem with maintaining tone, jumps around from plot to plot by introducing new threat after new threat only to abandoned that threat by introducing a new one the next episode, struggles with developing its own main & supporting characters, & perhaps most offensively of all often comes off as downright fetish-y of gay men. These are all valid criticisms, all of which Vivziepop tries to dismiss as “baseless & unfair”. She claims she respects fair criticism yet never makes a distinction between what is fair & unfair, treating everything as the latter, going on twitter rampages where she attempts to defend her writing decisions & ridicules anyone who dare challenge them. If Vivziepop believes she’s writing the show in the optimal way, fine. If she doesn’t want to listen to criticism & continues to take Helluva Boss in the direction it’s currently going, fine. so be it. She’s in such a unique position where she’s so close to her audience & actively listening to their criticisms, I personally don’t understand why one wouldn’t try to take advantage of that to better their show, but at the same time I can understand having a set story in mind & wanting to take it your way despite what anyone else says. It can be frustrating to have everyone telling you you’re doing your passion project wrong- i get that. but in that case- just continue writing the show how you want, ignore the criticism, & stop having hissy fits on twitter calling people homophobic for not liking your writing (seriously what the fuck? that’s laughable of her to saying given how she writes her gay characters, just saying). Your writing should speak for itself, you shouldn’t have to defend it by crying on twitter. Dismissing all criticism & trying to paint the narrative that you’re nothing more than a victim with a hatedom out to get you is BAFFLINGLY immature ESPECIALLY as someone in their 30s. It only bothers me so much because she’s actively fostering an environment that dismisses criticism which i think is genuinely harmful. & as much as Helluva tries to be an adult show, let’s be real here, a majority of its audience are teenagers who look up to Viv & if THIS is the mindset they end up developing surrounding criticism I think it could genuinely be a problem in regards to their media literacy in the future. People can like Helluva Boss, people can ignore its flaws, but that kind of relationship with criticism is not healthy. at all.
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chaikachi · 10 months
Hey radical spicy hot take but Trapdoor is 100% a ruby song. And. Trapdoor is 100% a oscar song. They are a mirror to each other. They are put on the same pedestal. They bear the same weight. They occupy the same space, simultaneously, impossibly. Do you see my vision?
anono... how does it feel to have such a big brain. all songs are rg songs if you try hard enough. đŸ˜€
Yes, Trapdoor is first and foremost a Ruby song, but her and Oscar are 100% mirrors living such similar character arcs. I could talk about all those parallels in a post all their own (one day), but for now a really good example is actually comparing Trapdoor to Sky is Falling (thank you @greenteaandtattoos for pointing it out first).
I'm gonna ramble a bit
Trapdoor is a song about the weight Ruby has been carrying. How she has tried so hard and how it's seemingly done more harm than good. It talks about how she doesn't feel seen or heard or needed, let alone wanted. How she's losing herself. How she feels like a trapdoor, part of the floorboards being walked on and unnoticeable. How one more step is all it might take for her to break and fall further into the depths below. And simultaneously like a trap that will lead all her friends to ruin.
And Sky is Falling (in my opinion) is a song about the weight Oscar has been carrying. How he's struggling with moving forward in light of everything he's been through and everything they've lost. The song itself is cited as referencing the original Henny Penny (aka Chicken Little) fairytale since it's a story that uses the song's title as a cry wolf for fearing the end of the world. But that feels a bit like a red herring to me. Or at least not like the whole picture.
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The original myth of Atlas and the weight of the world isn't actually about the god holding the world on his shoulders. It's about him holding up the sky. So whether you read it as Oscar struggling with what to do given Atlas is falling... or struggling with how to move after Ruby falls, (Ruby, who was holding Atlas on her shoulders. So when she fell, so to did the city in the sky) is up to interpretation.
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Some examples of how the songs mirror each other a bit tho:
Though I try to keep the hope alive
Sky is Falling
Lost all my hopes and dreams
Watch it all Unfold As I Cascade below Frozen In the darkest moment I can't bear the weight I hold
Sky is Falling
Starin' at the casket, hopin' to move past it Knowin' things will never be the same, and that's it Cold soaked as I'm standin' in rain Feelin' nothin' but pain until I see you again
Both of them struggling to hold onto hope. Both of them struggling with the cold of grief. The water imagery in "cascading" and "rain". The feeling of drowning. How to keep moving in the face of it all.
Also just on the topic of them being mirrors, it's interesting how many of these songs can so easily link back together. Trust Love's "open up your eyes" to Sky is Falling's "cover up your eyes". Then Sky is Falling's direct parallel, Touch the Sky. In my opinion, this song talks about both of them. The first verse is very Oscar "Little Prince" Pine, but especially this part:
I'm soarin' like I never have before Flying self-assured and free And I somehow feel I finally feel like me I looked in the mirror and I gotta say It's been a long, long time since I felt this way Right now, I'm just a bit surprised 'Cause I feel just fine and I might just touch the sky
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And then directly towards Ruby's ascension in the second verse:
Open doors and so much hope in front of me Full of confidence, every challenge crushed My heart's electric, racing endlessly Feeling like the stars have all aligned Illuminate the darkness that was blinding me Now I'm positive that it's my time to shineI will explode, you'll see me rise You may not even recognize I just can't wait for this reveal
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But also... very strong argument can be made that both verses apply to both of them. Finally feeling like themselves, the people they've wanted to be, the ones they're meant to be. These kids and their identity issues... But especially cause, um, Ruby isn't the only one that explodes.
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So to summarize, Oscar looked in the mirror - not the mirror that showed Oz's reflection, but the mirror he sees in Ruby - and he became more like himself. Influenced by the hope she inspires.
And Ruby, like Alice, fell through the looking glass. But in the Ever After the only Oscar that was there to stare back at her wasn't a reflection of hope, it was was one of fear.
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So she had no choice but to fall further and looked inward. Until she found the hope that was always inside her. The hope Oscar always knew was there because he sees her.
And the fact that Ruby's hope, her motivation, has always been "the people she hasn't lost yet". And how Oscar is the only living companion Neo 'kills' to hurt her. I'm getting so off track here but...
The Parallels. It's CINEMA.
They make me UNWELL.
Edit: I ended up just talking a bit about how they're mirrors through song and not so much Trapdoor from an Oscar lens. It is so strongly a Ruby song to me that it's hard to apply to him, even if it does fit him in some ways as well. All alone in crowded rooms and all that.
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pizzaapplecheese · 7 months
I like LMK, but I will admit some of their writing decisions are a bit... atrocious. Don't get me wrong, I love the story and characters, but sometimes I wonder what is the point of the changes they make. The samadhi fire being one of them.
It is honestly one of the most useless and confusing change I have ever seen with no justification. I am going to break it down to 3 reasons why I believe this.
Nothing needed to be changed.
This is one of my biggest gripe with this change is that it doesn't even NEEDED to be changed. The Samadhi fire could still have been sealed without making Redson a newborn (thus removing the whole section where he was forced to become a disciple of Guanyin and being the whole reason why both the Demon Bull King and his brother who guarded the abortion water was angry at Wukong). It is as simple as having it be Guanyin who ordered it. At this point Redboy was Guanyin's responsibility, so why not have her ask the pilgrims to do the ritual. Both the sealing and Redson becoming a disciple can co-exist it isn't something mutually exclusive.
2. Reduces one of Redson's main character trait and takes away exploration of a complex relationship
Unlike in the show, Redson wasn't born with the Samadhi fire, he worked for it. Which outside of his devotion for his parent's admiration, isn't really explored that much. He is a very strong character in book (he caused Wukong to have a breakdown and even made him to NEED Guanyin's help in handling him, the same Sun Wukong who only the Buddha was able to stop during his havoc in heaven) and it feels a bit disappointing to see him be reduced so much in the show.
The Samadhi fire being sealed when he was older and more aware is such an interesting concept as the shift of strength would always be something to be hanged over for Redson. It would be like taking away Wukong's shapeshifting, like sure Wukong can still do many things, but he is significantly weakened. This goes back to Redson's main trait, HE IS A HARDWORKER, in the show he engineers a lot, building many bull clones and used a machine to help take Wukong's staff out. It makes sense for him to search for alternatives to help him match his previous strength or work around the issues the sealing have given him. I will be honest Redson is an overachiever, he constantly works hard on being number 1 in everything he does, he is not the type of character would have this stop him.
Also it makes such a good exploration of the complex family dynamic of the bull family. To DBK and PIF this would obviously have been seen as a bad thing ("not only did Wukong made his son a slave of Guanyin and beat him up, but he even help took away his power!" <- biased) they have every right to be angry and might even dabble a bit of behaviour that parents with disabled child would react (ie. grieving his past self and treating this something pitiful) which would definitely not help with Redson's overachieving behaviour which honestly gives more reasons why he is like that. The dinner scene would make a good moment to show the contrast between Redson and his parents because they do love each other, but the way his parents express it is harmful (they are trying at least) they would have been too busy being upset to actually think to consider Redson's own views of the situation. Like I can definitely hear DBK talking about Redson in his younger years as an unstoppable force who could conquer the world if he wanted to, until Guanyin came around and forced him to weakened out of fear and jealousy (cough cough biased narrator).
3. confuses the story
I don't feel as if I need to explain this one, but it really does confuse the story a bit. If it wasn't because the Redson situation, why did they fight in the first place? What happened in between sealing the Samadhi fire and placing DBK under a mountain? The show never explained that and juging how DBK's relationship with Wukong is constantly overshadowed in the show in favour of SEM I doubt we will ever know.
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moonlit-positivity · 1 month
One thing Ive noticed as a huge baseline for abuse victims, is that we all have this notion that "nobody gives a fuck about me anyway, nobody loves me, I don't matter in this world, why even bother." And honestly, it's horrific that youve ever had to be in situations where someone has made you feel so insignificant and small and weak and feeble to the point of grovelling for the standard breadcrumb of attention that has to reaffirm all these horrific things you've been told about yourself.
Not to mention, that it hurts. It hurts to be finally told, "I care about you." It hurts because 1) this is clearly a set up, right? Why would you say something so obviously set as a trap to get me invested when you're just gonna up and leave like everyone else has my entire life? And 2) it hurts because youve never had that said to you, ever, and it's scary. It's scary because, what if they're really being nice and genuine? And, what does that mean about me? What does that mean about how ive been treated my whole life?
This can be the direct effect of being abused, gaslit, humiliated, and degraded your whole life. You go around believing it, and only seeing the bad and the pain and the suffering, because that's how theyve groomed you your entire life.
Please, please know that this is so standard for people like us, who have been through horrific horrors beyond belief. Please remember that this is a normal trauma response. You've had to endure so much harm, so much pain and suffering, and not only did you have to endure it, you had others witness it and do nothing in response. It is actually so normal and so healthy to have the negative reactions and responses that are a natural and direct effect of what youve experienced.
But also, please know, that there can be a time when it's ready to shed that alignment. You will meet others who will hold space for your trauma, and you will be seen and heard and validated and shown that there is still so much empathy and compassion to be found in this world. And yes, it will hurt. It will hurt because no one's ever given that to you before.
Please be strong. Please embrace that warmth and compassion for all you're worth. It can feel painful, but please know, it's not because you're a bad person. It's because of the people who hurt you this bad. Please know that you deserve to take that pain and suffering and throw it back at them. Use that discomfort to propel you into a better life. Use it to carve your future the way you'd want it to be. Hell, use it to give yourself a future to look for. There is no need for you to suffer so hard anymore. All that self hate, self sabotage, self harm? You can let that go anytime you're ready. We are right here with you.
Take care of yourselves 🌾
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talonabraxas · 20 days
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Urna, Buddha’s Third Eye Talon Abraxas
Third Eye Chakra Affirmations
The third eye is the energy center of intuition and divine wisdom. I will show you how can quickly start energizing this chakra using my favorite 35 third eye chakra affirmations.
Third eye chakra affirmations encourage you to become more connected with your Third Eye or Ajna Chakra.
Affirmations empower and restore your chakra and as a result, you acquire greater self-awareness and razor-sharp intuition.
The Third Eye Chakra seats the eyes of your soul. You will be able to discern the world with greater perspectives when you activate your third eye using affirmations. You will be able to see, hear, and feel the energy around you. You may even be able to perceive psychically and with very strong intuition.
Awakening your Third Eye enables you to comprehend complex concepts and situations you may not have understood in the past.
You will see other angles of your circumstances with sharper vision. You will also be able to communicate thoughts and feelings easily.
Your Third Eye Chakra
The word chakra originates from the Sanskrit word for circle or a spinning wheel.
At times, chakras are referred to as the wheels of life. Chakras are aligned in ascending order from the spine’s base to the top of your head.
Chakras have perpetually been referred to as a classical element, an aspect of consciousness and related to bodily functions.
The Third Eye Chakra emanates from between the eyebrows on your forehead.
Essentially, chakras are multiple subtle body focal points used in various ancient practices of meditation.
Denominated collectively as esoteric, inner traditions of Hinduism, also known as Tantra.
The area between the eyebrows is where we direct our attention when doing third eye affirmations.
Early traditions of Hinduism reveal the concept of chakras. Between religions of India, beliefs vary.
Buddhism texts mention five chakras consistently while sources of Hinduism offer six to seven chakras.
Regardless of belief, early Sanskrit text revels meditation visualizations combine mantras and flowers as the physical body’s physical entities.
35 Third Eye Chakra Affirmations
1. I listen to my deepest intuition
2. I am in touch with internal guidance
3. My intuition always works to serve my highest purpose.
4. I and my intuition are made with perfection
5. I am blessed with an inner voice.
6. I always know exactly what to do, all the time.
7. I am full of wisdom and knowledge.
8. I always look within when making decisions
9. My intuition always tells me what to do.
10. My intuition is never wrong.
11. I am complete with inner knowing.
12. We are all growing and learning. I am growing and learning
13. I was born to fulfill my God-given purpose.
14. I love discovering new things every day.
15. I see life everywhere I look.
16. I am here for a reason.
17. I accept that I have weaknesses. I accept that I have strengths.
18. I completely accept myself.
19. I accept everything my third eye tells me.
20. I accept the things I cannot change.
21. I can only control my reactions to things.
22. I can always see clearly
23. I am sensitive to the world around me.
24. I am shielded from harm by my intuition
25. I can see clearly.
26. I attract everything I have in my reality.
27. I am enough as I am
28. I always know the right thing to do
29. I live to serve my highest purpose
30. I was born to serve a greater purpose
31. I am born with everything I need to survive.
32. Everything I need to know, I already know
33. My inner-knowing never fails
34. I always know exactly what to do in every situation.
35. I trust my inner guidance
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
Vivziepop recently made a Collab with NazFX on Twitter who's releasing a Loona remake tomorrow. It appears she has collabed with this person twice? In the link I'm sending is a video of a white Alastor plush. My favorite character in the Hazbin Hotel series is whitewashed to oblivion again! Like WTF, Look at him? Why is he so white 😭? WHY IS HE STILL BEING PORTRAYED AS A NON BLACK CHARACTER? First it was Sallie May that was overly sexualized for being a trans woman which insulted the community and got a lot of backlash, then making another transmasc character Cis which got more backlash and now we're pushing for anti black, white Alastor! I encourage others not to buy from Viv or get the Loona plush to pocket her pockets because she's anti black and is absolutely terrible at portraying black characters, characters with different ethnic backgrounds in general or just LGBT characters. Vivziepop is not a spectacular person with great ideas. She can't represent characters period!
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This is "OOAK." Not a collab. It's fanmade.
I get your concern, but please provide clear evidence before making accusations like this. Though yes... Vivziepop does whitewash him still, in fact, she made him lighter after the backlash about the Vodou representation, something fans and non-fans alike were disgusted by her doing this kind of anti-black behavior, and kept the symobols in the episode- just more hidden now.
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Look at Vortex, look at how this character is drawn, look at how the muscles are emphasized while the white muscular characters are drawn otherwise normally or with Ozzie, have skinny arms.
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Look at how they drew the white muscular characters and their anatomy compared to Vortex and try to tell me that there was "no anti-blackness" involved here. The white men have even anatomy, while for Vortex, it's emphasized to hell and back, and he's given almost no sympathy for being a slave, while Loona is multiple times just because she's white coded despite being Hell's equivalent to how black people were/are treated. Yet for Vortex, he's not sympathized with, even in his debut, and is only animated to "look intimidating" and to be violent while also having not a single black person influencing his writing. He's just meant to be the "token strong black man" while Coco and the rest of the background characters are put their for brownie points while we get no respect from these writers underneath this narrative. It's hypocritical, selfish, and downright racially insensitive. These stereotypes are far from "harmless", especially today with the newest Helluva Boss episode and how it relates to the harmful stigma against drag queens.
The fetishization of trans, drag, and black lives hurts us.
These stereotypes are not "comedy", they're reputational harm.
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-while the other black characters are whitewashed and given names like "Coco" based on their skin. You can actually tell that the direction of this show had not a single black say on these shows, at all.
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HB also made over half of their main poc characters succubi as an excuse to fetishize us. It's just hentai for minority fetishists, that's it, the show is just what Americans think hentai is, but worse, since it includes all misrepresentation of women from hentai along with ableism, racism, homophobia, and blatant transphobia from the writers being put into the tones and dialouge of the scenes.
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The double standards need to stop. There is no such thing as a "good" dergogatory stereotype. Black stereotyping and fetishization is equally as harmful as blackface. This goes for Brandon Rodgers as well. Both him and Vivziepop have gotten away with racial stereotypes and sexism for far too long. There needs to be at least one black say behind this writing. This needs to stop.
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Also look at the anniversary posts on Twitter:
Not a single black person in sight. I want to be excited by this show so badly due to the nice animation, cool world ideas (Hell with different demon species- how cool is that?!) and the cool looking bg characters but the creators keep ruining it with active bigotry.
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So you're right about that one... 💀
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Vivienne is speedrunning her own cancellation now...
-and it's just sad to watch. All she had to do was apologize for how she misrepresented multiple minority groups and let her stans attack us, none of this discourse needed to happen smh.
If racism and all around bigotry is "not ok" with Oye Primos. It's "not ok" with how Helluva Boss treats minorities as well. People need to stop having double standards just because one creator benefits their fan content more than the other. To the HB tag, if you like any of Vivziepop's shows, cool, but dont pretend to support us while denying how much bigotry the creators have just because you want more of Vivziepop's cartoon softcore porn.
Racism and queerphobia should not be normalized with any writer.
Stop the hypocrisy!
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rey-jake-therapist · 4 months
Elementary fandom vs other fandoms
A while ago I posted about Elementary after I watched a couple of episodes to say I didn't like it. I was just fresh out of watching the four seasons of the BBC Sherlock and it just didn't feel right, I didn't like it at all.
Finally, because I was too lazy to look for another show to watch, I kept watching and now, I'm at season 7 😅 Did my mind fundamentally change? Honestly, no. BBC Sherlock will always be superior to me, I don't care it's trendy to hate it now. I do like Elementary now, though. Sherlock and Joan (well especially Joan) have grown on me. I still think Elementary lacks originality, I find the structure of the episodes too rigid, there are way too many episodes, things in the global story I really don't like. The copaganda for example, urgh... There's a lot of screen time dedicated to the cops and how good and honest and united they are. There are some bad apples but we're really supposed to believe that they're *rare*.... And I love Marcus Bell and Captain Gregson but they're so smart you even wonder why they need Sherlock in the first place 😂 But there are things I really love too: Joan being more than a sidekick to Sherlock is one of them. She has agency, he trains her, respects her.... I must say, it's pleasant to see. Also I love seeing Sherlock being a mentor. That's what he should be, really...
Another thing this show did for me was to convince me to read the ACD canon books. I read a couple of them when I was a teen but I was more a Hector Poirot girlie - EDIT: damn autocorrect! his name's Hercule of course). I know for a fact that Elementary Sherlock is closer to the book that BBC Sherlock, and the show makes multiple references to the ACD canon but I'm unable to identify most of them, which probably influences my reaction to the show. I need to read the books and watch the show again :)
So, it's a fine detective show, a feel good show as well because the morals is always good, characters given a second chance when they mess up, bad guys punished as they should.... Johnny Lee Miller does a fine job at showing the character's complex personality, and his partnership with Lucy Liu is flawless :) They're just adorable together. They totally remind me of Mulder and Scully, but without the unbearable sexual tension, which is why I spent 6 seasons 1/2 being fine with the fact that they wouldn't end up together as a couple.
I wish I had known the fandom when the show was broadcasting, because I haven't heard of any fit of rage when Joan and Sherlock didn't become canon?? And yet lmao, at least 70% of their interactions is romance-coded. Like, if JohnLock shippers think they were baited, Sherlock and Joan shippers were baited much, much more. Seriously, there's even a declaration of LOVE. When Sherlock has to run away to London, Joan follows him there!! They're completely co-dependant, all their attempt to have romantic relationships with other people fail... At some point Joan needs to go her own way and Sherlock respect that.
They take care of each other, all the time. If one is in danger, the other becomes feral. Sherlock especially would do everything to protect Joan from getting harm, and surely so would she. There are so many moments that could be confused with jealousy/possessiveness, so many sweet speeches that probably made the shippers think, "no way this is platonic!" .
Not me, though, because I believe in platonic love, always did, and that's what Sherlock's story was always about: a strong, unbreakable bond between two people who love each other but don't need to have sex to feel or express it. I say they remind me of Mulder and Scully because in both cases, it didn't have to become a romance. I shipped Mulder and Scully, yes, but for years I was quite certain that they woud never become romantic and I was fine with that. What they had was already beautiful.
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And frankly, Joan and Sherlock's friendship higlights everything that's wrong with Sherlock and John's in the BBC show. It's a balanced relationship! they didn't have to become a romance because they're a perfect friendship, but if they did it would be ok, because it would not be toxic. Joan never beat Sherlock up, for a start. She never slaps him, they never insult each other. Sherlock is sometimes a prick to her but he always comes around because he respects her a lot. There's nothing in their interactions that makes me think, "wow, if they were a couple that would be so fucked up!", while, sorry but I had this thought about John and Sherlock a dozen of times, especially during season 4 but even before that.
So if I'm not wrong and shippers were cool with the ending, well... kudos guys.
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irenic-0kk · 2 years
ATTRACTED, Loid Forger x Fem! Reader (Chapter one)
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 : Hello, hello! Welcome dear readers to my Loid Forger x Reader fanfic! For those who might not know me yet, my name is Ana :DD
Supposedly I'm not on planning to publish any of my books to another platform/app to make my story be noticed by others, but here I am anyways! If your curious to what are the other books I'm writing, just visit my wattpad user! -IR3NIC
I hope you guys enjoy reading! ⾜(ïœĄËƒ ᔕ ˂ )➝
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𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 : swearing, Weapon (mentioned), Slight Gore. (I apologise because my grammar is still a bit raspy since English is not my first language.)
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"Mama..." The pinked haired little girl muttered under her breath as streams of tears started to tear down her cheeks.
Her tiny hand gripped the hem of her clothes silently looking in the distance as memories in the past started to replay inside her head.
"RUN AWAY ANYA!" A mother yelled at her daughter as the female in front of Anya stopped in the middle of the alleyway. Her emerald eyes looked at the same ones she has. The resemblance of each other weren't that much of to see, but their eyes that outstands to both of their features.
The h/c haired female stood protectively in front of Anya as tears started to fall down her eyes as the child behind her whimpered in fear. "You need to run Anya!" She yet again let out another yell to her making the girl flinch in confusion.
"Mama..." She whispered. Her tiny feet step back a bit tightly holding her stuffed toy that was gifted by her mother. The adult felt her wound throbs as blood started to seep out of it. She hisses a bit but holds the pain she is getting, She needs to stay strong in front of her daughter.
"Please darling..." She pleaded, Her mother gasped when they both heard loud footsteps coming from the distance.
The girl and the mother started to tremble more. "WHICH DIRECTION DID THEY GO?!"."THOSE LITTLE SHITS!" Someone's voice echoes through the depths of the darkness at the end of the alleyway.
Anya turns to her mother as her cries and whimpers start to get louder. The h/c haired, tried to sooth her but then turned around to see flashlights moving around as the footsteps started to get near. She then turns around to look down at her daughter's trembling figure. For the one last time, she hugged her tightly before kissing her forehead.
"I may not know what will happen if they catch me... But I promised to myself I will live for you. But... If this will be the last time I will see you, please live for mama ok?" Her trembling hand gripped the handle of the gun. Her thoughts mindlessly thought of the things that are happening in the situation they are into.
'I was just an accident... same with the others that also have been made by organization. An experiment rat. To be told, I wasn't supposed to give birth... but a terrible mistake happened during an experiment and somehow... The scientist made an accident which caused me to be pregnant. I was young at that time, I was scared, I was angry at the organisation that kept me for as long as I can remember, but after giving birth to Anya I just... I fell in love. She's the most beautiful gift that the God's have given me. I vowed to myself that I wouldn't let any people that work under the organisation get near her. But now they're after her too. I wouldn't let anyone touch or harm her. I'm not like one of those parents who abuse or abandon their own child to death. I will kill anyone just to keep her safe...'
Her fingers lingered onto the trigger ready to shoot.
"Please run..." She whispered one last time as she pushed the girl harshly, stumbling a bit as the pink haired girl ran as her mother said so.
As Anya runs away from her beloved mother, she hears screams and gunshots from where she has left. All she can do is cry and run, until her legs give out as her small fragile body falls down on the hard cold floor. "Mama..." That was the last thing she whispered before passing out.
"Mama..." She muttered again, Yor stood firmly on her seat as she walked up to Anya as she soothes her.
"HA! Now I see... you still prefer your previous mama don't you?!!" An old man says to the girl with full judgement lacing in his voice.
Loid forger sat on his seat unmoving as he tried calming himself down, but when he looked at Anya. He felt his anger increase as well as his patience started to drown in. He then heard Yor started yell trying to defend Anya but he quickly stops her to calm herself down.
"We do have lots of students that are also separated from their parents. I, for sure that Anya wouldn't even last long in this school if she couldn't even handle her own emotions and would just cry over trivial things like this."
Yor started to crack her fingers after hearing his insults and had enough of his bullshits. But Loid on the other hand was offended by his words even so that he wasn't the one that has been insulted, Even to that. He kept his cool.
"Oh my, don't get too feisty now just because you lost to the previous wife!" That was the last straw. Loid jolted forward with his fist up in the air, his eyes were wide and held full furry into them. He was about to punch the guy but then felt himself come back to his senses as he first made contact onto the table in front of him.
People inside the room got startled at his sudden actions. When Loid lifted up his fist there was a blooded mosquito, Blood was spread around to it. The wooden table was smashed in the middle where Loid punched it.
"Excuse me, there was a mosquito. We should probably leave now, thank you for today..." Loid stood straight with his calm face as he then turned around to walk out of the room but quickly halted his steps when he heard Mr. Murdoch start to yell at him again. He turned around and said.
"If your school's educational philosophy is to disrespect the feelings of a child, I have to rethink that this school isn't worthy enough. I might also consider that I have chosen the wrong school."
Henry's glasses glinted as he held his crane tightly after hearing his words.
Loid motioned Yor and Anya to go out of the room as the three of them left without turning back. Muffled yells can be heard inside the room, Loid and the other two just ignore them. Anya is still crying in the arms of Yor. 'What could possibly be the reason why Anya cried so hard after mentioning her previous Mom? Could it possibly be that her parents aren't here anymore...?' Loid thought to himself. He sighed before leaving the school with a big uneasy feeling on his heart.
As soon as they got home. The three of them were sitting on the couch with their heads down. Loid felt defeated knowing that he failed yet again as a spy.
'We've definitely been rejected...'
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dearweirdme · 24 days
Overall, I tend to believe that Bangtan could've pushed the "normal people" narrative a little more, but they never tried to do it, on the contrary, they all fed some level of delusions among their fans (either by feeding y/n, best friends, saying that they didnt need gf because they had army..) and played the parasocial rs card pretty well. But I also think that, although this toxic rs that they helped to create exists, part of it is armys believing and following everything they say, so if he asked people to not harass his gf, armys would also try to protect her even if some people would still bully her.
I think part of the bullying now is those that think she's using him for clout and is just a crazy person looking for attention. If he confirm they were dating, I'm pretty sure many would start to see her posts as cute, because they are, if you remove the uncertainty from it. She just shows how much she misses him and the fact that she's staying at his place (considering that this is all true).
And I understand each one of them wanting to keep what they got at all costs, but it's still a choice and every choice entails losing something and priorities.
To the anon saying it's juvenile, for me juvenile is making excuses about your choices. I dont think it's bad that they all chose their careers and I understand their point BUT it's still their choice.
Hi anon!
This is an interesting take. While I agree that members have leaned into it at times (many times probably) I’m of the opinion that fandom itself has a responsibility to recognize that it’s not serious. I have no trouble making that distinction, I think many among us have no trouble making that distinction, but yes.. a huge portion of army probably finds this difficult. From a business perspective, it’s something that’s probably been required from them. Boybands are traditionally marketed as boyfriend material. What is interesting though is that even with boybands that do not lean into this as much (and artists that do publicly date) these para-social relationships still develop. So I don’t know if BTS’s behavior in particular is the cause of the existence of fandom’s feelings of ownership over them or that it is something that just occurs within fandoms in general.
I think a strong factor in why there’s especially harsh reactions about dating in Kpop is how it’s imbedded in the culture. Media reports about it as ‘scandals’ and therefore it’s immediately seen as a negative thing, which is ridiculous when it’s something that has to do with love. It’s also the idea that a fandom’s love should be enough for idols, almost as though they aren’t humble enough when they want love as well. One the one side I think idols not dating in public grants them well needed privacy, but on the other hand it sets them up for undeserved criticism.
I don’t think that it’s a given that army will embrace a member’s partner when an official statement is made. I think a huge part of army will respect it, but I think there will always be parts of fandom that do not know how to behave. Even members themselves aren’t free from extreme hate, their partners will be easy targets for people who want to do harm.
I agree that it’s their choice, I just think it’s way more nuanced than saying it’s because they love their fans/career more than they possibly do a partner.
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