#im literal comedy incarnate
I mean Neil said once that the sequel involved Jesus arriving in America on a plane with secret service agents, and the S2 opening sequence shows a plane, so I'm... fairly confident that he's an adult? Jesus died when he was like 33 right
afternoon anon!!!✨ see i recall this (ask on neil's page?) and remember the response but cannot for the life of me find it anywhere (and im pretty good at Finding Stuff), do you - or anyone else reading for that matter - have a link to this? just so i can save it for future reference.
now, i hope you don't mind if i do this, but i would like to use this opportunity to parse out a more coherent rationale on the second coming, if that's okay? yeah? cool.
(previous incarnation of this theory).
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thing is that the premise of the baby swap in s1 is based on the omen, right? takes at least a huge chunk of inspiration from that as the origin of how the antichrist came into the story. but it goes wrong, obviously, and there's a third baby thrown in the mix. makes a cursory wave to the omen, but isn't a carbon copy of it.
now i can't help but feel that narratively it would make sense to bookend this and have the second coming be a bit bollocksed up too. seems to be a theme in GO. and actually, when i thought about it (with extreme bias, granted, because im chomping at the bit on this theory), the second coming was potentially already fucked up anyway.
now, disclaimer time -
i completely get that people will look to the bible in reference to parsing out the second coming (or indeed any other theory). obviously i do too, for references to certain verses etc. in order to draw the relevant parallels. but there are multiple instances in GO where it is based on the bible or other texts, but doesn't follow it exactly; how GO portrayed the book of job, for example. it takes these texts, and distorts or reimagines them slightly or completely.
the way i see it, we are reading/watching GO as if this is in fact the true telling of those texts, as if (and not trying to be diminutive here) the bible is an inaccurate telling of GO, not the other way around - because, of course, we're seeing GO from the angel and demon that were 'actually there', so to speak.
im not saying that this - or any - of my theories are indisputably correct, far from it. but to me, with the information i have from the narrative as first source, and then looking at the referenced texts that inspired it, what i come up with, and write, is what makes sense to me. and it might make sense because it would be poetically apt, is in-keeping with how i interpret the characters, and/or is just plain funny or ironic (GO is after all, a comedy).
so whilst i fully anticipate people to duly correct me on how it all goes down in the bible (as they should, i love being educated!!!), please know that im not trying to deliberately misinterpret anything, but more trying to think outside the box, from the viewpoint of the GO story itself, and what direction would make the most sense in which it will reimagine these texts.
- exit disclaimer.
anyway! theory time!
so we have the imagery from the s2 sequence of the "thy kingdom come" plane, and this is obviously a reference to the resurrection as you've said, anon: that jesus arrives by plane. i truly love this imagery because if we take matthew 24:36 (KJV): "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.", the concept that in the great plan the date and time might finally be revealed in the form of a flight number, airport, and ETA is frankly hilarious to me. furthermore, "cometh with clouds" (revelation, 1:7 KJV) being reimagined as a literal plane landing again sets up the comedic backdrop so well.
now wherever the plane lands, whether from the US or to the US (again, don't have the original neil answer to refer to, but going based on your ask, anon, it's the latter), it regardless involves americans. this is where i feel it would be a perfect narrative symmetry opportunity to refer back to s1/the book, and reintroduce the dowlings.
and you might be wondering, "well no because GO set up the dowlings to be involved only insomuch that they were meant to be custodians of the antichrist - why would they also be involved in the second coming?" well, i wondered this too. the only conclusion i can come to, frankly, is GO!god having a very warped, twisted and ineffable sense of humour. they saw what satan had planned for the dowlings in inadvertently raising the antichrist, possibly did a bit of shifting around in the mystical threads, and decided that actually - just to throw in the wildcard of chaos - they should instead be the bearers of the second coming. this degree of mind-boggling ineffability, to me, would be comedically on-brand.
regardless; whilst just a theory, the whole thing makes sense to me - that in any case, the dowlings are going to make a reappearance. and with them, or on his own (if we follow the biblical telling that jesus was resurrected as he was from the crucifixion, at age 33yo, and therefore would suggest a timeskip from s2, but this isn't necessarily guaranteed - ie: might not be how GO chooses to portray it!), comes warlock. now we know that warlock was meant to be the antichrist, before crowley and the nuns managed to bugger it all up.
but heaven wouldn't necessarily know that its the dowlings arriving, right? presumably they'd just all gather on the tarmac awaiting the arrival, and lmao SIKE, it's bloody warlock. heaven hasn't met warlock, and therefore still think he's in fact jesus resurrected... but aziraphale has met him. he helped bloody raise him. and he knows now that he is essentially a normal kid/adult (albeit a very stuck-up one) and definitely not the second coming.
well then, if jesus was meant to be on that plane, according to the great plan, a plane being used by the dowlings... then why isn't it warlock? well, because the dowlings' actual baby isn't warlock. lets go back to the baby swap in the book/s1:
*apols, editing to correct this somewhat because it isn't quite right and lateral thinking is not my strong suit*
ANTICHRIST was meant to go to: the DOWLINGS. instead, went to: the YOUNGS. this is Adam.
YOUNG BABY was meant to go to: stay with the YOUNGS, but got mixed up. instead, went to: the DOWLINGS. this is Warlock.
DOWLING BABY was meant to go to: adoption/something nefarious instead, and indeed did. this is... Greasy Johnson.
and i love this for all sorts of reasons. now im lifting this next bit, essentially, from another ask of mine, but to keep things all in one place:
"greasy is posed as the antithesis of adam/antichrist, has a gang surrounding him that you could infer are loyal disciples, and is a mirror to adam in that adam on the whole seems to be a well-adjusted and morally-upstanding young boy.
i further think the fact that adam is the antichrist put against greasy being the second coming is a well positioned reflection on the nature vs nurture argument. ultimately adam grew up in a largely loving and supportive environment, and as the literal son of satan, you'd expect his nature, the circumstances of his birth, to rule out every other influence.
ultimately it does for a short time, but adams narrative iirc is that it is reflective of his desire to save the world... he wanted to get rid of things that were Wrong, and naively (he is still an 11-year old boy after all) thought that destroying the world and restarting it would do just that. his friends however reinforce in him that destruction and reparation are not the same thing, and so his upbringing, the nurture, wins.
greasy? we don't know a lot about him, only that he is a bully and represents the opposite of adam and the them... [and there exists] the whole [sic] analogy that greasy and the johnsonites vs adam and the them are meant to represent the hell vs heaven war..."
and then we have this small, relatively innocuous detail from the book:
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as i said, possibly something of nothing. but the deliberate wording of 'breeding the fish', which is left out of s1, is - i like to think - a bit of a clue.
and before anyone comes for me on this, i am aware that this is based practically on fuck all of jack shit; im painfully aware of that. im aware that it deliberately misinterprets certain passages (not going to do the soapbox speech again, promise), but i just like to have fun. i honestly do not care if this is wrong; whatever happens in s3 should and will be better than anything i can come up with. yes, it's fun to get a prediction or speculation correct, of course it is, but it's not the endgame here. i get that others will have conflicting schools of thought, see things differently, or just plain think it's crap - that's okay! but, if that's the case, just move on from this post with a shake of your head. im not here to do anything other than have a good time, lads (gn)✨💓
edit 21/08: additional reading because now i feel vindicated: here from amuseoffyre, and my tags on this post too.
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danidoesathing · 2 months
Top five favorite video games?
oooh why must you make me chose
Slay the Princess
its everything. its a horror game. its a love story. its a comedy. its got jonathan sims voicing literally every other character besides the Princess. it's about the endless cycle of death and life. its about the interchangeability of violence and passion. it's about love persisting in all its forms. its monsterfucker4monterfucker and monster4monster. its about a bird man and the voices in his head. play slay the princess right now
2. Legend of Zelda; Twilight Princess
TWILIGHT PRINCESS MY BELOVED...admittedly im biased because its a game i grew up with but i played it religiously and explored about every inch of that tp hyrule i could. origin of a lot of my favorite tropes (big glowy god deities, reluctant allies to near codependent friendship, shadow worlds that arent evil, etc). loved whatever the hell was happening between midna and zelda. pubby link <3
3. Persona 5 Royal
ah the persona series my belothved. p5r is so good i love the characters i love the dynamics i love the arcs i love the gameplay i love the art style. sumire was adorable i love her and her parallels with joker and goro. goro getting more a finale to his arc and time to explore his character outside of the detective prince identity. royal trio you will always be famous to me. Hereward and Raoul and Celestine. it'd be a perfect game if not for the. the Problems. good lord the Problems. this game is the reason i started writing tbh
4. Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
very few games have actually made me cry, let alone cry multiple times but GOD. zelda and link's relationship here has me in a puddle on the floor like no other incarnation has ever got me in. THE DEDICATION!!! THE UNCONDTIONALY LOVE!!!! never gonna be over the contrast between the utter isolation and loneliness of botw to this one be so much more full of people but also so much warmer. something about link carrying the whole weight of the world on his shoulders all the time and pouring so much of himself into saving it in every incarnation of himself out of love. and then having that love be reciprocated with each of the sages. the scene of them coming to his side just as such a stark reminder that no you're not alone and no one is gonna let you be alone!! you are always gonna have that love in your life!!! crying wailing. i love this game
5. Splatoon 3
its so so so fun. the characters are great and so silly. the music unironically fucks so hard and the fact i have favorite bands is certainly saying something. the world building is insanely fucking detailed. fr the amount of lore for the silly squid is wild especially with how fucking DARK it gets. not in like the "oh its so dark if you think about it!!!!" but in like the world is 12,000 years after the extinction of humanity and it's remains are see in every aspect of the world, from cultures and traditions to actual ruins being made into the basis of their civilization. two of the three main villains are literally remnants of a humanity's bygone age refusing to accept change and trying to revert the world back to the way it was, even if its futile. there were canonical wars and a full blown genocide in the background the octo expansion. nobody doing it like splatoon lore writers. wild fucking game series but i love it so much.
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voice-of-dissent · 2 years
she vedi on my vici till veni
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
reading progress: chapter 222 (i had to get some shit sorted but we're back in action here folks)
reading highlights: get the scrolling fingers ready
196 oh theres a character w gender
kdj kind of commenter that just wants a girl character. okay
kdj ID theft yjh: oh there you are
197 "in moments of low self esteem Kim Dokja would say "I'm Yoo Joonghyuk"
198 going to a bar to eat the appies yes (non drinker solidarity)
guy who survived a decade on one story -> maybe [non constellation] people need stories also
kdj: WWYJHD? wait im better than him
199 kdj special fake it til u make it
listening to funky synth music during the reaper fights (cat out of hell on bandcamp)
"my lovely kids LGY & SYS" t-t
200 [processing gamified revolution] HMM
201 hell yeah publican dude (british sense) i want him to make me a butty
Han Myungoh (HMO?) union buster OFC
YJH bar of handsome ness entry #1652
203 kdj unabashed long media enjoyer
LITERALLY comparing this to union efforts at the old job. okay
204 why are all office manager/company men roman philosophy losers
bring out the skill/item from 100 chapters ago
kinda hot to kill people just cause there fucking with the revolution
205 orv a story for people who like wall
JHY videogame siren girl technique :/
206 HMO demon king consort? good for u?
ppl can grow off screen?? kdj lack of human object permanence
YJH widower era babey. uriel not causing problems persay. but on purpose
207 [BAD SOCIETAL THING] isnt the natural state of the world and can be changed. kissing this arc
brooo do get yjh a therapy watch to get him to dissociating/alienating himself less -> kdj is the guy planing this o__o
KNW and abyssal black dragon are u evil or just 14
208 [hsy feels like] an abandoned food processor?
The entire hsy & ysa scene its got everything: sexual tension, fraught emotions, abt secrets and grief, Big Dragon
JHY in a world of minmaxers is a balanced PC
209kdj you have a new kid a they are a foolish teen
4th wall dog training continues. NO eating other smaller wall
Big Guy (derogatory) my fav passive aggressive insult
210 "I forgot to I was Yoo Joonghyuk" yeah rookie mistake man cant forget that
"Tell the Duke to learn to fear the Day" HOOTIN AND HOLLERING
211 why is this egg so cute wtf. it needs story and hugs okay
dokkaebi sys birth im crying. kids man, you gotta love them! they love the whole world!
212 [heh] kdj dad moments! thats his kid!!
SYS LGY LJH kid hang out T_T -> maritime admiral yi sunsin T_T
uriel is so normal about dokhyuk. you abandoned ur incarnation!!
213 yjh uriel Road trip buddy comedy
214 "if you have to sell your story sell it for the right price" THATS PRAXIS BAYBE
kdj doing the blackbeard thing about demon king of salvation
215 kdj cant talk to people. mood. -> praising jhy cute
216 kdj no good billionairs-ing the constellations
the readership to commenter to author pipeline. themes
Kdj existential crisis about the existence of truth and the true self and if its possible to know the other
"I think there is a huge wall" [Fourth Wall is looking at you] -> THATS WRITING
'theres no such think as communication' DOKJA
everyone has a wall, communication is impossible thats obvious -> TEENS ROCK
you should leave your mark
music: loves first explosion
kdj 🤝 me : getting the names slightly wrong
↳ 217 he had sweet lips?
↳ one of swk hairs? -> secret tool that will help us later?
↳ its the gaze of one person...
218 the snake says hes okay cause he has no hands and feet (GOOD JOKE) i missed the twitch chat
many stripes one team! (blaseball ref)
219 dokhyuk's constant one up man ship ID fuckery
219 theres the swk hair. im gonna get a good grade in orv!
220 KNW is a mech. okay
Bye KNW see you in another 50 chapters
UGH YJH [SCREAMING] thx for saving him bbygirl
"He came..." I was so happy I wanted to call out his name... yeah bro?
221 kdj self rationalization speed run. did my friend do smth just to save me? no he must have some convoluted motive
Author is that file A THREAT? sad yjh tho bby.
rotating: i mean shit. i already made a post cause part of of this section was so fucking good. kim dokja! you got problems man. fucking fascinating ones. I love it when teens school him about the philosophy of communication. yeah bro its all signifiers all the way down the platonic realm of perfect objects is inaccessible to us. but meaning can still be created even if its infinite meanings of infinite texts. hang on.... can we get fictional character Kim Dokja to read Borges i think i would fuck him up so bad. delightful revolutionary stuff going on here too, big fan. to think we can kill the trope of the evil revolutionary that takes power for themself if we all just had the most weird intrinsic gay identity thing going on with some guy thats assassinates politicians in ur name.
i think ill leave the actual nibbles of kdj yjh legacy/story swap for next time tho. just based in vibes. also just noteing the veritable gaggle of kids being collected. love em. kdj like many people with parent problems and who is easy to own, collecting them like flies
remember all epiphanies of the self are 80 percent wrong
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ihopesocomic · 3 years
Why do you think inside out is terrible? i liked it but i haven't seen it in forever. im a different anon and im not trying to start discourse im legitimately curious cuz I've only ever heard good things about it (feel free to ignore this if you're worried it'll start discourse tho)
Now remember, you asked!
It's boring, annoying, and not funny. This concept has been done countless times before, and better. Like a freaking episode of Fairly Odd Parents did this in like an 11 minute cartoon better than this whole movie. Nothing progressed because the characters did anything, they just got from point A to point B. Were there even jokes in this movie? Was the one joke in this movie that the mom was secretly in an unhappy marriage? Is that what passes as humor for Pixar?
It's literally every Pixar movie where it's a "buddy comedy" of two characters that just "don't get along" get prevented from Doing A Thing, and have to "get back to a place" before This Thing Happens.
Joy is an awful character and is just toxic positivity incarnate.
Sadness isn't funny or endearing because self-deprecating humor and any humor poking fun at depression died while this movie was in production and Pixar was already out of touch anyway so its embarrassing they thought they could pull it off.
Riley is boring and she sucks. Liking her parents and playing hockey aren't personality traits. Also she has no control over anything she does.
The human designs disgust me. Actually every design in this movie is some of Pixar's worst designs. (The emotions were fine, they at least were comprised of fun little particles and were shape-shaped.) But even the emotions, that are non-gendered things, are gendered. "Oh haha the mom's emotions are just the same character models but with mom's hair" - "Oh haha the dad's emotions have mustaches" That's not good character design and it's not a good joke either, so why do that instead of just using the same character models, or even entirely different ones?
The lore of this world is all over the place and doesn't make any sense, like they introduce some sort of memory tube thing right at the beginning and the characters just DON'T USE IT to put the core memories back to headquarters?? Like that's its exact purpose of its existence and the characters just... decide to hold onto the core memories themselves anyway???? Like WHY? they still have to GET BACK THEMSELVES, that's enough of a conflict because two vital emotions are wandering the brain maze. What would happen if they sent the core memories back and the other emotions are forced to touch them so they can be put back where they're supposed to? That seems like a decent enough conflict without the dumb subplot of “losing” core memories. Also why is everything precariously hanging over an open void of doom where things can easily be disappeared? Y'all need a word with your contractors because that is some flawed infrastructure. And its only made worse that the characters were able to achieve their goal by the literal destruction of this character's mental state, like holy crap, that ending was a mess. An absolute clusterfuck.
Diet Koosy Bing-Bong is the worst. He's not only awful to look at but he's got no motivation and added nothing but inconvenient detours for the main characters. Like okay sorry I can't feel sad for a character named fuckin Bing-Bong of all things, but it certainly didn't do him any favors being unfunny, incompetent, and just an overall nuisance. Like everything he did was a liability, that's not enjoyable? And I don't see how it can be? Maybe if he was the villain it would've been at least interesting why he was like that. And Pixar has the nerve to kill him off and think this is gonna be their "big cry" moment that people have just come to expect from Pixar even tho they haven't earned it with this movie? Did I mention his name is Bing-Bong.
Pixar had an opportunity to make a film that actually discussed depression and anxiety in childhood and instead decided to fill a movie with a bunch of nonsense rules and stale humor, and any problems Riley had weren't even really problems in anyone's perspective. Her parents didn't fight, people were uncharacteristically nice towards her while she was crying in the middle of class, she was still able to be in contact with her friends, and her stuff being lost in shipment was something that was inevitably going to be solved in like a week or something. Literally everything Riley does is controlled by other people. EVEN AT THE END, where she feels sad about things, it's supposed to be this big moment "Aww she's finally crying, let it out, girl," but then everyone just comforts her, and it's like okay so instead of her learning how to deal with her emotions in a healthy manner, you're saying that when you're sad you're just gonna have other people around to make you feel better?? I know that wasn't the point they were trying to make, but that's precisely what happened in front of my face???? What was the point of this movie exactly.
Pixar is so pretentious with every movie it makes. They act like everything they touch is gold even tho of their films post-Ratatouille are bland, “safe”, or just not very creative (and in some cases just full-blown cynical). And Inside Out gets all this praise because it’s “slightly different” for a Pixar movie, but when comparing to other movies its just not good. 
Terrible movie. - Cat
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ablazenqueen · 3 years
sorry i didnt get back you to you yesterday evening. but guess what?!!
i went to bed on time!!! im literally so proud of myself. like i legit passed out- i was so exhausted.
other news, im halfway through kieta hatsukoi and it's just- so flippin adorable.
usually i hate the miscommunication trope. it just usually bothers me so much. but this wasnt that. this was purposeful and careful and came from a genuinely good place. and i love that so much.
also- Aoki and Hashimoto are officially my comfort idiots one and two and i adore them with everyone atom of my body.
like this is probably the gay in me- but can i just keep hashimoto? can i keep her and hug her and love her and protect her and just- UGHHHHH!
not but. these characters are just so adorable and sweet and loveable and yeah yeah, i might be blazing through these too quickly, but i can always rewatch and overanalyse after.
let me just enjoy the adorableness.
'also, Ida is just such a sweet, genuine, beautifully written character.
lots of love,
a well rested gabi. <3
<3 <3 <3
Aww Gabi, I’m so proud of you! I was really hoping that was the case, that you were catching up on sleep!
Dude, you’re already breezing through two of my recs??? At this point, I’m going to have to start making a second list, you’re going to run out of things to watch! Keep me posted, there are definitely a few more recommendations I can give once you’re out.
Right? Aren’t they precious? Kieta Hatsukoi is just such a feel-good show!
And Iisten, I say this all the time - very, VERY few tropes are actually “bad”. Some are just much harder to execute well than others. Miscommunication is one of those. It works well for comedies, but in dramas and romances, we tend to find it annoying because it only shows us that a couple isn’t in tune with each other. Kieta Hatsukoi gets away with it because a) the initial miscommunication was meant with the best of intentions and Aoki’s assumption that it couldn’t hurt anyone but himself, b) all subsequent miscommunications come from a place of personal insecurity and/or the characters trying to support each other in what they think the others want, c) it is used primarily for comedy. And when it’s used for angst? The miscommunication never comes in the form of lies and deceit. Their intentions are always good, they always want to help each other, so yeah, it’s hard to get mad at that.
Oh my god, all four of our mains though! Their group dynamic means everything to me!
And you talk about Hashimoto but friend, as a bisexual, seeing Aoki fall in love with Hashimoto then with Ida? Highkey relate. Boy really said, “My type? Ah yes, Kindness Incarnate™.” The universe replied, “And their gender?” And Aoki said, “Yes.” Me too, honey, me too.
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leefi · 3 years
Im literally so invested in your ORV live blog it’s great Im having so much fun reading your reactions
Im curious what predictions you have!
Oh thank you so much!! I'm so glad you're enjoying iiiIAAAAAAHHHHHH PLEASE DON'T ASK FOR MY PREDICTIONS THAT'S SO MUCH PRESSURE!!!! ok here are some
1) The Secretive Plotter is the author, or at least A WRITER (they comment like one). There were .5 seconds where I thought it could be Dokja's mom but that got cleared up immediately lmao. I am still FLOORED that people think it's YJH. I'll keep an eye out for evidence of it but I have doubts lmao
2) Sorta connected to #1 - I thought that HSY was gonna be the author (and therefore TSP). That got binned, but then she reveals that she isn't actually a plagiarist and got most of the inspiration for her story through dreams. Either she's a better scammer than Dokja or we're solidly dealing with supernatural factors now as well and she truly is the actual author. (the amount of foresight!!! That has gone into this work is incredible!! Does anybody know if the authors wrote this in weekly installments or if it was pre-written? Because in either case I am seriously impressed).
3) KDJ is YJH's sponsor. This one kind of hit me in an "oh shit" moment all the way back in episode 9 (you can see my meltdown in real time in the tags) and after the war of kings and making Shin Yoosung his incarnation? I'm so sure of it. In which case, we're dealing with parallel interactions of the same people. It's the same case if HSY or the Author is TSP. These interactions (+ more, which I'll touch on in #6) make me think that we're dealing with a timeloop situation.
4) *wrapping YJH in bubble wrap* you cannot die. You will not die. Ever. KDJ sacrificing himself for YJH is going to become a running Thing approaching levels of comedy. I don't know if he'll keep the Immortal King attribute forever, but he'll find a new way to revive, I'm sure.
5) Dokja is choosing compassion and mercy because he has an amazing heart. But he is also choosing it deliberately because this path is going to unlock the hidden conditions he needs to achieve his perfect ending.
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This reads more like an author's note than the protagonist speaking. A promise of survival, but that ending still reads very 😀.
Kim Dokja is the only one who knows how this novel ends, and while he's been VERY CAGEY WITH US what we do know is that the world ends. I do not think that he can stop the apocalypse, nor is that his ultimate goal - he's trying to create (not alter - create) the epilogue of the story.
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7) Out of everyone in this shot from the prologue there are only the two circled that we don't know the identities of. Another interesting note is for the black coats:
Jonghyuk is our Regressor and Yoosung is our Returnee. Is Sangah...going to be Reincarnated? This one is the most interesting to me as we already have Incarnates.
Also very aware that JHW and LHS are not present here and I'm just...electing to ignore it. I Cannot See. They're taking the pic :^)
9) It's already been heavily implied by like *gestures vaguely* everything so I don't consider this a "prediction" lmao but the constellations are the big bads of the story.
10) The. Meaning. That. Stars. Hold. In. This. Story. Makes. Me. Insane. Their function both as bad omens and symbols of hope is something I'm keeping a very close eye on (never mind that the constellations are themselves stars and the universe holding these scenarios is referred to as the Star Stream). Gilyoung asked Dokja very, very early on if they could wish on the stars above, and KDJ silently chastises himself for letting him wish upon the cause of all this calamity. And yet he still does too...
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dumbdotcomm · 4 years
okay now that you talked about donnie, what is it with leo?
ooof idk leos eps were repetitive but he did have great shining moments where it was a little easier to tell what direction of character they were going for. he honestly reminds me a bit of sokka in the way of appearing to be either aloof or conceited but is really great with tactics and lowkey has self esteem issues
my only problem is that his solo eps could have done waaaaay way more to further him along in his path, but they often settled for teaching leo very basic lessons like “appreciate ur brother”, “dont be so competitive”, “it’s not all about you” in s2
it’s hard to put it into words but everyone knows most leos have this complex of being the best- whether it’s played off as a humorous byproduct of self esteem issues (rise) or as a more depressing byproduct of the unbearable pressure put on him (any other incarnation)
and i think without meaning to, the rottmnt writers were trying very hard to make their leo the antithesis of the previous versions, that he actually sometimes came off as just a ...an almost weaker written comedy version?
now dont get me wrong i love rise leo to bits, i think his character is splendid, but in the way of development and consistency and depth...he fell sadly very flat for me. someone do correct me if im looking at this wrong, and ik the show most likely had more to offer for him, but still-
in the leo eps that they did have, only a few stood out as pivotal. like when he literally outsmarts Big Mama after evetyone thinks he’s screwed up. Or in s1 with the maze when he just wants to be his brothers’ hero so badly. Those were great, we got to see that vulnerability and growth
but then his other eps in s2 he’s just...learning not to be conceited and a show off- and those eps were enjoyable, i loved them, they were funny. but it felt like “okay... we’ve seen this. we know it’s just a way to mask his real intellect and insecurities...what now?”
and all of this boils down to my other issue of not having Splinter start training them at the start of s2. bc that would’ve brought the familial ties closer and also would’ve allowed for growth eps that didnt involve leo screwing up- but rather him learning from his father- who, imo, was just like leo as a teen.
but i digress, rottmnt leo is still iconic and deserves all the love. i would have just tweaked his journey in s2.
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popcornpages88 · 4 years
Doctor Who Tagging Game
I’ve done a few of these and thought I’d have a go at making my own!
The rules: Answer each question as best you can, and then tag 10 others to do the same!
(I’ve made my answers a bit of an essay, don’t feel forced to do the same :) )
1) Favourite Doctor: The answer for me changes every other day, but right now I’d say it’s 12!
2) Favourite Master: I do love the Classic Boys, but my favourite are honestly all the incarnations of New Who, but all for different reasons since each plays the character wonderfully and adds their own fantastic flavour!
3) Favourite Sonic: Hmm, that’s a difficult one - either 9/10’s because it’s practical and sleek, or 13’s for how different it looks
4) Favourite Tardis Interior: Either the Coral Interior, 11’s first interior or 13’s interior. My favourite Tardis Interiors are the ones that just feel absolutely massive
5) Favourite Companion: Hands down Donna Noble
6) Favourite Story: This one also changes all the time, but right now it’s World Enough and Time, my favourite 12th Doctor episode. I just love how creepy it is, the use of real horror, and an excellent example of foreshadowing!
7) Favourite Soundtrack: This is Gallifrey. I adore it! A close second would probably be either 9/10’s theme and 13’s as a tie
8) Dream Actor For The Next Male Doctor: Colin Morgan. Ideally with his lovely Irish Accent, but wouldn’t complain about his English one tbh. I absolutely adore him as an actor, he so fluently sinks into whatever role he’s in and I truly believe he could play the character well.
9) Dream Actor For The Next Female Doctor: Pheobe Waller-Bridge. She’s also absolutely fantastic, and from what I’ve seen of her - primarily Fleabag - she’s amazing at the craft. She can do comedy well, but she’s even better with heavier scenes, and is incredible at very subtle acting just,, ugh I love it.
10) Dream Composer: Hiroyuki Sawano. This is one I know will never, ever happen, mainly because Doctor Who is a British Show and he’s Japanese. However, he’s my favourite composer so I’m putting him here anyway, because his stuff truly is excellent, whether it’s the big (being action-wise [i do love a good Sawano Drop] or emotional or other) moments or the small. My favourite piece of his is “Vogel im Käfig” from Attack on Titan, I really think it’s a beautiful piece of art so give it a listen if you can!
11) Dream Story: The Doctor and The Master together, but like, not fighting. A scenario where they literally have to work together to achieve something. Not entirely sure why but still
12) A Companion You’d Like To See Again: There’s literally so many, and it’s so hard to choose, but the first one to come to mind was Martha Jones!
13) An Enemy/Alien/Creature You’d Like To See Again: I know everyone’s said this but the Sea Devils. Since the Silurians got the revamp with the beautiful prosthetics, I’d love to see redesign for them!
14) If You Could Set A Story In Any Point In History, When Would It Be?: Recent History. Between the 70s and the early 2000s. Mainly because I find that area incredibly interesting with how much things were changing and how much things were different despite being recent in the long capacity of things!
15) If You Could Travel With One Of The Doctors, Which Doctor Would It Be & Why?: Hmmm....probably also 12! I love how he is as a character, but also his relationships with people, his great speeches and the aging rockstar vibe!
Tagging: @legendsofwholock @koschei-taylor @thoscheian @lacygentlywaftingcurtains @raichkel @causalityparadox @truthbehindthemysteries @queermoonie @bitemealiienboy @brokenbluedoors
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radramblog · 3 years
we live in a society (that has progressed)
There’s always an interminable shift, a flux, in culture that can be hard to spot if you don’t quite know what you’re looking for. As times change, people grow, and media is released, causing perspectives and opinions in the general psyche to sway over the course of human cultural history.
Basically, the Joker is allowed to be funny again, and that’s a good thing.
I’m not going to bother explaining who the Joker is to you, like I often do when I’m introducing a post like this. It’s the fucking Joker, I’d be shocked if you didn’t know what the character is. You have to be online to see this post, after all, and if you’re on the obscure rabbit-hole known as My Tumblr, you’re online enough to see Joker memes and such.
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The Joker is an inherently ridiculous character. He’s literally a clown man, a foil to the deadpan Batman, humour literally written into his name. And while I cannot possibly capture the full breadth of his various iterations and interpretations over the course of DC Comics’s long history, a lot less people are going to have read the comics than seen the adaptations of such, and those are what has stuck out in the public consciousness. There’s a few versions in particular I’d like to highlight before I get into the meat of this.
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In particular, the early visual interpretations of the character are, well, monumentally silly. It’s impossible to talk about the 1966 Adam West Batman series without an understanding of just how camp the whole thing was, and the Joker is no exception to this. Even Jack Nicholson’s performance in the 1989 film is inherently silly despite it’s overall serious tone, a villain who kills people with a chemical called, I shit you not, Smylex. Considering the actor, and especially considering what came just a year before that film, such a portrayal is actually kind of a confusing cultural milestone.
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And that thing that came a year beforehand is The Killing Joke, potentially the most iconic Batman comic, nay, DC comic there is. And with it, potentially the most sympathetic portrayal of the Joker that there had been so far. A man driven mad by exposure, a situation he was only in to afford his family’s bills. It presents the most clear image of him as Batman’s mirror- literally, at times, and yet shows some of his most shocking brutality at the same time. The idea of the comic, if I may be so bold, is to imply that the line between Batman and the Joker isn’t quite so thick as it appears at first glance.
We don’t talk about the animated version of the Killing Joke.
I’m going to move right past the Animated Series in general, not because it’s bad or anything, but because I’m relatively unfamiliar with it (this may be a reoccurring theme) I’ve only seen a handful of episodes, the ones my family had on VHS, and they sure didn’t have the Joker in them. (The Gray Ghost and….I think a Scarecrow episode? Which was a hell of a thing to see as a kid). It does have his portrayal with Mark Hamill as the voice actor, though, which is frankly such a choice decision.
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The thing that made the Joker, and the Batman franchise as a whole, come back into the limelight was obviously the Nolan movies, specifically The Dark Knight. Being the face of such a critically acclaimed movie with such an incredible performance by Heath Ledger (I am obliged to stan, he’s from Perth, I’ve met his stepdad) is obviously going to get the name back in the books, even if it’s such a different version from what had previously been seen.
Ledger’s Joker has a humour, sure, but it’s a significantly more morbid one than previous incarnations. Previous Jokers killed people, sure, but The Dark Knight added a level of brutality to the whole thing that made the character so much more serious, pun not intended. One can largely attribute this to the darker tone of the film he appears in compared to previous Batmans (especially the 90s films), because in those versions the Joker was, well, not a serious character. He doesn’t interact with the world in the same way other people do, his values are completely alien. Ledger’s Joker has a very specific ideology, one people can understand, and more relevantly, one people can misunderstand.
The actual post begins here.
Ledger’s Joker has been the icon of the edgy teenager since The Dark Knight came out and was watched by millions of them. Something about the character speaks to them, something about being an outsider, not like the other people, and also both smart and violent, which are attributes that 13-year-olds idolise.
A Joker profile picture has long been one of the biggest red flags on the internet. A sure sign that someone is going to say the dumbest fucking thing imaginable, or something hideously offensive apropos of absolutely nothing. This isn’t even getting into how the character became an icon for the Gamers Rise Up movement, which I will remind you that a fair few people actually took seriously. A legion of the worst of nerd culture- misogynistic, racist, and toxic folks who have nothing better to do than yell at people on Reddit.
Where as I, the cultured individual, explain things to people on Tumblr. Very different. But the point is, this specific version of the character is an anarchist, out to prove that, at the end of the day, every single person has the potential to become a monster, that chaos is the nature of humanity, somewhat akin to his portrayal and point in The Killing Joke- all it takes is the right thing to set you off. This twisting of the message into “im better and smarter than u also I will kill u” is frankly kind of disgusting.
The point I’m trying to get to is that for the last decade-ish, The Joker, a character built around humour and gratuity, has become incredibly unfunny. From the internet fuckwits to the grim Ledger portrayal, the character with Joke in their name has been impossible to laugh at.
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Another factor contributing to this is the growing awareness and increased sympathy for mentally ill people, which is where Joker (the film) comes in. Now, obviously, the understanding of mental issues is not a bad thing, and I’d love to see this trend continue. But my understanding is that Joker and its titular character are not a particularly humourous time, despite the character literally being a comedian this time.
To be clear, I have not seen the movie, and I have no intention to, so feel free to completely ignore my opinion on this. But the fact that the film seemed to have made all the GRU stuff worse is not a good sign for it.
However, as in life and in media, all things shall pass, and that does include the Joker. Ignoring Suicide Squad (because I know like nothing about the Joker’s place in that film and don’t want to research it), late 2010-s on portrayals of the Joker appear to be returning to the characters roots somewhat, though to be fair, both of the things I’m basing my judgement are comedy features.
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The first is, oddly enough, the Lego Batman movie. I can understand not having seen this film, because from the outside, it didn’t look or sound good, but the whole thing is basically a love letter to Batman/DC as a franchise, complete with possibly the silliest incarnation of the character so far. This Joker is utterly obsessed with proving himself as Batman’s equal, as the greatest villain to rival the greatest hero. He’s probably the most potentially homoerotic interpretation, which is kind of silly considering he’s literally a Lego dude. But the movie is funny, and so is he, which is the key point.
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The other recent addition to this list is the Harley Quinn animated series, where the Joker obviously plays a significant role. Now, I’m not really familiar at all with this interpretation, having not seen the show, but considering the memes going around about Batman apparently not doing oral, and that having stemmed from this show, it’s not hard to imagine the Joker’s portrayal being similarly silly- even if his canonical abusee is the protagonist. Like, I’m pretty sure he’s a bastard in this one, but he’s also the butt of the joke, considering the series is in large part about Harley getting over him and moving past that part of her life (and ideally hooking up with Poison Ivy, because, come on)
I guess my point is that the Joker is an inherently comic character, in all that entails. You cannot have the Joker not be in some way silly without making massive changes to his design, his characterisation, and his ideals- which is pretty much what has happened in the past few years. I mean, the guy’s got bright green hair, he wears purple suits, he kills people with laughing gas.
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This comic, by artist FruitEater, is kind of what inspired this whole post. It’s such a silly little thing from a silly little trend, but it really stuck in my head, and not just because it reminded me of my past self- a child who was super into Crazy Frog when I was, like, 10. It’s a comic that couldn’t exist were it not for the passage of time beyond the era of edgy Joker. Time has moved on- Gamers Rise Up is dying (the subreddit got banned, where else are they supposed to go?), cringe culture is dying, and the Joker is a character that’s allowed to be funny again.
We can laugh with the Joker again.
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themanicgalaxy · 4 years
SPN 2X18 Hollywood Babylon
Well howdy y’all, I just said “Good Omens, written by Neil Pratchett and Terry Gaiman” and it took me a solid MINUTE to realize why it felt not good. Those names have ring to them, but of course...they’re wrong
Also, I used this show(the shifter episode) and Umbrella Academy (also season 2, episode 4 i believe) to explain needle drops a la patrick willems. Renegade by Styx showed up T W I C E 
Ooo Hollywood episode
also the director guy is from a disney channel show, I think dog with a blog?
potentially good bait and switch tbh also, I liked that it was a bit ambiguous at first
ohhh NICE with the body and the camera angles, yes they were dumb, but they were funny dumb so it’s ok
now that’s what I’m talking about, yes dark comedy, let’s go
Aw Dean just wants a vacation and Sam is just Panic Mode
Dean fucking fixated on this, he has so much info on it oh my god
This feels self-inserty but it’s also just...kinda funny 
“what’s a PA” “I think they’re kinda like slaves” pfffttt
don’t tell me it’s because they use actual rituals in the show, that would be so good oh my god
Aw he’s fanboying
“My big break” I am Enjoying this way too much, why is this so funny to me
The guy with the snapple....feels....pointed? idk
lmao she takes “polaroids” of course
“no one around here knew the guy” is that a lead in or....is it true?
My god, Dean just like....encyclopedic knowledge of this set I love it
I wonder how much is based on them, seriously
no but like, the amount of little details here, it’s so different. I can’t tell if it’s because of my mood, but the side characters get more Light things to work with
Listen, it’s just fun ok
Damn that was a dramatic death scene awww yeah
Dean’s kinda played more asshole-y but tbh, i don’t really care man, this is fun
“Salt doesn’t make Sense” GAHAHAHAHAHA
him in the merch t shirt and the craft food: ah yes, salt
This man looks good in green and red dammit
“I like being part of a team” aww
ooo cool headphone shot
and Dean’s still working the case through that enjoyment! I like that!
Dean ingratiated himself SO WELL DAMN
wait? fake praise? and he dies? ahaahah
if we get a “we kill the ghost that tells us our movie is trash” I’m gonna lose it
ok i can’t tell if this is a “fuck hollywood” or “we’re the best” thing and IT’S HILARIOUS
and of course, the movie was Secretly Good before the studio wrecked it
“in this whorehouse of a town” oh my god
he’s gonna be a sympathetic villain isn’t he. isn’t he, I’m gonna cry ahahaah
“we could have gotten it right for the first time ever” kripke please stop kinning this man what the hell
“you are one HELL of a PA” “yeah i know” I love you Dean
“they take it and they crap all over it” if you listen closely, you can hear kripke liTERALLY COMMANDING THIS MAN TO SPEAK AHAHAHA
*imitating Bruce Willis* DEAN YOU N E R D 
the invisible wounds, the bringing up the phone to see the mauling, ok i liked that
lmao and he took that scene
also turned it romantic, it’s coded bahahaah
“you find out there’s an afterlife and this is what you do with it” you snarky bastard
“god i love this town” PFFT
Wrap up:
1. the lore with the ghosts was absolutely great, I loved how they flickered, how it was the incarnations, how they appeared as they would in film. That part was just 10/10
2. Look. I’m not entirely sure if this was supposed to be self congratulatory or a way to shit on Hollywoood. Mark got a bad end, but was treated as justified so....Whatever one it was, It was SO FUCKING FUNNY
3. Dean having the Total Asshole Moments, but still clearly working the case only helped endear him. Sam being sassy helped too. It was just like...solid fun time.
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spencerreviews · 7 years
June-July Movie Update
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TIme again for another movie update. This time for all the films I saw from June through July. I haven’t seen every film that has come out so reviews for Transformers: The Last Knight, Despicable Me 3, and Dunkirk are not on this update. Im hoping to get around to them soon though. Until then, lets dive in.
Baywatch: Skip It
What happened with this film? 21 Jump Street proved that you can take an old TV show and turn it into a fun movie. The people involved with Baywatch clearly didn’t get that memo as we are subjected to a cliche ridden train wreck of a film that is bereft of any humor that was promised in the trailers. Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron give everything they have here with chemistry that is off the charts and even make some truly terrible one liners work, however all of that is undone by the plot. Drugs are found on the beach so the life guards take it as their mission to find the supplier and bring them to justice. Sound familiar? Well it should because that is literally every TV adaptation ever put to film. Baywatch does nothing to bring anything new to the table and despite some truly raunchy moments, there is nothing here to set it apart from anything but yet another disappointing summer movie.
Wonder Woman: See It
Lets be honest, the DCEU  has been pretty disappointing so far. But fear not, Wonder Woman has come along and breathes hope into a franchise that desperately needs it. This film has everything a film needs with a tight script, dazzling visuals and action, and arguably the most well cast super hero since Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man. Gal Gadot shines here and brings this character to life. Sure she was fine in Batman v Superman, but she carries this film on her own. Not only that but Chris Pine is phenomenal as Steve Trevor and works great with Gadot. My main issue with this film is that the first two acts are so great but the third act, while still good, falls into comic book movie 101 territory. The final action scene is great and has some emotional weight to it, but you can’t help but feel like you have seen it in every other superhero movie. Other than that Wonder Woman is well worth your time at the movies.
The Mummy: Rent It
Okay so if you have paid any attention to the reviews of this movie you wouldn’t be wrong to expect the worst film of the year. However I gave it a shot and this is not the dumpster fire you would expect. While it has its issues, this is actually a cheesy action romp you might enjoy. First things first Tom Cruise should have not been in this film, he doesn’t work and feels out of place the entire time. His delivery is strange at times and the script is so poorly written that it doesn’t help. So right off the bat our star of the film just doesn’t work.  However, the actual Mummy in the film is very well developed and you can actually see her as a formidable threat. Russell Crowe is also great here as Dr. Jekyll and adds the world building aspect to the Dark Universe that Universal Studios is building. The action works for the most part and the world that is established in this film is fun but the problem is that is all this movie does. This is billed as a horror film technically but it tries too hard to be the reboot of the 90′s Mummy and the start of a franchise. If the film had focused more it would have been fine but as it is this is best as a Netflix watch.
Baby Driver: Must See
Summer 2017 has been rough but thankfully Edgar Wright brings us one of his best films to date with Baby Driver. Centering around a getaway driver with a hearing problem named Baby who is trying to get out of his life of crime wiht his new girl but runs into problems on the way. Sure that sounds cliche but the genius of this film is in the exection by writer/director Edgar Wright. He puts us in Baby’s shoes like a master and incorporates music, action scenes, comedy, and heart unlike anything I have ever seen before. The style alone gets this movie credit but the pacing and performances put it over the top. Ansel Elgort is a breakout star after this film and shows he is part of the future of Hollywood. His delivery is funny and heart-wrenching at times and I can’t wait to see what this kid does next. Kevin Spacey, Jon Bernthal, and Jon Hamm are also great in this but Jamie Foxx steals the show from all of them. Top that off with a great soundtrack and practical effects and you have a movie that is truly something special.
Spider-Man Homecoming: See It
It only took 5 years after The Avengers, but Spider-Man is officially in the MCU with his first solo film in Spider-Man Homecoming. The story this time picks up right after the events of Captain America: Civil War where Spider-Man is waiting for his Avenger’s call up. However the Vulture comes and Spider-Man learns that, for lack of a better phrase, with great power comes great responsibility. This is the third incarnation of Spider-Man and Tom Holland puts his mark on the character with this film. Yes, he was introduced last year in Civil War, but here we see him take the character on his own. He adds humility and adolescence in a way that really makes Peter Parker more relatable than ever.  Michael Keaton also kills it here as The Vulture and is hands down the best MCU villain since Loki. Director John Watts does deliver a great film but there are some issues. The pacing here is the big issue with some problems throughout but when this movie clicks it fires on all cylinders. Plus the supporting cast was good but more character development would have really rounded this film out a bit more. While this isn’t the best Spider-Man movie ever, this is still a great film that serves as a solid foundation for what could be a great run for Holland’s Spider-Man. Also stay after the credits for arguably the best MCU post credit scene yet.
War for the Planet of the Apes: Must See
2011 was a big year for prequels, but no one suspected that now in 2017 we have the conclusion to one of the best trilogies in cinematic history. War picks up 15 years after the events of Rise and here we see Caesar have to dig deep to find out what kind of leader he really is after an encounter with “The Colonel” played by Woody Harrelson. That is a vague summary but trust me the less you know is the better. This movie does what wants and takes us along for the ride. At the heart of the film is Andy Serkis returning as the ape Caesar and I just want to commend him for his work here. He brings so much to this role in performance capture, you feel for him every step of the way. Harrelson is also great in his role and counteracts Serkis brilliantly. Steve Zahn also plays a great role here as Bad Ape and trust me when I say that he brings the perfect amount of comedy into this dramatic movie. Director Matt Reeves has constructed a near perfect film here full of twists and turns that will keep you hooked through the entire film. I could honestly go on all day about how much this film gets right but go see if for yourself and enjoy one of the best films of the year.
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turianmailman · 8 years
Dif. anon, but I'm curious now. What problems do you have with InuYasha? Characters, lore, etc? It was my first anime, and a guilty pleasure of mine to this day... and I'd love to her some criticism ovo
Complaints under cut cuz it got kinda long :v
There are literally too many to mention and most of these are personal but here are my favorites:
Miroku is a terrible person and is never reprimanded outside of slapstick comedy atmosphere 
It is a goddamned miracle Kagome graduated high school it should NOT have happened.
Naraku is a cheap piece of shit that never fucking dies his presence kills the pace of the story it is a CONSTANT source of frustration and he’s not even threatening he just sits and cackles.
Kagome????????????? Doesn’t affect the present AT ALL by being in the past?????? Save for splitting the jewel???? This is never fully explained??????
The jewel was in her body since the day she was born and only when she’s a cognitive teenager do the present day demons start comin’ for that jewel and even when they do its for like, one episode (the mask carved from the wood of a tree that had a jewel buried inside it)
The jewel is a physical thing that can be removed from her body and you mean to tell me that shit never showed up on an x-ray or during a physical exam the thing is the size of rubber bouncy ball on the front of her abdomen a skilled doctor would feel that 
Kagome’s family doesn’t keep her from going to the past, there is no time spent with them discussing what to do with Kagome or with the well they just blindly trust their 17 yr old family member and theres not time spent with her family begrudgingly accepting of her fate concerning the jewel but being worried none the less 
Kagome’s presence in her peers lives remains unchanged she doesn’t grow distant from them they act as if she’s been there all the time and all they talk about when theyre together is fucking Inuyasha and if there is a strain in her relationships its TOLD to the viewer its never shown
Kikyou sacrifices her life to seal the jewel into her next incarnation but for some reason her next incarnation is born Y E A R S into the future instead of next week or the next day 
Inuyasha and Kikyou live in a world of demons and magic often which cannot be deciphered or understood on their first encounter and are both smart enough to understand this but when they “”betray”” each other after MONTHS to possibly a year of knowing each other neither one of them questions the betrayal???? Also why did Inuyasha not smell Naraku on Fake Kikyou (he might have my memory’s fuzzy on this but if its not addressed I’m pissed)
Im gonna stop there but for character and other plot issues this guy pretty much sums up the stuff that REALLY bugs me (though its about one of the movies and not the show or manga)
Disclaimer: You can like the show just fine! People like what they like and a lot of people grew up with Inuyasha (me and my friends also being those ppl) and theres a nostalgia and heart to it that is alluring and entertaining
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starvvars21-blog · 7 years
KDramas Life : Chicago Typewriter
Hey guys! Welcome back to my blog. So in this article i wanna show you a drama that i should watch every weekend. This drama has a unique story, good actors and of course good roles. Unfortunately, this drama is over. And i can’t believe that. I’m so sad, no more Han Se-Ju, no more Jeon Seol, and no more cutie ghost Yoo Jin-O. Since Chicago Typewriter aired their first episode, i’d written it to the list of drama i must have watch. Good OST, good story line, everything is in there. So, this is 5 reasons why you must have to watch Chicago Typewriter.
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1. Written by ‘The Moon Embracing The Sun’ and ‘Kill Me, Heal Me’ Writer
   Writer-nim Jin Soo Wan has writed a popular drama like ‘The Moon Embracing The Sun’ and ‘Kill Me, Heal Me’ drama. Both of this drama has good ratings and good story line, so many viewers gave a good impression for both of drama. Plus the actors who became famous after took the role like Kim Soo-Hyun, Ji Sung, Park Seo-Joon, etc. With his new screenplay, I trust Jin Soo Wan for her new upcoming drama, Chicago Typewriter.
2. Made in tvN Drama
   Korean Drama lovers, you must be familiar with this network. Many popular drama like Goblin, Cheese In The Trap, Oh My Ghost, Another Miss Oh are made from this Korean TV Cable. I love tvN dramas because they airing an awesome and good drama to watch. So, I’m glad Chicago Typewriter who has a unique story is aired on this network.
3. Unique Story and Plot
   Chicago Typewriter tells about friendship between Seo Hwi-Young, Ryu Soo-Hyun, and Shin Yul in the 1930 era of Japanese rule in Kyungsung. They were writer, sniper, and manager of Jazz Bar Club, Carpe Diem. Then, they set up a community to fight against Japan. 80 years later, they’re reincarnated into a bestselling writer, an anti-fan of bestselling writer, and a ghostwriter. This plot makes me interest and curious about what happens next. And yes, i can’t move on from this best drama. This drama should be rewarded.
4. Good Chemistry between Actors
    Han Se-Ju who played by Yoo Ah-In is very suit in him. He can make the character alive and yes, he is really handsome. We watched drama because of handsome actors, right? :D. Not just him, Jeon Seol who played by Im Soo-Jung, beautiful actress who hiatus from drama, comeback after starring 2004 KBS Melodrama ‘Sorry, I Love You’. Her comeback drama after hiatus was highly awaited by her fans. And Yoo Jin-Oh, played by Go Kyung-Pyo who had success starring his drama, ‘Reply 1988′ as Sun-Woo and ‘Jealousy Incarnate’ as Go Jung-Won. Their chemistry are never disappointed us. Believe me, this drama is good to watch, the actors made their characters alive. Good job Yoo Ah-In, Im Soo-Jung and Go Kyung-Pyo!
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5. Comedy, Romance, Fantasy genre
   Literally i really like this kind of genre. First, I like comedy because it never makes us bored. Especially with the actors who can make a comedy situation and make us laughing so hard. Second, who is in this earth that didn’t like romance genre? Romance takes us to fly so high, fell so down. But that’s what we like, love chemistry between Yoo Ah-In - Im Soo-Jung and Im Soo-Jung - Go Kyung-Pyo, makes us have to choice the right man, and yes, first lead has everything. I ship Han Se-Ju and Jeon Seol because they are look good to be couple, i love they were make a good chemistry and I’m so thankful they can cooperated in this drama. I hope Yoo Ah-In, Im Soo-Jung, and Go Kyung-Pyo can be reunited and do this kind of project someday. And the third, Fantasy genre is what i really like. I like it because it takes us to different world. Chicago Typewriter takes us 80 years before the present day. Life in 1930 Kyungsung are so felt in this drama. 
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Best cinematography, best screenplay, best actors, best drama ever. If you didn’t watch this drama, I’m sure you would regret it. Thank you Chicago Typewriter, for lead us to always grateful because we’re not alone. Good friends are like star, you don’t always see them, but you know they always there.
“If the skies ask me if I’ve had a happy life, this is what I’ll say, I’ll say I was happy to have met you guys. If the skies console me for having gone through so much and pat me on the shoulder and tell me that I’ve lived a good life, I’ll ask them to allow me to be with you guys even in my next life.” - Seo Hwi-Young to his best friends, Shin Yul and Ryu Soo Hyun.
KDramas Life Journal #2 by starvvars21
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