#im more used to the english bc i played in english tho
icharchivist · 10 months
like i said. if you wanna suffer ill be happy to watch. but also the only thing i know about ff 15 is that one max0r video which while very funny is probably not 100% accurate to the story
now this is giving me too much power. I'll be happy (and sad) to oblige. And give you a quick overview.
and yeah i doubt that one video is a good description of it. so.
cracks fingers.
One of us is going to end up crying by the end of this. it's going to be me. but you're welcome to join me.
Final Fantasy 15 is the story of Noctis Lucis Caelum, crown prince of the kingdom of Lucis.
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The Kingdom of Lucis is facing a crisis as the ever-growing Niflheim Empire is trying to expend and take the kingdom over, at the same time as a sickness called Starscrouge is slowly killing people. When the night falls, daemons come in the dark, and ever since those events have started happening, nights are growing longer in longer.
As the Empire of Niflheim is discussing peace treaty with the Kingdom, a clause is made on their contract to have Noctis marry Princess Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, who's been held captive by Niflheim for about a decade, and who has been Noctis's childhood friend and penpal. She is the Oracle, chosen by a prophecy to be the only person capable of healing the Starscrouge before the sickness takes hold.
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King Regis decides to send his son to his marriage-to-be right before the peace treaty is officially signed, accompanied by his three most trusted friends - Ignis Scientia, who's been working as a royal advisor, cook, caretaker ever since they were children, Gladiolus Amicitia, who's been Noctis' bodyguard and royal trainer for a very long time, and Prompto Argentum, Noctis' school bestie who, despite having no relation to the royal family, is the only person outside of it Noctis managed to get close with.
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But soon after their departure, the peace ceremony goes array- King Regis is murdered and the Kingdom of Lucis fall to the Empire, now leading a manhunt for Noctis to kill the royal lineage, and recover the Ring of Lucis, a powerful artefact carried through the family that, especially once coupled with the Magic Crystal that is the source of all magic in Lucis, can connect its wielder with the Kings of Old to access tremendous power left by the Gods.
See, there is a prophecy in the Lucis lineage that one day the One True King Of Light, chosen by the Gods, will be able to purge the world of the Starscrouge and Daemons, ending this curse at all cost. and, as you can imagine, this burden will fall on Noctis's shoulders as he goes through his new journey to awake the old gods and reunites the soul weapons of the previous Kings in order to unlock the full potential of his power.
The game mostly plays as an open world where you explore the valley with your besties. There is a lot that is very difficult to communicate that is just about how it feels like a camping simulator. You don't want to stay up at night for too long because Daemons are overleveled and bitch to kill, so you try to level up, do your missions, and enjoy your time connecting with your friends, learning more about them.
From Prompto's insecurities about his place in this journey, to Ignis's unwavering loyalty that would oversee Noctis's protection to the end, to Gladio devoting himself to being the shield even when everything starts to fall apart, you end up caring a lot for this group of misfits who are just trying to enjoy their journey knowing it might be their last.
You spend the game mostly having fun with them. Finding place to camp, new recipes for Ignis to cook, Prompto is constantly taking pictures and selfies to remember the journey by, you stop to every ponds to be sure Noctis can enjoy all of the fishing he can, you meet up with Gladio's little sister, it's really a really heartful game in ways that are very difficult to articulate.
... until shit hit the fan.
You're introduced to the real antagonist of the game, the Empire's chancelor, Ardyn Izunia, who's been pulling the strings all along, while also helping Noctis unlock the powers of the Gods.
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And when finally it's time for you to go find Lunafreya for their wedding and hopefully linking the power of the Oracle to the King of Light in order to finally purge it all.....
Ardyn will brutally murder Lunafreya in front of Noctis, killing with her any possibility to stop the Starscrouge and the endless nights around the corner. The death itself is pretty heartbreaking, showcasing Noctis' very difficult time to deal with her loss, and Luna was defined by how she was willing to do everything to carry her duty to the end, so it was really sad.. but Luna was not very well written unfortunately (she appears maybe 15mins in the whole game up until this point) so i don't have as much to say about it :( it was super heartbreaking but yeah... yeah.
During this confrontation, Ignis will lose his eyes trying to protect Noctis, as Noctis was unconscious and Ignis grabbed the Ring of Lucis to ask for the powers of the Gods to protect him, and the Gods burn his eyes off. (it's so hard to properly explain but Ignis becoming blind ends up developping a lot of problems in the plot, of course, but especially in the gameplay. Like you spend the game having Ignis cook all sort of things and exitedly tell you about what he's going to cook today, and then your first campire after this incident you see the only food you can cook is some canned bean and it's just. so sudden in the way to tell you Ignis is changed for ever by it.)
Shortly afterward, Ardyn will create illusions that will push Noctis to push Prompto off from a moving train, resulting in Prompto getting kidnapped and experimented on by the Empire.
all while Gladio is losing his faith in Noctis because everyone is expecting so much from him, that they're their only hope, and yet Noctis is so lost in his grief that he doesn't focus on the bigger picture, while everyone he loves is losing everything around them.
When you finally decide to take down the Empire's HQ to get Prompto's back, is when a lot of truth starts to unravel.
You learn that Prompto is the clone of one of the highest funding members of the Empire, who was created to become one of the mindless drone enemies you fight the whole game, but has been smuggled out of the labs before he could be turned as such - only keeping a mark on his wrist reminding him of who he truly is. As much as Prompto always wanted to be Noctis' friend, he always feared that him being a clone, a failed weapon made by the enemies, would eventually disgust Noctis, and he feared all his life that Noctis would turn against him. so you can imagine the panic for Prompto when Noctis did attack him due to the illusions.
Most importantly though, you learn that Ardyn Izunia is actually Ardyn Lucis Caelum - one of the prince of Olds, the first person who was prophetized to be the King of Light. Bahamut himself, god of gods, gave him for missions to purge the Starscrouge, and Ardyn did just that, and took all of the Starscrouge in the world inside of his body, eradicating it from this world... and when he came to ask what he was supposed to do now, the Gods turned on him and left him to his fate, as he was not the one to actually serve to finish this prophecy. (if i recall correctly they legit say it wouldn't be narratively satisfying. Fuck the Gods, fuck Bahamut, all the homies hate Bahamut no matter the universe.)
Then, as the gods refused to clean him from the scrouge, his brothe, Somnus, tried to kill him before locking him into a magical prison and a magical slumber for the centuries that followed. Somnus became known as the Savior of Lucis, he took the credit for the actions of his brother, and build his kingdom on his ashes, continuing his royal line until Noctis' birth out of it.
When the Niflheim Empire started to come to power, they freed Ardyn, and figured out how to be able to use his power -- Ardyn could unlean the Starscrouge inside of him and have it spread into the world.... and we learn that people who "die" from the Starscrouge actually become Daemons, creature of the night, and the more people become Daemons, the longer the night will last.
And so Ardyn unleashed all of his power, all of his suffering, but himself has been turned into a Daemon at this point due to the sickness ravaging his body for centuries. He only feels pain, and he cannot die, for the sickness made him immortal. So while the Empire woke him up to use him, Ardyn decided instead to use the Empire to take revenge on the descendant of his brother, destroy the world he had sworn to save, and finally by the end, being killed by the True King of Light in the way the Gods will find narratively satisfying.
And finally, as our four companions are trying to escape the forteress, Noctis finds the Crystal, and with all the power he has gathered since then, and prompted by Ardyn telling him that the only way for him to know how to defeat him, Noctis approached it... and was taken in by the Crystal.
In there he met the Kings of Old who told him about the prophecy. The King of Light will pure the world of the Starscrouge and the Demons by taking out Ardyn for good.... but since Ardyn cannot die, his soul will always come back into his body, the King of Light must die as well in order to kill Ardyn's soul in the afterlife once its there.
Noctis therefore learns that by the end of his journey, the only thing that awaits is his own suicide in order to finally put Ardyn to rest.
The Crystal kept Noctis in it for about ten years. For ten years Noctis could do nothing but wait, as the Night fully took the lands over and destroyed everything. Only small camps here and there managed to survive and fight -- and his three friends have been trying to do their best for the people's survival, while being torn apart at the sudden loss of Noctis that day.
When Noctis finally returns, he can meet with his friends one last time. And tell them what awaits him.
For one last time you team up with your dearest friends, all of them having to be aware that they're walking you out so you can kill yourself to finally bring peace.
Before entering the final room to the final boss fight, Noctis turns to his friends, and ask Prompto to give him one of the pictures he took. You go through all the pictures you took as Prompto as you decide which picture Noctis will hold on in his last moments, holding on knowing they were the people who brought him on this journey to start with. In there Noctis will share his final words with them.
And finally you leave your friends behind. Finally it's time to fight Ardyn as he himself only awaits for death. Two dead men giving each other a last fight, two pawns by the prophecy made by the Gods, tool in a narrative that never saw them as humans, no matter how hard they clang to their humanity and to the people they loved.
One last final fight, finally killing Ardyn. And watching Noctis climbs on the throne of his father, and empale himself with all of the swords of the previous kings, in order to finish this fight in the afterlife.
And so the game ends. Ardyn is dead. The Starscrouge and Daemons are purged from this world. the Kingdom of Lucis can live on and see better days. And Noctis is dead as well, standing on the throne of his father.
In the last moments of the game you see him in the afterlife where he reunited with Lunafreya. He's holding the picture you picked in the previous scene. Looking over his friends one last time.
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And then in case it's not enough you have the DLCs. Ardyn's DLC tell you more about how the Gods set them up for narrative satisfaction to start with. Then you have all three friends' DLC, set at points in game when you don't know what happened to them. But all of them ends with some final goodbye of some sort.
Gladio's DLC is the most underwhelming one in general so i don't really know what to say about it, and it doesn't really have a big payoff.
Prompto's show how he felt, abandonned in the snow when Noctis almost killed him. Having to wrestle with his existence as a clone, and figuring out if Noctis even wants him by his side. This DLC ends on a last conversation between Prompto and Noctis right before Noctis entered the crystal, in which Noctis tells Prompto he hopes he'll be by his side as he'll try to be a good king. Prompto promise he will be, always.
And then. Ignis' DLC. god that fucking DLC.
You really see the events in which Ignis stole the Ring to try to protect Noctis there, the event that rendered him blind. You see how much he fights out of devotion for Noctis. And you learn that when he put the ring on, the Kings of Old told him Noctis was going to die. Ignis spent his life protecting Noctis. In fact, you go through various flashback of their first meeting. Ignis has to learn that the kid he's protected his whole life, is going to die, and there's nothing he can do about it, because this is the fate that has been drawn on him.
On the first ending of the DLC, There is one last goodbye. Where Ignis wants to follow Noctis to the end and Noctis has to stop him, telling him that he wants him to live on.
(so that's the scene where i was crying so hard i ended up tripping in the stairs)
BUT THEN Ignis's DLC has an alternative ending. an ending where when Ignis hears the plans the Gods had planned for Noctis, he tells them, screw you. I'm never going to let it happen to him. I'll fight all of you if i have to and i'll save Noctis from this cruel fate you have planned.
And so in this ending, Ignis doesn't let Noctis walk into the Crystal and they work together, in an alternative way, until they can save him and put him on the throne.
and let me be clear: this ending is impossible by the game's lore. It's purely a fanservice fix-it ending, a what if, Ignis' ultimate proof of love that is enough to screw over the prophecy hundred of years in the making.
Where Ignis manages to save Noctis so Noctis can actually live on as the King he was raised to be. For ever at his side.
(and i am in fact crying as i'm writing all of this)
all of that while the main theme of the game is a Stand By Me cover by Florence + The Machine that will forever rip your heart and will leave you crying your eyes out as you finish this game, especially after the true ending, watching Noctis' die, and then hearing this fucking damn song.
Anyway i never fucking recovered from it. Like, never.
Like, even a summary doesn't do it justice. My first playthrough took me hundreds of hours. I spent hundred of hours with those kids. Enjoying their banters, seeing them protect each other, fight with one another. There's so much of their dynamic that is so deep into the gameplay, the way your companions will check on you during a fight, the moments they'll pause to have a high five, those moments of pure happiness where you know they're having fun by each other's side.
and Noctis being such a good character you really get to love and for what. And for what!!!!!!!! to get him killed by the end???? like for crying out loud. literally.
So yeah that's the speedrun of what FF15 is about. It's about tearing my heart out of my chest, that's what it is. (and others themes but you get my point)
Anyway. Yeah. Here you are. Here you know FF15's story.
and btw there was a little webseries set right before the event of the games, telling you how each of those friendships started. if you ever goot curious through reading all of this, i definitely recommend it. (the playlist is from newest to oldest though so be sure to watch on the right order)
was it worth it.
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ahalliance · 2 months
i need to do exposure therapy with purgatory i think the fandom experience at the time instilled the unpleasant dread and despair i still feel whenever i think about the event
#though it was also . the event itself’s fault . lol#and the miserable experience it was to watch them play from 7 pm to 5 am every single day for two weeks my time#and yes a lot of my unpleasant feelings towards purg come from my own ass being hyperfixated on the serv/etoiles#to a point where i struggled to Not watch . which made the feelings worse yknow#also like it kinda sucked for everyone it also sucked as an etoiles viewer . man was constantly stuck between the#‘i can’t fight like i want to bc people will complain that im too strong and it’s unfair nor can i Not fight bc people will complain that#i’m going easy on people/not invested in the team’ . and he was right people shit on him either way#like the event marked him in the ‘damned if i do damned if i don’t’ department so much that he still uses purgatory as an example today#and then he joined purg2……. babey girl ur hyperfixation is hurting u….. i actually enjoyed purg2 more tho so idc as much LOL#purg2 was better bc it was an event u actually willingly joined and it included people not from the main server so it wasn’t stuck in#fucking ‘is this lore or a pvp competition’ limbo#anw yeah even though i dislike purgatory overall bc it rly did shitall other than make people angry for two weeks (on ur server thats#supposed to be about uniting cultures . they all spoke in primarily english for two weeks bc the competition model that purg was#was just not built for short distance discussions…. lord)#there’s still some cool stuff that came out of it . my fave highlights r bloodhounds and nice cogs i love them#when i feel stronger i will comb through the vods to write up the relevant stuff for the etoiles miraheze page i just . am still not strong#enough . the detox must be slow and steady#jay rambles#also i am going to bed now i should have been asleep ages ago
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carcinized · 2 years
everyone cross your fingers that the us and english teams get out after like a week in the world cup so that the Ted lasso podcast reports on other teams pls
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sweetteainthesummerx · 4 months
In which Aubrey gets interviewed...
series masterlist
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
ellemagazine posted
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ellemagazine Our June edition features Aubrey Yang on her directing debut, the trajectory of her career and new friends in Formula One. Full article linked in bio.
tagged: aubreyyang
liked by formula1, olliebearman, mckennagraceful and 80,944 others
view all comments
aubreyyang thank you for having me Elle! always a blast 💋
-- aubberieloverss MOTHERRR
-- aubreyyang stawpp ur making me blush
formula1 thank you for the shout out! hope to see you in the Ferrari paddocks soon 🏎️
liked by aubreyyang
-- f1wagsupdates BAHAHA f1 admin ur brave for that one
lilymhe prettiest girl
-- aubreyyang me and dior miss u tons! can't wait to see u soon
mvertsppdudu can ollie fight ill catch him in the paddocks
Aubrey Yang, the multi-faceted actress debuts her talent and grit for directing and screenwriting in her short film Pelt, winning the Best Screenplay and a notable nominee for the Best Film during London Film week. Since we've last seen her at Elle New York, she has turned 18, nearing 19 now, and made some drastic changes to her life.
Since her film, Yang has not been in any other production as talent, but teases us with a new project "that's coming soon, don't worry". She adores her new found love for being a creative, and is scouting to get her hands on more projects in Hollywood on that side of the camera.
Her studies continue at New York University and she is set to graduate early, next year. When asked about her ability to balance school and work, she smiles knowingly and tells us that "it's important to take breaks, but more importantly, I've chosen things I love to do".
During these breaks, Yang is often seen with fellow young actress Dior Goodjohn and international pop sensation Olivia Rodrigo. But 18 has brought a new hobby: Formula One.
"I met Lily [Muni He] and Alex [Albon] at a gala, and we hit it off. They're like my parents" she answers adoringly. She has been seen multiple times in both the Williams and Ferrari garages visiting with fans and learning about the mechanics of racing.
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"I've met some wonderful people; I never really got to be a regular teenager because I was working and going to university early. They've really helped teach me about having fun and letting loose."
Next year when we inevitably feature her lovely face again, we'll see the new changes to her life.
I read ur article it was great
sad I didn't get a shout out tho :(
sorry boo
okay :)
anyways r we still on for the trip?
yes mr. bearman
I was thinking Charles and Alex might want to go w us
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gotta go but talk later? ☺️
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kk cya bearman
bye yang :)
alex 🖼️
cou cou chérie!
(hey dear)
aubrey 🎬
AHH ALEX J'avais l'intention de t'envoyer un texto ! On part en voyage en Europe ?
(I was meaning to text you, are we on for the Europe trip?)
alex 🖼️
yes but I have smth to ask
aubrey 🎬
um not the English what's wrong
alex 🖼️
aubrey 🎬
alex 🖼️
bc I have to watch him text u and its dégoûtant
aubrey 🎬
bro idk
dior thinks we like each other
its just hes becoming such a good friend
he makes me smile
and hes so sweet and kind and gentle
hes not like any other guy ik
alex 🖼️
its going to be such a long trip 😔
aubreyyang posted on their story
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olliebearman replied to your story
cute 😊
ikr shes my cousins baby
very cute
wanna play 9 ball on message
bearyfast_04 posted
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bearyfast_04 I think im ready to be a father
liked by alexandrasaintmleux, leosdad and 10 others
leosdad fatherhood is hard
-- landoakabob u have a dog
-- leosdad u take that back hes my son
-- bearyfast_04 but look at her 🥰
-- arthuranddw another fallen soldier
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
Taglist: @callsignwidow @iloveyou3000morgan @honethatty12 @taygrls
© sweetteainthesummerx.tumblr. all rights reserved. unauthorized copying, translation, or claiming of my writing or any works as your own is strictly prohibited.
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worm-death · 1 month
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I finally got to watch the Lupin Kabuki play and god im so glad i did. i dont want to make this a review, mainly because i think it's unfair for most people whom i assume still haven't gotten to check it out yet (I will write a proper review eventually).
i just want to promote here and say, PLEASE check it out if you can. as it's been said, the Blu-ray has english subtitles with it. Oddly enough no japanese subtitles even tho this was strictly sold in japan, but hey I won't complain, it's a rare opportunity. the subtitles themselves are great, even providing some translation notes for any references a Western audience may not understand.
anyway, about the kabuki itself, please watch it. it's a great lupin story and if nothing else just watch it for technical aspect, kabuki is amazing so seeing the intricate and moving set pieces and costumes is worth it enough. I've never had the opportunity to see a full length kabuki play from start to finish, and completely translated no less so this was great to see just how amazing the art of kabuki is.
the kabuki provides plenty of nods and references to previous lupin material any anime or manga fan could enjoy, and also without needing to rely on those aspects to make it an enjoyable experience.
i wont give much away but, goemon fans ate the most in this, but no one was left out either. this is one of the more dignified roles we've seen from zenigata in forever and i appreciate that so much. even the npc lupin girl, while there is a lady in this that could be classified as that, she plays a much bigger role in this that makes her an essential part of the plot.
and as far as shipping, bc i know how us lupin fans are, there's something to grasp at for pretty much all your favorite ships, but lupgoe was the strongest here.
in conclusion it's just great and i think to go any further would ruin the magic of how amazing this kabuki is. even the minimal amount I got spoiled on was really frustrating this is truly something that needs to be experienced ❤️❤️
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 month
Fem curly headcanons? Maybe a little genderbend purly splashed in the mix
going crazy over these genderbent ask i love genderbent aus sm dawg, we just gonna keep the trend of everyone bein genderbent here for funsies
•ik u want to know her real name here and its either like christelle or claudette/claudia, but if we wanna b funny and keep that “outlier” name curly got goin on, it could be antoinette, these r pretty common haitian names
•considering angelo and curly r twins, despite curly being older, i could see ppl mistaking him to b the older one a lot, the height gap dont help either
•now curly as a woc would obviously change em a bit more, shes even more so put in this box and that annoys her so badly bc she just wants to b herself and doesnt care what others think, however that leads her into getting into trouble and potentially taken advantage of, and thats where angelo being protective of her comes into play, shes also protective of angela tho
•curly is very pretty btw, not in the same way angela is but yknow, still pretty, and she has her own friend group, shes something like a queen bee at school, but not rlly a queen bee???? theyre def well known but ppl dont take her THAT seriously on her own, i hope u get what i mean</333
•shes fetishized a bit bc of her accent, ive always hc’d that out of the shepards, its curly that doesnt have THEE best idea of english at times and still has a bit of her haitian accent when she talks, she knows ppl get hung up on her voice and she tries to take advantage of that when she can, however shes not like angela where u pretend to b sweet, shes VERY upfront about what she wants and rarely uses that sweet talk tactic
•now when it comes to curlys relation ship w tiara (thats tims new name, i aint like tiana no more lmao), id say its closer, at least more obviously, i dont think there rlly WOULD b a shepards gang at least in the way we know it in this au, and so tiara would b way more open to showing affection to curly bc she can afford to be, then add on that once again, theyre both woc, so they HAVE to stick together, ON TOP of that curly looks up to her, so they just,,,click!!!!
•now normally, ive always hc’d curly to b a mamas boy and getting more “positive” attention from their mom, but for this au, curlys mom is like her and tiaras first hater bc of internalized misogyny, their mom obviously plays favorites and her fav is angelo, especially w him being the youngest
•BECAUSE U MENTIONED PURLY, another name u could go w is roseline, its a common name in haiti and long explanation short can b translated to “soft horse”, and so i think it would b funny if they both had that horse thing goin on w their names, for this au, curly hates ALL her parents man
•curly will definitely try on different lipsticks and then kiss pony w it to leave marks, theyre like that one painting “two women” by andrew loomis but edited w the kiss marks
•toxic masculinity/misogyny is helping them out here a bit im ngl, they could kiss in front of ppl and theyd go “oh theyre just two girl friends”, like yea theyre girlfriends alright
•truly wouldnt surprise me if she used the same lines boys would say to her on pony, her mouth is definitely somethin man
•i just realized they would hold hands in this au, like full on, guys omg,,,they hold hands in this au this is truly a win, they can truly cuddle now without curly dodging the fact that it is cuddling, we r WINNING
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arsenalgbt · 7 months
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behind the cut bc nsfw ish - nudging @cybertomii
by kiwi's English is still slowly improving I meant; deccie and kai simplifying the command, the dirty talk, the gentle coaxing, no degradation only the softest of words of affirmations (am I doing it right lol) for their pup --- you know what im not into pet play lol --- FOR THEIR BABY BOY.
bear in mind Jakub looks like this in this setting idc imma suing his barber!
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three clicks and Jakub is on his knees, mouthing at Declan's cock through the sweaty shorts/pyjama etc, looking up with the boyish twinkle in his eyes: "Yes? Now?"
and Declan be like, "Yes, please, baby. Be a good boy."
idk why Jakub likes to be in kai's bony lap LMAOOO, prolly cuz kai is sooo good at edging him? making him squirm. being patient with his stilted English, "Tell me, baby. Tell me what you want. It's alright, take your time."
"I want--" Jakub heaves, cock leaking under kai's ministrations, the back of his head is plastered against kai's neck, and they both are sweating. in my head Jakub sweats heavily, like Declan. "Please."
"Please what, baby?"
"I want it."
"Want what? Use your words."
also, jakub WHINES. cutely, confusedly.
"I want a fuck."
"No. 'I want your cock'. Say it again."
Declan is watching btw. Jakub's eyes meet his then, and Jakub tries to climb off kai's lap across to where Declan is sitting (Declan is usually the more lenient between the two), but kai tightens his grip around his lithe waist, digging his nails into the top of his naked, sweaty thighs.
it's a happy ending of course. my brain is a mush tho so imma leave it at that!!
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aztarion · 1 month
Hiii omg its so good to see a fellow book of hungry names enjoyer out there.... i was wondering if u managed to get sex scenes with podge ingame? Bcuz I've seen people mention it's possible and ever since then I have been desperately trying to no avail 😩 it's cool if you didn't, just thought i'd shoot my shot (also im literally obsessed with your art its so good)
omg HIIIIII thank you 😭 i actually look cuckoo bananas in the tag but it & night road reignited my love for world of darkness so idc lmao
anyway shitty diy romance guide under the cut
including other companions bc ive seen ppl have problems hooking up with melodie too but there is/was a podge-specific bug ill get to after the general stuff. disclaimer first tho english is not my native language & i dont play on steam so cant code dive properly BUT essentially:
podge, elton & melodie’s routes require some initial investment in charisma—not a lot (2 dots is fine) but the higher ur charisma the higher the modifier will be during romance checks, which will help you pass even if your relationship score with them isnt the best/mid range 2/3 dots. in the same vein some of the convictions your character can have also act as modifiers. what ive been able to piece together is that:
melodie likes when you uphold & respect the litany/tradition & the three families, but keep humans/nomi at a distance or out of the picture entirely for their own safety
elton likes when you maintain dignity in your situations, are logical/calculative making decisions & successful in your chosen means to an end (failing rolls is swagless behavior he will judge you)
podge likes when you weaponize your Rage—not necessarily escalating everything to violence (but it is a fair bit of that lmao) but in terms of like challenging the litany/tradition/authority, protecting the weak/disadvantaged
nin likes when you remain level-headed/composed, keep an open mind, respect her as a person/don’t treat her different as a wolfborn, utilize & accept your spiritual third as garou—recognize that cultivating gaia with kindness & hope are as important as protecting her with teeth & claws
TLDR for best relationship modifiers:
Elton: 2 or more dots in Charisma, high Find Purpose Through Dignity conviction
Melodie: 2 or more dots in Charisma, high The Litany Sustains Us conviction
Podge: 2 or more dots in Charisma, high Our Weapon Is Rage conviction
Nin: 2 or more dots in Composure, high Our Answer Is Spirit conviction
so the issue with podge’s route from what i can tell was a coding error that has since been fixed by kyle, basically during the first date most people opt to kiss podge back, which obviously boosts your romance score but at that point in time it boosted it past the threshold check for the sex scene & locked you out of it for both opportunities LOL. this is no longer the case but if your game hasn’t updated since May (not on version: 52507) you will have to play hard to get with podge (dont kiss him back) or your ass is NAWT getting dicked down later. all other scenes proceeds as normal tho
hopefully this helps!! im currently (slowly) playing thru again testing more stuff so i might update this or make a more detailed cleaner post in the future ^^
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shiftingtomydrs · 8 months
descendants rant
Ok idk how to do this so ill just start with myself (or better my parent)
Bcs we all know im a whore for op characters and I really didn’t wanna go basic and just be mals sister or smth I decided to put wanda aka scarlet witch into this universe (basically after the whole no more mutants thing she was banned into the universe by dr strange and professor x or smth yk idk and she tried to get back and that caused some trouble so she was put on the isle of the lost) haha my dad is hades btw but I don’t know it, my mum doesn’t know him either it was more of a ons gone wrong situation
Nowww some stuff about me, my name is scarlet pietra maximoff (yes after Pietro) and im 16 in the first movie. I basically have my mums powers but cant use them on the isle obviously soo idk that I have them until i get to auradon. Also wanda is more like her comic version but since idk the comic events bcs I haven’t read them there are probably inaccuracies lmao. I speak sokovian and exclusively sokovian with my mum and its my first language but English with everyone else. I have red hair in the first movie (but like scarlet red not ginger) and then in the 2nd at the start I have dark auburn / brown hair and in the third I have like dark red hair with like black roots? Idk how to describe it. In the first and 2nd movie I have like red eyes (not in a creepy way) and in the 3rd I get blue eyes, ill say why later.  My main color is red yk scarlet witch and shit and idk what else to say haha but feel free to ask questions
My s/o is ben aka beasty boy (fr I started calling him that before I found out uma calls him that soo yeah I thought I was onto smth only to find out im not the first one who came up with that) and hes the same basically except he also speaks French (I love french speaking men and beauty and the beast takes part in France originally so sue me) idk the timeline is pretty much the same as in the movies except the whole breakup thing at the start of the 2nd movie doesn’t happen
Plot of movie 1: I go with all the other vks (its just 4 but ok) to auradon but except like 1 month to the coronation like in the movies it’s for the whole school year (idk when the coronation was but id say like June or smth) soo from august on. Since my mum is kinda yk abandoning me and being a shit parent bcs shes still grieving and some shit I basically was always around the other 4. Then once there everything kinda plays out like it does in the original movie except for my powers embarrassing me around ben haha idk I think its funny to have my powers go cray cray when im around him (also we dream of each other before we meet bcs *soulmates* but like without seeing faces and stuff). Then mal comes up with the whole love spell thing but it’s a bit different, it only works if the person casting the spell loves the person theyre casting it on (idk I needed an excuse for why mal would let me cast the spell) soo yeah I do the spell and then I basically take mals place for a bit. The whole parent day thing comes up (in the zoom thing they do with the villains my mum doesn’t show up tho) and audreys grandma still grabs mal and stuff and my powers kinda work subconsciously and yk pull them apart and make chad fall into the sleep thing so then everyone hates us (especially me) again and I feel terrible. Coronation day, same thing, love spell gets dissolved bla bla bla. Jane takes the wand, I take the wand from jane, maleficent comes and I give the wand to mal and mal gives it to the fairy godmother, maleficent freezes everyone. Now it strays from the movie basically mal fails to turn maleficent into a lizard like in the movies and she gets also like frozen then I come in and save the day and then fall into like a small coma bcs my powers feed on my life force / energy yk and that was too much. But then I wake up again.
Movie 2: beginning is the same except I replace mal as yk future queen but mal still feels overwhelmed and misunderstood and runs away after the picnic scene (its me and her in the scene, I replace ben in that one). Basically i find out and tell evie and she tells ben and they convince me to stay put while they go get mal bcs yk the coronation thing was scary and im not the most popular over there atm. Ben gets captured, the boys get me to make the wand bcs printing it takes too long, we go back to the isle and we save ben. I use my powers but not that much yk just I know my boundaries. Fast forward to cotillion, uma still spells ben, she turns into a sea monster and I start idk fighting her but since I used so much of my powers the day before already to make the wand and in the fight so yk im nearing the edge of too much. Mal turns into a dragon, ben jumps into the water, does a less y/n pick me version of his speech, uma goes, mal turns back but doesn’t have the big purple dress moment, just a small purple dress moment (like not the big ass gown but more of a cocktail party dress) bcs theres no way shell steal my moment haha
Movie 3: same thing the whole time basically except that when Audrey shows up and spells ben, I go after him immediately and the boys find me while they search for ben in the woods. Mal still gets hades ember (and finds out im her sister during it) and also still promises uma that she’ll free the villains but since shes not the future queen in my dr she doesn’t have jurisdiction to push that through and when I tell that to mal and uma and that I cant just do that uma gets angry and leaves like in the movie. Also since imo the whole ‘we’re not evil anymore and all are happy to go to auradon’ plot doesn’t happen in my dr bcs its stupid haha. In the end I fight with Audrey and get my wandavision scarlet witch transformation moment and yk basically shes agatha and im wanda (she not only took maleficents wand and the crown in my dr but also the darkhold which is still like a dark magic book but without the corruption part, its kinda like the ring from lotr, it corrupts everyone except the owner yk so I don’t get corrupted if I use it but Audrey does) and I absorb hades ember during that thing (Audrey is holding it) which gives me *drum roll* blue eyes. In the end the exchange program will be continued but yk not the barrier lifted bcs the villains are still villains and wanna get revenge (I believe in character development but that whole plot was just stupid af on Disney part sorry not sorry).
some random shit:
i do cheer in auradon in the 2nd movie
i have a friend from my cr i scripted in whos the kid of sisu from raya and the last dragon
my mum and i live in a little cabin on the isle (kinda like the one at the end of wv)
i write music (i have a playlist with songs ive written in my dr if anyone is interested)
i cant swim based just entirely on the fact that the enchanted lake scene in movie 1 can still happen lmao
soo thats it feel free to ask questions (really ask questions, i want questions doesnt matter if ive already answered it or you think its stupid) it got a teeny tiny bit long but who cares lmao
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mirukutchi · 3 months
Making a whole post abt love plus bc i can only type so much in replies!(me and a mewtual are talking abt 3dses on a prev post of mine)
There are four games: love plus, love plus+, new love plus, and new love plus+ the former 2 being for nds, and the latter 2 for 3ds! I have love plus+
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It basically is just an upgrade to the first one, and has a lot more content!
The conceit of love plus is that you are a japanese high schooler(it genders you as male but u can just pretend hehe) who just moved to towano, and is enrolling in towano high school.
There are 3 love interests(technically a 4th girl exists but ONLY in a defunct old app) manaka takane, kobayakawa rinko, and anegasaki nene!
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The first part of the game, pre confession, is like a lot of other dating sims(i hear, i don't usually play dating sims) where you level your stats, visit locations where you might meet the love interests, and basically try to get the girl of your choice to fall in love with you! After she confesses(or after 100 days and no confession you get game end) the real game starts, and you spend your life with your chosen partner! Its actually surprisingly wholesome, its very sfw and is very sweet and endearing!
I personally chose nene, as she is the oldest at 18(and to me, shes the prettiest, but also she has a mole on her face like i do just in a dif spot) and so i could relate to her more easily(but ofc in game you are also a high schooler). Fun fact, she was actually supposed to be a college student!
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I do have a save file for all 3 girls but i p much only play my nene save, as i have the most stuff unlocked w her! I really like the 'no ending' aspect bc its almost reminiscent of nintendogs but with waifus lol but also because i like open ended games that dont end bc if a game ends then i can't keep playing it lol
There is an english patch for the rom version, so if you emulate it you can play the original love plus in English! I am playing a cartridge tho, and so im playing in japanese(idk japanese i am using Google lens lolll)
I don't wanna spoil too much of the game bc your first impressions of the game and the girls is a big part of the experience, but if u have questions i will gladly answer!
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notquitedeadpod · 6 months
The more angsty backstory Neige gets the more im attached to him kcmdmdms
No but i was thinking what are your thoughts on Neige being given nicknames in different languages (like how Casper calls him Zima ect.)? Bc ive been thinking about possible Neige nicknames in my native language (latvian!) And its been quite fun!
I even have some ideas:
- Ziema (means winter and is already very close to Zima so not really that unique)
- Sniegs (means snow and sounds pretty nice, can be turned into a pet name "sniedziņš" lol)
- Ledus (means ice and sounds very cold and brutal, doesnt exactly fit the character but still good)
- Sals (it means like frost or frostbite im pretty sure, sounds nice tho)
So yeah from now on i will be reffering to Neige as sniedziņš sometimes and no one can stop me.
(Also i love love love how you bring other languages into the podcast i speak literally no french but its nice to see it used so casually and just aagghhh its amazing <3. I love the representation of languages XD)
I am glad you are having fun gnawing on this prehistoric boy. And yeah!! So, without getting too much into canon, anything wintery or cold themed is an appropriate thing to call Neige, based on the conventions used to name him elsewhere. It's all based on the 'cold' reputation of his blood.
I LOVE the idea of nicknaming him something to do with frostbite, bc he DOES bite, it's a very important thing about him. He's a lover and a biter. No bark, all bite, and so on and so forth.
Anyway YES you are absolutely right in the way you're nicknaming him!!
I really love playing with languages. English is my first language, Welsh is my second, and I also speak a handful of French and Russian. I also know a little grab-bag of words in Italian and Spanish, but not much, and a few words here and there of Czech, but like. VERY scant. Like I know stray bits of vocab, and that is all.
Languages are so fun, I love how they work and relate to each other, I love how when you start learning a new language it's like 'oh the whole way I think about using words is not the default, there are other structures, other systems, different ways to communicate about these objects and this world'. I love how languages are alive and fluid and they borrow and share and steal and give and change and exchange. I love how it's all about connecting with other people and even when the language barrier is a wall, eventually you will find a way to speak with each other, because that's what people do.
Language <3 It's amazing. In my Top 10 Things Humans Did of All Time.
--- Eira xxx
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Nothing gives me whiplash more than the way my feelings progressed with this poll, also @/ the person talking about "i won't say i'm in love" im howling, you chose the one animated disney song that also happens in a greek lore movie, hitting two olive branch carrying pigeons with one stone. im also impressed for you, OP. You wanted to be tumblr famous and look where you're at lol. I also started reading Antigone and like 3-7 pages in idk it had a table of contents too, and alright, classics stans...I see where you're coming from. But this is giving me ideas. I debated sticking with the old english style of writing, it's not like I can't pull it off, or a modern version of it with the same tone and expressions, but anyone clicking ao3 for this is not going to want 10th grade english flashbacks and it IS a lot of work to keep consistently for however long this might end up so. and that I don't think I can pull of for a fic which is already such an insane concept lol 🫡 I'll go with the easier to read version of the play for how Antigone speaks. type up an outline, then figure out a title. I cannot believe this thing is getting its own fandom and lore. gonna have animatics on youtube and people are gonna be looking at us like they do the fandom for that dream guy like??? same tbh. I want to study this phenomenon under a microscope. My Prof has a PHD in Psych and I may as well ask. Heck, I could turn this into an actual psychological study, we have an honors program for that in College and she can send an email to The Serious Guys In Suits Committee. It'll just need some serious rephrasing to sound like a legit study. I see some issues tho, bc it's one of those you can't solve with an anonymous survey but I'll keep it on the back burner. I think it has some honest potential for furthering other disciplines in historical and social sciences. It's literally a type of conflict resolution, I KNOW people are studying and arguing about that in academia and other gov/research/social work positions. I'm vibrating OP, I don't think you realize how many factors can be nitpicked for a study here. We have a model UN club in the building, and just. the impact of the modern age, with it's evolutionary and environmental aspects on how people respond to conflict is something multi-chaptered.
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missy-0-piink · 2 years
Yeah like, a threesome w them would be so wholesome bc they love each other and I love them 🥺
I’d be so soft with both of them (I’d still overstim and edge like hell tho, but I’d just be really sweet about it and praise them)
But like, You wanna know what im thinking? Double penetration w them.
Imagine, you have a strap, and Rimbaud has his dick, and both of you are fucking into Verlaine really gently
Rimbaud is a bit more desperate tho, because you’re praising both of them
Calling them both your good boys, individually telling them both how pretty they look and how good they’re doing
Sends both of them into subspace straight away
Verlaine is a mess, shaking from the feeling of both your cocks inside of him (you chose a thinner one, so he isn’t overwhelmed, but god it’s so long)
He’s moaning and sobbing, tears dripping down his face after already cumming, but you and Rimbaud still pounded into him as you order him to play with his own nipples
And Rimbaud is only slighter more composed, or rather, he’s quieter, but just as desperate
You play with Rimbauds chest too, eliciting sharp twitches of his body and shudders running down his spine
Fuck, this was so hot
“Ar-Arthur, fuck, feels too good!” Verlaine moaned, pinching his nipples extra tight when Rimbaud bucked his hips harshly in response to his praise, “hah~ (name), please, please, please-“
You cut him off, “aww baby, please what, huh? Use your words big boy~”
“Please, it’s too much- hic- s’too good!” He sobbed out, looking at you with pleading, teary eyes
“Well, Rimbaud here still hasn’t cum yet, so after he finishes then we’ll stop, is that ok baby?” You ask, looking down for any genuine sign of discomfort
He nods, whining out a “yes, oh god~”
You turn to look at Rimbaud, observing the way his long hair was messy, brows furrowed and mouth parted, letting out harsh breaths. His face was flushed red, eyes half lidded as he looked down at Verlaine taking his cock and at your hands playing with his nipples, as he thrusted very slowly, certainly not enough to get anyone off
“Well, that just won’t do…” you mutter to yourself, with Rimbaud hearing and turning to you in confusion before letting out a yelp
You had grabbed his hips with your hands, and started pushing them in and out at a much faster rate while also speeding up your thrusts as well
Rimbaud was shaking, and Verlaine was crying, loud moans and high pitched ones leaving them both respectively
“W-wait, (name)! I’m too sensitive, slow down please~” Rimbaud whimpered out the last word, eyes almost rolling back in his head as he grit his teeth, body shivering
“No can do, pretty boy” you smirk at him
Verlaine was incomprehensible at the rate of rimbauds and yours’ thrusts, drool seeping out the corner of his lips with his head thrown back, French and English words intertwined with each other
Really, having two of the great transcendents at your mercy, whining and begging?
It was all too satisfying
“Hah! I-I’m getting close, my dears~” Rimbaud managed to get out between heavy panting, his thrusts becoming sloppy
“Then be a good boy and jerk Verlaine off, why don’t you?” You say to him, watching as he obeyed, his shaky hand wrapping itself around verlaines cock and pumping in tandem with his thrusts
Verlaine sobbed, back arching as sprays of watery cum coated his abdomen and chest once he came
This triggered rimbauds own orgasm, the clenching of Verlaine around him making the pleasure climax as he emptied himself into Verlaine, breathy moans escaping him
Once they both collapsed onto the bed, you brought a washcloth and started cleaning them up, whispering sweet praises as you did so
After you were done, you settled into bed with them, both of them clinging onto you as they fell asleep
They were honestly too cute 🤭
I fuckin love both of them
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comradeboyhalo · 1 year
I would be interested in seeing the tierlist if you made it
i was going to make this a separate post but ill just answer this here. also im obviously going to be biased bc i see some eggs more than others and ofc i miss out on a good chunk of lore bc i only know english. so if im wrong, theres a reason for that!
my hot take is that roleplaying as a child > any other lore crafted. so that shapes the bulk of this list. AND NO SLANDER THEY ALL DO REALLY WELL, THIS LIST IS NITPICKY BC I OVERALL LOVE THEM ALL.
dapper: I SWEAR IM NOT (COMPLETELY) BIASED. a few months ago, dapper's admin would be quite lower, however he's really gone crazy with rp recently. his body language is really cute and feels very childlike, and i really enjoy how he saves emotional sucker-punches when you least expect it. his deathday signs hit that much harder because he rarely shares his feelings. the soul vulture lore was really well drawn-out with a great pay-off. and it all felt very in character and gave so much character development. if dapper openly shared his feelings all the time with bad, i dont think any of this would feel as powerful.
leo: leo feels so much like a character, and i mean that entirely positively. whenever i see her, i feel like i dont even think of QNPC05, i just think LEO. shes spoiled and bratty but in an adorable way, her body language just screams CHILD, and her use of different heads is so fun. also she was the first egg to use colored signs! she has a lot of worries and social anxiety, but i feel like whenever she communicates these to foolish, it never feels info-dumpy. its actually very impressive how much emotion she can put across just through body language.
richarlyson: i actually was wondering if richas should be lower and everyone raises their pitchforks. i know. hear me out. i really like how detailed richas' admin does his lore HOWEVER i sometimes feel like he doesn't act baby enough. idk. theres something about how leo and dapper emote, and even their worries and insecurities, that makes me see them as much younger. that being said, richas' dedication to family conflict is really well-done and something that more eggs should do. (and for everyone disagreeing with me, i know. i know why im wrong. but i just cant help the vibes i get im sorry?). i get a lot of cuteness agression when he shifts to check if people are following him tho 10/10
tallulah: tallulah and pomme are interchangeable bc they both do what i DONT prefer in rp, which is writing out your feelings. dont get me wrong, its great to know the eggs' thoughts, but those sort of angst dumps just dont hit as hard every stream. tallulah just edges out pomme bc she is a bit more irrational, and makes a lot of mistakes, which i think is a brave move in rp.
pomme: pomme has a really well-crafted character, but, again, i really prefer eggs who are harder to figure out vs eggs who lay all their feelings out. pomme is a bit too influential in bbh's lore decisions imo, sometimes i think she should let things play out a bit further before she tries to reign him back. i know shes just rping, but metawise, i think the admin should let him cook a little longer. i do really think she has a great "child soldier" vibe going on, which feels v much uniquely hers. i just think she could take more risks in rp, pomme is a very logical egg but she's still just a child. i dont want her to always choose the logical answer, i want to see how her young perceptions can force her to make a wrong decision.
ramon: ramon is sort of a weird case in that hes ABOVE tallulah/pomme cause he doesnt do what i dislike. however hes below them in general characterization. that being said, hes really underrated in his relationship with fit, and has some very gut-punching one liners. but hes also kind of like richas where i know LOGICALLY he does roleplay like a kid but i just. the vibes are not the same as dapper and leo. what can i do about that. hes just too competent i guess.
chayanne: chayanne is another egg thats hard for me to catch on stream, but i havent really felt any standout moments from 01 or 06 (however i think 01 plays best cucurucho). idk. i know chayanne's personality pretty well, i just need something...more. maybe i just tune in at the wrong times? i DO love his opinions on philever tho lmaoo. i think his best moment was when he kept trying to fight while quackity repeatedly told him he wasnt strong (reinforcing his greatest fear). and i think the fact that chayanne isnt placed in more dangerous situations really hinders his development (since hes understanding of why phil keeps him protected).
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55 and 95 for a "weird ask"? 👀👀
55. favorite fairy tale?
hmmmm id prolly say i quite like cindarella (the originial) although i may be biased bc i liked the more gothic rewrite i did for english (yes i had to do cindarella fanfic and i cooked tbh) tho tbh no strong opinions on that one lolol
95. favorite app on your phone?
OKAY i have a load of handy dandy non shitty apps on my phone which i really like having so ima make a list: (these r for android btw most prolly arent on ios yet so uh. switch if u can at some point it is so much better over here trust) 1) FDROID - basically google play store but all apps are foss (afaik) and also stuff that goes against gplay tos (like yt to mp3 apps) but also just. normal apps lol theres links to the github repo on every app + it lists "antifeatures" (like dependent on external service (ie: website like yt or wikipedia so its not just on ur phone) n shit like that!! u can get most of the apps im mentioning here via fdroid and its risk free! u do need to install the fdroid apk which looks a little dodgy if u dont know what ur doing but yk w/e 2) novalauncher - no clue if this is on fdroid but its on the playstore so like. its fine this is a much more customisable launcher (like standard icon pack support if ur device dont got that, half grid, shit tons customisation) and i use it on litterally every android device i have bc its just so good and consisitent lmfao 3) icon pack studio - another play store one but this lets u make custom icon packs! basically u controll things like icon position, colour, shadow, scale, tile colour, shape, effects, etc! it doesnt work great for every app + u gotta re-exoport it whenever u install new apps BUT IT COVERS EVERYTHING i use it loads 4) genius - another playstore one its just handy u can set it to have a little notif u can click on to get the lyrics for a song if they have em + u can make little lyric cards which r super duper funky i love em 5) kustom widget - NAOTHER playstore one IM SORRY ILL STOP SOON I SWEAR but it lets u make custom widgets AND ITS SO CUSTOMISABLE its also really complex but like. its still easier than app dev so like. i used it to make a widget of my cat that opens the gallery when i click on it ^^ 6) RI MUSIC - THIS IS AN FDROID ONE - its basically yt music premium but with a different UI and free and much more customisable its soo sfadjfghasjdhgg its a fork of vimusic but it works better its so good it also supports yt playlists so if u use yt music SWITCH TO THIS] 7) wikipedia - its on fdroid and play store yall know what it is the app is great also does dark mode without having to dive into fifteen settings etc 8) i forgor the app name but its free spotify premium its 10/10 no notes (when i say free premium i mean permenant but its just ad free and actual control over the songs so no downloads or anything sadly :( 9) spotiflyer!! - it was on fdroid but its been changed to an extention of smthn it was great when it was an app havent looked into the extention ver yet- if u have a pc use zotify instead its a cli but its much faster and more reliable (change the output folder + file name to just be the track number to avoid it skipping songs w funky chars in it u can use mp3tag to fix the names it gets the metadata also dont forget to download as mp3 or its big) basically spotiflyer and zotify r spotify to mp3 but spotiflyer also does other platofrms like yt music n shit spotiflyer broke now but i was its number one stan lmao
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platypusplayhere · 1 year
Thank you @dangerliesbeforeyou for tagging me, im mentioning all kinds of media bc I love to rant, I have a lot of love in my heart and I have trouble choosing just 8: (im making this on mobile hope it's readable).
Howl's moving castle (2004)
My first experience of gender envy, gender fascination, gender emulation for Howl, at a time I didn't even know that gender was a thing because I was like idek 7 years old.
Kiss of the rabbit god (2019)
A short movie, stumbled onto it bc of Tumblr. You honour, I simply love it.
Shrek (2001)
I'm not being ironic I'm very serious about this one. My mom used to braid my hair weekly when I was little and I constantly played this one, I know it by heart and I'm not joking. I freaking love this movie. Same goes for Mulan, Beauty and the beast, Charlie and the chocolate factory, and the whole Shrek franchise up to the 3rd one. (Gotta watch Puss in boots 1 and 2 tho.)
V for vendetta (2005)
This is a shout-out to 14 years old me who might have at some point based their personality around this movie or maybe they didn't, who's to say. I'm not sorry. Kinda still like it tho.
Corpse bride (2005)
There is an independent cinema in my hometown and they did run it often over the years. Bestie I don't know how many times I went to see this movie with my mother as a child. Recently learned about the Jewish origins of this myth and im a lil upset about the stolen storyline without the context. But some will say it's a Burton movie and they're right.
Valentine's day (2011)
First movie I went to see alone with my friends, I was like 12yo. Rewatched it again like 2 years ago, yeah it ain't that great but it's the memories right.
Father and soldiers (2022)
The last movie that made me cry. I hate war movies but my friends convinced me to go because it was less than 2 hours and I've been mad at movies being more than two and a half hours lately (looking at u House of Gucci, Doctor Strange 2) yeah, I cried my eyes out. It's not a perfect movie but the message is great and very moving. I don't like the English title because the original/French title directly refers the name of a group of African soldier recruited by France in its colonies during WWI -> "Les Tirailleurs" (if I remember well, the soldiers were recruited in every colonies but they left Africa from the Senegal and so all these soldiers are referred as Senegalese regardless of their actual origins). The English title is more fitting thematically wise I'll give you that.
Fulmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009)
Knew about it, was recommended by a dear mutual of mine on this very hellsite and yeah, ppl keep saying it's good because it just is.
I told sunset about you/ I promised you the moon (2020-2021)
If you read my tags u know how I rant about this show often. Watched it 2 years ago thanks to someone i follow on Tumblr (but im not really sure who it was anyway if you're a mutual thank you sm). My first foray into BL (back when I didn't even know what it was) and I couldn't be happier that I started with this. I don't have enough words to praise it. (currently writing a post about it tho, stay tuned for whenever I get around to finish it (tell me if u wanna know when it's up), big up to Bad Buddy and To My Star too)
Honoured mentions bc I started making a list and had more than 8 and couldn't not mention them:
Other movies: O'brother, Love and Leashes, God's own country, Jackie Brown, The big lebowsky (idek if I like this movie but I needed something to base my personality around when I was 15yo)
The book The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo, I'm gonna keep my rant about how the English title is a misunderstanding of the book locked and not even start it.
Alice isn't dead and The Magnus archives (although they're podcasts and I haven't quite finished them, the first seasons are exquisite)
Welcome to Night Vale, I have a lot of episodes to catch up on (currently working on that) started listening like in 2016 then stopped around idek 2 years ago. Some of these episodes are masterpieces ( some I know by heart: Guidelines for disposal, Love is a shambling thing, What happened at the Smithwick House, If he had lived, and The Pilot ofc)
the ballet Swan Lake (1995, 2012) by Matthew Bourne. I don't have enough words. I'll just say it's on youtube.
.....and many more im not think abt rn
*acts surprised* this became a real long post, real quick
(That's why I take a lot of time to answer those lmao, shout out and thank you to the ppl who tag me in these and then I take a lot of time to answer)
Tagging these people and anyone who wants to do it can mention me: @sherlockig @dontbesoevil @lordmeowdemort @namelessbeing @hairbackc0llarup @comrademichael @johnlockdynamic @lovelywickedsoul @frenchsiren
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