#im never not tying things
luisfrost51 · 2 years
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im trying things again
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bepoucorp · 5 months
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Honestly I reccomend you to watch/play/read whatever content interests you!
For me the Lego Batman started the hyperfixation fire, 1966 TV show and the Arkham games fueled it even more!
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sooooo tomorrow (september 15) marks one year exactly since i started writing cmh SO i decided to do a dtiys to celebrate (that + 200 followers on here)! i have never done one of these before and i have no idea what i'm doing <3
no deadline no rules just go ham (jk there are a FEW rules)
you can draw OR write something for this whichever you prefer
you can totally change up the pose etc
just in case this reaches outside the circle of people who have actually read cmh i should also give context that Leo Is A Ghost
@ me in the post and use the tag #cmhdtiys i wanna see
uhhhhhh yeah that's it. have fun and thanks for sticking with me for a full year. goddamn that's wild
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nymphacae · 1 year
More AU study stuff feat. Casual Namedrop…. im so fucking excited to release this next year you have NO IDEA!!!
Trainwreck is a story I’ve been working on for almost under a year now, dang! In which the train crashed (obviously), and that’s the least of everyone’s problems
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1x9 | 3x10
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gingergari · 1 month
Ooh for Toad Peach AU how did the first meeting go with the officials of the Beanbean Kingdom? Ohh maybe more on Peach and Peasley's becoming friends. Does he help her feel a little more confident in her true form? Gimme all of the dynamics hehe
idk why i thought i dreamed this ask but i forgot you sent it 😭 here ya go!
the beanbean and mushroom kingdoms have an extremely close relationship that’s rather old, and as such the births of both heirs were highly celebrated by both families.
here, peasley is roughly 1 year older than peach, and the betrothal between the two was set up very early so the two do not remember their first meeting as they were infants at the time. but still, they visited peach many times before her debutante.
peach’s parents died in a horrific incident i still haven’t detailed when she was around 3-4, which did result in queen bean reaching out more often as peach grew older to offer additional guidance and support :]
but back to peasley and peach, they were thick as thieves and peasley introduced her to fencing! toadsworth wasn’t a fan at first but eventually relented (whatever endears her to peasley, plus any experience with a weapon could come in handy if the mushroom kingdom were to ever leave the peacful era). she’s quite adept in both forms, but prefers to fence in human form. it isn’t something she practices often in current day but it’s something she treasures the memories of alongside trying his bean pillow and learning about beanbean allies and his travels :]
though, as they got older, the two became more aware of their betrothal and what would follow, but things weren’t clicking so they decided to experiment a little (read: they kissed and neither of them liked it. sad!) but neither have brought up calling anything off as both are quite fine with something contractual if it came down to it (but peach would call it off if peasley asked)
at peach’s debutante, they danced together first as a show of the kingdom relationship, and when the first attack/kidnapping happens, the beanbean kingdom offered aid and refuge (little fungitown)
re: her appearance and peasley—she initially meets the beanbean family in toad form, but as she got older this became rarer as experience (and her self image) became priority. peasley makes sure to praise her toad form’s beauty when he sees it, and when mario does come into the picture is of the firm opinion alongside daisy that he does not deserve her if he doesn’t like her true form. on most days she agrees with him
as for superstar saga, he still arrives to the mushroom kingdom ahead of time and toadiko volunteers to take peach’s place instead of birdo (the effect is later undone before peach arrives in the beanbean kingdom)
post superstar saga, the two meet (peach crownless) to discuss their love interests, and their betrothal is officially called off. consequent meetings with the beanbean kingdom are held in her toad form :]
#gari’s asks#nintendo#smb#toad peach au#princess peach#prince peasley#ty key ily 🩵#oh my god i hate tumblr no i did not click on that notification i was working on a draft 😭#for clarification: mario and luigi know about her toad form by superstar saga#i’m not sure if peach ever publicizes their relationship but they are more explicit/open after superstar saga#but overall peasley is a treasured confidant before daisy enters the picture#and i imagine that peasley would give her gifts from other kingdoms since between her preparations and toadsworth she never left the castle#so peach has a healthy love of travel#i feel like peach wouldn’t have wanted to call off the betrothal first and foremost bc of how much she loves queen bean#like she knows that it wouldn’t change but still#also after the debutante and the bowser thing that’s the only thing saving her from a marriage plot working#kind of. you know what i mean#peasley visited a few times after her debutante but he did not meet mario or luigi until superstar saga#(they weren’t isekai’d yet or mario was away or sick)#half wrote this off the seat of my pants but it is mainly based of what i wrote about their relationship in my notes#i did write that she was gonna get married at like. age 23-25 but im still figuring out the timeline so rn superstar saga happens when shes#a lot later than that i think. i don’t want everything to be so compressed but if i want everything to fit in a certain timeline i need#to do some adjustments on timeframe and/or maybe make peach younger when smb happens#peasley and daisy have a lighthearted rivalry 👍🏽
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So a few of my irls were talking about how c!dream never targetted c!tommy and or had a dependency issue and I just wanna correct that.
c!Dream at the start of the series (since now the start is considered canon) constantly went after the discs even when c!Tommy told him he wanted to have a truce and that they were allies even wanting to play them together with c!Dream. c!Dream agreed to those terms but then attacked him 5 minutes later anyway.
Not forgetting the first disc fight where c!Dream targetted c!Tommy the whole time and only gave c!Sapnap and c!Ponk and c!Alyssa a slap on the wrist.
c!Dream spent a good portion of a Tommy stream donating him msgs to play the discs.
A couple of early streams of c!Dream trying to get c!Tubbo o someone else against c!Tommy.
Not really targetting but he said "Tommy is under my protection" which is that dependency thing idk it counts.
c!Dream built a tunnel to c!Tommys base.
c!Dream during L'manberg arc seemed more against c!Tommy than c!Wilbur and the others more often than not.
c!Dream focused on getting c!Tommys friends against him, such as most notably c!Tubbo and c!Wilbur in pogtopia arc.
c!Dream betrays c!Tommy in pogtopia arc after initially helping c!Tommy out. He tells c!Tommy this is due to 'business' he also tells him, 'that he put something better over friendship' (aka the revival book he got from c!Schlatt) (either way, he still betrayed him.)
He tells c!Tommy at the end of l'manberg blowing up that 'everythings just getting started', and makes it out as if c!Tommy was in the wong.
A few weeks before exile. c!Dream and c!Puffy went around destroying everything including c!Skeppys home and then framing it on c!Tommy with signs. c!Dream in particular is excited for people to log on and for them to get mad at c!Tommy.
The above was confirmed canon when during Exile trial, c!Dream says that c!Tommy had blown up c!Skeppys house (or he infers it), showing the damage that he himself did.
In Exile trial, I'm not gonna lie c!Tommy totallyyy fucked up here by burning a little TINY tiny small tiny bit of c!Georges home and then trying to fix it. And then he lied about it. (/sarc) But, c!Dream was provoking him in the whisper chat with ":)" and "have fun on probation :)"
During exile, he focuses on putting all blame for his problems on c!Tommy. Not just saying that to c!Tommys face but on other people's streams, he was there talking about how much of a nuisance c!Tommy is and what not.
In exile, he proceeds to get c!Tommy dependent on him so c!Tommy will help with his goals later on. But the way he goes about this is to a severe extreme like how he snaps at him and hits him with an axe or arrow, he takes great enjoyment in bullying c!Tommy and getting others like c!Lazarbeam to bully him too, he makes sure c!Tommy is completely lonely even sending c!Ghostbur away who was memory loss so how could he break c!Dreams plans exactly?, he gasights c!Tommy into thinking that c!Dream didn't kill Mexican Dream, he blows up c!Tommys base despite never telling c!Tommy the rule about how he can't have chests underground.
He goes onto track c!Tommy down. And again, its more the way he goes about it.
Once c!Tommy is back in L'manberg, c!Dream blows up the community house and frames it on c!Tommy. Getting everyone against him and he tells c!Tubbo that he is affiliated to c!Tommy based on the disc that he says is 'Tommys most prized possession' which is him getting c!Tubbo to go against c!Tommy once more.
After Lmanberg gets blown up again. c!Dream tells c!Tommy "I'm not done with you. Our stories not over... Our stories not over" c!Tommy says "Our stories not over but it will be... It will be soon" and c!Dream replies "I don't think our story will ever be over, Tommy. I think that you're just too fun. I don't think It'll be over."
In disc finale, he proceeds to act like that c!Tommy is his main target, calling him the key to the server and going after him more than c!Tubbo. And puts the idea in c!Clingyduos heads that he needs all the possesions to control the server. (now even though c!Dream staged this whole thing and wasn't actually saying his motivations, c!Tommy never knows that he lied about that not at this point at least. It further riles c!Tommy up and has him believing that c!Dream really is obsessed with hurting him and since c!Dream never explains why properly, it comes off to c!Tommy that he is obsessed for no reason.) (Also possible for it to be half staged making the motivations semi-true)
Then, c!Dream causes c!Tommy to get stuck in the cell with him by controlling c!Ranboo to do that (which this is confirmed that he really did do this, confirmed in the final lore stream and in dream xds video)
The point of c!Dream allegedly lying to make c!Tommy think c!Dream was after him all the time is further solidified when in the prison arc. c!Dream refers to c!Tommy as a light, and key and keeps going on about studying death with him. I know a lot of this may very well be real and a result from him being mentally ill from isolation, but theres so many lies sprinkled in here like telling c!Tommy that he never tested out the revival book before when he had (btw correct me if Im wrong here, I could of got the dates mixed up)
c!Sam also claims that c!Dream kept going on about c!Tommy in the prison, c!Sam also says that c!Dream was practically manically laughing after he killed c!Tommy. (Obsession, putting on an act of obsession, mentally ill from the prison sure maybe all 3)
After c!Dream escapes prison, he immediately goes after c!Tommy. (Which sure is to scare c!Tommy into no longer going after him or whatever it could be an act) But he's still putting the idea in c!Tommys head that he's obsessed with hurting him, and don't say that he did this unintentionally because we already have the 'you're too fun line' and several other moments to prove otherwise. He also then puts signs around c!Tommys home saying 'watch your back' and ":) I'm watching" and he makes a trap for c!Tommy to fall into playing back a messed up disc. Don't say that this was apart of c!Tommys delusion because c!Eryn saw it too and a few others did from what I remember-unless thats retconned idunno.
In c!Wilburs finale, c!Dream can't stand the idea of the discs being burned. (The discs are affiliated with c!Tommy as c!Dream has said before, and has said that the discs are c!Tommys most prized possesion) He still cares about them even now. He also watches c!Tommy for majority of the time.
In Dreams space, he claims that his character was not solely torturing c!Tommy for the sake of it, but that he still really enjoyed hurting c!Tommy. Its to vague to tell if Dream is denouncing the 'c!Dream is obsessed with c!Tommy' theory or not. I believe he is saying that it is half true- as in that his character is, but that he has reasons to do so, and or that this wasn't his only plan.
During the final lore finale, c!Dream claims that he wasn't targeting c!Tommy and that he had left him alone however that contradicts with everything I wrote above, so 1. He thinks he left c!Tommy alone, 2. He was referring to the present where he did leave him alone and purposely/or accidentally ignoring the past, or 3. he knows he didn't and is just trying to rile c!Tommy up. Either way he goes onto admit that he did cause c!Ranboo to get c!Tommy stuck in the prison. He also confirms later on that he genuinely believes c!Tommy is the cause of the ruining of his server. "Why are you ruining everything all the time" "You deserved it (torture)" "I am (a villain), I tortured you."
And not to mention. Out of everyone on the server that gets c!Dream to give up and somewhat open up, its c!Tommy... because ofc it is. No ones surprised.
I think that's everything. as always I'm happy to debate with people and stuff preferably in dms but idm. If anything is wrong, correct it. If anything is missed, let me know. ty
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Points at you. 10 and/or 11 for starstruck?
Two starstruck asks,,,,,,joy of joys,,
Part of an ask game linked here.
#10. What's an au you have for them?
Since them meeting at all is technically an AU i have 3 different ways that they do meet up. There's the one where Juniper ends up with the agency/adjacent to and ends up working with Reggie (have written a fic with this). The next one is Juniper surviving but basically going stealth and living as normal of a life as he can and ending up meeting Reggie through chance (most recent fic I've written). And then there's my personal favourite where Reginald "You're lucky my tracking skills are still up to snuff" Crane keeping himself busy after Phoenix was MIA and finding Juniper still alive (fic I want to write but haven't started mainly because it may end up multi chapter).
In terms of more AU canon bending taking them and putting them in a completely unrelated situation...I have a guilty pleasure Warrior Cats AU for IEYTD in general. Both JJ and Reggie have perfect warrior cats suffixes in their names already (Juniper and Crane) so they're called Junipersong (charcoal bengal) and Craneflight (tabby Norwegian forest cat). It's very silly but the amount of scenes I have in my mind for it...good lord...
#11. How was their first kiss like?
Augh my friend Imp wrote an absolutely excellent fic about it (tragically in the realm of unfinished Google docs) and I'm shaking their hand about it so hard. Basically Juniper kissing Reggie but he like wasn't ready/fully expecting it and Juniper absolutely panicking because he thinks he's misread every interaction between them both since they got closer. The second one is much sweeter though,,
#realised i phrased all the fics ive written like those ghosts that haunted scrooge#ah yes the fic of starstuck past#the fic of starstruck present and the fic of starstruck yet to come. it's so dumb#and uhh for the warrior cats thing um. of course they aren't purebreds minus Juniper who used to be a kittypet (housecat) but -#- it was moreso for easy description#reggie is fluffy but he's not quite maine coonf fluffy...norwegan forest cat was a nice middle ground...still gets big guy points too#also um side note roxanix in that au um. they adopted a kit as a stand in for robutler in that au......#also solaris is a VERY grumpy warrior turned medicine cat annnnd thats about all I have fully hashed out in my mind for it so far#im so torn abt also having triple threat.....extra large polycule where phoenix is just intimidated by the others prism is dating lmao#ANYWAYS ENOUGH ABOUT THE WARRIOR CATS AU#can you tell I have a special interest in cats/warrior cats. oh how I miss drawing cats. but I must learn people. for the brainworms...ouuu#i don't have much else to say on that second question other than....AUUUUUUGH they're so. there's so much pent up stuff.#like for JJ it's the first time he's let himself actually love another man the way he wants to while for Reggie it's a lot of -#- realising JJ is trying to be a better person while still ackowleging the fact that he did bad??? basically second chance yada yada#man. i love these two#ik im a broken ass reccord but I've never proactively posted abt them outside the last couple months and it's been so theraputic#ty for the ask it was fun :3c#ieytd#starstruck#junicrane#ask game#not tagging them specifically I don't wanna clog up tags too much#god WHY do i have such an issue eith that. mental issue. anyways
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scionshtola · 5 months
13 for the cuddle prompts 🥰
ty hannah!!
13. holding and watching the other while they fall asleep || 255 words
Corisande sinks into Y’shtola’s arms, their ears carefully pointed away from her face as they tuck their nose into the curve of her neck. Though their narrow shoulders and rather straight frame give them the appearance of being slight, their height and the long, lean muscles from years of acrobatic machinist training make them a significant presence in her arms. But Y’shtola does not mind—their warm, solid weight pressed her comfortingly into the bed, settling her.
“Turning in for the night, are we?” Y’shtola slips a hand under Corisande’s nightshirt and presses her palm to the warm skin beneath, corners of her lips quirking when they relax even further in her arms. Corisande hums softly, her eyelashes whispering against Y’shtola’s neck as she closes her eyes.
Y’shtola has her answer. She rubs soothing circles into their back and presses a soft kiss between their slowly drooping ears. Their breath glides warm and even across her collarbones, almost tickling. Corisande grows slightly heavier in her arms the further they fall into sleep, and a small, warm delight takes root in Y'shtola, expanding with each rise and fall of their chest against hers.
After sharing a bed for so long now, Y’shtola knows ‘tis no small thing for Corisande to fall asleep so easily. As warm and secure as Y’shtola feels beneath her, Corisande must feel equally as secure in Y’shtola’s arms. 
Y’shtola tucks her smile into their hair, disguised as a gentle kiss, rests her cheek atop their head, and says, “Goodnight, my love. Sleep well.”
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pup-pee · 5 days
friend of friends here. genuinely asking how you've never tasted apple pie because it's like. idk one of the common ones ? (I'm not even an apple pie lover- catch me with some cherry or blueberry over apple anyday if we're talking pies)
hello friend of a friend :D
ive never actually had any pie OTHER than pumpkin pie & the reason 4 that is bc my older brother doesnt like any other pie
he has texture issues & just, ??? bc he didnt like it my parents never interacted w/apple pie or any pie outside of pumpkin since? asklfhdsjk
this happens w/all kinds of food & also just other thingssss
this is y ik nothing of starwars; bc my brother h8ed it so i just never got 2 watch any((dont ask how weird that was i just assummed it was a rule & havent made time 2 watych it idk kfjhdsfkj))
im from goddamn the west of west & just WHERE IS THE APPLE PIE ALL I SEE IS PUMPKIN PIE & CHEESECAKE 4 MILES 2 COME
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ask-the-bone-boys · 2 months
[[ok gang i am genuinely so sorry to be doing this literally RIGHT before the end of the event but i've got a whole buncha stuff lining up irl that i am starting to reeeaaally need to address/prioritize and there are a couple things that i still want to do for the "finale" here that i haven't had the time to set up, so all of this is to say iiii need to take at least a day or two to Slow Down And Chill for a bit
I haven't entirely decided if this means I'll take a full break like i have been for the weekends or if I'll just post a little less than I have been, it depends on how I end up feeling really. I will absolutely try my best to make up for the days I've missed tho! I have something pretty cool planned that I think has the potential to be pretty fun, just like i said I gotta set things in place first haha]]
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mschismosa · 2 months
Ive gotten a few comments over the years about how ppl can feel intimacy & warmth in my ship art sometimes and those are my FAVORITE comments. Its truly the highest honor to get a response like that. All these years of yearning so bad I wanna bang my head against the wall is good for something at least. Glad u like the soup ❤️
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
About Judgment: In short, I think RGGS was intending to continue the series. There were indeed rumors at one point that the series would end at Lost Judgment due to a disagreement with Kimura's agency, Johnny & Associates, about porting the games to PC--I'm unclear on why, there was speculation but I don't think it was ever stated. Obviously the PC ports are out now, so either that wasn't the issue or they moved past it. There's also just general disbelief around there being a third entry simply because there's this idea (joke?) that Kimura never does three of anything, which isn't true at this point. It is true RGGS historically hasn't done three of anything in terms of spinoff series (Kurohyou, Mobile+Kizuna, and arguably Kenzan+Ishin), but it's also true that none of their past spinoffs have been as successful as Judgment, and we're seeing a lot of "firsts" from the studio lately. The fact is that Yokoyama himself said something along the lines of "and of course, we won't forget about Judgment" (not literally, just the closest English expression I can think of that can be misinterpreted in the way I'm about to explain) while talking about future works. But for some reason, people took it as if he meant it "in mourning" rather than an obvious confirmation of more to come, I guess? A TV show was also announced, so I really don't get why they'd invest so much into a series they were going to end. I know Kurohyou got a show too, but this seems different. Anyway, that's the most recent information, but it's from some years ago. There is a major new development, however: J&A talents' contracts are being cancelled left and right as of the last couple of months due to the agency's dogshit handling of and response to an investigation into Johnny Kitagawa's serial abuse of allegedly hundreds of his talents. That's been going on since the man died in 2019, basically, but a lot's happened this year.
This has left the talents with the incredibly tough decision of either remaining at an agency that refuses to even change its name and is rapidly breaking down or leaving. It has historically been very difficult to do the latter. On top of what you'd expect, J&A controls their talents to an insane degree and has leveraged their control of the media to suppress the careers of those who leave.
Broadly, in terms of how media companies have responded so far, I understand not wanting to associate with J&A and that J&A would likely benefit from the contracts more than the talents, but it still feels like the talents are the ones being punished... I have to imagine at least some of them were victims, so to be victims of the blacklist on top of that... That, and some of these companies kept the truth from coming out for decades.
With J&A losing its foothold in the media, though, there may be no better time than now to leave the agency. I don't know if Kimura will--rumors have been circulating ever since his idol group were forced to break up years and years ago, but while they all went independent, he never has--especially because a lot of seniors like him feel a responsibility to stay and change the agency for the better. As of right now, I'm not aware of Kimura's contracts getting cancelled, so I can't say one way or another if that'd have an effect.
I don't know what happens from here. I'm not sure if RGGS will look at it as collaborating with J&A or with Kimura or both, and how they'll factor in what's going on right now into working with him. Hypothetically, it would be possible to continue the series even without Kimura (any of the other mains do or would make great protagonists), but at the same time, Judgment is hugely reliant on Kimura's charisma. That's why people who play the dub (or people who don't like Kimura) often come away with the impression Yagami's kind of a dick or doesn't stand out much.
So... that's the state of Judgment right now. We won't know until we know, I guess.
OHHHHH OK saucy... sucks about J&A- it'd be cool if yk. they could face the consequences of their actions LMAO but that Could involve displacing hella workers now wouldnt it
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thedeadthree · 1 year
TAGGED BY @nightbloodraelle, @minaharkers and @statichvm to post eight of my favorite tv shows! ty ty so much loves!
TAGGING: @umbertors, @risingsh0t, @griffin-wood, @jendoe, @kingsroad, @unholymilf, @gwynbleidd, @denerims, @lavinet, @queennymeria, @chuckhansen, @yennas, @adelaidedrubman, @leviiackrman, @shadowglens, @florbelles, @confidentandgood, @detectivelokis, @nokstella, @lizzywizzy, @phillipsgraves, @calenhads, @girlbosselrond, @belorage, @roberthouses, @kiryukazumas, @noonfaerie, @celticwoman, @aartyom, @shellibisshe, @marivenah, @jacobseed and you!
#only if you want to of course! 🥀#im so sorry if i miss anyone AHH 🥀✨😭 pain brain from mirgaines :’)#leg.txt#leg.about#t: about leg#leg.tagged#t: text#TY SO MUCH AND AHH I SO SECOND THIS ONE WAS TOUGH FOR SURE 🌸💞 but also so cute to do!#narrowing it down was a time but i was like oh what shows have lived in my mind rent free the most over my years of living and here they are#(i have to finish the new free!content and aot but i did a cosplay for aot as sasha / hanji in hs and planned a free cosplay back then so#they’re faves of mine as well <3)#got will join this list for sure when i am finished with it and when I catch up on slow horses s2 as well 🥀✨🥴#(watched the first season a year-ish ago and was obsessed and now reading the book at a snails pace and it’s lovely <3 WATCH IT WATCH IT)#(ten bucks says ill make a clown for spider or river sosjjsuz)#(i mean ive had one on the backburner for eons but have yet to develop or make things for her skzjjxjx 🥀✨🥴)#e*dgerunners and absolution are also honorable mentions from last year 🥀😭✨#and p*sycho pass and t*okyo ghoul they will never not be unmatched#theres so many faves SO MANY#also WATCH ERGO PROXY I AM PLEADING (maybe ill make a clown for that show too in my campaign to get y’all obsessed 🥀✨😌)#OHHHH SHOCKER MANDO AND T*LOU THERE AND H*OTD BC BELOVED DAEMY AND AEGGY 🥀✨🥴#and like i need to watch n*arcos we are truly in our pedro era 🥀✨😌#ofc moon knight i mean i had to for chiara and her dearie marc I HAD TO 🥀✨😭 I OWED IT TO THEM#the last one was a toss up between f*ma and cm and as it’s lately been a regular thing to binge i was like teehee yes 🥀✨😌
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snowshinobi · 10 months
microdosing on cannibalizing my own flesh by reading Richard Silken poems. and falling in love
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i would love to hear about the ollie and handler crack ship here’s a silly doodle as well
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Also this got my ass to design Ollie so:
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(Love him - Also redesigned Reggie for this too so thanks!!)
And idk if it's moreso a crackship or a rarepair that only works in an AU (HACKS up Starstruck), but Reggie's line of "...and I hope Ollie made it out too. I hope a lot of things." It's totally me reading into it but like,,,,I want them to talk because Ollie is not dead to me in my heart of hearts.
Maybe the only change is like Reggie taps into the communication on the radio in Hot Water instead of using the earpiece, so Ollie ends up hearing him also? And they end up getting along really well (with Reggie having to jump through a couple hoops to be like "haha what agency..."). There's an Agency base in the South-East coast of Australia and maybe the Agency ends up adopting him after he washes up on the shore with the escape pod (after HEAVY questioning).
Alas take a doodle of my own:
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Transcript (it's just canon lines):
Ollie: "She's being controlled, it's not her fault."
Reggie: "Agent, I have 0 experience dealing with giant security squids."
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