#im not gonna make an essay in the tags but man
bunabi · 5 months
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the most cooked strings of sentences ive ever seen in my life
give me the strength to stay outta search
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medicalunprofessional · 4 months
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never change, man !
#phantom of the paradise#potp#swan potp#nightmaretheater#65 layers and about 24 hours . Eeeyyuppp#Look into my beautiful mind boy#Its a bit unusual to what i usually draw#but i had to push a specific look for this piece#hopefully you all are picking up on the corperate look . the advertisment look#Sneeze. Anyways my point is industry destroys creative people. This includes swan#I feel like phrases like these ; how he was put on a pedistal…. it lead him to be Like That#as awful as he is he desperately needed help#it might seem like vanity on the surface#but i think its… more than that#long story short: we need to destroy the beauty industry. the skincare industry. the anti-aging industry#It ruined his psyche forever and he cant let go of the ideal version of himself he will never truly be again#i dont think he can at this point. hes in too deep and hes suffering for it no matter how much he feels hes fixed his problems#he cant accept a version of himself that isnt that perfect young man. because he never confronted his problems. he just ran away#anyways . Hi swath *punches him**kicks him*#i dont care if nobody gets me lalalalla my truths and headcanons are awesome forever and i live in my own reality lallaallal#sorry i think im gonna be posting about swan alot for a few months hes making me sick#i wass gonna post this earlier but my internet was real bad#*lays down in my pile of pillows* eat up boys. haha#sidenote: drawing white blond people is horrifiying. Boy your skin and hair are the same color. Introduce some contrast to yourself. Please#adding on: its inportant to note this focuses on him looking st himself in the mirror alot on purpouse#to remind himself what he ‘’’’really’’’’ looks like#the 4 middle pannels all represent that too . u have to be in my brain ri get this#sorry for unleashijg another swan essay in my tags. will happen again lol
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lovehours · 1 year
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i don’t even fucking care
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arcanegifs · 5 months
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asthe-crow-flies · 10 months
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naturalness/unnaturalness in Lolina: Origins by R L Hughes
i could write a whole essay about this, but its almost finals, so this is what you're getting
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synthshenanigans · 1 year
We do not talk about the instrumentals enough like good god they're amazing
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Am i gonna use the heisenberg uncertainty principle in my anthropology essay in which i need to refer back to my own discipline which happens to be the exact opposite of quantum physics? You bet i am
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judyalvqrez · 2 years
the way people are once again removing all the nuance and moral greyness and complexity out of the last of us, but especially joel miller’s character is kinda concerning lol
#i told myself i wasn't gonna get into the discourse but i was reading through some of the posts and comments in the tlou tag and... oof#like i get it i could write whole essays about my feelings on this story and its characters and the ending ect.#but a lot of people are already getting annoyingly defensive of every single one of joel’s actions#literally stripping him of all of the flaws and complexities and moral greyness that make him such a great character#why are yall turning him into a clean cut selfless hero that did everything right like that's so boring#what’s most frustrating is how people are completely ignoring ellie’s perspective in all of this#some even just pushing her entire character aside in favor of joel#only bringing her or her trauma up when they’re trying to justify something joel did#and treating her like an accessory to his character when you should be reflecting how his actions are gonna affect HER#i hate to break it to yall but if you bring this highly romanticized version of joel into the next season#yall are NOT gonna have a good time#it happened once and it will happen again and i know the inevitable backlash is gonna be twice as bad this time that’s why im concerned#anyway those are just my two cents that no one asked for if you see me posting any type of discourse again pls shoot me lol#and please don't think i'm a joel hater either those people are just as annoying they're just in the minority i think especially on tumblr#why can't we just enjoy joel for the morally grey complex and honestly fucked up and tragic man that he is#it's like joel defender this joel hater that let's just be joel enjoyers#or joel lovers that'd be me because i love him with all my heart 🥺#especially hbo joel like his characterization was so good he just hits different and honestly i prefer him over game joel#and i do enjoy the occasional ''joel is innocent/did nothing wrong' memes/jokes i think they're hilarious and ultimately harmless#(also the joel/abby memes but that's another story sjafhksaf)#this was more about the people writing almost whole ass dissertations or actively starting arguments in their fervent need to defend joel#okay im done lol#lucy rants#i tried to keep this little rant as spoiler free as possible because there's no way in hell im tagging this asjfknsa this was more for me#if you read this whole thing through the end: hi i hope your day was good and if it wasn't i hope it's great tomorrow :)
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coridallasmultipass · 4 months
Personal vent and ugly mental illness symptom talk
So, I should unpack this with my therapist, but shit's embarrassing, so I'm just gonna vent it out on the public internet lmao.
I was typing out a whole thing about how I KNOW I'm aromantic, and despite that, still have moments where my brain gaslights me into believing I'm in fairytale love.
I should preface by saying I have not officially been diagnosed with either additional mental illnesses I believe that I have (B.P//D and AD//HD [which lol being on AD//HD meds since antidepressants didn't do anything has given me some notable improvement, but I'm still without a diagnosis], nor Au//tism) DESPITE repeatedly asking multiple therapists multiple times and a psych like 100 times to give me a definitive yes or a no.
But holy shit. So I'm typing about how I've 'Favourite Person'-ed multiple people at multiple points in my life across all ages, and I'm like, okay, it's been a hot minute since I refreshed my definition of that, I should make sure that's still a thing and not something I just made up or has been dropped from the symptoms or whatever the case. I wanna make sure I'm using it right in this rant about how falling into Favourite Personing people in the past has made me believe 'wait, maybe I'm not aro, this HAS to be like the deepest truest love in existence, despite my years of knowing I'm aro.' Like, I'm so aro I once calculated out the date, months in advance, I was gonna tell someone I was dating that I loved them, only because it seemed like a socially acceptable amount of time to say it. I wasn't thinking about what I actually felt lmao. (And that was probably not a FP relationship, too, so I know that was absolutely an aro incident.)
Anyways, so I'm reading a couple articles to make sure I articulate my points about how it's conflicted with being aro, and I read about how people falling into having a FP will even hate that person for the slightest perceived wrongs. (I knew this, I just was thinking about the love incidents since that's what was related to my point about being aro.)
And holy shit. That just. Unlocked a memory I have about when I was an older kid, like probably 9ish (and older), I HATED my best friend of many years and who would continue being my bff for more years. Who was my everything. I couldn't stop thinking about how much I hated them. I would lie awake at night (insomnia too tho) thinking about how much I hated them and I couldn't understand why I didn't just stop being their friend and start hanging out with old friends more instead. I just couldn't do it, I wanted to hang out with THEM. I was so sick and feeling jealous of them whenever I found out they'd been hanging out with someone else one-on-one and I wasn't invited. Even when it was their own family. One time they brought me a plate of cookies by surprise for (before) a holiday that they'd just made with their cousin or something. And I felt so sick about how I wasn't there for that, it felt like an insult. I couldn't have put this into words, unless I just now read that point in an article and made a connection. It was so confusing, because usually the people who hated their 'best friend' was like, the mean girl kinda character who intentionally does it to hurt the innocent main character or something, but I was the one who felt wronged every time those feelings would come up. And this wasn't just a 'man it's so annoying when they do this specific thing.' This was active stewing, in a slow cooker, all day and all night kinda thing.
I was never romantically or sexually attracted to that person, but I probably wrote all this off as either unrelated sexuality or gender bullshit when I figured that out later. But knowing now that there was definitely someone (actually, I'm thinking of WAY more people as I'm typing this, and just realized why I stopped loving a band and started hating them 'for no reason' wow lmao) that I FP'ed who I definitely WASN'T attracted to, suddenly convinces me that I was probably right in suspecting B.P//D. (Or, y'know, maybe I don't have that specifically, and it's the symptom from a different facet of mental illness or whatever.) I've been so hung up over how I'm aro, sometimes ace, and then this 'only' happens towards people I am attracted to. Like, 'maybe it was love and I'm just terrible at it.' (No! It's not! Aro is correct! That's just the brain manipulating me to get another hit of dopamine off a FP! It's just easier to happen to someone I'm attracted to!)
It's no fucking wonder why I always worried about people hating me in secret, and it's because I was absolutely making myself insufferable because of that worry. I know for a fact that some people definitely did hate (or. Lmao. Shut up. Like, 'resented' maybe fits better) me for demanding constant attention that was never reciprocated by anyone I've ever met in my entire life.
I probably wrote-off so many symptoms as 'I was a moody teen and kind of an asshole.' Except it happened before and after I was a teen, too. I would have excused everything that happened during and before high school, when I should have been looking for these patterns I kept following for years after. It doesn't help that my first relationship was wildly toxic (mostly against me in this one case), and while I didn't feel particularly bothered by it after I got over the nightmare breakup, I just kept going 'What if it was the sole cause of all of this and I'm just repressing that?' Well, phew! No, it's not, that was thankfully just a toxic embarrassment, and not the source of all my problems. I was already on the shitstorm trajectory. That's a major relief. If you can call it that. I really don't like discussing that one, but not in a trauma way, more like a, you don't really wanna discuss pissing your pants on accident kinda way. Unpleasant to remember, wildly embarrassing to talk about, but ultimately not a life-altering event.
Ughhhhh. Maybe I should bring this (the mental illness not the relationship) up to the therapist. But like, I haven't been close friends with anyone in like 6 years or so, so I don't have any current or even recent examples about how being in friendships has always turned out Russian Roulette for me. My therapist doesn't seem to believe how bad it was for me to be in friendships where I was unintentionally FP'ing someone. Because besides the depression and anxiety (and mild OCD), I'm a totally normal person to her who's just dealing with shit health problems and grief (and frustration from being trans and not in a safe place to transition). Y'know, normal life problems most people will feel at some point, just chronic in my case. I may be weird, but I'm obviously far from the worst she's seen. I'm not uniquely mentally ill.
((Except the whole 'treatment resistant depression' diagnosis bullshit from the psych, but I'm learning it's not just mental issues I have that are treatment resistant lol.))
I tried talking to her about a small part of all this before, but IDK what I did wrong, she took it 100% as me being the one unintentionally wronged and not setting MY own boundaries (lmao), so like I don't know how to word this in a way she'd understand that most of my problems in this area were my own fault. (I mean that both negatively and neutrally, because it's an ugly side of mental illness, but not one I chose or know how to help.)
Not being in close friendships with anyone has had an understandably sane-ifying effect on me (barring the, y'know, depression/anxiety/OCD and baseline weirdness), which has gotten me trapped for the 5th time in 6 years of making my therapists believe I'm better off than I actually am. (I've done this to every therapist I've ever had before that, too.) But like, again, at least for the past 3 therapists and the latest psych, I AM actually better for not having close friends lmao. Only one therapist ever had one visit of me wanting to address these concerns specifically while they were currently active, and by the next visit, we had to shift exclusively to sudden new grief lol. (What a shitshow. It somehow always ends up that whenever I wanna treat an illness, it's like opening a can of worms, except the worms are firecrackers and I didn't set the can down and step back a few feet.)
Like, it obviously feels safer to not have close friends at all because there's no fear of abandonment if I have no one to begin with. And, genuinely, I operate better when I'm alone. But now that I've known safety, it's hard to imagine throwing myself back into the roulette wheel, hoping I don't land on red OR black. But fuck, man. It is lonely.
And being aro? It's freeing, and validating too, to have a word for it, but I'm not gonna mince words here, I hate it. I wish I could feel romantic love. Like normal, not mentally ill ""love."" I feel platonic love all the time, like for friends (not FP) always. I love saying 'I love you' to friends and meaning it. But I want to feel romantic love. I just don't. I just feel friendship, Favoriting, and/or sexual attraction sometimes. Probably why I'm so into shipping and fanfics. I got a lot more "probably why's" but I don't wanna go down that in this already vulnerable post lol. (I already made a whole post about one of the why's back in like 2013 or 14 lmao, without connecting it to this.)
Anyway, I put this whole mental illness and relationships deal into ugly imagery in a current fic WIP I'm working on, since recognizing I was aro took living through FP'ing a few 'romantic' relationships, before I even first heard the term FP. I only saw my experiences as 'I don't think I've been experiencing love' and that by itself felt like it fit. I didn't realize there was anything wrong, even as I outwardly said shit like 'I don't think I'm fit for being in a relationship' to the few people who asked me out, even when I wanted to say yes.
And then I kept trying to make relationships work lmao. I don't know why I even bothered. I just wanted to be wrong about being aro, especially when it was a point of contention (aro and ace separately) with some of the relationships.
I'd probably have to meet another aro person of the exact same flavour of aromanticism to make it work, but even then the mental illness would just be a ticking time bomb. No one wants to be the recipient of FP 'affection', except maybe sometimes the fictional people in a certain fiction trope that winds up being fetishistic, even if it's not intended to insult real people (but sometimes it is). And it's just a reminder of how I was probably a big source of toxicity for probably half the people who have ever been close with me, if it's even half of how fiction portrays people with this symptom.
I dunno where I wanted to end this vent, so here's probably a good place. Just wanted to get this off my chest, because it just now felt like a pretty big revelation that my problems weren't related to romanticism, I've had purely platonic instances of this dating back to being an older kid, and more during high school, and I just never connected the two before now.
#dont read if u think im cool#id rather stay cool lol#long post#delete later / /#(in case i change my mind or wanna edit)#Cori.exe#Post.exe#man i talk a lot#shouldve spent this time writing fics instead but i rly needed to talk (type) this out since i dont wanna bring it up in therapy again yet#anyway lmao there we go#rly excited for the fic tho. besides the stuff i mentioned i also took this popular trope and#wait#why am i spoiling it im not gonna convince anyone who read this post lol youll just have to wait for the hot platonic smmmmmut#and hilarious storytelling by one char#and then (still a wip) round 2#bc no fic is complete until theres a round 2. imo.#((yes i know i have a different round 2 thats over a month late past when i was gonna post it lol i havent forgotten))#here we go writing an essay in the tags now too lmao#ok i need a break for my eyes and then im gonna try to write the platonic one more#hhhh anxious tht my reputation will tank from posting this. idk how i or my 2 followers will survive th consequent backlash and cancellation#(joke)#(still anxious tho)#(i have diagnosed chronic anxiety lol)#eager to know what id be cancelled from tho. maybe my puppetfuckinglicense gets revoked.#maybe my shrimp get taken into protective custody#shrustody#sorry i dont mean to make light of legit cancellations im just trying to convince myself its okay to post on my own blog#good fucking luck catching all those shrimp tho i dont even know how many i have. they control their own population at this point.#they probably have their own system of... shrovernment#Prime Shrimpister Isosceles rules with an iron swimerette i wouldnt wanna interfere with that sovereign nation
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thefightinfoggy · 6 months
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I hate them (affectionate)
(From Daredevil/Spider-man #4)
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cosmicalily · 9 months
things my family (and friends) have said irl as things skz would say
tagging @hannahhbahng since harper was a lil excited about the last one !!!
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"i'm unpredictable. i'm dangerous. i just put on my indicators and went straight."
"aw, thank you, you saved me a spot while i was busy rolling my ankle!"
"and while you finish that off im gonna draw some faces on eggs. because i’m an adult and i can."
"break your mate's hand...assert dominance...actually make sure they have medical insurance first."
*standing in the doorway* "i AM outside. i can feel the wind in my...beanie."
"if someone hits you, kill their mother."
"yeah, yeah, you don't wear sunscreen bc it makes you feel gross, y what'll feel grosser? chEMOTHERAPY, DUMB BITCH!"
"no offence? there is a fence! i have so many fences, i have a whole ass yard."
"c'mon now you've been through sexual education, you know how these things happen."
"you're not putting on your jumper right. you're meant to like, suffocate three times during the process, it's just sliding on nicely."
"i am jamie oliver reincarnated- oh wait he's not dead yet."
"the rabbits eat the carrots and then the carrots eat the...oh wait that doesn't work."
"i'm sorry about my language but...it's fricking lit."
"do you mind if i eat my peanuts?"
"my goodness your hydrangeas are looking SMASHING!"
"is 'flamboyant' a good word to use?"
"those are the beaniest beans i've ever beaned."
"i said bless you twice. i'm not saying it again."
"they're RECYCLED pants. they're made from crushing OLD PANTS, and turning them into NEW PANTS."
"i'm going to grammar my essay. full stop, full stop...talky marks, another full stop."
"no, because i am an inconsistent queen."
"well it is study skills, you're skilling your studies, studying your skills."
"pft, well, someone owns the moon!"
"i sat in the freezer once for like 10 minutes and it was SO COLD."
"and maybe that's just my excessive people pleasing wait does your ear cuff go all the way around okay good."
"and so i tried talking to...i'm about to fall asleep."
"woah...trauma jokes are DEEP."
“eueOEHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! cancelcancelcancelcancelcancel.”
"living that pre-christian lifestyle!"
"you give a fish a man a day, that day, a man a live."
"you look very nice and golden. like a nice toasted waffle."
"no don't swear! the frog i'm playing in crossy road might be very young."
"no we have to do it prehistorically."
"maybe i identify as a salamander."
"i don't think that's possible, i'm a morning person."
"it's not cheating, it's psychological consultation."
"in the nicest possible way, you look like a white rapper."
"no, i'm not writing CHAPTER THE THIRD, dumbass."
"thanks for the gift but my birthday was like four months ago and this is a library book."
"that never would've happened if you had SAFER CHAIR ETIQUETTE."
"that's like saying oh you have 5mins to answer this questioHA NEVERMIND!"
"MWAHAHAAHA my rat is coming along!"
"they're being PRODUCTED!"
"pretty sure he practices snoring."
"yeah, you love me. but not like that. no homo."
"if i just use really descriptive words...anne. frank. died. badly. anne frank died badly by death which is sad because she died by death."
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catholicdogxxx · 1 year
every single thought i had abt one piece live action
alvida is so hot im praying when she comes back she’ll have the slip slip fruit and still be fat please god.
introducing zoro with baroque works instead of with helmeppo was fucking genius, and mr 7’s redesign is pique. and the gore of zoro killing mr 7? sets a great fucking precedence.
binks brew playing in the background of the flash back where luffy eats his fruit >>>>>
i want a copy of nami’s book as merch
i love the little homage to the original of luffy planning to just fly in
having luffy be there for the scene with helmeppo and rika >>>>
ive said it once ill say it a thousand times how do they manage to make zoro even gayer. ill never get over the whimpering caption with helmeppo just crawling on the ground.
nami girlboss girlslaying even
zoro you cryptic little gay freak “then he owes me money” “didnt wanna make a mess”
im mad they didnt make captain morgan tell helmeppo he didnt beat him as a kid is bc he’s too pathetic to hit.
captain “we should be working for the same team” morgan. bro you are an elder fag preying on a young gay man. THE SHOULDER TOUCH???
roronoa “i kinda got my own thing going on” zoro
“7 days? i could catch up on my sleep”
“when i get down from here, you’ll be the one begging.” MY GOD YOU FAG
tag urself im the bead of sweat in zoros eyebrow
“get lost”
“i am.. lost”
“heyhey no. dont do that.”
my god nami’s actress is perfect the body language, tone of voice, its so accurate to how she was pre joining strawhats. and GOD her facial expressions in her first fight scene w luffy…
zoro almost dipping then deciding he wants to fight lmao i love it
“arent you that drunk from the bar?”
“glad i made an impression.”
morgan you didnt capture shit
inaki did a great job making luffy still look animated.
zoro cutting helmeppos hair is so fucking funny
garp knew exactly who it was when he first got that call
buggy youre sitting like SUCH a slut
buggy loves talking abt shanks like he’s an ex boyfriend
i wanna see what else buggy can do
zoro definitely had sex with cabaji and then killed his brother
i could watch yasopp shoot people all day
shanks casting is so well done im obsessed with the fact that none of the characters are the conventionally attractive roblox looking types
also the timing of luffy being drowned and the flashback to shanks saving him… timed perfectly great depiction of ptsd. same thing with zoros flashbacks.
“why gonna rob the place blind?”
“at least a little blurry”
i love the wlw mlm solidarity with nami and zoro, oh my god the scene of them getting dressed and nami picking out a shirt for him??? obsessed.
zoros pink ass drink
“arlonggg babyyyy”
“you dont think she like. like likes me do you?”
i love the way the meowmin twins move when theyre fighting in the stairwell
luffy grinning like a freak through kuros blades :333 and then the fucking thumbs up
luffys look to nami when kaya says they have a ship
damn they really just fucking murked merry
“they do know im the captain right?”
“let them have this one”
“we are” playing while they leave syrup village im obsessed
nami laughing for probably the first time in years at usopp and luffy fighting over who’s the captain
i could write an essay about the fear in garps eyes in that flashback (im going to)
“which way is port?”
“the left!”
“fine ya brat have it yer wae”
garp laughing bc he’s actually invested in his job again
the camera lense while luffy is smelling the baratie is fucking hilarious
“add food to the equation and suddenly he knows how to navigate”
ive said it once i’ll say it a thousand times inaki does a great fucking job making luffy still look animated
ill never get over sanji’s accent its so fucking fan indulgent
the little angry kick after he puts em on the fucking ground
“welcome to our shitty restaurant where the only thing worse than the ambiance is the food. my name is sanji what can i get for you?”
“any drinks one of our signature cocktails to help you choke down your meal?”
“apologies madam didnt see you there. would you care for an apéritif to start?”
sanji is such a freak oh my god i love him
zoro pointing it out is so fan indulgent
zoro grinning like an idiot when nami says “i need a drink”
im obsessed with usopps fishbowl
sanji’s smile talking about the all blue WAHHHH
i love live action sanji cooking
his fucking theme playing oh my god
zoro and nami comparing usopp to a sea slug
“i had friends”
“swords dont count”
“i had one friend”
“hell one more than i have”
zoro you fucking freak
why is he standing like that fucking fag
“because youre my friend you idiot” NAMI WAHHHHHHHH
zeff is so hot omfg
sanji’s desperate baby scream breaks my heart
i really like they went using with the original manga plotline for sanji’s backstory
“id eat both arms and legs to save zoros life”
putting buggy in the bag is so fucking funny
that zoom in on sanji yelling “zeff” what was that
god i love sanji and zeffs fight
zoro waking up scene is fucking adorable
zoro you fucking devoted freak i love you
ill never get over sanji’s theme
“the only thing i wanna hear from you is dinner specials”
baby nami is perfectly cast
buggys body pinned up at arlongs base lmfao
“arlong has bled us dry”
“then find more blood”
i love helmeppo sitting like that lmao
bellemere’s death scene always makes me tear up jesus christ
“i thought itd take a lot more liquor to bring out your mutinous side.”
why was arlongs speech edited like that oh my god
“of course i will” makes me tear up every fucking time
nami drawing her maps in fucking blood is such great symbolism
“you look tired, maybe you should take a break”
“maybe you ought to get back in the kitchen”
“quit screwing around! luffy needs us!”
“you just got here you dont know what luffy needs.”
“i know he needs my cooking.”
“putting two slices of bread together?”
telling buggy to shut up in unison lmao
“im gonna get outta here.” while flipping them off
“fucking clown.”
“i get it zeff was mean to you boohoo”
“you dont ever badmouth nami.”
“now youve done it.”
god i love taz skylar
“all great fighters call out there finishing moves”
“yeah youre gonna fit in just fine.”
“back for seconds must have liked it.”
“at least i dont need 3 swords to prove im a man.”
garp jus beating the shit out of luffy
nami hitting nezumi >>>>>
god i fucking love nami talking at bellemeres grave
“i know what it means to fight for your family.”
luffy’s reaction to his bounty im in love
koby what was that gay ass look you want to kiss luffy so bad dont you
“be a good marine.”
“be a good pirate.”
luffy mimicking his poster
god i love makino
kaya with a different tea looking healthy 😭
luffy’s bounty up under employee of the month
god i love garp
helmeppo learning to be swordsman :33
“maybe the old chef was right. it id your turn.”
“i can still take you.” not in a fight…
their jolly roger 🥺🥺🥺
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I'm gonna apologise in advance for how dark this is, but looking at your recent Placidodumping from the tag force games... i feel like he's geniunely suicidal, and even if not exactly suicidal then he has no concept of self-worth.
Like, he's way too happy to die. Being willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of the future is dark enough. But the fact that he's saying he will be able to rest? That he's expecting you to be happy to die too? Yeah, that's the darkest part.
Placido's literally come from hell, but he's not even trying to save himself. He's not just acceptant of his fate, he's welcoming it, and it makes me wonder just how much he's been through. His despair, is it entirely from the memories he's been created from? Or is it from something else? *coughcoughashittyoldmancoughcough* Thinking of the Jakob part in tag force, how he straight up killed Placido and Lester, how he spoke about them, I feel like it wouldn't be too far fetched to assume he's said these things to Placido's face (and let's not forget how Zone spoke to Placido-and only Placido- in duel links)
Perhaps Placido's real despair wasn't the inherited trauma from Aporia.
Maybe it was the way he was treated by the only people around him. One of his duel links lines is "it's so sad when you have no one to love" and yet the other Iliaster members are right there, as family. And yet, he didn't get love from them.
Maybe he could have been saved if someone did love him. Maybe then he would have had something to live for.
(Apologies for the mini essay in here it was supposed to be a few sentences and then suddenly I've written an essay)
OH YEAH NO FOR SURE we are definitely WELL past the point of Primoplacido Yugioh 5D's having a true sense of self-worth in any emotional or psychologically 'human' way, but I think when analyzing that (and his behavior that could definitely be labeled some form of suicidal) it's important to approach it less from a "oh what [abuse/traumatic event/negative feedback] has he personally been through to cause this" and more from a "what are the circumstances of Primo's creation and how does that effect him." The former is still an important element of course, but it's a bit of a disservice to his character to attempt to 100% separate him from Aporia when dissecting what's going on with him; one really can't exist without the other! (i.e. Primo was only brought into being via Aporia's memories and suffering, and Aporia as we see him in-show only can be brought into being when the emperors fuse....the cyclical infinite nature of these characters runs very very deep hehehe)
imo it's not an either/or situation with Primo's despair--I think his completely fucked sense of self worth stems from the trauma he's inherited by being a piece of Aporia AND the bullshit he deals with from his peers currently AND, also, the inescapable fact that Primo was Created To Act Under a Specific Set of Parameters. more after the cut, lots of analyzing this miserable Swordbot9000, apologies for the Epic of Gilgacidomesh
Primo is not human. IM NOT SAYING THAT TO BE MEAN TO HIM OR ANYTHING he's just Literally Not a Flesh and Blood Human Being; he's a machine created from a dead man's memories and emotions by Just Some Guy who thinks he's god, and due to this Primo has deemed himself Above humankind--better than them, more capable than them. Sometime I need to go off more on my Emperors analysis discussing the fact that theyre basically Mechanical Angels, BUT FOR NOW I think a very core trait of Primo's is the fact he doesn't see himself as human, and he takes great pride in that. He's less come from hell himself, I'd say, and more or less come forth from Someone Else's Hell and Now He Has to Live With That. And also he is completely, almost desperately devoted to his God. If anything, he sees himself as a tool blessed by god Himself, with a great power he will use to enact justice upon this wretched timeline.
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He sees saving the future as a very important task he needs to complete (and he DESPERATELY wants to be the one to complete it himself, more on that in a moment,) and I think that in part is why he's so excited about "finally being able to rest" and welcoming his fate--it means that he has completed what he was made to accomplish, the way a computer would complete a process, and why would he ever want to "save" himself from savoring that experience? (reminds me of how in TF6 lester is like "why would I want to run away?" re: trying to escape the Ark Cradle crashing into the city--it's not just a Primo thing, this sort of lack of self preservation!) (Also considering primo's track record of failed plans, no wonder he would be Especially obsessed with completing the Circuit and getting the cream of the crop "glorious honor" of dying in Z-one's name in God's Very Citadel and preventing the catastrophic future. That IS his will to live; he doesn't know how to have another one 😬) Dying in the process of the Ark Cradle crashing onto New Domino isn't seen as a 'sacrifice' for these guys I don't think; it's seen as an inevitable conclusion to what they were brought into existence for.
(Also, while we never really get complete confirmation on this, I do think Z-one also Definitely programmed the Emperors to worship him, to act with such dedication to the cause, to work ceaselessly towards their goals despite years (centuries?) of failures, and not stop, not give up. And I think that, alongside the fact they're effectively gijinkas of the most traumatic moments of Aporia's life, robots built from misery, quite literally Embodiments of Despair, that's not just flavor text. It's what powers them. And it explains a Lot of why they act the way they do, especially with regards to something like Primo's 'suicidal' behavior. In fact, I don't even think they would see this way of thinking as "suicidal," even, since that implies being alive in the first place, and the emperors…um. don't see themselves as 'alive!!!' :,) kind of fucked up to think about!!!!!)
OK SORRY FOR THAT TANGENT IT'S JUST SOMETHING I THINK A LOT ABOUT WITH THESE GUYS the inherent discussion of humanity when it comes to a robot. anyway, re: the way Primo's peers treat him, yeah i don't think that's helping much !!! Primo seeks approval like he'll die without it, he's an android copy of how much it Sucks To Be 19; like I said above, he desperately wants to be the one to complete the Circuit, to save the future, in the dub he basically states he wants to be God's Favorite, so course that brings him into conflict with Jakob (the implied actual Favorite,) of course Z-one apparently REPEATEDLY not giving a shit about him is doing damage to his psyche.
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He gets clowned on and demeaned by effectively all of his coworkers (including and especially these other pieces of himself) (good GOD), no one even seems to LIKE HIM. LIKE. AT ALL, of course he wants to feel important to someone!! he probably (definitely) thinks if he can complete the Circuit he'll win favor with God, get the respect and attention he craves. I've talked before about how I feel like Z-one condemned his dead friends to the same loneliness he's become cursed with, and you REALLY see that with the Emperors and Primo especially. Aporia got split into threes and all three of 'em somehow ended up even lonelier than they would have been as one body--Primo is SUCH A MISERABLY LONELY GUY. HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO INTERACT WITH PEOPLE LIKE A NORMAL PERSON BECAUSE HE WASNT PROGRAMMED TO BE A NORMAL PERSON.
sure yeah his chronically unpleasant to be around attitude doesn't help, but in the Tag Force games you see these repeated little moments where you can tell he enjoys your company, he's Excited to spend time with you. I get the impression half of him thinking you should be happy to die too is just that he's so excited to share what he considers the ultimate culmination of what he was created to do with you (if TF5 is considered 'canon' in TF6 he might even be under the idea youre also an android--but that's a kettle of fish for a different time, primo's TF5 route is also insane). This isn't suicide to him! This is saving potentially billions of people! This is something really important to him, and he wants to share it with you!! Our hard work will pay off and we can rest!! This is the highest holy honor you can have!!!!! Aren't you excited???
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I just wouldn't say his continued agonies are Solely hinged on what's happening to him currently, nor are they what are driving him to this supposed lack of something to live for (again, since ridding the world of Momentum IS his something to live and persevere for, since that's what he was made to do.) I'd argue they're definitely external factors exasperating an internal problem built into his very code, though, and it just makes Primo's situation all the more harrowing to think about. He has got so much shit going on with him and none of it is good. "I feed off my own despair" OK COOL BUT THAT'S NOT A GOOD THING, DUDE. BEING A MACHINE POWERED BY YOUR OWN MISERY AND ANGER IS NOT SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF. He was literally Built to Harbor Someone Else's Agony. If you keep dropping straws on a camel who was born with a back already covered in 'em, of course it's only gonna get worse, regardless of how much the camel thinks suffering makes him stronger and above humanity!!!
I do agree, though, that things maybe would have gone so much differently if someone outwardly, properly expressed love and affection to this poor guy. If someone told him he mattered in a way beyond his programming and divine mission. That taunt in Duel Links, the way he actually says it, it comes off as almost this snarling scornful jeer, but he looks so sopping wet sad saying it.
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He is the embodiment of "losing those who you love" and you have to wonder how that manifests with him, despite the fact that, like... he doesn't Know Eurea. he didnt even know she existed until Z-one put him back together and told him the truth of what he is. I wonder if Primo feels the itch to inflict that same pain of losing your closest love on other people (a trait Aporia also Very Much Has.) Or if he's written himself off as unlovable entirely (😢)... or if 'disgusting humans' are just beneath his sky high standards. And, yeah, you really do have to wonder why he doesn't class the rest of Iliaster as someone to love, why he gets along so poorly with the other Emperors in the first place. Did Z-one also program them to not fucking get along with each other??? Was this also some 6D chess bullshit to actually hinder their progress even more??? Is this indicative of just how bad Aporia's mental state was/is????? CAN WE KNOW!!!
this is all just theorizing and guesswork at the end of the day, but it's a lot to think about, and i love ruminating on it. I personally think Primo's fixation on having no one to love stems from a combination of things, and the fact some of it is coming from these vague feelings of agony baked into him from when Aporia lost Eurea is, like, GOD. MAN. I also think at least a little of it may be just that Primo thinks he doesnt 'deserve' anyone to love properly, and also that the Emperors are so divorced from humanity in their eyes that to "love" one another, or to see each other as 'family', is absurd and a waste of time (though if they actually fully believe that, who knows--it definitely seems like Primo cares quite a bit about Lester. wahhh ;;; ) Like. They're literally this post. In the Tag Force games Primo always acts kind of jumpy and almost shy when youre nice to him??!? HE DOESNT KNOW THAT ONE. AND IT'S SO SAD.
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WOW. OK. THIS GOT AWAY FROM ME A BIT. APOLOGIES!! tl;dr: yeah Primo's sense of self-worth is complete dogshit, the ghost of Aporia's suffering over a woman Primo has never met or known haunts his circuitboards in a way that can't be ignored, and that plus the fact he gets treated with disdain by his closest cohorts (which may be due to their God's 'divine' decisions) are definitely exasperating his issues and behavior. BUT, that being said, that's actually probably the least of why he's shown to be so excited to die, and the actual reasons that seem to be at play are a lot more horrifying! :D Primo largely sees himself as a means to end rather than as a person (he is a beautiful machine, a half motorcycle agent of justice and punishment, and far mightier and above miserable humans like Yusei Fudo,) and THAT'S largely because he was programmed by his creator to see himself that way. He is a computer built to complete a task and shut itself down. He was made to serve his God at the request of His long dead best friend for the good of a future he isn't meant to actually see.
i dont really have a conclusion, but I think a lot about this post with regards to the Three Pure Nobles.
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Maybe Primo could have grown beyond his programming, if he'd been exposed more properly to love and kindness. and i hope you want more for him too. im going to bed and going to think about this until i fall asleep. ok bye
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phoenixfangs · 6 months
tagged by @rizaposting HOLDING UR HAND AND PRESSING MY FOREHEAD AGAINST UR SHOULDER i never get tagged in these so this is fun huehue
are you named after anyone? not technically, ive asked my parents multiple times about How they came up with me and my siblings names, but they just. didnt think very hard about it. fjkdlsjfdlas. but in a way im named after my mom, because me and saturns given names start with the same letter as our moms; my younger siblings names start with the same letter as our dads. i guess me and saturn could also be named for one of my dads uncles?? our names mixed make that uncles name. but idk im not willing to believe my dad cares that much about Anyone in his family to honor their memory through our names lawl
when was the last time you cried? i think the other day watching atla, when zuko and iroh reunite before the final battle. zuko trying to stumble through an apology and thinking iroh must hate him, but iroh just without even saying anything grabbing zuko and pulling him into a tight and tearful hug... man ;_;
do you have kids? HELL NO!!!!! im barely halfway through my 20s i should be at the club. dont want kids, never wanted kids, will never want kids. i will tolerate being my nieces and nephews cool auncle when my siblings start having kids of their own, and No More, thanks
do you use sarcasm a lot? i guess so?? its hard to gauge. i feel like most of the time i speak sincerely, but i will also throw in the occasional sarcastic quip. shrugs
what sports do you play? i dont play any sports anymore, but up until high school i played softball. i was pretty good i think! pitcher and second base. also in middle/high school i was a baton twirler for band and i guess dance competitions (i have Never thought of it as 'dance' but i guess technically i was dancing... blegh), and im gonna count that as a sport. any activity with the possibility and probability of being hit on the head by a metal rod counts as a sport to me
what’s the first thing you notice about people? probably their height. most people are taller than me but i will make an immediate note of people who are Shorter than me
what’s your eye color? grrrreen gray? i spent a few minutes staring at my eyes trying to figure out the color but all i did was strain my eyes jfldks
scary movies or happy endings? hmmmmmm i love both. i like blood and gore and guts and evil, but i also like heartwarming fluff where everything works out. i cant decide!! it just depends on my mood hehe
any special talents? i hesitate to claim i have perfect pitch because it sounds self congratulatory, but im pretty sure i have perfect pitch lmao. i cant Identify notes by name but i can recreate pretty much any note i hear, as long as its in my range. im not a good singer though lawl i dont have the technique. in the same vein, i can recreate other noises i hear pretty well, like i taught myself how to do the perry the platypus clicking sound Thing he does just by listening to it
where were you born? texas born and raised! everyone i knew growing up was a redneck or a 'cowboy church' christian
what are your hobbies? drawing, writing fanfic oneshots or rps with friends, bideo games, rewatching the same handful of tv shows and letsplays and video essays over and over again
do you have any pets? my son, my sweet bubby, apollo :> my stupid little man, hes gonna be 3 this year i think! flame point siamese kitty, dumb as rocks, currently i think hes burrowed in the sheets on my bed taking a nappy
how tall are you? 5'2", but add a couple inches because i almost exclusively wear shoes that add height, like my Big Dyke Boots i wear every day hehe
favorite subject in school? any of my electives probably, like art and music/band. in college my favorite classes i ever took were film appreciation, screenwriting, and theatre directing (which i signed up for thinking it was film directing, but it was still so fun and interesting)
dream job? honestly?? i think anything on the set of a movie or tv show would be awesome. maybe creative consultant, so that i can interject my own ideas into other peoples projects. i tend to feel my most creative when im working Around other peoples ideas tbh. all that, or lead writer/director on my own tv show/movie/video game, if i ever feel like i can handle that pressure
GET TAGGED @applescabs @lizardyeast @cottagegay and anyone else that sees and wants to participate :>
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syrupspinner · 7 days
Hi Zigzag!!!! Would just like to ask since you're such a gamer, what's your favorite genre of games to play? (And have you played Citizen Sleeper? I just started playing it today because of a friend x3)
hello beloved mutual autisticnari! i adore citizen sleeper, i go into my thoughts about its writing and gameplay here (the last paragraph spoils some quests).
i have pretty diverse tastes when it comes to gaming. i can only think of a few genres that i dont care for, like beat em ups or puzzle games (ive reblog patricia taxxon's writing on the genre, this doesnt include 'riddle games'). still, here are a few i find myself playing the most often!
Roguelike the perfect combination of "i know exactly what to expect" and "different every time" to keep me engaged while making my autism tingle. if you spy on me with a crystal ball 9/10 times im gonna be doing a run while listening to video essay or pirating aqua teen hunger force on my other monitor
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Metroidvania this together with roguelike figuratively makes about 95% of the indie market. the longest games take about 20 hours if youre taking your time, which is a pretty perfect length for a video game adventure. plus i just love the palpable growth your character goes through, its like if leveling up wasnt just numbers
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Strategy RPG ive only recently started rekindling my love for the genre but oh what a love it is. i love moving little dudes around a map and slowly wiping everything out with teamwork and creative ability use and ooooough its good stuff. im not gonna show a steam screenshot cuz im kinda embarrassed by how few real srpg games i own on pc, so ill just show you this
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(Detective) VNs i have 100%'d every zero escape game, every danganronpa game, and every somnium files game. i will purchase every Too Kyo game once i have an income big enough to justify a $20 purchase without giving me a looming sense of gnawing dread. hypnospace outlaw and paradise killer are some of my favorite games of all time, and the only thing keeping me from saying the same about the silver case games is that i refuse to play a suda51 game without paying the man and im a cheap bitch.
Rhythm/Music what do you expect me to say about this, i listen to a funny song and hit a funny button
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Special Mention: Action this is one of those tags thats like 'roleplaying' or 'adventure', in that its so applicable its basically meaningless. but im talking about a specific kind of action where its brutal, fast-paced, violent, flashy and stylish. neon white, hotline miami, katana zero, furi, pizza tower, ultrakill, that kinda thing. if it at all makes you think "this was built to cater to speedrunners but people who speedrun this are fucking insane" then ill dig it
thank you for the ask! i loooooooove sharing my opinions and talking about games and showing off my gaming achievements and ehehehe gamer gamer gamer
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boolger · 2 months
9 People You Want to Know Better
thank you for tagging me @stellewriites !!<3
three ships: Angus Macgyver x Jack Dalton x Dennis Murdoc (Macgyver 2016), Poly! taskforce 141 (COD), Kate Laswell x me reader
first ship: hmmmm, to be honest, I'm not sure but i think its Phil Coulson x Clint Barton from Marvel. That or the good ol' Tony stark x Steve Rogers
last movie: Knives out. It's one of my favorite movies, lmao. Benoit Blanc my beloved.
last song: Maybe man by AJR, i cant explain why, but it just hits my brain right.
currently reading: books? nothing. I tried reading the recursion by blake crouch, but I got too scared (and i think it hit too hard w memory loss and alzheimers and such) but I want to finish it at some point.
currently watching: The Jinx. Gonna watch a documentary about the making of the movie The Da vinci code, bc i'm a nerd and i wrote an essay about the whole thing in university.
currently eating: uh, nothing, but i'm sipping apricot soda. But I will be eating instant noodles soon bc im a 27 year old woman.
currently craving: sushi. but money... and i'm unemployed lol. i need a job or a sugarmommy.
no pressure for any of yall!! @rosieblogstuff @onebigfangirlworld @appalachianapologies @rojemacyarn @kyletogaz @glossysoap ((i know im supposed to tag 9 people but i get shy and afraid im annoying, sorry, also ignore this tag if u dont wanna answer<3))
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