#im not gonna tag any further than that
inkwellwrites · 1 year
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This game. This game. Has been driving me isnane ever since the beginning. I am clawing at the walls I am screaming I have had the strong urge to make reimagined designs for some of the characters because there was an actual blank canvas right in front of me. God bless
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snowangeldotmp3 · 10 months
the way that “i’m sad again don’t tell my boyfriend that’s not what he’s made for” is SO stancy coded
no because lets talk about it. (also this is what part two of the what was i made for nancy wheeler study is named kjsdhkgjh like it's split into a few parts heh) anyways. genuinely cannot listen to that part of the song without thinking of nancy wheeler. and what flashes through my mind is the scenes at the party + the bathroom. and nancy at the holland's house breaking down in the bathroom.
and it's also like. in the context of stancy it makes u think like, what happened in the inbetween? ya know? like they were together for what, almost exactly a year? and the bathroom scene at the party is obviously something that has been building in nancy for a while. things left unsaid and left to fester within nancy's grief. so how many times has this happened before? and it's just built up and up and up while she's kept a tight smile and a perfect facade until the alcohol loosened her lips and dropped her facade.
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luna7822 · 26 days
i do wish there was a blocking feature in splatoon tbh so i can get those assholes to stfu for once like the egotistical losers that they are and ur fav sucka too and i also hope she continously loses even more since u assholes arr the reason why u cant let anybody have fun and its literally ur fault to begin with and nobody fucking cares abt ur stupid dumb usesless """"""celebrations""""""" anyways as well as how u basically give frye of all ppl the pearl treatment for no reason whatsoever when even ur so called """""fav character"""""" has more common sense than u do and that shiver and big man are 1000000000000000x better anyways since frye really is kinda overrated because of a CERTAIN GROUP in particular am i right??????????????????
anyways im prob not gonna gp back there for a while until every1 can finally stfu for once cuz i wish samr ol actually won instead of u c**ky overly sensitive pieces of shits who ruin everything for once cuz honestly who even fucking cares lmaoooooo
oh and btw my biggest regret was not joining team friday in the weekend splatfest since i wish i was on that team for once just to make u all pathetic pieces of shit clowns feel bad since all u idiots ever do nowadays is take silly fun thinga way too srsly and that the onlh reason i kinda joined saturday anyways is only cuz i just like it and not being overly obsessive abt it compared to all pf u dumb fucking losers out there who have 0 to no sympathy whatsoever
talk abt """"""good sportsship"""""" am i right????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 🙃
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1pcii · 7 months
just had an au idea. nothing for it yet but im rlly exited to work on it!!!
Ranma 1/2 au with Zoro as Ranma (Kuina being the form he obtains from the "Spring of 'Drowned' Girl") and Koushirou as Genma.
This would require rewriting both stories backstories a little to work but the basic jist im going for is that Kuina would have died to the springs before Koushirou adopts Zoro.
Kuina drowns because of a training mishap (similar to ranma/genma in canon and zoro/koushirou will do in this au but, yknow,,, permanent) because she was left unsupervised as koushirou is unsupportive of her trying to become the 'man amongst men'/worlds greatest swordsman, him believing its only worth training a male heir. He thinks she ran away and is left without closure until he and zoro fall themselves.
i don't really like animanga!Koushirou for obvious reasons but i think this could be a very interesting vessel to actually explore those negative traits. his misogynistic world-views and the way the effected his daughter but also his grief around loosing her (Zoro being the recipient towards all this when he just wants to play with swords poor guy) since he is inadvertently partially to blame. or at-least he believes so.
Zoro, not directly knowing her learns about her largely from other people and their reactions to him in her form and that's when/why he decides to become a 'man amongst men'/worlds greatest swordsman for both of them. i think he would be generally fine with having a female form, considering he is written with a 'person first'/genderblind view of gender in canon, stigma moreso pushed onto him by koushirou/others.
i haven't thought much about the other characters (akane I’m completely blanking on for idea) yet but s’ what I’ve got so far XP
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arcaneprism · 2 years
It’s thinking about Bobby hours and we already know Bobby says shit about his eating habits for the sake of making himself look like a more compassionate person but I like to think that Bobby has sensory issues with food and that’s how all of it starts. He finds it difficult to tell people that he doesn’t like certain textures or has off days with some textures and sometimes people don’t listen to him when he does try to explain so he finds it easier to just tell people he has specific dietary requirements. Because somehow people respect that more.
So on days when meat feels too rubbery? That’s alright he can tell people he’s pescatarian. Fish feels too fishy and wrong in his mouth? Aight, he’s vegetarian now. Red meat tastes too stringy and bloody the thought of having it in his mouth makes him sick? Suddenly he doesn’t eat red meat. The salad is too crunchy and the tomatoes are too squishy? That’s fine, he doesn’t eat vegetables anyway. Usually, it’s red meat and specific vegetables he avoids but he finds that vegetarian meals (that aren’t salad) are usually fine on his tongue so he’d frequently say he’s vegetarian and the boys really just roll with it and adapt to whatever food requirements Bobby decides on that day. 
and on the day of the orpheum Bobby was completely fine with meat which is why Luke called him out before leaving but also he says hes vegetarian so often anyway and thats why Reggie easily calls him one before this band is back
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kenntolog · 1 month
sukuna realizing your sad because a classmate was flirting with him and ur just all upset because you thought he dont want u anymore. IM SORR I NEED SOME FLUFF
𝝑𝝔 an: hope u enjoy thisssss!!! read more ab cool bf sukuna x loser reader here!!
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you’ve been avoiding sukuna and he knows it.
it’s not that hard to see when you’re walking around with a sad face, getting to the lecture hall later than him so he doesn’t find a way to sit by your side, not answering his messages properly, not going to his practice games with lame excuses. and honestly, sukuna is kind of hurt because you refuse to acknowledge that he cares and tell him what is bothering you.
but sukuna isn’t dumb. and it was fairly easy to realise that you were upset with him because you were jealous of yorozu from his group literally throwing herself at him at every chance she got. it wasn’t anything new since she has been bothering him from the first year of university, when they were introduced as classmates.
it seemed like yorozu’s sense of obsession with him got stronger with upcoming spring. she was not leaving his side in the hallways, trying to tag along with whatever he was doing even while he didn’t spare her a glance, she was calling him the nickname he only allowed you to use which pissed him off further and she clung to him like a vice, her grip not wavering even when her dumb friends called out to her.
and in these moments, while sukuna’s mind was filled with questions like ‘how to get away with murder’, your insecurities got the best of you, seeing how sukuna, though visibly annoyed, didn’t seem to push her away completely. so you stopped walking up to him in the hallways after classes to plant his favourite types of kisses on his cheeks and you avoided catching his eyes because it hurt.
yorozu is beautiful, her beauty is carnal and almost every guy in the university drools over her so it shouldn’t come off as a surprise that maybe… maybe you aren’t the best choice for sukuna?
it goes on like this for a couple of excruciating days; jin and yuuji don’t risk asking about why sukuna seemingly only busies himself with practice and why he dons a deep scowl. they suspect that it’s something related to you, but don’t interfere and sukuna is happy they don’t. his mind is constantly focused on trying to get to you and as much as he wants to go to your place and talk things out… he’s scared. and he gives you space, thinking that the situation won’t escalate further.
but it does, when he catches you in the empty hallway, trying to get to your class with the saddest expression he’s ever seen you have. sukuna calls out to you, speeding up his steps and you stop, something hopeful burning in your eyes as you wait for him patiently.
yet, of course, yorozu appears out of nowhere with her wide smile and catches up to him quickly. sukuna sees the hope in your eyes quickly switch to betrayal, your bottom lip trembling and eyes glistening with tears as you turn away and run towards the bathroom. something cracks inside of him. but this time he’s not going to let damned yorozu stop him.
he rips his arm away from her grip, stepping back instantly while she looks up at him as if nothing is happening, “piss off or i will get violent.”
“‘kunaa~ why you gotta be so rude?” she leans her head against his shoulder insistently, batting her eyelashes at him. his eyes only see red when he hears the nickname again and he decides that he’s gonna use a different method this time.
he slowly guides his hand up her arm, feeling her relax under his touch, and weaves his fingers through her hair gently before his grip tightens and he tugs her head back roughly.
finally her face displays something other than satisfaction and that ugly smirk, and he shakes her in his hold while his other hand covers her mouth to stop her from making any sounds.
“don’t ever fuckin’ call me that,” he leans closer to her face. “and if you come up to me anytime again i won’t stop at this.”
she whimpers and nods shakily, trying to pull away before he harshly lets go of her hair, causing her to fall down.
he runs to the bathroom quickly, entering without any care and looks under the cabins to see where you are, but you seem to have found another place to hide while he was busy with yorozu. sukuna runs around looking through empty classes until he finally finds you in the art class, sitting in the corner farthest from the door and sniffling quietly.
“baby?” you jolt in your spot and cover your face with your hands, hurriedly wiping away your tears. he approaches you slowly, his hands itching to touch you, but he understands that you might not want that. “you cryin’?”
“no?” you croak out, sobbing a little more and sukuna feels like getting punched in the face repeatedly. you finally look at him, and sukuna steps closer to stand between your legs.
“‘m sorry.”
“you don’t have to apologise, y’know? ‘s okay if you like her.”
now, that’s crazy. “the fuck? i hate that bitch.”
you give him an unsure look and he sinks onto his knees before you, tugging your hands down from your face before he cups your jaw like he loves to do. you pout at him, still sniffling and trying to avoid his gaze, but he doesn’t let you, gently shaking your head to make you focus on him.
“look at me, baby.”
“‘m looking, ‘kuna.”
“no, do it properly.”
you take a few deep breaths, wiping your nose with your sleeve messily. and lock gazes with him. sukuna leans down, slotting his lips against yours, his free hand resting on top of your head. the weight of it is familiar to you, making you relax into him, your hands wrapping around his arm.
he pulls away, stroking your hair as he looks down at you with a gentle look in his eyes.
“i don’t want her. i only want you and i want you to engrave it into your thick skull or i will do it myself.”
you give him an unsure smile, eyes a little bit brighter now.
“i’m sorry for makin’ you feel like this.”
“i’m sorry for not talking to you about it.”
sukuna nods at you, hugging you close to his chest and kissing the top of your head lovingly, before he tightens his hold on you so much you start punching his back.
“but if you ever decide to run from me again i will kill you.”
“‘kuna, can’t breathe—”
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xazse · 4 months
hear me out...fucking afab gojo in like canon au over his desk and him squirting all over important documents teehee (also like maybe add pussy slapping..its so hot idk why)
Notes: pussyslapping really is hot
Pairings: Afab!Gojo x Male!Reader
Tags: Dom!Reader, Crying, pussyslapping, a little bit of manhandling, squirting
“Hold still Satoru, How are we supposed to make you feel even more good if you keep squirming” you inquire in his ear, he tries to answer you but is met by more aching pleasure.
Here you have him sat on your lap, legs spread wide open on either side of your legs, you have him in such an embarrassing, comprising postion. You’ve purposely made him face your desk, facing your important documents that meant a lot to your company.
Your cock is resting painfully under his ass, you’d been trying not to focus on yourself but instead on him, so far he’s only cum two times, that’s not nearly enough in your standards.
“Hnngh.. oh..” Satoru moans knock you out of your thoughts and begin fingering fucking his pussy again, starting the cycle again. He’s so incredibly wet: the slick sounds of you abusing his pussy has him starting up his crying again.
You remove your fingers from him and slap his clit roughly, “No crying remember? We agreed” he cries out while his body twitches upwards.
“My god Satoru, you sound like a fucking woman” you laugh out loud a little and continue your ministrations.
Slipping your fingers back into his cunt, you press a little deeper than before, stretching him out just a little more. He doesn’t know if he can take another orgasm, his body feels like it’s on fire, he can feel everything when you enter him, any attempt to relieve you is met with another harsh clap on his clit, it hurts so bad but he can’t find it in himself to ask you to stop.
He leans his head on your shoulder, looking up at you with so much adoration and love, he whines at you for a kiss, something to distract himself, you obliged, already starting to suck on his tongue lewdly, slurping sounds that make his pussy clench around your fingers. Soft breaths of air leave his lips every-time you part, but you quickly close the gap.
You’d figured it’s enough with the teasing and shift yourself to let your cock free, Satoru is still so impressed just by the size of you, you’re thick, when he had first heard so he expected you to be not so long but he was proven fairly wrong, you were just as long. That night you’d taken his virginity was painful and pleasurable.
You waste no time to filt your cock inside of him, it still hurts even with the two orgasms and how wet he is, you kiss him again to throw his mind somewhere else.
he’s quivering by the end of it, when your whole cock is nestled inside of him just right. You begin fucking up into him, fat cock pistoling into his sensitive hole.
“Feels so.. so good..” “hgnn-“ satoru babbles out. Tears decorate his waterline as you bounce him up and down your cock, you’re damn near abusing his pussy, using him as you would a flesh light, his cum from before is creating a thick ring around where you both meet.
His whole body quakes, you begin rubbing his clit just as roughly as you’re fucking him, as well as moving your fingers at the same pace, he tries to close his legs around the pleasure but you smack his clit again, a throaty whine is presented.
“I’m- im gonna..” “fu..fuck” his breathing speeds up and he’s trying to tell you he’s gonna cum, that he feels weird, everything feels so fucking weird. His legs twitch and he’s squirting, squirting all over your documents, papers, reports, all over your cock. His head is cloudy, he isn’t aware of what just happened, he can hear you scolding him: calling him nasty, a whore, gross all the names in the book, but you know that, that turned you on further, you stand up lifting him up as well.
You forcefully bend him on the desk he had just ruined, no mercy is given when you grab his hips and bounce him on your cock again. He’s just uselessly mewling, from this angle you stare at his swollen red pussy, you seem he needs to squirt one more time before you’re both satisfied.
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ncteez · 1 year
Unlikely Scenario (k.m)
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You’re in love with the way your boyfriend is nothing but loving and sweet outside of the bedroom. You love even more the way he falls into the persona of a rough and aggressive dominant in the bedroom– but what if you also want to love your boyfriend when he’s the one on his knees?
or the one where you try to push your dominant boyfriend into submission and it’s a struggle. it kind of works, then again, it kind of doesn’t. 
ao3 | m.list | reblog to give mingyu a boner 
minors dni!! 
PAIRING― mingyu x afab reader 
CONTENT― established relationship, submissive girlfriend trying to pull the whole “oh how the tables have tabled” on her dominant boyfriend
WARNINGS ― its mingyu so there’s some mentions to how huge this big ass bitch is compared to you (size kink in the form of height). If that pulls you out of the story, i’m sorry. 
NOTE― ok so this started as something, then as i wrote it..it became something else. yikes. anyway, i need him so bad u don’t understand.  this fic is dedicated to me because I deserve it. also, i cannot even see straight after writing this, can’t believe i did this in a mere two hour time frame…jfc.  not proof read
smut tags under cut:: 
smut tags― BIG DICK MINGYU, pussy eating/face riding, masturbation, whining and whimpering, hair pulling, begging, teasing, cock warming, pussy drunk mingyu, floor sex, sitting on his lap position, crying, unprotected sex, overstimulation, he kind of takes control back but it’s not in a dominant way– it’s more of an im so desperate to fuck you, i can’t stop.
There are days where you look at your boyfriend and think, yeah, he’s very clearly a soft and adoring man. One who is endearing, with his glistening eyes in the grocery store and tired yawns when he gets home from work. On those days, you find yourself melting into his rough palms, teasing and swaying you further from the release you both needed. 
Then there are days like today, where you look at him and he looks just like he does on any other day, but you want to see those tired droopy eyes glistening in a different way. Shining in the way he makes yours do when he’s hovering over you. Never have you even suggested this to him out of the three years you’ve been dating. You love being manhandled, degraded, teased, and he loved doing it to you. 
The dynamic works perfectly, and of course, it’s not always like this in the bedroom. Sometimes he isn’t too keen on edging you for hours with an evil smirk, sometimes he just wants to love on you and be close to you. 
And on a day like today, you don’t want any of that. You don’t want his fingers prying you open and pressing into you until you’re soaking one smiling boyfriend and probably the wall behind him, no, no. You don’t want to hear the sounds of his palms slapping your skin, or his teeth grazing your most sensitive areas. No! 
You’re so in your head about it today, staring at your boyfriend like an animal hunting for prey. He’s just sitting there, unknowing, giggling at stupid memes the two of you have seen four thousand times by now, a talk show muffled behind his laughs because you’re really more focused on him than anything else. It’s a sunday afternoon after all, and today is the only free day the two of you have when you’re not both exhausted from the week’s events. 
You wonder if he will be into it and if you’ll even have the ability not to melt into his grasp the second he shifts into his dominant self. You wonder more though, what it’ll be like to have this big ass man shivering at every touch you give to him, begging for more, whimpering. 
“Are you just gonna look at memes all day?” You ask, making your way into the living room to claim both the couch and Mingyu as your seat. 
“Probably, why?” He starts, leaning back against the cushions to make room for your legs on his lap. “You wanna do something today?”
“Hm, not really,” You shrug as you get comfortable, reaching an arm up to twirl his messy hair in your fingers. He hasn’t even brushed it today, but you love the way it looks on him. “I just wanted to ask.”
Mingyu turns his head slightly, narrowing his eyes at you with a knowing look. You never act this nonchalant if you don’t want something. You never play with his hair like this unless you’re both cuddled up in bed or you clearly want him to read your mind. 
“What’re you getting at?” He asks in a playful rasp, tilting into the feeling of your fingers in his hair as if he’s a puppy about to start wagging his tail. “You want something, and I’m not about to start making guesses without a hint.”
“You’re right, I do want something.” You smile, tugging slightly at a stand of his hair and looking away from him. “But I’m not gonna tell you what it is. You’ll just have to find out when it happens.”
He huffs in response to that before letting out a breathy chuckle. You wonder if he thinks you’re just trying to be a brat today. Maybe he thinks you’re gonna be annoying so that he will wrestle you down on the bed and put you in your place. That’s not it though. All you need is to get a reaction out of him in order to have him retiring with you to the bedroom sooner rather than later.
It didn’t take long to do that, as expected. It’s barely three in the afternoon by the time he’s fighting off a semi-hard on because you won’t stop pressing his buttons. 
From complementing his arms in the most annoying way to “accidentally” grabbing his bulge without warning. You know, the whole blatantly grabbing it then looking him in the eye with a small “Oops, thought it was something else.” 
He gritted his teeth through it for a little while before throwing his own form of teasing back at you. It all came to a sudden stop when he pressed you against the wall, effectively leaving no space for you to run and staring you straight in the eye. “If you want me to fuck you, you can just say that.” 
Of course you could have just said that, but it’s not what you want. You want to fuck him. 
So, now here the two of you are, you’re against the wall and he’s looming over you with all the power in the world. He knows how to end the teasing, he knows how to give you what you’d normally want, but he doesn’t know that maybe you can flip the tables on him.
He’s taken aback when you don’t look away from him, and even more appalled at the smirk you throw his way. Already, that switch in his head went off and you can tell that at any moment he’s going to drag you into the bedroom and give you what he thinks you want. 
“You think you know everything,” You smirk, throwing your hand forward and grabbing his growing length through his loose sweatpants. He winces at the feeling, arching into it almost. “If you want to fuck me, you could just say that.” You continue.
You mimic his words from before, a small power play to assert some type of dominance over him. Even in the position you’re in right now, even if you know all he needs to do is throw his hand around your throat to put an end to your plan, you’re still going to try. 
“Oh?” He quirks his brow, eyes trailing from your eyes to your middle, then back up. “You think I’m that desperate?”
You smile with a short nod, squeezing him in your palm to see if he reacts. He does, but you don’t think he notices. You can see that little curl on his lip twitch, with his confident smile never truly falling. 
“That hurts me,” You fake-whine, now palming him to urge his cock to grow to its full length. “You don’t want me as badly as I want you?”
He pauses, closing one eye as if to think with the correct side of his brain and try to ignore the fact that you always know exactly how to jerk him off. 
“you know that’s not it.” He falters with a gentle voice, giving into your false search of reassurance and once again arching into your hand. 
You can feel the press against your palm, he’s getting there.
“Then why don’t you ever show it?” You press on, prodding his brain to continue to take his dominant confidence down level by level. “I’m always the one having to ask for it.”
Mingyu doesn’t pause this time, his arm at the side of your head lowers to your cheek and caresses you there. 
“I love when you beg for me though,” He starts, leaning in closer to ghost his lips over yours. “You love it too.”
You can practically feel him not back down, even though he clearly isn’t aware of what you’re trying to do here. A wave of confidence flows through you too, and you refuse to back down this time as well. Your hand remains, pumping him through his pants and lurching forward against his lips.
He sighs into it, the hand caressing your cheek goes to the back of your neck as he, as always, dominates the kiss and angles your head in any way he deems fit. 
When you don’t react the way you normally do though, he appears to put even more effort into it. Kissing you in all the ways that would usually make you moan. Until he’s losing breath and trailing down your neck. 
At that point, you slide away from him leaving that small space between him and the wall and abandoning his now fully hard length, pulsing with no friction under his pants.
He stares at you as you back away from him with a smile, motioning for him to follow you. When he does, it’s another small victory in your head. You’re the one leading him this time, he’s the one chasing.
“What’s gotten into you?” He asks as he follows you through the hallway, already untying the drawstring of his sweats and slipping them off by the time he gets to the door of your shared room. 
You don’t answer, and for some reason that’s got him thinking too hard about what’s happening right now. Never once have you rejected his advances. By now, you’d be grinding against his thigh and taking whatever you can from him against that wall in the other room. Instead, you’re stepping into the bedroom and not removing a single article of clothing.
He watches you with curiosity, scratching the back of his neck before lifting his shirt off of him as well. If he wanted to, he could walk up to you and have you right here right now, but he can admit to being genuinely curious as to what the fuck you’re trying to pull on him today.
“C’mere,” You say, standing against the bed and ignoring the fact that he’s so big. From his biceps to his shoulders, to his cock. 
When he walks up to you, he thinks he’s going to be able to simply press you back to have you falling onto the bed and spreading your legs for him, but he’s shocked when he gets to you and you’re the one managing to spin him around and harshly shove him down on the bed. 
He stares up at you in shock when you straddle him with a smile, and he can’t help but let out a sigh when you plant yourself directly on his length without so much as adjusting it.
“No, really,” He starts with another wince, hands shooting to your waist to stop any looming assumption that you’re about to start grinding against him. “What are you trying to do?”
You laugh, reaching down and pulling his cock into position, flat against his pelvis. You raise the band of his underwear and easily snap it back down onto his length, the head of it peeking out now. He seethes out a pained sound when he feels the snap, his shoulders tensing at it before he looks at you for an answer. 
“I’m trying to see how much you want me.” You say casually, waving your hand as if it’s obvious. “I’d like to know why you’re fighting it. Unless you really don’t want me as much as I want you?”
He furrows his brows at you and swallows around his words. This isn’t what he’s used to, but he does hold a particular type of love when it comes to giving you what you deserve. He thinks briefly back to all of the times you’ve been shaking, begging, and crying to have him. Is that…is that what you’re trying to make him do? 
His face feels hot as a blush creeps up on him. He’s not used to blushing in bed, in fact, the last time he blushed around you was when you had sex for the first time and you both expected the other to be as vanilla as possible. 
“Oh–” Mingyu starts, his hands on your waist gripping a bit harder when you instantly cut off his words with a harsh grind. 
You’re not going to argue about it. You’re going to have him fucking writhing if it’s the last thing you do. You grind harder when he doesn’t react past trying to stop your hips with his grip, still he hasn’t continued his train of thought, so you think you’ve got it in the bag by this point. 
“Jesus,” He groans when you continue even as he tries to stop you. The fabric of his underwear rubs harshly against the underside of his cock so aggressively that it’s starting to burn. “Okay, fuck. Okay.” He tries to get you to relent, but you don’t.
The immediate overstimulation is a lot to take for someone like him. Usually he gives himself just the right amount, never too little, never too much, because usually he’s the one in control. He’s realizing now though, how hard it is to give in to the lack of control. It’s not that he isn’t enjoying it, it’s just that like, you know, he likes overstimulating you. 
“That’s right,” You comment with a smile, sighing out at the feeling of rubbing yourself against his length. “Be quiet unless you don’t want this.”
He is still just staring at you in awe, the searing pain of fabric-rash nearly throwing him over edge and making him want to put a stop to it almost instantly. But then he remembers how often he’s used your clothing against you. Now, looking up at you as you grind against him, he can’t help but think you’ve never looked more sexy than you do right now, using his own tactics against him.
Perched up there, looking down at him with what he assumes is the same type of smirk he gives to you, he gives in easier than he ever expected he would. Already, he finds himself wanting to ask you to take his briefs off, already he wants to feel if you’re wet because of this. Already. Goddamn, that was fast and it’s not looking promising for him. 
“You look like you want to say something,” You say, grinding back and resting your hips for a moment. You don’t spare him though, as you move your hand to resume the stimulation against him. “Go on, tell me what you wanna say.”
He rolls his eyes at you, laughing internally at how good you already seem to be at his job. He doesn’t mind it anymore though, interested in seeing how you intend to go about all of this. Really though, you could have just said “Hey, let me have control this time.” 
But no. He should know you don’t work that way. You never ask for things outside of the bedroom, you simply demand them. He really should’ve known that you’d want to do this at some point.
“Nothing to say?” You ask, pulling off of him and standing to your feet. “I’ll take it that by the look on your face, you know exactly what’s happening?”
He nods, watching you stand and take your own pants off. There, he can already see the wet seeping through your panties. He nearly lets out a groan at it, because you somehow appear to be more wet than usual just by putting him in his place.
“Get up.” You demand, now having him in the head space you want him in. 
He listens without a single protest, scooting forward and standing up in front of you. 
For a moment, when you look up at him, you nearly buckle and want to beg him to take back his control. So tall, so broad. That blown out look in his eye always gets you, but at this moment he’s the one that is waiting for direction and it feels so fucking surreal to have him looming without intent, waiting, anticipating what you’re going to do. It’s intimidating to say the least, but you press on.
“Now–” You pause, swallowing down that last bit of submission in your head and looking up at him. “Get down.”
He skews his head, hooding his eyes as he does just that. Slowly but surely lowering himself onto his knees in front of you. 
You look down at him this time, feeling much more confident when you see him like this rather than him towering over you. The confidence comes right back as you shuffle closer to him. He scoots back as you get closer, up until his feet are nearly under the bed and his back is against it. 
Somehow, he looks obedient down there. You’ve never seen him look like this, with his eyes staring up at you, hair in his face and eyes sparkling much like they do when he tries to find the perfect tomato to buy and bring home. 
Mingyu opts to stay silent for now, watching and waiting to see how you plan to take what you want. But that silence is short lived when you lift your leg onto the bed and hover your clothed pussy in front of his face.
Already he’s reaching out with a proud moan and trying to grip your ass to pull you against his face, but you resist the pull. 
“Hands to yourself,” you chuckle out, swirling your hips in front of his face. “I’ll tell you when you can touch it.”
He nearly groans in protest, but doesn’t. He lowers his hands and watches you dance what he wants in front of him. Honestly, he can smell your arousal and it’s already driving him insane. 
“Is this what you want?” You ask him, pulling at your panties until they shift between your folds, exposing all but your entrance and clit to him. 
Mingyu can barely respond, suddenly spiraling into a world of arousal at the way you dangle yourself in front of him. He swallows hard around a lump in his throat, tongue falling out of his mouth for you to sit on without so much as an ounce of shame. 
“Hm?” You urge out an answer when you reach down to grab his hair and force his eyes up to you rather than your pussy. 
His whispered “yes” comes out in a rasp after he pulls his tongue back into his mouth, and while you wanted a please at the end of his admittance, you take what you can get. 
You adjust your panties back to their rightful position before sitting the expanse of your pussy against his chin while keeping his head tilted back by the hair. He nuzzles slightly, closing his eyes and inhaling the scent of you like the animal that he is. 
“You act desperate to taste but you aren’t admitting it.” You laugh, guiding his head against your panties and fawning over the way he presses his nose into it without shame. 
Mingyu admits it with his tongue falling back out of his mouth again. Flattening it against the wet fabric and not moving it even an inch just to taste the stale arousal you managed to gather for him to swallow up. 
The warmth of his tongue is enough to have you gripping his hair again, pulling his head back and away from your core just to look at him. His dominant tongue strains to reach out and continue tasting you though, to the point that it’s almost embarrassing to see him act like this. 
“God, I didn’t think you could be so pathetic so fast,” You comment, pressing him back to your core and grinding up against his tongue. 
You can feel him flex the muscle, stiffening it to press the seat of your panties into your pulsing hole, and releasing a small moan at the way your leg shakes a bit at it. Even when he’s down here, face full of pussy, you’re still reacting like you would if he were the one in control. He might love it a bit too much. Even if he looks pathetic down here, he’s only pathetic for this pussy. 
“Mhm,” he hums against you, leaning more into the pussy in front of him rather than the harsh grip your hands have in his hair. “If you’d just let me–” 
You’re taken aback when he goes against your demands of keeping his hands to himself. You can feel one of his hands shoot to your ass and press you more against his mouth, and his other hand hooking your panties to the side. 
Barely able to react before a moan leaves your lips, he buries his tongue into your with a pointed hum against you. You can feel the vibrations flow through you to the point that you can’t help but grind. Fucking yourself against his tongue and then pulling back in a way to swirl your clit around the muscle.
His remains focused on the act as he closes his eyes. He even finds himself satisfied by the way you move on him that he releases the grip on your ass, trusting you to take what you need from him yourself, and instantly shoots that same hand between his legs. Not offering too much to himself, but enough to have him moaning the way you clearly want him to.
That, he does. Pressing his palm against his cock and furrowing his brows as his tongue tastes and licks up every inch of you. The way you grind is heavenly and the way your fingers tug at his hair only heightens the pleasure for him when he finally groans into you. 
The sound alone is enough to have you grinding harder, your thrusts becoming shorter just to feel his tongue repeatedly hit the same spot on your clit as you do it. You can see his lips curl into a smile around his tongue and you roll your eyes at the image of his unwavering confidence. Trying still to dominate even while on his knees.
That’s when you take note of his moving shoulder, hidden from under your hiked up leg. 
“So that’s why you seem so content,” You comment, halting your grinds. “Focus on me, get your hand off of your dick.”
His eyes shoot open, realizing he’s been caught and instantly follows your demands. He follows them so much actually, that he does focus entirely on you. Your voice speaking to him that way, denying him of his own pleasure? Fucking amazing, that’s what you are. 
Both hands shoot back to your ass as he practically hugs you in order to plant your pussy directly back onto his face. And just like that, he willingly and intentionally smothers himself in your scent. He easily nuzzles his nose against your clit while swirling his tongue around your hole, poking and prodding it while holding your hips in place. 
He can feel your hands in his hair grip tighter, and then your legs shake and you try to pull away. But no, not this time. He will let you take control after this. He promises himself, and promises you with a desperate moan to keep you planted on him. 
The moan wasn’t an act, he actually is desperate to get you to come this way, nearly purring into you when he pulls his head back just a bit to lick up and down your slit at an aggressive and animalistic pace. 
“Taste so good,” He groans, allowing himself to spiral as he laps away at you. “More.”
You’ve gone silent save from constant sighs of pleasure and hums. More? He wants more?
Already loving the way he manages to still be dominant while on his knees, you do the opposite to gain control again. You can tell he’s incredibly turned on, so now is the perfect time to pull that control back. You slide off of his face, pulling your leg back and watching the whole time as his mouth manages to chase the taste of you until he no longer can.
You study him, his cock leaking against the band of his briefs and his lips wet and glistening. He looks back at you with a look of…anger, maybe? You chuckle at it before lifting your shirt off of you and letting your breasts spring free.
“You were so close to begging,” You coo at him, stepping forward and falling to your knees in front of him, almost mimicking his own pose. Still, he towers over you like this, but you make a point to make him smaller than he is when you push his head down to your chest. “What a cutie.”
For some reason, he loves that compliment so fucking much in this moment with you. He strains his body to suck against one of your nipples, humming at the compliment and wanting nothing more than to hear you praise him now rather than beg him. Never did he think this would be something he’s into, but damn. 
You sense that he likes it with the way he moves his tongue on your chest, he always speeds up his actions when you do something he likes. Usually it’s when you start to cry, or whimper, or choke– but this time it’s because you called him cute. 
Taking note of that, you hold his head against your chest as you allow yourself to feel his tongue abuse your nipple briefly. Then you’re throwing yourself back into action by scooting back and away from him before tapping at his legs. “Take these off, and sit properly.”
He listens, in a daze of wanting nothing more than to have you back in his mouth in whatever way you deem fit. 
You’re pleased by his obedience when he kicks his briefs off and fully exposes his raging cock. Leaking, stiff, slightly raw from the fabric. Your mouth nearly waters at it when he sits flat on the floor and leans against the bed.
Typically, you’d go ahead and choke on it for a few minutes, but by this point you kind of want to feel him inside of you. You want to see how he will react to the overwhelming relief of having his cock inside of you, and so you slip your panties off and plant yourself on him without warning.
His arms shoot around you with a drawn-out moan of feeling you go straight for the kill. You slide down so easily, and he can’t help but shiver at how wet and tight you are as you spread yourself open on.
He squeezes around you with his arms, burying his face into your neck with a gasp and somewhat of a whimper. One that shows you that you’re doing exactly what he needs, but probably not what he wants. 
You, on the other hand, hold your moans in so that you can hear him clearly. With his hair tickling your cheek and his cock practically impaling you, it’s difficult not to try and wiggle away from your own doing. He splits you open so fucking good, the uncomfortable fit making your ears and cheeks feel hot as you try to adjust without showing him a reaction of either pain or pleasure. 
He’s the one whimpering about it. You know that the stretch you’re feeling must be overwhelming on his end too. You can feel his cock twitch, and his breath hitches with each second you don’t move on him. You sit there with your weight holding his hips in place to where he couldn’t fuck up even if he wanted to, which you can tell he does. 
And you stay that way until his gasps become wet, and you can feel the remnants of drool fall against your neck as he tries to contain himself. You stay even as his gasps turn to little moans, pleading for you to move, until they turn to full out whimpers of pain. His hands grip at you in this harsh and close hug, his chest squishing your tits so close to your own body that you know he’s coming undone as you sit on him.
“Do you want to fuck me?” You question his hair, and you feel a short nod. 
“Say it.”
Mingyu’s body jerks under you as he spreads his legs and leaves your ass hovering just above the floor as you sit on him. The slight change of angle causes you to moan softly at the way the head of his cock reaches impossibly deeper. 
“Just ask, and I’ll let you.” You continue as you try to compose yourself, clenching your walls around him to elicit a response, but it appears he’s gone. 
Absolutely lost to the warmth of you, his hands grip harder and his legs tense up. 
“I could be coming so deep inside of you right now,” he tries to say, flinching at the way you clench around him again. “Of fucking course i want to fuck you.” 
You pull back from his grip to give him a disappointed look. 
“Well, you can’t.” You smile, clenching around him again and watching him drop his head back against the mattress in a pained groan of defeat. 
And like that, he feels you clench again, and again, essentially jerking him off with your pussy alone until he’s babbling and rolling his eyes back.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, still.” He groans, throwing his hand to his hair to run his fingers through it, as if he’s searching for any type of relief since you’re not offering much to him. “I bet you feel so full right now, can’t believe you’re not bouncing on me yet, can’t believe you’re not begging me to fuck you.”
It’s like a fucking competition at this point to have him completely give in. You want him to give himself up to you, you want him to let you take him for all he’s worth.
“Not until you give in.” You challenge, swirling your hips just a bit to see if it helps your case. And god, it does. 
Surprisingly, he winces and begins to shiver under you at just that short movement, you watch his hand go from his hair to the blankets just behind and above his head to grip at them. You can feel him try to tense his ass, just to press into you a bit– just to see if he can get away with fucking you. 
“I can see how badly you want it, just admit it.” 
There it is, and there he goes. That last bit of brick wall between his dominant side and submissive side disappears and he’s falling into it. Easier now than before, it’s not an act now. Though it wasn’t entirely before either. He is desperate at this point. He’s not doing it because it’s what you want, he’s doing it because it’s what he needs. 
You draw back slightly at his hiccup, not at all expecting him to start fucking crying. But he does, his eyes prickling and glistening more than they ever have as the tears well up in his eyes. Not tears of sadness, but very clearly tears of pleading. 
“Oh,” You sigh out, clenching again but this time completely unintentionally at the image. Your big, looming boyfriend is sitting broken with his cock nestled so deep inside of you that he’s actually fucking crying because you won’t let him move. “My god.” You sigh out again when he looks at you with a deep breath. 
“You do want me that badly.” You confirm for him, knowing that his throat must hurt as he tries to continue to contain himself.
He nods aggressively, not even realizing how far he’s fallen from his throne, furrowing his brows as one of the tears falls down his cheek and he’s a heaving mess waiting for you to just fucking move. 
So, you do. You slide him out of you just a bit before sitting again and in an instant he’s shooting his arms around you and gripping you so tightly, hoping to whatever god above tells you to hang onto him because he knows for a fact that he can’t string together the words at the moment. 
Just like that, he gains control over you in a way that isn’t dominant at all. He’s lost in it, holding you so tightly and tipping you onto your back so fast that you can barely comprehend the speed he’s fucking you at. 
His eyes are still wet, and his hands are still bruising, and his cock is driving into you so aggressively that somehow he’s going harder than he does when you ask him to fuck you rough. So this is how he is when he’s desperate. 
The wet sounds of your pussy being slammed, his lips sucking at your neck, whimpering at the sudden and intense relief his cock is getting– it’s um.. it’s a lot to handle. 
And when he starts trying to talk in a whisper, it comes out at varying volumes, causing your ears to ring with somehow, even more arousal than before. 
“Can’t believe you pulled this out of me,” he starts, long and hard thrusts pushing you up inch by inch on the floor under him. “You feel so fucking good,” he continues, rambling out words he doesn’t even know he’s saying. “I couldn’t–” He pauses in a moan, slamming into you particularly hard and causing you to yelp, which causes him to nearly growl out the next words. “I couldn’t hold back anymore,” 
You can’t respond, as you feel the lights in your head flicker and the fog set in. 
“To think your pussy could have me crying,” he whimpers out pathetically this time, feeling his orgasm approach so fast that he doesn’t even want to edge himself like he normally would with you. “Still so tight, fuck.” He compliments through his chase, up until he’s stuttering his hips and crying out a string of curses and apologies for managing to be on top of you when he knew you wanted to be in control.
It’s not long before he realizes your spiral, mid orgasm, he notices your overstimulated shaking body and the reality smacks him in the face. Normally, you’re a sub, you’re his sub.. You practically forced yourself back into the mind-set while trying to force him into it, and when he tipped you over and couldn’t stop himself from taking the pleasure from you, you spiraled with him.
He continues to whisper out pained apologies as he releases the last bit of his cum into you before pulling you back up and into his arms. His heart is pounding, and his cock is twitching sensitively inside of you when he does it. 
He winces at the feeling but focuses more on your silence, rubbing your clit roughly as you sigh against him limply, up until your body begins to shake in his arms and he works you through your orgasm like the perfect boyfriend he is. 
“That didn’t end the way it was supposed to.” You pout, disappointed that he still ended up being the one to get both of you off. 
He smiles fondly at you, feeling like he’s weightless as you gripe and complain about it. 
“We can try again. I promise to totally submit to you next time.” He says with a gentle rub against your waist as you step into the shower. “I’ll even beg.”
You look at him with interest, smiling slightly but hating the fact that it didn’t work out how you wanted it to this time. 
“I did cry, you know..” He reminds you, his cheeks heating up at the embarrassment of the fact that you managed to pull that out of him. 
“You did.” You poke fun at him, feeling the water from the shower hit your sweat and cum stained skin, it’s warm and soothing. “And it was hot.”
He quirks a brow. 
“We are too alike,” He gripes with a laugh, shaking his head and preparing to get into the shower with you. “but it’s gonna take some practice if you want me acting the way you act.”
“But you cried.” 
“I did.”
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xoxoavenger · 3 months
How to Break a Heart
pairing: Luke Castellan x Fem!Aphrodite!Reader
summary: Y/N's mother gives her a deadline on when she needs to break her first love's heart, but Y/N isn't in love. Luckily Luke has a plan to fool the goddess; they'll pretend to be in love, and Y/N can break his heart. But these plans never go accordingly.
word count: 4341
warnings: betrayal, no comfort but there is still fluff for most of it
notes: luke castellan has taken over my life i have like 9 drafts so we'll see how this goes (i'm always scared to post for a new character so any love is appreciated greatly)
part 2
"How did it go?" Luke asked as Y/N walked out of the Aphrodite cabin. Her mother had requested an IM with her, and Luke had waited outside for her. Y/N didn't look too happy, but she never did after a talk with her mom.
"She thinks it's time." Y/N said, and as much as he wished he could read her mind, he had no idea what she was talking about.
"For what?" He asks, following as she begins to walk into the woods. It's clear she just needs to be on a walk to be away from everyone else, but she's letting him tag along.
"She said it's an embarrassment that I'd become an adult and still hadn't broken my love's heart." She says. "But I haven't fallen in love with anyone yet, and I don't wanna break some innocent person's heart." She stops talking when they reach the river, sitting on the wet ground. He thinks about his pants real quick and then sits next to her, wanting to give her his support.
"She gave you a time limit?" Luke asks, knowing the answer. The Aphrodite kids didn't usually go on quests, but this was a quest of its own. She knew the gods couldn't resist making things more difficult.
"Yeah. Four months. As if I could fall in love with someone in that time, let alone here." She grabs a rock and throws it into the current, the splash barely touching them.
"Maybe you don't have to." Luke whispered, looking at her. She turned to him, brows furrowed as she rested her head against her bent knees.
"I don't think my mom is gonna let it slide any further than she already has. The truth is, I've been putting this off for years. She's wanted me to break some pour soul's heart for two years now. Every time she's visited me, it's always 'what about that Hephestas boy?' or 'that Apollo kid looks so nice now.' I don't wanna know what she'll do if I disobey." Y/N admits, taking a deep breath.
"That's not what I meant." Luke smirked, causing Y/N to frown.
"What are you talking about, then?" She asks, sitting up and looking at him face on.
"If we pretend that we're in love - I mean, put on a whole show that convinces the whole camp," Luke says it quietly, as if Aphrodite may be listening to them right now.
"Then I can 'break' your heart and please my mom without actually hurting anyone!" She says excitedly, watching as Luke nods. "You're a genius!" She cried, throwing her arms around Luke. She was so happy to have this weight lifted off her shoulders. He held her back, and it felt nice for a moment.
"So, what's the story?" Y/N asked, leaning back and pulling her knees up and leaning on them gently now, instead of hiding behind them.
"We just have to pretend to be dating. I invited you over here to ask you out, so we'll walk back to camp holding hands." He said it so simply, she just nodded.
"What about kissing? Won't they get suspicious?" She asked, making Luke chuckle.
"We can figure that out later." He told her, and she just nodded. "For now, we only have to convince our friends."
"And the olympians." She shrugged.
"Only your mom. The rest of them won't care." Luke told her, standing up. He reached out a hand to help her up, and she took it. He then switched hands to hold her's, interlacing their fingers. Y/N had held hands with many boys, being a daughter of Aphrodite, but for some reason Luke's felt different. She was holding the hand he used to fight with his sword, calloused but somehow smooth. She looked at him, and for a moment she wondered if this would work. It was crazy to lie to a god, even if the goddess was her mother. Could she really pretend to be in love and break his heart? Would they still be friends afterward?
Luke squeezed her hand and smiled, and she felt relief flow through her. If there was anyone who could pull this off, it was Luke.
"We got this." He told her, and she nodded.
They walked to camp, hand in hand, and Y/N knew immediately that this idea would work.
"Oh my God!" Her sister Silena called, immediately seeing Luke and Y/N. "Uh, I knew it!" And Y/N pushed down the urge to roll her eyes. She could have come out of the woods with anyone and Silena would have claimed to have seen it coming.
And just like that, everyone knew they were together.
For about a month, they got away with just hand holding, hanging out a little more than regular, going on a couple night walks. But on one of their night walks, Luke brought up what she had been thinking.
"We have to kick it up. If we want people to think we really fell in love in four months, we have to be inseparable." He told her.
"Silena has already caught on. We have to make it look like we got caught doing something." She had been thinking about it, not wanting to go there, but they both knew there was no way around this. They had to make it believable. Everyone had to believe them for this to work.
"The Hermes cabin." Luke nodded, but Y/N furrowed her brows.
"But your cabin is like, never empty." She told him, concerned.
"Anyone who finds us in the Hermes cabin will tell everyone immediately. And we will get found basically as soon as we're in there." He had definitely thought about this.
"We'll get in trouble." She tells him, looking to the side at the water.
"Us getting in trouble for getting caught in a cabin alone together?" He smirks, squeezing her hand. "Yeah, I'm sure your mom will be really angry." When she turned to him he was smiling, and she couldn't help but smile back.
"You're a genius." She almost kisses him, because that's what she would do in the situation, but then she remembered they're not actually dating. She was almost embarrassed, but then she realized.
"We can't do this without ramping our relationship up a bit." She tells him, and he thinks for a second. He turns to the trees, and the smile is on his face once more.
"The younger kids are watching." He whispered, making her blush. Of course their younger siblings would be watching their romantic walk. "If it's okay with you," He mutters stopping and turning to her. He takes her other hand. "I can kiss your cheek. Or we," She drops is hands and grabs his face, bringing his lips to hers. She knew they'd have to kiss in front of everyone sooner or later, and clearly Luke was freaking out a little bit. She felt his hands go to her torso, high above her waist but just a little below her bra line. It made her heart race just a little bit.
Their lips moved in tandem, much more than any first kiss she's ever had before. She forgot everything as one of her hands slipped from his face to his chest. One of his slipped to her lower back, the other going to the back of her head. They broke for one second to reposition, but for some reason it was too much for her. She curled her fingers into his orange Camp Half-Blood shirt and brought him closer once more. She could feel him smile as he curled his fingers in her hair to position her better.
All too quickly, they separated. Y/N blinked a couple times, trying to clear her brain.
"I think they got the hint." He tells her, and she could only stare at him and try to figure out what he just said.
"Yeah," She whispered, realizing he was talking about their rouse. Of course, the only reason they had kissed was to get the camp talking. "They'll definitely be talking about that."
She didn't want to think about how upset she was, or why she was upset. This was fake - everything with Luke was fake.
"We should head back before Chiron comes and puts us on probation or something." She said, watching him nod. She let him lead her back to her cabin, where he gave her a kiss and a wink outside her door.
She was in trouble.
The next day, they met up to watch the kids make friendship bracelets. Luke had already made a deal with Travis, and no one noticed when the two left.
"We have a couple minutes until everyone comes in." He tells her, and she nods. He walks over to his bed, the single one in the corner of the huge cabin. Y/N has never seen it completely empty, and when she looks around it seems too quiet.
"How do you wanna," She mutters, heart pounding. She's nervous, and it's obvious.
"Hey," His voice is quiet, and she looks over at him. "We don't have to do anything that you don't wanna do." His hand goes to her har, pushing her hair out of her face a little bit. She had to force herself not to look away.
"We have to." She mutters, a sad frown on her face. They both knew she didn't have a choice for this.
"But we can just get caught alone." He assures her, sitting back on his bed. Y/N stays where she is.
"No, it has to be more. We have to convince everyone." She is convincing herself too, that she has to do this. She doesn't go on quests, and this isn't even courageous. This is something her siblings do for fun. She can do it for her mother.
"Okay," He tells her, grabbing her hands. She's about to ask how they should be set up, but then there's footsteps on the stairs. Before she can think, she practically pounces on Luke. She's straddling him, pressing him against the bed. Their hands became untangled and his go to her waist, lower than their first kiss. She hears the door open, and her heart freezes.
What are they doing?
Before she can mess up the entire plan, Luke leans up and presses their lips together. She doesn't know what to do with her hands, just letting them hold her up while Luke's venture under her shirt.
"Oh my gods!" Y/N and Luke separate with wide eyes. They were planning on getting caught, but not by her.
"Annabeth?" Luke whispers, turning to see his sister in the doorway, hand over her eyes.
"Shit," Y/N curses, getting up. She realizes her shirt is all scrunched, so she pulls it down.
"What a weird camp." The kid next to Annabeth says. Y/N notices him for the first time, a short kid that looked like he was enjoying this drama. He has to be new, because she's never seen him around and definitely never with Annabeth.
"This is strange." Ananbeth crosses her arms and squints. Y/N feels like she can see right through them.
"Oh, Chiron is not gonna be happy." The kid says, smiling. Before Y/N can argue that neither of them would tell the centaur, he walks up behind them.
"That assumption would be correct, Mr. Jackson." She has to remind herself that this was the plan, that they wanted to get caught.
"Chiron," Y/N says, looking up at him as he walks into the wide door frame. Annabeth and the kid move to let him in, also showing Y/N and Luke the amount of people behind him, waiting to see the
"This is unexpected from you two." He says, and Y/N can feel herself second guessing this plan. She doesn't like to be scolded by Chiron. Luke grabs her hand as if he knew what she was thinking.
"We're sorry, Chiron." Luke started, taking a deep breath.
"But we're not kids anymore," Y/N starts, the confidence coming from no where. "And sometimes we need time on our own." She can feel everyone's eyes on her, including Luke's.
"We can talk about this in the Big House." Chiron was clearly peeved, but she knew he couldn't get that mad. Everyone knew why Luke and Y/N stayed even though they were the oldest campers; they would be dead in the real world.
"You're up to something." Annabeth says as everyone leaves.
"I'm always up to something." Luke smirks before looking at the new kid. "I'm Luke."
"I'm Percy." The kid says, looking over at Y/N.
"Y/N." She nods, a small smile on her face. She looked at Annabeth, who knew something was up. She had to ramp it up.
She put a hand on Luke's shoulder and kissed his cheek, squeezing his hand and leaving. It had to be enough for now.
As it turned out, Annabeth went on a quest a couple weeks later, so they didn't need to worry about convincing her. But Luke was practically sick with worry for her wellbeing, and Y/N wasn't much better. Her deadline was coming up, and she was actually dreading it.
She was enjoying Luke's presence, enjoying the touches and the attention. She knew it was her mother's powers making her feel this way, but part of it was just her. She actually looked forward to waking up and going to see Luke. She thought about the night that they had fallen asleep in the warm sand, his chest cushioning her head. His arms were around her, and when they were caught in the morning she didn't even care about Chiron's second warning. Luke had snuck them desert anyway.
It helped calm her down from worrying about the kids on a quest, the fate of which would in turn decide the fate of Camp Half-Blood. She hated the feeling of war in the air, the campers fighting. Luke's comfort helped that situation as well. He would always grab her close, making her anxiety calm down and her mind quiet. She had taken to hanging out with him away from everyone's eyes, aside from plans to get caught. They would lay in the strawberry fields, looking at the clouds. Sometimes she would fall asleep, giving away the fact that she couldn't sleep in her own bed at night. As soon as Luke realized this, he made the Aphrodite cabin swear to secrecy when he would sneak in. They were great at keeping secrets when it helped their sister's love life, and her health. She had gotten so used to Luke sleeping in her bed, it was weird to think there was a time when he wasn't.
The first time it happened, she had almost jumped out of her skin.
It was right before the kids left, when everyone started to get uneasy about the Lightning Bolt. She had made a random comment that day when her and Luke were sitting on the dock, because she was too tried from her lack of sleep. They had been 'dating' for two months now, and even before she would tell him these things as his best friend. She had almost fallen asleep with her head resting against his shoulder, and he had shaken her awake. She stumbled to her cabin, not even wanting to tell her siblings about the night, but she couldn't sleep.
Everyone knew she had problems sleeping, so they tried to be as quiet as possible. They let her keep her window open, even though it dried their skin. And though her body was absolutely begging her to sleep, her mind wouldn't turn off.
She jumped out of her skin when she heard Luke's low voice.
"Thank the gods your window is already open." She shot up, heart racing. She looked over to see Luke climbing in. "And also thank the gods you live on the bottom bunk." His voice was so quiet she could barely hear, but at least she knew her siblings wouldn't hear. She knew they would never tell Chiron, since they loved a good relationship.
"What are you doing?" She asked, eyes wide and a smile playing on her face. His scar shown in the moonlight as he sat on the windowsill, taking off his shoes. He handed them to her, and she put them down gently on the ground before lowering himself down on her bed.
"I'm gonna help you sleep." He told her, looking at her in a way that made her heart race just a little. Even in the little privacy, where no one could see them, he was caring for her.
"You don't have to." She turned her head down, feeling self conscious in her bonnet. He smiled at her.
"I want to."
The two settled in, Y/N lifting up the covers for Luke to come under. They switched positions so she could sleep next to the wall, his arms around her immediately. She felt so secure and safe in his arms, more relaxed than she had felt in weeks. He settled his face against her head, giving the softest kiss to her forehead. So soft she was questioning it as her mind drifted away.
When she woke up, she was in his arms. The sun was up, and it was much later than she had woken up in the past month.
"Tell him I went on a walk. And she's sick." Luke was whispering, his voice rumbling in his chest that Y/N was laying against. Given the small size of the bed, they were entangled. Her legs were fused with his, her torso stuck between the wall and Luke's body. Her hand was entangled into his sleep shirt, and she didn't untangle it because that would have given up that she was awake. And she wanted to stay like this a little longer.
And she was enjoying the warm light and the nice morning.
"You know he'll come in here anyway." A boy was saying, but Y/N didn't want to listen. Without thinking, she rubbed her face into Luke's shirt, trying to get more comfortable. She rubbed a leg against his, shifting and sighing.
"If you wake her up," Luke's voice sounded venomous, and it made her start to smile a little. Her head felt so light but also so heavy in a good way. She didn't think she could feel that way.
"Fine, I'm gone." The guy said, and Y/N heard his footsteps walk away. She stretched for a second, settling down so that her leg was thrown over his and she was more on top of him than against the wall. Her hand relaxed, still holding onto his shirt but not as tightly.
"You awake?" Luke whispered so quietly for a moment he didn't think she heard him.
"No." She said quietly, feeling her breathing even out.
"Alright." He brushes his hand against her back, soothing her even more. "Let me know when you're awake."
All the Aphrodite kids were working overtime to make sure that Chiron never found out that Luke was sneaking into the cabin and also to keep the Hermes cabin from snitching. And also from keeping the harpies from killing Luke. 
It was a full-time job. 
They usually slept in Y/N's bunk, because her siblings just wanted her to be happy. They all knew that she was supposed to break someone's heart, but they tried not to talk about it. No one else knew about the deadline. 
"Can you tell me how you got your scar?" Y/N asked one night, tracing the mark as they laid in bed. She had been getting so much sleep with him that she was able to stay up a little bit with him now and whisper low enough that no one else could hear.
"You don't wanna hear about it before it before you go to bed." He whispers, eyes going dark and hand grabbing hers, stopping her from touching it. Her heart drops, and she feels like a little kid scolded. 
"You never told me." She mutters, not wanting to push but wanting to know. They'd gotten so close now that she wanted to know everything about him before she no longer had an excuse to be around him all the time. 
Oh gods, how was she going to sleep without him? 
"You're already overthinking." He whispers, and she just huffs and tries her hardest to turn from him while his arms are around her and she's also stuck between him and the wall. For a moment she thought about throwing herself over him and getting up, just to prove a point, but she knew that was taking things a little too far. 
"I just wanted to be there for you like you are for me." She knew that didn't have nightmares like most demigods did; at least, if he got them, he hadn't had any since he'd been with her. But she also knew no one could deal with everything on their own, and if he wasn't telling her, who else was he telling? 
"I'm okay." He tells her, settling in and making her start to get comfortable again. She stretched, leaned against him and let her eyes close, trying to forget about his scar. 
Something about the conversation rubbed her the wrong way. 
The kids returned and the war was avoided, and now Annabeth seemed to have her own relationship problems. It made Y/N relieved, then sad, because she remembered that her own relationship was fake. In a few short weeks, she would have to 'break' Luke's heart. But that was in the future, and she could put it off as long as she could. She didn't want to have to break his heart, because she had a feeling it would only break her's.
Everything had been going great until her mother showed up.
This time, it hadn't been an IM. This time, her mother was waiting for her in the strawberry fields where she was supposed to meet with Luke.
"Mom?" Y/N asked, not sure if she was seeing correctly. Her mother's beautiful face brightened, and Y/N just blinked. She had never met her mother in person.
"My favorite child." Her mother said, making Y/N's eyes widen. She thought Silena was her favorite child. "I am so proud of you."
"What?" Y/N had been planning on talking to Luke about their breakup tonight, but her mother thew her off.
"You've broken the most talented swordsman's heart! The pain, oh, it almost breaks my own heart." Aphrodite put her hands over her own heart, and Y/N just furrowed her eyebrows.
"But, I haven't broken Luke's heart yet." Y/N says, thinking about how weird Luke had been acting when he asked to meet her there. She thought it was about them breaking up, but what if it was something else. Could he tell that she had fallen?
"No?" Her mother looked genuinely confused. "I sense such distress, such a hole of love in his heart." Y/N had never seen a god confused, and she didn't like this.
"Something's wrong." Y/N muttered, flinching when fireworks began to be set off.
"Yes," Her mother said gravely, grabbing her daughter's hand. "I will help you find him and set this right." She said it as if Y/N was supposed to break his heart over the pain he must've been feeling. Before she could protest, her mother was teleporting her. She ended up in front of Luke in the forest, her mother no where to be found. Luke looked angry, his sword was pointing right at her. It was actually pressing lightly into her chest, which made no sense. Luke would never do that.
"Y/N?" He asked, eyes widening. The anger melted away a little bit, but he still didn't look like the version of him she knew.
"What are you doing?" She asked, watching him lower his sword but not his guard. His eyes caught on something behind her, and she turned.
Percy was standing there, eyes wide and scared. He had his own sword in his hand, arms lifted in defense.
"Get out of the way, Y/N." Percy said, sounding older than his twelve years. It scared her, seeing this kid forced to mature.
"What are you doing?" She repeated, turning back to Luke. His expression had hardened slightly, but it still wasn't as angry as he had been when she first showed up.
"You don't want any part of this." Luke's voice was deep and dark, and Y/N felt her heart drop to her stomach.
"What have you done?" She rephrased, eyes wide as the fear sprinkled through her body in cold waves.
"What I had to." Luke said, as if that explained everything. "The gods are against us. They need us, but they don't care about us. I mean, have you ever even spoke with your mom is person?" He was trying to use her, and it hurt her feelings.
"I just did." She said quietly, turning fully to Luke. "And she told me you were heartbroken." She reveled at the shock that washed over his face.
"She must have been feeling someone else." Luke answered, and Y/N just shook her head.
"Luke, please." She walked toward him, grabbing his free hand. "We had something. We were pretending to date but you can't tell me you were acting the whole time." She felt tears in her eyes now. "Luke, I love you." She whispered finally. Filling the silence was the wind in the trees, the distant sound of fireworks. But not Luke's voice. He stayed quiet for a moment.
"It'll pass." He tells her quietly, tilting his head.
He might as well have stabbed her, the words hurt so bad. Using her shock, he threw his sword up, and not even letting go of her hand he caught it the opposite way, using the bottom to hit her head and send her to the ground.
"Goodbye," He muttered as he let her hand slip from his, stepping over her to face Percy.
Y/N could hear the breaking of her heart as she let her eyes close. 
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
pt 3 smut for yandere mafia yoongi please!
consumed by you:
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pairing: yandere! yoongi x f. reader
genres: fluff || smut || non-idol au || mafia au || yandere au || established relationship
summary: yoongi is finally home and you have a special way of showing him how much you missed him
word count: i wrote on tumblr for once so idk 🕺
tags/ warnings: fluff, pwp, smut in the forms of; hand job, fingering, oral (very brief: m. receiving), titty sucking, unprotected sex (don’t be stupid, this is fiction), creampie, cum play,
notes: im somewhat getting back into writing, so finally here’s the third installment of the yandere yoongi drabbles!! it’s months late but it’s my page so what are you gonna do about it ‼️
this can be read as a stand-alone!!
other drabbles for this series: how time has changed you || it’s all in your head
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
a week.
it had been a whole week, seven wretched days, and 168 full hours since yoongi had seen you. and even then, when he’d gotten home, and taken a slow peek into your room, you’d been asleep. ever so soft, curled up beneath an array of blankets, edges of your bed bordered off with pillows and plushies and all the soft things you loved.
soft things that built up a wall to protect you from all the bad that awoke when the sun would set, and laze in the darkness.
and maybe that’s why yoongi chooses to close your bedroom door, and decides that he’ll let you sleep in your own bed tonight. because some days he thinks you forget that he’s worse than the monsters you fear sleep under your bed, or the beady eyes that peek through the cracks in the closet.
he’s sluggish as he showers, lethargic, irritated, and ready to sleep for most of the morning before he wakes and smothers you with a weeks worth of love.
it’s when he’s sat up in bed, there’s a light knock at his door. heart rate skipping at the flitting sound.
“come in” he calls out, running a hand over his face.
his gaze falls onto you, head peeking into his room; hair mused and eyes heavy with lingering sleep. but even then, yoongi thinks he sees a halo surrounding you, a warm little glow like a precious little angel toeing past the lines of sin.
“yoonie?” you slip past his door, pushing it shut with the tips of your fingers.
“hmm?” he hums, beckoning you closer with a cock of his head.
the velvet blanket you have tucked under your arm drags across the carpet as you slink closer.
you barely make a fuss when his fingers wrap around you wrist, tugging you down until you’re laid belly down over his lap; legs hung over the edge of the bed.
his hands trail up the expanse of your back, gentle motion tugging your night dress further up your thighs. an unintentional tease that has him changing his motions.
the tips of his fingers explore further down your body, skimming over the backs of your thighs, easing over the swell of your cheeks.
you wriggle, soft whine barely making its way past your lips when his hands drag up the hem of your dress over the curve of your ass.
something feral— something raw claws it’s way through his chest when he sees you’re not wearing any panties.
“don’t tease” you turn your head, cheek resting against the sheets as you try and catch a glimpse of your boyfriend. the scar across his face illuminated by the light of the lamp.
he’d always been so pretty. so pretty and rough, and soft and rigid. a living contraction it had your mind spinning, spiraling so fast really all you could think of was him.
yoongi hums when your fingers dip below the sheets, tracing the waistband of his underwear. nails tickling the bare skin of his stomach before dipping that slight bit lower.
“now you’re the one teasing” he inches his fingers closer to your pussy, thumb parting your folds. already so wet and slick, awfully amusing considering he’d barely had his way with you yet.
“sorry” you murmur, eyes flitting across his face as you dip past his underwear. tips of your fingers nudging against the base of his cock.
you trail up his length before pulling the sheets down and then his underwear, hard cock slapping wet against his stomach.
yoongi’s head tips back, uncoordinated as his thumb dips ever so slightly into your cunt; your thighs twitching at the unexpected intrusion.
you spit onto the palm of your hand, eyes meeting yoongi’s as you wrap your fingers back around his shaft.
“good girl” a smile pulls onto his lips, reward coming as two fingers slipping into your pussy, curling over your sweet-spot.
you squeeze his length, hips rutting back into his fingers.
“hold on” you bat his hand away from your cunt, sliding off his lap onto your knees on the floor.
yoongi cocks his head to the side, “you don’t know what you do to me, when you get on your knees like that, my love”
you wet your bottom lip, a smile toying at the corners of your lips. balancing your elbow on the edge of the bed, your free hand takes hold of yoongi’s hard cock.
he simply watches you, watches as you trace the tip of cock over your bottom lip. how your gentle tongue slips past the petals of your mouth, swallowing down his precum and then letting your saliva dribble down his length.
his hand covers yours at the base of his length, tapping the tip against your bottom lip.
your jaw falls open, blinking up at yoongi through your lashes. his free hand tangles into your hair, pulling you down to feed his cock into your awaiting mouth.
your fingers dig into the meat of his thigh, eyes falling shut as you sink further down his length.
he pulls you up, tip resting on your tongue. barely having to guide you as you take him back into your mouth.
your lips close around his cock, sharp intake of air filling your lungs through your nose as his cock-head pushes into the back of your throat. squeezing it’s way into your windpipe.
you hum, thighs squeezing together, clit throbbing with an incessant want as you drool over yoongi’s cock. the mere act of being stuffed so full of him sending you reeling.
he groans, a little mean as he tries to get the last few inches into your mouth, your throat swallowing as you try and take him further.
you pull off with a dry heave. “s’ too much” you whine, kissing over his slit.
“yeah?” he murmurs, pushing your hair from your forehead, “all your holes are too small for my cock, huh?”
you shake your head, “not true” you suckle at his tip.
“no?” he mocks, tone that tinge of condescending that he knows burns under your skin perfectly.
you were a shameless little thing after all. and he watches as your thighs clench, your needy little fingers twitching to sink into your wet pussy and thrum at your clit until your thighs are shaking and nothing but incoherent words slip off your tongue.
you pull off his cock, tongue licking up the precum that clings to your bottom lip.
you shake your head to his earlier question.
“come here” he tugs you up onto the bed, impatient fingers pulling your night dress over your head.
he palms your tits, thumbs running over your pert nipples as you line him up with your cunt.
you drag his cockhead through your folds, hips twitching when it nudges against your clit; unabashed moan vibrating from your chest at the flash of pleasure that flits up your spine.
“no teasing, love” he wraps his lips around your nipple, tongue flicking over soft skin as you nudge his tip over your eager entrance.
your thighs quiver as you sink down yoongi’s cock, tip of his cock splitting you open deliciously.
yoongi’s hands fall to your hips, lips still kissing over your chest, nipping over tender skin; blossoms of red staining your skin with the rawest form of his love— feral art over your pretty skin.
your hands fall to his shoulders, hips rutting forward, messy and uncoordinated as you chase your own pleasure. always a little greedy and pleasure drunk, though yoongi never minded. not when you looked like the epitome of sin, beautifully depraved and eager to please yourself.
weak little moans slip past your lips in quick succession with each jab of his cock over your sweet spot.
“yoon” you whine, nails digging into his skin. dragging down the length of his arms.
his kisses trail up your neck, tongue licking at sweaty skin. traveling upwards to your cheeks, then to your lips.
you let him lick into your mouth, let him consume every little moan and gasp and whine and cry for more more more. a slick mixture of yours and his saliva coating your lips and chin shiny.
you bounce in his lap, thighs starting to burn.
“s’ too much” you murmur against his lips, tongue lax and brain barely there as his fingers find their way to your ass; digging into your flesh.
your hands trail down your stomach, two fingers flicking over your clit as yoongi thrusts up into you. a lewd harmony of both your moans mixing thick in the air.
“i’m close” you pant, stomach clenching as you near your peak. yoongi crashing close behind you.
“me too. be a good girl a play with yourself”
a thick sheen of your arousal coats the length of his cock, thick ring of white clinging to the base with each wet slap of his balls against your ass.
your fingers lose their rhythm over your clit, messy as you climb higher and higher until something inside of you snaps and you’re tumbling so fast; little hiccups of moans catching in your chest as you ride out your high.
you feel yoongi’s cock twitch between your walls, his hands sliding back to grab onto the meat of your hips as he holds you down. cock fully tucked between your walls.
you feel his cum flood your insides, thick ropes of it coating your pussy with his heady release.
“so good” his head tips back, knocking against the headboard, “did so good for me” his hips roll upwards, your cunt milking him. final spurts of his cum stuffed into your wet pussy.
your thighs shake, hands finding purchase over your tender tits as your hips stutter forward.
yoongi groans, pleasure bordering overstimulation as you chase those fleeting sparks that make you feel ever so good.
“no more, darling” he laughs, soft cock slipping out of you.
you make a noise in the back of your throat, pitiful little pout tugging at your bottom lip as you look down at him from where you’re sat on your knees.
your pussy clenches, and you watch down the length of your body; unable to take your eyes away from your pussy. watching as a thick dribble of yoongi’s seed spills out of you, puddling over his stomach.
he closes his eyes, barely opening them to look at you as you scoop up his cum with your fingers. insatiable as you push his seed back past your walls.
he wets his lip at the slick sound of your cunt.
“how greedy” he laughs, breathy and gruff. another wave of arousal licking down your spine.
your fingers stay buried within your cunt, curling and unfurling.
“go on” he nods his head towards you, “put on a show for me. and then we’ll wash up”
a devious little smile pulls at your lips, a third finger joining the other two already stuffed inside your pussy. a newfound vigor unraveling in your chest.
“okay” you chirp, fingers slipping out of your pussy. already hell bent on grinding over his cock until your legs gave out and the pleasure made your brain nothing more than a puddle.
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himbocoups · 1 year
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˗ˋˏ multitasking ˎˊ˗ | 18+ Only
synopsis: multitasking only saves time when it's done right.
pairing: mingyu x reader (gn)
genre: smut
tags: college party, mention of drunk people, extremely conceited mingyu | big! dick! mingyu!, choking, crying, c*m eating, degradation, dirty talk, facesitting, handjob, mirror sex, oral (m receiving), pet names
wc: 1.1k
beta reader reviews: "i can't believe cocky gyu gave me butterflies in my pussy im so mad" - @bitchlessdino // "gonna have to take some deep breaths after that god damn" - @heartkyeom // "do you think if u put it in oatmeal it would taste good" - @onlyhuis // "...this fic made me clench the shit out of void and emptiness" - @multi-kpop-fanfics
message from nu: happy mingyu day!! this fic x concept has been sitting in my drafts for months now. what better day to release it than today? - nu ♡
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The sound of a plastic ping-pong ball bouncing click, clack, clonk against the wooden floorboards, and a couple of groans from the living room downstairs escape through the tiny aperture underneath the closed bedroom door. Still, the liveliness of the party downstairs, the rhythmic thumping of the EDM song playing from the speaker, and the screams and shouts of drunk college students envelope his bedroom door like a protective barrier - a natural sound-proofer for the noise coming from inside the bedroom. 
“Fuck you look so good today,” he grunts from above you. 
Even now, in this bedroom, everything in the world arrives in your ears in a muffled manner - muted, with little substance left to decipher. 
Kim Mingyu, who is a little too conventionally handsome for his own good, sits above your face. Thick muscular thighs crush both sides of your head as he leans his upper half over your naked body, planting himself firmly against his mattress, and pushing himself deeper into your mouth.  
“So, so good,” he moans into the open. 
An automatic reply attempts to escape your mouth as your hands fling onto his knees for support, “Thunfk yth.” But he peels your sweaty hands off his knees, plucking them between his thumb and pointer finger, and plops them to the side despite your feeble response. 
Tongue swirls around his round and smooth tip, licking a long stripe down his shaft. You moan, eyes rolling to the back of your head when you feel his veins against your tongue, the minuscule grooves created from veins underneath the soft epidermis, and the salty-musky taste mixed with your saliva. You swallow his taste like the sweet lukewarm soda in a red plastic cup to cut any bit of bitterness that coats your mouth and throat. 
He doesn’t care about you. You know he doesn’t care about you. You’re just a random stranger at a party who is remotely good enough to even be considered a candidate for Mingyu. 
Now, even when you’re sucking his dick from below him, he’s not staring at you. Instead, he stares at his naked torso reflected in the mirror, flexing his biceps - watching them contract and relax - and smiling at how handsome he looks tonight. 
To him, you’re more or less an afterthought. There is nothing in this bedroom that intrigues him more than himself. And when he finally sees you between his thick and glistening thighs, he can only think of one thing to say: “Take me in deeper and I’ll let you be seen near me when we go back downstairs.” 
Incomprehensible is the thought of how you can take him even further down your throat; you somehow open your mouth wider and dig the back of your head further into the mattress. But it’s huge. It’s fucking huge. From the base of his cock to his ego, Kim Mingyu is fucking massive in every aspect of his body. And he assails your throat from above, pushing in, pulling out, angling in, and angling out. 
The fact that you’re gagging against his cock, struggling under his touch actually annoys him severely. He knows that he is Kim Mingyu. And if anything, you’re the one who should be trying to accommodate him. If it weren’t for the fact that he could see the shape of his organ outlined against the inside of your throat, he would already be out the door. And seeing himself move inside your throat only fuels his ego and makes him hornier than ever. 
Purring, he takes time to trace his right finger pointer along the outline of his cock, mumbling about how gorgeous he looks. Lauding his size, he only stops when he feels the pressure against his fingertip. The way his lips stretch thin, eyes open widely, and pearly whites show is diabolical. And he has to stop himself from orgasming when he realizes he can feel his cock through your stretched throat and on the pad of his fingertip. Because the only thing Mingyu loves more than sex is himself. 
This new discovery causes him to twitch in your throat. And moaning in response, your throat vibrates around his cock like an electronic toy. This chain reaction leads him to grab onto your throat, covering his embossed outline. To him, it feels like he’s holding himself in the shower - the warmth and silkiness of your inside like the hot water that cascades over his Adonis. Brazen with the ache between his thighs, he takes matters into his own hands, rubbing and pumping himself along your throat. 
Deep and open moans protrude from him like a beautiful low vibrato note on a double bass. Thighs feeling weak from his arousal, he sits on your face to ease his trembling thighs. The newfound action feels so good that his entire body tightens like a coil ready to spring. High building with each calculated yet languid stroke along your vibrating throat, Mingyu’s eyes squeeze shut as his breath hitches and staggers. 
Salty tears roll down your face, and the feeling of him getting himself off via your throat causes you to scream and tremble as you convulse without his touch. You’re trying your best to accommodate his size and the fact that he is currently facesitting and using your throat to masturbate. Yet your climax comes out of nowhere, forcing him out of your mouth while you finish as you get off on the fact that you’re being used as his toy. He seems to pay you no mind as he quickly pumps himself over your body, hissing as he spills his milky honey over your chest - pumping himself empty while using his other hand to massage his balls. 
Purposely, he taps his throbbing and dripping organ against your forehead as if to tell you he isn’t finished with you. But he isn’t a complete asshole. He sees how you’re struggling to recover, so he lets go of his balls so that he can dip his thumb into the pool on your chest and offer his nectar to your lips. And you suck the salty liquid off his thumb, taking his digit in your mouth and swirling your tongue as if you are searching for sustenance to satiate your thirst. 
He plucks his thumb from your wet lips when he feels like it, gloating at how loudly you whine for him. Vainglorious as he is, he knows a single gesture, the twirling of his pointer finger, would immediately get you to go on your knees. Once his organ casts a shadow over your face, he tells you to suck. This time, he requests you to spell his name as you bob your head. And if you’re good enough, then just maybe, he’ll forgive you for spitting him out while you came.
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Copyright © 2023 Himbocoups. All rights reserved.
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sunshines-legacy · 5 months
Pining in the Undercroft Pt2 - Sebastian Sallow
Read part one here!
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Pairing - Sebastian Sallow x Female MC
Word count - 1.6k
Warnings/tags - Smut, neck kissing, unprotected sex, All characters are 18+, NOT PROOFREAD
Summary - Sebastian finds his best friend moaning his name in the undercroft after an argument.
A/N - This took so long to write TvT Im gonna be so fr I was baked the entire time I wrote this lmao And if you notice any inconsistencies with their position please forgive me! Some things may have gotten jumbled when I was writing the second draft.. ANYWAYS I hope yall enjoy! Also constructive criticism is welcome! <3
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“Sebastian.. Fuck me..”
The Slytherin in question froze, shocked by the Hufflepuff’s sudden request. Just that morning they’d only considered each other friends. Despite that, Sebastian had been dreaming of hearing those words fall from her lips. Now that it’s finally happening, he cursed himself for freezing. For a long moment, all he could do was look down at her with those puppy eyes that she fell in love with. That was until those very eyes darkened and resembled more of a wolf than a puppy.
Sebastian let out a low chuckle before crashing his lips onto hers. She responded, in kind, by granting him access to her tongue when his own flicked over her lips. Sebastian pressed his knee against her core as a reward for her obedience. She whined into his mouth as she rolled her hips against his leg.
With her wrists bound, Sunshine brought them over Sebastian’s head to take firm fistfuls of his hair. The freckled boy smiled against her lips as her nails scraped his scalp before tugging his hair lightly. He pulled away from the kiss, breathing heavier than before as they rested their foreheads together.
After a moment of basking in each other, Sebastian moved his hands from her hips to his shirt, unbuttoning it as fast as his shaking hands would let him. When his shirt hung open, Sunshine soaked in the sight, rolling her lip between her teeth. With his ego thoroughly inflated, Sebastian stood up and unbuckled his bet. His lips curved into a teasing smile watching her eyes widen when he dropped his pants and boxers.
“Enjoying the view, are we?” His teasing tone ever present despite the barely tamed desire in his words.
“Oh yes, I am quite enjoying it,” She quipped back, admiring his size. She licked her lips at the bead of pre on his tip before her eyes flickered up to meet his. She squirmed under his increasingly ravenous gaze and opened her legs more, inviting him in.
He retook his place between her legs, his dick standing at attention as he lowered his hips. Sunshine let out small whines when he rubbed the head through her folds. He let out a stuttered breath as he looked upon her form. Her naked body laid bare to him, hands tied, and an eager smile waiting for him. Her half-lidded eyes shown so much trust alongside her ever growing desire.
He ran a hand up her thighs, feeling her flesh under his fingers and relishing in the way she shuddered under his touch. His other hand pressed his length against her. He pushed it in. Only a few inches at first but her gasp encouraged him to push in further. He halted, however, when she drew his attention with a pained whimper. Snapping his head up to look at her, he observed her scrunched face.
“Should I stop?”
Sunshine shook her head. “No. Keep going.” Her breathy voice made Sebastian week in the knees but he obliged her.
The Slytherin boy let out a breath of relief before returning his focus to burying his length in her cunt. Pushing the rest in as gently as he could to minimize her discomfort, he nearly unloaded right then, seeing how his cock disappeared inside her. She let out a small sigh of contentment as their hips met and he filled her so perfectly.
“Is this okay, Darling?” Sebastian asked, leaning forward, holding her hips in place. He really wished he would just shut up and ravish her already. He barely held back long enough to get her answer. She was just so tight around him... so warm. Her greedy cunt sucked him in with such desperation he could’ve laughed.
“Yes.” she whispered resolutely. Eager eyes followed Sebastian’s movements as he pulled out halfway before easing his cock back in. He repeated that, moving as slowly as he could stand, earning low hums of approval from the girl beneath him.
His hands left trails of fire on her skin as they roamed her body. One hand moved to caress her thigh and his other hand indulged in her breasts, squeezing and groping the supple flesh. His hips rolled, the new motion had Sunshine squirming as his cock stroked against her G-spot. After hearing her pleased whimpers, Sebastian couldn’t restrain himself any more. He pulled out almost all the way and before Sunshine could utter a word, he slammed into her.
Sunshine’s back arched and her head lolled back on the arm of the couch. Her mouth hung agape as a string of mewls fell from her lips. When she finally gathered the energy to open her eyes, she found Sebastian staring down at her with half-lidded eyes that closed in bliss with every thrust, and a pussy-drunk smile.
The sound of skin slapping alongside a chorus of grunts and moans echoed through the Undercroft, rebounding the symphonies of their pleasure. Sebastian pushed her thigh up until it pressed against her breast, the new position granting deeper access and his head kissed her cervix.
The familiar knot of upcoming ecstasy wound itself as Sunshine rolled her hips up to meet his. Her hands strained against their restraints and she whined, wanting to touch him too. Noticing her nonverbal request, he made quick work of the tie and dropped it to the floor. As he expected, her arms wrapped around him and clawed at his back, desperate for something sturdy to hold as she spun in a whirlwind of pleasure.
He dragged his hand over her skin, feeling every dip and curve, until it made contact with her clit. She sucked in a harsh breath at the sudden jolt of pleasure. Sebastian groaned, his cock throbbing as her walls squeezed around him. She called out his name and he responded in kind by rubbing a firm circle on her clit. It was electric and her body twitched as he kept teasing the bundle of nerves.
Hearing his name fall from her lips so perfectly, over and over, made him dizzy with desire. He snapped his hips into her and earned such pretty sounds from the girl beneath him. Sebastian let her leg fall from his shoulder to wrap around his middle while he kept abusing her clit. She tugged at his hair, begging him to go faster.
He obliged her request and increased his speed, in tandem with his breath. Sunshine babbled nonsense, her brain turned to mush with her second orgasm peaking around the corner. The only coherent word that fell from her lips was his name. And the only thought in her head was him.
Sunshine’s whole body tensed in his grasp and her mouth hung agape as he coaxed her closer to her orgasm. But it was only when he leaned down and bit down on her shoulder did she fall over the edge and plunge into pleasure. Her walls fluttered around him and he fucked her through her orgasm. His slow pace eased her back to reality. But before she was fully back, Sebastian sped up and slammed into her, sending her head spinning and body buzzing with overstimulation.
Chasing his own high, Sebastian sped up even more, his thrusts getting sloppier until his hips stuttered. He threw his head back and let out a guttural moan as he shot his load into her as deep as it would go. He pulled out a little bit, only to slam back in and shooting the rest of his seed.
What was previously a symphony of moans and tell-tale sounds of sex, was now just the lulling of their heavy breaths mixing with the cool air of the chamber.
Before Sebastian could pull out fully, Sunshine stopped him with a tug on his hair. He looked up at her, chest rising and falling.
“Can we just stay like this for a bit?” She asked softly, refusing to meet his gaze.
“You like my cock inside you that much, Princess?” He chuckled with a knowing smile. Her eyes widened, and her cheeks blazed. Sebastian winked cheekily and she only scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“And so what if I do?” She frowned at him but her legs squeezed him closer to her, locking him in place.
He chuckled and leaned forward to press open mouthed kisses along her neck and jawline, relishing the sounds she granted him. Locking eyes with her again, Sebastian gazed into her soul, into her very existence. And she gazed back.
The two laid there together for a long time. First in comfortable silence, then chatting and laughing. Eventually, they agreed that it may be suspicious how long they’ve been away. They had almost surely missed curfew.
Sebastian pulled out slowly and let out a shaky breath. He watched with a proud smile as his sperm leaked from her messy hole. He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead before standing. He slipped on his boxers then found his wand discarded on the floor. He cast the cleaning charm and frowned slightly as his sperm was sucked up into the tip of his wand.
“Why don’t we just stay here tonight? It’d probably be safer than trying to get back to our common rooms so late.” Sunshine suggested sleepily, a yawn trailing after her words.
“If you insist, love,” Sebastian kissed her forehead again before transfiguring the couch into a king sized, four poster bed.
“Impressive~” Sunshine cooed teasingly as Sebastian climbed in next to her. Despite his rolled eyes, a grin tugged at his lips.
“I am quite impressive, aren’t I?” He wrapped a loose arm around her waist as their legs tangled together. She let out a soft hum, too tired to even attempt a response. Soon, sleep had overtaken her. Sebastian pressed a long kiss to the crown of her head before following her to land of dreams.
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cuteskunkz · 3 months
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.Good Morning Princess ₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
~Part 2~
(Dom!Mike Schmidt x Sub!Reader)
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~Summary: Mike comes home after a long day and needs to blow off some steam. Continuation of part one!!!
~Tags: Pet names, degradation, praise, breeding kink, daddy kink, brat taming, gawk gawk 3000, penetrative sex, afab!reader
Note: This is pretty much porn LMFAO!! Read part one for the full story.... or not if you're horny no judgement ;) Just a reminded that I am brand spankin new to writing fanfic so apologies if it's mid. Pls lemme know if you're interested in more, my amas are always open to ideas <333
Mike grabs your face with one hand. This causes you to pout at him and furrow your brows. "Don't make me cuff you again" Mike says playfully. You take it as a challenge, deciding to be the biggest brat possible. You knew how much Mike loved taming you, it was like a newfound hobby for him. At one point your attitude was so much he had to throw you over his shoulder and carry you to the bedroom to teach you better manners.
"Or what? I can handle some stupid pair of cuffs" you say while staring at Mikes baby pink lips. He pins you to the bed. His strength is impressive, you couldn't fight him off even if you tried. The guy definitely takes his push ups seriously. You start wiggling underneath him knowing this will piss him off more. His hands only grip tighter around your wrists, further restraining you. "You're so fuckin needy- do you know that?" he growls. You face away from him suddenly feeling bashful.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you." You lock eyes with Mike, your mouth slightly agape. You take notice of his light brown freckles and it's like your heart skips a beat. "Good girl. Now get on your knees" he directs. He loosens his grip on you and stands next to the bed waiting for you to follow his order. "Nah I think I'll stay riiiiight here. You know Mike- your bed is soooo comfy I couldn't possibly eveeerrrr get u-" he grabs your throat and pulls upward forcing you to stand and make your way off the bed. Your tiny fingers attempt to pry him off but it's no use. "Im gonna fuck your mouth until your dumb little brain is empty. How does that sound hm?"
That's all it took for you to turn back into his subservient toy. "Anything for you sir". You lower yourself down onto your knees and stick your tongue out. Mike had you basically trained to take position for times like these. He taps his cock on your tongue a few times allowing you to mentally prepare for his length before roughly thrusting into your throat at a decent pace. "It's like you were made for me. God you're so pretty sucking on me like that. Thank daddy for stuffing his cock in your mouth." He pulls back slightly leaving his member resting just barely on your lips. "Thank you daddy" you reply. "Thank you for what? Use your big girl words"
"Thank you for f-fucking my throat." He smiles, "There we go. Good girl". He thrusts back into your mouth and pumps even faster than before. Guess your words really motivated him or something. Mike takes your hair into both his hands and forces you deeper. The sounds of you sputtering and gagging on him push him closer to his climax. You stare up at him with tears rolling down your blushing cheeks. You'd pay any price to stay in this state of pure bliss. "You look so beautiful when you're cockdrunk, princess. I know it's a lot but you're doing so well... j-just a little longer I promise"
Mike pulls out of your mouth leaving spit strings attaching you to him. He grips your sides and picks you up, laying you down on the edge of his bed. You instinctively rest your legs on his chest anytime you're put into the missionary position as it allows him to hit your more sensitive areas easier. He began lining up his length to your throbbing cunt, causing butterflies in your stomach. "You still with me?". You couldn't focus anymore but to nod in confirmation. A low groan left his lips as he slid into you. Slowly but surely you stretched to fit all of him.
"You're all mine princess- ALL fucking mine." Mike pounds deeply into you, using your hips as a handle to move you onto him like his personal fuck toy. The sounds of your pussy around him as well as your high pitched moans were so intoxicating to Mike. You were his favorite pastime activity. "I'm gonna pump so much cum into your sweet little pussy baby. Gonna fill you" he says while wrapping one hand around your throat. Just the thought of him finishing in you made you feel like a feral animal in heat.
Your climax sneaks up on you. You uncontrollably tremble on Mike while babbling what sounds like his name over and over again. Maybe if you were coherent it would be more obvious. "That's it, keep it up little fuck bunny. I love it when your tight pussy drools for me". You felt so overstimulated, bucking and rolling around but his hands pin you once more until he can finish. You felt so small and weak under his control.
He bottoms out in you. You can feel his rhythm getting sloppier, signifying his closeness. "Oh fuck b...baby I'm gon....gonna-" he whimpers. His head falls back while his fingernails dig into your hips. You're filled to the brim with his cum, some of it leaking out around him. For a second it's silent (beside the sound of both of you catching your breath that is). He slowly pulls out, careful not to spill any of his seed out of you. Mike slips his middle finger into you to push it deeper leaving you feeling deliciously full. 
You lay there with your eyes closed unable to wipe the grin off your face. "If this is what happens when I mouth off to him I definitely gotta do it more often" you think to yourself. You distractedly replay the series of events that just happened in your head. You hate to say it but you definitely tuned Mike out for a bit to recall everything correctly. "Hello? You there? Did I kill you? Oh no!! My poor baby!!" he teases, pretending to cry. "What will I ever do!!" He throws himself on top of you like a damsel in distress, pretty much crushing you. "Mikey I swear to god I will punch you" you chuckle. "You do that and I'll tell Abby you threw away her favorite crayons." You pull the blanket right below your eyes pretending to be scared, "Hey man I was just playing around- you'll actually get me killed like that."
This is the final part of Good Morning Princess <3 I hope you guys enjoyed as much as I have!! It was so much fun writing this and I can't wait to keep creating. That being said if y'all have ideas please send them in, i'm pretty busy but Im on here daily. Thanks for reading!!!
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hanasnx · 1 year
babe it's okay bc dick grayson IS over 6 foot and he has a long cock (i saw it!!!!) 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
wishing i was his sunshine gf who he spoils rotten 💔💔💔💔💔 he always makes jokes about how he's almost a glorified sugar daddy, but you always rush to reassure him you don't care about the money (he knows lmao) and im so sorry for this but, dick grayson has a voyeurism kink, a somnophilia kink and an arm kink bc he likes it when you cling to his arm like a koala to a tree.
he always gets home late after patrol, and seeing his pretty girl in any way is what gets him going, so he just couldn't keep his hands off you. you woke to your underwear being on the ground, and with his fingers in you 🤭
he always a spends a fucking FORTUNE on you whenever you go out, but he never lets you see the price tags. like my dude RUSHES to cover them so that you don't worry your pretty little head off <3 he started doing that after you told him "if you keep spending so much on me, dickie, you're gonna be in debt by the time we've been dating for like- a year!" so he's very cautious now. can't have his pretty girl worrying about that of all things! especially when you're as rich as him, i mean, all of things he buys is barely a dent in his bank account..! as long you let him touch your pretty pussy while you sleep, wash his hair (!), and be his sunshine, he'll be fine !!!!
(im literally so obsessed w him 😓)
baaabbbeeeee stopppppp
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(me when someone says “arm kink”)
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behold. elite arms for your arm kink viewing pleasure courtesy of a one dick grayson
☥ i think i saw somewhere that he was canonically 5’10 and that’s good and all, still very tall like i won’t deny it. i just feel like he has crazy tall energy.. and i’m a fool for “glow ups” and growth spurt trope. like in the first season he was shorter than everyone, and then second season he’s taller than everybody like 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i can’t get enough of it. he’s got like 6’2 energy to me
☥ thank you for telling me about your headcanon kinks for him bcos i’m still trying to delve deep into his psyche over here. still trying to figure him out, my sexy little human rubik’s cube
“he likes it when you cling to his arm” is soooo real. like where other couples would hold hands, you hold his arm. feeling his muscle under your palm 🫠
☥ when he realizes you’re awake, he whispers over the wet sounds of your pussy, “shh, baby, go back to sleep… just couldn’t help myself. be done soon.” he coos, and you’re so groggy you hum in content, adjusting further into his warmth while he’s toying with you.
☥ “cant have his pretty girl worrying” PLEAKBSLWBEME
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“as long as you let him touch your pretty pussy” HFSLDHSLKCJS IM SO 🔥🔥🥵‼️
the fact he’s fucking loaded fr. he doesn’t like to flaunt it really.. a silver chain for himself here, an expensive motorcycle there… he’s very cautious with it. never liked the mansion life, too big too lonely. the apartment guy, the city guy,… unless he’s with you. then he feels like he wants to step it up. especially bcos he wants to fuck you that night after your luxurious outing
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tessiex17 · 6 months
You will be happy to hear that this is a 2 parter (second part is in development) since this is infact already 2,147 words WHICH IS KINDA LONG FOR ONE CHAPTER
This does have a fem reader BTW!!!
Short description: set when rayman is attending collage in America before he became famous and he gets invited to a party where he meets y/n
(Also if there are any mistakes/errors in my spelling PLZ let me know as written helps me improve with my dyslexia so any feedback will be amazing 😋)
Tw: alot of swearing, smoking and alcohol, abusive behaviour
"What am I doing?"
Rayman muttered to himself regretfully as he walked down the cold grid iron streets to the address the party was supposedly located. Rayman has always been a social creature, he loved the idea of meeting new people and going on adventures with them but that mindset had been slowly chipped away during his time in America. Specifically American school. He struggled to make social connections in his classes and was quickly deemed an outcast by his peers which was heart breaking for Rayman because he know it was only because he was alien, the people that liked to make fun of him made that fact pretty clear. It was something he couldn't change and even though he didn't choose to look the way he does or be where he's from he still got hate for it and he never really understood why.
Which is why he was shocked when he was invited to a house party by one of his class mates. He just knew he couldnt miss this opportunity to finally mend his social status and make a friend! Which leads him here. Walking towards the door of a house he's never been at before. He let's out a Sigh before raising his fist and firmly knocking the door. He knew he was at the right place, the sound of music and enthusiastic people could be heard quite clearly through the door (it made him almost feel bad for the neighbours).
Before rayman had the chance to knock once more the door swung open revealing the very drunk but very happy class mate that invited Rayman in the first place
"BROOO! You made it! I thought you where gonna be a no show"
The class mate ushered rayman in shutting the door behind him.
"Hehe what can I say, im a man of my word"
Rayman chuckled slightly nervous but intertained by how friendly his class mate was being. He finally takes a look around the house to see that this party was a lot bigger than he thought. There was at least 10 people in each room. Some where in groups chatting away to eachother, some where playing drinking games and others where dancing. A small smile started to grow on raymans face. Everyone seemed to be having fun so it shouldn't be so hard for him to join in right?
"If you wanting a drink feel free to grab whatever you want in the kitchen!"
The drunk class mate spoke a lil more slurred but still sounding enthusiastic. Rayman just gave him a smile and a small thanks before watching him stumble back to a group of people he must have been previously chatting with. 'Now what?' Rayman asked himself as he looked around anxiety curling in his gut like a snake. Does he just go up and chat to someone? He decides before doing anything he should take his coat off which he then hung up on the pegs by the door. He walks further into the house seeing people having fun. ' they make it look so easy' he thought to himself sullenly but a small creature in the corner of his vision distracts him from his thoughts.
"A cat!"
Rayman says aloud to himself before following the cute Calico cat into the kitchen. He doest pay much mind to the people as they seem to be talking amongst themselves. He crouches down In front of the cat petting it gently
"Arnt you just a sweetheart~"
He cous while scratching behind the cats ear. He spots a purple collar and a little silver name tag around the cats neck reaching for it to find out what the cats called. He flips the little silver tag and reads it
"Well hello kaya, aret you a cutie~"
Kaya looks at him Acknowledging he is speaking to her. She let's out a high pitch soft meow that makes rayman chuckle. He always loved animals.
"Of course your making friends with the animals considering you practically are one"
A voice filled with poison and Sadistic Humor spoke from behind him. He looked away from the cat and up to the owner of the voice. It was a guy in a very generic outfit and a blue hat.
"Excuse me?"
He spoke confuse hoping maybe the guy was meaning it as some sort of distasteful joke? Oh lord how he hoped.
"Who the fuck invited this thing to the party!"
Blue hat guy shouted loudly while pointing at rayman looking around the room as he did so. A few people began to giggle and rayman could feel all hope for having a fun night disappear.
"I'm not a 'thing' dipshit!"
Rayman retorted embarrassment making his face feel hot.
"Well what are you then huh?"
He leaned in close to raymans face. There was a short moment of silence before he continued
"Because all I can see is some sort of alien freak!"
The smell of alcohol was reaking from his breath. Rayman didn't like how close he was. How angry he was getting the more he talked. He opened his mouth to speak.
"What the fuck is your problem!"
An angry feminine voice spoke causing both rayman and the drunk guy to turn and face her. She stormed towards the both of them before pushing the drunk guy away from rayman.
"You asshole!, what gives you the right to speak to anyone like that!"
Oh lord was this girl mad. Rayman looked up at her in disbelief as she shouted at the guy who was previously insulting him. Was she defending him? She stood tall in front of rayman making sure she was blocking him out of the drunk guys line of site.
"Hes a fucking freak just look at him!"
The drunk guy slurred his words trying to justify his point but the scowl on the girls face just grew deeper.
"Your fucking disgusting"
She spoke lowly to him
"Thinking you have the right to speak to somone like that, do you think your better than him because he's not from here or something?"
She asked with genuine confusion In her voice
"Is that why? Do you feel more entitled than him because he looks different from you?, because if that's the case then that sound pretty fucking racist if you ask me"
She quirks her brow as if asking a question. He stays silent but his anger is clear on his face
"Men like you disgust me"
She spoke her words laced with anger before she turned around and faced rayman. She jerked her head to the side indicating towards the door
"Let's go"
She said kindly to Rayman who looked up at her like she was some sort of godess that saved him. He nodded quickly before grabbing his jacket and following her outside.
"Well that was a shit show"
He muttered to himself while following after her. She made her way to the sidewalk before taking a seat on the edge of it. She looked over to rayman and patted the place next to her offering him to sit down which he does. The air is chillie enough to see your breath as a moment of silence fell apon them. She pulled a packet of cigarettes out her pocket before offering one to him which he decides to take.
"Thank you..."
Rayman spoke timidly.
"Not just for the cigarette obviously but for everything that went on in there"
That got a little giggle out of her. She brought the cigarette up to her lips taking a long inhale of it.
"It's okay, that guys was being a prick"
She faced rayman with a slightly sullen expression.
" I'm y/n, I don't think I got your name?"
"It's rayman... thank you y/n"
She chuckled again a small smile growing on her face.
"You've already thanked me"
She spoke sweetly
"besides I couldn't just stand and watch. That guy was being cruel for literally no reason"
"People stand and watch all the time"
Rayman spoke sadly but honestly his eyes avoiding hers
"Your the first person who hasn't..."
He looked back up at her to see her intently watching him. There was something behind her eyes he couldn't quite place. Anger?, sadness?, he wasn't sure but he just knew that the feelings weren't directed at him.
"Don't say that man, your gonna make me cry"
She joked half heartdly the sound of her voice wavering was clear.
"Oh nonono!, im so sorry!"
Rayman spoke in a panic
"I wasn't trying to upset you-"
"No no, don't worry!"
She placed a finger over his lips in order to get him to stop talking. He's silent. Pleading eyes staring up to gentle one's as she moves her hand away from his mouth.
"It just makes me upset that nobody was willing to help you before. Don't feel like you need to sensor yourself for my benefit"
She spoke softly to him. Rayman was starting to feel like he didn't have to be so much on edge now that it was just them two alone which was new for him. Usually he had to be more alert if hes gonna be by himself with somone. Even thought he didn't know y/n that much he still felt safer alone with her than back in the house. She took a deep drag from her cigarette and so did he.
They sat there together for a while. Talking and laughing between cigarettes and alcohol. Y/n decided to share a good few bottles of her own alcohol with rayman. It wasn't the nicest of drink but it was good enough and strong too. It didn't take long for the both of them to be intoxicated. They where sitting closer together now the alcohol making them loose the concept of personal space as they chatted.
"Hey this place blows, why don't we go back to my place?"
Y/n suggested as she took another swig out her bottle
"We have been sitting outside getting drunk ourselves, would be warmer at yours too"
Rayman spoke semi to himself as he pondered on the idea
Y/n whined as she grabbed one of raymans shoulders and shook him playful chanting "My house! My house!" Over and over while laughing
"Okay okay!"
Rayman laughed placing his hand ontop of the one y/n placed on his shoulder in hopes it would get her to stop shacking him
"It is better than staying outside the party we kinda just walked out on"
He chuckled as he stood up reaching a hand out for y/n to help her up. She takes it as rayman pulls her up onto her feet. Y/n thanks him before giving herself a big stretch followed by a pleased groan
"Ahh~ Alright!, let's go!"
She glanced over the floor making sure she didn't leave anything behind before looking at rayman a smile spreading across her face.
"We're actually not that far from my house probably like a 10-15 minute walk roughly"
She tilts her head a little to see if raymans okay with that. He gives her a smile and a goofy thumbs up.
"All good, lead the way!"
He smiled enthusiastically. Y/n just laughs before turning around and walking down the street. She checks over her shoulder to see if rayman is following and motions with her hand for him to catch up. Rayman jogs up next to her before sticking to a walking pace. He doesn't know if it's the alcohol or not but he's having more fun tonight than he has in a while but whatever it is he doesn't want this good feeling to go away. Then suddenly y/n gasps
"Oh my god! I just released somthing"
Y/n spoke in a shocked voice
"What is it?"
Rayman look up to her worried as they walked.
"I can order McDonald's!"
Rayman playful hits her shoulder while chuckling
"You bitch, I though you where gonna say something serious"
"I am serious!"
They both laughed as they walked
"Somthing to eat does sound good though"
Rayman agreed and nodded with this idea they began cooking up
"I just want food"
Y/n whined as she walked down the street and before they knew it they where at her house.
"Home~ glorious home~"
Y/n sung aloud to herself while approaching the door making rayman chuckled in amusement. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her key sticking it into the door and opening it. She stood to the side of the door before doing a little bow while gesturing rayman to enter
"Ladies first?"
She teased as rayman walked by rolling his eyes but the smirk on his face was hard to hide. She chuckled at his lack of a reaction before closing the door behind them
End of chapter 1
So what did u guys thinkkkkk 😋😋
I gave the reader and rayman a silly lil dynamic bc I love bammy interactions I think it's so funny so I made them bams
If you have any feedback LMK and i wanna hear ur opinions of if it should stay platonic between rayman and the reader or should I make it more romantic 🤭
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sansxfuckyou · 2 months
top 5 etho ships ? bonus points for any explanation
my personal top five in no particular order, and like, ya gotta understand im still new here (hermitcraft/life series) so my opinions are poised to change, but the current standings are:
Bdubs/Etho/Cleo, i'll be honest, i haven't written or read any clethubs, but i saw some art of them that made my brain shortcircuit. they are femdom, himbo, and twink. i just think that Etho should have two people who are stronger than he is on either side of him at all times, bonus points if you let Cleo be the tallest. Bdubs being super clingy, Etho reluctantly tagging along, and Cleo making sure they don't fucking die because yeah they are god damn idiots sometimes, but they're her idiots. and she loves them. and probably gives them noogies and headlocks them.
Cleo/Etho, their marriage in limlife is so much fucking fun, especially when read under an aro4allo lens. Etho whose been happily married for over a decade watching his friends enter relationships and realizing that he loves differently, he doesn't even love remotely close to how they love, love isn't even the right word. hes scared so he leaves, hes not doing it right and his wife must be upset about it, that must be why everythings crumbling. and Cleo, not giving two shits, because that's her husband and by god they're gonna make it work if he can realize that being absent is whats breaking up their marriage, not showing affection and intimacy differently.
Gem/Etho, as a canadian i am legally obligated to ship this, as a lesbian i love it when men have chaotic gremlin girlfriends who put them in their place. see that one episode of hermicraft wherein Gem beats his ass on repeat and he keeps coming back for more. its like, like theres an unspoken solidarity, 'hey we're the same even though we're not' and they stick with each other. predator/prey dynamic if you go with deer Gem and fox Etho, you also get it with sea monster Gem and fox Etho, except he's the prey and she has the biological advantage instead. also, when paired with the transfemme Etho headcanon we get some yuri which im always down for.
Grian/Etho, this one came to via an Ao3 commenter and i have seen two pieces of fanart for it and like, seven fics. but i still think the dynamic of bird and fox would be fun to work with in writing depending on the bird Grian is hybridized with, especially if Grian is the smaller one. also in limlife??? hello?? Etho, swearing loyalty and promising to be someones sword is not heterosexual behaviour. what they had in limlife, even if brief, had me shaking i'll be real. also, for their hermitcraft dynamic, it'd be hot if i threw Scar into the mix, for flavour.
Pearl/Etho/Tango, consensual workplace relationships make me absolutely insane, it could tear apart their business or bring it further together. they have the kind of dynamic that makes my head absolutely fucking empty, one of those 'i just think theyre neat' kind of ships. the culture clash between each of their species and their own personal tastes, Tango's a blaze and they mate for life, Pearl's a siren and they don't do much for romance, Etho's a fox and they come and go- but they make it happen in spite of that. im working on getting them a canonized Ao3 tag right now, they have such a fun dynamic. also, they fucked in that post office when no one was looking.
tbh these are all really closely tied, and i also have a soft spot for tangtho and the team ties poly. they're all really fun ships, i just really enjoy polyships to be real with ya'll. and the life series and hermitcraft are full of so many possible polyships that its just making me foam at the fucking mouth. sorry boat boys enjoyers, the vision has not yet engulfed me, but hey im a multishipper it might be yet to happen.
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