#im not good at anything 😔
swingingcrab · 9 months
Me thinks
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minas-linkverse · 5 months
*Annoying old man voice* These botw fans have it too good, back in my day your favourite npc would appear once in a vaguely obscure title and then get forgotten by Nintendo forever
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mizzle-moths · 2 months
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i love these monochrome fuckers
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cafffine · 1 year
I finished Garth Nix’s Old Kingdom trilogy*, and I enjoyed books 2&3: Lireal and Abhorsen, I did! But Sabriel cut to the bone, and even two books later it was all I could think about. (TO ME!) It was the best by a massive margin.
*I know there are more!!
Lireal and Abhorsen tell this grand and exciting story of identity, depression, fear, saving the world, and I loved that, but Sabriel was a coming of age story about parental death. Sabriel said that death is something to be managed, respected, but never mastered. It said that even if you can put your fist around death, it’s going to take from you and it’s going to be permanent - because what comes back is never what you lost.
It was so painful to watch Sabriel’s quest to save her father fail, because that’s what happens, your parents die, and you can’t go with them - not right now, anyway. Death waits for you, and you can even look in on it sometimes, but you can’t stay, and if you try to you’ll freeze, or drown. You just live, and mourn, and remember, and find new people to hold onto. You grow into your father’s old coat, you adopt his cat, and you take care of his house because he took care of you, and he loved you.
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it is a crime that ereri was the popular slash ship when eremin was right there.
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hayaku14 · 2 months
kuroba toichi you need to stay dead or im going to fucking kill you myself
#you sick son of a bitch#if you truly love your son you wouldnt be alive#it's bad enough that you basically left the mantle for your teenage son to take up but you actually being alive????????#you just out there living your life while your son is destroying his relationships chasing after something that you started????????#his very motivation is your death and it's not even real??? the utter fucking betrayal???#and maybe being kid has kade him a better magician and has helped him find out more about himself#but he shouldve been able to have a choice if he even wanted to be kid at all it shouldnt have been a responsibility pushed upon him#AND IF YOU ARE FUCKING ALIVE AND YOU'RE JUST WATCHING YOUR SON RUNNING AWAY FROM THE POLICE WITH PRIDE INSTEAD OF GUILT YHEN YOU CAN#GO FUCK YOURSELF#Honestly the worst#also that theory that maybe chikage is travelling the world because she KNOWS toichi is alive and she's with her elevates this fuckery into#a whole different level#anyway go read cuethesun's tomorrow and the next day#good fucking food and bad parent chikage and toichi enjoyers will be pleased ;>#lol#dc prattles#as much as i want happy everybody is alive kuroba family#i need touichi and chikage if she knows too to feel the repercussions of their horrible parenting and i need kaito to be able to let himself#feel the hurt and betrayal that he is justified to feel even if he is happy that his dad is alive#but i dont trust gosho to handle that nicely if anything i think hes gonna just handwave it and wont address it properly#anyway my point is i just need more hurt and angry kaito also if shinichi is there im happy#sorry i sneaked in a kaishin i cant stop the brainrot unfortunately theres no cure 🤚😔#ALSO DONT GET ME STARTED WITH BAD PARENT KUDOS OOOOOHHHH
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salsa-di-pomodoro · 2 years
Guys i know Christmas is overrated on every possible level but if at the end of december i don't see at least ONE submas reunion fanfic featuring Emmet (and possibly other characters if they're staying over) finding Ingo passed the fuck out under the damn tree during Christmas morning with maybe a little note of apology from Arceus taped to his receding hairline ass forehead i will riot
Or! He could be found under the communal (is that the right word) Nimbasa city/Gear Station tree. That would also make for some fun shenanigans i think. Imagine being a depot agent and getting a call for something weird at the christmas tree and you get there and fucking boss Ingo is just sleeping under there with a little bow on his hat
(it doesn't have to be Christmas btw. If you want to put a different holiday or celebration or tradition that's also cool christmas is just the one i celebrate so the first that came to mind. Also its the funniest to me but what do i know about other religions? Absolutely nothing so if you've got a funnier alternative go for it. It could also be and invented religion from the Pokémon world. Hmm)
Edit: by the way the same thing is happening on Akari's side. I just didn't mention it cause i was in submas brain mode and did not think about it
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soppsop · 9 months
i just rememberd adhd meds exist and now im upset because i could have that if it wasn't for that freakin neurologyst we went to see that told us it was impossible that i could have adhd because i have good grades in school. literally the ONLY question he asked me and immediately said it was impossible. we spent like 5 minutes there. he could've at least... explained something???? anything?????? and now i'd feel bad about asking my parents to see another neurologist because that costs a lot of money :((
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mikcschmidt · 6 months
I actually have . Much to say abt the monty erasure but I fear I maybe just autistic and overreacting n he will appear in a dlc or something I just love monty so much n him being cut out of that gingerbread cookie ruin art was my last straw ((slash jay
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millenniummmbop · 2 years
#LISTEN ALL IM SAYING IS kaiba is such a deeply complex and off the wall character#there's mental illness there's drama there's insanity there's nonesense there's DEPTH#he's a huge fucking edgelord drama queen bitch and he's CELEBRATED for it and TEE BEE AYCH#u RARELY get that in a female character and it is a FUCKING CRIME#😔😔😔#like u wouldn't even have to change anything about his character just keep him exactly the same IT WOULD STILL WORK#i PROMISE u the whole power fantasy anger issues manic depression tragic backstory gay gay homosexual gay thing will carry through#GOD#sorry im like thinking about that post that was all#'the secret to writing a good female character is just to write a good character'#give me a cringe fail bitch i can properly project on or give me death#just give me more angry fucked up girls vr1ska cannot keep carrying all that weight on her shoulders#like i'll be in the rival tag on pixiv or ao3 and it's like#here is 99 girl yugis and MAYBE TWO girl kaibas if you've finished all ur hw and done all ur chores#like that's cool and fine but#girl the jealusty is CORE to kaiba's character why wouldn't u wanna keep it gay#why wouldn't u wanna explore the deranged insanity of GIRLS trying to kill each other a children's card game#why r u so afraid to love#ignore me#delete later#it's like 4 am racing thoughts go brrr#i guarantee none of this will make any sense to me when i read it back in the morning#very unlikely i'll remember writing all this as well#there's stitches in my mouth that have been pissing me off all WEEK and it's the only reason im awake and angry r n HHHHHHHHHHH
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mariatesstruther · 10 months
more tlou hunger games au picking up after this post
(essentially we’re at catching fire, joel and ellie are going into the quarter quell together as district mates. ellie was the winner of the 74th games and joel was the only winner of district 12 before her. his daughter was killed in the games also. ellie won her games with sam, who is kind of a rue/peeta combo in that he’s from district 11 and him and ellie won together)
im mostly skipping straight to the reaping/games for now but some details for context:
ellie has spent the six months since her win recovering and healing up at joel’s, growing closer to him and becoming basically besties with his brother tommy
ellie is still the girl on fire, as her and sam’s innocence and dedication towards one another has captured the hearts of everyone in panem. before their victory tour, president (david) snow has issued threats that she keep in line, otherwise he’ll kill joel and sam. she does not tell joel this, but he knows suspects
there are riots going on in districts and the secret rebellion is actively underway
at the end of ellie and sam’s victory tour, during the president’s mansion party, ellie meets tess—who is apparently joel’s ex which BLOWS her mf mind. she was a gamemaker last year and is now the head gamemaker (after snow killed the one that failed to kill her last year). she is scary-level beautiful and commandingly intimidtaing, but she is also nice enough to compliment ellie’s aim. apparently, tess was in the room last year when ellie had thrown a dagger straight at the gamemakers during her private training
by the time ellie gets back home to 12 and sam gets back to 11, ellie is just tired and ready for her and joel to hang out and be victors at home
boom quarter quell
joel gets called as the only male victor of their district, but he tells ellie after that he would’ve volunteered regardless to protect her. he assures her that, even as confident and as good as she is, these games are about to be a bloodbath
ellie tries to play it off, but she’s extremely scared and worried for joel because she knows he won his games like, a million (20) years ago, but now he’s fucking old. he’s half-deaf and has a permanent limp, barely noticeable to most people but clear as fucking doomsday to her. she is young and fast and thinks she is more dangerous (“did you fucking forget that im the first and only tribute ever to score an 11, joel???? huh???? did you forget that in ur old man age?? what score did you get, a 6?” “ellie. i scored a 10.” “well. how was i supposed to know that. they don’t teach us about history that far back in school”)
ellie and joel are also assigned new stylist, maria, for the quarter quell. she is from the capital, so joel and ellie immediately have their guards up around her—but maria is confident and snarky in way that reminds joel of tess, and unyieldingly no-bullshit in a way that reminds ellie of joel—plus, she has a ton of cool piercings and multicolored locs that ellie is obsessed with, so. they tentatively warm up to her
maria also tells joel that she’s a friend of tess, referencing details about her (and himself) that she would only know if she were someone tess could trust—and he figures that if tess could trust her, so could he
ellie quickly grows grateful for joel being there (though it does take her a while to admit it), because when she and joel arrive at training they witness the other victor’s skills. the victors are deadly and cocky and look at her like she’s food—two different people have inhumanly sharpened teeth. she is the youngest there and, admittedly, very freaked out
(sam wouldve been the youngest there this year, but another tribute from his district, jesse, had vehemently volunteered in place of him. jesse was unable to volunteer and save sam from fighting the year prior because he was still recovering from his own game-inflicted chronic injuries. luckily, he’s healed enough by now to keep sam from having to go through the quarter quell)
so jesse comes into the games with another tribute from their district, dina. joel isnt at all interested in making allies or friends, but ellie can’t help but be a goddamn social butterfly, even among a bunch of assholes, kill-happy freaks, and showboaters.
she makes friends with dina and jesse quickly and vehemently. despite how grumpy it makes joel to be surrounded by no one but teenagers all three days of training, he can’t deny they’re good to have around
dina is stealthy and intelligent. joel already knows she’s a good kid because she had volunteered for her own games to save her little sister, who was called as a tribute at only 12 years old. her knowledge of different plants and wildlife is insane, like she’d spent all 15 years of her life surviving in the wilderness. she had won her games by simply hiding in shelters, defending them with traps, and resourcefully leading mutts straight to the locations of other tributes. she hadn’t needed to kill anyone at all, not directly. still she has great aim and, with ellie’s teaching, gets pretty good with a bow and arrow
jesse is less quick and less stealthy than dina and ellie, but he is incredibly strong. he had managed to win his own games with a gladius sword; it was a particularly brutal and bloody games his year, with an arena theme based on the roman colosseum. despite the brutality of his fighting style and weapon if choice, jesse is also one of the kindest kids joel has ever spoken to. they’d actually met a few times at mandatory capital events, and every single time, jesse shook his hand too quickly and called him “sir” far too much for casual conversation
anyway, the four of them basically team up alongside two older victors, bill and frank. joel and bill fucking hate each other, always have (definitely because they’re exactly alike but frank won’t say that with bill around). frank and joel have been friends for a long, long time—basically since he was with tess—and were good enough friends that he can’t deny there’s still some trust there
plus frank absolutely hits it off with ellie during training, teaching her how to use paint and natural materials for exceptional camouflage (which was how he won his games. he had been the first victor to win the games with no kills at all, direct or otherwise, before dina)
and even though bill was an asshole, he was an undeniable tactical genius of an asshole. he had taken out basically everyone in his games with stoic and refined skill. his were the quickest games that had ever occurred, and still to this day remain so. joel has no fucking idea how him and frank got together, but he really doesn’t care. he knows bill is genuine in his loyalty to frank, and frank seems genuine in his fondness of ellie, so joel tentatively accepts the both of them as allies
the private trainings proceed and all of them get pretty impresive scores, even for victors. thus is born “the goddamn motherfucking dream team” (ellie picked the name. dina and jesse love it)
at the interviews before the games, all of the victors do the tactical appeal-to-the-masses-and-try-to-stop-the-games thing. everyone expects joel to be an asshole or maybe mention sarah, but he actually gives a very sincere address to ellie about how she’s become a second daughter to him and given him a new reason to fight to survive: to make sure she lived. his clear love and dedication to protecting her (which is both an intentional warning to the rest of the victors, and an unintentionally-heartfealt appeal to the masses of panem) leaves everybody near tears
for her interview, ellie curses out president david goddamnmotherfucking snow live on camera
commence the games
lmfao. well, definitely more coming later because i LOVED thinking about all of this ides and it basically writes itself
for @clickergossip, @banchywanch (so glad i still got jesse & dina volunteering in there, even though it isn’t quite the same as your briliant idea <3), @bumblepony, @liveandletcry23, @hypnotisedfireflies, @mrsquill and @hinewai
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earl-grey-love · 3 months
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bahrmp3 · 9 months
I fear killing my cactus son (name pending) so much but! but!!! maybe im doing smth right if he has given birth?
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moonymoonbeam · 2 years
any older age range marauders era people out there looking for friends here because i very much am
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napping-sapphic · 5 months
I think I'm falling in love with ya 😳
BEING TIRED AND GAY WORKS!!😤😤 planning our wedding RN❤️❤️
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cinna-bunnie · 7 months
kinda wanna try hunting down all the lynels in totk. ever since i killed that silver one in the depths I'm just like wait omg i wanna go back and find those mfs who were giving me a hard time 😤🤺 ← she wants 2 dance !!!
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