#im not the fastest but i can read those
ikigaisvt · 9 months
been reading pride and prejudice lately and like. WHY AM I HAVING SUCH A HARD TIME READING IT?!?!?!
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dekusleftsock · 11 months
Y’all reading the newest chapter scans is like whiplash
I forgot how unhinged he can be, and tbh how much more unhinged he’s currently being.
Anyway Izuku is my favorite character so, sorry y’all, I know everyone is excited about Katsuki
However. Everyone else can talk about Katsuki. I live on my scraps.
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Love how Shigaraki tries to get a dig at Izuku about Katsuki like how Monoma did when he unlocked blackwhip, so his immediate reaction is diverge diverge diverge.
Talk about repressed but this is a whole new level.
And his eye bags, they just make him look so exhausted.
I said this before but the chapter after Katsuki woke up Izuku looked relieved to me yes, but also… very scared. Very afraid of Katsuki’s well being.
Especially since, if we compare what Katsuki is doing now (using the pain as an extension of his quirk), you could EASILY COMPARE to when Izuku unlocked danger sense with shigaraki. How concerned and afraid Katsuki was in those chapters.
The thing is though, Katsuki was honest. He was honest that Izuku shouldn’t be doing this on his own, he’s being honest now—“I’m Kacchan of the Bakugou’s!”
He knows how he’s feeling and he’s letting himself feel it.
Somehow, Izuku still isn’t.
Hell, when afo ignores Katsuki, what he does is laugh about how much pain he’s in, but that it’s the key.
Let’s compare how Katsuki is using pain to how Izuku is using pain with danger sense. Let us not forget, danger sense is a physically taxing quirk, much like the rest of ofa. It causes a migraine when in any immediate danger.
Idk about y’all, but I get migraines so bad sometimes I vomit from the buildup of pressure. I can’t focus on anything. I just cant really imagine Izuku using danger sense that well in a fight… yet he does.
And, what exactly is danger sense for? To get out of danger? Maybe to avoid the danger? Ofa is an extension of Izuku’s inner turmoil, every single quirk exhibits this, and it would make so. Much. Sense. For danger sense to mimic his avoidance of emotions and vulnerability.
Katsuki’s quirk as it is now uses pain in a very odd way to me—he doesn’t try to use it to exit himself from the danger or pain, but actively searches for it. The pain is the key.
Danger sense is also a relatively self serving quirk, only really useable for himself. And for him to reference danger sense of all his quirks rn, it would make sense since…
Izuku has been self serving and avoidant since before even this fight. Hell, before even the war arc. Maybe this has gone on his entire life.
I want to hit him so bad for this y’all don’t GET IT.
And, just so we all know, he did this in 348 too. When confronted with emotional conversations, his first thought will always be “but how’s the fastest way I can win this fight?”
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“You see I have never once thought about hurting the people I care about like that!” Okay maybe be less boring
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I’m hyped for when Izuku is forced to be honest y’all don’t understand. It’s gonna be an angst fest and it’s gonna be romantic and I literally can’t see it not heading down the “explicitly canonical” path.
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megumimania · 1 year
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featuring: reiner, onyankopon, armin
a/n: this is part two of these hcs, part one is here! thanks for tuning in its kinda rushed my bad 😪, likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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-armin would be from islington or finchley maybe even south, but I don’t see him living in like bougie areas such as kensington or chelsea or like richmond
- him and eren went to the same primary and secondary together
-armin was literally his get out of jail free card because of his stellar reputation in academics
-he always gets free stuff from the corner shop or the chicken and chip shop
-doesn’t own a car, he either bikes or takes the tube because he cares about the environment and doesn’t want to add onto the extra pollution in london
-his dress sense is very casual like a t shirt, a pair of loose fitted trousers and some trainers but when he cant be bothered he’ll wear a tech fleece
-he has a very good sense of direction, like he knows the fastest routes for anything, like when eren and connie dragged him to carni (if you went this year im saur jealous 😩 but anyways) and it was time to get home armin found a quicker route that got them back pretty fast
-knows all the best secret spots in london for anything! which makes hanging out with him more fun because you experience a new part of london when you’re together
-he isnt a fan of eren’s scamming ways but when eren asks for help he always answers as long as he’s not a part of it
-london men i feel like are terrible with their feelings but armin is the exception, he would be very open with you about his feelings and such
-reads so much, you’ll catch him at hyde park or greenwich park reading till the sun sets
-he smokes cigarettes but he’s trying to cut it out for you
-his playlist would be very diverse since he’s been brought up in a multicultural area, like it would go from bashment, to rnb, drill to pop
-unlike his unserious counterparts *cough cough* eren and connie, he’s very loyal!
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-my ghanaian king, shoutout to my ghanaians!!
-he speaks twi so well that people forget he was brought up in the uk
-he would be from peckham or lewisham for suree, he’s deffo been dragged around by his mum round rye lane market on a saturday morning carrying that trolley with him
-he goes to a pentecostal church, he’s always leading youth service and helping out at church events.
-the aunties love him for this because he’s the perfect son that they don’t have and they just love him in general
-ony can cook and im being for real, so you guys never eat out unless ony wants to show you to a new niche restaurant somewhere
-he has snap but doesn’t have a bitmoji because he thinks it’s immature 😕 but eventually he caves and makes one because you ask him too
-hes always promoting his boys stuff whether that be music,
-he deffo went to an all boys secondary and then he went to a mixed sixth form after, he gives me those vibes
-he used to go to the library to link girls after school 😭 he had a big playboy phase but hes calmed down
-he used to be one of those people at stratford westfield trying to sell you magazines before you enter
-hes not stingy with his money, hes always spoiling the people he loves
-he has a bunch of caps and grills that he likes to rotate out weekly, he has great style
-he works in corporate london so its rare that you dont see him outside of a suit and tie but he always makes time for you
-ony is always holding your bag for dear life when you go to bait areas like oxford street or westfields or like the tourist spots because people be getting their shit stolen loool
-he loves late night tesco trips anything that he can do at night i.e late night walks, drives etc
-bossman is always giving him discounts on stuff because ony is loyal customer.
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-look at that man and tell me he wouldnt be from essex tell me!! like thats pure dagenham material right there
-if you search up a typical person from essex, he would come up
-he probably owns those skintight chinos with those ugly polos with the church shoes
-he tries to downplay his accent a bit since sometimes its hard to understand him but when hes upset his accent comes through in full force
-always at spoons or at the club till early hours
-reiner gives me bricklayer vibes so thats what im gonna roll with
-when he comes home from work in summer hes like hot and sweaty but it makes his biceps glow so its kinda sexy idk
-has a bunch of tattoos, most of them are birthdays of family members and a picture of his grandma who passed away
-has a british bulldog called belle, the dog is fucking scary but reiner thinks the world of her and thinks she can do no wrong
-listens to mainly dnb, garage, techno
-downs pints at the pub like it’s nothing, he has a high alcohol tolerance
-proper geezer that’s all i have to say tbh!
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megistusdiary · 5 months
Re…regarding your Clorinde and Sara threesome thirst… First: Look. I get where the people are coming from with sub!Clorinde and Sara. I can see the vision. BUT. The way I write them depends on the type and level of horny I am. And right now, I'm the type of horny where they're doms. So here we go!
Brat tamers. I would say maybe brat breakers but I feel like there might be other characters who embody a brat breaker more. *Maybe* you could get them to the 'breaker' point if you're really bad.
Clorinde and Sara expect perfect obedience from their sub. If you obey, you get rewarded. This isn’t to say they’re ‘softer’/‘gentler’ with you. In fact, I wouldn’t necessarily call it being ‘rewarded’ either. Obedience is just expected, and you won’t always be rewarded for it. Maybe when they feel in the mood to do so. And if you don’t obey… you get disciplined. Now maybe they won’t punish you for smaller, accidental infractions. Like if you’re told to hold still but you shift around because it just feels too good that you forget. They might give you A Look and a stern reminder but not do anything further. Don’t assume you’re out of the woods because you aren’t. They’ll remember these incidents for later.
Now for purposefully disobeying/bratting would definitely get a different Clorinde and Sara, if you're one of those types. These two electro ladies aren't what you would call particularly 'nice' (If you can read them well, you can notice times when affection leaks through, but it's not immediately noticeable. They can come off as cold 24/7 to the uninitiated), even when you're behaving, but they definitely aren't nice when you're acting up. The first several times, they use it as an opportunity to test out different techniques to figure out what makes you fall in line fastest.
After that, they would fall back on what they learned for future incidents of your brattiness. Sometimes shaking it up so it doesn't get boring, and adding and subtracting different things so it isn't too predictable, but generally the same. But maybe you *are* the type where the same thing doesn't work every time and not even a few changes here and there will bring you back down. Not to worry. That just means these two will figure out what will get you to listen this time, each time :)
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im intrigued...
i like the idea that sara and clorinde are strict doms. of course, they expect complete obedience from you. and you're their good girl, so, of course you'll behave.
even if you step just a toe out of line, they're reeling you back in with a firm hand on your chin, making you look up at them. they don't have to speak. you already know.
if you wiggle around on their lap too much, their hand encircles your waist, applying minimal pressure to make you sit still. they can hear your surprised little gasp, feel your heartbeat quicken. it drives them mad.
punishments with clorinde and sara? start praying to the archons, i think. they seem like the type to leave you with a sore ass, thighs, and pussy for days. you definitely won't think about disobeying again (for maybe like 2 weeks)
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mokkkki · 1 month
been following your works since your AJA series and love your choice of allusions, references, metaphors, similes, and motifs - your intertextuality is so layered and insane and established so right off the bat (no pun intended). how do you do it?
hey gorgeous! okay, wow, this is a very big question and i will try to do my very best to answer, though i might miss some things just because of the ginormous nature of this ask.
read. the most important thing a writer can do is read. i love fic as much as the next person, but it's important to delve into works that have been professionally published. when people say this they dont understand that reading is only the first level (and ofc, the most important level) of this step. read fiction, non-fiction, comics, or whatever you want to write one day, and after you're done with that, read things that you would never, ever write. don't stick to a genre. don't even stick to a format! go to podcasts, video games, movies. all of these are based on scripts. it is so so important to be able to recognize those universal elements of good media. there are so many components to this: reading will give you more general knowledge that might work its way into your writing one day, it allows you to meet a vast variety of povs, it develops your critical thinking skills, and ofc, it can even provide a roadmap for your later projects. writing has no rules, but if it had one, id have to say this: a good writer knows good writing, and the fastest way to that is reading a lot.
research. this ties into the fact that reading a lot will give you more general knowledge, and i think that general knowledge is an important factor in being able to write well! you asked specifically about my intertextuality, and most of my intertextuality is historical or religious in nature. i chose to intertwine my characters with historical and religious figures because i like them and the information i have built in! "research" doesn't have to be some crazy note-taking adventure (though it certainly can be if you want it to), it can quite literally be reading a wikipedia article on the toilet. some fascinating aspects of history i personally enjoy reading about is the ancient world, which ties directly into mythology, and eventually flows into abrahamic religions. religious intertextuality is so built-in and inherent, just because of its universally applicable themes (death and rebirth) that apply to every story told. i think its a great place to start if you are trying to add intertextuality to something you've written! i also recommend looking at non-western history, because it tends to be overshadowed, and there is truly so many fascinating things contained within it.
write. like. duh! and im afraid this might sound a little discouraging, but i think that if its your first time writing (and your goal is to be a good writer, rather than a cute hobby on the side), you also have to know that on some level, your first draft/project will suck compared to published novels, just a little bit. but you can't let that discourage you! you just have to keep going. its still something you've created, and even if that thing is ten pages of a bathing grandpa's stream of consciousness, it is valuable and important. i literally mean that with all my heart. i think that writing is a really tough discipline sometimes, just because it's a solitary activity where you type out what is, for all intents and purposes, an extended daydream you are having, and its for that reason that people tend to just run out of steam halfway through a project. you have to be able to motivate and push yourself. write like the wind! write poems and short stories and scripts and fanfic and novellas and epics, experiment with different styles, and above all, know that the content you are creating has value, simply because it came from you.
okay, i think that's everything! thank you so much for trusting me to answer such an important question, and if there is anything that seems unclear to you, please don't hesitate to leave another ask or even send a draft over <3 lots of love!
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wcamino-confessions · 2 months
hello- this is HeavenlyL0rd or Cerealki113rr, whichever you know me as.
I'm coming here as well because I know people have accused me of scamming and stuff, and have been concerned about waiting long periods of time for their commissions. And for that, I want to say im genuinely so, so sorry. I will try not to deliver excuses. Because in the end there is none. I'll try to explain though. I know this has been a few days ago and I just been alerted to it, and I want to make things right. I wrote a reply there but I felt like it was a bit panicked. I've never been well with drama, however I want to own up for things.
I've always struggled with my memory. I always forget or it slips out of my mind, so I was told I should deliver updates via post and stuff to give a general update, so I don't forget. I always try to encourage people to dm me and ask for bumps because of my memory, as well as Amino or Discord spamming down notifications and I try my best to reply in a timely fashion because I hate leaving messages read but not replied to. I've asked people and on amino for advise on how to work on my memory for commissions and how I can work on getting better at them. However that's not an excuse, people shouldn't be waiting that long for commissions and in the end that falls on me for not completing them in timely fashion.
Around the end of December, beginning of January I went to the hospital for kidney failure and disease, stage 4. I received a hospital bill that was extremely high in cost, over 2,000$ with *another* hospital bill coming in, as well as I have to cover for a new kidney transplant due to me only having one kidney and ergo I will be needing a replacement. I acknowledged I had a lot of commissions to tend to, so I tried to solely focus on adoptables instead to try to save up money for my hospital bills, medication, food, etc since that is my only job. That's primarily why I can't do refunds at the moment because im struggling so much with trying to get the money to just pay off the stacking medical bills in general as well as the future kidney transplant I need to save my life.
During this, I was alerted to one of my designs being similar to a character that I made a gift for / a commission. I was horrified. I had based the character off a smug, farm cat that was a flame point. When I was told of this accusation, I reached out to both the current owner of the character design, the other characters owner, and attempted to reach the designer. I showed my references and explained myself, and agreed to change the design for the current owner so the designs wouldn't look similar (as it was primarily the colors of the designs that looked similar as well as a scarf and their tails, i believe.)
I opened commissions, primarily Warm up ones, to try to warm up for older commissions. Which, worked for a bit. I managed to complete a lot of my older commissions, however I'm aware I may be far off on completing all of them. And I tried to organize all my owed commissions both on a wiki as well as my own notes pad to complete them. I have proof that I have completed older commissions and have tried refunding / offering refunds if im unable to complete art at a certain period of times etc.
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In the end, it's completely my fault that I overwhelmed myself with commissions. I take full responsibility for my wrongdoings of the long delays to complete art and such. I'm still completing commissions and working on them, I tried to post wips and stuff whenever I can.
The reason I joined art fight was because people asked me to, and I wanted a chance to practice my art. However I had stopped doing art fight to focus on my commissions a few days ago.
To those who are still waiting, I'm genuinely so sorry for it and I completely understand the anger and how upset you are. Please, I ask you to reach out to me at HeavenlyL0rd at discord (which is my primary form of communication as well as my fastest way to reply to people) as well as my amino which should be under the same label. I will be happy to 100% prioritize your commission and get it done, or I can attempt to form a refund if that's what you truly insist on. I want to set things right.
Thank you for those who read, im so sorry again and I will push myself to learn and better myself on the mistakes I did with commissions. And I will always ask for advise on how to get better with time management and commission work in general so I can improve myself.
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navstuffs · 1 year
if your requests are open I BEG for carlos i just BEG
make the prompt maybe like a day out with him? and please make it fluff I consumed enough carlos smut for the day, and once again thanksies !!! 🩷🩷❗️
(i just read like one smut fanfic of him but go off me, ig)
author's notes: hii, anon! first of all, i would like to apologize for taking so long to write your request. i couldn't find a better way to do this, so this will be in headcanons form. i tried to make this as fluffy as i could, so i hope you enjoy!
How would Carlos take GN!Reader in a day out headcanons
Carlos is an affectionate and attentive boyfriend. So when he notices you have been having a couple of rough weeks, he plans a special day off for you.
Which obviously starts with breakfast in bed. He has whatever you like to eat in the mornings ready for you. Doesn't eat breakfast in the morning? NO PROBLEM. He knows that, of course, so he stays in bed until you wake up, holding you in his arms or just keeping you company.
He has a day planned, depending on what you like. (beach date, park date, city date)
If during summer, be ready for a beach date. Carlos is up for anything, but his favorite is the beach (i promise i am not trying to be cliche here). He wakes up early, prepares all you will need, like beach chairs, TONS of water ("Hydration always!"), sunblock!!!!! This man worries about your well-being (and is honestly excited to see you wearing swimwear).
Your favorite part of taking him to the beach is seeing Carlos take off his shirt (many glares go in his direction, and you are used to it now). How can you not be when your man is built like a freaking Greek god? (yeap, i highlighted your man because you can feel some sense of pride no one else is taking him home except you)
The activities will depend on what kind of person you are. If you are more active and like swimming or other sports, Carlos will be right by you. If you are the type to sit back and relax, no problem either: Carlos will sit by your side, his eyes secretly watching you sunbathe. 
If you like getting on the water and don't know how to swim, he will always watch you, letting you feel safe. If you know how to swim, you can always go to the deeper part of the sea and make out, where no one will see ;). If you don't like to get in the water, Carlos will still invite you no matter what, so you can at least get your toes wet; no pressure on accepting. When he returns from swimming, you have a full view of Carlos's wet body as he dries himself with a towel. As Carlos notices you staring, he winks at you, flooding your head with impure thoughts (sorry i had to)
He always buys ice cream/milkshake before you leave because, come on, what is a beach date without one in the end?
Now if you are more of a nature person, Carlos will reserve a day in your favorite park or one you have always wanted to visit. He knows how much you like to be surrounded by peace and quiet, so he also prepares to stay the whole day at the park.
It is nice to hike and observe all the different types of trees and animals you can see. Carlos would study the story of the place and some plants to throw out some scientific facts to impress you. If you decide to bring your bikes, you can bike around the trail slowly or do a speeding competition. Just want to sit down and do some meditation? Or even some yoga? Well, Carlos is up for that as well (CARLOS IN EXERCISE CLOTHES IS ALL IM SAYING)
As a surprise, I can see him booking one night stay at the park. Cabin or camping, whatever you like it. And you know what that means? STARGAZING!! Cuddling under a blanket if cold. Carlos hums for you to sleep under the beautiful starry night sky. 
Carlos also plans a day out in the city. If he knows there is a movie, you want to watch, cinema. A restaurant you have always wanted to go to? A FREAKING ESCAPE ROOM? Carlos is an expert in those, don't be surprised if you get the record for the fastest escape.
Or even if it is just to stay home the whole day enjoying each other's company. Carlos won't criticize you if you want to stay in pajamas. You can cuddle on the sofa, play video games, or even board games.
Carlos just wants to overall see you happy. He knows what matters is the quality time you can spend together. 
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omgwhatchloe · 3 days
why is the top post on my fav boys tag ai trash…
sean macguire modern headcanons to change that!!
-very firmly lives in the mansion with the rest of the gang and would never want to move out (like the marstons) because he doesnt want to pay bills
-took time and effort into decorating his room and even got lenny to decorate it too since he basically moved in. its filled with random ornaments, posters, cheap things from amazon and a huge irish flag over his bed. even if he didn’t resonate with the things in his room much, he would NOT have it looking bare.
-the worst for being on his phone constantly but wont respond to anyone but lenny or his da, not that anyone else is too keen to message him. his camera roll is also a mess off accidental screenshots and bad pictures of things he hasnt needed to look at in months. OCCASIONALLY theyll be a sweet picture of jack or lenny, but theyre buried so deep in his brain rot camera he forgets about them until a birthday or something.
-darragh always facetimes him at seans convience, so staying up late to speak to him. funnily enough, darragh knows tech more than sean.
“right, iv to go now da! where-how-”
“okay, sean…the red button. just click the screen-”
“i AM-" “and a red button-” “its this shite phone-" “ill just cut off…”
-buys cheap shit online as random presents for other people. lenny for some reason has a glowing turtle keychain…he doesnt have keys. abigail is plagued with random stuff he bought jack that the kid hasn’t bothered with in ages because he only cares about his ipad.
-is unfortunately subjected to being sent ‘relatable irish memes’ by many of the other members who just assume he relates and dont think twice. john sent him one of a “classic irish mammy” tiktok trying to be nice and it went like this
john: [video] lol i bet u went through this😂
sean: no cuz i dont have a ma john
there is also
mary-beth: [meme about growing up protestant in north of ireland/northern ireland that she didnt read hard enough]
sean: ?
mary-beth: Isn’t that how you grew up?
sean: im catholic and from the republic
mary-beth: ???
-related to the online shit one, he is a food hoarder. he is always ordering food from random sweet companys or just over spending in walmart then keeping it all in his room and barely eating any of it. it disappears because lenny steals it and eventually it gets left somewhere then put in the kitchen.
-he, along with bill, arthur and karen, is banned from a random bar and no one, not even those involved, has the slightest idea why. they just assumed it had something to do with a night out they can all barely remember and left it as that. sometimes he does wonder why it was just them four who got banned.
-has not got a drivers license, isnt planning on getting one, and drives the most in the gang because darragh taught him as a necessary life skill. has the least crashes but drives the fastest and most reckless. he is genuinely proud of how well he can drive.
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tmntxthings · 2 years
You never ceases to surprise me, that yandere Raph was a BLAST to read, speaking of yanderes, out of the four brothers who would be least to most likely kidnap the reader, or like who would do it the fastest depending on the situations. Like you mentioned in the yandere Raph oneshot he only intervened when he saw that the reader was hurt. Who knows how long he could have kept up with just watching them from afar, he would be bound to break eventually. But now's the question, how would Leo and Mikey be like? or, dare I ask… all of them at once.
I think the dynamic would be platonic if they all are yandere for you, for reasons. They would view you as their defenseless sibling, they have many enemies that want the turtles dead so it wouldn't be wrong to assume that they'd use you as a way to get to them. But that would only be one of their reasons for keeping you in their bais, they all have different wants and needs. Although those desires sometimes clash with one another they ultimately band together in hopes of keeping you safe from their enemies (and the world in general).
Depending on how you handle the situation things can either go really smoothly for you or the complete opposite. If you comply with their demands then you will be able to move around the lair freely without suspicion or with one of the brothers following you 24/7, practically breathing down your neck. You might even be able to leave from time to time, granted that at least two of them are watching over you as you walk through the streets. But on the other hand if you were to be stubborn then they will restrain the hell out of your freedom. You are locked in one of their rooms with said brother constantly looking over you, escape is near impossible, their fears of you leaving has led to them creating a night shift schedule. They all switch who watches each night, first it's Leo, Donnie, Mikey and then Raph. They would be doing this till stockholm syndrome kicks in, then you would no longer be yourself, you would be there's. Theres to take care of, theres to have fun with, theres and nobody else's.
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ahhhh >\\\\\\\< im so glad you enjoyed hehe,
right!! yandere!raph would’ve kept on stalking until he found a justifiable reason to ‘help’ reader, I think Mikey would have the least amount of self control, being the youngest and more impulsive with his actions, he could easily convince himself he’s helping reader and that’s all it would take! Leo would be similar to Raph in my opinion, he could be patient, or just be satisfied by watching/waiting for a while
all of the brothers though!? they wouldn’t be able to hold back as maybe Raph or Leo could individually, all it would take would be one suggestion, “Y/n would just be safer in the lair! They’ll see that with time! We shouldn’t gamble with their safety like this!! Let’s just bring them here now.” The resistance to such an idea would crumble :D
I definitely agree with you about reader’s reaction! Depending on how they react they would either have some freedom or none at all. Can you imagine the full force of all the turtles brothers keeping you hostage?! Chances of escape: slim to none, I would guess that reader would have one true chance of getting away in the beginning but after that? zilch. zero. not possible!
I think I would be most afraid of Mikey though, his unpredictability, he’d definitely be bi-polar as a yandere… “Please Mikey, I can’t stay here anymore! I’ve got parents!! Friends!!!”
His smile that had been ever present on his face slips. He has this deadpanned look about him as he turns to you, away from the show he had been forcing you to watch. “You rather watch something else? Space Heroes?” He offers, it’s a warning, don’t bring up them. He’s your family now. He’s your best friend! You have him and his brothers, no one else matters! “Mikey..” you whimper and he cuts you off groaning. Jumping up and starting to pace in front of the paused screen. “I don’t understand. You should be happy! Why can’t you just be happy?! Here. With. Me.”
He’ll only calm down if you switch gears, promising that you are happy. That it’s totally fun to watch Mikey’s show. The tension in his shoulders and the crazed look in his eyes with disappear in a blink of an eye, his happy go lucky smile back in place! “See I knew you would come around!” <3
love love love our convos hehe so glad to hear from you <33333 hope you’re doing well and I’d love to hear your thoughts on who you would be most afraid of/nervous about in yandere au
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autopsified · 24 days
mun communication preferences
💌 Have you ever hit it off with a mun right away? What were they like? How fast do you think it takes to warm up to new people?
i have a few times!!! some i can think of off the top of my head are @sophiaharrington @badboysupr @chrissyfied @havvkinsqueen @lovely-laceys-blog but there's def a bunch more. there's also some mun's im not in contact with anymore or just havent heard from in a while and still think of fondly for the most part. i feel like usually the people i click with fastest are ones where we have a lot to say about ic stuff so that by the time we talk about ooc stuff i already feel a certain level of comfortable with them
👾 Is knowing a fandom more comfortable when RPing, or do you prefer knowing muns? (Overall.) Do you try new things, or get into new fandoms?
typically speaking i’m only interested in writing with fandoms/characters i’m familiar with. but @lovely-laceys-blog is the perfect example of an exception to this rule. i knew literally ZERO about buffy the vampire slayer when we met, but she does a really good job of making the shows concept understandable, and seamlessly adapting it to other fandoms. not to mention she’s like one of my best friends rn. and this is why i’m not really mutuals only. like i only ever follow back fandoms/muses i’m familiar with. but if someone who writes something i’ve never heard of before catches my interest im SO down!!!!
💡Do you get ideas from reading meta/headcanons/bios, or do those only pop up as you write?
honestly it's a mixture of a lot of stuff but i would say the majority of my headcanons come to me while im listening to music in the car or walk, cause thats prime daydreaming time. but i also literally never write them down. i dont even think i have a headcanon tag on @hawkinshellraiser
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orchidyoonkook · 11 months
Hi, need to scream. Tumblr seems to listen best. can and please feel free to ignore.
okay so essentially my job has removed all of the things I use and need in order to be able to do my job with my mental disorder. my mental DISABILTY. that i was honest with them and told them about at my freaking trial shift. that i told them i needed certain things in order to do well. nothing drastic. but things that helped me significantly with my performace.
SOOOOOOOOO i am now severely struggling at my job because they've taken those away cuz they were 'annoying' or 'in the way' or 'clutter'. like. im not even leaving shit every where. It's like, maybe at most 3 sticky notes? (for example) and they're written just for me, like just so i can have a list of things i can do and know to go back and look on when i need a task because ive finished the one i was doing. but then my boss reads them and critiques them as if they're for everyone. or says 'okay yeah but we do that every day so i dont see why you have to write it down. you should know to do it by now' LIKE BRO. I forget to put deodorant on some days because of said mental disability. it's something i do and have done every day since i was 12 or 13. thats 12 years. and i still forget some days just cuz my brain wasn't working properly.
AND now due to this they have put me, one of the staff currently with more seniority than 3 other staff, down to one shift a week, while every one else is full time or heavily part time.
In march i was full time and kicking ass, I was the fastest employee on my tasks, i was doing great, the customers loved me and now that all of my things that i need in order to function have been removed for everyone else's aesthetic preferences, I'm suffering, and most likely being silently fired.
like... what do i do with that. I can do my job, with my accomadations - that arent that many btw - i dont expect them to move mountains for me. But dude. I hate this feeling so much because i'm capable, theyve seen me be capable. i was for 1.5 years. like i want to be good at my job. I like and enjoy being good at my job. i've told them that. I want to do good but my ability to be good is being derailed, and i just get told to try harder, just work harder, impress your boss with how hard you work -> for minimum wage, i might add.
and everyone is like "just get a new job, just apply for more jobs you're not applying for enough, literally just apply for everything, even if youre not qualified" and i cant just do that, due to said disability. there are jobs i am unable to do. so i have to be a lil picky otherwise i'll be right back where i am now. and ive been looking for months and applying for months with no luck - no one ever responds. why list jobs if you dont respond?????
it's getting to the point where im debating opening up drawing commissions or writing commissions, or something that i can make to earn a little extra cash here and there while i get over this transition period. And that's a big deal for me because i don't do commissions. I do my art for myself or for when i want to share something i've made already, like the UTWT books. Hell, I did a tattoo design for a friend on here that i put easily 40 hours into, and i felt guilty that they wanted to pay me for it because i'd asked them for the idea. Like, i don't do commissions. so for me to be considering it is really telling for me.
anyways. this is a bajillion words long now, but i already feel better. and I'm posting it in the middle of the night in hopes that the void just consumes it and never lets it see the light of day.
If you read this, thanks and sorry for the bummer of a post. This isnt a pity party or a poor yoon thing. I'm not looking for comfort or any of that. this is a 'i don't have a therapist and my friends and partner and family are sick of hearing me bitch, when i havent been able to fix it in months despite trying my best too' thing. so yeah..
i hope the new year brings me something good.
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bluegarners · 1 year
any tips on how to write?
hiya anon!
im probably not the best source for this particular question, i can only offer personal experience and advice youve probably heard a million billion times. i would suggest going onto youtube or just the internet in general with this question and look for sources with professional writers/those who have the kind of genre expertise youre looking for
academic writing is not my forte- i can write a research paper, but im definitely not a source to seek advice for it
creative writing is what i mainly do, and a lot of it is fictional creative writing. ive been writing since i was about 7 or 8, and that came about due to meeting a friend who shared a mutual love for the warrior cat series by erin hunter. we wrote about our own oc's and made up our own clan, and at the time, we had no idea that what we were doing was called fanfiction. it was just a fun outlet for us that we only shared with each other, and it wasn't until a little later when we were a tad older did we start writing more original works. it was actually around the time that unbroken (that 2014 war film) came out that we both got really interested in writing war stories, so that was a new horror/thriller genre we got into. my writing path has essentially been fantasy -> fanfiction -> thriller to present day, where i do still dabble with thriller/horror but i mostly write fanfictions
so, all of that to say, what i learned from all of that is to love what you love and extend your creativity to it, and then beyond it. read or watch things you like, explore different but adjacent genres, find a favorite author or movie producer, remember certain lines or phrases or story-tellings, and just tinker around a bit. i didn't start sharing any of my writing until well into my teen years because i was still learning, and although thats perfectly fine to keep your writing to yourself until youre comfortable, if you want to improve, then taking the risk of judgment is necessary!
however, i've also just always had a natural predilection towards writing. you could say i am "right brained" since reading and writing have always been very natural things that i also happen to enjoy! not everyone is going to have a natural "closeness" to writing, even if they do enjoy the process of it or like to read, so some people will need to put forth more effort than others to achieve the desired result
writing is hard work- it takes a lot of brain power sometimes and can be very tiring. i get burned out all the time, from both reading and writing, and sometimes it can be difficult to enjoy things since im always looking for inspiration or ideas on what to write and how to write it. but dont get discouraged if the process is more difficult than expected! like anything you do, of course it takes practice and time and effort. ive been told a couple times that people wish they could write like me, and though im flattered, it took a long time to get where im at (over a decade) and i am still very much striving to improve and find ways to expand my creativity!
writing is just a hobby for me, so i dont take it as seriously as a professional writer might. i write because i enjoy it and its a great way to connect with others, but when it gets too stressful or im no longer happy doing it, i stop writing and i take a break. i can do that because this is a hobby for me and thus no obligations are being tied to my production rate, so if its the same for you anon, i would encourage also not to take any of it too seriously!
it's all well and good to hone a craft and try to be the best at it as you can possibly be, but dont let it stress you out if youre not the best or the fastest writer out there. this is life, and we're all just trying to have a good time, so why stress about it, you know?
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larry-the-demon · 1 year
whats a clipper ship and why is it better (i assume) than other ships and why is it important to the story. they never made me read moby dick in school so I'm genuinely interested
HELLO HELLO imback on my PUTER so i can type so so fast SO FIRST OF ALL genuinely clipper ships are not important to moby dick at all lmao 💀i just like them cos theyre the fastest sailing ships ever so uhh quick breakdown
clippers are the product of american shipbuilders putting a packet ship-esque build on a larger merchant ship
a packet ship is a sort of ship that was small and fast, used specifically for trips from america's east coast to england, usually liverpool. these fuckers were the fastest ships when they were built, and many many sailors died on their voyages bc the captains tried to make em fast as possible
so. we've got tiny fast ship. we've also got large slow merchant ships used in britian for the china and india trade. we've got a man (donald mckay) who rlly likes building ships and is good at his job. puts a packet-esque build on a large-scale ship
for context: the british ships were referred to as 'kettle-bottoms' cos they had flat bottoms that were built mostly to avoid stupid tonnage laws (that the british put in place) (everybody fuckin hated the tonnage laws) and the clippers had a much more streamlined bottom & a differently shaped rudder. they also carried a fuckton of sail, had 3 mainmasts and around 4 sails on each of those
SO the clipper was built. first used for shit like the china trade in the 1840s, then later on until around 1855-56 used as transportation to california for the gold rush. theyre most commonly recognized for the gold rush stuff cos they had to swing round cape horn every single time & that place is fucked UPP for sailing
so these babygirls are the fastest sailing ships ever built (the most notable one technically being the lightning, she was very VERY fast) (my favourite being the sea witch, from when the clippers were still kinda in Prototype Mode)
so yeah these speedy fucks kind of heralded in the end of the age of sail. they were built, had their beautiful and sexy and fleeting run, and then everything turned to motTHER FUCKING STEAM SHIPS FUCK FUCK PISS SHIT
and uhhh that is most of it LMAO but the ships used in the whaling industry were. just called whaling ships 💀💀or smth. ive been trying to find more info on them & on whaling but the most ive found is a 100-pg book of whaling anecdotes which are GOOD but dont tell me anything abt the ships they sailed on other than that the people who hunted whales up north were the ones who invented the crows nest!!!!!!!! auaugh!!!!!
& take all this w a grain of salt bc im fully j dragging it from my memory of arther h clarks book on clippers. im onlhy in the beginning stages of reading clippers: greyhounds of the sea (which has MUCH more information!! very pog) so. that is how it is lmao. unironically thank u so much for asking this im having the timeof my life rn :)
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nihiltism · 1 year
i thought its about time i finally made one of these so hi!!! im veebert "the kazoo" deebert, this is my real name, you can call me vee or whatever other nicknames you think up though! i go by it/vee/that one/she and im a little beast full of generally good video game taste and Massive Amounts Of Propaganda for those. the fastest way to make friends with me is just to ask me for recommendations im 100% serious.
uhhh what else do i put here. okay so my main Things^tm right now are live a live and hatoful boyfriend, but the larger list of interests is:
wandersong, kirby, hatoful boyfriend, live a live, ghost trick, mad rat dead, pokemon mystery dungeon, the world ends with you, (also everhood, shovel knight and bug fables but i probably won't talk about those as frequently. also metal hellsinger but i only really talk about that to bark about it. yknow how it is.). also in Non Video Game interests i also like wander over yonder, cucumber quest, fashion, metal music (my favorite albums are the gallery by dark tranquillity and damnum by allegaeon! please dont ask me to pick a favorite band i can't choose) and probably some other stuff you'll see when you see it! (also its not really an interest but i do Love beasts and creatures and anything youd describe as a Little Guy. if anything gives you little guy energy please send it to me)
i do my best to spoiler tag stuff, since i have so many recommendations going out at any given time. that said, the ones i use most commonly are #live a live spoilers , #hatoful spoilers and #holistar spoilers (for people who've played the first hatoful boyfriend and not the second).
my other tags are:
#vee shut up : general talking tag!
#the beasts they are demonic in nature : my pets!
#veedia 2023 / 2024 : my first thoughts on whatever media I've just experienced! good way for me to keep track of everything I've seen.
#veepaganda : recommendation posts!!
#veesketches : my sketch tag! everything unfinished basically
#look at my art boy : my finished art tag! its. kind of small rn.
#blorbos from my brain : braindumping or notes about my ocs! for specific ocs I'll also use #(insert name here)posting
#ratclips : me showing off in mad rat dead <3
#peace and love on planet earth : peace and love tag what doesn't add up here
please don't follow me if you consider yourself a proshipper or bring lgbt infighting onto my dash, also.
thank u for reading!! ill make this nicer later maybe probably not. look at nigel
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NorRayEmma brainrot please! - what do you think would their live together be as soon as they are no longer on the run and finally settled for good? Like who does which cores in the household and how would they share their freetime?
OUGH okay well, assuming this is where emma keeps her memories, i always picture all of the kids in a bigass house. like how they were in grace field typa huge except they all have their own rooms etc. if we're talking later down the line when the kids are older and REN etc dont have to live w them, i still kinda default to them living in a place similar to where they settle post canon. i could also see REN being the type to live in an rv or smth and travel the world, but i also couldn't see them Not having a forever home, considering how long they had to go constantly moving, so it's an internal battle ejkjbenmx.
obviously ray would do the cooking, low hanging fruit etc. bc he does the cooking emma and norman do the dishes, i default to them doing it one washes one dries and then putting them up together just bc. efficiency AKJHDK. i think even when theyd all live together theyd have their own spaces/rooms (just bc everyone needs their own space i know i go crazy when i dont have mine for a long period of time) so they would handle their own clothes, but if not i see norman doing the folding, emma the hanging, and ray handles starting the wash/dry cycles. sweeping/mopping + bathroom stuff and anything else would probably just alternate, bc people dont tend to find those calming the way they might folding clothes or doing dishes skjdbkweb
im not sure if the aforementioned traveling would fall into free time, but i think they would travel a lot. probably also volunteer at shelters and such (especially emma since the other two are CEOing it up lmao) all of them really love to read so i think theyd have library dates, maybe pick out books for eachother and exchange them. OUGH i think they would kick ass at escape rooms. theyd somehow find a way to do them on their own and see who could beat it fastest once theyve done them all together akdnkr. i can also see them taking classes together (like painting classes and such, leisurely things they didnt need to survive in the demon world) i can totally see them watching trivia game shows and falling over each other guessing answers and shit. speed run the last century of pop culture to beat your partners in who gets the most trivia right AKJDBND
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illfoandillfie · 1 year
Hi sweetheart, i hope you are doing great! i think you are a beautiful person and an amazing writer, i’ve written lots of things already but i would like to hear some advice from you about writing so i can improve my skills, i really love writing 🫶🏻😩🥹🥰💌✨
lots of love from Argentina
oh gosh im 🤧🤧 thank you, thats so lovely of you to say!
First of all I keep a writing advice tag for any posts I come across with useful writing tips. Some of them are really general, some of them are about writing specific things (like kissing or children), so probably not everything in there will be useful but hopefully some of it is.
As for my own advice.... none of it is going to be groundbreaking stuff. I've never studied writing, I don't think too hard about how I write, and at the end of the day I just write silly fics about silly boys to keep myself entertained. But I'll put a few things under the cut. These are all more general sort of tips so if there are any specific parts of writing you want me to talk about let me know and I'll see what I can give you!
Number 1 is to just have fun with it. Don't get hung up worrying about if a concept is cringe or if its something no one else will like or if it sounds too much like something else you wrote. If it's an idea that interests you, then you're going to find it easier and probably more fun to write. And if you already love writing then you don't want writing to turn into a chore or something you don't enjoy.
Number 2 is to read real books. Reading fanfic is great and fun but it's very useful to read some books that have been professionally edited and published too. There is a craft to writing things that sound good and one of the fastest ways to learn what sounds good is to read books. You don't have to study them or analyse them, your brain will just pick up on patterns, on how sentences fit together, on what sounds good and what doesn't.
One of my fave examples of this is the way we describe things, at least in the English language. There is an unwritten formula for making a description sound good. opinion, size, age, shape, colour, origin, material, purpose. It's why saying "the silly little pink French book" sounds good but "the pink silly French little book" sounds very strange. No one is taught this formula, no one does it consciously. It's just that one sounds better than the other. And it's the sort of thing you subconsciously pick up from reading.
Number 3 is don't be afraid to do some research. No one knows everything. Sometimes you'll want to write about something that isn't super familiar to you. Whether that be because you're writing is set in a different country to where you are, or you're writing a smut scene with a kink/position you've never done in real life, or you're writing a character with a kid when you don't have kids. Research it! Go on google maps and find the place you want to write about so you can see how the streets look. Find a cosmo article or a youtube video that talks about the kink. Find a site that includes those little drawings of sexual positions (or heck, find some porn if thats more helpful) so you can see how it looks. Find a blog post from a parent and see how they talk about their kid. Listen or watch interviews if you're writing RPF to see how your person talks and what their mannerisms are. Not everything has so be 100% accurate and you're absolutely allowed to make some stuff up but if there's anything you feel unsure about, see if some research helps you.
Number 4 is to read everything you write out loud, but especially dialogue. Sometimes things can sound good while you're writing it but then when you read it back you realise it sounds clunky or it doesn't flow properly. Plus it helps you pick up on mistakes you might otherwise miss (like incorrect spelling or if you meant to delete a sentance but didn't). And I say especially for dialogue because when people talk they'll abbreviate words, they include slang, they use contractions. By reading things out loud to yourself you can hear where inflections are, you can hear if something sounds too formal, or wrong for the emotion you're trying to convey. When I write I make sure that I read it out loud to myself when I'm editing. You don't have to read it to someone else and you can whisper it under your breath so no one else will hear, but it is one of the best things you can do while editing or even if you get stuck while writing a conversation. Sometimes just hearing it out loud will help you identify why its not working.
Those are all the things I can think of off the top of my head but like i said if theres any areas of writing that I haven't mentioned that you'd like my take on let me know!
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