#books 💌
ikigaisvt · 6 months
been reading pride and prejudice lately and like. WHY AM I HAVING SUCH A HARD TIME READING IT?!?!?!
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losergirlsoap · 2 months
henry winter is so me (i have a migraine)
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I wonder if you talked about me, as you went home, or thought of me when the moon rose.
-Virginia Woolf, Letter to Vanessa Bell
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planetmaven · 6 months
i'm almost done rereading Glass Sword by Victoeia Aveyard, and I've just realized something about Cal that I didn't notice before.
Growing up, Cal was never my favorite. I favored Maven so much, maybe even a little too much. So, Cal was very annoying to me? I hated his every line and I was very irritated with every word he said and every action he took. But I was 13 at that time.
I am 17 years old now. And I've found a sense of maturity I didn't realize I had once discovering this.
Cal Calore is a burning flame. He is passionate and driven, with a kind heart, but he is indecisive, and this flaw drags him down.
I noticed just how often his trauma is overlooked. Cal lost everything. His mother, at a young age. His father. His brother. His friends. His kingdom. His home. His titles. The list goes on. He was taken from everything he knew and slammed down into an entire new world.
He wasn't even welcomed by the Reds. The first thing they did to Cal was lock him up alone when they reached Tuck.
And then when they met Nix, Nix was immediately taunting Cal for being "seduced by Mare into killing his father", but once Cal reveals the truth of what happened, they all fell silent.
No one. Not a single person, except probably Mare, has asked Cal if he was okay.
Cal lost everything. I mean literally everything. And not once in the whole book did we see him cry, break down, or fall apart.
That is a kind of strength I could never imagine.
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usefulquotes7 · 18 days
I don't sleep to rest, I sleep to escape. - Unknown 🦋💖💌
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dreamy-loser · 1 month
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‘tomorrow and yesterday were both at a distance’ — tales from moominvalley
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lolitalucia · 3 months
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
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Walmart vs DIY
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houseofborgia · 2 months
okay i know you've mentioned/answered this a million times but i would love to get your top recommendations for borgias published books and content.
i haven't really ventured into those selections but i really want to take the leap into that realm and buy/borrow some books and read them..!
(also i'm curious if you read many fanfictions for the borgias, and if so do you have any good recs?)
hi <33! no worries at all! i love being asked questions about everything related to the borgias, as i get very enthusiastic about them. now, let's start with my favorite borgias biographies:
maria bellonci's 'lucrezia borgia' because i'm very obsessed with accuracy and avoiding cliché biased narratives. it's such a solid read really! it also portrays lucrezia in a way that i've always believed she was—a completely misunderstood woman who is a pawn in the power and ambition games of her father and brother. but deep down, she's just a silly, pretty poetry lover who's guilty by association. this book also debunks cesare's supposed "jealousy" towards juan as the shows how much he loves him (based on the letters to each other) and that rodrigo has always loved his children equally, which is a cherry on top lol.
emma lucas's 'lucrezia borgia.' while it's not entirely accurate because it satisfies my beloved (but not accurate) 'lucrezia is a femme fatale and not saintly' narrative (which i love, by the way), i'm fascinated by how it unexpectedly delves deep into her family, especially rodrigo, cesare, and juan. it also provides great anecdotes about the characters so there's that. despite having negative reviews, the biography is actually very well-written and highly entertaining! fuck the gossip!
christopher hibbert's 'the borgias and their enemies.' for some reason, i keep forgetting to recommend this book to my friends. i tend to get easily investedwith any borgia book that focuses on the pope and his children, providing narratives without forcing you to choose what to believe. the author obviously conducted extensive research before publishing it because when reading a biography (not historical fiction), i prefer to avoid biased perspectives that can be heavily misleading. i also appreciate the fact that machiavelli (and other important figures) plays an important role in this biography because i'm always excited about him.
ferdinand gregorovius' 'lucretia borgia according to original documents and correspondence of her day'. it's also a very unbiased excellent piece of history that is full of validated source. and i just adore how the author is pro-lucrezia as well.
samantha morris' 'cesare and lucrezia: brother and sister of history's most vilified family' is also well documented and well researched! while cesare was given more depth than lucrezia, still, lucrezia's character in this biography is more colorful. obviously the most popular narrative for the borgia family is them being incestuous, corrupt and violent, a family to be feared, but the author suggests otherwise as she sets out to prove this is not the full story and she does make a good argument! as she detailed how they've been portrayed by mainstream media as well as detailing what happened to their descendants.
sarah bradford's 'lucrezia borgia.' okay, so this one isn't a favorite of mine, but i'd recommend it to you or anyone who's a huge fan of ceslu. it's written like a love story biography exclusively about them. while i like how she wrote about ceslu, i heavily dislike how she wrote about juan and rodrigo and how she portrayed them based on narratives from the family's enemies. the author also manipulated a letter about the envoy boccaccio, which is supposed to praise both brothers. but instead, the author just one-upped him with cesare by dunking on him, which i personally find lame and intensely inaccurate since juan borgia was pretty much loved by his wife, his family, and his friends based on the retrieved documents and letters. that being said, i do enjoy the ceslu parts, of course, and i believe any fan of showtime's 'the borgias' who ships ceslu would enjoy this book and its fluent writing and can easily ignore the negatively inaccurate narratives about the other members of the family.
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that's all for the biography books! now let's start with historical fiction:
sarah dunant's 'blood and beauty'. one thing about me is that i'm never gonna stop praising this book because it is absolutely my favorite historical fiction book about this extraordinary family! again, i get so invested in any book when the author does extensive research. also, if you're looking for a book about this family that reads like an episode of showtime's 'the borgias,' then this book is your go-to! full of interesting dynamics, and yes, cesare is as cruel and megalomaniacal as history and machiavelli portrayed him, lucrezia as a victim of her father and brother's political ambitions game, and juan as the flawed kid who was eventually sunk deep when he got dragged into his father's ambitions game. while the book doesn't provide a deeper exploration of the characters' psyche, it's more focused on the story by making it very engaging and sheds light on their complex relationships and their rise to power. and every character is highly sympathetic as the author brilliantly humanizes them. in short, it is emotionally intriguing and a must-read for the borgias enjoyers.
mario puzo's 'the family'. you know, i wasn't even surprised a bit that this book's writing and story being groundbreaking because after all, it is written by the author of 'the godfather'. the family is such a compelling book, such tender writing when it comes to lucrezia and cesare. the story becomes intriguing the more you read. i also loved puzo's portrayal of rodrigo as this family man who deeply loves his children yet he uses them as pawns (which is also similar to jeremy irons' portrayal). while i gotta criticize that the characters have no depth and his version of lucrezia as this damsel angel for her father and brother is, uhhh… quite boring. i like her when she's multilayered lol. i also think the way he tried to present cesare and give him the "from zero to hero" trope in order to make him relatable is also lame because cesare's success as a historical figure is because he was calculating and wicked, and definitely not a bitter loser. i mean, i could absolutely ignore the bitterness part, but at least françois arnaud's cesare added so many layers and swag in the characters, therefore you could ignore it. but i can overlook all that when there's an engaging story and great writing, no matter what the characterizations are like. so overall, it's impressive and entertaining, and you will definitely enjoy it.
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regarding fanfiction; i'm sorry but i never read any because i feel quite satisfied by all 'the borgias' show canon that we have and all these historical books. i wish i could help with recommending fics :/
thank you very much for the question, and i hope this post answers it. have a great day 💕🫶
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offorestsongs · 1 month
Malleus could be snapped out of his overblot if somebody just affectionately booped his nose, I'm telling y'all
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ikigaisvt · 1 year
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losergirlsoap · 2 months
literally everyone talks about this but not knowing what henry said to camilla before he shot himself might actually drive me INSANE.
i need there to be other versions of the secret history all told form the others points of view, i don’t even care if it wasn’t really written by donna tartt herself tbh. i just desperately need to hear what everyone else was thinking throughout the whole ordeal.
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mysterieuxclairdelune · 11 months
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-Miriella Marie
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planetmaven · 5 months
something in my soul is touched when i reread the scene in war storm where maven goes to mare's stilts home and destroys it
it feels like he was in mourning, you know? because he had lost her. he lost her so so many times, but she was so close to him THIS time and she slipped right between his fingers like cupped water.
and it specifically feels like mourning because maven calore didn't feel love. all he ever felt was loss and the idea of love that was more leaned toward obsession. so instead of mourning in sadness and depression like he did with thomas, he mourned with rage and destruction with mare.
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etherealstardustt · 6 months
I think something that every girl absolutely needs in her life is healthy female friendships. like yes talk to me about period cramps and female gaze <3
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fluentmoviequoter · 14 days
I’m going on a (mini) break.
Hey guys! I wanted to let you know that I’m going to be taking a short break; I don’t think it will be more than a few days, and I’ll still be around to see your messages and everything. I’ve been putting a lot of pressure on myself to get requests done super fast and keep my inbox empty, and feel like I need to take a step back. That’s absolutely not your fault, though; you guys are amazing and definitely make me feel good when you request!! I just want to take some time for my mental health and then get back into writing when I feel my best again.
Requests will stay open because I’m not planning to be gone for long! They may take a bit longer to be completed because I want to be kinder to myself if that makes sense. But I still love your requests so please don’t stop sending them in!🥰
- Hanna🤍
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