#im really comfused
oifaaa · 2 years
So I gotta ask, have you heard about flipping Lance Bruner? XD
Wasn't he like the original blonde Robin I don't remember what happened to him but he wasn't around for long
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djs-random-blog · 17 days
The new baldurs gate patch broke my mods: makes sense, I didn't get a chance to uninstall them before the game automatically updated
The new baldurs gate mod broke the mod manager so now i can't figure out how to uninstall said mods: 🫠
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literallyjustjack · 2 years
You know you've done a... job.. being gay when the popular girl who you haven't spoken to in four years has to come up to you and tell you that you and your boyfriend make a cute couple.
Like ok I'm glad I look cute talking about bearings????
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weird-brain666 · 8 months
Ticcy Toby with a trans boyfriend general head canons
I got this request on tiktok. here's some HC about toby with a trans boyfriend <3 [my request are open and im waiting for some, it help me get Motivation so go for it] [I also have a ao3 account by the way, I write a actual fic on it. the fic is "to hell and back" it's a jeff x M reader fic]
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toby is pretty comfused at first, he grew up stuck in his house so the only vew he got telled was his father one
so you gotta unwrap all of that and tell him the truth
but once it done he's going to understand and support you
during bad disohoria day he is going to do all he can to help you
you want to get called a boy every 2 second? it's fine
you want to wear his hoodie? here you go
just want to be held in bed? he's gladly gonna do it
over all he's a pretty good lover
having anti-social personality disorder [sociopath] make loving really hard if even possible
he have this disorder because of his traumas as a child so with a lot of time and help with his traumas he can warm up a bit with his emotions
it's never gonna be "normal" again and it's not going to be strong emotions but it's a bit of the emotions his brain blocked
if you're the type to forget your binder on he's going to make sure you dont over wear it
if you dont have top surgery he is going to ask doctor smile to do it [slender dont let him hurt his proxys so you're fine, he is a doctor and have all the school that come with it]
during your recovery he's going to help all he can
need help to change the bandages? he's doing his best [tourett can get in the way for meticulous task]
cant get your arms up to clean your hair? how ever it is you getting your head in the bath or you two taking a shower together, he is going to help you.
for bottom surgery he's going to support you if you want it or not
he's not gonna push you to have a surgery you dont want, he see you as a boy no mather what.
if you often forgot your T shot, he's gonna get track of it and help you with it
he's really trying and doing all he can to be a good lover. he already lost his sister so having someone he's attached to is scary for him, he's going to do anything to not lose you.
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
hi!!! i have a really weird feeling about my gender
i am myself pre everything afab person and i prefer to think of myself as transmasc but the thing is that. i feel like if i was born amab i would be non binary like 100%?
and if tomorrow morning i could wake up miraculously like a year on t i too would be non binary?
but not now.
its like im not man enough to be non binary?? not masculine enough to be androgynous??? like im not lets say ftm but ftmtx??? does that make any sense? or is that some kind of weird case of internalized transphobia?..
im just really comfused about this
and thank you for your blog! its always a pleasure reading you posts!!
hi there! hope you're doing well!
maybe people have to transition in multiple directions before they feel comfortable identifying a certain way. i understand your fear, i just wanted to say that you are just as nonbinary now as you would be after any type of hormones, surgeries or social transition, the hormones/etc. do not make you nonbinary, you are nonbinary because you are nonbinary!
there are no requirements to be nonbinary. you don't have to be masculine or androgynous or neutral in appearance. you do not have to take hormones or change anything. nonbinary is a broad umbrella including a huge array of experiences that can appear binary to strangers. but, if ftmtx feels right to you, that's also okay. some people often times have to transition to male or female before making it to nonbinary. i think that's an okay identity to have
either way, you know yourself best, and if you feel there are things that you need to change before you can feel happy in your body, then that's definitely okay. you're allowed to hear yourself out in that regard. just know that there are 0 requirements for being nonbinary. you going on hormones won't make you any more nonbinary than you are now, it will just hopefully make you a bit happier in your body.
hope that makes sense! take care, good luck, hope you're able to figure things out!
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catspinach · 1 year
ive been meaning to vent on here about work for a long time now so here
i was hired in as a shift supervisor at a brand new starbucks with all brand new employees aside from another supervisor, Mylah, who is a 4yr partner(remember her), and maybe 2 others or so. none of us knew what we were doing. i was barista trained separately from the rest, followed by supervisor training, and then a week off. I came back and had no idea what the hell i was doing, and everyone was mad that i didnt know what to do??
Mylah trained me, and it was brutal. She would critique everything i did, and I always defended myself, saying "why do i need to do it that way if this way gets the same results?" and she did Not like that lmao and the entire training was incredibly tense.
Months pass, and she is worse than ever. she's had several lectures about her behavior but not a single writeup. Nothing has changed. She trained a new supervisor a few weeks ago, and she treated her the same way as she did with me. At some point she slammed a freezer and started shouting, making her cry, and Everyone in lobby turned their heads. i felt awful and wanted to say smth, but I'm genuinely scared of her. Everyone is. Several people have admitted to me that they call off when they see Mylah on the schedule.
The other day, the lobby was empty, and we were free to talk about all the harassment we've faced with her. I cant even remember all of it there's so much but uh here's a list of stuff i remember:
My manager gave Jenn some extra hours, and when they came in, Mylah cornered them, asking why they stole all her hours?? Jenn was comfused because they were literally just added to the schedule so that they would have enough bodies on the floor. Apparently Mylah was pissy at them for the entire rest of their shift, which sucks bc they were already working 12hrs that day:'(
I became friends with a barista named Diana, who is hispanic, and Mylah (white) would always say rude things that made her uncomfortable, saying its okay because her bf is mexican ._. It became a problem and eventually Mylah started looking through all her stuff to get her fired, and succeeded. Diana told me that Mylah would joke with the other baristas about how im stupid and bad at my job, and she said she always stood up for me which definitely did not help her with this whole situation but I greatly appreciate her for it, and we still talk!
Anna said Mylah was talking to her about me and how i do my job wrong. she said i don't face the bills the same way in the deposit bag, and that I dont fill in the money order right so I'm the reason we have so many goddamn nickles, and she said I don't double count the drawers and that's why there's so many mistakes with the deposit. the funny thing is, i DO face the bills the same way, I have never even DONE a money order because that's morning's job, I TRIPLE count the drawers bc i have anxiety, and nobody has EVER said anything to me about the deposit being off.
At some point someone said ret*rded, and Mylah is autistic and was rightfully mad, and brought her to the back to yell at her. not sure what she said but when she came back she went up to me, and only me, and apologized. so like that really hurted but okay whatever ill just go kill myself ig
Mylah was opening one day and told Morgan that since I was closing that it would probably take longer than usual to close? I asked Morgan how Mylah was with closing, and she said that nothing gets done until the absolute last minute, and it takes at least half an hour to finish closing. My record is 2 minutes past close.
Jenn and Taylor told me that I'm their favorite out of all of the shifts, because I make sure to get everything done, I am fast, efficient, and if they have a question I will do my best to figure out a solution for them. Apparently, when they ask Mylah a question, she answers with, "I dont know man, I just work here" and walks away. which like. mood. but she's getting paid 20/hr compared to the baristas at 15/hr, and there is absolutely no reason that the baristas should have to pick up her slack.
Anna used to be friends with Mylah, and they went to get piercings together, and Mylah thought it would be super funny to snapchat Anna having a panic attack about the needle! outside of work, but still fucked up
theres more idk
Mylah got it in my head that I'm the worst of all of the supervisors, and when I found out I was almost all the baristas' favorite, I started visibly shaking with relief! Ive been trying so so hard to make up for how "bad" i am at my job in fear that everyone will hate me otherwise, and now I gind this out and I don't know how to handle this information jdgdheb
I asked them if they would like to talk to the manager as a group, hoping that will show her just how serious the situation is. I don't usually pray for someone to get fired, but I want her ass permanently out of my sight asap
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caps-clever-girl · 1 year
49 for the captain and kitty
ask game here!!
49. What is one modern invention you think [insert character name here] would be surprised or confused by?
cap is amazed by technology. honestly, despite giving off very Comfused Old Man vibes, i do think cap is pretty quick on the uptake. like yes, hes still very Old Man about it, but the way he talks about weaponry and the few things we've seen on the show leads me to believe he's very smart when it comes to mechanics and technology and woukdnt have much trouble understanding how to use things. he LOVES seeing what new tech has cocme about over the years. like the internet; sure, he's not sure how it works, but he still understands how its used and he's amazed that something like that now exists. he's very interested in what it does and how much information is now out there. and mobile phones are amazing because of the freedom they give - you have one on hand in case of emergency, rather than having to leave the emergency and run to the nearest landline or phonebooth. amazing!
kitty: thomas's poetry honestly kitty is confused by a lot, which i think we knew. but! she mostly accepts that whatever it is is something she wont understand fully, and so accepts whatever it is almost immediately. while the rest of the ghosts are still struggling to process stuff, kitty's already like "oh yeah thats a thing now. ok. can we watch high school musical again tonight?' i love her.
as to a specific invention..... i think maybe planes got kitty, big enough that she still cant really believe they exist. they just shouldnt, in her mind. theyre so big and heavy, and yet they fly hundreds of people in the air across literally countries? bonkers. and nobody can explain to her how they work so thats certainly not helping.
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fagcrisis · 2 years
its great that ive come out to enough ppl that i really do associate rumini w being me but this does mean that whenever someone calls me my deadname im extremely comfused for a second
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Oughhhhhhhh I thought a little too hard about the cult arc and the other ciel reveal and all that and now Im just sitting here, angry, so Im making a tumblr post about it
I want to make this very clear, I 100% forgive Lizzy for her reaction. Like, yeah I think its frustrating that she did what she did but also get it, yknow. It seems like she really loved the other Ciel and didnt spend too much time with our Ciel because hes a Frail Victorian Boi(tm) and couldnt play with her and she does feel bad about all of this and theres a lot of complicated feelings-stuff going on here. Also, I used to dislike her for ~○°•Yaoi Fangirl Reasons•°○~ and now that Ive gone through some growth I think I might be incapable of disliking her for any reason so. good for her and good for me ig
I dont really care about the rest of the Midfords tbh I kinda keep forgetting that theyre even there I remember reading the school arc and being so comfused about Edward because I somehow managed to fully forget about him, but I guess I get their reactions and actions too
Tanaka though............. I hope that stupid cunt goes to hell 100%. I really hope thats not like, a hot take but I doubt that anyone feels strongly enough about him to fight me on this lmao
Like ??? not only did he live with our Ciel for those three years, I assuming he spent a lot of time with him when he was younger bc yknow, hes a Frail Victorian Boi(tm) who wasnt spending a lot of time outside and that flashback made it seem like Tanaka would play with him or whatever and seemed to care for him but the SECOND fucken the "real" "Earl" Ciel Phantomhive shows up he just abandons our Ciel??? I fucking hate that!! Literally unless it turns out that he was playing some double agent 7d chess over there, I hope that old man never sees the light of heaven I hope Sebastian goes home after all of this and we see him while hes going down
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alexiious · 13 days
●PILOT: Bad first impression
*intro music
[Narator: Hello, oh how rude of me, I haven't introduced myself, my name is James, and this is the story of me and my roomate, you will see the rest...]
*opens the door to he's new apartment*
JAMES: Ah, finally freedom, out of my parents house
[...that's me *points arrow at James with he's name* I'm 26 years old and expect someone]
...he should be here at aaany second now...
*opens the door and closes harshly as he- -says it*
G: Hey...so you live in this.... this... yuck..
*James looked discusted as George says it*
J: Hey... I'm James... I...
G: I...don't do the handshakes with...poor people and peasants...I'm above that...
J: Oh...ok.. *gets annoyed a but suck it up* ...so ur rich kid...hah...
G: Yes...but I don't think you will understand that...
J: Suuure... *he's grinding he's teeth a bit*
G: But I guess you could be of use i guess..
J: Ok...? *comfused*
G: To be my slave...
J: *coughs* what...!!?? Ok before anything... we need to have some ground rules.
G: Ough... *discusted*
J: *breathes in and sighs* Ok...firstly...I'm not a slave.. Secondly...we will do some chores..
G: Umm...excuse me.. what are chorse... is that what peasants do??
J: *he's jaw droped and gets confused* wait...what..
G: That's what I was asking... aren't u- -listening to me??
J: Yes but...like dude...how the f*ck do u not know what...chores are??
G: I never done them before duuuuhh..
J: Omg...you are spoiled...
G: No I'm not... *raised a bit he's voice*
J: yes...you are dude *laughs while saying it*
G: My mom...doesn't think that..
J: *sighs* ok... *breaths in and out* ok...now you will...wash the dishes...
G: who. .me??
J: noo...the other guy I'm talking to... *says- -angerly ish* of course to you!!
G: ok...no need to yell...
J: ok .. *watched and waits for him to start*
Any year now dude...
G: Uuhhh...question what is this?? *points at it*
J: *looks at it disappointingly* dude. .how old are you.
G: uhhh...25, you?
J: mhhm and throut that period, you never seen a sponge before?? Ever?? Becouse im 24 dude, and know these things..Are u kidding me?? *yells a bit*
G: I told u never did chores...
J: I thought you were...joking... *looks disappointed while saying it*
G: uhhh...ok??
J: ok.. *shoves him* there...now u get it??
G: I...guess?
J: you know what...do what ever u want.. *says that while dresses he's coat* I'm going...out...
*slams he's doors*
G: Jeez I wonder what got into him...
*puts a drink, purse whisky*
J: Thanks...Steve..
S: No problem...so I heard you have new roomate... . . *talks while washing a glass*
J: *drinks a drink and almost spiled*
S: Oh...dude did I say something wrong... *comfused*
J: Oh...uhh nothing Steve...its not you...it's well...
*as he tries to finish the sentence, George comes in*
G: Heey...Jaxon...or whatever..
J: Oh...God not him...
G: Hey where were you...omg this place looks filthy...
J: Steve this is George...the one i talked about..George..Steve..
G: Oh hi Steven...or whatever... omg this place looks filthy..
S: Hey...hey...filthy!?? *gets a bit annoyed*
J: Just...ignore him.. *says while drinking*
G: Eww..what a desk...
J: Dude just...stop...
G: What??
J: Stop with this bullshit...please...
G: Ahh..ik what's happening!!
J: Really? What?? *says sarcasticly while drinking*
G: You are jelouse of me...don't you...
J: Uhhh...no im not...
*George sees someone while talking with Jason*
G: Who...is this ..Angel??
S: Uhhh...Steffanny...
G: Ahhh...Steffanny...beautiful name...
J: Dude...are u ok??
G: Shut up bro...
J: Ok? *drinks*
S: Hello my name is Steffanny, im working with Steven, im bartender.
J: My name is Justin
*George inturapted him*
G: My name is George..I'm super rich...and tall...
J and S: *comfused*
J: Dude...are u in love?
G: What?? Why do...u care?? She is mine dude do u hear me!!??
J: Woah...woah...I'm not in love with her!!
G: Good bro...you better be... *paranoid*
J: Ok??
*they came back home from bar, it was dark*
G: Ma...maybe i will stay here longer... I...mean this place doest look that bad...after all...
*Jason closed the door*
J: What?? But u said... *realized*
Ik why...? Your in love... *mocks and laughs a bit*
G: Pfff...don't be reddiciculous... *blushing a bit*
J: Why are u red then??
*George yelled at Justin while Justin laughed and mocked George and also while camera zoomed out from window of they're apartment*
*outro music and ending credits*
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sweetheartmotives · 5 months
Uhm! I don't know! I've never been in love like that with real people 😭 Hype yourself up !!
Go Mari! Go Mari! You can do it! Let's go Mari!
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violetbrightpink · 1 year
i dont remember who i was as a teen. it’s really difficult to see her.
she’s broken glass on the carpet floor bloody heels cuz she walked alone
constantly comfused
i just wanted to fit in but i didnt know how
how other people made friends how they had relationships
i wasnt a likable person that was for sure because everyone who looked at me looked at me weird and id wonder if something was wrong with me
a teen listening to teenage dreams
i always wanted more i was so sure there was more
wasnt she? supposed to be loved?
oh lift the world bright girl
tied to the night stand
the cup of juice that meant as worthless as i am
im still worth something
and she was in a dream
and she was in a dream
who was i as a teen
a room so known it curves
unblossoms like a rose
a teenage dream of dreams
never yet to see what would really be
i’ll die here in the hall
she thought it was her fault
and when it fell away
all that she could say was
‘ you would miss me right?’
finally loved that night
and none of it was right
she was in a song and they all sang along
she was somebody for real
and we were just girls
in a white room
giggling through walls feet down the hall
i think im like you
oh the teenage dreams of what life could be
trying to block a comet
gets eaten by the sun
a teenage dream of dreams of what a life could be
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diarydairyqueen · 2 years
i really hate growing up. when will it stop somehow getting worse? but better in other ways. im so comfused and conflicted bc how can i really complain if it doesn’t suck all that much. i hate that i can see complexities in my trauma more every year, makes everything harder.
im tired of being a woman in her 20s even though thye just started. so many men have wronged me yet i crqve them always. it’s exhausting to crave something tgat hates you. im tired of begging for minimum, tired of feeling not deserving of minimum, i just want a man to fully love me for me not for anything else. im a 3D person, i have likes & dislikes, im a great listener, i love hard, im funny, i am many things. why cant men see that? why am i always just another warm hole? why am i always crying for more?
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star-ocean-peahen · 2 years
I just saw the preview clip of Dragon Prince season 4 (spoilers)......and OH MAN ARE THEY PARALLELING VIREN AND CALLUM I AM CONCERNED
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yellowhearther0 · 2 years
fawkkk im what the fuck. why is there clicking noises when i typr. like coming through my headphones. im on a computer. what the fuck ?????????????????
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romanticrobot · 3 years
My gender is when you get nervous in a boss fight and just start pressing buttons
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