#im running out things to do in game but im not ready to part with it
thot4ellie · 4 months
oh sweetheart
pairing: boxer! ellie williams x f reader au
word count: 1.9k
rating: 18+
warnings: boxer!ellie, drinking, smoking, cursing, creepy guy but ellie comes to ur defense!! ellie has lots of tattoos, fighting, threats, idk if im missing anything (no character description or anything specific)
summary: you didn't expect to meet her on this night out.
authors notes: hi friends! this is my first time writing and posting on here hopefully you enjoy, please reblog, like or follow! lets be mutuals :) anyways feedback and constructive criticism is always welcome and appreciated! ellie williams has me on my hands and knees!!! i hope you enjoy! i like the idea of making this a series if it works out and ppl like it, so pls let m know!! thank you :)
PART 1 | part 2
series masterlist <3
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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loud. everything is loud. the smell of sweat and blood stains the air around you. the sounds of people cheering and shouting towards the center of the large room. the lights are buzzing above you as you are walking into the entrance of the shitty run down gym your brother, jesse, and his girlfriend, dina, ended up dragging you to tonight.
you didn't mind coming along with him but this wasn't what you expected to be doing tonight. after a long shitty week of unpacking your new apartment, you kinda just wanted to end up a hole in the wall bar and drink your stress away but he had other plans. which including watching grown men beat the shit of each other for their cut at the end of the night.
it was intimidating, walking through the crowds of people you didn't know until you finally make it to where his friends were waiting for you guys. they were sitting at a table with a clear shot of the fight which was surprising since the whole place seemed to have more people in it then it could fit. you make your way awkwardly to the empty seats saying a gentle "hello guys" to your brothers friends who you didn't knowl. you sat next to dina as jesse made his way to the bar with your drink orders.
after you graduated highschool, you moved to new york and spend 4 years there working in a small cafe you lived above but now at the start of the summer, still not sure what you should be doing with your life. now you're 22 and you've moved to the city of jackson to be closer to your older brother and his girlfriend. you were excited to start fresh in a place where no one knew you yet, you were ready to leave your old life and those toxic things in the past. but you wondered if it was even possible.
you spend the next hour talking with dina and catching up on the things that have happened since you moved, "have you started looking for jobs yet?" she asked as you both sipped on the second drink of the night that jesse went and brought back a bit ago. you've only met a couple times in person since they started dating about 2 years ago but you loved her, she was making this night a lot better. "not much luck yet, i don't know what to do, luckily i have some time to figure something out." you responded. she went to say something but then the loud speakers around the room started blaring music and the countdown to the match that was about to start.
jesse tapped dinas shoulder to go watch with the rest of them. dinas eyes met yours and asked, "are you coming up?" you started getting nervous as the people started getting louder and crowding towards the center ring and told her that you'll stay here and watch. they both nodded and said they'd be back when it was over.
you took this opportunity to finally go get some fresh air since the crowd isn't all over anymore and it was a straight shot to the door you came in, you walked over to the side of the building, definitely feeling the drinks you had, you let your back rest against the concrete wall, finally cooling you down on this hot summer night. there's people standing outside talking but they payed no attention to you. you stayed against the wall as you pull out the cigarette pack from the pocket of your thin dark green jacket and the lighter out of your back pocket in your jean shorts. you cursed yourself for not buying more but its a bad habit and you know it. you pulled one out and put it in your lips as you brought the lighter up and took a drag, finally letting the anxiety go as you stared off into the sky.
"excuse me miss, you shouldn't be out here alone, a beautiful girl like you," a man with a rough voice said but you didn't move to look, suddenly wishing you never left your apartment to begin with, "hello i'm talking to you, its not nice to ignore people, ya know," he slurred his words as he spoke. you turned your head as you went to tell him to leave you alone but instead, he was standing in front of you before you knew it you dropped your smoke and now he's practically cornered you.
he was so close you could smell the alcohol on his breathe as he spoke again, "now are you gonna talk to-" you leaned away from him as he was interrupted by the sound of a door opening a few feet away, he looked towards it but then turned back to you just as quick, almost touching you as he went to speak again but he was beat to it.
"get off her." you didn't even realize the door had opened until you heard her.
the man looked back towards the door to the figure in the light, he squinted and when he got a good look, he suddenly backed off and put his hands up. "hey hey i wasn't doing nothin- it was nothing!" he shouted back to whoever was next to the still open door, light shining into the alley.
the door slams and the light fades as the figure walks closer towards you and your eyes meet the deep green eyes of the person who just saved you as she turned to the man who was just cornering you against the wall.
"it doesn't look like nothing, i mean, really? you're fucking joking right?" she questioned him as she looked him right in the eyes.
"i said it was nothing- she was flirting with me and-" he was cut off as she laughed loudly. "yeah you're full of shit, get the fuck out of here and don't let me see you again or you'll regret it." she said as she stepped closer towards him, almost at the same height, he looked scared of her. "okay, okay- fuck 'm leaving!" he slurred one last time as he turned around and headed the opposite way of the run down gym.
you stood there as the interaction happened, not sure what to do or say yet, you were silent as he walked off, and those green eyes met yours again and you saw her lips moving as she was speaking but you caught nothing she said. "hey, you okay there?" she asked you as she went to stand in front of you, looking you up and down, checking if you're psychically okay while she gave you a second to process before she asked you again.
"hey sweetheart, you okay?" she asked and grabbed your arm, not in a way that the man would have but like she was actually making sure you were okay, and this time you finally heard her.
"h- yes im okay, just- fuck- yes thank you." you said finally getting a good look at her now that she's up close and touching you. her eyes were greener than you thought, her short auburn hair with some pulled back into a bun, the big moth tattoo wrapped around her right forearm that was still holding onto yours, other tattoos littered her arms and some poking out under her t-shirt she was wearing. she was so close to you and it sent butterflies through your body. now is not the time, you thought to yourself.
"are you sure- 'm sorry that happened, fuck him." she said roughly, not towards you but him.
"its okay, thank- thank you for helping me" you said gently to the girl who was still looking into your eyes. you had been so focused on hers that you didn't even see the tiny scars, small healing cuts and the bruises that were fading until you looked over her face again.
"yeah of course, are you here alone?" she asked you curiously still holding on to you, you weren't even phased by it. you told her you were here with your brother and she nodded her head towards the door, "lets get you back to him before anything else happens sweetheart" she said as she guided you to the door, hand on your back, as you swallowed and went first.
suddenly all the sounds that you had not realized you had been blocking begin again, smells of the sweaty bodies surround you again and you felt too hot, either because of her or the summer heat trapped in here. once you made it inside, she moved her hand off the small of your back and told her to go find your brother and to get home safe. when she walked away, you realized you didn't even know her name.
you saw dina, sitting along with a few of jesses friends and made your way over to her. the match must've ended while you were outside. you walked through the gym to sit back down, moving carefully to avoid touching anyone. once you made it to the table, dina wondered where you had ran off too. "oh just went out to get some fresh air," you said back to her smiling, not wanting her to worry. she told you jesse went to get more drinks and after the encounter outside, you needed it.
jesse came back a few moments later, holding a round of shots for you three. "here you ladies go," he spoke with a happy look on his face. you smiled slightly back and took the glass as dina laughed at him. you took the shot, trying to forget what happened outside with the man but not what happened with her. you wondered if you would see her again. is she here to watch? could she work at the bar? is she here with friends too? your thoughts were interrupted by an announcement over the speaks that the final match was gonna start soon.
dina and jesse were telling you, "its the last one tonight and the last ones are always the best so lets go!" you would rather sit and order another drink, but what if something else happened cause you were alone? so reluctantly you got up with them and got closer to the middle ring, you heard the loud speakers announcing the boxers as they entered the ring. you weren't even paying attention, nothing could stop your mind racing with thoughts about the girl outside.
you shake yourself out of the trance when dina reaches over to you to touch your hands that were shaking but you didn't even realize, you look to her and give her smile that she returns, then she looks back to the ring and you turn your head to follow her eyes to the center. and your breathe caught.
thats her.
thats the girl who saved you outside.
the girl with her hands wrapped in tape and the mouthguard in.
the girl who wondered if she'd ever see you again either, not that you knew that, but she hoped it wasn't the last time.
you wondered what she thought as you both stared back at each other. you heard the coach start the countdown. you just watched her.
as the buzzer started, she smiled directly at you then turned to throw the first punch.
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kingtomura · 5 months
Good Girl
Summary: It’s not your fault that your boyfriend was hard for people to warm up to. God, your parents are so lame. But so were you. So you did what anyone else with strict parents would, and you cut him off. 
Bad idea. 
Word count: 4k
part two is here!
Content: Tomura Shigaraki x female reader, explicit content, kinda quiet sex, cunnilingus, praise, slight humiliation, unprotected sex, strict parents, toxic relationship with parents, AU - no quirks, no use of y/n, gets a little mushy at the end im sorry
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You would rather be anywhere else but here. You would pay to be anywhere else but right here, right now being scolded like some teenager who had been caught sneaking out after curfew. But you were here and you weren’t going anywhere any time soon. 
“He’s just not good for you,” your father’s voice stressed. It dragged on, pulling you from your drifting thoughts. “You have so much ahead of you and we even agreed to this gap year so that you could figure out what you wanted to do, not so you could run around with some delinquent boy with no future–”
“He‘s not a delinquent,” You cut off, “you’re judging him without even giving him a chance.”
Your father sighs, knowing he’s fighting a losing battle, but knowing you inherited his stubbornness has never detoured him from taking your objections head on. He’s been on this earth longer than you, butting heads with others longer than you have. “Well, whatever he is, he’s not allowed to see you again. That’s final.” he says with a shrug of his shoulders. False air of nonchalance sending fury through your veins. 
There would be no more arguing and you knew it. You desperately look to your mother, who is in her usual stance of resignation and uselessness when it comes to his word. If she saw things your way, she would never say. And even if she agreed with you, there would be no change. It has always been your father’s way or no way. 
“I’m an adult, you can't tell me who I can and can’t see.” you try once more, not ready to end things here. It’s suffocating. 
He scoffs, bringing a hand up to count his fingers, “You live under our roof, you eat our food, you drive our car, you give me attitude when I agree to give you time to figure out your life when you decided to leave university after two semesters,” his voice is rising and you begin to feel your eyes burn with the threat of tears, your chest tightening as its harder to catch a breath. You can’t cry here, it would only make things worse.  “I don’t think it matters how old you are. I am done with this conversation. End things with him now or you won't have a pot to piss in by the end of the day.” 
This cannot be happening. You're still sat on the plush sofa of the living room as your father stalks off with your mother in tow. The latter only glancing back with an empty look of pity as you stare at where your father had just been. Words burned into your mind while hot tears finally break and run down your cheeks. This is really happening.
And Tomura was going to be upset.
In a perfect world you could meet up with him tonight, talk it over, or even run away together and leave all this behind, but you know better. You know the two of you haven’t dated long enough to warrant running away together, but it still crosses your mind. You’ve never felt this way about anyone before and it's painful to think you never will again. Tomura just made you feel so.. Alive. There was so much to him and his witty dry humor that keeps pulling you in. 
He’s cynical, he’s moody and sometimes he’s mean but god he could be so soft. Touch you in ways that felt like he reached your soul. Quiet nights where you would stay at his house and watch him play video games would turn into late night sessions of making love until the twilight of dawn peeked through the dark curtains of his room. There was no way you could let him go. But you had to. You had to. Your father had given you no other choice. So you take the coward’s way out.
You text him.
You send him a short text that would send you to the bathroom dry heaving, but you didn’t know what else to do. What more could you say other than your father had snapped at you and you both could no longer be together. It would hurt so much more facing him head on. You knew that if you had to speak to him face to face that you would crack, probably throw out your silly idea of running away together and then face the awkward rejection. This was all you could manage. You felt awful for it, finally forcing yourself off of the floor and dragging your feet to the bathroom to get ready for bed. 
It had been hours and there was no response from Tomura. You couldn't blame him. What could anyone say to a break up text? You hollowly hoped he would fight for you. Even a little. But the flat Read 14:57 showed you otherwise. This had now become a heartbreak you werent quite expecting. You couldn’t help but second guess every interaction you had with him before. If maybe you read into things a little too deeply. If maybe, some smaller, quieter part of you dreaded your father was right.
There was no use of dwelling on that now. No point in running through what you would never know. So, you sighed, and finished up in the bathroom. Slipping on your silk sleeping gown that stopped above your knees and adjusted the small straps on your shoulder. You had cried for hours after your argument – if you could even call it that– with your father was over and your face ached. The bags under your eyes showing the worse for wear state you had found yourself in. it would be okay, you told yourself. You just have to sleep it off. 
And that was your plan and you slid into your welcoming bed, soft comforter embracing you and your worn feelings. You feel more tears begin to sting behind your eyelids before there's a sudden tap at your window. 
A trick of the wind, you decide and return to your somber thoughts. 
You would have to move on eventually, but tonight? He was the only thing on your mind. His eyes, his hair, the way he would feign annoyance when you were overly touchy, craving closer contact. He always indulged you. Always gave you more, you knew he liked it as much as you did. You were lovesick. 
There was that noise again. Louder than before as if someone had thrown a rock right at your window. The room was still and quiet so you knew it hadn’t been your imagination. 
Jumping to your feet and shuffling towards the window in question you brushed your curtains to the side to see the possible culprit. And when you do, your heart drops and instant regret fills you. Stomach aching as you take in the sight before you.
It’s Tomura Shigaraki and he is pissed.
Tomura, your Tomura leering up at you with another rock resting in his hand, bigger and ready to be tossed at your window if the last attempt didn’t work. 
You look around, knowing no one is in your bedroom but yourself and the moonlight, then go to open your window, ducking your head out to get a better look at him. There he was, black hoodie oversized and so soft, red eyes burning in anger but you aren't scared. You’re relieved, it's him. He's here to see you, mouth turned down in a scowl and fists clenched in fury but he was here. 
You couldn’t stop your hushed whisper, “what are you doing here?”
“I came to talk.” Was his only reply before he dropped the rock and walked towards your window. It wasn’t terribly high up, but higher than he could reach without a bit of help from you. 
Now that he was closer you could see the anger in his posture much more clearly. All tense shoulders and narrowed eyes. It was enough to make your stomach turn. You couldn't help but worry your bottom lip as he pulled out his phone and took a step closer.
“Really? Over a fucking text message?” He hissed, rasp in his voice, uncaring of the time of night or who could hear. 
“Tomura, shh, please–” you tried, hands coming up to placate him, if only a little. Your father would have your head if he heard another man in his home, let alone Tomura Shigaraki. 
He huffed a sarcastic laugh, disbelief taking over his features, but he obliged, “I don’t care what your father told you. He can’t control who you talk to.”
You shake your head, the all too familiar sting of tears in your eyes threatening to fall, “I know. I told him that, but he threatened to kick me out, to cut me off. I’m sorry Tomura, but I can't.”
“He can't do that.”
You nod, knowing all too well that your father would go through with his threat. “He can. Technically. I'm an adult, so it’s his choice.” The tears fall now, seeing the rage dissipate from Tomura, slight drop of his shoulders showing disbelief and disappointment. It's too much. This is why you didn’t want to see him, couldn’t face him. “I'm so sorry,” you whisper, trying to hold in the sobs threatening to wrack your body and possibly wake your parents up. This could not have ended worse.  “I don't want it to be this way.”
“Wow, I didn't know you were such a good girl.”
Your breath hitches, caught off guard, “What is that supposed to mean?”
He shrugs. “I didn't know you did everything daddy says. What a good girl you are.” The tone is one you’re familiar with. Condescending. Challenging. He’s testing you.
Your cheeks flushed. What could you say? That you’re not a good girl, actually. Then what would that make you? A bad girl? You would walk right into his trap. He’s watching, waiting for a response. Something to make you slip up. 
You don't have the chance to respond before he’s taking a step forward, lifting your chin with a finger so that you could look him in the eyes. Even in the dim lighting of the room those crimson eyes looked into your own. Like he was delving deeper, looking for the response that you can't seem to give him. Nothing else matters in this moment. It’s just him and you and the pale moonlight dancing between you. The air is tense and unmoving, like the smallest noise, the faintest blow of wind would ruin this moment. 
You couldn’t take it, couldn’t wait another minute before your body moved, leaning forwards onto the tips of your toes to give you more leverage as your lips pressed to his. His lips were still cold and dry from the cool air outside but that didn’t matter. Nothing matters more than knowing you needed more of him and you needed it now. Tomura’s hand came to rest at the nape of your neck, pulling you closer and the kiss deeper. Taking all of you in as his other hand gripped your waist. 
Your hands wasted no time burying into his hoodie – so soft and worn–  the faint smell of citrus and cedar being a comfort as the intoxicating kiss deepened. Tomura wasted no time, slick tongue entering your mouth, hungry, like it was the last time you would have him this way. It was too much. It was not enough. You broke the kiss, a string of saliva following the short distance you put in between. Air seemed sparse, like you couldn't get enough and Tomura spoke before you could.
“Get on the bed.” 
And you did, newfound vigor in your step as you eagerly did as what you were told. Energy ebbing through your veins as excitement overtook your previous anxiety. Tomura was a mere step behind, discarding his hoodie without care and joining you on the bed, caging you beneath him as he dove back in for another kiss, wet and warm, before trailing lower. Open mouthed kisses to your jaw, then neck, his hands, rough and warm gripping your thighs, taking in all he can. After leaving a particularly hard bite on your neck, Tomura lifted your gown up, smooth silk gliding with ease above your ass and resting below your breast. It was only natural for your legs to spread for him, cool air on your bare cunt making you shiver. 
“Oh?” An amused huff from the man above you makes your cheeks heat further than before. He’s seen you like this many times before, but he’s always had a way of making you feel shy. “No panties, huh?”
You push past your embarrassment. “You know i dont wear them to b– ah!” you're cut off by the feeling of his finger sliding between your folds, slick making it glide, and rubbing over your clit. The surprise of the motion makes you press your thighs closer together. Tomura grins above you, before bringing his wet finger to his mouth, a mocking shh following the motion, tongue flicking out and licking the digit as his other hand pushed your legs apart again. 
He bends down, bulge in his sweatpants pressing against your bare cunt. He’s so hard and that thought only makes you wetter. Tomura’s nose brushes yours, your eyelids fluttering shut as he dives to kiss you again. All open mouthed and wet. You could taste yourself on his tongue as well as feel the pressure of his clothed erection grind against you, rubbing against your bundle of nerves. You are sure your slick is dampening his sweatpants but Tomura doesn’t care. He’s grinding you into the mattress and you’re so close to begging him to get on with it you want to scream. But almost like he’s read your mind, he pulls away. 
The kisses he places along your body set your nerves on fire, anticipation eating away at your patience as he takes his time. Once he’s reached his destination, right between your thighs, he places one wet kiss onto the plush of your inner right thigh. Another teasing move. Another way to make you squirm in excitement. He looks up at you, ruby eyes gleaming in the moonlight of the room. 
“Be quiet for me, yeah?” 
Tomura huffs a laugh at your eager nod, grin growing wider. So quick to please. Dedicated. “Good girl.”
The praise makes you falter for a second, embarrassment threatening to make its way to the surface once more. There was no time for it now, Tomura enjoyed catching you off guard. Loved surprises. He wastes no more time, tongue licking a wet strip between your lips. The action causing you to moan louder than you intended. Your hand rushes to cover your mouth. If you were to be caught in this predicament by either of your parents it would be horrendous for the both of you. 
This doesn’t stop Tomura, though. If anything you were starting to think it encouraged him, because his relentless pace on your cunt was driving you wild. His long stripes simmered into just the tip of his tongue flicking your clit and  sending jolts of pleasure roaring through you. You were already close, pleasure and pressure building and building until you were so close to tipping over– 
Knock knock.
“Hey sweetie. I know it's late, I just wanted to talk for a second.” 
It was your mom. Holy shit it was your mom and there's a boy in your bed with his head buried between your legs and holy shit. If she opened the door, if she barged into your room in the familiar way she always had a bad habit of doing, you would be done for. With wide eyes and accelerated breaths, you clamped down harder over your mouth with both hands. Even Tomura stopped in his tracks, gaze lazily focused on the door with curiosity bleeding into his indifference. 
Your mother must have taken the silence as a sign of slumber, yet she continued. Voice muffled by the door between you both. 
“Your father... was harsh today. And I’m sorry for that.” She pauses, long enough for you to believe she would be giving up and going back to her bedroom. You aren't so lucky, surely at this point you were very unlucky and you dreaded whatever else she had to say. “I just want you to know that he just wants the best for you.” your heart drops as she carries on, unaware and unconcerned of the other pair of ears listening in to her words. “We don’t know him that well. We can't risk you getting involved in something you're not ready for and throwing your future away.”
At this, Tomura rolls his eyes, interest clearly lost and goes back to his earlier movements. The sloppy kiss to your clit catches you off guard and forces a whine out of you. It was small, but still a noise. Squeezing your eyes shut you prayed this would be written off as an odd sleep noise. Wishing to the sky that it wasn't noticeable and Tomura would stop. He didn’t. It was in that moment he decided pressing a finger against your entrance would bring out more noises. The digit slipping in with minimal effort and adding more pleasure to this mix as he sucked your clit. 
If your mother heard anything, she didn't make it known. The floorboards outside of your door creaking with the shifting of her weight. “Well, maybe we can get ice cream or something tomorrow. Have a little girl’s day?” The silence is palpable as she waits for an answer that won't come. “Okay well, goodnight sweetie. See you in the morning.”
You don’t know what you're more grateful for; the sound of her receding steps or that fact that Tomura wasn't cruel and waited until the telltale sound of a door opening and closing rang through the air before adding another finger and curling them. This time you couldn’t bite back the moan that escaped you, hands gripping the cotton of your duvet. 
“Aw, how sweet,” Tomura started, sitting up while adding a thumb to your sensitive nub and rubbing slow circles to replace his mouth. “She wants to have a little girls’ day with you.” 
His mocking tone would have gotten a reaction out of you any other time, but right now you were so close. On the precipice of an orgasm that’s been drawn out for far too long. You could only look at him with half lidded eyes as his fingers worked like magic sending you closer and closer, your breath hitching as you finally, finally reached the climax. Body shaking pleasure cascades over you like a tidal wave. 
“There we go,” Tomura whispers, giving your cunt a playful tap after letting you ride the sensation out. He pulls away completely to take off his sweatpants and underwear, cock already hard and leaking. Your tongue darts out to wet your lips at the sight and you hear his breathless chuckle. “I’ll let you have a taste next time, but right now, I can't wait any longer.” 
It was only when he began to line up with your entrance that you absently wondered about the lack of condoms you owned. You look up at him, question burning on your tongue but he only grins at you, and you swore in that moment he was a mind reader. “I didn’t bring any with me, sorry,” his voice was far from apologetic as he stroked his cock, rubbing the head between your folds and against your clit, slick soaking the head. “But don't worry,” he continued, leaning forward and you felt the pressure at your entrance, excitement buzzing through your veins. “I’ll pull out.”
Whether you believed him or not didn’t matter, you had no time to process a thought as he began stretching you to the limit with his size. A gasp escaped your parted lips as the sickeningly sweet feeling of being stretched too far too fast took over. He gave you a minute to adjust, even as his cock twitched in anticipation of movement. The grip he had on your hips was tight enough to bruise and you knew it was taking a lot of his self control to wait for you. 
He pressed on, figuring it had been long enough and bottomed out with a sigh. Your walls clenched around him and swore you could cum from the stretch alone. After giving you a second to breathe he pulled back, almost pulling out, only to snap his hips back forward into you. Your head lolled onto the pillow, hand coming up once more to mute the moans dragging from your body. Tomura hoists your legs onto each side of his shoulders,bending them forward and successfully folding you like a lawn chair as he started his aggressive pace, forcing your tight heat to clench around his cock. 
“Oh, fuck…” you couldn’t help but mutter as you struggled to hold off your already approaching orgasm. 
Tomura saw this as a challenge. “What? You gonna cum on my cock?” he mocked, pace wild and rough, leaving you gasping as you shut your eyes, not ready to admit how right he was. “It's okay,” he continued, leaning closer and allowing his dick to press deeper inside you. The drag hitting the bundle of nerves inside and nearly sending you over the edge. “Come on, cum on my cock like the good girl you are.” 
Those words push you over, hips convulsing as your legs shake and it takes Tomura slapping a hand over your mouth this time to quiet you. You couldn’t focus on anything else, let alone keeping quiet. Your body felt light and Tomura fucked you through it. His pace grew more erratic as his grinning face became one of focus, brows furrowing as his eyes shut and he focused on his pleasure. Your pussy squeezing around him making it harder for him to stave off his own nearing climax. You were worried that at this point you were both too far gone. The silence of the home would leave the messy noises between you both loud and clear for the entire house to hear. Tomura was great at keeping his composure but the soft groans coming from your lover only showed how much he was losing his grip. 
“Can’t– fuck, sorry–” you didn’t have time to decipher his strange words, your curious eyes meeting his face to gauge his expression before you feel it. 
His cock twitches inside you, seed painting your insides white as his thrusts didn't slow. He was hammering away at your insides, only pumping his cum further into you.  You feel so full, the warmth spreading over your body like a blanket. He came in you. Even though he said he wouldn’t, he did. The worst part about it? You don’t care. It's invigorating. You feel even more attached to him. Even closer. You want more.
Overstimulated and weak, you whimpered, thoughts swimming as Tomura finally came down from high. Slowing his thrusts and panting heavily. Your heart is drumming against your chest as he removes your sore legs from his shoulders. Shuddering as he slips out of your tight heat, feeling the cum dripping out of you and onto your sheets. 
The bed dipped as he took his place next to you. Out of breath and eyes focused on the ceiling. Your ears were ringing with the sudden quietness of it all. Things felt different, heavy. 
“You could always just not tell them.” It was Tomura who broke the silence first. “Act sad, mope around, and then come see me at night.” 
You glanced over, vaguely registering the sweat cooling on your body. You would need to get up and get cleaned up soon. “Yeah, but if they catch me–”
“They won't. I’ll teach you how.” he turns towards you, bringing a hand to your chin to make you face him. There’s a fuzzy feeling turning in your chest and the familiarity of heat rising to your cheeks is starting to drive you mad. His grin is enamoring, red eyes almost glowing with mischief in the moonlight. “I’ll show you the ropes.” 
There's an ache that tugs at your chest as you nod. “Okay.”
You are so fucked.
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signedmio · 3 months
hiiii!! i was wondering if perchance i could request head canons or a one shot (whichever you see more fit) of how [character] is on their first date with [reader]
the characters im rlly invested in are alastor, vox, velvette, angel & husk 💗
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���𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐯𝐨𝐱, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭, 𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞, 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐤, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
a/n: i’m so sorry requests have been so slow, my show is almost done (closing night is today) so i’ll be able to get to requests after that!! and i tried to make this a bit longer than my normal pieces so i hope i did okay? we’re almost at 700 btw so tysm for that <3
warnings: profanity, mentions of sex in vox’s part (no smut), mentions of valentino, implied!masc reader in angel’s section — the rest are gn
proofread: no 😔
tags: x reader, alastor, husk hazbin hotel, angel dust, headcanons, the vees
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vox would probably enjoy a night in the most, honestly, fans can irk him a fair bit, and he wants tonight to be about you and him alone
he’d probably get some of his more decent employees to be like waiters, and let’s be real, even if you were only in vox’s quarters, you both would still be dolled up
seeing as this is only the first date, vox’s “show host” persona is still very present, he’s not ready to let his walls down quite yet, he’ll sit there and boast about how fucking amazing he is for most of the date
but you’d be surprised, when you speak, vox won’t shut down anything you’d say, he’s an extremely good listener — it mainly comes from how he has to listen to boring meetings, even when he doesn’t want to, but as much as he won’t admit it, he could listen to you talk anyday
when the end of the date comes, you’re either gonna end up spending the night at his, whether it ends in sex with him or falling asleep on the couch together in the middle of a movie is a bit of a 50/50
OR he’s gonna end up driving you home, mainly because he doesn’t enjoy just walking about the streets of hell, because so many people come up to him, and also cause he doesn’t want to risk putting you in harms way, but also because he wants to flex his fancy ass car…
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𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭
like vox, he’d also probably enjoy a date in a more private settings — due to the type of fans he has, the contract he’s under, along with many other things
but angel has a preference for more relaxed dates, he’d bring you into his room the hotel and end up having a massive sleepover — movies, skincare, gossip seshs, etc. whatever you ask for, he’ll give ya!!
after valentino, i can see angel only really taking interest in people who he’s known for a long time/has a strong bond with — so considering the fact that he’s most likely known you for a long time, this is probably when he’s gonna be more affectionate — possible cuddles, kisses, etc
but even with that, angel really considers first dates as a ‘get to know you’ sorta thing, so he wants to hear all about you, and share stories with you about him as well! you two will probably play games like 21 questions or truth or dare but with mostly truths 😭🙏
honestly, angel will probably spend more time telling you about molly (his sister) then himself, he misses her a lot, and she was one of the biggest parts of him and he loves telling you stories about them together in their lifetime
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in contrast to vox, she would love to go out somewhere for a first date, more specifically, the mall! she may end up treating the first date as more a girls trip, but trust me, it isn’t her way of friend zoning you in the slightest!!
the stores in the mall that she’d most likely wanna hit up are the clothing stores and makeup stores (duh)
she’d try on a bunch of fits for you in a ‘fashion run-way’ kind-of manner and force outfits into your arms and rush you to do the same
and in makeup stores, she’d grab a bunch of lip-oil testers and swatch them on your arm and see which ones she thinks look the best — and she’d also try to find your foundation shade match or something like that
then you goes would probably stop at a food court and she would sit there and just yap, i can see velvette as a big rambler, she can be very expressive with her words, especially when it comes to her passion topics, so she really grows to appreciate you if you decide to hear her out
and side note; if you guys run into one of her fans, she’ll make sure you see it, she needs you to know how fucking hot and famous she is
the both of you will probably stay until the mall is about to close, and then you’ll walk her home, but don’t worry, she’ll give you a small kiss for being so good ~
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honestly, husk would kinda be at loss a for what to do for a ‘date’ — it’s been a long damn time since he’s been romantically interested in someone, so he’s not too sure where to start
he’ll end up going to charlie for help, or angel, and he ends up deciding to take you out to a small diner that’s just a stroll away from the hotel
it’s not great there by any means, but it’s not bad, but more importantly, it’s safe, and that’s all he really wants for you
you two will spend most of the time conversing in conversation, nothing too crazy or life changing, but simple ice breakers here and there, husker is more awkward than you may think
despite the fact that he thinks it’s so fucking stupid, he takes charlie’s idea to share a smoothie with you, which ends up back-firing as he takes a sip and it goes through and up your straw and splatters onto your face
and you can’t help but blush as he gets a little too close to you as he wipes the smoothie off of your face with a few napkins…
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alastor is a gentlemen, who aims to please, so he has a number of activities for you that are bound to blow you out of the water, even if the idea is simple on paper
first, he starts off by taking you out to dinner, the fanciest restaurant he could find, you both are dressed up to a tee
he makes sure to feed you every last bite of your food, treating you like a pet, its so sickeningly sweet you didn’t whether to be slightly offended or swoon right then and there
then he takes you out to a nice park, even if it’s already dark out, and he’ll have you on his arm and take a simple stroll with you, the attention is fully on you and he won’t shy away from giving you all the praise possible
shortly after, alastor will get his staff and play some gentle jazz music as you both sway under the hellish stars on what seems to be such a blissful night ~
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i do not permit for my work to be reposted, translated, or stolen. all rights go to signedmio. characters are not mine, unless stated, and belong to their rightful creators.
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kindestofkings · 7 months
what came first, the chicken or the dickhead [2/3]
f1driver!reader x lando norris (eventually, friends to lovers ofc)]
authors note: THANK YOU SOOO much for the love on part one guys I'm so overwhelemed 🥺 hope you guys enjoy this next part <33
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Liked by landonorris and others 
yourusername I'm sorry, the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now
Why? Oh, 'cause she's about kick off her first season with ferrari xx
view all 580 comments 
landonorris shes in her reputation era 💅
yourusername i've trained you so well
ynfan1 I'm so excited to see you in that red car ❤️🔥
Racerbia I can't believe my bestie is a FERRARI DRIVER
yourusername I know can you believe it!! best of luck with your season this year <33
charles_leclerc I did not know you joining the team would result in me learning so many taylor swift lyrics
landonorris just you wait until she starts sending you fan theories.. yourusername charlie you'd get an A in taylor swift theory and lyric knowledge, dont fight it !! f1fan she calls him charlie they have to be dating!
ynfan1 charles_leclerc what's your favourite Tswift album?
charles_leclerc I think its Red charles_leclerc (TAYLOR'S VERSION THO) yourusername phew that was a close one
​​taylorswift never seen a getaway car driver look so good, knock em dead 🖤
yourusername omgomgomgomgomgomg mother, I mean miss Swift its an honour landonorris oh thats why shes inconsolably crying alex_albon is that what that scream was? ynfan2 shes been broken
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liked by yourusername and others 
scuderiaferrari red era vibes with our dynamic duo locking it down here in bahrain! our two drivers are ready for sunday 👊
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ynfan1 the power of yourusername, converting the whole ferrari team into being swifties 😂
yourusername you know it! I'm a swiftie first, a media nightmare second and THEN a f1 driver
f1fan enough with the pop culture comparisons. what matters is the race, not taylor swift. Let the performance do the talking
ynfan2 how sad is your little life??
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 liked by landonorris and others 
yourusername P3 babyyy, while your out here running your mouth still I'm busy getting on to that podium. Bahrin you were beautiful, thank you to the team and to charles for all the support this weekend, and just in general ❤️
congrats maxverstappen1 on opening the season with such a surprising (not) win! was a fun fight 😂
view all 290 comments
maxverstappen1 think you going to be a reoccurring problem now!
yourusername it me hi! im the problem its me xx (liked by taylorswift and others)
ynfan1 I never expected the f1/taylor swift cross over but i love this
f1fan making the tifosi so proud  👊❤️
maxfewtrell fantastic drive, so proud!!!
yourusername maxi my boy <3
charles_leclerc posted to their story!
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-@carlossainz55 would never have done this to me 😞
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liked by yncharlesshipper and others
f1wagsupdates in the week coming to the monaco grand prix, it appears the two ferrari drivers are spending time together with leclerc's family! seems like a bit more than just teammate bonding 👀
view all 290 comments
yncharlesshipper wow the family, must be serious
ynlando4ever please please please be besties
ynfan1 its getting hard to be delulu about this 😀
yourusername posted a photo to their story!
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Mwahahahah mama leclerc the women than you are
charles_leclerc when did this exchange happen 😂 arthur_leclerc 😂 😂 😂 😂 landonorris troy bolten and justin beiber call they want hair tips x
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 liked by susie_wolff and others 
yourusername MONACOOOO its race day and you best believe I'm bringing my A game in defensive racing. il predestinato will break his monaco curse if its the last thing I do 😤
charles_leclerc starting p1 go slay this thing bestie!!
view all 486 comments
charles_leclerc the best 👊
scuderiaferrari teamwork makes the dream work 🔥
f1fan gasly could NEVER with the teamwork
ynfan1 ouch that bestie has gotta hurt 😬
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liked by yourusername and others
charles_leclerc best. day. ever.
winning in red and winning at home has always been the dream, thank you thank you everyone for the support in getting here! special thanks to yourusername for the incredibly defense and helping reach my dream 🫶
this one's for you, monaco!
view all 1k comments
scuderiaferrari we always knew you could do it 👊🔥
yourusername CHARLIEEE always knew you could do it !
carlossainz55 amazing felicidades
charles_leclerc thank you thank you
maxverstappen1 hate to lose but congrats mate!
pierregasly living out your destiny 💪 that was all you charles!
ynfan1 pierre try not to make a petty comment challenge: FAILED (liked by yourusername)
f1fan monaco belongs to you, il predestinato!!!
yourusername posted a photo to their story!
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they both prefer each other over me guys help 😭😭
landonorris my best girl 🥰 -> me?? so kind! landonorris 😑😑
I just tagged a few peps that I thought were waiting out for part 2! let me know if you're not comfortable being tagged :))
taglist: @kissesandmartinis @kissesandmartinis @vellicora @reidside @leclercin16
2/3 , part three is coming later tonight its gonna be fluffy i promise 💓
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thoughtsforsoob · 3 months
Hiii!Can I ask for "arguments with txt" with comfort at the end?
arguments with txt
a/n: I just made like a texts version of this so please check out my last post! I will fulfill this request by making a more long form version about what arguments with them are like/about. (I hate conflict. If people are arguing or fighting in front of me, I will run off or just straight up have a panic attack, it's happened before. trust me. witnessing school fights in hs was not kind to me). I hope this is okay too :) hehe you almost got 2 parts in a way. Please enjoy! I’m currently cleaning out my inbox so idk how fast it’ll get done but I promise im doing my best. Thank you!!!
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Argument’s with him are very uncommon. He often time doesn’t take them very seriously that frustrates you to no end. You and him tend to argue about little things which is surprise because you seem to talk out all of the big things you guys go through. It’s very confusing to say the least. He’ll get upset with you for little things like for example: leaving your dish in the sink for later. It drives him up the wall and it really shouldn’t. His tactics for when he’s upset is to just get away from you and ignore you for an hour or two. you already know his habits so you just leave him be. He’s not really good at admitting he’s wrong or that his behavior was pointless but he knows it in his head. Over time, he’ll stop doing things like this but just give him some time. He’s adjusting to being the both of you in the apartment and not just him.
it's so hard to argue with him because he will never want to face your issues head on. he's shy in nature so any conflict makes him nervous and he retreats, avoiding talking about it. he would much rather forgive and forget without say much at all. sometimes, though, it's impossible to forgive and forget without saying anything. when those situations so arise, you have to sit him down and talk to him very calmly. he responds better to this type of conversations. anyways, he is very silent when it comes to arguments as well. you can tell he's upset because his responses are so short and cold. the best way to ask him to talk is just asking him straight but with a very calm voice so as to not make him upset even more.
I would hare to argue with him. He's so unresponsive when it comes to arguments. The only things he does is sit there and listen to you talk to him about what he's done wrong, roll his eyes with a huff and then just spew out all kinds of meant things. He knows what he's saying but he doesn't;t think it'll affect you in the long wrong. During one argument, you were getting on him about picking up his game remote from the couch and putting them into the little box you bought him for all the cables and remotes to are stored in. you also threw in a little comment about picking his dirty clothes off the bathroom floor and he lost it. he said you were lazy and did the same thing too (leaving your clothes behind). he only realizes what he's done when you start to cry right in front of him. he goes nuts apologizing and will def come to his senses when he sees you this way.
he will sit there at argue with you for hours, upon hours, upon hours. he is not going to back down because he hates being wrong. even if he knows he's wrong, he hates admitting it. he always eventually admits his faults but it takes a while. he is so stubborn and it causes quite a few issues in your relationship. something this causes the both of you to fight over the most silly things ever. one of the silliest ones for example was when you were talking about how much you loved in actor in a movie you had watched he'd recently. he insists that it was someone else and eventually he realizes hes wrong but he hates to say he made a mistake. he gives you silent treatment for a few hours and when that time is up, he goes to look for you and tells you to get ready because you're going to get food with him. he is such a mom when it comes to apologizing (my mom loves to mend our issues with a trip for boba or a trip to target where she buys me snacks or a new shirt or something).
Huening Kai
he is just like soobin in the aspect of a relationship. non-confrontational to the bone. arguments trigger his fight or flight and it frustrates him when arguments run too long. arguments with him are always about him putting himself down or not letting himself rest enough when he is clearly exhausted. thats all. you too can usually talk things out due to your extremely close bond but sometimes things get out of hand and you have to get on his case. it usually starts with him coming home in tears and beyond frustrated. this is almost always because he sat in the practice room and read comments left by mean people. or because ehe was struggling with a new choreography. you try to help him by telling him to wash up and get rest but he completely just blows up on you and tells you to butt out. you leave him alone but he realizes his mistake when he see you on the couch, covered with a blanket, watching tv without him. he sits next to you and apologizes. he is not someone who hates being wrong. if he's wrong, he'll apologize with no hesitation.
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outsideratheart · 3 months
Lucy bronze one where r doesn’t wanna her up for training some fluff. Thanks
I just want to take care of you (Lucy Bronze x reader)
Lucy had promised you she was fine and she said her knee was fine. This was a lie because 4 days after the Chelsea game your girlfriend was in the hospital having surgery.
Before now you trusted her explicitly and for the most part you still do. When it comes to her injury though, you didn’t believe a word that came out of her mouth. You attended every physio appointment and made notes of her progress. You knew what her road to recovery would entail and you knew when she would hopefully get the greenlight.
“Can I join you on your run?” Lucy was moping around the kitchen as you got ready.
“No Lucy, you can’t. You’re on track and I won’t be the reason that changes. I’m meeting Alexia afterwards so I’ll meet you at the training ground” you place a quick kiss on her cheek.
She hated lying to you about her pain and discomfort but she wanted to be the strong powerful person she knew you loved. The reason for the dishonesty was fear and she knew it.
You and Alexia were running a little bit late to training. By the time you get to the pitch, the whole team is already out there. The whole team including Lucy and Frido.
“Love, I know you miss it but you can’t be here. You haven’t been cleared yet”
“I have” Lucy was telling the truth.
“No you haven’t. You aren’t due for clearance until next month”
Lucy grabbed your hand and walked you over to where the physios were speaking to Jona.
“I told you she wouldn’t believe me. Please tell her”
The physios go on to explain how Lucy passed all her tests this morning and that they have cleared her for team training. When you question it they promised that they would keep an eye on her and monitor every move she made.
Training is normally your happy place but not today, today you were filled with worry. You were trying to focus on your own performance but your mind kept straying to Lucy and how she was playing. It was during one counter attack that things got intense. Mapi did a clean tackle and got the ball. Any other day you would praise her but with the speed Lucy was running down the wing, Mapi’s tackle sent her flying.
“Lucy!” You are by her side in seconds “medics!” You begin to panic but Lucy brushes the grass off her knees and stands up as if nothing happened.
“I’m fine, im fine”
There was that word again. Fine. She said that one before.
“Get checked out. If they say you are fine then you can continue”
“Captains orders!” You snap. It wasn’t a malicious snap but one of concern.
Lucy does in fact get cleared but your head is all over the place so you sit out and watch the team strategically.
Very little is said on the way home and that doesn’t change once you are in your shared apartment.
“Here. Ice it. I’m going for a shower”
“No” Lucy takes the ice off you before pulling you over to the sofa “we are going to talk about what happened today”.
You let out a huff of frustration. You really didn’t want to talk about it, not while you were this worked up. You placed Lucy’s leg on the foot rest and make sure her knee was iced before you started talking.
“You got cleared ahead of schedule. You went down and I panicked. There, end of story”
“There’s more to it than that. You’ve seen me injured before, this time is different”
“Yes, it’s different. Last time you were honest with me. You told me when it got bad and we dealt with it together. This time you lied. You told me you were fine and then you were in the hospital again”
Seeing your girlfriend laying in a hospital bed was never a welcomed sight but this time things felt weird between the two of you.
“It was a small surgery. I didn’t want to worry you”
“Right because look how great that turned out”
“I’ll admit I could have handled it better but I didn’t want you to see me weak”
“Weak? Lucy you are one of the strongest people I know”
“But I wasn’t a few weeks ago. I was hurting and I thought the way for you to still see me as strong was to lie to you” Lucy tried to explain how her mind worked and her reasoning for withholding the truth.
“Let’s get one thing straight. Lying to me is never the answer”
“No buts. I don’t like not trusting what you say Lucy. This” you run your hand over her knee and gently stroke her scar “is important and I want you to be honest with me about it. Please please be honest with me Lucy”
“From this moment on I will always tell you the truth, no matter what. Pinky promise” you hold her pinky finger out and waits for you to accept it.
You look at her as if weighing out your options. When you see the look of panic of Lucy’s face you know you’ve waited long enough. You hook your pinkies.
“Now, you said something about a shower” your girlfriend raises her eyebrows playfully.
“How about a bath instead” you suggest.
“Even better”
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swiftieblyth · 3 months
Cuddle Time part 4: Our Little Girl
warnings- pregnancy, vomit, fluff, the hunger games
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You woke up feeling sick to your stomach, you patted Coryo on the shoulder, shaking him awake as you called for him. “Coryo, I need help.” You begged.
“What is it?” He asked, bolting up. “Did your water break? Is she coming?”
“I need to puke.”
“Okay,” Coryo let out, rushing out of bed to help you to the bathroom, as you started crying. “It’s okay, it’s okay, darling rose. Don’t cry.”
You got to the bathroom and he helped you to the floor, holding your hair back as you puked into the toilet.
When you were done you leaned back, breathing heavily, tears streaming down.
“Shh, it’s okay my love.” He cooed, kissing the back of your head, holding you close, as he ran his hand along your stomach in a soothing pattern. “I’ve got you. I’ve got both of you.”
“I’m so tiered.”
“I know. I know petal. But she’ll be her any day now, and everything will be worth it yeah? Once she’s here I can help you more.”
“I’ll be right here with you the whole time.”
“But what about Panem? It needs its president.”
“And the president’s family needs him more.”
“I don’t want to be a burden.” You bawled. “I can take care of her. I’m sure Penny would help.”
“Darling, darling,” Coryo cut in. “Hey, stop. It’s okay, just breathe. Breath. There you go. I’m going to help take care of our little girl. I’m going to spoil her rotten remember?”
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The two of you were waiting for the games to start, mingling with other superior people. You stayed by Coryo’s side as he said hello and shook people’s hands. Trying to keep calm even though the baby was being restless. Coryo had an arm wrapped around you, hand on your bump and you wondered if he could also feel the baby.
The baby kicked harder than they have before and you had to bit down a groan. You were praying that Coryo didn’t feel it, but you know he did when he turned to look at you instead of the person he was talking to.
You smiled at him, trying to reassure him, as you grabbed his hand and slipped from his grip. “Excuse me.” You said. “I’m just going to go to the ladies room.”
You waddled your way there as fast as you could on your own and locked the door behind you.
You took a deep breath and looked at yourself in the mirror, hands running along your stomach, pushing down on your dress to show just how big you looked.
You hated how big you looked. You had never been this big, and you knew it was because your child, but you hated it. You tried to blink the tears away when you heard a knock on the door.
“Love?” You heard Coryo ask, fear lacing his voice. “Love are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“I’m fine.” You crook, choking on your tears.
“Darling, what happened? Petal, I need you to let me in. Can you do that?”
You sighed as you waddled to the door and unlocked it. Coryo quickly opened it and locked it after him, turning his attention to you.
“What is it?” He asked, placing his hands on your cheeks. “Is she coming? Did your water break?”
“No.” You cried.
“Then what is it honey?” He asked, gingerly wiping a tear away.
“She won’t stop moving, and I just hate how I look. I’m the biggest I’ve ever been, and I haven’t seen my feet in forever, and I can’t move well, im the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been, and I’m just so big.”
“Shh shh. That’s okay. That’s all okay. I know you’re so uncomfortable, and I wish I could help you with that, I really do. But unfortunately the only thing I can truly help you with is moving around, I’m always here to help. But as for being big. I don’t care that it’s the biggest you’ve ever been. You’re still the most beautiful lady in all of Panem. And even more pretty if that even possible. I know you can’t wait for our little girl to be here, and I can’t either. But my love you look absolutely radiant carrying our child.”
“Really?” You asked.
“Really my love.” He smiled, kissing your head. “The games will be starting soon, are you ready?”
The two of you walked to your seats and Coryo helped you down, than sat next to you, wrapping one hand around your arms and the other hand placed protectively on you bump.
Unfortunately the baby didn’t calm down, she just kept moving and kicking and hitting you. You wanted to cry but knew you couldn’t because the games were about to start.
Coryo could feel the baby and looked at you. He saw the tears in your eyes and leaned in, kissing your head and whispering, “Do we need to go home my love?”
“No,” you replied. “The games are about to start.”
Right after you said that the countdown started and then the buzzer went off.
You watched as kids brutally murdered each other or he killed as you held your bump, thankful that your baby never had to do that. You wanted to cry and throw up from what you were watching when you felt a liquid on your legs and dress.
You looked down and then gasped as you felt the baby again.
Coryo whipped his head around and looked at you.
“My water broke,” you let out.
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geminibsworld · 5 months
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fingertips - t.b
summary: enemies to lovers
warning: cussing, smoking, drinking, smut & infidelity
“mike!” Priscilla shouts, brushing down her school uniform. her feet padding on the wooden floor below her. she enters her bedroom and sits on her bed. she pulls up her her thigh highs, before slipping her mary jane’s on.
“mike!” she yells again, as she buckles them. she sits up, making sure her dutch braids feel even. she mumbles to herself, before grabbing her glasses putting them on before she stands up grabbing her bag and walking down the stairs.
she sees mike, and his airpods in his ears as he stares at his phone. she rolls her eyes before walking up to him. she sighs annoyingly, looking at the time on her phone. mikes eyes finally meet pricilla’s.
“oh, hi baby, is it time to go?” he asks, setting down his phone and taking out his airpods and placing them in the case. he stands up giving her a quick kiss on her cheek before grabbing his bag. she follows him out the door, slamming the door behind her.
“are you upset with me?” he asks, turning around his brown eyes meeting her hazel eyes. she frowns and shakes her head.
“no- i have thing about being on time and ready to go. you know this,” she shrugs, rolling her eyes. mike grabs pricilla’s hand, entwining their fingers.
“baby, you stress too much. too easily.” he says, a small chuckle escaping his lips, she glances up at him.
“you relax too much,” she says, emphasizing ‘too much,’ mike scoffs next to her, shaking his head.
“im just trying to help,” he says, shaking their hands playfully.
“you would help me if you actually paid attention to these things,” priscilla looks at him sternly. mike rolls his eyes, going quiet.
“mike!” a voice calls behind them, priscilla instantly groans out loud. mike glances at her, before snapping his head to look behind them.
“hey tommy boy,” mike laughs, letting go of her hand. pricilla stops turning around seeing, Tom, mikes best friend. he grins, as mike and him and do a handshake that they do every time they greet each other.
tom annoyed priscilla, more than anything. his tall, lean frame, his wavy brown hair, his blue eyes, that she’s noticed change color in certain light, everything annoyed him. he was like mike, careless, not stressed, ever and was the biggest man whore she’s ever met. he was a nuisance to her, tom thought pricilla’s hatred was funny. infact, he always pushed her buttons, too much. he was always laughing at her, teasing her, annoying her, she wanted to punch him desperately. to the point, her fist is always balled up especially when he’s around. pricilla used to have a crush on tom, before she even met mike. she always thought tom was cute, not anymore though.
“ah! my favorite annoyance!” tom’s voice, erupted a big smile on his face as he approached her. mike walks next to him, talking about fortnite or some other game they play together.
“get the hell away from me,” priscilla hisses, turning around spinning on her heel and trying to walk away faster. but tom, he always caught up with her. he jogged slightly to catch up with her, mike now scrolling through tiktok’s.
“for a short girl, you move pretty fast,” tom jokes, a smirk on his face. pricilla rolls her eyes at him, he glances down at her shoes.
“especially in mary jane’s, so cute by the way,” he says, priscilla looks at him making a face of disgust. they approached the school, pricilla wanted to run away but with ice and snow on the ground and school, she couldn’t.
“do you not have any other friends?” pricilla snaps, tom laughs clearly not taking her serious. pricilla stops raising her brows, her lips parting slightly. they face each other now, mike was still a few feet away. tom smirks down on her, glancing at mike.
“i do, unfortunately they’re not as fun as you are,” he says, his smooth and low. priscilla’ fist balls up, her nails digging into her palm. she could feel her nails stabbing her, she didn’t care. she was so angry.
“unfortunately, i don’t like you. only reason you’re around, is because of mike, okay?” she says, in a stern voice. tom scoffs, adjusting his back pack.
“yeah? you sure about that?” tom says, for once serious. priscilla clenched her jaw as mike approached them, he laughs at a tiktok before looking up at tom and pricilla. he puts his phone away, and wraps an arm around her.
“you guys ready?” mike says, pressing a small kiss to the side of her head. priscilla glares into tom’s eyes, unballing her fist. tom swallows before responding to mike.
“never,” he jokes, like nothing was said and nothing happened. she hated about him, he just moves on too fast. tom begins to walk away, mike entwines their fingers again going inside. pricilla glares at the back of tom’s head.
they walk into the warm school, students and teachers in the hall. priscilla lets out a small breath as she approaches her locker, letting go of mikes hand. tom and mike start talking again, this time about sports. they always talked about things pricilla never cared about, she honestly doesn’t know how she and mike work. she loves him, and everything but when tom’s around everything is different and he’s always around, that’s how pricilla views it anyways.
“babe, im gonna go to my first class okay?” mike says, giving priscilla a quick kiss on her cheek. tom stands off to the side, a small playful smirk on his lips. she knows he’s going to say something, he always says something.
“good luck,” she says to mike, he smiles and nods before leaving the two of them. priscilla makes her way to her class, hoping tom won’t say anything to her or follow her.
“wow, what a kiss huh?” he jokes, next to her. pricilla wants to scream, and that might her look like she has mental health issues so she doesn’t. she screamed internally, while also wanting to bash his head in with a metal chair. priscilla glances at him, nodding slowly.
“oh yeah, forgot you’re an expert,” she scoffs, “you definitely have fucked every girl in this school, at least once,” priscilla rolls her eyes, yanking open the classroom door, hoping she’d hit him. tom laughs, before holding the door for them as they walk in. tom follows quickly behind her as she sits down at her desk, tom slides in the desk next to her.
“yeah? you jealous?” he asks, she could hear the arrogant smirk in his voice. she shoots him a glare, taking off her glasses and wiping them on her sleeves. other students fill the room, the first bell rings as the teacher walks in.
“oh yeah, soo jealous,” she mumbles sarcastically. tom laughs next to her, pulling out his laptop. she rolls her eyes putting on her glasses. the second bell rang and the teacher begins his lesson.
the teacher, Mr. william, told the students to pull out their books. he didn’t have a plan or lesson technically, he just wanted them to read. tom leans back in his seat, starting the book. pricilla glances at him, before crossing her legs. her skirt riding up, exposing the thigh highs she wore. they were definitely scandalous to say the least, black and lacy. her foot shook anxiously, as she read. tom’s hands making the book seem so much smaller than what the book was to priscilla. she stared at his hands, admiring how the rings looked on his fingers.
tom was taking glances at her thigh highs, he loved her legs yet the thigh highs made them look so sexy. tom’s eyes would glance to the pages, then to her thighs like clock work. he rarely got to see her thighs, at all. he loved them, he’d imagine his hands on her thighs all the time. his eyes glance back down to the page, before he looked at priscilla watching her. her foot bounced as she chewed her bottom lip, he glanced down at the pages, before he looks up again. he sees priscilla her eyes staring at something, he didn’t know what. she looked like she was in deep thought, he decides to look where her eyes were, his eyes follow her glance leading them to his hand on the desk. he smirks to himself, before adjusting his hand his hand wraps around the edge of the table. he glances towards her, seeing her now reading her face hiding in the book.
priscilla hated tom, she could feel his eyes. he caught her staring at his hands. how embarrassing, she wanted to hit him with her book.
later in the day, tom followed priscila and mike back to priscilla’s parents house . mike was talking about his day, and was trying to get priscilla to talk about her day. tom was surprisingly quiet, it made priscilla happy but so nervous.
“babe, tom’s coming over okay? he’s my partner on a project- i need him,” mike says, playfully glancing back at tom.
“whatever,” she grumbles, she unlocks her parents house. she pushes the door open, throwing her bag down in the chair next to the door. she takes off her coat, as tom and mike sit on the couch. she heads into the kitchen grabbing two water bottles, when tom walks in. they run into each other, tom’s quick to bend down and grab the bottles.
“shit, sorry,” he says, his eyes glancing at her thighs as he stands from his squatting position. he stands up slowly, one of his hands holding both water bottles. she glances down at his hand, before meeting his gaze. he was staring at her, intensely. she wanted to look at away, it was almost as if he was hypnotizing her.
“ya know, you should take a picture. it just might last longer,” he says, a boyish smile on his lips, priscilla backs up instantly, quickly playing off a scoff rolling her eyes.
“shut up- i was thinking and spaced out,” priscilla says, unsure of what she was even saving. she felt nervous and embarrassed. she could feel her cheeks heating up, she felt so silly.
“sure,” he says laughing, walking backwards giving her a wink as he enters the living room. pricilla wanted to punch him yet again. she wanted nothing to do with him, yet he was invading her thoughts like it was nothing.
the next day, pricilla’s foot anxiously tapped against the metal pole that supported her desk. she chewed on her lip, she was anxious and mad. the relationship between her and mike was weird, mike isn’t into sex or intimacy, which is fine, but she hasn’t had sex in a year and it was really getting to her. she was so angry all the time, so frustrated, so upset. tom was constantly on her mind, all the time. his smell, his stupid smirk, and hypnotizing eyes. she was mad, she began to feel bad for mike but yet she wanted tom. she was mad at herself, and tom. she knew that he knew what she was doing. it was obvious, painfully obvious. she chewed on her lip, tasing blood. she let go of her lip, setting her pencil down and pulling her phone out. the black screen with her reflection, she looked at her lip before turning on her phone completely.
two texts from tom was on her lockscreen, she used her face id to look at the messages.
‘i know you’re thinking about me’
‘is it hot?’
she furrowed her brows at the messages looking up, she crossed her legs looking up from her phone. she saw tom looking at his lap, clearly looking at his phone. he had a grin on his face, she could see his smile lines. she quickly replies back.
‘fuck off,’
she presses send. shutting off her phone once again, sliding it into her bag. she finished the rest of the paper, as she stood up and walked it to the front setting down the paper on top of the table. she walked back glancing at tom. he was already watching her. their eyes meet, he raises his brows a small smile on his face as he looks back to his phone. silently priscilla curses him out, imagining picking up the desk by her and throwing it at him.
she sat down at her desk beginning to get her things together as the bell rang, she almost sprinted out of the classroom. mike waits outside next to the lockers, she could feel’s eyes on the back of her head. she ignored the heart palpitations and butterflies, she yanked mike into her pulling him into a deep kiss. smashing her mouth into his, mikes hands land on her waist gently pushing her off. her hands gripping his shirt, she lets out a small whine.
“babe, c’mon, be serious,” mike jokes, pressing a small kiss to her forehead. priscilla rolls her eyes, letting go of mike.
“you never want to do anything,” priscilla sighs, mike entwines their fingers as they begin to leave. mike lets out a groan, priscilla snaps her head to look at him. mike shrugs, before a dry laugh escapes his lips.
“it’s not that i don’t want to do anything, i just don’t think it’s important,” he says in the kindest voice he can muster. she knew he was upset, but she was upset too.
“mike wants to save himself for his ‘soulmate’,” tom says sneaking up behind them, priscilla looks at mike then tom then back to mike again.
“why haven’t you ever told me this before?” she asks, pouting almost ignoring tom. her shoes clicked on the aluminum floor as they left the building the cold sweeping across her exposed legs as they stepped out.
“i thought i did,” he shrugs, turning to start talking to tom about something that happened in their class together. priscilla went to respond but nothing came out. she walked alone, listening to the hustle of the city. occasionally hearing a laugh from tom or mike.
they approached the priscilla’s parents house. priscilla just wanted to be alone, away from everyone. she went to open the door as she stopped, before turning around and closing the door. mike and tom stopped talking and looked at her.
“i think i would like to be alone, today.” priscilla speaks frowning slightly, before turning around not waiting for their replies and heads into the house. she slams the door being her, and immediately starts her way up to her room. she throws her bag down on a chair, unzipping the bag pulling out her phone, she presses the power button before throwing her phone the bed.
she begins to undress from her school uniform, kicking off her shoes then grabbing a pair of her shorts and a cropped t shirt. she laid down on her bed, grabbing her phone. the screen showed two messages from Tom and Mike.
what’s your problem?
i love you!
she types to mike first of course texting back, then messaging Tom.
my problem? you’re my problem
you mad your boyfriend won’t fuck you?
priscilla gasps, furrowing her brows angrily.
you don’t know what my boyfriend and i do, our business. our relationship.
please. i know everything about your relationship. mike tells me everything. plus, you’re so uptight it’s obvious
what’s so obvious?
you need to be fucked? obviously?
you’re disgusting
want to find out how disgusting i really am? been dying to show you. bet you’d look so pretty on my cock.
the text sent shockwaves through her, the type of shockwaves where she was aching. she clenched her thighs, feeling a wave of excitement course through her. she couldn’t help but picture it. she’d heard rumors he was big, and she couldn’t help but him. she hated him, yet she wanted him so bad. she went to reply when he sent another text.
you’re thinking about it. i know you are, i know how to tame brats. you’d be begging for more when im done with you.
she rubbed her thighs together, creating a friction her shorts rubbing her. she was turned on, so badly she felt like she’d never been touched before. soaking her panties, probably her shorts.
im good, i have mike.
she felt guilty, yet she wanted to give into temptation so bad. her body was begging her too, she wanted to so bad.
he wouldn’t know what to do with you.
priscilla groans loudly, she hated him. she couldn’t help feel so turned on, she didn’t know if it was tom or if it was her just being horny.
and you do?
she wanted to throw her phone across the room as she went that reply, instead she sat it on her bed. she closes her eyes, her hands dig into her hair frustratingly. she feels a vibration, she pulls her hand out of her hair and sees a text from tom.
yeah i do. wanna find out?
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Hi there! I was wondering if I could request a scenario for Identity V? Specifically for Norton? I love the way you write for him!
Okay so, it’s safe to say that since Norton and Fools Gold are basically the same person, they feel the same way about things, including people. What if the reader (female or gender neutral) discovers Norton’s feelings toward them after having a match against Fools Gold and confronts him about it? Like rather than chair the reader, FG acts possessive toward them and teases them? Confrontation with Norton could end in fluff or NSFW, up to you!
Thank you!
Fool's Gold be normal challenge part 2 lol but im mad i lost my idea midway (curse u adhd!)
Rated Mature | Warning: relationship -in psychologist voice-
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With how long you have been running your chest is starting to hurt, which does not help the limited places to run are getting smaller and smaller. Luckily, the map is Chinatown and there are plenty of places to hide. Not so lucky, as the hunter is well aware of those places. Not a rare map to be placed in but frequent as the Arms Factory or Sacred Heart Hospital. 
With a dash upstairs and your legs give out, your chest burns but your heart does not stop racing as the hunter is still nearby.
You have been tunnel-hunted before by hunters, never for a reason-- Sometimes. However, you have never felt like a mouse in a game of cat and mouse, there is a teasing nature and you hate it. Fool’s Gold can be mean but he is no Ithaqua or Ripper, still for him to get seemingly off on you running away— His laugh loud— Worries you. The costume he has on does not help as he looks like a demon from the seven hells ready to claim your soul!
“Sparky, where are you~!” In a sing-song voice as he comes up the stairs. You go still, your dark costume is to your advantage as you hide behind a mannequin. The heavy footsteps have you holding your breath as you emerge from the stairway. His eyes looked around, his intimidating height towering above everything. He turns in your direction, golden stylized pickaxe but then lowers it as he hears a cipher pop.
“I will be back for you later.”
You have experienced fear but the rush of it never gets easier.
The hunter throws his weapon before using the magnetism to pull himself out of the opening in the store. You dash immediately out the other way refusing to just pray he forgets you.
He does not, he waits for you to be rebirthed by Embalmer's casket. You stumble out still hurt but alive, Fool's Gold leaning against a wall cleaning the caked-on blood on his hand, his pickaxe nowhere in sight.
“Only Norton calls me that.” Getting ready to book it.
“I am Norton.” Stepping forward, “Better than that brat.” You step to the side.
“No, you are some fucked ‘what if’.”
Fool's Gold stands at his full height, his one eye glowing almost brighter in this dark area, “Careful, sparky, I can let you escape through the dungeon if you behave.”
“I will hit you.” That makes him laugh, “I have one fuse left, we can go together.” Because you are not above being crazy.
“That I do not doubt,” Closer but you stand firm, “But you used all your tools. Too bad it didn't help that prison rat.” When you actually attempt to hit him, he is careful not to use his solid hand. His deformed hand holds you in place, the magnetism holding it together is used to keep you on the table as you try thrashing about. “You could've left him alone!”
“Yeah? Maybe you should've let me have you.” Standing over you, “Kiting me only pissed me off.” It is true the time he had you in his sights you made your business to be annoying. He scares you! Like right now. Being pinned down on a table with him between your legs. His solid hand traces your face.
“He didn't mark you.” Spoken when he yanks down your top to expose your neck and part of your chest. The marks on your skin are always from Norton, friends with benefits arrangement.
“What, you plan on doing it for him?” Playing fearless but you are fearful, this is the darker part of Norton. The demon everyone tries to hide made manifest, Norton hates it— Hates him.
“Why else do you think I have you here and not bleeding you out.” As if he would waste his time bleeding out anyone, maybe himself but that work he does not feel like bothering with. “Are you going to fight me?”
You weigh your options, “Mess around and find out, sport.”
His grin is wide, His teeth look sharp, and your inner masochist is excited.
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He let you go via the dungeon, your legs hurt and you know your chest and neck must look like a mess. Easy to hide until you find Norton in your room waiting. He hates it when you have matches with his counterpart, especially the tunnel-hunting you most of the time.
“(Name).” Standing up the moment you entered, he put down the charm you made him on the bed where he was sitting.
“We should talk.”
Talking usually with Norton means he has to sit and listen and consider things, you only inform him so he has time to process and return to you. However, given the things Fool's Gold— Other Norton—was open about. Details are murky as he is not exactly like Norton, but the raw feelings are there, all laid bare because he refuses to standby and let his other self be an idiot.
The conversation is long, but no tears, and a few awkward silences but it ends with an understanding. Sex does not happen, Norton learning the ability to be grateful does not mean sex. Plus, the prospector is conflicted about how his other self thinks he has the right to touch you.
“I mean he is you?”
“I don't care! You're mine.”
“Oh, can you say that again for me, sport?”
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I saw your requests were open and I came RUNNING! I’m the one who always requests dad!tan but I have a different one this time (barely) cause I’m thinking of like dad!pietro. Would love some HCs or a short fic, whatever you want honey. Love you and your writing!!
hii!! omg it’s you!! ofc angel, love you and hope you’re well💌
— I feel like he's a boy dad (but maybe has 3 kids? twins - boy and girl age 5 or 6?? (can't help myself) and another little boy, like 2???? idk, not completely sure?? or just one kid?? no idea where I stand on the amount tbh lol)
— (might be stereotypical dad stuff but bc it's pietro it works) loves being able to do sporty things with the oldest boy. throwing balls in the garden, taking him to sports events, watching him at school games, taking him to practice - all that kind of stuff. he might be slightly disappointed if his son isn't into sports stuff, but he won't push it or make him feel bad about it
— the twins love to hold onto him as he speeds around
— he's a fun dad but he's not careless
— he wishes he had more time with his parents and often wishes they were around so they could meet his family. big, large families are a part of his culture (I think??? like an eastern european thing??) so he often feels like he's missing out and not able to continue traditions
— (im letting wanda have her boys and vision bc im not cruel) and bc pietro and wanda are orphans, they make conscious efforts to spend lots of time together - family is very important to them both. so they like to have game nights, sunday dinners, sleepovers for the kids, days out with both their families. they want their kids to be close cousins and do tonnes of fun stuff together
— the kids love his breakfasts bc he always does so much and makes it playful
— getting the kids ready for school is fun bc he's so fast and makes games out of it
— the kids love inviting their friends over so they can show off pietro. he secretly loves how cool they think he is. "your dad is so cool. wish mine was like that" he just loves it (even if it is the thought of a 5yr old with no real ability to think for themselves)
— very good at being a dad. it's like a natural instinct to him. he's like a fun uncle but with the responsibilities of a dad
— very active with the kids. always doing something sporty/ doing something outside
— love the idea of him in pjs in the morning and one kid is just hanging off him while he’s telling another what to do/ helping with homework, and feeding the youngest
— has dad facial hair scruff (🫠)
— when you come home and pietro had the day with the kids, they’d be sleeping on him on the sofa. both kids tucked into his side, little baby on his chest and the tv is playing cartoons. it’ll be your new lock screen
— he teaches the kids sokovian, and uses terms of endearment/ everyday words in his home language so the kids pick up on it. and more importantly use it
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cookiepie111 · 6 months
༊࿐ 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐰 ༊࿐
Part 2 of drink from the leche of sirens
Part 1 here
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A/N: I'm back after what felt like f forever! Crying screaming throwing up it's finally finished! Part two of könig x nymph! Black Reader. I'm over the moon so many people liked part one i loved writing it. Love to hear your thoughts on this chapter or any ideas. Feedback,likes and reblogs are appreciated🙏🏾 also if you wanted to be added to the tag list please let me know. I've read this like a thousand times but if theres mistakes im sorry oop(Yes this title is from the new hunger games. I watched it and I'm obsessed! Please talk to me about it! )
Sisters in order of appearance Aganippe, Bolbe
Tag list: @montenegroisr @kneelingshadowsalome @havikshoochiemama @wordstome
       𓇼 - - - - - - - - 𓇼 - - - - - - - - 𓇼
Red. you wouldn't say it was your colour. It's a harsh and rough colour that didn't suit you. A colour you've never taken any notice of before. But you're seeing it everywhere. It's in the berries, the birds, and the flowers. You're seeing /him/ everywhere.
"Sister! Sister! What about this one? " You watch, fiddling with the braslet on your wrist as your sisters pull up a man from the water, he's tall but too skinny and smooth. not your man. A shake of your head, and he's shoved back down the water. Why was it so hard to find this man? You should have paid better attention to his armour, although that wouldn't help much. You're not well versed in the human wars and their armies.
"When did you see him?"
"Around the willows and lake i think it was xxxx "
one of your sisters hums, coiling her hair around her finger, oak skin still wet from the water. "That was Around the date from the Eastern fight, so he's probably with the reds or the greens " that was something the most you've gotten about him "but they're both pretty big armies." She stills looking up at you
"are you sure you were supposed to heal him" huh what did she mean, were you supposed to do anything with him? he just found his way there to you, you could do whatever you wanted with him right?. You weren't sure what your sister was asking, the look on your face must have made her nervous "I mean, maybe you shouldn't have let him go"
       𓇼 - - - - - - - - 𓇼 - - - - - - - - 𓇼
Magic is believing its a lot faith. There aren't any other options könig has so faith and believing are the only things he can hold on to. Belief, that the charm held tightly in his hands, will bring out a nymph, and faith he'll see you again.
The water ripples in the centre, slowly then rapidly, as bubbles ascending into the air.
This is what könig hates about magic it's too unpredictable, it's recklessness, and lacks control. Makes it hard to challenge and counter it. He needs to be in control, know all the moves his enemy could make, and magic doesn't allow that.
The lady standing in the water isn't the one könig's looking for. Her presence is off in every wat, from her appearance to the way the air moves around her. Her hair falls straight down her body it only moves at the tilt of her head. He expected this. Of course, finding his little nymph wouldn't be in easy task, but he more than ready.
"You're not the one I'm looking for," his efforts to keep composure are wasted on her, try as he might to stay neutral, its hard to miss this annoyance that slips in his voice.
"I'm sure I can be just as good," she responds, wearing a warm and gentle smile that never reaches her eyes. It's wasted time trying talking to her, he needs answers not idle conversation.
The waters are calm and still, yet his legs weigh heavy in the water. He's fighting against the waters just to make it to her, he shadows the sun just standing infront of her. He knows his presence is off putting, most women would have turned and run they wouldn't let him get his close. She only smiles the closer he gets.
König feels his feet sinking, or at least it seems that way. When he turned to gaze at her, she's still adorned with that same smile. Only König's looking up at her, not down, His knees are immersed in muddy water. She's now beaming with joy from her new catch.
Her hand catch könig's chin as he struggles to break free, forcing his face to her "hey don't worry. I'll tell her how good you tasted!"
So she does know where she is. That's all könig needs to know, ripping himself from the mud. She stares blankly at him, unimpressed by his display of strength.
"Where is she?" König's hand wrapping round her throat
"Haha, what's this? Are you trying to hurt me?" she dismisses him. König watched as her body phased between liquid and solid trying to worm her way out. Her face drops as she panicked, clawing at his hand while he tightened his grip. " You'll talk"
They struggled for a bit before she let out a screech, causing König to loosen his grip just enough for her swim away. Regaining his wits, könig stands straight in the water, looking around. He'd lost her, but He'll remember this for next time. The spirits are tricky things
       𓇼 - - - - - - - - 𓇼 - - - - - - - - 𓇼
A high-pitched shriek ripples through the air, your sister rushing by, tears streaming down her face, complaining to everyone she passes, "YOUR STUPID SOLDIER ASSAULTED ME!"
"Your soldier?" Your attention sharpens at her call – she found him. She found him! Oh, she found him.
"That stupid man asked for you. He nearly killed me! He's such an ugly and scary thing, why else would he cover his face?". I thought you said he was cute!
Another sister chimes in, "You're just mad you have terrible luck with masked men." Your sister's face burns, her eyes sharpening as she turns to you, "If I see him again. That man is as good as dead." Ah, she's serious. It's best you find him soon.
𓇼 - - - - - - - - 𓇼 - - - - - - - - 𓇼
There isn't a better colour for könig than red. It suits him quite well. It's the colour of the flag he waves high, the flames that light the night, that clear the way for a sege.The blood that paints his body in all its many shades after battle. more than that. It's His source of comfort, his efforts, and proof of his labours turned physically in the form of a carnelin bracelet that sits on his wrist.
The only proof of his nymph he ( had). He'd never be so careless as to lose it. in all his years, he never lost it, if its gone, it's only because it's been taken. He can't lie he is a bit annoyed You took it, but in exchange for his life, he couldn't complain.
He should go clean up he's a mess from that encounter with that other nymph. It's not enough to warrant a full bath, just his face he can wipe his body down with a towel. He wipes the towel across his face, reaching down to wet the towel. In that moment, he freezes, there atop the bubbling water, a carnelin bracelet.
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abbyslev · 1 year
A/N: hey angels! i changed my theme, im feeling productive. for all my TLOU2 fans, i have some ellie stuff coming your way. anyway, thank you all for reading and i hope you enjoy!
Hange wakes up really early even though they literally get an hour of sleep??
They always make you coffee and leave it on your side table while getting dressed
They turn on the big light to mess with you
They put on their pants in a rush for no reason and end up falling
They put on their dress shirt and just slip on a tie before jumping into your shared bed
Wakes you up with kisses ofc
You're in the shower as hange drinks their coffee on the counter, talking to you and drawing on the foggy mirror
Continues to ramble as you brush your teeth and get ready for the day
You sit on the counter and hange stands between your thighs as you brush their hair and do their skincare for them
Place their glasses on their face and give them a kiss before placing some chapstick on their lips
Bagels is the only thing hange will eat for breakfast smfh
You guys eat breakfast while talking about your plans for that day
You'll pack hanges lunch while they water all the plants
Hange stands at the door and gives you a million kisses
Will watch you drive off to work with the biggest grin ever
10/10 partner so pussywhipped 
Annie wakes up at 4
They workout for an hour before waking you up to shower with her
Skincare routines together!! You guys have one of those long counters with the big mirrors and two sinks
She loves to put an obnoxious amount of toothpaste on her toothbrush to mess with you 
Puts on some quiet music because she knows you're still waking up
Gets dressed and unties your shoes for you so they're ready for you <3
Doesn't believe in coffee so she'll have two protein shakes ready for breakfast
Meal preps so she has breakfast done and ready for you 
Packs both of your lunches and feeds the cat while you eat breakfast
Breakfast makes her nauseous so she only eats a bar and eats her lunch later
Will do your hair like you're 5 or something 
When  you finally wake up enough to talk she tells you about her clients 
She's a personal trainer <3
Checks your work bag and warms up your car for you 
Lots of “i love you’s” before you two part ways
So cute omg
Wakes up at 4 for her morning runs!!
Not before cuddling you before tho
You join her sometimes 
She also wakes you up to shower with her
She does your skincare and you do her makeup in return
She makes tea for herself and you coffee before you get ready
Will set her head on your shoulder and hug her arms around your waist while you brush your hair
She likes when you do your hair
Makes you button up her shirt <3
Has your outfit laid out and ready
Your breakfast is always light and literally so good
You'll pack her lunch and she gets her bags packed and ready to go
You feed the cats and mikasa stares in adoration 
Makes sure you're all okay and kisses your face a million times before sending you off to work
Messages you when you get to work to make sure you're ok
Literally an angel pls stop dont ever hurt bb mika
This girl sleeps like a log
She's just like connie ong
You wake up and make her snickerdoodle latte with foam because she LOVES IT
Sasha hates morning showers so she just showers at night 
She thinks it “saves her time” even though it doesn't because she's late anyways
When she FINALLY wakes up she sits on the toilet and watches you get ready 
Bed head on x games mode 
Washes her face and makes you do her skincare 
“Can I have a kiss?” “gross sasha, brush your teeth first.” 
Considers breaking up with you 
She makes breakfast while you lay her outfit out 
“Do I have to get ready?” “yes bb” “:/”
Rushed getting dressed because she's hungry
She's a tattoo artist so she shows you all the drawings she had worked on the night prior 
Feeds pets and grabs your bags and puts them in the car
“Babe connie smoked in my  car :/” “welp”
You pack her many snacks and lunch for her and connie  for the day
Thanks you, kisses you, and drives off to work
Sashas a bb PLS I LOVE HER
She sleeps like she died or something
You have to shake her to wake her up tbh
You wake up with her hand inside your shirt and on your titty 
“How'd that get there?” “WTF BABE!!! THAT WAS NOT ME!!!!”
Her bed hair is INSANE
She thinks coffee is pointless like MA'AM
Uses whatever skincare you use tbh
You brush her hair
Makes you button up her shirt while grabbing your ass the whole time
Eats breakfast like a dog
You pack the lunches while yelena makes important phone calls
Heated makeout before you go 
Simple routine ofc ofc
726 notes · View notes
toxic3mmy · 2 months
[guys im so sorry if this sucks! ik a lot of you wanted a pt 2 so here it is. even if it sucks, it’s got smut so hopefully it’ll make up for it hehehe]
prompt: you and alex hate each other but one night of your sleep talking changes everything (continued)
warning: smut
part two
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you weren’t sure if you wanted to be honest and just talk to alex about your dream last night. the thing is, this wasn’t the first time this happened and you felt too embarrassed to admit that you’ve been fantasizing about him for months now.
a loud whistle quickly dissipated the millions of thoughts running through your mind. you look over and see rubius smiling and waving at the two of you with the rest of the gang.
“what do you guys think about taking a break from the beach and going out for a bit? i heard there’s an event going on kinda like a carnival and also a bonfire. what do you all think?”
everyone agreed happily and gathered their things to get back to the hotel.
you looked over at alex and saw him already staring at you. he quickly looked away and made himself look busy.
everyone decided on picking up some street tacos on the way to the hotel since y’all had eaten hours earlier and it was almost nighttime.
the group headed to their hotel rooms where some showered and got ready for a night out while others took naps.
you were nervous about alex bringing up the whole dream thing again so you practically ran to the room and hopped in the shower. this time, your shower was quick as you wanted to eat and nap after being in the sun for so many hours.
you saw that alex was also eating and watching tv.
you began to multitask between eating and applying a little bit of makeup so that you didn’t have to rush when you woke up.
the two of you ate in silence and soon alex got up to shower.
you finished off your food and decided to dim the lights for your nap. it took you a few minutes to fall asleep but once you did, you fell into a deep slumber.
alex also decided he wanted to nap and so he got into bed next to you after his shower.
“y/n? are you awake?” he asked quietly
no answer
alex sighed and leaned over to kiss your forehead as lightly as possible. and with that, you both were asleep.
the air was filled with children laughing, spanish music, and the sound of roller coaster rides. there were so many decorations and pretty lights all around you.
you smiled as you looked around and took in the moment. your friends were people you loved and were so eternally grateful for.
“guys! over here!” tina smiled and waved us over
we played a bunch of games together and it got super competitive at some point. then we kinda paired off and rode some rides.
you got on a few with tina and it was overall just so much fun.
before heading to the bonfire, we all decided to get on the ferris wheel. we lined up and everyone gave each other strange glances, almost giggling to each other.
you sat down and one of them shoved alex up and you realized that they planned this. you sigh annoyed but let him sit next to you anyways.
alex was also not so happy about being stuck with you on such a slow and romantic ride.
it was quiet for the first few minutes and you blurted out what had been weighing on you for a long time.
“why do you hate me?”
“um.. what?” alex said a bit dumbfounded
“i just want to understand what made you hate me… i mean, when we first met i was nice to you and you were immediately cold towards me. ever since then i just returned that energy but, why? what made you so hateful towards me?”
“y/n, i—”
“please alex… just tell me and i promise i won’t bother you ever again. i just really need to know” you looked down at my hands in my lap
“it’s pretty obvious y/n” alex said in an annoyed, almost angry tone
“well then maybe i’m just blind… please?” you beg, your eyes tearing up a bit, your heart feeling heavy as you knew your friends really just wanted you two to get along, i mean that was obvious
“let’s just say… my reasons are personal, okay?!” he raised his voice at you
you choked out a little sob as it was all so overwhelming
“i want t-to get off this r-ride!” you sniffled and tried desperately to hold in your cries
“hey, hey i’m sorry.. y/n i really am sorry. please don’t cry” he held your face gently in his hands and you looked into his eyes, tears streaming down your face
“okay, the truth is… i never liked you because well i didn’t want you to know that i actually have um feelings for you… you’re way out of my league and you never look at me in that way yet you flirt with legit any guy you meet! i mean, cmon, am i not enough?!”
you began to sob once again, using your hands to cover your face. suddenly, alex leaned forward and hugged you.
it took you a few seconds but you hugged him back tightly and continued to cry
“shh, im sorry. its just a touchy subject for me. ive never been one of those guys who had girls flocking to them… if anything i always chase girls but i always feel like im not enough..”
you look up at him and wipe your tears. you nod, listening to what he’s saying. just as you were about to reply, the ride stopped.
“come on, let’s talk some more about this at the beach bonfire” you get off first and offer him a hand to get off
you held one anothers hands until alex awkwardly let go. the two of you walked in silence as you tried to come up with a response to his insecurities.
“i think you’re enough, alex… i honestly think you’re more than enough for anyone.”
“really?” he looked at you with hopeful eyes
“really. and um… about last night… i was having some uh inappropriate dreams of y-you and im really sorry if it made you uncomfortable, i totally understand” you ramble and see alex smile softly
“i know.. you said my name… what exactly were we doing in your dream?” he teased you, still smiling
“i was uh.. y-you were… i don’t know, okay?!” you huffed feeling a bit nervous
“i need a shot if we really are going to get into this” you said, sighing a bit
alex agreed and the two of you took one shot together, then two, and then three.
you felt really warm inside and almost giddy at your confession that you had cooking up in your head
“we had sex!” you practically yelled and the people around you turned to look at you. all you could do was smile sheepishly
“come on, let’s talk over here” alex said as he took you by the hand and lead you to a more secluded and darker area on the beach
“sorry about that.. im a bit nervous” you laughed uncomfortably
“it’s okay.. i already knew what we were doing in your dream. i just wanted you to admit it” he smirked and you couldn’t help but gasp and smack his arm
“you’re embarrassing me on purpose, you ass!”
alex leaned forward and pushed you against a nearby tree
“if you want.. i can admit something so that you’re not the only one feeling embarrassed”
“okay..?” you asked, curious about what he was going to say
“you were moaning my fucking name in your sleep last night y/n.. you don’t know how badly i wanted you to wake up with my tongue buried deep inside you.. you’re such a fucking tease” he said as he looked into your eyes and you almost moaned at his words
“you… i… what?” your jaw dropped at his colorful words, you immediately felt heat rush to your lower half
“y/n, i never really hated you. i hated that i couldn’t be with you. and my god you just love to be a tease. you always wear such tiny revealing clothes. do you do that for yourself or for me? tell me y/n, how often do you have dreams of me fucking you, hmm sweetheart?” he chuckled in your ear huskily
“i always dream of you fucking me senseless alex.. i hate the shit out of you but i guess my pussy doesn’t, she’s so wet for you right now.. can i show you?” you didnt even bother waiting for his response as you grabbed his hand and slipped it underneath your dress, moving your panties aside as you guided his fingers between your wet folds
“jesus fucking christ… you really are wet..” alex groaned as he moved his fingers closer to your entrance, teasing your quivering hole gently before quickly plunging in two fingers
you moaned incredibly loudly at the feeling of him inside of you and immediately, alex used his other hand to cover your mouth. he looked around and saw that a few people looked around curiously. finding it amusing, he laughed.
you inhale his scent before kissing him gently.
the two of you kissed for practically ten whole minutes without stopping.
you then start to suck on the skin beneath his ear and lower on his neck
“mmm, que rica mami” he whined as you continued to lick and bite his skin
“fuck.. we can’t do this here you fucking slut, let’s go” he grabbed your hand harshly, leading you to your friends
“hey guys, y/n had a bit too much too drink and i think i’m going to take her to the hotel before she passes out here. see you all tomorrow!” alex said hurriedly and rushed you away from the beach
the two of you said nothing as alex pulled you to the hotel as fast as he could
the second you made it to your room, alex locked the door and pulled off your soaked underwear. he walked you back and onto the bed as he said,
“you’re such a tease y/n. i uh.. i know we just made up and we barely talked about liking each other but is it okay if i uh made love to you?”
you nodded and smiled at how cute he was for asking you
alex then pushed you back and crawled over you
immediately, he spread your legs and licked your wetness with groans of pleasure
your eyes rolled back as he slipped two fingers inside of you, curling into the perfect spot. he drew patterns on your throbbing clit with his tongue.
“oh fuck, yes give it to me please!” you screamed out as he curled his fingers so so deep inside of you
your hands pulled on his hair as he ate your pussy like a starved man
“alexis… oh alex, you feel so good!”
you were grinding deliciously onto his fingers and tongue. he sped up his pace and you saw stars as you climax with a loud scream of his name. alex smiled into your pussy as he slowed down and soon stopped altogether. he pulled away and got up as you caught your breath.
“be back” he said quietly
you couldn’t help but slip your hand into your panties and touch yourself at the thought of alex who was about to fuck you.
“oh fuck.. mmmf” you whimpered as the wet sounds of your fingers rubbing your pussy filled the room
alex went to retrieve a towel and a condom from his things.
“here hermosa, let me clean you—”
you were completely naked and touching yourself.
it would be a lie to say that alex didn’t spring a hard on from the sight of you and the words you were saying.
“god y/n, you’re such a needy little girl aren’t you? here sweet girl, put this on me so i can fuck you senseless” alex handed you the condom as he laid down on the bed
you threw the condom to the floor and tugged off his pants and climbed on top of him. you placed the tip of his cock at your entrance, enjoying the sting of his size.
alex was whimpering loudly. you bottomed out and it felt like nothing you’d ever felt before. you steadied yourself with your hands on his chest and knees to the bed as you began to move.
alex gasped as you did so, watching the way your breasts moved with every move you made.
“you’re so so tight.. ugh so fucking good mami” he groaned as his hips jerked up into you
you bounced on him at a quicker pace and moaned loudly, not being able to contain yourself. you started to slow when your knees started getting tired. alex grabbed your ass and held you as he started to thrust into you like his life depended on it.
“alex… you’re so so big… please stretch my pussy” you whined as his pace increased
one of his hands made his way to your clit and your pleasure intensified.
“right there! don’t you fucking stop!” you panted and moaned sinfully
“cum for me y/n, be a good girl” alex demanded
“im so close… ugh! breed me daddy! i want to feel your cum dripping out of me, please!” you practically screamed
“oh i’ll breed you baby, i’ll fuck my cum into your sweet tight pussy” alex panted
your pussy tightened around him and he sped up as you came with lewd words spilling from your mouth
a few more thrusts and his warm seed filled up your tired cunt
you tiredly got off of him and laid down next to him
“what do we tell the others?” you asked breathlessly
alex simply laughed
“we don’t have to worry about that just yet. for now, i just really want to fuck you again, if that’s okay i mean” alex said a little nervously to which you laughed at
“oh shut up, this time you do the work my knees are fucking killing me” you said
“okay sweetheart, you just lie back and let me do all the work” he said sweetly as he crawled below you and kissed up your thighs
let’s just say, your friends definitely heard you guys make up all night long.
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hockeyboysimagines · 3 months
F*ck me like I’m famous
Chapter 4
Warnings: Sex, implied sex, talks of sex, alcohol, language.
Hello friends! Here is chapter 4. Sorry for the delay. As I said in the chapter I just posted for Sway I’ve had a ton going on. Hope this is worth the wait!
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“Hey Josie.” Vince called from his living room “Are you ready? We have to leave like…10 minutes ago.”
“Yeah I’m coming!” She called.
“You did that last night already!”
“Vince!” She yelled from the bathroom.
He giggled and stuffed his feet into shoes, grabbing his keys from the table next to the door. He was having the time of his life.
She had made good on the phone sex and dirty texting multiple times over last night, until the early hours, which was part of why they were running late today. He also might have caused a distraction in the shower, but that was a minor detail.
He had some autograph signing thing that would kickstart the celebrations for the week, and he was planning to meet up with friends for drinks later on. He was so excited to show her off to everyone, if they ever got there.
He heard her shuffling and then coming down the steps and turned the corner.
He paused and smiled “Damn.” He said giving her an appreciative once over “You look hot.”
“Really?!” She asked brightly, glancing down at her dress “It’s not too dressy or boring?”
It was pale green, falling mid thigh, with a floral pattern on it, paired with black wedges. Her long hair was loose and wavy, and he almost considered taking her right back upstairs. But then he remembered this week was not only about him, but the community as well.
“Not at all. Oof. You’re in for it later.”
She blushed and waved him off, taking his extended hand and they made their way to the car. The sun was shining down on them, a beautiful perfect day to start a beautiful perfect week.
“Where are we going exactly?” She asked from the passenger seat, turning to put her purse in the back. He smiled a little at how comfortable and natural she looked in his passenger seat before he answered.
“I have an autograph signing.” He said, turning the key in the ignition and backing out of his driveway.
“Ooooooh. An autograph signing? Fancy.” She said side eyeing him “How many body parts do you think you’ll sign?”
He rolled his eyes and nudged his chin at her “I can think of one I’d like to sign later.”
“No I don’t think so. The pen is way too big.”
He burst out laughing and shook his head “Okay you win. So how was your first official day in Canada?”
“It was good. I spent most of it with this hot guy.”
“And how was your first official night in Canada?”
He gasped and reached over grabbing her thigh and squeezing it. She screamed and slapped his arm “I’m kidding! I’m kidding sheesh.”
“Okay so let’s try that again.”
“My first official night in Canada was amazing.”
“Better. Just means I’m gonna have to one up myself tonight.”
She chuckled and watched the Canadian countryside zoom past outside. She was having so much fun and it hadn’t even been 24 hours yet. Being here, although in a country she’d never been to with people she didn’t know, felt so normal, like she’d been here before. She wasn’t nervous, or awkward or anything like that. She felt at peace.
It was so nice.
“So when does the cup actually get here?”
“Friday. That’s when the fun begins.” He waggled his eyebrows “And there’s a ton happening that day. Are you excited?”
“Me? Are you excited? It’s your big day.”
Josie didn’t know Vince when he won the cup. She hadn’t seen the game, watched the moment, or even knew anything about how he and the team had gotten to that point. But what she did know was that if anyone deserved this week, it was him.
“Of course im excited, but i want you to be having fun too.”
“I’m just happy to be here and watch you do your thing.” She said, smiling widely and reaching forward to squeeze his hand.
Josie spent most of the signing hanging out behind him with his mom. She’d been friendly the day before, but she could tell her guard had been up and with good reason. Vince was a highly successful professional athlete, who had a lot at stake in life. She didn’t blame his mom for being wary at first.
But now she had truly warmed up and they were talking and laughing like old friends.
“What are you telling her back there, because whatever it is you can be sure it’s a lie.” He called over his shoulder.
“Most of it sounds pretty on brand.” Josie said smiling at him “So I’m inclined to believe her.”
He made a face and turned back around, but the thought of her being close with his mom brought a small smile to his face that stayed there the rest of the afternoon.
As the line wound down, and the last few pictures had been taken Vince turned to her and waved her forward. When she reached him he gestured to a lady he’d been talking with.
“Josie, this is my mom’s friend, Sheri.”
Josie reached forward to shake her extended hand “Hello. Nice to meet you.”
“And this is your-?” Sheri asked, looked at Vince expectantly as she let go of Josie’s hand.
“This is my girlfriend.” He said simply with a smile, hand on the small of her back as he gave her a gentle push forward so she could shake the woman hand.
The word made Josie want to jump for joy, scream, ugly cry and kiss his socks right off but then she remembered they were in public so she just smiled, feeling a redness come to her cheeks. They chatted with for a minute when Vince’s mom called her name and Sheri walked away.
Josie turned slowly to look at him “Girlfriend?” She asked quietly.
“Is that okay? I didn’t really know what else to call this.” He gave a small laugh.
“I mean-yeah. It’s okay.”
“I really wanna kiss you, but we’ve already been on the cover of one newspaper.”
She giggled and smiled at him “You can make it up to me later.” She waggled her eyebrows and he gave her waist a small squeeze.
“So you’re here with Vince?”
Josie turned to find a dark haired girl standing next to her and frowned a little, leaning away from her.
The day had gone great. Better than great. She’d had so much fun watching him do his thing and interact with members of his community. She’d also really enjoyed being introduced as his girlfriend.
They’d met up with a few friends of his that she hadn’t met yet for drinks at what Vince called “The best bar in Lindsey” and it was still great.
“Uh, yeah?” She looked across the bar at Vince, but he was absorbed in a conversation and didn’t seem to notice. She looked back at the girl who was staring at her, one hand braced on the bar top.
“You must be his new fling of the week.” She said off handedly, glancing at her and then over her shoulder where he was standing.
Josie felt a twinge of annoyance. She wasn’t a confrontational person, and the last thing she wanted to do was cause a scene in front of his friends in a country she was visiting, but she wanted nothing more than to back hand her. The smug smile on her face had sparked an irrational rage that Josie wasn’t sure she’d even had in her before today.
“What are you talking about?” The question came out more rude than she’d anticipated but it didn’t seem to phase whatever her name was.
“This week it’s you, last week it was someone else, and next week it’ll be- hi Vince.”
Josie looked behind her to find Vince was there, frowning at the girl she was about to beat up.
“I was just talking to your new girlfriend of the week here and I-“
“Yeah well stop talking to her.” He turned Josie abruptly, and steered her across the room and out the front door of the bar.
She waited until they were some feet away until she said very quietly “Who was that?”
“Just a girl I know is all.”
She stopped walking, which caused him to stop and she crossed her arms, head turned to the side “Wanna try that again? But with an actual answer this time.”
He sighed “I hung out with her one time at a party last summer. Nothing happened, she wanted more and I just didn’t see her that way and she’s been dragging my name through the mud since then. She does this every time she sees me out with anyone.”
“I see. She said there was another me last week? Is that true?”
Vince’s mouth fell open and he looked back at the bar in outrage before he turned back to her “She said that? Josie I swear, I haven’t been with anyone else since I met you. I can’t believe-“
“If you have been it’s okay. I wasn’t your girlfriend so I can’t really get mad.”
It was true. She hadn’t been his girlfriend last week so he was able to do whatever he wanted. But it didn’t mean it would hurt any less if he had.
“I swear to you. I am not talking or hooking up with anyone else. And fuck her for saying that to you.” He gripped her hand “You believe me right?”
She stared at him for a few minutes. She did, she didn’t think he’d fly her out here if he was hooking up with girls at home, but her guard with him was up a little for the first time. It had definitely brought down her mood, and made her feel a little bit weird about the whole thing.
“I-I believe you. But why would she say that?”
“You don’t believe me I can see it all over your face. She’s jealous obviously.”
“Jealous of who? Me?”
He rolled his eyes “Of COURSE she’s jealous of you. Your beautiful and smart, and your here with me and she isn’t.”
She shrugged and looked at his hand, which was still holding hers. He gave it a squeeze.
“I promise you. There’s no one else.”
Josie pursed her lips and looked at him “Okay. I believe you.”
He glanced over her head and then around the street. It was empty and then he smiled.
“Come on.”
“Where are we going?” She asked as he tugged her along by the hand.
“You’ll see.”
Before she even knew what was going on they were tangled up in the driver seat, attached at the lips.
“Oh my god this is so risky.” Josie breathed out as Vince stuffed his hands underneath her shirt, hands sending goosebumps across her skin.
The car was cold, but they had fogged the windows up in less than two minutes. Their make out in the bar had now spilled into the front seat of the car.
“Shhh it’s fine just kiss me.” He said quietly, pulling her down to his level and pushing his tongue in her mouth. He had a hand on either side of her hips, fingers brushing her bare legs until he had her skirt pushed completely up.
He reached down, fumbling around on the side of the seat looking for the lever to move the seat back, and finally found it, yanking on it a little too hard because it sent both of them flying backwards with a squeal, followed by laughter.
“Jesus Christ.” He mumbled against her neck pulling on it again and lurching them forward. Josie was crying with laughter until he gave a large push and they flew forward, Vince’s elbow hitting the steering wheel, horn blaring.
They both jumped expecting it to stop but it didn’t.
“What the fuck?!” He looked around her, smacking the horn several times, the loud sound cutting through the night. Josie felt her face burn for the amount of embarrassment she was about to feel when someone came over to investigate why the horn in the car was sticking, and found them both in the drivers seat, half dressed.
He finally punched it and it stopped, and he glanced up at her before resting his forehead against her chest.
“This just isn’t meant to be.” He picked up his phone and checked the time “But I can have us home in 10 minutes.”
The rest of the week in Lindsay passed by slow enough to enjoy it, but too fast for it to be over. Every morning she woke up she got a little more sad. She was having so much fun and by Thursday evening she only had 3 days left and it had begun to weigh on her. She never wanted this trip to end, and as it inched closer to Sunday she was reminded that she would be going home alone.
“What’s wrong?” Vince asked as she plugged in her phone and laid next to him.
She glanced up “What? Oh nothing.”
She rolled her eyes and sighed “Nothings wrong. Just bummed that I have to go back to St.Louis soon is all.”
“Yeah.” He nodded and sighed “Me too. But let’s just enjoy our last three days together, and then we’ll go from there.”
She frowned “What’s that mean?”
He pursed his lips and turned on his side to face her “Well. I was going to suggest maybe we take a trip, a vacation if you wanna call it that, before camp starts in September. If you can get off of work and everything.”
“A trip? Where?”
“To a place where all you have to wear is a bikini.”
“What?” He said innocently, letting one hand trail up her bare leg “Can’t a guy have dirty thoughts about his girl in a bathing suit.”
A slow smile spread across her face until it was so wide her face might crack “What did you call me?”
“My girl.”
She wanted to kick her feet and squeal “I like that. Being your girl.” She ran her fingers through his hair, nails scratching his scalp. He leaned up to move his lips across her jaw until he reached her mouth, hand traveling up her thigh to the band of her underwear on her inner leg.
He was slotted between her legs, pelvis grinding up against hers as he kissed her slowly. He floated a hand up her shirt, resting it on her waist.
Before she knew it her shirt was gone and he was unhooking her bra big hands roaming everywhere. Every nerve ending in her body was a live wire, as his lips left hers and moved down her jaw towards her neck. She tugged at his shirt, prompting him to reach behind his head and pull it off in one quick movement.
She marveled at him as he hovered above her. Everything about Vince was thick, broad and muscled. Her hands roamed from his lower back up to his chest, scratching her fingernails across his skin. His mouth crushed hers, hurriedly kicking his boxers down his legs and tossing them aside.
She was shaking underneath him, cheeks red, goosebumps across her skin as she took a page breath in, the bones of her ribcage rippling underneath her skin. He stopped for a minute to really look at her.
“Goddamn your beautiful.” He whispered, eyes never leaving hers. Her blush deepened but she just pulled him back down by the chain to kiss him. Slower this time, her fingers moving down his back, nails scratching his skin, causing him to shiver. He sat back, hooking a finger on either side of her underwear and pulled them down her legs, leaning back over her and pushed a finger inside her causing her to gasp.
“That’s the prettiest noise I’ve ever heard.” He pushed another finger inside, moving them in and out, hooking them ever so slightly as he kissed her. She gripped the sheets, balling her hands into fists.
His lips brushed over her neck, eyes flicking up to meet hers as he pulled his fingers out, moving up her body and bracing himself between her legs.
“Tell me what you want.” She reached down, guiding him towards her. His head tipped down, stray hair falling into his eyes. She pushed it out of the way and bucked her hips up to meet his. She closed her eyes dreamily as he slowly pushed inside her, body arching up to meet his. He was so big, so broad as he moved above her, finding her mouth and kissing her slowly, methodically.
Vince splayed a hand across her ribcage and pulled her right leg up over his hip, lifting her clear off the bed. She let out a moan as he pushed deeper than before, hitting a new spot that had never been hit before.
“Vince I-“
He let out a breath, abdominal muscles tightening as he pushed faster, leaning down to kiss her desperately as he did. Her heart felt like it was about to explode out of her chest as a crippling, toe curling orgasm made its way through her body, sending shockwaves from her head to her feet, her entire body flooding with heat. She felt like she couldn’t breath as Vince gave his last few pushes with a groan and leaned down, head resting in her neck. His breath tickled her skin and she could feel his heart beating through his skin. He pulled out and laid next to her, chest rising and falling as he tried to slow his breathing, and he turned to smile at her.
“Your amazing and I-“ He stopped and cleared his throat “And your amazing.”
He’d almost said something crazy, but she thankfully hadn’t seemed to notice as she began to rummage around for her shirt and slipped it over her head before collapsing next to him. She rolled on to her side, eyes closing sleepily and hooked one of her legs with his, and promptly fell asleep.
The cup arrived early the next day, and Vince had jumped out of bed like the house was on fire. He was showered, dressed and putting on his shoes by the time she had come out of the bathroom to get dressed.
“How fancy is this anyways?” She asked rummaging through her suitcase “Like should I wear a dress or pants or-?”
“Whatever you wear will be hot, but I like that one.” He was pointing at a yellow dress she had hung over the back of a chair in the corner of his room. She’d bought it and never worn it, tags still hung from the arm of it. She smiled.
There was already an entourage outside when they left the house, many friends and family had gathered in his driveway to watch the cup be handed to him. Even though Josie had no idea what was going on she was still excited to watch him pick up the cup. She googled it the night before and apparently within the hockey community it was a huge deal, so because it was big to Vince, it was to her. He gave her hand a squeeze before he released it and made his way over to the keeper of the cup to shake their hands. His mom spotted her and made her way over.
“You look nice.” She said commenting on her dress.
Josie looked down “Thanks. Vince picked it.”
“Well he did a great job. It’s so special you’re here with him for this, it’s his greatest achievement.”
“I didn’t know him then, but if it’s important to him it’s important to me.”
She smiled at her and gave a small laugh “You are important to him. I hope you know that. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t.”
Josie smiled and looked back at Vince as he picked up the cup and lifted it over his head and cheers erupted around him.
It was going to be a great day.
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yeahyeahchloe · 11 months
It Wasn't in my Head (1)
(a/n: hellooo! im super excited to be putting my ideas into writing ((finally)) and sharing it with u! this will be a multi part fic, im not sure how long yet, but i am a fan of long slowburn stories so get ready. also, this story will contain inappropriate themes so minors and ageless blogs dni! this is only my third or fourth fic ive ever done so plz be nice to me hehe. ok on with it then)
Summary: Abby is the starting linebacker at UW and when her team starts to falter her coach decides to get the team into ballet, in order to teach them that grace and stability is important in football too. Abby is just as upset about her teammates about this, until she sees her pretty new ballet teacher...
dancer!reader x football!abby
The locker slammed in the empty room as the blonde walked out alone, ready for practice. There were a few "hey man"s thrown her way as she walked out the doors.
Abby had always had a thing for sports since she was a kid. She tried a lot of them too, none of them quite working out.
That was before she found football.
Football was one of the only things that ever made Abby truly happy. She knew it was kind of corny to say, but she seriously felt lost without it.
So when she worked her ass off and was offered a once in a lifetime opportunity to play on the men's football team at the college in her hometown, it just kind of felt like fate was aligned.
Abby jogged over to where she saw everyone else running and started doing so. Abby got along fine with all the boys on her team, I mean it was her team after all, but she never really felt the need to truly befriend any of them. She had her close circle and that was all she needed.
Her said close circle consisted of her friends Miguel, Ellie, and Vi.
Her and Miguel met when they were teenagers at a boxing class. She ended up hating boxing but loving what came out of it. Miguel was the type of guy to make anyone feel good about anything. He could turn anything into the funniest joke, or a life lesson.
And Ellie, well she met Ellie not long ago, when their dads met in a poker club and Ellie's dad kina killed Abby's in the game. They had been friends ever since they started talking about their lack of mothers and love of corny dad jokes. Abby had also always known Ellie was gay, but the deal was kind of sealed when she would gush about her crush on a girl named Riley.
And Vi, well Vi was Abby's best friend since childhood. Abby was embarrassed to say, but she was the scared, shy kid sitting on the ABC rug in the classroom. Thankfully, Vi was the complete opposite and marched right up to Abby on her short little legs and struck up conversation. And the rest of the story just kind of wrote itself.
"Hey! Hey Anderson! Slow down!"
Abby looked over her shoulder to analyze the face calling out to her. She turned back ahead and cringed before turning back around and smiling at the man.
Owen wasn't a bad guy per-say, it was really just the way he couldn't learn when to stop. He had practically been eating out of Abby's hands the past three years they've been playing together.
It always confused Abby why she wasn't attracted to Owen, but she sort of just wasn't, and she thought she had made that pretty clear. She also just liked to think that sports were important to her, and she had too much going on for crushes or relationships.
"Hey Owen what's goin on?" Abby slowed so the man could catch up and tried to approach the conversation politely.
"Oh yaknow...practice," He said in between huffs, trying to catch up with the fit girl next to him, "What about you?"
"Yeah just, practice," She commented, coated with awkwardness.
Owen went to open his mouth to speak again, but thankfully her coach whistled loudly and told everyone to hustle in.
They flocked over to their coach and took a knee in front of him while the moustached man opened his mouth and started speaking.
"I called y'all over here to talk before ya started doing drills," he gruffed in his strange accent, "I hope y'all have noticied, that all your scrimages have been straight crap recently. I've seen blindfolded toddlers play ball better than you sissies!"
Abby cringed at his harsh words, but she couldn't help but agree. She assumed everyone was slacking recently due to the fact it was August, and the season hadn't even started yet.
"So, since I wont be caught coaching a ton of pansies, I've decided to get some outside help," everyone seemed confused by his words, and Abby couldn't help but be confused herself.
What the hell kind of outside help did they need?
"Huskies, y'all are gonna be taking ballet classes," the coach said, smirk prominent on his mustache covered lips.
Everyone immediately groaned and commented with wild distaste for the man's decision.
"Shut your nabbin!" he erupted with anger in his voice, "I don't want to hear another damn word! Y'all are takin ballet to learn that just because you think you're big tough men, don't mean you are! You will learn how to move properly on your feet, improving your agility, balance, and strength coordination. You start tomorrow and are fortunate enough to be taught by the greatest ballet dancer in the state and a student at this school. Dismissed,"
(a/n: ok wow first chapter! hoped you guys liked it, I promise the next chapter will be more interesting. I will try and have it out soon! ♡︎♡︎)
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beesmygod · 1 month
today is webcomics day. i am bea and i make "A Ghost Story" - part 1: pre-gaming
webcomic day is a yearly celebration of the art form concocted by the screentones podcast team as a way for people to see how the sausage gets made. my webcomic "a ghost story" has been running for over 10 years, and yet i still don't think i can say i am good at making a webcomic. regardless, the comic is getting made because otherwise i become very, very sick in the head. today i would like to share with you the process of making a page of "A Ghost Story" from start to finish. either this demystifies the process or will make you think im so cool and strong for doing this 2x a week. instead of reblogging this one post until it gets very long, i will be posting individual updates that i will then compile and post on my personal website. block the tags now if you HATE comics and want them to EXPLODE.
if you have any questions, even things like "what the fuck are you even talking about" feel free to ask. i want to feel confident in what i make again and i think sometimes interrogation from an outside source is really
that said, let's get started. wait just kidding i want a cup of coffee first, hold on.
ok now im ready. i have a big glass of water. i have coffee. i have a headset for the parts of work that don't involve typing words. i can't type words and listen to some streamer babble in my ear at the same time, so it has to be instrumental music or nothing. i just took my meds so they should kick in after about 30 mins. i woke up late today, which is weird and annoying. but maybe i can work late instead.
first off, i need to know where i'm going beyond this one page. if i dont know where im going with something, then i usually create something that sucks that i have to deal with later. hold on my internet died, i have to reset the router. ok, anyway.
what's rattling around in my brain is that not only do i have to deal with maxine's current predicament, i am also dealing with multiple plot elements i need to wrap back around to from the previous chapter. luckily, im about to put maxine down for a nap, which means i can get back to those other elements:
i need to finish the exposition from the three ankou characters for this story arc establishing their motivations as the oppositional force in the story. the "villain" is not these three specifically, but their boss. they need to have a loose understanding of what's going on in order to communicate this to the audience. god this started turning into a huge ass paragraph so i'll just keep it short there.
we've jumped back to before jack's horrible day from the first chapter of this storyline so we have to make our way back toward that and then lapping it, which means wrapping up his various open threads like:
feeding victoria and learning something new about her
finding out alice is a very exceptional employee who is getting many awards
watching valdo call lily while interrupting her during something personal to ask her for help with maxine's situation.
jack meeting with valdo and lily the day after they first met so jack can just tell them straight up that lily has 4 sisters she doesnt know about.
help that girl with her poltergeist problem. remember that. i've had jokes for this rattling in my head for like 4 years. im going insane.
and also the fucking tilberi!!! that has a point its going somewhere!!! there's a larger menace here!!!
other things to set up the climax of this storyline. sexual tensions, hints at larger emotional problems not immediately evident to the reader
lots of moving parts. and i feel like im moving in slow motion to get to them. i can see them all weaving together in my head, its the process of putting that onto paper that's proving difficult.
ok that took an hour starting and stopping. -_- let me write the next part as i keep brainstorming on how to approach this page. taking a "rubber duck" approach to this might help. heres an image from the last page i worked on (i have a 5 page buffer rn so the site does not match the finished pages) to get us semi-situated.
Tumblr media
also because images will help people understand what skill level we're working with here. i need to be able to communicate an idea to the audience; if the art also looks good on top of that, then that's just an added bonus. but the ability to communicate my ideas is sometimes hampered by my lack of artistic skill or comics language ineptitude. like those speech bubbles kind of fucking suck but at a certain point you have to just hit print on what you're working on in order to keep your already glacial pace.
webcomics is a tightrope act where you're also spinning 4 plates at once. the trick is to keep the audience from realizing how many actually fall or how wobbly they all are. the act sucks but technically its not a failure.
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