#im rusty :[
thaltro · 1 month
Teehee ok so I finalized my dream design and one of my nightmare human designs… tomorrow you’ll see my ink and error humans but yes. I changed some traits of the WIP of dreams human design cause I wanted him to look like nightmares twin (I see when people humanize them they make them not look like siblings) anyways here’s the first set of goobers! Stay tuned for my plethora of dumb human designs
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green-loaf · 1 year
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This scene looked so fucking cool
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arxxq · 1 year
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The name Scaramouche, kunikuzushi and kabukimono has been forgotten in the world of teyvat, no one but the traveler knows him now...but what if there was someone other than the traveler who still remembers him? someone who wanderer cherished and loved...(I apologize for the small text used, it looked cute to use)
(apologizing if I mentioned she/her pronounces I'll fix it one day..I write in my perspective and I'm a female...so that's why there might be things indicating this for a female but I promise you all genders may read)
(first time writing genshin)
(mistakes will be fixed one soon)
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You're no human that's for sure...or were you human?
You never considered yourself as human...maybe because you were cursed to live an external life. Ever since the downfall of what we know as the fallen nation, you were cursed with immortality. You were no one important but a citizen of inazuma but why is it were you cursed as well?
Could it be because you have never saw yourself as a human being? or was it because you never had a reason to live? You never knew.
Living for centuries and decades you were all alone till one day you met him. A puppet he told you. He told you he was a puppet created by his mother or in other words the electro archon but was then discarded by her. The puppet named himself kunikuzushi.
Your interaction with him was quite unexpected. He seemed so tense, like a closed book. But from that day onwards you vow to yourself to be his friends no matter how many times he had refused...
As time goes on in teyvat you succeeded. You stayed by his side no matter what. Even if those time he had changed to be a ruthless fatui member, you never failed to stay. Even when he joined the fatui you gladly stayed with him even after what he had done...and instead of being his friend the two of you became more of lovers instead.
But you never liked it how he joined the fatui. You had mixed feelings of it. You don't trust anyone in it including the cryo archon the tsaritsa. But the person you absolutely held suspicion on was the doctor also known as dottore.
Years adds on, one day you informed scaramouche that you'll be returning to inazuma to see how much the city changed after hearing a brave traveler had saved it. Scaramouche was hesitant to let you go but he did but what he didn't tell you was that he was headed to sumeru for something you would never had agreed on.
you enjoyed your time in inazuma and even made alot of acquaintances but something felt off. You never heard anything from Scaramouche, no letters at all. It didn't feel right. That's when you decided to ask a fatui guard. Lucky for you they didn't ambush you but when you asked...you were in disbelief when they said they don't know who this "balladeer" you were talking about.
You explained to them he was the 6th harbinger but they all assumed you were crazy and delusional. "I'm sorry ma'am but the 6th spot has remain empty for years...are you okay?" You heart broke. What in teyvat happen to your lover. "Ah..I'm sorry my head must be playing games on me..sorry to interrupt," you played along. You were in utter shock. It was as if your beloved was wiped from teyvat's existence.
To say the least you were devastated. It felt as if you were crumbling from teyvat's surface once more.
That was months ago. You decided to travel instead, well with the help of one if the friends you made. Without captain beidou and kazuha you might as well be...well hopeless. They helped you with your grief although they themselves know nothing of this person you grief of.
One day as you were walking with nahida you caught a glimpse of someone you had missed so much. "Uhm miss nahida?" You called out for the archon. The archon looked at you and smiled. "Something the matter [name]?" You look at the direction of that familiar male. "Do you somehow know who that is?"
You then afterwards head of to explore a nation you absolutely adored from it's name, culture and it's wisdom. The land of wisdom, sumeru. The more you spent in sumeru the more attached you were to the land. You even somehow came across the hero of the 4 nations aether/lumine was his/her name along with the great archon of sumeru nahida.
Nahida looked at the person you looked at and she simply answered you. "He's just a wanderer, why you ask?" You look at the male again and replied with an answer that shocked that archon. "He looks like the balladeer...well not like you know him,"
"oh..well I don't know who that might be but he seemed like someone you really care of," silence took over till you whispered "yeah...he was,"
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It was midnight, you were never able to sleep or in other words you never usually sleep or needed it. So you decided to take a stroll outside and go to a cliff you'd usually go. Usually during this time, When Scaramouche was still with you, you'd usually sleep with him or sing a lullaby for him just so he'd calm down whenever he was stressed. Oh how you missed him.
The breeze of the wind on this hill and the view...it all looked so calm and relaxed. You closed you eyes enjoying the silence and the wind. Meanwhile you didn't had realised someone behind you. The male it was none other than the wanderer nahida said but as I said you haven't noticed him yet.
In the wanderer's perspective he looked shocked to see you because he knows you. You are no...you were the love of his life back when he was still known as Scaramouche who is know forgotten. You were the person that never left his side, his lover that promise him. You promised to never leave and you fulfill it but he was the one who broke it by leaving you all alone. But he had no choice. Part of him knows he can't have you back but part of him wanted you to remember him..
some people say that your love would be meant to be...just not the right time. What was it called, right person wrong time? He didn't care. He wanted you back, he craved for you touch, your voice but he can't have it back. He doesn't want to restart. No no no he doesn't because the thing you had with each other was something special. Something that cannot be restart with once more.
While Scaramouche or wanderer was lost in his head, he didn't know that certain someone had noticed his presence. "Lost in thought are you strange wanderer," your voice had snapped him from his thoughts. The voiced that he loved so much to listen. "What are you doing here? It's dangerous for a someone like you to be out at this time,"
"are you saying I'm weak? I can defend myself you know I'm not a little girl/boy," Scaramouche took in your appearance, you certainly had changed especially since you had a vision dangling down your waist. "Staring is rude you know?"
"bold of you assume I was, show some respect," he said. You laughed. "Hey wanna know a fun fact," you asked him. "Not that I'm interested but go on I'm listening," he looked you, the way you smiled as if you were recalling something so deep in your heart and memories. The soft gaze you had towards him, it clearly warmed his heart.
"you remind me so much of my lover...his name was Scaramouche, but I call him kunikuzushi.." those words caught him off guard. Did you just...you uttered the name that was forgotten. How...how were you able to remember. "I'm sorry if I offended you! It's just that you look so much like him. You hair, your eyes, your voice and the way you speak! Basically almost everything match up,"
"I really miss him...but it's as if he vanished from the world. At first I was assuming you were him but...nahida and so many others told me you were just a wanderer so...I guess I lost hope once again," a tear fell from your eyes...sadness really ingulf the atmosphere now.
" I miss him so much..I miss just talking or looking at him...ah sorry I'm being to emotional sorry for rambling"
he was speechless. He couldn't say anything. The way you rambled about him, the fact you remembered him. He wanted to say something but tears broke out before he could utter a word. His knees even gave up...was this what they called mixed feelings. he felt relief yet happy but then again sad.
"hey wait why are you crying!? I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" "you remembered me.." he muttered. "What? Come again?" "You never forgotten who I really am..."
You looked confused. "What do you mean...aren't you just coincidence? Everyone told me he doesn't exist what do you imply exactly?" Was it really him. Was this person you have been searching for, yearning for... The person you mourn and grief.
"[nickname]...you really do remember me," that nickname...no one used it before. No one dared called you that because the only person who did was none other that Scaramouche. Tears came running like a waterfall...you vision was blurry and you embraced him as if you never wanted to let him go again.
"I'm not dreaming or hallucinating am I...I am seeing the kunikuzushi I love right?" His hand held you cheek. The hand of his was reached you cheek and wiped the tears. His touch, you were sure it was him.
Your head tells you it's not him but you're soul knows that it's him. "Now why would I lie to you my love..." This was him. You know it and you finally found him. "I don't know how you still remember me but I would like answers from you..." You look at him and thought of your answer...
"I never forgot you my love...
And that's because...
my love for you is too strong for the world to make me forget you,"
hmm it seems like those two were perfect for each other weren't they? Cause even if the world tried to take them apart, fate will always bring them back together no matter how big the challenge make be.
This is the end...
of the story named..
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(29/4/2023) do not plagiarize my works, all rights reserved of @arxxqs-blog
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keeana · 6 months
"Yuor miine!"
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azulotus · 9 months
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a little ferret girl and her favorite drink
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cup1dxzs · 3 months
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Paint It Blue
Sally Face X Reader
Chapter One- New Beginnings
The sound of your luggage hitting the concrete floor brought you no comfort. It was a dull reminder of what you had to already leave behind, friends, after school clubs, and what little family you had left.
“Y/n! Hurry up, it's cold out here!”
The sound of Adrian, your brother, shouting was motivation, if that’s what you could even call it, to pick up the rest of your luggage which was two suitcases in total.
You wouldn’t say you weren’t bitter at the situation but you wouldn’t say you were totally cool about it. Moving states was a big deal, especially when you’ve never done anything of the sort but you understood why it was necessary. With your brother being your only legal guardian and sole caretaker he had to assume a lot of responsibility and that included keeping a roof over your guys head, it would’ve been fine if your aunts and uncles hadn’t decided to stop sending money claiming that the two of you were ‘leeching off of them and using the death of your parents as an excuse to be even lazier.’ As much as it bugged you that they’d even think to say that, a part of you wished it were true, that way you could have stayed in your hometown with your friends.
Now in Nockfell county you supposed you had to make the best of it even if this town seemed to be dead, the gloom and doom environment seemed to be enhanced as you stared at the sign.
Addison Apartments.
The building itself gave off an eerie vibe, almost as if you didn’t belong but the entire town felt like that so was it really much of a difference? The sound of your feet dragging against the concrete was the only other sound you heard apart from Adrian grumbling about something that you weren’t too interested in hearing nor knowing about.
Stepping into the building you immediately took notice of the stale smell. Oddly enough, the memories of visiting your grandmother in the retirement home filled your mind for a brief second. You missed the old hag even if she was a witch most of the time, you’d considered it to be tough love because she was the only person that really listened to you, apart from the fact she’d forget it all and yell at you to go grab her dentures.
“We’re in room 404, take the key and I'm gonna introduce myself to the owner.” Adrian spoke in a nonchalant manner, it was obvious no one was thrilled to have to move away and let alone into these dingy apartments. Taking the key from his hand you’d spot an elevator further down the hall and begin making your way towards it.
Stepping inside you took notice of all the floors, it was five in total. Pressing the fourth floor button the sound of a small ding went off as the doors closed, the elevator was old and you could hear it in the way as it went. It was creaky and loud, it could have also been considered whisp-y in the sense that you would have sworn that you heard people whispering. The thought made you feel dumb so you didn’t question it any further, until you swore that you had heard your name being called but by then the elevator opened and you stepped out, giving one last glance back inside out of curiosity you were met with nothing.
Shrugging you looked down the hall and spotted an almost black hallway, you knew it was the hallway where your now new home was because of the silver plaque labeled 403. Obviously you knew your room was just on the other side. Letting your eyes wander to the end of the hall was probably the most interesting part of seeing what the room looked like-
What the fuck is that.
Your hand gripped your luggage until your knuckles turned white. You were staring at a black figure with eyes redder than blood, it stood there and appeared to almost be watching you, clearing your throat you spoke up. Mostly due to the fact that this was possibly your new neighbor and you were already making a shitty impression by just staring at them like they were a freak and without even saying a word. Even if they were a little freaky looking.
“He-hello…you? I’m Y/N, I live in 404.” Your voice faltering while you spoke made you slightly cringe but you didn’t really care, the silence was eating at you while you stared at them. You slightly jumped when they walked to room 403, opened the door and just disappeared without saying a word to you or even acknowledging your failed attempt at trying to converse with them. Fair enough, you’ll try harder next time.
“Can’t win ‘em all, I guess…” Mumbling to yourself, you’d drag your stuff behind you and made your way to your apartment. The journey of getting there took way longer than you would have actually liked but it didn’t really matter anyways because you could finally just crash out and do nothing for the rest of the week.
You started your first day at a new school on Monday, today was Tuesday. Plenty time to unpack and mentally prepare yourself for your new and hopefully exciting life.
Walking into the room it was bland, no feeling that made it feel like home but you didn’t mind because as long as Adrian was there the two of you could make it feel comfortable in due time. You saw that the apartment had two rooms, a bathroom, kitchen, and of course a living room with just a single couch and other home goods provided.
Tossing your stuff to the floor you made a beeline for the couch and just threw yourself onto it, it was bouncy and comfortable so now you knew what you were going to be doing for the afternoon.
——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——
To say that was going to be a quick Power Nap you’d be lying to yourself, you woke up sweaty and not knowing who or when you were. You knew your brother had been inside already because of the boxes that laid on top of each other. Unpacking was going to be fairly easy and quick due to the fact that there wasn’t much to unpack between the two of you. Moving away had been so sudden that all you could take were the clothes on your backs and other bare necessities.
Sitting up while simultaneously wiping the sweat from your brow, reaching for your phone in your pocket you’d check for the time.
“5:30 AM? Guess I was really tired.” You groggily state, kicking your feet off the side of the couch and looking around. Soon spotting one of the doors was open just ajar, assuming Adrian was in there you’d slowly approached it.
The room was dark so even when you peeked your head through it, it was hard to tell what was what. Stepping inside you saw Adrian asleep on a bed.
‘The rooms already have beds? Why didn’t I check…’
You thought grumpily as you walked inside and grabbed a blanket that had been discarded onto the floor and covered Adrian with it, half ass-ing as you tucked him into bed. Walking out the room, you literally had nothing to do since nothing was close to being unpacked and it was the ass crack of dawn.
“Time to explore this shit hole I guess…”
Hey guys i definitely wasn’t gone for over a year and just dropping a fic from a different fandom *gulp*
Anyways on a different note I am back so I hope you enjoy this, love you all! 😽😽
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noproofread · 1 month
first sketch in 3 years😭
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mxrcusflint · 2 months
the blame's on me
Marcus and Oliver get into a bit of a tiff around match schedules. The rest goes usually how their friends are used to – Wood sulks; Flint ropes in his long-suffering team. Read on AO3
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xamaxenta · 1 year
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Some bad dogs
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acesw · 5 months
some reminiscing and some iron under the sun.
The bells chime and the flowers of all kinds bloom today. Joined with a gentle breeze, its quite the perfect weather in the suitcase, and many lively arcanists enjoy their peaceful time and play around in their antics. However, the Timekeeper is nowhere to be found.
She couldn't be found outside of the suitcase, as the residents had not felt the gentle rocking for quite some time now. She could not be found in her office either, with the only telling clue being her indigo coat and hat left hanging on the rack. When asked, all the spirits had said, "She had departed quite early in the morning. 4 in the morning, in fact."
However, somewhere among the trees, hidden within all of the blooming fruits and lush leaves, is a girl sitting on the branch. Coat discarded, hat dismissed, it was merely just Vertin. Not the famed Timekeeper everyone knows, but Vertin; the troublemaker, the arcanist with little power, the lonely child…among other titles.
Vertin enjoyed doing this. Climbing the trees was a fond hobby for her, and it was a way for her to reminisce.
Its why she was here. To see how the sunlight made their way through the leaves, how the ants traced up the old bark, remembering the struggle to climb up the branches and finding the right one to sit upon, and the way iron shone against the sun.
Ah, yes. On this day, Vertin wears something else rather than her hat. The thick iron circlet could only fit the top of her head, but just enough that it wouldn't be able to fall off. A piece of small yet rugged cloth was tied to it, having familiar texture despite how it never seemed to have been cleaned. On her lap was a stack of similar yet smaller hoops, shining brightly against the sunlight.
Balanced perfectly on top of them was a plate of fish and chips, with a small cup of onion vinaigrette on the side. It was a familiar meal, eaten on the days where she had to risk sneaking out to get them right off the school kitchen's counter. She made this plate for this special occasion.
Vertin hums, taking out a candle held on a small terracotta pot, and a lighter. Lighting the candle, the humming turns melodic, singing a song that was never sung to her in her life, until four—no, nearly five—years ago.
"From that day forward," He declared. "It will be our birthday! You and me Vertin! You and me."
Today is October 20th, 1913. 2 weeks since she had been broken out of the rehabilitation center, and 1 week away from the anniversary of the day that changed her life forever.
Luckily, today was not that day. But while it is a day of celebration, of shared memories and dreams, all Vertin could do was celebrate it alone. The person she shared this day to, the one that declared this day as their own, is forever immortalized by the iron circlet and bands. But, he was the one who drove her to move forward, and encouraged her to keep going.
He, among others, was the reason Vertin continues to strongly strive for change and peace, for freedom for everyone. She won't let this unresolved grief hold her back, as it will ruin her efforts. It will ruin her friends'—old and new—efforts in fighting for a new future and to go home. It will put her old friends' unfortunate sacrifices in vain. But as the Timekeeper, she won't let any of these happen.
However, today was their day alone, for once. Theirs; not the Timekeeper's, not anyone else's, but just Vertin's and his. He enjoyed climbing these trees and feeling like they were on top of the world too, you know.
For this instance, she was 12 and he was alive once more, to celebrate today for the first time.
In the suitcase, the grass was dappled with shadows and rays of light, the flowers of all kinds bloomed, and the breeze was cool and gentle. Today is one of the happier days.
Because on this day, it was a day of celebration and the birth of a newfound hope for freedom.
Vertin sighs, looking at the candle and then the meal, giving it a faint smile. Blowing out the small flame from the candle, she says: "Happy birthday, "Ring." Happy birthday to the both of us."
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mirick-vn · 1 year
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Fleeting Innocence.
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ask-dwightfairfield · 17 days
How did the Entity kidnaped you?
By...my own foolish actions...I decided to trust my co-workers...thinking 'Hey maybe they are finally giving me a chance!'...when in reality...They were just planning on leaving me to die in those woods...Thought I was special for getting invited for once...to try bond with the others...to not be someones punching bag for once...turns out I was wrong...once again.
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Sometimes I wonder...what if I never went with them?... What if I declined the invitation like I always did...would I still be back at home?...living life as I always did...or would I still be here in this hellhole...
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creepswrites · 16 days
Hi! I’m new and I LOVED your posts with the slashers. I’m curious if you think of ever write for The Collector? Sorry I’m totally obsessed with him and I need more
aww thank you so much!! :D i’m glad you like my writing
i’ve considered it! i was never able to fully sit through those movies for some reason?? BUT i’m willing to learn!! i’ll rewatch them and see if i can connect to him :)
i’m in a bit of a writers block atm so if you want to send me things of him to read too, i’m always interested!!
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lightofunova · 1 year
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also here are some poke reshi doodles i did while i shouldve been sleeping yesterday LOL
even tho pokeforms arnt canon in her world i just adore the design i got from @/floofangel so so much and I wanna do studies to draw her better XD Top sletch was made referencing a cat and the bottom was referencing a pose from official reshiram art!
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monards · 10 days
holy shit I forgot how bad the hike to this room is my legs are not gonna survive.
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ohnoitspheo · 4 months
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[OC] Ibera being a dapper little lad 🌼✨
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