#im so anti kids dying rn
youremyheaven · 2 months
I need some advice. I feel like I'm dying. Going through the worst period cramps ever (never had this in the past 11 years), it literally feels like someone is stabbing my cervix, uterine walls and the pathway walls (I feel a bit shy calling it what it is...like a normal woman). Its so bad, I've never had it like this before. Has to do with the fact I was having isues, doc put me on meds, as soon as the dosage was done: red sea spilleth over.
Know any home remedies to help? Or just any other advice to deal with this? Can't go to the doc rn, she'll suggest to hold off pain meds, I am taking over the counter anti-inflammatory stuff..yk the one for fevers and other pains. Its not working. Its been so debilitating...I can't sleep, sit, breathe, do anything...yk the type of pain that makes you bend and make your mouth water...idk if that happens to anyone else but yeah....
OMGGG 😩😨😨😓that sounds soooo rough, I hope you're feeling better now???
I have taken meftal spas for cramps since I was maybe 16-17 years old. Idk if that's available in other parts of the world??? but its widely available in India and its specifically for period cramp induced pain<333 I'm not a doctor so pls don't take any medication without exercising caution first!!! you may not react well to it or it may have adverse effects bc of the medication you're already taking ://// 😩😩
on that note, practicing yin yoga (which focuses on releasing stress from the hip area/psoas muscles) has greatly changed my reproductive system as a whole tbh, my sex drive changed, my relationship with my body changed (like even the way i walk changed bc my hips loosened up, which meant i walked more "freely" dont tell me its woowoo,, yk can just tell when someone's body is very "frozen" or "stiff" looking) and yesss my menstrual cycle was immensely affected by it.
i used to have HORRIBLE cramps, irregular cycles, HEAVY bleeding etc in my mid-late teens (this was because of trauma + eating disorder, in case u wanted to know) and now? my period is 3 days long, light bleeding, little to no pain and i attribute alllll of that to yoga<3
now i specifically like to do certain mudras and asanas (poses) which are supposed to help the female body specifically
and while this can help u when u are on your period, i suggest making it part of your lifestyle and living according to your monthly cycle's phases so that you can experience smoother periods. i dont think its realistic to do them if you're experiencing immense pain 😭
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Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)
This pose is known for increasing blood flow to the pelvic region which helps enhance the health of your reproductive organs.
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2. Baddha konasana aka butterfly pose
helps the uterus<333
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3. balasana or child's pose
tbh this might actually help even if ur ON your period, lying down like this is soooo soothing and comforting. ppl overcomplicate yoga, when the reality is that holding your body in certain poses can emotionally feel very comforting/freeing/nourishing etc but then again im only familiar with yin yoga/restorative yoga (there are manyyyy different types of yoga)
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4. happy baby pose
as the name suggests this is how babies lay down and they seem happy for no reason,, i remember the first time i consciously did this pose and i was like???? this is yoga??? bc i would randomly do poses like these for no reason in bed (im sure we all do when we're bored) and if i intentionally do it?? its actually good for me??
again this pose helps with the hip muscles!!! the female body is always preparing for childbirth. regardless of whether or not you want to be a mom, taking care of your womb health and reproductive well being is CRUCIAL bc whether we like it or not we were designed this way and dont think of it as "preparing my body to bear children" just think of it as "preparing my body to be at its best" (the bearing kids is just a bonus) .. the state of your womb affects your whole being!!! its not a joke!!!
now here's some mudras:
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yoni mudra
yoni means womb and as u can see, this pose imitates the 🫣🫣 its a highly beneficial mudra for women and helps with overall pelvic health. you can do it sitting cross legged. i like to chant mantras and do this pose,, it kicks in quicker or smthng idk 😳but it feels ✨
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2. prana mudra
do this mudra on both hands btw!!
prana means life force
this mudra helps with overall immunity and pain management!!!
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3. prithvi mudra
prithvi means earth and this mudra helps balance the earth element in your energetic system which means its gives you strength, resilience and physical energy (in case u feel tired, fatigued etc for no reason) as those are the qualities of the earth
now for some pranayamas
Bhramari/ honeybee buzzing
this is my fav bc its so simple and easy to do!! and who doesn't want to buzz like a bee??? 🥰😍
2. anulom vilom
this is also a very simple pranayam for beginners
the whole idea is to get your body into a state of relaxation so that you dont operate from a place of stress or anxiety. you can just feel peaceful all the time. imagine being that unbothered!!
sorry for going off on a tangent (me with every post lmao) these are some beginner friendly yoga asanas/mudras/pranayamas (all of which are diff components of yoga) that u can try when u feel comfortable!!
NOW about alleviating pain ASAP:
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hot water bag
put that thing on ur stomach and lie down (after taking medicine) my mom used to do this all the time and it helped her a lot
2. roobois tea
i drink roobois tea almost everyday hehe but its said to help alleviate menstrual cramps 🤔and lower blood pressure,,
3. chamomile tea
is also said to help with period pain :o
4. look into your diet, sleep, overall lifestyle
you may not have had pain of this sort before but babe NOW UR A WOMAN ✨and u have to look at your lifestyle and ensure that its something that helps a woman's body feel rested and calm
being stressed all the time can take a physical toll on you and lead to all kinds of diseases later in life!! its in your best interest to RELAX
idk how much this helped 😭😭the most convenient thing to do would be to take medicine but u said u can't so :((( hot water bag + roobois tea???
ALSOOOO always wear socks during your period and keep your feet covered. i have sensitive feet so i wear socks at home often (this is uncommon in india, where we have a tropical climate lmao) BUT KEEP THOSE FEET COVERED,, there's some kind of science behind it but i dont remember it lmao,, all i know is that it makes me bleed less<333 and have more cozy periods and sleep better<33
ALSOOOO,, this could be an old wives tale but it worked for me (but im also delusional😍) eating dark chocolate and/or having a spoon of oil on day 1 of your period makes your period go smoothly?? 😭😭😭there's no harm in trying hehe
ALSOOO and ive never tried this but heating up like a tablespoon of oil and applying it to the bellybutton area 😳😳can help alleviate period pain 😳😳
lastly and most importantly, im just a girlblogger and NOT A MEDICAL EXPERT so pls dont put urself in an adverse position bc of something i said 😭😭😭
love always,
heaven ✨
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
omaegorverse au stuff its daenys marrying into the starks and having the worst fucking time of her life with her gay misogyinst husband who hates her and her problematic homophobic mother in law ^_^
anyway so in omaegorverse walton and alaric did a rebellion and got absolutely FUCKED like fully dead and burned up rip alaric stark sorry u couldnt befriend alysanne 😭 its canon that torrhen's sons and the early targ-era starks HATED the targs. i think if maegor omegafied his nephew and took him to wife theyd consider that the last straw. plus the old gods are whispering in their ear or something ^_^ there’s also a mercenary company in essos called the company of the rose i thought that was SO fun so they go back to westeros to fight in the rebellion :3
anyway viserys is crazy at this point cos he’s had three forced childbirths and people keep dying and its his fault (its maegor its all maegor. of course its maegor's fault but maegor's like um well maybe if u werent a whore they might have lived 🙄) so he begs maegor to end the rebellion peacefully. plus if they blast the starks the north will HATE them. maegor is like fuck that noise and viserys goes well ok guess ill kill myself and the kids then. so maegor's like fuck ok fine 🙄 gods youre so dramatic women are so annoying -_- nudges his squire goes heh the wife amirite always nagging and bitching!!
viserys is deeply traumatised and only halfway in reality. he arranges a marriage between daenys to walton+alaric's brother for peace and hes like itll be ok cos youll be far away from maegor. you just have to be a nice demure wife and have babies like look how happy that made me!! itll be fine also maegor will 100% make you the prize in one of his fckn tourneys if u stay unmarried for much longer O_O. and daenys is all well the angels are telling me to murder-suicide maegor and im having gay thoughts about aunt rhaena again so i guess running away from kings landing  is a good idea (kings landing is kind of alive in this it kind of tortures the targs).
it is not! she marries the new lord stark (his name is cregard:3) and he's DEEPLY targphobic. his mother was the second wife of brandon the boastful, making walton and alaric his elder half-brothers. his mother is also a bolton! her name's barba bolton she's crazy! she and brandon the boastful married as a covert bolton-stark alliance against the targs in preparation for possible anti-targ rebellions… the stark family consists of barba + her four kids: myranda bolton, cregard, lysara mormont and sybelle dustin. the starks are very weird rn cos half of them died and the other half are hated by the north. the daughters are all married off and do a lot of diplomacy, so its just barba and cregard in winterfell. boymum and her mummy’s boy that’s so normal!!!
barba has had the revolution burned out of her thanks to her husband and stepsons getting burned to death at the gates of winterfell. she couldnt intern their bones either because balerion fckn ATE them. she agrees to the marriage because there’s no way she can’t... also because the political situation in the north is very tense. everyone is mad that the rebellion failed and that their sons died, and they start a conspiracy that barba had sabotaged the rebellion for bolton power. barba had refused to let her own son fight, despite him being fifteen (which is war age for sure) and they think this was her being cunning. they think she had conspired with maegor and his catamite WHORE into letting her and her children live. and she hates the northern houses back cos she gritted her teeth swallowed her pride and surrendered to save THEM!! so if she doesn’t want some kind of usurpation she needs the backing of the targs. plus this princess has a dragon…
ALSO it was viserys the catamite FREAK who specifically intervened and begged maegor's mercy which the northerners all see as a slight on their honour. barba is also super pissy about it :3 homophobic QUEEN! on paper it is such an honour to wed a targ princess but everyone thinks the mpreg babies are abominations, the starks especially. but they cant say no since maegor mercifully didnt blow them all up.
cregard's character is very stoic and angry. he's got that stark iciness + honour/justice, but he's also got the stark wildness!! he's 14 years older than daenys (30 and 16 at marriage ew) and he sees their marriage as a transaction and security for the north. he was fifteen during the rebellion and hates his mother for locking him in winterfell. considers this an evil bitch act of emasculation but he’s also an absolute mommy’s boy. he's very classically sexist like Well a wife's job is to support her husband and give him heirs. i will give her whatever she wants materially but emotionally she is an object she is not a person. if that makes sense :3
daenys is very shy and autistic so barba thinks she is weak and will never be a good lady of winterfell she isnt Hard and Stoic enough. cregard thinks she's an airhead freak but treats her with that sort of chauvinistic chivalry. like he treats her decently enough he doesnt beat her but also her duty is to give him sons. cregard does NOT do the nedcat sept because the optics of that are SO bad. as she has married into the family he expects her to convert since well she's a northerner stark now. not that anyone is treating her like that... anyway she mostly spends her days with the horses in the stables, in the glass gardens or with her dragon:3
and YES she has a dragon and brought it north. it is very small the runt of the litter. it is from dreamfyre's clutch and daenys named her dreamsweet and calls her sweetling. the starks are very annoyed by the dragon because they were hoping for a big dragon who they could use as leverage. instead they get a runt. just like daenys :) she doesn't ride dreamsweet much, though dreamsweet is large enough to ride. cregard DOES have a large stable made for the dragon which also stunts the dragons growth but they dont know that. everyone steers clear of it and daenys turns it into her special safe place :) she paints it all pretty and uses it as a sept. its round and maybe the size of a smallish school gymnasium. it has a conical roof with a large skylight, though chains are kept over the opening. dreamsweet is allowed ONE outing a month...
not getting into the marital bed situation because sad and also thats not fun and i do this au for fun. but i guess picture the handmaid's tale if youve ever read the book :( barba is there and its all mechanical and emotionless. cregard thinks his wife is an abomination + is sexistly gay. he is nawt getting anything out of this. actually havent really thought about the gay thing all too much i just did that cos i thought it was funny tbh. maybe he’s got medieval rentboys or something.maybe he’s got a tumultuous homoerotic situationship with one of the northern lords. You decide :3 i think barba is like your vices are disgusting and dishonour house stark. use your wiles to seduce that effette lord manderly into supporting the starks again.
daenys and barba are very weird cos daenys has never had an actual mother before. barba’s like late forties when daenys marries cregard. they’re the only women in winterfell and daenys outranks her and daenys is a fucked up abomination and barba is one of those insane boymoms whos like I am the most important woman in my son’s life. i would like it if she slowly grew to respect daenys and they could have a normal mother-daughter relationship but. I doubt that. i think daenys is terrified of her and barba hates her but theyre also forced to interact, forced into the most intimate relationship women can have!! motherhood ahh!! god this post is too long. okay my final message. goodbye<3
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thegeminisage · 8 months
as always i am transcribing the little notes i took on my phone during the experience
the three things i knew about this film before i started were 1. valeris secret villain? some kind of mind-meld forced on spock? 2. worf's grandpa 3. kirk and bones sentenced to hard labor on planet hoth. other than that i went in blind
im glad they opened with CAPTAIN!!! sulu. i feel like he couldnt be there during filming but im so relieved he got parts anyway <3
also quite shocked to see janice rand?! god bless. she was like, i've undergone so much unbelievable bullshit. lemme get that star trek money. and then she did <3
the ship shaking in this movie was VERY realistic. the m,ost realistic yet. idk why they would have glass tecups in this situation though...maybe they just like to watch them break dramatically
uhura is still so beautiful in this movie. i don't know how she gets more beautiful in every star trek thing she appears in but she did it 6 times in a row. queen
first cry of the evening was when spock showed up but it was a SHORT cry because i had just cried about him in tng two days ago.
loved his little domestic spat with kirk at the beginning. the giant space between them. doing it in public. the absolute death glares. who's in the woodshed NOW (sorry for saying woodshed)
kirk being racist was an unexpected detail but i get it. you gotta have somebody being racist to nail home this story's message or whatever. i just figured it'd be bones. then again the klingons didn't kill his kid
that one bald klingon who kept eyefucking everybody he looked at. king. i know the phrase eyefucking is out of date because we overused it but there is simply no other way to describe it. he was there to leer at men suggestively and recite a batshit amount of shakespeare. and he did a great job
i had so much fun playing spot the tng set. they kept those rooms SO dark so we wouldn't recognize them but i did anyway.
the anti-gravity scene was SO so so so cool and good. like, the 90s cgi purple pepto bismol blood took me out of it a little but we have been saying every time something fucked up their little ship "how is the gravity still on rn." and the answer, always, is "it's on bc no-grav scenes cost money." FINALLY we got a no gravity scene. such a profound sense of both awe and closure
the violence was shockingly gorey too. like we had severed arms and real blood flying everywhere. idk that any of the trek i've watched so far has been quite that explicit
the scene where bones tries to save the klingon high chancellor. 10/10. bones the healer begging to be allowed to save lives. him jumping straight up onto that table and straddlign that man. him digging his hands into all that klingon blood. what a fine moment. it was a little homoerotic of that guy to grab kirk in the spiderman kiss pose as he was dying too
sarek cameo <3 it felt weird to see him alive right after he died
i did wonder why they didn't just have saavik in this film instead of valeris...i guess that saavik fans would have been mad if the send-off for the character was to make her a backstabber. but it would have felt more believable that spock be blind to her passions because she was also his protege. it also would've made the mind meld (WHICH. WOW. GETTING TO THAT) all the more tragic. valeris does a great spock eyebrow but she's not as compelling as saavik and she doesn't have the backstory so even if i hadn't had the spoilers i would have suspected her
things i didnt like: that one colonel guy saying terrorism and mr scott saying bitch. watch your mouth, gentleman.
the trial was fine (i still have trial fatigue) but i find it hard to believe klingons dont have tear ducts. what if they get something in their eyes? i loved seeing worf. i loved bones's little arthritis joke. frail little old waif of a man <3
kirk getting his ass handed to him over his personal logs is why you don't make personal logs. even funnier: their thing where they were like yeah but he has a record of [lists 1000000 crimes kirk has committed]. that was funny because it was true.
i love when they put dogs in costumes
bones collapsing in that blizzard was my ONE AND ONLY HOPE for this movie. i needed him to do it so bad so i could round out my collection and he did not let me down. true consistency. authenticity. king behavior. me when i go north fr
unexpected: both the cigar and the hot alien lady. i don't know what either of them were even doing there. she literally macked on kirk right in front of bones's salad. idk if we can count this as a close encounter though considering how short it was
i loved kirk's little fight where he nutshotted the alien. and their little prison outfits. and them snuggling up on bed together to stay warm <3 also bones being like and one day PFFFT kobayashi maru, that's it! quintessential bones behavior.
mixed feelings about the shapeshifter. double kirks was great (once again: william shatner plays a woman) and hilarious especially when they smooshed poor bones. double especially when she was like yeah well i bet you always wanted to kiss yourself anyway. that little girl giving kirk a saucy wink was maybe less fun. it would have been a close encounter if they'd fucked i guess
spirk talking in the hall and their faces were soooo close together
spock's forced mind meld: i thought this was something done TO him, not something HE DID. imagine my shock. there's a little mirror spock in him after all. it was absolutely fucking ruthless. i have a little pet theory that everyone in the mirrorverse is really the same - it's only their circumstances that turned them into monsters. it's not always viable and it's not always as fun as them just being evil and edgy, but this does lend it evidence <3
spock "i've been dead before" absolute king.
the conference at khitomer!!!! the foreshadowing.........
spirk's conversation in spock's quarters in the dark...mwah. "the night is young" "i find that remark insulting" "i need you" i wish they had talked about valeris but this was still really good. bones should have been there.
TORPEDO SURGERY! IT'S AN AOS REFERENCE! aos bones is a damsel because he couldn't operate on the torpedo.
loved kirk's GET DOWN MRS OBAMA moment and he got to have one twice in a row and then pull the mask off that guy like he was a scooby doo villain. incredible.
you've restored my father's faith / you've restored my son's...wah. i didn't really care about david but i'm glad he got closure about it or whatever.
then the klingon slow clapping. incredible.
spock cussing and saying go to hell <3
"soon the enterprise will have a new crew" yeah a worse one. i did like the switch from no man to no one though during that final monologue. just subtle enough <3
I DID CRY AGAIN AT THE END.....................it was a very sweet ending. second star to the right and straight on til morning. i'm glad sulu got to say goodbye even on webcam he was such a g this film. i'm gonna miss them SO MUCH.
i now know spock's ENTIRE LIFE STORY except whatever happens in snw that i dont care about <3 if i wasnt busy it would have huge fanfic potential. give me time i guess.
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
re: peter
do you think that peter would look back on his life in canon and think that those extra years he got to live while being a mole, being a rat, and then voldys servant were worth what he traded them for. he would have only lived about 20 years otherwise so he doubled his lifespan.
i imagine giving up his friends to be killed was more of an under extreme pressure and fear on the spot decision than a deeply reflective strategy, and he cant change it once hes done it, only dig deeper, but surely he has to look back on it and think something about it? he never expresses regret, more like it was a tragic and terrible necessity.
-jegulily stuff
ok yes i love this question. so im pretty sure a while ago i made a post about how peter's biggest fear is dying and being forgotten (largely due to his dad forgetting him, his mum prioritising other kids over him, not being anyone's favourite person, and growing up during a war, so having death all around) he was pressured into joining the order, something he didn't want to do (not really by his friends, that would understand, but by his fear of being forgotten- not joining the war means not being apart of a huge thing in everyone else's lives).
wait so actually answering your question- I'd say he definitely does feel remorse for it and it was definitely a sort of split second decision to join or die- and he chose to join. BUT although he feels immense remorse and doesn't forgive himself for everything he's done, he knows if he could somehow go back in time he wouldn't change a thing. he sort of has moments of regretting it all- where he's wishing his friends were back at his side, but then he imagines his dead body, dying young and buried in piles of those that died in the first war. forgotten. and he doesn't regret it, because it meant survival and fame, no matter how temporary, that wouldn't have come without his sacrifices.
a side note: a fic im writing rn (mentioned it a little in my last peter ask) where regulus and peter betray both the death eaters and the order, is basically what i think peter's decision would be if he had more time to strategically plan things, instead of the second quick decision he actually had. and in that he joins the death eaters as a spy for them, finds out about horcruxes with regulus, and goes horcrux hunting with him and a few other morally grey characters in a very anti hero way. (i promise im not self promoting my fics here, its just relevant to the question)
so yeah, i feel like of course peter doesn't agree with the death eaters in anyway, but it was a decision between life and death that required, basically his soul. and yes he feels immensely bad about it and rightly hates himself for it, but wouldn't change a thing because to him, it was still worth it for those extra 20 years and the roughly 12 years of fame/honour and everyone knowing who he is.
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anotherbeingsworld · 2 years
okay bestie what are YOUR midnights rankings??? 💘💘💘
MAL, I SAW YOURE BACK. I shall answer this cause well I rare answer asks here anymore bye dkdj 😭.
But, I haven't thought this much through. BUT BUT, here's like a ranking I just made on my notes. SO, I wanna hear ur thoughts bestie hehe. 😌 (It's PRETTY HARD TBH, but I love my top 5 tbh hehe.) Under the cut with explanations! (for the top 10 zsjjsks)
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Okay, you're own your own kid. That one HIT ME with a couple of bricks. Like literally, I just cried when I listened to it on my own, and proceed to make a playlist about it hsjdjd. But, but, yeah - I love it.
Midnight rain. Okay, Idk why, it just feels like so relatable. I feel like I'm the midnight rain, I mean yes, I want to be a bride..but, WELL, IDK. just conflict. I love it too much.
Anti-Hero? I'm the problem. ITS ME. periodt. 😌
Would've could've should've. J*hn M*y*r better watch his back. That song is so freaking raw and IM JUST, ghad. I belt it too much lately, and like ESPECIALLY the line that says, 'i regret it all the time." I felt it idky.
Karma. IS A CAT. okay, karma is just giving me fun vibes. I love it, good karma should be spread around, and we love good karma <3
OKAY, LABYRINTH. That one is honestly the hardest, okay that's a stretch but. I'm listening to it rn. It's just giving me so much vibes..of just, especially the part. The oh, uh - I'm falling in love. In all three states..and like ITS JUST SO STUNNING. I'm totally in love with it
SNOW ON THE BEACH. ghad, I love that one so much. Taylor sounds freaking angelic, and just the whole song. Screams chills. I'm loving it, and Lana being on it is just SO GOOD.
sweet nothing, kaia. That's all. 🥹💕 (Okay, also the fact Taylor and Joe wrote it together. AND IT IS THE RESPONSE TO PEACE. IM DYING BESTIE.)
Bejeweled. SLAY. THE ✨SHIMMER✨. periodt.
The great war, made me feel somehow hopeful. Just, you reach my hand throughout the great war? I'm dead. 🥹
(I CANT ADD ANYMORE EXPLANATIONS, but it's honestly an amazing album. I been listening to it like TOO MUCH. the last 10 songs in the ranking, I need more time to just listen to it frequently hehe. But ty bestie for sending in, I looove you. And I hope you're doing much better. 💕💕💕
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mxdotpng · 3 years
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this actually made me start crying. this was so cruel. sick. it was sick of them
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255940g · 3 years
I thunk i just had a big brain moment
So I just finished watching a scientist person (at least they have a radiation spot and uranium glass that they made) show off their uranium glass that they made. He put it under a blacklist. AND I SHIT YOU NOT the xolour the glass became was the EXACT shade of Danny Phantoms eyes while in ghost form or doing the scary eyes.
SO it had me thinking. The 'ghost detectors' the Fentons use really detect uranium. (Also seen in the video was a hand held device which beeped the closer it came to the uranium glass...sounds familiar. Right?) Which is why Danny in human form, he has to be semi-close to ghost detecting devices as he's human and has less exposure to uranium. BUT as the shows seasons go by he (human form Danny) can be more easily detected by the ghost detectors. We (the Phandom) also have the HC that the more Danny accepts his ghostly form/his half-death the more powerful his ghostly form is and the more control he has. We have never been given any knowledge of what the portal has been made of...
SO I propose this theory. To get into the Ghost Zone the Fentons had to recreate a highly concentrated form of a decomposing body (idk if a naturally decomposing body radiated uranium but whatever I don't care). BUT it (the portal) didn't just not work initially because the machiene was off on the inside, it lacked a consciousness or a will to get to the GZ. The fentons had to halt the process of a naturally decomposing body at a sweet spot to fully get to the other side but not far enough that it 'went too far' (lacking words here im dead tired rn) to mimic a fully decomposed body (aka past the time where a ghost could transition to the GZ). When Danny went into the portal he became the consciousness required to get the transportation to happen. (He also touched the on button to re-start the online sequence that the elder Fentons did in their initial test which failed.) DANNY had just the right amount of want (or will if you prefer) to get the portal opened, but thats not the only reason why he went in, so he didn't become the portal. Yet he had enough want to make it back to his friends and living life to stay within the human realm and enough wish/want/will to be something other then a wimp or someone who is overlooked and bullied.
A. Regarding Vlads accident with the above in mind, not only did the soda interfere with the delicate balance of recreating a decomposing body, the sequence was just a tad too far beyond the 'sweet spot' I mentioned previously and the portal didn't stay and created the exto-acne.
B. Danny's body not only was electrocuted it was also quickly absorbing the radiation which went to create the balance of a decomposing body. Because there seemed to be both a previously decomposing a body...lacking a true flesh form there was also a rapidly dying flesh body. Both of which were in a sweet spot to just combine. Danny wasn't fully developed so it was FAR easier to combine the two as the fleshy body within. The fleshy body could be convinced to accept the lacking-a-flesh secondary body in addition, combined all together with Danny's main wishes in life to create Phantom while maintaining a slightly less radiated human formed body baisically remaining the same previous to entering the portal. (obviously with a. Bunch of pain. But it could be done)
C. The true scientists of the family come into contact with radiation quite frequently due to their job and so had to create new, unique, personalized, ultimately BETTER anti-radiation suits out of necessity. (Also how they get the majority of their funds as many places will pay top dollar for the best protection against radioactive which could get the highest lawsuits and its FAR better to avoid those as it also gets the publics attention to things those with money don't want publicized. So who cares that they come from unique scientists every single scientist has something outside and unique to themselves. Their product gets the shor done and what they do with the money after being paid is not their buisness.) They don't take them off often due to different experiments which could need to be checked periodically safely at a moments notice.
Kids outside of those hours aren't encouraged after all. ALSO Jazz and Danny grew up between two different scientific labs their used to this shit and official safety measures can get an eye roll most times. (Pulling from the experience with high-school, elementary, junior High school, and some college science classes.)
Additionally, they go out to hunt ghosts which are radioactive and they need more protection then the average citizen. Danny's chores within the lab MUST be done at a certain time as he dosent really have the ultimate best suit and the experiments must be put away safely. We do see the stereotypical radiation signs absolutely everywhere in the background after all.
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sukirichi · 3 years
In light of the recent spoilers of JJK, I’m gonna need physical proof. Like, my living eyeballs need to see said spoilers 👁👁 until then nothing has happened 😀
warnings: jjk manga spoilers!
oh anon i think the physical proof would just ruin me more ashsjkal i tried to tell myself that oh no yeah anything can happen, it’s probably not real, the chapter isn’t finished and it would be anti-climatic to give us a backstory and sneak peeks of his significance but...i’m just trying to move on rn lmaooooo. been crying the whole day and i am a dried prune, so idk ✌🏻
more asks answered under the cut!
suki let’s cry together 🙁 i’ve been in denial and have been crying abt the leaks on twt. anyways even if he d-worded we can always write fics where he’s alive! i will forever deny his death 🥲
yes anon yes please let us cry together. yeah right? like damn i have never cried this much lmfao. i do want to write fics for him but i’m currently on the five stages of grief hahahha idk i don’t want to believe it!!!
@fyodors-crime SUKI WTF i haven't been on here in a while but WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY KILL NAOYA OFF AND THEN DISBAND THE ZENIN CLAN WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING i'm lowkey shaking no this is too soon for him to go
bestie idk what is going on either 😀🤡
its the anon that kept going "ok" sorry about that im in a state of denial
its alright bestie i am still not in a state of denial so here be the waterworks 😭
@naoyailoveu he isn't dead if we don't read the chapter
the leaks???? smh our man deserves more than that
Naoya had so much potential. Damn I'm sad
JJK 152 LEAKS: i was literally just saying that i was happy bc of the hiatus so like naoya will be alive for longer then boom the leaks :((
jjk manga spoilers! - - - he had sooo much potential :(( i was hoping we’d even see him in the culling game or at least have a face off with megumi in the future
EXACTLY LIKE! why introduce a character as iconic as that with the sneak peeks of his backstory and then he was killed by the most irrelevant character? feel like gee is just slandering naoya bcos we didn’t even get a proper backstory / future arc / or even a part where he shows what he’s capable of 🥺 plus that death is so!!! he got a dramatic entrance and had a lame death what is that 😔
@mimines My condolences. You were always on my tl simping over him ( This is my first time using Ask so hopefully I dont embarrass myself )
i love him sm 🥺💕
with how jjk manga is going i do really wonder if gege is still enjoying his work bc ngl after the shibuya arc everything seems too rushed 👁👁🥴🥴
ah same anon same same...i have a feeling gege is not enjoying writing jjk anymore and i’m worried that he might just end up killing everyone and it’s so 💀it feels too rushed like where is the story going anymore 😐
are you okay? not in direct regards to the leaks but the fact that ppl seemed to run to your inbox to spoil it for you... idk I hope you’re doing alright
i am alright thanks for the concern! i don’t mind being spoiled 💕
man i hate this chapter my heart hurts i really wanted gege to keep him a little longer at least wtfff
I JUST SAW THE SPOILERS AAAAA It's a bit of an unfulfilling end tbh with the build in Naoya's character only for him to be d-worded by a character who appeared in less than 5 panels. Like, since there was a little back story and how he was sympathetic to Toji and Gojo huhu Naoya's a good character to just die. I'm sad for his character since he's just the reflection of what a misogynistic and power greedy society does to a child. He would've survived ajdjasjQJFJAJDJAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
naoya’s design was so cool i mean he was supposed to be this traditional dude but he had DYED hair and piercings djsjsjsns😩 please if he was stabbed or something there’s still hope (as long as he still has his head) who knows what if someone healed him or something ugh im desperate
I really thought Naoya would make a great antagonist and represent something,,,even if it was a bad cause or bad behavior or whatever, bcos his character had so much potential and he was so iconic and just... Like what is going on??? Exactly Gege had so much build on Naoya and even that backstory of him wanting to stand with Toji and Gojo and then 💀 omg anon ikr...like no one is born evil, Naoya’a beliefs are ones he grew up in and I think he perfectly represents why family plays an influential part in one’s growth and that he’s just another kid who was raised wrongly by the toxicity of the Zen’in clan 💀 UGH ANON I SURE DO HOPE HE STILL HAS HIS HEAD 😭😭😭 i’m desperate too but i’ve long accepted that maybe it’s time for me to go as well, the zen’in estate is empty anyway 😔 /lh
my notifications just spoiled me omg, wow 😢
Why do people have to spoil the jjk chapters 😭😭
why are your anons so rude? if they know youre a naoya stan why would they send you spoilers like that knowing it might upset you? people shouldn’t spoil the deaths of their faves because it could be really hurtful and its annoying because its like no one cares what you feel
smhhhh why are people telling you he died like eye 🧍🏽‍♀️do they not know it would be upsetting
besties...i am okay with spoilers, i love spoilers actually. thanks for the concern but i don’t think any of the people who spoiled me had the intention to upset me with it, rather to just tell me on what went on. yes ofc i’m heartbroken by the turn of events but i am not mad at anyone. if anyone was being rude to me i would call them out on it, plus my blog is not spoiler free so its a given i am okay with spoilers.
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#36)
5x13, the series finale i have heard nothing but good things about - I made it y’all! *wipes tear* this is a show i will definitely rewatch! It definitely feels like the kind of show that’s so layered that every time you go back you’ll pick up something new. I love shows like that.
i haven’t been on tumblr on my computer in a long time but im gonna go through and add “read more”s to all of these recaps! 
(thanks to anyone who read these nonsense recaps! if you enjoyed these...in addition to my currently-on-hiatus riverdale podcast @bodysuitsforbughead, I have another teen drama-centered podcast in the works, follow @LeftyTeenDrama on Twitter and @leftistteendrama on Instagram to get updates when it launches! I’m taking a break on working on it till i move but it’s gonna be a big part of my 2021 projects. I’ve already recorded one episode with two of my favorite people in the world and it’s gonna be amazing. It will be about a variety of teen dramas, but FNL will definitely be included.)
and without further ado, my final FNL ramblings under the cut:
And we open with one last montage of shots around Dillon from a car, with a “Christmas in Texas” song playing. Amazing. 
Oh wow, I love the “FIVE DAYS TILL THE CHAMPIONSHIP” vibe. The build-up is already here. A shot of Julie in the stands watching practice! 
It’s super uncomfortable that people are talking to Vince about his “future teammates” on the Panthers before the post-season is even over.  “I don’t really wanan talk about that. I want to talk about how the East Dillon Lions are gonna win State.” “Is that a promise?” These Texas sports journalists are WILD. this is a teenage boy whose school’s funding just got cut right before the biggest game of his life! Can we have some sympathy?!
“I hear they’re taking the cream of the crop for the Superteam so I’m gonna be honest with you, what are you gonna do?” EXCUSE ME SIR? I repeat, TEENAGE BOY. Tinker’s response of “you’re an asshole” and storming away was more than appropriate!!!
“No comment”ing his way out of there like a champ.
Ah, the age-old tradition of decorating a Christmas tree while arguing about a five-year football coach contract in Dillon or a dean of admissions job offer at a prestigious Philadelphia college. Julie’s just sitting there with Gracie like ooooh boy 
“Here is where we put our tree, not Philadelphia! It’s a Texas tree.” OMG STOP IT. Lol Julie putting her hands over her ears.
Wow I did not expect this proposal to come that quickly into the episode! Like i knew it was coming in this episode but aw. They’re so soft! Just like, oh i’ve been thinking about you nonstop since our perfect Chicago tryst and oh look here’s grandma’s ring let me casually get down on one knee in the town where we fell in love. And after she was just talking about how much she misses Matt to Tyra the episode before? That “yes” she gave feels so certain because of it. Aw.
The grandma’s ring really fucks me up because you know how close Julie and Grandma Saracen have gotten over the years. My heart!
“Oh my God, your dad must’ve flipped.” “...What do you mean?” OH NO Eric Taylor is totally the type to care. “...When you asked him to marry me.” Oh I knew this proposal was too early in the episode, im dying!
“You need to go man to man.” Ugh Julie i liked Matt’s plan of just going and telling them much better. His look of fear when he repeats “man to man.” dead. 
Wow no theme song??? That’s how you know it’s gonna be a long series finale!
Andddd here we are, a bickering Riggins “I may or may not be going to Alaska.” “Is it because you raw dogged Tyra last night?” i literally gasped.
LMAO Mindy trying to say Tim and Tyra are incest now that Mindy and Billy are married and then Tim and Billy immediately being like “nope, no blood lines, that’s not how incest works.” Someone should send that memo to all those anti bughead stans about bughead and falice
“What do you think about me taking Stevie for the day?” “I’m fine with that. There’s no going back, I’m going to get the bag.” LOL Mindy spoken like a true parent also YES to Tim and Stevie spending time together.
Poor Jess not realizing that asking Eric if she can follow him to the Panthers is a much bigger question than she thinks se’s asking.
AWW Tim and Stevie at Grandma Collette’s. How cute. 
“Seven’s back in town?” “Yeah, he and Julie got engaged!” 
Tim/Tyra and Matt/Julie double date?? Aw I love that Tyra knows that Matt and Julie got engaged. I really love Tyra and Julie’s friendship. 
I’m laughing really hard at Matt’s speech to Eric trying to ask permission. This is so funny. 
Eric’s like, “is this kid serious rn?” 
Not to be that northern bitch but don’t kids get married at 18/19 all the fucking time in Texas?? I feel like it’s more common in even more rural parts of like...any state.
“The answer to your question is gonna be no today, it’s gonna be no tomorrow, and it’s gonna be no until the sun burns out.” LMAO wow i didn’t see this coming
“This was really just a courtesy, we were hoping for your blessing.” YES MATT.
OH BOY Eric did not just try to speak FOR his daughter, im not about it. “My daughter’s answer to you is ‘no.’” That’s some patriarchal shit right there.
“We’ll never know if we’re East Coast people if we don’t try it!” “We have a MUCH BIGGER problem.” Dude, it’s Matt Saracen, the softest boy who has loved your daughter for years, i actually think the fundamental decision of where you and Tami continue your future might be slightly more pressing. 
“I don’t know why you’re yelling at me! I think we agree on this!” IM SCREAMINGGGG 
Aw, Tami getting teary-eyed at Grandma Saracen’s ring. “It’s just, y’all are so young.” I know but this is a TV show universe so we let teen marriage slide for the right couples, ok. 
Tami and Eric wanna take Matt and Julie to A CONVERSATION DINNER??? This is gonna be so funny. 
Aw, Vince got his dad a ticket to state? “I want you to be there.” if this fucker doesn’t just come and shut his mouth
Oh wow Becky’s mom is finally coming back? And yay Becky’s finally over her Tim crush. “So friends?” “I say family.” AWWW MY HEART.
“You guys were our age when you got married.” ARE YOU SERIOUS? “It was a different time.” Y’all have no leg to stand on here.
“Marriage requires maturity.” Says the man who won’t let his wife take a huge job offer. What, who said that? (Okay the way Tami’s watching Eric give this speech about compromise, thinking she’s thinking the same thing.)
“You guys got married when you were my age, and how many times did you move? How many different things you’ve gone through and look how you’ve made it work. You guys are my inspiration.” AW. I wish my parents had a stable enough marriage to be able to say that LOL but nope.
OH NO poor Tami getting up from the table because she’s emotional! Because she’s clearly always thought of her marriage that way too but maybe not lately AH
Eric, babe, that’s your cue to follow. 
Oh shit, Jess’s family is moving to Dallas? Well, damn.
Eric saw Vince not take a ticket for his dad and came to his watering hole to hand deliver it? “Young man gets a chance like that maybe once in a lifetime.” and mic drop, walk away.
Luke casuaklly meeting Becky’s mom for the first time while coming by to try to win Becky back. “I love you. I’m so sorry.” AWWW. growth!
YES cheers to Matt and Julie! “Here’s to Mr. and Mrs. Saracen.”
“Always thought you’d be the first person to say that.” AW
Yes halfway through college, go Tyra!
Awwww, Matt being like “let’s dance” and pulling Julie up. So cute. Yes, Tim asking Tyra to dance. 
“I got plans.” “I don’t.” OMG is Tim saying he’ll just follow Tyra? Damn.
Why tf is Buddy calling Eric first thing in the morning to tell him about Buddy Jr.’s cast and “staying here el permanente” and GETTING HIM TO SIGN A CONTRACT BEFORE THE GAME? Y’all are shady as fuck!
I love that seeing the Braemore papers made him stop, tell Buddy off, and not make a decision in that moment. What’s gonna happen???
“I won’t be a part of your Superteam after all.” Hopefully Eric won’t be either! Aw Jess thanking him “for the greatest experience of his life.” “I think it’s been mine too.” AW.
Eric’s gonna give a coach in Dallas a good word for Jess? So beautiful. Yesss!
AW Julie and Matt decorating the Saracen Christmas tree, and Grandma trying to get Julie to wear her old wedding dress!
Emotional at this hug between Julie and Mrs. Saracen. “I love you.” “I love you too.”
Awww Vince finally being glad that Jess is part of the team...at the moment when it’s about to end.
Yess Tyra and Tim picnicking on the land? 
And YES to Tyra going into politics, I could see it! “Along the lines of Mrs. T. Except bigger.” YES GURL.
“I’ve been in love with you since I was five years old.” AWWW that is so precious. 
“I’m gonna build a house exactly where we’re sitting. I’m gonna get a job. And I’m never gonna do anything illegal for the rest of my life.” Oh, Tim. my heart!!!
“Maybe one day, our dreams can merge together.” THAT’S SO BEAUTIFUL. What more does one really want? Oh, these beautiful life-filled shots of them drinking beer on the land where Tim wants to build a house. Art!
Oh shit, Eric’s racing to get to Santa in time to be there with Tami and Gracie?! “You scared me half to death. What’s going on?” 
“I turned the contract down. It’s your turn. I want to go to Philadelphia. Will you take me to Philadelphia with you, please?” YESSSSSSSSSSSSS what they deserve! What Tami deserves!!!! My heart!!!!
Ugh, the imagery as they get to State is amazing. The boys taking in the field, the players suited up praying and getting in the zone beforehand. The screaming in the stands waiting for them.
“You may never know how proud I am of you.” “You changed my life, coach.” AW.
Eric’s pre-game prayer overlaying the image of the Lions bursting out onto the field! Yes yes yes!
The way they slowed everything down with just music, and focused in on the faces of so many characters - Vince’s dad showing up, Eric and Tami saluting one another from stand to sideline, Becky cheering in the stands excitedly for Luke, Matt and Julie holding each other, Buddy on the sidelines screaming, Vince’s mom jumping up and down - just absolute perfection. 
And we’re back in, with actual in-scene sound at 26-21 with 3 seconds left on the clock??? Jesus!
AH and every single character watching the football fly in the air, WOW the DRAMA.
Holy shit, they fast-forwarded to one of Eric’s players in Philly catching a football eight months later in Philly??? THIS SHOW IS SO GOOD. WOW.
Tami looks like such a badass strutting around campus!
YES Tinker is on the Panthers! Take that, bullying reporter! 
Aw, the East Dillon Lions sign coming down. :( feels.
Nooo Luke don’t go to the military! Noooo I hate that. Poor Becky. They’re the exact type of couple who gets caught up in that really sad cycle - too poor to really have many other options, so the whole “free college when i get out!” thing starts to look really attractive. smh.
But i love how they used the championship ring he gave Becky as a way to signal that the East Dillon Lions did, indeed, win the state championship eight months earlier...and that Jess is wearing the ring on the sidelines of a new field where she’s working with the coaches! amazing!
Yay Matt and Julie live in Matt’s beautiful Chicago apartment? Perfection. They really look so good in that city together. 
New beginnings in a new city together for both Tami and Eric AND Matt and Julie? I’m living! It’s what they deserve!
Tim and Billy building Tim’s house and drinking beers! “Texas forever.” “Texas forever.” MY HEART.
“Clear eyes, full hearts.” SILENCE. “Ah, we’ll deal with that later.” LOL
Yesss Tami coming out to meet Eric on the field!!!
“Ready to go home?” “Yeah, let’s go.”
And the lights go off on the field. End show. AMAZING. Truly, an epic series finale! An epic show! I will definitely rewatch and i am so glad i finally did! Thanks to anyone who gave a shit about my ramblings.
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samingtonwilson · 5 years
taal can we talk about the bollywood a-listers sTILL sitting with their lips sealed about all the stuff happening in india rn?! i mean i get that publicists are a thing but seriously. nothing!? wasn’t priyanka chopra the brand ambassador of assam when the nrc first got implemented? and while she’s being cradled in her white husband’s arms millions of people are fucking dying because they’re voicing concerns about THIER government? (1/2)
i’m sick and tired of nepotism-endorsing biggies claiming they’re being victimised because they have rich parents every time they’re asked to make a statement about their validity in the industry but when they have to actually speak up about an issue, they’re nowhere to be seen. (2/2)
okay so i think there’s a lot to unpack here so bear with me, this will be long.
i do agree that it’s disheartening that they are not outwardly vocal at ALL about the growing number of atrocities against anyone with the right mind to speak up against a horribly right-winged government that is fussing with laws to make religious discrimination and violence more prominent and frequent. i agree entirely. 
HOWEVER, i do think that is us looking at it without taking the consequences into consideration. deepika padukone, who for all intents and purposes is the biggest actress in india right now/has been for the last 7 years, received death threats (to be literally BEHEADED) for playing padmavati by those same right wingers and is now being told god knows what on her instagram after she showed solidarity with the students impacted by violence at the hands of the bjp. her stardom, her worldwide fame isn’t stopping people from threatening her. it isn’t stopping anyone from painting her out as “anti-india” like they’ve called ANYONE who has said anything remotely critical of modi and his goons. it genuinely isn’t stopping her from having feared for her life. i think they managed to attack the padmavat sets and sanjay leela bhansali, too. 
so i think when you consider the consequences that include literal violence, death threats, and destruction of their careers, their silence becomes a little understandable. NOT ENTIRELY EXCUSABLE, but understandable. the result is always persecution, in some shape or form. 
priyanka, on the other hand, is going out of her way to praise modi. she isn’t silent– she’s OUTWARDLY SUPPORTING a regime systematically stripping muslims of legal status, of autonomy of any kind, of just the right to live peacefully. she’s also shutting people with valid points who ask how she can reconcile her being a peace ambassador and supporting all of this down by claiming it is a result of patriotism rather than clear islamophobia and hindu extremism. im not gonna say anything about her man though because i don’t think her relationship needs to be brought into this. 
as for nepotism, i agree with you that all of these starkids run around like woe is me each time someone brings up the ease with which they’ve gotten the opportunities they have. i’ve said it before but they have ACCESS above all else which is the biggest privilege in an industry like this. people work YEARS to even gain an inch whereas these kids are in the rooms, auditioning, getting their first roles without struggles. siddhant chaturvedi said it right when he said, basically, that when you’re an “outsider” your dreams are coming true the minute you get your debut role and your struggle seems to have ended. whereas when you’re “from the industry” your struggle begins after your debut film because that’s when it matters less who you’re related to and matters more what you can do. but oh no, woe is me, people have expectations!! fuck off 
i don’t think i covered everything i wanted to and forgive me if i’m not making much sense. it’s nearly midnight and i’m v tired :(
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ravenofthefandoms · 5 years
Here are my thoughts on S8E2!
If you’re gonna post about an episode after watching the leak TAG UR SHIT I saw way too many spoilers and literally two hours before it aired. If you can’t tag ur shit then don’t post at all until it’s over. At least then most people have seen it. If you don’t tag ur shit then ur legally an asshole so be careful
ANYWAYS Thoughts from S8E2:
- Hi yeah did Dany kinda forget that her dad was the Mad King or is she just gonna act like she’s the only one with the right to want Jaime dead?
- Also I love how she’s like “your sister lied to me wut you gonna do about it”
- She needs to step oFF of Tyrion
- I hope Jaime really does slit Dany’s throat tbh how great would that be
- Bran is great fuckin hilarious
- God I love Sansa so freaking much 😭 she actually values her advisors opinions unlike another queen I know
- I love how Dany expects Jon to be like “yeah babe whatever you want” and then he’s like “nah Sansa’s right”
- Grey Worm I love you but you’re not intimidating buddy I’m sorry
- Jonno does a 10/10 walkout
- Tyrion you don’t deserve this work environment abuse go give your wisdom to someone else who deserves it
- Mmmmmmm Gendry what a man
- “It’s strong enough” what ur dick?
- “What do they smell like?” What kinda question is that wtf
- PSA: sharp objects handled by Arya Stark turn on Gendry pass it on
- Arya Stark, Queen of BDE
- Fuck yes I love this Bran and Jaime reunion
- Bran is like it’s chill tbh it’s like a good thing that you pushed me out the window and made me a cripple cuz now we’re here and I’m a magical motherfucker
- Bran is the most understanding person ever after he became the Three Eyed Raven
- “She’s your new queen too” mmm no
- Actually, contrary to popular belief Tyrion, it’s not hard to blame her
- Tyrion is both smart and a dumbass at the same time how the fuck
- Jaime’s like a dog who just heard a squirrel like “????brienne?????”
- Awww Brienne and Jaime are like the awkward high schoolers who have a thing for each other
- Why does Jorah still call her Khaleesi
- I’m glad Jorah isn’t a dumb bitch. Like he literally betrayed Dany to her brother’s killer and she still forgave him but Tyrion decides to trust his sister for once??? Nope he fucked up too bad not trustworthy
- Uhhh the position wasn’t Jorah’s to be stolen
- This scene is proof that Daensa will never happen and I am glad for it
- “I wish I could have that kind of faith in my advisors” uhh??? Maybe get some new advisors then??? You should trust them??? That’s why they’re your advisors????
- Uh no a) the northerners accept Sansa pretty well they actually like her and b) you’re not doing a damn good job of it dumb bitch
- Uh the family that destroyed Sansa was your family dumb bitch
- Is this bitch really making the excuse that she was manipulated?¿?
- This bitch big stupid
- This scene literally reminds me of high school like Dany literally reminds me of those fake ass bitches who were sickly sweet just to get what they want from me like wtf Dany is so obviously fake that it makes me cringe
- I love how he just ignores Dany and is like SANSA I WANNA SERVE U BB
- Suddenly I ship Theonsa
- This Theonsa hug is all I have ever needed in life
- Isn’t that the thief from Merlin?
- I love that little Irish girl who’s like “imma fight give me a sword” like is this Arya 2.0??
- I heart Gilly
- Tormund is like surprise bitch you getta hug me first
- Beric is basically that cool as fuck and chill as hell uncle
- “The big woman”
- We love a Jon Snow pep talk
- Bran is like “hi yeah I’d like to be uhhh bait”
- Damn Samwell you didn’t have to flex on us like that with that deep thinking aight
- Noooooo let Tyrion fight you ain’t his boss bitch (I mean you are but)
- Need it for what? Taking over the north?
- “No one’s ever tried” hehe I’m in danger
- Stark fam looking badass as fuck
- Walkout #2 isn’t as smooth but still acceptable
- “It’s a long story” bitch I got time start talking
- I CACKLED when those girls walked away from Missandei like I felt bad but that was just such a “you can’t sit with us” moment
- Ghost is that you homie????
- Awww the Nights Watch reunion made me tear up a lil
- I love this banter with my whole entire heart
- i miss grenn and pyp so much I’m crying grenn was my pre-Pod husband
- I love Lannister brother moments so much they are so pure
- Oprah is handing out redemption arcs left and right wOw
- CACKLINGGGGG “half a cup” pours in half the wine jug
- What a squad
- He’s the awkward kid who tells weird stories and then does weird shit
- “Kingslayer get it right” - Jaime on the inside
- Everyone just has a “wtf” look on their face and I’m dying
- I fucking love Sandor with my entire heart and soul
- “I fought for you didn’t I?” Touche you got her there
- “I’m not gonna sit with you old shits I’m gonna go fuck a bull I mean uhhhhh I gotta go ”
- Arya being lowkey jealous makes me cackle like a witch
- “Is that your first time?” “Well yeah Arya I don’t put leeches all over my dick every time I get home wtf”
- Arya having her first time be CONSENSUAL and with someone she loves makes me happy as fUCK
- All I want at this point in my life is for Podrick to hold me in his big strong arms like I just wanna cuddle him fUCK
- “Not a Ser?? Why the fuck not get outta here with that bullshit”
- “I never wanted to be a knight” Podrick: I call bULLSHIT
- Tormund is supportive of Brienne even when she’s dating another guy he doesn’t even care
- Podrick is Brienne’s proud son I am living for it
- Honestly Tormund just wants to see Brienne happy and successful and tbh I don’t think he would care if that meant that she was with Jaime
- I stg if anything happens to babygirl Lyanna i will throw fists she looks like such a little bad ass in her armor omg she’s adorable
- Yeah Jorah you don’t gotta wield it in Randals memory he was kind of an asshole
- Can Podrick sing me to sleep every night please holy fUCK
- Theonsa? Check. Gendrya? Check. Grey Worm and Missandei? Check. Podrick making my whole self thirsty for him? Check.
- Uhhh Daenerys are you not gonna be concerned that you were idk fuckin your nephew or maybe that you aren’t the last Targaryen???? Maybe something important like that not the Iron fucking Throne???
- This bitch really thinks that Bran and Sam were lying hAh she drank a lot of dumb bitch juice this episode
- Daenerys is like those anti-vaxxers or flat earthers who refuse to see the facts
- Fun fact: episode 3 is going to tear out my heart and soul, put them in a blender, and then fucken shook it until it exploded like a coke with a mento in it
- I read somewhere that said something to the effect of characters who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it and that sounds like Dany w/ the Mad King to me rn
- Honestly every time Dany talked in this episode I got pissed off so that’s not good
- This episode made my heart full and I’m going to cry
- Ummmmm in case y’all haven’t seen in Dan Portman (Podrick) posted on his Instagram and it may or may not be a spoiler and if it is then I’ll kill myself
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Woah hey okay can we back things up a second? Static sister? Static dude? The fuck does that mean? -Will
((This got long and a bit triggering, so is cut :P TW: mentions of day, jinx, and ace’s static bois, them dying, marv accepting the deal he did! Let me know if i missed anything
$ Oh!!! Oh we get to enlighten someone!!!!!! :DDDD Okay, so last time on: Anti’s bullshit! 
$He physically traumatized people, such as Day and Ace and Jinx (in ways that im not gonna say, cause i dont wanna cry and thats not technically my place to share?), and then gave them static to numb that trauma! Well, the statics basically formed separate people! Um, Day’s was Cam, Jinx’s was Lucky’s, Ace’s was Ceph. Cam, Lucky, and Ace are uh.. 
Dead. Anti fucked them up one last time. :))))) 
$ That, so all thats left is Day, Jinx, and Ceph. Ceph owns the property we’re on rn. Make sense? Like, theres more than just those three, i think we had 5 or 6 people that got fucked up specifically like that, and then there was Aria and James? And Daphne, who’s a boatload of fun ive had v little experience with, and Watcher! But those are all different beings that i dont really know about, cause i was “dead” when they were a thing :P 
Dont fucking leave him on a cliffhanger you bitch. 
$ But i wanna :P My story isnt the important bit of all of that??
You get to talk about Kat. 
$ Okay, so anti also corrupted Marvin in a similar way to Day and them, technically speaking, but he didnt become a different static boi, he was just an asshole with enhanced magic ability, so he could heal JJ, cause anti ripped his fucking fingers off. Sparknotes of why Marvin did that shit: He made a deal with anti that he wouldnt kill Chase’s kids, because anti had been threatening them a lot, to the point of hurting them. Sara got her arm broken, Sean went into a fucking coma that night, but they didnt die, so the deal held :)))))  Um, Marv was given free reign, cause he was anti’s bitch, I was being a fucking moron, got some good ol’ hallucinations, went fucking crazy the next day, and turns out Marv was behind all that shit. Homeboy offers me a deal (said it wasnt a deal, it was an “agreement”, yes im still a little salty), that he wouldnt hurt Kat, i accept, basically die, cause static, ya know? 
$ Well then, this bitch (Ren before she was Ren, not Marv) and Nymph reported Kat for rebelling or whatever it was, cause who’da thought that seeing a friend get fucked up for you gets you a little upset, so then Marvin got involved again, there was this big fucking threatening session, and she got her own static boi! We named her Genesis, she got snapped to bring Kat back, and the rest is herstory! :D 
Worth mentioning: most of the static dudes and og people could co-exist, to certain extents, if Anti wasnt a bitch ass motherfucker that killed half of the being, in most cases. I thiiiiiink we’re the last two that got to survive together? Gen and Kat couldn’t, cause Gen was super actually loyal to Anti, and Kat clearly wasnt, at that point. 
$ Ren had a crush on her :)
And you have a crush on Kat.
$ We all know that, i was calling her a snack not 3 hours ago?? ;P 
Fucking- damn you. :P Also worth mentioning: Im not.. that anymore. By about the time Eli and mom got dragging into that fucking mess, i stopped being “loyal”, cause that motherfucker decided to fuck with my family. :) 
$ Did you actually catch all that? XD 
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holydepths-blog · 5 years
✩ jt & sienna
my wrist hurts from typing so eat ass 
Who is more likely to raise their voice? sienna … like we get it he’s in a gang so he has to b mean to other people but both of them know she’ll kill him if he ever talks to her loudly in any capacity Who threatens to leave but never actually does? i feel like he’s a dramatic mf … like ummmm i can go any time i WANT to im not actually ur bf !! and she’s like yeah ur right leave and he goes :pensive: Who actually keeps their word and leaves? sienna . she would storm out of her own house for dramatic effect .  my girl doesn’t give a fuck Who trashes the house? she’ll throw sum at him …. prolly a pillow , she doesn’t need a lawsuit on her hands Do either of them get physical? not to imply domestic abuse is ever laughable but if (when? we dk) she ever came @ him … it’d be funny cos he cld literally just push against her forehead and her arms would not reach him How often do they argue/disagree? all the time, she disagrees simply to disagree w him Who is the first to apologise? her, solely because she’s Antagonistic on purpose and then feels bad 
Who is on top? she wants to take a ride on his disco stick Who is on the bottom? u heard me Who has the strangest desires? they both think the other person’s entirely normal behavior is freaky . jt wants to snuggle ? sienna: tf are we , puritans ? Any kinks? i refuse to take the bdsm test for her because i’m scared of what i’ll find so come back to me on this one Who’s dominant in bed? it’s exhausting being dominant in everything else so he takes the w on this one Is head ever in the equation? yethIf so, who is better at performing it? his beard is itchy so he compensates by being really fucking good at it Ever had sex in public? yes. they’ve had sex in the back room of the thrift shop more than they have upstairs in her apartment Who moans the most? can he shut the frick up Who leaves the most marks? sienna…………………………………. dont askWho screams the loudest? can SHE shut the frick up ….Who is the more experienced of the two? idk how experienced he is probably very but it’s important for me that u know she’s a whore Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? they frick Rough or soft? r**gh …. once a month she’s uwu ….How long do they usually last? for a long time , her poor thrussy Is protection used? yes. she’d kill herself before she got pregnant Does it ever get boring? no Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? they’ve had sex anywhere and everywhere 
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? she would literally rather DIE than be pregnant. FOR THE PURPOSES of this section … they adopt (one) kid when they’re too old to be raising a tot but still try, don’t @ me. If so, how many children do your muses want/have? her ? none lol but AGAIN … i cannot leave this section blank and …. future purposes dont @ meWho is the favorite parent? sienna’s not a regular mom, she’s a cool momWho is the authoritative parent? she’s also a bitch though, don’t forget it Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? jt , mostly because sienna doesn’t want them around all day Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? SIENNA  …. yeah sorry that i don’t think it’s jordan ‘waahhh sienna i don’t want you to get mercury poisoning’ tucker …. mind ur fucking business maybe ? Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? sienna , but she drags jt with her so she has someone to bitch about soccer moms and how long [ insert activity here ] is running with Who goes to parent teacher interviews? jt , sienna isn’t allowed there anymore. it’s a long story. Who changes the diapers? bold of u to assume she would ever go NEAR a diaperWho gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? she’s fully decided she is INDEPENDENT and does not NEED him to wake up for moral support or to warm up a bottle … her tit is good enough Who spends the most time with the children? jt , she’s an ankle biter anti . ( she still  reads the kid bedtime stories every night )Who packs their lunch boxes? jt , sienna is not allowed to make health choices for ANYONE Who gives their children ‘the talk’? SIENNA … she tells them flat out what happens and why it happens , no bullshit . science babey ! Who cleans up after the kids? nothing ever gets cleaned up , ever. Who worries the most? jt . sienna is too cool and chill 2 have anxiety Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? SIENNA 
Who likes to cuddle? he does … she’s super handsy casually but whenever it comes to actually hugging she takes a bit to warm up to it Who is the little spoon? she is …. he’s only allowed 2 snuggle her if she can fall asleep in his arms . nearly vomited writing that actually Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? right now ? sienna , trying to convince everyone they’re like actually really a thing . Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? sienna , and she denies it until her dying breath How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? sienna’s … ability to be uber affectionate with him is limited …. but she gets a lot better as time grows on . that’s character development Who gives the most kisses? jtWhat is their favourite non-sexual activity? dont ask me why my first thought was watching shitty b-rated horror movies …. she also makes him sort through clothes with her, and she promises it’s very theraputic Where is their favourite place to cuddle? bed . it’s much easier to get her to drop her mr tough guy act when she’s sleepy Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? neither , when they touch eachother it means BUSINESS , see two sections back How often do they get time to themselves? all the time , she runs away
Who snores? i already know she does , dont judge her If both do, who snores the loudest? sienna Do they share a bed or sleep separately? share :3 not rn …… but they WLD If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? she’s ready to draw a partition down the middle of the bedWho talks in their sleep? sienna , and he makes fun of her for it What do they wear to bed? sienna steals clothes specifically from him  to sleep in. she’s also 10/10 a morning showererer so she’ll lit sleep in her clothes from that day and not give a FUCK Are either of your muses insomniacs? sienna never sleeps she runs purely on red bull and annoyance Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? yeah , she takes them most nights Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? side by side, though occasionally she’ll reach for his hand Who wakes up with bed hair? sienna, and it’s awful. he’ll get his ass beat if he mentions it Who wakes up first? jt. it takes her FOREVER to fall asleep , but once she’s out she’s out .  think being awake for 24 hours then sleeping for 12+ Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? he does, not to be romantic but because he’s sick and tired of her eating leftover fried rice in bed. What is their favourite sleeping position? she sprawls , and she doesn’t like to be touching him when she sleeps , but his presence is a good thing Who hogs the sheets? jt , simply because he’s so comparatively large next to her that using a reasonable amount of sheets reads as hogging Do they set an alarm each night? they both intend to — and always forget. when when it goes off, sienna sleeps through it Can a television be found in their bedroom? yes , but it doesn’t get cable like the one in the living room does. it’s exclusively for blockbuster rentals. Who has nightmares? she doesn’t have wake up in a cold sweat nightmares, but she has sad dreams a lot Who has ridiculous dreams? sienna makes up the craziest dreams to relay to him just to fuck with him Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? SIENNAWho makes the bed?  neither have the time What time is bed time? either 8pm or 4am, no in between Any routines/rituals before bed? her SOLE form of self care is face masks, and she makes him do them on the top half of his face where green gunk wont get in his hair Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? sienna is grumpy all the time, so it’d have to be him by comparison 
Who is the busiest? she literally lives at work, so there’s always something Who rakes in the highest income? considering she is a SMART , STRONG , almost business owner ( omg they popping BIG bottles when the old bitch that actually owns the attic dies ) and he thrives on tips and gang bullshit ? do the math. Are any of your muses unemployed? nopeWho takes the most sick days? sienna just opens the store and goes back upstairs to fake supervise in her sleep, call her if there’s a fireWho is more likely to turn up late to work? he is, it’s LITERALLY impossible for her to do that Who sucks up to their boss? paging ed, she’s her own fucking boss What are their jobs? he’s a bartender/gang fREAK , she manages the attic thrift store Who stresses the most? jt has a lot of long days to to the antics of alcoholics , she likes her job even though she wishes she was somewhere else Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? she likes it…. but she’s super depressed she isn’t following her dreams. i assume he likes whatever’s going on on the wrong side of town Are your muses financially stable? yes 
Who does the washing? jtWho takes out the trash? jordan tucker Who does the ironing? jordanWho does the cooking? mr tuckerWho is more likely to burn the house down just trying? see i would say sienna, but she DOESN’T try. Who is messier? sienna, but she’s not as much messy as she is disorganizedWho leaves the toilet roll empty? siennaWho leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? jt, he lit just took his shoes off in the thread ….. literally get off her couch Who forgets to flush the toilet? that’s gross. Who is the prankster around the house? if he pulls anything over on her in her house he’s kicked 2 the curb. she bullying he is fair game tho Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? sienna doesn’t drive, so him Who mows the lawn? what lawn Who answers the telephone? she pointedly ignores them Who does the vacuuming? see the other chore listWho does the groceries? ^Who takes the longest to shower? siennaWho spends the most time in the bathroom? neither of them , efficiency is key 
Is money a problem? mo money mo problems is what i always say . it isn’t overflowing , but it isn’t an issue How many cars do they own? he has a motorcycle , she has a bike and two working feet Do they own their home or do they rent? she rents , technically , until she gets the store Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? dont ask this again mads still has not told me where we are Do they live in the city or in the country? SHE lives downtown , he would have to move in with her Do they enjoy their surroundings? she hates it , she wants a big city What’s their song? she played this on her record player , and she had one too many drinks and tried to dance with him to it ….. What do they do when they’re away from each other? breathe a sigh of relief Where did they first meet? the thrift storeHow did they first meet? when she literally made out w him unprecedentedly Who spends the most money when out shopping? sienna is always buying things at garage sales and other thrift stores she insists are to resell but then a week later they show up in her house or she’s wearing them Who’s more likely to flash their assets? sienna  owns one expensive thing and never lets it go. Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? they aren’t 10 Any mental issues? too many to countWho’s terrified of bugs? spiders are her friends Who kills the spiders around the house? if he does she’ll b mad at him that’s pablo , he lives in the corner Their favourite place? her apartment Who pays the bills? siennaDo they have any fears for their future? at this point probably the stress of staging a breakup Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? LOOK … i know it’s not the question but she surprises him with spectacularly unfancy dinners …. he shows up and they’re eating pizza rolls by candlelight because if she doesn’t cook them ahead of time he won’t let her eat them Who uses up all of the hot water? SIENNAWho’s the tallest? he is , she’s 2ft Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? sienna, the horndogWho wanders around in their underwear? [ me vc ] if he keeps barging in he’s seen her in a towel Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? neither of them , they DANCE What do they tease each other about? him about her poor life choices , her about his criticisms of her life choices . essentially she mocks him Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? sienna has to beg him to not wear a clean version of the same fucking clothes every day . he owns one outfit and washes it each night as far as she’s concerned Do they have mutual friends? no , they run in VERY different circles Who crushed first? [ tatbilb vc ] if anyone’s fallen in love with someone who doesn’t love them back, it’s not you. it’s kavinsky. he’s kavinsky. Any alcohol or substance related problems? the only water she drinks is watered down beer because it was cheaper, amiright lads? also she smokes a lot , have fun with lung cancer when you’re 40 sienna Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? sienna, and he was the bartenderWho swears the most? her 
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fmdxjerome · 6 years
hello people from old and new! naomi is back in action with her son jerome. i’ve been stuck in my sisters house for the last weeks of my absence because she went on vacation and i had to take care of a sick rabbit who peed everywhere. i might have a disease now at the amount he bit me but what can you do. im joking. you might ask “but naomi doesnt your sister have wifi” yes she do but i’m an anxious wreck so spending my days on a first floor apartment  with my sister on the other side of the world w an infected foot had me fucke d upppp boiii but now i’m back in my own home and my sister + her boyfriend are safely home!! foot all fine!! and everyone is calm again!! so!! i can return with a good heart. i’ll be sliding in the dms of the people who bear emoticon’ed me 600 years ago and bc i suck w introducing myself to new people i’ll just hi!!!!! i think when i wake up i’m gonna do a “bio reading” marathon as i write bc i need to appreciate. also shit i need more threads wow i suck might see me replying to some open starters and def need to get back to plotting bc there are some people i’ve been dying to thread with ;^;
its like 6am now so i might b heading 2 bed now but under the cut there will be a reintroduction to jerome (one i promised in januari i believe) as im rewriting his bio (no major things change really its just minor things nd its time for an upgrade) so yes! hello (ims will come tomorrow as well ;3;)
also fact. mullet daddy jaebum is jerome rn dont drag him dont @ him its gone before you know it. probs after idolized its a look tho wow i love- a chic farmer (... the short bangs are tragic tho jerome honey i kno u liked them on wren but ur not wren. jerome: but i- me: no. this this not this jerome: :( ok fine me: fuego 
anyway before i pass out here is reintroduction. the triggers are; adoption, racism themes??? like yeah ok!! apologize if this is shit. hope everyone is having a good day though you all are great!
Jerome Gauthier aka Yuddy
-Anti idol
-Has an okay reputation but that’s because he’s smart about things.
-BC eyeing him tho *eyes fake friends with good reputation for him to hang out with* (hmu for fake friend plots. funny the person w the best rep of all actually likes jerome. bless jisoos christ. guess that praying on knees worked out in the end huh jerome. /dont/ sainthood is waiting)
-Talented™. (ask him to write songs for you) (Actually have a few songs in my library i want him to write but not sing so *eyes*)
-Passionate as fuck don’t mess with him in the studio (passionate all over tbh)
-Adopted and in search of his bloodlines
-Hoe but not really
-Actually, scrap that. Nicknames him JerHOEme
-Is actually lovely
-But acts like a shit
-Slips up and is soft to people sometimes before being a complete and utter asshole the next second
-bc soft jerome whOMST i only know deMON
-Suave Fuckboy who’s nonchalant about everything
-Will call you baby at some point in your life
-Signature smirk
-Egotistic???? Narcissistic??? a lil bit don’t stroke his ego
-Secretive™. not much info on his time in france
-Secretly a dad without children (except for his actual biological son insoo aka chorizo sausage who he goes to play ball with- i mean work on songs in the studio. seriously catch him picking up his son from soccer practice i mean shit no i mean- ok insoo is really his son dont fight me on this.)
-And also has a daughter an Oriental shorthair cat called Edith who he is so soft with he kicks out girls to cuddle with her. (one meow and he’s home)
- we support WISH hating jerome in this household. please people who have girls in WISH dont let them like him (or be a rebel and go against the mothers wishes but you’ve been warned)
-Dont let him get in your pants too like ask wren you dont want that (or i mean with the list of kinks i peeped maybe idk who am i to say what your muse wants or does not want idk im just protecting people from satan)
-Unlikely he’ll get in any pants now anyway tho bc he a proud shopper at papa juliens pizza and y’all some other brand type ish domino lookin asses NAH *throws hands up* rome’s in the house (no but guys. this is his soulmate THIS IS HIM. dISgUStiNG- )
-In 2016 interview took him out of context and it looks like he hates all idol rappers but is not true. He just doesn’t like companies making rap out to be like this thing you can do if you’re pretty and you can’t sing and he doesn’t like it when said pretty idols know nothing of it. he gets the grind but will side eye (benjy nd jerome already have a rivalry bc of this shit thank u interviewer)
-Dating scandals?? EHH. He almost had one with a Japanese model called Momo in the beginning of his career but BC did well of spinning them as friends and he legit had one with his ex last october which?????????? shit she touched his *spoiler* and it was *spoiler* . BC about to ban him from fashion shows damn. yoonah and him have to go to paris fashion week quick
-BC has yet to force him into a relationship tho. but damn he gonna be angry when that ever happens yoo. 
-Studied to become a cinematographer. Now is annoying as fuck during recording MV’s bc he butts into everything (BUT thats why his his mvs so AESTHETIC. eye for beauty bois)
-Holler at ya boi if you want a nice mv he’s involved like that
-Also to the girls who have been in an MV with Jerome.. know he probably flirted with you between takes bc during he’s grade a professionalism but he still a ho
-Actual catlady no questions asked (he feeds stray cats and gets cut up by edith when she smells other cats on him rip)
-Actual wife material no questions asked (to quote the great Halit Yilmaz during that time Jerome stood in the kitchen for hours making baklava and other Turkish treats for Halit’s Eid al-Fitr: “Shit, Jerome if you were a girl i’d marry you in a heartbeat.” and its true. we would ALL marry jerome. who says no is lying. )
-Ok the ego thing btw its weird its an act but hes weird about it dont ask
idk what else to write ok short rundown of his bio as again i’m writing a new one and i cringe every time i look at my old one. im probs forgetting a lot but EYO ITS 6AM WHO CARES
CHILDHOOD age 0 to 10
-Born to a single mom who got fucked over by a smash nd dash dad. (we side eye Ok Chanwook in this household.)
-Moms family discouraged her from taking care of him herself so putting up for adoption it is.
-Very emotional not ok mom boram cry a lot pls. (got v angry too like boi if she ever sees chanwook again he can change his name to no dick larry)
-Adopted by a French couple called Lucas and Daphné (previously named Annelies). pretty kool peeps
-JK racist assholes who fetishize jerome a lot. PLEASE. the yellow fever runs deep. take him away from them,
-Raised in a small town in France and knew 0 Asians growing up. so thats nice
-Loves his adoptive grandpa to death tho (who’s he named after u3u)
-Actually hates the rest lol
-Ok uncle Rémy pretty cool bc he laughs at teen!Jerome shit talking his parents and aunt Camille. She a sweety ;3; a bit odd but a sweety #stanauntCamille
-Basically the people on the Gauthier side and born from Jerome and Clemintine are ok, the rest is shit (except for his dad Lucas. He a Gauthier but he shit)
-Junior/Senior relationship w granpda ;3; “Pépé!!” “Junior!!” *tiny jerome swings around grandpa’s neck* LOVE
-Grandma passed when he was 9. (he loved her very much and would always show her his drawings on her bed ;-;)
-Hard time adjusting at first when he was a tiny toddler. had a lisp talking french. ;3; baby rome
-young jerome had a bad case of the abandonment issues he literally held onto his dads leg for like 30 minutes before the teacher finally peeled him away from him. my smol boi
-Elephants. remember this. is important. /sob
-TLDR; biological mom didnt want to loose him. adoptive parents and dad are fucks. grandpa is kool. jerome had a good childhood until he didnt. thank u ignorance
TEEN YEARS age 10 to 20
-middle school very nice
-kids are mean. teens are mean. young!jerome v lonely
-honestly he had no friends. except for like maybe this one kid on his sport called mattheo but he kinda a weeb so uhhhh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-the time comes that he feels uncomfortable with everything korean. he already learned korean along side french and english when he was growing up but now distances himself from further learning. he clings to french culture a lot and even to this day he refers to himself as french and european, and rarely refers to himself as korean or asian.
-feels disconnected from both though. its like.. his parents took his korean culture away from him by using it for their own amusement. it was not his to have basically. and french- a lot of people around him give the vibe he’s not “allowed” to call himself fully french. they see him as korean, korean-french but never just french. he feels very misunderstood. lack of identity and just not fitting in
-around this time (or earlier i’m musing still) his cousin Antonin (moms side) kind of fell out on him. like. wow. not good. fucked jerome up a lil. (issues intensify)
-inferiority complex inbound/ is he ok? no he isnt. he starts writing to get his emotions out.
-Blessed Freddy rolled in teen jerome’s life like: guess we need to do history homework together jerome: aren’t you gonna make a ‘do my homework bc you’re asian’ joke freddy: why would i jerome:
Tumblr media
-they bond over music, freddy is the one who gets him serious about getting into it (we thank our lord freddy for this gift of life we call singer/songwriter jerome. pray to freddy 10 times a day *srry jisoos christ but ur out*)
-literally young jerome would be a great soundcloud artist in this day and age. he was like joji meets rei brown with more of an rnb tinge. he liked ambient because it calmed him.
-in his old bio thats still up bc im a slow writer his old name was some dumb shit like l.only DUMB its romeles now (get it.. jeROME LESlie gauthier. im smart)
-had a big ass fall out with his parents when he was around 15? was like “UHHH FUCK Y’ALL” and moved in with his grandpa (he was very disrespectful like damn boy but you know what. i support)
-best decision of his life because grandpa v lonely after his wife died and Jerome^2 is… so soft.
-Jerome dancing/singing to old tunes and being engrossed with old movies
-Learning how to cook ;3;
-I mean bc his middle and highschool were in Laval he spend a lot of his time w his grandpa already so he already had a bed and ;-; #jerome^2
-Halit rolls into his life. Braces, huge smile, lil prepubescent stash ohmygod. My child.
-BLANC is born. Freddy/Jerome/Halit’s musical trio. Stan the Three Musketeers
-Found his first best friend and a purpose in Freddy. Found a home in Halit. (sob)
-Finds solace in rnb and hiphop. People start noticing him because of it. Writes songs and performs them in café’s. Found his niche. 15 to 19 where his “best”  years
-THE BIG MOVE. After a concerned halit mom, a proud freddy mom and a “WHAT THE FUCK JEROME NO DONT GO” jerome mom they pack their bags and PARIS HERE WE COME
-Enter ex who haunts his life, Seo Yumi aka Marie (now model, v pretty, makes me cry)
-Spots her in the summer doing yoga in the park and boi he an assman so he got fucked up (jk he saw her face and was like wHAT love at first sight
-enrolls in film school, meets her there again and wow falls in love hard like wow calm down boy
-Dating~~~v possessive not good at ALL cALM DOWN JEROME
-ok he got his issues nd marie was the first one who openly listened to his problems and understood and made him appreciate his korean heritige bc she’s korean and showed him cultural aspects without the gross fetishizing that came with his parents and he just- he got intense ok. he already got a v intense personality so- still not good tho he needs to dial it down
-she thought so too and like after a year she was !!!! what the fuck. she is not one for serious relationships but jerome was like ehhh why not in the beginning its v nice to hear nd be seen as the most beautiful ok but then it got suffocating but instead of breaking up with him she kept him around. he a safe haven ya know. reliable. someone to built on later. *i wanna say she also didnt break up w him because his emo stories but marie,,, eh...* (funny tho like she got a thing for bad boys so she just “this is the fifth time you called me beautiful just degrade me lil like choke me idk” and jerome just “w-why would i do that you’re beautiful i dont want to hurt you” ah *looks into the future* ohhowthetableshaveturned.mp4 )
-Marie cheated on him the second she got the chance which was when jerome went to america w his bros
-Got offered a job as a songwriter when in ny. Wouldnt think he’d take it but after getting kicked out of school for beating the shit out of the guy marie cheated on him with and with marie out of the picture nothing held him back from starting a new life.
-TLDR; emo era. silver era. emo era 2 emo harder
ADULTHOOD age 20 to now
-Seoul make way for the rise of YUDDY™
-the name yuddy is from the film days of being wild. the character is kinda yuddy-ish too so he saw the film again and yep. thats my name
-Visits his orphanage. they like “nah boi u aint got no papers boi”
-Parents can give him access to his birthmother btw, aren’t doing it lol
-Drinks. Sleeps around. Gets a reputation. You kno how it is. (gr8 ride tho. highly recommend. 5 out of 5 stars on yelp)
-SMASH ND DASH. Chanwook is that u??????
-One girl who he got with multiple times reminded him of Marie tho and that fucked him up for a bit (PSST ITS A PLOT WINK SO IF YA GIRL OF AGE IN THE 2013′S HMU BC ITS DRAMATIC HE GHOSTED THE SHIT OUT OF HER)
-Writes a lot of songs, a few for BC (knight baes). BC like *eye emoji* who dat boi who him iz
-Gets sign w BCreate and is like eyy life pretty good
-but lmao he debut and oh who’s that pretty girl promoting that lipstick?? oh.. its marie ;3;
-Joins main label and literally joins w a blessing stream limbo on spotify
-wgm era was a great era of jerome lmty his hair was great, shared cute personal things, manager was happy, slept with his best friend, was married to a sweet beautiful girl ya know the good stuff  👍 no im not crying you are
-triple fantasy era was awful we dont talk about that he looked like his brother and i’m still emotional about him wow. 
-instagram is a great song
-Interviewer: u mention an ex in ur song tell me more Jerome: *SWEATS*  
-Marie: my short hair DOES look pretty thank u babe ur red hair was cute too <3<3
-The fact she linked to him now is spook
-But ok he still flirty, still daring, still yuddy™ but definitely less of the whole “sleeping around” thing now bc he… he uhh closetoyou.mp3
TLDR; he turned into his dad but romeo is rising AND HE IS SCARED!!!!!
also never forget jerome is the messiest king in this ok non y’all are as messy as him. he fucked his ex’s friend oK THERE IS NOTHING MORE MESSY. dONT COME FOR HIS CROWN
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feralmyth · 7 years
Tag Meme Thing
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20
tagged by: @ontaan​ (ur a monster)
I tag: @lovitello @gansieboy​ @lucicatcat​ @king--gay​ @moosiest-moose​ (ik we dont really know each other but,,,) i cant think of anyone else,,,,,,,,,
the last
1. drink: Water,,, boring
2. phone call: @king--gay​ the monster, he called me at 1 am
3. text message: @lovitello​ “Okay me.. Too”
4. song you listened to: Rivers And Roads by The Head & the Heart
5. time you cried: a coupla nights ago?
6. dated someone twice: uh no. I’ve been in 1 relationship, with my lovely boyf @lovitello​
7. kissed someone and regretted it: nahh
8. been cheated on: never
9. lost someone special: uhhhhhh,,,,, my bfs cat Peekaboo,, he was a good boy,,
10. been depressed: always and forever
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: mnnnope never
3 favorite colors
12. Navy Blue
13. Pastel Pink
14. Red
in the last year have you
15. made new friends: Yee i.e. @king--gay​
16. fallen out of love: no, never. I love my boy to the moon and back
17. laughed until you cried: uhhh yes definitely. ask Matt
18. found out someone was talking about you: mmmnooo?? i doubt id ever find out
19. met someone who changed you: mmm not that i know of
20. found out who your friends are: uhh y e s???
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: uh my bf and my bff
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: uh the vast majority of them
23. do you have any pets: a cat named Gizmo! special boy
24. do you want to change your name: Yes from my birth name to Caide.
25. what did you do for your last birthday: had a sleep over in which we had a watergun fight that dyed our shirts and we ate shish kabobs
26. what time did you wake up: yikes uhhh? 11ish?
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: tryna fall asleep but also lookin at insta and tumblr
28. name something you can’t wait for: transitioning and living with matt
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: less than 30 minutes ago
31. what are you listening to right now: Imagine Dragons, Believer
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: uhh yeah my boyfs dick dad
33. something that is getting on your nerves: anti shippers and aphobes atm
34. most visited website: Tumblr definitely
35. hair colour: dark brown
36. long or short hair: shorttt
37. do you have a crush on someone: yes
celebrity? Nope
Fictional? uhhh Takashi Shirogane (the m o s t), Hunk Garrett, Lars Barriga, Shinji Ikari, Todoroki Shouto. So... Yes
Real life? Yes my bf
38. what do you like about yourself: myyy nose and uhh.. nothin else tbh,,,
39. piercings: one in each ear
40. blood type: I... have 0 clue.
41. nickname: my boyfriend calls me dumbass (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿) jk but uh im like team dad and my friends occasionally refer to me as dad/papa/etc. Or Daddy jokingly (Except @king--gay who p much exclusively calls me Daddy)
42. relationship status: In a v committed relationship i love Matt v much
43. zodiac: Leo
44. pronouns: he/him
45. favourite tv show: Voltron: Legendary Defender; Teen Wolf; FMAB; BNHA
46. tattoos: none yet but my dad has prepaid for one for me and my bf designed it a few years ago, so its just a matter of when I go back to my birth town with my dad
47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: an appendectomy like 3 years ago
50. sport: Nonnee but I wanna get swole so bad yo
51. vacation: Last one was to a cabin in kentucky where we hiked all day for 3 days straight, it was actually p fun
52. pair of trainers: uhhh like. sneakers??? cause i mean ive got some vans but,,,
more general
53. eating: nothin rn but i love food,, pizza, beef stroganoff on rice, potstickers, rice, steak, burgers, panko breaded chicken, strawberry rhubarb pie,,,,,,,,,,,, mmmmm,,,,,,,,,
54. drinking: nada rn.
55. i’m about to: do some art maybe, or watch smthn, or die
56. waiting for: dinner
57. want: my bf to come back over im ssooo needyyyyy
58. get married: yes.
59. career: animator hopefully
which is better
60. hugs or kisses: mmmboth, but i love the way hugs make me feel
61. lips or eyes: mmboth? eyes are,, gud,,,
62. shorter or taller: mmm both again
63. older or younger: older? idk i prefer it
64. nice arms or nice stomach: bothhh,,, buttt i love soffft tums
65. hook up or relationship:  relationship
66. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker,,
have you ever
67. kissed a stranger: no.
68. drank hard liquor: nope
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: uh sunglasses yes
70. turned someone down: i yeah i guess??
71. sex on the first date: uhhhh thats a no for me
72. broken someone’s heart: possibly? there was a boy who was crushin on me when I was a kid, and he was alot younger than me, and i didnt take him srsly when he told me and I was an ass,,, I still regret being so jerky back then but we r on good terms now? 
73. had your heart broken: mmnooo? not that i remember,,
74. been arrested: mnope
75. cried when someone died: yeah im quick to cry always. When i was like 3 or 4 a fam member I’d never met passed away and we went to her funeral and i bawled my eyes out and my mom asked me “Why are you crying? you didnt know her kiddo” and I said “Because there are people here who loved her and they are sad”.. also I was close to this cousin I had and she was sick and passed away and that was super painful. Annnnd uhhh My stepdads mom passed away a few years ago,,, i didnt go see her before she died cause i was more concerned with myself,,, my mom told me she cried because I didnt see her and that,,, hurts,,,,,,, also anytime an animal dies. I have alot of feelings.
76. fallen for a friend: hhhhahahaha yep definitely my boyf used to be my bff
do you believe in
77. yourself: not really
78. miracles: yeet
79. love at first sight: uhh a little
80. santa claus: nah m8
81. kiss on the first date: if both people want to. 
82. angels: a little? like the basic concept. but not really @ the same time,,,,,
84. eye colour: brown
85. favourite movie: uhhhggjlj Spider-man: Homecoming and uhhh Power Rangers 2017 and uhhhhhh The newest Godzilla,,,,
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