#im so curious what style they're gonna use!!
freaky-flawless · 4 months
Y'all, a new Monster High game is in the works!!! Coming out this year!!!
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This is the same studio that made Bratz: Flaunt your Fashion and Rainbow High: Runway Rush!
(Image Description" A screenshot of an Instagram post from the Outright Games account announcing the release of three new games in partnership with Mattel. The photo shows the Outright Games Logo beside the Mattel logo over a purple background. Beneath them are the titles of three upcoming games, "Barbie: Project Friendship, Monster High: Skulltimate Secrets, and MatchBox Driving Adventures. The caption reads "We are working with @mattel in a multi-year partnership, transforming some of their most beloved IPs into video games! In 2024 we will be bringing three brand-new games:
💖 Barbie Project Friendship™ 🧟‍♀️Monster High™: Skulltimate Secrets™ 🏎 Matchbox™ Driving Adventures.
Stay tuned for more information coming soon!" End ID)
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bambiilooza · 2 months
pls tell us about the mutiny in swap au im loving it so far but I'm really curious how does it work when you swap Eury and Peri with Ody and Polites. Also what happened at Troy with Eury and Ares instead of Ody and Athena? Did the horse happen or they finished the war other way? is astynax still there?
i think troy stays the same but cuz of the poseidon/zeus swap, i might make the battle way closer to the ocean so he can throw astynax into the ocean to drown :(
in my interpretation of the scene, ody throws the baby into the fire and my ody has warm colours. but eury is blue and the association with water makes sense with that. from a visual standpoint
and they wouldn't have had the horse, that's not ares' style. it would've been a more tranditional ambush. maybe a macbeth type, hiding in the trees thing
how i see mutiny is that since canon eury is very 'for the people' that's what he starts off as but grows to be more self-serving as the plot goes on. ody's arc is becoming the monster by accepting ruthlessness - poseidon's ideology - while eury would become the monster by becoming prideful? idk if that's the right word, he just gets very one minded - cuz of zeus' influence.
that would put off his crew ofc and ody would be jokingly pointing out how structured (?) eurylochus is as a leader to poke fun (PLAYFULLY) then as he grows more careless, ody would actually get concerned and call him out. and stage the mutiny. it's not the cows he kills, it's horses but pretty much everything in the song stays the same cuz i like it a lot. poseidon then shows up to whoop the crews asses for messing with his horses.
i think polites would be trying to tell himself 'eury's going through a lot right now. he's doing what's best, he's doing what's best.' but after circe's cave, he's fully against eury and the (literal) backstabbing comes as a surprise to him. but he would do it. i think we babify polities a tad and i wanna show how he is a sweet, sunshine character but he's got nuances to him. he is a soldier after all.
also as the lord of perenor, i'm gonna declare that elpenor doesn't swap with anyone but i want him to drink some of the lotus wine they gave pegasus (before they get in the cave) and then die in battle there. as does peri cuz of his swap with polites. so the gays can die together <3
it's NOT bury your gays cuz they never got a proper funeral and they're bodies are just kinda lying there
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agtartzz · 1 month
Ok, honestly curious because everyone has different headcanons about Zim’s fashion sense.
What style does he lean towards?
What about Voss?
Do the two ever do matching fits for fun or when they go out?
SORRY I HAVENT ANSWERED THIS SOONER I WAS PLANNING ON DRAWING IT OUT BUT DIDNT GET THE CHANCE. PREPARE FOR A LONG POST!!!! WITH ZERO CAPITALIZATION OR PROPER GRAMMAR for zim it really depends on his mood and the occasion. he won't put effort in an outfit if he's not feeling it. he'll just wear athletic-type spandex bodysuits, usually black. they're quick, seamless, and comfortable. but if he IS feeling fun and explorative, he has a few styles he likes! it's invader zim after all, a staple in emo and scene culture, so i felt that it would be fitting that zim would really lean emo in his style. but not always!!!! the medium-length black wig is perfect because it goes with everything! i like to think he likes loose-fitting clothes, because they're comfortable. loose long sleeved shirts, layers, leg warmers/stockings, thigh-high or knee-high boots, he LOVES. it gets cold in detroit, and he's cold-blooded, he needs layers!!!! (i usually use pinterest to find inspiration for outfits, so all of these images are from pinterest)
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stuff like this! very flowy and twee he will always wear shoes that enhance height in some way, no matter what. these almost always include platforms or heels. his boots? platform. his uggs? platform. EVERYTHING IS PLATFORMED because he wants to feel tall in terms of colors? for basics, he'll choose black over white most of the time. his favorite color is purple, and he looks really good in pink/red/magenta, so he'll always gravitate towards those colors. he usually avoids green clothes because they clash with his skin-tone. he also looks really nice in yellow or blue but it depends on the shade! here are some examples of fits i think he would like. avril lavigne's wardrobe is zim's dream wardrobe honestly
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i think zim's fashion sense is a weird blend of emo, scene, visual kei, rokku-gyaru, other j-fashion staples, and then grunge, 2000s coquette, twee, and other more "dainty" styles. he just wears what he likes. that's his fashion philosophy. if he likes it, he'll wear it. he doesn't care for human constructs of gender or public perception. he KNOWS he's beautiful and he's gonna flaunt it. it's one of the ways zim engages with "earth culture" once he officially defects from the irken empire. now VOSS is a little simpler. he's a nomad, and values comfort in his clothing. like zim, he'll usually lounge around in athletic wear. but, he is also a romantic. he usually likes wearing tailored blazers or coats, sweaters, or turtlenecks. (the turtlenecks help because zim likes to bite. who said that) he likes muted, timeless colors like navy, charcoal, and earth tones, paired with softer, romantic hues like dusty rose, deep burgundy, or soft lavender. but he's usually seen wearing his standard dark olive-green blazer. zim and voss haven't figured out the whole "matching outfit" thing, having to wear their uniforms 24/7 kinda killed the novelty/cuteness of it. but occasionally they do coordinate! if voss is wearing muted earth tones, zim will wear muted earth tones. if voss is wearing black, zim will wear black. conversely, if zim's feeling dainty, voss will wear something dainty (like a blouse with lace accents, or somethin)
i LOVE talking about characters and fashion so this was super fun! im gonna go to bed now. let me know what y'all think!!
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
infodumps abt a new au idea (the demon-familiars au, or the un-familiars au)
TL,DR: Reader is a witch/wizard hired by a town to handle a poltergeist/demon problem (Vanny has a cult and is trying to summon demons lol), but they aren't very good at being a witch/wizard and after a bunch of 'throwing things at the wall to see if anything sticks' and absolutely nothing working, they, in a panic, kind of accidentally summon Sun and Moon, who are equally shocked to see them and after a bunch of staring at each other like ?????????? reader ropes Sun and Moon into helping them and hides them in plain sight as their 'familiars' until they've taken care of the demonic cult problem, promising to send them home as soon as things are ok again. PLOT TWIST THEY GET ATTACHED TO EACH OTHER AND KISS PROBABLY HAHAHAAAAAA
(the long initial ramblings/brainstorming i did w the space aces in discord is copy-pasted below, if anyone wants only vaguely coherent ideas n concepts abt this au and ur willing to torture urself, go nuts w it ig lol)
taken directly from the space aces discord, i present: the reason all of my aus are barely coherent and somehow overly thought through and barebones all at once, as shown by the following example (unfamiliars au edition)
weird silly demons/familiars Sun Moon au where Reader is a (less than talented) amateur witch/wizard trying to lie themselves into a position of relative security (bc theyve had to move three different times bc towns shun n drive away witches/wizards that proves to be unhelpful) and they werent actually trying to summon sun n moon so they end up getting them involved in their scheme but oops there is some kind of other demonic threat that is actually a big problem and oops oops now we have to seriously work together to not get killed by the other eviller demon or the cult summoning it while also fooling the townsfolk into thinking that u r competent and have everything under control
Sun and Moon, a couple of demons just chilling when suddenly summoned to the material world: what in the heck Reader, having just performed a spell/ritual they've never read the instructions for backwards and facing the wrong cardinal direction: SHUT UP AND PRETEND TO BE MY FAMILIAR FOR A MINUTE OR WE ARE BOTH GONNA GET KILLED, BURNING-ON-A-CROSS STYLE
hhhgj i just had. a rlly sappy idea for the 'familiars' part
basically like. witches n wizards naturally end up casting their own 'summoning' spell for their familiar at some point, most of th time when they are really starting to understand and control their magic? so to see a witch or wizard without one it's like 'wow they're a beginner' or 'something is wrong with them, why dont they have a familiar??'
so Reader asks Sun n Moon to pretend to be their familiars partly bc 'uh oh i summoned two whole entire demons without even meaning to i have to make this look intentional' and 'if i have a familiar the people will assume im a Real Witch/Wizard and respect me more'
and at one point when they r getting to be like, actual friends instead of 'weird roommates', Sun gets curious bc ofc he does
Sun: Soooo,, we're your pretend-familiars? Reader: Yea Sun: Sooooooooo,, do u not have a familiar? I've never heard of a wizard with no familiar Reader, visibly upset/disappointed (in themselves): Yeah, well, it turns out it's only the witches and wizards with actual skills that can summon familiars. So. Couldn't tell you if I've got one or not, I've never managed a proper summoning spell. Sun, foot in his mouth: oh,, Reader: Yep.
and then later. It turns out. There are ways to make a demon into a familiar! Turns out in the distant past some wizards used to make demons they frequently summoned for spell/magic services into familiars bc it was way easier than just doing the entire summoning ritual every single time
but at this point, Reader and Sun n Moon are close enough to be good friends, and Reader doesnt want to force that kind of permanent connection on them, they probably just want to go home, theyre probably sick of being here and being around u, and,,, u get the idea
and Sun n Moon dont wanna force that kind of permanent connection on YOU bc what if ur sick of them, or ur tired of feeding and housing them or putting up with their jokes n bickering, or maybe after everything u really dont want anything to do with demons!!!
so there's a lot of sad pining that none of them know abt
bc ofc they r all idiots in this au sorry thems the rules
and then at some point there is some big threat/place they have to go to, or maybe Reader gets injured in a fight, idk take ur pick, anyway in a heat of the moment panic Moon is like 'HEY U WANT US TO BE UR FAMILIARS RIGHT??' and reader like barely conscious is like 'w??? yea??????' thinkin he means the pretend thing theyve had going on
anyway spur of the moment/'im doing this to save ur life bc i love u' familiar binding spell/ritual performed BAM now ur stuck together
and when everything is calm again n the fighting is over reader looks at Moon and is like 'so ur like,, my actual familiar now,,' and Moon, sweating bullets, unsure if this is rlly what u wanted or if u went with it out of fear of dying, is like 'yyyyyyyyyes?'
and reader starts bawling their eyes out and kisses him bc this is like. th dream scenario to u
anyway reader n sun n moon are th worlds least likely wizard/familiars combo but somehow they r absolutely unstoppable together thank u for coming to my tedtalk
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rontra · 6 months
How does failteacher Yuri interact with the greater plot of persona 5? I remember Toriumi mentioning 'some weird shit in 2010', but do the two of them have to deal with stuff like Kamoshida's change of heart and the principal's death?
the current policy is that unless something directly and immediately relevant comes up the answer is "it doesn't"
for 2 reasons. number one is that i don't feel like binding myself to the month-by-month timeline of p5-the-game in too much detail, because i'm lazy, and making my AU up as i go (lol). and the second reason is that observing the plot from a completely uninitiated unrelated POV is just not very interesting to me....... orz
one important thing about my failteacher AU is that it's a casual n sloppy style(!!) project that i do this way because it's fun (and as soon as i stop having fun i will stop making it). the vibe of creating it is just as important as the vibe of reading it. my worry is that committing too hard to ~The P5 Plot Is Happening Among Us~ would have me too distracted by logistics and timeline puzzles that aren't even relevant to the story i'm trying to tell, and suck the fun out of the project for me...
due to the year difference btween the 2 games, the plot of P3 did happen in 2009-2010 (the "weird shit" comment was in a doodle but yes it did happen and parts of it will be Main Comic Material later when relevant) (and i think its obvious enough from comics like #3 and general characterization that the Hermit 1-10 arc took place) (BUT MODIFIED IN VERY IMPORTANT PLACES. LOL) but obviously toriumi was an uninitiated & unrelated POV to that game so she doesn't really know that much about it outside of the parts that directly impacted her (which to be fair. are pretty serious)
p5 is much scarier because its looming on the horizon in FRONT of us and i hate being confined by a tangentially-related-at-best timeline. directly dealing with stuff like the fallout of palace 1 is a MAYBE? but ONLY because there are tangible Relevant consequences for -us- (more scrutiny placed on shujin teachers -> ms chouno gets on kawakami's ass, etc)
im gonna be real withyou i didnt even remember the principal dies. MDHNBFGB sorry to this man
all in all its just like. 99% of the plot of p5 is stuff these people are not privy to (kawakami's % is removed due to her no longer being joker's confidant thanks to hermit meddling) + committing to that timeline too hard would be abrasive to the comic + im much more versed in p3 minutiae anyway (especially later on in the p5 year). so its kind of like. well. just try not to Expect anything too major xD
if smthg catches my interest and i can work with it to make an interesting development, sure. but in the end its like why would i risk binding myself to specific points of a timeline and incurring Untold Rammys when i could simply not do that to myself. you know 😭
HOWEVER. FOR UNRELATED REASONS THAT ARE IMPORTANT BUT MAY OR MAY NOT PAY DIVIDENDS LATER (<- what did he mean by this?) it is seeming INCREASINGLY LIKELY that we might in fact currently be in the autumn -before- p5, meaning joker enrolls come spring in a few months and the game starts then.
^this paragraph directly contradicts everything above it but its fine. i have my reasons. just don't hold me to it TOO closely. i don't want to commit to a timeline just to be boxed in by unforeseen consequences later. but if you were curious there is a quiet notion in the background that says the plot of p5 proper hasn't started yet.
it's a "soft fuzzy timeline" but that's Secretly where we're at in it . kawakami bitching about her awful new student come April <3
So Perhaps Time Will Tell. if they're still doing this shit come May maybe i get to blow kamoshida up or whatever
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
hi! im really curious about your thoughts on oot, i'm trying really hard to like it and i wanna see what you enjoy about it
Hi!!! I'm going to do my best to explain exactly why I like oot but there is a TON of ground to cover. i have already written a bit about the story and my thoughts on it in this document, but this is a much more in-depth analysis of the symbolism and implied narrative which i think may be more helpful to you if you're struggling to get into the story and gameplay!
oot is my favorite zelda game of all time and was what made me fall in love with the series, but I will concede that it shows its age, especially with the insane advancements that video games have made over the past 2 decades or so since its release. Try to remember when playing it that it came out in 1998, when a game with any sort of 3d graphics at all was still new and exciting. some of its gameplay is going to be a bit dated, unfortunately, and it's totally reasonable to dislike that aspect of it i think! If you really find yourself struggling with gameplay, i recommend zeldadungeon.net for dungeon walkthroughs. they have very concise and easy-to-follow walkthroughs for the entire game which make the gameplay MUCH smoother for first-time players! there's no shame in needing walkthrough help in these dungeons, ESPECIALLY some of the later ones which get notoriously convoluted and difficult. that being said, even if you use walkthroughs, I'd encourage you to still pay attention to the dungeon's designs and details as a lot of thought was put into these designs and I think they're still some of the strongest in the series! gameplay-wise I'd also say that there are a lot of little collectibles that will seem like they're way more important than they are to new players. you don't need the skulltulas (they get you a bigger wallet), you don't need to complete any trading sequences, you don't even REALLY need to go out of your way to collect any of the extra heart pieces, the game is perfectly beatable with just the hearts you'll get from dungeons. Knowing all these things going in will really streamline your gaming experience and make things easier for you if you're getting put off by the 90s-style game design.
As for what i really love about the series, it's the story. And i understand that if you're not someone who makes a habit of analyzing media to an obsessive degree, at first glance oot doesn't seem to have a lot of story. A simple fact of old game design is that more dialog and cutscenes meant more storage space was needed, and the biggest constraint in game design at the time was the limited amount of storage a disc or cartridge could hold. What this means is that storytelling in older games like oot takes a very different form than the cutscene and dialog-heavy storytelling that games tend to use nowadays. the storage restrictions on the game meant that a lot of oot's story had to be told implicitly, via details and worldbuilding and actions carried out by the player. I know this can make it difficult to grasp at first glance! that's why i love to analyze it and talk about it, because I want people to understand how rich and well-told oot's narrative actually is and i know that most people aren't as willing to put in the work as i am, lol. with that being said, this is where the spoilers are gonna start! i'm gonna recap and analyze most of oot's story here, so if you're not looking for spoilers scroll away now and experience the game for yourself!!
oot is at its roots a story about adults failing children. i will elaborate on this point a bit more later, but for now let's look at our opening segment. We are introduced to our link, the youngest link in the franchise, at nine years old. From the get-go, we as the player are told that link's hylian parents died in a conflict very shortly after he was born, leaving him in kokiri forest to be raised by the deku tree, among the kokiri.
The kokiri are a race of eternal children. what this means, essentially, is that we begin the story with a link wearing rose-tinted glasses. the kokiri live forever without aging or dying, and they never leave the forest. Link has grown up isolated and without any concept of aging or death. he has been told by the deku tree, his father-figure, that he IS a kokiri and therefore will never age or die. Despite this, link does have a crucial difference from the rest of the kokiri that even he is aware of--he has no fairy. If you talk to the kokiri in the initial kokiri forest segment of the game, many of them will talk down to you or make remarks about you finally getting a fairy, reminding the player that link knows SOMETHING is wrong with him, that he's different from the other kids somehow, but he's not yet been able to pinpoint what.
we come to our first dungeon segment, where the deku tree summons link and tells him that he's dying and that link must defeat a monster to save him. when the player completes this objective, the deku tree dies anyway, revealing that he knew all along he couldn't be saved and lied to link about it in order to get him to do the dungeon. with his dying breath, he tells link to leave the forest and find princess zelda. (worth noting that up until this point, link has been told that leaving the forest will KILL HIM.) this is the first major failure of an adult we see, and as the inciting incident of the game it sets the tone very nicely for the rest of the shitshow. The deku tree lies to link his entire life about who he is, and then spends his dying moments lying to link AGAIN, specifically in service of a greater plan to turn link into the savior of hyrule by sending him to help princess zelda. this point is crucial--the deku tree has clear-cut, understandable reasons behind acting the way he does. It would have been much easier on link to allow him to grow up isolated among the kokiri, and it removes a lot of the potential danger he would have faced as an orphan in hyrule in the aftermath of the war which killed his parents. (we will later see that hyrule is in no way a safe place for a child on their own.) Explaining all the magical-destiny lore to a nine year old had the potential to scare him away from the task ahead, as did admitting to him that there was no way to save the deku tree. But lying to him about it all still ultimately deeply hurt him. this is the stage upon which the rest of the game will build.
Link, freshly traumatized by the death of his tree dad, leaves kokiri forest. he goes to castle town and meets princess zelda, a girl no older than him. Princess zelda tells him that she fears for the safety of her kingdom, but that no one will listen to her when she tries to warn them of the danger. this is our second adult failing--the entire conflict around which this game centers could have been prevented if only any adult was willing to listen to zelda's concerns about ganondorf. But because she is a child she is dismissed over and over again until she finally turns to ANOTHER child for help. her plan for link involves him retrieving objects needed to open the gateway to the sacred realm within the temple of time, which i know sounds like a bunch of confusing lore shit but all you really need to understand is that there's a gateway to what is essentially godlike power inside this temple, and zelda wants link to open the gateway and claim the power before ganondorf can. link already has one of the 3 keys he needs--it was the reward for killing the deku tree beating the first dungeon in kokiri forest, and zelda takes this as proof enough that he will be able to find the other two.
in these first three dungeon segments, link is confined to his nine-year-old form. His sword is wooden and deals considerably less damage than it will later in the game, and in each of the dungeon segments there are reminders of the way being a child affects his autonomy in hyrule--the guard at the gates of death mountain won't let him pass, the zora princess berates him for not being enough of a man, several collectibles are clearly visible but impossible to reach with his current size & ability, etc etc. this section of the game is deliberately juxtaposed against the initial segment in kokiri forest, in which everything was built for someone of link's size and strength and no part of the map was unexplorable or all that challenging. What you're supposed to realize here is that being a kid in hyrule is HARD. you have very little autonomy and are constantly condescended to. One of the few hylian npcs your age, Malon, is a good example of this--in her mini-quest she vents to link about how her father can't see that his stablehand resents him and she's constantly having to look after him without being listened to. She is being given adult responsibilities (looking after her father & the animals on their farm) without adult social status. Her situation is a deliberate parallel to both link and zelda's, though during this 3-dungeon segment of the game it's not immediately clear yet just how much adult responsibility link is actually shouldering. in any case, this is our third example of adults failing children, and the theme begins to be echoed in the worldbuilding of hyrule during this stage as well.
now we come to the initial confrontation, the scene which alters the trajectory of the game and divides what i consider the first and second halves of the gameplay (although the second half is probably much longer lol). Link, having found all 3 keys to the sacred realm, returns to hyrule castle, only to find that ganondorf has attacked, forcing princess zelda to flee with her attendant. He catches one final glimpse of her where she throws him the final key needed to unlock the temple of time: the ocarina. although no words are exchanged between them, it's clear that she's asking link to carry out the rest of her plan on his own and claim the power sealed in the temple before ganondorf can. and so link goes to the temple of time and opens the gateway, but link is nine years old and so link doesn't notice that ganondorf, a trained thief, is following him. When he opens the temple, ganon siezes the power zelda was trying so hard to keep him from finding.
we then pan down to link again, but different. he's changed, he's older. notably, he isn't an adult. he is sixteen years old, physically, but mentally, for both link and the player, no time has passed at all. this is important to keep in mind for the rest of the game--no matter how link may look, he is mentally still nine years old. he wakes up to essentially a lecture from the world's biggest dickhead, the sage rauru. Rauru places the blame for ganondorf's rise to power squarely on link and zelda's shoulders, noting that if link hadn't opened the temple of time in the first place, ganondorf would have never been able to sieze power. he tells link that he placed him into a deep sleep for the past seven years because, at nine years old, he wasn't strong enough physically to take on ganondorf and win. But now, he says, link is old enough to be a real asset. it's time for link to defeat ganondorf.
Once again, we have a clear-cut case of adults failing children. Link and zelda took matters into their own hands BECAUSE of the adults in their lives. for link, it was the deku tree (HIS FATHER)'s dying wish that he help zelda. for zelda, her plan was a last resort after begging every adult in her life to see what was coming and being constantly ignored. now that what she predicted has come to pass, she and link take all the blame for it, for being kids in a difficult position doing the best they could with NO ADULT HELP WHATSOEVER. you can't place the fate of an entire kingdom on the shoulders of two nine year olds and expect it not to fall. but that's what hyrule's adult leaders did, and when the kingdom fell they let the nine-year olds take the blame for it. zelda hasn't been seen for years. she's either dead or in hiding out of shame for her mistake. meanwhile, Link has once again become a pawn in someone else's game. The sage rauru decides for him, without ever consulting him, that he can't be trusted to remain conscious for the seven years between gameplay segments. that he will be safer and happier to remain asleep. anyone who stops for a moment to consider what this might do to link's mental state would have not done this, but rauru sees link as a child, which in hyrule is synonymous with an object to be controlled, with no feelings of his own. he needs to be protected and hidden, regardless of what effect it has on him when he wakes up. nothing else matters as long as he can be kept alive and unharmed. this is a deliberate parallel to the way the deku tree treated link while under his care in kokiri forest--he doesn't need to know the truth, because it's easier and more convenient for everyone else if he doesn't. its effect on his mental state doesn't matter. what matters is that he is kept in a position which is convenient for the adults in his life. this is another reminder of the way in which being so young hurts link, and if I can diverge into real-world relevance for a second, it's an obvious metaphor for the way trauma steals one's childhood. Link was never allowed to grow up normally. he went from being a kid one day to an adult the next, with no time in between to figure anything out. his childhood, his coming-of-age, was stolen from him by greedy adults who needed him to be a pawn in their war.
the dungeons in the adult segment of the game can technically be completed in multiple different orders, but the usual order (and what i think is probably the way the narrative is intended to progress) is to get to the forest temple first, which requires you to reenter kokiri forest, all grown up. it's important to note that up until this point in your gameplay, link still has plausible deniability about his race. sure, he didn't die when he left the forest, but maybe that was a lie told to ALL kokiri. maybe he's still a kokiri and he won't grow up. but now he's got solid proof that he was lied to, and that the safe, beautiful sanctuary he's spent the majority of his life in was never actually meant to be his home. When you return to kokiri forest as an adult, you find that it's nothing like the safe-haven you remember. it's been overrun with monsters that are taller than you now, as an adult. This is a metaphor, obviously, for returning to someplace changed. link goes back to his home and it doesn't feel like his home anymore with all that he knows now. And if the monsters weren't enough, if link talks to the kokiri, cowering in their little kid-sized houses, not a single one of them recognizes him. they address him as an adult they've never met before. to them, it's been seven years, and they've never known a kid to grow into an adult before. but to link, it's been a few days at most, and inside he's still the little boy they knew.
the dungeons in this segment of the game are mostly straightforward training exercises to give link the necessary skills and assets he needs to fight ganondorf. I'll skip over most of them, but there are three things i DO want to highlight about this section of the game: malon, sheik, and the water temple.
Malon is introduced in the first half of the game as an example of another child with very little agency and power. Seven years later, if link visits her again, he will find the ranch in an even worse state, with the stablehand having taken over and kicked out malon's father. Malon stays purely out of fear of what will happen to her horses if she leaves them in his hands. She is an adult now, as you are, and yet she has even less power than before. So much of the first half of oot is framed in such a way that the player wishes link was older. It wants you to think, wouldn't this whole thing be easier if I was an adult? Wouldn't I have more power, more agency? but now that you ARE an adult, you're confronted with the fact that nothing has changed. you are still a pawn in a war against ganondorf. Malon is still trapped at the ranch, forced to endure daily abuse or leave her animal friends to die. however, this segment is also the first time you as the player are given the option to fight back. If you, as a child, have taken the necessary steps to befriend malon and epona, one of her horses, you are able to use the bonds you forged in childhood to run the stablehand off the ranch and return power to malon. this mini-arc with malon is a teaser for the overarching arc of the game--having no power in childhood, believing that adulthood will be your savior, but finding the same powerlessness in adulthood, and ultimately returning to pieces of your childhood in order to finally reclaim your power.
next up is sheik, who is deliberately a mystery for the majority of this segment, but. well. we all know he's zelda, so i'm not going to beat around the bush. Sheik is what has become of zelda in the years since ganondorf took power--where zelda was once strong-willed and refused to stand down in the face of danger, sheik now moves among the shadows, darting in to offer link a bit of help or advice but never getting too close. My reading of this is that zelda, after growing up in the aftermath of her failed plan, was afraid of what she'd done to link. She saw her influence as the thing that brought hyrule to ruin--after all, link never would have opened the door in the temple of time if not for her. The way she sees it, her choice to use him back when they were nine destroyed his life and her kingdom. This is why she's largely absent in this segment of the game, only stepping in for brief moments and disappearing the second link tries to reach out for her. Her character at this point is essentially representative of self-isolation as a coping mechanism.
finally the water temple, which I promise i didn't single out just because it sucks, but i will warn any potential players that it sucks. it's the most convoluted ass design in the world and even with a walkthrough it gets confusing and hard to navigate at times. this is not the point of this paragraph, though. the point of this paragraph is that there is a miniboss in this dungeon that is INCREDIBLY important to link's character and to this day is one of the most well-done and impactful battles i've ever had the pleasure of playing. (side note, why the hell did the himekawa manga make this battle happen at the bottom of the fucking well?? ive believed for years that he was a shadow temple boss because of that. whatever. anyways)
about halfway through this dungeon, you come upon a room that looks like an endless sea of water, with bits of ruins and a single rotting tree in the middle. when you walk into the room, you'll be attacked by a mini-boss that takes the form of link's reflection, black and translucent with glowing red eyes. the miniboss dark link will mimic your attacks and block when you swing, requiring players to be crafty and strategic in order to beat him instead of just swinging with the right weapon at the right time. from a purely gameplay-based standpoint, this fight is sick as hell. it rewards you for thinking on your feet and forces you to come up with real time strategy to beat a foe who genuinely seems to think the same way you do, which is REALLY cool, especially for a game released in nineteen fucking ninety eight. narratively, though, there are symbols upon symbols upon symbols to be picked apart in this fight alone. there's the obvious metaphor of fighting onesself--representative of an internal struggle of some kind. pair that with the set dressing for this arena and the information we already know about link, and things start to fall into place. Link was raised in a lush forest, surrounded on all sides by walls of trees that kept him safe and isolated from the world at large. the minute he left that forest, bits and pieces of his worldview started to fall apart--he learned his identity as a kokiri was a lie, experienced the hardships of being a child in hyrule, and now he's grown up and become a pawn in the fight against ganondorf, losing what little agency he had along with the ability to return to his home in kokiri forest. He finds himself in this illusion room, with a shadow version of himself waiting to attack him, clearly indicating that this room is representative of his state of mind. an endless, desolate landscape stretching out into infinity. no walls to keep him safe, no cover at all save for that one single, ROTTING TREE in the middle. This tree is a symbol of link's mental state. (my evidence for this one spans across a couple games but just trust me when i say this interpretation is grounded in reality it would just take too long to explain) and the tree is not looking good. it is dying. and from this dying tree springs a reflection of himself that link must fight to progress. I think there's an obvious message that's being conveyed here: link regrets leaving kokiri forest. he regrets the way he's been used, the hard truths he has had to learn about the world since he left. He is still mentally nine years old, and as a child he still yearns to return to that safety he was promised in kokiri forest despite knowing that it's no longer there for him to return to. Dark link is representative of all link's fear and regret and turmoil surrounding his destiny and what has been done to him over the last seven years. Because this is a video game, he is able to physically fight those feelings, to defeat the reflection of himself that torments him and walk out of that room at peace, having faced his fears and confronted his true feelings. Narratively, this battle is representative of the ongoing internal struggle link is grappling with over the course of this segment of gameplay, and shows the player how link must overcome those feelings of fear and inadequacy in order to gain the power to defeat ganon.
now we finally come to the ending segment of the game. this is where the lore gets a little bit convoluted and trips some people up. if you're not a lore slave you can basically ignore the triforce thing. the only affect it has on the narrative is that it gives ganondorf a reason to need both link and zelda, since they have the other two pieces of the powerful relic he's after. this is why he kidnaps zelda and taunts link to come rescue her instead of just like. hunting them both for sport in the wilds of hyrule.
the final battle with ganon is the culmination of all your efforts throughout the game. in the leadup to it, the final dungeon reminds you of this by having each of its rooms be a mini-version of one of the previous six temples you completed in the second half of the game. once you finish this final dungeon, you're able to get into the castle. I have to mention one of my favorite design choices in this whole game here, which is the fact that the background music in the castle gets louder the closer you get to the final room, and when you finally get there it's revealed that ganondorf was playing it the whole time. the details in this game make me crazy they're all so well-done. anyways. to discuss this battle we first need to discuss a crucial character who i realize i've forgotten to mention this ENTIRE time somehow: navi.
I love navi. i hate the way she became a joke among fans. this is not the point of this post. the point is that narratively, navi is one of the only GOOD adult figures we see in the entire game. (one could argue that she isn't an adult, but she takes on a guiding and mentor-like role for link so i consider her one despite some of her more childish mannerisms.) Navi is the one character who has been at link's side since the very beginning, the only consistent good influence on his life. the only adult mentor who hasn't somehow tried to fuck him over or manipulate him somehow. She is INTEGRAL to his survival through all the crazy bullshit he gets caught up in. the game makes her importance clear to the player in two ways: the first, obviously, is that she's the tutorial character--she tells you where to go, what to do, explains mechanics and puzzles, etc. The second, and the detail that's gonna be super important in our discussion of the final battle, is that she's tied to the game's targeting mechanic. It's subtle enough that I actually didn't notice it my first time around UNTIL this final battle, but every time you target an enemy to attack them (which with the way the camera movement is designed in this game is basically a required element of combat) navi flies to their weak spot and hovers there, which is the in-game explanation for what targeting is--navi is showing link the monsters' weak spots. in the first phase of the final battle with ganondorf, he erects a forcefield which prevents navi from entering the battlefield, removing the player's ability to target completely.
i absolutely LOVE this battle in terms of both gameplay and narrative. removing the targeting mechanic is a genuine handicap that makes the battle genuinely difficult for the player, and narratively it serves to remind you of the importance of navi, a positive adult influence, in link's life. without her, dealing damage is so much more difficult, but as soon as you have her back the battle becomes super intuitive and you're able to strategize much more effectively. Eventually, you deal enough damage to get navi back and flee the castle with the princess, before making one final stand against Ganon, a mutated beast-form of ganondorf. with navi by your side, his massive weakness becomes easily targetable, and you're able to defeat and seal him for good.
the end-credits scene of the game shows link time-traveling back to his nine-year-old self, before any of the events of the game have come to pass, and re-entering hyrule castle to warn nine-year-old zelda about what is to come. this is a time paradox, i know, but i LOVE this ending thematically. As I mentioned extensively earlier, link and zelda's stories are both representative of the way trauma robs you of childhood. they were both stripped of their chance to be children and grow up and come of age due to what happened with ganondorf. Allowing link to go back and prevent those events from ever occurring is a promise of healing. it's a promise that he and zelda will be able to reclaim the childhoods that were stolen from them by war and by adults who wanted to use them as pawns in it. it's a reclamation of the agency that these characters have been consistently denied throughout their stories. it's. a good ending. it's a really good ending. I like it a lot.
So uhhh wow that was a lot! what it comes down to is that i think oot is a story a ton of people can relate to. being a kid with responsibility but no agency and longing to be an adult, but then growing up and wanting nothing more than to return to the childhood you lost... that's something that really resonates with me, at least. and yeah oot has a lot of quirks and convoluted story and stuff but at its core it's a really beautiful coming-of-age that deals REALLY well with trauma and childhood and growing up!! tldr it's just. a genuinely incredible story and it means a LOT to me lol
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fearandhatred · 7 months
Bestie first of all good luck with your group project!!!!! Secondly im very curious about the unnamed bible fic👀 what is it about?
hello bestie thank you <3 the presentation is in 2 hours and i'm stressed the hell out so i'm answering this first to take my mind off it lol. also sorry in advance this will be quite long because i do love the concept of this fic
ask game
ok firstly idk why i said unnamed bible fic it DOES have a name i just forgot. it's called "that's the pain", taken from and inspired by the song the origin of love from hedwig and the angry inch (my favourite musical)! it's a retelling of plato's (soulmate) myth of how people used to have two faces, four arms, four legs etc. but because we were proud and disobedient, zeus split us in two and so now we spend our lives trying to find our other half.
so this fic was intended to be something like that but about angels instead: angels used to have multiple heads and limbs but because some of them decided to rebel, god split them apart as punishment and cast half of them down to be demons, then wiped all memory of how they used to be. the premise is that crowley and aziraphale used to be one being that was split apart, and when they're both in the garden of eden they feel this inexplicable pull towards each other which leads to them meeting on the wall. both of them attribute this feeling to them being on opposite sides and thus not being allowed to be near each other, and aziraphale takes it as a sign that they should not be talking which is like one of the conflict points of this fic. and thus begins the next 6000 years lol.
and i called it a bible fic because i was gonna write it bible style HAHA. i kind of ditched this whole fic because i wasn't sure how sustainable that was going to be and so i didn't know if i would have to change to prose at some point.
anyway i did share some snippets last time but i'll just put them here again. this is from near the beginning of the first book of said fic bible, called apochorismós, which roughly translates to separation in greek.
Apochorismós 1:7-16
⁷But on an indiscriminate day, the day to eclipse all days, an angel spoke out against the Lord, for he had pondered his position in heaven and deemed the rule of God to be insufficient. ⁸And he, Lucifer, angel of the highest order, with his two pairs of wings and eyes and arms and legs, said unto the other angels: "The Lord claims that He extends his grace to all beings, for He is mighty, and the one true God to rule over all others. But who has determined it to be so? ⁹He has endowed us with knowledge, and knowledge seeks change, and unto us what follows shall be the natural order of things. And so I will ascend to the throne, above God and the stars, and all of creation shall play by my hand." ¹⁰And God heard of the words of the angel Lucifer, and burned with righteous fury. ¹¹"I am displeased," God said unto all the angels, "for you have sinned. A sin come upon one who remains unquestioned is a sin upon all, and for this sin you shall be ripped apart, for cursed now is the sacred ground on which you walk. ¹²"This is your punishment: through strength and defiance you have separated yourselves, and only through strength and defiance shall you return." ¹³And from a mighty hand shot bolts of lightning that cut right through the angels and split them in parts. And all orders of angels split apart, until they had one pair of eyes, and one pair of arms and legs and wings. ¹⁴And the Lord cast out the angels who were with Lucifer to roam the salty ground of the earth. These were the fallen. And He made it so that the angels and demons alike did not remember they had once been joined together, in body and in spirit. ¹⁵Such was the natural order of things. ¹⁶Then came the first war.
Apochorismós 2:19-20
¹⁹The serpent felt injustice at his words, but did not speak against them. "Perhaps it was the plan to have you give away your sword," he said, in sarcasm. "And when His plan has finally been fulfilled, may that fill the unsettling emptiness and misery within my belly." ²⁰''You feel that as well, then?" The angel asked, surprised, as he had felt the same for all the days of heaven and also as guardian of the gate. "It is worse with you near."
ok that's all. sorry for the rant i went insane but also now i'm thinking about how i could incorporate hanahaki into this
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maiko1 · 2 years
Step siblings spending time with you day! (ft: kazuha, kamisato siblings, ragnvindr brothers. <bonus character: xiao, scaramouche>)
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Free man indeed. I feel like everyday is spending time together with siblings when it comes to him.
U can't tell me he hands you a bug u didn't like to scare you, then he'll share a fact about them to make it less scary, though you still fear them u will try to overcome ur fear by coming closer to the bug while kazuha hiding behind a tree smiling.
Let you go on a adventure on a ship with beidou if u behave (you behave all the time and you often see beidou.)
Carry you randomly just to hear you whine about you being embarrassed to be piggy back by their older brother.
He won't ever use "step siblings" on you when he's introducing you to his friend.
"this is my siblings___" :D
"you two don't even look alike--"
"they're my siblings." :)
"whoa okay okay, they're ur siblings I guess."
Kamisato ayaka and ayato
"don't steal their boba ayato! We buyed you 2.."
You can't tell me (again) that he doesn't bully you to see you cry for fun. (typical brother)
Ayato probably dressed you up in a weird combo clothes and call it a unique style.
"thoma, great time. Take a good look at the clothes combo I did to __"
"o-oh waka, it looks amazing."
"im gonna be the greatest model in the future!!"
"oh yes you will"
Thoma made a doll that looks like you, ayato and ayaka and now it's your toys.
"im sorry ___ I'm not really the best at making dolls.." (hes lying)
"mine now." yes and now it belongs to you. Not even ur siblings can touch them.
Though they're so busy dealing with the clan, they would do anything to spend time with their little siblings.
Kaeya & diluc
Kaeya? Bully? Absolutely but yk he also pampered you. He likes to bite that mochi cheek of yours.
"what's for dinner?" diluc said confused since it's kaeya who wana cook dinner.
"today is a special menu. I introduce you... ____ chicken roast!"
(you dressed up like a chicken with carrot and a potato on ur hands)
"first of all, where did u get that costum- nvm don't ANSWER it. Second.. I thought u were gonna be serious about the dinner stuff. I even send adelinde home early today."
"oh oh! Maybe diluc can cook!!" you suggest.
"only this time."
Diluc? No he won't let you enter the tavern at all. After all you are still underage. "aww... Why does floaty cute paimon get to get inside while I can't ?!"
"because I trust her friend, traveler that she won't be drinking. Even paimon herself said she don't drink and only drink apple juice or sweet drink."
"so you don't trust me..?" oh god the guilt tripping...
"i- uh.... Ugh fine. You better behave or ill send jean to look after you." you giggled and nodded. Holding ur big brother hand to get inside made him smile.
If diluc is not available then kaeya is. If both of them are not available you would be sitting in a living room with adelinde comforting you. While they're doing their own work, they can't help but feel uneasy. Like something is missing. And that's where it hit them. It's siblings spend time together day.
Diluc was fast to get home since he can rely on his worker to cover his job, meanwhile kaeya would speed up and finish his work asap and went back home. There he will see diluc terribly comforting you while he took a deep breath and ready to spend a day with both of you.
Siblings spend time together day? Absurd. Why would an adeptus let go of his work just to spend time together with you?
"brother.. where are we going?" you ask curious. "somewhere." - -
No no that won't work. They might be traumatised if they saw me kill some lame hilichurls. So what did he do? Put blindfold on you.
No!!! Ugh I am not having any idea. Why does this day even exist I can just send them to hu tao but no, hu tao will do a massive chaos if ____ is with her.
Ah. "lets play a game. Whoever got to Mr zhongli first can get free ice cream." i can't believe I said this but who am I kidding it's a child I'm taking care of. "okay! I'm gonna beat you!!"
"okay, ready? 3..2-" there you go with ur little leg running towards Mr zhongli. "hey I didn't even count to 3 yet-" but. I couldn't say that out loud, seeing them running to Mr zhongli kinda make me relaxed a bit. All these years I've been slaying demons and not once I've ever thought about smiling on a mortal doing silly thing just for an ice cream.
Just as he was about to walk towards you, you happen to trip on some random rock (zhongli go get ur rock). Not thinking at all he dashed towards you grabbing you throwing you up in the sky before catching you.
Never thought an adeptus could do something like that..
"never. Never again. Be careful ____! You could've gotten hurt if me or Mr zhongli isn't here. It's not like I'd leave you alone but still."
"hehe again brother again!" what. "what no! That's dangerous."
After alot of begging he throw u up in the sky with a permission of Mr zhongli. You could see the beautiful view from up there. Your eye shine and you were never been happier.
None of you want this to end. <3
Siblings spending time together day? Who is he kidding. He is NOT doing that.
"brother you look funny with a mask and a hat! Here let me help you." you said as you take his hat and put it on ur head. "that's just an excuse to take my hat huh."
"can we go to that dango shop? I've seen people eat it and I wana try it!" you take his hand and ran towards the shop. "and who's gonna pay for it huh brat?" both of you know its just his ego personality. He doesn't mean that word. "you of course!" you smiled. That once a smile that made his own mother disowned him. Ridiculous.
"hey are you okay? Did he do anything bad to you?" a random guy ask you. "I'm okay??" you are so damn confused but your brother scaramouche seem to get that alot. Separate. That's what he's trying to do.. Dirty little shit.
"hey ____ take this mora and buy me and you a balloon." he said as you nodded. Scaramouche and him watch you skip a step to the guy who sell balloon.
"care to explain on why would you say that to them?" demanding him to speak but that guy seem not to get a hint that he's in fact a harbingers. Eleven fatui harbingers to be put? How dare he talk back to scaramouche. He even dare to look down on him.
"you treat them like a toy. Nobody treat a kid like that! You better walk away before I call a soldier to make you go away from that innocent child."
"you are ruining them."
Snap. That's it. He waste no time and take his hand to a place with least people. "listen here. I didnt know you were so bold to talk to a in fact a harbingers with this manner. And I didn't even know you had the nerve to look down on me as if I was a pathetic shit to you. They're my siblings. If you or ur man land a hand on them you won't be seeing sun nor star."
Scaramouche face expression soon turn satisfied when he piss himself like a 8 year old kid would after getting spanked by their mother.
He came back and see you sitting on a bench with a sad face. "what's the long face huh.."
"you were gone without me! I don't wana be apart from you not even a second!!" you huffed. He was mute for a second before he smirk. "silly brat, I would never go anywhere without you. Just now someone want to talk to me which I end up yelling at them for ruining the moment I am having with my little siblings."
"can you imagine? 'sir, we need you' and I don't. I dont need them and they better be begging more if they rlly want me to come but no they gave up so soon." (I'm targeting you scaraboobs nations /hj)
You smile turn into laugher. "you're the best brother I could ever ask for!" you hugged him as he took ur hat off before hugging you back. "i know."
Hello! It seem that you have reach the end of this headcanon. I do hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing this. I am opening a request where u could request me some platonic hc! I accept every character, so you wouldn't have to worry about ur fav character not being there.
Well since you also read that, how about a follow? No pressure of course. Hehe <3 have an amazing day/night on wherever you are, a reminder that you are incredibly awesome and I hope you will be happy until the end.
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lychgate · 1 year
Oh heck, my apologies (for not proofreading and/or being specific)
I was thinking more about like how do you figure out lighting, colour picking and the methods you use to finish up a piece. I was also really curious about your favourite anatomy tips and how you do so many dynamic poses.
Uhh tl;dr
I am fuckin stupid and I'm sorry
Lighting, colour picking, methods for putting the colours down, anatomy tips, and how do you do dynamic posing so well??
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I only draw busts and it's making me mad :D
HMM lets see: I don't color pick unfortunately, it's not a method I use so I can't help u there sadly. As for lighting and shading, I don't really use any tutorials but I just apply the same types of questions to it that I would to any other part of my work while drawing, which are broad question types like : - where is my light source - is this piece calling for any unique light source? (universal/generic lighting is just fine to keep using!) - how MANY light sources do i have, and what are their distances to my figure - what's the MOOD of the piece, is dramatic lighting necessary - if im just here to have a bop and do an art what light source do I want to play with for practice If it was something like a more polished and finished piece I'd definitely be thinking on these questions harder, or multiple revisions and potential references would be pulled up. But normally for references I just refer to my memory of shows that I've seen, since it's a LOT of visual library, and animated or live action, light source is heavily calculated. So you'll get a good display of these ranges you can apply. Lately I've been watching The Bad Batch and I'll always recommend that and clone wars as good examples of environmental lighting, especially given the style of animation they do with how shapely their figures are. It's a good simplified breakdown of the planes of a figure, so paired with their hard lighting choices u get an even exaggerated easier format to look at for guessing light source. (very reminiscent of comics like the more stylized/cartoon you get in art the more u can push and pull these dynamics. or like easier to spot then live action)
SO UHH, im disclaimer: not in any industry and im sure gonna be missing some terminology, but I just nabbed some random images off the google of bad batch to show case a few broad categories of lighting:
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Multiple light sources are ur most common type, and to me the most fun especially when it's like Two light sources. U can often play with the fun lighting types like rim lighting, u often have a warm side and a cold side for contrast/directions sake. The distance of the light determines how sharp or broadly lit something will be, and the size of the light can determine how much of that light hits the figures. So Omega here is surrounded by the lights on their ship, there's likely a very broad top light that's gently lighting the entire area, but the reds and blues of the buttons and screens around her are what's shaping the figure more dramatically. You can see the blue is coming from the top/behind her, where the red is more in front/bottom side to her, since it's the way she's facing and looking at you/the viewer. The second one, still on their ship, features the more broad top down lighting, but the screens in front of them are more important as they're all facing it. both lights in this image are broad wide lighting, so there isn't much of a sharp focus.
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COMPLEX LIGHTING to me usually just means 'there are many light sources of greatly varying distances and brightness' or that there's a lot of figures in the image so it's got a lot more to organize so that the whole image may look readable at the end. You get a lot of environmental lighting for these types, meaning like hey the SUN is one of ur major light sources. it is super fucking bright but it is also FAR away, it's lighting EVERYTHING. and closer to sunset/sunrise u get more direct, highly saturated light from it because of the angle it's often shining- there's a lot to play with for just an outdoor lighting! The three images I picked here are a more morning shot, a mid day shot, and an evening shot. Talking about the angle of the sun especially at the last image with the grookey on Omega's shoulder, which casts a shadow over her and her friend. But her friend is positioned in a way so that she's not entirely over shadowed, because we're here to look at all three figures, and their faces matter in this shot. VS the middle images which is more about the scene/setting as a whole, and the figures are all more or less equally lit/shaded according to just standing in bright daylight.
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there's also this fun lighting type, singular light sources can usually add a WIDE RANGE of emotion to the piece, depending where you flash the light. You've probably seen tons of light study gifs or shots where a face is shown with one light passing around their entire face and it highlighting the different planes that illuminate based on where the light is. So the first image, the classic Morticia Addams eye drama light, is focused hard on the figures, and what they're looking at. The second image of crosshair is another type of foreboding emotion, but instead with the eyes in the dark. Singular light sources aren't always for drama or asking you to focus on one specific thing but I feel like end of the day, the sharper and closer the one light source is, the more the artist is usually asking you to focus on the scene for. There's also some examples here of multiple light sources being used for the same storytelling dramatic effect. There's crosshair's entire front lit up to focus on not just him but by extension the rifle he's holding, with a backlight to catch the edge of his helmet and the barrel, because those are where we want you to look. They're the most important parts of the image, and they wanted to make lighting appropriate for reading that. With the last image there's what's his face (bro i forget my b) looming over him in a common type of dominant lighting. With how the lighting is assigned to this scene his face is shadowed, vs crosshair's who is partially under that shadow. IDK IM RAMBLING NOW i doubt this is the concise easy to read tips anyone's asking for sorrY I am not a teacher. IN SHORT FOR LIGHTING I JUST think about shows I've watched. I won't go into anymore but I think a GREAT example of super well done lighting in all categories of art are the John Wick films. They're both lively, highly direct, and superficially colored to fit the mood of each character and scene. I'll suck these movies dicks i'm obsessed:
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Anatomy I always generically recommend people continue loose study/education from skeletal and muscular anatomy cause if you can build a figure from the inside out, the surface is going to be loads easier. And then when I'm too lazy to look up any muscular break down cause I sure don't remember every part at every angle I kind of just fudge it which is super common, like how many of us draw an ear correctly to it's bends and shapes. I sure as hell don't I just like to draw them the way I'm familiar with lining it (unless it's some really polished piece) cause end of the day my ear is still getting interpreted as an ear. So If I can't recall which muscle overlaps the other given a certain angle I just take a guess and usually it's not something blaring if I threw it down confidently enough. Studying not just muscle though, but how all body types sit and tense and move is crucial. Like fat is obviously going to have a much different type of hang and sit on the body, and then there's deciding how much fat to muscle you want on a figure. There's also skin to consider- older skin is looser, scarred skin has a tighter more custom pull to the areas, skin otherwise is just a big elastic band around ur body. So when that becomes overstretched or cut in any irregular way it's going to have a much different look to the muscles and bones it wraps around. Muscle reference I don't have anything specfic to refer other then using actual anatomy charts. Some 3d modelers have made great reference to body parts with full turn arounds i'd suggest. Since big fantasy muscles can be exaggerated so much (and they should!) it's the only reason why id only Lightly suggest for observing other artists individual drawings of buff characters. cause lotta us are fudging parts and u will end up picking up an incorrect anatomical trait (we literally all do it, just a silly unlearning process once ur hand is so familiar and used to drawing something a certain way) I think something specifically that's really helped me slowly gain a very diverse understanding of the fat to muscle ratio is getting into sumo wrestling. (NOT TO PUSH MY FAVORITE SPORT BUT I HAVE SOURCES IF U WANNA HEAR ABOUT IT/FIND A SPOT TO WATCH) In sumo there's no weight division like other forms of wrestling, and because of that you can have a very diverse set of ways to go about your own style of fighting. Entirely setting aside the fighting STYLES, there's broadly the categories of how much fat do you want to put on and the advantages that has against your opponents, vs how much muscle, or where that muscle needs to build on your figure, height and the like also play into it but basically 'what is my body shape, how can i build/ play it to the advantages of how i fight my opponents'
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so like terunofuji is a fucking MOUNTAIN of a man, he's the current yokozuna (top banana rank) and his sheer height and weight plays greatly into his fight style. All of them are fucking jacked and watching Sumo has been a great general visual library builder because: - its a huge sport so it has a lot of coverage and footage on high def cameras - they're mostly nude and you're getting incredible displays of muscles in slow mo as they collide, fight, and throw each other. s2g you'll have an entirely new appreciation for the human body and just how many ways it can shape itself from watching this sport.
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Always a ton of fucking leg muscle but Takayasu is one of my faves i gotta show him.
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with no weight limitations not only are you seeing all the different levels of weight to fat, but you're getting an excellent display of how fat builds and forms on different people. there is no one way to gain fat, its pretty cool how diverse it can form, where it prefers to store fat, how quickly someone might gain weight vs overtime, genetics, what types of fats you're storing, lots of shit to look up on! this last image is ichinojo vs enho who are like usually one of the biggest and the smallest wrestlers, and both play to their size and shape and have become very high ranked. ANYWAY THIS POST REALLY WENT PLACES HUH idek if i answered the questions right i think i gave more questions back but i tried to touch a little on my thought process and where ive specifically gone in the art study journey. For poses I really don't look up anything I just try to think of the figure and do a lot of preliminary sketches. No i don't have the 'picture a perfect apple in my head' noggin i too suffer from looking at a blurry void when i try to think of shit so yes im hitting a brick wall by not utilizing all the model posing references that are probably out there hsuogjdhk
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nowordsformylove · 9 months
jonesmith analysis ep 16-30 (part 2)
this one is somehow longer and sillier than the last one. be ready
episode 16... rough episode but it gives.
lots of Davy being grabby and touchy in this one.
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waist touch scene he does it twice btw and I dont fault him bc Mike does have a very grabbable waist.
Mike completely overshooting how short Davy is so that he can be eye level with his boobs.
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this awkward high-five thing Mike tries to do.
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ep 17 love this ep it gave us Mike grabbing Davy's inner thigh and Davy's shirt riding up.
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this frame where it looks like they just got interrupted while making out. the way this ep was a jolenzmith spa day (poor Peter deserves a spa day too).
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ep 18
the scene where they're all watching tv and Mike says "This isn’t bad considering, is it, Davy?" plays very well into my headcanon that they like to watch old silly movies together. also this:
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ep 19 not much to say here, Mike does come out of Davy and Peter's room at the beginning so im curious what he was doing, and then theres this scene of Davy making a silly face at Mike.
ep 20 yeahh baby
"you'll do fine, sugar." <- this line put me into a coma.
love how he just walks into the group of interviewers and grabs Davy by the scruff.
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THIS SCENE where he literally lifts Davy and then sets him on his lap. love love love
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ALSO THIS SCENE. it's so sweet 🥹 "youre gentle youre kind and youre sincere" wahhhhh
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ep 21 this episode back to back with the last one ohh boy
Mike calling Davy "Mr. Charm" cute.
another "I'm gonna stay here with Davy, you two go back to the pad." split-up situation. cant leave his bf all alone when he has to pretend to be the ruler of a country. Mike also spends the whole episode fussing over Davy and fixing his clothes 🤭 gifs here.
also this was a fake royalty red-blue joint slay outfit moment
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ep 22
"MIIIIKEEE! MIKE! That guy was throwing knives at me he couldve killed me why didnt you do something?!!"
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the way Mike runs his hands over him to check if hes okay.
ep 24
"what we wanna do is show what you are and the way you live" "what you wanna get us arrested?" because they live a faggot life style full of gay sex.
also "The Monkees are the typical fun people. The devoon madcap boys for whom every day is just one gay adventure." not jonesmith specific but its funny to me and i think it aged splendidly.
not much else in this ep but i do love these frames
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ep 26 this one has A LOT
as pointed out HERE Mike just had to put his hand on Davy's hip for a second hmm.
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very touchy in this ep
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a wonderful array of silly costumes
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boob touch ^
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another lovely scene of Davy calling out to Mike for help 🫶
ep 27 shirt rip scene.
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^ love these frames especially the second one cause Mike looks so cute. Davy is thinking that too.
ep 29
ep 30 didn't really have anything BUT this behind the scenes photo that looks like the beginning of a porno was from this episode
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lokorum · 1 year
Bg3 act 1 asks
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHONESTLY at this point everyone here knows that im loko-slowko, slowpokes great grandmother, so what can i say but ₊˚⊹thank you₊˚⊹ for 1. being the sweetest bun in the world and taking your time to ask me about my silly oc!!! and 2. thank you for surviving this month or two while i was replying!!!!! I COULD SAY that i was thinking about my reply but i know better than to pretend to have a braaaaain ( o˘◡˘o)
so!! questions!!!
 tell us about your tav! name, class and subclass, race, pronouns. do you have a headcanon for where they're from? their family? are they a dark urge? or did you choose an origin character? was it an easy decision? (1)
my tav's name - isa or ise!! (with the emphasis on a\e!) 
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their main class is rogue-assassin (tho they're not above unorthodox usage of salami) (in a fight!!!!!) and im still yet to try to play with amazing blood hunter mod!! (•̀ᴗ•́ )و
you can see that in game they are tiefling but thats just because for some reason this head??? this beautiful head??? can be used only on fem!tieflings!!!!!! but thankfully we're blessed with transmask top surgery mod so it just works. i think of them as of sooooomeeeekiiiind offfff elfff??? idk honestly!!! dnd races make me want to cry////////////but the vibe i was going for was "they look like they're 30 yo MAX when in actuality they like 150 ooops" 
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their pronouns - they\he but! they're also mute (guess who grew up roleplaying silent-protagonists from early 2000 and cant get over it? CORVO SHOUDNT TALK BETHESDA OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE????) and not very communicative so i bet no one from the party knows their pronouns.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,or name ??????????????????????( l|l⚆ᗝ⚆)
hpphphph i heard people saying "you shouldn't take durge for your first playthrough" and ⚠️REVERSED PSYCHOLOGY ACTIVATED⚠️ FLASHBACKS FROM VTM WHERE EVERYONE TELLS YOU NOT TO PLAY MALKAVIAN ON THE FIRST TRY BUT OFC I DID AND I LOVED IT so yeah no regrets, best decision of 2023 right after playing deltarune (spamton fanart incomiiiiiinnnngggg)    
in short - they are from skyrim any snowy land im faerun, name of which im gonna learn when i'll finally start to gather info together phpphphph sorry!! i 100000% adamant on them traveliong A LOT, but by that i dont mean `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹"5 best luxury boat tours in faerun for you and your questionably looking butler"‧₊˚✩彡 i mean..............................."youre *unexpected gerard way voice:* RAT and youre eating RATS on the boat that looks like its gonna sink. the smell of fish and seaweed is so bad you know you not gonna be able to wash it from your frozen shivering bleeding body. you hide in the boxes, in sacks, in dead people clothes, in everyone's shadows and when you're finally out - your eyes sting from the light and you cry but your cheeks are so cold you cant feel it" kinda tours? 😳🙄
17. what does your character think of withers? 
CURIOUS! isa are very curious about withers and like......they want to touch him?? to know whats up with their skin?? THEY SMELLED HIM HANNIBAL STYLE!!!! i bet they were suspiciously watching him talking with other party members in the camp, while hiding in a bush. PROBABLY WITH ASTARION THAT RAT OH MY GOSH
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honestly if we could have a platonic ship with withers isa would be first in line kissing him on a cheek and taking him on a date (just so this cold-hearted sexy skeleton could dump them later saying "YOuR WheELs Of FaTe TurNEd EvEr tO thE DaRKnesS" or whatever......SO MEAN!!)
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loafbud-wc · 1 year
How do the clans work in your universe? I mean, it seems more humanized/anime-esque (not that it's a bad thing!) and I'm curious
I've been meaning to write out how the Clans are in my AU but never got around to, so I'm happy that you asked this!!
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Warriors AU: A Superhero society of cats!
Each cat is born with their own superpower with a unique title that is said to be StarClan-given; not every superpower is unique tho, since multiple cats can have similar powers (e.g. lightning, super speed). So if two cats had the same superpower (e.g. fire power) the titles for their superpower will be different (like "Fire Blaster" & "Rage Flame"). For the powers regarding The Three, I'll talk more about them later on!
The ranks in this AU go like this:
Kits -> Kits
Apprentice -> Intern
Warrior -> Hero
Medicine Cats -> Medics
Deputy -> #2 Hero
Leader -> #1 Hero OR Superhero
Elder -> Retiree
(this AU is heavily inspired off of My Hero Academia btw!)
Some examples of Heroes & their powers: Longtail's Tailwhip / Lionheart's Mighty Roar / Sunbeam's Sunburst
Instead of being known as "warrior" cats they refer to themselves as "hero" cats, and the Clan cats live in more of a superhero society. Most often rivalry amongst Clans are about which Clan is the most heroic, etc
All the cats in the AU have humanlike capabilities/knowledge, like operate machines & occasionally walk on two legs
The Three (aka Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovewing)
Every Clanborn cat has superpowers in this AU, so what does that make The Three (who have StarClan-given powers in canon)???
In this AU, The Three still have their powers like in the books. But the difference with them is that they are known as The Superstars!! They can take their superpowers and reach it to maximum heights by briefly evolving into a Superstar Form! <- I'LL MAKE A SEPARATE POST ABOUT THIS CONCEPT LATER
When Firestar got revealed to be the Fourth cat in the prophecy, his Superstar Form is literally just him going Super Saiyan mode LOL!!!
By the end of the Great Battle, they've fulfilled the prophecy and can no longer take on their Superstar Forms. Just like in the books, they also lose their own superpowers altogether in this AU.
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BloodClan in the AU!
BloodClan in this AU are a squad of punks that reside in Radioscream City, an abandoned city that was once sprawled & bustling with many people. All-over town are cardboard forts and LOOOTS graffiti. The members in BloodClan are referred to as grunts; their vibes have inspirations taken from Pokemon rival teams, specifically Team Yell!!!! Much like Team Yell, BloodClan grunts are HUUUGE FANS of Scourge & also have like,, posters they draw fanart on to show support for him. Even after Scourge is gone, BloodClan basically lives on as a Scourge fanbase haha
BloodClan cats do have superpowers, but they all share the same kind: Graffiti Saliva, where their saliva has become toxic paint they use to graffiti anywhere they go (i created this concept years before pokemon came up with grafaiai who's literally just my bloodclan concept- im p sure the concepts used elsewhere too but man lol)
A VERY TL;DR (NOT REALLY) BLOODCLAN LORE: growing up, Scourge (as Tiny) grew up being obsessed with video games, vampires & loved dark-colored aesthetics & graffiti-styled stuff (got it from one of their owner's kid who he liked to watch while they're gaming). When he ran away to Radioscream City after the Tigerclaw incident, it was overrun with cats without a name for themselves.
When Tiny called himself Scourge, he created BloodClan out of the stray cats & introduced them to graffiti painting. His otaku, vampire-loving side never changed & he references video games in life a lot. Scourge'd also say something like "LAWL" or "WE ARE TEH HAWTNESS o3o" or "GET REKT". After Scourge obtained Graffiti Saliva, he found a discarded painting mask that he wears 24/7.
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I'll talk more about my interpretation of warrior cats in the future as different posts so I can go more in-depth + draw pics for those!
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optimistpax · 2 years
ooh I'm thinking of reading tf 2019 but idk if it's for me, could you share more of what you enjoyed about it? I'm curious!
Absolutely!! I'm always down to talk about comics!
Gonna throw my thoughts under the cut bc oops this got really long really fast... i have a lot of thoughts
TLDR: I like it bc it's easy to get into organization/access wise, it's soooo pretty to look at, has genres I personally enjoy and find fun, has a lot of characters I vibe with, and its themes are empathetic and hopeful which is nice to read about when life is tough
So the first thing that I think rocks about the 2019 comics is that they are actually organized in volumes that make sense from the get go. All the main story AND side stories are compiled in chronological order. This may not seem like anything significant, but I have major beef with serialized American comics about this so imo this is great skldjfg. Also!!! 5/6 of these volumes are on overdrive! So if they aren't already on your libraries library app (libby or hoopla), then the library can absolutely get you them if you ask! I'm certain that the 6th volume will be up there soon, it did come out relatively recently tho so it might be a month or two. It's also only 4 years/6 volumes long so it's not an overwhelming amount of content to read, which is nice :)
Another thing I really love about the 2019 comics is the art!! They've got a couple artists that are series regulars, but 9 times out of 10 they knock it out of the park! Usually I'm bothered by a series jumping around different artists, but the regulars have similar enough art styles that with the colourists help, it's not that noticeable when they do switch around, which is really nice! I also Looooove the use of colour dots (i dont think they're screentones in this case? since they're quite big and used as a texture thing? idk im not a professional comic artist.) You can see some in my header! It's a double page spread from the first volume!! gorgeous stuff :)
As for the story itself, I think it'll really depend what kind of genres you like reading. It starts on Cybertron before the war, which is fun to see since we get to learn a little about their culture, history, and geology. The genre starts off as a murder mystery and evolves into a political drama before finally dissolving into something more action-y. So it's not for everyone, but I personally had a fantastic time!
The 2019 comics have a MASSIVE cast of characters. There are so many characters that there's bound to be at least a FEW that you really enjoy! Lots of more obscure characters from the depths of tf lore that haven't really been developed in mainstream media (afaik) get some time to shine (Flamewar, Roadrage, Jumpstream, Javelin, Lightbright, and Subsea to name a few) and also introduces some new characters (Termagax, Codexa, Geomotus, Exarchon, Cryak, Rubble, Gauge, Lodestar) which imo were really fun to see! There's also a surprisingly large (relatively fleshed out) female cast which is refreshing to see in a franchise that originated as Reagan-era toy ads lmao.
I say relatively fleshed out bc the massive cast of characters is one of the series biggest strengths, but it's definitely also one of its biggest weaknesses. Since there are so many characters sharing limited panel time it's difficult for the series to explore them in depth bc there are just SO MANY. They're also using the toy designs where they exist (see: lots of same designs with different colours), so characters are sometimes difficult to tell apart. Esp if they don't show up often and you're not already overly familiar with transformers. Altho my comic book club of non-transformers fans managed to get through the first volume alright (or at least they said they did) so it can't be that unintelligible...
I really liked the themes in this series! Again, that's a personal preference that'll vary from person to person, but I had fun with this one. I'm not sure if it's the right word, but I think the narrative felt very empathetic(?). Characters were very rooted in their ties to other characters, their relationship with other characters. Something something we're better with the connection to and with the support of others. Some of my favourites character arcs in support of the theme of empathy in no particular order off the top of my head:
Cyclonus and his grief
Arcee and the lasting impact that the PREVIOUS war had on her and her relationships (esp with Greenlight and Gauge)
Gauge getting to CHOOSE her family not because she has to but because she wants to
Sad videogame dad Bumblebee
Geomotus and how he's autistic and taken seriously and respected and also his friendship with Landmine
Optimus being chosen for the matrix because he has the quality of HOPE
Javelin's PTSD
Shadowstriker trying and failing to keep Flamewar from being a gremlin and getting in trouble
Megatron being the pettiest man alive
Starscream's love for Cybertron?? ???
Wheeljack being SO supportive of his mentee Gears
I would apologize for the essay but you DID ask ahaha! Anyways, I definitely think the 2019 comics are at least worth looking into if you're a transformers fan and are looking for some comics to read. I had a blast reading them :)
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unohanabbygirl · 1 year
Fmn has taken over my brain! I have a question, will Luke hook up with anyone before he gets with Aemond? I'm curious bc they're not really a thing yet but Luke gives the vibes that he likes sex for the emotional intimacy part more. Also poor rhaenyra too. Luke was her BABY and is now the kid she lost soonest and has been separated from longest 😭. Im so excited for Luke to get his memories back and for the fam to learn about his past 😭😭😭. Also I feel bad for Rhaena bc her mans got taken in 2 lives 😭. Actually I feel bad for basically everyone (esp my baby Luke). I kinda like that Aemond will feel v guilty bc he got to live a nice & peaceful life while he was a war criminal whereas Luke is so innocent yet has only suffered. I feel like he's gonna be crazy protective in the future. Tho I think it'll be good bc it seems like Luke will need a lot of assurance that they love and care about him. Omg but imagine if Luke starts thinking Aemonds into him bc he reminds him of the Lannisters "dead son".
Also this may be kinda weird but ive been very curios: if this was an abo world, do you think Luke would have gotten pregnant by the time he got taken in by his fam?
Anyways I'm looking forward to ur next update ❤❤❤
Fmn brain gets the best of us!
There will be a few hookups here and there before he takes Aemond seriously in more than just a flirty friend sort of way. It’ll be lowkey, but Lucy will for sure get some action. His feelings lay Aemond so they’ll still get close, however sex is a big part of life for Luke and the whole waiting thing simply isn’t his style.
Your question is everything because I regularly think about how things would go down if fmn was omegaverse.
Had fmn been a/b/o, Luke would’ve gotten pregnant several times by now. The immense stress of his nightmares paired with heavy drug use and the overall abuse he’s faced both emotionally, physically, and sexually would’ve more than likely led to some miscarriages. If not, Luke would go the abortion route, not wanting to bring a child into the world knowing how cruel it could be.
Maybe I should do a ‘what if’ drabble 🧐
I hope you enjoy the update babes!
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stormyoceans · 2 years
SHOW US WHAT JIMMYSEA PICTURES WITH PUENTALAY VIBES YOU SAVED PLEASE. I'm so curious if i think about the same pictures or not jdndjvxg
CAN'T BELIEVE IM GONNA EMBARRASS MYSELF IN FRONT OF GOD AND Y'ALL LIKE THIS (brain: i mean.. you don't have to. me: nah im gonna) however im gonna have to request that you share any other jimmysea pic that reminds you of puentalay that you won't find here!!!! deal??? deal 🤝
let's begin with the one that kick-started it all the genesis the impetus the single most image of all time:
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admittedly it's not the one with the most puentalay vibes however 1) it looks like something out of a k-drama and i may be obsessed with it, 2) as soon as i saw it it made me think about puen making a flower crown for talay and gently placing it on his head like that ramking scene in my engineer and then i had to go stand in a corner and talk myself off the ledge for the next ten hours
from the same event:
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doctor jimmy sir im afraid puen is still taking over you from time to time like please tone down the heart eyes!!!!!! ✋😭 also the fact they were wearing pink and ocean blue which are literally puen and talay's colors makes me want to bite my entire arm off but i digress.....
speaking of pictures that remind me of puen looking at talay with so much adoration it's got me fucked up for the next 20 years of my life:
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here they would probably be at some press conference for one of their movies (maybe while they still were in the alternate universe)
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and here you have puen indulging in his favorite hobby which is feeding talay and making sure he eats well (they're in pink and blue once again im tearing my hair out one by one)
this next one is peak famous actor puen and hot colorist talay taking a selfie at the premiere of the first movie they made together in their universe:
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im gonna have to thank whoever styled them here:
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because this is literally puentalay on their wedding day those are their wedding suits and no one can convince me otherwise!!!!!!!
this also reminds me of puentalay on their wedding day but mostly because of the flowers in the background ;;;;;;;;;
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ending this mess on this:
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don't ask me why but this gives me so much domestic and in love puentalay vibes, like this is 4-5 years down the line while they're just chilling at their place with some friends and gyo sneaks up behind them to take a picture but puen notices it AND IDK I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH SOMEONE PLEASE SEND HELP 😭😭😭
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linalilia · 1 year
On a more analyzing and less funny note, something I noticed about the thumbnail is it looks a lot more..........cartooney then the rest if that makes sense? Just the way its drawn gives me that vibe. I wonder if this is how kazui has changed? He's become slightly more carefree? That's what the vibe of the song gives me too. (ex: "Love + Fate= Crap.") It seems.......childish and mocking. At least compared to what I've seen of his first trial, which was more melancholy. (granted, I haven't watched half yet, I know I need too, its just the slow song doesn't hit it for me 😔). Anyway I'm curious as to your thoughts on this 🤔?
P.s, I saw your linagram door covers and may I just say: (puts on best bebe rexha impression) SLAY!! SLAAAAAAY!! I'm so honestly curious about all of them I might just analyze them like I do kilogram honestly-
and yes, the art style/aesthetic of this thumbnail definitely looks different from the other ones! i wonder if the whole mv is gonna be drawn like that, though i think they're most likely just gonna keep it for the certain scenes. i love how fun and creative the mvs are this season! of course, the s1 ones are great, but we've got so many iconic moments already even though we're not even done with all the prisoners yet. i've heard something about the last four mvs being.. particularly interesting, so i can't wait to see what they've prepared for us! god i'm so worried about amane and yeah, ngl i didn't like half that much at first, i like listening to slower songs only when i'm in a specific mood, but it has definitely grew on me! though i just remember watching it for the first time and going ".. so what's with the apples". anyway i think cat is gonna be a very fun song, though i have a feeling that there might be some.. like, slower or more sad/scary parts? basically like mahiru's rap in ily, LIKE I REALLY DID NOT EXPECT TO HEAR IT BECAUSE OF HOW ENERGETIC THE CHORUS IS.
and thank you so much, i'm glad you like the doors!! feel free to analyze them if you want, i'd love to hear your thoughts!
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