#im so mature i got me a therapist to tell me there’s other men
aritamargarita · 1 year
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HELLO MY ATTITUDIANS (i thought that name was funny).
shout out to chapter 19. gotta be one of my favorite chapters,,it’s crazy how we made it to 19 already. this also has to be one of my favorite covers so far, the girlies look so nice here. please put your seatbelts on because this chapter is JUICY you thought last chapter was crazy? oh man. this chapter will also be split btw
now i can make this joke: 19 dollar fortnite card. who wants it? and yes. im giving it away.
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VENGEANCE IS HERE. This is a very big night for you. It’s something you’ve been waiting for. Just to get your hands on Torrie and finish what she started.
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The camera pans up on Doctor Smiley, who’s going through some of his notes.
“I know this night is very important to you. I’m glad you came. Debra gave me a call, she’s concerned you’ve been…..on a downward spiral.”
Once the camera switches towards you, the crowd cheers.
You’re not sure what he means. You’ve never felt better. “Well, I feel fine. There’s nothing wrong, from what I know of.”
Doctor Smiley simply nods, then writes something down. It’s silent for a moment, but he looks up towards you. “Plaid?”
“What about it?”
“New, isn’t it?” He questions. “If my memory serves correctly, that seems a little off from your normal attire.” It’s not much, but the jacket you’re wearing is telling him a lot. “Well, to be more modern, it’s just not your style.”
It makes a small smile grow on your face, the thought of Raven clouding your mind. You cross your legs. “A little recommendation from a friend, that’s all. Don’t you think I look nice?”
You’re reticent. He should’ve known. He also pencils this down, not answering your other question. “Right. I’m sure. Speaking of friends…how do you feel about Torrie Wilson? It’s to my understanding you two aren’t seeing eye to eye.”
What a wonderful question.
“When I think about Torrie, all I have are negative feelings.” You say. “I feeel…like I want to give her comeuppance.”
“…Would you say you want vengeance?”
“Yeah.” You nod. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
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Earlier that night, you and Torrie were going back and forth in the training center, rehearsing the match for the night. You two had a decent amount of spots, not too over the top. All you two wanted to do was to showcase your strength and hers.
Outside of a kayfabe standpoint, having a match with her made you thrilled. It reminded you of the ones you had in WCW from time to time.
It’s shaping up to be a good night. Even the other matches had you excited.
You plan to interfere with Matt and Jeff’s match after your own. Whether it be attacking Lita or purposely messing both men up, you’re there to cause trouble.
Truth be told, you’re going to try and fuck with everyone tonight and if anyone tries to fuck with your match, they’ve got a world full of pain coming back, tenfold.
But your match…..you’d finally show the WWF universe how happy you were. How happy that Raven finally took you under his wing, he made you his and you felt like you were apart of him.
You’ll tell the world as much as soon as you get into that ring.
Before that, Lita needed to be dealt with. You need to show her who she’s dealing with.
You want to get inside her head and most importantly, you want to worm your way inside the mind of Matt and Jeff. Those Hardy Boyz. Everyone loves them. You’d hear everyone scream for them as loud as they could whenever they’d show up.
Everyone loves Team Extreme!
You don’t.
You hate Team Extreme.
It’s clear to you that you have one brother wrapped around your finger already. The other wasn’t too easy to sway.
So before you know it, you find yourself rummaging through her suitcase like a madman. Cargo pants, crop tops…something that’ll make you look like Lita. Would fishnets top it all off?
For a moment, you considered buying a red wig so you could even mock her flaming hair. Is there enough time?
…Yes, yes there is. There’s always enough time. You’ll find a way to make it work after your match.
While you originally considered coming out to Edge’s match, you knew that wound was still fresh and you were still thinking of plans for him. It wouldn’t be fun if you did interference every match, honestly. You wanted to mix things up.
Actually, wait. It would make it even more interesting if it was fresh, wouldn’t it? Bah, you’ll think it over on the ride to the nearest costume or beauty store.
Either way, you needed to go and go quick, especially if you want your little scheme to work.
Wait! Maybe you’ll go out first. That way, no one would expect you coming out dressed as Lita later.
Yeah, that’s exactly what you’ll do! You already had something nice on, so why not just show up in all your glory? You may even help Edge win.
You just hope he’d be grateful, else, you’d have to teach him a few new things. You figure it’s good enough to make a guest appearance with the clothes you have on.
“Oooh, hey, [Name]!” Stacy’s voice comes from the door. She stands there for a moment before walking over to you with a smile. She looks nice tonight. “I’m glad you’re here. I just wanted to wish you luck tonight.”
You still feel pretty suspicious, but she’s not going out of her way to attack you or anything.
“You know, I’ve been looking for you!” She says, taking a seat on the small bench. She then focuses on zipping up one of her shoes. “Me and you have no problems! I just want you to rip her head off, okay?”
It’s nice of her to come and give you some sort of pep talk, despite how violent it sounded.
“Right. Yeah, I’ll do that.” You say, rubbing your temples.
“By the way, you look really tired, [Name]. Are you okay?” She asks. “Well, actually, how have you been? I haven’t been able to catch you backstage.”
It’s true, she hasn’t. Quite frankly you didn’t trust her at first, but she made her status clear the last time you saw her.
“I’ve been okay. I feel like myself.” It was a little true. Stacy probably doesn’t know about the Raven and Jeff situation, so you’re happy Lita kept her mouth shut, even if she didn’t know the whole thing in its entirety.
You take that back. You’re pretty sure Jeff told her…
“Alright…” Stacy gives you a smile and thankfully doesn’t press further. “When’s the next time we’re going shopping?”
“I dunno,” You shrug. “The next time I can actually see the Dutchess backstage?”
“Oh, you!” She bats her hand at you, then stands up from her spot. “I think we’re both really busy. I’m sure we’ll get around to it. There are so many things I see that remind me of you, I’m itching to dress you up!”
Of course. Her and Torrie always had a habit of putting you through rings of hell, dressing you up in what they think would fit you….
Stacy gives you a wink and you roll your eyes. She lightly hits your shoulder. “Don’t be like that. Hey, I’ll talk to you later, okay? I’m sure Bubba and D’von are looking for me. I just wanted to stop by.”
“I don’t mean to hold you back. I’ll see you later then.”
“You’re fine!” She reassured. With that bright smile of hers, she’s just about to leave the room before you call out to her.
“Wait! Do you happen to have a spare robe..?”
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This may have been the worst decision in your life, and shit, you’ve made some pretty bad decisions before.
Stacy was more than happy to loan you one of her robes. You were too afraid to question why she carried it around in her suitcase. You guess she’s ready for anything, even an impromptu swimsuit contest or something.
She didn’t know what you were up to and you’d rather keep it that way.
Your next mission is to find Chris Jericho. You had already changed into your ‘gift’ and put on a robe right over it. You’re a little ashamed to be doing this, especially with the cameras now on you, but Hunter asked for you to get it done.
You’re sure it’ll be worth it in the long run. Everything will be okay, even if you feel like you’re going to scream. Thanks to the advice from some producers, you find Jericho refilling a cup of water.
Alright, time to get your game face on.
You take a deep breath and strut on over to him. “Hey there.” You hope you don’t sound too forced, you really hate talking to him.
“Ugh, it’s you again.” He doesn’t seem happy to see you. “The hell do you want this time?” If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was about to toss that cup of water on you.
“Don’t worry. I’m not here to fight or anything..” This time, you force a smile. “I actually just wanted to talk to you alone.”
“What’s there to talk about? If you think I’m dropping out of the title match, you can kick rocks.”
You try not to let his words get to you. It takes everything in your power not to reply with a snarky remark.
“Well, for starters, I don’t want to fight with you anymore. I want to make amends.” He doesn’t seem swayed, so you do your best to turn up the charm. “You know….I’ve always really, really liked you. I just didn’t know what to say.”
He raises an eyebrow, but the smirk growing on his lips tell you that you’ve got him fooled. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You nod. “Why should we fight anymore? Tonight, if you show up to my hotel room, I’ll make up for what was lost.” Almost on cue, you show him what you’re wearing under the robe and close it quickly.
God, you’re cringing so bad inside. One day you’ll look back on this segment and cry.
You give him one last smile and walk away down the hall.
The plan is in action. You’re sure Hunter will be happy you’ve done your due diligence. You’ve gotta throw some of your clothes back on now to make it for Edge’s match!
You’re so sure that he’s waiting on you. You just know him so well.
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And you seem to be just in time. With the match just in its beginning, you nearly tripped on some cords as you made your way toward gorilla position.
They need to clean it up. What if you tripped and busted your head open? You wish you could submit a complaint somewhere. But then again, Mr. McMahon would probably pop a blood vessel trying to figure out who the hell did it.
The moment you step out onto stage, the crowd starts to cheer. This stage was huge. For a moment you stand up at the top, just watching the two lock up.
‘What’s [Name] doing out here?!’ JR asks.
‘Hey! Tell her to come over here!’ Jerry tries to get your attention to no avail.
JR can only shake his head. ‘I don’t think she wants to even be within 4 feet of you, King.’
The both of them really were going at it in this lockup, with Edge getting the best of Regal by shoving him into the corner. You want a closer look, so you come down the ramp.
It is only when the referee forces him off of Regal, was when you were noticed. He runs a hand through his hair, moving most of it from his face. He must’ve thought he was dreaming.
You open your arms. This was no dream. This was reality! He comes over to the ropes, staring down at you quizzically.
“I know you missed me!” You exclaim.
Edge is just about to respond but Regal comes over and smashes his forearm into his back. That was definitely your fault, but you shrug it off.
Regal was starting to take over, grabbing Edge by the hair and lifting him up. Yet again, they lock up, an aggressive show of strength from the both of them.
While they’re doing that, you skip on over to the side of the apron towards the announcer tables.
You can see Edge’s Intercontinental Championship sitting nearby, so you go ahead and grab it.
It’s a really pretty title. As are most of the WWF titles. Once you pick it up, you run your fingers along a continent, and the crowd looks at you curiously.
It’s not like you were gunning for it yet..though you wouldn’t mind if they put you in the running. Everyone seemed to like what you’re doing though.
‘You said she wouldn’t come within 4 feet of me, JR,’ King starts to say. ‘But I think you’re just jealous!’
‘She’s a nice young lady, I’ll give her that, but she’s got some sense.’ He responds.
‘If she’s got some sense, why’s she got her hands on the Intercontinental title?! Doesn’t she know it’s nearly impossible for a women to even hold it?’
‘I think you’re forgetting about someone…’
You’re too busy admiring the title to even pay attention to them and the match. Running a finger over one of the continents, it makes you notice how beautiful it was.
Then again, it seems to be a common theme with WWF titles. Whoever created the design needs some sort of raise. But not if it’s Mr. McMahon, of course.
You’re so focused on the title that you don’t even notice a baffled Edge making his way towards you.
“The hell are you doing?” He asks, lightly shaking your shoulder.
“I came to see you!” You say, a smile on your face. “Didn’t you miss me?!”
“..What?!“ You weren’t sure if he couldn’t hear you or couldn’t believe what you said. You figure it’s the former when he continues talking. “I don’t want you out here! Put the title down and go backsta—!”
Taking advantage of the situation, Regal had slid out of the ring and came over to shove Edge right into you. The both of you fall over, with Edge landing right on top of you.
It didn’t help you held the title in your hands. That fall completely knocked the wind out of you.
“That’s no way to treat a lady, now is it, you pillock?!” Regal taunts, grabbing Edge off of you and throwing him into the announcer table.
You groan in pain as you try making your way onto your knees. Now you’re angry! You finally get up to your feet and dust yourself off. You gently set the title belt onto the apron, before running over and jumping onto Regal’s back.
You can see the flashes of many cameras, but you’re too busy trying to claw his eyes out. You try to pry his hands away from his face, but he’s just not budging. You resort to try and choking him out to no avail.
‘[Name]’s jumping on the back of William Regal! What’s she doing?!’
‘Is she insane?! What’s wrong with her?!’
Edge watches this in awe. What the hell was wrong with you? He wants to pull you off and knock (figuratively, of course) some sense into you, but it seems like you’re helping him out in the long run.
You jump off of Regal’s back and allow Edge to come forward with a clothesline. That’ll teach him! They’ll probably be fighting on the outside for quite a bit.
Man, Edge knocking into you really hurt. You may have made it worse for yourself by jumping on Regal. You’re a bit sore and out of breath, leaning on the apron for leverage. It takes you a minute to recover, but when you do, you notice that Regal sends Edge flying into the ring post that’s behind you.
You quickly get the hell out of the way. That could’ve been worse…
“Watch where you’re going!!” You yell, trying to back away from the scene. And for good measure, you stick your tongue out at Regal.
Of course, he doesn’t notice, fiddling nearby the ring’s fabric skirt and shoving something into his trunks. What did he just get out of there?!
You don’t exactly want to stick your hand down there and find out…
That collision definitely left Edge out cold. Regal grabs him by the hair and throws him into the ring, a little too close by the ropes.
Once he tries to pin him, you grab his leg and set it on the rope. Thankfully, the referee didn’t see you put it there. Just in the nick of time too…
Regal gets off, glaring at you. You just smile in response. He could’ve won there..but no! You didn’t let that happen!
He tries to powerbomb Edge this time, just a little bit further from the ropes so there’s no accident like that again, and then pins him. Fortunately, Edge kicks out at two. This is really bad..
You’re not even sure if Edge can get up. The referee comes over and tries to check on him, so Regal turns away and fishes into his trunks for what he took earlier.
You can see it as clear as day! Those were brass knuckles. If he hits Edge with that, it’s night night for him! You don’t want that to happen, so you jump up onto the ring apron to catch Regal’s attention. You need to do it long enough so Edge can recover.
“Hey!” You yell. He’s a little bit of ways from you, so it’s hard to grab him…
He turns over to you curiously, then tries to ‘shoo’ you away. But then he just stops. Regal turns to look at you and crosses his arms. “Actually, I’m glad you’re up here, young lady, I’ve got a bone to pick with you!”
Now you’ve got him! You’re interested, too. What ever could it be?!
You don’t even get to ask ‘what is it?’ before he continues to speak. “You have quite the attitude problem! You don’t jump on a gentleman’s back! There are other ways to resolve your anger!”
It makes you remember that he too, was involved in Doctor Smiley’s session. Maybe you should heed his advice….?
Yeah, right! “The only way to resolve my anger is violence!” You say, jumping off of the apron. Regal waves his hand at you and turns around to be met with…A SPEAR!
Edge finally is able to get Regal down long enough to secure the win. The crowd cheers wildly as you grab his title and hold it up to him.
He takes it and you're outta there almost immediately, circling around the ring and heading up the stage ramp.
And yet again, Edge can only look at you in awe. You’re crazy, you have to be. But he can’t help but to admire you for coming to his aid.
While you blow a kiss from the ramp, he makes the motion to catch it. He’s a little starstruck.
Perhaps you haven’t burnt all your bridges after all.
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You don't even have time to feel tired tonight. With your match being right before Jeff & Matt's, you feel like you're going to be on your feet all night. Perhaps you'll get a break before the Undisputed Championship match..
You’ve already changed into your ring gear, so now you’re waiting for Raven. Normally, you’d feel calm when it comes to matches, but with him being there, it just made you all the more antsy.
“You’re shaking.”
Your head immediately turns to Raven, who had walked up to you with his hands in his pockets. It took everything in you not to run and jump on him. “I’m just a little nervous.” You reply, crossing your arms.
He doesn’t say anything at first. “You’ll be fine, babe. Don’t worry about it.” The smirk that starts to play on his face tells half a story.
You’re almost thrown for a loop when he uses a pet name. You’re sure he was just testing it out, but it feels like you have butterflies in your stomach.
“By the way, I’ve been thinking.” He continues. “You and I were in WCW, yet you’ve never spared me a glance. Why?”
You think about it for a minute. Creative in WCW never really let you stray too far from what you’re doing, despite it being a little messy. “I don’t know. The writers over there didn’t even know what they’re doing. Look at the bright side though, I’m here with you now!”
You outstretch your arms. He stares at you for a moment. You almost think he won’t hug you, yet he comes over and wraps his arms around you.
“…I want you to prove your loyalty to me.” He says.
You tilt your head. “How?” Anything he asked, you’re willing to do.
Raven detaches from you and sets his hands in your shoulders. “There’s certain people you must get rid of. They pose a threat to not only myself, but our….” He trails off. You get what he means.
You don’t want anyone to get in the way of your relationship with Raven. Not now, not ever.
“The first person is Jeff Hardy. Once a contender for the Hardcore title…..turned nuisance to the WWF. Even worse, a nuisance for us, [Name].”
You just nod your head with a smile. Whatever he says, goes. Was Jeff really the problem?
Before he can continue on, someone from production comes over to you two. “You’re on, [Name]. Get out there.” Now you can hear your muffled music echoing over the arena.
Both of you were a little startled, but put your game faces on and head through that curtain. The adrenaline is running through your veins all over again once you’re met with the crowd.
The bell rings three times and Lillian is in the ring, ready to announce. “Ladies and Gentleman, this is a match set for one fall. Making her way to the ring, accompanied by Raven, [Name]!!”
You two walk out to stand on stage. Before you continue to walk down the ramp, Raven holds out his hand. You look at him in bewilderment, but it turns into a smile as you entwine your fingers with his. You’re thrilled he even let you hold it.
‘That Jezebel’s holding Raven’s hand!’ JR exclaims. ‘She seems to be just about anywhere lately. What’s going on in that head of hers?!’
‘I told ya JR, that mental hospital will be opening as soon as we kind find those scattered loose screws of hers!’ King says. ‘And let’s put Raven in there too! Ha!’
The both of you make it to the ring. You opt to take the steps as Raven climbs onto the apron and opens the ropes for you.
You feel elated. It’s a small gesture, but it means a lot to you nonetheless. Once you get in, you walk over and motion for a mic to speak.
Raven shuffles over to sit in the corner in the meanwhile.
“…All I have to say is one thing. The day I’ve walked into the WWF, everyone wanted to know about me..but I feel like everyone liked the thought of me.” You pause for a minute, trying to gather your words. “No one saw through me like Raven did. I can feel his pain and he can feel mine.”
You throw your mic to the side (giving it a tiny kick so it can reach the edge). Torrie’s music starts to play and you walk over to Raven’s corner to sit right in between his legs.
He’s actually pretty warm. It’s also a pretty comfortable spot. You turn your head over to the front as Torrie begins to make her way to the ring.
“Making her way to the ring from, Torrie Wilson!”
You have to admit, what she’s wearing is kind of cute. The color pink really suits her. Of course, you’d never say that out loud. You’re just ready to wrestle her.
Raven nudges you slightly, and with a whispered “good luck”, he moves away and gets out of the ring to spectate.
You stand up from your spot. Things are finally starting to heat up. The crowd is a little bit anxious.
On one hand, they hope you don’t punish Torrie too much. Then on the other hand, they hope you can get your revenge. If they’re lucky enough, maybe they’ll get some clothing shed!
Not! You don’t want any wardrobe malfunctions or any ripping of clothes tonight. This is supposed to be a serious match.
The bell rung again and you two walk around in circles. You two weren’t friends right now. You were sworn enemies, nothing less, nothing more. Torrie put herself in this spot, so you were going to make sure she regret it.
It hurts you more than anything to have to fight an old friend, but in order to get your message through her thick skull, you didn’t have a choice.
You don’t want to disappoint Raven. In fact, you just wanted to impress him. Show him you could do this. That you live up to whatever hype there is.
When Torrie tackled you down almost effortlessly, that was when you knew your head needed to be in the game. There definitely was animosity behind her hits, but rest assured there will be animosity behind yours too.
…You’re gonna be honest. Torrie is as green as grass. She always has been. Nothing wrong with that, it just makes it a little harder to carry her through the match. She wasn’t alone though, Stacy (although you technically haven’t wrestled her directly) seemed pretty green too.
You can’t help but to laugh. One time, Lita referred to those two as ‘the blondies’, notoriously known for being quite new and not knowing what’s going on.
She trashed them so bad that night, then told you that you’re the only one that could really wrestle. It was sweet, but you felt kinda bad she wasn’t fond of Torrie and Stacy.
You roll over her and start hitting her back, getting your quick just desserts.
Getting off, you stare at her as she sets her hand on the ropes in an effort to recover. Torrie takes a good look at you, her eyes narrowing once she sees you laughing.
Before she could fully get up, you come over to grab a fistful of blonde hair before slamming her right back to the mat. You’re not quite done with her yet. This is only the first stage of pain you’ll put her through tonight!
You saw a wrestler do this move a very long time ago, but you can’t remember their name for some reason. You put one foot on each side of her head and step on her hair, then lift her arms up.
The referee starts to yell at you to “let go” and to “watch the hair”.
You eventually let up, Torrie writhing around on the mat in pain. You come over and lift her face up. “C’mon, Torrie!“ You scream, slapping her for good measure. “That all you got?! Get up!”
You decide to force her to stand up, grabbing her and lifting her from the ground. She’s able to shove her forearm into your stomach, causing you to keel over.
Torrie really did get up. She grabs your hair and slams you down to the mat. It’s her turn to be in charge and she’s going to try and lay down the law.
She squishes your face closer to the canvas and uses your hair to roughly scrub it across. “You’re horrible!” She screamed. “Do you see what I have to do to you!? This is your fault!”
Torrie finally lets go of you so you can breathe for a second. The referee is chewing her out for this move, so she starts to argue with him. You slowly recover off of the ground, and since you don’t think you have enough time to get up, you use your foot in order to kick her in the shin.
She crashes down immediately, holding onto her shin.
While she’s down, you turn your head towards the front, Raven’s watching intently. Once you start to fully stand up, you can see him duck down for some reason.
But it wasn’t his fault. He was completely blindsided by someone with multi-colored hair. This person knocks him to the ground and starts laying into him with punches.
Oh no. No, no, no…
This can’t be happening.
‘Jeff Hardy has just attacked Raven!’ JR exclaimed. ‘What is going on here?!’
You don’t even know what to do. You grip the ropes, just about to abandon the match, but before you know it, Torrie’s had taken advantage. She rolls you up and then….one, two, three. You kicked out far too late.
No fucking way.
Did that really just happen?! Torrie can’t believe that happened either. Before she starts to celebrate her victory, you immediately tackle her to the ground to try and choke her out.
The referee has to pull you off of her, but you couldn’t care less. You’ll handle her right after you try and break up the fight THAT WAS STILL HAPPENING AT THE OUTSIDE OF THE RING.
You slide out of the ring in and run over towards them, doing your best to pull off the assailant to no avail.
“STOP IT! Stop!” You scream. You’re doing your best to get in between them….to no avail. Raven’s able to get up off the floor and starts punching Jeff back. They’re squabbling and you’re panicking.
This isn’t supposed to happen. Why did Jeff do that?! He didn’t even give poor Raven a chance to fight! At least he’s getting his hits in now..
Some referees have to come from the back and attempt to pull the men away from each other.
The rowdy crowd is looking on, cheering at the sight. One of the referees have to tell you to back away so you don’t get hit, so you do.
Aaaand you’re bleeding.
Oops, you may be mistaken. You’re pretty sure one of them is bleeding, but you can’t tell who. With the referees crowding around them, it’s hard to discern who it was. All you can see is some blood smeared on your arm and hand.
You simply walk away and reach under the ring to yank out a kendo stick. Torrie’s still sputtering in the ring, and with most of the referee’s attention on settling the two men, you come back into the ring for a little bit extra.
You absolutely fucking hated how this finished! This was growing increasingly stressful, so you had to deploy the cure.
For now, you toss the kendo stick to the side. You get down and pull Torrie’s arm right under your leg, getting into position for a Yes Lock. But it’s not any old submission.
You take the kendo stick and pull it under her neck. She flails under you, so you try and lighten the hold just a little bit so she wouldn’t be too hurt later. You try to be nice, sometimes.
There’s so much going on inside and outside of the ring, no one even knows where to focus.
One of the referee’s finally notice what you’re doing. “Hey! HEY!!!” He yells, coming back in. He forces you to release your hold on Torrie and she continues to cough, trying to gasp for more air.
….You definitely lied. You’re not excited for tonight at all.
You’re not in a good mood anymore.
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Y’ALL KNOW I HAD TO FLIP THA SCRIPTT. we originally were gonna win but i said NAHHH. jeff just fucked everything up. this is important heehee.
i need a goddamn cigarette after this. hope you guys saw a slight golden reference, golden!reader does the hair mare /pull thing lol it’s like HER MOVE
regarding jeff and raven. THIS IS INTENSE. THIS IS REALLY INTENSE. ALL IM THINKIN ABT RIGHT NOW IS A 12 POUND BAG OF SEAFOOD BOIL. SPICY. who ready for the matt vs jeff & undisputed championship match thooo??????
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81 notes · View notes
starredonyx · 1 year
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asleep-and-afraid · 1 year
scrolling past a ship u hate so much and thinking ‘nope’ and then moving on with your day
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luvrrgirl444 · 7 months
chapter 14: genius
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“hi, y/n and i’m here today with genius to explain the lyrics of my song ‘kill bill’.” you smiled at the camera.
“so, fun fact about kill bill is that it actually only took about 6 hours to produce. i, uh-” you laughed. “i saw this thing online and it made me feel some type of way, and i was like ‘i need to release what i feel right now.’ so, i took out my songbook and went crazy. i called up my friend jean, my producer, and i was crying,” you laughed again, and made a phone gesture with your hand and brought it up to your ear. “and i was like, ‘bro i just wrote these lyrics, can we make a song right now?’ and we did, in like 6 hours.”
i’m still a fan even though i was salty
hate to see you with some other broad, know you happy
hate to see you happy if i’m not the one driving
“the person that this song is about is actually also an artist, and he’s actually really talented. so basically, i was saying that even though i hate that nigga,” you stuck up your middle finger. “he’s still a great artist, unfortunately. the next two lines are literal, uh, about a month, maybe a month and a half after we broke up, he was posted up with another girl. which was honestly really shitty because he broke up with me to ‘focus on his music’” you quirked your eyebrow and used quotation marks. “basically this whole song is about me being a jealous heartbroken bitch.” you sarcastically smiled.
i’m so mature, i’m so mature
i’m so mature, got me a therapist to tell me there’s other men
i don’t want none, i just want you
if i can’t have you, no one should
i might
“i was tryna convince myself that i was strong, and that this wasn’t hurting me as much as i thought it was, but it definitely was. literally wrote a whole muthafucking song about it.” you laughed. “we we’re dating for a long ass time to be honest, so with the ‘i don’t want none, i just want you’ lyric, it’s basically saying that i’ve been with you for so fucking long, it’s always been you, how am i supposed to move on, y’know? it’s lowkey corny but yeah. the last lyric is very um, yandere simulator vibes but it relates to the theme of the song, which is like jealousy and vengeance and possession.” you put your hands up. “don’t worry y’all, i’m not a criminal.”
i might kill my ex, not the best idea
his new girlfriend's next, how'd i get here?
i might kill my ex, i still love him though
rather be in jail than alone
“i can explain y’all, i’m not a killer or a criminal but imma be real, i was definitely having some intrusive thoughts. but everyone does. like, anyone who says they’ve never had thoughts about hurting someone that did them dirty, or fucked with them, they’re fucking lying, 100%. and relating to what i said before, we were together for so long. no matter how much i try to deny, the love is still there. it’s been built up for years, as much as i want to, i can’t magically forget it overnight.”
you continued on with singing the lyrics and explaining them until you completely finished the entire song.
“kill bill was an impulsive creation and release. we recorded and finished the song in like 6 hours, and i was like ‘i want to release this today’” you pointed downwards. “but everyone told me no.” you rolled your eyes. “so i asked when was the soonest we could release it, and it was like in 2 days. so the next day i posted on instagram saying that i was releasing a song tomorrow and that was it. there was no promo for it, which is why i’m so fucking shocked that it did so well. but, thank you to my fans, friends and family, i love you all. stream kill bill, album coming soon, bye!” you blew a kiss to the camera, before smiling and making heart with your hands.
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erenjaeger: whole lotta yip whole lotta yap
⤷ y/nsinterlude: BITCH
⤷ y/nsinterlude: im doing good wbu
valentinagomez: TE AMO MI AMOR 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
⤷ y/nsinterlude: TE AMO HERMOSA 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
user2000: i love u ur so real ❤️❤️
⤷ y/nsinterlude: im the realest i love u too 🤍
conswife: stop talking shit about connie omfg
shyshiloh: i just died 😵😵
⤷ y/nsinterlude: i’ll revive u bae
user182: not u still in love with that sick man..
⤷ y/nsinterlude: I DIDNT SAY THAT SHIT
jkirstein: professional yapper
⤷ y/nsinterlude: i’m beating your ass
user555: dont let c***** see that video..
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🦋 !
- this chapter is fr just a whole lotta yapping but 🫣🫣
taglist! <3 @lovelytayy @cyberkitty1 @sqlty @cr0quis @koreluvsspring @asp7n @lottiematthewsceo @shidousmainluvr @idontknowwhatnametochoosee @drugzforyou @astrokatsuki @crvzy-fujoshi @ncentic @ilyconnie @stellartoi @bubbabobabubbles @tee4str
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thirstghosting · 1 year
im so mature
im so mature
im so mature i got me a therapist to tell me there's other men i
don't want none i just want you
if i cant have you no one will 🔪
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lovrsickk · 1 year
kill bill.
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tw : murder, yandere behavior, blood, death, knife, gore, toxic relationship, jealousy
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i sat in the waiting room, waiting for my therapist, thinking. thinking of him, and how i’m still a fan of him, even though i was stupidly salty before. i hated seeing him with that slutty broad, knowing she made him happy.
i hate seeing him happy when i’m not the one driving that happiness.
“odette thompson, dr. julie will see you now,” the receptionist told me, just above a whisper. i nodded and silently stood up, making my way to her office.
i’m so mature. i’m so mature that i’ve got a therapist.
i opened the door to her office, quietly stepping inside. “hi,” i say it a small voice.
“odette! hello! come have a seat and tell me how the week has been for you. i’d like to hear how you’ve been handling everything,” she excitedly tells me. she acts excited about me having all my problems, but i know she’s just trying to get me optimistic and to keep the peace.
i sit down in the brown, cushioned chair in front of her desk. “well um, i guess this week has been pretty hard on me,” i look down as i say so, playing with the ruffles of my pink dress.
“oh, yeah? well, tell me about it.”
and then i started to pour.
“well, i see him at school..with her. they kiss, they hug, they hold hands. i don’t want them to. they shouldn’t. that should be me, you know? i want him back. he shouldn’t have broken up with me. it hurts me inside. mentally and physically. i can’t take it. he shouldn’t even be putting me through this. i don’t deserve it, right? come on! tell me i’m right!” i rambled, giving her a panicked look on my face as if she was going to throw me in prison for feeling like this.
“no, odette, you’re absolutely right. you shouldn’t feel like this, but at the end of the day, there’s other men for you, no? how about this, i want you to take this journal home, and write all of your obsessions in it. everything that makes you upset,” she hands me a cute spiral journal. it’s a pastel pink with little chibi cat faces littered all over it. “i knew you’d like the pink and the cute kitties on it, so i got it for you, and then it gave me an idea for you.”
i take the journal from her and smile. “i will, thank you,” i say, that same smile still on my face.
“now, why don’t you tell me more..”
i sat on the couch in my little apartment, staring down at the first blank page of the journal, pen in hand.
i then remembered something that made me upset.
“there’s other men for you, no?”
dr. julie’s words repeated in my head. i didn’t want none of them, i just wanted him. i thought and thought about that, then i finally began to write.
if i can’t have him, no one should.
after i wrote that first sentence down, the best idea came to me. i wrote that down too.
i might kill my ex.
it’s not the best idea.
his new girlfriend would be next.
god, how did i get here? get so low in my life?
pushing those thoughts aside, i continued to write.
i might kill my ex..
i still love him though. :(
but, i would rather be in jail then alone.
i sat in the cafeteria, my lunch in front of me, staring at him and her, the thought of last night still in my head. i watched them, plotting the ways i’d do it, but then i get the sense that this is a lost cause. i also get the sense that he really loves her.
the texts between them would be evidence. texts are evidence. i try to ration with myself. no murder, no crimes of passion, but damn. he was out of reach. i saw him the other day at the farmers market with his ‘perfect peach’.
but now i’m in amazement, playing with my own patience. now, in my head, you’re laying face down, and i’m saying over a beat:
“i’m so mature..IM SO MATURE! i’m so mature, i have a therapist to tell me there’s other men, but i don’t want none of them, i just want you. if i can’t have you, no one will..”
i would walk towards him with the sharp kitchen knife.
“i might…i might kill my ex. this isn’t the best idea..your new girlfriends next. how’d i get HERE!?”
i would laugh hysterically, my eyes wide and dark.
“i might- i might kill my ex. i still love you, though. i’d rather be in jail than alone.”
and now, i’m standing over my ex boyfriend, fletcher, a knife raised above my head.
“fletcher, im doing this for love. i’m doing it all on no drugs. i’m doing all of this sober. i’m doing it all for us,” i say, a big smile on my face. he looked scared. it was so pathetic, it was cute. i couldn’t look at it anymore.
i got on my knees before saying, “god, i love you, fletcher,” then plunging the knife right in the middle of his head. i pulled the knife out and blood splattered onto my pretty face. then, i shoved it into his chest about 10 times, more and more blood spewing on me and my beautiful white dress.
he screamed until he couldn’t anymore, he screamed until he was dead, but my gloved hand covering his mouth silenced it all.
once he was gone, i looked up to the slut— sydney her name was —and i lunged at her, stabbing her everywhere i could. her slutty chest, her slutty stomach, her slutty eyes, all her slutty parts. she tried to scream, just like how fletcher did, but, again, my hand quieted it.
she went quicker than he did, but it was still fun, watching her suffer. i slid off the bed and reached for my purse. i zipped it open and pulled out my journal, along with my pen. flipping past all of the pages with my writing plastered on them, i found a blank one. the blood on my face dropped and dripped on the page, and i wrote:
i just killed my ex.
it was not the best idea.
i killed his girlfriend next..how’d i get here?
i just killed my ex.
i still love him though.. :)
i’d rather be in hell than alone.
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8 notes · View notes
Im so mature, I’m so mature,
I'm so mature I got me a therapist to tell me there's other men. I don't want none, I just want you.
If I can't have you, no one should.
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littldolli · 1 year
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distantdreamer · 1 year
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sunflowervolum-6 · 2 months
Im so mature i got a therapist to tell me there are other men
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skatetragedy · 1 year
lately therapy has been pretty intense, i feel like i’ve had a couple therapists before that mostly only touched on surface level trauma. my new therapist is pretty intense, shes very sweet but sometimes i genuinely feel like my brain can’t process whats happening because it’s not use to digging as deep as she wants me to. It’s a bit humbling, hearing her consensus on why i act the way i act, its very vulnerable and embarrassing. i want to be better tho, i want my brain to get as deep as it can so i can be the healthy. in other news updates on some relationships :
athena and i have been talking more, and i think its good. nick really clouded me on many relationships because i was just too embarrassed to admit and talk about it to some friends that knew the extent of how he treated me and how we worked together. i missed her and i dont want a man to make me feel like i cant talk to my friends ever again. shes still with kayla, which is good i believe shes very calm and collected with her and i think shes been needing stability like this for a while. 
ive seen nathalie a couple times recently, shes been talking to ali again which is disappointing but as ive said, i know how it feels. nathalie and i are always good, theres really nothing that will keep us apart or anything like that. we locked in forever nothing to really say about it. 
sal and i are good as well. I do feel a bit of sadness when i think of putting sal thru what i put him thru with nick. i feel embarrassed and like a bad friend, but i dont understand why i couldnt help it. i wouldnt talk to him about it because i didnt want to put him in the position of listening to how his friend is with me and vice versa. eve though nick would never stop complaining but it was two sided when it came to complaints. i would just never say anything. i feel guilty and i dont know how to express it or make up for it. ill try my best. 
nick and i havent spoken. he texted me to wish me well with therapy/work/school and i didnt respond at the moment. i called him one night to express i couldnt/didnt want to be friends with him. i dont think its okay to be friends with an ex let alone one that got you pregnant. he told me i could get over the pregnancy but its just not that easy, i was in n out of the ER, received chemo therapy, and had to be locked in my room for two weeks. it was mentally and physically taxing. he really has no emotion or regard to how i could feel, and i dont understand why i hadnt realized that sooner. i hope he gets the help he needs and that things go well for him, with me excluded from his life. he asked why we couldnt be friends and i gave him a list of reasons, he gave me solutions, then i said i had been seeing someone new and im trying to go my seperate ways, he said “oh so you only called to tell me youre seeing someone new i dont want to hear that” why ask for reasons, give solutions and only fixate on one reason you dont like. i hope he matures, he cant stay alone for very long and his toxic cycle he learned from katie will just continue.
i have a new friend, named mark. hes very attractive, funny, and sweet. we only recently started becoming a bit romantically involved. i had liked him from a distance when i first met him and i didnt understand why. i was talking to n*ck at the time and he was all rocky over the fact sal andi had become friends again and we were hanging out regularly. i believe i met mark on halloween, with a group of others with us. we didnt talk much, i just offered him poppers and he thanked me. end of story for halloween. i pursued him, embarrassingly enough not much came of it, until recently as im used to men being horny and ready to fuck whenever i say hello. i guess thats nice though, we went on a first date to a couple different bars and i had a great time, many embarrassing things happened around him and hes still stuck it through so im hoping that means something good. our first date was refreshing for me, he was gentleman and very fun to be around. aesthetically we are very different people, but mentally very in sync with anything we say or want to do, which was a little scary at first. i do like him, he stayed the night yesterday for the first time and i havent felt someone that comfortable and happy around someone for a long time. we spent all morning giggling and being silly in bed and i dont remember the last time i did that with someone without having sex. its refreshing that everything isnt about having sex at the moment, that he could possibly be around me because he likes who i am. i hope that doesnt change.  
0 notes
lvmity · 1 year
im so mature im so mature im so mature got me a therapist to tell me there's other men i dont want them i just want you if i can't have you no one should i might kill my ex not the best ideaa :)
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siriricalirica · 1 year
i rlly understand when sza says Im so mature got me a therapist to tell me theres other men. because my therapist deadass told me There could be another engineer. 
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ariaisabitch · 2 years
My reactions to Love Is Blind S2 E2
Ok so it's starting right with them seeing each other. That was such an awkward run. Awwww ok never mind they're cute. THE WAY SHE HELD HIS NECK OMG
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They're kissing a lot sheesh. I wonder if these people watched the first season. Like do they all know they're gonna go to the same resort, cause last time it was kept a secret.
OMG ITS JARETTE AND IYANNA!! He said "our home" omg love him. 30 more seconds LOL. ah shit, I forgot about Mallory.
I love Mallory too. Aww I like Jarette and Mallory too. Fuuuuck.
I don't know how I feel about this never have I ever. I feel like I'm interrupting something 😭. Sir that blanket is very conveniently placed.
Awww no don't show me Natalie all by herself I will cry. Ew no, I swear if Shaina try's and comforts her I will puke. Ok never mind she walked out. Go yell at his ass girl!
Oh god. I feel like she's just going for Shayne because there's no one else that interests her. Why's he saying completely opposite things between the girls 😭 DID HE JUST? HELLO? AND SHE JUST? GIRL DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH? Ok it's fine he didn't propose it was just girlfriend. I don't think that counts, right?
Bro you don't got a romantic connection with them both, you are just looking to get laid by Shaina and you like how Natalie likes you. God he's such a dick. Shaina girl just walk out. Please for ffs. Spare us this cringey pain. Ik he is not gonna pull the water works to try and keep her. YES SHES WALKING OUT. I HATE YOU BUT IM STILL PROUD YOU DID WHAT NATALIE WAS AFRAID TO.
Why does the men's courters couch look exactly like my Dzadzu's couch? Like exact. IS HE SERIOUSLY STILL GOING WITH THE MANIPULATION? BRUHH?
Ok Deepti and Shake both make me uneasy. They both proudly admitted to only dating white blonde people. That's just.. icky to me. Girl you were just talking about how you don't like him and now you're talking about him being the one? Sheesh.
GOOD. YOU BETTER FEEL EMBARRASSED ABOUT BEING A SUPERFICIAL DICK! OMG HE'S PROJECTING? Ok wait he's actually being pretty self aware. He's admitting to being a dick pretty easily. That's pretty mature of him. +3 points for Shake. Still at -7 tho.
Ok workout montage, I see you girls.
I can't tell if it's cute that Shake calls her Deeps or not. Ok he's being pretty mature right now. Oh jeez he has a slow-mo walk. He's gonna propose isn't he? And of course she'll say yes. I mean he's not dressed up like the other guys usually are, but he's being very sweet right now so he gets a pass. A solid -4 right now. Deepti is so pretty dude omg. Am I gonna see them meeting this episode? I'll be upset if not. Them meeting will determine if I like them or not 🤔 LMAO I SOUND LIKE IM SOME COUPLES THERAPIST ANALYZING THE SHOW
Back to Iyanna, my love. Aww she's being so open. Bro she's my favorite, love her. Jeez I like Mallory too. Ok I like them better. I like Jarette more with Iyanna. Fuck ok he's admitting something to her that not many people know. HOLY SHIT BRO. YOU GOOD MY GUY? HIS FRIEND ST@BB3D HIM!? Ok at least he's being honest to her about Mallory. Jarrett with Mallory and Iyanna is the new Barnette with Amber and Jessica. OMG EVEN THE NAMES RHYME. NOT EVEN A COINCIDENCE I TELL YOU.
Ok here's the real test, will he tell Mallory about Iyanna...? HE DIDNT!? NOOO JARRETTE DONT BE LIKE BARNETTE! THEY'LL TALK IN THE COURTERS. Awwww poor Mallory. I hope they actually do talk to eachother. Oh no, now she's back with Sal. I swear if they get uncomfortably sexual again I'm skipping forward. Oh ok, he's singing something. Ok this is pretty cute. I thought it was gonna be like that one guy from the new Too Hot to Handle season, but he's actually pretty good and not cringey.
OH OH SOMEONES MEETING EACH OTHER?? ITS SHAKE AND DEEPTI! Oh ffs Shake I gave you points for not being superficial and now you're talking about immediately slapping her ass. You're back to -6. WHY DOES HE KEEP CONTRADICTING HIMSELF!? One sentence he's talking about not caring about appearance, the next he is hoping she's beautiful. "he wants the most attractive woman in the room" GIRL YOU ARE! YOURE SO PRETTY! DEEPTI LOOK AT YOURSELF YOURE GORGEOUS!
Ok ok they're at the doors let's see if it cuts off to the next episode or not. I can't see my watch time. Ok it's the same episode! Awww he's star struck. He literally looks at her like I want to be looked at. That's adorable. Ok that was cute until the booty part. Ok it's fine she said she likes that stuff. AWWW HE TOUCHED HER FEET. Ok ok maybe it's just cause I'm a lesbian. She really like his behavior that I find icky so he's gonna go to 2 points, no more negative. I can't tell if he looked at her like that as she walked away because of her ass or because he was still star struck by her in general.
Ok we're back to Jessica 2.0. Oh god he left a ring in the pod for her. Oh she didn't respond to that very happily. Are they just not gonna address the ring? She does not look very happy. She looks like she's in pain. AW ITS HIS MOMS RING!! Ok ew I don't like how he's attracted to someone that reminds him of his mom. That's freaky. This is not gonna last long, I'm calling it. HUH? SHE SAID YES?? She had to have done that through stress, she would be more happy. She's literally Jessica 2.0. Didn't get chosen by her #1, so settles for her #2, yet unsure about it. Either that or she's just really drowned in shock.
Ok she's sitting down and crying. Yes girl, it's terrifying, but it's more about how you go through with this. It's about how you handle those obstacles. Is he worth going through the obstacles or not?
Ew we're back to Coach Steve. And that's an insult to the actual Coach Steve. Is he gonna propose for real? Natalie please, this is your last chance. OH FUCK ITS NOT NATALIE!? ITS SHAINA!? Bro you are absolutely fucked. How have you not distinguished their voices right now? LMFAO HIS FACEEE. Jesus why is she talking to him again? She's literally Jessica 2.0.
Said yes to Marrying Kyle, but goes to talk to Coach Steve impersonator to tell him she still likes him.
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a-ffection · 4 years
1-99 🐸
BET YOU THOUGHT I WOULDNT DO IT SCRUB. I tagged this #long post if yall dont want to see it btw sorry
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
According to Spotify Me its 1. Hail to the King - Avenged Sevenfold 2. The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson 3. Holy Diver - Killswitch Engage 4. Sick Like Me - In This Moment 5. Girls in Black - Airbourne 6. Shrike - Hozier 
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
ugh ”Now the bad news, im afraid, is that we won't be home for supper.”
4: What do you think about most?
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
“Maybe not” - from you
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
Without8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls are cute; Boys are cute but at what cost?
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
Idk last week11: Do you have any strange phobias?
Public bathrooms and men with neck or face tattoos
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
When i was younger i used to stick straws up my nose
13: What’s your religion?
Roman Catholic
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Walking the thot
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Behind, I don't trust most ppl to take pics of me
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Uhhh Avenged Sevenfold probably
17: What was the last lie you told?
18: Do you believe in karma?
19: What does your URL mean?
It’s pretty self-explanatory 
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
Procrastination; Loyalty 
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
Currently Henry Cavill 
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Its on my to-do list
23: How do you vent your anger?
Chores lol
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
Mushroom decor, books
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
Happier yes
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
Crowds; Nature
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
”what if i tried harder and passed this class the first time around?”
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
YES x2
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
Cell phone; cookie
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
Nothing really
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
West Coast
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
To impact the world and/or its inhabitants in a positive way. 
36: Define Art.
Art makes you feel some typaway
37: Do you believe in luck?
Yes, only because i have horrible luck
38: What’s the weather like right now?
39: What time is it?
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
yes and yes
41: What was the last book you read?
Sea of Strangers by Lang Leav
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
43: Do you have any nicknames?
Jaz, Jazzy, princess, noob (curtesy of my bro) 
44: What was the last film you saw?
Ready or Not
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
Hairline fracture. Urban Air. Rock wall. Jumped off. Ouch.48: What’s your sexual orientation?
I like boys
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
lmao YES
50: Do you believe in magic?
I believe in portals to other dimensions does that count?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
52: What is your astrological sign?
53: Do you save money or spend it?
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
57: How many relationships have you had?
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
59: Where were you yesterday?
Why do you want to know frog boy?
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Dogs collar
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
Be really nice and smiley to them but like in a low cut blouse66: What is your heritage?
Native North American. Mexican, Spaniard 
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
Save the dog, my boss is a cunt anyway.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
Uhg a) Yes b) Things ive always wanted to do c) Probably 
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
Love, since it comes with trust anyway
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
Hail to the King
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
Communication, trust, honesty, time, consideration, maturity, sexual attraction
77: How can I win your heart?
Have these traits: Beard, muscles, weeb, a sweetheart, sense of humor, be Catholic, have a decent career path, give me all the attention
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
80: What size shoes do you wear?
9 in heels; 9.5 in shoes
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
Something that will make goth kids take pictures on my grave
82: What is your favourite word?
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
The Sacred Heart cause im catholic and hispanic
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
Bad words and insults
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
Old Time Religion - Parker Millsap
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
Teal, Green, Red, Black, and Pink
87: What is your current desktop picture?
A pretty forest
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
Id save it for a rainy day
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
”Have you ever watched hentai?”
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Put collars on them and teach them tricks
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
Healing - people, the land, etc.
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Ive already did that according to the therapist i had
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
Im saving myself for marriage 
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
Yes, when i was a kid
98: Ever been on a plane?
Yes, to Cali
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
Your governments will always consider your freedom a burden
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Can you do Marinette for next character ask/ml sugar pls?
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Why I like them: Despite being immature in many ways— I guess by that, I mean her obsessive behavior, but really guys… she *just* turned 14. You know who else is 14? 1D fanfic writers (but more on that later)— in other ways, she’s more mature than adults. First, she’s self-aware, and she’s willing to take responsibility/humble herself when the time comes. Even though a lot of this is because Tikki guides her, it means a lot that she actually listens. I know so many adults that would rather be petty. 
And when I say self-aware I mean a lot of things. For one, she understands when she’s doing something… mm… not so great. Many of these things are for comic relief/exaggeration/situational comedy/slapstick (which is pretty much the extent small children get from it), but it’s still evident that she feels guilty or hesitant. 
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does that look like the face of someone who’s comfortable with her own actions? 
Kids who watch heroes look for (and need) confidence and justice. Neither of which are happening in this scene or in some others, and from the kids that I know… they’re totally aware of it. Some might blatantly shout at Marinette as they watch her do something wrong, others might not say anything but… trust me they aren’t taking notes. 
The thing is, I’m glad she’s a main female character… who screws up…. a loT. The hero isn’t supposed to be perfect, and I mean that in a general way. Flat villains are perfect in their own realm, so I don’t think imperfect characters are only better for writing, they’re better people or can become better people. A perfect individual is a comfortable and consistent one, a person needs ups and downs to improve. 
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It’s a bit like kim possible, except Marinette commits more errors because she’s younger and less adventurous… so in a way she’s a bit naive to the world (Kim Possible may as well be an ambassador, so she’s cultured and still makes really cringey mistakes eyes the wheelchair episode). We grew up watching her make these mistakes so we could see them get fixed, if they never happened we wouldn’t know for better or for worse. What’s more, it’s most important coming from the main character. So… I’m proud of her. 
Another thing is that she watches her own behavior in the future. She’s learning to trust that Adrien won’t fall for Lila’s gags, she’s learning to talk to him and move away from being a fan (bluntly pointed out in Troublemaker, she actually sees herself as more of a fan than as a friend. Yes, she was lying to cover herself, but she had pictures of all of her friends up… she didn’t use friendship as an excuse? And why did the excuse come to her so naturally? It might be obvious, but she gets flustered and doesn’t come up with good lies… honestly ‘because im a fan’ is pretty fair), and she’s learning how to treat Chat Noir. 
I would almost say in Season 1 that Ladybug was pretty flippant to Chat Noir, and I know it was cute at times but people usually behave this way with someone they feel close to already… so why didn’t she ever take the time to take him seriously? Ever since Glaciator, Ladybug has learned how sensitive he is. She didn’t judge him so quickly as to assume that he felt entitled to her, or that he was throwing a simple/unimportant tantrum that could be shrugged off. She took the time to read into the situation and see what exactly was going through his head. Emotions are never a joke, especially in a city where someone like Hawkmoth is a concern. She was cool and collected like a therapist, especially because she sympathized where his feelings were coming from (not too long before she had gotten upset with some ice cream man that was just doing his everyday thing and ditched her friends because she felt hopeless and betrayed by Adrien). Granted she never said anything against him, but she didn’t get forced into a situation where she had to confront him either. 
She also knew that reacting harshly would only make things worse, and then neither of them would get off from their high-horse. Compassion is what gets a person to reflect and feel respected. She looked him sincerely in the eyes and apologized, and she expected the same from him. She set the stage, and he responded. They ended up fine, and he even reacted well to the infamous ‘friendzone’, because well… he treasures friends too, and he didn’t know Ladybug considered him to be one. Ladybug was surprised, but now that she knew he had felt abandoned not only that night but since the beginning, she took note that he has trouble reading when a person cares about him deeply (and we all know he does, his love receptors are broken both in his household and as seen in the most recent ep). 
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She is much softer with him now but very explicit. She doesn’t beat around the bush, she tells him exactly what he needs to hear. 
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“Chat Noir! You know you’re irreplaceable.” 
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Look at that face, he knows now that you said it. 
It’s actually quite motherly… I mean this is a perfect response. She adjusts to the needs of her friends accordingly rather than treating them equally, because friends don’t always need the same thing. Equity over equality. She’s an excellent example and so much more than the “Huff… I’m a strong independent woman and I don’t care about men and if anyone ever sasses me I’ll choke them. Also I don’t paint my nails, that’s for babies” You can be strong and independent without sacrificing any of these things. It’s not about making enemies, it’s about standing up for yourself— and those you care about. 
I could look for so many examples of how she looks out for her friends and makes sure to mind their feelings and experiences before getting all defensive, but that would be… the entire show. 
She’s imperfectly perfect and perfectly imperfect. 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Zombisou... and maybe Chameleon and Oniichan. She was angry about so many different things and had so much pressure on herself— including the fact that in each of these she had to protect/comfort/defend someone anyone else in their right mind would rather spit on. But Marinette is noble, she knows how to keep herself together when she needs to. When it comes down to it, the people she’s so angry with are human too. They have hearts with burdens of their own that she doesn’t even know about, if something were to happen to them she would care. She has the responsibility to keep them safe, but also she wants to. There’s a difference between a pain in the ass and a monster, and besides she isn’t the judge of the universe, it’s not her place to decide what someone gets and doesn’t get. Maybe they aren’t getting everything they deserve, but if every human being got what they deserved we’d all be struck dead by lightning. 
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And she certainly doesn’t wish death upon them. And as we’ve all noted, whether it’s seen publically or not... what goes around comes around. 
Favorite season/movie: Season 2 wins again... for now, it aint over yet
Favorite line: Uhh... dang it this again... how about the one above? “You know you’re irreplaceable?” and every other uwu line she has. She is so soft hhuhhggn 
Favorite outfit: The cute lil maid outfit from Animaestro
OTP: Well it’s the same as what I put for Adrien, Marichat. For noncanon... mmm.. I think Kagaminette but Ninette is p damn close 
Brotp: I mean??? ALyanette duh. But you know since right now Ladynoir is technically platonic.... they’re pretty lit as bros too (marichat is too but so far fanon is the only place they’ve truly become bro bros) 
Headcanon: She wouldn’t have all of those pictures of Adrien if she felt even remotely close to him. I think those fics where she has photos up of Chat Noir should be canon, just like how she has ones of her friends, but she has soo many of Adrien which sets him apart from friendship like I said before. She’s insecure and taking advantage of the fact that he’s famous af, none of us can truly relate to having access to so many amazing photos of our crushes... and to sort of continue with the next question..
Unpopular opinion: These days a phone’s photobook may as well be a private wall to hang pictures on so really... Marinette is an exaggeration of exactly what people do— mostly young girls, which she happens to be— and hey get off of your crushes Instagram while you’re at it. It’s actually pretty normal, it’s not the best behavior but again, you need to have that cringey low to climb higher. And anyhow it’s all for the joke of it, no one is supposed to take these things seriously. But I’ll let you all know when my younger cousins start hanging up stalker photos of their noncelebrity crushes “because marinette did it so it must be ok” 
Honestly, not even the borderline ooc things are that bad. Like... they’re bad... but it’s a good thing to show, as in it’s not too horrendous to use as an example. It works because it’s so unrealistic, but with very real behaviors that kids need to address in themselves by watching Marinette. I would say some of her actions straddle between IC and OOC, not either-or. 
(WARNING: Do not read on if you have intensely strong feelings toward L/u/k/a to the point of sensitivity over any mild criticism as a character or as he is written. If you’re pretty chill reading anything then you’re fine, I didn’t say anything cruel I only gave an opinion as mildly as I could. The point of the honest opinion section is not to be salty but to express my point of view without insults)
Her crush on Adrien at this point in time is no more or less unhealthy than her crush with L/u/k/a— which is still unclear because for some reason In Silencer she still looked like she was on the brink of deciding she had a crush. She’s kind to L/u/k/a and he’s kind back, but she isn’t very nice. The difference is that it’s not very nice to ask someone on a date to spy on your main crush, it’s not very nice to indulge in the affection someone gives you as a chew toy while you wait for your crush and try avoiding the guy who is deeply in love with you and you sorta like him too. (He fell for her incredibly quickly and she did too despite feeling insulted by him moments before, unfortunately he’s a fallback she feels almost nothing for and she’s directing her ‘oh-no-feelings-for-someone-who-isnt-adrien’ chat noir attack to l/u/k/a because with him, she knows its easily uprooted).This goes back to the importance of not always being at your best behavior for a child audience to learn from you, but my unpopular opinion is that she and Adrien are not toxic and she and l/u/k/a are not a godsend. He’s also the equivalent of a High school sophomore dating an 8th grader? So... it’s kinda weird that he’s advancing? (I censored his name for the sake of avoiding conflict, I’m stating this for the unpopular opinion and I said it in as straight as I could because I don’t want salt to touch this. I respect L/u/k/a as a character, he’s a good boy. I’m disagreeing and agreeing to disagree by trying not to engage.) 
Wish: Please, let her find out Chat Noir’s identity first... I beg you. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Except don’t let the reveal happen right after one of them is rejected... that... that would be really bad. 
5 words to best describe them: Noble, responsible, creative, strong, kind
 My nickname for them: I like Marigold and Shortcake, I’ve used them in fics and I cry
anyway she’s one of the best protags don’t @ me when I have kids they’ll be watching her and adrien and they will be who they’re raised on
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