#im so tired of her using me n taking shit from me n j being a general ASSHAT
kiwipit · 2 years
oh my god she's pissing me off . ignore rant below
#i give her money to pick smth up from the store from me bc shes claimed the family car as her own n i cant use it#she gets it n proceeds to not give it to me no matter how much i ask n then when im like Dude fr she says shes LOST IT#and im like Hey since youve claimed the car we're both supposed to b using !!! i need u to take me n my friend to the airport i have gas$#its cool its whatever n bc shes an 18yo her car is a fucking pig stye n im like Yo bc ur taking me!! n im paying for ur gas w$ i dont have!#pls have it clean enough to fit our luggage and sit comfortably thats like legit all i ask !! ill help u clean it !!! (she refused that but#i offered) n shes like Whatever cool fine so night before im like Yo need my dye and how's the car n shes like Thats lost n Its the same#i#idk what to even say#i was j saying that to preface me asking for My Own Clothes back so i can wash n pack them#but how do i even do that now that ik she hasnt done a single fucking thing#im like dude ??? shes like i didnt know there was a time limit on my own car n im like?????????? th day ur taking me. thats the limit#r u an idiot or j selfish#god jesus christ#so now i dont have my dye. a decent ride to the airport (decent meaning Pls i hope to god theres room for our luggage and a place to sit#thats not covered in ketchup) i don't have my flannels or jackets. and im like $60 in the hole now.#im not even gonna pay her for taking care of my cat#no i am. fuck i dont want to tho#im so tired of her using me n taking shit from me n j being a general ASSHAT#i always have to let her in bc she gets locked out all the fucking time. im woken up by phone calls like every goddamn night#idc if she's struggling SORRY shes not the only one u dont have to b an ASSHOLE#jfc#goddamnit#soundbooth;
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haunted-xander · 1 year
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She was hungry- no, scratch that, she was starving. And tired. She felt about ready to collapse any moment now. Sadly, it's not as easy to find safe spaces for rest or edible foods as it is in video games. At least those games have taught her a few tips for survival.
The sound of screaming and crying nearby snap her out of her thoughts, alerting her to danger. The sound seems to be coming from the abandoned grocery store up ahead. I guess someone was looking for food and got in trouble... Not wasting any more time, she quickly dashed towards the grocery store to see what's going on.
Standing in front of the pried open doors, she heard a vaugely familiar voice cry out. "I-I-I'm sorry! I d-didn't mean t-to get in the way! I-I'll leave and I promise n-not to tell anyone, s-so please let me go!" Gruff, unstable laughter burst at the poor victims plead for mercy. "AHAHAHA you really think we're just gonna let a delectible little coward like you go? I don't give a shit about you tellin' anybody about us, it's not like I can't handle some weak-ass bastards." The scraping of metal pipes dragging across the floor was almost enough to make her cover her ears, but the sound of a body scurrying backwards and hitting the wall kept her alert.
"W-what do you want from me then?! I don't have anything to give you, no money, no food, no nothing! J-just let *sob* m-me go alre-ready" The victim broke out into loud sobs, no longer able to hold back the tears. "What, you cryin' already? Man, what a total wuss! If this is all it takes to get 'im crying his eyes out, then he won't even last a minute of what I've got planned!" One of the attackers cracked his knuckles, preparing to grab and restrain the victim.
Having had enough of this harrassment, Chiaki grabbed the pipe holding the doors open and rushed inside the store, quickly hitting the nearest attacker over the head and knocked him unconscious. The two other attackers turned to her, but before they could ready themselves to strike, she kicked one of their legs in and wacked the pipe into the others abdomen. She then hit them over their heads as well to make sure they didn't get up.
The victim -who she could now identify as Ryota Mitarai- looked up at her with a shocked yet hopeful expression. "N-Na-Nanami-san...?" A small smile graced her face, but quickly switched back to a determined look. "...Wait a moment. We shouldn't start talking until these guys are properly taken care of." Chiaki gestured to the unconscious attackers, hoping Ryota would understand what she meant. When he gave a nod in reply, she glanced around the store for... "...Hey hey, Mitarai-kun. ...You don't have any rope or anything on you, do you?" Surprised for a moment, he thought for a second, "A-ah, um, n-no I don't have any on me... B-but! I-I saw some down the aisle on the... l-left, I think." Nodding her thanks, Chiaki went down the mentioned aisle and quickly located the ropes. Taking a few with her, she hurried back to the entrance and tied up the attackers.
"...Yep, that should do. Now they can't cause more trouble even if they wake up." She turned back to Ryota, who she noticed was still shaking despite being much calmer than earlier. "...So, Mitarai-kun. It's been a while, hasn't it? It's good to see you again. ...Even if the circumstances could be better."
"Y-yeah... It's good to see you too... Nanami-san." Awkward silence filled the room, as neither knew what to say to the other. If this where a visual novel, my dialouge options might be something like... [ Comfort: Hey, it'll be okay. I'll protect you! ] Or... [ Casual: What a way to start a class reunion, right? ] Or maybe... [ Serious: We should go gather some food. It's gonna be tough out there, but at least we've got each other now, right? ] ...If only I knew Mitarai-kun better...
The growling of her stomach snapped her out of her thoughts. "...Well, I guess we should get some food first, huh?" Mitarai finally stood up from the wall and approached her. "Y-yeah, I guess we should." Ryota Mitarai has joined your party!
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stxrrydreamss · 1 year
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Pairing: Dabi x Female Reader
Parts: Prologue, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
A/N: Holy shit. It's finally here. It's short, but it's here!
Words: Coming soon
•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧.˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. ˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩.
The goo disappeared and I along with everyone else was hacking up the gray sludge. It was absolutely disgusting.
“Master.” Tomura began to speak and I snap my head towards him to find All for One levitating not far from him with Bakugo right in front of him.
“You failed again, huh, Tomura.” All for One spoke as he began to walk towards us. I take a moment to see who else was here. Twice and Compress were by my side. Toga was cowering at the back of the group. Spinner was still kneeling on the ground after recovering from coughing up all that sludge. I turn a bit more towards the back to see Kurogiri and Dabi still unconscious. I hesitantly take a step towards them and turn back towards where All for One was walking toward us. Ignoring them I made my way over to Dabi and kneel beside him. His body was sprawled out on the ground frontally with his head turned to the side and his arms laid ahead of him. I carefully turn his head to the side and grimace as my hands run over the giant bruise forming across his face before trailing down to the bloody mess of staples along his face. What exactly happened to him to warrant this kind of damage? With or without the burn scars, Dabi was a rather attractive man. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a yell quickly grow increasingly louder.
“So your here, after all, aren’t you?” The voice yelled. We all searched for the voice until the dust was warped away by a figure flying towards All for One. We watch in shock as All Might appears and All for One stops his attack. “I’ll have you return everything!” All Might yelled as he tried to counter All for One’s force.
“Will you kill me again, All Might?” All for one replies. Suddenly due to the two counteracting forces, all of us are blown back and a crater forms in the earth where they were standing. I quickly stab my hand with my ring and form a protective shield around Dabi and I. Unfortunately I was unable to do that for everyone else due to how my quirk works and range. I hope they’re okay. Dabi and I land hard on the ground and both go flying in the ballblood I crated around us, but I cover his head as to not injure it anymore, and instead Im knocked unconscious once again due to being unable to protect my own head from the impact.
I woke up again only to realize that I'm being carried by someone. My body felt sore, and my eyes fluttered open, only to shut tight once again with all the light flooding into my eyes. I groan in pain before trying to open my eyes again. I was reasonably high off the ground and made eye contact with Toga.
“Oh! Dabi! She’s awake!” She cheered. I looked around in confusion as j was still dazed to see the sun beginning to rise upon the horizon before looking down to see who was carrying me.
“Good, now she can move on her own.” I hear a gruff voice say before I am dropped onto the ground. Of course, it was Dabi.
“After I went through all that trouble to protect your unconscious body, and you repay me by tossing my body onto the ground without a warning?” I groan as I rub at my sore and tired body. Dabi just looks me up and down before shrugging and proceeds to walk away. “Fucking bastard.” I spit as I sit for a moment before quickly standing and stumbling on my feet, only to fall back down. “Where is Tomura?” I yell worriedly.
“Be quiet. I’m right here.” I hear his voice say from afar to see him standing tensely ahead with his head turned slightly. I sigh in relief before Toga helps me to stand up.
“Where is-“ Tomura cuts me off.
“I don’t know.” He growls as he begins to scratch at his neck furiously. “We’re at the new headquarters anyways,” Tomura states as I look up at the facility ahead of us. I follow Tomura inside the facility with Dabi and the others trailing behind us. I look around at all the doors before ee follow him into a dark room where he closes the door behind us, turns on a TV, and switches it to the news.
We all watch in shock as the news unfolds before All Might is said to have claimed another victory, and All For One has been arrested and taken to Alcatraz. I stare at the screen in surprise before I hear shuffling and the sound of hard materials clattering together. I turned my head to see Tomura had taken his hands off and held them in his arms. Likely to soothe himself as he stared intensely ahead at the screen in anger. I move to rest a hand on his shoulder, to which he responds by loosening his shoulders the slightest bit at my touch.
“So are you two fucking, or not?” Dabi sneers from across the room. With that, Tomura snaps at him.
“You are getting on my last nerve!” He yells, but I hold him back as everyone else backs up besides Dabi, who has his hand lit. “Someone better teach you some damn manners.” Tomura growled before elbowing me off him and storming off. I watched his body disappear with a soft look before hardening it as I turned to Dabi.
“What is your problem?” I question him angrily before peeling the scabs off my fingers and creating a sword before holding it to his neck out of anger. Everyone, sensing the tension, proceeded to make their way out of the room one by one before closing the door behind them.They didn't want to be in the room if Dabi we're to erupt into flames. Once the last person left, he used two fingers to push away my sword.
“I mean, you follow him around like a dog. You are always wondering if he is okay and where he is. It's pathetic. The great Scarlet Terror is a puppy following around her master.” He spits out in a mocking tone. I immediately return my sword to his neck and knick it as a warning. Blood trickles down his neck, and his eyes show pain momentarily before they go cold.
“I'm not a puppy, and he is not my master. I see Tomura more like a brother, and I care for him like anyone else I care about!” I yell in anger.
“Yeah, sure, and what about Touya? Where were you when he needed you?” He mocked me angrily. I stare in shock. The light in my eyes fades away, and my sword falls slowly.
“How did you know about that? That I even knew him.” I question him suspiciously.
“I have my secrets, and you have yours.” He says coolly as he tilts his head with a slight smirk across his face.
“I-” My voice cracks. “It's not fair that I must answer you, a complete asshole and stranger! It wasn't my fault. I got held up by my mom! You know nothing about what happened! I did try to make it on time! I have never run so fast, and it wasn't enough!” I cried out as I threw my sword, pinning it to a wall out of frustration. Burning tears seared my eyes and fell down my face as I sniffled. “When I got there, the forest was blazing, and I tried to run in and hopefully save him, but I was pulled and held back by first responders. Even Endeavor said it was my fault, but I know it wasn’t. At least, I don’t think so. Was it my fault, Dabi?” I finish angrily and with a dead look in my eyes. I quickly moved towards him as he stared me down. His cyan eyes were wide in complete shock and guilt. I grab fistfuls of his shirt; as he moves away, he leans back and stares at me. “Was it my fault?” I cried out to him again. All I could see in his eyes were Touya.
“Was it my fault?”
I cried as Touya stood in front of me in guilt. “It wasn’t your fault. You were handling things perfectly fine on your own. It was my fault, if anything. I got involved, but I just wanted to protect you. I wanted to be your hero. I’m sorry (Y/n), please forgive me.” He quickly uttered with an apologetic bow. I stare at his burned, scraped, bruised, and bandaged body. I stare at him as tears welled up in my eyes again. “I’m so sorry, Touya~!” I cry out again as I run and hug him. Touya holds me and does his best to soothe me as I cry in his arms. We were just little kids back then.
“It wasn’t your fault. I’m sorry for saying that it was. I didn’t know the full story, and for that, I apologize.” Dabi responds as my eyes snap up at him in shock. His arms hesitantly wrapped around my body as my heart beat faster. He was so much like Touya that it scared me. Dabi’s eyes were much softer and much more apologetic. I feel my eyes water again, and I clutch onto him in a tight hug as I cry. He soothed me just like Touya did all those years ago. I realized then that despite Dabi’s annoying, rude, closed-off, and cold personality… he was a sweetheart in his own way somehow. It made me all the more interested in him and his story. In that moment I knew that he was someone I could trust. Sure, I was close to Tomura, but I never felt quite a connection as I do with Dabi. Not since Touya, at least.
“Thank you, Dabi.” I sniffle quietly into his shirt as his hand stops stroking the top of my head.
“Yeah, sure.” He scoffs as his closed off side starts returning.
Dabi holds me a bit longer before I move away from him and clean up the blood from my now deactivated sword off the floor before washing up in one of the bathrooms at the new HQ. At this time, it was about late noon, and I was exhausted. I began to organize my new room the way I wanted before getting into the bed and shifting in it until I was comfortable. I watch the clouds drift by outside the window as the sky darkens due to an incoming storm before I lose myself, drifting off into a nice nap.
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strangelysamantha · 3 years
hey, i have a jj maybank request! fem!reader, possible angst!
so basically, y/n is a pogue and gets along with the other pogues (john b, pope, sarah, kiara & cleo) except for jj. y/n is always bright, a total sweetheart and bubbly and jj…hates it.
john b recently opens up a surf board shop on that stranded island that they’re on?? and he leaves y/n and jj alone to polish some boards hoping that they’d get along. jj complains about every little thing y/n does and starts calling her names. she gets really upset and storms out the shop to clear her head. she goes by the water for a swim but a dangerous tide picks her up and jj notices and saves her?? hopefully this makes sense!
the deep end ☆
jj maybank x fem!reader.
warnings: mentions of drowning, jj being an asshole, swearing.
words: 1,674.
summary: jj somehow finds everything you do annoying to the point he criticizes everything you do. john b thinks of a plan that will ensure his two friends will befriend each other. it was working at first, until it wasn’t.
request? yes!
a/n: y’all have such good ideas what the?! thank you for the request! if you enjoyed please like and comment. this is angst with fluff at the end. <3 BTW i am from missouri and have never surfed so i hope i got the polishing of the surfboards correct. :)
my masterlist
john b always had a plan, well usually he did. if two of his friends were fighting, he would always find a way to get them to get along. he knew that stranding kiara and sarah on a boat together in the middle of nowhere would force them to fix their friendship. so, with that knowledge, he knew that he could do the same thing with jj and you.
you were always nice to jj, he just seemed to get annoyed with you all the time. you didn’t know what you had done, if you had even done something. he just always felt the need to critique you. it became harder and harder everyday to ignore him.
since washing up on the abandoned island, john b was ecstatic for his brand new start. unsurprisingly to anyone, his first idea for creating a new civilization would be a surf shack. he started building it right away. you would occasionally help, but he was determined to do it on his own so he would always send you away.
“okay! john b what would you like my help with? i can do anything you need. just let me know.” you smile brightly at john b, while he stared at you. “listen, i love you. but, i don’t need your help at the moment. you should talk to everyone else.” you frown at his words, “fine. but you better get me the minute you need assistance.” he nodded. “will do.” and with that, you left joining the others.
jj was talking to cleo before silencing upon your arrival. “hey everyone!” you smile at the group in front of you. “hey! how’s john b?” kiara asked. “i think he is good, he’s actually pretty much done.” you play with the bracelet on your wrist. kiara nods, “that’s great.” pope smiles, “statistically speaking, we can’t ensure that his shack will be entirely safe as he built it all on his own.” you stare at pope. “true… we’ll let’s hope it doesn’t collapse on him.” pope smiled at you, glad you listened to his random fact.
jj groaned. “awe, how sweet pope!! you found a girl who wasn’t disgusted by your weird and useless knowledge.” you gasp in shock, “jj! shut up you are so rude.” jj laughs, “it’s just a joke, why do you always have to be so offended?” you glare at jj. “jj it’s not funny, you’re just a dick.” pope sighs. “it’s okay, don’t worry.” you frown in popes direction. you quietly pull away from the group. you walk to an area of sand, plopping yourself down. that’s when john b approached you.
“hey, remember when i told you i would come get you when i needed help?” john b smiled at you. “yes! do you need my help?” you tilt your head to the side, waiting. he nods. “i need you to wax up some of the boards i made.” you nod. “okay! sure.” he walked you to his shack, helping you set up. you began waxing the board, paying attention to the direction and the amount of wax you were applying. john b waits a minute watching you, before he decides to leave.
after a minute, you see jj approaching the shack with john b who held a smug smile on his lips. you shake your head, confused. “friends.” he looked between you and jj. jj held an unamused look on his face. “as my close friends, you will wax these boards for me. you can’t stop until you guys fix whatever feud is going on between the two of you.” john b stands his ground. jj scoffs, “we don’t have a feud.” you nod your head in agreement. “jj is right, his hatred is definitely one sided... it is not a feud.” you laugh softly seeing jj send a glare your way. “yeah okay. whatever guys. just fix it, and if you even try and leave, i’ll send cleo after both of you.” your eyebrows lift in shock. you mutter a quick okay, returning your attention to the board.
jj stares at you, watching you apply the wax. he couldn’t help but get upset. everything you did just made him annoyed. he grabbed the wax, working on the board right by yours. silence falls over the two of you. it’s not awkward or weird, it actually feels quite normal. until jj interrupted it so he could judge you.
“youre doing it wrong. i mean come on.” you stare at jj, “jj please just focus on your own board.” you shake your head, continuing to polish the surfboard. he glares at you. “whatever. just keep doing what you are doing, and then john b or i will fix it after you.” his attention turned back to his board. you rolled your eyes. “i will, thank you.” he breathes in, inhaling the waxy scent. “you are so annoying you know that?” you ignore jj’s words, focusing on the board. he continues, “i mean everything you do. everything you say, it pisses me off.” you nod slightly. “you done?”
“no, actually i’m not.” you bite your lip, fixating on the wax that is spreading along the smooth surface. jj stops waxing the surfboard. you look up to see he is already staring at you. “you know, you act like you are better than us, i mean why do you hang out with us anyway?” jj waits but continues when he realizes you won’t reply. “you are fake, you are so upbeat and bubbly that it’s annoying. you are a double sided two faced bitch who says anything to get in good graces.” you inhale, looking up at him.
“listen jj. we are stranded on this fucking island. TOGETHER. so either drop it and move on, or just shut the fuck up and stay away from me.” you place your hands on your hips, breathing slightly staggered from anger. “everyone speaks so highly of you saying how great you are; but the only jj i’ve met is a total douche. if you hate me so much then just stay the fuck away from me. if you continue you’ll just be wasting your breath and energy anyway.” jj holds back a laugh at your sudden outburst.
“you really think if i had the choice, i would want to be here? especially with you?” jj asked, you already knowing the answer. you stay silent. “exactly. no one can deal with you for that long anyway.” you roll your eyes.
“whatever jj. you win.” you toss the wax to the side, frowning. you don’t turn back to him, you just ignore him. you start to walk towards the beaches seashore. it was getting slightly hot, so you decided to take a dip into the water.
you were salvaging the few moments of freedom you had, before you got john b’s and cleo’s wrath from leaving the scene before mending the friendship with jj. it was practically impossible. what did jj have against you? you tip toed into the water, getting deeper and deeper. you floated at the top of the water; the coolness feeling great on top of your hot skin.
jj truly had the biggest nerve, your mind was overwhelmingly clogged. you felt seaweed scratch against the bottom of your foot, this caused you to jump, your adrenaline levels rising since you thought it was a fish. you try to remain afloat, but the high tide caused the waves to crash right over you repeatedly, being faster and higher than ever. you went above water trying to shout for help, but your mouth was filled, causing no sound to come out. you thrash against the water, kicking to stay afloat. your throat was burning, your legs tired from kicking, and your lungs filled with liquid.
a pair of hands wrap around your stomach, dragging you out the water. you were placed on the warm sand. “shit.” jj stared at you. your head felt light. jj’s hand began pumping your chest, curses falling from his mouth. “come on, just breathe. please.” you cough, the salt water exiting your lungs, and dropping onto your neck. you gasp for air, opening your eyes to be met with jj’s face. you breathe heavily for a minute.
“jj… thank you.” you sit up, pulling him into a tight hug. your hands wrap around his neck, one of them grabbing his hair. his arms held tightly around your waist. his chest was heaving heavily, shaking slightly. “i hate to be so cliché j, but you genuinely saved my life.” he frowns at you. “i almost lost you.”
jj’s confession confused you. “what?” you say softly, your hand combed through his hair. “look. the reason i’m so mean to you, is because i knew that if i was nice to you, my already intense feelings for you would only amplify.” you frown at him. “you’ve had a crush on me this whole time?” jj nodded. you went to talk, but your friends interrupted the moment.
john b rushed to your side, kiara and pope swiftly behind him. “what happened!! we were watching from over there.” john b pointed in a direction farther away. “one minute you were swimming… the next you we’re gone!?” you wipe your neck, trying to dry it off. “jj saved my life. i almost drowned.” you frown, the group in front of you nodded. “im so glad you are okay.” kiara bent down pulling you into a hug. “i’m glad you are safe now too.” pope joined in on the hug; as well as everyone else.
sarah, kiara, and cleo bend down, reaching for your hands. they help you up, dragging you to your feet. they walk you away from the crowd, bombarding you with questions. “so when you were drowning what did it feel like??” you turn around watching jj, you smile slightly before turning to them. “oh get ready for the amount of details i’m going to give you guys.”
possibly a part two…??? not sure yet :) <3 also!! i’m proofreading this tomorrow since i’m not entirely sure if it has errors or not! ily!!
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yslkook · 3 years
mind of mine masterlist
summary: jungkook convinces you to take a staycation with him for a few days (a week).
pairing: “badboy” jk x “shy/reserved” oc
warnings: cursing, alc, excessive use of pet names, oc and jk discuss their unprotected sex practices, vomiting, some jealous jk, mild exhibitionism, fingers in oc's mouth grinding, making out, oral (m), titjob
word count: 7k
a/n: if you want to be tagged, send an ask plz. would love to hear your thoughts. also...cant believe mom manifested into butter jk im in pain
Jungkook is unsurprised to enter your home with the key you’d given him the other week and find it completely empty. You’ve been working early mornings and incredibly late nights for the last week and a half, and he can tell it’s beginning to take a toll on you. The first sign that you were beginning to wear down was when you had skipped dinner in favor of sleeping. The second was when you had snapped at him in irritation and then immediately cried over hurting his feelings.
He can think of about a dozen other things, including the even more pronounced bags under your eyes. You’ve always had dark circles under your eyes naturally from hyperpigmentation but these days, not even concealer can help you mask them.
In fact, the reason that you’d even given him a key was because you felt like work was taking over your entire life. You’d hardly had a chance to see anyone who wasn’t a work colleague, and you just missed Jungkook. At least this way, you could wake up and go to bed with him.
You had only been calling Jungkook your partner just shy of four months, and he had a key to your home. Perhaps it was fast for other people, but with him, it felt right. So he keeps a copy of your keys on his lanyard- it’s possibly his most prized possession right now. Jungkook usually only comes when you ask him to, he’s been staying at your place for the last week because of how tired and busy you were.
Usually you stop by the tattoo parlor at least once or twice a week, but you have been sparse because of work. So he’s here, in your home without you. It felt strange the first few times he’d been here without you, but then he started leaving little pockets of himself- his shoes next to yours, his hair product on your shelf, and his two of his jackets hanging near yours in the closet. He’d even purchased a new plant to keep on your windowsill in your living room (which you take turns dutifully watering and making sure she gets enough sunlight).
It’s all very domestic. He had jokingly told you not to expose him to your shared friends, specifically Mina and Mei. To which you had rolled your eyes.
Though some small, very small, part of him wonders if the magic will fade away soon. Considering how fast you both are moving both physically into your home and in your relationship.
It’s only been a few months, and you both were incredibly comfortable with the idea of unprotected sex- after all, Jungkook always pulls out in time. Until, of course, you’d had a pregnancy scare. Hoseok and Yoongi, ever the pair of realists, had scolded him when Jungkook had revealed that you both hardly ever used any protection-
“Are you trying to knock her up? Is that it? You both ready to potentially be parents?” Yoongi says mildly as he polishes off his wine, looking at Jungkook expectantly. Jungkook’s cheeks burn.
“No, I’m not trying to knock her up and no, nobody’s trying to be parents-”
“You both are lucky you haven’t knocked her up already,” Hoseok says, with more heat in his voice, “You both are fucking stupid, but you especially.” He even smacks the back of his head with the book in his hands and Jungkook glares at him.
“Hey, my pull out game has always been strong, and I’m serious about her. We wouldn’t fuck raw if-”
“Oh, yes, then we definitely have nothing to worry about,” Yoongi says, “Keep it moving, Hobi.
“Talk to her about it, or else,” Hoseok threatens, “I don’t wanna hear about another pregnancy scare because you’re both idiots.”
“I know, I know,” Jungkook relents, “We’ve been talking about it. It just sucks that birth control can fuck up a woman’s body like that, you know? Mood changes and appetite changes, nausea and everything…”
“You could always get a vasectomy,” Yoongi says bluntly.
“Mei said the same thing. She was way more mean about it, though. Told me she’d cut my balls off if I didn’t get my shit together.”
“I don’t blame her, considering what a mess you both were last month.”
“We were not a mess!”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look so stressed ever in your life, not even when your first bike got run over by a car. Or when your tattoo got infected three consecutive times. And I’ve never seen her cry so much before.”
“Alright, maybe we’re a little bit of a mess.”
In the end, you and Jungkook had both decided that yes, condoms were probably a good idea. Considering the pregnancy scare you had last month, you both were on edge and a little paranoid. Jungkook hadn’t even mentioned the idea of you taking birth control or getting an IUD, knowing that your last few experiences with the former were unpleasant-
“I can get a vasectomy, you know. In fact, Yoongi suggested it,” Jungkook shrugs nonchalantly but your jaw drops.
“Jungkook. I don’t think vasectomies are reversible like that. Think about what you’re saying,” You murmur, “I’m touched you’d consider a surgical procedure so I don’t have to take birth control, but what if-”
“I looked it up, they can be reversed-”
“But Jungkook! You don’t know that, what if you want to have kids later and you can’t because you decided on a fucking whim to get a vasectomy? It’s still trauma on your body! You can’t just snip snap, snip snap your vas deferens tube whenever you please. At least with birth control you can start and stop it, even if that’s not a completely benign process.”
Jungkook looks at you long and hard, his tongue poking his cheek and you sigh. “But I don’t-”
“Honey. I appreciate your thoughtfulness,” You murmur, squeezing his hands in yours, “But we’re both being stupid. We’re both acting like condoms don’t exist. Why don’t we start with condoms and then think about getting your tubes tied or me getting an IUD?”
“You spoiled me,” Jungkook complains dramatically and drops his head to your chest, “With your pussy. I’m spoiled now.”
“Shut up.”
And so now, a box of condoms sits in the drawer of your nightstand and you’ve taken to bringing a few with you in your purse as well (and so does he). You’d been far more nervous buying condoms than you’d ever been of buying anything else, and Jungkook had only cockily grinned at you.
Today’s Friday and it’s the day of your deadline. Meaning that you’d hopefully be home soon and be his for the rest of the weekend. He fully plans on getting you to relax and stay in for the majority of the weekend, so that you can catch up on sleep.
But then you come home past dinner (you had sent him a text earlier telling him that you were going to be late. He knows your mood is sour- you had been in a foul mood all week, and the fact that you’re so close to being home but so far just makes it worse). You come home with an empty belly, a weary mind and wetness along your lash line. Climbing into bed next to him, you circle your arms around his waist and cry tiredly into his chest.
“J-Jungkook,” You hiccup, “I’m so tired, they kept me s-so late today but it’s done. Everything is finished-”
“Oh, baby,” He sighs, rubbing your back soothingly, “It’s okay. We can just sleep now. You should take a few days off next week, baby.”
“I don’t know…” But your eyes are wide and considering it.
“You’ve been running on empty all week,” Jungkook points out, “For longer than that. Your job can handle two or three days without you while you recharge. Text your boss, baby. You need to rest, too.”
He nudges your cheek with his nose and you hum in agreement. “Okay. Five day weekend? Sure you won’t get tired of me?” You murmur and laugh when he squeezes your waist.
“We can make it a staycation.”
And you’re already texting your boss, telling her that you needed a few days off next week. She gives you a thumbs up and encourages you to rest up, making it a point to recognize how hard you’ve been working. She even suggests you take the full week off, which you jump at and Jungkook only grins at you.
“My brilliant girl, charming her way into a full week off.”
You swat his hand away and hide your burning but satisfied face in his chest. “Yeah, your bad habits are rubbing off on me.”
“Oh, that’s not the only thing rubbing off on you,” Jungkook says wickedly and pushes his hips into yours, earning a fierce pinch to his bare waist.
“Hush, I’m trying to nap,” You mumble, your voice muffled. Without warning, you lick his neck and bite lightly at the base of his neck, ignoring his soft yelp. He doesn’t have a chance to question you on what that was, as you’re already falling asleep.
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You’ve always thought from the beginning, even when you and Jungkook were just friends, that he was an ass man. You’ve caught him staring at your ass many, many times- in jeans, in a dress, in a skirt. And now that you both are officially together, he spends any and every moment he can with a hand on your ass. Casually, when you both walk side by side. And purposefully when you’re both just in his bed or on your couch. His hand is a well known presence on your ass, not that you’re complaining.
One of Jungkook’s favorite places to nap is on your ass, with his cheek pressed into you and one hand firmly gripping your ass. He also likes laying with his head on your lap. But his favorite place to nap is with his head buried in your chest, specifically buried in between your tits. He is currently analyzing his hypothesis that your right tit is smaller than your left, a thought he’s had for a while now, but needs further samples of evidence to properly assess.
But he’s always had an affinity for your tits, whether you’re blissfully unaware of it or not. You don’t notice it not really- you like any and all of his touches on any inch of your skin, as you’ve told him many times before. Especially when he holds you close next to him or under him and you feel protected, surrounded by only him.
He holds you, looks at you as if you’re as soothing as the sea and as bright as a supernova. And yet, the universe is contained in his big, doe eyes.
But really, at the end of the day, it’s an affinity for you. Jungkook loves every part of your mind, body, and soul, and he thinks he has for a long time. His heart has been tangled with yours since the first time he had seen you years ago at Hobi’s surprise birthday party that you had planned. Jungkook is sure that when he had seen you with a homemade red velvet cheesecake with a ‘Happy Birthday Hobi <3’ written perfectly in red icing in your arms, a silly party hat on your head, and a shy, beaming smile on your lips, he had been magnetized to your center of gravity from then on.
But even then, he had only hovered. Barely introducing himself, if it weren’t for Mina and Mei. He thought he had known girls like you- girls who baked cakes, planned elaborate birthday parties for their friends and wore flowery dresses liked other predictable people. It’s another one of his hypotheses (which has been clearly debunked)- but by now, he knows not to be so judgmental of others.
But he doesn’t dwell on that for long. Even the first time he met you, right after he had introduced himself to you and you had stared at him with starstruck eyes and stammered a quiet ‘hello’ in return, Sora had cornered him. And told him to back off from right then, that you were off limits. That you’d never be interested in a guy like him, so to not even spend a second in his stupid little mind even entertaining the ridiculous idea.
So he backed off subconsciously, thinking it wasn’t worth it to even know you as a friend. He’d convinced himself that it was too much trouble, and Jungkook has always been an easygoing kind of guy in most instances. After all, your best friend would know you best, right? And really, what did he care? As the saying goes, there were about a million other fish in the sea.
However. Even then, with each word uttered between you both, with each laugh that he pulled from your soft mouth, he couldn’t help the reluctant fondness for you that began to bloom. You had surprised him every few months after that, just saying hello at events that you were both present at and asking how he was. With that stupidly beautiful smile and those bright, shy eyes.
You were a smart, kind woman, always remembering details about others. And he was no exception.
That was years ago. He’s known you since your third year at university, hanging by a thread just outside your orbit. But this is now.
This is now, and your lips are against his neck, your chest pressed to his. You climb into his lap haphazardly, nearly knocking your mug off of the coffee table. You both have only just woken up and stumbled out of bed for coffee and breakfast. You had combed the tangles out of his bedhead with his head in your lap, but now sleepiness has washed away and you’re tugging at his oversized shirt.
You promptly bite him, right where his neck tattoo starts and ends. Jungkook meets your eyes with an incredulous, breathy laugh. “What’s gotten into you?” He murmurs, palming your chest from under your shirt.
“Nothing. You just have a very biteable neck, I told you,” You say, resuming your inspection of the vein next to his tattoo, “What a juicy jugular vein-”
Jungkook holds your wrist and flips you so that your back is on the couch. “My sexy vampire girlfriend. Love when she starts talking about my jugular vein.”
“Watch out, I might drink from it. You never know,” You giggle with a wink, squirming in his grip.
“You can do whatever you want,” Jungkook murmurs but then an idea that has been planted in his head for weeks now spills from his lips without him meaning to, “I wanna fuck your tits, baby.”
Your eyes go comically wide, mimicking Jungkook’s own. His cheeks are a little pink from his abrupt confession as silence falls between you both.
“That’s really interesting,” You muse.
“Is it?” He asks, feeling a little lightheaded. You tug a little at his purple locks to pull him down to you.
“Yeah. Always thought you liked booty. And legs,” You shrug, “But I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised.”
Jungkook’s throat is too dry for him to reply coherently. But he finds his voice after you give him a reassuring smile, “Uh, when it’s you, I like everything.”
“Me too. When it’s you, I like everything,” You mumble, heat rising in your cheeks, “And uh… you can. Do that I mean.”
“Do what?” He asks teasingly, tilting his head to the side.
“Don’t play dumb,” You whine, shoving his shoulder.
“C’mon say it,” Jungkook jeers, not unkindly, “Put your big girl panties on.”
“I hate you,” You sigh dramatically, “Fine. You can fuck my tits, if you so desire.” His face splits into a grin as he thumbs your chin and ducks his head into your neck. He playfully nips at your skin, murmuring that he’s just giving you a taste of your own medicine, but you feel his half hard cock pressing against your thigh.
The image of his cock wet and slick between your tits is now imprinted in your mind, and when both of you want something, you’ll surely get it.
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Despite your eagerness of making Jungkook’s wish a reality, neither of you have had the chance for your usual shenanigans just yet. You still have quite a few days of your staycation left, so you won’t rush it. You had spent most of the first two days sleeping, cuddling, spooning, eating and lots and lots of slow sex.
You think you can count on one hand the number of times you’ve left your bed. Jungkook has been nothing short of wonderful, bringing you food (just this once, you hate eating while in bed), giving you shoulder rubs and booty rubs without you asking. Your favorite ice cream is in your freezer. Life is good.
His shirt hangs off of your shoulder and you’re too lazy to fix it. In fact you’re too lazy for pajama bottoms, only settling on your favorite pair of comfortable panties (nothing flashy. Just a standard black cotton panty) to wear under your shirt. One might even call them granny panties or whatever, but lace was uncomfortable on your skin. Lace and thongs are for very, very special occasions (hardly if ever) and you are in the comfort of your own home. You’ll be comfortable if it’s the last thing you do.
In fact, you’re too lazy to even raise your head to pucker your lips for a kiss from Jungkook. You only open your arms and hum, as if he’s supposed to telepathically know what you want from him. But he does, and he flops onto you once he tugs his shirt off. Jungkook’s face remains buried in your chest as you gently rub his scalp.
He hums happily, nearly purring at your touch and shoves himself closer into your hold. You can’t believe this man, the man who mildly intimidated you for years, is now in your arms and purring like a baby kitten. He’s admitted a few times that his scalp has been irritated and inflamed ever since he dyed his hair purple. One of his favorite things is to lay in your lap while you massage a mix of coconut oil and peppermint oil into his scalp.
He looks up at you, warm heat blazing in his eyes. You’re about to ask him what he’s thinking about but he palms your pussy from under your shirt- your still swollen, puffy pussy from the four times he’s made you cum already.
“Can I help you, Jungkook,” You ask flatly, but your poker face breaks when he dots you with kisses up and down your thighs.
“Yeah, fuck,” Jungkook groans, voice slowing to a whine, “I’m still hard, baby, fuck. Help me.”
“How are you still hard,” You wonder with a grin, “Damn, Jeon. You must really like me, huh?”
“If that wasn’t obvious then I’m clearly not doing something right here,” He breathes into your skin.
“Gimme a kiss then,” You murmur, pushing his long hair behind his ear. His eyebrow piercing glints in the light of your bedroom and you trace it gently with your fingertips. Jungkook desperately pushes his lips to yours, parting your lips easily and slipping his tongue into your mouth. He kisses your teeth hungrily, strands of his hair brushing against your cheeks.
His hips roll into yours impatiently, hands already pawing at your shirt. The air in your bedroom is suddenly so stifling, thick and nearly choking you both with the intensity of your desire. You just want him to feel good with you.
“Jungkook,” You say softly with warm cheeks, “You can use me, however you want. Tell me what you want, bunny.”
He lets out a quiet gasp, his eyes bright and wide.
You’re both on the same page, because he’s scrambling to chuck his boxers to the side and you’re tossing your shirt on top of his boxers.
“Fuuuck,” Jungkook groans. He’s breathless, heart racing erratically. All he can do is hold your shoulders as he watches with a piercing, hazy gaze as his cock is swallowed in between your tits. You squeeze them tightly together, trying to create as much friction as you can for him.
“Fuck,” He whines, “Fuck, you look so good, baby. O-oh, shit, my pretty baby, you’re pretty-”
Jungkook nearly cums when you mischievously stick your tongue out to brush against the head of his leaking cock. The visual is almost too much for him and his breaths are choked, strangled as he forces himself to look into your dark eyes.
“So big, bunny, look,” You say softly, “You like this? You’re so hot like this…”
He’s nearly in tears, eyes shining and wet at how good this feels. If your pussy was a slice of heaven, then your tits were the next best thing. You moan softly, feeling your own wetness and heat pooling. Jungkook’s cheeks and chest are flushed, eyes wild and wet as he slides his cock in between the valley of your tits languidly. Almost as if he doesn’t want the moment to end.
You’re so warm, warm everywhere.
His muscles are tense, the furrow in his brow beginning to appear when he’s about to cum. “Shit, baby, oh my god, I love your tits,” Jungkook moans, tossing his head back, “Fuck, I love everything about you-”
You don’t know how he’s able to form coherent sentences to you when he’s this close to cumming. But he’s always been a man of many talents.
“You know what I just realized,” You gasp suddenly, “Neither of us made it official that we’re dating. Like I never asked you ‘out’ and you never asked me ‘out’-”
“Fuck, you talk too much,” Jungkook nearly snarls, “My cock is literally in between your tits and I’m about to fucking cum all over you and you think I belong to anyone else?”
You swallow thickly, Jungkook narrowing his eyes at you. He looks intimidating and intense above you, his powerful, golden thighs straddling either side of you.
“N-no, I was just-”
Jungkook shoots you a glare, reaches behind him and gathers your wetness with two fingers. Before you can ask him what he’s doing, he pushes two fingers into your mouth to shut you up. You send him a glare right back, but it melts away quickly when you swirl your tongue and suck on his digits.
He cums without warning, hastily and with a broken sort of sound ripping from his throat. It’s warm and sticky as it lands on your chest and your cheek. But he cums so much and much to your chagrin some of his cum gets in your eye and you nearly shriek at the burn.
“Jungkook! What the hell, your cum is in my fucking eyeball-”
He’s still panting above you, like some sort of golden boy, and it takes him a few seconds to register your irritation. “Oh shit,” Jungkook says and jumps into action. He tugs you into the bathroom to gently wash your eye for you (after washing his own hands), with you grumbling the entire time.
“I’m sorry, baby,” He says sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. You roll your eyes and demand to be taken back to bed and lavished in kisses as penance for his cum shooting into your eye.
Jungkook tastes himself a little when his tongue slips into your mouth, but it hardly registers as he rolls on top of you, caging you in between his arms.
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Jungkook fleetingly thinks he should’ve spent more time trying to convince you to stay home with him. Maybe with a few soft, long kisses to your neck, he might have. You looked delectable, good enough to eat- your dress fitted around your hips, nails, hair, and makeup done, the scent of your perfume subtle but not irritating to his sensitive nose.
You had asked him to pick what jewelry to wear, so one of his long necklaces sitting around your neck and disappearing into the valley of your chest. It doesn’t really match with your dress, but you don’t care.
And Jungkook… well, it was difficult for you to keep your hands off of him as well. His hair is tied back into a neat ponytail, he’s wearing a sequined black (fitted) button up with the top four buttons undone, a thick, silver chain and ripped, black jeans. Your eyes are glued to his chest and he knows it- you can’t help but grip his arm, his bicep whenever you can.
Neither of you really enjoyed the club scene, but you had wanted to go out since it had been a really long time and after all, you were on your staycation. Mei had planted the idea in your head, and so now here Jungkook was.
Here he was, catching flashes off the satin, coral colored wrap dress that you were encased in. For someone who doesn’t like the scene, you blend in effortlessly. But you’re a grown woman, so he takes his eyes off of you and orders a round of shots for him, Jimin, Taehyung and Jin while nursing a bottle of soju.
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In the midst of the thumping bass bouncing off of the walls in the club, you’re only aware of you and Mei while you both sing along to whatever song is blasting through the club. Mina disappeared a while ago, presumably to find Jimin.
You’re holding two drinks, one in each hand, and all you feel is the vibrations of the club. Along with your own drunkenness. Mei holds your arm to keep you steady as you move your hips in time with hers. You laugh loudly, wrapping an arm around her shoulders at something she said. Everything is amplified and muted at the same time, the swirl of alcohol settling comfortably in your veins.
You’re having a great time with your friends, dancing, swirling, singing and drinking. It’s a nice night to unwind, in the company of dear friends and strangers.
“Hey,” Mei murmurs in your ear, “I gotta pee and I’m gonna go find Seulgi-”
“You can just say that you wanna go find her,” You giggle, “Don’t blame your bladder on it, Mei.”
“Oh, you’re funny. I’ll text Jungkook and tell him to come find you, alright?” Mei says, patting your head. You nod and tell her to go find her girl, and she does. Leaving you to your own devices for a bit, at least until Jungkook makes his way to you.
However, what neither of you realize is that the cell reception in this building is terrible. Mei’s text never goes through and you stay in your bubble, with your two drinks in your hands and bounce along to the music.
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You’re not sure how much time goes by, but it feels like you’ve been alone for quite a while. You squint your eyes at your phone to check the time and send a text to Jungkook. A text that never goes through. You frown and are about to turn on your heel to link up with your man (wherever he might be), but you hear a surprised call of your name.
It’s hard to keep the incredulity out of your face when you come face to face with Yunho, the man who had stood you up all those months ago. The air has almost been punched out of your lungs, and you have to squint at him to believe what you’re seeing.
He calls your name again, giving you a wave and a bright smile. “Funny seeing you here, huh?”
“Can I buy you a drink? I feel like I owe it to you after…” His eyes are sincere. At least you think so, with your drunk goggles on.
“I don’t know, Yunho, it’s okay…” You mumble unsurely, “Isn’t this weird?”
“It’s only weird if we make it weird,” Yunho says and pulls a chuckle out of you.
“Oh, alright. I guess a drink won’t hurt,” You shrug and lead the way to the bar. The least he can do for you after standing you up and hurting your feelings is buy you a drink, you think.
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“Hey listen, I owe you an apology,” Yunho says, sliding your drink towards you.
“Oh, it’s- it was a long time ago,” You shrug, avoiding his eyes. Sure, it was a hit to your ego, but in hindsight it doesn’t matter. Not when you have Jungkook. Honestly, you’ve forgotten that Yunho had even been a blip in your radar once upon a time. It was only because of Sora, anyway.
“I had something urgent come up last minute that day and I asked Sora to tell you,” Yunho continues, “I’m sorry I didn’t follow up or even reach out to you after. But I’d heard that you were with Jeon now, so didn’t want to… overstep, I guess.”
And even through your drunken haze, you understand. You sigh deeply, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Oh boy,” You groan, “Sora never told me about that but we’re not close anymore, Yunho. It’s okay, I understand. I’m sorry she got you, too.”
Yunho’s lips part in surprise, “She didn’t… Alright. What’s done is done, I guess.”
“Yeah,” You murmur airily, “And yes, I am with Jeon. Though I can’t seem to find him…”
“I’m happy to keep you company until you do.”
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Despite how well you and Yunho seem to hit it off (most of your time spent bitching about Sora), you can’t help but think of Jungkook. You quite miss him, not having seen him all night in the club. You want to dance with him, and little do you know that he’s been scouring the entire club for you in a frenzy once he ran into Mei and Mina and hadn’t seen you with them.
He had sent them a glare, his jaw clenched and walked away to find you. So when his eyes finally land on you at the bar, after about twenty-five minutes of searching and trying to get through strings of people around you, his heart soars. But he sees you laughing with someone else at the bar. With Yunho.
Jealousy is petty, he tells himself. But he struggles to keep it at bay as it rears its head and comforts him. He’s always been protective and possessive of those he loves and cherishes. You’re definitely no exception.
You wobble a little on your feet, but you hold your own. Even from here, he can see the drunkenness of your smile, beads of sweat as they race down your neck to hide in the valley of your breasts. He zeroes in on your necklace (his) around your neck and reminds himself. It’s his necklace that you’re wearing, after all.
Then why is the man who stood you up all those months ago making you laugh like that?
You must have a sixth sense or something for him, because you turn your head a bit as if you can sense him. Your entire face lights up when you see him, in a way that makes his tough heart swell in adoration.
You make your way over to him with your drink and peck his lips chastely, despite his desire to pull you into his arms and kiss you long enough that your knees buckle. So that Yunho sees that he is yours.
“You disappeared on me, baby,” Jungkook murmurs, adjusting your necklace. He’s gripping it tightly, but you don’t notice.
“I was with Yunho, remember him? ‘Member, he stood me up but he didn’t because it was Sora’s fault-”
“That’s no surprise,” Jungkook says, rolling his eyes. You take his hand, squeezing and introduce him to Yunho. As if he doesn’t know him already. Jungkook’s tongue pokes the inside of his cheek, his jaw clenched. He doesn’t like how Yunho looks at you, how his gaze lingers on your skin and the curves of your dress. You lean against Jungkook heavily, absently playing with his fingers. You stay mostly quiet, sipping your drink as the two men speak (rather tersely).
Jungkook knows he’s being ridiculous.
“Kook, finish my drink?” You murmur, offering him the glass. Jungkook maintains eye contact with Yunho as he downs the remainder of your drink in a few solid gulps.
“Was nice to see you, Yunho,” You say, “I think Jimin and Mina are looking for us, Jungkook. Enjoy the rest of your night.”
With that Jungkook firmly holds your waist, keeping you close to him. You both know that neither Jimin nor Mina are looking for either of you. You’d only wanted to be alone with Jungkook.
So Jungkook leads you to a spot where he knows Yunho can visibly see you both. You let loose, giggling as Jungkook twirls you easily and moving your arms to match the beat of the music. He makes you laugh with his moves, winking at you and shooting finger guns at you as he twirls and swivels around you. He’s always been a great dancer, you realize. That’s funny, because you’re sometimes clumsy on your own two feet. He pulls you into him, his chest to your back and his hips pressed against your ass. You sigh contentedly, head lolling against his shoulder and you rest your hand over his hand to let him lead you.
His nose is buried in your neck, lips lightly brushing your pulse. He bites your earlobe gently, earning a soft laugh from you. Jungkook tilts your jaw to the side to meet your eyes and plants a deep kiss to your glossy lips. He holds you steady when your knees weaken, your belly flipping at the intensity that he pours into you.
Jungkook is all around you, encasing you within his arms and there’s not a single place you’d rather be. When you pull away for air, you thumb away your gloss on his bottom lip and bite his bottom lip gently.
“I adore you,” You say dreamily, “You are so… Everything. Everything. I adore you.”
Jungkook’s cheeks burn, but he ducks his head for another sharp kiss. And if Yunho is watching him shove his tongue down your throat and holding your hips to his possessively then that’s fine by him.
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The journey back home is a quick one (after you both stop for fried noodles, despite the inevitable heartburn it’ll give you both the next day but you’re both so hungry). You both stumble into your home in a mess of giggles and groping, nearly falling to the floor due to your clumsiness.
Jungkook has been hard since he kissed you in the club, in front of Yunho. He knew Yunho had been watching, feeling the man’s eyes on you both the entire time. His jealousy has crawled back into the box that it was unleashed from, but he knows that’s something to revisit later.
Something else to revisit is that he liked that someone else was watching him with you. He stores that information for later, instead focusing on keeping you upright from falling.
Somehow, through your blurry vision and wobbly legs, you get on your knees and palm Jungkook’s cock through his pants. A shameless moan rips through you- any and every inch of him makes you dizzy with desire.
You like him so much that it nearly makes you cry.
“Gonna blow you now,” You announce happily, fumbling with the button of his jeans and using all of your concentration and strength to pull his pants down along with his boxers. You sloppily kiss your way down his chest, spending extra time on his tattoo and licking (then biting) his happy trail before humming around his leaking cock.
He’s so wet already, and it’s all because of you.
Jungkook groans, eyes closing in pleasure as your pretty mouth wraps around his cock. He thrusts lightly into your mouth, peeling his eyes open to watch you. Only to find you already staring up at him, your makeup smudged and tears already forming in your pretty eyes. He cradles your cheek affectionately, stroking your cheekbone-
But before he can compliment you, softly praise you, he hears a noise. It originates from the back of your throat, something both familiar and unfamiliar. You gag uncontrollably around his cock, and while it’s certainly not the first time it’s happened, it’s different this time. Because you’re a little drunk. So he should be unsurprised when you retch on his cock, pull yourself off of him before your drunk self can get any more vomit on his cock and sprint into your bathroom.
You manage to lock the door in your frenzy of utter humiliation and alcohol addled mind. You hover over the toilet bowl, the sounds of you throwing up bouncing off of the walls. You’re crying, sobbing more like it- from both the pain in your chest from vomiting violently into the toilet bowl coupled with the humiliation of quite literally throwing up on your boyfriend’s cock.
You groan and squeeze your eyes shut, as if that’ll erase the memory.
“Baby,” Jungkook calls softly, his cock fully hanging out in the open, “Baby, please open the door. It’s not a big deal, but I need to wash my dick off.”
You let out a choked, watery laugh at that and move to flush the toilet and rinse your mouth out. Your cheeks burn in embarrassment when you unlock your bathroom door, and you can’t bear to look Jungkook in the eye. But he holds your wrist to his when you try to escape into the safety of your bedroom.
Your heart feels like it’s going to beat right out of your chest, heat flooding your ears in shame. It feels like your head is empty, static filling up the spaces that the silence between you both doesn’t.
“It’s just me,” Jungkook coos, “Do you want to shower with me?”
“Jungkook, ‘m absolutely mortified,” You say flatly, voice a little high in pitch as fresh tears burning behind your eyelids, “I want to evaporate from this plane of existence in about three-point-four seconds, I literally threw up on your penis, I’m so sorry. Don’t even look at me-”
Jungkook winces at your tone and the way your shoulders are hunched, hands gripping the hem of your dress unsurely.
“Baby,” Jungkook sighs, “It’s really okay, there’s nothing to apologize for. Come shower. The vomit is drying on my dick-”
But that’s the wrong thing to say because you start to cry immediately, shoving your face in your hands. Jungkook sighs, mentally kicking himself and running a hand through his purple locks. He calls your name softly and pulls you into his arms for a tight hug, despite the drying vomit on his dick, which is hanging out and brushes against your hip. You sniffle, peeking at him with shy eyes and he rubs your back soothingly.
“When I say it’s okay, I mean it,” Jungkook murmurs into your hair, “I’m sorry I didn’t realize how drunk you were. I know you feel embarrassed, but it’s just me, baby.”
He kisses you, despite your protests, and helps you rinse your mouth again. You allow Jungkook to somehow maneuver you into the shower, peeling you out of your clothes. You feel grimy and sticky from the club and you’re grateful for the cool water against your skin. You stand behind Jungkook, wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing your face in between his shoulder blades, letting him wash himself.
“Can I wash you?” You whisper, voice unsure. You feel awful, cheeks burning but still. He nods and you take your body wash and lather him with it, washing his now limp dick gently and swallowing nervously.
“See? Not a big deal,” Jungkook says, coaxes you out of your nervousness, “Lemme wash you, baby.”
And so he does, taking your loofah and gently rubbing your skin. Under the cool spray of water, your nerves slip away with each giggle and kiss that he pulls and plants from your lips. Your eyes are still a little shy, a little slick with alcohol. But it’s just Jungkook, and you’re safe with him.
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Jungkook nearly wrestles you to get you to eat something more, after throwing up the remainder of your guts after you both had showered (it was mainly just water and alcohol at this point). You’re nearly falling asleep on his shoulder but he manages to shake you awake for a slice of leftover noodles and two glasses of water. But eventually, he coaxes you into eating with a few kisses, hugs, and shoulder rubs.
Once you both are in bed, Jungkook wraps himself around you, his hands immediately drifting below your sleep shirt to your belly. Your cheeks burn as the events of the night replay in your mind’s eye and you press your face into your pillow with a groan.
“I can’t believe I threw up on your dick a-and you’re so nice a-about it,” You mumble, “You really are everything.”
“Well, what else am I going to do if the girl I like vomits on my dick,” Jungkook murmurs, “Don’t worry about it, baby. It happens.”
“To who? Only to me,” You say sadly, “I drank too much. I’m sorry, Kook-”
“Shhh,” Jungkook says, tightening his arms around you and kissing your forehead, “I promise it’s okay. I promise I’m not looking at you any differently.”
His words make you relax in his hold and you nod. Jungkook tilts your jaw towards him, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You don’t say anything else after that, only allowing your soft, breathy sighs to spill out of your lips and into him with every comforting kiss and every slip of his tongue in your mouth.
He tells you to rest in between kisses, but your eyes are already closed.
MOM TAGS: @tiemeuptogoldenchains @boymeetsparadise @jungkooksseuphoria @kaepjjangiya @drumsofheaven @ppeachyttae @tae-bebe @yiyi4657 @mygscafe @beeeetsandskzreads @maichiverse @hordanhearsawhooo @anonymous2505 @dreadity @mysugarkoo @ultraanonymousey @moonchild1 @fan-ati--c @yeotan07
TAGS: @kookdbean @codeinebelle
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet // Victoria De Angelis
words // around 1k
warnings // obviously this is nsfw, very badly written really but ooops
pairing // Victoria De Angelis x reader
author's note // this was so hot to write but i also felt so intrusive writing this omg 😳😂
request // yes, can't find it right now
summary // NSFW guide to miss Victoria de Angelis
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I feel like Vic is even more like a puppy after sex (i swear this woman will be the death of me). She seems really caring so I feel like she would try to take care of you, and you would have to force her to let you care for her. Cuddles are an absolute must!
like “here, drink this love, you need some water.” “oh, come on, you need to get up a go to the bathroom, love, just go” and then you sit down again and she just sits there waiting for cuddles “victoria, did you drink any water after we got done?” “no, ill drink later, its fine” “no its not fine, im getting you some water” and she would just argue with that until you threaten with no cuddles
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On her self Victoria really likes her lips and fingers (i mean she would loooove devouring you.... stop me)
now, on you, for some reason feel she would either have a chest or arm thing hmmm. i can imagine her just practically drooling any time you wear something low cut
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
i feel like cumming tends to make her hornier sometimes. would def like to cum on your face no hesitation, but other than that nothing crazy
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
hmm can't think of something really crazy here but she could possibly like teasing you in public.
or there is something she hasn’t told you… wears your shirt to masturbate when you cant be with each other, but again nothing crazy
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i wouldn’t say she is insanely experienced but she knows what she's doing. if there’s something you like and she doesn’t know how to please you she is glad to learn from you. there are surely things that you both explore together
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
i don’t much about sex position names and shit but i see Victoria as being decently dominant so I’d say anything that gives her the leverage of being in control. maybe riding you…..
G = Goofy (are they more serious at the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
considering her personality, she is quite goofy but can be really serious if she is really concentrating (no but like her eating you out and just being so focused her eyes never get away from your heat ooooooof)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
she is really loving, really. whether she is dominant or not does not matter. she will always just hold your face tenderly every once in a while, lots of sweet kisses afterwards
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
just from the whole image the band puts out, i think, victoria is pretty comfortable with masturbation. she looks like she would be into mutual masturbation a little bit..hmmmm
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
she’s into hair pulling (her doing the pulling omg), i’d say she is dominating but not really into the whole “mummy” thing. would maybe prefer mistress.she’s into leather accessories if that could be considered a kink. maybe a bit of voyeurism, she would be into you seeing her masturbating
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
prefers the more comfortable places, that way you can both have the ultimate fun
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
lingerie is a big turn on for her. for some reason i get that she would get turned on by photos of you all blushy and stuff, like after the gym.
“what are you doing, babe?” “oh nothing, I was just working out a bit” *sends pic* “how are you?” “oh...uhm, you know… busy… gtg”
also finds extremely hot when your face is a bit red during the summer from the sun…. I don’t know why i get that vibe i just do ok? sue me lol
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
she's pretty open to most things, hasn't exactly encountered something she would say no to. exept feet fetishes! i might be projecting cause i hate that but she finds it kind of... well, to put it nicely, uncomfortable
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
she loooves giving you oral. I mean, I get the vibe that she specifically likes eating pussy so maybe this isn't the same if you have a dick. like I see her as a service top 😶
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
she is quite sensual and goes at a middle pace; not too fast or too slow, simply quickly enough to make you both enjoy it but also tease a little
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
doesn't love them, but if she is very insatiable due to how horny she's gotten she will be open to the idea. otherwise she believes quickies don't give her the opportunity to love you as you deserve
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
as i said before, she's willing to try most things, except fucking feet
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
def a few rounds, but gets really tired after maybe 5 ?
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
she loves using toys when teasing you. vibrating panties, cock rings, even vibrators that connect to an app so she can control it from afar, anything and everything shes got it!
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
she is in general a loud person so def moans a lot. she speaks all the time, especially when teasing you, mostly throwing encouraging and taunting phrases like "come on, baby, is that all you can do? be louder". she gets really hot and bothered by your sounds
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
i mentioned it before but I trully can not get the idea of victoria eating pussy out of my head. like I can imagine her being so concentrated on the task at hand, unless she is teasing you she is very quiet and just ooooof drowsy eyes and all... s t o p m e from thinking
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
id say on a balanced medium (lol sounds like a steak). like on a week scale, 4/7 days a week
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
depends on her day. usually she tries to wait till you fall asleep as you are cuddling but especially if you are the big spoon she's asleep in seconds i swear
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lucif5er · 3 years
Katsuki finds out what Dekus fav candy is so he purchases a big pack and leaves some at his desk every day without a name of who's it from. Of course, Deku is ecstatic. And he maybe kinda has an idea who they’re from until he sees Kirishima eating the same brand.
Everyone is hanging out in the common room in the dorms watching movies and eating popcorn and candy when Uraraka asks Izuku what his favorite candy is.
“Oh, I love strawberry mentos b-but that specific flavor is hard to find sometimes,” Izuku says with a blush on his face.
Katsuki is standing off by the kitchen when he hears this. He smirks. Of course the damn nerd would like that sugary trash. He had forgotten Dekus favorite candy like many other things because of his stupid fucking ego. He had lost a lot of opportunities with his Deku but fuck if he wasn’t going to make up for it now.
So Katsuki decides to order a jumbo pack of strawberry mentos. The nerd wasn’t kidding, these little shits have to be ordered from America but if this could win Deku over so be it.
The next day he leaves some at Deku's desk. No name on the note though. NOT because he’s embarrassed, fuck no, but just because he wants to see the nerds reaction.
When Izuku arrives to class he sees the candy on his desk with a note that says “I know these are your favorite.” Izuku is sure his whole neck and ears are red. He wonders if Uraraka got them for her but why wouldn’t she give them to him himself if they saw each other this morning.
When the rest of the class walks in Izuku still hasn’t opened the candy. He just sits at his desk holding the note.
“What you got there Midorya?” Kaminari pops up behind him and peers over his shoulder.
“O-oh hi Kaminari. Um, j-just some candy I found on my desk this morning.”
“Ohhh? Midoryas got a secret admirer? What does the note say?” Kaminari says in a singsong voice.
“N-no of course not a s-secret admirer. W-who would be interested in s-someone like m-me. Plus the note d-doesn’t even have a name.” By now other students have gathered around his desk. The girls oohing and awing.
Izuku turns to Uraraka who looks just as intrigued as the rest of them. Maybe it wasn't her who got them. Izuku is flustered now feeling a little too nervous under this attention.
“Leave the poor nerd alone already. You’re making him fucking uncomfortable.” Katsuki pushes through and flops down on his desk growling.
Everyone scurries away grumbling as Aizawa walks in.
“Thanks, Kacchan,” Izuku says with a blush on his cheeks. Kacchan reaches over and ruffles his curls then his hand goes down and cups his face. But a second later he's already pulling away.
“Tch whatever Deku,” Katsuki says but there's no bite behind it. Izuku just beams at Kacchans back.
This goes on for a month. Everyday Izuku finds strawberry mentos with a sweet note on them or a short poem but no name.
Of course, Izuku saves all the notes and he’s so happy every time he finds them. They remind him of when he was little and he and Kacchan used to write each other notes at school or when they had sleepovers. It was a tradition for them until Kacchan decided they were too old for that, that it was time they outgrew it. Then Kacchan outgrew Izuku. It always felt like he was thrown away.
This hurt Izuku a lot but he knows his Kacchan is sorry. They’re friends now and he can tell he regrets it. He knows Kacchan is trying to make up for it with the soft touches, soft words. They’re friends now, maybe on the edge of something more and maybe they just need a little push.
Izuku is almost certain it's Kacchan leaving him the candy because sometimes Kacchan gets so close to him Izuku can swear he smells the strawberry flavor in his breath. It makes his heart beat faster every time. So helplessly sugar high on him.
But one-morning Izuku sees Kirishima eating strawberry mentos. /His/ favorite candy so of course his first reaction is confusion and slight anger. Was Kacchan giving strawberry mentos to Kirishima as well? Was he writing him sweet notes and poems too?
Then came the sadness and the all to familiar pain in his heart. Will Kacchan throw him away again? Izuku isn't sure he can take it a second time.
Izuku feels the familiar sting in his eyes but he tries to hold them back. A minute later he sees Kacchan rounding the corner.
“Hey shitty hair. Chill on the fucking candy already.” He shoves Kirishima.
“But you gave it to me bakubro!” Kirishima states with a grin.
Izuku gasps and both Kacchan and Kirishima look at him. He can’t stop the tears from falling so he runs away instead hoping they didn’t see.
“Deku?” He hears Kacchan yell after him but Izuku doesn’t stop until he gets to his room.
Once Izuku gets to his dorm he's sliding down his closed-door muffling his sobs. He doesn’t know why he’s crying, he shouldn’t be crying at all. Of course, this whole thing was a joke. He did this to himself. He’s the one who chose to give his heart to someone who very obviously doesn’t want it, never did.
A minute later he hears knocking at his door and tries to muffle his cries even more.
“Deku? Open the door.” Kacchan says with worry evident in his voice.
“U-um I-Im kind of t-tired Kacchan. C-can we t-talk tomorrow.” Izuku says as he wipes his tears. He can’t let him see him like this; he's already embarrassed as it is.
Izuku hears a thump on his door. “Izuku, please.” a sob catches in Izukus throat and he feels more tears fall.
When Izuku finally catches his breath he gets up and unlocks his door. The look on Kacchans face makes him want to cry all over again.
“D-did you n-need something Kacchan?” Izuku says through sniffles.
“De-Izuku please don’t cry. I think you misunderstood. I’m sor-“
Izuku feels like his heart is being ripped out of his chest.
“N-no it's o-okay Kacchan. I-I promise. I-I’m just being d-dumb” Izuku looks down and wrings his hands. He didn’t realize he was trembling
“No. Fuck. Listen to me De-“ Kacchan tries to reach for his hands but he takes a step back.
“N-no. J-just leave me be for a l-little okay Kacchan? T-tomorrow we’ll g-go back to normal. Y-your happy with Kirishima right? T-that makes me h-happy. J-just um I d-dont want a-anymore candy okay? Or-or notes. I-Im so s-sorry for getting the w-wrong idea. P-please don’t be upset, I-I promise I’ll be o-okay just please please don’t throw me a-away again.”
Izuku tries to give Katsuki a wobbly smile but tear filled eyes give him away. Katsuki cusses under his breath but before Izuku can turn around he has him wrapped tightly in his arms. His cheek resting on wild green curls.
“Throw you awa- no fuck FUCK Izuku I wouldn’t. Why would I fucking throw you away? You’re mine. Always been mine.” Katsuki squeezes Izuku tighter, cradling and kissing his head.
“B-but the candy a-and Kiri-“
“Thats what I wanted to say. I bought the candy for you. Shitty hair just kept asking me for some but I promise its just you.” Katsuki puts his hands on Izukus face, wiping away the tears. “I wanted to do something good for you, okay? You fucking deserve the world Izuku and I’ll do anything to get it for you. I’ll do /anything/ to deserve you.”
A gasp leaves Izuku and he wraps his arms around Katsukis neck and kisses him. It’s rough and all teeth but so sweet. Everything they want to say is in that kiss. Izuku didn’t know he could feel love so soft, so sweet but in this very moment he leaves his heart bare for his Kacchan because he knows he’ll take care of it, take care of him.
Izuku pulls back and beams at Katsuki.
“Kacchan you taste like strawberry mentos.”
Katsuki softly pecks Izukus face, kissing his freckles, nose, anywhere he can reach “Mm course I do nerd, they’re your favorite,” Katsuki says as he nuzzles Izukus nose.
Izuku giggles and kisses Katsuki softly, hearts in his eyes and says “Kacchans my favorite.”
Katsuki takes a chomp of Izukus cheek before kissing his forhead. “Shitty nerd.”
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lolawassad · 2 years
Okay so the last post i wrote sucked, i was so tired but i was so excited for it so i wrote it but im just gonna.. Rewrite it! This is for you @yesshewrites1
Also j.m is gonna be like a badboy mean boy with only a soft spot for y/n and nobody else cause fuck other people right?
Also also they are on the ring!
John muprhy pov,
I glare at emori who is playing with y/n's hair, i can hear y/n's giggles from here.
Emori notices me glaring and mockingly pouts my way, y/n sees her looking at something and follows her gaze, my glare softens when my eyes meet hers and i send her a smile.
She sends a small shy wave back that has my heart melting, she takes emori's hand out of her hair and locks their fingers together making me glare at the locked hands.
She pulls emori with her and sits next to me, shes sandwiched between emori and me, i smile again "hello my little fairy" i say to y/n "hey john" she mutters out softly. My arm wraps around her shoulder and i pull her into my side.
Y/n frowns "J why dont you like emori?" She asks me before turning to emori "E why dont you like murphy?" She asks her with a pout "i wish you two would just, i dont know kiss so the sexual tension goes away" she continues making me snort "there is no sexual tension between emori and me" i say quickly emori starts talking too "i would never kiss stringbean over there" she scoffs out
I roll my eyes and go to say something but y/n covers ours mouths "just be nice to eachother you guys are my only friends" she confesses making my gaze soften again "aw baby" i coo she then gasps "thats a lie, i have bellamy too" she says getting excited.
I look around "dont see him sitting here with you though" i say which makes her slap my shoulder "he's my friend, so is octavia, monty, jasper, clarke not so much she tried to slap me once" she says "wait what?" Emori asks y/n "clarke tried to what?" "Slap me once, when we just came from the ark clarke was soooo moody and mean and she was being-" i cut her off with a chuckle "she was a stuck up fucking bitch" i say finishing her sentance, y/n shyly nods her head "i was gonna say 'she was being a meanie to me' but yeah sure, and finn, hes dead clarke killed him, he was my friend and he kissed my cheek once and clarke freaked out and tried to punch slap and kick me, murphy saved me" finished with a smile.
Flashback to camp
3rd pov
Y/n was walking when she accidentally ran into finn, she almost falls over but finn catches her "shit you ok?" He asks, raven who was walking with him also looks worried "you ok? You mustve felt like walking into a brick wall due to this chunky guy" raven smirks making finn roll his eyes "fuck off rayes" he places a kiss to y/n's cheek "thats an apology" he says before ruffling her hair.
He goes to walk away but clarke yells out "oh you boyfriend stealing bitch" and storms over to y/n, clarke's hand flies into the air and goes to connect to y/n's cheek but she misses due to murphy lifting clarke up "fuck you doing huh, little miss privileged"
Flash back over
J.m pov
I look smugly over to emori 'see i saved her' i mouth to her, she rolls her eyes.
"Oh y/n remember when i saved you from that grounder?" Emori asks her while smirking to me, y/n nods her head "oh yeah"
Flashback to before the battle for the bunker
3rd pov
"Hey little star what are you doing here alone" a grounder says while walking up to y/n his hands beside her head on the wall making her highly uncomfortable, he goes to kiss her making her pull her head back
"Shes not alone" a voice speaks up, making both their heads to shoot the side, a very pretty girl walks up to them "get your filthy paws the fuck away from my girl yeah?" She punches him in the face its then y/n notices something around the hand she didnt use to punch the guy.
When the guy is gone emori turns to y/n "im emori" she smiles at the pretty girl infront of her "y/n"
Flashback over
3rd pov
John turns to y/n "wait when did that even happen? Why didnt you tell me about that?" He asks y/n concerned, but she just shakes her head "it was under control" she says.
Murphy nods his head "oh remember after i was banished and came back all fucked up and you took care of me after everyone refused to even get a feet near me?" He says with a fond smile, y/n nods "yeah but that was because you scared everyone, and then killed multiple of our people and almost bellamy" she says remembering that before slapping him on the chest "bad murphy" she scolds, he rubs the back off his head "what i meant with that is, i think you might've had a little crush on me, little fairy" he says cockily, emori scoffs "yeah right why would she like a killer?" Murphy glares "says the person who tried to kill me multiple times and has also killed before, remember the guy in the house?" He spits, they are so busy argueing they dont notice echo walking in and beckoning y/n over, she skips over to her leaving emori and murphy to argue like a married couple.
Echo wraps her arm around y/n's shoulder "im your friend too right?" echo tells her softly, y/n nods her head "ofcourse i just didnt know if you wanted to be my friend because well you almost killed me" y/n laughs softly afterwards, echo smiles but its more a pained smile "i was, power hungry back then, im sorry" echo kisses y/n's cheek and bellamy walks in with a massive smile.
"Look at that my girls getting along" he says proudly before wrapping both girls in his arms, its then murphy and emori notice y/n is gone "hey blake let go of my girl" murphy scoffs playfully before walking over and pulling y/n out of bellamy's arms and into his own.
Raven also walks in, she makes eyecontact with emori and both look away with flustered looks, murphy notices the exchange and scoffs loudly "what the fuck? You have been trying to fight me over y/n but here you are making love eyes with reyes? You dont get to play with y/n's feelings like that what the fuck dude? At least i have genuine feelings for her" murphy yells out making everyone freeze.
Everyone besides emori who just smirks "HA he admitted it" she laughs before walking over to raven and wrapping her arms around the girl "i told you he would admit it if i gave him a push, you owe me some lessons on the ship babygirl" she says to raven before kissing her and pulling her along.
Its then echo does something kind of shocking
She walks over to murphy and pushes him against the wall by his collar "you hurt her ill break all the bones in your body, cock included" she says before turning to y/n with a smile "see he likes you back" she ruffles y/n's hair and walks away, bellamy glares at murphy before pointing to his eyes then to murphy and walks away.
"So you like me back huh?" Murphy asks y/n cockily, y/n sputters out a "pfftt whaat nooo" before she goes to walk away but murphy stops her by grabbing her arm and pulling her into him, he dips her and kisses her.
Harper and monty look at eachother with wide eyes before looking back at murphy and y/n kissing, they then start yelling "WOAH WOAH WOAH HOLD UP" and "NOT IN MY CHRISTIAN HOUSE HOLD" monty runs up to y/n and throws her over his shoulder "dont you EVER DARE CORRUPT OUR DAUGHTER AGAIN" he yells out before walking to harper and grabbing her hand and pulling her with him.
Y/n looks at murphy with a smile "YOU CAN JUST SNEAK INTO MY ROOM LATER ILL LEAVE IT UNLOCKED" she yells to him "NO" monty yells before he starts running "IM GONNA LOCK YOU IN A TOWER LIKE THAT ONE FAIRYTALE"
Murphy glares at where they just where before yelling "I THINK YOU MEAN RAPUNZEL YOU DUMB OLD MAN" and he hears a "YEAH YOU DUMB OLD MAN" From y/n aimed to monty and then a thud "AAH JOHN HE DROPPED ME" he hears his girl yell before he smiles and runs over
This one is better? I think.. I hope:(
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capaimagines · 4 years
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im jaebeom - underworld
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Pairing: mafia leader!Im Jaebeom x Reader | Genre: angst & mafia | Warnings: alludes to sexual assault, fighting, weapons, drugs, blood, swearing | WC: 2.6k
Request: Hi, I'm not too sure if you write them or not but if you do, may I please request a mafia/gang fic? Or if you don't want to do gang maybe just like JB got7 sells drugs or something?? Anyways I'll let you decide but maybe something goes wrong during the mission and they are led to the wrong place and in the mean time they take JB fiance and sexually assault her? Of course you don't have to write in detail. Maybe Mark and Jinyoung come in mid way and lose their shit and you are just limp and weak that you start screaming whenever they touch you but they need to get you to safety. Lots and lots of angst please. I understand if you can't. Thank you!!!
part two
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You would consider yourself as an adventurous soul. Ever since you were little you were never one to back down from a fight. You spoke your mind no matter what anyone else said which, when you were younger, got you into a shit load of trouble. So, when you had met Jaebeom at your dingy workplace, which was some dirty ass, barely-lit bar, no one should have been surprised that you had a go at him for being a prick.
He had been rude all night but being a mafia leader to one of the biggest groups in the nation at the moment could stress you out a little. He had snapped at you because the food they had ordered hadn’t been cooked right or something. You had rolled your eyes, not caring if you got fired and snapped right back at him.  
“Feisty,” He commented with a smirk.
Now, had you known at the time who he was and what he did you probably would have dialed it back just a little bit. Then you wouldn’t be where you were now, years later. Engaged to Jaebeom and living a lavish lifestyle. You weren’t that surprised when you found out he was in the mafia and he really hadn’t done much to hide it. It had only enticed you even more.
Let alone the six others that were always by his side always made for good entertainment.  They had all become family to you and like all cliché romances, you had fallen in love with Jaebeom and it only took a year of dating before he proposed to you. You excited him and while your feisty attitude sometimes got on his nerves or came dangerously close to putting you in jeopardy, he loved that you weren’t afraid of him. That you embraced this lifestyle like it had been the only thing you had ever known.
Now, he never wanted to actually put you out on missions but you weren’t having it. You refused to freeload off them and wanted to help wherever you could. Being a housewife, cooking and cleaning had never been something you wanted to do. So, Mark has thankfully shown you how to fight properly. Jackson and Jinyoung had frequently brought you to the shooting range which was located below the mansion. You had a sharp eye and caught on quick and while you were adventurous, you hoped you’d never have to shoot anyone.
Youngjae had shown you a little of hacking skills and all the equipment they used. How to fix things if they broke or were damaged during a mission quickly. Yugyeom and BamBam have taught you better acting skills. You could play the role of whoever they needed you too, lure in whoever was needed without issue. Plus, BamBam loved shopping and so did you so, lots of new clothes and shopping trips. Especially when a new mission came up.
Jaebeom had done his best to keep you quiet. He didn’t need enemies knowing about you because he knew they’d try to harm you to get to him. While he knew you could hold your own, he loved you and he was protective. He never wanted anything to happen to you. Until what was supposed to be just a meeting to discuss terms on some product coming in that went bad.
Then you went missing.
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
You spat blood out of your mouth, wanting to vomit from the iron taste. Just a mere few hours ago you were sitting next to Jaebeom, proudly, while he negotiated terms for some drugs that were smuggled in. You had insisted on going as you had planned on helping Jaebeom run and build this empire up. You never wanted him to change everything just for you. Sure, the danger was high but you didn’t care, you loved him and if this was what he wanted to do, you would stand by him.
You aren’t really sure what happened though. You remembered a loud bang, blinding white lights and then someone hitting the back of your head. You groaned at the memory; that’s probably why the back of your head hurt. You knew something was off when you had first arrived at the meeting. The other goons around the leader were too fidgety, eyes constantly shooting around the room. Your mistake was brushing it off, thinking that Jaebeom would keep you safe. Yet, here you sat, tied up with your throbbing head and a stinging cheek.  
“We can’t kill her yet,” You heard someone say.  
“Well, isn’t that a damn relief,” You scoffed as you rolled your eyes. Whoever was standing next to you kicked you harshly, to which you groaned and bit down your lip to keep quiet. Your mouth always did get you in trouble.
“Once he gets here, you’re all dead anyways. He wouldn’t lose to someone as pathetic as you,” you growled to which you spat at him. You remembered him from the meeting earlier. Here we are again, your mouth getting you into trouble as he punched you across the face. You spat out some more blood, surprised your jaw wasn’t broken yet. You were also surprised at how calm you were. That just showed how much you trusted your fiancé to come to your rescue. He’d never let anything bad happen to you, or so you thought.
Except when the leader got tired of your snarky comments and changed tactics. Instead of physical violence, he gave permission to his goons to do whatever they wanted to you. With you being tied up, you couldn’t fight back. You tried, of course, but without the use of your limbs it didn’t do much. You screamed, you bit them, you tried kicking and headbutting. Though it always ended with them hitting you and doing what they wanted anyways.
You don’t know how long you had been in that room, in that place, but it felt like years. They never opened the blinds so you didn’t see the sun rise or fall. The leader came back a few times, ensuring that JB was well aware where you were and what he wanted in order to send you back. You knew he wouldn’t send you back. JB would come to save you and he’d kill you both.
You felt like an empty shell now. What you had been saving for your wedding night had been taken away without your will. You hated how timid you had become in just a few days. Every noise, every footstep, every breath made you flinch. You tried to be strong, but you were breaking little by little. When you heard the door open and smelled the alcohol you squeezed your eyes shut, willing the vomit to stay down. You knew what was coming, yet you still hadn’t prepared yourself for further damage. 
Again, you tried to fight. You swung your tied legs around wildly, tried biting and headbutting. All it took was one swift kick to your stomach to stop you. Everything hurt and you heard the unbuckling of a belt. You gulped, willing yourself to stay strong. Then you heard a gunshot.  Then another. One after another followed by the sound of screams. Then the door slammed open to where you were.
You squeezed your eyes shut. This was it. Either JB was here to take you home or they were really going to kill you. 
“What the actual fuck?!” You knew that voice. That was Mark.  
“M-Mark,” You said weakly, opening one of your eyes and sure enough there stood Mark and Jinyoung, eyes fuming with rage.  
“You’ve fucked up royally,” Jinyoung said, deadly serious. Before you knew it, the guns were dropped and the two boys had started beating the life out of the two males in the room with you.
You knew they were dead, they were in the room with two of the best fighters you knew of. You also heard a neck crack and another gurgle. Mark and Jinyoung were breathing heavily, blood littering their clothes and their knuckles as well as some splatters on their faces.  
“Y/N,” Mark said, turning to you and reaching to pull your shirt up over your shoulders and push your skirt down before he could untie you. You flinched at the sudden touch, trying to scoot back and immediately felt guilty at the hurt look in his eyes.
It hardened quicker, Mark’s specialty. Not showing his emotions, especially on missions, “I’m just going to untie you, okay?” He said quietly and you nodded. Jinyoung was still fuming but kneeled down to try and help you sit up. He touched your shoulder to help pull you up but you jerked away. 
“J-just d-don’t touch me right now,” You stuttered, “Please,” Your voice was low.
The two boys looked at each other, worried. The once feisty girl that had no problem running into the middle of a gun fight, who was usually the first to throw a punch, who seemed to have no fear of anything except spiders, was afraid of them. Of the people she should trust most, she was afraid of them. Never had they seen her look this weak, this broken. They both exchanged another glance while you pushed yourself up on shaky legs and fixed your clothing.
You walked out, looking for your fiancé. You weren’t okay. Not in the slightest and honestly?  You really didn’t want anyone touching you right now, but you needed to see him, just to know that he was there and that you still had something to fight for. Mark and Jinyoung followed close behind, but made sure they didn’t touch you. You saw JB, in the middle of killing the few remaining men and nodded your head in relief, walking outside to the car where you knew Youngjae was waiting.
JB saw you walk out and went to run after you but Jinyoung stepped in front of him, pushing on his chest and shaking his head, “D-don’t, hyung,” He said quietly and JB raised a brow.  
“Is she okay? Is she hurt?” He had been worried sick for days, not sleeping or eating until he found you. Mark cleared his throat, shaking his head and not meeting JB’s eyes.
“No. No, she’s not.”
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
You were different. Everyone noticed, but JB really noticed. The once confident, feisty woman he had met at the bar all those years ago that wasn’t afraid to run her mouth. The girl that looked down the barrel of his gun all those years ago with a smirk and a laugh wasn’t there anymore.
You were jumpy, timid, hypervigilant. Jaebeom noticed how whenever you went out, even just around the mansion that you had come to call home, you were always on alert. Always checking over your shoulder. Jumping and tensing at every little noise. How the affection you used to show the boys was near non-existent at this point.
The affection you showed him was barely there. He was lucky if you let him hold your hand every now and then or kiss your temple. Everyone had stopped trying to initiate skinship with you. The one time, a few days after they had brought you home and you had managed to get yourself out of bed, Jackson had come up behind you. 
He was excited to see you out of bed and moving around the kitchen. Excited to see that you had showered and were looking more like your normal self. Mark and Jinyoung hadn’t told the others outside of JB what they had walked into that night. At least not at that point. So, Jackson, without knowing, wrapped his arms around your waist and nuzzled himself into your shoulder.
You panicked, your elbow came back to his ribs and you flipped him on his back on the tiled ground. While his breath was knocked out of him he was more in shock than anything else.  Mark had been in the kitchen at that time too and he wasn’t as shocked, but more surprised. It was enough to tell him that it wasn’t the only time that had happened when they walked in on it.
They all sat down and had a meeting. Jinyoung and Mark explained what had happened when they did walk into the room that night. What was happening. How terrified, scared and vulnerable you looked. How, even though you could barely walk yourself, you would not let them touch you, let them help you.
You hadn’t spoken to anyone about what had happened while you were in captivity. You didn’t want to or need to. You didn’t want them to pity you and you didn’t want them to view you as a weak little girl that couldn’t defend herself. So, you did what you had to do and you bottled it up.  Tried to go on as if things were normal, as if you weren’t disgusted with yourself, but the boys knew you better than you knew yourself, they weren’t dumb.
They could see right through you.  JB could see right through you. He didn’t get down on one knee and ask you to marry him if he wouldn’t be able to know when you weren’t okay. While he wanted nothing more than for you to just talk to him, to let him in and let him help, he knew you didn’t want his pity.
He stood in the doorway of your shared bedroom, watching you. He’d been here for at least fifteen minutes just watching you and if you noticed, you hadn’t said anything. He leaned against the door frame, eyes trailing over you. On the outside, you looked okay, but he knew inside, you were in turmoil. He wanted nothing more than to take that turmoil away for you. To bear it all himself.
“What is it, Jaebeom?” You sighed, turning to face him.  
He straightened up, brown orbs meetings yours, but you instantly looked away. You’ve never looked away from him, “I want you to talk to me about that night,  about those days locked up there.”  
You groaned, sitting on the edge of the bed and burying your face in your hands. He had asked you this every night since you had gotten back, “Nothing, Jaebeom. Nothing at all.” You said, no trace of emotion in your voice.
He sat down next to you and you tensed. He felt his heart break; you were afraid. Afraid of him.
“Are you afraid of me?” He murmured, not making eye contact. You, however, looked at him with wide eyes. Did he really think you were afraid of him? Were you? You shook your head, you knew he would never hurt you. Never do anything to purposely put you in danger. You did that enough on your own.
“I could never be afraid of you, Jae.” You mumbled back in response as you reached for his hand but hesitating along the way. He grabbed yours, heart breaking more as you tensed but then he felt a little glimmer of hope as you slowly relaxed and weakly squeezed his hand a little tighter.  
“I just don’t want to talk about it Jae. I don’t want to think about it. I don’t want- I don’t want you to see me as weak and vulnerable,” You sucked in your bottom lip, feeling the familiar burn of tears in your eyes.
“I would never think that about you. You’re the strongest woman I know, Y/N. I love you and nothing is going to change that. Ever,” You squeezed his hand a little tighter, eyes trained on the floor.  
“I love you too, Jae. More than you can imagine,” You took a breath, your glossy eyes turning to meet his, “But I don’t know if I will ever be the same again.”
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la5t-res0rt · 4 years
this was written several weeks ago in response to asks i was receiving i am posting it now it is very long the longest i have ever made and it is not very well edited but here it is in this final essay i talk about how shitty rae is about black people in her writing as well as just me talking about how her writing sucks in general lets begin
hello everyone 
as you may know i have received a lot of anons in the last week or so about issues of racism in the beetlejuice community both just generally speaking and also within specific spaces 
i was very frustrated to not be getting the answers i wanted because i typically do not talk about what i do not see but in an effort to be better about discourse i went looking through discourse from before my time in the fandom and i also received some receipts and information from my followers and from some friends
keep in mind that the voices and thoughts of bipoc are not only incredibly important at all times but in this circumstance it is important that if a bipoc has something to add you listen and learn and be better
i admit that when this happened i wasnt aware of the extent of what occurred and im angry at myself for not doing more at that time and i want to work harder to make sure something like this doesnt go unnoticed again
im a hesitant to talk about months old discourse because i have been criticized for bringing up quote old new unquote but this is very important and i am willing to face whatever comes from to me
lets talk about this
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content from our local racist idiot that may be months old but its important
putting my thoughts under a cut to spare the dash but before i begin obviously this is awful
lets fucking unpack this folks
right out the gate op states that she supports artistic freedom but then within a couple words she goes against that statement
being entirely canon compliant isnt artistic freedom and even so if this person has so much respect for canon they wouldnt be out here erasing lydias obvious disgust for beetlejuice in the movie or ignoring lydias age for the sake of shipping that shit isnt canon either 
also we love the quick jab at the musical there hilarious we love it dont we because god forbid a licensed and successful branch on a media have any standing in this conversation but whatever
now lets scroll down and talk about the term racebending
the term racebending was coined around 2009 in response to the avatar the last airbender movie a film in which the east asian races of the characters were erased by casting white actors in the three leading roles of aang sokka and katara 
whenever the term racebending is used in a negative light it is almost always a case of whitewashing like casting scarlett johansen in ghost in the shell or the casting of white actors of the prince of persia sands of time instead of iranian ones
this kind of racebending erases minorities from beeing seen in media and is wrong
all that being said however racebending has also been noted to have very positive after effects like the 1997 adaptation of cinderella or casting samuel jackson as nick fury in the marvel movies nick fury was originally a white guy can you even imagine
i read this piece from an academic that said quote writers can change the race and cultural specificity of central characters or pull a secondary character of color from the margins transforming them into the central protagonist unquote
racebending like the kind that rae is so heated about is the kind of creative freedom that leads to more representation of bipoc in media which will never be a bad thing ever no matter how pissy you get about it
designing a version of a character as a poc isnt serving to make them necessarily better it serves to give new perspective and perhaps the opportunity to connect even more deeply with a character it doesnt marginalize or erase white people it can uplift poc and if you think uplifting poc is wrong because it tears down white people or whatever youre a fucking moron and you need to get out of your podunk white folk town and see the real world
the numbers of times a bipoc particularly a bipoc that is also lgbt+ has been represented in media are dwarfed by what i as a white dude have seen myself represented in media is and that isnt okay that isnt equality and its something that should change not only in mainstream media but in fandom spaces as well
lets move down a bit further to the part about bullying straight people which is hilarious and lets also talk about the term fetishistic as well lets start with that
this person literally writes explicit pornography of a minor and an adult are we really going to let someone like that dictate what is and what isnt fetishistic
similarly to doing a positive racebend situation people may project lgbt+ headcanons on a character because its part of who they are and it helps them feel closer to the character and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that
depicting lgbt+ subject matter on existing characters isnt an inherently fetishistic action generally things only really become fetishistic when the media is being crafted and hyped by people who are outside of lgbt+ community for example how young teens used to flip a tit about yaoi or how chasers fetishize trans people
but drawing a character with top surgery scars or headcanoning them as trans is harmless and its just another way to interpret a character literally anone could be trans unless if their character bio says theyre cis and most of them dont go that deep so it really is open to interpretation and on the whole most creators encourage this sort of exploration because it is a good thing to get healthy representation out in the world
as for it being used to bully straights thats just funny i dont have anything else on that like if youre straight and you feel threatened and bullied because of someone headcanoning someone as anything that isnt cishet youre a fucking idiot and a weak baby idiot at that like the real world must fucking suck for you because lgbt+ people are everywhere and statistically a big chunk of your favorite characters arent cishet sorry be mad about it
lets roll down a bit further about the big meat of the issue which was when several artists were drawing interpretations of lydia as a black girl which i loved but clearly this person didnt love it because they have a very narrow and very racist and problematic view of what it means to be a black person
and before i move forward i must reiderate that i am a white person and you should listen to the thoughts of poc people like @fright-of-their-lives​ or @gender-chaotic it is not my place to explain what the black experience is like and it certainly isnt this persons either
implying that the story of a black person isnt worth telling unless if the character faces struggles like racism and prejudice is downright moronic 
why use the word kissable to describe a black persons lips now thats what i call fetishistic and its to another extreme if youre talking about a black version of lydia on top of that
the author of this post says herself that shes white so clearly shes the person whos an authority on the black experience and what it means to be a black person right am i reading that right or am i having a fucking conniption
how about allowing black characters to exist without having to struggle why cant a black version of lydia just be a goth teenager with a ghost problem who likes photography and is also black like she doesnt have to move to a hick town and get abused by racist folks she doesnt have to go through any more shit than she already goes through and if you honestly think thats the only way to tell a black persons story you need to get your brain cleaned
you know nothing about the complexities about being a black person and i dont either but you know wh odo black people who are doing black versions of canon characters they fucking know 
lets squiggle down just a bit further 
so the writer has issues with giving characters traits like a broad nose or larger lips if theyre a woman but if theyre a man suddenly its totally okay to go all ryan murphy ahs coven papa legba appropriation when approaching character design like are you fucking stupid do you hear yourself is that really how you see black men like what the fuck is wrong with you
none of the shit youre spewing takes bravery it takes ignorance and supreme levels of stupidity
do you really think you with your fic where a black lgbt+ woman is tortured and abused where you use the n word with a hard r to refer to her like that shits not okay its fucking depraved and yeah we know you love being shitty but like christ on a bike thats so much 
can we also talk about this
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what the fuck is this fetishistic bull roar garbage calling this black character beyonce dressing her up in quote fuck me heels unquote are you are you seriously gonna write this and say its a shining example of how to write a black character youre basically saying ope here she is shes a sex icon haha im so progressive and i clealry understand the black experience hahahaha fuck you oh my god
on top of that theres a point where this character is only referred to as curly hair or the fact that the n word is used in the fic with the hard r like thats hands down not okay for you to use especially not in a manner like this jesus christ
oop heres a little more a sampling for you of the hell i am enduring in reading this drivel
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oh boy lets put a leash on the angry black woman character lets put her in a leash and have the man imply hes a master like are you kidding me are you for real and what the fuck is with calling her shit like j lo and beyonce do you actually think thats clever at all are you just thinking of any poc that comes into your head for this 
also lydia fucking tells this girl that she shouldnt have lost her temper like she got fucking leashed im so tired why is this writing so problematic and also so bad
hold up before i lose my head lets look at some of her own comments on the matter of this character and what happens to her
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hi hello youre just casually tossing the word lynch out there in the wide open world as if thats not a problem that is still real like are you fucking unhinged there have been multiple cases of this exact thing happening in our firepit of a country in the last five months alone like how can you still have shit like this up for people to read how can you be proud of work like this in this climate
and also what the fuck is that last bit 
what the actual fuck
i dont speak for black people as a white person but you do!? im sorry i had to get my punctuation out for that because wow thats fucking asinine just because one black person read your fic and didnt find the torture and abuse of your one black character abhorrant doesnt mean that the vast majority of people not only in the fandom but in the human population with decency are going to think its okay because its not 
i started this post hoping to be level headed and professional but jesus fucking christ this woman is something else white nationalism is alive and well folks and its name is rae
if you defend this woman you defend some truly abhorrant raecism
editors notes 
in order to get some perspective on these issues more fully some of the writing by the author was examined and on the whole it was pretty unreadable but i want to just call back to the very beginning of this essay where the person in question talked about holding canon in high regard but then in their writing they just go around giving people magic and shit and ignoring the end of the movie entirely like are you canon compliant or nah 
the writing doesnt even read like beetlejuice fanfic it reads as self indulgent fiction you could easily change the names and its just a bad fanfic from 2007
also can we talk about writing the lesbian character as an angry man hater like its 2020 dude and als olets touch on that girl on girl pandering while beetlejuice is just there like here we go fetishizing again wee
i cant find a way to work this into this already massive post but
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im going to throw up
okay so thats a lot we have covered a lot today and im sure my ask box will regret it but this definitely should have been more picked apart when it happened
please feel free to add more to this i would love more perspectives than just my own.
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lovinghoseok · 4 years
soulmates / JJ maybank ♥
Pairing: fem!reader x JJ maybank
Summary: the moment you finally realize you and JJ are soulmates
Warnings: none just fluff!
Word count: 1.2k
Authors note: okay hii this is my first imagine ever okay so please don’t judge! I hope you enjoy I kinda just went with the flow on this one, it’s a bit weird but okay <3
You and JJ  have been dating for almost 9 months and this relationship was far from perfect but you still loved it because no matter what anyone said about JJ, or about you deserving better you loved him with every inch of your body and nothing or no one could change that.
It was currently 3 am, 3:41 to be exact and you have been trying to sleep for almost two hours cause you and Kie had promised Sarah to go shopping in the morning to buy a present for John B, but JJ decided not to shut up about a fight that he and Pope had like 6 hours ago about who would win in a fight Iron man or Captain America..
‘’You’re dumb as fuck Pope, Cap could beat the shit out of Tony I mean the guy is basically nothing without his suit.’’ JJ exclaimed once again as he finally sat down and put an arm around your shoulder, giving you a small kiss on the cheek.
‘’Yeah and Cap is nothing without a serum remember? At least Tony can build stuff, AWSOME stuff. What can Cap do huh? Cry about Bucky? Or is it Peggy this time?’’ Pope was frustrated and I don’t blame him JJ has been going on about this for hours.
‘’What, b-babe say something.’’ JJ turned to you, with desperate eyes to defend him in this stupid argument.
‘’I am not getting involved’’ You raised your hands in surrender.
I love this boy to death but he needs to shut up.
‘’Honestly I don’t know why Pope is being so stupid, Captain  America literally held Thanos with his hands his bare hands!!Do you understand how much strength that takes? Tony almost di-‘’
‘’Babe, I love you I really, really  do  but you need to shut up because if I don’t wake up tomorrow to go over at Sarah’s then Kie is going to fucking kill me for leaving her alone and I can’t have her being mad at me right now, so if you could please tell me about Captain America after I have returned safely from Sarah’s that would be great.’’ You suddenly interrupted him with this harsh statement which came out colder than you expected .
JJ stared at you but you couldn’t quite figure out his face yet. Was he angry? Was he upset? This silence is getting annoying just say something!!!
‘’You’re so fucking hot when you get frustrated .’’ he .finally says, making you release a big breath you didn’t even realize that you were holding in.
You got mad at him when it wasn’t even his fault, he’s just being his normal self how was he supposed to guess that you have to wake up early? You never do.
You ran your fingers through your hair ‘’Im sorry J , im just tired I guess I didn’t mean to burst out on you like this.’’
He looked at you with a small smile on his lips ‘’Nah , it’s not your fault baby I should have stopped talking about this hours ago, it’s just that for some reason I can’t sleep and I dragged you down with me.’’ He admitted , his gaze never leaving yours.
You gave him a small smile, you understood why he couldn’t sleep, besides this wasn’t the first time.You knew that he couldn’t sleep because when he’s at his fathers he usually doesn’t sleep cause he’s scared that he’ll try something while he’s sleeping.
‘’What if…I showed you some of my drawings? Would that make you feel better? Calmer?’’
He frowned his eyebrows, you saw his smile widen but it was  only a glimpse of it, he quickly looked down ‘’No, you don’t have to do that I’ll just close my eyes and try to sleep.’’
You never showed your  drawing to anyone, not JJ, not Kie, not anyone. Not because you didn’t think they were good enough, but because they were kind of personal. A lot actually. You had only shown a few to JJ when you first started dating but they were more doodles than drawings.
‘’I want to, really.’’ You got up, taking his hand and leading you both to your desk.
You sat down and unlocked the drawer where you kept the ‘’sacred notebook’’ as JJ used to call it.
JJ kept saying that you didn’t have to but you insisted. You were ready, so you took a deep breath and opened the notebook.
JJ’s smile was so wide you swore he would rip his cheeks of. He slowly started going through the black notebook. Your heart was beating so fast you thought he would hear it. Why am I so nervous, they’re just drawings. Calm down y/n .
‘’So, what do you think?’’ jesus y/n calm your tits holy shit
‘’y/n…’ he whispered ‘’they’re all beautiful’’ he said softly, he smiled at you and you couldn’t help but smile back.
You spent another hour analyzing and looking through every color, line and shape until this one moment where he pointed at this drawing of a butterfly.
‘’Why’d you draw all these little hearts inside this butterfly?’’  he asked, his voice low.
You loved this. You loved how invested he was in understanding you, your deeper thoughts and feelings.
You reached your finger to show him, help him understand and that’s when you went quiet, eyes widened and your heart beat slowly rising with every beat. That’s when you saw a small freckle on his finger, right below from where your freckle was placed.
‘’Daddy are  you and mommy soulmates? ‘’ you asked your father, sitting on his lap and looking at him directly in his eyes.
He let out a small laugh ‘’Yes jellybean, I  like to believe that we are.’’ He played with your hair as you held his hand in your arms.
‘’How do you know?’’ you whispered getting closer .
‘’How do you know what?’’ your father followed your moves and whispered back.
‘’How do you know when someone is your soulmate?’’ you asked again, your fathers eyes widened not expecting to have this conversation with his 7 year old daughter.
He backed away, his eyes trying to find somewhere else to look, thinking of an answer that you could understand. ‘’Well I think that you just know jellybean, the universe will send you some sort of sign. There is a Japanese legend that says that if you have a freckle on your finger, your soulmate is supposed to have a freckle on the other finger so that when placed next to each other they are at the exact sane spot, but different hands, completing each other. You should know though jellybean that soulmates are very rare.’’
‘’Baby? Hey baby you okay?’’ JJ’s soft voice brought you back to reality. You looked at him for a second taking everything in, you smiled suddenly wrapping your arms around his neck probably too tightly but he liked it.
‘’Woah, what’s all this for?’’ he asked , hugging you back tightly.
‘’I just, I really love you I hope you know that.’’ You closed your eyes and cherished this moment.
He smiled to himself, he felt so lucky to have you. ‘’I love you too baby.’’ He said hugging you even tighter.
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nic-214 · 4 years
Jimercury: Model (2)
Art Credit: Darlingfreddie (Tumblr)
Tw: Domestic Violence
Jim storms into his manger's office a scared Freddie follows after him, "What is this?!" he slams a magazine down onto the table.
In bold letters the magazine title read: "Famous Model Caught With Illegal Immigrant??!!" and a picture of Jim pressed against his car with Freddie bitting on his neck in the parking lot, Jim's head tossed back in a silent moan both seem to be enjoying themselves.
"Look," his manger says softly flipping through the magazine, "We'll talk to Paramour Weekly and have the magazine recall if you're not comfortable with this."
Jim grits his teeth, "I want to clear some shit up first. Call Steven and set me up to be interviewed by Creative Gazette, alright. I'm doing a quick photoshoot for today then the interview.''
Jim storms out and Freddie follows. Diva Taylor gives them a smile and prissy wave, " You!" Jim roars grabbing Roger by his collar, "You took those damn pictures!! You made me seem like some whore!!"
Roger laughs, "You can't touch me lard ass. I'll have you fired and get you blacklisted from ever agency in the country."
"So you did do it." Freddie says, " Why? Are you still pissed that I wouldn't let you use me like your bitch? Are you pissed that Brian finds me more attractive than you? Are you pissed that Brian tried to sleep with me?"
Roger lets out a snarl and shoves Jim away. The blond stomps over and jabs a finger into Fred's bony chest, "I'm getting you fired and making sure you'll never work again."
Brian who was standing there silently there the entire time grabs Roger by his hair hard, "I fucking hate you." Brian says anger dripping from his words, "I'm only here for our baby.''
Roger jerks around and slaps Brian hard across his face, ''You don't talk to me like that. I'll tell the police you beat me and rape me, and you'll never get to see your baby."
Brian's face pales and he lowers his hand, the handprint on his face still a angry pink.
"Should we-" Jim shushed Freddie and hurries into his private room.
The Irishman dials 999 quickly and reports Roger in to the police. He locks the door afterward and prays silently, Freddie prays as well.
"D-Do we do the photoshoot still?"
"You want a paycheck right?" Jim asks.
Freddie nods and gets things ready for Jim. After what seemed like the 80th picture a commotion was heard from outside. Jim slides a shirt back on and the two step out of the room, Freddie's camera was still in his hands out of his bag.
"You can't arrest me!! Do you know who I am?! My daddy will ruin you!!" Roger yells fighting against the officers.
Freddie started recording shakily.
"Sir we need you to calm down. We just want to talk." a younger officer says.
Roger tries to spit on him only to get kneed in the back roughly. Which made Roger cry out about the baby.
The entire hallway was crowded with people as Roger was getting arrested. Brian stood numbly watching his husband fight the officers, the thirty-two year old looks down at his hand and removes his ring.
"This is our faults isn't it?" Freddie asks softly as the crowd starts to file down the halls. Jim only nods and tries to push past the throng of people taking Fred's hand as they pushed through.
"Brian," Freddie says softly as they stop.
Brian looks up then down at them he looks to of been crying, "T-Thank you." was all he said before he starts to sob.
Jim tosses his arm over Brian's shoulder, "Lets get you some water. Maybe something to snack on."
Brian sniffles and trembles a little as they leave the building. Jim squeezes Fred's hand seeing both Creative Gazette and Paramour Weekly camera men outside the building filming and snapping pictures.
"Mr. Taylor! Mr. Taylor!" a reporter yells trying to shove a microphone into his face, "Is it true Roger was abusive?!"
Brian held his hand up and tries to cover the camera up, "N-No comment." he sounded broken the handprint was still faintly visible on his cheek.
Jim rushed him to his car and they quickly leave the scene. They got stuck in traffic on the way to a restaurant. Jim drums his fingers against the wheel, Brian hiccups and rubs his face.
"Is it bad that I forgive him?" Brian asks.
Freddie makes a small noise and looks to Jim, "His father abused him.... He couldn't break the cycle..... He took it out on me... I know I'll get to keep our baby... So I'll break the cycle for our child."
Jim grips the wheel and shifts in his seat, "Roger is quite the scandal... He's cheated on you-"
"5 times with women and 3 times with men." Brian says anger now spilling out.
"What if the baby isn't yours?" Freddie asks.
Brian sits up properly banging his head off the car roof. He rubs his head, "I'll raise the child as my own and give them a nurturing home. You can have a child but it takes something special to be a dad."
The car was filled with an awkward silence now as they cruise past traffic. The three of them got to a cheap restaurant to eat for lunch. Brian munched down on salad and a tofu burger, he looked so tired.
"I wasn't just Roger's husband..." Brian says out of the blue, "I was his modeling agent and I did camera work on the side with other models that made him jealous."
Freddie pats his hand, "I'm so sorry.''
Brian looks at Freddie then to his salad, "I want you to be my new model."
Jim and Freddie both gasp, "B-But aren't I too dark?"
Brian raises a brow, "You look perfect. Tiny too... Most agencies like that for some reason." Brian waves his fork.
"We can take some practice pictures at my studio." Jim offers wanting to support his boyfriend.
Freddie stammers and covers his mouth blushing, "I-I-I.. Im.. Oh thank you both!" he hugs them both.
They finished up lunch and head to Jim's studio. Freddie was practically bouncing now, "Do I still look pretty with my short hair?"
They were walking up the stairs now, Jim kisses him, "You're so beautiful no matter what... But short hair does look good on you."
Brian chuckles and sets up the lighting and camera, "Alright give me a ballet dancer's pose. I want to see something."
Freddie stretches and wiggles a little. He takes a deep breath and poses.
"Perfect.'' Brian says snapping pictures. He grins showing Jim his favourite.
"You're a better model than me." Jim chuckles, "Practically all natural model."
Freddie felt his blush grow darker and he covers his teeth, "Thank you, darlings."
As the two were chattering about getting Freddie a contract, Brian's phone goes off and his answers it. He sighs and talks about Roger and the baby before hanging up, "Well.. Guess who's going to court?"
It was a long lengthy trial that Roger tried to drag on but thanks to Jim's connections and wealth Brian was able to carry on the trial. Roger was found guilty of domestic assault, fraud, drug possession, and identity theft. He loses all rights to his child once it's born and it'll be placed with its father, Brian. But he'll only serve 35 years though.
Brian nearly cried his abuser was out of his life and he got to raise the baby. He thanked Jim over and over again for his help, "Don't thank me. Just make me and Fred the godfathers to Brian Jr."
Brian giggles and picks up the fat man hugging him tightly, "I owe you my life!"
Jim chuckles, "I just want to see my baby become a star. That's all I want from you besides the godfathers part."
Brian nods undoing his hair from his man-bun he lets the long licks trickle down him, "I can't wait to change diapers, squish their wittle cheeks, teach them about space!" Brian babbles as they leave the courthouse.
"Do you have a nursery ready?" Freddie asks.
Brian pales, "Fuck!" he bolts down the stairs, "I've only got the walls painted and a tiny square crib ready!" Brian panics running his hands through his curls.
"Jim?" Freddie looks over to him.
Jim was already on the phone talking to people, "I'm on it. My godchild will have the fanciest nursery."
Brian gives him a look, "Just a normal nursery, I'm already in debt to you."
Jim laughs, "Mr. May no you are not. I'm just being your friend."
Jim and Brian had the nursery all set for the baby which they found out to be a girl. They were ready to go when the caseworker called Brian to the hospital for the labor. Freddie grabbed the clothing bag for the baby and they took off. Jim and Freddie sat in the waiting room they were going to be supportive.
Brian was watching his daughter be born while three officers stood guard even though Roger was handcuffed to the bed railing. Some part of Brian wanted to comfort him, to let him know the pain was almost over. Was he being too nice? Yes, but that was in his nature. He walked over and held Roger's hand telling him words of comfort. Soon Brian heard, "Would the father like to cut the cord?''
Brian did so, he held the baby first Roger wasn't allowed and hearing his cries hurt but the bitch had it coming. After a day in hospital and much bickering on a name Brian had come up with one, "Jimena (hay-MAY-nah) Frederica May." Brian announces.
"Spell her first name please?" Jim asks.
"J-i-m-e-n-a." Brian spells.
Jim blushes and grins, "You really did it? You named her after us?"
"You two have been my truest friends. I think she needs the names of the two strongest people I know."
Jim could feel himself tear up. He and Freddie hug Brian and hold his little girl.
"You know she's a brunet right?" Jim says playing with her fuzz.
"Green eyes too." Freddie comments.
"Kinda looks grey.." Brian adds he paused, "I know she may not be mine. But I'll love her no matter what."
"She was born with addictive issues.. Roger did drugs with her in the womb." Brian tells them, "But I love her so much. I'm willing to help her."
After discussing with Brian about getting help and babysitting, Jim and Fred left. One the drive back to Jim's Freddie looks over at him, "Is it bad that I want a baby?"
Jim nearly swerves, "Really?" he grins, "Freddie-"
"But I'm scared to carry."
Jim pauses now pulling into their driveway, "I'll carry our baby then."
Freddie kisses him gingerly, "But we're waiting right? Until we're a little older and more on our feet right?"
Jim nods and nuzzles him, " When we're 29 and 27?"
Freddie nods that seemed like a long time away, "I love you."
"I love you too."
They kiss again and Freddie couldn't be more in love with his Irishman.
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lavenderlattaes · 5 years
call me babe. | hwang hyunjin
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⇒ summary: you’ve had this thing going on with hyunjin; you called each other babe and acted like a couple for fun. but what happens when he starts liking someone else?
⇒ [college! au, idiots to lovers! au, friends to lovers! au]
⇒ pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader
⇒ word count: 4.4k words (woAh)
⇒ genre:  fluff, with a smidge of angst, i guess
⇒ warnings: swear words, plus clingy and flirty hyunjin and reader lmao
⇒ note:  ajxbwjsk this is lit rally based off my best friend’s friendship with another one of our guy friends but i tweaked it a bit so now it’s purely self-indulgent bc HWANG  H Y U N J I N. honestly this is total word vomit and a complete mess — it’s just random moments of my self-indulgence for hyunjin (i need help) so ignore mistakes bc im a bit of a blind bat and enjoy!  \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
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“I’m gonna go ahead, see you guys tomorrow,” Hyunjin bids all of you good bye, slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder. Everyone momentarily looks up, saying good byes to him. 
Locking class had just ended, but Hyunjin was already in a rush to leave. You stop fixing and put your hands on your hips, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Running off again, I see. Where are you off to, Hwang?” You demand, your chin held up high.
He rolls his eyes, walking closer to you.
“I’m meeting up with Yeji,” he answers and you huff. You push him away, turning around to continue fixing your things.
“Hmm, yeah sure. You’re probably just too lazy to bring me home,” You scoff. You hear Hyunjin sigh behind you and seconds later, his arms are wrapped around your waist, his cheek resting on your back.
“Please don’t be mad, babe. And I’m not being lazy! I really do have something to do with Yeji. We need to finish our choreo for the showcase. If you want, you can wait for me and I’ll bring you home later, yeah?” he answers you, making you smile while rolling your eyes. You turn around in his arms, seeing him pout at you with those pleading, puppy dog eyes of his.
“Nah, it’s okay. I can go with Jisung. Just, stay safe okay? Don’t go home late, I’m going to call Felix and make sure you’re home on time. If not, Felix won’t be able to dab again,” You threaten and he lets out a hearty chuckle, his eyes crinkling.
“Yes, ma’am.” He hugs you tight and you return with equal enthusiasm. You break the hug and he says his final goodbyes to everyone, jogging out of the studio.
Once he’s out, Jisung speaks up. “Why don’t you just date already? I’m tired of you guys calling each other babe and shit.” He complains.
You roll your eyes at him as he comes closer to you. “Why don’t you go date Minho then?” You retort and Jisung huffs.
“Shut up, we’re just friends,” Jisung pokes your cheek. 
“Hmm, okay,” you shake your head at him, and he grins, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
“I’m going to go write lyrics with Chan and Changbin. You wanna come with?” Jisung asks as he leads you outside.
You shake your head and smile. “That’s fine, I should probably go check on my essay that I sent in for Mr. Kim’s class last week,” you reply.
“Okay, but don’t tell Hyunjin I didn’t bring you home alright? He might beat my ass up,” Jisung pouts and you laugh, hugging him. 
“Don’t worry about him. He’s just being over dramatic,” you reassure him and he laughs. “Okay, gotta go now! Bye, Y/N!” 
You wave good bye and as Jisung’s form becomes smaller the farther away he is from the building, the more you wished you had gone with Hyunjin.
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A few days have passed, and Hyunjin’s been spending less and less time with you. Ever since he told you about the dance he’s working on with Yeji, he’s hardly been spending time with you. 
Truth be told, even if you wanted to call him out for it, you can’t. Because honestly, wouldn’t that make you seem clingy? It’s not as if you and Hyunjin are dating anyway. You just had this habit of calling each other ‘babe’ with a lot of flirting involved.
It started off as a simple joke; you accidentally called him babe, since you used to call your girl friends that way back in high school. He laughed it off, saying you could never resist his charms — you probably really couldn’t, but you wouldn’t let him know that. Another time came when you needed to get out of a sticky situation with a guy who just couldn’t understand that you didn’t like him, so when you saw Hyunjin pass by, you called him babe and he helped pretend to be your boyfriend for five minutes.
“Come on, Y/N. Just one date,” the guy who’s name you didn’t even know asks you, stepping closer as you stepped away.
“I’m sorry, but no. I don’t even know you that much and I really can’t,” you try again and he steps closer, taking your hand in his as you try to get away. 
“Why? It’s not as if you’re already taken,” he reasons and at that moment, you see Hyunjin pass by. You pull your hand back and smile.
“Babe, Hyunjin!” You call out and Hyunjin turns to you. He sees the pleading look in your eyes and the way you subtly glance at the stubborn boy beside you. 
Hyunjin winks, letting you know he got the message. He jogs up to you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he kisses your cheek. 
Okay that wasn’t necessary but, thank you.
“What’s up? I was just looking for you,” Hyunjin pokes the tip of your nose, side-eyeing the guy.
“I’m… gonna go now. Forget what I said, Y/N,” the guy awkwardly coughs, walking away, stealing small glances at you and Hyunjin. Hyunjin pulls you closer and watches the guy walk away. 
The guy turns around the corner and Hyunjin snorts, letting his head fall on his shoulder as his cheeks burned red. “You’re lucky I love you, Y/L/N. I wouldn’t have done something like that if it was Jisung,” Hyunjin giggles as you laugh at him.
The whole babe thing just kind of stuck, and while most people thought you two were dating, only your friends knew that you were just playing around. You and Hyunjin sort of used that tactic to “ward off” — his words, not yours — those people who wanted to get into relationships with either of you that you didn’t want. You weren’t up for a relationship yet, seeing as you both were working hard in college to get into a really good company after graduating. You had to fight off any potential distractions and helping each other out by pretending to be a couple seemed like the best option. You both had this joke that the whole calling each other babe thing would end once the both of you started seeing someone officially. 
Currently, dance classes have just ended and you look around to see that everyone’s already left. 
Except for Hyunjin.
“Jinnie.” You call out, walking over to him. Hyunjin opens his arms for you and you step into his embrace. 
“Hi, babe, what’s up ?” He says, grinning. 
You pout at him. “Where do you run off to these days? I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever,” you whine. Hyunjin laughs, making you laugh as well. You sounded so clingy but you didn’t care. Hyunjin’s even worse.
“I, uh, meet up with Yeji to practice our dance.” He replies and you raise an eyebrow.
“Are you really practicing for the showcase?” you ask, stepping away from him, raising your eyebrow playfully and he grins sheepishly. You keep teasing Hyunjin about Yeji, the pretty girl in his other advanced hiphop class, telling him that soon enough, he’d drop the babe on you once he finally gets the balls to ask her out. The poor boy just whined at you.
“Well...” he trails off, scratching the back of his head.
“Aish, whatever. Go to your woman,” you say, sounding like a mom. He grins, hugging and kissing your face. You scrunch up your face, swatting him away.
“Ew, Hyunjin stop,” you whine and he laughs at you. He stops pestering you and he fixes himself up like a little kid would on his first day of school.
“How do I look?” He asks you, and you looked him up and down.
“Like an idiot,” you deadpan. He pouts and you laugh, ruffling his hair.
“You go on and have fun, yeah? Don’t go home too late,” You tell him as he picks up his stuff.
“Yes, mommy.” He mock salutes you, walking out.
“If shit doesn’t work out with Yeji, don’t whine and ask me to come pick you up! Take care, oh and don’t be an idiot, okay?” You call after him and he raises his thumbs up.
“Whatever you say, ma’am!” He calls out. 
Looking out the window, you soon see Hyunjin walking out of the building. He breaks into a jog once you see Yeji standing a few feet away. There’s a smile on her face and she grins, giving him a hug which he reciprocates. Sighing, you lean against the wall and slide down, bringing your legs up to your chest.
You look up and start talking to yourself.
“You’re such an idiot, Y/N”
“Do you really have zero feelings for him?”
“If I did, you think I’d be pushing him towards Yeji?”
“But isn’t that what main protagonists do in films? If they like a person and can’t risk the friendship they push them towards other people?”
You purse your lips, resting your cheek on your knee.
Do you really like Hyunjin? Or are you just bothered by the fact that his attention is on someone else that isn’t you? Didn’t you initiate the entire thing with Yeji, anyway? Do you want Hyunjin, or do you just want the attention that Hyunjin gives you? 
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Weeks after that encounter with Hyunjin, he’s been spending ZERO time with you. You were looking for someone to hang out with, since your rehearsals just ended and you had about three hours to kill before your next class. But Hyunjin’s busy practicing with Yeji, and it didn’t help that Jisung’s busy too with his final showcase with Chan and Changbin. All of your friends, Woojin, Seungmin, and Jeongin were all busy rehearsing for their showcase too. Felix and Minho were your only hope since they didn’t have their rehearsals until later, but they weren’t answering their phones. 
“Why buy phones when you won’t answer them,” you mutter, slowly walking away from the auditorium. “Hyunjin would probably try and find some way to hang out with me,” you whine and stop in your tracks.
Damn it.
You do like him. 
“Y/N!” Fuck, speak of the devil. You don’t turn around and speed-walk, trying your best to pretend you didn’t hear him.
“Y/N! Hey, wait up!” Shit, shit, shit. At that moment, the doors to the lecture hall a few steps away open and a crowd of students file out. You walk faster and slide in the huge crowd, losing Hyunjin. His voice drowns out and you soon find yourself in an empty room, locking the door behind you. Looking around, you survey the area and realize it’s the photography room. The photography majors didn’t use the room around this time, so hopefully no one will scold you for being there.
You like Hyunjin. You actually like the idiot. Why else would you compare him to the other guys? Why else would you try and avoid him like the plague like you’re hiding something? You were an open book around him, so he’d definitely see right through you. You’d blow your cover and ruin the best friendship you’ve ever had with anyone.
You flop down onto one of the chairs, running a hand through your hair. Whipping your phone out, you type a message to Jisung.
you: i know u’re probs still w chan and changbin, but what time do rehearsals end?
jisung: i was just about to text you, hyunjin came in looking for you. Where are you?
you: dont tell hyunjin anything. can you come over to the dorms now? 
jisung: i have about fifteen minutes more with chan and changbin. Is that okay?
you: yeah, just. Don’t tell hyunjin or chan or changbin anything. Or any of the guys.
jisung: okay 
You exhale shakily, standing up to leave. You quickly make your way to the dorms, hoping Hyunjin didn’t see you.
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“What’s up? Spill.” Jisung says the moment you open the door for him. You lock the door behind him and pull him to sit on your roommate Ryujin’s bed. 
You stare intently at Jisung, trying to find out how you’re going to tell your loudmouth friend. You’d much rather tell Woojin since he definitely wouldn’t tell anyone, but he was unavailable at the moment and Jisung was actually really trustworthy if he wasn’t so loud all the time.
Deciding to just go with it, you blurt out, “I like Hyunjin.”
Jisung smirks, “I knew it.” He’s about to say more, but then pauses, suddenly confused. “So, what’s the problem?”
“He likes Yeji and I can’t risk our friendship. We both agreed to drop the babe thing once we found someone we genuinely liked, and he’s found Yeji. Soon enough, he’s going to tell me he’s dropping the babe and I’m not going to be selfish and admit that I like him. That’ll just ruin everything and I don’t want to ruin the best friendship I’ve ever had with anyone; not that I don’t have great friendships with you guys too, but you know what I mean.” You say all in one breath, Jisung looking at you in awe.
“Do you wanna, maybe join 3RACHA? We can be 4RACHA,” Jisung says.
You stare at him. “Jisung.”
Jisung shrugs, then sighs. “No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t see Yeji that way. Besides, they’re both Hwangs. Wouldn’t that be weird?”
You give him a look. “Jisung, you and I both know that last names don’t matter. I mean, look at Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo,” you point out. 
“Didn’t they get divorced around like, August or something?” Jisung looks up in thought.
“Han Jisung!” You whine.
“Okay, sorry, we’re getting off topic. Anyway. Hyunjin doesn’t like Yeji.” Jisung reassures you, leaning back on the wall.
“Well, even if he doesn’t, he’ll never feel the same way for me.” You look out the window, seeing all your friends running around the field, minus you and Jisung. Hyunjin was there too.
“I want to avoid him.” You turn back to Jisung. He looks perplexed at this point.
“And why? Are you insane? You know that avoiding your problems never help, Y/N.”
You sigh. “I can’t let him know I like him, Ji. It will make things worse.”
“Please trust me on this. I’ll ignore him only for as long as my feelings are here. I’ll talk to him when I’ve completely moved on. It won’t affect my relationships with you guys. I promise.” You plead, clasping onto Jisung’s hands.
Jisung looks defeated. “I won’t trust you on this one, but I’ll respect your decision. If this is what you want, I’ll go with it. I’ll always be here, okay?”
You give him a grateful smile and he pulls you into a hug. 
“Please don’t get your heart broken, Y/N,” Jisung sighs, and you can only squeeze him tighter.
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A month passes by and you’ve been ignoring Hyunjin. During the first week that you didn’t greet him when he entered class, he brushed it off as you not having a good day. However, Hyunjin knew that even if you weren’t in a good mood, you’d come to him all the more. You once told him his hugs made your day better, so the fact that you were ignoring him and not asking for his hugs left him confused. He just let it go, thinking that maybe it’s something really serious. You’d tell him eventually.
The second week that you still didn’t talk to him, he tried asking the guys about it, but none of them knew what was going on with you. You still talked to all of them, except for him. Hyunjin however, did notice you hanging out with Jisung a lot more than you usually did, so he tried asking Jisung, but the boy refused to say anything. 
By the third week, Hyunjin soon thinks that maybe he did something wrong. But every time he tried to think of all the possibilities, he couldn’t come up with anything at all. Did he forget a promise he made with you? Did he say something wrong? Did he borrow your favorite book and lose it or forget to return it or something? Did he eat your secret stash of M n M’s in your dorms? Hyunjin’s sure he’s done none of those.
By the fourth week, Hyunjin gives up when he sees you hugging Jisung. Maybe you had feelings for Jisung and you didn’t know how to confront Hyunjin about the babe thing. Maybe you think it would be weird to continue being so touchy and flirty with Hyunjin now that you’re dating Jisung. 
Your last class had ended for the day, and you’re now just waiting for Jisung and Felix. Jisung had invited you to hang out with him and Felix, since they were going to go relax a bit before facing the showcase which was scheduled to happen next week. 
You’re too lazy to take your backpack off, so you’re just sitting cross-legged on a bench, your backpack still on your shoulders. Your earphones are in, playing really sad Day6 songs you didn’t realize Woojin and Seungmin snuck into your playlist while you read some underrated angsty teen novel you found at a random bottom shelf in the library. It’s around 4pm, so the sun is still high up in the sky, giving you enough light to read. Suddenly, your source of light is blocked and you frown, trying to make out the words. You look up and lock eyes with the one person you’ve been avoiding this whole time.
You gasp and try to stand up, but realize that someone’s tied the ends of your backpack straps to the bench. Fuck. You pull your earphones out and take your backpack off, deciding right there that you can be a total idiot and just abandon your bag there and get it later. 
Yes, you were that desperate to get away from Hwang Hyunjin.
“Y/N, wait.” Hyunjin’s hand shoots out to wrap around your wrist. You freeze and look down at his hand resting on your wrist. His grip is firm, but gentle.
You gulp and slowly turn around. Your eyes meet his hurt and confused ones, your heart aching at the sight.
“Are you dating Jisung?” Hyunjin asks softly and you frown at him.
“Are you dating Yeji?” You answer back with your own question.
“Answer my question first,” Hyunjin sighs and you purse your lips. You shake your head and Hyunjin lets go of your wrist, visibly relaxing,
“I’m not dating Yeji either.” He says. Although you didn’t want to know that, because your stupid, stubborn self refuses to believe that he likes you, you still find yourself feeling relieved.
Hyunjin steps closer to you. 
“What wrong did I do for you to avoid me this long? How big was it that you’d willingly leave your backpack here, when I know that you’d never ever leave it behind even if a zombie apocalypse would suddenly happen because you told me that one time? You even told me you’d leave Felix behind, or maybe sacrifice Changbin, but never your bag. So, what did I do wrong, Y/N? Why have you been avoiding me? It’s driving me crazy,” Hyunjin bombards you with questions.
You purse your lips and shake your head. “I’m not avoiding you. I’ve just been really busy.” You lie right through your teeth.
Hyunjin chuckles humorlessly. “So busy is sitting down on a bench, listening to music and reading books now? You’ve been avoiding me for an entire month, Y/N. Like, blatantly avoiding me!” He snaps. 
That escalated quickly. You’re getting tired of this. The more you look at him, the more it’s getting hard for you too look away. Even with his face in a frown, his eyes filled with frustration and maybe even anger, Hyunjin still looked beautiful to you.
Fuck him and his genes.
You take a huge step back from him, crossing your arms over your chest. “What’s it to you, huh, Hyunjin?!” You glare.
“I just wanted to know why you’re avoiding me, Y/N! What did I even do? Please do enlighten me,” He shouts, frustrated. You’re glad everyone’s either gone home already or still in classes, so no one’s there to witness your fight.
“Can’t I just ignore you because I just don’t want to talk to you?” You say, anger bubbling up inside of you. Or is it your feelings, already on the verge of spilling out of you like vomit? 
“No, Y/N! I know you well enough to know that if you avoid people it’s not because you just don’t feel like it— there’s a reason behind it.” Hyunjin replies, exasperated. 
“Why do you want to know so badly? Why do you care?!” You shout back. You’re tired of this; you’re tired of staying away from him, hoping it’ll get rid of your feelings for him. But the more you stayed away from him, the more your heart yearned for him. You just wanted the words to leave your lips already.
I love you. 
You’d only realized it recently; you don’t just like Hyunjin— you love him. You love the way his eyes crinkle into small crescent moons when he’s genuinely happy. You love his loud, infectious laugh that you can pinpoint even if you were a mile away. You love his hugs, you love how he dances with so much passion because it’s something he loves to do. You love everything about him and it’s driving you insane too. It’s driving you insane that you keep wanting someone who can’t love you back in the same way.
“Because I’m your friend, Y/N! I worry about you, okay? Can I do something to help you? Why don’t you share your problems with me? Please tell me!” Hyunjin pleads with you, his hands coming up to grip your shoulders desperately.
Uh oh.
“No, Hyunjin! You can’t do fucking anything to help me because you’re the reason why I’m doing this, why I’m avoiding you! I love you, I’ve fallen in love with you, and it’s scary. It’s scaring me, okay? I’m scared that you don’t feel the same and it will change everything! You have Yeji now, don’t you? I can’t be selfish and ask you to return my feelings when you’ve already found the one for you,” you blurt everything out, feeling out of breath afterwards. The tears you didn’t know you were holding in start falling freely down your cheeks now. 
You didn’t care anymore. Hyunjin at least deserved to know. You feel better though, because everything that’s been bottled up inside of you is now out in the open. 
Hyunjin stands still in front of you, his face holding an unreadable expression. You’ve always been able to read Hyunjin like an open book, but you can’t decipher what’s going on in that pretty head of his. Every second that passes by that he doesn’t say anything, makes you feel more and more of an idiot for saying anything at all. You sigh, wiping the tears away hastily, but there’s still more. 
“Forget it. Forget I said anything.” You whisper, your voice rough and raspy. You turn around to get your things and get the fuck out of there when Hyunjin suddenly holds you back. 
You sigh. You turn around to face him, “Hyunjin, what—” he cuts you off mid-sentence when his lips crash against yours roughly. The kiss catches you off guard and you almost stumble, but his arms quickly wound around your waist, holding you in place. You’re surprised, but you kiss him back, and he tilts his head to the side to kiss you better. Your tears are still flowing freely, and his arms leave your waist to cup your cheeks, as his thumbs wipe away the tears. Your arms go around his neck, pulling him in closer. He pulls away slightly, before going back in to kiss you again, this time, softer and gentler. The second kiss leaves you lightheaded and you clasp your hands tighter around his neck. Hyunjin’s lips, his oh, so soft and plump lips feel so perfect as they mould against yours. His lips taste like vanilla, and you’re guessing he just ate vanilla ice cream because he knew you liked vanilla and he once told you he’d eat the things you loved — even if he didn’t like it that much, if he missed you.
And you’re just realizing this now, too, that Hyunjin does so many things for you, and because of you. On days when the winter air is particularly cold, he’d bring you an extra pair of gloves because he knows you keep forgetting yours. He buys you hot packs because you easily get cold. You’re always trapped in his hugs because he knows how much you need his body warmth. In the summer, no matter how hot it is, if you want to go out for ice cream, he’d willingly go with you, if it means seeing you all smiley and happy. He always seems to know what you need, whenever you need it.  You realize now that Hyunjin lives for your happiness and he cares about you way too much. 
Maybe he’s always felt the same way for you and you were just too dense and too stubborn to realize that.
When you both pull away for air, he looks at you, your heart beating loudly in your chest. He kisses your forehead as he pulls you in for a hug, his arms going around your shoulders as yours wrap around his waist. You bury your head in his chest and listen to the fast beating of his heart.
Hyunjin suddenly laughs, causing you to snort.
“How’s Yeji doing?” You joke, your hands playing with the ends of his hoodie. Hyunjin chuckles, his chest vibrating as he kisses the crown of your head.
“You know I only have eyes for you, babe.”
“Glad to know we don’t have to drop the babe thing and it’s finally official,” I laugh.
“True. Oh, and by the way?” Hyunjin pulls you back so he can look at you properly. He cups your jaw and tilts your head up, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. He smiles when you pull away and he looks in adoration at the expectant look on your face.
He rests his forehead against yours and nuzzles your nose, making you giggle. “I love you too, Y/N.”
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⇒ let me know what you think or hmu with anything under the sun here!
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st-fandom-imagines · 5 years
Movie Babe
I always write the best imagines, intoxicated lmao wrote this last night, I hope you like it!! tag list- @tiger-hugger, @hannahmontanabutgayer, @macricrisis let me know if you guys want to be added to my tag list! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Request- @im-a-rocketman asked: hello again! Can I also request a SteveXReader where the reader stops by the video store every day because she loves movies and, in order to try and impress her, Steve starts to memorize all these random facts about movies she rents. And eventually Steve works up the nerve to ask her out and they go to the premier of back to the future 2 since back to the future’s the movie she rents the most? Thank you!!
note- @im-a-rocketman and I both talked about this request, as she realized that BTTF 2 came out 4 years after the first one, so instead Steve and the reader will go see Teen Wolf that came out August 23rd 1985! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ As I walked around Family Video for the tenth time this week, I could help but look for something new, I was so tired of all the movies I would watch over and over again. I’m a bit of a movie buff, they take you away from reality, even if it’s just for a little bit, I tend to lean towards chick flicks but I have a sci-fi and horror side too. I started coming in here after the mall burnt down, the movie theater going with it and the new one not opening for another week, they were reopening the Hawk theater. I was excited to see new movies, my love for film, growing every day. I grabbed Sixteen Candles, yet again, for the hundredth time and began to walk towards the counter, my eyes softening and my heart skipping a beat as I saw Steve Harrington behind the counter, the boy who was never anything but nice and sweet to me, he was giving a girl about our age, her bag with a small smile on his face. I hoped that maybe he would sweep me off my feet like Jake did for Sam in Sixteen Candles, but those things didn’t happen in real life, the popular boys never noticed the girls that hid in plain sight…right? *Steve’s Point Of View* I sighed, sending another customer away, another girl that wasn’t the one I had my eye on. The girl that I had come to know as movie babe, well at least that is what Robin called her. I knew her regular movies, I knew she had a thing for Michael J. Fox since she has rented For Love Or Money more times that I could count. I knew that she loves when I talk to her about random little movie facts that I had learned just to impress her, and most of all, I knew she thought that I didn’t know anything about her. My eyes locked with hers as I heard someone begin to approach me at the counter. She smiled at me shyly before putting her one movie on the counter. “Sixteen Candles? Again?” I laughed making her blush as she handed me her membership card, the card that I wish had her name attached to it. “Did you know that John Hughes was inspired by Molly Ringwald before he even met her? He had seen her headshot, he wrote the movie in a weekend, all around her.” I smiled making her nod silently, a fact about the movie that made me think of her, about how she inspired me, more than any girl ever had. “Do you memorize everyone’s movie preferences?” She smirked making my knees go weak, my heart pounding, feeling like the movie tickets in my jeans were burning a hole in my leg. When I saw that Teen Wolf starring Michael J. Fox was the first movie that was going to be playing in the new theater, I had to get two tickets, even if she didn’t like me, I knew she wouldn’t turn down the thought of being one of the first people in Hawkins to see it. Maybe she would grow to like me, a guy can hope. “No, just yours…that wasn’t meant to sound creepy…oh god…uh, we have Back To The Future coming in soon, have you seen that yet?” I smiled, trying to change the subject as she giggled at my babbling. “Yeah, I saw in on the forth of July, I think I saw you there, with that girl Robin?” She asked making my eyes go wide at the thought of that night. “Yeah, you were covered in blood, which I thought was strange and you were in the front row, hushing the man behind you.” She continued making us both laugh at the detail that she remembered, which she was 100% right about. “Yeah, I tend to be bleeding a lot, and Robin and I are really good friends…it’s a good movie, I hope they make a second one.” I trailed off, putting her movie in a bag, signally that our transaction was almost complete. “Just friends?” She questioned with a small sound of hope in her voice, as if she has been running that question in her head for weeks. “Yeah, we don’t like each other like that, I like someone, and so does she.” I explained making her look at the bag I was handing her, before she took it out of my hand, our hands brushing slightly, making us both blush. Fuck, what is it about her that makes me so nervous? The store was dead, and it was now or never, I had to ask, the movie was in a week and I certainly didn’t want anyone else asking her. “Well, I guess I will see you around, Steve.” She went to turn away but I stopped her, rushing around the booth and standing in front of her. My heart racing at the sound of her saying my name, shit, I’m in deep. “Before you go, hum, this is going to sound weird, just bare with me?” I hoped and she nodded, silently, wanting me to continue. “I know your movie choices, I have seen all of those movies to try to understand you and if I have learned anything from any of them, The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, For Love Or Money, St.Elmo’s Fire, you think you are the girl that goes unnoticed, hoping that someone will notice you, and I…I did. I bought these tickets, for us, and I hope you will go with me and I hope that you don’t think I’m some stalker, I just really like you and I want to get to know you, as more than just the movie babe.” I ranted as I handed her the tickets, not even caring if I made a complete fool of myself. She looked at the tickets in her hand before looking back up at me with a shocked expression. “Teen Wolf tickets?!” She gasped making me look at her with wide eyes, this wasn’t the answer I was expecting. “Yeah…do you want to go…with me?” I tried, hoping I got that point across and she just nodded, smiling wide at me. “Yes, I would love to go with you, I just can’t believe it! These are sold out, and you bought them with me in mind?!” She hugged me tightly, taking me by surprise but smiling and hugging her back. It was a warm hug, a tight hug, I could feel her heartbeat against mine. She pulled away after a few seconds, noticing that my hands were on her waist, blushing now more than ever. “Great, I’ll pick you up at seven?” I couldn’t believe this was all falling into place. “Sounds good, if the date goes well I’ll tell you my name, until then, just call me movie babe.” She smirked handing me back the tickets before walking towards the door, leaving me speechless, god she is amazing. “Why did the movie babe just say hi to me?” Robin asked as she walked into work, ready to start her shift, her question only making me smile, I can’t believe I have a date with the coolest girl in Hawkins. *Your Point Of View* Steve was a true gentleman all night, opened the car door for me, bought a popcorn to split, lent me his jacket when I got cold in the theater and most of all, he didn’t talk through the movie, a very important trait to have. As we walked out of the theater, the warm August air hitting us, I handed Steve back his jacket as we walked towards his car. This was all so weird, it was like it was right out of one of the movies I adore and I think Steve planned it out to be that way. “So?” Steve smiled as my heels clicked on the sidewalk, making me look down at the ground, completely in awe of this whole situation. “Really good movie, even better date.” I stated, taking his hand in mine and interlocking our fingers, taking him by surprise. “My name is (Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” I confessed making him smile widely as we got closer to his car. “So (Y/N), can I take you on a second date?” He hoped making my heart warm at the thought. “Depends…”I began as we finally got to his car. I leaned on the drivers door so he couldn’t open it, him standing in front of me, hands in pockets with raised eyebrows. “Do you kiss on the first date?” I whispered as I got closer to him, making him swallow, hard. He had taken so many risks by confessing his feelings, it’s only right that it’s my turn. I was expecting him to babble at my forwardness but instead he just nodded, stuck by my words. “Then kiss me Harrington, if you want that second date.” I smiled just before He inter locked our lip, it was sweet, slow, a good first kiss. A first kiss right out of one of my movies, this whole night was a fairytale and I can only hope that this fairytale has a happy ending.
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nsfw alphabet: budd
a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
very caring, i think-- budd may be an ex-assassin but he has a warm soul. whether he’s tired or not he won’t hesitate to fetch you anything you need, pepper you with kisses or trail his fingertips over your skin. yea hes big on aftercare
b = body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
maybe his torso/chest area?? to say he’s 47, budd’s body isn’t so shabby, which is something he actually likes. as for his girl, he’s a tits guy but also he has a thing for hands!!! if u have small hands he especially loves that, but yeah he just really likes kissing hands & holding hands & such. not really a fetish lol just something he really likes it’s cute
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he LOVES marking his girl with his cum and finishing inside of her. budd likes to get dirty, that’s no secret
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
one night at the my oh my strip club when he was bouncing, a young lady offered him a blowjob if he’d let her in (she forgot her ID). needless to say he accepted that offer
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
this guy knows exactly what he’s doing. he’s had plenty of dirty sex with strangers, meaningful sex with ladies he’s cared for over the years, hate sex with partners. he’s very experienced
f = favourite position (this goes without saying)
cowgirl/reverse cowgirl. for obvious reasons (yee YEE) no but he actually really enjoys missionary
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
kind of inbetween tbh. he’s not too serious, he gets really into it ofc but he likes to have a chuckle & share a smile with his lady. unless it’s rough or he’s humiliating you etc
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
budd doesn’t really care about grooming down there. yea the carpet matches the drapes, it’s not out of control like he’ll trim sometimes but yeah he doesn’t really give two fucks. it’s not that hairy to begin with anyways
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
tbh budd is pretty romantic!!!! he has a gentle soul (despite all the shit that he did, he is remorseful) and however much he spits, slaps & spanks you, he makes up for it with kisses & humming what a pretty girl you are
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
since his sex drive isn’t too high, he doesn’t jack off that often but he does enjoy himself when the time comes. i’m not saying he jerks himself once a fortnight but he doesn’t feel the need to do it everyday that’s all 
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
like i mentioned earlier: slapping, spitting & spanking!! budd loves to humiliate his girl. he likes the feeling of control. he also loves belting, grabbing, being called Daddy & humiliating you in public
l = location (favourite places to do the do)
on the couch in his trailer, bathroom cubicles, in his truck
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
if you’re being bratty (especially in public) and he scolds/humiliates you, it really does get him going. he also likes when his girl wears skimpy or tight clothes
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i don’t think he’d be up for a threesome or anything more than that. when it’s sexy time he likes it to be one-on-one
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he likes receiving, likes a blowy from his sexy lil girl. but he’ll sometimes reward you with head, and he’s damn good at it. like he’s not like ‘ok lets get this over with’ he’s like ok imma make this bitch not able to WALK
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
depends. sex with budd will always have some element of roughness bc that’s just how he is, but the buildup to the actual sex will determine whether he’s fast or sensual. he likes to pound that bussy tho, prefers it fast & rough
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
ALL THE TIMEEEEEE he fuckin loves it. especially if you’re getting it on in public/semi-public, he’ll drag you to one side or into the nearest bathroom stall or wherever the fuck he can so you can have a quickie. he especially likes fucking you up against a wall in grotty restrooms
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
i mean the last thing budd needs is a child to go along with his broke ass, alcoholism and assassin past so i feel he’d prefer to be safe but definitely he enjoys unsafe sex cause he feels its dirtier and boy is this guy dirty HOOOO
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
i mean he’s 47 so not too long but that’s just how it be but performance > time amirite ladies??
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he’s not that bothered about toys like he’s got his fingers, his wang and his tongue lol but he’d be open to teasing his lady with a vibrator especially in public. i feel like he’d enjoy controlling vibrations cause then he could see you get all worked up & flustered
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
oh bitch this guy LOVES to tease you can just tell by his face
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
we all love michael madsen’s gruff voice god its one of my reasons to not kill myself asdlkdja this man i swear. grunts and groans and moans that come right from his throat do u get me????? he is so sexy it should be ILLEGAL
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he likes to give cheek kisses while he’s fucking you it’s so gentle for him its cute right like he’ll slow down for a moment so he can lean over and kiss ur cheek im---- <33333333
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
nice big dicc :-)
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
i feel like he can take or leave sex but his sex drive is pretty fcking high
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
depends what time of day it is but i feel like budd wouldn’t fall asleep straight after sex. he’d stick on the tv or have a Drink™ or smth and sling his arm around you just enjoy the atmosphere n stuff yano?
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redhoodieone · 5 years
It’s Cold in Here Part 2
A/N: And here is part 2! Wow, this chapter is pretty angsty because I believe everyone would react differently to their significant other’s private sexual orientation. It’s pretty clear that Dick Grayson is finally letting himself be free (he’s clearly bisexual, if that wasn’t clear) even if it’s cheating on Y/N. But Jason Todd is straight in this story, despite the running gay jokes in this story. The reason why is Y/N (you lol) is clearly upset when she finds out her perfect boyfriend is bisexual, and she wants to take out her anger on Jason, when he’s clearly in her league. But of course, during this story, some people in this story are not going to be okay with Dick’s secret sexual orientation, so I’ll post more warnings as this goes along. Let me know if you want to be tagged for this series. Otherwise, enjoy the story!
@melaninkpops @randomdcfangirl
 Warnings: Language and talks of sex.
  It’s like a nightmare I can’t wake up from. I’ve become almost like a zombie; I’m holding my knees to my chest while I sit up against the wall in my living room because I’ve lost the ability to move or say anything. Tonight’s truth just keeps replaying in my head.
My boyfriend Dick Grayson…having sex with another guy…even though he’s supposed to be my boyfriend.
My boyfriend is supposed to be attracted to me.
My boyfriend is supposed to be in love with me.
Just the thought of Dick bending over for another guy for anal sex just makes me feel so disgusted. Because what if he has had anal sex with Wally or some other guy?
What if Dick has sucked cock before and let another guy suck his cock?
The images of Dick topping Wally only makes me wonder what else they have done. Would I even want to know? Should I have to know?
The questions become poison to my mind. I can feel my stomach hurt more with every passing doubt and fear. I tremble from just thinking of my boyfriend and what he’s doing now.
Cuddling? Kissing? Is he telling Wally West he loves him again?
Dick is supposed to be my prince charming. I’ve always (and secretly) imagined him riding a white horse to my apartment. As cheesy as that sounds, Dick has been the only guy who can pull off being so alluring and kind. He’s the guy who can make me smile during a thunderstorm. The way he pushes his dark hair back and grins like an underwear supermodel and the way he holds me all the time because he’s just a big cuddly guy at heart.
But then Dick changed…or maybe this is who he really is even though our relationship was just a...
But wasn’t I enough?
Was I just not beautiful enough for Dick?
Was I…just a girl who he realized he doesn’t want right now?
Oh shit…
What if he’s…gay?
No, no he can’t be totally gay. I mean, Dick has had several of girlfriends throughout his entire life.
Barbara Gordon.
He even flirted with Raven!
Bruce always joked around with us that Dick was a mini-me to him. Bruce and Dick were ladies’ men for fucks sake.
Which could explain why Tim would follow after Bruce and Dick’s every move and has had his fair share of relationships with Stephanie Brown and Cassie Sandsmark. Hell, even Damian has admitted he and Raven had a fling last summer.
If anyone is gay or bisexual, it must be Jason fucking Todd. The man who looks like he’d fuck any living thing. Which could explain why everyone jokes that Jason, Roy, and Kori had a threesome relationship.
It’s a fucking running gag that no one has seemed to stop, despite Roy and Kori becoming more serious and committed to one another over the years.
Why couldn’t Jason be gay or bisexual?
Why does my Dick Grayson have to be?
My fucking tears piss me off when I realize I’m crying like a fucking baby. I bite my bottom lip, and I pull my hair as tight as I could.
I haven’t been cheated on before but for some reason, I feel like being cheated on isn’t the problem.
The problem is clearly Dick, who felt the need to hide his true self. He obviously didn’t trust me enough, even though we knew each other for such a long fucking time. If he had told me he was bisexual, then maybe I would have been okay with it. Maybe I could have trusted him and be with him.
A knock on the door startles me. I wipe away my tears and stand up to get it. Slowly answering the door, I see Jason standing there. Wearing his dark pants and red hoodie, I set aside to allow him to come in.
“Are you okay, Y/N? What the fuck happened?” Jason asks worriedly. He follows me to the couch where I throw myself down.
Should I tell Jason? Should I tell him everything? What if he already knows? But what if he doesn’t know?
Jason’s ocean blue eyes stare down at me; filled with concern and worry. I’ve actually never seen him look so…serious about me. The way he gazes at me and how his strong jawline really is shows me I’ve never really looked at him before.
He’s attractive, and he clearly knows that. It’s as if one of Jason’s powers is self-confidence. He proudly shows off his handsome features, the ‘J’ scar, and his body that’s built like a sex God. I force myself to shake my head and ignore my inner thoughts because whether I like it or not, I still have a boyfriend.
Who has a secret boyfriend of his own.
“My life…is ruined,” I start off. I sigh, because even I don’t believe myself. “Everything I thought I knew…ended up being…a lie, I guess.”
“Which is…what?” Jason motions me to continue.
I begin to crack under pressure. It’s not like I have my parents or any siblings alive to tell, or my good friend Artemis Crock (who is supposedly on a vacation with Zatanna and M’gann in the Bahamas but should be back this weekend), so who the hell am I supposed to tell?
The more I keep it in is when I’ll blow up. I have a feeling I’ll take Jason’s guns and go shoot Dick and Wally’s kneecaps.
I turn to face Jason, and I realize he’s scooted closer to me. He slowly moves a hand to my knee and rubs it reassuringly. The tears fall again, but this time Jason wipes them with his thumb.
“He’s...Dick’s…sleeping with Wally,” I whisper. Just saying it out loud feels strange and as if it’s not real at all. “I-I went to his apartment and I saw them.”
Jason’s eyes widen. He quickly removes his hand off my knee and stands up. Within seconds, he’s pacing around my living room. Jason’s hands clench into fists and he scoffs. “So, he’s fucking gay, and he’s dating you? What a fucking idiot?! If he wanted to go around and fuck guys’ assholes, then why not tell you the truth and break up with you? Who the fuck does he think he is? The second any of us has a secret, Bruce fucking loses his shit and makes us tell him! But what, Dick’s the golden child and can keep a fucking secret about his gayness? That’s not fucking cool. I fucking despise that. I despise how he’s been stringing you along and isn’t even attracted to a fucking beautiful girl like you,” Jason growls under his breath.
“I-I think he’s still attracted to me. I mean, we’ve done things before…just not lately,” I defend Dick. I suppose Jason didn’t know about Dick either.
“Dick’s eaten you out before?”
“You mean to tell me he’s eaten that beautiful, delicious pussy of yours?” Jason asks seriously.
“I-how would you know about my pussy, Jason? We’ve never slept together and you sure as hell have never seen me naked!” I cry out in pure anger.
Jason smirks. He sits back down and makes me face him. “So, Dick has pleasured you before and you really feel like he is still attracted to you? Okay, then he’s clearly bisexual. The question is: he’s barely acting on his sexual feelings or whatever fucking shit he’s doing. The thing is Y/N, he cheated on you. I don’t care that he’s bi, but he shouldn’t have fucking cheated on you. That’s low…even for the golden boy. Now, what are you going to do about it?” Jason asks me.
“I don’t know. I just…don’t want to think about it right now. What can I do? I can’t change him. I can’t make him straight and want…me. It just fucking hurts so much,” I confess. Jason sits back and pulls me over so he’s holding me tightly. “Jay…what are you doing?”
“Holding you…duh.”
“Y-you never hold me. You’ve never held me,” I point out.
“I’m comforting you, doll. Is that such a crime?” Jason asks curiously.
“Well, honestly I didn’t think you liked me. I always thought that you thought I was annoying and didn’t want me around the manor or even in the Batfamily,” I admit softly. I turn my face, so my face is in his sweater. He smells like Old Spice and some kind of expensive cologne.
“Well, I didn’t think you liked me either so…that’s why I’ve been nothing but an asshole to you,” Jason reveals before chuckling. “I like you. You…don’t piss me off as much as other people.”
“You don’t piss me off that much either. So, I obviously like you too,” I say, even when my voice is muffled.
Jason gently pulls me away so he can look at me. “You know, if you ever need someone…I’m around,” he tells me.
“I’m around too.”
My cell phone dings with new notifications. I quickly jump up from the couch and get it off the kitchen counter where I left it. Dick texted me.
Hey sweetheart! I just got back from patrol with my brothers. I’m soooo tired so I think I’ll sleep over here, and I’ll see you in the morning. Is that okay?
I scoff softly. He claims to be tired from patrolling, but I know it’s from fucking his secret boyfriend all night long. But obviously, he doesn’t know that I know so I have to play along.
Hi babe. That’s good! I’m glad you got home safely. Yeah, I’m already falling asleep, so I’ll see you in the morning too.
Okay, I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast. Oh, and don’t forget! The Wayne Family Barbecue is tomorrow, and everyone is coming back from their vacations and missions to go! It’s going to be so much fun! I can’t wait to see you tomorrow, sweetheart.  I love you Y/N.
See you in the morning. I love you too. Goodnight. I text back. I fight the urge to out him on the phone just so he knows that I know.
I could just imagine Dick panicking and flipping the fuck out if I threaten to tell his family. But a voice inside me tells me not to.
It’s my fucking heart. I hate it so much right now.
I slam my phone down. Who the fuck does Dick think he is? Does he honestly sleep well at night knowing that he’s cheating on me with his best friend? Does he honestly not give a fuck about me?
“Why am I not enough? What...is wrong with me? Why can’t I be with Dick wants?” I barely whisper. My throat tightens from crying.
“No, Y/N. You’re more than enough. Nothing is wrong with you. You just...you need someone who sees you as their world and beyond. You’ll find him, I know it.”
Jason sneaks up behind me and rubs my back. I feel the sickness returning to my stomach, and I turn around into Jason’s arms, where he holds me and doesn’t judge me.
“I’m really sorry, Y/N. If I-I had known, I would have told you. You don’t deserve this,” Jason whispers in my ear. He keeps rubbing my back. “I would never hurt you.”
“Are you telling me you wouldn’t hurt me in general, or that if you were gay or bi that you wouldn’t hurt me?” I ask.
“Well, I sure as hell am not gay or bi. I love women, doll. But I guess if I had a secret like that, I would tell you. I just…thought Dick would have been different, I guess.”
I pull away and look up at him. Jason’s taller than Dick, so I feel like a little ant compared to Jason, who is clearly a fucking tree. “Wait, Dick said the Wayne Family Barbecue is tomorrow? Everyone’s going?”
“Oh shit, really? I must have forgotten about that. Well, I guess everyone is going, yeah,” Jason answers, before his eyes widen. ��Wally’s going to be there, too.”
I cover my face. “What the fuck am I going to do, Jason?” I scream.
“Look doll, I’ll be there too, and I’ll do whatever I can to help you get through it, okay? We just can’t tell anyone else about this, all right? Because honestly, I don’t know what Bruce would do if he found out about Dick and Wally. He might fucking kill him or something,” Jason says.
“Bruce is against gays? B-but there are gay, lesbians, and other LGBTQ people in the league. He can’t be homophobic!” I panic.
“I’m not saying he is, but Bruce is…a little more old-fashioned than what some people might think. Dick is like his first son, and Dick has always been the perfect fucking Robin, and Bruce might think Dick’s sexual orientation would change his public image and superhero image. I just think it would be best if no one found out about it right now, okay? Let’s just keep this between us, until we figure something out. Dick is my brother, and as much as I love fucking ruining his and my other brothers’ lives, this is pretty serious,” Jason advises seriously.
I nod my head in agreement. If Jason thinks this is the right thing to do, then it must be; since I have no other plans to handle this.
“Okay, I won’t tell anyone. But Jason? Just between us, I can’t be with Dick anymore. Not after he…cheated on me,” I confess.
It hurt a lot. Just confessing how I can’t be with Dick anymore fills me with nothing but endless pain.
“I know,” Jason says softly. He takes my hands in his until I look up into his eyes. “But just know this: I know for a fact that…Dick loved you. He really cared about you, Y/N. But whatever he’s going through, maybe it’s been eating at him for a long fucking time, not that doesn’t excuse cheating on you.”
I bite my bottom lip. I know Jason means well, but I honestly don’t know if I could believe any men ever again. All they seem to do is break hearts, lie, keep secrets, and use you just because they’re ashamed or hiding their own sexuality.
But deep down inside, I know Dick loved me before; just like deep down, I’ll always love him.
But I can’t deal with love anymore.
Fuck love.
“Yeah, but you know what, Jason? I don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t want to date. I don’t want to be close to anyone. I don’t want to fall in love ever again. Love fucking hurts, and if this is how it’s going to be every time I fall for a guy, then…it’s just not worth it. It’s not worth the troubles. It’s not worth the happiness. It’s not worth the excruciating pain. Once Dick decides to stop using me and our relationship to hide his love for Wally,” I say, before I sob at the end. “I want nothing to do with the Batfamily ever again. I want out of it. I honestly never want to see him or any of you again. Because…being a part of the Batfamily was the best thing in my life…”
Jason’s crystal blue eyes tear up. “Y/N…you don’t mean that. Y-you can’t mean that…” he chokes out.
“I do. I mean every word of it,” I stand my ground.
“Doll, please…let me help you fix this. I-I don’t want you to leave our family. I mean, you can’t just abandon me,” Jason’s voice breaks down. He looks as if he’s in pain as well, except I don’t know why. “Give me one chance. Give me just one chance to show you no every fucking guy is going to hurt you. Please Y/N…”
I can’t hear it anymore. If I have to surrender for the night, then so be it. “Fine, but I’m tired and I need to go to sleep. I need to…try to forget about tonight.”
Jason nods his head and heads to the door with me behind him. He steps out and glances back at me.
“If you need me…” Jason whispers.
“You’re around,” I finish for him.
Jason opens his mouth to speak but closes it. He ends up leaving without another word. I shut the door and lock up for the night. My body is weak. My mind is fried. I find myself stumbling to the couch and I end up falling to sleep there for the night. The second my eyes close to fall into the darkness of the night, my cell phone dings again.
I reach over to the coffee table and get it; only to see the notification is from that same Unknown number. I slowly open to see the new text message.
It’s killing you, isn’t it? I can just imagine you lying down, feeling sorry for yourself, despising everyone else who may or may not have known, and how you feel as if your world is over. You must have decided to protect Dick Grayson, isn’t that right?
I feel as if I’m stepping into a pit of fire. This is becoming dangerous territory right now.
Whatever I do now doesn’t concern you. Thanks for telling me the truth, but I don’t need anymore help from you. Good-bye.
If you stop fucking responding to me, I’ll make sure Bruce Wayne finds out first, you little bitch!
I gasp at the screen. What the hell is going on?
Now that I got your depressive attention, maybe now you’ll see I’m not just going to disappear when you say so. Now listen to me, Y/N. I’m not someone who you can just delete from your phone. I’m not someone who you can block from other electronic devices. I’m not someone you can just wish away on a bright star, because I know you more than you know yourself. Now are you ready to listen to me?
What do you want from me? I text back anxiously.
What I want isn’t something you can just tell me over a text message, Y/N. Now, I need you to be prepared to go along as if nothing happened. You need to pretend you didn’t discover about Dick’s sexuality and infidelity. I need you to continue to be the loving and caring girlfriend, especially at the Wayne Family Barbecue. No one can know about tonight, and if you perform like a convincing Oscar award winning actress, then I’ll spare your life.
Why? Why are you doing this? What are you even planning?
That is not important information at this moment because it’s going to take a while before your knowledge of this plan is requested. I just need you to prove to Dick and his family that you love him with all your heart. Kiss him. Embrace him. Tell him you love him every three minutes. Why don’t you show everyone how you originally believed your relationship was in the beginning, Y/N?
I frown. My chest tightens. It’s as if this person knew everything that was going on in my head.
You clearly have a choice, Y/N: you either do as I say and nobody dies, or I’ll out him in my own way that will surely destroy Dick and the Batfamily’s lives. And let’s just say that the latter would be very public, and Dick would surely never be the same since he’s a…well you know…a perfectionist. He has a reputation he must keep up, and just imagine how everyone would react if any recorded evidence got out, including the one man who he calls Dad.
Okay, I’ll do it your way. I quickly text back. I hate myself even more now.
Even after you discovered he’s not who he says he is, how he rather be with a man than with you, and how he cheated on you, you’re honestly going to continue to stand by his side and protect him. That’s almost romantic, but he doesn’t love you anymore, Y/N.
I don’t care about me. Just please…don’t hurt him. Don’t hurt anyone. I respond desperately.
Oh, believe me, Y/N. My fun had just begun. Now, you need to put on a convincing show, because I’ll be watching.  
Whoever this person is, they’re clearly obsessed with putting an end to Dick’s life and reputation. I try to think of another way out of this, but I’m in too deep.
Just remember Y/N, if you plan on getting out of this, your new family will be gone before you know it. You’ll be all alone just like you fear, only when you are all alone, you’ll be dying on all their corpses. And I’ll personally make sure Dick’s skull is right beside your head.
And just like that, I’m thrown back into the Batfamily again.
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