#im sorry for catfishing you with these tags
anyone I follow making some post about their fandom blorbos:
Me, barrelling in with my month-and-five-year-long castle obsession, filled with thoughts and feelings and ready to unleash them all on the world: hi
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theotherbuckley · 4 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday 🚁
He sees it happening on the news.
He wonders if this was what it was like for Ali and Maddie when the ladder truck landed on his leg.
He thinks if he’d had to choose he’d choose another fire truck falling on him than the immense grief and fear that radiates from his chest like a bullet wound.
One minute he’s calling everyone over to watch the television because “Look! That’s my boyfriend flying that helicopter!” And then the next minute he’s paralysed, stuck staring at the TV as that same aircraft falls from the sky, helpless to do anything but watch.
Of course Taylor Kelly is reporting, but Buck can’t hear the words she’s saying. There’s a ringing in his ears that only seems to get louder and louder as he sees the helicopter crash somewhere in the distance.
There’s a hand on his shoulder, soft words spoken into his ear. He’s being directed towards the couch. He sits when prompted. But he stays stuck, eyes never leaving the television screen.
Tags under cut:
Tagged by: @wikiangela and @bidisasterevankinard 💜
Tagging: @fortheloveofbuddie @jeeyuns @honestlydarkprincess @eddiebabygirldiaz @jesuisici33 @your-catfish-friend @ladydorian05 @giddyupbuck @eowon @watchyourbuck @steadfastsaturnsrings @housewifebuck @thewolvesof1998 @rainbow-nerdss @cal-daisies-and-briars @evanbegins @diazsdimples @bucksbirthmark  @underwaterninja13 @daffi-990 @aspecbuddie @bucks-daddy-issues @tizniz @monsterrae1 @loveyouanyway @hippolotamus @incorrect9-1-1 @actualalligator @actuallyitsellie @dangerpronebuddie @babybibuck @exhuastedpigeon @perfectlysunny02 @buddieswhvre @loserdiaz @rogerzsteven @bucksbignaturals @smallandalmosthonest (let me know if you want to be added or removed I know bucktommy isn’t for everyone) (also im sorry for those I’ve tagged 100 times today agshsh im procrastinating studying for uni exams rn)
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wikiangela · 5 months
fuck it friday
tagged by @theotherbuckley 💖
can't believe im still not done with this fic but this week has been *a lot* and so chaotic and i just want sunday to have a day off to write lol (I had to check like five times to make sure it is, in fact, friday even tho the episode aired last night on thursday, what is time anyway lol)
so, more 7x06 buck's pov, and hopefully the last snippet before I post this lol
prev snippet
As soon as he sees Tommy walk through the door, he feels heat and want and desire mixed with affection and endearment consume him. Because this man – this gorgeous, cool, interesting man, with the most adorable cleft, and so smooth and charming he makes Buck turn into a blushing blubbering mess – this man is walking in, still in his turnout gear, completely covered in soot and ash, hands held up apologetically, a remorseful, worried look on his face. Tommy seems to have rushed here straight after work, clearly not even stopping by the station to change or shower, or even wipe his face, goddammit. And he looks hot. Buck’s seen firefighters look like this, hell, he looked like this himself many times, but there’s something about Tommy, in his gear, all dirty and disheveled, and here – something about this image takes Buck’s breath away, and he can’t help the smile spreading across his face. 
“Sorry I’m late.” Tommy apologizes, as if him being here at all, instead of passing out in bed after a long, exhausting shift, wasn’t making a thousand butterflies come to life in Buck’s stomach. “That fire was a beast.” he adds, and Buck-
Buck can only respond with a simple “So are you,” and crash his lips against Tommy’s. Because Tommy is. God, he’s such a beast.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @thebravebitch @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @weewootruck @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg @rogerzsteven @bidisasterevankinard @giddyupbuck @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @911-on-abc @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @buddieswhvre @fortheloveofbuddie @daffi-990 @hoodie-buck @aroeddiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @tizniz @exhuastedpigeon @underwaterninja13 @spotsandsocks @hippolotamus @your-catfish-friend @diazsdimples @dangerpronebuddie @loveyouanyway
btw should i make a separate tag list for snippets and/or fics for bucktommy? bc I know it's not everyone's thing so if anyone wants me to stop tagging them for bucktommy, just lmk - and if anyone wants to start being tagged, also lmk! (I am still writing buddie, and I'll be back to posting them soon-ish but rn this is more fun for me sns haha but whenever i do, bucktommy is not going anywhere anyway 😝)
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sugdenlovesdingle · 5 months
as usual way more than Seven Sentence Sunday
thanks for the tag @welcometololaland @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @sznofthesticks @carlos-in-glasses
Sorry to my tarlos/lone star peeps but the bucktommy brainrot is real at the moment so have a little bit of my first fic for them based on this ask @buckevantommy got the other day that made me laugh. (tarlos/lone star will be back soon)
"Good morning probie." Buck happily greeted Ravi as he walked into the firehouse to start his shift after having had a few days off.
"You do realise I'm not a probie anymore, right? I'm a fully qualified firefighter, just like you."
"Of course you are probie."
"You were there when I officially qualified!"
"You know what - never mind. Why are you so happy anyway?"
Buck shrugged, the smile never leaving his face.
"Can't a guy just be happy? It's a nice day, traffic wasn't crazy, life is good."
"Right. But it's not even 8am yet. Nobody is this happy this early in the morning."
"I am." Buck said simply, brushing past him to put his stuff away, having changed into his uniform at home. "Has anyone made coffee yet?"
"Uh... I uh... don't know... uh... I uh... just got here." Ravi stammered.
"That's ok, I'll go check." he made his way up the stairs to the kitchen where Hen had just poured herself a cup. "Morning." he greeted her and moved around the kitchen to find a clean mug.
"Morning Buckaroo. No Tommy today?" She asked.
In the year or so that Buck and Tommy had been together, it wasn't unusual for Tommy to join them for breakfast if his own schedule allowed it.
"Nah, I thought I'd let him sleep. His shift doesn't start until six and I need him well rested when he gets into that helicopter."
Hen nodded and took a sip of her coffee, and choked on it when Buck turned around and she saw the name on the back of his shirt.
"Uh... were you in a hurry this morning?"
"No? I had to run some errands, I've been up since around 5."
"Errands? This early in the morning?"
"Hmm. Had to pick something up across town." He picked up his mug and joined her at the table. In the back of her mind the sound of something clinking against the mug did register as off but it was too early to figure out why.
"Right. I think you've picked up Tommy's shirt this morning. it says Kinard on the back."
Buck's smile got even bigger and he seemed to be actually glowing.
"I know. I took his name when we got married. These are my new shirts. I picked them up this morning." He took a sip of his coffee and that's when Hen noticed the ring on his finger.
"You did what now?!"
tagging @lemonlyman-dotcom @bonheur-cafe @oldfangirl81 @your-catfish-friend @sanjuwrites
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @chicgeekgirl89
+ open tag for whoever feels like sharing something!
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captain-gillian · 4 months
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work in progress wednesday is upon us again, thank you for the tag @thisbuildinghasfeelings and sorry once again to ls mutals but this bucktommy wip is where i've been making the most progress so that's what im sharing from
“Why’s it called that anyway?” Tommy asks, looking to Buck for an answer, which of course, Buck has.
“The name actually comes from Aurora, the goddess of dawn, and the ancient Greek word for wind, but they were first named by Galileo, who was Italian, not Greek. Did you know he’s the father of modern science? Without all his discoveries, we wouldn’t have thermometers or magnifying telescopes or even physics, and then we might not have ever had airplanes or—” Buck cuts himself off mid-ramble. In the past, when he’s gone on these kinds of tangents, this is the point where people’s eyes start to wander or glaze over in boredom, “I’m sorry, this is probably really boring. I’ll stop,” He meets Tommy’s gaze, which he’s surprised to discover is still fixed firmly on him, the other man watching him intently as he listens, but a frown comes across his expression as Buck apologises.  
“Evan,” Tommy puts a hand on Buck’s arm and turns his head to face him, his expression serious but tender. Tommy looks right into his eyes, and it feels to Buck as though he sees right through him. Through the carefully constructed armour known to most as Buck and down to who he is at his core, Evan. Evan is someone that few people get to know these days, but Tommy sees him; Tommy has always seen him. “You don’t need to apologise for being yourself. You’re lovable just the way you are, and I love hearing your facts and hearing you talk so passionately. It’s pretty adorable, actually.”
open tag & zero pressure tags under the cut
@fallout-mars @sznofthesticks @carlos-tk @bonheur-cafe @literateowl
@welcometololaland @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @vineofroses @lemonlyman-dotcom @americansrequiems
@alrightbuckaroo @carlos-in-glasses @your-catfish-friend @paperstorm @terramous
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 6 months
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Thank you for the tags @honeybee-taskforce @heartstringsduet @welcometololaland @paperstorm @sznofthesticks @strandnreyes @thisbuildinghasfeelings @carlos-in-glasses @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @orchidscript & @ladytessa74 💕
Chapter Two of Eid Fic is live now on ao3. Here’s a bit from the upcoming Chapter Three.
He dreams of her in their kitchen in the 86th Street apartment. He sees the soft yellow tiles on the backsplash, smells her lilac perfume, sees her steady hands as she beat the egg whites, his giggle when she tickled his chin while he stood on the chair pushed up to the counter next to her, her wrapping him in an oversized apron, telling him to keep his hands away from the stove as she dropped the balls of matzah into the boiling pot.
“S— soup?” Carlos asked, bracing to catch TK’s weight as his knees buckled. Gently kneeling down and guiding him to the floor. Gathering TK up as much as he could in their awkward position on the kitchen floor, cradling him and rocking him softly. “Baby, what soup?”
When TK’s body stopped shaking, when the sobs faded into sniffles and he snuggled a little closer, Carlos pulled back so he could wipe TK’s face with the sleeve of his sweater.
“Carlos, don’t I’m gross.”
“You’re not gross, you’re never gross.”
He sniffled loudly. “Sometimes I’m gross.”
“Hmm,” Carlos said, patting softly at TK’s cheeks with his sleeve again. “You’re never gross to me, TK.”
TK sighed sweetly, resting his cheek on Carlos’s strong shoulder. Carlos kissed his head and he felt at once overcome by another wave of emotion. This time guilt. He hated being such a burden on Carlos. Waking him up at 3 am just to have to hold a shaky, snotty TK on the cold, concrete kitchen floor. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, fresh tears beginning to cascade down his cheeks.
“Oh, hey. Hey, baby,” Carlos soothed, pulling TK that much tighter. “Don’t be sorry. Why are you sorry?”
“I feel like you always have to take care of me.”
TK felt Carlos’s body shake in gentle laughter. “Baby are you kidding?”
TK responded with another big sniffle.
“Tyler, we take care of each other. Just this morning you made me breakfast and—”
“Yeah but anybody could do that for you.”
“Not anybody.” Carlos began emphasizing his words with kisses over TK’s hair and face. “Just you.” Kiss. “I went 26 years without anybody to make me coffee.” Kiss. “Or pancakes.” Kiss. “Or sit with me while I eat them.” Kiss, kiss. “And fill me in on all the station gossip.” Kiss, kiss, kiss until TK began to laugh and push him away.
Carlos’s eyes shined bright in the soft light from the street lamps outside, it crept into the loft through the kitchen window, filtered through the leaves of the tree just outside, and painted him in a soft golden glow. The light caught the tips of his curls in such a way that, through the tears in TK’s eyes, he looked like he wore a gorgeous glowing halo. It suited him.
“First of all, I love taking care of you, baby.” Carlos continued. “Second, you take care of me all the time.”
TK sniffled again. “I do?”
“‘Fraid so.”
“You mean with sex?”
He rolled his shoulders back, clearly biting back another laugh. “No.”
“You do take care of me with sex too, obviously, five stars on the sex.”
“Only five?”
“Ten million stars.”
TK wagged his eyebrows in an attempt to be flirty, despite his disheveled state. “Is this because of that thing that I did last week?”
“Shut up,” Carlos laughed. Sitting back so he could stand up, then helping TK up off the floor and guiding him over to the couch.
Tagging @whatsintheboxmh @vineofroses @alrightbuckaroo @chicgeekgirl89 @bonheur-cafe @fallout-mars @your-catfish-friend @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @inkweedandlizards @kiwichaeng @carlos-tk @literateowl @freneticfloetry @guardian-angle22 @my-little-tilly @tinyluminaryzombie @basilsunrise @louis-ii-reyes-strand @herefortarlos @apothecarose @rmd-writes @thebumblecee @theghostofashton @welcometololaland @reyesstrand @itsrandomnobody7 @liminalmemories21 @lightningboltreader @iboatedhere @never-blooms @ambiguouspenny @noxsoulmate @detective-giggles @decafdino and OPEN TAG 🏷️
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watchyourbuck · 9 months
✮ Seven Sentence Sunday ✮
tagged by @theotherbuckley @daffi-990 @jamespearce9-1-1 @wikiangela @disasterbuckdiaz & @wildlife4life 💗 thank you my loves
alright so I kinda wanna apologize bc I assumed I’d be able to have the next Murder Husbands chap by today but it was an eventful weekend and I’m so burnt out😭 I’m so very sorry, but pls, enjoy a snippet (although im not sure it’ll stay in the chapter I’m currently writing). again, I’m sorry I’ll do better!!!
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“Did you just shoot me?” Eddie asked, looking up from the gracing wound, slight pain going up and down his forearm. “Did you just fucking shoot me?”
The man heaved in pain, a thread of saliva going down his chin. He had tears in the corners of his eyes; blood gushing out of the stump. He should black out any second now. Still, an amused little grin pulled at the corners of his lips.
“What the fuck happened?”
Through the door stormed an angry Buck, glancing from the victim, to Eddie, to the wall behind him, where a bullet was incrusted in the concrete.
“Asshole just shot me,” he said, looking at his hand. There was some blood smeared across his palm. “Barely missed.”
Buck’s eyes darkened. He swiftly unhooked his knife — when did he even hook it? — and flicked it into the air, spinning it with controlled precision. “Your luck just ran out.”
Eddie had to force himself in place as he watched the blade pierce the man’s skin.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
tagging in return @lover-of-mine @malewifediaz @thewolvesof1998 @try-set-me-on-fire @your-catfish-friend @mattsire @monsterrae1 @hippolotamus @eddiebabygirldiaz @firemedicdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @honestlydarkprincess @spagheddiediaz @eowon @buckleyobsessed @eddie---diaz @911-on-abc @jeeyuns @loserdiaz @smilingbuckley @bucksbirthmark & @exhuastedpigeon 🧚🏼‍♀️
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honeybee-taskforce · 5 months
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hi! thank you so much for the tags throughout this week and I'm so sorry I've been distant but this week has been a LOT so I'm resting and processing lol. In the meantime, have some sexy times!! thank you all for the tags today @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @sznofthesticks @lemonlyman-dotcom @alrightbuckaroo <3
Something falls to the ground when TK is pushed against the counter, but he can't find himself to care. This isn't his home anyways.
What he does find he cares about is the strong man who has him boxed into the island of his townhouse kitchen, one arm wrapped around his neck and the other rubbing along his thigh. Lips trailing soft kisses down his jaw and leaving a gentle spark on TK's skin when he moves to a new spot. TK can't help but love the sensation.
"Carlos." He starts, pausing to moan on accident when Carlos puts pressure on his thigh suddenly and bites onto his neck. "W-We should go upstairs."
Carlos lets out a soft hum of acknowledgement. He pulls his face back and squeezes TK's neck with his hand, pulling their eyes together. Carlos looks between TK's eyes, searching for something and TK tries to let him see whatever it is that he wants. If tonight doesn't end the way that he wants it to then TK might actually break something when he gets home.
They rest there with Carlos searching and kneading his fingers into TK's thigh. Silent and careful, TK lets him. After what feels like forever Carlos must find something he likes because his eyes drop to TK's lips and he speaks. "We could go upstairs....or."
TK's tongue flicks out quickly and his eyes stay on Carlos. "Or?"
"Or I could fuck you right here on the counter." Carlos says, punctuating it with a harsh grip on his thigh, but gentle pet of the neck.
TK is helpless when it comes to Carlos, he is finding out very quickly. He's not sure that he likes that. But that doesn't stop him from nodding his head and letting Carlos back into his space, mouths dancing together and being lifted onto the countertop with his legs spread as Carlos swallows him up.
no pressure tags below + open tag to anyone!!
Tag you’re it @heartstringsduet @alrightbuckaroo @lemonlyman-dotcom @sznofthesticks @paperstorm
@im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @vineofroses @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @carlos-in-glasses @sanjuwrites
@falloutmars @never-blooms @your-catfish-friend @lightningboltreader @catanisspicy
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nancys-braids · 4 months
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thank you @tellmegoodbye and @goldenskykaysani for the tag! rules here!
this week is nancy yearning for marjan, because im nothing if not thinking about them and getting angsty about it, and also writing yearning nancy this afternoon.
talia - king princess
But four drinks I'm wasted I can see you dancing, I can lay down next to you At the foot of my bed If I drink enough I can taste your lipstick, I can lay down next to you But it's all in my head If I drink enough I swear that I will wake up next to you
i relate this to nancy's pov, having feelings/yearning for marjan. not knowing if marjan feels the same or if she is queer, when she gets drunk or when she's dreaming, she's dreaming of being with her.
pancakes for dinner - lizzy mcalpine
Don't wanna be forward Don't wanna cross a line But if I were to crash in this plane tonight I'd want you to know this
Don't wanna say too much Intrude on your space But if I were to crash and I never made it home I'd want you to know this
Oh, and to tell you is too scary So I'll just say something else And I wish that you could hear me When I talk to myself But this plane might not land safely So, what the hell do I have to lose If I just tell you?
I wanna eat pancakes for dinner I wanna get stuck in your head I wanna watch a T.V. show together And when we're under the weather we can watch it in bed I wanna go out on the weekends I wanna dress up just to get undressed
sorry for adding half the song but my god i had to. more nancy yearning for marjan. wanting to admit her feelings, but not wanting to cross that friend barrier, how terrified she is to tell her how much she likes her, how much she wants to do all the mundane couple things with her, wanting to tell her because life is short and what if she dies without ever telling her?
open tag + no pressure tagging @captain-gillian @pelorsdyke @sugdenlovesdingle @reasonandfaithinharmony @your-catfish-friend
@literateowl @bonheur-cafe @heartstringsduet @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
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sorry for never tagging anything ever. it will continue to happen
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lemonzestywrites · 10 months
fuck it friday!
tagged by the besties @jeeyuns @devirnis @eddiebabygirldiaz
also quick preface- i have seen all the tags for other games and i am so so sorry i haven't posted anything! im not ignoring yall- ily all- i am just in the hellish nightmare editing phase before i send things off to my beta so hopefully chapter one should be out by the end of next week or so (if all goes according to plan)
anyways thank you all mwah blowing kisses- as a little thanks have a little bit of a non-spoilery snippet from ch1 of the infamous fwb buddie bdsm fic
Buck’s composure finally cracks as he bursts out in huffs of laughter, thankfully for Eddie the mortifying embarrassment doesn’t last long before he contains himself. “I just…I thought you’d be a Dom for sure,” he says a little breathlessly. Eddie watches as Buck’s eyes flicker downward suddenly, his gaze drifting over Eddie’s figure for the briefest moment. “But I definitely see it.” Eddie shoots him a look. “It’s not that obvious.” He knows stereotypes are a little redundant- hell, Eddie of all people would know. Still, though, he can’t fathom the idea of Buck being able to see through him that easily. It’s not like he exactly looks the part of an eager submissive. Does he? There’s something in the way Buck’s piercing eyes glance back up to meet his own. A heat. A charge. Some unspoken suggestion that has Eddie pressing himself just oh so further back into the couch. “Maybe not,” Buck says slowly. “But I always had a feeling you had a hidden layer.”
tagging the wonderful people on my taglist because yall are the best and i love seeing what you all have to write- @your-catfish-friend @giddyupbuck @artemis-the-sinister @hippolotamus
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thewolvesof1998 · 1 year
Wolf! woLF!! WOLF!!!
Apparently ao3 commenting is down so I can’t comment on your cowboy fic but OH MY GOD MY DUDE I THOUGHT CHAPTER ONE WAS GOOD AND THEN I READ CHAPTER TWO AND IM OVER HERE LIKE THIS
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This fic rocks!! Im so excited to see what you’ve got for us in chapter 3.
Hehehe I'm glad you enjoyed it! Sorry for the late reply but I wanted to write a bit of a sneak peak for you and I am also using this as my Fuck it Friday post because why the fuck not?
I think I was tagged by literally everyone so...
@wikiangela @wildlife4life ​ @alyxmastershipper​ @disasterbuckdiaz @spotsandsocks @try-set-me-on-fire @jesuisici33​ @bekkachaos @buddierights @forthewolves @911-on-abc @hippolotamus @shitouttabuck @911onabc @eddiediaztho @your-catfish-friend @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @watchyourbuck @king-buckley @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese @fortheloveofbuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @mangacat201 @theotherluciferr @cowboy-buddie @eowon
So here's a bit more of Chapter 3 of Alright, Cowboy, Go Get 'Em my Rodeo AU:
Eddie buries his face in Buck’s neck when he can no longer look at Buck’s face without blurting out something ridiculous and sappy and way too serious for a hook-up. He still smells like the hotel’s citrus body wash from their shower last night and tastes divine as Eddie nibbles at the soft skin causing a hitch in the pants Buck is softly making in his ear. His hands are clinging to Eddie, one at his neck, the other leaving finger-sized marks on his bicep and both legs are crossed over Eddie’s back drawing him in as close as possible. Eddie’s hips are moving at a slow but steady pace, thrusting in deep and hitting that spot that has Buck arching and writhing beneath him. It’s intoxicating being this close to Buck, being wrapped up by him, wrapped up in him. Last night Buck had been on his knees, facing away from Eddie, it had seemed a safer choice at the time but he was still here. Not still here as in the hotel room fucking Buck after waking up in his arms but here as in already far too deep in his feelings about an almost stranger that he’s not sure he’ll ever see again. 
“Eds,” Buck mumbles, pulling Eddie back from his spiral, “Eds, baby I’m close,” his words are slurring in that fucked out way like they did last night and Eddie thinks he could listen to Buck fall apart for the rest of his life. 
Masterlist of posts about this fic- 18+
Read Chapter One and Two on ao3- 18+
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sugdenlovesdingle · 5 months
Seven Sentence Sunday (times two!)
thanks for the tag @sznofthesticks @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @welcometololaland
As usual I have way too many fics on the go and i need motivation and inspiration to actually finish some of them sometime this century... so here's two snippets from two fics
"Come home with me after shift."
"What? Are you sure?"
Marjan nodded, looking down at their joint hands for a moment before meeting Nancy's eyes again.
"Never been more sure. I just... I want to be with you... I want to wake up next to you tomorrow, I want to find out what you're like first thing in the morning, I want to know what you like for breakfast... I just want you."
"You have me." Nancy promised. "I've kind of had a thing for you since the first time you walked through those doors downstairs and announced you were here to see Owen Strand. I'm not letting you go now."
"Really?" Marjan asked. There was a hint of sadness in her eyes but at the same time it thrilled her to know Nancy had liked her for that long.
"Yeah. You were all confident and badass... and beautiful." Nancy leaned down to kiss her.
They were usually more careful when they were at work, and maybe it was the nice weather they'd been having, the fact that Marjan had pulled off another ridiculously risky stunt but was fine, the two days off they had coming up, or maybe it was just that they were still in the honeymoon stage of their relationship and just wanted to kiss each other every chance they got, but they let themselves get lost in the kiss and completely forgot where they were.
Until the door opened and someone walked in.
"Woah, shit, sorry! I didn't see anything!" Paul announced loudly, covering his eyes as the two women jumped apart.
"Paul! What are you doing here?!" Marjan hissed.
"I just wanted to gather my stuff so I won't have to do it when shift is over. But clearly you're busy in here so I'll just..." he trailed off and felt around for the door handle.
(technically Buck & his firefam but - details)
“Morning. What are we talking about, mister... Kinard…” Eddie trailed off. “Are you two becoming one of those couples now? Is Tommy walking around with Buckley on his back?”
Buck grinned and raised an eyebrow at his best friend.
“No. Nope. Don’t answer that. I don’t want to know.” Eddie warned him quickly, holding up his hand as if that would stop Buck from talking. 
“I mean… he’s probably still in bed… so he’s not wearing much of anything right now.” Buck grinned and sat down at the table next to Hen while Eddie groaned and muttered something under his breath about never being friends with couples.
“Did you know?” Hen asked Eddie when he joined them at the table.
“Know what?”
Hen grabbed Buck’s left hand and showed Eddie his ring.
“You asked him? I thought you wanted to wait until the party?”
“Yeah… but then I picked him up from work last week… and I just couldn’t wait.” Buck smiled. “When you know, you know, right?”
“Hmm.” Eddie agreed as he focused on his coffee.
“So you knew?” Hen asked again.
“Yeah. I helped him pick out the ring.” Eddie shrugged. “And when I say helped I mean apologised to the woman in the store who had to show him every ring they had at least twice, before he eventually bought the first one she'd shown him. He's banned from the place for life now." he joked. "I didn’t know he was going to propose now though.”
tagging @carlos-in-glasses @bonheur-cafe @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @oldfangirl81 @your-catfish-friend
@chicgeekgirl89 @lemonlyman-dotcom @sanjuwrites + open tag for whoever wants to share something
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 7 months
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Thank you for the tags @honeybee-taskforce @carlos-in-glasses @sznofthesticks @heartstringsduet @strandnreyes @bonheur-cafe & @janto4ev 💕 A bit from chapter one of Eid fic, coming on Wednesday!! 🌙
“Marjan,” Mateo says, tilting dramatically into TK’s side when the truck takes a corner a little too fast. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be talking about food.”
“What are you talking about, Probie?” Marjan scoffs, waving a hand in his direction. “You can talk about food. I was at that fire, I smelled it too.”
“But you’re fasting! It doesn’t bother you?” Mateo asks, becoming somehow more animated while sitting even further forward in his seat.
“Probie, I’ve been fasting for Ramadan for 12 years now. I’ve been a firefighter for four. I can handle it.” She shrugs.
“What’s the point of fasting, though?” Mateo asks. TK elbows him again while Paul mutters an admonishing Probie under his breath.
“Guys, it’s fine.” Marjan says, waving a hand between Paul and TK. “You can ask about it, I don’t mind.” She turns her gaze back to Mateo. “It helps us appreciate the things we typically take for granted, like clean water and healthy food. And it brings us closer to Allah.”
“Huh,” Mateo says. “That’s kinda beautiful.”
Tagging @thisbuildinghasfeelings @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @vineofroses @alrightbuckaroo @chicgeekgirl89 @fallout-mars @ladytessa74 @your-catfish-friend @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @inkweedandlizards @kiwichaeng @carlos-tk @literateowl @freneticfloetry @orchidscript @guardian-angle22 @my-little-tilly @tinyluminaryzombie @basilsunrise @louis-ii-reyes-strand @herefortarlos @apothecarose @rmd-writes @theghostofashton @thebumblecee @welcometololaland @reyesstrand @itsrandomnobody7 @liminalmemories21 @lightningboltreader @iboatedhere @never-blooms @ambiguouspenny @paperstorm @noxsoulmate @detective-giggles @decafdino and OPEN TAG 🏷️
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cheese-water · 1 year
hi im sorry I just need to ramble gen loss crap somewhere this s relating to the pole you did I really don’t wanna ramble literal paragraphs in tags:
The dehumanization of content creator by both corporations and fans alike: Lets me honest this is just kind a the surface metaphorical meaning of it all im pretty its been confirmed if not I dont think I need to explain why.
How when our perception of reality is manipulated, our choices mean nothing: tbh this is kinda correct in a way?? Because it all ends in Ranboo dying right? Like let’s if he refuses to do the activities in ep 2 like he’s just gonna die yknow? Like the more you think about it our own choices didn’t really matter they all lead up to the ending scene of rans death. What if we chose live? Something tells me showfall would just erase his memory and reuse them and then the cycle could repeat until inevitable death.
One of many attempts to escape the facility that always ends in death: Kinda what i js said but like: Also it would be extremely hard for Ranboo in any way to escape. Primarily bc mind control. But let’s say that doesn’t apply. Try to escape the mall? Let’s be real the doors are gonna be jammed and there’s showfall people everywhere they’re probably just gonna inject Ranboo with something. Tries to prove to the cameras he being held hostage by showfall? In a ‘real world’ situation Is anyone gonna believe him? They might just think he’s acting. At some point showfall is js gonna get bored of dealing with them and just off him.
also did you see sneeg trying to escape-
The sanitization of today's media to better cater to and profit off of children: I could see this because it is also a VERY common thing in the world with like family channels, child beauty pageants, and what is more similar to genloss’s implementation of this: Ranboo blew up when he was 17! Tommy and Tubbo 16! They were literal minors! They were kids! It was and still is disgusting how much sexual content was produced of them when they were CHILDREN. There are endless examples of this: hundreds, if not THOUSANDS or articles made about an ‘offensive comment’ that was literally just taken out of context, tiktoks and threads saying THAT THEY SHOULD GROW UP?? they are kids!
honestly unsure what the cannon ages of the genloss characters are but if were going by irl ages Ranboo is still 19! Honestly more rambling about how kinda sad this is like, bro is 19 he is literally getting doxxed, death threats, and still creating genloss! Like their 19 and made a work that was considered for an Emmy! (Also being the only not virtual reality work)
The favorable interpretation of events we're supposed to believe vs. the truth: A LOT of ep 2 how they par-take in these games with seem innocent at first, just playing some mouse trap, introducing yourself, etc. but they are literally being held a gunpoint. The scene where Ranboo rips open Charlie it just seems like a comedic scene but for a few seconds the slime is blood. Ranboo is being forced to rip open Charlie simply to survive himself. The puzzler straight up shoots Niki TWICE and the audience(LITERALLY US LOL) feel bad, but a lot people find it funny(kinda is tho- low key loved that scene) obviously Niki is alive so its funnier but what if she actually died?
here’s more of my ramble on genloss meanings and stuff
I just the horrible effects of social media. hate from just being yourself, hate for being ‘fake’/ a ‘catfish’, hate for having fun, hate for not enjoying yourself and people telling you should be grateful. To the point where instead of being yourself you force yourself to shape into this emotionless mold just to appeal to the internet. You could try to ask for help(ranboo spelling sos in Morse code w hand),but your to far gone “you already bought a ticket and there’s no turning back now” I know this isn’t the most accurate but it’s literally 4am lol
Social Media|Showfall Media ya see it?
Srry for the such unorganized thoughts and crap im a dying autistic. -☁︎🪷(just a name to recognize me by you never know also I’m rambling more here about random shit-)
I’ve been trying to think of a response to this ask for a solid five minutes but I just can’t. I just, I’m so so so happy right now. Like, literally smiling ear to ear. You have no idea how happy this makes me. :DDDDD
I adore analyzing media to pieces but with genloss specifically, I also enjoy understanding all of the different influences and interpretations from the audience. Normally, once I find an interpretation I like (either created by me, the most popular, or simply the first one I see) I stick with it, hard. All future thoughts about that media run through the certain interpretation filter only, which isn’t y’know the most open mindset I’ll admit lmao. I think what was different about genloss was a combination of me being a genlosser from the very beginning, being share my theories publicly for the first time, and probably the biggest reason, I didn’t believe the most popular interpretation.
I’ve always been an OUR CHOICE DOESNT MATTER believer since the beginning and could never get on the content creator exploitation train before it left the station. So I guess it gave me a different perspective in regards to reading and sharing analysis posts. Somehow both more critical and more understanding, like I could tell you how the dehumanizing cc theory only applies to eps 2 and 3, while acknowledging that the end of ep 3 literally had a choice that supposedly did matter so who tf cares we’re all having fun. And then I wondered if the cc interpretation was the most popular one and now we’re here.
And so far, it turns out that yeah it very much is lol. But all the notes going into detail about why they believe what they believe just gave me so much more insight and appreciation for the theory. Not just that one but all other interpretations, timeloops, capitalism allegories, your social media parallels just to name a few, have grown a special place in my heart in a way that hasn’t happened to me before genloss. Idk it’s just very cool and I love hearing ‘em all.
Also so I can be told very obvious things I haven’t noticed before. Like how am I just now understanding Social Media -> Showfall Media pfffff
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bi-buck-coded · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
✨Thursday Edition✨
Important note/question at the end under the cut?? Please read it :( it's important to me. Here's potential scene one to NPC fic (it will most likely change if im being honest but I need feedback).
Tagged by: @honestlydarkprincess @buddiearemydads @ebdaydreamer @usercowboy
Sara speed-walks her way to the ping pong table, almost tripping, but catching herself before any of the others can see. “Guys- guys!” she says, “You will not believe what I just found!” Her voice comes out half whisper half yell. At the ping pong table Stan is writing a tally on his score-keeping note pad while Jess and Tom argue over the last play. When they hear Sara coming they turn their heads. 
“This isn’t over, I swear we’ve never played with those rules,” Jess says to Tom as Sara reaches them.
“Well Stan’s already given the point out so I think I’ll let him decide-”
“The point went to Bradshaw.”
“-nothing. He will decide nothing because you can hit the ball before it bounces.” Tom crosses his arms and looks defiantly at the other two. Jess looks over to stan and rolls her eyes. “I saw that!”
“Guys! Can you listen to me?” Sara looks around before pulling out her phone. “I know I said I was taking a break from online dating after that catfish incident, but I went on this hookup app last night - for reasons - anyway and look what I found.” She turns her phone relieving a profile boasting the username firehose. A shirtless mirror selfie in black and white shows at the top of the profile. The flash and the phone block out the user’s face. 
“Okay so you found some guy with the cheesiest username known to man why do we care?” Jess asks. Sara turns the phone back to herself, scrolls down a little, and then flips the phone back to her awaiting crowd. “Oh my god, why did he choose a blowjob angle?” She takes the phone into her own hands and stares open mouthed. 
“I’m sorry, he chose the name firehose?” Tom scrunches his face in confusion. “I get the joke, big dick or whatever, but why would you ever swipe on a guy who chooses the name firehose?” Stan laughs and grabs the phone for himself to scroll through the phone. Picture after shirtless picture stare back at him. Jess smirks.
“Maybe it actually means he com-”
“I mean he looks good in these pictures, sure, but then his prompts are so bad! ‘I go crazy for…’ and then he just put ‘you’. ‘My biggest regret is…’ ‘the opportunities I didn’t take’.” Stan pauses to laugh at that. “What? That one doesn’t even sound right!” Tommy takes the phone next.
“Would it be bad to say I’d swipe right?” The group looks at Sara and she turns her head to look away. “As if you wouldn’t,” she mumbles.
The sound of an engine backing into the bay startles them out of their bubble. Sara takes her phone from Tommy and locks it before putting it in her pocket. They watch as Buck climbs out of the engine and jogs up the stairs. “Oh my god,” Sara mouths at the others who all have wide eyes. They stand there quietly for a second, too scared to breath. It feels as if someone could tell what they were just talking about from any sudden movement. 
“They charge you extra for the full detail?” They hear Chimney say above them. Tom holds back a laugh while Sara clamps her hand over her mouth and stares wide eyed at Jess who’s biting back her own laugh. 
“So the game was 3-0 Bradshaw-” the alarm blares, cutting Stan off, and they’re off getting into their gear and the engine. “Do you think it was on these seats or-”
So I dont really know how I feel about this, writing third person omniscient (or kind of really third-person objective because idk how to write omniscient well) was weird for me and idk if I can really make it better? I'm thinking about just switching to text threads only? Idk read this and if you want in the tags you can give feedback on what might make it better or if you like the idea of just texts, because in my head texts would just make more sense? / I could make it funnier? idk in my head I feel like it'd be funnier if it were texts. Please give thoughts im begging.
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