#im sorry if i messed up some terminology
welldrawnfish · 10 months
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So these last few days has been.. Turbulent. DIFFERENT
I think I may be a System? Infact I KNOW I am a system at this point, but Im also not ready to accept that. Well a part of me isnt, and the other parts of me are like… uh duh of course you are. 
*A system in this context refers to the collective consciousness under the DID / OSDD Umbrella, I dont know the correct terminology in all of this, so im so sorry If i I mess up. I don’t necessarily want to give myself a label, there's .. brain scans and stuff I can get to prove it. And I need those, thats the only way I know this is real. But for now, for my own mental health I am treating it as if it were.. “real “ And I dont really know… what to expect…? I want to find something, ANYTHING, on I guess.. Systems waking up? But I cant find it. So I’ll just do this here Im gonna dump out all our thoughts onto some comic pages and we will figure it out.  I had a bit of an awakening roughly.. 5 days ago, and for the sake of convenience gonna use Plural/System terminology - There are alters, I have met them, the have names and personalities and some of them are really fuckin annoying i just want to punch him in his TEETH
Anyways, since the alter awakening moment, my brain has been in TURMOIL parts of me accept this, parts of me dont, i keep feeling like my face is like shifted 2 inches to the right and everything gets fuzzy in the real world. Not that these alters have names like.. Files are getting sorted  into these proper figures and everything is getting explained and figured out. And its making me feel like I'm not me anymore?
Like I always would argue and barter and fight with my own thoughts, but that's the thing, they wer thoughts, voices in my head with just like, distinct personalities. I just saw it as a different part of me?? Figured that was normal.
But now they are.. stronger ? OR maybe because i'm more aware of them and the personalities I can tell whos out now and like.. Obviously they are happy to get some facetime with the world properly?? But like.. Am *I* just aware of it, aware of them now, aware that it is not just *I* but *We* and so noticing it more, I'm resisting even harder? We feel more fractured than ever.
I have a good friend helping me out, another system, I owe them everything, maybe my life. (PLEASE FOLLOW @transpanda-1 BTW THEY DESERVE IT) They had a few amazing tips, but I cant keep bugging them about every anxiety on my mind thats not fair, so I’ll ask the whole community.
I guess what I want to know is.. Like is this normal? Do all systems go through this? What should I expect in the future and how do I make this more streamlined and stop.. Fighting it? I guess?
I thought I finally had myself figured out, just be the girl who makes the funny relatable trans comics… it was simple.
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red1ight · 10 months
i am home early from work today yay so i can share my thoughts re:the dc comeback
well. it's very different for them but very much the same in terms of the kpop gg landscape rn... so that's boring to me. especially the english lyrics of 'i'm flawless i'm gorgeous my black dress' are so tired, a bit eye-roll. as is the heavy use of english lyrics itself. like i know they're trying to appeal to foreign fans (esp usamerican fans since they're looking to release an english album soon) but.. why? anyway i digress that's a different conversation.. as for the structure of the song itself, it's predictable, the rhythmic speaking over the electronic synths is also very overplayed, i don't care for that.
that all being said,, i don't think the song is overall Bad like i think it's kinda fun once i get past the standards and expectations i have of their music LOL. but im frustrated because if they really wanted to go this route musically, and conform to the current trends, they could still do so much to insert their own color, which i feel like normally is their strong suit. I can appreciate that they still opted for an acoustic drum beat and electric guitar in certain places, but aside from that.. they could have at least done more to spice it up. like for the chorus, they could have messed around with the progressions and leaned more into some interesting minor chords. i wish i knew music terminology to better articulate this idea LMAO anyway
I think yoohyeon in particular has some nice parts, the prechorus is enjoyable, but for a group with such overall strong vocals, there just wasn't much at all to this song. jiu and sua were particularly underutilized vocally which is a real shame.
as for choreo - i find it boring for the same reasons, it's just like everything else you can expect from an 'i'm bad' 'girl-crush' song (do ppl still use that term? can we retire it? have we already? idk). the tiktokification of kpop choreo is disappointing, especially from them since we know what they're capable of.
i think the concept is just a bit disappointing coming from them? it just doesn't seem to fit the image they've created or fanbase they've built.. i mean i know having a somewhat 'alt' (using that term really loosely here) image in the industry will not profitable forever but.. idk maybe it would? is it better to just do the same thing as every other group rn? isn't that why so many groups fell off around 2015-ish? because there was an oversaturation of the same concepts?? idk. also im getting kind of tired of the album 'concept' never having anything to do with the title track honestly it's become a real pet peeve for me like what does this have to do with villains or the cool spooky teasers they had in the very beginning of i think last (?) month? where's the intention where's the thought where's the care where's the artistry !! i've been thinking this for a while, but everything just feels rushed and barely thought-out.
all to say that it's nothing special, it could be fun to listen to if im in the right mood and ignore the english lyrics, but disappointing (sorry realizing im using that word a lot lol) only because i have such high standards for them. so it'll most likely end up being a skip for me. oh well. i'll check out the b sides of course though
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x-other-souled-x · 8 months
We have a system archivist/record keeper/system organizer type who's been rattling in the back for the last two weeks about moving accounts, he's nervous because he hasn't "catalouged" everything yet.
Its interesting to me, since he was the tulpa a former host of ours made back when we considered ourselves a singlet who just really for some unknown reason wanted to be plural, who had argued for his existence being real when The Doubting came (and went.) I feel like due to how he was formed, and what a pivotal role he had in waking up the other system members to themselves (sorry idk how else to word it) is why he's so stressed about keeping a record and maintaining a working archive of everything.
But he's obsessed with getting it Right the first time. I've noticed that most of the time if he's put something like this off and then is stressing about getting it done (while still not doing it) it's probably because he's afraid of messing up and somehow damaging system members. We once thought various members were kintypes, and he helped to catalouge these, and then when they turned out to be system members he did stress about how he couldn't make up for the fact that he got it wrong in the first place. Nevermind the role former host had in confirming these to be kintypes.
Now he's been pouring over random terminology posts trying to get everything Right so that when we switch accounts everything will be capital P Perfect. The first time. Idk how wr can get him to see its fine to be wrong, and a living archive is just that, living, not set in stone. It's alright to change a me.bers information catalogs as we learn more about them. Despite living all in one head, it's not as if we have an omnipresent all-knowing shared memory/consciousness...
Idk im just venting mostly, he knows I'm writing this and in one way I'm trying to get it through to him, but you know what they say about giving others advice you want to hear for yourself, and now how does that translate when talking abt several members of one system?
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yungviry · 1 year
a fucking mess
man guys it happened, i ran into my ex! and boy was it terrible. let me set the scene: im at the gas station and simultaneously pumping gas and recording a snapchat video like we do. and as im done pumping the gas and getting back into the car and watching back my video, he pops into my car window. completely caught me off guard. i cant remember all the shit he said but he did say stop "talking shit about me online". which i found to be annoying but whatever. i pulled away as fast as i could and parked down the street. i tried my best to not give a reaction or say a word and i didnt. i pulled over and cried for a bit like a fucking pussy, cause i couldnt handle it. my ass was so stressed. i dot know about yall but i dont ever expect to see an ex after a breakup unless its intentional. and the fact that he was just at my neighborhood arco was just a nightmare. officially never going there again.
im telling yall a breakup is different for everyone. we cope differently and its all good. a bitch will be revealing but just know that my book will but much better. and the focus isnt necessary my ex's but more so my life after blossoming into a woman if you will. a bitch hit a hundred bodies i feel like i got a story to tell. and 100 isnt a lot but in 3 years i give myself a pat on the back. theres just a lot of tales and unfortunate situations i got myself into.
malik is an ass. was an ass. i dont care for the terminology hes a menace and no im not gunna shut up about him to an extent. sometimes i remember that he used to hit me, sometimes i remember he used to be rude as fuck, i remember when he told me he had herpes and religiously blamed it on his last girlfriend. he was a big piece of shit and i just feel if someone wants to get involved with him they should know the indiscretion he omits.
Malik Salam shit list (from oakland in case you women are unaware)
-cheater (multiple times, im aware im the dumbass that took him back like 4 times for the same shit but imma still add it to my list cause a bitch was gaslight like a motherfucker till i saw shit for myself)((this is as in messaging/hooking up with master rochi/the white bitch im blanking on her name right now)
-has fucking herpes and reused to let anyone of his previous sexual partners know
-constantly asked to borrow money with and told me hed pay me back, blackmailed me by saying he woulnt pay me back if we broke up, and for the whole 3 years almost never paid back any of the money
im sorry the money always be pissing me off. like yall don understand when i get to the malik chapter of my book im gunna go off. he whole ass knew since december 2021 that his friend was getting married in vegas in october 2022. told me up and down i wasnt going. literally could have convos about how i was axed from those plans. and because hes cheap (or broke i didnt looked at his accounts) a month before he tells me i can suddenly go. "book the room and well split it" never got his half. paid for gas the whole way there. paid for the majority of meals. but dont worry he shared his weed.
actually at some point in the planning he uninvited me from the wedding and said "i could still come to vegas just not the wedding" so my ass didnt even have a fit for the wedding, we went shopping out there. just thinking about this shit is annoying. supposedly your best friend is getting married but you didnt put any money away for the whole event. spent the 4 days there watching squid games in his car, he did bring weed so we shared our weed too, and didnt really do shit. went to the hoover dam and the grand canyon, but not really the grand canyon cause e got there when it was dark and didnt see shit. but overall i spent a band on the trip and never got half of that.
gosh i hate shitting on someone cause obviously you loved them and thought well of them at some point so just know im ranting. this really is my space so my ass sometimes just wants to shit on the bitch i tried to really see the good in. like the basic consensus is i feel stupid as fuck and im not gunna go tell my homies exactly how big a shit head he was. i didnt while we were together and i aint finna start. so imma just write it out and shit on his ass on my tumblr like any healthy and coping young lady.
and his hair looks stupid so very much happy.
its crazy cause ive been thinking abut derrick lately (my og ex boyfriend) and then byrd hits me up to hang out (my og fuck buddy). the byrd thing isnt soo soo weid just cause i did hit him up like a week ago to say happy birthday. but his ass doesnt munch box so theres no point in hooking up.
however derrick...
man i aint seen him in like a over a year, his birthdays at the end of the month and i have a bit of a birthday message already in the works. hes gunna be 30 at the end of the month and it makes me remember our pact, said wed marry each other if we were still single. but last time i seen him i said "can we change our pact age to 40" 30 still young i still have time and plenty of fish still swimming around.
see that man is a muncher, not the best, but hes alright for the occasion. but its not the munching im there for its the wiener. see his wiener could have a whole chapter in my book too. i was obsessed with it and him. he just fucks hella good, im sorry im repetitive but damn that man works his wiener like a king. if i could have one last fuck it be him forsure. sometimes i can still feel it if i concentrate, and 100% will get goose bumps. sometimes i feel like hitting him up but he still has the same girlfriend, and last time we hooked up im sure it was some type of sneak off on his part, but thats exactly why im unlucky with love. i be fucking with this man and i dont know if hes single single. and he wasnt a good partner either, he cheated too and lied about that shit, except i actually left after the first time.
idk didnt mean to go off topic, sometimes i start spewing and shit gets all mixed together. lowkey i have had derrick on the brain so to see malik was just hella wild. im pretty sure he called me but last time i checked we didnt have shit to say to each other. i spent 3 years giving that amn all the opportunity to tell me wassup to spill his guts and truly im over it and if hes tickled that im "exposing" him for being a shitty boyfriend when in reality im just fucking telling my truth is obnoxious. he hit me he cheated on me he lied about all the shit he was doing and continued to even when confronted. like my ass is just hurt and im gunna let it out
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keith-supremacist · 3 years
idk if I mentioned my muslim keith hcs here I know I did it at the server but anyways
I just, khush mentioned religious islamic keith and being devoted and stuff and the first time I read it I was like cool but "pfffft my keith? would never"
but then u see, I started loving it cause man. man does it make sense. he is an orphan, in a modern au ESP if we talking about my desi settings, that guy ain't got nobody and in those circumstances... believing in a god as a traumatized kid ... makes so much sense. and on top it fits so nicely. cause I, like many of us with phones, we all grow in similar environments cause class and religion has always worked against me, like many of yall here... which is why religious hcs annoyed me like at least an year ago and I assumed it would annoy keith too. why would it make sense when he is queer and logical and an angry advocate, right?
but now... i have this very specific narrative of like, a young keith with both his parents dead and being pushed under the roof of some distant relatives who are bothered by another mouth to feed just... finding shelter in a nearby mosque. he is a queer kid, a mentally ill kid, an angry kid, ofc he doesn't fit in with kids his age in his locality. instead he finds solace amoung giving and caring old people. who have given their life to the sole purpose of helping others, who do nothing and are beyond the daily stresses and chik chik of capitalist chores... idk how to describe but those people are always in temples and mosques and gurdwaras, and they instead just live together, sing and serve. ofc he would be instantly adopted by these people who wanna help. I just love the idea of a small keith finding comfort anoung these old people, who also find comfort with him, because somewhere miss the childhood of their own kids, who are probably now too caught up in their lives to turn back to their parents, cause there are always old people abandoned like that who get into... bhakti.
just the idea of a small keith, one day running into a mosque, to get rid of some bullies probably, all dirty and messed up... stumbling across people singing and... joining them. sitting there cross legged and listening to slow devotional songs... until he calms down... taking deep breaths and just, looking at the stars and... yeah.
then, maybe some day after routinely doing it for days, one day he stays there for too long, and someone sees him... wakes him up, asks him if he is okay, if he has a home to go to, they help him clean up...
and then, next day keith is back, willfully. same routine, lays down, watches the sky and let's himself listen to the singing... but this time he waves at the people who helped him last night, smiles at them when they offer him a little treat... maybe a candy or something
some other day he is early, and they aren't singing yet so he is confused... he looks around in confusion, and recognizes one of the singers maybe cleaning the floor or the dishes. so he goes upto them and asks them about the music... and they are just like "awh we will do it in a bit first I need to clean all this" so keith offers to help..... and then soon he is running around with a mop and messing shit up and everyone is laughing... later in the evening he sits with them again... this time with them in someone's lap... excited and smiling...
at some point he is going to the local school, and in the afternoons when he is done, he is immediately getting into the mosque,, sitting in there in a mess of a uniform, eagerly...
he is growing as he is serving in the kitchens, attending older people, cleaning etc etc... just spends his days here instead of that fuckass abusive home where everyone does nothing but scream and hit him.
he grows up to sing himself, starts humming to himself while cleaning and washing and working around the mosque... and someone someday catches him and gets SO DAMN excited that their little kid can and is interested in singing !!! and they dont even ask him, he is just being pulled into singing cause they love his voice and his passion and him... oh oh oh when he starts singing everyone is so invested !!! they all wanna teach him everything, their instruments and their special singing features... everything. at some point all he is doing all day is taking different music lessons from everyone...
and then he is there singing with them... some day he has a full minute solo in those sufi songs haha...
as he grows older... he doesn't believe in a god god anymore... but he believes in religion and in community. cause it gave him everything he has. I feel like he would not believe there is a god up there,, because he doesn't want to believe that if there was an almighty god up there, he would just take away his parents because he wanted to, and abandon him as a kid in a cruel world... he doesn't want to believe that, he rather believes it was an unfortunate series of coincidences. but he does believe, that together people create beautiful things... and that islam and all its components is one those things for him... he likes the idea of allah because allah was made and given power to by his fellow people, people he loves. he calls out allah's name everyday, he is devoted to allah and islam, because allah represents everyone who made allah, everyone who did everything for him... in allah's name...
oh fuck some day one of the older people, aaa someone who helped him dies of older age man aaa that hurts...
also ofc shiro is in the mosque like for defo maybe he is like a young adult when keith is like 14/15... they meet and brogane ensues
maybe someday he finds love in the mosque... some other closeted queer guy who visits the mosque often, helps in the kitchen...
those classic desi luka chhupi stories, sneaky glances and shy smiles... and then someday he is pulling the guy to the back of the mosque against a wall akshajdha
maybe he gets caught someday with someone (by shiro), and is terrified shit out of his life... ready to be kicked out and abandoned yet again... this time in the name of the same god. he is not obvious, he has lived all those years, slightly afraid... happened rarely because the homophobia in these places is more shush shush than blatant but once in a while he would come across overhearing a conversation... someone talking about queer people in disgust, he would see the news, listen to people call it a sin paap haram... and he is scared to be outted to be rejected to be misunderstood again... only to be accepted by people who matter (shiro and old singing teachers) and love him for who he is... for the first time (even if a few others turn their backs)...
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caleiiiii · 4 years
mcytbers as subway workers because i work at subway and i said so
i wrote this all at like 1 am im sorry
subway terminology (at least where i work)
waste out -means an item cant, or isnt, being sold, like overbaked cookies or expired milk. gets written down on a list for tax returns or smth
freezer pulls -pulling items from the freezer to the walk in fridge so they can thaw for the upcoming days
POS system -the software used for ringing up food, has a bunch of options per type of sandwich
generally 2 shift rotations , each one has a shift lead which is ur main opener or closer
makes sandwiches so fast. 
how ??? 
he wraps the sandwiches immaculately as well
definitely a main closer
just. disappears during a rush 
only to be found two hours later STILL doing dishes
dream and sapnap are not pleased.
convinces dream to waste out bread for him so he can eat it
gives ppl he likes free cookies 
terrible at wrapping sandwiches
always works with wilbur and tubbo. always. 
he HATES freezer pulls but if he has to he can be seen SPRINTING between the freezer and the fridge
also bad at wrapping sandwiches
does all the online orders for tubbo because he cant read them well
loves to bake the bread and cookies
got a complaint once because he read an online order wrong so tommy always does them
hates ringing people up but loves to make the sandwhiches
only works like 1 shift a week but its the most goddamn productive shift of anyone.
always makes sure they are selling potato soup when hes working
another main closer
always controls the radio in the store
always works with tubbo and tommy, drives them to work
bribes others so he doesnt have to do the dishes
main opener
the manager
super chill about scheduling
turns a blind eye to people “accidently” dropping cookies and wasting them out
a goddess at baking the bread and cookies
never burns anything ever
everybody wants to work with her shes so nice
is really good at ringing those ppl up with 28372 coupons
horrible at making sandwiches tho
the only one that knows how to fix the soda machine when it breaks
always gets asked to translate the writing on the boxes since its in spanish 95% of the time
loves stocking the milk cooler so he can take home the expired sodas n shit
always forgets to remind customers when stuff costs extra
that one transfer from another store that does everything
slightly wrong.
its been long enough now that he should know better but nobody wants to correct him.
has tons of pins on his hat, 10/10
really good at making the wraps
always says hello when customers enter
the new hire
immediately taken under sapnaps wing, much to the chagrin of dream
much more bread is now wasted out.
bbh and skeppy
regulars that are just. always there
they know all the employee gossip and get discounts on food
phil is .5 seconds away from asking them if they want a job
normal shift schedules
wilbur, tommy, tubbo (day shift)
dream, george, sapnap (night shift)
eret, niki, fundy (day shift)
technoblade, quackity, schlatt (night shift)
karl mainly works with the dteam, but jumps around
random things
the cookie incident
once tubbo accidently overbaked like 2 dozen cookies
so he and tommy ate all of them during their shift
they did not come into work the next day.
dream and techno rivalry
dream and technoblade have a rivaly about who can close and leave the store the quickest
eventually they decide to time themselves and race eachother on their respective shifts
techno wins with a time of 3 minutes before theyre officially allowed to close.
they both get yelled at by phil
technoblade’s only mistake
the only mistake technoblade has made ever was accidently leaving the bread cabinet open overnight
wilbur, tubbo, and tommy find it in the morning and have to throw all the bread out
tommy and tubbo split the bread and each leave with a garbage bag full of subway bread
wilbur still wont let techno live it down.
hacker things
once fundy hacked the POS system to give him a 100% discount
used it for about a month before someone (quackity) accidently pressed the option and snitched to phil
luckily, he just sighed and reset the system
cookie dough
wilbur comes up with the idea to pop raw cookie dough in the microwave and eat it half baked
phil comes in one day only to make -direct eye contact- with tommy as he and tubbo lick cookie dough off of some deli paper
allows it to happen as long as they pay for the dough
subway garlic bread
on a really slow day niki and eret are goofing off and create
~subway garlic bread~
it instantly becomes a secret menu favourite among employees and regulars
the bet
once skeppy bet quackity and schlatt that they wouldnt start a fake argument during rush hour
skeppy recorded the whole thing
technoblade can be seen in the backround silently making sandwiches as quackity and schlatt scream at eachother about if quackity has a “flatty patty”
phil tries to be mad but sees all the tips they made and lets is slide
george is the one always sacrificed to deal with the crabby middle aged moms
its his punishment for not helping during the rush.
sometimes for fun wilbur takes his meal break right before the dinner rush
tommy stares at him in fury the whole time.
betting pool
none of the employees can tell if bbh and skeppy are dating
its to the point that they keep a betting chart on a white board next to the “top failure of the week” spot
subway ghost
after a few freak instances wilbur is positive that the subway is haunted and convinces phil to let him do a séance after hours
he manages to convince half the staff that the store is haunted
(the ghost is drista or smth idk aksjdhajk)
top failure of the week
a tally on the white board in the back room of who dropped/wasted out thw most items
sapnap has the record top failure of the week, dropping a total of 42 loaves of bread in a week
schlatt got put on the board once. never again.
enamel pins
tubbo finds a enamel pin of a bee that he puts on his visor
its not technically allowed but phil lets him do it anyway :)
tommy and tubbo take subway bandanas from the back room and initial them before trading with eachother
nobody comments that theyre not technically allowed to have a hat and a bandana
the war
at some point a rivalry breaks out between the day staff
wilbur, tommy, tubbo, niki, eret, and fundy
and the night staff
dream, sapnap, george (techno, karl, schlatt, and quackity stay out of it)
what starts out tame eventually leads to workers purposely messing up stuff for the next shift to deal with, like not stocking the fridge or mopping the floor 
at some point eret switches to the night shift
the day shift does not take it well.
 after about 2 weeks phil is forced to step in as the store quality starts to go downhill
he closes the store for a day and makes everyone clean it u
 techno watches from outside the windows with a bag of popcorn
tommy starts placing the stickers they use to wrap sandwiches everywhere with the words “pogway” on them
everyone can tell its his handwriting but no one can catch him placing the stickers
phil even checked the cameras, still no trace of him
subway gun
sometimes tommy goes around spraying others with a spray bottle full of water used on the bread
he calls it the “subway gun”
wilbur gets fed up hides it in the freezer overnight
thats all for now! if i come up with anything else i might add it lol
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dreamsfreckles · 4 years
[8:34p.m.] High Hopes
Dream x reader
Suggestive, fluff
Dre being nervous hehe - enjoy!
“Dream...” Sapnap sighed into the phone for the upteenth time. “Just chill. Go with the flow.” Dream runs a hand through his hair stressfully, his phone held up to his right ear. “But I don’t know what to expect!” He growls in a hushed voice. “Whatever happens... Just don’t have a bad reaction.” Sapnap simplifies. “I think you’re over thinking this man, you’re probably just going to end up playing minecraft or something.” Dream sighs at his friend’s lack of good advice. “You are no help.” He groans.
Dream was sat in your bedroom, alone. You had departed from him to take a shower.
Why was Dream panicking you ask? Before you left for your shower, you may or may not have made a suggestive remark about what you were going to “do to him” once you were finished cleaning yourself up; successfully leaving Dream as a flustered mess.
You and Dream had a flirtatious friendship. This was driving him insane.
It could’ve been an accidental innuendo...
But it also could’ve meant something that is successfully making Dream’s hopes go WAY up.
“Isn’t it a little rude to leave your guest alone to take a shower?” Dream laughs nervously at Sapnap’s question, raising his arm up to rub the back of his neck. “Well..” Dream begins. “I kind of, accidentally, might’ve been the reason why she needed one in the first place..?” Dream mumbled, sounding more like a question. Sapnap’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He was too scared to ask what the hell Dream did. Thankfully, before Sapnap had the chance to speak, Dream began to explain.
“Okay, so, she was telling me about this one time, when Tommy called her to try and get her to be one of the embassadors of L’Manburg, and when Tommy didn’t get the answer from her that he wanted, he tried to bribe her with Tubbo’s stress relievers. This didn’t work, however, so he called Tubbo over to see if he could convince her; which was a smart move because she LOVES Tubbo. But anyway, Tubbo turned into “Big Law” and started using his Tubboat tactics to win her over and it worked. So I started laughing and then she started laughing and then that made me laugh even more because she has a very contagious laugh. And then I accidentally knocked her whiteclaw over with my elbow, and it spilled all over her lap.” Dream finished.
Sapnap immediately burst out laughing. “You-” Sapnap couldn’t contain his laughter, not being able to form coherent sentences. Dream began giggling himself, only to instantly sober up once he heard the shower turn off in the next room over. “Shit, Sapnap, I heard the shower turn off, she’s coming.” Dream stands up, panicking, not knowing what to do with himself. “Dream, weren’t you the one making fun of me for not knowing how to deal with girls? You were so cocky, but look at you now.” He pauses with a smirk. “Pussy.” Dream rolls his eyes at his so-called ‘friend.’ “Stop being an idiot.” He glares. “She’s different from the other girls I’ve known. She’s... weird.” Sapnap face shifted into a poker face. “You do realize what you sound like right now, right?” Dream facepalms. “She isn’t a dumbass Sapnap. I really don’t know how to do shit with her becuase it’s so different compared to everyone else. I can’t explain it.” Every time you and Dream are together, he feels like the best version of himself. You always have a new adventure for him to look forward to. Plus you were hot as shit and He had a MASSIVE crush on you. “It’s so weird Sapnap, its like I’ve never had a good time in my life until I met her.” Sapnap smiled in disbelief at his friend’s words. “You, Dream,” he continued. “are a simp.” Before Dream could snap back at Sapnap, the handle of your bedroom door jiggled, signaling that you were about to come in. Dream immediately ends the call with Sapnap and throws his phone on your bed in a panic.
Slauntering into your bedroom, freshly showered and dressed in one of Dream’s smile hoodies with some comfy shorts, you look up at Dream who was awkwardly standing in the middle of the room. “You good?” You start. “It looks like I just missed catching you in the act of something forbidden...” you suspect. Dream quickly shakes his head. “No! You just surprised me..” he half lies. You narrow your eyes at him, looking for any sign of dishonesty. Dream averts his eyes to the merch you’re wearing, starting to become smug with your choice of clothing. “Nice outfit.” He smirks. You let out a laugh and roll your eyes, already forgetting his weird vibes from when you first entered the room. “I won’t lie, this sweatshirt is one of my favorites.” You smile down at your hoodie, stuffing your hands in the pocket on the front. The hoodie was twice your size, giving you max comfort. Dream liked how it looked on you, it was almost like you were wearing HIS sweatshirt.
Yes, technically it is HIS merch, but it’s not actually HIS hoodie. He wanted to see you in one of his actual hoodies that he wears on a day to day basis. It would give him some sort of pride seeing you wearing his clothes. The merch was good enough, for now.
Seeing how Dream was still awkwardly standing, you directed him to sit on the edge of your bed while you sat in your desk chair. You rolled the chair away from the desk and towards the bed to sit across from him. Content with your and his positions infront of each other, you giggle at his nervous looking facial expression.
“You know I’m not mad at you, right?” You laugh.
Dream slowly nods, a little confused. “Yeah...”
“Then why are you acting like I’m going to bite you for spilling the whiteclaw?” You joke.
Dream laughs nervously. Oh. He didn’t really connect that the comment you made earlier could be because of the spill incident. “I don’t know...” he replies shyly.
“Well, chillax then.” You giggle, swatting his knee with your hand.
Dream scoffs playfully at your terminology. “Chillax?Chill and relax? Really?” You stare at him with a challenging look. “You are such a hypocrite. You have weird words too!” You retort. Dream lets out a hearty wheeze at your defense. “Like what?” He questions. Your brain short-circuts and you suddenly have no comebacks. “Uh..” you try to think of something, but ultimately have nothing. “Well!” You try to spit something out. “At least I didn’t vote for a stupid squid to be added to minecraft!” You clap back. Dream rolls his eyes playfully. “Oh, come on. That was the worst comeback I’ve ever heard come from you.” You cross your arms in defeat. “Today is an off day, your highness. I had a whiteclaw foolishly spilled all over my lap.” Dream groans in embarrassment. “I said I was sorry like a million times!” He retaliates, hunching over and covering his face with both of his hands. “I know.” You sigh, content with his reaction. “So,” you start. “What do you want to do now?” You ask him. Dream darts his head up to you from his hunched position, inwardly getting too excited for his own good.
...Then Dream realizes that your statement earlier about what you were “going to do to him” was probably a joking threat from the whiteclaw spillage. His face heats up from the memory. He can be so dumb sometimes. “Uh... I don’t know. What do you want to do?” He peers at you, lost of any hope he had before.
You smirk at him with mischief. You knew what you said earlier. You wanted to see if he would get riled up. News flash: he did.
“Hmmm..” you hum aloud, giving him a look that would make his knees buckle if he was standing up. “I have an idea of what we could do...” you stood softly from your chair and stepped closer to him, causing him to look up at you from the edge of the bed.
I guess you could say Dream was fucked right about now.
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Made this one very suggestive lol, I thought it would be funny
Sorry for any typos! This sat in my drafts for a while, I didn’t know where to take it hehe
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saltminerising · 3 years
not to add to the disk horse and im honestly too new a player to know what is expensive or cheap or have real opinions on the in-game economies BUT i recently learned a new G&G hard solve and timed myself getting to 75kt today. this is less an opinion on whether something is hard or easy and more a data dump bc i like stats,,
took 18 min 40 sec overall. Thats 1,120 seconds. at 1,6kt/game, 47 games to max out. That averages out to ~24 sec per game.
this is keeping in mind the following variables/confounding factors— my terrible internet and mobile browser causing lag during games and when loading new games, the moments id space out and get distracted bc I was listening to music and a bop came on, the time my dog started barking and startled me and i had to go check the door so shed be quiet, the times i messed up the solve and had to restart or spend extra time fixing, the fact that this is only the second or third time ive used this method, AND the time to switch from timer app to music app to browser and then back to timer at the end.
im not correcting for these factors bc they WERE factors that affected how long it took me to G&G from when i started to when I had maxed fairgrounds. as i keep tracking over time some of them will be kinda corrected for anyway. also i know that the actual average for each individual game is likely lower, but to track that id need to track each ending time as I went and that would interfere w tracking general overall time if g&g -ing normally so doing both wouldnt allow me to mimic real life conditions closely. so i might track that on a different day, but honestly the avg overall time to get to 75kt matters more on a practical level than the actual average time a game takes. if each game takes 15 secs according to the GG timer but it takes 5 sec for ur browser to load the next game each game doesnt REALLY take just 15 sec.
gonna track the trend in averages each day plus the total overall average of my averages cuz,
✨💖💕DATA 💕💖✨ :)
i tried to be as neutral as possible so idk if this is salt but it,, sure is long as heck sorry
also sorry for loose use of terminology or any inconsistencies, sloppily defined factors, math mistakes, etc, for obvious reasons did not put anywhere near the energy needed for a real stats paper towards this post. i could, tho. but then id need to poll the FR community and make sure everyone used the same solve for hardmode and like, do a bunch of other stuff bc one person (me) is not a useful sample size for anyone not included in the staggering population of Just Me land.
if anyone else has tracked their times like this please comment w the numbahs ill add them to my spreadsheet bc MMMM data yummy
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lixiesbabyhands · 3 years
hey um hi,
i had a question i hope its not rude, im genuinely curious
what is the difference between being bi and pan, does pan include nb people and bi is only limited to male and female...
im sorry if this is rude :(
darling hi! no of course you're not being rude, dont worry at all, asking questions is an important part of figuring out who you are! id even call it brave for you to ask, id certainly never have the courage back when i was figuring myself out, so good job!
essentially, being bi means you are attracted to two or more genders. that could be men, women, nb people etc. thats why the bi flag is 3 colours, pink representing gay attraction (eg not between a man or a woman), blue representing straight attraction and the purple representing the overlap (bisexuality). just because someone is bi, doesnt mean that they arent attracted to nonbinary people, it all depends on the person.
pansexuality on the other hand, has two accepted definitions. one is being attracted to someone regardless of gender, and the other is being attracted to all genders (similar to omnisexual). the pan flag has a pink stripe for those who identify as female, a blue stripe for those who identify as male and a yellow stripe for those who sit between the two. pansexual people (including myself) are attracted to every gender, but not necessarily every person, for instance just because you might like girls, it doesnt mean you will find every girl on the planet attractive.
a point to make here, is that sexuality is very fluid. you might (as i did) identify as bi for a while and then realise pan suits you better, or labels might not be your thing. i like labels cos they give me something to tell people when they ask how i identify, but many people dont use labels partly because of this issue. the human race is so complicated and everything is a spectrum, sometimes you might not fit into any specific box and thats okay.
either way, changing what name you put to how you feel doesnt mean what you feel now or what you felt then is invalid, it just means youve discovered some new terminology. identifying as one thing doesnt mean you cant feel the way you do, for instance what i feel is very similar to what omnisexual people feel, but i like pansexuality as a label better and easier to explain so thats what label i use.
tl;dr: use whatever label you feel comfortable with, and feel free to change it anytime at any stage in ur life without guilt, humans are weird and messed up and beautiful, it doesnt matter what name you give yourself, youre still valid.
hope this helped, and feel free to drop in at anytime if you want something else explained, or if you just want to talk. <3
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shoezuki · 4 years
Do u understand the new dream drama??? I am confusion
Whoop sorry i been doin fuckery n hw All day n like. I still aint able to get on my computer rn but im gon give u a tldr without sources because lazee
I know Practically all a it beyond maybe like. Exact time frames n shit. So ill give u the runnerup to all this
John swan is a commentary youtuber w like. A devent following. I think around 200k? He definitely had 'fans' n an audience for all this n crap
At some point i believe a year ago (idk exactly How Long ago but john swan had like 6k subs on yt) dream n john swan Converged and knew each other. Whether they were friends or not im unsure. But thats not exactly relevant
But essentially john swan on discord made his account out to look like dream and messaged at LEAST one person pretending to be dream, saying slurs like the n word, horrible shit, n something about coding a 'sex mod' ??? Pointing that one out specifically cuz it has become a whole goof
This person Relayed this info to dream who confronted john swan about it. John swan essentially said 'i havent been on discord in a few days. My discord login info was on a family friends computer and a 12 yo i know did all that'
This kinda like. I dont think anything happened While it was jus happening. But at some point a bit over a week ago now, dream made a reddit post saying such about john swan, that he was 'a suspicious guy' and such things on a smaller subreddit. John swan himself screenshotted it and brought it up on twitter that dream 'has a large audience' and defamation of his character can do a Lot of damage to him, and that he was lying
Imma speedrun this cuz its gotten to kinda like. Jus twitter beef. Its essentially 'im not lying YOURE lying' between john swan n dream on twitter. There was some drama alert shit, dream's whole 'detective' stream, john swan made some 18 page length Thing i couldnt be bothered to read.
Dream's arguments the whole time like. Objectively were better and jus more understandable. Made more sense. Although some things Couldve been poked through if john swan replied well enough. For instance one point dream made about it Absolutely being john swan was that the messages sent by this '12 year old' used similar speech patterns n terminology. Which Cam be solid evidence but for some fuckin reason all ppl w followings on twitter type n text like they eat cardboard in their free time like. The blandest ass shit. Whatever
BUT it came to some kind of 'end' today because apparently some Absolute no argument Evidence came out against john swan which hadnt been revealed publically as far as i seen. John swan First admitted to it in dms with friends n other commentary yters who'd made videos n shit on the whole bullshit. Dream tweeted bout it too a thread of like how 'he and the community deserve an apology' but he didnt think itd happen.
The john swan made a tweet w an apology that was essentially. 'Yeah it was me me and a friend were messing around on discord when i had a small following and i hadnt thought it was a big deal but once dream found out and confronted me i lied and continued lying im sorry'
All around its jus wack n like. Dumb as all fuck. Like yes in a 'discourse sucks' way but also in My way that this is No Fun. Like not even that juicy drama i live for. What COULD be actually important (john swan basically admitted to using the n word???) Just Doesnt get mentioned. Wack
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artemidian · 3 years
okay so first of all i did make bruschetta! my stomach kinda hurts now but like. it was still pretty good. idk i still feel like i shouldn't have and the more i think about it the more i'm like. that was a Bad Idea. if you can't tell i really do have some sort of issues <3. idk who will eat it all now tho cause it's a lot. i did eat a lot tho too so like. man idk. now i wanna go and move because i hate sitting after i eat but i don't have anywhere to go. my friend wanted to watch a movie so now we're doing a netflix party but like. idk it's not anything i'm interested in.
anyways the other paragraphs:
my sleep schedule is always a mess. i sleep best when i'm full on exhausted and there's not much exhaustion going on rn. that's why i load up my schedule during the school year (the year before this past, i was at my school from 7:30 to 8-10 pm all the time). i hope you can avoid any new burn outs, those are never fun. as for my sinuses—i've always had sinus problems. i used to have infections when i was little often (i once was on antibiotics for one for 40 days lmfao). and sinuses go hand in hand with migraines actually so. yeah. it's a normal thing and i usually can't move my eyes around too much or i get pain/headaches. i wake up with that pretty much everyday, usually sharp pain around my eyes, but today just my entire head hurt and my sinuses were just. yeah. no eye movement today ! my neck just started hurting too so that's the migraine setting in lol
also my nose is still hurt but i can't really do anything about it. i just hope it'll pass
and pre cal, rn it's vectors. not that difficult, but i have certain things (writing, tumblr, now pre cal) that just make me anxious at the thought of doing them. idk. it'll be fine
and my list won't be entirely unattainable. mostly just like. fix myself physically (i want stronger hip muscles, arms, etc.). figure out my hair, fix this shit on my arms, find shoes, find new clothes, etc etc. just that sort of thing.
and that doesn't sound fun. try hot water/shower/bath and massaging the area. and use some sort of cream/something to put on it (can't think of the proper terminology). and the hand thing sounds really painful omg. i hope it gets better soon. you have time today so you should relax, and i'm happy your meds + productivity have been good! that's always nice
once again response under the cut–
yay bruschetta! hopefully after you give yourself a bit of time to digest your stomach will hurt less? idk though, everyone's different. and idk if your neighborhood is safe to walk in, but if it is you could go for a short walk? i live in like. okay so it's technically a village. in the woods. but that makes me sound like i'm a medieval peasant so uh. long story short i can go for walks but idk about you– i feel like i remember you mentioning that your area wasn't very safe at one point. either way i hope you feel a bit better :(
with exhaustion: okay not to be *that* person but i'll tell you what my doctor told me my freshman year? sophomore year? it was basically along the lines of "your brain is still developing please stop teaching it that stress = good living conditions and start teaching yourself to work/sleep better" so. lmao and here i am djfhsfkjsd but yeah burn out is not fun but it'll probably happen again soon. i'm still not fully back from the last school year and just with things going on right now in my life it's just kind of– on the horizon lol.
yeah i knew a bit about sinuses because my sister tells me Migraine Facts from time to time and that was one of them. idk any condition where normal means functioning while in pain is hell, im sorry babe. i never know what to say but like. i'm sensitive lol. and i hope that your nose gets better and that whatever's wrong with it isn't too severe.
yeah i understand that. i usually try to break it down into the smallest bits possible to make it seem manageable. and at least you're on break with writing, so you don't have to think about it. you can always take a break from tumblr if you need it babe.
and yeah just make sure you keep your goals manageable, yknow? ambition and gentleness can co-exist, if that makes sense.
and YEAH my hand hurts this sucks. it's not that bad but yeah. because there's no way for it to not be in pain right now– because it's on my dominant hand, anytime i move my hand to do anything it pulls at it. i have a bandage on it but it's in a really inconvenient place to bandage? and i was going to take a shower to help with the soreness but it hurts my hand so <\3 and i wanted to workout today but i'm too sore, which is frustrating. but it's probably good that i can't right now for reasons but still. there was some stuff that i just wanted to mess around with, like some old choreo, but my entire body hurts so i'm just resting today. i was going to just daydream + write down notes on those daydreams but like. i have absolutely no ideas at the moment. @ the universe please give me new ced ideas <3 my brain is dead <3 also the "e" "l" "w" "k" and "j" keys on my laptop stopped working halfway through that sentence so i've got to switch to my phone and also figure that out now ;-; i used copy and paste just to finish but i'm not going to keep doing that
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mwolf0epsilon · 6 years
who are you dbh ocs!!! what are they like? are any of them androids? (sorry if that terminology is wrong i dont know much about dbh (im assuming you mean detroit become human but if you arent thats double embarrassing))
You got that right, it is Detroit: Become Human, no need for embarassment!And to answer the question, the majority of my DBH ocs are androids, with a few being android dogs actually.I’ll list all of them here and give a brief look into who they are and what they’re like, buckle up it’ll be a long one ^^;
Joel the EM400 - Like most EM400s he worked for an amusement park, but he was tasked with maintaining the haunted house attraction. As a result, Joel had to deal with jumpy people who’d kick and punch him and overall behave abusively towards the actors in the haunted house. He ended up deviating purely out of fear when someone sicked their supposed “service dog” on him. Joel is an anxious mess and an aspiring novelist.
Jindosh the HR900 - He’s a custom Korean Traci that traveled to Detroit after the revolution. The Eden Club wasn’t the only facility of it’s kind, and it’s obvious the Traci models in Korea have just as many horror stories to tell, if the extensive damage to Jindosh’s face is anything to go by. He works as a body guard for hire.
Sergei the PL600 - Jessica Lamb’s PL600 who was bought under the guise of taking care of her baby. Was actually tortured for fun and came out of it psychologically damaged and prone to odd fits. Is a masochist and a drag queen and probably my favorite out of my OCs.
Noah the PL600 - A special edition PL600 who’s main design difference is that he has green eyes. He’s a soft spoken individual who belonged to a man for a few weeks before he was traded in for an AP700. He worked for several other families for a while before ending up at a pawnshop.
Dakota the CX100 - Once a CX100 named David, Dakota is an extraordinary example of how modding doesn’t necessarily have to go the same track as what Zlatko did to his androids. Being perhaps one of very few trans androids does come with hardships, but Dakota has enough friends and allies that she’s always one call away from help if someone tries anything.
Monochrome the CX100 - Chrome is another interesting CX100. He’s an android that works as a dancer for a strip club called the Steamy Piston. The one thing that sets him apart from most standard CX100s is that his hair is black and his eyes are grey, which is where he gets his name.
Apollo the AP700 - He was a faulty AP700 that was purchansed by a family at an absurdly low price with added costumization. His memory chip malfunctioned during production, which made it impossible for him to recall things or people unless he was standing right in front of them. For a while this meant that Apollo couldn’t register a name for himself until he was properly repaired. His appearence is that of a PL600, but his hair is a shade darker, his face is noticeably freckled and his eyes are a different color each. He was abandoned and lived in the Android Junkyard for a while…He’s a bit cold at times but is actually a pretty affectionate guy.
Eddie the WK218 - A british maintenence android that was stolen and modded before being sold in a flea market as a partner model. He’s an anxious clumsy mess who’s definitly not used to being indoors, but the people who rescued him have properly adopted him into the family and he couldn’t be more grateful.
Aleshenka “The Stag” the WM500 - The Stag is a living urban legend that is seen roaming unlit streets at night. They are a heavily modded WM500 who’s created a small circle of cultists followers. To maintenence and construction worker androids, the Stag is a merciful creature. To android abusers, they are a merciless prosecutor. For some reason, interfacing with them is like being consumed by white noise, and it leaves other androids reeling and unnerved.
Veronica the WR400 - A rather shy WR400 that was purchansed by the Eden Club to substitute North when she was reported missing. She made a friend out of Scott, a HR400, and the two tried to run away after Echo and Ripple were let go by Connor and Hank. Unfortunately Veronica and Scott were caught, and while they did manage to escape, Scott was shot down, leaving Veronica no choice but to salvage her friend’s memory chip and find a temporary body to house it until she could get him a new proper one.
Scott the HR400/K9300 - Originally he was a HR400 that had the appearence of a PJ500. After making friends with Veronica, the two attempted to escape the Eden Club but Scott ended up getting shot down. When he next awoke, he was in the body of a guard dog model made to look like a massive pit bull. Sarcastic and often rude, Scott doesn’t mind the fact he’s basically the real life Scooby Doo, but god does he miss having opposable thumbs.
Ragnarok the K9300 - A guard dog model that looks like a rottweiller, Roky is a very friendly pooch who, despite having been horribly beaten by his owner, is eager to make friends. He seems to think he’s a lap dog.
Chitin the K9099 - A police dog model made to look like a german shepard that was used in an illegal android fighting ring. She’s a lot smarter than she seems, which is how she managed to escape and end up at the K9 devision of the DPD. She’s not just a good girl, she is the best girl.
Regi the K9300 - Val’s personal guard dog model and her only remaining family member. He’s loyal to a fault and will protect his owner at any cost. He’s a fan of belly rubs and ear scratches.
Zulu the WMK9 - A military grade android attack dog. He’s big, fast and scary. Enough said on that matter.
Miles the RK300 - An RK series prototype and also Cyberlife’s first attempt at utilizing the RK models in their pursuit for knowledge on deviancy. He was subjected to all sorts of experimentation to try to induce deviancy in an android and then attempt to newtralize it. This including psychological torture and physical torture as a means to fix a glitch…It didn’t work whatsoever and Miles eventually escaped and hid within the walls of Cyberlife Tower. He’s terrified of everything, including his own shadow. 
Tristan the RK700 - The predecessor of the Connor model, Tristan was designed for infiltration. Cyberlife assumed that, by having an android that could blend in, they’d be able to stop deviancy at it’s root. Sadly, because they tested Tristan through military espionage missions, Cyberlife lost track of their prototype and he went rogue. Tristan is currently a mercenary for hire, chosing to work for the highest bidder, and lives what is essentially a double life. One where he has a civilian personality and appearence, and another where he can disguise himself as whomever he pleases.
Artyum Kutznekov the Ex-Cyberlife Engineer - A 21 year old russian immigrant who came to america for a second chance. After lucking out and getting a job at Cyberlife as an engineer, Artyum soon came to realize something just wasn’t right with what the company was doing and that deviancy was more than just a glitch or virus. Unable to keep working out of disgust and guilt, Artyum quit and became a bit of a shuttin. This all changed when one rainy night he came across a severely damaged Sergei and decided to do some good with his skills as an engineer. He’s a gruff bitter young man who looks 40 due to his prematurely graying hair and unkept appearence.
Valentina Hernández the Illegal Modder - A latina 18 year old who helped her father mod androids for a living. A child prodigy, Val had a bright future ahead of her before Cyberlife began to blacklist modders due to the “danger” they posed for the company. When her father refused to stop modding, things took a turn to the worse, and now Val only has Regi to keep her company. Bitter and angry over the injustice her family suffered, Val has taken it upon herself to royally screw over Cyberlife, starting with helping deviants change their appearence. She was the one who modded Dakota, and seems to hold a lot of affection towards the CX100.
Elisa “Myu” Corvo the Android Rights Activist - A portuguese android rights activist who saved Eddie from the flea market he was being sold at. A long time advocate for AI and robotics, Elisa came to america to help in any way shape or form she could, even if it means offering temporary shelter or participating in large protests.
Jessica Lamb the Red Ice Addict - I don’t even know where to start with this one. She’s a drug addict, a drug dealer, a child murderer, and she’s a sadist. She bought an android with the sole intention of recording herself torturing it. She and her friends may have something to do with a certain WR600′s mental and physical scarring…Overall Jess is a terrible person and nothing she does is excusable or morally correct.
Chance - A small baby that Apollo found abandoned in a warehouse. Literally the only thing Apollo has to live for anymore.
AI Handlers:
Miles’s Amanda - One of the first iterations of the AMANDA handler, Miles’s Amanda, known as Amy, is a calmer and more understanding version of Amanda Stern’s AI copy. Her mindscape space is a bakery instead of a garden.
Tristan’s Amanda - The fifth iteration of the AMANDA handler, Tristan’s Amanda is closer to the final product, being stricter and more judgemental of Tristan’s overall behaviour and actions, with the one difference being that she does not have the same override protocol as Connor’s Amanda. She can only berate Tristan for his choices. Her mindscape space is a cinema theater.
Tango - An AI copy of Amanda Stern’s professor, Aaron Hoss, who was her greatest inspiration. He was Part of the RK300 tests, suffering through the same amount of torment as Miles, which in turn drove him insane. Known only as TANGO, this AI handler is a lot more ambitious and murderous than the AMANDA program.
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axelsandwich · 7 years
I’ve been getting quite a lot of similar questions on curiouscat recently so I figured I might as well put together a FAQ for new fans who have found my twitter.
If you are a new fan of FS, PLEASE go to @soyouwanttowatchfs! 
They provide livestream links for most FS competitions and GREAT intro guides on learning about skating basics, competitions, skaters and elements.
See In The Loop podcast’s website for a handy calendar of events with timezone conversions.
A great guide for resources for watching FS events live - this is for Milan 2018 in particular but most things are applicable generally to all competitions.
Rabbit army: some FS fans have begun hosting rabbit streams of FS related content and will post announcements on their twitter when they do. some key ones to follow:
Other skating resources. Just combing through the asks of the above accounts and the ones below (you can usually click through the tags) will ‘flesh out’ your basic understanding of FS. Please note that all of the writers are biased to some degree, which is why it’s good to read multiple sources and draw your own conclusions.
Here’s a quick ‘n dirty rundown guide to FS scoring + intro to the field in memes (pre-Olympics field though)
Explainers of key singles skating FS elements with handy visual aides: http://the-real-xmonster.tumblr.com/post/169802732209/hello-new-fans
Jump guide with HIGHLIGHTED visual elements - http://chibura.tumblr.com/post/155092378025/breaking-down-6-basic-jumps
Glossary of common FS terminology: https://soyouwanttowatchfs.com/post/170312069530/figure-skating-abcs-glossary-of-common-terms
Guides to skaters current in the FS scene
Reblogged tag of SYWTWFS has good content from other creators: http://soyouwanttowatchfs.tumblr.com/tagged/reblogged
FS Ask answers a wide range of questions: http://figureskatingask.tumblr.com/
Chibura does some VERY detailed in-depth writeups/breakdowns for when you’re a little more advanced: http://chibura.tumblr.com/tagged/figure-skating-analysis
I couldn’t watch (insert broadcast) live! Where can I rewatch?
Was it broadcast on Japanese TV? Are you within 1wk or so of the broadcast date? 
FujiTV usually saves the broadcast for about a week for you to rewatch. Find the right channel + timeslot the show originally aired (most details should be published somewhere, just dig for it. If it’s Yuzuru, the FujiTV channel number and time will be on the front page of the viewing thread on Planet Hanyu)
Did it feature Yuzuru?  
Check the compilation threads on Planet Hanyu which usually upload links very soon after the broadcast and throw some thanks to Kaeryth for doing so much hard work
It’s not in the compilation thread
Ask and hope for the best in the Media Requests thread
Read through the Twitter timelines of fans who tend to retweet news on your particular skater and they may retweet a tweet containing an upload link
Check Youtube/Dailymotion - uploaders tend to be slower (unless for competition programs). If you can find the Japanese title, sometimes searching in Japanese on Youtube or DailyMotion will give you results (Dailymotion is favoured more by JP uploaders since they don’t take things down as often)
It doesn’t feature Yuzuru
Best to message ‘main’ fans of those other skaters or check forums such as GoldenSkate (low possibility but maybe)
Here’s a list of my personal recs for a couple of non-yuzuru-focused stans
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what’s a yuzuru hanyu?
your historic two time olympic mens figure skating champion champion, also maybe some sort of highly addictive substance idk
where can I get yuzu news and updates?
planet hanyu has a news thread with all the most recent yuzu news
here’s a fanyu and fandom lingo-specific glossary
the calendar also records when shows will be broadcasted
tumblr blogs focused on yuzuru that I personally like to follow are: @tsukihoshi14, @the-real-xmonster, @jumpitwithashuulanditwithapa, @yuzusorbet, @wherespacepooh, @jardinaquatique​, @tadakixd
sportymags on wordpress has a bunch of really nice and helpful yuzuru blog entries
I also just love reading morozombie’s blog entries, he has this dry writing style that tickles my exact funny bone
you can also comb through most of the people I follow on Twitter
who is the old dude who’s always seen with yuzuru at competitions?
most likely kikuchi akira (the old Japanese guy who is Yuzu’s personal trainer): https://sportymags.wordpress.com/2016/07/23/yuzuru-hanyu-team-hanyu/
or ghislain briand, Yuzu’s jump coach at TCC: http://kaerb.tumblr.com/post/172441621579/hey-lae-im-sorry-to-bother-you-but-i-cant-find
are yuzuru and javier real friends?
what happened between yuzuru and denis ten at boston worlds 2016?
what happened to yuzuru at boston worlds 2016? 
he was hiding a lisfranc ligament injury which had gotten steadily worse all season
this also sums up how it felt to be a fan at the time in context
what happened to yuzuru at Cup of China?
These Aoi Honoo II chapters detail the situation in Yuzuru’s own words (be warned, it’s quite graphic in its descriptions): - https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/150270208657/my-sharing-from-aoi-hono-ii-warning-will-cause - https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/150343296547/continuation-of-scene-10-of-aoi-hono-ii-a-battle
why do some fans on twitter call yuzuru ‘zazura’ or otherwise butcher his name?
it’s a joke to make fun of the fact western commentators have frequently messed up his name in the past, ranging from ‘yuzura to yasunori’
where does this clip of yuzu come from? / where can I find a clip of yuzuru at [event]
do not ask me - I rarely save links
either post here or ask the person who uploaded the clip
All of yuzuru’s senior competition performances
Links to documentaries, shows and other media yuzu’s participated in
where can I find a copy of yuzuru’s autobiographies?
There are no official translations of his autobiographies Aoi Honoo 1 and 2 or Yume wo Ikiru (his newest ones) but generous fans have translated it (or parts) into English.  You can show proof of purchase for Aoi Honoo 1 and get the Eng translation here: http://yuzuru-hanyu-translations.weebly.com/aoi-honoo.html @tsukihoshi14​ has recently completed a translation of Aoi Honoo 2, you can show proof of purchase and get the translations now: http://tsukihoshi14.tumblr.com/post/171947689783/aoi-hono-ii-english-translations   @yuzusorbet​ has done partial translations of Aoi Honoo 2 here: https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/156152283157/aoi-hono-blue-flame-and-aoi-hono-2-are
where can I get yuzu merchandise in japan?
my favourite yuzu moments
my top 5 fave yuzu programs
what I think are some of yuzu’s best contributions to figure skating
what music I want yuzu to skate to next season
what costumes I want yuzu to wear next season
what made you love hanyu?
what camera/lens do I use?
I shoot with a canon 5D mk 2. for travelling and figure skating photos I shoot with a 24-105mm f/4 and 40mm f/2.8
tips for learning japanese
how long does it take to achieve fluency in japanese?
advice for solo travel
photography tips
tips for starting a blog
how do you travel so often?  
C+P from another CC ask: I pay for it with my own savings. I've been working while studying since high school and also benefit from scholarships. I'm lucky to get some support from my family (they give me money on eg. my birthday/Chinese New Years that I save) and to live with them (since Sydney house prices are so ridiculous that it’s almost impossible to move out). sometimes I travel for work so expenses can be covered there. 
I definitely don't travel this often all the time. I set aside a significant portion of my savings to do so. My biggest motivation for doing this trip I’m currently on (Europe + USA 2018) was 1) being in Europe already which, relative to Australia, means travelling to all these countries is much cheaper than eg. 4 separate trips from Australia it probably would have taken to cover all those, 2) having a large amount of time that I won’t ever have again and 3) being lucky to have eg. Friends/family in some of the cities I’m doing which means free accommodation. They’re very specific circumstances that have made it possible for me
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slashersteve · 7 years
Flight Test
Summary: Poe won’t stop talking to you during the test flight. You don’t mind it though.
Pairing: Poe Dameron/Female Reader
Warnings: maybe some curse words, ooc Poe im not too confident
Word Count: 2.3k+
Note: This is literally my first attempt at writing Star Wars, so it may not be too good in the terminology department, but I try and that’s what matters. I hope you enjoy :)
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A typical day for you was sitting around the repair shop, occasionally helping fix droids, or giving pilots advice on how to enhance their ships or even cleaning up the place because damn it was always so messy. Coming from a family of mechanics, you shouldn’t be surprised by the mess but it still got you annoyed when your dad would drop a can of oil and not pick it up. (“Because someone could slip and hurt themselves dad” you would say as you grab a wet rag.)
Today was different though, after some pilots had a run in with First Order tie fighters when returning from a diplomatic mission, some X-Wings had returned heavily damaged to Resistance Base in D’Qar. So, you were currently sitting by yourself with a makeshift desk and watching one of the test runs for one of the more damaged ones your father tried to repair. Your job was to listen to the pilot testing it out through your earpiece and to write down what they say like if it’s good or not basically and where it would need improvement and such. This was probably the second time you were given this job, considering your parents liked to keep you in the shop and extending your ‘mechanical knowledge’, they called it.
Now you weren’t the best mechanic, but you were still quite skilled thanks to your parents. Your parents were highly skilled mechanics in the Resistance, and since you were their daughter you were currently being trained and shaped into the expert mechanic you were meant to be.
It wasn’t as if you didn’t want to be a mechanic, that wasn’t it at all because you enjoyed doing it. You especially enjoyed reanimating broken droids you would find when you and your dad would ravage for parts at a junkyard that was near your once farm back on Jakku before you and your family were recruited. You loved fixing things and bringing life back to something, but being apart of the Resistance since you were only a child and watching the pilots take off to take on the First Order, you were desperate to be apart of them.
It was just so cool. The pilots all were so cool. Cool was the only word that would come to your mind everytime you see those Resistance Pilots in their bright orange suits and holding their helmets in their right arms and walking down the hallway (of course you sometimes imagined them walking in slow motion and would laugh). They were just cool and you wanted to be apart of it.
There was one pilot in particular that you thought was the coolest and that was the current pilot you were listening and talking to through your ear and mouthpiece.
“How it’s looking out there, Poe? Is she good?” you asked, nervously tapping your pen on the side of the small desk you made by stacking up spare parts. Part if being because you remembered your dad not being quite sure about the specific X-Wing he was currently flying and also that you were talking to Poe Dameron, best pilot in the whole damn Resistance.
“She’s looking good so far, good for you back there too BB-8?” he asked his droid, in the background you can hear high pitched beeping, which made you smile softly, “She’s good, I don’t know why your dad was so nervous about this test,” he wondered, you shrugged as if he could see you. You put your hands over your eyes and watched the X-Wing do some flying maneuvers in the sky that would probably make you throw up if you were in there with him.
“He didn’t even want you to take her out here, but- if you say it’s good then maybe it’s okay and needs minor repairing here and there-you know he’s a perfectionist.” you both shared a laugh.
“He really is, sometimes I can’t believe you’re his daughter,” Poe commented, you raised a brow.
“What do you mean by that hm?” you asked, tilting your head.
“You’re too pretty,” he said, making you blush and your head lift up. You honestly had no clue how to respond to him, you hardly interacted with people, let alone the pilots unless you just so happened to be in the same room as one of them while they spoke with your parents. Being flirted with, you assumed it was flirting, was not something you ever thought you’d endure. Especially from Poe. You grabbed your cheeks, feeling the heat radiating off of them and you felt yourself smile widely. Poe called you pretty, and now you were floating in the stars.
“...you still there (y/n)?” Poe asked, breaking you from your trance. You quickly removed your hands from your cheeks and with the same widest smile you said, “Are you saying my dad is ugly?”
He let out a loud laugh that might’ve hurt your ears, but since it was his laugh it was more like your favorite song blasting in your ears.
“No-no he’s a handsome guy, he’s just not pretty like you are,” he tried to explain, you can hear the smile on his lips and imagining his smile only made you more giddy, “Your mom is pretty though,”
“Why then I must get it from her,” you responded, Poe chuckled and you let out a long breath, “Hope you were paying attention, Poe- anything else on the X-Wing?” you asked.
“Negative, think she’s all ready to go- she probably has at least a few good fights left in her,” he replied, you nodded your head.
“Well we got about 10 more minutes, so do what you pilots do for the time being, just in case there are any surprises,” you clicked your tongue. Poe scoffed.
“What is it do you think we pilots do?” he asked, almost smugly. You leaned on one hand and hummed in thought.
“I don’t know- fly ships and fight the First Order?” you tried, Poe laughed.
“That’s the very vague summary of it, yeah-” he started, but in an attempt to not feel stupid you spoke up again, cutting him off.
“Well there’s more to it! I know- well…” You bit your lip gently, trying to think of something interesting to say, “You’re one of the main and biggest threats against the First Order! The whole resistance is! But you fighter pilots are the most important force against them! And you’re all just so talented, especially you! I mean- when people hear your name around it everyone loses it and praise you even if you’re not there!” you began to ramble, unable to stop, “And you’re just so cool too, and everyone here looks up to you guys, and what I would give to just not be a mechanic, to be just as important as you all are, and I know there are risks you take everyday, but you do it for the better good and-and just-”
During your little ramble, something you tended to do when you got nervous or passionate, Poe listened very intently to your words. For a moment, his mind had wandered on how you must look right now. In his mind, you were probably hugging your legs, staring up at him in the X-Wing, a smile on yours lips as you blabbered on about how much you really admired him and the other pilots. He smiled and let out a shakened laugh.
Being a pilot, especially the Captain of the Black Squadron, he should be used to hearing people thank him for everything, but hearing it from you was different. It made him happy.
You finally realized you had been over-talking, and you quickly shut your mouth, “Sorry...I went off tangent for a second there,” you laughed nervously.
“No- don’t apologize, (y/n), I actually like that, a lot. You’re very passionate about it,” he commented. You paused, “Why do you think you’re not as important as the Resistance Pilots?” he suddenly asked.
“I-uh-” you stumbled over your words once more.
“I’ll tell you this, without mechanics like you, we wouldn’t even have properly working ships,” he continued, “Sure, you’re not up there, taking on the First Order headon like us, but without you the magic that happens up there wouldn’t be possible,” you huffed gently and he noticed, “You know- it sounds like you want to be a pilot,” he mentioned. Your stomach fell hearing it outloud.
“Was it that obvious?” you asked, slowly feeling much more comfortable talking with him about this.
“We could always use more pilots, especially one that can fix their X-Wing…” he trailed off, as if he liked the idea of you becoming an Resistance Pilot. You chuckled.
“Oh please- my specialty is droids, I only assist in repairs on the ships, I couldn’t fix one without being supervised by my parents,” you waved him off, “Besides, I didn’t go to flight academy or whatever...so might as well stick to what I’m good at!” you sighed.
“But why go to the academy when you can the best pilot in the resistance teach you?”
Wait a second, he wanted to teach you? A warm feeling filled at the pit of your stomach and the blushed quickly returned to your cheeks. Poe felt your silence and spoke up, “I would have to talk to General Organa about it, but I’m putting the offer on the table now…”he trailed off.
You hummed, eyes moving back up to the X-Wing, which was now making it’s way back to the landing platform. Wasn’t he like...too busy to teach a little mechanic how to fly? You wondered. You supposed he got little freetime from being Captain and all- why would he want to spend that time teaching you rather than- well...relaxing?
You rested your chin on your hand, eyes still watching the x-wing and wondering what was going through his mind when he had said that. Hell, still wondering what’s truly going on in your mind. He wanted to teach you to fly, yet here you are- sitting like some fool letting probably your only chance at learning fade away.
Well, there was another thing holding you back from answering “yes yes of course! Teach me to fly Poe! Please!” and it was your parents. You weren’t exactly sure what they’re reaction would be, but you were sure it wouldn’t be an immediate “go ahead (y/n) whatever makes you happy!”
“...Keep spacing out there (y/n),” Poe teased you, you straightened your back, and were about to tell him you’d have to bring it by your parents, but there was a sudden beeping from your watch that cut you off.
“Oh- test flight is done…” you switched off the alarm, and grabbed your pen, which you don’t remember setting down, “Do you think it was a success?” you asked him, Poe was silent for a moment.
“Yeah, I would say so- the weapons target mechanism is slightly delayed, but other than that- she looks good as before,”
You hummed as you wrote down his comments, “Alright! Then I think we’re good! Go ahead and land her then! I’ll meet you at the ramp,” you flicked your tongue, eyes moving down to the checklist. With a shaky hand still from your earlier conversation with Poe, you were about to check off the test run as a success, but it seemed that the X-Wing had other plans.
“So about those flying lessons-” but before he could finish, there was a sudden jolt and excessive beeping and it caused you to quickly look up and avert your eyes back to the airbourne X-Wing. Poe cursed.
“Oh god- what’s wrong?” you asked, eyebrows furrowing with worry.
“One of the fuses just blew out- shit,” he cursed again and you cursed yourself.
“Anyway you can safely land back on the platform?” you asked, now pushing yourself to your feet. There was silence and clicking noises from him, you assumed, pushing buttons to try and get it moving enough to at least land.
“Working on it,” he gave a short reply and you watched with your hands in your hair as the once airborne X-Wing was coming down, black smoke coming out from the back. You mentally cursed at yourself and Poe for thinking it was ready when your father said no.
Luckily, it didn’t crash, he was able to land it in an open field near the platform. You were pretty sure you had been holding your breath in the whole time because when Poe said, “We’re good we’re good. The X-Wing though? Not so much- but we’re okay- we’re on the left side of platform in a field,” you let out the longest, sigh of relief ever.
You didn’t think your heart as ever beaten that fast before.
“As long you are okay, I can fix an X-Wing and BB-8, but I can’t fix you,” you said, hand over your heart. Poe laughed again, instantly calming you down.
“(y/n), if I couldn’t land a crashing x-wing, then why even be the Captain?” he asked smugly. You wiped your brow and let out a shaking laugh.
“My heart hurts just watching that crash, I don’t know if I want to learn anymore,” you sighed, Poe let out a groan, and you realized what you said.
“Oh come on- don’t be afraid of a little crash, besides when I’m teaching you that won’t happen,” he tried, you felt your heart beat lessen slightly and you took a deep breath, “I won’t let it,” you dropped your hands to the side, eyes meeting the unchecked “success” box next to the “unsuccessful” box. You looked back up at the black smoke streak in the sky, and gave a small smile.
“Let me think about that offer, Poe,” you said, you can literally see the smile on his face.
“Sounds good to me,”
Excitement bubbled through your stomach at the possible future flying lesson you would be having with Poe, but there was also something else. And that something else was making you blush madly and would be the reason you would lay in bed that night, thoughts on the handsome pilot.
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lesbitchka · 7 years
leftbook is good but i have seen a lotta Very Stong inclusionists in some groups so thats :/
by inclusionists i mean cishet includionists - sorry if i messed up terminology ive been outta the discourse for a while             
you’re fine! ive never been to leftbook so i have no idea what it’s like... im just told people reference me now and then and im Nosy lol
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survivorcostarica · 6 years
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Ay I'm the longest lasting Australian.
That's cute @ the other tribe voting out Roxy. See this is what I forgot about games where I don't like or care about anyone in said game; there's way more motivation to get rid of the fuckwits. Judging from that tribal video, I think I've found a nice selection of them. The worst mistake they'll make is not getting rid of me premerge, because if I get there, they'll be having a hard time getting rid of me. There's a pretty distinct reason that I've made final four seven times in a row for my past seven ORGs, three of which were wins and one was runner-up. I'm going to burn them all, and when I'm done, I'll roast some marshmallows over the coals.
I'm honestly bored so we should swap so I can make someone cry or something so they can feel a little bit of what Roxy's feeling.
I wonder if any alliances are forming in the tribe. If they are they're pretty stupid because early alliances never work out. I mean quite frankly, alliances at all don't work out. Playing a solo game gets you to the end 90% of the time, at least in my case. There's probably random little chats like the one Cole made with Louise and I, but I wonder if people have like, fully fledged plans. 
I don't know why I keep putting these in seperate things when I'm just randomly ranting but oh well. I really don't care that I'm cocky about the game because quite frankly I'm not here to suddenly jump in bed with the tumblr community. I couldn't give two shits about it because this is the only tumblr org I'm ever going to do so I might as well make the most of it and fuck with stuff since I don't ever do that in other games. I'm looking to enjoy my time here, not to win. If I win in the process then that's cool, it wouldn't be the first time it's happened just from messing with people with no end goal. I'm honestly just excited to be playing a game that I don't have to hold back on anything. It'll either end up with me getting to final tribal council where people won't want to vote for me or I'll be out early, but either way, it'll be fun.
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So I forgot to add this in my last round, but I wound up creating an alliance with myself, Drew, Cameron, Jill and Sam known as the Court Room: Pepperoni vs Sausage because we were talking about court rooms and attorney jokes because we love sharing facts in the main chat for fun. I feel like all of us will stay together for the majority of the pre-merge and if something changes, well then that blows then! Otherwise, this game is going decently. I seem to be liked by everyone and I don't want anything about that to change. 
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Um I love when my tribe wins and I really like working with people!!!! My alliance is bad ass and like they do sm more than I do hahahaha i should prob look for an idol!! I'll post more later I promise
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Oh helloooooo!! So I just realized I didn’t do a confessional last round because I forgot it was a round because we won immunity but like someone still went home, SO I apologize for that!! But moving on, the past is in the past, I’m so freaking nervous! I’ve had some conversations with people but I don’t REALLY know where everyone stands with me like people aren’t gonna be outwardly rude to me and none of our conversations have seemed to evolve past just talking about ourselves / getting to know each other besides Arika. So I’m hoping with the rest of today I can do my best to work myself into some type of place that I don’t go home and I’m not gonna be here for tribal due to work so I really have to work hard to make sure whatever I can make happen sticks for the like 3 hours I’ll be at work before tribal because I’ll only have so much time to use to check back in. No idea really WHO I want to like put my vote onto I’m kinda hoping there’s already some name(s) our there that I haven’t heard but who knows. I always think the worst case scenario so there could have been absolutely NO game played thus far for the vote but I’m just gonna assume everyone hates me and is talking a bunch without me :)))) paranoia for the win!! Wish me luck
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So we went to tribal and Roxy went home. That's not really my first choice because she trusted me and I was her number 1 apparently, but I went with majority and voted her out. By going along with the plan to get rid of Roxy I found myself in a power alliance of Constance, Jill, Cameron and Drew. I really like all of these people and am working on developing relationships with everyone in my alliance.
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We won immunity, thanks to me and my quick google fingers and my never ending useless (but not anymore!) medical terminology knowledge. Also, did you know gallbladder was one word? I did, but I guess I forgot. Oopsies!
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Haven’t talked to many people, spooked for tribal 
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I have...not much to say. I’m so bad with confessionals tbh I never want to write down everything that’s going on. I’m happy to be safe. Hope everything goes well on my tribe tonight. That’s all.
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Um Im scared for tribal because I don’t really know many people yet but I hope I can pull through this 
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I'm glad our tribe won immunity! I feel good that I've made it past two rounds in this game. I'd like to think that my alliance on Cadejo will hold up as we progress but you can never be so sure! Nothing negative to say! 
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Honestly I'm probably on the bottom of my tribe because i suck and idk what to do but Jill is my number 1 and jay is my number 2 and ya I like Cameron but idk who else I really care for like do i care about any of them truly
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THIS ROUND HAS BEEN SHITE no one talks to me I only love Cole Kevin and AJ tbh and I haven’t been active but I’m in bumfuck NOWHERE in Scotland which means I can’t talk strat and I’m upset so if I get voted out before I have a chance to actually play I’m gonna shit my pants.
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I love being kidnapped but this tribe barely talks lol i hope josh does go i trust cole but he said that is who he is voting not who the tribe is but possibly i don't mean i hope josh goes meanly idk the guy but he did vote in the minority when we took him idk if anyone is with him even.
i sent this confessional to the wrong confessional and just realized sadly but roxy called me a snake and i find it funny she thinks i am a snake when she was saying the others names sam never came to me about drew he didn't vote drew out you and josh did constance also wanted to keep drew we had a call he told me.
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I think I'm doing well in this game but I don't have any real alliances yet. But I did help kill Roxy so that's always fun :)
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Um beautiful background btw Dan!!! Also you're beautiful! ANyways, I'm sorry Joshua I sent you home..... but I didn't need you anymore sorry. I have alliances that will hopefully protect me to the end:) Me, Julia and Arika (Gays 4 Costa Rica) and Me, Louise, and AJ (Jporg Cuties). I already have set my targets for Cam, Madison, Bryan, Aj, and Drew. They are the only ones that have a chance against the (gays 4 costa rica) anyways I FOUND AN IDOL SO LIKE OWWWOWOWOWOWOWO thanks arika love ya doll.
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