#im sorry this is all over the place 😭 i love thinking and puzzling out language but i also keep second guessing myself bc well like i said
apopcornkernel · 27 days
since you're so interested in filipino language, does it follow the structure of [subject + verb + object + extension] like english or does it break that structure? in bangla, we have the [subject+ verb + object + extension] but we also break that structure so basically we can have [subject + object + verb]. for example, we can use both "ami take dekhte chaina" which roughly translated is "i her don't want to see" based on how the sentence is structured. this is why i have such a hard time trying to follow the english structure of subject-verb-object and sometimes end up mixing both structures
to use your same example, the tagalog equivalent would be "ayaw ko siyang makita" or "ayaw kong makita siya" = i don't want to see them.
ayaw ko siyang makita: don't want (modifier) - my (subject) - them (object) - see (verb)
ayaw kong makita siya: don't want (modifier) - my (subject) - see (verb) - them (object)
the -ng suffix, which basically means that it's modifying, is shifted around according to the sequence of words ^^ it's kinda hard to explain in text sorry and im already super offtrack 😭
honestly, I'm not very equipped to discuss tagalog conjugation, because 1) my first and best language is english, and 2) it's so complex 😭 once saw a white guy discussing it here actually, its all in english!! ↓
so back to your original question: does tagalog follow the structure of [subject + verb + object + extension] like in english?
my answer would be a yes, with caveat, because it's possible for a tagalog sentence to fall into this structure BUT there are many ways to structure a sentence in the first place
for your sample sentence of "i don't want to see her", i can't think of an un-nonsense way to fit it into that structure 😭 ayaw ko siyang makita/ayaw kong makita siya is the most natural way to say it imo. "ako ay (I am) ayaw (dont want) makita (see) siya (them)" sounds so weird
but hey, i could be wrong—disclaimer again, this is my 2nd language and not my 1st sgjdmfjf
i also struggle answering your question because it's kinda broad hsjdhdnd if you want a follow up maybe a more specific one would be easier 😓 unfortunately i wasnt able to pursue linguistics so i lack a lot of technical knowledge and terms which might have made this easier for us both huhu </3
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val-cansalute · 3 months
Can u do a drabble or hcs on cuddling Ellie?
Ur writing is so good I love everything U write :>
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warnings: not much, mostly fluff, basically the rq, mdni with my account tho😏
a/n: IM SO SORRY THIS HAS BEEN IN MY INBOX FOR I KID YOU NOT LIKE HALF A YEAR IM GENUINELY SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME 😰 thank you so much for sending the rq even though i took the piss responding, also this is a drabble bc i don’t think i’d be good at doing hcs 😭 i have some shit coming up at uni so i prolly won’t put anything out for a while but i have an idea for a new fic in the drafts !!! very excited…
ramadan has started which means israel’s violence against the Palestinian people will worsen as it does every year, purely for the sake of inflicting even more psychological torture on them. please, now more than ever, pray for them if you’re religious, talk about palestine, boycott, protest, strike, donate if you can, contact the people in charge. don’t let people forget. here’s a link to some details on the situation. everybody stay safe 💗.
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10:47 - you return from a strenuous day of patrol and odd jobs around Jackson. You’re slightly tipsy, a drink or two from the Tipsy Bison churning a pool of warmth within your stomach.
The place is stagnant when you push the door open, as if coming home to nobody.
Ellie must’ve gone to bed early today.
You drift to the bathroom despite the fact that the house feels apocalyptic, and sit in the gentle rush of water, scrubbing your skin weakly with aching arms.
When you enter your room, everything is still, except for the rhythmic rise and fall of Ellie’s figure beneath the covers on the bed backed against the wall.
You throw the dampened towel that is slung over your shoulder carelessly and walk over to the bed, gently settling beside her.
For a while, you feel content. Sleep is lulling you in, the room is shadowy, the bed is warm, and the sound of Ellie’s deep-sleep-breaths (totally not snores at all, she swears) are soft like TV static in the back of your mind.
Your eyes are on the verge of fluttering close for the last time tonight so you turn onto your side and nestle into the crook of your shoulder.
Then, there’s a harsh jolt and the bed shifts. You can feel Ellie’s puzzled gaze raking over you, the realisation that you’re home setting, and your lips twist into a smile subconsciously. The night rarely ends without the inebriating buzz of affection.
A quiet sigh escapes the enclosure of her blush-pink lips before she reclines into the pillows once more, eyes never leaving the still curvature of your figure. Not a moment passes and her arms encircle your waist, warmth embracing your torso and pressing against your hair like a wreathe of absolute comfort.
A barely audible mumble tickles the helix of your ear,
“Hey, babe,” accompanied by the phantom touch of her lips against your cheeks in her half-asleep state. You scrunch your nose before turning into the love she offers you.
“Hey, Els.”
You begin to mumble butterfly details about the happenings of the day as you feel the surface of her skin raise with goosebumps under the delicate tracing of your fingertips - down her bare thighs, along the round of her hip, along her stomach and under her boobs - easing airy chuckles out of her.
“Whatcha doin’?”
“Hm? Nothin’…”
You can already picture the smirk on her dazed face,
“Ya sure there? You want somethin’, babe?”
A playful scoff and she’s looking at you with feigned shock against the weight of tired eyelids,
“Can’t I feel you? I just wanna be close to you,”
“I’d say we’re pretty close, ya know?”
“Never close enough,” you clarify and the rasp of her laugh fades into silence and she presses a kiss onto your head, and then another, straining her neck till she’s face to flushed and grinning face, stringing a blizzard of soft, dewy kisses across it.
“Alright, alright!”
“One more- mwah,” she smacks her lips against your scrunched up mouth aggressively, leaving a gross patch of saliva, and smiles dumbly to herself, tightening the hold of her arms around you to which you groan.
Tight against her gentle sway, she mutters a quiet confirmation,
“Never close enough,” and then runs the rough pads of her fingertips along the expanse of your skin, lingering a moment on your thighs.
It’s like the rustle of a spring breeze and it draws your eyes to a close.
As you drift further from the surface, you feel the soft tingle of Ellie’s foot nudging your ankle and the distant haze of her voice whispering,
“You sure you don’t want anything, baby?” and you’re asleep.
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also, absolutely no one asked for this but here are some pictures of my fat ass cat (cutest patootie evah 😆😆):
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tanjiroslittlesib · 3 months
omg bigbrother!giyu would be so hot— just imagine him jerking off to the thought of his lil sis or something, knowing it was wrong but he couldn’t help himself :(
oml im sorry for ranting sm 😭 i js read ur tanjiro fic n loved it, so then when i saw u were taking reqs i couldn’t help myself 🤭
omg thank u so much!! i’m so glad people liked it!! ofc i’m sorry this took a hot minute to write. not the happiest with it but i hope you enjoy 🙏
big brother!giyuu being a perv for his lil sibling
tw incest, masturbation, giyuu’s a virgin, reader is gender neutral but afab
It started as an accident, genuinely, he didn’t mean to peak in on you when you were changing. He caught your naked form from the barely cracked open sliver in the door when he was going to gather you for dinner. What wasn’t an accident was how long he stared, cheeks turning a bright red as he took in your bare form. He watched the way you twisted in front of the mirror, inspecting some of the scars littered on your skin from different battles. He has to stop himself from gasping when you palmed at your chest. Like a virgin who’s never seen a pair of tits before. (He hadn’t.) Despite being a Hashira, he found himself frozen in place when you had redressed yourself and began to make for the door. Giyuu only got about a foot or so away from your door when you swung it open and looked at him puzzled. Luckily, for him, you hadn’t noticed him quite literally perving on you.
“Dinner’s ready,” Giyuu mumbled, refusing to make eye contact as he hurried back to the dining room.
The next time he ogled you was less of an accident. You had both stopped at a hot spring after a long mission. He agreed to let you go first, being the loving big brother he was. You had assured him that it was fine, you could both bathe at the same time, but he refused. Weird. But you didn’t look too much into it, agreeing with him and heading to bathe by yourself.
Giyuu sat for far too long thinking about you naked by yourself. That same blush from before dusted his cheeks as well as brought a tent to his pants. The guilt that followed was overwhelming, what kind of brother was he? Getting hard for his little sibling like that. He tried to shake it off and wait for you, as a good brother should, but instead, his feet moved without thinking. He got up and started to head back to where you were in the spring. His heart raced even faster when he spotted you, relaxing in the spring with your eyes shut. Giyuu hid himself behind a tree regardless, peeking over at you. His thoughts raced in his head of what he’d seen before and how he wished he had pushed that door open farther and just took you on your bed. The image in his mind made his dick throb, and he reached down to palm himself through his uniform. A slight groan came out of him involuntarily and he froze in panic that you had heard.
Luckily for him, you didn’t. But you did move slightly so that the water was below your chest now. Relaxing in the spring as the water warmed your body and soothed your sore muscles. He released a shaky breath, wishing at that moment that he could fuck your tits. Giyuu undid his belt quietly, and slowly so you wouldn’t hear. Fishing out his hard and aching cock, and gathering the sticky mess at the head so he could stroke himself. He felt absolutely disgusting, touching himself like that to you. While you were unaware and innocently bathing yourself. But he ached so bad, his cock weeping to be inside you, any of your holes. Or between those beautiful tits. One hand gripped the tree to stabilize himself while the other one sped up, his movements getting sloppier.
When he watched you get up out of the water, your body completely on display, he bit his lip to hold back a groan while he carelessly stroked himself faster. It was when he noticed, in his lust-drunken haze, that his little sibling was staring right at him.
His knees almost buckled as he came, spilling all over his hand and dripping to the ground lewdly.
As soon as he comes to his senses, he meets your eyes again, shame beginning to weigh over all his other emotions. You stare at him in shock, your eyes practically bulging out of your head.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
can you pls make a part 2 for containment IM BEGGING I READ IT AND NOW IM DAYDREAM EVERY HOUR
YOOOO! I have been looking for an excuse to revisit this story and I’m so glad you gave me one. 🥹 so thank you so much for reading it.
content warning: time skip, lots of angst, sexual content, engagement and marriage talk, bits of his canonical personality and situation, mentions of violence, s*xual assault and murder, religion, mentions of alcohol abuse :(, happy ending though because I couldn’t write the alternative w/o crying :)))))
📝: also gonna preface and say you aren’t going to agree with all of (y/n)’s decisions and that’s okay. No need to be mad or rude. Let’s keep it cute 🫶🏾 also, minors do not interact! This is really long for this format so I apologize but I got emotional writing it and got carried away. Sorry! 😭
(Y/N) continued working as a guard for Greenville and on the containment unit for another year. In that time, maturing and learning a lot about yourself. As well as your inmates..mainly #104330, Eren Jaeger.
the illustrious affair between you and the convict continued for a while. Sneaking around the prison and hiding in unknown places just to get a taste of one another. Your lust growing stronger as time passed. “I can’t get enough of you, Ms. (L/N)..I know it’s wrong, I know I can get you in a lot of trouble but I can’t help myself.” “You’re the criminal here, not me. If anything, I’m the one that knows better..but I’m not sorry. Not sorry for the way I feel about you.”
that insatiable lust eventually grew into something deeper but even so, neither of you were in the position to confess or put that love on display. It would bring great shame if you did so you had to find a way to conceal those feelings..including some pretty bad habits. Downing a bottle every night to keep from thinking about your actions.
Eren had been sitting behind bars for six years now, only a small dent in his fifty year sentence. And not once had he spoken about trying to get out. Nor did he have any desire to confess his crimes to you or anyone. However, under his sentence, he was granted an automatic appeal that he had no choice but to take.
It was during an audit of prisoner paperwork that you discovered what he was behind bars for and the truth shocked you. He was convicted of second degree murder after the owner of the foster home he was raised in was found dead. Stabbed over ten times. The community was devastated and with the victim being a prominent member in the church, they threw the book at him. There was still a missing piece of the puzzle that didn’t make sense though and he had no interest in clearing it up..
“There’s my dirty little secret, CO. Still wanna keep defending me? I’m just like every other piece of shit here..another monster with a fucked up past. Nothing special. I’m even worse because I killed a pastor.”
(Y/N) was still convinced that there was more to the story and you were right when you just so happened to hear one of his phone calls with his best friend.
“I don’t understand, Eren. If you told the truth, it could change everything. That man was no saint, he abused us for years. If they knew you did it to protect us, they might let you go. This could be your shot at freedom.” “I’ve been free for six years. Free from all of it..I’m finally out of that hellhole, nothing here could ever be worse than that fucking place and you guys are able to live happily without having to worry anymore. You’re in college, doing big things. You’re about to graduate. Mika’s married and having a kid, like she always wanted. She doesn’t have to worry about some creepy old bastard touching her at night. Is that not enough? It is for me..”
your heart was breaking, knowing that his actions were completely selfless and he refused to fight for himself. Missing out on important accolades and milestones that he shouldn’t have to. Meanwhile, he continued his same routine of holing up in his cell..reading, studying and staying to himself. But things were about to take a drastic turn when one of your coworkers confronted you about him.
“He’s being transferred out next week..they’re sending him to Liberio.” “There’s no way!…that place is a hundred times worse.” But your supervisor and warden’s hands were tied and quite frankly, he was one less person to deal with.
“My hands are tied, (L/N). You’ll have to find a new pet..” mocking the fact that the two of you were so close.
you were devastated hearing the news, knowing he’d end up in trouble or dead in a facility like that. Now more than ever, you wanted to fight for him to be free! He was the last person who deserved such a cruel fate. But being relocated was the least of his worries. He was only upset about one thing…
“…I don’t give a damn where they send me. Truthfully, it’s just another cell for me to rot away in…but I don’t wanna lose you, CO. I think you may be the only thing keeping me from checking out. This is the happiest I’ve ever been. Here with you..”
full blown tears coming down the both of your faces, right after another passionate quickie as you holed up in your normal spot. You were hysterical, as was he and it was the first time he’d ever shown emotion, at least from what you’d seen..
“Eren, you have to file that appeal. You shouldn’t be here..you don’t belong with these fucked up animals. Please, you have to fight. Let me testify at that hearing.” “So they can put your pretty ass in a jumpsuit too? It’s fine, miss (L/N). I’ll just take whatever they give me. I’ve been doing that my entire life, it’s nothing new.”
he refused to put you in that situation though..knowing that someone must’ve noticed your little rendezvous by now and would surely use it against the both of you. You’d end up fired or worse and he’d have his sentence lengthened. So you’d have to trust that he’d be okay. That they wouldn’t tear him apart.
some months passed and Eren had been longed transferred to Liberio. Nicknamed ‘the underworld’..known for its seedy dealings, organized fight clubs with the prisoners and countless inmate deaths. It was awful and all you could do was hope that he’d be alright. While at work, you’d even visit the prison chapel and pray for him. His safety, well being and all..meanwhile, you were falling apart. Laying up with a man you knew nothing about nor did you love just to fill the void but it wasn’t the same. He wasn’t him…
It was one day when you were sitting at home after getting some much needed time off; as they had made that job much worse..that you received a letter in the mail and it was from a name that you’d heard quite often..Armin Artlert. After a while, Eren began to loosen up and tell you all about the two people on the outside that made his life tolerable and he was one. His very best and only friend for a long time.
upon reading it, he’d proceed to introduce himself; saying that you’d never want but Eren wrote about you constantly. He said that you had helped him so much. He then went on to tell you how Eren was adjusting at the new facility. Told you that he had been in a pretty bad attack that left him with a stab wound but he was fine now. “He’s so brave, I wish I had half of his courage. I owe him everything. It’s because of him, we got to live.” He wrote that not only had Eren gotten saved but that he was finally letting him and their other friend Mikasa have visits, even bringing his ‘nephew’ to see him. With a picture of all of them together.
But that wasn’t even the best part..not only had Eren passed his exam for the law certificate but he put it to use and went through with the parole hearing and you couldn’t believe what was said next.
“He’s being released…he’s coming home.”
collapsing to your knees right there in the living room, you’d sob and clutch the letter. Overcome with joy that he’d be out of there. And of course, there was one more thing that Armin needed you to know: “he still loves you..very much. I believe he fought this hard for you.”
Eren, who’s released a month later on parole, calls you from outside the bus station, telling you that he’s finally free and that he wants to see his beloved CO. And you don’t hesitate to come running..
Eren, who makes love to you better than any man is overcome with emotion as he’s inside of you. Going deeper and deeper as if he never wants to pull out. Doing all the nasty things he’d written about prior. Fucking you all over the entirety of your house for all the time that you two had been apart. From the kitchen counter that he placed you on top of to the shower, where he pulled your hair and fed you back shots. Even eating you out as he hoisted you against the wall; those days of lifting weights on the rec yard coming in handy. Losing his mind when you called him ‘daddy.’
“I missed you so much..so tight for me..feels so fucking good. I swear, I thought about you every night, baby..” Making you come more times in one night than your ex ever could…
Eren, who left his cock buried deep inside of you, long after you were finished, laid on top and stared at your pretty face. Confessing how much he loved you and you’d do the same. Knowing that this would change everything with him being here but neither of you cared.
Eren, who wanted a second chance at life, so as long as you were by his side.
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ditch-lily · 7 months
so I wanna do a little trip/photo dump of my latest jeffy adventure. I may delete this who knows but for now, adventures below!
I tbh wasn't at my best during this trip, I had a bit of a not fun ocd episode while traveling and I do feel like I spent most of the trip trying to get back to my baseline okayness - so to my lovely friends and travel partners thanks for being awesome and treating me with kindness!! I really, really appreciated it 💖💖
okay now time for obnoxious trip slideshow haha
chiang rai was beautiful. we went to an insanely gorgeous garden cafe on the first day
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on the second, we went to the white and blue temples
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btw I love doing street photography so 2 of my favs from chiang rai:
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and now...jeffy day
tbh by the time Jeff was onstage I'd been standing around since 2pm (he got on stage...at 10pm 😭) the things We Do for Barricade. I was soooo sweaty and frazzled by then
it was a very cool set up tho! it was a little music festival, lots of food/etc, and they lit up hot air balloons over our heads
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we saw a few performers and slot machine!! who were right before jeff. finally got to see them live and ohmygod did they pop off!! at one point they were in front of us just tearing up the stage for ages, they threw guitar picks at us haha (I did not catch one lol)
and then jeff.....look we all know how that went down
but here's a screenshot of when he Looked at me the first time and i fucking realized if I can see them.....they can see me. no??? jfc i think i like super reacted, flailed backwards a bit I think. i prefer to not beobserved okay?? but anyway and that's why he came for my throat later i believe. demon
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then look after jeff it was just jumpscare after jumpscare, bumping into his band member at midnight in our hotel lobby (all the musicians and sound crew were having a big drinking party on the steps of the hotel. jeff wasn't there tho) and then the next morning bumping into rasika checking out etc etc
okay some of my fits on the trip! day 1, then jeffy day and the next travel day, which ended up being the Day we followed Jeff and his team around at the airport, unintentionally
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each of these in front of the cupboard nowhere near as good as jeffs lol
some of the treasures i got at the show! these are mainly bread's amazing creations. @patpran thank you so much i adore my jeffy cat stickers ;.;
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also (made by another fan) the jeffy pop socket i'm screaming,,,,,should i put it on my phone..
okay now bkk!! i got a few street shots cause i love doing that
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then witnessed jeff on the bts and found some cat pants
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and went plus size shopping at platinum mall. i knew about the names before hand but oh my god im laughing
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and then!!! bang sue junction, which is mile and apo's fav hang out spot for vintage shopping. sadly we didn't bump into them. but it was such an awesome place to explore
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we also wrote a lil letter each and wrapped up some presents to send to jeff. i would like to say it takes 2+ ppl to puzzle out a thailand post box and how to put it together (and there was only 2 of us at that point lol ;.;)
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okay i was gonna add more but that's heaps, i think. despite my brain being frazzled 24/7 on this trip it was a good one. thank you so much to @patpran who showed me all the cool places and was a very lovely travel partner!!! you were awesome!!!
i'm honestly so grateful i got to go, and have these experiences ahhhhh, i'm gonna treasure it (sorry post trip emo-ness) anyway i gotta get back to work now but, if you've read this far, you're a star haha <3
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galactikburzt · 7 months
Oh yeah remember that one post i made about that forbidden testing tracks mod before it came out a while ago
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I have decided that I am gonna be this mod's strongest soldier because some people out there are being mean about this mod when there was clearly a lot of passion behind it and it really seems to be someone's first mod ever and like, i do really hope that we get to see new things from the creator in the future because i do see a lot of potential in the mod
Putting my thoughts over the mod in detail under the cut
Personally, I do think that this mod's main issue was that it tried to be way too much at the same time
Which, as someone who likes writing for myself from time to time, I get it. Sometimes you kind of just write something so ambitious that you later realize that its so big for you that you wont be able to manage to get yourself to complete it
The mod has A LOT of mechanics, and I mean A LOT. While I have never had the chance to learn how to build puzzles in portal since my pc is currently not working, I do know a little bit about level design since I am interested in the topic, and also because I do also like messing around on custom level editors whenever I can which was the thing that made me feel interested on level design lol (i really love seeing video essays about gameplay mechanics whenever i can because i do find that very fascinating but that's not the point i am trying to make right now)
Forbidden testing tracks does have lots of mechanics, several multiple types of guns, a dimensional traveling portal sort of, i think, sparks you can jump on, explosive cubes, hell it even has a test room that rotates itself
When you put it out in paper like that it sounds amazing
But the thing is, I can't get myself to mention all of these mechanics, and that's the thing
The mod has so many mechanics, that it is difficult for the player to process all of these new things at the same time
Some of these mechanics appear only once or twice only to not be used ever again
I do think, that whenever you add a new mechanic to a game of any genre, you need to let the player have the chance to process it, learn it, and mess around with it until they get the hang out of it
Let's take a look at the first portal game for example
Im not gonna go into detail about all of the mechanics and how the entire game is constructed because that would be exhausting and too long to write, but I do want to point out the introduction of the portal mechanics
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At the very start of the game, we do see the first portal in the game, which we need to use to get out of chell's relaxation vault
We don't have the portal gun in our hands yet, and for a person trying to play for the first time it would be overwhelming to get the gun with both the orange and blue portals at the same time, so the game lets the player get through one portal to walk through to get to the outside of the relaxation vault
And then the player is able to process the main mechanic of the game in that way, you get through one portal and you come out to the other one
There are other tests that do a similar thing to get the player to be used to the portal mechanics and the portal gun
like the test we get after the first one and the test we use to learn how to use the portals to reach higher places, so we can get to learn about stuff like learning where to place portals, how to move around and how do portals work in general, all before we get the two portal gun thing so it can be easier to process for a regular player
(sorry if i am not explaining myself correctly 😭😭😭)
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I do think that the mod could benefit itself by focusing on one or two mechanics, like some other mods out there like Aperture tag and Portal Reloaded, who do focus on the gel gun and the time travel mechanics respectively
And speaking of adding way too much, I do think the writing does also suffer from this in a way
So there's this core called SAIC (which is honestly the best part out of the entire mod in my opinion)
I think that the voice acting for him is very good, and I personally Do love his animations as well
When I first saw the trailer I was very excited to see this core in particular, because his lines were delivered very well and I was excited to see more of him in general
but unfortunately, he didn't really get too much dialogue
Yeah, there is this section at the second chapter where we grab him for a bit, but he really just says two small dialogues at the start and at the end
After we meet him, we kind of just hold him for a bit and he doesn't say anything while we walk until we get at his management rail
The game does have a couple walking sections which can feel empty sometimes
I think the game would have benefited from small dialogues through the way while walking these long ways, along with solving some small puzzles outside of the main test chambers, something like the start of portal stories mel with the old aperture which had the player exploring the place without it feeling too lonely thanks to the recordings and later also virgil along the way so the player doesn't feel too lost
There are many things that come off as out of context, we don't really know about SAIC's motivations as far as I can remember and the first half of the game feels very empty, because there's nothing to guide you or give you context
Maybe someone could think that the creator didn't leave too many recordings so the player could feel lonely, but sincerely it is very possible to have a game full of dialogue along the way which also makes you feel isolated, and Portal 1's atmosphere along with GLaDOS having lots of dialogue through every chamber proves it
So while we have the first part of the game being completely empty and out of context, then we have the second half of the game which is overwhelming.
So, let me try to describe it
A lot of nothing happened, i THINK that SAIC was trying to get us to escape, and then GLaDOS catches the player or something and then SAIC apparently dies. And then Wheatley takes over the facility because TURNS OUT that the whole thing is happening at the same time of portal 2
Then things happen i guess and the player just keeps testing because i forgot why, then something happens and we are at the moon and apparently cave johnson is alive and then turns out SAIC's death was a fakeout, and then there's something about Rachel Johnson twin sister of chell because of a something failure???? And then i think everyone just decides to destroy aperture at the end
Just like some of these mechanics out there, there are so many things in the story coming out of nowhere (along with some of these way too into the headcannon territory) that feel out of context, and overwhelming, and then there are some elements which are not used enough or just appear once or twice to not be seen ever again, like SAIC, for example
His voice feels nice to listen to, and I feel like the mod would have benefited itself by having more dialogue and exploring his character with small stuff like him peeping in to say a couple things and adding random comments even if it's just something like a "so... What's your name?" "Hey hey, over here!" Or anything like that
He genuinely should have gotten more screen time, the way his lines were delivered was very nice to hear even if his dialogue was short and the writing could get nonsensical
I think SAIC has the potential to be just impactful as Wheatley if handled correctly, but unfortunately he was set aside even if he was supposed to be one of the main characters because the mod itself was trying to add way too much at the same time, which didn't allow the player to get attached to the story
I think the creator just. Added so much that they couldn't focus on the details of the story
which is understandable because I myself had a couple original stories that never saw the light of the day for the same reason
I realized on the hard way that I was biting off way more than I can chew, because i kept adding more and more, to the point i either had so many characters with no purpose or i couldn't get to work on details because there was too much to work on
So yeah, I do think that sometimes less is more in creative projects, you don't need to be the next super big project immediately, just focus on the essentials and then add the final details later. Try to know the size of your project and keep it in mind, because even short things can be very enjoyable and memorable to experience
With that aside, there's only one question left that I do want to answer
Why do I like this mod so much? What do I see in it for me to call myself the #1 fan of PFTT despite everyone disliking it? Why am I taking the time to write a long essay about a mod that probably no one else aside from me might even like?
Well, I'm pretty sure you have noticed me repeating this one specific word through the whole essay so far:
Yeah, the mod is messy both story and gameplay wise, but I think that the mod does have a lot of effort and passion put behind it
I seriously hope that the creator is not gonna end up stopping with doing more content after feeling discouraged by the reactions of all these people
Because I do think that this developer could create for example, the next portal stories mel, or the next aperture tag in the future
Because even if it is very flawed, I think the mod does have it's charm regardless
Yes, it was surreal to watch, it made no sense sometimes, it had lots of things coming out of nowhere, and some other couple things
But I had a good time watching it
I absolutely love SAIC, and when I saw the trailer I KNEW that he would be one of my favourite characters once the mod came out, and I was right
Even if the mod was nothing like what I have expected
I had lots of fun while watching this mod, and sincerely I do wish I was able to play it despite everything
Because it seems like something you could get on a call with a couple friends and talk about it
And ironically even if I can't remember the story, waiting for the mod once the trailer came out, and later watching this mod on a stream through one sitting was one of the most memorable things i could have experienced
I can't stop thinking about SAIC, even if he didn't appear as much as I hoped he would, and even if he didn't have that much time to shine, he has left an impact on me despite everything
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When i saw this line in the ending screen while seeing other people's reactions it absolutely broke my heart
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I do want to wish lots of luck to the creator, and I genuinely hope to see what they create in the future
And I hope people are gonna be kind to this new creator, because I can tell that this mod clearly had a lot of passion and love behind it
Now, Lastly I do want to apologize if there's anything i have not worded correctly, since English is not my first language
And with that aside, I am gonna end this essay right here (unless there's anything i forgot to mention that i want to edit in the future aha)
Thank you for reading, and have a nice day
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gideongrovel · 4 months
Bro 👏🏾 is 👏🏾 yapping 👏🏾 about 👏🏾 that 👏🏾 man 👏🏾 again!!! 👏🏾
I wish I could remember more about what my thoughts on E/nel were when I first watched S/kypiea all those years ago,,,,, i was like what 10?? maybe 11? maybe 12?? idk maths isn't mathing,, and idr if I met him first through the Funi dub, or though my copy of Grand Adventure on gamecube, or the manga itself I can't blame myself for not remembering since its been so fucking long,,, and OP is one of those things that's quite literally always been apart of my life,,,,, my obsession coming and going in waves, but still,,, idr it never not being a thing in my life,,,, 😭
but anywhoooo I have figured out a couple small pieces to the puzzle of why i have snapped all these years later, and why i want that man (E/nel)!!! Okay so since in my youth I use to ship with Z/oro (I do not anymore, i personally feel too grown for him, and im just not into him in a shippy way anymore) but when I was younger and into Z/oro, his S/kypiea outfit was my absolute favorite (gonna mention Grand Adventure again- id always pick that as his outfit in that game lol), but i think that was my main focus when watching/rewatching that arc back then lmao,,, And while im not religious now, i use to be a christian when i was younger,,, so E/nel's whole god shtick probs was an ick to me back then,,,, so thats also a potential reason of why i didnt feel any shippy feels to him when i was younger,,,, 🤔
but now in this current day and age,,, those barriers weren't there,,,,, god complexes are hot to me- i love blasphemy and i didnt have someone else drawing my attention,,,, so i think thats a couple reasons of why these feels arose,,, My preferences with characters i lust after is different now then it was back then, and he checks alot of boxes for me "maybe, just maybe, its mental illness innit" so its not surprising when i really think about it,,,,,, its just funny it took over a decade to like smack me in the face,,,,, especially cause ive seen the arc many of times so i had many chances for it to happen 😭😭😭
i cant find it but i saw diagram once, it was like two separate lines meeting, then going their separate ways, then meeting back up again,,, and thats what this feels like??? not in like a rekindled old flame way,,,, cause he never was a flame, he was just someone i knew,,,, idk i guess its more like an "Oh. Oh." moment,,, like actually catching romantic feel for him (and not just sexual ones like i originally thought it was) has felt kinda comforting in some odd way??? that may sound off the wall given the type of character he is lmao,,,,,
But my thoughts are like it was a "wrong place, wrong time" back in the day,,,, but now,,, now we found our ways back to each other, it may have taken some time but things have aligned perfectly,,, and we're together now, and that is what matters in the end,,,,
idk what im on about truly,,,, articulating my emotions for this man feels *make vague idk gesture* if you wasted your time reading this im legit sorry 💀 I just love E/nel alot,,,, and this development of feelings these past couple months has my head spinning
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salsakiyoomi · 11 months
GAHHH OH MY GOD OKAY OKAY first of all holy smokes I love the theme on your blog so much it's so cool and the red is just,,, chefs kiss oh man💗💗🥹!!
OKAY AJAJA would it be alright if I asked for a matchup for Spiderverse (either of the other fandoms work if they're easier/more fun to work with!! I love all of the fandoms there as well ajajja) :O??<3 please take as long as you need with it!!💗🙏
my persona:
name: ellie :D
personality: ENFP/ENTP (but E and I are bound to change depending on how I'm feeling while taking the test BWAHSHSHD so here's another description!!): I'm a generally optimistic person with the sense of humor of an eight year old boy. I will laugh at your mom jokes and then apologize and then make another one😭 I enjoy helping people and creating things, but I do tend to question my morals a lot and wonder why I am helping those people !! I really like the idea of self-improvement and knowing there's always room for more :D reminders are always great too because I forget a lot of things SJDBSJSJHS
zodiac sign: aries!
ideal type: i'm okay with being paired with any gender, no preference! i'm also a minor/highschool student if that helps at all :D (i'm totally on board with platonic matchups as well, i'm unlabeled so for me i can roll along w just about anything!! whatever is easiest GAARAHH). i really admire people who are kind at heart, it doesn't matter how they show it :D i admire people who are humble but not meek, and are willing to speak their minds when it feels right to them OH MAN and I also love people who i can go on and have deep talks with them and fall asleep next to them giggling like im 7 years old at a sleepover every night. OH AJDJSJ and I also love watching shows meant For Literal Children/cartoons because I find them genuinely hilarious and the lessons are always so good 😭🙏 creativity is important to me as well + education for passions :D my giving love language is words of affirmation and physical touch, and my main receiving is acts of service and physical touch! :D
my favorite trope: SHDHDJDJ FOUND FAMILY FOUND FAMILY FOUND FAMILY or any forms of domestic fluff!! 💗💗(sharing a bed and hurt/comfort and being held after a nightmare is my JAM BWAHHS)
favorite season: autumn :)))
hobbies: I absolutely love biology/biomed/environmental science :D! I love going to aquariums and (art) museums and learning about my passions. i definitely want to work at an aquarium as one of those people who give tours to the 3rd graders one day 🥰🙏 I also love listening to instrumental scores from movies!! (I CRIED OVER THE ONES FROM ATSV I AM UNWELL) how to train your dragon and big hero 6 are definitely up there as a few of my favorites :D oh man I also love performing and doing musical theatre for the sake of the community WAHHHSJ,, I love art and writing even though I can get pretty bad writer's block AND OH MAN I love tutoring a lot and going on bike rides when I'm alone !! I love hanging out w people but I also value my alone time as well, and soMETIMES (I AM WORKING ON IT SJXJSJ) I tend to become a doormat where i can't say no and worry about how I am in public places (bUT I HAVE NO PROBLEM DOING PRESENTATIONS WHICH I FIND HILARIOUS SJXNSKJD), but again I SWEAR I am working on it !! =D💗
and the fandom for spider verse would be great :D!! but again anything else is totally okay!!!
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— honeymoon :
– hobie thinks it's a little funny, honestly, how things turned out with you — the two of you are almost polar opposites, but you know what they say ; opposites attract, and you were his missing puzzle piece — hobie didn't like labels, but there was no denying that he certainly had a thing for you, and you couldn't deny that you liked him either, so you settled in middle ground.
– hobie would come to your place every night — that's how it started, you'd watch a movie or two and once the clock strikes midnight, you find yourself laying in bed with him, huddled up in his arms with your head resting on his chest and his face buried in your hair, the two of you talk about alot of stuff, jumping from one topic to another about completely unrelated things — he likes listening to you talk, likes the sound of your voice and how it immediately soothes him into a good mood — but once the clock nears five am, and you start mumbling and tripping on your words and your eyelids become heavy, he places a soft kiss on your lips, telling you it's time for bed before holding you close and the two of you eventually fall asleep.
– hobie has a knack to convincing you to do things you wouldn't usually do, like going out with him at three am on a supposed 'date' where he takes you to one of the city's highest rooftops with a couple of snacks and the radio playing your favourite songs, he likes to draw and often brings his sketchbook to those dates, so the two of you doodle on the pages, slapping stickers on them and creating a perpetual memory, and he thinks — actually, believes, that no matter what, he'd never forget you, and he has reached a conclusion that maybe, just maybe, he may be in love with you.
— what's on the radio : moonlight, kali uchis
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a/n : hello??? kirishimas-manly-eyeliner ?? 😭😭 i used to follow you, i loved your blog sm and you were legit one of my inspirations to write 😭😭 i didn't know you were aware of my blog holy shit, i love you so much 😭 thank you for the request and your ask was so much fun to read like shejwkwk, you're such a nice person help 😭 thank you sm for the request again, ily — also atsv was so good, i cried alot during the moving so you aren't alone, and i loved hobie's animation ! i loved the way they colored him and how he looked like he was out of a panel and the way he changed colors (??) it was so good, he's one of my faves pls 😭 i hope this did you justice and that you like it ! once again thank you sm for the request <33
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missluckycharms · 2 years
nanny y/n nd harry train?im on board! how about her and harrys first ever kiss?? please😫🥺🥺
We are all on their train, they are my babies 😭
Here’s a small blurb on what that went like!
“What’s all this?” Y/N laughs walking into the living room, she heard Harry come in a few minutes after she put Honey to bed, their bed time story reading took longer as Honey was on a sugar rush over their trip to the sweet shop earlier.
She thought Harry would of just heated up the leftovers she tucked into the fridge for him earlier and eat that for his dinner and then head into his office to finish off some work for an hour, like he usually does, but when she walks into the living room she’s puzzled.
“Remember how you said that you hated picnics because you got your heart broken on one?” He asks sitting on a red and white picnic blanket on the floor of the living room where the rug usually lays.
“Yeah?” She says still confused, looking around at the room that’s dimly lit with only a few candles lighting to brighten it up, the moonlight shining through the window while the rain pours outside.
“Well, I was going to do this outside, but apparently the universe had other plans” he laughs pointing to the rain pouring outside.
“You didn’t have to do this” she shakes her head, looking down at the takeaway Chinese cartons that are resting in a wicker picnic basket, Harry sat cross legged dressed in his suit but his shoes are taken off and shoved to the side.
“Y’sounded so sad when you told me that story, just wanted to cheer you up!” He shrugs as she smiles fondly at him, her secret crush for the man growing even bigger now as he looks up at her with a smile also, nodding for her to sit down across from him.
“C’mon then, food will get cold” he says with a laugh as she obeys, sitting cross legged across from him as he begins dishing out the Chinese takeaway onto plates which has her laughing.
“Had no time to whip up a big meal, sorry sweetheart” he laughs, the nickname rolling off his tongue easily as she smiles at the sound of it, she’ll never get enough of him.
“Why are you so nervous? Your hands are shaking!” She laughs out, resting her hand on top of his as he holds another carton getting ready to dish out his own meal.
He looks down at her hand over his, his heart melting at how caring and kind she is, how she will always place a hand on him when he’s shaking or is upset. She makes him feel safe, needed and loved.
He loves her, like a lot. But she doesn’t know that.
“Harry? Are you okay?” She asks now taking the carton from his hands and taking both of his hands into hers, resting them on her lap as he finally looks up at her with glassy eyes.
“I don’t know how to say what I want to, it’s like the words are on the tip of my tongue and they just won’t come out” his voice cracks as he speaks, the lump in his throat feeling like it will suffocate him as she looks at him with a smile and glassy eyes of her own.
She knows that look.
“Then show me”
Those three words are what had him leaning in, his hands now cupping her face as he gently places his lips against hers, his body relaxing when she relaxes against him, kissing him back and resting her own hands on his chest softly, almost pulling him in closer by the material of his shirt.
It’s a few more seconds before they pull away smiling at one another and resting their foreheads on one another’s, their hands intertwined with one another as they giggle softly into the air around them.
“I think I like picnics now”
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Okay so my thoughts are still very much all over the place but these are just instances that really stuck with me, bare with me while I ramble, I made these notes like at 4am after initially reading the chapter 😭::
- Playing the guitar for her - THE SIGNIFICANCE IF THIS???? like he clearly had been very put off from even talking about it, to then willingly playing for her ?? And he bared his soul playing the saddest of notes like, YOONGI PLS 😭
- Last night in her bed - this one feels so personal like, most of their memories are in his home, which will haunt him now when he’s alone. But that last night in her own bed, like girl is gonna remember that everyday, that was pure love making, I feel for her
- Past coming to light - although were still missing a big puzzle piece about readers past, hearing about Yoongi's and how it connects to ppl in readers circle, like idk how to put into words how real it makes it. Like I guess its different hearing and seeing about Yoongis past reputation than someone actually speaking from experience from it (although we’re seeing now how he’s changing)
- Him not wanting to admit feelings - OKAY SO CLEARLY HE KNOWS WHAT HES FEELING — he just doesn’t want to actually admit it and I get why but I also dont like 😭😭 the obvious reason is they think they cant because of big bro and thats his best friend and all (im team Jin btw but slightly considering it might be Hobi too now). But ive been thinking theres other reasons he’s clearly not wanting to admit his emotions. Whatever happened in his last relationship has him like, scared now, to admit his raw emotions for reader now?
- Love Jimin and Dom - WE LOVE SUPPORTIVE, PROTECTIVE AND UNDERSTANDING FRIENDS // on a side note to this, I sort of wanna predict either Jimin and Dom alone or if more friends find out, and they willingly help reader and yoongi be able to see each other and be together while keeping big bro away / in the dark about it. The drama that could stir up would be interesting so idk how likely this would be but the scenario was fun to imagine
- JIMIN THO - im very stuck in his brief interaction with reader after he took her away from the creep. Yoongi saying he knows too. I very much need to hear Jimin give his thoughts to reader and explain himself, im so sorry for thinking differently of you Jiminie 😭 my theory here is Jimin might’ve noticed how much Yoongi was watching reader during the basketball game and also at Dalo. Probably also picked up how tense he was when that creep approached reader and Jimin must’ve put the pieces together himself and maybe Yoongi just didn’t deny it or didn’t say anything when Jimin asked him?
- The key and necklace - HEART SHATTERING OKAY, EMOTIONAL DAMAGE 💔 i really really really just wanna hope he left his key in her drawer hidden for her to visit him secretly at night or something. I wanna hope the necklaces too but I know that would be obvious to other people. I can also imagine how this might cause drama later if (somehow someway) big bro finds the key and questions why she got access to yoongs apartment
- the clothes on the bed after the shower - the first time it was on the dresser but now him setting it on the bed instead is just so !!!!!! 😭 like that’s his baby he’s taking care of, they’re so domestic, he really making her feel like “this bed is yours too”
- Yoongis ex = im still pondering this. Is the infamous ex we’ve been hearing about the person same as dom’s cousin = the same person/reason he swore off relationships? Will this person make another appearance?
- THE SONG - WHEN I SAY I SOBBED I MEAN I UGLY CRIED, SNOT AND DIZZY AFTERWARDS AND ALL. Like the instrumental alone is heart wrenching but the LYRICS?!??? Fitting in so perfectly to the tale but also on a personal level I relate and just wow, that blew it away for me 😭💔 I added it to my playlist but I straight up cry whenever I hear it now. Im down worse than them
Sorry for long message, i really just wanted to vent out the thoughts I had and im sure many are also having , once again I love your story telling skills and just how raw and real you make everything. Looking forward to hearing more and genuinely hope you never lose that excitement for writing 🤍
- 🌸
SAKURAAAA thank you so so much for this beautiful feedback?? what the heck you said so many wonderful things i can't even form. words. okay let's try.
the significance of the guitar.. i know. that scene will stick with me for awhile. there's a LOT in that one scene alone and it connects yoongi's pov with reader's, which makes it even more powerful.
YESSS most of the memories are in his place, but the most emotional one of all happens in her place. and some commentary here: i wanted reader's bringing yoongi into her room/bed be symbolic in like, letting him in. like y'all know how much i love my door analogy, but rooms are also important to me.
and the whole hearing about a piece of yoongi's past? coming from someone that knows reader? that was huge. even though we know he's different now, hearing it in that setting hits harder than if he said it himself or we already knew about it.
and the commentary about him not acknowledging his feelings: we will just have to see! is it the bro? is it something else? is it something that hasn't even been mentioned yet?
JIMIN AND DOM YESSS we really do love the supportive ones. and protective ones! and i'm putting your theory in the file of theories! we'll have to see about that one, as well. who knows what the heck is gonna happen now that bro is back.
LMAO we all gave jimin the massive side eye so we do owe an apology HAHA and right? there's a lot to unpack in that brief interaction alone. what the heck is up with that? hopefully we revisit or touch back on jimin since that interaction was pretty sus!
i knowwww the damn chains and key. it's definitely obvious that yoongi was totally fine with reader keeping them, but, he knows that the risk would be way too high if they were found. we can only hope but we know how careful he knows reader wants to be :')))
COMING FULL CIRCLE ON THE CLOTHES.. i know. that was a punch in the gut because of how different yet similar both situations are.. ugh. and the last hookup!!! we still don't know!!! definitely don't know about the ex yet, either. we just know tae knows. whether they make an appearance or not is still up in the air, as well.
I BAWL MY EYES OUT EVERY TIME I HEAR TWIN FLAME.... like seriously no one touch me because not only is it sad as hell (both the music and the lyrics) but it also aligns with sidewalk talk. after i wrote 3tanS, i heard the song.. and just. cried. omfg. just imagining yoongi playing that on the guitar is enough for me.
thank you so so much for reading and reviewing!! it means so incredibly much to me and i will write as much as my brain allows me to<33
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