#im still in mourning do not touch me
lonely-night · 2 years
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- I'm sorry? "Them"? 
- They're created in pairs. 
- Twins? 
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traumagenica · 17 days
#i am reminded of the latest of my old friends to disappear from my life#got a spam text from a local number asking to meet up for coffee and i thought maybe it was her and she just had a new number (again)#the fact that i hoped for a minute... im mad at myself for it#she blames me for abandoning her when we were younger even tho *she* was the one who fled across the fucking country without even a goodbye#changed her number multiple times without contacting me when mine's been the same since the day we met and she could always reach out#and had the gall to be mad at *me* for not talking to her#she would do one super nice cool thing for me but when i can't reciprocate because im fucking broke she'd be upset that she was#“the only one putting the effort in” when its like i dont have the same resources or connections of you i was working 2-3 jobs for years#i would send her gifts and letters and cards she wouldn't write back but if i couldn't make it to an event she invited me to the day of#she'd give me the silent treatment for months#when she sent a package it was always something more expensive than i could gift back#i was vulnerable with her and told her when i fell out of touch again that it was because i was really sick and having difficulty#leaving the house. because i *know* i tend to withdraw when things are hard and i'm working on doing better#i shouldn't want to be friends with someone like that#i shouldnt want to be friends with someone whos always had a rocky relationship with me at best#and yet...#it hurts...#she's not the first friend to leave me she's not the first to walk away without closure she's not even the most painful one i've lost#but it still hurts#it hurts so bad#admin tags >>#text post#vent#venting#friendship#friend breakup#interpersonal relationships#chronic illness#mental illness#i hate mourning people who are still alive
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heart-bones · 1 month
had a dream I was running a bank?? and my ex was there for some reason helping me close up and made a point to tell me several times throughout that everything she'd said she loved while we were together, she'd actually hated
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phyrestartr · 11 days
Love Is Alright | Sukuna x M!Reader
w/c: 1.9k #SFW, reader is early thirties, sukuna is mid twenties, reader is a uni prof, sukuna is a uni student, DON'T SLEEP WITH YOUR PROFS IRL PLS THANK YOU, questionable relationship, fluff, angst, self-deprecating reader, soft sukuna?, sukuna has daddy and mommy issues, TRIED TO EDIT BUT IM LAZYYY, uncle sukuna has entered the chat, ITTY BITTY YUUJI HAS ENTERED THE CHAT
tags: @kamote-kuneho @better-imagination-9 @flowersatwork
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You distanced yourself after the semester ended. 
It felt like your duty, honestly; your responsibility to Sukuna and his well-being hinged on what you could do to remedy the situation. He was a young man, scrambling to figure life out in his mid-twenties while you were failing at life and happiness in your early-thirties. You weren't a good role model. A worse partner. Terrible teacher. 
He'd get over that stupid fling in no time, anyway. Most of your exes did. You'd leave them, mourn them and the relationship, and then feel your heart break a hundred times harder when you found out they'd already moved on. Gotten married. Had kids. All while you hoped they'd come chasing after you. 
But this time would be different. You were protecting someone, someone you cared about. You didn't want to leave, to walk away for the summer, to let him move on peacefully and realize you were nothing but a kink, a fetishized visage of a man, but you had to–you didn't know what it was you'd done to fool Itadori Sukuna, but you had to save him from whatever it was. Because it was your fault. It had to be. 
So why was he knocking on your door? 
“Fucking finally,” Sukuna sighed. He leaned on the doorframe like he was from some 90s greaser film, but you had a feeling he was trying to stop you from slamming the door on his face. “Took you long enough.”
You cleared your throat and tried to ignore the way your heart did backflips in your chest. “I–uh. What're you–?” 
“I need a hand,” the man admitted. “I got midterms comin’ up and I can't fucking focus.” 
You noticed the rings around his eyes, then. You frowned and instinctively reached up, holding the side of his face to get a better look at him. It was hard to tell if he'd gotten in another fight or if he was just tired, but the way he sighed and leaned into your kind touch gave you your answer. 
“Can't focus?” You repeated as you stepped aside and gestured for him to come in. Apparently, you were still too weak to stand your ground and abide by your morals. “Why not–oh.” 
“Hewwo!” The little munchkin on Sukuna's back screeched (rather, he was sitting in Sukuna's unzipped backpack like it was some sort of baby carrier). He had bubblegum pink hair like the older, and his skin was just as tan, but his eyes were more hazel than the reddish brown of Sukuna's. Was he–could this kid be–?
“His name's Yuuji. Little shit's my nephew,” Sukuna lamented. “I have to play daddy for a while, ‘n not in a fun, sexy way.” 
Oh. Not his kid. Okay.
“Huh. Okay.” You closed the door and locked it, sealing away the chill of the rain from the warm, cozy atmosphere of your home. “For a second I thought your playboy antics had caught up with you.” 
“Tch.” Sukuna rolled his eyes and pulled his pack off, being careful not to send his nephew plummeting. He did, however, dump the boy onto the couch like he was an invincible sack of potatoes. 
“Sukuna, be careful--he's just a kid!” You scolded as you went to the teary-eyed little boy. 
“He cries ‘n shit for attention, trust me,” Sukuna scoffed before sitting down as well. “Besides, kids are made of rubber. He'll be fine.” 
“Mean!” Yuuji hollered, battering Sukuna's shoulder with little fists. “Meanie!” 
“Piss off or I'll punt you into the fucking fireplace.” 
“Okay, okay, okay,” you sighed, breaking up the spat. You looked to the little one and smiled when his big, honeyed eyes turned your way. You kind of related to his hopefulness, to his eagerness to find attention and be loved. 
“Yuuji, right?” You hummed as you went to him. “You hungry?” 
The boy lit up. “Ya!”
“Sukuna's hungry, too,” the older chipped in as he plopped his beat up, sticker-clad laptop onto the coffee table and popped it open.
You rolled your eyes and picked up Yuuji as soon as his grabby hands reached out for you. “Fine, fine. I’ll make enough food for three. You just make sure you do your schoolwork, Sukuna. You're not getting free babysitting just so you can slack.”
“Whatever, Mama,” Sukuna dismissed. 
But, he did what he was told. That was the whole point of bringing Yuuji here anyway; it wasn't just to weasel his way back into your life. He seriously needed a break from catering to the tiny, hyperactive tyrant while he was trying to finish his midterm paper. Yuuji was too much for a worn-out student like Sukuna. 
Still, being here, even though you took on the babysitter role without an ounce of resistance, made it hard to focus, too; you handled the little tot with so much ease and care it made Sukuna's head spin. The way you held him on your hip while you puttered around the kitchen, cooking and cleaning, was way too domestic and natural for a bachelor. Sukuna had to wonder if you'd taken care of kids before, or if you'd only dreamed of having your own.
“Focus, Sukuna,” you called from the adjacent room, sounding so pleased. It'd been a while since he heard you sound like that.
“Just making sure you're not cookin’ the runt,” Sukuna huffed. “‘N quit distracting me, asshole.” 
You laughed. Yuuji giggled. Sukuna tried to focus. 
Morning turned into afternoon. Afternoon turned into evening. And Sukuna was still somehow welcomed in your presence.
But the cold press of a beer can against his neck almost made him regret his decision to stay as long as he did.
“You're pretty good at taking care of runts,” Sukuna grumbled as he took the drink from you. You sat beside him, much to his delight, and popped open your own can as you settled on the couch. 
“Yeah, well. I, uh, used to take care of an ex's kid, so–well, I guess it just became second nature.” You smiled a little before sipping at your drink. “Don't really like random kids, though. Boyfriends’ are an exception.” 
“Yeah?” Sukuna asked with a wolfish grin. “‘N so if you like Yuuji, then–”
“Hey, hey, let's not get ahead of ourselves here,” you sighed. “I'm not saying–this isn't–”
“You let me back into your life so fuckin’ easily,” Sukuna said, bulldozing over your words and confidence. His vibrant eyes danced over you like a flame caught in a storm until they eased onto your own, and settled down. “Now you're tryna back out again?” 
You gaped. Your mind scrambled for an excuse, for any sort of reason you could use to push him away again, yet found nothing. Nothing but a spark of warmth left by firelit eyes in the hollows of your chest. 
“When I was your age,” you found yourself saying, dreading the story you suddenly decided to relive, “I dated someone older. A lot older. He was–I thought I was in love, I guess. I don't know. I really needed someone to lean on. He seemed like a good person.
“But, in hindsight, he was too old to be messing around with me. Told myself it'd be alright since we were both legally adults. But it wasn't.
“He was, uh, kinda obsessive and possessive. Made life harder than it needed to be. Made me more miserable than I needed to be.”
You sighed and took a long drink of your beer. “‘N then you came along, and I had to wonder if I was gonna do the same thing to you, y’know? So, I…guess I've been kinda afraid of that.”
Sukuna quirked a brow and frowned “You're talkin’ like you're some kinda fucking villain.”
You laughed bleakly. “I feel like I am.” 
“Fucking hell, just shut up,” Sukuna groaned and ran a hand through his hair, exhausted and frustrated. “You think I'd let you fuck with me, huh? I’m the one who came onto you.” 
“I–well, sure, but I shouldn't be–”
“Shut up.” 
“I'm not listenin’ to you yap. Can it.” 
You pursed your lips and hid as best as you could behind your can. “Uh. Sorry. Maybe?” 
“You're a real dumbass for such a glorified prof, y'know that? Projecting all that shit onto this.” Sukuna shook his head like a disappointed parent and finished off his can before setting it on the coffee table. “I want you ‘cause you thrill me, that's it.”
A fierce heat slapped you in the face. “Oh. Thrill you. That's–wow. Okay. How do I…?”
Sukuna grinned and scooted closer to you on the couch. “You got a nice ass.”
“Shut up, not finished,” Sukuna scoffed. “Nice ass, nice face, nice voice. You know way too much random shit for your own good. You have a trashy tramp stamp–”
“Please forget about that!” 
“--you can cook. Fuck, can you fucking cook. Bake, too. You know how to decorate a damn house, how to make me not wanna go.” He paused for a second and slipped his hand to your thigh, just to feel your warmth under his fingertips. “You make settling down sound like less of a chore.”
“N'awe, that was kind of sweet,” you said like he was a toddler confessing his love for you. 
Sukuna leaned in. “Think I might need a lil’ more sugar from ya.”
You hummed and smiled, leaning in as well. “Don't wanna give you a toothache.”
The man smirked and held the side of your face as his lips brushed against yours teasingly. “Think I'll live–” 
“NUH UH!” 
You both jumped and leaned away from each other before blinking owlishly at the tiny tot standing before you both in A-pose. 
Sukuna's eye twitched. “What the fuck, you little–”
“Yuuji, it's too late for you to be awake,” you scolded lightly. “How come you're awake?” 
“Yuuji pwotect,” he bravely declared as he scurried up onto the couch and onto your lap with a throw blanket in hand–the same one you'd used to tuck him in earlier. 
“Oh, protect me?” You asked, pulling the soft blanket up around him. “From your uncle?” 
“Uncle eevil,” Yuuji whispered. 
“I'm gonna eat you alive, runt,” Sukuna hissed. Luckily for the boy, there was no real fire behind the words–not that he had the brain peanuts to realize that as he started snuffling and tearing up.
“E-ead me..” Yuuji whimpered, hiding under his blanket. “Noh…”
“I'll protect you, Yuuji, you're alright.” You gave Sukuna a look as you patted the little one. “Did you have to threaten to eat him this late at night?” 
Sukuna waved his hand in dismissal. “Little shit cock blocked me. It's what he deserves.” 
“Yeah, yeah, you keep telling yourself that.” You looked down at the little nugget of a boy curled up your lap, kept safe under the shelter of a blanket. Damn, the little thing really was cute. You almost got ideas. 
“We should clock out, too,” you suggested with a yawn before prepping to pick up the sleepy potato in your lap. “It's late. You won't be able to do much more like this.”
“Ha? You think I'm an old fuckin’ geezer like you?” Sukuna scoffed. “I'm not even–I ain't–” he cut off with a yawn and threw you a middle finger. “Fuck you.” 
You got up with the freshly K.O-ed bundled baby tucked in your arms. “Come on, bed time.” 
Finally, Sukuna sighed, and nodded.
“Alright. Fine.”
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hollowtakami · 6 months
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Keigo Takami x GN reader
CONTENT; pure fluff, waking up with my fav birb, pet names (duckie, baby bird, dove), comfort w/ some reverse comfort too.
AUTHOR NOTE; im so sorry I’ve been gone so long!! :( life really got in the way and i’ve been unable to write from lack of motivation and stuff. i wrote this little drabble to try and get back into the swing of things, i’m quite proud of it but i’m still a little rusty. i hope you’re all doing well during the run up to the new year! remember to drink water and take care of yourself, you’re so loved <3
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Mourning doves cooed out their quiet songs as the sun stretched out into the sky, wrapped in blankets of clouds. Its light slithered under your curtains and ran its warm ray of fingers over your face. You stirred, your face scrunching up as you reluctantly greeted a new day and turned to your side to be met with a comforting, red warmth; the fiery plumage of Keigo’s wings, his primaries spread over the thickness of your duck-feather duvet. You rub your eyes as you feel a hand stroke the hair from your face. Those hands trail down to rub your shoulders, massaging gentle circles of comfort into your skin.
“Morning, dove,” A voice croaks out.
“Good morning,” You reply, opening your heavy eyes to a sleepy Keigo, shirtless with the rising sun highlighting him like a halo through your curtains.
He smiles at the sound of your voice, amber suns pinning as the dark holes of his eyes dilate to twice their size. He stretches his wings out again as he shuffles closer to you, his hand on your shoulder raising to your face again, the pad of his thumb making circles on your cheek.
You feel yourself melt into the warmth of his touch, leaning in slightly. The comfort of the blankets and duvet were one thing, but when Keigo was under them with you, it was like the stars had aligned so perfectly. You knew that if he could, Keigo would align the stars for you, paint a sky full of the stars he knew you loved so much.
“How’d you sleep?” Keigo asked, never taking his eyes off you.
You shrugged, your throat still a little hoarse. You only leaned Keigo’s chest, the heat of his skin setting your cheeks on fire. You couldn’t tell if it was that or the brush of red that bloomed over your face, but Keigo was happy to still have that effect on you, after all this time.
He planted a kiss on the crown of your head, resting his chin. You hummed to yourself happily, half asleep. The two of you laid in comfortable silence for a moment, the sound of each other breathing like a lifeline. Keigo ran his hands through your hair and draped a wing over the two of you like a blanket of red plumage - warm and cosy, with his safe, familiar scent.
Your eyes failed you, growing heavy again. You yawned, face scrunching up. Keigo would always laugh and tell you how cute he thought you were, kiss your nose softly and leave you a melting mess to resume whatever he was doing. This time was no different.
“Still tired, baby bird?” Keigo chirped, cupping your face and pecking your nose with a gentle kiss, smiling to himself as your soft blush only grew in intensity. “You’re so adorable.”
However many times he’d kiss you, it always felt like the first time. There was something about the love Keigo gave you that was so familiar yet so fresh. It set your weary heart at ease, it made everything okay.
You look up at him, your eyes like stars as they refracted the morning light. Keigo felt himself melting, choking back a stray chirp that dared to jump up his throat. His plumage fluffed up slightly, the perking of his primaries ruffling the duvet a little. You cupped his face with one hand, using your free hand to haul yourself upwards slightly as you kissed Keigo's nose, your cheek scratching against his stubble slightly as you sank back down into the sheets.
His eyes pinned, the gold of his irises almost completely taken over by black. He nervously smiled, his face redder than his wings. He was the one who gave affection, he was never one to be good at receiving it. The Commission had almost completely trained that out of him, oiling his heart with apathy instead of love. So, you always made sure to remind Keigo that he was loved, that he was worthy of love; after all, he did the same for you.
“I love you, Kei,” you cooed, beaming.
That repressed chirp regurgitated up from Keigo’s throat, a nervous laugh not far behind. You smiled, tracing his jawline with your thumb. Nicknames were the man’s weakness. Call him Kei, and he’ll melt.
Keigo beamed back, shining like a star.
“I love you too, duckie,”
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reagi-df · 4 months
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Febuwhump Day 13: You weren’t supposed to get hurt
Old sketch design for my forgive me au but I’m gonna use it anyway
Donnie stares down at the screen as he types away, he's surrounded by the quietness of the lab. He's exhausted but he needs to finish what he started. It's been a rare few quiet days from having to go against any major Kraang players and he's taking this time to really get things sorted for when the time comes and he wakes up properly.
His fingers slow down on his keypad, eyes automatically looking up to his monitor showing the vital signs. Everything is stable for the moment and Donnie is grateful for that.
“Knock knock”  jolting, Donnie shoots his head around and sees Raph standing there. Even though his body doesn't have any eyes, he knows from how his head is tilted he assesses Donnie. 
And he doesn't like it.
“Raphael, what can I do for you at this hour”  he's glad his mask hides the bags under his eyes.
“Raph could ask you the same thing” the sounds of Raphs metal feet hitting his floor as he walks closer, Donnie lets his ninpō ripple under his skin as he subtly swipes away the taps connected to the chamber.
Raph cant see.
“Why are you still up?”
“Have a lot of things to do. Projects to finish. I need to make sure our defences are up and running frantically, even if the Kraang are being strangely quiet it won't last forever and I need to make sure we're ready” Donnies hands are flying about his keypad as he speaks.
A heavy hand rests on top of his own, stilling him. Donnie looks down at the metal digits, observes the grooves and scratches that litter his brother's metal casing. A sharp prain runs through him at the thought of not seeing his oldest brother's flesh hand again but he knows it's too late now. Even if he tried it wouldn't work.
And he doesn't want to go through that again. 
“You need to let me buffer out your hand again” he says absently.
Dragging his tiered eye up to these dimmed lit eyes of his brothers he hears Raph sigh. “Don, please go to sleep. I know its been hard  on you but I don't want you to burn yourself out again. I can't go through watching you die right in front of my eyes. Not again.”
Looking away Donnie swallows. “That wasn't my intention.”
“I know” Raph’s hand leaves Donnie’s and he secretly mourns the loss. “But you mean a lot to us Don, we don't want you to keep hurting.”
He stubbornly refuses to look up, “I’m fine, Raph.”
“Please donnie, Le-” 
“Dont!” Donnie grits out, cutting off whatever Raph was going to say.
Silence hangs in the air, tension heavy.
Closing his eyes and breathes deeply through his nose, “I'm sorry” he exhales.
Raphs gently places his hand back on Donnies broad shoulder and he leans into the touch. “I know I nag a lot, but I just don't want you to hurt”
Patting Raphs hand “I know big brother” looking up he turns to face Raph, metal hand falling from his shoulder. “Look I promise i'll go to sleep, I just need another 10 minutes”
They both stand there staring at each other, it feels like an eternity before Raph sighs again and steps back. “Okay, I know a losing  battle when I see one. Im making the rounds and when I come back and you're not asleep i'm dragging your ass to bed”
Snorting, Donnie bobs his head. “Sure” a small smile forms on his face.
Head shaking fondly, Raph walks to the door but pauses before he leaves. “I meant what I said Don” turning his head around he continues “you mean a lot to us, your family and we do anything for the family.
“Yeah” his voice catches in his throat.
They’ll do anything for their family.
Nodding Raph bids him farewell, “g’night don”
“Night” he whispers.
He stands there for a few seconds before he shuts all of his projects down, he pauses with his hand hovering in the air, he feels his ninpo running through his body, he brings up the tabs containing the chamber again and walks away as he transfers them to his gauntlet.
With a quick few strides to one side of the room, Donnie presses his palm to a hidden compartment, there's a hiss as the doors open. He's glad he never told anyone about this hidden room. It's become very useful for stuff he doesn't want others to see.
The doors close firmly behind him with the lights flickering on, with a flick of his fingers the tabs are transferred to the machine connected to the chamber. “I'll be quick, then you can go back to sleep. Donnie passes his time by making sure everything is working correctly, it usually takes about 10 minutes or so, but he's dragging his feet. He talks about anything that comes to mind, about the time Mikey ended up sleepwalking into a wall, or that time he ended up floating to the ceiling and unable to get down,. 
“He’s exhausted, Mikes been doing too much lately”. Donnie muses.
Donnie goes on, speaking about the time when April and he had found a stash of booze, that was strangely still in date, and got drunk. “April was cursing me out, she should've known that my metabolism is superior than hers.” he absently rubs his head from where she smacked him when he did tell her. 
His feet bring him closer to the chamber, “Jr is becoming a terror, coming more and more like his mother everyday” Donnie checks the systems and the vitals. “He's learning so fast, it was enjoyable watching him talk cheekily back to April” he pauses and looks down.
“You'd like him,” he whispers. 
A dull scratches his attention, turning his head Donnie sees a green hand with an IV cannula strapped to the back, tubing floating around his body. The hand drags down and his claws leave sharp grooves into the glass.
Walking up, Donnie places his own pawl onto the thick glass. Leo stares back at him with dull unseeing eyes, a mask firmly placed onto his mouth while his body is submerged in water.
“I'm sorry,” Donnie whispers as he watches those unseeing eyes flutter and shut.
“Please forgive me” he murmurs to the dead.
Dropping this here for @febuwhump I was hoping id find something
Im hoping to get close to the juicy bits in Forgive Me, id love it if you'd vote for these boys in the @tmntaucompetition it'll be fun show what ive got planned 😈, as well as going up against other peoples
Again excuse my dyslexic unbetaed
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moonlight-sonata99 · 1 year
The Songcords
Neteyam x reader
Jake sully/reader
Warnings: HEAVY SPOILERS!! death,angst. Mourning. Friendzoning! first part takes place after a few months of the way of water.
A/N: Been wanting to do neteyam angst for a while but i was hella scared ngl- i still cry for him. But im extremely proud of this one!!!
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The sound of waves crashing surrounds you as your legs dangle off the ledge and your toes touching the water as it rises up and down, Your eyes stay on the water as it moves so slowly. A sigh leaves your lips as you look up to the sky, it was the time where all was asleep and only you remained awake. you then darted down to the object in your hands.
His songcord.
His eyes, His lips that opened gasping for air.
Your vision begins to blur and the tears burn as you lift the songcord close to your face.
The days blurred, you didn't dare count a day where neteyam was not with you. A small cry leaves your lips. And the tears you kept in finally fell and the small cries left your lips.
 It was always like this: Sit,think,cry,and then think again. Time passed and you sat still on the ledge thinking. 
“Hey..” your ears perked up as you turned your head to look behind you,
“Oh..hey!what are you doing awake?”  turning back to wipe your tears quickly you turn back to Jake who slowly sits next to you.
“I should be asking you that..” he huffs out, placing his hands on each side of the ledge, looking out into the water.
“I uh-wasn't sleepy” you reply, balling your hands. Your chest began to feel heavy. Setting your gaze to where the ocean seemed to end.
At the corner of your eye you saw Jake look at you and look back down to his hands
“That seems to be the case for the last few months..” he trails off as your eyes dart to the sky, anywhere that was not jake.
“Im sorry sir…” you said solemnly  out looking down at your hands that remained clamped together.
“No,no i'm not mad at you…” he replied, shaking his head, his hand still on the ledges. His gaze turning back to admire the water.
“What you’ve been doing, helping with tuk..i couldn't ask for more.” he confesses 
You let out quick a ‘hm’ glancing at him, 
“I'm just doing what he would have wanted me to do.” you admit softly with a smile as you keep your gaze on the sky, Your chest rising up and down.
Jake lets out a small ‘yea’ 
The air picks up and your hair flows in the wind, “you’ve been busy '' Jake interrupts the silence once again. “ With tonowari..helping the other as well as lo’ak,tuk and kiri..” he trails off
“I just…” he mutters looking at you, “I just wanna make sure that your okay” he admits and you turn your gaze to his
“I am okay! Tired maybe..but i'm okay” you assured nodding your head as he begins to shake his head slowly. 
“That's not what i mean..” he mumbles out placing hand on your shoulder,
‘You know what he meant.’
“He was your best friend [Name],It's okay.” he whispers, patting your shoulder softly, Looking at him you feel your eyes begin to burn once again.
“I..” your voice quivers, as Jake looks at you. You unclasped your hands to reveal the songcord that was balled up in your hands. The wind flowed through your hair, and your fingers brushed against each bead. 
You softly smiled recalling your memories,
“OH! You got it teyam!!!!” you exclaimed as the yerik fell and neteyam looked at you,
“I did!” he said, rocking his fist in the air softly, as you walked up to him.
“Next…iknimaya!” you add placing your hands on your hips as neteyam runs to the yerik.
After it returns to eywa, neteyam looks up at you, 
“What?” you ask tilting your head and neteyam lets out a small smile
“Thank you.” he admits standing up and looking at you.
“For…?” you trail off, confused. And neteyam lets out a small laugh.
“I always drag you around in my free time…which is..”
“Not much?” you interrupt as he nods “Your my friend teyam…i don't mind.” you admit as you look away, as neteyam nods slowly, thinking about your words.
“Yea..” he mumbles, sounding displeased.
Jake chuckled as you recounted the story to him, as you held the sound cord to your chest.
“He always wanted to show you that he could be a good leader.Always.” you say looking at jake as he turned his gaze to you. As you began,
“Neteyam…would have been a good olo’eyktan..!” you strained out,the tears strolling down your cheeks. “And i…would have stood by him no matter what” You stood straight into jakes eyes. “ but I experienced neteyam. That is what matters-” You hiccupped out. “But-it hurts..so much.” you sobbed  . Jake nudged you closer without any words, but his eyes brimmed with tears recalling neteyam as he looked up at the sky. The sounds of your sobs against him in the night.
That was years ago. 
“...jake? Is that you..?” a voice called out from what remained of the battle that had occurred, 
“[Name]!” he rushed towards your voice that came from a cargo box.He leaped over the box to you as he set himself besides you.
“[Name], are you alright? Tuk said y-” His words were interrupted by the red liquid he sat in,  his gaze lifted to your body that sat against the box and spotted the wounds on your chest. You sat up and you looked up and him your chest rising up down,
“Jake…you came back for me..” you breathed out, blood dripping out of your mouth. As you tried to move up.
“No no…don't move..” he hushed out, placing a hand on your shoulder keeping you in place.
“Is tuk okay..?” you asked softly looking up at him
“Yea…Yea she's okay” he confirmed, giving you a small smile.
“Th-that's good..” 
“Yea that's so good…thank you.” he said, giving you a soft smile.
“Im…hurt badly jake…” you mutter out looking at your hands now tainted red, as Jake looked at you.
“Don't worry everyone will be here soon okay, we gotta just-” 
“No??”he repeated after you as you softly nodded to him,
“Its…” you trailed off, your eyes darting away, as Jake looked at you.
“ Jake can....” you mumble looking back at him. “Can you hold me? Until I fall asleep…?”  you whisper, as Jake slowly nods.
You let out a small grunt as he slid you into his arms and you closed your eyes,
“Jake?” you whisper as he lets out a small “hm?” 
“Thank you for letting me be a part of your family..” you trail off, jake looks down at you as you continue.
“For having a place to stay..having parents..” you add
“For letting me meet neteyam..” 
Jake nods, listening to your words. You were quiet after that.
“[Name]...?” he whispers as he looks at you. Eyes remaining closed.
“Jake…” you interrupt him, your voice weaker than before.
“Jake, i see him..! He is with me..” you huff out with a small smile as Jake holds you closer.
“He is calling me jake….he's….” your words trail off as as you slowly breath out remain sit still.
The sound of waves crashing surrounds him as he sits on the ledge of his home, The songcords run-through his fingers, Dazed he looks into the water which is oddly still.
Jake takes a deep breath and looks at your form, now forever asleep. Tears brim his eyes and slowly began to cascade down his face. He leans his face down to you and presses his lips against your forehead as he hugs you.
"Jake?" a voice interrupts his thoughts,
"What are you doing?" neytiri asks walking up behind him as jake looks up at her.
"i ah...just thinking." he mutters softly looking down at the two strings in hands.
neytiri eyes land on them as she sits down next to him,
"can i..?" she trails of gesturing the songcords as jake nods and hands them to her.
she lays then on her palms as she admired each bead,
"They chose beautiful beads." she whispered her fingers brushing over each one.
"They did" jake says and neytiri looks up into the sky. Her eyes burned as she began to sob.
jake held her close comforting her. placing is lips against her forehead as she cried into his chest.
"i..." jake muttered , as neytiri sniffed into him she stopped to look at him as he continued,
"They are together again.." he said looking at neytiri as she gazed back at him her eyes red and swollen.
"we experienced them. That is what matters." he states his eyes filled with sadness, as neytiri places her head against his chest.
it was silent as the two parents recalled their son and his best friend. And what the pair could have become.
But they were with eywa now,
leaving only The Songcords.
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oxygenbefore1775 · 5 months
thinking about Zeke's blond lashes
➳wc: 0,6k
➳a/n: im not sure if other culture have this but where i grew up you can make a wish if you blow away one of your lashes that fell on your face (although normally you would have to guess on which side of the face the lash has landed and only if you guess right your wish will have a chance of coming true but i digress); this is my comfort written piece if you wish to have it (cuz everything is not daijobu at the moment and this is my coping mechanism)
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“Unbelievable,” you muttered under your breath when you noticed a cup of coffee in Zeke's hands — the very same one he chose to leave your embrace for not so long ago. “Do you not want to sleep tonight?”
The unamused tone contrasted sharply with your eagerness to welcome him back into the cradle of your touch as you wrapped your arms around him as soon as he settled back onto the couch. Fortunately, he spared you from teasing despite your inconsistent display of affection.
“You hush,” he shot back, a facade barely concealing the smile on his lips once again. “I’ve had so much of it on the missions that this small amount wouldn’t do anything to me. It takes much more than a single cup before it has any effect.” 
The sound of his voice beckoned your reciprocation. The unspoken tension that once filled the air dissipated with the onset of the night, as if the last remnants of it had died. Why would that be, you mused to yourself, even though the answer didn't require much pondering. 
He would leave come morning.
A dreadful thought — almost worry-inducing — you had to admit to yourself as your mind sought refuge in the relish of his fleeting proximity. Even more so as you lifted your head off his shoulder, your gaze finding its place on his features, solemn and bathed in the moonlight. How silly. To mourn the presence of someone not subject to change. He’d never return — return to you — with a wound forever marring his perfect form. Well, perhaps his eyes were the only thing worthy of languishing in your heart. That forever impermanent look to them was something that you wished to remember.
It was then that you noticed. 
You hesitated but spoke nonetheless. “Stay still.”
He heeded, though a brief flinch betrayed his obedient front when he felt your finger brush under his eye. A frown etched into his glabella as he discovered the reason for your unbidden touch — an eyelash, as golden as his hair. Almost imperceptible against his fair skin. The only reason you noticed it, your morbid urge to revel in the sight of his face aside, was the way it caught the moonlight.
His eyes, evidently, remained oblivious to the unexplainable burst of joy this revelation caused you as he reached out his hand to brush the lash off your fingertip. Quickly, you withdrew your hand, determined to prevent this atrocity from taking place.
“No,” your voice barely above a whisper. “You have to make a wish then blow it away. Then it’ll come true.”
With that, you brought your hand to his lips. In the dimness of the room, you exchanged glances — yours full of anticipation, his devoid of the same sense of wonder that captivated you. It was a rare occurrence for you to closely observe the glimpses of emotion flashing behind his blue eyes. In less than a second, the ice in his gaze melted away as he relented, deciding to entertain your sentiment.
You felt his cool breath on your finger tip as he blew the lash away all the while not breaking off eye contact. And just like that, the golden glint was no more. It melted into the darkness of the room. 
“So, what did you wish for?” you inquired with more curiosity than taunt, resting your chin on his shoulder once more.
His gaze returned to mindless observation of the interior. “Not telling you,” he took a sip, adding weight to his refusal. For the briefest of moments, you saw him purse his lips, as if readjusting, before he spoke again. “Or else it wouldn’t come true.”
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whchenlvr · 4 months
im soooo happy you're back.
I love your writing style.
Could u please do union with so that changed their hair and are now hotter
Like dyed it or cut it
when you change your hair ;
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weak hero union x gn!reader
donald na
➤ when you come home with bleached white-blonde hair like his, donald doubles over in laugher
➤ you’d be shooting pouty glares at him from across the room, causing donald to get up (still laughing, might i add) and wrap his arms around you
➤ “oh, darling. what did you do?” “i thought we could match… stop laughing!”
jake ji
➤ oh. my. god. bro falls head over heels for your new look
➤ you’d been sporting long hair for as long as jake had known you, so when you show up one day with your hair chopped to your shoulders, jake cannot keep his hands to himself
➤ i see him constantly appearing out of nowhere to touch the ends of your short hair. he’d do this so much that you end up snapping at him to leave your head alone, but of course, that doesn’t work
wolf keum
➤ you don’t know why, but the bright lime green dye was calling your name from the second you walked into your salon
➤ when you lifted the back of your hair and showed wolf the neon color underneath, all he could do was blink and say “why does it suit you so well?”
➤ like, wolf (aka the guy with Purple™️ hair) is confused as to why that hideous shade of lime looks amazing on you. the one color he voted to ban from salons everywhere
jimmy bae
➤ you always complained about how much you hated how your outgrown bangs would slip from behind your ears and fall into your eyes
➤ when jimmy suggested for you to get a haircut, he wasn’t entirely serious. he liked those cliche moments where he could tuck your hair behind your ear
➤ imagine his surprise when you come home with your bangs cropped short
➤ you look great, don’t get me wrong, but jimmy will mourn his excuses to getting in your personal space to play with your previously long bangs
jack kang
➤ you’d wanted to cut your hair short for a long time and always told jack you’d do it one day
➤ when you said short, he didn’t think you meant short. your hair was now nearly as short as his, and when jack first saw you, he couldn’t get his jaw off the floor
➤ “y/n… you’re bald!” “shut up, jack, no i’m not!”
➤ still, after the stock settles, your new look grows on your boyfriend. he likes running his fingers over the soft, short hairs above the back of your neck
dean kwon
➤ you decided to get a perm and you loved it. it was older, something you’d never done before, but you hoped your boyfriend dean would find it pretty as well
➤ not only did dean find your new hairstyle “pretty”, but he also couldn’t keep his hands to himself
➤ his fingers often ended up mindlessly tangled in your locks, twirling and twisting your curls as he focused on other work
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lumosandnoxwriting · 6 months
you wanting me tonight feels impossible || George Weasley
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Title: you wanting me tonight feels impossible Pairing: George x Reader Summary: running into an old friend just might be the thing you need Warnings: mentions of cheating but it does not take place between George and the reader!  A/N: here she is, the next part! Honestly writing this fic gave me major nostalgia vibes, to me it feels like a fic I would have written back when i first started on tumblr and honestly im not mad about it.
She turns at the sound of her name, eyes widening in surprise at who she finds standing behind her. 
“Oh no way. George, hi,” Y/N greets. Her stomach flutters at the grin that spreads across his face, her mouth running dry at how good he looks. 
The last time she’d seen George they were seventeen, and he was flying away from Hogwarts with Fred by his side. Most people had been laughing, overfilled with joy at watching the twins get one last prank over on old Umbridge before they disappeared into the night. And Y/N had been happy too, but she also found herself a bit mournful. 
Her and George weren’t exactly friends she’d say, but acquainted in the way people from other houses were with each other after being in the same classes for seven years. They were friendly with each other in the halls and in classes, and the few times they’d been paired up for projects George had always been nice, and stuck around to talk with her about things unrelated to school or their coursework. 
And like most girls in their school, she had a massive crush on him. Y/N had spent countless hours pining after the Weasley boy, doodling hearts around his name and imagining what it would be like to run her hands through his soft ginger hair. 
So watching him fly away left her sad and mourning any chance she may have had with him. 
To see him here now, older and more refined but still as handsome as ever, has her heart pounding, mind already going places she never thought it would go again. 
“I thought that was you. How’ve you been?” George asks, holding his arms out for a hug. When she steps into his embrace he continues, arms wrapping around her middle. “It’s been ages, I never really see you around here.”
Y/N tries to keep her breathing even as George hugs her, not wanting to give away how much his casual touch is affecting her. She very much feels like that shy school girl she once was, no matter how many times she tries to remind herself that she is an adult now, and it’s perfectly normal for two acquaintances who haven’t seen each other in a while to hug. 
“I moved abroad after graduation,” she explains as they pull away, hoping the blush on her cheeks isn’t obvious. “I was doing some work with magical creatures in Australia, but I started to miss home.”
Y/N decides to leave out the fact that what really prompted her arrival back to England was the discovery of her fiance in bed with a woman she considered to be her best friend, figuring that’s more of a conversation the second or third time they see each other. If they see each other again. She doesn’t want to get her hopes up. 
“Don’t tell me you’re the new professor at Hogwarts?” George asks, a twinkle in his eye. When Y/N nods in affirmation, he laughs. “No way, that’s bloody brilliant. Fred and I are opening a branch of Wheezes up in Hogsmeade, I’m moving up there next week to run it. Looks like we’re going to be neighbors,” he finishes, nudging Y/N and giving her a wink. 
“Guess so,” Y/N laughs, trying to dampen the butterflies in her stomach. “It’s actually quite a relief to hear that, I was a bit nervous about being up there with no company besides my old professors. I’m glad to have a familiar face around.”
George’s grin widens. “I’ve gotta run, but it was really nice to see you again, Y/N. I’ll see you again soon.”
Just as quickly as he was there he’s gone again, just like all of those years ago. But Y/N doesn’t feel sad. There’s just one thing she’s feeling, really:
“Fancy seeing you here.”
The grin that spreads across her face is automatic at the sound of George’s voice, and Y/N has to take a few deep breaths to center herself before turning around to greet him. She’s excited to see a matching smile on George’s face, and it only fuels the butterflies that have started to flutter in her lower belly. 
“George,” she greets, motioning to the empty seat next to her in invitation. “It’s nice to see you again.”
“I was hoping I’d run into you,” George starts as he takes a seat, shoulder nudging Y/N’s. “I was starting to think you were just a figment of my imagination.”
She can’t help the flush that takes over her cheeks, hoping it can be chalked up to the heat in the room from the crowded bar. Y/N has been up at Hogwarts for almost a week now, and while getting ready for classes and settling into her new suite at the castle has been time consuming, she’s been avoiding heading into Hogsmeade. It’s not that she hasn’t been dying to run into George again, because that is definitely something she has thought about nonstop since their last chance encounter. 
It’s more like she’s been scared to see him again, scared that whatever old feelings their chance encounter dragged back to the surface aren’t returned. That she has been dying to see him again while George was off living his life, not giving Y/N and their brief reunion another thought. 
But even in just these few short moments since he sat down, Y/N feels all those fears fading away. George is the one who sought her out, the bar is crowded enough that she’d have been none the wiser if he snuck in and took a seat somewhere else to try and avoid her. And yet he is the one who came over, the one who took a seat and decided to settle in at her side. 
Y/N can’t help but hope that this isn’t one sided after all. 
“Things have been busy up at the castle,” she explains, not totally lying. With only one week left until students arrive for the start of the year, even Filch has been on edge - constantly mumbling to Mrs. Norris as he mops the Great Hall for the fourth time. “This is the first night I haven’t been so exhausted that I fell asleep right after dinner.”
George chuckles, taking a sip of the firewhiskey Rosmerta has just placed on the bar in front of him. “I know the feeling. We did a bit of a soft launch this week for the new store, thinking it would be less busy without all the students around so I would have a chance to work out all the hiccups and get my new staff trained, but it was crazier than anticipated. So now I’ve spent the last few evenings working overtime to get everything sorted for our actual grand opening next weekend.”
“Look at you,” Y/N teases, bumping their shoulders together in a playful gesture. “Never thought I’d see the day George Weasley was putting in overtime. You sure you’re the same George who used to sleep through transfiguration?”
“Ha ha, very funny,” he drawls, giving Y/N a wink that makes her heart flutter. “I’ll have you know that I retained more information by sleeping through McGonagall’s lessons instead of daydreaming during it.” He pauses then, a more serious look taking over his features. “But in all honesty, it’s so different when it’s something you’re passionate about - ya know?”
Y/N nods when George looks to her for confirmation, prompting him to continue. 
“You’re right, in school I couldn’t be arsed to do more than what was required of me to not get kicked out. Though I guess it doesn’t really matter on account of the fact that Fred and I never finished anyway,” he pauses to chuckle and take another drag from his glass. “But doing everything for Wheezes, it doesn’t really feel like work. Like obviously at the end of the day I’m bloody exhausted and some days my whole body aches, but in the moment when I’m doing it, or when I stop to think about everything Fred and I have managed to achieve, I don’t really mind it at all.”
Hearing George speak so passionately about his work makes Y/N fall just a little bit more in love with him, and at the end of his speech she has to take a sip from her own glass to give her some time to think of something to say that’s not some kind of love confession. 
“I’m really happy for you, George. You’re clearly passionate about what you do, and I’m glad that you found that for yourself.”
George’s cheeks flush, and he takes another sip to try and hide it. “What about you, Y/N? Have you found your passion?”
The way he mutters passion makes Y/N’s toes curl, and she prays to Godric that the shiver that runs down her spine isn’t noticeable. 
“I thought I did,” she starts, shifting uncomfortably. She figured this conversation would come up eventually, but Y/N had been hoping she’d have more time to reconnect with George before airing out all of her dirty laundry. “The work I was doing in Australia was incredible. I could swear some of the creatures out there were straight out of a muggle fantasy novel, they were nothing like we’d ever learned about at Hogwarts.”
“So then why move back here?” George prompts when she hesitates to continue. 
“I came home early from work one day, one of our dragon’s eggs had hatched, and my boss let everyone go home to celebrate. And when I walked in I couldn’t find my fiance anywhere, until I went into our bedroom to change and he was there. In bed. Railing my best friend.”
The noise George makes causes her to pause, and Y/N gives him a sad smile before continuing. “I loved Australia, but suddenly I just really needed to get the fuck out of there, you know? Like it’s a huge continent and yet the only way I felt like I could put enough space between myself and that situation was to leave. So when McGonagall reached out about the position at Hogwarts I said yes and didn’t look back.”
“Holy fuck,” George breathes after a moment of silence, draining the rest of the liquid in his cup. “I’m not gonna lie, Y/N, that was the last possible thing I thought you might say. But holy fuck.” He gives her a look, motioning for Rosmerta to refill their glasses. 
“I’m sorry those dickwads did that to you, cheating is probably one of the worst things someone could do to you,” he continues once their cups are full again. “I’m sorry about Australia too, I can’t imagine having to leave Wheezes behind, it takes a special person to walk away from that.”
Y/N shrugs, desperately trying to trample down the butterflies in her stomach at George’s casual compliments. No matter how many times she tries to remind herself that George is just being a good friend, her brain can’t help but interpret his actions as something more. 
“I mourned the loss of my relationship and Australia for a bit, but I don’t know. Something about being back home at Hogwarts just feels right.”Something about being here with you too, her brain adds unhelpfully. “I mean, if I had stayed in Australia I never would have ran into you that day,” she chides, playfully bumping their shoulders together. 
The grin that spreads across George’s face is earth shattering, and he lets out a laugh as he raises his glass. “I’ll drink to that. Cheers, Y/N, to old friends and new beginnings!”
As their glasses clink together Y/N can only hope that her new job at Hogwarts isn’t the only new beginning they’re toasting. 
“Well I must say your workplace looks much more fun than mine,” Y/N jokes as she comes up behind George, giving him a grin as he twirls around to see her. “And miraculously it seems much louder as well,” she continues following a roar of laughter. 
“Y/N!” George greets excitedly, his smile stretching across his entire face. “I was hoping I might see you here today.”
She can feel her cheeks flush, and takes a deep breath in to try and quell the butterflies in her stomach. “Of course, there’s no place I’d rather be on my first day of freedom.”
Since the day students arrived at Hogwarts, Y/N has barely had time to breathe - let alone sneak down to Hogsmeade. Between planning her lessons, actually giving those lessons, grading assignments and fielding student questions and visits to her office, the only thing Y/N has managed to do once she retires to her quarters in the evening is pass out face first into bed. And while her and George have exchanged a few owls here and there since their last encounter, nothing beats actually seeing him in person.
So when McGonagall asked for staff volunteers to chaperone the first Hogsmeade trip of the term, Y/N’s hand was first in the air. She’d much rather spend her Saturday meandering through the little village than facilitating weekend detention. And if she happened to wander into the new shop along main street that’s run by a familiar ginger boy - then so be it.
“I’m honored,” George responds. He gestures wildly with his hand, taking a step closer to Y/N so he can lean in closer. “Let me give you the grand tour.”
George leads Y/N around the shop then, pointing out different products and explaining what they do. He keeps a hand pressed to the small of her back to keep her close, and the heat of his palm sends tingles radiating through her body. She’s mesmerized by the way he talks about his work, and Y/N is almost too focused on watching his eyes twinkle that she’s not even sure what he’s actually saying most of the time. At one point he even leans in to whisper in her ear so she can hear him over the noise of the store, and the feeling of his breath brushing her cheek sends a wave of shivers down her spine. 
It seems like only a matter of minutes before Y/N and George end up back where they started, and much to her surprise and joy, George doesn’t make a move to pull away. His hand stays firmly pressed against Y/N’s back, and she takes the liberty to lean in even closer to the ginger man. 
“So,” George murmurs, lips barely brushing against her hair. “What do you think of the place?”
“It’s great, George,” she answers honestly, still in awe of everything Fred and George have managed to build over the last few years. “You can tell how much you really care about what you do, and the creativity George, your mind is incredible.”
A light blush coats George’s cheeks as he waves away Y/N’s praise. “Oh stop, it’s not like I’m a professor or anything,” he teases, giving her a nudge. “I’m just a silly guy with a brother and a dream - that’s all.”
“George,” Y/N admonishes, nudging him right back. “You really are brilliant, and anyone who’s ever made you doubt that is a git. What you and Fred have done is amazing, you’ve taken your passion for something and turned it into this empire that does nothing but bring joy to people. That took a lot of hard work, dedication and skill. It’s incredible George - truly.”
Neither one says anything, just letting Y/N’s words hang heavy between them. The noise of the shop has faded into the background, electricity so heavy in the air Y/N can feel it tingle on the tip of her tongue. George starts to slowly lean down just as she starts to tip her head back, their bodies moving closer of their own accord. 
Eyelids fluttering closed, Y/N can feel George’s breath ghost across her lips - the only thought in her head a quietly whispered “finally.” 
Just as suddenly as they came together, Y/N and George separate as a worried voice calls out. “Professor! Professor, come quick! John and Thomas are fighting again!”
“Duty calls,” George sighs, tucking a stray piece of hair behind Y/N’s ear. He lets his thumb drag down across her jaw, pausing momentarily to lightly grapes her chin. “See you soon?”
All she can manage in response is a nod. Taking one more moment to mourn what could have been, she rushes away from George, cursing those damn kids to hell.
“Excuse me professor - do you have a moment?”
Y/N’s hand pauses mid scribble, fingers practically snapping the quill she’s holding in half as she looks up to find none other than George Weasley standing in the doorway to her office. The smile that spreads across her mouth matches the one George is wearing and she pushes the papers she’d been grading, gesturing for him to come in. 
“I think I may be able to spare a moment just for you,” she teases. Y/N stands up from behind her desk, watching George closely as she comes around to stand in front of him. “How in the hell did you get in here?”
George chuckles, stuffing his hands into his packers as he gives Y/N a shrug. “Turns out the secret passages Fred and I used to sneak out of the castle are just as helpful when trying to sneak in to it.”
Y/N tuts, shaking her head as if in shame. “George Weasley sneaking into Hogwarts. What would Fred have to say about that?”
“Fred snuck out plenty of times to go and see a cute girl, I reckon he’d understand me sneaking in to do the same.”
George’s boldness surprises Y/N, and she suddenly can’t make eye contact as her cheeks flush pink. A single finger comes to rest on the underside of her chin, slowly tilting Y/N’s face up so she and George are looking at each other once again. Her body feels electric as their eyes meet and a shiver runs down her spine. 
“Hi,” George greets breathily after a moment of silence. The smile he gets in response causes a torrent of butterflies to erupt in his stomach and he can feel his heart pounding against his rib cage. 
“Hi,” Y/N responds, voice barely above a whisper. 
If you had told her all those years ago that someday she’d be standing here right now with George Weasley with his hand pressed against the side of her neck as his thumb skates across her jaw line she would have called you crazy. It seemed impossible that George would even give Y/N a second thought, let alone sneak back into the castle for just a moment with her. All of her dreams are coming true - and Y/N is too tempted to pinch herself to make sure it’s all real. 
“I haven’t stopped thinking about you,” George starts. The words move quickly out of his mouth, as if he’s trying to get them all out before he loses the confidence he has managed to scrounge up. “Like since that moment I saw you at the potion shop all those months ago. My one regret from our school days was that I never got the nerve to ask you out. And then when I never saw you in the shop or around Diagon Alley I figured I’d missed my chance. So when I saw you that day, standing in the middle of a shop I’d gone to hundreds of times over the years it felt like, I dunno it felt like.”
“A second chance,” Y/N finishes for him, voice lit with disbelief. 
George grins, giving a small nod. “Yes, exactly like that. And suddenly you were every thought that occupied my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about running into you again, and the interactions we had in school, what might happen between us now that we’d be living ten minutes from each other. You were just on a loop in my thoughts.”
“It was probably stupid of me,” George continues, eyes never leaving Y/N’s. “We’d had one conversation after years of not speaking and we were never really friends at school but I couldn’t help but feel-.”
“Hope,” she finished again. “And it wasn’t stupid of you, George. Because I felt the exact same way. Seeing you that day made me truly believe that taking that job at Hogwarts was my opportunity for a second chance. A second chance at finding my dream job, of finding my true home, of finding true love. You made me feel that George and I-.”
Except whatever Y/N was about to say disappears from her mind, as George takes the opportunity to interrupt her this time. Without a second thought he finally closes the distance between them, their mouths slotting together so perfectly it was like they were made for each other. Her hands find his shoulders as his find her neck, angling them so he can kiss her deeper. 
And there’s still so many things they need to talk about and figure out. But in this moment the only thing Y/N can think about is George, and this weird but beautiful thing they’re about to discover. 
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s3raphimssins · 9 months
Armed detective agency x reader
Where the whole detective agency are on a vacation ,camping. In the place they are camping, there is a haunted house and somewhere in the house there is a statue. Obviously dazai decides that they explore the house in teams,the first team who finds the statue wins. So the reader is paired with dazai:3 you continue. (BTW reader and dazai are besties though dazai feels something for the reader that's not the concern tho.) the reader,she hates horrors^^
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➼Authors note: Ofc I can! I love this idea and I started writing right away but I'm so devastated I wrote a whole fic of atleast 1k words :( and it discarded and I've been mourning over it. I'm so sorry it took long I have exams! I'm just really sad about the fic 😭💪🏻
➼Pairings: dazai x reader
➼Summary: an unexpected trip to a haunted house with dazai, turns into something out of a movie
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You and Dazai were unpacking necessities when you heard Yosano from beside you sigh tiredly and say "finally a well deserved break". "did we really have to come here out of all the places" Ranpo whined eating his donuts he insisted to bring. "i think camping is a nice idea! we can have smores!" you chirped. "speaking of smores about the fire Atsushi and Kyouka arent back yet with the wood. we need it to start the fire" Tanizaki said with Naomi on his arms. "i can go find some too!" Kenji said happily. As if on cue Atsushi and Kyouka both came running to the lot.
"Guys! we found a mysterious house which has a sign outside it has some statue carved on it with a question mark?" Atsushi said panting catching his breath when while Kyouka drops the wood off to tanizaki. "entertainment!" ranpo stood up happily as his donuts were finished. "we have a scheduled plan to stick to? And right now its time to set up a tent". "no~ Kunikida kun we should all explore the house who knows what we may find! maybe a cute lady again willing to kill herself too~?" dazai teased. "oh shut up" you groaned elbowing him. "atsushi what type of house is it?" you asked maybe some people still were living in it. " it wasnt new at all it was old and rotten, really big though and electricity and water had been cut off when me and Kyouka tried the lights at the enterance".
"its...a...haunted...house?" you said worried, swallowing a lump down your throat. "i doubt its haunted but yes its old" Atsushi said before trying to convince Kunikida. Dazai walked to you and said " 'name' are you scared~ you looked pale when he mentions haunted". you snapped back to reality and said " so what?! ive heard many stories that go about the same story and they do not end up well!" you said defensively. " im here with you after all, do you really have to be scared". you stared "i dunno youre unpredictable you'll proabably make it scarier" he laughed at that before everyone was led by atsushi to the house.
Ranpo and Dazai deduced that the sign meant they had to find a statue somewhere in the house and it could be valuable. Dazai suggested everyone split into teams of 2 and exclaimed "team who finds the statue first wins!!". The teams were, Ranpo and Kunikida, Naomi and Tanizaki, Yosano and Kenji, Atsushi and Kyouka and You and Dazai. Everyone and split up until no one was in sight, Dazai inquired that you guys start upstairs since its more likely to be there. There was no light, the only source of light you all had was a flashlight in Dazais hands. You were scared. You kept seeing things. You just felt like something touched you on you shoulder when you looked back to see Dazai holding a torch to his face "boo~" "AAH WHAT THE HELL?! DONT DO THAT!" you jabbed his arm and he laughed teasing you.
You both went into some sort of library and this house was HUGE, atleast 3 stories and really spacious with alot of rooms. Dazai was skimming through some books while you kept looking behind your back. That was when you saw something standing in the corner. You shook Dazais arm and he looked over to you "yes donna-" "is there something standing there..." you said paranoid and pale youre fingers began trembling. He shined the light there and there was nothing. "its nothing 'name' dont be scared im here~" you would have told him to shut up only if you werent so scared so Dazai sighed and held your hand before saying "the statue is on the 3rd floor corner room, its quite dark there so close your eyes, ill guide you through" he said actually serious.
You looked back at the corner you saw something at and then at Dazai and nodding shuddering. You shut your eyes and Dazai quickly led you through squeezing your hand reassuringly some times. Though it seemed Ranpo and Kunikida had the same idea when both of the teams reached the spot where the statue is. You were still holding his hand looking around when you felt something up your leg which made you jump. "donna you dont have any reason to be scared anymore were not alone~". you didnt care you just wnated to go back out. You couldnt take the creepy aura from the house and soon enough everyone gathered outside to tell about the statue and whatever else they found interesting. Like atsushi and Kyouka found an old piano.
Everyone was heading back to the camp site but you didnt realize Dazai was still holding your hand but slowly you stopped shaking and sighed "thank god we didnt die or you and me would always be forever if we got killed by a ghost!" he laughed at your comment and said " you sound it like its a bad thing" you looked at him dead pan and then shuddered, "just forget it this was enough terror for the day". He smiled he couldnt help but feel something, something he never felt, he liked it. he repeated "you and me...always forever..?"
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pictureday2005 · 5 months
wanted to take a quick moment to talk abt my favorite eoisode of dragon tales, bc i think its just so sweet. its the second episode of season 1, goodbye little caterpoozle.
not a lot of kids shows are willing to really truly touch on the subject of death, but considering dragon tales was created to help kids learn about and understand their feelings its not shocking to me that they were able to do it so successfully. im a huge advocate for being heavily involved with post mortem care of your loved ones. from making mourning jewlry/art to cleaning and dressing the body, its something im incredibly passionate about.
not only do we see a cassie reacting to finding out her pet died, quetzal even wraps her up in a little leaf and they have a little funeral! all of them talk about happy memories and things they liked about her, how sweet is that??
death is really really hard to process for children. i lost a very close friend when the both of us were in kindergarten, and i remember just how weird it felt. i know now i was sad and confused, but when youre 6 you cant put the names to those emotions yet. i find it so touching that they were able to approach that head on. cassie even says poozie died! she used the word! its really important to be direct when trying to explain that to kids. sugar coating it will only make it harder, saying "shes in heaven now" or "shes passed on" can only add to that confusion. (i know she didnt actually die and was just in a cocoon but still. they werent aware of that, and as such were treating it as a death.)
people die, pets die, and thats okay. and its okay to be sad. you CAN still say goodbye after theyre gone.
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azures-bazar · 1 year
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Re-uploading this one shot because I wanted to add some changes. I'm experiencing a massive writers block tho, my inspiration is gone (my new job is taking most of my mental energy away but I love it lmao)
Here is some SOFT!Arthur one-shot, again, because boy oh boy it makes me want to write a full story about him going through our current era lol
Don't mind his absolute child-like fascination for modernity, I mean... it's cool to see our tough cowboy happy, isn't it ?
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Arthur Morgan x GenderNeutralReader 
Word count : 2.9k
Short summary : You make Arthur try some new technologies, and it’s quite funny to watch his large blue eyes gaze at them ! 
A/Note : I bought myself a galaxy projector not so long ago and wondered how Arthur would react lol. Don’t mind it ! 
Tags : cute, Arthur discovers modern things, mentions of Avatar, movie-watching, snacks, cute nicknames, cuddles, soft boah is in the modern world, men can also cry
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A cowboy in the modern world… what a weird story to tell ! Arthur had been in your life for a few months already, slowly accommodating to your era. Sometimes, it was fun, sometimes it was almost scary, and, occasionally, it could be sad. You knew Arthur was an outlaw, a thirty-six, probably thirty-seven year-old man who had been abandoned on the top of a mountain, but he never really brought the subject to the table. In fact, on a few occasions, he would mourn the rest of his gang, he would mourn his friends he would never see again. You had done your best to cheer him up during his rather sad moments, but nothing could really fill that void. 
Arthur missed these folks, a few names were frequently mentioned : Hosea, John, Tilly, Charles, Sean and Lenny. Six people he would describe at times, probably the six people he missed the most from his former life. A father-figure, his siblings, his closest friends… he often wondered what happened to them, to these people becoming distant memories he could only mourn. As of 2023, even little Jack was gone. You wished you could do something, probably beg for Francis Sinclair to come back and drag all these people he mentioned to your time… but Francis was long gone, not even bothering about stepping by your place anymore.
You knew Arthur loved drawing stuff, so you bought him a set of sketchbooks for him to practice. He would hole himself in your now-shared room, sitting on the edge of your window or on your bed, spending about one or two hours sketching figures, animals or even sceneries which appeared to be from a very distant era, mixed with modern buildings and figures he came across while wandering in the streets with you. You often left him alone for him to enjoy his solitude, listening to some blues while sketching his discoveries before he would head to you and proudly show you some of his works. One of your walls had a full set of Arthur’s drawings framed and displayed to the eyes of any guest coming in. After all… it was art ! And nothing could make Arthur more happy than receiving compliments about his sketches he often disliked. 
Arthur still had some hard time getting used to a smartphone you had bought him as you thought it would be a good thing to keep in touch whenever you would be away from him. He nearly broke his phone’s screen twice, unable to understand why it would not switch on, struggling to send you correctly written texts. His large fingers did not help much, he would get easily frustrated by not selecting the right letter for his text. You absolutely adored each one of them, finding them incredibly cute by knowing how much Arthur wanted to do things like you. Sending a text usually took you a few seconds, whereas Arthur would roughly spend one minute writing a five-word sentence filled with typing mistakes, some of them being due to his autocorrector. 
"Im misqing yoi, Y/N !" was an almost daily message he would send you
At some point, you saw an add of a galaxy projector while scrolling on some social media, right after telling Arthur he would probably get a lot of followers if he decided, by miracle, probably, to create an account for himself. He was handsome, had some sweet-looking traits and could easily model for some alternative brands. He often said he would never do such thing, finding his face too ugly to be shown to anyone. How wrong he was, he was probably the most gorgeous-looking man you had ever met ! But, somehow, you did not want to encourage him to post pictures of himself. Social medias were a rather dangerous place for healing minds, and Arthur still needed time. Besides, he would probably not even be able to post anything due to his lack of ease using his digital keyboard ! 
You bought that lamp later that night, it got delivered quite fast. You carefully unpacked your new tool and quickly headed to your bedroom, followed by Arthur who had stopped reading a book about extinct species as he saw you wander around your place with this curious thing you held. You calmly placed the lamp on your bed, reading the instruction manual while Arthur touched it several times, not understand what the hell this little thing was and what was its purpose. 
"What’s that ?" Arthur asked 
"It’s a galaxy projector." you answered. 
"Why d’you need that ? Can’t you just look at ‘em stars from your window ?"
"Light pollution prevents it. These are often used to create a cute ambiance at home or to distract kids. Wanna give it a try ?" 
Arthur sat on the bed as you switched all lights off, plugging your galaxy projector on, making a large blue and purple light come out of it, filled with laser dots representing stars. The background was moving a little, creating a wave effect which froze Arthur on place. He kept his head up, looking at your now star-covered ceiling. His surprised and mesmerised face was absolutely priceless ! His eyes were shining, his mouth remained half-open as he could not help but stare at these fake stars covering your ceiling. All his troubles were forgotten, making him return to a child-like state. It was such a beautiful thing to see ! 
"And it can also distract grown-ups." you smiled 
Your cowboy-roommate did not even react. His attention was completely focused on the ocean of fake stars he had above his head ! Of course, Arthur knew what a projector was. It would have been awesome to see his reaction if he had never seen such thing before, he would probably have been trying to catch these laser stars like a cat and look confused. But, at the moment, his reaction was pretty cute. 
You left Arthur alone in the room to buy a ready-made lunch at the local market. He had a phone and would call you whenever he would need your help, if he would get lucky enough to make his fingers touch the right icon on his screen. It only took you a few minutes to buy some finger food for the two of you to eat while watching a movie, you came back to find Arthur exactly where you had left him thirty minutes earlier, in the same position, with this same amazed facial expression blooming on his face. He was hypnotised by these lights enough to feel suddenly so lost as you opened the curtains of your bedroom. 
"Wh… what’s going on ?" he said, placing his large hand over his eyes. "Damn sunlight…"
"I brought us some food. You wanna watch a movie ?" 
"Yeah, why not ! Just… just let have my eyes back first, hun." 
Arthur rubbed his eyes and shook his head while you smiled. You absolutely loved listening to him giving you cute nicknames, such as hun, sweetheart, lovebug… even calling you boo, sometimes, after he heard about that nickname while watching TV. It took him a few more seconds to leave your bedroom, keeping his eyes partly closed until reaching your living room, helping you placing all the food on the table, still looking surprised you did not have any forks or knives to eat these carrots, chips, mozzarella sticks and cucumbers. He glanced at the chips and took one between his fingers. Since his arrival in your era, he had never seen or had the opportunity to taste chips !
"What’s that thing ?" he asked. "Is that really food ?"
"Oh, that’s a potato chip." 
"Really ? Just like fried potatoes ?" 
"Yeah, just like fried potatoes, but smaller and thinner. We can eat them for snacks or very random occasions. Try it !"
Arthur nodded, taking a bite of the chip before smiling and taking more of them into his large hand. You could not help but chuckle at his sudden addiction to salty treats, wiping away a few crumbs stuck in his three-day beard with the tip of your fingers. He turned shades darker and smiled, gently taking your hand and rubbing it with his thumb as you launched the movie. Avatar, by James Cameron. Back in a day, that movie had been vastly acclaimed for its large technological progress, and was still pleasant to be watched to this day. You would take Arthur to watch the second Avatar movie someday soon in case he liked the first one. 
"Are ‘em blue folks real ?" Arthur asked while pointing a Na’vi on screen
"No, they’re modelled with computers." you smiled, trying to explain Arthur about motion capture in the most easiest way. "Our technologies allow us to record actors and then modify their bodies thanks to computers to morph them into these blue folks, like you call them."
"Is there a planet called Pandora too ?" 
"I don’t know. Probably ? The universe in infinite, and we didn’t explore much yet." 
The gaze Arthur gave you was adorable. You could see his eyes shine with admiration, it was such a privilege to be able to witness an era which was more than one hundred years ahead of his time, despite its good and bad moments. You had tried your best to keep Arthur away from newspapers in order to help him remain in his rather innocent state of discovery, knowing that a simple glance at the news on TV would probably make him terribly sad and somewhat nostalgic of his own time. 
It was quite unexpected, but Arthur cried during the movie. He cried because of its overall beauty, the story appeared amazing to his eyes, the soft melodies and choirs chanting in background soundtracks moved him a lot. He loved the bioluminescent effect of some scenes, the overall atmosphere of the movie, not taking his eyes away from your TV while wrapping his arm around your shoulders, gently kissing your temple at times. He adored that, he adored this moment. Having you close to him while being fully taken into this movie made him forget about all his past troubles.
"D’you also have ‘em guns ?" he softly asked 
"Maybe… why ? You want one in case you’d come across blue people ?" 
"Mmmm… yeah. Jus’ in case. I miss my good ol' revolver, sometimes." 
You rested your head on his shoulder, somewhat amused by his sweet attitude. You would listen to his gasps, his soft squeals, his almost inaudible wows… you could not deny how adorable Arthur was. You could even hear him sniff, his chest trembling a little whenever a scene would be emotional enough to bring him to tears. Who would have thought Arthur could be so sensitive ? Those who knew him much more than you did. Hosea and Charles, for instance, and most probably John at some point, even Dutch. Just by looking at his drawings, you could have guessed he had a soft heart and high intelligence hidden underneath his rather menacing appearance. 
The movie lasted for so long… you had time to check your phone about a dozen times while resting against Arthur whose eyes were glued to the screen. You did not even want to bother him, he was absolutely hypnotised by the movie and did not want to be bothered. You smiled at him as the credits rolled, noticing tears streaming on his cheeks as you teasingly poked them. 
"Getting a little sensitive, huh ?" you smiled 
"That was a beautiful show !" Arthur answered. "I loved every second of it ! Can we watch it again ?" 
"Someday, we will. But... let's just take a break, okay ?" 
Night came pretty fast, Arthur made you a lavender infusion, you found enough energy to work a little while Arthur sat on the couch and started sketching. Very random figures, some fantasy-like sceneries… and you. You could easily tell he was drawing you by looking towards your direction a few times, then proceeding to sketch something, and looking back again. Another artwork to frame, that was for sure ! 
"What are you drawing, cowboy ?" you smiled 
"Well… I’m trying to sketch you, but I can’t get it right… you’re too gorgeous and my hand shakes too much." 
"That’s… that’s really sweet !" 
"I mean it." 
What Arthur told you made your heart stop beating, you turned shades darker and hid your face behind your hands. Your smile widened enough to cause your roommate to move closer to you, carefully closing your laptop with a large smirk blooming on his face. He made you stand up, slowly uncovering your beautiful face before dropping a sweet kiss on your forehead. 
"You’re making me melt, you know that ?" you smiled 
"Let’s get you to bed so you’ll stop workin’ on your… weird machine here." 
"It’s a computer, Arthur." 
"Well, computer or not, you’re going to bed with me ‘cause it’s kinda late."
You shrugged, you didn’t notice how fast time had passed since you decided to get back to work ! Remote-working had its ups and downs, and Arthur had complained a few times about you staying up too late instead of going to bed and hide into his embrace. He could hardly sleep without having you next to him, and there were no ways to escape him that night. How could you resist these puppy eyes and insisting behaviour ? Your arms spread wide for him to lift you up while you dragged your legs around his hips. Arthur loved carrying you around your place, he could easily remain in shape by doing this almost on a daily basis ! You did not mind it. In fact, you loved having him carry you from a room to another. Bridal and koala style, as you called it, were your favourite. 
Arthur calmly put you on the bed and proceeded switching all lights off while you changed into some more comfortable wear, slipping under your blanket as Arthur moved next to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He took advantage of you turning yourself towards him to passionately kiss you before making you rest your head on his shoulder. You remained like this for a few seconds, in your pitch-black bedroom, up until Arthur cleared his throat. 
"Erm… Y/N ?" he sheepishly asked 
"Yeah ? What’s wrong ?" 
"Would you mind… switching the galaxy lamp on for a bit ? I… I liked it and…-"
"Sure, sweetheart."
You gasped at your own sudden reaction. "Sweetheart ? Really ?" you scolded yourself, covering your forehead with your palm. You never dared giving Arthur nicknames, not finding anyone of them suitable enough for your time-traveling cowboy, his sole name sounded just fine, you would sometimes call him by his surname. Sweetheart came out of nowhere, and was well deserved ! 
"S-sorry." you stuttered 
"Nah, it’s fine." Morgan responded. "I like ‘em sweet nicknames. "
Arthur smiled, deeply flattered by the nickname you just gave him. His heart pounded faster than expected as you calmly reached out to get the lamp and switched it on. A beautiful fake galaxy suddenly covered your ceiling, filled with laser stars which slowly moved along with the rest of the digital ocean of blue and purple clouds behind them. You analysed Arthur’s reaction and smiled at his sight. 
"Why do you like this lamp so much ?" you smiled
"Oh… it just reminds of home." Arthur answered as he moved closer to you, allowing you to place your head back on his chest 
"You never slept with a roof over your head before you came here ?" 
"I did, at some point… but I got used to fall asleep while gazing at the stars from a corner of my tent, or sometimes from my bedroll when I was away. Gazing at ‘em moving above me was always calming."
"If you want, we could go camping this summer. Would you like that ?"
You heard Arthur moan a little, feeling his heart pound faster. Your head rose a little, allowing you to get a better view of Arthur’s beautiful face. Your hand caressed his chest, drawing circles on them while you kept gazing at him. His eyes kept staring at the ceiling until he felt your gaze, slowly turning his head to you. 
"That’d be awesome." he smiled 
There were many things left to discover, many things you wanted to show Arthur. The world was full of treasures, modern or ancient, cultures you wanted him to get familiar with, places to visit… Arthur’s health was back to normal, you could now guide him through your own era without bothering about any health issues he would encounter. Indeed, that man was not twenty anymore, but you were ready to do so much for him ! You were ready to guide him, to be with him. Beyond what Francis had first asked you. Your help turned into a beautiful blossoming relationship filled with embraces, kisses and… very noisy nights. 
Switching this galaxy lamp became some sort of ritual every single night. Along with waking up to Arthur’s face and his hugs after you would come back from work, your daily embrace in bed facing a fake galaxy was your most favourite part of the day. At times, you would run your fingers into Arthur’s dirty-blonde locks, massaging his scalp with singing some song. Sometimes, he would do the same with you. You adored it, you adored him. No, you loved him… and did not have the courage to tell him just yet, but you knew this day would come soon enough. The world was filled with treasures, mysteries and beauty. 
And Arthur was going to find out about them. 
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8aji · 1 year
100% mulberry silk. // s.s.
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pairing. shinichiro sano x reader
wc. 1.8k
tags/cw. MDNI, established relationship, pwp, smut, AFAB reader, oral (fem receiving), fingering, sub-ish!shinichiro, dub-con voyeurism, p in v, reader wears a dress but thats about it really!
a/n. based on a dress i really wanted but did not buy, im still mourning it ngl :,) ya'll should've seen it, it was so silky and beautiful and lovely and and- anyway this is the second or third smut ive ever written so pls be kind TT
m.list ˖ tags ˖ byi/dni
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“You look so pretty with it,” he breathed out, letting his forehead rest against yours in a desperate attempt to keep himself upwards. The buttery texture of the silk against his fingers made him gulp. The way the fabric fell down your body, touching your skin in ways he craved to do as well lit a fire inside of him he seemed to be unable to put out. 
You sighed in satisfaction, toes curling in excitement as his calloused hands trailed up your legs, bunching the fabric of your dress until he reached your hips.
His hands were warm, they made you shiver as his thumbs played with the lace on the hem of your underwear. He would pretend to dip his fingers, waiting for you to sigh in relief before pulling away, subjecting you to the same gruelling teasing he was often the victim of.
“Keep it on for me, please.” He begged, words fueled by the unquenchable thirst prompted just by experiencing you.
You bit your lip to hide the whine bubbling in your throat, fervently nodding as his hands ghosted over your panties, teasing your clit by applying gentle pressure with one of his knuckles. “Just be careful with it.”
He hummed in response, whispering a needy thank you before he gave you a quick peck, followed by another and another, pulling giggles from the two of you. 
Time seemed to slow down as you watched him kneel before you, eyes blown with lust and hunger, looking up at you like you were his last meal. 
Once again, you fervently nodded as he wordlessly asked for permission to pull your panties down, nudging your waist with his nose while, once again, playing with the hem. 
He hooked his fingers over the lace, pulling on it and letting go, making you flinch in satisfaction and conjuring another whine from you. Every sound that fell from your lips only served to further his desire, dick hardening inside his pants as he desperately held back the urge to rut against your body. 
Giving a kiss to your clit over the fabric followed by a tentative lick, he basked in the grip you had on his hair. Soft yet commanding, even in the position you were in you guided him wherever you wanted, and he followed with no complaints.
He gave your clothed core one last kiss, gently sucking at the covered nub before peeling the soaked fabric from your skin, with a gentle grip on your calf as he helped you get it completely off. 
“Fuck, you're dripping.” He sighed in contentment, licking his lips as one of his fingers toyed with your entrance, collecting your wetness before sucking on his digit, groaning in delight. “You taste so good.”
Slowly, he gave your pussy another tentative lick, taking his time to savour your arousal and letting it pool on his tongue. Moving upwards, one of his hands kept your hips still, glued against the wall as he sucked on your clit. His other hand made their way back to your entrance, two digits curling upwards the moment they had sunk inside your walls. He let your moans wash over him, basking on the indirect price before speaking 
“You're so good to me,” his breath tickled your sensitive skin, making your hips stutter in his hold. “Can feel you squeezing my fingers”
The closer you pulled him in, the more enjoyment he got out of eating you out, Eagerly lapping at your juices. Feeling the way you desperately rutted against his face, tongue permanently enveloped by the taste of you, with his nose buried against your skin along with his fingers deep inside your cunt; it only made him up his rhythm.
“Shin I–“ your voice cracked, unable to hold back the moan that ripped from your throat. The man kneeling in front of you hummed in acknowledgement, patting the side of your thigh so you could rest his leg over his shoulder. He needed you impossibly closer. “Shin, if you don’t stop, I'm gonna– Aah! Fuck, Shin, you're gonna make me cum.” 
“Cum then.” He mumbled, the sound muffled as he continued with his ministrations, effortlessly licking and sucking, hitting all the right spots as if he had them memorised. “‘Need you to cum on my face.”
Your pussy clenched around his fingers at his words and the grip you had on his hair simultaneously tightened. With the leg he had placed/thrown over his shoulder, you pulled him closer, making him groan. 
“I’m–“ you whimpered, interrupting yourself as your mouth went dry, your thighs quivering. Your shoulders sagged against the wall, head lolling to the side as your breath tried to even itself out. His own breathless pants added to the blissful sensation, puffs of air warm against your sensitive clit. 
A lazy smile stretched on your face while you brushed your hand through his messy locks, taking in the sight of his cheek pressing against your inner thigh, skin flushed and overly warm, making a few strands of his hair stick to his forehead. He hummed in satisfaction as he willingly melted at your warmth, like he had been the one tipped over the edged
“That was good right?” He asked, voice buttery and laced with buzzing ease. He looked up at you through lidded doe eyes, the corners of his lips curling upwards into a soft smile. His pretty black orbs glistened along with his puffy lips under the dimmed lights in your bedroom. the more you kept looking at them the more you wanted to get a taste of you directly from his tongue.
You raked your fingers through his hair once again, basking in the way he melted against your touch, before you gently pulled on the strands, motioning him upwards.
Now standing, he rested his forehead against yours and you let the puffs of air leaving his lips caress your skin. His chest rose and fell in tandem with your own heartbeat, and for a moment you swore you could feel his desperation cursing down through your bloodstream.
The neediness he embodied was otherworldly, letting his body speak not through words but through its motions. And it was there, mere inches from a kiss, that you finally let out a previously contained whimper, mumbling ‘so good, you're so good’ with as much need of your own, before the two of you were crashing against each other in a synchronised yet desperate rhythm.
Hands everywhere, scrunching fabric and pulling it off while simultaneously trying to get a hold of every inch of skin available to the touch. The two of you could barely contain the muffled giggles at each other's clumsiness. But You couldn’t help it, just existing so close to Shinichiro felt like another brand of honey-like sweetness you couldn't describe.
He was quick to peel your underwear off your body, helping you step out of the garment before he worked on the zipper of his jeans; the strain of his pants had become too much for him, causing an uncomfortable yet pleasurable friction against his clothed member that almost forced a moan out of him once he pulled them off.
Pearlescent beads of precum dribbled down the reddened tip. He was drooling all for you, and it took all of your willpower not to get down on your knees and clean him up with your tongue. The two of you had other plans for the night, which you were quickly reminded of as he pressed his dick against your bare pussy, letting the tip press against your nub before dragging it downwards to your entrance, over and over again until the two of you were covered in a mess of both of your juices.
“Stop teasing,” you pressured through a shaky breath. By now, your head had settled in the crook of his neck, giving you the perfect view of your bodies sliding against each other. The sight in front of you forced you to swallow down a whimper, shutting your eyes close as the head nudged the hood of your clit.
“I– I can’t–” He panted, cheeks turning darker as he stumbled with the moan brewing inside his throat. “It feels so– so good like this I can’t stop.”
“C’mon Shin,” it was your turn to whine. It was unusual for your boyfriend to lose himself in his own pleasure, preferring to put yours over his any day. But whenever it happened, it was almost like his mind emptied itself until the only prevailing thought was to cum. “You always look so pretty inside of me, don’t you wanna see?”
He nodded desperately, biting down on his bottom lip with enough force to break the supple skin. If it weren’t for you putting pressure against it, you think he would’ve. And to your satisfaction, he let your finger enter his mouth without resistance, pulling you as close as possible before lining up against your entrance. 
At that exact moment he swore he could cum solely from the pressure of his tip being wrapped around your sticky warmth, one of his hands pressing against the wall to keep himself upright. Everything around him felt too good to be real, and for less than a couple of seconds his brain seemed to have deluded itself into believing he was actually dreaming. Almost angelical, you looked so beautiful, so pretty taking his cock inch by inch until he had fully sheathed himself inside. 
You wrapped your leg around his waist at the intrusion, the silky material of the dress scrunching against your waist and adding to the heightened sensation. His whole existence was permeated with a thick layer of want. You could feel it in his touch, his breath, his whimpers. You could feel it sizzling as you left wet kisses behind his ear and down his neck. You could feel it whenever his hips stutter inside of you, fighting against his own will to maintain a constant rhythm.
Nudging his cheek with your nose, you grabbed his face with your hand to keep him steady for a couple of seconds, leaving a couple of pecks on his lips and giggling along with him whenever he tried to sloppily kiss you back. 
“More,” you mumbled, “‘want more.”
And like the good boyfriend he was, he followed through.
Almost like drunk in you, he quickened his pace like his only goal was to make you feel good. Two of his slender fingers made their way towards your clit, ghosting over where you needed them the most and waiting for you to whine before he started rubbing soft circles over it. 
The squelching noises of both your bodies were borderline pornographic; louder and louder with which thrust and groan and whimper. And like you had mentioned, and in spite of the word sounding out of place within the confinements of your shared obscenity, the view of him inside of you was beyond pretty.
Or at least, that’s what Wakasa thought while he fisted his own cock, peering from behind the thin strip that had been left ajar; by mistake or not, he didn’t care, it was all for him to observe.
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© 2023 SHINACHIRO ; Do not repost my work. Do not recommend my work outside of tumblr. Do not translate my work. affiliated with @tokyometronetwork
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dballzposting · 18 days
Hi . . .
I mean it's really not hard to google things. Yknow. So you would think that I would know things. Yknow.
That tiny EOZ strip in the anime is what had made me go cuckoo for dragon balls initially, or, it was the circumstance surrounding the inevitable. And, yknow. When I found out about the EOZ Kakarot DLC, I was stoked.
And, yknow, I had the thouhgt the other day. "Is there EOZ manga? What is Kai sticking true to?" Easy google, right?
No . . . I decided tyhat if that was real, SURELY I would simply Know about it by now. But I've never heard of it, So it must not be .
Which is unfortunate, becasue ive always mourned how the art at EOZ kind of sucks. I would like to see it by Toriyama's true hand.
Um . . .
Well . . . Howdo I put this . . .
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TEE-HEE !!! Ive observed in he anime and in the kakarrot dlc, how Cool Trunks is/thinks he is ... He's just like "yeah."
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Awesome Cool panels and scnees
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ARE YOU SEEING THIS /1/1/!??!?!\
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Goten Rude AF for just calling him "Satan." I'd slap him if he were mine. No I'd slap him anyway. It takes a village to raise a bastard.
Perusing this EOZ strip in the managa, I feel like I understand Goten's character BETTER .... Therwe's always been this teeth-grinding contradiction to me, with what I want and what I extrapolate from his circumstance and what they actually present. But this makes sense to me.
Goten is like ... an insect. Like a dragonfly or butterfly. Just sort of . . . Floating.
He is what he is ... He frowns when the more lucid Trunks rememberes to smile . .
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He is just ... There ... NOT COMPLETELY DAFT .. Just .. Earnestly airheaded. He's definitely present but . . . . Not intensely.
He still looks around and talks shit.
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And he is like a frazzled little bee. LOVE HIM <3
Also what did Goku mean by that. The coupling was by chance (save for a few. . .). There's really no correlation or causation. "Why did all the dinosaurs die out?" "Becasue you touch yourself at night." That's pretty much what they said
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Truns & Goten Tee-Hee
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Now Fopr Something Really Impressive .
They Cut This Out For The Anime And They SHOULD NOT HAVE .
It is Key .
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I always assumed that Kinto-Un must be a family heirloom or something. BUT NAUR .. UUB SHOULD GET IT. HE'S GONNA PROTECT THE EARTH AFTER ALL.
Also these were in the prwevious chapter so I ddint see them until the end but this is here too. I love how Trunks just doesnt mince words. None of them do becasue it's the manga and it's shorter but still, it was like this on screen too. In the anime he didnt hang around to visit with Chichi. In the mnaga he doesnt even hang around to visit Gohan. He's like Hey what's up. Where's Goten. I have business with his candy ass
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impossible-rat-babies · 2 months
15 lines of dialogue
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
i got tagged by @lilas! ty friend! im gonna tag (sorry for possible double tagging): @thevikingwoman, @hythlodaes, @lavampira, @consulaaris, @gefiltefished, @scionshtola, @starrypawz and anyone else!
a lot of these are from unfinished wips w/o context, im so sorry
1. “Nay, I should have spoken my mind soon after arriving Slitherbough. Mistaken as you were to my nature upon us reuniting, I would not so easily cast aside that which you beheld.” They pause, a bitter smile coming to their lips. “A brilliant soul, I have been called before— nomenclature befitting Hydaelyn’s Chosen. And yet it is not Her light which eats away at me now.”
2. “I care in the loneliness that stood before me in the place beyond the stars. How it looked down at me and I wondered how I had not yet memorized its face. How it asked me if this would be the last time I would gaze upon its face, and if the ache between my ribs would leave me.”
3. Eyrie pauses, worrying their lip. “Pity—pity and sorrow ‘twas what I felt most keenly. Not truly alive, but never allowed to die. A most vile fate for a once great wyrm of the first brood.”
4. “Keeping yourself busy are you?” Alisiae asks, shutting the door behind her. They hold up the book idly, a sigh escaping their lips.
“T’was Krile’s idea. A measure put in place should my vision stagnate at this state, or deteriorate further.”
5. “I know, Alisaie.” They whisper softly, reaching out again to take her hands. Tinged with barely there warmth and stiff fingers as their hold her hands tight. “I know I am dying. I can feel it—beneath my chest, next to my heart. ‘Tis so very dark and cold there.”
“Then why?” She asks, voice tender in her throat. Fingers tensing in their gentle hold. “Why keep telling us it is going to be okay?”
“I would not have us give into grief.” They reply.
“Tis for the dead we grieve, not for the living. With the ache in my chest comes fear, but I would not give up hope. I would not see sorrow rob us of what time we have left. I would not see you mourn just yet.”
6. “Tis easy to peer from the outside in and question why your grandfather gave his life unto a people so fit to squabble and worry naught of any greater threat than that beyond their own borders. Your anger was not unfounded, Alisaie.”
“Still…I should have known better. What would grandfather have had to say?”
Eyrie grins, inclining their head towards her. “Oh something important I would imagine—he was oft given to providing sage advice…if asked or not.”
7. They look up at the sky stretching so far above—the distant twinkling of the stars.
“Ignorant I was to the horrors that would follow. All of my many long years in the wood had made me blind. To what one had to endure—what one would be asked to do; what I have done to my fellow man. There came a time when I stopped and looked back to see myself very far from the intentions that first compelled my feet to walk forward. And there would be no returning.”
8. “I can storm the tower, Y’shtola. ‘Tis simply…”
They rub their hands together, eyes narrowing.
“I do not trust my hands. Alphinaud tended to some of my hurts, but I was more afraid of his touch. Afraid of my own hands should he have found a bruise too tender or raw; what horrors a simple touch would invite into my head. If i had grabbed his wrist in my terror and broken it…how could I forgive myself for that? For hurting him?”
9. They pause, letting the words sink in as the boy deflates, working his lips in ill disguised frustration.
“Alphinaud.” They break the heavy silence looming above them. “I am not a sword to point at the enemies of Eorzea, or the Scions. I am not a soldier to be ordered about—told of my singular duty and thus committed to the cause without fear. Without despair or anxiety. Standing as a shield before the plight of a helpless world, begging for a hero to lead her to a new path. There is resentment there, Alphinaud—I will not lie. I love Eorzea.”
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