#im still very confused by this exchange
seraphim-soulmate · 11 months
31 October 2023
ok going to write this down before my self-esteem and mood go down, but I've always been very perplexed by friendship and how it works and like, why people like me or are friends with me? and I had some thoughts! (this was longer than I thought it would be lol more under the cut)
So in the shower I was thinking and it is somewhat based on common interests, but NOT in the way that I was thinking of common interests before. It's not like "well we both like dinosaurs so we're friends", its often deeper interests that are connected to identity to some extent. or like shared values, beliefs, but not all of them have to be the same. like just because my friend enjoys a certain type of music that I don't like and often goes to events of that music, doesn't mean we can't be friends because we still have common ground in other areas that can connect us and other events we can go to together.
but still, a friendship is likely going to be frustrating and not work out well if one of the parties has a value that directly clashes against the other in a very material way. like someone who values punctuality, communication and following through on plans isn't going to get along great with someone who is flakey, difficult to contact and often late. But! that also doesn't mean that people can't get along with you because you have different values, beliefs or because you struggle with certain things. like my internalized beliefs around tattoos doesn't make me a bad person, nor a bad friend, and my friends acknowledge that it comes from a more deeply rooted issue and don't take offense to it.
People are also able to accept that you have struggles or limitations (most of the time) and are able to compromise. Like I'm unfortunately often +/-30 mins late because of my disability; I end up needing extra time to lay down that I didn't account for or my body can't move as quickly as it does on other days or oops I dissociated and forgot to do things. I make sure to ask people close to me if it bothers them if I'm late, so I can make sure I set aside even more time to prepare for something if it is the case. Plus there's certain events that have a timeframe of when you can arrive without it being weird, those are hard to figure out though. I think as long as people are secure enough in their identity, values and beliefs, they don't take mine as a personal attack.
sidenote: you can also take care of needs during the time you see friends and don't always have to be 100% prepared when seeing them. I can tell them I need to eat and go get food. this fluctuates based on my sensory difficulty level and cognitive processing abilities of the day but I am allowed to "inconvenience" others with my needs
And friendship, making new friends in particular, is often genuinely about vibes, whether or not you simply "click", which you don't have much control over nor can you always articulate why you didn't have that moment of connection with someone. Because there's a lot of entirely decent people, who I've shared values with and shared perspectives with, who I just didn't really "click" with. I'm still trying to decipher whether that's something that happens instantly upon meeting or can be built up, and if it can be built up, does that result in a fulfilling friendship? or is it always sort of going to be difficult because you're unsure of the connection?
It's also sometimes hard for me to remember what common ground I do have with friends, but sometimes "events" can be going for a walk in the park, sharing a meal or going to some common place like a zoo, aquarium, museum. Just often in the depths of my sadness and isolation, I forget I have interests and I forget that even if I'm not hyperfixated on something, there are still enjoyable activities. That I can do by myself and/or with others.
When I was doing poorly before leaving for the US, I perpetually had the question on my mind of "why are people friends with me? what do I bring to the relationship?", mostly because I was seeing only the differences I had with others and not any of the things we have in common. And it is genuinely hard because a lot of normal interests are things I find difficult, don't enjoy or even find repulsive a lot of the time (music, movies, comics, video games). So I think this will be an interesting period of rediscovering my interests and things I have in common with others.
But I can nevertheless be a bit appeased by remembering that there are things I can do. I often need accommodations, but that doesn't make me a bad person either.
And I don't need to compensate for my weaknesses by trying to placate people with gifts or actions and try prove to them I'm worthy of their friendship.
Like yes maybe going to a museum will be a full day of effort for me, but I can also request a wheelchair, wear noise cancelling earbuds, go at a time where there's less crowd, ask a friend to contact the establishment to verify information related to those things. My life is going to look a bit different than what it looked like before, and yes maybe I will have to put additional requests on my friends, but others not being able to accommodate me doesn't mean I shouldn't or don't have those needs.
Another addition is that people like me, and are friends with me, because we did have that connection, and clicking moment, and have continued to maintain and work on our friendship by spending time with one another and showing care. But people don't like/dislike me because of fundamental traits to who I am really. It's not that deep if I don't feel a connection to a new person. It's not that deep if there's a trait someone doesn't like about me, or I about them, and that's the reason why we don't pursue a friendship. It's not because my life is hard and that I have struggles and difficulties that people dislike me (I think? I mean it can be off-putting but hopefully not the full reason if they are capable of handling that emotionally). A lot of my friends have stuck by me through very difficult moments and have supported me in them.
I still struggle with feeling guilty about having difficulties in my life and probably more often than not, bringing negativity or intensity to a situation where I'm not realizing that's what I'm bringing because I'm in a bad place so those thoughts feel normal to me. I'm still honestly not sure how to navigate that, because I want to respect my needs for reassurance and connection with others, but I also don't want to drag my friends down with me or put heavy things on their conscience when they can't handle it. Part of that is checking in with them before bringing up something heavy, but it's not always easy to know what others consider to be "heavy"; a lot of normal parts of my life are things that are heavy that I don't take the time to recognize as such. I guess that's also why it's best to have a friend group of others you can turn to when someone isn't available.
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miniimight · 1 year
❝ I LIKE YOU... / I KNOW. ❞ your confession doesn't shock 'em one bit
with mikey, ran, rindou + very nervous!reader (toman timeline)
notes just a wholesome confession scene lol mikey's just as much as a nervous idiot as you are, ran is ... ran, and rindou is also an idiot . also i promise im working on requests i have like seven to work through sobs
it's not like it was hard.
he always felt your eyes on him: passing you in a hallway, in class (which he barely attended, but found himself showing up just to watch you suffer), randomly bumping into each other while out with friends... at first, he didn't care. he had a lot of attention going for him and he thought of you as another drop in the bucket.
but then he found himself paying attention to you.
when you weren't not-so-secretly pining over him, you were looking out the classroom window, a peaceful expression on your face that told him that you were about to fall asleep. or maybe you were with your friends, smiling widely as you exchanged snacks. or maybe you were giggling, your face on fire as your friends helped you craft some kind of candygram.
whatever he caught you doing, he found it endearing. and he couldn't escape it. but for reputation's sake, he tried to hide his adoration and amusement underneath his tough guy exterior. that quickly broke when you finally approached him.
your friends peeking from the hallway behind you both, you gently tapped his arm and your heart almost stopped functioning from nerves.
he cast an uninterested look over his shoulder, eyebrows raised. it was you. "hm?" internally, he was intrigued; he never thought you'd actually come up to him.
"i, uh..." you bit your lip, trying to shock yourself into calming down, but your heart still echoed in your chest.
"did you need something?"
"i'm sorry!" you exclaim suddenly, squeezing your eyes shut as you thrust the snack into his hand. "i like you!"
mikey's heart skipped a beat. "i know."
"uhm..." you whined softly, your body on fire. this was so embarrassing. "okay, bye!" you quickly spun around, hoping that he'd forget it the moment you disappeared around the corridor. he knew?! he KNEW? the fuck did that mean?? WHY DID YOU LEAVE SO FAST?
"wait," mikey's hand gripped your wrist. you squeaked and tried to pull away, but that only caused you to drift closer to him. his own face was dusted pink. "thanks for the snack."
you cast your eyes to the ground. "yeah, i know you're always eating it, so..."
mikey smiled, his grip softening into a delicate hold. he would never dream of giving up a chance to be with the one he'd been yearning for ever since he noticed your starry eyes on him. "wanna ride around with me?"
your eyes lit up and you sent a excited look to your friends. turning back to him as you both walked to his bike, you nervously asked, "so, you said you knew?" you asked, dreading the answer.
mikey smirked, his eyes lidded as he teased you. "yeah, s'not like you were good at hiding it."
"ugh, seriously?" you cringed, hiding your face in your hands. mikey's chuckle brought your eyes to peek over your fingers.
"it's okay, it was... cute." his voice grew quieter, like he was a little embarrassed to admit it.
you blinked at him before you truly processed his words, your heart bursting. "what?!"
mikey looked everywhere except you. "you—you heard what i said! just—come on." he grabbed your hand and ran over to his bike. his hand gripped the top of your head and you were so confused until he pulled a helmet out and slotted it over you. he clasped the buckle under your chin.
he stared at you for a moment before smiling with adoration. your face felt warm as butterflies filled your stomach.
"heh." he giggled, holding the sides of the helmet so that you couldn't hide your face from him. "cute."
as time went on, mikey wasn't so bashful when expressing his love for you.
he grinned. "ohhhh, i know." he dragged out his triumphant proclamation. "i know."
your face burned and you didn't know what to say to that. so, you bailed. "uh... okay? see you around!" you quickly turned. he knew? why'd he have to say it like that?
it took a moment to realize he was following you.
"so, where are we going?" he asked, tossing the snack package up in the air and catching it. "s'okay if it's far, i got a ride."
you stopped dead in your tracks, bewildered. "what?"
he cocked his head to the side, a calm smile on his face. "aren't we going out?"
you nearly screamed at the suggestion, not expecting this from him at all. "i—no??" you shoved your face into your hands. "i don't know!"
he laughed, captivated by how flustered you were. ran was a guy who liked to sweet talk and see his effect on others, and your reactions were just too good. "come on, i know you've been wanting some time alone with me for a while. you're not so secretive."
you groan and shy away from him. peeking from behind your hands, you meekly asked "was it that obvious?"
he grinned. "yeah. but all the better for me, right?" he put an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to his side and leading you out the school. "knowing i got a pretty thing like you thinking about me all day."
you rolled your eyes, finally starting to come down from the high of your confession. "it wasn't all day."
ran smiled, so tempted to respond with well, that was the case for me, but he figured you'd probably faint. he'd save that for the next time.
"i know." he blurted out before he could think of something better to say. for all the bones he broke, rindou's resolve was weak. but he was good at faking it.
he could tell you were confused, not expecting his response.
you fidgeted with your fingers before you finally spoke up, your face burning. "uh... okay..?" how the hell is anyone supposed to respond to that.
rindou panicked internally, rubbing the back of his neck as he sighed. "are you free right now, or what?"
your eyes lit up as your downcast gaze snapped to look at him. "i am."
a smile cracked on rindou's face as he chuckled with amusement. "then, let me take you out."
"really?!" sure, it wasn't the most glamorous thing to say, but you couldn't help it. you were excited.
"yeah. i mean, you did buy me a snack, so." he held up the package proudly. "gotta return the favor, right? come on, i got a ride."
you tried to hide how triumphant you felt as you followed him diligently. he was awkward, not possessing the same level of finesse his older brother did. like, what does he say to you??
"so..." you started, taking the lead.
oh, thank god. he let out the breath he didn't know he was holding.
"you said you knew?" you mumbled, making a point to avoid his stare. "was it obvious?"
he smirked. "yeah, it was very obvious." you winced, but he continued. "don't worry. it was interesting."
you twisted up your lips in a cringe. "interesting as in a good way, or...?"
rindou racked his brain. ran was always good at thinking on the spot—what would he say? his lips moved before he could stop them. "interesting as in i couldn't stop thinking about you."
you both stared at each other—rindou in absolute shock of what just left his lips and you, completely flustered. your heads whipped away from looking at each other, lips pressed in a tight line as a million different thoughts ran through them. rindou was sure he creeped you out, but then he heard you giggle.
he looked back at you, reading every inch of your expression. you smiled softly. "that was so cheesy."
you kept on laughing to yourself, somehow enamored by his stupid line and he knew he was flying off the deep end.
© miniimight ! thanks for reading <3
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saintodo · 13 days
thots: bodyguard!nanami
♡ note: omg hi........i haven't written anything ns/fw in actual ages. pls be nice, im rusty <3 i hope you like it tho
♡ pairing: nanami kento x gn reader
♡ word count: 2.7k
♡ tags: bodyguard!au, gender neutral reader, violence / situation where reader's life is in danger (but nothing happens), reader's a tease, fingering (reader receiving)
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♡ bodyguard!nanami makes a strong first impression when your father introduces him to you. you’ve had bodyguards in the past- a necessity your father insisted due to his line of work- but none quite as handsome as nanami. he’s even more alluring when he speaks, first to your father and then to you, promising to keep you safe as he gives you a short bow.
♡ bodyguard!nanami, you quickly realize takes his job very seriously. maybe, even too seriously. (definitely, too seriously.) he’s handsome, you’ll give him that, but you do find it mildly irritating how he’s always hovering and how he never indulges in your attempts at making conversation, citing that his number one priority is making sure that you are safe not making idle chit chat. what a buzzkill.
♡ bodyguard!nanami who you're nearly at your wits end with. the constant hovering but no speaking is making you feel suffocated in a way that you haven't felt with your bodyguards in the past, and you can feel your patience slipping. you're just about to lose your temper and blow up at nanami until a situation takes place where your life becomes endangered. your blood runs cold and fear fills your veins when the venue you're in randomly bursts into chaos. the mayhem causes you to become disoriented, but nanami is quick to be at your side, placing himself between you and what he perceives to be the threat in the room. his hand is steady against your lower back as he urges you forward in the direction of the nearest exit. you allow him to lead you, mind still muddled and confused, until you're forcibly stopped in your tracks when some unknown assailant attacks you. your heart seizes in your chest.
♡ bodyguard!nanami seamlessly moves from your side to your front, grunting as he takes the blow that was meant for you. you stagger backwards, wanting to put space between you and the fight happening before your eyes. you feel stuck, both figuratively and literally, as if you're unable to do anything but watch as nanami exchanges blows with the man who attempted to hit you. (who attempted to kill you, your mind helpfully supplies.) you flinch every time you hear contact being made, but your body eases the slightest bit when it's nanami's fist connecting with the attacker's body and not the other way around. you jump when the man finally drops to the floor after nanami knocks him unconscious with one final strike to the jaw.
♡ bodyguard!nanami brings you back down to earth and out of your dazed state when he places a hand on your shoulder. he lifts his hand to hover over your shoulder when he sees you flinch from the touch. "we need to go,” he states, guiding you once more in the direction of the exit. this time, there is no one who blocks your path.
♡ bodyguard!nanami ensures that the area he's led you to is completely safe before informing you that you are no longer in danger. he rushes to your side when you suddenly crumple to the floor. you gasp for air and grip at your chest, emotion overwhelming you now that you’re out of that godforsaken room. although you’ve had a bodyguard ever since you were a child, it was just as a precaution. you’ve never been in a such a frightening situation where your life was at risk. “i could have died,” you manage to say between your quickening breaths for air. “i could have died,” you repeat, the severity of the situation sinking in. you twist your body to face nanami, desperately gripping at his arm like a lifeline.
♡ bodyguard!nanami regards you calmly but not unkindly. “yes, you could have died,” he acknowledges. your breath quickens more. “but,” he continues, gently laying a hand over the back of your own. you’re too strung up to be taken aback by the unexpected gesture. “you did not. you are safe now,” nanami says. “the men who aimed to harm you will be arrested and punished accordingly. they cannot and will not hurt you. you are safe now,” nanami repeats once more. upon hearing nanami’s reassurance, the tension around your heart eases a bit and your breathing slows to a more regular pace. as you start to calm, you become all too aware of how you’re still holding onto nanami’s arm and how he’s rubbing gentle circles into the back of your hand. hastily, you draw your hand back and rush to stand up once more. you’re unable to look at nanami as you thank him (for comforting you or for saving you? both, you suppose). he only replies that he was doing his job. you don’t know why your heart sinks a little upon hearing that.
♡ bodyguard!nanami whom you begin to develop a bit of crush on from that point forward. you’ve considered him attractive since your first meeting, but now you take more notice of him. yes, you once regarded him as a slight nuisance before, but you are incredibly thankful for his presence (and slight hovering) because it provides you the perfect opportunity to ogle him. your eyes frequently rove over his body, trying to commit everything to memory. your eyes may linger a bit too long on his hands, wondering to yourself how skilled he may be with them. you do your best to be discreet when you’re checking him out, but you might have a bit of a staring problem and a difficulty with turning your head away fast enough to not get completely caught. you shrug it off, hoping that nanami didn’t see you blatantly staring at him, but then again, it’s not your fault that he’s hot, so really, you’re not to blame.
♡ bodyguard!nanami whom you try to flirt with after you decide that staring isn’t getting you anywhere. too bad, talking to nanami is like talking to a brick wall. he hasn’t changed much in the time he’s been assigned as your bodyguard, always prioritizing your safety over making conversation. it’s annoying when you’re trying to get to know the man, but at the same time, it’s comforting for you to know that he takes your well-being seriously. you just wish he would loosen up a little.
♡ bodyguard!nanami who you think isn’t getting the fucking hint, so you decide to escalate things a little more. you begin wearing shorter, tighter clothing that hugs you in all the right ways and shows a bit more skin than usual. you begin having to bend over more right in front of nanami because you accidentally dropped something or you need to grab something from a low shelf. if your underwear happens to peak through from your clothing, that’s entirely by coincidence and has nothing to do with you.
♡ bodyguard!nanami knows what you’re doing because he would have to be an idiot not to. you’re not very discreet when you check him out and your current antics are an obvious ploy at trying to provoke him into action. he can’t lie and say that he doesn’t find you very attractive, but it would be wrong of him to do anything as your bodyguard, someone tasked with the mission of ensuring your safety. however, you have admittedly been tempting nanami very much recently that he’s felt the need to jack off during his showers to try and relieve himself and pull himself together. unfortunately, it’s not working very well for him when all he thinks about is you and your pretty face when he spills into his hand. fuck.
♡ bodyguard!nanami who thinks it’s going to be another normal night he spends stationed outside of your bedroom until he begins to hear noises coming from behind your bedroom door. he’s mildly concerned until he listens more closely and realizes that the noises are sounds of pleasure— stifled moans and mewls that are more than audible in the quiet of the night. nanami clears his throat, trying to not let the newfound knowledge that you’re touching yourself only a door away affect him. he quickly rearranges himself in his slacks, hoping that nobody comes across the hall to see the way he’s growing hard. it would be very unbecoming of him.
♡ bodyguard!nanami who finally gives into temptation when he hears you moan his name. he thinks it's a mistake at first- perhaps, he imagined it- but when he hears you repeat his name once more, he decides that he can't resist the siren's call any longer.
♡ bodyguard!nanami's hand hovers over the doorknob of your bedroom door as he wrestles with his conscience, debating on whether or not he should really go through with this. it only takes hearing another moan falling from your lips to compel nanami to turn the doorknob and push your door ajar. you don't even notice him at first, too caught up in pleasuring yourself to realize that you have an audience. it's only when nanami closes the door, making sure to lock it behind him so no one will disturb you two, and moves closer to your bedside that you finally take notice that you have company. “n-nanami?” you stutter, hastily trying to cover yourself as you move to sit up. “what are you doing in here?”
♡ bodyguard!nanami prevents you from doing so, reaching out and circling your wrist with a loose grip. shock overcomes you at nanami’s sudden action causing your hand to go slack and the light blanket in your grasp to fall and pool around your waist. nanami sharply inhales when your bare form is revealed to him. he averts his gaze from your body to settle on your face, but not before catching the wetness gathered between your thighs and the stickiness collected on your fingertips. his hardness is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. he clears his throat. “you called for me, did you not?”
♡ bodyguard!nanami who raises a brow when you laugh nervously. you are well aware of how loud you were just moments ago, purposefully not holding back your reactions since you knew nanami was within ear shot. as much as you hoped you would spur him into action by saying his name while masturbating, you didn’t think it would actually work with how unbearably stubborn he’s proven himself to be.
♡ bodyguard!nanami sighs, releasing his grip on your wrist at your lack of a proper response. this was a lapse of judgment for him, rushing into your room like some sort of mad man. “i apologize, i shouldn’t have barged in here. i’ll leave you be,” he stiffly says, readying himself to return to his post outside your bedroom door. the growing hardness in his pants may prove to be a problem, but he hopes he can will it away sooner rather than later.
♡ bodyguard!nanami does not manage to get far, only able to pivot on foot to take his leave before you're reaching across and tugging on his wrist. he can feel the tackiness of your arousal on your fingertips, leaving an imprint on his skin. "don't go," you blurt out, now sitting up on your knees. in your scramble, the light blanket that once preserved some of your modesty has fallen completely away. you visibly fluster when nanami turns his attention fully onto you. the intensity of his gaze makes you squeeze your thighs together, which doesn't go unnoticed by him. it feels like nothing does. you continue on. "i want you," you breathe out. "i want you so bad." the last threads of nanami's restraint unravels completely upon hearing those words.
♡ bodyguard!nanami uses both of his hands to cup your face as he engulfs your lips with his own. he swallows down the noise of surprise you initially make and the moan that quickly follows after. now that nanami's gotten a taste of you, he's unsure that he'll be able to maintain the professional boundaries between you that he once strictly enforced. he's already trampled all over those boundaries at this point. his knees hit the mattress as he guides you to lie back down on your mound of pillows. he groans into your mouth when you nip at his bottom lip and slip your tongue inside. you tangle your hands in his hair, loosening blond strands from the neat part that nanami usually styles them into. your hands don't stay in one place for long, and nanami's abs tighten when you run your palms over the front of his button down shirt.
♡ bodyguard!nanami grunts when you suddenly cup his bulge, giving it a firm squeeze over his slacks that are bordering on painfully tight. nanami leans back slightly, planting his hands on the bed beside your face to support himself up. your breaths mingle in the space between you, and your chest heaves in a way that nanami finds incredibly alluring. "how do you want me?" nanami asks, voice rough with desire.
♡ bodyguard!nanami easily allows you to take one of his hands and guide it to the space between your thighs. "want you here," you breathily say, eyes lidded. pre leaks from nanami's cock when he feels the sheer amount of wetness that's gathered there. a little kissing has you all worked up? nanami can't say anything. it's not like he's faring any better. "you're dripping," he murmurs, collecting your arousal on his fingers. your hips lift on their own accord, instinctively seeking out his touch and the pleasure that it could bring you. "you like my hands, don't you? you like to think you're discreet, but i've seen the way your eyes linger. you've probably imagined what i could do with them." he presses his fingers against your entrance, watching intently as it clenches around nothing. "what i could do to you."
♡ bodyguard!nanami is mesmerized by the way his fingers slip inside of you. one right after another until he's three fingers deep. it's a tight fit at first, your hole stretching and struggling to accommodate the thickness of his fingers, but after a few shallow thrusts, your body relaxes, going pliant. your arousal allows for the easy glide of nanami's fingers in and out of you as he builds up to a steady rhythm. "fuck, that feels so good, nanami," you whine, pushing yourself further down on his fingers.
♡ bodyguard!nanami presses his palm down onto your stomach, preventing you from squirming too much. "just relax," he tells you, "let me do all the work." he waits until you settle back against the mattress before resuming. instead of the steady rhythm that nanami had built up to before, he quickens his pace, beginning to fuck you on his fingers in earnest. the change in speed has you moaning loudly, and the sound has blood rushing to nanami's cock.
♡ bodyguard!nanami is painfully hard at this point, but he ignores it in favor of the captivating sight laid out before him. you're writhing against the bed, fingers continuously twisting in the sheets as you fail to keep still like nanami asked. your kiss-bitten lips lay parted as soft hiccups and mewls escape you over and over again. the wet squelching sounds of nanami's fingers moving in and out of you fill the air, accompanying the sounds of your pleasure.
♡ bodyguard!nanami can tell when you're nearly on the verge of cumming. a slight change in the positioning of his fingers draws a ragged gasp from you. sensing that you're close, nanami fucks you fast and deep on his fingers, intent on seeing you come apart for him. you fist the sheets, burying the side of your face into your pillow. a line of drool leaks from the corner of your mouth. your back arches off the bed beautifully when you cum, your hole tightening around nanami's fingers and greedily sucking him in. he fucks you through your orgasm with shallow thrusts of his fingers, guiding you through the waves of pleasure that curl and crest over you. once you're whining from overstimulation, nanami removes his fingers from your hole with a lewd wet pop as you attempt to catch your breath and regain your bearings.
♡ bodyguard!nanami cannot help the huff of laughter that forces itself past his lips when you give him a dazed look and a syrupy smile and say "fuck, i knew you would be good with your hands."
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orionremastered · 8 months
I’m actually so obsessed with the way you write the boys like🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
why thank you anon this made me smile
and because im nice (school hasn't started yet)
911 Texting the Batboys
Dick Grayson
Exactly one minute after you send him the text, the living room window shatters into a million pieces across the floor. Nightwing calls your name, voice raw with concern, before surveying the state of your apartment.
"Oh," you say quietly by the kitchen, staring at the broken pieces of glass across the floor and then at your boyfriend who stares at you, chest heaving as he looks at you, confused.
"You're not hurt?"
"Well— I— the pan caught fire. I put it out though. I'm not burnt, I promise."
He looks at you doubtfully, storming over before pulling you into a tight embrace. "You scared me."
"I'm sorry," you whisper.
"Don't be. It's okay. Don't be scared to text me if you're in any trouble. Promise you'll let me know if you're in danger?"
"I promise."
"Good," he mutters, though more as a reassurance for himself, resting his head on yours and breathing deeply.
"You can let me go now," you point out gently.
"Two more minutes."
Jason Todd
When your boyfriend takes longer to show up than expected, you start to get confused. And cold— it's the middle of winter and your hoodie was stolen while you were out with your friends.
And that wouldn't be a problem if you're car wasn't starting either.
The familiar roar of a motorcycle engine catches your attention, dark shape speeding down the street towards you. It skids to a stop, the tires screeching in order to slow.
"Hey," you say with a wave and a smile. "Car broke down and—"
Red Hood rushes off his motorbike, carefully grabbing you to look you over in the empty street. When he finds nothing, he sighs. "Thought you'd been kidnapped. Couldn't find you at your apartment."
Without waiting for your reply, he shrugs his brown leather jacket off his shoulders and places it around yours, helping you put your arms into the sleeves despite you protesting that you can do it yourself.
"Let's get you home," he says gruffly, aching to hold you in his embrace when no one can see. "I'll call in a favour to get your car fixed."
Tim Drake
You don't think you'd ever been more embarrassed in your life when you realised you forgot your phone, which has your card in the case, at home.
Tim rushes into the store, having tracked your location immediately and driving well over the speed limit, still in his pristine CEO outfit.
"What's wrong? Is someone bothering you?" his eyes dart around the store, taking everyone's face and putting it to memory.
"No... I forgot my phone and card. And I have a full cart of groceries. Tim, I can't put this all back, that's weird."
"Why didn't you ask me to pay before?"
"I— hmm. I'll do that next time."
You lead him to the counter were the high school aged cashier gapes at the richest man in Gotham who pays for the food without even glancing at the price.
Damian Wayne
When you texted 911 to your boyfriend, you certainly weren't expecting this. Somehow, in the five minutes of the text being sent, he managed to gather ten League of Assassins members that now stand in your suddenly very cramped apartment, sharp katanas at their side.
"Are you alright?" Damian himself has two katanas, glinting in the terrible lights. "What's wrong?"
It seems so stupid now with ten assassins behind him. Maybe you shouldn't have texted after all. "Look, it's really—"
"I don't care how little it is," he states, "You texted me for a reason."
"I... I thought I could hear someone talking and moving in the walls."
All eleven of them tense, exchanging glances. Damian gives them one sharp nod and the assassins begin locating any hollow spaces in the walls, tapping their knuckles and listening closely to the sounds.
"وجدت ذلك," one says after a few seconds.
"Don't worry about it habibi, we'll tear the building apart and find them," Damian assures you, pulling you into his arms.
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uyuforu · 7 months
Pick-a-Card: How will you meet your Future Spouse?
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Pile 1 - ₊˚⊹♡
Ekta Oracle: The brain; The mind; The hammock; The bow + The masculine
Original Tarot de Marseille: Ace of Cups; The world reversed; The pope reversed; 3 of wands; The hermit; The tower + 7 of wands
Botticelli Tarot de Marseille: The world reversed; Judgment reversed; Queen of pentacles; 8 of wands; Death; The moon reversed + The empress
Lenormand Oracle: The letter; The bridge; The tree; The mask; The polar bear; The flowers + The woman
The Big Love Oracle: Trust; Kindness; Solitude; Tenderness + Betrayal
Love Languages Oracles: Exchanges; Total success; To feel zen; To feel attractive + Youth
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𓆞𓆝 𓆟 Don't forget that it's a general reading so take what resonates. If you don't resonate with this pile, you can choose another one. If you don't resonate with any of the piles, it just means there is no messages for you today. Don't take informations you are not comfortable with, and take care of yourself 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-> So, the message is a bit confusing to me. It seems like someone is younger than the other. You could be younger than your FS. You could be studying at that time, still in college, or just working hard. You seem very busy with your mind, like you think a lot, and it may be at a time you need a break from it. You might be doing well at college or at your work, and think you are super smart, which I don't doubt by the way. But it may be at a time you are considering taking a break, a holiday, vacations, something like that. Traveling may not be far, but at least you need a break. You may encounter your FS during that break. Now, I don't have many informations about where, world is reversed twice so I'm not sure if traveling is involved, or if the person is a foreigner. It might be that the universe doesn't want you to know too much about the meeting.
-> So you'll encounter this person during that break. You need to rest your brain and your thoughts. Im not sure you will bring a lot of people with you. You could want to take a break and stay at home alone, or go somewhere on your own for example. You'll be single at that time too, you think you have time to accept someone new in your life, or you feel read (that you are aware of that or not) for a new relationship. You'll encounter them at that time, and you guys could talk. There could be exchange of messages, texts, on social medias for example. I honestly don't have the real deal about how exactly it takes place. It could really be on social medias, as the world is reversed, im not actually sure it's an in person meeting. it could be virtually. But, you might feel like you are too good for them? There is this feeling where you think you are too good, too pretty, too smart for them. But you'll think that on meeting this person, and not actually knowing them.
-> It seems like you'll have prejudices about them too. And you could get karma about that. Life will bring you a lesson about thinking that. You will get surprised about this person, and regret that thought of yours. Once again, take it lightly. This might be reversal, as it's your person who thinks they are too good for you and they get their karma back. This encounter will teach someone a lesson here. It makes me think of Pride and Prejudices! But don't worry, this karma and event is not meant to bring you down. They, from the start, are meant to bring you to your highest soul purpose, so they will only teach you a lesson for you to improve yourself. I see a lot of love and respect from the beginning. You'll be happy you met them, and you'll think it was the best decision of your life to take a break at that moment. Your story together will have a good success.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to like (even comment your pile if you want) and follow for more content ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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Pile 2 - ₊˚⊹♡
Ekta Oracle: Celebration; The lucky charm; Love; 3 bamboos + The snake
Original Tarot de Marseille: The popess; The emperor; Jack of pentacles; 9 of swords; 8 of wands; Death reversed + 4 of wands
Botticelli Tarot de Marseille: 3 of wands; 8 of pentacles; The justice; 4 of wands; 2 of swords; 10 of cups reversed + 8 of wands
Lenormand Oracle: The man; The swans; The garden; The snake; The lucky charm; The scythe + The well
The Big Love Oracle: Betrayal; Achievement; Fragility; Permission + Projects
Love Languages Oracles: Openness; Destiny's key; Flirt; Magnetic relationship + Money
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𓆞𓆝 𓆟 Don't forget that it's a general reading so take what resonates. If you don't resonate with this pile, you can choose another one. If you don't resonate with any of the piles, it just means there is no messages for you today. Don't take informations you are not comfortable with, and take care of yourself 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-> It seems like you will meet your FS at a moment you could have had your heart broken. There could have been some betrayal, cheating, someone did you dirty when you will meet this person. You will surely meet this person at a tome you are celebrating a success or an achievement in your life. You could be open to new relationships or opportunities, you may be want to meet new people at that time. You want to have fun, enjoy life. You want to also maybe meet people to fix your broken heart, or you want to meet people to move on from what happened to you. You may still be quite fragile and you maybe want to meet people but not feel quite ready for love, like true commitment. But, you are open to see how it goes!
-> Cards say that when you meet this person, this is actually destiny. Maybe when you meet them you may feel like it's not quite the right time, when in fact it was orchestrated my the divine, so it is the right time, you will not know it or realize it at that time. I think when you meet this person, you are learning something, this can mean during a time you are at school, or making a project, or you are in a time when you try to be more organize, more consistent. This person comes in. Let me tell you, they will find you stunning. You can say it is love at first sight. More like a crush here. But this person will find you so attractive. They will approach you directly. When you meet them, this person can be so flirty with you, like really trying to seduce you. I don't see them trying to seduce you for bad reasons, they are just super attracted to you. And they just want you to be also interested. So they are not trying to achieve anything, they may just want to know where it is going to go. You will meet them outside, and you will go on a date with them.
-> This person could own a company, and has a lot of money. They are such an Emperor lol. This person is more mature than you, and they could be older too. But they are very wise, and could have lived a lot of life lessons and experiences. When you meet them, you will feel a certain mature vibe and you will like it. You will feel like it is easy to talk with them and they understand a lot. They are open-minded. This person will try so hard to make you like them, you will notice they want you so bad. They will rizz you like you have never been rizz before. But I think this person may have not heal past traumas, they are still stuck on something. You may come into their life to heal something. You may also be a bit afraid of this person's behavior. Their rizz, their flirt, and seduction, it's funny for a while but I think you are gonna be tired or just be scared of this. I think it's gonna trigger you at a certain point. You will be on your guards because you will be scared to be hurt again. Cards are explaining you will be afraid yet, this person is not there to hurt you. They will force you to heal, unconsciously. And you will do the same for them. You will trigger each other to work on your past traumas. Moreover, this person is someone you have been wishing for, for a long time! And they will end up being your FS so! You will maybe feel like this will never work out with them yet you will marry them...!
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to like (even comment your pile if you want) and follow for more content ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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Pile 3 - ₊˚⊹♡
Ekta Oracle: The wilted flower; The clouds; The mind; The balance + The city
Original Tarot de Marseille: 9 of swords; The pope; Ace of wands; The temperance; 5 of swords; Queen of wands + 8 of cups
Botticelli Tarot de Marseille: 6 of swords; 7 of swords reversed; Queen of pentacles; Jack of swords; Ace of wands reversed; Ace of cups reversed + 4 of wands
Lenormand Oracle: The dices; The lucky charm; The moon; The birds; The fox; The mouses + The man
The Big Love Oracle: Flexibility; Hope; Stop; Neglect; Fidelity + Reconciliation
Love Languages Oracles: The beautiful thoughts; Exchanges; New lesson; Being relaxed + The gift
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𓆞𓆝 𓆟 Don't forget that it's a general reading so take what resonates. If you don't resonate with this pile, you can choose another one. If you don't resonate with any of the piles, it just means there is no messages for you today. Don't take informations you are not comfortable with, and take care of yourself 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-> I asked how will you meet your FS yet the cards are talking to me about something else... I'll deliver the message. So, the cards are talking to me about an ex for yours being your FS. This is a specific message so if you are not comfortable about this idea, someone of your past being your FS, then please choose another pile!
-> The cards are saying someone left the connection before, and when they left, things ended between you two. Things ended because the situation was unstable, someone was doing more work than the other person. This could have been you who went away. You may have decided to stop things because you felt neglected by the other person. Cards are saying one of you, or maybe both, is stalking the other on social medias, or checking to see how you are going from time to time. You may both think of each other often, like remind yourself with good memories you both had, or just you think often about each other. You could talk to each other in dreams or in 5D, or during meditation. This is optional. One of you, or maybe both, still have hope for the future.
-> I actually see you may be separated right now, and you or this person is reflecting about what they want, and thinking a lot about this connection. Someone is thinking how they messed things up and how bad they want to start over with the other person. The reflexion may have helped this person understand the truth, where they went wrong, and what they truly feel. This person wants to come back. They want to start over and make things right with you. They are ready to enter in a serious relationship, they are ready to settle and be faithful. They want a reconciliation with you. This person would want to talk to you first, and maybe introduce this idea. You will maybe take your time to answer, but you will finally decide to accept (of course only if you actually do lol).
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to like (even comment your pile if you want) and follow for more content ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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Pile 4 - ₊˚⊹♡
Ekta Oracle: The mind; The road; The prayer; The angel + The masculine
Original Tarot de Marseille: 10 of wands reversed; The chariot; Queen of wands; The justice reversed; 2 of cups; The sun reversed + 4 of wands
Botticelli Tarot de Marseille: 9 of swords; Strength; The popess; 5 of cups; Knight of wands; 10 of pentacles + 5 of pentacles
Lenormand Oracle: The magnificent glass; The house; The flowers; The scythe; The flowers; The lucky charm + The fishes
The Big Love Oracle: Communication; Separation; Setback; Promises + Revival
Love Languages Oracles: Physical relationships; The beautiful thoughts; Step away; Work + The gift
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𓆞𓆝 𓆟 Don't forget that it's a general reading so take what resonates. If you don't resonate with this pile, you can choose another one. If you don't resonate with any of the piles, it just means there is no messages for you today. Don't take informations you are not comfortable with, and take care of yourself 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-> This is a pile that is very specific too. I'm sorry if you do not resonate with it, please chose another pile if you don't ;-;
->If you are into fwb, you and this person may have done that in the past. If not, you and this person had such a physical chemistry! To be honest, this doesn't seem like an ex at all, but I sense something happened between you two. This person and you liked each other a lot. But there must have been some communication issues. Something must have been taken the wrong way, and you cut contact, separated. You may think of each other a lot, or often. This person is on your mind, you are on their mind. I think this separation timing was more of a time for you two to reflect on what happened, you relationship. You may have gone away because you felt hurt by this person's actions. But with time, you may realize your feelings for this person, and how in love you are with them. You may feel sad without them in your life, and I think you miss them. This could be a Twin Flames pile. You are both being guided to reflect on past actions and what happened, what is blocking the connection and how can you move on from this.
-> You could be healing right now, or working on yourself. You are meant to see things from another perspective right now. Because you are working on yourself, you will be rewarded for sure. This reading may be a sign for you today. You could have been into pick a cards, or astrology, or tarot readings in general to see what is this connection, and maybe it was some help for you, to know where to go. You needed guidance. You and this person will come back to each other, obviously since it is a FS reading, despite me asking the cards how you will meet/ met this person lol. But there will be actions taken. This person could show up at your door for example, and propose or ask you out. You both have grown during this separation and you are def coming back to each other. Don't force it! It will come naturally. You will have a true reconciliation, and you will feel like you are born again, it's a true revival. This is a beautiful ending. Im sorry I couldn't see your actual meeting. Maybe the cards had to say something about that connection.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to like (even comment your pile if you want) and follow for more content ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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xazse · 7 months
(here is your answer for the naga scara x fem or male reader) DO ANY GENDER IDC IM JUST FOAMING AT THE MOUTH RN LIKE A DOG FOR YOUR POST RIGHT NEOWOOWOWOW NEOWOWOWOWO (I would prefer fem reader, but idc about the gender. Just gimme the story bbg) (Also, stay healthy!1 <3)
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Notes: I know I have other requests but this was too tempting, thank you so much for the health comment!! I HOPE YALL ARE STILL AROUND!! Btw I’m not sure about Naga Anatomy so his cocks are like hidden in slits/pockets.
Pairings: Naga!Scaramouche x Fem!NaiveReader
Tags: Naive!Reader, 2 Cocks, Scara is kinda creepy but sweetish, fingering, Virgin!Reader, Sheltered!Reader, Fem!Reader, SMUT, NOT PROOFREAD
Naga Scaramouche who is entranced by the sheltered village girl: you, a pretty thing that won’t stray too far into the forest.
Naga Scaramouche whos very patient watching you from the trees, he watches as the short dress you wear rises up just a few inches when you pick a berry too high for you. The tight white panties seem to hug your ass so good.
Naga Scaramouche who can’t wait to have you underneath him, coiled in his tail and in his embrace.
Naga Scaramouche who finally has the opportunity to attempt to speak with you, you had gotten a little lost when you decide your pickings of berries weren’t up to standard, a lost lamb like yourself practically in tears searching every direction to try to remember where home is.
Naga Scaramouche who introduces himself and you’re scared shitless, you’ve only heard of his kind in the stories your mother would tell you to scare you into being good. He’s big, but you can’t deny how pretty he is, his tail is a deep purple hue as well as his pretty mauve long hair that cascades down his back and stops at his lower abdomen, mentioning that, he’s shirtless.
Naga Scaramouche who offers to lead the pretty lamb to safety, warning you that there’s dangers that would do awful things to such a weak thing like yourself. That he does, leading you safely to the outskirts of your village, during the whole walk you can’t stop stealing glances at the beautiful mystery man. He can hear your parents are calling your name with desperate urgency. You look back at him to offer a thank you, but discover he’s gone.
You who comes back a few days later at the spot he had dropped you off at, you bring a cooked rabbit stew as a gift to give to him or at least hope you can give it. a few minutes later you can hear rustling and a voice speaks up: “A gift? For me perhaps?” You face the man once again in all his beauty you nod quickly and he laughs at that.
Exchanges are had over the next few months, with you listening and talking to “Scaramouche” you learn his name is. He seems rather dodgy with questions about himself but wants you to talk about yourself all the time, you have no issues with it, deciding later on he’d become more open.
Scaramouche looks at you weirdly, a look you can’t quite decipher, it’s like he’s looking through you, and you hate that. You hate how weird and tingly it makes you feel, how you feel weird even down there. You don’t have anyone to talk to about this feeling so it’s bottled up and held in.
Scaramouche makes it subtle at first, glancing at you, making sure to make eye contact even though your eyes dart to avoid his, light touches on your arms, thighs, and neck. He knows what he’s doing to you and he doesn’t feel a bit bad about it, he wants to claim you already, his cock can only be contained for so long, it’s getting harder and harder but he feels a few more pushes will bring you right along.
After a whole week you’ve given up, you come to him with all your issues and how confused and foggy you feel around him, you suggest distancing yourself away from him for a little. He hates that idea you can tell by the dark swirl in his eyes, he calms himself and calms you. Putting his hand on the small of your back he whispers lowly on how he’ll help you, help you get rid of all your problems.
You accept of course, as pliant as ever.
He helps you relax on the forest floor, a beautiful light pouring in to emphasize the glow of his gorgeous tail. He starts by asking you to lift your dress, and you listen obediently. Your supple skin now for him to revel in, but it’s not nearly enough. Your panties are on display as well, the thing seems to be squeezing you just like the last pair. Thin fingers grab one of your thighs and lifts it up in the air in your direction, being mindful to watch his sharp fingernails as they clench around the fat.
He uses the palm of his fingertip to trace the outline of your wet cunt, that makes your breath hitch, his fingers are warm or maybe it’s you who’s warm as he continues to trace and examine you. Scaramouche presses on your clit just a little bit, he’s testing the waters. That does bring out a reaction: you clutch your fingers around the fabric of your dress that you still hold.
You feel impatient even though you’re just getting started, new feelings are swirling in your gut when he lays down on his stomach near your pussy. Scaramouche doesn’t want to rid you of your panties just yet, the wet patch in the middle arouses him so much. He pulls them to the side to reveal your glistening cunt: he’s never seen a humans area before not unless they were in books and he did quite a lot of studying on women’s anatomy but having the real thing makes his cock ache, he wants to be buried deep in you but before that he needs to prep you.
Scaramouche licks a long stride up your cunt from bottom to top, a whine leaves your throat at the new feeling of something foreign but not unwanted, based on your reaction he does it again and again till he’s lapping up a good bit of your cum: and god do you taste heavenly, he finds himself completely entranced with licking you over and over, you aren’t fairing any better with the way your hips have started to buck towards more pleasure. Lewd moans keep filling the forest around you paired with Scaramouches loud sucking, he guides his tongue to your clit, licking around it before completely engulfing the sensitive thing in his mouth.
A tightness is forming in your belly, you urge Scaramouche that something happening and maybe he should slow down, he doubles down and both of his hands are holding your thighs up: pinning you in place as he keeps abusing your poor clit. Your whining gets even more pitched up before you spasm and cum on his face. He takes the opportunity to slide a finger inside of your tight hole: it does prove to be difficult but he does fit about a quarter of one in. He starts up the process of stretching you out to accommodate him.
After a while you’re finally ready, but you can only take about half of him or he’s pretty sure you’d start up your crying. You lay staring at his actions with lust ridden eyes: he’s going to ruin you. His long tail grabs you by your waist, lifting you to sit right on where his cocks lays hidden.
He’s really had enough of edging himself, with your full attention he guides your hands to, two slits: intrigued you make a move to press your finger in and he jumps to grab your hand as fast as possible, you make a certain worried face at him and he shakes his head to reassure you. He decides that was a bad idea and takes his cock out himself, he has two but he doesn’t want to spook you straight away, well more than he already has.
He begins stroking himself while you watch, you lean forward: relaxing your hands on either side of his body. You’re thinking how his cock is just as pretty as him. A low groan slips from his lips, hes stroking himself from his balls to his tip: squeezing just a bit every so often.
When he’s done with that he lifts you up till your cunt is hovering over him, he lines himself up and slides in: a loud moan now leaves both your lips, for you it’s the stretch of his thick tip and for him it’s the tight rim he still has to push past. After a good bit he’s now leaned on a rock while holding your body so you don’t hurt yourself and end up having all of him in you, that’s for later.
A rhythm is developed, with him fucking you only last a certain point, your gooey insides feel so good around him, his head falls against the rock but he doesn’t stop lifting and pulling you back down. His head feels heady with need, he’d love to just shove you down all the way. You aren’t fairing any better, already seeming like you were cum again: dazed and dumb that’s how his cock had you.
Scaramouche thinks this feels better than those nights were he’d pump his cock to the thought of doing you like this, the real thing is so much more better obviously.
He speeds up his pace, angling his cock a tad bit deeper. He pulls out and slams back in, he brings you into a tight embrace before he’s cumming, the feeling of something warm also sending you over and you cream around his cock. Afterwards he’s decorating kisses all over your face, cooing at how perfect you are, how good you made him feel and how good you’ll both feel in the future
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paiges-1vur · 3 months
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welcome to the party pt. 3… and as always enjoy loves <3
Friday 12 am
I draw in a sharp breath. I’m still very much drunk but i can tell paige has sobered up. I shift my position in between her legs trying to find comfort, but ultimately just creating friction. she leans down to my ear.
“ana.” i can feel her breathing next to my ear and its giving me the chills.
“mmhm” i sigh in response.
“dont move.” i turn my head around, confused as she says this. “dont worry baby im going to take care of you tonight.”
I feel her long slim fingers stroking my upper thigh and have to bite my lip to stop myself from making any noise. She kept doing this for another five minutes before leaning back down to my ear.
“let me take you back to my place, its to crowded in here”
“are you sure?” I ask. I dont want to be the reason she wants to go home before everyone else.
she smirks looking me in the eyes. “Unless you want everyone to see me eat you like my last meal and hear you scream my name, yes i’m sure.”
I blush and look down before she grabs me by the hand and clears her throat.
“i’m going to take ana home. she’s really tired and needs to be up early tomorrow.” (that was a lie and she knew that)
the girls turn and look at her. They all exchange looks with each other before giggling.
“I might as well sleep over at Azzi’s tonight,” Nika says winking, “but please dont be too loud, i need to sleep too.” I forgot Nika and Paige share a dorm, but i’m too drunk to care about the consequences of tonight.
Paige punches Nika in the arm telling her to shutup before saying goodbye to the other girls and walking me outside to call us an uber.
as soon as i stumble through the door of paiges apartment she grabs my shoulders, flipping me around and pinning me against the door behind me. Her right hand is on the door next to my head, and the other is tucking my hair behind my ear.
im not aware of anything im saying right now but what i am aware of is how much i need her. “paige,” i whine like a child. “pleaseee.”
she looks me in the eyes. her ice blue eyes stare into mine and her gaze makes me blush. Before i have enough time to say anything else her lips are crashing into mine. her hands find my hair around the back of my neck and she gently tugs at it. i can tell that shes impatient.
“jump.” she says grabbing my legs. i put my hands on her shoulders and jump as i straddle her front and she carries me towards her bed. i lean my head back and giggle as we walk, letting my hair flow down my back.
paige lies me down on her bed before crawling on top of me. she starts by placing hungry kisses all over my jaw and down my neck. i try my best not to moan at this while she bites and teases my sensitive skin, leaving dark marks that will last for days. While her mouth is on my neck, her hands are roaming my body, holding me in all the right places.
Paige looks up at me to see my head thrown back. She smirks, “Don’t hold back baby, i want to hear you beg for me to fuck you”
I release my lip from in between my teeth, as she gets back to work biting and kissing my skin. she has moved down to my collarbone bone and chest, and her hands are grazing over my sensitive nipples through my top. i whine at the sensitivity and she stops for a second. her hands move to start taking my shirt off, unclipping it from the front.
As she peels it off and throws it to the floor she exhales loudly.
“Holy shit Ana.” she comes up to my face. Leaning into my ear she says, “Your such a bad girl, not wearing anything under your top. Did you do that on purpose?” she pauses before asking, “Do you want me to fuck you like the little slut you are?”
I nod, not being able to look her in the eyes. She grabs my chin and forces me to look at her face.
“I need to hear your fucking voice.” She says aggressively.
“Please paige!” I whine.
“Please what?” she taunts.
“Please fuck me!” I scream impatiently, feeling a mix of pleasure and irritation.
“I dont know,” she trails off, “your being kind of… bratty.” She stops to think to herself “Now i can fix that, but your going to have to listen to me and do as i say.”
“Okay. i understand.” I respond melting right under her.
she flashes me a smile that gives me chills. “Good. Now open your mouth.”
I don’t ask questions, and open my mouth waiting to see what she does. she leans down and spits into my mouth, her saliva coating my tongue. She reaches her hand up and brings it to my mouth.
“suck.” she commands.
I close my lips around her fingers and take them in my mouth. I swirl my tongue around them fully coating their full length in a mixture of her saliva and mine. Before taking her fingers out of my mouth the pushes them down my throat even farther, making me gag. My eyes water and i choke and cough on her fingers.
Seeing her on top of me, face weighted with pleasure made me even wetter then i was before.
She moves down my body and finds herself in between my legs. she takes her knee and spreads them open even more. My skirt gets in the way, and in response Paige rips it off of me with her bare hands.
“Ill buy you a new one,” she says carelessly when she sees i’m upset its on the floor in shreds. “One that doesnt show your whole fucking ass.” her tone changes, and she begins yelling at me. “All the guys were staring at your ass tonight, and i wanted to punch them in the face for even laying their eyes on you.” She gets angry and rips my underwear off, the same way as the skirt. She throws the small shreds of fabric to the floor before diving in between my legs.
She kisses up and down my inner thighs and i moan as her lips move closer to where i ache for her the most. She sits up and spits on my already dripping pussy.
“Paige” I moan out as i feel her saliva lubricate my core. I’m already dripping all over the sheets, anticipating her touch. She licks up my folds making my eyes roll back. I cant help but moan her name as she continues to roll her tongue up to my clit, sucking it in between her teeth.
"Paige!" I scream out again, the sound being borderline pornographic. Im done being patient. "Fuck.. please baby!"
My brain goes fuzzy as i feel her tongue dipping in and out of me, her wet fingers focused on my clit that aches from overstimulation. I cant think straight and Im seeing stars, so overwhelmed with pleasure. she watches me fall apart slowly under her touch.
"Oh my God... im so close baby, please let me have it" I beg through tear stained eyes, my hands glued to the sheets, gripping them until my knuckles turn white.
My legs start to shake uncontrollably, and right before im about to fall apart all over her perfect face i feel her mouth detach from under me.
"What the fuck Pai-" She looks up at me with dark eyes, pupils dilated, looking at me as if i was her last meal. A shiver runs down my spine because the longer she looks at me, the more i feel like her prey. Her face glistens with my juices as she flashes me a grin, so secretive it makes my stomach churn.
She looks over my body taking taking a shakey breath before wiping her chin with the back of her hand and licking her lips. She crawls up the whole length of my body not breaking eye contact once. Fucking me with her eyes, before tilting her head to the side and leaning into my ear.
"Do you want to play a game?" she whispers into the shell of my ear. Fuck. I cant take this anymore and my eyes start to well up with more tears.
My breathing increases, my chest heaving up and down as she moves her lips closer to my ear.
"I promise i can make you feel good baby." she pleads. with all the air i have left i inhale sharply. "thats all i want need. to hear you screaming for me." shes still in my ear, floating just above the most sensitive spot on my neck, that burns for the touch of her lips.
"Mhm" I finally manage to mutter out a response in approval to her request, finally finding air to breathe in her small room, that seems to disappear when shes on top of me. I can practically feel her lips curl into a devilish smirk. She knows she won, and now she gets to have her cake and eat it too.
Sorry for not posting these past couple of days guys. School is now over and i promise i will start posting (and maybe writing?) more. Im so so sorry to leave u hanging on a cliffhanger, but i felt like the chapter was getting too long. Let me know if y’all liked this chapter because there will most likely be a part 4.
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iiwaijime · 2 months
02. the much awaited cat adoption episode
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"y/n, you look weird," osamu tells you as you step into his apartment. "what are you hiding?"
"nothing!" you reply a little too quickly.
"meow," says your jacket. "meow."
"what the fuck." atsumu props himself up onto his elbows, peering up at you from where he's sprawled out on kuroo's couch, suna fast asleep beside him. "is that a cat?"
you nod sheepishly, unzipping your jacket to reveal a black cat, not fully grown, but not a kitten either. "he was outside, all alone. i'll take him home."
atsumu grabs it from you immediately, cooing and making stupid kissy faces at it. "what's its name?"
"his name hasn't been decided yet," you say, plopping down in atsumu's recently vacated seat. "mm, it's still warm here, thanks, tsumu."
atsumu scowls. "you're welcome, you little fu—"
osamu gives him a Look from where he's setting the table for dinner, and he twists his face into an uugly smile. "you little sister of mine, who i love very much."
osamu snickers, and you take the chance to discreetly sneak a glance at suna, who looks like he's melted into the cushions, still passed out. he looks pretty like this, all relaxed without the usual stupid deadpan look on his face. but you must have stared for a moment too long, because when you look away, the younger twin flashes you a knowing smile.
atsumu doesn't notice the silent exchange as he lifts the cat up into the air. "what should we name him?"
osamu examines the cat over his twin's shoulder before he sits down beside you, lightly squeezing you into his side. "dunno, but i like his eyes. hi, baby sister."
"hi, 'samu. you're just a year older than me," you say with a roll of your eyes. but you still can't hold back the fond smile that crosses your face.
"oh!" atsumu yelps, almost dropping the cat. "his eyes!"
"what about them?" you ask, confused.
"they're that weird shade of green, like sunarin! we should name him..." he pauses for dramatic effect. "we should name him sunarin junior!"
osamu groans, but he doesn't disagree, and as for you— "sure!"
"sunarin, wake up!" yells your brother, poking him harshly with a toe.
"whahuh?" he jerks awake, opening one eye groggily — atsumu is right, their eyes are eerily similar — before abruptly kicking atsumu, hard. "atsumu, what the fuck?"
"look, sunarin junior."
"we named him after you!"
"oh!" suna sits up. it's like he's fallen in love with the tiny creature, eyes widening as he zeroes in on it. "holy shit, he's my son now."
"what?" you ask.
"he's my son, give him to me."
"since when is he your son?"
"he has my name, so i get to have some parental rights, right?"
"well yeah, that's valid, but he's my son, not yours! i was the one who rescued him," you argue. the cat meows halfheartedly in your brother's arms.
"he's our son, how about that?" he says it carelessly, but a dizzying rush of... something rushes through you, and butterflies rise up in your stomach. you ignore the sidelong glance osamu throws your way, and cross your arms. "what the heck?
"give him to me," he repeats.
"pay child support first, at least," you say with a snicker, although it dies down pretty fast when to your surprise, rintarou suna digs through the pocket of his shorts before chucking a handful of candy at your face.
"there, now give him to me."
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series masterlist
authors note(s) !!
smau is sav's now like i love her sm [does it show that im not close to a lot of ppl on here. tbh im such a loser (/pos) that id be the same even if i had like a ton of close friends i think]
anyways, they adopt meowmeow <3
mom and dad ahuygiadhsuijk screams loudly.
i loved writing the sibling dynamics like. yeah.
me n my siblings arent the closest?? but like my brother and i stay up yapping ab jjk and my little sister and i do art shit together and my older sister crochets me cute shit and shows her affection by touching her leg with mine when we sleep at night or putting our pillows closer together and like sahsgajksdhjdsa i love my siblings basically
stress solving rubiks cubes then im suddenly being competitive f2l cfop kys
if u want fun in ur life follow @/urbluestbaby for funnies (this is a joke, thats my alt)
kenma is me i am him
taglist is open ! (33/50)
@wooasecret @yuminako @dawnisatotalqueen @thechaosoflonging @boogiemansbitch @chloiyoomi @mikauraurr @just-coreee @chemiru @twiishaa @imcheshire @zozodahobo @fallenisded @nyxlai @sp1ng @sunsribn @sellomaybe @savemebrazilhinata @semieita24rockstargf @marsoverthestars @bellsoftheball @renardiererin @akaakeis @dazqa @piopioo @theepitomeofswag @smellysluna @theycallmenanamisgirl @strxbxrrylover @whydoyoucare866 @jiawji @toges-cough-syrup @harmonia-dread @dailyakira
comment or send an ask to be tagged <33
likes n rbs r appreciated <3 thank you !
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© iiwaijime 2024
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artydonsgf · 5 months
tashi duncan, my poor villainized girl i love you so😭😭😭 everyone wants to write patrick n art WHERE ARE THE TASHI STANS… so i present to you, tashi duncan as your gf, wife, and a small nsfw bit because im in love with her
Tashi Duncan as your Wife
- when you meet tashi, you’re smitten immediately
- shes charismatic, she’s beautiful, she has kind eyes, and an ambitious personality
- talking to her makes you feel on top of the world
- you start out as friends, and while you have feelings for her, you don’t want to be the asshole who befriended her just to fuck
- you’re content listening to her rants about her games, the latest sponsorship deal that has her face slapped on it, and any other tidbits she has to share
- you two are chilling at her dorm one day, cuddled up in bed like always
- you want her and it’s obvious but out of respect, you stay in the same position as always and don’t dare mess up your friendship with your feelings
- she turns to you with a serious look on her face and you worry, this is when she’ll tell you that she’s sick of your obvious feelings
- instead, she looks strangely vulnerable
- she asks you if you’re only here because of her status
- you’re confused and she immediately tells you that nearly all of the people she hangs out with are only there because she’s good at tennis
- before you could even tell her how wrong she is, she backtracks and says nevermind
- you reassure her that tennis could disappear tomorrow and you’d still be at her side forever
- you’re not a tennis player and you couldn’t really care less about the sport, you’re only there for tashi
- when the injury happens, you stay true to your word
- the first few months of recovery are hard but you two are glued at the hip
- you play with her sometimes and you know it makes her feel better because she beats you every time
- makes her feel like she’s not a loser just because she can’t play professionally anymore
- you start dating soon after, it only felt right
- an amazing girlfriend
- very direct and if she has a problem with the way things are going or your behavior, she’ll set it straight immediately
- she’s not trying to lose you so she’ll ground her teeth through uncomfortable conversations if it means you’re stronger together at the end of it
- enjoys romantic gestures, both receiving it and giving it
- staunch believer of the tashi duncan words of affirmation agenda
- absolute queen with her words, she makes you feel like the most loved person on planet earth
- she proposes to you the very night you planned to propose to her
- you exchange rings and immediately plan a small wedding
- having an intimate wedding is the best thing in the world for her
- spending the day surrounded by the people who truly love her and not what she can do for them
- values privacy and despite how famous she still is, she’ll never put you in the public eye unless you’re 100% down
- excited to announce that she got married to you, she’s so very cute
- praise QUEEN
- you do anything n she’s praising you for it
- likes to be dominant but if you really work for it, she’ll let you take over
- your arguments are very rare but on days where you’re both being really petty, yall just fuck it out
- you’re too exhausted at the end of it to even remember why you were arguing
- founder of munch nation
- she just likes making you feel good
- complete tease when she’s feeling particularly dominant
- makes you work for it and if you work enough, you’ll be rewarded real good
- aftercare with her consists of a very good shower where she washes your hair, puts good smelling lotion on you, and cuddles you to oblivion
- after you guys change the sheets ofc, she’s not sleeping in that mess
- isn’t really into quickies, she prefers taking her time with you
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milqueandsugar · 1 month
I know you're on hiatus so this is just when you're free. Im very excited that you added baldurs gate to your list so may i request astarian, wyll, and shadowheart with someone who crochets them little gifts (small plushies and stuff like that)
🌼☕` Your Tea Is Ready `☕🌼
gen , fluff / angst (lite)
includes , astarion / wyll / Shadowheart
A/N , this got away from me a little bit whoops!
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WYLL has struggled with intimacy his whole life, he understands what basic, expected intimacy SHOULD look like. Chivalry, romance, boundaries. Raised in nobility he knows every step in courtship, but in all honesty he hasn't really been in any relationships. In practice he's a little... rusty. He's learning though! He has gifted you several things throughout your journey together. Mostly flowers or jewelry that made him think of you, or anything at a market or seller you look at a little too long. You givining HIM something though takes him by surprise, he had been so busy giving, showing he can be a good partner and following the rule book of love he has in his head that for a while he forgot that he can also receive love. He adores it, he's poor at showing it, but he does love it. He keeps them all, at night studying how you perhaps put them together and eventually trying to sneak peaks at your projects. Eventually when you discover the trunk in his tent filled with your projects do you finally tech him how to make them himself. It becomes a date night between the two of you, you get some much needed time to indulge in your hobby and Wyll gets to learn something clearly very important to you.
SHAOWHEART at first is pretty neutral about them, she thinks it's cute and she appreciates the passion you have for your hobby. She picks up yarn scraps and buys rolls for you in exchange for your little trinkets. In the night she sleeps with them, usually the most recent one you'd given her as they still smell like your skin and the candles you burn in your tent. Sometimes the yarn will pick up the scent of campfire smoke and its too easy to imagine you burning the midnight oil to make her a little stuffed bear or crocheted flowers. She keeps and cares for them religiously and going over her collection becomes part of her nighttime rituals. She keeps this too herself but shes desperate to hold onto them. Her memories do not solely belong to hers, they have been tampered and lost and stolen from her and in her heart she knows that oneday, someday she will forget you. Her collection of crochet gifts become a lifeline to her own life, to you. In her head she can convince herself that if she has the pieces of you, she can pull together the pieces of her memories of you.
ASTARION is a little confused about it at first. He's still getting used to this whole long term, non abusive relationship thing. He doesn't know what to do with them at first, he thinks they're cute but they aren't quite his style. He keeps them purely cause you gave them to him, you crafted them for him, you put them together stitch by stitch, row by row with HIM in mind. All that labour and for what? His enjoyment? It's a foreign idea to him. Like putting socks on before your trousers it feels backwards. For a long while he tries to give you something in return, kisses, a night of passion, love bites. All things you deny, you have to affirm him that these are all things you love as much as you love him, but he owes you no debt. It was an act of love, not of greed and it takes a long time for him to get used to receiving with no expectations. When he does however he warms up on the little things. He begins to sleep with them, keeping smaller ones in his pockets so he can run his fingers over the stitches in a soothing motion when journeying. Your gifts become not just a regular in your relationship but in his private life as well.
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tuliptired · 2 months
Ello! Hope Im not a bother, but i was hoping to make a one-shot request? I looked around and it looks like you are still taking requests as of the moment, very sorry if I missed something.
Anyways, if its not too much trouble, could you write Egon Spengler x Baker Y/N? I think that would be a fun dynamic!
If thats not to your liking, what about Egon x Shy Y/N?
Love your works, I check the ghostbusters tag daily to see if youve written anything new. Thank you so much, love ya have a great day and night!!!
How Sweet It Is (To be Loved by You)
Pairing: Egon Spengler/Baker!GN!Reader
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It's never too much trouble...no idea if I've used this gif before
did yall hear about the SNL biopic btw oh my gahh...
Better formatting on Ao3! (italics)
Your relationship started with a cupcake. As the story goes, told lovingly by your now mutual friends, there was a bust at a retirement home, and one of the caregivers insisted on sending the boys home with a treat in addition to the hefty bill. Demanded, actually, practically shoving a metal tin full of pastry into Egon’s hands as he attempted to discreetly sneak away.
“Jackpot,” Peter leaned over, happily surprised as nimble fingers opened the lid. The smell of sugary sweets wafted through the car, prompting Winston to extend his hand to the backseat, palm soon full of muffin. Egon was patient, letting everyone take something for themselves, before finally deciding on a blue-iced chocolate cupcake, sweet tooth waiting to be satisfied.
“Where’d this come from?” Ray, Peter, and Winston stood in the kitchen, confused at the spread of different colored boxes and containers. Upon further inspection, they were full of even more cupcakes, each the same blue iced chocolate flavor. Egon sat with his hands folded on the countertop, unfazed at their reactions to his display like any true man of science would be.
He made a tick mark on a long list of names, clipboard somewhere in the organized, delicious chaos. “If you must know, I’m testing every bakery in the area to find the one I ate that evening. I’ve yet to find it.”
Ray shrugged, taking note of just how many locations he had procured food from. “Not the weirdest thing you’ve done for a result,” he admitted.
“Good food’ll do that to you,” Winston laughed, Peter reaching over to gauge how mad Egon would get if he tried to take a sample from one of his possible matches.
Egon didn’t look up, flipping to the next page. “Go ahead, those are the rejects. They'd end up in the trash, anyway.”
Peter peeled away the paper, going through the motions of ripping the bottom of the cake and placing it over the top of the frosting. “Rejects.” he parroted plainly. “What’re you gonna do when you find the right store? Stand in the window?”
He glared up at him above his glasses. “No, I’ll buy a half dozen and go on with my day,” he unfolded a wax lined box, “so if you could leave me to my research?” Research being, going down a line of cupcakes. They each exchanged glances, before filing out. Egon could be just as tenacious as everyone else, when he felt like it.
Except, that tenacity wavered in the face of unfamiliarity. The only reason Egon was willing to go in your bakery to begin with is because the others had forced him. “Don’t be a baby,” as Venkman had put it. He finally found the match, in fact he had found it a few days ago. But he took a glance at the bustling establishment on the day in which he set out on his own, and got cold feet. Especially when he accidentally locked eyes with the smiling artisan while he just stood in the window.
His friends had managed to shove him towards the counter without a second thought. The same person he’d seen through the tall window was behind the counter now, greeting them all kindly. The bandana you had used to keep your hair in check must’ve been failing to do its job, evident by the flour near your temple, caught in a few strands. Egon’s fingers twitched.
Peter flicked him on the lower back when he failed to respond like a typical customer, making Egon come-to and clear his throat. “May I get a half dozen chocolate?” he asked robotically.
“You may,” you grinned at his grammar, “but, chocolate what?”
Egon’s ability to speak stopped short at his misstep, unable to let out anything but unintelligible stammers, and Egon never stammers. “Cupcakes, please,” Ray spoke up for him, catching wind.  
You nodded, moving to the display rack to place his order in a smaller, blue box. Peter wasn’t content with how smoothly this interaction was going as he watched on with a bored expression. “Funny story, actually,” he caught your attention through the framework.
You laughed at how it made him look like he was in a horizontal jail cell. “Yeah?”
Peter raised Egon’s stiff arm for him at the elbow. “We walk in one night and catch Egon with at least 20 different cupcakes, trying to find yours ‘cause he missed it so much.” he regaled.
He may have caught you blushing. Were you blushing? He shouldn’t stare at business owners when they were just trying to work. “Well,” you started folding the corners of the parcel, “assuming you liked them- and you guys are pretty important to the city…” You held them out to him with two hands. “Just take them. No charge.”
Egon felt like there was smoke rising from the top of his head, or the espresso machine, as he shuffled out, and you leaned over the counter to call after him: “Come back anytime, for whatever! On the house!” 
The rest happened slowly, but surely, and you enjoyed it thoroughly. On an earlier morning, you and your pubescent employee were handling the typical rush you got around breakfast. Between prepping, a small burn from the oven, packing orders, ringing people up, and a quick trip to the corner-grocery for more milk, you finally had a spare minute to breathe, both hands pressing into the counter.
A blur of beige and a trail of smog put an end to your mini-relaxation, and you hurried over to the door. “Stantz! Spengler!” you beckoned before they could turn the corner.
Like children, they found their way to your storefront, though Egon looked rather apprehensive with a used trap dangling from his gloved fist. “Good morning, guys,” you urged them inside, “did you eat yet?”
“We really should get going.” Egon said after Ray greeted you. Most of the sickly smell from the trap was left outside, and it was too covered up by the scent of sugar and warmth that everyone but you swore clung to the bakery for you to worry about it driving away customers.
You ignored his protests, crossing behind the counter. “Eat in the morning or you’ll crash in the afternoon,” you started pouring two cups of hot coffee.
“There’s no need-” you interrupted with a hand. “We’re fine,” he continued anyway.
Ray’s stomach betrayed his friend’s wishes. “Something small wouldn’t be so bad.”
“Listen to your friend, Egon.” you warned, adding a bit of whipped cream to both cups to literally sweeten the deal. “You need to eat.”
He frowned, but you didn’t care much. “We have a Class lll in our hands, now is hardly the time for-” you cut him off again, stuffing his mouth with a blueberry danish. As he annoyedly chewed, you procured a paper bag from the back, wrapping his hand around the handle.
“Too bad I already packed for everyone,” you patted his knuckles when he acquiesced, catching sight of what was inside with a small smile. “You’re crabby when you’re hungry.”
Egon opened his mouth to respond, but the contraption in his left hand started beeping. Are they supposed to beep? You’d never seen them do so before. It seemed as if the two experts themselves hadn’t either. 
You stood on your toes to give him a parting kiss, Ray grabbing both paper cups in the meantime before you could start shooing them out. “Go, go- don’t let that thing loose in here. And swing by later, okay?”
He followed your lips when you pulled away, but the ominous beeping drove him to the door and down the street. You sighed to yourself, already missing him. None of the regulars in your store seemed to pay any mind to the local celebrities- or the weapons they had strapped to themselves, as Egon floated in and out during different parts of his day at least once a week.
Egon knocked on the glass door, soft light and music slipping through as he got your attention. When you let him in, the distinct whiff of cookies enveloped him like the warm temperature of your little shop. It was his favorite part of visiting you, apart from actually getting to see you. “How was today?” he spoke over the soft jazz that you apologetically turned down.
“Better,” you were about to run a Crisco covered hand through the front of your hair before you stopped yourself, “better.” Egon only then noticed how many cookies you had managed to make for having only closed an hour ago. “I have more in the oven,” you said from the back wall with the smaller front oven while you hurriedly took out a hot tray with a mitt and put a cool one in.
It wasn’t just cookies, but brownies, sweetbreads, and cinnamon rolls. “Are you…restocking?”
You laughed, a quarter manically and another quarter incredulously, and started to peel cooked pastry off of baking sheets. “If anything, we have too much stock.” you paused your fervor, frowning at your display case’s abundance. “I’ll send you home with some- give them to your clients or eat them or something.” 
You were barely done shutting the sliding glass when you popped up, clapping your hands once and frankly startling him. “Pies! I know what I need to make now! I’ll make some pies and maybe a cake and we can head home.” Before you could disappear into the kitchen, he stepped in your way, two soothing hands on your shoulders.
“You’re stress baking.” 
Egon couldn’t hide his amusement at your familiar despondent expression, as if you were coming down from a high. “Was it that obvious?”
“Somewhat,” he stroked up and down your arm, steering you to the stool you kept tucked away behind the register and pulling up a chair for himself on the other side. “What’s wrong?”
He enjoyed the chairs you had because of their structural variety, and the fact they didn’t make him feel like a giant. 
You slumped your head into your since-dried hands, groaning out of frustration. “It’s just the season, I guess. A ton of people come by, bringing their dumb boyfriends-” you paused, realizing what you said, “no offense.”
“None taken.”
“-And they come looking at our stuff to see if we’re good enough for, like, baby showers and weddings and all that.”
A car passed by on the street, definitely above the city’s speed limit for a business area. “I assume that’s a good thing?”
“It’s great,” you sat up, “we want people to pick us. But it means everything has to look great, and we have to get ready for half a million custom orders.”
That would be a partial reason for the sudden uptick in inventory, combined with the pressure to make a good first impression. But you were working so aimlessly hard that you looked crazed, all by yourself. “Your employees aren’t willing to help?” Egon questioned.
You stood, addressing the heaps of different cookies, the only creation of yours without a home. “They are. But they’re kids- I can’t work them that hard. It’s probably illegal, too. They won’t be around for the next couple of days anyway.”
He could sympathize with your plight- backed into a seasonal corner that business owners just had to get used to. “I’m sorry,” Egon offered, “I’m not as skilled in your trade, but is there anything I can do to make it easier?”
You smiled your first genuine smile since he arrived. “There is, actually,” your tone was excited as you moved to the freezer, “just let me finish these and I’ll fill you in.”
Egon would’ve stopped you from continuing to try to work, but he relaxed when you brought out pre-prepared bags of icing and miscellaneous confectionaries, knowing that decoration was the more relaxing aspect of the art. 
He both sat in comfortable quiet as you put all your focus into icing, piping, and arranging.  It was pleasant, knowing that you had something so ardent that you cared so deeply about, even if it was dismissed as a mere hobby while you were close to collapsing to exhaustion in the bakery you financed on your own. It was a mix of career and craft- one of the many reasons he had grown to give you his utmost respect.
You were eventually done, making the task of embellishing countless treats look effortless. You handed him a cookie, which he gladly took. “I need you to be honest,” you counted on his affinity for sweets. He took a bite, surveying the dessert after the initial pleasure your baking always brought him.
“Raspberry compote,” Egon took a second, “and coffee icing.”
“Good job!” you scribbled something down on a spare slip of paper after springing the register drawer open. “Rating?”
“That is my honesty. But if you wanted the unweighted scale, 7/10. The two flavors balance each other very well.”
You passed him another, which he promptly ate without being asked to. “On the crumbly side. Is that intentional?”
A nod. “A little less butter than usual. Old ladies tend to like those.”
He put a hand on his chin contemplatively. “6/10- marmalade. A softer version would get a higher placement, it would be a shame to lose interest from those who don’t fit the demographic.”
You copied down what he said, seemingly happy with any sort of feedback. “And here I thought I’d have to help you cross the street.”
The night went on like that for a while, and Egon grinned to himself at the parallels he had only just noticed- another mix of career and craft, now inquiry and indulgence. You looked like a proper scientist- or, a food scientist, scrawling down notes and numbers that he’s sure only you would be able to decode. He felt the corners of his face dimple in a familiar smile while he watched you- something he’d found himself doing much, much more.
“What?” you raised an eyebrow, suspicious of his joy.
“Nothing,” Egon excused himself, “you just look incredibly nice.”
 You squeezed the hand that he rested on the counter, silently appreciative. “Thanks- for that, and for helping me out. Let me get you home before you barf.”
He’d learned to live with the indecencies, helping you tidy up the best he could without breaching the system of organization you had. When you returned from the back with your personal things, he let you loop your arm around his for the semi-short journey home.
Egon only let you go so you could lock the door, and he stared at your back for the entire time that you did. “If I were having a baby shower, I’d come here.”
There were practically stars in your eyes. “Really?” 
“Really.” You planted a gratuitous kiss to the side of his face, before setting off towards his apartment.
Over the course of a few days, your boyfriend showed up earlier in order to take you into work, and keep you company as you tried to quell the impending anxiety. When regulars faded out and new faces came in- possible clients, you assured him with a non convincing tone that he had a job, too. If your ego was bigger, you’d be bragging about the compliments and inquiries your store got, not to mention the referrals to friends regarding special upcoming events. But, entrepreneurship had taught you to be humble, so you were resigned to spilling it all over a phone call to the firehouse.
One morning, you forced Egon out before anyone could arrive, asserting that he had a day off and he should find a way to relax. He asserted that this was how he relaxed, but you had a key to the front door and he didn’t, so that solved that. 
Not long after he was gone, you were hastily punching his number in, bouncing on your heels and out of breath.
“Rich girl- eloping- needs a wedding cake- lots of money,” you forced out like you were out of air, already seeing dollar signs in tandem with the minutes you were losing. “But I have a crazy favor to ask.”
Very soon, “OPEN” was flipped to “CLOSED (sorry)” and you put on your serious business apron. Egon stood behind you, unsure of what to do as you jumped from here to there, double checking that you had absolutely everything you needed.
You only stopped when you realized that he wasn’t in the proper attire. “C’mon, Spengler,” you chastised him while cinching the strings of a smock around his waist.
“Game plan,” you led him to the back where all the industrial sized equipment was, “three tiers, green and pink, white cake. She gave me creative freedom, so I’m kinda flying blind.”
Egon’s eyes were on you as you laid out a few large bowls. “Have you ever…made a wedding cake on such short notice? I assumed they take days.”
“They do! And they’re the one thing I swore to never sell!” He looked disappointed in you, but you weren’t fazed, grabbing both of his hands. “$1,500,” Egon’s eyes widen as you continued, “think of what that could buy.”
He pushed up the bridge of his glasses like a flustered schoolboy. “That’s…a lot of copper wiring.”
“So many new mixers! And without the down payment! That’s why we need to start while we already have the time.”
Realistically, it was more of you starting everything while Egon was subjected to measuring or throwing away eggshells. But, you eventually gave him bigger responsibilities, as there was no way you’d be done in time for the impromptu-wedding if you worked one-by-one. 
You turned from what you were doing after instructing him to mix the batter for the top layer, being met with his bare forearms, dress shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
“What?” Egon noticed your commotion halting. “Am I overmixing?” 
You didn’t answer, still staring at his toned arms. He should help out more often- your stand mixer cutting out on you must’ve been a blessing in disguise. Your blatant ogling was cut short when he stopped his ministrations, resting the whisk against the lip of the bowl.
“Don’t get distracted.” He tried to sound condemnatory, but it was hard to feel scolded when the scholar had on one of your teenaged employee’s spare pink bibs around his front and he was almost bent over the edge of the counter space in the midst of his focus.
You could breathe a little easier when the timer went off for the tiniest layer’s completion in the biggest oven. You took the searing pan out carefully, and your worry spiked again when you saw how dark the unfrosted dessert was along the top. You went through a list of things that might’ve gone wrong-  was the oven at the right temperature? Setting? You definitely let it bake for the right time. It wasn’t until you saw a pair of little cylinders, tucked away in the havoc, that you put two and two together.
“Which one of these did you use?”
Egon looked like a mix of confused and concerned. “This one, baking soda.”
That’s how he got put out your kitchen for a considerable amount of time, until he knocked at the round window separating you both.
“Are you sorry?”
A pause. “Not anymore than I was 20 minutes ago.”
“I’m locking the door.”
He was allowed back in after a long and rehearsed apology. Soon, all tiers were baked, except for the base, and you were aching all over. The whole cake process never got any less demanding on you.
Egon must’ve seen how you stretched your arm across your chest before you tried to continue on anything. “Are you feeling okay?” 
“I’ll be fine- just sore.” you answered truthfully, before slightly jumping at the feeling of hands wrapping around your middle.
“Take a break,” he herded you to a folding chair you kept in there- the only chair. You were slotted in between his knees, thoroughly confused. He only got like this every blue moon.
It did feel great to be off your feet for a second, despite your cushy sneakers. “What’re you getting at?” 
His strong hands made work of your tense biceps. “Nothing lascivious. I just think you should save your energy for the important part,” you stifled a noise at his doctoral tone and the way his thumbs kneaded at the space in between your shoulder blades, “and you’ve been working very hard.”
“Baking makes you a freak,” you scoffed, but hedonistically let him continue to dote on you.
Soon it was time to keep moving, attractive masseuse or otherwise. You put Egon in charge of coloring the buttercream while you ran out to the store for the second time in only a few days, making a mental note to use some of the bride-to-be’s payment to keep a consistent supply of the little things.
When you returned, though, it wasn’t as you had expected. You picked up the metal bowl full of neon icing incredulously. “I said green, not snot!”
“I made green,” he didn’t budge, not seeing how gaudy this would look in the middle of a reception hall.
You pushed a finger in between his brows. “You’re such a guy,” you remarked, regardless of your own gender, as you hassled him out of the way. “Watch.” 
With a bit of red, the bright green dulled into a paler color, fit for a wedding. “Can I trust you with pink?” you asked as if he was a child.
Egon’s expression was unreadable. “No promises.”
Half of the green was shoveled into piping bags when he was finished, presenting the baby pink mixture to you like a project would be presented to a teacher. “That’s better,” you started, taking the bowl while he kept the spatula. You’d assumed that Egon was going to wash it or scrape off the excess or something, but your eyes squeezed shut as something cold and tacky hit your nose.
Frosting, pink frosting. His audacity. You took the green spatula, getting him back on the cheek. That led to him getting you back on the forehead, ear, chin, and eventually some strays ended up in the corner of your mouth, which he was more than happy to take care of. Baking really made him a freak, you thought. You probably shouldn’t be kissing over someone’s wedding memorabilia, but you shortly noticed that was the icing for each tier and its decoration. You lost an hour cleaning and starting from scratch on the buttercream, steering clear of each other in a respective corner each.
You had another hour to eat a late dinner while each tier chilled in the freezer, setting the white icing you painstakingly leveled to their surface area. When you returned, it was time for the assembly, the second most dreaded process. “I’m scared,” you confessed, just about to push down the first dowel.
Egon got eye level with the top, squinting. “You’re just about perfect.”
Your nerves got the better of you. “How can you tell?” 
“I calculated.”
He was to keep calculating until all three cakes were secure on each other, bringing on the actually grueling part: decoration. You could design anything easily, after years of practice on your skills and ability to freehand- but a wedding cake was just so intimidating. That was part of the reason you vowed to never try again, how easy failure was staring you down in the form of little white fondant flowers. Egon let you take the reins on this, disappearing from your narrow field of vision. You honed in your knowledge of swirls, mini roses, and the drape style that was still in fashion among traditional couples. You were bent in all sorts of ways to make sure every bit of sugar that left the tip of the plastic bag came out perfect, for a perfect pair of newlyweds. Or newlyweds with perfect pocketbooks.
Time got away from you when the final detail was placed, and you stepped away like it was a bomb. “Is it done? Are we done?” you looked for confirmation. “How does it look?”
Egon’s torso stopped you from running off somewhere. “It looks perfect.”
The giant thing was stowed away to wait until you were scheduled to drop it off the next morning, and a weight was taken off your chest. You let the faucet run over materials, mind somewhere else with the rush of running water.
“It’s so sweet when it’s all done,” you spoke up, scrubbing crusted batter off of a tin, “weddings feel so magical.” 
You thought back to the agreement you made with your boyfriend of a handful of years: nix a big ceremony, celebrate with friends when the time felt right. The time always felt right to you; you’d drag him to the courthouse at the drop of a hat. Perhaps there was an even right-er time out there, written somewhere in your future.
Egon wiped down all the surfaces. “I agree.” he voiced from across the counter, taking a pause. “You’re not…angry with me? For taking as long as I am?”
You laughed at that, drying your hands. You crossed over to him, a hand on his chest. “Not at all. I trust you.” He had ditched the tie at some point after you had to make a new batch of icing. “If you’re offering…”
“Give me some more time to make it special.”
You brushed away some of his hair that had come loose in the heat of your scullery. “How much more time?” your voice was soft.
Egon thought about it for a moment. “What’s 5 more years?” He laughed heartily at the groan you let out, resting his head on yours.
“Really?” your voice broke over the phone. “I’m sorry…I’ve never- I don’t know,” you forced yourself to take a shallow breath, “I’ll work on getting your deposit back.”
You didn’t know what to think or feel when you ended the call, but thoughts of wasted hours, materials, lost profit, all flooded your mind as you attempted to calm yourself. You rested your head underneath where the phone was mounted on the wall, rubbing at your temples to sedate an oncoming headache.
“What happened?” Egon asked at your back, with you again in the early morning as he scored another day off. You didn’t turn to face him, trying your best to blink back embarrassing tears.
“She canceled. We made the cake for nothing- there’s no wedding, I-” 
Egon was on a knee, in the middle of your homely bakery. Your frustration evolved into pure confusion. “What’re you-”
There was a blue, velvet box in his hands with a glinting band inside of it. Before he could get a word out, you were on the floor too, tears free flowing. “You can’t do this now,” you clutched the fabric of his pants when he moved to hold you. “I look horrible.”
His free hand dried your tears, though more would keep on appearing in their wake. “I’m sorry this is so overdue.”
Your hands gently held onto his jaw to know this was real. “When was the right time?” 
“A long, long time ago. I just needed to find a way to make it special.” He looked hesitant before continuing, “I hope you don’t mind having made your own wedding cake.”
You blinked. “You’re the worst!” you joked exasperatedly, falling with him into a hug on the floors you were happy you mopped. “That was all you?”
“Why do you suppose her down payment was a multiple of 18?”
“They didn’t.” 
“Consider it a group gift, I suppose.” Egon smiled underneath you. You sat in the giddy silence of two people, soon to be wed, when he gingerly asked the question
“Will you?”
Your boyfriend- fiancé, went through so much trouble to make the moment one you could look back on happily. Who could refuse?
“I will.”
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shippyo · 4 months
Question for life: What’s your relationship with Morpho?
[this ask will have my own lore related to Morpho hope ya all enjoy💖]
also,i think [this] soundtrack might fit🩷
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Morpho...Yes, she is very special to me, she is my daughter, the first of all, I reborn her myself with my own hands,lemme tell you the story...
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Before long,long ago in immemorial times, far from when it all began but close to the dawn of it, Morpho was another and a completely different being, a young girl from a world that feels lost even in my memory,that, somehow in a way that I have never known,fell to my dimension, wounded, confused, with living tears.
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I remember that being when asked who I was and after I explained myself she told me
"Why have you been so cruel to me?"
That paralyzed me,i..i been cruel,it was the first i realized such thing that my whole existence is contradiction,i bring wonders yet suffering to all living beings,even if im not able to control what happens.
That poor being cried for every terrible misfortune that occurred in her life, abuse, wars, the fall of her world, she was still alive, of course, but she begged me not to return, not even to go to the afterlife and rest in peace, no, the pain that her tears brought was so breaking that she wanted to disappear from existence itself.
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Obviously it's not something I wasn't going to do, I COULDN'T even if I can do it, it was unfair, it wasn't her fault that her life went so miserable to such disgrace thought in her mind came into it with no return to change it,she was lost, in exchange, I asked her permission to not go to such path, but rather be something new and somehow,she accepted, thinking that would end all.
In all honesty, at that moment I was not clear about the extent of my power, I knew that I had it and that I could do something outside of normal understanding for others but that pulse in me screamed for act different and so, I grabbed her face and my hands shone with intense light.
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Without realizing it, the body disappeared when my palms closed, I felt fear for the first time thinking i destroyed her being, but I suddenly felt the flutter of a butterfly.
When I opened my hand, that butterfly that you all know so much came out and it didn't take long to complete its own metamorphosis as a new being.
The being before Morpho had disappeared, my power had a price to pay, in a way.
I don't know the reason but all those who are reborn from my hands forget in a certain way their old being, not as if it had never existed, they are not unconscious of what they experienced, but their souls feel pure,different and determined in wanting to defend life in being a new them, I feel them as an extension of me and they are condemned to a strange line where they cannot die for being so tied to me and yet even if she knew this she...
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Looked at me happy, with a passion for living on her face that was not there before and thanked me for what I had done, although she felt sadness for her former self and her past,she now understood how beautiful it was to be there.
From there she named herself, "Morpho" and she felt indebted to me, although I did not want to,she insisted that to fight for me, defend, be the judge of beings of all those infinite dimensions, save others like who she was before, I do not like to feel that Im using her because I accepted her like some short of puppet, but even so, she has always seemed happy since then to serve me as a knight of life.
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From then on, I was her mother and hundreds, billions like Morpho today are part of this family and I love them all equally.
Although...sometimes I wonder if I could use my power to reverse that strange "immortality" that ties them to me, I wish they could continue happy as they are now, but return to the mortality of life so that they finish their true cycle and not be attached to such tasks..I know I can and maybe one day I will have the courage to do it for the first time.
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learn more of life lore [here!]
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nokiatelava · 11 months
✿✿Orange Moon✿✿
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Author’s Note - HEHEHEHAHAHA! HI YALL!! I feel like im on a literal rollll, i started writing this RIGHT AFTER Moonlight! But this is like a part three-ish to this little Awpxey series!!! If you guys want anything more to do with him girl don’t be shy to hit up my inboxxx! I actually have to check if it even works but regardless! Enjoy this please!
Summary - It is now early in the morning, the morning after you had snuck out. You are now stuck in between how to explain to your parents why you had left and never returned, and why you now have a boy with you, courting you, following you 24/7, and asking for your family’s blessing!
Warnings - nothing to crazy?, cuddling, kissing, teen romance, fluffy stuff, courting, relationship establishments, very worried parents, worried family, parent talk, jake still coming to terms reader’s growing up, mentions of mating, boyfriend vs family tension, happy family moments, family dinner, meeting parents (yes already), overprotective family
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A sudden loud chirp was what had woken you up from your peaceful slumber. Your ears folding down in a slight annoyance as you were so groggy.
You sighed tiredly, your nose stuffy and congested from your sleep. Your body felt so warm, you thought it was from the atmosphere of the cave.
Until, you felt the cool breath of someone from behind you.
You froze.
Who is that?
You had felt relieved once you remembered it was just Awpxey.
What left that relief short lived was the fact you had fallen asleep here, in this cave, all through the night, with Awpxey, exchanging kisses throughout the night, and you still haven’t said a thing to your parents. I mean how were you supposed to talk to them?
You were not home. And you were not going to wake them up in the middle of the night over the fact you couldn’t sleep.
But now you wish you had left some type of note. You were scared to return home. Gosh your parents are not going to be happy.
You knew that as soon as you walk through that hut entrance, your ass is as good as grass.
You’re done for. You’re gonna be on the worst punishments ever. This would be your first and very last time sneaking out.
If you even make it out of this, alive.
Awpxey’s head stirring had brought you back to reality, a deep sigh coming from his stuffy nose too.
You had stood up abruptly, your back weirdly warm due to his chest. But that was the last thing on your mind.
Guilt set in your stomach as you seen how he jerked due to your quick removal. He sat up, rubbing his eyes as he was trying to look at you but rub that itch out his eyes.
“Y/n?” Oh god… His morning voice was beyond fine.
“A-Awpxey… We-uhm, we fell asleep here. I have to get home, and I’m probably gonna be in trouble.” You ramble on nervously. When you looked down towards him to see why he was so quiet you found him already looking at you, a soft smile adorning his lips.
Awpxey proposed his idea. “Why don’t we go wash up first? Then I’ll walk you to your hut, and say it’s my fault you left and never went back in the first please, yeah?”
“No. No, that’s not fair for you to just take the blame lime that. I cant do that to you.”
“I’m doing it to myself, actually.”
Gosh when did everybody just start becoming such smartasses?
“Okay then, smartass. Since you know everything, fine then. You can do whatever you want. I don’t care.” You grumbled as you crossed your arms over your chest.
He smiled at you teasingly from the floor before standing and stretching. A yawn spread across your mouth as you heard his back crack.
You were caught off guard when Awpxey was just then in front of you, and pecked your lips.
You covered your mouth with both your hands in shock. His name coming muffled from behind your hands.
He stared at you confused, his head tilted as the skin of his eyebrow was raised on one side.
“You kissed me before I even washed my mouth!” You exclaim, your shock seemed so foreign to him, why was it so important.
Your mood felt more sour once you heard that familiar laugh. He was laughing at you, in your face. His head thrown pack with one hand slapped over his stomach kind of laugh.
“Boys are unsalvageable.” You mutter the comment to yourself, or at least it was supposed to be to yourself. In your daze of being annoyed at the fact Awpxey laughed at you, you didn’t notice when he had stopped.
Hands were suddenly around your waist from your front, scaring you. And there Awpxey was standing in all his glory, his tall stature hanging over you.
“What’s that supposed to mean, sevin?” You eyes widen at the question, and at the fact he had called you pretty.
There wasn’t must time to dwell on it before he smashed his lips against yours. His hands gently holding your waist, giving it four small squeezes.
Your hands soon moved up towards his shoulders, your arms wrapping behind his neck, deepening the kiss.
The kiss lasted for almost a good minute, before you realized neither of you had washed your mouths.
“Awpxey! That’s the second time!” You jump back after you separate from the kiss.
“What are you, a germaphobe or something?” He asked mockingly while rolling his eyes. You turned back to glare at him while you exited the cave.
You were glad there was a river close to where the cave was located as you submerged yourself knee-deep into the cool water.
It helped cool down your hot skin, so you had given in to your urge and went completely underwater.
The cold water enveloped you, your hair, your clothes, your jewelry, your whole body.
When you resurfaced, a small pant evident in your chest, you turned around to see Awpxey around shoulder deep into the water.
You swam towards him, catching his attention quick. A smile on both of your faces.
“Have you washed your mouth?” He asked matter-of-factly. And you responded just the same.
“Yes I have, have you?” You were expectant for his answer as what you wanted to say was on the tip of your tongue.
“I sure did.” He said with so much confidence.
“Hard to believe…” You mutter out purposely, hoping to get under his skin. Which you had.
“What did you say?” He leaned forward to you, turning his head to point his ear at you.
You placed your mouth right in front of his ear, speaking decibels louder. “Hard to believe.”
Awpxey moved back, shock on his face. “I’m offended Y/n.” He placed his hand on his chest.
“That’s okay.” You shrugged, a smile breaking out on your face.
“You’re so mean to me, makes me wanna kiss you.” You froze at his words.
“What?” You say blindly, shock written all over you.
“You heard me. Didn’t you?” He wasn’t be serious was he? He’s just trying to bother you for bothering him that’s all.
Yeah. That’s all.
But it wasn’t when he put his index finger under your chin, lifting your head so you look back up to his face.
“I said I wanna kiss you. Can I?”
You were speechless. Not really knowing what to say back to him, but you blindly nodded anyways.
“Can I hear you say it? I gotta know you’re functioning Y/n.”
Oh Eywa.
Somebody needs to come get this man.
“F-fine. You can kiss me.” You grumbled.
“Good.” Awpxey said with a smile.
His lips then connected with yours, his hands holding the sides of your face gently as the kiss deepened.
Your hands held onto his biceps, your legs felt weak under the water. His arms were working as your extra support.
You have never felt anything more intimate in your whole life.
This is what true love felt like.
This must be what your parents feel like, your grandparents. Your grandfather who you were never able to meet.
And the many generations before that. They had all felt true love. They all had their own intimate moments such as this. You’re experiencing that moment, right now.
“Awpxey.” You said breathlessly. He felt this way too right?
“Y/n.” His voice was so soft, it was smooth and sultry. A tone like no other.
“I want to ask you something, Y/n. If you don’t have a problem with that.”
You nodded, “it’s fine Awpxey, you can ask me.”
“Come,” he beckoned, “I want to ask you while sitting down somewhere.”
You nodded, following him out the water. You watched starstruck as water cascaded down his back. Going through and then out of the crevices and dips from his muscles.
Eywa took her time on him.
Before you knew it you were sat on a patch of grass not far from the river, Awpxey next to you.
“What was it you wanted to ask me Awpxey?” You didn’t want to rush him, your parents the last thing on your mind right now.
He took a deep breath, settling his nerves before he spoke.
“I want to start courting you.”
You did everything to stay still and to just look and listen so your body language didn’t send any of the wrong signs.
You gave a small smile and a nod as you noticed he had more to say.
Awpxey turned more towards you, grabbing your hand. Fidgeting with your fingers and the rings you wore, along with your bracelets.
“This is why I want to court you.” He starts.
“You read me so well, you read everybody so well. You notice the little things and always want to help!” You nod, letting him know that he has your full attention and that you’re listening to him.
“You’re so sweet, and kind, and beautiful. You can make anybody happy. You light up rooms when you walk in and your smile brightens everyone’s day. The elders love you since you are so kind. You’re humble! And they love that, I know I do.” You laugh at his small comment, trying not to cry at his sweet words.
“And the children.. The classes that you teach you can hear them when they talk to their parents, just raving about just how amazing you are, and how you’re so interactive and I just love you.” Your eyes widen.
“I love you. And I want to show it by courting you. So, I am asking for your permission. Y/n te Sulli Neytiri’ite, may I, Awpxey te Relongtai Puo’itan, court you?”
Your eyes well with tears. His words were so heartfelt. No one had ever said they loved you but your own family. To hear it from somebody else in that way caused this feeling in your chest that was so foreign and unexplainable you didn’t know what to do.
But you did know that you loved him, you loved Awpxey. So you nodded. You nodded accepting his request to court you.
“Y-Yes Awpxey. You can court me.” You wiped your tears as you laughed, feeling a bit embarrassed at your reaction.
He tackled you into a hug. Holding you tightly before his whispered a small ‘thank you’ into your ear.
“Does that mean we’re boyfriend and girlfriend now?” You asked into his shoulder.
“I guess so, but that’s only if you want to.”
“Then I guess we’re boyfriend and girlfriend.”
You both laid there, together. Enjoying your moment, until your eyes widened, realizing that you are still out here and your family has no idea where you are.
“Oh my god Awpxey!” You exclaimed, rushing to get up.
“What? What happened?” He got up just as frantically as you had.
“I have to go home! I haven’t went home, oh my god! Awpxey I’m gonna be in so much trouble! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.”
Awpxey was quick to be at your side, holding your shoulders to calm you down.
“It’s gonna be okay. Everything’s gonna be okay, okay? Like I said earlier, I’ll take the blame. I’ll say it was apart of my plan when I was asking to court you, alright?”
You shook your head, “I can’t allow you to get in trouble like that! I’m not doing that to you!”
You were refusing, you know how your parents could get, you did not need the only man who had shown you true love and interest in you, to be chased away by your parents who are borderline-psychotic.
“Please Awpxey, I can’t lose you.” Your eyes had gotten teary again. And that’s when Awpxey realized how serious this was to you.
“Okay Y/n, okay. We’ll figure something out, I promise.” Awpxey pulled you to his chest, brushing your hair back from your face.
“I’m just gonna tell the truth… My mother always told me that the truth sets you free, so I’m gonna say what really happened.” You were dead set on not letting Awpxey lie for you. And he could see that, so he nodded, not wanting to upset you further.
“If that’s what you wanna do Y/n, you can do that. You know your family better than I do, you know their morals and what they believe.” Awpxey still held you, his chin resting on your head.
“We should go now…” You whispered meekly. “Go and get it over with.” There was an apology at the tip of your tongue. But you wanted to hold it, just in case you might really need to say it later.
“Okay, let’s go Y/n.” Awpxey held your hand the whole way. He talked to you and helped you take your mind off things for quite a bit.
You then realized that you were at the point where you would need your ikran to go back to High Camp.
“Awpxey, we need our Ikran now.. To go back.” You had gotten sad at even the thought of returning. You were scared to see how your parents would react.
Awpxey agreed, and had noticed your hesitation, so he placed his hand on your shoulder, rubbing it gently.
When you both had finished calling your ikran, and they had both arrived, you mounted them. Riding back to your home located in the Hallelujah Mountains.
Once you were there, and had landed your ikran, the amount of anxiety and trepidation inside your stomach was unreal.
As you two walked close to where your hut was you had stopped, shaking your head.
“Y/n? What’s wrong?”
“I can’t go in there Awpxey. I can’t go in there. They’re going to be so mad at me, so disappointed I can’t do this. I can’t, I really can’t.” You rambled out, your breath shortening as you panted.
“Y/n. Y/n, you need to focus. Okay? Look at me. Y/n look at me please.” Your eyes flickered to his. “You can do this, okay? Don’t ever say you can’t. Got it?”
“G-got it.” You nodded. “I-I’m going to go now, I want you to stay out here though Awpxey. I don’t.. I don’t want them to act different if you’re in there, okay?”
He nodded immediately, understanding your situation. “I got it Y/n. If anything, absolutely anything happens, come look for me. I’ll most likely be in my hut with my parents, okay?” You smiled.
“Okay Awpxey.” You hugged him, hugged him tight to savor his body warmth because you had no idea if that was going to be your last time seeing him.
“You’re going to be okay Y/n, go. I promise.” Yo nodded, waving goodbye to him before walking towards your hut.
You walked slow, your footsteps light as to not aware anybody in the hut.
When you had finally approached the entrance, walking through it slowly, your chest heavy and your mind hazy you stopped.
All heads turned to you quickly, your parents the first to stand. They rushed towards you, both exclaiming, “Y/n!” As they ran.
Your father grabbed you, turning you around and examining your body for any injuries, he had obviously, found none.
Your mother held your hand, pulling your head to her chest as she cried tears of joy at the fact you had come home, safe, and with no injuries.
“Where have you been ma’ite? We were all so worried for you!”
“I-I’m okay mom, I swear. This is a really, really big misunderstanding.” You held your hands out.
“Misunderstanding?” You dad echoed.
“Yes, misunderstanding. I want to explain you guys what happened first before you ask me anything though, okay?” Your parents nodded, they had beckoned your siblings out, though they protested as they wanted to see you too.
Your parents gave them the promise that they will see you later.
Awpxey watched from afar as he seen all your siblings walk out the hut, incoherent protests leaving their mouths.
Once they were all gone, and your father checked the area to see that they were really gone, you all sat at the table.
As your parents faced you, you fidgeted with your jewelry, scared to even look them in the face.
“Ma’ite? What happened? Why were you gone for so long?” Your mother asked. That’s when you finally looked up.
“I-It’s a little bit of a long story? I’m going to explain everything though.” Your father nodded, giving you his undivided attention.
“Last night, I could not fall asleep.” Your parents began to nod along to your story.
“So, I decided that I would go to the forest, to get my mind off of things.” You internally cringed as you seen your fathers eyes widen.
“I know, I know that it was really, really dangerous to leave with out saying anything and with the fact Sky People are here, I know. I hesitated at first. I was scared to even go. But I followed my gut. I think it was the best decision I ever made actually.” You said with a sheepish smile after your last sentence.
Your parents’ brows furrowed as they shared a look between each other.
“Anyway, while I was out there, about to bother the fan lizards, I had found Awpxey.” The name felt heavy on your tongue, worried about how your father would feel before anybody else.
“We hung out, and then he took me to this really pretty cave that had an open top so we watched the stars.” Your cheeks felt warm as you knew you were leaving some details out.
“We watched the stars and then fell asleep after a while, and when we woke up we washed at the river then came here.” You felt bad for worrying your parents, but at the same time you are so, so glad you left.
“Nothing like that happened either, dad. We only hung out, talked and stargazed. That’s it.” Toy father put his hands up.
“I-I never said anything.” He already looked so guilty, but you know you had put him on the spot.
“I know how you are, I just want to say it to clear any thoughts.”
After about 10 seconds you noticed your mother’s ongoing silence. You peeked up at her nervously, wondering why she hadn’t said anything.
You were shocked to see she had a smile on her face. Did she know?
“I’m glad it was only positive stuff that happened ma’ite, is there anything else you want to say?”
You choked as you remembered the fact Awpxey is now courting you.
“Babygirl?” Your dad asked.
“Uhm.. Yeah. One more thing..” You let out a nervous chuckle.
“Awpxeyaskedtocourtmesoweretechnicallykindofdatingnow!” You rushed out in one breath.
“What?” Your parents said simultaneously.
You took a deep breath. “Awpxey asked to court me. So.. We’re technically kind of dating now…”
Your eyes were shut. And you wanted to keep it that way.
You peeked through one squinted eyelid, just to see your mother holding your fathers head.
Your body slumped in as you stared on in disbelief.
“Sh, sh, sh, it’s okay ma’jake. It’s okay.” Your mother patted his head.
“Wha- Mom. What is even happening right now?” You jumbled out.
You then heard a hiccup. A deep one.
Is your father crying?
“Dad?” You asked worriedly.
When his head lifted to face towards you your heart broke. You had never seen your father cry in your 17 years of living. So to see his tearful face and swollen eyes, knowing you were the reason broke you.
“Dad.” Your eyes watered, hands clenching into fists at your side to try and hold them back.
“Oh babygirl, come here.” You both hugged, he held you close to him, and you cried into his shoulder. Happy to feel the familiar parental love and warm body that used to hold you when you were young.
The sensation had felt so far away at this point. It was heartwarming to feel it again.
Feel it as if you were little all over again.
“I’m sorry dad.” You didn’t know what exactly you were apologizing for, whether it was for making him cry, dating Awpxey or both. But regardless, you knew you had to apologize.
Your mother looked at you both with a smile on her face, an idea flashing in her head.
“You should invite him for dinner.” You and your father turned to look at your mother quickly. Both talking out at the same time.
You look to your father quickly, trying to catch his eye as he avoided looking at you.
“I mean, uh. Yeah, uhm yeah. H-he should come for dinner, yeah.”
Your mother came forward, patting Jake on his shoulder. “You’ll be fine ma’Jake. I think it would be nice, think about it. We can see what he’s really like.”
You nodded, “please dad? He’s super nice, and respectful! He’s like a family man.” You had made sure to add the last comment because you knew it would win your dad over.
You could see the cogs in his brain working as he actually thought about it.
“Hmm.. Okay, okay fine he can come over for dinner.”
You jumped into his arms, knocking him onto his butt on the floor. “Thank you! Thank you, thank you! Thank you dad! I love you!” You kissed his cheeks and hugged him, he smiled as he hugged you back.
“You’re welcome, and I love you too babygirl.”
“Now go, go get him for dinner. Because I will start preparing it soon.” Your mother shooed you, and you left hastily with a new excitement as she was pulling you out the hut.
You walked around for a bit, looking for Awpxey’s hut when you finally noticed his father, Puo outside, hanging loincloths to dry.
You walk up to him speaking quietly as to not abruptly disturb him. “Excuse me, Mr. Relongtai?” He turned around at the call of his name.
“Oh, Y/n. Oel Ngati Kameie.” He said, doing the hand sign’s greeting. “Oel Ngati Kameie.” You greet back.
“What brings you here Y/n?” He asked.
So Awpxey hasn’t said anything to his parents. Good, that’s good. For right now at least.
“I was wondering if I could borrow Awpxey for dinner? My, uhm, my parents invited him over for dinner.” Puo had smiled at you.
“That’s fine with me! I’ll pack him a plate to take so he doesn’t go over there empty handed! Just go look for him inside and tell him to get presentable. Don’t need my son to look ugly if I’m handsome.” He mutters his last sentence sarcastically, chuckling at his own joke.
“If I’m being honest, he has your looks!” You gave a kind smile.
Puo paused, “really?” He asked, patting his cheeks. He smiled before running into the hut, yelling, “Itxä! Itxä! Y/n said Awpxey has my looks! That means I look young right?”
You peeked into the hut, seeing Puo kneeling next to Itxä who was re-braiding her hair.
“Puo! Get away from me! Go hang the clothes like I told you!” She was nudging him away with her elbow, still skillfully braiding her hair.
“But Itxä, you don’t think I’m handsome?” Puo asked with a frown.
“I mean, sometimes. It deducts points when you drool, you know unless-” She was cut off by Puo.
“Okay! Thanks by honey see you later!” He rushed back out the hut.
You finally noticed Awpxey in the corner, cringing at his mother’s innuendo.
“Mom really? Unless? Unless what? You know, don’t even answer I’m okay.” You giggled, a hand covering your mouth.
That had caught Itxä and Awpxey’s attention. Awpxey stood with a smile once he saw you.
“Y/n. Are you okay? Did everything go good?” He approached you, a nervous look in his eye.
You nodded happily, “yeah, everything went good. Really good actually. They want you to come over for dinner.”
Awpxey’s eyes widened. They wanted him to come over?
“R-really?” He was shocked, very shocked.
“Mhm! And I’m sure it’s with good intention! My mother proposed the idea and my father even agreed!” You fiddled with a bracelet on your arm.
“Mrs. Relongtai, is it okay if Awpxey comes over for dinner at my house?” You ask, knowing it would be rude to not even acknowledge her.
“Yes please, don’t even ask! It’s good he goes out. Or just gets out.” She adds quietly.
“What? Mom!” He turned to her, her head facing the wall to not look at him.
“What? I didn’t say anything!” She rolled her eyes. “Make sure you take a plate of food to offer to the Sully’s! Don’t even think you’re going over there empty handed slugging your shoulders.” You laughed, covering your mouth as it accidentally came out to loud.
“Y/n? You’re laughing too?” You placed your hand on his chest, still covering your mouth, shaking your head.
“No, no I was just, uhm..” You mumbled from behind your hand as you tried to think of an excuse.
“You’re hurting my heart Y/n.” Awpxey said walking away, going and packing a plate of what his parents had made for dinner.
“You’ll be fine, and make sure you tell the Sully’s I said hello, Awpxey!” Itxä called from the floor.
“I will, bye mom, love you!” Awpxey said as he started to leave the hut, you in tow.
“Bye, love you too!” She called back. As you walked by his father, he also said his farewells.
“Bye dad, love you.” He said as he intertwined his fingers with yours.
“Bye Awpxey, see you later, correct?” His dad teased. Awpxey pursed his lips in embarrassment.
“Yeah dad see you later.” Awpxey grumbled.
“See you son, love you.” Puo said before turning back around, continuing to hang up clothing items and other pieces.
“Love you too.” Awpxey then pulled you a long with him, walking to your hut.
“Awpxey?” You call for him.
“Hm?” He hums back in response.
“How do you know where I live?” You genuinely question. You weren’t trying to press him on anything personal, you just wanted to know.
“Y/n..” He says, his face was almost in a form of shock. “What?” You respond confused.
“Almost like everybody knows where you live… You’re a royal Y/n, even then, everybody knows where everybody lives. And your hut gets a bit rowdy with your siblings. Though it’s definitely not the biggest household.” You nodded in agreement at his last comment, you always wonder how the Ipexti Family is doing.
And wonder how they even managed 14 kids.
“Yeah that makes a lot of sense. I’m sure my brother kind of just lets everybody know doesn’t he?” You said with a small laugh.
You didn’t notice it, but Awpxey stared at you, looking at your smile, and all the features on your face.
Eywa took her time on her.
He had thought, he shook his head continuing to walk towards your house.
As you got closer, you slowed as you noticed your brother, Lo’ak, standing in the entrance of the hut. His arms crossed over his chest and his foot tapping impatiently on the ground.
“Oh God…” You mumbled as you seen him.
“Is that Lo’ak?” Awpxey asked, his eyes squinting as he smiled.
“Oh my God. Just walk by or something, cover your face so he doesn’t see us.” You muttered as you placed a hand to cover the side of your face.
“Y/n!” A voice suddenly yelled out. You did not turn your head as you knew exactly who it was.
“Y/n Sully!” Lo’ak continued to yell.
Now you see why everyone knows where you live.
You walked even slower towards your home. Awpxey laughed, seeing how you felt embarrassed.
Once you were finally near the entrance, you had noticed Neteyam stand up from the table and stand behind Lo’ak. Once you were in front of Lo’ak, he squinted his eyes to Awpxey.
“And who are you?” Lo’ak sneered at him.
“Lo’ak!” But your call had fallen on deaf ears.
Awpxey opened his mouth to answer, but was silenced when a hand rose up towards his face.
“Save it. I want to know what you’re doing with my sister. And why you’re here, holding her hand.” Lo’ak poked his chest, his eyes trained  solely on Awpxey.
“Lo’ak.” You let out a low warning, Neteyam seemed to notice how serious you gotten. So he reached forward and placed a hand gently around Lo’ak’s elbow.
Awpxey raised his hands in surrender, balancing the covered plate of food in his other.
“I come in no harm. I’m here with your sister for this dinner and to meet your family.” Awpxey explained.
“Meet us for what? Are you trying to mate her?” Lo’ak jabbed his finger back into Awpxey’s chest, and his eyes widened at Lo’aks question, not even the gesture.
That’s when Neteyam pulled Lo’ak back by his elbow, turning him around and pushing him into the hut.
“That’s enough.” He said to Lo’ak, still gripping onto his arm. Lo’ak pulled his arm back, walking to the table and sitting down.
“I apologize for his behavior, he doesn’t usually act like this.” Neteyam said, facing Awpxey with an apologetic smile.
“That’s alright, I can see why he’s upset.” Awpxey smiled.
When Neteyam had finally looked away, you turned to Awpxey, “I’m sorry about him. Don’t let him make you upset he does that to everybody really.”
Awpxey laughed, “it’s okay Y/n, I really don’t have have a problem with it.” He said with a smile.
You nodded, giving a nervous smile back. When you faced back towards the hut, grabbing his hand gently. You were shocked to see how everyone in the hut had a stiff face.
Your mother and father included.
What happened to the happy go lucky moods they had earlier when they told you to invite him?
You sighed, already feeling defeated in some way.
You just hoped he didn’t want to leave you.
Approaching the table, you sat in your usual spot, making sure that there was enough space for Awpxey before looking at everyone.
No one was batting an eyelash at you, everyone was looking at Awpxey. Their faces serious. It shocking to you to see even Tuk staring at him with her face hard from next to you.
She grabbed onto your arm, hugging herself around it and resting her head in your bicep, your hand instinctively coming to the top of her head.
You couldn’t see it, but Tuk smiled to the other side of the table. To your siblings that sat on the other side, expectant.
They must have not taken the news of you bringing a boy home too kindly.
The tension in the air was so thick, and you could see it was working Awpxey’s nerves as he rubbed his hands up and down his thighs.
Though he was the first to break the silence, “I brought a plate of fwampop, I helped my mother make it for dinner. I don’t know if any of you like that, so I apologize if you don’t. I’m sure it should still be warm.” He pulled the wrapping off the top of the plate, showing the seasoned meat, steam elevating as the barrier was released.
“Fwampop is fine.” It was Kiri’s voice who cut into the air next. You noticed her posture and realized how intimidating she actually looked. Her arms crossed over her chest as she looked at Awpxey, the usual warm expression she wears, gone.
“Yeah, thank you.” Tuk said as she leaned forward, making sure to be in his line of sight as her tone wasn’t the most, welcoming.
Your mother gave an expectant look towards your brothers, making them flicker their eyes to each other before looking back at Awpxey.
“Thank you.” It wasn’t exactly rude, but it wasn’t nice either. You’ve never heard them sound so passive aggressive.
“It was very nice of you to bring us something, Awpxey.” Your mother broke her characteristic silence, her voice calming and comforting as she nodded her head Awpxey.
“Now, how about we eat, yeah?” Your dad asked, placing his hand around Neytiri’s waist, pulling her closer.
You all hummed and nodded in agreement.
When you all began to serve yourselves, saying a quick prayer before eating, you took the time to look around. Seeing that the atmosphere had lightened up somewhat, they were making their own conversations. In their own little worlds.
So you took that as an opportunity to talk to Awpxey.
“Hey..” You whisper, bumping his knee with yours. He turns his head, responding in a quiet “hm?” As he finished the food he was chewing.
“You okay?” You continue to whisper, keeping your head as straight as possible while still attempting to look at him.
“Yeah I’m good.” He whispered back, nodding.
“Good.” You nodded, giving him a smile before returning back to your food.
Once you all began to approach the end of your meals, you noticed everybody start to sit up straighter, clearing their throats.
Oh God.. The questions were to start now…
“So Awpxey..” Your father started, Awpxey already had his head up, his eyes and ears focused on your father to catch every word he said.
“What do you do? For the clan?” He finished.
Awpxey cleared his throat, “I am a Warrior.” Your father’s eyes widened for a split moment.
“Warrior?” Awpxey nodded. “Yes sir, I am.”
“How come..” Your father’s eyebrows were furrowed. “How come I’ve never seen you?”
Awpxey smiled, “I guess I’m not that important, or just unnoticeable.” You wrapped your fingers around his, your face scrunching in confusion.
His smile.. He looked so dejected, his eyes having a dog-tired look swirling in his irises.
You didn’t care if anyone at the table got mad at you for showing some type of ‘affection’ towards Awpxey.
Neytiri looked at the both of you, a smile on her face as she noticed the slight movement under the table.
“You work along side your father?” Your dad asked, wanting to change the subject as he as well noticed the expression on Awpxey.
Awpxey nodded, “most of the time, unless we’re assigned apart to different groups.” Your father hummed and nodded.
Neytiri cleared her throat quietly, bringing the attention of everyone to her.
“I made kalin paste. If anybody wants any?”
Everyone around the table quickly nodded. Your mother looked towards Jake, pointing her chin to the pot that held the paste.
“And don’t eat it all while you’re over there.” Your fathers ears twinged purple in embarrassment.
“I won’t..” He muttered, his lips pursed as he walked to the steaming pot.
Minutes later, you all had your own servings of the kalin paste. Lo’ak with the most on his plate.
As you finished up your plate, you took the time to look around at your family.
Neteyam, he was in his own world, Lo’ak, he was still scraping for scraps of the paste on his plate, Kiri, she was fiddling with something in her hands, your parents, who were talking with their hands in front of their face as if they were gossiping like teenagers.
Which they were.
Now on your right, closest to your parents was Awpxey. And you were unprepared when you turned your head to look at him to find him already staring at you.
“Hey..” He whispers, a smile on his face.
“Hi.” You whisper back, the same smile mirroring onto your face.
“Can you tell your mom that her kalin paste is the best I’ve had? It’s really good, please tell her.” You smiled, your hand coming to cover it as you nodded in agreement.
“What are you doing?” As he asked, you hesitated in answering, but you had already decided.
“People Watching.” You say with an embarrassed smile.
“People Watching?” Awpxey echoes curiously. You were relieved when you didn’t hear any type of disgust or disappointment in his tone or face. He was genuinely curious.
“It’s where you kind of just, uhm, you know. Watch people? But it’s not that simple. You- you mostly actually observe them. And think, think a lot about what they’re like, or what they can be like. What they could be like. You evaluate them, study, but on a emotional and physical note? When you People Watch, you aren’t supposed to judge, because all it is, is an observation, and thinking.” As you end your rambling, you bring a hand to your mouth and squeeze it tightly, not even for a second.
It was an unfortunate habit you developed young when you realized you talked to much.
Awpxey noticed, and in an attempt to distract you, he grabbed your hand gently. Intertwining your fingers together.
“That’s really cool.” He squeezes your hand, a toothy smile adorning his lips.
“You think so?” Your eyes search his, looking for any type of sign that could show he’s lying.
“Of course! How long have you been doing this?”
“My whole life. It’s actually like a hereditary thing. Mostly between the females in my family. My grandma, her mom, my mom, my late aunt, my sisters do it too, only sometimes. And my brothers.” You roll your eyes at the me ruin of your brothers, thinking of mostly Lo’ak. He stares at people. Little weirdo.
You hoped, hoped that this genetic trait didn’t scare him away and make you look even more like the weirdo you are.
It doesn’t, it really doesn’t.
All these little things you tell him, these details. He eats it all up, saving it to his memories and saving it to learn more about it later.
He was planning to try and do this “People Watching” trick when he got home, or when his stomach wasn’t as full.
Maybe he could try it with his parents? His friends while they train, or just strangers around the clan.
Though nobody in this clan is really a stranger.
“I wanna try it,” he frowned. You laughed, “why are you frowning? You could try it now if you want? With my parents and siblings? But you might be too tired, kalin paste is heavy on the stomach.” He nodded in agreement.
“Can I do it tomorrow? I really wanna try it.” He slouched.
You smiled, “you can do it tomorrow. I think you’ll enjoy it.”
Awpxey smiled, looking at yours. His eyes trailed your face, looking at your lips.
It was as if his surroundings melted, Awpxey was stuck in a white space with just you. His hand squeezed yours tighter, eyes moving across your face in a triangular motion.
When he began to raise his hand to try and caress your chin, everything rushed back to him.
He’s still in your family’s hut, still sitting at your dining table, still with your family.
“Oh, uhm.” He stumbled, his hand slowly coming back down, lightly slapping against his lap.
You let out a small chuckle, wondering what was going through Awpxey’s head at this exact moment.
“Awpxey?” You mutter quietly, a small giggle escaping your mouth as you see him come back to reality, blinking a bit too hard.
“S-sorry Y/n..” He stuttered, you began to nod in response, opening your mouth to say something before something brushed against your back, skin brushed against your back.
You turn your head to look behind you, only to be met with a swaying Tuk, a drowsy weighed-down look on her face.
“Tuk?” Your sister took your attention from Awpxey. Though he had no problem with that with how questionable Tuk’s state was.
“Is she okay?” But Awpxey’s voice only echoed in the back of your mind, right now, the only thing you can think of is Tuk.
“Tuk? Tuk what happened?” You grasped her cheeks in your hands, turning her face towards you. You could tell she was mumbling something, but you could not see what.
“What are you saying Tuk? What happened?”
“A-ate to much… Ate to much kalin paste.. Stomach hurts and I’m very tired…” She mumbled.
You felt a bit relieved as you realized it wasn’t anything serious, but the fact she was in pain made you sad.
“Okay then Tuk,” you laugh. “I’ll go put you to bed, okay?”
All Tuk was able to offer back was a simple nod.
You stood up, scooping Tuk up in a bridal style. She was obviously very, very tired by the way she snuggled her head closer to your chest, curling up in your arms.
When you reached the sleeping mats, you placed Tuk on her respective mat, tucking her in, saying a quick prayer before you placed a kiss on her forehead and left.
When you arrived back at the table, your parents had asked you what happened with Tuk, which you explained.
“She ate to much kalin paste and got dizzy? But she was swaying and said her stomach hurt, oh, and that she was tired. So I just put her to bed.”
Your mother smiles and nodded in appreciation, you always made things a bit easier for her around the house.
You loved helping out, it would make you feel complete when you were always able to help people.
Awpxey watched you, he watched quietly as he seen you walk back to the table, an empty spot now behind you where Tuk was previously sat.
“Sorry about that. I just get really worried about my siblings.” You rub your hand against your forearm embarrassingly, not noticing Awpxey’s smile.
“Don’t apologize for it, it’s okay.” He messed with his loincloth. You smile, flashing a tired smile.
Awpxey had noticed, seeing the small bags under your eyes. “Hey, do you want me to go now? You look pretty tired.” Your eyes flicker to his, now at the fact it was pointed out, you started to feel sluggish. Your eyes struggling to keep themselves open as the kalin paste started to push down on your stomach.
“You know what? Now that you said that, I actually feel super tired.” You rub your eye, holding back a yawn in your throat. Awpxey smiled at you, “I’ll tell your parents.”
He turned towards your parents, who were still in their conversation, trying to find a part to speak to them without interrupting.
“Excuse me Mr. and Mrs. Sully?” Your parents stop, looking towards Awpxey, “yeah honey?” Neytiri says with a smile.
“I’m going to be heading home now, Y/n’s very tired and I don’t want to hold your family up any longer.” Neytiri and Jake both smiled, nodding their heads toward Awpxey.
“Okay Awpxey, be careful and make it home safe, okay?” Your mom said. Awpxey nodded, “I will Mrs. Sully! Thank you for having me for dinner, it was very good, and your kalin paste is the best!” Neytiri and Jake laughed together, your father nodding in agreement.
You smiled, getting up to walk Awpxey to the entrance of the hut. But what you didn’t know was that Kiri had also gotten up, following you both out the hut.
Right when you were about to wish Awpxey a goodnight and send him off, your sister, Kiri had rounded the corner coming to a stop at your side.
“Kiri? Is something wrong?” Your sister shook her head, looking forward to Awpxey.
“I wanted to bring him this, here you go Awpxey.” Your sister pushed an object into Awpxey’s hand.
Awpxey looked down at it, holding and feeling the smoothed surface of the object, not being able to tell what it was straight away.
“It’s a Lepidolite, a peace stone, it brings good luck. I’m giving it to you now that you are in a relationship with my sister, so you are both stable enough to take care of each other.” Kiri said with a sincere nod. Awpxey smiled, “thank you Kiri. That’s very thoughtful of you.”
You watched with smile, seeing how Awpxey fidgeted with the polished surface of the lilac-gray crystal.
“Goodnight guys, see you in the morning Y/n.” Kiri waved the both of goodbye, walking back into the hut and heading towards the sleeping mats.
You waved her goodbye, turning back towards Awpxey, feeling shy.
“Too quiet to say goodnight to me now too?” Awpxey teased as he leaned down to your face, trying to catch your eyes.
You giggled, “be quiet Awpxey.” Your cheeks burning as you smiled hard.
You turned your head up in his direction, smiling as you tried to hold back a laugh and make eye contact with him.
“Goodnight Awpxey, get a good nights rest, okay?” He nodded, reciprocating. “You too Y/n, sleep well..”
You both stood in a small silence, it was comfortable and not awkward. Awpxey was the one who made the initiating move and leaned forward, planting a small kiss on your lips.
You were quick to kiss him back, making sure not to leave his lips stranded for too long.
When you both parted, a small ‘smooch’ sound indicating that your lips separated, you stood with your hands clasped together behind your back.
“Goodnight Y/n.”
“Goodnight Awpxey.”
After finally saying goodnight, Awpxey walked back home, smiling all the way back to his hut. Happy to see his parents together in their sleeping mat.
When you were done recollecting yourself outside of your hut, you walked back inside. Shocked to find all the plates put away, hanging to dry.
When you walked toward the family room, looking to see where everyone went. You were not shocked to see everybody already asleep, tangled in their own bedrolls.
You were happy to see your parents together in their sleeping mat.
Getting into your mat and tucking yourself in, you reflected on your day. Thinking about how it was a really good day and how your family accepted Awpxey.
You yawned, turning on your left side as your eyes began to shut due to your tiredness.
Warmly, you let your body succumb to the drowsiness you felt.
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Oh my gosh you guys. This is longggg… I feel like almost all of my stories are long, maybe to long. Because I just write when I have the time and I don’t have like an active word count, so i just write. I apologize if it’s to much for you! Also I just want to mention @creamboba ! I didn’t know if you wanted to be tagged, I’m sorry if you didn’t! Oh my gosh please excuse any spelling mistakes I try my best to proof read but I get tired you guys. But anyway, thank you for reading 🤍!
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i-yap · 4 months
Hi Lovely,
I don’t know if your requests are open but I thought I’d try my luck. My cat died today and I’m really upset, I was hoping you could do hurt/comfort hcs with Jason (and maybe platonic Damian as he’s the big animal lover)?
Thank you x
Hey im so sorry for your loss man. even the dog in my dp has now passed away and he was my baby and I get how painful it is. I still miss him everyday and refuse to have any account picture without him . Just really take the time to heal and don't let any idiot tell you that yourent supposed to feel sad about a pet passing because honestly I loved my pet more than my brother and I'm sure that cat was loved and lived a great life.
Also my requests are always open I love writing them
Jason Todd x reader x platonic damian- When your cat dies
comfort, angst
It was expected almost, they were just so old and the visits to the vet had become more frequent. It seemed like they was in pain, and that hurt you so much that you wondered if maybe it was for the best. But your heart didn't let you accept that, they were your baby and you cant just accept loosing them like that.
So there you sat , on the sofa, clutching Jason while you sobbed. He sat silently, holding you to him firmly. He had already texted Bruce / militia saying he wont be In that night or as longs as you needed.
Jason isnt the best at comforting words , but there are no words to be said. What jason is good at though is validating your feelings. Even though he has limited interactions with your cat, he could see how deeply you cared for it.
So when your tears start to dry and you pull away from his chest he gently rubs away the remaining tears. He picks you up and carries you to the kitchen counter. Sets a pot of boiling water to make your favorite noodles/ tea depending on when you last ate. He then walks to the freezer and holds an ice pack in his hands . After a couple second he places his cold hands on your poofy tear stained cheeks .
"Im sorry to have burdened you, you dont cry when you've been shot and here I am crying over some cat . You don't have to stay, you must think Im so weak" you say softly feelings the tears starting to well up from the gentle way jason's treating you.
" No No I will hear none of that. How dare you think you are weak. I admit I don't know how to comfort you ..i never really got attached to a lot of things. But I love this about you, the way you love so much and so unconditionally. And the way you hurt for someone ..that's the real show of love. If the roles were switched, would you think I'm a burden? no right? So why would you assume I would? i want to be here for you, whatever you need whenever you need."
" you are doing really well so far"
the doorbell rings and Jason goes to open it.
"Shut it todd, I'm here to see y/n."
"And why should I let you see her?"
"Because I know her cat died and I know you are incapable of comforting her since you have never felt an ounce of love for anything"
"I LOVE Y/N?? ALSO HOW WOULD YOU KNOW THAT- wait you hacked something didn't you?"
"Bruce informed me you would be staying in tonight andI have trackers placed on you and y/n and saw you driving to and from the vet , also Y/n hadn't logged into her work account. Even you would have been able to deduce that y/n needs me right now" says Damian matter of factly.
"dont be rude todd, let dami in" you say getting off the kitchen counter. You go over to shake dami's hand but he pulls you into a hug. You and todd exchange confused glances.
" I apologize for your loss y/n, if anything happened to my pets I would stab todd and then burn down a civilization" Dami's voice muffled from your clothes.
"because you probably had something to do with it, You are very affection hungry when it comes to y/n"
"WHA-" "I agree with dami" "WHa-is that a backpack Demon spawn?"
"Yes , i will be spending the night here watching some "feel-good movies as she says it with y/n, I cant leave her in the hands of a barbarian now can I"
"I WAS TAKING CARE OF HER JUST FINE" shouts jason mock angrily, after all he understands how Damian and Y/n share a bond when it comes to their pets.
"Be happy I didnt tell the rest of the bats todd" " thank god for that"
You pull Dami in and fall asleep cuddled between your two amazing and caring boys, knowing that your cat was loved and spent their last moments knowing there were people in this world who will cry once they leave.
I hope this was okay , there weren't A lot of headcanons ..
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i-heart-hxh · 4 months
hello! i have a question, but i dont quite know how to word it….
i like listening to people’s thoughts on hxh, because sometimes its difficult to collect my own thoughts and hearing others articulate it helps me form my own analysis. usually it clears up confusions on narrative choices, however this thing still confuses me because ive seen lots of meta which sometimes conflict with each other or infos from the show. maybe i missed something?
i dont want to link anybody because i dont want to “call them out” but its a frequent opinion ive come across, so not one person. but what i hear sometimes goes along the lines of: gon vowed to sacrifice everything to defeat pitou -> killua arrives -> despite going through with his jajanken, killua’s presence causes gon to realize he doesnt actually want at all to sacrifice everything and the vow is broken (causing him to lose his nen when he recovers from the physical toll)
i really love this reading. the scene where gon turns to killua right before the screen goes white has always been impactful and seemed important to me for reasons i cant explain. but i’m reluctant to adopt it because the way i understood the nen vow was that it was actually a condition—that gon would only use this power to kill pitou, and then per the “rules” he would lose everything as equivalent exchange when pitou was defeated. and that the reason why his nen was lost was because nanika healed him as he was—which was nen-lost. but the show mentions vows and conditions in conjunction so much sometimes the difference gets muddled in my brain, so i suppose im confused about that as well.
i guess im just asking your thoughts on killua and gon’s love for him potentially being the thing to cause gon’s vow/condition to break. i think its a really sweet idea but im not sure if the mechanics of what exactly gon did to kill pitou support it
sorry for the long ask. please have a nice day!!!!!
Hello! Great question!
So, my way of understanding it is that Gon traded all of his nen potential (meaning all of his nen he had at that time and all of the nen he would have ever had in the future) in order to achieve his adult form and have enough power to kill Pitou. By the time he had achieved that form, he was already doomed to have no nen once he used up the massive but finite amount he had, which was his whole lifetime worth. Like taking out a loan on the full amount of money you'll ever make in your lifetime and then burning it all, but more abstract because it's not money.
It very well may have killed him as well, if not for Killua arriving. Think of the cost to his body to unnaturally achieve that form and use that much nen, which is what Killua recoils at realizing when he sees Gon in that form. I'm sure this is why he ended up as such a withered husk afterwards.
Killua showing up definitely saved him, however, both because he helped him dodge Pitou's Terpsichora and in a more far-reaching emotional sense as well. I think when Killua arrived and called his name that final time, it made Gon realize that he wasn't just giving up his own future--he was giving up his future with Killua as well, and by giving up his life it was going to destroy Killua and leave him alone. Gon had steeled himself to die prior to this, but looking back at Killua's face, his expression entirely changes, softens. As a result, I think Gon holds back a bit with his final Rock and preserves himself just enough to keep his body going. Then Nanika heals Gon's body, but this doesn't undo the nen contract he made--even though his body fully recovers, he did still give up all his nen potential, after all.
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(I'm very sorry for posting these pages, know that it breaks my heart to look at them.)
So, the way I see the scene, it's less about the mechanics of it, as that's relatively straightforward. Gon losing his nen was already set when he decided he wanted to give it all up in order to be strong enough to defeat Pitou. It's more about how Killua reaching Gon impacted him emotionally and made him hold back to the degree he could at the very end. Because at that final moment Killua was able to reach him at last--by saying his name, an echo of other scenes in the arc with Meruem and Komugi.
I absolutely think the intent of that scene is that Killua has become Gon's light and saved him--by showing Gon that he wasn't alone, that there was someone else worth living for, that Killua cares about him and doesn't want to lose him. Gon lost sight of that previously amid his trauma and guilt, but in that final moment, he truly sees Killua's horror and pain at what he's doing, and Gon realizes he doesn't want to leave Killua behind forever. Gon manages to barely survive as a result.
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bbrissonn · 9 months
𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐮 - 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐫 𝐳𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐬 (𝟕)
╰┈➤ after almost two months of silence on the internet between the two, alanna joins the ducks for their trip to New York
╰┈➤ pairing: trevor zegras x ex!singer!girlfriend
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-DECEMBER 12TH, 2023-
: ̗̀➛ alannaoregon has posted on instagram
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liked by trevorzegras and 2.4M others
alannaoregon oh how i missed you nyc
view all 9,279 comments
becky.rivera i never wanna leave
alannaoregon @/becky.rivera you look amazing girl
alannaoregon @/jackhughes i told lukie, he said he was gonna tell you... jackhughes @/alannaoregon @/lhughes_06 WHATS THIS ABOUT lhughes_06 @/jackhughes i found out last night and you were sleeping, relax dude jackhughes @/lhughes_06 it's been almost 20 hours... lhughes_06 @/jackhughes oops?
user729 miss girl just happens to be in new york when the ducks are too... intersting
alannaoregon @/user729 very interesting indeed user928 @/alannaoregon stop teasing us girly
trevorzegras nice photographer you got
alannaoregon @/trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale the best ever jamie.drysdale @/alannaoregon i wouldn't say ever... but if you insist trevorzegras @/alannaoregon ...
user1829 @/user201 IT'S SO CONFUSING THOUGHT??? LIKE DID TREV OR JAMIE TAKE THE PICS??? alannaoregon @/user1829 it was a bird that i feed bread to in exchange for pictures
user192 so are we just gonna ignore that last pic or..?
user6210 @/user192 im guessing the guy in blue is trev, and this is the pic that jamie took
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: ̗̀➛ trevorzegras has posted on instagram
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liked by lhughes_06, becky.rivera and others
trevorzegras always fun being home
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jackhughes no photo creds?
jamie.drysdale @/jackhughes bc he used my pics dude masonmctavish23 @/jamie.drysdale actually they're mine becky.rivera @/masonmctavish23 you guys can't take pictures to save your lives they're both MINE
user618 @/user927 IT'S FOR SURE LANNY THEN
colecaufield thanks for the invite dude
alannaoregon @/colecaufield ur too busy winning player of the month trophies, you would never make it here in time coley colecaufield @/alannaoregon an invite would've still be appreciated :( alannaoregon @/colecaufield sorry bubs, i'll come visit soon :D
user0182 the way they're not even trying to hid it anymore
user916 @/user0182 they act so clueless when we can all tell they're back together it's so funny
alannaoregon 🦆
trevorzegras @/alannaoregon 🎸
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-DECEMBER 13TH, 2023-
: ̗̀➛ alannaoregon has uploaded a story
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: ̗̀➛ replies
trevorzegras wearing the right orange too
user829 girly we know you know that we know
jackhughes ur mans didn't even play
taglist <3 @lxnceclercs @aliaology
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