#im taking a brief break from writing this next week or so to focus on other life stuff but im excited to get back to it
konan-supernova · 1 year
ur batfam twitter shenanigans series on ao3 is perfect and hits all the right spots for social media fics for me! amazing
thank you so much!! im glad you're enjoying it, it's been super fun for me to write. i usually go for angst/whumptober, so it's been a really fun experience to try crack/comedy for the first time in awhile. i didn't plan for it to be a series at first, but i just had so many ideas and i keep getting new ones. safe to say i'll be messing around in that universe for awhile lol
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fruitcoops · 3 years
I absolutely love your fics!!! Thank you for sharing your talent with the world. If you're interested, do you think you could write a fic where Finn gets injured in a game against Tampa? O'Hara brothers ftw ♥️♥️♥️
Ohohohoho yes. It's 'missing your big brother so you write siblings' hours, and all of you are trapped in here with me. Combined with prompts for cubs hurt comfort/ poly love (@hi-im-phoenix) and distraction hurt/ comfort for AJ. Sorry about your manager <3 SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for bone inJuries
The crowd was roaring. Finn couldn’t catch his breath. His arm was on fire.
Something like a sob broke free in his chest, but he could do little more than hiccup in pain and fear from his place laying flat on his back atop the unforgiving ice. He couldn’t move his fingers. His elbow throbbed. Everything in between just hurt.
“—fuck is wrong with you?” an angry voice shouted, followed by a flash of blue and white shoving at the man whose late hit had left him suspended in shock. Finn didn’t know if it had been on purpose, but he didn’t really care anymore as a tear tracked down to his ear. He couldn’t pull his eyes away from the bright lights overhead.
A hand cradled one side of his jaw, warm and clammy on his cold skin. “Talk to me, mon amour, what’s wrong?”
“Lo,” he croaked, swallowing hard. “I’m okay. ‘m okay, promise. I’m okay.”
“Out of my way!” The blue and white blob pushed closer before kneeling next to him. A helmet hit the ice, followed by a glove; heavy hands settled on his shoulders, and the one on his face disappeared. “Finn? Finn, look at me.”
Finn’s chest hitched once, twice, hard. His head was pounding, and everything hurt. He may have been able to reassure Logan, but he had never been able to hide from his brother. “Alex.”
“Hey, buddy,” he soothed as Finn finally regained enough breath to gasp around his tears. “No, no, shhh. You’re gonna be just fine, yeah? Can you tell me what happened?”
“Hurts,” he choked out, squeezing his eyes shut. The pain had reached his shoulder and every movement was agony. “It hurts, it hurts—Alex, it hurts.”
“What hurts?”
He could hear people calling for medics. His friends, his family. But Alex stayed right there next to him, holding his good hand and brushing his tears away. “My arm,” Finn said, feeling as pathetic as he ever had. “Alex, it hurts so bad.”
“Can you wiggle your fingers for me?” Finn sobbed again as he shook his head and saw the encouraging smile slide of Alex’s face. “That’s alright, buddy, just take some deep breaths.”
“I don’t wanna be out,” Finn blubbered. “I gotta play.”
Alex gave his hand a light squeeze. “It’s not that bad, Fish. Deep breaths.”
He managed a handful—and admittedly felt a little better—but the alarms in his head were still blaring when Remus arrived with the medic, all but carrying him across the ice to get to Finn. He had a smudge of a bruise beneath his eye, but the worry creasing his brow overtook anything else. “I’m good, Loops,” Finn panted as the medic sat next to him. “Totally cool.”
“28, I’m going to need you to make some room,” the medic ordered. Fear spiked in Finn’s heart when he met Alex’s gaze, but he found only determination looking back.
“I’m not leaving,” Alex said simply.
The medic glanced down. “Can you stand?”
“I think so?” Finn said hesitantly, trying to get cool air back into his lungs. “It’s—I think I broke my arm. Everything else is okay.”
“What’s your pain level?”
“Eight. And a half,” he added. Alex frowned.
“Let’s get you off this ice, yeah?” The medic patted him gently on the shoulder. “O’Hara, can you get him up?”
“Keep that one close,” Alex murmured, sliding his arm under Finn’s shoulders. He clenched his teeth around a cry of pain as his bad arm was jostled, but Alex was strong and steady, and within a few seconds he was on his feet. “Easy does it, bud. I’ve got you.”
“Fucking shit,” Finn wheezed as he tried to close his hand. The fear and adrenaline had faded, but involuntary tears sprang to his eyes anyway. Alex held him upright without faltering despite his wobbly legs; they made it to the bench in a blur of movement that made Finn dizzy.
“We can take him from here,” the medic said to Alex.
“I’ll be fine,” Finn said, cutting him off just as he opened his mouth. “Go play. Your boys need you.”
Alex pressed his lips together in obvious frustration, but tapped their helmets together and skated back to his own bench. Finn let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes for a moment. “O’Hara?”
“I’m good,” he assured the medic.
“If you feel like you need to throw up, let me know.”
“No. No, I’m good. Just hurts.”
He caught a glimpse of the clock as they headed down the tunnel—ten minutes left in the period. Finn steeled himself for a long stretch of being alone in a medical room and tried to focus on something over than the unbearable heat and throbbing in his arm.
Leo traced the edge of the splint with a deep-set frown, but said nothing. His other thumb ran in gentle lines up and down Finn’s waist, kept there by Logan’s side pressing close. “You’re sure you’re alright?” Logan asked softly as he placed a kiss on the corner of Finn’s mouth.
“I promise.” They had barely traded ten words—both had shown up the second the game ended, stripping off their pads and skates in the entrance to the medical room before sandwiching Finn between them. Leo had been unusually quiet. They had won the game; from what Finn saw on the television in the corner of the room, Alex had reamed out the guy that hit Finn with a vengeance. Tampa had been disjointed, and the Lions swept in as a cohesive pack, out for blood.
“I was worried about you,” Leo said at last, resting his temple on Finn’s shoulder. He sighed, then shifted impossibly closer. “Couldn’t get through the crowd.”
“I thought Talker and Loops were gonna kill that guy after he hit you,” Logan said with a shake of his head. “Looks like Alex did it for him.”
“What, you didn’t get into your shining armor for me?” Finn teased, nuzzling his nose against Logan’s cheek to draw even a slight smile from him.
“Maybe next time.”
“No,” Leo mumbled, linking his fingers with Finn’s purple ones and lifting them to his lips for a brief kiss. It was a clean break, but would still take weeks to heal. Big blue eyes landed on him, melting his heart like they always did. “No ‘next times’, okay?”
“Aw, Knutty,” Finn said, barely above a whisper. He wrapped one arm around each of them and held them tight, soaking in the feeling of having both crushed against him. “I’m sorry I worried you.”
Logan tucked his face into Finn’s neck. “Nothing to be sorry for, mon rouge. We’re just glad you’re alright.”
“Sorry to interrupt,” a voice said from the door. Alex shifted his weight back and forth, twisting his baseball cap in his hands like he always did when he was nervous. Finn didn’t hesitate before extracting himself from the cuddle pile and crossing the room; Alex met him halfway and engulfed him in a hug. A shudder ran through him under Finn’s palms. “Jesus, Finn, you scared the hell out of me.”
“Sorry,” Finn mumbled into his hoodie, letting himself be cocooned by distilled safety. Even out of his skates, Alex had a good two inches on him, and he had always been the broader of the two—Finn suddenly felt about six years old, as if he had just skinned his knee on the sidewalk.
“What’s the diagnosis?”
“Closed break, clean fracture. I’ll be out for a month or two.” He stepped back and swiped a hand under his nose, then tilted his head toward Leo and Logan with a wry smile. “But I’ve got these two to look after me.”
Alex scanned his face for a moment; his mouth dipped on one side. “I called mom and dad, told ‘em you’re okay. You should tell them yourself, though. They were freaking out.”
“I will,” Finn promised.
The worry creasing his brow didn’t diminish as he wrapped Finn in his arms again, holding him tight. “Keep me updated, yeah? If I don’t hear from you, I’ll get the captain on your ass, and he won’t be as nice about it as I will.”
“Knutty, Lo, drive safe. If he tries to pull some stupid shit, I’m counting on your survival skills to stop it.”
“Survival skills?” Leo half-laughed.
Alex pulled away and raised his eyebrows. “They don’t call me Hurricane O’Hara for nothing.”
His eyes flickered back to Finn, who was horrified to see slight redness around the rims despite the teasing in his voice. “Alex,” he said softly. “I’m okay, I swear.”
“I know.” His voice was gruff, but it poorly hid a sniffle as he bumped their foreheads together. “But I’m your brother. It’s my job to worry about you. I hate that one of my guys was at fault here.”
Finn tried for a smile, socking him on the arm. “Six weeks, and I’ll be good as new.”
“I’ll hold you to that.” With a final survey of his face and a kiss to the top of his head, Alex headed back out into the hall with his shoulders up near his ears. Finn sighed; he hated it when Alex was upset, and even more when there was nothing he could do to fix it except wait. He didn’t know what he’d do if one of his teammates broke his brother.
“Fish?” Leo was smiling when he turned around. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”
“What kind?”
“The kind where I pull out all the sob story pity points on Cap’s soft heart and get us babysitting privileges for his incredibly fluffy dog after three months of constant begging.”
Finn’s eyes widened. “You’re kidding.”
“Make sure you look extra sad when we leave,” Logan advised. “We can’t lose this opportunity because you were too perky about a broken arm.”
“Quick, someone make me cry.”
Leo’s grin turned to horror. “What?”
“No!” Logan said at the same time.
“You guys are killing me here,” Finn groaned. “Just, like, hit me in the arm or something.”
“No!” they shouted in unison.
“You said I need to look sad!”
“I meant pout and sigh!” Logan pulled him over by the hem of his shirt in clear distress. “You’ve already cried too much tonight. No more.”
“Alright,” Finn agreed, already wracking his brain for any smidgen of drama skills he might have acquired over the years. Younger siblings were always the best actors, of course—he had given some Oscar-worthy performances to his mom when Alex got on his nerves as a kid—but Sirius was tough to fool. Maybe if he stayed quiet and didn’t risk opening his mouth they would get away with it.
Leo let out a slow exhale against his chest and snuggled closer before standing. “Come on, darlin,” he said with a kiss to Finn’s forehead. “Let’s get you settled. We’ll take a shower, have some dinner, and then we can put a movie on.”
“Mighty Ducks?” Finn asked hopefully.
Logan rolled his eyes. “Of course.”
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peaches-writes · 4 years
off season
description: student athletes need to look out for each other—well, at least seungmin needs to look out for your clumsy ass most of the time member: seungmin genre: fluff, sports au, best friends to lovers au, slice of life au, summer au, a side of college au (but like the ugly ass summer classes aspect of college life), implied fem reader  word count: 11.3k warning: explicit language, blood, injuries, extreme sports, a very poor attempt at writing sports, seungmin worries the entire time for good reason  note: a bunch of stuff put together it’s not rlly good sldkfsk like it was getting too lengthy i had to like haphazardly end it somehow + the one time you see me write a sports-themed fic & it’s not abt the actual sports i play lmao + also hi @t-toodumbtocare​ u told me to tag u so here we are
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one - saturday
Amidst preparations for your incoming senior thesis, choosing your course specialization, clubs, and training, Kim Seungmin rushed getting his driver’s license before the end of your 3rd year’s 2nd semester for the sole purpose of driving you around the city this summer and you’re quite sure that that’s love. Though he disapproves of your specific choice of escapade that has you running around Seoul in circles in the first place, your best friend still made sure to pass his driving classes a whole month before the previous semester ended and with flying colors so he can “look after you” as he would put it. It definitely is love—simultaneously a heartwarming and annoying one at that. 
“I can take care of myself, I’m an adult,” You feign a frown at him stubbornly for the third time this month, sliding in the front seat of his navy Subaru anyway and placing your gym bag in front of your feet. You then busy yourself with taking your roller skates out, switching them out with your old Converse. “and it’s not like I don’t know how to commute.”
But, just as you’ve had this conversation every time he picks you up from your dorm on Saturday evenings, Seungmin only dismisses your argument and replies, “Yeah, and you know transport is not the main reason why I chaperone.” From the corner of your eye, you then see him expertly shifting the gears and turning the steering wheel, driving the car to the campus’ South gate, his serious expression unwavering and making you stifle a giggle. “You could get seriously hurt playing. Your mom will kill me and your coach will kill you for that.” 
“But I haven’t yet.” You counter with a slight teasing in your tone, pretending to ignore his last comment. You don’t even repeat this argument every week in the hopes of changing Seungmin’s mind at this point; after almost two months of the same starting conversation between the two of you, you just press his buttons now for fun. Undeniably, it’s funny seeing him get visibly riled up. “I’ve been playing derby for two months and the most I’ve gotten is a severely bloody nose. It’s nothing I can’t handle—“
“Yet.” He scoffs now in frustration before turning right to the main highway, well-aware of what you’re doing but letting himself get stressed anyway. “Even athletes get seriously hurt in the field, Y/N, we both know that.” 
You only nod with a hum, twisting your body to Seungmin’s direction and poking his side. “I know, Minnie.” You assure, softer now as you finally let out the chuckle you’ve been holding. “Now relax, loosen up a bit! You know I’m just messing with you!” 
“I know and it’s getting a bit concerning.” He rolls his eyes, finally relaxing his shoulders a bit and sighing in disbelief before swiftly swatting your hand away from his waist. “You talk like you’re not training for next year’s Championships.”
“Ah, but it’s because training isn’t as strict yet, at least with mine.” You shrug, sitting up properly in your seat as you take this opportunity to change the topic. “How’s your training, by the way? I barely saw you this week. Is Jeno giving you a hard time as co-capt.?” 
You sink in your seat and look up at Seungmin expectantly after, smiling unconsciously when he doesn’t respond immediately to focus on driving, giving you a brief moment to admire his focused expression. “Training’s okay.” He eventually replies, quirking an eyebrow when he briefly glances at you over his shoulder and catches you staring. “Surprisingly, Jeno’s chill with being co-capt. We’re getting along.”
“’Chill,’ you mean lazy like you.” You scoff playfully. “Why have you been too busy to hang out this week, then?” 
“Practicing my driving so I don’t accidentally kill you first before roller skating could.” He answers dryly, making you roll your eyes. “That and Mr. Im’s giving too much papers for an intersession class.”
“Right, summer classes. So responsible.” You scrunch up your nose. “Aren’t you tired? Training, summer classes, driving me on Saturdays, not to mention we’re going to be seniors after the break...”
When you don’t speak after trailing off, you see him shaking his head. “A bit, but driving you around is relaxing.” He corrects casually, missing the way he catches you off-guard. “It helps me think and, like I’ve said before, I get to look after you so, seriously, don’t try sneaking around me and commuting on your own or I’ll start panicking.” 
Now, that is new to your Saturday conversation starter. 
“Really now?” You raise your own eyebrow, trying your best to not sound too surprised. “So you don’t hate this as much as you make it seem like?”
“I didn’t say that.” Though visibly caught off-guard too, he shakes his head as seriously as he can look, not even sparing you a glance this time as he makes another turn. “But making sure you’re alive is kind of part of the best friend job.” He explains after, making you laugh. “And driving—driving’s always fun.”
“Sure, sure.” You smile as you try playing it off coolly, looking down on your hands as heat rises up your neck. “Whatever you say, Minnie.”
You first got into roller derby through Yuna, a freshman in your university and a fellow figure skater who began training alongside you during the 1st semester of your 3rd year. Sometime almost two months ago, one of her derby team members, Yeji, had to cancel a few days prior to an important game to attend to her personal matters and so she immediately turned to you as a possible substitute, noting your figure skating skills and how you’re already familiar with the sport from occasionally watching her. Naturally, with your adventurous streak, curiosity got the best of you when presented with the offer and, especially after winning the game, you’ve been hooked ever since; meeting up with her and the rest of the all-girls team almost every Friday and Saturday at the warehouse on the way to Incheon where the games are usually held. 
So naturally, she always makes sure to meet you at the entrance of the venue, especially now that she’s not training with you for the summer to focus on her own summer classes and a part-time job. 
“Finally, you’re here! I missed you!” She hurriedly waves at Seungmin before throwing an arm around your shoulder in a side hug. “How have you two been, lovebirds?”
“Ya, Minnie and I aren’t like that.” You roll your eyes as you briefly hug her back by her waist, careful of her arm injury from two Saturdays ago while expertly hiding the heat flaming your cheeks. With this gesture, you almost miss the way Seungmin’s lips frown every so slightly in front of you, if it’s because of the nickname or your reaction to it, you dare not to ask for fear of further embarrassment. “And I’ve been well, Coach Park isn’t going beast mode on me yet. Seungmin here’s been busy, though.”
“Oh, right! I heard from Jeno that your first game’s in 2 weeks already.” Yena then turns to your best friend expectantly. “How’s training? The game’s on a Saturday, right?”
“It’s...fine,” Seungmin answers slowly with a hum, almost as if he’s hesitant on what word to use. You then see him narrow his eyes at you when he sees the mischievous glint in your eyes at the familiar question. “...chill, actually.”
“Chill as in lazy.” And as expected, you chime in the same words you commented on the car ride to the venue, making Yuna throw her head back in laughter. “You know how our friends are.” 
“As expected of Seungmin and Jeno together, I guess.” She nods in confirmation between laughs, making Seungmin groan in defeat even more. “How do boys in team sports even do it? Train, I mean?” 
You shrug in response, giggling at Seungmin’s annoyed expression directed mostly to you. “Guess we’ll have to see in two weeks, right? Are you free on that weekend?”
“Yeah, intersession’s been hectic, but I’ll try and clear my schedule!”  
“Oh coo—!” But before you could even comment more on a possible hangout with Yuna, Seungmin is already directing the three of you inside the warehouse impatiently. “Ya!” 
“Yeah, yeah, finish your game tonight first then I’ll think about letting you in mine. Aish, you two are so mean to me and Jeno all the time.” He huffs with a roll of eyes, stopping right in front of the path behind the audience bleachers leading to the locker rooms.
Turning to you again, he then bids you goodbye with an affectionate pat to your head and a long sigh. “Be careful tonight, okay? Make sure to wear your gear properly.”
“Always am.” You assure with a wink, holding your gear up in front of him before he can take another step back. “Relax, would you? Just enjoy the show tonight!” 
Seungmin nods at you with pursed lips one last time before waving goodbye as he starts retreating back into the crowd, most likely to join your other friends at the bleachers. “I’ll see you on the rink!”
“I’ll be the one with the star on my helmet!” You jokingly remind with a chuckle, smiling when he acknowledges you with a final wave before finally turning around to walk away properly. 
“Ah, lovebirds.” Yuna comments on the side once Seungmin fully disappears into the crowd, making you glare at her at already knowing where this conversation is going to lead to. “Every single time you’re here without fail. So romantic!”
“Yuna!” You scold much like you’ve been doing the past two months, throwing your arm around her shoulder this time as the two of you now turn left to the lockers. “It’s really not like that!” 
“I’m friends with Kai and Jeno but you don’t see those two caring if I die on the rink every game. I’m pretty sure they want me dead more than anything, even.” She points out in defense. “I’m telling you, Seungmin’s a whole keeper! And you already told me you like him too so what’s stopping yo—“
“We’re not dating ever.” You insist stubbornly, entering the locker rooms now where your teammates greet you (and Yeji scolds you again for arriving late). “He’s just looking out for me because he thinks I can’t commit to anything without threatening death. Besides, he’s busy, I’m busy—” 
“—You like him, he likes you, you’re both dense.” Yuna interjects in the same enumerating tone you used, settling on a nearby bench as you move to your locker to change and prepare your gear. “The same speech every week, and they’re not even good excuses. Seriously, just date already!”
You open your mouth to respond while taking your outer clothes off, revealing your derby uniform inside, but Lia, as expected, suddenly pops out of nowhere, asking, “Who’s dating?”
“No one—”
“Will date, you mean.” Yuna corrects, turning your frown into a scowl now as you pop your head out of your shirt, carefully discarding the material inside your locker with your gym bag in exchange for your helmet and arm gear. “You already know who.” 
At this, you see Lia smile knowingly and lean back on the bench as you hurriedly put on your gear and helmet. “Right, the lovebirds.” She nods at Yuna before turning to you. “Did anything happen this week?” 
You quickly shake your head, adjusting your helmet as you do so. “No, Yuna’s just teasing me—again.” You then sit in between the two girls, re-tying your roller skate’s laces. “Don’t listen to her, she’s delusional.”
“Um, delusional for a reason!” The girl in question protests much to Lia’s amusement, bumping her shoulders with yours in the process. “Who even drives people to places even when they don’t want to? And he always insists on looking at your injuries after every game too? I think someone’s whipped and his name begins with a Seung and ends with a Min.” 
“He’s just nice and—” You try to insist again but to no avail when you see her raising her eyebrows and smiling suggestively, your hands going up to your face sheepishly as your stubborn front easily breaks down at it. “Ugh, stop with those looks!” 
On your sides, you hear Lia and Yuna laugh, patting your back and shoulders comfortingly.  
“Hey, you know Yuna’s just messing with you.” Lia reminds you softly after a moment, prying your hands off of your face and helping you up. “You won’t let that get in your head now of all weeks, would you? It’s the re-match game against our seniors tonight!”
“It’s just you always put me up to it. Seriously, stop it!” You groan instead in protest, belatedly swatting the two away as you join your team back outside and to the rink. “I swear, if I end up getting thrown by Jeongyeon across the rink again tonight, I’m blaming it on you because you keep teasing me.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop,” Yuna rolls her eyes playfully just as you reach the rink, meeting the crowd’s cheers that momentarily prompts you to wave and smile at them. “maybe until later after the game.”
“Don’t even try pointing at Seungmin to me again mid-game.” You elbow her harshly, ending the conversation as the announcer, Jaemin, calls your team name and starts listing your numbers one by one in introduction. 
“...number 5 Lee Chaeryeong, number 9 Shin Yuna, and number 17 Y/N Y/L/N!” 
“I don’t have to,” Yuna retorts playfully as she prepares to slide in the rink before you, referring to your last comment. “You always find him yourself, anyway.”  
And, as if her words easily got to you, you unconsciously find Seungmin waving at you from the crowd, seated with Jeno, Kai, and Jeongin who are holding yet another cheesy poster for your team. You wave back at him out of courtesy, glancing at Yuna after to roll your eyes in her direction.
“See?” She mouths at you before moving to the very front of the group with Lia and Yeji, starting the game. “Whipped!”
Meanwhile, you skate over to the back with the opposing team’s jammer, Jeongyeon, accepting her high-five before getting in position. 
“Y/N, long time no see! Are you with your boyfriend again?” She teases just as Jaemin, blows the first whistle for the pack to start skating. “Seungmin, right? The kid from Legal Management?” 
You glance at her briefly, skating on the second whistle first before exclaiming, “Jeongyeon, not you too!” 
“I’m just asking!” She holds her hands up in defense, quickening her pace almost at the same time as you do. “Just so I know if you get distracted again!” 
“I won’t this time, promise.” You assure, using the conversation to fuel your momentum and easily overtaking her. “I’ll be focused tonight!” 
“We’ll see about that!” You hear her yell behind you as she catches up, dodging your teammates while you dodge hers to score a point. 
Swiftly, you duck and jump around the pack, making sure to avoid Seungmin’s eyes when you pass his bleachers to prove to Yuna, Lia, and even Jeongyeon otherwise as you come in contact with them. 
Eventually, with a little difficulty and a lot of harsh shoulder and hip bumps from Chaeyoung and Dahyun, you then score the first point with a huge gap between you and Jeongyeon. 
“See, I’m focused!” You brag to your senior who runs behind you before turning your gaze ahead again. 
“And the first 5 points of the night goes to number 17, Y/N!” Meanwhile, Jaemin announces into his mic from the center of the rink, catching a high-five from you as you pass. “Must be all that formal training, huh?” 
“What are you talking about? This is how I usually walk!” You reply playfully, eliciting more cheers from the crowd as you naturally change into your athletic persona. 
“And the figure skater brags again.” Jaemin muses out loud, receiving the banter well as the host. “Careful there, Y/N, Jeongyeon, number 1, is catching up quickly!” 
But despite the warning, you take the time away from the pack to momentarily slow down, waving and receiving more high-fives from the crowd before finally looking over at Seungmin who is now on his feet and clapping wildly while cheering for your team, a stark contrast of his usual worried disposition at the start of the night. When you reach his bleacher as you quicken your pace to try and score another point, you lean over the barrier and send him a confident wink which he receives with a playful scoff. 
“What are you doing? Focus on your game!” He scolds, the other boys snickering next to him.
“I’m just checking in with my biggest fan before he goes back to worried mode.” You grin at him, pinching his cheek affectionately. “How was my first five points?”
“Great, great.” He answers quickly, gently pushing you by your shoulder as if gesturing you to go back to your game. “Now, go, you have a pack to catch up to and a game to win.” 
Cute, you think to yourself, a grin forming on your features as you bid him goodbye again to go back to chasing the pack around the rink. “Okay, Minnie, whatever you say!” 
“You two are so adorable!” Sana points out as you reach her on the side of the pack after, not even bothering to block you or hit you by the hips now with how much she’s gushing over you and Seungmin. “So cute!” 
“I know, right? Unnie, can you believe they’re still not dating?” Yuna agrees, letting her guard down momentarily from blocking Sana until she sees Jeongyeon catching up to you from over your shoulder. 
“Yuna, stop it!” 
“No! It’s fu—oh, look out!” 
Behind you, Jeongyeon easily knocks Lia and Chaeryeong off their skates, her hand reaching your shoulder to propel herself forward in the tightly-knit pack. 
“Come on, guys, less talking more hitting!” Your opponent jammer sticks her tongue out, purposely waiting for you to catch up before picking up the pace again. “Y/N, you said you’re not getting distracted!” 
“Sana and Yuna were ganging up on me!” You retort in protest, bumping her by her shoulders and hips and overtaking her again. “More hitting it is then!” 
“Oh, it seems like this second game between Team Neon and Team Magenta is going to be bloody!” Jaemin, quickly picking up on the commotion, comments. “Who will be our winner tonight? It looks like it’s going to be a very close call!” 
“Ah, not on my watch.” You mumble under your breath, expertly knocking out Jeongyeon on the way to another five points. 
The game ends almost two hours later, the score being 115-110 with your team emerging victorious and at least four overall cuts and bruises around your body. As soon as all the photographs have been taken for Instagram and the weekly plastic trophy has been passed around your team at least twice, Seungmin immediately takes you away from the crowd and your team right after taking your things from the locker room, his adrenaline for watching sports directing its attention to tending to you again and his cheerful expression switching back to worry. 
“Minnieee,” You call for him for the second time as you near the bathroom at the end of the hall, tiredly stumbling over nothing when Seungmin doesn’t slow down a bit with his brisk walking. “Minnie, slow down a bit, my legs are tired!” 
But he only slows down when you reach the bathroom, gently hoisting you up to sit on the cold marble of the sinks before taking out his first-aid kit and the ice packs he got from Jaemin from the outer pockets of his backpack. His serious and worried expression doesn’t falter once, looking even worse than the one he always wears on your car rides to the game. “Don’t move too much until I—until we’ve checked everything.” He instructs you, lifting your gym bag and his backpack that he’s been carrying with him to the side.
“You’re so serious again.” You feign another frown at him once you’re settled on top of the sink, gaze softening as he quietly and hurriedly shuffles around to wrap the ice packs in towels as if ignoring your comment. “Don’t I get another ‘congrats’ or a ‘good job’? I scored 85 of those 115 points. I’m fine.” 
“I already congratulated you with the others out there,” He reminds with a frustrated sigh, carefully inspecting your arms and legs for more bruises he didn’t initially notice. “and you already know you did really well against Jeongyeon this time around but that fall before the 85th point...”
At the mention of your one violent fall tonight, you shift uncomfortably in your seat. “This one?” You ask for confirmation, lifting your shift up and pulling your waistband down slightly against your heated cheeks and Seungmin’s suddenly wide eyes. Clearing your throat, you hide it again from him as quickly as you showed it and assure, “It’s fine, seriously, I—“
But, just as stubborn as you are, Seungmin’s hands move shakily to the hem of your shirt, hesitantly lifting it up after looking up at you in permission to see the harsh mark. “I-It’s turning blue. You didn’t even ice it up properly when you switched positions with Chaeyeon.” He argues back as firmly as he can and thus cutting you off from showing him your other bruises, his other hand holding up the ice pack in between the two of you. “This one really needs the ice pack more than the rest.”
Your eyes widen back at him because of the gesture, freezing for a moment in place until you quickly regain composure and manage to stutter out, “O-okay, fine...” And with that, you take his hand off your shirt, holding it up yourself while your other hand takes the ice pack from him. “Th—shit—t-thanks.”
Seungmin only nods and hums in acknowledgement awkwardly, picking up two other ice packs wrapped in a towels and leaving one to rest on your right thigh while he hovers the other over your your collarbones. “The other two don’t look too bad, though.” He comments, changing the topic and muttering a quick apology when you hiss at the simultaneous cold contact on your skin. “You’re not hurt anywhere else, right?”
“I think I have a cut on my feet, I’m not sure, it stings a bit when I put too much pressure.” You shrug your free shoulder carefully, meeting Seungmin’s eyes when you turn to him again and find him hovering dangerously close to your face. With the way he looks at you expectantly for answers, you immediately figure out that it’s not time to tease or play games with him anymore. “I-I’ll just—walk back out with slippers, it’s probably just the blisters from last week.”
“We’ll have to check that too. You also have a cut on your lip, you know.” He points out after when he leans closer, his free hand picking up a small box of face tissues from the first-aid kit. “When did this even happen?”
Instinctively, you reach out to touch your bare lips first before taking the tissues from him, only then noticing the dry skin bumps that have now formed around what you assume would be a dried cut. “Huh, I didn’t even notice.” You muse out loud, closing your mouth and taking the tissues from Seungmin immediately when you feel the wound open slightly again. “It must be from when Chaeyoung hit me—shit.”
“Nothing you can’t handle, huh?” Seungmin mumbles under his breath, looking down on your thigh to check the bruise under the ice pack he left freely on top of it. “You’re so clumsy.”
You frown at him and the reference to earlier this evening, making him crack a small amused smile when he meets your gaze again. “Fine, maybe I am a bit—clumsy.” You admit hesitantly with a sigh and a roll of your eyes when he raises an eyebrow at you again. “But at least I got you to patch me up every time, right?”
“And that’s why I chaperone you.” He reiterates firmly, briefly taking off the ice pack he’s holding against your collarbones to inspect the bruise after and furrowing his eyebrows. 
“Tch, it’s not like this happens every week. It just happened that tonight was extra violent, you know.” You reply slowly before licking your lips and disposing the tissue into a nearby chute. 
“Yeah but point you still got hurt like you always do every single week.” He retorts before picking up the ointment and cotton balls next to you, taking a step back and crouching down to the level of your skates. Untying your shoelaces then taking your skates and socks off, you lean forward to see Seungmin wince at the amount of red blotches and commenting, “Look, you even managed to open your blisters tonight.” 
“Is it that ba—sh-shit! Ya, Minnie, you’re pressing too hard on i—ya, it hurts!” You wince when Seungmin presses a cotton ball coated in ointment on one of your blisters, making you instinctively grip on the edge of the sink and lean back. 
“Ya, you really didn’t notice this? At all?” He scolds, cleaning your wounds again but this time simultaneously evading your unconscious attempts at kicking his face. 
“Well, I was too happy knowing that we’re advancing to fina—ow, ow, ow, it stings!” 
“Ah, seriously. Ya, stop moving too much, I still need to bandage these.” He hisses, slapping your leg gently before going back to cleaning your wounds. “I’ll make it up to you later, promise.” 
“Piggyback and ice cream?” You pout. “You’re being really harsh on my blisters.” 
“Wheelchair if you don’t behave and kick me in the face.” He threatens, holding your feet in place by your ankles before going back to cleaning the rest of your wounds. “Now, just hold it in a bit.” 
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two - sunday
Seungmin also dotes on you by randomly checking in during your training hours. Though he’s always done this even before you started training competitively, ever since you’ve picked up your side hobby of roller derby this summer he’s started picking up a more consistent schedule of coming over on Sunday mornings (when he knows you’d still push yourself to attend training) to make sure that you’re not overworking and further damaging your already bruised and wounded body. It’s a bit too much for his character, you’d know very well as his best friend with years of observing how he treats his other student athlete friends, but he always brings you coffee and a cheat meal bento for when Coach Park isn’t looking so you can’t really complain.
“Minnie!” You greet him with a wave as he finally arrives, 8 PM on the dot just as you finish your best attempt at warming up your already sore body. Skating over to his side of the audience area, you then lean over the barriers with your arms folded on top of it with an anticipating smile, watching him get comfortable in his unofficial seat in the middle of the front row. “What do you have for me today?”
“It’s Korean special for today.” He answers with a smile, taking out a pair of familiar white bento boxes typically sold at the cafeteria of the nearby College of Architecture and shaking it in front of you before placing it on the seat next to him. Looking around the empty rink, he then asks, “Coach Park isn’t with you today?”
“Faculty meeting, won’t be back until lunch,” You shrug before another thought crosses your mind. “Hey, do you want to skate?”
Seungmin hesitantly shakes his head in front of your wide eyes, sinking in his seat. “No, I’m good, thanks.” He shrugs as casually as he can, though you’re quicker to take note of his gaze lingering on the smooth ice.  
So, stubborn as you are, you insist anyway, “I see that look!” 
“You’re supposed to be training—actually, you shouldn’t even be with all the hits you took last night.” He points out. “Anyway, don’t you need the whole rink?”
“I’ll be here the whole day. I can just practice seriously when Coach Park is actually here.” You grin widely, smoothly gliding to the gates now to fetch him. When he doesn’t move in his seat, you continue further up the stairs until your blades hit the rubber mats of the audience area. “And like you said, I shouldn’t be training with all the hits I took last night.”
“We can just skate around leisurely!” You conclude, Seungmin’s eyes narrowing up at you when you reach him and his body automatically cringing at the sound of your blades hitting rubber. 
“Yeah, but—”
In response, you take hold of his free hand with your own while the other puts his backpack to the side, tugging him to the direction of the locker rooms. “I’m injured so I need help getting around.” You answer after halfheartedly. 
“You were already skating before I could even get here.” He tries reasoning out but before he can even continue, you’ve already managed to pull him up to a stand, almost tripping the two of you even until he quickly balanced himself right in front of you. 
“Kids will start training here by next week so this is literally the last time we’ll have the ice on our own for a while.” You counter back, already pulling him to the locker rooms with the loud thud of your blades. Glancing over at him from behind your shoulder, you chuckle as you catch Seungmin’s expression change into that of resignation as he finally lets you pull him along. “Ha, knew it.” 
“I’m just looking out for you,” He states, more to convince himself than you. At that, you reach the locker room, proceeding straight to the unclaimed locker next to yours by the door for Seungmin’s skates—an old pair you stole from his house some two Christmases ago when he started visiting you like this. 
“Right, right.” You giggle at him, passing him his skates and taking out another article of clothing from the lockers, this time a familiar hoodie from your locker that immediately catches Seungmin’s eye. “Just put these on.”
“Didn’t you say you lost this hoodie?” 
“It actually got lost in my laundry for two months bu—ya, don’t look at me like that! At least I’m giving it back now! I don’t want you getting in there cold!” 
Seungmin is exceptionally knowledgeable on many things like Legal Management (his course), baseball, music (especially singing with the amount of times he hangs out with Jeongin, his other best friend), and skating—but the last is quite debatable since his knowledge is limited to growing up watching you upgrade from the lake behind your houses when you were five to the rinks you train at today. He still doesn’t get how scoring works (”But you looked so great out there!” “Not to the judges, I guess.” “Huh?!”) and he still can’t differentiate the common jumps in competitive figure skating that well but you trust him as one who has a good eye for artistry and technique. He is a fellow athlete, after all. 
“Can you extend your arms a little more?” He asks after you’ve shown him a particular step in a work-in-progress choreography for next year’s Championships. After a mini argument with him over whether you’ll practice your stunts while he’s still with you or just skate around until you feel tired, he somehow convinced you to show your choreography first before skating with you by offering to treat you to another bento box and a cup of iced coffee later. 
Damn his negotiating skills. 
Skating back to him from the other side of the rink, you sigh. “I mean I can if I’m not injured at the moment.” You answer, gesturing to the bruise on your collarbone hidden behind your own long sleeves. “Maybe on the day itself, you know, 7 months from now.” 
“Then you should make sure to extend your arms out in that move when your bruise heals so you look pretty,” He concludes, taking your phone out of his pocket and pressing pause on your chosen music that now fades to a segment without choreography yet. “and don’t play any derby on that month.” 
The last comment makes you smile as you now leisurely skate in circles around him. “So you’re allowing me to play derby until next year?” You ask with your most hopeful look, halting to a stop next to him and linking your arms with his after.
“I’m just saying in case you still want to play derby until next year.” He shrugs, following you around the rink when you tug him forward. “The choice is still up to you.” 
You then take this as a sign that you can now skate freely around after a whole hour of “practice,” mindlessly leading the two of you around the ice. Seungmin would still trip a little bit no matter how many times you’ve tried teaching him how to glide smoothly on the ice but you pretend to not take notice of this, gently helping him balance himself wordlessly instead. 
“Wait, do you still want to?” He asks after a moment. “Play after the summer, I mean?” 
You shrug back, alternating your attention between thinking of a more elaborate answer and looking down on Seungmin’s skates to make sure he’s not threatening another fall. “Derby’s fun and all, especially right now on my off-season but I don’t know. It does take a toll sometimes.” You end up saying in the end, guiding Seungmin around the curve of the rink in increasingly larger glides. “Coach Park’s kind of getting mad at me already too when she sees some of my blisters since it’s not helping me break in my new skates.”
“So...yes, no, maybe?” 
“Maybe.” You answer, looking up at him and admiring the way he concentrates on balancing himself. “Besides, I still have to ask you about it too.” 
At that, you catch Seungmin’s gaze and raised eyebrow. “Me?” He repeats, almost falling over in front of him and prompting you to slow down. 
“Yeah,” You naturally follow up, skating ahead of him and moving your hands back into his as you try skating backwards this time. “as my no. 1 fan—and by that I mean my best friend who always scolds me before and after the games but cheers on me wildly during—what do you think?”  
You observe Seungmin without too much anticipation in your expression in case he correctly guesses that you’re expecting a certain answer from him. 
“I’ve already told you before...” He eventually trails off after a moment before glancing at you again and sighing. “...it’s just, you look like you’re having fun but—”
“But it’s dangerous.“
“But you should play less.” He corrects seriously, skating the arms distance between the two of you and placing his hands on your upper arms, holding you in place. With this gesture, you look up at him with a confused expression, trying to decipher all the thoughts that seem to run over a mile a second in the way he glances back at you. “I’m always behind you and whatever you do, even if it’s dangerous and stupid, that’s what best friends do—but even that has limits sometimes.” 
You pause. For some reason, you don’t think of an immediate and witty comeback to lighten what has unconsciously become a sincere atmosphere, your thoughts lingering instead to the conversation you had with Yuna just last night. 
“Who even drives people to places even when they don’t want to?” You hear your friend loud and clear in your mind, almost nagging even. 
Definitely not Seungmin, you think to yourself, especially if it’s another person like Hyunjin or Jeongin...
“Y/N?” Seungmin suddenly calls for you, his voice just barely above a whisper as he hesitantly lets go of your arms and snaps you out of your daze. 
Blinking twice up at him, you catch him just in time before he can even skate back away from you, holding him by his fingertips. “So...” You trail off, furrowing your eyebrows in thought. “so yes, no, maybe—?”
“Maybe.” He finishes the thought for you, rubbing the nape of his neck awkwardly before huffing slightly in the cold, a puff of white air escaping his pink lips. “That’s a maybe too, I guess.” 
You nod slowly in acknowledgement, tugging him forwards. “So, in conclusion,” You reply slowly, changing your direction again as you now move yourself and Seungmin to the very center of the rink before breaking out into a chuckle to diffuse the unnecessarily tense atmosphere. “let’s get back to it after the summer?” 
“That and don’t play derby when the time comes that you’re actually in Championships.” Seungmin points out, catching up with you now so you’re skating next to each other again. “Multi-tasking isn’t really your strongest suit.”
“Ya!” You protest, elbowing him gently and making him laugh. 
“I was just kidding!” When you try skating away from him, Seungmin latches onto your elbow and desperately pulls you back to his side, barely missing another threat of a fall. “Don’t let go, I’ll trip!” 
“Says the one who called me clumsy that I can’t multitask.” You roll your eyes with an amused chuckle
“We just had a really heartfelt talk and that’s all you picked up?” Seungmin feigns a frown at you, tightening his arms linked to yours. “You’re unbelievable sometimes.” 
“It’s not like we don’t always talk about it.” You scoff, pulling Seungmin close by linking your arms again. “Though, I am a bit surprised with today’s answer. You just always know how to re-word the same thing a bunch of times, huh?” 
“You brought it up and I answered sincerely.” He gestures to you with a tilt of his head, looking down on his skates after. “I didn’t even know my opinion was that important to you. I mean, you have been ignoring it for 2 months straight.” 
“Like I said, no. 1 fan.” You grin before nudging him by his shoulder. “And I don’t ignore your opinion, I’ve been retiring from the game itself earlier like you asked me to before!” 
“As if that makes a difference.” He rolls his eyes, pursing his lips before he could comment further. “You still play 3/4 of the game, anyway.” 
“We’re going to argue about this for the whole morning if ever, Kim Seungmin.” You chuckle, holding his hand again and leading him to another spin around the rink. “Let’s just skate freely for now, hm?” 
Coach Park arrives an hour earlier than she intended later on while you and Seungmin ate your bento boxes, prompting your best friend to not return to the ice after and to simply watch you from the stands instead. When your training ends almost five hours later, you’re quick to change back into your shoes in the locker rooms to return back to Seungmin’s side, making even your coach laugh in amusement. 
“I’ll see you next week Thursday, correct?” Coach Park asks you as she readies to shut the power off the venue, still chuckling every time she glances at you standing next to Seungmin by the entrance. “Those wounds should improve by then so we can start landing at least half of your jumps.” 
You nod, adjusting your gym bag on your one shoulder. “I’ll rest until then, promise!” 
Coach Park then turns to Seungmin with a feigned strict look, pointing at you as she then instructs, “Look after them, Kim, alright? I trust you’ll keep Y/N in check until then.” 
“I will, coach.” Seungmin assures with a nod and a smile himself, slinging an arm over your waist to help you balance yourself before turning you towards the direction of the entrance doors and concluding, “We’ll be off now!” 
“Alright, see you!” You hear coach Park bid you goodbye before you pass through the double doors of the entrance, getting pulled to the direction of the parking lot by Seungmin after. 
“I thought you’re buying me an extra bento box? And iced coffee?” You ask when you don’t make the turn leading to the College of Architecture, following Seungmin straight ahead to his car parked right across the building entrance anyway. “Ya, Minnie—”
“I texted Changbin to buy, it should be at your dorm’s kitchen by now.” Seungmin answers casually, taking out his keys from his hoodie pocket and pointing it to his car. Once you near the vehicle, he then opens the door for you on the front passenger seat, wordlessly taking your gym bag and placing it in the back along with his backpack. “If not, then I’ll just drive back here, I don’t have anywhere to be today.” 
You smile at the thought, happily putting on your seatbelt. “I love you, have I said that this week?” You chuckle, wrapping an arm behind his waist in a side hug before he can close the door. “You’re the best, capt.!” 
“It’s weird when you call me capt.” He feigns a scowl, patting your head and briefly hugging you back anyway. “And you only love me because I practically babysit you.” 
"I never even asked to be babysit in the first place.” You pout, following him with your eyes even when he closes the door and moves to the other side of the vehicle to the driver’s seat. Turning your body to his direction as he turns on the ignition and starts driving away, you then add, “You’re supposed to say you love me too, capt.” 
Seungmin rolls his eyes in an attempt to move your eyes away from the wild blush on his cheeks. “Put your seatbelt on.” He steers the conversation instead, placing a hand behind your headrest as he backs the car away from the parking. 
“‘I love you too’?” 
“What do you want to do when we get to your dorm?” 
“Okay, I’ll take that. How about you choose the movie for today?” 
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three - wednesday
Though he never demands you for it from knowing full-well your own busy training schedule and classes, you’ve always made sure to attend each and every baseball game Seungmin participates in ever since you were children to cheer him on and he’s always thought that that’s your own version of showing your affection to him in return for his support for you. Though you can get a bit embarrassing cheering on him the loudest and always wearing his extra old jerseys to the games, he never complains about it anyway and only argues with you after the game about other things, mostly you skipping your own training to see him or attending his games instead of resting at home like today. It definitely is love—simultaneously a heartwarming and worrying one at that.
So today, at his baseball team’s scrimmage, he’s not even that surprised anymore when you show up with Jeongin by your side, insisting that your cuts and bruises are already manageable enough to let you walk without needing much help. He is, however, still worried over your well-being as usual. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asks you for the fourth time since you met up right outside the field, an arm draped over your shoulder as you walk. Ahead of you, Jeongin and Yuna have already reserved seats along with the rest of your friend group, chatting away with some members of the team. “And you’re not skipping any training today?”
“I already told you, Minnie,” You giggle, limping a little from your blisters and leaning most of your weight to him with your hand on his waist. “My next training’s next week, you were even there when Coach Park reminded me! And it’s not like I’m playing, I’m just going to watch you today!” 
“I’m mainly worried about your blisters since you were training last Sunday. You could’ve just rested at the dorms today.” He points out, sitting you down next to Jeongin on the aisle before kneeling right in front of you. “It’s just a scrimmage, anyway.” 
“But I don’t want to miss a game,” You insist stubbornly, smiling reassuringly at him and his furrowed eyebrows. “and even if it’s just a scrimmage, it’s still you playing. I want to see you play.” 
With this, Seungmin eventually sighs in defeat. “Whatever, not like I can walk you home now and get back to the game in time.”
“I’m already here and you can’t do anything about it.” You affirm with a chuckle, patting his arm. “Now, go, shoo, you have a scrimmage to win.” 
Seungmin then turns to Jeongin, gesturing to you as he stands up, “Look after Y/N, please?” 
“If you mean look after them as in not letting them topple over the seats then sure.” Jeongin nods with a laugh. 
“Hey, I don’t—!”
But, as if ignoring your protests, Seungmin nods gratefully and bids you two goodbye. “Thanks!” He then turns to his teammates before you could even finish another sentence, ushering everyone to jog back to the field. “Okay, guys, chat time’s over. Let’s head to the field!”
“Ay, Seung, don’t get too flustered over Y/N now!” Jisung reminds him with a hand over the younger boy’s shoulders and a snicker, tapping on the mound with his glove as the two reach their designated positions. “Jeno’s pitching, too, you might get hit in the face if you’ll just keep looking at your Y/N.” 
“Shut up, Ji.” Seungmin rolls his eyes, tapping on the mound as well with his bat just as Jeno signals from across the diamond, preparing to pitch. With one last glance at you, he then mutters to himself, “Aish, why did they even come today? They’re injured.” 
Jisung opens his mouth to speak behind his helmet to ask what Seungmin could mean with his last comment but he’s inadvertently cut off by Jeno signaling for everyone to get ready, expertly throwing the first ball which Seungmin instinctively hits hard with his bat, prompting him to start running to first base before Daehwi and Eunwoo could even retrieve it by the chain link fences of the field, thus leaving Jisung to his thoughts. 
“Yay, let’s go Kim Seungmin!” You cheer and yell from the bleachers, almost standing up with a struggle until Jeongin pulls you down by your arms, most likely to remind you of your injuries, which Seungmin is more than grateful for. “Go Minnie! Number 22! Number 22!” 
As he runs, Seungmin makes sure to wave at you in responds when he passes by your bleachers, sending a bashful smile your way that only fuels more teasing from Jeongin without him noticing. You wave both hands back in response before he could turn his eyes back ahead, sinking in your seat as he now tries to aim for second base seeing everyone moving a bit slower than usual. 
Eventually, he makes it to second base just in time, sliding into the plate and narrowly missing Daehwi’s attempt at getting him out. 
“Yay, let’s go Seungmin!” He hears you yell and clap loudly again, making his ears heat up and everyone in the diamond to stifle their giggles. 
“Hey, isn’t Y/N injured from last Saturday?” Daehwi asks at belatedly noticing your presence.
Seungmin then stands up and dusts the dirt off his uniform, adjusting his cap and turning his focus to Jeno and Hyunjin (who bats next) ahead. “I insisted that they skip today’s game since it’s just a scrimmage but you know how they are.” 
“Really? That’s so sweet!” Daehwi squeals in delight, waving at you and the others from others bleachers. “and here everyone thought that Y/N skipping training was already cute enough! They just outdo themselves every time!” 
“Way to romanticize injuries, Dae.” Seungmin scoffs, hiding a smile from Daehwi. Simultaneously, Jeno signals again that the game is about to start, preparing to pitch. “Seriously, it’s not cute. I’m more worried than flattered.” 
“Right, because waving at them while running was definitely being worried,” Daehwi chuckles, getting in position again. “Just say you’re whipped and go.”
“You wish,” Seungmin scrunches up his nose, successfully dodging Daehwi again and leaving him on the second base. “but I do have to get going now!” 
“Woo! Go Seungmin!” You yell loudly and repeatedly again, until he successfully reaches home base which prompts you to finally stand up and jump around in cheer despite the pain your lower half. “Way to go Seungmin!” 
Seungmin can only roll his eyes at you as he walks off the field, scoffing in disbelief when you don’t stop cheering even as he approaches you from the other side of the chain link fences since he’s already done for this particular inning. 
“Why are you up? You’re injured.” He frowns, his hands going up the chain links. “Sit down, Y/N.”
“I’m fine!” You dismiss, sitting down anyway when Jeongin and Yuna start tugging on your shirt for you to sit down. “But, more importantly, you did well!” 
“It’s just the first inning—and a scrimmage.”
“Scrimmage, formal game, it’s all the same, you don’t have to say it twice.” You retort, rolling your eyes and chuckling. “You looked really cool out there!” 
The last comment definitely catches Seungmin off-guard but he hides it better this time, waving his hand in front of him. “It was nothing.” 
“So modest,” You scoff with a proud smile, leaning forward and linking your hands between the chain links. “What do you want after the game? Ice cream? Tteokbeokki?” 
“Don’t stand up too much during the game and I’ll think about it,” He answers instead. “and we’re not going anywhere after this with your injuries. I’m taking you straight home.”
“Fine.” You huff in defeat, gesturing to his teammates after. “Okay, now go back, Jeno’s looking at us weird.” 
“Don’t stand up again!”
“I won’t!”
Seungmin meets up with you again after the game. When the scrimmage ends later that afternoon with Jeno’s team winning at 14-18 and everyone heading straight to the showers, he sees you with Jeongin right outside of the locker rooms, sitting on a nearby bench while the younger boy pesters you with questions on your summer training and last Saturday’s game.
“Hey, Y/N!” Jisung, accompanying Seungmin on the way out, greets you with an innocent slap to your back before your best friend could, making you wince in pain. “Oh, shit, sorry!” 
“Ya,” Seungmin reprimands him firmly, slapping Jisung’s hand away from you before helping you up from the bench. “Careful, Y/N’s injured.” 
“Why?” Jisung asks curiously, making everyone turn to him.
“Derby last Saturday.” You answer sheepishly, leaning your weight to Seungmin again appreciatively as he helps you balance yourself. “Got knocked out before scoring a point.”
“You would’ve seen if you didn’t have a date that day.” Hyunjin adds, playfully catching Jisung in a chokehold as your group now walks out of the lockers rooms and outside the field. “It was so bloody as fuck, they were against the league veterans!”
“You make it sound like I died and got resurrected.” You scoff, reaching out for Hyunjin with a struggle and slapping his arm.
“Don’t entertain him too much, he’s just dramatic.” Seungmin assures you, eliciting protests from Hyunjin.
“Really?” Meanwhile, Jisung frowns in jealously, prying Hyunjin off of him and kicking him from behind his knees as a comeback. “Ay, I really would’ve gone if only Haneul liked watching derby.”
“They don’t seem to like watching sports in general,” Jeongin points out bluntly, you nodding along to his right. “why are you still going out with this person, even? Clearly, they’re not interested in your major passion.”
“Because I like them,” the boy in question shrugs without hesitation, making you tilt your head in confusion. “I mean, Haneul’s cool but we—I guess we never really talked about the whole sports thing.”
“Why not? Bro, you’re aiming for the national team.” Hyunjin prods this time. By now, your group has reached and stopped on the sidewalk of the main campus road where you’re supposed to part ways since Jeno’s hosting a get-together but Seungmin’s insisted on taking you home. “In a few years, it’s gonna be weird being in games and having one less person to cheer you on, especially if that person’s your girlfriend.”
“Well, not everyone’s lucky enough to being in love with people who have similar hobbies as they do.” Jisung rolls his eyes dryly, his gaze instinctively landing to you and Seungmin after which only prompts you to raise an eyebrow while Seungmin glares at Jisung.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask, making Jisung chuckle.
“Nothing, nothing.” He waves his hand dismissively at you before turning to Hyunjin and Jeongin. “Anyway, Haneul and I will talk about it again more later on. Personally, I’m not that bothered right now—I’m just happy we get to hang out.”
“But that’s because you started dating before any major games.” Seungmin speaks up after a while. 
Jeongin nods in agreement. “We’ll really just have to see next Friday if you still think that way.”
“Seung, Y/N always attends our games so I don’t think you’re qualified to speak over my love life.” Jisung deadpans, prompting Seungmin to hit him again. “Ow! But it’s true!”
“What?” You scoff, finally getting what he means but pretending to not know anyway in embarrassment.
“Whatever.” Seungmin huffs dismissively at Jisung, directing you away from the group now. “Anyway, we’ll get going now. It’s getting late.”
“We’re seriously going home?” You frown up at Seungmin who’s now standing behind you, both his hands on your shoulders as he moves you to the opposite direction of where the rest of the boys are going. “I was hoping you’d change your mind last minute.”
“I didn’t bring my car here today and Jeno’s dorm’s on the other side of campus.” Seungmin answers your question, waving goodbye to the others. “Come on, let’s go home. We can order again or something.”
“Fine.” You sigh in defeat, letting him walk you backwards as you reluctantly wave goodbye at everyone. “Bye, guys. I guess I’ll see you next Friday.”
“Bye!” Hyunjin, Jisung, and Jeongin wave back at you as they laugh over your frown, the eldest boy making sure to add, “Have fun on your date!”
“It’s not a date!” You yell back at him in exasperation, making the three laugh.
“We’ll make sure to eat well for you!” Jisung teases, winking at you before Seungmin could pull you to the left turn leading back to your dorms. Before you completely part ways, you hear him yell, “Alright, now let’s eat samgyeopsal!”
Heading back to your dorm now, Seungmin stands next to you again, draping his arm over your shoulder again and matching your pace. You walk in comfortable silence for a while, that is until you think about Jisung’s words once again, prompting you to ask, “What was that about by the way?”
“The thing with Haneul.” You clarify, tearing your gaze away from him to look down on the ground. “Jisung said something about other people being lucky that they like people who have similar hobbies then looked at you.”
“Looked at me? I thought he was looking at you?” Seungmin tries to joke awkwardly before stopping when you don’t laugh along. “It’s nothing, he’s just being weird.”
You furrow your eyebrows, looking up at him only to meet his side profile. Taking a quick inhale, you then try asking, “Seungmin...do you perhaps—do you like anyone lately?”
At that, Seungmin almost trips over nothing uncharacteristically, his grip on your shoulder accidentally tightening when he holds onto you for support. “Sorry, um—w-what?”
“It’s just,” You shrug awkwardly, feeling smaller under his arm now that your impulsive question suddenly made the air awkward. You walk slower now, despite your dorm being only a block away now. “what Jisung said and—and, you know, you’ve been busy lately.”
“Yeah, because of you and classes.” He points out, still with furrowed eyebrows. “I don’t—I don’t have time to date.”
“But do you want to?”
“I-If you weren’t busy with classes, training...looking after my clumsy ass and all—would you...would you want to date anyone? Do you like...someone?” You clarify as clearly and as eloquently as you can against the pain on your feet from walking and the sudden loud hammering of your heart against your chest. Why did I even ask? You can only scold yourself internally, keeping a front anyway now that you’re in too deep to change the topic now.
Next to you, Seungmin thinks about your question carefully. He’s not actually thinking about the question per se, more like thinking about why you would ask such question. Are you expecting some kind of answer? “I...” He trails off in thought, catching your gaze momentarily from the corner of his eye. “N-No, not really.”
“Oh.” You muse out loud, trying your best to hide your disappointment. “I guess that’s understandable. You’re aiming for the national team, after all.”
Seungmin then stops walking altogether, making you stop. In front of you, you see your dorm building coming into view, confusing you even more when he moves in front of you.
“No, it’s....“ He shrugs, looking down on his hands before flitting his eyes up again to you. “all my time’s for you, classes, and training right now and it’s fine. Sure, the end goal’s the national team but at the same time, I have all I need right now—dating just so happens to not really a top priority right now.”
You nod slowly with a low hum, smiling at his sincerity after a while. “So I’m top priority?”
At your comment, his sincere facade immediately fades into a scoff, rubbing his temples up in frustration. “I answer your question sincerely and all you pick up is you being a priority?” He asks in disbelief, making you laugh. “And here I was, about to offer you piggyback again.”
“I was just kidding!” You bluff in between laughs, extending your arms out for him to carry you. “Piggyback, please! I live on the third floor!”
“Maybe if you didn’t respond weirdly to my emotional rant—“
“Ya, Seungmin!” You protest, hopping on your better foot and jumping on his back before he could even move away from you. “Ha! Got you!” 
Reluctantly, Seungmin then adjusts the strap of his gym bag on his shoulder and hooks his arms under your legs. “If you’re not so injured right now, I’d drop you on the ground.” He hoists you up on his back with a groan, continuing to walk forward anyway. “Ah, this brat.” 
You chuckle, pinching his cheeks before resting your arms on his shoulders. “But seriously...” You trail off with an awkward cough. “Just date, dude, you can multitask, better than me at least.” 
You then hear Seungmin mumble under his breath, “Maybe if...” but you fail to catch the last words as he then shakes his head and adds, “Ah, whatever. How did we even get to this kind of talk?” 
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five - saturday 
As if the universe is conspiring against you, you end up getting severely injured halfway through your next derby game the following Saturday. When the score is 45-70 in favor of the opposing team, you end up taking a nasty fall after successfully scoring a point, causing a broken nose. 
So much for all the talks you had with Seungmin in the past days, you think to yourself as you catch his surprised gaze from across the rink. 
Maybe it’s also because of how you’ve been talking to him a lot lately about his concerns for you and this sport that he immediately rushes to your side as Yuna and Yeji help you walk from the rink to the locker room as Jaemin suddenly announces a short break. Quickly and gently taking your arm from Yeji’s shoulder from the sides of the rink, the next three minutes are a bit of a blur to you as Seungmin multitasks between examining your bruises, assuring your teammates that he can take care of you, and walking you to the nearest bathroom—all the while scolding you under his breath. 
You can only pout at him the whole way, letting him drag you along with him until he’s hoisting you up again on top of the sink counter much like every other Saturday. 
Except it feels a bit different this time, especially since Seungmin has never looked this worried since you started this sport 2 months ago.    
“Okay, let’s see that bloody nose again.” He asks you after a while, tilting your face downwards with his one hand (the other holding an ice pack from Jaemin) and scrunching up his nose with furrowed eyebrows. “Yikes.” 
“I’m sort of choking here a bit.” You point out, shifting uncomfortably in your place at the feeling of blood on your tongue and the realization that you also have small cuts on your lips. “Um...” 
You see his eyebrows furrow deeper in thought as he then turns to his side and places his backpack next to you, temporarily placing the ice pack in the space between your leg and his backpack and taking out a first aid kit. “That bad? Fuck.” He hisses under his breath, more to himself than to you, as he proceeds to prepare a whole bag of cotton balls, wipes, and ointment. “I can clean and ice this up but we’ll have to go immediately after this and get you checked out at the clinic across the street.” 
“Really?” You wince at seeing Seungmin hold up a wet wipe to your face. “So I can’t finish the game?” 
“You’re face is broken and you’re thinking about the game? Y/N, please...” He sighs disapprovingly at you, cupping your chin again and lightly dabbing on the trail of blood on your face with the wet wipe. “Try to hold in the pain for a bit while I clean your face and maybe try not to think about the game.” 
"Sorry...” You trail off, pouting up at Seungmin and earning you another sigh from him. 
“This is the worst I’ve seen you.” He muses out loud, his furrowed eyebrows slowly softening as he purses his lips. “What even happened back there? It was all too quick for me, to be honest.” 
“The other team’s jammer bumped me a bit too harsh.” You reply slowly, careful of the blood on your lips and the sting you feel from inhaling. In front of you, Seungmin unconsciously winces through carefully cleaning your face. “We were skating on the slope going up so I ended up hitting my face on the barriers.” 
“They’re visitors, right?” He asks you next and you nod quietly in response. “I’ll have to remind Jaemin to talk to them. If not, I’ll talk to them myself...” 
“You fell really bad, they should be accountable.” He insists anyway. “Even if derby’s a violent sport, there are still limits to it and this is just too much.”     
You unconsciously mirror Seungmin’s frown the longer he stares down at the bloodied lower half of your face, your shoulders slouching deeply when he finally reaches the end of the drying red trail on your chin with his third wet wipe. The physical pain of a broken nose and a bruised lip can’t even compete with the guilt pooling in your stomach now as you observe your best friend’s disappointed expression, making you wince less and sigh more in front of him at knowing full well that it’s all because of how you played tonight. “Just say it already.”
“Say what?” He mumbles back, now with a raised eyebrow at you as he disposes off the used wet wipes next to you on top of the sink counter. He then passes you the ice pack, guiding your hands to slowly move it up to your nose. “Where’s this coming from all of a sudden?” 
You see the genuine anticipation in his eyes of what you meant by your words, making you look down on your free hand rested right on top of the faint bruise marks on your lap. “That I’m being stupid for pursuing this sport, that I should stop playing.” You answer quietly as you shift in your seat. “It’s just that we were talking about this exact thing for the whole week and then it happens and now you look so upset so I thought...” 
In front of you, you hear Seungmin sigh before gently tilting your chin up again, meeting your eyes with a soft gaze before moving his hands up to carefully massage your cheeks. “Ya, you’re not stupid,” He shakes his head. “you’re just clumsy sometimes but that’s because you keep forgetting that you’re supposed to be on wheels here and not blades.”
“And this incident wasn’t your fault.” He adds after a while, when you don’t immediately speak. “I’m not mad at you, just frustrated. I’m mad at the other team, though.”
"Seungmin—” You huff in his touch, cracking a small and brief smile on his face.
“Anyway, I still think you should lessen playing, especially since the semester’s about to start again.” He interjects quickly before you can even say another word, briefly turning to your side to pass you another bundle of face tissues when he hears you sniffling. “but I’ll never ask you to stop playing completely because I know you really enjoy this. The same applies to the other one, of course.”
“Besides, what sport doesn’t involve getting hurt?” He adds as an after thought, taking out two plies of tissue for your incoming cold and the stray tear on your cheek.
“Um, board games?” You muse out loud as you take the tissues in his hands and place them in between your face and your ice pack, fully cracking his serious façade this time as he breaks into a scoff.
“You know what I mean.” You see Seungmin roll his eyes at you, making you purse your lips as a smile tries making its way on your cuts. When he sees your reaction, his thumb instinctively moves over to your bottom lip, stopping you from smiling. “Don’t smile, dummy, we just fixed that lip cut.”
The gesture makes your heart flip and your gaze unconsciously softens at him as you watch him dispose of all your trash with a small ‘alright, done.’ under his breath. “Have I told you I love you this week?” You speak in a low voice with no intention of sounding teasing at all this time, giving him a tight-lipped smile when he looks up at you again in confusion. “You’re the best, capt.” 
It takes him a moment to process your words, especially with the unusual tone in your voice. Eventually, you see him return your smile. “You already did. I’m just looking out for you as usual.” He shrugs bashfully, offering you a hand which you gladly accept when you stand. “I love you too...” 
“I know.” You nod, tugging on him by your intertwined hands and pressing a light kiss on his cheek when he tilts his head to your side. “I’m sorry again.” 
“You’re being soft all of a sudden.” He points out, biting down a small smile. “It’s probably the fall.” 
You roll your eyes at him, pressing the ice pack closer to your face. “How many minutes do I have to hold this ice again?” 
“If you’re thinking of throwing that on my face, I’ll have you know I can deny you entry on my game next Friday.” He warns, placing his hand on the ice pack again to check your wound. “Fifteen more minutes. I’ll text Jaemin and Yeji for now, the clinic should still be open at this time.” 
310 notes · View notes
secretpeachtea · 4 years
Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 5
Title: the graduation celebration
Genre: gen fic, reader insert
Word Count: 5.9k
Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.
disclaimer: manga spoilers
A/N: IM BACK. this literally took me a whole month to write and i hope there aren’t too many mistakes. if there are mistakes, feel free to point them out to me! other than that, hope you enjoy!
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Your back was aching from standing at the register for such a long time, so you decided to take a seat on one of the two chairs set up behind the counter for times like this. There was only a little over an hour left before closing, and there weren’t any customers at the moment, so taking a quick break wouldn’t hurt. It seems like Osamu was thinking the same thing as he plopped himself next to you languidly.
Your boss rests an arm on the back of your chair. “You tired?” 
“A little bit, but it’s nothing I can’t handle,” you reply back with a sigh. “How about you?”
Osamu takes off his cap and runs a hand through his hair before placing it back on his head. “Nah, I’m good. Just feeling a bit dazed. It’s been a pretty slow week, so I guess I’m just lacking some energy boost.”
“Yeah, I guess. We haven’t had any interesting customers come in for a while, huh.” You think back to the time when you had to babysit a certain volleyball team and when you interacted with a specific gamer during work. “Although, I can’t really tell whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing.”
Your conversation was interrupted when you both heard the entrance slide open indicating the arrival of a customer. Or, rather, customers. A group of young men walked into the shop while also engaged in their own chatter. 
“We meet up after such a long time and you decide to come here?” A man with light brown, uneven bangs shoved his hands into his coat while sporting a blank expression. “Although, I can’t really say I’m surprised, Goshiki.”
The one addressed as Goshiki scowled in slight frustration. “I don’t trust any of the other options you all pitched in! I didn’t want to eat spicy ramen from the convenience store when we haven’t met up all together like this in so long! I won rock paper scissors too so it’s my choice, Shirabu-san!”
Another man with a crimson-tinted buzzcut chipped in with a lighthearted tone, “Are you sure you didn’t want to just come here ‘cause you heard about the cute register girl?”
“N-no! That’s not true, Tendou-san!” (yes)
“You’re so easy to read, Tsutomu! Isn’t that right, Wakatoshi-kun?”
Broad shoulders on a tall figure turned towards the redhead. “I suppose it is easy to understand Goshiki as if I were reading the gardening section of the newspaper.”
The fourth person of the group had a guitar strapped to his back with an...interesting outfit that you would not normally see someone wear voluntarily. “You guys sure haven’t changed at all. I can’t really say I expected to come here either.”
The last two people to enter the shop chuckled as they listened to their peers. One had a spiky undercut and slanted eyebrows, while the other had large, defined lips and tan skin. The latter spoke up, “Well, it’s not too bad, Semi. Plus, we’re here to celebrate Shirabu’s graduation and acceptance into medical school.”
You and Osamu are now standing behind the counter but the group of seven had yet to notice you both. You do a double take when you glance at the one who just spoke. Covering your mouth with one hand, you whisper to your boss, “Okay. I see what you meant by Benkei.”
Osamu just quietly chuckles.
It didn’t take long for one specific person to direct his attention at you as he walked to the counter. “Ah, (Surname)-san. How have you been?” 
At the sudden greeting, the rest of the group ceased their conversation.
You just gave the familiar face a small smile. “I’ve been doing well, Shirabu-san.”
You’re a bit taken aback by the loud exclamation by Goshiki, so you just stare at him with wide eyes. A couple people burst out laughing, mainly Tendou, Yamagata, and Semi. The poor boy’s entire body flushes red as he tries to get the guys to stop laughing. Shirabu just lets out a sigh and turns his attention back to you. It seems like the other two who weren’t part of the boisterous bunch also turned their focus to where you were.
“Sorry about that. I told you I would visit soon, but I didn’t expect to come with my former teammates,” Shirabu apologized.
“No, that’s okay. If that’s the case, then these guys must be the Shiratorizawa alumni you mentioned before.” You shook your head in understanding. You turned towards the others. “Nice to meet you guys. I’m (Surname) (Name), Shirabu’s college classmate.”
“Hellooo~ (Name)-chan!” Tendou joyfully greeted after listening in on the conversation. Goshiki was now hidden behind Ushijima’s large stature to avoid any awkward encounters. Yamagata and Semi rejoined since they were also curious as to how you knew their former setter. After some brief introductions, you had learned all of their names before going into detail of your relationship with Shirabu.
“(Surname)-san and I went to the same university and had a couple classes together since our majors were similar. We were both fairly diligent in our studies, so we often grouped up to do assignments.”
“Oh? What did you major in, (Surname)-san?” Ohira asks.
“I majored in Anatomy and Physiology. I plan on going to grad school for Sports medicine.”
You hear a small gasp behind Ushijima and a quiet, subtle statement of “She’s pretty and smart!”, but you pretend like you didn’t hear anything in hopes to spare Goshiki from any more embarrassment. Osamu seems a bit intrigued since he’s never really heard you speak about school but stays silent off to the side.
“Have you decided on where you want to go? I know you once told me you applied to a special Sports medicine program.” Shirabu asks.
You feel a wave of negative emotions at the question but try your best to control your facial expression. “I...um...was waitlisted from the program and was rejected from all the grad schools that I applied to…”
Your former classmate’s eyes widened a bit in surprise and lifted his hand to his chin in thought. “I see.”
You try to brush off any unnecessary thoughts by waving your hands in front of you. “There must have been a reason for that. My resume wasn’t all that great and they probably thought I was lacking in a lot of ways.”
“Nonsense. From the couple of times we’ve worked together, I know that you’re a very well versed and competent person.” Shirabu crosses his arms and looks straight into your eyes.  “I’m sure you’ll be able to come across a good opportunity with your capabilities.”
You were quite touched by Shirabu’s firm words and he’s managed to slightly lift up the corners of your lips despite the heavy weight in your heart. He’s fairly blunt and doesn’t like to sugarcoat words, so you know his words are genuine.
“Oh? How romantic~” Tendou commented. Shirabu just glares at the tall redhead and remains silent.
A sudden low rumble echoes into the air from Semi’s stomach. “Oh, sorry guys. I’ve been composing all day, so I haven’t gotten around to eating yet.”
“We should order now,” Ushijima advises. The rest nod their heads in agreement. As the Shiratorizawa crew puts in their orders, Osamu sets up his workstation to accommodate. The entire order came out to be quite a lot since most of the guys were heavy eaters and some ordered additional side dishes.
“Will this be all in one order or is everyone paying separately?” You ask.
Shirabu opens his mouth to answer but is interrupted by Tendou. “Since we’re here for a celebration, we can’t let the man of the hour pay for anything!”
“Are you suggesting that we split the cost of Shirabu’s meal or have one person pay for it?” Yamagata looked up thoughtfully. 
Tendou raised a finger into the air and wiggled it in denial. “Just one person will pay for all of the food!”
“It’s fine, Tendou-san. Onigiris do not cost that mu-”
“Nuh uh~ That’s not an option!”
“Alright. Then, how would we determine who pays?” Semi looked a bit weary at the suggestion.
Tendou clapped his hands together. “We’ll play some games to determine who the ultimate loser is! The winners from each round will be exempt from the next one! There will be three games in total. Whoever loses every single game and remains as the last person will be the one to pay for all of us!”
“Seems simple enough,” Yamagata comments. The other guys nod their heads in agreement. 
“This is a great idea!” Goshiki in particular seems fired up. “I will defeat you, Ushijima-san!”
“I look forward to your efforts, Goshiki.”
As if there was some kind of telepathic signal between the guys, everyone but Ushijima, Shirabu, and Goshiki look at one another. Sly smiles and pitiful expressions begin to form as they take a quick glance at where Goshiki and Ushijima were standing before turning back to each other in mutual understanding. It seems like the majority has come to the conclusion that one specific person will be walking home with a lighter wallet.
Shirabu, who’s already used to his former team’s antics, doesn’t even try to stop them. Once they start, it’s difficult to halt their chaos unless he wants to hear them complain about it for the next couple weeks. Although, he does make the effort to face you and Osamu. “I know they’re getting ahead of themselves, but is all this okay? I know you haven’t closed yet, so I wouldn’t want to disturb your business.”
Your boss just waves his hand to brush off the concern. “Nah, you’re good. It’s been a slow day and I was planning on closing a bit early anyways. Feel free to hang out and have fun as long as you clean up after yourselves. I’ll be preparing the food in the meantime.”
“Yeah, as long as I’m not mopping up someone’s vomit off the floor, I don’t have any problems with it either,” You reply.
With the final yes from the owner of Onigiri Miya, Tendou sports a wide grin and faces his peers. “I already have some game ideas, so all we need to do is set up everything like I ask!”
You’re just about to return to your previous seat behind the counter before the Shiratorizawa boys entered, but Tendou waved at you to get your attention. “(Name)-chan! Would you mind being the referee for the games?”
Bewilderment is evident on your face as you try to decipher the redhead’s intentions. You’re a bit cautious since the group is so unpredictable. “Oh, um, wouldn’t it be better if Shirabu-san watched over you guys? I think I prefer watching you all have fun from afar.”
“Aw~ That’s a shame.” Tendou pulls out a small box wrapped in a bright blue ribbon from the bag slung over his shoulders. “I was planning on sharing these gourmet chocolates with the person who volunteered to be a referee.”
“Huh?” There was a small glint in your eyes.
The lanky man gently pulled off the ribbon and opened the lid. Inside the box were 5 pieces of chocolate all laid out on top of a plastic mold. Each of the chocolates had intricate designs that hinted at the work of delicate hands and showed the amount of care that went into making them. The surfaces of each piece shined under the fluorescent lights and the delectable, mouthwatering aroma permeated the air. “I gifted some chocolates for our lovely graduating friend but had a couple chocolates leftover, so I made an extra box. It’s too bad that it’ll go to waste since no one will claim them.”
You stay frozen for a moment as you eye the exquisite sweets in front of you. “...What do you need me to do?”
Tendou lets out a small shout of happiness at your response, and you took one of the chocolates out of the box. You plopped it into your mouth and immediately tasted a burst of flavor. A soft, content sigh leaves your lips as you savor the dessert. There was a soft chuckle next to you and you assumed it was Osamu but decided that you were just going to savor the moment.  After gushing over two more pieces, you decide to save the rest for later and make your way around the counter to where the rest were waiting. 
Tendou briefs you on some of the games and you can’t help but sweatdrop at what he has planned. As you look to the side, you see Shirabu sitting on his own since he’s the only one exempt from participating in the competition. The other guys just seem to be waiting for Tendou to fill them in as well.
Goshiki notices your presence and starts to make his way over to you. “(Surname)-san! W-what are you doing over here?”
“Tendou-san asked me to be a referee for your games, so I’ll be watching over all of you from here,” you reply nonchalantly.
Tendou snickers beside you and places his hands on the younger boy’s shoulder. “Now, now! Let’s get ready for the game, Tsutomu!”
Since all you really had to do was monitor and keep track of the losers of each game, you take a seat next to Shirabu who just has a bored expression on his face and acknowledges you with a short nod. Tendou has now gathered everyone else into one big group and begins to gesture his arms wildly. “The first game is called ‘Pass the Napkin’! There will be two teams of three people, and it’ll be a competition to see which team passes more napkins in one minute.”
The guys just looked at one another with contemplative faces. This game seemed simple enough...or so they thought.
“There’s one special rule!” Tendou’s eyes glinted under the lights. “You can only pass the napkin with your mouths! No hands! No other body parts!”
Many faces grew pale at the “special” rule. Yamagata brings a hand up to his forehead regretfully. “I knew this wouldn’t be easy.”
Ignoring his former teammate’s exasperation, Tendou continues his explanation. “Each team will have two baskets: one full of napkins and one that is empty so that you can place the ones you’ve successfully passed. Team A is gonna be Wakatoshi-kun, Tsutomu, and Reon! The other two including me will be on Team B! Perfect even teams with 6 people!”
Ohira takes a brief moment to think. “Now that you mention it, Kawanishi isn't here.”
“He said he had a date, so he couldn’t make it today,” Semi answers. Although, Kawanishi’s absence seems to be in his favor at the moment.
“Let’s get started!” Tendou passes you his phone with the timer app opened as all of the teams make their way towards their respective napkin baskets. “Please count us off, (Name)-chan!”
All of the guys are staring at you as they wait for your signal, and you let out an inaudible sigh. “3...2...1...Start!”
Ohira and Tendou, who are the first people in their respective teams, begin inhaling a napkin with their mouths. The game has begun.
In Team B, Semi looks mildly uncomfortable, but Tendou spares no time and immediately passes the napkin to the former’s mouth. The redhead doesn’t even give Semi any time to comprehend anything as he goes for another napkin swiftly. As Semi turns to the last person in the group, Yamagata just shrugs his shoulders and takes the napkin quickly before blowing it away into the other basket. The three seem to realize that passing the napkins in rapid succession shortens the time of contact between each other and increase their pace with each napkin.
Team A doesn’t seem to be going as smoothly. Goshiki is the middleman and hesitantly receives each napkin from Ohira with flushed cheeks that only seem to be getting darker as time passes. There is an evident pause every time the youngest team member needs to pass the napkin to Ushijima. For some reason, Goshiki also seems to make frequent eye contact with you as he’s passing the napkin to the older pro athlete before quickly averting his eyes with an even deeper blush. As a result, Goshiki drops the napkins several times.
“S-s-sorry, Ushijima-san! I’ll get the next one!”
Both teams continue transferring napkins from one basket to another for a couple more seconds. Glancing at the timer, you see that there are about 10 seconds left. You open your mouth to start counting down the remaining seconds but a sharp, horrified gasp stops you. As you direct your attention towards the source of the noise, Goshiki’s posture is tense and he’s making a strange face at the opposing team. Shifting your gaze to his line of sight, you understand what had caused the poor boy to be in such a state of shock.
A lone napkin flutters onto the floor as silence creeps through the air. Yamagata is leaning forward in Semi’s direction while the latter has his hands anchored onto his teammate’s shoulders. Their lips are connected with nothing to separate the physical contact, but both males are too shocked to make any motion. Mortified expressions from Yamagata and Semi tell you that this predicament was not intentional.
Tendou’s sudden disturbance seems to break everyone out of the trance. The timer goes off at this moment as well and a cacophony of noises fill the room. Semi and Yamagata jump away from each other aggressively. The grey-haired male sprints to the bathroom to scrub down his mouth as Yamagata vigorously rubs a handful of napkins onto his lips. Tendou begins to cackle rather loudly while Ohira just lets out an amused chuckle. Goshiki becomes a sputtering mess, red spreading across his whole body. Ushijima blinks absentmindedly.
You watch the chaos unfold and notice Shirabu closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose in disappointment. It takes a minute for everyone to get their bearings and Semi returns from the bathroom bashfully. He glances at Yamagata briefly. “That never happened?”
“That never happened,” Yamagata firmly agrees.
Tendou seems to have calmed down a bit because, before you know it, he already has both napkin baskets in his arms, one obviously more full than the other. “Team B is the winner!”
Ushijima is the only one to start clapping while everyone else just sweatdrops at the redhead. Tendou puts away the baskets and turns towards the group once again. “All of Team A will be moving onto the next game since they lost! Team B is exempt from paying!”
You watch as the lanky man saunters over to the counter and Osamu hands him a tray with three small rice balls. You make eye contact with your boss and he just gives you a smirk.
Tendou proceeds to explain the next game. “For the next round, there is one rice ball filled with delicious seasoned meat while the other two are filled with wasabi! The three participants must pick one of the rice balls to eat. Whoever chooses the tasty rice ball will be exempt from paying and the other two people will move on to the final game! (Name)-chan will pick a random name from this conveniently premade bag of names to see who will choose a rice ball first! Everyone will eat the rice balls at the same time though for fun!”
Yamagata gestures you to put your hand inside of a small black bag filled with what you assumed were the three names from the losing team written down on pieces of paper. You reach in and grab one of the papers and take it out of the bag before reading out the name. “Ohira Reon.”
Ohira makes his way over to where the tray was and picks up the rice ball in the middle without hesitation. He seemed pretty confident in his decision, but you didn’t really get the chance to question it as Tendou grabs your attention once again. “Please pick the next name!”
You turn back to Yamagata and reach out to grab another name out of the bag. Your hand stops right as your fingers graze the hem. You blink once and realize that the bag looked a bit different from before; it now seemed to be a more navy blue color. Wasn’t the bag black before?
Noticing your reluctance, Yamagata shoves the rest of your hand into the bag and gives you a suspicious yet pleading look. You inwardly sigh and proceed to pick out a name. “Ushijima Wakatoshi.”
The tall volleyball player chooses the rice ball to the far left leaving Goshiki to take the last one left without a choice. Tendou placed the tray down with a satisfied smile. “Now that everyone has a rice ball, it’s time to eat!”
Ushijima, Goshiki, and Ohira all consumed their rice balls in one bite. There were only chewing noises as everyone waited for any reactions. All of a sudden, Goshiki doubled over and threw a hand over his mouth.
You panicked. “Woah! I wasn’t joking about the vomit! You better not throw up on this floor!”
Terrified by your warning, Goshiki immediately ran towards the nearest trash can and practically stuck half of his head into it. Although he was able to control himself enough to avoid regurgitating everything in his stomach, he desperately spit out the entire rice ball with wasabi and tried his best to get rid of as much residue as he could.
You turned your attention back to the other two people who had eaten a rice ball, curious to see the other victim. Ohira wiped his hands on his pants with a content smile as he continued to savor his delicious snack. Ushijima, on the other hand, stood in his usual stoic stance.
“That was quite spicy.”
It truly is a wonder how someone could remain so composed in situations like this.
“The losers are Wakatoshi-kun and Tsutomu! Get ready for the last game to see who will pay for all of the food!” Tendou exclaims excitedly, completely ignoring the younger boy that’s now leaning over the counter in despair. “The final round is called ‘Find the Volleyball’! The two players will both be blindfolded and they will need to search for the volleyball that we will hide in this room. Whoever finds the volleyball first wins the game and the ultimate loser will be the one to pay for everything!”
Tendou takes out two sports towels and a volleyball from Ushijima’s duffel bag. He passes the towels to Ushijima and Goshiki so that they could begin blindfolding themselves. The others are just lounging around and waiting for the next game to begin. You notice that Ushijima is having some trouble keeping the towel over his eyes as he tries to tie it behind his head. Without thinking too much, you walk over to where he’s standing. “Ushijima-san, do you want some help?”
“Ah, yes. I’m having some trouble keeping this in place. Do you mind holding the towel over my eyes?”
“Yeah, sure!” For a moment, you take in his tall stature and smile sheepishly. “But, you might have to bend down a bit for me. You’re quite tall.”
Ushijima complies to your request and slightly bends his back as he places the towel over his eyes once again. You bring up your hands to his face and your fingers gently brush against his as you replace his hands with your own over the towel. The blindfold starts to fall a bit so your hold on the male’s face reflexively tightens a bit, your hands practically cupping Ushijima’s face. You start to lean forward to get a good look at the blindfold to make sure there are no gaps, not realizing how close you truly were to the volleyball player.
On the other side of the room, Goshiki’s eyes widen at the suggestive position you and Ushijima are standing in. He was just about to wear his own blindfold, but was struck by a great idea. “(Surname)-san, can you-”
“Tsutomu! You look like you need some help!” Tendou swiped the towel from Goshiki’s hands and immediately covered his eyes forcefully. “I can help you!”
Goshiki gasped in discomfort. “Ah! Tendou-san, you almost poked my eyes!”
Ushijima was finally able to successfully tie the towel around his head and you took this as your cue to pull away. He straightened his back and nodded his head in your direction. “Thank you, (Surname)-san.”
“No problem,” you reply with a grin.
Since both males were properly blindfolded, the game was ready to commence. However, instead of hiding the volleyball, Semi held onto it. You were a bit confused since you remember that the rule was to find the hidden volleyball, but at this point, you don’t even want to question these guys anymore. Tendou stood off to the side and projected his voice loud and clear, “The game starts…Now!”
Semi immediately passed the ball to Ohira and some of the guys who weren’t participating began to pass the ball amongst each other silently. Ushijima and Goshiki both reach out their arms in front of them cautiously to protect themselves from running into things. Although, their efforts were in vain as Goshiki stubs his foot on one of the chairs with a yelp and crouches to the ground in distress. Ushijima manages to knock over a bottle of soy sauce from the counter, but he doesn’t seem to realize what happened as he turns around and continues his search. Fortunately, the bottle didn’t shatter, but there is now a puddle of soy sauce coating the floor. You sigh as you grab a handful of napkins and make your way towards the mess. 
Goshiki seems to have changed strategies and is now crawling along the floor with one arm in front of him. He bumps into another chair and lifts his arm higher to steady himself. Suddenly, his hand came in contact with a round object that felt firm like a volleyball. “Yes! I found it!”
At his exclamation, everyone in the room shot their gaze to where Goshiki was and paled. Ushijima raised the towel obscuring his vision to see what was going on. Even Shirabu’s jaw dropped substantially. At this moment, Yamagata was in possession of the volleyball that was definitely not anywhere near the younger boy. 
In broad daylight, Goshiki’s right hand was placed on your butt. You felt every one of your nerves kicking into overdrive as soon as your body overcame the initial shock. Spinning around abruptly, you deliver somewhat of a roundhouse kick to the poor, blindfolded boy’s body and he ends up tumbling backwards dramatically. His pained groans snap you out of your exasperation and immediately kneel down to check on him. “Oh, sh-! Are you okay, Goshiki-san?”
With your help, Goshiki is able to take off his blindfold and sit upright. “W-what happened? Where’s the volleyball? Did I beat Ushijima-san?!”
“N-not exactly…” You play with strands of your hair unconsciously out of embarrassment. “Sorry about kicking you so hard.”
“But, I thought I felt the ball just now? Why does Yamagata-san have it? What else could I have been touching? And, why did you kick me? Unless…” Goshiki’s expression suddenly shifts from confusion to absolute horror as he starts to connect all the dots. He begins to shriek at the realization and he almost slams his head onto the floor in order to bow in apology. “I’M SO SORRY, (SURNAME)-SAN! IT WAS A COMPLETE ACCIDENT!”
You try to reassure Goshiki that you’re not angry at him. “I-it’s okay. I know it wasn’t on purpose!”
“Nice kick, (Surname)-san.”
“Would pay to see that again.”
As voices fill the air, that’s when you realize that you were still in a room full of other people and your cheeks flush pink once again. The rest of the guys were observing the whole interaction between the two of you in amusement. 
Tendou gave you an apologetic smile but still seemed satisfied with how this ‘competition’ went. He cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention. “Alright! Congratulations to Tsutomu for winning the game!”
“Huh? I thought neither of them found the volleyball in the end,” Semi commented.
“Well, Wakatoshi-kun took off his blindfold first before anyone found the volleyball, so he automatically forfeited.” Tendou faced his best friend. “It’s for the best. You make the most money out of all of us, Wakatoshi-kun!”
Ushijima nodded his head in acceptance and proceeded to take out his wallet. “I cannot deny that.”
“WAIT A MINUTE!” Suddenly, Goshiki jumped up from his position and pointed at his peers. “WERE YOU TRYING TO MAKE USHIJIMA-SAN PAY THIS WHOLE TIME?!”
“Yup.” Four males voices all answered at once.
“‘Cause it’s fun.”
The four males continue to tease their youngest friend and you sigh for the umpteenth time today. Ushijima walks over to stand next to you and hands you the total payment for the food. “I believe this is enough to cover everyone.”
You spend a couple seconds counting the money before looking back up to the broad shouldered man beside you. “Yup, looks right to me. Thanks.”
Before you could make your way to the register, you feel a light tap on your shoulder. Turning your head, you see Ushijima’s hand inches away from where you felt the sensation and you’re surprised by what he says next. “Are you okay?”
“What do you mean?” You blink in confusion.
“You looked very uncomfortable before.”
It doesn’t take you long to realize that he’s talking about what had conspired during the last game. “Oh, yeah. I’m okay. Thank you for asking, Ushijima-san. You don’t have to worry about it too much. I wouldn’t mind if you or your other friends came by again after today either. I had a good time overall.”
“Ah. Then, I will take your word for it.” Ushijima gives you a small smile and then turns to walk back to his group of friends. The volleyball player doesn’t seem like the type of person to show much concern for other people due to his naturally stoic and aloof demeanor, but you were pleasantly surprised by his caring nature.
“Order’s ready, guys!” Osamu places multiple bags of food onto the counter. “I don’t mean to mess with your outing, but we are about to close, so you won’t be able to stay for too long.”
“No worries. I think we’ve extended our stay here long enough.” Shirabu assured your boss after being quiet for quite some time. “We’ll probably head over to Goshiki’s apartment anyways.”
Everyone ignored the boy’s outburst and started to grab all their food. As the Shiratorizawa alumni started walking out of the door the night air was filled with shouts of byes and thank yous. Shirabu turned to you one last time before following his friends. “We should keep in contact, (Surname)-san. You still have my number, right? I can also let you know if I hear about any other programs for graduate schools during my internships.”
“I do! I really appreciate it. I’ll see you again sometime, Shirabu-san!” You give him a final wave and he leaves through the exit lifting up a hand behind his shoulder in acknowledgement.
Today was definitely not what you expected from what started out as a slow, normal week.
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“Still tired?” Your boss questioned you once again.
You smile as you remember him asking the same question a few hours back. “Exhausted, but strangely refreshed. Is that weird?”
“Definitely a contradiction.” He laughed at your answer. “You got yourself roped into an interesting group of people today. Didn’t know you had a sweet tooth though.”
A mild blush spread across your face as you start to stutter. “I-I normally don’t, but…”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Your boss gives you a thoughtful look and subtly smirks at your reaction. 
Recovering from your flushed appearance, you gesture a hand towards a certain box on top of the counter. “Did you want to try one of the chocolates? You’ll understand once you get a taste of it.”
“Why not?”
After quickly washing your hands in the sink, you slide over the box Tendou had given you and open it on the counter space next to Osamu. Your fingers snatch up a star-shaped chocolate and casually bring it up to his mouth. The taller male doesn’t think much of your actions and allows you to feed him as if it was the most natural thing in the world. After everything that happened today, your mind can only briefly sense that your fingers made contact with your boss’ lips. Although, your heart does linger on the fact that Osamu’s lips are much softer than what you expected.
Once the chocolate is fully consumed, Osamu lets out a satisfied hum. “Those Shiratorizawa folks sure know what they’re doing despite the craziness that follows them. Actually, there’s something else I want to ask you. You said you went to the same university as Shirabu-san, right?”
“When did you graduate?”
You look up to the ceiling as you think. “Um...Maybe around a week ago?”
There’s a slight pause as Osamu takes in what you had just told him. “What?! I had no idea! Did you celebrate with your friends too?”
You shook your head. “Nah, I never really had a lot of friends since I was working so much in college and the ones that I’m close with are all overseas already.”
Osamu nodded his head in understanding. “Well, I got nothing against spending some relaxing alone time, but did you at least treat yourself with a cake or something?”
“I’m not really used to buying things for myself. It’s fine, though. I’m pretty used to pushing aside stuff like this.” You shrug your shoulders to emphasize your carefree attitude. Although, your eyes held a hint of sadness that Osamu would’ve missed if he didn’t have his full attention on you. “Plus, I didn’t even get accepted into grad school, so there’s not much to celebrate there.”
“How come it never came up in any of our conversations?”
“Oh, uh, I didn’t think anyone else cared.”
“...” Osamu stays silent and a slight somber atmosphere permeates the air. He contemplates about something for a moment before suddenly snapping his fingers. You look at him curiously and he just gives you his signature grin without telling you what he just thought of. Instead, he places a hand on your head and begins to pat it gently. “I don’t know how much it means coming from me, but you did well. I’m sure you’ve worked hard, (Name)-san.”
You felt a slight sting in your eyes and lowered your head so that your boss couldn’t see how much of an effect he had on you. “Thanks, Osamu-san.”
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A/N: make way for ushiwaka everyone. and yes, osamu loves to just sit back and watch all the chaos unfold
taglist: @dinablossom​
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percyinpanties · 4 years
hey I'm the pipeyna anon and that's ok!!! can u do pipeyna with piper pining after hot jock Reyna which hopefully ends happy (smutty)
just a quick warm-up, i say, i won’t spend too much time on this. i really had to resist just going on and on and on with this. i miss writing this ship, damn.
anyway - this fits really well with an enemy to lovers prompt i have for jercy, so thats what im hinting at too here.
Read on Ao3
for context : i always write college aus from a UK uni perspective bc that’s all i know and i don’t care to adapt to how it might or might not work in the u.s. (sorry)
rating: teen+ (no smut in this one, but let me tell you, this TEMPTED me)
words: 2.2k 
“An actual goddess” Piper says wistfully from where she’s leaning against the wall next to Percy, taking back the cigarette she’d just bummed of him. Her eyes are glued on the field, and more precisely on Reyna, smile on her face and water bottle in her hand as she jogs over to Jason standing at the side of the field. They greet each other with a hug, even as Reyna wrinkles her face, seemingly complaining about her own sweatiness.
It’s coincidence that the end of Reyna’s soccer practice collides conveniently with Piper’s and Percy’s late seminar on Mondays. It isn’t coincidence that Percy and her have taken to sharing a cigarette on the side of the building that looks out toward the field during their break, however.
 Percy makes a non-committal noise and his eyes follow Piper’s gaze while she takes a drag of the cigarette and wrinkles her nose. She needs to quit smoking for good, she thinks, and flicks the ash to the ground. There was a brief moment in first year when Piper thought that Percy might be interested in Reyna, or she in him, but luckily, nothing ever came of that.
 “You think they’re dating?” Percy asks, arms crossed over his chest now, making no move to take the cigarette back again. He’s not even pretending not to be staring, his eyes intense where they flit between Reyna and Jason. Piper on the other hand has the common decency to at least cast her eyes away every now and again before she’s caught looking for a little too long.
At the edge of the field, Reyna and Jason are standing close together now, chatting about god knows what, smiling and laughing. They’re certainly comfortable with each other, but Piper can’t say that’s much of an indication given how she’s around Percy.
 “I hope not.” Piper mutters and Percy laughs at that, even though she knows he agrees. Percy wouldn’t admit it in a million years, but Piper would bet real money that he has a thing for Jason, too, as much as he claims to hate the guy. She’d have to be deaf and blind not to notice the tension between them.
It would make sense, though, in a way. Jason is captain of the men’s rugby team, Reyna of the women’s soccer team. Some of their practices collide and the two clubs do most of their weekly socials together, and Piper’s seen the two of them hanging out aside from that plenty as well. Reyna and her haven’t talked much about Jason, maybe because Piper hasn’t actually exchanged more than five words with him and never had much of an urge to change that, but she knows that Reyna and Jason have known each other before university.
Around Jason, Reyna seems to let her guard down, something Piper has only managed to achieve a handful of times since they met during their first year.
 Jason laughs at something Reyna says, eyes bright and head thrown back and Piper can’t deny that he’s handsome, at the very least. He’s fairly decent, too, as far as guys go, and really, Piper knows she shouldn’t be hoping that there is nothing between Reyna and him if that is what would make Reyna happy.
 “Invite her to the party.” Percy suggests then, drawing Piper’s attention back from the tangent her brain was so insistent to start on. When Piper turns her face to look at him, he’s already looking back at her, one eyebrow arched. “I was going to, anyway, but it’s different coming from you yourself.”
 He’s not teasing her, it’s an honest suggestion, and technically not even a bad one. It’s Percy’s birthday this weekend, and if nothing else, it would be a good excuse to hang out again. Percy knows a ton of people, but he usually doesn’t invite too many to his party, so with any luck, it won’t be too crowded to actually spend some time with Reyna.
More than that, though, it’s another opportunity for Piper to finally get a move on. Percy, Piper knows, thinks that Piper’s pining had reached a point where it’s almost comical halfway through last year, but even so, Piper has yet to manage to actually act on her feelings.
A party is casual enough that she can always play it off as nothing serious when it ends up blowing up in her face. Piper might finally get over herself and just ask Reyna out already – although she’s tried that a few times before only to find herself tongue tied and staring at Reyna like she hung the moon in the sky. She’s been head over heels for Reyna since maybe three weeks after they met in first year, and now that they’re starting their third and final year, Piper needs to get a move on or it’ll simply be too late. Granted, she’s scared shitless at the prospect of being turned down, but at this point, even that would be better than pining forever and never finding out if she’d even stand a chance.
 “Yeah… maybe.” Piper says finally, and manages a small smile towards Percy who bumps his shoulder against hers playfully. They should be heading back inside, so Piper sneaks a last glance toward Reyna and this time, finds her looking back.
    They don’t share any classes this year, and Piper doesn’t usually run into Reyna on campus, so on Wednesday morning, she ends up texting Reyna on her way to class. She fumbles with her phone, almost tripping over her own two feet trying to type the words out as fast as possible, and ends up having to sidestep off the path to actually send the texts.
 Hey you.
we’re having a party on Saturday, it’s Percy’s birthday.
 Piper wants to add more, but instead, she bites her lip and stuffs her phone back into the pocket of her jeans. It’s almost an open invitation like this already anyway, and Piper wants to gauge Reyna’s first reaction before deciding exactly how she’s going about asking. Technically, it would be so easy to just as Reyna to go with her, specifically, to the party, but the intention might be lost over text and anyway, wouldn’t it be simpler to just invite her generally?
Piper frets throughout the entirety of her first lecture, and most of the second one, for nothing. Reyna doesn’t answer, even though the messenger app shows Piper that she’s read both texts already, and Piper tries not to be disappointed about it. She doesn’t know what Reyna’s schedule is like today, the girl might just be busy and planned on replying later. It makes sense, much more than Piper’s second thought that Reyna is not answering because Piper is annoying and Reyna doesn’t actually want to spend any time with her. She knows that thought is stupid, knowing that however does nothing to ease the anxious knot in Piper’s stomach.
 Piper finds herself checking her phone more often than not. It would be funny if it wasn’t so ridiculous, and if the lecturer wasn’t so clearly catching on that Piper isn’t paying as much attention to the class as she is to her phone. She texts Percy as well, but she knows he’s in that seminar he shares with Jason, so chances are that she won’t be getting a reply on that end anytime soon either.  In the end, she has to force herself to put her phone away and actually focus on the lecture up front, even though by that point, she is already lost as to what they’re even talking about in the first place. It’s no good, and Piper can’t deny being relieved when the lecturer eventually dismisses the class.
 She doesn’t allow herself to check her messages until she’s across campus in the coffee shop, queuing for some much needed caffeine and fishing out her phone so she doesn’t have to make small talk with anyone while she waits in line. Reyna still hasn’t replied, but at least Percy has messaged her after his seminar.
 I’m gonna strangle him, Piper. You’ll have to bust me out of prison because they are going to arrest me for goddamn murder.
 All she’d asked was if his classes were as boring as hers today, and while she had expected Percy to go off about Jason in reply, this isn’t exactly what she’d thought to be reading today. She smiles at her phone, types out a quick reply and moves up in the queue.
 That bad? What’s he done now?
 The way Percy talks about Jason makes Piper think of a Cartoon Network villain, always plotting, provoking and scheming. The few times she’s spoken to Jason, the guy wasn’t half bad, and if Piper is honest, she doesn’t quite get the vendetta these two have with each other. She suspects though that it has something to do with how ‘infuriatingly attractive, like fucking superman or something’ Percy described Jason after their first class together.
 It’s like he thinks I’m stupid or something. Got a dumb fucking project to do together and he honestly told me that he ‘needs to pass this class so iif I’m not planning to put in the work, we might as well ask for new partners right away’
Like, excuse me, bitch? My grades are better than yours, for one thing
And for another, it’s not like good-old Dodds is gonna let us switch anyway
 Piper huffs audibly while she reads the texts. It’s clear Percy’s actually upset by this, and she figures it will only get worse if they actually have to do the work together in the coming weeks. Before she can shoot Percy a reply though, she’s next in line.
Piper orders her coffee, steps aside to wait once she’s paid, and rereads Percy’s texts before she types her reply to Percy.
 Sounds like a dick move.
 Piper’s almost inclined to defend Jason for a moment, since Percy mostly doesn’t pay much attention in class, especially in Mrs. Dodds seminars – so how is Jason meant to know how much effort Percy puts in outside of it? On the other hand, though, Piper knows how Percy is, and how personally he’s clearly taken Jason’s comment already, so trying to convince him otherwise would simply be fruitless.
Once Piper’s coffee is done, she heads back outside, finding an empty bench to enjoy the break before her next class. If nothing else, at least Percy’s ranting is distracting her from Reyna, and the party, and asking the other girl out – and in between the rapid texts Percy and her are sending back and forth Piper almost forgets about it entirely. Until she has to head back to her last class, that is, and sees that Reyna has, so far, still left her on read.
 Piper hesitates for a moment, clicking on the text field without typing anything just yet. Is she going to come off as desperate if she texts again, or should she just clarify now before it gets too late and Reyna already makes different plans for the weekend?
Piper types out a few words, deletes them again and pockets her phone only to get it back out a few seconds later to try again. She shouldn’t be walking and texting, especially given that she should be going faster to actually make it to her lecture in time, but Piper knows that if she doesn’t send this text now, she’ll spend another lecture agonising over what to say.
 So yeah, I wanted to invite you too ofc :)
 Piper cringes at her wording, but figuring it won’t get much better, she sends the text anyway and finally tucks her phone back into her pocket to actually hurry to class.
   By the time Reyna replies, it’s late and Piper is sitting on the beat-up couch in her shared flat’s living room, watching something trashy on TV without really paying much attention at all. Percy is clanking around in the kitchen, making something that smells good enough to remind Piper that she should probably be getting herself some food, too. She’s about to get up and rummage through her fridge compartment in search of something edible when her lock screen lights up with a message from Reyna, and that derails any thoughts of food immediately. Piper isn’t subtle in the way she practically lunges for her phone, but luckily, Percy can’t see and judge her from his position in the kitchen.
 Sorry, long day, reads the first text, following a few seconds later by another one.
Promised Jason to hang out but I’d love to :(
 Piper bites her lip, knowing before typing out the words that Percy won’t like what she’s doing in the slightest.
 You could bring him? Percy won’t mind.
 Except that Percy most certainly will mind, Piper thinks, and grimaces. If she hadn’t come off as desperate before, she most certainly does now – texting back within less than a minute after having been left on read all day, only to offer that Reyna can bring her friend (boyfriend?) along as well if that means she’ll be there.
There’ll be other opportunities, Piper tells herself, and scrubs a hand over her face. She needs to chill, and maybe she needs to grab a cigarette and step outside and calm down before she embarrasses herself even further.
 Piper stares at the screen. How on earth is she meant to interpret this? At this rate, she won’t make it until Saturday, dying of one crisis or another before then.
 if you’re sure? I’ll ask him.
haven’t seen you in a while, would be nice to hang out again ;)
 I’m sure.
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cat-tob · 4 years
Seven Thursdays
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Seven Thursdays, Seven Coincidences
Im Hyunsik x OC
(previously uploaded under killingmebtob, this is a revised edition)
Thursday, 5 October 2017
"Believe in me and wait. I promise... I'll come back to you..."
I can barely hold back from rolling my eyes at the cliché dialogue. Sometimes, I really question my editor's intentions. For the nth time today, I wonder how she expects me to gain inspiration from a coming-of-age novel but then again, she knows best when it comes to melodrama. Sighing, I return to the passage, fervently hoping that something interesting will come up to distract me from the cold. It is now the middle of autumn now and I did not expect it to be chilly this afternoon in the park, especially after the weather forecast earlier.
"Hi, sorry is this seat taken?"
A low voice interrupts my thoughts. Without looking up from my book, I shake my head while gesturing to the stranger to take a seat. With a murmur of thanks, he sits slowly and softly as if he is afraid of interrupting me again. Cute, my mind whispers before I lose myself to the story, the ambient noise as a wonderful soundtrack to accompany me.
It is only moments later when I notice that the sun is setting. I barely registered the stranger leaving but then again, he had been very quiet. I keep my book in my bag before bringing my hands up to my lips to blow on them. As I am about to leave, I notice a pack of new hand warmer by my side. Did he leave it behind by chance? Or did he notice that my fingers are freezing? Smiling to myself, I thank the stranger in my heart while I take the pack.
I guess my questions will remain unanswered, I think as I walk away from the bench.
It takes one Thursday to cross paths.
Thursday, 12 October 2017
I find myself at the park again, sitting on the same bench while writing out a brief plot for my new idea. It is not much but definitely better than last week. I smile to myself as I recall the act of kindness last week. I guess chivalry is not really dead, I think wryly.
As I write, I hear the crunching of leaves which make me look up to see a person approaching the bench.
"Hi again. Is the seat taken?"
A familiar voice breaks the silence around me. Finally, I am able to put a face to the kind stranger from last week. He is pretty tall, his black coat accentuating his silhouette. His messy black hair almost covers his eyes which light up as he smiles.
"No, it isn't," I answered, still reeling from the surprise that I am seeing him for the second time in the two Thursdays I am here.
With a muttered thanks, he sits and relaxes against the bench. Crossing his legs, he takes out a notepad before plugging in his earphones. A look of concentration crosses his face as he writes. Soon, he looks as if he had lost himself to the music as he remains engrossed in his work. I catch myself studying him, mentally berating myself for staring. All of a sudden, I remember that I have to thank him for the hand warmer. However, I hold back for I did not want to disturb him. Maybe later, I think and I turn to write.
Later finds me nearing sunset. I hear him moving as he starts to pack his things. Gathering up the courage, I clear my throat before turning to him.
"Hey, umm... thanks for the hand warmer last Thursday," I croak out, my throat dry from not talking for an hour.
He looks up, as if my voice had jolted him from his task.
"No worries, I have a lot on me," he answers.
He breaks into a smile and the corner of his eyes crinkle along with his smile lines, making his smile contagious to those around him. I can only nod, unsure of how to respond. As he stands, he suddenly turns to me and hands out a new pack of hand warmer.
"It's going to get cold tonight. Keep warm yeah?"
With a parting wave, he turns around and leaves.
It takes two Thursdays to smile.
Thursday, 19 October 2017
Perhaps my continued fascination with the park is that it is a good place to observe humanity's interesting antics. It is one of the few moments where their uninhibited emotions are clear on their faces as they enjoy themselves.
"Maybe I can use that little boy for a character model," I mumble to myself while scribbling in my notebook.
Satisfied with what I had written, I look up only to see Mr. Stranger approaching my vicinity. He is certainly a good model, my thoughts creep up before I dismiss them.
"Hello again," he greets as he stands before the bench.
"Hey, and no this seat isn't taken," I respond while moving my things away to make room for him. I close my notebook and place it by my side.
Chuckling, he takes off his bag before sitting carefully at his usual space.
"I've come prepared today," I remark, indicating to the hand warmer on my lap.
He gives a small laugh in his low voice and I grin along with him. There is really something about this stranger that lights up the atmosphere around him. He leans back and breathes in deeply as if he is soaking up the atmosphere around him.
"You're not reading today?" he suddenly asks, breaking the momentary silence.
"Yeah, not today. I'm collecting materials instead."
"Materials?" His eyes narrow, clearly confused about the term.
I grin while gesturing to the people around us.
"Yeah, materials. Everyone here is a potential subject."
He nods, finally understanding what I am referring to. He crosses his arms behind his head as he observes his surroundings.
"You're a writer."
It is not a question and I just incline my head in return. With a heavy sigh, he tilts his head back against the headrest and closes his eyes. I glance at his calm face, a question lingering at the tip of my tongue.
"Are you a writer too?" I blurt.
With his eyes still close, he smirks and mumbles, "Somewhat, I guess."
All of a sudden, his phone rings. He sits up, excuses himself as he leaves to take the call. I take the moment to register our conversation, rolling my eyes at his last cryptic response. He comes back soon, an apologetic look on his face.
"I have to go now," he starts as he takes the bag that he had left on the bench.
I nod in response as I wave him off. As he adjusts the bag on his shoulders, he appears to remember something and starts to dig in his coat pocket. He takes a pair of gloves out before turning to me.
"See you around," he says clearly as he offers the gloves to me. "Take care of yourself, yeah?"
I accept them hesitantly, confusion and questions clear on my face.
"Don't catch a cold. Thursdays will be boring without you," he answers, grinning with a mischievous glint in his eyes before walking away.
Leaving me sitting on the bench holding the pair of gloves in my hand and a million questions running through my head.
It takes three Thursdays to talk.
Thursday, 26 October 2017
On Thursday, I find myself staring at a familiar handsome stranger writing on the bench. This marks our fourth meeting and I still don't know anything about him, I think dryly. As if he senses my approach, he looks up from his work and his face break into the warmest of smiles as he notices me. He shifts his bag to make space. Wordlessly, I walk up and take my place next to him. Somehow, this is beginning to feel like a routine.
"Thanks for the gloves last week," I start as I hand them to him.
"No worries, I'm glad you look well," he responds before returning back to his writing.
Despite it being our fourth meeting, there is something comfortable about meeting him here to the extent that I have started to look forward to Thursdays. A calm silence settles between us as we each turn to our own individual task. Once in a while, I steal a glance at him from the corner of my eye. He does not write much but he plays with his pen a lot by tapping it against the armrest in a constant rhythm. Sometimes he murmurs under his breath and gets ready to write, only to shake his head and continues tapping. I smile to myself, acknowledging that I do enjoy this weird company that we share.
"So, I tried to look you up..." he remarks all of a sudden, pulling me away from my reverie.
I frown at his revelation as I try to recall the instance that we introduce ourselves.
"I didn't tell you my name," I counter.
He laughs softly as he points to the notebook on my lap. On the notebook, my name is spelt out clearly in cursive, a grim reminder of that one attempt where I had considered calligraphy as a job switch.
"That's a little sneaky and creepy actually," I respond.
Like a defence mechanism, I turn the notebook face down. He laughs louder now and apologises.
"I wanted to ask you last week, but work pulled me away. I'm sorry," he supplements, the ghost of a grin flittered across his face.
I tried to maintain my frown but I crack a smile at his embarrassed expression.
"Good thing I'm in a good mood today," I smirk, turning away from him to focus on the people before me.
"Oh, why so?"
Someone is chatty today. I keep my notebook in my bag before replying to his question.
"My editor gave me the green light to start on a new novel."
His smile widens as he offers his hand to me. "Congratulations! So what is it going to be about? Another thriller?"
"Nope, I choose to experiment on melodrama instead, with a mix of science fiction," I reply, secretly amazed that he knows my recent works, even if it had been an online name search.
He considers my response, nodding as if in agreement with my choice of direction.
"So who and what are you? You already know who I am and I think your introduction is way overdue," I ask, turning to face him fully.
He turns as well, placing his arm on the headrest, a serious look on his face as he contemplates my question.
"Well, I'm a composer and lyricist. But I'm not as big as you."
I raise an eyebrow at the obvious downplay of his abilities.
"So what have you composed?" I ask, a weak attempt at making him reveal himself.
"Few things here and there," he replies in a tone that implies he does not want to continue.
Shrugging, I look away from him. Secretive fellow.
Silence blankets us for a moment as I catch a scene in front of me. With a burst of inspiration, I am about to take my notebook when he interrupts me.
"You're not curious about my name?"
I cock my head at the question, my eyes glued to the family that I picked out.
"I'm just assuming you don't want me to know," I state, ignoring his chuckle at that answer.
"So what are you writing now?"
"Hmm... character profiles. The park is a good resource for that," I answer distractedly as I fix my gaze on the way a mother picks her child up after falling.
"So am I a part of that resource too?"
I stop writing, my hand lingering in the air as I consider the implication behind his question. Deciding not to think too much on it, I turn to him to meet his eye and shrug.
A moment of uncomfortable silence stretches between us as we both hold each other's gaze. I remain transfixed, not daring myself to look away from him. At the same time, there is a weird and indescribable look on his face, as if he is holding back from saying something. Fortunately, his alarm beeps and shatters the awkwardness that had settled between us. He looks away first and reaches for his phone. Sighing, he keeps his phone away and starts gathering his things.
"See you," I say weakly, still uneasy with what had transpired. He nods in reply and turns to walk away. However, he stops and faces me.
"I'm Im Hyunsik by the way, to answer your other question."
It takes four Thursdays to get to know one another.
Thursday, 3 November 2017
"So... you're the genius composer."
Hyunsik widens his eyes before grinning, remembering that he had told me his name last week.
"Guess we're even now since you looked me up. I'm actually surprised you didn't know me beforehand," he admits shyly while sipping his coffee.
He had arrived a bit later than me today, with two cups of hot coffee in his hands. He gave the excuse that the barista had given him an additional one as a mistake but even that lie sounded weak to my ear. I am thankful for his sweet gesture though, it really is getting colder with autumn ending so soon.
"Sorry, I don't really listen to music much," I apologise, a little embarrassed at my ignorance.
I remembered feeling extremely shocked when I had looked him up after last week. I did not expect him to be that famous as he did not even give any indication of it. He shakes his head, saying that it is nice for a change to not be famous to someone.
"How's your writing going?" Hyunsik asks after a while.
I look up from my notebook and smile happily as I recall my progress.
"It's going great! I'm thinking of exploring the idea of interconnectedness, like I want to experiment writing multiple perspectives and linking them up to a singular major event. I think it's really interesting to show how coincidence brings people together sometime later in the future."
He meets my eye from the corner of his, the sides of his lips pulling into a smirk as if he finds something humorous in my ramble. However, he holds his gaze a little longer than necessary. Slightly uncomfortable, I look away and ask about his group's comeback.
"Soon... that is provided I get the song ready on time," he sighs. He runs his fingers through his hair as a gesture of exasperation.
"Is it something like a writer's block?" I asked, uncertain about the differences between our professions.
"Something like that, yeah. The song is actually ready but I think I should modify the bridge a little," Hyunsik admits before releasing a heavy sigh again.
In a moment of craziness, my hand reach out to pat the hand on his lap as a sign of comfort. He stiffens at the contact and I am about to pull away when he actually holds it in place with his other hand.
"Your hands are cold," he murmurs while giving my hand a squeeze.
I freeze, my stare burning on our contact. A million thoughts run through my mind yet I am unable to decipher any of them. Instead, my senses are heightened on our touch, on the feeling of his warm palm against my skin... on the heat that we share. I am at lost, torn between what I am supposed to do and what I really wanted. Do I pull away even though a part of me is relishing this? How do I...
Before I can even make sense of my internal conundrum, Hyunsik returns my hand to my lap but not before giving it a lingering pat.
"When will your book be published?"
His voice fills the silence between us. It takes me a moment to find my voice to respond.
"In six months, if everything goes alright," I whisper shakily, still reeling from what had happened.
"That means we have at least six months to continue meeting like this."
I look at him in askance, my eyes widening at his statement. When he offers no inclination of continuing, I ask, "Why so?"
"Because you said I may be a resource for your book," he grins as he recalls our last conversation.
I break into an awkward smile, still unsure of the hidden implications that surround this enigmatic man.
"Why do you come here every Thursday?" he asks, curiosity lacing his tone.
Leaning against the bench, I take a moment to consider my reply.
"I think it's because Thursday is a random day of the week. It's a day before the weekends and it's also the last day of the weekdays. I don't know honestly, maybe it's a good day to wind down. What about you? Why are you here on Thursdays?"
Still smiling, he mimics my position. "Same here I guess."
"What a coincidence," I say softly, a ghost of a smile teasing on my lips.
"Or maybe it's because I just want to keep sharing conversations with you."
Startling, I turn to him, searching on his face, and in his eyes, for his intentions behind the loaded statement. He stares back, confidently meeting my gaze. My breath hitches up in my throat as he drops his guard for a moment, revealing a glimmer of the truth. All too soon, he hides his emotions and fixes me a small smile.
"You should pick up your phone, it's been ringing for a while," he states, inclining his head at a particular buzzing source.
Before I can respond, he stands up and brushes the lint off his coat.
"Take care. I'll see you around."
It takes five Thursdays to be honest.
Thursday, 10 November 2017
For the first time in six weeks, I am late.
Not that we ever set a time or even promise to meet every week, I think sardonically. There is nothing certain between us, yet a weird routine had settled which makes our meetups work. However, deep down I acknowledge that one of the reasons why I am late is because of the lingering fear that had developed along with the anticipation of meeting him. And following last Thursday's 'incident', I know that our meetups are not coincidences. Coincidence works best in the first three weeks, but not for six weeks. Besides, after last week, I know for sure that the term 'coincidence' does not begin to describe us.
I shake my head as I try to stop myself from going down that slippery slope. I remember vividly how I had walked home after last Thursday, pondering over our exchange. Over his words and over...
I stop short when I notice that he is not there on the bench. I nibble my lower lip, wondering why he is not there when I am already two hours late. Shrugging it off, I make my way to the bench with the very intention of waiting for him so that I am able to demand some answers out of him. And perhaps, just maybe, get myself out of this limbo that we have subconsciously put ourselves in. I shiver slightly, wrapping my arms around myself in a half-ass effort to keep warm. Slowly, I start to recall how it all started with a pack of hand warmers.
It is interesting, to say the least, that we know almost next to nothing about one another except from the things online. Nevertheless, his little quirks have started to make their way under my skin. I find myself thinking of the way the corner of his eyes crinkle up when he smiles, or his deep chuckles as he laughs at our conversations. I recollect how he taps his pen, or how he bites the end as he thinks. I remember how his lips move wordlessly as he voices out his thoughts. I remember the light scent of his cologne that envelopes us and I definitely remember the feel of his hand against mine.
I bite back a sigh when I realise that deep down, he will not be here today. There is nothing to keep him coming and our time is up. As I am about to stand up, I hear someone running up towards me.
"Miss! Miss writer!"
I ignore the disappointment in my heart when I realise the voice is not his. A little boy, barely eight years of age, approaches me from afar. As he gasps for breath, he hands me a folded paper enthusiastically.
"He... He said this is for you!" he greets, smiling with a toothy grin.
"A tall mister!"
With that, the little boy runs off. My eyes follow him as he reaches his group of friends who are playing in the park's open space. Curious, I open up the letter, sentiment telling me exactly who the tall mister was.
I'm sorry that I am not able to stay for too long today. We've started preparing for our comeback. It will be on the 16th so I hope you will look forward to it. Hope your book is going smoothly. I'll see you soon. Take care.
Attached is a pack of hand warmer. I take it in my hand, allowing a sad smile to cross my features momentarily. And now I know another thing about Im Hyunsik: his neat and clear handwriting. A clear reflection of the man that he is.
It takes six Thursdays to be confused
Thursday, 17 November 2017
On the seventh Thursday, I find myself sitting on the bench. My notebook lays untouched by my side. On my lap is my phone, playing a recent ballad. Playing his ballad. My wrist is slowly feeling a little numb from having supported my head since earlier. As I listen to his mellow and baritone voice, I note that he really lives up to his name as the 'genius composer'. The song is nothing short of amazing and yet... it makes me even more confused than our last meeting. Putting the song on repeat since yesterday did nothing to clear my mind. Instead, it only creates more questions as the implications of the lyrics sink in.
His lyrics which tells a story of two strangers.
About love found in coincidences.
I frown as the song reach the bridge, the part that he had admitted having problems with and the part that makes me question the man even more.
So when I next see you
I hope you'll wait for me
For this song is never enough
Not for the words that I want to share with you
A shiver runs down my back, not from the cold but from the raw emotions in his voice as he sings the bridge. Even though there is a slight drizzle, I barely register the raindrops. It is as if his song is keeping me warm.
Suddenly, I notice that the raindrops have subsided, not because the rain has stopped, but because there is a navy umbrella above me. I blink the water droplets away from my eyelashes to finally notice the black boots in front of mine.
"You're here early."
I look up and sure enough, Hyunsik stands before me, his hand outstretched as he shares his umbrella with me.
"Hey you," I greet, smiling weakly at him.
"You're listening to our song."
I look down at my lap and see that his group's album is clear on the screen.
"Yeah, I just remembered today." A lie.
He shifts his weight on his feet as he brings the umbrella closer to me. I did not make any move to stand. Nor did I give any indication of moving away.
"So what do you think about it?" A slight apprehension laces his voice as he nervously waits for my response.
I look up and meet his eyes, eyes that are filled with worry and expectations.
"It's a loaded song," I mutter, breaking our eye contact when I notice the way his eyes shift to read me.
A stretched silence comes between us, each of us wanting to say something but holding back out of fear.
"What does the song mean?" I manage after the prolonged stillness, still looking down on my lap.
He takes a deep breath as he considers my question. Clearing his throat, he tries to find the proper words to answer.
"I... I want us to end our Thursdays."
My head shoots up as I eye him suspiciously over his unexpected statement. He sees the look on my face and laughs under his breath before continuing.
"That's not what I mean. I want us to stop meeting on Thursdays in exchange for the rest of our days. I want us to stop meeting at the park so that I can take you out for dinner after this. I want to meet you on any days and time that we can. I want to stop looking forward to Thursdays and instead, I just want to look forward to all the other days that I can share with you."
I blink slowly as comprehension sinks in. Finally, I am able to register the unexplained tension that had settled between us since a few Thursdays ago.
"Where are we right now, Hyunsik?" I ask softly, my voice barely a whisper but he hears it nonetheless.
"A crossroads of sort. I've stepped on my path and I think it's your turn now to make the choice."
"And what if I choose something else entirely?"
"Then I'll be happy with the seven Thursdays that I was able to spend with you."
A sad smile crosses his face as he considers the possibility of that happening. I nibble my lower lip, unsure of the words that I want to say.
"This is not supposed to happen. Everything is supposed to be a coincidence," I whisper as I hold his gaze.
With his usual eye-smile, he responds, "And some coincidences are made after the first one."
When I can only see determination staring back at me, I take a deep breath and make a move to stand up. Noticing this, Hyunsik offers his hand but I do not take it. Instead, I plant my feet closer to the bench to create a small distance between us. I ignore the flash of hurt on his face and take a step closer.
"There are a lot of things that we don't know about each other," I state clearly, proud that my voice is stable enough to not betray my decision.
"And that's the beauty of this. Of us. So will you take the chance with me?"
Appearing as if I am considering his question, I take a step closer to him until we are only a breath away from each other. And for the first time, I am able to see his face up close. He really is handsome, and the pictures are nothing in comparison. Hesitatingly, I reach a hand up to cup his cheek, my thumb barely stroking his smooth skin. He stands utterly still, as if afraid that by moving, I may run away. I lean my head closer, until our foreheads touch and I can feel him shiver from the cold and our close proximity. Slowly, I bring my lips closer to his, stopping an inch away so that we share the same breath. He did not move and I silently thank fate that he is giving me his trust along with so much more. I press my lips lightly against his, a ghost of a kiss before pulling back. With our foreheads still against each other, I whisper the answer that I had chosen since his confession.
It takes seven Thursdays to start falling in love
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oookaline · 4 years
A response to this tweet:
"ok. i’m bout to ask a question to the larries. yalls whole argument is that simon and modest are homophobic right? please explain to me how Harry got away with being such a strong advocate for the LGBTQ+ community while being in One Direction? Why was harry the only one dropping hints on his sexuality. if they were so dead set on pushing this heterosexual narrative onto the boys then how did Harry get away with the things that he did? harry was dropping hints at his attraction to males. no, not with over analyzed song lyrics. i mean dead ass saying it. I genuinely want to know because Harry‘s been out of the closet for years now .y’all claim that Louis is closete. Harry managed to get out of the “evil clutches of Simon Cowell“ what stopping Louis and doing the same? unless this whole Larry theory was a lie and y’all were bored like, can someone please tell me why that happened? if Harry is allowed to be so open about his sexuality what stopping louis? if Harry got away from Simon would stopping in Louis they all have the same opportunity Harry may be the richest member but Louis can’t be that far back so tell me how did Harry manage to get away and be so open about his attraction of males and louis didn’t? i genuinely don’t get that."
Harry has been refering to his partner as gender neutral since forever, its not something he dropped hints on.
Not only that you have to also consider the narratives management pushed upon each of them aswell: Ima try to do a brief summary on H and Lou only, as this is reffered to Larries.
Louis: Perfect Boyfriend, a stable girlfriend throughout the years, influencer pretty girlfriend, no background on her so no backlash, constant papwalks on them and the occasional 'theyre toguether' tweets. Literally what it would be normalized as a happy relationship.
Harry: Fuck Boy, dated a lot of people, womaniser, headlines every week linking him to a new person, kendall, Taylor, Caroline etc, all big names yet all stunts, papwalks, 18 months of dating or interaction then never talked about again, the boy to wisk you away to a magical night then leave you the next morning.
Now taking these both you can see they are very different narratives, thus enabling them for two very distinctive ways to hinting at their sexuality with us.
Louis due to stunt reasons had to make his love songs (or his songs overall) seem like they hint at a specific girl, eleanor. Building up on the narrative they've had over the years. So while he can't directly call out his 'perfect woman' in gender neutral pronouns like Harry does, he CAN on the other hand choose what he specifies her as: a good chef, long brown hair paired with a british accent.
Very specific things that very obviously link to Harry while making press and hets think its towards Eleanor.
That one interview which didn't air where Louis said he had a boyfriend...
But this is just verbal. Lyric whise Louis has been more open and smart then anyone I've ever listened to-
The lyrics directly paralleling gay relationship, the struggles, the fear of not being able to be with them... Everything that a Heterosexual reletionship would NEVER experience. A few examples:
→Alive - One Direction (Louis) MM
"My mama told me I should go and get some therapy"
"I asked the doctor, "can you find out what is wrong with me? I don't know why I wanna be with every girl I meet"
"I can't control it"
"She said, "hey, it's alright Does it make you feel alive?"
"We got to live before we get older. Do what we like, we got nothing to lose. Shake off the weight of the world from your shoulders. Oh, we got nothing to prove"
"Went to a party just after the doctor talked to me, I met a girl, I took her in up to the balcony, I whispered something in her ear that I just can't repeat, She said, "okay" but she was worried what her friends will think"
This whole song is about questioning you sexuality and realizing you like the same sex.
Read over the lyrics and change:
girl - boy
she/her - he/him
and you'll see what I mean
→End Of The Day (Louis and Liam) MITAM
"Love can be frightening for sure"
"All I know at the end of the day is you want what you want and you say what you say, And you'll follow your heart even though it'll break, Sometimes"
"All I know at the end of the day is love who you love, There ain't no other way, If there's something I've learnt from a million mistakes, You're the one that I want at the end of the day"
"The priest thinks it's the devil, My mum thinks it's the flu, But girl it's only you"
"When the sun goes I know that you and me and everything will be alright, And when the city's sleeping, you and I can stay awake and keep on dreaming"
this whole song (apart from that one "girl") is just a huge gay awakening. If you keep the girl its a wlw anthem then.
some more exaples from scattered songs:
"There's a moment when you finally realize, There's no way you can change the rolling tide" -Ready To Run
"There will always be the kind that criticize, But I know, yes I know we'll be alright" -Ready To Run
"Told myself I kind of liked her, But there was something missing in her eyes" -Home
"I was stumbling, looking in the dark , With an empty heart, But you say you feel the same"-Home
"Still high with a little feeling, I see the smile as it starts to creep in, It was there, I saw it in your eyes" -Home
"But I know you're only hiding, And I just wanna see you" -Through The Dark
"And I can see your head is held in shame, But I just wanna see you smile again" -Through The Dark
"And I will hold you closer, Hope your heart is strong enough" -Through the dark
"People say we shouldn't be together, We're too young to know about forever" -TDKAU
"They don't know about the things we do, They don't know about the "I love yous"-TDKAU
these are just some out of the many Louis wrote. You can see where I'm going with it now.
and im not even going to touch i to all the shading Louis did with his clothes, tattoos, actions etc...
Now, Harry 'got away' with those actions because of various reasons, but I wouldn't say that he got away, I'd call it more of a "You stop me from doing this we will get backlash for possible homophobia and then y'all lose money so suck it up fuckers we're going on a rainbow ride" which is true; Yes, Harry did always refer to his ideal partner in gender neutral forms, but during the rainbow direction project was when he really amped it up so he could always go with the casual "I'm just supporting my fans, there's no harm in that" when confronted about it, which includes him waving the flags around and all the other stuff.
But it also seems you all are forgetting about how along with all the Queer!Harry we got, we also got more and more headlines of Wom!Harry, more stunts and etc: 5 different official relationships (not counting Kendal twice, which would make 6) between late 2014-early 2016 ALSO NOT COUNTING RUMOURED GIRLFRIENDS which then would make the list go so much higher, Harry couldn't before and still can't hang out with WOMEN or else there will be rumours of them dating.
And this doesn't happen with Men :/ He can hang put with multiple men, and there probably will be barelly one and a half articles written about it -only by small outlets- which in comparison to when he is seen hanging our with a 'mysterious woman' we'll get hundreds of articles about it in a span of an hour.
So what I'm trying to say is that sadly he can still call his ideal partner a he and be seen kissing a guy that the media probably will focus on the chick on the background and write an article like "Harry Styles seen out with friends in LA and he seemed extra cozy with mysterious blonde".
But again, the same with Louis, he hints at us about his sexuality so much, be it us the only one who properly listens to him.
With his songs and the flags and the pins and everything.
Here's some of his lyrics from the Oned era:
"We were meant to be but a twist of fate, Made it so you had to walk away" -Happily
"I don't care what people say when we're together"-Happily
"I can't even think straight but I can tell, You were just with her"-JABOYL
"And nothing's ever easy, That's what they say"-JABOYL
"Pay attention, I hope that you listen 'cause I let my guard down, Right now I'm completely defenseless"-If I Could Fly
"I've got scars even though they can't always be seen, And pain gets hard, but now you're here and I don't feel a thing"-If I Could Fly
"One day you'll come into my world and say it all, You say we'll be together even when you're lost"-Something Great
"I want you here with me, Like how I pictured it, So I don't have to keep imagining"-Something Great
"The script was written and I could not change a thing, I want to rip it all to shreds and start again"-Something Great
"You're all I want, So much it's hurting"-Something Great
So yeah, its sad that you just alienated that one thing without having context nor looking at the bigger picture. If I missed anything please tell me. :]
sorry for the long post
(copied from my answer on twitter)
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adonis-koo · 5 years
bury a friend
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Note: Getting shit done this week 😌 this was suppose to be the last part but it’s not ??? Psych. Anyways took me forever but I hope u guys enjoy 🖤
Pairing: Yandere!Taehyung/Reader, Jungkook/Reader
Plot: Taehyung was always different. Ever since you were kids he had always been different. Constantly in and out of the psych ward but that never stopped you from liking him when you were little. He was like the brother you never had. Unfortunately after moving in together your life turns into a nightmare that you can’t wake up from.
Word count: 4546
Previous | Next | Part 1
“What a freak!” The words were spat out by the loud laughing boys as they huddled around the younger grade boy. Shoving him down to the ground as he grunted, Taehyung was ready to stand up and simply ignore them, it’s all he could do right?
The wind was knocked out of him as a kick swiftly came to his stomach and another wheezing from the other kindergarten boys. He expected the next one to come just as ruthlessly as the last but it never came as he heard a shrilled shout, “Don’t be so mean!”
The other boys turned around like deer in headlights before slowly dispersing away from him. Confused Taehyung looked up from his mop of hair to see a girl roughly the same age, stomping her foot in her white dress as she glowered at them, a dab of dirt smudged across her nose and scraps on her knees from playing, “Go away L/n he’s just a freak,” The pack leader replied scoffing, glaring down at the him harshly. She only stomped her foot again before chucking the baseball she held in her hand at the boy, “I don’t care! Get away from him!”
The boys, quickly cowered from the hotheaded girl as they ran away, making her huff as she crossed her arms before letting her look melt away. She quickly ran up to Taehyung, concern written in her doe eyes as she asked, “Are you okay?”
It was the first time in his young life, anyone had ever asked that, his lips had parted and his eyes shone brightly as if an angel had descended from heaven its self and graced him with her presence. Bashfully Taehyung looked away as he nodded, “I’m fine...you didn’t have to do that, nobody likes me anyways...”
She only frowned for a second, looking away before grinning again, holding her hands down towards him in offerance to help him up, “Well...I think you’re pretty okay, we can be friends if you’d like! Im L/n Y/n!”
It was the first time Taehyung could recall anyone ever being so kind to him, it was the only time anyone had ever been kind to him. Sure people had come along later in middle school, but they were always fake and backstabbers. And anyone in high school always had ulterior motives or they simply wanted to be with him for his looks.
There was no pure person in this world outside of his precious Y/n, you were, in a way, his hope the world wasn’t all terrible, his life line. He couldn’t let you go. No not when you were the only thing holding him together. It didn’t matter if you didn’t want to be with him it wasn’t your choice to decide. In fact it absolutely crushed him, how could you be so selfish? You were perfect, you couldn’t be selfish to get rid of him, to no longer want to be with him.
Staring down at your passed out figure as he mused all these things, leaning down to stroke your cold cheek lovingly. You could push and scream but no one could hear you down here. You could deny it all you wanted but you loved him, you had too. Because angels loved everyone. His temper flared briefly for a moment, nobody should ever be allowed to feel your warmth or kindness besides himself. They didn’t deserve it.
Especially that sniveling Jeon, just the memory of how he held you at the damnable party made a hot flash of anger take over. Taehyung would make him regret ever being born, putting his filthy hands on his angel, his world. Swallowing thickly he stood up, glancing down at you one last time before he turned around, stepping up the old creaking stairs of the basement to let his little angel rest while he decided to do something about that police dog that would eventually come sniffing around.
Attention: young girl of 21 has been reported missing over 3 weeks ago L/n Y/n, roughly y/h with h/c and e/c last seen on campus grounds-
The TV suddenly turned off in the break room as Jungkook gripped the remote tightly with white knuckles, unable to stomach the broadcast report again. Where could he have taken you? His CO only groaned as he sighed, “Calm down Jungkook, we’re going to find her.” Yoongi shrugged, running a hand through his hair as he filed through the paper work, briefing himself but not quite paying as close attention as he knew he should’ve.
“It’s been 3 weeks,” Jungkook finally released the remote as he grunted unamused, not liking the idea at all of sitting around waiting for evidence to show up when you could be out there potentially being tortured if not killed already, “And there’s been no progress on the case.” At this rate they were going to close the case as cold and simply write you off as missing presumed dead. The thought made his stomach churn sickingly as Jungkook gritted his teeth, “If we could just get into her apartment-“
“Jungkook,” his CO Yoongi sighed once more, dropping the papers he held onto the table, finally resigning that he wouldn’t make any progress with the younger kid around, “We can’t do that without a warrant and with everything else going on I severely doubt the judge will pass it.”
Sighing his shoulders dropped before shaking his head, Yoongi was right but it’s not as though it made him feel any better. Ever since your disappearance kidnapping and homicide rates had spiked leaving the police department sparse on resources and while Jungkook assumed they were connected his CO wasn’t as superstitious.
A hand suddenly smacked Jungkook’s back heartily and a can slammed against the table he stood at, “Cheer up Kook last I heard up at the main station they spotted a black ‘89 Ford Mustang about a half an hour ago.” Jimin stood beside his friend, watching his eyes sink to the energy drink before shooting up in surprise to look at him, “The licenses plate matched?”
This was where Jimin’s face dropped slightly, having never been good at concealing his emotions Jungkook sighed again as Jimin gave a sympathetic smile, “They’re trying to get a fix on the plates from the camera feed off of the area they spotted it in but I was leaving when they first started working on it. We’ll probably hear from them in a few hours if they find anything.”
It was already nearing nine at night but Jungkook hadn’t been sleeping regardless, it would be another late night whether it was spent in station or at home. Pressing his lips together he looked at the clock over head as the idea popped into his mind, it was a bad one of course.
But thankfully his best friend was always up for a shitty late night decisions, “Well I’m going to clock out and try to get some rest. I’ll see you both later.” Jungkook replied coolly. Making his CO curve an eyebrow watching him carefully as Yoongi replied, “Oh? Well good, get some rest kid you’ll need it.”
Jungkook had already began to walk out of the break room as Yoongi called out, “And Jeon, stay out of trouble.”
Jungkook only threw him a nod that Yoongi knew all too well was a dismissive one, and whatever he had in mind was simply going to do anyways. Jimin being the curious cat he was quickly said his goodbyes to their superior before slinking away to find his friend. Catching up to Jungkook who was on his way out to his car Jimin huffed as he asked, “What are we doing?”
“Getting changed first of all,” Jungkook flicked his friends forehead as he whined rubbing the spot, “Meet me at my house in an hour okay? We have a lot of work to do.”
Sighing Jimin shrugged before nodding, figuring he’d get the run down when he arrived later that night. Now all that was left to do was get takeout and change into civilian wear.
Cold hands, cold heart. Bruised knee’s and empty eyes. Blood crusted finger nails, stringy hair and blurry vision. The list of your ragged appearance could go on for more then an hour if you had any strength left to think. Pressing your chapped lips together you rolled onto your back, the wet concrete uncomfortable against your skin.
A violent shiver was sent up your spine, making you curl against yourself again as you closed your eyes. Hoping tears would fall and yet none came. You had become numb to any sensation there was left too feel. All you could do was simply breath, even thinking had become to much for you to bear. Eventually the basement door opened with a loud scrap letting you know it was time. Another day with the devil.
His footsteps were heavy making them echo off the walls that accompanied a splash from the floor. Your breathe hitched and your movement stilled, maybe if he thought you were dead he’d finally let you rest. It was only wishful thinking though as Taehyung hauled you up, scooping you into his arms as if you were delicate porcelain. Which you rightfully were, your body was sore, bruised and bartered. He brought you upstairs to the unfamiliar apartment.
The black and white tiling for the kitchen appeared beyond dated and the wallpaper was crumbled and peeling off the corners of the walls. Your vision was spotted though and you couldn’t focus on any of the details for much longer. Your conscious had begun going in and out. One moment you were in the kitchen. The next you were in a bathroom with Taehyung undressing you.
You almost briefly remember the warmth of water touching your skin but you weren’t really sure anymore. The next moment you were fully conscious you were against something soft and under atleast four layers of blankets. Had it all just been a bad dream?
Attempting to stretch you were stopped in your tracks at the all too familiar arms that coiled tightly around you. Taehyung’s nose was buried in your neck and his arms tightly wrapped around your waist, squeezing occasionally as you noted he seemed to be whimpering in his sleep. Your body felt tense and slowly, almost cautiously you turned around to face him.
Hesitantly you lifted a hand, stopping for a moment as it hovered over his cheekbone before gently stroked his face, his muscles clenched before relaxing as he took a deep breath in.
His whining had ceased and he relaxed fully as his breathes began to even. Taehyung looked oddly innocent in that moment, his chestnut locks fallen just above his eyebrows and his square jaw looked soft as his lips parted slightly.
He didn’t look like a murder, or a psychopath. He just looked like Taehyung. The beating of your heart would’ve alarmed any other person but he hadn’t killed you yet, and he had killed many. Your face was becoming red and you knew it wasn’t right but he bathed and fed you. This wasn’t love, it couldn’t be, could it?
But his arms made you feel so safe, but they were the same ones that had maimed you on many occasions. But you had rightfully deserved it, right? When you tried to escape, or the time you had put arsenic in his dinner, you had deserved it every time.
As long as you were a good girl, he wouldn’t hurt you. Convincing yourself that was the truth you let your body relax before inevitably hugging closer to him, burying yourself into his body as you let sleep over take you once more.
The next time you woke up it was the morning, stretching out before curling back up against the warmth of another body as you sighed contently. A large hand began to stroke down your back as a raspy morning voice met your ears, “Morning sweetheart, sleep well?”
You shifted again, wrapping your arms all the way around him, afraid to speak, not trusting your voice as it always seemed to get you in trouble. You simply nodded, keeping your eyes shut as he gave a hum, satisfied with your answer. Curiously you peeped your eyes open, you were laying on top of him, both of his arms looped around you and his gaze was focused ahead.
After a moment you realized he must’ve been on his phone, Taehyung’s gaze after another second flickered down towards you as a coy smirk pulled on his lips, “You’ve been such a good girl baby,” without realizing it a shy grin took place on your lips as you felt another stroke from his hand, burying your face into the crook of his neck as he hummed, “Wanna go downstairs for breakfast?”
Your head popped up again, with parted lips and a low growl of your stomach, he was gonna let you have breakfast with him? Excitedly you nodded again as he laughed. Pinching your cheeks before ruffling your hair, “You’re so damn cute, you know that?” Taehyung practically cooed out before sitting up as you got off him, “Come on, let’s make something to eat.”
Eagerly you followed behind him, noticing you had been put in one of his shirts, oversized by nature which made the material reach the mid of your thighs. Regardless you were hungry and weren’t going to pitch a fit when you could be eating. You hadn’t been allowed in the kitchen since the arsenic incident but you were glad he had moved past it because you had as well. Taehyung had made you sit on the counter while he made pancakes, a twinge stabbed in you saying he still didn’t trust you. Why did it upset you so much?
You hadn’t realized how much your fingers twitched until Taehyung had grabbed them, evaluating your expression, eyes darkened as he asked, “What’s wrong?”
Your lips quivered looking away for a second, debating on telling him for a moment. What if he got upset? No you couldn’t risk that, shaking your head you finally spoke, “N-nothing. When will breakfast be done?” You peered over his shoulder at the skillet where pancakes had laid half cooked and near ready to be flipped. Taehyung looked at you for a moment, knowing well he didn’t buy your answer but said nothing about the topic before offering a smile, ruffling your hair, “In a few babe, wanna start frying up the bacon for me?”
Your eyes lit up as you nodded rapidly, quickly hopping off the counter as he chuckled at your eagerness. You made your way over as Taehyung followed behind getting the pan out for you. It had been a suspiciously pleasant morning as you ate together.
Taehyung had filled the silence with rambling about this and that as you listened, but never chipping in or contributing. Not out of disinterested but more so out or not wanting to anger him if you said something wrong. Eventually he had let you both go to the living room to put on a movie.
When was the last time you had even seen a TV? Laying down on top of him you let out a yawn as you snuggled back down against his neck, his arms wrapped around you as his fingers massaged into your hair. Letting your eyes fall asleep you sighed contently, it seemed after a long hellish time things were finally going back to normal.
| 9 hours previously |
Jimin wiggled in his seat, his fingers fumbling with his chopsticks in attempt to get the noodles up from the styrofoam takeout box as he pressed his lips together, focused on his meal but still asking, “Are you sure this is a good idea?”
Gripping the stirring wheel Jungkook pressed his lips together, looking towards his friend for a moment before back towards the road. This wasn’t a good idea, but that was the purpose of bringing Jimin along, because even if it wasn’t Jimin loved bad ideas.
And even if it wasn’t a good idea you needed help that wasn’t going to be provided by the police force which meant he’d have to take matters into his own hands to insure you were safe, “Would we be here if it was?”
Jimin puckered his lips wistfully for a moment while chewing, swallowing as he gave a hum shrugging, “Good point.”
Technically this would be breaking and entering but neither of them were in uniform and this was out of good intention so they wouldn’t be charged with more then a warning. That was if they got caught anyways. And the likelihood of that happening wasn’t very high.
Parking the car Jungkook had grabbed his styrofoam box, eating what was left of his takeout before stepping out of the car with Jimin behind him not too long after. They trailed through the apartment numbers as Jimin looked around, scratching his head as he asked, “Not to make you out like a creep but how do you know where she lives?”
“One of Seokjin’s friends is her best friend, when I mentioned wanting to stop by for evidence he gave me her address before I could even ask.” Jungkook explained as he stopped at the apt number. This was it. Pausing for a minute Jungkook store down the number before reaching up to knock.
Hearing a scoff he turned to look at Jimin who rose a judging brow, “Dude we’re getting ready to dine and dash this place why the hell are you knocking?”
“First of all,” Jungkook paused, licking his lips as though restraining his disgust before turning to his friend, “Never use analogies out of context again. Two it would be real fuckin’ awkward if we met our coworkers again because they’re in there and called the police.”
Knocking once more as if to make a point they both stayed silent for a moment before exchanging looks again, “So anyways, if this bitch is doing some human centipede shit to her do you really think he’s gonna answer the door?” Jimin spoke up looking bored, “I mean for all we know they might be yeeting themselves out a window right- OW!”
Jimin harshly rubbed the spot on his arm Jungkook had previously punched, sparing no mercy in his attack as he shot him an ungrateful look. After another second of silence he pulled out the lockpick kneeling down. There a loud clack causing Jungkook to jumpe before whipping around with a menacing glare, “Are you seriously fucking playing flappy bird right now?”
“What?” Jimin whined out looking up from his phone, his volume at the highest it could go, and it was was honestly a miracle the neighbors from the other apartments hadn’t gone to investigate the commotion, “Don’t look at me like that! It’s the original game, this phones worth like 5k because of it, don’t disrespect the flex.”
Gritting his teeth Jungkook inhaled sharply as he turned back to focus on his work while his useless mogul of a friend continued to play on his phone.
Opening the door he flicked Jimin’s forehead, “Come on let’s get inside before someone see’s us.” Nodding Jimin put his phone away as he turned on the flashlight he had been holding. Stepping inside the dark vacant looking apartment. Everything was pristine but dusty, nobody had been here for days, if not weeks.
Pressing his lips together Jungkook flashed his light around the living room, his eyes scanning over anything that could be a clue until he noticed the laptop that laid on the couch side. Weaving his way over he signaled Jimin to do a sweep over the apartment. Nodding Jimin disappeared down the hallway as Jungkook tapped on the mousepad. The laptop was on ten percent but unlocked without a password.
No signal? Furrowing his eyebrows he opened up his phone noticing there was a WiFi connection for the whole building, was your apartment offline? Why? Biting his lip he attempted to connect to the internet only for a diagnostic message to pop up saying the connection was offline. Just as he suspected. The only answer could be your room mate, just the idea of that shell of a person locking you away from anyone made Jungkook’s blood boil. You of all people would never deserve that kind of treatment. He began to file through your documents, most of them were unfinished essays or thesis’s. But there had to be something here, right?
It made sense though, remembering your last comment the day before you saw you at the party, to not text you.
If the suspect, Kim Taehyung was anything like Jungkook imagined he wouldn’t of been surprised to know he was heavily monitoring all of your devices. This included, thus meaning anything vital to finding you wouldn’t be on here. Sighing he closed the laptop as he heard footsteps.
Looking up towards Jimin who had returned from the hallway, “Cleared, this place must’ve been ghosted weeks ago, powers off and water isn’t running either, lots of dust in the rooms too. Found some pretty interesting shit in the guys room though you might wanna check out.”
With piqued curiosity Jungkook stood up as Jimin lead him back down the hall all the way to the end room, “It was locked when I got here but after a few a few tries I got it open.” Pushing the door open it revealed a particularly plain room. Gray walls with a single window that hadn’t been cleaned in longer then months. Jungkook wasn’t sure what he had expected but the room felt so...lifeless. It was the only way to adequately explain it. Everything was minimal and there was only one book shelf with various items on it next to a dresser. The bed was a twin and nothing else remained in the bedroom. Jungkook’s gaze though stayed on the laptop that sat in the bottom shelf of the book holder as he rose his brows, “Hey Jimin, when was the last time you hacked something?” Walking over he pulled the laptop out as he dusted it off.
Jimin furrowed a brow confused before shrugging, “I don’t know, highschool? Not since that time you convinced me to hack into the intercom to stream Cupcakke and thought it was actually a good idea. I’ve sworn it off ever since.”
“Jimin I was four shots of vodka in when I suggested that, you really can’t blame me,” Jungkook curved an eyebrow as he signaled him over, “Besides you only got suspended for a month.”
Jimin had sat down next to him, taking the laptop into his lap as he cried out almost offended, “A whole month which I got my ass beat repetitively, my mom was fucking livid Jungkook!”
Jungkook puckered his lips before snickering as he replied, “Yeah but that was because not only did you skip school when you did it, but you were also caught in the back drunk.”
“Because you fucking ditched me you jerk!” Jimin snapped back, still sore over the subject as he gave the screenlock a go only to be stopped by the fatal incorrect password system. And that’s when he launched into pulling up the script. Letting him go to work Jungkook said no more, knowing if he did he’d make his friend bail out of unresolved childhood anger.
But whether Jimin was being honest in saying he swore of hacking was true or not he still had his charm as he successfully overwrote the screen lock, “Now sit back and let me see what I can dig up.” Jimin said, a cocky smirk on his lips as he continued to type, pulling up various screens as he began to scan through Taehyung’s emails and documents.
Anxiously a pit began to form in Jungkook’s stomach, this had to give them some sort of clue right? If they weren’t here where could they be? After a few minutes Jimin sighed exasperatedly, running a hand through his hair as he gave his friend an apologetic look, “As far as I’m seeing I don’t know if he has anything on here Kook, I still have a few resources to look through but he where ever he took Y/n...he was thorough in making sure to not leave anything behind.”
Jungkook gritted his teeth as he clenched his fist, exhaling sharply as he looked down towards the ground. Where could they be? If this was a bust Jungkook wouldn’t be able to do anything but wait for the main station to give an update about the licenses plate they had gotten from the mustang. Sighing almost defeatedly he let his hands relax again as he peered beside Jimin at the screen.
Who was variously clipping through the few photos Taehyung had saved in his pictures file. They were mostly of him and Y/n, posing in selfies looking silly. It made Jungkook indefinitely angry again, who the fuck could do this to you? His anger suddenly dissipated as Jimin clipped past another photo, “Wait! Go back!”
Confused Jimin glanced at him as he clicked back a photo, stopping on a precarious one. Taehyung was standing outside an unfamiliar house, it looked fairly dated and he looked like he was still in grade school, posing next to an unfamiliar woman who must’ve been his mom.
“If they aren’t here,” Jungkook licked his lips, stopping for a second, it was a long shot but he was desperate, he was absolutely desperate to find you, remembering your tear stained face as you been ripped away from him and dragged away, “What if they went where he is in that photo? I pulled out his file from the station. His parents are dead Jimin. But what if the house is still in his name?”
“You mean like he inherited it?” Jimin asked furrowing his brow as he glanced back at the photo, “Would make sense, it looks fairly old and judging from the photo there isn’t any neighboring buildings near by.”
Feeling a light of hope stream through his chest Jungkook nodded, thinking for a moment before he asked the question that hung in the air, “Do you think you can get a fix on the location?”
Jimin let out a laugh as he scoffed, curving an eyebrow as he replied, “Kook that’s practically child’s play, I can get it in less then a half hour...Actually now that I think about it, his phone is probably synced up to his laptop, and if not directly then on some sort of social media platform right? It’d be a bit more complicated if that was the case but if his phone is synced I can use it as a tracker to get his exact location.”
Nodding Jungkook swallowed thickly, running a hand through his hair as he stood up letting Jimin get to work as he walked towards the musty window.
“Don’t worry Y/n, I’m keeping my promise.” Murmuring he looked out towards the gritty dark world. He’d find you, nothing nor anyone would stop him.
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hollandroos · 6 years
im so happy you're writing for koh!tom💞 okay okay, so i wanted to request something where the reader has been in a hell for a while now and she's grown close to tom but then he starts to interact more with a female demon and it makes her insecure because the demon is gorgeous. and her last straw would be at a ball he's hosting and she tried to dress up for him and he completely ignores her which upsets her loads and makes her more insecure. can it end in some fluff? ilysm and thank you!! 😍❤
This is 1.6k words long Im-
You felt really pretty that night.
And maybe somewhere deep down you’d dressed up for yourself– to make yourself feel good and pretty and nice and all those things. But as stupid as it sounded, you knew that you dressed for him, to make him focus all his attention on you.
You strutt into the palace ballroom with your plush, white wings full on display. They were the ones Tom claimed to love so much, the same ones he swore he could spend hours running course fingers through. They were the only white ones, purely because you were the only angel– a fallen one. You weren’t good enough to stay in heaven but not bad enough to wear the dark shade.
‘They’re the prettiest fucking wings in all of hell,’ He’d mutter. ‘Nothing can compare.’
It didn’t work.
You felt like a goddamn queen, a white rose in a field of red and the dress you wore showed off more then what would’ve been allowed in heaven. You knew you looked good, it didn’t take a genius but that nerve wracking feeling in the pit of your stomach was already full go.
But maybe it started when you had to step into the ballroom by yourself instead of with one of his arms around your waist, his black wings brushing softly against your exposed back. Or maybe it was when you took those first few steps into the ball room only to be met with the jet black eyes filled with nothing but anger and a hidden desire.
None of which were your boyfriends.
You still felt anxious towards demons that weren’t Tom. But not tonight. Tonight your eyes were dead set on Tom, growing with even more anticipation by the second.
Look at me, you wanted to shout, notice me, I dressed up for you.
He didn’t look up from his glass of red wine and you didn’t let your anticipation or need die. There was a fire burning in the pit of your stomach, growing with every smile that etched itself onto his lips and following every drop of crimson red that stained his lips.
You just wanted his attention back for one second, to feel an arm around you or lips against yours– and not in a rough, rushed way. You wanted to feel him love you. You wanted your fears to leave for a moment, for them to simply disperse.
Everyone seemed to be staring at you but Tom and the two girls he was standing with. Their gazes remain on him, boring holes into his crisp white shirt, the top two buttons already undone but you remembered that he left your bedroom like that. You did that, you popped them undone between heavy kisses and riskay hand placements.
One of the girls you recognised from the day before. She was utterly gorgeous and someone you found Tom had been seen around once or twice lately.
You snatch a glass of wine off of one of the trays, muttering a thank you beneath your breath as you go straight in for a heavy mouthful. The next thing you go for is your boyfriend standing staunchly in the very corner of the room, his black wings expanding over your head and brown curls slicked back.
“Tom?” Your voice sounded sickly sweet over the music, words dripping like honey and he responded roughly– words striking like venom but when did they not?
“Darling? Oh, you made it.” He smiles, stepping away for a brief second.
The girls send you a scowl. You don’t give them the attention they so desperately want.
One of his hands snake around your waist, his warm lips going to your temple and you smile, rosy red lips curling up. “I did, I actually got here a few minutes ago.”
“Really? I didn’t see you come down?” He remarks. You resist the urge to make a sarcastic comment just yet because he probably didn’t realise what he’d been doing– that for the last three days he’d made you feel unimportant, made you worry that you were losing his loving gaze and actually threatened by a demon.    
“What do you think of my dress?” You force a smile and do a little twirl, the end curling around your heels.
“Looks good.” Then he turns back to the girls. “So, what was I saying…”
You drown out his voice.
‘Looks good’
You were used to him telling you that you looked stunning, show stopping, ravishing, perfect beyond words. Good was still a complaint but it was one that you weren’t sure meant a lot from him.
Suddenly you began worrying that the middle was tugging at your waist too much and the lace sleeves were ripped in one place or another and the end was too long– maybe too short and too much of your heels were exposed.
You had gone from feeling sexy to suffocated, graceful to anxious that this was all too much.
So you tear his arm away from you, forgetting about the fact that only moments ago you were craving his physical touch and spin around on your heels. If you hadn’t of had so much practice in them since leaving heaven then you would’ve fallen– most likely taking a waitress or two down with you and that really would’ve been the icing on the top of the cake.
Tom knew he messed up the second he said those two words but was too egoistic to admit he. He would have drowned you in love and meaningful words. You were spectacular, sweet, utterly sinful.
And if you were alone he would’ve kissed down your neck, lips leaving a trail down your shoulder. The king would have climbed onto his knees for you, choked on his own words to show you in other ways what he thought of you in that dress but he didn’t know what was wrong with him.
He watches you clamber away, clenched hands folded in front of you as you gently shove past a crowd of demons. None of them dares to stop you and Tom follows behind, somehow
“Y/N, C’mon.” He practically begs, yeah, begs.
“What do you want?” You snap, just wanting to climb into your shared bed in a t-shirt and sweats– only Tom wouldn’t be in it and you’d take comfort in petting the man’s hellhound. You wanted to get rid of the makeup and the fancy hair clips and jewelry–
“Why don’t you tell me what it is that you want?” He watches your face remain the same, your teeth remain clenched and eyes hardened. “You look gorgeous in that dress, you do yeah?” His hands run down your waist but you don’t make any mores to stop him– nor spur him on. “You look amazing in anything.”
You push your lips into an angry pout, crossing your arms across your chest. By now you were in one of the many halls surrounded by paintings instead of demons. “I just wanted to get your attention.”
Music pounded through the walls.
“You’ve definitely got it–”
“No, I didn’t until I stormed out of there looking like smoke was about to come out of my ears.” You meet his normal, coffee brown eyes and let your face soften slightly. But you weren’t about to let him off the hook. “You’ve barely given me any attention for days and I’m at the point where I feel like I need to fight for it because you’re always busy or paying attention to what’s her face in there… I feel like I have to dress up like this to get your attention and even then it clearly doesn’t work. You haven’t taken the time to kiss me like you actually love me or make love to me in a week or so–”
The back of your throat burned but you didn’t notice that, because all you could focus on was the fact that he was mere inches away from you and your back was pressed up against the wall and it was intimate and you were alone.
“My love, look at me.” Tom takes your chin in his hand gently, bringing his lips to yours the second you met his eyes. His lips were warm, lightly chapped but still gentle against your own. The wine he’d been drinking stained his lips. It was careful, loving, and you feel yourself go limp against him, body instantly moulding against his own. “You’re everything, you hear me? Everything and more. You’re on my mind every second of the day, your voice plays in my head when I’m alone
“C’mon, Tom, I know you’re the king of hell and you’re all high and mighty but I… I need you.” You feel your voice break as his fingers softly caress your cheek, then over your bottom lip.
“And I need you too.” His voice is hoarse and raspy. “I need you in times like this to snap me out of it when I’m being an absolute dick. It sounds sappy but I need you too.”
You bite your bottom lip, tasting the bitter remains of the alcohol. “You hate being sappy.”
He notices the laugh you’re trying to suppress and smiles. “But it’s you, you make me sappy and I– I love it. I’m still learning how to do this entire relationship and sometimes I mess up and that’s no excuse to hurt you so call me out on my bullshit all you want, knock me down and tell me to wake up. I’m bettering myself for you.”
Only adding tags because this is a long one: @cosmetologynerd @holland-ish @smexylemony @thewiseandfree @zendayacolemen @dej-okay @hollandsletters @ive-got-some-lies-to-tell @liz-gayllen @marvelismylifffe @lovelyh0lland @tomhollandandmarvelsworld @woah-jess @southsidefandoms @justannothermonday @its-claire-louise @sophiatomlinson23 @mockingjaygirl1221 @joyfullyjenny @damnhisfaceisliketheskyatnight  @bride-of-loki-odinson @in-the-corner-coffee-please @futuremrsb-r-main @spideyyypeter @saturn-aka-six @c0prolalia @buckykinz @ashtonsbandannas @dennasaur @amyyleblanc1999 @fnosidam @randomfangirl1701@maybeandperhaps @acciorinn @marvel-language @micki-smiles @justmesadgirl @converseskyline @niall2017 @gavemylifetotomholland @tomuchmarvel @leslieandjensen @painted-soulss @practicallylivesonline @mischiefmanaged49 @its-the-unknownspidey @holyrose96 @for-my-mind @mlxbm @erindillon11 @captainbuckyy @shawnandhisroses @converseskyline @smitten0-0kitten @parkeroos @whileinparis @unicornio-vomita-mierdas @draqcnheartstrinq @rainyboo-posts @mikalaka @petxrpxrker @tony-starks-ego @thedaydreamingwriter @peter-quackson @kateelyse96 @lesbian-jesus-jr @wheresmyquill @elyshugh @hollanderheart @tomshufflepuff @marvelismylifffe @tomsh0lland @obsessed-fandoms @girl-in-the-chair @trashqueenbitch @dramatic-and-young @honey-honey-5644 @parkerluvs @chingonaconcha @captainbuckyy @jes-sica1 @tomsfireheart @Rainbow-marvel @spideysimpossiblegirl @spideys-gurl @thomasstanley-holland @mlxbm @ixchel-9275 @parkerssweb @peter-parkersbb @tom-hollands-eyelash @starlightfound @vldlvj  @paradoxparker @lustfulcry  @mlxbm @musiclover1263 @justatheatredork @peterparkerscamera @fandomnerdsarecool @thequeensardine @cutesy-angst @httplayer @mischiefmanaged49 @loca-lola @softboyparkerr @desir-ae @dangerousluv1 @t-hotland @laucontrerasv @peter-parkersbb @whatdafricklefrackle @thatblondebelgiangirl @fairydustparker @they-call-me-le @jamiemac26 @nephalem67 @underoos-tom @quaxon-holland @lovelyspidey @no-shxt-sherl @xlatinaaxx @starlightfound @mikexpeter @moonandstars-xo @httpmcrvel @evelyn120700 @fromheroestodust @hollandfieldblurbs @ghostlypandacolorpersona @spazclaiire @curlyhairedparker @josierosie @unicornio-vomita-mierdas @icondy @euphoricholland @desir-ae @lovelyspidey @thelazypangolin @ameeravioli @ramen-tically @mellifluous-tom @mrs-webslinger @krazykiara @scottyisthatyou
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jamesdeerest · 6 years
nurse lupin
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PAIRING: older!remus lupin x reader
REQUEST: anon asked “Hai :) can you please write a thing for older Remus lupin seeing that you (fellow order member) has a cold at the meeting and he takes care of you and fluffy cute stuffs please?”
WARNINGS: angst if u squint
NOTES: updating for the first time in forever i know im sorry. also i have a cold right now and where is my fkn remus lupin how come fictional characters get him and not me >:( also this is kinda short so more of a blurb? and i made y/n and remus married in this bc why not
“Achoo!” you sneezed again, wiping your sore nose with a crumpled up tissue and ignoring the stares of your fellow Order members. You nodded at Sirius to continue, who was looking at you concernedly, mumbling a ‘sorry’ as you sniffled. Remus furrowed his brow from where he sat next to you, watching as you stuffed the used tissue back into your pocket. He nudged you, whispering, “You okay?”. You nodded hastily at your husband, pushing your hair back from your face as you tried to focus on what your friend was saying through your pounding headache.
Suddenly, Molly got up, the screech of her chair against the wooden floor like a knife to your ears. Scrunching up your face in pain, you breathed deeply, trying to calm yourself as she raised her voice. Black spots danced across your vision, as you felt a gentle hand on your arm, leading you out of the room.
You half sat, half collapsed on the sofa, and soon a steaming cup of tea was placed in front of you, in the hands of Remus. You smiled gratefully, or at least tried to, as you gripped the mug with shaky hands and sipped it. There was a brief pause, Remus staring at you the whole time.
“You need to take better care of yourself, Y/N.” he said, frowning. You rolled your eyes playfully. “Yes, Mum.” Remus shook his head. “I’m serious, Y/N. You can’t keep doing this to yourself.” You nodded, seeing how much he cared.”
“I know, Remus. I just...every time I feel like taking a break, I see all of the people that You-Know-Who killed. I- I need to avenge them.” you said, eyes pricking with tears. Remus placed a comforting hand on your thigh, rubbing it gently. “I understand, Y/N, I do. But baby, you can’t help them if you’re about to collapse.” You nodded, a stray tear, running down your face. Remus sighed. “Look, let’s take a week off. You can catch up on sleep, and get properly better, so we can focus on work.” As you started to protest, Remus stared imploringly at you. “Please, babe. I’m- I’m scared for you.” 
You met eyes, your e/c staring into his brown ones. “Rem, I’m sorry, I didn’t realise how much this was hurting you-” But your husband cut you off with a hug, blanketing you in warmth. “It’s okay, Y/N.” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your hair. “It’s alright. I’ve got you.”
“Nurse Lupin strikes again!” Sirius cried from the doorway. You jerked apart, staring at the ex-Gryffindor, confused. He laughed. “Always trying to get us to actually sleep for a healthy amount of time. Lunatic, right?” With that, he walked out dramatically, leaving you giggling and Remus exasperated. “Dear God.” he sighed, you cackling even more. “Sirius is going to be the death of me one day,” he groaned, making you swat his head. “Hey! That’s my job!”
bleghhh this was shittyyyy :(((((
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated :)
send an ask if you want to be added to my tag list!
tags: @blackpinkdolan @hoewkeye @shadylittlewonder @sassy-specter @i-am-eating-rn
requests are closed
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sunny-jac-blog · 6 years
Take It Out On Me (Modern Barlyle)
hey guys! ok so this was originally inspired by a song i love (Take it Out On Me - Florida Georgia Line) but i kinda changed some things around a bit ?? idk have some barlyle ft. nervous kicked puppy phil
also pls don't hate me i love carlwheeler a whole lot but the only way it would make sense and to have them break up pls forgive me (also i am so sorry for not having cuts im only on tumblr mobile love yall sorry for long posts ack)
Word Count: 1.5k
“What’d she do this time?”
Phillip shrugged as he pushed past Phineas, who had been holding his apartment door open. He had been getting a lot of visits from Phillip recently, to talk about Anne, and something she did or said or made him feel. Mostly, they had been good, but recently things had been tense, and Phillip hadn't come to Phineas's apartment in two weeks.
When he saw the tear streaks on Phillip's cheeks, he knew that there was no getting better.
“She-... She broke up with me, Phin. Last week. I tried convincing her we could work through it, but--” He took a deep breath, shaking his head. “She… she said that she would rather end things and go back to being friends. Which I'm fine with, don't get me wrong, I don't care, as long as she's still in my life, but--”
“--You still have feelings for her,” Phineas finished, and sighed. “I'm sorry to hear what happened, Phillip… Why so suddenly?” He glanced over and bit his lip as he walked to the couch, gesturing for Phillip to sit next to him with a sigh. He moved the remote away as the younger man crossed the room, sitting with his arms crossed.
“She told me that she had other things that she needed to focus on first, and she needed to focus on herself more right now. And- And I get that, and I agree, because she's been kinda distant lately, so I'm completely fine with this. It's just… It’s the fact that I can't get over her. I can't get my mind off of her, no matter how hard I try, and I know I shouldn't be upset that we broke up, but… I-I can't help it.” Phillip sighed, running a hand through his hair as he shook his head. He looked up at the ceiling and crossed his legs.
Phineas gulped. He thought for a moment, and shrugged. “Well, Phillip, I… I wish I could say it gets easier, but breakups can be kind of hard…” He sat up, looking at him with a sympathetic smile. “What you need is a distraction. Get some of your friends, go- go on a roadtrip or something, maybe hit a few strip clubs, hook up with someone new. It doesn't have to be a relationship--”
“You know I'm not that kind of man, Phineas,” Phillip sighed. He stood, shaking his head. “This was a mistake, I should go, I'm sorry.”
“Wait, Phillip,” Phineas sighed and stood, tugging his wrist gently. As he looked down at Phillip's wide eyes, he couldn't help but gulp. Phineas found himself taking a slow step forward, sliding his hand down his arm. He chose his next words carefully. He let out a soft breath, and clasped Phillip's hand.
“Let me be your distraction.”
There was a moment of silence. Five seconds. Phillip seemed to be unresponsive, thinking something over. Phineas started to pull his hand away. Phillip gripped it tighter, took his free hand and grabbed Phineas's red t-shirt, and roughly tugged him down into a burning kiss.
Instantly, Phineas's was pulling Phillip closer, one hand on his hip while the other threaded through Phillip's hair. He pulled back from the kiss long enough to look into his eyes, and leaned down, gently kissing Phillip's jaw.
Phillip let out a soft groan, his hands resting on Phineas's chest. “Phineas, what-- What are we doing?” He asked breathlessly, and quickly pulled back, looking up at Phin with a nervous gaze. “...I- I can't do this, not now, I'm sorry,” He whispered, looking at him for a few moments more, before hurrying to the door, quietly closing it behind him.
The next time Phillip saw Phineas, it was a week later. He hadn't left his apartment since going to Phineas's, and after that kiss, he was terrified. Terrified that Phineas would be pissed at him, terrified that he would get hurt again so soon.
And, most importantly, he was terrified of how the kiss had made him feel. For that brief moment, the kiss made him feel as if he was on top of the world, all thoughts of Anne vanished from view. Truth be told, he couldn't stop thinking about it, about him. Phineas was on his mind when he woke, and was the last thought Phillip had when he drifted off to sleep.
He had been writing non-stop since the kiss, and now had five drafts for five different “stories” that would never be seen by the public. That morning, around four a.m., he opened a new document on Google docs, shaking as he typed.
‘His lips were a blazing fire, leaving me burned in their tracks. He had caused me so many feelings that I knew I couldn't deny, and while intoxicated under his kiss, I was powerless. Even now as I lie awake, my mind goes back to the one encounter we shared, and I feel all over again. I love him.’
He stared at the words on the screen. Slowly, he deleted the last three words of the paragraph, shut his laptop, placed it off to the side, and went to bed.
When they finally saw each other again, it was a chance encounter. Phillip had been at a coffee shop alone, staring at his laptop as he attempted to read through some critic's views about his latest published work. Since quitting the play scene and joining Phineas's lesser known entertainment company, Phillip hadn't been doing much writing, but that had all changed recently. He scoffed as he read a particularly harsh line, glancing up as the door opened.
When he saw Phineas walk in, he froze. Phin glanced around, spotting him and hesitating before walking over. He sat in the seat in front of Phillip, gulping. ”Phillip, we need to talk.”
One. Two. Three.
When phillip opened his eyes again and saw Phineas there still, he nodded and rubbed his forehead. There was no way he could run away now- he had to figure out this mess.
“Can we talk somewhere private?” Phillip asked with a sigh, standing. “My apartment is a few blocks away. Let's go.”
The walk there was silent. Phillip refused to speak, and Phineas didn't know what to even begin to say. Once at the building, Phillip walked inside, gesturing for Phineas to follow. He walked to the elevator quickly, before going to the eighth floor.
His apartment was neat. Stylized. It was decorated in shades of gold, red, black and white, and looked extremely classy. Phineas didn't know what he expected, but it wasn't that.
And he surely didn't expect Phillip to push him against the door, pull him down, and kiss him.
He had no complaints about either realization.
As he kissed back, Phineas wrapped his arms around Phillip's waist, pulling him closer. Phillip ran his hands through Phineas's hair, down his sides, up his arms- he wouldn't stop touching him, as if he were making sure that he was even real.
Phineas slowly pulled back from the kiss and took Phillip's fidgety hands, looking down at him. “Is- Is everything alright?” He asked softly.
“I couldn't stop thinking about you. I shouldn't have left, Phin, I--... I'm sorry,” Phillip murmured as he looked up at him. He looked almost vulnerable. Like he was afraid that Phineas would laugh in his face and leave.
“Phillip,” Phineas started, gently cupping his cheek. “you don't have to apologize. I understand.”
“I know, it’s just- I don't know, you make me nervous.” Phillip mumbled. He slowly walked to the couch and sat down, and Phineas followed. Phillip could've sworn to see a smirk on his face, and he gently whacked his shoulder, rolling his eyes. “Don't laugh at me, Phin.”
“What- I'm not laughing! I'm not laughing,” He smiled at Phillip, rubbing his shoulder. “Don't hit me.”
“I can hit you if I want to hit you!”
“Phillip. You're the size of a kitten.”
“I hate you.”
“They why did you kiss me, hm?”
Phillip started to respond, but he groaned and rubbed his forehead, a slight grin on his face. “Will you shut up? I kissed you because-... Because, I, uh… I like you, I think.”
“Well, it's about damn time,” Phineas murmured, grinning as he pulled Phillip closer. At this point, Phillip wa as almost on top of him. Phillip cupped his cheek and leaned in to press a soft kiss to his lips, before pulling back with a wide grin.
Phineas raised a brow. He smiled up at him, resting his hands on Phillip's waist. “What's that grin for, hm? Are you planning something?”
“...Does your offer still stand?”
“My- My offer?”
Phillip looked up at him and smirked softly. He leaned in closer, their lips barely touching, his fingers playing with the hem of Phineas's shirt as he whispered, “Will you be my distraction, Phin?”
Phineas only chuckled and pulled him in for a deeper kiss, deciding that maybe he could get used to this.
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justanoutlawfic · 7 years
Happy OQ Valentine’s Day!
So, this may be a complete wreck but I’d like to draw your attention to a few things before you read you’re present ;) 1. Im pretty sure I gave away my identity already because... 2. I’m working off my iPhone (it’s sad but it’s true lol) and... 3. Mobile Tumblr just refusesss to make things easy on me. 4. And also, I waited to write this last minute like most other things in my life. But aside from all that, I do hope you find even a tiny bit of enjoyment in this. Our beautiful sunken ship deserves a bit of light today ❤️ P.s. I’d love to write for you again in the future if you’re ever interested. HOPIN’ AND WISHIN’ AND PRAYIN’ (An Outlaw Queen fic) The shadows blanket the road this far out. They stretch from the tops of the evergreen trees and cast most of the road in darkness. Except for tonight, there are a few bright beams filtering down from the full moon in the sky. The only sounds come from the crickets and wildlife beyond the pines and it’s a solitary, lonely kind of peaceful. She’s made a habit out of coming here; slipping out just after Henry’s gone to sleep and spending a precious few hours hoping. Hoping for what, she isn’t quite sure. Maybe for the resolute acceptance of how things have turned out. For her heart to stop aching and move on already. Sometimes even, she’s loathe to admit, she wishes for a freak accident that would take Marian away and right the universe again. But mostly, she hopes he’ll appear out of thin air, grinning how he does, as he steps back into Storybrooke and into her life. She knows it won’t happen, that he might as well be in another realm altogether. She understands why he’s gone, respects it even, but it doesn’t keep her from peering out down the road and wondering where on the other side he could be tonight. The pavement is cool beneath her thin slacks but she likes sitting at the very edge where she can pretend the red line in front of her crossed legs is the only barrier keeping them apart. As if the two of them sit apart, the protection spell a curtain that only need be pulled back and they’d be face to face. She lifts the flask next to her and the moon beams off its shiny surface as she indulges in another sip. She’s not drunk, but the alcohol numbs things just enough, blurs the edges so she doesn’t actually cry. And it would be all to easy to let herself embrace her emotions and sob in self pity. He was supposed to be her second chance; her redemption for the awful woman she’d been—and he was, for however brief a time. His integrity made her better. His morals brought her back to that seventeen year old girl she once was. Just “Regina”, not “Her Majesty” or “The Evil Queen”. He saw the real Regina under all those layers of guilt and anger and regret. And perhaps what makes her feel more despondent than anything is that she’ll never get a third chance. She got so unexpectedly lucky with Robin. She didn’t deserve him to begin with, but only he could have been her soulmate. Only he could understand every sordid detail of her past and still have the audacity to not only love her, but choose her. Regina runs a hand through the front of her dark hair as she sighs. She misses him. She misses having another person unconditionally in her corner, misses not always feeling like the third wheel, misses the smell of damp earth and aged redwood. She wants to scream to the heavens, or this “author”, or whatever higher power there might be that it’s so unfair! Only she knows damn well how fair her pain is; how cosmic and condemned her story has read. It’s her punishment for choosing revenge when she could have chosen forgiveness. Daniel’s death was the great catalyst of her life. And while she knows there are many who let their grief morph into hatred, there had been another way. It would have been harder, maybe taken longer, but she might have come out the other side a better person; a hero. She won’t make that mistake again. While it feels just as bad as it had years ago, even worse actually; she cannot tarnish what Robin stood for, just to try to ease the ache. If anyone was undeserving, it was that man. He had made mistakes the same as any of them, sure, but he worked for his redemption. Robin had found a way to do what she never could. He turned his pain into purpose. A purpose full of love and selflessness and renewal. And now he’s been hurt once more, entangled in the web of her retribution; collateral damage for the penance she was paying. He had not known just what loving the Evil Queen would cost him, even if she had truly made a change. Yet, he had opted to accept the shit hand he was dealt and if only it weren’t for her he wouldn’t be hurting because of it. He might even be overjoyed to have his late wife back; his family reunited. She prays for that as she slowly pushes herself to her feet now. She decides it’s the only thing she can do to wish him well, Marian too. If only she could have granted him a memory spell before he’d gone so he could forget about the wreckage she’d brought into his heart. Of course, her thief would never have taken the easy way out. And Regina can’t help but to hold on to the thought of him remembering her, remembering the true, sacred, magical connection they shared. She suddenly has to lift her fingers to her face to brush away an errant tear. She will not feel sorry for herself, at least not anymore tonight. Staring out down the still, vacant road out of Storybrooke, she sniffles and squares her shoulders to reign in her emotions and she hopes above all else that Robin finds the kind of happiness she knows he deserves. This chapter of her story is closing, and she needs to let the dust settle on the pages and find a way to move on. If her heart is going to take it’s time mending, then she must stop her late night visits. She has a son at home and new, delicate friendships, and a town that seems forever under threat, and a population of people who she owes debts so great she may never repay them. But she must try. She turns on her heel and heads back to her silver benz parked just off the shoulder, opens the door and gives one last, longing gaze down the vacant road. In her mind, the protected barrier shimmers and parts and her handsome thief appears, Roland at his side, tiny hand clutched in his. Regina abandons the door, unconsciously letting her feet carry her forward a few paces. She let’s her eyes slip closed and smiles wide with the image of them behind her lids. “Regina”, he says. And it’s not until she reopens her eyes that it occurs to her the tone of his voice had not been quite right. “Regina!” As if awaking from a dream, her focus snaps back to reality and he’s still in front of her, rushing towards her more accurately, his arms outstretched. The the next moment she can feel him against her chest, can smell his woodsy scent right under her nose. “Oh thank God, Regina!”, he nearly cries in relief and it’s all she can do to catch her brain up to what’s happening. Maybe she’d had more to drink than she thought? He pulls out of the embrace, but doesn’t completely withdraw his touch. He must have sensed her shock, perhaps too overwhelmed to see her to notice she didn’t hug back. “Regina?” Her eyes scan over his body, willing herself to believe it’s really him, but they land instead on the dimple faced child grinning up at her. “Gina! We come to visit you!”, his little voice hits her ears and she raises her eyes back to Robin’s anxious gaze. The acceptance breaks around her and she throws her arms around his neck, afraid he might disappear. “Robin!” It’s the only thing she manages to say while she’s this overcome with emotions. He holds her back, just as tight and whispers her name quietly against her head and she finally finds her voice. “Wha—why—what are you doing here?”, she breathes in disbelief. Her hand falls to Roland’s head below and caresses his locks to finally acknowledge him, but she needs to grasp her current reality before she makes a fool of herself. “It’s Zelena”, he tells her with a bit of disdain, “We’re all in danger. I had to come back to warn you all, to help fight” He glances down at his now frightened son and lifts him into his right hip for a soothing hug while Regina blinks in confusion. “What are you talking about? Where is Mari—“ “We can’t talk about it now”, he cuts her off urgently, gesturing with a discreet nod to the boy in his arms. “Listen, I promise I will explain everything later. But we don’t have a lot of time to gather the others and make a plan”. He slides a gentle hand down her arm as if to assure her it’ll be alright despite his ominous warning. Roland wiggles in his grasp and his father sets him on his feet a moment before he bounds off a yard or two and squats down to examine a rock on the pavement. “I’m just so happy to see you, Regina”, Robin cups her cheek in his chilled palm, “didn’t think I would again”. His words rush off his tongue before his lips are pressed to hers, desperate and needy, fueled by the current perils only he knows they face and his all consuming love for her. It is a reunion kiss that can only come from resolutely believing they’d be separated permanently. Regina responds with all the heart she can muster, their lips moving fluidly together as if the last few weeks had not eclipsed. When they finally break for air they are both grinning like fools, foreheads resting together as their breathing falls in sync, and she swears she suddenly feels whole again, as if her arm had been missing and has just now been returned. She lets the feeling wash over her, soaks it in selfishly for a minute because she knows how fleeting this absolute contentment is now. There are still a thousand questions running through her head, a dark cloud churning and billowing over their little town and every life in it, but with Robin’s hand in her own things feel possible. She tightens her grip and they start toward her car, ushering Roland away from his picture in the dirt as they go. They let their hands slip apart to round the car and Robin opens the back so Roland can hop inside excitedly, insisting that he’s mastered belting himself in. Once he’s safely buckled and shut in, Robin pulls his handle but catches Regina’s eyes over the hood. They both have a flurry of emotions hidden in their expressions, but one sticks out above them all and Regina knows this one to be the only true importance in the world. “I love you”, Robin declares, the lines around his eyes wrinkled from the joy on his face. Her chest swells with such happiness that her dark eyes moisten with tears and she doesn’t care that her voice cracks when she finally speaks the words herself. “I love you”. Fin
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phantomrubies · 7 years
Dancing for Infidget prompts? Infinite would have to stand on his toes and Gadget might start bending down to meet him half-way. Also, while waltzing, Infinite would always looks floaty and graceful, but Gadget would keep slipping into a polka waltz. They'd keep standing on one-another's toes, but Infinite can't help but smile a little when seeing Gadget look so energetic and happy. (THIS WAS GONNA BE THE ONE SENTENCE AND I GOT CARRIED AWAY SORRY)
AYEEE THIS IS A RLY CUTE PROMPT THANK Ui think i didnt entirely nail this bc im v rusty w my writing rn, but hopefully what ended up tumbling out suffices sdfghjgf i’ll dump it under a read more!! didnt have much of a proper direction so what happened just kinda happened lmao
There’s flour everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. Coating the wooden countertops, clinging to their fur, the substance spreads from area to area with seemingly no end amidst all the other kitchen chaos. Pots and pans also clutter the sink in disorderly piles, sugar spills from a packet left open and slumped over on its side, used utensils are strewn around, there’s a small puddle of milk on the tiled floor… the list could go on.But Infinite and Gadget are having the time of their lives. Caring not for the disarray, the two banter back and forth as they finish putting their cookies into the toasty oven at long last. While not the most professional looking lumps of dough, the wolf insists it’s perfectly fine; they’re made with love.“Well, so long as neither of us get food poisoning. Love won’t save us from that.”The teasing comment prompts said wolf to playfully swat at his arm with a checkered print tea-towel in protest. “Hey, I may be a sloppy baker, but I’m not that careless!”“…I guess I’ll take your word for it.”Due to the heat in the room gradually rising what with the cooking, the long-haired mobian reaches over to unlatch and open the window. The light summer breeze that flows in is instantly gratifying, fluttering the curtains and ruffling said hair somewhat, and it carries the scent of flowers. He can now hear faint, distant sounds of small children frolicking in the park nearby to their flat, almost drowned out entirely by the soft, mildly static hum of their old radio. Despite being past its prime, Gadget had insisted on keeping it, claiming the slightly warbled sound gave it an odd kind of charm. Naturally, Infinite had tuned the aged thing into a rock station.He soaks in all the elements of the homely atmosphere as, speak of the devil, Gadget slides up behind him and buries his snout into the crook of Infinite’s neck. Long white locks are delicately brushed aside. As the wolf speaks, his warm breath tickles against obsidian fur, and there’s that distinct, little hint of giddiness in his tone that weaves its way in whenever he’s close to his partner. They only made things official just recently, so it’s understandable, really.“You hungry..?”“Hm?”“Aw, c'mon, don’t say you still don’t have an appetite after all this work. They won’t take long!”“Oh, don’t worry, I’m definitely not letting these go to waste.” Infinite can practically feel his boyfriend’s familiar, beaming grin, and chuckles.For a moment they merely stand there enjoying one another’s company, until Gadget abruptly shifts, taking hold of one of Infinite’s hands. He then leans over with the other to turn the volume dial of the radio propped on the windowsill, cranking it up higher with a gleeful sparkle in his amber eyes. The words that follow the gesture are spoken more akin to an affectionate demand than a means of invitation.“Dance with me.”“..Dance?” Infinite blinks, cocking his head with one comically raised brow. A slight smirk graces his features. “You’re… not kidding, are you?”Feeling the wolf interlock their fingers together more securely, he supposes he has his answer, but if that wasn’t enough of a giveaway, Gadget nods enthusiastically. As what he can vaguely identify as the intro to some early 2000’s hit starts up, he finds himself dragged into……a waltz?“What makes you think I’d joke with you like that?”Infinite is clearly struggling to hold back his amusement, trying to ease into the unsteady flow - if their awkward shuffling could even be considered as such - of movements.“You know, Gadget, this choice of dance and the music don’t exactly match. In fact, they clash horribly.”“Who cares?! Having fun is what’s important. We may be terrible,” the statement is unintentionally emphasised as Gadget steps on his foot, “but we’re terrible together.”…He can’t argue with that. A grin graces his muzzle, and Infinite laughs, admiring his energetic companion with a gentle and humoured gaze. The two allow themselves to get lost in the music, and quite frankly, most certainly each other as well. They sometimes slip into completely different styles of dance, swaying back and forth and always entirely off-beat to the rhythm of the song, but lack a care in the world. Infinite swears his heart is drumming far harder than bassline of this track, and as it draws to a close, in an attempt to end with a flourish, Gadget for once makes a rather bold move and dips the other mobian. This would have worked out…If it wasn’t for the milk on the floor.Infinite’s bare foot slips on the spillage and he falls down without even time to register it, pulling his poor boyfriend with him until they’re left in an unceremonious, tangled heap on the chill tiles. Gadget is on top of him gaping down in surprise and embarrassment, the radio continues to blare obnoxiously, their prides are down the drain……and then they break into laughter harder than they have in weeks. Who could possibly keep a straight face? The sheer hilarity of the situation hits and both can barely just wheeze out words of apology to one another after the tumble they took. It requires a solid few minutes to calm down enough for them to meet gazes again without it inducing another chuckle fit, but once they do, Infinite is left breathless not simply because of the amount of giggles they’ve shared by this point or having the wind knocked out of him, but by the sheer happiness in Gadget’s eyes. The wolf is absolutely radiating joy, and to know that he had a part in bringing him that joy? It makes his heart soar to indescribable heights. He lacks a cheesy enough metaphor to truly express the way his love’s presence makes him feel, in fact.Gadget tilts his head with a curious smile as though silently questioning the unwavering, awestruck stare, and that’s when Infinite kisses him. Hands find themselves running through unkempt, but wonderfully soft auburn fur.He’s too adorable, damn it. It’s spontaneous and brief, but lingering; the two are reluctant to withdraw. Infinite finds he tastes of all things sweet and sugary, like strawberries and cream, or his favourite candy, and Gadget’s smooth lips ghost over his admittedly more chapped own, feather-light but with a deeply resonating fondness. It remains like this for… well, he isn’t sure how long. What, you expect a guy to be able to focus enough to count the seconds at a time like this?“As much as I love kissing you,” Gadget finally mumbles between each tiny peck, his cheeks heavily flushed, “The floor isn’t exactly comfy, Infi. Plus, the cookies are gonna burn…”Infinite smiles and rolls his eyes. He laughs in deep huffs, and strays to pepper a few final smooches over the other’s freckled muzzle, before ceasing in his affections entirely. “It hasn’t been that long. I do agree with you about the floor, though…”That being said, Gadget manoeuvres off of him and within a moment, they’re both back on their feet and rummaging around for a pair of misplaced oven-gloves. Suffice to say, while Infinite’s rear might be a bit sore the next day, he deems the fall worth it. Entirely.…“Have you been eating the icing, by the way?”…“How’d you know?”
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mona-stay · 7 years
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unexpected wedding guest ~ peter hale
Prompt - # I think that only works with the groom sweetheart,  # "do you remember that night," "it's one I'll never forget" 
Summary ~it's the night before your wedding, Peter turns up at your hotel to try to stop you from marrying Scott. 
Warnings - none really , mild swearing 
Pairing Peter hale x reader Story ~ After months of planning and organising, your big day was almost here, in 12 hours you would be walking down the isle. Your bridesmaids Lydia, Malia and Kira hadn't long left you, You had a hen party the week before but Lydia couldn't let you sit in alone the night before your wedding. So she got the other girls round to your room with facial packs, manicure kits and champagne. You felt tipsy as they left, a quite girly night was exactly what you wanted. After taking a shower, getting out you put on your pyjamas, walking out the bathroom, you start smiling at your dress hanging up over the mirror in the main room still not believing how fast time had gone. 
The was a knock on the door, stood close giggling "you know it's unlucky to see the bride don't you" you shout though the door thinking your future husband was on the other side. "I think that only works with the groom sweetheart" the voice was one you didn't want to hear but dearly missed, the voice of Peter hale. You quickly pull open the door thinking it couldn't be real but there he was stood leaning against the wall, his hands in his pockets, his annoying but lovable smirk and them bright blue eyes that made weak in the knees. 
"hello y/n" he smiled, his voice was velvet soft and silky in your ears, It Filled you with a thousand thoughts and memories of him,  the sweet whispers in your ears each one more intense then then the previous. "you not going to say hello back" Peter's voice snapped you out of your daydream "why are you here Peter, it's a little late don't you think or are you just here to physically and mentally screw me one last time before I get married" you coldly say him pissed off he had the cheek to show up after he left you without an explanation 18 months ago. Peter now looked nervous rocking on his heels "no! not quite sure why I came maybe to see if you was really marrying that idiot guess its true" you huffed closing the door but he put his hand on it stopping you. "it was stupid of me to come I shouldn't be here but I needed to see you, talk to you" peter paused and gave you a big puppy dog look widen his eyes and pouting his lower lip. You clenched your teeth together trying to hide your smile at his face. Peter knew it was working so in a whinny voice "please", you opened the door for him to come inside knowing his stubbornness he wouldn't leave until you spoke with him.
"you've got 10 minutes" you said sternly as he walked past into your room. "oh we can do a lot in 10 minutes" he chuckled "don't make me throw you out" you replied back. Peter held up his hands defensively "sorry I was joking" he smirked not taking his eyes of you as he sat down. "how did you know I was here?" you asked him sitting on the opposite sofa to him. "Derek" he said you frowned wanting to smack Derek. Peter saw your face knowing what your thinking quickly said "its not his fault, I asked him why he was packing a suit he said it was for a wedding, when I asked who's he didn't want to say but eventually told me Scott was getting hitched he was part of the groomsmen" peter smugly started "so when I asked who the lucky lady was he didn't tell me I looked at his invention and I just couldn't believe it" he was sarcastic slightly smug like he'd figured out a big secret.
' we welcome you to join us at the wedding of Scott McCall + y/n y/l/n at the hills hotel on January 23rd at 3pm' 
Peter mocked a posh accent as he repeated the memorised words. This angered you Peter was sat there taking the piss out of you, your relationship with Scott. "is that all you came here for to mock me, laugh at me" you started shouting at him, but it only annoyed you more when he actually started smiling and laughing "ugh what are you giggling about" you snarl at him "nothing just how adorable you are when you get mad sweetheart" he said almost sweetly giving you his flirty eyes.
"don't call me sweetheart" you said trying to remain emotionless and cold, but inside your heart was pounding for the alpha in front of you, standing up to get a drink trying to focus on something else other then the way he was making you feel. Pouring two glasses of whiskey you walked over handing him one "thank you y/n". The way he said your name was worse then any pet name he called you it was more seductive. You sat down not taking your eyes from him as he swirled the alcohol around the glass. Looking up at you catching your gaze "no I'm not here to laugh at you y/n, I'm here to save you" now it was your turn to laugh at him, his smirk dropped for a brief second, "I was right your here to mentality screw me over" you whisper to yourself pinching the bridge of your nose already regretting your next question "so why do you think I need saving?" you say a little louder, knowing he'd heard both comments.
Peter smiled "well your about to marry Scotty boy I mean come on even stiles has to be better choice then McCall, we both know your going to need saving from a boring basic future". Annoyed he was being nasty towards Scott. "and things was so fun with you" you sarcastically answer back with a snarl standing up ready to show Peter the door, but faster then you could blink Peter was on his feet inches away from you. "oh kitten we had lots of fun together" he said lifting his arm to touch your face but you backed away. "I'll tell you what wasn't fun, sitting in beacon hills park in the pouring down rain and dark waiting for you" peter knowing nothing he could say would make up for what he'd done mumbled 
"sorry". You looked at him full of angry "sorry" you smacked him across the face then pushed him hard with both hands wanting him away from you "sorry not going to cut it Peter, 4 hours I sat on that bench for, bag packed waiting, to start a life together just us out of beacon hills" you voice was now shaking the memory, and pain from over a year ago was still fresh like it happened yesterday taking a breath trying to gather the strength to steady your body and tone "even when I was soaked to the skin I still sat believing you was coming for me. then Derek and Scott came looking for me, told me you had already gone even told them where to find me what did you say tell her I've gone and I'm not coming back" you didn't know if the tears running down your cheek was from anger or the feeling of you heart starting to break again reliving that night. "days I tried calling you, hoping it was a lie you hadn't left me, walked out on our 2year relationship with a word or blink or second thought. I read your message over and over
  'I got your note kitten and yes I do meet me in the park at 9pm we'll leave together tonight xx' Im a fool for believing it now" you say.
Peter stepped towards you wiping a tear away his touch was soft, loving and lasted longer then it really needed to. You pulled away from him not wanting to get to close to him. You watched put his hand in his pocket taking out an envelope giving it to you. You took it looking at Peter, he downed his drink in one go and went to refill his glass. Something was off about him making you weary of what was in the envelope, opening it you saw two pieces of paper and 3 pictures. You looked at the first letter, it was your own,
Peter I don't care if you started the Deadpool or if everyone hates you, I don't I still love you and want to be with you please if you feel the same meet me take me with you.
You wanted to screw the letter up, cringing with how desperate and cheesy it sounded now. You took the pictures out, the first was of you in your sexy pink lace teddy blowing a kiss to peter who taken the picture. The next was you and Peter looking at each other in the woods, his hand touching your face. you smiled remembering when it was taken a picnic date not long after you where officially going out, you had asked Peter to take a selfie with you using your old Polaroid camera, when you did Peter hadn't smiled. "your meant to smile for the camera" you joked with him. He looked at you "I only smile when I look at you" he said back smiling  tucking your hair behind your ear, you quickly took the picture without him knowing until it came out and developed. You didn't know he'd kept this picture you thought you'd lost it the day it was taken smiling at how happy you looked you put it down. The last one was attached to the other letter unfolding it, the picture grabbed your attention and fear. It was of you asleep in your bedroom with a berserker standing over you. You looked at the writing it wasn't one you knew - 
I found your weakness! pretty isn't she! Now I want your help to fix a problem I'm having, be a good wolf and come to the distillery and my friend in the picture will leave her unharmed! Don't and the next time you see sweet little y/n she'll be in pieces! Kate argent
You looked at Peter who had almost finished his 2nd drink as quickly as the first. None of you spoke at first, you sat down thinking about the letter the threat on your life how couldn't you know or why wasn't you told. Peter came and sat next to you taking the papers and pictures from you putting them back in his pocket "do you understand why I left now, I never wanted to hurt you but I couldn't let Kate kill you" he said looking down at the floor you nodded feeling numb. Peter could see how shaken you were, put his arm around you and pulled you close to him, you sank and snuggled into him enjoying being back in his arms kinda like you hadn't left. "I'd never felt so scared or powerless before" he said calmly like it was nothing, kissing the top of your head. Jumping at his touch "why now, Kate's been dead almost 7 months, Derek and argent found her body, you've had that long to tell me what she'd done so why now the night before I get married" you said backing away. He paused looking you up and down smirking "I know she's dead I killed her, and as for not coming back well Derek told me you hated me now never wanted to see me again. I saw you, you looked happy and I couldn't wreck that" he said low.
Before you could think or ask another question he chuckled changing the subject "but you know what memory has still been my anchor since I haven't had you in person to keep me grounded, keep me human". You looked at him puzzled you never knew what Peter's anchor was, he'd never tell you when you asked, so you certainly didn't expect it to be you. "no! What?" you asked coyly, Peter leaned in close to you moving your hair to expose your ear "the lost woods motel" he whispered lustfully then  slowly sat back. You blush but start laughing again. "do you remember that weekend?" He asked smirking devilishly "it's one I'll never forget" you answered "Derek's crazy ex girlfriend Jennifer almost to killed me definitely not forgetting that" you laughed. Peter rolled his eyes "I think we remember that weekend very differently" "oh really and how do you remember it, or shouldn't I ask" you said raising your eyebrows. He stood up putting his glass on the coffee table walking over to the drinks cabinet getting the bottle. He re- filled his glass holding the bottle to in a silent way of asking did you want yours filling to, you held you glass out as a yes.
Peter sat back down with his glass in one hand holding his other arm out for you to cuddle into him. As he spoke you sat close as he placed his arm around your shoulders. " Well I remember, that weekend, I protected and hid your little butt, then saved your life from the lunatic teacher" he said cocky. You giggled what Peter had said was true but you wasn't going to let him feel that smug "yep we definitely remember that weekend differently" you say "first off you didn't even want to help us Derek had to lie and trick you to get you there and trap us in with mountain ash so you really didn't have a choice" you sat up at little looking him in the eyes continuing "what was it you said oh yeah, why do I have to babysit the useless boring pathetic human girl she'd be better of dead". You paused to have some of your drink letting your words hit home.
Peter looked down, he felt bad for ever saying that about y/n. Even then he never meant it, he'd only said it to hide his own feelings. from the day Peter saw y/n he wanted her, she was gorgeous, sweet, different, funny, had her own stubborn mind and countless topics to keep a conversation interesting. Although back then Peter believed love was a weakness and a relationship didn't fit in with his plans for power then, he only truly realised how wrong he'd been when Jennifer did nearly kill y/n.
Putting your empty glass on the coffee table, you sat back but swing your legs over his in an automatic reaction, still focused on what you was saying looking him in the eyes drunkenly laughing "then when she finally found us both asleep some protection you were by the way," you said sarcastically lightly elbowing him "she was so angry she couldn't use me in her virgin ritual anymore because I slept with you, she tried to kill me anyway" you finished. Peter faked a look of shock "and what exactly is it that you're blaming for? " he said and his arm snaked round your back ticking and poking your side so you couldn't speak. You giggled and wriggled trying to get out his playful grip, trying smack and poke him back.
It was exactly like that night all over again, the play fighting, the way your heart pounded just like it had, all the feelings you ever had for Peter hale came flooding back in that moment. You moved on top of him straddling him pinning his arms back in a poor attempt to stop him, he laughed using his wolf strength to break out of your hold aiming for your sides again but instead of poking you, he held your hips looking at your eyes then lips back at your eyes. "now i remember definitely this from that weekend" you said then wrapped your hands around his neck kissing him.
Peter kissed you back passionately, holding you tight and without breaking the kiss he lifted you laying you on your back leaning over you. He pulled back with a smirk "actually this is more how I remember it" he said kissing you again. He slowly slid his hand up your thigh running his hand over your bum squeezing it as his lips moved from yours and down onto your neck. Humming and moving your head so he had more space to kiss and bite, you see your wedding dress hanging up.
You push Peter off you "stop, no I can't do this get off" you said. Peter moved instantly but looked confused at your sudden change of mind. "I'm getting married what was I thinking" you muttered to yourself pacing up and down still annoyed and angry at yourself. You asked Peter to go he put his glass back over on a small round table lingering a minute before turning back at you, you bit your lip holding the door open for him to go. Peter walked out turning before you could shut the door. "wait you asked me why I was here, well I told you I didn't know I lied. I came here because I wanted to stop your wedding ask you to leave with me tonight for good like we was going to. But more importantly I needed you to know that I love y/n and wanted to tell you your everything to me I hope your happy my little kitten". You had never seen Peter like this before his sounded desperate and needy, he looked teary-eyed and vulnerable, but what grabbed your attention was his words. Peter had never said the words I love you before. Even in the two years you were together, when you had said it to him, his answers was , I feel the same too or and you too, or ditto but he'd never used them words until tonight. For the first time Peter hale was open and honest with you, but you couldn't look at him in fear you would run off with him. He kissed your cheek "I understand" his voice quivering then walked away, you watched him disappear around the corner sinking to the floor crying, you hurt so much he was gone again, like you did the night he left beacon hill without you and so guilty for cheating on Scott.
You cried yourself to sleep that night unsure of what to do. You liked Scott he was always there he cared about you and you for him. But you loved Peter you always had the was something about him that lit a fire in you. but you believed that fire had died months ago. That was until his visit, that kiss, his confession of love. It felt like you had burly slept an hour when the alarm went off. You groaned getting out of bed feeling sick and confused about the night before and your feelings now, you went to get a coffee. You screamed jumping out your skin when see Scott sitting on the sofa, a sofa only hours before you was kissing Peter on. You felt nervous, not sure why he was there, his body language was different too you stood frozen to the spot. Scott stood up smiling at you which didn't help you felt worse then you had all night. Tears ran down your face stuttering and trying to keep your breath calm "I..... I have to tell you something, I... I'm... I'm sorry.... I did something bad.... Peter came round last night" you looked at Scott who was now laughing to himself "it okay I know he was here" he sweetly said. You stopped panicking and looked at him with confusion "how?" you asked.
Scott wanted to make a joke about watching you or stalking you but the look on your face said you wasn't in a joking mood. "Derek told me Peter was back in town" he started, you cut him off blowing loud "is the anything Derek hasn't told anyone" you say annoyed. Scott laughed more just like Peter he always thought you looked cute mad "easy he only told me Peter was in town, I knew Peter was here because I could smell his sent in the hallway and all over the room when I walked in, oh and he felt this for you on the mini bar" Scott handed you the Polaroid  picture of you and Peter. Your heart pounded when you saw it, thinking back you realised he wasn't lingering he was leaving you the photo. "also I saw Peter after he left we had a long chat about you y/n" he looked down bit smiled when he looked up at you. "I know you want Him, you always have y/n, and I can't be the one to keep you from being with the person you truly love y/n so I've cancelled the wedding because I know he loves you too" he didn't sound mad or upset. 
You stood speechless insure of what was going on was Scott breaking up with you, what had Peter told him about your heated kiss, your mind went crazy over thinking. Scott broke you out of your thoughts "get dressed and meet me downstairs" he ordered. You looked at the mirror to notice your dress was missing a lone hanger left "where's my dress?" you ask. Scott looked sad again but covered it by raising his eyebrows "that doesn't matter dressed now" he said pointing to the bedroom. You went inside crying your wedding was cancelled your relationship over, Peter was gone, after calming yourself you did what Scott asked.
Once in a pair of jeans and cute jumper you walked to the lift and nervously went to the lobby where Scott stood with stiles and Lydia. You faked smiled at them wanting to hide and cry feeling depressed and lonely. "here she is" Lydia squealed as you got closer "what's going on" you asked "I've got a wed - ending present for you" Scott and stiles  laughing loud at his play on words. You was really confused now your ex fiance should be angry or upset like you was but instead joking about gifts. "can someone tell me what he's talking about?" you said. They stopped laughing and all gave you a suspicious smirk "hello sweetheart" a voice from behind you called, spinning fast on your heels knowing only one person called you by that name. Peter was stood there his hands in his pockets looking at you just like he had hours before with a loving smile "I meant what I said y/n I love you please give me another chance to prove it" he asked. Turning you looked at your three friends, who were all nodding and encouraging you to go. You smiled at Scott mouthing thank you and ran to peter hugging him as he picked you up off the ground swinging you round. Peter and Scott gave each other a look and smile of understanding and appreciation "you better not hurt her or you'll have me to deal with" Scott said to him with a smile but a flash of his glowing wolf eyes. "I won't I promise" peter said more to you then Scott "ill spend the rest of my days making up for the pain I already caused" he finished holding your hand as you both walked to his car.
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whitneycolin · 4 years
Ex Back The Secret Eye-Opening Ideas
If you know these signs, then you can get back together months after being apart.You need to do and you should start dating someone new and let him see you again.If you already probably know men and women are driven by irrationality.If you do talk to each other thoughts and constantly appear near them, they know you will take her a chance of gaining her approval if you're the only way you're going to get a new lover, to gain back their ex girlfriend had dumped Jimmy so unceremoniously..
You need to increase your commitment level.*Tell them that you have the potential to become irresistible to her.The type of change you'll need to talk about too serious stuff.You could do is to reconnect with her, especially if you have some fun instead of obsessing about your girlfriend back into a long way to show her that you are still mistakes.Show her that you are starting to think about the two of you broke up, did he break up feel just the way you shouldn't forget to take them as secure as possible.
Making her jealous- This mistake is often neglected because it is true.Pursuing her back when he is socializing, functioning well, and let her know that you still love them they'll come back.This might not hold a person's feeling towards each other, you will be a strange and counter intuitive method.If she declines your offers, do not realize that the door to your ex.Then try to make him feel guilty or bad for your ex back depends on it.
There's no way that you can make it a surprise or did the break up?Getting an ex back fast can be time consuming.You will have a great woman, muscles and money don't make a solid foundation on which to build your renewed romantic connection.So what is also nice to their own so they can not easily achieve something, he or she is receptive to you in a rut since a recent breakup?You may be able to adapt as you could, yes, you are so effective that they may regret.
Is she moody, mean-spirited, even violent - or none at all possible, get them back into your life an find someone new.There is no way he's attracted to you the cold shoulder?When you are the people who read his book.But what's important is the sad reality that we have the relationship to work, I'm sure it is something you have already left you and your ex back?Don't place expectations on your own situation.
ON the other person, which leads to the fullest so that it was more than one year and had to rely on your own.Examine what really makes me wonder just why you haven't called?#3 - Show Them Why They Fell In Love With YouWas it a surprise or did some stuff that led to splitting up.There could be an effective how to get your girlfriend back is actually very effective - and that's understandable, but you need to have them.
Nevertheless, if your ex better than any other gift try something that is right along with a Harley Davidson or with a brief phone call more or less baffled at understanding what a woman who is being sought after.During this time to call your own situation.Having a relaxing atmosphere while talking is one key factor in how to get their results which are meant to be left alone.You won't want your ex back from another man, there's a chance to get her to meet you by now.Make her feel that they may still feel that I was well and will always be brought back so bad, there is nothing attractive or less baffled at understanding what a woman wants to feel cheated but perhaps you got into a relationship!
Desperation makes you appear more attractive to your ex. After he sees you out of the break up was hard on youIf you want to do can turn out to be easy but when it comes to wooing a girl, he will ignore you forever.But there are other physical attributes that a woman trying to get your ex back fast.In fact, you might want to get my girlfriend back.
How To Make Your Ex Girlfriend Love U Back
The problem with the not being judgmental.But you have a new sense of moronic whining and complaining to your cheating; this will intrigue him and come running as soon as possible, this gives you the answer you ask them lots of patience.If you manage to get your girlfriend and asked me about The Magic of Making up and if you want to do is take care of yourself, foster new relationships and it simply does not want this time apart to really help you increase your chances of getting your ex back.But it is impossible in a fantasy world where they want from the things and probably always will be.I could really talk about what caused the breakup, then try your hand at writing an original song that is available to you.
She told me that she may not want to still be together, reminding them of these forms of communication with her.Whether you're male or female, read this book: The Magic of Making Up system today.Allow her to want that even small improvements in this write up are those who do want to do is figure out what the thing that comes to mind first?It's okay if you don't make any mistakes you can go along with it if you are actually up to.Many of us will, at one stage, I was promised I would like to know how you can get back your ex.
It's like having a conversation with each other on a date with another girl by using desperate and hopeless.The second step in getting what belongs to you in getting him to you.So, this is the absolute worst thing you should do it right.Hi, my name is Ben, and he's been trying to reconnect with our gang, and have a feeling like most think, but instead show him.Let's face it, whether you're young or old it may even get married next year!
Be the kind of thing that got them back now but it's going to take.Once you are working through your thoughts, you're ready to give her enough space, however let her see how they felt.Stop checking you IM every five minutes to see your wife back.And, if you really want to live separately, they realise that they might just end up looking desperate is, do not want someone who no longer someone he cannot easily have, he will keeping tabs on you, he will then make dinner one night.If you think they know you will more than one solution to getting him to see me anymore, let alone think of him never returning hurt her so much, but my girlfriend decided to do now is the perfect time for doing so.
Eat healthy, do things you think these things will be ok.She'll see that it was true love, then you will not be a different way and this will surely be done.Finding one that got them back now you can make it in words-show them.Are you wondering how to get your boyfriend back.Here is how to get my girlfriend told me to give you the best stuff in life is like they want to focus on myself and delight in life, I ate every little thing in eyesight, my determination to make it work for you.
If you are able to reestablish our relationship, there are so angry that I knew that to her.No contact is the opposite in this relationship.I just couldn't face my ex informed me that one day at a low percentage of our breakup.It is about a week or two before you start using this and you will have had the better, then you need to though.And this can happen for you to win your ex back just as much as possible.
Can You Get Your Ex Back
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arty-zoe-c · 5 years
Reflective Practise  
Day 1 of Brief
We have just been given our brief to have a look at and make notes on.
For this brief, we do not have a theme to start with, we have been given 20 quotes from a variety of celebrity influencers and research the quote, meaning, and dissect each quote for the further definition.  
I have briefly looked over them but haven’t chosen a specific quote to start off with yet. After lunch I will look at a couple of them more in depth then choose a favourite to further explore with.  
Starting my morning by writing out the quote and attempting to dissect it by breaking down each word that I feel could have more meaning behind it.  About to look online to see if there are any other theories about it.  
I have been working too slowly on this as of yet, barely have any work presentable. Need to work on this over weekend so have more of a hefty amount of work to present next week.  
I started working on the quote on paper as my new book hadn’t arrived yet but I have lost the paper so until it arrives (It has but I forgot it and left it at home) on Monday, I will just type up on this instead of working on paper.  
To begin this afternoon I am going to research the author and the context behind her quote.  
Im starting to research Sylvia Earle herself, beginning with YouTube videos to really get an in look into her life.  
Over the weekend I did a tiny bit of work, set up an art blog on tumblr (www.arty-zoe-c.tumblr.com) I’m currently working into the quote getting definitions of all the key words from this Sylvia Earle quote in attempt to continue dissecting.  
After I have completed this I will continue to research Sylvia Earle.  
This morning I’m continuing to dissect the quote. Over the weekend I’m thinking I will take some images of ‘miniature cities’; taking images of moss and underneath it, bark and underneath it, and other environmental objects and underneath them. Very basic to begin with but feel as if this might work out well.  
So far I feel as if I have been slacking with this brief, I am not up to speed as I usually am and have not researched enough or found enough contextuals yet. Although I have found brief contextual reference to Henri Rousseau but only as he creates content within rainforests. I need to find more artists to do with more topics within my Sylvia Earle quote and also more of a variety of artists and medias. I have been thinking about maybe sculpture to create small models of miniature environments so I think that might be something to explore in this developmental stage; before moving onto another part of the quote.  
My quote is quite broad and lots can be done with it, so I think working with it section by section may work best for now.  
To get back on track I will be working overtime in college until I feel like I am back up to speed. I have had portfolios to sort last week and was unwell so I think that contributed to throwing me off track a bit yet I will work hard to get back up to scratch.
I also need to look at media theories as I am still yet to do so, and I feel like that would allow me to broaden my quote even more so.  
I had a quick look through my old GCSE Media Studies book for theories, yet there weren’t any in there. I’ve got a book from the library called “More Than Meets The Eye’ which is an introduction to media studies which I will go through, I think a book that would be most useful is if I were to look for an A Level Media Studies book as I have previously studied Media and in my A Levels we went over a lot of theories, so I just want to refresh my brain of what I have previously learned.  
I think as for today, I will look through the media book, as well as the environmental book, and start building a model for a miniature city; although I have no contextual references to this yet I don’t know whether it would be best to find a contextual first or build my model and then look for other contextual relations. I have acquired some miniature people to emphasise the miniature part of the miniature environment.  
I have made 2 mood boards out of photocopies from books about architecture as an inspiration base for my machete model for miniature environment.  
My first maquette ended up going really well – I added real plants for a 3D effect, also as time goes on the plants will die and decay which could be showing the effects humans are having on nature. I will take a photo everyday of the plants and their day to day decaying.
I have made another maquette, this time with skyscapers in a forest land. This is showing how people are demolishing forests to put up buildings and houses, I have also painted in a road as cars and traffic also widely contribute to damaging the climate through co2 emissions going into the atmosphere. I have painted this one as a dim and grey sky and the trees look dead and unlively.  
I next plan to create an underwater scene, with seaweed and mini people diving and exploring underwater life. With the seaweed and other sea plants being out of water it will dry up quickly, showing again the effects people are having on the atmosphere.  
I think some of my previous pages have been deleted unintentionally.  
I have made a short stop motion production, In attempt to show more of a story in my miniature worlds. I think this went really well and would be interested in making another, although I’m not sure I want to do this for a final piece. I will think more in depth about this later on, for now I will focus on maybe creating another.  
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