#im the clingy type of sick i wouldn’t let them get out of bed!!!!!!!!
vellichorsdesire · 2 months
sick day todaay… nurse me back to health, f/oo…
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spideymarvelws · 3 years
What would frat Peter! Be like if he found out the reader is a Virgin?
i put to much time into this
Main Masterlist / Add Yourself To My Taglists
Warnings : SMUT! (dirty talk, slight degrading, protected sex, oral [fem rec]), cursing, floof, peter going from simp to cocky real quick
Word Count : 4.6k (okay why is this longer than 90% of my oneshots i-)
Frat!Peter finding out the fem!reader is a virgin
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It all starts when you and Mj are lounging in your shared apartment watching a movie like you both did every Sunday
The both of you were cuddled into the endless amount of blankets on either side of the couch, eyes trained on the bright screen in front of you
But your mind was focused on something else, namely a certain brown haired boy that just couldn’t seen to leave you alone
Peteyboi💗👀: hows the movie going lovebug??
you : lovebug?
you : thats a new one
Peteyboi💗👀: just trying out new things
Peteyboi💗👀: spicing stuff up a bit yk?
Peteyboi💗👀: do you like it?
you : im not really opposed to it
Peteyboi💗👀: ill add it to the list then
you : list?!
Peteyboi💗👀: pretend you didn't read that
You giggled at your boyfriends words, mouthing a quick sorry to MJ when she gave you a hard glare with the sudden burst of noise
But you couldn't help it, every time you saw the notification pop up on your phone, you couldn't help but act like a lovesick teenager falling in love for the first time
At this point the both of you had been dating for around seven months
Seven months of cliche coffee dates and pulling all nighters
Seven months of stolen kisses in the library or holding hands under the table during lectures
Seven months of pure bliss
“So why haven’t you guys fucked yet?” MJ said abruptly shaking you out of your love sick stare texting Peter
“I’m sorry, what!?”
“You know,” she pounded her fist into the palm of her hand repeatedly, “Sex,”
 “What- I-” you shook your head, trying to process her words, “How did this come up all of a sudden?”
“Since you decided to ignore me on our movie night,” she smirked, “Were you sexting him?”
“So I’ll take that as a no?”
“Yes thats a no!” you buried yourself further into the blankets, “Should-” you took a deep breath, “should it be a yes?”
“I don’t know, should it?”
“Oh that’s a good question! Almost like I already asked it,”
Mj laughed at your pouty glare
“No, no it shouldn’t,” she rested a comforting hand on your leg, “Do you want it to be though?”
Yes you did
More than anything
It was stupid, but what you had with Peter was different from anything you’ve had with other people in the past
He was everything a girl could ask for, smart, caring and a sweet personality that could make anyone smile
Let’s not mention his impressive build
And out of all the girls and guys that threw themselves at him, he choose you to love
You wanted to take that step with him, but you were scared that he would reject you
You weren’t experienced, in any way, to the point where you were completely innocent 
And you were dating a frat boy, the name that carried the reputation of sleeping around with most people on campus
How could you match up to that?
You couldn’t help but feel insecure in that area
The most you’ve ever went with Peter was a heavy make-out, it happened quite often too but he always stopped things before they went any further
There wasn’t any explanation, only peter bringing you close to cuddle for the rest of the night, forgetting the spit covering his lips and neck
Which lead you to make your own and none of them were exactly positive
Didn’t stop you from imagining a life where he wouldn’t drop you figuring how untalented you were in bed though
Or just daydreaming of him railing you out of existence
im looking you
“Yes?” you covering your face with your hands, embarrassed with your confession, “I don’t know about him though,”
MJ was aware that you were a virgin but only scoffed at your answer, “Oh come on, that boy is head over heels for you, why wouldn’t he want to fuck you,”
You felt your face heat up with the choose of words, “If he did wouldn’t he have made a move by now?”
“Better question, have you noticed his moves,”
Her question made you think as she continued
“Because I sure have,” 
“What do you mean?”
She rolled her eyes, “The looks he gives you when your not paying attention,” she started to count on her fingers, “Always touching you, constantly, like all the time. Biting his lip anytime you do anything remotely sexual and always blushes afterwards because he caught himself. Oh! Remember that time you wore that skirt? Like the pretty tight one? Yeah, his eyes were on your ass for like the whole day-”
“Okay, okay you could stop now I get it,” you groaned, “How do you know all of this?”
“I’m observant,”
“Makes sense.”
“The point is, he’s is definitely interested in you Y/n, it’s just a matter of you showing interest back.”
“I-” you sighed, “I can’t do that mj,”
“Like hell you can’t,” she rolled your eyes but pried your hands away from your face softly, “Do you want him to be your first Y/n?”
You nodded your head, “Yeah,” you looked back at her, “Yeah, I do,”
“Then you need to talk it out with him, see where you both stand when it comes to that regard in your relationship,” 
“I know, I know, I’m just scared for his reaction,”
MJ only sighed, “This is Peter we’re talking about y/n, he’d respect your boundaries until your ready, and I know you’ll respect his. Its just a matter of who makes the first step,”
“Okay, okay,” you took a deep breath, “I’ll just ask him when I could see him again and just-” you paused, “Ask him,”
“There we go!” MJ cheered as you reached for your phone
Peteyboi💗👀: hello??
Peteyboi💗👀: hellooooooooo
Peteyboi💗👀: is this about the list?
Peteyboi💗👀: i promise ill try them all out sugar
Peteyboi💗👀: ...
Peteyboi💗👀: tbh i didnt like that one
You looked up at MJ, motivated by her reassuring eyes and words, you texted back
you : dont worry petey, the list is cute 😂
Peteyboi💗👀: good good
Peteyboi💗👀: did mj catch you??
you : maybe
you : i blame your clinginess
Peteyboi💗👀: i thought you said you liked my clinginess🥺
you : never said it was a bad thing 😘
Peteyboi💗👀: you implied it tho 😪
you : nah
you : i think thats just you
“What did he say?” MJ interrupted, her legs bouncing up and down anxiously
“I- uh, didn’t get to it yet,”
“I will take that phone, throw it across the room and make you do this in person if you keep stalling,”
You didn’t want to test her words
you : i miss you tho
Peteyboiiii💗👀: sorry babe, just been really busy with the internship
you : i know petey dw
you : do you know when you’ll be free next?
Peteyboiiii💗👀: uuuuhhhh
Peteyboiiii💗👀: the guys are suppose to be out Thursday
Peteyboiiii💗👀: i was suppose to tell you tomorrow but you beat me too it😂
you : oh really?
Peteyboiiii💗👀: would be just the two of us...
fuck circumstances
you : its a date then?
Peteyboiiii💗👀: hey! thats my line😤
you : sorry for stealing your thunder loverboy
Peteyboiiii💗👀: 👁👄👁
you : oh so you could do pet names but i cant???
Peteyboiiii💗👀: never said it was a bad thing 👀
you : ...
you : goodnight peter
The couple of days leading up to the Thursday were stressful to say the least
But MJ was there to hype you up, telling you everything that you should expect, what signals to use and even going out of her way to buy you a red set of lingerie
“It’s going to be awkward at first-”
“Well no shit it’s going to be awkward at first,”
“Hey! No talking back to your teachers,”
The drive to the house was nerve wrecking
You were anxious to see his reaction, but even with the doubt clouding your head, there was a ray of light that passed through, reminding you that Peter wasn’t that type of guy
That these past months have proved that he loved you, and you loved him
That he wanted this just as much as you did
You just needed to show him that
He greeted you at the door with a bear hug, rocking you back and forth in his arms
“I’ve missed you angel,” he whispered into your ear, pressing a kiss to your neck that made the hairs on your skin raise
“Angel?” you squeaked, “Where did that come from?”
“The list remember?” he pulled back, beaming brighter than you’ve ever seen, “going down one by one. I quite like this one though,” his voice lowered, “Angel, suites you don’t your think?”
“Yeah,” you cleared your throat, “Could we go inside?”
“Yeah of course,” his hand squeezed your waist, moving to small of your back and leading you inside
You didn't know how long you could last. With the new pet names, your hyperawareness to his touch and all of his words suddenly having new meaning behind them
You started to miss being so oblivious
“It’s been so long since we’ve had a day together, holy shit,” he said, falling back against the cushions of his couch with his thighs spread making you gulp, “come here,”
He pouted, “I want to cuddle with my girlfriend so come here,”
the dude likes cuddles leave him alone
You shook your head, remembering MJ’s words,
“First step, get into the bedroom,”
“Wouldn’t it be more comfortable in your room?”
Peter’s head tilted to the side in confusion, “We have the whole house to ourselves and you want to spend it in my room?”
You nodded, walking up to him and stretching out your hand for him to take, “What’s so wrong with your room?”
“nothing, nothing,” he sighed taking your hand and standing up, “Just not as comfy as the couch,”
“You’re just being dramatic,”
“Dramatic?” he teased, raising your hand to spin you around, pulling your back to his chest, “I know nothing of a sort,”
You knew it was suppose to be playful, you knew he was just teasing you like he always did
But the feeling of his hard chest against your back, his hair tickling the base of your throat and his arms wrapped strongly around your waist, keeping you tight against him
You couldn't help but imagine this in a very different scenario
“Ready to go then?”
You nodded, not sure if you could even form words correctly at that point
Peter smirked and within one motion he had you in his arms bridal style, taking you to the stairs that lead to his room
“Nothing of a sort my ass,” you mumbled into his neck, cracking a smile when you felt the vibrations of his chuckles rumble from his chest
“You should know me well enough by now angel,” he kicked open his door, closing it back with the heel of his shoe, “I like to play,”
You sure fucking hoped so
You shrieked when he threw you down on his bed, hopping on top of you and holding you down so you couldn’t move
“Peter!” you whined, giggling when his fingers trailed up your side
“What’s wrong angel?” he kissed your noise, moving to kiss your cheeks, your forehead and finally a small peck on your pouty lips, “Do you not like this,”
“No, no, no,” you cupped his face, keeping him still do you could look at him directly, “I love this,”
“good,” he whispered, bumping his nose against yours, lips brushing against each other, “Good,”
“great,” you whispered back, hesitantly raising your head to connect your soft lips on his
It was slow, reminding you of the first time you kissed in the park, trying to figure out you’d lead, you’d follow. Getting the timing right when opening your mouths, and tilting your heads at the right angle for the perfect combination of comfort and touch
It was almost like he was memoizing the motion, stopping after every movement before continuing again sometimes with the same thing or trying out something new
Soon enough his hands gripped the side of your waist, pulling you up slightly to flip the both of you over so that you were on top
He pulled you closer, your chest practically moulding into his when his tongue swiped along your bottom lips, asking for entrance
You gave it to him immediately, letting him explore your mouth in any way he wanted
It went on like that for a few minutes, just the two of you sloppily making out in the middle of his bed. You tried to take it a bit further, grinding your hips subtly but his grip tightened and he pulled away, pressing his forehead against yours
“I missed that angel,” he whispered, grinning at your small giggle
“Me too,” you paused, letting out a shaky breath, trying to recover from the kiss and ignore the wet feeling in your pants, “Could I ask you something?”
It was now or never, “Why did you stop?”
“Well I- uh, didn’t think you would want to kiss for the rest of the day,” he laughed to cover the crack in his voice, “I know I’m irresistible angel, but you don’t want to wear me out so soon,”
You bit your lip, “But what if that’s what I want?”
Peter’s eyes widened as he shifted on the bed, “You- you want that?”
“Only if you do,” you started to regret your words, “You know what? Just forget I said anything-”
He quickly cut you off with a kiss making you gasp lightly at the sudden contact, “I want that more than anything,” he said quickly, “It’s just- I don’t want to force you into anything, didn’t want to make you feel obligated in any way,”
“I- I want this peter,” your said, feeling the heaviness on your chest disappear, “I want this with you,”
“Are you sure?”
“More than anything.”
“Okay, okay,” he nodded, trying to hid his smile as he lifted you off his lap, laying you gently on the bed, “Hold on, I’ll be right back,”
You watched with your head tilted in confusion when peter walked out of the room only to come back with a blindfold in his hands
“Petey, as much as i would love to, you know it’s my first time and uh-”
He quickly caught on to what your implying, burning bright red, “No, no, no that’s not what this is for,” he scratched the back of his neck, “I want your first time to be special and this is a bit rushed but I want to surprise you and make it nice,”
“Oh,” you stood up, “Okay yeah,”
Peter walked behind you, gently laying the blindfold around your eyes and tying it behind your head. He leaned down to place a cheeky kiss on your neck, trailing up to behind your ear
“Stay here,” he demanded softly before stepping away leaving you frozen in place
He couldn’t help but stand back for a few minutes and admire your state. Your feet were tilted inward, hands rubbing your shoulders with your head tilted down
The perfect display of submission
But he had to kick those thought aside, just for today
After a couple of minutes of waiting, you jumped when you felt hands on your arms, calming when you recognised the rough skin
“Are you ready?” he could hear the smile in his words
The blind fold feel from your face, your eyes blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the light
But it was a lot darker than before, the lights dimmed drawing attention to the groups of candles sitting on his nightstand. The sheets were different as well, the white blankets replaced with soft black ones, the grey pillows now red with intricate designs sewn into them
“It isn't much but, I hope it’s everything you dreamed it would be,”
“It’s that and more Peter,” you smiling, turning around in his arms to place a quick kiss to his cheek, “Now it’s time for my surprise,”
You pushed him down on the edge of the bed, turning around and taking off your hoodie, shuffling out of your black tights to reveal the lingerie 
You turned around with a harsh exhale, feelings small under his gaze
“fuck, you were ready for tonight weren’t you baby?”
You fiddled with your fingers in front of him, “MJ helped me,”
“Figured,” he took your hand, pulling you back to gently straddle his waist, “You’d be beautiful in a potato sack angel, you have nothing to worry about,”
You shook your head, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and settling in his lap, “I find that hard to believe,”
“Then let me show you,”
He leaned in, kissing your lips briefly and pulling back, smirking when you mindlessly chased them
“tease,” you muttered, your forehead falling against his
“You love it,” 
“Yeah, yeah I do,”
You both leaned back in, your mouths perfectly in sync as your lips moved against one another, the practise before hand helping tremendously  
Your arms tightened around his neck, your hands running through his soft brown locks, tugging lightly on the strands
He groaned into your mouth, bitting the your bottom lip and pulling lightly, “You’re going to be the death of me angel, you know that?”
You only giggled, “Seems more like a you problem,”
“Oh? Is that how it is,”
You nodded shyly, playing with the edge of his shirt, “I just think it’s unfair that I’m the only one without a shirt on,”
Peter bit his bottom lip, reaching down and pulling off his shirt and connecting your lips right after. He hooked his arms under your thighs, lifting you up as he stood and lying you back down on the bed
He moved his lips from yours, down your throat to your colour bone, leaving his own marks in the process
Sealing you as his
And his only
“Can I?” he gestured to the front clip of your bra
You nodded, lost in the feelings of his lips on your skin
“Words angel,”
“Yes, yes please,”
He laughed, “Didn’t even get to the main event and you’re already begging for me,” 
You whined, “Peter,”
“Sorry, sorry,” he mumbled, unclipping the garment, helping you raise slightly so he could fully discard it to the side
“Beautiful,” he whispered before latching his mouth on your left nipple, stimulating the other with his forefinger and thumb
“Oh my god,” your hand shot to his hair, tugging at them slightly while the other took the sheets tightly in its palm
“Feeling good angel?” he smirked knowing damn well the answer
He just wanted to hear you say it
“So good Peter,”
He chuckled, switching to the other nipple, “We haven’t even reached the good part Y/n,”
You only let out a shaky sigh, your hand falling from his hair once he started to move further down your body
He liked that he could make you melt with the minimum things he could do
He wanted to remind you that he had the power to do so
And you enjoyed it
Your back arched when he kissed down your stomach, his fingers trailing down the side and hooking them on the lace of your panties
He looked up at you, waiting for your confirmation 
“Please,” you said once again, raising your legs slightly so he could take them off easily
“So needy,” he muttered, taking them off in once motion, crawling back up to place himself between your thighs, “Going to make you feel so good angel, so fucking good,”
His arms wrapped themselves snuggly around the base of your leg, pulling your core down closer to his face
“Ready?” he purred, trailing kisses up your thigh
He took a bold lick up the length of your pussy, his tongue swirling around the bud of your clit
“Holy fuck Peter!” you shouted, bitting down on your finger to suppress your noise
“No, no, no angel I want to hear you,” he almost growled, “I want to hear you scream for me, know that I’m the only one that would ever get to hear and make you feel this way,”
His possessiveness turned you on even more
You slowly moved your hand from your mouth, placing it down by your side as peter continued eating your pussy like a starved man, listening to your moans and paying attention to your sudden jerks and reactions to his movements
“Taste so good angel, fuck. I’ve been fantasising about this moment ever since I laid eyes on you,” his fingers started to play with your lips, “The things i’ve wanted to do you, to absolutely ravish you, make you my own” he plunged his finger slowly into you, his strength keeping you pressed against the mattress, “But that’s for later, today is all about you,”
You couldn't even form a word when he added a second finger, sending your head back against the pillows. It was so much, his mouth toying with your clit, his fingers entering you that were so much thicker than yours, hitting places that made your eyes roll to the back of your head in pleasure
With the third finger you could feel something change, a sudden spike run up your body, clearing your mind of everything but the feelings of your high quickly approaching
“Peter I-”
“Going to cum angel? Gonna cum all over fingers?”
“Yes Peter fuck!”
“Go ahead Y/n, cum for me,”
You high reached with his words, shaking your body. Peter slowed his pace, dragging out your orgasm for as long as possible
He crawled back up your body, stilling his fingers inside of you while littering your blown out face with kisses, awarding you with his touch
“You did so well angel,” he whispered, “So fucking well,”
“Really milking the use out of that name huh?” you managed to mummer, throwing your arms lazily around his neck, not wanting him to leave any time soon
“Do you want me to change it?” he teased, pulling out his fingers, muttering a small sorry when you winced
He brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking your wetness of his skin while more continued to form at his dirty display
“How about...” his fingers popped out of his mouth, moving to caress your face, leaving a trail of his spit down your cheek, “Princess, my pretty princess,”
Your legs clenched at his tone and new name, making Peter giggle, “Princess it is then,”
He reached over to his bedside table, grabbing a condom and ripping the package open. He rolled the plastic on his impressing length, making you both drool and scared that that’s what was going inside of you
When he took off his sweatpants? you didn’t know
He flipped the both of you over for what felt like the hundredth time that day. His hands were tight on your hips, keeping you hovered over his hard cock
“We go at your pace okay?” his looked at you with dark eyes, “Are you sure that-”
You cut him off with a messy kiss, taking his member into your hand and guiding it to your hole 
“You talk to much,” you mumbled, taking the red tip inside you with a groan
He moaned with you, your pussy tight and snug 
“Take it easy,” he whispered, whipping off a bead of sweat that began to form on your forehead, “We have all the time in the world,”
“So big,” you whimpered, slowly take him inch by inch. Soon enough you started to loose balance on your knees, falling forward with your hands on his chest and your thighs relaxing, letting him bottom out inside of you
“Fuck,” you both said in unison, letting out a breathy laugh
“It kinda hurts,” 
“Well I’m not exactly average in that department-”
You scoffed, moving around on his lap, trying to find a comfortable position
“Tell me how you’re feeling princess,”
“It- it’s getting better,” you were fully relaxed now, “I- I want to start moving,”
“Go ahead Y/n,” he raised himself up so that his chest was pressed against yours, “I’ll guide you okay?”
“Okay, okay,”
You started moving up and down, more so just humping his body because your legs already starting to feel weak
But peter was patient with you, constantly making sure you were okay and keeping his eyes on your body
Not like he wanted to take them of of you
You looked angelic above him
No wonder the name suited you so much
Your mouth open, hips moving slowly bringing the both of you pleasure you’ve never experience before
He wanted to keep that picture in his mind forever, framed in his memory
Because you weren’t some girl at a party he picked up or guy he drunkly made out with
You were someone he loved, with all his heart 
That trusted him enough to share this moment with him
And just perfect an every way
“You’re doing so well princess,” he groaning, staring to rut his hips back into yours, making your moans grow even louder
“Fuck,” you fell against his chest, “Peter,”
“You want me to take control princess? Too fucked out already?” he couldn’t help himself while muttering those words, getting lost in the feeling of you
“Please peter I can’t-” he cried, “Please,”
“I got you princess,” he planted his feet on the mattress, thrusting up roughly into you, “I always got you,”
He began pounding into you, gradually getting faster and faster as your whines and moans grew louder and louder
Your second orgasm was quick on its way, and with Peter’s pace becoming irregular, you could tell he was almost there as well
“So fucking tight princess,” he groaned, pressing his cheek against yours, “Are you close,”
You mewled in response
“Cum with me princess, scream my name and cum on my cock,”
“Peter!” you shouted, cumming hard on his member and sagging against his chest
You could feel the condom begin to fill up inside of you, his hips stilling against yours
Part of you wondered how it would feel shooting inside of you without the protection
From there it was a blur, the feelings of peters lips against your skin, his arms wrapped around you, something cold and wet moving across your body
You caught your bearings when Peter pulled you into his chest, his shirt now covering your form along with the same fluffy blankets that covers the couch downstairs
Peter started, “That was-” 
“Amazing,” you finished for him, giggling and cuddling further into his chest
Peter looked down at you, his hand caressing your face like he did moments before but this time his touch was filled with comfort and reassurance, “Are you alright?”
“Better than I’ve ever been,” you giggled, peter chuckling along with you
“I think I’m going to need to start adding names to that list,” 
You looked up at him, “Like what?”
He sighed, a sly smile forming on his face
“I think I’ll start off with my little slut,”
fun fact, this was originally gonna be different types of frat peter like cocky, soft etc like some fucking frat peter multi verse but i just lost interest halfway through. 
My mind just said no♥️ so i scraped that and this was born instead
Permanent Taglist : @jadegill @joyleenl @sarcastic-sunset-7 @wakeupandsmellthelavender @kaithezaftig @theliterarymess @thirstiestpotato @i-love-superhero @lovewolfspirit @lowkey-holland @miltifandoms1019 @black-rose-29 @parkershoco
Peter Parker Taglist : @ietss @itscaminow @dummiesshort @seutarose @cebaratn16 @lanceyfancypants @clara-licht @sadassflatass @usuck @yeah-seems-legit @lolasm0nst3r @hogwarts-is-my-home23
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escapewriter · 3 years
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tbz reaction to sick s/o being clingy
sangyeon : he places his hand on your forehead, pouting as you cough into the towel over your mouth. “you’re burning up.” you tug the blanket closer to you, shooting him puppy dog eyes. “do you need something? water?” you tug his arm and pull him to lay beside you on the bed. “w-what? you usually want to be alone when you’re sick.”
“appreciate this, i want to cuddle.”
jacob : he knocks on your bedroom door, letting himself in. “hey, how are you feeling?” you smile softly, trying to sit up before he quickly goes to your side. “i just brought you some soup,” he places the plastic bag on your night stand and takes out the bowl. “i’ll be on my way now. i know you dont like it when im here.”
“wait stay.” You grab his hand, pulling him to sit on the bed, “i’m only like that because i dont want you to get sick too.”
“oh, so now you’re okay with getting me sick?”
younghoon : he pats your head softly, watching you peacefully sleep. he smiles to himself, thinking about how he told you to wear a jacket when it was raining two days ago, but to which you reply with being immune to the cold. he slowly stands up to go to the kitchen before hearing you groan in pain. “what’s wrong baby?”
“stay here.” his eyes slightly widen, but focus back on you.
“are you sure?” you nod, eyes still closed as you slight move so he has room to sit beside you. he sits next to your sleeping form, a grin creeping up on his face as you snuggle closer to him.
jaehyun : he makes a surprised yelp when you pull at his jacket to sit next to you on the couch. he stiffness when he feels your head lay against his shoulder. “what are you doing?”
“can’t i cuddle you?” he smiles softly but quickly shakes his head.
“no, you’ll get me sick. plus you’re never this clingy when you’re sick.”
juyeon : he knows that you dont like to cuddle when you are sick, so he usually sneeks in food and medicine when you’re sleeping and just waits for you to wake up. but when he hears you calling his name, he rushes to the bedroom, eye full of worry. “what’s wrong?” you lift your hand up, reaching out for him as he holds you hand. you pull him down to lay on top of you. he leans on his forearms to keep his body weight off you. “w-what are you doing?”
“i want to cuddle.” he doesn’t question it, but just moves around so the both of you are comfortable.
kevin : he’s laying on the couch watching tv as you’re sleeping in your bedroom. he was going to bring you your dinner, but you were asleep already and he didn’t want to wake you up. but when he sees you from the corner of his eyes, his sits up, eyes filled with worry. “what’s wrong?”
you didn’t say anything, instead you walked up to him and sat next to him and layed down, your head resting on his lap. “tired.” a grin crept up to his fsce as he softly ran his fingers through your hair.
chanhee : he’s a bit similar to you in a way. if he was sick, he wouldn’t want to be close to anyone and rick them of getting sick too. so when you sneak up on him in the living room and cuddle close to him, he doesnt really know how to react. “what are you doing?”
“i want to be near you.”
“but then ill get sick.”
changmin : he watches you from a distance because 1. he doesnt want to make you feel suffocated if he cuddled you, and 2. he needs to be prepared whenever you move or call for him. you roll over on the bed, softly saying his name as he quickly enters the room and crouches so his face is level with yours. “yes, baby?” you open your eyes a bit, smiling softly before pulling him by his arm to lay on top of you. “uhh, are you okay?”
“shhhhh, cuddle me.”
haknyeon : instinctively he wraps his arms around you after you snuck up on him. when he realizes what he was doing, he immediately takes his arms off you because that last thing he would want is to make you feel uncomfortable. “why’d you take your arms off me?”
“i thought you dont like to cuddle when you’re sick?”
“no, hug me again.”
sunwoo : he knows to keep his distance from you because of how suffocated you feel whenever you’re cuddled when youmre sick. so it caught him by surprise when you told him you wanted to cuddle. “wait, really??” your eyes were closed as you nodded your head. “oh my god, really? agh, wait— are you sure??”
“sunwoo, come here before i change my mind.”
eric : he always wants to take care of you and make sure you’re comfortable. he’s literally everywhere around the house making soup, getting medicine, or getting more blankets. you were familiar with how he acts whenever you were sick, and you werent the clingy type whenever you were ill, but you wanted him to take a break. “eric, come here.” he rushes into the room, asking you what you need before you scoot over and pat the space next to you. “take a break.”
“but im—” you ignore him and pull him down by his arm, cuddling next to him. “but the extra blankets are in the dryer.”
“you keep me warm so its okay.”
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
Reconciliation - Part 4 [M]
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Pairing: Im Jaebum x reader
Genre: ex-lovers au / angst / romance / business au
Warnings: unprotected sex, mature content.
Reconciliation will be shared daily at 10am NZST.
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
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Jaebum didn’t know what good it would be talking to you but he was relieved he had. After you had run off the first time, he hadn’t made any effort to chase after you.
He had no right.
And so he watched as the waves rolled in and out of the shore, feeling his emotions react much the same. His heart ached for you and yet he had lost that chance, letting you go right when he should have held on instead. He was gutless; someone who had treated you like you would never get enough of him.
Since that’s how he felt about you.
Still, as the waves rolled in, he became hopeful. Maybe finding you here was a sign that someone above had given him another chance. Fate, as it will, had led him down the right path after all.
He wouldn’t have come here had he not wanted to rediscover you.
But there was more than just you that he needed to understand. Jaebum thought he knew all there was to himself. He was acutely aware of his temper as his biggest weakness, and yet he had many strengths that had made him successful.
Though, he was certain you were the main reason that he hadn’t crashed and burned years back.
Now laying on the bed with his leg propped up, he replayed the rest of the morning. You hadn’t told him enough, he decided, and that made him sigh, realising that had been consistently the theme over the years. He had been the one talking and you were the listener. Jaebum’s desire to hear more of your thoughts continued to eat at him, much like his hunger did. He hadn’t eaten yet and given he was actually doing what you instructed because of the pain in his ankle, Jaebum didn’t feel up to walking out to the restaurant to get anything to eat. Reaching for the hotel room’s phone, he ordered in a meal and then turned on the television to stop ruminating over what could have been. The distraction didn’t help much but when he heard the knock at the door, he hobbled over, appreciative of his food and the small bag of ice he had requested before taking his meal over to the table in the room.
Jaebum couldn’t help wondering what you had for lunch, or if you had any. Were you going to do something fun this afternoon or just relax since your morning had been, well, heightened by events with him. As he ate each mouthful, the further curious he became, going as far as to pull out his mobile phone and type up a message to send you.
Jaebum stopped himself just before pressing send, shaking his head. He had said his farewell before on his doorstep and you seemed eager to take it as that. He would only seem clingy and foolish now if he continued playing his hot and cold game with you.
Is this another of your games?
Retreating back to bed, Jaebum carried the bag of ice with him to place over his ankle. It wasn’t too bad of a sprain, though he hoped if he took good care of it right now, he’d be able to spend his final day here tomorrow outside of this room.
And maybe come across you one last time before he flew back home, back to reality where your worlds no longer crossed over.
Groaning as he threw his head back into the pillow with force, Jaebum started to chant loudly to stop thinking of you. He rolled around on the bed, now uncaring of whether the ice was on his ankle or not, and thumped at the sheets, begging his mind to stop pulling up images of you.
This was the consequence of ending up here at the same time. Fate brought forth the opportunity, but there was only so much it could do before it was in his court to complete the deal.
And he had failed.
Just when he felt at wit’s end, Jaebum stilled as he listened again, hoping he had actually heard the knock at the door correctly. Getting up, he made his way to see who was there, assuming it was room service to collect his plate. Smoothing down the hair he had no doubt riled up in his fit, he opened the door, the smile he had placed on his lips fading as he took you in.
You wrung your hands in one another as you caught his eyes. “I uh, well you see… maybe this is the wrong idea.”
“No!” he called as you started to retreat and swallowed quickly. “Would you like to come in?”
“I don’t know if it’s safe for me to, not in this state,” you admitted and his eyes flashed, noticing the pink tinge to your skin.
Jaebum knew you hadn’t stopped thinking about him either.
“I won’t do anything you don’t want to,” he vowed and you nodded absentmindedly, even laughing some.
“The problem is, I think I want to,” you stated and he slumped heavily into the doorframe, blinking when he realised what he had done in reaction.
You grinned. “You’re so clumsy today.”
“Don’t,” he warned with a pout, rubbing at his arm and stepping back towards the bed where he retrieved the ice bag. “I’m already struggling with this.”
“You were always quite useless at the most mundane of tasks.”
“Sue me for always thinking of the bigger picture,” he shot back as he laid back down. You took the bag from his hand and placed it over his ankle.
“Was that it? Always focusing on what was next and not what you had, Jaebum?”
His humour eased as he nodded. “Mm.”
“Was I not enough?”
“I wanted more for you.”
“I had plenty. We had, we had so much already, didn’t you see it?”
Jaebum merely stared at you until it unnerved you and you looked away. He smiled fondly. “I see you now.”
“Just now?”
“Do you want me to continue on from the beach talk?” he offered and you shook your head, resting your hand on his knee. He looked at it there for an immeasurable moment before he shifted up, taking your chin in his hand.
Your focus slipped from the ice and up to his face, searching his gaze for a sign that this could happen. He caressed the side of your cheek. “It’s all on your terms. I’ll do anything you want.”
“Even let me go?” you asked and Jaebum nodded tightly. “But you don’t want to?”
He couldn’t take it anymore, whining with the building need to take you in his arms. It was painful withholding the usual dominant way he took you and you seemed surprised that he hadn’t made a move already.
So you made your own.
Lips exploring his, you pushed him down onto the mattress, shifting with him so you now were seated over his waist. Jaebum felt the bag of ice slip off his foot as he reached up to encircle your waist, drawing you in closer to his body with a moan. Normally it was you who made all the noises first and he felt you smile into his lips, licking along them for further access. You were driving him mad and there was something different in the way you each moved right now. He was much too hesitant to take control and you were liberated by this. Pressing him further into the bedding, you moved your hips into his, receiving a guttural groan from him. He had gone far too long without your body and it worried him that he wouldn’t even hold out much longer. His stamina had taken a nosedive with your departure.
You were already heaving as well, and he noted it wasn’t only him that was struggling. “God, Jaebum-- just, we need to!”
Helping you out of your clothing and then allowing you to rid him of his own, Jaebum held your hips as he guided himself up inside you. The shared moment was loud as you both grew accustomed to the stretch and Jaebum gripped at your flesh to settle himself from bucking wildly from the sensation. When you were both ready, you began to move together in a rhythm that felt too familiar.
You both had never been one for slow and sensual first, and right now, the concept of that seemed torturous. Jaebum barely maintained control, feeling the coiling within his stomach not long after you began to rock on him. Deciding to utilise what little time he had left before he lost his cool, he aimed for the spot that always made you cry out in ecstasy, driving into you repeatedly until you did just that. With the flood of warmth, he joined you, wrapping himself up in you as he continued to jerk with his high.
Nestling into his chest as you made no effort to move aside from catching your breath, Jaebum buried his head into your shoulder, mouthing it lovingly. You sighed heavily.
“We didn’t last long at all.”
“Was it worth it?” he asked into your neck and you nodded, shivering with how good it felt. Shifting so he could place you down on the bed, Jaebum scooted down the bed, trailing his mouth over your body as he ended up in between your legs. You reached out for him impatiently, eyes hooded with lust. He licked at his lips before smirking. “Good. You didn’t think it would just end here though, did you?”
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It was late when you both had finally had your fill. Spent, you laid within each other’s arms, lips pressing into any part of skin you could each reach. Jaebum fingered lightly the bruise rising upon the mound of your breast, feeling you arch within his grip ever so slightly.
“Hungry?” he asked and you hummed in response, kissing his shoulder. “For me?”
“For food,” you reiterated and he chuckled, nodding as he rolled towards the phone. You giggled since he pulled you along with him, reaching out for the menu so you could pick what room service would bring. Once ordered, you kissed Jaebum passionately before getting up and heading into the bathroom. You returned in one of his shirts and Jaebum bit his lip, wondering how after the endless lovemaking that he could feel himself get a rise once again. Throwing his pyjamas at him, you beckoned him to the edge of the bed, kneeling before him.
“Not that I think that ankle of yours is super painful if you can do all you have done tonight,” you mused, you rolled up one leg of his bottoms and place it over his foot. “I thought I should help you all the same.”
“Sick of seeing me like this?” he wondered with a smile and you rolled your eyes, your hands running up his thighs as you pulled the fabric with them.
“Honestly, you’re like an energiser battery,” you remarked as your efforts had definitely stirred him up again. “How long did they say we have until the food is here?”
“Are you unable to wait until your meal arrives for dessert?” he asked and you gripped at his thighs, clawing out a low curse from Jaebum. “Looks like I can’t either.”
Part 5
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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sawyersick · 5 years
all the questions for that ask game!!! (or as many as you want lol)
holy fuck bee............................. ok get red E its a Lot
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
Idk what I would say but I probably wouldn’t be that freaked out... the last person I texted is a good friend/coworker and I trust him
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
I uhhh can’t remember who the last person I kissed was because it was years ago but let’s assume it was my ex..... he was a toxic pos who tore me down because he had low self esteem so yeah I don’t really like him
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
I would be upset if it was anything more than weed or the ocassional drink or if it was a full blown addiction and I would be mad if they didn’t tell me on principle...
 Also I would not be very comfortable if they did it around me because I’m a weenie despite hanging out in hardcore punk groups...... also I can’t stomach the smell of cigarettes im sorry
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
sober, I don’t drink
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
like..... as a significant other? I guess. I’m pretty bad at telling my feelings to people and I’m kinda clingy when I like someone. idk if I’ve ever *explicitly* messed it up tho
7. What does your last received text say?
“sick” and then the sparkly heart emoji five times 
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
lots and lots and lots.... unfortunately. we were together for a year and a half
9. Where was your last kiss at?
fuck bitch I don’t remember.............. school? my house? his house? the pool??? man the last five months of that relationship were affection-less
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
I don’t have one!
11. What do you drink in the morning?
water and sometimes tea
12. Where did you sleep last night?
the car and then my bed when I got home
13. Do you think relationships are hard?
I mean everything takes effort... I don’t find it hard to do things for people in my relationships but I get frustrated when it isn’t reciprocated and I burn out
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
yes....................... many..........................
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
I TRIED to be a good emo and like the rain but tbh I get really reasonally depressive so I prefer the sun 100%
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
hopefully!! I met this real cute punk boy last night
20. Does anyone like you?
HA I doubt it......... I usually come off as the little sister type to most people
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
I suspected that he had internalized homophobia but also he was weirdly transphobic to me so I dropped it and pretended to be a cis girl around him which is weird because I think he liked boys??????????????????
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
YES this girl from high school who talked about tentacle porn to school admins for no reason and did lots of other weird shit 
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
yes! I have a whale on my hip and I want to get tiny scissors on my arm soon
25. In the past week have you cried?
yes I watched queer eye and a disney movie lol
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
I follow like 12 samoyeds on instagram but the last dog I saw irl was this ADORABLE black lab who was a service dog and he rested his head on his human’s lap when she sat down in the library and I wanted to cry
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
I have a towel hanging right out side the shower so I grab it, then step out of the shower
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
hm idk I think so? I definitely kissed a guy who played tennis but he forced it on me so I don’t count it
29. Do you think you’re old?
yes because I hate tiktok
30. Do you like text messaging?
I don’t mind it!! The service at my house sucks tho so I prefer cloud based texting like instagram or facebook messenger
31. What type of day are you having?
A good but slow one! I had a really good night last night so I’m just resting now
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
I’d honestly rather get snake bites if I were to get a piercing but in general I’m afraid of facial piercings
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
warm! then I can head down to the lake :)
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
yes! he’s one of my best friends and I talk to him every day and he lives in scotland and I’d like to meet him one day
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
relationship! Flings personally make me feel icky and I’m over that
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
I’d like to think I’m complicated but I’m a simple man..................... you show me whale, I like
37. What song are you listening to?
any song by Liily, all day every day
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
yes! I perpetually feel bad about everything!!!!!!39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
there was! but not anymore because she ghosted me for no reason40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
This person is so cute and kind and creative and nice and sweet and fashionable!!!! and fun to mosh with!!!!!41. When did you last receive a text message?
half an hour ago ish???42. What is wrong with you right now?
I am constantly depressed and there’s nothing I can do about it exceot keep myself insanely busy but that means there’s no breather for me and also I probably have adhd but can’t afford a therapist43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
FeMaLe dude just say chick
pretty well! I like her favourite band and we talk like once a week at the very least44. Does anyone disgust you?
yes my ex was very nasty and tore people down to his level and also this one person from high school who fucked over my friends 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
depends on who.... eye emoji............. but probably yes I have low standards46. Are you in a good mood right now?
yes!47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
my parents? but other than that it was thanking Nick from the band Unpopular Opinion for the lovely tabling opportunity last night48. What color shirt are you wearing?
white T shirt with a cat pink sweater with a cat49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
yes one of my parents says nasty things when in a bad mood50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
yes my former best friend who ghosted me and this girl who keeps flaking on plans with me and also a boy who got mixed up in weird drama with me and his ex that I never wanted to be a part of51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
I’ve never really falen hard for anyone, just periods of obsession. I guess I’m waiting for that one sPeCiAl sOmEoNe
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
yes, but I’ll settle for waiting53. Do you like rain?
a little of it!54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
I’d rather they not be a alcholoic because I had a raging drunk coworker who scared the shit out of me once but I guess I’d be okay with the ocasional drink/drunk night as long as they’re safe55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
So many times... I keep my mouth shut because it would never work for one reason or another...... also I’m so SICK of having to make the move all the time I just want to be fawned over I’ve never had anyone do ANYTHING romantic for me 56. Do you like to cuddle?
.......................yes57. Are you shy?
not normally! I LOVE being social but in relationships yeah because I’m insecure58. Do you get along with girls?
yes? girls who don’t get along with girls are lame...... lift each other up don’t tear yaselves down59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
nope! But I’ll admit I thought about it haha60. What do you carry with you at all times?
chapstick, money, and pepper spray
ya boy don’t mess around61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
depends on the haunted levels, as long as the “ghost” would only watch/appear and not scream or whatever or try to make contact I guess that would be fine? but if It tries to disturb me I’m yeeting mysef the fuck outta here because ya boy needs uninterrupted beauty rest62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
yep! I dragged one out for a year and a half when I really should have ended things much sooner than that63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
nope! Been single for around two years now64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
YES HOLY SHIT65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
I fired some pieces in my pottery class! my mugs and bowls came out so well
and I met the cutest punk boy last night!!!!!! he’s so cute and very my type and I got to dance with him in the mosh pit!!!!!!!!!! tell me that’s not the cutest punk thing ever
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
19, 18(17???), and 21
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?    
I’ve only gotten them done once! It was very enjoyable but I’m a cheapskate so I’d probably rather do them myself68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    
leopard print I guess69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    
one! A turtle from the Maui Ocean Center. I’d like to add a few more sea-related ones and maybe a totoro I bought at a con a few years back70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?    
literally who the fuck even are these people71. Blackberry, Android, or iPhone?   
android 4 lyfe72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    
never? my DnD group would get round table or little caesars73. Do you like diet soda?    
I guess? I like it the same as diet soda74. What color are the walls in your room?    
one purple wall and the other three are pastel mint75. Are you 16 or older?    
yeah baybee76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?  
nope  77. Do you have a job?   
yep! I’m a windsurfing instructor   78. What are your initials?    
but usually I go by SS79. Did you ever have braces?    
nope! I’ve got near-perfect teeth :D80. Are you from the south?    
81. What does your last status on facebook say?    
I talked about meeting my favourite band again!82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?
no because he forced himself on me when we were young and I think he remembers and is ashamed and also doesn’t live near me anymore    83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    
idk, I’m close but not in different ways with both of them84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?    
I was really good at the tumbling unit in 6th grade85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?   
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood? I don’t go to the movies much 86. Do you smoke?    
no the smell of cigarettes makes me want to vomit87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    
I love heels but I LIVE in flip flops bc california88. Is your phone touch screen?    
yes???? damn when was this ask game made89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?  
straight.......... I’m too lazy to curl it  90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?  
nope! I’m a weenie  91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    
the ocean!!!!!!!! But I guess a pool bc I’m afraid of the flesh eating bacteria in freshwater lakes92. Have you ever made out in a car?    
no but I HAVE made out on some random person’s lawn lmao93. …Had sex in a car?  
no I’m a virgin  94. Are you single or in a relationship?   
single pringle who loves to mingle 95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    
selling my art and listening to cool bands and dancing with cute punk people!!!96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? 
the day after the fourth of July   97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    
yes! I just got a new phone and the camera is way better than my old one
the low lighting setting is  c r i s p 98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?  
I made out with this one friend of mine like twice and then I never did it again bc I felt icky  99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    
no I don’t drink100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?    
NAH BRO YOU GOTTA UNFRIEND THE FUCK OUTTA THEM NO RAGRETS 101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    
nope I’m a virgin102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    
Liily? did you mean Liily???? my favourite Liily song is Wash, Toro, or The Weather103. Do you have any tan lines right now?  
yeah one from the ring I wear every day  and like a shorts tan from summer104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?
hell yeah but ONLY if the cowboy boots are bright red or hot pink no exceptions
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kivaember · 6 years
(This fic sorta reflects my current state of being l o l honestly, burn out is the worst fucking thing to endure and i am s u f f e r i n g from it so much. So I vented with this, and kinda explored a few of Aymeric’s other relationships.
Also for the fishing bit, Aza and his FC were pretty much doing this)
As always, Aymeric woke up at the crack of dawn.
It was to an empty bed, so he thankfully didn’t have to go through the torturous ordeal of untangling himself from Aza’s arms and slipping out without him waking up (impossible). He did so love his partner, but some days he he just wanted get to work on time without having to rush because Aza decided to imitate a rather clingy, amorous limpet.
The sun was just peeking over the twisting spires of the Holy See when Aymeric emerged from his home, dressed, fed and waiting for his coffee to kick in. His feet took him along the well worn path towards the Congregation of the Knights Most Heavenly (he needed to find a way to shorten that into something that didn’t sound so… cultish), the air almost pleasantly mild. It was ‘summer’ for Ishgard now, and that brought with it weak sunshine, gentle breezes and rain. It boded well for a possible thawing of the permafrost that clung to this land, though he doubted they would be able to reproduce their previous agricultural output for another few years yet.
The foot traffic was light this early in the morning, so Aymeric was utterly alone as he descended the steps from the Pillars to the lower levels of Ishgard. It meant he could break decorum a little and stifle a yawn behind his hand, feeling ragged to the bone. Gods, he always felt so exhausted when Aza wasn’t here. As distracting as his partner could be, he certainly slept easier when they-
-something abruptly jabbed him hard in his kidneys.
“Fuck-” he blurted in utter surprise, his foot slipping on the step and almost sending him on an embarrassing tumble, if not for the strong hand gripping his bicep. His lower back throbbed from the very painful jab he just took, and, face slightly red from embarrassment, regained his footing and turned to see-
“That’s another stabbin’ you coulda hand,” the ‘Mongrel’ smiled at him, all teeth, “C’mon, Lord Commander. I’ve told ya before about this route. Ambush points everywhere.”
Aymeric’s shoulders slumped, and Hilda kindly released his arm to give him a short pat on the shoulder, somehow making the gesture of reaching up not look too ridiculous.
“Lady Ware,” he sighed wearily.
“Hilda. I ain’t a lady.”
“Lady Ware,” Aymeric repeated, just to be contrary and because he got some vindication at watching her wrinkle her nose in disgust at him, “Thank you for scaring another five months off my lifespan. How many deaths is that now?”
“Two hundred an’ fifty somethin’ or other,” Hilda said, and jabbed him in the ribs again before he could move away, “Yer self-awareness is shite. It’s a miracle you ain’t been stabbed again, what with all them lords sharpening their daggers every time your back’s turned.”
“It probably has to do with the fact that you loiter in the dark corners they’d normally try to stab me from,” Aymeric said, his voice dry as dust, “The key to a successful assassination is not to do it with witnesses, you see.”
“Smarmy bastard,” Hilda said fondly, “Still, I can’t loiter in all the dark corners. I got a life outside of looking at your arse all day.”
“Duly noted,” Aymeric sighed, and inclined his head, “Walking the same way?”
“Yup,” Hilda said with a cocksure smile, boldly moving in step with him as they continued their way.
It was a queer friendship, he knew, if it could even be called friendship. It wasn’t a conventional relationship in the slightest, an alliance of necessity to smooth over any snarls and tangled between the Temple Knights and the newly established City Watch. Several knights, and lords, were somewhat disgruntled at these lowborn peasants suddenly having the power to enforce the law. Whilst the City Watch tended mostly to petty crime, freeing the Knights for more high-profile and sensitive cases, it was still a scrap of power long denied to those at the very bottom. Friction was inevitable.
Yet, during the beginning years of their wary and necessary alliance, a strange camaraderie started to form between them. Hilda jokingly said it was because he was now part of the ‘Orphaned Bastards Club’, but Aymeric felt it was more because they both believed the same things… and they really enjoyed thumbing their noses at the stuffier lords sitting pretty in Ishgard’s fledging republic. There were stark differences between them, though. Aymeric’s position was always privileged, member of the Orphaned Bastards Club or not, whilst Hilda scrambled at the bottom of society since birth. Friction there was inevitable too.
But they made it work.
Yes, they were both stubborn and passionate and clashed – often – but Hilda had proven herself to be a valuable ally, instead of the dangerous enemy she could have been. She worked with him to ensure a level balance between the Knights and the City Watch, she was blunt and honest enough not to hold back to correct him on his assumptions on what the lower class needed, and, more importantly, she was loyal to a fault.
He could do without the mock-assassinations whenever he went to and from work though. At this point he had a feeling she was doing it more to mess with him, rather than increasing his chances of surviving another assassination attempt.
“I see Lover boy’s outta town,” Hilda said casually, “What’s he up to this time? Savin’ another damn country?”
“He’s gone fishing with some adventurer friends,” Aymeric said.
The look Hilda gave him was worth the early morning scare, honestly. The disbelief, the slight suspicion that he was pulling her leg, writ across her face was deeply amusing, “Fishin’.”
“Mm, that is what I said,” he said with mock-innocence, “Something the matter?”
“He doesn’t seem like the type to fish,” Hilda said dubiously, “Requires a bit of patience, don’t it?”
“If there’s a promise of food at the end of it, you’ll find him surprisingly patient,” Aymeric said, “Also he fishes with Imperial grenades.”
Hilda let out a sigh that almost eased into a laugh, “’Course he does.”
The rest of the walk to the Congregation was pleasant in Hilda’s company. She told him a little of what the City Watch had been doing, what assistance they could do with, and in turn Aymeric told her about the new bills being proposed regarding a government funding project to properly equip the City Watch. Hilda had taken that last thing with a wry twist to her lips, just as aware as him that that bill would be bounced around in the House of Lords for as long as their constitution allowed.
“Best leave ya here,” Hilda said briskly as they stopped at the Congregation, “When ya see Aza, tell ‘im to swing by the Forgotten Knight sometime. Haven’t had a drink with him in a while.”
“I’ll pass on the message,” Aymeric promised.
Hilda clapped him on the arm, her fingers trailing along his forearm and pressing a crumpled piece of paper – discreetly – into his hand. With a two-fingered salute, the Mongrel prowled off in that confident strut of hers, disappearing into the early morning crowd that had started to stir.
Aymeric closed his fist around the paper slowly and turned away, tucking it casually into his breeches’ pocket. Another perk to his friendship-alliance with the Mongrel was information that would otherwise be denied to a Lord Commander part of the ‘class system’ all the commoners hated. What people wouldn’t admit or say to the knights, they admitted to the City Watch. But, whilst the City Watch’s powers were limited, Aymeric had more clout and influence. It was always a balancing act to work out on what he could action, but it made his life so much easier.
Honestly, it would have been a harder ordeal rooting out corruption, if it weren’t for her.
“Sir. Sir.”
“M’awake,” Aymeric mumbled into his desk, not lifting his head even when Lucia sighed somewhere above him.
“Lord Artoirel is here to see you,” she said firmly, “To discuss the Adventurer’s Guild Proposal. Remember?”
Aymeric made a noise better suited to some deep-sea creature being pulled out of a loch somewhere. The fucking Adventurer’s Guild Proposal. The bane of his political existence and the thorn in the House of Lord’s side. The last debate on it had descended into petty stonewalling, where no one had come out smelling pretty.
(Aymeric himself hadn’t come out of that debate well. In a flash of white-hot, temporary madness brought on by sheer frustration at the inefficiency their government was stagnating in, he had ended the ridiculous shouting match by flipping the Speaker’s desk and verbally flaying everyone present. It was the first time he ever heard the House of Lords stunned into terrified silence. It was then that Artoirel had, warily, suggested that perhaps they should all take a break and cool their heads a little while someone replaced the Speaker’s desk.)
“Should I take that as you cancelling the meeting?” Lucia asked him flatly.
“I’ll take it,” Aymeric said wearily, propping himself up and massaging his temples. A low-grade headache was beginning to throb insistently behind his eyes. He was so sick of reading things now. He should have ran away with Aza to throw Imperial grenades into a lake somewhere.
Lucia didn’t move, giving him a long searching look.
“Sir,” she ventured carefully, “When was the last time you took a break?”
Considering Lucia helped to micromanage his stuffed to the gills schedule, she should know exactly when he took a break. Better than he, anyways, where the days just blurred together in some nightmarish ordeal of holding a fledging republic together by his fingertips. Whilst it was more stable than it had been initially, somehow that meant more work bubbling up as people actually became efficient enough to start, well, working. Instead of just focusing on reshuffling their budget and trying to dismantle the Ishgardian war machine, they now had to juggle foreign policy, trade routes, commitments to the Eorzean Alliance, commitments to the Scions, immigration, social reforms, military reforms, economics, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Aymeric just didn’t have enough hands to manage it all.
“You tell me, Lucia,” he said in a rare show of snippiness, “When did I last have a break?”
Lucia straightened up and said, rather coolly, “Three months ago, sir, for half a day.”
Aymeric rubbed at his face and pinched at the bridge of his nose, letting out a very long exhale, “Right.”
“…I think,” Lucia said in a very neutral tone, “That you need a break, sir.”
Aymeric looked at the papers sprawled over his desk for a long moment. What had initially filled him with passionate determination now made him feel an intense dread. He was burnt out, he realised, and stressed to a cracking point, if his embarrassing blow up at the last House of Lords session was anything to go by. “Yes, I think so too.”  
“Conveniently,” Lucia continued, “An invitation from Lord Hien of Doma arrived this morning by Postmoogle. It seems they wish to express their gratitude for the contribution Ishgard made towards their reconstruction efforts. It asks for you explicitly by name.”
It was a testament to how tired Aymeric was that he didn’t immediately make the connection, “This is convenient…?”
“Sir, this is a thinly veiled attempt to curry further favour with Ishgard by inviting you to their city to be spoiled and bribed,” Lucia said bluntly, “While the other City States also made contributions to Doma, the engineers and architects we sent have been integral to rebuilding their city and their destroyed castle. No doubt they will want us to continue loaning such expertise until they no longer need it, and to do that…”
“Ah,” Aymeric said, enlightened, “I see.”
“I already sent an acceptance on your behalf,” Lucia said, proving that she was an angel sent down from Halone Herself. If Aymeric weren’t so exhausted, he probably would have gotten down on his hands and knees and thanked her from the very bottom of his heart, “I’m certain the Warrior of Light will be happy to accompany you.”
That was all well and good, except, “But, who will tend to my duties in the interim?”
“I can handle your Lord Commander duties, sir,” Lucia said, and inclined her head towards the door, “And I am sure Lord Artoirel can handle your Speaker duties, as he is your political second in command. You should start learning to delegate.”
Aymeric processed this for a long moment. Then;
“Lucia,” he said gravely, “Have I ever told you how much I appreciate you?”
The faintest curl to Lucia’s lips betrayed her smile.
“Yes, sir,” she said warmly, “You tell me every day.”
All things considered, Artoirel handled his sudden burden with good grace.
“You need the break,” Artoirel told him firmly, “I was beginning to worry that you would crash and burn before you started delegating.”
“I wasn’t that bad, was I?” Aymeric asked, although a sinking feeling in his belly told him that, yes, he had acted a bit like a control freak. He couldn’t help it. He had sweated blood and tears to get Ishgard to this point, and he was terrified that it was going to be cocked up by petty greed and ambitions running counter their fledging republic. There were so many things that could be taken advantage of – were being taken advantage of, where corruption could fester and grow if one took their eyes off it for too long, where their government could collapse in on itself like the unstable house of cards it was and erupt into a destabilising and bloody civil war.
Aymeric wanted this to go well. He needed this to go well. Yet… he was also falling into the trap of thinking it’d only go well if he micromanaged every single possible bit of it, which… which wasn’t all that different to how Father had ruled Ishgard. Just like him, he was all but strangling the government by gripping it so hard. The realisation felt like a knife to the gut.
No, wait. A knife to the gut would have been better, actually.
“You… need to delegate a little, yes,” Artoirel said diplomatically, “But no one can deny you have Ishgard’s best interests at heart.”
Aymeric rubbed his forehead, biting back ‘the Archbishop also had Ishgard’s best interests at heart’, because that was going to go down an emotional rabbit hole of father issues that Artoirel didn’t deserve to sit through.
“Right,” he said instead, bottling up that emotional upheaval for later. He planted his hands on the papers on his desk and pushed them forwards towards his soon-to-be-intensely-suffering-replacement, “In which case, I deeply apologise for the hell I am about to put you through.”
Artoirel looked briefly pained, though the expression quickly cleared into one of grim, determination.
“I’ll endure it,” he said.
Really, Aymeric sincerely hoped Artoirel won the next round of elections for the Speaker position. He was, apparently, a far better politician and man than he’d ever be. That was a bitter pill to swallow, surprisingly, but it was mostly relief Aymeric felt.
Lucia was right.
He was burnt out.
Lucia kicked him out of his office before it was mid-afternoon.
“Go home,” she told him, and physically blocked him from getting back in his office. After being soundly out-manoeuvred and cowed by Lucia’s stern glare, Aymeric had no choice but to slink back home feeling oddly out of sorts. He had no looming deadline he had to grind towards, no bills or proposals he had to manage, no patrol reports to review or inspections to prepare for or… anything. He felt almost adrift, and he barely remembered the walk back home.
(Hilda would have been scandalised at his lack of self-awareness. He was probably lucky she didn’t chance upon him. She might have drop-kicked him)
He spent his abrupt dearth of free time not preparing for his journey in less than two days’ time – but by lying on his living room floor. It was, actually, a very comfortable floor, and he now saw why Aza lied down on it so much. It was firm, but not uncomfortably hard, and was doing wonders for his aching back. Maybe he should make this a thing. Just spend an hour lying on the floor and staring at the ceiling, slowly dumping all the white noise in his brain so he felt semi-human again.
This was the state Aza found him in a few hours later.
“Aym,” his partner said, standing at his head and smelling faintly of damp and mud, “Are you having a moment?”
“Lucia kicked me out of the office,” he informed him, still disbelieving about that. Grateful, but disbelieving, because the last few hours had been blissful, albeit accompanied by the low-grade anxiety of knowing that he wasn’t doing anything productive, “To take a break.”
Aza laughed at that, crouching down. He was smiling, an adorable grin that flashed his sharp canines and made the corners of his eyes crinkle. Aymeric dreamily admired that lovely expression for a long moment.
“I told you that you were working too hard,” Aza chided him gently, “Did you just lie here the whole time?”
“Yes,” Aymeric said shamelessly, “How was fishing?”
“Great. We annoyed a kraken and fought it.”
Aymeric hummed quietly, finding himself smiling a little stupidly at how genuinely pleased Aza looked at that. Only he would find fighting a kraken a good outcome of fishing, “Did you win?”
“Of course!”
Not long after that he had an armful of Aza, stripped naked with his brine-smelling clothes in a pile next to the sofa. The smell of damp and mud still lingered, but Aymeric still inhaled it and found that tight knot squeezing his belly slacken and relax. No matter how stressed he became, he could always count on Aza just… making it right again. True, he brought his own challenges from time to time, but, Gods, they were worth it.
“You have a dopey look on your face,” Aza commented, the pair of them nose to nose, “I bet you’re thinking of something very schmoopy.”
“Mmm…” Aymeric smiled lazily, “I’m thinking about how much I love you.”
“Sap,” Aza muttered, but his cheeks were a little pink and he was smiling, “You always think about that.”
“Not always,” Aymeric said, “Sometimes I think about how beautiful you look. Or how amazing you are. Or how many Chocobos you’re going to adopt when we retire-”
“Fifty,” Aza said instantly.
“More like one hundred,” Aymeric said wryly, “Like you’d stop at fifty.”
“In short,” Aymeric concluded, “I think about plenty of things… but it is mostly about how much I love you.”
“I can see that,” Aza said, giving him an odd smile. For a moment, it looked as if he was going to say something, but then just sighed and closed his eyes, “I love you too, Aym. Even if you are a sappy dork.”
A companionable silence fell on them then. It wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable. Aymeric just basked in the warmth of his partner’s body curled against his own, the press of his forehead against his own, the tickle of Aza’s hair against his nose and bottom lip, just… listening to him breathe, feeling him in his arms, here, existing, slowly, Aymeric could feel the lingering tension in his body just…ease away.
Yes, he definitely needed that break. He hadn’t realised how bone-weary and burnt out he was until now. A few weeks longer and he might’ve self-destructed entirely, jeopardising everything he worked for and causing the problems he feared would happen, just from stubbornly micromanaging everything.
Doma would still be work, but it’d be relaxed work. He would have to schmooze and make friends, but he wouldn’t have to also juggle a thousand other things simultaneously. It’d be good for him to just decompress and figure his own life out, before wading back into the thorny battlefield that was Ishgardian politics.
“What’re you thinkin’ ‘bout?” Aza asked him sleepily.
“… work,” Aymeric murmured, kissing the tip of his nose, “You’ll find out later.”
“Hrm,” Aza was content with that, and he watched as his partner slipped off into a dozing slumber. He looked adorable. It was amazing how loving someone so much made even the simple act of sleeping seem like the most sublime thing on the planet. Aza was right, he was such a sappy dork.
For the first time in a while, his worries about Ishgard were… the furthest thing from his mind.  
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spidermanswifi · 6 years
bucky barnes x reader
request by @negcns “could u maybe do one where the reader and bucky have been keeping like a lowkey relationship/fwb type thing and then there’s a huge christmas party and bucky has a date and reader is super distraught so she gets super drunk and flirts w other guys that she’s always found attractive (like maybe steve) and bucky gets super SUPER jealous and then they both wind up blowing up and having an argument which then leads to smutty time which is super passionate and where they say they luv each other?? idk” 
fck jealous bucky DOE S THINGS T O ME!!! also ok this isn’t like...super smutty?? idk im sorry about that but here ya go
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Bucky was uncharacteristically late for this party. He wasn’t a huge fan of Tony’s parties, so he always came on time and left early.
From your seat at the open bar, you watched the doors like a hawk, pretending to be more interested in your drink, swirling it around disinterestedly whenever anyone came over to talk to you.
You tried to tell yourself that you just wanted him there because he was good company, but you also knew this was a flat out lie. He wasn’t just good company for you; he was the man you were in love with. It was hard for you to admit that, but it was the truth.
Finally, Bucky came through the doors. he was in a black tux, looking so unfairly beautiful, that you barely noticed the woman. Standing from your place at the bar, you planned on going over to talk to him, but froze. The smile slipped off of your face when you saw a beautiful girl hanging off of his arm.
In a clingy red dress that hugged her curves with her blonde hair in a perfect platte down her back, she was stunning. 
What wasn’t stunning was the fact that her arm was looped through your-
No. He’s not mine. You thought bitterly, taking a seat back at the bar.
As soon as the pair walked through the doors, you were pounding back shot after shot. In hindsight, that was probably the worst thing you could have done, but you just didn’t want to think about Bucky and the beautiful blonde that was currently draping herself all over him. 
Your eyes surveyed the girl, but you had to look away when she rested her perfectly manicured hand against Bucky’s broad chest. This was such a cliché, but it made sense. Beautiful people always belonged together.
You had been sleeping with Bucky for about two months now, and now that he was actually here with someone, you had realized that maybe your...arrangement with him was incredibly stupid of you. It was just sex. The two of you would fuck, and then that was that. The one other rule was that you couldn’t kiss him, for whatever reason.
But, to think that you wouldn’t fall for him-
Shaking your head, you tried to make eye contact with the bartender, but he ignored you. Letting out a frustrated sigh, you leaned to your right to try and get the guy sitting next to you to order you a drink. 
Instead, a familiar figure leaned up against the bar to the left of you. He gently touched the small of your back and reached over to whisper in your ear. “I’m cutting you off for the night darlin’.” 
“Tony, I’m fine.” You whined, pouting a little bit in his direction. 
“Y/N, you’re drunk.”
“Everyone is drunk.” You retorted, rolling your eyes.
“Ah yes,” He brought a glass of amber liquid to his lips, “But you are drunk for all the wrong reasons, and it can’t be that fun chasing your feelings away with all of that.” Tony said, motioning to the several empty glasses in front of you. 
Sliding off of the bar stool, you tried to walk away.
“I’m not that dru-” You stumbled a bit, not noticing how the walls were starting to spin around you. Closing your eyes, you anticipated the impact of the floor, but instead you found a warm pair of arms holding you up. 
Opening your eyes, you slowly blinked when you realized that Tony had caught you. Your arms were currently clutching his biceps, while an amused smirk found its way on his face. 
“Thank me later.” He whispered, his eyes flicking behind you before resting back on your gaze. Leaning forwards, he pressed his lips to yours, catching you off guard.
It had been so long since someone kissed you, and you leaned into it, relishing the feeling of warmth spreading through your cheeks. Everyone had to have been staring at this point, but you didn’t care. Reaching up, your hands found themselves behind Tony’s head, pulling him closer to you. 
It wasn’t that you had feelings for Tony Stark, but he was a pretty face and you were drunk and ready to make bad decisions.
After a few minutes of intense kissing, Tony pulled away. He gave a quick wink, and waltzed off, humming an unfamiliar tune. 
Dazed, you turned, your eyes instantly drifting towards Bucky. He stared back at you, an angry look on his face. His face fell for half a second, but then his guard was up. The look he gave you immediately sobered you up. He tore out of the room, ignoring the girl that he had brought. 
“Wait!” You called. Bucky slammed the door, and you raced after him, needing to explain what just occured. 
“Go away.” He growled out from ahead, still barreling forwards. 
“No!” You called, still chasing after him down the empty hallway. He stopped finally, giving you a chance to catch your breath. Bending over, you put your hands on your knees and panted. Although you were friends with the Avengers, that did not mean you were as physically fit as any of them. “You...you cannot get mad at me.”
“Well too late.” He grunted, refusing to meet your gaze.
“Bucky, are you fucking serious?”
His dark gaze flicked towards yours. “I’m...angry.” He said softly, clenching his fists. 
“Well you don’t get to be angry with me.”
“And why is that?”
Blinking up at him, you felt anger rise in your chest.  “Because you brought someone! Because y-you said you didn’t want anything more than someone to...to fuck. And then you get mad when Tony kisses me? I just-I don’t see how that’s fair.”
Bucky just huffed. 
“You aren’t going to say anything?” You growled out, throwing your hands into the air. “God, Bucky, you-you are so goddamn frustrating!” 
He shrugged and took a step closer to you.
“I-I didn’t like him kissing you. I didn’t realize it until it happened, and...” He trailed off.
“And what?”
Bucky suddenly had your back against the wall, his arms on either side of your face. Leaning in, he whispered, “I don’t want anyone to kiss what’s mine.”
Dipping his head down, he began pressing hot, open mouth kisses to your neck. Tilting your head, you automatically gave him better access to your sweet spot, moaning when he found it right away. 
Bucky knew you like the back of his hand.
He suddenly scooped you up, pushing open the door to his room and throwing you on the bed. Nothing with Bucky had ever been this rushed, but you were not complaining one bit. 
Soon, you both were stripped of all of your clothing, touching each other feverishly like this was the last time.
“Bucky I-” He cut you off with a kiss and placed himself at your entrance. Before he rolled his hips into you, he placed a soft kiss under your ear. 
“Y/N I...I love you. I think I always have.” 
You found him lounging on the couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table, a GQ magazine (with his face on it) sitting open on his lap. 
“Hey Y/N.” Tony said cheerily, not even looking to see who had padded into the room. You balked, astounded at the fact that he seemed to know everything. 
“Uh, what you said earlier, I...came to thank you.”
Tony laughed, “Anytime sweetheart. Barnes needed a push in the right direction. I was getting sick of you two shooting love struck looks at each other when you thought the other wasn’t looking. It was disgusting.”
“Thanks,” you said dryly, rolling your eyes.
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My heart is in your hand
Its been awhile, for them to hold hands, have a comfortable silence, Jeonghan, himself don’t know what happened to them, sure they never were a thing, do they have to call it a thing? he thought. both of them know they’re both each other’s without the official “i love you"s at least thats what Jeonghan thought, Seungcheol has been the only one who’s been clingy to Jeonghan, every fan sign he would’ve been the one who initiate skin ship with the younger, its always been like that, at least thats what Seungcheol thought, Until Seungcheol feel like he’s too much a fuss for the younger so he becomes less clingy and less seeing each other, they often fights rather than exchange smiles or sneaking for cuddles and hugs or kisses. •• Seungcheol is the type of person who wouldn’t tell you shit once he’s keeping a secret, not only secret, even with his health well being. Like right now, the other members standing up in front of a white room in a hospital, the white room door says "choi seungcheol”. Jeonghan sighs, when will he start share the group’s burden with the others, he thought. Its true that Cheol is the type of leader who will do anything for you including all the stress and even worrying others well being first rather than his, like recently, he’s been worrying about Jihoon’s state since he’s been overworked himself for the new comback, and Soonyoung for every little choreography he stressed over before the tour until he, himself not realizing that he is too drained by everything, people might think he doesn’t do much in the group, but the group wouldn’t stand strong and unite as now if it weren’t because of him. Jihoon wouldn’t get sick if it weren’t because of every night seungcheol would company him to make sure he eats and rests enough. Soonyoung wouldn’t injure himself if it weren’t because of seungcheol who advices him to always warm up before creating some new choreography. Now? Who would’ve known that the leader been sick over the past few weeks? Even the blonde as his roommate never realizes this. It makes him feel so guilty that the older would always notice every worry that is written on Jeonghan’s face but himself? He didn’t even realize the older has looked paler than usual. Jisoo approaches him, “ The doctor said he’s too tired and too stressed, his red blood cells just dropped, ” he slump himself next to the blonde figure. Jeonghan just look blankly at the floor, “ i told Soonyoung to go back with the others, manager hyung said he only let 1 of us to stay,” Jisoo look at Jeonghan, but the later did not even budge he look tired thats what he can see, “You go home, I’ll be here for cheol,” Jisoo decides for them, Jeonghan quickly look at him in a quick speed, “No, I’ll do it, the kids will need you more,” Jisoo raised his brows, “its the kids or you want to be by Cheol side?” He grins, Jeonghan just snorts and grins back, “Go, I’ll be fine, just bring me new clothes tomorrow,” he pushes the later lightly, “Aight, Mr. Choi,” he teases but quickly runaway from the red-as-lobster Jeonghan. After the manager hyung bid his goodbye he go in to the room, and all he see is Seungcheol laying there looking so pale as if all blood is drained from his body, he’s eye bags look even darker, he looks skinnier, he’s cheek bone look sunken, despite the new silver hair, he still look beautiful as ever to Jeonghan, he sits himself next to Seungcheol’s bed. He pushes some of the hair that covers the older brows, he smile sadly, “ stop making me worry, ” He sighs, he took the older hand and rubs in circular motion, he smiles to himself, the older loves it when he does that, rubbing his hand to calm the older whenever he’s tense or not feeling well, on the other side, Jeonghan loves it when Seungcheol rubs the back of his neck, it sends him chill and comfort through his whole body. Waiting him to wake up seem too long for Jeonghan as he fell asleep. Seungcheol wake up groggily and feel like all his body just got hit by a truck and his head is spinning but he feels weight on his left hand as he look down he sees a blonde figure laying there holding his hand, he smile to the sight as he about to sit himself up he feels like his head is too heavy to even sit down properly as he let out a pain groan, by the sound Jeonghan immediately wake up and snap his head up and sees the older has just woken up and he still look pale, he frowns, “you look pale,” he said, Seungcheol smile softly, too softly, one thing that Jeonghan hates the most when he’s sick is he’s too soft and gentle, it makes his heart ache for the sight of too beautiful and gentleman cheol. “You’re here,” Seungcheol breathes out. “of course I’m here, what? You want Mingyu or Wonwoo instead here? Im more than happy to leave,” he pouts and said in a bitter voice, Seungcheol tightens his grip on Jeonghan’s hand but he didn’t say a thing to reply the younger, “You’re so cute,” he chuckles. This kind of moment makes Seungcheol forget about his objective to be unaffectionate towards this certain younger since it feels like hell to kiss someone that good but never have the official label for what is he to the other, “Why didn’t you tell me that you’re sick?” Jeonghan frowns again but he sits himself down again still rubbing the back of Seungcheol’s hand, “I didn’t even realize I’m sick,” he denies, he lied of course, he’s been hiding his headache and stomachache from his uneven eating disorder. “I realized you rarely take your dinner, you always gave it to seungkwan or vernon if they’re still hungry,” he said disapprovingly, “stop cheolie, we need you to be healthy too, as much as you worry about the kids, the kids also worries about you, i think Seokmin about to cry when you collapsed,” he chuckles to the memory of Seokmin eyes glassy with tears looking at the members trying to lift the leader up and jisoo calling for the manager to take the leader to the hospital. “Ah he’s always been a cry baby,” Seungcheol laughs softly, too softly, “which one hurts?” The younger asks, “when you’re here nothing is hurt,” he grins, Jeonghan slap his arm slightly, “Seriously cheol,” he said this time, “my head hurts, my body hurts, basically it feels like i just got run by a train,” he said with a smile on his face, “but i’ll be alright,” he said again since Jeonghan only looking at him. By that Jeonghan swears whatever happened between them, he doesn’t care anymore, he loves this person, this Choi Seungcheol who always put anyone else’s well being in front of his yet he still manages to put his best smile with the dimples that Jeonghan loves the most, can’t hold the ache of loving someone this much, Jeonghan lift Seungcheol hand and kisses his palm tenderly, and breathes out the first official saying that’s been Seungcheol waiting for, “I love you, cheol, gosh I really do,” he kisses them once again with more love, “more than every human being should love his other half,” he said. Seungcheol heart tumps, he feels alive, what is headache and stomachache when he has Jeonghan here, by his side? the kiss on the palm, it means so much more than every kisses they ever shared, its more than the kiss on the forehead to assures Jeonghan ‘I’ll be here for you’ its more than the kiss on the neck to praises the other of how much they will always crave for each other’s warmth, its more than the deep kiss on the lips to sealed whatever deal they have to only do this with themselves, it was the act of “My heart is in your hand, I trust all of my love in your hand,” and for that Seungcheol smiles and stretches out his other hand and rubs Jeonghan’s hair, “I love you too, Jeonghan-ah” he cracked the most beautiful crescent moon shape smile, “more than any men should love his other half,”
hi Im writing this on my phone, i was on the train reading a novel and all of a sudden this idea come up to me, so sorry for the mistakes grammar and typos. I’ll try to fix it when I’m on my laptop. Since I’m still in Aussie that’ll be a bit later aight!
Thanks! Don’t forget to drop some comments and vote for my stroy!
xxEmmsxx Btw i open request if u want, catch me on aff by emmmsss
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interdiit · 7 years
okay so @legacyborne i saw this thing on my dash and i did it for laf/george/martha bc i was bored in class but im just now getting around to posting it bc im the Worst but here it is it’s super long this shows how much im into this au so yes ssh here is a thing
Who is more likely to raise their voice? george first, then laf, martha rarely does Who threatens to leave but never actually does? even despite their disagreements, i doubt any of them would even threaten that  Who actually keeps their word and leaves? see ^^ Who trashes the house? it would be laf but not in an angry way but in a ‘my life is kind of a mess so here’s the mess that comes with me’ kind of way Do either of them get physical? hahaha no How often do they argue/disagree? pretty often, but not on anything major Who is the first to apologise? it’s either laf or martha, depending on the situation
Who is on top? they’re all incredibly flexible with what positions they take Who is on the bottom? ^^^ Who has the strangest desires? none of them are exactly pure Any kinks? l m a o all??? all of the kinks??? Who’s dominant in bed? typically george and/or martha Is head ever in the equation? it’s nearly always in the equation If so, who is better at performing it? laf likes to think he is Ever had sex in public? not full-on sex, but there’s definitely been inappropriate touching Who moans the most? martha or laf Who leaves the most marks? george for sure Who screams the loudest? not really screaming but laf is the loudest Who is the more experienced of the two? george and martha are both more experienced than laf Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? both of the above Rough or soft? both of the above How long do they usually last? i mean??? a decent amount of time?? i would think??? Is protection used? yes and no, it all varies with who’s doing what to who Does it ever get boring? not in laf’s mind, not at all Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? over george’s desk?? maybe?? i ?? dk ???
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? laf would love to, but he’s pretty much the children himself If so, how many children do your muses want/have? probably like 2 or 3 Who is the favorite parent? martha omfg it’s definitely martha Who is the authoritative parent? george but only bc he wants the best for the kids Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? laf for sure he’s just like ‘dont tell’ Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? see above it’s definitely laf Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? all three of them omfg it’s laf and martha’s favorite activity Who goes to parent teacher interviews? all three of them at the same time -- the teachers just end up thinking laf is the kids’ older brother Who changes the diapers? they alternate nightly Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? laf and george are both lighter sleepers than martha, so it’s typically one of them Who spends the most time with the children? martha and laf both work less than george, but, in the evening, the kids don’t leave george alone Who packs their lunch boxes? martha for sure laf doesn’t know what he’s doing but he’ll write cute lil notes Who gives their children ‘the talk’? they force george to do it Who cleans up after the kids? it’s a joint effort -- laf gets the living room and bedrooms while george and martha get the kitchen Who worries the most? laf and martha worry equally Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? definitely laf and he feels bad about it
Who likes to cuddle? all of the above Who is the little spoon? martha and laf Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? geORGE HOLY SHIT Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? george when he’s doing it purposefully to embarrass laf, laf when they’re just walking down the street How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? laf doesn’t know what that means -- they could cuddle all night.  Who gives the most kisses? martha she’s such a kisser fight me on this What is their favourite non-sexual activity? kissing omg but that typically leads to other thinGS Where is their favourite place to cuddle? on the couch or after a long day in bed Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? gEORGE STOP IT How often do they get time to themselves? they all know all they have to do is ask for it, but it’s rare, considering that there’s three of them
Who snores? george but only after a really long day -- laf makes fun of him for it If both do, who snores the loudest? ^^ Do they share a bed or sleep separately? share a bED If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? laf is very clingy at night so at least one of them has laf clinging to them Who talks in their sleep? laf mumbles, it’s either in french or completely incoherent What do they wear to bed? either silk pajamas or fleece for martha, george typically wears sweatpants and a tank top, laf is nearly always in just boxers or completely naked Are either of your muses insomniacs? no i think they’re all pretty good sleepers Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? probably not Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? there are limbs everywhere - if not for their differing skin tones and sleepwear, you wouldn’t know whose limbs are whose. Who wakes up with bed hair? martha’s got it the worst because laf sleeps with his hair tied back Who wakes up first? george, laf, then martha if there’s no alarm set Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? thAT’S LAF’S FAVORITE ACTIVITY What is their favourite sleeping position? limbs everywhere all bunched up together Who hogs the sheets? laf would be the one Do they set an alarm each night? yes, everybody’s got work to do -- laf’s alarm is first, because he goes to the gym every morning, but he does his best to turn it off before george or martha wake up Can a television be found in their bedroom? probably not, but there are definitely stacks of books Who has nightmares? george’s are the worst, but they all have them Who has ridiculous dreams? laf omg at least once a week they definitely hear laf saying “well i had a strange dream last night” Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? laf would if the other two weren’t in the bed, too Who makes the bed? they all alternate What time is bed time? depends on the night, can range from 9 pm to 3 am Any routines/rituals before bed? brushing their teeth and washing their faces together, then little kisses and goodnights Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? laf typically, but he does what he has to do
Who is the busiest? george Who rakes in the highest income? george Are any of your muses unemployed? martha stays at home, but she could get a job if she wanted to Who takes the most sick days? none Who is more likely to turn up late to work? laF it’s a bad habit Who sucks up to their boss? laf sucks up to george but that doesn’t count What are their jobs? laf works at a jewelry store, george is in politics Who stresses the most? george probably internalizes his stress but he’s definitely stressed Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? they both enjoy their jobs, george just finds his v stressful and laf gets bored like half the time and then spends too much of his own money on george and martha Are your muses financially stable? yep all is good even despite laf spending too much of his own money on george and martha
Who does the washing? laf Who takes out the trash? george Who does the ironing? martha Who does the cooking? martha and george together and laf just admires their skills Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? that would be laf Who is messier? laf Who leaves the toilet roll empty? none of them omg they’d fight about that Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? laf but then he gets that Look and he’s like ‘fine im sorry’ Who forgets to flush the toilet? none of them Who is the prankster around the house? laf?? but it’s very minimal and nothing harmful Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? laf because of his organization habits Who mows the lawn? they live in new york. no such thing as a “lawn” Who answers the telephone? martha or whoever’s closest tbh Who does the vacuuming? laf, he likes to listen to music at full blast when he does Who does the groceries? george and martha, sometimes all three of them together Who takes the longest to shower? laF GET THIS BOY’S ASS OUT OF THE SHOWER Who spends the most time in the bathroom? laf but it’s bc he gets mesmerized by something or another and suddenly he’s been there for a half an hour
Is money a problem? nope How many cars do they own? probably one, maybe none Do they own their home or do they rent? they rent most likely, maybe buy an apartment together sometime in the future Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? in the middle of manhattan so teCHNICALLy near the coast Do they live in the city or in the country? city Do they enjoy their surroundings? yes, all three of them love it What’s their song? they all listen to different types of music but laf’ll be damned if he doesn’t make them all sing to a thousand miles by vanessa carlton -- he really just likes hearing them sing anything, though What do they do when they’re away from each other? call and skype every night, they’re not good at separation Where did they first meet? the washingtons’ apartment How did they first meet? laf offered them cocoa bc it was cold Who spends the most money when out shopping? lAF NEEDS TO STOP SPENDING HIS OWN MONEY ON MARTHA AND GEORGE Who’s more likely to flash their assets? martha first, then laf, then george, but they all do it Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? martha omg Any mental issues? they’ve all got em Who’s terrified of bugs? none of them??? i dont think??? Who kills the spiders around the house? george typically Their favourite place? wherever each other are Who pays the bills? they all tip in Do they have any fears for their future? they all have fears, but they all like to keep it optimistic, too.  Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? george has done so on multiple occasions Who uses up all of the hot water? laf omg he must be stopped Who’s the tallest? george Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? laF Who wanders around in their underwear? laF Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? laf even though he can’t sing. sometimes he’ll shut up just to hear george and martha sing What do they tease each other about? it’s all playful teasing about clothes or appearances or their little quirks Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? probably george at laf but they both admire martha’s fashion sense so much Do they have mutual friends? yep (would you consider a.ham to be george’s friend??? if so yes) Who crushed first? laf holy shit he crushed before he’d even seen their face  Any alcohol or substance related problems? nope Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? laf pls protect this boy Who swears the most? laf it’s an issue srsly
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