#im tired y’all. i’m tired and angry.
oldestenemy · 10 months
i am once again angry that a large amount of the coverage of the VT flooding from july focused on the whole VermontStrong! Angle. Like. Fuck. We get it. We are the quirky fucking backwater northeast. But this shit isn’t some bootstrap story to parade about community coming together. This is a direct result of ignoring the warnings about global warming and the severe weather we are experiencing is not going to stop!!!
I lost my fucking home!
I almost lost my grandfather!
People in more rural spots were without water and power and access to food for days and well over a week in some cases.
This is going to keep happening and keep getting worse and it barely gets acknowledged that we KNOW WHY and WONT DO ANYTHING.
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raeofgayshine · 11 months
*stares into void* How am I supposed to sleep knowing that doctors don’t take me seriously? That the pain I’m in, all over my body by the way, that was bad enough earlier I couldn’t turn my head very far because I was in pain and it felt stiff (and now I just have the pain left so I can at least turn it but will continue not to do so much). Pain that makes it hard for me to stand for very long because it kills my back and also my hip, who has a fuck ton of issues on my own, of course all the way to my feet, and there’s a reason I have frequent nightmares of my legs just giving out and no longer working, because the longer I stand the more that feels like it’ll be the case, and also that seems to be a lower bar lately which fucking great you know. The pain also, that goes from my neck like I said but into my shoulders and down my arms, sometimes. Sometimes also just my fucking wrists hurt, my hands will get so stiff I feel like I can’t do anything, can’t even close them around something to pick it up, and isn’t that my shittiest situation because I like to be doing stuff.
But instead of taking me seriously doctors have insisted it’s all my anxiety (except my wrists, which is clearly carpal tunnel despite multiple tests proving I have no fucking signs of that). Which is basically the modern day version of getting diagnosed with hysteria.
And so how can I sleep both knowing I will only continue to get worse and deal with more symptoms (pain and otherwise) until I reach a point I can’t actually fucking function anymore because no one will take me seriously, and also how can I sleep when I’m in fucking pain no matter how I lay and there is no medicine I have that will fucking help it?
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aftout · 2 years
I do genuinely wonder if I experience a phenomenon similar in nature to having a Favorite Person because this behavior of mine is getting fucking ludicrous
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ouidamforeman · 2 years
She is explicitly queer and explicitly interested in the doctor. It’s much more of a self discovery for herself as well as in, smth she took a while to admit to herself & recognize
Also 13 is as well explicitly queer on screen and it’s frankly as direct and explicit as any other doctor romance on screen have been.
Alright then in that case I’m happy for y’all
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chiquititaosita · 5 months
vale valeee 🫣
so, i was thinking, you know how when we get mad, we speak our native tongue? so like, i wanted to request monster trio + law getting yelled at by reader in spanish
(you know how moms be like “ve hacer tal cosa” and we either forget and do it wrong or forget to do it at all?? bueno, reader tells them to help them out with something y como no lo hicieron, reader starts complaining and yelling about “yo hago todo aqui” 🤭)
les da miedito pero la verdd les gusta el matrato 😫
(mentira 👀) idk if that makes sense pero if it doesn’t i can elaborate more ☺️
a/n: OMFG YESSS!!! and I wrote like a slight Drabble for it! On sanjis nickname post oml
˗ˏˋ꒰🍓꒱ yelling at monster trio + law in spanish
˗ˏˋ꒰🍓꒱ Luffy
- if he’s not being serious, or something which is all the damn time
- Consider it’s your job to be like a certain mother figure besides his amor
- first it was the gentle parenting technique,
- “Luffy, can you please move your feet im trying to scrub the deck ?” Y/n is looking over at him, trying to be patient
-“sorry y/n can’t talk rn! Maybe later!!” Luffy will then mess up your whole cleaning
-you didn’t mind it.
-But the then there’s him trying to help you, when you don’t need help.
- “Luffy did you and ussop take out the trash like sanji asked y’all too?” You ask him as you’re trying to make some
-he’s nowhere to be found when you ask him this. but then after
-“ah ah ah! ¡Lávate las manos, Cabron!!” You’ll slap Luffys hands and speak in a semi- stern tone but in a calm manner when he tries to eat the carnitas you have.
-“come on just a little bite babeeee!!!/——“
-“NO!” You’ll explode and the whole ship hears you. You’re so angry and tired of trying from being stressed out.
-“I have to do everything around here god damn it! Please just help me with shit if you want to be a good boyfriend por favor!!” Y/n is just thankful to have some shit being done.
˗ˏˋ꒰🍓꒱ zoro
-will instantly yell back at you
- “y/n why are you mad at me!?”
- you slap him and groan mumbling you have to do shit. You’re not even going to complain with him right now
- that is until a couple of hours later some random ass bitch at the bar y’all were at, was literally trying to pick a fight with zoro. And talk shit. And you were sober the whole time.
-“HIJOLE a chingada wey!! Nobody talks shit about my man but me!!” You slap the guy with a chancla aiming like a super Latina mom. And literally defend your moss head novio whose found a nice sleeping place, sitting down.
-“Y/n you’re embarrassing me!-“
-he’s picking you up and you’re kicking his chest to put him down.
˗ˏˋ꒰🍓꒱ sanji
- “Y PUTA ALA MADRE WEY!!” You’ll be storming out angry. if sanji sees you angry it’s best for him to not try and ask…
- he’s learned the hard way.
-“VINSMOKE SANJI!!” You know when a Hispanic woman yells your government legal name, you’re fucked
-“Yes Mon amour??” He’d asked you in a kind manner
-“why isn’t the FLOOR MOPPED!?”
- the last time he talked back to you he cried, and begged for forgiveness like down on his knees and holding your legs.
-“Aye cabron get off!!! i forgive you i’m just telling you next time to use fabuloso.”
- he finds it adorable when you’re mad and punched your cheeks
-you’ll bite his finger and he’s gonna be like. “OW!!”
-“beloved what’s wrong?”
-silent treatment and he has to start guessing and do everything around the house. but really it’s because she’ll only yell at him without her goodbye kiss. or her love letters on the napkin with her liquado (smoothie en español de tex-mex)
˗ˏˋ꒰🍓꒱ Law
-oh hell no
-he forgets what he signed up for.
- “CALLATE WEY!!!” The minute you throw a chancla at his head he’s not even pissed he’s just laughing because you got him good
- “shut up for one minute will you y/n-ya.” He regrets it. You start causing a scene and then embarrass him, if his crew steps in. They’re not gonna like it they just say out of it.
-last time penguin almost lost a finger. While doing the chores. Doing the laundry’s and cooking.
-“ NO YOU LISTEN TO ME GOD DAMN IT!!!! MOTHER FUCKER WHO HATES IT WHEN HIS FOOD IS TOUCHING BY A SMIDGE!”- you grab him by the ear. “Ugh I have to do everything for him.”
-“oh really?” Law would reply out of frustration, and throwing you over his shoulders just to fuck some sense into you. Because you got mad you needed dick in his office. Now you’re still complaining, because his room office is a mess.
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isackwhy · 15 days
Can we get more of the Diva Isaac partner hcs with the rest of the group? Like how they interact with his really explosive partner lol
yesssss got u
platonic! group chat x hot headed! reader / isaacwhy x reader hc’s
if ur out in public and someone annoys y’all they’re the first person they keep an on eye
not bc you’ll swing. u might.
but bc you will probably bring up every little thing wrong w the person if they keep going
honestly the boys themselves don’t piss u off a lot but once they start arguing while ur just watching a movie ur eye twitches
“YO! SHUT THE FUCK UP!” you yell
most of the time they comply. nine times outta ten
if someone pisses u off and u come over to vent they just listen to as ur like, “i don’t care. i want them dead. yes im wishing death upon them. i do not care.”
“what’d they do?” tanner asks
“they said the stupidest shit. like i can’t believe someone can be so damns stupid!”
u come over and scream into the bean bag a lot
it’s either that or u chuck a pocita into the bean bag repeatedly until usually larry or isaac takes it away from u
yumi gets angry a lot too and he can’t help but giggle sometimes and then u get more pissed
“yumi, why are u giggling, bruh?”
he immediately tries to stop, “i’m not, y/n,” he stifles but a giggle to manages to make its way out
tanner offers his weed pen when ur upset
u take it sometimes and it works
most of the time if ur really pissed they just let u vent until ur tired of it
if ur at party and someone annoys u and u pull out the, “u could’ve said excuse me.”
whoever is in closest proximity is dragging u away bc u will kill the other party no questions asked
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bengiyo · 10 months
Sing My Crush: Men Need to Be Angry Sometimes
Now that episodes 5 and 6 of Sing My Crush have aired, I finally feel like I have the confidence and timing to write this post. I’m not sure how many men are in Tumblr BL fandom watching and writing along with us, but it often feels like there’s less than ten of us. As such, there are times when these guys express intense emotions that the (femme) fandom at large seems to struggle with that make perfect sense for me, particularly when it comes to anger.
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The most notable recent example of my breaking with fandom reactions happened with Episode 10 of La Pluie with Phat’s explosion in the rain confrontation and aftermath. I thought that Phat’s betrayal and hurt came through loudly, and I totally understood him finally losing his cool after being dicked around by Saengtai for multiple years. Others struggled with this and turned on Phat. Today, I want to talk about Han Baram and Im Hantae and Hantae’s choice to take Baram to a boxing gym to vent out his frustrations.
Quite a bit happens in this episode in terms of the broad spectrum of male feeling. With Sangin, you get his need for control and power. He is cruel in every interaction and physically throws Baram into a wall to yell in his face.
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He derides Hantae and diminishes the support he’s given Baram for years.
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With Jeong Pal, we get him crying and despondent over Baram’s decision to leave them. He is allowed to be upset, and all Hantae asks is that they try to trust Baram.
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Baram is so sad for me because he’s always holding so much of his feelings inside. I love Baram’s confession to Hantae in this episode because it feels not too dissimilar to the first love song he wrote: Letter of Apology. He feels like his feelings are a burden to others and that he is inconveniencing them. He doesn’t even wait around to let Hantae process what’s going on, like many of his K-BL brethren recently (Looking at you Our Dating Sim and Individual Circumstances!).
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Finally, we get to In Hamtae. After all the awful things that have gone down this episode, he is so gentle with Han Baram before taking him to the boxing gym.
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He leads him by the hand to a seat and gently wraps his hands for him even as you can see he’s still pissed with Han Baram the whole time. He even takes a moment to laugh and call Baram cute while putting on the headgear.
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Once they finally get to the boxing ring, he gives Baram a literal shove to get his emotions out so he can finally vent his frustrations. He tells Baram to envision his right hand and Jin Sangin and his left hand as Im Hantae. He sees the uncertainty in Baram’s eyes, and reassures him that he envisions punching Baram’s face all the time and to not overthink it. He cheers Baram on as he finally starts to punch with force. We even get to hear Baram’s exertions as he’s finally letting out his feelings.
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Y’all, when I tell you I started to cry so hard as Baram finally got to audibly express some of his frustrations. He needed to be mad. He deserved to be mad. What Sangin did to him was cruel. He ruined Baram’s first confession. He made him feel weird and undesirable. He later stole his goddamned song from him. He threatened him if Baram tried to fight back in any way. Baram needed to express that anger. It isn’t always going to be pretty, and I love that Im Hantae gave him a space to do that.
Still, we’re not done. Im Hantae makes them switch places, and he’s practiced at this. He says all of the feelings that are on his mind:
If you go to Highcode Entertainment, what about our band?
What about our dream?
What about me?
You’re so bad. How could you have confessed in that way?
That’s why you got dumped.
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Then he throws the gloves at Han Baram, who asks such a heartbreaking question: “Why is it so tiring to like someone? What did I do wrong?” Im Hantae hugs him, and Han Baram is finally starting to push back on how others make him feel when he chides Hantae for how hard he hit him. Hantae assures him that he did nothing wrong and the two of them end up resting on the floor of the gym together in a shot that definitely came from the source material.
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I just absolutely love that the final scenes of this episode are about how righteous it is for Baram and Hantae to be angry and upset about the things that have happened, including the things they might have done to each other. Men feel the full gamut of emotions, and anger is one of those. Sometimes that anger comes out explosively, and often it’s ugly. It is so important to me that we earnestly engage with men’s anger in a genre about close, personal relationships. We often get angry on behalf of characters that are being done wrong, and I think it’s so important that we interrogate the kinds of anger we allow characters to express in our shows.
With these two, there’s something so special about the tenderness Hantae showed Baram before, during, and after the boxing sequence to make sure Baram finally let out his own frustrations and hurt.
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mistytwooo · 1 year
I be wanting to finish some of y’all stories so bad lol. Y’all don’t know how to make the mc rage, all y’all make her do is be sad. You can definitely be both, it’s okay to feel mad as fuck when something personal happens.
Not everyone is soft hearted and takes shit lightly, I’m tired of seeing reader being mistreated without her getting her lick back.
Sometimes revenge is needed im so tired of the “I have to be the mature person” sometimes being mature doesn’t work and you have to beat a bitch up.
Justice for yn in these family sully and twilight fics lol
I need more angry yn, and I love writing it.
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dullweapons · 2 months
hewwo i might spend today on some writing but my blog feeling messy ! so imma go through & delete old ooc posts & maybe fix up my graphics. but also tiny announcements that will be added to my rules . some not major , some kinda important so i would appreciate it if y’all read this ( i will be properly updating my rules when i can get to my computer ) :
🔻 i have health issues i am going through ( my heart has been having SVT episodes. basically this means my hearts being a bit odd & pumping harder then it needs to be ? i’ve having tests done so hopefully we figure out exactly what happened & what can be done . ) which makes me very tired. sometimes i can’t even get out of bed let alone write — so sometimes i will be MIA without any warning . i’m telling you this so no one thinks I’m ignoring them or anything like that .
🔻due to the anon hate i will be keeping anonymous asks closed for a bit . again, my apologies to those who have side blogs & use anon asks to send things in. simply send it from your main & i’ll put them in a separate thread ! i am also sorry to those who maybe be too shy to approach to ask questions but i truly don’t wish to deal with anon hate over petty things. which brings me to my next point.
🔻if you have any problems with me— may they be with how i responded in a thread , how i spoke ooc, or whatever it may be : please talk to me. i will not bite i promise you this but im gonna be 26 next month & i cannot handle people skirting around issues anymore . i cannot correct problems if i am not informed of them ( or at the very least explain myself ).
if i do turn anon back on — it is not the way to discuss issues with me. i understand you may be shy but hiding does not solve issues ( if i miss tagged something or requesting me to tag something isn’t an issues . i will do it even if anon asks. i’m talking about major issues . ) we’re all adults here trying to have fun.
there are things i won’t change — like i’m not going to put nsfw on a side blog but i will tag it as spicy tw or suggestive tw . ray is will always be auto angry at botw / totk zelda’s . ray will hate hylia by default . ( i’ve had ppl me upset at this, thinking their versions of these muses where better & didn’t deserve his reaction . they tried to push ray to be OOC because they preferred it … they quickly left but im using it as an example of things that could have been corrected with proper communication but they never heard me anyway so 🙄)
🔻to my last point : i understand the person in my DNI has deleted . i will be keeping them in my DNI incase they return as they hinted they might . i was informed by their friend to curate my space & i will continue to do so .
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pommunist · 2 months
im sorry to dump this in your inbox and if you want to delete it please go right ahead, it obviously invites a lot of discourse that you might not want to involve yourself in, but im so frustrated right now. people just keep passing around the same tired nonsensical arguments to try to discredit lea or any of the admins any way they can just to parasocially defend a fucking COMPANY and its just so stupid. "this shouldve been private" did you miss the fact that this started bc they were attempting to resolve it in private and lea got fired for asking for help from pierre? "lea doxxed quackity" she didnt even mean to and she apologized and deleted the tweet as soon as she realized "lea is xenophobic" over a mistranslation. give it up yall Quackity Studios®️ isnt gonna fuck you
First thing first, Xenophobia should never be seen as a « nonsensical argument », whether or not you believe it was perceived as such because of language difference or anything else.
As for the doxxing thing, people can have their thoughts and talk about it, but I won’t because it’s not directly related to the QSMP situation. What I’m trying to say is that these are serious topics than can be discussed, and also not everyone who raised these subjects used it to discredit the admins experience.
The « should’ve been private » argument tho… I can’t like yes, duh, it should’ve ! However it was not possible since communication seems to be a foreign concept within the higher hierarchy of Qstudios so their fault really. I put this in the same category as the « just be patient » argument, like no sorry what we’re talking about is severe mistreatment and exploitation of workers so lets focus on that instead of telling victims and outraged fans how they should act.
Personally I want to focus solely on the workers rights, the way the issues are being handled by Qstudios, the legal aspects of the problems, and just what revolves around the Qadmins situation in general. I have no interest in discussing the character of any CCs or admins as individuals, peripheral issues or fandom « discourse ». Doesn’t mean I don’t care about it just I don’t want to distract the discussion away from the « main » topic.
So if some people sent me anons that were more focused around the doxxing thing, or around being angry at some people’s reactions and were wondering why I didn’t answer them, that’s why ! No hate to y’all, you are still free to use my askbox as a venting place if you want to, I just hope you can understand why I chose, and will continue to choose, not to answer them ���️
(edit : if you have genuine questions/are looking for answers about the doxxing situation or something else, hop in my dms rather than send me an anon)
Also anon, that last sentence, while I can see where you come from, let's still stay cordial and respectful !
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philsmeatylegss · 4 months
Lmao a video went viral of an autistic son hitting his mother for not getting Applebees and the comments are all “you shouldn’t let him do that” “if that were me I’d hit him back”
Now y’all get why it pisses me off that Autism became trendy?
The mom did the right thing which was to not retaliate and to not give into demands. If you ask experts, that is how you handle that situation. Because a child with Autism needs different parenting than a neurotypical child.
But because it has been so watered down, people don’t see that kid as autistic, just as a bad kid. What are we in, the 1980s? Kind of like when you go so far left that you turn right.
It’S a SpEcTrUm. I know. You say it every time. Every time. I get it. But those in the lower end and their loved ones are suffering the most, have been ignored by education institutions, insurance agencies, medical staff, and so much more for years and im sorry I feel worse for a mother who has to endure being hit for refusing Applebees than someone on the higher end getting overwhelmed by lights. Kill me.
I always get a few anons after I post shit like this, but I’m just so angry over it that I’m just not in the head to have a rational debate and if my stance offends you then just block me because I’m fucking tired of having to censor my own experience and it’s so fucking insane this is even controversial
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drunk-cryptic-witch · 2 years
Accidents lead to war crimes
Bakugo x f!reader, where Bakugo accidentally throws away reader’s favourite ramen and faces the consequences.
Based on my real life events.
Warnings: Cursing, the pitiful throwing away of ramen, gory descriptions and acts of violence.
He didn’t realise it was yours. He swears. He saw it lying around the first time, and didn’t mind. Then ten minutes later when it’s position hadn’t moved, he had decided to discard of the bowl of ramen. The rather delicious bowl of ramen that you were saving.
All you wanted to do was finish your work and get to your ramen. But no, some big dumb blond had to ruin that for you after your already very taxing day.
“BAKUGO,” he froze. He didn’t know what else to do. You had said his name like that only twice before in your life and had been incredibly livid both times. Once you had yelled it when he shoved you into the pool, while Kaminari was in as well. Kaminari, who had gotten shocked and accidentally used his quirk. Your hair was spiked up like Kirishima’s for two weeks.
The second time you had screeched it was when he had actually blown up half your hair to smithereens. Worst part was that you refused talk to him until it grew back to the same length again. Safe to say he was miserable for those two months.
And now, he was terrified of what would happen. When you were angry, it was scary. But when you were angry and tired, it was much worse. And a ramen packet may not mean much to someone else, but he remembered how much it meant to you. A moment too late. Nonetheless, he drew back his shoulder and held his head up hi-
“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY RAMEN YOU ABSOLUTE MOTHERFUCKER?!!??!” And there we go. He was screwed. He shut the lid of the trash can, putting the bowl in the sink.
“Relax, I just thought-,”
“NO IT FUCKING ISN’T - I came home from a stressful day of hero-ing around and then I made my delicious ramen. Ramen that you so kindly threw away. And then I got a call about paperwork from the agency, and had to sit for that. I come out around fifteen minutes later to realise not only is my ramen gone but my boyfriend- who I used to love and trust- threw it away. Well, just waiting for karma.”
“I’ll make sure to tear your limbs piece by piece, and throw them away exactly how you threw my ramen. Or maybe I’ll have fun if I’m not too tired. Maybe, just maybe I’ll wait till you’re asleep, then get-,”
“Okay fine! Fucking fine! Damn woman. Fine. I’m sorry about your stupid ramen.”
And then ten minutes later, he’s walking late at night, on the way to the store to get your ramen, listening to your instructions on which brand to get. He’s grumbling, but you’re voice has placed a smile on his face. So has escaping near death, but oh well.
A/N: My father threw away my ramen. So I’m making this. Most of my fics are based on what goes on in my life 💀 either way I hope y’all liked itttt
Also not proofread because is anything I post ever proofread I’m really sorry
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audrinawf · 9 months
hypergamy is not natural and just cause you married someone from a rich family doesn’t mean you even understand hypergamy you found someone by luck you said so yourself so why would you even teach girls about it when you’re not hypergamoys?
Im sorry I totally missed where I claimed to be a hypergamy guru?????? like I’ve made 3 posts on hypergamy fkn chill.
And also I’m south asian, my whole lineage has been practicing hypergamy for 5736623 years. every single woman related to me is married to a PROVIDER, high earner or not and has not had to work unless they wanted to. my latest post was a call out to the idiot who kept going on about dating and hypergamy being some sort of mystical art form? as if us south Asians, east asians and Arab girlies haven’t practiced hypergamy for centuries like bye. Us brown girls are raised in this culture and it’s not magic or witchcraft it’s basic standard to marry a man that PROVIDES it’s not about marrying a multi millionaire it’s just about marrying a man that was raised right and knows his duty. do I care if people want to marry rich or not? I don’t. My dad has never been filthy rich but he’s busted his ass to make sure my mom never has to work REGARDLESS cause that’s what he was raised to do. Does that mean that I’m a hypergamy guru??? no I never claimed to be like pls don’t follow me unless it’s for manifestation and law of assumption cause that’s the only content I care about!
And also me marrying someone that’s generous is just a result of my upbringing, do I have to keep saying it? it’s not luck and it’s not deliberate witch craft either. It’s a natural consequence of how I was raised.
I’m just tired of people who do not come from these cultures that are familiar with hypergamy to trash it. hypergamy is not the same as red pill. like I get it some of y’all don’t have parents that were married and that’s alright y’all don’t understand marriage or hypergamy but why speak on it then if you’ve not witnessed it first hand? And if you are you are so determined not to be hypergamous then don’t? think about why it makes some of y’all so mad to see women finally marry and secure a good future for themselves and their future children?
I’m convinced there’s some undertone of racism or at least lack of cultural awareness to it. like we have this thing that has worked for centuries all across multiple cultures that are predominantly brown and seeing people who do not come from those cultures diss it makes me angry. especially since I want all of my friends who are not from these hypergamy cultures to learn about hypergamy and marry provider men like I want that for you guys!!!!
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weirdo09 · 10 months
i really understand now what malcolm x meant by ‘the most disrespected person in america is a black woman.” cause like every time someone posts about them, people have the fuckin nerve to be like “but all races ! 🥺🥺” oooo, shut y’all bitch asses up, istg
like i’m tired of seein the same people be sittin there on they asses disrespectin me or my sistas n y’all would probably be too scared to say shit to our faces. you best be so glad that you on the internet n not on the street because best believe, i would fight y’all in a heartbeat..
we ghetto because we don’t pronounce the whole word, we ghetto cause we use aave, we ghetto because we wear acrylics, we ghetto because we have big boobs and big butts, we ghetto because we don’t have big boobs and big butts, we ghetto because we wear wigs n weave, we ghetto because we wear grills. every single thing black women made popular YALL MADE A FUCKIN TREND N DIDNT GIVE NO CREDIT TO US ?
do y’all know just how aggravatin that is? to see someone wear our culture and have to sit with them being called ‘cute’ or ‘trendy’ FOR WEARIN OUR SHIT THAT WE GET SHITTED ON FOR
if you don’t feel the need to stand with black women, unfollow me, if you don’t feel like our issues are important, unfollow me, if you’re willing to date to a black girl just to use her as a object, unfollow me right now.. IF YOU FEEL LIKE SEXUALIZING US IS THE BEST THING THATS HAPPENED TO US, UNFOLLOW ME RIGHT FUCKIN NOW!
IM ANGRY, IM PISSED, IM SO TIRED OF Y’ALL RACIST ASS BULLSHIT. please unfollow me if you don’t give a damn about black women, please do because i’mma hunt you down and send you hate. idc if it’s ‘mean’ or ‘unkind’ half the shit y’all do to us doesn’t get called out. so it makes no fuckin difference. stop treatin black women like shit or you gon be treated like shit in return, bitch
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jaeyunlover · 1 year
Hi, I’m Jake
Part 1
Warning:MIGHT CONTAIN smut MIGHT , cursing,a little fluff, minor dni arguing,fighting, yelling ALSO EXCUSE MY WRITING IM NOT GOING OVER IT 😭😭so don’t do me to bad I’m not putting extra periods and comma and stuff but yeah
Jake x reader
Nobody knew what was going on with Jake lately, they would ask him if he was ok ,but he would just say that he was fine but it was clear that he was lying.
After rehearsal Jake left earlier then usual, but they were use to it but of course jay just couldn’t leave him alone. So jay went after Jake saying things like ‘what’s up with you’ but it made Jake even madder and he started yelling at jay saying that he just wanted to be left alone.
“What’s up with him” jungwon asked concerned but annoyed at the fact that Jake is getting mad at everyone and not explaining why or what’s going on.
“I’m sorry for taking my anger out on you guys, it has nothing to do you y’all I’m just tired” Jake texted to the group chat. Everyone looked at each other and and sighed, and with that they ended the day with that texting back “it’s ok” and heading back to the dorms.
Jake was already at the dorm almost half asleep by the time they got there but heeseung couldn’t just leave Jake sad or angry, so he woke Jake up and asked did he want to go to the convenient store and Jake shook his head no but heeseung insisted that he did and Jake got up and put his shoes and jacket on he couldn’t say no to his hyung deer eyes.
Heeseung just wanted a one on one conversation with him, as they left heeseung texted the gc asking what they wanted to eat and should they get snacks. They all texted yeah and that they wanted chicken and heeseung looked at Jake and asked if he was hungry just nodded and heeseung laughed at how cute Jake was acting.
But Jake started crying and heeseung was befuddled and didn’t know what to say or do at that sudden change so he hugged Jake and said “I don’t know what’s going with you but you’ll be ok I’m here and so are the other member so don’t cry anymore , your a strong man right ?” Heeseung sat there patting his head “wanna sit down for a min?” Heeseung asked Jake nodded still not saying anything.
They sat at the nearest resting spot, it was silent and awkward then heeseung asked “so what’s up with you” Jake laughed shyly and a little embarrassed that he cried in front of his hyung “I guess im a little tired and stressed out you know? I feel like I keep making mistakes, we barely get any sleep so I guess im just drained”he said looking a bit better “well we have our holiday this week you can just rest we can also go shopping sounds nice?” Heeseung offered Jake just laugh
“Come on we have to go the store still”heeseung said so they got up and started heading there, as they entered the store there was a group of girls like 3-4 of them and one caught jakes eyes, he couldn’t stop starring at her with his nose still red and his eyes a little puffy.
“Jake ,Jake, Jake, Jake” heeseung repeated himself and stop dead in track when he saw jake light up like a Christmas tree when he saw y/n . She had colored hair that was burgundy and dark brown eyes with thick lips that matched the hips and was very curvy but the only thing that caught jakes attention was her smile.
Heeseung grabbed Jake by the shoulder snapping him out the trance that he was obviously in from the girl that was clearly a foreigner because she kept saying “i don’t understand” with a shy but faint smile when the community complemented her of her looks.
“She’s cute isn’t she?” Heeseung said teasing him but Jake just openly admitted it “yeah” not knowing what he was saying he got flustered and started stuttering “I mean yea- but like y-you know what I mean right”he said with a little laugh
“Come on” heeseung said walking closer to the group with a big smile on his face “no,what are you doing” Jake said chickening out. but he still followed behind heeseung over there, Jake had forgotten all the reasons why he was sad he was TERRIFIED right now what heeseung was thinking of doing. What he had dread came true heeseung spoke to them.
“Are you guys foreigners” he said in his best English accent, “yeah, how about you” y/n asked “yeah I am so is my friend his name is Jake he from Australia” heeseung replied Turning to introduce Jake but he was outta sight Jake hid behind a shelf in the store pretending to look for stuff sweating bullets.
Y/n laughed and asked “you have an imaginary friend?” And laughed at the Joke heeseung couldn’t help but laugh as he walked away looking for jake “stay right here I’ll get him” heeseung said in his broken English accent “ok” y/n said still laughing
“Come on” heeseung said grabbing have hand but jake was pulling away shaking his head fast getting shy “no I can’t” he said scared but laugh because he knows he looks crazy heeseung just said ok and let Jake go but then heeseung did what he thought wouldn’t happen
“I found him he’s over here” heeseung lightly raised his voice a little so they could hear him. They all looked up and headed over to where they were Jake had fear in his eyes and felt betrayed by heeseung and heeseung just laughed at Jake.
“So he isn’t imaginary” y/n joked with him “hi jake my name is y/n how are you” but jake froze he didn’t think that he would see her up close she smelled sweet and fresh and her skin glowing from the store lights she looked angelic
“Your really pretty” Jake just said out loud and heeseung bucked his eyes at the shocking comment “and doing fine how about you” he added “thank you and your cute too and your little accent awwww” y/n said Jake started blushing and heeseung was grinning because he didn’t know where that confidence came from in Jake , he’s usually shy and timid but he stepped out that square for once and it even surprised Jake himself.
Then jungwon texted the group “where are y’all are y’all ok?” Heeseung responded and said “the line was long were on our way home now” and then he ordered the chicken to the dorm so by the time they got there it would be there
“We have to go mind if we get y’all’s contacts” y/n said “yea us too ,and sure” jake said switching there phones and when she gave it back he noticed that she put her name In with a heart emoji like(💕) and with that they all headed home and Jake had a smile all the way home
“Happy you came out” heeseung said laughing “yeah” Jake said blushing looking at her contact name
“What took so long” jungwon asked them not convinced at the text heeseung sent. Then Jake and heeseung looked at each other and started laughing. “Awww your back smiling again im glad your ok now do you wanna talk about it?” Jungwon offered “I was just tired and need some air and stuff you know” Jake said walking toward jungwon giving him a hug “thank you” he added “yoi” jungwon said confused Jake laughed and he went to find Jake and apologize to him “it’s ok don’t worry” jay said laying on the bed scrolling through weverse comments then Jake jumped on the bed bro hugging jay and thanking him.
Sunghoon stood in the door way after getting out of the shower and Jake started walking to him to give him a hug to but he started walking backwards he thought is was cringe and so did Niki
And then he hugged Sunoo “it’s ok Jake everyone have bad days too we’re all humans” Sunoo said hugging him tight and Jake laughed because Sunoo thought he was squeezing tight but he wasn’t
Then the door bell buzzed the food had finally came and heeseung had got out shower and opened up the door and get the food and Jake headed to shower cuz he was the only one hadn’t used it yet. after 15 mins he got out and sat at the table with the other members and prayed for and over everyone food and they ate and ended night and Jake got a call from y/n everyone looked at him and heeseung laughed and so did Jake and they finished their food and went to sleep.
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thedevilortheangel · 1 year
Okay, so I’ve seen….some pretty aggressive rants about kotlc in general. Like, on Pinterest and on here. And other platforms.
And I AM not at any means calling ANYONE out! Like, I love you all, and I love everyone else too.
And I’ll probably get hate for this post anyway, since my anxiety self can see that in the future.
But here’s my take on it.
Kotlc is a kids book, right, and yes, sometime…..I don’t agree with Shannon. Like, how She doesn’t put any diversity in the books, and we all know that kids need to learn that’s it’s okay to be you.
But one thing my mom said to me, the awesome mom that she is, told me that…..it’s a kids book.
What would happen if some homophobic parent saw their kid reading that. Think of it. I mean- yeah…..I kinda hate how Shannon didn’t put any diversity in the books, but…..my mom does have a point. Shannon was probably under a lot of pressure when she thought if LGBTQ+.
Number two: Shanon is just….one author. She can’t make everyone happy. Like, I think she’s under a lot of of pressure with this as it is. With deadlines and actually needing to write everyday, at least a little bit.
Number three: the way I want to see it I’d kotlc is Lot like our Earth. Like, there’s millions of things that are wrong in the Lost Cites, and uh, have you seen the news? There is a lot of problems in that world, and on ours too, so Shannon I think is trying to project that in her books.
Number four, and I promise the last one: people….tend to forget that….Sophie and all the others are teenagers.
They make mistakes, they fall in love for the first time, maybe they make a mistake a breakup, and…..people forget that.
I mean, most of you I would think are teenagers, so uh, do y’all agree with me?
Yeah, um, I’m tired, and maybe I’m being a little bit biased and I am maybe 100% getting hate for this, but I said what I think.
(Im also very sorry that this was so long. I’m not angry. I’m just putting my own way of seeing things. Kotlc and other books are not for everybody, so be free to love whatever you love, and you do you my peeps.)
Edit: I also kind of hate how Shannon didn’t put any POCs and different kind of body types so…yeah
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