#im very picky about watching things especially movies they have to be very interesting or appealing or amazing to me
pcktknife · 2 years
ooh movie talk... do you have a letterboxd account?
oh absolutely not I'm not really a movie watcher
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I completely agree! I'm glad you don't mind at least, but of course, it's totally natural to be predisposed to liking what you end up liking. I think that's gonna happen no matter what and it's not something that ever needs to be suppressed. There are very obvious patterns in my favorite characters and pairings for a reason lol
Same! I'm very selective as well, so a fic that stands out that much is always gonna be one for the books. I'm thrilled the language barrier didn't get in the way. The scene at the park GETS ME like the way Jo just knows that it's gonna eat away at Masato and does his best to accommodate instead of dragging him straight home like bro😭😭
I've always wanted to know what differs in Jo's and Arakawa's "parenting styles" that made Masato have such a clear "favorite," and maybe it's things like that that build up. ALSO AGREE on the drama theme in Confession, there's a bit of that in Y7 as-is so it was a great choice to hone in on and highlight it.
I knew you'd say that haha, but I think my subconscious simply understands that if I'd trust anyone with AraSawa, it's you. Also no worries, I genuinely wasn't even expecting a reply until you got home, godspeed lol--super excited to see what you come up with, and I hope you enjoyed your trip + the sushi!
Of course! Nothing wrong with liking what you end up liking. I only worry about it so I don't miss out on good things just because I'm not familiar with it or it's something new- trying to be open minded and ready to try different things and all :]
YEAHYEAH it especially felt great since like. Jo seeing Masato cry about not being able to walk was of course what got him back into his life, so it was nice to loop back to that and instead of Jo not being able to do anything like the first time, he go to be there for him now ;;
On the topic of parenting styles though, I'm genuinely surprised I haven't let slip any of my personal notes about how they parent Masato- or at least how I've speculated they parent him (of course we see how Masumi takes care of him more, so the 'speculation' part more so lies on Jo's end since obviously we didn't get to see it as explicitly). I actually thought of writing up a post about their parenting styles, but I thought I'd be repeating a lot of points we went over uu;;
Even if I might not ever write a fic, I'm glad that I've gotten the mark of approval for AraSawa interpretations (I guess my silly comics are the closest to written fics huh lmao)!
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whiskersz · 7 months
hi! I was curious if you could do a romantic hazbin hotel match up? <3
I go by she/they. im pansexual, im not too picky. I'm originally from Guatemala but was adopted to America! I have dark brown eyes with gold rimmed glasses with peircings; nose stud and septum. Im also a bit on the bigger side like mid size, im super insecure about it due to family problems making it worse. im getting bette with it though! I'm a Pisces and an infp. When first meeting me I'm normally shy and keep to myself and I've been told I look mean since of my resting face but trust I'm the silliest person you have ever met. when getting close; I love to joke around and I tend to be rude and "out of pocket " with my humor. (think of like smiling friends or oneyplays for reference) I love helping others if it be medically or just listening. speaking of medical; I'm almost done with schooling to get my EMT certification! I've always wanted to help someone every since I was a child. since I chose this field I am a real stickler for anatomy and physiology, with that being said I like to point out mistakes in movies which can get super annoying but it's something I love to do. another thing I love is the elder scrolls series! I love the real life inspo it's taken for the game universe, plus I love the medival vibe it has. I also love history such as artifacts from the past, historical texts, and medical practices back then. I'm a huge horror fan as well; scream, thanksgiving, SAW, Halloween, the omen. I love the classics! I also love crime cases too. I also love music,my favorites being malice mizer, gulu gulu, nirvana , ice nine kills, korn,slaughter to prevail and powerwolf! I like gothic type clothing but I normally dress in a baggy shirt and jeans so I feel out of place lol. I'm not the super touchy type (depends on the mood) because it gives me the ick. I'm more of acts of service and quality time type of lover.
I hope this is enough information! I love your writing < 3
Hi!! Thank you for appreciating my writing <3 You’ve got a lot of interests, you seem like a very interesting person!
With that said, I match you with a character that I didn’t think anyone would get matched with...
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I’m going to start from the bottom here and say that Lute is not very touchy either, so she appreciates having a partner who has similar tastes when it comes to love languages. Her primary language is quality time, if you’re spending time with Lute it means she considers you worthy and thinks your relationship is worth devoting effort on.
Her favorite way of spending time together is doing her own thing while you do yours and listening to music in the meantime. Maybe you’ll be studying and she’ll be stretching, or you’ll be researching historical facts while she’s preening her wings.
Speaking of preening, she will only trust you and herself to do it. She’s pretty shy when asking too, pretending not to care but you can clearly see her looking anywhere but in your eyes. She loves the feeling of your hands on her wings, and being taken care of for once.
Going back to your interests and what you two do together, she’s also not opposed to watching your favorite horror movies! I get the feeling that she’d be into those kind of things herself, and would also find crime cases interesting to follow. I can imagine you two making dinner or a simple snack and sitting on the cough together, watching a documentary on the latest crime case while chewing on your food as quietly as possible to hear every word.
Lute is not the type to get intimidated easily, especially if she doesn’t know someone personally, so your quieter and ‘mean-looking’ exterior never really bothered her in the first place. When you two get closer and you eventually reveal the sillier side of your personality, she’s going to reveal hers as well. She loves out of pocket humor and mean jokes, so much so that you joke around with each other this way so often that others will question whether you’re actually lovers or...don’t like each other that much after all.
She also really admires the dedication you put into studying for your certification and the field you’ve decided to deal with. She loves dedicated and diligent people. It’s also almost funny to her how she’s an Exorcist and you’ll be working in the medical field.
Lute finds you very attractive, that is a given with her being your loyal girlfriend. She really wants you to feel confident in how you look and for you to dress how you want without feeling out of place, so she’s going to remind you that she finds you good looking very often, in her own way of course. She might be a little on the meaner side when it comes to these things, but she means well; she’ll straight up tell you to wear something more interesting if she knows you were planning to dress in a more gothic style but settled on the usual baggy clothes. She’ll then remind you that you’re good looking for her and it shouldn’t really matter what your family or others think.
Overall, Lute is a very supportive – still, in her own way - and devoted partner. If you’ve got to the point of being in a relationship with her, nothing can really separate you two from that point on.  
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cerberus253 · 2 months
So, that Guy Named "Jack" and He Carries a Candle Around
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After years not being on my mind, he finally showed up in my dreams some time ago and I've been thinking about him a lot (that's usually how my hyper-fixation gets re-kindled of an old character).
Contains- Canon Info, Headcanon Info (SFW and NSFW)
Veeeerrry long post
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- Is called "The Boogeyman. The For Real one."
- Poor back posture (is usually seen hunching over)
- Will kidnap you if you say his name out loud
- Loves Pumpkin Pie (just look at him smelling it!)
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- Can levitate while awake and asleep, also those tied in his ropes
- Sleeps like a cat, does the "Stinky Face" like a cat (probably just squinting, but it's still cat-like), and does the "Raptor hands" thing
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- Likes satirical sitcoms (F Troop)
- Polite and witty (he even holds his pinky finger up when holding his candle)
- Talks in monotone unless very upset
- Likes to eat peanuts
- Is rather one-track minded when kidnapping targets, ignoring those who have not said his name
- Is an escape artist
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(pic of Candlej-- uh, y'know, right after Freakazoid (not pictured) trapped him. He got out pretty fast. Look at that cheeky bastard. Love 'im <3)
- The stitches on his mouth actually open up to a mouth (I saw it happen for a few seconds, so it's real)
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Headcanon (SFW):
- Shows up and attempts to kidnap those who are actually scared by him, which are usually children.
- Answers to teens and adults if he wants to, since a lot of times it's for shits and giggles, parties, or weird cult stuff. Disrespect with the use of his name will not trigger him in this day and age!
- While Jack appreciates the wanted invitation to just hang out, he's rather an introvert and values his alone time, but does have his social moments.
- If he does show up [for adult strangers], and it isn't for kidnapping, its usually for Halloween-themed occasions (parties, fairs, carnivals, etc). Since it's usually around strangers, he just creeps around, watching people, either finding someone to scare or talking to those who seem interesting to him, or anyone who just comes up and chats to him. If at carnivals or fairs, he'd also play some of the games.
- I honestly believe, when his name is called, Jack can see the situation/setting he'll be getting himself into. Like, if just saying his name aloud will ALWAYS make him appear, then one could easily trap him in some max security prison. He'll know if he's floating into a trap or not, or if the callers aren't worth going after (especially in this day and age). Besides, if he came to everyone's beck and call, he'd be all over the place, and how could some people know about him yet be here? Survival of his kidnapping? Okay, so if you called again, he'd show up again, and now you'll know what to do to stop him. Why would he float into that? Anyway, yeah, I think Jack's picky and will only show up if you're actually afraid of him or are being serious about it.
- Has a strong sweet tooth, and likes salty treats. You will win him over if you can bake well AND bake his favorite things: Pumpkin Pie!
- Enjoys horror media (movies, TV shows, and books), specifically psychological and thriller ones. This includes watching people playing horror games or watching horror videos and get terrified by them. Will eat popcorn to it.
- Goes to candle and occult stores, which are the only places he'll actually pay for things other than rope. Where does he get the money? Uh... *whistles*
- Enjoys moonlit graveyard night walks (floats?), reading in dimly lit libraries, exploring old, haunted abodes, morning Autumn forest walks, etc.
- Pocket Dimension in his gloves, boots, and sack mask. He's gotta put all that rope somewhere.
- When outside of his kidnapping/villain hobby, he doesn't talk to strangers as much, preferring to let the other person go first, then indulging in conversation if he likes them enough.
- Doesn't talk about too personal of stuff unless he really really likes the person.
- Great listener and observer! Will be the kind of guy to remember seemingly small and insignificant details about someone he likes!
- Struggles to express his emotions normally, but when they are extreme they are noticeable (EX: The Peanut Incident of '97).
- Knows how to do all kinds of rope knots, easy and complicated.
- Doesn't mind physical contact, but isn’t the one to initiate unless it’s for scares. A little nervous if it’s romantic/sexual. Despite this, the Ghost-Man is TOUCH-STARVED, he's just unsure when it’s a good time to indulge himself.
- Jack is normally polite, and a little cheeky, to strangers, but when it comes to friends, he's also kind and considerate.
- Doesn't feel bad about kidnapping people, nor what happens to them after. However, if you strike up a good conversation, and get him to like you enough, he might change his mind. It would be a shame if such an interesting and compassionate person were to disappear and never be seen again... Don’t worry, he won’t stalk you (unless…👉👈 maybe he likes you a little too much 🙄)
- Why does Jack like to scare people and kidnap them? Yeah, he's weird, but what if it's because he's lonely and he didn't know how to socialize? Like, what if he was a creepy and weird kid that liked spooky things growing up, so people avoided him and he didn't know how to converse with his peers, so he found out that scaring people was a way to get them to notice him? Ya know, like "bad attention is better than no attention?" So now, as an adult, it's just what he does on a day-to-day basis because he's so used to it? Just a Theory.
- Jack’s a kind of Sheet Ghost. Him and the burlap and cotton/leather apparel are separate, like removable skin. Without it, he cannot eat. He doesn’t have to eat, but he likes to.
- Likes animals that people deem creepy/scary (insects, arachnids, deep sea fish, snakes, bats, etc.), but his favorite ones are black cats.
- Enjoys surprise gifts, including: Old books, old candle holders, baked goods, and spooky/creepy knick-knacks.
- I see him more as a Giver than a Taker kind of guy in any relationship, but when it comes to physical affection, he’s nervous and doesn’t usually initiates unless he can’t help himself, or he knows and trusts you enough.
- If ya wanna be friends with him, ya gotta be open and accepting of his (non-criminal) behaviors. Simply going out of your way to talk to him when he's around tells him you might want to be friends with him.
- If Jack [also] wants to be friends with you, he'll purposefully seek you out on occasions, scaring the shit out of you when you're least expecting it. Then he'll get down to casual stuff.
- If you have some sort of sensual (not sexual) relationship with him, he will accept cuddles and hugs when you need them. In addition, if you have trouble sleeping, he’ll sit/lay next to you to keep you company (might fall asleep himself).
- I’m gonna say this: Jack does, in fact, live somewhere. I am going to headcannon that he lives in an abandoned Victorian mansion that was left alone for so long that even time forgot it and now it sits between Life and Death in mist strewn woods. When people go missing on their own, they may stumble across it, seemingly empty, but Jack doesn’t like that someone literally entered his place so he scares them out. On the other hand, sometimes he invites close friends over for some quiet spooky time, but that hardly ever happens.
- His place is old, dusty, and dirty, which he doesn’t mind, but he also wouldn’t mind if someone wanted to clean it up (maybe that's why he kidnaps people). Just don’t kick out the rats and bats, change the aesthetic of the place, break anything that isn’t already damaged, install too many modern things, that sort of stuff. He still wants it to be old and creepy, but he understands if you need to charge your phone.
- If ya wanna be more than friends with him, ya gotta not only be open and accepting of him, but love the strange, dark, and mysterious things in the world (which includes him). Someone who’s kind, understanding, weird (complimentary), enjoys being alone with him, but also goes along with him when he wants to socialize; someone who isn’t extremely loud and energetic, but does give life and warmth around him; has a lot of similar interest with him, etc.
- Anyway, I think Jack is pretty inept when it comes to people flirting with him. I mean, yeah, he recognizes someone being really nice to him, but to get romantic, even physically? Nah, that's silly! Falling for a ghost is weird! Once he does get it, I think he'd be rather awestruck and confused, not really knowing what to think.
- However, you'll know he reciprocates when he leaves little gifts for you to discover (possibly even a Treasure Hunt!). or maybe even doing small domesticated things, like doing dishes, making breakfast/dinner for you, making your bed, etc. I don't see him doing laundry (undergarment respect) nor dusting, though. If he doesn't do anything, you'll definitely know he's been around because of the smell he leaves behind (candles and smoke).
- He struggles to know when you really need him around when it comes to emotional/mental struggles. Don’t get me wrong, he can recognize when you’re feeling that way, but doesn’t know what to do or if you need alone time, so he’s going to need you to tell him to stay or go, listen or give advice, and/or to touch or not to touch. Whatever it is, he’ll do it for ya because he cares and worries on the inside (referencing back to the struggle to express emotions). Communication 👏 Is 👏 Key 👏
- Not into hook-up culture. Definitely, at least, Grey-A in both romantic and sexual departments. Like, yeah, Elvira, Mistress of Darkness is a very pretty lady that he crushes on, but personally may be a little much for him.
- Appreciates if you helped clean his clothing attire. Being in the woods or a dusty mansion can get ya pretty dirty.
- Isn’t too picky with other peoples’ apparel, but he is fond of gothic attire. I want to say his favorites would be: Traditional, Romantic, Mopey, Victorian, and Medieval.
- Will help you with your make-up, King/Queen ✌️
- Okay listen, I don’t doubt that Jack may stalk people he has strong romantic interest in, because he’s a weirdo, BUT he is RESPECTFUL about it. He will watch you watch TV, doing chores, cooking and eating, doing sit-alone hobbies (reading, art, gaming, etc), doing taxes, sleeping (a BIG one), etc.
- He will NOT watch you do anything too…revealing (showering/bathing, changing, etc). He may be weird and lack certain social skills, but he knows when to look away…
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Headcannon (Suggestive/NSFW):
-… HOWEVER, if he knows that he’s allowed to look at you naked, or doing naughty things, he will. He will. Might even sneak up on you to scare you, then to “help you out,” if ya know what I mean~ Despite this, I don’t think he’d be the kind of guy to watch and pleasure himself while doing so. I just can't think of him doing that. He's weird and creepy, not sick and perverted.
- Would set up a relaxing bath (with candles, of course!) for you after a long and hard day, resting against the side of the tub while you’re bathing, watching and listening to you. Maybe helping you wash yourself.
- Jack comes off as a Soft Switch to me, mostly leaning Soft Dom.
- Remember the “he knows how to do all kinds of knots?” Yeah, he’d have fun with bondage. I don’t think he’d be really aggressive with it, but in fact passionate and loving. Wouldn’t want you getting rope burn.
- If he did decide to “unwrap his gift,” he would do it carefully (again, to avoid rope burn) and methodically, speaking softly, monotonously, and sweetly while he comments on how beautiful you (his gift) is 💛
- I mean, you can suggest he use soft or lace-like binding rope fabrics so he doesn’t have to worry about hurting you, but he prefers classic, plant fiber rope 👌
- Expect playful teasing from him, both verbally and physically. Will use words like “naughty,” “silly,” “little tease,” “my beloved toy,” etc, and would tell you to mind your Ps and Qs (English Idiom for “manners”) if you want him to do something for you.
- Will call you sweet nicknames like, “pumpkin,” “darling,” “my dear,” “little moth,” etc.
- Normally he’d be wearing regular burlap cloth, which is rather irritating to skin (luckily he doesn’t have any), but when he wears the softer kind, you know he’s looking for a lot of physical affection.
- With said soft fabric on, Jack can finally really touch and feel you up as much as he wants and as long as he wants, really squishing, massaging, and fondling all those soft and squishy curves and crevices of yours~ 🖤
- If you want to really get him Turned On: LACE. NIGHTGOWNS. Walk around the house with it on, sleep with it on, cuddle with it on, get intimate with it on, etc. Just seeing the delicate fabric loosely hang around your form, and the intricate lace designs flowing around your chest, sides, and edges (also sleeves if applicable) makes him giddy and warm up fast. If you’re not wearing any undergarments underneath, I think he’ll get the message why you’re flaunting yourself in front of him~ 💖
- In addition, since he's so into scaring people, I think he'd be into playing Hide n' Seek/Cat and Mouse, with you hiding (the Mouse) and him seeking (the Cat). He'd be talking a lot during it, saying things like, "Where oh where has my darling gone?~," "I'll find you soon, my pretty~," and "Come out come out wherever you are, little one~."
- Of course, after finding you, he would love for you to try to run from him! "You can run, but you can't hide, my dear!~," "Running only excites me more, once I catch you, my little moth!~"
- After getting caught, "There, finally! I've caught you now, little rascal~ Now to make sure you won't be running from me any longer, love~" *brings out the bondage rope*
- I honestly don’t think he’d be into violent and aggressive sexual interaction. Like, despite his love to scare, I don’t think he’d try to bruise nor hold a real knife to your throat or anything like that. Legit the worst he’d do would be pretending to choke you or leave red marks on your skin.
- Jack’s favorite parts of you are anything squishy and soft, which includes chest/breasts, stomach, love handles, butt, and thighs. He just adores it when you smile and giggle while he lovingly squeezes any of said parts, and will continue to do so for your arousal. Then he’ll go for the other soft and sensitive spot that will surely get you heated and huffing~ 💗 Be careful not to say his full name, though! Or he'll just tighten those ropes around you!
- I’m not sure if intercourse would even be possible, but I know he’d take great pleasure in pleasuring you in any way he can, whether it be massaging, fondling, fingering, or using sex toys on you (maybe he has specific apparel that has a hollow dildo attached to his crotch so he can be in you XD).
- Jack would like really any position, but I think he’d prefer to hug and play with you from behind. He likes to feel you press into him (or he pressing you into him) when you’re rhythmically gyrating from his touch, and even better if it’s into the bed (he wants to be squished by you👌).
- Another location would be in front of a mirror so you, and him, can see yourself getting fondled/fingered/loved/fucked by him, blushing, smiling, and giggling, all the while stealing glances when your eyes aren’t shut from the pleasure. Additionally, turn your head and give him soft yet passionate kisses, using a possible free hand to hold his face against yours, to make him just as giddy👌👌
- One thing he would prefer is doing it in the dark, or dimly lit space with only candles to light it. Maybe start off in a dimly lit room, and one by one, over the course of the passionate and romantic affection, they’d be blown out until pitch blackness. That’s when he’d start fingering/fucking you, when your sense of sight is unreliable so your sense of hearing and touch are strengthened. Kinky AF~
Closing Notes:
- Like I said before, I see Jack as more of a Giver than a Taker. With friends, and close friends, he’s rather tolerant to all kinds of folks: Loud, quiet; eccentric, secluded; freaks, geeks, creeps, and weirdos; neurotypicals and neurodivergent, etc, just don’t be an asshole (racist, sexist, homophobic, a rapist, all that stuff). He enjoys watching the diversity of people.
- However, when it comes to romantic relationships, I see him like how I am: Yeah, I may have a handful of people I crush on/admire, but you have to really catch my interest for me to actually pursue you, which is quite rare.
- The types of people I think Jack would have strong interests in are the quiet, introverted/extroverted-introvert ones, and outcast types. He’d want someone who is kind, sweet, accepting of him, (trying to) understand(s) him, exclusive, mindful, considerate, weird (affectionate), giving, observant, patient, unique, quiet but not shy, has many similar interests as him, indulges in his hobbies, and their weirdness matches his weirdness.
- Then there’s the “darker” side of said person he’d also like: Reflective, mysterious, a loner (but not truly isolating), gloomy, obsessive (with interests and hobbies), struggles to show emotions but can express them, and prefers to have personal/intimate alone time with him rather than dates or parties every weekend.
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fathermarty · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could marauders era ship request? My pronouns are she/her and I’m bisexual. I’m a Slytherin as well.
Personality: I originally come off as quiet, and aloof. It can seem standoffish but I don’t mean it too I just don’t trust very easily and am uncomfortable with strangers/new environments. I am my best when I am by myself or with my closest friends. With my closest friends I’m quite open, fun and talkative especially when talking abt things that interest me. Im quite the good listener as well when it comes to my more extroverted friends. Im also introverted, imaginative, creative, individualistic, reserved, structured and picky in my own way, all sprinkled with a little bit of sarcastic humor.
Hobbies: Digital Art is probably my biggest hobby. If I could I would spend all day at home with my trusty tablet and stylus drawing with an audiobook of my favorite novel/tv show running in the background. Apart from art I absolutely love working out. I kickbox and weight lift most days of the week. Lastly I love playing video games, spending time at comic book stores, the movies and coffee shops.
Interests: I work in the digital media arts and love creative coding, interaction design, and computer graphics. I think my favorite thing is that combination between the artistic and the technological.
Love language: this one is definitely acts of service.
Thank you!
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Hello, hello! May I just say that you sound like you could be one of my bffs, you sound like so much fun to be around!
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I ship you with Remus Lupin!
Now bare with me, because while you are both shy I just know for a fact that Remus would feel the need to always talk to you to get to know you.
Remus knew of you because you two had classes, but not too much because you were a Slytherin and rather quiet. (Unlike his other mates though he didn't have bad blood with Slytherins).
You stood out to Remus when he started to notice you when you would be either outside working on art, or on rainy days held up in the library doodling away. This intrigued him because Remus himself was never one for art.
It took him a while to finally approach you, mostly because he couldn't think of a way to ask you about your art without sounding creepy.
After a week or so of observing you, he realized you are friends with Marlene, giving the two of you something in common.
Okay side note, I feel like the bi-best-friend energy between Marlene and you would be unmatched. Like a dynamic duo in a way, a very fun gay way.
You started to become Remus' main focus, he was dedicated to knowing more about you. He noticed the way you came off shy and reserved until you were with Marlene or any of your close housemates. He loved to watch you talk animatedly about something you were interested in -- even if he had no idea what it was.
Anyhoo, Remus approached you and Marlene one day when you both were sitting under a tree, attempting to finally strike up a conversation with you.
"Hello Marlene, y/n," The smile on his face was small and reserved like running into you both was a coincidence, but you knew better.
"About time you actually talked to me, I thought I was going to have to take you down by how much you stare at me."
Remus swears up and down you only made a sarcastic remark because Marlene was there but you say it's because you were instantly comfortable with him.
It is hard to not know who Remus Lupin is, he is one of the famous Marauders at Hogwarts, and everyone knows him.
However, to you, he is by far the most tolerable -- and dare you say attractive?
Marlene invited him to go to the room of requirement with you and her that evening.
"Make sure you are dressed to workout Lupin," You told him, he laughed it off and took it as a joke.
Only when he showed up to the room of requirement in jeans did he realize you were not joking -- not even a little bit.
Remus swooned over watching you kickbox, something about a woman who had all that power in her and released it in a healthy way hooked him.
It became a thing where he would join you and Marlene for kickboxing, you both trying to teach him the techniques.
"Lupin how do you function with these long limbs and not knowing how to move them?!" Marlene screeched one night at him. Okay -- so maybe kickboxing was not Remus' thing.
Lifting on the other hand? He was all game. You didn't expect him to be as strong as he was considering he was tall and lanky. BUT you were wrong, the boy knows how to lift weights.
You guys would inevitably be friends before he realizes he likes you more than a friend, your lives became so intertwined it was weird to see one of you without the other.
On Hogsmead weekends you both would go get some coffee and hangout together while Remus reads and you draw. Sometimes Remus would read his book out loud for you while you drew so you had something to listen to. (You never asked him to do this, but he knew you loved it.)
Little gestures like that started to make you realize how special and safe Remus made you feel.
I imagine Remus asking you out in a supermundane way, that makes your heart swoon. I can see you both sitting in the Gryffindor common room late at night as he is reading his favorite book aloud while you drew. You would know this book by heart because he has read it to you like four times, which is why when he goes off script you notice.
"This is when I decide to take advantage of my story..." You look up to meet his eyes already staring at you, "... it would mean the world to me if you would be mine, my girlfriend. There isn't a day since I met you that I haven't been happy. Being around you has helped me grow as a person and overall made my life that much more enjoyable. I love you y/n, and I think I always will."
DAWWWWH I COULD CRY, I feel like the simplicity in this is what would make it that more special for you. In a moment where you two are the only people in the world, surrounded with things you love.
I also feel like you would maybe draw Remus -- Ope did I go too far?
Remus is so comfortable with you that he had no issue telling you about his furry little problem. I feel like you would respond something like, "So it's kinda like your man period huh?" Cracking a joke would let Remus know you didn't mind and also would make him smile.
ALSO -- I can so see you taking your drawings of Remus and showing him them to illustrate what you love about him. We all know he will get down on himself about his furry problem, but you start to help Remus love himself.
In return Remus does small acts to show how much he loves you. Such as learning the different types of perspectives in your drawings, and he would also personify your artwork with poems.
I really hope I did you justice and brought to life why I shipped you + Remus together. Here is a small collage I put together that I think brings to life everything I just talked about. I really hope you liked it!
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─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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scenics · 3 years
hello, i wanted to ask how you developed your personal style in terms of your preference for clothes and taste in aesthetics? i hope this makes sense. i find you have a very distinct personal style and you seem to be sure of yourself but also willing to experiment as well. i am someone who seems to be lost in this way and have just been copying from others who i find i would want to be like, but i know this isn’t good. i really hope this made sense, and thank you for reading!
i’m only gonna answer this one now bcuz it made me laugh but you’re literally just describing an aquarius dhhshssjskss
honestly i’ve always been like this it’s literally just the core of my personality :) like over time i tend to lose interest in things/people/trends that get popular so my interests have gotten a lot more niche as i’ve gotten older (i wouldn’t say this is a Good trait but i’ve gotten better at not jumping ship especially on ppl). in general, i’m just always searching for new things and my advice is to literally try anything. watch a bad movie just to knows it’s bad, listen to a popular album and see why it’s popular, watch that terrible show that has a lot of fans for some reason, order that food from that online place, talk to the guy standing next to you in line, etc. i think it’s always better to know than to not know! i hate ppl who are too picky about their interests and such and then they complain about how boring everything is. if you’re too judgemental, there’s just nothing to do or talk about
im sure you’ve had lots of phases through the years and i’d rec that you revisit some that you liked and find out why you liked them! some of them may be embarrassing but just own it bcuz literally everything’s embarrassing. and overall, i think you’ll find your own taste/style once you’re older! it tends to mellow out once u branch out. as for self-confidence, there’s nothing to be scared about. i always do what i want and i don’t ever apologize for being me
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multifandomwritings · 3 years
Can i get a match up?
Im 5'3,brown hair short hair,chubby,blue eye's with a bunch of scars all around from childhood stuff the most noticeable one being one right above my brow from a rock. Im bisexual and genderfluid but usually go by she/her or he/him or even it/its really anything goes.
I deeply enjoy allot of music including eminem,classical,country,rock so I'm not in fixed music. I also deeply enjoy animals and bugs of all kinds tho i particularly fond of jumping spiders and the common house spider.i enjoy drawing/painting and psychology. As a hobby i find and clean bones and pick up trash along the highways. I also have adhd,depression and social anxiety. I tend to be either shy or aggressive with people but normally shy. I have a high pain tolerance and am a bit <allot> masochist. I have a oral fixation and need something in my mouth like suckers or toothpicks. I also hyperfixate allot and I enjoy more dark topics such as death and gore. I have VERY mild sweettooth but hate cakes,cookies or anything packing to much sugar in small thing. I hate frostings. I also hate loud noises or being touched to often. I prefer to have personal space so hugs as well as most physical touch are usually off the table until i trust them. I don't like wearing stuff with to much color so i wear neutral colors like gray,brown and black but never white. I tend to come off very cold and callous in a relationship and don't ever want children. I enjoy having dogs around often and actually have a dog of my own. I also enjoy having other animals around such as cats which i also own. I can be fairly loud but it's rare.i enjoy reading and writing but am picky about what i read and watch as I'm not a rom-com fan or comedy fan in general and i rarely like action movies since they have a tendency to agitate me with loud noises which is ironic given one of my favorite genres is horror.my love language is sort of a mix of verbal affection and acts of service. I have a verbal tic which is a stutter brought on by any high emotions really so i send to try and stay mellowed out and calm or just won't speak because of it instead i carry a note pad that I'll write in when my stutter is bad in order to communicate which is actually easier then talking in general for me.
Hi! I hope you like it! I assumed you meant slasher matchup since you said horror:) If not feel free to let me know and I'll fix it ^^ And sorry for the wait x_x
I match you with Asa Emory! ♥ (second choice was Vincent Sinclair)
- My first reason for picking Asa is pretty obvious: your love for bugs/animals! This would be one of the first things you bonded over. It can be hard for him to connect with people but mutually shared interests is a good place to start! (Imagine him going on about some type of spider/bug and showing to you all enthusiastic with his wide eyes? Cuteee)
(Not to mention, he also has dogs so if you like them then 🥺)
- He wouldn't be the most physically affectionate either, so he won't mind if you want to keep him at arms length. Of course if you *do* want affection he won't complain either, though 👀 Especially after you've both warmed up to each other
- Asa isn't going to be the most verbally affectionate person, especially at first, but I can see him expressing himself through acts of service for sure, and appreciates that sort of thing in return (and probably gifts/giving, he'll often give you things related to your shared interests in hopes it effectively expresses his feelings for you)
- His own feelings are also expressed through fixating on you a lot. It might be unconventional but I think he'd like staring at/examining his S/O a lot? Almost as if he is trying to memorize your features
- He loves to see your art! Be it paintings/drawings or writings, he'll love seeing the sort of things you create. He is um, creative in his own way, so he'll appreciate things like that a lot x_x
- All in all Asa won't be the most conventional S/O but he'd be quite respectful and actually really would enjoy spending time with you. He likes his space and can be cold at times but he'll be very protective of you, almost sweet in his own way
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gayerthanthee · 4 years
'get to know me' tag game
Rules: answer the questions and tag people you'd like to get to know better.
Tagged by: my recent friend @heyheysey who shocked me in the notifs when i saw her actually tag me-- i really need to get used to having mutuals :O
Tagging: @raineyclouds @screaming-garbagemouth @mizuraisu @yourlocalmusicalprostitute and this is a desperate one but also @bohemian-napsodyy pls come back bby, i hope you're safe. i miss you so bad <33
also, there are some parts where i mention and talked about gender dysphoria & crisis, and death of a loved one. if it's triggering pls go on and don't read.
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What do you prefer to be called name-wise?
Cas or Xan (like sah-n)
When is your birthday?
january 9
Where do you live?
the Philippines
Three things you are doing right now:
watching videos about genderfluid people
contemplating about the places I'll be in the future
downing 3 cups of water before bed (hydrating is sexc. do it pls.)
Four fandoms that have piqued your interest?
marvel - my childhood sweetheart, but i've only become really immersed during 2016! not as active anymore about it though.
queen - i always heard my parents play songs before year '90 when i was young, and what really stuck with me was listening to this band and their many songs and concerts. i joined the hype when the movie about them dropped at 2018. not much active anymore on that too.
bnha - i always saw this around but?? i only got in sometime last year or mid 2018 and religiously went binge-reading the manga during the highs of pandemic because distracting yourself from self-deteriorating thoughts is sexy. take it from me.
haikyuu - this was a random one. i knew this longer than bnha because it's popular but it wasn't as interesting to me before. but then i saw that many of the blogs i follow like hq too and then they make content and then the rest is history. i started maybe last month, haven't read the manga yet but i weirdly know things already.
How has the pandemic been treating you?
everything is constantly crazy thank you for asking. wouldn't have it any other way though.
A song you can't stop listening to right now?
Forget You by CeeLo Green
How old are you?
(UPDATE: yeah i now feel uncomfy sharing this info but yeet it's gone now srry)
School, university, occupation, other?
hope i was extra enough to excel the first semester in senior high. self-learning is difficult when you have all the time in the house to ✨succumb to vulnerable thoughts✨
Do you prefer heat or cold?
i prefer the heat. although a cold environment is really convenient especially in our country, i prefer the warmth because of the comfort it brings, along with keeping me grounded.
Name one fact others may not know about you:
I haven't exactly coped over my uncle's passing and I don't know if i did anything about it. i remember the times he was healthy and feel regret each time because i was such an ass of a kid to him back then that i think i made his life harder than what he actually deserved. he messaged me a along time ago and because i was constantly mad at him, i just left it on read, no more after that. everytime i see the conversation, it makes ny chest gape even more. i was so much angry back then that i didn't treat him as i should because yeah there were times were i was nice or neutral and helped him a lot and made him laugh a bit but still. wow im shaking just typing this. i now message him every once in a while even though he's gone. like a delusional way to connect with him even though it's too late.
Are you shy?
not much, no. I may worry about what someone significant to me may think about me though. but otherwise i'm chill and tired 25/8
she/he/they. my sex is female and it feels so right being genderfluid but i feel like i'm just too influenced by my country's homophobic tradition and society norm for me to accept myself? it's really tight here, I haven't even come out yet. being an Asian is hard.
biggest pet-peeves?
people commenting on my 'femininity'. pls drop it, i'm not comfortable being told i look better in a dress and i should act more womanly-like. i will manspread while also maintain good hygiene thank you very much. it's not because i may identify as male, but because gender roles is a big joke, okay? like sure this is my sex but i can also be a good boy or look sleek in a suit. it's confusing but it's not that hard. dresses are nice but they're not for me to wear just because i'm 'a girl'. is it obvious I have gender dysphoria??
What is your favorite "dere" type?
don't actually have one. they're all equally cool, i just don't have a preference. tsundere's are more above for me though.
Rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
it fluctuates from 4 to 7 like my gender. life is a wheel. you're on the low and it all goes up from here, but then you'll also be grounded and the cycle goes again.
What's your main blog?
this, @gayerthanthee , I have sideblogs but they aren't really relevant? i don't even remember why i made them?
List your side blogs and what they are used for:
homemade-genius - oh i did this because i tried to be funny and make some jokes. apparently i do not even have the ENERGY and MEMORY to post in it, so what made me think I even have humor too??
cas-xx - ick did this when i used to simp for some guy back in junior year. i still cringe to this day—not because i made a sideblog, but because i actually?? had the guts to simp for a straight cis-male who was also materialistic and firmly believed and follows gender-roles? it always makes me bleaurgh.
Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
please consider that while i'm not picky with my gender, i still do not like being considered a female only, and because of society norms. we the gays are OUTSIDE the society norms. i would always rather being called handsome over beautiful. also pls consider i have gender dysphoria and crisis. it's crazy.
p.s. it's long overdue and i'm real sorry. i had to shut off from the world to finish my tasks and projects. and now i'm finally done!! thank you sey 🥺 this is my first time being tagged in a get to know me!!
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petalsbloomed-a · 4 years
itaru talks about noah - part 2.
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1. does the mun give out personal info? like birthdate, first name, age, gender, etc? he’s pretty liberal about the things he shares, to be honest. he shares everything listed here, as well as his myers-briggs type and other personality stuff, and his blood type too, miraculously. however the name he goes by is not his legal name, even if it is what he goes by in real life, and he would never share his surname on a platform like this.
2. does the mun have any learning disabilities? he struggles with a bit of dyslexia at times.
3. what irritates the mun? whenever he misplaces something he thought he knew where it was, and whenever he just can’t get something so minimal right. when he’s practicing and just can’t get something down, he has a habit of just quitting out of frustration and saving it for a later time. i think in some cases, saving it for a later time is the right move.
4. does the mun have self-esteem issues? if so, has this caused any problems? oh yeah, he definitely does. a lot of it may be connected to his body dysmorphia and dysphoria, but he often thinks lowly of his skills and his musical abilities often. i don’t think it’s caused any relationship problems, but sometimes it makes him run away from practicing or completing schoolwork.
5. is the mun easily nervous? if so, why? it really depends, but a lot of his nerves may come from the fact that he has an anxiety disorder. he gets nervous before a solo performance, and sometimes if he has the urge to pull a prank he may chicken out due to fear of rejection.
6. does the mun have a habit that’s annoying? he bites his nails and licks his lips a lot, and it makes kind of...unconventional noises when he does this. he also jiggles his leg and fidgets in his seat a lot.
7. does the muse think the mun is intimidating to approach? not at all, actually. because of his fashion sense, he may come off as a bit unapproachable, but he’s actually a very warm and open person.
8. is the mun easy to talk to? i think so, yeah. he’s a pretty good listener and is down to discuss pretty much anything.
9. what’s the mun’s favorite thing to drink? he literally always asks for a root beer whenever he’s at the dining hall. so i’m gonna say that.
10. what food does the mun like to eat? noah’s a bit picky, but he does like a lot of food. he enjoys breakfast and comfort foods a lot, like mac and cheese and cheeseburgers, but he also really likes pineapples and the dining hall’s marble cake.
11. what do they like to use for communicating, ims or discord? he uses both, but he prefers discord since it’s less messy.
12. does the mun like talking to people? or are they shy? he likes talking to people, but he does have his moments. i think it’s less shyness and more anxiety when it comes to talking to others, especially if they’re new to him.
13. does the mun believe in the supernatural/paranormal? not really, no. he does think that paranormal movies and tv shows are cool, though.
14. what’s the weirdest thing the mun has said? “his face looks like an asshole that was destroyed by fifty cocks.” i shit you not, he said that last year in college when he was hanging with his friends at the dining hall.
15. if the mun could choose one person to meet, who would it be? probably ariana grande. he’s a huge fan of hers and has bought pretty much every album and single that she’s released digitally.
16. has the mun ever pulled an all-nighter before? not officially, but he has stayed up until like five in the morning just doing stupid shit when he was home over the summer.
17. would the mun make a call-out post if they had to? probably not? he doesn’t really like getting involved in drama, so he’s not really aware of the things that a particular individual has done unless if he’s talked to about it or sees call-out posts that others have made.
18. does the muse like how the mun writes? yeah, it’s pretty easy to understand, but every now and then he throws in some complex emotional shit that my brain has difficulty deciphering. noah operates more on emotion than i do, so some of the things he writes doesn’t interest me, but generally his style is easy to interpret.
19. what song does the mun think fits them and what does the muse think? what song does the muse think fits the mun and why? he doesn’t really have a specific song he think fits him, but he often talks about how songs about courage and finally finding your place really resonate with him. i think that any song that has an r&b vibe to it or somewhat of a slow-moving orchestral background really fits his personality.
20. does the mun want to learn a different language? he’s currently learning japanese right now, and is interested in korean and spanish too. i’ve tried teaching him some stuff but he often gets fidgety and loses focus within ten minutes.
21. if the mun could move to a different country, would they and why? he’s said he’s fine where he is right now, but he has expressed interest in moving to japan or south korea. i think it would be a good idea to at least visit and see how things are for yourself before making such a rash decision, and i do have concerns that it may be tough for him living somewhere where people don’t speak english as a primary language.
22. does the mun like to play games? he absolutely loves mobile anime games, and he’s also a bit of a sucker for minecraft as well.
23. has the mun told anyone about the muse(s) birthday? will the mun tell anyone? oh yeah, he’s been pretty open about the fact that he and i actually have the same birthday. the other folks he plays also have their birthdays listed on his blog, so he’s pretty open about sharing birthdays with others.
24. does the mun evens or odds? i’m not sure what this question is referring to, if i’m being fairly honest...
25. what makes the mun happy? socializing with friends, writing, listening to music, watching his favorite content on youtube...a lot of things.
26. does the mun have any secrets? i don’t think he has any interesting or juicy ones to share, to be honest. maybe except for some aspects of his mental health and some family issues, but i’d refer to those as private information other than secrets. overall he is a pretty open person, though.
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costellos · 4 years
LOL A 401K IM DEAD but honestly...... tru
all that tax stuff, retirement plans.... nanami’s got it covered. and then there’s gojo, committing tax fraud 🤧 i’d compare gojo to salt as a seasoning but that’s kinda mean, he does have some flavor. like, sugar probably suits him better?? sweet, can be addicting, but bad for you if have too much of it 🙈 AND THEN NANAMI. man’s the whole spice rack, he wouldn’t have it anything less since he loves food so much 😤 he is, as we say, umami personified 🤌
yeah, it’s unfortunate lmfao but oh well. i do occasionally have them in a smoothie though, like you said!
alsjfhsha it’s def time consuming.... like i’d be sitting down w my family and when i’m finally done picking it all out, they’ve finished eating welp 😭 and yeah, the rational part of me knows that, but i’m that person someone has to go up the service worker for and be like “excuse me she asked for no pickles” (except i didn’t 🙈) i’m much better in restaurants bc the language barrier isn’t as intimidating so i will tell them to leave out an ingredient if it’s something i can’t easily take out
mmmmm i can see that! he’d be the guy who’d eat pizza with a fork and knife wouldn’t he lol. and dab all the excess oil off w a napkin. he probably only goes to the Legit pizza places too haha but i think if he likes you enough he can be convinced to eat almost anywhere
ofc!! ask games are more fun if it goes both ways 😌 and ooooo tsumu! interesting...... 👀 those are honestly such good date ideas w a guy like atsumu! that’d rly be smth he’d enjoy and ngl the moment i read ‘something physical’ i immediately imagined y’all racing LMAO. he’s a prime example of how competition can be good for you w the right person, so i can see you filling in the space osamu left after he decided to focus more on his food aspirations. like imagine making cute lil bets w him and the loser having to do what the winner wanted hehe. omg a double date w the miya twins would be sm fun tho??? from my impression of you so far, i definitely trust you to keep tsumu in line lmfao so catch me there. me and osamu are the ones spectating and judging your guys’ competitions and cheering you on to beat atsumu like we’re olympic commentators or smth LOL
aaaaa i’m honestly p shy but if anything can get me to come off anon, it’d be nanamin 😂 (it’s like we’re todo and yuji bonding over their shared type but w nanami skdjfjsjsjs) let me know if you prefer to keep it here or on discord and i’ll give you my account, whichever platform you like better! also congrats on 1k! much deserved!! 🎉
cut for length!
A;LDSKJ GOJO WOULD COMMIT TAX FRAUD. lmao salt is a lil mean!! sugar is more fitting <3 sugar is also used for more fun foods, and I feel like it matches him bc of his sweet tooth. but Nanami........ o lawd. definitely the whole spice rack yes. 100% agree. pls I would use him in everything. wait was that a weird thing to say?
ah I totally understand! well, u got this friend. the next time u go out for Mexican food, I’ll be there cheering for u in spirit!!
and yes.... ugh... I don’t think he’s particularly picky, he’ll try anything. he just doesn’t like foods that are excessive, if that makes sense? like what you were saying with the grease. I think he’s more the type to like subtle flavors. an obnoxious meat lover’s pizza from The Hut would be a no go, but he’s down for a, quote, Legit Pizza Place. the kind of Italian restaurant that’s authentic! but let’s admit it, by that point it wouldn’t even technically be “pizza.” authenticity comes with a price :’)
ty friend you’re far too kind 🥺 AND PLS YOU’RE MAKING ME BLUSH OVER MY LAPTOP HHHHHHH. I would love nothing more than to fill the Osamu-shaped hole in his heart once they both go into their separate careers. and god..... don’t encourage him. or me. I would definitely make bets w him. and I would win. but thank you sweet anon, I would do my best to keep him from annoying the shit out of you!! it would be an honor to have you and Osamu comment on our tomfoolery. 👉👈
MY GOD I WAS ABOUT TO KEYBOARD MASH AGAIN. we’re definitely Todo and Yuji.... u like Nanami and so now I’m obligated to imagine a whole life we coulda had together in high school together. even tho I graduated five years ago. and I’m assuming you did some time ago too since you mentioned you’re old...... lordt. anyway! thank you for the congrats!! I would love to discuss more headcanons and such w you over Discord! dm me and I’ll add you so that we can sob over Nanami’s absence in the anime <33
nanamin date anon said: me, rewatching eps 9-13 on replay until the new episode comes out: hahaha i love all the jjk characters equally! nanamin and *looks at smudged writing on hand* the extras
lol i love them all rly, it’s just super refreshing to have an adult like nanami in a shounen
haha yeah, i’m definitely glad i’m not the oldest (bc that’s way too much responsibility for me, idk how they do it) so being player 2 as a younger sibling isn’t too bad, especially since it’s the story that i’m usually more interested in rather than the gameplay itself. i don’t have to worry about remembering which buttons to press in a fight when i can just watch the plot play out lol. (it’s definitely a good game, i just suck at the controls 😅 my brother let me play a bit and i couldn’t get the web swinging down i was struggling so bad aslfjjfsjak) what sort of games are you into? 👀
even if it’s boring to some ppl, watching is a good way to experience the game for yourself as well, esp if it’s a single player game! ofc i do tend to prefer multiplayer games, but it’s not too dissimilar to watching someone play a sport tbh. AND NO KENMA IM PRO-SIDEQUEST LIVE OUT YOUR COMPLETIONIST DREAMS. if we gotta fetch that dude a super rare item to unlock his backstory we MUST do it ok
YEAH! mikorin is also voiced by noya’s va! it’s honestly a shame gsnk didn’t get a second season, it’s so good 😔
me: lol does that mean kuroo’s your tomoda
kenma: ok this date is over
LMFAOOOOO not my fault the popular choices are the ones that get you the good end 😤 and it’s all good, i’m also guilty of replaying to see how the other choices impact the story haha. if there’s no save system tho, i’d make him switch out w me every time we replay bc i’d zone out at all the repeat stuff (bless games that have a skip option 🙏)
UGH TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! ok so I love the other charas too but.... Nanami’s so good. so good. iono about you, anon, but I went back and rewatched his episodes from the dub and it made me Feel Things. and I agree, it is refreshing to see an adult like him in shounen. esp since he treats the kids like kids. and he makes it clear that their being kids is never a bad thing. I will reiterate: he’s so good.
ahhh friend that’s so nice!. your brother sounds really chill. plus it sounds like a good balance: you get to watch the story, and he gets to dick around!! win-win. and as for my fav games, I’m up for anything! I try to avoid co-op games like Overwatch bc I get too competitive and I’m a sore loser lmao (but they are fun!). the last games I played were the Last of Us 2 and Persona 5, two very different games, but stuff that’s a good time nonetheless. tbh as long as I can immerse myself in the story and there’s tons to explore, I’m down. what about you?? you’d kind of mentioned otome games and Animal Crossing, but I’m curious!
hm. interesting. that’s a nice way to look at it. I guess if it’s a really good game, it’s no different from an interactive movie! also Kenma would love that omg you’re going to save so many villages in the rpgs he plays w you.... gotta max out EVERYTHING. every side quest! every mundane task!! collect literally every feather!!! but I feel like he would pass the time by making idle conversation. like some dumb shit Lev had mentioned earlier that day. such a nice way to unwind at the end of the day, shit talking Lev w his fav person 😌
anyway! going back to completionist stuff: Kenma would have such a blast going back and replaying games w you! and yes bless games w a skip option hhh. thankfully he’d remember all your previous choices together, so he can help navigate where to go next. he has no qualms handing the controller over, I think he’d love to curl up next to you and analyze how you play! but I also feel like he’d be giving unwarranted suggestions....... thanks, Kenma.
also, about Mikorin’s va: WHAT. OH MY GOD. so many things to learn..... pls. indulge me w your trivia.
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starting-now · 5 years
All the Time (Barry x Reader)
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Word Count: 2224
Warnings: none
Summary: THERE’S. ONLY. ONE. BED. 
Personally, you didn’t understand why Gene insisted on this trip, other than to make more money from the class. It honestly felt childish, sitting on a bus with your acting class, your best friend Barry sitting next to you. It felt nice though, simpler. 
“Where do you think we’re going?” Barry interrupted your thoughts and shot you a curious glance. 
“I’m not sure, but I WILL bet you fifteen bucks that it’s a museum and somehow there’s a picture of Gene in it.” you said, smiling at him.
“What?” Barry was taken aback “No way! How could Mr. Cousineau get his picture in a museum?” he asked
“So you take the bet?” you retorted, raising your eyebrows.
He hesitated but reached out his hand, you shook it.
“You’re on.” he said.
Gene was sitting at the front of the bus and he stood up in the aisle, making a motion for everyone to direct their attention at him.
“Alright guys, we’re getting closer to our little surprise, I just wanna remind everyone that this is a team bonding exercise! So mix, mingle, and remember this is an overnight trip so you are still paying full price for today as well as tomorrow. We’ll be there soon.” he said and promptly sat back down.
You rolled your eyes and grinned at Barry, who returned the look. You loved seeing him like this. So relaxed and happy. You had been there for the bad days, and you loved to see him having a good time. Plus, he had the most adorable smile.
“Is everything okay?” Barry questioned, meeting your gaze.
“Yea of course why do you ask?” you returned.
“I don’t know you were just looking at me weird.” he laughed and you promptly turned away. 
“Sorry, just zoning out.” you said, hoping he didn’t notice the color rising to your cheeks.
The old bus slowly came to a stop and you all looked out the window to see exactly what you had expected. A museum. The Hollywood Museum to be exact. Barry whipped his head over to look at you, eyes wide and a smile breaking out on his face.
“You called it!!” he said and you shrugged
“Hey, that was only half the bet.” you reminded him, and gathered your things to get off the bus.
Everyone filed off the bus and walked into the museum. Your classmates, especially Sally, marveled at the props, replicas, and stories of fame that they all so desperately wanted. You and Barry hung towards the back of the group, taking everything in. 
You walked through the vast rooms filled with various elements of Hollywood. Batman and Robin suits, Marylin Monroes clothes, and even a replica of Hannibal’s cell from Silence of the Lambs, which you were particularly excited about. 
Barry watched as you bounced from prop to prop, beaming and explaining why certain things were important or interesting, and he couldn’t stop a smile from spreading on his face. Normally, this wouldn’t be his cup of tea. He wasn’t great in social situations most of the time, but with you, things were different. You made him feel safe and…well, normal. As normal as someone like him could ever feel. 
You of course, didn’t notice the look of complete adoration on Barry’s face as you spoke. You had always assumed that your feelings were unrequited, and you certainly didn’t plan on bringing them up to him anytime soon.
As Mr. Cousineau reached the end of his self guided tour, you caught up with the rest of the group and shot Barry a defeated look. 
“Guess I owe you. There’s no picture of Gene here.” you said.
But before Barry could respond, Mr. Cousineau cleared his throat loudly.
“Now if you turn your attention to our last stop, this is a photo from the set of Forrest Gump. And if you look closely about ten rows back from the Washington monument, you will see yours truly. No big deal. But that is me.” he proclaimed proudly.
It was almost impossible to see, even blown up to the size of the museum wall. But it was him. You turned to Barry with a shocked expression which he mirrored. 
“Holy shit.” you both said in unison.
Sasha started asking questions about how he got to be in the movie to which Gene responded that it ‘wasn’t important’ and that’d he be ‘taking no further questions at this time’. Only Gene M. Cousineau would drive his students four hours away just to flex.
Barry slipped you fifteen dollars on the way out of the museum as you loaded up on the bus and headed for the hotel.
Once you arrived there, everyone was given their room and it was left to you all to decide who you’d be rooming with. 
You of course wanted to ask Barry, but you weren’t sure if he’d say yes. You resolved that you’d wait for him to come to you. Unfortunately Barry had the same thought process, so you both stumbled around until you were the only two left. You smiled awkwardly at one another and Barry grabbed the key to the last available room. As he turned around to walk towards the hallway, a nervous grin threatened to form on your face.
Barry opened the door and you wheeled your luggage in, propping it up against the wall before getting a proper look at the room. When you entered fully you noticed something that almost made your heart stop: there was only one bed. 
Barry trailed in behind you, taking note of the same thing and stopping in his tracks. His eyes scanned the room for a couch or anything else he could sleep on, but to no avail. The room had a large desk, two chairs, even a microwave and a mini fridge. But nothing to sleep on besides one queen size bed. 
You and Barry shot each other a nervous look.
“I can just crash on the floor. I really don’t mind.” Barry said, not meeting your gaze and rubbing the back of his neck.
“That’s ridiculous.” you said, “I don’t mind if we both sleep here.” you finished, gesturing to the bed.
You didn’t have anytime to discuss it further before Gene called everyone down to the conference room in the lobby for some team building exercises. You smiled awkwardly and left the room with Barry just behind you.
The team building went by quickly, your mind mostly distracted by the interaction earlier. Still, you had fun doing the various improv and team games that Gene planned. But sooner than you’d like, it was over, and you were all free to go back to your rooms. You were one of the last ones out and you were a bit surprised to see Barry waiting for you just outside.
“Hey,” he started “Sorry if this is weird, I just really wanna make sure everything is okay with the sleeping situation? I mean, the last thing I’d wanna do is make you uncomfortable.” he said, fidgeting with his hands.
You smiled politely “No it’s really no problem, trust me.” you said.
If only he knew why you were nervous. He wouldn’t be worried about making you uncomfortable. But you couldn’t tell him. Your friendship was too important, and you were worried that it would be ruined when you found out he didn’t return your feelings. But you weren’t about to let him sleep on the floor. So you swallowed your anxiety and tried to remain as calm as possible. You told Barry that you’d meet him back at the room and you stopped by the vending machine. 
Barry was in the shower when you got back to the room, so you set up the table with the snacks you bought. He came out of the bathroom, dressed for bed in a grey t-shirt and lounge pants, a smile lighting up his face when he sees your set up. Barry could be a picky guy food-wise sometimes, but you knew the one food he loved the most: Famous Amos cookies, and you had bought out the vending machine’s entire supply. Barry burst out laughing.
“No way, (Y/N)! Oh my god! This is awesome!” he beamed. 
“Please Mr. Berkman, take your seat. These cookies are not going to eat themselves!” you joked and sat in one of the chairs, grabbing a bag yourself and cracking it open.
“You didn’t have to do this.” he said, more seriously.
“Eh don’t worry about it. It was your money anyways!” you laughed as Barry realized you had spent all $15 from the bet on vending machine cookies. You two ate as much as you could and packed the rest into your bags for a later time.
It was your turn to shower and change and when you got out Barry was already sitting on the bed, flipping through channels on the TV. You joined him and he shot you a smile. You wished it could be like this all the time. You loved being around him, everything felt so easy, so right. You leaned back against the headboard and turned your attention to the tv, though you were thinking about other things. 
You had been sitting much closer than this in class and on the bus but this felt…different. You peeled back the covers and slid under them, making yourself comfortable. Barry did the same, both of you not speaking much besides the odd comment here or there about whatever garbage TV you were watching. Eventually though, you drifted off to sleep, and Barry turned the television off so as not to disturb you and attempted to sleep himself.
A few hours later Barry felt something against his skin that awoke him. Slowly getting a grip on his surroundings he realized that you had turned over, your arm slung over his chest and your head nuzzling into his arm. He stiffened, for fear that he might wake you. He relished the feeling of your skin on his, the smell of your shampoo and body wash, and he felt himself sinking into your touch. A smile spread across his face again, as it so often did with you. He wished it could be like this all the time. He sighed and felt you stir slightly.
You woke up to feel something very…warm against you. To your embarrassment you opened your eyes to find that you were wrapped snugly around Barry’s body, face nuzzled into his grey sleep shirt. And whats worse…he was awake. You immediately pulled your arm back.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry,” you laughed awkwardly, cheeks flushing vibrantly “This is so embarrassing. Um, wow, Im sorry, I promise I didn’t mean-“
“No no, I mean, it was nice.” Barry interrupted you and your breath hitched. 
“R-really?” you asked
“Um, yeah actually, really nice. If you’re comfortable like that.” he said
You hesitantly placed your arm back around him, laying your head next to his. He turned to look at you, his eyes twinkling with the moonlight that seeped in through the window.
 Barry took in your facial features. He’s not sure if he’s ever been this close to you, but he couldn’t get enough of it. And maybe its the tiredness, or the intoxication of your presence but somehow he manages to say it.
“You are so beautiful.” he says and immediately flinches as though even he didn’t know he would say it.
You search his eyes for some kind of joke, but you find none, and one of your hands comes up to cup Barry’s cheek.
“Do you really mean that?” you ask.
He just nods, as he’s not sure he can handle saying anything else at the moment. He can’t help but lean into your touch. You slowly move your head towards his and he does the same, both of you still unsure but letting it happen.
Your lips connect. It is a soft, timid kiss. One full of worry and fear of rejection, but also full of desire and hope. You both become more sure and deepen the kiss. Your hand slips into his dark hair and his arms snakes around you. It’s everything you thought it’d be. His lips were soft, and his calloused hands were gentle as they found their way around your body to pull you closer. 
You broke apart, both smiling. 
“Wow” he whispered.
“Yeah” you returned.
“Listen, I um-I really like you, if that wasn’t obvious. And I guess I just wanted to tell you that, so that you know for sure.” he said nervously. 
Your smile grew wider “All this time I thought I was the obvious one.” you said and pressed another soft kiss to his lips.
You positioned your head to lay on his chest, your legs intertwining, his arm wrapped around you. He knew his arm would fall asleep, but it was worth it. You found yourself drifting off to sleep yet again, comforted by his heartbeat, the fresh scent of wood and pine, and by his fingers swirling nonsense patterns onto your skin. Barry did the same, soothed by the feel of your skin against his, the weight of your head on his chest, and you arm over his waist.
You both wished it would be like this all the time.
And it was.
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clayfaced · 4 years
ily @hopeisthewholepoint i was doing this a while ago and then the draft didn’t save so this is about 30 years late by now whopps. ily thanks for tagging me tho. ❤
1. Name 4 fictional characters who showcase your personality the best, with explanations if you want.
My girl Edrisa Tanaka from Prodigal Son bc we’re both socially awkward but at least she’s unapologetic about it. I want to say I have Sam Wilson’s humor and I too do what everyone else does just slower. Raymond Holt because I love fluffy bois and I’m down to fight anyone who says anything bad about my pets. Ben Wyatt because we’re both human disasters and I like making dumb stuff when I’m bored.  
2. Aesthetic
Playing pool terribly with friends, peanut butter and banana sandwiches, colorful rain jackets. Balloons, music playing from car radios, collecting movie ticket stubs. Painted nails, open windows, and fish stamps on postcards. The smell of fresh basil.
3. Favorite musical/play? (If you’ve never seen a musical or play, one you’d be interested in seeing?)
Come from Away. Hands down. Though I will say I saw recordings of the National Theater’s Frankensteins recently and both are very good but the Miller-as-the-creature version is especially good.
4. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?
Okay this is a bit of an unfair question bc I die at any and all compliments. But one that I thought of today /a couple days ago/ a long time ago when i started writing this that made me happy again was when someone I'm in a club with let me borrow his camera to take pictures during a performance. I hadn't taken pictures in a while and I had so much fun and I don't really contribute to the club so I finally felt like I had purpose. It was hard to see how they came out on the camera but the next time I saw him he said they came out really well and someone else said that he's normally picky when it comes to photos but he liked mine so that made me feel even better and it was overall a very nice time. It wasn't even really the compliment (I mean, it still was but) it was also just the gesture to offer a camera when he heard I liked taking pictures. I didn't have my camera with me until after this and it really made me remember how much I liked it. Anyways he graduated and hasn't been in the club since last semester so I never see him but it made me v happy.
5. How many times have you been in love?
Miss me with that romantic love but I fall in love with friends and people and every little thing everyday.
6. Embarrassing story or fact about yourself that makes you laugh now?
Bold of you to assume I've recovered from anything embarrassing ever.
This is a bit of a cheat bc it was always funny but my middle school PE uniforms had words and definitions on the back of the shirts (no i don’t know why) and mine said “final: adj. last in place” or something like that and you know what? it was RIGHT.
7. Favorite Disney/Pixar movie?
Probably Up. Idk I don’t really have one.
8. Favorite flower or plant?
Probably triostar plants because they’re cute and pink.
9. What’s your favorite holiday?
Halloween 🎃! I love the idea that kids are going bonkers and getting candy and having a good time. And I love that it gives not-children people a chance to dress up and have fun and take themselves less seriously for a day.
10. Name three things that made you laugh or smile this past week.
This meme dee just sent me a minute ago. I had a socially-distant dinner with a couple of my friends whomst I love a lot on Saturday and it was very nice to see their beautiful faces in person again and I love them a lot. Time isn’t real I don’t know what happened this week. I set up the Xbox again and I’ve played a little little bit of Assassins Creed (which Im very bad at) and Skyrim (which im only a little bad at) and that’s been fun. Bonus answer of dee, nina, and I have been watching 911: Lone Star together and it’s v v fun.
11. What song would you play to introduce yourself to someone?
Tumblr media
That is way too hard of a question to definitively answer. My music taste varies so wildly and my favorite song is usually the one I've obsessively listened to the last. Using that logic: Bang! by AJR or Wake Me by Bleachers. Or Chris Martin’s cover of Shelter from the Storm by Bob Dylan. Yeah. The last one.
12. Name something that truly makes you feel peaceful even at your most stressed moments.
Being a passenger in a car with music playing though that doesn’t really happen when I’m stressed. I wouldn’t say peaceful because when I’m not good at that when I’m stressed and most of the time when I’m stressed I have too much stress inside of me so I would rather get it out than be peaceful. So I just put earbuds in and listen to music too loudly so I don’t have to hear anything around me and I can just sort of release all pent up energy with the music and calm down.
13. What do you, did you, or would you study at college?
I’m studying film! I’m technically undeclared but I’m hoping to declare soon. :-). Yes I’m going to be unemployed and leech off of dee for the rest of our lives thanks for asking.
14. This is kind of a weird one, but which outfit of yours makes you feel most like yourself?
Um. Definitely sneakers (by default my white ones because I only have one pair) because I like being able to Move. Same reason for my black pants bc they’re not restricting at all and comfy. And then probably my gray sweatshirt which dee will murder me for saying bc it means I have zero (0) colors in my outfit but it comfy. I like having colors but I feel more comfortable in more neutral colors.
15. What is a quote you live by?
Oof oof I don’t know. I think there are a lot of quotes I want to live by and then I forget about them so if I am living by a specific quote, it’s not consciously. I reblog a lot I like to my words tag or text tag, and this one:
 “‘Do you fall in love often?’ Yes often. With a view, with a book, with a dog, a cat, with numbers, with friends, with complete strangers, with nothing at all.” (Jeanette Winterson)
explains me very well. I don’t know that it’s something I live by because it’s just a state of my existence but it me.
16. Name the funniest playlist name you have.
I wish I had funnier playlist names. One of them is living room couch alone for a very specific mood when it's after 10 o'clock and everyone else is asleep and I'm in the living room alone on the couch and I'm not tired and time doesn't feel real. It's a good mood. I also have one called new york times which isn't funny I just like it.
17. Make a reference to an inside joke you have with someone you love with zero context.
“you know why we do this?" *snap with one hand* "because we can’t always get our arms free to do this” *dramatic arching snap with both hands* 
But that one’s not with dee ( @mrrmiracle ) so give me one sec to think of something else too. Ok here we go: 
"that Andrew Garfield movie"
18. What is a message you would give your younger self if given the chance?
Stop overthinking and start doing. You can’t sit at home sad your friends aren’t hanging out with you if you never ask them to hang out. Initiate things. Its not as scary as it seems. Also for the love of all things holy please form good habits now. Form all the good habits I have none and I’m tired.
19. Who is your favorite family member? (If you have no good blood family members, feel free to mention someone in your found family)
um my cats :// im just kidding it’s @mrrmiracle obviously.
20. What’s a secret dream of yours?
Um lol to not be alone. To be employed doing something I enjoy and make enough money to support myself. If I put lol will this sound less sad.
I’m tagging @mrrmiracle, @grayson-dick @valleydean and @daredeviil and if anyone else wants to do it just say i tagged you and i’ll edit it to include you 👀. i just get anxious tagging people bc i don’t want to annoy people and i never know who wants to be tagged or not.
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becomewings · 4 years
Archived Network Event
2020 Secret Bunny Exchange
hai lovely! Im sparkle and I’m going to be your secret bunny. I hope you’re having a good day or night. 🥰 -sparkle ✨💫
Hello Sparkle dear! Thank you for being my secret bunny. I hope you are having a good day/night too and enjoying this wonderful comeback.
I’m enjoying it too! It’s such a good comeback, and I honestly love it. This is like my second comeback with them. -sparkle 💫✨
This is my first comeback, eek! I was not at all prepared for how much I would be waiting on the edge of my seat, but it's been really exciting!
Yes! It's such a good comeback honestly. When did you first get into BTS? What drew you to them? I'm sorry I'm asking for many questions. Lol. -sparkle 💫✨
It's okay, ask away! ^^ I stumbled across BTS by accident...which may indicate just how much I live under a cultural rock. I actually don't usually listen to much pop music. I'm a classically trained composer and video game soundtracks and moody indie/rock are more my jam, but last year I heard the YouTube ad that uses part of DNA and it intrigued me. I didn't know which song it was so I ended up listening through quite a bit before finding it...and fell absolutely in love along the way! So I have a soft spot in my heart for DNA. How about you, Sparkle? What got you into BTS?
So first, I hope you're having a too day/night! It's been a very long and busy one for me. I'm so glad to be off. Alsooo, I've been into Kpop for around 10 years now, so I've always enjoyed and I have a soft spot for 2nd gen kpop groups. When BTS started to get popular I didn't like them at first. But I saw Dope after the FBE channel reacted to them and I'm like okay they seem interesting around 2018. Lol. And I went down the hole, and have been stuck since. Lol. They're amazing. -sparkle 💫✨
Thank you Sparkle, hope you enjoy your evening off! Mine was busy too (we’re prepping for a move, eep) but at least it was productive. Wow, you’ve been into Kpop for a long time! Dope is really catchy (and I love that honky sax haha), I’m not surprised it got you interested and then hooked. :) Do you have a favorite era? Mine is probablyyy Wings, but I love most of Love Yourself too, and HYYH is so wonderfully nostalgic even if I wasn’t a fan then... and I’m a big fan of this new era too
Moving sucks! I'm going to be moving in the next year or so, and I"m not read for it. And yes! I've been into it for so long. But HYYH is one of my favorites as well. I think mine may be LY because that was the era that I started stanning them. I forget which one, but it's the one with idol as their title song. Wings is super amazing, and one of those that I'll always listen to. MOTS is just GOD TIER. Lol. I love it. -sparkle 💫✨
Haha MoTS being god tier is accurate xD Sounds like your move is a little ways off, but I wish you the best of luck when it happens! Ours is on a fairly tight deadline so I really have to hustle this weekend with house preparations (we still need to sell ours). I hope you have a lovely weekend, dear Sparkle! 💫
It is a little ways off, but moving just sucks in general. The packing and unpacking and then trying to get everything ready. Especially in your case. But I hope everything works out for you. And I hope you have a beautiful weekend too. -sparkle 💫✨
Thank you, Sparkle! We made a lot of progress today so I feel a bit better (and extremely tired). When the time comes, I hope you have the opportunity to prepare ahead for your move so it doesn't stress you too much. :) Have a nice start to your week! ✨
Heyyy! It's me sparkle! It's been alright so far, let's how it stays that way. And I'm glad you've made more progress on your move! Hopefully your Monday was good. -sparkle 💫✨
Thank you, Sparkle! There's so much going on in the world right now, close to home and far away... I am trying to stay calm and positive, with varying degrees of success. Please take care of yourself! (And that goes to everyone... I know it is difficult because we all have our own obligations to school, work, family, etc., but please try to prioritize your health and stay safe 💜)
Yes! I hope you’re staying safe. I don’t know what area of the world you live in and I know the virus is hitting others harder than most. We have 8 reported cases here. And it’s a scary to me. I hope you are staying safe. I just said that twice. Lol. Happy Thursday! -sparkle ✨💫
Thank you, you too! I live in the US (California, to be somewhat specific) and so far there have been two confirmed cases in my county. I'm grateful the university I work at is (finally) taking precautionary measures by banning large gatherings and moving classes temporarily online, and that I can continue working unless there is a full campus closure... Trying not to be too anxious about things that are simply out of my control and hoping that things gradually work out and improve. I'm also grateful for the community here, even if I don't know anyone personally, it is nice to come online and see people being reassuring and encouraging to each other from all across the globe.
Music and BTS are a good distraction when needed... Now that their promotional period is done, do you have a favorite moment?
I'll repeat you too, please stay safe dear, you and everyone who happens to read this 💜
I truly wish that my job would take some measures, and they have yet. I work with the general public a lot as a secretary. So it's like seriously having me on edge. I know the schools year have temporally closed down and moving things to online since it was spring break here. As well as the public schools closing for a month. Honestly, I'm not sure if I have a favorite moment honestly. Lol. They were all good moments, but I did quite enjoy watching all the ON performances. What about you?
I truly hope your employer catches on soon and makes accommodations so that you can practice some social distancing and have a safe work environment. We were just informed today that we have to work from home two days next week, on rotation, to keep our department staffed but also reduce the number of people on the floor -- for next week only so far, but I won’t be surprised if it continues past that. I can’t fulfill all of my responsibilities from home, so I’m grateful that they are allowing us to complete online trainings and such in the meantime. I am also so glad it’s Friday. What a week it’s been.
Ahh, I love ON! As a former member of drumline and marching band, I have such a fondness for the drum corps elements they incorporated into the music and background choreography. I was excited for the Official MV version too, so beautiful and thought-provoking! I also looove Black Swan (JIMIN’S DANCING EEK). I haven’t been as excited about something in a long time as when I stayed up late to catch their first performance on James Corden. So while I’ve enjoyed all of the comeback (especially as it’s my first!), that was particularly memorable for me. The surprise MV drop was also lovely 🦢🖤
Sorry, I am really rambly tonight. Please take care and have a good weekend! Hope you can get lots of rest! 💗
It’s been a long couple days! Sorry I haven’t gotten back with you! I’ve been stressed about everything going on, and I do hope that they catch on soon too. I was very excited for this comeback and the art in their videos has been beautiful. Black Swan and Jimin dance break? Quality content honestly. Yes! The surprise MV was great. I prefer this version of Black Swan over the other, but both are good. I hope you had a good weekend! -sparkle 💫✨
Hi again Sparkle, thank you for checking in on me! Please don't apologize for messaging delays, there's no need! We all signed up for this event long before any of this started, so I'm grateful you can spare a little time to chat with me. 💜 I'm working from home for at least the next 3 weeks because my uni is now fully closed... But I'm very grateful I have that opportunity. (As much as sometimes I would just like to go to sleep and wake up when this is all over, hah!)
Please continue to take care of yourself! Hope you find some comfort in music or other personal hobbies!
How are you doing? Last week was so stressful for me. So I am quite happy to be working from home this week. I hope you are staying healthy and happy through all of this! How was your week last week? I hope your weekend was alright? I had a pretty decent one me and a couple close friends had game night, and that was the highlight of my weekend. -sparkle 💫✨
I missed hearing from you, Sparkle! (But totally understand, the world is upside down right now.) I’m sorry you had a stressful week and I hope this one is better for you as you transition to working from home. My days have just fluctuated between quiet/boring and a little stressful (mostly re: house stuff, but that’s out of my control at this point), but I suppose I’m glad it hasn’t been worse than that.
Ooh what are your favorite games?? I’ve been trying to keep up creative side work between writing and blog content, but… I might purchase Animal Crossing soon hehe. Do you have any other hobbies to help distract you from stress/everything that’s going on? Take care dear! 💗
I know! I let time get away from me honestly! I hadn't been meaning too. I miss talking to you! I love all kind of games. I'm not particularly picky, but i do like that Game of LIfe. I've had just about ever version they've made. We played this one called Blockbuster in reference to movies and it was fun because if you know a lot of movies it's somewhat easy but you have to act out some of hte titles. Lol. Animal crossing seems like fun, everyone talks about it. Lol. -sparkle 💫✨ 1/2
I’ve never played it before. I’ve been thinking of getting an Nintendo Switch, but I don’t know how often I would play it. I know that game comes on there. But I heard it’s also an app? I’m not entirely sure. Lol. Also, I’m planning on making you a gif set for the secret bunny exchange! I know you said you love Jimin (my bias wrecker and sweet baby), Kookie, and Tae. And you were right, it’s hard to pick just ONE. Is there any particular one you want to see in a gif set? -sparkle 💫✨ 2/2
Receiving messages from you makes me happy! ^^ I know life is strange right now though so completely understand if you don’t have time. I’ll be patiently waiting!
So you like tabletop games? Sounds fun! I gravitate toward video games more personally, but haven’t had too much time lately to play. There are definitely fun ones to try if you ever get a Switch! There’s Breath of the Wild of course, which I admit I am still holding off on finishing because I don’t want it to be over LOL, some Mario & friends party games if that’s your jam, as well as some really beautiful indie games (Gris for example!). ANYWAY I won’t ramble about that anymore haha. I’m not sure what the app is, if you were referring to Animal Crossing–might be a companion to the game? I saw a tweet referring to using an app for quicker messaging in AC lol, but I haven’t played the game myself yet. 
Aw thank you so much for asking about the gift (and for making it in the future)!! Oh dear you want ME to pick one? If I’m honest, I think Jimin and Tae light up my heart the absolute most (any vmin content gives me life but totally understand if that’s not your thing) but… please don’t ask me to… choose between them HAHA. How about you go with whoever would give you the most joy to gif right now?? I will truly be happy to receive any gift from you, regardless of who is featured. :’)) thank you dear!! 
(Edit: btw who is your bias??)
I love tabletop games, and I play a lot of video games too. So don't get me wrong, I am huge into video games, but I don't play them as often. my boyfriend uses his PS4 all the time. I'm still trying to get through SpiderMan, but that's also because I don't wanna end it. I'm almost finished though. And yes! It's so hard to choose just one honestly, so I get your dilemma. And I can do vmin content! I don't gif them much and I want too. I can't wait to work on something for you! -sparkle 💫✨
Yay!! Sounds like we might have that in common. I have a huge appreciation for video games (and video game soundtracks is one of my favorite ‘genres’ of music, recognizing that they’re incredibly diverse of course), but I spend more time watching videos of other people playing them than playing them myself haha. We have a PS4 too. SpiderMan looked fun but I never tried it! I loved watching my partner play FFXV and Death Stranding. Trying to remember what I’ve actually finished on PS4, it’s been awhile lol... Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture and Rime were beautiful. I started Last Guardian but didn’t get very far before life got too busy. :( Hope I can pick it up again some day! Do you have a favorite PS4 game?
Aww you’re too kind. I’m so excited to see what you create!! And to chat with you off-anon. :) Who is your favorite member to gif?
Yes, I also like watching other people play video games, but it's rare when I do. I always end up getting distract sometimes. I've played SpiderMan, Horizon Zero Dawn, which are my favorites as well as Tomb Raider. I do really like FFXV, but i haven't played it in so long though. I can't wait to talk to you off anon either. I be having to really make sure I press the anon button. adlfkjsl I"m bad at forgetting. And Yoongi is my favorite to gif. -sparkle 💫✨
Oo I forgot I watched some of Horizon Zero Dawn too! Very impressive game. It looks like a lot of fun and I might try to play it myself in the future.. but like you said, it’s easy to get distracted. Life just likes to get in the way huh. Have you seen/heard of Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice? Intennnnse. I’m an absolute coward when it comes to horror games (or movies) and somehow my partner tricked me into playing one of the scariest parts because he got too scared HAH. That being said, as much as I love really emotionally intense games, I love soft gentle ones too… especially chill co-ops! (I’m thinking of the one we played most recently, Pode… that was on Switch though.)
Yayy Yoongi! I really do love all of BTS, and while the maknae line ran off with my heart, I have a big soft spot for Yoongi. I was never really drawn to rap/hip-hop except maybe Linkin Park like in middle school am I dating myself until I met Yoongi and just… wow.  ._. He’s so expressive in his delivery, his lyrics are heart-breakingly raw and honest, and he has extraordinary range between his gentlest material and the lines that come at you with a knife. Also I’m so proud of him for continuing to work as a producer and refine those skills on top of his life as an idol. What are your favorite things about Yoongi? If you can even choose haha 💗
Lol I know what you mean, I was really paranoid the first 2 weeks about sending anon messages to my other partners on mobile because the interface was different and I was really suspicious of the term ‘public’ vs ‘private.’ And every time I send the ask for about 5 seconds I question whether or not I clicked anon.
P.S. I should keep my mouth shut but … I have an itty bitty guess of who you may be. I won’t say any more than that and I guess I’ll find out in 2 weeks whether I’m right or wrong haha. xD take care sparkle dear!!
That game was really fun honestly. I still haven't finished. And sameeee! I am not into the horror games. The movies I can do, but the games I'm just too scared to really play them. I tried Resident Evil, and I was like this is a BIG FAT NO. Lol. And I haven't heard of that game though, but it sounds intense by the name of it. I also like soft gentle ones, or the ones were it's not a lot of challenging aspects to it. I really like Spyro. The original and the remake. -sparkle 💫✨ 1/2
Linkin Park is one of my favorite groups. I love them, and miss Chester so much. Also it sounds like we're maybe around the same age because that's when I got into them maybe? And I am so proud of him for everything that he's done. Yoongi originally wasn't my bias at first. I think maybe it was going to be Taehyung, but watching their variety shows made me fall in love with him. Outside of his hard exterior, he's so sweet and loving of the boys. It's so hard to just pick one! -sparkle 💫✨2/2
Okay, so one more. Lol. Because the ask limit is so short! I get paranoid all the time, and i have to like double check to make sure I Press it. alkdjfls NOW i'm curious as to who you think I am! But I do how you have a wonderful weekend. -sparkle 💫✨
Dying over your Resident Evil reaction because... SAME lol. However. I have enjoyed watching some playthroughs of 7 and the remake of 2, which is the closest I will ever come to watching a horror movie again. xD I have really fond memories of playing Spyro at my cousin’s house as a kid, but haven’t tried the remake yet! It looks like fun too. There are too many good games to choose from, not nearly enough time to play lol.
I only really listened to a couple of Linkin Park’s old albums, but I miss Chester too. \: We could be around the same age yeah! I’ll tell you when we’re messaging off-anon. :) 
If I may tell a story, my discovery of BTS went like this: heard a music clip in a YouTube ad of all places (normally skip them lol but I got it a couple times at work and thought hmm this is catchy). Then had to dive into some compilation videos to figure out which heckin song it was (turned out to be DNA). But along the way I found more songs I liked. And then I fell HARD for the Mic Drop MV (again, a little strange for me, because it’s pretty hip-hoppy). Jungkook makes this super intense expression at one moment that made me go oh. hello. So then I slowly learned who the different members were, and since this was me mostly streaming YT in the background at work haha, I had to keep switching tabs to check who was singing. I loved Jungkook’s singing but then also realized that I loved Jimin’s sweet voice too (yes I admit when I was first getting to know them, I could not always tell them apart). And THEN mister baritone Tae with his unique falsetto and delicious low range (I really wish they featured his chest voice more but OH WELL I digress) snagged my attention and ANYWAY long story short that’s how I fell in love with BTS and also the entire maknae line I guess. :’)
Hehehe I’ll tell you after the event ends if I’m right or wrong, don’t worry. It might be almost over, but I hope you had a lovely weekend too! ♥♥♥
Yes, somehow my sister convinced me to get it like she was going to play the game too, and she did not. I ended up exchanging the game because I'm like this is a waste of money. haha. I usually always skipped them too, so I totally understand. Everyone I knew liked but I had stopped listening to kpop for a while after the members of Big Bang went into enlistment (sad sad times). I first heard Dope. The FBE Youtube channel reacted to them, and I'm like OKAY GUYS. 1/3 -sparkle 💫✨
When Jungkook hits that high note I was like COME THROUGH VOCALS. So then naturally I had to go and look a few more videos. This was during around the time they had appeared on the AMAs the first time. And then I listened to I Need U and Save Me (this is one of my favorites). And I was hooked. I went and watched their Ellen interviews, and they're so sweet. I ended up binge watching their variety show and Bon Voyage and I was hooked then. -sparkle 💫✨ 2/3
Run BTS was when I realized that Yoongi was my bias. Because I'll admit that I did not like him at first, but I said that already. And then I just realized how sweet and funny he actually his. And I think he's just shy at times. At least in the beginning, but he's so handsome and his stage presence is like a 360 from him being off stage. If that makes sense. I could go on for house about Yoongi. Lol. -sparkle 💫✨3/3
The high notes in Dope are pretty ridiculous because they’re at the start of the phrase so they get little to no preparation lol. Their vocal abilities are truly impressive... and then they do it all while dancing :’) 
I agree that Yoongi’s stage presence is strikingly different from his real self! Or the self we get to see in their behind-the-scenes content lol. Possibly like a lot of people, I thought he was super intimidating and tough until I saw more of him offstage... and then went awww he’s a big softie who just doesn’t pull his punches when he’s rapping and producing.
Do you have any favorite Run BTS episodes? So far I’ve only watched a handful of the recent ones, but all the random gifs and clips of older content warms my heart or makes me laugh. I’d like to eventually watch them all from the beginning... some day lol. (see all previous mentions of being too busy to do anything fun outside of work haha)
They are ridiculous. I love when they hit high notes in songs. All the boys have such a beautiful range, and I love hearing them. Especially when they do their solo songs. Jimin's solos are normally my favorite because his voice is the type I tend to lean towards a lot His stage presence is so different! Just like Jhope's. It's always so different, but it's them all in a nutshell, if that makes sense. Lol. I was in Chorus for a while, and I liked it begin in a group. -sparkle 💫✨1/2
It's easier being in a group, but I could never do it by myself. And favorite Run episode? Hmmm, there are so many that I love. I prefer some of the older episodes to some of the new ones. I'll have to find them again, but there was one where they were doing like this haunted house type of thing and it had me dying of laughter. They're all so funny though. I'm still trying to catch up with some of the new ones they've been doing. -sparkle 💫✨2/2
The vocal line is so wonderful, but I’ve been increasingly impressed with the rap line’s singing too. I have always liked the beginning of Spring Day and I confess it took me an embarrassingly long time to wonder which one of them was singing, and I was surprised to learn that it’s Namjoon. Also his low line in Louder Than Bombs is wonderful... I don’t even care if it’s probably autotuned a little lolol. And I only recently found out about the song Sea, but Tae’s chest-range melody at the very end.. UGHGHGGH it’s too. good. (DEAR BIGHIT COMPOSERS, MORE BARI PLS.)
I had to sing in choir in grad school and ended up enjoying it way more than I thought I would. (I’m a composer/pianist and I needed ensemble credit.) I’ve always been really self conscious about my voice, and now... I would love to take vocal lessons some day. While I know that no two people will play an instrument exactly the same, it’s kind of magical that you don’t know what the true sound or full potential of your own singing voice will be until you train it. Do you play any instruments? :)
The vocal line is amazing. I love all of their voices for different reasons, and sometimes I'm in the mood for one, and then another time I'm in the mood for another. If that makes sense. I haven't listened to Sea that much, but it is such a beautiful song! And you're right. His chest tone HELLO VOCALS. Lol. I'd love to take vocal lessons one day, but not sure if I ever would. And I don't play any instruments, but I would love to learn guitar one day. Lol. It's a dream of mine. -sparkle 💫✨
Hii Sparkle. I’m sorry it took me a bit to get back to you, but it really makes me happy when I receive your messages! Yess Tae’s chest voice deserves all the shouty caps all the time hehe. I hope you have the opportunity to learn the guitar someday if that’s what your dream is! Everyone starts somewhere... I would love to learn the cello too :)) one day haha. 
Do you have a favorite “underrated” bts song? Just curious! Take care dear, looking forward to finding out who you are soon~
Yay! I'm glad you like hearing from me! I really like talking to you. I don't talk to many people on here sometimes, but then other times I do. So this is nice just to be able to talk with a fellow army. One day I will learn it, I just have to learn how to read music first. Lol. Because I definitely don't know how to. Hmm honestly there are a few that I feel are underrated, that i Iove. Spring Day, Hold Me Tight, and Autumn Leaves. These songs are queens! What about you? -sparkle 💫✨
Music is a lifelong learning process but it’s worth it. :’) I believe in you!! 
SPRING DAY!! 🌸🌸🌸 One of my all-time favorites. I honestly might not have a very good awareness of what is underrated and what isn’t, especially among older songs, but... I love Spring Day, The Truth Untold, Jamais Vu, and most recently Sea... lol hm I’m sensing a trend of bittersweet/melancholy songs. But also House of Cards (it’s just so delightfully WEIRD and dark and different??). On the other end of the spectrum (although not sure if it’s underrated?), Silver Spoon/Baepsae. What a jam. Love to tune out the world with that one at work on one of my walk breaks if I had a frustrating day. And maybe it’s too early to tell from MOTS 7, but I get the impression that I might love Louder Than Bombs way more than the average army. And that’s okay :)
I don’t talk to or know very many people on here yet too, probably because my blog is still relatively new. So I’m very glad to be getting to know you
I loved Spring Day as soon as I heard it. I still listen to it a lot when I'm in the mood for it. It's such a beautiful song. The Truth Untold IS A QUEEN. I love that one too. Jamais Vu, I think I have to be in the mood to listen to it sometimes, but it's growing on me. House of Cards, that one I heard last year sometime and I like that one too. I don't listen to it as much. And Silver Spoon is my go too song honestly on my way to work. Louder Than Bombs is really good. -sparkle 💫✨ 1/2
I listen to that one a lot myself. I think We Are Bulletproof 2.0 maybe one, but I'm not sure either. I absolutely adore that song so much. It's such a beautiful mad song honestly. And also you're right this update is kind of weird, but I don't mind the font so much. -sparkle 💫✨2/2
Yasss I’m glad you like Truth Untold too. It’s too beautiful. I practically cried when I heard for the first time a live performance video (somewhere in Japan) where he sang a higher note in the climax than in the studio recording auuughgghgh my heart. 
We Are Bulletproof pt. 2 took awhile to grow on me but I was happy when it did. I can be a little odd about the order in which I listen to songs, and usually need to listen in album order, but for some reason I really like that one after No More Dream. Also, though it’s hardly underrated, I now know what all the fuss is about Cypher pt. 3. I’ve been gradually purchasing their older albums (kinda out of order) and finally got to Dark & Wild about a month ago haha. I’m listening to all these mad songs now. Been in a weird sad mood for a lot of today tbh and... mad bts is helping a little haha. So is chatting with you!
I’m probably overreacting about the dashboard, but something about that bubbly serif font is irritating haha. And I don’t see this mythical option to revert to the old dashboard that people are talking about in their settings. Boo. I’ll get over it... eventually haha.
The Truth Untold is one of my favorites, and I normally don't like ballads a lot. It takes me a while to get into them, but this one just caught my eye. I'm learning Korean, and it's one of the ones that I can sing along too while reading the lyrics! I am super proud of that accomplishment. When I was going through their albums after I got into them, I skipped the older ones at first. I wasn't sure if I really liked them. -sparkle 💫 1/2
I listen to a select few of them on their darker albums, but a lot of it isn’t really what I like hearing. Although, I think I may revisit the albums again. It’s been a while since I actually listened to them. haha if you go to settings > dashboard you’ll see it there. Just let it load for a second, adn then it pops up. -sparkle 💫✨ 2/2
(Ugh I typed an answer and then tried to drop in a screenshot and everything disappeared. Got it, tumblr. No dropping images. REDO.)
Oo that’s awesome that you’re learning Korean! Are you self-studying? How long have you been studying? I’ve been studying Japanese for several years (very slowly lol). Then a few months ago, thanks to BTS, I was suddenly really interested in learning Korean too. I worked on memorizing hangul for a week and then had a “lol what am I doing” moment when I realized I didn’t know nearly enough Japanese yet to realistically tackle two challenging languages at the same time. So Korean is on hold for now, but I really wish I could just… magically be fluent haha. It would be amazing to understand their lyrics or interviews/conversations on the spot without relying on translations. And English is stupidly difficult, so as much as I appreciate how much effort they’ve put into learning too… as an international fan, I wish I could return that effort too and learn their language so that they don’t feel like they need to learn English. 
Love Yourself: Answer was my first album and I purchased that one specifically because it was a compilation and contained most of the individual songs I already knew I liked from YouTube haha. Then I expanded from there. To be honest, if I had found BTS when they were just getting started, or anytime before HYYH, I probably wouldn’t have connected with their music, sound-wise or thematically. But… they were exactly what I needed when I did finally find them. And now I have immense appreciation for their beginnings and how far they’ve come, even loving some older songs/styles that I never expected to. As I mentioned, I don’t usually listen to pop or rap/hip-hop… like ever haha. But something about them just reached into my heart and I’ll be forever grateful to them.
I tried what you suggested (waiting on the page) and… the text kinda jumped at one point as though something else had loaded, but nothing else displayed. Am I derping around on the wrong page? \:
edit: I see it in the source code, idk why the toggle isn’t displaying for me 🙃
Yes! I am self learning. I have been doing it on and off for like two years, but the last part of last year I've been doing it most often. However with everything that's going on, it's kind of slowed down and I've just been focusing on what's going on in the world right now. I feel the same. I think if I would have found them before, I don't think I would have liked them as much as I do now. I do have an appreciation for their older music even if I don't listen it to it much. 1/3 -sparkle 💫✨
Their first two albums I didn't like as much, but everything from then on I'm pretty sure I am obsessed with when I found them out. Lol. I do remember you say that previously that you don't listen to a lot of that style of music. What do you normally like to listen to? I listen to a lot of everything, so I'm not sure if I have a genre that i really stick too. Although, I think in the beginning i listened to a lot of hiphop/rap and alternative stuff. -sparkle 💫✨ 2/3
Then the older i got the more I got into pop music because I found kpop when I was about 17, and it's been stuck to me ever since. Lol. So I don't know I like a lot of music that makes me feel good and I can dance too or sing along with. I think maybe it depends on my mood. Lol . -sparkle 💫✨3/3
I think that’s awesome that you’re working on learning the language on your own! And I understand the challenges of keeping it up independently, especially in such strange and challenging times... I feel guilty that I stopped my daily kanji studying pretty much as soon as I started working from home. It was initially because I used my commute time to study (I’m in a vanpool) and... definitely lost some motivation once everything started changing. I know I shouldn’t be too hard on myself though for taking a break, and I hope you are not either. I’m hoping to get back into soon and reform some study time habits :)
Yeah it sounds like you’ve been listening to Kpop for a long time! ^^ Aside from my fairly recent BTS obsession, I gravitate toward moodier music in general haha. Evanescence was my instant favorite way back in middle school and... tbh I still listen to their albums sometimes! I tended to like anything indie-ish with piano or rock + orchestra. I loved this European band Within Temptation, their music is like a blend of rock and symphonic orchestra. Nowadays, I love video game music and that’s probably what I listen to the most... Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasyyy), who is probably one of my biggest inspirations for pursuing composition, Austin Wintory (Journey, Abzu, etc), and more recently Jessica Curry (everything the Chinese Room studio made lol). The past few days I’ve been streaming the songs from Death Stranding. I admit I don’t tend to have a lot of variety... I’m kind of picky and when I find something I love, I will listen to that obsessively over and over for months on end. Like BTS. xD No regrets haha! But I know I should broaden my horizons too...
I'm trying not to be so hard on myself, but I know I'll get back into it soon as I set a schedule for myself. Evanescence is amazing, that's all I got to say. I love them so much, so I totally get it. That's interesting though. I love learning about others music interest. It's always so different and diverse from mine. And also, I realized I didn't answer your question about the dash, and for some reason I don't know why it's not showing up. You were in the right place though. -sparkle 💫✨
Yayy glad you like Evanescence! Yes it is amazing and also wonderful that we all have unique tastes. I know I should make a better effort to try out new things, because finding something new that I connect with is amazing (see: BTS hehe).
I'm so excited to meet you next week!! Please take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend 💗
Sometimes it’s harder to really step out the box. So I totally understand, but I’ve always kind of had “weird” taste in different music so I like listening to whatever it is I like! And yes! I can’t to show you what I’m working on. I’m still searching for things for it! Lol. So I hope you like it. Also I hope you have an amazing week! And also a good day! -sparkle ✨💫
I woke up way earlier than planned thanks to this new isolation insomnia, but I was so happy to see your message. 💜 I’m so excited to meet you, but don’t feel like you have to rush on the gift! I know whatever you make will be wonderful. I hope you have a great week too. Do you have any ~weird~ music suggestions? I’ll give them a try!
I totally understand how that is. I hate waking up earlier than I want too because then you don't want to get up out of bed, but then you're too awake to go back to sleep. At least that's how i feel. Hmmm, weird music suggestions? I'm not entire sure. I like Florence and the Machine, FK Twigs (this might be an acquired taste), Panic at the Disco. There's so much I listen too, and my mind is going blank. Lol. -sparkle ✨💫
Yeah, that was my feeling exactly. :( At least I put in a couple extra hours of work, so I’ll get to take a shorter Friday. Or whichever day we try to brave a grocery run.
Thank you, I will check them out! Hehe due to your comment, I am intrigued by FK Twigs. For some reason I couldn’t really get into Panic at the Disco in high school, even though I had friends who loved them, but... I do appreciate that someone made an Emote! at the Location bot on twitter. xD
I hope you are having a good week so far! Tbh mine has been a little gloomy, but... I am really looking forward to meeting you! And finding out if my guess is right haha :’)) Take care dear!
And I loved Panic! They were so good, I still love them or Brendon Urie. Lol. FK Twigs is really good, but I know she's not for everyone. I really enjoy her music honestly. And honestly, I'm just about finished with your gif set. I have to find a few more videos and I'll post it probably tomorrow or later tonight depending on when I finish. And hmm, I don't know I don't think it is, but it shouldn't be long though. however, I'm really curious to know who you think I am. -sparkle ✨💫
EEek I’m so excited!! (Please don’t stay up late just for me though!)
As much as I am terrible at branching out, I do enjoy finding new music I like, so thank you again for the suggestions! I will try to listen with open ears and mind haha. Have you heard of Fleurie? I stumbled across her music when an artist I followed made a piece inspired by some of her lyrics. She might be quite a bit different than the artists you recommended though.
I’m going to feel a little silly if I’m wrong, but I’ll tell you after the reveal so I don’t make a fool of myself early. xD Can I ask you one question – do you know your Myer-Briggs type?
I'll probably go to bed soon. I'm actually in bed. I just got stuck on the tiktok app, and I really shouldn't. I've never heard of her, but I'll have to check her out tomorrow and see what she's about. And yes! I do know my Myers-Briggs type! -sparkle ✨💫
Oops you fell down the internet rabbit hole before bed :) Hope you didn’t stay up too late and got enough rest!
Love and War is the first song I found by Fleurie, and it’s also the title of one of her albums. It’s a little bit older but probably my favorite overall! I love the song Hurts Like Hell. It’s devastating but beautiful.
Have a great day, hope to talk to you more soon! 💜
p.s. I’m INFJ ✨
I did fall down the rabbit hole of the internet. It always happens. Also you should check out Kerli! she's really interesting, and I really like her music. Her music videos are also really nice. Intriguing at most. Lol. And I'm infj too! -sparkle ✨💫
I know the reveal has been made, but I didn’t want to leave this sitting all alone in my inbox.
Thank you, Ash, for taking the time not only to make me a beautiful gift but to talk with me this past month. Thank you for being a light and comfort in these uncertain times. I will miss your little surprise messages, but I hope we keep in touch. Now I will go back to liking your wonderful posts (because I confess I held back once I started to guess who you were, I didn’t want you to be suspicious either HAH). I’ve said it a lot but I really hope you stay safe, healthy, and happy!!  💗✨💫💗
3 notes · View notes
enccrypted · 5 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
1. FIRST NAME:  my name is something else, but I actually do more commonly go by jun nowadays in my day-to-day life!
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF:  as a child i rode a bicycle into my aunt’s pool because I have no sense of foresight even though avoiding diving into the pool was the EASIEST thing to figure out in that moment. And riding a bike in a pool is illegal in California, so :( Please don’t call the cops on me
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON:  A lot of my partners I’ve dated on sheer basis of their personality, but... lean? not necessarily super slender but I personally tend towards slimmer builds, I think? And I also really like nice eyes and hands... and I love voices I find soothing and nice to listen to!! Sound is a hate or love thing for me, so if I hear a certain sound or string of sounds I like, I can get stuck on it. And likewise if a sound is just unbearable to me, it sends my brain into fucky spirals. So that’s why I have certain songs on loop for weeks on end, because when I like a certain type of sound, I want it in my ears constantly.
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF:  these spicy noodles 🍜 they’re called buldak bokkeum myeon, hot chicken ramyeon 😋
5. A FOOD YOU HATE:  I’m actually five years old, so vegetables can get the fuck off my plate. Most of the time they just have some weird textures that I cannot handle in my mouth. I feel like it’d be better if I owned a blender and could make smoothies out of some of them, but that’s a plan for the future when I can actually have full control over my own diet
6. GUILTY PLEASURE:  I love... to eat out... and to eat in general, but it’s hard to eat out a lot because it’s very expensive :( but then my opposite guilty pleasure is packaged ramen that’s cheap as shit... I’m a very inconsistent personality lmao
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN:  my pants and nothing else
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS:  only serious relationships!! I mentally cannot make myself date a person if I haven’t been friends with them for at least a few months, optimally one or two years. I like to know the people I end up dating and feel comfortable around them, really know them before I even think about taking it a step further. Being good friends with a person, talking a lot with them, and feeling that I can speak to them as a partner AND a friend with whom I would trust my secrets (and therefore be honest with them about anything!) is so wildly important to me. And also I just don’t trust like that.
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE:  so many things. I think about it constantly. My most common daydreams and things I imagine as I lie in bed at night is somehow waking up with my current day mind in the body of my younger self and just living life differently. But I’m sure a lot of us would tweak a thing or two, regardless of whether they’re subtle or hugely impacting, and in reality it’s just not going to happen. So while I’m not “happy” with where I am, I’m at least happy with my efforts and where I’m trying to go from here on out!
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON:  It’s tough to get me to that point, as in I’m really picky with whom I choose to get closer to just based on compatibility, how much I initially feel I’ll be comfortable around a certain person, etc. But once I get to a status of friendship, I’m very free with affection :’) maybe too much? I drop a lot of “I love you”s and I occasionally make a fuss over the people I care about, but only to make sure they’re okay or something. Not overbearing!! I think... sometimes i accidentally say “babe/baby” to my friends and I realise two seconds later that it’s fucking weird but . can’t cry over spilt milk lmao
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN:  I’m not a “watch a movie again” type of person because it takes me actually wanting to watch a movie, then making the conscious decision to invest the time in sitting down and watching it... so a song I like! because I can multitask while listening to music and it doesn’t take any huge commitment for 2-7 minute songs: Scenes from an Italian Restaurant. I could listen to most of Billy Joel’s songs on repeat for days, though.
12. FAVORITE BOOK:  My favourite books switch around because I always discover something new, then turn around and go straight back to an old book I used to love after rereading it... over the years I most strongly remember loving: Crime and Punishment, The Great Gatsby, and Howl’s Moving Castle! 
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE:  I want a cat really badly! I do have a stray cat that I hang out with at my school, but that just isn’t the same as having one of my own! And I’ve always wanted a snake since I was a wee bab so, someday, when I’m moved out and financially stable 🐍
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]:  TWO OF MY FAVOURITES ARE WITH JAY: his higgs (death stranding, goldenmasked) and his revenant (iidolum)... I didn’t start off writing with either of them with huge shipping intentions in mind, but I’ve got some plots with him that are my favourite... 😭😭 other than that, cryptane, cryptage, and gibraltar/crypto! That’s five right there.
15. PIE OR CAKE:  it’s illegal to make me make decisions like this. I don’t even like cake and pie that much but when I’m in the mood for either one, they’re equally good. I can choose flavours though: apple pie and chocolate cake.
16. FAVORITE SCENT:  Gasoline? Cigarette smoke? Those are bad for me especially since I’m asthmatic, but they’re really the only thing that come to mind. AND also this oil because it smells vividly of childhood. I still have a bottle I use from time to time.
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH:  I’m not really feeling any right now... but George Michael was always such a cutie :’) 
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO:  I want to go home to Australia for a bit, and visit Vietnam again (don’t remember when I last went because I was too small...). Canada, maybe?
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT:  a mix of the two, but currently feeling very introvert.
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY:  it depends on my mood. I’m either really finicky and easily scared by anything if I’m on edge, or my brain just shuts off and blocks out the whole function of terror so when something happens, I’m just like. yeah??
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID:  android and not interesting in ever switching off.
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES:  this is a blog for a video game character!!
23. DREAM JOB:  I’m chasing a career in psychiatry and I might someday return to mechanical engineering.
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS:  buy a nice small place somewhere!! fund the rest of my education on my own! give some of the money to my friends!!! fill my savings account to the brim!
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE:  im trying so hard to think of a character that i hate, but I’ve mostly enjoyed the character cast of everything I’ve watched/read/played lately. life’s too short, and so is my memory, for me to remember anything that hasn’t occurred in the past few months. at the least, it makes me a much happier man so, win for me ;)
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER:  hate to admit it, but I used to be a Hetalia fan. Lmao. Some of the worst people I met there, but I also met my ex-girlfriend in the fandom, and we made fangames for it together :’) one of my favourite memories of younger years.
TAGGED BY:  i stole it from one of jay’s blogs... my big brain can’t remember which but go follow him on both higgs and revenant anyway
TAGGING:  @deathchasing, @mircoy
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crossroadsimagine · 5 years
hiii could i please get a match up from Noragami, Tokyo Ghoul, or Bleach? im a 5’5 bisexual girl & im pretty quiet unless im in an unusually good mood. pretty pessimistic, & on better days an optimistic nihilist. im kind to everyone who’s kind to me & shows respect but im willing to throw hands with anyone who disrespects the ppl i love. i love rainy days & usually keep to myself but i lowkey miss having friends & going out, messing around n having fun. my fav colors are red and black, thank u
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☰ Matched with Renji Abarai
Renji will take an interest in you fromthe first time the two of you meet, though he really won’t show it much andespecially won’t seem very interested in you romantically right away. 
It’s notuntil the two of you have spent a fair amount of time together that he’ll beginto develop feelings for you, but may hesitate to actually ask you out forawhile it could be a few weeks before he actually goes to ask you out. 
When hedoes ask you out he will seem pretty nervous and not quite himself because he willbe worried about you turning him down, he makes sure to ask you when the two ofyou are alone and will likely even ask you to go for a walk or something simplejust to ask you out. 
From the moment the two of you start dating he is veryopen and honest with you and won’t hide anything from you, and while he willwant you to be open with him as well, he won’t expect it immediately and but hewill want you to feel comfortable and safe with him in time. 
You are prettyquiet and in a good mood for the most part and will be very kind to those whoare kind to you, Renji is very protective over you and can even be a bitsuspicious or picky of your friends or family if he feels like they are toxicto you or like anyone is taking advantage of you. 
However, you are perfectlycapable of defending yourself and standing up for yourself and the people youlove if you feel like someone has disrespectful to them. Renji is happy tospend time with you however you would like and doesn’t mind staying home orgoing out, he will like a bit of variety rather than doing the same thing dayafter day. 
So, if you want to stay home and watch movies or such for a few dayshe’s comfortable with that but every now and then he’ll like to go out withyou, to the beach and amusement park, out to eat or sightseeing. He willespecially like taking you to things like festivals and fairs because it’ssomething different that he will enjoy doing with you, but whatever makes youhappy he’s happy to do.
 He can be a bit argumentative at times and can arguewith you but generally doesn’t take arguments too seriously unless the argumentactually is over something serious or important to him, but even than he’llwant to make up with you after a few hours or a day at most because he will notlike staying mad at you or knowing you’re mad at him. 
He will tease you prettyfrequently and can be sarcastic often with you and others as well, though henever teases or pushes things too far because he won’t want to upset you. Overall he is very loving and considerate towards you and though he’s not romantiche can be very thoughtful and will like suggesting ideas for dates or thingsthe two of you could do or places to go. 
Once he falls in love with you whichdoesn’t take long he takes the relationship very seriously, and he will enjoytalking with you about the future with you and wanting to know what you wantand what your dreams are, because he will do whatever it takes to make youhappy and give you the future you dream of.
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☰ Headcanons between you two
■He is very encouraging and pushes you to achieve your dreams and goals, nomatter how big or small could be exercising, studying, passing a class, gettinga certain job, graduating etc. Anything he will encourage you all the way andcheer you on, he’ll also help you in any way that he can and will like to feeluseful to you.
■Can be rather easily embarrassed by PDA especially at the start of therelationship, and even rather shy to affection when the two of you are alone aswell. But it doesn’t take too long for him to become comfortable with it andthen he will be far more cuddly and affectionate, hugging you often and leaningagainst you when sitting next to you at times.
■He enjoys spending as much time with you as he can but will also give you spaceand time to yourself and he’s never very clingy. He does enjoy simple andrelaxing things with you, going for walks, eating lunches with you, watchingthe clouds or just lazing about talking with you he will be rather content. Buthe’ll do just about anything with you so if you want to go out or do somethingmore energetic, he’s all for it.
■Very protective and quick to jump to defend you even a little too quick and maynot even give you a chance to defend yourself if someone criticizes or teasesyou. Even at times when a friend or family member may just be lightly teasing you,he can take it more serious than it really is. But he simply won’t likelistening to anyone belittle you.
☰ Other possible matches
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◐ Kazuma is very loving and caring and canbe a bit overly motherly and protective of you, especially when somethingserious or dangerous is going on. He doesn’t particularly care for PDA oraffectionate acts unless the two of you are alone, which when the two of youare alone, he can be very loving and affectionate. He can be fairly serious andstern at times and he takes the relationship very seriously and is nothing butloyal to you, and very considerate and quite thoughtful because he likes beinghelpful and useful to you.
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◐ Renji is loving and caring though itcan take him some time to warm up to you and really feel comfortable beingaround you, he doesn’t really like PDA and would really prefer to be affectionatewith you when the two of you are alone. Which when he does feel comfortablewith you, he can instigate cuddles pretty often and will hug you often. He is agood listener and he’s very observant and won’t hesitate to ask you questionsif he feels like something is on your mind or something is bothering you, he won’tlet you just keep things to yourself and stay upset or sad.
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oppressiveliberator · 6 years
What are things Ghetsis likes to do in his spare time? Does he have anything in particular that he really enjoys doing that most wouldn’t know about? (Like. Knitting or some hobby type thing like that.)
Hobbies, huh. . . .
Ghetsis is a very goal-oriented person. Back when he was Plasma Boss and all, he wasn't really one for many hobbies--he certainly enjoyed doing things in his free time now and then, but by the time he'd adopted N, he was putting most of his free time into Plasma and advancing his goals and such.
But like I said, he did enjoy things now and then!
((snip snip unless you’re on mobile in which case as always I am sorry--maybe i should start putting these into multiple posts instead of singular big ones?  lmao
Also brief mentions of I think abuse, Pokémon abuse, torture??  i don’t think there was anything else triggering in there but i’m also too lazy to reread it lmao))
Ghetsis loves to read. He most enjoys nonfiction--true crime, history, religion, culture, Pokémon, human psychology, science, world news; Ghetsis really loves just about anything that can teach him something new. He's all about doing lots and lots of research, too, and he's actually well versed in old languages, too, especially old Unovan. He made a cypher for translating(and even taught Zinzolin how to read it a bit! In fact, Zinzolin is the one who has the Old Unovan linguistic work he's done atm because he can't let go of his boyfriend's old things) But he also likes a good fiction novel--crime, historic, alternate history, adventure, thriller, horror. . .he's picky about fantasy and science fiction and romance, but he'll read them now and then too.
While he's not really that into it, he does watch a lot of TV lately. He has days where he's pretty much immobile, so something he can just lie down and watch is nice to at least keep him from just sleeping all day. His taste in TV and movies is pretty similar to his taste in books. However, he's not much of a TV person and it's more something he just kind of accepts as what he 'has to' do nowadays. Sometimes he just. Doesn't have the energy to turn pages in a book. But entertainment is always better than boredom.
In his current state, Ghetsis doesn't really do much daydreaming or quiet contemplation, because ultimately it leads to a heavy slew of negative thoughts and emotions and makes him feel terrible. But in the past, he spent much of his time thinking about the world, plotting, planning. Lately if he does anything it's daydream or dissociate but. The latter isn't really, y'know, a hobby or something he really wants to do.
Music! Is one of his highest interests!! The Harmonia family is a very musical and artistic one, so he was surrounded by music and taught to sing and play instruments since he was in diapers. He doesn't think of himself as being able to play instruments nowadays. . .even though he still played now and then when he lost most usage of his arm, so long as it obviously didn't really require both hands or a need for both could be worked around. At present he's more into listening to music than anything--and his tastes are far more variant than you'd expect, as he's able to find some enjoyment in most any genre. He's started to sing more lately, too, although since his voice is often poor, he hates to do it and have to hear how terrible he sounds. But after Bede told him not to be discouraged over it and that some practice would surely restore his voice to its former glory, he's been singing to himself a bit more in an attempt to get his vocal chords back in decent condition.
(The unexpected part of this is when you find him singing old pop songs. . . . . . . .)
Ghetsis is, despite being antisocial as far as his personality/mindset/comfort levels, actually quite outgoing and enjoys people's company and talking to them, watching them. He loves social events and crowds and being around people--although he also hates it because, well, everyone is below him and the world around them is usually disgusting. But he quite likes company, especially from interesting and intelligent people, and he's playfully flirtatious too. While he prefers to do the talking and teaching, he's not against listening if somebody catches his attention and, again, Ghetsis has an insatiable desire for knowledge. Oh and socializing doesn't always have to be positive, either! He l o v e s to harass his protags. He likes to disturb people and make them afraid and uncomfortable and upset. He'd probably be an internet troll now and then if he bothered with internet socializing.
(Also, Ghetsis fucks to survive is a hedonist. So having people around means getting laid when he wants to. And how can he say no to being attended to and having his body worshipped and pleasured? To the power that comes with controlling someone else's pleasure, making their whole body respond with a mere touch, sometimes even less?)
As of late he also quite enjoys taking walks when he can--and while he's still beginning to accept it, he has started taking his wheelchair out(though, not in the regular world, only in the magic plane he’s hiding on) if he can't do his own walking and just enjoying the world outside. He. . .misses it.
He actually is very well travelled and he loves travelling, visiting new places, learning new things in person, going on expeditions and to archaeological sites and ruins and historic places. . .! Up until BW he travelled a good amount and enjoyed the bounties and interests his the world had to offer, practical or not. He likes himself a good time and experiences. Of course it lessened when he acquired his kids, especially N. And nowadays he hardly even leaves the house, let alone the region, though with the way his magic hideaway works(rather, doesn't work) he can wind up travelling by accident simply because it isn't stable enough not to move around.
And, of course there's magic. Ghetsis habitually draws little magic circles and things here and there, little spells to store magic or discourage nightmares or encourage remembering things. If he's idly tracing something on a table that's probably why. If he's idly tracing something on a person, that's probably why--in particular, he'd 'bless' N with safety when he went outside, or put magic on him that would ideally 'lock' his mind somewhat so he wasn't influenced by the outside world and had his plans ruined. Ghetsis does rituals every now and then(there used to be some cultish stuff in Team Plasma. . .maybe. . .but rituals aren't necessarily cultish, just like regularly done things) and magical cleanses, protection for his own spaces, charging the crystals and things he has around, and practices little bits of magic here and there just so he knows he can still do it. Now and then he tries to learn or develop new magic, but he's really not in the best condition for good magic usage. It certainly doesn't stop him but, y'know, tries to keep playing with fire to a minimum lest he burn his house down.
Of course, these are mostly things he does at present. . .with the strokes and the weakness in his body and the problems with his cognition and mind in general. . .his options are lessened in his opinion. His depression and lessened will to live make it hard for him to do even those things--let alone some of the things he used to do.
Sports are among the things he'd done in the past--namely basketball(just kinda happens when you're over 6ft tall.) He gave his old ball to N to teach him to play, but back then he could still play, one arm or not. Nowadays he has trouble even sitting up let along standing, running, and he's still accepting that he needs a wheelchair now and then when he can't get around so easily himself, so wheelchair basketball isn't something he'd even consider trying. Playing basketball? Tennis? Hell, any sport? He can't even consider it. He hates watching sports now. Whereas he used to love to do so because he could watch Unovan teams VS other regions and feel proud and cheer for Unova and so on, but now he can't stand it because it makes him think of how he used to be.
One of the things he did a lot up until the end of BWB2W2, was, of course, train his Pokémon, care for them, sometimes even play with them. They needed exercise and enrichment, and keeping them in fighting and killing shape was a high priority, both for enjoyment/entertainment and for the sake of having strong Pokémon. But now his Pokémon are all gone. . .and he resents all Pokémon for it and his hostility towards them all has increased. If anything at present, he takes even greater delight in hurting Pokémon than he had in the past.
Public speaking, debating, evangelizing, convincing people of Plasma's ways, giving and writing speeches was also a hobby he enjoyed. Usually, however, he winged his speeches, simply spoke from his cunning heart. Of course, if he tried to do something like that today. . .well, someone would call interpol and it'd be a whole thing. . .he does talk to himself a even more than he used to now, but it's not the same.
Punishing and teaching Plasma's members and anyone they decided to. . .host for a while, so they could learn the truths and come to know Team Plasma's might and perspective. . .being able to torment captives, seeing the hope leave somebody's eyes, god. He misses power. He misses victims. He misses taking out his frustrations on somebody locked in his dungeons, beating them and spitting on them and showing them how above them he was, torturing them--. . .expressing his power, he never really gets to do it anymore. . . . Harming others. . .even less. . .and what power, authority, strength does he have to at present anyways. . . . .
Training members of Plasma and their Pokémon, using the Pokémon they'd liberated for various behind the scenes work like building the castle, abusing people and Pokémon alike, really he found such bliss in it. Yes, it was something he kept quite quiet about or explained away until Neo Plasma--after all, nobody knew of his plans and intentions until he was defeated--but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy it.
Unexpected things. . .hm. he's pretty adventurous so I'm sure he's tried lots of things, but ultimately discarded them as things to do often for one reason or another. Knitting he can't see himself doing, one hand and all.
When N was younger, he actually took care of the human dolls and toys he gave him, since n mostly cared about the pokémon ones and was neglectful towards the human ones. Which was what was intended! But it irked Ghetsis's sense of perfectionism to see them all messed up, so he'd do their hair and dress them and so on just so they were in order and not a messy pile in the corner.
Ghetsis liked visiting dig sites and such, but he also enjoyed personally going on expeditions now and then too! He'd been planning one to the Abyssal Ruins for some time, but it never came to fruition. . . .
Since he was so well researched and did lots of discovering things himself, he’s written academic papers and things of that nature too.  Spreading his knowledge is always great.
Sciences piqued his interests sometimes, although that may not be a surprise. It's probably even less of a surprise that he was interested in experimentation on people and Pokémon--he was usually eager to let Colress do as he pleased as a result.
OH RIGHT ALSO! COLLECTING STUFF!! In particular things relating to or supposedly relating to legendary and mythical Pokémon and extinct ones too and history/legends and other unique things--stuff like feathers from legendary birds or orbs or gems said to strengthen or summon them and stuff like that. . .! He has a raw keystone, but he's not super aware of what it is since Mega Evos only really have recently come into common knowledge and he wasn’t in Kalos to learn about that in particular at the time, so he just thinks it's a cool kalosian rock with a strong life energy.
Tbh idk about any unexpected hobbies for him. . .tbf i also have like. No hobbies of my own. So this is kind of a hard question for me because doing things in your spare time??? I can't even bring myself to do things when o have to do them! Lmao.
He's abandoned a lot of his hobbies and interests. It kinda comes with being old and disabled and depressed and losing your will to live. He's feeling a bit better as of the start of the blog recent--so he's getting a bit active again, but. . .he's still not used to being "incapable" and it gets between him and doing anything for fun.
But hopefully this answer satisfied! And if not, if you're curious about anything in particular, send another ask my way!!
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