#im within my coping range but good god
system-of-a-feather · 2 years
It is really wild how heavily my feelings towards possibly having a semi-normal semi-low stress semi-free life soon swings WILDLY between the normal and expected joy and excitement, and sheer depression and anxiety. It's part of the motions itself and it's the trauma speaking, but the idea of not having my childhood trauma placing strict psychological walls and limits of what I can and can't do just... in a weird way it seems almost miserably boring right now. Like literally 3 hours ago I was excited and relieved but now Im dreading it - and I'm pretty sure I'm still me, maybe I'm still fused with Data as well and its just me swinging between two dominant sides, I can't tell but good god the swings from relief, excitement, joy and just an existential crisis and sense that without the chronic stress and pressure and extremely rigid walls I've been living in if I would even still be me
Which is an anxiety thing, because obviously Ill still be me and obviously life will still suck and be stressful in its own ways, but man is the idea of being relatively free came out of left field and I've only had a month to really realize how close we are to it.
I'm honestly... kind of scared to be happy. I don't think I'm ready for it XD
Like straight up, I'm terrified of being happy and healing now that I'm at a huge threshold point in healing probably. Im just like
Wait wait
Wait no wait
Hold up slow down
I haven't thought about this decision genuinely beyond a theoretical haha thatd be nice but would never happen
And its at my front door
What do you mean Ill have OPTIONS in life other than survive
Im not ready for OPTIONS in life
God someone hide me I'm not ready to live and thrive jesus christ
Most graduating college students I feel have this anxiety around graduating because they have to live on their own, take on independence, and have to adult permanently on their own and that stress I'm good I love that I'm ready for that
But god damn does the freedom of not having to prepare for the next test every 3-4 weeks, the grind to do more and more, and then returning home and not having my own place - that shit, THAT shit scares the fuck out of me
Make me survive on $5 for food a day, fine I can make that work I'm used to and good at struggling and suffering. Give me a home and money that I make myself and let me live with my supportive and loving fiance and engage in my hobbies when I get the chance because I succeeded at immense cost at preparing for the work force?????????
Relaxing?! ENJOYING LIFE?! terrifying.
Like Im writing this satirically but its unironically the thing thats had me dysregulated for a fucking month. It's getting better and more manageable than before but good GOD have I never more understood the thing my therapist tried to get me to understand that "I have grown comfortable in my misery"
Like I don't want to stay in my current life style god no its not sustainable, but to get BETTER? To have a chance at something nice? Somehow right now that sounds scarier than the current life cause man, I know my misery. Even when my brain genuinely doesn't see this as a "waiting for second shoe to drop" the level of which I am so unfamiliar with existing in anything but a chronic trauma response state and the possibility that I might not be in a chronic trauma response state TERRIFIES me.
And Im really here going "Don't worry we still live in a dystopian capitalist society and life will still suck its okay" to ease my anxiety and good god
I fucking god PTSD man. Someone without PTSD aint like this man
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lepoppeta · 2 months
Vox x Alastor?? For the ship bingo
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oh my god okay so radiostatic means everything to me
its so gut-wrenchingly sad and also hilarious and also off-putting and also so steeped in devotion and romance it makes me want to scream ??? i want them to metaphorically kiss and make up but i also know that would never fucking happen and thats also good ??? they make my head spin.
alastor is a shameless theatre kid who LOVES being the center of attention — vox is OBSESSED with alastor, and is thus a consistent source of that attention. vox is distressingly easy to tease and alastor feeds off of his passionate responses like a leech. theyre so codependant on each others apparent hatred. i need to bite something.
my favourite version of their relationship that ive made up (and this only works with their series iterations — imo their pilot/comic counterparts have never even considered an acquaintanceship, let alone a romance) is that their falling out was one huge, violent misunderstanding. alastor began to lose his power and status within the overlord hierarchy when he refused to adapt over time (can you IMAGINE how fucking powerful he would be if he just stopped being such a stubborn asshole and decided to start including podcasts under the "radio" umbrella?) and vox swiftly surpassed him. vox didnt want alastor to be left behind, and offered a partnership where they could operate in tandem and basically control almost all media output in hell. alastor mistook this for vox saying that alastor wasnt interesting enough as he was and HAD to change, and as we all know alastor DESPISES being thought of as uninteresting. he tells vox to fuck off and vox is left wondering what the hell just happened.
objectively i dont think theyd ever make up — alastor is FAR too prideful to ever consider the idea that HE was the one who was mistaken, and i dont think he particularly likes the idea of emotional or physical vulnerability either. regardless, what i would love to imagine is that eventually, SOMEHOW, they do, and that their relationship is... actually so easy. this is most likely just me projecting, but i like to think of vox as just wanted alastor as an actual partner, not a fuck buddy (his "relationship" with valentino is a coping mechanism for his anxiety and confusion and doesnt necessarily reflect on how he would be with alastor, someone i like to think he actually appreciates as a person). vox is a complete lovesick FOOL.
this is so long already so im sticking some extra spicy headcanons below the cut!
if their relationship ever edged (hah) into sexual territory, i actually think it could work, but it definitely wouldnt be vanilla (absolutely zero penetration in this relationship). i think a fair amount of voyerism, dom/sub play, and hypnotism is involved — vox obviously has his hypnotic stare, and i like to personally headcanon that alastor can hypnotise people with his voice. like... idk, alastor i feel like would get a lot of enjoyment (sexual or not) out of toying with people and seeing them squirm, and vox would respond really well to some level of praise + orgasm denial.
for me i can imagine alastor ranging from completely sex-repulsed and having no libido at all, to being appreciative enough of the sensation but disliking the vulnerability and general grossness of bodily fluids that comes (ha-ha) with it. i think vox wouldnt care either way — as long as he gets to have alastor, hes beyond thrilled.
i LOVE thinking about the potential for predator/prey dynamics too. i like to headcanon that alastor actually has to spend a lot of energy fighting off his very annoying prey instincts on the daily and maintaining a mask of indifference. deer/elk iirc are naturally very skittish — alastors hearing is terribly accute and a lot of the time hell ends up being too LOUD for him. his ears are a huge indicator of his emotions so he has to force them to be still so no-one knows how hes feeling. compared to this, despite not being an actual shark, vox has a lot of shark themes, and his obsession with alastor may be in part due to having the desire to "hunt" him and eat him (not that he actually would — the most he would do would probably be to chew/drool on him a little bit). in point of fact, i think is he ever let this desire slip, alastor, being a maybe-cannibal, would probably be find it to be weirdly flattering — after all, some say consumption is the highest form of devotion.
tying back into the hypnotism thing — alastor generally avoids looks vox directly in the eye, both because of the hypnotism thing and also because his face is literally one big bright light ("deer in the headlights"), but in a more sexually-driven situation i think hed actually find it oddly comforting because it dampens his prey instincts for a little while, and (eventually) he trusts that vox isnt going to embarrass him or make him look the fool. vox lovingly coaxes him through orgasm and takes care of all of the gross stuff before alastor even has a chance to be fully coherent.
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milfygerard · 2 months
hi hi hi i’m sorry about the everything in life for a distraction i would love to hear your detailed thoughts on your favorite mcr albums or taylor albums or a detailed ranking of either i just love Music Opinions and also i hope things get better soon<3
thank you sm for sending in <3
im terrible at ranking so ill turn to opinions hmmmm
My favorite mcr album changed by day hour minute but i think i wanna talk about.....bullets....yeah bc bullets is so insane as just a sheer proof of concept, like an expression of raw skill and talent that was growing within this band. Rays guitar work alone was enough for it to make complete sense for major labels to be knocking at the bands door begging to suck them off and then they also had GERARD!!! And this was even before mikey really could write bass parts and frank was still not really in the band like its just ray gerard and geoff (and otter who wrote drum parts that r cool but also somehow out of his skill range? girl you MADE THEM). The fact that vampires not onky exists but was like the second or third song written? Like before mcr gerard either never wrote music or wrote shitty three chord throwaway punk that existed as an excuse to print band stickers and arent even good enough to save on tape and then you decide to start writing for real to cope with major national level trauma and your first song is SKYLINES??? and youre next songs are VAMPIRES and OUR LADY OF SORROWS???? and oh my god the vocals gerard gives on the albuk as a completely untrained vocalist who did one musical once in middle school and otherwise never sang professionally unless you count crazy kids song in breakfast monkey. and then you hear the vocals on fucking vampires???? Like gerard doesnt exactly sing like celine dion on bullets but the raw harmony work and ability to PERFORM and really stretch the emotions of a song and do whatever strange or vulnerable thing is needed to sell the track. Theres still few songs more affecting than early sunsets. Like i fully think gerard is probably the strongest vocalist in the emo scene just because of their ability to completely and utterly sell you on the songs emotions (not just anyone can sing im not okay and get away with it) and thats before all the developing technical talents both already present like how gerard can just toss a melody onto a track without thinking about it or the fact gerard did a lot of the base writing for mcr while fucking barely knowing guitar how did that even work girl. Like i havent even mentioned the lyrics??? How do you. Like you can tell both that gerard never learned how to write songs and also that gerard listens to so much music that he can just fake it anywayyheres like 2 songs with actual choruses on the album and neither of them are the self proclaimed pop song h4h which opens with a queen riff?????? ans then is like a hardcore version of a beatles pop song????dont talk to me about drowning lessons. deomolition lovers!?!?! half of these songs are just poems that gerard hammered into songs and theyre so like. genuinely so incredible and they work??like the album works! as a cohesive piece! it coheres!
and thats the first album. Id say my favorite ts album is probably evermore though i might actually have less to say on it just bc i havent had it since 2015. Evermore is just so....ANGSTY!!! it feels like a complete fulfillment of what she was exploring on folklore with the fictional framing devices and keeping the songs clearly personal while also removing herself in a way she never really has before. It feels like a level of introspection through art that taylor has always been both pushing towards and shying away from because too much introspection or strangeness or even pulling away from the diaristic idea too much never worked with where taylor was at with her career. Evermore had a new collaborator, and the massive success of folklore as well as the continued quarantine gave her both an unprescedented level of artistic isolation personal confidence and professional security that allowed her to just go "fuck it" and write fucking. cowboy like me and dorothea and coney island and closure and she GOT AWAY WITH IT!!! like the albums been out for 3 years or something like that and I still feel like i havent fully processed its existence despite listening to it constantly. It truly felt like she was unshacked and was able to write about herself while also completely pulling away from any sort of literal Truth and going crazy with concept and the way she writes feels so unconstrained from the rules she would sometimes set for herself, it felt like a natural evolution from the freedom she felt jumping into the lover era but its past the honeymoon phase and like it is pop music but its also not scared to be...not pop music if that makes sense? She really fully settles into folk as a genre for the first time and it lets her writing flourish. Songs with no choruses songs with barely any structure at all lyrics that stretch at the ends of verses and fun bouncy wordplay and just allowing herself into a characters life and seeing how it fits her. She has some straight up ren faire tracks on here liek willow is just a collection of similies and metaphors she likes smushed together over a lute and its so GOOD. It feels like she was allowed to really live in adulthood as a woman in her early thirties who creates art because she loves it and because it keeps her alive ALSO proof that she needs to keep collaborating w new ppl bc whenever she does you can feel her pushing herself harder and she becomes so willing to try these new kind of weird things that she may have never tried otherwise aughhhh!!!! i didnt even talk about coney island!!!! I love how moody and dour the whole project is it feels like November where fall drags you into a cold unforgiving winter and you're just trying to survive with your sanity and any of your personal relationships intact. its so!!! tbh its SO new england also which makes me biased. ok thats all
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okthatsgreat · 10 months
opddmh new chapter. i read it right after work then went crazy and then. 😴. but ive been absolutely plagued ever since
the two groups unite!! which is fun bc it's both amazing and good and wonderful to have a larger support network but absolutely none of these guys are in touch with both their situation or all of their emotions and we have alr seen how much tension there is revolving around the stakes of the hospital escapees...... so this could also end up the apartment version of a nuclear warzone
this chapter was pretty clear but god my curiosity about everything about the hospital has been building and building. obv a lot of it is spoilers but what's that horror house like past what we know.
maybe sometimes family is two girls on the blacklist of every local therapist and the four teenagers they're hiding from the worst game show management team ever. (the legality and government support of dr is another point of curiousity now that i mention it...... :3)
THE TWO GROUPS UNITE !!!!!! finally they can become the dysfunctional apartment unit of their dreams
talking about this fic! :]
the six of them being in one apartment is essentially that one meme where every single one of them are thinking "jesus these people are freaks. thank god im the only normal one here" but all of them are so damaged its insane. ur so right it widens the support system but at the same time there is a lot to be tense about! kirumi is unwell, rantaro and ryoma are in very clear disagreement, and angie is only going to further play into rantaros belief that there is a place such as niisei. youve got a pretty clear divide between the four people of season 53 that are in the apartment, with two people being so in denial that they are still unconvinced that they are fake, and the other two accepting that they are fake but not coping well with it At All. so! lots of fun to be had :]
THE HOSPITALLLL it connects to the overarching dystopian company that danganronpa is lmfaooo so first. i would like you to imagine a very large media company who is so massive that they can essentially do anything they want if they are able to spin it with some legal jargon. the public is almost entirely on their side, and they have millions of people supporting them, including some very powerful investors. they have so many employees signed underneath them that it is difficult to keep track, and there is clear favoritism involved within the company. they only care about what a person can bring in terms of profit and entertainment, and they're not entitled to make you completely better or care about your personal wellbeing past what you provide for them. AND, because most of the people working under this company have been frightened into submission, they aren't going to reach out to give further help because most of the time they don't think you need it. now i want you to imagine that very same media company opening up a private hospital .
danganronpa is a vindictive company (as we've mostly seen through makoto and akane's povs, if you fuck up they WILL have consequences, and this ranges from salary cuts to throwing you back into the simulator) and they know they can get away with a lot. they are incredible at keeping face and making the company seem appealing, and they are also incredible at silencing people. so whatever happens to you, you just gotta suck it up. the hospital is a clear reflection of danganronpa as a company. they pick favorites, they are vindictive (mikan mentions in her pov that they will go so far as to REFUSE to treat patients if they have wronged the company), and they are directly run by danganronpa executives, meaning they follow their orders (which is why they are planning on keeping season 53 stationed there for much longer than they are legally allowed to). they are understaffed and under-qualified for the patients they need to be treating, leading to many cases of people being misdiagnosed (which again, mikan mentions had happened to her when she stayed there). and considering how fucked up danganronpa is purposefully making these people, they need GOOD DOCTORS AND PSYCHIATRISTS. but they don't, because they don't NEED to have them, and the participants suffer because of it. there is maybe one good licensed psychiatrist that genuinely cares about their job in that building but they are overworked and never available
i love writing the company of danganronpa because its just sooo cruel. its cruel and nobody can see how cruel it is because the public is being painted a very specific and highly coordinated image. even those who are against danganronpa are against it for the "wrong" reasons (as seen in the grocery store scene when akane gets confronted by the cashier). people who are anti danganronpa in this universe are more so against the PARTICIPANTS, which is yet again another way that danganronpa has painted themselves as this do-no-wrong company despite the Everything. it is a money-hungry company that views the participants as vehicles for profit, and their worth entirely depends on how marketable they are to a wider audience. which is entirely gross, but so many of these participants are desperate to be liked because they are SCARED. they will fit into the box that danganronpa gives them because they don't know any other way to live. and quite frankly, there IS no other way to live. it's adapt or die, and they can't die.
n e ways excited for the six of them to share this apartment :] every friend group has the hotheaded emotional repression athlete, the worlds shakiest nurse, a false prophet, a girl who keeps passing out, dora the explorer, and ryoma
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Like I’m gonna be real wit y’all I was looking forward to le Comte for a while, but I was always side-eyeing Jeanne. He’s a blunt hermit and grump and 100% mood, so I hoped his route would give me more insight into how I feel about him.
Ladies. When I tell you. It was EXCELLENT. I mean there are so many gr9 routes in the game, I don’t want to take away from them, but there was just something about his that hit me so hard???? (MY KOKORO BROKORO)
More under the cut since his route won’t be out for a little while (we still got Isaac, then Theo, then Jeanne), as a little treat. As usual, pls don’t read if you don’t want spoilers, thanks!
Okay so going into this route I was fully expecting the big sads. I mean, if history has taught us anything it was that Joan D’Arc was a badass but good lord, that doesn’t mean the people of her time were kind to her. (I need to do more thorough research on her, so if I’m getting any of her pronouns wrong or neglect something, I do apologize.)
That being sad, I was like aight DECK MY SHIT WITH TRAGEDY, JEANNE. And at the beginning it’s p fascinating. He’s very ornery and resistant to any kind of consideration or attempts at friendship MC extends. But eventually, after a good deal of persistence, he relents little by little.
I’d also like to level with y’all for a sec. Being someone who knows a great deal in regards to the kinds of mental and emotional shit Jeanne struggles through, I think they handled that part of the route so, so well. Granted, I’m not the kind of person to launch a crusade over different writing styles--but for me it just feels all the more poignant when it makes sense; when certain dispositions or trauma are conveyed with that depth. To me, it made 100% sense that Jeanne would be so against accepting other people into his life immediately.
He and Mozart vibe because they’re so similar, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s comfortable letting just anyone in--much less a complete stranger. I think it’s more that Mozart and Jeanne share a kind of indelible bond/mutual recognition through their talent, actually. They were both prodigies, absolute geniuses in their fields (military vs. music) but their social skills were shot to hell for the very same reason. To be brilliant--beyond one’s potential posthumous legacy--tends to mean being hated. Plus, they’re both principled to absolute extremes. When they’ve decided on something, they will not waver. They’re stubborn and austere, but behind those walls lies a molten core of sensitivity.
This is important to understanding him, I think, before I move forward.
While one could argue that their reaction is a result of that deficiency of emotional and social support (which I entirely concede does contribute to the matter at hand, it shouldn’t be overlooked) I think the real crux of the matter here is control. Think about it. Among the oldest residents in the mansion (let’s say that were born more than 100 years within the range of the present period of the game) are Mozart, Jeanne, Isaac, and Shakespeare. What do they all have in common?
Extremity. For Mozart, it comes in the form of a kind of OCD, as perfectionism. For Jeanne, it is generalized anxiety and PTSD. For Isaac, it is primarily social anxiety--but it’s still noticeably severe. And Shakespeare runs around with a knife, insecurity through the roof, literally unable to trust anything or anyone (psychosis? schizoaffective? I’m really not sure, these are all ballpark assessments based on the evidence I have). In order to adjust to their new surroundings, there was a cost--and in some ways their coping mechanisms become noticeably maladaptive. They were born into eras that were mercilessly unpredictable, and the only way they knew how to cope was to was to either take the blame--make it a personal failing that tragedy struck--or try to immerse themselves into their craft. They all seek to regain some kind of control (this is even visible in Vincent, to a degree--painting was an escape from his emotionally turbulent world).
Granted that’s not to say that the others don’t struggle with such issues at all, I just feel like the characters from more unstable time periods tend (as a general trend) to mirror that instability within their personalities.
All that being said, (I apologize I am a tangent-monger and love meta), Jeanne’s self-imposed isolation is only partially caused by the above dynamic. Yes, he is unwilling to let people into his heart for fear of betrayal. (It’s almost like an entire nation clamoring to watch you burn for something you didn’t do after spending your entire life and talents trying to protect them would do that to you, but I digress >:| ). But there’s another devastating and potentially less obvious reason for keeping people out.
He thinks he deserves it.
Loneliness, melancholy, aimlessness. These are all the punishments that he incurred on himself after a life of what he conceives to be considerable sin (hahaha battlefield enemies go ripppp). Whether or not he was operating purely out of a sense of duty, even if he felt sympathy for his enemy combatants, it’s not enough. And the condemnation of his king, of his entire nation, only served to magnify that self-loathing to a dangerous degree. (Don’t get me started on his parents I’m still so angry >:| they more or less disowned him since he was constitutionally weak as a young boy, and thus could not serve as an adequate farmhand. Don’t work? Don’t eat/live).
It’s hard enough living in a reserved way because you’re afraid of getting hurt, but to think that you deserve it when hurt finds you, no less? And my favorite part, that he’s so profoundly sure that it is an extension of a personal, fundamental failing? That for a person to survive, they must be strong, that there can be no other way--that there is no time or space for ruminations on fairness or unfairness, there are only those who manage to survive and those who die.
Now my friends, esteemed comrades, legendary sluts. Is that enough for us, Cybird asks, are we feeling enough pain quite yet? Fuck no.
Most of his route after we get over the hurdle of his hesitation is just him. Being. Bashful and gentle as all FUCK. Like he is the definition of “I'll kill you, but also I’m babie.” For instance, she insists on teaching him how to read and write at night when she finds him trying (and not succeeding) to read “The Ugly Duckling”. Yes I mean the children’s book. I CRIED THE FIRST TIME AND I’M CRYING NOW. So, naturally, MC buys him a notebook to practice with and he puts his name in big letters on the front. When MC sees this, she asks him about it--wondering why he would given he’s so self-conscious of his own writing (boy writes all squiggly like a little kid because he’s never done it before ;-;).
The scene goes a little something like this:
MC: Wh....whatcha go there Jeanne? Jeanne: ? My notebook? MC: I...mean that you wrote your name on it? Jeanne: Yeah? MC: Why? Jeanne: ._. It was a gift from you, and I figured it'd be hard to practice if I lost it...so I put my name on it... (HE WAS SECRETLY TOUCHED I BET AND IM--) MC: Why such big letters? Jeanne: So people can spot it quickly, obviously MC, inches from crying and laughing: Jeanne: Mademoiselle??? Why are you laughing? MC: Because you’re cute, Jeanne!
Like. They start out so rocky and Jeanne is so SIGH. I guess I’ll agree if it’ll get her to stop looking so sad and ask me to join her for stuff. But then he just can’t help but go full softe at how patient and kind she is, starts feeling comfortable just...being who he is deep down. A man that’s always hoped for better in life, a person that only ever takes up his sword to protect--that has an incredibly pure and clear heart, despite so much pain.
And good lord, they are GOD TIER romantic slow burn???? Swear to everything holy, I was BEGGING for them to make out by like chapter 10, I was just suffering for most of the route until the bangarang premium. Here’s probably my favorite moment in the entire route:
Basically Sebastian and Mozart pull out all the stops trying to bring Jeanne and MC together (once they see Jeanne show some interested in her). And so Jeanne asks her to join him in the courtyard the next morning, and they’re playing with Cherie (Jeanne’s pet baby white tiger). Besides being ungodly adorable--because Jeanne invited her for the sole purpose of hoping to see her delightfully surprised--Mozart begins to play a love song nearby. They don’t name the tune, but Jeanne canonically starts singing along (I wholeass cried, I WANT TO HEAR HIM SING????). And so she asks what the song is about, and he explains that Mozart once played it for him, but he couldn’t make out the words at first. Mozart explained that it was a love song that speaks to the difficulties of being in love (the worry, the strife) but also the beauty of the intensity and passion. He goes on to say that even when he learned the words, it never made much sense to him back then--it never resonated.
He’s singing softly with a fond look, and so she asks, does he understand it now? And he looks her dead in the eye, and says “...I think I’m starting to.” Like. AM I SUPPOSED TO NOT LOSE MY MIND AT THE TENDERNESS????? WHAT A SMOOTH MOFO????? MAN RAISED TO BE A SOLDIER, NO KNOWLEDGE OF ROMANCE OR WOMEN, AND KILLS ME IN MILLISECONDS?????? I DEMAND JUSTICE. (Or it’s just me thinking sincerity is the best aphrodisiac, but that’s beside the point.)
This has been your quarantine 2d boy meta and yelling, provided by your local mod Minnie. Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to get to the things I’ve been procrastinating on while reliving/dissociating about one of my favorite rts in the entire game. Stay safe and well out there y’all, peace out!
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tvdversefanfiction · 3 years
Since i have done this 30day challenge on two of my other pages it was about time I did it for this page, starting firstly with The Vampire Diaries, The Originals and Legacies will soon follow I promise.
So if you do not already no I have zero chill and zero patience so instead of 30 days I just do it all in one go 😂 feel free to sound off in the comments with your opinions, open to reading others' opinions and share in the love for this fandom 💖
1 - Klaus Mikaelson 💖 my king, my heart, the unrequited love of my life (fictional ofcourse)
2 - (in order) Caroline Forbes 👑 Rebekah Mikaelson 👑 Katherine Pierce 👑
3 - Klaroline, always and forever 😍
4 - Bamon or Stexi 🤔 although Stexi was definitely a more loyal friendship and I didnt want them together as a couple like I did Bamon
5 - Claire Holt, Love her to pieces, love her interviews and her post and pre TVD and TO work as an actress.
6 - Joseph Morgan, my husband in my fantasies only 💖 fantastic actor who I cannot wait to see what he does next 😍
7 - Daniel Gillies and Paul Wesley, their bromance is both adorable, authentic and slightly homoerotic 🙊😈
8 - Bamon or Elenijah, Bamon id have legit loved to see as endgame over Delena anyday and Elenijah I'd have love to have seen explored at least.
9 - Although neither the originals or Katherine were in every episode they were far from secondary in my mind, so in terms of secondary I'd say Lexi for sure.
10 - 2 and/or 3, most of the originals arc and Katherine stuff was peak TVD for me.
11 - The 100th episode for so many reasons, the nostalgic lookback at previous characters, Klaroline finally getting it on, a Mebekah reunion and lots of Katherine 👑
12 - He is your first love, I intend to be your last 💖 Klaroline was all kinds of epic and how poetic is it that she wound up being his last love💔
13 - Caroline singing at her mothers funeral 💔
14 - Elena, I know she went through alot but who didn't in the TVDverse, she was the victim and stayed within that role from beginning to end and god was she depressing to watch. She was also largely hypocritical with her judgements over things she too was guilty off 🙄 the fact I loathe her and love Katherine shows the incredible acting range of Nina Dobrev though 💖
15 - Stefan, he is like Angel with the Angelus edge, id say the male elena but that would be harsh as he didnt piss me off nearly as much 😂 he was alright I suppose I just didnt care for him that much, if he died early I'd have been like meh! I couldnt buy evil stefan either instead it made me cringe which is weird because Paul Wesley plays unhinged so well in Tell me a story...oh and also Stefan killed Enzo, not once but twice and he can only blame the humanity switch for one of those kills 😡
16 - i did ship Delena till they got together and lost all their magic, i never shipped Stelena but they did suit each other better than Delena or the very ill advised Steroline which should have stayed a friendship! Bonnie and Jeremy made absolute no sense and had zero chemistry so on those grounds id say those two or Steroline, Steroline itches me up the wrong way the most tbf.
17 - Elena and Caroline, Caroline was the better friend hands down for both Bonnie and Elena but Elena always seemed harsher to Caroline and yet couldnt handle it when Caroline gave her tough love back especially over Delena which tbh Caroline was right....IMO anyways.
18 - I cannot say Candice, Nina, Kat or Claire are anything but amazing actresses so I would never say any of them...maybe the actress who played Liv Parker, she was always kind of one note to me although not terrible but nowhere near as good as the others....I could probably later think of someone else but for now I'll go with her.
19 - Zach Roerig, a typical answer from fans I've noticed but he was just so blah for 8 full seasons I totally get why Im not alone here...also so far him and Steven McQueen are the only ones from TVD to appear in Legacies...Jeremy's cameo i didnt mind, Matts however...like when is he going to die and stay dead already? Sorry matt fans 😂
20 - A good chunk of episodes in season 7, didnt like Elena but didn't like TVD without Elena...would've loved the actress to stay on and either play another role or make Katherine come back preferably 🤩
21 - Most of them I started liking then hating, or hating to liking then back to hating 😂 I dont think I hated anyone from beginning then loved them by the end so ill just give a love to hate, Alaric...I liked him in early seasons but thought he came to a natural end when he died...from 6 onwards after he came back he lost any appeal and felt like he was just there to have another dead ex, then to cockblock Steroline which tbf was a good deed but still didnt revive him 🤣 and I full out despise him in Legacies but I'll dig deeper into that come a Legacies themed version of this challenge 😂
22 - Damon wins hands down here, loved him in the pilot, love turned to like as the show went on and then Delena happened and completely destroyed his chracter, Bamon gave him a much needed revival but Elena soon dragged him down once more...his live for her was obsessive to me, unhealthy and toxic and he couldnt cope without it. BAMON would've fixed all this IMO
23 - Okay stick with me here as this one has multiple answers for me...I'd have rathered Caroline or Bonnie as the main character alongside the salvatores than Elena so thats answer one. Answer two would be I'd have loved Katherine to have been the mainstay doppelganger instead of Elena. Answer three would be more flashbacks of Lexi and her life away from the Salvatores would have been interesting. Last answer, Rebekah should have been in more episodes both on this and TO but I'll probs get more into that when I do TO.
24 - The romances, the vampires, the villains and the aesthetic of Mystic Falls 😍 if you follow my other pages you know obsessed im obsessed with the supernatural genre 🥰
25 - Too much time centred around Delena and Stelena, which I know was the main story of this show their love triangle but it didnt have to be...
26 - Elena daggering Rebekah, my heart broke for Rebekah and hardened towards Elena...her biggest hypocritical move of many too!
27 - Heres one so this post isnt all bashing poor Elena 🤣 i love when Elena and Stefan wind up drinking in that bar together having a good time as friends...honestly wouldnt habe minded more scenes centered on this friendship.
28 - Klaroline getting together in the woods and/or the Klaroline moment in the last episode where he donates money to the boarding school...tbh any Klaroline moment 💖
29 - Liz's death and funeral, my heart breaks for Caroline everytime and Damon too, loved Liz and Damon's friendship 💔
30 - Almost all Lily Salvatore scenes, the worst mother alongside Esther Mikaelson....their deaths make me so happy every single time and I will never apologise for that 🤣
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washington insurance company
"washington insurance company
washington insurance company
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Does anyone know names /links for affordable dental insurance for someone who's 66 yrs old under medicare...?
my mom is having tooth ache and she's 66, no job, poor. anyone knows of good dental insurance plan i can help her with?""
Cost to insure?
04 - 06 sti used in illinois for a 16yr old male. Is it true that males pay more for insurance then females?
What is the cheapest insurance company to switch to for a descent price after a DUI?
I am 23 and have a 2005 chevy silverado single cab. It's paid off in full. I usually like to have basic & Im on my dads plan which is about 3-400 a year. & they are now increasing it to 800$. I would like to switch to a company that I can pay less to.
What's the best way to maximize how much an insurance company will pay for my totaled car?
My well-loved 10 year old Honda Accord was hit today by another driver. Both the other driver and myself are OK but my car was totaled. The other driver's insurance company will be reimbursing me for my vehicle. But I'm afraid that what they will offer for my car will be less than its worth to me in running condition. What's the best way to maximize how much I'll be reimbursed?
Where can I find low cost health insurance in Florida for kids?
Where can I find low cost health insurance in Florida for kids?
Is atheism a good substitute for affordable health insurance?
I know that many atheists in here pride yourselves on being far more logical and better prepared for the real world than religious people, and than Christians in particular. Does your lack of belief in God give you a special advantage in coping with medical emergencies and the financial expenses of medical emergencies, I wonder? Why or why not?""
How can I get the lowest car insurance payment?
I am 25. I want to buy a cheap car with one way insurance. thanks a lot
Is Obamacare insurance.?
at Healthcare.gov they will be doing quotes on October 1 so is the Government selling there own version of Insurance
Auto insurance troubles. ..?
My car insurance expired on 6/19 at 12am so that same day we went to our insurance broker and purchased a new full coverage policy at 2:30 pm. They took pictures of our minivan which was in great condition. By the time the transaction was completed the time on the receipt said 2:46 PM. At exactly 4pm we were in the center lane of a 3 lane one way street and the lady on our right decided to make an illegal left turn in front of us and didn't give us enough time to stop, so we crashed. She was of course at fault but is taking her sweet time to make a statement so it has been over a week and her insurance won't take liability until she gives her statement, and now our insurance is trying to say that we weren't covered until 4:40 pm. Can our insurance do that? And the funny thing is we don't even have the details in our policy because they were supposed to mail it to us.""
Where can I get affordable health insurance for an infant?
I'm having a baby around the first week of December, and I need to figure out how best to set up health insurance for her without going bankrupt. I looked into Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, and to be eligible for a child-only plan, the baby has to be atleast one year old. For us to get a family plan the cost is absolutely through the roof, more than our monthly income, and even then the child is only covered from 6 weeks of age. Does anyone know of any companies that will insure a baby from birth, without the parents having to be insured? I'm giving birth at a birthing center, and one of the terms of care is that I have to take the baby to a pediatrician within 72 hours of birth. No decent pediatrician will accept us without insurance. I think we may actually be eligible for Medicaid, but I don't want to go that way because high quality doctors don't accept that around here. So can someone please suggest a company that I can go to to insure my baby affordably, in Florida.""
What is car insurance rates?
I'm doing report, and i need to write bout 3 ways that how teenage car accidents rising affect us. One of my answer is car insurance rate would go up; &yet i don't know what that means. some one help?""
18 want car insurance?
right looked online all compare sites give sh*t results, i got quoted 14k for a suzuki alto 23k for a fiat cinciquento (whatever its called) ive rang i kube and got quoted 9k for the suzuki alto thats with the curfew, passed my test on the 22nd of march 2011, wheres good for cheap insurance, ill have curfew if needs be so please shed some light""
I'm planning on getting myself a new car- a 2012 Dodge Challenger RT model. I'm on a tight budget and I only have enough money for a down payment and monthly payments on the Challenger, (if I decide to purchase it). My problem is I don't have enough money for auto insurance and I am not joining with anyone in my family to be placed on auto insurance. I want auto insurance for myself and signed to my name only. Since I do not enough money for auto insurance, can I still get a car without auto insurance? And can I still drive the Dodge Challenger without auto insurance if I decide to purchase the car? Can someone answer this for me? Thank you! I really appreciate it.""
16 year old insurance on a ford torino?
i need to no the price and insurance rate on a 70's model ford torino im 16 live in oklahoma give me your estimate not a website...
Acura RSX or Toyota Celica. only have 8 grand to spend
which will have cheaper insurance, is faster, can be modified more""
How much does car insurance cost for 18 year olds?
I am a male, i got my license around 4 monthes ago. I am 18 years old live in NY. I am planning on buying a car and i would like to know what is average price of insurance. Because my parents telling me i will be paying like 600 a months or something like that. I am planing on getting 2007 infiniti G35. I never owned a car and never was insured. So i dont have any idea about it, except friends and articles online. So if somebody can, please tell me what would e the insurance. Thanks""
Can anybody give me an idea on car insurance?
Im 18 year old and am from the uk i want to buy a mazda 2. i hold a clean uk driving liscience and would like to no if anybody has a rough idea how much per year i will pay for car insurance.
Please Help me to find the cheapest insurance for my car?
Hello, I've baught a car two months ago, but I havn't insured it yet because insurencse is so expenive. I'm trying to find the cheapest deal and I need your experince in that. My car is Honda, accord, year 1999. My age: 23 Single State: Virginia City: Richmond. I'm international student and I don't have social security number I'm not sure if that would make a difference ! I've just got the driving license. I need reliability insurance if this would make a big discount. By the way, my GPA is very good. If you can help me out with agencys phone numbers or any guess about the insurance It will be greatly appreciated Thank you in advance""
How much should I pay for a1967 Chevy Impala?
Basically, I want this car. How much (ball park figure, estimates, exact prices, whatever) wwould it set me back? Just the car itself, mind. I'll handle the tax and insurance, etc myself. And no, its not because of Supernatural.""
How much does it cost a 16 year old to insure a Jeep Wrangler?
Hi; I'm a 16 year old girl as of next month and I'm looking at cars. I'm trying to find a car that is good on gas, cheap to insure, not too expensive to buy, and not an embarrassment to drive. The three cars I am looking at right are the Jeep Wrangler, the Dodge Stratus, and the Dodge Neon. I tried to get a quote on the three and was surprised, (Especially at the Neon) to find that I would be paying over 100 dollars for each of them, monthly! Am I looking at an illegitimate quote or is it really that expensive to insure these cars? What kind of numbers SHOULD i be seeing, reasonably? Thanks""
""I lent my brother's car to my friend, Who crashed it, does my insurance cover the costs?""
Last night i lent my brothers car to a friend. My friend crashed the car into a pole (no other vehicle was involved). My brother's insurance said that because he did not give permission to my friend to drive, I would need to look to my insurance. (I was not in the vehicle when it crashed)""
Which car insurance company allows you to make the cheapest one year payment?
I have esurance but they force you to make 2 payments a year,and the second payment AWAYS shows up at the worst time lol""
Car insurance for age 17?
Well going sound awkward but i want a car without out parents knowing, been working for 2 years got enough money can prove to insurers where i got the money from im 17 and is it possible to get insurance at my address (real address where i auctally live) but i want the paperworks to be sent to another address or they contact me by email because family wants me to get a car when im 25 however im going uni so i really need a car also im not going to any fraud everything will be legit just need to make sure if i can insurance and only i know about it thanks""
Blue badge if you get one how much does your car insurance go up ?
Blue badge if you get one how much does your car insurance go up ?
How to find affordable Health Insurance options?
i live in san francisco, CA and am about to turn 30 (female). i haven't had insurance since leaving a job with a good plan about 5 years ago and i'm (haha, pun intended) *sick* of it! webMD and i can only do so much, and i'm beginning to think the doctor at the clinic i've been going to doesn't know what she's doing. money is tight (surprise surprise) but i do need to get real about covering myself. anyone else been in a similar boat and found a good solution? OR know of any sources where i can begin leg-work of my own? thanks so much!""
washington insurance company
washington insurance company
Motorcycle insurance?
I'm 18 years old and without taking all the time to go through and get a quote I was wondering what a ballpark guess would be for the amount it would cost for a year's worth of motorcycle insurance. The bike it would be for would be the Kawasaki Ninja 250R. It's a pretty small and compact sport bike with no too much power to spike my coverage prices I'm just concerned with my age the price will be relatively high. If anyone knows what state farm or geico is charging 18 year olds for low end start up sport bikes per year that would be great.
What will happen to our car insurance rate?
16 yr old son got his license. Wife and I have 2 fairly nice cars. Full coverage. When we added my son our rate doubled, more than doubled actually. His grandmother is giving him a car this week. Not worthy of full coverage. How should we handle the insurance. Can we list him as primary driver on that car and do liability only? Will that make the rate go down or will it go up even more?""
""Question about being a teen, and car insurance?""
I am 17 now, I am taking my driver's test in about a week. My boyfriend said that when he got his licence he was automatically added to his mom and dad's car insurance. Well I was wondering would it be the same for me. Because (This might be a little confusing (: ) I was adopted by my birth mother's boyfriends mom, and i live with her and her mom. No one in the house has a car, or car insurance, and my birth mother doesn't have any custody of me but she does have car insurance, and my birth father has half custody of me, and he has car insurance. So.... ha ha my question in general is, when get my license, will I be added to any ones insurance? Or will I have to get my own? Ha ha ALSO, If I do have to get my own what would be the best and cheapest insurance for me? I wouldn't want full coverage, I would just get P.I.P. Please and thank you so much!""
Car insurance costs help?
I'm getting a car. Is there some website that will tell me or help me figure out how much my car insurance will be every month?
California to Canada Car Insurance?
Hi, my friend just asked me how to get car insurance in Canada when he used to live in California and he has a California license and had California insurance. He asked me about a Driver Abstract, which I have no idea what that is. He really needs help, but he is not available at the moment for me to ask him for more details. Please tell me the details of how to obtain car insurance in Canada when he used to have California insurance & has a California license/ID. Thank you!!""
""If someone jumps off a building and hits my car, will my insurance cover it, and will my rates go up?""
if someone commits suicide on my car and they have insurance, will their insurance than cover it? if not and my insurance has to cover the damage, will my rates go up?""
Is there any affordable insurance plans I can get in NJ( South NJ )?
Particularly Dental Insurance. I am 20,a Part-time worker who also goes to college full time. I am not covered by my parents nor have I ever had insurance. I am one of the many Americans who do not recieve proper health care due to low income however I do need to get Dental Insurance, and Health Insurance. Is there any reasonable companies to look into?""
Buying auto insurance?
Is it possible for someone to buy auto insurance with their brother?
Where can I find affordable health insurance?
I live in Texas and I've searched high and low for good private health insurance. I would have loved to go with the insurance my job offers, but, unfortunately, they only gave me the run around and cold stares. Im broke, so I can only afford something that costs $20-$80. Thank for the help! ^_^""
16 year old boy need insurance in CA?
I just got my license and I am planning to buy a toyota or a honda type of car. I want to know how much would car insurence would cost if i do get one and which company would give me a great coverage and a great deal. I need numbers and name people!!!
Car Insurance Honda Civic coupe vs sedan?
So I'm looking into buying a car. I'm 20 and I'm under my dads insurance. I pay 60 for being a secondary drivers for my dads van, but I want to get my own car. Would it be more if I got a black Honda civic coupe rather than a sedan?""
Affordable Life Insurance at 80?
Please help me find an affordable life insurance at 80 years of age to life. Thank you, Lily""
What car would be cheapest for insurance?
When I turn 16 I am deciding on getting a v6 1998 firebird or a 1998 v6 camaro what one do you think would be cheaper for insurance. I live in nebraska in a small town
What company offer auto insurance for illegal ?
Do you know what company offer auto insurance for illegal ? I email for some company but they answer me that I need a valid license.
What company provide cheap life insurance?
What company provide cheap life insurance?
Car Insurance Gangsters :(?
Car insurance for me is $7500 for 6 months? That's buying my car twice !! Idk why I didn't wait and be patient. Now I feel like I'm stuck with this car that I just purchased because there's no way I can afford that kind of car insurance. That's just unbelievable. I've been researching and researching and I finally felt like I was ready to start driving. I see people my age on forums saying they only pay $200 a month so I figured I would be paying around there maybe even a bit more but $1000 a month? Smh,, I can't do that. I don't know what to do. Should I try to sell the car I just purchased? I signed the papers and all smh. That's just ridiculous. Almost $1500 a month smh. Idk what to do man, please give me some advice. Maybe there's a not so good insurance company that can insure me for cheap? I don't plan on getting into any accidents. I don't even think I want to drive anymore, that quote has me going nuts right now.""
Passing a drug test for life insurance?
I smoked weed rather heavily for about 5 weeks over the summer, and now i havent touched it all for about 5 weeks, am i going to be clear for it? Before those 5 weeks i smoked VERY rarely (once every month or 2 months). Also i smoked a couple packs of cigarettes in the past couple weeks...how long will it take for me to get the nicotine out of my system (also smoked VERY rarely before last couple weeks)""
Used car insurance?
If you get insurance for a used car, will they still fix your windsheild?""
How much should car insurance cost?
i am 17 and live in London. i have just passed my driving test and i'm looking for a car and insurance. i am not bothered about how bad the car is but i can't find insurance anywhere which i can afford. does anyone have advice?
""How much would it cost me if i got my car towed in Trenton, NJ for driving w/o insurance?""
How much would it cost me if i got my car towed in Trenton, NJ for driving w/o insurance?""
Adding my dad as a second driver on my insurance - is it legal if he won't actually be driving my car?
I don't mean fronting! I know that is illegal. I've been researching tips on getting good insurance rate (as a 21 year old new female driver I know it will be expensive no matter what though) and they always recommend adding a second or third driver. But only my dad drives, but he would not be driving my car. Is it illegal to add him as a second driver?""
Can I add my son to my fiances car insurance?
My son just turned 16, and I have been researching insurance cost for him. My fiance drives a company car, and his own personal truck just sits in the driveway. It would be much cheaper adding my son to his truck (84.00) as an occasional driver versus putting him on mine (154.00) as an occasional driver. My car is considered a class C vehicle (Landrover) which is why it would be more expensive. Does anybody know if insurance companies would allow this, being that we are not married yet? Thanks!!""
What is a good low cost health insurance plan for my family?
I am 27 and my wife is 26. I am currently a full time college student and my wife is bartending until I finish school. We have no kids but also not a lot of money. I don't mind ...show more
Car insurance for teens?
Hi, so I just got my license today and now I have to insure my car but don't really have much information about how to do so. I'm an 18 year old girl and I only drive to and from school, which is about 7 miles away from my house. I have a Toyota corolla 2005 model but it belongs to my grandma. she's planning on completely giving the car to me and insuring it completely in my name and canceling her insurance because she no longer has a means to drive, since she only picks me up from school. My family doesn't really want to put me on their insurance and insist that I have my own separate plan. My whole family uses Geico btw. so if I wanted to insure the Toyota completely in my name, I would have to first get a quote right? if I set up the insurance with a certain amount of mileage, would that decrease the amount I have to pay? what about good student discounts ? if there are any cheaper alternatives please recommend them to me! I'm a full time student so I can only afford so much :(""
Do i need to add my wife under my car insurance?
Allstate is my car insurance
washington insurance company
washington insurance company
How much does motorcyles insurance run??
I want to be an inexpensive bike to save gas money (like a ninja 250) and I'm curious how much laibility insurance is... my car insurance is only $30 a month and I have a perfect driving record, no accidents. thank you""
Just a question or two regarding car insurance? :)?
im a 19 year old female who is in college. i want to get a car but seeing as im a broke college kid money is a bit of an issue. how much would i end up paying for car insurance if im on my parents insurance(we have allstate)? i was also looking into getting a electric car, would that be more expensive to insure or should i just buy a junky old car for my first? tips, advise, and recommendations are much appreciated. thank you for your help! :) <3""
How Much Would A 2001 Trans Am Cost On A 18 Yr Old Males Insurance?
How Much Would A 2001 Trans Am Cost On A 18 Yr Old Males Insurance?
How much for ticket for no insurance?
I just got a ticket today.. my car hasn't pass smog and I currently don't have insurance. I have to go to court for this how much do you think they will fine me ?
How can i legally make my parents dependents for medical insurance?
i want to legally file for my parents to be dependents for medical insurance. we live in the state of IL. what is the prerequisite? how should we proceed? we would preferably like to do this without involving a lawyer. thanks in advance for reading this and offering any suggestions!
How long before insurance goes down?
I know teenage insurance is really high so when does it finally go down? After an accident ur insurance goes up, how long will it take for it to go back down?""
Which car insurance companies reserve cars through hertz?
im going to be getting me a new car and with my current insurance company they only reserve through enterprise which i am not old enough to use. hertz rents to 20 year olds. im just trying to make sure i will have an alternative way to get around if something happens to it. so which insurance companies reserves through them? or will u have to request it? because i know some wants you to pay first and they will rein-burst you
How much for car insurance?
Im 19 and have two tickets.. One for no licence nd the other for failure to yeald..how much would it be??
Looking for health Insurance?
I'm looking for affordable health insurance with good coverage and options for doctors. A PPO is okay but I'm looking for quality AND affordability. Dental and vision would be a great plus. Can anybody out there help me!?!
Do I need to get a SR-22 in Texas?
I got arrested for a DWI and I have 40 days until my license gets suspended at which time I am supposed to get a work license. I understand I have to get a SR-22 but when do I need to do this? Does the court tell me to get a SR-22 or am I just supposed to know I need one and go out and get one?
Is there drivers insurance for infrequent drivers?
I'm currently in LA, and my family is here too. So, I've been an insured driver since I was 15, for the last 13 years... In August I will begin grad school in Boston, and will be without a car. But, perhaps during winter break, Thanksgivings, summer, I may return to LA to visit family and friends. I can easily borrow one of my parents' cars while I'm visiting, but I don't want to have to maintain car insurance year round for several hundred dollars just to drive a few times a year. Are there any reasonably priced options for someone in my situation? As far as I know, most car insurance terms are 6 months. Thank you!""
Looking For Auto Insurance?
Im needing help looking for auto insurance. I just got dropped from my fathers insurance company due to the fact that ive had 2 accidents and three speeding tickets in the last three years time. Yes i know thats bad and im not looking for the smart comments i just really need help with any insurance companies that anyone knows of that will consider covering me. Thanks so much for your time.
Quick question about car insurance?
I've been with a car insurance company for 3 years now and have been lucky enough to not have to file any claims with them, I just had my policy renewed and the premium went up about $100 from the previous year. Prior to this it had always gone down and when I called to ask why it went up they said because of an increase in claims in my area, now I know insurance has many factors such as the area you live in, and even if that is true I feel as if I should call and mention that I've had no claims in my three years with them, no tickets on my record and always pay my 6 month premium at once, would this be a useless attempt at getting them to lower my premium or could this possibly help me? I just don't want to seem like a fool on the phone.""
Good question about financed car and insurance.?
I'm insuring two cars and my rate is high. I would like to know, Is it possible to tell my insurance company that my car is no longer finance (even if it still is) so i can switch to a liability coverage and lower my rate. Is my insurance company going contact my finance about detail...""
Question for no claims bonus protected on car insurance?
hi Sorry might be a silly question but here goes,, i crashed this morning (have to go through insurance ) i have 4 years no claims (protected) my insurance is due in march . when i renew my insurance and get quotes will i say i have 5 years no claims in march as i have protected no claims bonus ???""
Cheap minibus insurance?
where can i get cheap minibus insce.
What is the best website to reseach and compare auto insurance quotes?
What is a good website to use when researching auto insurance. One where I can get numerous rates from various insurers and compare them with each other?
Which health insurance company in Florida is best at filling prescriptions using there mail order pharmacy?
I'm in the process of buying health insurance n making sure I'm able to mail my presriptions every month to there pharmacy and getting them filled and sent back to me within a reasonable time is something I will need so I am wondering which company is best at this when it comes to how soon u will get them and how hard it is to set up your scripts especially certain ones u take every day but can only get a 30day supply like for my adderall which ive been on since i was a kid but i have 5 kids of my own now n lately I'm having trouble filling locally n hope I won't have the same problem when mailing them
How does bein married or single affect your auto insurance rates?
How does bein married or single affect your auto insurance rates?
Question about insurance coverage?
will the insurance company pay for a scratch on car thats really small and will my rates increase for it?
Is there a good/cheap motorcycle insurance where you can pay like $100 for a whole year?
I'm a college student...don't have loads of cash to pay insurance every single month. Anyone have motorcycle insurance like that or know anything about it. Or something similar like pay $50-100 every 5 months or so....something like that NO RUDE COMMENTS PLEASE As always thanks in advance
Need cheapest car insurance company in Alberta?
I'm 16 and I just bought a car. It's a 1998 Chevrolet tracker and I'm trying to find the cheapest insurance company. I just need liability and nothing else. Anyone have any suggestions?
Did you know 62 percent of American bankruptcies are linked to medical bills. 78% of which had insurance?
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/30/opinion/30kristof.html?em Found the stat in this article and was shocked. Let me know what your opinion on the stat and article. And as always, please be respectful whether you agree or disagree. Thanks!""
Car insurance rate 2 driver 2 car under one policy?
I am 25 yrs old and my mom is 40 yrs old. Been shopping around for insurance and found out it is cheaper to put 2 drive and 2 cars under one policy. Is there any pros and cons in doing this? Could doing this affect me later on if i want to be under my own policy ?
Insurance for new drivers?
hi i am about to turn 18 and for my birthday my mom and me are going to lease a car for me. the car is 20000 and its new. the insurance is crazzzy expensive but my mom is going to by a car to right when i am so is just keep that i mind for the insurance and stuff. what is the cheapest way to get insurance?? please help
washington insurance company
washington insurance company
Is there a way for me to get cheap auto insurance?
I am 16 years old and from st.cloud minnesota. I don't have a car yet but I want to get one from around $3000-$4000. I have to go with State Farm because my parents have it. I am a safe driver and I get good grades. Is there a way to get cheap auto insurance through state farm through any special deals? Thanks
I am 16 and need tips on insurance and a car....
I am 16 years old and I have no job currently but I am getting one this week... it is half way through summer holidays and at first I was just going to drive my dads car cause insurance alone for me is 3800$ year because my dad is a single parent. But going into grade 11 I want to drive a car and I seen a beater for about 500$ volkswagen still running good, but Is it true that you need to put down a quarter or half of the insurance to start off? What do you think I should do about any of this ..... thanks""
When will my motorcycle insurance go down?
I am 19 years old and I am on my second year of riding. I have no tickets or accidents (thank God) and I am still paying over $1,000 a year in insurance for my 250cc bike (2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250r).I have done some shopping and this is the lowest price. Allstate wanted $6,000, freakin unbelievable. I just wanna know when it will go down. Thx.""
Can a teen get his own car insurance in texas ?
can a 16 year olds get his own car insurance policy rather than just adding to the adult parents policy? also at what age can I am on my own car rather than just having it in the parents name? I live in texas .
How much can you borrow from your whole life insurance?
I know it doesnt have any cash value until about 3-5 years and that you cant borrow the face value of the policy. If i took out a 50,000 policy on my daughter , in about 5 yrs what could I borrow from it if the premium is 30/month? What % of 50,000 could I take out? i dont want to hear anything about kids dont need life insurance. I am taking one out on myself as well anyways. I need exact figures not guesses.""
What insurances will insure scooters?
I am planning on opening a scooter rental business very soon. I need to know how I can get these scooters insured. How much usually would it cost. Please let me knoe someone.. Thank You
Car insurance 17 year old?
I'm turning 17 in April, I was just wondering what the average car insurance prices for somone who is 17. I tried getting a quote but seeing as i dont actually have a car yet, its been quite difficult. How do they give quotes, based upon engine size, make or something completely different? Thanks.""
""Young adult, no health insurance, I need help!?""
I am going to make this simple as possible: During this year, Jan to March, I have been on my parent's insurance, NJ FamilyCare, which we were enrolled under free-care because we were horribly under the poverty line, or above it? We're poor, that's it. And on April 1st, I was terminated from my insurance, they are saying I am 19 years of age, thus I have no insurance. Late August we (as a family) re-applied with all our names, and sent the papers in. But with a lot of research, I knew I shouldn't have been, under the Affordable Care Act I should have been on my parent's insurance until the age of 26. I meet the requirements: 1. Dependent Adult (19 years old) 2. Full - time student, no college insurance. 3. No insurance for 6 months now. 4. Not employed. I know for a fact, that being a full-time student, and being unemployed, shouldn't affect this, but maybe it is? I talked to a representative from the welfare office, (where my parents applied) and the lady (rudely) told me that because I am 19, and in school, I was terminated. And my social worker won't be done looking at the papers until late November. WTF? That doesn't make sense, so I kept the battle on, and told her that I should be covered under the law. But after some bullsh*tting around, she hung up on me. So I called again. And this time, another lady was saying, her son who is 20 years old, is insured under her insurance, and that I should come in with my parents, and tell our social worker that I am a full time student, who can't afford to be employed, (because of my 21 credit semester), I am dependent, and I have no job. I was like, well, it's not like I don't want a job, I just can't find the time to have one. I used to work 12 hour shifts, so don't think I don't like to work. The main reason I need the insurance, is because of my ADHD and Mania. I also always get sick, and have kidney problems. But with this, I still can't imagine why I was terminated. The lady told me I shouldn't have been under the law, but different people have different ideas... So, I will go to my social worker on the Tuesday, and find out what's happening. But I know I should be covered, and at least for my sake until I am 23-24. To which I plan to graduate and get my own insurance, and home. But if it doesn't work out, what other low-payment options are there? I heard about NJ Protect, but it's expensive on my part, and no way can I burden my parents with out-of-pocket payments. Thanks in advance.""
Finding Affordable Health Insurance Quotes online?
Whats a good site for getting lots of quotes at once?
Insurance price.?
how much would insurance cost for a 16 year old buy. like on average?
Need affordable car insurance for 16 yr. old can you help!?
do you have a teen that drives or just know what the best prices are!
Do I need to buy car insurance before driving a used car that I purchase home?
I am thinking about buying a car. I won't know if I'm buying this used car until I go look at it. How do I drive it home, if I won't have car insurance at the moment that I buy it?""
Whats the best auto insuarance?
Price really isn't an issue, but whats the best insurance out there, as far as coverage... I drive a new car, and i wanna make sure Im well covered......Any ideas? I live out here in California, if that helps.""
How much would a 2005 Honda Civic Coupe be worth?
I probably totalled my car. What is the estimated value of the car? How much do you think my insurance company will give me for a new one? Is there a site I can go to?
What is a good name for a Spanish speaking Insurance Agency?
I am opening a Spanish speaking Insurance Agency and need a name. I need some sincere suggestions. Will be much appreciated.
Cheapest way to get insurance?
I will be getting w car when I am 16 and excuse my lack of knowledge about the technical side of cars, but my plan is to but a 05 plate Astra for 1000 or less which leave me with 1500 to get insurance. If I were to get the cheapest insurance, bearing in mind I will only be doing like 2 miles a day and the car is very small, I would assume it would cost me around 3000. Now, I know about 'fronting' but what if I was put down as MAIN driver for MY car and in put my mum and dad down as named drivers, I would guess it would then cost me around 2200, can anyone tell me if this would work please? And if not why? My parents would pay for tax and Mot and that stuff! Thnx guys""
What types of insurances are there?
Like im not an adult or anything but I want to know how many insurances are out there. Please list them. Thanks. P.S. I know water insurance, health insurance, car insurance, and I don't know anymore!""
Car Insurance/Title help?
I'm having a baby due at the end of this month and my car was just totaled by hitting a deer so I need to get a new one asap. The car that was just totaled was my first car which was in my parents name and insurance was also under there name. My boyfriend will be getting the loan for the new car because he has better credit, but we wanted the insurance in my name because it is cheaper so how do we go about doing that? If even possible""
How much will this car insurance be?
im 18 just about to get my liscense , im looking to get and audi a3 worth 7.999 used . how much approx woukd insurance be?""
Need help finding car insurance?
I need my own insurance policy in order to get off of my mom's, but I need one that is cheap and affordable. Any ideas?""
""How much will insurance cost for a mazda RX-8, 2004?""
I am 17, 18 in December but I was wondering how much it would cost for insurance per month and annual since I am a teen?""
""Which costs more, Motorcycle insurance or Car insurance ?
I just got my Drivers License earlier this second quarter and I'm going for my motorcycle within the next month or two. My birthday is in February and I am currently 23 years of age.
""Why is insurance important, 20 pts for the best answer?
Your best friend says they dont think insurance is important. Explain to them why it is important to have insurance. How is having insurance important for successful financial management?
Business Insurance - Car?
Basically, I have an internet business, and Im wondering if there is a way that I can have business car insurance? I would like to know the as much as I can. I am looking at a rather fast, expensive car, that will partly be used for Business. So Im wondering if I can get a business insurance policy, and cover it on that? Anyone in the know - please help, and offer advice. Thanks.""
Was Obama's health care/college system comparison valid?
Tonight President Obama compared the public health care option to the public system of Universities and colleges. He said the public option will work the same way public colleges and Universities without inhibiting a vibrant system of private colleges and Universities. This is a fool's argument and a total apples to oranges comparison. Let me explain, first almost all private universities receive funding from the federal government. The federal government is not going to provide funding for private insurance. The second reason is it's common knowledge that the best Universities in the U.S. are private schools such as Duke, Stanford, and the Ivy League. These universities fill most of the highest paying jobs in the country. Some jobs even go as far as to require a degree from one of these schools (Stock Brokers on NYC Stock Exchange.) These highly paid graduates can donate larger amounts of money back to their respective colleges than the average Joe who graduated from a generic state funded university. No one is going to donate money to the private insurance companies. We can't even get all the people who qualify for insurance to sign up and that's the problem! Look, I have no way of knowing whether the public option will work or won't but when faulty logic is used to support it I become concerned. When most of the people supporting the public option are from California (a state where the middle class is few and far between) I become more concerned. When most of the Senators and Representatives who support the public option say they would prefer the U.S. had a single payer system (that's total government control of health care if you didn't know) I become very concerned. The reality is no one knows what the effects of public option will be. Also, the success of FedEx is not any proof that public option won't hurt private companies because an independent council regulates the mail industry. No independent council is mentioned in any of the plans in the House or Senate. yes or no""
washington insurance company
washington insurance company
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ride-a-dolan · 6 years
“I Hate That I Love You” (Ethan Dolan Fiction) Part 29 Part 1
⚠️TRIGGER WARNINGS⚠️: self-harm, overdose, emotional distress, depression
A/N: GUYS IM LITERALLY CRYING! This is part 1 of 2 of the last part of this series!! I babied this story so much since it’s my first one back and a fanfic writer and oh my God I can’t wait for you guys to read my Grayson series! Enjoy the part 1 of the last part of “I Hate That I Love You”. 💜
There comes a time in every person’s life where they have to face hardships. Hardships that can really change how a person acts in their life. Hardships like losing a loved one. You may lose them because they left or you may lose them because of a tragic accident. Some aren’t all accidents, some are on purpose. Those are the worse kind for anybody because you know it could have been prevented somehow. Without this loved one in your life you just feel empty. Like your other half is gone. It’s excruciating pain to go through and nobody should have to face it but it happens and there’s nothing you can do about it once it does in fact happen. The only thing you can do is move on. Try to move passed everything and start over.
 The thing with losing someone that you’re in love with is that you can never really move on from it. This person will stay in your heart for the rest of your life. They will always be on your mind. Their face, laugh, eyes, hair, everything about them will be all you can see. Your mind will always question if there was anything you could do to help them. You will feel guilty thinking that it’s your fault when it’s not. You may lose yourself along with your love. Without them in your life anymore you may think you have no point in even living anymore. You might spiral out of control and not even be a real human being anymore. Maybe that’s the only way to cope in your mind. Why live if the one thing that made you happy is gone completely out of your life?
 True love comes with many things ranging from happy, to angry, to sad and tragic. There will be times where you just think, “I hate that I love you.” Other times you will be so incredibly happy that you love this person. But the second you don’t have the love of your life with you anymore it will feel as if your whole reason to live is gone and you shouldn’t be alive anymore. They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill what never dies.
 -William Penn
Third POV
The sirens sounded like they were miles away in Ethan’s ears as he stared at Y/N. She had a small smile on her face, so small that it might not even be there. She is so pale. Her wrists are still dripping blood onto the ground beneath her. She looks so fragile.
Thunder is still booming overhead, but Ethan can hardly hear it. Everything sounds like it is all miles away. All he can focus on is her. He doesn’t even remember calling anybody to come help. It was all a blur the second her eyes closed shut. Now he can only stare at her. Her wrists are completely ruined. Cuts are running up and down them all red.
His Kathryn is completely broken. He wasn’t here to help her. He could have stopped this right? Right? Ethan hardly makes out the people calling out his name or the lights rounding the corner of the park. Suddenly he’s being pulled away from Y/N. His Y/N who is sitting there broken with bloody wrists and a body full of pills.
In a split second he breaks free of his trance and runs back to her where random strangers are lifting her up and putting her on a gurney. They put an oxygen mask over her face and start to roll her towards the ambulance. Ethan tries to stop them but someone pulls him away while he just screams out her name. The tears are stinging his eyes along with the ice cold rain stinging his skin. The thunder rolls above them as lightning strikes in the distance.
People are calling out his name but it’s all fuzzy. The only thing he can seem to watch is the doors shutting and the ambulance driving off. “Ethan! Listen to me!” He finally makes out the voice yelling and shaking him. It’s Grayson. He sees Tyler, Colton, and Kane standing in front of him. They all look shocked and upset. Ethan stops fighting and just stays still. “We’re going to the hospital okay? It will be fine.” Grayson tells him and starts to drag him to the car. Lie, lie, lie. Grayson is lying. Nothing will be okay. She’s gone. He watched the life leave her eyes. Watched it just drift away from her.
“He’s in shock.” Tyler says sounding like he is further away than he actually is.
“We all kind of are.” Kane says back. He sounds far away too.
“Just help me get him into the car so we can get to her faster.” Grayson snaps.
Reader’s POV
 Darkness. That’s all it is. Black, cold, numb darkness. It’s quiet and peaceful. Nothing hurts, there are no more tears, no pain. There’s times where there are voices, but it goes away within a second. Nothing seems real here. It all seems like a dream. A good dream rather than the nightmares. I feel all alone. I feel as if a piece of me is just gone. I want to know where this piece of me has gone, but I don’t want to open my eyes. I like this quiet, numb state I’m in. I don’t have to worry about the pain, heartache, and stress of life. I feel safe and sound in this blackness.
Every now and then I feel a sting in my throat and wrists, but I can’t seem to really remember why it’s hurting. Come to think of it I don’t know why I’m in darkness. Whatever the reason I can’t seem to care. I’m relaxed in this numb place where I have no feelings and I don’t want to ever wake up from this relaxation.
Third POV
“Ethan you need to tell us exactly what happened.” Tyler says to Ethan who is just staring out the window of the car. They have all been trying to get him to talk the whole way to the hospital. Now they’re all sitting in the car in the parking lot of the hospital trying to get him to talk once again. It won’t work. He’s not going to talk. Why should he? There’s nothing to do about it now. She’s gone and that’s all there is to it.
“Ethan, the doctor will need every detail. Please.” Tyler tries.
“What do you want me to tell you?! She slit her wrists and swallowed pills. I got there too late and couldn’t help her once again! I wasn’t there for her Tyler! Nobody was. It’s my fault again.” By the end of his outburst Ethan is in tears. The car is silent. Nobody says anything. The only sounds are Ethan’s hushed crying, that and his own heartbeat loud in his ears. It’s still storming outside and doesn’t seem to be letting up. If anything it’s only getting worse. Nothing is getting better, just getting worse and worse.
“It’s not your fault.” Grayson says from beside of him.
Ethan laughs, but not a happy laugh at all, “Yeah it is. I should have never let Scott take her back home. I should have never screwed up in the first place. I should have been there for her.”
“You were there for her! You called for help and they got to her. She’s not dead Ethan! Quit blaming yourself, if anything you saved her life.”
“She is gone Gray! Dead!”
“Guys just calm down. We don’t know anything for sure yet. Let’s just stay calm and get inside so we can find out okay?” Tyler tries to reason. Ethan stays quiet while Grayson just clenches his jaw and nods. The atmosphere is filled with tension. Everyone is worried. Tears are still silently rolling down Ethan’s cheeks. Why did this have to happen to Y/N? Why her out of all the people in the world?
Everyone gets out of the car and makes a run for the entrance so they won’t get soaked by the rain. Everyone, but Ethan that is. He slowly gets out and slowly walks up to the others. His legs are numb to the cold rain soaking him through his jeans. He can’t feel anything other than the pain of knowing that Y/N is gone.
“Come on.” Kane says and goes inside with the others trailing after him. The smell of the hospital makes everything worse. The only thing running through Ethan’s mind is that Y/N’sp body is in here somewhere just lying there lifeless. Lifeless because he was not there for her. He didn’t protect like he swore he would. He didn’t.
“You go sit down. I’ll go and talk to a nurse.” Tyler instructs Grayson and motions to Ethan. Grayson grabs Ethan’s arm and walks him over to the waiting area. Kane and Colton follow quietly behind.
“Why are we even here?” Ethan asks bitterly.
“You know why.” Grayson answers calmly.
“No I really don’t because last time I checked Y/N was dead. I watched the life leave her eyes!” Ethan’s voice gets louder with each word. He’s resorting to anger to deal with his emotions. Like always, it’s always the anger. This makes Grayson stay quiet. He knows I’m right, Ethan thinks to himself angrily. She’s dead. Gone. Why are we still here? This is stupid. Ethan looks up when he hears someone walking towards them. But it’s only Tyler so Ethan drops his head back down to the floor.
“They said that we couldn’t see her yet but-“ Ethan cuts him off with a dry laugh.
“See what? She’s gone. Are we just going to look at a dead body?” Ethan asks with venom lacing his every word.
“She isn’t dead.” Is all Tyler says. Ethan stares at him with no emotion, just a blank look. He feels the anger rolling underneath his skin just waiting to be free. Dalton continues to watch Ethan for his reaction. Still nothing, Ethan just stares without speaking a word.
“So when can we see her?” Kane asks not being able to handle the tension and silence. It’s like a rubber band has snapped in two in his mind and Ethan’s no longer quiet or sitting down. Within a second he’s on his feet and yelling.
“She isn’t here! She’s gone, dead. Quit lying to me! I know she’s dead I watched the life leave her eyes! I got there too late! Everyone just needs to accept that Y/N is gone from our lives!” He screams in all of their faces.
“Would you sit down and let me explain to you how she isn’t dead?!” Tyler yells back.
“No you’re just going to lie to me!” Ethan doesn’t stick around to hear any more of the lies. He runs out of the dreadful hospital and out into the storm. He doesn’t go to the car he just runs down the street. He has no idea where he’s going he just lets his legs take him away from everyone and everything.
Reader’s POV
The voices are starting to get louder but I somehow block it all out so I’m still in my cocoon of numb, black, noiseless, darkness. I have all control over my body. I can stay in this world of blackness for as long as I want. Maybe I’m dead which I guess is better than dealing with reality. A reality where no one cares for me.
How is that a lie?
You know.
No one cares. If someone did they would have been there for me.
You saw him.
There is no one!
He saved you.
Nobody saved me. I’m not worth saving. Nobody cares and nobody will care once I’m gone. Am gone. Why would anyone care? I’m nothing to everybody around me. I cause problems for everyone. It’s best that I’m gone. Or in whatever state I’m in right now. At least here everyone is happy.
He’s not.
I don’t know who he is and I don’t care. Nobody cares.
Think about it. Who has been the only one there for you? Who was the last person you saw before entering this world of numbness?
I don’t know.
Third POV
She’s gone. I wasn’t there. Why wasn’t I there? Why did I let him take her? Why didn’t I stop her? Stupid. I’m so stupid. Ethan’s thoughts are running wild as he walks into some local diner soaking wet form head to toe. The storm isn’t getting any better. Only worse and worse. He can’t seem to escape them. He tries to stop thinking but it doesn’t work. She sat there bleeding to death while swallowing those pills and I was not there. She looked so weak and sad. Broken. She wouldn’t have been that way if I would have been there for her. My fault. He takes a sit on one of the rickety tables and just stares down at the diner. He doesn’t really feel like eating, but that seems like the only thing to do. Y/N is gone so what else should he do? “She deserves whatever happens to her. little whore.” Ethan hears a voice say to his right.  
“Her dad is going to kill her.”
“She should have thought of that before she ran off sleeping with that little preppy boy of hers then.”
“Care to say that to my face Scott?” Ethan surprises himself by speaking up. Scott turns around and faces Ethan who is now standing up looking down at him.
“I believe I already have a mere few hours ago.” Scott states with a sneer. The anger is boiling inside Ethan again. All it will take is one simple thing from Scott and it will be unleashed.
“What were you saying about Y/N?” He asks between clenched teeth.
“I believe you would know.” By now the whole diner is watching. Most are just grinning manically waiting for the fight to start. Nobody has stepped in to stop them yet.
 “Don’t say anything about her ever again.” Ethan says slowly and quietly.
“Or what? We’ve already been through this several times and I believe we all know how that will end.”
“I was always taught to speak nothing but the truth which is what I have been doing. She’s a whore and doesn’t deserve anyone.” Scott finishes with a laugh. And just like that the rubber band snaps and the rage is broken free. It’s all a blur really. Ethan is on him in a split second and throwing punches left and right. This time nobody interferes. They see the look of pure hatred in Ethan’s eyes and no better than to try to stop him. Every punch is for Y/N. Scott is the reason her father kicked her out. Scott is the reason for a lot. And Scott is just an easy way to let all of these caged up emotions out.
Someone eventually drags him off of Scott who is now unconscious. They make him leave the diner, but no one seems all that angry apart from Scott’s group. They probably all know Y/N and know that she isn’t the way Scott made her out to be. He got what he deserved. At least I was there for Y/N in some way.
It’s still storming out and the rain stings his bloodied knuckles. But the sting makes him not think for once. It relaxes him. Maybe this is why Y/N did that to herself. So she wouldn’t think anymore. The pain numbs everything. Makes it easier for once. Makes him forget that she’s not on this planet anymore. Her body is but she isn’t.
Ethan is broken out of his trance by his phone ringing. It’s Tyler…
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jasondean · 6 years
i'm sending you the first thing i thought of when i tried to think of an ask to send you. so. here's this cursed thing. heathersstuck.
ohhh my god okay first of all im gonna preemptively apologize for how long this is about to be. 
another disclaimer that this is all gonna be based on my knowledge of the alternia that we see in homestuck itself because i havent gotten super into hiveswap yet. and, as we all know, any good homestuck au is one where the contending canon is thrust into the homestuck universe as opposed to the other way around. so im gonna spare everyone the painful ideation of plucking a small handful from the VAST homestuck cast just to put them into the plot of heathers
im ALSO gonna preface that im thinking about the heathers film while writing this, not the musical. and im not gonna go into anything regarding martha, betty, kurt, or ram because i think focusing on the main cast is enough for right now lol. 
anyway, potential positions in the blood caste system as well as god tier assignments under the cut!  
so ive definitely thought about this on several occasions and ive seen some heatherstuck content where the heathers are trolls right. the thing is, the color symbolism from both media dont line up. and the heathers being drawn to keep their original colors just doesnt work out with the hemospectrum. like no way is heather chandler a red blood or mutant blood (imo itd make sense for jd to have mutant blood). the heathers being red, yellow, and green blooded would just make them a group of lowbloods and that doesnt fit with the power structure depicted in either canon. 
heather chandler would absolutely have fuchsia blood! i couldnt imagine it any other way. duke could maybe get away with being jade blooded because thatd put her in the midblood range but also what does that leave for mcnamara? i dont really have a good answer for that right now but - 
the heathers themselves aside, veronica would actually be pretty well suited for being some kind of blueblood (teal or cerulean maybe?) veronica being blue blooded would put her in a position of enough privilege to be taken under chandlers wing but also not privileged enough to naturally be at the top. 
jd would probably be rust or mutant blooded. but its also fun to consider: purple blood? since those in that blood class are more susceptible to becoming more ..unhinged. however, i personally favor rust or mutant blooded since i am partial to reds and it would help play into his hatred of society.
trolls or not though theyd all be destined for something right? so im gonna move onto potential god tiers. 
now this is where my laptop cut out so most of the classpect analyses themselves come with help fom http://dahniwitchoflight.tumblr.com
im imagining veronica as a rogue of space. first of all, space players are CRUCIAL to a session as one of the cardinal aspects (space & time making up the fabric of paradox space). its been said by calliope that space can be a passive aspect that holds great power, “hosting the stage before suddenly in some way ‘showing who the master truly is’” and then collapsing in on itself. space players are essential to sessions because it falls on them to light the forge which is necessary for the process of ultimate alchemy (creating the next universe) - and that aside, the idea of veronica collecting and breeding frogs is incredibly cute to me. 
“Those bound to the aspect of Space are, as the name suggests, concerned with the big picture. They are patient, masters of the art of ‘wait-and-see’, and are inclined to take things as they come. That isn’t to say that they’re pushovers or willing to let injustice lie-they just choose their battles wisely, understanding that sometimes you have to let something burn to the ground in order to build it back better and stronger than before. To this effect, they tend to be innovators, concerned with creation and redemption. Catch them recycling the old to make the new, the fresh, and the beautiful. For the Space-bound, the journey is as, if not more, important than the destination; how they do something is as important as what they do. At their best, they are steady, impartial, and creative. At their worst, they can be detached, apathetic, and vague.”    – this description of space players comes from the extended zodiac quiz itself 
rogues invite theft through their aspect or theft of their aspect. they have problems coping with their aspect or their supposed lack of it, they think that they cant handle it which causes them to give it up too easily. the challenge rogues face is to come to terms with their aspect and own it. 
heres a bit on rogues of space specifically: “They might have a tendency to quickly change the subject into others things or cover their interests up to distract from what they perceive to be their failed creations. They may feel uncomfortable with the thought that everything is random and meaningless in the universe, or that it is what you make of it, because they often think they don’t know what to make of it. They may feel lonely at times and feel like they have too much Space to themselves, wanting to fill it up with other people and things. They might lower their standards to the point that they give up their personal Space to someone not worthy enough, just so they won’t feel alone.On the flip side they might feel like they have too much stuff, maybe because they invite others to use up their Space, giving it away too readily, lamenting their lack of impatience with others, or the ability to say no to people. […] a Rogue’s challenge is to learn to be comfortable with their Aspect, and allow the healthy parts of it to enter their lives. They must learn to be okay with what they have right now, that they have it within themselves to change things and make them better. They don’t have to give up so easily.”
jd seems like hed obviously be a prince of doom and this feels self explanatory but. princes are described as being stubborn and pessimistic and they actively destroy using their class / destroy through their class. a princes challenge is to not end up destroying themselves along the way. doom aspect because not only does it pretty much encompass chaos, but the symbol (and the aspect itself has been speculated to be) pretty clearly draws from The Tumor which is. a giant fucking bomb essentially. another fun tidbit about doom players is that they are DEATH MAGNETS they die a LOT and its theorized that for this reason sburb has a sort of game mechanic in place to help balance that out by granting doom players multiple dream selves. i just think itd be really fun to see a sburb session where jd (maybe) cant be kept down by dying. doom is also associated with judgement and sacrifice, and have been said to be “fates chosen sufferers.” “doom players are wise, kind, and non judgmental at their best and bitter, resentful, and fatalistic at their worst.” 
and while i definitely think the doom class is fitting for jd im stuck between prince and bard? bards are the embodiment of the “wild card”. they allow destruction through their aspect / invite destruction through their aspect and their challenge is to not be ruled by the whims of their aspect. and im just now thinking that while this does make sense in its own way, princes and bards are active / passive opposites and i cant really imagine jd being the more laid back of the two. hes just too extra, lol. although i love the idea of jd being in that ridiculous bard getup 
heres some insight to princes of doom: “A Prince of Doom unapologetically pushes people way past their own limits. They are truly passionate, even almost crazy activists. They hate being told no or that they can’t do something, but are more likely to simply destroy or kill the person who said no then prove them otherwise. Depending on what kind of situation or session they find themselves in, and whether or not what they do is really needed at the moment, they can be heaven sent saviors, freeing people from what binds them, or terrifying dictators, ruling over people and enforcing their will wherever they want, letting nothing and no one limit what they do. […] They likely use Bombs and Fire as their main weapons. They have a lot of potential to go down a very destructive or even evil path if they use their powers irresponsibly, but not every Prince of Doom is automatically evil or will Doom their session.“
heather chandler i can definitely see being a witch of rage. witches manipulate using their aspect or manipulate their aspect directly and their challenge is to use their rule breaking powers in a morally conscious way. 
heres some info about witches of rage: “You don’t tell a Witch of Rage anything, they tell you. Anything you have to say they can Reject with Doubt, Negativity and Skepticism and be like ‘No you’re wrong, it’s actually this way.’ They manipulate fear, mistrust and anger, either lowering it or making you believe it’s not all that bad, even if it is. Or they can amplify it, making you paranoid and afraid of even mundane things. […] They can be ‘loose cannons’ and this can be good or bad, depending on how good you are on getting them on your side and keeping them there. Their entire moral challenge lies in the choice between using their powers on their allies or their enemies, like most witches.”  
heather duke would likely be a maid of mind. a maid creates with their aspect / creates their aspect, and a maids challenge is to rely on themself for their aspect. this absolutely isnt to say that duke cannot think for herself at the beginning of the story by any means.
here’s a bit about maids of mind: “At first they tend to defer to the decisions of the group rather than be a part of them and are more focused on watching and waiting and seeing how other people make decisions. […] When a Maid of Mind starts rising to their challenge, they start deciding for themselves what roles they need to play and when. […] They may just have an apathetic and indifferent personality in general. They start letting their thoughts and decision be known and have an effect instead of just referring to others and blending in.” 
and finally heather mcnamara would probably be a page of heart. (i had a hard time coming up with a god tier for her since, if im being honest, shes not a character i pay much attention to.) pages invite exploitation of their aspect / invite exploitation through their aspect. they start with a deficit in their aspect that they overcome through (obvious) overcompensation. their challenge is to keep at things, even if they fail or the journey is slow, to become stronger in the end. 
bit about pages of heart: “They can be very over dramatic in their emotional displays, blowing up every little thing completely out of proportion and giving disproportionate emotional responses to almost everything. […] They can be easily exploited through all of this by other people who either take advantage of the Page’s emotions and empathy, or take advantage of the Page’s obsessions and desires, using it against them. […] When they rise up to their challenge, they start learning to be more balanced and sincere with their emotions, their affections, and with themselves. They learn how to be passionate, sincere and truly honest with themselves and others.”
and all of this is just SOME of the possibilities of what could happen in a homestuck heathers au. would they all be in the same session? would they all be trolls? would the heathers & veronica be in their own session and jd be in his own session that ends up intertwining together? theres literally SO MANY possibilities when it comes to homestuck aus and i love that shit. 
now that ive spent so much time speculating all this its time to deposit myself directly into the dumpster 
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r-o-se · 7 years
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BASICALLY 101 comments/thoughts/things on Produce 101 S2E2
1.      The kids are watching the last ep
2.      The first vote results, Bae Jinyoung first, Wang Minhyuk last. Poor kid. Stop naming kids Minhyuk theres 6 of them on the field already it’s like Michael in America lol
3.      Back to the evaluations
4.      Woojin goes up, Daniel is like ’He’s rly cute I hugged him already’ tbh everyone call him cute lol
5.      Does JB Baby, what a classic lol. Got a B and praised for his pronunciation
6.      Aaahahahah lmao he asked for water and has to choose between two judges. Chooses Cheetah and she looks blessed af
7.      Kid has problems with opening stickers lol
8.      YGk+ performance, everyone are shook about their legs
9.      Their performance isn’t that good though, poor dudes. One D, other three F
10.   Roll yet ANOTHER compilation of the hottest kids this season
11.   Yongbin aka the dude with a nose bridge straighter and higher than my will to live
12.   Dongsoo and Namhyung from S.How do an AMAZING self composed song, are cute and talented as fuck. Namhyung got an A and Dongsoo got a B. Cheetah loves them ME TOO ME TOO
13.   Compilation of rappers, the overall comment on teachers is ‘Cheetah is cute omg but Dunmill is scary’
14.   Editing: aw cheetah is cute now with longer hair
15.   Cheetah: does the snoop dogg dance yno the smoke weed everyday one
16.   ‘Boys are calmer’ no they are more desperate and scared of failure
17.   Jung Jungji prepared a SHITTON for EXO Growl, a bajillion vids of it. But sadly I guess his nerves got to him, he didn’t do well aaaaaaaaaaaand got an F. Stop fucking laughing at him. Most of the audience is dancing along though such an iconic song
18.   He looks dead inside but says “I’m glad because I made BoA laugh”
20.   Do Block B Very Good, MURDER IT IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE, AMAZING energy, everyone love it, first and only all company A rank
21.   Who am I fooling I actually watched their performance like 4 times before this on youtube just because of how much I love it the energy is so good
22.   Taehyun’s freestyle krump was on POINT tru kid monster right there. His expressions are soooooo good
23.   Now the kids are writing their future wishes or something like that to a huge whiteboard
24.   Kim Dongbin from kiwi ent looks sooooo nervous save that kid
25.   He’s doing chewing gum and stopped in the middle for some x reason?
26.   He stopped bc one of the judges pulled out his in-ear in a weird way and he thought that meant he needs to stop
28.   Everyone are cheering for him  to continue THIS IS SO SWEET AAAHHHHHH EVEN JINWOO MOVED HIS HANDS AND CLAPPED
29.   And he finished his performance w a cute smile and………. got an F
30.   ’My level should be lower than F. I’m grateful for F’
31.   FNC Hwiseung comes out DOES SHINEE REPLAY GOT MY VOTE
33.   Judges don’t like either and say both feel rushed… Hwiseung got a D and Heeseok got an F… damn
34.   Starship Sewoon and Kwanghyun come in, everyone get hype. One of them hates dancing and individ. trainee Jaehwan went to the same school as Sewoon. They Maroon 5 Sugar, everyone loves it
35.   Sewoon plays guitar and composes, everyone STILL loves it and for a very good reason
36.   BoA: So do u wanna be an idol or a singer?
        Sewoon: CEO
37.   Starship gets a double B
38.   RYTHM TA COVER, amazing vocals, acrobatics, taekwondo (is this the K-Tiger trainee?) basically just a compilation of the coolest kids this season
39.   Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Jang Moonbok clip again
40.   He’s doing BTS Boy In Luv and…. It isn’t too good poor dude
41.   Seriously Mnet’s son bc his singing isn’t good yet the only reactions they are showing from crowd are the most positive ones
42.   He got an F
43.   Brand New come up, roll clip of the absolute snake team San E and Jint ent company lol kids are cute tho
44.   Do a song composed by Daehwi, choreo made by Woojin that sounds eerily like a GOT7 Hard Carry  
45.   Daehwi's vocals are good but his range isn’t too high rip. One of the kids did a bboy pose thing on one hand. Someone in the crowd dabbed
46.   Daehwi and Woojin got an A, Youngmin and Donghyun got B’s
47.   End of the evaluation, 7 A rank trainees, 17 B rank, 21 C rank, 25 D rank and 31 F rank. Last season there was like….. 20 something A rank holy shit
48.   Revealing the high pitched as hell song and the difficult ass choreo
49.   The best can go to M Countdown with it, A gets center and the ult center gets a solo part
50.   The one who has an A rank is basically a god and the one who gets the center position is literally the definition of ’what’s a god to a non-believer’
51.   They’re moving in now and get their ugly colour coded sweaters lol
52.   F rank trying to cope ’I actually rly like gray clothes… Still want pink tho’
53.   Why is korea so obsessed with ages lol
54.   Sungwoon took like an air humidifier and candles and an electric mat and whatnot lmaoooo
55.   Goblin parody ensue. Some trainee, Yoo Jinwon looks just like male Eun Tak (The female lead of goblin)
56.   Group practice is soooooo unbalanced holy SHIT
57.   The song is so high pitched they are all dying inside
58.   JINWOO IS TALKING my dude…. In F rank…. Depressing
59.   Daehwi is a sad boy bc the entire B team belted out the high notes like no joke
60.   Two dance black holes make slow mo eye contact if im not incorrect its the Cube F rank and one of the YGk+ F ones with a haircut idk how to describe.. like… its black…  sure is black
61.   Within 10 minutes A rank fucking aces the dance as a whole, sure its not perfect but it looks GREAT
62.   F is a… Mess sighs. At least that’s how they’re portrayed. In group shots at least half of the kids can do the dance just GREAT but sure obvs mnet isnt gonna show them
63.   Daehwi has problems with the high notes poor lil kid
64.   Namhyun, Sungwoo and Sungwoon have no problems hitting it though
65.   I fucking hate this system because rappers need to excel in vocals too which is fucking unfair and they just humiliated BNM Woojin who cant reach the notes and the trainer is NO FUCKING HELP and doesn’t guide him or anything just looks at him judgingly just fuck off dude seriously
66.   Sungwoo is just like Sejeong, got everyone shook during first evaluation, sings like an angel and CAN actually dance but has small problems while adapting to the choreo
67.   Now to the D group training KAHI MY MOTHER
68.   Baekho has problems concentrating to the dance and they only show him obviously thanks Mnet for nothing like he is not the type of person for p101 hes literally the furthest away from the p101 type why did pledis force them there Im so fucking angry dude
69.   Another poor black hole cutie is Cube Guanlin ugh im so sad about him DON’T CRY
70.   But others are helping him which makes me happy thank god for that
71.   C group get compared to chicks and vitamin C lol
72.   The C group vocal trainer is pretty af and everyone are in love including me
73.   ‘Age is just a number’ BOI
74.   Bae Jinyoung keeps looking at the ground SHY BOY but he also messed up his singing poor kiddo
75.   B team has the same vocal coach as A and I think D has the same dude
76.   Honestly I fucking hate that dude he’s so rude to rapper kids and doesn’t even help him and Mnet tries to play it off like ‘haha tsundere’ but no he’s just an asshole
77.   One of the rappers does adlibs lol
78.   But everyone else are just in pain I fucking hate this system so much
79.   Woojin is a small baby but sings like gold
81.   He picks out NU’EST right away ugh but MY DUDE REN DOES SO WELL
82.   RBW GUNHEE MY B O I HOLY HELL SINGS SO WELL WHYS HE IN D even the coach said he did the best out of the grades he coaches ( A B and D)
83.   That coach is so much nicer in D
84.   I take everything back he just fucking destroyed my baby Hyungseob I’m so fucking done with everything
85.   B team dance class que
86.   Kang Daniel feels a bit full of himself but tbh he is literally perfect at everything and has the dance clean already
87.   Kim Jaehwan has problems with dance this is like with Juna last season lol
89.   The dorm clips, everyone are practicing
90.   Aaaaaaaaand now they’re doing the reevaluation filming
91.   B grade Kim Sangbin danced really well and even sang well even though hes a rapper and then dabbed lmao hope lost
92.   MY LIL JUSTIN KIDDO IS UP but holy shit his singing is really bad I’m sad
93.   Everyone are saying they are anticipating Minhyun to move up by a rank but his clip is awful I’m so fucking sad dude I don’t have any words to express my absolute misery he looks so beaten up and other trainees are trying to console him I’m so fucking sad
94.   Now it’s Baekho’s turn, he doesn’t do too well either but it def isn’t THAT bad and mnet is just trying to make NU’EST look bad because they aren’t showing JR’s clip even though he was good enough to move up to B grade
95.   The dude with the best singing voice, Gunhee, his singing voice broke rip
96.   Moonbok’s clip wasn’t good and everyone are sad bc he practiced a lot
97.   Kwon Hyunbin from YGk+ does really shit and I feel soooooooooooo sorry because he isn’t doing good and people aren’t vvoting for him either but it just won’t come out right and im SO SORRY FOR HIM AAAAAAAGHHHHHH and like YGk+ is a modelling company so he wont debut and then theres this kid Ha Minho who I like too and his rank is like what 94 rn hes gonna fucking die. I hate this show why is it so addicting
98.   Calls to family ft. a lot of tears from everyone but Jisung’s sister has the same sense of humor as Jisung does its gr8 why isn’t he in top 11 vote for him jesus fuck
99.   Judges are gonna watch the reevaluation things now time to Get Sad Bois
100.  Daehwi and Samuel get praised and JAEHWAN MY LIL BOY FIXED HIS DANCE IM SO PROUD
101.  Oh no now theyre gonna watch Minhyuns catastrophe clip I want to fucking die
102. Kahi said that Min gets pressured when competing with other people I’m so fucking sad my boy is so stable and talented if anyone wants good NU’EST lives just fucking hit me up he is sooooo high quality stop bullying him @mnet  @pledis
103. Why do they only show bad clips I’m so sad and the trainers all laugh at them this just… it’s so ugly leave the kids alone they are under such immense pressure with such a difficult song and choreo
104. Finally they are showing the good trainees I’m so glad give them that ATTENTION and MY KID HYUNGSEOB IS THERE WITH A PEACE SIGN
105. And to end it now they’re getting the reevaluation grades and a bunch of kids are moving up I’m glad but they aren’t showing anyone’s new grades
And now, also good  screencaps that didn’t make it into the top 9, some funny, some depressing, Also I’m ready to stab anyone who came up with the goddamn food and bathroom break ration they’re doing by rank like what is this u cant dance u cant eat?? well hello there stalin 
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foreverjola · 7 years
Its happening again.
 When I was in high school I started to self harm. That was my outlet. I didn’t really know what I was doing. But that was around when emo kids got popular and cutting  yourself was a thing I tried. So was banging my head against the wall, beating my chest, and other things. I tried to put up a seld-madep 8.5x11 poster on my ceiling that said ‘hate makes the world go around’. I do not get along with my parents. Not on good days. Not on bad. On good days, I can fake it. On bad days…if you’re not Nigerian you won’t get it. If you are Nigerian, you won’t get it. To this day there are so many times people talk about things they did or didn’t do as kids, that I would never have dreamed of doing. Little things like sleepovers and game systems as kids have turned into control of my freedom and independence as an adult. For some reason I don’t like regret so I don’t regret up upbringing – but I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. For a hot second there middle school, I wanted to have kids so I could inflict upon them as much pain as my parents did upon me. I literally wanted to cause harm to my unborn children, because of their future grandparents. Thankfully I got over that, unfortunately I got into cutting. Now I’ve decided to have children (and adopt/foster!) to show love to kids in ways my parents never did to me. Some part of twitter was having a conversation about their strict parents. And how they always get lectures for staying out late. Number 1 – you get to stay out late? If I walk out of my house to check the mail, my parents pounce on me? Friends complain when I have to leave a party early, but it took weeks of preparation (including lying about the occasion, the people, the beverages, and more) to get me here this far and I canNOT fuck this shit up. There was a point a few years ago when I had enough had got a friend to come pick me up so I could leave. The way my father yelled at me, and my mother refused to stand up for me as she stood by him. My sister – literally the only reason why I have made it this far in life – was already asleep by this time so I was all alone, in my childhood living room. My friend was out front in her car waiting for me, not realizing how seriously it was, and slightly annoyed that it was taking me so long to walk outside after she texted me. My father threatened to disown me – a very real and scary thing which I had seen happen. Although fun fact – one of my mothers family members has done some illegal things and tried to drag my parents in it and my father is fighting tooth and nail for HIM but has never EVER gone to bat for me. So I stayed. Again. Like I always do. And like I always kills myself. After high school igot free to college and started the slow process of improving. With the help of friends, bsu, nsa, and uci, I became my own person, with my own thoughts, views, opinions, beliefs, interests, likes, dislikes, and I was happy. And after graduation when I couldn’t find a job as we millennials are wont to do.i moved back home. And died. I was slowly reverting into my high school self. I didn’t like who I was. I lashed out on social media and worried quite a few people. And then I got into grad school. This time instead of down the freeway I moved across the country. And with the help of new friends, and old friends, I was once again free and happy. After graduation, I got an internship. I got an apt. there was hope. But. The internship ended. No job offer was made. Paychecks stopped coming. The lease ended. And im back. And im dying. Im a really joyful happy person. When I feel safe and loved and happy, im always happy. I cant stop smiling and joking and loving life. I came home for Christmas and its been downhill since. Im hateful, jdugey, spiteful, angry, pissed off, cursing, angry, and unhappy. I struggle to fake the smile that I learned to fake over a lifetime. A feel like a bottle of soda. I was shaken and then slowwwly opened a little bit  so I didn’t spill over. Then shaken again and sloooowly opened a bit more and somehow still didn’t spill over. But ive been shaken for a third time and literally YAHWEH HELP those within range. Its one thing after another. Day after day. And im struggling to find a way to cope. I was telling my sister – my only reason for living – if something happened to her God minght as well take me too because there is no purpose. I told her there were three reasons  I kept trying to get along with my parents. 1-God. Love your neighbor. Honor thy parents. I’ve tried. And failed. Many times. I love them but I don’t need to be around them. It makes me an angry person and a bad Christian. 2-My sister. She unfortunately still depends on them for money, etc. That works against me as I will put myself through anything - hell and highwater – to make sure that she has what she wants out of life. 3-Money. This God-forsaken has been so FUCKED UP by the past generations that my generation has  no chance. I owe $70,000 to whatever semblance of government is claiming their dictating reign right now. When my lease ended I looked up air bnb’s and they thought to myself, ‘no. sit your bougie broke black ass down and tough it out. You don’t have the money’. If id left, I wouldn’t have had money. But I would have had joy. I have so many things to be angry about that I don’t even know where to begin.
-when has telling someone to calm down ever worked? I got my anger from the nature and nurture given to me by the husband you chose so deal with it
-prayer only does so much. I can have faith ill get the job, but a backup plan helps me not to default on my loans
-not everybody can be a gahdamb entrepreneur. Yes I know so-and-so is. Yes I saw such-and-such product. Its 7 billion people on this earth. If everybody tried to be an entrepreneur, how would that work? Why cant I want a simple job working for someone else? Is that so bad? Working for whoever the fuck I want to make money I can do whatever the fuck I want with? Or maybe even working for someone with a soul and feeling decent about doing that?
-if you call me an adult, treat me like one. If one person is seen carrying pounds upon pounds of boxes and bags to and fro a car for a full hour,, either 1) HELP or 2) SHUT UP and do not ask me that I still have so much stuff?
-don’t tell someone they can do something and then the day of at the last minute change your mind and take it back
-do not tear down people who cannot defend themselves. Do not put other peoples dirty laundry (or what you perceive to be their dirty laundry) out to dry.
 The two times ive been happiest in my life were when I got away from this – financed by thousands of dollars of loans. Im taking whatever shithole job I can find and get and taking out $100,000 grand in loans if any bank will let me and God help me I’m taking myself and my sister and getting us out of here. It’s visibly negatively affecting both of us so strongly.
 When I was growing, my dad had a friend whose adult son disdagreed with his dad (not as much as I did with my parents,  and usually only about one thing, and his mom always took his side.) but still. This went on for a few years, and then  he left. It was tough for him at first. But now hes got a job, a place, a dog, just returned from a trip to Europe and seems so genuinely happy. His parents are still worried about how to get him to do the one thing they want. Theyre carrying that pain n their hearts and he’s living free. I’ve suffered enough. Its my time to be free. Let whatever happens to them, happen to them. I want to be happy.
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nauseoussuggestion · 6 years
i have a bunch of stuff i write down in my sticky notes and its cluttering my desktop
my ap art portfolio explanatino of my concentration: My experience with my diagnosed depersonalisation disorder is the theme of my concentration. Depersonalisation involves feeling a complete disconnection with my body, sometimes causing me to sense estrangement from not only my surroundings but also my mind. With the help of therapy, I have been able to use art as a coping mechanism to illustrate many of my mental health episodes, whether they be good or bad. These pieces represent the emotions that I have experienced in my struggles to recover. A common source of depersonalisation is often reported to be the passing of a close family member. After my dad lost his very short fight to stage 4 lung cancer, my mind resorted to rejecting the concept of reality, and I sunk into a void of numbness and confusion about my situation for years. My future and present were bleak, and any rays of hope were quickly dashed. In the deafening silence and draining emptiness, I fell into my own world where all I could do was think. This is illustrated in piece 12, where I sit within the wildflowers of my mind, depersonalizing and reflecting on the reasons why I have been abandoned in the scheme of life. In piece 3, I illustrate how I feel in my desolate room. When in my room, despite being surrounded by distracting activities, the lightbulb multiplies in a blinding fashion and my eyes blur while I only sit in my somberness, unable to be filled with enough energy to fix myself. My use of, and lack of, colors, as well, play a part in emphasizing my depersonalisation. Many of my art pieces are bruised and garish as seen in pieces such as 4 and 7, representing how I feel about my body: vile and unfamiliar. These are things that often run through my mind in millions of different degrees and variations. I express these variant responses in this concentration, as part of my road to recovery. 
rough draft of a thing i was going to send to the tntt faceboook but didnt bc anh jimmy said itd be a bad idea: hello! my name is raymond vo. im from doan kito vua saint columban in mien tay nam. i am a transgender male (born female and identifies as male). i would greatly appreciate if i was able to tie my khan the male's way instead of the female's way even though i have not legally changed my sex or name yet. i firmly believe that our khanhs are a representation of our soul, and i hope to be able to take steps towards getting permission to allow my khanh to reflect my true gender. i'm not exactly sure where to find the right guidance in terms of this topic (being a transgender catholic in VEYM), so i hope by messaging you we may get any clarifications or questions answered. (if you can, please explain your response whether it be yes or no) (if we need to talk this out or smth just hmu so we can talk about it) (thank you for understanding) 
something i was thinking about when i thought about how great my c1 class is: i want to leave you guys with this: our catholic faith is diverse. it is filled with people all across the spectrum and it is a beautiful one. what you learned here in this class and what youve experienced at the parishes youve been to are just a sliver of what our faith is. it accompanies the saints whove gone before us, the people here in the present (you guys), and those to come. andrew was telling me about re congress (religious education congress) and how it was the largest congregation of catholics (40k people) that meet annually. it had a wide array of panelists, well-versed theologians and welcoming people, talking of a huge range of topics. there were a bunch of panels talking about intersectional feminism, womens roles in the Bible (a very progressive view i swear), multiple lgbt+ panels, race problems today, etc. i want you guys to know that theres a lot to our faith. its much more than the mass we typically hit snooze on and its much more than the clergy and old white men you guys may not find relatable. our church is progressing and its going to take time but heck there is so much depth to it and so many people who are cheering us on and i want you guys to never get discouraged in those terms. we are the church. i feel like i havent done you guys justice. you guys are a badass group of teens and im so proud to know you all and i mean it from the bottom of my heart that i have absolutely fallen in love with you guys. God is Love and no matter what you guys think of yourselves i want you guys to know that i see so much Christ in each and every one of yall. wherever you are in your faith journey or in your life i am here for you guys (along w sam and andrew) and i just want you guys to know how much i care about you guys. thank you for bearing with me
feelings and words i wanted to say to all the leaders whove affected me but never did: i am lost. i am broken. i am desperate and unworthy and i have so much self hatred for everything that i am. that be said, in all the drowning of emotions and overwhelming nature of my own vices, my love for you guys stands strong. i am proud. proud of this ministry. proud to be a part of this ministry. proud of how far each of the people ive met has come. the teens. the leaders whove just begun this year. the leaders whove been here for eons. im proud to call Jesus my God. im proud to call you guys my friends. im proud to call you guys my family. im proud of the love that i hold for you guys bc heck. i have so much of it. we need you, God. i need this love you have for me to be constant and i know it always will be. thank you
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