#ima pass somehow
c28hunter · 2 years
Do I have a difficult math test tomorrow? Yes
Yesterday, did I spontaneously buy a ticket for a tonight's concert? Yes, I did
I'm in my "I don't give a fuck anymore era"
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pikahlua · 9 months
MHA Chapter 411 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 感傷には浸らない かんしょうにはひたらない kanshou ni wa hitaranai "Don't get sentimental."
tagline 1 語る継承者達… かたるけいしょうしゃたち… kataru keishousha-tachi... The speaking successors...
2 元よりこの戦いはもう"後継者"に託されてる もとよりこのたたかいはもう"こうけいしゃ"にたくされてる moto yori kono tatakai wa mou "koukeisha" ni takusareteru "From the beginning, this battle has been entrusted to the successors."
3 死柄木弔を討つ しがらきとむらをうつ Shigaraki Tomura wo utsu "Attack Tomura Shigaraki,"
4 今はこれが僕らの存在理由…… いまはこれがぼくらのそんざいりゆう…… ima wa kore ga bokura no sonzai riyuu...... "This is the reason for our existence now......"
5 っかし…このままじゃジリ貧さ再生の壁を打ち破る手立を見つけねーと っかし…このままじゃジリひんささいせいのかべをうちやぶるてだてをみつけねーと kkashi...kono mama ja JIRI hinsa saisei no kabe wo uchiyaburu tedate wo mitsukenee to "But...if things continue getting worse and worse like this, he'll have to find a way to break through that wall of regeneration."
tagline 2 No.411 史上最悪の敵 堀越耕平 ナンバー411 しじょうさいあくのヴィラン ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 411  shijou saiaku no VIRAN   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 411 History's Worst Villain  Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 四ノ森さん‼︎ しのもりさん‼︎ Shinomori-san!! "Mr. Shinomori!!"
2-3 九代目を頼む! きゅうだいめをたのむ! kyuudaime wo tanomu! "I leave the Ninth to you!"
4 小僧‼︎ こぞう‼︎ kozou!! "Boy!!"
5 四ノ森さんがーーー しのもりさんがーーー Shinomori-san ga--- "Mr. Shinomori is---"
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1 "危機感知"が "4TH"が "4th (read as kiki kanchi)" ga The 4th (read as: Danger Sense)
2 奪われた‼︎ うばわれた‼︎ ubawareta!! was stolen!!
3 連綿と受け継がれた力…… れんめんとうけつがれたちから…… renmen to uketsugareta chikara...... "A power that's been passed down repeatedly......"
4 先生が難儀した力か せんせいがなんぎしたちからか sensei ga nangi shita chikara ka "So this is the power that gave Master difficulty?"
5 まア maA "Well,"
6 執着はないけどお前を壊せるならいい しゅうちゃくはないけどおまえをこわせるならいい shuuchaku wa nai kedo omae wo kowaseru nara ii "I'm not attached to it, but if I can destroy you then it's fine."
7 こんな…呆気なく…! こんな…あっけなく…! konna...akkenaku...! "Like this...so suddenly...!"
small text イスが… ISU ga... "His chair..."
8 こじ開けてきやがったさ…!俺たち全員分の意志をーー こじあけてきやがったさ…!おれたちぜんいんぶんのいしをーー kojiakete kiyagatta sa...! ore-tachi zen'inbun no ishi wo-- "He was somehow able to pry open [his way in]...! All of our wills--"
9 軽く凌駕してるってのか! かるくりょうがしてるってのか! karuku ryouga shiteru tte no ka! "he's easily surpassing them!"
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1 (黒鞭 発勁)+変速‼︎ (5TH 3RD)+2ND‼︎ (5th (read as: kuromuchi) 3rd (read as: hakkei)) + 2nd (read as: hensoku)!! (5th (read as: Black Whip) 3rd (read as: Fa Jin)) + 2nd (read as: Gear Shift)!!
2 黒鎖‼︎ こくさ‼︎ kokusa!! Black Chain!!
3 へえ hee "Ahh,"
4 こりゃずっと凌がれるワケだぜ! こりゃずっとしのがれるワケだぜ! korya zutto shinogareru WAKE da ze! "so this is how you could stave me off!"
5 "危機感知"を使われてる "4TH"をつかわれてる "4th (read as: kiki kanchi)" wo tsukawareteru He's using "4th (read as Danger Sense)."
6 一番邪魔なお前からだ いちばんじゃまなおまえからだ ichiban jama na omae kara da "You are the one most in my way, so"
7 崩壊を始める ほうかいをはじめる houkai wo hajimeru "I'll begin [your] decay."
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1 「泣いてた」⁉︎「見なかった事にはしない」⁉︎ 「ないてた」⁉︎「みなかったことにはしない」⁉︎ 「naiteta」!? 「minakatta koto ni wa shinai」!? "'I was crying'!? 'You won't pretend you didn't see it'!?"
2 おまえまだ omae mada "Are you still"
3 敵を人間扱いしてンのか⁉︎ おれをにんげんあつかいしてンのか⁉︎ ore (read as: teki/VIRAN) wo ningen atsukai shiteN no ka!? "treating me (read as: villain) as a human?"
4 まだそんなとこにいるのか緑谷‼︎ まだそんなとこにいるのかみどりや‼︎ mada sonna toko ni iru no ka Midoriya!! "Is [that me] still there, Midoriya?" (Note: He means "Can you still see that crying boy there inside me?" basically.)
5 ちゃんと見ろ‼︎ ちゃんとみろ‼︎ chanto miro!! "Look carefully!!"
6 そこに俺はもういない‼︎ そこにおれはもういない‼︎ soko ni ore wa mou inai!! "I'm not there anymore!!" (Note: He means "That crying boy isn't there anymore!!" basically.)
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1-3 ハッ HA "Hahh" (Note: Speech bubbles #1-3 are all heavy panting/breathing noises.)
4 黒鞭を幾重にも巻きつけて防御だけに徹すれば…まだ致命傷は避けられる… 5THをいくえにもまきつけてぼうぎょだけにてっすれば…まだちめいしょうはさけられる… 5th (read as: kuromuchi) wo ikue ni mo makitsukete bougyo dake ni tessureba...mada chimeishou wa sakerareru... If I wrap 5th (read as: Black Whip) around me over and over and focus on only defense...I can still avoid fatal injuries...
5 ボロ… BORO... Crumble... (Note: This is the sound effect of Izuku's mask breaking to bits.)
6 あっマスクが a MASUKU ga Ah, my mask...
7 オールマイトが拾ってくれたマスク… オールマイトがひろってくれたマスク… OORU MAITO ga hirotte kureta MASUKU... The mask All Might retrieved for me...
8 高波に呼吸を妨げられないよう装着したのがついさっき… たかなみにこきゅうをさまたげられないようそうちゃくしたのがついさっき… takanami ni kokyuu wo samatagerarenai you souchaku shita no ga tsui sakki... "You only just equipped it so your breathing wouldn't be obstructed by the tall waves..."
9 かと思えばこんなところに……何というデタラメな力だ… かとおもえばこんなところに……なんというデタラメなちからだ… ka to omoeba konna tokoro ni......nan to iu DETARAME na chikara da... (Literal) "If I think about it, in a place like this...that's a bullshit power..." (Contextual) "Thinking about it, in a place like this...[he's got some] bullshit power..."
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1 …富士山…こんな近くに… …ふじさん…こんなちかくに… ...Fuji-san...konna chikaku ni... "...Mount Fuji...we're this close..."
2 "変速"が切れる頃だ… "2ND"がきれるころだ… "2nd (read as: hensoku) ga kireru koro da... "It's about time the 2nd (read as: Gear Shift) is cut off..." (Note: He means they are reaching Gear Shift's activation time limit.)
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1 奪われたのは"個性"のみ うばわれたのは"こせい"のみ ubawareta no wa "kosei" nomi "All that was stolen was the quirk."
2 身体強化に影響はないようだな しんたいきょうかにえいきょうはないようだな shintai kyouka ni eikyou wa nai you da na "It doesn't seem to have any impact on your physical strength."
3 力自体は各因子ではなくOFAに蓄積されている…回復まで耐えるしかない ちからじたいはかくいんしではなくワン・フォー・オールにストックされている…かいふくまでたえるしかない chikara jitai wa kakuinshi de wa naku WAN FOO OORU ni SUTOKKU (read as: chikuseki) sarete iru...kaifuku made taeru shika nai "The strength itself is stored in One For All, not in each factor... We have no choice but to endure until recovery.*" (*Note: I'm not completely sure what is meant here by "until recovery." Maybe he means "We have no choice but to tough it out until you recover from the Gear Shift blow-back"?)
4 …その力で…今の内に奴から逃げるべきじゃないか…? …そのちからで…いまのうちにやつからにげるべきじゃないか…? ...sono chikara de...ima no uchi ni yatsu kara nigeru beki ja nai ka...? "...With that strength...shouldn't we use it to escape from him now...?"
5 煙…‼︎ えん…‼︎ En...!! "En...!!"
6 さっきのは"危機感知"だったから俺たち助かったんだ さっきのは"四ノ森さん"だったからおれたちたすかったんだ sakki no wa "Shinomori-san (read as: kiki kanchi)" datta kara ore-tachi tasukattanda "We were saved before because of Mr. Shinomori (read as: Danger Sense)."
7 また九代目が一瞬でも触れられたら またきゅうだいめがいっしゅんでもふれられたら mata kyuudaime ga isshun demo fureraretara "If the Ninth is touched again, even for an moment,"
8 今度は誰も逃げられないかもしれない…! こんどはだれもにげられないかもしれない…! kondo wa dare mo negrarenai kamo shirenai...! "maybe this time no one will be able to escape...!"
9 全員奪われてお終いだ! ぜんいんうばわれておしまいだ! zen'in ubawarete oshimai da! "It's all over once everyone is stolen!"
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1 見えてるぞ幽霊!逃げる算段でも話し合ってたか⁉︎ みえてるぞゆうれい!にげるさんだんでもはなしあってたか⁉︎ mieteru zo yuurei! nigeru sandan demo hanshiatteta ka!? "I can see you, ghosts! Were you even discussing escape plans!?"
2 おまえたちは逃げて強くなってきたから おまえたちはにげてつよくなってきたから omae-tachi wa nigete tsuyoku natte kita kara "You all ran away and became stronger, so"
3 逃がさずに壊す にがさずにこわす nigasazu ni kowasu "I'll destroy you without letting you escape."
4 逃げる場所も壊す にげるばしょもこわす nigeru basho mo kowasu "I'll destroy even the places you would escape to."
5 俺がつくる"地平線"をさ…スピナーが楽しみにしてたからさ おれがつくる"ちへいせん"をさ…スピナーがたのしみにしてたからさ ore ga tsukuru "chiheisen" wo sa...SUPINAA ga tanoshimi ni shiteta kara sa "The 'horizon' I will create...since Spinner was looking forward to it."
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1 富士壊してから沈める それこわしてからしずめる sore (read as: Fuji) kowashite kara shizumeru "I'll destroy that (read as Fuji) and then sink it."
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1 坊主…!こいつ…ワザとここへ…! ぼうず…!こいつ…ワザとここへ…! bouzu...! koitsu...WAZA to koko e...! "Kid...! This guy...came here on purpose...!"
2 崩壊が山に届いたら噴火しちまうぞ! ほうかいがやまにとどいたらふんかしちまうぞ! houkai ga yama ni todoitara funka shichimau zo! "If Decay reaches the mountain, it will erupt!"
3 与一さん… よいちさん… Yoichi-san... "Mr. Yoichi..."
4 こいつは…AFOの"後継者"なんかじゃない… こいつは…オール・フォー・ワンの"こうけいしゃ"なんかじゃない… koitsu wa...OORU FOO WAN no "koukeisha" nanka ja nai... "this guy...is not the 'successor' of All For One..."
5 壊すことが愉悦ーーー… こわすことがゆえつーー���… kowasu koto ga yuetsu---... [He takes] pleasure in destroying---...
6 破滅そのものだ はめつそのものだ hametsu sono mono da He's destruction itself.
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1 それも全部 それもぜんぶ sore mo zenbu "All of that, too,"
2 連なっているんだろおまえの中の…どこかに…! つらなっているんだろおまえのなかの…どこかに…! tsuranatte irundaro omae no naka no...doko ka ni...! "is connected inside of you...somewhere...!"
3 私はまだ わたしはまだ watashi wa mada I still
4 あの"人"の"当たり前"を知らない あの"ひと"の"あたりまえ"をしらない ano "hito" no "atari mae" wo shiranai don't know what's 'obvious' to that person.
5 人だよ ひとだよ hito da yo "You're a person."
tagline 壊れゆく日本…デクはあきらめない‼︎ こわれゆくにほん…デクはあきらめない‼︎ koware yuku nihon...DEKU wa akiramenai!! Japan falling apart... Deku won't give up!!
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rebelwrites · 11 months
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Five: I'll Call You Sunshine
Charles Leclerc x Nova Teller (OC)
Till The Wheels Fall Off Masterlist
Small town meets the fast lane. What happens when two souls meet? Will it end in happiness or will they both crash and burn?
As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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So far the night had gone okay, I had managed to keep myself busy, meaning the only interaction I had with Charles was when Pops brought him over to the bar. Every time I passed Jax he cocked his brow, giving me a look which told me to go talk to him, each time I either rolled my eyes or slyly gave him the bird. Crouching down I swiped another energy drink from the fridge, I was so exhausted I needed all the help I could get right now.
Caffeine was my best friend.
“How many you had now?” Jax asked, leaning across the bar, nodding at the freshly opened can in my hand.
“This is my first one,” I grinned, hoping that he couldn’t see through my lie but the moment the words left my lips the expression on my brother’s face changed telling me he wasn’t going to accept my answer, especially when he dropped his gaze down to the trash can where three more empty cans laid. I knew I wasn’t getting out of this. “Fine, this is my fourth,” I mumbled, refusing to make eye contact with him, like a child not wanting to get scolded.
No words left his mouth, within seconds he jumped over the bar, prising the can out of my hand. “Squirt, we have talked about this,” Jax sighed, once again I could hear the guilt in his voice, he knew the reason I pumped myself full of caffeine. “The last thing I need is for you to wind up in hospital from exhaustion or heart palpitations.”
“What am I meant to do, Jax?” I sighed, running my hand over my face. “We don’t have enough staff, especially at the cafe.”
“What aren’t you telling me?”
“Ima quit this morning,” I scoffed, although I did have a slight smirk on my face. Ima was shit at her job, never wearing suitable clothes, always fucking up orders and I was only days away from firing her scrawny ass. But she beat me to it, in turn taking a job off my extremely full plate, even if it meant adding a million more in return. “So it’s the no sleep club for me,” I paused, meeting the blue eyes of my brother,“for at least the foreseeable future.”
“Nope, not happening,” Jax hummed, placing the open can on the counter, “let me speak to Nero okay, he has management experience so maybe he can take some of the pressure off either here or at the cafe,” he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, leaning in and pressing a kiss against the top of my head. “For now you are off the clock, I will take over the rest of the night, you go join Pops and Elenor for a little bit but then you need to go home and get some sleep, okay.”
Shifting my gaze over to Pops’ booth, I saw Charles and Pierre were still chilling with him and Elenor. I could have died of embarrassment, as Charles looked up causing our gazes to intertwine. I quickly found myself getting lost in his beautiful eyes, feeling my heart practically skip a beat with how he was smirking at me right now. Taking a deep breath I somehow managed to convince myself it was just the caffeine causing the spike in my heart rate not the fact I was having a moment with Charles Leclerc.
“I can’t,” I mumbled, finally breaking the eye contact, “I already made a fool of myself yesterday.”
“Well, looks like you don’t have to, he is coming over here,” Jax smirked, pushing me out of the bar. “Nova, this is a small town, you won’t be able to avoid him so as your older, smarter, better looking brother I’m demanding you put your big girl pants on and just talk to him.”
Right now all I wanted to do was strangle my sibling, he had thrown me into the deep end without a life ring. I was not ready to deal with this. However, time was definitely not on my side as before I knew it Charles slid onto the bar stool next to me.
“Jax, can I get another beer please man?” Charles nodded at my brother, “and whatever the lovely lady is having.”
“Oh, this lovely lady is on water for the rest of the night,” Jax laughed but quickly changed his expression, shooting me a stern look as he grabbed the open can of energy drink, taking a large sip of the liquid, “somebody has had far too much caffeine today.”
“I am still here, asshole,” I pouted, glaring at him. He knew what I was doing, I was trying to put off having the conversation as long as possible. My stomach was in knots, my palms were sweating and my heart rate wasn’t coming down, it wasn’t everyday I had a famous racing driver approach me to talk. Taking a deep breath, I tried to steady my heart beat, although nothing was working. Once again I found myself blaming the amount of caffeine I had in such a short space of time, although I wasn’t going to admit that to anyone. I was petrified Charles would notice how nervous I was, but judging at the fact he was still chatting with Jax, I was in the clear right now.
“So, I never got your name,” Charles smiled, finally turning to me.
“Because I never told you,” I shrugged, I could pretend that I didn’t know who he was, right? Even though I did burst into the bar yesterday reciting the commentary from his maiden win at Monza.
“Si tu ne me dis pas ton nom, je t'appellerai Rayon de soleil. If you don't tell me your name, I'll call you Sunshine,” he said smoothly, scooting on the stool to move closer to me, my heart was moments away from exploding when his knee rested against mine.
“Appelez-moi comme vous voulez, mais je pense que vous connaissez déjà mon nom. Call me whatever you like, but I think you already know my name,” I smirked, judging by the look on his face he was not expecting me to respond to him in fluent French.
“Since when did you speak French?” Jax questioned, barging into the conversation.
“I don’t tell you everything, ya know,” I scoffed, poking my tongue out at him. “Don’t you have work to do, like I don’t know, maybe run the bar or something?” I scolded, raising my brow at him whilst silently telling him to fuck off. Thankfully he got the hint and wandered off into the kitchen. “Sorry about him, he can be a right pain in my ass at times,” I said turning back to Charles.
“Boyfriend?” he asked.
The moment the one word left his perfect lips I choked on my water, spraying the bar with liquid. I felt my entire body heat up from embarrassment as I reached over grabbing some napkins to not only dry my face but the counter as well. Once I had caught my breath back I looked up at Charles. “Nah, my older annoying brother.”
“Good to know,” Charles hummed, slowly nodding his head before pulling the beer bottle to his lips. “So, the picture behind the bar, is that you daughter?” he asked.
“My niece,” I smiled, momentarily forgetting what picture he was on about, scanning the bar I saw the photo he mentioned, mentally I cursed myself for not taking it down the second I knew he was here. “She is an absolute angel, however she has Teller blood running strong through her veins.”
“I’m gonna assume that’s not a good thing.” Charles laughed.
“Urm, depends who you ask really,” I smirked, leaning forward against the bar. I couldn’t help myself as I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth, looking up at the Monégasque driver. I knew this was going to be a dangerous game to play, flirting with someone I couldn't have but it was like a switch had flipped in my brain from wanting to avoid him to now thinking fuck it whats some harmless flirting. Before either of us could say anything I realized that Pops had appeared between me and Charles. I couldn’t be annoyed at him because it had been nearly a week since JT has felt himself.
“How is my favorite girl doing?” Pops asked, resting his hand over mine.
“I’m good Pops,” I smiled, turning my hand over softly, squeezing in return. “You calling it a night?”
“Yeah, I think I should. Elenor has fallen asleep against Pierre so the least I can do is save him from the drool monster,” he chuckled, placing his coffee mug on the bar.
Turning my gaze to the corner booth, I couldn’t help but laugh at the sight, Elenor had fully passed out with her head resting against Pierre’s arm, he was being so good with it all by making sure he didn’t let her head slip from his bicep whilst he held his phone in the other hand, more than likely scrolling on Instagram.
“You aren’t driving home are you?” I asked, with a hint of worry in my voice.
“My sweet girl, you worry too much,” he responded before pressing a kiss to the top of my head, “I’m not driving, Chibs is gonna give us a ride back.”
“Okay, Pops,” I smiled up at him, “Jax is in the kitchen with Bobby.”
Taking a deep breath, I watched him make his way through the bar and into the staff only hallway. For a second I forgot I had company until Charles placed his hand over mine, squeezing lightly causing sparks to erupt over my whole body.
At that moment I knew I was screwed, I hadn’t felt sparks like this for years, the last time I had feelings like this I put my whole heart into it and ended up getting burnt. To the point where I had built thick indestructible walls around my heart in order to protect myself. I also vowed never to fall for someone like that again but one touch from Charles and I knew I was gonna end up breaking my number one rule.
“Thank you,” I whispered, finally looking up at him.
“What for, Sunshine?” he asked, with a slightly puzzled look on his face.
“I know you sat with JT last night and honestly I haven't seen him that happy for a little while now,” I sighed, feeling tears starting to build in my eyes, “I’m not gonna go into it but he is having some health problems at the minute. The fact that you made him smile again is something that means so much to not only me but to Jax as well,” I said softly, trying my hardest to keep these tears at bay, “I don’t know if I could ever repay you for that.”
“I know I only met him last night but he seems like a good guy, he definitely knows how to make you laugh,” Charles hummed, taking a sip of his beer. I noticed his hand was still covering mine, although I couldn’t bring myself to pull away. I hadn’t had this sort of intimate contact with someone in years and honestly it felt amazing. “I can think of a way you can repay me.”
“Oh, how’s that, Mister?” I hummed, looking up through my damp lashes, whilst cocking my brow at him.
“Come to dinner with me.”
Once again I nearly choked, it took my brain a moment to catch up and realized that he had basically asked me out on a date, “Urm,” I mumbled, finally pulling my hand away from his. What the hell was going on? This started as some harmless flirting from newly found confidence I had gained, but now it had turned into a proposal of an actual date. I felt my heart practically stop as panic filled my body, I had no idea how I was going to be able to keep up the facade of not knowing who he was, especially if I went on a date with him. “I don’t know if I can, I run two businesses, I’m the main carer for Pops and with helping Jax organize the fundraiser next week there aren't enough hours in the day. The only reason I'm on this side of the bar and not behind it is because Jax forced me to take the night off,” taking a deep breath, I rested my hand on Charles’ shoulder before half smiling at him, “sorry.”
I needed to get away from this situation.
Had I really just turned down Charles Leclerc?
In my head I knew it was the right thing to do, even though my heart was currently screaming at me for declining his offer. I couldn’t put myself in a situation where it would only end in my heart broken and me once again crushed.
I needed to protect myself, even if the price to pay was being alone for the rest of my life, that was a risk I was willing to take.
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@withmyteeth @chibsytelford @stillbreathin @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @celestialams @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @babypink224221
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xr0tt3nxfl3shx · 6 months
Requested by: @an-theduckin
TW: ⚠️Blood, Cannibalism(?), kidnapping, General spooky icky stuff⚠️
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Dear notebook paper,
Im writing this with a crayon today, billy wont let me use markers anymore sense I tried to write a cry for help on the window in hopes cars passing by would see and call the police :o(.
a week ago we did an episode on cooking, at first i was really excited because cooking is fun and i got to wear a chefs hat and everything! But he tricked me, i thought he was being nice for once but he tricked me
Hes always smiling on camera, but not a real smile, he doesnt smile with his eyes when he smiles for the camera. But it was different when he gave me that "cupcake", and when he saw me take a bite, when he saw me realize what i had just done, he really smiled then.
Its been a week and I havent eaten anything sense then. I can still feel it in between my teeth, feel the fleshy texture on my tongue, taste it in the back of my throat, metallic aftertaste and all. Somehow it feels like its
stained my gums, like no matter how much i brush my teeth and tongue and the inside of my cheek and scrub at it all till its scratched up and raw, it'll never go away. i feel repals repulsive and disgusting and extremely sick like throwing up.
im sorry cupcake monster, I didn't mean too. I'm so sorry.
P.S. i miss my actual diary.
(Btw everyone else who sent me a request im still gon do those too lol. Ima be real i saw a request for maf and made the ibis paint canvas on sight)
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raml-s-headcanons · 4 months
Spideypool "The phone number" 1/1 (or 1/2 idk yet)
Ever since Spider-Man gave Deadpool his number "for emergency calls only, okay?" three days passed.
Wade was SO patient. So so so! Patient, therefore someone should reward him. And Wade decided to be this man, because who'll else?
Everyone who knows Wade for at least one or two days could quickly note, that he has a little nice feral crush over Spider-Man. Everyone except maybe for Spider-Man himself. Of course Wade determined to make "texting Spider-Man immediately" his reward.
That's not actually that emergency, but to be honest Wade didn't say Spidey "okay" back then. So that doesn't count, right? And ALSO he has a little crafty plan.
Wade took his phone and copied the number from the phone book. That was the step number one. Now he's gonna check every possible messenger in the world and find the one where Spidey sign in. That way it wouldn't be a call. Or even a strict boring SMS. Completely another way of communication, even completely un-forbidden for unserious texting!
Well, turns out Spider-Man doesn't like popular apps that's for sure. And Wade on his twelfth try? Maybe he wasn't exaggerating about every possible messenger before. Or Spidey is that creep who avoids everything except SMSs. Or he just have two numbers.
Anyway Wade's a bit down but still downloads every other app on the list in the market. He's almost asleep when he sees a little funny profile picture in the results. Could it be THE Spider-Man? Is it real or Wade's already sleeping or daydreaming?
[That would be just sleeping.]
"Oh shit. Guys, what should I text him?"
[Should you text him at all? We're not at risk.]
{I can set up us some risking!!!}
"No, thank you. I'll just go the usual way"
{I pity you}
[Don't. I assume he likes the result by the amount of times he does this.]
"Hey!! This is your friendly neighborhood Deadpool Wade Wilson! Don't ask me how i found this app." Send message. "How and why the fuck he chose this messenger? It's a piece of shit. Every button works only if you press it in the corner what."
[Don't ask us big guy, i still don't convinced it's not our wet dream.]
{I can make this our wet dream!!!}
[Please no.]
"A-and he already is.... Why you even can somehow by your will making us horny?"
{Im natural ladies}
"Not the kinks, fucker!"
[Don't start with the "babygirls", we're waiting a message from Spidey.]
"Oh shit. Right."
Wade's trying not to think about tightening feeling in their belly and looking at the phone.
"OH SHIT. Spidey actually responded!"
"Wade?........." 02:14
"How THE FUCK you found this app?" 02:14
"........." 02:16
"It isn't an emergency right?" 02:17
"Is 'i just wanted to hear your voice' counts as an emergency?" Send message.
[Jesus, he didn't think even a second.]
"And i asked you not to ask about the app 👉👈" Send message.
"Also this's just so shitty why are you here?" Send message.
"I needed to copy emojis from the other app just to put it here" Send message.
"Umm, guys is he ignoring us?"
[It's only been two minutes.]
"That's exactly what I'm saying! He's a young man! Young people writes as fast as shit"
{Guys shush!! Hes texTING!!}
"🖕" 02:24
[That's fair.]
"That's not..."
Wade waits sometime, not exactly sure what should he answers to that. It's not quite double-meaning message. Only if he's of course not trying to offer sexual activity.
[He's not.]
"He's not..." {Lads, you do you but ima going to jerk off real quick and go to sleep. Are you with me?}
"Eeeh, fuck it. Let's go"
"Nighty, Spidey <3" Send message.
{Aww, look at this pathetic little girl}
Wade puts his hand down his pants.
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dailymothanon · 1 year
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Connecticut idea design he will be CROWNED THE EMPEROR OF OLIVE GARDEN. He looks creeky and old (dw he’s still hip and lively cuz he gets in fights as per usual 🙄 he just looks soggy and the other northeast make fun of him for it) cuz Connie has one of the highest state median ages
(Maine may be the highest average but listen he came way later than the rest of the Northeast so he gets a pass) and also cuz my gf thinks of the New Englanders to be older physically 😼 His facial structure btw is triangular and stuff cuz his state insect is the mantis and those guys have triangular heads. The grapevines— could you make a flower crown outta those?? Would be silly I think but cool (also inspired the hair being wavy ish?) are from his state seal! It was my gf’s baller idea once again ⛹️ she just brilliant like that y’all don’t even know (I love bragging about her)
No other doodles and sketches cuz I somehow wrecked my sleep schedule even further so 😼 ima work on that….
Also I thought it would be interesting to note that Connie’s Hispanic or Latino population is very significant; about 26% of the population!! I’m pretty sure that’s a lot I wouldn’t know I’m not good with percents. But it’s interesting indeed!
What a soggy little angry man 🫶 all those money bags and he still got two extras under his eyes. Knock him out cold cuz if you don’t he might work till he perishes
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creatormaxsan · 2 years
MaxTale 0.1
Max: " it's been a while... " -he said.. looking into the celling he was trapped into-
Killer comes downstairs to check up on the kid..
Max stare at killer... silently..
Killer: " Morning kid. " he said. " Our Boss will see what he will do with you.. "
Max stare at killer ones again.. then looked away.. hugging himself into his knees.. not wanting to talk..
Killer: " Hey. " -he said. Looking at max- " are listening to me? "
Max just ignoring killer.. not talking..
Killer: " HEY?! ARE YOU IGNORING ME?! " -he yelled.-
Max couldn't be careless about killer yelling or no, he was just hoping somebody might get him out of there.. alive..
*2 weeks later..*
Killer come downstairs to check up on the kid.. only to find the room empty...
Killer: " .... where did he go.. " he looked around.. before running upstairs back to nightmare.. " Boss!! " he yelled.. " The kid Is missing!! "
Nightmare stare at killer... " what.. " he said.. " WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S MISSING?! "
Nightmare voice could be heard from outside the throne room...
Error: ".... what happened now... " he said.. looking at Cross, Horror, dust, fell, reaper..
Dust: " I believe the kid that killer found in the forest.. has found a way to escape somehow... " he said..
Cross: " .... but how did he even escape..? " cross asks.. as Xchara slaps Cross skull
Cross: " !! Ow! What was that for?! " he said to Xchara.. as the others looked at him like he's crazy, expect Dust, Since he knows the feeling of having a ghost floating around him..
Horror: " whatever it is. I don't care. I'm hungry anyways.. " he said.. picking up his axe and start to walk towards the door.. " if anybody needs me. I'll be outside. Hunting for food. "
As Horror walked away.. Dust would take his cigarette and smokes..
Few minutes pass by.. and the door flew open.. with Nightmare coming out of it.. really angry...
Nightmare: " I'M GOING TO KILL THAT KID. " he yelled.. very angrily.. as his tentacles were going around from anger.. luckily the others were in their rooms..
Max: " .... " he was speechless... as he stare at dream, ink, blue, outer, lust, Slash, farmer.. and some other good Sanses who helped him escape..
To be continued...
I know I haven't been online since 2021- but I was very stressed with my studies and my school and stuff, and I finally FINALLY returned here after a while, and I'll be turning 18 this year! Which means Max Sans will grow old as well yay!! :D
Also!! I have a Server on Telegram for MaxTale News! Maybe even spoilers! Ima leave the link down below! Tell me if u like my AU! Ily!<33
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amxrany · 2 years
@llondonfog made me overthink again and now here we go with another Silver analysis
Alright so we all know that Silver is connected to mirrors and/or the aspect of mirroring. Which is already obvious with the constant mirroring you see between Silver and Sebek, and bits of mirroring from Malleus as well (see the groovies of their halloween cards for more details). And we all know how a mirror works right? it's an object used to reflect images.
Now hear me out on this one, Silver mirrors the people all around him, but he can't see himself on his own reflection. Because as he continues to mirror other people, he loses a part of himself as he shapes himself to suit the other party's taste. Silver's entire being is molded by Lilia, not himself. Notice how he does a lot of things not for himself, but with the intention of proving himself to be of use to Malleus and Lilia as a way to repay them for raising him. It's like Silver cares so much about other people that he doesn't care about his own well-being.
Another thing I would like to bring up is Silver's motif with Mulan. Noted in Endless Halloween, he looks up to her. But I would like you to take a look at this a bit deeper. Specifically in Mulan's song "Reflection"
Look at me, I may never pass for a perfect bride, or a perfect daughter. Can it be, I'm not meant to play this part? Now I see, that if I were truly to be myself, I would break my family's heart.
Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me? Why is my reflection someone I don't know? Somehow I cannot hide? Who I am, though I've tried. When will my reflection show, who I am, inside? How I pray, that a time will come, I can free myself, from their expectations On that day, I'll discover someway to be myself, and to make my family proud.
So we know from the film, Mulan was against the thought of femininity at the beginning. Seeing that she will break her family's heart if she acts the way she really is. Mulan thinks that the reflection she sees is not her. If we connect this to Silver, then we can say that they both have a connection in terms of the true self not being seen as well as the need to bring their family honor.
I just really want Chapter 7 to make Silver explore himself more, maybe get him to care about himself in the same way he cares about others. He may die earlier than his family, but he has still has the time to create memories with them right?
Last part was clearly rushed but I have exams to study on so ima end it here for now
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daidonzo · 2 years
Chapter 22 - My lucky day [Chishiya x Reader]
"I wonder how long this will last." A guy with bangs covering half his face said. You were all back in the central guardroom, most of you in complete silence except for a few people trying to make small talk.
"Either the Jack will start killing people or someone who's afraid they'll be killed will start killing others." His mate had said. He had made your skin crawl ever since he entered, and you had a strong suspicion that he was the Jack of Hearts. But that would be too easy. "Until one of those two things happens, this will never end."
"That's exactly right." Chishiya said, observing the pair.
Ippei smiled, confidently. "As long as we're all telling each other, we'll be fine!"
"I wouldn't be so sure."
"I am sure!" You intervened, matching your new friend's cheerful tone. "I think it will be alright, don't worry." You patted his back, and he looked at you, thankful. You gave Chishiya a dirty look, saw he was chuckling, and were about to say something else (that probably would have given away that you two actually knew each other) when you heard someone screaming.
"Hurry up and tell me, you idiot!" A dangerous-looking man had pushed a young boy wearing a striped shirt to the floor, and was screaming at him, demanding to know his suit.
The young, creepy guy that was your number one option for the Jack of Hearts stood up, and helped him stand up. Maybe he was not such a bad guy after all, and it was not his fault his demeanor was so… Suspicious. Until you noticed something. From where you were standing, it seemed, for a second, that his lips were moving.
He could still be saying something like "Hey! Don't worry, it will pass." but somehow you didn't think so. You looked at Chishiya discreetly, and he nodded in a way that could almost not be perceived. He had seen it too, then.
"Do you want to die, then?" The man, who would have fit perfectly with the militants at The Beach, lifted his fist, coming back to hit the poor guy some more. "Tell me NOW!"
"Club!" The young man said, eyes closed, pained expression. He was already waiting for the punch to land.
"Tell me sooner next time."
What was on the back of his collar was not a club, but a diamond.
Ippei opened his mouth to say something, but you grabbed his arm and moved your head from side to side. "Don't get involved."
The game was starting, this time for real.
"Why don't we grab something to snack on?" You suggested, trying to smile.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "ROUND 2 is over. It is time to make your guess."
"See you soon!" You said to Ippei. The poor guy had been pretty shaken after what happened at the guardroom.
But, in all honesty, you couldn't help everybody. And if you could only assist a limited number of people, a person who beat the shit out of others just because would likely not make the cut.
He could also be the Jack of Hearts, but you didn't deem it likely.
"The white knight of the games." A voice whispered behind you, Chishiya's hand suddenly on your hip. He moved your hair away from your neck, pretending to check your suit again, as if you had forgotten it.
"What? It's not like we can't help him. We actually can."
"What if he was the Jack of Hearts?" Chishiya asked, so close it was starting to make you nervous. You could feel the warmth of his breath on your ear.
"He is not." You declared, fully convinced.
The blonde man chuckled. "Diamond. See you in a bit."
You got into your cell, legs almost shaking and croaked your suit.
You heard a loud explosion, and for a second thought your brains had been blown out. But you were still alive.
It was from someone else.
You were not surprised to see that, on the main room's screen, the picture of the threatening bully was now gone.
He had died, just as you knew he would.
"He's probably the Jack." Urumi said, hands behind her, an adorable smile on her face, looking to the guy who was beaten. He was sitting on the floor, arms around his legs. He almost look as if he was cradling himself, like a baby. "He lied, and killed the guy. Let's kill him on this round."
"What?" Ippei was the first one to react. You honestly, were quite shocked as well. Either he was a fantastic actor, or there was no way he could be the Jack. You felt Chishiya's finger caress the side of your hand, just for one second. You looked at him, meeting his eyes.
"You cannot save them all." He seemed to be saying.
"Should we grab some snacks, again?" You asked, a feeble smile on your face.
Chishiya got closer to you when you were choosing what cookies you wanted to play with until the next round was over. Because your stomach was closed and honestly, the last thing you were thinking about was eating.
"Do you want any recommendations?" The blonde man asked, since you had been staring at the same part of the shelf for the last five minutes, or so. "These are the best." He pointed to a particular brand.
"Are they? I like those other ones." You drew his attention to some chocolate cookies whose package had Pikachu and Eevee on the cover. "My roommate and I buy them… bought them, all the time." You corrected yourself.
"Did you buy them just because you like Pokémon?"
"You know I did."
"I wouldn't know. I know nothing about you." He smiled. It's true, you had forgotten for a second you were playing your little game.
"Ah, yes. Sorry. Time passes differently here…" You pressed your lips together, holding a laugh in. "I feel as if we were already pretty close. Crazy, right?"
"We could become closer." He moved, so that the distance between the both of you got reduced to nearly nothing. The way he looked at you was so intense.
You found it hard to think, his smell numbing your senses. How did he smell so good? You thought in a post-apocalyptic world everyone would smell fetid. Chishiya didn't.
"I'd want that." You heard yourself say.
"Guess today is my lucky day, then."
You couldn't stand his charm anymore. You picked the Pokémon cookies and took a step back, murmuring something. You didn't even know what you said, but you reached the table where your group was all red and flustered.
You saw Chishiya's shoulders lifting up and down. He was laughing. Mean.
"Come on!" Urumi said to the young man in the striped shirt. "It's your turn!"
He stood up, waiting.
"Yes, spade…"
"Spade? Oh, spade…"
What was on the back of his collar was a heart.
You could have said something. You should have said something. But one look at Chishiya's eyes, now serious, told you that you shouldn't.
And so, the next time you all went to say your suits, another explosion was heard.
The boy with the striped shirt didn't come out of his cell.
He was dead.
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colourful-void · 2 months
oh mizuki my darling my sweetie gravy i missed you so much hi mizuki hi mizuki missed youuuu
nothin on ryuki but man she's so fun to play as. it's alos just. nice that she and aiba act a lot friendlier to each other. dont get me wrong tama and ryuki's dyanmic is fun, and i know they really care about each other, but like. doing the crime scene investigation and aiba cheering mizuki on with her acting was really sweet. i loved it.
the mizuki boss daughter mother thing ramble starts here.: so i read all the profiles and glossary stuff pretty religiously, and i know that in Boss's glossary for her current profile, it says she adopted Mizuki. and if not for that it would be impossible to tell. come on gangggg that's so insanely interesting as a concept can anyone mention it like even vaguely in passing im BEGGING. i also nEED to know more on bosses First daughter, who i suspect is missing now? maybe she's related in some way to kizzy's first Big Sis?
but srsly its bugging me so bad, like that tracks w/ how casual mizuki is to her but !! it drives me insane there's a literal interaction in which boss says 'dont act like my daughter' and the take away is that mizuki SOMEHOW didnt know about bosses FIRST daughter bcs it NEVER came up?? im assuming boss just lied there and the daughter thing slipped out, (more points for boss daughter and kizzy sister same girl, both remind them of mizuki), so despite the fact that, i dont know, adopting a girl after already adopting one kind of feels like the sort of thing that would end up being mentioned somewhere in there, paticulartly considering that boss's daughter was still living with her as of one day before date died, like. she didnt come home that night and im assumin gshe never did, ran away or something??
i can't tell if the game is just setting breadcrumbs in a weird way or if they just decided boss should be a mom now and then never actually do anythin w/ it. AND SECONDLY, how is THAT the wtake away when 'dont act like my daughter' is a legitimately insane thing to say to the GIRL YOU ADOPTED. SHE LITERALLY IS YOUR DAUGHTER THAT IS HOW ADOPTION WORKS AM I LOSING MY MIND.
the mizuki boss mother daughter rant is now over. you are safe.
so putting that aside: hilarious they didn't model lien any differently. i like to think this is a repersentation of his inabilty to move on. im just. im choosing to believe that. i'm not a wheelchair user, so I can't speak to much on the whole arc kizuna's got going on here, i'm just kind of... carefully watching it. it could be... alright? but it could also drift into some territory i feel is kind of. stereotype-y?
haven't found shoma yet, on a note semi related to the mizuki boss thing. his house is identical to how it was 6 years ago down to whats been left on the floor and you're telling me he still lives there. does aitsf suddenly take place in a world where children over the age of 11 can just chill out on their own-- I SWEAR THIS MANS WIFE LEFT HIM. WHO IS WATCHING THIS CHILD. HELLO?? CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?? being buddies with lien is not a legal guardian!!!!!
NOW. COMPLAINTS ASIDE> ima ctually having a lot of fun. inverted controls is a . im mixed on it on one hand it's a litttttle cheap making it physically harder instead of making more complex puzzles. on the other hand it fits so so well and its just the right level of challenge for me so i kinda love it.
but i love mizuki and aiba hanging out they're really really fun. i love what we're building with what im calling 'kanji madness ryuki'. lots of questions w/ the masked woman and the iron mask man. why does everyone hate date personally who knows.
current predictions/observations/questions: i suspect time travel. i really think time travel is involved or morphogentic fields or something i really do. this could be good or bad. idk. i could be totally wrong here, but. there's a lot more. explict stuff in teh other timelines i shouldn't know that i do. PATICULARLY WITH DAHLIA BOAT AND ALL. stupid name i love it. i wonder if its an anagram but im shit at those. its a little suspect how much mizuki route stuff i've seen actually, if we cant pull in timelines seperately.... w/ the first aitsf it wasnt rlly timelines as much as it was like 'getting date's memories back' i played zero escape im down for timeline hopping bull. lets do it!!. pelase i need mizuki roue continuation. very curious about what aiba was doing.
hopes for the future: the videos are really cool i want to do a somnium like that. pleaseee please let me do a somnium like that. i know im totally mizuki biased but. plelpelaspleaspleaseeee plEASE let me do her somnium proper you cannNOTT tease me with that mizuki route somnium with the stew and everything and the bird cage and horse GODDDD its so cool pLEASE let me play it im BEGGING. i. i want more mizuki date interactions. i want them to have another good emtional moment. like mizuki route. i dont know if u can tell i really like mizuki route. i dont know HOW we do that if we even can but. please. im begging. can we get a proper aiba and date interaction b4 the end as well. liek i know he's not the pov character anymore but after the way the last game ended you cannot just have them come back and only fight on screen thats absurd.
but yeah feelign good enjoying the game rn! im. a little worried about some stuff but in general... i hold hope.
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lorddarkkitty · 5 months
{This post has to do with my dreams that had involved both Eustass and Killer from one piece just letting y’know in advance. It also involves my belief around dreams so… yea. Heads up}
Okay let me start this post before I forget. (Edit: I indeed forgot to continue it lol)
So yesterday (6/7/23) I had a dream that had like Eustass in it. And he always kinda grumpy in my dreams but never harms me. Anyways he telling me to stay put why I don’t know but my ass don’t like to listen to I run ahead of him through these halls. And the walls were PlayStation 1 bloody texture kind of, red , right. And I’m running really fast and I triggered all the traps somehow avoiding get hurt. ( I also passed like this what seemed like Mario with this vacuum on his back like Luigi and the haunted mansion 3. Is this relevant not really) so I get into this room and I hear him running to catch up to me and he mad but I wake up.
But the thing is I don’t wake up scared of anything or like something is wrong or off. Nor do I feel like I been drained.
Now today (6/8/23) I had what felt like a nightmare but this time is had like Killer in it but he wasn’t wearing his mask. And you know he ate the smile fruit. So he was smiling all the time. But I was scared of him and trying to escape him. I think I was in some weird warping (dream logic) house but every time I’d try to get out through the window he was already outside that window waiting for me and I just turn back and run to somewhere. I was so terrified of him cause of his smile. Something didn’t feel right y’know. which I think it’s cause I watched the horror movie Smile cause that’s how it felt but I didn’t watch that movie the night before or even during the week it was months ago literally the first night it came to Amazon prime for free watch.
Anyways at some point I’m in this bed room. I’m on this double bed it pushed to the wall and that wall has a window and I open it to climb through and of course I can’t cause he outside right there waiting and so now I’m standing on this bed crying. And I must of given up cause I’m not running anymore and now killer’s behind me (this is where dream things get weird cause I’m not in first person view anymore.) and he not violent. He doesn’t hurt me. He loves his hand onto my wait and I’m breathing hard cause I’m crying like ima bout die. And he didn’t turn me around but takes his right hands and like cups the left side on my face like to wipe away tears and gently laying down on that bed. I don’t ever look at him and just continue to cry. But i wake up.
And I wake up with my heart racing like I do with any nightmare that I had but I also feel wrong. I’m extremely exhausted like I didn’t sleep at all. Which is weird. And I’ll explain why cause yea I had a nightmare your probably thinking yea you’re gonna feel like that. But like there is a difference something you feel you just know isn’t right. The whole chasing me and his gentleness before I woke up is so suspicious.
It might be strange considering the day before with my dream Eustass was in I was like” it always Eustass and never Killer. A whole -be careful for what you wish for- moment. Ha. Any dream I had with Eustass in it I never felt like I was in danger. But the dream with Killer I did. I inherently believe that something was chasing me around in my dream disguised as Killer. Probably thought it could trick me to get closer to me like that since he is my favorite character but I knew something was off which is why I was running away from him til my bitch ass gave up. The way he smiled was just wrong I can’t explain it. I believe this cause I woke up as if something has taken my energy.
I had nightmares before where I wake up and my heart is racing but never felt like something was wrong or that I was completely exhausted like I haven’t slept a wink.
Reasons why I believe is cause I use to lucid dream and I remember them really fucking well. Cause they were all night mares. And one of them I was literally BEGGING IN THE DREAM, SCREAMING TO WAKE UP, FOR SOMEONE TO WAKE ME UP.
After that I started sleeping with certain stuff that would help stop that but I stopped dreaming all together for a while. Or if I did I just didn’t remember them when I woke up but I always remember dreams when I woke up. Only after like 10 minutes they would fade away to be forgotten unless I replay it in my head over and over again to remember. But sometimes I’m get scared to dream or have dreams for a long while now cause I’m terrified of either getting stuck in a dream where I can’t escape or dealing with unfriendly things that can lurk in the dream plane or things that can use the dream plane to get to me. Which absolutely terrifies me.
I also think of it as something interesting. And I needed to get it out of my system and somewhere to put it lol.
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bellamer · 2 years
So it took two hours but I'm in because my brother used my mom's phone number for mine and my cousin's phone number for his, even though it got us yelled at. First things first, ima look at the new designs and say what I think
D.VA: Not digging the ponytail, her bangs are ugly
Doomfist: At least they gave him shoes. No more grippers on the field.
Orisa: I guess I like what they did with the hair
Roadhog: That mowhawk is ugly as fuck, yee yee ass haircut
Sigma: What did they do to my baby-honey-precious ? He looks so...plain now. I hate it.
Winston: What shampoo do he use ? His hair is so much fuller, but the outfit... is meh..
Wrecking Ball: Deadass forgot this hamster yo existed so I don't care.
Zarya: That ponytail. Hell fucking no. Why do they look like they tried to soften her features ?
Ashe and Bob: I don't like how they shortened Ash's hair but it ain't bad. But nothing special.
Cassidy: Got rid of his whole tan. Somehow whitewashed a white man. Blizzard probably got tired of people headcanoning him as Latino and went "Enough of that" (jokes on them, there's pale/white Latinos tho) and y'all still could've gave him a better name. I'm all for "Cassidy" but the "Cole" part is just ugly.
Echo: She didn't get a new design for some reason
Genji: Eww. Why's he wearing clothes. But ngl, the fit is drippy so he gets a pass.
Hanzo: Blizzard hates voluptuous man tiddies. Noted. Guess they only like the sort of titties their employees can steal employees breastmilk from.
Junkrat: THAT'S NOT MY BABY ! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOUUU ?!? WHO YOU IS ?!? WHO YOU BE ?!? But naw, seriously, they erased everything unique about junkrat and yassfied them. Fuck this.
Mei: So fucking cute but her OG outfit is cuter.
Pharah: Really just yeet her earrings away for no reason.
Reaper: I hate his new pants. Instead of showing off those marvelous thick thighs, they made them look clumpy.
Soldier 76: Seeing his face just feels wrong.
Sombra: An actual improvement, I just wish they gave her actual fucking shoes.
Symmetra: No more thighs, but I actually love the outfit. I do not like how one piece of hair is sticking out though.
Torbjorn: I like it but it's nothing special.
Tracer: She looks less dorky. I'm kinda sad about it.
Widowmaker: Damn, no more exposed chest but I do like the outfit. I don't care for the braid though but I love her new headpiece.
Ana: It's alright.
Baptiste: I hate his haircut and I don't care for the outfit. They massacred my boy.
Brigitte: It's alright
Lúcio: Boy looks like he got some damn pool noodles in his head, what did y'all do to him ?
Mercy: It is very meh.
Moira: So y'all just deciding to do all of my fucking mains dirty, huh ? Junkrat, Sigma, Baptiste, now Moira.
Zenyatta: It's just fucking meh.
So basically they decided to turn everyone into the equivalent of an unseasoned, raw, chicken breast. The only Main of mine that looks alright is Ashe, but not only that, most of my mains are locked.
Also, none of my skins got transferred or my voice lines. So yeah, the game is garbage. Can't wait to see the hot mess that is the gameplay, if they stop kicking me out every 15 minutes and making me wait in a que of 2000.
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kouxbe · 11 months
Tumblr media
or: in an attempt to pass a class, kou's professor suggests he audition for a company as part of his first person research. kou somehow makes it in. cover: utada hikaru - first love
he hadn't expected a call back. honestly, kou had thought the message he received was a scam, almost immediately hitting the 'report' button - only to stop short when he realized that it was indeed official. "holy shit."
it wasn't like kou needed to go for the second audition. after all, he'd already submitted his paper a few days back and according to his professor, no longer needed to worry about whether he was going to horribly fail or barely pass.
still, this wasn't exactly the sort of opportunity he thought he could pass up. sure, kou might not deem himself as the most ... idol-like person out there; he's clumsy, and silly and quite honestly can barely follow a schedule, but it does intrigue him enough to follow through with the process.
"it won't hurt."
so it does kind of hurt. literally. kou is making his way to the sr media building, guitar in hand when he bumps into a pole on the way there. in his defense though, he'd been busy looking up the directions to the building on his phone, and had simply been distracted.
thankfully, the pole he'd hit wasn't too far from the building, and with a deep breath, he takes a step inside. alright. he thinks he's got this. maybe. or maybe he doesn't, in which case – meh. what can he do.
he arrives in a muted outfit ( thankfully, kou's closet is filled with nothing but muted outfits ), and he's never really been the type to wear makeup anyway – so he doesn't worry too much about that. he follows the staff up, and looks around the building. fancy, he thinks.
they take him to a room and ask him to pose. pose. what the fuck is this, korea's next top model?
kou scratches his head at first as he thinks of what to do – but the camera man mistakes that as his first pose and kou blinks in surprise when the flash goes off. oh okay, he thinks, too awkward to correct the man behind the camera.
they'd already sort of told him before hand that they would be taking pictures though, and kou had ( embarrassingly ) tried out a few simple poses in front of his mirror at home. and so he mimics just that, whatever sort of pose he'd practiced before hand, before he's brought to another room to perform.
"hello, my name is sato kou," he bows. "today i'll be doing an acoustic cover of utada hikaru's first love. thank you," he bows again and picks up his guitar. he tunes it for a quick moment before he clears his throat and begins.
he strums his guitar and the familiar intro begins to fill the room. quite honestly, he feels much more comfortable like this – singing in japanese, as though he's able to understand the lyrics a little better.
ashita no imagoro ni wa anata wa doko ni iru n' darou dare wo omotte 'ru n' darou ( tomorrow, at this time where will you be? who will you be thinking about? )
he sings, strumming his guitar before the chords shift to the chorus.
you are always gonna be my love itsu ka dare ka to mata koi ni ochite mo i'll remember to love you taught me how you are always gonna be the one ima wa mada kanashii love song atarashii uta utaeru made ( you are always gonna be my love i'll remember to love you taught me how you are always gonna be the one love song now and forever ... )
the song comes to an end and kou strums the guitar once more, before he looks at the panel. "thank you."
it should end there. it should've ended there. but things never quite go as kou plans, and instead of "goodbye" he's hit with a question.
“please reflect on your time during the next gen audition process and tell us what you would like to do differently, should you be invited to participate in a second season.”
eh, he thinks to himself, slightly surprised. next gen? the thing he'd been on months ago? that next gen?
i wouldn't participate, he wants to say. next gen – as interesting as it had been – was too troublesome for someone like kou. the thought of having to put on different performances almost every week, of dancing, of taking time away from his cats. that next gen. but as stupid as kou can be, he doesn't actually say that out loud.
"i'd be more interesting," he says instead. which probably isn't the sort of normal response one would be expecting. "i think i was pretty boring the first season – uhm, maybe that's why i didn't get a lot of interesting shots." now that he thinks back on it, kou had been pretty ... normal throughout next gen, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but his friends in school had told him that korean varieties loved a good story and interesting people. which kou admittedly, felt like he wasn't.
"oh, i don't mean like i'd cause controversies," he continues, shaking his hands. "i mean, i would've caught people's attention by taking on a character. probably a leader-like role," not that kou thinks he has it in him to be a leader, but he did once lead a group project in uni, "or have a good storyline. i would work harder on having those if i got invited the another season. i heard that the audience likes a good story and an interesting person, it gives them someone to root for."
the audition comes to an end, and kou once again, bows for what must be the umpteenth time, before he leaves the building.
on the way home, he receives an email with the score of his research paper.
"SATO KOU RESEARCH PAPER - 70% Comments: Interesting topic. In-depth with first-hand experience."
he's glad he won't fail the class at least.
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ryderdire · 2 years
would you tell me things about your luz has an older sibling au?? i crave the lore~~
Okay so I decided Luz has an older sister (?)
Personality wise I imagine she’s the poster child for gifted child burnout, I like the idea of her doing exceptionally well in shcool to parallel luz and I think she’d be very tired all the time. She’s around 17 in cannon and probably very done with Luzs antics (kinda like Isabela and Mirabel from Encanto), I imagine luz doesn’t actually have that great of a relationship with her pre ilses and finds her stuck up. In reality I imagine she’s out a lot of pressure on herself. Since her dad passed she’s felt a need to be as little as a burden as she can, while often likely needing extra help she prefers to just suffer through and not ask for help. She’s very smart but also very very oh so very tired and conflicted as hell about collage. I imagine that she probably had some intrest in art stuff maybe music before losing her dad.
so couple fun things about the time Bewteen vee arriving and being found out by their mom
1. Lucia (as I’m calling her for now) actually figures vee out first.
2. Instead of telling people she just sighes and goes “okay whatever Ima cover for you”
3. She actually really likes vee and has an easier time with them then Luz, but she does miss her little sister, I imagine she helps vee learn Spanish
4. Vee asks Lucia for so much advise
5 during yesterday Lucia helps out and probably tells Luz off at some point (not completely unjustifiably but says some things that are hurtful an untrue)
6 probably a much harsher “you ruin everything” thing idk siblings can be assholes
When Luz comes back I can see Lucia being… shaken to say the least, shes injured her friends are injured (side note she has friends?????) she won’t talk to her about anything regaurding the ilses talking to her friends or their mom instead mostly she seems… diffent somehow.
Luz doesn’t want to talk to her cuz like she thinks Lucia was right (she wasn’t) she ruined the ilses she rushed in to things. Meanwhile Lucia is seeing how much she helped the hexsqaud and hearing about how much she helped the rest of the cast.
Other notes
Lucia attempts to lightly tease lumity
Lucia will be friends with edric and emria
Lucia would not like eda if she went at first
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yonkimint · 1 year
Listen. i know. i know that not telling someone they have a child is inexcusable. i know okay. In no way am i letting y/n off the hook for that. She didnt have to do it right when she found out she was pregnant, but she absolutely shouldve told him before the baby was like 6 months old, tho ideally before the baby was actually born really.
That said tho, yoongi is hung up on the fact that he told her he loved her like a day before she was supposed to leave as if that matters. As if they hadnt been very explicitly a no feelings involved sex thing. And like i said, her telling him no relationship for school reasons made my brain itch-ima need to know more about that STAT cos im sure it factors into yoongis whole no strings position somehow too. But at the end of the day, they were doing things that way and he only started talking feelings when she was leaving.
He doesnt get to be mad she didnt take him seriously and he doesnt get to act like that wasnt a reasonable factor in her decision even tho her decision was wrong. Cos she for sure should know him well enough to know that he would do what needs doing for his child regardless of her and him; that he wouldnt take it as her trying to get him back into her life. But he should also know her well enough, and just how shit like this happens well enough, to know that yea she was trying to protect herself cos now she has something huge to protect and im sorry the whole confession before leaving the country just makes you look like an unstable (and manipulative) lunatic and who tf lets that around a baby??
She should have told him and he should be angry she didnt. Period. But he cannot act like he himself didnt play a huge, enormous role in why she didnt. He cannot act like a hail mary 'i love you' is enough to base a life on. Two lives on.
Like real talk if anybody ever told me they loved me like that it would immediately turn me cold and make me not even want their love anymore.
Anyway i am genuinely angry at everybody except the baby and i dont even like babies, so well done. This story is taking me thru emotions i didnt even know i was capable of having lol. Youre brilliant!!
i hope youre recovering well and that you feel all the way better very soon 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Neither of them are black and white victims in this and it's going to take some time to sort out. Hopefully they do it before they pass that trauma on to their sweet baby!
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butch-reidentified · 2 years
only reply to this one once you've rested since its long but id like to know your opinion on these critiques of b/f? politfuckery tumblr com/post/615976664879464448/
Ima be real, I didn't read all of that but I read parts and skimmed through the rest. Over all, I don't really have an opinion tbh because this isn't really how I view butch/femme relationships and I don't relate to what they're discussing. Nothing about my relationship is performative; I'm not "extra super duper masc" and she's CERTAINLY not especially feminine. The pic of her with the goats from the wedding thread is her typical look - tee shirt, comfy pants, usually sandals or converse, sometimes boots if we're doing something outdoors, hair untouched or pulled back in a scrunchy, no makeup. There's no power dynamic at all, we both look after each other equally, and we don't even own a strap on. We bought one once early in our relationship because we felt like we were supposed to and some college peers pressured us to, but never used it and eventually gave it to a friend.
I've never encountered any butch/femme couple who claims to be trying to pass for het at all, let alone for safety reasons. Usually it's couples like us that I meet - one whose personality is a tiny bit more "feminine" and one who is naturally more "tomboyish." I don't know any lesbians irl into bdsm and all that either, so I can't speak to that.
Basically, I think the opinions in that thread seem to be reacting to a specific type of butch/femme relationship that I've never personally encountered. I certainly don't agree over all with their implication that all butch/femme couples are like that. I resent having my relationship described as "trying to mimic heterosexuality" or whatever, when the reality is that two people just fuckin fall in love and that's that. I have never ever known a butch/femme couple for whom it was a major part of their identity/personality or who expected each other to adhere to certain roles and expectations. It's always just kind of a casual, easy way to label a relationship. Honestly, other people label our relationship butch/femme way more often than she or I do, and we kinda just go with it even though it's not important to us either way.
They are acting like butch/butch or femme/femme is somehow superior or more pure, but wouldn't it be infinitely more performative and fake for me to pretend to be less "masculine" or her to pretend to be more so? Or for us to just ignore our feelings for each other entirely and lose out on a beautiful relationship and life together just because some people think we're copying heterosexuals?
We are who we are and we love who we love. If you want to criticize performative, fake butch/femme couples or individuals, that's legit. If you want to criticize butch/femme couples who live in accepting places and pretend they're desperate to blend in by passing as het for safety reasons, go for it. If you want to criticize bdsm, phallocentrism, strap on use, etc, have at it! But don't pretend any of these are universal or inherent to all butch/femme relationships.
Some - I'd argue most - of us aren't trying to be or act like anything we aren't; we're just being ourselves and are constantly nitpicked and criticized no matter what. Threads & posts like these are interesting to me because they talk about how butch/femme couples are allegedly not acknowledging the level of hardship and criticism masculine women face.... but I'm assuming OP isn't a masculine woman if she's writing about it from an observer perspective. So she's saying she knows all about how masc women are treated and it's her responsibility to explain that to the masc women themselves??
This thread talks about how hostile society is to butches while actively perpetuating that hostility and a lot of the same stereotypes. It just lacks nuance in a major way and feels very self-righteous and "savior"-y. I also don't like how they describe "casually feminine" women as "normal." I'm honestly not super interested in critiques of lesbian and particularly butch/femme relationships from someone who clearly still has a lot to work through in regards to their perspectives on sex and gender.
My relationship isn't about blending in or being "iconic" or a subculture or a way of having sex or whatever. We are just two grown women who have found what makes us happy and who we authentically are, and also fell hard for each other. It's that simple. I never explicitly sought out a butch/femme relationship and honestly was mostly into other masc women when I was dating. I still don't really like hyperfemininity.
My wife doesn't wear makeup or dresses or heels or do up her hair or remove her body hair. She isn't quiet or submissive or weak or delicate. She actually has a black belt and used to teach women's self defense - unpaid on a volunteer basis. She's a badass, not some delicate little housewife like that thread seems to stereotype femme lesbians as. Honestly though femme identity isn't something she's really attached to or cares about. I refer to my relationship as a butch/femme one because it fits well enough, and my butch identity is relatively important to me, but she's wildly normie and doesn't put any real weight on the femme label.
To me, femme identity should be about a type of femininity that is subversive to a degree and specifically is NOT appealing to straight men. It should be more like 《I have intentionally worked through and unlearned much of my performative femininity, but find that I really do like x, y, and z stereotypically feminine things. However, I also refuse to participate in harmful, anti-woman activities like spending a fortune on "anti-aging" products, cosmetic surgery, diet culture, makeup, silencing myself, etc.》
They seem to have a very narrow view of butch/femme relationships and individuals, seems like probably a result of limited experiences with them irl & confirmation bias. I don't care if it makes them "uncomfortable lite," because who we are and our relationship is for just us, not for them, and it would be (ironically) performative for us to do or be anything else. I just don't think they really know what they're talking about tbqh, or maybe I just haven't encountered it.
But yeah I just.. all these things they're describing are things I haven't seen. Maybe it's just where I'm from or who I hang out with, but all the butch/femme couples I know are just very chill, normal women who don't put much into it and rarely if ever bring it up. Certainly not what that post describes. I would not enjoy being in a relationship like what they describe there, or even hanging out with people like that.
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