a-typical · 1 year
Zionist Israel's occupation of Arab Palestine has forced the Arab world to waste billions of precious dollars on armaments, making it impossible for these newly independent Arab nations to concentrate on strengthening the economies of their countries and elevate the living standard of their people.
And the continued low standard of living in the Arab world has been skillfully used by the Zionist propagandists to make it appear to the Africans that the Arab leaders are not intellectually or technically qualified to lift the living standard of their people...thus, indirectly inducing Africans to turn away from the Arabs and towards the Israelis for teachers and technical assistance.
"They cripple the bird's wing, and then condemn it for not flying as fast as they."
The imperialists always make themselves look good, but it is only because they are competing against economically crippled newly independent countries whose economies are actually crippled by the Zionist-capitalist conspiracy. They can't stand against fair competition, thus they dread Gamal Abdul Nasser's call for African-Arab Unity under Socialism.
— Malcolm X, The Egyptian Gazette, Sept. 17, 1964
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kammartinez · 6 months
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andimahsong139 · 2 years
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#Avatar2 ANTI-colonization and anti-#imperialsm. How can these sentiments make this movie the #blockbuster of 2022? Who dares to give the People a #slighthope of a better world whereby the #wellbeing of members of society is more important than the constant #moneychase that benefit mostly a #few at the costs of the #PlanetHome and its own society? #JamesCameron did, as he injects a #spiritual overtone #throughout. But again, like you, I'm just #fuel for the #rich to become #immortals ruling over a great #expanse of colonial planets. Why should I care? :)))) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmY9DOTSUg1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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e11-6ix · 10 months
I fucking love hearing how people say that fighting for freedom is useless and any revolution is bad. (because people die wow) (and without revolution everything would've been sooooooo good) (white supremacy moment I guess)
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hopalongfairywren · 1 year
since September is coming up i'm begging you all to tag your 9/11 jokes seriously.
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princemick · 2 years
✨ cultural education with kyle ✨
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kissingcullens · 8 days
The Caribbean, Haiti, and U.S. Imperialism.
“Activist and professor Tamanisha John joins Musa and Erica to discuss U.S. and Western imperialism in the Caribbean, the U.S.-backed invasion of Haiti by Kenyan forces, and the genocidal U.S. blockade of Cuba.”
(Aug 2024)
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terminatorgirlfriend · 3 months
we don't need any more trannies who are jackbooted imperialist thugs actually. especially not with dark uniforms. with-- with leather gloves. for doing imperialsm. and certainly-- certainly not with guns that they, that they put in helpless girls' mouths.
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thegirlmirage · 10 months
I look up to all trans women. But finding queer heroes can be tricky to navigate because fame is inherently poisonous, and a lot of the way discourse is shaped online it's very easy to condemn people.
I myself suffered from a broad attack from a community I was in that started with me speaking out about being misgendered and mistreated, and it got turned into "well don't believe Rose because she's a bad trans person we have trans friends to prove it."
And I've ran into this issue with trying to identify with other known trans content creators. There will come places (especially with whiteness and wealth) where criticism of those privileges becomes ignored. It would be easy to say that they're resistant to criticism because of always being criticised but I think that it just comes down to not knowing and not feeling like they need to know better, which is how those privileges behave anyway.
To me, my oppression has always linked me to other oppressed people. The poor and the embattled and the weird and ostracized will always be my family more than someone with it all figured out. There is a social cost to thinking like this.
So I end up feeling quite disconnected to some trans people. Perhaps it's foolish for me to expect just because someone has overcome the brutal imperialsm that keeps us from feeling safe to be ourselves, that they would be able to see the other oppressive junctors in the world and act accordingly.
Bringing it back to condemnation, any personality online will at some point have to deal with a snap group judgement, and for marginalised people this is often constant, scaling with intersectional marginalizations. People who have survived this world may struggle to fit with a society that demands adherence to stricter social rules, especially because we are here because we survived. We are often quite badly harmed by what we've been through, and we will struggle often to fit a narrow view of what's considered expected behavior. We are human. We won't have perfect responses, we can be wrong. It's therefore easy for us to suffer more when the judgement arrives.
If I'm looking for someone trans to admire, it's not uncommon for me to hear why it's not a good choice. And there are legitimate reasons to question them, because of course, fame is evil, it's more a miracle that people come out of it balanced at all, but also there is tighter judgement on those people for their marginalization such as being trans.
So it leaves me with this feeling almost, like I can't trust my own kind. If I'm following blogs are they inclusive of other ethnicities? Do they believe in fat liberation? Would they look on an unfortunate person with compassion or indifference?
So I have to temper my feelings of admiration. I have to remind myself that realistically, placing anyone on a pedestal is dangerous. I have to deal with my disappointment that trans women are just human too, they're not just angels. They shouldn't need to be exceptional to be worthy of my praise.
But it's more complicated than that. Certainly putting even more pressure on trans women to behave better is just more of the same. I think about how rife eating disorders are among us and how even with my most femine looks I do not feel I am girl enough societally to do things like buy groceries.
And we do need uplifting too. I had been in such a gender euphoria haze that once things settled I was horrified by just the extent of my mental health when times weren't in boom. So we do need someone to see our qualities and praise them, and to love and adore them not in spite of what we are but because of who we are. But I think that person is me.
I wish of course that every trans person would rush to embrace me and we would see eye to eye and celebrate our joint survival but... not everyone wants to do that. For all the thousands of images of celebrating skinny trans women with 3 wives doing DJ sets there's so many more people who are just desperately trying to fit their gender into the world they already have. People who might not seem exceptional or have big projects to their names.
I think about how I was regarded when I didn't have HRT. I passed zero percent. I thought I was ugly and I couldn't see how I could possibly change anything about that. And I think there's a tendancy for queer spaces to sometimes even outright reject people like that, especially if they subscribe to any ideas about being anti what they perceive to be men.
It's those girls who need the princess treatment. It's they who we should be elevating and celebrating and caring for.
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
If i find the stans of rhaenyra had rightfully make fun for the death of this british queen- i will kill somebody. I swear
You can't mock the old dead queen and then when the show come out stan the very representation of imperialsm, egoism and entitlement.
Don't get me wrong that family needs to get out power, i mean they robbed their own people money for a simple funeral during the hell of summer, it's just fair. The problem is being an hypocrite.
in all fairness, i think those are two venn diagrams of people that may or may not intersect
i'm not about to interrogate them on their political compass, i just wish they opened a history book once in a while and made an effort to understand how vassalage works
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deadlydelicious · 29 days
i'm just never going to be on Steve's side in Civil War.
Maybe its because of the whole 'symbol of American imperialsm arguing he should have to right to storm in where ever he wants across the globe with zero consquences', maybe it's his 'uwu i'm just trying to do the right thing while refusing to listen to reality' arrogance. But i'm just never going to be on his side
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cervidaedalus · 2 months
Like orientalism absolutely is A Thing in XIV and the community, but I am begging people to stop putting all their energy in "some characters from this culturally-themed zone have light features" and "these outfits which don't feature anything particularly sacred or directly rooted in imperialsm happen to take inspiration from this culture" because neither of those things is actually racist but the implication that people from """brown""" ethnicities can't have light features or anything that draws inspiration from these cultures is bad and should be hidden away sure as fuck is.
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llycaons · 6 months
the d20 mythos just copying wholesale the christian concepts of good and evil and dooming Bad People to eternal torment for like. selling drugs. but not for buying blood diamonds. I wouldn't be thinking so deeply about this if the show itself didn't encourage you to think about the violence of capitalism but it feels so arbitrary and meaningless to hook up a critique of capitalism and even of imperialsm to the christian concepts of good and evil and use that for the moral basis of plot events. how does anyone living in a major city in the imperial core not have blood on their hands just by dint of living in this system? and like, I get that this is an issue tied to the christian concepts of good and evil and sin and redemption nut like where's the nuance? where's the work to solve any of these issues? it's just punitive...
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froschperspektiven · 3 years
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“Im Vorfeld hatte Biden erklärt, er wolle Putin ‘sehr deutlich’ die ‘roten Linien’ der USA klar machen: keine Einmischung in innere Angelegenheiten anderer Staaten mehr”, denn
Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi.
2020 beliefen sich die Militärausgaben der USA auf 778 Mrd. $; das sind 39% des weltweiten Militärbudgets und 3,7% seines BIP. (SIPRI)
Russland übrigens gab umgerechnet 61,7 Mrd. $ für Rüstung aus.
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lecataste · 5 years
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Howard Zinn & Ray Suarez | Truth Has a Power of Its Own | 2019
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metal-japan · 5 years
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いよいよ明日! M.J. ROCK JAM Vol.18 in OSAKA ☆ Spring Tour 2019 大阪編☆ Date : 2019/4/28 (日) Place : 大阪・日本橋 STARBOX IMPERIAL-SM で出演です! Vo. RED ROSE / Gt. SHIGEx2 / Ba. KAWAYAN / Dr. ULTRA-G ご予約まだまだ受け付けております! メッセージ又はコメントで受け付けております! #bass #bassist #starbox #imperialsm #kawayan #mjrockjam (Livehouse Starbox) https://www.instagram.com/kawayan_metal/p/BwwnqDxpgHo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pdxwbh6bb67k
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