#trans heroes
juantheashura · 10 months
We know Ascalon is non-binary, have there been any binary trans heroes? Does the public know that technically like, the entire League is queer lol? Do they have opinions?
Yep! The Spanish and French Powered Teams both have trans members, the former's a ftm hero known as Cazador, and the latter is a mtf heroine who goes by 'Gevaudan' (yes, she has animal powers).
Nope. Ignis is very, very private about her sexuality due to events in her past, and Forlorn has never entertained any question regarding his own. The only member who is open about their sexuality is Nova- who is proudly bisexual. Aki's made comments before that the treatment of LGBTQ+ people worldwide is really disappointing to her personally, which leads people to try to paint her one way or the other, but she has never been declared who she likes.
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thegirlmirage · 10 months
I look up to all trans women. But finding queer heroes can be tricky to navigate because fame is inherently poisonous, and a lot of the way discourse is shaped online it's very easy to condemn people.
I myself suffered from a broad attack from a community I was in that started with me speaking out about being misgendered and mistreated, and it got turned into "well don't believe Rose because she's a bad trans person we have trans friends to prove it."
And I've ran into this issue with trying to identify with other known trans content creators. There will come places (especially with whiteness and wealth) where criticism of those privileges becomes ignored. It would be easy to say that they're resistant to criticism because of always being criticised but I think that it just comes down to not knowing and not feeling like they need to know better, which is how those privileges behave anyway.
To me, my oppression has always linked me to other oppressed people. The poor and the embattled and the weird and ostracized will always be my family more than someone with it all figured out. There is a social cost to thinking like this.
So I end up feeling quite disconnected to some trans people. Perhaps it's foolish for me to expect just because someone has overcome the brutal imperialsm that keeps us from feeling safe to be ourselves, that they would be able to see the other oppressive junctors in the world and act accordingly.
Bringing it back to condemnation, any personality online will at some point have to deal with a snap group judgement, and for marginalised people this is often constant, scaling with intersectional marginalizations. People who have survived this world may struggle to fit with a society that demands adherence to stricter social rules, especially because we are here because we survived. We are often quite badly harmed by what we've been through, and we will struggle often to fit a narrow view of what's considered expected behavior. We are human. We won't have perfect responses, we can be wrong. It's therefore easy for us to suffer more when the judgement arrives.
If I'm looking for someone trans to admire, it's not uncommon for me to hear why it's not a good choice. And there are legitimate reasons to question them, because of course, fame is evil, it's more a miracle that people come out of it balanced at all, but also there is tighter judgement on those people for their marginalization such as being trans.
So it leaves me with this feeling almost, like I can't trust my own kind. If I'm following blogs are they inclusive of other ethnicities? Do they believe in fat liberation? Would they look on an unfortunate person with compassion or indifference?
So I have to temper my feelings of admiration. I have to remind myself that realistically, placing anyone on a pedestal is dangerous. I have to deal with my disappointment that trans women are just human too, they're not just angels. They shouldn't need to be exceptional to be worthy of my praise.
But it's more complicated than that. Certainly putting even more pressure on trans women to behave better is just more of the same. I think about how rife eating disorders are among us and how even with my most femine looks I do not feel I am girl enough societally to do things like buy groceries.
And we do need uplifting too. I had been in such a gender euphoria haze that once things settled I was horrified by just the extent of my mental health when times weren't in boom. So we do need someone to see our qualities and praise them, and to love and adore them not in spite of what we are but because of who we are. But I think that person is me.
I wish of course that every trans person would rush to embrace me and we would see eye to eye and celebrate our joint survival but... not everyone wants to do that. For all the thousands of images of celebrating skinny trans women with 3 wives doing DJ sets there's so many more people who are just desperately trying to fit their gender into the world they already have. People who might not seem exceptional or have big projects to their names.
I think about how I was regarded when I didn't have HRT. I passed zero percent. I thought I was ugly and I couldn't see how I could possibly change anything about that. And I think there's a tendancy for queer spaces to sometimes even outright reject people like that, especially if they subscribe to any ideas about being anti what they perceive to be men.
It's those girls who need the princess treatment. It's they who we should be elevating and celebrating and caring for.
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christadeguchi · 2 months
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if nothing else can save america this zero-year-old fairy baby otter with no gender can. chiitan's platform is love. and chaos.
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iisasxia · 2 months
“Where are you going?” his voice seemed so rough whenever he was sleepy, not that it bothered you, you found it cute how deep in sleep he was.
You had crawled out of bed after being lucky enough to get out of his grasp. Bakugou’s hands are big but his arms/biceps are a whole other story. “M’ sorry ‘suki, just needed to use the bathroom.” You softly smile seeing him pout and will probably grumble to himself about how you’ve left him there all ‘cold n’ alone’.
You loved that soft side of him. It was like eating a strawberry, seemed a bit sour but once you eat more it’s really sweet. Once you stepped out of the bathroom you crawled right back over him and laid facing away from him. You softly exhaled before closing your eyes until the sudden feeling of you being lifted up startled you. “Kats-“ you whisper, his hands found their way to your waist as he pulled you over on top of him, letting you get comfortable. He gently wrapped his arms back around you.
“No more gettin’ up. Lay down n’ sleep.” he mumbled to what sounded like himself.
You softly smile before lifting your head up to look at him, noticing his eyes were closed you kissed him on the lips and laid your head back against his chest.
You didn’t see it but he had a small smile after the kiss, his grip on you tightening a little.
“Goodnight ‘Suki” you whisper to him.
“Night doll.”
(I reckon he would call you doll because one time you smiled at him and you looked so surreal that the word fumbled out of his mouth on accident so now after you teased him about it he calls you it as a nickname.)
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mariewrenau · 2 months
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Solangelo hair kiss ❤️❤️
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cuntvonkrolock · 1 year
reminder that trans men also fought for your rights and refusal to acknowledge this is tantamount to denying historical fact
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froody · 1 year
American trans men prior to the mid 20th century were like. I’m going to get into shootouts with the sheriff. I’m going to date 5 women at once. I’m going to drive a stage coach at 60 mph. I will be a menace to society. And I will be so sexy and cool while doing it.
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peterokii · 3 months
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Guys, this is getting really scary now. According to Senator Blumenthal they "rewrote the bill' (they didn't change anything actually) and the bill now has bipartisan (both democrat and republican support) with 62 co-sponsors now and could hit the senate as early as next week.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, KOSA (the Kids Online Safety Act) Is a strait up fascist mass internet censorship and serveillance bill that if passed, will force you to upload your government ID online in order to verify your age and give not only the government to track everything you do on the internet, but also the pwer to censor and erase anything or anyone they deem a threat to their power all by using the vague wording of the bill to deem it "a danger to kids"
both of the co writers of the bill, Senator Blumenthal, and Senator marsha Blackburn have fully admitted that they will be using this bill to wipe out any anti-isreal content as well as (in Blackburn's own words) "eliminate transgender content"
This bill WILL be used to end modern activism as we know it.
anything related to Free Palestine, Free Congo, Free Sudan, Black Lives Matter, Stop Cop City, LGBTQIA Rights, will be censored and wiped off the face of the internet.
we are looking at Farenheit 451 and 1984 COMBINED. And I still see almost NO ONE talking about it since my initial post I made talking about it last year. Every single one of you need to interact with this post and spread the word. contact your reps. sign petitions (all of which will b linked at the end of this post) AND MAKE SOME GODDAM NOISE. This is the fate of the internet as well as the fate of modern activism and literally the entire internet.
Resources for learning about KOSA:
Petition and Call Script for contacting your senators and reps
Sign the open letter against KOSA
Stop KOSA Movement Linktree
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clowns0up-felix · 1 month
Read left to right! I was just being a little silly, have fun,,, Disclaimer: Got lazy towards the end of the comic, whoopsie! (And tw blood)
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I think after Saria returned that day, all the kokiri children cried.
Also, lil fun fact: this happened four days before Links 31st birthday! Cheers
Take this as an apology
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slaket-and-sprash · 6 months
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starfilled-galaxy · 2 months
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Please survive<3
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Shout out to black and red-coded precious and dorky teen genius' who're put through the horrors but stay kind and optimistic despite everything because they're heroes at their core,gotta be one of my favorite autisms
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iisasxia · 2 months
Stubborn!Bakugou who completely denies the idea of possibly liking you when Kirishima asks.
“Like hell. Who would like some idiot like that?”
“Whatever you say man.” And Kirishima can’t help but smile knowing the truth.
Stubborn!Bakugou who secretly watches as your desk fills up with chocolates and love letters on Valentines Day. A silent scoff in disgust at the guys who fawned over you.
Stubborn!Bakugou who laughs at you for coming back to the dorms soaking wet because you offered your umbrella to someone else and now you’re drenched and cold.
“No one told you to be nice.”
After he walked away he leaned against the wall asking himself, “Why the hell did I say that??”
Stubborn!Bakugou who gags when you show him your Halloween costume, you decided to dress up as a witch. A cute pink little witch hat, your dress that was pink and black, tight at the top and loose at the bottom and it wasn’t too short either, black tights and cute little black flats. You even had a candy apple to offer.
“Tsk.” He got up from the couch. “Halloween is for babies.” And he walked away turning the corner.
What you didn’t see was him clenching his heart to keep it from jumping out of his chest. “So fucking cute.” He thought to himself in attempt to keep himself together.
“Kats-?” You look up at him as you open your room door.
He stood there for a moment, frozen in place.. what was he doing here?? Why the hell did he-
and you just kissed him.
You knew exactly why he was being fussy.
He didn’t push you away either, his hands wrapping around your waist to pull you even closer and that was confirmation you were right. Kirishima had told you about it because he expected Bakugou to never say anything, probably letting the feelings build and spill over.
“I like you too dummy.”
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mariewrenau · 2 months
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Solangelo Comfort <3
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pato-roldnart · 2 months
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Day 1 and 2 of @tododekuweek!
Day 1 Summer vacation. Just a silly thing. I couldn't help but draw trans deku :3c
Day 2. Vigilante AU
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