#implied one sided ship lmao
gaystan · 1 year
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thrilling-oneway · 8 months
Also shout out to the person who said in the tags of that airi post who said that half the debates in this fandom are over gender or sexuality because that’s true and it pisses me off immensely
#all the debates over whether VBS is gay coded or not and that their fans are biphobic if they don’t like m/f vbs pissed me off enough to#make me leave the fandom one of the times i left it. it’s also the reason I dont really like interacting with the fandom anymore LMAO#the thing is I don’t think it really matters lol#like mizuki is canonically trans but no one else is and I genuinely don’t get why people get so heated when ppl don’t have the same gender#hcs as them like it’s a HC not everyone has the same one as you. obviously this happens with airi a lot but with the boys being hc’d as#tfem as well? like I’ve seen people get SO up in it about them being called boys and it’s like full respect for your HC but#…they canonically are?#sexuality is a bit more complex bc while nothing is canon there definitely ARE things implied and since nothing is canon I don’t think it#really matters what ur HC is but at least be able to recognise what’s in the game? like kohane and minori showing attraction to multiple#girls but never to any guys. or an being canonically interested in kohane romantically or bad dogs being implied soulmates#and like it doesn’t matter what you ship or HC but loads of ppl try to claim this doesn’t exist for the sake of winning internet arguments#which is just So stupid#specifically i see this in the wxs fandom a lot over ppl HCing them as not mspec. especially with rui like ive seen loads of arguments#caused by people pointing out that he is actually gay-coded and then people trying to counter that. usually with shipping as evidence lol#and like sure ship him with emu or nene who cares but the coding is there so maybe don’t pretend it isn’t#this fandom is weird there’s like two sides to it of ‘everyone is bi and if you don’t HC that or like m/f ships ur biphobic’ and then#there’s ‘every character should be exclusively gay and if you disagree ur homophobic’#both of them are wrong#also i doubt clpl gives a shit about any of this#tag ramble over this fandom annoys me
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toskarin · 5 months
sorry if you've already answered this before but I'm new to your blog, what did you not like about gwitch? I haven't watched it myself, but I know friends who liked it and was just curious about a different perspective :] hope you're having a nice day!
these are like my sleeper agent activation words, but I'll make my rant about as short as I can. that being said, I am very much a hater about that series and would probably have more restraint normally LMAO
a lot of my problems with gwitch are intrinsically tied into the handling of the second half of the series and the tonal shift around it. the first cour was really good and there is a really jarring change of series direction after it
in what was seemingly an effort to cater the show more towards the largest fanbase possible, it drops a lot of its plot threads and muddles its more complicated themes by trying to tie them up into a simpler story of forgiveness. in pulling its punches and lightening the tone towards that second half, gwitch ends up relying a lot on fan content and shipping to achieve a satisfying ending
which, of course, means that if you weren't deeply invested in that side of things, you're left turning over some uncomfortable implications in your head that the show almost certainly didn't expect you to linger on
the first season opens by lampshading differences in social norms around homosexuality between planets, but when the show decides that there should only be one (deniable) gay pairing and everyone else should be straight, this never comes up again
beyond that, was the ending of the story really supposed to imply that you should reckon with how abusive parents only harm their children out of misguided love? surely not, right? that's a deeply conservative moral, and it only really feels that pronounced because of how the series doesn't engage with its own concepts
that's not really a generous way to look at things, and taking the second cour in isolation, that's absolutely not what it's saying. the problem here is that it still has to answer the questions it left open in the first cour, and if you were taking the writing seriously, it's hard not to feel that the change in story direction accidentally gave those answers
at the end of the day, gwitch feels cynically-made, like a creative vision was leading it towards saying something that old men in suits might've seen as complicating toy sales, and so its wings were clipped to keep it from doing so
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I just came across your empress work with kylo ren and i absolutely loved it.
But i was wondering...
Could you maybe write something like that but with kylo marring a jedi reader to restore balance and peace to the galaxy?
Say That Again
"-- say it," Kylo mutters. His voice becomes shaky, "I want to hear you say it."
Kylo Ren x Jedi!Reader | 1k+ | cw: gender neutra!reader, implied kidnapping, violence/mentions of injury, lovers to enemies, pining, angst, typos, etc.
A/N: this req is remix of this anon's and @copiasratsstuff request where basically YN refers to Kylo with his first name and it makes him snap. also T_T i had to send myself this anon ask because i accidentally posted this WITHOUT ANYTHING on the post LMAO. i hope you enjoy it my loves <3 <3 <3 tbh I think this turned out better than what I had in mind slayyyyed
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My heart pounds as I run down the halls. My hands were tingling and moistened with agitation. I huff when I catch sight of the space craft.
I swipe an arm and, using my Force, a pair of stormtroopers crash to the side, clearing my passage.
The footsteps thundering towards me grows louder when I get to the ship and pry the door open with my Force. Just as I'm about to get into the vehicle, a scorching blow hits my leg, then my shoulder. A loud cry leaves my lips before I can even think.
Similarly, I hear painful screaming from afar. "Didn't I say to hold your fire?!"
My panic heightens at the echo of that voice. Through the excruciating pain, I tell myself to push forward. This was it, after all, this was the opening to the freedom I was waiting for.
But the next thing I knew, a dark Force overcame me, and I didn't have enough strength to break free of it.
I thud into the arms of my captor, and whine in pain. I clench my jaw and slowly lift my eyes, glaring at him.
My expression is vaguely reflected on the Supreme Leader's black mask. He sighs before speaking, "you reap what you sow."
I growl and hiss, "and soon will you."
He carries me in his arms, all the way back to my prison cell. He sets me down on his bed l, and as he takes off his helmet, I fling him back with Force, making him lose his balance.
The man doesn't topple though. What only happens is his dark hair falls onto his face. He tilts his head, "childish."
I scoff, "I'm glad you're self-aware."
The Sith Lord says nothing in response. He walks off, props his helmet on his cabinet, and opens a drawer. He walks over to me with bandages and ointment.
I raise a brow as he sits on my side, "you're not going to heal me?"
"The pain will be good for you," he replies, grabbing my injured leg with little regard.
I whine and shift to lessen my discomfort. He begins to lather ointment on my laser gash.
As he does this in silence, and as I behold his profile, his nose, his lips, his lashes, I see flashes of the past from his face. I see a memory of when we were younger, both still under the guidance of our master, Luke. I see his sweet smile, hear his soft laugh, feel his tender kiss... my Ben.
Of course, we were young fools in love. Deep down, we knew we could never be; attachments were dangerous. And yet he promised me himself and I promised him myself, and somehow he believes that was the same as us being married.
That was why he captured me. That was why he was binding my wounds. That was why he was unwilling to let me go. According to him, I was the balance the galaxy craved, I was the balance he long yearned for.
"We are married," he says, a-matter-of-factly.
My face sours, "get out of my head."
"Even if you did, even if you managed to run," he turns to me, one hand gripping my knee, "you think I would just let you go?"
We stare at each other for a while.
"After all I've done to have you?" he narrows his eyes.
"You wouldn't be able to find me," I lean in as I retort.
He leans closer, "and yet you would eventually surrender because your heart is weak."
I whine when he pulls the bandage around me tighter than necessary.
"Your soft heart would not bear the destruction I'd exact on the stars to find you," he ties the bandage and turns back to me. He scoffs under his breath, "you and your empathy."
The last of what remained of Ben Solo stared at me. Perhaps I was the only one delusional enough to see it. He was barely there in face, and in soul, I fear he may be lost forever.
I turn away.
He releases my leg and grabs my arm, "take your top off."
I decide not to put up a fight, there was no point. I take my burnt top off so he could wrap the injury on my shoulder blade.
He moves me so my back is turned to him. He stares at my wound for a prolonged moment. I am tempted to look back at him when I realize he felt pity for me.
"You shouldn't have run."
I don't look back, "you shouldn't have chased after-" I hiss when he applies ointment on my burn.
"You shouldn't have run," he repeats, harder this time.
"Kylo, please-"
I look over my shoulder.
"What did you just call me?"
His expression is that of shock and excitement. I quickly correct myself, "Ben. Your name is B-"
"That's not my name," he raises a finger, "that's not what you said-"
"That's what I mea-"
"Say that again, say it," Kylo mutters. His voice becomes shaky, "I want to hear you say it."
I clench my jaw and shake my head. "Your name is Ben Solo."
He releases a deep breath.
I grab his cheeks. It was the first time I had ever willingly touched him, and so tenderly at that, "that is your name. That is who you--"
"Ben is dead," Kylo grabs my wrists, yanking me away from him.
My heart races when I feel the hot air from his lungs.
"I am all that's left," he whispers, brows furrowing. His voice is shaky again, "Ben was weak. He could not even speak his love for you out loud," he shakes his head, "not me. I would make sure the whole galaxy knows my love for you."
I gasp when he grabs my face and kisses me. I immediately shove him away, and when I do, this man with wide, glassy eyes stares back at me.
For once, his face evokes something more than anger out of me. I see his desperation and it pinches my heart.
"That's not my name," he blurts, snapping out of his trance and jumping to his feet. His moment of vulnerability was over. Staring down at me now was no one else besides the Supreme Leader of the First Order. He wipes his face and blankness falls on his features.
I mean to call his name out again but he speaks before I can.
"I will have a medic attend to your wounds," he says flatly, "don't think to flee while I'm gone."
I watch him walk out of the door.
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ivestas · 1 year
Could I request a könig x reader in which she’s one of the best soldiers/snipers in the world, covered in tattoos, smokes and is a ‘I joined the military out of spite and somehow all that anger turned me into this’, and könig is just smitten with her?
its time you learn to accept yourself
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Summary: Through König, you learn love and self-acceptance. 
Tags: sniper!fem!reader x konig, strangers to friends to lovers, headcanon format, reader implied not to speak german, reader implied to be mentally ill, unedited
Word count: 1.7k
Note: im starting to really like this genre of ship-dynamic LMAO
When you joined KorTac, it was clear you didn’t give much of a shit about anyone there. 
You kept to yourself, spoke in monosyllables, and had much more interest in smoking the cigarettes you kept sneaking into the base than talking to any of them. 
He’d heard operators call you several things—none of them flattering to your image—however, one thing stood out clearly to him:
You were a good shot. They all agreed to that. To them, though your personality was shit, you had the eye of a hawk and the hands of a trained and experienced veteran who knew the sniper like the back of their hand. 
He couldn’t help but admire you, regardless of the fact you’ve never acknowledged his presence or even looked at him. 
He also couldn’t help but admire how calm you were, how you were just... yourself. Sleeves always rolled up with your tattoos in full display, a cigarette always nursed between your lips, the fact you never watered down your personality; he wanted that confidence—no, that sureness your character carried. 
König knew you liked to lurk near the shooting range—since you’d joined, he avoided disturbing you and had often gone to the other side of the range to practice his shots. 
However, in a fit of uncharacteristic confidence, he decided to approach you. 
He was prepared for your scathing words, or the silent look of disgust you often wore around the other men.
But, when he approached, you regarded him neutrally. 
“Hey, you’re...” 
“Yeah, König, you’re König.” You echoed the accent of the word, looking proud. “I pronounced that well, right? König.” You repeated his name as though it were a flavorful candy.
He was rendered mute; German sounded so nice on your tongue. 
“A-ah, scheiße, I was lost in thought for a second,” he laughed awkwardly. “You said it well, yes.” 
“‘kay, good. Anyway, what’d you want?’
It was a blunt but reasonable question, but with your eyes trained on him, it was suddenly hard to speak or think. 
Bashfully, he spoke. “May I shoot with you?” 
“Uh, of course? This isn’t my shooting range, man. Have fun.” 
“No, with you.” 
“With me?” You echoed, dumbfounded. “How’d that work?” 
“We’ll make it a friendly competition—if you’d like, of course—whoever gets the most bulls-eyes wins.”
You smiled. It was brighter than the sun. “Sure! Sounds like fun—you go first, then.” 
König does. It was an easy shot, anyone could hit it, but he could feel your eyes watching him. 
Trying to steady his hands, he set his sniper on top of the heavy crates and tried to aim, trying to clear his mind.
It was difficult. Again, your eyes—he wondered if he was making any mistakes he didn’t even know of. He was sure he was doing everything right, but... was he? 
“Your hands are shaking, König. Try steadying them like this,” roughly, you took the hand that had been on the trigger and made the weight even. 
His cheeks erupted in warmth. Too close. 
He quickly takes a shot, and it was just about to hit the bullseye. 
“Time to show ya how the pros do it!” You sit right beside him, kneeling in front of the crates and setting your own sniper onto them. He noticed rough engravings on the snout of your gun, a rough shape of a butterfly and snake. 
Before he could ask about them, you shot. You had barely paused to even adjust. 
When he looked up, he couldn’t help the wave of admiration that hit him.
You hit the bullseye perfectly.
“Maybe one day you can be as good as me,” you teased, voice light. “But your ass needs practice. Can I help?” 
He couldn’t trust his voice so he merely nodded. Thank God he had a hood over his head because he was sure he resembled more tomato than a human. 
After that though, the two of you became closer—you saw each other more, interacted more, etc. 
You had taken a swift liking to him; he was eager to learn, polite, and soft-spoken, how could you not? 
König, though? He’s skipped the ‘friend’ part and went straight to crushing; honestly, he was flattered enough that you just acknowledged his presence, being one of the best snipers and all, but the fact you went out of your way to teach him—talk to him—it went all straight to the heart.
Even on missions, you’d talk to him. You’d often favor being quiet, whistling the odd tune or two before taking your shots, but now you’ve come to just take those small pauses to tease him incessantly. 
König was about to maul an enemy before a bullet shot through their head. 
His earphones sparked to life. 
“You should be more careful, I almost couldn’t save you there.” Your voice crackled through. 
He couldn’t help but huff, half amused, half worried. “Didn’t Aksel say for you to clear out the enemies on your end?” 
“Did already. They were like sitting ducks.”
You two are an actual powerhouse in missions; König with his physical prowess, easily overpowering anyone in his way, and you with your sniper, taking any enemies behind him down in an instant. 
You only grew closer to him and vice versa, and eventually, the daily conversations nearly became constant—attached to the hip, understanding each other to the extent that quick glances would equate to hundreds of lines of dialogue. 
It was during this that you realize you’ve grown... attached. 
It worries you—no, it scares you. 
You were, in your eyes, a poison that could do nothing but harm a soul like König’s; despite is outward brutality, you knew inside he was nothing but gentle—or maybe you were blind. Maybe you were in love and refused to see the dark that tainted his inner consciousness. 
Or, maybe, you liked that too about him. 
In any case, it was worrisome; it bit at your insides, at the quiet part of your mind, it lit everything to flame then ash. 
You weren’t the woman you were before the military; fuck, maybe that version of you never existed—you were always so fucked up, so full of incomprehensible anger that set every step you took on fire. 
That worry turned to anxiety, and it only increased when you realized that your stable, steady hands have become a shaking mess. 
It was during a pause between missions that you try to clear your head, to purge those feelings you thought and knew wouldn’t lead to any good. 
However König—oh, König—followed.
You told him not to, but he knew something was wrong, that you weren’t quite as steady as he’d known you to be; it was a weakness, a vulnerability that, right now, could harm you. 
Neither of you had the comfort of being weak, especially in a safe house that could be overridden with hostiles at any moment of the day. If he couldn’t help, he’d at least want to be able to protect you during this time.
So, he followed, through the murky corridors and under the cloak of night, finding you outside with a cigarette between your lips. 
You saw him and you were ready to snap at him, to drive him away, but he spoke so fucking softly. 
“Are you okay?”
You weren’t. He knew you weren’t, and you knew he knew that. 
So you sighed. Gestured for him to come, and he did, leaning against the concrete wall beside you. 
You were particularly loose-lipped, but at that moment, all inhibitions of restraint were gone. 
“It’s all a lie—when people join the military, it’s rarely for that strive of good.” You took a harsh suck of the cigarette. “You think any person with a good head on their shoulders and love for life would want to be in a fuckin’ military? Or a merc group? No amount of money makes this worth it, no... never.” 
König was silent. Listening. Thinking.
“More often than not, people just join to just—run. Die. Cut their losses and just engulf themselves in the worst of the worst because of their own flaws—hamartias. Know that word?”
König nodded.
You laughed airily. It was hardly a laugh, more like a throwaway noise. “I learnt it back in high school in English class—’fatal flaw of a hero’, or something. Flaws... good, bad, right, wrong, villainous, heroic, it’s a mouthful, isn’t it?”
König nodded again. 
“So many labels for those who, in hindsight, or just cogs to a greater machine. A twisted machination—isn’t that the true evil? The machinery?”
“You make it sound difficult,” König breathed. “When everything is so much simpler than that. Personal principles define those beliefs, right and wrong is as broad as it is small.” 
You hummed. “Never struck you for the philosophical type.”
“I’m not. Philosophy is redundant. The answer is always found within our hearts.” 
“Hmmm.” You took another puff of the cigarette. “The answer in my heart was anger. Always anger. Violence, insults, it always seemed most effective... I thought the military would set me straight, make me more controlled, but it did the opposite.” You stared at the ground, smoke spilling out your lips. “I’m worse now, a festering disease. I can feel myself burning out day by day, and, König? I want you to stay away from that—from me.” 
“I won’t.” 
“I refuse. I will stay by your side.” I can’t bear to leave you alone. 
“But... why?” Why, why, why? 
“Because you’re the most beautiful flame I’ve ever seen.” I love you. Accept that. “Don’t cut yourself short, liebe. You can always change and grow. Or remain stagnant. Either way, my eyes will always be on you.”
You, for the first time in your life, couldn’t trust your voice. 
But when you looked up at him, you hoped that the message was there. That he could see. 
And he did, and you couldn’t help the smile when you saw that the corners of his eyes crinkled. 
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Requests are open
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Anon again! May I please get Zoro, Sanji, and Law walking in on their fem!S/O masturbating?(She tries to cover up but sje wasnt fast enough)
A/N: 🫣 Okay I gotchu tho thank u for requesting! Enjoy! Sorry for the late response I’m trynna be as a fast as I can w all requests lmao
The One Piece Men Catch You Playing with Yourself (NSFW)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Use of Toys (im Like 75% sure vibrators wasn’t a thing back in their time but let’s pretend for the sake of this HC it is…..so yeah), It’s no detailed mention of sex, but it’s heavily implied….I may do a part two
Ft. Zoro, Sanji, & Law
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Zoro hates sex toys. He thinks they’re numbing and annoying and if anything he should be the only toy you should play with for your needs.
He also hates that you own a vibrator and once you both got in the more sexual side of your relationship he didn’t want you to own it anymore
“I can make you cum better than that stupid ass thing.”
It was almost like he was jealous of it and you just didn’t understand WHY he ain’t like it.
But you seen how annoyed it made him so you did stop. However just because you stopped using your toys didn’t mean Zoro gave you more attention.
There was a few times you were tempted simply because it has been almost a month since you last had sex and you’re getting irritable especially after the last few fights you’ve all encountered the past few weeks
Today Zoro went to go handle some business with Brook, Luffy and Sanji so you and the remnant of the ship kind of went to do your own thing after hanging out for lunch.
You were alone in your shared room with Zoro to clean up a bit when you found the little play thing under your piles of underwear. It was clean and still had plenty of juice since last used months ago.
You felt a hint of nostalgia holding the little cute vibrator remembering how fast it would make you cum and the pressure was always set to high like how you like it
You peaked out your room, it was quieter, nothing but the small chatter of Usopp, Nami, and Robin while Chopper was occupied in his room studying
You were all alone.
You took a risk doing this in the bright day of a beautiful afternoon. You took off your panties and pants, your legs was spread probably way wider than they should be and you were laying on Zoro’s side of the bed. It was a bit easier at night so you had the vibrator under a few pillow to reduce the volume.
Never failing, the vibrator did what it did best and you were so so close to reaching that orgasm you’ve been in need for for the past few weeks, your eyes was shut, granted you did wish it was Zoro making you feel this good and not some stupid toy, but desperate times calls for desperate measures.
“Oi, Y/N you in—-“
It was almost like time stopped. How did you not hear Luffy hollering out the door? How did you not hear Zoro’s voice call out your name? Why didn’t you lock the door?
So many questions that your pretty little head couldn’t answer in time because you were too busy shutting off the toy.
It was almost as if Zoro was amused. He shut and locked the door behind him, doing what you should have done before pleasuring yourself and he sat on the edge of the bed beside you. He didn’t even look at you he kept his eyes on how tightly you were hugging a pillow with your legs.
“I thought you said you threw that stupid ass thing away?”
His voice was deadpanned. His eyes were dark, he clicked his tongue before getting up hearing no answer from you, but you reached out to grab his arm.
“Wait Zo, don’t leave!”
“Who said I was leaving?”
He pulled off his black tank top with one hand and began to undo his belt. You’d be lying if you said how he was aggressively taking off his clothes in silence didnt make you feel butterflies in your stomach.
“Matter of fact…I want to spend the rest of the day with you, sweetheart.”
Zoro did a dark chuckle dropping his boxers to the floor, he was still soft but big none the less, you swallowed the small lump in your throat, but was interrupted when his fingers wrapped around it instead. He threw the pillow to the ground climbing over your half naked body heavily breathing on your mouth.
“Because I want to remind you my cock is better than that stupid ass toy. Now bend over for me.”
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He doesn’t necessarily care.
He is aware that you can be needy but he is usually busy or not in the mood sometimes when you are and you respected that
He has seen you masturbate before but today he felt flustered
Of course he is a blushing mess seeing your legs spread wide on HIS bed wearing HIS shirt
You looked too good whimpering his name with such need
He didn’t want to stop you, as a matter of fact he wanted to enjoy the show but he needed to get something from his room he left prior
So he thought for a moment, “should he knock or should he burst in”?
You have been quite a nuisance lately, but you did use your free time to do this
Hmmmm so many possibilities
But Law is a damn menace just like you so he room’ed himself inside
“L-law!” You cried throwing your blanket over your half naked body, you felt the blood rush to your face seeing you in your most venerable in front of him.
“It’s nothing I haven’t seen before…why are you so shy now?”
“Get outttt! I was almost finished!”
He chuckled to himself and placed his sword down by the door. He thought you looked so cute hiding yourself from him as if he wasn’t going to just snatch those covers off.
And he did.
“So that’s where my black shirt went.”
“Law get outtt stop ittt!” You tried your best to use his thin shirt to cover your lady parts but your thick body never properly fitted his clothes anyways leaving your helpless.
Law climbed beside you on the bed and sighed heavily rubbing your embarrassingly wet inner thigh.
“Shit..you were so close of cumming too, huh. You’re always so damn needy Y/N…fuck.”
You found out early in your relationship Law really likes to watch you play with yourself which is another reason why you didn’t stop once you both got together, but he never done it with you. But seeing the glint in his eyes with lust and the tent in his pants as he was licking his lips you wanted to finally take advantage of the situation.
“Law…” you mewled palming his covered cock, “Why don’t you do it with me then…I mean since you’re already here..”
“I…” Law had difficult time tearing his eyes away from between your legs, your pussy was just so tantalizing he nearly had a shiver up his spine thinking about your moaning out his name in HIS shirt rubbing your clit thinking about him, leaving your event all over his bed. “I can’t Y/N I have to fini—“
You stopped his excuses by sucking his bottom lip and licking his mouth, kissing him to the point his own hat falls off and smiling back at his now flustered face.
“You’re such a fucking tease..” He mumbled grabbing your free breast and rolling his finger and thumb on your nipple making your bite your lip as you now straddle him.
“Just a quickie…pleaseee…” You kissed his ear rubbing your clit on his bulge leaving a small wet spot. “Oops…I made a little mess on your pants…sorry, Captain.”
It didn’t take much after that for the tatted pirate to lower his pants and have you lay back down in front of him and start the show.
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Horny ass has been waiting his whole life for this to happen lmao
The moment he found out women can masturbate he been wanting to see it so badly, and you have been the one to grace him.
Sure you both have had sex but he wanted to see you at your most vulnerable and helpless.
It was a rainy day on the Sunny and everybody was either inside their rooms or exploring inside the ship for the day. And you spent your day cleaning your room
While finishing up you actually found a very old adult magazine you owned, but thought you lost it and haven’t seen it since
Yeah you were a little pervert like Sanji too that’s why you both are together
You looked through the magazine almost laughing to yourself at all the old material you used to pleasure yourself and seen a short doujin in the back of it and you don’t remember reading that so you did. It was a story on a guy peeping in on the girl he likes taking a shower. The story was pretty straight to the point and it reminded you of Sanji actually.
You thought if he has ever done that to you now that your both are together. I mean he was a pervert. But then you thought again….would it be that bad if he did?
NO! No! It is bad! You shouldn’t watch people as they are bathing! Even if it’s your boyfriend! Everybody deserves privacy.
But thinking about Sanji panting watching you clean your supple body through the bathroom door fucking his fist to you was something you caught yourself biting you lip to the thought.
And that’s how you were here:
Laid on your bed plunging your tiny fingers into your needy cunt thinking about Sanji. Imagining your blonde boyfriend cook was finger fucking you instead of yourself.
“Y/N, my love! Can you come—“
You felt your heart sink to your stomach. Really? They say speak of the devil and he shall appear but who would of thought that applied to thinking too.
You were under a blanket but it hardly covered your entire lower body. Your panties were dangling from your ankles and if you had any color on your face it was no longer there. You and Sanji made brief eye contact before you covered your face under the thin fabric.
Sanji was Frozen, his cigarette fell in awe, he didn’t think he’d be able to see such a sight. Granted he couldn’t see the best part, but he wasn’t stupid he knew what you were doing. He pulled down his tie and locked the door behind him, whatever he came in your room for was now irrelevant seeing this new treasure in front of him.
As much as he wanted to really relish in the moment he felt kind of bad. He seen the horror and embarrassment in your eyes and even though he has seen you naked and he always wanted to see you like this it wasn’t as he expected seeing how you’re now blabbering apologizes and cries under the blanket.
“Y-Y/N…! It’s okay! Don’t be scared I’m not—um—..I should have knocked.”
You didn’t say anything, you felt the weight on the bed shift beside you and his hand rested on your exposed thigh.
“You don’t have to feel embarrassed…I do that a lot too…when you’re busy….”
His voice sounded so soft and sincere you began to lower yourself from the blanket and look at him with glossy eyes. Sanji’s lips curled into a warm smile,
“If it makes you feel any better you looked so sexy like that…”
“Sanji!” You groaned back into the blanket, but he chuckled.
“Can I make it up to you?”
“By letting you finish on my fingers….it has been a while since we….ya know…”
You looked up at him only showing your squinting eyes at his offer, he smiled and began to take off his clothing leaving himself only in his boxers. He took your hand crawling back on the bed noting the remnant of your arousal still on your fingers and sucked them in front of you.
“Damn I missed your taste…common let me see…”
He was so gentle with his words, tossing away the blanket to show your squirming body. He licked his lips at the mess your made between your legs.
“How about I use my tongue instead…just how you like? Hm?…wanna make you feel good.”
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ryuichirou · 3 days
Slowly but surely replying to older asks. I say it every time but I mean it: thank you for being patient.
One ask about Shroudcest and one ask about Rookvil today!
Anonymous asked:
Imagine imagine imagine.
Cause this is funny to me.
Someone's flirting with Idia, yeah? (or just talking to him, not even flirting) (well, I guess it'd be a one sided conversation....)
And Ortho was off doing whatever and he comes back and he notices-
And he gets all angry and whatnot-
And Ortho's got instant connections to the internet-
And he figures out who the person is and basically destroys their social life.
Like, in the middle of this conversation, this person checks their phone and finds out all their friends have ditched them and their entire online life is up in flames.
Simply because Ortho got a little jealous.
Anon, this is so unbelievably easy to imagine lol Despite Ortho really wanting his precious Idia to have more friends and connections, he is much more jealous than he thought! And much more of a little shit than people think… We really love this kind of scenario for them, to be honest.
Ortho is way too powerful for how emotionally unstable he is! Rogue little yandere robot :( His niisan is his and his only! That poor guy probably just wanted to talk about homework or something trivial like that…
Anonymous asked:
the rook hate be crazy, sorry for the nonsense you’ve been dealing with for doing nothing wrong. anyway rookvil appreciation hours. rook is so observant and reverent that he’s always looking out for his queen and vil is just a bit tsun lol but i love how vulnerable vil is with rook. like the lines implying vil has cried in front of rook before, that they sleep in the same bed, rook knows vil’s family situation, vil commenting on rook’s thighs in beanfest implicitly meaning he spends a lot of time looking at them lol, rook has access to vil’s room and waits for vil… as much as i love savanaclaw rook and mourn his loss everyday, he willingly changed himself to be worthy of being by vil’s side via his own free will; vil did not MAKE him do anything they just talked a lot. my mans is more whipped than heavy cream. idk about you but rook mentions he struggled to feel or express emotions before he knew about theater (specifically neige but let’s ignore that for vil’s sanity lol) so it feels significant that rook obviously feels and emotes so strongly over vil (also something something ortho struggles to feel or express himself before movies and acting so what i’m getting at here is they should spitroast vil at least once lmao.) if it was revealed they’re canonically dating the only part i’d be surprised about is that it got through disney’s censors.
It’s okay, Anon. The whole thing kind of made us appreciate Rook and RookVil more, to be honest lol I sketched them for a couple of days nonstop after that whole thing happened.
It also made you write this ask! It took me some time to reply, but every time I was rereading it I smiled because god this is such a good ship. Everything that you’ve listed is just so… wonderful. All those interactions, all this connection, all those moments that imply their closeness that is on a much deeper level than we get to see. Sometimes when these two talk, it feels like we’re eavesdropping lol they just have this vibe to them, as if every dialogue has some additional context that we don’t quite get.
Vil’s comment about Rook’s thighs and him bulking up though lol poor Epel didn’t know what to make of it and probably didn’t want to think about it…
You’ve made such a good point about Vil being more vulnerable with Rook, and I think this vulnerability is very important. Vil feels like someone who probably doesn’t usually allow people to get very close to him, but once he lowers his guard for someone, that person becomes very special to him. Or I guess it’s the other way around… anyways, he trusts Rook enough to always have him by his side, and he probably vents his frustrations with the industry and anything else that troubles him to Rook the most.
And this trust isn’t one-sided: I feel like Rook trusts Vil a lot too. We know that he has a lot of secrets, and even Vil probably doesn’t know a whole lot about his upbringing and stuff, but he certainly knows more than other people + listens carefully enough to understand implications without prying into it too much. They give each other enough space in general, I guess? I know it sounds funny considering Rook’s whole stalking thing but lol their connection is special. They learn from each other and from what they have together.
It makes sense that one person that Vil trusts so much and loves so much is a weird theater nerd who doesn’t quite understand tact, but is very honest, supportive and genuinely passionate and loving. It makes sense that one person that Rook trusts so much and loves so much is an obsessive perfectionist that takes care of him, enables him and inspires him every day. Both of them are kind of insufferable, but they are the perfect type of “insufferable” to each other lol And yeah, let’s not forget about the power of knowing all the obscure theater/film references the other one makes!
I also absolutely agree that it wouldn’t be surprising at all if it was confirmed that they are dating lol The only surprising thing really would be the fact that Disney allowed it.
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pendwelling · 7 months
Is it confirmed yet or foreshadowed that they ( Jesse, Sadie, and Christelle) will be a couple?
CedYesChris have actually been foreshadowed to be building up to the very relationship TWSB has been implying they'd become since the beginning, ever since the first mention that Riester royalty had to take up both a political companion that is tied to them by matrimony, and a religious companion that is tied together by soul through a covenant. Later on, it is very apparent that the roles will be taken by Ham Ga-in Christelle and Jung Yeseo in particular! (And not even in the way you'd initially expect!)
More elaboration and spoilers below (with novel support and chapter citation lolol):
This is all viewed in a primarily objective light where I interpret what we are given. While I love my shipping, I do believe, in the context of the novel, that there is no romantic basis for their relationship at all as of yet (800+) nor do I believe that there will explicitly ever be, but to deny that there isn't any sort or form of love would be lying. CedYedChris have a complex relationship: friends that are more than just friends but not at all lovers, one that cannot be fully described with words—forged through trials and pain and reverence and companionship, making for a unique relationship of understanding and solace. This sort of queerplatonic relationship is actually very fittingly in line with the power system and world-building of the novel, simply by virtue of the covenant system between Holy Knights and Priests, and the acts of special partnerships that tie individuals by souls.
I find it very funny actually when people say they cannot see Cédric and Ga-in getting together because of how different they are (and how much they seem to repulse each other lmao) but the more you read and understand about their relationship, the more you realize that after all these hundreds of chapters, there is no one that would who could fit the role of "Crown Prince's political companion" more than Ga-in herself—not even as a romantic partner, but as a mere companion.
There have been attempts at Cédric having to find a potential consort candidate, and Cédric himself has mentioned that whoever is INEVITABLY picked he will agree with unconditionally as it is his duty as Crown Prince to marry someone later on to help support his reign (251-4). But ultimately all of his friends agree that his happiness is something that is also very important, especially when it comes to marrying someone for the rest of his life. He might say he doesn't care, but once Yeseo starts expressing concern and dissatisfaction with him getting marriage proposals to nobles Cédric wouldn't be able to fully get along with outside of a political union, he starts expressing relief and hints of aversion to the idea of an arranged marriage that he has no say in (254). And we, as readers, know that Cédric is not the type of person who could easily open up to people, and while he is not the type to be discourteous to anyone who would become his future spouse, it's clear that for the type of person he is, a marriage with someone who he is only connected to due to duty pales in comparison to the trust he has with a comrade who has been by his side since the beginning, who knows him better than any random noble who wouldn't understand a fraction of his soul (and potentially might not ever, as the circumstances under which Cédric has ever emotionally opened up were never something that he chose to do on a whim, and probably never would have talked about, had it not been for specific circumstances [like in 602]). In all those rare and explosive instances when he went through periods of turmoil, he was lucky enough to have people by his side who understood and could sympathize/empathize with his very unique pain.
Cédric and Ga-in are very different, but funnily enough two out of three of the only people who can understand each other the best in this life and universe, as they have many life experiences and traumas and history that no outsider will be able to understand, and (HUGE SPOILERS CHAPTER 640) after the group travels 20 years in the future, it is even canon and /very/ heavily implied that the two of them are married! (Though there are mysteries about Yeseo's whereabouts and roles in this future.) BUT!
It is actually very vague on whether or not this is romantic (and doesn't even necessarily seem to be) but in my interpretation of their special relationship and based on the novel itself, I truly believe this is a very understandable partnership between two people who have gone through so much and have come out of it as partners that the other can trust, and who they know they can depend on and have emotionally opened themselves up to.
It doesn't have to be romantic. It doesn't even need to, for such a marriage to work, and if there is a hint of romantic love in it, we cannot see it nor will we know for sure, but I believe that it doesn't actually matter. CedYesChris is very queerplatonic and if you've read that far, you understand that by that point, they've all become companions that know each other from every inch of their souls. All of them consider each other as their Moon, Sun, and Earth, and have said (particularly Ga-in to Yeseo, and Ga-in speaking on behalf of her and Cédric about him) to be unable to live without each other (657, 805), and it is a sentiment echoed almost within them all. Cédric Riester, by simple virtue of being the future Riester Emperor, will inevitably have to marry, and what better partner than Ham Ga-in, who has distinguished herself with notable achievements in the Empire, and is an important friend to the Crown Prince?
And of course, their relationship with Yeseo is also something that I believe brings them together all the more. They are their partner's other partner—they are each others' partner. They are all pretty much in a Holy Knight/Priest partnership and Yeseo is the only one alive that can support the two of them with the ether they'd need, and not exhaust himself in the process (like Priest Sand). They are all soothed by each other's souls, and before you say Cédric and Ga-in physically repulsed each other, in Chapter 651 we get a confirmation that the two of them have formed a bond and tie between each other's souls following the events of Chapter 301 when they fought in the temple during Cédric's ether runaway/turmoil. Accidentally, during that fight that ended up with Cédric nearly unconsciously killing Ga-in in his grief, they managed to have a small part of each other's etheric plate chipped into the other, meaning (particularly in Ga-in's case) that she can now stabilize herself from a runaway with the help of Cédric's opposite attribute ether to calm the fury of her water (651). They have somewhat of a quasi-telepathic relationship, though they typically cannot hear much of anything but as their souls are tied in a unique way, they can feel in some abstract instinctual sense when something is going on with the other's soul/ether, even if not within the same vicinity (727).
As for Yeseo being Cédric/CedChris's religious companion, it has actually been confirmed by Yeseo himself that he would have agreed to pledge a covenant with Cédric and tie their souls together, and yet hasn't and is putting off/has refused the proposal (of ch330 and onward implictly) because Yeseo is VERY intimately aware of the fact that he is not from this world and will, ultimately, have to return home in the end due to his love for his siblings, and acknowledges that he would not wish upon Cédric the pain of being separated from the soul one would tie themselves with upon forming a covenant (736). For reference, even Empress Frédérique and Aurélie cannot separate for too long without Fred feeling immense amounts of pain, discomfort, and irritation, only managing to cope by surrounding herself with piles ether stones filled with her soul companion's ether, (510, and some other chapters but i cant remember them all rn wkfjdk).
In Jibril's words, a religious companion is someone that would be able to provide support and mental fortitude to their partner, which is something that Yeseo considers about Jibril's own aspects who he hopes would support his cousin in the future (a future without him in it). Yeseo is very concerned about Cédric's circle of support and always has his well-being in mind, and this not only stems from his wanting to be a good friend, but also because of his regret and hesitation in accepting Cédric's covenant proposal due to his impermance in the universe. He explicitly says that he does not wish to hurt Cédric! The bigger the distance, the more painful it is for the companion—so how painful would being separated by different worlds, be?
Both Cédric and Yeseo want to be each other's companion and fuse their souls together (Cédric more so than Yeseo—this guy would really accept no one else). The only thing preventing that is Yeseo's fear and concern for Cédric. I don't have much to say about this than I do about Cédric and Ga-in's future political companionship, because CedChris is just a bit harder to understand for TWSB readers if they haven't gotten far enough into the novel yet. In contrast, Cédric and Yeseo’s religious companionship has been made most probable from the very start of the novel, and yet funnily enough, the difficulty and probability of the formation of the Political and Religious partnerships have been flipped 😂 It is easier to see Cédric and Ga-in becoming political companions (and is, as of Chapter 805 and ongoing, most canonically supported to be something that is in place 20 years in the future), as opposed to Yeseo accepting Cédric's covenant proposal haha.
But I firmly believe, at the end of the day, that the three of them will become companions. Not necessarily in a romantic sense (no matter how much I enjoy my shipping) but also not in a standard platonic sense, either. Yeseo views Ga-in as his continent and earth, and regards Cédric as a precious being equivalent to the sun. Ga-in speaks for both herself and Cédric when she says they cannot live without him, and she loves Yeseo so dearly and his well-being is her priority, and acknowledges Cédric as someone she respects and can rely on, and who shares similar pains with her. Cédric treats Yeseo with so much reverence and desire, and Ga-in with mutual understanding, and both are the only people whom he can be fully emotionally vulnerable with. They have a very special and unique relationship and I don't know how exactly it will play out in the end, but I sincerely believe that there is NO ONE in that universe that could understand their pains and souls and mere entirety, than they do for each other.
CedYesChris are soulmates! Whether it is made by their own hands or written in the stars. I believe wholeheartedly that Sookym has written and built up their relationship splendidly and so naturally.
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niki-phoria · 1 year
Hey!, may i request Chishiya x Militant reader? Who finds some fun in the games, ands is pretty apathetic towards death but finds it somewhat exciting? Sorry if that doesn't make sense lol, it doesn't really matter to me if its an established relation ship or not, but gn!reader if you can! thank you so much, your posts are always amazing!
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the return of the eyeliner cat looking chishiya gif sklens
pairing: chishiya x militant!gn!reader (no pronouns used) genre: fluff word count: 1.3k
warnings: slightly ooc chishiya, i tried to make this canon compliant but honestly this was so chaotic i don't really remember how this part went lmao, canon typical violence, blood, light descriptions of reader giving chishiya stitches, i feel like i write every confession the same lmao
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i'm kinda running out of games to write about lol i didn't set this at the beach so it's kind of implied that reader was a militant (mention of a subordinate, reader has a gun and knows how to shoot) i hope that's okay i tried to make reader apathetic about death and excited about the games but i'm not sure how well it comes across. it means so much that you enjoy my writing <33 i hope you like it :))
requests open !! read my rules first
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the pavement is hot against your hand when you sit down next to kuina. a heavy silence still hangs in the air, the anticipation of what will happen next nearly suffocating. chishiya paces around, hands stuffed in his pockets. he stops in front of you, sighing. “maybe they forgot to press the start button.” 
“i hope not,” you lean back on your hands, squinting up at the sky. “this is getting boring.” 
“boring is better than death games,” kuina retorts. 
“i’m just saying, this is a little anticlimactic.” 
kuina’s response is cut off by the approaching sound of an engine. “might’ve spoken too soon,” chishiya murmurs as a group of cars arrives at the shibuya crossing. 
a man steps out of the car. “y/n,” he calls. he’s followed by a woman leaving the passenger’s side. “what’s going on?” 
chishiya raises an eyebrow, glancing down at you. “you know him?” 
“he’s one of my subordinates.” you brush the dirt off of your hands as you stand up. “we’re not sure yet.” 
slowly, the rest of the people leave their cars. they’re members of the beach, nervously glancing at your group and each other. 
a woman begins walking closer to you when a loud crack rings through the empty city. you nearly flinch when her lifeless body falls to the ground in front of you. blood pools around her. 
you aren’t given enough time to fully react when another noise echoes, this time a man collapsing. a low rumble emits from somewhere above you. you can barely hear usagi gasp, pointing up at the sky. “is that a fucking berg?” 
kuina’s comment would’ve made you laugh in any other situation. a gray airship floats through the city. a giant king of spades flag waves underneath it. you can see a few others in the distance, each carrying their own flag with a different face card. 
“run!” someone yells. people continue falling to the ground. cutoff screams and loud whips of gunshots spur you to move faster. you duck behind a wall in between kuina and chishiya, peeking over the edge. arisu and usagi lean over the side, watching as the panicked crowd continues running. 
“is this exciting enough for you?” chishiya asks. 
you roll your eyes. “let’s split up!” arisu yells over the gunfire. 
after a few shared nods, arisu takes runs off to the left. usagi is the next to leave, followed closely by kuina and chishiya. you duck behind the abandoned cars, desperate for a place to hide. a bullet grazes your arm, through you pay it no mind, forcing yourself to keep moving. 
you all but throw yourself against the side of a car, panting. kuina is quick to join you, ducking behind the metal. “are you okay?” she asks. you brush a hand against your still-bleeding arm, shaking your head. 
“i’m fine. where are the others?” 
“i saw arisu and usagi earlier but i’m not sure about chishiya.” you swallow your fear, peeking behind the car to see who’s shooting. 
the king of spades is almost impossible to see. he’s a man dressed in thick black clothing - almost like a cloak. his hood is pulled far over his head to cover his face. he fires mercilessly at any movement. 
kuina flinches when chishiya joins you behind the car, pressing his body against the side. he shifts so his back is against the metal, catching his breath. “ah, you scared me,” kuina huffs. 
“he’s not gonna stop anytime soon,” chishiya says, reaching into his pocket to grab two soda cans. “here.” he hands one to kuina and passes one to you. it feels heavy in your hand. 
“is this a bomb?” chishiya nods. 
two people slam against the side of the car across from you. arisu and usagi. they lay a dying man down on the ground. chishiya raises a hand to wave at them. you shove the bomb into your pocket where your gun used to be. 
a car skirts to a stop in front of you, the door swinging open. “get in!” tatta yells. 
“go!” you urge. arisu and usagi clamber into the backseat, quickly followed by kuina. a spray of gunshots hit the back bumper of the car. you lean over the hood of the car you’re hiding behind, shooting at the king. he’s quick to return fire, breaking the window of the car. 
the shooting stops for a second, allowing you to return fire. the king throws a grenade towards the car tatta’s driving. you steady yourself with a shaky breath, aiming for the king’s head. 
your shot misses, hitting his shoulder instead. the man winces, giving you enough time to move to a different area for cover. tatta’s car screeches when he begins driving again, swerving through the streets. you watch as the king looks around before running towards another car, jumping onto the back of it. 
you wait until you can’t hear gunshots anymore before running towards the pile of debris where you last saw chishiya. he grunts when you push a piece of concrete off of his body. blood has started seeping into his jacket, staining the fabric. you hold a hand out for him to grab, helping him up. “are you okay?” 
chishiya coughs. “besides almost being blown up? i’m doing fine.” 
you shove his arm over your shoulders, wrapping your own around his waist. “come on.” 
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chishiya limps along with you until you find a building to hide in - an old convenience store. you help him sit down in a corner before searching for a first aid kit. you frantically look through the cabinets, desperate for anything that will help. finally, in the back of a cupboard underneath the clerk’s desk, you find one. a small metal tin filled with bandages, alcohol pads, needles, and thread. 
you rush back to chishiya’s side, kneeling down beside him. you push the fabric of his jacket out of the way, exposing the gash on his abdomen. “you know how to give stitches?” he raises an eyebrow at you. 
“no, but anything is better than nothing, right?” 
chishiya forces himself to sit up higher, grabbing your wrist. “i’ll teach you.” 
you nervously look up at him. something about him soothes your worries, even with a single look. “okay.” you will your hands to stop shaking as you prepare the needle. you start slowly, gently tugging the thread through the skin. 
after the first few stitches you get the hang of it, confidently sewing the wound closed. “i saw you shoot the king,” chishiya rasps, eyes still focused on your hands. “why did you save me?”
“because i love you.” the words leave your mouth before you realize what you’re saying. regret builds in your stomach, cutting off your air supply. it suffocates you, preventing you from speaking again. you don’t dare to look up at him. the tension feels heavy in the air as you focus on chishiya’s wound. you finish quicker than expected. your relief is tainted by the uncomfortable realization that you’ll have to talk about your confession. “do i just tie it off and cut the rest of the thread?” 
“yeah.” you brace yourself for rejection, wrapping the wound with bandages. “y/n,” chishiya whispers as he reaches out to lift your chin. you remain silent, even as he moves his hand along your jawline to cup your cheek. even as he brushes his thumb against the skin. even as he pulls you closer, resting his forehead against yours. even when he whispers, “i love you too.” even when he hesitantly leans in to press his lips against yours in a sweet kiss, hand still resting on your face. even when you pull him back in, unable to hide your smile. especially when chishiya smiles back at you and coaxes you closer so you’re leaning against his chest, wrapping an arm around your waist.
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Okay, it might be kind of late to say this, but it's been driving me crazy for months now and I just need to get it out: THE FANON THAT VOX HAS AN ALASTOR BODY PILLOW DID NOT COME FROM THE INSTAGRAMS!!!!!!!!!!!
I kept seeing people saying that it did a couple months ago, and Idk if they still are, but those people were either lying or misinformed, because I've been in the Hazbin fandom since the Instagram's STARTED, and the Vees literally never brought up Alastor in any of their posts. Not once. You can check them yourself, the Hazbin Instagram Archive is literally RIGHT THERE- they never talked about him, let alone implied Vox had a body pillow of him. As far as I can tell, it didn't come from one of the old live streams, and it wasn't even a popular headcannon around the time the Instas were a happening!!! Radiostatic was a ship, yes, but the hopelessly one-sided version of it didn't become popular until the show came out. Actually normal Radiostatic wasn't that popular either come to think of it... I looked through the Alastor/Vox tag on AO3, and only about 182 of the 1,569 fics in the tag were posted before the actual show came out, most of which had them mutually attracted to eachother. Anyways my point is that the Alastor body-pillow thing is actually a very recent bit of fanon with no roots in anything that even USED to be canon. It's a valid headcannon, nothing like. Outwardly opposes it. It was just never actually a thing.
Sorry if this is no longer relevant, I just now got the motivation to actually do all the proper research on it lmao
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lunar-years · 6 months
roy and jamie and keeley are so hot together and i wonder what you think the public perception of them is like? jamie and keeley were into pda (at the gala, in the locker room, jamie’s pics of keeley lmao) but keeley implied that jamie would hate the tabloids invading their privacy. do we know how long jamiekeeley were even together for?? and then there’s roy who’s super protective about keeley, hates talking to the media, and threatens the paparazzi taking pics of them in s1. idk where i’m going with this but I’m just thinking about that throwaway line in s3, where jack assumes keeley’s talking about jamie when she refers to her “famous footballer ex”. in my head i think keeley likes the grand gestures in the public eye with jamie, but she also loves the private sacred moments no one else gets to see. it’s just really interesting to imagine what they’d be like when they all get together!
Ugh they really ARE so hot together aren’t they!!
Anyway this is such a fun thing to discuss. First off, I don’t think we know for sure how long Jamie and Keeley were together :( But the entire locker room seems pretty familiar with her in episode one, and as a couple, the two of them seem fairly established to me. Not as in like, a serious way necessarily, but in a way where it’s clear they’ve got a lot of trust between them and do know one another. Also, it’s been both long enough for Jamie to have fallen in love with her and for Keeley to have had the deep impact on him that sets into motion all the growth we see in him from that point on. So in my mind, I think they were together for like, a year and a bit. Pretty much as long as Keeley and Roy were together, honestly.
I think the two of them definitely enjoy being public-facing enough to like, have online fan clubs and a big Twitter Stan presence LOL and also they’d be totally pumped to make it onto like, top power couples and best dressed lists. And they both really care about ~their brand~, reputation and image in a way Roy just doesn’t. So I do think they like attending events together and showing out on red carpets and posting pics together on their socials!!
I LOVED that line in season one about Jamie hating the tabloids getting in their business. I think it shows that he respects Keeley, that in his own way, that relationship was special and sacred to him even when it was happening, and that he does have a line between his public and personal life. And then I think we see throughout the series that Jamie is (maybe surprisingly?) actually a fairly private person. Yeah he’s got this whole very loud online presence, but that’s very different than like, him.
So yeah, I think he and Keeley enjoy being public, but only when they can curate what they’re putting out there and have it be under their control. And Jamie would’ve fully supported and endorsed Roy’s smashing that pap’s camera on his first date with Keeley, lol. All three of them I think cherish the moments the world isn’t privy to the most :)
My headcanon is that they don’t go public as a throuple until after Jamie retires, and I think they wouldn’t couple off (as in, publicize that just roykeeley or jamiekeeley are together) when it means leaving someone out, even if that person is Roy who hates the publicity anyway. It would just rub them all the wrong and they all agree they don’t need to kiss one another in public that bad. So I think they keep the romantic/relationship side of things pretty private amongst their families and close friends, BUT I also think they wouldn’t hide being close to one another. The fans definitely know how close they all are, and they don’t try to totally avoid being seen publicly hanging out, in pairs and all three. Also the online rpf shipping community is definitely rampant lmao.
And I think there’s also an element of like, they want to be available to publicly support one another. Being totally private isn’t worth it if they can’t show up for one another when it matters. Obviously, Keeley wants to be there for all their games, and Jamie and Roy want to be at her work functions and events that matter to her just as much, and at a certain point, if people are gonna talk they’re gonna talk! I think Jamie kind of helps Roy come around to this way of thinking as well. Enough to where they can be a little more open with caring about one another, and hug on the pitch maybe a bit longer than they hug anyone else, and even joke about one another in interviews (okay, that one’s mostly Jamie), and not give a shit. So everyone is aware on some level they’ve got a deep bond, but they just don’t know the exact nature of that bond and rjk aren’t forthcoming lol.
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souryam · 9 months
I've always been bothered by the analysis that Lily didn't care about Severus. Not only because I love their friendship and ship them together, and also because I think it cheapens the relationship as a whole and makes things fall a bit flat. I do understand where people are coming from tho. She does defend James to him, and is implied to be physically attracted to him even while being friends with Severus (I disagree with her already having a full blown crush, but I do think she found him handsome), also she's pretty emotionless when he's trying to apologize, which leads people to believe she was only looking for an excuse to ditch him. Which I strongly disagree.
First off, I don't think they would've lasted that long if she didn't love him a lot (as a friend or as a crush that's your pick). Their friendship lasted 6 years, and JKR confirmed that a huge motivation for James, personally, bullying Severus was jealousy she felt of Lily's attention and affection, he saw Snape as a threat. Potter watched Lily all the time, hit on her all the time. Lily is described to have a temper. It is almost impossible to me to believe that James wouldn't have noticed that Lily was bothered by Snape and outright wanted him gone from her life, therefore rendering his motive for the bullying flat. We see he is even more cruel when Lily stands up for Severus, mocking him further (as we see on the train scene in Prince's Tale and in SWM), exactly because he believed that they both liked each other (romantically or platonically)
Also, a scene that sticks out to me is the one in DH when Lily is insisting for Severus to stop hanging out with Avery and Mulciber. If she was just looking for an excuse, wouldn't she have given the ultimatum then and there? She clearly didn't like them, thought they were cruel, and they hurt Mary, which is implied to be an acquaintance if not a friend of hers. Why stay as long as she did, "making excuses" for him to her friends as she says, if she didn't want the friendship anymore? Her lack of emotion when he's apologizing can be easily explained away by how angry she is. That scene didn't happen after days or weeks from SWM, it happened in the same day and she clearly didn't want to speak to him in the moment, it being the only scene in which he demanded her attention in a sense. In Lily's POV, that was this friend she had for almost a decade, her oldest friend, who had just turned on her for no reason, when she was trying to help him. A lot of people ignore how bad Severus is at expressing his feelings and telling her hard things about his life (as seen in him using euphemisms for his father's behaviour when we know that he was being brutally whipped), so it's very possible that he wasn't transparent with her about his insecurities or how bad the marauders' bullying affected him, so she never thought much of it. Might be a little insensitive, but hey, she was a 15 yo. It always seemed to me that he presented himself way more as a shoulder for her to cry on than the opposite.
Also, the memories that were given to Harry were not meant to show the pretty moments of their friendship, at least not in my interpretation. Yes, it had some cute moments to make clear to Harry that they were friends, but to me it was way more about showing Harry the conflict of Snape's life from the start, the Dark Arts and the DEs, which he was very tempted and interested by, and the Lily, who's a symbolism for Light in his life. She was the one pulling him away from them, warning him, and he wouldn't listen. That's why basically all their scenes have some sort of conflict. To show Harry how his entire life, he was in between those two sides being pulled back and forth, and when Lily's pull was gone, he headed straight in to the Dark Arts, and ofc, that didn't end well at all.
This got super long for no reason and it's prob very badly written but it was mostly a word vomit lmao I just rlly like them and yes they had their problems but most friendships do :( they would've worked it out in another universe...
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thestobingirlie · 8 months
i don't ship stancy, im mostly indifferent to it, but i really don't get the lengths some anti-stancies, nancy stans (especially the ones that are massively anti steve), or r*nance shippers go to to discredit the stuff that happened in s4
"theyve been broken up for years" theyve been broken up for less than 18 months. Early November 84- late march 86 is about 17 months. Less than a year and a half. That's not long enough to qualify for the plural of "years". Saying that they've been broken up for years makes it seem like steve's in his 20s or 30s and is still pining over 'the one that got away' from high school. not a teenager that still has feelings for someone he's been broken up with for less than two years. its implied that nancy was his first 'serious' relationship. and based on what we know of his dating history post s2, his only serious relationship. its not unusual for there to still be some feelings there.
"steve wants to force nancy to have six kids even though she doesn't want kids/ a family." first nancy never said she didn't want kids/ a family, shes said she doesn't want to turn into her parents. steve never said he wanted nancy to birth six kids for him. he said he had a dream of having five or six kids and that nancy was there beside him. the number of kids doesn't matter. its him saying that he wants kids and to be a present dad. he wants a family and also doesn't want to turn into his parents, as its heavily implied that he's an only child with not great parents. Nancy said his dream sounded nice other than the six kids part. a more manageable number like maybe three kids could be the balance that would work for them.
"steve tried to get nancy to cheat on Jonathan despite knowing she was happy in their relationship." steve confessed his feelings to her in a life or death situation, after shed been showing some signs of being interested. he never said he wanted her to leave jonathan or that he expected her to just jump into his arms. he said he still had feelings for her in a high stress situation. and much of jancy's relationship in s4 doesn't read as happy. they've been together for 16-17 months, and almost half of that they've been in an ldr and they've had communication issues since before jonathan moved away.
sorry for they longs ask this is just something that's bugging me because i keep seeing this in the steve tag
i truly think so many anti stancies just hate steve, and that’s why all of their “explanations” just try to make steve look bad.
like saying it’s been years since they broke up. it’s been about a year and a half! and like you said, it’s pretty much his only serious relationship. according to joe keery, she’s the first girl to really listen to him. and he hasn’t had someone (romantically) like that since. steve was nancy’s first love (again, according to natalia). it wasn’t just some short thing. it was a serious relationship at a very emotional time.
also, i personally doubt that steve’s spent that year just pining for nancy, but they’re in a life and death situation, and i think all those feelings they left behind just came rushing back. they never truly got closure. it’s natural that being together, and fighting side by side and depending on each other would make everything between them come to the surface.
ugh the six kid thing is the bane of my existence (again, people use it to try to make steve seem weird, and pushy, and demanding). it’s so clearly a reference to the party lmao. like you said, nancy never said she doesn’t want kids, she said she doesn’t want to be stuck in a miserable relationship because that’s what everyone expects (which sounds more like s4 jancy tbh). and the crucial part of steve’s confession is that nancy is the most important part. not the kids. not the travelling. but nancy by his side. what matters to steve is that there’s love. which is what’s important to nancy too.
(and yeah. they ain’t having six kids LMAO)
yes!!! can people not confess feelings anymore without being accused of homewrecking two teenagers lol? he never said he wants them broken up. he thinks he may die!!! he wants it off his chest!!! nancy was, imo, the first to start the flirting, and steve figured… why not!
honestly couldn’t have said this all better myself.
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xjumbled-up-brainx · 1 year
This book has been going on and off Amazon, just in the time I put it in my cart a week ago it was sold out, but one copy came back and snatched >:)
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There be the opening and closing pages, (that I’m aware of) we know Kwazii, Barnacles, Dashi, Peso, and Shellington’s handwriting :DD Love that he signs it with “yours truly” and I’m assuming paw prints are like finger prints from the file. These also imply that there are files on the octonauts Why are they super classified top secret PARDON??? OCTONAUTS WHATCHA GOT GOIN ON???💀💀💀
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The format is a monster tale on the left hand page, then the next right hand side shows the actual creature. I picked these three to give examples of things I noticed: number one the descriptions of the monster tales are pretty similar to the show, but some go into more detail so that’s AWESOME hehe loreeeee >:3 Next up I love the oarfish photos because those are the ones Pinto got from Dashi to show his friends at school so that implies Kwazii got copies from Dashi or he stole them from Pinto and I think the second option is better✨ The Sea of Vanishing Ships ones is kinda dark I found it funny AGAHSHD, then for the last one it is implied that there is official octonauts graph paper as seen in the background with the logo, and because all photos and labels are taped on, aside from the monster tales being thought bubbles like the show, we see the little Kwazii picture in the corner. Yknow ima run with that and say those are stickers he has of himself LMAO 😎👍
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codajaiden · 2 months
I don't get the gist of Nightbow (Rainbow Steve x Nightmare) like, how does that work??
(warning I might rant so much y'all would explode, correct me if I'm wrong tho)
"enemies to lovers!" No. Lemme clear this up for you
Nightmare and Rainbow were created to kill each other, hate each other's guts, there is no conversation or part in SS or RQ where they went and be normal people talking to each other and stuff (not that I can think of anyways)
"for fun" I don't care if it's for fun, sure it's funny but like????? How is it y'all's favourite????
But y'all are like "I can fix them", there is nothing to fix???? they are literally people wanting to kill each other and that is their goal.
Oh and let's not forget, I have my eyes on the people who write in Wattpad, don't think I have not seen their "freaky" writing at all.
It's not only Nightbow at least, I see the people here who ship Rainbow and Void together, same thing, but if we're talking SS then there was still no good interaction of them both to be on the level of actually being good friends. Still, Wattpad people are freaky about them too.
This can be implied to Favremyrainbow ig, but to me it's very bland and boring. I admit I did in fact ship them, but as time passed I just stopped because it was so cringe 💀💀
I don't want to be mean and rude when it comes to this but it bugs me every time.
Okay the only thing I can counter this is Alux x Petro.
Petro and Alux are basically Anna and Hanz in Frozen, gaslighting and manipulation exist but dynamic and trust are important. There is communication towards the two that leads into something in the plot.
Nightbow has none of that, they hate each other's guts. People say they can fix them, nah, with Palux you can make them worse (/j) HEJWJEJWJSJA
"Petro and Alux's entire dynamic is mainly built off of manipulation" YES but thats on Petro's side. Most people ship it due to it being tragic on Alux's side because everyone in this fandom likes doomed mlm i guess (I'm one of those people but again the plot reasons goes on for both of their dynamic)
"But he stabbed him" YES. I have not seen a single person who ships them currently its mainly a one sided ship. For alux its built off genuine love and care for Petro, knowing he's the only REAL connection in his life. The people who ship them (from what I've seen) mainly do it for tragedy and narrative purposes. no one is actually here WANTING alux to be stabbed and abused
And for Petro it adds much more conflict to his character if you add like any romance to him. like, loving the person your meant to kill and killing them anyways is a really interesting narrative plot idea. Its also really funny tbh but oh well.
Narratively it adds more to their characters as long as you dont romantize it and treat it like it'd be healthy especially at this point in the story.
This is literally doomed Yaoi (it's funny I wanna say that) and it works so well because of how they were narratively written this way towards each other. This cooked better than some enemy wanting to, excuse my language, have freaky SHIZ going on with the Hero 💀
Okay I'm done with my ranting I'm sorry for the people who like Nightbow but I'm sharing what I'm saying and y'all are gonna respect it and not be problematic. I feel like I should not be on the internet for a good while late and night this is how freaky I get when it's past midnight lmao
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snitchesnsneeds · 2 months
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews: The New York Special
New York! New York! It's a Fuck of a town! The Bronx is up but the Battery's down! I was spooked by it when I went there in the summer of 2017-ound! New York! New York! It isn't a town!
(It's a city.)
(Also I heard Alya and Nino did a big no-no here so I'll keep my eyes out.)
Oooh! Big new Fancy Opening!
Good introduction, silly stuff with Mr. Pigeon, New suits that I'll talk more about in season 5, etc.
Green typically represents jealousy, Chat. It's good to see you trying to befriend Ladybug instead of flirting with her, though.
Also good ego. It's hard to balance your ego from experience.
And of course Marinette harshly simps for Adrien when it's a detriment to her. Do the salters live in backwards land or something? Chat Noir isn't perfect but he has more respect for Ladybug's boundaries. He doesn't sniff Ladybug's pillow, and I doubt he would even if he knew where she lived.
Sock puppetry lmao
Chloe, shouldn't you be happy about going to New York? You wanted to move there with the Karen that birthed you.
Get disrespected lmao
I love through that sock-filled monologue Marinette implied Lila wasn't their friend. Then again, considering my belief that more of the class is sus of Lila than Marinette,
Yes! Marinette's actually letting go! Or at the very least trying to! Forget what I said earlier. Baby steps, baby steps.
I'm assuming Ladybug's taking the Horse Miraculous with her again like with Startrain. Also the Kitty toy alarm's so cuute!
Dramatic irony lmao "Do you see a supervillain in the house?"
I'm also glad we're getting Luka and Kagami content, even if they aren't going on the trip.
Adrien's dad is coming! And I think he's afraid of flying!
Oh god. This relationship is an agony of cringe. Also quit encouraging it, Alya. Even Rose seems to be for Marinette changing seats and she's an utter romantic.
He is afraid of flying.
Sleep cute. I love it. And the ships too.
Oh no. Alya, Nino, don't do it. Marinette and Adrien are better off as friends. Don't do what I think you're going to do.
He doesn't look that much like a pirate. Aren't supervillains supposed to have more swag than this? Maybe he's just a villain.
Oh yeah. The Miraculous isn't the only magic (in an abstract literary sense) in this verse. There's also superheroes. And all the other Zagtoon shows.
Adrien and Marinette are made for eachother in the same way water and cesium is.
They're really trying to tell me Sabrina is bi and into some guy she just met? I could probably believe the bi part, actually, but only if she uses her love language: acts of service pushed to the extreme.
The mischevious
They're really trying to act as if Sabrina isn't approx. as evil as Chloe and pushing this relationship with what looks like a background character?
Hot Dog superhero whose hot dogs empower others. This is objectively the best superhero I've seen.
Fuck it. I'll take this. There's Julerose in this slow dancing scene. Look on the bright side of life.
Doors! Doors! Doors! Doors!
Oh. So it's the teenaged American heroes suggesting that. Oh. Alya's more innocent than thought. She's still into it, though.
Why is Uncanny Valley's superhero design so white? And just looks like that in general? Sparrow's is cool and practical, though.
There's the piracy! I was looking for that!
Why did Techno Pirate only steal her third eye? She's 100% technology! Oh. He just couldn't.
Ladybug, quit distracting Chat Noir. He fully did not expect this.
Oh. Chat Noir had time, he was just anxious or something. Yeah. I get it now. Ladybug has the right to be pissed.
So it was an accidental killing. And she was only corroded, not dusted.
What is with these assholes? Technolyzer or whatever his name was the one that forced Chat Noir to cataclysm Uncanny Valley, and yet they're blaming Ladybug and Chat Noir?
Reused sewer model
No, Chat, she would've been fine no matter what. The Miraculous Big Bang undoes death. It undoes erasure from existence.
This feels forced. Too forced.
...Is that her civilian model? And at least someone's getting consequences for trying to force Adrienette.
This is a joke. That sopping wet cat breakup is a joke. Marinette's unfaithfulness is a joke. The superheroes under liberation are jokes. Why is Miracalyzer or whatever his name is making someone want to take people's freedoms away? Oh right. We got this much Julerose content in an absolute joke of a special. Cursed irony.
Alright, the orchestral reprise of Chat Noir's transformation was pretty cool, I'll admit. He's back!
Miracolonizer? Is that his name?
So was Adrien's dad just listening to stuff in his room this whole time?
And was this trip that short?
And all the VAs were dehydrated at the time due to production fuckery and a constrained schedule?
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So that's what that fic was talking about. It was a Julerose fic as well. Marinette was dating Luka and Adrien was dating Kagami at the time of this special. No mention of polyamory. They were making her cheat. This is Luka disrespect. This is Kagami disrespect. Alya, what the fuck? Also the other plot stuff was just My Hero Academia again, and I hate My Hero Academia.
Edit: So apparently Adrien was told he's going to New York right as he was leaving. So it wasn't his fault.
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