#impromptu fic!
nwjws · 7 months
sneak peek at an upcoming short oneshot !!
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perexcri · 1 year
poetry lessons
Mike clears his throat. “We are, um…” A cough. “William, tell Lucas what we’re doing.” Will throws a glance at Mike; he doesn’t even have the energy to be annoyed at him for shucking off responsibility, as usual. Lucas’ eyebrow manages to slant up into a more severe angle. Will feels like the torch might slip from his hand. “We’re, ah…” Lucas blinks at him. Mike watches him from the corner of his eyes. The answer sounds foolish the second it leaves Will’s mouth. “I’m teaching him some poetry.”
based off of that scene from merlin
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aunteat · 2 months
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Armand/Daniel • G • Words: 1,000 • for @vcmicroficmay
“I thought you like these tropical cities.”
“I do,” Daniel said. His hands were thrown over his head, resting on the flat pillows, so his shirt was pulled up to expose his navel. “Just not in the hundred-degree heat.”
“Then why did you come here?” He could feel Armand’s eyes even if he refused to open his own. 
“I don’t know, Armand. Because I’m an idiot. Stop asking me questions.”
The truth was he hadn’t considered the temperature. He hadn’t even considered the location. Just go. Find a new place. A new city, a new country if you can. The same as he’d been doing all year, although the cat-and-mouse game had changed. He wasn’t really fleeing now. Running, yes, but less for his mortal life and more to see if Armand would follow.
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asfodelle · 9 months
New chapter of Bites coming out most likely later this week and even though the story is fully planned out, the reason it's taking a minute is because I'm doing the classic thing of thinking about too many projects at once. Like, the pendulum of focus won't settle, it's an issue.
I'm writing a long one shot exploring a future where He Tian only reappears a couple weeks at a time while they're stuck in an angsty situationship, it's currently sitting at 20k words but no clue where it'll be when I'm done with it, some parts are still pretty unfinished.
I also have started two fics that make me kick my feet in excitement, one being a long enemies to lovers mafia AU with spying and skyscrapers climbing, the other being a babyfic that I'd love to dive into whenever I have the time.
I might want to add a ZhengYi counterpart to Tangerines too, I'll see where the pendulum takes me.
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midnights-dragon · 3 months
“Forgive him,” Muriel said, voice soft and filled with an angelic sort of wisdom. Their hand squeezed Crowley’s shoulder gently, and the demon lifted his head even as he hunched further in on himself.
“It’s not that easy,” he croaked out.
“I know,” they said, their voice calm and steady. “Do it anyway.”
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taniushka12 · 5 months
Laying face up on the bed staring at the ceiling, catatonic. Do you ever think how in both trifestas the last one standing is the same? Barbara drowns Tom brings her back Barbara becomes the dark presence Tom becomes the light presence, Hartman remains. Alice drowns Alan takes her place Alan is stuck on the spiral Alice goes in to get him out, Barry remains
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pixiemage · 2 years
Someone needs to write a fic where Shubble does, in fact, turn Tango into a toad by mistake, and the only way to turn him back is with a kiss. This, of course, would lead to Tango sheepishly claiming he “can’t think of anyone who would want to kiss him” and Grian finding out and teasingly suggesting Jimmy, only for Tango to declare that he “likes being a toad, actually, this is fine!” And then when Shubble manages to drag toad!Tango over to Tumble Town to ask Jimmy to help, Jimmy just blushes but he doesn’t exactly say no and–
(In other words, Tango and Jimmy didn’t get together during Double Life, but they both wanted to. They just never got up the nerve to say anything before the game ended. And then Tango gets turned into a toad and Jimmy wants to kiss him anyway.)
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valyrfia · 11 months
so irl life meant i didn't manage to complete Lestappen week but considering most of my fics for those are already half-written I'm going to try and post them slowly over the next couple of months! for now, here's a little snippet of the A/B/O fic <3
It goes like this. 
Max is ferocious before he even presents, spitting and hissing at any opponents who ruin his race. It’s a given he’ll present as an alpha. “Only a matter of time!” Jos proclaims proudly to anyone who will hear it, as Max balls his fists in a strange, unknown rage that threatens to sweep him away. 
This childhood anger finds its outlet in a little kid from Monaco-not-France with a bright helmet and an even brighter smile. He races Max like an equal, as they struggle for superiority over the karting tracks of Europe. Even more frustrating is the magnetic allure he seems to generate, alpha, betas, and omegas alike drawn to him, packs fawning and shifting and pawing to be formed by his side even in the biting competition of the karting tracks. 
And Max isn’t jealous, can’t be when more often than not he’s standing on the top step of the podium, Charles centimetres below him glaring up at him with jaded eyes. He manages to push down the jealousy, the deep yearning for pack and sate it with the fizz of fake champagne and the gleam of trophies. 
It changes, the last year in karting. Months after Max presents, he turns up at Val d’Algerton and smells Charles for the first time. Scents were dizzying the first few weeks after he presented, too much information sometimes for his brain to correctly handle, but he learned, he had to if he wanted to be stood at a race track again. 
Charles though, threatens to undo all that, smelling of tugging sea air and mediterranean pine and Max has to stop a second, the bright scent hitting the roof of his mouth. 
His father beside him, follows his eyesight “Leclerc’s an alpha then. Good. It reduces complications.”
“Complications?” Max hears himself asking, eyes swivelling to meet his father’s. 
Jos sniffs, “Well, a beta he might’ve been looking to form a paddock pack. An omega, he might’ve been looking for a mate,” Jos shudders at that, as if he could think of nothing worse. “This way, there’s no hard feelings, you’re just competition, even if he forms his own pack on track, or god forbid, finds a mate, his feelings don’t affect you you're always going to be competitors.”
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prosebushpatch · 1 year
Imagine me as Scuttle the seagull shaking Sebastian the crab like "DO YOU HEAR WHAT IM TELLING YOU?!? [REDACTED] CALLED LINK ZELDA'S CHOSEN PROTECTOR"
And then that's all I thought about for the rest of the game.
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phoenixtakaramono · 8 months
Writing Pattern Game
Thanks for the tag, @deliciouskeys (♛) and @plasticfangtastic (♛).
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
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Ah…. *side-eyes my total AO3 WIPs and Twitter threadfics* I can scrounge up 10. My “writing style” tends to reflect whose character’s POV it is and the atmosphere/ setting of the writing itself. Looking at these listed below from an objective standpoint, I think my pattern is the typical writing strategy us writers try to use to hook readers in. 🤔 I’dunno if it comes off that way on your guys’ side when you read through my stories. But I usually view the first paragraph as a window of opportunity to grab the reader's attention and have that hopefully stir enough interest to lead them right into the story. It is your first impression after all. :) I’ll show the first sentence to abide by the rules of this game (hehe)—but then strikethrough the following sentences after that, if it’s in the same paragraph, so you can see the following context.
(Symbol Key: ♛ - direct links you can click)
AO3 Stories
The Name of the Game (♛)
The Boys: Billy Butcher/The Homelander | John
Fine coils of gray smoke spiraled from the end of a dying cigarette, the ember buffeted from the winds by a black leather gloved hand. In the frigid overcast sky, the little ember sparked across half of the person’s sharply defined features. Rooted in place, this man was a sculpture hewn from rugged granite and adolescent dreams.
Truce (♛)
The Boys: Billy Butcher/The Homelander | John
When Homelander had first heard the news, he’d laughed. When no one joined in, his smile dulled. Looking Ashley Barrett in the eyes, he’d said, “You’ve got to be f*cking kidding me.”
The Untold Tale (♛)
SVSSS: Original Luò Bīnghé/Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū
Let it not be said that Shen Yuan didn’t know how to be an accomplished—arguably better—writer than his nemesis Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky.
A Prince and His Baron (♛)
Helluva Boss: Blitzo/Stolas Goetia
It was undeniable that there was an upcoming new threat in Hell, rivaling some of the realm’s most ancient fiends in ruthlessness despite his pedigree. Like a chaotic storm, his killing efficiency—a startling track record of a hundred percent hits and zero failures—made waves in demon society. His calling card was left behind at every crime scene: a business card or a horned smiley face doodled with the victim’s blood on the corpse. With the amount of dark energy consumed and the carnage wreaked and demonic pacts made, they cemented his candidacy as a new, potential Overlord of Hell.
Green and Gold (♛)
HP, InuYasha: Harry Potter/Sesshomaru
"We've arrived at the Higurashi Shrine, Pottā-sama," the Asian wizard moonlighting as a Muggle taxi driver said respectfully, pulling the car to a smooth stop along the curb. The stars stood out among the dark night sky, beautiful in this wondrous occasion. Dark eyes surveyed the still figure in the back seat, said infamous wizard who had his eyes closed throughout the long drive from the Apparition Point in the Narita Airport. With an awed smile, the young man lowered his gaze reverently from the Boy-Who-Lived. Turning the ignition off, he added, "I shall accompany you to the spiritual grounds as per Shacklebolt-san's request."
Finders Keepers (♛)
Borderlands, TFTBL: Handsome Jack/Rhys (Borderlands)
The storm of profanities died on his lips as Handsome Jack immediately performed a double-take at the man he’d nearly tripped over on his way to Hyperion’s artificial intelligence branch. The ECHO devices he’d been carrying were strewn all over the floor, with the bright light of personnel photos and the information he’d been reading now glaring up at the ceiling of the space station.
Twitter Threadfics
M3GAN AU (♛)
The Boys: Billy Butcher/The Homelander | John
One day, CIA agent Billy sees a life-sized male android from the company Becca works at. It’s handsome, it’s blond, and Billy’s creeped out that it’s in his girlfriend’s flat.
Fix-It AU (♛)
The Boys: Billy Butcher/The Homelander | John
The first time Homelander met William “Billy” J. Butcher isn’t the romantic spy thriller the media thinks it is. It’s not what his now-fiancé thinks either.
Sugar Baby AU (♛)
The Boys: Billy Butcher/The Homelander | John
It’s months in, and Homelander’s discovered the pleasure of being catered to by a handsome British expatriate whose c*ck is worth $7K per night.
Vampire & Lycan Hunter AU (♛)
The Boys: Billy Butcher/The Homelander | John
Chains rattle when Billy hears the screeches. Dark hair and loose articles are sent flying as a maelstrom of golden bats eclipses the balcony view.
Thoughts: Comparing the two categories above, I tend to get straight to the point for my threadfics—since I’m constrained by the wordcount—whereas for my AO3 stories I like to tease my readers in (hopefully hook you in and guide your eyes to the second paragraph and so on). At the very least, my sentences tend to be descriptive (lol, my word salads, haha) so I think I tend to describe the main character, give the first insight into the main character(s)’ personality you’ll be reading about, or tease the worldbuilding/ setting/ premise. I do see it as the introduction into the story so my thought process essentially goes: 1) it’s gotta be intriguing, 2) it gives the reader the general gist of what you’re probably getting yourself into, or 3) it ironically foreshadows a big narrative device later so if you wanna see how we get there, ✨you should follow along and read the story✨ hint hint nudge nudge.
I tag: @fuckingpajamas, @kosmochlor, @tzeentchs-secretary-tea-time, @officially-tilly, and feel free for anyone who wants to do this!╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ Only if you wanna!
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specter-star · 5 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series, Hermitcraft SMP Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: John Booko | BdoubleO100 & Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar & ZombieCleo, Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar & ZombieCleo Characters: ZombieCleo (Video Blogging RPF), Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar, John Booko | BdoubleO100 Additional Tags: grian is there but he's unconscious the entire time, post-cactus ring, Ambiguous Charles | Grian and Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar Relationship, The Clockers (Limited Life SMP), The Clockers as Family (Limited Life SMP), cleo adopts scar, Found Family, casually adopting the guy whose life you just saved, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, 3rd Life SMP References, Temporary Character Death, First Meetings, what happened with desertduo is up for interpretation, at least until i post that bit lol, cleo just doesn't ask questions Series: Part 6 of specter's hero/villain/vigilante au Summary:
How Cleo saves Scar's life and promptly adopts him.
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starsignchaser · 3 months
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hello everyone and welcome to the March 2024 edition of emily's fic recs! If you saw my post this weekend you know that I bookmarked 57 fics this month... yeah idk how that happened but just know that this is gonna be a bit of a long one.
this month's list contains Jegulus, Wolfstar, and Drarry for a total of 28 fics. there are some all-time faves in this list (march was a good month) so I hope you enjoy!
without further ado, lets dive in :)
blue and yellow skies by alarainai, salmon_says (142k, 27/27, rated M)
Quidditch Rivals turned Quidditch Lovers. That's what the world sees them as, at least.
Too bad Regulus hates James Potter's guts, and James? Well, it doesn't matter what he feels about their definitely fake, definitely emotionless relationship.
just cute quidditch boys who love each other
i fell hard (in your arms tonight) by grimjobs (17.9k, 9/9, rated G)
Regulus didn't know he was touch starved until James started touching him.
cute boys and silly misunderstandings
i've got my eye on you by artiest (10k, rated M)
James and Regulus are friends with benefits except they're both ridiculously in love with each other.
this one was so good I had to give it an instant reread as I was putting my list together. angsty happy in-love boys
Many Happy Halloweens by SnarkyMagpie (7.6k, rated M)
Monsters come out on Halloween, but Regulus Black will gladly fight any horror, whether it's a dragon or anxiety, to protect his family.
Jeggy dads!!!!!! Technically single dad James with Harry and then Reggie joining their family <3333
stuck by you (and the glue) by cleargreen (4.7k, rated G)
The two most important people in James's life finally meet. This is how it goes.
baby harry has a crush on his dad's boyf reg
Whoops. by my_castlescrumbling (2k, rated T)
Regulus is a TA for Professor Monty Potter and Monty keeps trying to set Regulus up with his son. Regulus always refuses, of course. But what happens when, at the end of the term, he goes to the Potter Christmas Party?
yayyy happenstance!!!
a little death by noasmirrorball (1.6k, rated E)
James wakes Regulus up with a little surprise.
this is just straight up porn
heatwaves by regscupid (1.5k, rated E)
With the exit of May, James quickly came to realize he could not deal with what June brought with it. June meant hotter weather. Their flat didn’t have air conditioning.
reg in crop tops makes james' brain go mush
wading in waist-high water by colgatebluemintygel (82k, 9/9, rated E)
Remus is a PhD student and hobbyist baker who finds himself adrift following his father’s death. On a whim, he enters the Great British Bake Off...
ONE OF MY FAVES OF THE MONTH!!! a wonderful balance of funny moments, bits of angst, and mostly just a lot of love between these two boys
Like Real People Do by third_crow (36k, 3/3, rated T)
Or, Remus works as a barista and Sirius comes in every morning with the world's cutest baby, and man, these two just wrote the book on mutual pining, huh?
I LOVED THIS FIC!!! there is so much angst but it is so worth it because these two are meant to find each other every time
To Be Alone With You by Shay_Fae (16.6k, 4/4, rated M)
In the summer of their sixth year, Remus Lupin tried to kill himself.
MAJOR TW for this one (as you can see from the description) but also such a beautiful take on Sirius's love for Remus and their dynamic
my castle crumbled overnight by YellowLark23 (9k, 2/2, rated T)
Sirius deals with his parents’ abuse while at school, but he never realizes just how dangerous the game they're playing is.
This fic is more black brothers focused but there is sweet background wolfstar hurt/comfort :)
i've got diamonds in my eyes (for you) by crushofdoves (6k, 2/2, rated E)
Sirius and Remus are in big, soft, filthy love.
this is so hot and also just feels so real for a sex scene like they literally stop to have a grilled cheese in the middle it's perfect
Remus' Impromptu Study Break by ravenclaw_with_no_friends (5.6k, rated E)
“Sod off Pads, I’m mad at you,” Remus decided his best way out would just be to go have a shower. He got out of the bed, picking up his pyjama bottoms to hold in front of his crotch.
wolfstar smut with sirius making the first move hehe
i was sinking and now i'm sunk by crushofdoves (3.9k, rated E)
The air between them felt electric, crackling with intention and Sirius hoped they were on the same page.
bookstore employee remus having his way with sirius in the back room
Ways to be Gentle by Quietlemonhush (3.6k, rated E)
Sirius has a bad day. Remus reminds him what softness feels like.
sad sirius being given all the love by his moony
A Dented Old Street Sign by orphanghost (27k, rated M)
Draco knows they aren't the only students who will be completing their NEWTs this year, but they are the only ones whose home fireplaces were disconnected from the floo network by the ministry.
At least, Draco assumes as much until he sees the light falling out from the front door of one of the other rickety old houses in front of them and the three figures cast in its warm glow.
the golden trio and returning slytherins are neighbors in Hogsmede for 8th year. tension, hijinks, and love ensues
With Great Yawns and Stretchings by sugar_screw (22k, rated T)
The coffee is very good. Really. And the cats are so cute. That's why Harry goes so often.
ONE OF MY FAVES OF THE MONTH!! just sweet boys who love cats and grow together and kiss!!!
Cascade by Avonne (18.7k, rated M)
Harry wants to touch, and Draco wants to be touched. If only they could figure it out.
I want to take every 8th year fic in hold them close in my arms because these boys are so sad and fucked up but they keep finding each other and making it work. one of my faves!
Sourdough by academicdisaster (17k, rated M)
Draco writes romance novels and doesn't leave his apartment much. Harry bakes bread and sells it to Draco. Draco is quite weird. Harry might like that.
read tags before reading!!! contains some off screen heavy angst but sooo good. Again, you will always catch me at the scene of a weird little draco fic
Magical Menagerie by DorthyAnn (16k, 7/7, rated T)
Convinced by Hermione to get a new pet, Harry goes to Magical Menagerie and finds it's now owned by Draco Malfoy who has changed since the war… in a good way, a really good way.
sweet weirdo draco you will always have my heart
Said and Unsaid (or, The Value of Knowing When to Stop Talking) by bryoneybrynn (14.8k, 3/3, rated T)
When the Interrogator asked if he had anything to say on his own behalf, Draco shook his head, his lips pressed tight in a thin line. There was nothing to say that wouldn’t sound like an excuse.
again, love me an 8th year fix-it fic
Slow Show by Avonne (14.7k, rated M)
Harry doesn't know the kind of love that isn't forged in pain. He doesn't understand slow and calm and easy. He can't trust unconditional. After all, how could Draco love him if he's not allowed to sacrifice himself for it? Draco shows him.
I just can't get enough of harry being a self-sacrificing idiot and Draco being the one who can consistently cut through his bs and be like "hey!!! stop that dummy, we all love you (but me especially)"
I'll keep you (safe and sound) by arminaa (13k, 4/4, rated E)
Harry takes temporary custody of Teddy while Andromeda's comatose at St Mungo's after an accident, and Draco, his something-with-benefits, shows up unexpectedly to help.
two awkward boys who don't know how to tell each other they like each other (with baby Teddy!)
Title of Their Sex Tape by Cibee (12k, rated T)
Undercover! Heists! Draco pining for Harry! Harry being oblivious, but also can't help noticing how good Draco smells! Banters and jokes! That's about it.
Brooklyn 99-esque fic with v sweet will they/won't they moments. also the line "“I confess,” Draco said quietly. “That I had hope ... you would choose me this time.”" !!!!!!!
By Any Other Name by dracognition (8k, rated E)
A botched love potion makes it so that everyone in Harry's vicinity is madly in love with him—everyone except Draco, that is.
everyone is in love with Harry, INCLUDING Draco!!! hehehe
Swipe Right by mee4ever (2k, rated G)
Or then one where Harry swipes right, and it turns out Draco does too.
I love their banter/flirting in this one so much!!!
Harry Potter Gets a Job [ART] by dustmouth (106 pages, rated M)
Harry returns home from Romania to find Arthur Weasley has a new apprentice, and there's an extra place set for dinner.
I love this art style and the story is just so perfect, def suggest checking out more by dustmouth if you enjoy this
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dutybcrne · 12 days
Thinking of Kaveh with Unhinged partners again
#//By that; I mean partners who commit the Violences and deadly Chaoses#//Furthermore; said Violences being done upon other ppl bc that person is a Fighter with a side of bloodlust & destruction#//HIs every opposite in damn near every way#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//So lik#//I watched a Wu of the Wa playthrough#//And I fucken LAUGH#//Now Kav is not so dumb he would be FOOLED into thinking they are innocent#//But like#//Them deffo having an on-off thing bc they still manage to worm their way into his heart time and heckin again#//Him continuing to think 'This is the LAST fucken straw; I CANNOT be with sb like his'#//They proceed to show up wounded to his window and tell him they need a quick lil hand and will be on their merry way#//Read: it takes TWOmins of Kav is grumbling & patching them up before they kiss again & Kav thinks to himself MAYBE they can behave#//Then proceeds to get disappointed again when Cy drops news he's hunting them again for Crimes#//Person is a sweetheart to him; or maybe a mischievous lil menace that pushes his buttons to hell and back; but would Never hurt him#//But he HAS to try and draw a line#//But cannot#//Bro is weak for bad boys; and he is fucken PISSED abt it#//Anyway; imma read some k4vet4ru fics I found#//Bc that's the closest to canon I'll get to this ig dkjgbtfg#//And I don't wanna write a particular ship fic rn#//Mostly bc I am already writing one rn actually#//Bc the thought came to me and it Is a bit of a heavy one#//Bc my brain is just 'Hey; you love this blorbo? Corner him'#//Make the guy feel like a prey animal in what should be the happiest time of his life#//Yup yup#//Or as I like to call it 'Why impromptu weddings are better for K4e than proper engagements; etc'#//But thas an update; anywho#//I think a s/o who is absolutely Sc4r Wu of the Waa levels of unhinged would be funny for Kav#//It would not fix him; prolly make him worse & stressed beyond fucken relief. But it would be funny. TO ME lol
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iaus · 12 days
um. so. who's excited for the nearly 3k of not proofread sb fucking i'm about to drop in a few minutes.
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wakeofvultures · 7 months
Chapter 26 of the self-indulgent kind of historical Volturi oc fic is out! The Twins are technically in this chapter, but they’re more here in spirit. Their direct appearances are limited. AKA the fallout of impromptu child adoption is not always a smooth process.
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laceycoffins · 16 days
teeny reminder if ure below 18 pls don't follow me bcs this blog will scare the pants off of ya, i promise.. n it won't be pretty..
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