#in a few years we’ll all look back at this and- there’s no silver lining sorry
elderwisp · 8 months
the goth kit is an eldritch terror
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ssahopelessly · 9 months
Home for Christmas
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Synopsis: Spencer gets called away on a case days before Christmas and while he should be working, his only thoughts are those of returning home to be with his wife and daughter.
Prompt: “After an awful case, the team comes back on Christmas Eve to find that Penelope has gathered their loved ones and quickly decorated the BAU as a surprise.” From the Office Party challenge {but I left out the party and decorating of the BAU office}
Warnings: Married Spencer x WifeReader, Fem!Reader, daughter named Autumn, brief discussions of case [let me know any I missed]
Word Count: 2.6k
It was his worst nightmare come true. Well, maybe not his worst, that was one he hoped would stay tucked into the recesses of his mind for all of time. But this definitely made the list, without a doubt. Several years ago, it would’ve been an inconceivable one, but now, knowing what was waiting for him at home, this was the absolute worst.
“Are you going to be home for Christmas?” Her voice rang through the line as clear as a silver bell.
“I don’t know. I hope so. But…” Spencer allowed himself to fall back onto the bed he had been sitting on, trying to imagine he was home for this holiday. In his mind, he could see it as clear as he did when he left their home two days ago, the Christmas tree they had spent an afternoon decorating, the garland lining the stairwell that had been entwined with warm white Christmas lights, how the whole house smelled just like a Christmas tree farm and some cinnamon.
Spencer hoped that if the fates had any sway and any favors they could pull for him, maybe this would be the one. “But?” She had caught onto the sentence he didn’t finish, his mind lost in remembering.
“Well we haven't had any victims in the last three days and what we have isn’t conclusive enough or worse, it’s just not enough.”
“Oh.” He was staring at the hotel ceiling above him, getting visually lost in the scalloped pattern of what was above that he missed the defeated look on her digital face.
“And I don't want to wish for another victim, not a few days out from Christmas, but if we don’t get enough evidence we’ll have to close the case and go home.”
“Would you be here for Christmas?” The voice she used was relatively small, knowing at its core, it was a selfish desire: to have Spencer home for Christmas when people in another town needed him to stop the unsub. But there were only so many childhood Christmases for their daughter, and there was nothing more important in their lives than her.
“I mean maybe, but we would just have to come back out when the next victim shows up and I don’t want to leave if he’s still out there.”
“Is it possible he’s tied up in holiday festivities?” On her end of the call, she was moving about the kitchen, preparing a late night cup of hot cocoa as she listened to him, knowing she was sharing his attention with the details of the case.
“I mean maybe but…” His voice trailed off again as he slowly sat up, his memory deep diving into the facts of the evidence board and how that situation had never been entertained, how they had never considered with the holidays their unsub might be busy with festivities.
“Spencer?” She called to him, making sure he was still there or that the call hadn’t dropped.
“What if he’s tied up in holiday events and- I gotta go.” Pushing himself off the hotel bed, he ran towards his satchel, forgetting his phone on the sheets. With a view of the ceiling, she called for him one more time.
“Yes?” Crossing back over, he looked down to his phone so she could see him one more time for the evening, a smile forming on her lips as she knew they might’ve just had the breakthrough he needed. Whether he would get home in time for the holidays was one thing, whether he would save a town from future torment was another matter entirely, something she knew he was perfectly capable of.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” Her words had given him the hope he needed, that electric spark of an idea that could carry him through the next few hours of re-evaluating the case enough to feel like he might actually be able to go home. “I’ll be home for Christmas. Promise.” Even through the phone screen, he could see the tears that had built along the bottom of her eyes, the smile she tried to show just for him, and he hoped against everything, that her beautiful and brilliant mind had given him the breakthrough the case so desperately needed.
“What?” Penelope yawned over the speakerphone, stumbling into her office that morning with Spencer five cups of coffee deep into his complete reanalysis of a case everyone was nearly ready to close, unsub known or not.
“We need to look at individuals who would be tied up with holiday festivities right now. Craftsman working on the local parade or theatre performances, someone who would have access to the tools and skillset but have virtually zero free time right now due to holiday obligations.”
“Spencer, it is six in the morning there, did you sleep? At all?”
“I got four hours before midnight and I can sleep on the jet.” He rattled off in a half breath as he added new notes to the map on the evidence board. “Okay, how many of the churches are hosting or have already hosted Christmas events this month through New Years?”
“Uhm…” he waited for her numbers, hearing the incessant typing of her keyboard, “Jesus, you’re definitely in the south. Within the city limits, 43.”
“Out of city limits?”
“52.” His attention focused in on the pins where the latest victims had been found compared to where the churches and local theaters were. “Spencer?”
“What about-”
They carried on like that for another hour until finally, they had narrowed it down to one guy. Their unsub had split time between three churches and a local theater, one victim tied to each community and within a few hours, they had their warrant and had arrested him before he could even wake himself up that morning. He was pulled into questioning which unfortunately did take all day, but by the time paperwork was finalized and evidence collected by evening the next day, they were on their way home to spend Christmas Eve night with their families.
The jet ride back that night was nothing remarkable, everyone choosing to sleep or keep to themselves this trip. And he was right. Spencer Reid did sleep on the jet the whole way back to Quantico. But the warmth he found in his sleep on the jet would soon vanish as the cool Virginia air greeted him with a vengeance that night, just as the team shuffled from the jet to the SUVs. The ride back to the office was quiet, but no one could continue their naps from the jet. All anyone could do was think about the families waiting for them back home, families waiting to start the holiday festivities.
“Look.” JJ had whispered to Reid at one point in the drive, her hand extending her phone to him in the backseat from her spot in the passenger seat. “Will and I agreed the boys should open one present tonight.” The video, once Spencer held the phone in his hands, was of Henry helping baby Michael open a box that sat on the floor between the two. He didn’t quite catch the content of the present with the shaky filming and glitching pixels, but he smiled over his godsons nonetheless.
“Wow.” Spencer let himself marvel aloud as he passed the phone back to JJ, trying to fight the yawn that was lingering at the back of his mouth. “Are they waiting up for you?”
“Henry is but Michael fell asleep early tonight. Will said they’d watch Elf and the Grinch until I get home though.”
“That’s not going to delay Santa Clause?” The look in his eye was one of knowing, a near twinkle of mischief.
“As long as milk and cookies are out, Santa will be fine.” Spencer could see the fond smile on JJ’s face in the light from her phone screen before she put it away in her pocket, looking back to him then. “What about your house? Do you think they’ll be awake when you get home?” Spencer tried not to think too hard on the possibility. He knew the schedules, he knew the odds, but part of him hoped he would get what was left of Christmas Eve with them, even if it just meant a five minute bed time story with Autumn and then one mistletoe kiss with his wife before they both passed out for the night.
“I hope they’re awake. But it’s late anyway so they’re probably asleep.” He felt how the possible reality affected him, but he hoped against everything he would get to see them just once before Christmas morning.
Normally when they got back to the office building, they were dismissed until the next business day. And he thought Hotch would especially excuse them as they both had kids at home. But something wasn’t right. As they piled out of the vehicles, Hotch required everyone to return to the 6th floor. He wouldn’t say why, and if anyone had a chance to ask, all they were told was “some paperwork cant wait for the next day.”
Spencer was the first one off the elevator, noticing how the time clock over the bullpen read the time to him, almost mocking him. 10:43. He did take a moment to glare at the ticking thing, setting his satchel down into his computer chair as he rubbed at his eyes. They opened to notice one thing was different, one thing that didnt sit right in his mind. He couldve sworn the roundtable room blinds were always open, never closed unless there was an important meeting. And he could've also sworn the picture frame on his desk with their family Christmas photo had been on the right of the computer, not centered along the right side. “Hey, H-“ He couldn’t finish calling to his boss, a commotion behind him taking his attention.
“DADDY!” His head spun trying to find her voice, knowing it anywhere. The one voice that could get him to shed his FBI exterior and leave his heart open. Turning around, he saw the blur of her hair and holiday dress as she ran down the steps to him, his body immediately bending down to scoop her up. “Daddy you’re back!” Her voice cheered into his shoulder as he pressed a kiss to the side of her head, spinning them around for effect. She giggled profusely as he looked back to the roundtable room, now seeing (Y/N) waiting just outside the door, hand over her heart as the scene unfolded. He motioned for her to come join them, quick to notice how she wiped away tears as she rushed to be with them by his desk. Holding tighter to Autumn, he pulled his wife in for a hug, also placing a kiss to her hair before deeply inhaling, renewing his memory of her scent.
“You’re here.” He breathed out in a whisper, squeezing her body to his.
“Penelope called. She wanted you to have your family for the holidays.” Looking once more to the roundtable room, he saw Penelope as she stood along the railing, a gentle wave to Spencer as he held his girls in his arms.
He mouthed a thank you to her before pressing another kiss to (Y/N)’s head, Autumn resting her head against his.
“Yes sugar plum?”
“Can we go home now? We’re going to miss Santa.” They both laughed as they hugged her closer in their little family huddle, evermore appreciative that they got one more Christmas as a family.
The drive home was exceptionally quiet, Autumn running out of energy before they even left headquarters. Spencer’s hand didn’t let go of (Y/N), thumb rubbing slow circles into the top of her hand as he watched her driving. “I love you.” He mumbled, in such a tired daze from the last few days.
“I know.” Squeezing his hand, she spared a look at him at the red light, no other cars at the intersection. “I love you Spencer.” Just as the light turned green, she noticed how his eyes fluttered to a close, the smile still present on his lips. “Seriously?”
“I’m just so happy.” He hummed, opening his tired eyes to look at her in the passing street light.
“Yeah, and you can’t fall asleep right now because you’re carrying her inside. I can’t carry both of you into the house.”
And he did just that. When she parked their car in the parking lot, Spencer was quick to get out to open (Y/N)’s door and then gently opened the door where Autumn’s seat was, careful not to wake her. While he carried her into the building, (Y/N) made sure to get all the doors in their way, hoping Autumn would stay asleep from the car to her bed. As soon as she hit the matress, her hands did reach up for Spencer as he gently removed himself from her hold, but he quickly reached for the custom teddy bear they had gifted her for when he was away on a case, and she snuggled up to it like it was good enough. Holding (Y/N)’s hand, they both tried to commit to memory the serenity and peace of their daughters room before closing it for the night, quietly walking towards their room now. “What time do you think Santa will come?” She asked as she took off her evening clothes to get into her pajamas, sitting on the bench at the foot of their bed as she waited for Spencer to finish getting ready.
“I was thinking maybe 3:00, maybe 4:00?” She didn’t shy away from letting out a groan as she came up behind him to hug his back, only having successfully put on his pajama pants for the night.
“Maybe 5:00.”
“Do you think she’ll get up and check?” His hands came to rest over hers, holding them close to his stomach.
“No, she didn’t get her afternoon nap so she’s extra tired tonight.” She placed a kiss to the back of his shoulder blade, and he tried his best not to melt into her touch.
“I missed you.”
“Missed you more.” She mumbled out before Spencer turned around in her hold, bringing his arms around her as she settled against his chest.
It was such a simple thing, to be in each other's arms, but it was the one thing they both craved when they were apart. It was the one thing in their relationship that hadn’t changed, the need for physical touch but only from each other. Like many times before, Spencer’s mind seemed to stall with the concept of time, unable to differentiate the seconds from minutes in her arms, resting his cheek against her head. “Let’s go to bed.” One more kiss was pressed to her hair before she let go of him, turning to climb into their bed.
As they made their way under the covers, Spencer moving to lay behind her, his arm slipped over her waist, her back to his chest, and it was then he lost the strength to hold back the lingering thoughts in his mind. “I thought I wouldn’t get tonight with you.”
“You did. It’s our own Christmas miracle.”
“You’re my miracle.” He pressed a kiss to her shoulder, lips lingering over the surface. “My dream I never have to wake from.”
“You, Dr. Reid, are exceptionally cheesy.” A laugh had burst from her lips but he didn’t even flinch or pull away from her. Her laughter settled back into the quiet of their room, eyelids starting to grow heavy as she felt her heartbeat synchronize to his breathing behind her. “Santa’s at 5:00?” The response he offered was just a small hum of acknowledgment, squeezing her body tighter to his before they both surrendered to the attractive lure, falling into a blissful sleep (if only for a few hours).
Tell me what you think here!
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skellymom · 8 months
"Sunset Over Pabu"
Hunter X OC/Reader One Shot
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Word Count: 910
Background: An "Old Love" relationship. Nostalgia. Saying Goodbye. Using planet and star interchangeably. The celestial body in this fic is a Moon, similar to our planet Mars it reflects light so the appearance is a shining star.
The inspiration for this story came from @lightspringrain artwork. Including the link to her Etsy shop and image of "Hunter's Moon"
There are parallels to the first time Mad met Hunter in this fic. To read how they met, here is the link:
Warning: Sadness.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
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They snuggled close on that settee just as they did the first night meeting on Ord Mantell.  In between trips off world, children, weddings, funerals, holidays, and all manner of life Hunter and Mad carved out while on Pabu to watch the sunset together.  Approximately 10 standard cycles of building a bonfire on the beach and cuddling up together to watch the sky turn deep shades of crimson, purple, and eventually black.  Gazing at the stars as they cycled by with the seasons in the night sky. 
The broken settee was resurrected by Hunter’s own hands when they first settled.  He built it strong enough for two.  A solid foundation so it would never break again.  Mad helped weatherproof it to withstand the ocean salt.  Together, they performed maintenance when needed, so it would last for many years.  A continuing project and labor of love. 
In addition, a firepit was constructed to hold the burning heat kept within.  Hunter and Mad collected stones on their travels around the galaxy.  Bringing back chunks of memories to line into a continuing never-ending circle.  Occasionally family and friends would add their own additions when returning to Pabu. Wrecker kept his eye out for oddly shaped or colored rocks while fishing and would surprise them with a new addition already stacked against the ring. 
Tonight, Hunter had a bit of difficulty making his way down the stone steps to the beach.  Mad took his hand, providing support.  His long hair and beard had gotten greyer the last few months.  She joked that he was almost as silver as her.  The wrinkles and laugh-lines accumulated since being together, a happy long life for a clone prominent on his face. He smiled as she fussed about him being careful not to slip. 
“Taking good care of me.” 
“Of course, what else would I do.”  
She winked, and he chuckled. 
He told Mad tonight he’d forego their usual “Spotchka under the stars” and just do “The Stars” for tonight.  The alcohol was wearing heavily on his system, making for extremely tiring mornings after...even with him cutting back considerably. 
In the last few months, Hunter and Mad watched a vibrant moon make its transit across the heavens.  It stood out amongst the other stars.  Burning a brilliant red flicker that could be easily seen even though it was millions of light years away. The bright red star reached the zenith of its orbit and total brilliance tonight per Tech’s calculations.   
“There’s YOUR moon, Hunky!” Mad pointed up above.  
There was a number for this moon at one point. With millions of celestial bodies orbiting the galaxy, only numbers were given to keep track of them all. That wasn't good enough for Omega though. She named it “Hunter’s Moon” rotations ago before leaving on her own journey with Echo and Crosshair. 
“Shame it’s the last night we’ll see it on Pabu.” Hunter mused. 
Mad sighed. “Didn’t Tech say something about it being visible somewhere else?” 
“Think he mentioned another planet not far from this one...” Hunter trailed off. 
“Whattsamatter Hunky?” 
He looked a little guilty “Not sure I’m up to traveling much any time soon.” He also sounded tired. 
“Not in any hurry. We have a sky full of stars.” 
“Mhmm, that’s my Mad... always thinking ahead.” 
“It’s the wanderlust. Brain never shuts off.” 
“I LOVE you, Maadienne.” 
Mad smiled and squeezed his hand. “I LOVE you too, Hunky.” 
They both gazed up at Hunter’s Moon.  
“Make a wish, Mad!”  Hunter said quietly.  
They were both silent for a while.  Then Hunter gently rested his head against hers. 
She knew he wouldn’t come out and tell her his wish, that to tell it wouldn’t come true.  Mad still liked to chide Hunter and try to playfully tease it out of him.  It would end in tickling, laughter, hugs, kisses...and on less tiresome nights love making. On tiresome nights they fell asleep in each other's arms on the beach. 
“Okay Hunky, spill the beans.”  Mad hugged Hunter tighter.  He didn’t reply.   
Mad brushed Hunter’s long locks away from his face. She gazed down at him, marveling at how the bonfire illuminated his hair, tattoo, dark skin. The face of a sleeping angel.  A rhyme in time back on Ord Mantell all those years ago.  The younger man who decided to buy her a drink in Cyd’s Parlor.  A partner that travelled with her across the galaxy, helped care for her family, whose brothers adopted them all, and a partner that never left her side. 
She caressed his face lovingly, immersing herself in the scent of his skin, hair, and... 
Hunter’s chest had stilled.  An expected, but heavy weight resting against her body, a bit heavier than his usual bodily presence. 
“Oh...Hunter...Hun...” Mad suddenly hitched and exhaled, tears running down her face. 
She knew this day would eventually come.  And as the full rotations went on, she kept wishing on a certain red star that she could have another standard day with him.  Every standard day she wished to have another. 
But wishes only carry you so far...and there are only so many wishes granted. 
And you must accept that the universe has other plans. 
To believe in having just a moment of happiness instead of none. 
Mad kissed Hunter’s forehead.  “Aw, Hunky...we were REAL good...  Weren’t we? 
The red star above Pabu twinkled in reply to Mad’s words as she hugged Hunter for the last time. 
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specialagentlokitty · 7 months
Master chief x reader - for you I’ll do anything
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Every since you were a child joining the marines was all you had ever wanted, all you had ever thought about.
Just like your mom. Her dad. His father. His father’s mother.
Your family had been part of the marines for as long as you guys were able to go back through military history.
Your name was known throughout the entire military, from new members to high ranking officers, they all knew your last name.
You quickly rose through the ranks, and you loved every single moment off it, and your ability to combat made you an easy choice when it came to putting people to work with the Spartans.
You were used to working with them, and had grown used to their patterns, growing to accept them as friends even if they kept you at arms reach.
Standing with your hands clasped behind your back, you listened as the admiral talked.
“This is a simple in and out mission, do not make contact unless you have to.” She spoke.
You nodded your head.
“Yes ma’am.”
You walked over to the table in the middle of the room, pulling up a hologram, pointing to one of the paths as you looked to the silver team and their chief.
“We mapped this cave system a few weeks back, but we never found what the covenant were looking for. There’s a small group of them there now, we assume just as guards until their people can come and retrieve it.”
“How do you know where it is then?” Vannak asked.
You flicked through some files and pulled up a short video, playing it for them.
“I was able to place a tracker in one of them, and they’ve been taking the same path every single day.”
You pulled up the map again, highlighting the route that the covenant soldier always took.
“My best guess is that somewhere along where we’ll find what we’re looking for, most likely in this cavern here.”
“What do you need us for Marine?” John asked.
You turned your attention to him.
“I need you guys as a safety net essentially. I can get in and out by myself, there is a short window when they swap their shifts, if something goes wrong I’ll actually the alarm on my vest.”
“So we’re babysitters?” Riz huffed a little.
You knew she wasn’t mad at you, they just didn’t like having to escort people places, or do anything that wasn’t what they were usually trained for.
“If I can get this object, I can bring it back for Miranda to take a look at. We aren’t sure what it is, all we know is that we need to take it out of their hands.”
They nodded their heads.
“We need to leave in an hour, be ready at at the ship.”
You turned away from the group and back to the admiral.
“Are you sure this is worth it?” She asked.
“I’m not entirely sure if I’m honest ma’am, but I am sure whatever this is seems really important to them.”
She nodded her head.
“Bring it straight to me as soon as you get it.”l
“Yes ma’am.”
You left, going down to your office, you pulled your armour on, putting your helmet on and grabbed your gun.
People moved aside as you walked down the hallway, and you heard the heavy metal sounds of the Spartans all falling in line with you.
“Do we have any indication on what this object is?” John asked.
“My guess is I think it may be something they use to create their weapons. Years back a storm swept over the place, buried everything in water, which destroyed the ground’s integrity, and it collapsed. The cave used to be a valley.”
“So a few of their soldiers were in there and got caught, unable to get out, maybe they were carrying something?” Kai asked you.
“Covenant ships have been know to crash there for years, we’re not sure why. But every time one does they go and scrap the ship, whatever is on those ships they want back, I reckon that’s what this is. Maybe a black box of sorts.”
You walked over to the ship, waiting for them to go in first before you went to your own ship.
It was smaller, only enough room for two people and you got everything ready.
“Master Chief, are you patched in to my location?”
“Yes. Ready to follow.”
“Then let’s go.”
It was a long travel to get there, and you had to land a good distance away from them.
Making your way out of your ship, you walked over to the four.
“It’s a straight line from here to there, there’s some large rocks not far from here.”
“We can wait there.”
You nodded your head, leading them to the rocks and they all got in position while you looked at your watch.
It was old, passed down through generations of your family, and you crouched down, waiting for the right time.
You glanced up at John as he crouched down next to you, taking his helmet off so the others weren’t able to hear what he was saying.
“Are you sure this is worth it?”
“We need to get our hands on whatever it is their after John..” you whispered back.
“If something goes wrong we’ll be too far away to help.”
You sighed.
“Then you get the object back to the admiral.”
“Leave you here?”
You looked up at him.
“They did with my father, it would make no difference if you left me. My father spent months trying to get this, his job is my job now, John please. He died trying to get this.”
John sighed, putting his helmet back on.
“Cortana, is there another place to hide closer to the cave?”
You didn’t hear a response, but John stood up, and you did the same thing.
“There’s a small ditch, just big enough for one of us to fit in. I will hide closer to the cave just in case.”
“Remember the mission, get the object and go.”
He gave a nod of his head, and you both made your way over.
You left him in the ditch, and carried on jogging, making your way towards the cave and you checked the time once more before ducking into the cave.
You didn’t have long at all, so you needed to be in and out.
“Take a right.”
You did as John instructed and came into the cavern, kneeling to the side as you looked around.
“It’s not big, I should be able to carry it out…”
“Bring it out, we’re on standby awaiting orders.”
You crept forward, and you noticed there was two things laying on the floor.
“Guys I’ve got two of these objects, I’m going to bring them both out.”
“Hurry, we’ve noticed movement nearby. Take the first left and run straight.”
“Thanks chief…”
Grabbing the two, you quietly crept back, taking another tunnel to leave while the covenant were coming in.
You knelt at the exit, looking to make sure the coast was clear.
“On my way, get ready.”
You broke out into a dead sprint, praying you wouldn’t get caught along the way, and you jumped down into the ridge, kneeling in front of John.
He knelt over you, using the green on his armour to hide you both.
“They’ve found out it’s missing, they’re sending a group this way, do not move.”
You nodded your head, listening as the alien jets flew overhead, and he placed a large hand on your back.
“Let’s go…” John muttered.
You both broke out into a run again, he was slightly ahead of you as you regrouped with the others.
“Let’s go, I’ll run a scan on these in my ship when we’re safe.”
They joined you, all four of you making your way back to the ships.
“You three go back, we’ll meet you there.” John said.
“Chief?” Riz asked.
“Go, we’ll be right behind. No doubt if they find out we have them they’ll come after us, so I’ll take a different flight path.”
They nodded, you followed John into your ship, securing the objects into two separate holding areas before sitting in the back.
“Let’s go!” You called.
You had to wait for John to clear the atmosphere before you could get up, but the moment he did you were up and inspecting the objects.
He glanced back at you before turning back to the front of the ship.
“Any idea what they are yet?” He asked.
“No, but they seem to react the closer they get to each other.”
“Good or bad?”
“No idea.”
Walking behind his chair, you grabbed your bag and pulled out your father’s notebook, tossing the bag back down so you could look through it.
Walking back to the table you leant over it, eyes scanning over the pages as you flicked through them.
You were looking to see if he had any indication on what these things were.
“Any sign of us being followed?” You asked.
“None yet, either is silver team.”
You turned around, looking at the scans you had taken, and you looked at your father’s notebook.
You turned back to the devices.
Setting your notebook, you grabbed the two objects, holding them apart as you walked to the emergency escape pod.
“We’ve got company!” John called.
“Hold them off!”
You set them carefully on the ground, and walked over, getting a look at where you guys were and you saw a familiar planet under you.
You had been there before, and it was as good of a place as any.
“John keep going until you get back to reach.”
He turned to you in confusion.
You slowly backed away from him, giving him a small smile and a salute.
You pressed the button on your vest to open your com.
“It’s been a pleasure working with you all, and I couldn’t have asked for a better team to be paired up with. I’m glad to know my father’ss work wasn’t in vein.”
You stepped into the pod, hearing John trying to get out of his chair but he kept getting stuck on everything.
“(Y/N)!” He snapped.
“They’re bombs, the moment they came into close proximity, AKA when I picked them up, they activated. They’re going to go, and the covenant are going to follow them.”
You could hear them all shouting your name, including the admiral back at reach.
“Catch you on the flip side I guess.”
You slammed your hand into the button just before John could reach you, and you took control of the escape pod.
If you could get it to the ground you could find a place to hide while the bombs went off.
Of course the moment they moved the aliens followed you instead, and you could still hear everybody calling out for you.
You tried to ignore it, getting closer and closer to the ground, alarms were sounding all around you, smoke bellowing up from blow the pod.
Turning around in your chair, you grabbed one of the bombs, opening the door to the escape pod and threw it, then threw the other one.
Closing the door again you rushed back towards your chair to try and gain control over it but you couldn’t.
Bringing your hand back up to your com and pressed it.
“Covenant fleet and the bombs have been disposed off, but I’m hit. I’m going down, I’m not sure where and I doubt I’ll make the crash. This is captain (Y/N) (L/N) signing off.”
The door to pod blew off, and you took your com out, not wanting to hear the voices shouting anymore.
The ground grew closer, and you pulled the handles up, bringing the pod up as it hit the sand and your chair was ripped out along with a whole bunch of other things.
Everything went black, and you weren’t sure for how long you were out for.
When you came too, you undid the straps from your chair, taking a deep breath.
Your body was in shock, you couldn’t feel much pain, but when you stood up your legs were weak and you saw blood coating your uniform.
You walked away from the ruin, getting as far away as you could before your knees gave in, you placed your hands on the ground coughing up some blood.
Pushing yourself up, you took your vest off, and your shirt, leaving you in your undershirt.
Taking a few shaky breaths, you placed a hand on your side, and slowly sat down, looking at the water as it softly rippled against the shore.
It was like all the movies you had seen, the photos of the peaceful beaches.
Sure, reach has some beautiful places, but you absolutely admired this view, and if it was the last thing you saw that was okay.
Taking a few breaths, you pushed yourself up, taking a few steps and you stumbled again, more blood falling from your side.
You slowly stood up again, but you couldn’t, so you stopped trying and just laid there, staring up at the sky.
Your blood stained the sand, and it was in your hair, all over your clothes.
You were sleeping between unconscious and conscious, unable to do anything else to keep yourself alive.
The pain was creeping up on you.
The ground seemed to vibrate, and you put it down to your body shutting down, but the large green suit above you told you otherwise.
You saw the numbers.
He crouched down, looking at your vital signs which were Reading critical.
“I’ve got you.”
He carefully picked you up, running you back to your ship, and he laid you down on the floor.
“(Y/N)?” He called.
“I.. I want.. to go in.. the water…”
John quickly put the ship into autopilot and he made his way back over to you, pulling his helmet off, setting it aside as he pressed one of your shirts to your side.
You always kept spare everything on this ship in case of emergencies.
“I need you to stay awake.”
Your eyes slowly met his.
“Can we.. can we go… in the water…?”
“We are going back to reach, they have a team of medics on standby.”
You took a shaky breath, and a few tears fell from your eyes.
“I don’t… want to.. die…”
“You’re not going to die, but you must stay away.”
You sniffled a little bit.
It was strange for John to see you in such a state, he had never seen you so scared, he had never seen you cry.
He’d seen you angry, he’d seen you happy, but it never crossed his mind that you could actually be scared of something.
“Just stay awake…” he whispered.
You coughed up more blood, and he looked at you with furrowed brows.
John slowly reached out, gently placing his forehead on your, just like you had done for him once when he was seriously injured.
“Stay awake…”
He had to leave you in order to land the ship, but the moment he landed it, he rushed back over to you, but you were immediately taken away from him.
Grabbing his helmet he rushed after you, but was forced into a debrief.
After he spent hours waiting for any news of you, but he kept getting taken away to do other things.
“(L/N) will be fine, but it will take some time for a full recovery.” A doctor said.
John nodded his head, standing up.
“What room?”
“Just down the hall to the left.”
John made his way in, and sat on the chair next to your bed.
Every day he often came to see you, needing to make sure that you were okay, even as a mission took him away for a month, he came back and straight to your room.
You were up, slowly walking up and down the lengths of your room.
“You’re okay.”
You turned to the door and smiled a little bit.
“As good as new, can go back duty in a couple of months.”
He nodded his head, and closed the door.
You sat down on your bed, and he stood there with his arms clasped in front of him.
“When will you be released?”
“In a few days, why?”
He didn’t explain, and a few days later he asked for you to meet him by the Spartan ship, not explaining why even as he took flight.
You recognised the flight path, even as you two landed.
You walked out on to the vast sand.
“John? Why did you bring me here?”
He walked over to you, he wasn’t wearing his suit, just normal gym clothes.
But he did have his weapons on board the ship.
“When you were injured you kept saying you wanted to go into the water.”
He gestured to the water.
“Now you can.”
You smiled at him, walking to the water, taking your shoes and socks off, rolling up your trouser legs and you walked into the cold water.
John walked over, doing the same thing as he stood next to you.
“I saw my dad.”
He furrowed his brows, looking at you.
“When I was dying, and I said I didn’t want to go.”
“You remember.”
You slowly nodded your head.
“I wasn’t saying I didn’t want to go to you. I was saying it to my dad, he wanted me to go with him, but I wasn’t ready. I didn’t want to die.”
“Are you scared of dying?”
“Everybody is, but we all die eventually. But I guess I always thought I’d either die naturally or painlessly at least. I’d never been so close to death. But I was also scared you leaving you behind, you having to lose another person.”
John nodded his head.
You placed a hand on your side.
“I left my ship because even as a Spartan there was no way you’d survive that blast, and there was no point taking us both down.”
“You were protecting me?”
You turned to him, giving him a small smile.
“Of course I was John. Look, we’ve had this on and off thing for a while, but I wasn’t going to let you die because of a mission I insisted on. I would do it again if I had to.”
“But I don’t want you to die.” He said quietly.
“You know I’ll more than likely die before you right?”
John turned to look at you.
“Yes, but that still doesn’t change the fact I don’t want you to die.”
You laughed softly, reaching out to take his hand, placing your other hand on his chest and he stared down at you.
“I’m sorry…”
You closed your eyes, resting your forehead on his chest for a moment before pulling away to look at him.
“Thank you for bringing me back here…”
John brought a hand up, placing it on the side of your face, and he leant down, hesitantly kissing you and you moved your hand to the back of his head to kiss him back.
John pulled away first, and he just looked at you, his eyes boring into yours.
“Will you be okay?”
“Yeah John… I’ll be okay I promise…”
He nodded his head, and you moved to stand in front of him, your hand holding his to your side you had injured, back resting against him as you just looked at the water.
He wasn’t going to pretend he understood your fascination with it, because he didn’t, but you wanted to come here so that’s why he brought you here.
He was still learning about emotions, and what exactly was going on with you two, but he did feel lost when you were stuck in that room, he was so used to you by his side that when you weren’t there he didn’t know what to do with himself.
So, now he was here with you, he was going to memorise this moment because he realised how easily you could go and leave him behind and he wanted something to remember you by
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tagged by @imogenkol and @thesingularityseries thank you both <3
Got a few things i'm working on right now, I am all over the place with my WIPs lately. But first some art:
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On vacation this week and with the little in preschool I can delve into some major line art with this piece because I have the time and the patience. (saved the weapons for very last because I hate the intricacy of them and the body armour took enough time) Thinking this one will likely stay grey scale rather than color.
And some writing, a little snippet from the end of chapter 1 of "Penumbra" aka the Ladyhawke AU:
Dusk begins to settle, the sun fading through the shivering oak leaves that rustle in the wind. Striations of coral and tangerine blend like watercolours in the sky, dripping into one another as the trees darken into silhouette in the foreground. The last calls of the birds are a witness to the coming night and Price’s hackles begin to rise. He’s on edge, a common occurrence the closer the moon comes to rising. He needs a place to settle, to rest, travel can wait once more for the harsh light of the sun.
“We’ll make camp,” he says offhandedly, over his shoulder to his newest companion, the first one who can actually answer back in years. 
Pulling on the reins he slows Nikolai’s gallop to a saunter as they look for a clearing, and through a thicket of trees, an old serfdom farm comes into view. In the falling darkness it’s hard to tell whether the farm is in a worthwhile state or whether it's worn to nothing but rotted wood, there’s little else around for shelter and the prickle of his nerves down his spine and his clenching knuckles tell Price there’s no point in looking further, time won’t wait any longer for him. The closer they get it's easy to see that the roofs of every structure have caved inwards from the deluge of rain received in the winter, shingles crumbling, walls splintered and bowing under the pressure of standing stable without any upkeep. They’ll make do for one night, carrying on in the morning. Tying Nikolai to the nearest sturdy oak tree, Price unloads the pan and pot for cooking, ordering Garrick to go collect the firewood. 
Alone at camp, he unloads the final saddle bag, pulling the tiny lamb from inside it and cradling it in his strong arms. A calloused finger caresses the underside of the animal’s chin as large eyes stare up at him. Heart squeezing in his chest, his brow furrows as he looks down at the little being in his arms, so totally reliant on him. He wishes he was deserving of the trust she gives him – he knows he’s not. 
Carrying his most prized possession over to the barn, Price places the woolly creature down on the cloak he has draped on the hay for her. A large hand that covers nearly the entire head of the lamb strokes softly, his thumb drifting upwards along the snout against the soft wool between dark mirror-like eyes. “Rest well, my girl,” he whispers in a husk. His armour sits tight on him as muscles begin to expand and shift with the coming night, as the first stars begin to twinkle his chest swells and his back wants to hunch. He hates this in-between stage, where he can feel himself slipping away, losing himself to an instinct that isn’t even his own – everything that makes the man falls by the wayside as the silver light of moonglow threatens to overwhelm the dying sun. Stripping himself of his last vestiges of clothing, folding them neatly, handling them with the pride and respect they deserved, he packs them away. Left bare, the chill of the night settling into the scars on his skin and the patches of hair that start to sprout from him, he looks over at the little lamb resting curled up. He sighs, knowing the time will come where once more he’ll have only a fleeting moment with her. A sight for sore eyes that lasts for a fraction of a second before they are once more separated. It never gets any easier, a constant burden that follows him – Always together, forever apart. 
The sun finally dips down, darkness blanketing the world and crickets begin to chirp as the quiet of night takes the helm, and before him as he reaches out his hand, watching it transform into a massive paw with black sickled claws, stands the woman he’s been aching for every day for the last five years. Unable to touch her, his heart pounds in his chest and he could nearly weep at the sight of her beauty. It’s his fault they’re trapped like this, he’s done this to her, and he could scream at the curse that hangs over their head like the executioner’s axe. She’s his whole reason for living and this is what they’ve been reduced to: a yearning that can never be ended, a lifetime of heartbreak, a loss worse than death.
But the pain relieves itself, because in the blink of an eye he is no longer a man.
tagging: @carlosoliveiraa @strangefable @cassietrn @finding-comfort-in-rain
@cloudofbutterflies92 @theelderhazelnut @josephseedismyfather @la-grosse-patate @g0dspeeed
@simplegenius042 @voidika @kyberinfinitygems @direwombat @statichvm @clicheantagonist
@tommyarashikage @aceghosts @inafieldofdaisies @raresvtm @justasmolbard
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hpdrizzle · 6 days
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🌦️This is it, folks! The last weekly wrap-up post of HP Drizzle 2024!🌦️
We've had ANOTHER week of incredible works! Check out week 1 and week 2, too!
We'll post the revealed masterlist in a few days, once we've had time to properly soak in all these wonderful creations! What have been some of your favourites? ☀️ See the final week's works below the cut! ☀️
☔ Downpour [Art, G, Digital]
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy 💧Summary: This art goes along with today's second work, Pleuvoir, Vouloir, l’Espoir. Prompt: Harry and Draco are babysitting Teddy when a magical storm passes through, rendering all magic useless. The two have to take care of Teddy the muggle way.
☔ Pleuvoir, Vouloir, l'Espoir [Fic, T, 20282]
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy 💧Summary: Harry thought he’d just be looking after Teddy for the afternoon. Having Draco Malfoy as his co-babysitter was NOT what Harry had signed up for – especially when there’s a freak magical storm, a rain-soaked Malfoy, and more French than Harry can handle.
☔ A Rainbow in My Sky [Fic, T, 22862]
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape 💧Summary: Suddenly, the bowl spun, the insides glowed, and it emitted a burst of magic. A pair of vivid green eyes materialised inside the silver interior. "Hello," a slightly high-pitched male voice said. Severus choked back a gasp, released the bowl and stumbled backwards, his long black hair falling over his face. "Ow." The eyes darted left and right around the bowl's lips. "Why did you drop me? That hurt." Severus pointed his wand, "You teenage imbeciles have gone too far!" “Hey, why are you shouting and pointing that stick at me?” The bowl shook on the ground, and the blue lights pulsed. Green eyes suddenly rose like floating lights, eying their surroundings. "Are you my companion? My name is Harry; it's nice to meet you!"
☔ Birthday Rain [Fic, G, 2755]
💧Pairing: Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter 💧Summary: It's Albus Potter's dreaded 15th birthday party, and all he wants is for he and Scorpius to just be left alone.
☔ Split In Half Will Have To Do [Fic, T, 2755]
💧Pairing: Amy Benson/Original Male Character, Amy Benson & Dennis Bishop, Amy Benson & Tom Riddle 💧Summary: Amy has spent her entire adult life chasing clear skies.
☔ The Pleasure's in Walking Through [Fic, E, 7739]
💧Pairing: Ginny Weasley/Hermione Granger 💧Summary: Sometimes summers felt like melting. This one did, especially when Hermione visited.
☔ A Line-storm Song [Fic, E, 12626]
💧Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter 💧Summary: Harry holds it together for five years after the war. Well—he sort of holds it together. Then his Auror partner Pansy Parkinson says it’s going to rain.
☔ Worth the hike [Fic, T, 1587]
💧Pairing: Sirius Black/Mary Macdonald 💧Summary: “I don’t want to go back to taking exams and…” She let the uncertainty of the future trail off into the crash of the waterfall. “Well, we could just stay here, but we’ll run out of cigarettes,” Sirius said.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 15
Hello! We finally get to Kenny’s plan and the last puzzle of the past drops into place. I’m not sure how much more of this story there is. I don’t want to rush the ending but it feels pretty close to me. If you have any ideas of what you would like to see before I get to the ending and the epilogue, put it in the comments or tags. I might not include all of them, but if I see something I like I’ll let you know.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
What Kenny’s plan was, no one knew and when they would ask, he would just smile at them.
But they really didn’t have time to dwell on whatever he was planning because Junior Prom was upon them and the four of them decided to go as group. Both Mandy and Edie were lesbians but they both knew if they showed up with other girls or even with each other, they would be turned away from the door. So Harri and Kenny were playing their beards so that they could go and have a little fun for a night.
Steve and Miri, Jeff’s wife, took the girls out shopping while while Eddie and Jeff took the boys out to get their tuxes.
Edie and Mandy tried on several dresses, with Edie deciding on long grey, almost Grecian style dress. But Mandy was at a loss before the seamstress came up with an idea.
She got together a few things and then shoved Mandy into the dressing room.
When Mandy walked out, Steve and Edie whistled and clapped. Mira looked her over with a raised eyebrow
“Damn, girl,” Edie said, “give us a twirl.”
Mandy spun slowly in place. She was wearing a long black shirt with the slits up the side that stop in the middle of her thigh. She had on a white tuxedo shirt and black suit jacket.
“If we nip the waist a little,” the seamstress was saying, “and give it a little bit more of an hour glass, it would be perfect.”
Mira stood up and walked over to her daughter. “Do you like it?”
Mandy chewed on her lip. “You don’t?”
Mira grabbed her by the shoulders. “That wasn’t the question, honey. It doesn’t matter what I or anyone else thinks, and that includes your dad. It passes that stupid fucking dress code list they gave us. Do. You. Like. It?”
Mandy nodded.
Mira turned to the seamstress. “How long will the alterations take?”
The seamstress cocked her and said, “Three days?”
Mira nodded. “Then we’ll buy the whole lot. Go pick out shoes and accessories, sweetie.”
Mandy jumped up and down excitedly. Edie grabbed her hand and they ran into the depths of the store to try on everything they could ever want to go with their dresses for prom.
“Ma’am?” the seamstress said. “Do you have the list with you? Of things that they have to adhere to?”
Mira shook her head.
“I do!” Steve said pulling it out of his pocket. “I brought it with me because I already tangled with the principal once this year, I figured two would be pushing it.”
He handed it to her.
The seamstress poured over the list very carefully. She grinned and turned to Mira.
“You want to make your daughter love you forever and still color inside the lines?”
Mira tilted her head. “I’m listening.”
After she told them her idea, Steve burst out laughing. “She’ll love it.”
Mira nodded. “Hell, yeah.”
The night of prom came along and everyone looked fucking fantastic. Kenny was in a traditional tux, while Harri paired his suit pants and black button up shirt with a leather jacket. The top three buttons were undone and he wore chains on his neck.
Edie paired her grey gown with a tarnished silver shrug jacket and matching kitten heels. She looked stunning, but the star of the night was Mandy. She wore black high heels with chunky crystal buckles on them which matched the rest of her jewelry. But what really set the outfit off was the tuxedo pants that she wore instead of the skirt.
The teacher at the door scoured the list for any sign that girls couldn’t wear slacks. But there wasn’t any and the teacher was forced to let them in. She scowled at them all for toeing the line without crossing it.
Edie and Harri stopped short when they saw who two of the parent chaperons were.
Standing on opposite sides of the gym trying to pretend the other wasn’t there were Steve and Eddie.
All three of Kenny’s friends turned to him in shock.
“How the hell did you managed that?”  Mandy asked, her eyes wide.
Kenny chuckled. “My mom is president of the PTA and on the dance committee. She is two things.” He held up two fingers. “Charming and persistent. My dad uses her to get the stingiest people to open their wallets for his pet charities all the time. I just merely suggested that your dads would be the perfect people for the job and let her do the work.”
Harri and Edie exchanged a glance.
“Huh,” Harri said. “Could work. Especially if you make them stop ignoring each other.”
Kenny looked over at them standing there awkwardly. “That might be the hardest part, yes.”
Harri ran his tongue over the top row of his teeth as a plan formed in his head. “Don’t worry. I’ve got this.”
He marched up to his dad. “Why didn’t you tell me you were going to a chaperon?”
Eddie winced. “I was hoping to get out of it, if I’m honest.” He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“It’s mortifying!” Harri insisted. “I’m going to be the talk of the school on Monday on how my lame ass dad was standing there awkwardly all night while Edie’s dad gets to be the cool chaperon!”
Eddie’s head reared back. “Hey! I can be cool too.”
Harri crossed his arms and leaned back on his foot. “We both know that you have been cool a single day in your life. The closest you get to cool is by proxy. Being in a rock band and working with cool people on their albums.”
“You little punk!” Eddie teased back, ruffling his son’s hair. “I’ll show you who’s cool.”
Harri scoffed. “Mr Harrington looks cooler than you and he’s just standing there.”
Eddie looked over at Steve who was wearing a classic tux. He had his hands shoved in his pockets as his eyes wandered over the throng of bouncing teenagers.
“After all according to Uncle Jeff,” Harri said, driving the point home, “he was prom king, super popular, and was actually called King Steve...you can’t get much cooler than that.”
Eddie scowled. “And did Uncle Jeff mention he was a bully, too?”
Harri half shrugged. “Kept the real bullies from doing real damage is what I heard.”
Eddie frowned. Okay, yeah. Fine.
“I can be cool.”
Harri lifted his chin. “Prove it.”
Eddie brushed past him and marched over to wear to Steve was standing.
Harri’s friends came up to him.
“What was that about?” Mandy asked.
“Yeah,” Kenny said. “Whatever you said seemed to light a fire under his ass.”
Harri just grinned. “One thing my dad can’t stand is being called uncool. So I may have poked the bear a bit.”  
Steve laughed and they all turned to see Eddie and him laughing at something Eddie had said.
“Congrats!” Edie said. “It worked.”
“Which means it’s party time!” Kenny said rubbing his hands together.
The other three cheered and got down to enjoying themselves.
Steve was going to get a migraine. Why did he agree to this? He had already caught three idiots trying to smuggle beer into the dance. This offended him greatly as he had managed to sneak in booze at all three dances he went to without being caught.
He just made sure that when he told the kid that, that he was out of hearing range of another chaperon or a student that might tattle. It was always the quiet ones you had look out for. They could be snitches or didn’t care and you were never sure which one you were going to get.
Eddie came up into him early in the dance and they had fun playing spot the idiot. Trying to figure out which ones had booze, which ones had weed, and which ones were out to do real harm.
Eddie actually managed to catch one kid with drugs. Actual drugs. They managed to confiscate it without alerting the principal or one of the other chaperons but that was a trip and half. One they weren’t going to tell their kids.
This was only one of the ‘highlights’ of the evening. The main one came when Edie saw Steve with a small plate of the little h'orderves and said something about it.
“I really hope that’s not all you’ve eaten today,” she said glaring at the plate.
Eddie who was nearby, frowned.
Steve scowled at her. “You had dinner with me earlier. You know it’s not.”
“But that was just a little meal to tide me over until I went out to eat with my friends,” Edie protested.
“And I ate more of it then you did,” Steve countered. “I’m fine, honey. Please just leave this alone. Go have fun with your friends. Don’t make tonight about this. Please.”
“I just don’t want you to faint again!” Edie hissed.
Steve turned and saw Eddie standing there. He turned to back her and said, “I’m done talking about this.”
He threw his food in the trash and stormed out the double doors. The banged shut behind him.
Edie gulped. Eddie raised an eyebrow at her and her shoulders slumped.
“I fucked up.”
“It certainly sounds that way,” Eddie said. “There is obviously something going on there, and you’re going to worry. But you have to understand, you’re his daughter. Not his wife or his mother or even his friend. You pushing him like this only making things worse.”
She folded her arms across her waist and looked away. “You sound like my therapist.”
Eddie scoffed. “Then maybe you should have been listening. Go back to your friends, Edie. Have fun. Stop being your dad’s keeper for a single night. Leave it to me.”
Edie nodded. “Tell him I’m sorry, will you?”
Eddie smiled. “Sure thing.”
He went to go tell another chaperon that he was going out for a smoke and followed Steve out the double doors.
Steve was pissed. He had told her over and over again not say anything in front of other people. And yet, she still did it all the time. This was the last straw. There was no way that Eddie didn’t hear her.
Who was pretty much the last person Steve wanted to know. But it was out of the bag now. The question was to tell him why.
A shadow fell over him and he looked up to see the worried expression on Eddie’s face. Of course he was going to tell him. He deserved to know. He just wished it had been on his schedule.
Eddie sat down next to him on the ground and bumped him gently with his shoulder.
He pulled out a cigarette and offered one to Steve, who took it gratefully. Eddie lit both their cigarettes and they smoked in silence for a moment.
“I was going to tell you,” Steve murmured. “About the time I collapsed. Fainted. Whatever. Just...”
“Not in a crowded gymnasium filled with horny teenagers?” Eddie asked.
Steve huffed out a chuckle. “Yeah.”
Eddie looked at him a moment before it clicked. He rolled his head back and licked his lips. “Fuck. It was just before Jay’s funeral, wasn’t it?”
Steve hung his head in shame. “I was at the airport on my way to England when I collapsed in the fucking boarding area.”
Eddie’s head snapped in Steve’s direction. “What?!”
“Edie doesn’t know about that part,” he admitted quietly. “Dustin told her that we were at the house when I fainted. I still don’t know how Dustin kept it out of the press. I suspect Nancy was involved.”
Eddie sighed. “What happened, Stevie?”
Steve let out a sob. “After Andy, I just got so depressed. So...broken. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep. I understand a lot people with depression actually sleep more. But not me. No, the Upside Down fucked that up too. Edie had just started school and Jeff had to take her.”
“Did he know why?” Eddie asked, gently. He wouldn’t be mad at Jeff if he knew about what happened and he didn’t. Look, he was fucked up, but he wasn’t that fucked up, you know? It was very personal for Steve and if Jeff and Dustin were the only people who knew, then Eddie was grateful damn it.
Steve shook his head. “Not until after the funeral.”
Eddie closed his eyes and opened them slowly. “I’m guessing he took Edie in while you were in the hospital?”
Steve nodded. “Dustin and Suzie couldn’t take her because he had to run the company. After the hospital I was put into on of those fancy rehab centers. Not for drugs or alcohol–”
“For your eating,” Eddie said getting it instantly.
Steve lifted his head as he tried to choke back tears. “Apparently the sports and my parents and the whole fucking Upside Down gave me a really unhealthy relationship with eating.”
Eddie flicked his cigarette out on the pavement and wrapped his arm around him. “I’m sorry you went through all that, sweetheart.”
Steve just started sobbing into his arm, unable to stop once the tears began.
“I’ve got you, Stevie,” Eddie murmured. “I’ve got you.” He kissed the top of Steve’s head fiercely. “I’m here now. It’s not okay and maybe it never will be, but I’m here now. I’ve got you.”
After awhile, Steve’s sobs slackened and he just finally relaxed.
“I didn’t tell you,” he murmured, “because I was afraid that if you knew, you’d pity me. I didn’t want to guilt you into being with me.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “You still...”
Steve nodded. “But not yet. I can’t–I just...not yet.”
Eddie hugged him tighter. “Oh sweetheart, I waited twenty years thinking you didn’t return my feelings, I think I can wait at least that knowing that you do.”
Steve took the ring off his hand and slipped it back on Eddie’s right hand, where it belonged. “This is my promise to you. I do want to be with you. Just...I need more time.”
Eddie looked at the ring on his finger and smiled up at Steve. “We’ll still be friends, right?”
Steve let out a watery laugh. “Oh yeah! You’ve got me for life, Munson. You’ll find I’m like a cockroach that way. You’ll never be rid of me now.”
Eddie grinned. “Yeah, okay. I think I can work with that.”
Steve lurched to his feet. “We should probably get back in there before someone decides to burn the school down.”
Eddie laughed. “Yeah, there is probably a version of me in there and I shouldn’t leave them alone for very long.”
Steve laughed too. “Yeah, but it’s the prom king you should look out for.”
Eddie put his arm around Steve’s shoulder and led them back into the gym. “Yeah, why’s that?”
“Because I’m pretty sure I saw him spike the teachers’ table’s punch.”
Eddie blinked. “You mean the punch that was already eighty percent alcohol?”
Steve hummed in response.
“Dead god,” Eddie said wide-eyed. “Those poor teachers are going to have the worst hangovers tomorrow.”
“Not you?” Steve asked, leaning into the warmth that was Eddie Munson.
“Nah, babe,” he said, pulling out a hip flask. “Rule number one of any high school dance is never trust the punch.”
Steve laughed as they walked back through the double doors and back to the dance.
Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Epilogue
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reviewdiaries · 1 year
Nancy x Ace and the enigma of hope in 4x08
The timeline for this show is insane. Like, we knew it was insane, but this is truly melt your face off crazy fast. In world, Ace and Nancy have had their “we’ll take our space” moment the night before. Game night was last night. Nick is still riding on the high of being freaking awesome, and Rebecca wants to know why Ace snuck back in looking like he’d been crying with two boxes of her silver…
But the speed with which things are happening just makes the start of this episode more painful, because when Ace shows up after Nancy’s text to the group, she truly didn’t expect to see him. She thought they were back to space and not talking and nothing but fissures in her heart where it hurts to see the lack of him. 
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It also adds a whole new layer of pain to how Nancy has responded over the previous few episodes. When you’re anticipating a tough anniversary it can often be hardest in the days leading up to it when you’re braced for the pain. Suddenly her devastation the night before when Ace leaves her is even harder to watch. Her determination to distract by showing up bright and early at Nick’s door the day before makes even more sense with the context this offers. Her taking a moment to enjoy an uncomplicated moment with Tristan after a traumatic event where she nearly died, even more understandable.
Grief is complex, it layers everything, and how we react to it can often be confusing and inexplicable to those around us. But Ace knows what day it is - of course he does, he absorbs everything about Nancy. And whilst he will almost always show up (work and breakups permitting) there was no way he wasn’t going to be there today, no matter how much it hurts, no matter how much he’s said they’ll have some space. He’ll have told Connor he couldn’t work today because he needs to be there for her. Found himself at a loose end after the night before and ended up sat having breakfast with his dad unsure what to do with a day stretching out empty in front of him. He’ll have sat with the thumping insistence of her wanting space to move on juxtaposed against her text asking everyone to meet at The Claw for a few minutes after his dad left, trying to work out what to do, before he follows his gut, trusts his gut finally and goes to her. For all his fears and doubts he cannot leave her this day, not this day.
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It’s there in the little moments, the little pieces of understanding. The quiet comprehension in that Ace way of his without pushing. He’s there for her, in whatever way she needs, no matter how it hurts.
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 And it does hurt, being around her like this with the pain of their words the night before stuck like barbs under his skin. But so does not being around each other. So does the haunted grief he can see in her eyes. And he’s finally starting to trust his gut again, to listen to the quiet thrumming insistence that he stay, that he help, that he hand her the necklace. Because yes everyone expects to see it on Nancy’s body, but if anyone who doesn’t know about the body swap were to see it on Ace he would be the one person it wouldn’t be strange to see wearing it.
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It’s been a year of the two of them causing mayhem and getting into places they shouldn’t. And Horseshoe Bay are familiar with the sight of the Drew Crew causing havoc, but more so the sight of Nancy and Ace, Ace and Nancy, the two so often in orbit around each other, a silent support at the other's side. Ace’s mouth a stoic line against Nancy’s playful hijinks that tells whoever she’s up against that he’s got her back, that if they mess with her he’ll be there too, that he has her back, always.
But the problem these few weeks hasn’t been a lack of feeling, of not being there for the other. It’s been a lack of communication, of fighting so damn hard to protect the other that they end up hurting themselves and then the other - not necessarily in that order. It’s being so twisted up in the pain of wanting and not having that they’ve forgotten how to be around each other, how to find the words to admit what they want. And they want the same thing, they have all along, too afraid that they aren’t worth the fight to actually stand up and say how much they want the other to fight for them.
Tied up and desperate and there’s nothing like being stuck in the other’s body to clean the dirt away and show what’s underneath. Love and hope and a depth of feeling that feels like they could drown in it if they slip.
It’s the little details. It’s Ace finding out that Nancy was learning ASL - not so much for him, although of course it’s for him too, but so she can talk to his dad, so she can be part of his family, carve out her own space next to him. And for a moment he looks at her head on (it’s hard to look directly at her whilst she’s in his body, too confusing to see the love he’s worked to keep hidden shining so blindingly obvious from his eyes, how direct his gaze is, how sure he is in his own skin - like looking in a slightly skewed mirror. Because this is something new. This is a sign that she thinks he’s worth it. This is not him doing something to be useful for her, this is her spending her free time learning something to make his life, their life, easier. It’s a chink in the armour, a small sliver of sunlight breaking through the clouds. It’s a lifeline for him to hold onto.
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It’s the way they speak without words again, how even with his own face staring back at him he knows what Nancy is thinking, knows the quiet reassurance she offers him as he leaves her alone with his dad. She’s got this, and he trusts her. Doesn’t trust many people with his dad - protective in a way he can’t quite articulate, but that’s how he’s found he feels about the people that mean the most. Can’t put the words out into the world, just ties them to his tongue and leaves his heart on his sleeve.
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It’s allowing the frustration at Nancy barging into the club even though it jeopardises the investigation, to bubble to the surface. Biting out the words that she wanted space, she asked for space, and she’s there, looking confident and competent in his skin and it grates on him in a way he can’t fully articulate. Just as the smell of her shampoo being all around him makes him feel electric in this skin that isn’t his. The feel of being close, so close to her, and unable to feel like he can relax, like he’s constantly stepping over unseen lines and it’s too much and too close and makes him want to scream.
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It’s noticing that she’s slipped out the moment they’re in their own bodies again and not being able to say no to the tug under his ribs that tells him to go after her, check she’s ok, check in, show her he’s there and he cares (he still cares).
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And he’s not thinking about the bannister at the yacht club. Not really. He’s thinking about the little pieces of her he’s seen today. The tension in her body, coiled too tight and desperate to flee, to do something, to keep busy, to push down the memories that keep threatening to surface. He’s thinking about how tired he felt, how she must not be sleeping. How it felt to be working a case with her, trapped into proximity and cut loose to try and be Nancy Drew for an afternoon. To feel useful and wanted and seen. He’s thinking about the weight of her necklace warm and close to the skin by his heart. The knowledge that she’s been learning ASL. That when he comes to stand next to her by the water’s edge she moves slightly closer to him, weight shifting as though pulled on an invisible string.
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He’s thinking about the layers of the conversation. Because they’re talking about the mystery and the yacht club and Nancy’s tendency to slip off and get herself into dangerous situations on her own. But they’re also talking about how Ace wouldn’t want her to change, wouldn’t want her to stop being her, but just needs her to let him be there, let him in, not be alone in this, to lean on him a little and let him help keep her safe. That he sees her, that he understands her, that he can’t do it, can’t bear the space, can’t bear being apart. And so here they are, even when it hurts, even when they rub each other the wrong way, and he cannot stand to leave her. Just wants her to be safe and happy and near him. Selfishly - he just wants to be selfish, just for a little while. And maybe, just maybe, if Nancy was learning ASL, maybe she wants to be selfish too - maybe they can be selfish together, maybe they can find a new way of being that doesn’t pretend that they don’t love each other. That each other are true north, the compass point that never wavers. That maybe they can find a way back to each other. That maybe this thing between them isn’t twisted into something poisoned. Maybe it was just a rough patch whilst they worked out how to be with each other - reminded themselves what they’re fighting for, what they stand to gain if they keep trying to break the curse.
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It’s the slight wince as he knows he has to give the piece of her back. That he can’t keep the necklace, no matter how much it feels like a piece of her next to his heart. That  for all the lightness in her words (her voice, her eyes, her face) he has to tell her he knows. 
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He’s known all day. And he risks bringing that heartbreak to the surface but he can’t not tell her he knows her, he sees her. Can’t resist the lightest touch of fingertips against her palm as he gives this piece of her back again.
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Can’t take his eyes off her, bathed in the sunset and all fire and fight and beauty and he knows he can’t risk being burned, but god the fight is getting harder and harder to maintain. It’s getting harder and harder to remind himself all the reasons they shouldn’t break the curse when all the reasons why they should are clamouring to be heard.
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It’s the layers to their conversation as he leaves to go fishing with his dad. Because Nancy is talking about her mum, and what it is to lose a parent, but she’s also talking about them. All they’re left with now are memories, messy stupid memories. And he can see in her face the memory of their kiss, has been trying so hard to shutter out the feel of her jaw under his palm, the frantic flutter of her pulse, the feel of her lips rising up to meet his own, the gasp he let slip at the touch of her that she swallowed down along with the longing that he’d kept hidden for so long.
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But he can see the shadow of other memories that she has that he can only hold onto the brief outline she sketched for him - of his lips on her skin and promises murmured into the crook of her neck and waking up together tangled in nothing but sunlight and sheets. 
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And it breaks his heart as her voice catches slightly on the idea that he gets to make more memories - with his dad, with another woman. And she is left with ghost of her mother and the ghost of his lips. The pain in his eyes, the pain in her voice. As he looks at her you can see how desperately he’s tamping down the urge to pull her close, whisper into her hair that she’s not alone, that he’s there, he’ll always be there, even when it hurts. It’s another promise, another chink in the armour, in the wall that’s ready to crumble at the slightest push.
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He doesn’t want to leave her, feels like she’s sending him away. But crushes that voice under the understanding that she’s giving him a gift, asking him to make memories with his dad for her, for him, for the knowledge that one day there won’t be any new memories to make. That it will just be these to take out and hold in the sunlight and to remember the good and the bad and the hard and know that they are a patchwork of a father who loves his son. That this is a way for him to honour the memory of Kate, for him to embrace the opportunity to spend time with his dad who’s still here, Knows that this conversation isn’t over, it’s just a pause for breath, to regroup, to allow them both to process the day, knows that he’ll go out on the water and talk to his dad and unpick some of the knots of his feelings and come back calmer and clearer and certain of his way forward.
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Because he doesn’t bother with a greeting or telling her who it is. He’s come back to shore knowing he wanted nothing more than to hear her voice, to check she’s ok after an evening remembering her mum. Barely made it into the car after saying goodbye to his dad before he was hitting the call button. Needs to make sure that she understands. That he knows what she was doing and he’s grateful, that he sees her, sees her pain, sees the ways they make each other better and all the ways they might make each other worse, and he loves her, can’t stop loving her.
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The emotion so thick in his voice that he can barely choke the words out around the tears in his throat and the fear that’s been winding its way around him all day. 
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Last night they ended on a discordant note, unsure what the other wanted, poised on a precipice that they never jumped from. And he’s been off kilter and unsure for so long, but today. Today has been sunlight on the water, breaking through the clouds, a chance to breathe a full lungful of air and feel the tension drop from his shoulders. Because he’s been there in all the little ways for Nancy, but he’s started noticing all the little ways she’s there for him too, and to listen to all the ways she’s telling him she loves him too, that she thinks he’s worth it, that she wants to be with him, be near him, keep trying. He can see the disconnect between her words last night and her actions, and it fills him with hope.
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The pauses are filled with all the things he doesn’t feel he can say yet. All the layers he’s starting to peel back.
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He’s able to be honest, to let some of what he’s feeling come out. And this is why they haven’t spoken on the phone before now. There are too many opportunities for them to misread, to misunderstand, to second guess when they’re face to face and clouded with emotion and want and the pain of seeing the other. But this, he can speak to his phone, speak to the quiet night around him, let the truth out in small pieces as he lets his guard down and the words out from the confines of his heart.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
He can tell her these things, doesn’t need to hear anything back, just needs to let the words drop quietly into the silence between them, and to feel a little lighter with the admission. Ace is so good at listening, and being there for her, but he’s bad at admitting his own needs, at expressing his own wants and desires. The most confident we’ve seen him was in those first few episodes of the season where he finally pieced together the curse, and they were on the same page trying to break it. Since then he’s been lost and adrift and in pain and doesn’t know how to right himself, how to staunch the bleeding.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
And then she says the magic words. I’m not happy without you in mine. Not, I need you, not you’re useful, not you make my life easier. Those are all quantifiable things that Ace can do things about by being of service, by being helpful, be being needed. This is something ephemeral, magical, something other that is simply him being in her life. This is Nancy wanting him for him, for the joy and the peace and the love. They make each other better.
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It’s such a rare and precious thing to see him smile. And he’s not even smiling for anyone, simply cannot help the surprise huff of joy, the way her words fill him up with something new, something missing from the darkness of the last weeks. Can see him begin to say something
I - 
Bites it off, cuts himself off, doesn’t want to say it yet. Doesn’t want the first time he says it to be to empty air and the sound of Nancy’s soft breathing over the phone. Wants to be able to see her face. Simply sits for a moment in the knowledge that he makes her happy simply by being him, no agenda, no need to make himself be anything more or less.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
And there’s so much more he wants to say. Is filled up with wanting. Could sit and just listen to her be at the other end of the line for the rest of the night. Fall asleep listening to the sound of her voice, the catch of her breath, the way his heart beats out the rhythm of her name in his chest. In the darkness where he can start to unspool his feelings it no longer feels so insurmountable, his feelings, his fears, his desires. He can start to untangle the simple fact that he loves Nancy, and he wants to be with her, and they’re going to break the curse. Together.
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shivunin · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @greypetrel--thank you for thinking of me, friend! I've got a few things banked that I don't think I've shared yet c: (Tagging, in turn, @vakarians-babe @cullenvhenan @ndostairlyrium @dungeons-and-dragon-age @brother-genitivi @heniareth @zenstrike @palipunk @daggerbean @jtownnn, if any of you would like to share something!) Here is a sweet snippet from that Act 2 piece I've been talking about. This particular chapter lines up with parts of Palimpsest, if you've read it, and makes sense enough on its own if you haven't:
Fenris’s eyes found hers unerringly the moment he stepped through the doorway. There was something on his face—something intense, vital, having nothing to do with anger or regret. The sight of it jolted her, and though she’d been playing the tipsy fool for nearly half an hour now she almost gave up the act at once to ask him what he meant by it. 
He swung a leg over the bench and sat beside her, just as he had for years now, but something new hummed in the empty space between them. She could hear it under the conversation and laughter of her friends, feel it in the moments when her sleeve brushed against his shoulder, see it when she glanced his way and the corner of his mouth rose in a faint but noticeable smile. 
What was this?
Maria didn’t know. It made her giddy, brought a flush to her cheeks. She was grateful for the latter, for it made her performance of drunkenness even more convincing, but it also felt…it was too much. She’d felt only echoes before, the flutter in her chest when he gestured in that elegant way he had, the heat in her ears that she batted aside whenever she watched him execute an especially graceful or brutal maneuver during a fight. She knew how she felt about him; she could list a dozen reasons that she shouldn’t feel them (foremost amongst them that he couldn’t be comfortable with that sort of attention) and a hundred reasons why she couldn’t help herself regardless. She hadn’t spent the last three years debating herself for and against it for nothing, for the Maker’s sake, but this—
When they all stepped out into the night air, she was relieved. It cooled some of the flush on her cheeks, though not soon enough to hide it from the others. 
“D’you feel a fever coming on, Hawke?” Merrill asked from Isabela’s back, her eyes glassy with too much drink. Even so, she lifted cool hands and patted Maria’s face carefully, feeling her forehead and cheeks in turn. “I’ve a draught for it in my room if you’re getting sick.”
“I’m fine,” Hawke assured her, reaching up to hug her one-armed, “just a bit too much to drink.” 
Merrill hummed in acknowledgement and snuggled her head back into Isabela’s shoulder. Isabela eyed Hawke for a moment before lifting an arm for Maria to tuck herself under. 
“Watch yourself, sweet thing,” Isabela murmured into her ear, “that one bites.”
“Nothing to watch,” Hawke murmured back, and pulled away. “Make sure she has water. She always forgets.”
“No, I don’t,” Merrill murmured, but Isabela smiled broadly. 
“Sure there isn’t,” she said, “we’ll see about that, Hawke. C’mon, kitten. Let’s get you home.”
Hawke smiled after them, shaking her head, and when she turned she found Fenris waiting, eyes fixed on her. 
The way he watched her sometimes…it had been wary at first, she was certain. Over the years, it had been replaced with mild exasperation, sometimes laughter, occasionally tentative affection. Now, there was something else in his eyes, some unnameable focus that set her heart to racing again the moment it’d finally calmed.
“Ready?” she asked Fenris. 
The moon loved the sight of him, she’d often thought. Its light was like silver-gilt on the planes of his face when he angled his head to the side and it tangled in the strands of his hair with the gentlest of brushstrokes. 
Who do I think I am, Varric? she wondered, looking toward the stairs home. Maybe I drank too much, after all. 
She knew better, of course, but it was a convenient enough excuse to seize upon.
“I am,” Fenris said, and together they started up the stairs home. 
Later, she wouldn’t remember much about the conversation that followed. He’d told her not to apologize to him—that much she held onto—but everything else was washed away by the way he’d reached out and taken her hand in his. His fingers were calloused and warm, bounded on every side by cool metal that occasionally snagged on her robes. While they finished climbing the steps to Hightown, Hawke wished fervently that she lived a little further away—somewhere outside of town, perhaps, so this walk could go on forever and she’d never have to let go. But of course the stairs home were as they’d always been, the walk as long or short as ever, and when they paused before her doorway they said goodbye in their usual manner. 
For the first time, as she pressed her cheek to his breastplate and wrapped her arms around him, Hawke wished that she could hear the thud of his heart through his armor. Was his racing as much as hers? Had the touch been a whim or did it mean something more? Her mind buzzed with it, hummed with the way he tentatively wrapped his arms around her in return, the whisper of his breath against the loose curls along the edge of her braid. This was—something new. She was almost certain of it. 
And yet, even then, the tiniest sliver of doubt held her from asking him what he wanted. It was not an unkind little voice. It was sympathetic—sorrowful, even, and its words were only logical. 
You’re not ready, it whispered when she would have held on to him more tightly. After a moment, it added: He’s not ready. 
So, flushed and weak-kneed, Hawke bade him goodnight as if nothing had changed at all. She was fortunate, she supposed, that she’d been keeping her feelings tucked neatly away this long. It had been necessary practice for this—whatever this was. 
When she climbed into her bed some time later, it felt almost unbearably cold, too large for her by far, and she huddled on the edge of the mattress trying to will herself to sleep. 
What would it feel like to—
No. He was her friend. It was enough; more than enough, after everything they’d seen.
But when he’d held her hand, he’d been gentle and firm. If he touched her somewhere else, what would it—
She had no idea what she was doing. She had very little experience with any of this, and having a crush on one’s friend was a different creature entirely than deciding to pursue these feelings. No. Until she could…figure this out, she’d leave it to Fenris. 
Hawke rolled over until her face was buried in the pillow. She groaned long and loud, and when she was finally done she closed her eyes and tried to sleep.
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elisajdb · 9 months
Life With You: XXXIX: Tragedy
“We must register before it closes.”
Piccolo was practical but the words were a harsh reminder of Goku’s limits on Earth.  
Bulma checked her watch. “There’s still time before the preliminaries start. Let Goku and the kids register first and while everyone else is registering, Goku can spend time with his family. We’ll meet up when registration ends.”
It was a sound plan. Goku, Gohan, Goten and Trunks got in line ahead of everyone. As they waited to register, Goku chatted with Aki and his family.  
“Goku!” Aki embraced his friend in a brotherly hug. “It’s great to see you!!” Aki wore a mustache and goatee. He still had a full head of thick, blonde hair but Goku noticed a few grey strands in Aki’s goatee.
“Good to see you.” Goku noticed the children with Aki. “You had more kids! Kala?” He pointed to Aki’s eldest daughter. “You’ve grown!”
Kala was the only child of Aki’s with a memory of Goku and the only one not shy for she ran into Goku’s open arms for a hug. “I’ve grown a lot, Uncle Goku. In a few years, I’ll be old enough to marry Gohan!”
“Gohan?!” Goku sputtered stunned. He looked at his eldest son. “You two are together? Isn’t she young?”
“We’re not together!!” Gohan screamed. “It’s all in Kala’s mind!”
“I kissed him,” Kala confessed.
“You tricked me!” Gohan screamed. Eyes of everyone but Aki, ChiChi and Gyu-Mao stared for an explanation. “It’s not like that!”
Kala winked at Goku. “I’m working on him.”
Goku chuckled at Kala’s confidence. She always had an attachment to Gohan so her pursuit wasn’t a surprise. He noticed another girl behind her. Aki also had a baby girl when he died. “Is that….?”
“Yup,” Aki rubbed Naoko’s head. “This is Naoko. Naoko, you don’t remember your Uncle Goku but he held you when you were a baby.”
“I remember the picture,” Naoko softly spoke of the picture on their family’s mantle. She waved shyly at Goku.
“This is Jun,” Aki spoke of his third daughter born after Goku’s death. “She’s four and this,” Aki took a two-year-old boy from his wife and handed him to Goku, “is Haruto.”
“And it’s the last one,” Reia told Goku. “When I was pregnant, we agreed boy or bust.”
Knowing their time was limited, Aki ushered Naoko and Jun to stand with Goku and Kala. “I wanna get a picture.” When Aki snapped the photo of Goku with Aki’s kids, ChiChi took the camera and took another photo with Aki and Reia in the picture.
As ChiChi handed the camera back to Aki, Aki noticed his son reaching for Goku’s halo. “What’s with the halo, Goku?”
“This is what you get when you die if you’re lucky to keep your body.”
Aki stared speechless before chuckling. “I thought was only for TV. Leave it to you to find out if it’s true. I’ve missed talking to you, friend.”
As Aki pocketed the camera, Goku noticed Aki and his family weren’t the only ones here from ChiChi’s village to see him. “Kaifun?” He aged more than Aki. His long black hair was short and sparkling with strands of silver. Next to him was an old grumpy lady he never expected to see again. She’s still alive?
“Hey, Goku,” Kaifun spoke as a man carrying a heavy burden. He didn’t give Goku the scornful gaze he was used to seeing. “I’m the last person you expected to see but when I heard you were returning, even for a day, I needed to see you again to apologize for how I was to you. I wasn’t a good person to you. I should’ve been a friend. I’m so grateful for what you did for us.” He held out his hand to Goku. “I don’t blame you if you don’t forgive me but I am sorry for how I treated you.”
Goku looked at Kaifun’s hand. It was strange seeing him and even stranger hearing Kaifun apologize. He held so much hatred for Goku. Kaifun never thought Goku was good enough for ChiChi and for years, waited for him to screw up so he could move in on ChiChi. Goku had no idea his death would affect Kaifun to change his mind about him.
Goku grabbed Kaifun’s hand and gave it a firm shake. Looking past Kaifun, Goku wondered if Mrs. Niver had come for the same reason. Is she gonna apologize to me, too?
Kaifun turned to his grandmother. “Grandma, don’t you have something to say to Goku?”
The seven years weren’t kind to Mrs. Niver. She was slower as her cane assisted her. Her face was very wrinkled and weathered with spots, and her once thick, white hair was thinner. She wore that same scornful, bitter expression Goku remembered when they last saw each other. “Seven years ago, I thought you were a waste of sperm. I apologize for that. When you died seven years ago, you proved you weren’t a total waste of sperm. You showed the world there was something good about you. Your sperm. It helped create Gohan and he killed Cell.” The old woman smiled revealing no teeth. “Thank you, Goku, for doing one good thing in your waste of a life.”
Overhearing, Vegeta rolled his eyes and Gohan slapped his forehead. ChiChi was grateful Goten didn’t hear as he chatted with Naoko. Aki muttered, ‘I knew it’ while Kaifun scolded his grandmother, “Grandma!! You were gonna apologize!”
“I did.” Mrs. Niver saw no wrong in her words. “I said he wasn’t a total waste of sperm!”
Kaifun was embarrassed and speechless at his grandmother. He looked apologetic to Goku who laughed. “It’s okay. I would think I’m on the wrong planet if Mrs. Niver is nice to me.”  
“Dad,” Gohan pulled Goku’s arm. “We’re next to register.”
Goku turned away still chuckling at Mrs. Niver’s burn. “It’s nice to see some people haven’t changed.”
“I wish she did,” ChiChi muttered. The death glare ChiChi sent Mrs. Niver would’ve had anyone else shaking in fear but the old woman grinned maliciously, pleased she got one last cruel remark in. “She is truly a heartless woman.”
“Great Saiyaman,” Gohan spoke his name to the registration official.
“Great Saiyaman?” Goku wondered why his son was calling himself that. Now hugs were out of the way, Goku took a real look at Gohan’s clothes. “What are you wearing?”
“It’s his costume,” ChiChi explained. “He’s a superhero and this is what he chooses to wear.”
“Superhero?” Odd. He was thought of as a hero and never had to wear specific clothes. Why does his son have to? “I never wore a costume.”
ChiChi wasn’t sure if that was a whine or envy from Goku. It was one of many things they would have to talk about during his visit. Goku signed up next followed by Goten and Trunks. Goten didn’t mind but Trunks hated that they were put in the Junior Division with the other kids and not allowed to fight the adults.
With the Son Family registered, over twenty minutes were left before registration closed. “Mom, you and Dad can talk while we wait for everyone else to register,” suggested Gohan. “Goten and I will have time with Dad while we wait for our matches to start.”
“Well, I…..” ChiChi was caught off guard by Gohan’s suggestion. “I thought we’d have family time together.”
“We’ll have that tonight.” Gohan urged his parents to leave. “Go.”
ChiChi felt a hand close around hers. It was Goku’s and he was pulling her away from everyone.
“Twenty minutes is more than enough time to get one in!” Aki cheered them on.
ChiChi clutched her chest while her face turned beet red. “I can’t believe he said that.”
Goku laughed. “That’s Aki.” He was the first person from ChiChi’s village to be his friend. He helped Goku navigate married life and was a good support to ChiChi when his friends weren’t. “It’s good to see him. It’s good to see everyone. Even Mrs. Niver.”
ChiChi thought Goku lost his mind. “You have been dead a long time.”
“Maybe.” Goku pulled ChiChi closer so her body pressed against his. “I’m happy to be around everyone again.”
They walked through the crowds looking for a secluded spot. This area was almost a second home to Goku. Some of his happiest moments occurred here. But, it had changed. It was bigger and had some familiar spots: trees and shrubs were replaced with more venues. “How about here?” Goku pulled ChiChi into a corner wall of the tournament’s entrance.
“Not away from everyone,” Goku ignored the strangers walking by as he settled his arms around ChiChi’s waist. “But away enough to do this.” His kiss was sudden, leaving ChiChi little time to prepare for Goku’s onslaught. Her back was pressed against the brick wall with her front smothered by Goku’s body as searing heat spread through her from his kiss. ChiChi expected their first kiss in seven years to be soft and tender. She didn’t expect this intensity and need. At least not now! Later perhaps….
In her mind, ChiChi told herself to push back but the loneliness of seven years compelled ChiChi to give in to Goku and her needs. She opened her mouth and slid her tongue against his. She hummed her pleasure in a throaty moan as her fingers threaded his hair. Oh, how she missed this man. She missed being held by one who could turn mountains into pebbles but hold her as if she were the most delicate flower. She missed his kisses that always left her breathless and needing more; one more kiss; one more taste; one more nip.
Slowly, reluctantly, Goku pulled back. Goku expected ChiChi to like the kiss. He did but as pleasing as it was seeing ChiChi’s breasts rise and fall and her cheeks form that cute pink blush he liked, Goku noticed ChiChi wasn’t smiling. She didn’t look angry but sad. Was he wrong? Didn’t ChiChi want this?
“ChiChi?” Worry crept into Goku as ChiChi lowered her eyes. ChiChi hadn’t moved on and married another but maybe she was still angry with his decision that separated them for seven years.
“I’m doing this all wrong,” she confessed.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re here for twenty-four hours, Goku.” Slowly, her eyes met his. “I spent the last thirty days getting ready for you. I’ve been using creams and cleansers and getting facials so I look as beautiful as I was seven years ago. I got massages…. trimmings,” she blushed hoping Goku remembered that, “so my body is ready for you, but on the way here, it hit me as much as I want time with you, it’ll be painful to cope when you are gone. I realized I should refrain from touching you too much. I should see you as a visiting friend, but when I saw you, all I wanted was to touch you again.” Tears sprouted from her eyes. “I don’t care about the pain I will feel when you go. I want you and I shouldn’t.” ChiChi covered her face. “I’m sorry. I want you to only see me smiling and I’m crying.”
Goku embraced ChiChi again. He never wanted to cause ChiChi pain but knew he inflicted a lot on her for seven years. “I shouldn’t have been so strong with that kiss, but after thinking of what you were doing while I was dead. I thought of you and ……” Goku shut his eyes. No, he won’t think that. ChiChi waited for him. ChiChi hasn’t been with another man. “When I saw you, I wanted to forget the tournament and fly you to our bed.”
For a second, ChiChi was tempted to tell Goku to do that. “Goku…..”
“I’ll miss ya when I leave so I wanna touch ya in every way possible. Making new memories will help me cope you ain’t there until I see ya again. I know it will hurt ya when I’m gone, but you ain’t alone in feeling that pain. I’ll feel it, too, and I wanna go through it since I know the next time we meet, we ain’t separatin’ again.”
Goku could be simple-minded at times but when he spoke from the heart, he knew what to say. ChiChi always believed him when he spoke from the heart. She wanted to now but she knew the harsh truth. “Goku, I can’t go where you go. You kept your body and I haven’t done anything special to keep my body. I haven’t saved the world or sacrificed myself to a wicked person like Cell.”
“There’s still time,” Goku teased.
ChiChi reproved him with a displeased glare. “Not funny, Goku.”
Maybe not but it was cute to see ChiChi annoyed. He missed that. “You ain’t gotta worry about that, ChiChi. I’ll make sure we’re together when you die. If you can’t be on the Grand Kai’s planet with me, then I’ll live on the other planet with good people. My Grandpa is there.”
But Son Gohan was a legend in his own right while ChiChi was a wife and mother. That wasn’t enough for her body to be saved. “Maybe.” ChiChi wouldn’t damper Goku’s enthusiasm with the little time they have. They lost five minutes finding this spot. “I have to say this now because I may not later, Goku. I’m not angry with you for not coming back. I’m not angry everyone got a goodbye except for me. I am your wife and mother of your children and you didn’t say goodbye to me.” Her voice broke then. She told herself she wouldn’t cry but she was. “I’m not angry,” she wanted that to be clear. “I will never understand why but I know you would never intentionally hurt me.” She wiped her tears away while apologizing. “I’m sorry. I’m doing it again.”
Goku believed ChiChi wasn’t angry but she was still hurt. “I wanted to talk to you, ChiChi. When I saw you on the floor, I knew I had to talk to you.”
“You…. you saw us? You saw when Gohan told me?”
“I begged King Kai to let me talk to you but he wouldn’t. He said it would interfere with you and Gohan mourning me. It’s the rule.” Goku hated that rule for seven years. If only King Kai let him bend the rules one more time…. “The dead can’t communicate with the living. King Kai made an exception with Cell but the world was at stake then.”
In dire circumstances like that, ChiChi understood exceptions to the rule but there was a problem. “But you talked to everyone on Kami’s Temple, Goku. The fight was over. Why did he allow you to talk to everyone then?”
“They were trying to wish me back and I had to stop them.”
“So, King Kai gave you another chance to bend the rules: to say goodbye to your friends but not your wife and mother of your children. Why?” Goku didn’t have an answer but his silence sparked another question. “Was it King Kai who didn’t want you talking to me or was it you who didn’t want to talk to me?”
Oh, boy. Goku rubbed the back of his head. It wasn’t an easy question to answer. Any answer he gave will upset ChiChi but he knew he had to. ChiChi deserved an answer. “When I chose to stay dead, I thought I could pop in and check on you whenever I wanted. King Kai told me that’s not how it works. He said it wouldn’t be fair if I checked in on you and Gohan and the rest of the dead couldn’t check in on their families.”
“It’s not enough, Goku.” Her tears were dried; her mind was clear and she wanted answers. “You left it to our child to tell me you wouldn’t be back. You knew before the Cell Game there was a chance you would die. You made a decision that affected all of us without consulting me. After seven years, can’t you tell me why?”
Oh, boy. King Kai warned him ChiChi might ask these questions but he got distracted by Olibu and the others telling him ChiChi moved on, he didn’t prepare himself for this confrontation.
“I couldn’t tell you,” he answered honestly. “You would’ve gotten mad and try to talk me out of it.”
“Of course I would have! You are not some jinx that brings psychotic murderers to Earth! You’re my husband!”
To him, ChiChi was her husband and father to their children. She didn’t see anything else. He had to make her see there was more to him than that.
“It felt like that, ChiChi. The Saiyans, Freeza, the Artificial Humans and Cell all tied to me. We had one week left and I didn’t want to spend it arguing.” It was snowballing out of him now. “There were a lot of things going on I couldn’t talk about, ChiChi. I couldn’t talk about what I knew about Gohan. I couldn’t talk about my limits. If everyone knew the truth before the fight, they would’ve panicked.”
“So, what if they knew the truth?” ChiChi didn’t care if they did. “It’s time for everyone to stop relying on you and do things for themselves.”
“Does that include, Gohan?” Goku asked his wife. “He would’ve panicked, too.”
“Then it would’ve been your job as Gohan’s father to prepare him. Since he could walk, you wanted to train Gohan. I told you to make him as strong as possible. Didn’t you do that?”
She didn’t yell which Goku found odd but damn she hit him hard with the truth. “I tried. I told Gohan when we entered that room I wanted him to be stronger than me. He didn’t notice he surpassed me. I told him but he didn’t believe me. I knew Gohan wouldn’t see how strong he is until he’s forced to.” There. The truth was out. Goku felt a seven-year weight lift off him until he saw the tears pooling from ChiChi’s eyes again.
“It took you seven years to tell me this, Goku. Was I a bad wife to you felt you couldn’t trust me and you had to carry the burden alone? If you came to me, we could’ve talked to Gohan.”
ChiChi was sobbing now. People walking by noticed and glared at Goku as the cause. Goku tried to embrace her but ChiChi pushed his arms away. “Don’t. You kept so much from me. Dr. Sims told me and Gohan about your heart condition. We know about your limits. It hurts our problems were so bad you couldn’t talk to me.”
“ChiChi…..” There were problems in their marriage. It was building for a while. Even he noticed but Goku thought it could be fixed before he died. “I thought that week could fix everything.”
“We needed months to fix our issues, Goku. That week was a start but you died.” ChiChi wiped away her tears but they kept flowing. “It was hard being without you. I thought not getting closure was punishment for how I was to you as a wife and to make up for it, I strived to be a better Mom to Gohan and Goten.”
No. No. NO! He didn’t want ChiChi thinking this was her fault. “I’m the problem, ChiChi. Not you. I’m the stubborn one. I’m the selfish one.”
“No,” ChiChi shook her head. She wouldn’t let Goku take all the blame. “I didn’t realize I was being so hard on you.”
Goku gripped her arms. “Stop that! You had to be hard on me, ChiChi. I needed that. I wanted that!”
“And look at the cost. You couldn’t come to me when you needed someone. I failed you,” ChiChi sobbed. “I failed at my duties as your wife.”
“No, you didn’t. I failed us by not trusting you.”
ChiChi wouldn’t accept his comfort. “I made mistakes, Goku. I had seven years to reflect, too. I kept telling myself I was doing what was best for the family.”
“You were,” Goku insisted.
ChiChi didn’t think so. “When we married, we built a close connection. It was hard work but I knew you trusted me. You told me about your Grandpa. You cried before me. I felt I had your heart and all your trust. I felt there was nothing you would keep from me.”
So desperately, Goku wanted to say, ‘I do. I trust you with everything’ but he knew that was a lie. Things changed between them.
“But you died and a part of you….that trust… never came back. After Yardrat, you were different and I had to learn to love you all over again. We worked our way back but that trust wasn’t there. You kept keeping things from me, even up to your second death. The Goku I lived with the first five years of our marriage wouldn’t have done that.”
She was right. That Goku wouldn’t have kept things from ChiChi and Goku knew he wasn’t that man anymore. That man died with Raditz. ChiChi tried to adapt but she wasn’t the problem. It was him. “I thought if you knew all of what I was, you wouldn’t want me anymore. You told me you don’t care I’m a Saiyan but it didn’t feel like that to me.”
Goku took his hands off ChiChi’s arms and stepped back to pace as he gathered his words. No more hiding. No more secrets. It was time to tell ChiChi knew what he feared. “When you married me, you thought I was human but I thought it did bother you I’m not. Things were tense when I came back from Yardrat. I thought if you knew everything, you wouldn’t want to be with me so I kept things to myself.”
“Things were tense because I was angry at the situation, Goku. I was angry about being left out of things. I’m your wife. I should’ve been included. I was angry my husband was risking his life for everyone again. I was tired of that. Never of you or what you are.” ChiChi released a heavy sigh. With how she acted then, ChiChi understood why Goku feared to trust her. It broke ChiChi’s heart and she blamed herself.
Oh, Goku. I’ve hurt you so much. “I had seven years to come to terms with everything. There were so many things I wished we had done differently. My biggest regret was thinking we had forever, Goku. I never thought we’d only have ten years. We didn’t take advantage of the time we had.” It was that simple for ChiChi. They ran out of time and there was no guarantee they’ll be together in the afterlife despite what Goku felt.
They were silent again. Both were mulling over their thoughts and revelations that both knew wouldn’t be fully processed until they were separated again.
“Thank you, Goku.”
“Thank you?” Goku did not expect a thanks after what was said. “For what?”
“Talking to me. Finally.” ChiChi was smiling. “I got my closure. I can happily watch you and our sons fight. I’ll see you win the title and provide for your family again.” She secured her arms around his neck. “We’ll return home for a family dinner. I made all your favorites.”
“That’s everything you cook, ChiChi.”
“I know.” She smiled tenderly at him as she played with one of his spiked bangs. “We’ll make good memories today and when you’re gone, I’ll take care of our sons, see them get married, greet our grandbabies and great-grandbabies and tell them all about their Grandpapa Goku. One day my life will end and hopefully, we’ll be together again.”
One day wasn’t enough. Goku knew that now. So many changes. He expected some in Gohan and ChiChi but not this much, and he never expected another child. He didn’t want to be left out anymore. He wanted to be there for the moments ChiChi talked about.
“Goku?” ChiChi picked up his mood changing. “Are you okay?”
“About Goten…. was it painful?”
ChiChi wrinkled her eyebrows at him confused. “Raising him? No, he’s a darling.”
“I mean the birth,” Goku’s voice took a serious turn. “When you were having Gohan, you almost died.”
“Oh…..” ChiChi hadn’t expected Goku to ask about that. “Gohan gave me some of his Ki. Everything went fine but I did have Goten early.”
“Stress. Those months after your death were hard, Goku. I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t sleep. I was almost three months before I knew I was pregnant.” Goten was fine but ChiChi hadn’t forgiven herself during the early months of his development. “I was careful the rest of the pregnancy but the night I went into labor, Gohan told me what really happened at the Cell Game. He told me he didn’t listen to you when you warned him to kill Cell. I thought it was only Vegeta and Krillin who made mistakes that led to your death. Hearing what Gohan didn’t do was too much to take.”
“Gohan….” Goku was in disbelief. “Gohan still blames himself?”
ChiChi nodded solemnly. “I’ve talked to him but he can’t let it go.”
No! He told Gohan it was not his fault. All these years… Gohan… what have you been going through?
“Registration is over!” a voice boomed over megaphones placed around the venue. “All fighters report for the preliminaries!”
“It’s time, Goku. We have to go back.”
No! He needed more time!
“We’ll talk after the tournament,” Goku promised. “I’ll fix things with Gohan. I’ll give Goten happy memories.”
“Don’t overthink it,” ChiChi advised him. “Live in the moment. Enjoy the time we have.”
“I’ll do that, and when I’m done with you…” His demeanor changed. His voice dropped and the smoldering look he gave ChiChi had her nipples hardening and her desperately wishing the fight was over and they were finally alone. “There won’t be any doubts on how I feel for you.”
He was so bad looking at her like this. His twisted grin let her know he knew what his look did to her. Two can play that game. “When I get you alone, Goku, I’ll prove you can trust me with everything.”
She was giving him that look. The look she gave him before they were intimate. The look she gave him before she took him in her mouth. “You can’t give me that look before I fight, ChiChi!”
“Why not?” her tongue darted out of her mouth delicately. “Because you’ll wonder how good my throat game has improved?”
“Throat game?” Goku repeated unfamiliar with the term. ChiChi explained playfully putting a finger in her mouth and pursing her lips together. “Oh!”
“Thirty days of practice.”
“Thirty days of…” he trailed off thinking of what ChiChi did to improve her ‘throat game’. “Hey! How did you practice without needing me?”
ChiChi smirked. “There are ways.”
Goku grimaced aware of those ways. It felt wrong to have one of those in a place Goku considered his. “I don’t like those ways.”
“Because you’re not involved?” ChiChi teased as she tapped his nose. “Then you should’ve stayed.”
She was smiling now, flirting. It was so much better to see her this way and not crying. “I’ll make you forget those seven years, ChiChi.”
“In one night?”
Goku smirked as his head dipped to hers, “You know I can,” he whispered as he captured her lips in a firm kiss. ChiChi circled her arms around Goku’s neck. With tongues dancing, ChiChi’s tongue sucked on Goku’s. Her act caused Goku to press his body firmer against hers with a hand descending to cup her bottom. ChiChi pressed harder, wanting to mold her body to his. She needed this after seven lonely years. The tips of her breasts hardened against his chest. Absence made Goku’s body quickly respond.
The knowledge they were in public with people walking by should cause them to stop but longing for each other burned away the remnants of logical thought. How far could they go ChiChi wondered as Goku’s lips left her mouth to trail down her chin. She helped him by tilting her neck and loosening her collar to allow Goku to delve deeper. His mouth claimed her neck, one hand grabbed a breast while the other kept hold of her backside where she felt the ridge of his arousal press against her. She needed him and he needed her with an intensity she hadn’t felt in years. This deep need was reminiscent of their newlywed period where new, lustful feelings of sex were awakened in both where she and Goku couldn’t wait. The kitchen. The forest. Her father’s pool. They needed each other. Could they get away with it here she wondered? Maybe there’s a secluded spot they could hide? Or Goku could fly them---
“Get a room! We got kids here!”
ChiChi jolted from Goku as if burned. His body shielded her face from the view of people looking at them. Goku grinned at the nosey onlookers. “Sorry! I haven’t seen my wife in seven years!”
The pot-bellied father shook his head and walked off holding the hand of his child.
Goku turned away to face ChiChi. His smile was infectious and ChiChi couldn’t help but smile back. “We better go before Gohan looks for us.”
“I think he’ll send Piccolo,” ChiChi joked. “Gohan’s old enough to suspect what we could be doing.”
“Yeah,” Goku shook his head still disbelieving how much Gohan has grown. “He’s grown up so much.” Arm around ChiChi, Goku stole one more kiss before he pressed his fingers to his forehead. Goku and ChiChi vanished and arrived back with the group.
“Took you long enough,” Vegeta snorted.
“They just want to spend some time together,” Bulma chided Vegeta.
“Tch!” Vegeta scoffed as he turned away and walked off.
With a final wave to ChiChi, Goku walked with Krillin and Gohan with Goten lagging with Trunks. Goku looked at Krillin as if finally noticing him. Is that hair? Goku almost touched it to see if it was real. “Weren’t you bald?”
The annoyed gaze Krillin gave him surprised Goku. “I told you before! I shaved my hair!”
“You did?” Goku didn’t remember Krillin saying that. He thought back to when they lived with Master Roshi. They lived together for months and Goku couldn’t remember one time he saw Krillin with an inch of hair. “Never saw you doing that when we lived together.”
“I was shaving whenever I spent a long time in the bathroom.”
Goku remembered that. A few times he had to go outside since Krillin took so long. “So, that’s what you were doing. I thought you were taking a long dump but Master Roshi said you were touching yourself.”
“I was not!” Krillin yelled.
“Dad! Don’t say that!” Gohan checked Goten behind them. Trunks and Goten didn’t hear them and were in a deep conversation. Gohan wondered what that was about.
“Your dead Dad looks just like you.” Trunks heard a lot about Goku from his parents. Both were excited for his return for different reasons but Trunks didn’t see the excitement. “He’s supposed to be awesome, right?” Sure he was taller than his Dad but his Ki didn’t feel strong. “He doesn’t look strong. Not compared to my Dad.”
Goten thought his Dad was strong. His brother wouldn’t lie about that. “But Big Brother said our Dad’s the strongest in the universe.”
Trunks snorted. “Do you believe everything Gohan says? Look at how Gohan’s dressed for the tournament. You can’t believe someone who dresses like that.”
“Big Brother’s a superhero. He has to dress like that to hide his identity and he wouldn’t lie to me about Daddy.”
“If your dead Dad’s a great fighter, how come he’s dead?” Goten didn’t answer so Trunks told him. “It means he lost a fight and he isn’t great.”
Goten frowned. Trunks sounded really mean now. Sometimes he got like that and Goten ignored it but this time it bothered him. “But Momma said Daddy died to save everyone.” Goten saw Trunks ready to say something mean but Goten quickly shut him down. “And if you say anything about Momma, I’ll pop you!”
Trunks closed his mouth and the two boys followed in silence staring at Goku who yelled, “18, is that you?!”
“Took you long enough.” Ironically, this was their first meeting. When she and her brother went to Goku’s house, he wasn’t there. 18 suspected Goku recognized her after Cell regurgitated her. She wasn’t surprised it took Goku so long to notice her quietly walking behind them. “Not sure why ChiChi’s worried about her appearance for you. You’re not so special.”
Goku turned defensively. “How do you know about ChiChi?”
“They’re practically best friends,” Krillin relaxed Goku. “18’s my wife. We have a daughter. That little girl you saw standing with ChiChi when we left is ours.”
Goku whipped back to Krillin. “You married 18?! That girl is your kid???” Goku saw the girl but never asked. He was naïve but he knew how to make a baby and robots couldn’t. “I mean…” Goku whispered to Krillin. “How does a robot have a baby? How do you have sex with a robot? Is it like Master Roshi and those dolls we found in his closet?”
“NO, IT WAS NOT!!!!!” Krillin yelled so loud Goku covered his ears. Krillin explained 18 does have human parts that allowed her to birth a child and sex between them is normal.
“Okay,” Goku understood but still had questions. “But how are ChiChi and 18 friends?”
“It started when we dated. We had a party at Bulma’s house and I showed up with 18. She was ignored by everyone except ChiChi. They clicked.” Krillin didn’t understand it either but he liked it. “ChiChi helped 18 plan our wedding, helped 18 through her pregnancy and helps with Marron.”
Goku was happy. ChiChi had a rough time being accepted by his friends. He knew his friends were at fault but seeing Trunks and Goten be friends and Krillin happy with ChiChi and 18’s friendship, he knew things changed for the better with them. A lot of things happened while I was dead. “Is Marron strong like you and 18? Does she fight?”
Krillin looked insulted Goku asked that. “Marron doesn’t need to do that type of stuff now. Maybe when she’s older and if she wants to learn martial arts. She’s just a kid.”
“But you and 18 are strong and you asked me the same thing when you met Gohan.”
“You did?” 18 wasn’t aware of this. “Didn’t you meet Gohan when he was four?”
“Well, I….” Krillin stammered at 18’s icy gaze. “I only asked since Goku’s so strong and Gohan’s a boy so…..”
“So, what?” 18 pressed.
“I…..I…..” Sweat perspired on Krillin’s forehead. When he held his daughter for the first time, all Krillin wanted was for her for to be happy, enjoy a happy childhood and let her do what she wanted; something he and 18 never had. Years ago, he thought it was selfish of ChiChi not wanting Goku to train Gohan but becoming a parent, he understood ChiChi’s reasons.
Krillin was saved from further embarrassment when a reporter appeared to interview them. Goku’s interview was cut short when Goku was questioned about his halo. That’s when Piccolo destroyed all the cameras.
“Why’d you do that?” Goku asked Piccolo as he walked off from the confused reporter and cameraman.
“The last thing your family needs is anyone recognizing you from the Cell Game. You were revealing too much about the afterlife. I know you were warned to not do that.”
“Yeah,” Goku rubbed the back of his neck. “Guess I forgot. Sometimes I forget Kami’s in there.”
Vegeta, Krillin and Trunks entered the locker room to change clothes while Goku, Goten, Gohan, Piccolo and 18 waited for them. Piccolo and 18 stood away from everyone. Goku stood with his sons but noticed Goten standing closer to Gohan. After that initial outburst of meeting him, Goten was eerily quiet around him. He stared at Goku but whenever Goku looked at him, Goten jumped behind Gohan’s legs.
Gohan was like that with strangers. Goten’s shyness, while cute to anyone watching, bothered Goku. He didn’t want his child shy with him. He wanted Goten as open with him as open he is with ChiChi and Gohan.
It’s my fault Goten’s this way to me but I didn’t know he existed. If I had known ChiChi was pregnant….
Goku stopped himself from dreading on the past. He had twenty-four hours and needed to make it count. “Goten,” Goku gently waved his hand forward. “Come here.”
Goten looked up at Gohan as if needing his permission to go to Goku.
“It’s okay, Goten. It’s Dad.” Gohan stepped aside so Goten couldn’t hide behind his legs.
Goten remained where he was; too afraid to move.
Gohan looked at Goten worried before addressing Goku apologetically. “He’s not normally this shy. Mom and I told Goten all about you.”
“It’s all right,” Goku assured Gohan though he was bothered by Goten’s shyness. It’s not your fault, Goten. It’s mine. Goku stepped to Goten. He was relieved Goten didn’t jump behind Gohan. “Do I scare you, Goten?” Shyly, Goten shook his head but Goku knew better. He squatted so he was closer to Goten’s level. “Good. I’m a big guy but I’m not scary at all.”
“He’s right, Goten,” Gohan spoke to his brother. “Dad’s big like me and he’s really nice.”
It was nice Gohan offered encouragement to Goten but Goku didn’t want Goten needing assurance he’s safe to approach. He wanted Goten to already know that. Goten wouldn’t need it if I didn’t stay dead. If only I’d known about ChiChi. I should’ve known she’d get pregnant. I was all over her in those final days before the Cell Game. The evidence of their coupling stared back at Goku with an innocent face. I missed your entire life, Goten. A day can’t make up for it but I’ll do what I can to give you memories forever.
“I entered the Tenkaichi Budokai as a kid, too, Goten, but you’re much younger than your Pops.” Goku ruffled Goten’s hair. “You’re so much stronger than me as a kid.”
“I am?” Goten was in awe of the confession. “But Big Brother says you’re the strongest person ever.”
“I was at one point but your Big Brother is stronger than me, and if you train hard enough, you can be stronger than Gohan.”
Goten’s eyes grew wide in amazement. “Really? Did you hear that, Big Brother? Daddy says I will be stronger than you one day.”
Not anytime soon. Goten and Trunks were farther than he expected, but Gohan couldn’t envision his little brother exceeding him. “Maybe but not for a really long time.”
“I’ll beat you one day,” Goten promised.
It was subtle but Goku noticed Gohan looking uncomfortable about that. He has that Saiyan drive like the rest of us.
“I’ll always win,” Gohan told him. “Because no one beats the tickle monster.”
Goten erupted in shrieks and laughs as Gohan suddenly bombarded him with tickles.
Goku watched the playful and competitive banter between the two enviously. Seeing the two Saiyan brothers interact fondly stirred a sad thought for Goku. He had a brother. He never played with him; he had to fight him and die with him to save his son. Goku hated Raditz for what he did and what he thought being a Saiyan represented but there were times, Goku did wonder what it would have been like if he and Raditz lived on a peaceful planet like Earth. Could they have had a brotherly relationship like Gohan and Goten?
Could Raditz have been converted to change like Vegeta? I guess I’ll never know.
“I bet you, Mommy and Gohan have a lot of fun together.”
Goten confirmed with a happy nod. “Yeah. Mommy’s a lot of fun. She gives me hugs and kisses and makes really yummy food. She made a whole lot for you, too.”
“Goten,” Gohan hushed Goten. “That’s a surprise.”
“It’s okay, Gohan. Mom told me.” Goten stuck his tongue out at Gohan. Goku distracted Goten by opening his hand. “Goten. Punch my hand with all your strength.”
“Okay.” Goten folded his fist and pulled his arm back as he summoned his strength. Goku felt Goten’s Ki rise. His son definitely had power in him. Goten suddenly paused and looked up at Gohan. “Big Brother, can I?”
Gohan shook his head. “No, Goten. We promised on the plane we wouldn’t but we can show Dad after the match.”
Goten smiled, “Okay,” while Goku wondered what that was about. Fist folded, Goten punched Goku’s hand hard.
“Whoa!” Goku rolled on his back exaggerating Goten’s punch. He sat up and shook his head. “Wow! Your punch has a lot of heat, Goten! I bet Gohan trained you to be really strong. When did you start learning martial arts?”
Goten shrugged. “I don’t know. I think I was an inch or two shorter than I am now.”
“Mom started Goten off when he was four,” Gohan explained.
Mom?! “ChiChi??” Goku wasn’t sure if he heard right. “ChiChi trained Goten?”
“Yup. She got him really strong, Dad. It shocked me how strong Goten became when I started training him last month.”
“Last month?” Goku thought Gohan was the one to teach Goten how to fight. ChiChi? My ChiChi trained Goten?
“I didn’t have to do much with Goten except teach him how to fly and build on what Mom taught him. He’s a good sparring partner. He’ll surprise you at the tournament.”
“Really?” Goku rose. “I can’t wait to see your surprises when you fight, Gohan.”
“My surprises?”
“Oh, I know you have a new trick to show your Pops. I got one, too, but I’ll show you after the tournament.”
“What kind of trick, Daddy?” Goten asked. “Is it a magic trick?”
Goku was going to tease Gohan and Goten about Super Saiyan Three but Vegeta, Trunks and Krillin stepped out of the locker room. He couldn’t let Vegeta know. Even though it has been seven years, Goku suspected Vegeta would flip if he saw him achieve a higher transformation than Ascended Saiyan.
“Not magic, but I promise to show you later.”
If there’s one thing the World Champion Mr. Satan knew how to do is scheme like no other. He thought of himself as a proficient liar and one to get out of any slippery situation. King Chappa pushed him against the wall but Mark knew how to get the upper hand to win. Cheat and it will be his trickiest win yet.
Being the World Champion and part of the sponsors, allowed Mr. Satan to suggest rule changes. Instead of the previous champion competing and losing before the final round like previous winners Tien Shinhan and Jackie Chun did, Mr. Satan wanted to change the rule where the winner of the previous tournament automatically qualifies for the final round. Mr. Satan wanted the rule change so he could compete at full strength, unlike the other fighters who would be exhausted after fighting through the rounds. Unfortunately, all rule changes must be voted on by the board. It was a tie with the announcer, a board member, too, making the final vote, arguing it wouldn’t be fair to make a drastic rule change so close to the Tenkaichi Budokai but relented it could be brought up to be voted on for future tournaments.
Mr. Satan did have a small victory enforcing a time limit on the matches. At the end of thirty minutes, the judges will decide the winner. Mr. Satan had enough power and financial influence to ensure none of the judges voted against him. 
To cut down possible competition, Mr. Satan suggested all fighters punch a punching machine with the ones scoring the top sixteen points moving to the next stage. This will eliminate fighting all day as they did in previous tournaments. Mr. Satan also saw it as an opportunity to rig the machine and eliminate threats to his title.
“Do you see them?” Mark stood in the mirror adjusting his championship belt he had dipped in gold. It sparkled with his expensive and pristine white teeth.
From the window of Mr. Satan’s special suite, Miss Piiza spotted three young fighters standing with King Chappa. “There are three of them including Chappa. When you set the bar on the punching mechanism, I’ll rig it so Chappa’s students’ scores are too low to make the final cut.”
Mr. Satan put on his cape. “Good. Once they are out of the way, my victory will be secured.”
“Are you sure, Mark?” Miss Piiza was still nervous about this. She went over to him and adjusted his cape. “We never had another Tenkaichi Budokai for a reason. What if among the remaining fighters, there is someone who can challenge you and take your title?”
“Won’t happen. The only ones who could take my title died with Cell.”
“Maybe,” Miss Piiza tied the strings of the cape into a nice bow. “We conned the world for seven years, Mark. Maybe we should call it a day after this. End on top. We have enough money to retire on and your legacy is secured.”
Retire? At his peak? “You worry too much, Baby. There is no one. No one here who can defeat me.”
Miss Piiza escorted Mr. Satan to the arena where after a few kisses and bolstering to the crowd, he punched the punching mechanism with a score of 137 points. It would’ve been a great photo op but the cameras were mysteriously destroyed. Mr. Satan returned to his suite but Miss Piiza stayed behind. When King Chappa’s disciples appeared, Miss Piiza pulled out a round remote disguised as a foundation compact. She opened it revealing a red button. When one of the fighters punched the bag, she pressed the button leaving the fighter to score 57 points. The fighter was shocked and wanted a second try but the judge wouldn’t allow it. The next two fighters scored 62 and 40. King Chappa argued demanding his students be given a second chance but all were denied.
Miss Piiza closed her compact. That should take care of the threats to the title but she stayed to watch the competition. So far no one was a threat. All scored below 137. Miss Piiza turned to walk off and join Mr. Satan in his suite when she heard a judge yell out, “774 points!”
774? That’s impossible. Miss Piiza looked to see who did that. A blonde woman. She doesn’t look strong. Did I damage the machine when I rigged the scores? Miss Piiza watched as the woman punched again. It was 203 the second time but still higher than Mr. Satan. The next three fighters: three men including a tall, green one all scored higher than Mr. Saiyan. Are they legit?
A short man stepped up next. Miss Piiza thought for sure he’d score below Mark but he shocked everyone destroying the punching machine with one punch. 
What the hell?
As everyone stared at the destroyed punching machine, Miss Piiza stared at the man who destroyed it. He looked familiar. She could’ve sworn she’d seen that massive forehead and arrogant smirk before. Oh, my Gods! He was at the Cell Game!
While Miss Piiza ran off in a panic to Mr. Satan’s suite, Gohan shook his head while Videl stared off shocked at what Vegeta did. “Wait to go, Vegeta,” Gohan muttered. “Guess it’s gonna be a while before they get another punching machine out. So, how’s your flying, Videl? Are you faster?”
“That’s what you wanna talk about?” How could Gohan casually change the subject after what happened? “Didn’t you see what that guy just did?”  
 “Oh, yeah,” Gohan laughed nervously. “That was crazy, right?”
Videl saw the fighters scoring higher than her Dad gather together to talk for a few moments before walking in their direction. “They’re coming,” Videl eyed them suspiciously. “Who are they?”
“Gohan, we’re gonna watch the Junior Tournament.” Goku noticed the girl beside him. “Oh, your friend is a girl.” At least Goku thought the person next to his son was a girl. She had short, shaggy hair and her form was hidden behind her loose clothes. It didn’t stand out like ChiChi’s. “That is a girl, right?”
“Good going,” Krillin cheered. “She’s a cutie.”
“Join us after you punch the machine,” Goku advised and walked off with the group.
“You know them?” Videl questioned Gohan waving goodbye to the mysterious group.
“The guy with the halo is my Dad.”
“Your Dad?” Videl looked back at the retreating man again. “The one you said is dead but divorced your Mom?”
“No, he’s dead. Didn’t you see the halo over his head?”
Halo? Why did Gohan keep saying halo? “What the hell are you talking about?”
Gohan knew Videl would find it hard to believe if he explained his father was coming back for a visit from the afterlife but thought she’d catch on once she saw the halo. “When you die, if you keep your body, you get a halo over your head.”
“Right,” Videl said, “because that makes sense.” He’s still a strange boy.
“Oh, I hope Goten remembers to go easy on the kids,” ChiChi rubbed her hands nervously. “He’s so excited to fight other kids. I think he’s expecting them to be as strong as him and Trunks.”
“…. The youth winner will take home ten million zeni and the runner-up will take home five million zeni.”
“Five million?” ChiChi was surprised to hear that announcement. “I didn’t know the runner-up gets money prizes, too.”
“That’s great. That means both our boys will get something. I’ll let Trunks keep his ten million.” Bulma didn’t need the money. She’ll let Trunks do whatever he wants with it but she suspected ChiChi wouldn’t be so free with Goten. “What about you, ChiChi? Are you letting Goten keep his? Can he get one toy before you spend it on books?”
It was meant to be a joke but ChiChi didn’t crack a smile.
“Hold on,” Yamcha jumped in. “What makes you think Trunks will win? Goten’s strong, too. He’s Goku’s boy.”
“Goku didn’t train Goten. He only had Gohan and….” Bulma stopped as ChiChi’s stern expression left her fearing her teeth will be knocked out of her mouth. “I mean, Vegeta never stopped training and he taught Trunks a lot. It’s nothing personal, ChiChi, but Trunks got this win in the bag.”
“Keep digging that grave, Bulma,” Yamcha teased.
“No, it’s fine,” ChiChi assured Yamcha. “I will be shocked if Goten wins. My skills are limited and Gohan only had thirty days to train Goten while Vegeta’s had years to train Trunks. It will be very embarrassing if Trunks doesn’t defeat Goten when he was trained by his father, a full-blood Saiyan Prince. Goten’s teachers were me and Gohan for thirty-no, I will say twenty days since Gohan spent time teaching a classmate how to fly, too.”
Yamcha and Master Roshi stifled their laughs while Bulma smartly kept quiet at ChiChi’s smirk.
Bulma was the competitive Mom shouting for Trunks to defeat his opponent. ChiChi was amused at Bulma’s passion. ChiChi knew Trunks will breeze through his matches but Bulma wanted her son to pulverize his opponents. Perhaps it was the snickering of others around her feeling Trunks should lose since he is smaller than his teenage opponents that irritated Bulma. The snickering stopped when Trunks defeated his first opponent with a single punch.
“Next up!” the announcer continued with the next match. “We have Ikose, age 14 and Son Goten, age 7.”
“Seven?” ChiChi questioned. “He’s six.”
“Maybe he got confused because he turns seven this year?” Bulma thought.
“No, it’s deliberate,” ChiChi knew exactly what Goten did. “Goten is obsessed with growing. He thinks if he’s older he’ll grow faster.”
“Ikose! Don’t drop your guard. Smash that ill-bred urchin!!”
Oh great. Her other child is fighting Goten. “Goten, go easy on him!” ChiChi didn’t need her son expelled for accidentally killing a child. Goten thought all kids were as strong as he and Trunks. He wasn’t aware he is half-alien. Goten knew his father is a Saiyan but Goten thought that was another race of people on Earth. ChiChi knew he needed to know the truth one day but felt that day should happen when he’s older. Goten controlled himself and easily defeated Ikosa. Bulma wouldn’t stop rubbing it in Ikosa’s mother’s face. ChiChi saw the woman losing her temper and knew hands will soon be thrown. ChiChi was tempted to let the woman fight Bulma. She had been escalating things with her mouth as bad as Ikosa’s mother but when the plump, loud woman threw the first punch, ChiChi was faster with her fist and knocked her out cold.
“Now we’ll get some peace,” ChiChi dusted her hands. “Bulma, don’t start fights with every mother here. You know our boys have the advantage.”
“She wouldn’t shut her fat mouth.” Bulma felt it was her right to troll the woman. “She called our kids ill-bred and wanted her sons to pound our boys.”
“You know that wasn’t gonna happen.”
True but wasn’t ChiChi angry at the insult to her son? “You’ve mellowed out too much, ChiChi.”
“And you need to be careful of starting fights you can’t finish. After all, our boys will fight each other.” ChiChi cracked her knuckles. “I know you don’t want to start a fight with me.”
“Touche,” Bulma agreed.
As predicted, Goten and Trunks faced each other in the final match. ChiChi and Bulma cheered on their sons while a panicked Miss Piiza urged Mr. Satan to take the warning of the stranger who destroyed the punch machine seriously.
“I’m telling you to get your ass out of the match! Make up a stomach virus! Say you pulled your groin! Say something to get out of fighting because you will lose if you don’t!”
Mark sat in his chair smoking a cigar. Ever since King Chappa’s visit, Miss Piiza has been paranoid. He eliminated the ones who could challenge his title. There was no one at the tournament who could defeat him. “Piiza, maybe it’s your fault those fighters scored higher than me. That device you used to eliminate Chappa’s students created a glitch and made the numbers go up.”
“It did not and even if it did, how do you explain that man destroying the punch machine?”
“It overloaded because of you and that device you used to rig the machine.”
“My fault.” Miss Piiza rolled her eyes. “It’s always my fault. Everything that goes wrong is on me.”
“It’s nice you finally admit that.”
“God, that ego of yours.” Miss Piiza was near her end with this man. “Ever since you liedyou defeated Cell, your ego has been uncontrollable. I was along for the ride as long as I got my cut but you’ve driven everyone away! Even Caroni and Pirozhki! We are on the verge of losing everything we built and you won’t do the smart thing and bail out to save your massive ego! You are not gonna win this tournament!”
“We?” Mark snorted. “Is it our name in the lights or mine? Is it our name on the checks or is it mine? Are we in commercials, doing guest spots in movies and TV or is that me?” He pointed to his window. “Are they chanting Miss Piiza or Mr. Satan?”
“They won’t be chanting your name after today. I’m done.” Miss Piiza turned on her heels. “I won’t stay and watch your defeat but I want a hefty cut for my silence.”
Mark pulled his cigar from his mouth. Greedy woman “You’re already getting paid on that.”
“Now our partnership is over, my price has gone up. The rigging for today. The lies over the last seven years. The real size of your dick.” Miss Piiza smirked. She had his attention now. “I know more than Caroni and Pirozhki. I can bury you. Enjoy the last taste of adulation. It’ll be gone by the end of the day.”
Miss Piiza opened the door and shut it with such a strong slam the walls shook.
“Oh, well, Mark snorted. “More money for me.” Losing Miss Piiza was big. She was his manager and biggest promoter. She brought in millions. It’s a big loss but Mark knew she was wrong about this. He’ll win the Tenkaichi Budokai. His plan was foolproof. “I’ll win today like I did seven years ago.” Mark sucked his cigar and exhaled the sweet smoke. “Today will be my biggest victory but Piiza might drain me dry if I don’t pay her enough. Shit.” Fixing a drink, Mark settled in his chair and brooded over his options when an attendant entered the room.
“Mr. Satan, two boys entered the final round of the Junior Division. They are very strong. I think you should watch their fight.”
“Two strong boys?” Maybe watching them will be a nice distraction from his current crisis. “All right. I suppose I should,” he gave in. “I’ll be fighting the winner.” Mark followed the attendant to the arena where they could watch Trunks and Goten battle. “These are the final two? They’re barely out of their diapers.” Goten caught his eye. That face and hair were very familiar. “I’ve seen that face before.”
Goten and Trunks began their battle, amazing the crowd with their skills of speed and strength. They fought like pros from previous Tenkaichi Budokai and not novices of children their age. The crowd reacted with cheers while Mark became filled with dread for he will fight one of them when the fight is over.
Those boys. They’re strong and move so fast. Who the hell are these kids?! Suddenly, Miss Piiza’s warnings weren’t anything to laugh at anymore. Did one of their Dads destroy the punch machine? Will I face him?!
On the balcony, Goku and the others were impressed with Goten and Trunks’ skills. “Wow!” Goku was full of pride seeing the fury of punches and kicks Goten and Trunks threw at each other. “Goten and Trunks are pretty good.” Goten and Trunks are way ahead of me and Gohan as kids. This was good. Very good in Goku’s eyes. ChiChi, Gohan, and even you, Vegeta, did good starting them off so young. With Gohan leading them, they’ll be ready for any threat to Earth.
It was weirdly comforting and assuring his decision to stay dead was the right one. If he hadn’t, Goten and Trunks wouldn’t have gotten so strong in this time of peace. It even squelched the trepidations he felt pondering his return. 
“Are you nervous about returning to Earth, Goku?”
“Why would I be nervous?”
Goku and King Kai were walking through the courtyard of the Grand Kai’s palace. It was something the two normally did when Goku was done training for the day. It was as relaxing as Goku’s meditation. “You stay dead so the Earth wouldn’t be a target anymore. Aren’t you worried about something happening during your return?”
“All my enemies are gone. Gohan is the strongest now. It’s one of the reasons I trained him so hard. I can’t be Earth’s savior anymore. It’s time for someone else to protect Earth.”
“Yeah,” King Kai agreed with that. “But that’s a big responsibility to put on a child, Goku.”
“Gohan’s not alone. He has Piccolo, Vegeta, Krillin, Tien and Yamcha to help him and Trunks will grow up to be a fighter, too. Gohan’s power will motivate Vegeta to make Trunks a Super Saiyan. He won’t beat Gohan’s record but maybe when he’s twelve or thirteen…..”
King Kai peeked on Earth and knew the truth but kept it to himself. “True, but aren’t you worried your presence may threaten the peace?”
Goku didn’t because he felt all threats to Earth died with him. One visit wouldn’t change that. “It’s been seven years. Gohan’s kept up with his training. I know he’s even stronger. He’ll be ready to face off any new enemy.”
Watching Goten and Trunks was assurance his sacrifice was necessary. Goten still needed more lessons since he hadn’t mastered the Kamehameha Wave but he was on his way to being a great fighter. With Gohan, Earth was in capable hands and didn’t need him. The torch was truly passed.
“Uh-oh!” Gohan worried Goten was trapped. Trunks had him in a full Nelson hold and pulled both of them into the air. “Goten may not get out of this one. Mom told me Trunks got Goten with this move.”
“Good,” Vegeta gleamed with pride. “That’s my boy. Finish him.”
Goku turned to Vegeta. He was getting a weird thrill from this. “You know it’s just for fun right?”
This wasn’t a game to Vegeta. This was a matter of pride and reflection of his teachings. No way would Vegeta accept Trunks’ defeat. He trained his son whereas Goten’s teachers were ChiChi, a human, and Gohan, a soft, half-Saiyan. It would be unforgivable if Trunks lost. Trunks can’t lose. He won’t do this in front of me. In front of Kakarrot! It can’t happen!!   
“…I can’t take credit for Goten’s training,” Gohan was heard speaking to Goku. “It goes to Mom. I taught Goten how to fly and use the Kamehameha Wave.”
“ChiChi did a good job if she’s responsible for most of Goten’s training.” ChiChi forbade him from training Gohan but she changed with Goten. I guess she did it for me. His heart filled with pride and as proud as he was with Goten, he knew Goten wouldn’t win. Once Gohan gets more training time in with Goten, he’ll beat Trunks.
Accepting Goten’s eventual defeat, Goku was stunned when Goten broke out of Trunks’ hold by turning into a Super Saiyan. “Goten can turn into a Super Saiyan?!”
“Goten, you idiot!” Gohan screamed.
“That was a cheap shot, Kakarrot! Your child is cheating!!”
Again Goku turned to Vegeta confused. “Don’t yell at me. ChiChi and Gohan trained him!” Goku looked back at Goten with his chest puffing with pride. “My boy is the youngest Super Saiyan ever!” He pumped a fist into the air. “Yes!!!”
Vegeta clenched his fists. Damn! Damn! Damn!! This damn match was pissing him off! Goten, trained by ChiChi and Gohan may defeat his son. “Oh, shut the hell up, Kakarrot!!”
Goku ignored Vegeta. “What kind of training did you and ChiChi give Goten?”
“Goten already knew a lot by the time I started with him last month. If I had more time, Goten would have better control of his powers.”
Goku nodded understanding. “How long has Goten been a Super Saiyan?”
Gohan shrugged. “Mom knows for sure. Goten changed while he trained with her.”
“Whoa!” Goku was floored. “You mean ChiChi’s training got Goten to be a Super Saiyan?”
“What’s a Super Saiyan?” Videl asked. “How can your brother’s hair turn blonde like that, Gohan?”
“Hair dye!” Gohan blurted. “Just… hair dye,” Gohan nervously went on to explain how that caused Goten’s hair change. Goku recalled ChiChi saying something similar to the villagers in her kingdom when asked why he and Gohan had blonde hair and teal eyes. If they are friends, why is Gohan keeping the truth from her?
Goku focused on the children again. Goten was good but needed more lessons. Trunks had the edge with his skills in flight and controlling Ki. Trunks will win but Goku was very impressed Goten kept Trunks on his toes. He has a lot of potential.
Goku was right. Trunks won but barely and slightly cheated on his own. Vegeta, who was on the verge of a breakdown earlier, patted Goku’s back and gloated, “Don’t feel too bad. My boy comes from better stock.”
“That ain’t it,” Goku disagreed. “Trunks became a Super Saiyan to beat Goten. Trunks knows Goten doesn’t have a lot of experience flying so he knew what Goten was gonna do when he dropped from the sky like a missile. Trunks was going to dodge at the last second but Goten surprised him so Trunks became a Super Saiyan and hit Goten with enough force he couldn’t catch himself in the air. Only the wall outside the ring stopped him.” Vegeta’s dumbfounded expression at Goku’s cool explanation brought a smile to Goku’s face. Heh. You didn’t know. “You trained Trunks, Vegeta. Most of Goten’s training came from ChiChi. Gohan only had a month to train Goten. It would’ve been a real shock if Trunks lost.” Goku grinned at Vegeta who wanted to punch the smile off his face.
Cheerily Goku walked off saying it was time for them to head for the preliminaries and wondering if they could eat before the adult division starts. I won but why does it feel like I still lost? Under his breath, Vegeta muttered, “Fuck you, Kakarrot.”
As everyone walked off, Videl felt insulted. They stayed through the Youth Division but won’t watch the winner fight her Dad? “Where are you going?” an annoyed Videl called out Gohan who was starting to leave, too. “Don’t you want to see your friend fight the champ?”
“Oh, you’re right,” Gohan laughed nervously. “We should.”
“Why?” Goku asked. “It’ll be boring.” Gohan stood by Videl showing his intention to stay which confused Goku until he remembered doing things for ChiChi. Does Gohan like that girl? Guess he’s at that age. “You can stay if you want, Gohan.”
As the others walked off, Videl was insulted with the brush-off. “What’s with your Dad and his friends, Gohan? They act stuck up. Dad will go light on your friend but it’s a big deal and an honor for him to be in my Dad’s presence. He saved us from Cell.”
Gohan laughed timidly. “Dad likes to joke.”
Videl didn’t think Goku was joking. “Is your Dad jealous my Dad is the current champ and your Dad isn’t anymore? He can always fight my Dad but he has to beat me before he can fight my Dad in the final round.”
“You think you can beat my Dad?” Gohan let a laugh slip from his mouth before he covered his hands. Uh-oh. Videl’s eyes thinned, her fists clenched and her mouth open as she screamed at him.
“What does that mean?! Your Dad is the former champ so he’s not as strong anymore. My Dad is the current champ. He beat Cell and I’m his daughter. That automatically makes me stronger than your Dad!”
Gohan’s eyebrows went up. “It does?”
“I know you got different skills than me, Gohan.” Videl wasn’t blind. Being around him, made Videl very aware of her weak points but she fixed that. “But I can fly and shoot Ki like you and I trained really hard this month. I’m at your level.” She knew she was. “You’ll see how good I am. I’m gonna knock out my opponent with one punch.”
That girl is in over her head if she thinks she’s super strong like you. For her sake, I hope her father’s lie doesn’t get her killed one day.
ChiChi’s words were an omen. Gohan finally understood his mother’s concerns. The longer Videl spends with him, his family and friends, the more questions Videl will have.
“Have you talked to Videl?”
Dinner was over and Gohan helped ChiChi clean up. As she washed the dishes, Gohan cleaned the kitchen table. He was in the middle of wiping down the table and chairs when he heard ChiChi’s question. “No. Why? She’s in training for the tournament like me. We’ll see each other in a couple of days.”
“You said she blackmailed you to enter the tournament. I don’t know who will eliminate her but when she loses, are you sure she will keep quiet you’re Saiyaman?”
Why was his Mom so worried? Gohan trusted Videl to keep her word. “She will, Mom. Videl understands my secrecy protects you and Goten, too. Videl won’t tell anyone out of spite because she lost.”
“I hope so, but I don’t think that’s the end of it.”
Gohan joined ChiChi at the sink. “End of what, Mom?” He dipped his towel in the hot water, squeezed it and wiped down the counter.
“If Videl meets our family and friends at the tournament, she’s gonna have more questions. Can you trust her with all our secrets?”
His mother spoke in riddles but Gohan understood. Already Videl questioned Piccolo’s skin color, Goten’s blonde hair and his Dad’s halo. Even if she doesn’t get all the answers today, she’ll press him later.
If after the tournament, I can trust Videl to keep it a secret I’m Saiyaman, I’ll tell her who I am.
“Did you find him?” With the Junior Division over, there was a break before the Adult Division began. ChiChi wanted to use the time to collect Goten’s winnings but she needed him with her. Five million zeni will help the family finances but it wasn’t enough. Gohan and Goku’s winnings combined with Goten’s winnings will save her father’s treasury, give ChiChi enough cushion to start her business and put aside enough money for Gohan’s high school and at least two years of tuition for Gohan’s college. 
“No.” Yamcha returned to his seat. “I talked to the attendants. They don’t know where Trunks or Goten went. I saw the other kids reuniting with their parents but maybe Goten and Trunks stayed inside to see Gohan, Goku and Vegeta fight.”
ChiChi sighed. She understood but she preferred Goten to be with her. “I guess that’s all right and it’s better to collect Gohan’s and Goku’s winnings together. We should get twenty million zeni. That’s enough to take care of things.”
Twenty million. Bulma calculated. That meant ChiChi thought Goku and Gohan would be the winner and runner-up. Vegeta should make it to the final rounds. Bulma wasn’t confident Vegeta could beat Goku but anything was possible. “Don’t count Vegeta out, ChiChi. He’s trained hard and hasn’t slacked off like Gohan and why are you so obsessed about the prize money?” It wasn’t that much and ChiChi was fine financially as far as Bulma knew. “It’s just money and it’s not that much. I can spend more than twenty million zeni on a shopping trip.”
ChiChi snorted derisively. “You have more than you’ll ever need but some of us need money to buy necessities.”
“Whoa!” Bulma felt slapped by the remark. “I’m rich but I’m not out of touch. You have money, too, ChiChi. Your investiture didn’t look cheap and your Dad has been taking care of you. You’re not starving.”
Bulma didn’t know the truth and ChiChi had her reasons for keeping quiet. She didn’t want pity or hear whispers she failed to support her family, but at this moment, ChiChi didn’t care if they knew. Bulma’s words stuck a nerve. “Five. Ten. Fifteen years ago I wasn’t starving. The first five years of my marriage Goku helped out. He brought money into the house. I didn’t rely on my Dad until Goku died. Goku’s medical bills after that fight with Vegeta were astronomical! While Goku was on Yardrat, Dad helped me and Gohan. When Goku came back, he didn’t work for three years because he had to train for the Artificial Humans and then he died! Again!! My Dad foot the bill for everything for the last twelve years! Do you know how much I had to spend on food every week for an adult Saiyan and a half-Saiyan child? Do you know how much it costs to take care of two growing half-Saiyans? Do you know what happens when you spend more money than you have coming in?! You go bankrupt! And that’s what we’re on the verge of! While the prize money is nothing for your spoiled child and your mate who’s leeched off your family since you took him in, twenty million zeni will save my family from going broke!!”
Everyone stared at ChiChi in stunned silence. Gyu-Mao lowered his head ashamed their family’s secret was out. ChiChi exhaled feeling some relief. “Excuse me.” She stood and left. After that release, she needed a moment.
When ChiChi was far off, Master Roshi asked, “Is it true, Gyu-Mao? Are you running out of money?”
Gyu-Mao confirmed with a shameful nod. “It’s true but we have a handle on it.”
“It doesn’t sound like you do.”
“Master, Goten winning five million zeni will help us.” No one said it but Gyu-Mao felt he was being judged. How could he the great Ox King, ruler of Fire Mountain be going broke? How could he not take care of his family and his kingdom? “It’s nothing to worry about.”
“Unbelievable,” Mrs. Niver rolled her eyes. “You let that waste of sperm drive you broke. Wouldn’t have happened if ChiChi married Kaifun.”
“Or Kenji,” Bulma muttered. No one else would dare speak it but Bulma knew they were thinking it. “He was a good guy and would’ve provided for ChiChi. We love Goku but ChiChi wouldn’t be in this situation if she married Kenji.”
Yamcha felt closer to the situation due to his friendship with Kenji. He inadvertently introduced them and knew how hurt Kenji felt when ChiChi didn’t want to pursue a relationship. “And if ChiChi married Kenji, how do you think Goku would’ve reacted to seeing ChiChi married to another man and with a kid with him?”
“That would’ve been Goku’s problem to deal with.” Bulma suspected Goku would’ve been surprised but doubted he would’ve been hurt like Yamcha was when she told him she was pregnant with Vegeta’s baby. “Goku would’ve shrugged and said it’s fine. When Goku said goodbye to everyone, you told me he said Gohan and ChiChi didn’t need him and Gohan’s more reliable. He was nine! That doesn’t sound like a man that was going to miss his family.”
“Maybe.” Yamcha couldn’t defend Goku’s goodbye. He understood his need to protect everyone but his words devastated ChiChi and Gohan. “It does explain why ChiChi suddenly wants to work.” Yamcha hated himself. He checked in on them but he never thought to ask about money. “I never noticed there was trouble. I told ChiChi if she needed anything, to let us know. I would’ve given her money.”
“ChiChi wouldn’t have taken it,” Gyu-Mao told him. “She’s too prideful and stubborn.”
Master Roshi didn’t think ChiChi was the only one. “Seems stubbornness and pride runs in the family.”
“ChiChi’s not a Saiyan but she can be stubborn like them.” They all may have to gang up on ChiChi but Bulma was going to make her take their money. “We’ll figure it out after Goku goes back.”
Discussion of ChiChi’s finances stopped when ChiChi returned. They were silent but ChiChi saw on their faces they were talking about her. The silence continued until the announcements of who will fight whom. “You’re kidding me?” Yamcha nearly dropped his drink. “Goku against Vegeta in the first round?!”
The matches were set for the adults. Son Goku was happy but he couldn’t shake the ominous feeling they were on the cusp of something big happening. 
All his enemies were dead but Goku couldn’t shake something wasn’t right with Shin and his companion, Kibito. He knew they weren’t from Earth but Goku didn’t feel Shin had bad intentions for him. Piccolo will face off against Shin so that will give them a chance to see what they are dealing with.
As he waited for the matches to start, Goku checked the matchups again. He couldn’t believe he will fight Vegeta first. He thought he and Vegeta would meet in the semi or final round. Vegeta’s had a metaphoric stick up his ass since his return. He was so irritable and impatient for their match to start.
I thought seven years and settling with Bulma and Trunks would chill Vegeta but he’s still obsessed with fighting me. Pride meant everything to Vegeta and Goku knew he will bruise that pride when he defeat him.
Goku checked out Spopovich and Yamu. Gohan’s friend will face off with one of them. He recently learned she is the daughter of Mr. Satan. Goku didn’t know anything about the girl except she wasn’t strong. She won’t make it past the first round. Goku bit his lower lip to not laugh at Mighty Mask. Goten and Trunks were hiding in that costume. Vegeta seemed too preoccupied to fight him to notice. Piccolo had his eyes on Kibito and Shin. Goku wasn’t surprised Krillin and 18 hadn’t noticed but why hadn’t Gohan picked up on it?
The first match came and went without drama. Krillin easily handled Punta, but Piccolo stunned everyone forfeiting without throwing a punch. Piccolo walked off the stage and returned to the waiting area. Goku followed Piccolo for information. He noticed Piccolo quietly speaking to Shin and Kibito when he suddenly froze in fear. The two men left Piccolo alone. Goku approached asking if Shin was bullying him and if he needed to set Shin straight. Piccolo panicked and advised Goku to not say anything. This wasn’t Piccolo. This was Kami. Something about those men sent him into a panic.
“All right,” Goku gave up and returned to the arena. Videl’s match against Spopovich already started.
“How is she?” Goku asked.
“Pretty good,” Krillin told him.
“She’s doing much better than the other guy,” Gohan added. “All her blows are connecting.”
Goku heard Vegeta snort. After a few moments of watching the battle, he understood why. They were thinking the same thing but Goku wondered if he, Krillin and Gohan were watching the same thing. Videl’s blows were connecting but Videl was using more energy and was flashy with her attacks. Spopovich bled but Goku didn’t feel any Ki from him and thought he was toying with the girl.
“Yeah!” Gohan cheered when Videl knocked Spopovich down with one kick. “She did it!”
No, she didn’t. Videl hunched forward and grasped her knees. She was exhausted and Spopovich wasn’t. “There’s something weird about that guy. Your friend should forfeit, Gohan.”
Just as Goku said those words, Spopovich smacked Videl with his backhand and knocked her several feet before she bounced on the arena floor. Videl got up but Spopovich kicked her again and nearly sent her outside the ring until Videl caught herself in mid-air and floated back to the arena.
“Yeah!” Gohan cheered. “I taught her that.”
Goku wished Gohan hadn’t. “It might have been better if she had fallen out. Something is off about Spopovich. He’s not bothered by the damage he’s taken and I don’t feel any Ki from him.”
“What could that mean, Dad?”
He’s asking me. Hadn’t Gohan noticed that?
“Whoa!” Krillin cringed at Videl’s kick. “Videl broke his neck!” Spopovich’s head was turned backward. “Goku’s right. Something is strange about this guy. Videl should give up.”
“No, wait. She got this.” Gohan still believed Videl could win. She was strong enough to handle humans, His Dad and Krillin were wrong.  “Whaa….?” Spopovich flew in the air after Videl and with his Ki blast, sent Videl plummeting towards the arena stage.
Inches from crashing, Videl flipped so she landed on a knee and not her back. She winced at the pain tearing through her body. How is this guy so tough? When could he fly? He never did that before.
“He’s all flash and no substance,” Krillin declared. “He fired a Ki blast but it didn’t have enough power.
“Idiot.” Vegeta had enough. Are Kakarrot and I the only ones with brains? “He weakened his Ki on purpose because he will lose if he kills her. This match is over.”
Gohan didn’t notice. “But how?”
Again, Goku wondered what was wrong with Gohan. He expected Krillin to not notice but why hadn’t Gohan picked up what he and Vegeta noticed? He taught Gohan this in the Room of Spirit and Time. “He has powers beyond his natural abilities but why?”
Whenever Videl thought she had the upper hand, Spopovich was there to knock Videl down. A smack from his bulbous arm sent Videl flying across the arena. Her body landed on the tough flooring with a loud smack. Blood spilled with every strike against her and her painful cries echoed over the arena.
Beaten and bruised, Videl propped herself on a knee. “N-never….. I’ll never… give up.”
Her determination to stay in the fight is admirable. I wouldn’t want to give up either…. but she needs to, and if she won’t, someone needs to stop the fight for her.
Goku eyed Gohan wondering why he wasn’t stepping in. Gohan wanted to help Piccolo when he was getting beaten by Imperfect Cell. Krillin told him Gohan flew into a rage watching a Namek village be massacred. Gohan was at the age of noticing girls and from what Krillin hinted, Videl was his girlfriend. I guess she’s not special to him.
“Someone make it stop!!” someone from the audience cried out.
“This is awful!” Another scream. “Just stop it!”
“Where is Mr. Satan? Why isn’t he stopping this fight?!”
Goku kept his eyes on his son. “That’s enough, Videl!” Gohan yelled. “Give it up!”
While Goku eyed his son, wondering why he wasn’t doing anything, ChiChi had similar thoughts. High in the seats, ChiChi was on her feet cringing at the beat down. Every time Videl’s body was slammed against the arena floor sounds of ‘ooo’, ‘damn’ and murmurs of Videl’s impending death were heard.
“Spopovich wasn’t this strong at the last tournament. Is he on drugs?”
“Why isn’t Videl stronger? She’s the daughter of the man who saved us from Cell.”
“Why doesn’t she give up?! She can’t win!”
That girl is in over her head if she thinks she’s super strong like you. For her sake, I hope her father’s lie doesn’t get her killed one day.
It’s what ChiChi feared. Videl’s pride, her belief she’s so strong would keep her in a fight she should quit.
“Stop the match!” ChiChi yelled over the crowd. “She’s not as strong as she thinks!!” There were too many people yelling. ChiChi’s voice mixed with the crowd. At the entrance of the waiting area, ChiChi saw everyone looking at the fight but no one moving to stop it. “Gohan!!” It was hopeless but ChiChi screamed at him anyway. “Do something!” He yells at me when he wants to go to Namek and bring back Piccolo but he won’t stop a fight where a girl who has a crush on him will get killed?
Spopovich picked up Videl by her head, punched her stomach and flung her across the arena. Videl’s head pounded, her vision blurred, she lost some teeth and she could’ve sworn she heard Gohan telling her to give up.
I can’t… I have to fight Gohan. I’m the daughter of Mr. Satan. He killed Cell. I can beat Spopovich.
“Please,” the announcer pleaded with Videl, “you should give up.”
Videl weakly pushed herself up. “Never….. I won’t give up.”
“Why is she being so stubborn?!” Gohan growled. “She’ll get killed! That jerk doesn’t care about her!”
She won’t get killed. If Spopovich wanted Videl dead, he would’ve done it already but she’s gonna be in a lot of pain until she gets a senzu bean. Hmm? Goku noticed Gohan trembling. His Ki rose dangerously. Oh, crap. Gohan was finally getting mad. Goku remembered Gohan’s explosion at the Cell Game. If Gohan unleashes that power here, everyone in the stands could be killed. “Calm down, Gohan! She’s not gonna die!”
Gohan’s Ki kept rising. Videl’s screams and Spopovich stomping his foot on Videl’s head over and over angered Gohan so much that his bandanna and cape flew off as he exploded into a Super Saiyan.
“That’s it! He’s gone too far!”
“Bad idea!” Krillin moved closer to Vegeta “Calm down!”
“Enough fooling around!!” Yamu scolded Spopovich. “End it! This isn’t what we set out to do,” Yamu reminded him. “Just win and end the fight.”
Spopovich listened, picked up Videl and tossed her out of the ring. Gohan returned to base form and rushed out to Videl.
“Does anyone have a senzu bean?” Goku asked.
“No. We came here to have fun,” Krillin told him.
“All right. I’ll go to Korin’s and get it.” With two fingers to his forehead, Goku searched for Korin’s Ki and disappeared. The cat looked the same but Yajirobe aged and wore a mustache. Goku gave a quick rundown of why he came.
“I only have three.” Korin handed Goku a small bag. “I haven’t grown any in a while.”
“He’s putting me on a diet,” Yajirobe complained.
“Keep on your toes, Goku,” Korin warned. “I have a bad feeling about today.”
“Yeah, so do I.” Shin and Kibito, Piccolo’s forfeit, Spopovich and Yamu left Goku feeling dark times were on their way to Earth again. This can’t be my fault, can it?
Mark was in a panic as he rushed to the medical unit. Videl lost? Videl was hurt. It didn’t make sense. Videl shouldn’t lose to anyone except him. In the final round, he predicted facing off against his daughter and defeating her.
She got too arrogant!
That had to be the reason Videl lost. Only he was stronger than her. Miss Piiza couldn’t be right there are fighters stronger than him here. If she were, could he defeat this mysteriously strong fighter?
Of course I can! I’ve been on top all this time. I can’t lose now.
“Videl!” Mark slammed open the door. “Dear Lord,” he gasped at his daughter’s broken body on the bed. “This is horrible.”
Mark was informed Gohan brought Videl here. He promised him an autograph and dismissed the skinny boy until Videl asked Gohan to beat the guy who beat her. Mark considered that his job. He took a second look at the boy and feared he and his daughter were in a relationship. Hell, no! No skinny boy is good enough for my daughter. Videl can only date guys stronger than me. I’ll turn this boy into a pretzel.
“Sir,” a staff addressed Mark. “What should we say about Videl’s injuries? The people are waiting for an update.”
“Tell them her injuries are not that serious.”
“But, sir,” the staff member could see with his eyes that wasn’t true. He wasn’t a doctor but could see Videl lost teeth so she will need cosmetic surgery. She was hooked to an IV, could barely move and with the blows she took, might be suffering from a concussion, internal bleeding and injuries that won’t show except through an MRI or xrays. “She looks ba—”
“Tell them,” Mark threatened. “Videl’s injuries aren’t considered serious.” He knew it was a lie but the world couldn’t know how badly Videl was injured. That would hurt their brand.
The attendant left while Mark wondered about the damage control he’ll have to do to fix this.  The skinny boy left but quickly returned with something to make Videl better. Mark thought it was drugs from the way Videl suddenly jumped on the bed completely healed. Before he could throttle the skinny boy for drugging his daughter, he left for his match.
Who the hell is that kid?
“Thanks for waiting,” Gohan told Kibito as they walked out together. Gohan wondered about him. His Dad warned him to not let his guard down. Piccolo forfeited against his shorter companion. How strong is he? I hope my crash training this month is enough. I have to make it to the final rounds against Dad. I can’t lose this match.
“Good luck, Gohan!!”
“Do your best even if you can’t win!!”
What? Gohan searched for the call of his name in the crowd. Oh, no! Erasa? Sharpner?! Oh, yeah. They came to support Videl. “How did they know I’m Saiyaman?” His cape. His bandanna. They came off when he was mad at Spopovich. “Great. I outed myself.” He removed his glasses. “No sense hiding it now.” Gohan grinned and waved at his classmates. Mom’s gonna kill me if this causes the media to show up at our house.
Gohan struck a pose once the announcer started the match. These matches are timed. Can I fight for thirty minutes without showing my true powers? I have to protect Mom and Goten’s privacy.
“Turn into a Super Saiyan,” Kibito ordered Gohan. “I want to see if you can help us if we need you.”
He knows about Super Saiyans. Who is this guy? Gohan was undecided if he should honor the request until Piccolo told him to.
Piccolo ordering Gohan to expose himself as a Super Saiyan got Goku’s attention. He didn’t like it. “What is it, Piccolo?” He respected Piccolo’s request to not ask what made him forfeit against Shin but now Piccolo was involving his son. “Whatever you know, tell us now.”
Shin warned Goku he and the others to not interfere. They needed to use Gohan. This didn’t comfort Goku at all. What did these beings need his son for? Vegeta didn’t like it either as he asked. “Why should we listen to you? Who are you!?”
“He’s the Supreme Kai!” Piccolo informed everyone. “He is Lord over all Kais and all Gods.”
Whoa. Even Goku was stunned by this information. “King Kai told me about you.” Is this guy as great as King Kai said? Goku still didn’t like the Supreme Kai’s interest in his son or the warning that Yamu and Spopovich will attack him, but for now, complied.
Recovered, Videl rushed to the arena. She wanted to see Gohan fight but what she saw was something she didn’t expect. Videl couldn’t translate what she was seeing but Gohan changed before her. His hair. It’s golden. His body is shining. He’s the Golden Warrior, too?! Is Gohan even human?
Gohan felt a thrill as he turned into a Super Saiyan. The surge of strength and power gave a boost to his mild-mannered behavior. Some would call it confidence. Some would call it arrogance. “I’m a Super Saiyan. What happens now? Do we fight like this?”
While Kabito was impressed with Gohan’s power, Vegeta wasn’t. “Feh. Gohan was better when he beat Cell. He slacked off his training and is a shell of himself. Peacetime has made him weak.”
“It’s still more than we imagined,” the Supreme Kai was impressed. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop this power.”
The impressiveness of the Supreme Kai began to fade in Goku’s eyes. King Kai told me about him but if he’s impressed with Gohan at this stage, then he’s not as strong as I thought.
In the stands, Gohan’s friends continued to be shocked by the secrets revealed of their mild-mannered classmate.
Erasa was almost speechless. “Is that…..?”
“Yeah,” Sharpner thought Gohan was a weakling. No wonder he bagged that college girl. “That’s the Golden Warrior. Gohan was him, too? Damn. I thought he was a beanpole.”
“I knew there was something special about him.” Erasa gleamed at Gohan’s glow. “I bet Videl knew, too. She said she was getting some secret training from Gohan for the tournament. She told me Gohan and Leska aren’t a thing anymore. I wonder… I wonder how close they’ve gotten. If Gohan’s still available, I’m going after him.”
On the other side of the stadium, ChiChi, Bulma and Yamcha heard the murmurs of civilians on Gohan’s transformation. “Weren’t there a bunch of blonde glowing people around Mr. Satan when he fought Cell?”
“Yup. Hair is different but that boy looks like one of them.”
“Does that mean we’re gonna see those special effects we saw then?” another asked. “Those boys from the junior portion did the same thing.”
“Oh, boy,” Bulma murmured under her breath. “This is not what we want.” She squeezed the bridge of her nose. “Geez, I’m gonna have TV crews all over my lawn.”
“What the hell’s Gohan thinking turning into a Super Saiyan?” Yamcha questioned. “He told everyone to not do that.”
ChiChi questioned that, too, but patiently waited for Gohan to do something and show the crowd how strong and amazing her son is. Her joy turned to horror when Spopovich and Yamu jumped into the ring. Spopovich wrapped a bulbous arm around Gohan’s neck while Yamu stabbed Gohan in his side. “Gohan!” ChiChi screamed. What were they doing to her son? Gohan couldn’t break the hold of the strange men. “Fight ‘em!” she yelled over the crowd. Gohan’s stronger than them. He should knock them off!
“This can’t be in the rules!” Gyu-Mao argued. “You can’t sabotage someone in a fight! They should be disqualified! Why isn’t the announcer doing anything?!”
Gohan’s painful scream reached ChiChi’s sensitive ears. Her baby. It didn’t matter Gohan was a young man who could take care of himself. It didn’t matter Gohan defeated Cell. Her son was in pain and needed help.
Goku! ChiChi spotted her husband with Piccolo, Krillin and Vegeta. Why aren’t you helping our son?!
If he wasn’t gonna help, she damn sure will! “Momma’s coming, Gohan!”
“ChiChi, no!” Gyu-Mao called out but ChiChi was already running down the seats, pushing and knocking over anyone in her way. “Move!” ChiChi’s booted foot stepped on a man’s shoulder. “Out of my way!” A man walking to his seat carrying food was pushed aside. “I need to save my son!” Another poor fella was tossed in the air as he blocked ChiChi’s path in reaching Gohan.
Unaware of the calamity in the stands the announcer’s commentated on Gohan’s struggle with Yamu and Spopovich. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I have no idea what’s going on but Saiyaman has been stabbed! It doesn’t look like a knife but stabbing isn’t allowed! Stop! You’re breaking the rules!”
“Fuck off!” Spopovich warned. “If anyone comes near us, we’ll kill you!”
“GOHAN!!!!!!” ChiChi was near the bottom of the seats! “Hang on! Momma’s comin’ to save you!”
“Oh, shit!” Krillin saw several people be tossed in the air by ChiChi. She was getting closer and closer. “It’s ChiChi!”
Goku saw his wife barreling down the steps and flipping over anyone in her way. She was an enraged woman on a mission. “Oh, no! This is bad!”
“No one must interfere!” Supreme Kai warned gauging Gohan as his energy continued to be drained.
“You don’t know Goku’s wife!” Krillin told him. “She can’t be stopped when her children are in danger.”
“She’s getting closer,” Goku warned. ChiChi’s strong but Goku knew she couldn’t handle Spopovich and Yamu. He would step in if they lay a finger on ChiChi. Though looking at her, one would think she can kick anyone’s ass. I should stop her but I kinda wanna see ChiChi fight.
Spopovich and Yamu were too focused on draining Gohan to notice ChiChi approaching until she kicked Yamu’s head. Similar to what Videl did to Spopovich, Yamu’s head twisted backward. Yamu dropped the device he used to drain Gohan’s energy to adjust his head. Spopovich held Gohan while ChiChi landed on her feet. She put her fists up and bounced like a boxer.
“Get your hands off my son!!!! Release him!” Yamu ignored ChiChi as he picked up his device and jammed it into Gohan again. Furious, ChiChi charged at them. “Rrraagh!”
But before ChiChi could reach them, ChiChi was suddenly lifted off her feet. A strong hand wrapped around her waist. It was seven years, but she knew that muscled body that held her before he spoke. “No, ChiChi. You can’t.”
“Goku!” ChiChi pulled on his arm. “Let me go!” Her legs kicked in the air as Goku pulled her away. “Our son needs help! Why aren’t you helping him?!” ChiChi’s hands reached back to claw at Goku’s face. “Ow. Ow. Ow,” ChiChi heard Goku whine as she grasped a piece of his hair. Good! He deserved it after watching their son be attacked and doing nothing. ChiChi wiggled her body against Goku’s. Goku always took her lightly so she knew whatever hold Goku had on her wasn’t a strong one and it was easy for her to slip out. “Let go of me!” ChiChi pulled herself free. She took two steps before Goku grabbed her and pulled her back again. “Stop it, Goku!” She wriggled and tried to wrestle her body free. “Our son----” ChiChi froze as she felt something hard pressing against her. 
ChiChi broke free and turned. She saw the familiar and meeting her husband’s face saw his sheepish grin. ChiChi smacked Goku’s chest. “Are you insane?!” ChiChi screamed. “Our son is in danger!! This is not the time to---” ChiChi was silenced when Goku pulled her against him.
The hard bulge left ChiChi speechless but the intense gaze Goku gave her, left her wet. The noise of the audience fell away. The faint sounds of her son fell silent as ChiChi only saw and felt Goku.
“Don’t do this, ChiChi. Don’t be angry. Not now,” his voice was laced with pain, lust and a plea to not push him. His eyes revealed the conflicting battle brewing in him. “ You have no idea what---”
“I know,” ChiChi finished for him. She wasn’t blind. In the years since his death, ChiChi thought of her arguments with Goku and how some started small and grew into full-blown arguments where after she calmed down, Goku wanted to make up with kissing that sometimes grew into intense sex. It took a while before ChiChi noticed a pattern of Goku instigating fights. “I know what it does, but Goku.” Gohan’s painful scream returned which caused ChiChi to release a sob. “Our son. He’s in pain.”
“He’ll be okay,” Goku promised ChiChi. “You know I’ll never let anything happen to Gohan. I didn’t with Cell and I won’t now. Trust me.”
ChiChi wept silently. She didn’t understand all of Goku’s actions but knew she could trust him to make the right decision for the safety of their family. “I do but I can’t stand our son in pain.”
Goku embraced ChiChi and shielded her from viewing and hearing Gohan’s pain. “Don’t look. Don’t listen. Close your eyes and listen to my voice. Gohan can handle it. You know that.” ChiChi closed her eyes. She gripped his arms when she heard Gohan screaming but relaxed hearing Goku soothingly talking to her. “It’s over. Kibito will return Gohan to normal. Gohan’s friend is with him. The Supreme Kai is leaving to follow those two who took Gohan’s energy. I’m gonna follow and see what’s going on.”
“What?” ChiChi broke from him. Above her, ChiChi saw the one Goku called Supreme Kai fly off. Behind her, she saw the one called Kibito leaning over Gohan. Videl was by his side, too. “Go? Go where?”
“There’s something strange going. It might be another threat to Earth.”
“No. Not again.” This couldn’t be happening again. Not on today of all days. “Why you? You can’t go. You’re only here for one day. This is our only chance, Goku.”
It might be but Goku knew he had to investigate. He needed to know why he had to stay back while Gohan got his energy drained. He needed to know what Spopovich and Yamu planned to do with Gohan’s energy. He needed to know if his return triggered bad news for Earth again.
“I guess I’ll go.” It wasn’t as if Krillin had a choice. If Goku was going, he knew he had to. “I gotta tell my wife first.”
“You’re not going anywhere!” Vegeta didn’t care when Videl and Gohan went down. He didn’t flinch when ChiChi appeared in the ring. He didn’t give a damn when the Supreme Kai followed Spopovich and Yamu but Goku announcing his intentions to leave was too damn much. “We have a duel to fight!”
Goku almost couldn’t believe Vegeta. “Vegeta, can’t you see there’s more---”
“Don’t you run out on me!” Vegeta shut Goku down. “I don’t give a damn about the Supreme Kai! I only came to this infantile tournament to settle the score between us! You will not deny me this chance!”
Wow. He’s really obsessed with a rematch. “Okay. Okay,” he gave in. “I’ll promise I fight you later even if it is not in the Budokai.”  
“Bullshit! You’re only here for one day!”
“Then come with us,” Goku encouraged him. “After we settle what’s going on, we can fight.” He flashed Vegeta a smile. It worked with ChiChi when she was angry with him. Goku hoped for the same results for Vegeta. Vegeta answered with a low growl. Ah, it was working. He was considering it.
“Enough talk,” Piccolo jumped in the air. “Let’s go!”
Goku and ChiChi went to Kibito. ChiChi knelt to Goku and stroked his hair while Goku confirmed, “You’ll take care of Gohan?”
“Yes,” Kibito promised. “And I’ll follow you. I’m sure Gohan will follow us, too.”
“No!” ChiChi protested. “Why does he have to go?”
“Gohan needs to know what’s going on,” Goku told ChiChi. “He’s the one who can protect Earth. I can’t.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m only here for a day, ChiChi. I’ll do what I can but if this can’t be resolved today, it’s up to Gohan.” There was also King Kai’s warning he do not interfere in the affairs of the living. ChiChi was too emotional right not to accept that.
“But the prize money,” ChiChi tried again to convince Goku to stay. “If you and Gohan don’t win it…..” Goten’s money wasn’t enough and the last thing ChiChi wanted was to burden Goku on the troubles at home. “Goku, I need you to win this money for us.”
“Why? Your Dad has plenty of money. You’ll be fine.”
“But, Goku…..”
Goku jumped in the air. He couldn’t stay to talk. He needed to leave. What ChiChi wanted to say had to wait. “I gotta go catch up with the Supreme Kai, ChiChi. We’ll talk when I get back,” Goku promised as he flew off.   
“Jackass,” Vegeta snarled as he watched Goku fly off. His departure lessened the chance of a rematch. It was in the cards! It was fate!! The tournament decided they will fight in the first round. It was meant to be!
Our rematch.
If he didn’t follow him, Vegeta knew he would not get his rematch and he wanted that rematch.
I’ll promise I fight you later even if it is not in the Budokai.
“Damn him!” Vegeta growled and flew after Goku. “How does he always get under my skin?!”
18 watched her husband fly off. She was worried. She wanted to go with her husband to protect him but she needed to win money for the family. He better not be harmed. She noticed her friend standing over her son worried as Kibito revives Gohan. She must be a wreck inside.
As ChiChi patted Gohan down to make sure he was all right Gohan was baffled at ChiChi being on the arena floor. “Mom?” He thought he heard her voice but thought he was delusional. “What are you doing here?” Gohan looked around and noticed everyone except 18 was gone. “Where did my Dad go?”
“Follow if you want the story,” Kibito answered before he flew off.
He was going to but Gohan turned to his mother first. He expected her to tell him to stay but she needed to know he had to go. “I know I can’t stop you,” ChiChi surprised Gohan, “but promise you and your Dad will be safe. I lost your father. I can’t lose you, too.”
“I promise, Mom, and with Dad here, you know I’ll be all right.”
“I want to come with you.” Videl didn’t want to be left out. Gohan owed her an explanation. When he changed, it sparked a deep memory from her childhood. Seeing Gohan’s Dad and his friends fly off took Videl back to seven years ago when she prayed her father beat Cell. She needed to follow to know if what she now suspected was true. “There are so many things I don’t know and I want to know.”
“Videl,” ChiChi intervened, “you almost died. You can’t go where Gohan’s going.”
“This might be dangerous,” Gohan added, but he knew she wouldn’t listen. She was too stubborn.
“I won’t get in the way,” Videl promised, “but I’ll follow even if you say no.”
Knew it. “Will you promise to pull out if it gets dangerous?”
“I will,” Videl agreed.
A worried ChiChi watched her son and Videl fly off unaware of 18 standing by. “Looks like I will be the winner. No competition.” 18 heard the conversation between ChiChi and Goku. ChiChi never said it to her but 18 suspected there were money issues. “I’ll share some of my money with you.”
“No,” ChiChi turned down her friend. “You don’t have to share with me. Goten won five million zeni. That’s enough for us. Use that ten million zeni to find a nice place for your family. Get my goddaughter out of that pervert’s house.”
ChiChi said it with a smile but the blonde was stoic. “You haven’t said anything but I know you are having money problems, ChiChi. I’ve noticed some things.”
“What things?”
“You’ve been borrowing from your Dad since I’ve known you. Now you want to grow a garden to sell food and start a catering business. Why are suddenly wanting to make money unless you need to? And…. your house is becoming run down.”
“No, it’s not!”
“ChiChi,” 18 turned a blind eye but not anymore, “the walls need painting. I’ve noticed when I visit you sit in the same seat on your sofa or it’s always covered so Marron and I can’t sit. The knobs on your bathroom sink in the hall broke when Marron used it. You are missing some tiles on the shower wall.”
ChiChi hoped no one noticed. “I told Goten to always keep the shower curtain closed when we have guests. I don’t use the washer when Gohan and Goten are home,” ChiChi confessed. “It makes loud noises. I thought about having Aki look at it but he’ll tell me it needs new parts or I need a new washer. I’ve always paid him but I can’t now. Does anyone else know?”
“No. No one’s said anything. I don’t think they’ve noticed. They seem to still gloss over things with you. I’ll keep quiet,” 18 promised, “but I’ll also help you.”
“I will win enough for both of us. I’m not leaving with ten million zeni. I’m leaving with more.”
“But how?” ChiChi didn’t understand. “Ten million is the top prize.”
18 flipped her blonde hair. She spotted Mr. Satan from the corner of her left eye. He’s had his eyes on her ever since Videl flew off with Gohan. He was her opponent and she knew exactly what she had to do to win enough money for her and ChiChi’s families. “Don’t worry. I have a plan.”
Flying with Supreme Kai, Goku learned who would Gohan’s energy. A wizard named Bobbidi needed it to release Majin Boo so he could continue his destruction in the universe. He learned Earth was Bobbidi’s next target before Majin Boo was sealed and hidden on Earth when very few humans existed. This was some relief to Goku since it meant he wasn’t the cause of the evil. It had been on Earth for hundreds of years before he came. With the threat of Majin Boo coming unreleased, Earth was a target and that meant ChiChi, Gohan and Goten were in danger and he had to protect them.
“Warlocks take advantage of the evil within people. Bobbidi controls them.” The Kai explained what happened to Spopovich and Yamu. “Let’s hope he doesn’t have anyone formidable on his side.”
“Why’d you leave this Djinn lying around if you knew what it could do?” Goku understood it was safe to leave Majin Boo here when few humans existed but there were millions of people on Earth now.
“We didn’t know what could break the seal. We thought only Bibbidi could unseal Majin Boo and I killed him. Keeping Majin Boo here was the safest decision. I didn’t know he had a son. Bobbidi.”
Bobbidi can tap into the evil of people. Red Ribbon Army. King Piccolo. Raditz. Vegeta. Nappa. So many chances Majin Boo could’ve been released. Goku thought of the group with him. Vegeta and Piccolo ain’t evil but they do have dark sides. At least they’re too stubborn to fall for Bobbidi’s tricks.
Gohan! Goku was relieved he joined them. Kibito kept his word and restored Gohan but as he felt Gohan’s Ki, Goku noticed Kibito didn’t restore all of Gohan’s power. If we had more senzu beans, I’d give Gohan one but we need to conserve the two we have for an emergency.
“Sorry, I’m late,” Gohan apologized. “Videl was with us but she decided to go back. She’ll let everyone know what’s going on.”
Videl felt a huge weight lift from her shoulders. She flew alone on her way back to the tournament to let Gohan’s family and friends know what was going on. She wanted to join Gohan but accepted the truth. She wasn’t strong or fast enough to keep up with Gohan and Kibito and tagging along would only hold Gohan back.
But before she parted. She finally got the truth. For years, she believed her father when he told her he beat Cell. At nine, her Dad was so strong in her eyes. Videl believed no one could defeat her Dad.
But in the last month, the Golden Warrior and Saiyaman (both Gohan) planted seeds of doubt. Gohan can fly. Gohan can create energy from his hands. All the things she saw at the Cell Game; the things her father told her were special effects were a lie. 
When Gohan changed into the Golden Warrior in front of Kibito, Videl remembered the fighters at the Cell Game. She remembered the ones with golden hair. Among them was a boy. If that boy was Gohan, then the man who fought Cell first was Gohan’s father. It had to be him but if he is Gohan’s father then….
“How long has it been since you’ve seen your Dad?”
“Seven years.”
“How many fights have you been in?”
“A few. My last one was seven years ago. Dad wanted me to fight someone I didn’t expect to fight.”
“The guy with the halo is my Dad.”
“Your Dad. The one you said is dead but divorced your Mom?”
“No, he’s dead. Didn’t you see the halo over his head?”
It made sense now. It explained why Gohan was happy to see his Dad. It explained his absence for seven years. It explained what Gohan’s friend, Leska, told her.
“I didn’t see anything in that fight with Cell to make me think your Dad beat him. He got knocked out of the ring.”
“Yeah,” Videl agreed with that, “but he came back later to beat Cell after those other people failed.”
“I didn’t see a video of that. The last video anyone saw was some kid fighting Cell after some big, blonde guy fought him. Maybe they defeated Cell.”
Videl was so angry Leska spoke so poorly of her father but the young woman spoke the truth. Gohan, his Dad and friends fought Cell. They were the ones to beat him. His Dad died in that fight. Videl didn’t know how he could be on Earth if he was dead but she knew it wasn’t her father who defeated Cell.
Dad lied and he made his fortune off what Gohan’s Dad and his friends did. Another realization struck Videl. Gohan’s mother. She was so shocked to learn who her father was. She was so angry that day.
No wonder Gohan’s mother was mad. All the money Dad’s made. It should’ve gone to Gohan’s family.
Videl felt sick to her stomach. All the times she admired her father; all the times she thought he was the strongest and beat Cell; all the pressure she felt to be as strong as her Dad. He was her motivation to get stronger. She worked with the police and fought criminals because she thought that was the training she needed to be as strong as him.  
All this time, Dad lied to me. He made me think I was stronger than what I am. Videl’s heart raced as she thought of all the times she went with the police to fight criminals. Videl never feared being shot or hurt because she was so confident she could beat up anyone. Her Dad defeated Cell so she thought she was strong, too.
”Akuji,” Videl whispered. That criminal could’ve killed her if not for Gohan. “Spopovich.” Videl shut her eyes recalling the recent beating she took. She heard the pleas to quit but didn’t because she was Mr. Satan’s daughter, the man who defeated Cell. I could’ve been killed because of a lie.
The dark truth rattled Videl. It shocked her. It angered her. Videl flew faster. She was going to confront her father and she didn’t care if he was in the middle of a match. She was going to make him confess his misdeeds and for the first time in seven years, do the right thing.
That was her plan until she saw Goten and the winner of the Junior Division flying towards her. Videl explained to the boys where their fathers and Gohan went. If she knew they were going to fly off and join the fight, she wouldn’t have told them. Where they were going was dangerous. Even they can fly faster than me.  Videl flew on. She had to inform Gohan’s mother on what was going and confront her father.
As Vegeta thought, the Supreme Kai and Kibito weren’t very powerful. They were the most incompetent otherworldly beings he ever came across. They needed Gohan’s power to find Bobbidi. They weren’t aware of Bobbidi hiding his spaceship underground. They were unaware of the Demon King, Dabura under his control.
Their lack of awareness convinced Goku to send Krillin away. Vegeta agreed that was a smart choice. He was the weakest among the group, but before Krillin could leave, the group was shocked by Spopovich and Yamu’s sudden death by Bobbidi and Dabura discovering them. Dabura killed Kibito and spat on Piccolo and Krillin, turning them to stone.
Vegeta, Goku and Gohan ignored the Supreme Kai and followed Dabura down the shaft to Bobbidi’s ship. They had to reverse the spit curse on Piccolo and Krillin. They used Rock, Paper and Scissors to see who will go first. Vegeta demanded they keep playing until he won. Vegeta wanted to go first. He wanted to show how strong he’s gotten in seven years.
But Pocus wasn’t a challenge. Even when Bobbidi changed the environment to give Pocus an advantage, he was still outmatched by Vegeta who killed with little effort. Their next opponent was Yakon and Goku was up next. Vegeta knew Goku trained so he was eager to see how much stronger he’s gotten. Not stronger than him. Vegeta was confident of that but he was also getting impatient. He wanted these matches to end. From what he saw, all these beings Supreme Kai feared were beneath all of them. Maybe seven years ago, they might have been a challenge but not now. Not even Dabura. His speed and strength weren’t impressive. As long as they avoided his spit, Vegeta thought he was beatable.
Yakon was fast but no threat. Bobbidi was up to his usual tricks making the environment an advantage to his stooges. He darkened the room to pitch black. Goku had a trick for that by turning into a Super Saiyan to light up the room. Vegeta conceded that would’ve been his next step, too, and it would’ve given Yakon a great advantage for he would’ve sucked the Super Saiyan power out of him like he did Goku and return him to base form.
Kakarrot will struggle against this one. Yakon is too strong to beat in base form alone. Vegeta contemplated it would be a struggle for him, too. How to beat an opponent with Super Saiyan energy without transforming into one? Even if I had the power to change again, that bastard would eat my power and get stronger.
“I’m gonna handle this myself!” Goku rejected Gohan’s offer to help and transformed into a Super Saiyan again.
What the fuck is that idiot doing? He’s gonna give Yakon more power.
“He is being stupid!” The Supreme Kai disapproved of Goku’s decision. “Why do you all insist on fighting alone! This isn’t a game!”
“He is not stupid!” Vegeta didn’t know what the hell Goku was going to do but he knew Goku wasn’t stupid. Besides, only he can call Goku an idiot. “He has a plan.” Kakarrot wouldn’t turn into a Super Saiyan unless he knew how to win. The Supreme Kai is an incompetent God and fool. Yakon sucked more of Goku’s energy but he didn’t return to base form. Goku’s Ki kept rising. He’s feeding him. Is Kakarrot trying to overload him? Vegeta kept watching Yakon grow fatter and fatter and felt Goku’s ki rising higher and higher until Goku blasted a large blast of his ki into Yakon he blew up like a popped balloon.
What….the… fuck.
“I see.” Vegeta figured it out.
“Hey! The ground opened up!” Goku returned to base form and jumped down to the next level with Gohan. A stunned Supreme Kai and Vegeta followed.
That son of a dick passed the Super Saiyan wall, too. Dammit to hell! I trained all these years and that jackass surpasses me again! If I gave all that power to Yakon, I wouldn’t be able to maintain my Super Saiyan form.
“You’re up next, Gohan,” Goku was eager for this match. “I can’t wait to see how much stronger you are.”
“Feh,” Vegeta scoffed. You’re in for disappointment, Kakarrot. “Gohan used peace as an excuse to slack off. We’re stronger than him.” And Kakarrot is stronger than me again! “But who knows how Gohan will be when he’s angry.” As soon as we beat these minions of Bobbidi, Kakarrot will want to fight. He’ll kick my ass.  
Vegeta couldn’t let that happen. He would not be humiliated again. This is my only chance to restore myself as the true Prince of Saiyans. I won’t let Kakarrot win. He has the blood of Third Class Warriors. I have the blood of royal warriors!
He watched Goku happily chat with Gohan. Vegeta didn’t understand how Goku could be stronger than him. Their first encounter caught him off guard. He never expected one from a line of Third Class Warriors to inflict pain on him; to force him to change into an Oozaru to get the upper hand. It never should’ve come to that. He never should’ve been forced to beg Goku with his dying breath to stop Freeza. It shouldn’t have been him to sacrifice himself to Cell with his son delivering the final blow. All those victories should’ve gone to him, the Prince of Saiyans. From a young child, Vegeta knew he was destined for greatness.
“Don’t worry, Young Prince. I have the edge because I’m older and you’re still a child.”
The words didn’t please young Vegeta. Being a child didn’t mean anything. He’s killed many and yet he couldn’t best Nappa, his guardian and escort. He was older and had elite blood but Vegeta felt he should’ve surpassed him by now.   
“You can still kick Raditz’s ass.” Although that didn’t mean much in Nappa’s eyes. “He is the trash of a Third Class Warrior.” Nappa checked the other Saiyan child. He was staring off into space again. He had some injuries from the last battle but had potential. His power reading at birth was phenomenal. To be a child of a Third Class Saiyan traveling with the Saiyan Prince was an honor, but lately, the child was showing weakness. “He needs to toughen up. He’s still upset about our planet. If it weren’t only us left, I’d kill him so his weakness doesn’t spill over and contaminate us.”
“Contaminate?” Vegeta knew of Raditz’s struggle. He wasn’t bothered by it. He understood. “He misses his parents. He had a chance to see his father before he left on his mission. He didn’t see his mother before he left.” Vegeta didn’t talk to his father before he left with Nappa. If he had known the last time was the final time……
“Uh!” Vegeta dropped to the floor after Nappa’s fist smashed his face. That blow rattled his body. He got hits like this from Nappa before but only in training. “What the fuck was that for?!”
“You’re being contaminated. Emotions weaken us, Vegeta. Sentimentality over the dead weakens us. That soft-hearted shit will get you killed.”
“He won’t weaken me. I only---”
“You’re the Prince of Saiyans. That means you are meant to be stronger than all of us. You are meant to be stronger than your father. It’s in your blood. To keep that strength, you need to be cold and ruthless and discard any trash or even a Third Class Warrior can knock you off your mantle.” Nappa scoffed. “What kind of Saiyan Prince could you be if you let that happen?”
Vegeta snarled as he watched the son of a Third Class Warrior who excel him again watch his son battle Dabura. How did he excel me again? The skies above him rattled as Gohan and Dabura traded punches. How did that brat excel me? I should’ve been the one to defeat Cell and this child from the lineage of a Third Class Warrior defeated him.
What kind of Saiyan Prince could you be if you let that happen?
A soft-hearted sentimental fool. That’s what Vegeta saw himself as. He had every opportunity in seven years to excel Gohan and Goku.
Where did I go wrong?
Bulma and Trunks popped into his mind.
Emotions weaken us, Vegeta. That soft-hearted shit will get you killed.
It didn’t start that way. It just happened. A fling produced a child he did not want. He didn’t bother to save the babe when he and Bulma’s lives were threatened. But in those seven years, something happened.
We have a second chance compared to ourselves in our son’s alternate future. Our future is unwritten. We can make it what we want.
I want you to teach me to be strong like you. I wanna know how to fight.
Come on, Vegeta. It’s a day in the park with me and Trunks. What’s wrong with that?
Thanks for taking me to the park, Dad.
Vegeta…. I love you.
“I won’t imagine everything you’ve been through but you do have things in common with my Goku. He was alone, too. All he knew was fighting. He was never exposed to another way of life until we married. It was an adjustment for him. It didn’t make him soft and gullible and it won’t happen to you either. It will make you stronger.”
“Goku enjoyed fighting a strong opponent but having someone to protect gave him that extra motivation to not give up. Imagine what it will do for you.”
Emotions weaken us, Vegeta. That soft-hearted shit will get you killed.
Fuck. It didn’t get him killed… yet but it did weaken him. What made it horrific is Vegeta didn’t hate the changes in him. He liked it.
Fuck. Nappa would be disappointed in him. Gohan wasted his potential but Vegeta saw the seven years as a waste of his potential. He needed to be the warrior he was before he came to Earth.
To keep that strength, you need to be cold and ruthless and discard any trash.
Bulma and Trunks appeared in his mind again. No. They weren’t trash. They were…. a slight hinderance. He can have them and still be the warrior he’s meant to be.
I need to be the man I was.
But that would take years. He didn’t have years. Goku was leaving in a day. He had to fight him. He had to defeat him.
How can I be that warrior again?
“Warlocks take advantage of the evil within people…….as he did with Spopovich and Yamu.”
Vegeta discarded that information from the Supreme Kai but now he saw it as useful. Could Bobbidi make me the warrior I was?
It went against him to subject himself to that. He didn’t take power from anyone.  Kakarrot is leaving in a day. I need to defeat him.
As Vegeta wrestled on what to do, he watched Gohan battle Dabura. After a few minutes, it was starting to get to him. Gohan was putting up a poor show against Dabura. He was missing his target and Dabura retaliated with Ki and blows that sent Gohan crashing into the ground and lakes around them. Vegeta saw the frustration on Gohan’s face. He knew he should be better and he wasn’t.
Dabura is strong but he’s beatable. Gohan at nine would’ve pummeled him. What a fucking embarrassment. Vegeta checked Goku. His eyes were focused on the battle. He revealed nothing. What are you thinking, Kakarrot? Are you disappointed in your son, too?
“So, he uses magic,” Goku said after a long silence of watching Gohan. “He’s tougher than I thought.”
You’re making excuses for your son. “He shouldn’t have this much trouble with him, Kakarrot. Pathetic.”
Goku blinked and for a second Vegeta saw a flicker of change in Goku’s eyes. Was he ready to acknowledge what Vegeta thought? “He really has been slacking.”
Slacking my ass. He’s a complete embarrassment to the Saiyan lineage! All that power! All that strength coursing through him and he wastes it! If I had his power, I could’ve beaten Freeza. I could’ve beaten Cell. I could be the strongest Saiyan and Kakarrot could never reach me!! I’d give anything to have that power!
The more Gohan and Dabura battled, the angrier Vegeta got. He saw every error Gohan made. He saw every missed opportunity for Gohan to strike back and deliver a final blow to Dabura squandered. All that fucking power going to waste. Studying. Socializing. What a fucking waste.
It was when Gohan was huffing and puffing exhausted while Dabura stood unopposed that finally pissed off Vegeta. It was no longer a matter of waiting for Gohan to beat Dabura. The Saiyan pride was on the line.
“Fuck it!” Vegeta lost his temper. “Now, I’m annoyed. I’ll finish off Dabura.” Goku tried to plead with Vegeta to wait and let Gohan keep fighting but Vegeta saw enough. “This damn fight is taking too long. I don’t care about any of this shit! I just want to fight you! That’s why I went to the damn tournament. That’s why I followed you here. I want to fight you and if I have to fight Dabura so I can get my match with you, so be it!”
I’ll even take power from Bobiddi.
Vegeta’s rant got Goku’s attention. It worried him. Vegeta was too blind and consumed with him to see what was important. Vegeta, I thought you changed.
The scenery around them returned to the waiting area of the ship. Dabura departed but left a cryptic warning a new fighter will emerge.
Does he mean me? Vegeta wondered. My outburst should’ve gotten his attention.
“Ahhh!” Sharp stabbing pain hit his head suddenly.
Hello, Vegeta.
Dark energy poured into him. He felt sickened and wanted to reject it but there was something familiar about this power. It felt…. good in a way. The power pulled memories of his past; memories of him happily slaughtering innocent civilians with Nappa and Raditz.
Vegeta… don’t you want to come to bed? You trained enough for today.
Bulma appeared in his mind again. She wore a lacy red lingerie. “Rrgh!” he willed the image away. He couldn’t think of her. If he did, he’ll think of……
I can be as strong as you, Dad. You’ll see.
No! No! Vegeta welcomed Bobbidi’s wickedness. It erased Bulma and Trunks from his mind. Ah, yes. This is what he needed. He could feel his power surging in him. He felt stronger, darker.
Vegeta could hear the Supreme Kai warning him to empty his mind so he couldn’t consume it. Gohan called out to him but Vegeta ignored them. This is what he needed. This is what he was missing. With this power, he can finally defeat…..
Vegeta…. I love you.
Thanks for taking me to the park, Dad. You’re the best.
Wow! Dad, you’re so strong!!
Vegeta… being with you, makes me happy.
Emotions weaken us, Vegeta. That soft-hearted shit will get you killed.
You’re the Prince of Saiyans. It’s in your blood. To keep that strength, you need to be cold and ruthless and discard any trash or even a Third Class Warrior can knock you off your mantle.
A Third Class Warrior.
Vegeta saw Goku staring at him. He could feel the Saiyan’s shock and fear. It thrilled Vegeta. Bulma and Trunks faded from his mind as he let Bobbidi’s power consume him. All he saw was Goku. That was what mattered. And the power he was getting will finally allow him to topple and destroy this lowly spawn of the Third Class Warrior for good.
Vegeta felt a burning on his forehead as the Majin emblem was branded on him. A small price to pay to defeat you, Kakarrot. Nothing will get in my way. Not Bulma. Not Trunks. Nothing!!!
Vegeta cackled. Ah, he hadn’t felt this good in years!!! The shock and horror on Goku and Gohan’s faces were delightful. He only wanted to defeat Goku but felt like destroying Gohan for kicks. It’d show him to now waste his latent power.
Vegeta thought the battle would take place on the ship but Bobbidi surprised them by transporting them back to the arena of the Tenkaichi Budokai.
Bulma rolled her eyes at Mr. Satan celebrating his victory over 18. A battle royale was decided to determine the outcome of the Tenkaichi Budokai. The finale was between 18 and Mr. Satan with 18 throwing the match for him. Bulma initially thought Goku, Vegeta, Gohan or Piccolo would overthrow that arrogant cheater. “We’ll have to hear his gloating for more years to come.”
“It’s probably the best outcome,” Yamcha thought. “You and ChiChi wouldn’t want reporters harassing you if Goku, Vegeta or Gohan won.”
Bulma complained earlier but with her compound, she was safe from reporters. She might run into issues when going out with Vegeta. He’d likely cause a scene destroying cameras and property. ChiChi lived too far out for any reporters to harass her she thought. 18 lived on Master Roshi’s island. She and Krillin were safe. “Where the hell are they anyway? They left over an hour ago.”
“I’m more concerned about Goten and Trunks.” Bulma used her name and money to bypass security and visit the arena grounds where the remaining fighters remained. They visited 18 after her loss but couldn’t find their sons. “They’re not here.” After 18 exposed them in the Battle Royale, ChiChi hoped Goten and Trunks would be here but they flew off and she had a sick feeling where they could’ve gone.
Aki stood with Gyu-Mao. “Your Majesty, do you think Goku will be coming back?”
“I don’t know but you and everyone shouldn’t wait. Go home. It’s a long trip back.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Aki looked over at his family. His son was asleep and his daughters looked bored. He checked on Mrs. Niver and Kaifun. Kaifun handed her a cup of water. The old woman looked tired. He didn’t have love for her but thought they should go home for her sake. “We’ll go. About the money….”
“Don’t worry about it,” Gyu-Mao told Aki. “It’s my problem.”
“It’s gonna be a bigger problem in a few days. You can bet Mrs. Niver will gossip about it to everyone.” Aki signaled to his family and Kaifun that they were leaving when Goku, Gohan and Vegeta suddenly appeared. “Oh, they’re back!” Aki was going to joke he could push Mr. Satan out of the ring and win when Vegeta flared up his power and knocked the announcer into the air and Mr. Satan off the stage.
No one knew what was going on but they all knew it wasn’t good. “What’s Vegeta doing?” Bulma worried as he pointed at Goku. ChiChi screamed as Vegeta fired on Goku. Goku protected himself but the power from Vegeta was pushing him out of the ring. If Goku doesn’t stop him….. “Vegeta, no!!”  Bulma shouted as Goku couldn’t contain Vegeta’s Ki anymore. He was pushed aside leaving a large group of fans unprotected as they were consumed by Vegeta’s blast. His attack went further, traveling outside the arena and destroying anyone in its path for miles. He killed them. “What’s wrong with you?!”
Bulma’s screaming didn’t reach Vegeta. Too many people were in a panic as they screamed and rushed out of the arena.
“Something must have happened to him,” Bulma tried to find a reason for Vegeta’s action. “He must be possessed. Vegeta wouldn’t knowingly kill anyone. He’s not that man anymore.”
“Are you sure?” From Yamcha’s view, he was still that man. Something was different. Maybe it was that emblem on Vegeta’s forehead but Yamcha had seen that look before when Vegeta wanted to kill him years ago. “It looks like he’s picking up from where he left off.”
Vegeta had the same feeling as he stared at Goku. He looked at the destruction he created with pride. That blast must have gone for miles, destroying any building, any car, any person in its path. It felt so good to no longer feel remorse or compassion. It felt so good to freely kill again.
And yes, it felt so good to have Goku look at him this way again. He looked repulsed. He looked angry. He looked as if he wanted to fight him again.
Now, Kakarrot, fight me. Unless you want to add more corpses to that pile.”
The smirk. The blind evil in his eyes. This aura around him. This darkness. Goku hadn’t seen this look in Vegeta or felt this energy in him since their fight so many years ago. He wasn’t like this when dealing with the Artificial Humans or Cell. Year after year, Goku felt Vegeta drifting from the dark, heartless warrior he was. He thought after seven years, seven years of peace, seven years of Bulma and Trunks……
The only reason I came to this infantile game was to settle with you one-on-one.
You’ve only got one day back in this world.
I don’t care about any of this!!! I just want to get it over with and fight you!! That’s why I went to that stupid tournament!!
Vegeta….The truth stared at Goku. You did this…. you turned your back on everything for this? The truth stared at Goku but he didn’t want to believe it. He needed Vegeta to say it. “Vegeta, did you let Bobbidi control you on purpose?
Still stalling our destiny, Kakarrot? Vegeta raised his right hand summoning a ball of Ki from it. Killing hundreds of people wasn’t enough for you, Kakarrot? Perhaps I need to hit closer to home. He extended his hand toward the audience. If they don’t move, they won’t get caught in the blast. If they do, oh, well. I will sacrifice anyone to have you fight me, Kakarrot.
“Wait a second,” Yamcha stepped back. “Is Vegeta aiming at us?”
“No….” Bulma saw it and didn’t believe it. “He wouldn’t.”
He’s bluffing. Goku could feel where Vegeta could strike. Locking eyes with Vegeta, Goku reached out to him mentally. Don’t do this, Vegeta! This is not you. You are not that man anymore!
I’m not? Let me rectify that! Vegeta hurled the destructive energy at the audience.
“It’s coming this way!” Yamcha screamed!
Aki didn’t know anything about Ki but he knew what was coming towards them was deadly. He also knew there wasn’t time for everyone to get away. He acted as a husband and father. He shielded himself over his wife and kids. They’ll be evaporated immediately. His only hope was they not feel a thing.
Kaifun was paralyzed with fear. He knew Goku and his group of friends were powerful but he never witnessed it displayed in close proximity. His eyes wouldn’t leave the gaping hole of the arena created by Vegeta. Now the one called Vegeta was aiming at them, he couldn’t make his legs move.
“Move!” Mrs. Niver pushed Kaifun out of the way. She was old and slower but had a strong mindset to get away from danger. She knew it was a bad idea coming here. She knew she shouldn’t listen to Kaifun. He wanted to apologize to the waste of sperm. That waste of sperm couldn’t save those people slaughtered by that balding fool. Mrs. Niver wasn’t going to rely on Goku to save her.
Kaifun saw his grandmother moving away with the panicking crowd. Seeing her escaping was the jolt he needed to move. “Grandma!” He called for her.
“It’s coming this way!” Kaifun heard someone say. He saw the ki of energy coming in his direction but from the angle it moved, he knew in the split second before everything changed forever, it wasn’t coming towards him. He turned, looking a few feet away, at where it will hit and who will be killed.
“GRANDMA!!!!!” Kaifun’s chilling scream was as loud as Mrs. Niver’s horrific scream as she and the group around her were impacted by the heat from Vegeta’s Ki blast. Bodies went flying in the air. Mrs. Niver’s was too close to fly. Her body was consumed with many others, vaporizing before Kaifun’s horrified eyes with only her burning cane the lingering proof of her existence.
ChiChi covered her mouth. Mrs. Niver. Oh, my….. She couldn’t believe it. She was gone. Shock. That’s all ChiChi could feel. Pure shock. Kaifun was on his knees crying for his grandmother. ChiChi and Gyu-Mao stood in stone silence as everyone else. Aki was the first to act. After checking on his family, he went to Kaifun, knelt to him and whispered something in his ear. His words got Kaifun on his feet.
“Kaifun,” Gyu-Mao tried to say something to comfort him but words wouldn’t come out. Mrs. Niver hadn’t been on good terms with his family for years but there was a time when things were good between them. No matter the things the old woman said, Gyu-Mao didn’t think the woman deserved that fate.
Goku also watched the fate of Mrs. Niver conflicted. He knew the woman had no love for him. He was indifferent to her and her hate but did she deserve that?
“Help us, Mr. Satan!”
“You defeated Cell! Kill this guy, too!!”
Mark looked around the arena. People were running and screaming but some were staying and cheering him to do something. He was the World Champ but he couldn’t fight these freaks of nature! What do they want me to do? Get killed?!
Cries and pleas for help scattered through the destroyed arena but Goku’s sole focus was on the group near Vegeta’s latest attack. Aki huddled his family close together. Kaifun was shellshocked. Gyu-Mao, Yamcha and Master Roshi were grim over the change of events. Bulma looked broken. He couldn’t imagine what she was thinking over this. Lastly, his eyes fell on ChiChi. Shock, fear and disbelief were on her face but something else, too. Lost. He felt that lost, too. The plans they had for today were lost. The happy memories they wanted to form for their family of four were lost. What they wanted for each other alone was lost.
Once again, they had to sacrifice their wants and needs for the world. Looking away from ChiChi, Goku said goodbye to that loss and opened himself to the anger and disappointment at the one across from him. Goku welcomed the rage as he transformed into a Super Saiyan.
“Don’t do it, Son Goku!” The Supreme Kai pleaded. “This is what Bobbidi wants! He’ll absorb your energy and awaken Boo.”
Goku knew that. Any scenario he thought of now led to Boo’s awakening. Was I selfish in coming back? I stayed dead to protect Earth from any future threats. On the day I return, Vegeta falls to the dark side again, many are dead and a powerful being is on the verge of awakening and killing everyone.
Goku glared at Vegeta who proudly smirked at him. The Saiyan Prince knew he had Goku against the wall, and after killing and turning his back on everything he built, he will get the fight he had been denied for years and reclaim his pride. Damn you, Vegeta. Don’t you see what you’ve done? Don’t you see what that damn pride is costing you?
Goku agreed to the fight if taken to an isolated place where no one will be caught in the crossfire of their match. The Supreme Kai tried to intervene but failed and accepted he and Gohan would do better battling Bobbidi and Dabura again. Bobbidi ordered Vegeta to kill everyone now but the Saiyan Prince’s powerful defiance only cemented to Goku how desperate Vegeta was to submit his body and soul to Bobbidi in order to fight him.
Before leaving, Goku handed Gohan a senzu bean and gave him a parting encouragement to win. He knew Gohan felt guilty about how he handled Dabura but he still believed in his son to win. He was rusty and not at full strength but a little guidance would put him on the right path.
Bobbidi honored Goku’s wish and transferred him and Vegeta to a desert. The terrain was familiar to their first match. As he faced off against Vegeta, Goku debated how to battle Vegeta. Super Saiyan Three can quickly end the fight but the price of that is his time on Earth shriveling up. Goku knew he couldn’t come back to Earth after this and wanted one more moment with his family. Dammit, Vegeta! After all these years….. I thought settling on Earth would change you like it did me.
���I don’t want to give Boo more energy so I will end this quickly at full power.” Not completed full power but as far as Goku can go without draining his time away. If Vegeta learns about Super Saiyan Three…
“I’m looking forward to seeing the fruits of your training in the afterlife.” Give me everything, Kakarrot. It won’t be enough. I’ll still defeat you!
“Rrrh!” Goku snarled summoning his Ki to raise his powers above the ascension of a Super Saiyan but below the threshold of Super Saiyan Three.
Impressive thought Vegeta but it fell below Vegeta’s new power. There was some good to his deal with Bobbidi after all. “Pretty good. You’re stronger than Gohan. Rraggh!” Sparkles of electricity crackled around Vegeta as his new power edged Goku’s. The surprise on Goku’s face thrilled and empowered him. Not so confident it will be an easy fight, are you, Kakarrot? “Come on!!!” Vegeta challenged Goku. “I’ll kill you!”
I’m already dead, Jackass. It was so tempting to become Super Saiyan Three but Goku restrained himself. He needed to conserve his time on Earth as long as possible. After defeating Vegeta, he had to get to Gohan. He knew Gohan and the Supreme Kai will need help against Bobbidi and Dabura.
Vegeta struck first. He swung his leg at Goku who put up an arm to block. The power behind Vegeta’s kick stunned Goku. Being dead, saved Goku from having broken bones and this blow would’ve fractured his arm if he were alive. It was stunning to feel this pain rippling through him in years. None of the fighters on the Grand Kai’s planet could evoke this level of pangs.
Damn! Goku cursed seeing Vegeta throw a punch at him. Instead of blocking, Goku caught it. Shit! Vegeta threw another punch and Goku caught that one. Goku thrust up a leg to block Vegeta’s kick. They were in a deadlock; hand clutching hand; leg blocking knee.
“Argh!” Goku growled as Vegeta headbutted him. His hands slipped from Vegeta’s as he was knocked back. His head rattled as one eye shut wincing in pain. I think that pierced my skin! Wait… Goku looked around. Vegeta wasn’t in front of him. He quickly turned with only seconds to react as Vegeta barreled down with another attack. Goku retaliated with a powerful kick of his own knocking Vegeta away.
The Saiyan Prince caught himself flipping in the air before dropping down for a landing. Death didn’t slow Kakarrot down one bit. He’s still sharp.
Goku mirrored the same smirk as Vegeta. You always kept me on my toes. At least that part of you hasn’t changed.
“It’s a shame,” said Goku as he caught his breath. “All that pride and you succumb to cheating to try to defeat me. Where’s that arrogant, prideful Saiyan I knew that wouldn’t stoop this low?”
“He’s right here ready to defeat you and reclaim the throne as the strongest Saiyan.”
Maybe this Vegeta was here all this time and he was too blind to see it. When he wanted something, Goku was blind to see the reality. He wanted to train Gohan and make him strong. When he got the chance, he thought Gohan would be like him in terms of fighting but realized almost too late that Gohan didn’t fight like him. When his fight with Vegeta ended all those years ago, Goku told Krillin to spare his life because he saw a potential sparring buddy. The opportunity to see that happen was lost with his death against Cell but even without it, Goku now wondered if he ever could’ve turned Vegeta into a sparring partner.
“You’re right, Vegeta. You never changed. Even from our first fight, you couldn’t handle me having the edge and changed into an Oozaru but this is worse. Do you know what submitting to Bobbidi has cost you?!”
Cost him? It gained him everything! “It cost me nothing! It got my pride back! It made me the strong, ruthless, cold-blooded Saiyan again!!!!!”
“It cost you your family!!”
Bulma’s smile and Trunks’ laugh and awe at him appeared in Vegeta’s mind again but Vegeta brushed it away. He will not think of them. He needed to focus all his concentration on defeating this low-class Saiyan! That’s all that mattered. “As if you know Bulma.”
“I know she dropped Yamcha for you. I know she put up more with you than with Yamcha because she believed you were a changed man. Everyone’s always making sacrifices for you and your damn pride, Vegeta. Even me. Do you know what I gave up to give you this fight?!”
Now Goku felt his normal cool falling and his anger rising. He had one day. One day to connect with ChiChi, Gohan and Goten and thanks to Vegeta, he lost it. His clenched fist collided against Vegeta’s face spilling blood from his mouth. “Time with Gohan!” Another folded fist impacted hard against the other side of Vegeta’s face. “Time with Goten!” Vegeta swung to retaliate but Goku disappeared and reappeared behind Vegeta with a kick to his back so hard, that Vegeta flew into a mountainside. “Time with ChiChi!!”
Vegeta wiped the blood from his lips as the mountain rubble and dirt fell around him. So, he wants to bring our women into this. “Time with your wife?” Vegeta laughed. “She couldn’t have been that good for you to give it up for seven years.” There it was. That flicker of anger. The naïve clown appeared indifferent to his wife in the few times he saw them together but he knew that deep Saiyan passion for his wife lay in Goku, too. “She should’ve given it up when she had the chance instead of being loyal to you. I was wrong to turn her away from that opportunity. What a delight it would’ve been for you when you returned.”
Goku frowned slightly as he tried to comprehend Vegeta’s words. What’s he talking about? “What are you saying?”
“You need to be prepared for ChiChi to show up with another man. Another husband,” Olibu hoped that would be clear enough for Goku.
“ChiChi doesn’t have another husband.” Goku pointed to himself. “I’m ChiChi’s only husband.”
“You were her husband, Goku.” Olibu corrected him. “But your marriage ended when you died. That allowed ChiChi to marry someone else.”
That didn’t make sense to Goku. “Why would ChiChi marry someone else when I’m her husband? That’s cheating. ChiChi wouldn’t cheat on me. We made a promise to each other.”
Olibu sighed. Goku was so dense. “Because you’re dead! When you died, ChiChi was free from the commitment you two made. It’s been seven years, Goku! You left your wife alone! You can’t think ChiChi has been single this entire time. There’s a good chance ChiChi married again.”
But there wasn’t anyone. ChiChi was waiting for him with Gohan and Goten. ChiChi never said anything but was there someone else? Did she move on with another man when I died?
Vegeta saw the pain on Goku’s face. The dolt was consumed with his precious wife heating up the sheets with another man. Vegeta used the moment to deliver an earth-shaking punch against Goku’s face and another super punch to Goku’s stomach that would’ve had him vomiting the food he ate earlier if not for his dead body.
Goku’s body ripped through a mountain. The collision of his body splintered the thousand-old structure into pieces. Vegeta caught his body among the rain of rocks and spiraled downward like a rocket until Goku plunged head first into the ground. Dirt and rocks flew everywhere as Goku’s impact created a massive hole twice the size of Capsule Corporation.
Goku lied motionless for a few moments before he pulled himself up on his knees. He spat up blood and rocks. His vision saw four hands. He closed his eyes and shook his head to will the throbbing pain in his head away. “Using ChiChi to distract me.” Goku wiped the blood from his lips. “That was dirty, Vegeta.”
Vegeta cackled. Dirty? It’s on par for him now he was back to his true self.  “Anything to get the job done.”
“What happened here?” Videl wondered as she flew over the Tenkaichi Budokai arena. It was in ruins with two large gaping holes. Most of the people were gone. Videl spotted a news crew and her father on the stage. She’ll talk to him later. She had to reach Gohan’s mother first.
There weren’t many people around so it was easy to spot her with Gohan’s grandfather and their friends. “Mrs. Son!”
ChiChi looked up and saw Videl descending. “Videl!” At least she was all right.
“What happened here?” Videl asked.
“It’s a long story, but it’s good to see you well. I was concerned when you didn’t return with Goku and Gohan.”
“Gohan? He was here?” Videl looked around. “Where is he?”
“Wait.” ChiChi was confused. “Weren’t you with Gohan?”
“No. I couldn’t keep up so I agreed to fly back. I ran into Goten and his friend.”
“Goten.” ChiChi gripped Videl. “Where is he?”
“I told him where Gohan and the others went. He and his friend flew off. I assume they were together. Why didn’t they come back with Gohan and his Dad?”
ChiChi released Videl. One son was off fighting another monster and another was missing. This day wasn’t going as they expected. ChiChi looked over at Bulma. She sat alone with her hands on her head distraught.
“We can assume Goten and Trunks are safe.” It wasn’t the boys that concerned Master Roshi. “Piccolo and Krillin didn’t return with Goku, Gohan and Vegeta which meant something happened to them.”
ChiChi looked over at 18 with Marron. They sat away from everyone. Marron was in 18’s lap. ChiChi suspected 18 wanted to distract Marron from the conversation and her thoughts. She saw Krillin didn’t return and had to be worried about him.
All the husbands were turning their wives into an emotional wreck. ChiChi, unfortunately, had more experience than anyone else on this issue and knew what they needed to get through it. Bulma was closer so ChiChi sat with her first. “Bulma?” she heard a sniffle from Bulma.
“I’m fine.” Bulma sniffed again. She lowered her hands and revealed her face. Her makeup was smeared. Her eyes were red and her face was slightly puffy from her crying. “I…… how could he do that, ChiChi?”
“I don’t know.” She grabbed her handkerchief from her pocket. She thought she’d be using it on herself when Goku left. Instead, she used it to dry Bulma’s tears. “Crying won’t solve the issue. It’ll mess up your face.”
“I don’t care.”
ChiChi knew better. If Bulma could see herself, she’d freak at her face. She wiped the makeup away so her face wasn’t smeared. “Goku and Vegeta will figure things out. In the meantime, we gotta do something about this. We can’t just sit here.”
Bulma thought for a moment. There was only one thing she wanted to do. “We can get the dragon balls. We can undo the killing Vegeta did here.” That would keep her focus and keep her thoughts from Vegeta. “But what about Trunks and Goten?”
“I don’t know where they are. I have to hope they are safe.”
“Right,” Bulma agreed. She couldn’t be worried about Vegeta and Trunks. That would make her like… like…  Like ChiChi. I’m a wreck over Vegeta and Trunks and it hasn’t been half a day. Is this what ChiChi felt with Goku and Gohan fighting for years? “I should call my parents,” Bulma decided. “Vegeta’s mess has to be all over the news. I’ll let them know we’re fine.”
Bulma pulled her phone from her pocket and stepped away to call her parents. With Bulma occupied, ChiChi went to 18. “Quite a day, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” 18 answered dryly as she bounced Marron on her knee. “So, are we gonna stay here and wait?”
“No. Bulma’s calling her parents to let her know we’re okay and then we’re gonna retrieve the dragon balls to---”
“To reverse what her psychotic man did.” 18 scoffed. “It won’t reverse what was done to Krillin.”
“Lazuli, we don’t know what happened to Krillin.”
“I know he didn’t return with Gohan, Goku and Vegeta. For that matter, neither did Piccolo. We have no idea what’s happened. All I know is Krillin can’t come back with the dragon balls. I told him if things go bad to get out of there! He didn’t.”
“Maybe he tried to leave and something happened. All I know is he’s not dead.”
“And how do you know that?”
“I know how my Goku reacted when he died on Namek. His rage wasn’t out of control. Whatever is going on with Krillin, he’s still alive.”
It made some sense and it made 18 feel better about the situation. “Maybe you’re right.” 18 walked over and picked up Marron. “What about you? Goku and Gohan are still fighting.”
ChiChi wanted to cry. It was the first time anyone asked how she was feeling. “I’m going out of my mind worried about them,” ChiChi admitted with a nervous laugh. “I’m barely keeping it together. I never thought I’d be going through this again.”
And yet you reached out to comfort me and Bulma. 18 grabbed ChiChi’s hand and gave it a right squeeze. “Maybe hunting dragon balls will keep us from cracking.”
“I hope so.” It was better than sitting at home and waiting. ChiChi was overdoing that. “Let’s go.”
Videl touched down on the arena stage as the announcer and reporter were leaving. She stayed above them listening and catching up on what happened while she was gone. Goku, Gohan and the one called Vegeta returned. Vegeta was the cause of the destruction of the arena. Thousands of people were dead. Authorities were being called in to look for Vegeta. Goku and Gohan disappeared with him after the killings. The announcer assured Goku and Gohan weren’t responsible for the killing but they needed to be questioned by the police. It was a mess. Videl had to force the rising bile in her down listening to her Dad brag about winning the tournament again and how he was ready to fight Vegeta when he disappeared.
Disgusting, Dad. You’re disgusting. It sickened her to see her father as a liar and con artist who fooled the world for years.
“Baby Girl!” Mark greeted his daughter as she landed. “How are you doing that? You’re…. you’re…..”
“Flying. That’s what I’m doing, Dad. I’m flying. It’s not some trick or special effects. It’s a real martial arts skill you don’t know about.”
Mark didn’t care what it was. He was glad to see his daughter. “Let’s go home. There’ll be a proper ceremony in a few days. You’ll get to see your Old Man honored as the winner of the Tenkaichi Budokai.”
“You want me to be here when they honor a fraud?” Videl asked. “I’ll pass.”
“Fraud?” Mark wondered where that came from in Videl. Did Piiza talk to her? “Your Old Man isn’t a fraud. I’m the world champ. I beat Cell.”
“Cut it, Dad. I know the truth. I know you didn’t defeat Cell. I know you’ve been lying all this time. You took credit and made your brand off of that. We’re rich because you lied and took credit for something you didn’t do!”
Dammit Piiza. It was the only way Videl knew the truth. Money wasn’t enough. That bitch had to turn my daughter against me. “Baby Girl…..”
“I believed you. I wanted to be as strong as you. I thought I was invincible because I thought you defeated Cell. You wouldn’t teach me because you felt the training would be too intense. You made me find another way. I worked for the police because I wanted to get stronger and I wanted to replicate the good you did by helping everyone. I could’ve been killed because of your lies. I almost died today because I didn’t give up against Spopovich because I’m your daughter!!”
“Me? Videl, Spopovich was a wimp. I defeated him years ago. You should’ve taken him but you got too arrogant.”
“And whose fault was that?” Videl questioned. “I was arrogant because for years you filled my head I am stronger than everyone because I’m the daughter of the man who killed Cell. A monster that wiped out the Earth’s army.”
“Listen, Videl. You’re angry but don’t believe everything Miss Piiza told you, and if you wanna be mad at me then you should be mad at her, too. She was in it from the beginning. I made the money so we wouldn’t be living out of hotels and cheap apartments anymore. I wanted a better life for you. Piiza was a greedy woman for fame and money.  She’s just spiteful and wanna get back at me.”
“Miss Piiza.” It made sense she was in on it. She’s her father’s manager but Videl thought she was fooled into believing her father’s lies with the rest of the world. “She knew about this, too? Did Caroni and Pirozhki know? How many were in on this con?”
“Wait.” Now Mark was confused. “She didn’t tell you? How did you know?”
“The son of the man who died for us at the Cell Game told me the truth. Son Gohan. He and his Dad are the ones who killed Cell.”
Gohan? He heard that name before. “That bean pole who brought you to the medic room? He’s that pizza boy that was at the Cell Game.”
“He wasn’t a pizza boy. He was a fighter! He defeated Cell! He, his Mom and little brother lived in poverty while we lived off the money they deserved!”  
“Wait a minute now. I took credit for Cell but I was the one who made us money. I earned that for us!”
“Earned?” Videl couldn’t believe her father. “What you earned was based off lies! And if the world finds out….” Videl didn’t want to think of the humiliation. All the credibility and good fortune she developed would be gone, too. They’ll lose everything. “I….. I don’t wanna look at you anymore, Dad.”
“Videl….” Mark tried to reach his daughter. “You don’t understand.”
Videl flew away. She didn’t want to hear his excuses. She knew she needed time away from her father. She returned to ChiChi’s group. They were finally leaving the stadium. Videl didn’t know where they were going but she rather be with them than with her father.
The fight was dragging on longer than Goku expected. Goku wanted to end things with Vegeta’s dignity intact but he underestimated the power Vegeta absorbed under Bobbidi’s control. Being an Ascended Saiyan wasn’t enough to end this lengthy fight and Vegeta fought dirty. He used every physical and mind manipulation to distract and hammer blows on Goku forcing Goku to go beyond the limits of a Super Saiyan and inadvertently power Majin Boo’s shell.
Vegeta was also angry with the battle but not for the same reasons as Goku. He was angry with all this power, he still hadn’t bested Goku. Dammit! I should’ve defeated him by now but no matter how much I keep fighting and beating his ass, he keeps coming back. He was out of breath. So was Goku, but he was dead. Vegeta didn’t think Goku could tire like him. He could feel the battle taking a toll on his body and if he lost, what then? Will Bobbidi take his body and soul and destroy him like he did with Spopovich and Yamu?
What is the endgame with this? Vegeta knew he could defeat Dabura and Bobbidi but what happens after? Trunks didn’t know what he did but Bulma saw him maliciously slaughter thousands. Oh, there was the chance Bulma will take him back. She slept with him aware he murdered millions in his past. But he hadn’t murdered since they got together. Would what happened change things between them?
Fuck it! If I lose them, I will have this victory over Kakarrot.
Vegeta pushed off and charged on Goku again when the Saiyan held his hand out for him to stop. “Vegeta, wait!!” Goku looked away as if he felt a disturbance. “I feel something. It’s huge. I think Majin Boo has come out of his shell.”
Vegeta looked in the same direction and felt it, too. So, that’s Majin Boo. It felt powerful but Vegeta wasn’t threatened by it. “Look at us, Kakarrot. Look at how powerful we’ve gotten. That weak shit Supreme Kai wasn’t aware of our powers. Why the fuck should we care if Majin Boo awakened and pisses the Supreme Kai’s pants? His powers doesn’t match ours.”
“I don’t know about that.” Goku wasn’t so quick to dismiss the aura coming from Majin Boo. “This is abnormal.”
Abnormal. That was a word Vegeta didn’t think Goku knew. “Who the fuck cares?! You won’t be using him to get out of fighting me!”
Goku couldn’t believe Vegeta. Was he so blind and consumed with their fight, that he wasn’t concerned with what they helped release? This was more than soothing Vegeta’s battered ego and pride. Other people were going to suffer. His wife. His sons. Vegeta’s wife and son. Their friends. Everyone was going to suffer if they didn’t snuff out what they inadvertently released.
“I don’t know what Majin Boo is but he ain’t no joke.” Goku was over the fighting now. If he had to change into a Super Saiyan Three and beat Vegeta senseless to get it, he will. “We can’t waste anymore time fighting, Vegeta. Our fight released Boo before Gohan and the Supreme Kai could stop Bobbidi and Dabura. We have to stop this.”
Vegeta exhaled exhausted with Goku’s speech. He looked away at where Majin Boo was released. All right. His power has gotten higher in the last moment but Vegeta didn’t give a damn. “Who the fuck cares? Nothing will stop my match with you!”
Damn fool. “But everyone will be killed. Even Bulma and Trunks!”
What the fuck he’s mentioning them for? I don’t give a damn! But even thinking that, Vegeta knew that was a lie.
Vegeta…. I love you.
Dad, you’re so strong!!
Vegeta… being with you, makes me happy.
“Rrrgh!” I don’t care. I don’t care. I don’t care!!!!! “Shut up! Shut the fuck up!!” Vegeta exploded in rage. His body crackled with electricity as his ki burst from his body. “I sold my soul to Bobbidi to eliminate compassion! I don’t care what happens to anyone!!”
Who was he fooling? Not Goku. “That’s a lie and you know it. You may have sold your body and soul to Bobbidi but you didn’t sell your love for them.”
Vegeta snarled as he gritted at Goku. Fuck you, Kakarrot. He always knew what to say to get under his skin. He could always read his mind and know what he was thinking and feeling. “And how would you know that?”
“Because I’m a Saiyan… like you. I know what my family means to me. I know what I would give to reach the height of my power and I know what I wouldn’t give up. I know it’s the same for you.”
He wouldn’t give up his love for them and no matter how much he insist they finish their fight, Goku wouldn’t resume. That soft-hearted speech did tell Vegeta what he needed to do. It wasn’t your power that released Majin Boo. It was mine. I’ll end him. “Fine. We’ll put this off since you can’t focus.” He opened his hand. “Give me one of those senzu beans. We used up a lot of energy.”
Goku was relieved Vegeta was finally coming around. He reached into his pocket. “There’s one senzu bean left but we can split it. We can beat him if we work together.”
Vegeta smiled to himself. That damn fool had his back turned to him. Goku was so focus and giddy working together that he didn’t notice Vegeta clamp his hands together and swung forward with all his might to smash the back of Goku’s head so hard, that he fell to the ground completely knocked out.
That was easier than Vegeta thought. “Even you can be vulnerable when your guard is down.” He picked up the lone senzu bean and ate it. Immediately, Vegeta felt renewed. He looked down at Goku again and fought off the urge to kick him. “I let him loose so I’ll take care of him. We’ll settle this later….if I come back.”
Vegeta left Goku and went to the portal that will take him to where he expected will be his last stand. He wasn’t a fool. He felt the power from Majin Boo and knew even with the power given to him by Bobbidi, he was climbing an uphill battle. He’ll be lucky to come out of this alive.
But before Vegeta jumped down the portal, a chill passed through him as he felt someone was missing.
Gohan. He didn’t feel his Ki. Gohan is dead. So Majin Boo’s that powerful.  Dammit. Vegeta didn’t want this. He was angry at Gohan wasting his talent but he didn’t want him to die for it. “Sorry…..this is my fault.” The dragon balls should revive him but Gohan shouldn’t have died.
Vegeta jumped down the portal. Don’t worry, Gohan. Your death won’t be in vain.
They were making good time. Three dragon balls have been collected and they were closing in on the fourth. Despite the severity of the situation, ChiChi was in good spirits. It felt good to be hunting for dragon balls. It felt good to contribute and not sit and wait for others to do everything.
ChiChi’s good spirit was an anomaly among the others on the ship.  Bulma sat in Vegeta’s chair distraught over what he did while Yamcha piloted the ship. 18 had Marron in her lap while looking out the window. She accepted Krillin wasn’t dead but something bad happened to him. Her father sat in the back troubled. He hated what Vegeta did, too, but was also saddened by Mrs. Niver’s violent death. Their financial troubles will stay a secret but the cost was high. Then there was Videl. ChiChi didn’t hear but she saw Videl’s body language when she talked to her father. She was upset with him and ChiChi wasn’t sure why.
Did Gohan tell Videl the truth? Does she know what her father did?
“Videl?” ChiChi addressed the teen next to her. “I want to thank you for helping us to collect the dragon balls. We wouldn’t have gotten three so fast without you.”
“It was the least I could do.” Knowing the truth, Videl wanted to make up for her father’s sins. She wanted to apologize to Gohan’s mother. She wanted to give her family’s fortune to him. No wonder she hated my Dad. I bet she hates me, too. I can’t blame her. “Mrs. Son….” Videl couldn’t hold it in anymore. She wanted ChiChi to know she wasn’t her father.  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I didn’t know what my Dad did.”
So, she knows. ChiChi’s heart went out to Videl. She knew from personal experience what it felt to learn when a parent does something awful. “Gohan told you.” Videl nodded. “That’s why you were angry with your Dad.”
“You saw that?”
“The stadium was empty, Videl. It wasn’t hard to notice.”
Good. Videl was glad ChiChi saw it. She’d know she wasn’t on her father’s side. “I told him what I thought of him. After this is over, things will change.”
“If you are thinking of telling the world the truth, Videl, don’t. It’s not going to do any of our families any good. I don’t want the media circus around my family and you have your reputation to think of. A family’s name is important and yours will be tarnished for generations.”
“Not to mention the lawsuits from sponsors and everyone my Dad did business with.” It was a mess. “But I can’t let my Dad get away with it. I’m gonna make him give you what you’re owed, Mrs. Son.”
It would be a solution to her family’s financial problems but after all these years, did she want it?
“Don’t worry about that, Videl. This isn’t your problem.”
“But I want…..”
“I know,” ChiChi squeezed Videl’s hand. She was grateful for Videl’s kindness. “Let’s not worry about that. Let’s get these dragon balls.”
The dragon balls. That was another new thing. She looked at the three in the bag on the floor. “A dragon is really gonna come out when we get them all?”
“Yes. It’ll be a sight to see.”
“Hey, Bulma,” Yamcha flew the ship but Bulma had the dragon ball radar in her hands. “How close are we to the next one?” When Bulma didn’t answer, Yamcha tapped her arm. “Bulma?”
“Oh.” Bulma picked up the radar off the dashboard and read the map on the screen. She was so distracted with Vegeta they were almost passing it. “Oh, land now. We’re practically standing over it.”
She sat back in her chair and released a heavy sigh. “We almost got them all. We can revive everyone killed." Bulma worried about people talking about the massacre at the tournament. What if someone describes Vegeta? His name is on the tournament roster. What if that is released? It'll tie back to her and her family. "Maybe we should wait on reviving everyone," Yamcha suggested. "At least until after Goku deals with Vegeta. Then we can revive everyone Vegeta killed.” "Vegeta won't kill anyone else, Yamcha. Goku will stop him." "Goku couldn’t stop Vegeta from killing those people at the tournament. We were almost hit. That poor lady from Gyu-Mao’s village got killed. Geez,” Yamcha sighed. “I knew it was too much to expect Vegeta to completely change but I thought he was no longer a mass murderer." Vegeta’s behavior was on Master Roshi’s mind, too. "Goku’s return brought back memories and triggered things not settled." The old man sighed. "I guess it was too much hoping Vegeta changed. " Bulma listened carefully. Were they expecting Vegeta to become a killer again? He changed. I know he did. "Geez, Bulma," Yamcha muttered. "You had one job." He spoke so low he thought Bulma hadn't heard him but she did. "Me?" If she didn’t need it, she would smash the dragon ball radar on Yamcha’s head. "What the hell do you mean?" Yamcha jumped startled he was heard but with it out, he was going to stand his ground. “I thought being with you mellowed Vegeta like ChiChi softened Goku.” ChiChi kept her eyes looking out the window thinking of her husband and sons and wondering if they were all right. She had no interest in the conversation until Yamcha said, "Once Goku understood what being a husband and having a family meant, he settled down. I thought Vegeta would’ve settled and instead of training to kill, he’d train to protect. Maybe not protect us but at least you and Trunks. Wasn’t your love enough to change him?”
“My love?” Bulma had a lot to deal with but she’d be damned if she’s blamed for what Vegeta did. Blinded with anger, Bulma threw the dragon ball radar at Yamcha’s head. The hit startled Yamcha and forced him to hit the rudder too hard and sent the ship into a huge dive. 
Everyone bounced around as Yamcha brought the aircraft under control for a rough landing. No one wore their seatbelts so Bulma slammed against the dashboard. Videl fell out of her seat and slammed head first into the back of Bulma’s chair. 18 held onto her seat with one hand while clutching her daughter in her arm. Master Roshi rolled and hit the back of Yamcha’s chair while Gyu-Mao moved like a boulder rolling forward. ChiChi gripped the arm of the seat she shared with Videl and grabbed her father by the back of his pants and saved her father from crashing into the cockpit of the craft and caused enough damage that would’ve sent them plummeting to their deaths.
Boxes and bags of clothes, supplies and food went flying hitting the windows and people inside the shaking ship as Yamcha scrubbed the landing gear against the grass until the airship came to a full stop. When it was over, only Yamcha and Bulma managed to stay in their seats. 18 laid on the floor holding Marron to her chest with blankets dumped on them. Videl could feel a bruise forming on her forehead after smashing into Bulma’s seat. A cooler filled with ice and drinks spilled on her legs. Master Roshi’s body hung over the arm of 18’s chair. A couple of tools dropped on him. ChiChi laid out against her and Videl’s seats while still holding on to her father who was covered in food from the basket ChiChi brought with them.
Yamcha sat in his seat and took a few breaths. That was a close. They could’ve been killed. “Is everyone all right? Ow!” Yamcha hollered as Bulma punched him.
“No thanks to you, you idiot!” she fumed at him before storming off the ship.
Slowly, everyone else began to pull themselves together. 18 checked on her daughter. ChiChi and Master Roshi helped pull up Gyu-Mao. Videl picked up the dragon ball radar that had fallen on the floor through Yamcha’s rough landing. She saw Bulma holding it the entire time and directing everyone where to find the dragon ball. She was off the ship so Videl went to ChiChi in hopes of understanding it.
“I don’t know how to use this but I want to get the dragon ball.”
ChiChi took the radar and showed Videl how it functions. “Goku showed me once.”
“Thanks.” Videl grasped the radar. “I’ll be back.”
“I’ll help you,” Yamcha volunteered as he followed Videl out of the ship.
“Could you do it without sticking your foot in your mouth?” ChiChi was rightly annoyed at Yamcha who blushed nervously before bumping his head on his way out of the ship.
18 picked up Marron and carried her out of the ship. This left Master Roshi, Gyu-Mao and ChiChi alone. Master Roshi lit his pipe and blew a few puffs of smoke. “Ah, Yamcha still runs his mouth too much.”
“Here you go, Dad,” ChiChi handed her father a cool drink and sandwich as he settled down. She began putting the spilled ice back into the cooler. The last thing anyone needed is to slip and break something. “Is Yamcha still sore over what happened between him and Bulma?”  
“No.” Master Roshi was convinced Yamcha was over that. “But like any scorn ex, Yamcha, was waiting for a comeuppance. I don’t think he wanted this.” Smoke blew from Master Roshi’s mouth. “Yamcha understood it was time for him and Bulma to break up. He was rooting for her and Vegeta but he can’t help but take a shot. Yamcha got what he wanted in the worst way.”
“Well,” ChiChi picked up the spilled cans and bottles and placed them in the cooler. “Now isn’t the time for this.” In some ways, they have changed, and in other ways, ChiChi saw they haven’t. With all the ice and drinks back in the cooler, ChiChi went outside. She saw 18 watching Marron freely play in the grassy field. She couldn’t see Videl and Yamcha so she went over to Bulma who sat alone in a field of flowers.
"Bulma? Videl and Yamcha are looking for the dragon ball. They should be back soon.” ChiChi noticed Bulma wiping her eyes again. It had to have been hard seeing Vegeta become a killer again and Yamcha’s words didn’t help. "We don't know what happened." "We know enough. Vegeta turned back into that ruthless killer." "Maybe he’s possessed. He did have that 'M' emblem on his forehead like the jerk who beat up Videl." Possessed. Bulma knew Vegeta enough to know that didn’t happen. "Vegeta is too stubborn to get possessed. Whatever happened, he wanted it. I know that much about him." Bulma sniffed. "That seems to be all I know." "Bulma...." "He could've killed me!! I was so close to that blast!" "We all were but, Bulma, it was clearly a warning shot. You heard Vegeta. He did that so Goku would fight him." And that was another slap to her face. "All these years and he still hasn't changed! He's still obsessed with beating Goku. Wasn't Trunks and I enough for him to get over that?!" It should have been but ever since that talk in her kitchen, ChiChi worried Vegeta hadn’t moved on as everyone thought.  
“My Goku has kept training, too. He’ll exceed you again.”
Vegeta wasn’t surprised ChiChi boasted her husband will defeat him. “Your feelings for Kakarrot blinds you to underestimate me.” He handed ChiChi his empty bowl and silently requested she give him more ice cream.
ChiChi took the bowl and refilled it with four more scoops. “Your pride blinds you to the absolute truth. Goku always comes back stronger. Do you think Goku settled from where he was at the Cell Game? Gohan told me Goku kept his body. Goku’s body had limits on Earth but not in death.” ChiChi shook her head. “Whatever goes on in the afterlife, I know Goku trained extensively.”
Vegeta smirked. “I’m counting on it. It will make my victory over Kakarrot even better.”
ChiChi added cookies to the bowl before giving it to Vegeta. “What will you do, Vegeta, when Goku comes back stronger and you can’t beat him?”
“That will never happen.”
ChiChi expected that response from him. “I know what it’s like living with regrets. I spent seven years coming to terms with things between me and Goku.”
Vegeta munched on a cookie and a spoonful of ice cream. “Woman, don’t compare your problems with Kakarrot to my rivalry with him.”
“Vegeta, you’ve come a long way. I don’t mind if you are around my sons. I even like you and our talks. Your knowledge about Saiyans helped me understand Goku better so let me return the favor telling you there’s nothing wrong in being second.”
Vegeta would’ve smashed the bowl against the table if it didn’t get him a slap from ChiChi. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“As a Prince you were taught you are the best and everyone is beneath you. I was taught to have pride and self-respect, too. One thing we have in common, Vegeta, Goku knew how to rattle our pride. Goku forgot me and Goku showed you a Third Class Warrior can go toe-to-toe with a Saiyan Prince. You were always angry about how Goku was always a step ahead of you. It must’ve rattled your pride Gohan surpassed you when ten days before the Cell Game you were stronger than him.”
“So…….” A thick vein appeared on his forehead. ChiChi knew she touched a nerve. “Get to the point.”
“I spent seven years coming to terms with things between me and Goku but have you? You’re strong, Vegeta, and you’ve grown so much since you settled here. You have Bulma and Trunks. That’s what’s important. It doesn’t matter Goku is stronger.”
Vegeta jumped to his feet. “Kakarrot’s not stronger! He only got lucky! I busted my ass for seven years! I nearly gave up fighting after Cell but Kakarrot’s death motivated me to get stronger and I have. I have surpassed Gohan. I know I have surpassed Kakarrot! You’ll see it. You’ll all see it!”
Vegeta’s outburst didn’t rattle ChiChi. It concerned her. “And if you don’t, what then?”
“This is my final chance to show who the elite Saiyan is! My final chance to show Kakarrot who is…” Vegeta collected himself. He shouldn’t have reacted that way but he couldn’t lose again. “It never should’ve been a Third Class Warrior to defeat Freeza. I was the one who suffered under Freeza. He stripped me of my world, my people and my reign. I am a Prince in name only! I only had my pride and that damn Kakarrot was the one to redeem our people when it should’ve been me!!”
“Didn’t Trunks deliver the final…..”
“Freeza was a mutilated bastard who was a shell of himself when Trunks killed him. I had a chance to redeem myself by killing the Artificial Humans that killed me in an alternate time but I failed at that. I couldn’t even save my son’s death from Cell. It was Kakarrot and Gohan who saved us and not me! I have a chance to correct that. This time I will defeat Kakarrot! This time I will reclaim my rightful place as an elite Saiyan Prince!”
“There’s nothing to reclaim, Vegeta,” ChiChi gently told him. “It’s all in your head. You’ve come so far, Vegeta. You have a family. Your legacy is intact. Let go of this insane rivalry with my Goku or you will lose what’s really important.”
In Vegeta’s eyes, ChiChi didn’t get it. Like Bulma, she understood some things but couldn’t understand everything. It wasn’t their fault. They weren’t Saiyans. “It should’ve been me to defeat Freeza and Cell. I will make up for my losses. I will reclaim my pride. Without that, I have nothing!”
“You have Bulma and Trunks,” ChiChi reminded him. “Isn’t that enough?”
Sadly, ChiChi realized, it wasn’t enough. His decision wrecked him and Bulma.
“I don’t understand this, ChiChi,” Bulma went on, “Goku changed when he married you and had Gohan. Why didn’t Vegeta do the same?” “They’re not the same, Bulma. You can’t compare.” “They're Saiyans. They’re obsessed with fighting and being the strongest.” “Yes,” ChiChi agreed, “but they grew up differently. After defeating Piccolo, Goku was ready for a break from fighting. Marriage wasn’t on his mind but it was what he needed. We had five years to bond. Vegeta wasn’t ready to take a break from fighting. It was forced on him after Goku’s death.”
Bulma knew that was true. Vegeta was sullen and moped around for weeks before he resumed his training. Still, it didn’t excuse what Vegeta did. “Forced or not, Vegeta and I had seven years to bond. Why wasn't that enough?! Why weren’t we enough for him, ChiChi?!” ChiChi could only shrug. She didn’t have the answer. “Sorry,” Bulma apologized. “I'm just pissed. I thought he was over the killing. I never saw him doing this.” Never? ChiChi found that hard to believe. “We were all rooting for Vegeta to change, Bulma. He's come so far but even I was concerned when Vegeta visited me.” “Visit you?” Bulma wasn’t aware of this. “When did this happen?” “It was last month. He was upset I knew about Goten and Trunks being Super Saiyans before he figured it out. We talked about that and Goku's return. Vegeta was so confident he will beat Goku. Vegeta didn't want to entertain the idea of losing. He's still holding onto things.”
ChiChi’s analysis of Vegeta bothered Bulma. Her secrecy about their boys being Super Saiyans bothered her. “You knew about the boys being Super Saiyans? How could you keep that from Vegeta and me? I'm Trunks' mother.” The irony of kept secrets wasn’t lost on ChiChi. “I knew about Goten. I suspected Trunks but I was never sure. Goten never said anything.” Why was Bulma getting mad at her? “Vegeta trained Trunks. He should have noticed.” “But you suspected. You knew about Goten. You know Trunks and Goten are friends. That should've been enough for you to come to me about it!” Dammit! Bulma was angry again. How many people were going to betray her? “I can't believe you kept something so important from me and Vegeta!” ChiChi didn’t lash out. She knew Bulma was angry because of everything that happened today. “I wasn't keeping anything from you. I didn’t know. Trunks isn't my child. I'm not responsible for what he tells you.” Bulma threw her hands up laughing. “Ha! Where was this when you were mad we didn’t tell you what happened after the reunion? You knew about Trunks being a Super Saiyan. You secretly talked to Vegeta, noticed he still hasn't moved past his rivalry with Goku and you didn’t tell me what you feared. How could you keep something important about the two people I care most from me?!" ChiChi clenched her hands and exhaled. It was getting really hard to keep her temper in check. “I know you are angry right now. You had a horrible day but don’t you ever compare what happened at the reunion to my conversation with Vegeta and suspecting Trunks. It is not the same.”
No matter how many years, the aftermath of the reunion would always be a sore spot between them. It angered ChiChi Bulma would dare bring that up and compare it to what’s going on now. "What you, Master Roshi and Krillin did was ten times worse. I am on your side, Bulma, but don't take what happened today out on me. I don’t deserve that.”
Bulma remained quiet as ChiChi’s words settled in her. She was right. It wasn’t ChiChi’s fault. It was hers for not noticing and she hated that so much. “Sorry,” Bulma apologized. “I’m just pissed and Yamcha rubbing it in didn’t help. How was everyone so sure Vegeta would go back to being a killer?”
“Bulma….” ChiChi was nearly exasperated. “Between us, are you saying you never worried about Vegeta killing again? Vegeta wasn’t reformed when you invited him to live with you. You told me you saw him when you thought Freeza’s goon was gonna rescue you.”
“Zarbon.” It had been years but Bulma still remembered him. He was cute until he turned into that ugly beast.
“And when he was with Krillin and Gohan to get the dragon ball you had.”
“Two times might not have been enough to judge him but doesn’t that mean he wasn’t a killer? He was working with us.”  
“Gohan told me he killed Namekians.”
“Okay, so he was still a killer,” Bulma gave in. “The thought had crossed my mind Vegeta will kill again but I didn’t think he’d kill me. I thought if I took him in, fed and treated him to fine things, he wouldn’t kill me and wouldn’t kill anyone else and I was right. You have to admit that.”
Oh, she was trying and ChiChi gave her credit for that but she was still wrong. “Gohan told me Vegeta helped you when you thought Goku was dead. He wouldn’t have killed anyone on Earth since he was waiting on Goku’s return to learn about being a Super Saiyan.”
Okay. There was that little wrinkle. “But I still made the right choice.” Bulma wouldn’t think she was wrong about this. “Can you imagine how Vegeta would’ve been if he wasn’t given a stable home? I had to think of myself and my family.” ChiChi rolled her eyes. “What’s that eye roll for?”
ChiChi knew Bulma enough now to know she didn’t keep Vegeta around only to keep him from not killing everyone. “Bulma, you can’t fool me on this. You were attracted to Vegeta then. You wanted him to stay with you.”
“I won’t lie. I have a bit of a bad-boy fetish. Yamcha’s ruggedness and danger attracted me to him when we met.” Bulma was wistful of the meeting with her first love but when she saw judgment in ChiChi’s eyes, she got annoyed. “You let Piccolo stay with you for three years and you didn’t know all he did for Goku and Gohan on Namek. He’s family to you now.”
“It wasn’t my choice to have Piccolo live with us. It was Goku’s decision and he dropped the news on me the day he came back. I was pissed. It took weeks for us to make up and it took me months before I tolerated Piccolo and that was after I got some good hits in.”
Bulma was intrigued. ChiChi never shared this story. “You hit Piccolo?”
“Every day he left Gohan alone. Six months.”
Bulma snorted at the image of ChiChi hitting Piccolo for that long. “And what did he do?”
“Nothing.” ChiChi was very smug about that. “He knew if he put a hand on me, Goku would set him straight.”
Bulma chuckled softly before falling into full-blown laughter. ChiChi joined in laughing. It still brought a smile to her face how she hit Piccolo and he didn’t dare do anything about that. The laughter broke the tension split between the women.
“Maybe I was blind,” Bulma admitted, “but can you blame me wanting to see the best in Vegeta? He was trying. He really was, ChiChi. I can’t believe he would throw all of that away.” Bulma’s voice wobbled as the tears came again. “After all these years, don’t we mean anything to him?”
ChiChi embraced Bulma and let the woman cry on her shoulder. “He does care about you and Trunks, Bulma. Vegeta made a mistake but he’ll prove how much you and Trunks mean to him.”
It was over. Vegeta was ready to admit defeat. There was no way to stop Majin Boo without making the final sacrifice. Vegeta tried everything but nothing could stop him. Not even working with Piccolo, Trunks and Goten.
I really fucked things up. My selfishness killed Gohan and unleashed a beast that will destroy everyone if I don’t stop him. Bulma… Trunks…. you won’t understand now. You might even hate me for what I’ve done. In time, maybe you can forgive me.
His son stood with him, ready to join him in the fight against Majin Boo but Vegeta wasn’t going to allow that. This was his battle. This was his death.
“Trunks, take care of Mom.”
“Huh?” Trunks didn’t understand. “What do you mean?”
Decision made, Vegeta felt light as if something was removed from him. This was very different from when he died at Freeza’s hands. He felt anger and guilt then. Now he felt at peace, as if this was the right thing to do. Is this what you felt when you sacrificed yourself to Cell, Kakarrot? A vision of Bulma and Trunks appeared before him. It was when they were together at the park. Bulma took pictures as he pushed Trunks on a swing. He could hear Trunks saying, ‘Higher, Dad. Higher.’ Is this what you saw, Kakarrot? Your family as I am seeing mine?
The vision faded as Vegeta told Trunks and Goten. “You two make your escape. I’ll fight Majin Boo by myself.”
“No!” Trunks argued against that. “We’ll fight with you or you’ll be killed!”
He is my son. How ironic he thought. Trunks in this and the other timeline will grow up without him. “Trunks…. I never held you even when you were a baby.” He smiled at his son. “Let me give you a hug.” Vegeta wasn’t surprised Trunks stared at him as if he were an alien. He never showed any affection to his child. Vegeta rested his hand on the back of Trunks’ neck and pulled him forward so he can hold his son against him.
He felt Trunks resisting and grumbling, “This is embarrassing.”
Vegeta smiled. If he’s allowed to, he’ll keep this memory in the afterlife. He wasn’t like Goku. He felt it but he couldn’t say ‘I love you.’ All he could say to his son, his heir is, “Take care…. Trunks.”
He whacked Trunks on the back of his neck, rendering him unconscious. Goten screamed, demanding to know why he did that. There was so much of Goku in this young boy. Would’ve been interesting to see how he turned out. He delivered the same blow to Goten’s stomach. He fell unconscious adjacent to Trunks.
Piccolo descended from the sky and picked up the boys. “You’re planning to die, aren’t you?”
Vegeta didn’t think he had to answer what Piccolo knew. Instead, he asked, “Will I be able to see Kakarrot in the afterlife?” Maybe we can resume our match there.
Time was short and Piccolo didn’t want to mince words to give Vegeta hope of something that will not happen. “No. You’ve killed too many innocents. You will lose your body and your soul will go to a place different from where Goku resides.”
Isn’t that fucking great? “I see. Pity.” Vegeta focused on the big and pudgy Majin Boo. It was time to end this. “Then go….. now!”
Piccolo left with Goten and Trunks. He looked back at Vegeta one last time, memorizing this heroic and final act. Give him Hell, Vegeta.
For Vegeta, he wasn’t facing death mortally injured. He wasn’t filled with regrets, anger and missed opportunities. He was a man at peace, smiling as he faced death in its pink, lumpy form. He lived a good life thanks to Goku. If not for him, the oppressor of his people would still be alive. He never would’ve met Bulma who tolerated and accepted his stubborn ways and give him a son he was damn proud of.
A massive ball of Ki surrounded Vegeta. Majin Boo hopped and pounded his chest like an angry beast. “I’ve got to blow you to smithereens so you can’t regenerate again!”
Oh, that got Majin Boo’s attention. He looked worried. It was the first time he saw fear.
Vegeta smirked. He wouldn’t be around to enjoy this victory but he’ll be glad to take Majin Boo with him to the afterlife. He summoned all his power to turn himself into a ticking time bomb. This explosion will destroy everything for miles. Unlike Goku’s instantaneous death, Vegeta knew in his final seconds, he will suffer excruciating pain. Reaching the limits of his power, Vegeta mentally counted down.
Ten seconds.
The vision of Bulma and Trunks at the part appeared again. I do this for you…. Bulma…. Trunks…..
Another vision appeared as Goku joined Bulma and Trunks. The tall Saiyan smiled that endearing grin and waved him over as if encouraging Vegeta to join them.
One second.
And even you…… Kakarrot.
To Be Continued
Part 40: Revival (A lot more sooner than this update!)
It has been much too long since updated. I can’t believe it has been over a year and I am deeply sorry for that. I felt I had to take a break and get away from this story. It was meant to be a couple of months as I focused on other stories and it bloviated into a year. I had family issues to take care of this past year that slowed down my writing immensely. Things are spinning more positively now and I hope it continues that way. I deeply, deeply, thank you all for your patience and support in this story and waiting for an update. I felt guilt many times for seeing reviews begging for an update. I wasn’t sure how to respond and I am sorry about that but I appreciate all who love and support this story.
Until next time and a lot more sooner!!
In the manga, Trunks and Goten won as the winner won 10 million zeni and 5 million zeni respectively. I will treat zeni as Japanese Yen so 10 million zeni equals to 74K US dollars and 5 million zeni equals to 37K US dollars which can be a lot but not enough to live on forever.
Videl in Super is not the same as Videl in this part of DBZ I am writing. Videl was very arrogant and headstrong (not solely her fault) and I am writing her as how she acted during this arc.
I like Gohan but Gohan did slack off in those seven years. He struggled against Dabura which might have been due to not getting all his powers restored from Kibito since Gohan’s power is significant but even in the anime Vegeta broke down Gohan’s struggles was more than just strength. When Videl fought Spopovich, Gohan didn’t notice Videl was in over her head. Goku saw the match after it started and knew within a few moments something wasn’t right. Gohan facing Cell had more awareness.
I don’t know if it is canon or not but I’ve seen posts saying that Mark is Mr. Satan’s real name with Mr. Satan being his stage name like a wrestler.
The anime really dragged out scenes of Mr. Satan celebrating his win when those scenes could’ve been used to show more adventures with the gang searching for dragon balls or discussing what Vegeta did.
I’m sure there were more notes but I forgot.
16 notes · View notes
no-light-left-on · 1 year
short fic exploring one of my headcanons for the Whalers. takes place right after The Surge
“That should be all of them,” Rulfio mutters as he sets the last body in the line.
Thomas hums in acknowledgement. He’s removed the masks of the dead to identify the novices, though he is not sure of all of them. They’ll have to call in others for identification – most of these men were not his students, nor Rulfio’s. The dead masters are lined up close by.
“That’s about a quarter of our forces,” Thomas sighs. He stays by the bodies of the novices. Two of them are older than him by several years. Three never got to reach adulthood.
“Thomas?” Rulfio calls from where he’s kneeling by the body of a dead master assassin. He sheaths his knife when his friend turns to face him and he pockets the silver button he removed from the body. “You’re spacing out.”
“I’m sorry,” Thomas says. “I… I taught this kid.” He looks down at the face of the boy at his feet. He’s pressed his eyes in but a part of him hopes that he’ll open them again. “His name was Andrei. We were going to name him master next week.” He sighs and his breath shudders like wind against the broken windows of the refinery. “The silver buttons were finished just yesterday.”
Rulfio nods. His throat dried up as Thomas spoke and there is little comfort he can offer as Thomas stares at the young man. He couldn’t have been older than twenty.
“You should give them to Daud,” he offers instead. It’s the closest thing he can give to condolences. “I’m sure he will keep them.”
“Right,” Thomas breathes. He sniffles and wipes his eyes before tears can fall. “I’ll see to that.” He straightens his back, blinks a few times. If his mask was on, Rulfio wouldn’t be able to tell that he’s holding back tears. “You should report to Daud. I’ll see if I can get someone to identify the rest.”
“We have gathered the dead,” Rulfio announces with a fist pressed to his heart. He bows curtly and rests his hands behind his back, shoulders set.
Daud sits at his desk among the mess of torn curtains and Abbey symbols. The adornments lie on a pile of fabric and trash but the papers remain. Daud insists on examining them once the more important matters are dealt with. He looks up from the battle plans Overseer Hume left on his desk and meets Rulfio’s eyes.
“What are our losses?” His voice grates. He hasn’t slept since returning from Timsh’s. The Mark aches with shredded bonds.
“Seven novices and eight masters,” Rulfio states. He takes a deep breath to even his voice – he is to report numbers. Not dead friends. “Thirteen more masters are on bedrest unable to perform their duties, along with three novices. Eight more have sustained injuries light enough to be employed in cleaning the place or going on patrols. We have not seen a sign of Lurk since you exiled her.”
Daud takes a deep breath, nods. “Good,” he mutters. “That’s nearly half our forces down.” He leans back in his chair as he thinks. “We’ll draw further in,” he announces then. “Change the pathways wherever possible. Everyone is to stay within the heart of the district with only hard to reach outposts on the outside until we have more people available to patrol.” He taps his lips with a gloved thumb. “Have Thomas come see me so we can set up new patrol rotations. The men that worked through the night are to go and rest once they are done with their duties.”
Rulfio presses his fist to his chest and bows. “Sir.”
Daud does not dismiss him then. They both stay still as dust settles in the air, floating through the rays cascading through the tall windows, now bare and gaping into the world. Daud can see three master assassins throwing bodies into a fire from his desk.
“Rulfio,” he speaks with an exhausted resignation. They both know what has to come next. “Do you have the names?”
Rulfio nods and steps closer. He reaches into his pocket and the small silver bulbs ring as he pulls them out.
“These have been gathered from the waistcoats of the recovered bodies of the masters,” he announces. “Anthony. Leon. Geoff.” He takes each button with a careful hand and turns them over, tracing over every name with a gloved finger as he sets the silver buttons on the desk in front of Daud. “Sean. Nicholas. Finn.” His voice gets waterlogged, each name stickier and wetter than the one before, like the streets of the Flooded District. “Tynan. And Fergus.”
Daud stares at the collection of silver on his desk. Neither of them move, the finality of the silver buttons somewhat heavier than the sight of the actual bodies. Daud sighs and gathers the buttons in his hand.
“You’re dismissed.”
30 notes · View notes
littlemisspascal · 2 years
Tumblr media
Part 1: Hello, My Name Is...
“Hey.” A hand lightly grabs onto your elbow just as you turn to leave. You turn back, butterflies fluttering in your stomach at Javi’s proximity, that same soft look in his gaze. “I’m looking forward to getting to know you. I think we’ll make a great team.”
It takes a second for the words to register and when they finally do—
You nod your head, smiling wide, a surge of excitement washing over you. “Me too, Javi. Me too.”
Pairing: eventual Javi/Fem!Reader "Oddball" (OFC)*
Word Count: 7000+
Rating: T
Warnings: Formula One AU ft. multiple Pedro Pascal Cinematic Universe characters, Human AU, Canon Divergence, Switching POVs, Worldbuilding, Social Media Fic, Headlines inspired by true events but edited for this plot, Slowest of Slow Burn, Language
Author Note: So excited to begin the next arc of this story & for Javi and Odds to finally meet 😊 Thank you everyone who's given this series a chance, I appreciate all of you!
Winter Banners credit here!
A03 Link | Series Masterlist
*see series masterlist for more info
[Collection of sticky notes pasted on bathroom mirror in your handwriting]
It’s a beautiful day
Remember to smile!
Breathe in, breathe out. Repeat.
[A new note with hastily scribbled words is added to the bunch]
I can handle this
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There are many perks which come with being an F1 driver besides being paid to do what you love. Getting to travel across the world nine months out of the year; 5-star hotel accommodations; free clothes and accessories to represent your team from head to toe. But your brand-new Vulpecula GT is the gift that keeps on giving, especially when the cold winds of winter blow into Altair, dropping the temperature significantly. What would have been a miserable journey on your bike to HQ is a pleasantly warm and comfortable trip in your beautiful silver baby with padded leather seats.
You may or may not press a kiss against the steering wheel after parking, your heart growing just a little bit larger to accommodate this wonderful treasure.
The clock chimes nine as you step through the entrance doors, letting out a relieved breath when the heat of the building melts away the chill that nipped at your exposed face on your short walk up the pathway. You’d been a nervous wreck this morning, rifling through your closet for an outfit that was professional yet warm at the same time. Vivian had explicitly told you no when asked if hoodies or sweatshirts counted as business attire which meant your options were frustratingly few. 
You tug on the collar of your turtleneck sweater, then spare a subtle glance down at the rest of your outfit, praying there aren’t any toothpaste stains anywhere. Once on your crotch area during your high school years was embarrassing enough to live through.
It’s been awhile since you’ve felt this level of nervousness before. The kind of nervousness where your fingers can’t stop fidgeting and your heartbeat resembles a dull roar of thunder and time has two speeds: a cheetah or a snail, no in-betweens. You wish you had someone to distract you from your spiraling thoughts. Your friends, your parents, even Diana would be welcome despite her usual method of making you do squats or jumping jacks or another equally annoying exercise. 
You’ll have Vivian as one familiar face during the meeting at least. You’re on good terms with the older woman, admiring how she can switch aspects of her personality from friendly and wisecracking to fierce and competitive on the spur of the moment. She’s been patient with you during your journey to this point, and now that you’re here, an official driver for her team, you want to make her proud. You want to silence any possible doubts that all the time, energy, and funding spent on you weren’t gigantic wastes. 
Photographs of past Vulpecula drivers line the white hallway walls as you head to the conference rooms, footsteps echoing off the concrete tiled floor. The images remind whoever sees them of the team’s long history and its accomplishments. For some viewers they stir feelings of nostalgia, but for you they fill you with the desire to become a part of the Vulpecula legacy. To one day see your picture hanging there and maybe, if you’re lucky enough, a championship trophy in your hands.
Inside the main meeting room you discover a small group already seated at the long wooden table taking up the majority of the space. Vivian’s at the front, some executives and engineers you vaguely recognize meeting once or twice sitting on either side of her; then there’s the pit crew chief, Melshi, and the number one mechanic, Cassian, sitting side by side, attached at the hip just like they are in the paddock garage during race weekends. 
Vivian stands up and pulls you into a bear hug when you draw closer, her favorite greeting style, squeezing you so tight you swear you hear your ribs groaning like they’re on the verge of snapping. She’s in high spirits, smiling widely and looking mere seconds away from bouncing up and down with giddy excitement. 
“I have such a good feeling about you two,” she says, never one to beat around the bush, hands squeezing your shoulders once, twice, and then bobbing her head affirmatively. “2023 is going to be a great year, I just know it.”
Her positive vibes are contagious, bringing a smile to your own face that lingers even as you take a seat and notice for the first time the last empty chair remaining is right across from you. Clearly it’s meant for Javi. The seating chart most likely designed to force you and him to talk to each other.
And there’s that nervousness again, back with a vengeance.
It’s just…meeting Javi, officially face to face, right here in the beating heart of your career, makes everything seem overwhelmingly real all of the sudden. You’re an F1 driver. You’ve made it. Everything you’ve done, all the blood, sweat, and tears have brought you to this moment. You’re half-tempted to pinch yourself, one last test to confirm this isn’t all an elaborate dream.
You can blame the chill that runs down your spine on the weather, but it’s not so easy to explain away the heavy weight settling in your stomach like a stone.
The door opens, thoughts falling silent as you look up to meet brown eyes.
“Javi!” Vivian calls out, standing and gesturing him over. “Come on in, don’t be shy. Everyone’s excited to finally meet you.”
The man steps further into the room, flashing a dimpled grin that leaves you a little stunned. You thought it before, a couple months back in the paddock, and you think it again now: Javi is even more attractive when seeing him in person. He could have easily been a model in another life—warm brown eyes resembling melted caramel when the light hits just right, a strong nose and chiseled jawline, disheveled curls giving the impression he just rolled out of bed and yet somehow he makes the look work. Plus, nobody should look as immaculate as he does in a black puffer jacket and matching trousers. 
Your eyes follow him, watching Vivian introduce him to everybody, handshake after handshake, polite nice to meet you’s falling off his lips and do your ears deceive you or does he actually sound sincere? He wears an easy smile, if perhaps a little nervous looking around the edges (or maybe that’s wishful thinking), shoulders drawn back and brow pinched in concentration as he engages in conversation with the higher-ups. A professional, that’s what he looks like. And you? You’ve just realized your socks don’t match.
The age gap of five and half years suddenly seems massive between you and Javi. You have a lot of growing to do, a lot of learning, and not just when you’re behind the wheel of the car. It takes all your self-restraint not to slump down in your chair with the desire to disappear from view.
Finally, after his introductions to Cassian and Melshi have wrapped up, it’s your turn. Brown eyes momentarily pin you in place, body glued to the leather seat, and you think your heartbeat can be heard by the whole room, seconds away from bursting out of your chest and making a bloody mess on the tabletop. 
He steps closer, grin widening, as warm and bright as fireworks during New Years, and says, “Oddball.”
The sound of your name jerks you out of your daze, standing up so fast you nearly send your chair toppling over. You wince at the loud noise, embarrassment flooding your system. Somewhere from the other end of the table, someone (probably Cassian, the jerk) barely conceals their snort of laughter behind a cough.
It’s just shy of mortifying.
Javi doesn’t stop smiling. Doesn’t laugh, either. The only change is his eyes—a subtle softening with an emotion you’d label as fondness if you actually, like, knew the man. Since you’re barely even acquaintances though, you’re uncertain what the look means. If it even means anything at all.
You run your hands over the front of your turtleneck, smoothing nonexistent wrinkles, and fumble for words that won’t make you sound like a complete idiot. “Yo.”
Wonderful. You’ve made it officially mortifying now. 
He chuckles and holds out a hand. “It’s great to meet you.”
Growing up, one of your father’s life lessons was how to give a proper handshake. First impressions are important, he’d always say, and every night you’d practice until it became second nature: keep it firm, keep it dry, and keep it short. Also a smile goes a long ways.
“Yes it is.” Your eyes widen. “Oh, no, that’s not—I meant, it is great, like, in general!” you say hastily, dropping his hand and doing some sort of childish thumbs up gesture you immediately regret. “Great to meet you! Like you said. Face to face finally. It’s super…great.”
You’re honestly beginning to think you’ve been cursed to forever make a fool of yourself in front of Javi.
“Well said, Odds. Well said,” Vivian laughs. She gestures for Javi to take the empty chair you’d predicted was his. “We’ve just got a few things to discuss, some dates to go over. Then we’ll take a couple of photos and both of you will go on with your day, alright? Oddball, sim work as usual. Javi, a tour to get you familiar with the place.”
“Sounds great,” Javi agrees. 
You just give a wordless nod, sitting down again and avoiding looking up from the very interesting grooves in the wood even when Javi tries to catch your eye across the table. Embarrassment clings to your skin, teeth worrying your bottom lip. Your anxiety has always been a fickle beast, refusing at the worst of times to be pushed to the back of your mind where you’d prefer it to be. 
Vivian’s talking, saying something about data and statistics, but between your rampant insecurities and Javi’s nearness, it’s a hopeless cause paying her any attention. If there’s anything really important being said you’re sure someone else will repeat it later or pass the info on to your manager. So in the meantime, your gaze flicks between the table and your fiddling hands in your lap, leg bouncing a restless rhythm, riding out the anxious wave until it’s over and calmness returns. It’s fine. You’re fine. Everything’s fine.
When it’s time for photos, Vivian stands in-between you and Javi, arms thrown enthusiastically around your shoulders. You smile at the line of people with their phones out, looking like a room full of proud parents taking pictures of their kids’ first day at school, and you realize for Javi, that’s exactly what this is. Day one in a brand new town in a brand new place with brand new people. For all your teammate’s experience and skills on the track, he severely lacks your knowledge and familiarity of Vulpecula. 
Which means you both have some learning to do. And that is a surprisingly gratifying thought.
“Hey.” A hand lightly grabs onto your elbow just as you turn to leave. You turn back, butterflies fluttering in your stomach at Javi’s proximity, that same soft look in his gaze. “I’m looking forward to getting to know you. I think we’ll make a great team.”
It takes a second for the words to register and when they finally do—
You nod your head, smiling wide, a surge of excitement washing over you. “Me too, Javi. Me too.”
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Vulpecula HQ is massive, a labyrinth of hallways and offices and staircases Javi knows will take him weeks, possibly months to memorize. But it becomes abundantly clear during his tour with Vivian—a CEO who’s blunt, loud, and so totally unlike his previous team principals he can’t help but marvel at her—that should he ever find himself lost, there will always be someone nearby to point him in the right direction. 
People here actually seem to care about each other. About him, even, and they’ve only literally just met him. They talk to him like he’s a person, not a driver or pawn to manipulate. Ask him how he’s settling in, what he likes to do in his free time, if he has any holiday plans. They seem genuinely interested in his answers too, not politely faking it out of professional courtesy like they did at Triple Frontier and Crane. At Black Gold the staff only cared about his hobbies if they negatively affected his results, telling him to quit them if they did. And back then, young and eager to please, he obeyed every command without question, no matter the personal sacrifice.
It’s…nice to be heard for a change. If he’s honest, he thought it would be a struggle to connect with Vulpecula. Oddball is the rookie on the grid, but around here Javi’s the newbie at the lunch table. A newbie who just last month was their competition. The warm welcome by a building full of strangers was an unexpected, but pleasant surprise. It has made the nervous knot of tension in his chest loosen for the first time since he signed his contract, replacing it with a budding sense of belonging he’s never felt during his years in F1.
And as for Oddball—she’s the biggest surprise of all, he thinks. She’s got more layers than an onion. He’s seen her own personal videos, how she acts around her friends and the press, never did he anticipate her to be shy. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, no. He actually found himself rather endeared by her awkward fumbling, like witnessing a baby horse learning to stand up on wobbly legs. It’s just…he’s a little unsure how their relationship will progress from here. Her determination to avoid eye contact with him wasn’t exactly inspiring.
She’d smiled at him at the end, at least. Bright and excited and so very, very young. Me too, Javi. Me too. 
He doesn’t know much about Vulpecula yet, doesn’t know what the future will bring either, but what he does know from personal experience is that teammates who can get along with each other have better seasons than those who don’t. And if he can be a good teammate for Oddball and vice versa, then he thinks there’s no reason why they can’t maybe one day be good friends as well.
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Exclusive: Ahsoka Tano Discusses Formula 1’s Heavy Toll on Mental Health
By Poppy Adams | December 5, 2022
 In a city of dome-roofed, adobe buildings all the same shade as the encompassing sandy desert, Ahsoka Tano is just as instantly recognized by her white-and-blue dyed hair here as she was in the F1 paddock six years ago. Remembered fondly by the racing community for her sharp moves on the track and even sharper tongue in the media pen, Tano has settled down in Mos Espa (a favorite spot for retired and current F1 drivers alike) and enjoys a peaceful life after successfully securing the world champion title back in 2016 she’d been chasing since she was a youngling.
I meet with her at the Mos Espa Grand Arena, the site of several world-famous races from pods to swoop bikes, but most importantly to the present company, it’s also where the Mos Espa Grand Prix has been held annually for almost a hundred years. There are no events this week, no 100,000 fans screaming their lungs out in the stands. It’s just Tano, me, and two delicious cups of Deychin tea. 
Tano, dressed in a blue tank top and matching leggings, spares a moment to gaze at the starting grid below, no doubt remembering the days when she was down there looking up at where we sit now. “I’ll never forget it,” she says, tapping her temple with that famous crooked smirk of hers. “The good, the bad, and the ugly.”
The “ugly” side of F1 is why Tano and I are meeting this December afternoon. The Outer Rim native twice made history in the sport by being the second female driver to compete and also by being the second female driver to win a world championship title, but her rise to the top wasn’t an easy one. Looking back at old interview footage will show a young woman fearless of her competition and full of a passionate love for racing, but off-camera she was plagued by anxiety and insecurities. “It’s still a little hard to process at times. How some of my darkest moments are so deeply intertwined with some of the best years of my life,” she says. 
She tells me about the way she was encouraged to never let herself appear weak when cameras were around, “to maintain this image that I was invincible, the definition of confident.” In the aftermath of making mistakes on track, where every 10th of a second can determine where a driver ranks against their competition, Tano would spend hours worrying about the potential consequences on her career, if they would set off a domino effect ultimately leading to her downfall. “I would just keep on spiraling and spiraling deeper into this horrible pit,” she explains. “And I couldn’t tell anyone about it.”
When Tano sought out therapy at the end of 2015, she did so feeling burnt out and at the end of her rope. “I considered quitting racing. I talked with my manager about buying my way out of my contract and everything, but he convinced me to give therapy a chance first.” She smiles then, a beaming grin brighter than the overhead sun. “Thank the Maker I listened to him.” Therapy gave Tano the outlet she desperately needed, a place where she could “open up about my darkness and find the light again.” She returned to the grid in 2016 as a proud advocate for mental health awareness, breaking protocol by candidly discussing anxiety and depression during press conferences and on social media to her millions of followers. “I refused to be silent anymore,” she tells me. “The more I spoke up, the more people I impacted, the more acceptable a topic it became to hear about in the paddock.” Since Tano’s retirement, drivers continue to be inspired by her transparency and speak about their own fears and vulnerabilities, a development Tano hopes will continue for decades to come.
Recently Tano has begun planning to start a charity called Fulcrum devoted to helping people, especially athletes, with depression, anxiety, and other mental health related conditions. “It’s a slow process, but if I can help even one single person then all this hard work will have been completely worth the effort,” she says. In spite of the challenges she faced and the dark pits she had to mentally crawl out of, she remains thankful of her accomplishments and for everyone who supported her every step of the way. 
“Formula One is not for the faint-hearted. It’s constant pressure, constant eyes watching your every move, constant judgment and opinions,” Tano says. 
“Why compete then? Why stay in such a hostile environment?” I ask. 
Tano sips at her tea. Her eyes drift to the starting grid again, lips curling into a soft smile, an expression on her face I have a feeling not many can claim they have been fortunate to see.
“For every driver, there will come a moment when you’re driving down a straight at 200 miles per hour, preparing to brake for the corner up ahead, and all of the sudden, every thought fades from your mind. You’ll forget your training, your strategy. All that remains is pure instinct. And you’ll learn in that exact moment, in that fraction of a second, who you are and what you’re made of,” she says. “We compete for the fun of it. We stay to discover more about ourselves.”
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The next time you see Javi is at simulator practice two days later. It’s still a bit of a jarring moment seeing him at HQ, even more so finding him dressed in cobalt blue racing gear while talking to one of the simulator operators. Maybe you’re a bit biased, but you can’t help admiring how much better he looks in Vulpecula’s colors than Triple Frontier’s.
You offer a timid smile when his gaze flicks your way, trying to keep your tone light rather than weak and shaky like the rest of you. “First time on the sim?”
He turns towards you, giving you his full attention in such an easygoing, yet intense way it does little to soothe your frazzled nerves. “That’s right. It’s really quite something. A lot bigger than I’m used to.”
“That’s what she said.”
There’s a beat of silence, just Javi staring at you wide-eyed like he can’t believe you quoted Michael Scott in front of him and you staring right back, unable to believe you quoted Michael Scott in front of him. And then, the moment dangling on that thin cusp between hilarity and mortification—a laugh bubbles up out of Javi’s throat, loud and infectious, and you’re both done for. Hysterically giggling like a pair of idiots, like it’s the funniest thing in the universe, like whatever remaining ice between you has officially and eternally been broken.
“Sorry,” you say finally, manic laughter fading into something lighter, friendlier than before. “I watch way too much TV.”
The familiar word elicits another laugh out of you. “You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.”
Javi smiles, a radiant and genuine thing, nothing like the stiff, polite ones PR managers insisted drivers learn. “We should watch the movie together sometime. Maybe on our next day off, when this,” he gestures towards the simulator, “isn’t requiring all our time.”
“Think you’re ready for it?” you ask, and you’re surprised by the note of cheekiness slipping into your tone, because this easiness, this playfulness, you’ve only known it with Eggsy and Ben before. And that came after months spent together, after years of building a solid friendship week by week from the ground up—not this fast, not after only one previous meeting.
“Am I ready for it?” he replies, a glint of amusement in his eyes. “You’re the rookie around here, no? Shouldn’t you be asking me for tips?”
Your good mood dims a little, thinking about the high number of crashes you’ve experienced these last few months. He’s right, even if he said it jokingly, that you should be asking him for tips. You could most likely learn a lot from him.
But your stubborn pride dismisses the notion with a scoff, reminding you that you didn’t come this far in your career by asking men for advice.
“Nuh-uh,” you say instead, crossing your arms and jutting out your chin. “I’ve got skills that’ll blow your mind.”
He leans forward, mirroring your pose, confidently rising to the unspoken challenge. “Oh yeah?”
“Prove it.”
Your lips mouth silent words, mind struggling to keep up with the verbal tennis match, ultimately coming up with an intelligent, “Huh?”
“You heard me,” is the swift reply, one eyebrow arching up pointedly. “I wanna see the legendary rookie Oddball’s skills. Impress me, rarita.”
In an effort to pretend his unwavering stare isn’t turning your mind to mush, you make an exaggerated show of rolling your eyes and swatting at his shoulder. “Challenge accepted, curls. Step aside and watch the master.”
Snorting, Javi obeys and goes to stand with the rest of the staff half-hidden behind an array of computer screens, who blessedly keep up their professional personas and pretend they haven’t been listening to your exchange. The chief simulator operator gives you a thumb’s up to get in the sim and you grab your spare helmet from the nearby shelf, feeling a pinch of nervousness ache inside your sternum. 
It’ll be fine, you think, positioning yourself in the simulator seat, hands grabbing the steering wheel. Just do your best.
Your best is your best until it’s not. 
You start off well, braking and accelerating at precisely the right moments, the trees and bleacher stands mere blurs streaking by in your peripheral. You’re in the zone, that precious driver headspace where the only thing you know, the only thing you feel is the car, the car, the car. 
And then you’re spinning off track.
For a long moment, all you can do is stare, dazed as if you really had just collided with the barrier. And then comes the sickening bite of disappointment and frustration because you can see the finish line. It’s right there. Right fucking there and you failed to reach it. Again. 
Simulation over, silence floods the room. The air seems to turn frigid cold, felt even beneath the thick material of your suit. You want to scream, to curse, to hit something. But you’re a professional driver now, F1 career in its infancy. You can’t risk the bad reputation of throwing a tantrum.
After all, this is just a practice run. No harm, no foul. Except…if you were to crash like that for real, you would have just cost your team not only desperately needed points to stay ahead of other teams, but also hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of repairs, possibly millions. Your team is counting on you not to make dumb mistakes and lately that seems to be the only thing you’re capable of doing. And if you don’t get your shit together by pre-testing…
Your jaws clenches, unable to finish the thought.
The worst thing is, Javi’s staring. Unlike the rest of the room’s inhabitants who devote their focus to pouring over the data, muttering amongst themselves, he’s watching you like you’re a rare bug under a microscope, something peculiar and puzzling. It’s unbearable.
You climb your way out of the simulator, head ducked, jaw clenched. When you turn around, when the helmet comes off, you’ll paste a rueful grin on your face. You’ll accept the pats on your shoulder, the repetitive phrases of better luck next time and we’ll keep practicing, don’t worry. You’ll make fun of yourself, pick apart your mistakes until their sting is gone. 
You’ll make everyone believe you're fine. That your anxiety isn’t a problem. That you’re more than capable of representing the team (and womankind) on the grid. 
It’s a good plan. A solid plan. A plan that has worked over and over again ever since you signed on as Vulpecula’s reserve driver what feels like a hundred lifetimes ago. 
What you don’t count on is Javi approaching you, blocking your view of the strategists and operators with his broad shoulders almost like he’s purposefully trying to spare you from their prying eyes. You slowly slide your helmet over your head, blinking at him, fighting to keep your carefully composed mask in place.
“You weren’t kidding,” he says, tone light yet your spine tenses all the same. “My mind is blown.”
“Right, very funny,” you reply sourly, rolling your eyes. 
His hand reaches out and brushes against your elbow, a reassuring touch your anxiety-stricken mind doesn’t know how to process. “I’m serious. If not for that last corner curb, turning just a hair too early, you would have beaten the fastest lap record by three seconds. You’re quick, Oddball. Smart, too. You’ll learn from these mistakes, become a better racer.” A pause, another soft nudge against your arm. “Maybe even better than me if you’re really lucky.”
You don’t realize you’ve been holding your breath until a choked laugh escapes you. Sounds more like a wheeze, actually. High-pitched and painful and all wrong. But it cuts through the anxiety, takes you out of your head for a blissful moment. 
Javi, the dear man you’re beginning to suspect doesn’t have a mean bone in his body, makes no comment on it.
“Okay, curls,” you say, and you’re not ready to smile yet, but you’re definitely closer to feeling like your usual and real self than you were before he came over. “Your turn. Let’s see what you got.”
He moves to grab his own spare helmet from the shelf. And there’s a moment, barely a glimpse, where your eyes lock with his, and somehow you know he hears the unspoken thank you lodged in the back of your throat. 
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With a great promotion comes a greater responsibility. Now that you're an official driver for the team, you’re not just expected to race for them, you’re expected to promote them too. Which means a whole new intense level of media and sponsoring obligations you never had to deal with when you were in F2. 
Vivian assigns you a PR manager—a blonde named Barbara Minerva with a friendly smile and a penchant for wearing animal print—to help you prepare for the big adjustment, training you on what and what not to say as well as how to control your facial expressions when the press are shoving microphones at you. The last thing you want is your pineapple face witnessed by millions of people worldwide. 
You like Barbara, you really do. She used to work for Black Gold so she’s an expert on handling pretty much every type of media scandal or drama outburst one can imagine. She instructs you on when to be serious and when to be coy with the reporters, how to neutrally navigate uncomfortable topics without pissing anyone off, and even comes up with a hand signal to use when you’re feeling overwhelmed and need her to intervene. Barbara’s great, but that doesn’t change the fact media training is fucking exhausting. Brain working overtime, critically analyzing every word that comes out of your mouth, every facial tic and flutter of your eyelids with a giant magnifying glass, alarms blaring with every perceived flaw. You start dreading the hour each day, counting down the minutes until you can escape and give your pounding head a break from the information overload.
And this is just the training. It pains you to think about how much worse the real thing will be, even with Barbara swearing she’ll be by your side through it all.
After media training, you fall into a routine of grabbing a snack from the mess hall on the third floor, usually an apple or a granola bar, something Diana wouldn’t give you the stink eye for discovering, and then finding a quiet corner to sit and decompress for a few minutes.
This isn’t a new thing—this desire for privacy, for solitude. You used to do it back on Sorgan, too, when the bullying from the other kids got under your skin, self-doubts bubbling to the surface. It became increasingly harder to find a quiet space once you switched from karting to formula racing, more eyes and more judgment seeking you out, and it's kind of funny how your world became so much larger and so much smaller simultaneously. 
You’re musing over this thought, chewing on an apple while nestled in a lounge chair, minding your own business, when you’re interrupted by the soft clearing of a throat. You look up, nearly choking on your mouthful when you find Javi staring down at you, dressed in a flannel plaid shirt that’s tight around his broad shoulders and carrying an apple of his own. 
One day you hope the sight of him will stop sending your heart into cardiac arrest. Preferably soon, because you’re really not sure how much more you can take.
“Mind if I join you?” Javi asks, gesturing to the other lounge chair. He’s looking at you with those doe brown eyes all round and full of hope you’d have to be a heartless monster to deny him, so you just nod your head.
For a long moment neither of you say anything. It’s not an awkward silence, but it’s not comfortable either. Just two people existing in the same time and space. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Javi leaning back in his chair, feet propped up on the table, and it’s a little unfair how easily he can settle into new places, blending in like he was always meant to be there. 
“So,” he starts, mouth curling into a grin when you look over, “you come here often?” 
“It’s nice,” you say. “I like the quiet.”
“Oh.” Javi tenses, spine straightening. “I-I can go, if you want me—”
“No!” You throw out an arm as if to physically grab him. He freezes, one leg raised off the table, blinking at you. Oh, God. You’ve really made it weird now. Licking your lips, you lower your tone back to its usual pitch, reassuring him, “It’s fine, really. I don’t mind you being here.”
It startles you to realize you’re not lying. 
The reason you seek out alone time is just that, to be alone. When you’re in these moods you don’t like anyone invading your space. Not your friends or your parents. Nobody. It’s an unspoken rule of yours.
But then there’s Javi, settling back into his seat with a warm, dimpled grin, looking so strangely content to be allowed to stay, and it doesn’t seem so bad making an exception for him.
“I like the quiet, too,” Javi admits. “Back home, there are these cliffs overlooking the ocean for miles and miles, endlessly blue. It's my favorite sight on the whole island. I could spend hours up there…”
He trails off, lost in a memory, and for the first time since arriving at Vulpecula he seems dejected, eyes dimming. You’re familiar enough with the look of homesickness after seeing it in the mirror a dozen times to recognize it on someone else’s face.
“There aren’t any cliffs or oceans in Altair, but there’s some pretty great restaurants and bakeries,” you say. There’s a French café down the street from your apartment which you can confidently claim makes the best croissants in the whole world, buttery and flaky and oh so delicious to enjoy on your cheat days. “Festivals and concerts, too, if you’re interested.”
Javi looks at you, a mix of interest and surprise. “Are you offering to be my tour guide, rarita?”
“Only for the sake of the team, of course,” you tell him with mock seriousness. “Can’t have you winding up lost in some back alleyway before a race weekend.”
“The press would have a field day,” he agrees, voice just as deadpan. His eyes widen with alarm. “Ay, Dios! Think of the fans! Their memes will be absolutely merciless. I’ll never leave my apartment again.”
You can’t keep up your straight face, laughing and shaking your head. “Exactly. Lucky for you, Altair is basically my second home. I know it like the back of my hand.”
“Lucky me.” He nods, running a hand over his curls, and, okay, maybe you really do have a serious heart condition because what is happening. Distracted by the frantic beating, you nearly miss him asking, “You grew up in the Outer Rim, right?”
“That’s right.” Pride slips into your voice, gesturing towards yourself with a thumb. “Straight outta Sorgan.”
Javi chuckles. “Do your parents still live there?”
“Yep. They’re krill farmers, just like everybody else in the village. They fly out to races when they can, and when they can’t, well,” you shrug, “there’s always phone calls, right?”
His lip twitches, an aborted frown. “Yeah,” he says after a moment’s hesitation.
Okay. There’s obvious tension there. Curiosity prickles at the back of your mind, but when you notice the way his gaze has fallen to the floor, resembling a kicked puppy, you decide you don’t want to ask about it if it makes him look this sad. 
Your fingers drum against your forgotten apple for a few seconds, then go still as an idea occurs. 
“Hey, um,” you say tentatively, leaning forward with your elbows on your knees. “I know you already got a tour of HQ from Vivian before, but how would you like a proper one? Oddball style?”
Javi blinks, eyebrows scrunching together, and the look really shouldn’t be as cute as it is. “Do I dare ask what ‘Oddball style’ means?”
“Nope. You’re either in or you're out, curls.”
“In that case,” Javi says, a smile spreading over his face. “Count me in.”
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F1 Driver Javi Gutierrez Moves to Altair Ahead of Upcoming Season with Vulpecula
Written By: Raquel Wilde
 "I'm looking forward to making memories here," says Javi Gutierrez, born and raised in Mallorca. "Altair's a nice place with nice people. It's starting to feel like a home away from home."
Gutierrez, who began racing in Formula 1 in 2018 when he was 21, has always felt drawn to the world of motorsports, claiming there's "no better feeling in the world than being behind the wheel". He will join Vulpecula in 2023 after finishing 11th in the driver standings this year with Triple Frontier.
He'll be paired with rookie driver known to Altair locals and the world as Oddball. Together they'll train at Vulpecula Headquarters these upcoming winter months to prepare for pre-season testing in February.
"I'm already planning on showing him all the best restaurants and sights," Oddball says, who has called Altair home for the past two years.
Oddball has become a familiar and much-loved presence to locals, often spotted buying groceries, biking around the park, and attending special events. In response to Gutierrez's arrival, signs of support have begun appearing in shop windows and on front lawns, welcoming him to the community and the massively adored F1 team.
Vulpecula CEO Vivian Etten has said Gutierrez is the leader the team needs to overcome their recent struggles. "He's made a lot of progress since his rookie year," Etten claims. "He's got the skills, the knowledge, and the right attitude."
If Gutierrez had not pursued racing, he would have tried to become a professional swimmer. It remains a favorite exercise and pastime of his. Perhaps when the weather turns warm, he might give the local rec center pool a visit when he’s not busy up at Vulpecula HQ.
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Only time will tell what next season will bring for Gutierrez and Oddball. I imagine readers are hoping for podium finishes just as much as I am. In the upcoming weeks, Vulpecula's new drivers will be attending the Drive Awards and also enjoy some time off from their F1 duties to celebrate the holidays with their families.
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The brunette PR manager turns to find Barbara Minerva half-running, half-stumbling towards her in leopard print high heels. Memories of their shared seasons together at Black Gold come rushing to mind, leaning on each other when it felt like everything else was falling apart, and Gabriela can’t help opening her arms to embrace the other woman.
“Long time no see,” she says when she pulls back. Friendships are hard to maintain in the world of F1, especially when drivers are no longer on the same team. Gabriela can only recall seeing Barbara once during Javi’s time at Triple Frontier, and that had been just a passing glimpse across the paddock. “I love what you’ve done with your hair.”
“Aw, thanks. I like it better this way too.” Barbara smiles, eyes crinkling behind her glasses, and reaches up to touch the shoulder-length blonde waves. She then gestures towards Gabriela. “You look just as fabulous as I remember. How have you been?”
“Highs and lows. Mostly highs, thankfully,” Gabriela answers. A staff member walks by then, neatly sidestepping around them before carrying on down the hallway and the interruption reminds her exactly where they are. “Wait. Barb, what are you doing at Vulpecula?”
“Oh, you didn’t hear? Ballard isn’t the only one Black Gold gave the boot.”
“They what?” Gabriela’s jaw drops. She might be a kickass PR agent (in her opinion, at least), but that doesn’t always mean she has full control over her own reactions. Case in point.
“It’s all good though,” Barbara reassures her, pointing to a pin on her shirt Gabriela had failed to notice before. It’s the Vulpecula constellation logo. The same one Gabriela’s wearing beneath her coat. “Vulpecula reached out much more nicely than Black Gold ever spoke to me. Offered me more money too,” she adds with a conspiratorial wink.
The brunette starts to laugh, but then understanding fully sinks in. PR managers are brought onto F1 teams to handle the drivers, and since Javi already has one, then that can only mean—
“You’re Oddball’s manager?”
“That’s right.” The two women trade matching smiles. “She’s adorable. A giant work in progress, but adorable.”
Gabriela winces sympathetically. She remembers her early days with Javi when he made his rookie debut, how eager he’d been for people to like him, how hard she’d had to work to prevent the light in his eyes from disappearing completely after critics started dismissing him as an insignificant presence on the grid. He’s grown up since then. He’s put up walls too. And she wants to be proud of him for not letting the negativity drag him down, but the thing about walls is that they keep him safe, yes, however they also prevent people from getting close. She hates to think of Javi as lonely, not someone as sweet and considerate as him.
“Speaking of Oddball,” Barbara’s voice shakes her out of her head. She blinks back into focus, finding her friend holding out a torn piece of paper with numbers scribbled on it. “This is her cell number. Vivian told me to make sure Javi had it.”
She takes the paper from her and stares down at it for a second before neatly stuffing it in her pocket, unsure whether to feel confused or offended Vivian didn’t reach out to her directly. Maybe the team principal wanted the two PR managers to meet up, aware of their history with each other. What’s done is done now, Gabriela supposes, shoving the mixed emotions aside as quickly as they sprung up.
“Thanks. I’ll make sure he gets it,” she tells Barbara. “You know, it really is great to see you again. I’ve missed having someone to gossip with over a drink.”
“Wine nights!” Barbara cheers, then immediately slaps a hand over her mouth when her voice echoes loudly off the walls. 
They both burst into laughter not even a second later, so loud a couple of heads poke out of nearby offices to see what’s going on only to then shake in amusement at the pair. 
And for the first time since Javi signed his contract with Vulpecula, the nervous knot in Gabriela’s stomach doesn’t seem so big anymore.
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From: Unknown Number (7:15pm)
Hey Oddball it’s Javi! Gabriela gave me your number, hope you don’t mind! 
To: Javi (7:18pm)
Not at all! Text me if you ever want any restaurant recs
From: Javi (7:19pm)
Only if you come along too :)
To: Javi (7:19pm) (unsent)
Really? You sure?
To: Javi (7:20pm) (unsent)
Ya! Sounds like fun!
To: Javi (7:21pm) 
You drive a hard bargain curls…
To: Javi (7:22pm) 
But I guess I could be persuaded. Wanna get lunch tomorrow?
From: Javi (7:24pm) 
Tell me when and where, I’ll be there!
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zahri-melitor · 10 months
New(ish) Comics (this is the best week of the month, no lie)
Batman – Santa Claus: Silent Knight #1: this is fun. I like the way Bruce and Damian are written together. I am annoyed Babs is out as Batgirl. I'm amused that Tim is very specifically excluded from the story that involves real Santa given he'd not be wondering 'ooh oooh is Santa real' like Dick is here.
Someone had better give Darkseid some coal, is all I can say.
Batman #139: …so we really are running Batman and Batman & Robin with contradictory plots right now. Cmon. There was even a way to finagle this so that Damian could be living with Bruce and have Zdarsky’s plot still work! Grump.
“I’m coming for you, Joker. I’m coming for all three of you. For the last time.” (actually there’s a printing error in this line and the letterer has ‘For the the last time’) I disbelieve this Zdarsky, sorry, though if you could figure out a way to get Joker out of the Bat books for a few years I think everyone would enjoy that.
Now that aside, I do want to note that apparently my decision to (re)read all of Henri Ducard’s appearances seems to have been prescient, given Zdarsky has just referred to ‘manhunting’, ‘training when I was young’ and ‘Paris’ all together. That’s Ducard. That trio is 100% Ducard. Sounds like I need to finish Henri Ducard’s post-2016 appearances, which I was delaying. So Batman: The Detective and Batman: The Knight are jumping up my reading list. (And a quick look at ‘Lucie Chesson’ says she’s from Batman: The Knight, so yep, gotta read)
Joker + dolls always makes me think of NML Endgame, personally.
Birds of Prey #3: Damn this continues to just be a solid read. Thompson keeps hitting yet another 'look I can be trusted' target every issue.
I could do with at least 30% less Harley commentary in this book, but I do acknowledge that at least half the team are unlikely to talk much in a combat situation. Future!Maps is cute and as I slowly approach Maps content I’m excited to meet her more. Also… SIN MY SWEETHEART. I have been waiting for this hug for SIXTEEN YEARS. (Literally. I was in DC fandom in 2007 when they were torn apart). Also loooooooooool Ollie got curbstomped by Diana, sucks to be you Ollie.
Blue Beetle #3: Oh I couldn’t help myself (in terms of how many panels I already posted), but Blue Beetle is doing such interesting things right now. Victoria’s finally being acknowledged on page as being super sus and villainous (rather than just slinking around being sus and concerning me deeply). I’m getting more and more worried about the identity of the Red Beetle. We got Traci back! Which from what I hear means that Trujillo is glossing over some of Traci’s recent characterisation, but we’ll see how this tracks (and in any case, re-establishing Jaime’s connections to the magic/dark side of DC via Traci is helpful if we’re about to do a Dan Garrett story).
Free my girl Dani Garrett if we’re doing a Dan Garrett storyline, she’s an autistic mildly amoral archaeologist and I desperately, DESPERATELY want to see her arguing with Victoria Kord over who ‘owns’ the scarab while Jaime’s standing in the middle going ‘excuse me nobody owns Khaji Da, it’s its own being! And my friend!’
Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #3: hello Jimmy Olsen! Hello Turtle Jimmy lore! (I love how silly this book is. I do enjoy JLI stuff that doesn’t take itself seriously) I’m getting attached to a few of the new villains, particularly Linka Grodd.
Shazam! #5: MARY SIGHTING. Darla remains tiny and adorable and I love her too. This comic remains committed to ridiculous fun villains (and Waid and Mora have apparently been off raiding the ‘underused weird Silver Age villains’ list). Mr Dinosaur is an amazing addition to the canon. (And yes. Billy rebuilt the moon. Oh Shazam!) Also I see we are still back firmly in the ‘jealous Freddie’ plot that’s been hanging around for a while.
Warlord #25: this week we check back in with Tara, Mariah and Machiste. Grell’s done some fabulous art for the splash page that I really really like.
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Travis is fighting *checks notes* snow giants as he's still too ashamed to come hang out with his friends and partner after the whole 'I killed Joshua' incident a few issues back. He's also cutting all sort of things with his Damascus Steel sword which I have to remind everyone and note is highly suspicious damascus steel, because it's made from a RIFLE and there is no way the type of steel used was able to be worked as damascene, given it likely was alloyed wrong.
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I love Ashir here (the guy actually wearing clothes) as firstly, look! A rare appearance of someone with most of their skin covered! Secondly, Travis' burn of "I didn't know you had character".
Anyway, Travis is moping a bit here about being a lone warrior. You could go and hang out with your friends any time you want, Travis. You're the one who left, not them.
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aioledreams · 22 days
FFXIVWrite 2024 Day 2: Horizon
Ciel is on her way to the Waking Sands for the first time.
They had stopped at the Thanalan settlement to rest the chocobos. Ciel climbs out of the back of the carriage and stretches her long limbs, arms above her head, hands not quite catching the sky. She does a few paces around the worn stone streets. She briefly shields her eyes from the ever beating heat and glare of the sun to get a better view of the sand coloured buildings that crowded the walls of the surrounding plateau. Between the spindly trees with their wide leaf crowns, the high stone walls, the plateau itself, and the cheerful red awnings, there was more shade in Horizon than there had been the whole way from Ul’dah. 
When she comes face to face with the driver, a smile crinkles his tan skin. Years in the sun had made it like leather, and it was clear he smiled often. “We’ll be continuing on to Vesper Bay in a few hours, but if your business needs more haste, it’s a short ride by chocobo porter.” The elder hyur gestures toward a yellow clad lalafell. They are surrounded by crates and a small cluster of chocobos nearest the gate and the stone steps leading down toward the village’s towering aetheryte. 
“Thank you for taking me this far,” Ciel replies with a smile of her own, fishing out a sum of gil to press into the carriage driver’s waiting hand. The man dips his head in thanks and the two part ways, the driver to tending his chocobos, Ciel toward Horizon’s chocobo porter. 
When she arrives amongst the crates and chocobos she isn’t the first in line to talk to the porter. A dark skinned man is already negotiating with the diminutive merchant. He had the sun bleached clothes of a desert native, but the telltale long pointed ears of an elezen. Curious, she thinks. She hasn’t run into many fellow elezen in Thanalan; but she hasn’t been here long. “For Vesper Bay” she hears him say, “Reckon this should cover.” Gil is exchanged and the man swings himself up on one of the chocobos, navigating it around her in a trot before disappearing through the gates at the other end of the village at higher speed.
She catches sight of the glare off a pair of red lenses, and for a moment her head reels like a lightning bolt has sliced its way into her skull. Foggy images assault her all at once, drowning out the nearby stone buildings and the noises of the chocobos as they gain clarity. There are tents crowded against the towering walls of the great city Ul’dah, packed full of sweaty bodies in ragged clothes from all corners of the realm. She is walking down Pearl Lane, head down, weaving through a river of faces, hands in pockets, one wrapped white knuckled around coin that wasn’t hers. She smells the familiar sea and fish smell of Limsa Lominsa’s lower docks, but right now it is new and strange. There’s a heavy wood and iron door in the white stone walls and a blonde roegadyn with an eyepatch looking down at her. Then very briefly, she feels a world and a time away, like she is holding onto the last vestiges of a dream when waking. There is a smile, bright blue eyes that are hers but aren’t. 
Ciel blinks, the blurred lines of Horizon’s buildings and the stark contrast of sun and shade re-asserting themselves into reality. She rubs her forehead and runs a hand through her hair, taking in a deep breath. The pain had vanished as quickly as it came. These episodes always arrived without warning. She scans the surrounding streets. People haul crates, do business under awnings. The chocobo carriage she rode in on is pulled off to the side, more crates and parcels being unloaded from the back. The rider has already disappeared into the dark tunnel at the gap in the cliff wall. 
When Ciel approaches the chocobokeep she can almost hear the lalafell smile behind their mask. “Can I interest you in a chocobo porter? Our fine birds are trained to take you to Vesper Bay, Ul’dah or the Silver Bazaar with the most direct route!” 
“Vesper Bay, please.” Ciel replies, “How much is the fare?” She adjusts her pack, quickly counting out a likely sum of gil. 
“Only 15 gil.” is the cheerful response. Ciel glances at her sum, her estimate a bit over. She hands it all over anyway, and the porter gives the coin a quick glance before pocketing it. Ciel waits as a tall yellow bird fitted with a simple but sturdy saddle is led to her. The handler fusses a bit over ensuring she is comfortable in the saddle and has a good grip on the reins. “She’ll do most of the work, so just enjoy the ride. Take care, now.” It still sounds like the porter is smiling. 
With a nudge she is off, the sun glinting off the blue crystal in the center of the village before she leaves cobblestone streets and the brown and grey and sand buildings with their crimson awnings behind. She is swallowed by the calm and cool shade of a passage that never bears the heat of the sun, the smell of the freshwater pools beyond carrying on the wind. 
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oathkeeperoxas · 4 months
Today's kiss is delivered along with a serving of pure, pure fluff. Love it when my boys are happy. Very, very good for them!! And me!!
2 Forehead press
“Sweetheart,” Ethan starts for the third time. “We don’t have to pick just one.”
Anthony doesn’t budge. He’s got three packages in his hands and he’s intent on studying the minute details between them. Ethan knows the value of seeing what’s really there – he knows how to seek out the types of facts that most people overlook for one reason or another. And his husband knows it, too. He’s got a better eye than Ethan for knowing the value of something, how much someone will pay for it, what it’s worth – different questions with different answers.
Ethan would like to know the answer to this one.
“I don’t want to get her something that she won’t like,” Anthony says. He’s on the hunt today – Ethan notes the related name, but doesn’t ask. Anthony still has his secrets, after all these years. “What if she hates blue?”
“Can dogs even see blue?” Ethan asks, which silences Anthony for a moment.
“It doesn’t matter,” he decides firmly. “Whatever she sees, maybe she won’t like it.”
“So lets buy all of them,” Ethan says, feeling absurd that they’re standing here in the aisle of the shop arguing about dog collars of all things. “Then, uh… she can pick one.” However that would happen, Ethan isn’t sure. Maybe he’d let Anthony decide.
“No,” Anthony says, eyes narrowing. “I want to give her a perfect first gift.”
Ethan fights down the urge to smile. “I think we should be two rows over in the treats section, then.”
Anthony fives him an unimpressed look. “Her diet is important,” he says. “You can’t just give her food that isn’t good for her!”
Ethan should probably not be feeling as fond as he does right now. All these growing pains. Watching Anthony learn this in real time is a better experience than Ethan could have hoped for.
“Sweetheart,” he says, for the fourth time today. He decides to go all out. He kneels down beside Anthony, puts an arm around his shoulders, and bring him in close. Pressing their foreheads together, he looks Anthony in the eyes. “She’s a fog,” Ethan says, very happy. “She’s not going to mind. Let’s just buy everything, and we can figure it out later. Besides, I don’t know if the purple or orange collar is going to look best on her.”
“Silver would look best,” Anthony argues, not moving away.
“Hm,” Ethan hums. “We’ll just have to see.”
Anthony looks down at the collars he’s collected. “We could use them as a back up,” he says.
“That’s true,” Ethan agrees.
“Fine,” Anthony relents. “All of them.”
“And all of the treats?” Ethan asks, grinning.
Anthony barks a laugh. “Maybe just one to start,” he says. “We don’t want them to go off.”
Ethan, who has been reading everything he can get his hands on about the training of greyhounds, and has been spending as much time as possible with one greyhound in particular, isn’t sure about that. Cat seems very food driven. Not that it’s a bad thing in a puppy – it might make training her a little easier, hopefully.
Maybe another reason Anthony couldn’t look away from her. Ethan doesn’t need to know what conditions his husband had found her in to know that she’s underweight – or had been, before they had supplied her with a healthy and full diet over the last few weeks.
“She’ll be cute no matter what colour she has,” Ethan tells Anthony as they wait in the check out line.
“She has that quality about her,” Anthony agrees, expression going soft for a moment before he looks up at Ethan. “Since we’re in town…”
“Lunch sounds good,” Ethan says. “And maybe I can look and see if there are any social events for dogs that are put on around here…”
“Always busy,” Anthony says. They pay for their bag of items, and head out to Anthony’s very expensive car. Ethan lets him drive, because it doesn’t matter that Ethan is a better driver than Anthony when it comes to high impact, high stress situations. They’re going to get some food, and then they’re going home. He reaches out for Anthony’s hand. Anthony looks at him for a second before resting their fingers together. Ethan winds his window down to feel the wind on his face, and can’t help but smile. Who knew, that after everything, this would be waiting for him. A good day, indeed.
Send me a kiss for saintspy May 😘
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ikram1909 · 4 months
tbh im struggling to even find a reason to look forward to the next few years in this club. looking at 2021/22 and now… the speed at which everything about this club went downhill is incredible. i’m really struggling to like this batch of players and the board/ managemetnt are horrendous. all the people we were most attached to either left or are in the worst moments of their careers and we’ll have to wait years to find out if they’ll ever recover😂 yeah it’s wraps
I'll be honest I'm just waiting for Gavi to come back that'll be my trophy 😭😭 that's my silver lining and my reason to hold on for the time being.
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