#in a mood if you couldn't tell
blackaquokat · 1 year
I go through this phase of obsessing over one or two Amazing Devil songs at a time and they rotate every few weeks and lately Pruning Shears is in that rotation and not just because "my entire life is going way too fast / watching everyone I've ever loved walk past / never really quite getting the knack of / knowing that no one will not ever come back for you" makes me go absolutely mad, the whole song does but DAMN this part--
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sleepy-bear-tm · 9 months
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entirelytoooobsessed · 11 months
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Was it worth it?
To hold him in your arms in the dark of night?
To swallow his moans into your mouth, responding with your own?
To feel his heels digging into your spine as he pulls you closer, legs trembling around your hips?
To have his nails clawing into your back deep enough to leave marks and reap blood in his wake.
Was it worth it for the pain and the suffering when it was all over?
When he left, gently kissing over your forehead, careful not to disturb your sleep. Muttering an excuse, deaf to all but his own ears, to soothe only his own pain.
He couldn't stay.
Not when he knew you wanted him to stay. Not when he knew he wanted to stay.
Not when he knew you'd tear your heart out and hand it to him on a bloody platter for him to devour as long as he'd be at your side in the morning.
It'd be all the harder to leave in the morning though.
You looked so calm when you slept. So peaceful, devoid of the sorrow in the wrinkle of your brow when you fucked him. Sad even when he was with your arms, cherishing the moment yet counting down the seconds until you'd be ripped apart from your soul again.
Was it worth it?
Probably not.
Definitely not.
But he was the drug and you were the addict, grasping for more even when you knew you should stop.
"Fuck~" to hear him moan and sob under your touch, feel the pain and the pleasure boiling over the top into ecstasy. "Don't stop, please don't stop!"
To look at him, even if he wasn't looking back at you, eyes squeezed shut because unlike you he had some means of self-preservation.
"Harder, harder." Even if he sounded pathetic you knew you were none the better, after all here you were again, waiting at beck and call for him when he wanted another good fuck.
His inner walls squeezing around your length, the sheets under him soaked with his release and nearly ripped from his fist's grip. His body pressed so close against yours you couldn't tell where you stopped and he began.
Meshed so closely together you could be deluded fooled into thinking that you were finally one. One heart. One soul. One body.
But it was a lie. He held your heart and soul and left your body behind every night when he left you.
Your head buries into his neck, hiding the raw emotion spilling over the edge-even if he wasn't looking at you to begin with. His voice a hoarse desperate chant, losing his mind all while being entirely wrapped around you.
"Cum in me, please cum in me. Make me yours, fill me up so full of you I'll never forget it~"
Was it worth it?
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dronebiscuitbat · 1 month
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 65)
It was Uzi's birthday today.
Today she turned 19, her and N were now officially the same age… at least until his own birthday in a couple months, where they would once again be a year apart.
She was… also beginning to show, not a lot, but what used to be uniform, flat rubber was now slightly distended, curving outwards ever so slightly, though still able to be hidden under her hoodie.
Though, she needed to make that announcement, though she was dreading it, how her father might react to her pregnancy. Or how… anyone would react, Thad probably wouldn't care, he'd be as chill about is as ever, but V also worried her slightly.
She was upset when they'd adopted Tera, bringing a child into their complicated lives and solver bullshit, something that had indeed brought the child into danger several times. She'd probably flip her lid to find out that another was well on it's way.
It would soon be impossible to hide however, and announcing it now was better then letting it ride any longer.
At this very moment though, she was looking into the mirror present in the bedroom, running a hand down her bare midsection and slightly stretched rubber. Getting ready to go to her Dad's, who'd set up a small party for her and invited everyone.
N was on the bed, his coat over his shoulders but completely open at the front, exposing his white chassis and glowing golden core. He gazed at her, a small exhale leaving his lips.
“If you're worried about how you look, don't, you're beautiful.” He hummed, watching as she looked conflicted into the mirror, eyebrows furrowing and frown etched on her face.
He stood up, crossing the distance between them before wrapping his arms around her from behind, purring like a motorboat while he rested his hand over the one resting on her midsection, letting both hers and and his own run over it.
“We're telling them today. Would it matter if they could?” He asked, right up against her audio input, his tail wrapping around her leg as he nuzzled into the crook of her neck.
“Yes? No? Ugh, I don't know.” She leaned her head back into him before closing her eyes.
In all honesty, she felt lousy. While not as persistent or intense as it was during the first week or two, she still often got sick in the morning, if not outright, then the persistent dizziness often made her wish she did. Not to mention she was constantly forgetting where she put things, or even if she already did a task that day or not.
It was infuriating! Which instead of making her bitter like it normally did, made her cry instead. Like an emotional time-bomb ready to be set off by the slightest inconvenience.
At least she wasn't hungry anymore, that was being by handled by N stopping by the market and picking up what was essentially construction materials and tech components for her to chew on whenever her body needed more material. The best thing so far had been a microprocessor that had bits of silver and gold inside…
“Mmmh” She mumbled as she crossed her arms and looked away from the mirror, but then N's hands were rubbing into her shoulders and she felt herself relax, “tense” would probably be an understatement with how she'd been feeling lately.
“I think you'll feel better after you tell everyone, then you'll have your whole family to support you, instead of just me.” He kissed the side of her head before backing off slightly to button up his coat and try to tame his unruly hair. She turned, pulling on her hoodie as she looked to the ground.
“I'm not sure Dad's going to be stoked to find out a murder drone knocked up his eighteen year old daughter.” She raised a sarcastic eyebrow in his direction and he smiled in return.
“Not just him, Thad, V and Lizzy… to an extent. Will all be there to help you.”
She made another noncommittal noise before putting her beanie on and looking back in the mirror, she… couldn't tell that anything was amiss even when she knew there was, so she sighed in relief.
“I don’t know how much help they're going to be.”
“Trust me?” He replied, standing beside her and cupping her cheek, near forcing her to look at him and away from the mirror. He kissed her visor lovingly, and while this wasn't a new action, a very common one in fact, she blushed and nodded.
When they came out of the bedroom Tera was waiting for them on the couch, chewing into the rubber of her teether while making her little stuffed bat fly around above her with her arm.
“You ready to go?” N hummed picking her up in a single scoop, she squealed and giggled, whole face breaking into a smile as soon as he lifted her up. He was glad that after everything she'd been through she still seemed as happy as ever.
At Khan’s house, he was putting the last finishing touches on the decorations and the food for Uzi's birthday party, his little girl was 19 today and boy had a lot happened this year, Uzi had snuck out… led a disassembly drone into the bunker. He'd made the greatest mistake of his life. Then his daughter found a partner with said disassembly drone. Adopted a baby, moved in together.
Crap, Uzi was growing up so fast, it felt like just yesterday he was teaching her the difference between a wrench and an auger, and tucking her in at night.
He shook those thoughts away, today was Uzi's day. Not his, and he wouldn't ruin it by thinking about all the ways he'd messed up.
The decorations were simple, a purple banner along the ceiling that said Happy Birthday, and little plastic bats and spiders were placed everywhere that made sense, and underneath the food on the countertop was a black tablecloth.
Thad was already here, he'd been instrumental in helping Khan set up from the very beginning, as soon as the word party left his lips it was like Thad was an activated sleeper agent, immediately offering to help and set up.
He'd invited both V and Lizzy, but he wasn't sure either of them were coming, he knew Lizzy had a rather strained relationship with his daughter, and that V was much the same, though was essentially all the family N had.
Still, somehow he figured the smaller crowd would be something Uzi preferred anyway instead of throwing something huge or flashy with a bunch of people she didn't know.
There was a knock on the door, and both he and Thad looked at each other before Thad threw himself over the couch to act natural and Khan went to open the door.
“Uzi! N! You're here! Come in, Come in!” Khan smiled brightly, moving out of the way do that the couple and their toddler could move past him. Thad grinned and waved at both of them, getting up off the couch to greet them.
Thad an N did a fist bump, both grinning wildly at the sight of thier buddy. And he gave a tiny wave to Tera, who was already vibrating in excitement at the sight of the green boy in the backwards hat.
When he got to Uzi, they were both surprised when Thad wrapped her in a tight hug, one that made it seem that he'd been worried about her. N was only half-surprised when he didn't feel possessive in response to it, instead he only smiled.
“I've been kinda worried about you, you looked in rough shape last time I saw you, and we've only talked through text.”
He pulled away, leaving Uzi to do the same before rubbing the back of her head and smiling warily. “Sorry, it took a little bit to recover. Then we got busy…”
“No worries! So long as you and N are okay I get it, being parents can't be easy I imagine.”
She smiled, nodding her head.
No, it hadn't been easy, Tera was a good kid, rarely cried or threw tantrums, but that didn't mean it still wasn't difficult. Sometimes she wouldn't be able to sleep and she'd wake them up every hour or two, upset and tired, keeping them up all night. Sometimes Uzi would overfeed her slightly and she'd get sick, or just have a tummyache and fuss and cry in response. Sometimes Tera would demand attention at an inconvenient hour, either when Uzi was working on something… or at 2am.
Even still, it was incredibly rewarding, especially when Tera seemed to be the most loving kid in the world. She wondered if watching her and N be all sappy around her influenced that at all.
“It's not but… I wouldn't change anything.”
“’ad! ‘ad!” Speaking of kids, there was Tera completely butchering Thad's name from N's arms, holding her hands put so that he would carry her around.
“Hey you little football! You want Uncle Thad to carry you?” Tera nodded rapidly, and Thad looked up at N for permission, which he granted immediately by opening his arms and letting Tera pounce into Thad's arms, which took him aback.
“Woah! Someones got springs in thier limbs!” He laughed, and Tera purred as she immediately tried climbing up him, unsuccessfully due to her remaining clumsiness, but she did make a good effort.
“Hey Dad.” She turned to Khan, who had been standing back and letting the two have their time with a friend before he butted in.
“Hey dronelette.” He wrapped her in a hug of which she returned. She was expecting all the physical contact would be grating, but both Thad and her Dad had felt warm and soothing. Not as much as N, but still welcome.
“How have things been? I heard about Doll, glad you're okay.” He pulled back, looking his daughter up and down as he smiled.
“Happy Birthday Uzi, I'm… so proud of you. Your mother would be too, if she were here.” He looked a little sad, but Uzi punched him lightly in the shoulder to snap him put of it.
“Hey this is a party, not a funeral. You should be enjoying yourself.” She commented dryly, a sarcastic lilt to her voice as Khan laughed, shaking the emotions off again.
“You're right. Sorry -uh?”
There was another knock on the door, and Khan excused himself to go answer it. There at the doorway, was V, hand on her hip while the other was a massive claw picking at her fangs, at her side was Lizzy, one hand placed on V's arm, who looked disinterested in everything… aside from V.
“Were here to crash this looser party.”
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moonlitkissing · 4 months
Kinda in the mood to fuck myself on a dildo infront of a pretty boy and tell him that he's not allowed to touch me
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femmepire-butchbiter · 3 months
In case you hadn't heard, vampiric femmes (me) are starving for the blood of werewolf butches and studs. The moment I- fuck I mean these femmes get their claws on these wolves it's so fucking over.
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geluckgk · 30 days
I'm in Japan, and I've been to the windbreaker expo, and IT'S COOL
(Sorry for the quality of the photos, I'm not good at it ;-;)
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mccromy · 1 year
Fake Shen Jiu fans: he is my tsundere baby :) he didn't do anything wrong you guys just don't get him. He is mommy material I swear :) I fucking hate Yue Qingyuan btw.
Real Shen Jiu fans: I need to write a paper on him I need to analyse him so bad and give a presentation about it. I want to pick him up by the scruff and shake shake shake him. I think it would've been funny if he dropkicked Binghe into the abyss just saying.
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meiloorunsmoothie · 2 months
when you're in so deep that you only realize after the fact that giving someone the song where he sings about committing murder is maybe not the best first jeremy jordan impression.
*blasts raise a little hell to demonstrate*
my victim:
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meteor-moon · 5 months
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fuck it *studio ghibli's your snufmin*
honest to god couldnt draw moomins body in the howl one so i just made him humanoid
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hamartiologic · 4 months
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He's usually happier when he gets beaten up. I wonder why she's so silent about these bruises compared to the rest she's gotten so far?
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seaofdegeneratesins · 2 months
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skyxsy · 1 year
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Haven't drawn properly for a while and it has been almost 4 months lmao
Here is thinking Ame comparison
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
On one hand, having venti pamper me and take care of my every need.
On the other, pamering venti and taking care of all of his needs
I cannot pick a side
Just like me fr 😔
I wanna comfort the absolute fuck out of him, I wanna cook for him and smother him in affection and play with his hair and give him the entire universe
Just imagine holding him and giving him kisses and telling him over and over how much you love him <33333, that you'll always be there because he's your world, then flustering the hell out of him with words of praise and comfort
That's my default, pls let me just wrap him in a blanket and give him a forehead kiss, he deserves it, he's been through so much and deserves all the good things, let me treat him as if he's the most precious thing in the world cause he is and I love him so much
But on the other hand
Venti brushing your hair out of your face with gentle eyes, telling you how you'll always be ok as long as he's there, how he'd do anything for your happiness, how nothing in the world would ever stand in its way and god help anything that tries
Just getting a hug from Venti after a particularly rough day and him whispering that it's all right, you're ok and you did so good today, he's so proud of you for pushing forward and you'll never have to worry about any of that with him
And he'd be so insistent on doing everything, every time you go to get up, to be a more productive person, he's there immediately to take on whatever burden himself with that same warm smile, one that just radiates how he wouldn't prefer to be anywhere else
Then the sugary sweet phrases, the "Please let me take care of the most important person to ever grace the universe, the world's been so rough on you recently hasn't it, let me take care of it all for you" between gentle kisses that make you lose your entire train of thought, how he's so quick to silence any protest with a kiss that barely covers the intense desires behind it
Venti, with all his charisma and emotional intelligence, with his strategically placed touches that make you wonder if it really wouldn't be so bad to just give into what he promises you, the promise of happiness without conditions or limitations
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deepseaspriteblog · 2 months
Does anyone have a pair of cherub ocs that talk to each other and have the exact same dynamic as Zach and York from Deadly Premonition
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chromotps · 4 months
Had a ShanksAce thought that made me laugh:
imagine some outsider who only knows Shanks and Ace separately, and specifically has only ever seen Ace in a bad mood. Thinking like, an innkeeper that Ace saw being rude to his staff, so Ace is in turn equally cold to him
Meanwhile, Shanks at least puts on an air of approachability, especially for the sake of smoothing the waters so their crews can have a relaxing evening of drinking/rest
But the stranger says something to Shanks like, "see, guys like that Spade pirate, they're so hard to read—I've got no clue what he's thinking. More folks should be like you, buddy! I've never met a friendlier guy, feels like I've know ya for ages!"
and Shanks takes that in with this slowly sharpening smile, until he thinly says, "You don't say?" and then he sees Ace waiting on the stairs to go to their room and politely excuses himself to go break their rented bed "have a discussion with my associate"
basically just, the humor in their surface level personalities being the opposite of their core personalities, ahaha
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