#in a story where choosing life - to live and fight is kinda the whole point
sunny12th · 10 months
dany was so broken in agot, physically and mentally. she was ready to kill herself to escape drogo. her childhood had been a long unfortunate series of running away from the alleged monsters that killed her family and left her exiled and desperately trying to appease her abusive brother/guardian.
but then, after she's resolved herself to suicide, she has a dream. and then, she starts to notice the beauty in the new world around her. how the dothraki grass sea swallowed her up, the new sights and sounds and smells all around. she found solace in the people, she ate with them, learned their language in a matter of months, enjoyed their food. felt freer in dothraki riding clothes than in the fine silks ilyrio had dressed her up in.
I'm still deeply touched everytime I read about dany giggling, joking around, moving forward, hugging her friends, leading, and fighting after enduring so much. it's not about her being right in everything she does or everything ending well for her. she went through hell, was already going through it before the series even started, and she kept going. she grows and fights and fucks and laughs and cries and rages. she falls and she gets right back up again.
dany is ready to end her own life. the next day, she notices how pretty the sky is. she learns a few more dothraki words everyday and starts to connect more with those around her. she tries some new foods and starts to feel more comfortable on her horse.
the dragon dream certainly did Something to dany - a scarlet and black dragon (drogon, balerion come again) baptizing her in flame. scouring her, tempering her, making her clean. after this, dany makes the quiet choice to live. there is no grand revelation, no "i want to live!" monologue. she simply starts to notice the beauty in the world she's traveling through, the loyalty and easy comradery in her companions, the tasty food and comfortable clothes. dothraki smells, horse smells. riding leather, painted vests, the gently singing bells braided through hair. dany chooses life everytime she giggles, everytime she tries a new food or convinces her friends to try one, everytime she stops to stare at a pretty sight.
she was ready to choose death and she chose life. when her entire world had narrowed to the scope of her pain, to the strength of her abusers, to the golden collar drogo had put around her neck - she still chose life. and just like that, her world expanded and she could see all that was worth living for.
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AITA for choosing my family over my friend?
(Sry for the weird English :0)
Ok weird story but here we go
I have been friends with this dude since forever (let's call him Crow) and like, we're super close and a really appreciate him for being in my life, but recently we had a big fight and I don't really know what to do or if I was the asshole in this situation.
Basically, me and crow had different upbringings and different styles of life but we both left our homes because of similar reasons so we clicked instantly.
So we started living nearby and became super close and trusted friends.
But different from Crow, I never stopped trying to mend my relationship with my family, which Crow disapproves.
(Don't want to say a lot about it cuz I'm a bit paranoid, but because of some (justified) choices that I made, I had a falling out with my siblings)
But I know that my brothers and sisters are good people so I always had confidence that we could fix the bad things that happened and move on.
Also, I miss them and love them very much but after leaving it was hard to go back (they live very far away)
Not until recently tho.
After a big conversation, my family chose to accept me back at home (while also paying for my expenses to get there) and even let crow come with me when I asked (hes been living alone for a long time so I thought it was a nice idea to have good company once again after all these years )
So here's where the fight happened
When I told the news to Crow, that my family had accepted me back and even wanted to bring him with me, Crow got really mad at me.
He said that he would rather live alone with me than with my family (who he doesn't really like for the way they hurt me in the past. But like, in the past.) and said that I was mad for wanting to go back to that place
I was appalled but his reaction, like I honestly thought he would be happy that we could live together surrounded by good people.
As the fight escalated it kinda ended on a stressful game where he wanted me to pick a side : Crow or my family.
(Pls don't be mad at crow, he just really had a lot of issues with his and my family and I know that he was thinking of me and my relationship with them when it got to this point.)
Crow really is my best friend in the whole world, but I think it's kinda of unfair of his part to make me choose when I told him that we could have both and be next to each other while I was close to my family.
When I told him that rebuttal, he said that my family was toxic and after spilling some real feelings to me (he's not really a feelings person so it was surprising) he got sad that I still didn't choose what he wanted in the end.
I really don't want to lose my best friend over this argument when it could be resolved really simply (him coming with me) but I can't force him to do that.
So yeah, Am I the asshole for choosing to go back to my family after we had a big falling out (but things got better), instead of staying here with my best friend (Whom I like very much)?
What are these acronyms?
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linkspooky · 8 months
hello♥ I loved your and psycho's recent analysis posts about gojo after 236 because they made me realize I've kinda misunderstood him as a character for awhile. one thing I was wondering : how would you explain gojo's line about "nobody will have to be alone again" in the context of gojo consciously choosing to put a degree of separation between himself and others? and if he only fights for himself, why does he care about saving the youth of kids or raising the next gen of sorcs?
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The answer to this question, like most questions with Gojo is "it's complicated."
Gojo himself says that he chose to draw a line between himself and others as living beings, and even if they loved him he never expected them to understand him. Yet, when talking with Shoko he says that he's doing all this so no one will ever be left alone again. If Gojo was the one who decided to separate himself from others then why phrase it like he was the one being left in the dust?
In this scene he's likely referring to Geto as the one who was "left alone" rather than himself. We know almost nothing about Gojo's childhood except for the three years of his youth in high school, because in story those are the only backstory details that matter to his present motivation. We're shown his high school days because his present motivation as an adult is all about what happened to him in his youth, that's what shaped him the most as a character. That's also what informs the audience about his character.
If Gojo's own springtime of youth had not been ruined, it's likely Gojo would never have worried about students or gone into teaching, if only because Gojo is not like Geto. He doesn't worry about ideology or right and wrong the way that Geto does. The purpose of Nanami's statement saying that Gojo only ever wielded Jujutsu for himself not to protect anything else, is to point out the fact Gojo enjoys being a sorcerer. It's the hardest job on earth for everyone else, but because Gojo is so untoucahbly strong for him it's a chance to flex his ability at the thing he's best at. Gojo enjoys being a sorcerer, and besides being dragged down by the burden of protecting weak people he likely would never have noticed what was wrong with society as a whole had it not impacted him and Geto.
As for his statement about never leaving anyone else alone, it's likely Gojo's attempt to try to understand what went wrong with Geto and the reasons for why Geto defected. Gojo doesn't worry about ideals after all so he can understand there is something wrong with the sorcery world, but not why Geto would risk his life for a completely impossible ideal. He just knows that something went wrong with Geto and in a year of Geto spiraling he didn't notice until it was too late.
Gojo's understanding of the situation is likely that the reason he wasn't able to notice what went wrong with his best friend was because of the sudden power difference between them. Geto even lambasts him for this, calling him arrogant for calling killing humans impossible when it's something that someone at Gojo's power level could currently do. Gojo therefore accidentally calling attention to the fact that him and Geto are on different levels now by pointing out that Gojo isn't strong enough to carry out his ideal of a world of only sorcerers.
Gojo seems to think where his friendship went wrong with Geto was when Gojo became so powerful that Geto could no longer keep up with him anymore. In general because Gojo has always been so powerful that being a sorcerer doesn't wear down on him like it does other people, he probably thinks something along the lines of if Geto had siply been stronger in the past then Geto never would have been worn down and snapped as hard as he did. It's Gojo misunderstanding a relationship built on empathy and understanding because he sees everything through the lens of being a sorcerer. At some point Geto stopped being someone constantly around him and started being alone, and Gojo's trying to rationalize why that happened through the way he sees the world.
I think Gojo cares about the youth for multiple reasons, number one he genuinely does believe in his ideal of protecting children because the three years of his schooldays were the only time he felt like a human being. Number two, a more pragmatic execution of his desire to change the world of sorcery. It's easier for him to start from the bottom up by changing the next generation. If he just slaughters everyone on top he'll be viewed as a tyrant and they might even team up against him and fight back against him. It's easier for Gojo who wants to exist in the world of sorcery, to try to work from inside. Youths are also easier to make as his political allies because (this is Gojo being really pragmatic here) they're more impressionable.
The last part is where he projects both himself and his failures in his youth onto the next generation, and is trying to correct those things. He had a year to seek out Megumi after hearing Toji's dying request and only did so after Geto's defection. Gege's word of god confirms he only took an interest in Megumi because he was a strong student with potential, but I believe he saw a lot of Geto in Megumi.
Before this Gojo says "but... it looks like me being strong isn't enough, I can only save those who are prepared to be saved." Gojo likely intervened earlier with Megumi, because he thought there was nothing he could do for Geto who had already reached what Gojo dubbed beyond a point of no return. However, he could still help someone who was in Megumi's stage who wouldn't refuse any help like Geto did.
However, Gojo's way of helping Megumi is misguided formed by Gojo's own misunderstanding. He tells Megumi to get strong otherwise he'll be left behind, because he believes part of the problem with Geto is that he simply wasn't strong enough to keep up with Gojo.
It's Gojo's central misunderstanding, he wants to have equals but he doesn't want to have to stoop down to other people's level or get off his pedestal so instead he seeks to bring people up to his level. If he could create a group of intelligent allies who were on his level, not only would he finally have someone on his level but it's in their best interest too because they wouldn't suffer Geto's fate.
If Geto had simply been able to keep up with him, Geto never would have gotten lost and his friend would still be here.
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fallen-gabrielle · 9 months
I have a hurt/comfort AU/fic for KND where Father becomes amnesiac. Not decommissioned, just amnesiac.
The story starts with a fight between Nigel and Father, and it escalated quickly where Nigel accidentally hurts Ben too hard to the point he almost died. Nigel called an ambulance because even if he hates his uncle, there is a line he won’t cross (can’t say the same for Ben but that’s why he’s a villain). Anyway, Nigel warns his dad about it (Monty and his wife are recommissioned in this AU for giving expositions and maximum angst). Nigel see that Monty is super protective of his brother and worries a lot about him and Nigel feels bad about the situation. Ben is in a coma for a few days.
During that time, Monty takes the DC under his custody because yes, the social services can still be dicks. And that my headcanon about the uno bros and the social services is always the main backstory for them in my stories/AUs. At first, the DC fucking hate Nigel for almost killing Father and living under the same roof is not easy for either of them. Nigel’s parents do appease the tensions though.
Once Ben wakes up, he’s got amnesia from the physical trauma. But he didn’t just forget a few things, no no, he forgets pretty much his whole life: he ‘s back when he was around 8 years old, when Grandfather was still in power. So before the Kids Next Door nor the social services dramas. Idk, he has a lot of issues, his subconscious brought him back during a time when he was feeling slightly fine, and that meant when he was with Monty. So of course when Monty learns about that, he gets the most brilliant dumb idea… to lie to Ben. He’s going to pretend that they were never separated by the social services and that the original KND operatives didn’t treat him like dirt (both are the reason Ben became evil in my headcanon). Everyone else was just sitting like ‘that’s a bad idea’, especially the DC because they know their father well, and he doesn’t like when people lie to him. But since the doctors said it could be dangerous to force Ben to remember everything at once, the family accepts to lie to him for the time being.
So Ben goes live with his brother too, the whole family is reunited. Ben learns to know his children and it’s super cute, fluffy, and sappy. They are of course kinda afraid of him but this Ben is actually very nice. After some time, the DC actually prefer their father like this. They also start to hate Nigel less cuz they have a better dad now. Nigel realizes that Ben was indeed a different person before becoming Father. At this point, Monty already told Nigel about all the angsty stuff that happened, so Nigel starts to have genuine sympathy for Ben. The whole family spends quality time together, it’s nice, Monty is happy to see Ben happy.
Of course the KND are aware of Father’s condition and asked Nigel to watch over him to find the right moment to send him to the artic prison, but after a while, Nigel isn’t on board with it anymore. While he does want to send Father to the artic prison, he just doesn’t want to do when Ben is in this state. Ben still needs medical attention cuz his physical trauma was kinda severe, and it would be too easy to trap Father when he’s powerless (amnesiac!ben means he’s also unaware he has powers). Nigel learned to know his uncle better and doesn’t want the knd to give him a second reason to hate them. Nigel wants to avoid the original drama that solidified Father’s hatred for the knd. The organization pressures Nigel to choose his side, even his friends of Sector V start to look down a little on him for sympathizing with their worst enemy.
And since it’s me we’re talking about, there will be a moment where everything turns into shit eventually. But honestly, I haven’t really thought about the actual ending of it. Ben does start to remember everything: the feeling of betrayal and abandonment from his brother, the social services and the knd in general, and of course, that it was Nigel who put him in this state (even though it was really an accident). He gets his powers back but doesn’t control them well (doesn’t remember much on how to control them, plus the emotional and psychological pain messes with it). Nigel tries to reason with him, and has to explain the whole truth cuz Ben was not doing well about the feeling that everyone just straight up lied to him. It kinda works, but the knd show up, ready to capture Ben. Nigel is exasperated by their actions cuz he was trying to prevent his uncle from becoming Father all over again. Ben was confused as to what to think about his nephew after he revealed everything but Ben still chooses to protect Nigel from the knd and that where the story ends.
There’s a lot of super sweet moments in this story between the characters, but also some angsty ones. Monty gives Nigel the cold shoulder at the beginning but then apologize to his son for exemple. I just wanted a story where Monty and Ben could be happy together and stuff. Nigel learns that not everything is black and white and there’s nuances everywhere, the DC get to be actual kids and have fun with their father, playing games and whatever. Ben being in general wholesome is always one of my favorite prompts.
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rinseveryday · 10 months
Hello! I have so many thoughts and theories in my mind, especially I want to ask you the one. What do you think about the Demon King Rin? In the last chapter we saw how all pieces of the puzzle is coming together....
Hello! Thanks for the ask! I also have so many thoughts, please ask away anytime.
Massive spoilers for chapters 139 (138? I don't remember) and above!! Putting my response under the cut because it is long :> Like, I had to sit down for over an hour, long.
Demon King Rin my beloved boy
You know what's funny about life is that I fell in love with him way back in 2013, and he ended up becoming exactly my type of character 10 years later. I kept up with the series, but I discovered my tastes through other media so it was a huge shock to me when Demon King vigilante Rin shows up in canon. I was/am OBSESSED with the anti-hero or jaded hero types, like Daredevil and Deadpool just to name a few (I had a Marvel phase) as well as serieses like Devilman and Chainsaw man on the anime side. A monster with a human heart, bonus points if they live in a world that doesn't accept them. Now why am I talking about other shows? (Bc I wanna, that's why)
Well, Blue Exorcist didn't start as an adult rating, morally gray, anti-hero series did it? It was a fun, cliché Shonen show for teens set in an academic setting with all the typical school festivities and classmate crushes you can expect. Kinda different than Daredevil. But it's slowly been creeping towards darker, more serious topics over the years because Katoh's specialty lies in her ability to twist clichés into her own thing. AoEx's plot runs a lot deeper, and more sinister than your typical devil shonen manga. I still see a lot of theories about AoEx that still think it'll follow a Shonen plot, though, where the end will be a big fight against Somebody and then they'll all go home, become exorcists, and move on.
But really, Katoh's already said that Rin is a character that, if she's not careful, becomes real dark, real fast. I bet she had been wanting to add an anti-hero plot to the story for a while. He's no Naruto. He is the fox.
And so, newsflash! Rin's biggest antagonist isn't a demon. It's himself. Not demon!Rin, but Rin, as a whole. The plot isn't anywhere near being finished. Right now he's not the Blue Exorcist quite yet. He's a guy (level of humanity questionable) wreathed in the flames of a demon god. The day where he must choose between Assiah or Gehenna, is coming closer.
We see in the timeskip chapters a world where the current day has become Rin's tragic anti-hero backstory. Where he made choices that led him away from his human allies. Where he chose to embrace his demonic nature and fight against the corrupt human organizations.
I used to think that someone else was leading Rin, using him as a puppet leader of a resistance with his friends kept away as blackmail. Because how could Rin be so organized as to lead any sort of resistance right? Did his friends die which made him go rogue? What did Paku see? Was it related to Rin's reasons for becoming the Demon King?
However, now with the things Rin brought up in the most chapters, I don't know. I still find it hard to believe Rin would lead anything, but maybe he was just doing his own thing and the demons followed on their own *shrug.* If Rin's friends were still in the picture, he'd go to the ends of the Earth to get them back. So that leaves us with either a) they're dead or b) he chose to leave them.
People wear masks to hide. He doesn't need to hide his identity because his flames give it away so... Maybe he's hiding from shame.
His face went from sad to blank when he realized Paku was around. Rin Okumura? With a blank face? Our Mr. Wears his heart on his sleeve? Dude who cries from manga and slaps his knee when he laughs?
The blank face is a coping mechanism, just like the mask. He's probably disassociating so he doesn't have to deal with the painful memories she brings. Memories of his friends... Memories of being human.
Which brings us to the question, What did Rin remember when he woke up? I have a feeling he never reconciled with his demonic nature in that future, which led him to be at odds with exorcists. (RIP Malchidael Miku, you were too annoying to live). He probably didn't see the same future Mephisto did, but considering he does have all the same powers Satan does, he definitely saw Something.
Rin is right in that he was wrong to cage his so-called "demonic side." Or, if you read the raws too, he called it the "demon me." Everyone has anger and violence and desire and scorn in them as part of their survival instincts. That's not even a purely "demonic" thing. Rin forces the embodiment of those feelings, demon!Rin to yield and stay put. He doesn't understand why demon!Rin lashes out so strongly nor why he wants to take over.
Uhmmm sounds real healthy right? *Checks watch* demon!Rin should be back any chapter now~ It really begs the question, is demon!Rin the evil one for wanting to break out? Or is human!Rin the evil one for forcing demon!Rin to keep seething in jail?
Going back to the topic, it seems that Rin doesn't want to become the Demon King this time but he also isn't sure what to do. He knows he needs to do something about his burning questions and he knows the key to truly taming himself lies in knowledge and understanding. He has only caged himself, and has yet to reach Yuri's level of taming. Demon!Rin will come back. He'll always be there to protect Rin when he needs him the most.
While I sure love me some villain and anti-hero AUs, I do hope my beloved Rin Gone Wrong to stay in those chapters. He deserves a happier True Ending than becoming a Demon King 🤧
Well, there's some of my thoughts on Rin as Demon King and the plot. This got super long and was actually longer before I cut out all the unnecessary rambling.
Tl;dr he scares me
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apotelesmaa · 6 months
I never understood why blackstar killed mifune tbh like he wasn't a bad guy he was just tryna protect a kid
Iirc they both went into the battle in ch 57 accepting it to be a battle to the death (stupid and unnecessary but whatever) and were both trying to kill each other. Mifune was kinda like if ur a real warrior you’ll kill me. or something. It wasn’t like… black star being evil and killing a guy just for shits and giggles but it was definitely a stupid resolution to mifune’s story. I don’t think it’s fair to hold it against black star (mifune is also kinda to blame) I think it was just ohkubo making a bad writing choice.
mifune fully went into the battle prepared to die and set it up as a battle to the death to which black star obviously went “alright!” And then they both proceeded to try and kill each other. Since neither one of them would back down they both fight to the point of exhaustion and black star finishes the fight by impaling mifune and then collapsing and mifune’s body fucking dissolved like he was thanos snapped. So like. Kind of a blameless murder? I guess? Mifune certainly did not hold it against him and even compliments black star’s growth. Mifune black star is like 15 what is ur problem. If black star hadn’t won mifune would have 100% killed him but like. Incoming long rant about that particular choice.
I had to double check the wiki to ensure I wasn’t getting stuff wrong and was reminded that in the manga black star chooses “the path of the warrior” and in the anime he’s like “I’m not going to be a demon or a warrior I’m choosing my own path” & he lets mifune live which… common anime W I guess. I’m not sure if ohkubo had any say in that or if it was the anime team trying to wrap up black star’s arc asap before they ended the anime but I do feel like that would have been a much more satisfying conclusion to that part of his character arc. I think ohkubo tried to lean too far into making him An Epic Powerful Super Cool Warrior which is always such a boring character archetype but it’s even more lame when you’re doing that to the character who has (and I say this lovingly) been the deeply unserious comic relief.
I would have liked to see black star mature and chill out and still hold onto his goal to surpass god/dtk/whatever *without* trying to make him into a battle hardened cool warrior or whatever ohkubo was attempting. Because at the end of the day I don’t think there’s enough of a meaningful difference between “the path of the demon” and “the path of the warrior” as ohkubo defined them. Like… yeah the star clan were a bunch of ruthless killers on the path to becoming kishin eggs or whatever but I don’t think “well MY path lets me be the judge jury and executioner but in a cool way where I just kill fellow warriors” is the best counter argument. Like yeah ur not eating the souls (& mifune didn’t even leave a soul for some reason?) but you don’t *need* to kill people. And at the end of the day you’re still taking a life regardless of the reasoning behind it. Like… if your path to becoming more powerful still involves murder I don’t think you can argue you’re doing better than the people who consume the souls for power. Again would have LOVED to see kid’s opinion on that given his whole death god philosophy but unfortunately he was too busy being kidnapped.
Not saying black star’s entire character was given up in favor of that writing choice but it just felt completely divorced from everything else about him? Kind of like if you found out the silly clown at the circus was a super serious paralegal on the side or something. Or seeing someone in a mascot costume taking off the head and going that is an entirely different person. The anime’s choice just feels better - he doesn’t want or need to take a life to become powerful because he doesn’t need to rely on that he can become just as powerful without anyone needing to die. And it lines up more with his character. He is at his core a good kid who loves his friends and hates what his family stood for and I think choosing to show mercy even against mifune’s “this is the true path of the warrior” philosophy would have been more in line with his character rejecting what the star clan stood for.
I don’t know. Super disjointed and you literally Did Not Ask for sloppy character analysis on black star (if you can even call it analysis) but I think at this point asking me a simple question about soul eater and getting a lengthy borderline incomprehensible rant is par for the course. Uhhh I’ll leave you with this: apparently according to ohkubo mifune literally isn’t Japanese he’s just a foreigner who was like samurai cool I’m gonna be like that and he changed his name which is. So funny. Tsubaki and Black Star (who *are* Japanese and do have family connections to samurai) just staring at him like 😐😑😐 as he lectures them on what it means to be a samurai. in the middle of the Amazon.
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sokkastyles · 3 months
I enjoyed seeing the gaang participate in the battle, but where are the NWT forces?
I'm not sure why the decision was made to change the dialogue in the goodbye scene with Zuko and Iroh. I doubt viewers new to the story even remember who Lu Ten was. There's also no particular reason for Zuko to say this here other than that we should have him say something sentimental. It's also just that Zuko at this point in the show, even though we know he loves Iroh, isn't really ready to be that emotionally open, and should not be. That was part of the point in the original scene when Iroh is emotional and Zuko shies away from it. You can still feel the love between the characters but the tragedy is in how Zuko isn't ready to accept it yet, and that mirrors how he's choosing to chase Aang, and by extension his father's love, doing what is basically a suicide mission.
All the waterbending women standing together during the battle is what was missing from the original. Emphasizing that this is not just about Katara but everyone.
And Yue being a waterbender and fighting emphasizes that too. Nice touch.
"Yes, Master Katara!"
What Zhao says implies that only the Northern waterbenders draw power from the moon?
We could have learned about the healing Oasis without the uneccesary violence to Momo.
I was worried that the glimpses in the trailer of the spirit oasis looked less natural, but my fears are put to rest here.
Loved the zutara spirit oasis fight.
Zhao realizing that the koi fish are the spirits feels very "old man yells at cloud." Obnoxious man yells at fish.
"Even Ozai wouldn't want that." Are you really sure? The Phoenix King would disagree.
WHY IS THIS SCENE SO STATIC? Iroh and Zhao are supposed to be in a dire struggle but they just stand there talking to each other. In the original, Iroh takes a fighting stance as he delivers the great line about unleashing tenfold on Zhao if he tries to harm the spirit. Here he just stands and shouts, despite how much easier it is for live action to actually have their characters MOVE.
Is it just me or does the show keep contradicting itself on what Zhao's plan is? Previously he said he didn't want to kill all the waterbenders and now he's saying he does. Which, let's be real, the FN absolutely does want to do. Sozin was willing to kill airbenders just to stop the Avatar. And the logical extension is that they would then have to decimate every other nation until nothing was left.
"Do you understand what that's like?" "Yes, I do."
I have to admit, the battle is pretty impressive. The waterbenders losing their bending is a nice touch.
Missing the Zuko/Aang moments and have mixed feelings about Aang purposefully choosing to meld with the Ocean Spirit but the themes of sacrifice are good and am kind of interested to see where this takes the story.
Zuko/Zhao fight good
"It was all a game." Yeah. And Azula identifying the blue spirit as Zuko, which I kinda predicted! But I still maintain she should have recognized the mask, not the sword. This show has shown its willingness to acknowledge the Search's existence, so it should have been the mask that represents their mother that Azula identified.
Did Iroh just kill Zhao?!?
Love the iceberg imagery with Aang imprisoned in the ocean spirit with Katara calling out to him to come back. And here's the "we are your family" speech. Aang sacrificing himself because he feels like he doesn't belong and Katara wanting him to be part of her world. This is good stuff. I just don't really feel why Katara needs Aang here. Even though I don't like KA, at least I get a sense in the original that they are important to each other. That's missing here. I feel like if I hadn't watched the original I would not get it at all.
"My daughter always made her own choices." Look. OG Yue sacrifices herself because that is what she has done her whole life, a girl who lives for her duty. This Yue sacrifices herself because she chooses to, as a spiritual leader of her tribe who rejected an offer of marriage and made her own choices. It feels much less like fridging this way.
The taking of Omashu is great. Awkward that Ozai is explaining it in exposition to the Fire Sage like he wouldn't already know.
I still don't buy that Ozai would be like "well, let's see if Zuko survives." He would want to keep tabs on what Zuko is doing. Especially now. In the original, Iroh's outright treason was a big plot point. The same thing happens here but Ozai just has nothing to say about it? Iroh fights against the Fire Nation, Zuko is legally made a traitor, they vanish under mysterious circumstances, and Ozai is just like "lol that's chill let's see what happens." Even his reasoning, that if Zuko is strong he'll survive, doesn't make much sense. A Zuko who is left to survive is likely to come back stronger and less loyal. Ozai says the things he does are to make Zuko stronger but Ozai really does not want him to be strong, because that means there's a risk that he might develop independence.
Also this contradicts what Zhao said about how Ozai never wanted Zuko to succeed. So what is Ozai's game? I hear we've been renewed so maybe we'll find out, but honestly I don't think the writing on this show is consistent enough to get my hopes up.
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davyjoneslockr · 11 months
IDK IF ITS TOO LATE FOR THE CHARACTER ASK GAME buuut trish if ur still doing it!
(For this ask game)
First impression: I guess I didn’t really think much about her at first? I loved her intro and her almost breaking Narancia’s wrist + dunking on Fugo for no discernible reason was so awesome of her. But she unfortunately kinda took a back seat for the beginning parts of Vento Aureo, and I just found myself wishing there was more of her, and that she was granted more agency by the narrative.
Impression now: LOVE HER SO MUCH. After like the halfway point of VA she very quickly became a highlight of the part for me. The way she doesn’t hesitate to question what’s happening around her, chooses to become an active player instead of letting her (very justified) fear consume her, and when she not only gets a stand, but one that presents her softness as a strength and demonstrates the incredible resolve she has? So so good. I also really really love her in the Purple Haze Feedback bonus chapter, where she meets Bucciarati’s mom and ponders whether he was a good person after all, and I think she was a great perspective to frame the Giorno vs Mista fight in the flashback. I only wish she had more time in the spotlight, and that she had a more active role in the final fight (which. Sorta ties in to other criticisms I have of the part as a whole).
Favorite moment: Obvious answer, but the Notorious BIG fight. Like I said before, I think Spice Girl is a perfect stand for her, and I like that she’s sentient, which allows her to basically interact with her own conscience while she’s suddenly thrust into a life-or-death situation only she can handle. And we finally have a fight where it’s not Giorno stepping in to save everyone – because without Trish, Giorno would’ve been out of commission for good. I also just found the way she struggles, has to think on her toes, and ultimately perseveres very refreshing and human in a way that reminds me of what I loved about Jonathan in Phantom Blood. And her “arrivederci” at the end is so awesome I clap and cheer every time I see it. Again it makes me wish we had more Trish-centric arcs, because Notorious BIG was so so good and she was what made it such a highlight for me.
Idea for a story: Post-canon Trish aughhh I love you. Whether it’s immediately after Vento Aureo where Giorno isolates her from her only living friends, and she has to navigate life on her own after her world was shattered over the course of a week, or years down the road where (I think) she eventually reunites with them, has to confront Fugo now that’s he’s back, interacts with Sheila E. (so much tragic toxic foil relationship potential), and balances her stardom with her ties to the criminal underworld. I need to write more about her there’s so much to talk about with her.
Unpopular opinion: As much as I love AUs where she joins Passione in some capacity, I don’t think that would be a good or satisfying ending for her. I think she retains those relationships eventually, and she definitely wont ever be able to live a “normal” life after everything she witnessed, but the fact that she ultimately leaves Passione and does something else with her life is good, actually. It builds on her contrasts with Narancia (where he didn’t take the chance to lead a better life, and she did), and, frankly, I don’t think she deserves to have to do horrible things and fight to survive for the rest of her life.
Favorite relationship: Her and Narancia!! The parallels between them are so awesome, and I like how Narancia projects onto her at first, but eventually gets to actually know her as a person – and while they’re different in many ways, they’re still similar, and Trish grows to trust him, too (love that one of the first things she does after the body swap is to run to “Narancia” for comfort). And her friendship with Mista by the end is so fun and silly too, and quickly turns tragic with the PHF bonus chapter stuff. Let them go to the mall together please I’m begging no more horrors </3
Favorite headcanon: When she’s older and far into her music career, rumors start spreading around that she’s involved with the mafia. They’re generally treated with the same level of seriousness as the “Paul McCartney/Avril Lavigne died and was replaced with a lookalike” conspiracies. Eventually, she puts out a rock opera concept album based on a “fictional mafia story,” with a couple strangely-dressed musicians nobody can place a name to – a guitarist and a pianist – joining her usual lineup. Everyone praises her for being a meme savvy queen.
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bookbutterfly1999 · 4 months
Zoe Hange IS. One of the best- “passionate about my specific research interest” science nerd character I have seen.
Mind we have had a couple of mad scientist tropes, some pretty much doomed for the narrative, others shelved aside as a plot moving device. But this lady, is, simply awesome.
I love her internal conflict. This lady HATES titans. Like any other person within those walls, who only knew about the dangers these creatures possessed towards her kind.
And yet… she decides to do what most would hate to: to be passionate towards learning more about the titans.
Don’t mistake the passion for compassion (but that too, she is compassionate, too, but that’s a different essay), she absolutely is fuelled by the need to save human lives and take down these giant wreckers.
But, she doesn’t let all those complications ruin her scientific zest for more information.
That’s Hange.
She simply needs more data. And has pledged her life in the hopes to get more data. And she’ll do what most wall dwellers would never do, get down to business, risk their lives, and actually get their hands on the information, even at the peril of their’s or their compatriots’ lives.
Now imagine Hange, realising there’s a whole new world beyond the walls! She would have been more than excited to know and learn more about it. New technological advancements and engineering? Sweet! No wonder she got along with Onyakapon like a house on fire. And she took the effort to know their names, learn more about their cultures and let herself be the inquisitive, vulnerable and courageous scientist she is!
And in between all this she still fought that titans and killed a lot of them. The pursuit of truth, was her life’s motto, and even when the truth was so hurtful, she refused to let genocide be how the story went. Till the bittersweet end, she stuck to her moral guns. She went down fighting.
She lost an eye, her squad, almost everyone she knew, and yet she never lost her zest for the truth, knowledge or her own life.
Even when she decided to go down, she chose to go down in flames. She chose to end her life, but she didn’t do it in “I give up now” kinda way. She went down like her compatriots she lost, knowing full well that this was the end, but pouring her heart and soul into it, one last time, even without knowing how much actual impact it may create considering everything already being set into motion by the Jaegerists and everyone.
She never let her personal ideals blind the objective morality of the situation.
And even when interrogating Eren whom she didn’t trust by that point (she totally had a guess of how it was all going to go on… poor woman)… and still treated him with the kindness and respect she had had for him from the start.
Also, one of Hange’s best scenes is her saying it was “her decision” when Reiner escapes due to Jean’s plea. When Jean blames himself, Hange makes it known that she’s partially if not wholly responsible for that, and ensures that Jean doesn’t continue blaming himself, and improving team morale and reducing guilt… and I could go on. Later on Levi takes a page from this when he chooses who gets to have the colossal Titan and bring them back from the brink of death (though that choice is much much more complicated, of course).
As someone unaware of the behind the scenes 4-D chess at play, Hange was the Eldian wisehold, at the forefront of negotiations, being the person moving the checker pieces that the world that was the actual situation. Someone had to. And Hange stepped up. Not Pixis as a more experienced commander, not Historia as queen or other Eldian authority figures. Hange, as Erwin’s replacement, shoes she knew didn’t fit her, but wore them anyways because someone had to, and she did it to the best of her capabilities.
She knew not to trust Eren or Zeke. She knew to save Levi- where any weak willed person might have given up and attempted to let Levi go, she knew what Levi clung on to, and made sure to help him survive to complete that particular destiny, years in the making (Levi killing Zeke).
She’s… just so smart. Not just in terms of scientific, or engineering acumen though she had that in plenty, it was also her ability to read humans that let her be such a successful survey corp warrior AND a commander.
She’s just so damn underrated man come on
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trixeraptops · 2 years
This is gonna be a long ass commentary piece as I finally stop procrastinating and I watch the SGE movie.
Buckle up prowlers and princexs and make sure to follow the rules. This line is headed to the school for good and evil.
Not even watching and the cover photo makes me excited. Is she wearing a crown of thorns? Slay. Love the font they used too
The orchestral music and the effects as the title rolls in... I understand what happy crying is now
I usually hate silent reading in movies but I think it was the right move here and the music is kinda eery but also ethereal. A balance of good and evil ♡
I love Rhians coat and the automatic way you can tell who is evil with their mannerisms
Non Canon compliance or a red herring?
Straight into decadence and a fancy ball after the intensity. This is such a beautiful interpretation of what I think is Sophie's dream.
I kinda wish they had stayed with this like in the book but also the fight was epic so I won't complain
SOPHIE IS SO PRETTY hate her dress love the actress LOVE THE GLASS SHOES
And the narrator saying how she sees herself mwah chefs kiss
Wait does Helena already live with them? That's not meant to happen til the 2nd book. But it does explain further why Sophie wants to leave Gavaldon so I'll let it pass
HER DRESS ONG I'm in love costume design is on point so far
Why is Helena, if it is Helena, blaming Sophie for throwing tomatoes her devil children did that
But then again the whole point of Sophie was she had a good life where she had a living family and was narcissistic and beauty obsessed and that's why she was evil even though her actions were 'good'
Ooh Aggie's turn!
Wait are they not starting on the choosing day? It seems like everyone is going about their normal lives which is the exact opposite of what happens when the choice night happens. Idk what the proper term is for the kidnapping
Side note I wonder if Sophie is ever gonna read the story book she does in the beginning with the witch who had a bracelet of bones so that the connection between Ansdil and the witch is present (or was it Hester? Sure wasn't Dot)
I'm 6 minutes in btw. I'm never gonna finish at this rate lol
I love the design of Graves Hill
I love Agatha's design! And Callus too
I love that their first shot together is them separated by a road being jeered at four being weird. I hope it's echoed later in the movie it'd be such a good recurring theme of separation between good and evil and then they kiss and go home to connect them (at least in the book they kiss)
As much as I love it I do miss the idea of Sophie having to drag Agatha out of the house and having the small interaction with Radley that shows she isn't as good as she makes herself out to be
Wait Sophie ignored her mothers grave (book) and now she's reading at it (movie)? Why not just have a funeral scene instead? Though she is a (adorable) child in this scene so maybe it's different now that's she's grown? Or maybe they just nixed that detail?
Also Sophie made friends with Aggie as a good deed now its a genuine friendship? Or was 5-7 year old Sophie already plotting ahead?
I do like the first actual conversation further solidifying Sophie's emphasis on beauty trying to give Aggie a makeover.
The causul insults and the way the two are in synch is so good though, the chemistry of these actors is amazing! Can't wait for them to fight each other later
[Agatha chortles] idk why that's funny
I feel like book Sophie would be offended being called a prig but idk what that even means
Aggies social anxiety and everyone being mean to her
Omg this guy is threatening a child
Wait Sophie I can see as a major customer but Aggie denounces all things fairytale (except for her secret stash). Also don't the books come like every for years and the kids all line up to get a copy? What happened to that? This store should be empty
I spoke too soon Aggie is ridiculing her for reading kids books while holding an edgy story.
Sophie should 200% own Cinderella already are you joking? I get why they did it though they can't just info dump like in a book plus it's the og copy she's looking at
I feel like they could've done a flashback to explain the SGE. Everyone in Gavaldon knows it. They'd be stupid not to, they have a big event where bad kids join the choir and good ones cut off their hair and all the adults hold torches In a ring around the village. But if they are kids they wouldn't know
Love the insane asylum line from Aggie though
Why twenty years ago. This is a every 4 years deal. Wtf making it rare changes fucking everything
And only one girl? They're supposed to be in pairs! One good one evil
I feel like Sophie's letter could have been written to convince the school master to take her WITHOUT CHANGING THE ENTIRE FUCKING KIDNAPPING HOOK
They are supposed to be special because they are good and evil who are friends. Not because they're the only ones to be taken in a Fucking pair.
That kid that bites people is thereby going erased so how is Agatha going to realize the fairies and wolves are failed students? She gonna recognize Leonara who's she's never seen in her life?
I was so excited to see the Schoolmaster chase scene where Agatha jumps through fire to save Sophie but I don't that will happen
And the terrible home life justifies Sophie wanting to leave. Originally it was cause she thought she was better than everyone else but now it's cause she has a bad life. They haven't built up her "good but actually not a good" side at all.
I was so excited but everything's changed and not in a good way. Fucking Wishing Tree. They just did it cause it's easy not cause it's accurate.
I hope the rest of the movie is less... disappointing. It had so much potential just to slap me in the face with its utter ignorance of Canon.
I love Agathas emotional speech to get her to stay and Sophie betraying her that's the only close to evil thing she's done so far
Oh I love this chase scene this was what I was excited for
The castles are so cool I love them
Hahahaa Hort is such a creep now THAT is Canon compliant
These good girls omg, pretending their nice and calling Aggie an it in the same breath
Loving the costume design and I have a feeling I know who Beatrix and Kikyo are~
Can't wait to see the baddies
Sophie is finally showing her bad side and LADY LESSO IS SLAYYYYING
Still wish it was every 4 years like the books but I'm gonna have to let it slide if I want to make it through this
Wait they gotta Memorize everything on the first day? That's true evil. I love it but I do miss the snake basket maybe they'll have the uniform in one
Hahaha I love Agatha
Professor Dovey AHHHH She is a golden goddess
She comes off a bit condescending but also kind. But threatening jeez
Armour she says while hundreds of dresses come in. Also they're meant to have uniforms why is she getting a choice? Is this for casual wear?
Omg they look so out of place even in clothes that fit their school it's perfect.
The Evers chatting ever and then the school for evil chants kill you? Mood.
Why are they starting before the boys get there that's rude.
Ohh ok so instead of the theater moving the first year boys have to sword fight in front of the school. Much more practical ngl
Damn Tedros swung in on a rope, the drama
NO USE THE SWORD YOU DUMB DRAMATIC BITCH bringing fists to a sword fight smh
Yup Beatrix for sure who I thought she was, Kikyo currently uncomfirmed
School for Evil represent!
Ok I understand why he didn't use Excalibur fighting his own side for fun now
I hope the Cyclops wins but I know he won't unfortunately
I love the rose toss. If he hadn't looked back he wouldn't throw it to Agatha and now it's a set up for Sophie and Tedros's relationship
Ooh ok a Lil nice moment btwn Ted and Agatha I see you foreshadowing lovely
Who is this bitch please say it's not the Schoolmaster please say it's fucking Pollux or something
The dorm is so cool
Also what fucking dorm room locks from the outside? Or were those bitches holding the door?
Also who introduces their father with themself? This isn't a descendents fanfic
Your name is Dot but Sophie is weird
The Evil room has the perfect aesthetic
So it's cupids instead of gargoyles?
Demon cupids
I love the dynamic between Dovey and Lesso
I'm sorry is that blood? RAFAL
Bitch just threatened Aggie and poofed the fuck out
Wait where is the mirror in between the bridge
We got off on a rocky start but 42 minutes in and all is forgiven your my fate to the trial by tale tonight
'Something' acting like it wasn't a whole ass man dancing in blood
Shit is going fast
Oh no it is the schoolmaster :(
He's meant to be mysterious :((((
I wish they waited a bit for the Storian reveal but I get it, they've got a time limit can't be as drawn out as the book
The height difference kills me Aggie is so tall lmao
Wait everyone moved out of Aggies room why are their people in there? No one wanted to bunk with the witch?
Sophie is wearing a crown of twigs♡♡♡
The kiss list omg
Oh no red head isn't Tristan. That's disappointing. I bet he's the bite kids replacement
Why be revolting? None of them are they're all stunningly beautiful. Ig that's why the uglification class exists
Um I'm sorry I thought Anemone was the classic cone hat princess who taught animal communication? Nvm checked my book she is the beautification teacher I was thinking of Uma
This scene would've worked better with the original Aggie who never smiled instead of this one who smiled a fuck ton at the beginning. This scene makes no sense more that we've seen her smiling and know she can do it. Though maybe it's harder to smile on command?
Also Good is prejudiced against neurodivergents I can't tell you how many posts I've read of people having to practice smiling and facial expressions. It's the first day cut her some slack Anemone jeez
Also you give grades at the end Anemone. Prejudiced and rule breaker
HORT YOU BITCH but it was sweet that he said she'd always look beautiful to him we stan a creepy half wolf who loves women despite what they look like
Gregor is the fake Tristan! Is he replacing Kikyo or have we just not met her yet. Anyways be seems sweet
He wants to run a grocery store that's so cute
Why are they fighting on a hill? We saw that there was a courtyard they could use that is much flatter and safer
Sophie pulling bold moves, she's clearly never heard of consent jeez
Ooh nice moment btwn Tedros and Agatha it's Canon divergent but i like it alot better than hating each other until they recognize they're meant to be (she said condescendingly)
It's more like playful teasing than hatred. They're actually friends in this i love it
Why is Yuba's group only Evers it is meant to be the only mixed class other than lunch
Yuba is very different not only in height which I don't mind but in personality he's not as gruff and jaded
She's literally watching him fail Jesus she gonna have some trauma after that
Awww lady lesso doesn't have a class made of ice? Unfortuanate
Oh and now she teaches special powers? Bruv
Oh ew Hesters skin is pulsating gross
Oh Hort told her to watch out sweet
The demon is so cool though
Yeah Sophie call the squirrels to fight a demon
Wait but she called them with a scream she meant to sing to kill them
Oh the bees turned into Rafal
Also Lady Lesso X Rafal???
Oh this is so sad Hester baby :(
Also no spiffy professor Sader :(
Aggie babe middle of class ain't the time to bring up Gregor
What no Uma? Dovey stole her class smh
Shit her name is Kiko? Whyd I think it was Kikyo?
Oh Aggie is so pure I love her "I wish for home for all of us"
Oh the wish fish were a baby girl I'm gonna cry this is so sweet
Fuck Agatha just saw two deaths in what to or knowledge is a row
Oh Gregor is a birdie now ♡
Now they're enemies
Dovey is angry at the present but she showed it towards Aggie at first but I'm glad they got there now
Wait where is the White Wolf
Is she not going to kill him in this version
Oooh damn she yanked her extensions out (cut her hair)
Oh ngl she looks so fucking good with short hair
Omg shut up Rafal go away you vampiric creep
oh Teddy is actually nice to her after the punch in this version that's new and welcomed. Can't be meant to be if you want to her each other
Just like the Og Kiko is adorable
Oh ew the key pierces into them like a knife
Damnnnn Sophie looks like a baddie fucking slay queen
How'd she know what's going on she came in late
The costume dept killed this film
The arrow flies straight if you're pure? Homophobic smh lmao
Calm down Hort, possessive much?
Oof if Hester doesn't kill Sophie I think Beatrix will
Ayo Bea I thought Evers never attacked
Wait Trial by Tale is meant to be an annual school thing now its a test of true love? Stop ruining my school traditions movie :(
What's next no talent show?
I wish the relationships were more developed. But there is so much that happens in the book I really can't blame them
Wait do Nevers not get a Survival class? Wtf this is rigged!
Hell yeah Aggie the dove for the win!
Sophie help him you dumb bitch you have to have learned something. Use your talent!
Don't blame Aggie for saving Tedros's life while you were being a Fucking coward. All you had to do was throw a sword at him
Stop smiling Rafal your a creep
You tell her Aggie! Fuck her up with your words!
Wait did they lock her in room 66? Does that mean that they kicked out Dot Anadil and Hester?
I saw your brother Rafal your too old to be calling Sophie love
Oh my god there is no talent show :,(
Gross she just pulled out her tooth
Lesso is Leonora? Twist
I'm glad the skipped the part where Tristan tried to be Tedros and Kiko tried to be Beatrix but i miss the talent show it would've been so dramatic and I wish they have Aggie what I believe to be her iconic night blue gown with the gold
Instead she looks like Cinderella
Damn make up team did well
Sophie and Bakugo would get along "Shut up Aggie the protagonists are talking"
I love the drama of the blood magic
She drops a bomb and then dips like a Fucking badass
Ok I know I was complaining about the talent show being canceled but I love how Sophie showed her evil by turning the teachers to dolls
Oh I just realized Agatha and Tedros were kinda matching
I miss the cupid guy he was a bitch but he was so loyal to Sophie
The Never Ball, is just a bit off but that's why I love it. Oh to be a evil student dancing in an off kilter way with no one to judge and everyone dancing with me. The one social event I long to be at
They look so happy the Evil darlings
Oh so all that happened was their clothes turned white that's not very- SOPHIE IS NORMAL NOW
What will happen to the Evers their clothes will turn black
Yes that's what happened they also they have *gasp* cuts and scars! How atrocious and also offensive to people with scars
At least they didn't put a wig on the bald kid in evil
Hester look so pretty ♡♡♡
Wish we got to see more of Anadols rats we only saw them once :(
But then I would have been like ew rats
Hort is in sicko mode damn
shittt she's gonna kill the school master
Oh no he was pretending to his brother
Um excuse me evil doesn't have to be murder it can be forcing kids to memorize their schedule on the first day
Oh Aggie your so hopeful I love you and your optimism
Don't kiss her Rafal your such a creep ugh
Wonder if his face will crack and turn into a decrepit old man one well see when I unpause
Oh no he's killing children the blood is literally pouring out the school
Oh his face is cracking
Hell yes run to Aggie
Ooh killing Sophie meant that the csstles were put back nice
Ngl beatrix looks hella good in black
Goth girl supremacy
Tedros! Yessss struke the final blow King
Oof nvm lol
Oh shut Teddy's gonna die lmao
Hell yes we live we laugh we love
Rest in pieces Rafal
Id be crying if I wasn't so dehydrated rn
I mean rip Sophie but yay kiss
Oh who could've guessed true platonic loves kiss would have saved her? What a surprise she said roboticly
Oh is she gonna stay with Teddy, for real? NOPE
Girl power but also this time it was more of a choice then the og where it just kinda happened
Oh they're in their office clothes with the new hair
The road is repeated but this time their on the same side i told you it was power
They legit just used magic to make birds shit on their enemies lol
♡♡♡♡♡♡/5 went through some tough spots and I miss the little details but love some of the new additions and overall the movie was amazing surpassed my expectations
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Hi Disko, what do you think of the non-binary Joan of Arc play? I confess I'm a little conflicted on the subject. On the one hand, yes Joan dressed like a man during her campaign, on the other hand, was she supposed to go fight in a skirt and corset? I understand that this is a historical story and no one probably knows the whole truth now, but it sounds to me a bit like people telling me that Lincoln was a Buddhist. Theoretically, that may be true, but it sounds kind of weird. Then there's the thing that it's theatre and there's no limit to creativity, right? Plus, it points out the problems in our current society. But why therefore rewrite the life of one of history's very important woman? Why not write something new and provocative instead of a controversial rewrite of someone's life? I think the thing that probably bothers me the most about this is that it seems like they need to somehow jazz up their play and come up with the idea that she is non-binary, but that is something that only the author can say with absolute certainty. I'm sure it will be a play that a lot of non-binary people will enjoy, but it will also probably be a play that pisses off a lot of women (and maybe historians). I don't know what to think about the whole thing. It's something that's going to be debated quite a bit in my area, and you have to have the right opinions to not get talked down to. (I'm joking. Although not really). So is it a progressive work or an offensive work? Can the two exist together? For example, my sister is going to love this play and I'm glad for it. On the other hand, the more I write about it, the more I'm inclined to think that I'm not entirely comfortable with this depiction of Joan. It's just that saying something like that out loud seems almost like a social death sentence. And maybe I'm just over thinking this. We don't have to agree on it and as long as there is no hate, every reaction to it is valid, right?
Well... This was a a reall thought journey. I'm still kinda interested what you think about the play.
I think that it’s great to see a new perspective on the way Joan has usually been presented. I also think that it’s worth remembering that this is a play, not a historical study. It’s an interpretation of Joan of Arc, not a biography. 
Was Joan non-binary? She probably would have said no, but then again, what else could she have said, given the time she lived in. While non binary people have of course always existed, it’s only in recent times (historically speaking) that we’ve had the language to express such a concept. It’s a little bit like the arguments for Alexander the Great being gay or bi. We define him that way, but those terms didn’t exist (at least in the same way we understand them now) in his time. If Joan or Alexander were transported to modern times, it’d be interesting to see what labels they would choose, but those labels are modern inventions and the product of a modern mindset. 
I think that ultimately, it doesn’t matter if Joan is portrayed as non binary in a play -- at least in the sense it doesn’t diminish her historical story or her myth. (And I’m using the word “diminish” in the sense that I think you’re worrying it may be taking something away from an important woman in history, not in the sense that being non binary is lesser.) I get where you’re coming from, because Joan is a feminist icon -- the suffragettes used her as a literal poster child! But I think that her positioning as a feminist icon is as anachronistic as attempting to label her gender identity, ultimately. So if she’s a feminist icon, even though the concept of modern feminism would have been entirely foreign to her, then why not be a non-binary icon as well? 
When I say that I think it ultimately doesn’t matter if Joan is portrayed as non-binary, I’m talking in the historical sense, of course. A play doesn’t change Joan’s history. But in the sense of the importance of seeing non-binary representation on stage, I think it’s wonderful that this play exists. I think it’s wonderful for non-binary people, and I think it’s wonderful to get a new perspective on an old story. And of course it’s always wonderful for art to challenge the status quo! 
Historically, we can never really know how Joan would have identified if she’d been given that option. But when it comes to the myth of Joan of Arc, I think she’s more than strong enough to handle some different interpretations. 
Myths grow and change, and I think if you remember that they don’t have to bear much resemblance at all to the historical person, that’s fine. 
We can have both, and we always have! 
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mizuki-nikki · 2 months
the best series from maybe cinamon game : kill your boss ✨
Tumblr media
"you must kill him!"
you are a cia agent who has been ordered to infiltrate a criminal organization. in a brutal world where you can trust no one, you must ready to betray anyone, anytime.
...even if it's the person you love.
(spoilers alert. read by your own risk)
personal thoughts:
this is literally the best BL game series that i've ever played.
out of every single story that i’ve ever played in cinamon game, i dare myself to say that kill your boss is the best one so far!
the story is exactly my preference, no plot holes, nervewrecking plot twists and not to mention that this is one crazy love story that i truly like. the story doesnt revolve around love cliches, but more like the mystery that lies underneath the character’s background. such a well-made story!
the story might be a little bit to dark for someone with light preference since there are many sex scenes and weird kink (for a pervert and huge BL lover like me, it was completely okay)
i was kinda torn between noah or logan as my ending route because to be honest, in real life, i prefer someone stable like noah. but, well since this is just a game (and i need something way more tempting), i gotta choose our crazy logan harris! ✌🏻
sooo without further ado, let's do the whole review (this will be a long one)
the story started with a little bit background of the mc's story. our mc is working under logan harris, one of the most potential candidates to continue as the head of the biggest mafia organization, black star. the mc is not a regular subordinate. he is one of logan's most trusted person and one of the highest ranking member in black star
however, our mc had a little secret. he’s a cia agent working to expose logan’s organization. so in short, he was sent to make sure that logan secure the position as the next heir of black star before finally aria, the cia manager and the one who is taking the mc from the street, crushed black star.
long story short, there is one person that stands in logan's way go become the heir, riam zimmer. riam and logan are competitors that wanted to secure the position of black star. as both of them want to secure the position, the fight continued until grayson lee, the current leader, died. all evidence pointed to either logan, riam or our mc.
in the beginning, aria also sent out noah, mc's old cia agent and friend, to become riam zimmer's right hand. as the story goes, all our three boys fell in love with the mc.
the mc had one goal: to assist logan until he become the chairman, and more importantly, to gain his life back as a cia agent. however, things didnt work out according to the plan...
here are some genius story line that i truly like from kill your boss:
1. the fact that logan knows that the mc is a cia agent
logan already knew our mc is a cia agent. but he didnt do anything. he just let him stay by hid side
"when are you going to tell me?"
"how much do you think i know?"
all those questions.. logan knew all the time. logan knew our mc is gonna leave him even tho he stayed by his side for the past 8 years.
biggest plot twist so far.
2. when mc asked himself if he's even a cia agent at this point
although logan loves our mc a lot, he's not.. the easiest person to love. he's crazy, ambitious and cruel. he harrased our mc a lot, up to the point that our mc almost got considered as a prostitute in the organization.
our mc is supposed to pretend. and now after all those years, he has becoming a real thug, he can kill people and he can sleep with guys.. this is not the kind of live that he wants.
thus.. that's why..
"am i even a cia agent..?"
3. how aria is truly a genius. she wants to create a war for riam and logan to kill each other, and set our mc to become the chairman of black star
this makes more sense as noah started to reveal everything.. the reason why aria manipulated both logan and riam. she truly is a leader and an alpha woman. she's cruel indeed.. for the greater good. but still i had to applaud her goal
4. riam used to be a cia agent as well!
i always thought riam is a bit too proper as a mafia. but now i know why. turns out all this time, he used to be a cia agent before the old director cut him off and deleted his record.
now i understand why he seems to want to help our mc. why he said he can give protection to both the mc and hailey
the storyline is just perfect in this story. no plot holes. i love it a lot. even the bad ending and the good ones still left a very memorable spot to your heart.
literally a hidden gem. this game series should definitely got a manhwa or kdrama adaptation ✨
(i will do character analysis for kill your boss in other post when i have time 🥲)
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socksbiteshuman · 6 months
I think today I want to talk about Captain America, the Captain with a moral compass that always pointed towards Friendship.
Steve starts out as a scrawny little kid who grows into a man with Power and a man that has the Power to steer his abilities in the right direction.
A true Hero. Righteous, Kind, Polite and most importantly an excellent Leader. A Captain.
A man of Unwavering Loyalty to his responsibility to the world as the Nation’s Hero, this guy,
sacrifices everything for his best friend.
His only family.
Now I know it’s hard to understand the severity of his decisions if you haven’t been in a position of power where people rely on you to be the voice of reason and trust you with their lives, but this guy is CELEBRATED for all of it okay and without a second of hesitation, he gives it all up.
Everything. For his friend Bucky.
He’s literally Captain America. A National Hero. He’s supposed to be a Righteous, Good against the contrast of Evil, the Personification of Justice-
and he chucks it all away for a friend.
It’s this quality, the ability to put not just the good of the world above all else, but to put the well being of your friend regardless of their history, their actions, their reputation, that kept me invested.
And the whole time, he keeps his manners, he keeps his beliefs. He doesn’t give in to manipulation and the forever condescending and controlling shit that he received from Tony. He’s willing to fight the whole world, the very world that he lived to protect- all for his best friend.
And all along unlike Tony, he isn’t losing his shit or constantly trying to prove that his moral compass is superior despite literally being the Symbol of Good his whole life, he simply chooses his best friend over everything.
Usually you’d probably expect this from a villain, and this guy is the Hero.
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Whatever it takes to save Bucky, guilty or nah, it’s Bucky. His best friend. His family.
I don’t think I can describe his unconditional loyalty to Bucky in words. There’s a scene in Civil War where on the end, T’Challa is listening to the villain narrate his story, and Tony has just ripped off Bucky’s arm, and you get about 5 seconds of Steve absolutely pummeling Tony to bits and his face is of someone who has lost someone precious.
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You can see it written all over his face, the grief of not being able to protect his friend and he goes completely crazy on Tony.
That story of Friendship always gets me. I’ve outgrown marvel a long time ago whenever o come back to it, I only do so for that excellent and extraordinary friendship that flourished between Steve and Bucky.
On the other hand, Tony blamed others for all his problems. And I feel like that was lowkey one of the reasons why so many of his superhero colleagues actually couldn’t connect to him the way they did with Steve. When Vision is trying to hit Falcon in the scene where Steve and Bucky are escaping, and Falcon dodges so the ray hits Rhodes and he falls from the sky, Tony manages to blame Falcon for it. The guy who dodged, not the guy who actually fired.
He always had this weird misplaced anger thing going mixed with ugly cockiness and a naturally condescending manner of talking to people. Not very likeable to me personally. He eventually gets betrayed by Natasha, his own team member. Tchalla eventually joins Steve and and also has a great relationship with him from the very beginning- of mutual respect.
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It’s also kinda funny that all the cool and fun and goofy ass superheroes with the best personalities were fighting for and with Steve, and Tony only had Peter Parker to make up for the complete lack of soul on team Tony. But anyway this isn’t a post about why I dislike Tony,
It’s about why I absolutely love Captain America and I will add moments of some lovely interactions between Steve and Tchalla, since Black Panther was my favorite Superhero besides Captain America.
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Bonus bc I absolutely love these two
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musea-reviews · 1 year
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Oorlogsmuseum Overloon
(War museum Overloon) ‘’War belongs in a museum''
Location: Overloon, Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands Price: 16,50 / veteran 11,50 Duration: 2 - 4 hours Transport: Pretty hard, more about that in the blog Language: signs are Dutch and German. Videos/audio Dutch, German, and English Activities: Moral interactive questions, A LOT of war vehicles, local stories Date of visit: Monday 13 March 2023Website
The War Museum Overloon presents the history of the Second World War. Where you can see how it can be that in five years’ time, more than fifty million people lost their lives, but also how the oppressed people resourcefully coped with restrictions and shortages. And of course with special attention to the Battle of Overloon.
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Getting there
So getting to the museum by public transport is not a very good idea, you have two choices and that is to go to station Boxmeer or station Venray, from here you take bus 82 and get out at stop Museumlaan. HOWEVER, bus 82 only goes once every hour… and like buses are, they usually can also be too late or too early. I went to Venray since Google Maps recommended it, from there I had to take 2 buses, one to Venray centrum and then to that other bus. So I got out to look at what bus I had to take next. Only to find out that was the bus that I just got out of… the bus that just drove away… so I had to wait an hour or walk over there for an hour. If you have good shoes, and it's nice weather the walk is not even a big problem, it was only very windy today. And my shoes made my feet bleed. But I thought I can just ask for band-aids when I get there.
 The museum starts with a park in the forest that has hills, bridges, statues, and a playground. This part is free, and I would recommend it if you're around. These whole surroundings for that matter, since it all, has very enjoyable woods. But after I got to the museum I tried talking to the desk lady who quickly dismissed me and pointed at the gate where I could scan my card to get in. usually you get greeted with a ‘’welcome here's a booklet, do you know how the museum works?’’ things like that.
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The beginning was a temporary exposition I believe, but I hope not as it was the most interesting part. It follows the stories of 6 different people and showed off their life and choices. Name em
Besides that, it had small paragraphs about different people and some items that had to do with their stories. A great thing was that they have a lot of listening things, where you could choose the language and listen to the person tell their story.
It also had interactive parts, all in the same theme of ‘’what would you do in this person's situation, A or B’’ then you and maybe other people had to vote by standing left or right, after which the computer would calculate the result. Pretty captivating. And more fun if you go with a group.
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So many old cars
The next part of the museum was a big room full of vehicles, cars, tanks, bikes, boats, airplanes. All are real and used in the war, all with exact information. I'm just not a car guy or anything, so it all looked like a room full of the same thing to me. It also had that typical oil or old car smell, which is not a complaint. They're fore I kinda glanced over this place shortly.
In the middle of that is a round room with a movie playing, the first room shows exactly how the Netherlands was freed, and that at this exactly place was the biggest tank fight in the Netherlands, the whole village was ruined after the fight, but ruined and free. So that’s why this museum is all the way out here. Because this fight was planned they had time to evacuate the citizens of the city, they had to walk to Maastricht, very, very far from here. It made me feel bad for complaining about my 1-hour walk. In the next room, you get to feel what it's like for those citizens in the basement of these churches. It’s a lot of actor children being like ‘’where is my dad, where is my doll, I'm hungry’’ this is nothing new and after 10 minutes of bomb noises and screaming children I was glad I was not stuck in that situation and just had the choice to leave.
All in all, these museums always make you glad that you don’t have to go thou war. Even tho some people are going through it right now.
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Would I pay the price: no, 12 euros would be my max for this museum. 
Would I revisit it: I would revisit it if I take someone with me, it would be more fun that way. And next time I wouldn't take the bus. Who do I recommend it to: tourists, to see the war from a different point of view. I like how inclusive it was with the languages.  Interactive:         3 Educational: 5 Storytelling: 5 Price: 2 Memorable: 3 Total score: 3,6
Most interesting things I learned:
moffenzeef, A contraption of metal wires that removed the storing that the Nazis’s placed on radio waves (so such people couldn’t hear any news from England or the rest of the country. Mof is a Dutch slur for German/Nazis and zeef means sift. Arnolda Huizinga writes in her diary that she bought a moffenzeef on the black market for just 5 Gulden
The Nazis told the people to hand a lot of things in. things like leather, metals, cars, boats, dogs, and horses, they even started stealing church bells to melt into things.
Darkening, after sundown everything had to be dark, no cars, no streetlight, all houses had to put black plastic in front of their windows or use darkening lamps, Philips even stated making a whole set of dark lamps.
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kyoryu · 2 years
My big problem with the ending is that the story had the characters like. At least a few times discuss how they could totally still be friends even after the adventure was over. And like, I understand there’s a metaphor going on about how your life changes and you don’t stay as close to people as you think you might, but like… it kinda comes in out of nowhere in the last two or three episodes. And on top of that, Anne losing Sprig ENTIRELY and then the dialogue implying she, Sasha and Marcy all drifted apart until that reunion just felt overly sad. Puts a lot more ‘bitter’ than sweet in that bittersweet ending than they meant to, I think.
this is gonna be a long answer so sit tight lol.
disclaimer: I LOVE AMPHIBIA OK? my criticism means i care and i am passionate!! maybe too much, but hey, who's doing the math am i right.
ok i absolutely agree with EVERYTHING u say. i think everyone who disliked the ending is in the same page tbh, we all agree on the same stuff.
what u said about mostly bitter than sweet is EXACTLY what i keep saying. like...i do not see the sweet ANYWHERE in that ending. the "sweet" is the girls finally making it home, yet we dont get to see that. we dont even see anne hugging her parents again or anything, and dont get me started on the marcy and sasha's parents thing (ok i will briefly: refusing to give us anything about them just cuz "you wanna leave it up to interpretation" is bullshit. ur writing a story. commit. not showing us sasha and marcy's home lives and families means youre not showing us ANY signs of us rooting for them to go back home, we aren't attached to the idea of it as opposed to sasha's bond with grime and marcy's love for amphibia. it is lousy)
like, people keep telling me im missing the point of an ending that was obvious since episode one and i just disagree so much. where in the world of episode 1 did we see that anne was going to fight the moon, die, meet god and be offered to become god? what the fuck. i keep saying this ending could only work if the stakes weren't so high and the girls didn't spend as much time in amphibia. for anne to separate from the plantars permanently just because "people in life come and go and it hurts but oh well thats life" is so... devastating. like, imagine not being able to see or talk to your family EVER again. because hey thats what lifes like.
"but vinnie they'll obviously see each other again!!!" if u keep saying this, then u just disliked the ending as much as i did and ur in denial lmao. we can make all the hcs we want, they can add all the fix-it they want to marcy's journal (context: matt braly implied marcy's journal could include terri and mr x giving the girls "a surprise" in the timeskip) but yknow the damage is done. the ending is there and it tells you that the plantars and anne say goodbye forever and thats how it is. at least accept it.
"its been set up since ep 1" i completely disagree. season 1 in its entirety is about anne learning to love wartwood. sure it makes sense if u just watch ep 1 because anne is desperate to get home but um, the point is that anne comes to love wartwood and its people and becomes a part of the plantar family. how is that ending an ep1 set up? well, wheres the WHOLE SHOW set up? it makes no sense.
and even for the trio, i understand the growing apart thing but man, after what they went through wouldnt they be bonded for life, having been the only ones to have ever experienced this same trauma, and be closer than ever? especially with the portal permanently gone. id totally be behind it if the portal was open, cuz anne sasha and marcy choose their new amphibian friends over each other to spend time with and eventually come together again as teens, but still close all together bc i cant stress it enough. you dont just grow apart from someone u fought the moon with.
amphibia was already their time apart yknow. again, if the stakes were lower id get it and it'd work. but u cannot have these 3 go through all they did and then try to apply a Down To Earth realistic ending. i dont get it.
like, ur telling me marcy had to move away and she did it happily after being stabbed, comatosed, posessed, etc? sasha and anne stop talking in hs after anne had held onto sasha's arm for dear life before she lets go to her possible death, after they both leaded a fucking army together for a WAR AT 13 YEARS OLD? they just...move on? with a smile? sure it works if you say it does. but if you look it from a writing perspective its just weird, incomplete, lousy. no drama.
everything happens and we dont talk about it. everyone's just freaking happy ig.
i could excuse the sashannarcy separation though but that along with the goodbye forever to amphibia are TERRIBLE combinations. like sasha anne and marcy close this book and open a new one, and how on earth are they even able to do that after everything they we through???
sure im happy theyre happy. it could be that simple. but to me its not. to me this ending ruins the entire show lmao. if u were gonna go for this ending then dont write such an epic story bro lol.
and for the "YOU JUST WANT A STVFOE ENDING/WHAT, IS ANNE NOT SUPPOSED TO SEE HER PARENTS EVER AGAIN?" gang: shut up dingus. no one talked about mixing both worlds or keep anne just in amphibia. thatd be just as bad. they should just have a way to access amphibia whenever they wanted, they met GOD. they literally had any excuse to make this work.
"but thatd be unrealistic" oh so sorry if i dont mind the story about 3 humans landing in a world of frog people, getting superpowers, leading an army, fighting a war, fighting an evil king and posession and the moon, doesn't have a completely realistic ending
"it would be too good to be true" so u agree. u agree the ending wasnt good.
what i would've done to make this ending Work, i would've added 3 simple things.
1. anne is a whole lot more broken up over saying goodbye to amphibia forever. shes not that calm about it. she's upset and thinks its unfair.
2. we get to see anne reunite with her parents back home
3. in the 10 year timeskip, we get an open ended situation with the trio opening a portal and its up to interpretation if this is the first time theyve done it or not.
thats it. i still wouldnt be a fan, i think anne deserves to grow up being able to see her family, but i think if they wanted that ending that badly they shouldve at least added those things. idk.
BASICALLY: i get what they were trying to do. it just does not work with the kind of epic high stakes story they've decided to write.
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shkspr · 3 years
hi. on your post where you may or may not have ended on 'moffat is either your angel or your devil' did you have maybe an elaboration on that somewhere that i could possibly hear about. i'm very much a capaldi era stan and i've never tried to defend the matt smith era even though it had delightful moments sometimes so i wonder where that puts me. i'd love to hear your perspective on moffat as a person with your political perspective. -nicole
hi ok sorry i took so long to respond to this but i dont think you know how LOADED this question is for me but i am so happy to elaborate on that for you. first a few grains of salt to flavor your understanding of the whole situation: a. im unfairly biased against moffat bc im a davies stan and a tennant stan; b. i still very much enjoy and appreciate moffat era who for many reasons; and c. i hate moffat on a personal level far more than i could ever hate his work.
the thing is that its all always gonna be a bit mixed up bc i have to say a bunch of seemingly contradictory things in a row. for instance, a few moffat episodes are some of my absolute favorites of the rtd era, AND the show went way downhill when moffat took over, AND the really good episodes he wrote during the rtd era contained the seeds of his destruction.
like i made that post about the empty child/the doctor dances and it holds true for blink and thats about it bc the girl in the fireplace and silence in the library/forest of the dead are good but not nearly on the same level, and despite the fact that i like them at least nominally, they are also great examples of everything i hate about moffat and how he approached dw as a whole.
basically. doctor who is about people. there are many things about moffats tenure as showrunner that i think are a step up from rtd era who! actual gay people, for one! but i think that can likely be attributed mostly to an evolving Society as opposed to something inherent to him and his work, seeing as rtd is literally gay, and the existence of queer characters in moffats work doesnt mean the existence of good queer characters (ill give him bill but thats it!)
i have a few Primary Grievances with moffat and how he ran dw. all of them are things that got better with capaldi, but didnt go away. they are as follows:
moffat projects his own god complex onto the doctor
rtd era who had a doctor with a god complex. you cant ever be the doctor and not have a god complex. the problem with moffats era specifically is that the god complex was constant and unrepentant and was seen as a fundamental personality trait of the doctor rather than a demon he has to fight. he has the Momence where you feel bad for him, the Momence where he shows his humility or whatever and youre reminded that he doesnt want to be the lonely god, but those are just. moments. in a story where the doctor thinks hes the main character. rtd era doctor was aware that he wasnt the main character. he had to be an authority sometimes and he had to be the loner and he had to be sad about it, but he ultimately understood that he was expendable in a narrative sense.
this is how you get lines like “were the thin fat gay married anglican marines, why would we need names as well?” from the same show that gave you the gut punch moment at the end of midnight when they realize that nobody asked the hostess for her name. and on the one hand, thats a small sticking point, but on the other hand, its just one small example of the simple disregard that moffat has for humanity.
incidentally, this is a huge part of why sherlock sucked so bad: moffats main characters are special bc theyre so much bigger and better than all the normal people, and thats his downfall as a showrunner. he thinks that his audience wants fucking sheldon cooper when what they want is people.
like, ok. think of how many fantastic rtd era eps are based in the scenario “what if the doctor wasnt there? what if he was just out of commission for a bit?” and how those eps are the heart of the show!! bc theyre about people being people!! the thing is that all of the rtd era companions would have died for the doctor but he understood and the story understood that it wasnt about him.
this is like. nine sending rose home to save her life and sacrifice his own vs clara literally metaphysically entwining her existence w the doctor. ten also sending rose with her family to save her life vs river being raised from infancy to be obsessed w the doctor and then falling in love w him. martha leaving bc she values herself enough to make that decision vs amy being treated like a piece of meat.
and this is simultaneously a great callback to when i said that moffats episodes during the rtd era sometimes had the same problems as his show running (bc girl in the fireplace reeks of this), and a great segue into the next grievance.
moffat hates women
he hates women so fucking much. g-d, does steven moffat ever hate women. holy shit, he hates women. especially normal human women who prioritize their normal human lives on an equal or higher level than the doctor. moffat hated rose bc she wasnt special by his standards. the empty child/the doctor dances is the nicest he ever treated her, and she really didnt do much in those eps beyond a fuck ton of flirting.
girl in the fireplace is another shining example of this. youve got rose (who once again has another man to keep her busy, bc moffat doesnt think shes good enough for the doctor) sidelined for no reason only to be saved by the doctor at the last second or whatever. and then youve got reinette, who is pretty and powerful and special!
its just. moffat thinks that the doctor is as shallow and selfish as he is. thats why he thinks the doctor would stay in one place with reinette and not with rose. bc moffat is shallow and sees himself in the doctor and doesnt think he should have to settle for someone boring and normal.
not to mention rose met the doctor as an adult and chose to stay with him whereas reinette is. hm. introduced to the doctor as a child and grows up obsessed with him.
does that sound familiar? it should! bc it is also true of amy and river. and all of them are treated as viable romantic pairings. bc the only women who deserve the doctor are the ones whose entire existence revolves around him. which includes clara as well.
genuinely i think that at least on some level, not even necessarily consciously, that bill was a lesbian in part bc capaldi was too old to appeal to mainstream shippers. like twelve/clara is still a thing but not as universally appealing as eleven/clara but i am just spitballing. but i think they weighed the pros and cons of appealing to the woke crowd over the het shippers and found that gay companion was more profitable. anyway the point is to segue into the next point, which is that moffat hates permanent consequences.
moffat hates permanent consequences
steven moffat does not know how to kill a character. honestly it feels like hes doing it on purpose after a certain point, like he knows he has this habit and hes trying to riff on it to meme his own shit, but it doesnt work. it isnt funny and it isnt harmless, its bad writing.
the end of the doctor dances is so poignant and so meaningful and so fucking good bc its just this once! everybody lives, just this once! and then he does p much the same thing in forest of the dead - this one i could forgive, bc i do think that preserving those peoples consciousnesses did something for the doctor as a character, it wasnt completely meaningless. but everything after that kinda was.
rory died so many times its like. get a hobby lol. amy died at least once iirc but it was all a dream or something. clara died and was erased from the doctors memory. river was in prison and also died. bill? died. all of them sugarcoated or undone or ignored by the narrative to the point of having effectively no impact on the story. the point of a major character death is that its supposed to have a point. and you could argue that a piece of art could be making a point with a pointless death, ie. to put perspective on it and remind you that bad shit just happens, but with moffat the underlying message is always “i can do whatever i want, nothing is permanent or has lasting impact ever.”
basically, with moffat, tragedy exists to be undone. and this was a really brilliant, really wonderful thing in the doctor dances specifically bc it was the doctor clearly having seen his fair share of tragedy that couldnt be helped, now looking on his One Win with pride and delight bc he doesnt get wins like this! and then moffat proceeded to give him the same win over and over and over and over. nobody is ever dead. nobody is ever unable to be saved. and if they are, really truly dead and/or gone, then thats okay bc moffat has decided that [insert mitigating factor here]*
*the mitigating factor is usually some sort of computerized database of souls.
i can hear the moffat stans falling over themselves to remind me that amy and rory definitely died, and they did - after a long and happy life together, they died of old age. i dont consider that a character death any more than any other character choosing to permanently leave the tardis.
and its not just character deaths either, its like, everything. the destruction of gallifrey? never mind lol! character development? scrapped! the same episode four times? lets give it a fifth try and hope nobody notices. bc he doesnt know how to not make the doctor either an omnipotent savior or a self-pitying failure.
it is in nature of doctor who, i believe, for the doctor to win most of the time. like, it wouldnt be a very good show if he didnt win most of the time. but it also wouldnt be a very good show if he won all of the time. my point is that moffats doctor wins too often, and when he doesnt win, it feels empty and hollow rather than genuinely humbling, and you know hes not gonna grow from it pretty much at all.
so like. again, i like all of doctor who i enjoy all of it very much. i just think that steven moffat is a bad show runner and a decent writer at times. and it is frustrating. and im not here to convince or convert anyone im just living my truth. thank you for listening.
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