#in an arc thats not even ash focused’’
vaugarde · 5 months
ngl regice in this episode absolutely feels like the director is overcompensating for the project mew stuff
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obitv · 2 years
i feel like. for the most part, pd fans dont think about the spirit world often. despite the ENTIRE ARC they spent there the ost people take away is mal = big evil guy and.. idk. the wispering woods Exists? but there is SO, SO MUCH going on there thats so much more important than youd think. just for starters
mal? not so important there. his guide, ghoul (who we see a grand total of ONCE, in episode 10, and is mentioned again in episodes 11 and 12), is POTENTIALLY THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD whereas mal i wouldnt put above 50, and thats even a stretch (i will get to the why later)
domains! those floating islands? all domains! ghoul? technically owns most of the domains! what does that mean? HE KNOWS EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS THERE AND CAN CONTROL IT.
also i think everyone forgets this but william was, visually, in his wisp form the entire time they were there
oh also ghoul has dozens if not hundreds of paintings of a man who might be jason king (ORIGAMI) in his castle.
so. ive taken the time to compile most of the information i could find on mal, ghoul, the spirit world, the wisps, an more into a handy post because im fucking insane (note: im only up to e13, the smoke samurai fight, in my rewatch. this IS where the majority of spirit world facts come from anyway, but anything i mention that isnt from those episodes wont be in as much detail bc my memory is ass. if you remember more things, let me know!) (also also, im going to avoid bringing up deadwood as much as i can because.... i think ive talked about it enough 😭)
starting with: GHOUL!
lets be honest. theres a very small chance you even remember this guy exists. but he is FASCINATING
to start with, he has a.. symbiotic relationship with mal, from what ive seen. he needs mal to interact with the physical world, mal needs him to go to the spirit world. ill go into this more in mals section
aside from that, mal is NOT the first physical vessel ghoul's taken. its not clear when he began working with mal, or how many forms he had before, but he's one of many
(also just a note because it can definitely be confusing... ghoul and mal seem to share control over the castle, but before seeing that mal is waiting for them in the dining room everyone was focused on ghoul and mal was barely brought up. its not clear if the things they see in the castle before going in to mal were his choice or ghouls but... ill include the paintings here)
on that note: the paintings!
what the fuck is going on in there
so. yeah. ghoul has.. dozens. and i mean DOZENS, hundreds if you count that they repeat over and over, of paintings featuring a man with "blond hair and chiselled jawline" in various important historical events. they line the walls of the upstairs corridor (the one that seems endless) and are never brought up again
do i think this is jason king? well im not convinced they ARENT... i will touch on this again later just keep it in mind
jumping back to domains, ghoul seems to have.. some degree of control over all of them. at least in the part of the spirit world he rules over, which i assume is. why he rules it. going by the king stuff its like. he owns all the land and "rents" it out to other spirits
rent is a nicer word, since he can CURSE PEOPLE to control domains and dictate how they behave
thats why the carnival is evil, if you remember. ghoul cursed the carnival skeleton (the REAL groundskeeper) to rule the domain and attack anyone who entered
what the fuck
also ghoul is a king
when looking for ghoul in ashes book, despite the very low roll they got some VERY important info: ghoul (who, when we see him, is comapred to antivenom from spiderman) -
this guy
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HE WAS A HUMAN KING. his name is mentioned ALL THE WAY through ashes book, from front to back. a picture of a man in royal garb, was labelled with his name
something.. happened. that turned him from that spirit world king to a monstrosity.
its also never made clear if the man in the paintings is ghoul? we dont get a description of the kings face in the book and we dont get a description of the mans clothes
also, finally: when theyre in the physical world, mal and ghoul essentially share a body, with the body turning into That Thing ^^ when ghoul is in control. ghoul HAS to take control to open portals to the spirit world - he does it to william, and cantrip mentions it too when they interrogate her
he also appears separately from mal when they take william to the spirit world, but we dont see him at all in any other domains so thats a small sample size
BUT he Does have a fucking. encyclopedic knowledge of domains (which ill talk about later). he "knows all of these places [domains]"
where do i fucking start.
basic mal facts: asshole, british, very powerful, knows far too much about the spirit world to make any sense
just a basic overview of his powers, btw:
he can create illusions, float/fly (in the spirit world, at least), ghostshape, go intangible, and mayyybe has some sort of connection to earth or gravity powers because theres one point where he makes the ground beneath someone burst up but also that mightve been a weird ghostshaping trick and im honestly too scared to think about that
basically he seems to have most of williams powers + illusions and whatever that ground trick was. the only things we havent seen are invisibilty (which considering mechanically its just a flavouring of an advantage which isnt technically a power, makes sense) and the wisp form, though id consider the ghoul transformation to b the equivalent of that
oh in case you forgot he can also FREEZE. TIME. william isnt affected by this but im not sure if that was because mal wanted him to see what happened or because spirit shenanigans
also little aside but while williams powers manifest as wispy blue flames, mals are always black lightning (his ghostshaping, most noticeably)
the biggest mal question is.. how does he. know all that shit? youd expect ghoul to be the one who actuall has the knowledge but mal is ALWAYS the one they deal with
now you may be wondering: why is this an issue? well the thing is. we dont actually know ANYTHING about mal. we dont know where he comes from, what he wants, how he met ghoul, if his powers are his own or all come from ghoul... none of it
what we can ASSUME: mal was alive when he made some sort of deal with ghoul, because he obviously had a physical body. my personal theory is that mal is (one of?) the previous owner of ashe's book, since so far that's the only thing we've seen that allows you to summon spirits and allow them to possess you, and its full of references to ghoul. and quite honestly the thought that theres MULTIPLE books like that is terrifying. so
ok i actually just came up with that one on the spot but if mal had a better understanding of the language the book is in than ashe and wasnt so afraid to use it then actually him knowing a shitton about the spirit world makes so much sense. what the fuck
bizly bizlychannel youre prying that theory from my fucking corpse im in love with it now.
so. yeah. presumably, mal and ghoul made some sort of deal, because they work together. its not clear if mal is working to get william on his side by his own volition or if ghoul wants him to, or if its like a "ghoul brought it up and mal decided to go for it because hes better at talking and also isnt a horrifying monster" but whatever. unlike william and the wisps (amazing band name) who fight fucking constantly because william never ASKED for his powers, mal is comfortable with them
another thing mal seems to have control over is ghouls castle. he lays out the red carpet and makes every door lead to the dining room and also makes it impossible to leave
specifically, irt all the doors going to the dining room, bizly said "if he can control this castle and where it goes, thats what he wouldve done"
the corridor upstairs (without the carpet, with the paintings) also goes on literally forever. you cant go back once you walk far enough you have to go through a door. i have no idea if this was mal or ghouls choice
another thing! specifically layed out on the walls next to the carpet ("things he specifically wanted them to see") is an ornate dagger in a glass case. which vyncent with a gun steals but i dont think is brought up again ??? also the wording made me feel like there shouldve been more items listed but since condi immediately started stealing he just didnt include the rest ?? unsure
this is just a weird thing to note but theres like these freaky black tendrils that grab the table and hold it down when dakota tries to flip it. i dont know what to do with this information its just there
when william confronts mal on how much the spirits seem to hate him and ghoul, mal says "that's not what im here for" and, when pressed, says thats "a conversation for another day"
first: basics
the spirit world is, from what we've seen, a collection of floating islands over a void. these islands seem to all be "domains", places that are controlled by special spirits
the spaces between domains is the dead zone! this is where people go when they die, like 99% of the time. going there without special means (the hot air balloon, the carriage) will kill you.
so, how do you get a domain? ah. good... question....
one way is to kill whoever currently owns it. then its yours! congrats! you can alsp give away domains, but the only time we've directly seen this happen was the groundskeeper who was also cursed at the same time and ghoul seems to still have some control over the carnival anyway??? unclear
which leaves. william fucking wisp. because he has a domain! i am not getting into it here because ive said it all already but its there
also a little worth noting that williams domains seems to be shaped subconsciously without him even knowing it was there
i honestly cant speculate much more on williams domain because we just. dont have the answers. i could ask domain questions all fucking day like "did the wisps give william a domain" or "by being a powerful spirit did he just get an empty one or was one created just for him" etc etc we have no way of knowing
domains we know about: williams graveyard, the carnival, ghouls castle, the wispering woods (perhaps a series of domains? unknown), and the tricksters... house thing. do not ask me what the chaos zone is, i dont know and it scares me. if i had to guess itd be a series of. well. chaotic domains perhaps all partially ruled by the trickster but i also dont have ANY trickster lore written down bar "has a domain" so ill come back to that another day
and the obligatory deadwood mention: from what we can gather, the woods surrounding deadwood are where the barriers between the physical and spirit worlds are thinnest. specifically the area william died in was brought up which is totally linked to Everything about him
the wispering woods, in ashes book, is described as a "sanctuary" or "oasis". barely anybody has ever seen it and come back to say what it was like
ok bonus fact time. i dont know where to put these
when they first talk to mal in his domain, he says the phrase "william! be a sport, be a pal, be my friend." its specifically noted that william recognises that phrase as something his dad said to him a lot as a child
mal is also pretty much.. the only person to call william "wisperer" consistantly. but for that phrase he said william
additionally, this entire. interaction between bizly and charlie
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ill go crazy if i dont bring that up. so its here
in williams party city doritos induced fever dream (i am not talking about that ghost. i refuse) he sees the spirit world (floating islands) and he sees a throne made out of paper. this reads very clearly like a reference to origami/jason king, since hes dead at the start of the story
also i just want to say there IS a rolled where they say how jason died but theyre laughing really hard so i have absolutely no idea what theyre saying all i can hear is "dickass" im so sorry
so yeah. with that image in mind, hearing ghoul be described as a king (who HAS A CASTLE), and having so many paintings of a man who sounds similar to jason (am i reaching? maybe. but hes also the only prominent dead figure who already has connections to spirit world royalty and hes blond so let me have this) is just like. insane coincidence
i have nothing i can really prove here, because have o idea HOW jason an ghoul could be connected. but they are. i know it. believe me
thanks for reading this far it took me 2 hours to compile it all. if you have anything to add esp from later episodes PLEASEEEE PLEASE DO also if you wanna discuss anything i mentioned here i am always down.
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skitter-- heir of mind
tattletale-- bard of light
grue-- maid of blood
bitch-- knight of rage
regent-- bard of heart
[REDACTED]--mage of void
^__^ dont think too hard about any of em!! my classpecting methods also are. arcane and convoluted. and trying not to be like. vaguely spoilery? but. thats what i think. what r ur opinions... how would u classpect them? also bonus question classpect arm master for me please >:3c
feeling A LOT OF THINGS about heart player alec. specifically destroyer class heart player alec. his dad's name is heartbreaker this is so evil. ALSO very glad u made brian a blood player it's so perfect for him. my immediate thought was knight of blood but tbh maid fits him soooo much better. EXTREMELY CLOCKED IN on mind player taylor. that would not have been my first choice for her but it fits REALLY well. (idk what my first choice would be for her. I keep thinking I understand taylor hebert and then she does something completely unexpected and im like WHO ARE YOU.) Lisa light player and Rachel rage player are also extremely perfect. also Rachel as a knight.... yeah.... I forgot to mention this in my lbs because it was. 4 in the morning. but I'm REALLY FUCKING SAD about Brutus and judas dying :( ESPECIALLY Brutus. fuck.
COMPLETELY. EVIL THING OF YOU TO SAY TO ME BTW. CLASSPECT ARMSMASTER. I HATE THAT GUY . UGH. unfortunately I did in fact think about this A LOT as I was finishing up at work. sigh. it was also super interesting because usually i lean heavy on aspects first bc I feel like i understand them better and class is just a modifier of whatever aspect a person is. but for him I went the opposite way because I COULD NOT decide for the life of me on a good aspect but ill be damned if he's not a fucking thief. he's so fucking thief coded. the whole basis of thief is "stealing [aspect] from others to benefit yourself" and he's so. selfish and egotistic in it for his own gain. he fucking SACRIFICED PEOPLE so that he'd be able to fight leviathan on his own so he'd have the glory of killing him. also related to his powers, while it's not stealing in a traditional sense he does ljke. really heavily analyze everyone around him and form tactics around that. also if I remember right he uses other people's tech/abilities in his halberd??? maybe not outright but i think i remember him basing some of his attacks on other heroes. anyway. for aspect I'm leaning toward.... well my first instinct is to say blood because he literally stole taylors team from her in revenge but i don't rlly think his other actions align with a blood player much. he's too focused on himself to be team oriented (even if his goal is to be. leader of a team) maybe hope? he wants glory he wants fame I feel like the closest thing to that aspect wise would be hope . fuck you for making me think about arm man for multiple hours
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Solangelo/Will Solace head canon (with a weapon that could bring destructions to mortals)
will is very OP with a kazoo.
thats it. thats—thats the headcanon.
i am so sorry. just, imagine will, having that heroic stance, bow on his back and military medical bag on his other side, accompany with the quiver. dead serious with glare that could make a person tighten their guard. sky blue eyes so determined they could shoot lasers. brows furrow, focuses, showed how much of a veteran war medic he is and thats, a whole lot.
and he—he just—he just quips out a small, bright green and yellow kazoo, closes his eyes, holds the kazoo in his mouth, then, when he begins to blow it. literALLY SCREAMS—
demigods start going ape shit and yell out their battle cries. monsters loosing their marbles, running. some even kick the bucket and self destructs. everyone loosing their shits, huffs out their last breath and goodbyes. explosions everywhere destroying humanity's hopes and dreams. crying. even MORE CRYING—FOR GODS SAKE WHO TF SINGING TAYLOR SWIFT SONG WHY ARE YOU SINGING TAYLOR SWIFT SONG STOP IT I AM NOT DYING WITH TAYLOR SWIFT SONG STUCK INSIDE MY HEAD—WE ARE ALL GOING TO TARTARUS—
Nico slaps the kazoo out of Will's mouth and immediately the sky clears demigods hugging each other monsters turn into ashes explosions somehow stop mid blow and the collapsed building literally catches itself and went back to normal whoever singing taylor swift songs–stoPPED, there's even rainbow in the sky and tacos falls down from it, including cakes goes splashed—died on some unlucky Aphrodiate cabin demigods and they too, are dying, throwing up.
Nico then looks at Will with pure disappointment in his eyes, crossed his arms, radiated that u are so not gonna be the big spoon tonight. And Will in his sad puppy arc, pouts, sulky, saying things like "im so sorry babe, i just wanna play your fav song so that u have motivation to kill monsters 😞👉👈 i didnt mean to be so passionate abt it..."
p.s : i am sleep deprived when i wrote this im so sorry now u cant unsee will with a neon kazoo.
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magnetothehedgehog · 4 years
Dabi's Decision (Warning spoilers!)
To start off again, spoilers for bnha so don't read if you don't wanna be spoiled for future anime/manga stuff
Oml I'm literally CRYING over this Dabi reveal rewrite I was thinking about recently
The Shoto Family Crisis is something that really hits home for me as I have personaly experience dealing with those type of people (cough cough ENDEAVOR COUGH)
But first I gotta talk about whats actually happening before my idea
But as much respect as I had for Dabi as a villain character and even for the first few moments as Todoroki's brother, from what I have seen from a translation of the reveal here on tumblr I was really disappointed. Like yes It could just have been the translation since i haven't seen all of the offical thing, but I getthe feeling thats not the case.
All that respect for Dabi goes away when he made his argument. He basically said "Dad was mean to me so I killed off a bunch of random innocent people who have done me no wrong for no good reason but LOOK *points at endeavor* he drove me to this. He made me do it."
Like somebody near him is gonna comedically slap him and say "Bad endeavor! >:cc"
This isn't to downplay Touya's trauma, it was real and probably the harshest since he was the first experiment and also considered the first failure. He ended up so ghosted that his own family thought he was dead.
But when he hurts other innocent people for his own goals JUST like his father did, not only is he ending up just like him, he is playing right into his hands. Endeavor wants someone to surpass him, someone to pass down his legacy of strength and ruthlessness, however it happens. Actually its quite the norm for toxic people to try and pass on their behaviors, try to clone themselves on the next generation.
Even with endeavors supposed redemption arc, the effects his decisions have on the past don't change, as this event was supposed to help solidify.
Honestly its the worst way to get back at Endeavour and you just end up being just like the abuser. Why is it such a common trope that "if I was abused by someone, Let me go do the same thing to someone else who literally has never tried to hurt me in my life?" Notice how they never target the abuser, they just seek to abuse someone else, thus continuing the cycle. The stupidest part of Touya's argument is that he is trying to make it seem like its endeavor who made him choose these actions.
But thats the thing. It was STILL Touya's choice to make. And yeah it sucks, often times an abuser will use this fact to their advantage, but when it comes down to it, Touya made the choice to do wrong. It's not like endeavor said "Yo kill these 5 people with your fire power to prove your worth or I burn your skull yeah?"
He made the choice to hurt multiple people who had hope and a future like he once did.
He made a choice that led to him becomong the next abuser, and becoming as delusional as the person who abused him.
But lets say things go different from how its currently going down in the Manga. Here'ss my idea: where it takes place I could care less but lets use the same place the canon did, the theater
But imagine Dabi reveals himself to Endeavor, the crowd and Todoroki and reveals who he is, Touya. He then goes on to revealing Endeavors little experiment and how he used all his family just to live out his dream of surpassing the symbol of peace and having someone stronger than him so he could live vicariously through him.
Dabi goes on to explain as he was considered "a failure" he was cast aside and ghosted, and left distant from his other siblings Endeavour didn't want to be effected by Touya the failure.
Dabi explains how he knew no-one would listen or care about some kids who were being used and no-one would dare challenge or try to smear the reputation of the second greatest hero, so Endeavor was basically untouchable. So Dabi devised a plan
Dabi explains that by becoming a villain, he was able to train unhindered by rules and regulations that hold heroes back and the keep them from exercising their power to the fullest. He explains how he only used his flames to burn those deserving (actual crooks, slavers, other abusers maybe, looking at you overhaul) and how by having less concern for his own well being he could push past his limits.
Even though his Flesh itself burned his power grew until now it was something that could rival/surpass allmight's. Dabi then displays immense amount of power for the world to see, nearly burning up an entire mountain or something to ash. And he eas able to do this all with just 1 quirk. FIRE. For a failure he managed to do the one thing Endeavor always wanted. Be stronger than Almight, and he did it with just.FIRE.
He mocks endeavor. Look at you. Always wanted to ve number 1 but never could. Even now you are stuck in second place in your own heart. But Look now, your failure has achieved your dream. Maybe if you had shown the world the villain you showed your family you could have been number one.
"Look! Gaze upon your Son! See as the Fire chars my very Flesh!?This is it! THIS IS WHAT YOU ALWAYS WANTED! GAZE UPON THE WORLDS NUMBER 1!"
now that in itself is a heartbreaker and would be were maybe another fic writer would stop, but oh no, ya'll still got tears to cry so get ready
Todoroki is in shock now the only words he can make out is "Touya..."
And thats when Touya turns his attention to Todoroki "ahh...my dear Todoroki."
Touya then goes on to explain how this plan he devised was not for himself, but rather, for Todoroki and the rest of his family. He wanted the world to see endeavor for who he was and what he is, so that hopefully, his siblings could have a better future.
Touya goes on about how proud he is of Todoroki for showing how strong he was and that even though he came from people constantly making wrong decisions, he could make a right decision. Even going so far as to reject his own flames at one point.
Touya then goes into a heartfelt speech, and Tells Todoroki
"Listen. I could never tell you to join me or go down the road I took. I would never do that. The Path I took was to build the bridge to Your better tomorrow. I want you to be the best hero you can be."
"I don't want you to be the next symbol of peace or the next Allmight. I want you to live for yourself, be what you WANT to be. Because even though he may have robbed me of my future, your future is something he can never have. "
Omg 😢😭😭😭
Touya you deserved so much moreee
But thats the point.
He did, they all did. And thats what this version of Touya was trying to tell the world. Nobody knows how hard it was, the pain and suffering it took. The stress of Todoroki's body to only reject a quirk probably heavily tied to his emotions and half his whole body, but also the stress it caused from not using it, his father breathing on his neck at every waking moment trying to force him to use it.
And thats just the tip of the iceberg. Getting misinterpreted because he's so focused on defeating the real evil in his life.
Man Todoroki gets so shorthanded in both life and in writing by the author it hurts my soul. I know he has so much potential but he gets dragged down or down played by every little things, especially he who shall not be nam- BAKUGO ITS BAKUGO GAHHH
Ahem. I think I was overtaken for a single moment. Pardon me~☆
But nah none of this toddler "he made me do itttt." Angwy points 3:<
And none of that "Oh Todoroki you have forsaken meeee."
Like for real if anybody aughta know endeavor probably made up some crap lie about him Touya should, thats all that man do, I already KNOW.
And before anybody says you're being too hard on them this is why nobody wants to do redemption
Its called redemption for a reason, first off it ain't supposed to be easy befitting the cause. Second, fake or flakey redemption is the pitts and there is too much of it being sugarcoated and presented on a Platter thank youuu
Only gonna throw one more jab in here but
The Author literally told us how horrible Bakugo is by showing us he had to have amnesia and not receive one for all from the movie or he woulda kept it. They coulda had him give it back to deku, even if it was just an ego thing for him and I, who have not had a reason to respect him in the whole series, would have actually respected that and taken it as a clear sign of change.
But no. Amnesia cop out cowabunga it was.
Okay I think I got this outta my system thanks everyone.
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
Bam! Im gonna hit you with more various Honoka hcs.
⁃ So when Noka was a baby, neither her dad or Shirou knew what the hell to do with her wings.
⁃ Her first word was "Siro" which was exposed to be "Shirou"
⁃ She would fly around and their dad would make Shirou chase her down.
⁃ When Shirou and Noka were taken in by their uncle, he just slept and let her do whatever.
⁃ Their uncle, also known as Eraserhead, was a very kind guardian
⁃ He went to each of Shirou's ballet concerts, and did Noka's hair for picture day
⁃ If you looked through his search history it would be filled with "how to do a braid for beginners"
⁃ Aizawa bought Noka various art supplies and bought Shirou new shoes whenever they needed them
⁃ Didnt want them to become heroes
⁃ Cause he didnt want to see the two children he practically raised to be hurt
⁃ But because of their ties to All for One, the government forced both of them to become heros to "prove" that they had severed their bonds with All for One
⁃ Shirou's dream was to become a professional dancer and Noka's was to become a professional artist
⁃ And Aizawa was not happy that the two lights in his life were torn from their dreams
⁃ And so Shirou got accepted into the hero program, in class 1-A
⁃ He chose the hero name Shifter
⁃ Cause he could shift into any organic form
⁃ When he got 3rd place at the sports festival, Noka ran around her uncle's apartment screaming with joy
⁃ Noka is literally his biggest fan
⁃ Noka's first friend was a small purple haired boy name Hitoshi Shinsou
⁃ So naturally, she called him Toshi
⁃ And she refused to call him anything else all throughout middle and high school
⁃ Shinsou and Noka have sleepovers all the time and you can't tell me otherwise
⁃ When people would tell Shinsou that his quirk was villainous, Noka would always speak up cause she knew Shinsou wouldnt contradict them
⁃ Noka is always like that
⁃ Speaking up for others and herself. And her smart mouth tends to get her in trouble
⁃ Shinsou would fuss over Noka's wings. Like if they were dirty or a few feathers were out of place, Shinsou would sit her down and fix her wings.
⁃ "Toshi, your inner mom is showing"
⁃ "Its not my fault you cant take proper care of your wings"
⁃ When she told Shinsou about her acceptance into U.A's med course, he couldn't have been prouder
⁃ Noka is actually the one who encouraged Shinsou to train with her uncle.
⁃ But before that lets talk about Noka's time at U.A. so far
⁃ She was first introduced to class 1-A during the first combat training
⁃ Healed everyone who got very minor injuries
⁃ At the USJ attack, Shigiraki deteriorated part of Noka's hip. But her extremely enhanced natural healing abilities stopped the deterioration
⁃ So she has this big ass scar on the back side of her left hip
⁃ She wanted to absolutely murder Shigiraki for letting the Nomu loose on her uncle
⁃ But she doesnt have any damaging fire power
⁃ So she just tried to heal her uncle's wounds the best she could
⁃ Nearly gets herself killed many times with her smart assery
⁃ And gives everyone around her a heart attack in the process
⁃ During the sports festival, she helped RG heal all the students
⁃ Reprimanded Deku for overusing OfA
⁃ Oh yeah, she learned about AfO and OfA from her time with All for One
⁃ Is kind of like to Deku like Recovery Girl is to All Might
⁃ So fast foward to the internships
⁃ She interns with another oc of mine, Snow
⁃ Who is a healer but with incredible attack powers
⁃ Coincidentally, Noka was patrolling Hosu when the nomus hit
⁃ She recieved Deku's distress signal and ran to the scene
⁃ She didnt attack the hero killer, but ran to help Native and made sure he didnt bleed out
⁃ The hero killer didnt bat a single eye at her, deeming her not a threat
⁃ In the end, she didnt harm Stain so her hero guardian? didnt have to take any blame for her actions
⁃ Noka however did get nearly ripped in half by a nomu, so she had to stay in the hospital with Todo and Deku
⁃ So— Summer training arc
⁃ She just looked at her class and said "fuck this" and flew over the whole forest
⁃ She actually beat the wild wild pussycats back to the camp
⁃ She got to know Kota, telling him how she never wanted to become a hero
⁃ Kota may or may not have developed a kiddie crush on her 😳
⁃ But anyways, when everyone else saw her all nice and refreshed, needless to say they were upset
⁃ Some more than others
⁃ *remembers Bakugou nearly blowing off Noka's face because she cheated*
⁃ Aizawa just smirking at his niece cause shes so much like her mother
⁃ "They said to use our quirks. Its not my fault your quirk is too grounded"
⁃ "No I wanna eat, goodbye—"
⁃ Focuses on her attack and the healing capabilities of her quirk
⁃ Let me set the scene
⁃ At the beginning of UA, our Noka could barely heal up a small cut
⁃ But now, she can close up major wound with little to no effort
⁃ P r o g r e s s people
⁃ N e ways
⁃ So when they do the haunted quirk thingy
⁃ Hairi and Noka are paired up, to their delight
⁃ But they aren't able to go into the forest before the attack happens
⁃ Apparently, the league came for Bakugou and Noka
⁃ Cause the "master" wanted his first nomu to return to him
⁃ But all Deku knew was "they are after Kacchan and the master's first Nomu"
⁃ Nobody knew who the first nomu was except for Noka
⁃ See, AfO took and gave Noka various quirks, eventually ending up with her current quirk(s)
⁃ Eventually, Noka is cornered by Dabi
⁃ His fire power vastly out matches hers
⁃ But she puts up one hell of a fight
⁃ And Kurogiri took her before she woke up and fought back even more
⁃ So everyone was panicking when they couldnt find Noka
⁃ Aizawa was panicking them most
⁃ His precious niece was missing, no, taken by the league
⁃ The students had never seen their teacher so frazzled
⁃ The thing that broke Aizawa more was the look on Shirou's face when he told him that his baby sister was missing
⁃ His precious baby sister
⁃ His whole world
⁃ Shirou didnt go out of his room for days
⁃ He was there when they were to save Bakugou and Noka
⁃ All Might fought AfO, and won
⁃ But there was no sign of Noka
⁃ Shirou nearly tackled Bakugou, demanding, no, more like pleading for him to tell him where she was
⁃ Bakugou merely said "She's gone, and I dont know where she went"
⁃ The whole class was in a panic
⁃ Where was Noka? Was she hurt? Was she scared? Was she in danger?
⁃ And the question that hung on everyone's mind the most was
⁃ Is she alive?
⁃ The emptiness of Noka's desk was deafening
⁃ Their smart ass classmate was nowhere to be found
⁃ And they all felt guilty
⁃ But none more than Bakugou
⁃ For he was the last to see her alive so to speak
⁃ And her last words to him were "Forget about me ya big oaf, you hear me? I don't want you sulking, or I'll personally beat your ass."
⁃ Forget about her? How could he do that?
⁃ Noka was the only person who didn't put up with his bullshit
⁃ From day one she put him in his place
⁃ And honestly shes the closest thing to a sister he has
⁃ During the hero license exam, all of class 1-A decided that Noka would be really upset if they all sulked and failed their exams
⁃ But the fact that only Todoroki and Bakugou failed would make her fall into hysterics
⁃ When class 1-A met the big three, Mirio told them that Noka was strong and stubborn to a fault, so they shouldnt worry about things that arent in their control
⁃ To which they asked how he knew her
⁃ Apparently Shirou, Amajiki, and Mirio have all been friends since elementary school
⁃ So Amajiki and Mirio had been there a lot for many crucial parts of Noka's childhood
⁃ When the work studies started, Deku went on patrol with Mirio and Shirou, AKA Lemillion and Shifter
⁃ Shirou couldnt help but feel so much guilt crushing him when Eri jumped out of Deku's arms
⁃ Cause Eri reminded him of his little sister
⁃ Speaking of little sister
⁃ For the last 2 months, Noka had been experimented on by Kai Chisaki
⁃ In the mean time trying to protect Eri and building a loving friendship with the young girl
⁃ But ive alreadly talked about this part
⁃ So skipping to when they save her
⁃ It was a total shock for them
⁃ To see this wingless, pale, frail, bandage wrapped girl
⁃ And even more so when she spoke
⁃ Not having that bite that their Noka had
⁃ But a softer, more broken voice replaced her normally boisterous and confident voice
⁃ In the big battle agains Chisaki, Noka got slammed against a wall
⁃ Which in normal circumstances would be fine, but with her body in such a week state it immediately cracked her ribs and spine
⁃ Ochako helped get her friend to the ambulance as quick as she could
⁃ Shirou saw a fluff of pale pink hair out of the corner of his eye
⁃ He immediately turned to run towards the medical stretcher, but was stopped
⁃ He kicked and screamed something along the lines of "THATS MY BABY SISTER. PLEASE LET ME SEE HER"
⁃ In the most broken voice you would ever hear
⁃ In the hospital, after Sir. Nighteye had passed, Deku, Kirishima, Amajiki, Shirou, Ochako, Tsu and Aizawa were all waiting anxiously for Noka's surgery
⁃ When all of a sudden the door explodes open and the nurses and doctors are shoved out by an invisible force of heat
⁃ Noka was using her ability to set herself aflame and be healed in the ashes
⁃ But no one knew wtf was going on cause she learned the trick at the Hassaiki hideout
⁃ So p a n i k
⁃ But after the doctors confirmed her stablility, they all went back to school
⁃ The whole class bursted into tears when they told them about Noka
⁃ Jirou, Kaminari, Momo and Mina all being the most emotionally impacted
⁃ Bakugou was almost crying witb relief but he disnt show jt
⁃ They weren't allowed to see Noka for a whole month
⁃ Only family were allowed
⁃ She was hard at work recovering and going through therapy and they didnt want to disturb her
⁃ But when they (Kirishima, Deku, Ochako, and Tsu) did visit, they were shocked
⁃ There was this soft spoken, trembling, woman, and this was after a month of intense therapy
⁃ They hadnt event started physcial therapy yet, they wanted to get her tk the point she could be around others without going into a panic mode
⁃ Thus she needs the wheelchair
I have a bunch more random hcs but this is so long anyways. Im so sorry >_<
It’s fine anon but seriously you gotta start posting!
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doomedandstoned · 5 years
SÂVER: Raging At Darkness, Stepping Into Light
~By Billy Goate~
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When I heard that former Tombstones members were forming a new band called SÂVER, I knew it was going to be doomy, but I don't think I was prepared for an album of such immense breadth and ferocity. You think Slomatics or Conan can command a hall? Well, let's just say with S VER you're in the Hall of the Mountain King. As I listen, it's not hard to imagine an apocalyptic scenario where the SÂVER's powerful strains break out in the dead of night, echoing through nightmarish forests, over majestic mountains, and into the impenetrable dark of Norway's wild. I can't believe how perfectly this recording captures size, scope, and grandiosity of their sound.
They Came With Sunlight by SÂVER
A deep, quietly percussive bass note opens up "Distant Path" and is joined in short order by menacing reverb of the synth. Two minutes in, the guitar and drums join in the layers of crescendo. At last, Ole Christian Helstad joins the fruckus of this brewing storm, ever building, building, building towards its inevitably violent release. Five minutes into the song, a torrent of rain swells down, accompanied by a hail of steady notes on guitar. At the eight-minute mark, a terrifyingly grandiose symphony of raging vocals and the combined force of Helstad's explosive bass, Markus Støle's drums, and Ole Ulvik Rokseth's guitar brings us the apocalyptic moment we've all been waiting for. Simply put, it is jaw-droppingly huge. 'They Came With Sunlight' (2019) has officially begun.
The following track, "I, Vanish," would make a fine companion to Yob's "The Screen." It ticks and tocks and grinds its gears like the mechanical clock of some mad horologist, who watches each finely tuned movement closely to see if we are nearer to Doomsday. This and the succession of tracks that follow take us on an ethereal journey of sorts. The music gives a continual sense of flow -- whether with the echo of chords, the precise rhythms of repeated notes, or the fury of blinding tremolos, we are always moving, moving, moving. The complexity of movement may find some drawing comparisons with Black Cobra, Mastodon, perhaps even Tool and Meshuggah.
They Came With Sunlight by SÂVER
"Influx" breaks with this form just long enough to make us question what we thought was real. Are we awake in the real world or in some kind of a dream where the rules still aren't known? It feels like we are floating in a state of suspended animation. The lyrics throughout the album are obscure, making it hard to get a straight answer one way or another. Perhaps the point is to ponder the larger themes exposited by these opaque words, to free our minds to wander and explore the possibilities. I will say the interview that follows helps to clear up at least one or two mysteries for us, but overall the material remains high concept, abstract, and surreal.
They Came With Sunlight by SÂVER
"How They Envisioned Life" is the most heart-wrenching song of the lot. There is real pain here, as the singer lashes out with some of the purest rage on record at everything he believed to be true and faithful about his reality. There's also what appears to be a tug of war. The light wants him, the dark wants him. Is this a near-death experience? I'll let you be the judge.
"Step out of light!" - Dark Frozen by fright, left to survive Under the sky Leave!! Leave my soul to him!
They came - They saw How they envisioned life Embrace the warmth that I have left you with
Please let us stay Through depths and stone I see light
Leave – Leave my soul to him
They came - They saw How they envisioned light Your rage - minds covered This ancient hollowed out fight I have left you - Light
"Dissolve To Ashes" gets even stranger with references to "cosmic shuttles" and panicked attempts to find a path that will lead to light. Come to think of it, this is actually is starting to feel like the kind of things I dream about on the regular!
They Came With Sunlight by SÂVER
The ancient archetypal struggle between light and darkness comes to a head in the album's longest track, the twelve-and-a-half minute "Altered Light." There are hints that maybe the light isn't quite what it seems and that a little sleight of hand is involved when some people promise to show us the way.
I'd like to point out something I've not mentioned up to this point: melody. The riffs on this album are, for lack of a better expression, very "hummable." This means these little earworms will be working their magic on you long after you've walked away from the record. I've found myself humming or tapping the theme to this song at the grocery store, at work, while doing laundry, you name it. Look, I don't have the answers to the riddles presented by They Came WIth Sunlight. What I can offer you is SÂVER. Oh, and if you dig this kind of sound, be sure and check out Markus Støle and Ole Rokseth's other project HYMN.
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Photograph by Adrian Kraakefingar Vindedal
Interview with SÂVER's Ole Rokseth
~Photographs by Pål Bellis~
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“It sounds like war.”
Congratulations on a successful album launch via Pelagic Records and for debuting at the #10 spot on the Doom Charts with 'They Came With Sunlight' (2019).
Thanks, Billy! The response has been overwhelming. We are super stoked.
The last time we checked in, Tombstones had just disbanded and then I think I lost track of the story for a good two years after that. What was going on in the backdrop leading up to the formation of SÂVER?
We spent a year, more or less, in our rehearsal space after Tombstones, just writing new material without having a plan. I don't think it took that long before we knew we had to make something of it, so we talked alot about what type of band we wanted to start and what type of music we wanted to play. We all knew we wanted to do something different. So it's been a lot of experimenting with sounds and gear to get to where we are now.
What does the band’s name signify?
It means "sleep" or "sleeping" in an old Norwegian dialect, from out in the woods where Ole Helstad is from.
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“We wanted to just leave.”
The opening line from “Dissolve To Ashes” starts with: “They came with sunlight” -- it’s also the title of the album. I’m used to song and album titles that refer to the menace of darkness and those that prey in the shadows, but here you’re anticipating the arrival of something with the dawn. Can you illuminate this?
I think that line, in particular, is spoken through someone or something else “on the other side.” The clean singing sort of amplifies that. At some point during the writing process, I painted this picture in my mind of three dudes just leaving the earth towards a better destination, in search of “The Light.” So most of the lyrics is based around that journey. I think people relate to that and that's why it's equally heavy as the typical “metal lyrics.” It's just about life, man.
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“It's just about life, man.”
So much of metal is focused on pain, misery, death, subjugation, and very little is written about “the light” -- especially not in a style as heavy, so it really intrigues me.
Yes, well, I don't think there is any point in writing about stuff thats not from your own experiences and thought. We just sort of turned it all around and wrote about our journey away from death, shadows, and battleaxes. It was really about what all of us went through at the time. We wanted to just leave.
The tracks on They Came With Sunlight are huge. This and the recent Yob album are among the few that have been successful in writing cohesive long-form compositions that carry an effective dramatic arc. How does a piece like “I, Vanish” come together?
That song is based on a bass riff that Ole brought to the table one night. And I guess we just wrote it the way we know best. Weed, beer, and a sweaty rehearsal space with low lighting. We are all believers of repetition in music, and that song is all about that for sure. This whole album really came together naturally and I think it's because we all had a need to express ourselves in a different way than in other bands and we had a clear vision of what we wanted to do early on.
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The production value is very high on the new album, capturing the depth, range, and power of your sound admirably. What have you learned about recording your sound now that’s different from when you first started recording albums with Tombstones a decades ago?
I always have all of these different ideas and thoughts on how to record the next album to make it better than what we have done before. But we always, at least in these types of bands, conclude that recording live is the only way. And having a studio tech that can provide good recordings of all the instruments is key. So we basically just do what we have been doing at rehearsals and know that the guys behind the desk just captures it at that moment. Joona Hassinen at Studio Underjord in Sweden was that guy, and he couldn't have done a better job. Everything sounded really good straight out of the mixing board, so we knew early on that this was gonna be a super heavy experience. That being said, we had a lot of weird accidents on this album, as well, that Joona decided to just leave in. Art by accident, dude. Always cool. We obviously added stuff after recording it live, but it's not really that far from it.
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“Three dudes just leaving the earth towards a better destination in search of The Light.”
If nothing else, doom is surely infamous for its “low ‘n’ slow” approach. How in the name of Hades did you get such a damning sound on this record? What did you tune to, for example, on “Distant Path”?
It's that whole year of continuously hitting the rehearsal space, practicing and trying out different sounds. We knew we wanted to try and distance ourselves from all the other “doom” bands that are out there, but yet not losing ourselves and what we think sounds cool.
We tune in drop A, and the guitars have pretty thin string gauges to get that open, heavy sound. Not that much distortion either, to be honest. Most of the fuzz comes from Helstad's 215 bass cabinet. A Lot of the sound also came together after I bought a Fender Telecaster Deluxe and combined it with an older Peavey transistor head. Bringing a synthesizer to mix also opened a lot for us. I inherited a real passion for old and new synths from my brother. His collection of synths is out of this world -- thanks Pål.
As Joona said after re-amping the fuzz bass, “It sounds like war.” I will never stop trying out new gear and trying new weird shit, and that's a big part of me evolving as a musician.
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Picking up from that last question, the level of tonal depth you were able to capture on this recording is truly remarkable. Without ever feeling muted or distorted, you’ve managed to capture the grandiosity and rumbling low-end of those bruising chords.
Joona basically just recorded -- with great technique and experience -- what we played then and there. If the song is heavy, and you believe in it, it's gonna come out heavy. No matter what amp you use or what pickup you have in you guitar. I'm pretty sure Jimi Hendrix would make a shitty B.C. Rich Warlock from 2009 sing and penetrate your soul in the same way he does with his Stratocaster.
What amps and gear did you use in the recording?
We recorded it live with the same set-up as we use at gigs and rehearsals. I won't get into all the pedal details. On guitar, I played through a stereo setup with 412 cabinets. Peavey Century Bass Series and and old Simms Watts 100. Well, bass was actually reamped, but Helstad uses his Rickenbacker 4003 through a Ampeg SVT Classic with an 810 cab and a Peavey Standard with a Peavey 215 cab. Markus, of course, can make any drum kit sound amazing, though I don't remember the particulars of what he used in this recording.
To record the synth parts, I borrowed his brother's Korg MS10 from the '70s. One of our all time favourite synthesizers, but it's old, rare, and not cheap, so recently I bought a Moog Sub Phatty that I bet you will hear more of on our next record. If people want to know more, we love talking gear. Come check us out live and have a chat.
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How did you arrive at the decision to use synthesizers in these compositions, anyway?
I've been active in two other electronica-based bands: Gundelach and Hubbabubbaklubb. I got inspired by these two acts and my brother, who plays synth in those two bands, as well. As mentioned, he's got an enormous collection of vintage, kickass synthesizers. All of us love the sound of it and also electronic music, and we wanted to use that as a tool to divide our sound from the common doom band. You can expect more synth on the next album.
"Art by accident, dude. Always cool.”
How have your live performances gone so far? We’d love to have you back to the States sometime!
Really good! Again, the response has been overwhelming. As a band, it's really important to set goals, and we have met almost all of our goals to this date. It's crazy. We are really looking forward to next year! Playing the US has been a goal for all of us forever and is something we definitely want to make happen with S VER. Hopefully next year, Billy, we can meet up and have a beer.
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The Great SÂVER Giveaway
The band has been kind enough to offer 15 free downloads of their new album to 15 lucky souls. Redeem one code below at pelagicrecords.bandcamp.com/yum.
99k3-h6zm n335-vgk6 5vv9-63zk g9gk-g499 y2uu-uqgz tvma-jzr6 t988-kthk ttn3-g7m8 v62y-kgyt 6ylz-6un7 k2pz-kvvv nm9u-k9g8 mgyd-6zfn gkup-kzjj 3n5g-g69y
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megashadowdragon · 6 years
jaune will fall into the grimm pools and survive  with a new ability due to him amplifying his huge aura
 https://hawkeyedflame . tumblr . com/post/152581160728/on-rubys-elusive-character-development-or-why
“ jaune is a foil To Ruby. She’s a prodigy who quickly became a deadly warrior at a young age and is welcomed into Beacon two years early as a result while Jaune is a hard worker who progresses slowly and had to lie his way into Beacon because of his nonexistent combat background. Ruby is a strategist specialized on pre-defined team attacks and wields a self-made weapon capable of long range combat. Jaune is a tactician specialized in creating new team attacks according to his analysis on the battlefield and wields a family heirloom only capable of close range combat. Ruby has a rather broken family but they fully support her decision to become a huntress while Jaune’s family is large and united but they don’t support his choices nor have any faith on him. Ruby is a tomboy who dominates the battlefield but doesn’t enjoy dancing whereas Jaune tends to act girly and is initially terrible at fighting but also a great dancer. The more you look into them as a pair, the more contrasts that can be spotted in the details.”
jaune has a more “feminine way of dealing with emotions” while ruby has the more masculine way of dealing with emotions 
https://aminoapps . com/c/rwby/page/blog/why-its-good-for-jaunes-semblance-to-be-a-support-type/xpp7_XQ4s2u6RGX2zboa6JwM2XMekWGZd68
“Joan of Arc is known for breaking gender stereotypes about what it meant to be a woman. And if you think about it in a lot of ways Jaune doesn’t fit into the stereotypical “man box.” We are don’t “men don’t cry.” He wears his emotions on his sleeve. While in the real world men (and in the world of RWBY BOTH men and women ARGUABLY) are told to be strong. And that many people superficially equate physical strength with heroism (Raven?) it is fitting that Jaune’s semblance doesn’t so much doesn’t so much empower himself, as it empowers others. (as well as himself but its more effective on others in the team since they are more skilled than him) The so called “Feminine” strength.” P.S. Hmm as a follow-up to my The Importance Of Foils Part 2 post. I think that Ruby, despite being a girl, fits into the “man box” better than anyone else including it’s UNHEALTHY WAYS OF DEALING WITH EMOTIONS. The only difference is on remnant, it’s not because a man doesn’t cry. But because “a hero doesn’t cry.”
ruby first activated her silver eyes leading to her to learn about them when she saw pyrrha jaunes partner impaled by cinder and burnt to ash failing to save pyrrha  her awakening being in reaction to her death while jaune activated his semblance and realized what it was when he saw rubys partner weiss  impaled by cinder and  was able to save her  life awakening his semblance to do so allowing him to learn what his semblance was ( which is a good example this is an example of them being foils  and how its been shown and effected their storys )
its quite likely as @littlemisssquiggles theorized that the  littlemisssquiggles . tumblr  . com/post/179982580884/rwby-musings-54-a-means-to-an-end-a-way-to
“I also still stand by my hunch of their being a connection between the Fountain of Life and Creation and the Silver Eyed Warriors. I would not be surprised if the First Silver Eyed Warrior was born from the Fountain. Like what if…there is a known legend around Argus about the town being named in honour of the lone warrior who bravely stood to defend the town from a horde of Grimm in ancient Remnant. Alone and cornered, the warrior found themself before the edge of the fountains waters before they were forcibly pushed in. As the hero plummeted into the fountains depths, they fell in a mortal at death’s door unable to fight for their people but what they emerged as became a warrior whose tale will go down in legends—the First Silver Eyed Warrior.I’d bet money on the Silver Eyes being a by-product of the Fountain. It just has to be but…for now it’s only a theory.“
its quite likely there is a connection between the god of light and the silver eyes considering their similarities
https://chimeresnervaliennes . tumblr . com/post/179982370960/comments-by-corona-de-spatio-demon-trees-is
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I think it would be fitting if jaune gets something connected to the god of darkness from contact with the grimm pools  given the connection to silver eyes  which ruby has and the god of light ( if the theory about the silver eyes and fountain of life and creation theory is correct) 
and while ruby was born with it jaune wasnt and got it from falling into the grimm pools
plus salem is jaunes evil counterpart 
https://megashadowdragon . tumblr  . com/post/152357996242/salem-is-jaunes-evil-counterpart/embed
and  the effect when salem became immortal looks just like jaunes semblance
https://thuskindlyshescatters . tumblr . com/post/179981879313/thats-an-uh-interesting-effect-to-use-rt
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interesting effect to use rt
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jaune’s semblance has the same visual look as the magic that made salem immortal
so given that salem survived the grimm pools thanks to her immortality what if jaune survives falling into the grimm pools thanks to  his large  aura and him amplifying his aura on top of that  with his semblance( jaunes semblance ies  be it aura recharge rate, strength , defense, healing) https://megashadowdragon . tumblr . com/post/170041919557/on-jaunes-aura-amplification-semblance/embed
(and I think jaune will need to use his semblance on himself to survive the grimm pools given that it has the same visual look as the magic that made salem immortal ) 
so his aura and semblance  allow him to survive and get out of the grimm pool but the grimm pool will still do something to him and give him a new ability
(and  maybe while salem went into the grimm pools hoping to die jaune falls into the grimm pool unwillingly  has the will to live when he falls into the grimm pools) (joan of arcs ashes were put into a river so maybe jaune will be thrown into the grimm pools with his semblance activated on himself
maybe jaune will be end up thrown into the grimm pools by salem after he refuses her offer 
https://megashadowdragon . tumblr . com/post/180169594632/salem-will-offer-jaune-pyrrhas-ressurection-in
salem might not  have had  an aura  when she went into the grimm pool  jaune may survive due to his huge aura which he has amplified with his semblance along with all of its effects ( defense ability, healing ability, aura recharge)  and focusing all of it on defense and healing. and the visual effect when salem became immortal looks similar to jaunes aura amplification
so while Salem went in out of Despair and became corrupted (similar to how immortality is meant as a curse) he’ll be thrown in but instead of becoming corrupted he will come out stronger? 
(it would be awesome for jaunes appearance to be altered and him having to control and deal with his urges for destruction and maintain his humanity
salem may not have had an aura when she went into the grimm pool jaune may survive due to his huge aura which he has amplified with his semblance along with all of its effects ( defense ability, healing ability, aura recharge) and focusing all of it on defense and healing. and the effect when salem became immortal looks similar to jaunes aura amplification makes me imagine jaune amplifying his aura to survive falling into  the grimm pools
look at the current stength of jaunes aura amplification jaune amplified his own aura cloak so cardin was the one who got hurt when cardin punched him
jaune was able to amp rens semblance so it could cover the whole train and its passengers when ren struggled with just qrow and jaune.
Weiss Schnee once received a cut across her face which, even with Aura left for protection at the time, did not heal well enough to avoid a scar which endures years later. Yet under the effects of Jaune’s Semblance, Weiss’ Aura seems to have completely reversed all of the damage inflicted by a flaming spear through her liver after her Aura had broken. Her skin is unmarred, and she returned to the fight with enough power to summon a Lancer Queen. I mean Weiss ended that battle in better condition than RUBY, and Weiss was fucking IMPALED with a spear of burning rock. Weiss was burned internally, but after Jaune’s done she doesn’t seem to feel pain at all. ) and jaunes semblance also amplified weiss’s semblance ( which are just tangible projections of aura) so while before getting an aura boost summoning her knight took a good amount of time that she was kept from summoning it by vernal) but under the effects of his semblance weiss summoned the lancer queen alot faster )
and its likely that jaunes aura amplification will grow strong in the future so the amount that jaunes aura or other peoples aura is amplified by his semblance will be increase in the future
Your Semblance is like a muscle. The more you practice with it, the stronger it will become. But if you only focus on one aspect of it…if you fail to test the limits of what you think is possible…then you’ll never truly grow.”
—Winter Schnee, encouraging Weiss Schnee to summon.
aura can be affected by willpower like
Aura can be recharged and the time that is required to recharge is different between each person. and it was said that hazel recharges his aura faster than noras ever seen and qrow said that hazels aura recharge was so fast because of sheer willpower so I am absolutely certain that a person recovers Aura faster when feeling extremely motivated than when feeling extremely depressed.
so his sheer will to live in combination with his aura reserves and him amplifying his aura will allow him to survive the grimm pools
I was thinking that there would be some adverse effects like he had to strengthen which he will struggle with  but overcome in  contrast to salem considering salem is jaunes evil counterpart
and jaune will get a  new ability
@falling-red-petals @idontfudgingknow
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rosyreef · 4 years
hoooly shit long rambling about pokemon movies below the cut bcuz what the fuck was i thinking writing so much
uk now that i think abt it i rlly like where pokemon movies r going w the m20 universe, since i was thinking the other day i was like hmm, its weird how not many pokemon movies r just like, incidentally about the title pokemon? like m3 is one of the only ones i can think of where its more about the life of molly hale and it incidentally includes a legendary pokemon (well. it doesnt. it includes the unown and an illusion of an entei which is raw for a pokemon movie to begin with). like, how in m20 and m21 its never like, the titular pokemon befriends the main crew, it follows them around, the movie-of-the-day city is saved thanks to the power of that one pokemon... they have breaks in the formula i enjoy
like, shaymin/lucario/genesect/hoopa/magearna/manaphy/lati@s/etc etc all befriend and follow the group around, and most other movies have a final clash that either entails fighting the big bad legend/saving the big bad legend/or whatever the fuck pokemon heroes had going on.
idk, m20 was just the audience experiencing this alternative ash’s journey through kanto anew, and it only ended with a big final showdown that was technically between ash and his rival, not really marshadow/ho-oh. marshadow didnt befriend the group, it followed them and only intervened to emphasize ash’s own character arc. ho-oh wasnt even an initial goal for ash to hunt down and fight, it was a reward for his arc being complete.
m21 saw the legendary/mythical-of-the-day befriending a side character, one that hearkens back to the molly hale of yore as she’s another very young girl (whos name starts with m... hmmm) and develops kind of a codependency with it. that was cool, since this whole movies thing was watching the personal character arcs of various characters, most of which didnt even have any connection to the poster legend in the first place. you cant really say that about most pokemon movies - that the movie-introduced characters go through significant growth.
im not saying that a movie MUST not have the poster legend befriend the main group, or that the focus HAS to be on movie-introduced characters. temple of the sea is one of my favorites because it focuses on may and her own growth alongside manaphy and that relationship is one of the most heartwarming (and wrenching) ones ive ever watched, period. what im saying is that clearly the m20 universe was a great excuse for the movie writers to break conventions and start writing new stories that didnt have to necessarily lean on tired tropes and the inclusion of anime-specific characters. they no longer have to shoehorn in brock, misty, dawn, clemont, cilan, WHOEVER! they can write in whatever characters they want with this franchise and i think thats something really cool its got going on.
keep in mind that ofc this is written before ive seen coco/secrets of the jungle or whatever m22 is but im still excited for it and i think no matter what, even if it turns out to be bad, that this formula break was much-needed
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marisolada-blog · 8 years
juvia rewrite
this is long. ignores filler arcs presented in the anime, and i’m doing this from memory so excuse me if i miss certain parts. OVA’s are not included. 
adhd warning for big blocks of text (even though it is all in bulletpoints). obvious spoilers ahead. ends after the grand magic games arc.
her backstory stays the same
during/after her fight with gray, instead of “falling in love with him,” she instead realizes the dreaded loneliness she has in her heart, feeling as though phantom didn’t help her at all (which it didn’t), she says this to gray.
he offers her a place at fairy tail, but quickly goes to try and find erza. juvia stays on the roof.
she contemplates this, and makes her decision: to pursue a goal of friendship and looks to join fairy tail for that very reason. she asks gajeel to go along with her, and he agrees.
the events of the tower of heaven arc occur, but juvia is shy and timid around everyone except gray, feeling more comfortable with him since she spoke with him already
she apologizes to lucy so much when they had to fight, but the hug and forehead thing™ still happen and juvia’s like ???¿¿? feelings??
she later joins, accepted into the guild with open arms.
the miss fairy tail contest occurs, but juvia still feels too timid to join in on the action. instead, she watches as her friends from the t.o.h arc (i.e lucy and erza) are turned to stone by evergreen
laxus announces the rules, she’s pissed. she waits inside the guild with gajeel, and expresses her anger. gajeel’s angry too, but mostly because he can’t fight. she angrily pursues evergreen on her own.
“juvia, she can turn you to stone!” // “juvia doesn’t care, she must get revenge for erza and lucy!”
juvia tracks evergreen down, and confronts her
“oh? so you’re the water witch?” // “not anymore.” // “it’s a shame we had to meet like this, you know...” // “juvia does not care. you hurt her friends. now, you suffer.”
evergreen laughs, flies, and shoots her fairy bullets. juvia turns her body to water, grinning since they just kind of tickle 
seriously why isn’t this mechanic used more often. i mean i guess theyre magic but even so all they did was rip holes, and they didn’t even dent erza’s swords so? the first time magic seems to actually hurt juvia is magulity so...
they fight, and evergreen takes off her glasses. juvia turns around, and uses fucking water vapor to pin evergreen to the wall. she cools the water to the point of ice, and uses it to cover evergreen’s eyes.
the whole bluff thing happens, juvia gets to fuckin punch evergreen
aaand the girls are saved, juvia feels happy knowing she helped
the thing w/ cana and juvia happens
in the fantasia festival, she and gray are still partners and she tells him that she’s so happy he’s helped her find herself a place in the world. 
~oracion seis thing~
the daphne arc? i don’t know her
the love potion episode is instead an episode where juvia evaluates her place in the guild. everyone has their groups, teams—there’s natsu, lucy, erza, gray, and now wendy—mira and cana seem close—she feels like it’s a repeat of phantom where she’s all alone.
she tells gajeel this, who tells gray, who tells natsu, who tells lucy and erza. everyone finds out, and they throw a little party for her celebrating all she’s done for their guild despite still being a new member
she starts to genuinely come out of her shell to the main team excluding wendy
edolas arc is the same, but the juvia from edolas hangs around lucy ashely and lowkey flirts with lucy heartfilia
when lisanna proposes to be her partner for the s-class exam, she’s flustered and happy instead of all critical and presumptious.
“o-oh, are you sure you want to be juvia’s partner?” // “of course, silly! you’re such a good wizard and an even better person!” // “o-oh...” // “you were already technically an s-class mage in your old guild, you just have to do that again!!” // “you’re right... thank you, lisanna.”
the events of the actual competition happen, in which they lose to erza. but juvia and lisanna put up a very good fight, and erza is impressed on how much juvia’s magic has improved with her feelings and open-ness with others
the battle with meredy is very hard on juvia. after hearing the rankings of meredy’s future victims, she’s very angry that gray is number one.
not her gray, but gray. the same man that saved her from herself. the same man that gave her the courage to open up again. the eeriness she exhibits in their battle is caused by this, not by her “love.”
she feels so horribly bad that gray is connected to her pain. it’s creepy that she’d be pleased by it in canon. no, she’s sad that she’s causing the person who’s been such a comfort for her pain.
when meredy puts a link on herself and prepares to kill herself, juvia laughs.
“how old are you? thirteen? fourteen? god, when juvia was your age, all she wanted to do was die. that way, she could escape the pain of being laughed at, being a sad little rain woman. but, no—she continued on despite being rockbottom for the majority of her life. you have time. don’t die to win a battle. it’s not worth it. trust juvia. she knows.”
it’s these words that bring juvia and by extension meredy to tears. she ends the sensory link, and sobs into juvia’s arms. no leg breaking needed.
when azuma uproots the tree and juvia’s unconscious, when gray protects her from ultear, he calls her one of his closest friends. 
she thinks she heard this, but she’s not really sure
when gray starts talking to her, she’s groggy and like “huh?” the whole time. gray thinks its endearing, but she quickly gets on her feet and runs to chase after meredy
she doesn’t catch meredy with zeref, and the same happens w zancrow.
when she can, she runs to camp and apologizes to everyone, not gray, and asks everyone to “punish” her by yelling at her. everyone refuses because that’s not what guildmates do.
cue evil dragon, hand-holding circle, fairy sphere, boom. seven year gap.
[ intervention ~ ]
she continuously calls lyon “gray’s friend” or “gray’s makeshift brother” and it annoys him that she compares him to gray. lucy giggles at this, juvia’s heart does the quick-beating thing.
“oh, lyon! you’re gray’s faux-brother, yes? i’ve heard so much about you!” 
when the girls are in the hot-spring, juvia immediately scolds gray with erza. 
“i—” // “c’mon, gray, juvia had more faith in you!”
when she hears lyon propose the bet that she will join lamia scale, she doesn’t speak up but rants very loudly to erza later.
“the NERVE that spiky haired menace has!” // “mhm, keep talking.”
during the “hidden” game, she doesn’t fail by hugging faux-gray, and she still scores a point by jumping on lyon, and right before nullpudding arrives she apologizes before punching gray in the fucking face.
“oh, hey, juvia—” // “juvia is sorry, gray..” // “why? ‘cause you robbed me a point by jumping on lyon? it’s okay.” // “no...” // “then what?” // punch. 
she and natsu are both extremely angry at the scene made during flare and lucy’s battle. after they discover raven tail cheated, she almost goes ballistic.
not even because it’s lucy, but because they cheated. they broke the rules. just for a petty victory. it makes juvia’s blood boil. she used to be like that.
during the naval battle, she doesn’t target lucy and instead works to take out those she has to take out.
her spell is dedicated to the love she feels for her guild and friends, and manages to push minerva a little. she still poses and is teleported out of the bubble. 
she’s angry when lucy is kicked around in there, and almost jumps back in herself.
she doesn’t fawn over gray in the final battle, instead cheering him on silently and moving like she’s supposed to.
she’s much more focused in the battle against cheria and takes less damage. she and gray use a unison raid, and then they share a quick hug and make their move to the others.
“i like to fight by your side, gray.” // “first person?” // “i’m getting better.” // “cool.” // “i also apologize for knocking your face in on the first day.” // “nah, it’s chill.” // “good puns, gray.” // “thanks”
that’s it. that’s their friendship.
the same thing w gray’s almost-death, minus romantic implications because gruvia is Bad
okay, that’s it! i hope everyone likes this clusterfuck of a messy rewrite of like... half of the series. everything post-gmg is the same but juvia’s respectful and good-natured, and she listens to gray when he rants about his crush on natsu. the hug™ is 100% platonic. she doesn’t learn “water-make” and instead trains herself to do those things on her own w/out new magic involved.
thats all folks.
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vaugarde · 1 month
it’s not even funny how dot’s quaxwell is easily the best written starter so far…
floragato is still my favorite of the three, and she gets points for her great backstory and personality, but it is kinda annoying that theyve only really done One kind of episode with her (jealousy arcs) and fuecoco’s just The Silly One and they’ve sorta passed on doing anything super interesting with him so far.
quaxwell meanwhile has been consistently endearing and has had a good amount of interesting screentime and interactions, and has the most interesting dynamic with his trainer where he’s basically her older brother trying to look out for her and help her get comfortable with herself, rather than the reverse we typically see. this show’s gotten me to like the quaxly line more than i did initially tbh
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