#in another world in what's honestly a really interesting opportunity for an au
thegreatyin · 2 months
the best thing about Shadowbringers world is that slow dawning realization as you explore it
that ultimately, the entirety of Norvrandt, As You See It Now, is the end result of a long series of dominoes falling
that started with the right person getting on the right Chocobo cart at the right time.
my favorite thing about shadowbringers is and will forever always be that it's pretty much just the aftermath of a jrpg plot in of itself. like every single member of ardbert's crew had their own personal journeys and backstory and calls to adventure and he slowly collected them along the way like a classical rpg story and everything. there was something there, once. you could have (and were) that exact same person in that exact same situation, once. ardbert did literally everything right and still it came to this etc etc
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omamorens · 12 days
a while back you said something akin to “inkblade college au.. (head full of thoughts)” !! would you be so kind as to open your head and share them? i am begging you on my knees…. spare inkbkade college au.. pls…
dear anon you dont have any idea of the floodgates im about to open but!!! im imagining two main routes for this college au. bear with me with this long answer!!
the ‘met-again at college’ au:
In this version of the events, the Rat Grinders probably broke off to do their own individual thing after finishing junior year and their redemption quests.
Oisin would probably distance himself away from Elmville but still pursue wizarding school elsewhere. Probably at the Bastion City University.
This time, he does it correctly with no cheating.
Though if he was being honestly, still having access to the full benefits from the school of conjuration was probably an unfair advantage.
So he always pushed himself to do harder, to excel beyond expectations. He’s a chronic over-worker and just wants to do things right for once.
Oisin never gets into another adventuring party again and instead studies to be some type of wizard scientist, developing new spells and technology probably.
Adaine, by this time, is already a world-renowned adventurer and top divination wizard of their age, in her own right.
She’s already established somewhat of a mark to history at the young age of 24? 25? probably younger, honestly.
Oisin hears about her from time to time— they do occupy the same wizarding circles and its kind of hard to avoid mention of the Elven Oracle.
But she was a famous figure now, literally beyond reach from a lowly college student like himself.
Imagine his surprise when he sees her walk into his class one day, but not as a student, no.
Adaine was a guest speaker and was about to discuss to them the very interesting topic of the Cosmology of Extraplanar Realms and Studies of Divinities
Oisin blanked out most of it.
Too starstruck from seeing Adaine again and oh… his chest was hurting again, phantom-pains from the shatterstar that never really left his mind.
Or is it?
Before he knew it, the session has ended. He thinks it ended too soon but the topic was actually discussed for two hours.
But his professor has an announcement to make? He stayed back to hear it out.
“Miss Abernant will be conducting research in the university for some time, and she has graciously granted the Wizard Department the opportunity for a student to take up an internship role for the duration of her team’s stay. Interested students may submit a form to me and the decision will be passed to Miss Abernant’s team after careful deliberation. That is all, thank you.”
Oisin has spaced out again, reeling from the thought that their paths would probably cross even more now that she’ll be at BCU indefinitely.
“Mr. Hakinvar? Oisin Hakinvar?” his professor called for him, and he addresses her, snapping out of his thoughts.
“Ms. Abernant, this is the top student of the Wizarding course, Oisin Hakinvar. I would speak highly into considering him for the role…”
Oisin has drowned out the noise again, because Adaine was staring at him, a twinge of familiarity setting in on her features. And of annoyance.
“Oh, I know of him.” she says tersely, “Top student, you say? No unfair advantages to speak of?”
Oisin’s brow twitched at that, answering the question himself, “None at all. I’ll make sure to send in my form for the internship role.”
Because he was prideful more than anything, and the subtle mocking comment made at him was baseless.
Adaine doesn’t know him, not the way that he is right now. Not after he’s pushed himself over and over to prove that he is worthy to be here.
“Very well! I’m sure Miss Abernant will be pleased to review your form.”
“Trust me, I am very good on both paper and practical application.”
Adaine shouldn’t even care for him at all, but she was curious. After Oisin and his adventuring party disappeared off Elmville, she always wondered what they were up to. Maybe more evil plots? Maybe they died somewhere off Spyre? Who knows.
Now she does, and the kindling of curiosity was highly-flammable, the worst of all motivators she could have.
And yet.
“I’ll be the judge of that.” she says to him, like a challenge. Oisin was set on meeting her to it.
This AU is definitely tagged as “Enemies-to-Lovers”, constant bickering and challenging looks, academic rivalry too because thats always nice. Maybe a bit of mystery because I do love the allure of putting them in a dark academia setting.
the ‘they got close during senior year and went to college together’ au:
This one is definitely sweeter and idyllic.
If you’ve ever heard of Sabrina Carpenter’s new song “Please, please, please” this is the general theme; its what Adaine would feel like.
Because in this AU, Adaine finally gives Oisin the chance to date her during college.
They’re always together anyway; with both being wizards pursuing academe, their schools of study interact in much more ways than anticipated.
Lots of cute dates in between classes too!!
Going to the newest cafe to try out their menu.
Amusement park dates!! Museum dates!!!
Bastion City is filled with things to do.
And even when they don’t, just studying together was already a date.
Oisin would always have some part of his body in contact with her.
Maybe his tail wrapped around her calf under the table, his free hand on her knee when they read together side by side, or just letting her lean on to him if she gets too tired to sit upright.
Adaine, on the other hand, was a little more paranoid of their relationship.
Was she just lying in wait for Oisin to fuck up? Hopefully not, but the chances are never zero. And she hates thinking of that, because at some level, she does trust and love Oisin, wholeheartedly.
But the past has always been haunting her in some way or another.
And it’s hard to relax when danger has been everything you knew your whole life.
But Oisin was soft with her, caring and understanding, frankly a little possessive and obsessive, but it was just the healthy amount that makes her want to drag him to bed every night and assure him that she is all his.
And Oisin proves to her that he is all hers.
Just imagine. Domestic Inkblade. never thought i would live to see the day that both words are in the same sentence.
Lots of late night cuddles, of assurances, of future plans togethers.
Unending conversations of “i love you” said in the most unconventional ways.
AND OF COURSE this is college. you cant expect me to think of college au without having Adaine live up to her “Party Wizard” title!!!
Adaine definitely lets loose at parties. She has her friends with her, a loving boyfriend, and her life has never been better.
But god she has the worst alcohol tolerance known to mankind.
Oisin is definitely watching over her, excusing himself from drinking too much just incase Adaine goes wild again.
And oh she does.
Thank god Oisin is there to [i will not elaborate what happens here, but god is it in my head; just guess].
And then she wakes up with a raging headache and Oisin is more than happy to care for her (making her hangover food, massaging her sore spots).
Like I said, domestic. Fluff and comfort and so much healing. LIKE SOOO MUCH. this is the answer to the “we could’ve had it all” tag because in this AU, they have it all.
Good for them… good for them!!
Will I write this? Not anytime soon but God would I kill to read it. Someone… anyone… save me inkblade college au save me…
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callsign-relic · 9 months
YAYY! i caught your requesting time :D♡
If it's not too much i'd like to request IDW Pharma (gotta love crazy doc) first contact au with female human reader where she gets caught and he goes to study perhaps every little detail on the human physiology since she is such a interesting lil creature. You know like how the little hair on her arms stand when frightened or how the human pupils adjust to light every milisecond and details in humans in general like that. <3
Also could be a little horror-themed for the human reader since halloween is near :]❤️ you can write it in anything like a story or drabble or headcanons any you feel like writing since i'm not really sure about the differences sorry! :(
Thank you so so much for letting me request <333❤️❤️❤️
Hi!!! I’m so happy to write this for you! Thank you for being my first Pharma request, it was fun to learn how to write this evil man >:) also I must say, your art is beautiful, I love it so much!!! I’m honored to have received a request from you <3
Lowkey might write a sequel for this myself honestly HAGSHAHA
Warnings: Suggestive (towards the end, otherwise SFW), First Contact AU, Fem!Human!Reader
“Now, what have we here…?”
The warmth and humidity of his breath washes over you with every incomprehensible word as you dangle before the doctor’s face, his forefinger and thumb clinging to the scruff of your shirt as a grin you could only describe as sinister spreads across his faceplate.
“A little pest, it seems, has scurried its way out of its burrow. A human,” he hums, pulling closer towards his face. “Never understood the appeal of these fleshy little organics. But, seeing as I have the opportunity…”
Your world suddenly shakes, and Pharma shifts his fingers from above you to curl in from behind, pulling you up from a dangle and into a loose fist. You can hear the sound of his joint hydraulics as his blue digits curl around you protectively, but as you’re brought down to his chest, he doesn’t seem to make note of how the natural sway of his walk throws you about. You have to cling to his curled fingers to maintain some semblance of balance, and even then, his fingers twitch and shift at your touch, making the ride all the more unstable.
Eventually, Pharma crosses the room, and you arrive at a medical slab that is all too large for your tiny body. He places you down at the head— well, he might as well have thrown you— and he turns his back to you to face a rolling table resting the side.
Now that he was looking away, this was your chance. Despite the pains that stung all over, you scramble to your feet, whipping your head around to try and see if there was some way out of here.
The medical slab was like a football field of cool grey stainless steel, maybe even bigger, that much is clear from how long it took you to walk from the center of the top to the edge of the side. You could see the bot-sized door at the end of the room, but unless the physical sensors would pick up your human body, that might as well have been another wall. Your best bet was to look on the ground, maybe you could find some crack in the wall or in the floor you could squeeze yourself into—
“Ah, ah, ah.”
A sudden weight forces itself onto your shoulders from behind, and you’re pushed face forwards onto the slab. Sucking air in through your teeth, you manage to turn your head, and all you can see is the massive length of Pharma’s arm as he pins you down with a fingertip pressing down on either of your shoulders.
“When did I say you could get up?”
The weight of his fingers suddenly releases itself, but you don’t have a moment to breathe before his fingers move down to your foot, pinching them once again and lifting you till you’re upside down. You quickly tug down at your shirt, but as the world moves around you in a nauseating blur, you can barely manage to keep your eyes open as the medic carries you back to the center, as if you were light as a feather.
“Pesky little thing,” you hear above you with a scoff.
You’re flipped onto your back, but before you can make another move to get up, another pressure lands upon you— on your chest, this time. A cool metal rod, made of the same steel as the slab you laid upon, if you had to assume. The weight isn’t enough to crush your lungs, thankfully, but you certainly do have trouble getting enough air in.
“Just to get you still,” Pharma assures you, and then he leans down from high above to where his face is just about all you can see. The blue light of his optics almost stings your eyes, but there’s not really much else you can look.
“Hm… its pupils react to light in a strange way.” As he goes on, he pulls his head away for just a moment, and you squint as your eyes have to adjust to the overhead light. Then, his face covers the light once more, lowering towards you again. “Dilation, it appears. Interesting…”
You gasp as a sudden coldness shocks your arm, and you look to the side to see Pharma’s fingertip pressed against your forearm. The cold touch of his metal contracted to the warmth of his breath causes you to shiver— and your hair sticks on end as goosebumps spread across your body.
At this, the mech’s eyes widen. “Now, what’s this…?” Slowly, he drags his finger up the length of your arm, feeling each and every one of the little bumps across it. “What could this be a reaction of? A defense mechanism, perhaps? Hm, not that it does anything…”
There’s another flash of blue as the bot pulls his hand away. “Is this sensation only localized in your arms? Or, does the rest of your epidermis share this… reaction?” You eye the medics fingers carefully, watching as they shift down from your arm all the way to your navel. Pharma grabs at end of your shirt, threatening to pull it up and away with ease.
Your heart races as your eyes blow open, and thanks to the sudden rush of adrenaline running through you, you manage to lift your legs high enough to kick his digits away.
“Ack!” The bot hisses, pulling away from you instantly. The weight of the rod upon your chest is lifted for a moment, and you do your best to bring yourself up again— only to be pushed down all the same.
Another scoff echoes from above you, “Fine then, if you want to be so testy. I can explore other parts of you…”
And even though you can’t understand the words emerging from his intake, based on the way a smirk cracks up the side of his faceplate as he runs a finger down your body before it stops at your waist, you have a feeling you’re in for a much longer observation than you wanted.
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dxngosstuff · 1 year
Does the Moonlight Shine on Paris? (iii)
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Idol!Jeonghan x Idol!f!Reader
900+ words; cw : none | m.list tags: friends to lovers; fluff; minor angst; idol au; elements of slowburn; second male lead scoups;
Yoon Jeonghan realizes a few things about you after sharing a drink with you in Paris.
The hotel’s air conditioning unit engulfed the silence as Jeonghan stared at the ceiling. He has been trying to sleep for the past 2 hours now but he had no luck getting some shut-eye. He wasn’t sure whether it was the high from the show a while ago or if it’s the jet lag. Honestly speaking, he hasn’t been sure about a lot of things ever since his whole schedule in Paris started. It was just so different from what he was used to. There were no members around. No roommate in his hotel room, just him and the unfamiliar city lights.
The group chat with the members was quiet at this time given that the sun was probably just about to rise in Seoul. He opened another conversation from a couple days ago and he felt his chest tighten.
“Look out for her during the show. Thanks. :D”
A swirl of emotions overcame Jeonghan. He felt conflicted about whether it was right to start getting attracted to his best friend’s previous love interest. He might be cunning at times but he values the friendship he has with Seungcheol. It was irreplaceable and it was the type of friendship that two people build over hardship after hardship so he tried to convince himself that this was all just fleeting emotions— emotions that were simply brought by the atmosphere and ambiance of Paris.
“Man... This is bad.” He thought to himself over and over again before slowly dozing off.
“Kwon to the Soon to the Young!” You greeted Hoshi when you spotted them at the restaurant.  He invited you to join him and Jeonghan for dinner after his schedule.
He did the gesture right back to you and made sure to do his signature tiger pose at the end. 
“Noona! I’m glad you could make it! Have a seat!” He gestured that you sit across them to which you delightfully did so.
You gave both of them your signature smile and proceeded to chat with the two about your schedules and things that you missed out on with one another. The conversation was cut short after your phone rang and after seeing who was ringing you up, your face lit up. 
“Hello, Cheol!” You greeted him as you held the phone up to your ear. Jeonghan, who was just about to put his spoonful of food in his mouth, came to a short pause with the mention of his best friend’s name. Meanwhile, Hoshi, completely unaware of the internal strife that was going on with the person sitting beside him, just continued to munch on the meal laid before him.
The conversation between you and Cheol was barely audible to the both of them but he could make out a few words out from the deep mumbling on the other side of the line but overall, the call was short and you soon dropped the call.
“Was that Hyung?” Hoshi asked even though he already knew the answer. He just wanted to snoop around.
“Mhm. He was just wondering how we were doing. I sent him a pic of us eating together just before he called.” You replied nonchalantly as you sliced the piece on meat on your plate before eating it.
Hoshi smiled before nudging Jeonghan with his elbow. “He sure does reply fast when you’re the one sending him a message,” he had a smug look before continuing. “Guess that really happens when you’re the special someone.” 
Jeonghan choked at nothing and looked at you. He was probably the only person in the world who had the opportunity to know what happened with both sides and as far as he knows, the boys only knew that Cheol treated you differently but that was all and nothing deeper. 
You gave Jeonghan a glance as well and offered him some water before turning to Hoshi, “Nah. He just treats me that way ‘cause I’m his childhood friend.” You shrug it off and offered more food to the tiger to divert his attention. He gladly accepted your offer and dinner proceeded without a hitch.
“Do a heart pose together! Do a heart pose together!” You said with full enthusiasm as you took pictures of the two in front of the Eiffel Tower. The two were looking forward to taking pictures with the popular tourist attraction since they arrived because it was their first time in Europe and they wanted to commemorate it. Being the supportive friend that you are, you suddenly morphed from an idol to an esteemed photographer.
You started laughing at their silly ideas and started suggesting more poses. “Do a jump shot!” You said while still laughing at how down they were in performing your suggestions and after a lot of pictures, you showed them your gallery filled with their pictures. 
“This looks good! I’ll post this on Instagram! Airdrop them to me, Noona!” Hoshi said grinning ear-to-ear and you took a mental note of this.
“You haven’t taken pictures of yourself yet. You should stand over there.” Jeonghan stated and Hoshi agreed. You were so eager to take pictures of them because of how much fun they were having that you forgot to take some for yourself too. 
“Okay! But let’s take pictures together too.” You skipped to the spot where  they previously stood.
Jeonghan noticed that Hoshi was about to get his phone and take pictures of you but it was like his hand had a brain of its own. He held the latter’s forearm and said, “I’ll take the pictures. Hype her up.”
Hoshi didn’t think too much of it and just did what Jeonghan suggested but he would later notice something different with his hyung when he saw the way he looked at you through the screen of his phone. 
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i just want to thank everybody for reading this au >< i didn’t expect it to get 50+ notes in the previous chapter. it’s been a while since i’ve written fics and english isn’t my first language but i’m glad some of you enjoyed it enough to give it some likes. ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ as for the how the story progresses, it may seem slow for now but it’s because i’ve decided to add some elements of slow burn :D comments are greatly appreciated but even the likes themselves are enough <3 i hope everybody stays safe (๑・̑◡・̑๑) feel free to ask questions too!~
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wilcze-kudly · 1 month
I've seen your AU posts about Bolin as the Avatar, but here is another interesting thought experiment for you: what if Suyin was the Avatar?
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[Disclaimer: Not making up a new timeline, so let's roll with some AU where the current Suyin we know is simply discovered as the Avatar at a really late age.] So, some of what often defines an Avatar are these common prerequisites: the world tour, learning the elements, spirituality, and approach/practicality. I'll give my thoughts on how I feel Suyin would fare and/or adapt in these categories, but everything said here is really just for fun discussion and is always up for your and everyone's own interpretation. World Tour: Suyin already has one foot in on this side of things as she's already been noted on traveling some parts of the world, seems relatively well-traveled, and has met a variety of people in her travels.
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As the Avatar, I don't believe this aspect would be very hard for her. However, I could see her wrestling with the difficulty of hardly ever having the opportunity to enjoy any private time in her home for the sake of ushering peace and stability in the world. It's possible she could have someone act as an interim matriarch over Zaofu or possibly even step down permanently. Oh, who are we kidding? We all know she's a certified workaholic and will collapse trying to do them both at once. Learning the Elements: I also believe this should come easier to her as well. Her fighting style, for starters, is already very reminiscent of airbender movements in how nimble and mindful of her surroundings she is than most other earthbenders. Or, as Aang would say, "being quick or clever"
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However, she thinks like a waterbender; how she redirects metal and earth thrown at her and redirect them to her opponent is a sight to behold. The one element I could see having an issue with as the Avatar is fire as it requires a mind of inner peace and tranquility (and she has definitely had some lingering issues in her past). She is also reasonably emotional (under the right circumstances) and impulsive which can cause lapses in her judgment or behavior. Lightning is a possibility as a skill, I suppose, but I definitely see her redirecting it more than generating it much. Oh, and traveling to find masters? Screw that. Nope, they're all getting an extended deluxe stay at Zaofu until she's mastered all the elements. Non-negotiable.
Spirituality: This is the shortest one as we don't know much of what Suyin thinks of spirits, the spirit world, or even how spiritual she actually is. She comes off as a bit materialistic, though, so that might affect how she interacts in those kinds of such matters but it's all very vague, to say the least.
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Approach & Practicality: I think this aspect is the most interesting because I think it really hinges on how charitable one wants to be to Suyin's character. For all I've mentioned, she could very well be a Szeto-type of Avatar that mainly prioritizes the progression and safety of only Zaofu and any surrounding territories under their banner. There's enough precedent for that mentality given her response to the Earth Kingdom situation in Book 4. On the flip side, I could also see her acting with a sort of dual persona. One, that operates as sort of a "mother hen" kind of figure that over-compensates for the world's needs, albeit in her own fussy and systematic way with the best of maternal intentions. The other persona is more discreet and handles problems behind the scenes. Given that she had someone like Aiwei in her ranks and wasn't afraid to assassinate Kuvira in the dead of night, this is another possibility of how she would operate as the Avatar. Honestly, I envision her as a slightly more domineering Yangchen, with occasional flashes of Kyoshi if things REALLY hit the fan. But, hey, who is gonna piss off the cool mom, right? ....Right?
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Oh my god I love this idea! I think a show following an older, more established Avatar would be very interesting.
One can actually put forth a theory that Suyin's travels have already kinda lead her through all three elements to some extent.
She spent time sailing on a pirate's ship, surrounded by water. That's waterbending down.
The circus she performed in looks incredibly similar to the one Ty Lee had performed in. This can also be backed up that Suyin also has a painted lady doll, a dragon mask, and some other thing (perhaps a flute? Or a pin?) With a dragon motif. So that's firebending also down.
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Her connection to Airbending is a little bit less pronounced, but she did spend a lot of time in a sandbender commune. Now, while sandbenders are earthbenders, their bending methods are incredibly similar to airbending, to the point where they can propel their sandgliders with it. The commune could also be similar to Air Nomads and their communal lifestyles.
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I can see her connecting very strongly with the healing aspects of waterbending. She seems to have a bit of medicinal knowledge, or at least enough of an instinct to get most of the metal out of Korra's bloodstream. We really don't talk about that enough man that was cool as fuck.
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I could sort of see Suyin making Zaofu a bit of her home and "base of operations" like Aang seemed to fo with Air Temple Island. Also the idea that instead of a traditional Team Avatar, she has her gaggle of feral ninja children is really funny to me.
The more I think about Suyin as an Avatar, the more wonderful symbolism I can see there.
The Earth Kingdom is still probably suffering massively after the damage done to it by the Fire Nation. And who better to herald it's rebirth than the metalbender Avatar daughter of a renowned war hero.
Suyin is all about progress and people growing. And I can certainly see her wanting to spread that to others. As the Avatar, doing so wouldn't be seen as her subjugating others (which was one of her main reasons to not help during the whole earth empire thing) but by acting as a Spiritual Guide to others.
So yeah this is an amazing concept. Honestly i need to gather my thoughts on it but I may revisit this concept.
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nyoomerr · 4 months
tagged for the 'fic writer interview' by @mikkeneko! thanks for thinking of me, hopefully i have something interesting to share in it 🙈
Fic Writer Interview
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
21! the bingplush fic this last week finally pushed me over the edge of the page limit, i no longer have only a single page of fic!!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
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every time i post a fic i hope to somehow oust 'to love another' from that #1 spot... every time i know it'll never happen :'D
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
every one i get, for the most part! i never want to take for granted the people who support me, and making sure i actually sit down and take the time and effort to respond to comments is, i've found, the best way for me to do that.
that being said, there are exceptions. i generally don't respond to criticism, general negativity, comments that don't really seem to be... about the fic, or comments that have a grammar correction and nothing else 😅
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
'raised by winter winds' or 'you don't need poltergeists for sidekicks' - both have bittersweet endings, which is the closest i'll ever get to an unhappy end, LOL.
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
discounting the short fics i've done that are just slice of life / domestic bliss for bingqiu, probably 'shallow water weather.' as happy an ending as any of my stuff, but with none of the angst to get there 😂
7. Do you write crossovers?
nope, and generally don't plan to. even the AUs i do, i prefer to put them in a generic or original world than the world of another story.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
oh sure, law of large numbers and all that. the truly nasty hate, i just delete. generally i'd prefer to just ignore it, honestly, because i think deleting a comment is also a form of engagement with the hate that i don't necessarily want to give to the person who left it, but...
based on past experience, leaving the comment up and unanswered seems to invite other readers to engage with the hate in whatever way /they/ choose, and i really don't want to accidentally be the facilitator of a conflict :'D
9. Do you write smut?
nope, and i've learned to put that disclaimer in the notes of longfic i write 😅
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
ehhh not in this fandom (that i'm aware of), but i have had a translator go rogue - which is why i currently only allow translations of my fics to be posted on ao3 only.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
several times, + some podfics! outside of the odd occurrence mentioned above, they've all been wonderful opportunities. i have massive respect for everyone who spends time making fics more accessible to others!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, and i feel like i'd be too picky to do so 😅 collabs in other ways - minibangs with artists, inspiration train games, etc - are all fun though, and i enjoy them!
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
whichever version of bingqiu/binggeyuan ends up with lbh at his soggiest and most pathetic
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
i have a post canon bingliushen fic that's been sitting in my WIPs for... over two years? i like the idea of it a lot and think parts of it would be very fun!
unfortunately, though, i like bingliushen because i like bingqiu and i like liushen and i think that sqq has two hands. this does not lend itself well to writing fic where bingliushen get together, since every time i try to work on this WIP the focus keeps turning to trying to get lbh and lqg to coexist well enough to allow bingliushen... and sadly i'm just not really into bingliu :')
15. What are your writing strengths?
i think i do humor and dialogue well enough! it always makes me happy to hear that my fic made someone laugh :>
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
although i think i'm alright at writing angst, i do think i have a tendency to resolve it too quickly/easily. i personally really do not enjoy fics where angst gets dragged on for awhile, and i know that this preference affects the pacing of my own angst in a way that perhaps puts me too far on the other side of the spectrum, lmao.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i'm not sure what this is actually referring to, honestly 😅 i guess i use italics for that...?
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
attack on titan (please forgive me for my crimes)
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
although i do have that aforementioned WIP, i really do want to actually finish a bingliushen fic... maybe i just need to give up and write a sqq harem fic like the old fandom days 😂
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
generally, whatever fic i wrote 2-3 fics ago 😂 i tend to be offput by my most recent work, so work that i've had some space from but is still recent enough to reflect my current preferences and skills is what i always consider my favorite. right now, either rent a bingge or the sy!shixiong au!
and that's all the questions! i won't tag anyone 'cuz i'm a bit shy about that sort of thing, so anyone who wants to do it can take this as your invitation to do so!
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chaoslynx · 1 year
So what do you think about Yut Lung?
I like Yut-Lung a lot actually! I know I don't write about him much, just the occasional YueSing drabble or including him in AUs. But I think he's a great character, and a fantastic foil to Ash.
I don't really buy into the "Yut-Lung is Ash without Eiji" deal, but I do think that comparing Ash and Yue offers some interesting space for character analysis. They have similar backgrounds, but not the same, and what they chose to do with their experiences was different as well. I'm not blaming Yue for his actions here -- when it comes down to it, he's a sixteen-year-old kid in a bad situation, not far from the other protagonists. When I do write him into AUs, I usually include him as a protagonist, because I think that he would have been if he were given the opportunity.
That being said, he definitely made some mistakes. His plan to force Ash to return to Golzine in return for Eiji's safety was fucked, and he continued to target Eiji even after Ash was with Golzine. But Ash has made his mistakes, too -- I often say "Ash Lynx did nothing wrong" because I think the fandom is sometimes too harsh on him, but that's mainly because I truly believe that everything he did, even if it was "wrong," had its reasoning. And, honestly, the same applies to Yut-Lung. Everything he did, he thought was the right choice, even if it was out of jealousy or, really, a desire to have a peer in Ash who has a similar fate and suffers in the same ways that Yue himself does.
Yut-Lung is sixteen. And yes, that's only one year younger than Ash was at the start of the series, but honestly? When you're sixteen, you're not good or bad. You're just sixteen. There's a reason kids are rarely tried as adults in criminal trials in the States -- everything you do at that point in your life is a direct result of the circumstance you're in. Not to discredit the free will of teenagers, but at sixteen it's almost impossible to have unlearned what you've been taught (about the world and about yourself).
I respect that there are different opinions on Yue, and I have nothing against those with another view, but this is mine!
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yandere-daze · 2 years
🖼️ anon is back with some more self aware au thoughts hello there!!
so, right, idol reader being transported into ES all of a sudden, yeah?? that's gotta be one of the most surprising things to happen! but of course, that doesn't mean that the others would be even slightly displeasured upon their arrival.
OKAY SO CUTTING STRAIGHT TO THE POINT what if idol reader + shuffle unit?? idol reader can be solo, or can be in a unit with few people etc etc, but what if, since they're an idol too, they're suddenly asked to participate in a shuffle unit project with a certain agency somehow??
I'd imagine the others who have participated in shuffle unit projects would be the most dejected because it's not like they can join yet another shuffle unit project?? (unless, well, they're an idol who has a bigger influence and control over the agencies like maybe eichi, rei, ibara etc.. who knows!)
although honestly if the agency who proposed this in the first place is affiliated with any of the casts it's not impossible if the reason being in the first place is to just put reader in the same group as them, even if just for a moment, a once in a lifetime chance.
what do you think?? ♪
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gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, implied/ mentioned stalking
What if idol! reader was to become part of a shuffle unit?
Times are very hectic for you all of a sudden. One moment you were at home, relaxing in your room and suddenly you´re an idol in a video game and every single agency is offering you a job. Now normally this wouldn´t be too much of an issue, you and your unit aren´t directly affiliated with any of the big agencies so that gives you the freedom to simply pick the job that interests you the most, regardless of who offered it to you. Because for some reason, everyone just loves to send you every possible job offer that will make you collaborate with one of the other units even though your unit is not well-known and you´re all complete newcomers. Why is everyone so interested in you? It makes no logical sense to you but hey, you´re not going to complain if it´ll help you pay your bills!
Only this time there´s kind of a big problem : Somehow every single agency has offered you almost the exact same job. They want you to become part of a so-called shuffle unit, a temporary unit that is made up off idols from different units. It´s certainly an interesting offer and not one you´re opposed to ( though you are kind of worried if you think about just how clingy some of them tend to get with you. It´s kind of weird, the way the just love to stare at you as if you were the most interesting person in this world), but you aren´t sure about which one to pick. There aren´t any real differences besides what other idols you´re going to perform with.
So I guess it´s time to decide who out of all of these idols you like best?
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But yes, there´s a huge uproar when it´s first announced that there is to be another shuffle unit and this time you will be part of it as well. Everyone that has already been part of a shuffle unit is very disappointed and asking every single staff member they see if it´s still possible for them to participate anyway. They really are almost begging at this point because they can´t pass up this opportunity to spend time with you, get to know you better and to stand on stage together with you ( the others don´t matter) in front of millions of people!
Meanwhile the ones that haven´t participated in a shuffle event yet are very excited and hope this means that the others are automatically removed from the “competition”, giving them better chances at success. They´ve had their turn already so why can´t they just count their losses and back off? They´re sure that they´ll be the ones chosen and they can´t help but dream about all of the fun conversations they´ll have with you and how they´ll finally have an excuse to hang around you all the time without appearing “creepy” or “like a stalker”
Everyone is definitely on their best behaviour for the following days because it´s still your decision which offer you will accept and they desperately want to do this job with you. So please just choose them!
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celestiall0tus · 8 months
I've been too shy over the last week to ask if you're planning on giving Luka a love interest in any of your fics. Luka has a special place in my heart... I know he's bland, and you just posted a rant about how you don't like him, but! Your fics are giving him more backstory and such. idk I'm just wondering what you have in store for him. So yeah. Do you plan on giving him a love interest?
Correction, I don't love or hate him in canon. He just exists in this liminal space we all refer to as existing. I actually used to really love him when I was more unstable, but having grown and been shaped by everything, I see more why I'm disappointed in what he's become. I more love what the fans have interpreted him as and all their creations. My favorite is bad boy with a heart of gold (judge me)
Also, I highly encourage these things. I love hearing from you all and sharing my thoughts, opinions, and works with y'all. It's the best part of the community on Tumblr. Getting to run elbows with all of you.
Now then, dear Luka. Oh does he get love interests. In Miraculous AU he's in a polycule with Marinette, Adrien, and Kagami. I'm still working on adding Kagami into the equation while setting Mari and Luka up.
In Salvation, I was going to have another polycule just without Kagami, but am aiming for Lukanette. However, that may change. We'll see.
In Absolution, he and Mari are high school sweethearts with the pair soft engaged to each other (they are adults in this AU).
Separate Worlds I'm considering a Lukadrien pairing. I had initially considered Mari, but had other plans come up for Mari.
Paradise is... well another Lukadrien one. Granted that Luka is... far from favorable. But it's all part of his journey.
Lastly there is All That Remained. Since I'm making it for a pair of gremlins that love me for some reason, I figured maybe I could help teach them important lessons hidden in a story tailored for them (as their mother and I won't let them read my other works). I asked them who they wanted with Mari in this tale, then took to Tumblr. It was a very close poll, but Luka won by a vote. And, honestly, I'm glad because the youngest gremlin wanted Luka to have a second chance.
I will also add that in addition to the love interests, you see interesting dynamics with Luka and Juleka. They vary on stories, but there is a true sibling bond that just makes them a joy to write.
All in all, I love the opportunity to work with these characters. And Luka, of all of them, is a character I love to give more to. I want to see him as human like all the others.
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blondiest · 5 months
Your thoughts on Halle/Takada, Misa/halle, and Takada/Misa? How would their dynamics be in your opinion?
HI. i like all of these, though i (perhaps controversially) believe Halle / Takada would work the best.
Halle is (in the nealloverse) from money; haven't decided if she's new england old money or NYC/DC new money tbh. there are a few reasons i formed this headcanon but the main one is that, in HTR13, it mentions that she wanted to join the SPK because one of her family members was killed by the Yotsuba Kira.
in my mind, Takada is solidly middle-class, possibly upper middle-class, but is drawn to the image of wealth / power & the class & poise that Halle projects effortlessly. i believe Halle is also about 4-5 years older than Takada (i would have to check this to be sure and i don't feel like it).
it's my opinion that Takada is aware on some level that Light's feelings for her are not as sincere as he wants her to believe. she has a vested interest, however, in the things he tells her being true, so she tries to ignore the alarm bells at the back of her head and convinces herself it's fine.
i at some point actually very much would like to write a story in which Halle seduces Takada & shatters the Yagami Influence. i think, with the amount of time she spends with Takada as her bodyguard— especially because Halle is her most trusted bodyguard— there would be a lot of opportunities for this to happen. i also feel like Halle would pick up on Takada potentially being a weaker link, noticing the small moments of uncertainty after they leave another meeting with Light, etc. idk!! i find them to be a compelling pair & i think Halle has a lot of the traits that Takada finds attractive in Light (intelligent, well-dressed and well-spoken, hot) so i think this could work. i'm not sure what a happy ending would look like for them, but i imagine their dynamic to be very quiet / sensual. think: dim hotel room, well after sunset, Halle helping Takada to fix her lipstick, complimenting her on her perfume,,, moments of brief contact, closeness, the room quiet save for the sounds of their breath & softly spoken words. scream!!
Misa/Halle is a little harder to imagine but in another world if they somehow met at a bar i could see Halle being sort of intrigued by Misa? i think Halle would probably find her to be slightly too high-energy, but if they had something to bond over and made a connection, i could see it being pretty cute. OH!!! actually there's probably good AU potential with Halle being a bodyguard assigned to idol!Misa. maybe a slow burn kind of relationship where Halle doesn't really care for Misa much at first but slowly warms up to her as they spend more time together.
Misa/Takada is charming to me!! honestly i find this one the hardest to picture which is maybe strange since it's probably the most popular of the three.
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rohirric-hunter · 8 months
OC-tober Day 8: Promise
(Two in one day??? Actually I could have posted the other one yesterday but I didn't want to try and format poetry on mobile. TBH I don't like the way it turned out on desktop.)
(Anyway I'm sure it was an accident that the OP of the prompts list I'm using used Promise for two days. But one person's accident is another person's opportunity to write a really mean companion piece. So this is a companion piece to day one, in the Let There Be Fire AU.)
The distraction works perfectly. The cart slows to a halt at the crossroads, and the driver and guards, as well as the two whispy shades of Oathbreakers, all face forwards, to where Lothrandir and Candaith block the road. None of them seem to believe there is any danger from behind.
You bolt from your hiding place and step up onto the back of the cart. It is built up into a cage, horrible in the display of its sole purpose, but more horrible, perhaps, is the sight inside of it. Radanir has been cruelly treated, and his tunic and trousers are in tatters. They do nothing to hide the bruises and cuts, or the wicked collar locked tight around his throat, which you have encountered only once before. Once was more than enough for you to know that the thing is cursed and Radanir is effectively gagged. But as soon as he sees you he raises bound hands and begins signing. His motions are frantic, hampered by the bindings, and Radanir is a sloppy signer at the best of times. You can't understand a word he is saying.
The lock is easy to pick, and in mere moments you have it open. Radanir stands, but his warning finally lands in the form of a brief look of horror before an icy cold hand sheathed in cold metal closes on your shoulder and flings you to the ground. The breath is knocked out of you, and you roll over and reach for your sword as the oppressive chill that marks the presence of a Cargúl intensifies.
This one wears red robes, which these days marks it as one of Gothmog's servants, and wields two long, wicked daggers. It stares at you for what feels like a long moment as you rise. Odd that it lets you, you reflect.
"Hathellang…" it says, a long, sibilant hiss. So it recognizes you. Gothmog must still have it in his head that you'll make a good replacement for Golodir. The only emotion you can muster about this revelation is vague interest.
"Sorry," you say. "You've got me at a disadvantage. Let's keep it that way."
"You don't recognize me?" the wraith says. It starts to stride forward, with the same uncanny physicality that sets Gothmog apart from other wraiths. "Oh but dearest, I promised I would come back, don't you remember? Here I am."
The cadence of the words is completely foreign, and at the same time shatteringly familiar. The wraith raises its -- her -- blades and sweeps to the left and then the right, throwing her weight into the swing, the same way she did when you were children together, playing with sticks behind the Big House where Lady Hackberry couldn't see and tell you off for "just about putting someone's eye out."
You step back on instinct, but it honestly doesn't occur to you to flee or fight back. Not until Radanir’s still bound hands catch your sleeve and tug, and then he is running and you are running after him. You are fortunate that he is there to make this decision for you, for you would never make it for yourself. You aren’t sure if the Cargúl is pursuing or not, but it doesn’t really matter, not when everything is falling apart all over again. Not when your entire world has ended for the second time.
But for now, you run.
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ot-hoe-me · 1 year
OC Tag Game
I was tagged by: @stephschoices
I tag: anyone who wants to do this.
I am putting this under a cut because some of these responses got LONG lmao.
* I am SO sorry that I’m so late responding to this but I needed time to Think Thoughts and then get them at least mostly in order (I hope.)
I mean, I love all of my OCs in one way or another so it’s very hard to pick. In the interest of not having any overlap with the other categories I’ll answer this one last. I was initially stuck choosing between Valencia Talward my Hunter-heritage Battle Mage, Trouble-mancing Main MC for Lena’s/ @shepherds-of-haven IF because I do love her a lot because she’s very kind and courageous, and the way Lina has coded the personality/talent stats you can excel in more than one rather than picking one and sticking with it (ONLY charisma or ONLY intelligence, cunning, etc.) and you can choose multiple and it be feasible. The biggest selling point is the immaculate found family vibe you cultivate with the ROs (that is, if you choose not to be an evil sob) and even better - see the relationship developments between each other this game and these characters and this world are made with obvious love and care. Can’t recommend ShoH enough. BUT.
I decided that the most logical choice for Favourite OC is my apprentice Estelle Circinus from The Arcana game. I have her as my icon and as my blog banner along with Asra, she’s the OC I have the most art commissions of - and I plan to add to that particular collection in the future. And finally, she’s also up there with Alice of being one of my most developed OCs with lore, backstory, what her future looks like beyond canon and I also have multiple AUs for her in various stages of development. So, Estelle is my final answer.
NEWEST OC: Aruna Chase/Singh
Aruna is my newest fleshed out OC who is my Baxter-mancer for Our Life: Beginnings and Always (surname Chase to fit this MC’s family.) and is my secondary MC for Our Life: Now and Forever (surname Singh because here the family is MC’s bio mom.) Of course she is obligated to flirt with Baxter at every opportunity before he leaves Golden Grove, but beyond that I don’t know if she’s going to actually romance anyone. (I already have a Qiu-mancer and they’re crushes from childhood. So my options are; making Aruna a Tamarack-mancer from Step 3-on, a Qiu-mancer Step 3-on, or not giving her a romance at all within the confines of the canon storyline for OLNF.) And of course, both games are by @gb-patch though the latter is only a demo at the moment. Highly, HIGHLY recommend playing OLBA though if you haven’t already (especially if you like guys but if not then that’s cool too, you can play completely platonically or aroace instead and not miss TOO much story.)
OLDEST OC: Alice Walker
Alice is my MC originally from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky so when I bought Darkness when it came out in 2008 (according to bulbapedia, geez that really was 15 years ago. I was 12 years old when I first made her. Wow I am feeling old right now lol.) So playing that, then watching Lucario and the Mystery of Mew for the first time years after it was dubbed even, which I saw for the first time around that time + the release of Sky and playing it helped me develop her more. Alice was my first OC, first with an in-depth backstory and lore, and has without a doubt been the OC who has undergone the most evolution (lol) over the years. I still think about her to this day. But yeah, first she was just my MC for Explorers of Darkness/Sky who turned into a Pikachu in Darkness, but then she became someone who could wield Aura, so when Sky came out I made her a Riolu even though only boy MCs could be Riolu but I said screw that. Originally she was born in the Dark Future, but more recently I changed her backstory to being born in the “present” of the Pokemon Universe in the Kingdom (honestly, think it should be Queendom though frfr) of Rota. She’s four??? (this is me forgetting for the moment if I have her start her journey at 13 or 14 years old lol) years older than Red, Blue/Green, Leaf, etc. but still leaves Rota to start her Pokemon Journey at the same time as them and like. Going through the regions/games including The Mains, PMD: Explorers, Rangers of Almia/Oblivia and more recently, fan games like Pokemon Reborn, Insurgence, Empyrean and Rejuvenation (Rejuvenation is without a doubt my favourite of the fan games by far, though they are all really good, but this is still a WIP while the other three are complete.) So yeah, Alice’s new canon birth timeline/existence is a mix of game and anime worlds. She’s an aura guardian and after Arceus resurrects her after her sacrifice to prevent Temporal Tower from collapsing and stop Dialga from becoming Primal Dialga - they make her immortal. But not only that, they also bestow a portion of their power on her so she can act as their agent, and essentially as an avatar or proxy to carry out their will (by continuing to carry out her duty as an aura guardian to safeguard all of creation/life - but to the extreme) in return for them bringing her back to life. So she’s elevated to become a demigoddess, essentially. After that, she’s sent back to her own time, and then all across other points time and space and other dimension, becoming The Deus Ex Machina of Heroes. Because of all this her Trainer Title would have gone from Trainer Alice -> Aura Guardian Alice -> Eternal Guardian Alice. Basically THE Ultimate Mary Sue but she deserves this as the privilege of being my first-ever OC and because cringe is dead...also I ship her with Steven Stone because the age gap definitely closes because of the time-fuckery. Shhhhh.
MEANEST OC: Araina Emroth
I don’t really have any mean OCs tbh because I don’t like making or playing rude/bitchy or cruel characters, so the closest I can get to answering that question would have to be me asking myself who is my ANGRIEST OC? And how do they use that anger/how morally dubious do their actions get because of it? I have a handful of OCs that fit the bill but my reflexive answer to this is my MC Araina Emroth from the IF Spellbound: A Ghost Story. It is solely on the CoG forum but I am begging you - if you haven’t played the demo already please PLEASE do it - it is so good!!!! Anyway, to give you tiny tidbits to make you want to play, the reason why she’s angry is that, since I chose the rebel backstory over the knight backstory, putting it mildly, her kingdom is corrupt. So not only is she out for revenge, she’s of the mindset that she’s ready to take on the ‘whole world’ to cut out the rot of her homeland in order to redeem it even if she has to do it alone. Also in regards to Callum...I chose the childhood rivals bully route for him and as in all things, she never can fully let go of a grudge. So yeah, she's the passionate, charismatic revolutionary in life. And while she mellows out after 800+ years of being dead, hm. Wonder where the future will lead? (I am torn between getting her to time travel to her own body while she was still alive, and to snatch the amulet off of Callum and destroy it and then go on how it should have been. Or her finally being able to let go and find a way for her to live a new life in the present.) ANYWAY - play it!!!
SOFTEST OC: Fallon Rose
Most of my MCs are pretty-very soft so it’s kind of hard to pick just one, but, I will go with Fallon - my MC from Underfell IF and Mafiafell IF by @darkpetal16 for the fact with how she writes MC, especially in Underfell - is very kind, empathetic, optimistic, and very very forgiving by nature. You’ll see what I mean if you decide to play~ Please do, if you enjoy Undertale and AUs. (Also fun fact, her name is a pun on Fall and Rise.)
Like with the mean OC category I don’t really have any aloof or standoffish OCs so the closest I can answer for this category is Serena Klein, my MC from @attollogame because I play her as intimidating/stoic, and cunning but. I would never say that she’s uncaring or unemotional. If anything, she cares too much and is very emotional but is able to mask it really well (unless it concerns her brother Atticus) and she also has natural RBF.
It’s a toss up between my main MC for @trinitytrilogy Zeus’ Dilemma, Belle, Demigoddess and Daughter of Aphrodite, who currently has a literal intelligence stat of 0 (RIP) though my headcanon is that she does at least have average intelligence. And my MC for Last Legacy (RIP because of NixHydra the company being complete idiots, and Dorian not really being better it looks very likely it will never be finished because the writers don’t have the creative/ownership rights to it. Not bitter about this at all.) Emma, because she is mostly a self insert aside from the whole barista and makes-own-cosplays cosplayer deal. And me being who I am...enough said lmao. 
SMARTEST OC: Chloe Rodgers
Chloe is my main MC from the Keeper Trilogy by @keeperofthesunandmoon is without a doubt my smartest MC as with how high her intelligence stat is, and how quickly she grasps magic in her new life as a magician is prodigious - she is a literal genius.
I’d be friends with Ava for sure, and why am I choosing her aside from making sure there’s no overlap? She’s one of my most normal and well-adjusted OCs, she’s successful, has no mental illnesses, she’s also plus size like me so she knows my struggles. She’s also a fashion designer so you know she’d be putting out fire clothes that I’d go broke for. She would be the extrovert who would adopt me, and of course I gave her my interests and hobbies/hobbies I wish I had as well so we’d get along really well. And I just have to say the she is defying the ‘mean girl californian’ stereotype and absolutely help a guy out with his English homework so he can go out on a date to kiss a cute guy, you know it. You best believe. Also she would threaten to beat up my depression, and I wholeheartedly believe that she would succeed in eradicating it. Right, and she’s my main MC for Our Life: Beginnings and Always by @gb-patch who eventually marries Cove.
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findroleplay · 1 year
RP Request :)
Casting my line out there for anyone to roleplay Fox's X-Men. I'm really hoping to find some long term discord RPs for certain pairings, because I haven't been having luck finding anyone willing to write out of text format. I write multi paras/lit/borderline novella, and I love plotting/talking OOC. If you are interested, please be 20+, as I am an adult and not comfortable writing with minors.
I will also put it out there that my work schedule varies so most times, I usually work ungodly hours weekdays. So I will not be pumping out replies daily. Most likely it will be a few times a week at most.
The characters I would want to play in bold. I am more than willing to double up and discuss anything!
✨Cherik/Mutant Husbands {Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr} What I would give to write them- I absolutely love them. They are so fantastic for AUs or Canon divergence, and I would do so much for them. Bonus points if Dadneto is involved because them.
✨✨JeanSilver/SilverPhoenix/QuickPhoenix {Jean Grey/Peter Maximoff} A rare pair I would die for- because no one knows of them as a pairing, let alone write them. Please. Please this could be such a trip.
Mystique/Azazel I don't know their ship name, but this is a ship I am so curious to explore, test the waters, also with their son Kurt/Nightcrawler- I love them, missed opportunities.
Beastique {Hank/Raven} Another one I would love to explore more and honestly just have them be happy- or angsty, the world is our oyster.
PLATONIC Summers Brothers They deserved better, point blank period. Let's give them a better ending.
If you are interested, interact or DM me! More likely to check my DMs
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deardarlingthings · 1 year
Casting my line out there for anyone to roleplay Fox's X-Men. I'm really hoping to find some long term discord RPs for certain pairings, because I haven't been having luck finding anyone willing to write out of text format. I write multi paras/lit/borderline novella, and I love plotting/talking OOC. If you are interested, please be 20+, as I am an adult and not comfortable writing with minors.
I will also put it out there that my work schedule varies so most times, I usually work ungodly hours weekdays. So I will not be pumping out replies daily. Most likely it will be a few times a week at most.
The characters I would want to play in bold. I am more than willing to double up and discuss anything!
✨Cherik/Mutant Husbands {Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr} What I would give to write them- I absolutely love them. They are so fantastic for AUs or Canon divergence, and I would do so much for them. Bonus points if Dadneto is involved because them.
✨✨JeanSilver/SilverPhoenix/QuickPhoenix {Jean Grey/Peter Maximoff} A rare pair I would die for- because no one knows of them as a pairing, let alone write them. Please. Please this could be such a trip.
Mystique/Azazel I don't know their ship name, but this is a ship I am so curious to explore, test the waters, also with their son Kurt/Nightcrawler- I love them, missed opportunities.
Beastique {Hank/Raven} Another one I would love to explore more and honestly just have them be happy- or angsty, the world is our oyster.
PLATONIC Summers Brothers They deserved better, point blank period. Let's give them a better ending.
If you are interested, interact or DM me! More likely to check my DMs
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inun4ki · 9 months
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✾ Mun
hello.!! call me taro. my pronouns are they/them, and i am 21+. i've been roleplaying off and on for many years. my waking life is busy, so i won't always be here. i have 5 pets (no cat-dog fights in this house) and a big family. i prefer writing original characters to canon characters. i live in ye olde us of a. there are two things in this world i can't live without: green tea, hot cheetos, and emotionally wrecked men. oh, and i'm nerdy as hell. if you have any questions or just wanna chat/plot, i'm always open.!!
✾ Blog
i don’t shy away from disturbing/gory/traumatic topics. i don’t see it as a moral failure to write it. however, i won’t write: minor/adult, graphic noncon, and incest outside of backstories and such. 
all triggering content will be tagged as ’____ /’, and erotic content will be tagged as ‘nsft /’. 
needless to say, this is a 18+ only blog. i will not interact with anyone under the age of 18, 21+ preferably.
the themes i will explore on this blog include suicidal ideation, murder, mass murder, multiple forms of abuse, mental health, personal growth, sacrifice, guilt, death, loss, toxic relationships, and more.
all interactions are mutuals only.
i will take my time for serious threads. it may take me a few weeks from time to time to reply to a thread or answer an ask. 
i tend towards multi-para, but will do one-liners or simpler, shorter threads. 
i regularly delete my OOC posts. 
i tend toward inbox memes, so you may see more of those than other things. it's really just because i like to write drabbles most of the time.
i’m just a little bit on the awkward & shy side and may have a hard time reaching out for plotting. what i do to mitigate this is generally interact with posts and send in icebreaker asks.
i’ll also reblog plenty of memes, post starter & inbox calls, and my interest check so that there’re always opportunities to get things going.
i love love love to talk about mashing our muses together, so even though it can be hard for me at first, i’m always down to chat
if there's an occasion i don't respond to a message, it's usually because i've fallen asleep, got hella distracted, forgot, am hyperfocused on replies, having health problems, etc. it's never deliberate. please feel free to nudge me.
i love to ship, honestly. i am always down. if you think our muses would mesh well, by all means - please come yell at me! i probably ship it already anyway.
communication but mostly chemistry are needed for romantic shipping, as kaede is a bit of a pain when it comes to this - he’s only easy sometimes, and really the only way for him to 'love' your muse would be if they're just as obsessed with him as he is them.
there are a couple of things i do not consider shipping right off the bat. flirting isn't shipping. hell, i don't even think our muses boning a couple times is shipping. i don't consider it a ship unless we talk about it, basically.
toxic ships are super welcome! 
i do not ship minor/adult, except platonically as mentor-student or family.
every ship is in its own universe, disconnected from all others, and i do not treat any one ship as more important than another.
this blog is multiverse (working on the page), though jujutsu kaisen will be the primary.
i’m happily oc, crossover, au, and canon friendly, so if you want to do things in a different verse, i’ll make one if i don’t have one already! 
so long as we talk about it before hand or it advances the thread, i don’t particularly care about godmodding or powerplaying. it just has to make sense for our plot.  
kaede is strong, but there are others who are stronger - and crueler - and i won’t ignore that if the power scale is such. your muse can overpower mine? dope, they should, actually! besides, he’s a dex build. he’ll put up a good fight, but he’ll probably lose.
i block tags/posts.
if there’s something i don’t want to see, i will simply not see it, no matter what it is, be it the news, internet beef, or things that make me feel like ass for one reason or another. i don’t engage with any of that stuff; i have a personal blog for that sorta thing.
also, i do not have any written triggers & no tumblr post is going to send me down a spiral. i’ve been through a lot, but i’m a ‘power through it’ type, so even if i do see something, it’s ultimately whatever.
this is a small disclaimer.
i’m not caught up to the manga by any means, so there may be some things i don’t know or will get wrong - please let me know if something doesn’t gel quite right. 
please note that i put him together carefully so he wouldn’t interfere much with jjk’s main plot, though i’d be happy to plot something out. 
as kaede will ever be a work in progress, his about page is subject to change. all abilities and techniques are accumulative and an attempt at originality
i will apologize in advance for kaede being a complete brat at times, as he is a bit emotionally stunted and struggles particularly hard with forming solid relationships, be they platonic or otherwise. there's a lot of fear there for him.
you’ll see mentioned in a few places something called ‘the inunaki incident’. it’s about the mid-point of kaede’s personal storyline, and is a hefty bit of mixed character development i’m saving for a later date - fair warning: i’m a big fan of tragedies. i do have a posted timeline for his life (mostly just summaries), and i will be going over parts of it in the future. ultimately, the plan is to answer the questions: do i have the strength to keep going anyway? is my sacrifice worth the consequence? was this unavoidable, or could i have done something to change it? how much guilt and responsibility can one person assume before it utterly destroys them? i have fun seeing how many different ways i can answer them. 
i like to draw, sometimes a lot - but i am notoriously horrendous with most poses, so i end up using/relying on references - which i very ardently do not claim as my own. some poses i reference belong to kate-fox on dA, however i also use personal photographic references (pictures i’ve taken myself), anime/video game screenshots, and, on occasion, porn, as i cannot draw the human body or faces from memory (combined visual processing + memory issue). where i can afford it, however, i do commission artists instead - in fact, i much prefer it. all graphics were arranged by myself; likewise, kaede’s faceclaim belongs strictly to mangaka yanase seno. i also have commissioned art of him done by @okaerin, which serves as my current dash icon! icon borders by @paletterph
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mandu-17 · 3 years
Strawberry and cream | Choi Tzuyu x reader
Requested by: anonymous
Request: Hello! I really love your blog! Can I request a soulmate AU( in which the kiss of a soul mate always has some flavor (strawberries, mint, etc.) while the kiss with another person remains a common kiss.) with Twice Tzuyu, wherein Tzuyu is school's a bad girl and the reader is a new transferred student
Warnings: maybe a curseword or two
Genre: Soulmate AU, fluff
Wordcount: ~ 1,624
A/N: thank you so much for kind words anon<3 this was such a cool request so for that also thank you! hopefully you'll like this:)
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Starting over was never easy and even though you've dealt with it many times before, it only seemed to be getting worse. Due to your parents work, your family often had to move all around the world. Some could say it was an awesome opportunity to visit many places and meet new people, but to you it was getting tiring. You had enough of packing and unpacking or making friendships, that lasted only a few months. It felt like there was no point in adapting anymore, since soon you’ll probably be on your way somewhere else. So this time, you decided to focus only on studying.
For most of your classes, it was pretty easy to do your best and listen to the teachers. Except for maths in which your bench mate is one and only Choi Tzuyu. Neither of you asked for it. It just so happened that her table was the only empty spot on your first day, meanwhile Tzuyu was late for class, as every other time.
You vividly remember everyone’s concerned stares on you, the second Tzuyu walked in. Honestly speaking, you kind of expected her to beat you up as well, judging by the stern look on her face. Instead she eyed you curiously and smirked to herself, before sitting down next you.
That day she didn’t speak a word, yet she had your whole attention. Maybe it was the way she was simply sitting so nonchalantly, not even pretending to listen to the teacher. Maybe it was the way her clothes hugged her body so well or maybe the way she kept stealing glances at you every few minutes.
Once the period was over, Tzuyu left in a speed of a lightning. Slowly gathering your things and planning on to heading to the cafeteria, you heard a voice from behind.
“You’re so lucky she didn’t kick you out of here. Tzuyu only lets her friends sit with her.”
Turning around, you were met with a black-haired girl, analyzing your face carefully, as if deep in thoughts.
“Well there was no other empty table, so both of us had no choice.” You responded bluntly, not really wanting to get more involved in that conversation.
“Right, you’re new here.” She chuckled, following you out of the classroom. “Choi Tzuyu doesn’t care about anything. There’s literally nothing she gives a fuck about. So her letting you sit by her table means something.”
And what’s so interesting about it, you thought with a frown.
“Look, just like you said, I’m new here and guess what, I don’t care about her or frankly speaking, anyone else here. So don't bother yourself, I'm good." You replied with attitude, before leaving.
Maybe you were a little too harsh, judging by the confused look on the girl's face, although that didn't matter to you. You only had one goal which definitely wasn't getting involved in any school drama.
Unfortunately, even your math teacher was against you. As soon as he announced that your next assignment is a project in pairs with your bench mate, you knew you were doomed. Considering how Tzuyu was never working in class, it was obvious that you were going to be the one doing all the work. Partly, it was a good solution, you didn't have to spend time with her, although her reaction was unexpected.
"You free this Friday?" She turned to you with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes." You looked at her unsure.
"I'll meet you at the cafe at 6. Sounds good, partner?" From the lazy smile tugging on her lips, you could already imagine all kinds of rumours spreading about the two of you later on.
Why on earth was it Tzuyu who was assigned to you.
Although, for some odd reason you didn't feel uncomfortable or scared to work with her. Through your time at school, you've learnt that Tzuyu was never really that vulgar or aggressive. Her looks were always enough to make the other person know how she felt about them. When it came to teachers, Tzuyu just knew the right people, who usually got her anything she wanted. Rarely had she to directly speak or argue, which gave her so much power in everybody's eyes. Once she did speak though, it was almost always to nearly destroy others.
Lots of mixed feelings and thoughts washed through you on your way to the cafe that day. You were very curious about how your evening with Tzuyu will go.
“Hey, partner.” She greeted you with a smug smile, while checking you out shamelessly.
In response, you rolled your eyes and huffed, after taking a sit across from her. You also found it kind of unexpected that she was the one already waiting for you.
“You know, I think the atmosphere here could be nicer if you actually did respond to me.” One of her long eyebrows raised slightly, as she kept toying with the straw of her drink.
“There’s absolutely no need for that. The only thing I want is to get this project done so I can go home.” You smiled sarcastically, while putting out books and notes.
“And what are you gonna do at home? Watch netflix on your own?” Tzuyu frowned and your eyes finally met.
She must have seen in your face that her comment wasn’t well received.
“What I mean is that I can clearly see how you don’t get involved with anyone at school. I thought about it a lot, but in the end I just don’t get it. Why are you so distant?”
That surprised you.
You’d never expect Choi Tzuyu to study you so deeply. All you really thought of her was that she was very hot, never hesitated to speak her mind and didn’t care about anything. Yet, here she was confronting you about such personal things.
“You wouldn’t understand anyways.” You mumbled, eyes looking down at a fidgeting pair of hands, which seconds later was joined by a warm, soft one.
“Maybe not, but I’m sure you’d feel better letting it out.” Tzuyu squeezed your hand.
Her dark eyes were filled with kindness, as they were set on you. All of the sudden, your throat felt dry. It was the first time you saw this side of Tzuyu and from what you assumed it wasn’t often that she was this nice to others. Somehow this thought managed to calm you down a little.
The whole time you were talking and explaining why you gave up on making friends and bonding with people, Tzuyu held and caressed your hand gently. It was such a surreal moment. To have your annoyingly attractive and rebellious bench mate listen to your concerns in a café.
When you finished, Tzuyu took some time to find the right words, before speaking again.
“It must be really hard to live like this. I’m sorry to hear that. Although if I were you, I wouldn’t push everyone away. Actually, I’d do the opposite and try to make as many good memories as possible. Loneliness sucks a lot, I’m sure you've noticed it as well.”
“It’s just I have no idea how long I’m even going to stay here.” You shook your head sadly.
The girl in front of you nodded in understanding. It looked like she did care.
“Thank you. For listening, I mean. As you said, it’s better to let it all out sometimes.” A small smile spread on her face at your words.
“I’m glad I could be any help.” Tzuyu said quietly, eyes looking away coyly.
At that sight, you just had to smile yourself. Never would you guess that school’s bad girl was going to suddenly act this shy.
“How about we finally focus on the project?” You offered, not wanting to fluster the girl anymore.
At her firm nod, both of you got consumed by assignments and calculations. Surprisingly, working with Tzuyu went very smoothly. She was way smarter than anyone gave her credit.
At some point, you began to wonder about what else she will surprise you with. And for that, you didn’t have to wait long, since the taller girl insisted on walking you home. On the way, the two of you kept chatting about school, your hobbies outside of it and everything else that came into your minds.
You felt confused, as to why talking to Tzuyu was so easy and comforting. You glanced at her to find the girl looking ahead and talking about traditional holidays in Taiwan.
“What?” She stopped mid-sentence and asked amused.
“I don’t know. I just can’t help, but feel good around you and I don’t know where it comes from.” You frowned, confused with your own actions.
Why were you even telling her that?
“Oh, Y/N. I think I know why, I just have to make sure.” Tzuyu smiled, as if she won a lottery, while cupping your face gently. “Will you let me?”
Your eyes widened at the proximity, when she leaned in. Her forehead resting against yours and you knew what she meant. Although you found it hard to believe.
Your nod was enough for her to close the distance and meet your lips in a soft kiss. She tasted like a sweet strawberry on a summer evening. And due to drinks both of you had earlier, the flavor of the kiss was even nicer.
"That's unbelievable." You pulled away breathless, in shock.
"Yeah, kinda surprising." Tzuyu smiled warmly at you and it felt like your heart stopped beating.
She really was beautiful. Even more up close.
"Do you like strawberries?" Tall girl asked teasingly.
"Never been a fan, but I guess I can get used to it."
Two can play this game, you thought with a grin.
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