#in case u couldn't tell that's exactly what is happening
daemondaes · 1 year
what if instead of waiting until i was completely done with everything, i just did a "soft opening" of the revamped (multified) version of this blog now
what if i was enough of a madlad to publish the carrd and start using the new ocs without even editing my pinned or graphics yet
what if...
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27thswan · 7 months
❝ 𝐰𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐨 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞. ❞ hsr x reader
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synopsis. daycare teacher of lil kindergarteners meets one of her lil kindergarteners' parents, or in this case; parent. a father.
warnings. march, dan heng, and the trailblazing twins as welt's kids. yanqing as jing yuan's. silver wolf as blade's. bailu as luocha's.
author's notes. i love making song lyrics the titles of my fics !!
pairings. blade, jing yuan, welt, and luocha x gn!reader (seperately)
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jing yuan first meets you at yanqing's kindergarten. while he picks up the cutest child in the world; aka yanqing, he sees you walking up to him, and dear god were you pretty.
he zones out while you talk about how swell yanqing had been doing in class! so much so, he gets a candy bar! yippee!!! zones back into reality when he sees you carrying his son, in your hands.
the exact moment he wanted to put a ring on your finger already, he didn't know yanqing's teacher would be so... attractive.. and kind..
kind of red when you pat him on the back for being a good dad
blushy and stuttering everywhere when you decide to ask if he had a mother.
"o-oh he d-doesn't really have one" "oh, i see, my apologies for bringing it u-" "its okay, its fine d-don't worry!"
the way you both got to talk more was outside of school, where he bumps into you, spoiling your drink onto the gravel of the sidewalk.
immediately apologizes and offers to reimburse you for the fallen drink, but he realizes it was you, your soft spoken voice telling him there's no need to compensate the drink at all
will take the chance and hold your hand on the way back to the café you got your drink at.
and while you were in shock at how he was so persistent about it, it was definitely very cute. you did notice the small tint of red on his cheeks.
asks you out with a cute lil pick up line he wrote down quickly, along with his number, in hopes for yours. and thankfully you did give it.
and spending the afternoon with his happy crush wasn't so bad. getting to know you as a person, in a quiet cat café, with no one to bother you both, other than distant meowing.
oh no! it just happens to be raining! and you didn't bring an umbrella, and he didn't either..
running back to his huge home, which was nearby, and thankfully yanqing went out and unlocked the gate for you both in a raincoat.
heavy rainfall, it didn't seem like it'd stop anytime soon. so you really had just planned to stay 1 night. how cliché...
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welt picking up his fussy children from daycare, march, dan heng, caelus, and stelle, poor guy couldn't help but fall for you
how.. do you have.. the patience.. to take care.. of 20 kids..
it's attractive to him tbh, hats off to you, but man you were hot as hell, and he looked like he just got off a 20-hour shift.
was kind of embarrassed, he was falling for someone at first sight, really fell for how good you take care of his kids
how do you get them to sleep so easily, how do you get them to stop being mad and eat their vegetables..
amazed, and will ask questions. and gives you his number, just in case he'll need help with his little circle of kids.
the kids probably have called you mom/dad by accident too, and i mean march, dan heng, and the two gray haired twins.
loves the way you take note of what each child likes, so you remember what each kid would like as a gift at the end of the month.
giving the twins toy baseball bats so they'll get better soon, giving dan heng books of fiction, and facts, and gifting march a polaroid camera to capture moments in time, for her to look back on.
god just marry him already. how the hell are you actually so good at doing what you do??? no way you remember what 19 other kids like.
needs someone like you, so that's exactly what he'd do. had the courage to ask you out while hanging out, bowing and everything, arms out presenting a gift to your liking. please accept it!
you do accept it! and land a passionate kiss on his soft lips too!
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blade is not good at socializing with others for sure. even as the father of his former younger sister; now that he was old enough and financially stable, he became her father legally woo!
silver, who blade nicknames silver wolf because of her ign (in-game-name) on her and his favorite game to play together, takes a lot from her older br- i mean her dad. and because of that, she tends to be just as quiet as him (unless she's close with the people she talks to, only then does she talk more)
but blade's recently noticed how while she rambles about school and how she started making more friends at kindergarten. he was proud to say the least, but he also noticed how often she mentioned a certain name, yours.
"who's y/n, silv?" he quietly said, looking over to his small daughter who sits slightly across him, coloring on sheets of paper happily. "my new favorite teacher. they helped me make my new friends today."
he nodded, deciding the next day when he picks her up, that he would try to meet you
and oh god
gosh uh you were definitely attractive, kind of peeked through the window while waiting for silver wolf, and oh wow
hasn't been more thankful that silver wolf sees him and brings you over to him to introduce her two favorite people to each other
ok he may be a bit socially awkward but he has his way with his actions, and when he does speak, it might be short, but it's poetic.
oh but he's also like "no way you remember to give each child a gift to their liking" how do you remember all those little peabrains' interests?
no way you gave silver wolf animal crossing
he's in love, very clear.
older sister kafka def teases him about you when you come over to tutor silver wolf (over call because kafka works internationally lol)
anyways pls marry him soon or he'll explode
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luocha adores his daughter; bailu. teaches her all the rights and wrongs, and the rights from the wrongs, left from right, alright you get my point.
but recently he's felt like she's growing a little more distant from him, because yes he's a busy father, and also because she's met someone new
his daughter, his bailu wouldn't replace him right??!?!?! all jokes aside, he just noticed that bailu started to mention a name of a teacher more often; you.
"you should meet them papa! they're a very nice person!" bailu says, dragging him alongside her for him to meet you because you taught her how to draw stars!!
oh gee gosh you kinda cute.........
"they taught me how to draw different shapes, pa! look! its a star!" bailu quickly ran over inside the classroom to snatch the paper with her masterpieces bestowed on it. proudly showing it to her pretty blonde-haired father who's in awe of the cute teacher who taught his daughter HOW TO DRAW STARS/.11?!!@>@
he's like "oh. oh." he's a doctor but this the first time he's ever felt like this for someone.
and ohh bailu knows how he feels about this. she KNOWSSS, and she got her dad!! will definitely set you both up (somehow)
yes shes in kindergarten but she just built diff
i hc that luocha likes coffee because he has to stay up and do doctor stuff, and he has specific favorite brands that he can't always get (because for some reason he's that busy) so he has to get the cheap brands (that he hates because its all just instant coffee)
and bailu knows abt that, so she goes secret shopping with you while you and the rest of the class are on a trip (there are other teachers present there while on the trip you are responsible adult here!!!!)
"aren't you 5? why do you want coffee?" "papa"
then she puts those coffee brands he loves in a lil gift box + a bracelet you both made for him (most was you but yeah)
and she gives it to her dad once you both come back
ok he asks you out the end
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i'm tired sowwy for making luocha's part short
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phoenixblaze1412 · 5 months
HII!! happy new year!!! Can I get some fluff hcs with dottore (+ segments) and reader whos child is sucrose? This can be seen as a part 2 to the having a kid hcs if u want! - 🐓
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It was you who gave your child the name Sucrose. Dottore didn't really mind any name you gave your offspring, his segments have weird names, why should he stop you from giving your child a chemical compound name?
Theta (Webttore) though... was curious of it.
"So.. why Sucrose exactly? Could have easily rhymed such a name with glucose, fructose or even lactose?"
"Because sucrose is sugar and what does sugar taste like? Sweet. And my daughter is the most sweetest thing in Teyvat."
"...both you and 'him' are bad at naming things. Naming your own kid table sugar, what a dumbass."
Sucrose prefers to stay with her father in his laboratory whenever you're busy, she's not much of an outdoor person and doesn't really want to interact with more people aside from you, Dottore, and even his segments who she can already tell who is who. She's just a shy little bean with good memorization.
Ever since the day Sucrose was born, everyone has been more restless, mostly you and Dottore since the segments don't even need sleep to energize themselves.
You would find her crawling around a room, searching for things that catches her interest and even reaching places a child shouldn't even reach.
One time when you, Dottore, and Sucrose were sleeping together on your shared bed, you were immediately woken up in the middle of the night due to the sound of your daughter crying but was nowhere to be found.
It took you and your husband at least 20 minutes to find that Sucrose was at the top of a cabinet and couldn't get back down.
Sucrose, your sweet daughter, apparently has taken in her father's footsteps, studying the world of science at just four years old. What got her interest the most is alchemy.
She immediately learned the chemical components of the things around her. Even creating and mixing a few chemicals into a test tube to see the reaction, Dottore stood beside her just in case something bad happens so he could pull his child out of the way.
One time when you were about to visit your family in the lab after coming home from a mission, you were immediately welcomed with a loud explosion which made you panic and run down to where it came from.
Once you reached the lab, you were greeted with your husband and child's faces all covered in soot. Both of their hair was messy and in every place, it was as if someone had electrocuted them which cause their hair to stand.
"What did you two do that caused this?"
"Welcome back, dearest. We wanted to see what kind of reaction we may get when we mix fuel oil with ammonium nitrate fertilizer."
"We got an explosion.."
Next time, before you went to another mission and leaving your two scientists behind, you asked the segments to keep an eye on the two and make sure they don't cause any more explosions.
Surprisingly, Sucrose has a few segments that she favored.
Omega and Prime, aside from being almost as perfect as her father, the two segments would teach her more about the chemistry field whenever Dottore is busy.
She finds Zeta's quiet behavior comfortable since she too is also shy and meek around others. They both communicate with a few sentences and it's already enough for them. Both Sucrose and Zeta rather prefers to do work than talk over it.
There were some fatui soldiers who would mistaken your child as a cicin mage due to her hair. Dottore suggested on dying her hair blue but you immediately declined his suggestion.
It's you who would be the one to style both Sucrose and Dottore's hair every morning, making sure it wouldn't hinder them whenever they work.
This caused the other segments to also want their hair get tied up, even those with hair as short like Theta's.
Dottore would always find ways to be able to spend time with you. Which is why he would hand his child over to his segments before sweeping you off your feet and carrying you out of the lab to spend quiet moments between you two.
All in all, Sucrose is happy to have her parents and guardians, if you could even call the segments as guardians. With her curious mind, she even learned about the other nations.
Oh, how cute Sucrose was when she asked her father if she could go to Mondstadt and study alchemy there.
"Absolutely not."
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starlost97 · 5 months
— melt.
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summary: After seeing how heartbroken the families of the people who work for the department get when they die, you decided to not get involved with anyone. You didn't expect, however, to have that ice wall melted away by someone — Jay Halstead — in your own unit. And when Jay got hurt in one of the cases, you couldn't help but be mad at him, and it didn't take long for him to figure out the why.
keywords: fluff, personal favorite, kind of grumpy x sunshine trope, Jay Halstead is a smug bastard, gn!reader.
characters: Jay Halstead.
warnings: mention of near-death experience, swearing.
a/n: wrote this after episode 7 of the Percy Jackson series (hence the Asphodels mention) at 2AM. I was actually going to request that but I ended up wanting to write it myself! hope u like it :)
word count: 1,248.
requested?: no.
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Grumpy, reserved, quiet. All words used to describe you. And they weren't really that mistaken.
There was a thick ice wall between you and the rest of the world. A wall that didn't allow you to build any deeper relationship with anyone. One that burned people with its overwhelming coldness.
A wall that you build it yourself a little over a month after entering the Chicago's Intelligence Unit. Specifically after you watched how destroyed a family felt after losing a relative who worked for the department.
You felt selfish for even thinking of getting emotionally involved with someone. What if something happened to you? To them? You would never forgive yourself. You'd be rooted in the Asphodels Meadows — trapped with your own regret for all eternity — if anything ever happened because of you.
Everything was going well with it. You weren't that happy, but you were happier than you would be if you carried all the guilt of putting a loved one in danger.
But you never could prepare yourself to the warmth of Jay Halstead.
How cheeky of you to fall in love with a sweet smile. But it was true. You felt pathetically helpless any time he laughed at your jokes and showed you his teeth.
It was bittersweet. His laugh sounded like heaven and it made your life a living hell. How could you not be selfish? How could you think of being a good person when he was so close to you?
You tried to rationalized it. Tried to think that he wasn't that good. That perfect. That it was just your love-starved brain romanticizing him to tempt you.
Which lead you to the mistake of getting to know him.
Everything got worse.
The attempt of hating his flaws turned out to realizing that his loyalty was too much for his own good. He would mindlessly die for you, without a second thought or regret. How intoxicating.
He was like a honey-flavored poison. The sweetest way to lose yourself forever.
And unfortunately, you tasted him. Not only that, but it was never enough. You couldn't get enough of him. He became everything.
So when he almost died during one of the cases because he risked himself a little too much to get information, you were mad.
"Will you tell me why you're not talking to me?" He asked you, leaning over your desk and tilting his head, letting out a sigh. "Come on, I could've died and you won't even talk to me?"
"It's exactly because of that." You murmured, annoyed, not looking at him.
"What? I didn't hear you." Jay said, getting closer.
"It's because of that!" You said, now louder. You two were alone in the office. You were finishing up some papers while Jay — who couldn't for the life of him be separated from you for more than a couple hours — made you company.
"You're not talking to me because I risked myself?" Jay asked, confused, watching as you got up from the chair and went to the break room.
"I'm not talking to you because you're irresponsible!" You answered, finally looking at him in the eyes. Your bodies facing one another.
"I did it for the case! We needed the info!" Jay argued and you groaned, massaging your temples.
"Oh, my God, you really don't understand, do you?" You brushed your hands against your face, trying to calm yourself down.
"No, I don't. You do things like that all the time, and usually is worse. But when I do it, I'm irresponsible?" He asked, frowning.
He looked at you, trying to understand what was wrong. You weren't like this. You didn't fight with people unless their actions harm the case. So what was happening?
It was when the realization hit.
You were worried.
"Detective," He called, flashing you that damned smile that you so desired to kiss. "are you mad because I could've died?"
"Wha- What? No!" You mumbled, taking a step back as he approached you.
"Oh, yeah?" He mumbles, smiling smugly at you. "Are you sure of that?" He asks, getting closer and closer.
"Y-Yes, I am! If you died, it would've been a loss for the team and all the time and money that they invested on you would go to waste and-" You gulped, feeling the cold wall against your back and watching as he trapped you, putting his arms on each side of your face. "What are you doing?"
"Why are you looking at me like that?" You said, nervously pushing his chest, but not really wanting him to leave.
"Like what?"
"Like that! Staring at my lips! Stop it!"
"Or what?" He asked, smugly.
Your breath got stuck in your throat, and as the seconds went by, he got closer. His forehead was soon touching yours, and his smile only grew bigger.
"Looks just like a dream I had." He said, putting his hand on your chin. "It ended very well. "
You didn't answer right away, trying to process your thoughts. You wanted to give a good answer, something that would make him go away — even though you didn't really want that —, but a wave of curiosity hit you with the revelation that he dreamt of you.
"How so?" Your voice was almost inaudible.
"I got to do more than just kiss you." He whispered, as if telling a secret. "But I think that just being able to kiss you would already make me the luckiest man on earth."
Your gaze fell to his lips, and just the thought of kissing them got you nervous. Your heartbeat rapidly beating against your chest, and for a moment he thought that he could feel it too.
But it was actually his own.
"Please," He asked. It could be mistaken for a beg, but the smug look on his face said otherwise. "detective."
"I thought…" You were breathless. Your nervousness didn't let you speak properly, but still, for some reason, you knew exactly what to say.
"Say it."
"I thought you were a man of action," You breathed out. "detective."
He smiled.
His hands — painfully — slowly went to the nape of your neck, holding it as he pressed his lips against yours, devouring it slowly, torturing you with it.
The kiss was the epitome of breathtaking. His lips moved slow and tenderly against yours, savouring you like it was his last meal.
He could live the rest of his life devoting himself to kissing you. How could it taste so sweet?
Jay wasn't much of a religious man, and he was even farther of believing in Greek gods. But as he felt your body against his and your sweet kiss on his lips, he was sure that you must be Aphrodite's work.
Masterpiece, actually.
His hands traveled around your body, feeling your curves, trying to memorize it so he didn't feel so sad when they weren't against his fingertips — even though that he knew it would be his life's biggest torment.
And he got a taste of it when he had to part himself from your lips.
"What were you saying, baby?" He asked, with a smug smile on his face.
"Fuck you, Jay Halstead." You said before kissing him again, feeling his smile melt against your mouth as your fingers intertwined his hair.
"You wish." He mumbled against your lips, lifting you up by your thighs and wrapping them around his waist.
Jay warmth was definitely more than enough to melt the ice wall away.
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wolfiesmoon · 8 months
Chip bag
Itadori x fem!reader
So today on the train ride home me and my classmates were talking about boys...
(This is inspired by real life events in case u couldnt tell lmaooo)
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"How did you guys meet?" Your friend asked your classmate sat across from you. You reached into your bag of chips absentmindedly, also curious to hear her story.
"Me and my boyfriend met for the first time at the park. Sometimes I go biking there, you see. He saw me one day and really wanted to ask for my number." She started, your friend and another classmate nodding along. "He ended up getting scared and not doing it, but he waited in the park every day, hoping I would show up again until I did!" your classmates made an "awww" noise at her little story.
"How about yours?" She passed on the question to her friend. "Ohhh, you guys know that summer camp that everyone here goes to?" everyone nodded along again, your chip bag making a crumpling noise as you pulled out another chip.
"I met him there, basically. What about you?" She asked your friend, sat next to you. "Oh, we started talking over social media because we had mutual friends and it kind of evolved from there."
You couldn't really add much to the conversation, considering you have no boyfriend, but if there's one thing you can say...
"Hey, why don't you guys set me up with someone?" You said jokingly, nudging your friend's shoulder. "Hahah, I can do that easily." Your friend smiled back at you.
"But, then again..." you took out another chip, "I kind of want to just, meet someone on my own, I guess. Like you know how in those romantic comedies, they bump into eachother and then it all escalates from there? Like that."
"How often does that actually happen to people, though?" The girl sat across you questioned. You shrugged, smiling to yourself.
The conversation continued, with you listening in, when suddenly-
"Hey, can I have one, please?" You were surprised to hear a guy's voice by your side, looking up from your seat to get a better look at him.
He had salmon colored hair and two strange creases under his wide brown eyes. You immediately got the vibe of "cheerful, approachable guy" from him.
"Ah, oh, sure." You realise you were probably staring at him for a little too long, raising your bag higher so he can take out a few chips. He did so, thanking you and going back to his seat, where two people wearing the same uniform were waiting for him.
Huh, must be his classmates.
Wait, why are you even still looking at him? You quickly look away to find your classmates trying to supress their giggles. "What...?" You ask, slightly confused.
"Hahaha, speaking of romantic comedy encounters..." one of them half-whispered. Oh. Oh.
"Imagine your kids ask you "Hey mom, how did you meet dad?" And then you just say "He asked me for chips one time", hahahah..." another added.
"Hey, we're basically strangers, don't marry us and give us kids in your head." You scolded, crossing your arms. But you couldn't lie, even though you barely exchanged any words, he did have a charm about him. You glanced at him again, thinking about what just happened.
"So, the math professor freaking LOST it." You snapped out of it, putting your focus back on your classmates. Your classmates have already stopped giggling by now, moving on to the next daily topic.
You tried not to keep looking to him, secretly hoping that this might not be your first and final interaction.
"You couldn't ask her for her number, could you?" Nobara crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow at Yuuji's defeated expression.
He simply shook his head no. "This is exactly why you can't get a girlfriend." Nobara huffed, looking out the window.
"Listen, you'll get another chance, you'll meet her again soon enough. I'm only saying this so you won't be all sad and heartbroken on our mission, by the way." Megumi leaned on his palm, sighing.
"Just say you care, you idiot." Nobara also sighed.
"I hope I do meet her again." He said after a bit of silence, glancing back at you as you stood at the train doors, about to exit on your stop.
Hopefully you go on this train every day.
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
omg okay this was originally going to be an ask about what you think the ring of wisdom may look like because i wanted to try and hunt something down that was similar to buy (mc has both the ring of light and ring of wisdom by season three I think, and i own the ring of light irl)
BUT THEN i went on the wiki and found out it's made of brass and iron, and also learned that u treasure created the ring of light look since it never appeared in canon (i can dream of them making the other half but unlikely as Solomon is a side character, sad)
AND THEN i was reminded that Michael gave the ring of wisdom to solomon so he could control demons more easily and not have the giant strain. But why give it to him? Why this specific sorcerer? Why aid in that?
So now I'm in a rabbit hole of wondering WHEN solomon got the ring. And if it was after the brothers fell, did Michael do it on purpose? Was he aiming for solomon to become powerful enough to even control the seven of the brothers? AND HOW DID HE FIND SOLOMON AT ALL? I have so many questions now
- ✨ anon
Hmm well if I remember correctly, Solomon gives MC a ring when they become a full fledged sorcerer, but I didn't think it was the Ring of Wisdom that he gave them? Perhaps I misinterpreted that part??
(Side note, I'm almost glad they aren't like to make Solomon's Ring of Wisdom just because OH THE TEMPTATION.)
Anyway, the question is how the heck did Solomon end up with that ring in the first place??
Oh, friend. You have unlocked a CC Solomon Theory because I've thought about this a lot.
I'm going to put it under a read more because of OG and Nightbringer spoilers!
We know almost nothing about the Ring of Wisdom. I can't remember if it's been mentioned in Nightbringer at all. And there may be more instances of it in OG that I'm not remembering. But here are two of the relevant parts:
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This is from Lesson 2-2 of OG. He says he used it to create pacts with the 72 demons. Now, it's obvious that Asmo is one of those 72 demons, which means Solomon wouldn't be able to make a pact with him until after Lucifer & co fell. However, I don't think that means that Solomon didn't start making all his pacts before they fell.
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This is from Lesson 29-5 in OG. And he says that Michael gave him the ring at a point in his life when he was lost, etc.
What does that mean? Is that before or after Solomon met Barbatos?
Now, there is also a part in Nightbringer where Solomon says that he met a friend back when he was locked up in the basement. He says that his new friend's family came to get them, but that they would come back from time to time and talk to him. He promise the friend he would be a good sorcerer so he could protect humanity.
What if that was Michael?
If it was, maybe Michael gave him the Ring of Wisdom around this time. Maybe Michael did it because he wanted to help Solomon protect humanity.
But this is also the story Solomon couldn't tell MC entirely. He stops part way and says he doesn't have the courage. Which means something else happened then, too. Probably something bad.
So I dunno, this is just a theory. But it could explain why Michael gave Solomon the ring to begin with. If it happened before the brothers fell, his motivation could have purely been to help Solomon protect humanity.
Of course, it's possible that wasn't Michael at all and was actually someone else. In which case we would be back to square one with the question of why Michael gave Solomon the ring.
It would be rather sinister if Michael gave it to Solomon after the brothers fell for the sole purpose of Solomon being able to control them.
It makes sense that Michael would need a human for this because he can't make pacts with the demons himself. But maybe Solomon didn't want to do what Michael wanted him to do and therefore decided to do his own thing instead. He only has a pact with one of the brothers, so he's not exactly going through with that idea.
If Michael is Nightbringer, this could explain why Solomon said that Nightbringer made him who he is. At the same time, it's pretty clear from Solomon's conversation with Nightbringer that he disagrees with Nightbringer and is kinda defiant.
But if Michael is Nightbringer and he's always wanted to control the brothers, that could explain why Nightbringer wanted MC to make pacts with all of them. Perhaps by creating pacts with the brothers in the past, MC has strengthened their pacts with the brothers in the future, too. That could make it easier for MC to control them, especially to control them all at once.
Which is kinda the point of the Ring of Wisdom. As you said, it's meant to allow someone to control multiple demons without it being as draining on the body.
Unfortunately, I still feel like I don't have enough evidence for any of these theories to say for sure that I think they're right. I kinda always thought Solomon's friend was Michael because to me that seems like the scenario that makes the most sense and fits with the Ring of Wisdom situation.
But in the end, I'm hoping they will reveal more about this part of the backstory. Even if I'm totally wrong, I would still very much like to know why Michael gave Solomon the Ring of Wisdom. Because that feels like a really big deal and so far all they've done is just kinda mention it briefly.
ANYWAY well you see I spend too much time thinking about this stuff. But I also have many questions! Here's hoping we get the answers soon!
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mikachacha · 9 months
𝙶𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝙲𝚊𝚛 (𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
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Synopsis: You met Bada when she recently broke off with Howl. You were there for her, you built her up and now, she's left you picking up the remaining pieces of your heart after you mader her's whole again.
Warnings: cheating, language and this one will be heavy 🥹🫶
(A/N: This idea is inspired from Taylor Swift's song, Getaway Car. Yeah I'm a huge swiftie if you can't tell already 😫 and the idea is further fueled by @nimixie who gave me the idea of cheating Bada so thank u so muchhhh)
"Bada, just.. Just tell me the truth! I'm tired of you lying straight to my face. Just please, just this once.. Are you dating Howl again?" you asked Bada after she came home from a supposedly class but a friend of yours spotted Bada, going on a date with Howl and even snapped a pic of the two kissing.
"Y/N that's not true.. Howl and I are just friends.." Bada lied once more and you couldn't stop your tears from falling as you handed your phone to her, showing her the pictures of them kissing just earlier. Bada's eyes widened as she looked at the pictures and tried to apologize, promising that it meant nothing but you're done.
"Save it, Bada. I'm just a getaway car for you, aren't I? Just someone you can use to forget all the pain you're feeling and once you're okay again, you'll discard me as if I meant nothing. You never really loved me in the first place, you just needed me." you looked at her, heart aching from the betrayal. You loved her truly but you were just nothing to her.
You packed your belongings and left, Bada didn't even tried to stop you, she just let you be. She just let you pick up the broken pieces of your heart after you made her's whole again.
A few weeks has gone by and you're trying your best to be okay again but it was a hard thing to do, especially when news of Bada and Howl being a couple again is the hottest talk of town. She didn't even bothered hiding the fact that they're back together but when she was with you, she kept you like a secret. She would introduce you to people as her best friend, wouldn't hold your hand in public and would often just keep you at home.
"Y/N.." you heard a familiar voice call you when you were at the restroom of the bar that you're currently hanging out at, that made your heart ache and tears well up in your eyes. It's Bada.
"Bada, don't. Just don't.. I'm trying to live my life in peace, let me have that." you told her without looking at her. You know you'd break down, beg her to be with you and you know too well that's exactly what she wants to happen but you're not giving her that satisfaction, not again.
"Look, I just want to say sorry for everything.. Believe it or not, I did love you. I loved you.." she spoke and your sadness was replaced by anger when she said those words.
"Loved me? Bada, you don't have to fool me or yourself anymore. You and I both know that you never did! You just needed me to make you feel loved, to fill the void that Howl left when you two broke up.. I'm just a seat warmer for him just in case he comes back or you found someone better. You know what, fuck you and fuck all of your lies! Don't ever talk to me again and leave me the fuck alone!" you bursted out and ran out of the rest room and out of the bar, crying inside your car because you couldn't deny that you still love her. You loved her even more than yourself but all you got from her was betrayal.
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generalpalacefishgoop · 5 months
Bad reveals to Pomme about Ron
Ghostie :"What happened to Ron?"
Bad :"Um...poor Ron. We need to visit him. He's been alone."
Pomme :"Who?"
Bad :"Oh um, yeah Pomme, did I tell you about the federation worker that I kidnapped?-"
Pomme :"?????"
Bad :"-while you guys were kidnapped? Oh yeah, so uh basically I kidnapped a federation worker. Locked him in the basement in our house in a little dungeon and um.. fed him nice meals of chicken."
Pomme :"WHY THO"
Bad :"Oh yeah I was trying to get information, like I thought the Federation had kidnapped you. This was before it turned out that they hadn't kidnapped you....but I didn't know that was the case. So, in my defense......anyway...um point is, kidnapped him, held him in our house for a little bit.."
Pomme :"Nah fair enough"
Bad :"Yeah, that's what I'm saying, that's what I'm saying...then um basically....yeah...eventually...he kinda became family...and I let him go...well...that's not true, I didn't let him go, I still couldn't risk him like telling the Fed about what was going on...so uh....-"
Pomme :"Okay wdym family now 0_0"
Bad :"Yeah no he's kinda family now, but he's in a house somewhere. I put him in a little farm. That's not like a saying, like "put him on the farm" and meaning like I killed them, that's not what I mean, I put him on an actual tiny farm that's very cute, I built it. Um...and then lo and behold, got you guys back, showed him to Dapper, and uh yeah, they became "friends"-ish, I think. Eh yeah fun, its a fun little romp, but he's kinda been alone there for a while."
Pomme :"Can we really trust him? D:"
Bad :"Well...Pomme...that's kinda why...he's still...anyway that's kinda why...he is still...-"
Pomme :"mhm?"
Bad :"-on the farm, cuz can I really trust him, I mean I'm pretty sure I can...I don't think he would betray us, but the problem is Pomme, he gets kidnapped...by the Fed again...reveals like info...-
Pomme :"yeaaaaaaah"
Bad :"-about the location...about the fact that I kidnapped him...anyway it just creates this giant pain in the butt. That's just not worth it. So-"
Pomme :"kinda got yourself in annn interesting situation it's the least we can say"
Bad :"Yeah, he's gotta stay kidnapped for a liiiiitle bit longer. But I think he likes it, on one hand, I think he kinda likes being kidnapped um...nah that's not true he doesn't like it at all, um yeah its the least we can say. Exactly, its like "Hey buddy, as soon as we take down the Federation or they agree not to punish and/or kill me...well...try to kill me..for any wrongdoing, then we're golden!
Pomme :"lmao can they kill you?"
Bad :"uh...I mean it hasn't happened yet, Pomme...knock on wood...um but theoretically, Pomme, they could lock me up, which would kiiind of suck. Yeah, getting locked up is kind of on my "no" list of things I'd rather not have happen."
Pomme :"Nahhh we would free you"
Bad :"Yeah no that would- I hope you would free me. I know you and Dapper like to watch a lot of TV and so it might seem fun to keep your father locked away but-"
Pomme :"I'll go to war against them if needed"
Bad :"Aww, thank you, Pomme. I appreciate that. Hopefully, that doesn't come to pass...but at least I know I can count on you and Dapper. Just make sure you guys are taking care of yourselves."
"You know the worse part is, Pomme, even if, today I had been there, or even if, I had the NINHO 2.0 the egg basket egg carton set up today er yesterday, it still wouldn't have saved Empanada. That's the horrible thing, cuz I would've had to get them all set up today. Urgh that's suuuucks. Urrrrrggh."
Pomme :"I mean. I meannnnn. U know me"
"It'll still prevent future accidents"
Bad :"Everything's gonna be ok."
Pomme :"I meannnnn I'll go to war to save any of the people I love you already know that"
Bad :"No I know Pomme, I know... (continues building and stops) Urrggghh I'm so done, all the death, all the pain, all the suffering."
Pomme :"I'm so upset :D They will pay :D"
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hotchlove · 3 months
Trustworthy | Reader X Aaron Hotchner
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hi!!! welcome to my first one-shot fanfic :) i had a blast writing this and hope u'll have even more fun reading it.
• i take requests! plsss dm me or leave them here if u have anything fun you'd like me to write. it can be angst, anytype of trope, smut, etc. • PLZ NOTE: i ONLY do oneshots. they differ from long to short depending on the character and story. i do not write series! • trustworthy - 3.1k+ words (i got carried away D:) • desc.: - quite a bit of angst - probable inaccurate description of readers job - happy ending ♡
• • • • ~ ʚĭɞ ~ • • • • ~ ʚĭɞ ~• • • • ~ ʚĭɞ ~• • • • ~ ʚĭɞ ~ • • • •
it's been about five or six months since i've joined the behavioral analysis unit in the fbi. it's not like i've been counting the days...
who am i kidding? it's been exactly 191 days - whereas like 2 of those days my boss, SSA Aaron Hotchner, was actually nice to me.
those being my first two shifts.
on the third day, i had to make a spontaneous choice whilst on a case - one that, sure, was reckless and stupid and to quote hotch "unprofessional", but i managed to save many unpredictable lives with that choice.
we were on a case in miami, a state the team hasn't visited yet up until that day.
it was a 3h flight but it was a big case, so those hours flew on by as garcia briefed us. a 36 year old mother recently lost her teenage child to the hands of a drunk and supposedly has had hallucinations of her late child telling her to kill other kids, as revenge, i'm guessing - spooky, right?
i suggested manic schizophrenia - clear symptoms and obvious manic signs (the killings). that suggestion kind of cleared the foggy air on the jet. hotch gave me a nod of approval and i felt pretty damn proud of myself, it was only my third day after all.
on the third and last day, we finally cornered the woman on a traffic free highway. she had no where to run, agents were surrounded all around her - but she was holding a shotgun. the simple way out would've been having one of our federal snipers shoot her - but i couldn't let that happen. she killed the children of many, and letting her die a painless and simple death just didn't feel right.
i swatted the snipers away, the red laser that was planted on her forehead now gone. i throw my gun on the floor and pretend to surrender, hands up. "you remind me of my mother." i tell her, my arms up.
"Y/N." hotch warns me. his eyebrows furrow as he sees me now weaponless, basically staring the shotgun in it's eyes. i don't turn to him, i don't even acknowledge him. "she tried so hard to protect me." i say and walk tiny steps towards the woman, who now walks backwards to avoid me.
"stop! one more move and i-i'll shoot." no she won't. "she basically devoted her life to making sure i remain scratchless and pure." i chuckle.
"well, look how that turned out. i've got scars all over my body and a fun memory to come with all of them." i get even closer to her. "i know how you feel. i know how much you miss him." the woman cries and nods.
"i do. i really do. what did i do wrong?!" she yells and she points the shotgun at me. "i protected him like he was made out of glass, whilst other mothers - bad ones - let their kids wander everywhere alone."
hotch jumps a little seeing the woman point her hefty gun at me. "Y/N. move." he warns, his tone as stern as his expression.
i shake my head but don't look back. "other mothers - bad ones - still have their kids. and mine," her tears fall. "my baby boy got swept off his feet the only time - an exception - when he got to walk home alone from school." she cries.
"you're right. you did everything right," i reassure her and walk even closer, only 10 meters standing between me and the shotgun barrel.
"except you forgot one thing," i scoff. "teaching him to grow the fuck up."
the gun drops to the floor shortly after she shoots. morgan runs towards her, putting the metal cuffs on her wrist. he reads her rights and takes her to the sheriffs wagon that was parked just 2 minutes away.
the bullet didn't hit me - she had no idea how to take an accurate shot. god, she barely even held that shotgun - the weight of it almost holding her instead of the other way around.
"agent Y/L/N!" hotch runs towards me, i pick myself up. "we got he-" i get interrupted by him. "what is wrong with you?!" he yells.
"are you actually insane? i gave you a direct order to move. do you think of me as a fool?" he yells, his voice basically growling.
"excuse me? i just basically handed her to you." i say, offended he's yelling at me for doing my job. "and in the process you almost got your head blown off." he's even angrier as i talk back.
"head blown off?" i scoff. "hotch, the woman couldn't even hit a giant red target if she tried. it was a risk i had to ta-" he interrupts me again.
"no- no, agent. it wasn't. you put your life on the line to appear macho infront of everyone here." he puts his pistol in it's holder and crosses his arms, taking slow but sure steps towards me. "you took control of the case like you're a veteran - but actually, you're just a rookie that will probably quit in the span of 2 months because you'll realise you can't do this." he growls again. that one hurt. "badge and gun. you're flying back to quantico tonight. i'll put in a request for a two week suspension as soon as i am back." he holds out his hand, waiting for me to hand him my gun and badge. my eyebrows furrow. "what?" my mouth parts - speechless. "you can't be serious." i say, unsure if he is. he's silent for an entire minute.
so he is serious. i give in - i have to, he's my boss, so i hand him my badge and my gun. without saying anything, i walk away. leaving the crime scene, wasn't authorized to be there anymore anyway. and ever since that day, 188 days ago, aaron hotchner has got it in for me.
everyones sitting in the briefing room except me and garcia. i walk in 2 minutes late and excuse myself, "sorry, lost track of time." JJ nods and hotch says "you own a watch, don't you, agent?" his angry expression once again tainting his face.
god i'd pay a ridiculous amount of money to punch him just once. "yes, sir. will not happen again." i reassure.
no one calls hotch sir except me. it's kind of a unspoken rule - the others are close to him, which i am not. which i will probably never be, considering he still judges my mistake as a way to not trust me with anything.
garcia walks in just a minute after me "sorry, guys, kevin was blabbing and blabbing and i could not get him to shut up." she says and smiles awkwardly. "it's fine" hotch says. "everyone's allowed to be late - once." he raises an eyebrow and looks at me.
just one punch.
JJ briefs us on the case and tells us the local police department doesn't want us there - so she's going to have to convince them, which can take a day or two. i don't mind - i was honestly not in the mood for a flight today. everyone goes back to their every day business. files, reports, coffee and smalltalk in the kitchen - or for morgan and garcia, friendly flirting in her office.
me and spencer are both stirring a fresh cup of good ol' joe in the kitchen, talking - or well, he's talking - about some new physics crap. i just nod and pretend i understand.
the color of the beige wall behind him looks particularly interesting today. he keeps explaining and suddenly goes "BOOM!" his hands wide and i jump a little at the noise - spilling coffee all over my pink blouse. i look at him annoyed, "oh my god. i will murder you." he can't contain his laugh and bursts, "i was just demonstrating!" then goes running out of the kitchen before i can get to him. i sigh and look at my now brown blouse - this would be awfully devastating if i didn't have a go-bag. i place my almost empty mug in the kitchen sink and head towards my tabe - emily giving me a curious stare. "what happened to you?" she scoffs, "physics." i reply and take my go-bag, fishing out the only blouse i have - a white one.
emily just nods at my remark and goes back to her file as if it was the most normal thing ever. considering it's me - it probably was. i change in the ladies room and scrunch my coffee splattered blouse into a ball. standing infront of my mirror i realise how see-through this blouse is - especially with a pink bra that i wore just for the pink blouse. "you have got to be kidding me." my eyes widen. it's really not that bad, but it's noticeable. so noticeable HR might force us all into a "appropriate clothing" seminar tomorrow. i really don't have much of a choice so i walk out like that, hoping or praying no one notices. my hope is diminished when i meet garcia in the bullpen, holding her palm to her hand so she doesn't burst out laughing. "not a word, garcia." i look at her, my eyes shooting arrows. thank god for kevin, as he comes and pecks her lips, her surpressed laughter now gone like the wind. saved by the bell. or well, by a kiss. i sit down at my table and keep working on my reports - if i slouch down enough you really can't see it. i'm a great problem solver. a rough, deep voice calls my name from a distance, "agent Y/L/N, my office, please." hotch says standing in his doorway. my head drops in defeat - i really have no luck today. i grab the file i was working on and hold it on my chest, basically hugging it - it makes me look weird but not weirder than having my pink bra open for everyones eyes. i stand infront of his door, mumbling to myself about how i hate my life and knock twice. "come in" hotch says, his eyes glued to his computer. "sir. you wanted to see me?" he nods and tells me to sit down, still not looking up. and so i do, i sit down and keep hugging my file like it's gonna grow legs and walk away. he finally raises his head and looks at me. his eyebrows furrow at the sight of me holding for dear life on the file, "is that for me?" he asks. "huh?" the file. "oh, no- i just really like this file." i smile awkwardly and his mouth parts as if he wanted to say something more, but he doesn't. the embarassement i'm feeling right now could wash half the population off of the earth. "you're gonna have to be transfered to a different unit." he says and coughs, his throat sounding almost dry as he barely speaks that sentence. my eyes widen to 3x their size, "what? but i didn't do-" i take a breath. "i didn't do anything wrong? you're just gonna transfer me? just like this? wh- i don't get it." i rise from my seat not realising i let my file drop. he stares at my chest and then back to my eyes like 10 times till i realise. i heastily grab the file again, sit back down and cover my chest back up, "i spilled coffee on my other blouse." i explain. hotch sighs, "it wasn't my decision. strauss wants you gone." he coughs again. "i tried to convince her, agent." i scoff. sure he did. he was probably the first one to agree to the transfer. "you're joking, right?" i stand up once again, file still in my embrace. "i know you want me gone. i just know you were the first one to agree with strauss decision." i raise my voice slightly. "wanting me gone is one thing, so is transferring me - but lying about it? you're pathetic." hotch's eyebrows furrow. he doesn't seem angry, he just seems.. apologetic? "agent, listen to m-" this time i interrupt him, "i'm done listening," i drop the file on his table "here. it's yours now." i exit his office but notice in my peripheral vision that he stood up, as if wanting to follow me. all eyes are on me and how i storm to my desk, either that or my pink bra. but i don't care. i grab my bag and jacket, my files still scattered around my desk - but they're not mine anymore, so why should i care? "Agent Y/L/N." hotch calls and exits his office, i ignore him and just keep walking. "Y/N." he calls me by my first name now. i notice the elevator is about to leave so i ask the person in it to hold it, a hand splitting the doors as i manage to walk in just in time, aaron standing 10 feet away looking defeated. --
i took a cold shower as soon as i got home to calm my nerves. didn't help much but pretending it did helps. got myself dressed in a large shirt and some raggedy pyjama pants and poured myself a glass of red wine. then another one. i'm reliving today in my thoughts - why did i get fired from the bau? and why did aaron - sorry, hotch - lie? everyone knows he despises me and wanted me gone as soon as possible, and he did so, why lie then? i gulp down another sip of wine and hear a knock at my door. if this isn't the chinese food i ordered i'll be heavily disappointed. i open the door without checking who it is and see hotch standing infront of my apartment door, the arms of his dress shirt folded up to his elbows and his jacket held on his shoulder by his hand. he looks pissed. like always but worse. "what are you doing here? i don't need to transfer to another apartment, do i?" i mock him and cross my arms. "can i come in?" he asks with a stern expression. "why?" i look at him, awaiting an explanation. i'm not just gonna let my asshole boss into my apartment with no plausible reason. "we need to talk. please." his expression changes and my heart breaks a little. i don't know why. i hate him. he's rude and selfish and made me doubt my career. but i let him in anyways. i take a seat on a bar stool at my kitchen island, sipping on my red wine waiting for him to say what he has to say. "i didn't request your transfer. i didn't agree with strauss either." i scoff but he keeps talking before i can, "but i couldn't disagree either." i knew it. god this motherf- "you got offered a unit chief position." he says and my eyes widen. "it's gonna be great for your career. it's a better pay and everything." he walks towards me and chuckles, "you'd be in a higher department than me, and that within just 6 months of working at the fbi." my eyebrows furrow, he better not be playing with me because i'm believing every second of it. "i didn't want you gone. you're an amazing agent and we," he gulps. "i was so lucky to have you. but i can't deny you a promotion out of my own selfish reasons." my mouth parts as i inhale a small breath. this is.. unexpected, to say the least. "hotch, i'm so sorry for going off at you like that." he shakes his head, "don't apologise. i know how i've been treating you and it was unfair. and totally unprofessional." he takes small steps towards me, stopping just infront of me. he swipes a strand of hair behind my ear and my body freezes - his warm fingers slightly touching my ear, his gaze so soft. i've never seen him so vulnerable before. "i care for you. and even though i handled it poorly, i thought i'd lose you on just your third day." he exhales and his arms now cross. "i couldn't let that happen. so ever since, i thought going hard on you would cause you to be more careful, less reckless." his head drops and his eyebrows furrow. "i know it was selfish, and god did i hate seeing you on the verge of tears everytime i had to discipline you." he looks me straight in the eyes, they no longer shoot fire arrows, they shoot soft looks and quick smiles as his mouth curls a little. "i'm sorry, Y/N. and i hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me." he closes his eyes and leans forward, placing a kiss on my cheek. i stand there, still frozen. i don't manage to say anything but i notice him moving. leaving. he grabs his jacket and twists the doorknob on my door without a word. "wait -" i manage to blurt out and he turns around, surprised. i walk towards him in a very quick manner, basically sprinting. if me two hours ago was put in this position, i'd finally take swing at the punch i've been begging for. but i don't. instead, i cup his cheeks in my hands and kiss him.
he doesn't react at first, the kiss starting slow, but then he grips at my waist tightly and pulls me towards him. he grins into the kiss and it feels like he just wants to eat me whole. he's greedy, unwilling to share, like he's wanted this for a while. i break the kiss so i can take a couple of breaths, he doesn't let go of my waist and looks me in the eyes. "i'm really sorry" his thumb carressing my left cheek. "you've said that."
"not enough." his lips land on mine again, this kiss shorter, more like a peck. his strong arms embrace me and my head lays on his broad chest. "isn't this unprofessional? a boss and his subordinate?" i ask as he hugs me tightly, "you're not my subordinate anymore, though, uniet chef Y/L/N." i chuckle into his embrace and pull myself away from him, looking into his eyes. "what if i don't take the job?" his eyebrows furrow and he shakes his head, "you have to, it's an amazing offer." i shrug and look up at the ceiling. "maybe. i kinda like my current work place though, i'd be willing to go back. unless of course my snarky boss won't take me." i grin playfully and he kisses my forehead. "monday 8:00 o'clock. don't be late this time."
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atlasscrumpit · 3 months
Yandere Miguel.
the reader is also a spiderman and join to the spider Society and She looks exactly like Gabriela.
when miguel see her He got really emotional He is not ready to take his eyes off her. (He even calls her many times Gabriella by mistake and treat her like he used to treat Gabriella)
The reader knows nothing of his history
Her face, Your face
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Miguel was expecting a new member of the society, he didn't usually car too much.
Just gave them a run down of what goes on and never spoke to them again, but today was different.
When he saw the new recruit standing in front of him, his heart stopped.
"Gabriella?" He whispered, staring at you.
"U-Um, no I'm Y/N." You whispered, chuckling awkwardly.
"Right... Right, sorry." He muttered shaking himself of his thoughts.
He couldn't believe how much you looked like his lost daughter.
"Okay, I'll just run you through a few things and we can talk about your abilities and everything." He muttered, still flustered.
Miguel was alone in his office, going through every single file he could find on you.
Dead parents, no family, the usual case.
He placed his head in his hands and sighed, it wouldn't be a crime to take you under his wing...right?
Time passed and what had been an innocent idea to get closer to you slowly turned into an Obsession.
He wanted to know your living situation, you friends, relationships and so much more.
One day while you were talking things started to get heated.
"I'm just asking you to back off!" You shouted at Miguel as he turned around and glared at you.
"I'm keeping you safe!" He shouted in return, being a lot louder. 
“I can keep myself safe, Miguel!” You relied before he grabbed your wrist. 
“Just let me do this for you, Gabriella!” He screamed as you stopped and stared at him in confusion. 
(The steven universe reference though)
“W-What… I’m Y/N.” You muttered as he stepped back and let go of you. 
“Right… Yes, I know. Y/N, sorry.” He muttered shaking his head. 
“You can go.” He grumbled as you looked at him. 
“Who is she…or who was she? You’ve called me that name before.” You muttered slowly walking up to him. 
“Go.” He grumbled as you shook your head. 
“No… I’m not leaving until you tell me.” You said making him sigh. 
“You’re stubborn.” He muttered shaking his head. 
He turned around and sighed. 
“She was my daughter…kind of. After I lost my fiancé I searched the multiverse for a family and I found one. But, in doing so the reality collapsed and I lost everything. You just…you look so much like her.” He whispered as you slowly moved forward and hugged him. 
He looked down in surprise before slowly hugging you back. 
“I’m sorry for what happened.” You whispered as he sighed and ran his hand through your hair softly. 
“I’m sorry I tried to make you her.” He whispered in return as you smiled a little. 
You pulled away and looked up at him. 
“Why don’t we start over?” 
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mxcat777 · 1 year
So what if
Dream is sort of Shakespeare's patron, right? So would that make Shakespeare on of His™? And if so, would he reside in the Dreaming after his death instead of the Sunless Lands?
'cause if so. Consider.
He's still writing. (A lot)
He keeps up with modern literature, but keeps writing (at least mostly) in Early Modern English (that's it, right? Do I have my lit facts straight?). Imagine his recent plays littered with slang, disney references, (un)subtle references to shit that was based on his stuff that he either loves or hates, both are good.
He's kind of a favourite of Dream's. The same way Lucienne and Jessamy and The Corinthian are. He can get away with saying shit, because if he offends Dream he can turn around and start sprouting some poetry at that vain-ass bitch and all is forgiven. (In the worst cases it takes a new play about his royal majesty the Dream King and how generous and benevolent and regal he is)
Fishbowling happens, not sure what Will would do, the plot bunny didn't care.
Dream is back, all is well, he goes to the New Inn, Hob and Dream are now officially Friends.
They meet up more bc friends see each other more often than once a century. Oh yeah friends also know each others' names and such. So Dream tells Hob a bit about himself.
At some point he's like, hey hob u wanna see the dreaming?
Hob's like yES PLz??
Hob gets a tour, and from that point on usually gets the option at night to dream normally or visit the palace.
On one fateful night, Hob decides to take a stroll through the library, goes looking for Marlowe's shelf, because he kind of wonders what other stuff that genius would have written had he lived longer.
Only to (maybe literally) bump into, you guessed it, Will Bloody Shaxberd.
He stares.
Will goes 'hey'.
And then Hob goes somewhat feral.
(no he is not over it, sue him, he's allowed to hold a grudge.)
He goes off on a rant about, see, ofc ur still plagiarizing marlowe he was so much better i can't believe dream left me for you you useless twat you couldn't write shit without him so why did you get the fucking privilege of living with him and knowing him for fucking centuries i had to fight 600 years for his bloody name and i'm guessing you got it right that first meeting hm?
And Will goes oh shit it's you! And then cuts Hob off with a "you're so right! I was an absolute shit playwright before your friend helped me!"
And Hob is... Understandably lost. This was not how it went in his head.
And then Will continues, I was so nervous the time right after that meeting, I knew he was some sort of supernatural being, no clue what though, he's really not good at introductions, is he, so I sort of assumed you were too, and I was waiting for your revenge for stealing your date away, recently found out you're actually human, albeit immortal, and it was not a date, though, speaking of, have you sorted yourselves out yet?
And Hob, quite understandably even more baffled, sort of gapes for a bit.
Before very nervously denying anything of the sort.
Will just stares.
And goes, bruv, you weren't subtle then, still aren't now, spare everyone else the UST, please, for the love of god, you two need to fuck post haste.
And Hob is like, hahaha, eh, yeah, nope, fun seeing you, BYE.
So Will sighs. And goes to see Lucienne, as any sensible person would.
Lucienne sighs as well. At which point Will steps to Dream himself.
"My lord?" "Yes, William?" "Forgive my directness, but so as not to risk any misunderstandings, what exactly is your relationship with Hob Gadling?" "We are friends. Why do you ask? Is that not clear?" "Well, to be perfectly honest, m'lord, I assumed you were... Involved™." "We are not." "But you'd like to be though, right?" "You dare presume to know-" " I dare presume to know what attraction, romance, love, all that looks like, sire. I must do, after portraying it in my plays for over four centuries. After writing several hundreds of sonnets on the topic." "I-" "In my humble opinion, my lord, it is a good match. He understands you, you continue to fascinate each other, he can provide a safe place where you need not be monarch for a moment. And of course, you are quite obviously attracted to one another sexually." "WILLIAM SH-" "Oh calm down! I'm certainly not judging either of you!" "...he is attracted to me?" "..." "Is he?" "YES! Lord give me faith! Kiss him! Go to him and teleport the both of you onto a bed! Or if you want to be sappy go slow and bring him a rose, but please, for the love of the collective sanity, do something!" "But how do you know? What if you misunderstood? What if it is unwelcome? I cannot lose him!"
At which point Will turns around, leaves the throne room, goes back to the library and rant to Lucienne
"I swear I'm going to write a play about them, just to point out how stupid this is. I feel compelled to call it a tragedy, but I think it needs to have a happy ending, otherwise Lord Broodphius would get stuck on the but what if it does end in tragedy, so I suppose a comedy would be fitting, but then again, this is too painful to watch to qualify as a comedy. Tragic comedy? Comic tragedy? I'll figure it out..."
And Lucienne is like, if you'd like to perform it properly I'm sure there are a few dreams who would be more than willing to help out, take on a role.
Hob comes back to the Dreaming a few days later and finds Will up to his elbows in paper, reference books, thesauruses and rhyming dictionaries (handy things those), and empty mugs and the like.
Will looks up, somewhat manic, and is like, Hob! Great! Just the person I wanted to see! Would you help me, please?
Hob's like, sure? Kind of apprehensive, but he gave everything some thought and decided that as long as he could go on dunking on him, he could let go of most of his jealousy (cuz that's what is was, he's mature enough to admit)
Will goes, Awesome! Tell me about you and Morphius! How do you see him, what's your story, I only ever get bits and pieces from his lordship, so I'm in severe need of some context...
And Hob is somewhat suspicious, but he indulges him, and really, telling the story comes too easy, so he gets into it completely and doesn't even notice when he starts slipping into rants about Dream, about how beautiful, and magnificent, and misunderstood, and kind, and way-out-of-his-league-but-god-dammit-he-went-and-fell-in-love-with-the-bastard-anyway he is
And Will takes studious notes.
And then goes like, so some of the sonnets I've written were with you two in mind, you wanna give me some feedback? (Ahem, sonnet 24/29, some others work too, undoubtedly, but I am no Shakespeare expert, unfortunately)
And he does something similar with Dream, maybe citing Hob's dislike of him as the reason he wants to know more about him without having to bother him overly much, like, I want to set things right between us, but I need to know more about him to do that, will you help me, m'lord
And he does
And Will just sits back and takes notes as Dream also spirals into a passion fueled rant about Hob
And all those notes end up in the eventual play
Auditions for the roles happen when Dream and Hob are out on a Not Date™ in the Waking.
There are surprisingly many auditioning for Hob's role, and surprisingly little for Dream's
Until Will points out that Dream would probably be more offended by an unworthy portrayal of his Love that of himself, at which point some of the dreams bow out entirely, bc Will knows how vain their lord is, so they decide not to risk unmaking and tactically retreat
Will is in his fucking element, it's been way too long since he's properly directed a play!
Eventually Will comes up to the Mutually Pining Idiots like, hey m'lord, Hob, I've written a new play, and I've been working with some of the dreams to make it happen, do you want to see??
So they watch. They watch as two absolute fucking idiots stumble around each other, everyone on and off stage can see how stupidly in love they are except for them, and both start sweating profusely when they start recognizing their own words quoted back at them.
The end of the play is something of a direct call-out and a plea from the dreams to please just talk to each other, fuck and get married, preferably in that order, but they're not picky.
Then everyone leaves them alone for the Conversation that is most likely going to happen.
Will stays behing hiding unobtrusively in the shadows tho.
He's not about to let all his work go to waste if these idiots ty to play it off again. He will lock them in a broom closet if he has to, watch him.
They don't.
There are like three sentences total spoken. Then they're aggressively making out.
Will leaves the room very content about his matchmaking skills.
And hey! He got a good play out of it, if he does say so himself!
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ramne7 · 1 year
First Meeting with Atsushi, Dazai, Chuuya and Ranpo (Part 1)
Soon: Kunikida, Akutagawa, and Ango (Part 2)
killing, explosion, stalking, mention of suicide, foul words, f!reader, fluff scenario
ngl you gotta be so fuckin' unlucky to meet them out of all the ppl u could've meet 💀
ps. this post and the next, next(2nd meeting) r connected obv, so some details will be kind of confusing
I'm walking up to one of the stores to buy something. I got in and picked up all the things I needed. There weren't a lot of people inside, but for some reason the moment I stepped inside I felt something is amiss and usually my gut feelings never gets wrong, so I'm confident that something is wrong and I've been trying to observe the surrounding—
“GET DOWN!” I shouted as loud as I can when I saw blinking in the upper corner of the store— just beside the CCTV camera and just like my hunch...
“AH!” A civilian screamed in shock. Something in that corner made an explosion, fortunately people who were left were already running out of the store before it exploded 1/3 of the store.
2 men came running towards the store, they introduced themselves as the Armed Detective Agency with their IDs. Though, to be honest I couldn't care less...
“Can you tell us what happened?” The boy with the er... unique? haircut asked.
“Boi, you have pretty uneven bangs”
“Oh? You thought so too” The boy wasn't offended but looks like he hears this on a daily basis. Though, I shouldn't have pointed that out.
“Oh, sorry I shouldn't have said that. Well, the CCTV camera is still working, it caught exactly what happened, it'd be better to ask the footage instead” They seemed confused.
“I made sure it wouldn't be damaged during the explosion, so that I wouldn't need to be interviewed” They said their appreciations and I said my goodbyes before going out.
OsaMUAH (DUHzai)
“Tell me... What do you know about that guy you're staring at?”
“Fuckin- Can you not talk to strangers such as me??” I got jumpscared by a guy who looked like a mummy... But hot though— priorities, anyways he's been following the guy who I have also been following, since he's the guy in my mission.
“You're with Ango aren't you” He wasn't even asking, that's a statement.
“And you're with ADA” I sighed my most tired one as this one seemed to be the most troublesome according to all the things I've heard about his glorious reputation before and after him joining the peaceful side.
“Look, you're prolly in a mission too about that guy, but my mission here is to gather informations about him, since he's one of our suspect so...” I observed his facial expression and ngl I enjoyed it more than I should've have.
“If you can exchange infos with me, I can let go of that guy for today and forget you ever followed that guy” I assumed he's also on a private matter with that guy and it seemed to be an important one considering it's only him investigating this.
“Hmm~” He gestured a thinking position. He looked at me again after 2 seconds.
“Commit a double suicide with me then it's a deal” Can I punch his pretty face?
“You can die alone” I retorted.
“Such harsh words from someone who's been enjoying herself while looking at my pretty face” I raised my eyebrow and made a disgusted face as a first response to that truthful claim.
“Fine” Was my second response.
I walked in the elevator and pressed a floor. The elevator opened and I proceeded to go to our agency. Just as I was halfway of opening the door Kunikida spoke;
“Good morning, Y/N. Good timing I have work for you” I gave him my 'really?' face.
“It's not so 'good' morning anymore” I sighed before approaching Ranpo with his requested snacks, Ranpo hugged the paper bag full of calories.
“C'mon, it's just an errand, no serious cases” Supposedly easy tasks are always the dangerous ones and Atsushi can vouch me on that one.
“Yeah, sure” I strolled my way out off the building and walked my way to the location.
I'm supposed to meet a double agent who'll be delivering an important envelope to the agency by the request of the Special Division.
An 'errand' so to say.
I spotted a guy that matches the too detailed description of the double agent, so I started approaching him before a bullet head shot him. I wandered my eyes to locate the culprit and spotted the mafioso.
“Why kill him?” I asked since that guy wasn't even in the Port Mafia.
“Well, it was a request offered with a great sum of reward. Sorry to take your double agent” The last sentence was said sarcastically. He approached the now dead guy and tried looking for something.
“Looking for this?” I smirked while raising my hand with the envelope.
“How—” He tried to get it from me when I suddenly burned the envelope.
“Too bad, it's on Kunikida's table now” I can teleport any matter that I'm currently touching to places I've been.
“You could've saved that double agent if you wanted to, why didn't you?” He asked annoyingly.
“It wasn't in my task”
I spotted the crime scene I'm assigned with. I also spotted the infamous member of ADA. I walked my way closer to the detective.
“I'm from the Special Division, Y/N. I'm only here to collect a certain evidence” He's circling around the dead body like he's looking for something on the body.
“This case is under our agency. You'll have to wait until I close this case” He replied. I sighed mentally as I was hoping to finish this task as quickly as i can.
I waited at a nearby café, since I'm not about to stand under the burning sun for a long period of time.
8 minutes later I ate some of my words.
“You're already done??” I asked the agent who's now in front of me.
“Yeah. Is this the evidence you needed” He handed me the victim's phone.
“Thanks? How'd you know?”
“Buy me those cookies first” I was informed of his obsession to sweets and his amazing deduction skills, but I wasn't expecting him to solve it in less than 10 minutes.
He hugged the paper bag full of sweet pastries.
“You're under the Special Division-Tech. The victim had no other useful belonging with her in the crime scene other than her phone and wallet, you're not wearing any gloves and you chose to not watch over the crime scene in case the evidences get touched or go missing, so you're not here to collect any DNA nor did you need the contents inside the wallet. The phone gave away your position as a tech” He explained before walking away.
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miitarashi · 6 months
OK, so being a woman, in many cases, means getting the dreaded bloodbath, so, as someone who gets the most painful and heavy periods known to man (thats how i feel anyway, i often get cramps that leave me physically unable to walk for up to almost four hours), could u do headcannons where Tintin takes care of the reader during that time? What he would do if we had cramps or just feeling ill on our period, I just think he would be a total sweetheart when it comes to caring for someone who feels sick
Nah i totally feel you on this one,i have really bad cramps too lol. Such cute request need to be done 😌👌🏽
[Name] = reader (female)
Warnings: bloodbath cuz God fucking dammit-
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☆Tintin headcanons☆
- Taking care of you on your period
Let's just start by the fact that this boy didn't had that much contact with other womans before. You was the first more active in his life.
Castaphiore is not that present so she don't properly count here (even more on the movie since Tintin only saw her,not even talked before lol)
So,he didn't really know what to expect,to say that he wasn't surprised is a lie even more watching your squirm in pain because of the bloodbath of the month coming down.
The boy got scared for a second,confused and then was just the "Oh..." from the realization lol.
But if you was dramatic about it (just like me,always feel like i'm dying slowly) it'll be 100% more funny. Like
Tintin just got back from the library passing by your home,hear your painful pleas and rush to see you squirming in pain
"[Name],what happen? Are you hurt?"
"Yes! I'm dying!! It hurts like hell! .....i'm seen the light...it's so bright..."
"[Name] don't say it,tell what is wrong,where are you hurted??"
"...Tintin...Tintin my love...my last words...listen and listen well..."
"[Name] please stop and explain!"
"It's this damm uterus!! Take this out!!"
".....what in the great heavens-"
After you finally calmed down (just enough to not make another drama) and explain about the period bro was literally like this 😐
Almost gave him a heart attack but hey! It was hurting you know? You had your reasons.
But after all drama,he soon put his hands at work asking what you wanted and what would make you feel better in his jornalist kinda of way gauthering all the information he could to not need to ask again,only act.
Even more after seen your state,feeling this much pain couldn't be normal.
First thing he did was to get the water compress with hot water for you and quickly get out to buy whatever you asked.
Chocolate,medicine,pads and everything and he new the type since he made sure to ask about it.
Your fluid temper was even a bit funny to watch. In a moment he was cuddling with you because you asked and wanted comfort but suddenly you pushed him away complaining about the closeness.
But as soon he walked a little away you begged for him to come back receiving a well deserved smug look from him.
If you got angry,that was the easy one. He already deal with Haddock,bro now the hints.
"Indeed,you're right"
"Now now..." smoothly coming closer,putting a hand on your shoulder and a chocolate bar on the other. "You're indeed right my dear,now,don't force yourself too much,here" slowly moving the bar towards your mouth that you open and munch the sweet
"There,better?" You nod. "Cuddles and nap?" You nod again and softly follow him.
Bro need one chocolate and a dream lol.
He spend the whole day with you until you feel better,even so he still stay just to be sure that at least the excrutiating pain passed.
And he respect every little thing. You become clingy? He'll keep you around,hugging you from behind,resting his head on your shoulder while watching something, never fully keeping his hands off you.
Want space? He'll keep close just enough to hear and help you with anything you need.
Suddenly feeling sad and ugly? Shower you with compliments saying every little thing he likes or find cute while caressing the back of your hand with his thumb.
Renting and mumbling? Keep talking because this man is listening and focused on your words to discuss about it independent of the subject.
Overal,he'll do his utmost best to help yoi with the monthly bloodbath, even more prepared after this first proper experience of your living hell that you'll not pass alone anymore 😘
A/N: Hey there! Sorry for the late post,just really was working on that one long fic i just posted on my AO3 account but! I'm back now to write the requests that are getting dust on my ask box lol. And bro??? Why and how i'm so close to have 100 followers?? Like what- thank you guys so much! 😘
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js-a-writer · 8 months
First of all how is ur day/ night going, hope it's going well if not I hope it gets better. But I was wondering if u could make like an angst or fluff or both story for Jimmy Palmer of NCIS based off of "Darling...you can't just say things like that." Or "Come on, you know you can't hide forever." Where the reader may be having a rough time or maybe there is a lot of teasing going on? With the second one it can be a little flirty just nothing like too much if u can. Of course u don't have to do this request but if u do take as much time as you need and remember to drink lots of fluid and eat food and prioritize more important things in life and get to this whenever have a lovely day/night!
So I did see your requests, but I came up with another idea for one of the prompts and did that instead. I'll do your requests exactly how you wanted them, but I just had to get this out first. I actually had a plan figured out for yours, but my brain did not follow that. Again sorry, I will still make your other request(s) if you want. Just message me privately!
Summary: You and Jimmy get into a petty argument and end up healing it in the cutest, most romantic way possible.
Warnings: Angst (to fluff)
Petty Arguments
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You and Jimmy had been working very hard on this case spending endless days, working long hours to find out what had happened to this poor Naval Officer.
You both had been so stressed out, with him spending forever in Autopsy with Ducky's long and pointless stories, and you with piles of research and investigation runs, along with the constant nagging from Tony for the both of you.
You had started to become easily irritable with the lack of sleep; every little thing seemed to set you off. You and Jimmy had walked into your small apartment with dark circles under your eyes, shoulders slumped, kicking off your shoes before collapsing on the couch.
Jimmy was heading to the kitchen, putting the keys on the counter and searching the cabinets for something to eat for dinner. "Don't bother. You won't find anything. I'll just order something." you triedly stated, rubbing at your eyes. "But we haven't had a decent, home-cooked meal together in what feels like forever." Jimmy says coming to sit next to you on the couch.
"Jimmy, I'm tired. Let's just order something and head to bed, yeah?" Jimmy sighs. He hasn't spent quality time with you in weeks it feels like. "I just wanted to spend time with you." Jimmy muttered under his breath. "Look, I'm sorry that we haven't had much quality time together later, but this case is different. It requires long hours and lots of focus. I'm exhausted and just want to eat and go. To. Sleep." you said harshly.
You were growing increasingly frustrated and Jimmy could tell. You continue to order somethig knowing he was done with the argument. "I ordered a pizza. It should be here in about 30 minutes." you say walking off. He sighs again.
"Whatever Jimmy, I'm done with this. Eat, don't eat. I. Don't. Care!" you say storming into the bedroom. You decide to take a bath, to try and relax yourself. Turning on the water, you began to strip, until you were completely naked, stepping into the tub.
Jimmy started to overthink (as he usually did) and he went to the bedroom to look for you, but you weren't there. He started panicking, thinking you had left but when he heard a soft spalsh come from the bathroom he knew you were in there. He stepped in an saw you in the tub relaxing with your eyes shut. A book was on the table next to you, as were a few candles and your phone.
You had your head leaned back, your hair thrown up in a loose bun, some of your curls/fly aways falling out of it, onto your beautiful face. Jimmy couldn't help but to admire you as he took a few steps closer to take your hand in his. You opened your eyes to see him sitting next to the tub, his head resting on the rim, with his hand in yours.
"Hi," he quietly says, testing the waters before actually talking to you about what had happened. "Hi." you say in a whisper, fearing your voice would betray you if you spoke any louder. Jimmy was about to say something when he saw your slightly bloodshot eyes looking into is, and the candles illuminating the tear stains on our cheeks.
"Oh, my darling, have you been crying?" he said tears forming in his own eyes at the thought of you crying because of some stupid, pointless agrument between the two of you. You looked down and he lifted your chin for you to look at him again. "Did you not think I would notice?" he asks, genuinely curious.
"I thought I could hide in here and you wouldn't notice." you say tears forming in your shiny, glittering eyes, again. "Come on, you know you can't hide forver." he says half serious. "I know, I'm so sorry. I've just been so stressed with work, and I know you have too! I've just been so frustraed and took it out on you, I'm so sorry, Baby." you confessed, tears spilling out of your eyes.
Jimmy got up from the floor and you feared he was leaving you. But instead he started to strip, gesturing for you to move up so he could slide in behind you. When the two of you got comfortable, you resting your back against his chest, and him leaning back on the tub, with you in his arms.
He kisses your head in reassurance, "Baby, you don't have to appologise. I know you've been stressed, and I know you've been trying so hard and putting your all into this case." "But that's no excuse, you've been working just as hard as I have down in Autopsy with Ducky. I shouldn't have taken my frustration out on you, and for that I am truly sorry."
"Appology accepted!" he smiles as he pulls you impossibly closer and squeezing you in a tight bear hug. "I love you, Darling," "I love you more!" "Not possible my love." you blushed at the nickname. "Fine, you win! But just this once." you exclaim, making watching motions with your poiinter and middle fingers. You both giggled and spent the rest of your night just like that; cuddled up together giggling and holding eachother close.
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luimagines · 10 months
*tumbles down a hill* HELLO THERE
tis fairy-kid anon back! I have been busy with ✨️ a d u l t i n g ✨️ I haven't had much energy to recollect more random stuff on the kiddo— so I shall leave you with a small story with what I hope is stuff already known 😂
Xenia may have had only a day with the heroes, but he already recognized her faint, quick steps.
"here kid" The Captain offered a soft smile to the young one as he handed her a bowl of warm tasty food. As expected the child didn't exactly return the gesture, but did shrink herself a bit right before running away with her food.
Warriors's eyes followed her until losing sight of her as she hid behind the Traveler.
Kids similar to her weren't that uncomon during the war; children with no parents, scavanging food, all afraid of being harmed... Xenia was an odd case though; no war nor plague had fallen on Hyrule to leave her orphan, and even then institutions already existed to protect orpahn kids, so how come she was in the middle of the forest living with fairies?
As he sat down he heard their local Traveler tell Xenia something as he attempted not to laugh. The kid stare at the fae-speaker confused, unaware of the bits of veggies sticking to her cheeks.
"oh dear" Sky, being the kind-knight he has always been, pulled out a small rag to clean the kid's face— which she allowed, though not without a bit of hesitation.
Dinner continued as normal from then on, the men all taking time to share stories between them all and making plans for the next day. Despite being active in conversation though, the Captain still kept a watchful eye over the kid. As intrigued as he was by her case he couldn't help but worry for her well-being.
Overfeeding her is his main fear right now, he still has no idea how used to food she might be or what is even her main diet— he still tries though. Either by sugesting easy to digest meals or checking her bowl before handing it to her. So far none has seemed to notice his slight change, and he is thankful for that. He does not wants to explain himself, not on this topic at least.
As bedtime approached, the heroes began to leave their spots and prepare for sleep, soon revealing a sleeping kid behind the sitting log.
Warriors panicked for a moment, quickly sitting by the child's side and checking her vitals— "still breathing" he relaxed.
He looked around, none seemed to be interested in moving Xenia to a more comfortable spot, perhaps in fear of waking and scaring her away... she had not even flinched as his touch though, so perhaps she was a deep sleeper?...
"w-wait Captain—" By the time Hyrule noticed, he already had the kid craddled on his arms. Warriors made a gesture for "silence", and quickly moved to his bedroll, placing the kid on it and covering her with his blanket. His iconic blue scarf was folded into a small bundle, perfect to be hugged by Xenia, as if it was a plushie.
She simply nuzzled the fabric in her sleep, not bothered at all by the change.
"I will take the first watch" He told the group. "I will sleep on the next available bedroll"
"that's mine" The Smith responded, with a clear grin on his face. The other heroes laughed at the Captain's expense— he should have probably payed more attention during dinner.
Fairy child!!!! The girl!!!
She's so cute!!!!!
And Warrior!!!!!!! I love big brother Warrior. I will never get tired of it. But I will also never tired of things happening at his expense. Sorry buddy! XD
Love me use of the beloved scarf blanket. <3
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sweeethinny · 2 years
Hinny Fest - day 24
Caring for each other after an injury - day twenty four
not exactly as the prompt asks, but something like because my sister might go into labor today! luv u ana <3
''How are we doing?'' Harry sat down next to Ginny, who was a lot less pale than before.
''Well,'' She smiled, but she still looked tired. He held out the damp towel and touched her lips, as he couldn't give Ginny water, let her lips be slightly damp. ''I just wanted to drink water...''
''Soon it will be over,'' Harry promised. ''They are tidying up the operating room, and we'll be going there soon.''
''I wish I'd gotten it by natural childbirth,'' Ginny sniffled, tears welling up in her eyes. With her hand already full of things that would keep her hydrated and connected to that medical equipment, she cleaned her face, her fingers were swollen and the back of her hand was a little purple from the several needles she had received.
Harry didn't know what to say, it wasn't something he learned about in the motherhood book.
''I'm sorry,'' was all he could think of. ''But you did your best, and that doesn't mean a defeat,''
''I know,'' Ginny sniffed, taking his hand and holding on tight. ''Don't leave my side, please.''
''Never,'' He kissed her fingers. ''I'll be there. I won't let anyone hurt you,'' They had heard about some cases of obstetric violence and other horrible things that happened in the delivery rooms. Harry would kill someone if they did that to Ginny. ''I love you. This will soon be over, and then we'll go home and I'll take care of you and our boy,''
''If something happens-''
''Nothing's going to happen,'' Harry said, gruffly and not wanting to hear any more. ''I'll be by your side, everything will be fine.''
''I love you,'' Ginny sniffled, and the doctors came in, smiling at her and telling her it was time to go. Harry got up, taking her hand firmly and escorting her to the operating room.
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