#in general donnie and leo are very “no one can do that to him except me” so
dandylovesturtles · 11 months
Does Leo ever have to deal with his family being dumb about his disability? Example of what I mean - my sister once parked my manual wheelchair in the corner with me FACING the corner because she wasn't thinking and it looked neater (she moved me immediately when I protested and never did it again. It happened when we were first getting used to me needing a wheelchair and something we both laugh about.)
I'm... I'm sorry I shouldn't have laughed but. but how. HOW. why would you face the chair towards the corner I a;lsdfjlsd (I'm glad you laugh about it now haha)
ANYWAY yes I am sure they have done a million dumb things, large and small, just by virtue of it never being something any of them had to think about and now suddenly they all have to think about it. like putting things where Leo can't reach them on accident or making a mess that blocks the floor in a way he can't navigate (the lair starts being a lot cleaner after this haha). Raph in particular tried to be "helpful" early on by moving Leo's chair often before Leo put his foot down on how he does not want to be moved without asking first.
Probably the first time they went to Hueso's they sat down at their normal booth and Leo was just sitting there like "hey guys do you see any problems with our current seating arrangements" and they were like "what, we just sat where we always do- oh"
one of them is hogging the (currently) only accessible bathroom in the lair and when Leo tells them to hurry up they're like "just use the other bathroom Leo!" and he's like :|
also I mentioned them knowing Leo doesn't like his chair tipped up even as a joke, and the way they come to know that is... by tipping his chair up as a joke. it's just that Leo's whole bit is annoying his brothers into retaliating, and they felt bad about shoving the guy how he is, so tipping the chair seemed like an obvious alternative. Leo just kinda laughed it off at first but eventually they caught on to how Leo really really really did not like them doing that and it stopped being fun as a play-fighting technique. Now it's more likely that they'll noogie his head or something like that.
there's also plenty of times the guys think they've messed up by saying or doing something wrong but Leo just thinks its funny. like one time during one of their typical arguments Donnie tells Leo to "take a long walk off a short pier," to which he responds that he would, but he hasn't been able to walk since The Incident, which made Donnie feel absolutely awful until he realized Leo was grinning ear to ear like the little shit he is
Donnie is also the one who will deliberately put something where Leo can't reach it just to mess with him, and he also calls him "short" all the time. It's one of those things where Donnie is allowed to do it but if anyone else did it Donnie would be first in line to punch them.
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
Cass please cass wait cass CASS I’m DYING AHH GOD the idea of Leo having been the last to die, to have died thinking (knowing) he was directly responsible for at the very least Raph and Mikeys deaths, and that he KNEW he'd be dying with essentially no ninpo, no spiritual connection and thus no real hope of joining his family in any sort of afterlife, that all those goodbyes were forever — the idea of him waking up and just ...everyones home, home and healthy and whole UGH CASS IM CRYING 
(would he even believe it? would he think its a krang trick? god how do you heal from that kind of end? he ran towards it, he got his kid out and then turned back to continue a fight he already lost. everyone was dead, Donnie and Raph and April and Mikey, everyone else had given up everything— Mikey burned away for the slightest hope and Raph gave the resistance his heart and Donnie wore himself down to nothing, not even a ghost left— and Leo wanted to go that way too i think, giving everything, fighting for time like he wasn’t the last one standing, like there was anything left to fight for. Because to do anything less would be to discredit his brother’s sacrifices. How do you wake up from that? How can anything ever be okay again? How do you believe that you can wake up to a happy ending, hug your brothers, hold your son, see your father? A krang trick? It must be. Which means he was captured. Which mean did not die. Which means he failed. The world is dead, the krang have won, and Hamato Leonardo was not even able to match his brothers in death. He asked his baby brother to burn, and he has failed. How do you move on from that. How do you believe anything except the echoing certainty that there is quite literally nothing left to lose, and your own wretched, wailing anger?
Well. If he cannot honor the price he made his family pay, maybe he can at least make the memory of Donnie (not a spirit, there is no spirit, you cost him his soul) smile by finding the nearest Krang and unleashing Hell upon the sorry bastard. Yeah. i just. Cass i am STRESSED.)
I..uh..fuck I can't talk about this because of spoilers kvdkbf
But in general
Mikey and Leo went through the same hell, but at the end, when all they could hope for was gone, Casey showed up. And he said he could help them. Save them.
The difference between Mikey and Leo is that Mikey heard and understood him. So Mikey has a strange time too, realizing that everything is okay again. But he knew it would get better.
While Leo remained in a state of lostness and fear
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turtleblogatlast · 5 months
I honestly love the clothing styles of each of the turtles in this show and I love how these styles really incorporate their personalities as well.
Like, obviously Donnie has the best sense of style, yeah? Think that’s something pretty agreed upon here. Everything we see him put together is very meticulously crafted and clean. That goes with his personality because Donnie is a very meticulous person in general, and he knows what he likes very, very well, and knows how to flaunt it in turn. Him commenting on colors he enjoys or disapproving of outfits that the others see no problem with also shows how he just generally has an eye for this kind of thing. He doesn’t just know what looks good on himself, but also what looks good on others - and I think this ties into his love of gift giving too. Donnie also has a flair for making sure that his things have his “mark” on them, and his clothing is no exception. All that he wears and how he wears them screams “Donnie.”
Mikey is really fun because his styles are honestly a pendulum between super simplistic and incredibly out there. And often, you’re going to see a lot of color or patterns to both. And in my opinion I think that all reflects really well on Mikey’s character - he’s got a colorful personality but even more than that he’s incredible sure of who he himself is. Mikey’s style, I feel, is less what looks good as clothes and more what sparks joy in Mikey himself. His bright stickers he wears are a testament of that! He’s comfortable in his own skin and his style reflects this perfectly, whether he goes for a more out-there look or a more toned down one.
Now, for Leo. Okay, I think I’m actually in the minority here I feel because Leo’s style isn’t really that bad? Hear me out- if you actually look at what he wears, try taking out, like, one accessory. Suddenly, that outfit works! He even manages to put together many good outfits in the series, but his “bad” ones are the ones that tend to stand out, alas (just like how his mistakes tend to be big ones oop-) Basically, my personal look at him is not that he’s inept at styling at all, but that he has a “too much” gene. And like everyone else, this sense of style is completely like him, too. Going too far to impress when all he needed to do was slow it down some to think things through. (And funnily enough, a lot of his outfits take random aspects from his brothers too - “nothing without them” huh?)
For Raph, I feel bad for him since pretty much all of his clothes are inevitably going to be ripped, but he makes them work pretty much each time. Like Leo, Raph tends to go more sporty with his looks, but I also noticed that his stuff often goes in that in between of comfy, cool, and cute. His pajama suit in particular comes to mind in terms of “cute” as it’s more something you’d see younger children in rather than older kids, and I think it can be a subtle nod to the fact that for all Raph tries to seem older, he’s still just a kid too.
I could probably go on, but these are just all off the top of my head - I love how the boys’ personality’s come out in so many different ways.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt headcanons#rise donnie#rise leo#rise mikey#rise raph#I love fashion actually#if you’re wondering where this came from it came from me watching hours of outfit creation vids#but yeah! I honestly could probably go more into it#but I’m going off my memory for the most part rip#Leo in particular makes me sad because I disagree with like 99% of the fandom about his fashion sense LOL#I don’t think it’s bad but it’s def not close to Donnie level#Donnie is his own category#Leo though he’s not just jerseys and ripped sleeves#he wears full eye makeup as a granny and kills doing it#his pirate costume was very well put together imo#even his regular weird frog like disguise is perfectly fine when you get rid of the goggles#I ALSO don’t think Raph’s style is bad either#my boy has more difficulty with clothes since he’s limited to the stretchier stuff but like#he’s got good style!!#I’m def looking more into this all than necessary but#watch me come back to this and change it like fifty times#if you’re wondering what I mean about Leo’s outfits taking from his brothers#look at Raph’s standard disguise (the one they go out to play basketball with)#ripped sleeves and a backward cap#one of Leo’s main outfits in The Clothes Don’t Fit the Turtle?#ripped sleeves and backwards cap#incedentally these borrowed aspects actually hinder his overall look!#his outfit without them is more HIM y’know? which says a lot about allll their individual styles
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tblsomedoodles · 6 months
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My Leo and Mikey for FW's good future.
(part 2 of 3 that i promised (oof) like 2 weeks ago. Yeah, it's been chaotic on my end.) (Donnie and Jennika can be found here.) (i'm still working on raph. Maybe by friday)
edit: Raph is here
I'm exhausted do multiple pet shenanigans so I'm posting this instead of waiting. (I'll do asks tomorrow. Tired)
again, all info under the cut
Leo is, like Donnie, 24 by the time they find Raph's bitties. He goes to college part time b/c he has other things he wants to be doing but also is slowly working towards getting into Mystic medical school. As much as Mama wants him to take over the nexus and hotel at some point, he'd really rather become a doctor like Leatherhead.
By now he's mostly gotten past his fear of medical procedures, though he's still not a fan of being treated by anyone except himself. There are a few things that still set him off (Like Bishop's genetics lab) but usually he's pretty good now.
At this point he's running the Battle Nexus's medical wing (not exactly practicing in it b/c he's not legally allowed, but he does run it.) And is in charge of the human side of the Nexus hotel (with use of a cloaking broach.) (Mikey helps but Leo's the face of it now.)
And Mikey! Mikey's 23. He went head first into art and mystics and just didn't look back. The dude has had art shows in both the hidden city and new york (though he never shows up to the nyc ones in person. It makes him a bit of a local cryptid as far as the art community goes lol.)
He's in college for art and has a nice little following online as well. Mostly for original work, but he does post jupiter jim fanart sometimes that is generally well liked. (he used to post Lou Jitsu fanart too, but the fandom was just too horny for his dad for him to be comfortable continuing doing so.)
His mystics are very powerful at this point. Probably more powerful than his apocalypse self was at that age (or ever) due to having proper access to training and food. His primary eyes glow gold almost constantly as a result of his extra mystic use, which he kind of likes since they used to be an amber color before his mutation.
I think that's about it.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 6 months
So this next update is the BIG FINALE and as such it is... uh... really long. There's a lot of extra characters in the story (because I am DEAD SET on having an Avengers Endgame moment lol) so that means extra introductions and explanations for a few and etc. etc. etc.
Remember the last really long update I gave? The one that was over 7000 words? I crossed over that mark a while ago, and I'm only ONE THIRD OF THE WAY THROUGH.
It's a big update, so it's taking a while.
Snek pek! ↓↓↓
"...Very well, then," rhg!Donnie exhaled, finally admitting defeat. "In that case, I'm not sure I know how to tend to 'mystic' injuries."
"I got it," Ghost volunteered, searching in the first aid for anything especially sparkly or glowing. That would be a good sign. After some rummaging, he managed to procure some mystic cream and began to salve the cuts and sores.
rhg!Donnie watched with interest and concern. He studied the label for future reference. He memorized the patterns in which Ghost anointed the child. He took internal photographs of the angles and shapes of Mikey's scars... and prayed that he would never have to see them on his baby brother back home. He had been concerned that this was the same Mikey he'd met earlier... they looked very much alike upon first glance. But after closer inspection, he saw that they had some differences. The scars were obvious. But this one was younger, and much smaller. Not just shorter, but skinnier too. He looked a lot like his brother in that sense. As for the Leon beside him -- the one that kept giving rhg!Donnie dirty side glances -- he looked like his twin brother. Except bald. No sign of the beautiful and soft hair that rhg!Dee used to braid and style for him before he'd left. He was frightfully thin, too. A thick scarf surrounded his neck to help insulate the miniscule amount of warmth his body could provide. rhg!Donnie happened to glance over at him when he didn't expect it, and saw him pocket a few extra medical supplies, subconsciously stuffing them into his pants. There were quite a few things already in his pockets, rhg!Dee realized. This kid was a thief. Not that it bothered him, he and his Leo had been sneaky like that on more than one occasion. District 12 wasn't a very generous place to live.
rhg!Donnie found himself reaching for his hand the next time he went to snatch something. Not so much to stop him as to simply just... hold something that was so similar to his brother. He knew he wouldn't get a chance like this again for a long time. If ever. It might be stupid, but for a moment he wanted to pretend that this was his Leo. It worked for half a moment, he could almost see his brother here in the room with him.
Leon turned to him as he grabbed his hand, wide-eyed in surprise before realizing that he'd been caught.
"Oh... Old habits die hard, I guess," he explained, sheepishly dropping the tube of ointment he'd taken.
"Next time, try it like this," rhg!Donnie whispered, showing him how to take the tube with better efficiency, while simultaneously distracting the victim while you repurposed their possessions. But he got the feeling this teen already knew all the tricks of the trade.
Leon smiled weakly at him.
"Thanks, but... well, there's not really supposed to be a 'next time'," he explained, while looking back at DvD and 'Phael. "I kinda have a family now... and a home."
"Congratulations," rhg!Donnie said, hoping the genuine delight that this Leon had his family all around him came through, despite the monotonous tone in his voice.
"The kleptomania just sorta... flares up when I'm stressed," he mumbled. "When I feel like I'm not safe. I take stuff so I can pretend that I have everything I might need in an emergency." He laughed as he pulled out all the band-aids and alcohol wipes and gauze from his pockets. "I don't even know what I'd do with half of this stuff!"
"It's better to have most of this than not," rhg!Donnie mentioned, taking half of the pile and stuffing them into his own pockets, despite knowing that if he were to be portalled home again the items wouldn't be going with him. "Just in case..."
@daboyau @boots-with-the-fur-club @amevello-blue
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yellowhollyhock · 2 months
10) Which version of Leonardo is your favorite?
I flip between answering Rise and 1987
Gonna get sappy, fitting for a Leo question anyway--
To me Leonardo represents Hope. Across iterations, he usually experiences a lot of intense trauma at Shredder's hands, sometimes at Splinter's hands, often he feels isolated from his brothers, but the things happening to him don't define the core of what it means to be Leonardo
It's the choosing to do what's right even if he gets no benefit.
It's believing in his team when they have only the very slightest chance of winning
It's inspiring that Hope, the kind that comes from knowing you're at peace with yourself even if everything goes wrong, in his brothers
And I think 87 and Rise capture these qualities in interesting ways that stand out
87 facing his fear of snakes, always being kind to children, seeing the good in Lotus Blossom without trying to change her, making the choices in the Red Sky arc.
Rise hyping his brothers up when they don't seem confident, trusting them to get as they did with Shredder while he helped Splinter trick Big Mama, the way he talks about them to Hueso. The beginning and ending of the Rise movie gets to me so bad
Also maybe another core Leo trait is how attached he is to his siblings and feeling like nothing without them. Again exemplified strongly in these two versions
And I just love the idea of the other Leos learning to take these two more seriously, because they both come across silly (in very different ways ahdhajsha), but you do NOT want to cross them
30) What is one common headcanon that you reject?
hmm...... what if I reject canon instead and Turtles Forever didn't happen? (it's a fun enough watch but it messes up all my future headcanons, besides being so out of character for both 87 and 03)
Actually though I thought of one. Wait I forgot
No no wait yes because, especially since the draft where he gets stuffed has been going around, it's pretty commonly believed/understood that in SAINW, Donny was killed horrifically. And I don't outright reject this, however. I think it's very interesting to play with the idea that he disappeared for a different reason. I mean, for Donatello, the tracker planter guy who always has his duffel bag, to disappear without a trace? There's gotta be more of an explanation than 'Shredder got him,' how did they get him without leaving a trace? With no one knowing what happened when Shredder is the biggest threat on everyone's minds? Plus, kinda playing with ideas from IDW, I like the angst of 1) future Donatello being someone teenage Donatello can't respect and 2) Donatello having different priorities that he can't get his family to listen about while they're focused on Shredder.
He could've gotten stuck in that dimension with Kirby. Renet could have come for help and found only him and he got lost in time. Or he went back to the underground city by himself instead of with his brothers
In my Stitched Together au he runs away. Which is not something I've seen much at all, except in this fic that I absolutely love (I was so excited to find this idea explored). It's such an unlikely thing for him to do and that makes it a very fun space to play in as a writer. How bad did things have to be for Donny to leave? In all that time, why didn't he come back? I have so much of this au in my head and I'm having a very hard time getting it to Outside My Head format 😅
38) Do you generally stick close to canon, or diverge from it?
A lot of my fics are post-canon so I'm technically sticking close to canon (except Turtles Forever), but adding a lot of headcanons lol
I mean the Stitched Together au will technically be canon compliant, but I don't think I can call it sticking close to canon
My biggest canon divergent piece I can think of is one I'm working on where, during their training with the Ninja Tribunal, 03 Raph and Mikey become Aware of the narrative and take issue with Leo and Donny getting treated the way they did in the first four seasons. So they fight the writer. Hey wait a second I'm the writer. I think they're winning guys sjdjakdhhag
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desceros · 7 months
perhaps i'm too much of a Donnie kinnie & lover (and/or just have a very similar flavor of autism), but i never really thought he did anything wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ like, if i were Viola-chan, i would've made it EXTRA clear that i liked Donnie romantically
THIS ISN'T TO SAY THAT I THINK VIOLA-CHAN WAS IN THE WRONG EITHER ☝🏽 it took her up until that confrontation with him in the kitchen(? i think it was in the kitchen...) for her to realize that he has a SLAP of the 'tism, not just a touch, and needs to be communicated with in a specific way
and i can't even be mad at Donnie for wanting to protect her from Leo. like, i have the same "there's a problem, must fix problem, fix it NOW" thing when it comes to both inanimate objects and people, especially when the latter is in clear distress. do i always know what to do in those situations? god, no. i'm terrible at advice 99% of the time and am generally bad with emotional junk - including my own - but i try any and everything that i can to Fix Problem
now, Leo. i lowkey want to light him on fire, especially after the last chapter. I'M AWARE that he has his own issues. clearly. all of the Hamato boys are lacking in the social department in some way, and on top of that, Leo was being a Leo and looking out for him and his family, As Every Good Leader Should. and you know, some girl that Donnie's known for less than a year being all over his brother, his TWIN brother that he's known his whole life, when NOBODY ELSE has been able to touch him (except April, and even then, it's under very strict conditions) would have even me acting a little petty and selfish (...not NEARLY as much as Leo, though).
that being said... i wanted Donnie to punch him so bad LMFAO. i wouldn't have wanted a full fight between the boys, but just. one punch. One. he deserves it
tl;dr - i'm too autistic for this fic but despite all the pain, i'm having a good time
hahahaha ohhh man. same hat, anon-chan. alas i have A Plan for the first time donnie touches leo and so as much as i really. really wanted leo to be wearing a shirt so donnie could grab him by his collar and throw his ass against the wall, snarling, bearing his teeth…. t’is not the time yet.
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
Idk what the Whole Situation with Shredder is in your AU, but do you think Splinter's dynamic with the turtles would change at all once he enters the picture?
i dont know what shredders whole situation is in this AU either, not yet at least. the one thing I've got down is that he's a marginally better dad to Karai than Splinter is to our turtle boys (which gives them all conflicted feelings, cause Shredders plan is like world domination or something idk)
if im being honest, i've always had a hard time pinning down what Shredders whole situation is in general. he just doesn't seem to have a reason to do the things he does, and if he DOES have a reason it doesn't always make sense to me? i dunnno if that makes sense. (sans the times when he's just supposed to be like, crazy or controlled by a magic evil suit of armor)(i'm actually not sure how often that's the case...)
idk, maybe shredder fans can tell me their favorite shredder motivations or something heff.
i like the idea of my Shredder being kind of insane, but like, SECRETLY. like you wouldn't know it unless you spent a lot of time with him.
ANYWAY about the splinter/shredder/turtles dynamics,, so i did answer this ask previously which might give you an idea of the situation, but to get more into specifically how this would affect Splinters relationship with the boys-
I think it would actually cause Raph, Mikey, and Donnie to become more confident in defying their dad. Because they would see Shredder being nice (or at least neutral/non-violent) as proof that Splinter really cannot be trusted as an objective narrator.
they might even tell him that they met Shredder and everything went fine, to which he'd obviously get pissed and yell at them and try to lock them in their rooms or something. and Leo would insist he did his best to attack Shredder, but his brothers stopped him. and then Leo would get reprimanded by Splinter too.
So I think them meeting Shredder would definitely put a strain on their relationship with Splinter, but mostly in a "abused kids realizing they don't have to do what you say" kind of way. Except for Leo, who gets caught between his brothers newfound freedom and his loyalty to their father. Leo doesn't have a very good time. But I guess you could think of it as payback for being a shitty brother all those years hahhh
side note: I think Leo would feel very smug about Shredder being evil for like 5 minutes until he sees how devastated Donnie is and kinda just reevaluates why he cares so much about being right.
he'd make quips about it later, but be uncharacteristically quiet about it when the Big Betrayal/Reveal or w/e happens cause he's processing a lot of emotions.
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j-nope-not-today · 2 years
I would LOVE to see some headcannons on what you think the (very festive) bayverse boys would be like during Christmas season. ex: favorite Christmas movie, holiday activity, music how they decorate etc.
TMNT reaction to christmas
A/n: Thanks so much for requesting! I'm gonna be honest this was pretty hard to write bc I'm not a big Christmas fan, but I hope you enjoy it!
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He loves Christmas.
His holiday is so much better now that your celebrating it with him
Hands down his favorite Christmas movie has to be just about any Hallmark one you can find.
Idk I just really see him absolutely loving the shit out of a Hallmark Christmas movie.
Movies like the royal Christmas, or the Christmas hope.
I think his favorite part of the holiday is decorating the tree
He is all over decorating the tree and I'm sure every year he's the one putting the star or angel or whatever they decide to put on the top of the tree
He can listen to just about any Christmas song that comes on.
He generally likes all of them.
Your definitely gonna be helping him eat the cookies and drink the milk that Mikey leaves out for santa
He doesn't have the heart to tell him he isn't real. They tried he won't listen 😭
Would definitely give you a blanket he knitted as a present on Christmas day.
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He's okay with Christmas. I definitely feel he's not like super into it
But will fully support if you are or aren't into it
I feel his favorite Christmas movie would be the Grinch.
He can relate to the Grinch just a little bit and your like his little Cindy lou
I think he's fine with whatever Christmas music as long as it's not over played.
Bc Lord help anyone if it's overplayed he's going to break the device the music is coming from
He only has the tolerance to let Mikey repeat what he wants no one else except him and you.
But would love if you suggested to Mikey to use headphones for a little while
I think his favorite Christmas activity would be giving presents on Christmas day.
He would definitely get you the top thing you had been talking about wanting most.
If you had wanted a puppy that's what you would get or a necklace or whatever it may be
He would make sure you got it Christmas morning.
He tries his best not to be a grump on Christmas and you make it so much easier to enjoy the holiday
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He's going to have his lab decked out in decorations
He goes above and beyond on Christmas
Not bc he's absolutely in love with the holiday, he loves it, but not as much as Mikey
He makes sure on the first day of December when his brothers wake up
It looks like the Christmas spirit threw up every where in the lair. Decor would be everywhere you looked
I definitely feel his favorite Christmas activity has to be decorating.
So your most definitely being roped in to help him hang up lights and set out little decor every where else.
His favorite Christmas movie would probably be elf.
Idk but I think he would absolutely love that one
Carol of the bells is hands down his favorite Christmas song.
The orchestra one... Idk but you catch him listening to it all the time.
Even when it isn't Christmas
For your Christmas present he'll probably get you a small locket necklace with his picture in it. Something memorable.
He'll even engrave it with his name and a little I love you message.
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Christmas starts November first for Mikey.
He loves it too much and it's so much better to celebrate with you
He knows there won't be any decorations until December first. He pretends that he doesn't know Donnie decorates
But he knows he's grateful for all the small stuff they all do for Christmas
His favorite part is making all the snacks.
Making a ginger bread house with you is a must!
Your helping him bake cookies for Santa and setting out the milk (He knows Raph is the one who eats the cookies and drinks the milk)
All I want for Christmas is his top Christmas song.
It's on repeat.
He can't help it it's so catchy 😭
He tries his best not to irritate Leo to much or you. It's best if you have a pair of headphones on hand though.
The Santa Clause is probably his favorite christmas movie
And he'll make sure you watch it together while you drink hot chocolate or eggnog.
Your getting the biggest stuffed animal from him as a Christmas gift
Something you can snuggle with when he can't snuggle with you.
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kattystripes14 · 2 years
Rise Turtles x Lesbian!GN!Reader
🩶Imagine the Turtles have a crush on a Lesbian!Reader or they're Omni and prefer women or they only comment on girls in movies or smth-
🩶Generally they have the impression that the reader wouldn't like them back, but either that's not true (the reader also likes men) or the reader slowly realises they also have a crush on one of the turtles and just has this "Oh shit I like men" moment, lmao.
🩶It would go slightly differently for each of them tho:
💙Leo would probably flirt anyways cause it's Leo. If you tell him to back off tho he will.
💙He'd probably never get over you, so you'd have a long window to figure it out, but it'd be a *huge* surprise if you told him you liked him. I'm talking blinding, over the moon grin, pick you up and twirl you around kind of excited.
💙"Wait, you're serious?! This isn't a prank, right? No cameras, no Donnies, no set up, no-"
🩶"-Leo!! (Leo, it's not a set up, quiet down!)"
💙"So you really like me?! This is incredible!! So what about me brought you to the dark side, was it my handsome good looks? My awesome sense of humor? It had to be my famously humble personality. C'mon Y/N, what was it?!"
🩶"Leo, put me down!!"
💙"I can't believe you liked me back all of this time!"
🩶"Hold on, 'back'?"
💙"...D-Did I say that?"
💜Donnie probably wouldn't pick up on the fact that you seem to prefer girls just as he wouldn't at first pick up on the fact that he likes you. If you straight up tell him though, he'll probably shoot himself down before he could even get close to you.
💜Cut to Donnie locking himself in the lab and moping for a while, meanwhile everyone's trying to figure out what happened. If you were to catch him on one of the rare food runs to the kitchen and tell him, he wouldn't know how to react.
💜"You... conradicted your previous statement?"
🩶"Yeah, well, stuff like that can change."
💜"..." "...Me?"
💜He feels like you just unlocked the secrets of the universe and proven the impossible to be possible. And although he doesn't have as much of a visible reaction, he's just as ecstatic as Leo if not more.
💜All this time I never imagined you'd reciprocate..."
💜"!!- Uh- I think my ears have picked up on Raphala calling me to the training room- berightbackY/Nseeyoulater, bye!!!"
🩶"Pfft. Goofball."
❤️Raph would respect your boundaries and understand that you don't sway that way. He'd still be a bit hurt, and still act flustered towards you, but he knows you won't like him back.
❤️The more you hang out with him the quicker you realise you have a crush on him, but he already thinks it's not possible. If you were to tell him, he would most definitely short circuit.
❤️"Wha- H-How-? Really?!"
🩶"Yeah, shocker for both of us, isn't it?"
❤️"But I thought..???"
🩶"I guess you're the exception."
❤️"Huh. Wow- and you've liked me back all of this time?!"
🧡Mikey picks up on it before it comes up in conversation. And while he respects your boundaries just as much as Raph, he's a bit torn. He knows for a fact that you won't reciprocate his feelings for you, but some part of him thinks that you might.
🧡Everyone else finds it very obvious that he likes you and the moment you realize it too is the moment you realize you *do* like him back.
🧡When you finally tell him he's even more excited than Leo and Donnie *combined!* You are in for the tightest, warmest, cuddliest hug for at least the next hour.
🧡"I knew it! I knew it!! Ohhhh you don't know how happy I am to hear you say that, Y/N!!"
🩶"Ack-! M-Mike- as much as I l-love your hugs, my lungs-!!"
🧡"Oh!! Crap, sorry!"
🧡He continues to bounce on his heels a flap his hands while he raves on about how excited he is. (As if you couldn't see it for yourself. Or maybe you couldn't because of how blinding his smile was.)
🧡"This has gotta be the best day of my life!! I can't believe you liked me back this whole time!! I knew it, I knew it!!"
🩶"Aww, you liked me too?"
🧡"Heck yeah, baby!! Since forever!!"
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purpleturtle9000 · 1 year
*slides in through the mail slot that you have definitely always had*
Greetings friend. I do not know much about the bayverse boys (haven’t watched the movies sinceI was a smol) but having said that, I request you assign them favorite movies, to watch, together and on their own (if different)
Beaming vibes of something nice will happen to you today <3
Real talk I wish I had a mail slot those thinks look cool as hell. But yes greetings and good vibes friend!!
Donnie is a fan of horror movies, but gets bored with most creature features because there's no logical reason for the [insert animal here] to relentlessly hunt random humans. But if a movie has lore of some kind, he loves that! He's seen a few seasons of Supernatural is what I'm saying. He loves lore-heavy movies in general, especially if there's tie-in books, but he also likes murder and mayhem. The only creature movies he does like are the Alien series. He admires the xenomorphs immensely for their pure, uncompromised killing power. (Leo really wonders about that part.)
Mikey's is Ponyo! It's a movie about transitioning between worlds, leaving behind the magical for the human, and finding unconditional love and acceptance there. Since Mikey loves video games, I hc that he favours animation over 'real life' media. That combined with his attraction to the human world, and desire to engage with it, means this is the perfect fit for him! Also the movie is downright gorgeous I mean honestly. A close second is Lilo and Stitch cause it has similar themes, and also aliens! Who doesn't love aliens?
Okay so for Raph there's an obvious answer, cause he canonically admires Vin Diesel. Except, and hear me out here - Ice Age. First of all it's a found-family movie and you can't tell me Raph isn't a fan of found family, it's literally what the turtles are. It's also about three random weirdos bonding, and one of said weirdoes changing from secretly-a-bad-guy to nearly-died-protecting-family. But also can I make it canon that the Vin Diesel appreciation is not because of any of the action movies? It's because of The Iron Giant. He cried over that movie I know it in my heart listen to me Nickelodeon-
Leo's is, ironically, a Vin Diesel movie. The Fast and The Furious, to be exact! He'd be the family car guy if it weren't for the fact that Donnie won't let anyone touch the turtle tank. As it is, he finds shiny cars very cool, even if there are parts in the later movies that he thinks are. Kinda stupid. It's part of the appeal, that boy's too uptight, he needs to relax by liking kinda-dumb action movies that heavily emphasize family bonds. He's also a huge fan of I Love Lucy because Splinter would let Leo watch it with him while the others were busy with their own things. As a treat for me, he likes the Transformers movies and sometimes calls April 'Mikaela' and everyone looks at him like he's an idiot. He needs to be a lil stupid sometimes it's good for him.
Family movie nights often involve superheroes of some kind. Sky High, Avengers, Megamind, Men In Black. Leo has a list of inaccurate sci-fi movies that will make Donnie yell at the tv because the rest of them think it's funny how worked up he gets. Mikey has a list of 100 top movies that he insists on going through to learn about human culture. They all get really invested in Leverage at one point. Once Donnie made them sit through a documentary about turtles and they threw popcorn at him through the whole thing. They watch a lot of basketball and also the security cameras at Central Park Zoo! Raph's favourite are the red pandas. Leo would not say this even under pain of death, but he likes watching the turtles. Mikey thinks it's cool that they let peacocks walk around and Donnie likes the snow leopard.
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dandywonderous · 2 years
ROTTMNT Bad Things Happen Bingo #1: Crush Injury
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Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Characters: Donnie, Leo (Raph a lil bit)
Square: Crush Injury
Warnings: Serious Injury, Vomiting
Notes: HELLO I started a new thing... I’ve been wanting to do a BTHB forever and decided to crush (heh) my current brainrot up against it. I may break and do other fandoms if I get an idea but right now my main thing I wanna do is hurt the Disaster Twins a lot (I’m sorry) (they’re very punchable).��
I really intended for this to be just a drabble thing where I wrote like 500-1000 words as a break from my long fic but uhhhhhh that ended up not happening LMAO THIS FIC IS 3K WORDS WHY... 
I’m not taking requests for this challenge, sorry unless you’re a moot and then maybe if you really wanna see something specific let me know.
I’m posting these on tumblr first and then they’ll hit AO3 later that day/the next day/whenever I feel like it sometimes I forget okay
Crush Injury
Donnie is shoulder deep in one of his machines when the power goes out with a loud pop.
He grumbles to himself, pulling back a bit, as the emergency lights come on, casting everything in an eerie red. If he’s lucky, this is just a temporary blackout, and he can get back to work soon enough.
Several seconds pass, and the power doesn’t show any sign of coming back on. Donnie mutters a quiet, “Sigh,” into the room; he’ll have to stop for now. If this continues past a few minutes he’ll fire up the backup generator.
He starts to pull his arm back, pushing out of the stool he was sitting on to stand, except he isn’t paying enough attention in the dark - he accidentally shoves the stool into his jack, and it shakes and then falls back with a clatter.
The heavy metal it was holding up crashes down on his arm with a sickening crunch.
The air is punched out of Donnie, leaving him breathless and wheezing. There’s a ringing in his ears, a rising taste of bile in his mouth, and then the pain catches up to him - searing, throbbing waves of heat that wash over his whole body at a fast tempo.
His immediate instinct is to jerk away from the thing hurting him, but the violent wrenching on his shoulder reminds him that he can’t do that, because his arm, his arm is stuck, his arm is-
He vomits, bile and mostly digested bits of his lunch pooling at his feet. He would be more disgusted by it if conscious thoughts were registering, but his brain is quickly overwhelmed with panic.
He’s going to lose his arm. And he’ll be lucky if it’s just that, if he’s not trapped here forever, if he doesn’t die of blood loss before anyone finds him, if-
He sucks a breath through his teeth, desperately trying to think. He has to think, if he panics, he’ll die.
The power is still off, red light all that illuminates the grizzly scene. His phone is on a table just out of reach, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N powered down.
“H-help…” His voice trembles and barely carries through the empty room. He sucks in air again, desperately, wincing against the overwhelming pain, and tries again, harder. “Help…! Help!”
It doesn’t matter, because he soundproofed the lab. Even if he could yell louder than he is, they wouldn’t hear him.
Despairing, Donnie slumps against the machine. He knows he should be taking stock of the injury, trying to determine how much of his arm is actually still in there, how much is damaged, but he can’t bring himself to look at it. The fear clouding his mind is in some ways worse than the pain slogging against his body.
He has no idea how long he stays where he is; all he knows is that time drags on agonizingly slowly. The power still isn’t back, and the lab is uncharacteristically silent, absent the normal hums of machinery and cooling fans. The only thing he can hear is the sound of his own ragged breathing. His vision tunnels in on a spot in front of him as his heart rate speeds up, his skin grows clammy - signs of shock, he vaguely registers.
He’s going to die here. He’s going to die, he’s going to die, he’s going to-
Suddenly, in the midst of the red light, a flash of blue.
“So looks like the power’s out for us and the next five blocks. It’s probably not coming back anytime soon, but Mikey’s pitching a fit because he had dinner in the oven. Do you think you can- Donnie!”
Rapid footsteps approach him, but Donnie can’t see who it is, his vision is too dark and clouded with pain. On instinct he pulls himself back, hissing out a warning, teeth bared and muscles taut. He’s hurt, he’s trapped, he’s easy pickings, he has to startle, he has to intimidate, he’ll go down fighting-
“Whoa, whoa, hey! Easy, Donnie, easy!” The intruder puts up their hands and takes a small step back, halting their approach. “It’s just me, it’s just me.”
The voice penetrates through the primal parts of his brain, and his subconscious registers family, help, safety before his consciousness catches up.
The will to fight leaves him in a rush, and Donnie sags forward, grateful when Leo moves to catch him. A whine leaves his throat, and he doesn’t have the energy to feel embarrassed about it.
“I know,” Leo says softly, his thumb moving in gentle circles on his shoulder. “That has to hurt… Aaand it looks like you’re going into shock.”
Donnie gives a clumsy nod, desperately wishing he could just check out and let Leo deal with it now that he’s here. But even as the shock moves him closer to unconsciousness, the pain keeps jerking him back.
Leo is still holding his shoulder, but now he looks around and spots the traitorous stool that started this whole mess. “Were you sitting on that stool?” he asks, and Donnie gives the faintest nod. Leo steps forward to grab for it, and Donnie gives another whine, in warning this time.
“Threw up,” he mumbles, and Leo looks down between their feet. Once he spots it he grimaces.
“Yeah, you sure did,” he says, but his voice is light, and not judgemental. He sidesteps it, still with his hand on Donnie’s shoulder, and reaches behind him to pull the stool back to where it had been before. “Alright, buddy, sit down - slowly now, okay?”
He holds on to Donnie’s arm and guides him down to the stool. Once he’s on it he sags bonelessly against the machine again, feeling exhausted down to his core.
“Okay… good.” Leo lets out a breath, straightening up and letting go of Donnie. Without thinking about it Donnie lifts his undamaged hand and grabs for Leo’s, clinging on tight. He should definitely be embarrassed by that, but he isn’t. He’s scared, and Leo is safe.
Leo gives his hand a squeeze back. He squats so he’s at Donnie’s height, speaking softly like he can tell that loud noises just add to the pounding in his head. “I’m going to go get Raph, alright?”
A spike of fear causes Donnie to grip Leo’s hand tighter, desperate. “No.” He tugs on him with what strength he has. “Don’t leave me.”
“I’ll be right back,” Leo promises. “But I have to-”
“No, please, Leo, don’t leave me-”
“Donnie, I can’t get that off your arm by myself, I need Raph’s help.”
Logically, he knows the words Leo is saying make perfect sense. Logically, he knows that Leo isn’t lying when he says he’ll be right back.
None of it matters. What matters is that Donnie is terrified of being left alone.
He grips Leo’s hand tighter, and can feel tears in his eyes. Another whine escapes his throat.
Leo sighs, squeezing his hand again. “Okay, okay. I’m not going anywhere. But we need Raph. Do you have a way to get that fancy door open when the power’s out?”
“Emergency unlock,” he grits out. “Th-third panel… just pull the release.”
“Okay. No worries, Leon’s got it.”
He gives Donnie a wink, and somewhere in him Donnie finds the strength to be annoyed. He rolls his eyes, and Leo actually laughs.
Leo uses his free hand to unsheath a katana, then draw a small portal right in front of them. Dimly, Donnie can see another one open up near his lab door across the room. It’s just large enough for Leo’s arm.
He reaches through and knocks open the panel, biting his tongue in concentration. After a second of squinting and fumbling, he gets the release and yanks on it. There’s a soft pop, and then a creak as the door comes unlocked from the floor but doesn’t budge.
“Now what?” Leo asks.
“Raph can… push it up… from outside,” Donnie explains through wheezing breaths. 
“Alright.” Leo pulls his hand back, the portals dissipating. “I’m going to call him.”
He doesn’t let go of Donnie’s hand as he does so. Donnie is grateful; he’s vaguely aware that he’s gripping tight, likely hard enough to hurt, but Leo doesn’t make any move to pull away from him.
“Donnie’s hurt,” he hears Leo say, cutting through whatever greeting Raph tries to give him. “I need your help- his lab, yeah. The door’s unlocked, he said to just push it up. …I don’t know yet, but hurry.”
Leo ends the call, putting his phone away. “Don’t worry, Donton, the calvary’s comin’.” He squats down so they’re at eye level again. “We’ll have you out of there in a jiffy.”
Donnie nods in acknowledgement. Talking is hard when his mouth feels full of cotton, but he tries. “‘M I gonna lose m’arm?”
He sees Leo’s eyes go a little wider. The hand holding his squeezes tight. “Not if I can help it.”
They don’t talk much after that. Leo says, “Keep breathing for me, Dee, that’s it.” Donnie shuts his eyes to help his growing headache, slumping forward. “You with me, Donnie?” Leo asks, and he gives a grunt of assent.
Then they hear a screech of metal as the door to Donnie’s lab is forced up, Raph rushing inside moments later.
“...Oh geez, Donnie,” he says when he sees what’s happened. “How did you manage this?”
“Save your lectures for later, Raph,” says Leo, standing up but not dropping Donnie’s hand. “He’s in shock right now.”
“Okay… okay.” Raph gets close to them, then reaches out and lays his big, cool hand on Donnie’s back. For once the touch is welcome, grounding, and Donnie leans back into it. “Don’t worry, big bro’s here to help.”
He would normally make some smart remark at that, but he’s so tired and, though he’d never admit it, so relieved that Raph is here now, so any words he had die unspoken on his tongue.
His eyes are still closed so he doesn’t know what they’re doing, but after a second Raph pulls his hand away, and he hears him say, “I think I can lift it enough.”
“Okay, you lift and I’ll pull his arm out. …Careful, he threw up there.”
“S’not like it’d be the first time I’ve ever had puke on me.”
“Fine, but if you slip in it I’ll laugh at you.”
He feels a slight jostle to his arm, and then Leo is pulling his hand away. He whines, uncharacteristically needy, and Leo gives his shoulder a quick squeeze.
“Sorry, Donnie, but this will just take a second.”
“Count of three,” says Raph, sounding a little strained already. “One… two… three!”
There’s a screech, and the weight is miraculously off his arm. He feels hands grab at it and winces in pain as his arm is moved away from the machine and into his lap, followed immediately after by a heavy thunk as Raph lays the metal down again.
“You’re out,” Leo tells him, his hand coming back to hold Donnie’s and giving it a squeeze. “You’re free.”
Donnie drags his eyelids open and starts to look down at his arm. He sees blood and he sees odd angles but before he can see more a hand is cupping his chin and pulling his face up.
“Yeah, you just went five shades paler,” says Leo, meeting his eyes. “Let’s not look at that anymore, okay? I don’t need you losing more fluids.”
Donnie grumbles, but assents.
There’s a bit of jostling, and he realizes something is being tied around his neck, fabric. Then his arm is nestled in it, supported so it doesn’t hang limply off his side.
“Okay, that’s not the best, but it’ll do for the walk to the medbay,” says Leo. Donnie notes dimly that he’s not wearing his bandanna anymore.
“Should I carry him?” asks Raph.
“Maybe… Donnie, do you feel like you can walk, or do you need Raph to get you?”
“Can walk,” he mumbles. He isn’t sure, really, but his pride pushes him to agree.
“Okay, I don’t really trust that, but we’ll let you try. Raph, stay close.”
He gets to his feet; they feel shaky and unsteady, but he doesn’t collapse. Leo ducks under his good arm, pulling it over his shoulders so he has support without asking. Donnie goes ahead and huffs about it, but he knows if Leo hadn’t done that he would fall over.
They take their first step and Donnie groans when his arm bounces lightly off his plastron. Leo grips his good hand, giving it a squeeze.
“I know, bud, but focus on the big shot of painkillers you’re about to get. We just gotta get there.”
The walk to the medbay is torturously slow, made worse when they attract the attention of Splinter and Mikey, both of whom unleash a torrent of questions that doesn’t help the pounding in his head. “Hey, settle down,” says Raph, silencing them. “He’ll be okay, we just gotta patch up his arm.”
They get there, eventually. The lights are still out, the medbay bathed in the same red as everything else. Leo lowers him to the bed and helps him get laid out, a pillow under his feet propping them up for the shock.
He hears Leo and Raph talking in low voices above him about the backup generator, and he tries to give them instructions, though it comes out slurred and mumbled. He grimaces in frustration.
“We’ve got it, Donnie, we can figure it out,” Leo says when he leans over him.
“Don’t know… dumb dumbs.”
“Okay, good to see your sass wasn’t damaged.” Leo grins.
“Sigh,” he says, and Leo chuckles.
There’s a moment of silence as Leo goes to fetch whatever he’ll need to work; Donnie knows the basics, but all his medical knowledge slips through his fingers when he tries to access it. His brain is too foggy right now, and biology is Leo’s thing, anyway.
He does have a pressing question, though, once Leo comes back - he reaches up with his good hand, and immediately Leo puts down what he’s holding to grab it.
“Am I going to lose it?” he asks, voice trembling.
Leo’s thumb strokes on the back of his hand, and it calms him down. “I don’t think so. It’s not as bad as it feels like.”
Donnie sighs, leaning his head back. His hand goes limp in Leo’s grasp, and Leo gently lowers it back to the bed.
“Go ahead and check out. Things’ll be better when you’re awake.”
Donnie trusts him enough to listen.
He wakes up to light, the smell of antiseptic, and a dull throbbing in his arm. He groans at all of these sensations and closes his eyes again.
“Hey sleepyhead!” His brother’s voice is entirely too cheery, and Donnie hisses in response. “Okay, Grumpatello, you can go back to sleep if you want, but I thought you might like some pain meds.”
That gets his attention; he opens his eyes again, and finds that the lights have been dimmed - no red emergency light, but nothing blaring in his eyes either. Leo is next to him, holding a cup and the plastic lid from a pill bottle.
“Do you feel up to taking these orally, or do I need to start another IV?” he asks.
Donnie mumbles something that doesn’t feel like words, then holds out his hand. Leo propped the bed up at some point so he’s already sitting.
The water is handed to him first, then Leo takes the cup and dumps the pills in his hand. Donnie appreciates that he remembers his preferred way to take pills (even if he has told him it’s wrong on more than one occasion).
Once he’s swallowed them he holds out his hand for the cup again, downing all the water in three quick gulps. 
“Okay, maybe try sips next time?” Leo takes the cup back.
“Unnecessary,” he says, pleased that talking feels a little less painful. “What happened?”
Leo sits down on a stool next to his bed. “Okay, so do you remember your arm getting crushed by that… whatever it was you were working on?”
Donnie shoves down his immediate desire to explain the machine in favor of nodding. “Yes, I remember. And I remember you and Raph bringing me here. What happened…”
He can’t finish the sentence. He knows, logically, that he could just look at his arm (he can feel it, it hurts, that means it’s still there, right?), but for some stupid reason he’s too scared to.
“It’s still there,” Leo answers anyway, because apparently he’s a mind reader now (Donnie refuses to think he’s that easy to read). “Two arms and all six fingers.” He wiggles his own in demonstration.
That, finally, gets Donnie to look down. His arm is indeed there, packed tight in a cast that already has multiple purple doodles on it, courtesy of Mikey. He tries to wiggle his own fingers, but it hurts so he stops.
Still, the sigh he gives as he sinks back against his pillows is one of relief.
“Don’t get me wrong, you’ve bashed it all to pieces,” Leo continues. “Don’t even think about trying to use it for at least eight weeks. We can decide then if you need longer.” Leo is giving him his best stern look, which in reality just makes Donnie want to laugh. “You got lucky thanks to our mutant durability, but I’m serious about giving it time to heal.”
“Yeah, sure, Dr. Dumb Dumb,” says Donnie dismissively, and Leo reaches up and gives him a light but still annoying flick on the forehead.
“Worst patient ever. I’d rather have Mikey with the flu, and he gives me shit about how I make soup.” Leo leans back, looking him over. “How are you feeling, though? Woozy at all? Any pain other than the arm?”
Donnie gives a shake of his head. “I feel as well as can be expected.”
“Okay, cool.” Leo lifts his own arms over his head, stretching them out with an audible pop. “Well, you can hang out here or go back to your room. You’re stable enough.”
Donnie nods and then doesn’t make a move to go anywhere. He’d rather go to his room than stay here, with all the sterile smells and medical equipment, but he still feels wobbly. Vulnerable.
Leo, perhaps still able to read him too well, doesn’t leave either.
“...I’m glad I didn’t lose it,” he says after a moment. He can see Leo opening his mouth to say something, so he continues quickly. “I mean, I have, of course, trained myself to be ambidextrous in case such a situation arose-”
“A totally normal thing to do.”
“-but it’s more… <i>efficient</i> to have both arms.”
“You’re allowed to be happy you didn’t lose an arm, weirdo,” Leo says, reaching over and giving Donnie’s unharmed hand a squeeze that sucks any bite out of his words. “You’re allowed to be frustrated that you’re stuck like this for eight weeks. And you’re definitely allowed to be grateful to the best brother in the world for saving your life.”
“Okay, well.” Donnie pulls his hand away, swiveling to get his legs off the bed and trying not to grin too obviously at Leo’s pout. “I’m going back to my room.”
“You sure you don’t need help from your most beloved and favorite brother to get there?”
“Sure; Mikey isn’t here, though, so I guess you’ll have to do.”
“Ouch! So cold, Dee, so cold.” 
Leo loops an arm around him and pulls him into a hug, one Donnie lets him have, failing to fight his smile. He doesn’t really need the support, but he leans on Leo anyway.
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mythica0 · 1 year
Here’s a power/ability list for the Supernatural bois! (I’m addition to their normal Ninpo.)
I might’ve posted something similar before but it’s not on the tag so I’m redoing it lol.
-Can breathe underwater
-really fast swimmer
-Hypnotic voice/Siren song
-> has multiple versions/types that he can change between it turn off at will
-> lure: classic Siren song, lures people who hear it towards him. Takes no effort
-> mind control: can control the actions of one person or a group of people. Takes quite a bit of effort, especially for more people. Can only make people do things they are capable of. (I.E;couldn’t make a normal person fly or something.) Frowned upon by his fam except for Donnie
-> influence: can influence the personality of people who hear it. Can make it more specific to a certain person or a few people, but that takes more focus. At default, influences anyone who hears it and takes a small level of effort. (Example: making a group of people angry at eachother.)
-Weakness: dislikes fire and other dryness.
-can fly with his bat-like wings
-can turn into a bat
-has sharp fangs (he can drink blood, but dosent need to in order to live. It does serve as food and he often craves blood, however it’s frowned upon by fam except for Leo.)
-has regenerative properties, hard to injure or kill.
-weaknesses: Has pale scales and sun burns very easily. Is repulsed by garlic. Previously mentioned cravings for blood.
-Can fly (like Future Mikey, only way earlier)
- can create and manipulate fire.(is often scolded by Raph for commiting arson in public while fighting.)
-regeneration properties, same as Donnie.
-Can heal others with a special type of flame. (Feels warm, but not hot. Purple in color.)
-Weakness: fire powers don’t work if he is wet. Naturally dislikes water.
-can fly using his dragon-like wings
-has tougher scales, extremely hard to damage.
-can see farther than average
-can grow to 4x his size, Up to 24 feet tall. (He doesn’t have to go all the way up or down, he can go in multiples. So it’s 6, 12, 18 or 24 ft tall.)
-Weaknesses: Needs a lot of food to support his large size and abilities. If he dosent get enough he can’t grow larger. Has a weaker spot on his tail near the tip.
-Leo and Mikey are sort of opposites, and often have teasing squabbles. They still figure out ways to use teamwork, however.
-Leo and Donnie both have wack moral compasses, Raph is always worried if they ever go out alone together.
-Leo is very flirtatious, being a Siren, and also very very gay.
-while we’re on the subject of sexuality, Donnie is AroAce, Mikey is Pan, and Raph is Bi. They’re all cis men.
-Raph has additional spikes on his arms than in canon.
-Mikey has fire-like marking under his eyes and has some feathers that grow out of his arms and legs.
-sometimes during fights or on missions Raph will grow to his full size, or just one of his other larger sizes, and carry his brothers around in his hand for fast travel, or to rescue them.
-Leo and Donnie work together to cause a lot of mischief. Leo has helped Donnie get blood from a hospital and several occasions. (These disaster twins got even more disaster-y)
-Due to being a night owl and how easy he burns, Donnie hates going outside during the day.
Any questions or thoughts about the AU? Please share! My ask box is always open!
Tagging: @someone1348 @tastybluesprite @sunsetsandsunshine @anxious-lee @veryblushyswitch @vxlepop
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npwd hours. have some fun facts
(this will definitely be added to/updated later)
Raph (Red) (he/she)
literally the only one who doesn't wear clothes (outside of his shorts/mask)
still does the Red Angel of Preventing Harm thing
splinter... wasn't doing great for a good while after the mutation happened (esp since on top of everything in canon he ALSO lost three of his kids)
when raph was around eight or so though he got very very sick and almost died. she tried to take care of herself because she assumed splinter wouldn't, but could only do so much. thankfully splinter found out before it was too late and was able to save her. it was a pretty good wakeup call and while he's still super depressed he's been much more present since then
Leo (Leon) (he/him)
growing up with hypno (and eventually warren) did nothing but increase his flair for the dramatic and love of magic
he was 100% hypno's assistant for shows a lot of the time. the turtle thing was passed off as a 'costume'
knows ALL the best magic tricks
warren came along when leo was around five or six
when hypno and warren got mutated they (obviously) couldn't keep their jobs so they took to doing crimes to get money. small crimes because they don't want to be a bad influence on leo but they also do need the money to put a roof over his head
they do try to hide the fact that they do crimes from leo. he absolutely knows but he lets them think he doesn't
they have thrown hands with raph on more than one occasion. raph did start going a bit easier on them after one of them mentioned at some point they had a kid at home. raph Does Not Know that said kid is leo
Donnie (Othello) (he/they)
lives in an apartment. No Space for a lab. he wants one SO BAD.
still tinkers a lot and fixes things around the house with what he can find
the o'neils have the best wifi in the state of new york
they did create shelldon! he's stuck in donnie's computer though - not enough resources to build a body
likes fashion and dresses up for fun sometimes but wears the hoodie most of the time bc it's familiar/safe
no battle shell really... they do have a fake shell but it's more for storage than anything else since they don't get in fights. like a backpack basically
no gauntlet thingy, no magic goggles - he does have noise cancelling headphones he keeps in his shellpack
they do have goggles for work (for eye protection) just not the 3d glasses lookin goggles they have in canon
Mikey (Mike) (he/she/they)
VERY in tune with his mystics (trained by draxum)
LOVES skateboarding. badgered draxum into having a skate ramp installed for them
doesn't hate humanity (and has even managed to soften draxum up a bit. not much but a bit) and actually thinks a lot of their stuff is super cool
mutating the humans was the compromise she and draxum came to rather than killing them. she doesn't see a problem with it bc 'it's better than killing all of them'
morals are a bit... looser than canon mikey's due to draxum's influence
take your kid to work day more like [draxum voice] someone will die. [mikey voice] of fun!
But Also: aww little guy - oh he's a bit fucked up actually
sneaks up to the surface sometimes to do graffiti. has ABSOLUTELY been seen more than once but thinks she's so sneaky
draxum wasn't the best at first (treated mikey like a warrior rather than a kid) but he got better. he's a good dad now
hugin and munin would both kill for her without question
mikey talks about their internet friends enough that draxum is eventually like. ok i will make an exception for three (3) humans because my child likes them
they got their colors bc lou jitsu tied scraps of fabric onto them to be able to tell them apart
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miss-andromeda · 10 months
For the sappy ship game 💕
For Donnie and Andi 💜🩷
🦅: How good are their friends at being wingmen? Do they even help at all or just sit back watching the pining with a bag of popcorn?
🧸: Would they want to have kids together? If so what are their kid(s) like? How are they as parents?
🕊️: Give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff)
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I got you 😌
🦅: How good are their friends at being wingmen? Do they even help at all or just sit back watching the pining with a bag of popcorn?
(Only sticking with the season 1 crew, so no Casey 😌)
Okay, let's start with the elephant in the room; April is the de facto wingwoman. Always trying to get Andi and Donnie to have some kind of alone time together, hyping the other one up in front of their crush, she goes the whole nine yards.
The boys on the other hand are a different story. The closest one I could think of being a wingman is Raph, but even still, it's not often that he acts like one. He mostly sticks to teasing the two of them about confessing their feelings - mostly Donnie, because it's easier to tease him than Andi. Mikey doesn't tease the two of them, but he does often join April in admiring them, even if they're doing something innocuous like talking. Leo often joins Raph in the teasing, but it's less like Raph's "just shut up and kiss" approach and more "you two are adorable, but I'm never gonna let you live down how dorky you can be."
As for Splinter? He's quietly observing the whole thing with a smile...while also planning out the wedding in his head.
🧸: Would they want to have kids together? If so what are their kid(s) like? How are they as parents?
Heck yeah they want to have kids! Once they figure out the technicalities behind it (and if Andi can even be pregnant with a child with both human and mutant DNA,) they absolutely want kids.
And in case you were wondering, they would have twins - a boy and a girl, named Marie and Isaac. 💛💙
Marie would be the more outgoing one - think Mabel from Gravity Falls, except more sassy. She's bright, cheery and loyal to her core - but she's quite direct and is not afraid to call someone out if they're being mean or dumb - or both. She's also not afraid to get into a little bit of mischief, especially with their Uncle Mikey. And she's the only one who can make Raph dress up and play tea party with her.
Isaac is more reserved and polite, but he can still be direct if he wants to be. He's the one constantly telling Marie not to do something since she can get in trouble, but on rare occasions, he'll join in on her shenanigans. He's sometimes partial to brag that he's the older one since he was born first (about 5 minutes before Marie was,) often earning a whine of protest and "shush, Izzy!" from her. (Side note, she's the only one that can call him Izzy - everyone else gets a glare. In response, he calls her Rie-Rie.) He also idolizes their Uncle Leo, so much so that he often asks to participate in meditating with him, and even asks when he can start learning to use a katana.
As for how Don and Andi would be as parents? Let's leave it at; they both would be overprotective as hell, and Andi would be very partial to threatening anyone with her gun if they dared to even look at her babies the wrong way. But when it comes to the kids themselves? Supportive as all get-out and will never fail in making them feel loved and appreciated, but can be strict when need be - like if they break something in the lab or get into a fight with each other.
🕊️: Give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff)
Hmm, what's a good domestic bit I could discuss...?
Got it! How 'bout we discuss their birthdays?
I am a firm believer that the boys' Mutation Day is the same day the show first aired - September 28. So when their birthday rolls around, Andi will work together with Splinter and April in throwing them an awesome birthday party. The music will be a bit all over the place, but it's the spirit that counts, you know? And of course, she'd get them all gifts - and then sneak Donnie away for a bit of alone time...😌
Not like that, ya pervs 😅
She'd bring him to the surface and take him somewhere fun and private - the Hayden Planetarium (when it's closed, of course 😌), a walk through Central Park, or she'd just bring him to her apartment for dessert and a movie.
And for her birthday? Well, as we saw in Andi's birthday chapter, he will go all out as far as her gift goes. He can and will make her something meaningful and useful - jewelry, a CD player, a new computer (if needed,) anything she mentions she'd like or something he thinks would be a good gift is hers.
And like her, he'd totally arrange something private for the two of them - a rooftop picnic, stargazing, or he'd make a mini projector and put a screen up so they could watch a movie on the roof. Whatever makes her happy. 💜🩷
Thanks for the ask, bestie 🩷
@tinkabelle19 @happymoonangel @kikithedreamerwriter @jasminarts01 @raphsmuneca @thelaundrybitch @m1dnyt3-w0lf @margoteve
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ne0nlightzz · 11 months
Characters/Fandoms I Write For
These are not all the characters I'll write for nor all the fandoms! Just some characters that I personally favor and would like to write about way more than some others! [this also includes what season of specific shows I'll write for. This will change and be updated quite a bit as I watch further into some shows and start to write for other characters and seasons]
This also includes what type of 'xReader's I'll write for!
Note: i keep saying throughout this post and this applies to every fandom i write for- ill write for other characters that aren't listed, so please if there's a character you'd like to see be written for and you don't see it on the list please just ask if I'll write for that character and ill let ya know!! it doesn't bother me and id rather people ask me rather then not!
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Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
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The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Damon Salvatore Stefan Salvatore Elijah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson Kol Mikaelson Rebekah Mikaelson Marcel Gerard Lorenzo 'Enzo' Bonnie Bennett Tyler Lockwood Jeremy Gilbert Luke Parker Kai Parker
S.1 - S.8 [TVD] S.1- S.3 [The Originals]
Note: I'll write for practically all of TVD and most of The Originals. The characters in red are ones I'll write for but am less egar to write for if that makes sense. also if there is a specific character that you'd like written but isn't on this list please feel free to ask if I'll write for them! because trust me ill somewhat willingly write for most! (except for Matt. never ask me to write for Matt unless it's about him getting it by a car. This is mostly a joke so Matt fans don't kill me please-.)
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The Lost Boys
Characters- David
Michael Emerson
Sam Emerson
note: is anyone even in this fandom anymore? im not sure but this old vamp movie is so bad but also so awesome-
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TMNT 2012
Donatello [Donnie]
Michelangelo [Mikey]
Leonardo [Leo]
Raphael [Raph]
Casy Jones
i do write for other characters like April O'Neil, but i prefer to mainly write for Casey and the turtles as i favor them and i think i can write them better then i could other characters (this doesn't mean i won't write other characters!)
tmnt masterlist [each gen ill write for and what characters ill write for in those gens cuz i can't add every tmnt gen ill write for here- but untill i make my tmnt master list please know ill also write for a bit of rottmnt,2003 and a bit of bayverse and mutant mayhem! ]
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Marble Hornets
Tim Wright [+His alter ego-Masky]
Brian Thomas [+His alter ego-Hoodie]
Alex Karlie
Jay Merrick
i will also write both hoodie/brian and masky/tim in creepypasta context and plz know im still watching marble hornets because my attention span for stuff like that[or most stuff in general] is nonexistent so it takes me awhile to get through series and all that[im slowly getting through marble hornets and am learning more about it but its taking me 6 years no joke- also i do write Tim and Brian and their alter egos separately because in my head that just makes sense because i just imagine that there are very different behaviors in between the person and the alter ego if that makes any sense]
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Ticci Toby/Tobias Rogers
BEN Drowned
Bloody Painter/Helen
The Puppeteer
Jeff the killer
Eyeless Jack
Note: plz ask for any other characters! these are just the ones i could think of off the top of my head! ill also write Masky/Tim and Hoodie/Brian in the creepypasta context too. im also sure ill end up editing and add onto this.
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Invader Zim
Characters- Zim Dib Gir Gaz Tak
Seasons- S.1 S.2 note: ill write for s.1-the first haft of s.2 but not for the movie as i haven't watched it yet. ill also write aged up/feature au and maybe Zadar [plz don't kill me] besides that please ask for any relationships or characters.
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Helluva Boss
Fizzarolli [Fizz] Asmodeus[Ozzie] Blitzo Stolas Octivia Moxie Millie Luna Note: as i keep saying and this applies to every fandom i write for- ill write for other characters that aren't listed, so please if there's a character you'd like to see be written for and you don't see it on the list please just ask if I'll write for that character and ill let ya know!! it doesn't bother me and id rather people ask me rather then not!
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IT [2017]
Richie Tozier Eddie Kaspbrack Bill Denbrough Beverly Marsh Henry Bowers Patrick Hocksetter Victor Criss Belch Huggins
Note: I will write for the rest of the Losers and other characters but these are just the ones id like to write for [bill is an eh actually-] and as ive said before characters in red are ones ill list and write for but am a bit less egar to write for. Ill also totally write for the bowers gang-
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This list will continue to be updated as i remeber and get back into older fandoms and as i watch more of these shows/movies and such!! so again please feel free to ask about fandoms/shows/movies you dont see on this or any other list!! ill most likely make a a basic fandom masterlist that doesnt go into the characters ill write for as those will most likely just be other fandoms i that dont really need a list of characters!
also here is a short list of other fandoms/shows/movies ill write for but i felt dont really need a character list-
Interview With The Vampire The Black Phone Gravity Falls Lego Ninjago Sanders Sides FNAF/Aftons HTTYD The Owl House OHSHC Marvel/Spider man [Mainly Iron man or Spiderman because they are like my comfort characters- i also write for both the Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield Spiderman !!Not the actors but the character! ] Spider Verse Ask/ETC!
disclaimer: i do not own any of these chatacters, fandoms/shows/movies or images. all rights n all go to their respecful owners
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