#in horizon it was the focus activation noise
cchickki · 3 months
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Poison - Chapter 1
summary: While normalcy remains within the Citadel, Furiosa and Jack focus on their escape to the Green Place while trying to figure out their feelings for each other. With so many obstacles tackled and their future on the horizon, things aren't always as simple and hopeful as they seem.
themes: hurt/comfort, intimacy, sexual tension
pairing: furiosa x praetorian jack
rating: T - some alcohol use & gets a bit steamy at the end
word count: 2.8k
author's note: So sorry this part of the series took longer to come out, I kept rewriting and wrestling with ideas on how to work on it. This one requires two chapters and might have another part to the series afterward (not completely sure yet). Also, this chapter is honestly 'Teen' rated with a bit of spicy-ness, but the next chapter is what makes it have the 'Mature' rating. This chapter explores a little bit more of Jack's past. The FuryJack brain rot is real, but I'm thriving in it! Thank you everyone for the support!
part one - wounds
part two - seed
furyjack playlist
also tagging @chickadee-djarin ❤️
chapter under the cut, can also be read on ao3
Gas Town tomorrow. Gas Town Tomorrow. Gas Town Tomorrow.
The words repeated in a tiresome loop in Jack’s head as he observed some of the shipment being loaded onto the rig. Three crates of cabbages, two crates of spinach, two crates of potatoes, ten gallons of Mother’s Milk, and the list went on. Today was supposed to be the day he delivered the convoy, but apparently some of the crops took a little longer to ripen and become harvested, and one of the Milkers ‘became dry,’ or so he heard. The little details about the shipment didn’t matter to him, all that mattered was that the convoy arrived at its destination, and the shipment of ammunition was delivered intact. 
Although Jack has felt his focus shift more as of late. His goal was always to preserve his own safety and the safety of his crew, but out in the Wasteland the sanctity of life was hardly honored. Losing people was about as common as breathing, so Jack usually kept himself at arm’s length with his crew beyond work despite the trust that was usually required to grow loyalty. 
But then Furiosa was added to the mix, and his priorities had been shifted.
Furiosa’s figure caught his eye, moving amongst the swirl of activity within the Workshop. Her posture was rigid as she stepped around the War Boys and her eyes heavy and swollen from crying last night. He noticed she had attempted to conceal the puffiness of her eyes by adding more grease around her eyes than usual. She approached the radiator, her and a War Boy checking for a suspected coolant leak. Jack didn’t allow his gaze to linger on her too long. The rumors about them had already been a topic of hushed gossip around the Workshop, but as long as it remained only rumors that stayed within this section of the Citadel, Jack saw no reason to shut it down. A few stories about them sneaking off together hardly the hot gossip that would rank among the borderline solicit activities that happen around the Citadel. But Furiosa was a Full-Life woman who was already teetering on a hazardous edge to being plucked from his mentorship as a praetorian, and placed somewhere else in the Citadel to be used. It was difficult enough to convince Immortan Joe for her to remain with him after it was revealed she wasn’t a young boy living with the Gear Heads.
He kept himself busy, checking on the differentials toward the front of the war rig. He had noticed a strange noise deriving from the wheels, and his control while steering had been a bit more difficult. 
Jack worked in silence for hours. His mind drifted to Furiosa as it often did lately, though his clear insight on his work was never completely clouded. In a fleeting moment of weakness he did think warily to himself if kissing Furiosa had been a mistake, and cursed himself for getting even slightly carried away. He had crossed a boundary with her and was now navigating uncharted territory. 
It wasn’t until dusk had fallen over the Wasteland that Jack finally approached Furiosa, who was cleaning off her hands stained by radiator fluid and grease with a ripped-up shirt. Any semblance of the night before was nonexistent between them in the garages; Jack knew better than to bring up last night up to her, not here. Here she was just as much in charge of this operation as he was, he wouldn’t dare do anything to shake her resolve by asking her something so personal when the topic could be within earshot of someone else.
“How’s the wound?” Jack asked her, drawing a line with his finger across his own collarbone to indicate what he meant.
Furiosa mumbled ‘fine,’ giving him a curt nod. She stared endlessly in the distance, growing tight-lipped as she finished cleaning her hands off to the best of her ability. Although she kept her expression blank, Jack would see the hint of regret laced behind her heavy-lidded eyes. Despite her mysterious nature, Jack knew her well enough to sense that opening up about her past had taken a toll on her, and exposed a part of herself that she wasn’t ready to reveal.
Jack placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, unsure how to gesture to her without it coming across as pity. Furiosa didn’t shrug his hand away, her stare remained looking out aimlessly as she displayed no reaction to this touch. He leaned in close, the sides of their faces brushing up against each other. His eyes scanned the room, ensuring that no one else was close enough to overhear.
“I’m nearly finished gathering enough supplies for us to leave, we just need to wait for the right opportunity now.” He whispered.
His words fully drew her attention. She stepped back, so she could fully look at his face. Her brows drew inward as she searched his face for further explanation, as if she was debating if she was dreaming or not. 
"I meant what I said last night, I'll do whatever it takes." He reaffirmed.
“I'll meet you in an hour.” Furiosa replied, her voice nearly a hiss but not unpleasant.
She then walked past him, heading somewhere deeper in the Workshop to appear inconspicuous. Jack knew what she meant on where to meet: their little hideaway, their personal oasis nestled underneath one of the Aqua Cola pumps and high above the grounds of the Citadel. The leaking water collected in a divot underneath the escarpment, growing plants and attracted some insects and lizards to the rare and hidden source of water. 
It had become their sanctuary these past few months.
Furiosa trekked to their hideaway as soon as the Workshop cleared out for the evening.
Jack was sitting beside the divot, inspecting the bottle of whiskey with vague interest. She sat beside him in silence, fixating on the bottle as she waited for him to speak. As he slightly lowered the bottle, Furiosa reached for it, fully taking it in her hands as he released it. The heaviness of her eyes and pounding headache that had started blooming across her forehead was tempting her to take a swig from the bottle. She knew she should ask Jack first since pure bottled alcohol from the Old World was extremely rare to come by. 
“How’d you get this, if you don’t mind me asking?” Furiosa finally questioned, her voice still slightly hoarse from the night before.
“I traded for it.” Jack answered, his attention staring out toward the horizon as the sun began to set.
Furiosa nodded in response, her fingers glossing over the faded label. The silence between them remained for a few moments as Furiosa wrestled with her words, but Jack seemed to be enjoying the tranquility so she was slow to speak and break it. She decided to take a sip; since only about a quarter of it was remaining, she had to tip the bottle upwards more than she originally intended. It rushed into her mouth faster than she anticipated, the sensation immediately burning her mouth and throat as it went down. She coughed a bit, clenching her eyes shut as it settled with a warm heaviness in the pit of her stomach. She started to cough, spluttering some of the whiskey out as she did so.
Jack clapped her on the back, a slightly wry smile spreading on his face. “Slow down there,” he chuckled lightly.
Furiosa wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, the sound of his laughter drawing her in and calming her soul. 
“I didn’t realize that you drank,” she started, gesturing to the bottle she was still holding, clearing her throat.
“I don’t, alcohol is good for dressing wounds. Can’t risk driving the war rig drunk.” Jack gently took the bottle from her hands, taking a swig for himself. “Although every once in a while, a couple drops don’t hurt.” 
“I’m sorry, I should’ve asked before I took a drink…” Furiosa added, lamely. 
She didn’t understand why she felt so drained and awkward at this moment. She trusted Jack and had shared more of herself to him than anyone else, but right now she felt like she was a stranger stumbling at a first meeting. 
He frowned at her words, but not unkindly. “Nonsense, what’s mine is yours.” He replied, repositioning himself to move closer to her. “I should check that wound, might need to use more whiskey to clean it up.
Furiosa pulled the collar of her shirt down, slipping the oversized material past her shoulders to expose the stitched up gash. She kept her eyes locked on his, noticing his eyes flit downward briefly, lower than where her gash was. Her heart skipped a beat, feeling the heat radiating off of his body as he leaned in to inspect her wound closely. He ran his fingertips over his stitch work; Furiosa swore the sensation of his touch sent electricity through her body.
“Looks a bit red, but not too much swelling.” Jack noted. 
To her surprise Jack pressed his nose nearly up against her collar bone, inhaling. She stilled, holding her breath as his forehead brushed against her nose and lips. Her stomach somersaulted, her heart hammered in her chest, her hands trembled - she fought to contain herself.
“Doesn’t smell unpleasant, either. No infection.” Jack added, straightening up so he could face her. 
Her wide-eyed gaze caught his attention and the flushed color of her cheeks. Jack froze, debating what he should do next, recalling how exhausted and miserable she had appeared today from last night’s confessions. He drew back, thinking it better for her mentality not to indulge in whatever this was becoming. Jack wanted nothing more than to lose himself in her, but they both needed clear heads if they were going to make their escape in the future. He saw her wilt slightly at his retreat, but she recovered her disappointment swiftly, readjusting her shirt and standing up fully. The two wordlessly exchanged glances before she turned to leave, but Jack’s hand reached out and caught her wrist.
“Hang on,” he beckoned, keeping a gentle hold on her wrist. “You shared your past with me last night. I want to do the same.”
Furiosa turned back toward him, curiosity taking hold of her. She sat back down beside him, his focus returning to the sunset as he spoke.
“I was a toddler when the world fell apart. I don’t remember much, but there’s remnants of my memory that I can still recall. I remember what I think was my family's home, my toys I used to play with, and a television program I used to watch all the time. They were soldiers, even back then, and they were under Immortan Joe’s command.”
Shocked, Furiosa straightened her posture at the news. 
“He was Colonel Joe Moore back then, a good soldier and a decent man, at least I think he was. Perhaps a bit of madness was always within him, but over time when society fell and things started to get worse, Joe began to change.” Jack sighed. “It all seems so long ago, almost like a distant dream. When my parents passed, I was trapped with only Joe to care for me. I watched him change, morph into a monster-“
Furiosa’s hand clasped his; it was her turn to offer comfort. He glanced down at her hand, his expression remaining neutral as his other hand enclosed over hers. He didn't feel deserving of her sympathy, especially after she had shared how she had ended up here.
“I’m luckier than most. The thought of anything beyond the Citadel is… staggering to me. But Joe can’t be right, there has to be more than this. You’re proof of that.” Jack faced her again, his free hand cupping the side of her face.
Furiosa leaned into his touch, reveling at the feeling of his calloused hands against her smooth skin. She fought to keep her distance today, her exposed, bleeding heart still feeling raw from last night. Above all she had to keep the Green Place and herself safe, but something about Jack made her relinquish her guarded psyche. She inclined her head closer to him, her lips catching on his. He was still for a moment, not reciprocating right away as she repositioned herself. Like the previous night something ignited within her once again, she longed for his touch more than anything she could fathom. She climbed into his lap, causing him to tilt his head upwards as he gripped onto her back for balance. Her hands roamed, holding the back of his head, taking fistfuls of his hair within her palm, the other hand sliding down his back. She felt Jack's lips part, his tongue slipping past her own and into her mouth. This act puzzled her, not knowing what exactly to do as she allowed his tongue access into her mouth. She could hear Jack's breathing become more labored, the ferocity of his kissing intensifying as she clumsily did her best to keep up.
She ended up on her back, the two of them a tangle of limbs as their lips remained on each other. Furiosa let Jack take control, unsure what to do next due to her lack of experience but knowing she wanted this to continue. His lips trailed down to her neck as she gasped for air from holding her breath during their kissing, cradling his head. One of his hands was planted on the ground beside her, and the other held the opposite side of her face in a firm, but loving embrace. A hushed whimper escaped her lips as Jack continued whatever he was doing - the pressure on her neck increased as she felt his teeth and tongue against her skin. Heat radiated from where his mouth remained on her neck, the sensation foreign but not unpleasant to her.
Jack suddenly pulled away, sitting up fully as he peered down at Furiosa. He appeared shocked, his breathing heavy as it took a moment to collect himself. He sighed, wiping his mouth then pinching the bridge of his nose for a second before standing up fully. She went to prop herself on her elbows as he extended a hand to help her up. She took it slowly, confused as she studied his disheveled appearance. His eyes were averted from hers, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as she waited expectantly to break the silence between them. She felt anxiety begin to bubble in the pit of her stomach, wondering if she had done something wrong to cause him to abruptly stop.
"I'm sorry, I got too carried away," Jack finally panted, still trying to slow his breathing. "I told myself I wouldn't get carried away again, but I did."
Furiosa took a step forward, her hand cupping the side of his face. His eyes landed on her now, a small but almost sad smile spreading on his face. She went to kiss him again, but he turned away, taking her hand on his face and moving it away. 
"We can't, not here." He murmured, his voice thick with emotion.
Her brows furrowed, puzzled. "Why?"
"It wouldn't be," Jack paused, searching for the right word for this moment. "-practical. I want to, trust me I really do, but it's not safe for the two of us while we're in the Citadel." 
"I don't understand," Furiosa shook her head, not following.
"Fury, other than the dangers of being distracted from our current duties as praetorians, there's the risk that you could become pregnant." Jack explained, delicately.
Heat rose in Furiosa's cheeks, the possibility hadn't even crossed her mind. She was too overcome with her yearning to have even comprehended. She knew what sex was, but didn't know how to navigate it herself. She bashfully kept her eyes toward the ground, staring at her boots as she wished she hadn't been short-sighted on where all of this could've led to. 
"Get some sleep, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow," Jack suggested, his tone still low and gentle.
Furiosa nodded, too embarrassed to speak. She left their hideaway, deciding to sleep with the Gear Heads and War Boys in the Workshop tonight so she could clear her head.
Jack watched her leave, feeling disappointment for how their physical intimacy had ended and how he had allowed himself to be that reckless. He wanted to curse himself for how he had potentially given her a hickey, a dangerous branding that could catch the wrong person's attention. The thought of foolishly putting her at risk made him nauseous, he knew until they left the Citadel he had to keep his emotions in check and his hands off of her.
He needed to prepare himself for tomorrow. Seeing Dementus for the first time since Furiosa had finally told him what he had done to her was going to be a challenge. He knew it was going to take every ounce of his strength and self-control not to kill him on sight.
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straighttohellbuddy · 2 years
to show you the stars (and win your heart) {Wilbur Soot}
Request: This is really simple and no where near as interesting as your writing. But, what if the reader has a rooftop spot they go to a lot to think or draw or whatever. And one day they get the news that they've lost their job so they go there but a really lanky guy with curly brown hair is already there. Idk, not my best but it's somethin
Summary: Five moments after you move to Brighton, and the one where it finally feels like home. // (Five moments online after Wilbur Soot meets his new neighbour on the roof, and the one where he finally introduces them to his audience.)
Need to Know: They/Them. Some discussions of unemployment, a bit of possible second hand embarrassment. Reader has no idea about Wilbur's online activities. Fluff.
A/N: 5075 words. I LOVE THIS REQUEST!!! My life has been kind of falling apart lately but Ive been working on this on and off for a week or so. So I kind of tweaked the prompt, I hope you don't mind, so instead of the reader having just lost their job, it's the aftermath of having lost their job and having to relocate to a new city (because that's literally what happened to me), and adapting to the new city and meeting Wilbur while settling into the city, you know?? I hope you like it, it brought me great comfort. Written on my phone and unedited.
The air smells different here. On top of the building? Brighton? On the other side of your life going absolutely tits up? Where is here, really; it's such a relative concept. But the air smells different. Different to your old home. Different to your old town. Different to your old life. Not good necessarily, just different -
The door to the roof creaks something dreadful as it opens. You're focus is caught, naturally, and your pensive expression turns upon a surprised stranger.
"Sorry," tall, brunette, pale but not freckled enough for them to be visible to you at this short distance. He hovers in the doorway but ultimately joins you on the roof. When he lets go of the door, there's that noise again, that awful, attention grabbing noise.
"No, it's fine," you're not sure why he apologised, or why you're accepting it. Maybe the noise of the door. It's like the two of you are locked in a stalemate; he clearly wasn't expecting anyone to be up here.
"Am I in your spot?" You ask, already getting up.
"No! No, uh, no," he shakes his head, and he apologises again, this time gesturing to the city beyond the edge of the roof. Maybe he feels guilty for drawing your attention in the first place, is urging you that it's safe to go back to whatever you were doing.
Giving an awkward nod, you turn back to the city, to breathing this new air and new life. Behind you the sound of his sneakers against the pavement gets marginally fainter as he finds a spot for himself a good distance away from you.
"It's a good roof," you're not sure what possess you to say it, voice rising above the faint wind to make sure you're heard by this stranger sharing your silence.
"It's a good roof," you repeat yourself without a hint of hesitation. You feel like an utter fool, at least until his reply comes.
"'spose it is."
You head back inside. The door's creak, as always, begs for attention, and gets it; glancing over your shoulder you meet the stranger's gaze. He nods at you with the faintest smile, but then his attention his back on the horizon. He doesn't watch you leave.
New air. New city. New neighbours.
(There is nothing about Wilbur Soot's next stream that would differentiate it from any other in any significant way.
It doesn't matter, you don't know who Wilbur Soot is.)
Music flows from the flat above yours, and you find out in the best possibly way. It's not that it's loud at all hours, soaking through the floor to wake you up, there's nothing to complain about, instead, with the window open for the sweet, Spring breeze, the faintest guitar notes carry on the wind, as if from an adjacent open window. It's not enough to pick out a proper melody, it's not even enough that you can still hear it if you move away from your window.
It doesn't even sound particularly rehearsed, it almost sounds like it's being rehearsed. Alone; an in-progress melody.
Encore, you want to cheer when the music grows quiet and the window slides shut, but the musician wouldn't hear you. Every part of this building begs for the attention it's occupants don't seem to want. Closing doors, closing windows, louder always than a hello in the hall.
Still, you keep your window open.
And sometimes the music comes back.
At least this new building sounds better than your old one.
(It's been a few months since Wilbur's played Soft Boy for anyone online, whether that be his own stream or for his friends. It's March now, well into Spring, and Tommy's stream is as good a place as any. Wilbur himself isn't live, he's just on a headset at home, desk by his open window where the street below is for once mercifully quiet. Still, it's not ready for proper release, he has other priorities, maybe he wants to workshop it a little more before getting it properly produced. But the fans and his friends enjoy it.
You, of course, are ignorant to all this context; still you don't know who Wilbur Soot is.)
The stranger visits the roof at night as often as you do. Rugged up at night despite the days growing ever warmer, you grant yourself a reprieve from job hunting if only to take peace in the stars. At night the horizon sometimes becomes difficult to discern, stars dancing dangerously close to the night light of the city.
It's different again at night, a new kind of night that you're still getting used to. But the creak of the door is familiar. The stranger's apology is familiar. The way he sits a bit closer to you each time, or you to him if he's there first, that's all becoming familiar too.
"I'm Will," he offers the second time the two of you meet. He's still a fair distance away; it will be weeks before the two of you are side by side. You introduce yourself and he nods, "you moved in not long ago, right?" Something about the lights of the city make him glow.
You nod. He smiles.
"It's a good view," he looks back out to the city, and you take a long moment before you look away from him. You like the way he smiles; you like these moments on the roof, the ones that have passed and the ones yet to come. You're not quite sure why you prefer the moments with him in them rather than the moments alone on the roof without.
"'spose it is," and though you're looking out to the city, you don't really see it.
(Recently, Wilbur has been streaming earlier in the day, at least for him. Not every stream, of course, maybe once a week. He seems disappointed when it gets too late after he loses track of time.
"Alright, Cinderella," Quackity scoffs after Wilbur comments that he has to go, that it's later than he realised, "abandoned me," he plays up being hurt, "what is it? What's more important than me, Wilbur?"
"Don't be like that, Q," Wilbur responds dotingly, "I'll make it up to you, I promise."
"I'll DM you how," Wilbur's voice goes low and exaggeratedly flirty, giving an over the top wink to his camera, "you can't see it but I'm winking suggestively at the camera," he adds for Quackity's sake, who at seems placated by the exchange. Then, Wilbur finally explains; "I've got a friend who keeps a strange schedule, I'm- I'm just trying to work around them right now." And Quackity finally gives his blessing, which makes Wilbur laugh.
You don't see the quiet sigh of relief he breathes when he gets to the roof and sees you there. Even if you did, you wouldn't even begin to know why. Well known internet celebrity Wilbur Soot has started scheduling his work is in the hopes that he'll see you more often... Not that you know who Wilbur Soot is.)
The stranger Will has an office and you don't even have a job. Still. All this you learn while going for a job in the same building as his office, apparently. Except that it's late in the afternoon and you're just leaving your interview and he's just arriving and he seems just as confused as you.
"Do you work here?"
"Hopefully," you answer, and something about his look of genuine interest has something stirring in your chest, "I just had an interview," you elaborated, not wanting to admit to yourself that this single moment, in which Will tells you he's also hoping for the best for you, has you more flustered than the interview itself.
When you ask if he works here too, he candidly admits he does, but is cagey about the details. He's not part of company you'd just interviewed with, his office is his own.
"Will I see you on the roof tonight?" He asks, catching you completely off guard.
"What time?" Thankfully at least your mouth works faster than your brain, "I'm headed home now." Then, as he's checking the time on his phone you blurt out - "have you- will you have eaten before then?" And he looks at you with confusion, "I could make some food, if you're working. I could make dinner for when we hang out on the roof."
Will absolutely beams.
Something about his smile has your heartbeat stuttering in your chest. It hits you in this moment that Will genuinely enjoys your company on the roof just as much as you do his.
He asks you how late is too late, and when you let him know, he nods and suggests and hour before then. How does his smile seem to get wider? There's a look in his eyes that's all warm and fond; did that always happen when he smiled? How had you not noticed it before?
"That's very kind of you, I can see about getting some kind of dessert for us on my way back," he offers, and you try to waive off the suggestion but he laughs softly, "I never said it'd be gourmet, I was thinking more along the lines of something from a petrol station, I'm not sure what else would be open; any preferences?"
"For petrol station sweets?" And even though you're grinning, you're clearly endeared.
"For petrol station sweets," Will confirms with a nod. It takes you a moment to think it over before giving a few suggestions as options, and he takes a long moment to focus on remembering them, repeating them back to you to confirm.
Then he tells you he's looking forward to it, and he sounds so sincere, and the feeling in your chest is frighteningly hopeful. This is a new feeling in your not so new town that you weren't anticipating.
You grin back.
"Me too."
(Close to the end of April, there is a day in which several members of the DreamSMP go live together for a lighthearted, mostly lore-free stream. These creators included, among a few others, Wilbur Soot who happened to be in notably high spirits.
"Am I not allowed to be in a good mood, Tommy?" Wilbur jokingly demanded when Tommy pointed it out.
"No, it's freaking me out," Tommy didn't even hesitate to play along with the bit, "do I have to bully you? Do we have to bully you?"
"I think... we should," Ranboo agrees after a moment of deliberation, holding back his laughter.
"Tommy, I love you man but you need to come up with new go-to solutions," Wilbur responds blithely, "and I'm pretty sure you couldn't actually bully me in any way that mattered," he turns his nose up, wearing a wide grin, "I've got dinner on the roof to look forward to, nothing can ruin today."
"Can I try?" Tommy deadpans without missing a beat, and Wilbur breaks into surprised laughter almost immediately.
"Tommy," Philza just sounds faintly exasperated, and Wilbur can't stop laughing.
His friends and his content are his entire life, and he's acutely aware of how lucky he is to be a content creator, the opportunities he's been afforded, so he keeps it to himself that the best part of that night wasn't the filming, it was coming back to seeing you smiling on the roof of the flat.
Because it didn't take him long to figure out that you had no idea who Wilbur Soot was; every time he remembers this, he lets himself enjoy it quietly, letting himself get close to someone who, for the first time in a long time, has no preconceived notions of him. You like him for him, and one day he hopes he can tell you how much that means to him.)
You're surprised at how long it's taken you to ask what floor he lives on, and even more surprised to learn that he's on the floor above you.
It's been a very long day, instinctively looking forward to heading to the roof at sunset after finishing a trial shift that you're not completely confident went well.
"Are you the one with the tiny, little pot plants on your windowsill?" He asks, which surprises you.
"Uh, yeah I am, they were gifts from when I moved into my last place," part of you wants to ask how he knew, but somehow it makes sense. Of course he's seen the pot plants, of course he knew they'd be yours.
There's a pleasant lull in the conversation before you think to ask -
"Are the walls thin?"
You don't even for a second consider that there may be some suggestive implications until Will squints at you in confusion. There's a parcel of fish and chips open between you both, and he had been picking through the chips trying to find the most crisp.
"Not as far as I've noticed," he pauses, before adding pointedly, "floor seems pretty soundproof too." He's too invested in figuring out what you're implying to go back to food, at least not immediately.
"No, no!" Realising your mistake your smacked your hand to your mouth out of embarrassment. Wide eyed, you find yourself waving with one hand trying to chew and swallow your own food faster to clarify, "no, sorry, nothing weird, I swear," you laugh awkwardly, finally finding your voice, "I just wondered if you knew who lived in the flat directly above mine, they play guitar, I thought that you might have heard- that it might help identify -" but Will's expression has turned unreadable, and again find yourself realising your misstep only after the fact yet again. Immediately you begin apologising.
"Sorry, I- I must seem so creepy I'm so sorry, I should just go up and knock on their door instead of eavesdropping and asking you, I'm sorry Will -"
"Is it good?"
Your mouth snaps closed, and when you look to Will you're surprised to see him looking genuinely curious. He picks up a chip and gestures like he's prompting you to answer.
"Do you think they play good music?" He asks again, tone free of any kind of judgement. It takes you a moment to process the shift in the mood.
"I don't recognise any of it," you murmur, trying to properly order your thoughts, "I don't hear it a lot, only very occasionally, when I'm sitting next to my window if it's open, which is why I think it's the person above me..."
Will blinks at you, eyebrows raised, still waiting for a proper answer.
"I like it," you nod, ducking your face to hide your embarrassed smile, "I keep wanting to call out 'encore'," you chuckle a little self consciously at the admission, "but that feels like crossing a line."
"You are very sweet," you hear Will mumble, his tone endeared, "and you have no idea who it is?"
"Every time I think about going up and knocking on their door I feel like a creep," you sighed, "which, I mean, given the situation I definitely am, and it gets worse literally every day. It's not like telling them at this point would do any good."
"It might," he offers.
"I admire your optimism but I'll keep my dignity while I still can."
"I think it'll go better than you'd think," he muses, doing a bad job of fighting back a smile.
"Oh yeah," you roll your eyes, "just knock and admit," perhaps your patience is wearing thin after a long day as you put on a mockingly saccharine voice, "you play such lovely music! How do I know this? Well I've been listening in for months like a stalker, just downstairs, sometimes I'll even make a cup of tea and pretend like it's my own private concert!" You let go of the act as you pitch yourself back to lay on the roof, scowling at the sky, "I'd rather die," you huffed.
"Months," he murmurs, almost awed and barely audible, before asking, "your own private concert? That's kind of adorable, honestly," he tells you, sounding frankly delighted.
"Oh shut it, Will," you sulked, crossing your arms over your chest.
"You're very sweet," he reiterates in that same soft tone as before.
"You're biased," you roll your eyes.
"Of course, that goes without saying," Will answers blithely, and you can hear his shit eating grin in his voice, "considering I'm the musician who lives above you."
You know he's watching you, he's waiting for your reaction.
"Will you know if this is true that I'm never going to recover from the embarrassment, right?" You manage, as level as you're able, your body stiff as an absolute board with tension.
"Nothing to be embarrassed about," he assured you, though in this moment it wasn't exactly effective.
"You're pulling my leg, aren't you?"
"Would you like me to prove it to you?" He offers easily. When you finally sit back up, clearly apprehensive, there's nothing but that familiar, warm kind of fondness you find in his smile. He gives you time to process, he doesn't push you, doesn't grow impatient or irate as you scrutinise him. Finally, you sit back, as if done with your analysis of him and were still unsure of what to make of all this information.
"Come on," he says gently, getting to his feet and offering you his hand, "let me play you something I've been working on, I need a second opinion." Warily, quietly, you take his hand.
The shock wears off. He makes you tea. You peer out his window to see your little row of pot plants just below. Then, just as he promised, he plays you something that you're already familiar with despite it never having been released.
Front row seats to your own private concert.
He turns faintly pink when you do in fact ask for an encore, but he can't stop smiling.
(Lovejoy, the band which Wilbur Soot fronts, releases their first EP 'Are You Alright?' on May 8, and it almost immediately begins to trend across various charts, including internationally. It's unequivocally a success, and is being plugged online by fans and friends alike.
Wilbur, however, is blindsided by the text he receives from you in the week that follows the release. If you were ever going to find out what he did for a living, it would have been this week, instead:
[interview went well, I've got my fingers crossed, thank u for the luck xx and omg literally in such a good mood I mistook a song on the radio as one of yours THAT WOULD BE SO COOL TOO HEAR THO!!]
[hey actually if you're up for it do you wanna call? I'm all high on adrenaline and there's some stuff I wanna talk about when I feel like I'm on top of the world 😅💖]
And Wilbur, who was due to start streaming in only a few minutes, pushed back from his desk and pressed Call. On the other end of the line you're bright, brimming with excitement and enthusiasm and confidence and -
"I've been wanting to ask you for ages, actually even before I found out you were the talented musician living above me, that was just a bonus, and might be the reason I'm calling, because that song I heard was so familiar -" you're rambling, something Wilbur rarely heard you do. When he asks if you're okay, you grow quiet, "I'm nervous."
"About what?"
"Misreading things. Fucking with our friendship."
"I have it on pretty good authority that you have nothing to be nervous about," Wilbur assures, a warmth flourishing in his chest as he hears your breathy, relieved chuckle.
"I'd like to get a drink with you some time," you tell him with a newfound confidence, "or see a movie, or a band, or anything. A date. Away from our building." There's so much excitement in your voice it's infectious, Wilbur finds himself grinning.
"I'd like that very much," then, after a long moment, he clears his throat, "do you remember what the band was called?"
"What do you mean?"
"On the radio, you said you thought you heard my song; what band was it?"
"Oh," you pause, considering, "not quite sure. Love-something?"
"Ah, what? Wilbur I don't like that tone, ah what?"
"Ah, I might have to tell you something."
"Christ, what now?"
"I'm at work; if you want I can pick up take out after and we can have dinner together."
"Are you going to tell me what you do for a living yet?"
"Do you trust me?" He asks softly, and there's a long pause, in which you sigh.
"Of course I do, Will," you answer honestly, "always, you know that."
"I know," he agrees fondly, "and that means a lot to me. I promise I'll explain it all tonight, I promise." Softer now, he smiles, "I hope you know how glad I am to have you in my life," he hesitates for the barest moment before quickly adding, "and I'm very proud of you for getting the job."
"Thanks, Will," he can hear you smiling, "I can't wait to see you tonight."
Five minutes later, Wilbur Soot begins his geoguesser stream. There's something different, the vibe has changed, but no-one can put their finger on why.
There's no outward difference, but there's electricity in the air. When you finally find out the truth about Wilbur Soot, when you see the VOD for the stream, see how big he smiles right as he signs off, you will call him a sap.
Your tiny, little pot plants sit nicely on Wilbur's windowsill. It takes a while, but slowly your things begin to migrate from your apartment upstairs to his. Before coming to Brighton, you'd paired down your things, and so it's nice to find space for yourself in his apartment, in his life. It doesn't feel empty here, it doesn't feel sparse and new.
And Wilbur? It seemed like things with him just kept getting better. You took every chance you got to hype him up, endlessly proud of him and all he was doing with his online and musical careers.
When you meet his band, they all greet you with a warm familiarity, and Wilbur spends the first half hour bright red as they jump at the chance to tell you that they feel like they already know you. However this makes you turn all sappy and endeared, and it takes all of your energy to stay even semi professional and not act as enamoured with your boyfriend as you felt.
While you end up meeting and getting along with his family, the thing that gets you properly nervous is when he asks if you want to get lunch with his friends Phil and Kristen. You know the family-dynamic bit by now, so of course you say yes; you need them to like you so much.
Both Phil and Kristen hug you when they first meet you. It's like they can tell you're nervous, their words, their tone, everything about them is gentle. At one point, Wilbur and Phil get caught up talking about some upcoming streams they're planning, and while you're excited to watch, their discussion goes over your head for the time being. Almost as if by instinct, you look to Kristen, as if to gauge how you should be reacting, but she's looking back at you, expression endeared.
"This is still new to me," you admit, shuffling your chair a bit closer to her as to not interrupt the other two. She laughs softly, but the sound is kind and understanding.
"It gets more coherent in time," she assured, to which you ducked your head to hide your faintly embarrassed expression.
"I understand all of the words individually, but this streaming stuff is so far out of my usual realm," carefully, you look up to watch how animated Wilbur is getting as he talks over his plans for the DSMP stream for the following night, running it past Phil, "tell me I'm not weird for watching old VODs in my spare time to try and figure out how it all works, and what's happening in that Minecraft thing. I know he's doing cool shit, I'm just trying to figure out how to properly appreciate it."
"You're not weird, that's adorable," Kristen is grinning from ear to ear, which served to brighten your own smile, "you'll get it in no time."
Wilbur looks over for a moment, practically glowing with enthusiasm, hands raised mid-expressive gesture, and catches your eye. His expression softens as he seems to briefly forget what he was saying; Kristen looks between the two of you and fondly shakes her head.
It's easier to hug them goodbye than it was to say hello, no nerves as you tell them honestly it was good to meet them, that you look forward to seeing them again soon. Something eases in your chest when they both return the sentiment in kind, genuine in their affection.
"Home?" Wilbur asks as he unlocks the car, and you pause as you turn the word over in your mind. He's said it before a million times, but somehow this time is different, this time feels real. Home.
"Yeah," you say softly, sounding a little dazed as you climb into the passenger seat.
"You okay there?" Tone light, he's smiling as he asks, and you turn, unable to stop the grin as it makes its way across your face.
"I love you," you tell him like you can't quite believe it yourself, though maybe it's more the fact that- "I can't believe I've never said that before."
"What do you mean you can't believe you've never said it before?" He's grinning now, endeared.
"I love you, Will, I've loved you for ages, we practically live together," you laugh, "but I've never actually said it, I hate that! I hate that I've never said it! I love you, Will!"
"I love you too," he tells you sincerely, leaning across the centre console to kiss you, which you enthusiastically meet him in the middle for. You've kissed him more times than you can rightly remember, but it never feels to give you butterflies.
At home, he's quiet, smiling to himself while lost in thought throughout the afternoon. When you ask about it, he hesitates.
"You never had to say it," he admits with a shrug, "I knew." When your brow furrows with confusion, his expression turns vaguely guilty and self deprecating, "you have to admit, I was acting pretty sketchy about a lot of my life -"
"- with good reason," you countered, but all he could do was smile fondly, shaking his head.
"In hindsight," he points out, "now you know why I was being evasive about a lot of things it makes sense, but at the time I didn't really know, or, well that's not true," he flushed, "I didn't exactly believe why you would still trust me after all that," he looks to you once more, "but you did."
"Of course," you answer automatically, before it hits you what he's saying, "because I had a crush on you; because I love you." Then, as he's nodding in agreement, your eyes go wide with realisation, crowing with glee; "because you had a thing for me too!"
He doesn't disagree. He wraps you up in his arms and kisses you, and this moment feels like home.
(Wilbur's stream entitled 'SPECIAL SPOOKY GUEST CHATTING AND LOWKEY Q&A BE ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOUR!!' happens on Halloween. Its the first video to ever even explicitly name Y/N, let alone feature them.
"I'm so nervous I'm going to be sick," is the first thing the internet hears of you, while Wilbur's sitting in frame, watching you off frame.
"You don't have to do this," he assured. He's wearing something shimmery on his skin, and plastic vampire teeth that are giving him a faint lisp. He's wearing eyeliner.
"No, I know we're live, I want to do this, I do, I do!" You insisted, before making a noise of anxiety, "but I might pass out. I need to study more." At that, Wilbur gives you a fond look, before looking to his camera.
"They call watching my VODs 'studying'," he explains. You make another anxious noise, before taking a deep breath and quickly sitting yourself into the chair beside him, looking at him and not the camera.
"I'm going to get a good grade in streaming, which is both normal to want, and possible to achieve," you mumbled; you too sparkle with some sort of shimmer, but are holding your plastic fangs in your hand, fidgeting with it.
Even without explaining who you are, everything about the way Wilbur looks at you says that he's in love with you. After a moment, your anxious expression softens as you find yourself fascinated by how he's sparkling, and you reach out to faintly touch his cheek. While you may have forgotten the audience, Wilbur has not, yet he still allows the moment to go on as you grow more comfortable in front of the camera, beside him.
"Yeah, I know," you mumbled, finally coming back to reality. Looking away from him and to the screen in front of you both, "Q and A," you murmur, reading the stream title. Thankfully you don't seem as daunted as moments before, "the first question seems to be 'who am I'." You take a deep breath and look to Wilbur, who grins back.
"Welcome to your first stream, you wanna say hi?"
"What if I just didn't? We go the whole stream without explaining who I am," you couldn't help yourself, snorting a laugh, which makes Wilbur cackle at the idea.
"You do whatever you want, I'll support you, that's hilarious."
"But cruel," you conceeded, despite how amused you were by the idea. Looking back to chat, you could see half having a meltdown at the idea. But you are not cruel; you'd both talked about it for far too long to chicken out now.
It's time for the world will know who you are.
"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you all!"
"And," Wilbur adds with a proud smile, "if you hadn't guessed, they're my partner.")
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chunkypossum · 6 months
Come Hel or High Lord: Ch 8
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Chapter 8: Liar Liar Wielder of Fire
Words: 3400
Reminder: This is a crossover between all SJM series. So spoilers for TOG, ACOTAR, and CC
hehe, my main jam. Azris and angst!
Snippet below the cut. Read on Ao3
Azriel grit his teeth against the pain in his chest. He had gotten a few minutes of fitful sleep late in the afternoon but woke with tear stains glistening down his cheeks. He didn’t have to wonder what he had been dreaming about, only whether or not it was actually a dream. Between that and Nesta and Cassian’s … activities, it had been impossible to rest. After walking around without purpose for a few minutes, wondering why he hadn’t yet moved his bedroom away from Cassian’s, he found himself fighting the urge to fly off and go directly to the source of his nightmares. Ignoring it hadn’t worked, maybe if he faced it head on, something would change…. No. No, that was a terrible idea.  Instead, Azriel somehow ended up in the open air training ring just as dusk was settling in across the horizon, bruising the redstone mountain and the city below him in smokey rose and purple hues. He took long, unhurried strides over to the practice swords, letting his thumb make lazy, slow circles at the spot under his rib cage that had been aching since he opened his eyes. Those … dreams had been vexing him more and more often lately, leaving him pained and conflicted. He wished he could blame the anxiety on anything else. It would make sense that his brain was being over active at the mission Rhys and Nesta were about to embark on but he knew he couldn’t blame it on that. He tried and it hadn’t worked.  The wall of shadows wrapped tightly around that spot inside him stayed intact, so why wasn’t he able to let go of this uneasy feeling? That barrier should have cut off any lingering emotions. His first instinct was to blame it on his shadows. They had a strange sentience about them. Unless he sent them away for a specific purpose, they lay relatively dormant, like house cats in the sun without a mouse to chase. That rule only seemed to apply to when he was awake, when he was sleeping they tended to be more active, restless even. Sometimes even going a bit rogue and acting in what they seemed to think was his best interest. Maybe they had done something …  A groan of frustration rumbled in his chest as he chose a sword and began a methodical demonstration. It was a simple, quiet set of movements that focused more on precise placement rather than the heavy throws of sword play. Something he hadn’t done in a while and supposed now was as good a time as any. Each step took careful concentration and kept his muscles so tight that 30 minutes in he was already sweating. After 45 minutes he was ready for a break. Unable to focus, Azriel strode to the little table by the weapons to pour himself a glass of water. The pitcher shook slightly as his hand trembled, he grasped his wrist with his other hand and looked up into the night sky loosing a breath he had been holding tightly in his chest.  Encrusted with stars, the night had adorned itself overhead while he had been working. The sounds of the city far below drifted up to him occasionally, pleasant background noise as Azriel worked to calm his overactive nerves. This dream had been the worst in a long, long time. He knew it wasn’t really a dream, but there was nothing he could do. Nothing he wanted to do, he reminded himself.  His eyes fell closed and, at last, he got the relief he had been seeking. The shadowed wall inside him had solidified and the pain and worry etched in that spot had ebbed away completely. A moment of pure bliss. Just a moment, before a storm began raging inside of him. The soft smile that had bloomed on his mouth twisted into a violent grimace as that spot flared back to life burning him alive. Pain and fear and sadness and longing, emotions so hot that everything inside him began to melt and it took everything he had not to scream out as his knees slammed into the rock surface of the training ring, cracking the very foundation.
This is a cross over fic so a giant cast of characters and a big stupid storyline but Azris is my main bitch in this fic so ...Holla at ya boi if you want on or off the Azris tag train : @talibunny30 @iftheshoef1tz @born-to-riot @pathfinderofnight @fell-in-luvs @fieldofdaisiies @aktrain @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @secret-third-thing @acourtofladydeath @pippsmcgee @youvereachedthenearest-lovergirl @baileybird71 @yanny-77 @skyesayshi
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saiintofdiirt · 12 days
~ ✧✦✧
I have like 5 active WIPs but I'm gonna talk about 2 in particular: wingfic au and actively modified au
wingfic has me MISERABLE because I want to go back and forth on POVs but I have no skill for Parrot's POV omggggg it's so HARD but also I have to like................contrive a way to make everything work out in the end and I'm DUMB bro. deeply tempted to just skip over all the hard parts but then that'd leave a patchy narrative.
Some of my favorite bits of it so far:
Polite Parrot
Wifies doesn't sleep in late, or even very much in general, but Parrot always wakes at the crack of dawn. He's polite about it— won't make too much noise, won't knock on Wifies’s door before noon, that kind of stuff. He was so polite about Wifies being unable to fly, too, letting his birdcage house languish as they found a different corner of the world to build an earth-bound hideout that Wifies could navigate without having to finagle an Elytra on. He doesn’t ask about it, but Wifies is pretty sure that’s because he’s waiting for the day that Wifies to arrive sleep-warm and vulnerable to the kitchen where he’ll be able to pry as much as he possibly can out of Wifies’s quiet mouth. Parrot will have to pull him to pieces to find out, so Wifies has been contemplating taking a sabbatical from Unstable. He’s pretty sure he’s falling sick, anyway, and he’s got to figure out how he’s going to check that he isn’t introducing rust into his body.
and Honey Toast
He [Wifies] wants to be done with this. He wants to crawl in a hole and be unbothered. He wants Parrot to sharpen his sword for him and make fun of him for eating honey toast, until Wifies holds a piece to his mouth for a taste.
You may be asking: saiint, why honey toast? and I say: guys please sharing a sweet little treat is all I have in this world, I love it when characters hold food out for each other!!!!
Actively modified au is from this post I made and I just cannot stop thinking about it. What if Ken and Wifies went off to a world together after the april fools stuff just to relax and Ken got to witness the material consequences of Evilfies's desires. I'm chewing on drywall. help. This one is notably less fleshed out than wingfic (about 2k words less) but I feel like it'd be easier to finish??? so I think I'll focus on it more
Favorite bits so far:
The initial discussion
“Loser,” Ken calls out as Wifies swims to shore and pulls himself out. “We gotta sleep. These phantoms are unbearable.” “No,” Wifies says automatically, shaking his hair out and whipping his axe at the few stray phantoms left. “Every time I go to sleep, I wake up and something’s changed.” “What?” Ken says, daylight breaking through the horizon just as the last phantom dies. “What does that mean?” Wifies glances over, and Ken’s concerned expression surprises him. A lot of things have been surprising him lately. “Um. When I sleep. I wake up with something changed. So I try to not sleep.” “That—” Ken’s expression twists. Wifies can't tell what exactly he's feeling, but his tail is ramrod straight, fur standing on end. “That won't happen here. It shouldn't, and it won't. Nothing like that has ever happened to me in any world I've been in, and it's not gonna start now.” Wifies wants to believe him. Ken hasn't lied to him so far, not when they met or when he took Wifies’s hand or brought Wifies to a whole new world to explore, but he can't believe him now. Wifies may have lived a life full of lies and fantasy, but this was real. He knows it's real. He knows something happens every time.
Living with the Evidence:
“Ken,” he says again, voice tinged with something ugly. He looks into the river, and his mismatched eyes look back— one a pale grey, the other a deep black. “Why are my eyes different colors?” “What?? Mine are different too,” Ken frowns, pushing his bangs back from his forehead as if that’ll help somehow. “His weren’t, though.” “. . . No, they weren’t.” Wifies touches the corner of his grey eye and pulls it down a bit. There, under the waterline, is the faintest red line. If he pulls up his upper lid, he knows he'll see its mirror. “I fell asleep one day,” Wifies says slowly, turning each word over like a stone. “And when I woke up, my eye hurt. I didn’t get a lot of chances to see myself. There weren’t mirrors in the rooms, and iron tools were rare, water even rarer. But one day I finally got to see myself, and my eye was different. It wasn’t always grey.” Wifies doesn’t look at Ken. He can tell that the idea is taking root in Ken’s mind, his fingers tightening where they hold Wifies. Wifies doesn’t know the truth, but there’s the shape of a truth there, and it looms over him with a hundred sharpened teeth. “It’s not that I don’t want to believe you. I just. . . live with the evidence.”
so much writing to do so little time!!! do we have a preferred WIP so far chat. do we have thoughts. would we like elaboration on either. im going crazy out here. is anybody out there.
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viitlumi · 2 months
❝ oh, you know me - ever the optimist. i’m trying to focus on the positives. ❞ @ hilda (when she's ready! and this is almost definitely him being sarcastic, probably..)
The evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the rolling hills and dense forest that surrounded their makeshift camp. The camp was bustling with activity, the soldiers preparing for the night, and the low murmur of conversation filled the air. The tents were lined up in rows and the smell of stewing pots over the flames of the fire mingled with the fresh, earthy smell of the forest.
Hilda sought a moment of seclusion and resolved to enjoy a walk along the nearby river. The gentle sound of the water on the smooth stones provided a calming backdrop, and the trees cast long shadows, their leaves rustling softly in the evening breeze. As she approached the river, she noticed a familiar figure sitting on a rock on the bank, his posture lowered, and his gaze fixed on the flowing stream.
Jean's usual composure was nowhere to be seen. His brow was creased, and he seemed very distracted as the frustration of the day weighed heavily on him. Earlier, he had had a heated argument with one of his closest mates and the sharp remarks that had been made had left him with a mixture of guilt and fury.
Hilda, whose presence was subtle but noticeable, stepped closer. She was ever so reserved, her sentiments a studiously guarded secret, but her solicitude was genuine. She approached him quietly, her voice soft but lucid. “Jean,” she spoke as she stood a few steps away. “What's on your mind?”
Jean let out a heavy sigh and ran a hand through his hair. “Oh, you know me,” he replied, his voice tinged with sarcasm and weariness. "I'm always the optimist. I try to focus on the positive things."
Hilda's eyes narrowed slightly, not out of anger, but because she was attempting to discern the deeper layers of his profound frustration. She sat down next to him on the rock and turned her gaze to the river as well, though keeping a mutual distance between each other.
She offered neither a solution nor a grand gesture, just her quiet presence and a few words to remind Jean that despite the burden of his personal struggles, he was not alone. In any case, it would be a nice gesture for her, if you don't know what to say, to stay anyway so as not to dismiss the person because of their troubles. Sometimes Jean reminds her of her sister, bullheaded and occasionally out to cause a ruckus, but it doesn't signify that they are bad people who are just seeking offense.
"Advice is one of those things I am not far blessed with, other than to receive it…" she muttered lightly, her voice mingling with the babbling noise of the clear river in front of them. "Take a moment to breathe, to really feel what's bothering you. Once you understand it, you can begin to address it." Hilda continued, her tone pragmatic yet understanding.
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It wasn't about solving everything at once, but about finding a way to move forward, one step at a time. Sometimes, it's more useful to accept that things aren't great and to figure out what you can do with that reality.
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corndogninja · 1 year
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Photo editing step-by-step semi-tutorial
Trying something new here on the blog... I don't do much tutorial writing but wanted to share a little behind-the-scenes on how I typically edit my cosplay photos. A lot of this is cobbled together from various tutorials or trial-and-error over time but I think the results are pretty nice. I use Photoshop but a lot of these tips are generalized enough you might could use them in your editor of choice.
Let me know if this is helpful or cool, if you'd like to see more of this sort of thing!
First off I just use the default photo editing tools to clean things up a bit. Tighten the crop and adjust the levels and white balance... mostly just "eyeballing" it. Notably I already like the pose, lighting, and composition - anything you can take care of in-camera rather than post is preferable! Then I gotta black out the gun tip - select the tip, tint orange toward blue, lower the saturation way down, then tweak the levels. Of course it still looks like a cap is on the tip, but the focus of the photo is kind of off the gun barrel anyway so who cares.
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Next up we're going to swap out the background. In this case I want it to feel kind of indistinct - not a "scene" Wick is actively interacting with but more just scenery he's in front of. Wet nighttime streets are pretty prominent in the opening of Chapter 2 so I selected this photo. I try to use sites like Pixabay that offer free-use photos rather than just pulling whatever from Google Images.
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Once I have the photo, I crop it to where the horizon line looks good, add a Gaussian blur to imply depth, and mask it in the background. Photoshop's auto-select has gotten pretty robust, I tweak the cutout just a bit for clarity and to add some light leaks around the outline
In this case I set the transparency to 92% to get it a little lighter. In any case, I then add an Exposure layer to darken it for mood lighting.
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Next bit is color correction. In this case I wanted to evoke the look of Chapter 3 promo art... pulled a few reference images and took note of the orange/purple contrast and gradient they use:
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I don't recall if I used the eyedropper tool but I created a similar gradient, set to split on my face so the two halves of the background ended up as different colors. Set the layer to "Soft Light" (in this case I actually duplicated it and set that duplicate to 25%), and I masked out some parts where the light is hitting particularly hard (left of face, hands, edge of gun) to keep a more natural look.
Since it's raining, I added a subtle "fog" look to the background. Created a single-layer duplicate of everything so far, masked the background, Gaussian blur - then set that layer to "Lighter Color". You can see it in the building lights, mostly - brings back some brightness after the multiple darkening we've done.
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Finally bringing in some rain, again referencing the poster above.
To make the rain layers, I first make a solid black layer then "Add Noise" (monochromatic). Tweak the "Levels" so you get pockets of pure white against black (with a couple mid-grays layered in), then resize the layer so the dots are bigger than single pixels (it's fine if they get blurry). Finally, apply a motion blur to get the "falling" motion.
I do this twice to get a sense of depth. First layer is set to "Overlay" at low opacity (~25%), which also slightly darkens the image.
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The second layer is set to "Screen", again at low opacity (~20%). Combined, it gives the effect of rain in front and behind throughout the scene.
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Finally I add a cooling "Photo Filter" layer, masked out to points like my face and hands, to add a little contrast. Sometimes I'll do a final pass with "Levels" or "Exposure", "Add Noise", or use some subtle Instagram filters to make sure it looks good on the small screen, but not really in this case.
All said and done, I usually spend less than an hour per image. Despite ending up with 10+ layers it's not too complex and I find the results quite satisfying!
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Pleasure Mark
((Hello, had this Attuma X Reader fic idea in my head for a while. Though I would put the first part out. MINORS: DNI. Smut is on the horizon. DUBCON.))
The sun approached the horizon.  It had been a long day, longer than most.  The labs of the River Tribe cannot compare to those in the heart of the country.  Yet much that is used on the mainland is born of the research done in the laboratory you call home.  Rivers are treacherous.  They feed directly to the ocean, and as such biodiversity can flourish in such waters that could not be found in a strict salt or freshwater context. 
“Careful with that meat, Y/N,” Adah chides, “Those specimens seem very fond of hippo.”  Hoisting the bucket to the tank’s edge with a loud thud you huff, “You’re right.  It’s almost as if I need your help.”  “Nah,” she grins, “You got it.”  Rolling your eyes playfully you slide on a long rubber glove, grabbing tongs you lift a chunk of flesh out of the bucket and into the tank below.  With little time, the specimen circles the meat before ripping a considerable bite out of it.  Tossing in the last few bits you climb down the ladder, watching the gory spectacle.  “It never surprises me how fierce yet serene they can be.  It’s quite humbling.” Adah glances over her shoulder, “Should I set up a playdate between you two?” “Only when my death wish becomes serious,” you chide, tossing the bloody glove near her desk.  Visible disgust paints itself on her smooth features as she eyes you with annoyance.  Before she can reply the sound of glass sliding shut echoes throughout the room.
In your quarters you flop on the bed.  As if the day wasn’t long enough, enduring your lap partner’s microaggressions didn’t help matters. Your hand instinctively ghosts your neck, fingertips ghosting the thin fissures there. Without thinking you force a fingernail into one, opening up the organ to the air.  Shuddering you pull your hand down.  “I’m fixating,” you mumble.  Few things helped you during these mental fits, one of them being a swim.  Gathering yourself you slip on your Kimoyo beads, and secure a vibranium tipped knife to your hip.  Brackish waters like river mouths carry many dangers, including Zambezi sharks.  Satisfied everything you needed was in tow,  you head towards the marina.  
The lab was situated at the great river’s mouth, where the ocean fed into it.  Looking out the sky was a deep medley of pink, tangerine and mauve. The wind blew carrying with it the crisp, salty brine of the sea.  It’s dangerous to swim at these hours.  Most aquatic predators become active at this time.  But you felt safer than most, wading waist deep into the water.  Crouching you splash a few handfuls of liquid over your neck.  The slits gently open and close, readying themselves for the deluge soon to come.  Inhaling your sink under the waves.  The burning sensation in your lungs rings loudly, the pounding in your head thrums with little remorse.  Clenching your eyes you focus on your breathing, counting between each exhale until the pain subsides.  The dark spots dancing across your vision eases and you finally open your eyes. 
Brilliant hues of blue and green convolace beneath the waves you floated in.  The river’s silt stirred as a small school of striped fish scurried away, the vegetation was sparse here due to the brackish water, all you could see was moss covered branches the river claimed some time ago. The sunlight was quickly fading, in your hast you stretched out, pushing yourself through the estuary at a lazy speed.  The blur of the river was bleeding out to the bright, clear blue of the ocean.  In little time you cross the threshold, the salt now filling your gills leaving a peculiar taste in the back of your mouth. As you became accustomed to the brine a faint noise was building in the back of your mind. The salt wasn’t leveling out as it should, you swam further out, hoping to acclimate.  But the taste wasn’t lessening as quickly as you would like.  And that sound it only seemed to build.  Just as you stop an object torpedoes past your waist.  You follow the faint trail of bubbles to its origin and freeze.  A figure draped in shadow was hovering just out of focus.  It was massive, whatever it was, yet the tell-tale length of a cephalofoil was clear enough to send a chill down your spin.  A primitive part of your brain kicked into gear and turned around.  Hammerhead sharks were typically calm but like any wild animal they were unpredictable, and despite your curiosity about the object your body knew better. You dove down and kicked hard, fighting the current to return to the river’s mouth.  Another object flew by, this time grazing your neck.  Your gills split under the pressure and you release a water logged yell.  The pain stalls all movement, clutching your neck, your eyes slam shut. 
Let the pain pass.  
Let it pass and go.  
Let it pass and go.  
Your silent meditation stops, the feeling of something cold and sharp presses itself into your shoulder.  Adrenaline surges as you prepare for the worse. The object pinches but doesn’t pierce. It guides you to the estuary bank, gentle yet assertive.  Your palms touch land and you haul yourself out of the water and onto the sand bar.  Gasping you cough up what little water remains in your lungs.  Quickly you turn around and unsheathe the humble combat knife secured to your hip .  The dim light of the dusk sky illuminated his towering frame, the light blue of his scar dappled skin covered the mass expanse of his chest.  His features were obscured with some sort of, what was it, a breathing apparatus? Your eyes trail up and see the skeletal remains of a great hammerhead skull.  Bast, he’s huge. 
He takes a step forward, with no hesitation you lunge.  He evades your attack with ease, turning to watch you with curious eyes.  Crashing into the sand you clutch the wound on your neck, blood pooling out. Cinching your eyes for a moment you gasp, a calloused hand grabs your arm and pulls you up with no warning.  He looks you up and down, more studious than anything, cool apathy plastered on what you could see of his obscured face.  “Hm,” he reaches towards the trickle of blood running down your neck.  Your vision blurred, the cut must be hindering the ability for your gills to close.  Tentatively he removes your hand and examines the cut, your aquatic respiratory organ clear to see.  Before he can touch it you turn and sink your teeth into his hand, biting as hard as your jaws could manage.  In shock he drops you, glaring at the teeth marks indented into his flesh.  He looks down at you and pulls your knife to him with his foot.  “Aren’t you clever,” you mumble.  He chuckles, crouching down to your level to retrieve the weapon.  If he recognizes the material he doesn’t say.  Tucking the knife into his armor you huff in exhaustion. Your gills were closing but not fast enough.  
“I’ve never seen anyone like you before,” you sputter out, urging your tired legs to stand.  The immense man strides over and uses the butte of his spear, pushing you back down. In one swift motion you stumble back onto the sand.  In an instant the tip of his spear pressed into your clavicle. Your deep breaths push it roughly against your skin.  His eyes were transfixed on the movement of his weapon slowly gliding up, across your neck, up to your chin.  “I am ignoring the fact that you’ve somehow made it past our borders without alerting us,” he turns his head to the side, regarding you with cool detachment.  Before you can utter another word he withdraws the spear and crouches down to your level.  Being this close to him you could make out his features despite the mask.  His gaze bores into you, fixing you to the spot.  His hand reaches out, palm outstretched.  “You…?” With a small sigh he grabs your arm, and wraps the other behind your back, and with one fluid motion he hoists you both up to your feet.  You stand there, pressed against his chest.  You were weighing your options.  In the fog of your thoughts he speaks in a tongue you don’t recognise.  Why couldn’t you think clearly?  The towering stranger places one hand behind your neck and tips you back.  Your eyes are wide with fright but your body refuses to obey any command you give it.  Lifting one hand, he pulls free one of the nestled shark teeth that decorated his armor.  His large palm steadies the back of your head, digits long enough to reach the outcropping of your cheeks.  You hardly see the motion as he slices one shallow, precise slit on your bottom lip.  Instinctively you blink as the sharp sting of freshly ripped skin impresses itself into your mind.  The mental fog was heavy, dropping your eyelids, relaxing your body.  Gently he sets you down and wasting no time he presses for the water, disappearing beneath the waves leaving  you in a stupor on the sand.  
Within a few minutes time you were able to hoist yourself back to the main shoreline.  Now you stared at your reflection in the foggy mirror, steam from your too hot shower rolling out in thin clouds.  The cut wasn’t very large, but you still dressed it.  “Bast knows where that tooth has been,” you mummer, inspecting the clean wound. “It’ll heal,” you sigh, returning to your bedroom.  You lay on your plush bed, utterly spent. Nothing about this day went as it should. Who do I tell about the stranger?  Do I tell anyone at all…? This was precarious information given the crown princess Shuri was just abducted not a day ago.  The details were sparse but the kingdom knew of her absence, it ultimately removed Okoye as general of the Dora Milaje, which was a fact no one could ignore.  Ruminating your tongue runs along the cut.  It was sensitive, and swollen to a small degree.  Why cut me here of all places, why not kill me?  Mind racing you gently bite down on the cut, making your body jolt.  It was a peculiar sensation.   Not entirely pleasurable, but…not without pleasure?  In your mind’s eye you pictured him, resplendent and proud.  Hell, downright cocky.  Despite yourself, his scent lingered, a petrichor quality, like water on a warm stone.  He was alluring, you had to admit.  You had little to go on but his impression was cemented.  An odd thing considering you didn’t know his name.  The way he grabbed you…Bast, he was strong. Shaking your head you dim the lights.  Rest. That is what I need.  With a heavy sigh, slumber draped herself on your shoulders with relative ease.  
The moon was low, casting long shadows on a sparsely furnished balcony.  A warm, balmy gale scatters across the faint, waterlogged footprints leading to your room.  In your bed you tossed, sweat on your brow, breath heavy with trepidation. An incessant knocking would not quiet itself in your head, beating on the inner walls of your dream, urging you to wake.  Your heart was thumping rapidly in your chest, the sound was growing in tempo, increasing in volume. 
Slightly, your head jolts, your cheek finds the calloused hand of the intruder.
Open your eyes, fierce one. 
A faint moan escapes your throat, low and wanting.
No one says no to me.  Open your eyes.
In an instant you attempt to bolt upright, breath and heartbeat seemingly caught in one tangled mass under your tongue.  Gasping your gaze focuses on the figure above you.  Tall.  Proud.  “Cocky,” you mutter.  Before your mind could catch up a fist was well formed in your right hand, the azure man glances at it before you connect the punch to his masked cheek. His obsidian eyes rove from the point of contact to your face, mirth clearly glittering in the eyes.  Your chest heaves with an exaggerated motion as you swallow your helplessness, drinking in the presence of this warrior. “What are you doing here?” you whisper out, fear catching your voice. The man offers nothing.  He picks you up, and stays the foot you tried to connect with his temple.  His eyes meet yours, hard and cold like glass.  You were no match for him.  It humbled and chilled your bloodlust all at once. Tears begin to form in your eyes as he hoists you up and walks you both to the edge of the balcony.  You look out, the ocean not far away.  “Breathe,” he muttered, placing his breathing mask on your face.  You do so and close your eyes.  Bast knows where you would end up.
 When you awoke the gentle pitter-patter of water droplets echoed throughout the cave.  Stirring you look around, a woven hammock held you in place.  The fog now gone from your mind you sit up and take in your surroundings.  The cave was well lit by virtue of the bioluminescent organisms that called the underwater grotto home.   It would be far more wondrous if the circumstances were better.  Standing up you see someone has left you fresh water and a bowl of fruit.  A polite clearing of the throat turns your attention to its source, a woman, blue in hue with simple garb wrapped around her body.  She nods in greeting before making her way to you, in her outstretched hands was a neat pile of clothing not different from her own. Turning she gestures down a narrow corridor, you tentatively follow her, eyes darting about for any threat. A small pool of steaming water comes into view.  The woman gestures for you to get in but you stop. “Okay, this is awkward.  What’s your name?” She blinks.  “Your name? Like, your-” she interrupts you, “I understand…Nare’.” “I’m Y/N.  It’s nice to meet you.”  Nare’ nodded with a slight smile on her face.  Gathering a basket she waded into the pool, skirt hiked around her thighs.  “Is this a bath?” Nare’ gives a curt nod, “Oh, it’s fine I literally just had a show-”  “It is ceremonial,” she  gestures at you to enter the pool again. “Ceremonial to who, Nare’?” The woman merely blinks with annoyance.  She clearly wasn’t fond of you using her name.  Dropping the matter, you followed her to the center of the warm water.  With no small amount of embarrassment on your part, Nare’ removes your sleep wear and begins scrubbing, taking care not to apply too much pressure.  Overall it was done quicker than you expected. Well thank Bast for that. “Wait here,” she commands, leaving the way you both came, returning with the garments she brought.  Looking at the clothing you raised an eyebrow, “Is this necessary?” Nare’ let out a small sigh, “Right, right Ceremonial purposes,” you air-quote.  “You have quite the mouth,” she states, gathering your clothes to fold, “Considering your duties.”  Moving to help dress you in the rust colored outfit you peer at her, “Duties?”  Nare’ offers no further comment and resumes her task. Surprisingly the dress was comfortable, one shoulder left bare, the skirt stopped just at the ankle.  Returning to the antechamber that you now viewed as your room, you sat down in the hammock nestled in the corner.  Nare’ turned to silently take her leave. “Thank you,” you called out to her, offering a small smile.  She stopped mid-stride for a moment, she looked over her shoulder and nodded curtly.  
Now alone you had nothing but your thoughts.  Air escaping your lungs you venture to the hammock and lay down, what in the hell were you going to do? Your beads were nowhere to be found, you had no weapons, hell you didn’t even have shoes. Your only boon was the fact that your little genetic gift allowed you to spend a few hours in the water without breeching for air, handy but you had to be miles down wherever you were in the ocean.  The sound of water rippling bounces off the wall, snapping your head in its general direction.  For a split second you didn’t recognise the person emerging from the water.  Golden brown skin, long dark hair, a warm and dark gaze.  To be frank, he was beautiful. Your breath hitched in your throat as you drank in the sight of him unmarred by the dry air’s effect on his body.  Yet once he is completely free of the pool, his skin returns to the familiar azure tone.  He stands,  looking behind you before returning to your face. “You have not eaten.” “Not hungry.”  He walks towards you, his expression pensive. You do not stop him from getting close, which he takes full advantage of.  It nearly feels like a challenge, to back you into a corner like some frightened prey animal. He stops right before you, chest slowly rising and falling with his breath. The look in his eyes was positively disrespectful, you felt devoured by his gaze alone.  One thick arm slides around your waist pulling you two closer still.  His other hand reaches up to cup your chin but you catch his wrist, stalling all movement. “I don’t know where I am and you dare to touch me?” Flinging his hand away, “You’ve got some nerve. Whoever the hell you are.” 
That felt like a mistake.  
A grin that reaches the corners of his eyes spreads itself across his features.  His fingers dig into the flesh of your back, grip ironclad enough to signal that you weren’t moving. With his other hand, he clasps yours, positioning the digits to mirror his own.  Placing your palm on his mask he presses down on your fingers in the correct manner to release the apparatus, water spilling out on you both.  He let’s go, leaving the mask in your hand…to what? “I…don’t need this,” you confess, giving the mask back. He drops it and pulls you into the nearby pool he emerged from.  Holding you near him he submerges you both, water rushing over your head in a blink.  The headache starts and you cling to him without thought, reigning in the pulsing burn in your chest while your body adjusts to the abrupt change.  He doesn’t move or disturb you, merely observes, anchoring you to his side.  Slowly your fingers loosen their grip on his chest, your breathing evens out into a calm, smooth rhythm. Eyes open, you see him, really, truly see him.  Underneath the dim light his hair was free to float in the current once more.  Two large verdant jade plugs housed themselves in his earlobes.  His nose had a noble curve, completing his face with rugged grace.  As your eyes were transfixed on his form you felt a thumb brush along the seam of your lips, the calloused skin catching on the fresh wound he left there.  Wincing slightly you turn your head, which he immediately corrects. “Attuma…that is my name.” You swallow thickly, his voice clear and low sent a wave of desire through you. It was a pity he didn’t speak more often.  Pushing that idea aside, your voice finds itself, “Where am I, Attuma?” “At the boundary of Talocan.” Your brows furrow, this was not a place you ever heard of, “You’ll come to understand soon enough,” he offers, acknowledging your confused expression. Given the recent happenings in Wakanda you couldn’t help but wonder if this was the hidden threat your government was trying to conceal. “Am I in danger?” “Not at all,” “Then, why am I here?”  His thumb ghosts the cut on your lip, then trails down to your neck, fingers gently caressing the gills housed there, “I have not met a surface dweller so similar to us.  You intrigued me.” “So being intrigued justifies abduction?” you snort, try as you might the venom in your words seeped out.  “You are different, but it must be difficult living with others who are not like yourself, “ “How would you know how others treat me, exactly?” “I do not.  But I can imagine how you have challenged their preconceived notions of existence,” his hand falls from your neck.  The words imprinted in your mind.  Holding out his hand he gestures for you to return to his embrace to resurface.  “I can swim just fine,” his arm returns to him, an expression of gentle humor resting on his brow.  “As the lady wishes.”  You both resurface and exit the pool without another word.  Attuma attempts to gather his breathing mask but his action falls short.  Small spots swirled in your vision as you tackled him, legs wrapped around his torso you both fell back on the ground.  Attuma grabs you, securing your body to his. With a grunt he stands up, you helplessly clinging to him.  You stare at him in shock.  As your gills recede. “It is painful for you,” he says matter of fact.  “Well, it’s not the most comfortable thing,” you chuckle.  “I will ask next time.  I have been rude, this is not my only infraction.”  You regard him curiously, “I daresay it wouldn’t be,” you offer up the faintest of smiles.  He was not without compassion, clearly.  Abduction notwithstanding. “What are you called?” his voice cuts through the silence.  Your eyes dart up and hold his gaze.  The silence was enough for him, he nodded and turned to leave. 
Swaying in the hammock your mind refused to quiet itself.  What Attuma had said earlier was stuck in your mind.  If Wakanda was to wage war with the underwater nation, then what belief system did we have that includes you as anything other than an enemy?  No one else was born the way you were.  To say life was made difficult from a social standpoint would be putting it mildly.  Children can be cruel, and their parents are not always ready for change. Still, he had no right to just take you or anyone.
“Doesn’t he know my kind have endured enough of that,” you mumble.  Staring at the ceiling of the cave it hits you that you have no idea what time it was…or how long you had been there.  People might be worried…”Or they might be grateful I’m gone,” you muse to no one.  Eventually the swaying lulls you into a fitful sleep.
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youngboomeruh · 1 year
The Art of Active Listening: A Guide to Meaningful Connections
In our fast-paced world, communication often takes a backseat to the noise of our busy lives. We frequently find ourselves multitasking during conversations, only partially present in the moment.
But what if we told you that there's a simple yet powerful way to enhance your relationships, improve your understanding, and foster deeper connections?
It's called active listening, and it's an art that can transform the way you communicate.
Understanding Active Listening
             Active listening is more than just hearing words. It involves fully engaging with the speaker, demonstrating empathy, and comprehending the message on multiple levels. This technique requires genuine interest and a willingness to invest your time and energy into the conversation.
Key Principles of Active Listening
Give Your Full Attention: When engaging in a conversation, put away distractions. Turn off your phone, step away from your computer, and make eye contact. By showing that you're fully present, you convey respect and value for the speaker.
Nonverbal Communication: Your body language speaks volumes. Nodding, maintaining eye contact, and open gestures signal to the speaker that you are actively engaged and receptive to what they're saying.
Empathy and Open-Mindedness: Try to see things from the speaker's perspective. Be empathetic and open-minded, suspending judgment and avoiding interrupting. Allow them to express themselves freely without feeling rushed.
Reflective Responses: After the speaker finishes sharing, offer thoughtful responses that reflect your understanding. This not only shows that you're paying attention but also encourages the speaker to delve deeper into their thoughts.
Asking Open-Ended Questions: Pose questions that invite the speaker to elaborate and share more details. This demonstrates your interest and encourages a more profound exploration of the topic.
Benefits of Active Listening
Improved Relationships: When you actively listen, you build trust and rapport. People feel valued when they believe their thoughts and feelings are genuinely heard and understood.
Enhanced Problem-Solving: By understanding the speaker's perspective thoroughly, you're better equipped to offer relevant solutions and suggestions.
Conflict Resolution: Active listening plays a crucial role in resolving conflicts. When both parties feel heard, tensions often decrease, and a collaborative solution becomes more achievable.
Learning and Growth: Engaging with diverse viewpoints through active listening exposes you to new ideas and information. This contributes to personal growth and broadened horizons.
Career Advancement: Active listening is a prized skill in professional settings. Colleagues and supervisors appreciate individuals who can understand instructions, provide thoughtful input, and foster a positive work environment.
Tips for Practicing Active Listening
Practice Mindfulness: Cultivate mindfulness to remain present during conversations. Meditation and deep breathing exercises can help train your mind to focus on the moment.
Summarize and Paraphrase: Periodically summarize what the speaker has said to ensure you've understood correctly. Paraphrasing shows your engagement and helps clarify any potential misunderstandings.
Limit Your Responses: Avoid turning the conversation back to yourself. While sharing relevant personal experiences can be helpful, overdoing it can shift the focus away from the speaker.
Be Patient: Not all individuals are quick to open up. Be patient and create a safe space that encourages them to share at their own pace.
Active listening is a transformative skill that holds the power to enrich relationships, promote understanding, and cultivate empathy. By dedicating yourself to this art, you can create a more connected and harmonious world around you. So, the next time you engage in a conversation, remember that by truly listening, you're doing more than hearing words – you're forging a pathway to deeper human connections.
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justana0kguy · 1 year
2023 MAY 30 Tuesday
TUE DO 1'23 #1 ~ Life Breathing Styles
If it isn't obvious, this is inspired from the Breathing Styles of the Kimetsu no Yaiba manga/anime series, but applied to real life actions and scenarios (without the actual fighting, or nichirin swords, as I don't have any nor the skills to wield one without cutting myself)
In terms of Life Management System specifics, this will be integrated as a Life Action (S.O.P.) as "BRAVO" Standard Actions with the latest (Alpha, Beta, and Delta) versions as follows:
DELTA Versions (implementation & improvement)
WIND Breathing ~ Regular (I) / Total Concentration (II) Breathing
[0-I] Silent Air of Anemoi Regular breathing in and out (through nose & without sound)
[0-II] Storm Eye of Venti Regular deep breathing in and out (through mouth & with sound)
[1-I] Gentle Breeze of Zephyrus Deep breath in (through nose) Hold breath and be still for a bit Slow and steady breath out (through nose)
[1-II] Stalwart Gust of Favonius Deep breath in (through mouth) Hold breath and be still for a bit Slow and steady breath out (through mouth)
[2-I] Soaring Updraft of Eurus Slow deep breath in (through nose, with expanding chest) - visualization: soaring up through an updraft (i.e. Genshin Impact) Hold breath for a short bit (thinking of what to do) - visualization: suspended at the top of the updraft Slow and steady breath out (through nose) - visualization: gliding down from the updraft (i.e. wind gliding)
[2-II] Surging Storm of Vulturnus Slow and deep breath in (through mouth, with expanding chest) Hold breath for a short bit (extra focus on what to do) Slow and steady breath out (through mouth)
[3-I] Piercing Gale of Boreas Slow and deep breath in (through nose, closing eyes) Hold breath (and emptying mind) Slow and 'whistle-like' blowing (through mouth, opening eyes)
[3-II] Indomitable Tempest of Aquilo Slow and deep breath in (through mouth, closing eyes) Hold breath (and focusing on a single thought) Slow and 'blast' blowing (through mouth, opening eyes)
[4-I] Swift Whirlwind of Notus Quick breath in (through mouth with lungs) Sharp (silent to low volume) breath out (through mouth)
[4-II] Turbulent Tornado of Auster Quick breath in (through mouth with core) Sharp (& LOUD to SHOUTING) breath out (through mouth)
WATER Breathing ~ Motions of Life, where: Sync - Multiversal Mental Motions Strat - Omniversal Temporal Motions
[Sync 0] Still Water Zero-State - visualization: Giyu Tomioka's 'Dead Calm'
[Sync 1] Undulating Horizon no thoughts, just looking (at the sea afar) - visualization: far horizon in a calm sea
[Sync 2] Shifting Tides contemplating on overall circumstances - visualization: incoming & outgoing waves in seashore
[Sync 2a] Lifting High Tide contemplating on good/positive things in life
[Sync 2b] Bowing Low Tide contemplating on bad/unfortunate things in life
[Sync 3] Perpetual Waves contemplating on current circumstances
[Sync 4] Enduring Waterfall concentration/focus on staying strong mentally
[Strat 0] Crawling Bayou no timeframe for actions
[Strat 1] Trickling Creek taking time to do proper actions
[Strat 2] Flowing Stream wasting no time to do proper actions
[Strat 3] Running River double time to do proper actions
[Strat 4] Raging Rapids double time & may skip proper actions
[Strat 5] Flash Flood rushing due to individual urgent/emergency situations
[Strat 6] Channeling Strait mass rushing due to multiple urgent/emergency situations
[Strat 7] Rogue Swell mass rushing due to singular/incidental global event
[Strat 8] Towering Tsunami mass rushing due to multiple/ongoing global event
[Strat 9] Final Cycle rushing to / halting at the end
STONE Breathing ~ Controlled Actions / Weights Exercises
Still Rock Zero-State & awareness of body
Rolling Stone body control when doing regular activities
Hollow Dust body control to minimize noise/disturbance
Precious Gem body control to ensure only gentle pressure is applied
Firm Boulder body control when holding or bracing onto things
BETA Versions (testing & development)
FIRE Breathing ~ Cardio Exercises
MIST Breathing ~ Kind Works with others
ALPHA Versions (conceptualization & programming)
THUNDER Breathing ~ Quick Movements?
SUN Breathing ~ Leadership? Respect/Fame?
MOON Breathing ~ Friendship? Affection/Adoration?
LIGHT Breathing ~ Good Works with others? (i.e. Virtues?)
SHADOW Breathing ~ Bad Works with others? (i.e. Vices?)
P.S. I'm not a Hashira, still in training, just so you know.
~ A0K
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juliaksblog · 4 months
This year of CAS activities has been very transformative. Each activity contributed uniquely to my personal growth, teaching me valuable life skills and expanding my horizons.
This year, climbing has taught me perseverance and problem-solving. Each climb presented unique challenges, requiring both physical strength and mental strategy. I definitely see a progress in my skills and I’m ready to take on grander difficulties.
It was the first time I really focused on improving my cooking. Before, my food used to be really bad and no one in my family would eat it. Experimenting with different recipes and ingredients has not only helped me cook delicious meals but also improved my culinary skills overall. Sharing meals with family and friends was the most rewarding part.
Drawing has always been my outlet for self-expression. Though I lack free time to focus more on consistent practice, I've seen improvement in my creativity. This hobby has encouraged me to slow down and observe the world more closely, fostering a greater awareness of beauty in everyday life. I’ve fostered an appreciation for visit art galleries and seeing the amazing works done by other artists.
Maintaining my guitar playing has been more challenging this year. I could only play during the day, because of the noise, and didn’t have enough time. Although I didn’t advance as much as I hoped, the joy of playing familiar tunes kept my passion for music alive.
Volunteering at the foundation fundacja akacja and their biking lessons to wheelchair users has been profoundly impactful. It has taught me empathy, patience, and the joy of helping others achieve their goals. Witnessing the determination of the participants has inspired me to be a more considerate about other peoples needs but also to stay as a motivated individual. This experience has enriched my perspective on the resilience of the human spirit. I also made connections with the people there. They taught me that verbal communication isn’t the only way to talk to eachother. We communicated in new ways, such as gestures and expressions.
I'm grateful for the journey and look forward to continuing these activities in the future.
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maacsatara · 4 months
Breaking Down Blockbuster Games: Design Secrets Behind Hit Titles
The video game industry has evolved into a powerhouse of creativity and technology, producing blockbuster titles that captivate millions of players worldwide. These games are not only entertainment marvels but also intricate works of art and engineering. The design secrets behind hit titles involve a blend of storytelling, gameplay mechanics, visual aesthetics, sound design, and user experience optimization. Institutions like MAAC Academy play a crucial role in training aspiring game designers to understand and master these elements. Understanding these components can provide valuable insights into what makes a game truly successful.
Storytelling and World-Building
At the heart of many blockbuster games lies a compelling story. Games like "The Last of Us," "The Witcher 3," and "Red Dead Redemption 2" are celebrated for their rich narratives and detailed world-building. The secret to their success is a well-crafted plot that resonates with players emotionally and intellectually. Characters are given depth and backstories, making their journeys and struggles relatable. The game world itself is meticulously designed to be immersive, often with its own history, lore, and culture, which players can explore and discover.
Gameplay Mechanics
Innovative and engaging gameplay mechanics are essential for maintaining player interest. Blockbuster games often introduce unique mechanics or refine existing ones to provide a fresh experience. For instance, "Breath of the Wild" revolutionized the open-world genre with its emphasis on exploration and freedom, allowing players to interact with the environment in creative ways. Meanwhile, "Dark Souls" popularized a challenging yet rewarding combat system that requires skill and strategy. These mechanics are finely tuned to ensure they are intuitive yet offer depth and complexity.
Visual Aesthetics
The visual appeal of a game significantly impacts its success. High-quality graphics, art direction, and animation bring the game world to life. Titles like "Horizon Zero Dawn" and "Cyberpunk 2077" showcase stunning visuals that draw players into their futuristic and fantastical environments. Attention to detail in character design, environmental textures, and lighting effects enhances immersion. Moreover, advancements in motion capture technology, often taught in leading institutions such as an animation academy in Pune, allow for realistic character animations, adding to the believability of the game.
Sound Design
Sound design is a critical yet often underappreciated aspect of game development. The best games feature immersive soundscapes, including ambient noises, sound effects, and musical scores that enhance the atmosphere. "The Legend of Zelda" series, for example, is renowned for its iconic music that evokes a sense of adventure and nostalgia. Dynamic soundtracks that respond to in-game actions can heighten tension or provide emotional relief, enriching the overall gaming experience.
User Experience (UX) and Interface Design
A smooth and intuitive user experience is crucial for player engagement. Successful games prioritize seamless navigation, clear objectives, and responsive controls. The user interface (UI) should be clean and unobtrusive, providing necessary information without cluttering the screen. Games like "God of War" and "Assassin’s Creed" excel in UX design, ensuring that players can focus on the action without being overwhelmed by complex menus or confusing prompts.
Community and Feedback
Engaging with the gaming community and incorporating player feedback is another secret behind hit titles. Developers often release beta versions or early access builds to gather insights from players, allowing them to refine the game before the official launch. Games like "Fortnite" and "Minecraft" have thrived by continuously updating their content based on community input, keeping the player base active and invested.
Innovation and Risk-Taking
Innovation is a hallmark of blockbuster games. Developers who push the boundaries of what’s possible in gaming often create the most memorable experiences. This might involve experimenting with new technologies, such as virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR), or introducing novel gameplay concepts. Taking risks can lead to groundbreaking games that set new industry standards.
The design secrets behind blockbuster games are multifaceted, involving a harmonious blend of storytelling, gameplay mechanics, visual and sound design, user experience, and community engagement. By meticulously crafting each of these elements, developers create immersive and captivating experiences that resonate with players worldwide. As technology and creativity continue to evolve, the future of game design promises even more innovative and awe-inspiring titles.
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digitalspellcraft · 4 months
Harmonizing Horizons- A Guide to Balancing Work and Wanderlust
In the vast and vibrant tapestry of modern careers, the allure of a nomadic lifestyle beckons many. This calling resonates deeply with those who seek to weave the rich textures of varied locales into the fabric of their daily work. Yet, for those who tread this wandering path, maintaining a healthy work routine emerges as a crucial challenge—one that, when met, enhances both professional output and personal satisfaction. At DigitalSpellCraft LLC, we understand the delicate balance required to merge mobility with productivity, and today, we offer you insights to make this journey as harmonious as possible.
Establishing Your Mobile Sanctuary
Create a Consistent Workspace: Whether you find solace in the quiet corner of a bustling café or the tranquil seclusion of a mountain retreat, establishing a designated workspace is paramount. This space, though it may shift in location, should consistently house the tools of your trade and personal items that signal to your mind, “It is time to focus.”
Sensory Considerations: As we tailor our advice to accommodate sensory sensitivities, remember that the familiarity of certain textures, scents from essential oils like lavender or rosemary, and the gentle hum of white noise can significantly enhance concentration and comfort.
Synchronizing Time Zones with Technology
Harnessing Digital Tools: Leverage technology to remain anchored to your responsibilities. Tools like calendar apps that adjust for time zones, task management software, and regular digital check-ins can serve as your compass, guiding you through the tempest of shifting schedules and locations.
Maintain Regular Hours: Even as landscapes change, try to keep your working hours as consistent as possible. This rhythm will not only keep you aligned with clients and colleagues in various time zones but also help regulate your internal clock, benefiting your overall well-being.
Cultivating Discipline and Flexibility
Set Clear Goals: Each morning, or at the start of your workweek, outline what you wish to achieve. These goals, set against the backdrop of ever-changing scenery, act as steadfast milestones on your professional journey.
Embrace Adaptability: While routine is vital, the essence of a nomadic lifestyle is adaptability. Balancing predictability with the ability to adjust your plans due to travel snags or unexpected opportunities is the key to thriving in this dynamic mode of living.
Nourishing the Body and Mind
Mindful Movement: Incorporate physical activity into your routine, whether it’s yoga at sunrise or a brisk walk through new streets. Physical well-being significantly influences mental clarity and work performance.
Dietary Considerations: Eating habits can be unpredictable on the move. Prioritize a diet that fuels both body and mind—rich in nutrients, and consistent in meal times, even if the menu changes with your coordinates.
The nomadic lifestyle offers a unique opportunity to enrich your professional endeavors with unparalleled experiences and perspectives. By cultivating a structured yet flexible routine, you not only harness the best of both worlds but also craft a life of profound depth and beauty.
To end, let us recall the poignant words of Friedrich Nietzsche, “One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.” Embrace the chaos of change, let it guide your journey, but keep your stars aligned with the routine that serves as your constellation in the dynamic skies of a nomadic life.
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digitalwibe · 5 months
Japan Aircraft Turbofan Engine Market Value Research by Forecast 2024-2032 | MRFR
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The Japan aircraft turbofan engine market is synonymous with pioneering innovation and precision engineering, reflecting the country's longstanding commitment to excellence in aerospace technology. With a rich history of technological achievements and a culture of continuous improvement, Japan's aerospace industry continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in aircraft propulsion.
Market Dynamics
Japan Aircraft Turbofan Engine Market is home to several leading manufacturers of aircraft engines, including IHI Corporation and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. These companies leverage Japan's advanced manufacturing capabilities, technological expertise, and relentless pursuit of quality to produce turbofan engines that power a wide range of commercial and military aircraft.
The Japan aircraft turbofan engine market is characterized by a strong focus on innovation, reliability, and efficiency. Engine manufacturers invest heavily in research and development to enhance engine performance, reduce emissions, and meet the evolving needs of the global aviation industry.
Technological Excellence
Technological excellence is a hallmark of the Japan aircraft turbofan engine market, with domestic manufacturers leading the way in developing cutting-edge propulsion systems. One notable example is the development of high-bypass turbofan engines, which offer significant improvements in fuel efficiency and noise reduction compared to previous engine designs.
Furthermore, Japanese engine manufacturers are at the forefront of incorporating advanced materials and manufacturing techniques into engine design. This includes the use of lightweight composites, additive manufacturing, and digital engineering tools to optimize engine performance and reliability.
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental sustainability is a key priority for the Japan aircraft turbofan engine market, reflecting the country's commitment to reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change. Engine manufacturers are actively engaged in developing eco-friendly propulsion systems that minimize the environmental impact of aviation.
One area of focus is the development of alternative fuels, such as sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs), which offer significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional jet fuels. Additionally, research is underway to explore hybrid-electric propulsion systems and hydrogen-powered engines as potential long-term solutions for sustainable aviation.
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Market Outlook
The outlook for the Japan aircraft turbofan engine market is promising, with opportunities for growth and innovation on the horizon. As global air travel demand continues to rise and airlines seek to modernize their fleets with more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly aircraft, the demand for advanced turbofan engines will remain strong.
Furthermore, Japan's strong industrial base, technological expertise, and culture of innovation will continue to drive advancements in aerospace engineering. By leveraging its strengths in precision engineering and sustainability, Japan is well-positioned to maintain its leadership position in the global aircraft turbofan engine market for years to come.
About US
At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services. MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions. To stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.
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fancygladiatorobject · 5 months
Enhancing Performance: Just How Coworking Rooms Inspire Success
In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving company globe, efficiency is essential to success. As experts, we are continuously seeking methods to enhance our effectiveness and outcome. One remedy that has gotten considerable popularity in recent years is coworking rooms. These shared working environments have actually transformed the standard office arrangement and have proven to be a driver for increased productivity. In this article, we will certainly discover the various ways in which coworking areas motivate success Imagine Coworking and help individuals and organizations reach their complete potential.
Boosting Productivity: Exactly How Coworking Areas Inspire Success
Coworking spaces provide an unmatched atmosphere that urges collaboration, creativity, and emphasis. By uniting specialists from various sectors under one roof covering, these spaces cultivate a feeling of community and offer ample possibilities for networking and expertise sharing. Allow's delve into the details elements of coworking spaces that add to boosting efficiency:
1. Flexibility in Work Environment
One of the vital benefits of coworking rooms is the versatility they use in regards to workplace. Unlike conventional offices with fixed designs and cubicles, coworking rooms supply a range of seating setups, from open workdesks to personal offices, conference room, and also leisure areas. This flexibility enables people to pick an environment that suits their work style and choices, eventually improving their productivity.
2. Elimination of Distractions
Working from home or in cafe can frequently be distracting due to noise, disruptions, or absence of framework. Coworking spaces attend to these obstacles by providing a devoted work space away from home disturbances. With marked peaceful areas and professional setups, individuals have the ability to focus on their jobs without unnecessary interruptions.
3. Cooperation Opportunities
Coworking spaces unite experts from diverse histories and markets. This develops an excellent setting for collaboration, concept exchange, and cross-pollination of knowledge. By communicating with like-minded people, experts can get brand-new point of views, check out ingenious options, and expand their horizons. Such collaborations frequently cause boosted productivity and the generation of fresh ideas.
4. Accessibility to Resources and Amenities
Imagine Coworking spaces are well-equipped with modern centers and amenities that add to productivity. High-speed internet, printing services, conference room, and common locations are simply a few examples of the sources readily available in coworking spaces. These features eliminate the requirement for individuals to buy expensive equipment or bear the burden of upkeep prices, permitting them to focus exclusively on their work.
5. Work-Life Balance
Maintaining a healthy work-life equilibrium is crucial for long-lasting performance and total health. Coworking areas recognize this requirement by offering flexible working hours and different subscription choices. People have the flexibility to select when they work and can make the most of the varied series of events and activities arranged within these areas. This allows them to strike a harmonious balance between their personal and expert lives, leading to raised productivity.
6. Networking Opportunities
Coworking spaces work as
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markluice721 · 8 months
Surf, Sunsets, and Seclusion: The Allure of El Paredon
Tucked away along the Pacific coast of Guatemala, El Paredon emerges as a hidden gem that captivates the hearts of those seeking a unique blend of surf, stunning sunsets, and a secluded coastal haven. This exploration delves into the allure of El Paredon, inviting adventurers, surf enthusiasts, and tranquility seekers to discover the enchantment of a destination where the rhythmic waves meet the sun's descent in a backdrop of seclusion.
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1. Surfing Sanctuary: Waves for Every Level
El Paredon's greatest allure lies in its reputation as a surfing sanctuary. The Pacific swells that caress its shores offer waves suitable for every level of surfer—from the seasoned professional to the eager beginner. The consistency of the breaks and the inviting nature of the waves make El Paredon an ideal destination for honing surfing skills or embarking on the thrilling journey of catching the first wave.
Surf schools and local instructors contribute to the welcoming atmosphere, providing lessons and guidance to novices while sharing the passion for surfing that defines El Paredon's culture. The allure of the surf extends beyond the physical act; it becomes an immersive experience where the embrace of the waves becomes a personal journey and a communal celebration.
2. Sunset Spectacles: Nature's Masterpiece Unveiled
As the day draws to a close, El Paredon unveils one of its most enchanting features—the breathtaking sunsets that paint the sky in hues of orange, pink, and purple. Positioned along the Pacific, El Paredon provides an unobstructed view of the sun descending into the horizon, casting its warm glow across the expansive waters. The nightly spectacle transforms the beach into a canvas where nature showcases its mastery.
For visitors, witnessing the sunset becomes a ritual—a moment to pause, reflect, and appreciate the beauty of the natural world. Whether observed from the sandy shores, a beachfront accommodation, or during a leisurely stroll along the water's edge, the sunsets of El Paredon create a tranquil ambiance, inviting those present to be in harmony with the ebb and flow of the tides.
3. Seclusion and Serenity: A Coastal Escape
El Paredon's allure is further accentuated by its seclusion and the resulting sense of serenity that permeates the atmosphere. Unlike more crowded and commercialized surf destinations, El Paredon maintains a tranquil coastal escape that allows visitors to disconnect from the noise of urban life and immerse themselves in the simplicity of beachfront living.
Beachfront accommodations, ranging from rustic hideaways to boutique hotels, provide a sense of seclusion without sacrificing comfort. Waking up to the sound of waves and the gentle rustle of palm trees fosters an intimate connection with nature. El Paredon becomes a refuge where the stresses of everyday life dissipate, replaced by the calming rhythm of the ocean and the unhurried pace of a coastal village.
4. Ecotourism and Conservation: Balancing Exploration and Preservation
The allure of El Paredon extends beyond surfing and sunsets to its commitment to ecotourism and conservation. The surrounding mangrove forests and wetlands create a diverse ecosystem that invites exploration. Mangrove boat tours allow visitors to navigate through waterways teeming with wildlife, from vibrant bird species to aquatic creatures, showcasing the delicate balance of coastal ecosystems.
Community-led conservation efforts focus on preserving the natural beauty of El Paredon and ensuring the sustainability of its environment. Visitors have the opportunity to engage in ecotourism activities, contributing to the local economy while fostering an understanding of the importance of environmental stewardship. The coexistence of exploration and preservation adds depth to El Paredon's allure, presenting a destination where the thrill of adventure aligns harmoniously with a commitment to protecting the pristine landscapes.
Conclusion: Embracing the Essence of El Paredon
In conclusion, El Paredon beckons adventurers and seekers of serenity to its shores, offering an unparalleled allure defined by surfing, stunning sunsets, and secluded coastal living. The surfing sanctuary, nightly sunset spectacles, the sense of seclusion, and the commitment to ecotourism and conservation collectively shape the essence of El Paredon.
For those who venture to this coastal haven, El Paredon becomes more than a destination; it becomes an immersive experience where the dance of the waves and the brilliance of sunsets intertwine with the essence of seclusion and a commitment to preserving nature's wonders. The allure of El Paredon lies in its ability to offer a genuine escape—a place where surfers carve their stories into the waves, where sunsets become timeless moments, and where the serenity of the coastal escape becomes a lasting memory etched in the hearts of those who embrace the essence of this hidden paradise.
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globosegts · 9 months
Navigating the World of Wake Words and Voice Commands in US English
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, voice-activated devices have become an integral part of our daily lives. From virtual assistants to smart home devices, the convenience of interacting with technology through voice commands has reshaped the way we live. At the heart of this seamless interaction lies the concept of "wake words." In this blog post, we'll delve into the fascinating world of wake words and voice commands, with a specific focus on US English.
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Understanding Wake Words:
Wake words, also known as trigger words or hot words, are specific phrases or keywords that initiate the activation of voice-activated systems. These words serve as a cue for devices to start listening to and processing voice input. In the realm of US English, some commonly used wake words include "Hey Siri," "Okay Google," and "Alexa."
The Role of Wake Words in Voice Recognition:
Voice recognition technology relies heavily on wake words to distinguish between regular conversation and commands directed at the device. The utilisation of wake words ensures that the device doesn't respond to every random conversation but remains attentive and ready to act when the designated trigger word is detected.
Popular Voice Command Platforms:
Amazon Alexa:
"Alexa" serves as the wake word for Amazon's voice-activated assistant.
Users can issue commands like "Alexa, set a timer for 10 minutes" or ask questions such as "Alexa, what's the weather like today?"
Apple Siri:
Apple users are familiar with the wake word "Hey Siri," activating the voice assistant on iPhones, iPads, and other Apple devices.
Siri assists with tasks like sending messages, making calls, and providing information.
Google Assistant:
"Okay Google" is the wake word for Google Assistant, accessible on various devices, including smartphones and smart speakers.
Users can ask Google Assistant for directions, search queries, and control smart home devices.
Enhancements in Wake Word Technology:
As technology advances, researchers and developers continually work to improve wake word detection and accuracy. Machine learning algorithms play a pivotal role in enhancing the performance of wake word systems, enabling them to adapt to diverse accents, variations in pronunciation, and ambient noise levels.
Privacy Concerns and Security Measures:
While voice-activated systems offer unparalleled convenience, they also raise concerns about privacy and security. As these devices constantly listen for wake words, there is a potential risk of unintentional activation and the recording of private conversations. To address these concerns, manufacturers implement measures such as local processing of wake words and the option for users to review and delete voice recordings.
Wake words and voice commands have revolutionised the way we interact with technology, providing a hands-free and seamless experience. As these technologies continue to evolve, it's crucial to strike a balance between convenience and privacy. Users can anticipate further advancements in wake word technology, ensuring even more accurate and responsive interactions with voice-activated devices in the future. In the realm of US English, the journey of wake words and voice commands is far from over, promising exciting developments on the horizon.
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At Globose Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd (GTS), data collection is not service;It is our passion and commitment to fueling the progress of AI and ML technologies.GTS.AI can leverage natural language processing capabilities to understand and interpret human language. This can be valuable in tasks such as text analysis, sentiment analysis, and language translation.GTS.AI can be adapted to meet specific business needs. Whether it's creating a unique user interface, developing a specialised chatbot, or addressing industry-specific challenges, customization options are diverse.
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