#in order to preserve a numerous people as he is doing day. so have no fear'
tomcriuse · 1 year
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All of that is true, and all of that is still in here, but that's not why I came here today. I came here today... I came here today... I forgive you.
MIDNIGHT MASS 1.03 'Book III - Proverbs'
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courtofthrones · 1 year
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Pairing: Eris Vanserra x reader
Summary: What happens when two people who are the opposite ends of a thread of fate try to get the other end of the thread to burn knowing they would burn too. Because he was the throne but she will see the throne burn.
A/N: Feedback appreciated
"Where do you want me to put this my lady?"
"You can just leave it in my room Lyna."
After finally having some well deserved rest in the past few days, you watched the sentries and some of the Autumn princes spar with each other on the training grounds with a relaxed posture from your balcony. Though you couldn't help but notice the absence of your soon to be husband in the group. Well you couldn't be mad about it because being away from his smug but annoyingly attractive face and his infuriating behaviour these past few days have certainly made your day quite peaceful.
The morning atmosphere was bright but held its usual chill in the air.
Future Lady of the Autumn Court. It wasn't as though you hated it . Once it was all you had dreamt of . To marry and become a Lady who could work for her subjects. But over time and tribulations that little girl turned bitter from having her loving family torn apart. And marrying for political alliances into a family who could never get rid of the blood stains on their hands, did not sit right with you.
"Forgive me my lady but the Lady Aelia has asked you to join her for afternoon tea in her solar." Lyna spoke softly behind you in order to preserve the tranquility surrounding you.
"Is my mother going to be there Lyna?"
"No my lady her grace has only asked for your presence."
For the last few days the lady of autumn court, Lady Aelia Vanserra has extended her gracious invite to you and your mother to join her and other ladies of the court.
And unsurprisingly your mother has managed to turn every single conversation towards boasting about your pending nuptials in front the other ladies in waiting so may the mother forgive you if you wish to avoid her because of it. But it seems like Lady Aelia shares the same thought as you.
"Accompany me will you Lyna."
Making an exit from your room you followed Lyna into the open hallway. True to all its praises The Forest House was a sight to behold in the golden hues of the afternoon sunlight. Golden carpets made from the finest of materials lined the pathway.
As your nose took in the smell of sandalwood and burning wood, your eyes found themselves observing the numerous paintings nailed to the gilded walls. There between the paintings of life and death lay a family portrait of the High Family dating back to about 500 years.
You could gather that the painting was to commemorate the birth of the exiled prince of the court - Lucien Vanserra held by his mother with the High Lord sitting beside her. Behind him stood Eris Vanserra , your betrothed with a rehearsed smile on his face. Regal and youthful. Despite the appealing faces of the rest of the princes surrounding the High couple , your eyes found themselves incapable of straying from the captivating allure of your soon to be husband.
Your husband. You forced yourself to tear your eyes away at the thought. You turned to look for Lyna and continue your journey to your afternoon plans but had found yourself alone in a secluded part of the palace. Having been left behind as you admired the portraits, you took your steps forward.
"Is this what we are now?"
A hushed voice halted you in your path as you strained your ears to listen to the seemingly secret conversation wishing to gather any information that could be beneficial for your use.
"It does not have to be if you give me some time and space to set things right." came in reply by a deep positively masculine voice.
"Set things right? You mean give you time so that you can walk away towards the altar with Lady Tarsa of all people."
You knew that the other houses held no fondness for you but there was no reason why any of them should speak of you in such a manner.
"What would you have me do Alena? Run away with you ? Is that what you think is proper?"
At that you gasped, if it was Lady Alena Velon behind those walls then you had a pretty good guess who the male in question was.
"Would it be so bad to get away from all of this with me?"
"All of this? You mean my entire life ? Everything that I have endured for my end goal?"
At that a sob escaped her throat .
"Eris then what would you have me do? Stand by as you take that female with the traitor's blood as your wife?"
"Alena please don't cry it breaks my heart to see you like this. I wish I could do something about the engagement but father has all but declared his surety on the matter. I am sorry. I am sorry for the pain I have caused you. For what it's worth I would have loved to have you as my wife but this is something that is out of my control."
You scoffed at that. How lovely being painted as the wicked villain in their tragic love story. Typical.
As you leaned your head into the corner to catch a glimpse of their faces , you saw Eris lean in to capture her lips in a searing kiss as Alena leaned into his touch. Their kiss was fierce and loud as if they were about to go off to war. As if nothing mattered but them.
You were shocked and horrified at their lack of discretion. Disrespectful halfwits. Not a single thought about what could happen if they got caught in this compromising position.
You had to escape . But in your haste of wanting to get away as far as possible your hands bashed into a sculpture and knocked over a sculpture by the wall. You scrambled to prevent it from falling but the damage had already been done.
As you turned you saw Lady Alena and Eris looking at you as if all their nightmares had come true. But before anyone could utter a single word, Eris rushed towards you and dragged you into an empty room by the end of the hallway.
You snatched your arm free but before you could afford the luxury of putting some distance between your bodies, he pressed your back against the wall with his strong muscles. He was breathing heavily as he came to rest his arms beside both sides of your head. A cold and calculating expression staring back at you with his warm body pressing onto you.
He opened and closed his mouth a few times as if unable to settle upon the words he wanted to speak. But it didn't matter because his stupid excuses held no value for you.
"If you dare speak of what you saw- "
"Mother above. Spare me with your nonsense. Though I must applaud your audacity to treat me this way even after l hold your deepest secret to my heart." you spat out vexed by his actions.
"So what? Are you going to rat me out princess?" He gritted out , his composure slipping out of his control as he pressed himself closer to your body.
You were shaking in your knees but you could not afford showing your weak hand to Eris. You will never show him your weakness.
"I won't rat you out as you put it because I know it would only delight you having the engagement broken without you having to lift a finger."
Your body trembled as you tried to keep your anger at bay. You could feel your sharp nails digging crescents into your palms. Maintaining a calm countenance had always come to you as easily as breathing but something in Eris just managed to make you volatile.
" But you are so unfair my darling betrothed. I know this is not a love match but I at least expected you to keep your illicit affairs under wraps and not flaunt them in broad daylight. Well I suppose you need to have half a brain for that." you continued with a sharp grin adorning your face in order to not expose your true nervousness.
"Whatever could you mean ?" You watched as a vein twitched on his forehead. He was furious but had somehow managed to hold himself back.
You could barely gulp with how dry your throat had become. But with all the strength you could find in your voice you whispered out.
"What I mean to say your grace is that when I do bed another male I would not be as foolish as you to have my clandestine meetings out in the open for all to see."
You had no knowledge about how your faces had migrated closer to each other during the heat of the moment. Despite Eris' body heat pressing onto you due to the proximity a shiver slithered down your spine and with a hairsbreadth between your lips he whispered
"Is that a threat Tarsa?"
"No, it's a promise Vanserra."
You watched as fire stirred beneath his gaze as if trying to breach his carefully crafted mask. You watched as his gaze moved towards your lips. You watched as his lips-
"My lady I have been looking for- Oh forgive me my lord I did not know i was intruding."
It would have shocked you less if someone doused you with a bucket of ice water than Lyna's intrusion. He flinched away from you as if he would burn merely by touching you.
"Pardon me my lady I will be in the hallway if you need me."
"No, let us go."
You needed to escape. Escape before you did something that you would truly come to regret.
Grabbing Lyna's hand you rushed out of the room without even sparing a single glance at Eris.
"Does something bother you y/n?"
A shudder fluttered to the tips of your body as Lady Aelia's question pulled you away from thoughts of closed rooms and smoke and honey lined red hairs.
"It is nothing that should worry you your grace I was merely lost in thoughts about my wedding preparations." you somehow managed to utter with performative excitement coating your voice.
"Oh yes how are they coming along. I actually invited you to tea today to ask if there was anything you needed help with."
Her hand flexed as she lifted the cup to her lips.
"You are too kind your grace."
The Lady Aelia of Autumn screamed of elegance and royalty. Through your life you had met her only a handful of times but everytime she managed to leave you starstruck with her beauty. Many saw her as this quiet and submissive wife but with a bit of closer inspection you saw a woman hardened by the years she lived as Beron Vanserra's wife and lady of the court. With her regal beauty and resilient nature she truly was the Lady of the court.
"Oh none of that you can refer to me as your mother y/n. " Over the chirping of birds, she chuckled softly.
"So have you and Eris managed to have some time to know each other?"
The sudden question regarding the root of all your musings stunned into silence and the ever so quick eye of the Lady of Autumn managed to pick up on it.
"Y/n I can tell this marriage is not your first choice and I see questions in your eyes so trust me when I say that I know how painful this is." she continued her dulcet voice managing to lull you into a sense of security.
"So you must speak your mind."
You put your cup down as you sat up straight to stare into her eyes.
" I am afraid that is a luxury that I cannot afford mother. Sitting here with you had already managed to seal my mouth shut."
If your words managed to put her off she did not show it.
"We can pretend that all is good but it would not erase the decades of bad blood within our houses. It cannot undo all the sufferings we had to endure and it cannot restore my family back. So I hope you do not find me brazen when I say that I cannot fathom why I have to enter into a marriage with a family that brought the doom upon us."
Lady Aelia eyes sparkled at your words.
"Tell me something dear do you think your brother was right in his actions?"
Your jaw dropped for a moment. Was this some sort of trial? To test your loyalty to the throne. But her countenance held no animosity rather only plain curiosity.
So with all the courage you could muster you simply replied, "I believe he did the right thing."
"And I believe so too little dove."
You forgot yourself for a moment with her words.
"But I also believe we had no choice in our actions too. He saw something wrong and opposed the throne but it also caused unrest in the people in a sensitive time and we as the high family had to put an end to it. So believe me when I say this y/n you could do so much for the people if you are in power than what you do when you are a rebel."
You knew that she held no love for the High Lord. You were not deaf to the whispers regarding Lucien Vanserra and his parentage. But one thing stuck with you.
"Do you think of me being capable of revolting against the court?"
At that she smiled. Razor sharp. And you saw the true strength and cunning beneath her slip out a little.
" I think you are the poster child of a rebel. You certainly have the motive and fire for it but do you know what makes you different little dove?"
She paused a moment as if letting you agonize over the words.
"You also have what it takes to be a Queen."
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ssiggss · 3 months
Hello again ! You don't have to respond to any of these if you don't want to btw, I just like explaining/rambling about Trollhunters because all of my friends aren't into it.
Anyways, my story for the Arcane Order is WILDLY different from both the Wizards series and the movie.
Nari's (who is based off of the Tylwyth Teg from Welsh mythology) more of a villain at the start of Wizards, being the driving force for the Arcane Order's disdain of humanity. Skrael and Bellroc aren't fully on board with the idea of letting the incredibly violent and destructive Gumm-Gumms win the war and rule over the surface world. But, Nari's the eldest, and they can't not admit that Camelot is a threat to the magical creatures within Nari's woods.
Still, allowing the man-eating trolls to win sounds like a bad idea, so Skrael and Bellroc refuse to assist in Nari's plans.
So, Nari plays with fate by herself, approaching Arthur under the guise of a fair maiden, and planting the seeds of doubt in Morgana's loyalty. Which leads to her death at his hands.
Nari is the one who resurrects Morgana, and gives her more power, along with a mission: Tamper in the battle and have the humans lose.
Fast forward, Nari realizes her mistake mid-battle when she's forcefully shown the future via that time-map thing. (I despise time traveling, but I can make it work to keep it just a *little* closer to Canon). After seeing what her world will become with Gunmar and Morgana ruling it, she backs down, and brings the forces of nature crashing down on the Gumm-Gumms. Deya still wins the overall battle, and locks Gunmar away, just like in Canon.
Now, remember how I said Skrael and Bellroc didn't want to destroy humanity? Well, Nari's actions seem to have a habit of coming back to bite her.
Fast forward to Jim's lifetime, and the world is polluted, cultures are getting smaller and smaller, and not many people are still in touch with nature. So, remembering what Nari had tried to do with Killahead, Skrael and Bellroc decide to ask her help in wiping out humanity for good, to preserve the cultures that are rapidly fading.
Nari sticks her nose up at them and basically says "Nah fam, y'all didn't help me back then, I ain't helping you now. Besides, Merlin's letting me live at Camelot for free" and peaces out. And Skrael's like "You didn't even go through with the plan back then???"
Yeah so, Nari, #1 hypocrite in my Au. I still love her, since she's also inspired off of numerous fae and also kelpie mythology.
In what would the Rise of the Titans movie for my Au, all of the battles and stuff are a lot different, including the Titans themselves. I'll draw them all eventually, but moving on for now. There's still a fight between Nari and Skrael; Nari loses an eye and forearm during the fight, and Skrael is almost strangled and crushed to death by vines and rubble.
Eventually it turns into Skrael seeing that yes, there's still good people on Earth, and yes, killing them all is not the answer. He helps how he can in the upcoming confrontation with Bellroc, which is less of a battle and more of a therapy session. Because, damn, these guys' cultures have been absolutely wrecked by time and colonization / global warming.
In the end, the Arcane Order splits up for good.
Thank you for reading! Have a digitalized version of the sketch from the other day
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This is a very interesting concept!!
UIltimately you've made some cool alterations!! I like the more in depth dive in Skrael and Nari's bond, and the differential development of your storyline!!
You've put a lot of work into this, I respect that!! Its all very detailed, and you've got good visual language!!
I like this au, thank you for sharing!!
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dailyanarchistposts · 27 days
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Empty Handed
All along the west coast, indigenous peoples TRAditionally collected herring roe as a food source. Today, many different people come annually to the Gulf Islands of what is called British Columbia, in the Coast Salish and Kwakiutl territories, to participate in the herring run. Incidentally, while the group of islands are collectively known as the “Gulf Islands”, they are located in a strait not a gulf. This is because a European explorer named them without traveling the full length of the waters in which they are located.
In any case, some who attend the annual herring run are newcomers while others have been doing so for generations. They harvest the roe and net the fish along the shoreline or from boats. Traditionally, the roe, or eggs from the females, is collected on hemlock or other evergreen boughs or kelp that is floated in the water until they are saturated. On many islands, families and friends also collect the roe, which washes onto the shore mixed in with the seaweed, for their families, and for their gardens, providing a rich source of minerals for their compost.
All this is collected on a small scale, harvested without machines or wage slaves. Oftentimes, the fish itself is harvested, not just the roe. Using different preservation techniques, like pickling, this bounty is stored for future use. Some use the herring as bait for other fish. All of this activity is and has been pursued on a scale commensurate with sustainability for generations.
But, according to Dave Wiwchar in a report published in the Nuu-chah-nulth Southern Region Reporter, “...over the last few years, First Nations (indigenous) fishers who drop hemlock trees or kelp bundles in order to harvest the traditional dietary staple of siihmuu (herring roe) have come up empty handed. Boughs that would normally be laden with numerous layers of roe, two inches thick, are being hauled up with barely a single egg. Traditionally, herring spawning areas were heavily protected by Chiefs, and Nu- chah-nulth spawn-on-kelp/bough fishers used special “silent paddles” whenever they ventured into herring spawning areas. The report continues:
“Siihmuu/Kwaqmis is traditionally very important to us as it is the first resource to return to our territories after the winter,” said elder Nelson Keitlah. “In the days of my grandpa, no one was allowed to go into the spawning areas where the herring were looking for a place to spawn. Not even a noise from a canoe was allowed. People had a very high respect for the herring as they are a very important part of the food chain, and our diet,” he said. Keitlah fears the noise from the vessels, machinery and sonar are driving the herring down to depths where their eggs will not survive. “We’ve been saying for years that the sonar and machines are a total disrespect to the herring, and as a result the herring are now spawning in deep water, and not coming near shore where we can feed on them,” he said. “We haven’t had siihmuu/kwaqmis in recent years as it has been very scarce. We need to be able to harvest them in a natural, normal way, which is a much better way to do it than to harvest the roe by seiners.”
And in an article in the Globe and Mail, Reg Moody of the Heltsiuk people in Bella Bella said in a statement:
“Who knows, maybe this province and country will soon see scenes on national TV of what took place with our brothers from Burnt Church on the east Coast. These stocks mean that much to us. Our way of life is at stake here . . . To protect the future of the central coast region, the Heltsiuk and Kitasoo Xaixas have been instructed by their people not to allow a sein or gillnet sac-roe fishery in their traditional territories for the next season …”
The traditional method of stringing fronds of seaweed in spawning areas allowed the herring to lay their sticky eggs on the seaweed and then swim away. But the commercial method is harmful and unsustainable. The seiners are noisy, scaring the spawning herring away into deep waters, and the fish are killed to extract the egg sacs rather than allowing them to swim away. Combine this with industrial activity on or near their spawning grounds and the herring are increasingly threatened.
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blessed1neha · 2 years
When you first examine your birth chart, you can find out rather quickly that not many of the houses are empty. There have been no natal planets found in any houses in the chart that are vacant. Many people worry that an empty house in astrology indicates a life area where they will argue (for example, an empty 10th house of profession indicates you'll never have a job or an empty 7th house of marriages indicates you'll never get married). But that is in no way true!
Everybody has atleast 2 house empty since there are 12 houses in jyotisha but only 09 planets. This does not imply that you are unaware of the influence of that house in your life. Because you're not exerting as much effort, it signals that you're not as focused. There is a presumption that an empty house represents a life situation that you dealt with in previous lives, therefore there isn't much karma left to work with. Planetary houses are areas where we need to gain power, therefore we give them greater attention because there is more to do. This does not imply that we ignore the empty homes in the chart, though!
When a planet is housed, the life areas of that house take on the traits and values of that planet. If you don't, the power of that planet isn't at all ingrained in you. A vacant home is formal and in no way indicates that you are guilty in any particular area of life. "People are concerned about it, but they shouldn't be.
In a natal chart without a planet, an empty house indicates that one must work hard to achieve all of the positive results of that house, which empty houses represent among all 12 houses. A person does not have enough luck or permission to normally obtain the bonus of those houses.
An empty second home, for instance, indicates that the person will neither inherit or receive any portion of family income, a family business, parental property, or significant financial support from the family. Even if the individual obtains any form of estate, it will be useless for them. He or she won't be satisfied with the land, and living there will be difficult for them. One will not be able to preserve and strengthen it for a long time even with inherited liquid money.
The areas of life where we settle or invest a lot of strength are represented by houses with planets, and consequently, events connected to those zones appear to be more well-known and numerous than those related with the unoccupied home in a chart. Wherever we burn fuel, such areas frequently display a series of events.
Planetary houses are hence areas of the chart where significant individuals, issues, and circumstances are stored in a disciplined or indisciplined manner depending on the planetary situation.
example: Mercury rules the third house, therefore when you transmit or understand, you must employ Mercurian fuel. You may be certain of the Venusian influences in these areas of your life if Venus is also in your third house.
In comparison to the problems of the empty houses in the chart, a house with several planets expects a significant undertaking of your consciousness and activities. You probably have a variety of hobbies if planets are in the majority of your dwellings. You often exert yourself to an extent that is not sustainable over the long term because there are only so many hours in the day and only so much fuel available to humans. While a person with several empty homes focuses most of their energy on a smaller number of homes. As you can see from the data, empty homes provide a lot of benefits.
For instance, if you have a lot of positive planets in your 11th house but nothing in your second house, as you grow older your friends will be more important to you than your family.
With the exception of the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses, an empty house typically presents a struggle to achieve the house's essential characteristics, whereas a house with one or more planets bestows outcomes good or bad depending on their stability ordering, stance, rulership, aspects, nakshatras, etc.
An empty first house in the natal chart indicates that achieving fame, notoriety, and standing in the community will need a lot of work and sacrifice. In adolescence, one won't have much name recognition or favour. His or her family won't be an important one or the wealthiest one in the neighbourhood. The native will have to work very hard to achieve respect, importance, and wealth in life. That many components won't be used by prosperity.
The third house is empty, suggesting that the person is acting irrationally and impulsively when handling families, travelling short distances, and handling transmission.
The person with such a natal chart is probably a reasonable hotelier, according to the empty fourth house.
People would pick it up quickly, according to the empty fifth house, and utilise it to express their creative side. Others would easily be able to understand your motivation.
Work and nature are approached with excitement and vigilance, according to the empty sixth house. The subject would be happiest working as a hairstylist or style prototype.
The empty seventh house indicates that although connections and agreements are not important, they become vital when acted upon with regard to pride, patriotism, and extension when developed through long-lasting ties or within-group acts.
The empty 8th house indicates that those who have it would find it reasonable to change the world and lend a hand to those around them.
The person would want to travel for work, according to the empty 9th house. The person on the chart gives significance to their foreign travel, theology, and ideology.
A person who has an empty 10th house enjoys travelling widely and values leisure over work.
A native who has an empty 11th house is more likely to prefer a small group of close friends than to enjoy activities that involve a large number of people.
These individuals easily connect to their past lives, according to the empty 12th house, and they also easily bring to their subconscious level.
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cwtchblade · 6 months
The forests are the deadliest when the shadows grow into the darkest. The wind becomes stronger, and the sky hazes with gray rage. Recurring storms eat the unsheltered people's homes. The earth slowly became angry at humans for something most of them did not do. Only one was capable of this power. And it was not a good one. It all started when there was a new kingdom ruler. His existence became known to everyone, but we did not see him in public.. During the first couple of months, everyone loved him for what he did to help his people. There were times when dragons tried to destroy towns that did not even belong to his people.’ There were fires spreading and fresh problems growing. He was not afraid and did everything he could to help. Even people outside the kingdom became aware of him. Still, no one knew him. It is like he was only a ghost that somehow knew what to do to exist in the other world.
After a couple of weeks into the new year, things started altering. No one ever called him a leader anymore. No more “Powerful leader.” No more “Useful shadow.” Slowly and rapidly, He became “Him.” or “He.” His name became said in the same tone. Always with shame. Always with hesitation. Never said with pride in who their leader was. Never with happiness. Never excited whenever they discussed how he did something amazing for the people. Everything in his name became disgust disguised as fear. I realized later, the people of the kingdom dehumanized Him with their tones. The way they quietly and orderly did what was told of them. They obeyed every order He gave. Every tone that changed was only dehumanizing Him. The dehumanizing turned into his coping mechanism. It made him crave more power. That coping mechanism slowly became the reason Earth hated every human; even though the majority of humans were innocent. He was the cause, and he broke his kingdom. It went from orderly fear to uncontrolled. Like a curse plagued them to react in horrible ways. The leader is destroying everyone and everything.
I was one out of the few that stayed sane. There are over 50 of us now who had to make their own kingdom and barricade ourselves in. There used to be over a thousand. We hid far enough away from the chaos that has been slowly spreading. A plague of emotionless zombies that somehow still had a rage for their leader. That rage was used to help Him. He controlled the madness he projected into them and used it to create an army. Everything changed so quickly. A once good leader became a ruthless god.
Numerous years after the chaos, a new ruler came to fix everything He created. The kingdom was supposed to decay in the path of the old ruler's ways, instead it felt like time paused for 20 years. The teachers are preserving the old magic and teaching it to the young ones, despite the previous ruler's attempt to eradicate it.. It is the worst kind of magic, yet, that was all everyone has known. Everyone was too afraid of change, so they never even tried to escape the patterns of him. They unwillingly choose their fate. The original kingdom should have fallen. Decayed. 20 years ago today. Everything in reality was a darker version of what it should be. Food is no longer required to survive. Neither is water and sleep. Ninety percent of the population stayed as psychopaths but now, they do not act like every day is the purge. Instead of going on a murderous rampage, they have become quieter. Deadlier. Ready to kill without a trace. They all became ghosts like Him. No one knew where they were or who they were. But they were there. They strike when everyone thinks they have good intentions and even better souls. The rest of the ones that still have their sanity have to suffer the selfish consequences of power. It turned the whole environment into dust. On the outside, it looks perfect. They took everything away from me and from everyone. We need to get it back. I am going to get back what I have left of my sanity. For me and everyone. Even the ones who have lost themselves in the process.
That is what Earth wants.
That is not what Earth gets.
That is what Earth needs.
That is what the new leader does not want to happen. That is what she fears happening. She cannot feel the earth clawing at her hidden rage.
The world is slowly decaying. The only ones that saw it coming are the ones who had hope for humanity and good intentions. Everyone of them died. Turning into emotionless zombies. I am next and I am no leader that can help save everyone. I do not want to see everyone die and I cannot stop thinking that there is a reason I am still alive. Earth only wants the best. Earth is knocking everyone out and starting over. Is it selfish to stay alive when it has been desperately healing? Am I the only one who can think for themselves while everyone else is in a paradox of pain? How do you be a leader when everything is falling apart in front of you? How do you not want to commit suicide when everything is falling apart around you? How will the world look when Earth gets what it needs?
That is why I am writing this. If anyone else is out there and surviving, they might somehow find this and know what happened. Help make sure everything that has happened over the past 23 years does not happen again. If you find this notebook hidden under the ground of a stone structure and stairs leading up to a lookout spot, that means you will probably find my corpse up ahead from where the stone curves because I am running for it. I do not have any other choice anymore. I do not know how I still have hope that things will change, but if it does and if I am still alive; I hope I see you someday. You have clearly made it far… hopefully I do too.
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I found their body where they said it would be. They hid their book under the stone staircase. Exactly as they said. I am sorry you could not make it alive with us. Though, it might also be a good thing. You do not have to manage the trauma anymore. Hopefully, you can see us as a ghost or as an angel and continue to have hope for the better. I hope you can see where the earth has regrown. We are all healing from the past. There is now a city being made of the survivors of the past. The ruler died being poisoned by the remaining. The apocalypse finally dissolved, and the earth is getting its roots back. Remains are being remade but not being destroyed over. No one has broken anything, so they have a reminder of how it could still be. I am currently turning the old lookout into a little hut. The stone will be there forever and the book will be hidden in its place. It was clearly safe there.
That is why I am writing this. I would like to show the progress that is being made and have some sort of way to show what has happened in the past 35 years. There is no ruler anymore and everyone is making different things for survival. Back to the originating roots of humanization. Hopefully, once there are more people back into the world, there will not be a ruler so idealized by power and rage. Hopefully, there will finally be peace. It is still a rough future ahead of the remaining, yet, everyone is hoping their kids keep building up. I am hoping the next generations to come continue what we are holding onto. Everyone wants a brighter future, but everyone makes stupid minor mistakes that end up destroying it all.
Although the pages in the book are slightly torn and ink is smeared, they still reveal the past lives it has gone through, adding character to it.. At least it adds character and past lives of all it has gone through.
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It has happened again. Twenty years later, it is all the same. It has always been twenty years. Everythings destroyed. The magic's back. Most animals have gone extinct. A new ruler has taken over, and they have destroyed everything that was previously built. I have a feeling no one will make it this time.I see no other way of humanity's ending. Everyone in the past “letter” is dead. I wish everyone would have listened the first time. No one cares when it seems like it has nothing to do with them. They signed up for their own suicides and it affects more than just them. But who cares, right? Who cares when the world is falling apart. 𝖶̷𝗁̷𝗈̷ ̷𝖼̷𝖺̷𝗋̷𝖾̷𝗌̷ ̷𝗍̷𝗁̷𝖺̷𝗍̷ ̷𝖾̷𝖺̷𝗋̷𝗍̷𝗁̷ ̷𝗂̷𝗌̷ ̷𝖼̷𝗋̷𝗒̷𝗂̷𝗇̷𝗀̷.̷ ̷𝖶̷𝗁̷𝗈̷ ̷𝖼̷𝖺̷𝗋̷𝖾̷𝗌̷ ̷𝗍̷𝗁̷𝖺̷𝗍̷ ̷𝖾̷����̷𝖾̷𝗋̷𝗒̷𝗍̷𝗁̷𝗂̷𝗇̷𝗀̷ ̷𝗂̷𝗌̷ ̷𝗃̷𝗎̷𝗌̷𝗍̷ ̷𝗂̷𝗇̷𝖼̷𝗈̷𝗆̷𝗉̷𝗅̷𝖾̷𝗍̷𝖾̷ ̷𝖻̷𝗎̷𝗅̷𝗅̷𝗌̷𝗁̷𝗂̷𝗍̷.̷ ̷𝖶̷𝗁̷𝗈̷ ̷𝖼̷𝖺̷𝗋̷𝖾̷𝗌̷ ̷𝖾̷𝗏̷𝖾̷𝗋̷.̷ ̷𝖶̷𝗁̷𝗈̷ ̷𝖼̷𝖺̷𝗋̷𝖾̷𝗌̷ ̷𝗍̷𝗈̷ ̷𝖻̷𝖾̷ ̷𝖼̷𝖺̷𝗋̷𝖾̷𝖽̷ ̷𝖿̷𝗈̷𝗋̷.̷ ̷𝖶̷𝗁̷𝗈̷ ̷𝖼̷𝖺̷𝗋̷𝖾̷𝗌̷ ̷𝖿̷𝗈̷𝗋̷ ̷𝖾̷𝗑̷𝗂̷𝗌̷𝗍̷𝖾̷𝗇̷𝖼̷𝖾̷.̷██ ████ █████ ██ ███████ ███ █████ ████ ██████████ ██ ████ ██████████ █████████ ███ █████ █████ ███ █████ ██ ██ █████ ████ ███ █████ ███ ██████████
I ███ a rope. This is the end for me. I’m sorry it could not be different. Maybe it's selfish but I’m done dealing with the consequences of everyone else's bullshit. I would be █ing if I didn’t say I wasn’t a part of the destr████. 𝓘 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓴 𝓽𝓱a𝓽'𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓱𝓪rd𝓮𝓻 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓭𝓮a𝓵 𝔀i𝓽𝓱; 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓲𝓭e𝓪 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝔂██ 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓹𝓻o𝓫𝓵3𝓶.
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You make me do
Fatima Jinnah
Known as Madar-e-Millat or mother of the nation. She was crucial in the Pakistan's fight for independence.
And founded Jinnah Medical College for Girls.
Too much labour
Yasmeen Lari
Pakistan's first female architect. She went from designing shiny corporate structures such as Karachi's finance and trade center.
To helping build shelters for those affected by earthquakes (since 2005) with the resources they had available.
All day everyday
Zennat Haroon Rashid
Founding member of the Woman's national guard in Pakistan.
Her daughter created the "Zeenat Haroon Rashid Writing Prize for Women" in her honour. Which works to support women who want to pursue writing as a career.
Therapist Mother Maid
Azra Haq
A member of the Woman's national guard in Pakistan who helped to support and aid women who had been abandoned during the partition.
Nympth and a virgin
Sheherezade Alam
A renowned ceramist who themed her work around the earth. Founder of LAAL, an artistic movement to promote and preserve Pakistani art and culture.
Nurse than a servant
Mehnaz Rafi
One of the first members of the Woman's Action Forum (WAF) who worked to help woman fight for their rights.
Just an apandage
Madeeha Gauhur
Pakistani actress, playwright and director. Founded the Ajoka theatre in 1984, which stages social themes in theatres, on the street and other places in the public.
Live to attend him
Bapsi Sidhwa
Pakistani world renowned author, essayist and playwright. Well known for her novels which reflect her personal experiences of Partition, her life in Lahore, diasporic stories, identity etc.
So that he never lifts a finger
Begum Ra’ana Liaqat Ali Khan
The 1st First Lady of Pakistan, became the first Muslim female delegate to United Nations. In 1954, she became the first woman ambassador of Pakistan and was sent to Netherlands. In 1973, she became the first female governor of Sindh and later on, the first Chancellor of Karachi University and Sindh University.
Begum Ra’ana was awarded Nishan-e-Imtiaz. She was also given Order of Merit of Italian Republic, Order of Orange Nassau, Netherlands and the UN Human Rights Award 1978.
24/7 baby machine
Dr Sania Nishtar
She is the Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Pakistan on Poverty Alleviation and Social Protection and the Leader of Global Health and Sustainable Development.
Since 2018, Dr Sania has been the leader of the poverty reduction program in Pakistan called Ehsas, which strives to provide livelihood and improve the social situation of many people in the country.
So he can live out
Muniba Mazari Baloch
Due to suffering a spinal cord injury at 21, Muniba used it as fuel to encourage women and girls that have experienced discrimination or violence to not fear or fight the pain.
She is as Pakistan’s first National Ambassador.
His picket fence dreams
Asma Jahangir
Pakistani politician, lawyer, and human rights activist. She chaired the Bar Association of the Supreme Court. She has won numerous awards for her work on human rights, including the Martin Ennals Award.
It's not an act of love if you make her
Tahira Qazi
A beloved Pakistani principle who was held hostage at her school with her students by terrorists.
Although she had the opportunity to escape and save her own life, she chose to save her students.
"They are my children and I am their mother.”
She fought for them but unfortunately lost her life that day, on December 16th 2014.
You make me do too much labour
Malala Yousafzai
Pakistani activist for women's rights to education. Fighting for her right to education since she was a child, getting shot in the head by the Taliban for her efforts.
She continues to fight and was the youngest person to be awarded a Nobel peace prize.
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wartakes · 1 year
“What Should It Look Like?” Part IV: The Marines (OLD ESSAY)
This essay was originally posted on August 30th, 2022, and is a continuation of the "What Should It Look Like?" series.
In this entry of the "What Should It Look Like?" series, I turned my attention to America's favorite wet soldiers: the Marines. Basically, I felt they should still be around, but there should be far less of them and their mission should be more narrow. Needless to say, this got a lot of Marine Todd type guys very annoyed on Twitter - which was funny.
(Full essay below the cut).
Oh boy it’s time to talk about the Wet Soldiers.
That’s right folks, as we return to the “What Should it Look Like?” series, it’s time to take aim at everyone’s favorite maritime themed crayon munchers: the United States Marine Corps.
To make sense of the Marines as an institution, you firs have to understand that the modern-day Marine Corp is an inherently political institution in every sense of the term – be it domestically, internationally, and inter-service wise. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, they served as foot soldiers for American imperialism in Asia and Latin America, famously described by revered and controversial Marine Major General Smedley Butler as “racketeers for capitalism” as they trampled on the sovereignty of numerous nations and people for American business interests.  Pearl Harbor would give the Marines a chance to put that imperialist gangster phase behind them, and after gaining their modern-day image storming beaches and hopping islands in World War II, they mustered a political lobbying machine in Congress (rivaled maybe only by the National Guard) in order to preserve themselves when faced with assimilation into the Army.
This fear of being made irrelevant or being disbanded has been at the core of the Corps’ psyche ever since, with the Marines going so far to ensure their role in national defense going forward, that they successfully utilized that lobbying machine I mentioned previously to convince Congress to codify the Marine Corps’ force structure in law (specifically Title 10 U.S. Code, Section 8063). Politics and defense are very clearly entwined (regardless of what some naïve or lying folks will tell you), but the Marines have made politics in this realm a way of life throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. The modern-day Marine Corps and its force structure, missions, and way of doing business is born mostly out of politics more than true, practical needs (though those do exist and we will talk about them soon enough).
But now, after years of such political maneuvering, the Marines are suffering from an internal political war of their own making, pitting the old guard and their boosters against a new generation of Marine thinkers.
This Marine Corps Civil War has been sparked by the current Commandant of the Marines Corps – General David H. Berger – and his plan to restructure and retool the Marines Corps for the war that he thinks its most likely to fight in the future, entitled Force Design 2030 (which is being continuously updated as the Marines Corps throws the proverbial spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks). The design encompasses some of the most drastic changes to the Marines in decades, shedding what Berger considers unnecessary or obsolete units and systems for ones more likely to assist the Marines in the type of fight that he sees potentially looming on the horizon – chiefly, a large-scale war with China in the Western Pacific that is largely dominated by the air and maritime domains and utilizes a host of burgeoning military capabilities). This had includes cuts to infantry, tube artillery, aviation, with things like the Marines few tank battalions being completely disbanded. Meanwhile, new units like drone squadrons and missile battalions are being added.
Bergers moves immediately sparked outrage from Marine traditionalists. The main shock troops of this old guard in the Marine Corps Civil War have been dozens of retired Generals and other Marine Corps boosters who have unleashed their heavy artillery in the form of a ongoing barrage of numerous op-eds screeching that the Marines need to stick to the old ways. In their eyes, Berger is going against the cult of the Marine Corps, not only challenging the narrative they’ve built up for themselves but ceding hard won missions used to justify the resources they consume and the capabilities and forces they have amassed over the years. Of course, they don’t couch it like that. Instead, these Marine relics – who are now so salty they may as well have been Lot’s Wife looking back at Sodom and Gomorrah – are squealing that proposed FD 2030 jeopardizes US national security and interests by overly narrowing the Marine Corp’s role. They also seem to like to use Ukraine as a reason for the Marines to reverse course on FD 2030 – while sidestepping the fact that, you know, the United States Army is still a thing.
Berger’s own boosters have returned fire, and in this ongoing Civil War I largely side with them – with some caveats. My main disagreement with FD 2030, frankly, is while I think it’s on the right track, I don’t think it goes quite far enough. I think the Marines need to be even smaller and more focused on a specific mission set than Berger has laid out (hell, maybe he wants to go as far as I do but just knows in the current political environment that it’d be suicide for him). I think they need to shed a more of the excess they’ve grown out of politicking all these years if they are going to be most effective for the type of scenario we’re thinking of. That being said, I’m going to rely on FD 2030 as the basis for my vision for the Marines in this series and point out the aspects I would go further on and do differently to better suit my purposes.
Now that this very lengthy intro is over with, let’s begin!
Splish, Splash, Taking a Bath
When the Marines were originally founded, around the time of the American Revolution, their purpose was simple and limited: to act as naval infantry – i.e., fighting much as soldiers would on land, only doing it in ship-to-ship combat at sea, or conducting landing operations from the sea. These would continue to be the Marines chief functions – with some small deviations – up to and through World War II, where it arguably reached its apex with the Marines large scale amphibious landings throughout the Pacific Theater against the Empire of Japan. A last hurrah for this kind of battle came for the Marines not long after in Korea, with the much-touted landings against North Korea at Inchon.
Now, the modern-day field of military and defense affairs is positively riddled with debates, arguments, and knock-down drag-out rhetorical fights over what is and is not relevant in a contemporary conflict in terms of capabilities, tactics, operational art, and more. One such debate is whether the amphibious assault – which has become part in parcel part of the Marine Corp’s modern identity, especially in the Pacific – is in fact, obsolete and no longer useful.
Where do I fall on this question? As usual, I have a wishy-washy cop-out “measured, analytical” response that doesn’t grab the same attention as clickbait on defense news websites. Much like with the airborne assault (as I talked about in the Army essay for this series), my view is that the amphibious assault is, not fact, obsolete. It will, however, need to become a much smaller, rarer, more niche affair if it is to retain utility and not be a disaster for all those involved. The days of massive set-piece amphibious assaults like we saw on D-Day at Normandy or throughout the Pacific Theater in World War II are firmly in the rear-view mirror when it comes to tactics and operational art (and arguably, they’ve already been there for decades now). A notable exception here may be if China ever feels compelled to resort to a combined amphibious and airborne assault across the Taiwan Strait in order to conquer Taiwan by force, but that comes with a lot of caveats and asterisks and is a topic for another day that I could on for ages about.
For the most part, amphibious operations of the future – while still present – will be much smaller out of both the necessity of not getting your shit rocked undertaking them, but also because of the changing nature of the missions for the force undertaking them. Future amphibious assaults in a contested environment fighting against a peer or near-peer adversary may be smaller scale affairs that are focused on securing key pieces of maritime terrain in order to position weapons and (arguably, more importantly) sensors to assist in sea control, air and missile defense, and other key activities in the maritime domain. In some cases, these amphibious assaults may not even be opposed, but working to seize unoccupied terrain to position forces before the enemy can act. In many ways, it’d be a return to form for the Marines, focusing on smaller scale landings rather than big Inchon style forcible entry operations.
As we talk about amphibious assault being a much smaller affair, the big elephant in the room here are the Navy’s large flat-deck amphibious assault ships – much as aircraft carriers were in my Navy piece (especially seeing that these larger amphibs are basically smaller aircraft carriers). Under such a vision of distributed, smaller scale amphibious operations, these amphibs are overkill in the best case and in the worst case are actually a liability. Much like with aircraft carriers, driving one of these into the kind of contested environment amphibious operations from now on will almost always take place in is a massive risk, leaving it open to long-range anti-ship missiles of various kinds. This is why the Marines Corps has been exploring the idea of Light Amphibious Warships (LAWs), which would carry smaller units of Marines (think platoons and companies rather than battalions) to conduct lower key distributed operations in a heavily contested environment (If you think this sounds reasonable and not a bad idea, it probably should also not surprise you that the LAWs funding has been hampered as part of one battle in the ongoing Marine Corps Civil War).
These LAWs are purportedly not intended to replace larger amphibs, but I say: why not? Like I mentioned with carriers, if you cut most or all of the largest amphibs, you dropping the need for thousands of personnel. One Wasp-class amphibious assault ship has around 1,000 officers and crew aboard, and the Navy currently has nine ships of this size for the Marines’ use. And when you cut one of them, you’re not just freeing up billets, but then there’s follow-on effects regarding the infrastructure you need in the shore establishment to help maintain them. This is to say nothing of all the aircraft aboard that you no longer need all the support infrastructure for throughout the rest of the Corps.
To prove I’m flexible in my thinking, I’ll say I’m at least open to the idea of maybe keeping two or three of these larger ships around for various purposes. Maybe the Marines hang onto some of this larger amphibs in order to act as motherships or control ships for fleets of smaller LAWs. They could focus on acting as mobile bases for the rotary wing aircraft that will support marines ashore (more on that later) rather than delivering the Marines themselves. Hell, if the Navy followed through on my idea for cutting carriers, maybe they could repurpose and put some of them to use as pure light-aircraft carriers rather than as amphibious assault ships (something that they’ve already been playing around with in various configurations). Point is, even if you hang onto a few for various purposes, you don’t need as many of these larger amphibs, and they shouldn’t be doing the original job they were intended to do if you do keep them. Like I talked about with warships in general: while bigger ones still have a place, more and smaller ones will be necessary to fight and win with how naval warfare is changing going into the 21st century.
“If God Had Wanted Marines to Fly, Mr. Wint – ”
Since we’ve talked about cutting a lot of these larger amphibs and seeing that they’re often acting as de-facto aircraft carriers, we can also talk about the Marines Corps and its air forces in general. Not only are the Marines themselves larger than many armed forces on the planet, but they also have a larger air force than many other countries on the planet – including fixed and rotary wing combat aircraft, tankers, transports and more.
Now, I’m not opposed to the Marines having any aircraft whatsoever. In some cases, I think it’s necessary for them to have them. For example: I think it’s necessary for Marine infantry forces to have rotary wing attack and transport helicopters just as its necessary for an Army brigade combat team to have them (though we may need to think of some new ways to get them to the combat zone if large deck amphibs are a bigger target and we may want to cut a lot of them). These would be useful not only for ferrying troops and supplies from ship to shore, but also in between different terrain features – in addition to providing fire support. I probably wouldn’t cut Marine rotary wing much more beyond what Berger already wants to do in FD 2030.
However, while I still think the Marines should have aircraft, I also still think that there’s no good reason for the Marines to have a lot of their aircraft. Outside of politics, it doesn’t make sense to me is why the Marines have its large, fixed wing aircraft fleet. One clear example of this is their fighter squadrons that nest within Navy air wings aboard carriers, which do nothing that Navy carrier squadrons can’t already do (and under my previous plan, there won’t be a need for as many of them anyway). For its remaining combat aircraft that are not necessarily attached at the hip to carriers, which serve mainly to support Marines on the ground, there’s no mission they can perform that can’t already be performed by Air Force and Navy combat aircraft.
The one truly unique capability a chunk of Marine fixed-wing aviation has is its Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing (STOVL) aircraft, like the older AV-8B Harrier and the newer (infamous) F-35B Lightning II replacing it. Aircraft like these may have once had a stronger argument for their utility (and may still have some more limited use), but with the way things are going that may not be the case much longer. For the contested conflict the Marines are preparing for, where they’re hopping between islands and other landmasses, it seems at first a STOVL aircraft would be well suited to it. Then you realize that the F-35B can’t really do STOVL operations without a paved runway or amphib deck. Then you realize just how few small islands have paved runways (or runways at all). Then you realize that many of the small islands the Marines may be looking at for expeditionary basing could be too small to host a large enough runway for F-35B operations. Then you realize a long runway could make that island a target. The case for utility rapidly starts to diminish the harder that you look (don’t tell the Marines that though).
There are some aircraft that I think the Marines should get more of that they don’t currently have and this may surprise some of you: uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs – i.e. “drones”).
I have built a reputation on being a drone skeptic – and I stand by this reputation and will continue to uphold it. But for what the Marines are trying to do – which again, I (mostly) agree with and think dovetails nicely with my overall plan. The Marines having more drones makes sense if in their role as naval infantry they are often going to be acting as eyes and ears and occasional shooters supporting the maritime domain. For those missions, having a higher proportion of drones compared to the other services makes sense. It makes sense to have drones that could be deployed and recovered without a runway in disparate locations, acting as the eyes and ears for the Marines – who are in turn acting as the eyes and ears for the Joint Force. Where necessary and applicable, they could play a combat role as well – especially when you think about loitering munitions (i.e. one-way lethal “suicide” drones) and their potential in defeating enemy landing forces or forces lingering offshore. Drones could also have an offensive role to play that doesn’t even involve firing a shot, when you consider the idea of drones acting as mobile electronic-warfare platforms that could jam enemy communications and make it harder for them to operate in a given area. The bottom line is that drones have a lot to offer as force multipliers to this specific vision for the Marines.
The Marines absolutely have a need for aircraft, but they need the right aircraft to perform the types of missions that they specifically should be doing going forward – not just whatever aircraft they want because they can get them. This may not mean buying the most sexy, exquisite, gold-plated platforms that are available, but buying a lot less exciting systems and ones that are a lot more useful and punch above their weight when put in the Marines’ hands in the right context. I would cut most if not all of the Marines fixed wing – either transferring them to the Navy or to the Air Force, or just scrapping what isn’t needed (which, as explained earlier, will have rippling effects in then cutting the support and logistics network needed to sustain these aircraft). I’d have them keep a good portion of their helicopters and then buy a wide variety of drones that would be most effective in the types of contested, distributed, austere operations that they’re likely to face. This isn’t a judgement on the cut aircraft in general (and I’ll get more into this with the Air Force), but more about specifically works best for the Marines.
“That Dictator Right There, Officer.”
The last thing I want to talk about before we wrap up is the one role that the Marines and their boosters constantly tout for themselves that is not inherently unique or exclusively maritime themed. That, of course, is their role as America’s “Force in Readiness” – often referred to unironically as “America’s 911” – one of those phrases that makes my eyes roll back into my head until you can’t see the pupils. This is yet another political machination of the Marines and one that is more a creature of the modern, post-World War II Marine Corps. In a cynical way, it could be seen as a kind of return to form to the “racketeer for capitalism” interventions that Smedley Butler described many years prior, only undertaken under the context of the Cold War and later the GLobal War on Terror and various other justifications. Obviously, not every time the Marines have been used in this fashion has been strictly “bad” – such as humanitarian intervention. But this “911” role is certainly often viewed through rose colored.
However, the imperialism angle isn’t the one I really want to hone in one here, as we’re talking about a hypothetical better future where we’re trying to use military force in a less imperialistic way to show solidarity with victims of aggression. I wanted to take some time to talk about the “America’s 911” image of the Marines because this role is a major justification by the Marines for why they should keep all the force structure and capabilities that I’ve mentioned that I think are superfluous and wanted to cut (and more) – such as having its own air force, having a fleet of large deck amphibs, having as many Marines as it currently does (especially when you look at the relative size of Marine forces for other countries’ militaries), and etc.
Now, much like with the Marines and aircraft, it’s not necessarily that I think the Marines should have no role to play in being a rapid reaction force under the types of scenarios and overall grand strategy we’re thinking of. I think they should still be an integral part – both in the type of way that FD 2030 is imagining, but also just in general as a light infantry force where needed (I don’t think the Marines should lose their ability to fight just as regular infantry, only that they don’t need to be a dedicated second land army for the United States).
With that disclaimer out of the way, my main point I want to bring up here is that this role as “America’s 911” that the Marines have built up for themselves is by no means unique. It is not something special to them that only they are properly trained and equipped to carry out. It is not their birthright. It’s just a role that they’ve somewhat been able to most effectively latch onto in order to justify many of the toys and structure they have.
I’ll give you an example of what I mean that’s still fresh. When nearly 6,000 U.S. troops arrived at Hamid Karzai International Airport just over a year ago to conduct the Kabul Airlift as the country fell to the Taliban, two battalions of Marines and their support troops were admittedly among them. Of course, they were accompanied by an entire brigade from the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division, along with units from the 10th Mountain Division and even a battalion from the Army National Guard – that outnumbered the Marines significantly. And while some of the Marine units that showed up did so from a nearby amphibious group, a number of them were airlifted in directly from a US land base in Bahrain.
The point I’m trying to make here is the Marines absolutely have a role to play as being part of a broader rapid reaction capability in the Joint Force when crises and conflicts arise. But that this ability to act as a “911” force is not something inherently Marine. It is not something only they can do or should do, and definitely not something that they need the extensive force structure and capabilities they have now in order to do. They are just one part of a broader Joint Force all contributing elements to that response mission.
As for cutting Marine forces somehow affecting this rapid reaction capability, I would just point to the broader points of the grand strategy underpinning this series – a key one being that we would be working to better support allies and partners and allow them to more effectively defend themselves wherever possible and make it, so they only have to ask for our direct support as a last resort. If we are carrying out the grand strategy I’m envisioning holistically, then hopefully they’ll be fewer crises and conflicts overall, meaning we’ll need fewer forces on hand to constantly respond to “911” calls worldwide if and when our help is requested. This really drives home that the choices we make in regards to defense need to be in service of a larger vision and not just disjointed and isolated decisions made based on short-sighted policy prerogatives.
Something Something “Hoo Rah”
I’ve gone on for a long time in this essay, so I’m gonna try and be short and sweet with this conclusion.
I know that people are going to be particularly sore at me for this one – even some folks who are on the Left with me. Something about the Marines stirs up a fire in the bellies of certain people no matter what. It arouses a certain dander when people talk about whittling it down or changing it. I think it’s an enduring sign of how effective their political wrangling and propaganda have been over the decades.
The fact of the matter is, when you cut through those politics and focus in on the traditional purpose of a Marine Corps (modified for the 21st century’s challenges), you can cut out a lot of redundant or outright useless force structure to craft a Marine Corps that is much smaller but more effective in an outsized way in contributing to an overall Joint Force by taking on more specialized roles.
At the end of the day, there’s no need for the Marines Corps to be a second land Army – or, arguably, a second Joint Force within the Joint Force. Most of the roles and capabilities they’ve acquired for themselves have been through political maneuvering and are largely redundant. What results is a Marines Corps that says it can do it all, but really only creates the illusion it can do it all while becoming a mediocre Jack of All Trades, Master of None.
Naval infantry definitely have a place in modern warfare (if that weren’t the case, China wouldn’t be growing theirs exponentially). But you could cut the Marines total end strength by a third and we’d still have the largest Marine Corps in the world by far. Don’t worry Jarheads, you’ll still have a place in war in the future, but you’ll just have to do it differently (and hopefully will be doing it for reasons that are more altruistic and not reverting to your imperialistic past).
That’s it for this one. If you think I’ve been too harsh on the Marines, just wait until I get to special operators – you ain’t seen nothing yet my friends, believe me. In the meantime, our next installment in this series will be on the Air Force. For now, hope you all stay safe out there. Peace.
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macabrecake · 2 years
Nothing big just a soft/fluffy Leon drabble I've had stashed away for awhile and thought I'd share it. 100% self indulgent as well, just really needing something like this ya know?
It's one of those days.
Where words are painfully sharp, enough to pierce your skin and reach your aching heart. Where some actions just rub you the wrong way like sandpaper. Where nothing sounds appetizing even if your body begs for some kind of sustenance with a low grumble. Where you don't dare to glance at the mirror because you know the utter disdain you'll feel for whatever looks back. Where you wish the entire world would simply go away and be quiet. You hate these days- feeling nothing but disgust for when you get like this. It's so pathetic, and you know it.
Someone else doesn't really like these days either, but for an entirely different reason.
For Leon, you're normally this little ball of sunshine. Your happy-go-lucky nature is always a welcoming boost that he deeply cherishes in his chaotic, dreary way of life. So to see you struck down so bad like this...
It hurts him.
Yet he also understands it, which makes witnessing it from you even more painful, when he sits down next to you and carefully pulls you into his lap. No words need to be exchanged. He knows all too well when you immediately latch onto him while letting out another quiet sob into his chest. Allowing him to be your life preserver to avoid the monstrous waves that crash into you in their attempts to sweep you under and drown you.
You still feel guilty, however. Disappointed in yourself for the fact that Leon was putting up with this. But you're very grateful. "I'm sorry." You whisper, causing his hand to pause the gentle circular motions he was putting into your back in order to give a light, reassuring squeeze. "Sweetheart, there's nothing you need to be sorry for. Everyone has days like this. You've even seen me deal with them."
A small sniffle escapes you. Sure, he's dealt with them numerous times, but he's so much stronger about keeping himself together. It's a trait of his that you're a little envious of- wishing you could do the same.
Luckily, before your mind starts delving further into that newly made pit of self hate, Leon's gentle tone continues. "I know it's tough, and that people can be jerks." His nose then lightly buries itself in your hair. "It doesn't make things any easier when your own mind starts attacking you too."
His frown soon deepens when he feels you shrink and curl up into yourself, hating that he's right, and making you feel even more ashamed. Leon goes to retrieve you, softly taking your face in his hands so you'll look up at him. "But you don't have to keep it to yourself to the point it hurts you like this." He softly reassures, letting his thumb wipe away your sorrows. "You can talk to me. You know that no matter what it is, I'll listen."
The pure warmth of his tone, wrapping you up so snuggly, mixing with the undying kindness and patience swimming in his beautiful ocean blues- has you breaking under his gaze even more. Yet it's so relieving. Knowing he'll pull you from this dark, lonely space and make you feel whole again. It's just enough to tug a smile onto your face, a small but truthful one, as you nod. Leon mirrors it tenfold when he spots that familiar sight while lightly bumping your nose with his.
"There she is." He gently cooes. His soft, plump lips catching yours after cleaning up the rest of your tears. He can't bring himself to leave the rest of your face alone though, that'd be pretty rude of him, so he sends his kisses to every bit of your face he can touch. "There's my Sunshine." A giggle bubbles up your throat as your smile grows. Unable to resist his honey sweet, dorky nature.
Once he's sure that you're in a better state of mind, he decides to test the waters. "Could you do something for me?" Leon asks, earning a curious stare from you. "It's nothing much, just humor me a little. Ok?" It's still unclear where he's going with this, but you agree nonetheless with a small nod. Making the man's smile grow as he lightly ticks his head to the side. Following where he was motioning to, your eyes meet a small tray sitting beside you. On the tray was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a hot cup of tea, and a little bowl of mixed fruit.
Your chest aches at the sweet gesture, but in a good way of course, as you glance back at Leon. "Mind eating something for me?" He speaks quietly, his eyes holding yours with a silent plea.
How on earth could you ever say 'no' to a face like that?
You easily cave with a small laugh as you wipe away some much happier tears now, before obliging him by plucking out a strawberry and take a bite. The hopeful smile he held breaks into a full grin as his strong arms lightly squish you against him more, his own self made fortress to shield you from the world and all the troubles it holds, encouraging you with a light peck on your cheek. "Atta girl."
And just like that, as Leon picks up the pieces of you to patiently put them back together with all the love and care in the world. Your heart suddenly didn't feel so heavy anymore. "Thank you Leon." You whisper, cuddling up to him more. A soft chuckle is his response as he snuggles right back up to you, and sneaking another kiss from you just so he can hear you laugh again. "Anytime, Button." He speaks in sweet earnest, "I'm right here for you no matter what." His forehead then lightly rests against yours, that same adoring gaze dancing in his sky blue eyes.
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ladydaemon · 3 years
kaz brekker x female! reader
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A/N: Yes, I realize how cliché and very non-Kaz this is. I tried my best guys, but I am in the mood for fluff and only fluff so yeah.
Summary: After a night in the rain, Y/N has a cold and it's up to Kaz to take care of her, a difficult task indeed.
Warnings: swearing, really horrible writing, not proofread writing, just me spitting out Words™ at three in the morning
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Dangerous assassins do not need sick days.
It was an extremely hypocritical thought, and Y/N knew it. She thought the thought anyway, because at this point, there seemed to be no aspect in her life that was not fueled entirely by spite.
"Please, for the love of the Saints, go to sleep, Y/N," Inej begged, forcing the woman back onto the bed. "You are sick. You need rest."
"I do not need rest, I need caffeine and waffles," the wheezing woman replied stubbornly, trying to get past Inej, who was blocking the doorway of her room. The Slat, usually thundering with noise and chatter, was silent as the grave - it was one of the rare days in Ketterdam where it was sunny, and everyone was either out enjoying the weather or enjoying pickpocketing someone who was enjoying the weather. "I am a grown-ass woman who also happens to be very good at using the bang-bang machines we call guns so please move aside, I need fresh air."
It was arguably entirely Y/N's fault that she was stuck inside in the first place - first, she had stayed out in the rain too long, despite Kaz's numerous protests. Second, she had, in a grave act of stupidity, gone down for breakfast the next morning. Normally, this would not have been a problem. However, on this particular day, her eyes were red and swollen and itchy and her lungs hurt and it was generally very obvious that she had a cold.
These were the deciding factors which led to her ultimate demise:
House arrest.
Though the fact that she was notorious for her spontaneous, impulsive, reckless, throw-caution-to-the-wind nature (along with the fact that Kaz, from multiple bad experiences he would rather not repeat, knew that she had nearly no self-preservation skills) probably had something to with it.
Also she apparently needed a chaperone. Which was probably a good idea, but Y/N wasn't about to admit that anytime soon.
"You are seventeen and you have a window, darling," the smooth voice of one Kaz Brekker, the devil himself, interrupted Y/N's feeble excuse of an escape.
"But Kaz," Y/N whined, pouting. Inej gave the man an exasperated look as if to say, See what I've been dealing with?
"Darling, you'll only have to stay here longer if you don't try and get better."
Kaz, lips twitching in a very non-Kaz way, turned to Inej. "You can go. I suppose I'll play nursemaid."
The Wraith chucked darkly, already stepping out Y/N's window. "Good luck with that."
As soon as she had climbed out the room and was well out of earshot, Kaz turned on his heel and walked out. Y/N, thoroughly confused, took a second to contemplate whether this act was meant that she was officially free, or that she was supposed to follow him. Her question was answered a moment later when he called out, not sparing her a backwards glance, "Are you coming?"
She sighed dejectedly, following him up the stairs to hid room. With a flamboyant and smug bow, he opened the door for her. "Ladies first."
She rolled her eyes at him but entered the room nonetheless. Kaz closed the door behind him and strode heavily to his desk, taking the time to shuffle and order some papers. Y/N stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, unsure as to what in the hell she was supposed to do. Kaz flicked his eyes up to her and jerked his head towards the black-sheeted bed that occupied almost a fourth of the room.
She stared at it for a moment. "You want me to sleep. On your bed. While you watch." It came out more an incredulous statement than a question.
"Sorry to break it to you, but I can't devote all my time to taking care of you, and I also can't leave you alone unsupervised while ill. This is our compromise," Kaz explained somewhat impatiently.
"I am not going to get in that crusty-ass bed, that, in case you have forgotten, belongs to my boss, AKA you. For all I know you sleep nude."
One of Kaz's eyebrows twitched. "The sheets were changed this morning. And for the record, I don't."
"Still not going to do it. That takes the creepy-o-meter to like, a thousand."
"You're a criminal who spies on brothels. This is nothing."
"Still not doing it. This feels fundamentally wrong."
"I'll buy you a nice dagger if you just shut up and get in the damn bed." Saints, he was already exasperated, and he had barely been here five minutes. A new respect for Inej found its way into his being.
Y/N went quiet for a minute, considering. "One of the serrated ones with the fancy gilded handles?"
"Whatever dagger your heart desires."
"Two daggers and a gun."
"One dagger and a gun."
"Deal," Y/N decided, plopping down on the bed. It still felt wrong, but she did need a new dagger - Wylan had blown hers up in a previous job.
She carefully peeled the pristine sheets and blankets away from the mattress, half expecting a dozen poisonous things to pop out. The only thing it released was the strangely comforting smell of wood oil and ink (and a bit of gunpowder, but this was Kaz Brekker we're talking about).
Y/N slipped beneath the covers, her head resting comfortably on the cloud-like pillows.
I bet this bitch sleeps like a baby every night.
"I can still beat your ass, Brekker," she mumbled. Yeah, she was sick, but she also had a reputation to uphold.
"On a regular day, I have no doubt about it. Currently, you are prohibited from doing anything that isn't sleeping, peeing, or contemplating life. Doctor's orders."
"Well, I'm going to go pee then. More freedom." She attempted to stand up from the surprisingly soft bed but the in the second it took for her to try and stand, Kaz, moving surprisingly quickly for a man with a cane, pinned her to the bed by her shoulders with an exasperated sigh.
"Just stay still. Please," he breathed.
"Get me a sweet bun and maybe," she breathed back, but didn't move. Despite her almost child-like demeanor, she was one of the original Dregs, here as a child even before Kaz. He had been the only one her age when he had joined, so naturally, she had befriended him (well, as much as you can befriend Kaz Brekker). She knew about his phobia of touch, and how much it meant that he was touching her, even with his gloves on.
Kaz released her with a sigh and stalked over to his desk where he rummaged around for a bit until he produced a small tin that looked abut as old as he was. He tossed it at her and she grabbed it, opening it to see some biscuits that looked as hard as rocks. "That's all I have, and all you're going get. Don't break a tooth."
Y/N sighed, staring at the biscuits mournfully before taking one out of the tin and gnawing on it. It would have been easier to bite on the barrel of one of Jesper's guns. "You're mean."
"You're acting like a petulant child."
Y/N made a disgruntled noise from the back of her throat, sinking back into the silk pillows and wrapping the blankets tighter around her. She had made no visible mark on the cookie, and had only succeeded in covering it with slobber. She put it back in the tin and noticed Kaz wrinkle his nose at her.
She doubted the biscuits would ever see the light of day again.
She watched Kaz do his paperwork, a surprisingly interesting thing to do. He had taken off his hat and jacket, and rolled up his sleeves. He even took his gloves off, preferring to use a pen without the ridiculous slipperiness of the leather. The papers shuffled in a soothing rhythm, and soon, Y/N began to feel less cooped up and a bit more relaxed.
Ever since she had been taken away from her family and thrown onto the tiny slaving ship, Y/N had always had a touch of claustrophobia (well, it was a bit more than a touch, but she wasn't willing to admit that just yet). The tiny room with a mattress on the flooor was really just a decoration at this point - she slept on the roof most nights and every waking hour was in Ketterdam, simply walking if there were no pockets to be picked.
Drowsily, she watched as Kaz scratched something out on paper, his face creasing ever so slightly. The pen made a nice sound, she found, and paired with the strangely calming scent of his room and the rustling of papers, it made her feel almost like it was rainy day, the kind where you curled up by the fire and read a book or cuddled with someone.
"I doubt staring at my face will help you fall asleep, love," Kaz noted without looking up from his work.
"Your face is the most interesting thing here."
For the barest fraction of a second, Kaz looked like he had short-circuited. The moment was gone as soon as it came, however, and he simply raised an eyebrow at her. "You're very immature sometimes."
"Thanks!" Y/N said cheerfully. "It was the trauma."
"Trauma hardens people, it doesn't make them softer," Kaz dismissed.
"I agree wholeheartedly. However, there's a difference between an excellent mask and incompetence," she replied. "Now come over here and show what's bothering you, I can see it on your face."
Kaz looked up at her, noting the fact that she probably wouldn't shut up unless he did as she asked. He rolled his eyes, hobbling over to the bed. As he sat, she could feel his weight pushing the mattress down.
Before he could say a word, she snatched the paper in his hands and began scanning it. "What's wrong with it?"
"The numbers don't add up."
She stared at the document for another second, then back up at Kaz. "Who are you and what have you done with Kaz Brekker?"
He blinked at her.
"You forgot to carry the one. The numbers don't add up because you... well, added them wrong," she explained softly. She looked up at him, concern crossing her features. "Do you need a nap?"
Kaz huffed out a breath. "I'm fine. You're just distracting me, that's all."
"We're going to ignore the fact that you think I'm distracting and instead focus on the fact that you have not slept in several days."
Kaz's nostrils flared slightly in indignation. Before he could speak, however, Y/N cut him off. "Kaz, I have known you since I was eleven. I'm also not fucking blind. Yes, I know you are essentially running a mafia at age seventeen. Yes, I know you are under pressure. Yes, I know there is at any given moment a bounty on your head. Yes, I know I am sick and it is technically your job to take care of me. But can we please just make a deal or a truce or something in which you get some fucking rest?"
Kaz was quiet for a moment before the corner of his mouth twitched. "Always the mother hen for everyone except yourself."
She was startled into a laugh. "What can I saw, I was a born hypocrite."
Kaz did end up getting a couple hours of sleep, even if it was at Y/N's insistence.
However, he almost regretted it when Jesper barged in and, with a gleeful cackle, found them both sleeping in the same bed with one of his legs pressed up against hers - Kaz's version of flat-out cuddling.
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Saint-Just’s private life: part I
“Saint-Just's early passion for Thérèse Gellé could lead one to believe that this affair, after its unhappy end in the summer of 1876, would soon be followed by others. In fact, however, for the following years until Saint-Just's death, there are only indications of two closer relationships with women, and even these are so vague that the term "affair" can hardly be used for them.
One set of these references concerns Thérèse, who was abruptly separated from Saint-Just by her father's intervention in the summer of 1786. Her marriage to the notary Thorin was apparently anything but happy, for on July 25, 1793, she left her husband. Most likely, she left for Paris immediately or a little later, because in Blérancourt the rumor spread that Saint-Just had kidnapped his childhood sweetheart and taken her to the capital. The faithful Thuillier, who had apparently immediately informed his friend of these events, felt compelled on September 2, 1793 to warn Saint-Just urgently of the consequences that this affair could have for his reputation.
I have news of Mrs. Thorin, and people are still saying you have kidnapped her. She is lodging at the Tuileries Hotel, across from the Jacobins, St-Honoré Street. It is time, in order to erase from public opinion the slander that has been imprinted on the hearts of honest people, to do all that is necessary to preserve the esteem and honor that you had before this abduction. You have no idea of all this, but it deserves your attention.
Saint-Just answered Thuillier’s letter as follows:
I received your letter yesterday. I have just gotten around to opening it, having been ceaselessly busy. Where the devil have you dreamed what you say about citizeness Thorin? I ask you to please assure all those who are talking about this that I have no part in any of this. (...) Goodbye, and if the story you have told me about is repeated to you, you’ll do well to pay homage to the truth.
Saint-Just's answer sounds sincere: we remember that after a few days of the illness of September 5 - the very day he must have received Thuillier's letter - he took part in the work of the committee for the first time again, and so was indeed very busy. Judging by the rather boyish tone of his lines, he did not take the whole affair very seriously and at the most found it a bit burdensome. There is nothing here to suggest the slightest involvement in Thérèse’s disappearance from Blérancourt to Paris; Thuillier, from whom, as his closest friend in Blérancourt, he certainly could not have concealed such involvement, spoke himself of a "slander" and was only concerned about its consequences.
Nevertheless, it is unlikely that Thérèse did not at least attempt to make contact with Saint-Just in Paris: once she had managed to break out of her marriage to Thorin, which had apparently become unbearable for her, her former youthful friend, who had made an unexpectedly brilliant career in the capital, inevitably had to appear to her as the first place of refuge - since she certainly had no support to expect from her family. But even if it came to a reunion of the former lovers, there is nothing to suggest that the romance of yesteryear found a continuation: on October 8, Thérèse was already back in Blérancourt, because on that day, in her and her husband's presence before numerous witnesses, the divorce was officially granted there, on the basis of “character incompatibility”.
After the expiry of the statutory transitional period, the divorce became final on 21 Messidor of year II (July 9, 1974). Nowhere in these documents is Thérèse accused of adultery. If Thorin had been convinced of an affair between Thérèse and his former adversary Saint-Just, he had certainly not left this unmentioned in order to avenge himself for the insult he had suffered. Moreover, the witnesses who appeared on Thérèse’s side on October 8, her uncle Pierre Benoit Gellé, the merchant Lessassière and the merchant Massy, were all citizens who belonged to the upper class of Blérancourt and who would certainly not have made themselves available to her as witnesses in the event of a serious moral transgression on the part of Thorin's wife. Finally, there is not even the slightest indication that Thérèse traveled to Paris again after October 8. The assumption of a relationship between Saint-Just and his childhood sweetheart that lasted until his death, which has been put forward several times, is therefore without any basis.”
Excerpt from Jörg Monar’s biography of Saint-Just, “Saint-Just: Son, Thinker and Protagonist of the Revolution” 1993
If you enjoyed this fragment, please consider donating to the fund for the grave of Saint-Just actor Patrice Alexandre. More information here.
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psalm22-6 · 2 years
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La Jeune Garde was a Bonapartist newspaper that ran from 1877 to 1905 and this is there review of the 1878 production of Les Miserables, drame (Charles Hugo’s adaptation of LM for the stage) so if you wonder who is the HE that Hugo slighted, that would be Napoleon. 
The preamble is actually pretty funny to me but the part I especially liked I’ve put in bold because this adaptation (aka the first adaptation) seems to have set the standard for soo many adaptations that came after it in terms of how it abridges the book and they make a good point about how C. Hugo went about it. 
It is with most profound sentiment, with the most great respect, and with the most legitimate admiration that we write or pronounce that great name Hugo, which is the living incarnation of that Romantic school from which appeared the masterpieces which constitute the literary glory of our nation.  
Following the example of the envious and the slanderous, we will not reproach the poet for his political life: the best among us also have their weaknesses. We will content ourselves to mention in passing the sadness that we felt on reading certain work by the master. 
Although he outraged and insulted our political convictions, though he slandered the name of HE to whom we have promised our boundless devotion, it matters very little to us. We don’t want to see in Hugo and never will see in him anything but a sublime poet and a genius; just as we only see in Napoleon a monarch who is good, affable, loved, and esteemed by all who approach him, to whom our country will one day do justice in honoring the idea of having been governed by a sovereign who wanted before all else the happiness of his people. 
Having said this in the form of a preamble, let us speak of the play at the Porte-St-Martin: 
When a play is adapted from a source that is so powerful and so gigantic as Les Misérables, the spectator should expect many disappointments, not because this adaptation is devoid of interest - may God preserve us from ever implying such a falsehood - but because the author is often obligated, despite his will and his talent, to abridge the plot, to sacrifice a part of the action, and that is in order to comply with the requirements of the stage. 
Just as in Balsamo [adapted from the novel by Alexandre Dumas], the play at the Porte-Saint-Martin, only has one problem in our eyes: that of having, as we said above, been submitted to numerous mutilations, mutilations made all the more regrettable because they were done to the most moving pages of this remarkable book. However it would be useful to add, in defense of this drama by Hugo, that these cuts were more necessary than in the case of the play by Dumas. 
In effect, Les Misérables was conceived of with a humanitarian goal, resounding with its eloquent and profound thesis, and written in favor of the disinherited classes of humanity; but in order to vanquish certain passages that would have been insurmountable to present in the theater, Charles Hugo contented himself with showing the public just the main characters that play an important role in his father’s masterpiece. That is how we saw, one by one, Jean Valjean, Cosette, Fantine, Javert, etc., etc.
Let us just say simply that the actors have really gone the highest that they could with the roles given to them. Dumaine, assuming the traits of Jean Valjean and M. Madeleine, was by turns the terrible convict, and the good man who is sensible and just, exactly as the book made him known to us. 
Taillade played the classic policeman Javert strikingly. This role brings great honor to an actor whose theatrical career has been a long string of successes and as for Lacressonnière, there is no one better than him to play the part of Monseigneur Myriel, full of selflessness and goodness. 
Mlle Jeanne Essler is not the Fantine that we dreamed of in reading the novel. Of course, we cannot reproach this imminent actress who did more than her duty when charged with a role as crushing as that of the poor woman who, because of her maternal love, submits to all humiliations, all tortures of the soul and who tumbles all the way down the dark pit of infamy in order to save her child from poverty. 
Mlle Jeanne Essler is among the best actress, it is true, but we would have preferred to see an actress whose youth would remind us of the heroic Fantine. This simple remark can not weaken the success that Mlle Jeanne Essler achieves each evening before the audience at the Porte-St-Martin. To finish, let us speak of the little Daubray who, in the role of Cosette, showed herself to be a consummate artist in producing tears from the whole audience. This child - and in this we are sharing the opinion of most of our brothers - will one day become an elite actress. Keep going mademoiselle! We hope that you will not make liars out of us. 
In summary, Les Misérables was staged with luxurious sets and décor that surpass anything we have seen before in the theater and we are grateful for this lavishness. This deployment of luxury is a fitting tribute to the drama of our eminent poet who provided the French stage with so many works of art.
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dweetwise · 4 years
since i already did the killers, here’s the survivors reacting to their newest addition!
Yun-Jin & survivors headcanons
Dwight tries not to judge people too quickly, as his hands aren't exactly clean either. He doesn't really care what Yun-Jin did before, the problem is that she only looks after herself in trials. When his numerous attempts at friendly advice fall on deaf ears because she clearly doesn't regard him as a leader, Dwight kind of gives up on and hopes that she might come around one day.
Meg is instantly wary of Yun-Jin, her story not painting the producer in a good light at all. She’ll "accidentally” lead the killer to Yun-Jin in trials, doubly so if they're going against the Trickster, seeing it as fitting punishment for someone willing to turn to a blind eye to the atrocities the idol committed.
Claudette always tries to see the best in people, but after Yun-Jin leaves her to die on hook several times, the botanist realizes her trust in the other woman might be misplaced. Her own morals refuse to let her treat Yun-Jin different from the others, but it makes Claudette sad to know the producer most likely wouldn’t return the favor.
Jake is downright hostile, as the cutthroat nature of the business world was one of the main reasons he put his old life behind him. He's annoyed when some of the others try to force him to make friends with Yun-Jin just because they happened to be born in the same country.
Nea is both intrigued and cautious, fond of Yun-Jin's unapologetic attitude but not a fan of the way she essentially sold her soul to be a corporate pawn. She teaches the woman how to be a pain in the ass to any killer, but usually keeps her distance since Yun-Jin is clearly only looking after herself and Nea is not about to be caught in a bad spot without back-up.
Laurie is pissed. Upon hearing about the producer's connection to the Trickster, she goes off, accusing Yun-Jin of creating a murderer. Some of the others intervene—though don't necessarily disagree—but Laurie doesn’t budge on her stance.
Ace isn't blind to the parallels between his and Yun-Jin’s lives, having to play dirty in order to escape their less fortunate upbringings. He admires her extravagant fashion sense and always makes sure to compliment her outfits, happy to notice it makes her hold her head up higher after a rough trial.
Bill writes her off as a stuck-up rich kid that never had to face hardships, but is proven severely wrong when Yun-Jin shows to fare well even without the comfort of her penthouse. When he sees her making a fire and she mentions she had to learn how to keep warm when their heat was shut off, the contempt is gradually replaced by respect.
Feng is also somewhat of a lone wolf and doesn't care that Yun-Jin cares mostly about self-preservation. She'll tell the woman that they won't have any problems as long as she stays out of Feng’s way in trials. The two end up working well together, exchanging strategies on the best ways to split up and rush generators.
David isn't impressed by the producer’s appearance, thinking she's a spoiled brat that will throw a tantrum as soon as she chips a nail. Will tease her in trials, scoffing “Careful ya don't get blood on yer fancy jacket, princess”. She never takes the bait, instead opting to survive to the end and leave David to die on his first hook, giving him the finger from the safety of the exit gate. David sees it as a playful rivalry, though in reality the woman probably hates his guts.
Quentin is familiar with the guilt of creating a monster and instead of being angry at Yun-Jin, claims that this is her chance to make it right. He gets her to tell them everything she knows about the Trickster that might benefit them in trials. He's not that bothered by her refusal to work as a team, knowing it won't be long before she realizes she has to help others if she wants to survive.
Tapp has some very unfortunate flashbacks to his last case before he died, a psychopath and his accomplices making his life a living hell. And that's what he sees Yun-Jin as; an accomplice and enabler of the Trickster. He doesn't bother to hide his distrust, keeping a sharp eye on the woman as if expecting her to turn against them at any second.
Kate is initially put off by Yun-Jin's stuck-up attitude, having been forced to deal with her fair share of money-hungry producers. However, when they slowly get to know each other and the Korean mentions her own buried aspirations of being a musician, Kate recognizes their similarities; both of them just wanted to share their music with the world.
Adam attempts to make hesitant small talk about Seoul, trying to find common ground. However, when Yun-Jin only talks about Michelin-star restaurants and luxurious boutiques, Adam resigns himself to the fact that the woman has little interest in anything not revolving around money or music.
Jeff is a firm believer in live and let live and doesn't have anything against Yun-Jin despite the woman being his polar opposite in almost every way. He can tell the producer is surprised every time he strikes up casual conversation or offers to heal her in a trial, clearly not used to kindness from a stranger.
Jane is no stranger to being in the spotlight and doesn't approve of Yun-Jin's corrupt methods of navigating fame. She’s persistent in trying to get through to the producer, going out of her way to help the other in the hope that Yun-Jin will one day do the same.
Ash makes some good-natured jokes that Yun-Jin looks fancy compared to the rest of them. He doesn't care that some of the others think she's a bad person, he admires her gutsy attitude and doesn't treat her any different than others, one of the few who happily trade his life for hers in trials.
Nancy isn't as quick as most of the others to judge Yun-Jin. She's curious to know the whole story, and eventually understands why Yun-Jin made the decisions she did. They’re on neutral terms and occasionally exchange stories of their lives before, but Nancy swiftly learns that when they’re in a trial together, it’s every woman for herself.
Steve is a little starstruck, the K-pop producer’s extravagant appearance a far cry from the monotony of his small town. He can't help but try to impress her, doing stupid tricks in trials and pestering her about whether she thinks he would ever have a shot at stardom. As soon as he hears her artist name, he insists on addressing her as Magnum Opus, and even manages to get a smile for his efforts.
Yui doesn't give two shits about the woman’s questionable morals, instead thinking Yun-Jin is a badass for managing to do so well for herself against all odds. She's quick to welcome the producer to their group, and when questioned by the others, says that it would take a lot more than that for her to throw away the concept of sisterhood.
Zarina asks a lot of questions, curious about Yun-Jin's connection to the Trickster. It quickly becomes apparent that their morals clash horribly, and Zarina is appalled at the way the woman threw away integrity for corporate greed. She doesn’t trust Yun-Jins promises about making the killer pay, knowing people don’t change overnight.
Cheryl tries to give the benefit of the doubt, but as soon as Yun-Jin tries to boss her around in a trial, she withdraws into her shell. Cheryl has unresolved issues with women in power and isn't about to let Yun-Jin use her as a pawn in whatever game she's playing.
Felix can tell at first glance that he won't get along with the woman. Yun-Jin's gaudy outfits and arrogant attitude scream new money, reminding him of difficult clients he hated working with. He respects her drive for her job, but that's where their similarities end.
Élodie, having the freshest memory of what it's like to be the newest arrival in this terrifying realm, is the first to befriend Yun-Jin. Though they're from completely different worlds, both are mature enough to recognize the other's struggles, gradually forming a hesitant friendship.
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dauntingatdusk · 3 years
Jeffrey Dahmer - The Milwaukee Cannibal (pt.2)
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DAVID THOMAS (23) – September 24 1990
David Thomas aged 24 was murdered and dismembered by Dahmer. Dahmer begins to take photographs as he dismembers the body and while the murder is in progress.
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CURTIS STRAUGHTER (19) – February 18, 1991
Curtis Straughter engaged in oral sex with Dahmer, he is later murdered and dismembered. His bones were crushed but Dahmer kept his skull.
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ERROL LINDSEY (19) – April 7 1991
Errol Lindsey is drugged and strangled by Dahmer before he is used to perform oral sex. Again Dahmer dismembers his body and keeps the skull.
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ANTHONY HUGHES (31) – May 24 1991
Anthony Hughes, who is deaf and mute, is passed a note from Dahmer at a club. In Dahmer’s usual routine he invites him back to his place for photos. Dahmer murders Hughes and dismembers him, keeping his skull also. However before Dahmer dismembered the corpse he left the body lying around the apartment.
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Konerak Sinthasomphone is offered money from Dahmer, and he follows him back to his place. Dahmer drugs the child and assaults him while he is unconscious. Dahmer experimented on Konerak also, drilling into the back of his skull and injecting hydrochloric acid. He did this in attempt to cfeate a “zombie” that he could have complete control of. At some point Dahmer leaves the apartment and Konerak stumbles from the building. He is spotted, bleeding from his anus, by two girls who call the police. The police investigate while Dahmer returns and explains that the child is actually his 19 year old lover. The police leave without any further investigation and Konerak is later murdered and dismembered. Dahmer also kept his skull. If the last name sounds familiar he is the brother of the 13 year old Laotian who got away from him.
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MATT TURNER (20) – June 30 1991
At a gay pride parade young Matt Turner meets Dahmer. Turner would become another victim of Dahmer’s and his skull is placed in the freezer. His body is also one that Dahmer left lying around his apartment as he was dismembered.
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Weinberger and Dahmer meet at a nightclub and Jeremiah actually spends the entire night at Dahmer’s apartment. When he requests to leave the next morning Dahmer became enraged and treats him not unlike Konerak. Dahmer uses boiling water in place of hydrochloric acid. Turner was left in a coma like state for two days. Dahmer would later strangle him. Weinberger was dismembered and his head was placed in the freezer alongside Matt Turner.
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OLIVER LACY (23) July 15 1991
Lacy spends some time with Dahmer at his apartment engaging in consensual sexual activity. As he had done with his previous victims Dahmer drugs Lacy and murders him once he is unconscious. Lacy is dismembered and both his heart and head are placed inside Dahmer’s fridge.
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JOSEPH BRADEHOFT (25) July 19 1991
Bradehoft becomes Dahmer’s last murder. The two men have consensual sex at the apartment before Bradehoft is drugged and murdered. He is dismembered with his head and torso being placed in the freezer. His other remains however were placed in a large barrel of acid that Dahmer had purchased in Early July.
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TRACY EDWARDS (31) July 24 1991
Tracy Edwards is the last man who Dahmer brought back to his apartment. Tracy was given a cocktail to make him drowsy. Dahmer tried to sexually assault Tracy. Tracy had began to struggle when Dahmer put a handcuff on his right arm. As Dahmer reached for a knife Tracy ran for the unlocked door. Dahmer attempted to pull the man back inside and a brawl broke out. Tracy hit Dahmer on the side of the head which knocked him to the floor. Edwards escaped and ran into the street where he was able to flag down a patrol car. The Police returned to Dahmers apartment and began their investigation. Police found photos of various states of dismemberment, a severed head on the ground, the fridge and freezer containing a heart, flesh, and a portion of muscle. The freezer contained 3 heads, a human torso, a bag containing more flesh and internal organs. The cupboard contained various chemicals and 2 bleached skulls. Also on the floor was a large kettle holding 2 hands and set of genitals. Police found 3 more skulls in a filing cabinet. The wardrobe was opened to show a complete skeleton, dried human scalp, and more genitals. In a small box they found 2 more skulls and next to the box was a 260 litre vat containing acid. Inside the acid police found 3 human torsos in various stages of decomposition. Dahmer is arrested.
Dahmer is charged with four counts of homicide, from the evidence police find in his home. Dahmer admits that his crimes were wrong and did not shift blame. His bail was set for 1 million dollars. On January 13 1992, Dahmer changes his plea from innocent, to guilty with an insane defense. While Dahmer admitted to killing the fifteen identified victims he continued with his defense that he suffered a mental disease and as such should not be held responsible. On February 15 of the same year Dahmer is found guilty of 15 counts of murder and sentenced to 941 years in Jail.
On November 28 1994 Dahmer is sexually assaulted and murdered in prison by Christopher Scarver at age 34. Scarver was a convicted murderer. Dahmers body was cremated, per his request, and his ashes were split among his parents. After Death in December 1995 a judge ordered the cremation of Dahmer’s brain, which had been preserved at the request of Dahmers mother who hoped to have it studied. Joyce hoped that studying the brain would determine whether or not biological factors were behind her sons behaviour. However, Lionel sought out the cremation because that is what Dahmer requested.
Conditions: Necrophilia: Lionel Dahmer noticed four year old Jefferys fascination with animal bones collected from beneath the family home. Dahmer also collected dead animals from the sides of roads. Dahmer however did not enjoy the act of killing animals, a big difference from most seriall killers in their youth. He merely was fascinated by their bodies. In High School Dahmers interest would persevere. It is believed that this fascination grew into something erotic in adolescence. Dahmer would gain another obsession at this age: compulsive masturbation. His two biggest interests would slowly began to coincide. Dahmer found the warmth from a recently deceased body arousing, however similiary to how Dahmer took no joy in the killing of animals, Dahmer claims to not be a sexual sadist. He states that he derived no pleasure from his victims’ terror or pain. Dahmer would frequently keep pieces of his victims and use them in his masturbation. He even went so far as to keep on the heads in his locker at Ambrosia Chocolate Co. Dahmer also planned to build a shrine of sorts with the skulls and skeletons of his victims. This was supposed to be a kind of supernatural shrine and help Dahmer stay connected to his victims. Cannibalism: While Dahmer initially admitted to eating one victims bicep because he wanted to try it Dahmer put another victims head and heart in the fridge to eat later. Coworkers reported that Dahmer brought meat from home with a “special gravy” but refused to let any taste it. Dahmer would also keep chopped human meat in his freezer which he shaped into patties. He would later state that he ate his victims to keep them with him forever, similar to why he kept their skulls. Pedophilia: Dahmer was arrested numerous times for exposing himself to minors or molesting them. He somehow avoided capture for these crimes. His adult victims all shared a boyish appearance and were young in age. It isn’t clear whether the allegations that Dahmer was molested by a teenage neighbour are true, but it is common in most pedophile’s background. His father has claimed he was but Dahmer denied it and no charges have been made. Denial is not unusual, however and even more so among men. Exhibitionism: Dahmer’s exhibitionism could be seen as an outgrowth of his pedophilia. In August 1982 Dahmer was charged with drunk and disorderly conduct after exposing himself to a crowd, which included children. Four years later he would be arrested for lewd behavior after he was caught masturbating infront of two twelve year old boys. He confessed to five previous incidents of public masturbating and was sentenced to one year of probation. He was also ordered to seek therapy, which he failed to do. Depression: Paraphilias are frequently comorbid with depressive symptoms. Right before he was arrested Dahmer sought and killed victims while he reported his depressive episodes to his probation officer. Dahmer also alluded that losing his job would be a good reason to kill himself. Substance Dependence: Dahmer had a long, long history of substance abuse. He abused alcohol frequently beginning in high school where a classmate recalled Dahmer drinking scotch in class. Dahmer would continue this behaviour into college where he would often pass out drunk on his way back to his dorm. His alcoholic behaviour also got him dishonourably discharged from the army. According to defense expert Carl M. Wahlstrom M.D, Dahmer had to drink in order to murder his victims and that he did not enjoy that act of killing. Asperger’s Disorder According to Lionel (Dahmer’s father) Jeffery as a young child did not hold eye contact, showed blank facial expressions, was stiff and rigid, and had trouble interacting with other children. Quote from Dahmer “The subtleties of social life were beyond my grasp. When children liked me, I did not know why. Nor could I formu- late a plan for winning their affection. I simply didn't know how things worked with other people.... And try as I might, I couldn't make other people seem less strange and unknow- able. (Silva et
al., p. 1349). “ Silva et al. (2002) belive that Dahmer’s fixation on corpses and body parts allowed him to reimagine them as love and sex objects. Morever, his meticulous fascination with bones and body parts from a young age is also a sign of Aspergers – as much as his social and emotional impairments. It is noted however that borderline personality disorder and Aspergers is difficult to tell apart in adulthood since both impair interpersonal relations and share several core symptoms. Several facts and events in Dahmer’s life seem to actually argue against an Aspergers diagnosis. There was an incident where police caught Dahmer chasing a naked and bleeding 14 year old boy. Dahmer was able to convince the police that nothing was wrong – even though he had a decomposing corpse already in his bedroom. SOURCES A&E Biography Video: Jeffrey Dahmer https://murderpedia.org/male.D/d/dahmer-jeffrey.htm Baumann, Edward, Step into My Parlor: The Chilling Story of Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer. 1991. Dahmer, Lionel, A Father's Story. William Morrow and Company, 1994. Davis, Don, Milwaukee Murders, Nightmare in Apartment 213: The True Story. St Martin's Paperbacks, 1995. Martingale, Moira, Cannibal Killers. St. Martin's Paperbacks, 1993. Tithecott, Richard and James Kincaid, Of Men & Monsters: Jeffrey Dahmer & the Construction of the Serial Killer.
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ghstandpucks · 4 years
Nothin’ Like You ~ Cale Makar
In honor of reaching over 200 followers, here is a song fic based on Dan and Shay’s Nothin’ Like You. I have a few requests in my inbox that I will be working on. If you have any, feel free to send them in using this prompt! Thank you for 200!!!
Master List
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I remember when I first met you Sipping coffee in a corner booth You were twirling your hair And I just had to stare For a minute or two
Cale was with Tyson and J.T. after practice one Wednesday afternoon. The three of them decided to stop and get some coffee as it was a cold winter day outside. They were waiting in line talking about something E.J. had said earlier that day when Cale’s eyes landed on you in the back corner by a window. You had a cup of coffee and were staring at your laptop, completely oblivious to the world around you. He couldn’t help but stare as you wound and un-wound a strand of hair around your finger, every so often stopping to type something. Tyson kept talking as J.T. realized their defenseman was completely distracted by something. Following his line of sight, he chuckled. “See something you like? Or someone?” he chirped his teammate. Cale started to turn red as he looked away from you.
“I thought maybe I knew her,” he muttered. Tyson had stopped his monologue and was paying attention also now. He looked over as you had your head buried in a book, slowly typing something out.
“How did she carry all those books?” he asked with a slight laugh. Cale had noticed the numerous books you had scattered around the table. Didn’t people just do their research online now? “You like studious girls Makar?” Tyson elbowed him.
I was laughing at your stack of books Then you shot me that smile Hey beautiful girl, in your own little world Let me in it
“Man shut up,” Cale said turning on his friend. Unknowingly to them though, you had actually heard all the commotion. It was why you enjoyed doing your research in coffee shops; the garbled noises made it easier for you to concentrate. This doesn’t mean that you had heard what they said exactly, but who could really miss three hockey players walking into a small coffee shop in the middle of the week.
You looked up right as Cale was glancing back over at you. As you locked eyes, you sent him a shy smile and looked back down, trying to focus on your work again. Of course you knew who they were, all of Denver practically did. You were just an overstressed grad student with too many deadlines coming up though; he was probably just looking around the place.
The three of them ordered their coffees, and Cale noticed that you had looked sadly at your cup after taking a sip. He walked up to the counter and got the attention of the barista. “What did that girl in the corner order?” he asked, and was told it was a caramel latte. “I’ll take one of those too,” Cale said, paying for a second coffee. J.T. gave Tyson a look before he could say anything as they watched Cale walk over to you with two coffee cups.
You got all of my attention And you ain't even trying Yeah, you're my kind of different And I never seen nothin'
Nothin' like you
“Um hi. I hope you don’t mind, but I thought you could use this,” Cale said, announcing his presence at your table. You looked up, slightly startled as you had been engrossed in a thought you had while typing out your research. “Didn’t mean to scare you,” he chuckled nervously.
“No, you’re fine! Sorry, I had a train of thought going,” you sputtered out just as nervous as him. “Thank you, that’s very kind. What do I owe you?” you asked, instinctively reaching for your wallet. Cale shook his head.
“Nothing,” he said, trying to think of what the guys on the team might say in this situation. “Your number maybe?” he made a face like he couldn’t believe he just said that, and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Um, sure, yeah,” you squeaked out, writing your number on a piece of notebook paper and ripping it out to give to him. “I’m Y/N,” you introduced yourself.
“Cale,” he said, taking the paper from you. He was about to ask what you were doing when Tyson called out to him.
“Makar, are you coming?” Cale turned toward his friends who had big, goofy grins on their faces watching the interaction. You blushed slightly at the thought of others watching you.
“I’m sorry. I’ll text you,” he stuttered out, putting your number into his pocket. You smiled softly at him and nodded.
“Thanks for the coffee,” you said and he smiled at you.
“My pleasure.”  
Shades on spinning in a summer rain Dancing when there ain’t no music Just the right kind of crazy, baby
           Cale had texted you like he said he would that same evening. You honestly weren’t expecting it, but felt completely giddy when you saw the unknown number and read his message. He explained that he would be gone on a road trip with the Avs for the next week, but would like to take you to dinner when he got back. You accepted and plans were made; the two of you talking regularly throughout the week getting to know each other better.
           The Avs returned home on Thursday, and a few hours later Cale was at your apartment knocking on your door. He had brought you flowers and you couldn’t help but smile at the kind gesture. The two of you made your way to dinner, talking the whole time. He had just finished telling you a funny story from the trip, beaming at the giggle he had enticed from you when your food arrived. As you looked down at your plate, you started moving your head and shoulders in an excited fashion. “Are you dancing?” Cale questioned you with a chuckle. You stopped immediately.
           “Oh my gosh, sorry. I tend to have a happy dance with food. It’s a weird family thing. I don’t even realize I do it until it’s pointed out to me,” you rambled on, face turning red. Cale shook his head.
           “Don’t be sorry. I though it was cute,” he said in a low tone. You smiled and giggled nervously; Cale deciding then and there that he wanted to continue seeing that smile for as long as you would let him.  
Something about you Rocking that rock 'n roll t-shirt Whole party dressed up But you just doin’ your thing Ain't nobody ever seen nothin' like you
           You were working on your research the following Friday night, having the game on in the background. Cale had taken you out to dinner once more since your first date, and the two of you had been nonstop texting. The Avs had won, Cale scoring that night. After the game you were about to text him a ‘congratulations’ when your phone started to ring, the caller ID showing it was him. “Congratulations!” you said as you answered and heard him chuckle on the other end of the line.
           “Thanks Y/N. Hey, what are you doing tonight?” he asked, and you heard a few wolf whistles behind him with muttered ‘shut ups’ coming from the defenseman.
           “I’ve just been working on my research since I got out of class earlier. Why?” you asked, trying not to laugh.
           “Come out with us. We’re all going out to celebrate,” he said in a more hushed tone, and you could imagine him trying to avoid the whole locker room from hearing.
           “Cale, I would love to but I’m not dressed to go out,” you said.
           “Who cares. Please? I would like you to come,” he pleaded with you ever so slightly. You looked down at your outfit, deciding it wouldn’t take much to put on some jeans quickly. Your Red Hot Chili Peppers shirt didn’t look terrible at least.
           “Text me the address,” you said into the phone, and you could hear the excitement in Cale’s voice as he said he would.
When you're wearing them worn out jeans Purple untied shoestrings You're a light in the dark And you're stealing my heart like a gypsy
           Showing up to the bar, you became a little self-conscious. Maybe you should have changed? The second Cale spotted you though, he thought you were the most beautiful girl in the room. The front of your band tee was tucked into your ripped black jeans, your white converse showing years of wear as they were no longer exactly white and the shoelaces were frayed at the ends. Cale knew you were probably stressed with your research, and yet you still had the softest smile and a sparkle in your eyes when you found him in the crowd. “You made it,” he whispered into your hair as he hugged you close. He felt you giggle into his chest.
           “Couldn’t let you down,” you answered simply. Cale smiled at you and took your hand, leading you over to a table where some of the team was sitting.
           “Coffee shop girl!” A slightly tipsy Tyson shouted.
           “Oh my God,” Cale muttered as you giggled. You were introduced to everyone as you took a seat between Cale and someone he called Gravy.
           “So what is your research on?” Gabriel Landeskog asked when you said you were a grad student at the University of Denver.
           “The archaeology of Zoroastrianism,” you said, and caught many blank stares.
           “Zoro what?” Andre asked.
           “It’s an ancient Persian religion. Today’s modern practices of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all have common ties to it,” you briefly explained.
           “Wait, that was the religion Freddie Mercury practiced,” Sam Girard commented, looking interested. You nodded.
           “That’s how most people have heard of it now,” you responded.
           “What is your research trying to say about it?” he asked.
           “So I’m basically writing a big literature review to make sure it is preserved in the archaeological record. It was the first dualistic religion in a time where civilizations had their pantheons to believe in. It spread with the Persian conquest, but no one they conquered was ever forced to convert to it. Now it’s a rare religion to come across, and their numbers keep getting smaller. With it being one of the oldest organized religions, it needs to be preserved and the traditions documented before we lose it all through modernization attempts.” To you, your explanation was simple and one that you had said many times whenever asked what you were studying. It seemed you had impressed the table though, and you slightly blushed as a few questions started flying your way. You didn’t notice Cale softly smiling at you while you talked about a topic that you loved so much; he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. His teammates noticed though, and boy were they going to give it to him at practice.    
I love the way that you kiss me In front of everybody So baby come and kiss me They ain't ever seen nothin'
Nothin' like you
           The following day at practice, the guys were giving Cale crap for how head over heels he seemed for you. The fact he hadn’t kissed you yet was another source of ridicule. Everyone who had met you ended up adoring you within the time span that you spent with them at the bar; and they could easily see that their defenseman was taken by you as his cheeks would turn red at the mention of your name. They were all happy for him, but that didn’t mean the chirping would stop.
           They had another home game to play the following day, and Gabe convinced Cale to invite you and have you sit with Mel and Linnea. Later that day Cale went to your apartment and handed you his jersey, asking you to be there for the game. You couldn’t say no to him, not that you wanted to anyways. That Sunday you put on the jersey and headed to the stadium. Meeting Mel at the front, you quickly got along and enjoyed the game. The Avs came out victorious again, and you followed the captain’s wife to the locker rooms. You stepped aside as Gabe made his way over to his wife, feeling a little out of place. Luckily for you, Cale wasn’t far behind.
           He didn’t know if it was from the guys comments or seeing you in his jersey, but one second he was smiling widely at you, then the next his lips were on yours and his hands on your waist. Without a second thought, you kissed him back, your hands holding his face to yours. You were both grinning ear to ear as you separated, chirps flying all around but all in good nature. Giggling, you hid your face in Cale’s chest as his face turned bright red.
Shades on spinning in a summer rain Dancing when there ain’t no music Just the right kind of crazy, baby Something about you Rocking that rock 'n roll t-shirt Whole party dressed up But you just doing your thing Ain't nobody ever seen nothin' like you, yeah
           A year had passed and you were at the end of your grad program. You were set to present your research at the graduate fair, having been selected to present your research on behalf of your department. The Avs were scheduled to be flying back home that day, but Cale wasn’t sure if he would be there in time to see you present. You told him that it was fine, that you understood; and you really did. He was hell bent on making it though. You weren’t that surprised when you saw Cale sneaking into the back of the auditorium. What did surprise you was that half the team had followed him in. Having become good friends with them, they wanted to be there to support you too. As your name was announced, you swear you had the loudest applause.
           You calmly presented your research, smiling at Cale when you finished and a few questions were thrown your way. Having worked so hard, the questions were simple to answer. Finding Cale afterward, he took your poster from you and the two of you made your way to his apartment so he could unpack from the trip. Changing into some leggings and one of his shirts, you showed him the bound copy of your 105 page thesis. He was so proud of you and couldn’t help but share the cover on his Insta story. The two of you cuddle and slept better that night then you had in a while. For him it was being back home with you, and you finally had the stress of your research gone since the first time you met him.  
Nothin' like you Shades on spinning in a summer rain Dancing in the rain no music Nothin' like you Rocking that rock 'n roll t-shirt Whole party dressed up But you just doing your thing Ain't nobody ever seen nothin' like you, yeah
           Once you graduated, Cale asked you to move in with him. You had secured a job at a museum as a curator in their Antient History section. Setting up an exhibit all morning, you met up with Cale at the same coffee shop you had met at two years prior later that day. “Sorry I’m late” you muttered to Cale as you found him. He smiled and gave you a quick kiss.
           “You have nothing to be sorry about. I already put your order in,” he said as you sat across from him, taking a sip of the coffee he got you.
           “You know me so well,” you hummed with a giggle, the caramel latte tasting sweet. Cale grinned at you.
           “Technically, your coffee order was the first thing I learned about you, so I better get that right,” he chuckled. “That and you seemed like a huge nerd.” You faked offense, but laughed anyway.
           “It was all those books that got you. I knew my tactic of sitting in a coffee shop would work for me one day,” you winked at him.
           “It did. I’d never seen nothing like you,” he grinned, reaching into his pocket to take out a small velvet jewelry box.
Never seen, never seen nothin' like you Ain't never seen anything like you Mmm Never seen nothin' like you
Tagging: @yeahcalesy @avsfans95  @tysojost​ 
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Part 3 - Basic Concepts of Miraculous Ladybug: Transformations, Potions and Power-Up's
Welcome to my analysis of basic concepts in Miraculous. Let's talk about transformations, potions and power-up's. This one is going to be interesting.
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Apparently, only child superheroes have a time limit and can use their power only once. And adults can use their powers many times and maintain their transformation.
I don't take Thomas Astruc's Twitter statements seriously, but he said that adults don't have to detransform because they can feed the kwami with their energy. What happens when energy runs out? Does it mean that holder of the miraculous dies and transformation drops? Or does transformation drops when the kwami grows tired enough? However, according to "Silencer", transformation can't be released until the holder says detransformation words or uses their power (applies to children only). Is that why Master Fu doesn't transform these days? Because he is old and doesn't have enough energy for Wayzz.
At the same time, Bunnix/Bunnyx held her transformation for several thousand years in "Timetagger" and she was still alive. Moreover, not only she was still alive, she hasn't aged a day. Alix still looked around 25 even after spending so much time in stone. Her sanity was also still intact. Does that mean that as long as people are transformed they are immortal and can't die of natural causes, can't get sick or be killed? Does the Miraculous pause all inner processes? Do people stop ageing when they are transformed? Does that mean that prolonged transformations essentially slowed down puberty for Marinette and Adrien because every Akuma attack (their transformation during this attack to be precise) acts as a pause for their growth process? Does that mean that transformed heroes don't need food, sleep or oxygen? And Alix doesn't experience any negative side-effects after prolonged transformation. A lot of questions must be answered here.
But apparently, the "adults can use their power many times without detransforming" rule does not apply to Gabriel. In "Heroes' Day" he turns Nathalie into Catalyst who gives Hawkmoth the power to "release as many akumas as he desires". Does that mean that he can't normally do it? On the other hand, in "Queen Banana" he creates another Akuma right after the fight with akumatized Chloe ended.
Do you remember this? In "Origins" we find out that akumatized butterflies can multiply. That's why Ladybug needs to purify them. So, does that mean that Scarlet Moth and Catalyst weren't necessary?
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Hawkmoth's plan in "Heroes' Day" was actually very smart. However, it can fall apart when you remember that butterflies can multiply. How does that work? Why do they multiply? Could Gabriel akumatize Nathalie into Catalyst (akumatized object is something not very valuable, like a piece of paper), then break the akumatized object and release the Akuma into the world? Would that turn people only into copies of Catalyst? I wouldn't call this thing a plothole, exactly. I'm just curious because it's an unclear moment. Perhaps you could explain it as the element of a soft magic system with unclear rules. Because the magic system in Miraculous is a mix between the hard and soft system.
Adults without time-limited power have a serious advantage over children. Why does Master Fu give Ladybug and Black Cat to teenagers then? In the beginning, Fu doesn't know that Butterfly holder is an adult. Isn't it safer to give 2 most powerful Miraculouses to adults just in case? If Butterfly Holder is a child then 2 adults with more powerful Miraculous would win much faster. If Butterfly Holder is an adult as well, then the fight is more even.
We know the out-of-universe reason for doing this. There would be no story then. Miraculous holders have to be kids since it's a kids show. But in-universe it doesn't make sense. In "Furious Fu" Su Han even says that children are not allowed to handle the Miraculous at all according to the rules of the Order. Fu knows that children have a time limit. It looks like he deliberately sets them up for failure. Why?
Is that because children are easier to manipulate as they are most likely to trust Fu's judgement no questions asked? This reasoning doesn't look good for Fu, who is supposed to be a wise and kind mentor. Is that because children won't abuse their powers? Find a trustworthy adult then. Give us some kind of in-universe explanation!
If you can't explain it then do something with the time-limit rule. It's an important plot device, which contributes to tension and raises the stakes during fights. So, removing it is unwise. Consider giving adults a time limit as well then.
Or you can create different rules. Maybe Black Cat and Ladybug can't be wielded by adults, unlike other lower-tier Miraculous? Maybe Miraculous and Kwami can choose the wielder in some capacity, and this magical bond can't be changed? Do Kwamis feel a pull towards several people and Guardian then chooses the final holder? If there's no pull whatsoever, then Kwami won't be able to grant powers to this person? How much weight does the decision of a Guardian have?
I actually like this last idea the most. It makes sense and avoids plotholes at the same time preserving the time-limit rule. I spent less than 20 minutes figuring this out.
This way Fu gave Ladybug and Black Cat to children because he didn't have a choice. Plagg and Tikki gave him suggestions but these people didn't pass his tests. Marinette and Adrien are the last ones and they do pass. It adds some tension and showcases desperation on Master Fu's part. Magical pull doesn't always mean that potential holders are good people. That's why Miraculous sometimes end up in the wrong hands.
Insert a conversation between Marinette and Tikki or Plagg and Adrien about this choosing process, have them wonder about the bond Nooroo and Hawkmoth share.
Then add more information about bonding. The magical connection can be formed just like people form relationships if human and Kwami spend some time together. It nicely adds up with the reason why Master Fu gave Ladybug and Black Cat to teenagers. He could have given both jewels to adults without a bond and waited for the connection to form but alas, there was no time. He needed active holders right now, and waiting for some adult to come around wasn't an option. But here's the catch. Only decent, kind people with good intentions can earn and create a magical bond. And this has the potential for a truly delicious scenario (more on that later).
It's a very tricky situation. But these rules must be stated and figured out in the very beginning. Because it can create plotholes down the line.
Combining several different Miraculous is an interesting concept and fusion of powers has been used for a long time as a storytelling element. It's important for the plot in several episodes of seasons 3 and 4.
However, there's "Kwamibuster", where the worldbuilding is broken one more time. It is awfully inconsistent within itself just like "Chat Blanc", "Timetagger" and "Furious Fu". (How do writers keep doing this? I have no idea. But then again even "Avengers: Endgame" contradicts itself numerous times. It's truly miraculous how they managed to do this with their budget, I'm impressed).
For a moment let's ignore all absolutely awful priorities that Marinette has in this episode as well as the rule "you can't know the identity of your partner or else you will have to give up your miraculous". This rule is literally never mentioned again before or after this episode. It's just there and it doesn't make sense. I know it's hard to ignore, but one must try. Instead, let's focus on this dialogue below.
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Master Fu clearly states that you can't merge the Miraculous. It could make you lose your mind. The only more or less acceptable unification is that of Ladybug and Black Cat.
What happens next? Marinette puts on every Miraculous without any problem just "to free Kwamis" and transforms into Multimouse. The only sign of her discomfort is a moment of dizziness that's gone in a few seconds. Moreover, it never happens again, it's never mentioned. Then she does the exact thing that Fu told her not to do and starts merging Miraculous left and right. She continues to do so in season 4 every other day. What? Of course, how could I forget Shadowmoth? Gabriel merges 2 Miraculous every time in season 4. He doesn't lose his mind.
You can't tell us that merging can make you lose your mind and then in the next scene show us the complete opposite. That's bad writing. If you need the concept of unification to work then cancel the "lose your mind" rule and instead say that the merging process tires you out. There's no lasting harm, just that you will be very tired. If you want to raise the stakes, then say that wielding more than one Miraculous requires a strong will and practice. It's possible, but you can't perform unification just like that.
In this case, you lay the groundwork for the plotline of Marinette and Adrien for season 4 and 5. This plotline is about mastering unification. Show us how our heroes practice with different combinations of Miraculouses outside of Akuma battles. Show how they are improving. Maybe, Ladybug and Chat Noir nearly lose in the season 3 finale because the unification still drains them. However, in season 4 they put more effort into their training and by the time season 5 rolls around they are good at this. They became a stronger team and partners because of that. Their training sessions are also a good set-up for the development of the love square. Nothing like this will happen, but a girl can dream.
Look, I get it. You want Marinette to be special. Unfortunately, you have made her too special. She starts to break the laws of your magic system. We don't see the process. One moment she has 0 knowledge about something and then she is already an accomplished master of the thing in question and often it happens in the same episode. Marinette somehow just knows about the properties of every Miraculous on-screen, but her training happened off-screen. We as the audience are left confused and wondering. Wait, how does she know this? Was there a missing episode? Was this mentioned in some comic? The audience keenly feels the lack of plot-relevant content and explanations.
Potions and Power-Ups
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They are a marketing ploy to sell more toys and merch with character transformations. That's it. Are they useful for the story? Yes, they are sometimes. Do power-up's make sense as a worldbuilding element? I'm sorry to tell you this, but no.
Miraculous Grimoire contains lots of potion recipes for Kwamis. I liked that Kwamis can't read the grimoire to avoid giving information to malevolent holders, which implies that they can't lie to their holder about their powers. I talked about this in my previous posts.
Let's start with Ice Transformation. Apparently, in-universe its only useful characteristic and the thing that sets it apart from normal transformation is skates. Maybe, this transformation also has additional protection from the cold. Maybe. Miraculous makes heroes nearly invulnerable and enhances their physical abilities. I find it hard to believe that protection from elements is not included in the package. And that's it. If we remember that Miraculous holders have subconscious control over transformation's appearance, we can also assume that a person can have conscious control as well. The laws of the magic system in Miraculous allow Marinette to ask Tikki to create skates for this particular transformation. Potions aren't necessary for this. This way you can still sell new toy, but in-universe this works better.
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Our next stop is Aqua Transformation. It gives heroes the ability to breathe underwater and fins. That's all. In "Syren" it appears that this transformation also makes them more agile and fast in the water. However, Ladybug's yo-yo worked just fine before Aqua form when she tried to drag Kim to the surface. Her movements underwater weren't restricted either with normal transformation. So their fighting ability is not affected by the potion.
Kwami can live without oxygen. I mentioned earlier that Bunnix with normal transformation in "Timetagger" spent several thousand years in stone without oxygen and probably in some kind of stasis. Do transformed heroes need oxygen? No. Then their inability to breathe underwater doesn't make sense. Therefore, a potion isn't necessary for this.
Next, let's talk about fins. They could appear through the conscious desire of the holder just like skates.
Honestly, "Timetagger" and "Chat Blanc" completely destroyed worldbuilding in Miraculous. These episodes just shouldn't exist. They aren't even consistent within themselves, nevermind the rest of the show, which is why I still don't understand why fandom has such a weird hard-on for them and for Bunnix. Oh, wait. On second thought, I get it. They were just fanservice after all.
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Cosmo Bug an Astro Chat. Space power-up give heroes the ability to fly and exist without oxygen. Ancient grimoire had the recipe of space potion, apparently. And humans got into space in the second half of the 20-th century. Ok. That totally makes sense.
If ancient people invented a space potion, that could also mean that back in Ancient Egypt Ladybug and Black Cat holders could use advanced technology. But Su Han in "Furious Fu" is surprised to discover that Ladybug can just call Chat Noir. He assumed she would send a bird with a message. That means that unconscious control over transformation extends to the weapons of heroes. For Marinette and Adrien communication means smartphone with navigation, messages, trackers and Bluetooth earbuds. That's why magic gives them smart weapons. Su Han's words prove that the invention of the space potion is not possible. Unless space potion was also subjected to unconscious control over transformation. People couldn't imagine the possibility of space travel in Ancient Egypt, but they could imagine flight. So, perhaps, for heroes back then space potion simply meant wings.
We've established that heroes don't need oxygen. So, a potion isn't necessary for this. The ability to fly also could be achieved through conscious transformation.
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That's all for this part of analysis. Let me know what you think. Stay tuned for the next meta. See you!
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