#in the misc sprites anyway
smellpelt · 2 years
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arundolyn · 9 months
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Happy birthday, Gaien Enkidou!
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mister-qi · 22 days
Mr. Qi Friendship and Romance Mod: 4/19 Progress Update
It's a working title, I'm trying to come up with something less wordy that still will pop up in Nexus searches.
I wanted to be able to track my progress, mainly for myself, but if you're curious, this is the state of the mod right now:
Heart Events - the 2 heart event is fully written (with blocking directions), and the 6, 8, and 10 heart events are outlined. The 4 heart cutscene currently has me a bit stumped; I have ideas, but nothing concrete yet. I definitely now understand why Sam's 4 heart cutscene is him dropping an egg. 14 hearts is on the back-burner as a little treat to myself once I get further into things.
Generic Daily Dialogues - about 1/3 done, probably the highest priority for writing. I'm leaving his vanilla casino dialogue as the two heart dialogue, and the vanilla Walnut Room dialogue as his four heart dialogue, with a few small changes. And, since it's me, I have more marriage dialogue written than anything else...
Day-Specific Dialogues - very few written, lower priority. Hoping to have a lot of these made eventually, and I have plenty of ideas, but they aren't necessary for the core of the mod so they're on the back-burner for now.
Gift Dialogues - all 5 generic gift response dialogues are written, with an additional 22 dialogue lines for specific items/groups of items. I'm also up to around item 530 in figuring out what item corresponds to which dialogue/whether or not he likes it. Certain item groups, like cooked food, still need more lines, however. This is definitely something that should be low priority, but also something I'm really enjoying working on. Some personal favorites so far are-
[if given a fish (hated)]: "Eugh, it's all slimy..."
[if given a legendary fish (disliked)]: "If you must give me one of the rarest fish in the valley, can you at least wrap it so I don't have to touch it with my bare hands?"
And I think that's pretty funny.
Portraits - 3 new portraits finished: "deep frown" "glint" and "glasses-less". I'll probably be messing with "glasses-less" for a looong while; it's first shown at a dramatic moment so it needs to look good. Blushing portraits are next on the docket.
Here's "glint" btw, with a background thrown on so I can have a custom icon. You know I gotta make him do the anime glasses thing a few times.
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Sprites - no progress yet. Walk cycle is up next after I finish the blushing portraits. Did you know he doesn't have a walk cycle at all? [1.6 spoilers] in the cheated Summit cutscene where he attacks(?) you, he literally just slides at you very fast. Anyways, I may also change his map sprite a bit as well, since it was drawn to match his old portrait and doesn't actually have the same color scheme as his sprites. Note to self: is it possible to make the sparkles on his outfit prismatic?
Maps - no progress yet. The 6 heart and 10 heart cutscenes both require custom maps, with the 6 heart one being a fully custom asset. 10 heart recycles some existing assets but will still need some custom stuff done as well.
Misc Sprites - in my head, there's a dream version of the 8 heart cutscene that has so, so many unique sprites. Like an incredible amount of stuff. I think it'll kick ass, but also that sequence could be done with a few lines of text. So, for now, it's low priority. But maybe in a few months I'll put out a request for help.
Not totally sure how to split this into sections yet, as I'm very much still in the preliminary stages so far. To say that I'm feeling overwhelmed is an understatement; documentation on the wiki swings wildly between "an asset is a file in a video game" and "this is an advanced tutorial. Read these 4 other pages first before continuing."
I've started using Ms. Coriel's NPC Creator which has been good for setting up the basic file structure, but ultimately doesn't cover some of the more complex stuff I want to do. EDIT: Turns out it's completely outdated for 1.6! Had to throw out a bit of work, but I still learned from it so it's fiiine.
I think setting up his "schedule" will be a challenge, in that I don't actually want him to have a real schedule like most NPCs. Not to pull back the curtain too much here, but I want him to "exist" in both the Casino and the Walnut Room simultaneously, which is to say, he does not exist in two places at once in the narrative, just in the code. This will change after marriage, however.
My next goal is to set up placeholder cutscenes for each of the heart events, and then to implement the generic daily dialogues once those are finished.
Final Notes
God, this will be a work in progress for a while, but I'm enjoying it! Definitely enjoying the writing more than anything else, but hey, that's how it be. I've got around 70 lines of dialogue written, a bit of art done, and I've started learning how to actually get stuff in game. I've always been more of a designer than a coder, but it's getting there!
ADDITIONALLY I've decided that if I abandon this project for more than 8 months, anyone is welcome to request my work so far and use it for their own mod. If this blog hasn't posted in a long while, feel free to send me an ask or message! I may say no, however.
Ultimately, I want this mod to exist in some fashion. While there is an existing one, I have a pretty different take on the character and I want to share it with you all! Every line of dialogue, every heart event, every little detail needs to share something interesting about a character and their world. Yet, Mr. Qi is a mysterious guy, and I think some things should be left up to player interpretation. And I think it's crucial to be able to match his tone and voice to the vanilla game, while also expanding on his characterization. It's a fun challenge to write, and I hope the finished product, uh, well I hope it gets finished mostly, but I think it'll be pretty good.
Thanks for reading all this. This is largely just a stream of consciousness for myself, but I hope it's...interesting, or something?
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videogametako · 3 months
indie stuff: boardland
cute dice board game. link here:
[this game is completely free]
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the music and art set the really cozy vibe of the game
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this type of tutorial is kinda great, works really well for a turn-based game. lacks a bit of flair and flavor but i like how straightforward it is
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cute sitting sprite
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oh hey, it was published on my birthday
boardland is a turn-based combat dice- board- game where you fight monsters. it's a pretty short game, i got through one run and credits rolling in 30~ minutes, but seems the monsters might be randomized for every playthrough? gonna check again just to be sure.
there's uh not really any story as far as i can tell, so let's just get to the
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combat takes place entirely on this board. you can upgrade it by using dice while on a tile, sometimes changing the base action of the tile (fire > attack, earth > defense, water > heal). it's got roguelite elements too so, it's what you'd expect, items and blessings. potions aren't too difficult to come by, and a playthrough is short enough that you can be liberal in using them
a player turn consists of you moving, then taking dice actions. you can only use multiple dice on a tile if they're in increasing order (2 > 3 > 4, for instance), otherwise, you have to move to use another action. you draw 5 dice every turn, and leftover dice are discarded. sometimes it seems you can use an action dice at the start of your turn immediately, but sometimes you can't..? i'm a bit confused but it might be dependent on whether you used an action last turn or not
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now, by using a set number of dice, you can level up a base tile to upgrade it (its 3 dice for the first level up). this gives you bonus actions, and synergizes with the elemental dice you can find sometimes. this gives you a way to customize your board depending on your playstyle and build.
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additionally, every other turn a random event occurs. you have to land on the tile to activate 'em. same goes with curses that enemies sometimes do. if something on the board only needs you to make contact with it, it'll say in the description (like enemy spawns)
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the game punishes you for taking too long by giving most (if not all) enemies a passive that increases their stats every 10 turns. this did not become an issue for me (except for that one tedious round where i got to 10 turns because i kept messing up my actions)
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you can get buffs and debuffs too. there was one where i was supposedly able to use two dice on one tile or smth, but it was either poorly worded or broken bc i could never proc it. there's a confusion debuff that sometimes makes you move backwards too. the main way to get debuffs on enemies is by using elemental dice on their corresponding tile
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OH i completely missed the reroll mechanic, you can spend gold to reroll one of your dice, kinda handy, i suppose? gold is rarely used anyway
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this game is pretty slow paced, not to say it can't get challenging, and while i'm more of a fan of faster games, i found this one to be relaxing to play. i'm gonna do one more run before finishing this up.
the music is extremely cozy. even when a bit frustrated, i couldn't find myself getting too worked up, i like it
i enjoy the artstyle as well, the monsters and the player character all have a soft and charming vibe about them (except that frog in berserk mode, pictured earlier, i like that too). very cute!
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gimmick fight, i respect it.
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another gimmick fight, the reroll mechanic is especially useful here if you wanna fight more efficiently, especially since the opponent just sits there until the tiles get locked (i died bc i didn't realize my health was too low (oh, you can load up the autosave and retry, neat))
closing thoughts
i could honestly see myself spending a lot of time on a fully fleshed out adventure mode for this game. i'm super engaged by the mechanics, and with a bit more content there's room for a lot of strategy in this kind of game. different board lengths, branching paths, character skills.
i already enjoy board-based games a ton (stuff a la mario party or 100% orange juice) and also dice as cards in games (die in the dungeon, is the most recent and only example to come to mind (i haven't played library of ruina yet) i should write about that, i enjoyed the demo and i need the full game) so this game is very much my thing
if the game sounded like fun, give it a try, it is completely free
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90percentstudios · 9 months
How do you go about writing for CKC. As a lot of ckc requires clicking on objects to move on. Do you write the general layout of an episode with some ideas for objects. Do you think about jokes and stuff on the spot? Do you draw first and think about the objects to click on as you're drawing?
Or are objects just preplanned
all of the above, though it depends on the episode/season. season 1 was really experimental, so this process didn't really apply there (i didn't feel like i had a good process until s1e10 actually). anyway this is what i do for later episodes:
write a general outline for each episode of the season, just a paragraph or so. it'll look like, "mini wakes up in this location, does this because of this, then they say this, then they go here". really basic information. the outline hardly looks anything like the final product, it's just meant to be a jumping off point.
roughly write the first core scene of the episode. i consider a core scene to be anything vital to progressing the episode: cody waking up in his room, having to talk to alarmy/g-ma to get briefed about the day, having to introduce himself to the greatboard, etc.
draw background assets if needed. if the core scenes require a certain background item, i'll include it. otherwise everything is improvised. if i think it's funny, cool, makes sense to the environment, i'll draw it, but i won't worry about dialogue until most/all of the core scenes are done.
rinse and repeat. rough-write a core scene. draw the assets for it. rough-write another scene. draw for it. sometimes i'll get an idea for a character asset/sprite, or some other joke, and pause the writing to go draw it. the goal is to build the skeleton of the episode and not worry about grammar, spelling, writing in character, writing jokes, etc until the core scenes are set up.
once all the core scenes are done, write dialogue for misc background items. then i'll go back and finesse all the core dialogue until the episode is playable!
sometimes i deviate from this process: fixate on a core scene and clean it up instead of rough-writing it, think of a joke for a background item and write that first, draw assets as soon as i get the idea to, etc. i just do what feels right in the moment. also, there are probably better ways of doing things, this might work for me but not everyone!
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dorylinae-supremacy · 2 months
Sketch dump
Got nice comments on the alphabet hybrid thing so that means it is in progress. I'm very easily influenced.
Anyway I wanted to draw more since I feel like I don't do it enough but I kinda felt like sharing some old sketches I just have laying around. A lot of my art has an 'ugly phase' like most art so I'm gonna give some before and afters on it.
Go look at it below the cut if you're into that
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Vague into the depths thing I'm working on in the background. The hair is ruining my life. I also have an antnoblade in the works but his sketch is so ugly its actually embarrassing.
Most the art I've been doing lately is related to your big treat but I guess I can share some drafts of it since they're not staying for long. There's like way more than this (21 pics to be exact) but for now take my drafts.
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There's also some misc pixel art that I did ages back so I'll toss these in here too. Fun fact the purple / pink store thing was actually the first bit of pixel art I ever made. Its sized up for tumblr.
I've done more 1 bit (black and white) stuff but that doesn't translate well for resizing. The super long one was I think linked with a collab I did with a friend but I forget if this is the merged version.
Since I cant resize them, if you want a closer look you should be able to open them in another tab and zoom in a bunch. Its still a bit blurry but thats not a big deal. It's that or saving it and opening it in paint I guess.
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A lot of these are just sprite designing tests with limited colour pallettes though since I like character design.
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trackdntraild · 2 months
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yo!! i'm kieran (im 20 wsg), im gay and boyflux (he/they) and cringe culture is dead, so i'm gonna be cringe on main!!!!! this post is way too FUCKING long so feel free to read this introduction and leave it at that idrc i wrote this for me anyways (/hj), anyways feel free to look at my pronouns page if you want some other misc info abt me
yes i format my page like a 15 year old so what i like never mentally recovered past middle school anyways, and no i will not stop changing my pinned post you can't make me!!!!!!! (this will be the last time i swear, i just got really autistic at 8 am)
i post books under the pen name alvin viana so uh thats nice
im really fucking annoying just a heads up, i also swear a lot. i can store so much autism and adhd in my brain it's a miracle that i even function!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i use tone indicators too much
by the way fuck the algorithm tumblr can suck my dick
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if you want to you can send me asks about any of the fandoms im into or ships i like just be wary about sending spoiler content (like endings or other paths) unless i've explicitly posted about it before
i'm not gonna bother listing all my ships bc a lot of them are pretty obvious just bc of these post dividers (saiou is a comfort ship of mine, could you tell?) but feel free to send me other ships (i will judge you harshly for them /j)
so moving on, some of my fandoms include: sonic, danganronpa, stardew valley, cotl, fnaf, vocaloid/sekai, warrior cats, pokemon, genshin impact/honkai: star rail (sorta hi3 too?), ninjago, cookie run, promare, my little pony, aphmau, yttd, undertale, space leaper, food fantasy, afterl!fe, mystic messenger
anyways below the cut is some extra misc info you can look at if you want to, mostly just links and other random shit nobody gives a fuck abt (except for me bc im just like that)
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yes im a kinnie no i don't care about doubles no i won't tell you my full kin list i'll just randomly drop the fact i kin characters sometimes
if you want a few of the characters i personally idenify with the main ones are kieran from pokemon s/v and freminet from genshin impact (call me kiki and im stabbing you by the way /hj)
some of my other major kins include albedo, wanderer, herrscher of sentience, arlan, kagamine len, ivypool, starlight glimmer, kokichi ouma, and lio fotia
i kin more characters those are just the main ones, i'm the worst combination of all your least favourite character tropes!!!!
feel free to ask me about my kins if you want, or ask what kin shift im in idrc, i dont kin shift that much anymore but sometimes i do
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i do edits and moodboards sometimes??? i guess?? sometimes i'll make icons or whatever, sometimes i do fancy dividers, hell did you guys know im an artist i do that sometimes too, occasionally i do sprite edits if i feel like it but i'm not that good at replicating artstyles so shrugs, mainly just do ur classic 2018 tumblr edits here
so uh if you want some icons or whatever the fuck else i listed
✨ Feel Free To Send Requests ✨
i don't have much of a blacklist other than don't be weird about ships (so no pr*sh*p stuff) and don't ask for nsfw/gorey stuff
but i do edits pretty rarely so don't expect a lot from me lmaooo
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for some reason i also made tags for some of my bs ramblings so stuff usually tagged with .txt is miscellaneous bullshit i post (ocasionally some of my posts are funny, i think)
some, but not all of them, may include: legendary post archive.txt, the brainrot.txt, random.txt, art.txt, psa.txt, save.txt, asks.txt, fave.txt signal boost.txt, promo.txt, random.txt, textingronpa.txt
most of my personal ramblings go under random.txt but occasionally i add other stuff, so if the tumblr search function allows you to peruse the tags go ahead idrc if you do
a lot of my posts are LONG POSTS, so if you don't wanna see long posts please blacklist the 'long post tw' tag bc that's what i normally tag them as!!! yes, i mean it, ill post them a lot
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hey i have a shit ton of ✨ social media ✨ and ✨ miscellaneous bullshit websites ✨ if you wanna check em out, idk why you'd wanna do that tho all my cringeposting is already here
i've got some accs i'm only leaving up to ward off impersonators so i'm not linking them here but if you want to know what they are idrc if you just ask me through the askbox or whatever
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notomys-mordax-blog · 4 months
Eye of the Pines - Devlog #1
Of course, I cheated and started in December. I want to get into the habit of doing monthly dev logs. Anyway, here's wonderwall my monthly dev log.
Completed initial character designs (raw and sketchy) of all of the characters that will appear in the story.
I completed several more detailed headshots for two of the love interests (Elian and Jonah) and the protagonist. 
I completed a placeholder sprite for one of the love interests with a handful of expressions and outfit variations. 
Threw together a character reference sheet for Elian. 
Settled on a working title. 
Wrote a completed outline (~7k words)
Got said outline into a spreadsheet: the story currently has 187 scenes, 4 different routes and 8 different endings. 
Played around with some branding and sketches for the UI design. 
Completed a rough draft for 10/187 scenes, it clocks in at ~10k words: I've basically finished the first chapters of one of the main 'branches' of the story, as well as the unique scenes for one of the love interests. 
My plan for tackling the writing is to complete one "route" (beginning to end in a linear fashion) at a time. 
Set up the initial game using shawna-p's renpy template and did some low levels of customization
Got Elian's placeholder sprites into the game and re-familiarized myself for how to use renpy LiveComposite to set images working. 
Got a simple lip-flap and blink animation set up. 
Scripted the first scene (one down, 187 left to go): the animations and transitions are still a little rough, but practice makes first.
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schwender-exe · 5 months
Another Devlog (#4?)
Happy holidays all! this devlog I got something I'm pretty proud of, not gonna lie. I've been cooking up something nice in a new perspective I've never really delved into. Top-down was always something I saw as really cool, but never really thought of how to do. the perspective itself was always something I found interesting, especially because I was always a fan of the top-down zelda games, eg. minish cap, four swords, etc. So I got to work, using some placeholder assets (which I won't share, sadly because they are of a certain green-capped character), but after jumping over some hurdles, I did set up a basic player character which, you know what? I'm pretty proud of!
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While story is still a W.I.P, because I want to get the setting right, the gameplay is going nicely. I avoided combat for this game because I felt like it's always an easy "want gameplay? just add combat" so, rather than adding combat I opted to have some traversal mechanics linked to items. So far I don't have much, but I'm slowly plotting out ideas for more items which you'll unlock as you progress through the game.
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First one's a basic one, but I like the atmosphere it can add to areas. The lantern is a nice little item that lets you traverse dark areas. I took a lot of inspiration from the lighting system from the top-down zelda games with, what I call, their 'cut-out lighting' which I name due to how it's rendered, literally cutting holes through a dark canvas layer around light sources to achieve that look. I originally figured out how to do this effect in a previous prototype I made, however the main difference now is it's not limited to one singular light, and now it simply checks any "light_node"s within the scene and punches holes in the shadow for each light!
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Next up is the "Warp Wand" as I'm calling it for now, though the sprites I drew up for it look more like a warp spell/ability you have, though the animation for teleporting is placeholder, using another item's animation instead. Either way, it's a neat item that lets you target it at special crystals you can find conveniently placed around large pits! (NOTE: the crystals are also temporary/placeholder sprites I 'borrowed' from another game.)
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The final traversal item I have for the player (for now) is the peculiar mask you have on your character which lets you explore "no-oxygen" areas of the map, as I'm calling them for now. it comes with a nifty O2 bar which tells you how much oxygen you have left (right above the stamina bar).
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Other than traversal items, there's also the "DataPad" as I'm calling it at the moment, a nifty pad which'll keep track of logs and collectables which'll be littered through the map. The eventual goal for this item is to let you read up on items and logs you find while exploring which might give you insight into what happened here.
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Here's some misc gifs of things I've worked on or are currently working on. Stairs working properly was a small but very satisfying achievement, considering how many top-down games surprisingly don't have stairs work properly?
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I've lovingly ported the Dialogue and Event system from my on-pause game 'Last Letter', allowing me to write dialogue scenes simply and effectively, though the UI for Dialogue is still W.I.P.
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This one's very W.I.P, but I have the basic functionality working! This is a Terminal which you can access and type in commands, Once I have all of the functionality up and running, it'll allow you to access nearby electronics, imbedded logs, etc. and access them. Eg. opening a closed/locked door, cycling the airlock you're within, etc. etc. and maybe some hidden eastereggs/jokes if I think of any? we'll see.
Anyway, thanks for any reading and hope you all have a wonderful holidays! happy new year, etcetera. Oh! also, the desktop pet game I showed before isn't in the dumps, I'm just working on world lore and waiting on some sprites from a friend. It's just not fun to work on because it's mostly UI work.
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Download 11/10/22
+Started Jayce’s pre-marriage schedule.
-I re-revamped the Honoguma line. I made them red(dish) at first because I was thinking that the art that somebody made of it was official. (I think it was reported as such for a long time.) Now they’re orange like intended, but if you’ve gotten used to the original color scheme you can download the “replaceable graphics” folder to replace them with colors closer to the original scheme I had them as.
Official art or not, I’m keeping Happa as it is because Chikorita never really changed between 1997 and 1999. It was really just the middle line that was different.
-I also re-revamped the Kurusu line. I’m not going to re-revamp all of the sprites. Not right away anyway. I just wanted to do the starters since they’re, well, the Pokemon the player starts with. (Besides Tauros.) I’ll show off the two that I think turned out best but I’m not going to have a comparison for all of them.
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-Fixed up Gorotora’s front sprite, including giving it a new tail.
-Gave the remaining Pokemon that didn’t have icons, icons. (So far)
+I made one future Pokemon look better(?) while I was at it. I mostly just had to fix up it’s (her’s?) colors.
-Now there’s an incentive to have both the Cacturne doll and the Pokemon guarding your berries. The Pokemon will run inside of your house if the weather is bad, it’s winter or if you have the Cacturne doll outside. It won’t do anything but be cute because it can’t hunt from inside.
The Murkrow will only destroy your berries in the morning, so if you have a TV you can see when there’s going to be bad weather and you can place the Cacturne outside and not have to worry about Murkrow for the rest of the day.
-The random NPC that’s inside of the Pokemon Center in Pomona will now only show up on Mondays, but if you talk to him while there’s a furniture store in town he’ll tell you what Pokemon you need to guard your berries. (It’s Meowth.)
-I found out how to eat food on the go! ...Mostly. You can’t just eat something straight from your bag- you need to sit in designated spots first. These are either cushions inside of a Pokemon Center or flowers. These areas are only in or near areas you can lose HP in.
For some reason it doesn’t work on “food” that doesn’t do anything for Pokemon, so no chocolate, cookies, etc. Because of that I removed those options if you’re “eating at home.” (I’m not about to make them effect Pokemon just for a few HP.) You can still make those things as gifts for people.
Ine’s cooking will still give you more HP than if you make food from home, for the most part. The exceptions are Ice Cream (since it’s not made for Pokemon) and anything you take to-go.
Because of this I made sure that you’ll lose HP outside of the town area in certain places. Mostly when you’re cutting trees or breaking rocks. (So far.) Breaking rocks in Tellus will only take a way half of your HP. You can eat at the Pokemon Center there.
The “trees” in the Proserpina gym will take away 1 HP each, but there are flowers where you can eat food while inside of that gym. I also added a couple of trees to Communa town that’ll take away 2 HP each, but will also give you 5 logs each.
There’s also some flowers you can eat on in your farm, and you can eat on a crater (that I added) in the top floor of the Augusta cave.
So far these are the only new areas where you can lose/gain HP. I changed the descriptions of the items that can heal you so you’ll know what items they are when you see them.
-Watching something live so I finished and added two more plots. By the way, if you water the four new plots with a Shiny Sprayduck it won’t water some of the plots next to them, but it will water the plot on the opposite side to them. This is because I’m making them in the assumption that they’ll be next to each other and not just making the two lines longer some day.
-You can now buy tea to sit down and drink at Ine’s restaurant. I should’ve done that in the first place since tea is kind of her specialty. (I’m not spelling that the way you probably want me to.) You can gain 25 HP just from drinking it.
-I reduced Tauros’ starting level from 10 to 7. It doesn’t matter if you already got Tauros at level 10. I just wanted there to be a stronger incentive to use the starters.
-Realized that I never actually make it so you can play the “Dating sim demo.” (I guess that’s what happens when I make a mini game while getting over side effects of a shot.) You can now.
-A while ago I was going to make it so if you miss somebody’s date after a certain point you’ll miss your chance at going to it and will lose 10 points with the person. (15 if they’re Alderic.) And then I completely forgot that I had this idea when I finally got to writing the dates. So I did that.
I didn’t make it avoidable for you to have another chance though. In fact, I made it fairly easy- as long as you’re not in the forest, beach, Pomona town, Duellona clearing, bar, restaurant, or your bedroom from 1 AM - 5 AM they won’t despawn from their date spot.
So if you’re fooling around outside of these spots or inside of your barn area (minus your bedroom) while somebody’s waiting on you and it reaches 1 AM, you can continue to fool around until 5 AM and still go on that date as long as you don’t touch those areas.
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arundolyn · 1 year
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Happy birthday, Bang Shishigami!
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buttercupart · 4 years
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I have so much stuff to do and I’ve been doing none of it ...so here’s an UT oc I made when I was fifteen
Twist, a name I picked Solely because it sounded like Frisk, is a magenta soul, because 15 yr old me was big mad that there wasn’t one in the game 
Twist’s early life is nobody’s business involved rolling with the punches constantly, without much protest. Eventually though, it became too much to deal with, and at age 13, Twist decided to climb Mt. Ebott in the hopes of never returning...
aaaaand fell right into the Ruins. There, Toriel found the injured child and after a bath and some bandaging up, Twist was good as new. Many months were spent at Toriel’s home, baking pies and reading about snails. After time, Twist grew curious, and set off to to explore more of the Underground. What happened afterwards isn’t known, but Twist was the last child to fall before Frisk
Twist has a seemingly relaxed temperament, may be described by others as “calm”, but this... isn’t reaaally the case. Twist, although content enough to stay with Toriel for a while, and content enough to explore and meet new monsters, isn’t happy, and constantly wonders why the fall wasn’t fatal. It’s not so much being relaxed and accepting whatever happens as much as just enduring whatever goes on in life, as Twist has always done, which is why Endurance is the magenta soul’s trait
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kibanafuji · 4 years
sorry for low activity all day yesterday And today i’ve been a bit of a sleepy bitch but i got more 182 stuff to share and in the meantime:
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just need you all to know that my oc kouki and ryan’s oc momoko are in love what you gonna do about it keep scrolling bitch
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Demon King Ybs first concept design+Update on my health
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Yeah 😂 this was the first time I drew him and the first "design" I had. Its very similar to his finalised look! Just removed one set of horns since I felt it looked a bit too crowded for my like.
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And here's some of the first doodles I did after I made his final design
Anyway figured I'd also update- the surgery went well! It was definitely a stressful experience though... Hopefully I'll get around to doing some more work on the game assets soon :) well see how recovery goes!
On the to do list
[These might get done out of this order]
Colour and edit Don's sprite for game.
Create remaining backgrounds+Finish ones I started
More experimenting with Ren'py and watching how to videos+more research in general so I can make this horror game have *horror elements* ooh spooky jumpscares and scenes~
Start plannkng and designing custom GUI ( the visuals for the main menu , text boxes, choice boxes, text font, other buttons, misc)
Make title screen art and menu(ties into GUI PART and research)
Contact Bg music person once about half of the above is complete to discuss music ideas.
Ask for auditions for Voice acting, probably posted here.
start working on the ACTUAL script (since rn it's all bullet point ideas ), planning how many branches there will be and how many different endings for day 1.
I hope that I can get some quick demo video done by November if I continue at my pace♡. I will be moving house sometime between now and then so that may also put a wrench into things, so I cant exactly say when things will be ready for release.
Since it is only me working on all this along with the Bg music artist (soon haha) it will take some time before everything is working smoothly.
I might be enlisting help for beta testers to scope out bugs when the time comes. (Again, likely around november) and it will all be unpaid since this is a fan project and monetizing is not allowed! But I will glady put a small nod to anyone who does help in the game, like characters reacting to your chosen name differently.
Do any of you want to help with the development? Have ideas for the game, suggestions, or questions?
Be sure to send me a message or ask and I'll be sure to respond when I can. I would love to work with more people, not too many but a small group.
Regarding asks:
you can ask questions to Me- the creator lol!-, Dk!Yb, Mr. Housekeeping AKA Flauros, and Tk for now. They would likely all be glad to answer your questions.[some more than others!]
Don and Lucy...have other things to attend to right now, but will be around eventually to answer asks.
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phioneplatinum · 2 years
hello again, it's me, I've come with my Jay and Elle headcannons
feel free to use them, but some credit would be nice (only if you feel like it though, and plus, don't feel shy to use em!)
Elle Headcannons:
Compared to her twin brother, she's more expressive, easily spooked, shorter, and weaker. However, it's not easy to tell that at first glance. They're still quite similar, but not exactly carbon copies of each other.
She gets anxiety attacks, mostly from not knowing where her twin is. She'll push herself away from the other members, in some way of "self defense", or to keep herself safe.
If anything, she prefers sweet and sour the most, likes savory, hates salty and spicy.
Her favorite pranks are stuff like adding hot sauce to food, putting fake spiders around, and shoving people's heads into buckets. She doesn't like pranks where soemone gets hurt.
Jay Headcannons:
He's less expressive than his sister, along with being taller, more powerful, able to handle some spookiness, and the sorts. However, it's not easy to tell at a first glance.
Sometimes, he'll do some cool tricks with his magic from time to time, to impress Elle. He also sometimes eat spicy food.
He shares the same food taste as Elle, but he also likes spicy food.
Misc. Headcanons
To calm themselves down, the twins hug it out, in case one of them is scared, or in a bad mood.
If the twins have any sort of love or relationship, it'll be with eachother, in a sisterly-brotherly relationship (obviously, I don't like incest). Otherwise, the twins don't give a shit about lovey-dovey stuff. It's icky and weird to the twins.
The two sleep in bunk beds. However, they sometimes fight over the top bunk... But it's resolved before their bedtime.
They will devour your fruit gummies if you give them some. Be warned.
anyways have these sprite edits
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invertedfate · 4 years
Undertale Anniversary!
Happy 5th Undertale anniversary, everyone! Originally we planned to release the playable IF Asgore fight today. Development on that is taking longer than intended, so instead, here are some misc little things that are in the works w/ IF...
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For starters, IF Part 50 is about 95% complete now! We need to finalize a few refinements, but otherwise I just need to record the final video and do editing. So that’s neat.
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Toriel’s fight is also complete and has been for a few months. :P So that’ll be ready to release once the hiatus ends, though we’ll probably space the updates out by a bit to ensure there’s a good cushion and to give time to work on the other upcoming parts.
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As mentioned, a comic-accurate IF Asgore fight is in the works! :) It has a lot of bonus content and secrets you’ll have to discover for yourself, including multiple endings. Philip and I have worked very hard on planning this. The documentation is like. 55 pages.
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Once the hiatus ends... some interesting events will unfold. :) I can’t wait to share them with you all.
We even have some cool new overworld sprites for Mettaton SPIRAL. B)
Like this awesome pose made by the talented @superkirbylover​ .
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(Image not final. Really just a mockup, haha!) I’d show more, but unfortunately, a lot of unreleased content is heavy, heavy spoilers. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this anniversary! And a huge, huge thank you to Toby Fox for inspiring myself and so many others with his heartwarming game. What a crazy five years it’s been! See you all soon w/ more updates, I hope.
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