#in the words of dan “leave me alone i’m just vibeing”
I'm so normal about dnp core except it's me being so normal about how much I despise Dan lol not in a quirky way this man genuinely needs to be deplatformed
your feelings are valid but take them somewhere else my pal i’m not the right person lol
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withacapitalp · 1 year
How to Rehabilitate a Jock in Four Months Part 12
We're back babey :DDDD Happy to announce hiatus is over fellowsssss but also TW for this one Steve has a panic attack. Also thanks as always to @stevethehairington for betaing and supporting and generally just being the best friend a person can ask forrrrr also @thefreakandthehair for listening to me ramble about this endlessly. When I say I was working on this for two months, legitimately for the entire two months I was working on this
Part One Part Eleven Part Thirteen Link to Ao3
Step Twelve: Watch Him Stumble
In terms of gigs, this probably had to be one of the best sets Eddie had ever played. The energy was off the charts, the crowd was in it with them at every step, and best of all, Steve had been smiling the whole time. Even the power going out had a certain panache to it. Like a final zinger to finish off the wicked guitar solo in Breathless that made Eddie’s heart race every single time he played it. 
Was it ideal to have to sit in the dark and wait for the lights to come back on? Not by a long shot, but there was no denying that the ending of the song had been one hundred percent bonafide metal. 
All in all, Eddie wasn’t that pressed about having the electricity cut out. It wasn’t the first time the power had died during one of their shows, and it wouldn’t be the last. The Hideout was a total dive, basically a shack at the edge of the woods with an electrical system that was shoddy, at best. The band’s equipment had blown a fuse so many times that it was practically routine for the owner to have to go downstairs and reset the box halfway through their set. 
“What’s going on, Dan?” Eddie asked as he saw the bartender’s flashlight start to come up from the basement. He was eager to get going again, unwilling to lose the killer vibe coming from the crowd. 
He also wanted to be able to see what a certain ex-jock thought about the song he had just played. But that was neither here nor there.
“Shows over, boys!” Bar owner Dan shouted, listening to the moans and groans from the patrons before sighing and walking over to the low stage. “Flipped the breakers twice, but nothing. Must’ve been somethin’ else that blew the power. We’re done for the night.”
“Damn it,” Eddie swore, scuffing his sneaker on the ground and strumming a discordant little note on his guitar for emphasis.
Of course this happened on the one night he was actually trying to impress someone. Of course. 
“You can leave whatever you want to here for the night,” Dan offered, waving his flashlight around, “It’ll be hard enough to find your way out of this place without trying to lug around all this equipment too.” 
Eddie didn’t care about the equipment. He cared about the fact that Steve’s first time seeing him play had just been totally wrecked by a stupid power outage. 
“Thanks, Dan,” Jeff said for all of them as Eddie continued to scowl, trying to push down his disappointment before it could grow into something impossible to manage. 
The bartender nodded once, turning and walking towards some of the patrons to give them the news, leaving the band to their own devices. 
“This blows,” Eddie groaned as soon as they were alone, mood still incredibly sour. 
“You’re just mad you didn’t get to show off for Steeeeeve,” Frank teased as the others started to pack up in the dark. Even if they were leaving their stuff there, they still wanted to leave it in a somewhat organized fashion. 
“Stones and glass houses, Frankie,” Eddie said warningly, turning to where he knew Frank was around and glaring. He was not above calling out the other boy’s very obvious crush on Janet at this moment, nothing was off the books when he was this annoyed. “No, I’m mad our set got slashed in half cause of a dumb power outage.” 
“Mhm, sure,” Gareth said, drawing out the word in a way that grated on every single nerve Eddie had. 
“Guys?” Janet’s voice floated over, stopping Eddie before he said something he regretted. Janet slowly came into view as she walked over to the stage, looking uncharacteristically uncomfortable. 
She was alone. 
Eddie’s anger vanished as a pit began to form in his stomach. 
“Where’s Rocky?” Frank asked, walking over to stand next to Eddie. 
“Where’s Steve?” Eddie emphasized before Janet could answer, looking around into the dark of the bar. It was hard to see anything but lumps bobbing and weaving about, but none of them seemed Steve-shaped. Still, there was no way Steve would just leave. 
“No clue,” Janet answered, rubbing her arm, “Steve was acting weird right before the power went out, and now we can’t find him. I sent Rocky to go look around.”
Weird? What did ‘weird’ mean? Weird was the kind of word that only made even more questions. Did Steve totally hate the music? Was he having a bad time? Had Eddie completely misinterpreted everything he had thought from before? 
But before Eddie could put any of these fears to words, Rocky’s silhouette came into view. 
“He’s not in the bathroom. I even peeked into the ladies just to be sure,” Rocky reported. Janet made a disgusted little sound, reaching over to smack the younger boy upside the head and give him a disappointed scowl. 
“Hey!” Rocky snapped, getting out of Janet’s line of fire, “Not cool. I’m just looking out for a fellow party member.”
“He’s not in our party,” Gareth muttered immediately, stepping around his drum kit to come stand with the rest of them. Eddie didn’t bother to fight with his best friend or even comment on his stupid little jab. He was too busy freaking the fuck out over the fact that the guy he definitely wasn’t crushing on had seemingly vanished into thin air. 
“What do you mean weird?” Eddie asked, hating the way his heart was starting to pound. 
“He was like really distracted? And looked kind of freaked out. Not just annoyed or uncomfortable, but scared,” Janet said, trailing off with a grimace on her face. She looked like she had more to say, but nothing else came, and an stilted silence fell over the group. 
Scared? Steve? The words just didn’t seem to fit together. Eddie couldn’t imagine Steve being afraid of anything. He went headfirst into everything, confident to the point of nearly cocky, so sure of himself Eddie was sometimes jealous. 
“Maybe he just didn’t like the music?” Gareth offered, but his tone was weak. “Used the power outage as a way to slip out?”
“No,” Janet said firmly, shaking her head. “He… Something wasn’t right, guys.” 
Something wasn’t right. 
Eddie knew this feeling. It was that heart stop stomach drop moment. The deer hearing the first snap of the twig under a hunter’s boot, a rabbit sensing that a snare was nearby. It was the same way he felt when he was walking around town and saw a car full of douchebags tailing him, or he went to the woods to make a deal only to find no one sitting at the picnic table. 
There was something dangerous happening, something that instinctually made Eddie want to run for the hills. 
Something scary. Something that was a threat. 
He needed to find Steve. Now. 
“Maybe he’s just outside having a smoke or somethin’,” Eddie said, trying and failing to sound casual. “Let’s go look.”
Eddie carefully placed his guitar in its case and hopped down, walking towards the direction of the front door and hoping the others were following. He would go on his own if he had to, but he really, really, didn’t want to. 
Luckily he heard the pattern of footsteps following his own, and Jeff bumped his shoulder against Eddie’s as they approached the exit. Eddie took a millisecond to be grateful for his loyal batshit insane buds, then he was back on task. 
“Steve?” Eddie called as he walked out the door, mentally sending a prayer to whoever might be listening that Steve would be standing right there, waiting for them to come join him. 
No such luck. There were a few drunks milling about, a couple making out against the side of the building, but no sign of Steve’s pretty boy hair or his soft sweet smile. Eddie’s heart began to race impossibly faster. 
“Steve! You out here?!” Eddie shouted, hating the panic that was starting to enter his tone. He turned his head in every direction, but he couldn’t see any sign of Steve. 
“He’s long gone, Eds, can we go back inside now? It’s fucking freezing out here,” Gareth asked, rubbing at his bare arms and shivering as the frigid winter wind raced past them. Eddie could barely feel his own body, but he ignored both the cold and Gareth’s words, walking towards his van. 
Steve was there. He had to be. He had to be, or else Eddie was going to lose his mind worrying over what was probably nothing, and he might say something incredibly stupid when they actually found Steve, and that would ruin everything they had worked so hard to build. 
Luckily for Eddie’s increasingly fragile mind and heart, he spotted a shape sitting near the van. Eddie practically melted in relief, jogging around to the other side of his van, needing to see Steve’s face. 
“Well if you wanted to dine and dash so bad, Harrington, you should have-” 
Eddie cut off the idiotic quip he had been in the middle of saying, struck silent by the state he found Steve in. All of the relief he had been starting to feel instantly vanished, replaced by a bone deep dread that overtook Eddie’s entire being. 
Steve was on the ground, his knees pulled close to his chest and his eyes staring firmly at the gravel. He was still as a statue, barely even blinking, and his breathing was shallow and uneven. Eddie could see him shaking from where he stood, trembling like a leaf in the wind as he continued to just stare at nothing. 
Something was wrong. 
“Steve?” Eddie said softly, reaching out slowly as he edged closer to the other boy trying to get his attention. “Sweetheart? What’s going o-“
Steve’s hand darted out the second Eddie’s got close enough to reach, fingers latching onto Eddie’s wrist in an iron tight grip that instantly sent a dull ache racing up his arm. The physical sensation was uncomfortable, painful, but it was the look on Steve’s face that hurt the most. 
Steve’s eyes were boring holes into Eddie’s face, staring him down with a flat blank glare that looked completely wrong on his features. It was almost like he was looking through Eddie, not really seeing him, just dealing with the threat that was coming towards his body. 
It shouldn’t hurt. After all, Eddie was used to people in this town seeing him as a scary person. He didn’t really bat an eye anymore when people switched to the other side of the street as he walked past, and he didn’t care that much about the way mothers would grab their children’s hands if he started to approach. 
But something about the way Steve’s protective instincts had deemed him a danger just cut right to Eddie’s core. 
“Steve it’s-it’s just me,” Eddie stuttered out, trying subtly to pull away from Steve’s death grip. 
The combination of his quiet voice and tugging must have tripped something in Steve’s mind, because a hint of recognition flew across Steve’s face, and he instantly dropped Eddie’s wrist, going back to curling both of his hands in his hair and pulling, shaking silently as he let his gaze fall back to the pavement. 
“Eddie, back up,” Jeff ordered the second he was free, stepping forward. 
“Eddie, he’s having a panic attack,” Jeff said firmly, interrupting his friend before he could start trying to argue. “Back. Up.” 
A panic attack? 
Eddie had seen Jeff in the throes of a panic attack before, and it was nothing like this. Usually Jeff would hyperventilate, gasp for breath as his limbs moved almost uncontrollably. He would babble out anxiety fueled rambles until the moment passed, then usually retreat into the safety of solitude for a while as he tried to piece himself back together. 
Steve just looked… gone, lost somewhere none of them could reach him. 
But Jeff would be the expert on panic attacks, so if he said that was what this was, then Eddie just had to trust him and hope he could help Steve. Unwillingly Eddie took a single step back, falling into line with the rest of the group who had crept over at some point, and were now all staring at the scene with a mixture of horror and confusion. 
“Hey Steve, it’s Jeff, do you recognize me?” Jeff asked calmly, keeping his tone even and clear. He seemed completely zen, unphased by the very frightening moment. The only way Eddie could tell anything was amiss was the way Jeff’s fists were clenched tight at his sides, an easy tell that he was trying to keep his hands from shaking. 
Steve looked up when Jeff started speaking to him, giving one short nod after a prolonged pause. 
“That’s good. Can I come sit by you?” Jeff asked, starting to step closer. Instantly Steve seemed to be back on guard, stiffening up and pressing his back even harder against the van. Jeff took the shift in stride, taking a step back and holding his hands out.
“Alright, alright. I’ll stay right here. That’s better?”
Another pause. Another short nod. 
Jeff took a second to think, then slowly slid down so he was sitting across from Steve on the ground of the parking lot, crossing his legs and taking a long calming breath. 
“Do you know where you are right now?”
Yet another pause as Steve contemplated the question. Eddie watched as Steve’s blank look shifted first to confusion, then to fear as he shook his head. Steve’s lip started to wobble as his eyes turned glassy and filled with fright. 
“That’s okay,” Jeff said soothingly, clearly trying to get ahead of whatever was starting to grow inside Steve’s mind. “You’re at the Hideout in the parking lot with me, Jeff. Our other friends are here too. Eddie, Frank, Janet, Rocky, and Gareth. You came to listen to the band play tonight, do you remember that?” 
Steve nodded, letting out a long slow exhale, a bit of the tension in his shoulders dropping. His hands slowly slid out of his hair, fingers playing with the loose gravel of the parking lot. 
“I think you’re having a panic attack,” Jeff explained. His words were blunt, but his tone was still soft. “Have you had one before? Do you know what caused it?”
Steve’s jaw clenched up even tighter. Eddie found his mind starting to count the seconds, needing something to do in the moment in order to stop himself from speaking. 
He got up to thirty four before Steve finally opened his mouth. 
“The lights,” Steve whispered, sighing and reaching up to pinch at the bridge of his nose. “It was… it was the lights.”
“Lights? I don’t- It was… it was just a power outage, Sweetheart,” Eddie blurted out, unable to hold his words back. His mind was racing to try and fit the piece into the puzzle, but no matter how he thought about it, Eddie simply couldn’t comprehend how the lights of all things caused Steve to fall into such a panic. 
He looked back at the rest of the group, seeing if any of them had any clue what was going on, but they all had the same confused fright on their faces. 
“No. It wasn’t,” Steve stated immediately, his voice firm and set. His eyes were hard again, and he was staring at the ground with a mixture of hate and fear that made Eddie’s stomach clench up tightly. “It was not just a power outage, and I need to check on my kids.” 
“I need to check on my kids,” Steve repeated, interrupting Jeff harshly. Now that the tension was broken, the words seemed to be coming easier, and Steve cleared his throat before continuing, “My bag has what I need, but the doors were locked. I got out here and then the doors...”
Steve trailed off, looking lost. 
“I’ll grab your bag,” Gareth offered, startling them all. He held his hand out for the keys, and Eddie gave him a look, raising a brow. If it was anyone else, Eddie wouldn’t even hesitate, but Gareth offering to do something for Steve of his own free will was like the devil offering to tie Jesus’s shoe. 
“It’s okay, I got it,” Gareth said, softening his voice, something far too close to pity in his eyes as his gaze flitted over to Steve, then back to Eddie, conveying without words that Eddie leaving Steve at this moment seemed like a bad idea
Despite the tension of the moment, a part of Eddie relaxed. Gareth was just being Gareth- the good Gareth that Eddie knew was hiding under bitchy mean Gareth that had cropped up out of nowhere. Eddie tossed him his keys and the rest walked to the other side of the van, talking in harsh low whispers that Eddie couldn’t quite make out. 
“This can’t be happening again,” Steve whispered when it was just the three of them, a breathy half laugh escaping alongside the words as he wrapped his arms around his knees and tucked his head down. “God, it’s really never gonna be fucking over, is it?”  
The question was obviously rhetorical, Steve probably wasn’t even really talking to them, but a physical pain started to grow in Eddie’s chest from the utter defeat radiating off of Steve in miserable waves. 
“I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m not going to ask,” Jeff stated, taking the risk to scoot closer and maneuvering himself so he was sitting next to Steve, his back flat against the van, “but, while we’re waiting for them to get what you need, do you want to try a grounding technique?”
“A what?” Steve asked, just barely raising his head. Jeff began to explain his favorite grounding technique, using short and easy to understand sentences to go over exactly what he was suggesting. Steve uncurled ever so slightly as Jeff was speaking, his full attention on the younger boy. Even Eddie was caught in the lull of Jeff’s tone, his heart starting to finally flow down. 
Then he heard his name. 
It was Gareth on the other side of the van, holding Steve’s bag up and giving Eddie a wide eyed look of horror. He gestured for Eddie to come over with a jerky handwave, and Eddie gave him a look. Wasn’t the whole point for Eddie to stay? Why was Gareth trying to pull him away just as they were starting to make progress. 
“Eddie. Now,” Frank whispered harshly, his head popping up next to Gareth’s. He also looked freaked the fuck out, still far too pale. 
“I’ve got him, Eds,” Jeff said in that same soothing tone pulling another deep breath and watching as Steve obediently copied the motion. “Go see what they need.” 
Eddie really wanted to just say fuck it and stay exactly where he was, but Steve was starting to get some color back in his cheeks, and if whatever was in that bag would help, then Eddie needed to get that for him. 
So, very reluctantly, Eddie walked around to the other side of the van, leaving Jeff and Steve alone. 
“What?!” Eddie snapped the second he was out of earshot of the two boys, throwing Gareth a harsh glare. If this was another trick or some weird tactic to fuck with Steve, then Eddie was going to seriously have to reconsider their friendship at this point. 
“Look,” Gareth hissed, shoving Steve’s bag into Eddie’s hands. 
Eddie peered in the bag, still annoyed and confused. It was all normal stuff. Well, a little weird. Steve’s car keys, a flashlight, a walkie-talkie… a first aid kit… and…
“Why does he have a knife?!” Gareth snarled, looking more terrified than angry. 
“Lots of people have knives,” Eddie said, trying to sound calm. The words came out strangled, falsely cool in a way that made it obvious to all of them that Eddie was just as uncomfortable as they were. 
“Okay, but why does he need that right now, Eddie?” Janet asked. It was a good question, but one that Eddie couldn’t possibly come up with an answer for. 
Why did Steve need a knife right now? Why would he even bring it with him tonight? 
“Eddie? What’s going on?” Jeff called from the other side of the van, still blissfully unaware of the latest update to their situation. Eddie shook his head roughly, dropping the knife back into the bag and zipping it up, holding it behind his back as he rounded the front of the van again. 
“What is it you need from your bag, Steve?” Eddie questioned, keeping his voice firm as he stared down at Steve. 
“My walkie-talkie?” Steve answered, a picture of innocence. He had one hand flat on the ground, and the other tangled up in Eddie’s necklace, his thumb worrying across the face of the guitar pick. Then Steve's words came back to him. 
I need to check on my kids. 
Hot shame flooded Eddie’s stomach as he remembered exactly what had led to all of them snooping in Steve’s stuff. Steve had just wanted to reach out to the kids, that was all. The knife wasn’t really that weird in retrospect, just another overprotective Steve thing. He wasn’t about to get stab happy on them, he just wanted a way to protect himself if it became necessary. 
Eddie could understand that. 
“Is it not there?” Steve wondered, some anxiety starting to leak into his tone the longer Eddie just stood there. “I’m sure I brought it, but-”
“No, I have it right here, sweetheart,” Eddie said, interrupting the thought before it could even form. He tugged the walkie-talkie out of the bag and handed it to Steve, sitting on the ground next to him and watching as Steve flipped it on and switched the channels, taking a deep breath before holding down the talk button.
He let go of the receiver, and immediately there was an explosion of voices as the kids all began to scream over each other, shouting Steve’s name and endless questions. It was impossible to make out exact words in the mayhem, but Eddie wasn’t interested in that. He was busy focusing on Steve. 
Despite the fact that he was still trembling, the pinched brow and nervous look in Steve’s eyes faded the second he heard the kid’s voices. He sighed, leaning his head back until it softly hit the van, letting the tension fall from his shoulders as his eyes slipped shut. 
“See? All okay,” Eddie murmured, needing to add extra reassurance now that he thought he could. Steve shot him a weary little smile, rubbing the guitar pick around his neck once more before pushing down the talk button once more. 
“What are we dealing with?” Steve asked, about to put the walkie-talkie back down before the sound of shoes on gravel caught his attention. As Gareth, Rocky, Frank, and Janet walked back around the van, Steve continued “and I’m not by myself right now, so don’t say any stupid shit.”
“Who are you with?” Lucas’s voice said from the walkie-talkie, sounding tinny and electronic. 
“And say over next time. Over,” Will added. 
“The fucking ‘over’ bullshit,” Steve said to himself with a roll of his eyes before picking it back up. “I’m at the Hideout with Eddie, now what are we dealing with?!” 
Silence. Eddie looked at Steve with a raised brow, and when Steve looked around in annoyance, Eddie caught his eye and mouthed the word ‘over’. 
“Jesus H,” Steve muttered, looking up at the sky as if begging God to help him. “OVER!”
“Well we don’t know that yet, Steve,” Dustin promptly responded the second Steve’s finger left the button, his tone dripping with far too much sass. "We were too busy looking for you! Over.”
“I’m gonna kill them,” Steve stated, rubbing at his temple, “I’m legitimately going to kill them.” 
“Everybody shut up,” A new voice barked. Eddie knew it from somewhere, but he couldn’t place it. She wasn’t one of the kids, Eddie knew that much, but he couldn’t figure it out. “Steve, Jonathan and I will be at the Hideout in five minutes. Do not move. Over and out.” 
After a few seconds of staticky silence, Steve groaned, pushing the antennae of the walkie-talkie down and turning it off. 
“Of course she’s coming here. Of course,” Steve whispered, unknowingly mirroring Eddie’s exact thought process right after the power outage. 
“Wait, wait, wait. Was that Nancy Wheeler?” Janet asked incredulously, her jaw hanging wide open. 
No. Nope. There was no way. 
“Yeah, it was,” Steve said with a sigh, forcing himself into a standing position and stretching his shoulders. 
He was completely nonchalant about it, like it was perfectly normal to have your ex on walkie-talkie speed dial, and it was only natural for her to come collect you like a haggard housewife the second she thought you might be in trouble. 
“Nancy Wheeler, your ex girlfriend,” Eddie said dumbly, just to be sure he wasn’t being punked.
“The one and only,” Steve said dryly, becoming more and more himself with every second. It was like hearing Nancy’s voice had flipped a switch, and the vulnerable nervous Steve that had been sitting on the ground by his van was gone in an instant, replaced by a flippant easy going boy that looked like nothing had ever happened to him at all. 
It was bizarre, uncanny in a disarmingly normal way. Eddie had always kind of admired Steve’s coolness, how nothing seemed to phase him.
Now it just felt… not disingenuous per say, but more layered than it was before. It wasn’t completely an act, but Steve was definitely hiding so much more than Eddie ever could have assumed. 
“Why is Nancy Wheeler coming here?” Eddie asked slowly as he stood up, watching Steve like a hawk and looking for any kind of micro change in his expression. He got nothing. Steve was a brick wall. 
“Even if I could tell you, you wouldn’t believe me,” Steve said with a wry smile that didn’t look much like a smile at all. Before he could say anything else, they all heard the sound of tires squealing nearby, and a pair of headlights peeled into the parking lot. Steve moved like a man possessed, jogging around the van and towards the car still speeding into the lot. 
“What the fuck was all that?” Rocky said, asking the question all of them were wondering. Eddie shrugged, following Steve’s path and watching as Nancy Wheeler jumped out of the passenger seat of the still parking car, ignoring Jonathan Byers' shouting at her from the driver’s side as she strode towards where Steve had stopped. 
“What the hell, Steve?!” She snapped the second she had pulled herself away from the car. “No one knew where you were. You didn’t tell anyone, or leave a note, or anything. What were you thinking?!” 
“What was I- Nancy, what are you talking about?” Steve said defensively, turning around to briefly give Eddie a ‘can you believe this’ look before turning back to his ex who was still fuming. 
Eddie didn’t really know anything about Nancy Wheeler, it wasn’t like they ran in the same circles whatsoever, but he certainly had never expected to see her like this. There was two high spots of red on her cheeks, and her eyes were flashing in a way that just screamed danger. 
“You can’t just disappear out of nowhere! Do you get how irresponsible that is?” Nancy asked rhetorically, not giving Steve a second to answer before she barreled forward, “Mike and the others wanted to make a search party and start riding around on their bikes looking for you. What are you even doing here?”
“I didn’t realize going out was a crime,” Steve said in a moody tone, crossing his arms over his chest and giving Nancy a cool glare. 
Things were quickly devolving between the two of them, and as much as Eddie wanted to intervene, he hung back and observed. That was the thing most people didn’t realize about him. Eddie could be quiet and listen when it benefitted him. 
“It is if you don’t tell me where you are!” Nancy exploded, throwing her hands up as she did. “Especially if it’s because you’re hiding that you’re doing something dangerous.”  
With those words she poignantly turned her glare towards Eddie, as if he personally was holding Steve hostage. Steve’s face screwed into a dark scowl and he stepped so he was back directly in Nancy’s view line, blocking her from the others. 
Protecting Eddie from her. 
That shouldn’t have made him feel as warm as it did. 
“Nancy. I don’t know how you forgot, but let me remind you- We. Broke. Up,” Steve said, each word punching directly out of his chest and exposing just how raw that still fresh wound was. “You’re dating Jonathan now, so what I do, and who I’m friends with, and how I spend my time isn’t your problem anymore.” 
“Nance,” Jonathan said, trying to grab Nancy’s arm. She pulled away from his grip, stepping close to Steve. 
“Yes, it is my problem! You are still my problem!” She shouted. 
Eddie would’ve chalked it all up to crazy ex-girlfriend disease and dragged Steve away from the fight, but something strange was developing. The anger was quickly draining away from Nancy’s features and all that was left was a painful grief, the kind that made Eddie want to turn his head and find anything else to look at. This wasn’t just a jealousy thing, or psycho ex behavior. 
This was something more. 
“Look, I know we broke up, and I know that’s my fault, but first the lights flickered, then power went out, and none of us could find you,” Nancy said, looking down at the ground as her voice began to waver and her features inevitably turned towards tears. “You weren’t at your house. It was empty, and it was just the pool, and no one there, and I thought- I thought-”
Eddie would never know what Nancy had been trying to say, because Steve enveloped her in his arms at that moment, holding her gently against his chest as he shielded her from the rest of the world. 
There was a momentary flare of jealousy that ignited in Eddie’s chest, a second where he felt a blinding, irrational hatred for Nancy Wheeler and everything she was. But then Steve was holding out his other arm to Jonathan, who hesitated for a second and looked extremely uncomfortable, but came closer nonetheless, all three of them sharing an exhausted hug. Jonathan and Nancy put Steve between the two of them, joining their hands between his shoulder blades as they held him close. 
Whatever was going on here, it wasn’t romantic. No need to be jealous. 
Not that Eddie had any right to be jealous in the first place. It shouldn’t matter that Steve seemed to have some sort of weird magnanimous relationship with his ex and her new boyfriend. It didn’t matter. It wasn’t his concern. 
It mattered. It mattered so much. 
“I’m fine, see? Right here,” Steve said, slightly muffled by the two people still holding him like he was the most precious object in the universe. 
“You can’t do that,” Nancy managed to gasp out, clearly in tears given how thick her voice had gotten, even if Eddie couldn't see them. “I can’t lose you too.” 
Too? Who had Nancy lost? 
The questions were only continuing to mount, and Eddie wondered if you could get a panic attack just by standing close to someone who had just had one. It was certainly getting harder to breathe the longer he looked at the three of them. 
“You’re not losing me,” Steve said firmly, as if he was writing it into law just by saying it out loud, “we aren’t losing anyone again.”
“You can’t know that,” Nancy said, her voice so soft Eddie almost missed it. As she did Jonathan looked up, hooking his chin on Steve’s shoulder as he made eye contact with Eddie. 
“Guys,” Jonathan called, reluctantly pulling away and nodding his head towards the rest of Hellfire who were all still standing there. Nancy quickly wiped at her eyes and Steve stepped back, putting distance between him and the couple again. 
“Hopper went to the lab,” Nancy said, picking her words slowly and carefully. “He dropped um… her off at my house with the rest of the kids.” 
“How is she?” Steve asked. Well, he knew, but Eddie was still in the dark. Who could ‘her’ be? Nancy had a little sister, didn’t she? Maybe she had a tendency to run off or something. 
“She’s freaked out. She passed out when the power outage happened, but we don’t know why yet,” Jonathan answered, wrapping his arms around his stomach. 
Steve sighed, swiping a hand across his face and turning around. He jogged over to grab his bag, slinging it over one shoulder as he walked back over. 
“Let’s just go. I don’t want to leave the kids alone right now,” Steve said, slipping back into his role as babysitter as easy as breathing. Jonathan and Nancy both nodded, waiting until Steve was in line with them before starting to walk to the car. 
It hurt almost, being forgotten, dismissed. It was like they had never even existed, like nothing else that had happened tonight mattered. 
It wasn’t like Eddie didn’t know he and the others weren’t Steve’s first choice of friends, but having it so blatantly thrown in his face didn’t feel all that great. There was an extra sting when Eddie considered exactly who those first choice friends were. 
Steve would apparently rather spend time with his ex and her new boyfriend over Eddie and his friends. 
Whatever. No problem. Eddie shoved the feeling down in his chest, deep where it would bother him all night long, but where it wouldn’t come out in mean lashing words towards anyone else.
But, as he spun on his heel and went to go stomping back towards his van, a shout behind his back stopped Eddie in his tracks. 
Steve was running over to them, the back passenger door of Jonathan’s car still wide open. He slid to a stop right in front of Eddie, panting just a bit as he reached up towards Eddie’s neck. 
“I totally forgot,” Steve said apologetically, expertly unclasping the necklace and reaching over. Eddie shivered, sucking a sharp breath in as Steve’s arms wrapped around his neck, fingers just barely grazing Eddie’s skin as he returned the necklace to its rightful owner. 
“I had a really nice time tonight,” Steve murmured, looking up at Eddie with those big cow eyes and a bashful little smile. 
“Really?” Eddie said, thrilled but unable to believe it. Steve was probably just being nice, that was all. 
“Well, before,” Steve amended, his cheeks turning a soft red as he took one step back, futzing with Eddie’s necklace so it sat perfectly in the center of his chest. “I really liked your band.” 
“I’m glad,” Eddie managed to stammer out, both hating and loving the way his entire brain was turning to mush the longer Steve had his hand on his chest. Steve had liked the band, he liked the music. 
That didn’t mean he liked Eddie, but there was no denying the thrill that was shooting up Eddie’s spine. 
“Seriously. Thank you,” Steve said, patting Eddie right above his heart once more before mercifully pulling away. “It was nice to just get to be a little… normal.” 
“Anytime, Sweetheart,” Eddie replied, biting his tongue before he could do something stupid like promise that Steve could be normal with him whenever he wanted. 
“By the way you guys are all invited to my place for a Christmas Eve Eve party! It’s on Friday,” Steve said, turning to address all six of them. “I was going to mention it on the ride home but well- Anyway, we’re doing a yankee swap, so bring a present. Oh, and invite Kaiden too.” 
“A what?” Frank asked. Eddie also wasn’t sure what ‘Yankee Swap’ meant, but he was never going to turn down an invite to a party. Especially a party at Steve’s. The Harrington house hadn’t been the subject of a rager in quite a while, but if this was going to be anything like those parties, then it was not one to be missed. 
Plus it meant more time with Steve. 
“Dude!” Jonathan shouted from his car. 
“Coming!” Steve called back. He gave Eddie a quick flash of a smile before starting to run towards the car, waving a hand behind him as he did. 
“It starts at seven. See you then, Babydoll!” 
And then he was gone, disappearing into the car and driving away before any of them could give him a proper answer. 
Tag List: @paopaupaus @zerokrox-blog @surferboyzaza @whatever-is-a-good-name @minjintea @addelyin @5ammi90 @hagbaby420 @shinekocreator @bornonthesavage @starxlark @electrick-marionnett @resident-gay-bitch @ash-a-confused-enby @classicdinosaurdeathpose @valon-whomsttf @rotten-lil-goblin @thereindeerlady @love-ya-kash @kerlypride @sparkle-fiend @thefreakandthehair @flowercrowngods @milf-harrington @sadcanadianwinter @gothbat99 @hotcocoaharrington @henderdads @lightwoodbanethings @colorful565 @h0n3y-dw @craterbbox @sourw0lfs @lesliiieeeee @bidisastersworld @tinynebula @ravnlinn @bonescaro @mexmatch @cottagecoredreams @joruni @hellykelly @maegan1116 @farewell-wanderlvst @desertfern @due-to-the-fact-that-im-a-slut @anythingforourmoonyedits @eerielake @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @sidekick-hero
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joanofexys · 3 months
Please I must know more about Angel…
I’m gonna do a mix of fun facts and extra Angel backstory/PSU stuff so hopefully there’ll be something good in there
Some fun facts abt Angel:
Cuts the sleeves off most of his shirts
Crop. Tops.
Basically I wanted more men to dress like whores
Except he lowkey does it in a dad, rock band in someone’s garage, hot mechanic kind of way if that vibe makes sense in any capacity
His nose is crooked
Has a lot of scarring across his body, most of it has keloided (idk if that’s a word but I have keloid scars so leave me alone rip). He’s also got a few on his face
Because they’re raised and pretty prominent they tend to weird most people out and even though most of them are from when he was 10 or younger (courtesy of his father) they haven’t really faded. Some of them hurt some of them don’t
He doesn’t really like them or think they’re cool, he’s learned to feel neutral about it. However, Phoebe loves his scars
He’s built like a fucking brick wall. Just absolutely massive
gonna put it under the cut cause partial nudity ig but this is an idea of his body build:
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also real quick the closest I’ve gotten for a good face claim for him is Isaiah Baumgardner
His hands are really cut up/scarred (I’ll explain this in a sec)
Cat and dog person. He will argue very passionately for it too and how unfair he thinks it is whenever people try and demonize cats or dogs
Queen would probably be the top artist in his Spotify wrapped
Hoards different editions of classics
Okay yeah moving on from the random bullets to me writing another essay about him
I did NOT get into this in his initial post but yeah his dad is a serial killer. For years his mom is labeled as missing (went missing when he was 4 years old) and then at 10 years old he’s removed from his dad’s home and moved into foster care. It wasn’t until 14 that his mother was confirmed dead upon his father’s arrest and confession.
When he was 14 years old the police randomly showed up at the door of his foster family at the time and took him down to the station. He was questioned for 7 hours, wrapping up at 3 in the morning, while the police tried to figure out if he had any knowledge or involvement in his father’s murders. All it resulted in was a crying Angel begging for his mommy to come home. With how young he was and the fact that he had been out of the home for 4 years (and his father continued killing during those 4 years) they declared there was no way he was aware. He was offered a chance to testify against his father. He refused to show.
When they dropped him off at his foster home he very nearly got the cops called again. He destroyed his room. Every personal belonging he had bought or been given by former families. He moved to a different home within the week. He breaks a lot of glass. And insists on cleaning it up himself. He cuts up his hands bad doing so. They have to take him to the ER.
Because he was a minor and had basically no ties to his father he was largely kept out of the media. When his father’s arrest and plea of guilty made the news it was mentioned that he had a single son but there was never a name. Obviously with Di Fiore anyone who looks him up is likely to get his dad in the search results instead. But he does his best to keep it hidden. It’s pretty easy for Wymack (and Andrew rip) to dig it up but Angel keeps it buried until he ends up at Palmetto. Once Andrew drops that he knows then Angel gives up on trying to keep any secrets from the foxes pretty much
He spends most of his time with the monsters. Phoebe’s favorites of them end up being Andrew (much to Aaron’s dismay since Aaron babysits more) and Kevin. However, like how cats can tell when people don’t like them, she is prone to asking for Neil and refusing to let anyone else hold her. Neil has no fucking clue what to do with her
When he goes to Eden’s with them if he can’t leave Phoebe with Harper then his go to babysitters are Dan & Matt and Wymack
He spends more time crashing at Wymack or Abby’s places than in the dorms
Resisting the urge to dump about my oc x canon ships but he and Allison are fwbs. He and Kevin are something (he’s basically a weighted blanket as a person which is something I think Kevin needs)
Uhhhhh fuck what else is going on with him. Idk he keeps to himself. He and Harper go on double dates with Katelyn and Aaron despite being broken up. He’s both very obviously a fucked up teenager and a good dad at the same time. He’s prone to cheating at board games. He doesn’t yell at people. His hearing’s a little fucked but he’ll probably never get it checked out. He’s very physically affectionate when he’s given permission (but he’ll always ask first. it’s good for setting healthy boundaries but it’s especially for Phoebe and to make sure she knows her boundaries will always be respected at home even from a young age). He likes RPGs (he’d be a huge fan of BG3) and is a fantasy nerd. Yeah that’s just a bit more about him
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vanderwoodlings · 2 years
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calling out your name in my sleep: a dan/nate playlist (x)
Text version of the tracklist (with commentary) under the cut
1. “Somebody Told Me,” The Killers. Lemme just fix that love triangle for you, okay?
1. “Somebody Told Me,” The Killers. Lemme just fix that love triangle for you, okay?
2. “Just What I Needed,” The Cars. I don't mind you hangin' out/And talkin' in your sleep.
3. “Build Me up Buttercup,” The Foundations. I need you (I need you)/More than anyone, darling/You know that I have from the start/So build me up (Build me up)/Buttercup, don't break my heart. Look it’s fun and it’s dumb and they’re into each other and bad at talking. What more do you need?
4. “You’re My Best Friend,” Queen. Oh, you're the first one/When things turn out bad/You know I'll never be lonely/You're my only one/And I love the things/I really love the things that you do
5. “Nothing Like You and I,” The Perishers. This is the title track to the one (1) date playlist on 8tracks and it’s. So right. I love my boys
6. “Boy Like Me,” New Medicine. Okay yes it’s the Dan of it all, but Nate would be there too? These guys pine so hard because they don’t think the other person could care about them
7. “GUY.exe,” Superfruit—the opposite side of that jealous-gay vibe
8. “I Would,” Lower Than Atlantis. I'm in too deep/Sit alone and think/Of all the stupid things that/I would do to be near you for a minute
9. “Make Out,” Julia Nunes. But I won't let go of you/‘til you push me away/The second you leave/I miss you/I could see you tomorrow/But I don't wanna wait, so
10. “Talk Too Much,” COIN. Honey, come put your lips on mine/And shut me up/We could blame it all on human nature/Stay cool, it's just a kiss
11. “Stray Italian Greyhound,” Vienna Teng. Please not now/I just settled into the glass half empty/Made myself at home/And so why now. I have a lot of thoughts about like… this being a relationship that happens when both of them are pretty fucked, and the fact that there’s this guy, and he makes me happy being, at the least, new
12. “Dog Days Are Over,” Florence + The Machine.
13. “Lucky People,” Waterparks. Let's keep each other safe from the world/I'll be your optimistic black hole/Full of love I can't control
14. “I Wouldn’t Mind,” He Is We. Forever is a long time/But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side/Tell me everyday I'd get to wake up to that smile
15. “Loser,” Julian Moon. Friday night with Chinese food/Wanna take it back/To my place/And play Super Mario Kart again? They are. Best friends
16. “Wouldn’t It Be Nice,” The Beach Boys. It would be nice <3
17. “Friday I’m in Love,” The Cure. To see your shoes and your spirits rise/Throwing out your frown and just smiling at the sound
18. “Parentheses,” The Blow. If something in the deli aisle makes you cry/Of course I'll put my arm around you/And I'll walk you outside/Through the sliding doors/Why would I mind?
19. “Falling In,” Lifehouse. Now don't be scared, it's only love/That we're falling in
20. “What You Do to My Soul,” Air Traffic Controller. We could just lie here on the floor/Take all them pillows and we'll build ourselves a fort/And play until we fall asleep/Inside these walls/Feels like I have got it all
21. “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles),” The Proclaimers. You know.
22. “Sidekick,” WALK THE MOON. Something in the air is giving me bad ideas/Something in the air is giving me dangerous thoughts like:/Why don’t you stay at mine tonight?
23. “Text Me In The Morning,” Neon Trees. So text me in the morning/Tell me you still love me/I don't believe a single word/You tell me you're tipsy/I tell you you're pretty
24. “Hot,” Avril Lavigne. I wanna put your hand in my pocket/Because you're allowed. Tfw you’re stupidly into your bf
25. “Chasing Cars,” Snow Patrol. I don't quite know/How to say/How I feel/Those three words/Are said too much/They're not enough
26. “Keep on Tryin’,” Poco. Oh yes, I keep on tryin'/I'm tired of cryin'/I got to find a way to get on home to you
27. “Be Okay,” Oh Honey. The vibes… they’re good…
28. “You Always Make Me Smile,” Kyle Andrews. I like your messy hair/I like the clothes you wear/I like the way you sing/And when you dance with me
29. “Restless Dream,” Jack’s Mannequin. We are technically talking about a non-canon ship here but it’s fINE
30. “The Bro Duet,” George Salazar, Jason Gotay. Legit the first thing put on this playlist
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Sneak Peek! Silver Summer
Max Verstappen x Reader
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You weren’t entirely sure how you’d gotten roped into picking up the new counselor from the airport instead of being able to head straight to camp but here you were, pulling up the arrivals area and scanning the crowd of people milling around for a face you didn’t even know. 
Leave it to Dan to dump something like this in your lap. 
But your anger with the senior counselor was mitigated by the fact that he’d been cool with you missing “warm up week” where the staff showed up the Monday before camp officially started to get back in the swing of things. So, you really only had so much wiggle room in which to hold a grudge. 
If anything, the fact that Dan had managed to give you absolutely no way of knowing who exactly you were supposed to be picking up that really put weight behind your annoyance. And while that may have been because he himself had no idea, that didn’t make the task any easier. 
Slowly inching forward, you search up and down the stretch of curb for any guy who seems like he might fit the vibe or was alone at the very least. Your eyes finally catch on someone and once you backtrack to their section of sidewalk, there’s no helping the way one of your eyebrows arches up involuntarily. 
He stands out in the crowd but not for any reason you can put your finger on. He’s not particularly tall, 5’10 or 5’11 at best guess, but he’s got enough height to him. His shoulders are wide, giving his entire body a broad, solid appearance and there’s a distinctive cap on his head, leaving only small glimpses of his short brown hair to be visible. 
Hoping that this stranger in the sea of them was the one you were looking for and crossing your fingers that you weren’t about to scare some poor lone traveler, you pull the car up and stop in front of him, rolling the window down as you do so.
“Excuse me?” the man looks up and you get your first full look at him. You weren’t entirely sure what his face revealed, and while he was undeniably attractive, he exactly wasn’t your normal cup of tea either. Not that it mattered since you’d sworn to yourself that this summer would be about enjoying camp and being back with your friends in the place you loved so much, and of course, the importance of making sure the campers had the same experience.
“This is going to sound weird but are you the new counselor? Daniel didn’t tell me anything about who I was supposed to be picking up.”
“Um, what?” he looks completely lost at your words, like he’d been too distracted by the melee of passengers and cars around him to have been paying any attention. 
“Are you-” you get distracted by the sudden ding of your phone and look down, a relieved smile breaking across your face as you read the new message that Charles had just sent which included the unknown new hire’s name. It wasn’t much to go off of because heaven forbid he put some thought into the situation and send a picture or something but at least it was something to work with. 
‘The new guy’s name is Max Verstappen. It’ll be tempting but don’t kill him. We don’t have time to find a new lifeguard.’
A second later another message popped up, and while not exactly what you’d had in mind to help you find this last minute addition to the staff, it cleared things up immediately.
“He’ll have on an awful fucking flat brim.’
‘It’s impossible to miss but you can try. I would.’
“You’re Max Verstappen? The-” you weren’t certain whether he’d know the name of any of the senior staff, so you just went with the safe option after mentioning Daniel hadn’t helped, “the camp sent me to collect you.”
“Collect me? Like I’m luggage?” Max doesn’t sound impressed in the slightest and a little flustered at that as he takes off his hat, rakes his fingers through his hair before smashing the cap back down. You’re tempted to tell him it looked better off but you hold your tongue. 
“Look everyone has baggage from something but that’s beside the point. You are the new lifeguard, right?”
“Yeah, that’s me.”
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mymadmedleyw · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
I was tagged by @dp-marvel94 (I am just saying this is my very first occassion to by tagged in a thing like that, so filling this made my day really, thank you!)
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
22 – wow, that sounds many…
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?  
206.997, and more than the half belongs under one idea – that’s creepy…
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?  
Oh, it’s many… once, I am into something, I have to write in that – surprisingly I am addicted to DP for nearly a year, and nothing else.
(But little bit of history, from the newest to the oldest: Danny Phantom, The Irregulars (that was really a short one), Guardians of Childhood/Rise of the Guardians (my very first finished multi-chaptered one was in that), Dark, Charmed (the old one, not the new series), Gravity Falls, Venom, Doctor Who, a crossover within Tangled: The Series and Milo Murphy’s Law, Death Note/Death Note: Another Note; and I had some ideas about a Rick and Morty and Gravity Falls crossover, and it seems I never uploaded here my concept about a not crossover Tangled: The Series idea, and either an independent one in Rick and Morty, hm… shame. Most of those are not finished. Okay, like 99% of it…)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Core (Danny Phantom), stand-alone, ~3k
What The Past Holds (Danny Phantom), wip, ~91k
Pitch’s Secret (Guardians of Childhood/Rise of the Guardians), finished, ~14k
We are not alone (Venom), really short one, ~1k
Phantom (Danny Phantom), stand-alone, ~2k
5. Which of your fic do you want more attention for?  
Definitely it’s WTPH. It’s my current work. The idea about it came in December, and since that, I am working on that constantly. At first, I had ideas for eight chapters, and nothing else. Now, it grew into this monstrosity: a side-line (Bonds Over Time), and a collection that contains the deleted scenes or ideas that appeared in my mind and could fit into the story (Bits Of The Past), and also an entirely finished concept for Vlad’s past (Certain Moment Of Time), that could be connected to it too.
I also put many headcanons in that, and ticks of characters, and parallels, and layers that I just love: like Vlad having a sister and some details about his family background, Dan having Vlad’s memories too, how the explosion in the Nasty Burger happened and how Dan turned out like that… some precious things, really, but I won’t elaborate much, in case of anyone wants to give a read to it. Overall, I tried to make the TUE-mess into a somewhat more reasonable logical mess – if I managed to do that at all. I don’t know I’m just like a mother with a new-born with it: look, it’s my child! I made it! I developed it! here, hold it! and love it too, as much as I do! (Sorry, I don’t know how that metaphor came…)
6. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Even if it’s a kudo, or a keysmash as a comment, I write back. I mean, if someone writes – literally anything – and spends time with it, I write them back too. (And my very bad habit, that sometimes, if the comment hits an interesting thought, I tend to explain the background behind that more, and accidentally spilling some things I shouldn’t yet... In many cases, it’s like a brainstorming, and then I use that idea. I mean as, for example many of @dp-marvel94’s comments on ff, made me to realise some things, and how then I fixed those forgotten parts made my story along with it much better – once, I will list them, and you’ll be surprised how long is that list, and how obvious things I forgot about entirely…)
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Okay, I don’t have many finished story – shame on me. So, I’ll count the shorts. I think it’s then Phantom. It rolls around the idea what if in Forever Phantom, Danny can’t change back to Phantom, and his parents blame Phantom for the disappearance of Danny, and they start chasing madly the ghosts, making them leave the human realm once and for all – which means, Danny has to go with them. It’s really a short fic, but I very like this idea, and it was my very first in this fandom. (I was watching DP that time, I mean, getting familiar with it, but this idea got stuck in my head as I watched that episode, so that was my introduction here. Also, I watched my very first DP episode that time, which means, less then a year ago, so, I am that newbie here…) I am not spilling the end of the story, but it doesn’t have a very happy end I could say.
8. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Uh, yes? I have a crossover within Tangled: The Series and Milo Murphy’s Law. It’s unfinished, but that time I thought Milo and Varian have the same vibe, including clumsiness. It was only a short idea that time, but it’s definitely worth once to continue or finish somehow. I have a crossover within Rick and Morty, and Gravity Falls. That is standing within my very big idea, but it’s halfway written on my original language and English and that’s like after how a certain trilogy end, but it has some mentioning of ideas I never finished, so yeah… it’s not even published anywhere. Maybe, once, I’ll decide what language I prefer for that, and translate the other part and then, hardly, but I’ll finish it some day... – or, never, it actually would be a very big bite if I try to imagine it.
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I don’t remember to that. I mean, my main story (WTPH) kind of not everyone’s preference, ’cause of Dan, so that’s already divides the readers and I haven’t got all in all many comments yet on my stories (kudos are appreciated too, I am shy too to leave comments on fics, so don’t worry, I get it), so I think I haven’t got any. But I'd be curious to experience if someone reads one of my stories and leaves behind a comment that then criticizing it. I mean, I’d be open to learn what part is not fitting, or just too much. (I am surprised that no one ever mentioned my ’weird’ sentences. I mean for me those make sense, but those make sense for a native English person too? I’m always worried about that…)
10. Do you write smut? if so what kind?
Uh, yeah, I did. Not very proud of it, though I don’t have a heart to orphan that work. I mean, it belongs to me too. Sometimes I wonder to delete some of my works, but then I realise, no, that’s me, I won’t pretend where I came from, and shove into the dustbin my mad thoughts... All in all, my stories now, for a while, are much more family-friendly – if, anything within DP could be really counted as ‘family-friendly’…
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, I was very proud of my story back then, called Metamorphosis (Death Note), and I had a crazy idea and tried to translate it. So now, the first chapter is out there both in English and both in my native language, but I got stuck at the second chapter. I couldn’t translate wisely and logically the title of it to give out the many meaning it has in English. And I once tried to translate California (Gravity Falls) to English, but that would be a hard work, so I left it behind – maybe once…
Over that I sometimes has a crazy idea to translate back and forth my stories, no, beyond that, I haven’t had a fic translated from anyone else. And I think I am the only masochist that it ever crosses my mind, I guess…
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, not really. I’d be curious to once do that – maybe, but I’m not sure...
(To tell the truth, I’d be worried about that. I’d be glad to do that once, but I am anxious if I could understand my co-writer, or not. I mean, do you have any idea that I have to give five reads to any longer comments to understand it? I understand those (and I really love getting those!), but I have to give many reads to make sure I understand those well, and then, making sure, I answer back right, and my sentences make sense. My fics have ’fancy’ words, and I love working in English, but sometimes it’s a curse it’s not my native one. So then, I’m constantly worried about interactions, if I receive well something, and if my sentences are understandable for others or not. So, in short, you can see my struggle here… same reason I don’t do Invisobang, but I am considering it...)
13. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I’m not very much a ship-type. But I count Danny and Sam, as a fix point. (Danny and Val was nice and I’d have been very glad to see them in more episodes, but let’s face it, that wouldn’t work, because both of them are too stubborn to choose their other life and if once, they would face with each other, knowing everything about the other, they’d remain allies or at most very good friends.) If, the question is, what are the ships in my head (but not necessarily just ‘romantic’) that I prefer to read, well, it’s Dan and Valerie. I love their dynamics, especially in Deliverance. I don’t know why I just love reading it. 
For other reasons I ship Dani and Valerie. Though I can’t write romance and stuff like that, but in one of my planned ideas they are dating - sort-of...
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Okay, there are many. Surely, it’s my Gravity Falls story, called California, but that’s a huge one, and the first one in a trilogy (plus some additional side-lines), and mainly in my head for years, so yeah… I think I won’t ever reasonably finish that as it should be finished. A Tale of Fords (Gravity Falls) could be count as one too. Oh, and Envision and ties (Doctor Who). Sad to say, but yeah, I am always saying, “maybe once”, but I am not sure when…
15. What are your writing strengths?
Okay, this is a funny thing, but I’ve realised I can’t deal with many characters at the same time. So, I think my strength are dialogues and interactions within two people. And I get into their thoughts, so I guess if I have to word it somehow: it’s character-studies then.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Can’t handle more than two people. No, seriously, somehow it always turns out, the third is unconscious, sleeping, leaves the room, and so on. I’ve just recognised it recently, and it was a hilarious recognition…
I am also bad at actions, like very very bad, I don’t even try that, because my brain just simple can’t come up with fight-scenes at all. I think I only can write character-studies, and nothing else.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Oh, man… does it count I am not a native English-user? So, technically I ‘always’ write dialogues in another language? But jokes aside, sometimes, I have ideas that the people use another language, and I am like “are you aware, you can’t even write English slang?”, so then, I gave up. Right now, though, I am planning to add ASL in one of my future ideas. I am wrecking my mind, how to do that nicely – but that’s only a forming plan, and dated for next year, currently, I am only collecting ideas for that.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?  
Does it count my very first fic was a fanfiction of one of my friend’s fanfiction in high school? She wrote a really good story – not shared anywhere, we were just giving each other the hand-written exercise book (oh, the old days…). If I remember well, it was a crossover within Supernatural and Queen of the Damned (the movie, not the book). I had no idea about Supernatural, but the story was good, but I was not satisfied with the end, and in secret I wrote another end for it, to myself. I’m not sure where is that anymore, but I clearly remember that was my very first written stuff, and that’s how my origin story began and how is I am here now.
(Oh, and once, I wrote a H2O fanfiction short story to my sister as a name-day present, in which she was a mermaid, discovering her powers during a holiday at a beach (we were at that time in Croatia in a family holiday, so the timing was fitting), and that was one of my very first fandoms to write in it too… God, I have no idea why I wrote it down, it just crossed my mind, and I remember I thought it was cute, I think she was eleven or twelve that time, so I am not sure she appreciated as much as I found it fun to write that…)
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?  
This is mean… anyway, currently it’s WTPH, for obvious reasons. But I am very proud how the Angst Week turned out (my work for that is called Certain Moment of Time). First of all, I doubted I would be able to write for every day, since I planned to do the whole DannyMay, but things turned out differently and I am still sad, I haven’t done many. But I did not just managed to write for all days, but all could be counted under one idea, and also each of the chapters could be read independently at the same time. It includes a little bit of background story about Vlad, about a rewritten time, his struggles at the hospital, things around Danny’s birth, how Danny managed to survive the Portal incident, how Vlad was informed about the Ghost Boy, and that actually Danny’s separation was just a ‘plan B’ that Vlad tried to avoid… it’s complicated to describe the many things in that, but when I feel WTPH an unescapable mess, and I am frustrated by the lack of proper words to finish the coming chapters, CMOT is my absolute favourite. And I love the whole idea about it. No, I’ll be honest, that’s my beloved so far (just because it’s finished). But I like so much too my idea about Dan and Dani in Bonds Over Time, how they try to live together a normal life… okay, let’s admit it, this question is mean, I seriously can’t tell, and I am thinking right now only my current ones…
20. What fic are you most proud of?  
Okay, this is mean too. I am proud of my old works as much that I always go back to them when I am in a nostalgic mode. (I haven’t read any of my old ones in ages, because I try to avoid distractions, and knowing myself, I’d start thinking about the continuation and never finishing my current works at all...)
I am proud of Pitch’s Secret, because that was my very first multi-chaptered one idea that I actually managed to finish. That in fact, gave me the courage to start working on a multi-chaptered DP one. (My original plan was to be brave and aim doing eight chapters, to top the five, and I would have been very proud of myself, but instead now it’s way longer than that original idea, and I seriously don’t know when it will end – twenty chapters maybe?)
I think, if I don’t include the previous question. (It’s the same, isn’t it?) I am very proud of the first chapter in my Doctor Who fic. That doesn’t tell anything about the plot or about anything, that just gives a very good atmospheric background. Every time I read that, it gives me shivers.
okay, I don’t know who to tag, anyone who feels like it, serve yourself, I am curious... :)
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
i was reading an interview with nicole fiscella (isabel coates’s actress) and i kind of got the vibe that isabel and kati were supposed to have more important/expansive roles when they were cast? apparently it was a pretty long audition process, and the two actresses were even screen tested against each other first before they were hired. not to mention, kati and isabel were *important* supporting characters in the books! they didn’t cast the other “minions” until 1x12, and iirc the (1/2)
word “minions” isn’t even uttered until mid to late season 1. it just feels like originally, kati and isabel were supposed to be more the gossip girl equivalent of like, gretchen and karen from mean girls or heather duke and heather mcnamara from heathers. they had actual personalities in the books too (that wasn’t just “fashionable, cruel”), and weren’t just treated like interchangeable lackeys :/ (2/2)
Ohhhh, this reminds me of a piece I remember reading that was like an interview (?) with Nan Zhang (who plays Kati) about leaving the show, in which she said that she wasn't very happy with how superficially they were portraying her character, and that she felt that "she might only be playing the token Asian girl" - which I think is a valid concern. Here it is, if you want to read it!
I was looking for interviews with Nicole Fiscella as well, and I found this one, which I am guessing is the one you're referring to?
Anyway, I'm emotional now.... Kati and Is having actual personalities, character traits and motivations would've been so much fun :( and it would've been SO good to see!! I'm really annoyed that their characters were sidelined like that!
If they had bigger roles that would've automatically .... well, not solved, but been a step towards mitigating the overwhelming whiteness of the show as well, which is a bonus. It would've been easy for them to do that!! The characters were right there!! I am far more interested in their families and their familial expectations than I am in Blair's or Serena's!! What is it like being a rich young woman of colour on the UES?? Could we actually have HAD that perspective?
Also i just love love LOVE characters who have a double act kind of thing going. Two characters who are so dependent on each other and like being around each other and feel more comfortable around each other than they do alone.... I love it when it's romantic, but I love it when it's platonic too. If Kati and Is had either a blair & serena/dan & vanessa/jenny & eric kind of friendship where it's ride-or-die no matter how much you hurt me, that would've been fun to explore. Alternatively, K&I being the only two people with an actual healthy and functional friendship.... that would've been so refreshing and fun, too!
There was SO MUCH they could've done!!! Also if you remember that bit in 1x03, they're both talking to the reps of some Ivy, i don't remember which, but they're saying super fancy science / engineering (?) stuff. Like. Kati and Is were canonically super intelligent!! Kati and Is were canonically STEM girls. The power and badassery of women in science....maybe I'm just really basic, but I love to see it, okay. It could've been the BEST thing.
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chaoticdisater · 4 years
I am eighteen and watching Phineas and ferb the movie: Candace against the universe, so here are my thoughts on it
- we stan a song, Ahhhh, i love this already
- a PLATYPUS robot, yes, 
- “see how i used “vacuum” as both a transitive verb and an abstract concept” “ah I see what you did there you used “vacuum” as a noun and a weapon” 
- Vanessa being a chill friend is what i didn't realize i needed in my life, also how old are Candace and Vanessa, 
- Carl i missed you, i didn't realize that i missed you but i did and now your back,
- its been like five minuets and ferb has already said more lines then in the origanel show
- Baljeet my boy, your a little smarty pants, we love you my boy, 
- get your self some friends who would go to an alien planet to save your sibling with you, 
- is this the first time Docter doof and the boys have talked? 
- DOOF is a Virgo????
- “its branding leave me alone” when you get absolutely recked by a kid 
- i also would have gotten the smoothie before the aliens got me. 
- “hey i don’t come down to where you work and tell you how to sell cupcakes” 
- Perry's song!!!!!!
- i love the small update of them getting smart phones even though its still technically 2007 for them 
- this is still really funny and like i didn't think it would be as funny as i remembered it being when i was a kid but its still super funny
- i love these dancing aliens, they are like there own vibe 
- i think Candace has been offered as a human sacrifice before so, its completely far for her to assume that she would be one 
- so really all this movie so fair is about how Candace is being ignored in place of her super smart brothers who get away with everything are extremely lucky and her finally getting to be special, because I feel her
- its so meta the people had fun writing this and you can tell
then me and my friend had an hour long conversation about the umbrella academy and i paused the movie for it, oops
- candace getting an adult mentor who belives her?? who? what? 
- doof your never the grown up. you have litlary never been a grown up, your fighing with a 12 year old, (younger probly) 
- doof I’m 18 and i don’t know what you mean, could you explain 
-why cant he change a tire? hes a robotic dude
- the couple!!! oh you know what i mean 
- Thomas sanders!!! my boy your here, 
- a power balled yes, lets do this oh NO 
- as an older sibing i have felt the feeling of waning to just send my sibling away, and the fact that Phines reconnes that he didnt evem realise that she was upset. 
- candace my girl, thats never a good sigh, 
- “oh we dont need a reason we’re afraid of a lot of things.” yeah know some people like that you vibe alien, cower in that corner
- Buford was like ‘i will bring my canoe with me everywhere incase i need it” 
- phineas really had to motivated a group of cowardly people and for that i am sorry, 
- so this plant needs carbon dixocide, 
- yeah i was right carbon dixoced
- this alien is really acting like the US would shoot them down the moment they saw them in there air space, 
- so no one knows what happen to Vanessa right? like where is she? 
- oh there we are
- when your dad lets you keep the dragon 
- they couldn't help but throw them self in the film could they, oh well, i like it, hello Dan, hello swampy 
- this chicken replace anotr is coming in handy 
- alright doof just suggest actual murder, it was of a chicken but still. 
- the canoe, when phineas says it we trust him, he can do what ever he wants
- Perry and doof just chilling with Vanessa just petting her dragon in the back 
- bajeet being me @ who ever desired that i would never get a season two of Yuri on ice, 
- guys, when word got out that there was aliens, (witch we all have smart phones) the US would be nuked, 
- candace sweet heart the world is under attack right now, so, maybe we should have this desucion later
- the boys are so sweet, they ah, they just love there sister so much
- the mug holds all there memories of there sister, aw thats so cute, this is so cute, 
- when you save the universe by give out free tee shirts
- woman holding her brothers hostage not the best idea, 
- oh damn, its little shop up in this bitch
- doofs most useful invention was the chicken replace inator, 
- wait wait wait wait candace wont in be on the news or something? 
- dance break, its a bop 
- aw it was a pretty good film, i liked that, 
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maddiethebull · 4 years
Satan (Obey Me!) - Prompt #9 - “I could quote a thousand poems, but none can describe what I feel.”
I’m BACK Y’ALL After some InTrOSpeCtioN and HeaLiNG and LoTS of CRyINg ;)
Sorry for my absence. I hope you like it and thank you for making a request! Requested by @l3v1sblog
Here’s a song to listen to while reading if you’d like:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R0Ix90hFu8 
You were cleaning around the lounge of The House of Lamentation, it was your chore for the day to help dust and reorganize whatever silverware or centerpieces that may be out of place. You always thought it was such a bore, you never found anything cool to talk about with the brothers while you cleaned there, unlike the many times you’d found an interesting book to talk about with Satan whilst you cleaned the library. Or the times that you found household items with huge bites taken out of them and asking Beel if he did it and him so innocently denying it… You were about to put some silverware away when something caught your eye, though, it was a red, leather bound book. There wasn't any writing on the cover, piquing your interest, so you opened it and the first thing you saw was a poem titled Suns and Seraphim dedicated to…… WAIT THAT’S YOUR NAME???. It read, 
“Could seraphim descend to earthly ground, 
For chance to brush thine lips with hues of rose;
Discard their grace and heav’nly guise, cast down,
They would; just as the sun is always bound.
The moon will rise upon the sun’s repose 
With gifts to thee inside night skies of opal tone
Of diamonds who’s shine dare not oppose  
That which resides in precious eyes, thine own. 
Si j'avais été dans le royaume des cieux 
Pour vous donner ces soleils souriants 
Et regarder votre beauté, 
Mon cœur volage me tenterait d'arracher 
Mes ailes angéliques et descendre; 
Je quitterais ce paradis creux pour être en Eden 
Avec mon amant, Mon ange de la terre, vous.
(written by Madeline Melcher (me lol) I dont know french so I used a translator btw)
Your jaw dropped, who could have written this?? It popped up in your head that it was most likely either Lucifer or Satan, it definitely wasn’t Mammon, Levi, or Beel. The maybes were Belphie and Asmo, but the chances they wrote that were rather slim. 
Curiosity killed the cat and you couldn’t restrain your fingers from flipping through the many filled pages of the notebook. Another page had read, 
“I could quote a thousand poems, but none can describe what I feel when I’m with you. You are a glimpse of a Heaven lost to betrayal, a sun that, for so long, I’ve been missing. I promise, someday I’ll show you these and then I’ll take you on a picnic (maybe in the human world?).”
Involuntarily, a smile made its way to your lips and a blush to your cheeks until you heard a knock on your door, it was Lucifer,
“MC, Why aren't you cleaning?”
Your heart sped up, what if it was Lucifer who wrote this? You began stuttering, you liked him, sure, but not in the way these poems talk about. Oh god… what if you had to turn down the second most powerful demon ever? Oh lawd. 
“MC, we enjoy having you here but if you don’t finish your chores and put down whatever book you're reading-”
A HUGE sigh of relief escaped you, 
“So you don’t know this book?” You asked, still slightly on edge. 
He answered, “How could I know what you’re reading? There's not even a title on it.” He sighed and stepped closer, he eyed the book and,  “Is that Satan’s Journal? Oh dear, MC, I believe you’ve made a rather stupid mistake.”
Your eyes were open wide as you sat completely still and quiet staring at the book in your hands. Lucifer spoke up, seeing that you looked quite shocked and perhaps a bit scared, 
“If you would like, I can put it back where it was. Though I will be giving you extra chores because it seems that you also know what you did was an invasion of my annoying brother’s privacy.”
You thought a moment then spoke, 
“No, I don’t feel good about that… I think I should give it back to him. I don’t wanna lie to him.”
“If that’s what you would like to do then I am nobody to stop you, just be careful and if something happens then don’t refrain from calling me for help.”
“Thank you Lu-”
In a seemingly dejected and scoffing tone Lucifer said, “And do your chores.” 
With that he left you all alone to contemplate a plan to give Satan his journal back. Your mind was clouded with a million thoughts, the most prominent one being ‘he really thinks of me like that?’ A brush of pink crept onto your cheeks, thinking of him writing these poems. Thinking of him thinking of you. You wished so much that you could just revel in these thoughts, but the issue at hand was that, like Lucifer had said, you invaded Satan’s privacy. ‘What if he doesn’t feel that way anymore...’ Excitement and fear mixed inside your mind making you feel overwhelmed. How would you go about this?
‘Maybe I can just leave it in front of his door with a note on it. But, no, what if someone else picks it up?’ 
‘I could just burn it and forget about everything…….. No, MC, that’s NOT what’s gonna happen.’
You thought and thought and came to the realization that the easiest and most moral way to take care of the situation was just to knock on his door and hand it to him. You would tell him what you did and apologize and it would go very super incredibly smooth… yeah. You picked up the book ad headed towards Satan’s room with conviction, ‘you can do this MC!’ you thought. But when you got to his room, you froze like Mammon’s credit cards. 
You’d never felt more anxious in your life. You liked Satan a great deal, he was handsome and charming, he had a soft side that he showed you often, he was wonderful. Even though these poems were made out to you, you felt as if it couldn't possibly be real. And moreover, this was the Avatar of Wrath’s personal journal that you had gone through... You breathed heavily to calm your nerves and gave yourself a mini pep talk. Then, finally, you  meekly knocked on the door. Satan opened the door and saw you standing there, a smile crossed his face, 
His blonde locks messily hung around his bright green eyes with a beautiful happy go lucky look in them, 
“Hello, MC, find something interesting today? I certainly did and would very much like to give it to you.” A sweet chuckle ran off his words as he began to show you in but he froze and his expression changed drastically. 
With his eyes open wide he asked while pointing to the book, 
“What’s that?”
Stuttering and mumbling, fumbling your words you managed to get out a small “I’m sorry”
Silence. Silence that was louder than the rumble of a volcano.
He cleared his throat, 
“Did- did you read it?” his eyes fixated on the book you held, he looked incredibly worried. You weren't looking at him so you could only assume that his visage was pure rage, something you, a mere human, were terrified of.
You were cut off by a chuckle, although this time it wasn’t sweet, per say, more nervous. But through your ever amazing perception skills, you again thought he was angry with you and as he said, 
“MC, I-”
You blurted out, “I’m sorry!” and ran away. 
Your heart beat a million miles per hour as you hastily made your way to your room, locking the door and looking down to see that your dumbass TOOK THE BOOK. You were silent on the outside, but screaming like Hell on the inside. 
Just then, a voice wriggled it’s way through the wooden door, it was Asmo. 
“MC, do you think I could borrow your hair straightener? Mine broke and I can’t go anywhere looking like this!”
Shakily, you replied, “Sure, it’s just on my bathroom counter.”
He waltzed in all happy and pretty but the look on your face made him stop in his tracks,
“What’s wrong?” With those two words, you nearly burst into tears.
“Oh hun…” he said as he put a reassuring hand on your shoulder, letting you rest your head on his arm. “Why don’t we go to my room and talk about it? I’ll even give you a makeover, that’d be nice, yeah?”
You wiped the tears from your cheeks, “Yeah.”
You told him all about it as he did your makeup, making you feel slightly better, though, it wasn’t really the makeup, it was more seeing how much the brothers cared about you in times like this. He began to finish his own makeup as you sat down on the bed and your restless thoughts ran out of your mouth as if it were a marathon.
“And he got angry at me, I can’t stand seeing him angry, and and-”
“MC, honey, calm down,” he said as he finished doing his eye makeup, focusing on his reflection in the vanity mirror. 
“How can I? These poems, they’re beautiful but I just read his journal without asking and I feel so horrible about it. And I’m really scared of him when he gets angry… I just don’t know if I can face him right now.” You flopped from sitting up to splaying out on the pale pink bedspread.
“You said the exact same thing just five minutes ago! You won’t get anywhere from repeating that.”
“UGH but it's all I can think about right now… What if he hates me because of this…”
Asmo let out a light chuckle, “He doesn’t hate you sweetie, I don’t think he can.”
You frowned, “You don’t know that.”
After a moment’s pause, looking at how distraught you were with the current situation, Asmo spoke again,
“MC, let me tell you a secret, I’ve been watching this whole thing unravel, I could sense rom com vibes since the day you waltzed in! You should’ve heard the way he talked about you, it was constant ‘MC this and MC that’ ‘Oh I made MC laugh today,’ ‘MC let me borrow her pen’ ‘MC asked me to get coffee,’” Asmo said while doing a ridiculous impression of Satan, “But you can’t tell him I told you this or he’ll probably string me up by the ankles.”
You chuckled and when your smile faded, Asmo looked you in the eye and said in a sincere voice,
“He likes you girlie, I would even say he loves you. I’ve never seen him care about someone so much. When I said I don’t think he can hate you, I meant it. So go back there and tell him what you feel, this is the climax of your love story! And believe me when I say a good climax can fix anything!”
“Asmo ew.”
“Hehe, too much?”
You looked at the red book cover, “He really said that?”
Asmo rolled his eyes with a smile, 
“Yes! So what’re you waiting for?? I can feel the stress seeping out of you and it's not good for my skin.”
Meanwhile in his room Satan was pacing like a worried cat, mumbling to himself. ‘I knew MC didn’t feel that way…’ ‘How could I be so reckless? I left my journal in the dining room of all places!’ With a frustrated grunt, he brought his hands to his face, lowkey slapping himself in the face.  He sat down on his bed and tousled with his hair, as he did so, his focus was taken by a single blooming Mirage Flower on his desk. He winced and flopped onto his bed face down. The sigh he let out after that held an almost tangible emotion of frustration. He was frustrated with himself, but also with you. He didn’t plan on you finding out like this and it made him feel, well, kind of lame. He imagined telling you many times, none were as embarrassing as you reading his journal. He wanted to sweep you off of your feet like a prince in one of Levi’s animes, with the flowers mysteriously blooming and all of that. He turned to the side, restless and angry with himself and again was there the flower he had secretly picked from Diavolo’s garden, only to give to you. His lips turned to a frown and he sat up again, taking the flower from it’s vase and like a child, he plucked each petal saying “MC loves me.” “MC loves me not.” As the flower diminished to just the stem he finished with “MC loves me.” ‘Hmph, I look like I’m losing it, don’t I?’ he thought. Still, this powerful demon’s heart felt aflutter from something as silly as the words “MC loves me” as he plucked the final petal from the pistal. Those petals that would soon dry out and crumble to dust reflected in his aquamarine eyes like lilies floating in a pond. His brow furrowed and he decided it best to lay down looking the other way. 
You got off of Asmo’s bed, dropping the journal with the spine facing the ground, making it open to the last page that had only one sentence on it. Your heart beat sped up as you read the short entry and what you read was enough to make you happy for entire lifetimes. 
“I've loved you every day before today and I will love you every day after.”
You didn’t know why, but it was enough to bring the hint of tears to your eyes. He really thought of you like that? Did you think of him like that? As intensely in love as these poems and pages had shown?
Now holding the book in your hands, looking at the same red leather cover but seeing something different. You smiled, and said “Yeah. I think I do.”
Asmo turned around with a confused look on his face, “You do what?”
A blush rose to your cheeks much like a rose in bloom, 
“I love him.”
You left the room determined, set firmly on a path to Satan’s bedroom. 
All alone in his room, Asmo chuckled, 
“Have fun dearie.”
This was a long one, I wrote this over a long period of time and I changed it up a lot. I was feeling sad when I wrote a lot of this, so it’s a bit really sad and I decided to end it like this because it kind of felt right? Like instead of explaining the whole thing from beginning to end, it would be a better read and be a better experience for the readers to be able to imagine whatever ending they would like when confronting the character Satan. I’m open to writing an ending that includes MC finally confronting him, though, just say the word and I’ll finish the story in a different way :) Thanks for reading! <3
also as a BONUS:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9raS7-NisU this song is basically what Satan was thinking the entire time lmao 
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spiltscribbles · 3 years
8, 10, 15 <333
8) favorite genre to write?
Okay so this might be a plot twist because I think the only reason anyone reads my shit is because I’m just a whore for Romantic Comedies, but my absolute favorite is angst with specs of fluff and a happy ending<3<3 I just love seeing all the facets in a relationship, love seeing it in all it’s varieties of light, including the anger and frustrations, and this is probably why I’m so stuck on Wolfstar. Becs obviously they fit so good in any AU, but also if I’m writing within canon, I could focus on the fluff that’s most of their Hogwarts days and then immediately after their graduation, but then the angst and frustration that was the prank and then the final fleeting months of the first war! But also we all know in my head canon never happened and the Potters lived happily and I will not be hearing otherwise flaksdjglkasdfoiejlas;dkgjsdklhgeioawpjsdlkgh 
I think I might publish this one shot I have in my drafts rn that’s based off illicit affairs by Taylor swift, becs I’ve actually been  in such a mood for hate sex tbh— if any one has any recommendations plz hit a girl up!!!!
10) write in silence or with background noise? with people or alone?
I CAN NOT DO ANYTHING IN SILENCE!!! The idea of that makes me cringe! I’m literally listening to a youtube video about some crazy fucking drama rn in the art community— I have never done watched any of these bitches before a day in my life, but I need noise!!!! But when I write it has to be my vibes playlist lmfao, becs I know how to tune it out.
And I know based off of above, this is weird, BUT I CAN NOT WRITE WITH OTHERS!!! If it’s like a writing date we always end up getting derailed and chatting instead, and if it’s something like a sprint I feel to much pressure and like I’m competing with the buds and I just can’t do it dalkgjalskdfjoaeipsidgh My brain does not compute! If I’m putting words to my document, it is solo lmfao.
15) why did you start writing?
Oh this is such a befuddling question tbh, I think I began just because I’ve always had that itch. That need to put my words into black and white and play with stories??? Like my first experience writing was with my cousin who’s like a bestie to me and we were like legit eight writing stories and drawing pics for our own children’s book, and then we began writing shit that “wasn’t totally Twilight FIC” bahaha and then we eventually moved from our battered notebooks to our computers, and it was before google docs had a comments section, so when we’d leave little messages for one another, it would be like at the end of each others documents and it’d be us yelling the most random shit XD God I’m a mess. 
I guess Now I write because it actually helps me deal with the depression even if occasionally it be giving me undue anxiety alskdjglkasdgeoiafjpsdighslkh
Please Send Me A Writer’s Question💜
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blissedoutphil · 4 years
Dan The Personal Assistant Part 11
Dan has to submit an application video to be an assistant for a company President, Mr. Lester. But what happens when he accidentally sends a wrong video?
4759 words of Dom!Phil, sub!dan, buttplug, cock cage, blowjob, exhibitionism/in public, angst
~Part 10~
~Part 12~
or read on ao3!
Dan slowly stirred awake, his senses following suit as he felt warmth press up against his back, and scruff grazing his shoulder. He sighed softly as his mind connected the sensations to Phil placing lazy kisses on his shoulder, his stubble scratching against his smooth upper arm. He stretched a little, and Phil took the opportunity to kiss down the top of his shoulders to his neck.
“Good mornin’,” Phil said in a gruff voice, lips moving against Dan’s skin as he spoke.
Dan managed to croak out a response, blushing at how silly he thought he sounded compared to how absolutely sexy his boss’s morning voice was.
“We’re gonna have fun today,” his boss said decidedly, sending a tingle of excitement down Dan’s spine.
He turned around to face Phil, still somewhat surprised when he was met with those green-blue eyes mere inches away from him.
Phil took his time letting his gaze roam over his boy’s sleepy face. He’d known his boy was pretty since he first saw the video that started all this, but he felt like he’d never got to fully appreciate him until he started waking up next to him everyday. It was a good move to get a room with just one bed after all. He smiled a little thinking back to when he was worrying if Dan wouldn’t be comfortable with it. As it turned out Dan didn’t even question it, and it felt like second nature to sleep with each other. His smile faded a bit when he realised that once this trip ends, he’d be going back to sleeping alone in his empty house.
Dan returned Phil’s soft smile, feeling his cheeks warm a bit under Phil’s gaze. He wondered what Phil was thinking about, but he didn’t want to break the peaceful silence between them.
The longing gaze seemed to disappear and Phil cleared his throat and propped himself up on his elbow. “So. Before we head out to where you planned last night, I have things planned too. Choose one - A, B, or C?”
Dan squinted his eyes in suspicion, “What do those options even mean?”
“Obviously you have to choose first! Then I’ll reveal what they are,” Phil smirked.
“Hmm,” Dan contemplated as he stretched a bit more, “B?”
“Good choice,” Phil grinned mischievously.
“Doesn’t look like I made a good choice,” Dan laughed nervously, “so what is it?”
“Eager,” Phil stalled, “I’ll tell you what you didn’t choose first.”
Phil spoke lowly, climbing over Dan, “A was an anal plug. Would’ve been kept in you as we explore the city the entire day.”
Dan swallowed, not sure whether he was glad or upset he didn’t choose that.
“C was a pretty little cock cage, would’ve been a good choice for you to be honest. Just because we’re gonna be out doesn’t mean I’d keep my hands off you. Wouldn’t wanna show an erection outline in your pants to the whole city, would you?”
Dan whimpered a bit at Phil’s words, feeling himself get aroused at the thought of a bit of exhibitionism. Phil was smirking down at him, his hands on the bed either side of Dan’s head to hold himself steady above him. Dan didn’t even care anymore that Phil could see him obviously blushing at his words.
“Why don’t you guess what B stands for?” excitement was clear in Phil’s eyes.
Dan’s mind was still barely awake, and now that it was getting clouded with arousal, he couldn’t think properly at all.
“Uhm, butt plug?”
“How would that be any different from A,” Phil rolled his eyes fondly, “try again.”
Dan frowned a bit, what toy started with B that Phil could’ve brought along on this trip?
Phil was amused by how hard Dan seemed to be thinking of an answer. He carded his hand through Dan’s tangled curls. “Give up?”
Dan nodded, staring up at Phil in curiosity.
“B...” Phil nipped at Dan’s jaw, “is for...” he bit on Dan’s earlobe, drawing out time to reveal the answer.
Dan almost whined at the suspense.
“Both,” Phil whispered in Dan’s ear before moving back to catch Dan’s reaction.
Dan gulped and bit his lip. They haven’t played with toys in a while and he could feel himself already thrumming with excitement.
“You’ve had your days off, now it’s my turn. And I’m gonna have fun on my only day off. How’s that sound?” Phil asked, although he could see from his boy’s dilated eyes that he was definitely up for this game.
“Sounds really hot. Can’t wait, Sir,” Dan admitted.
They took a quick shower together, where Phil got his hands all over Dan in a personal challenge to get his boy as hard and horny as he could.
“How are you supposed to use your cage if you’re hard like that?” Phil then said disapprovingly.
“You could help to get me off first,” Dan suggested cheekily, to which he was rewarded with cold water sprayed at his crotch until his boner died down.
Once they dried off and got into their bathrobes, Phil took the cage out of a hidden pocket in his luggage. Dan stood quietly as he felt the cool plastic encase his cock, and watched as his boss locked him and pocketed the key. It was a first for him, and he didn’t know how he was supposed to last the whole day with it on. He was already horny from the shower, and he was sure Phil was only beginning his teasing. The denial was surely going to drive him crazy by the end of the day.
He then got on all fours on the bed as instructed. Phil took his time fingering him open, brushing against his prostate. Dan moaned, it had been a while since Phil fingered him, and he didn’t even realise that he’d missed the gentle teasing and prodding, the light squeezes on his ass, the reassuring hand on his lower back as more fingers were pressed into him, all a sure way to leave him a desperate mess, and Phil knew what a desperate mess he could be. He was definitely taking advantage of all the tricks he knew to get him there.
The plug slid in him easily, then Phil was patting his ass to get him to stand up. He sat on the bed and got Dan to kneel between his legs.
“Boy, look what you’ve done to me,” he said as he untied his bathrobe to reveal his own erection.
Dan couldn’t help but smile as he wrapped his lips around Phil’s dick. Phil leaned back and enjoyed his boy’s mouth on him. He toed at Dan’s thighs to spread them apart, before toeing at Dan’s cage.
Dan moaned desperately, feeling himself try to get hard to no avail. His cock twitched pathetically as Phil played with it. He tried his best to focus on the blowjob instead, deepthroating and sucking on Phil’s balls too, relishing in the way he made Phil falter in his teasing movements on his locked dick.
He was an expert in pleasuring his boss now, and it didn’t take long before he had cum down his throat. He licked Phil’s cock clean after he swallowed his load, as he waited for Phil to calm down from his orgasm.
“I forgot to mention,” Phil started when he’d regained composure.
He tugged gently at Dan’s hair to get Dan to look at him. His other hand sneaked into his bathrobe pocket, and before Dan knew what Phil was up to, he reflexively jolted up to his knees.
“Oh,” he grabbed onto Phil’s knee to steady himself.
Phil was giggling, taking a small remote out of his pocket. He pressed a button and the vibrations from his plug died as quick as they started.
“C’mon, get dressed. Can’t wait to go to wherever you were planning to last night,” Phil stood up, leaving Dan on the floor wondering how he was going to survive the day.
Thankfully for Dan, Phil didn’t immediately start playing when they left the hotel. They started their adventure walking around Times Square in a quest for some good breakfast bagels. Phil ordered his without cheese and Dan was offended by his lack of good taste, and the fact that he only knew now that Phil was a cheese hater.
“Stop judging my food choices or your ass is gonna get it,” Phil warned jokingly, but still Dan bit his lip, he’d already almost forgotten about his little predicament.
Despite the toys he was wearing, Dan found himself thoroughly enjoying the day with Phil so far. It was easy to forget that Phil actually was his boss when they made fun of advertisements on the big billboards together and joked about licking their palms after touching the grimy poles in the subway trains. His feelings and stupid butterflies in his tummy aside, Phil felt like a genuine friend he could have fun and be comfortable with no matter where they were.
“You should get a caricature done,” Phil suggested after they walked past what seemed to be the 10th artist along the streets.
So Dan found himself sitting in front of an artist. Which was a fun idea, especially because Phil looked so excited for Dan to do it, until he suddenly felt the toy in his ass come to life. His smile stiffened and he gripped the edge of his seat, having to hold back from glaring at Phil who was sniggering behind the artist.
The artist gave him a weird look, but didn’t question it. He finished his caricature quickly, which Phil paid for.
“Aww, look at that smile,” Phil cooed at the drawing, “a good memory immortalised, of you being horny in the middle of New York City.”
Dan blushed deep, looking at his awkward smile depicted on the art. “I hate you,” he pouted.
“Oh do you?” Phil smirked.
Dan gasped, his pout instantly wiped off his face as the vibrations turned up a notch. He tried not to stagger as he kept up with Phil’s pace. The vibrations disappeared slowly, but after that he was certainly kept on his toes, hyperaware of the plug almost grazing against his prostate with every step he walked as they explored the city.
And the day continued with Dan getting surprised by the vibe at the most random times when he least expected it - while standing in a crowded subway or waiting at a stoplight, while getting a slushie or figuring out their route from google maps.
But Phil never went too far, the vibrations were small enough that Dan would be able to control himself without drawing attention, but they were enough to bring colour to his cheeks and make him pause in his step. Phil found himself getting obsessed with the way Dan looked at him equally desperate and embarrassed and annoyed, and he didn’t tell Dan but the more Dan glared at him, the more he couldn’t resist turning the toy on.
“Oh god,” Dan gasped quietly and shut his eyes as the familiar sensation started again. It never got less frustrating even as he got used to it, since he was forced to remain soft in his cage while being stimulated.
They were standing on an escalator leaving the subway platform, and Dan subconsciously held onto Phil’s upper arm to steady himself. The sadist in Phil had been enjoying his control over his boy, but this was the first time that day he felt a twinge of softness for Dan. Dan could’ve disagreed with their little game, but here he was being at Phil’s mercy just because. Phil lowered the vibrations to a stop, watching as Dan quickly dropped his hand, blushing at the realisation that he had been squeezing Phil’s arm.
“C’mon, it’s already 3pm and we haven’t had lunch. Show me that cafe of yours that can’t possibly be better than the one we have back home.”
“Hm, I prefer how our coffee shop looks.”
Dan tried not to think about ‘our’ too much as they both stepped inside.
“Yeah I agree that the one back home is cosier. But the coffee’s good here. Trust me,” Dan answered.
“Better than Starbucks?” Phil’s voice was dead serious, but his raised eyebrow and smirk said otherwise.
Dan rolled his eyes, and Phil had to resist from turning on the plug while Dan ordered as payback.
They sat with their sandwiches and cups of caramel macchiato and began digging in.
“Okay I admit their macchiato is good. But I have too much of an attachment to my Sunday home to think anywhere else could be better,” Phil gave his honest review.
“Can’t argue with that. But I’ll still miss this place when we get back,” Dan considered.
“What about it will you miss?” Phil asked curiously.
“It’s just a different vibe,” Dan said dreamily, imagining that in another universe, they’d travel the world together and discover little coffee shops in each country that they’d call theirs.
He went for a sip of his drink but almost spilled it when his plug turned on again. He bit his lip and looked up at his boss with wide eyes.
“I think I get what you mean,” Phil said thoughtfully as he looked around, feigning innocence.
The butterflies floating around in Dan’s stomach melted as his arousal took over again. He shuddered, his arousal quickly mixing with frustration as he couldn’t even get hard.
A barista walked past their table and Dan stiffened.
Phil seemed to know how he was feeling. He always seemed to know these days. “Just say if you want to stop and we will,” he reassured.
Dan shook his head. He was finding the exhibitionism hot after he got over being jittery about the possibility of strangers picking up on what they’re doing. The fact that Phil loved it too just made him even more up for it.
“No, it’s just. It’s not fairrr,” he whined quietly, “I hate the cage.”
“Hey, you chose that option,” Phil sat back, enjoying the show that was his boy’s expressive face.
He changed the vibrations to a different pulse and Dan shifted in his seat to try to angle the toy away from his prostate. He could feel his cock straining against its confinement.
“And I’m just giving you something more to miss about this cafe. Bet you’ll miss getting horny in plain sight. Being denied and desperate but not able to do anything about it. Do you think the tables around us can hear you?” Phil spoke low, his raspy voice and his words making Dan’s cock twitch, as much as it could in the cage anyway.
He let out a strangled moan, and quickly coughed to cover it up. It only earned him a higher setting on the vibrations, and he gripped the edge of the table.
“Please, Sir,” he whispered.
“Please what?” Phil shrugged.
“Unlock this stupid cage,” Dan said exasperatedly.
“It stays on until our day’s over, remember? Besides, look at you, you love it. Why would I stop you from your fun? Maybe I shouldn’t unlock you until this whole trip is over,” Phil leaned forward, pushing his plate aside and clasping his hands on the table, “What if. I make you wear both the toys the entire flight home, huh? Let you join the mile high club?”
Dan let out a shaky breath. The thought of that turned him on even more, and he was struggling not to moan out loud.
“Tell me boy, are you leaking right now?”
Dan could feel that he’d been leaking for a while now. He nodded, feeling his cheeks turn crimson as Phil tutted.
“Tsk tsk, dirty boy. You gonna continue exploring the city with soiled underwear after this? I guess that’s another memory for you huh, walking around New York with your cum in your pants,” Phil smirked.
Phil turned the vibrations to a maximum, wanting to help Dan reach his orgasm, even though it would be a ruined one in his cage. Instantly, Dan let out tiny quiet whimpers and scrunched his eyes shut, head down as he focused on keeping still and not drawing attention to himself.
He could feel himself reaching the brink of orgasm, but never actually able to get it since his cock was barely hard. It felt confusing, but the continuous pulse against his prostate was overwhelming his sensations.
“Maybe we should do this in our coffee shop back home, too. It’d make for nice Sunday afternoon entertainment,” Phil commented nonchalantly.
“I’d- I’d love to do anything for you, Sir,” Dan managed to say before gritting his teeth.
Phil wasn’t sure why he was surprised to hear that from Dan, since he’d sort of known that Dan would do anything for him. The boy’s in New York submitting to his atypical boss in the middle of a cafe, for fuck’s sake. He swallowed, not going to let the comment break his character.
“Oh how I’d love to see that cock of yours right now. It must be so pathetic, unable to grow and leaking so desperately from its cage, huh?”
Dan nodded in exasperation, his chest visibly rising and falling as he breathed harshly. He bit his lip hard to stop from moaning too loud.
“Look at me,” Phil ordered, wanting to see the desperation in his boy’s eyes.
Dan’s eyebrows were furrowed as he looked up at his boss, showing Phil exactly what he’d expected to see. Dan’s wide brown eyes met Phil’s and silently conveyed his urgent need for relief.
Just as he was about to beg his boss to stop or unlock him or fuck him in the restroom or just something, anything, they were both jolted out of their little bubble.
“Well, fancy seeing you here!”
Dan felt like his heart jumped out of his chest at the intrusion. Meanwhile, Phil’s just sank to the pits of his stomach as he heard the all too familiar voice.
“Jeezus,” Phil muttered in shock as the man clapped his back, “god you scared me, Frank.”
Dan’s eyes darted up to the man. He’d never actually seen Frank before, and he certainly had almost forgotten about the whole talk Frank had had with Phil. It all felt like a lifetime ago, especially with how different things are with him and Phil now than it was back then.
He was sweating, from their scene but now also from nerves as Frank stood over their table, side-eyeing him. Exhibitionism felt like a good idea until someone who knows them shows up.
Thankfully, Phil had slowed the vibe to a stop, and he let out a muted sigh of relief. He was still a wreck of nerves as he wondered if Frank could tell what they were just doing, if it was obvious from his flushed cheeks and erratic breathing. He looked to Phil for his next move, to save them and get Frank to leave as soon as possible.
“You missed the staff bonding breakfast this morning,” Frank stated matter-of-fact, chewing on his gum.
“I already spent everyday this whole week with you all, just wanted a short break before work again,” Phil retorted truthfully enough.
Dan tried his best to shrink back into his seat, not caring that the plug dug further up his ass as he did so. He wished he could turn invisible in that moment.
Frank looked unsatisfied by Phil’s response, so he turned to Dan, who didn’t know where to look. His eyes darted from their intruder to his half eaten sandwich to Phil, but eventually settled back on Frank since he could feel Frank’s stare bore through him. He gave a small, stiff smile.
“I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Frank, Phil’s buddy at work. And you are...?” Frank extended his hand.
“Um-” Dan quickly wiped his clammy hand on his jeans before accepting Frank’s hand, “I’m Dan.”
Stupid handshakes, Dan thought as he awkwardly let his arm be moved by Frank. He didn’t really appreciate how hard Frank squeezed his hand.
“I feel like I’ve seen you before,” Frank said, his tone suggesting that he knows exactly where he’d seen Dan.
Dan didn’t know what to say, but luckily Phil spoke up before he could make a blunder.
“You here to get lunch?”
“Lunch? It’s like, 5pm now. Nah, I was just exploring areas near our hotel. I don’t have a personal tour guide like you,” Frank chuckled.
“Still, you should try the smoked salmon sandwich before they run out, it’s like their best seller or something. And we’d better get going,” Phil pointed Frank in the direction of the counter.
Frank looked like he was about to say something, but decided against it. For a terrifying second, Dan thought that Frank was going to suggest joining them for the rest of the day. Instead, Frank only chuckled at Phil’s remark, but Dan thought it sounded almost like a scoff.
“It’s alright. Anyway, have fun you two. See you tomorrow,” he glanced between both men, intentionally not directing his statement to just one of them. He lingered at the table for a while before leaving.
Dan let out a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding in. He looked at Phil, who was visibly tense now. Dan wanted to say something, but he didn’t even know what. He was still worrying if Frank knew what they were up to mere moments before he spoke to them. Had he noticed them here long before he said hi? Was he watching from afar how Dan got all horny and desperate, did he hear Dan’s little whines?
Phil quickly finished up his coffee, his brows knitted together in a frown. His phone pinged and he looked at it, frown lines deepening as he saw a text notification from Frank.
“Is there a restroom here?” he asked, looking around.
Dan pointed in the direction of the restroom. It’d been a while since he last felt proper intimidated by his boss, but then again it’s been a while since he saw his boss this upset. He’d begun to associate bad mood Phil with Frank encounters. In that moment, he suspected that things between them could possibly go back to square one unless he did something about it.
“Here,” Phil said despondently, holding his fist out.
Dan opened his palm in confusion, and Phil dropped a key from his grip.
“You can just. Take care of yourself. Remove the toys and all that. I’ll wait for you here.”
Phil wouldn’t even look Dan in the eyes, and Dan was crushed by the 180º shift in Phil’s mood. They were both having fun before this, and he wanted nothing more than to forget that interruption by going back to the fun and complete their itinerary for the day, including their little game.
“No,” Dan found himself replying, “I’d like to continue.”
Phil looked incredulous at Dan’s response, it was rare of his boy to go against his orders.
“But I don’t.”
“Because of Frank?” Dan needed to make sense of it, he had let go of the very first muddle regarding Frank but now it’s all coming back again and worse because of all the progress they’ve made being dashed just like this.
Phil didn’t know how to respond. He just suddenly felt disgusted at himself for using and playing with Dan in public like this. He knew they were both having fun, and Dan was here telling him he wanted to continue so there was no reason to feel that way, but Phil just couldn’t continue. He knew he shouldn’t let Frank bother him at all, and they were making such good progress that he sometimes forgot that Dan wasn’t something more than his personal escort. But maybe forgetting that is a problem, and he might not have wanted the reminder in the form of Frank interrupting them, but maybe he’d needed it.
So he just sat back and sighed.
Dan took that as a yes to his question. He placed the key on the table and slid it back to Phil, adamant on continuing their day according to plan.
Phil had to ignore how his heart fluttered at the fact that Dan was insisting to continue their play, showing how much he truly wanted it and wasn’t doing it just because Phil made him and it was his job.
“Fine,” Phil said, looking at the key, “then let’s head back to the hotel.”
“Wha-” Dan was honestly getting upset at this point, “we haven’t even gone to the empire state building yet!”
“We can go there, only if you go to the restroom now and take everything off first. Or you can keep them on, and we’ll go back to the hotel.”
It was Dan’s turn to frown, and he folded his arms as he leaned back in his seat as well. He looked at the key. He’d be damned if he was going to let this moment ruin all the progress they’ve made and go back to all the boundaries and lines drawn between them because of a coworker or whatever Phil was so scared of.
“Fine,” he mimicked Phil, “let’s go back to the hotel.”
Phil was surprised by Dan’s decision, but he tried not to show it. This boy had the opportunity to explore a city he’d never been to like a normal tourist without Phil’s silly sexual games interfering and yet he’s choosing not to? Hell, he had the opportunity for relief after being denied the entire day, and yet he’s choosing not to have it?
“If that’s what you want,” he said, slowly pocketing the key.
Dan knew their day wouldn’t be fun anymore with a moody Phil in tow; there was no point in trying to explore the city further like nothing happened. So he nodded surely and got up, ready to leave this cafe that he won’t miss anymore.
They walked the short distance back to their hotel in silence, only broken by the sound of leaves crunching under their footsteps. Central Park was dipped in beautiful gold and red, the sunset glow further illuminating the autumn leaves. The two men walked through the trees and the leaves falling around them, heads down and too occupied with their own thoughts to fully appreciate the beauty around them.
Phil felt as angry as the bright sunset rays warming his skin and the fiery red leaves he was stepping on. At Frank for interrupting their otherwise good day whether intentionally or not, at himself for still letting trifling things affect him, even at Dan for still foolishly being by his side despite his fickleness and hesitance on their relationship.
The tension followed them all the way to their room. Phil made sure that Dan saw him place the key for the toy on the bedside table, then wordlessly entered the shower.
Dan plopped onto the bed, wincing a bit as the plug in him shifted uncomfortably. He smushed his face into his pillow and groaned into it. He didn’t understand how Frank could influence Phil’s mood so drastically. He knew they needed to talk things out, and potentially disrupt their current arrangement and take the next step. Whatever ‘next step’ means, be it being something more or ending it all. But he had no idea how, and Phil seemed like he won’t speak up first either.
Dan listened to the steady shower stream, thinking about how just this morning, they shared the shower together. He glanced over at his chastity key. He still had no intention to unlock himself, though. It had turned from a display of submission to a statement of defiance for him. He wasn’t going to let Phil have his way right now.
Dan was too busy thinking about what to do after Phil’s done showering that he didn’t hear the first knock on the door.
He shot up from the bed when he heard it the second time. Cautiously, he approached the door and peeked through the peephole.
His breath got knocked out of his lungs. On the other side of the door was the cause of his current problems. Dan stood still, not knowing whether he should answer it or ignore. How did Frank even know that they were back already?
Frank knocked once more so Dan reluctantly opened the door a tiny fraction.
“Where’s Phil?” Frank asked once the door opened, unfazed that his boss’s wide-eyed boy was the one who answered.
ooo the cliffhanger! the suspense! can’t wait to find out what happens when I finally update in like 2 months lmao!
no but srsly I also have no clue what's gonna happen next omg lol how did this fic that was originally intended for purely office smut turn into *gestures vaguely* this
~Part 10~
~Part 12~
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swishy-imagines · 4 years
Hey, so... y’all should rate my Piers playlist. And also inbox me songs you think I should listen to and add.
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO3ZtIVn5amEOa5oLXP8OBnC8XlyUIBNB Currently it’s comprised of both songs I feel fit him as a character and also just ‘hey maybe he’d sing this idk’. I’m also head over heels for kbnz (no one is surprised) so there’s a lot of that in there. More info for each track under the cut:
1. it’s legit just his theme
2. It’s a really badass cover of his theme. 
3. ALPHADog and OMEGAlomaniac: My friend Veronica really likes this song, and she could read a lot more into it than I could, but I think the lyrics are pretty piers-y. “Standing ovations or booze” sounds like a pun he’d come up with, and the whole thing is about the darker side of showbiz. Also, it totally works as a battle theme. 2:27 is when the opponent starts to dynamax. Come on
4: Just For Myself: Admittedly, this one is on here because it sounds cool. I haven’t read the lyrics yet. stan a3 tho
5: I thiiink this one is called ‘the living ghost is alive’ or smth. I don’t actually know anything about it, I just thought it would be a cool ‘vs Allister’ song. Or ‘duo battles with Allister’. Whichever. I think it was recommended by someone on a pokemon discord but I forget
6. Beat It (FOB bc ofc): Really good cover of the song, and the song itself kind of has Spikemuthy vibes if you think about it? I’m just in love with the guitar really. (I promise these track annotations get deeper)(eventually)
7. Bad To The Bone: I can’t imagine him actually singing this at a concert, but he totally sings it alone in his bathroom when he’s doing his hair.
8: Pour Some Sugar On me: “hey you know what you should do for your finale next time you’re up against Opal” “raihan I am going to wring your neck if you say one more word” . okay but here’s the actual concept: he uses this one in a battle against Raihan and changes the pronouns to get under his skin. Hey since when did Piers make so much eye contact when battling. He didn’t use sunny day why is it suddenly so hot in here
9. Michael: This is on the list because of Clarence. I will admit it. However, I will also ask you to consider it in a situation similar to the one above. Maybe when they get that no-dynamax rematch or something
10. Walk This Way: On the list because it’s a badass song
11. I Hate Myself For Loving You: On the list because it’s a badass song but also because of Raihan
12. I Love Rock ‘N Roll: On the list because it’s a badass song and also because he does
13. You Give Love A Bad Name: Specifically on the list because my trainer character uses an Intelleon, and I realized that. well. shot through the heart indeed.
14 and 15. We Built This City (Twice, For Emphasis): If I had to pick one song from this list to be his Official Character Song, I would pick this one. The ones past this have more meaning to me personally, but this one is the closest while also invoking the least conjecture on my part. This is canon Piers. He built this city on rock and roll, damnit
(also the NSP cover is the superior version sorry but Dan’s voice is the best of any human alive)
16. Too Bad You’re So Beautiful: This sounds a lot to me like a song he would write, even if it wouldn’t be a very personal one. “Too bad you’re so beautiful when I’m king of nothing” is the most personal line in the one, but he totally could have written the rest.
17. The Man Who Stole A Leopard Liepard: The kind of weird song idea I think he might stumble across, maybe with some influence from Clarence idk, and also him singing this would be a godsend. 
18. Leave A Light On: Here we start getting into the deeper cuts. Song about imperfection, loneliness, and holding onto hope. The person he hopes he can be for those around him.
19. Excuses: This is like 16- a song totally in his voice- except it’s personal as FUCK. First of all there are two things this man does not have to spare and that’s time and money and sometimes you just gotta complain. At the same time it’s got the whole ‘shit am i using my circumstances to make excuses for my own behavior’ motif that totally he would worry about. And then at the end when he picks up the phone im SOFT ok. it’s 2am i am not qualified to be writing my thoughts about this song this late/early/sldkfjsdgl
20. Hold My Girl: 
21. When I Grow Up: “When did this become a playlist that had musical songs in it???” you ask, and I laugh. You have to listen to the full song for the effect you can’t just skip straight to it but 2:40 is when it hits, that’s when he comes in specifically. You can also have Matilda as Marnie if you want
22. Sheltering Sky: This is him from Marnie’s POV. 
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fanficsrusz · 5 years
Pulled from the devil's grip - John Wick oneshot
A/n - this was requested by anon so i hope you enjoy it whoever requested this. Eventhough im having a writing day, im not getting that vibe so this is the result of it 😅
y/n pulled her sleeves down to cover her hands as she looked down at the floor. Dark circles surrounded red sunken eyes, she couldn’t remember the last time she had a decent night sleep that wasn’t filled with the screams of her boyfriend and her crying herself to sleep. This had been going on for the past 6 months of her relationship with Dan. When they had first started dating 9 months ago, he was a gentlemen, he bought her flowers every week and always told her how much he loved her as well as how beautiful she looked. But the second she moved in with him, he changed. At first it was small things that made him angry and she thought it was normal for a new couple. Arguing over cleaning the house and who should be paying for what. However, after an especially bad argument about a dress, Dan had hit her. He immediately apologised and said he would never do it again. What a lie that was. After that incident, the abuse got worse and it was no longer just physical, it was also emotionally. He eventually broke her down to nothing and she felt worthless, unloved and like she deserved the abuse.
Dan made sure that he was careful about what he said and did around people so no one would become suspicious of them and even y/ns own family were unaware of the abuse since he had such a way with words and y/n was so scared about what her family would think of her, she just played along with the madness pretending she was fine. Her friends? Well what friends? Dan had made her stop talking to them all together months ago. She had no one to turn to and was completely dependent on the man that caused her so much pain. This was what Dan wanted all along; complete control. She was now an empty shell of her former self.
“Why the fuck did you wear that shirt? I said I didn't like it because everyone can see your tits practically hanging out like the slut you are and no one wants to see them. You're disgusting” he said these words only loud enough for her to hear and y/n just carried on pushing the shopping trolley around the store, she had learnt that if she was quiet he might just leave her alone. “I'm going to go get my beer. You better have finished getting everything by the time I get back” he stormed off leaving y/n down the aisle alone. She sighed a breath of relief at the few moments she would have alone.
She walked over to the cereal and reached for the box she wanted just as another hand reached for the same item. Quickly, she pulled her hand back before muttering a quiet sorry. “y/n?” a deep voice asked and y/n knew exactly who it belonged to. Looking up she was met with the warm gaze of her former friend, one of the friends Dan had made her get rid of. “John?” she asked looking up at his smiling face but watched as the smile dropped and his previously welcoming eyes had changed to concern mixed with anger. Honestly, y/n had loved John with all her heart for many years before Dan came along but she never pushed anything because she knew John was too busy with his work, unaware of the feeling john had for her and the ones he still had now.
“y/n what happened to you? You dont look like yourself”. John was saddened to see that his close friends normal happy and bright face was nowhere to be found and was replaced with sadness and depression. Her frame was smaller than he remembered, it was where she had not been eating properly. He reached his hand up to hold her cheek as she stepped back avoiding his touch knowing that Dan would get angry if he saw. “Im fine john, just a little sick” she lied as She looked to the ground and john pulled her face up so she would look at him but she pushed his hand away forcefully, not because she wanted him to go, but because she didn't want Dan to hurt her. As she pushed his hand away john saw the various bruises and cuts of her arm caused from Dans previous attacks. “y/n” john whispered his voice was filled with concern but it still so caring, soft and kind, she just wanted to hug him and tell him to take her away from the pain but she didn't dare to. “y/n….. Do you need-” john was interrupted by something crashing into the trolley next to them. “y/n whos your little friend” Dan said through gritted teeth giving her a look which she knew to well. A look which said she was in trouble and so she just decided to stay quiet hoping that john would just walk away. John saw how her demeanor had changed and how scared she looked of the man. John towered over Dan and looked down at him deciding to answer for her “im John Wick. who the fuck are you and what have you done to y/n?” Johns eyes burned with rage but Dan was to dumb to see how angry he was. “She’s none of your concern. Why do you even care? y/n have you been cheating on me with him? You little slut” he raised his hand to strike her and john caught his hand in the air “if i were you i would choose my next actions carefully. You do not hit women” john growled lowly and y/n had seen the look in johns eyes only one other time and that was when he was ‘working’. It was the look he had when he was ready to end someone. y/n stepped in between the two quickly separating them, not wanting john to get in trouble for killing Dan. “Dan lets just go home yeah?” she pleaded and Dan looked between john and y/n  before storming off towards the checkouts shouting for y/n to follow. “y/n if you need help i can help you. I can take you away now please don't stay with him. You’re worth so much more than this” john pleaded with y/n, his heart breaking at the thought of all the pain the woman he loved was going through. y/n just shook her head “goodbye john” a single tear fell down her cheek as she walked off towards Dan. John watched on as Dan roughly grabbed onto her arm whispering something into her ear. This was not the y/n john remembered and he was not going to let her go through another second of pain.
A few hours later, John sat in his Mustang outside of y/n’s and Dan’s house. He could see the shadows of them moving in the house and it didn’t take long for John to see the full extend of the abuse y/n was going through. “SO YOURE FUCKING ANOTHER MAN BEHIND MY BACK” john could hear Dan shouting and he watched as dans shadow rose a hand and struck y/n across the face causing her to fall to the ground. John had seen all he needed to before getting out of  the car and walking towards the house. He knocked on the door “WHAT” he heard Dan shout through the door but John didn’t answer. The door swung open revealing an angry dan stood there “we dont want whatever you’re sell-” john interrupted him by punching him square in the face pushing him inside the house, the door slamming shut behind them. “ what did I tell you about hitting women? “ John was talking so calmly but the anger was clear by the way he held dan by the collar. John continued to hold dan as he turned to y/n who had managed to stand up and had a black eye slowly forming on her eye. His face softened and he wanted to do nothing more than just hold her and reassure her. “y/n go pack whatever you need. You're coming home with me``. y/n didn’t need to be told twice and so she walked upstairs.
Once y/n was out of sight, john turned back to dan. “I think it’s time for me and you have a little talk don’t you Dan”.  john spat his name with venom and dan was soon to learn exactly who john was and that Hell hath no fury like John Wick.
Dragging a small suitcase down the stairs y/n was met with john at the bottom of the steps cleaning blood of his hands. “Where's Dan?” she asked quietly. John just smiled as he hugged her tightly. “He’s alive don't worry but he won't be hurting you or anyone else ever again” he whispered into her ear as he placed a small kiss on her head. “Let's get you home” he picked up her suitcase and lead her to the car.
The drive to johns house was quiet and y/n couldn't help but smile as she looked at the man who had saved her. “John?” she whispered and he looked at her. “Thank you” she smiled and a tear fell from her eye and he just smiled. John pulled into his driveway before he looked at y/n. “y/n why did you not tell me he was hurting you?” he held her face in his hand and y/n melted into his touch. “I….i don't know. I thought no one would believe me and I guess he was all I had. He made me feel like no one cared” john laughed sarcastically “y/n everyone cares. Everyone loves you. Do you know how many people asked me what happened to you because you just fell off the face of the earth once you started dating him. I was so worried. The woman i love had disappeared and the next thing I know, im bumping into you at the store and you're like a completely different person” y/n looked at john intently. “You loved me?” John looked down at her. “I’ve always loved you y/n” john looked into her eyes and he could see the girl he used to know slowly return. y/n leaned in and placed her forehead against his. “John i loved you. I still do actually but i think i just need some time to recover mentally from ...Dan” his name was hard for her to say now and john just smiled. “Of course y/n. Take all the time you need.”. The pair made their way into the house and y/n realised that she was finally free, She was her own person again and she was happy for the first time in so long.
A few months later
y/n walked the many isles of the store and her eyes lit up at all the different snacks in front of her as she reached for one of her favourites just as another hand did the same. The scene seemed so familiar to her but also so different. She smiled as she looked at the other person gesturing for them to take the snack but her smile dropped when she saw who it was. Dan stood in front of her. “y/n” he said shakily “you look so different”. It had been so long since she had seen him and it felt liberating that he no longer had any power over her. Before she could respond, she felt the presence of john behind her and so she stepped back and placed a hand on john shoulder before talking to Dan. “dan. It’s so nice to finally see you. You see i forgot to give you something before I left” she spoke calmly as she let go of john and walked over to Dan. “What?” dan asked confused and y/n smiled “this”. Her fist connected with dans jaw and he fell to the ground. She crouched next to him and whispered into his ear “now whos worthless.” She stood up and made her way back over to a cheering john “wow y/n. You never stop surprising me” he placed a kiss on her lip as dan stood up and walked away in shame. “ you finally showed me what i'm really worth john. I love you” john smiled at y/ns words and kissed her again. “I love you too y/n”. After so long, john had y/n back, the happy y/n he remembered all those years ago and he was happy. But not as happy as y/n was who had finally learned how much she was worth in the world and no longer was oppressed and sad. with the help of John Wick she was now free and happy with the life she had.
The end
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truerequitedlove · 5 years
Dan and Phil Versus The World
pff bingo: interactive introverts & glass closet
Genre: fluff, hurt/comfort, introspection, reality/non-au
Word Count: 3k
“I mean...we’re not in the closet. Not really,” Phil says.
“Phil, this is the closet.”
read on ao3
The idea had started simply enough. 
“We should go on another tour.”
That had been the start, one night, far too soon after their last tour’s end. It had come after a long night of drinking, and of talking, and of planning. 
The night had been filled with plans, but they weren’t the sort of plans that Dan and Phil would write down. These plans were softly spoken plans filled with taboo words whispered through a veil of liquid courage. Words like ‘branding’ and ‘coming out’ and ‘privacy’ and ‘us’ and ‘them.’
This particular word had become taboo quite a long time ago. It always sounded just a bit wrong. Like talking about someone behind their back. Like generalizing a group of diverse individuals. A few years prior, they would have been fine with doing so, but it felt strange then. It was early-2017, and they were still riding the leftover waves of TATINOF’s massive success.
Dan and Phil were just finishing their first-ever world tour, and they’d seen these people. These millions of faces that supported them. They’d hugged hundreds of them. They’d heard their stories. Stories of finding happiness in silly gaming banter and finding courage in quotes from videos that Dan barely remembers scripting. They had read through letters. They’d watched smiles and tears spring to the faces of audience members. They’d moved closer, closer, and closer to them.
And “them” was just a less taboo replacement for an even worse word. “Fans.”
Neither Dan nor Phil quite liked the word “fan” in the context of their audience’s relationship to them. It felt weird, uncomfortable, inauthentic. It felt like Dan and Phil were sat on a pedestal, and the faces of their audience were far, far, away in the nosebleed seats. Their audience didn’t deserve to be there, be put down, and Dan and Phil didn’t deserve to be idolized past the point of their own humanity. 
Dan and Phil wanted to move closer to them. They wanted to find the right distance. They wanted to explore the idea of “them and us.” Of audience and entertainer. Of how close would become too close.
So, that thoughtful night in 2017, Dan said, “We should go on another world tour.”
And Phil--just the same amount buzzed and just the same amount lost in messy thoughts--agreed.
Then there was Interactive Introverts, and it was everything. It was ambitious and entirely different than their last stage show. It was authentic, real, laid on the solid foundations of a theme that Dan and Phil both cared so much about.
Before either of them could blink it was happening. 
Dan recounts the messiness of the months before the tour began where he sits in the back of the tour bus.
He blinks.
He must be giving off ‘don’t talk to me’ vibes today, because he has the entire back of the bus to himself. The rest of the crew seem to be either napping or chatting quietly in the front area of the bus as they pass by the endless American pastures outside.
The American leg of the tour has been odd. It’s not stressful flights and cramped cars and booking dozens of hotel rooms, but it is a lot of one environment and one crew for an extended period. Dan loves the crew. In fact, they’re honestly the closest friends he and Phil have right about now. Still, it’s difficult to be around people all day every day in such a confined space. Luckily, they’re all human, so when one of them is giving off fierce ‘don’t talk to me’ vibes the others understand. It’s just Dan’s turn today, he supposes.
Sometimes, most of the time even, Dan doesn’t mind the closet. The doors are glass, and he can pretend they aren’t there. Other times he slams face-first into the glass doors. Today’s one of those days.
It’s the weekend of gay pride back in London. He sees it all across Twitter and Instagram. It makes his chest ache in an odd way.
So, he sits and gazes out the window at the plain countryside. He thinks about the video he failed to finish and all of the mess that had taken up his time this year. He lets himself emit the ‘don’t talk to me’ vibes. He doesn’t really have to energy to speak when he’s using it all to mope instead.
Of course, there is one person who’s immune to Dan’s ‘don’t talk to me’ vibes.
This person collapses against the couch beside him, carrying his pillow as he always does. Dan teases him about security blankets, but he’d be a liar if he said it wasn’t precious. He props his pillow up against Dan’s shoulder before leaning against it and sighing.
Dan looks over at him. “Hello,” he says softly. Dan can speak to Phil. Phil doesn’t drain Dan’s energy the way that others do.
“Mm,” Phil hums in reply. He’s wearing his glasses. “You’re bein’ loud,” he grumbles.
Dan’s lips turn up despite his less than jovial mood. “Shut up,” he says, amused. He’s had that same complaint spoken into silence enough to understand what Phil means. It means something like ‘you’re being too quiet, you’re thinking too much, and it’s noticeable’ in sleepy Phil language. 
“It’s your fault,” Dan teases. “Shouldn’t be listening in on my private thoughts.”
“Oh,” Phil says. “I thought we shared a consciousness.”
“I fucking hope not,” Dan says, lighter. “I don’t know if I want to see the innermost workings of this mind, Phil Lester.” He taps Phil’s forehead to make his point.
“Please,” Phil says, obviously a bit too tired to properly give his all to the banter. “You’d be honored.”
“Mm,” Dan hums, neither agreeing or disagreeing.
“Mhm,” Phil replies, agreeing. “So, since I can’t read your mind, tragically,” he says. “What’re you thinking about?”
Dan shifts a bit on the couch, and Phil whines a bit, resituating himself against Dan.
“We have a hotel tonight, yeah?” he asks.
“Yeah,” Phil answers, raising an eyebrow. “Is that what you’re thinking about, then?”
Dan rolls his eyes. “Shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything,” Phil says, grinning.
“Well that is decidedly not what I was thinking about,” Dan says.
“That’s sad for you,” Phil says.
Dan properly giggles this time. “Shut up,” he says again, a bit loud. “I’m just thinking about...us.”
“Yeah. I’m just glad we get to be together tonight,” he says.
Phil could reply with a joking comment on their inability to be separated for even the length of a night’s sleep, but he doesn’t. He’s glad they get to be together, too. It’s been quite a few nights without Dan, and Phil knows what he means. It’s not just being together, it’s being alone together.
“Me too,” Phil agrees softly. He glances at the hallway and confirms that no one is within the range of seeing. So, Phil presses a kiss to Dan’s lips and grins a little.
Dan grins a bit as well.
Phil assumes too much. He expects nonverbal communication. He expects public secrets and common knowledge of things that haven’t been discussed. 
It’s only gotten worse since he’s been with Dan because Dan is good at unspoken truths. He’s good at communication that dances around a topic without looking it in the face. It’s gotten them in trouble before, certainly, and Dan has figured out when to drop the pretenses. He knows when to look an issue straight-on.
Phil still likes to dance around things. He likes to avoid conflict and confrontation, especially when he or someone else stands to get hurt. He justifies this to himself by assuming that everyone else understands whatever it is that he doesn’t want to explain. He expects mind-readers.
He recognizes these analytic thoughts, as he thinks them. It’s therapy talk, repeating itself. Phil’s fear of confrontation is something that’s often brought up with his therapist. As Phil sits, staring out the window of the tour bus and feeling mildly sick, he misses her. He won’t be able to see his therapist again until they return home, and he’s sure he’ll have endless things to bring up with her.
There’s a funny thing about a fear of confrontation, Phil finds. Recovery consists of confronting the fear of confrontation. While it’s oxymoronic, at least Phil’s done one of the steps.
Confrontation is an easy thing to fear, but Phil can’t help feeling like he has good reason to fear it. He grew up gay. He spent so long actively avoiding confrontation about his sexuality. It feels almost second nature now. He’s not sure he knows how to confront it. He doesn’t want it to be a big deal.
Phil never came out to his parents. He was never into the pretty girls at his school, he never talked about them, and he brought around male friends who would stay the night and leave the pull-out couch bed untouched. It was obvious that Phil was seeing men, and that he had no real intention to see women.
Or so he had thought.
The memory still brings about anxiety, even though his family couldn’t be more accepting these days. He remembers his mum confronting him after it became too obvious. He remembers thinking that it all had been silently acknowledged and that he would never have to talk about it. It was stupid, in hindsight. Obviously, his sexuality would be a big deal to his family, whether he wanted it to be or not.
Phil still falls back into those habits.
Sometimes he’s too careless with Dan. He thinks it’s obvious that they’re in love. He convinces himself that everyone knows, they just don’t talk about it. He wants to kiss Dan when people can see. He wants to book one hotel room with one king-sized bed for both of them and let it slip by without mention.
People like to mention things, though. They like to talk about things.
Phil thinks he and Dan are obvious, and maybe they are. Still, he knows that if he were to kiss Dan square on the mouth in front of their crew, questions would be unavoidable. 
Phil doesn’t really know how to be in the closet, but he knows that he wants to protect this beautiful, perfect, and private thing between him and Dan at all costs.
He stops himself there, turning away from the window. He doesn’t want to think any longer.
“How much further?” he asks, sounding just a bit impatient.
“Just over an hour,” someone replies.
Just over an hour later, Dan’s coming up with an excuse for him and Phil to go immediately to the hotel. It’s only one in the afternoon, and there are things to see in this city, but they need to be alone. Alone together. Dan says something about filming a video, and Phil holds back a sigh because they do have to film, and he’d forgotten.
They can film tomorrow. They enjoy filming, anyways. They get an excuse to hang out alone together. And the gaming channel is so easy compared to everything else they want to work on for youtube. The editing's a bitch, but it gives them something to do while traveling these long American roads.
The crew talks with each other about plans, and Dan and Phil slip into the hotel. They check in to separate rooms in the lobby, but they go to the same room with all of their things. Later, they’ll compare rooms and decide which is better to stay the night in. They’ll order room service and laugh and maybe film something. For now, they just need a moment. 
The hotel room’s door closes, they put their things down on the floor, and Dan sighs.
Phil’s not sure exactly what’s bothering Dan, but it makes perfect sense as soon as he says it.
“I want to come out, Phil,” he says, standing by the door of the hotel. He stares inward, blankly. He’s not looking at the room or anything at all. He’s thinking so much that it seems he can do little else.
Phil sighs, walking back to where Dan stands. It’s definitely not an unfamiliar conversation topic between them. It’s much the opposite. Dan had plans to officially come out this year. He has plans to come out, but things keep getting messy and scary and confusing. 
“I know,” Phil says softly. “You will. We will.”
“I know,” Dan says. He’s still not looking at anything, and his eyes are unfocused.
“I mean...we’re not in the closet. Not really,” Phil says, perhaps in an attempt to cheer Dan up. They’ve never been ‘in the closet,’ really. At least, not in a long while. They just keep certain things private. It’s been a long time since either of them have pretended to be someone they aren’t.
Dan sighs. “Phil, this is the closet.”
Phil frowns. “How do you mean?”
Dan shrugs, walking into the room. “Just, like, the whole Dan and Phil ‘brand’ or whatever.” He uses finger quotes around the term ‘brand.’ His voice is tinged with irritation. “Like, this tour, and the last tour, and our YouTube channels. We’ve, like, put ourselves in this, like, glass box. Like, yeah, people know, but they don’t know. And if--and when we come out, all of that...that glass is going to shatter.”
“Is that a good thing?” Phil asks. He gets what Dan means, but his brain is so slow today. He doesn’t want to talk about glass closets and sexuality and how the hell they’re going to navigate their relationship if they keep it in the spotlight. If they talk about that then questions will come up that Phil doesn’t have the ability to answer.
All he wants is to lie next to Dan and be unseen for a little while. There’s the possibility here for a fight, but Phil’s not sure that either of them has the energy.
“It’s just this tour, trying to be authentic, Dan and Phil…” Dan trials off and sniffles, and it catches Phil off guard. He goes to say more, but tears start slipping down his cheeks instead and he looks away from Phil.
“Dan, whoa whoa, hey,” Phil’s voice is suddenly much softer. “Why are you crying?”
Dan shrugs, sitting down on the bed. A dam seems to have broken, and he chokes a bit. “It’s a lot, Phil,” he cries.
“It is,” Phil answers. “But it’s good, isn’t it?”
Dan shrugs again. “I--I don’t know.”
“Oh,” Phil says softly. He stands and kicks off his shoes. He then strips off his jeans and t-shirt. He desperately needs a shower, but it can wait. He kneels down and unzips Dan’s shoes. Dan lets him pull them off and toss them messily aside. As he watches Phil, his tears pick up. Phil tugs his jeans off next, and by the time his t-shirt is gone Dan is properly bawling.
Phil sits beside Dan, both of them stripped of their dirty, uncomfortable, tour bus clothes. He lays back on the bed, and he holds his arms open. Dan reaches up to futilely wipe his eyes and lets go of one more sob before falling into Phil.
Phil wraps his arms around Dan, and they lay there. 
Phil strokes his hand up and down Dan’s shoulder, and Dan buries his face between the duvet and Phil’s shoulder. He cries for a while, saying nothing. Phil just holds him and hushes him softly. 
It is a lot. The tour, their careers, the closet. It’s all quite a lot, and Dan needs to cry about it. Phil’s sure that he will too, once he has the energy.
“Phil,” Dan says quietly. “Sometimes I wish we could just run away together.”
“Yeah?” Phil asks, smiling sadly.
Dan nods. “Mhm. Find a tiny little house somewhere to live in and, just, start over. Just like, buy a fuckin’ cafe in France and live out our lives as old gay baristas.”
Phil giggles softly. “Sounds nice,” he says.
“Doesn’t sound ungrateful?”
“Not to me, but I might be biased.”
Dan smiles a bit at this. They look at each other. Phil reaches to brush away some of the tears that continue to slip down Dan’s cheeks.
“Isn’t it...isn’t it weird that tomorrow night you and I are going to get up on stage and play out this, like, version of us and then we’re going to come back here and be...us?”
“I mean, isn’t that the entire point we’re making here?” Phil asked, smirking.
Dan smiled the slightest bit. “Shut up.”
“Plot twist.” Phil giggles. “Dan blows his own mind.”
Dan grins properly this time, pushing Phil away by the shoulder. “Phil?”
Phil grins, rolling back to his spot just against Dan. “Yeah?”
“Did we just make an entire stage show about the glass closet?”
Phil bites his lip, moving his eyes over Dan’s face. “No,” he says.
Dan grins. “Oh? Okay, good. Was worried there for a sec.”
Phil leans in and kisses Dan on the lips. “You think too much,” he says when he pulls back. “We’re us, you know? No matter how many people are watching. That’s what the show’s about.”
Dan’s eyes flick back up from Phil’s lips to his eyes. “I like us best when we’re alone.”
“I like us wherever we are.”
They have the night to themselves and they make the most of it, even if it means missing the sight-seeing available outside. They end up staying in Dan’s room, ordering room service and getting a little more than tipsy. They mess around a bit, press kisses to hot flesh, and drag it out for as long as they can. The next hotel stay is a while away, and they have to make up for the lost time. When they’re done they fall asleep a bit too early.
Dan wakes up at the annoying hour of two am. Unable to fall back asleep, he grabs his laptop and turns on the lamp. Phil remains fast asleep beside him, and his soft snores are comforting. Dan pulls up a word document entitled: “Basically, I’m Gay.”
Soon, he hopes.
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prongsmydeer · 5 years
Ayesha Liveblogs One Tree Hill S1
No matter how many times I watch the pilot I consistently forget that Nathan and Peyton used to date
“Don’t bother showering tonight” is that really your come-on Peyton I will never understand sports
Lmao @ Nathan and Peyton “OTP: Distracted Driving”
“You’re despicable, you know that,” said Dan, a literal future murderer
I’m always so thrown when ppl in shows start drinking at their workplaces like what kind of bold behaviour Whitey you work at a high school
“What are you wasting your time at now?” Nathan ur a terrible boyfriend
“I say that the people who pray here are wasting their time. God doesn’t watch sports” I know Lucas is pretentious as all hell but this is my favourite line in any sports show ever
Karen is such a good mom ahhhhh like she just wants Lucas to be happy and she knows he’ll put other people’s happiness first 
Dan calling Lucas ‘this kid’ like he’s not his wholeass son what a dick
It’s not lost on me that Keith telling Lucas stories about his father means that it’s Lucas’s grandfather Keith Scott is truly the only dad in this show who matters
“So why’d you just tell me all that” because he loves to monologue
“If I could [change the fact that Lucas exists], I would” Dan answer your door I need to send you a very rude telegram
I am in love with Moira Kelly and also I want Karen to punch Dan
The music of this show is really.... transcendent 
Djhfkjhfkjh since Lucas is implied to have like, five friends.... is that crowd of supporters hugging him just a bunch of people who think Nathan is a dick
I admire Lucas for deciding he was gonna put up with all this bullshit to do something he loves
Omg I forgot that Brooke wasn’t in the pilot she’s such a major character
“Nice hands” “Nice legs” Emo flirting in a jock setting lmaooooo
My inner 2007 angst awakens every time I hear Gavin Degraw. He is THAT bitch
“You ever think I might want to talk” Peyton and Nathan’s relationship is truly nothing but blind horniness they have nothing in common at all in this juncture of their lives
“I didn’t invite you to come in, I just asked if you wanted to” Peyton is so weird but I kind of want to marry her. Is this what Lucas feels like
Lucas’s economic status is really part of Brooke’s romance criteria at the age of 17 they teach the bourgeois early huh
Oh my god I cannot BELIEVE Jake recommended Atlas Shrugged to Lucas jhjhgjhgjh the undertones of this basketball show really are about capitalism
HAHAHAH Nathan’s word being “revenge” calm down Sasuke Uchiha
I haven’t said so yet but Haley is so very endearing she’s great
God. Lucas turning around to reveal to Dan that he’s cast away his name. HE is that bitch
Ghjkghjkgh Keith hissing at the rude Boosters mum. Love of my life
“Maybe he’s gay” “No, I think he’s just nice” who writes this dumbass show
“Do you even care that it’s slipping away” maybe it’s because I went away for university but the idea that someone is this deeply invested in their kid’s high school basketball career is. A lot
Nathan simultaneously trying to bother Lucas and pass English while about to fall in love: I can multitask!!!
Update: He also managed to trash Lucas’s favourite basketball court somehow in all his business. He really can multitask!
“If it makes you feel any better I called some woman a bitch the other day” [giggle] I love Karen and Lucas’s relationship
Haley is such a good friend to Lucas and hoo boy Nathan when do you grow a conscience
“You’re both so broody. You could brood together” that’s it, that’s Peyton and Lucas
These emails and VCR references are really dating this show
Nathan is a straight up sociopath in these early eps my god he humiliates Lucas publicly twice at this party and just pops over to Haley like “Hey cutie :) Idk why Lucas is so mad :) I’m rlly nice :)”
Nathan really taking his girlfriend’s car to hit on another woman how much of a crapbag
As soon as I said this he (drunk?) drove her car into a streetlight my god 
Deb and Karen having a nice lesbian coffee shop AU would be a pleasant turn in this show instead of literally anything that happens in either of their narratives
“Why would you even go there” “Because I loved getting dumped on” That is... accurate
“I’ll call you when you’re not so PMS” said Nathan, when his (ex) girlfriend rightfully lambasted him for crashing her car
I take it back Peyton and Nathan do have one thing in common it’s their disregard for traffic laws
HELL YEAH Keith IS your dad Lucas <3 <3 <3 <3 
Whitey talks a lot of shit for someone who advised Dan to abandon Luke 
I had been wondering why Lucas had the Scott name when Dan is such an ephemeral piece of shit and I guess there’s my answer thanks Karen 
Does Haley ever find out about the shit Nathan pulled at the party I feel like these are relevant details in her budding affection
“Dad send you to spy on me? Poison my drink?” This is the second time in two episodes Deb has been accused of being Dan’s spy I wonder if she still considers that a red flag 17 years into marriage
“One of the boys doesn’t have a father” BUUUUURN Dan
Rhkgjhgjkh the last moment of this scene:
Keith: There is enough room in my heart for each of my brother’s mistreated sons even the rude ones Nathan
Nathan, experiencing a split second of paternal love: :O
Ghkjghkjgh the Scott bonding in hatred of Dan continues with Lucas asking Nathan if he too would like to spite Dan:
Lucas: You will be receiving your “I Hate Dan Scott” Club invitation in the mail shortly Nathan, mom, Uncle Keith and I hold meetings biweekly
Nathan: Biweekly as in every two weeks or twice a week 
Lucas: Both! See you on Tuesday
“Does this mean we’re dating” yes it does the mixed CD is emo code
“Good luck with your game” “yeah, you too, Ma” hehehehe
Someone revoke this college medic’s license hoo boy
Ghjghkgh Lucas keeping his money tucked into his boxers what a doofus
I can’t believe Nathan and Lucas’s second big bonding moment is threatening dudes while in their boxers after beating on each other what a brotherly bond lmao
Okay but highkey if ur a lady and ur friends are gonna leave you alone and vulnerable at night get new friends
“I can live without my shirt” Nathan is thirteen shades of petty lmaooo
Dan is such a bad (abusive) father that Nathan literally would prefer to have none at all my god 
“Can I tell you a secret? I pretended too” just get marrrried 
“Thanks for cutting Lucas some slack” talk about accepting the bare minimum Haley kjhgkjhgkj
Brooke is really unbearable in this episode is it any wonder her, Lucas and Peyton’s relationship is as dysfunctional as it will soon become 
Hoo boy the one (1) time Nathan doesn’t do something douchey and he gets blamed for it 
LMAO @ Lucas approaching the one girl at this school with commitment issues with a bold “I wanna be here [in your heart]” hahaha
“Yeah, they can have their world,” said Lucas to Haley, about the two people they would literally go on to marry
The fact that Peyton doesn’t turn off her webcam and just covers it also really speaks to the era
This Gabe dude is really ready to assault a minor like he’s not just a r*pist he’s also a predator double KO 
It is not lost upon me that it looks like one pill has been popped out before so he is also a serial r*pist big fucking yikes
“What, you got a cellphone too, dawg? Things sure have changed” also quite dated hahahaha
They really went out of the way to redeem Brooke not only did she give Nathan and Haley a very very cute date she also saved her friend from being assaulted
“So you don’t have any brothers, do you” jhgkhgkhg Brooke please 
“Why are you only nice to me when we’re alone” a very legitimate question Haley
Nathan’s dating methodology: There’s nothing in life that can’t be solved with make-outs
Deb is really so nice but every time I look at her I think of her drinking a lot and sleeping with Nathan’s friends lmao
Haha that North Carolina sign explains the mild Southern accents 
Aieeeeeeeeeee you kiss that man and follow your dreams Karen
Even if Nathan is still A Lot this season him and Haley are so cute:
Haley, smiling: We can’t do this here right now
Nathan, giggling: We just did
Lucas says more to Dan by constantly leaving with a look of disgust than any words ever could
“My heart’s racing too. That’s what happens when I’m around you. (And on drugs. I’m very unstable Haley.)”
Lucas and Nathan’s very intentional “pressure from your dad” and “you don’t know anything about my dad” bc Lucas will not acknowledge that Senor Crabag Sr. is anything resembling a father bless 
Drunk tattoos with crush’s bff Lucas has decided to make all mistakes at once and I respect it
Poor Keith he is trying his best but Lucas just chose this week to hit his rebellious phase
“Do you really think that Nathan would choose you over me” uh???? Are you not aware you are... the worst father in town
Brooke you were fully aware of Peyton and Lucas’s vibing and actively pursued him/interfered so you have no moral high ground to be like “:) I’d never choose a boy over my friendship”
Skillz and Mouth accurate “hoo boy don’t look” when ur friends start PDA
“Mom doesn’t want things to get back to normal, she wants them to be better” hell yeah Nathan gaining emotional intelligence
Lucas quit projecting your childhood issues onto Jake he too is a child let him decide how he wants to live Jenny’s 6 months old not like she’s gonna remember lmao
Damn Nathan LET LOOSE on Dan fuck that dude
JGFHJGFJGFJH I forgot Gavin Degraw had a cameo hahahahah
Did Luke.......... break into Jake’s house. His parents work at night how was he able to get into Jake’s coffee table
“You do not have to feel like a third wheel” The pure dumbass energy.... Peyton is literally CRYING do u really think her issue is “third wheel” you KNOW she and Lucas had a thing Brooke???????
Me watching this team form a brotherly bond over their mutual love of basketball: Mayhaps sports are... good 
Hahahaha Lucas threatening Peyton’s dad with a rake is weirdly endearing
“Hey you.” “Hey you, and you,” is a good summary of this seasons Brooke/Lucas/Peyton dynamic lmao
Why is Dan’s head... shaped that away. It is like a bar of soap
“I don’t mind you playing ‘Daddy’ to one of my offspring, but leave the good one alone, will you?” Dan. Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot at midnight and we’ll have words
“The whole Nice Guy thing is wearing kind of thin” foreshadowing for all the dick moves Lucas is about to pull lmao
“He’s got you skipping school now?” “Lucas talk to me when you get your tattoo removed”
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Lucas is such a meddler lmao how many family dynamics is he going to alter
I don’t trust Dan being nice for a minute all he wants is the upper hand with Deb in the inevitable custody battle over Nathan
Props to Nathan and Haley for somehow, some way, being the only normal couple on this show despite their incredibly dubious origins lmao
Scott family dinners are bananas I count four (4) major revelations and they haven’t even revealed that Deb and Dan are separated
Lucas and Peyton are really hitting every fictional couple trope in this ep - road trip, bed sharing, hurt/comfort, truly the YA bases 
“The truth? In this house?” Props to Deb for drama lmao 
Brooke saying ‘I love you’ you’ve been dating for like two episodes but okay kjhgkjhg
I can’t say I understand Nathan’s logic lmao but I guess they have to bring him back to basketball sometime
Wow Lucas zero hesitation on that second kiss lmao u r a mess
This scene is the definition of “that escalated quickly” they go straight to undressing 
“How do you explain being with me and not her?” “Because with you, I saw a future” that’s Dan code for ‘I’m a gold digger’
You’re literally macking on Peyton in the middle of the hallway while you’re dating the other most popular girl in school Lucas how are you this ridiculous and bold BREAK UP WITH BROOKE U DUMBASS
“So what are we going to do” I’ll tell you what you should do BREAK UP WITH BROOKE
Keith it is still daylight out stop bringing alcohol into this high school you have a drinking problem
“Can’t control love, you know?” THAT’S NOT ADVICE LUCAS BREAK UP WITH BROOKE
I really can’t handle watching Keith and Lucas self-destruct this episode how is Nathan the only Scott in a happy, healthy relationship
“You know that this is... wrong, so that makes it feel... deeper?” Lucas asks, as if he were not entirely in the wrong by carrying on with Peyton (who is not in a relationship) while dating Brooke
“I don’t want to hurt Brooke,” he said, about to start his third secret cheating makeout session of the week
“But then again our spouses aren’t here are they” [Deb opens door] COMEDIC TIMING
Gjjhgkjhg Nathan revealing his messed up intentions with Haley entirely by accident Scotts have no self-control whatsoever it’s their kekkei genkai
Lucas evading responsibility for his romance crimes by literally dying
Hahahah Karen’s confused vibes at Brooke are kind of the highlight of this episode 
How funny would it be if Lucas woke up to Karen scolding him about his tattoo
Hahahaha for such dysfunctional partners Nathan and Peyton are excellent exes 
Keith rlly was gonna propose after zero (0) days of dating I’m telling you no self-control is truly the Scott clan kekkei genkai
Ahhhh bless Karen’s compassion 
Dan is literally blackmailing his son into staying in his custody he is in Deb’s words an “abusive son of a bitch”
Fucking finally Lucas ends this sham of a relationship with Brooke
It’s wild that Nathan is the only Scott with a happy and healthy romantic relationship 
Nathan divorcing his parents is a real power move 
I’m glad Haley announced Sheryl Crow’s name because let me tell you I would not have recognized her on sight
“How’s my daughter” Lucas really chooses exclusively to hook up with people who have devastating emotional consequences for his immediate friend group huh
“Funny I didn’t know you were forgiving at all” Lmao Peyton is that really the position you’re going to take after cheating with your best friend’s boyfriend 
All the deodorant product placement lmao ‘this ep sponsored by Secret’ 
All things considered I think Lucas is handling Haley’s constant ditching p well 
Bfhkghghjg Keith buying a new shirt just to go to dinner with Karen stop
The comedic timing of “hungover idiots” panning to Karen and Larry kills me
“She used to be this totally original.... Haley” what does this mean????
I don’t think Nathan and Haley are being entirely fair to Lucas bc he was only a dick once she ditched him twice (or thrice?) in one weekend 
This boy toy auction as a concept is so inappropriate on so many levels
“I get Nathan for free” Fhjkfhkfjh Haley pls
God I was so very concerned about whether or not Nathan and Peyton were gonna kiss 
“You’re not a mess, you’re just in love” [Ole Del Paso Girl voice] Why not both?
“She’s nine months old, just in case you forgot” to be fair I assume Nikki gave birth so she would remember that you can’t hold that one over her 
It must take Lucas some mental disconnect to assume Peyton and Nathan are cheating when he also kissed Haley
Fhjfhkjfhjfh Keith fulfilling my fave trope of ‘we are not even dating but how about we get married bc we’ve been repressed in love for years’
“You know I asked your mom to get an abortion,” said Dan, to his literal son
I really can’t figure where this pregnancy storyline is going bc I know Brooke doesn’t have a baby
Nathan and Haley really need to consider oral or smth there’s a middle ground between making out and having vaginal sex
“It all hurts just the same” Brooke really out here trying to say that cheating is in any way equivalent to faking a pregnancy (even if only for a week)
Peyton and Brooke are way more invested in each other than Lucas 
“I got you a high five” Hahahhaa I love Peyton 
Gary like: Wow Nathan it’s humanizing that your father is an abusive dick
“Maybe this is the one that changed him” Lucas joining Dan as the second and only non-Dan member of the Dan Scott Apologism Club
It’s wholly unreasonable that Haley expects her boyfriend not to look at p*rn lmao
I love all this Lucas and Nathan bonding but I hate that it comes at the cost of Dan being near them at all u stay away from those boys u manipulative fuck
Ah the foreshadowing about Peyton changing in front of her webcam finally pays off
I’m no legal expert but I don’t think that taking your daughter out of state will help you in the custody battle in the long term Jake - nor will dropping out of high school
“What do I get out of it” r u 4 real Keith u dont get payment for loving your family
“I’m leaving because I can’t look at you anymore without my heart breaking” I like you Keith but that sounds like a You Problem
This is a fun way to shoot this episode One Tree Hill has such good directing tbh
Nathan discarding the Scott name from his jersey just like Lucas did in ep 2: 
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Haley: Having sex will solve all of my problems Nathan what are you talking about
I remembered that at some point Deb and Keith have sex and I’m glad they fuck things up early bc I could not deal if it was later on
“I’ll miss you too, little brother” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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staytheb · 5 years
Like Oh 2.0 - Lotte World
Previous Chapter: Happy Halloween Word Count: 4,498 Summary: It’s Melanie’s birthday and of course she finds a way to invite the boys to come celebrate it with her and her sister. Serena thinks it’s unwise, but then again, nothing could go wrong. Right?
Like Oh 2.0 masterlist
i think at this point is where it gets kinda cringy... well i think so since now the relationship between the pairs have been exposed in a sense. lol anyways, i’ve never been to Lotte World so i dunno how things go about and such so yeah, just did a bit of research and from what i’ve seen when idols hae gone there. so yeah, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
"It's weird." Serena commented as she and Melanie entered inside Lotte World. "Why?" Melanie asked with a puzzled look. "Because you would never go to an amusement park for your birthday." Serena reasoned. "You always do a dinner thing." "So? First time for anything." Melanie smirked at her as Serena rolled her eyes. "So, what you wanna do, birthday girl?" "I dunno. I've never been here." "Me, too. Chloe and Ana told me if I ever come is to check out the World Monorail, the live shows, and the stands that sell the cute hair accessory and what not." "Hmm, Ana did tell me that. You choose." 'I guess since there's a lot of people here."
Serena remembered something. "Let's ride The Conquistador." "Isn't that like the viking?" Melanie asked as she followed Serena who was heading towards the said ride. 'Yeah. We definitely have to sit on the ends to feel higher." "But aren't you afraid of heights." "Yeah, but I don't mind the thrill of it though." Melanie looked around not feeling the ride and suggested something else. "How about we just do something first before going on the The Conquistador?" The younger woman looked around again and grinned. "Let's go ice skating." "We've never ice skated before." "It shouldn't be that hard from roller skates. Right?" "If you've actually roller skate before. Have you?" "Yeah, but I'm not steady. You?" "Can't skate for shit. So still wanna do it?" "Not really."
Melanie backtracked. "Wait, what was the first thing Chloe suggested." "The World Monorail?" Serena asked. "Yeah. Let's do that first, but what is it again?" "It's a ride where it takes you around Lotte World within the inside called Adventure and later outside which is called Magic Island." "That's it?" "Yeah, Melanie. That's basically it. It's a scenic view and you can see everything as it takes you all around." Serena grinned. "We can do it twice. Once when it's still light out and twice when it's lit up by lamp light. Chloe said both views are lovely and give you different vibes." Melanie nodded in agreement. "Alright then, Serena. Let's ride the World Monorail." "Okay, cool." Serena smiled as the sisters headed to the third floor of Adventure.
"Was it yours or mine idea to do the whole Jungle Adventure again?" Serena asked her sister as the duo were in the restroom drying themselves off after going on the ride through rapids inside a dark cave a few minutes ago. "You." Melanie confirmed annoyed. "Seriously, this is the last time we're doing this." She shook her head while patting herself dry. "I can't believe we did it twice now and that one guy wouldn't stop screaming in my ear. A grown ass man, too." "At least you got a guy because I got a girl, Melanie. A teenager." Serena countered with with an annoyed looked while also patting herself dry. "I hope I don't go deaf." "Yeah, yeah." Melanie responded as the two sisters left the restroom and looked about the theme park.
Serena was about to suggest the The Conquistador again as her sister kept rejecting it when Melanie's phone went off and she answered it. "Hello?" Serena tuned her out as she made a face while walking over to the railing to look below as the duo were on the third floor. The older woman was casually people watching when her sister joined her. "Wanna try out ice skating?" Melanie asked. "Do we have to?" Serena whined as she leaned against the railing. "My ass is gonna fall all over the place." "Yeah." "But I don't want to." "Who's birthday is it again?" "Not mine." "Exactly. Now let's go." Melanie ordered as she grabbed Serena's arm and dragged away. "I hate you." Serena groaned as Melanie laughed. "Sure you do, but you'll see. 
"Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" Serena and Melanie let out in excitement as the Gyro Drop dropped the duo along with the other riders before reaching the bottom several seconds later. "Whoo!" Serena gushed as she undid her seat-belt. "Should have told me we were going her instead of the ice rink." "Yeah, but you would've run away upon seeing GOT7." Melanie stated already unbuckling her seat-belt as Serena nodded. "True. Were they the ones that called?" "Yeah. BamBam called me to tell me that he and the others had arrived and wanted to meet up instead of wandering around like idiots." "That's cute they found time to come celebrate your birthday though." "I know right and tomorrow's Yugyeom's birthday too." "Oh, right, it is."
Serena looked about her and spotted the idols in their disguise off in the distance while casting her sister a look as they made their way towards the group. "You think they'll be sad if I ran away?" "Hella sad." Melanie answered as she narrowed her eyes at Serena. "You're gonna run, aren't you?" "Hell yeah!" Serena answered as she took off in another direction leaving Melanie to look after her diminishing figure. "This girl." She shook her head with a laugh. "Imagine this. Two random fangirls ditching GOT7 at Lotte World." "What?!" Jackson exclaimed from in front of Melanie as she diverted her attention to GOT7 upon arriving where they were standing.
"You're gonna ditch us?" The idol continued speaking. "You can't ditch us. That's messed up. We came to celebrate your birthday, noona" "I was just thinking out loud." Melanie explained with a small laugh. "Sorry, Jackson." "Actually, if given the chance, Jyongri noona would do it in a heartbeat." Mark interjected with a chuckle. "Don't you think?" He looked at the other members as Melanie nodded. "She did, Mark, just now." Melanie's phone went off and she looked at the caller's ID and then at GOT7 "It's unnie." She laughed before answering the call. "Hello?" But she had difficulty in hearing what Serena was saying.
"What? Say that again? The outdoor? What? I can't really hear you. I dunno what you're saying." Melanie told Serena through the phone as she tried to interpret what her sister was trying to say. "Dance? Dan? Stage? Garden? Dude, sorry, but I really don't get what you're trying to tell me. I don't understand anything." Melanie didn't hear anything and looked down at her phone and saw that her sister had hung up on her. "She hung up." She felt her mobile vibrate and saw a text message notification pop up. "Oh, she texted instead." Melanie opened the message and read it out loud for all of them to hear although it was written in English.
"Ran into your three Seouldae buddies. Told me your other two Seouldae buddies ditched them at the last minute because they heard from a few fans that GOT7 is at Lotte World. Kinda stupid." "What does she mean by 'kinda stupid'?" Jackson asked interrupting Melanie as she explained and Mark translated for the others to understand. "She means that it was stupid of the two girls to ditch their three friends because of celebrities." The others nodded once understanding as Melanie continued reading and Mark continued to translate. "Come to the Garden Stage. Your friends will explain everything better. I'm still processing. See ya soon!"
Melanie reached the end of the message as her eyes fell onto GOT7. "What am I gonna do with you guys?" "You said you weren't going to ditch us!" Jackson whined like a child. "Don't be such a kid, Jackson." Jaebeom scolded his fellow member, but Jackson didn't care as he tried to reason with the others. "She said she wasn't gonna ditch us." "Can we come with you, noona?" Yugyeom asked. "Yeah, we promise we'll behave." Youngjae added with a soft smile. "If you want us to." Jinyoung added soon afterwards. "Please say yes!" BamBam pleaded. Mark didn't say anything, but he gave Melanie a reassuring smile who grinned at them all. "Let's go."
"Wonnie!" Seolbi, Dasol, and Haeryong exclaimed upon seeing Melanie walking up up to them with Serena standing off to the side. "Thanks, Jyongri unnie." The trio thanked her. "Yeah, thanks a lot." "You're welcome." Anyways, now that you're here, Chaewon unnie." Seolbi said while facing Melanie again. "We can fill you in since we still have less than two hours before the show." "What show?" Melanie asked as Dasol grinned. "We'll explained everything when we show you. C'mon." She and Seolbi dragged Melanie off somewhere while Haeryong smiled at Serena. "If you could find the head accessories, then that would be great, Jyongri unnie." "Will do." Serena chirped as Haeryong smiled. "Thanks! "Welcome and good luck!" "Thanks!"
Haeryong ran off to join the other three as Serena was left alone as she momentarily forgot about GOT7 being there as well until her eyes landed on the seven figures around her when she did become aware of their presence. "Oh, right. You guys are here, too." She muttered in English, but the English speakers heard her. "Wow, you forgot about us?" Jackson said in Korean as Serena laughed. "No." "Don't lie, noona." BamBam grinned as he came up to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders while she rolled her eyes at his behavior. "There's like two hours or so to kill until the girls perform. What do you guys wanna do?"
"I guess it isn't as fun if none of them wanna do any of the rides because they're scared of heights or don't want to wait in line." Serena laughed sadly to herself as she continued to follow the boys around aimlessly as they were now in Magic Island. "At least it's nice out." "Are you okay?" A voice asked and Serena turned her head to see GOT7's visual walking beside her. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?" "I dunno. You just seemed quieter." Mark shrugged as Serena laughed. "Coming from the guy who's just as quiet." Touche." "It's nothing. There will be another time, I guess." Serena smiled at him before walking ahead to enjoy the scenery.
"Why don't you just lead noona to a random ride so she doesn't keep looking so sulky while pretending to hide it behind a smile, Mark hyung." Jinyoung suggested coming to walk alongside his fellow member a second later. "Or I can do it." Jinyoung added with a playful smile as Mark cast a look at his fellow member before returning his gaze back onto Serena. "You act like I haven't thought of that already." "You better decide fast. We should be heading back to the Garden Stage in less than half an hour." Jinyoung advised "I know. I've been thinking about it since an hour ago." "I guess you don't have to think since noona found something else to do."
Mark looked to where Jinyoung had pointed and saw Serena browsing around the Castle Cart with the other members and the duo joined a moment later hearing Serena and BamBam's conversation. "Ah, no, Bam. I want a toy. These headbands aren't my style." Serena rejected the small light pink bow headband that he tried to put on her. "Aww, c'mon. You'll look super cute." BamBam tried to convinced Serena in weaing it, but she took it off. "I don't do cute. That's your department." She countered as she placed the item onto his head instead that was still covered by the hood of his jacket. "There. That's where it should be. On your head, Bam."
"Maybe noona will like this color instead?" Yugyeom suggested as he placed a blue with white polka dots bow on her head. "Don't think so, Yugi." Serena laughed as she took it off and placed it onto the youngster's head instead. "That looks way better on you than it did on me." "Bunny noona!" Youngjae exclaimed with laughter as he placed a red sequin and white bunny ears one onto her head afterwards. "I like bunnies, but no thanks, Youngjae." Serena rejected as she removed the bunny ears and put the item onto Youngjae's head. "Choi Bunny. Cute." "Noona as a cute puppy!" Jackson beamed once he placed the said item onto her head.
Serena laughed. "That's the fourth one already." She was feeling overwhelmed by their behavior, but continued to go along with it as she didn't want to ruin their fun. "I don't think a puppy fits me, Jackson." Serena removed the head accessory and placed it onto Jackson's head with a smile. "Wang Puppy. How cute." "How about a tiger, noona?" Jinyoung suggested as he gently placed the item on top of Serena's head with his signature smile. "Haha, no thanks, Jinyoung, but it works for you." Serena declined with a laugh as she took off the accessory and placed it onto Jinyoung's head afterwards. "Oh yeah, that's better."
"Mama tiger." She cooed as she felt another headband being placed onto her head a moment later. "How about a small feline like a cat this time?" Jaebeom said with his eye-smile as Serena chuckled upon taking off the item. "Just because I wore two cat outfits last month, Jaebeom, doesn't mean anything." She placed the white cat ear accessory onto the leader's head. "It fits you so much better. Cat Lover Im." She giggled before feeling the same feeling she's been experiencing for six times already. "I got it. You can be a giraffe." Mark laughed upon placing the head piece onto her head. "Uh, no, I don't think a giraffe fits me either." Serena chuckled as she took off the item and put it on Mark.
"Now you're the giraffe." She smiled at him, but felt her chest acting weird and dismissed it by looking at all of them with a bright smile despite being sulky a moment ago. "Ha, this is kind of fun. Y'all look cute." Serena remembered something when she spotted GOT7 all wearing headbands. "Oh, right. I need to get headbands for the girls. Duh." She then walked over to scan the other headbands as she muttered to herself like she was doing a checklist of sort as she went. "A sparkly purple one for Dasol. A sparkly green one for Haeryong. A sparkly pink one for Seolbi. And yup, the last one. A sparkly blue one for Chaewon. Lucky, lucky, this girl is."
Just as she was about to walk to the cashier to make her purchase there was something that instantly caught her eye. "Ooh, what's this?" She let out amusingly as she reached out to take the frog-like headband with her free hand. "What's this switch for?" She asked to no one in particular just as the frog's eyes began to light up upon messing with the button. "Oh, cool. Buying this so they can spot me afterwards." She chuckled as she continued to make her way to the register while GOT7 talked among themselves upon seeing Serena grabbing the frog headband.
"So, in the end she chose a frog that lit up?" Jackson deadpanned. "Yeah, seems like it." Jinyoung replied with a smile. "At least she didn't get mad at us for trying them on her." Yugyeom stated with a small smile. "I thought she would get angry." Youngjae admitted with a nervous laugh. "Angry about what?" Serena asked once she joined them again "About the whole headband situation." BamBam told her and Serena nodded. "Let's get back to the Garden Stage. It should be starting soon." She saw the boys removing their head accessories and stopped them. "Don't take them off. I bought them so you guys can still wear it." She smiled at them with her headband still lit. "Let's go."
Serena turned away and began to head towards the direction of the Garden Stage. "Maybe I should have chosen a different headband." Jaebeom remarked to no one in particular while petting the cat ears. "You're telling me." Mark said as he re-adjusted his giraffe headband while Serena came back to check up on them when none of them followed after her. "C'mon before I leave y'all here." She laughed before speaking again. "I need to make sure the girls get the headbands before they perform and I don't know when it's their turn. So let's go." Serena urged them as she turned around once more and walked ahead of them again. "Hurry up." She called behind her which prompted the boys to hurry after her.
"This kid." Melanie commented in English upon spotting her sister with the litted headband as Serena grinned proudly. "Thank you, Jyongri unnie." Haeryong thanked the older woman as Seolbi shot her an apologetic expression. "Yes, thank you so much, unnie. I thought I had them with me, but I guess Yerim and Dayoon took the bag that they were in when they left together." "It's all good." Serena dismissed them as she handed the extra headbands to four of the GOT7 members. "Sorry, but I need to use the toilet. So I'll have the boys put it on for you girls instead." "The boys?" Dasol asked confused. "What do you mean, unnie?"
Serena pointed a thumb behind her. "They're friends." She introduced them from left to right like it was nothing while keeping a straight face. "Girls meet Chris, Justin, Elliot, Michael, Ian, Barney, and Jeffrey." The boys were about to say something, but Serena spoke again so that she could divert the attention elsewhere. "I believe you all met Jeffrey before during that one group date." "Yeah." The trio said as they eyed Melanie knowingly to which she rolled her eyes at them before looking pass Serena and the trio waved at the seven figures. "Hi." "Hi." The boys waved back politely after getting over the way they were introduced despite some curiosity.
"Need to use the toilet." Serena said to the girls before facing the idols. "I'll be back. I'm not ditching y'all." She faced the female quartet and did a fighting pose. "Hwaiting! I'll be bac, but text me how many acts are before you guys." Serena dashed away leaving the group of eleven to handle the current situation and the quartet announced their colors. "Seolbi, pink," Seolbi announced happily with a raised hand followed by a smiling Dasol, "Dasol, purple," with Haeryong slightly jumping in excitement, "Haeryong, green," and lastly with Melanie chuckling, "Chaewon, blue," as the quartet watched to see which boy had their respective headband.
Youngjae slowly made his way to Seolbi while Jackson confidently walked to Dasol with a friendly smile. Yugyeom shyly took tentative steps towards Haeryong compare to Jaebeom who casually stepped towards Melanie without hesitation. "Thank you, Elliot-ssi." Seolbi thanked Youngjae once he placed the pink bow head accessory onto her head. "Do I look cute?" She asked playfully while puffing her cheeks and doing the double peace signs while she was at it causing Youngjae to laughed nervously out of habit, but he nodded his head a few times at her question a few seconds later before spinning around and walking back to the others.
Jackson placed the item onto Dasol's head as she re-adjusted it to her liking afterwards. "Thanks, Michael-ssi." "Welcome. It fits you." Jackson told her as Dasol smiled widely. "I think so, too." Jackson shot Dasol a thumbs up as she did the same before he turned away to stand with his members. Yugyeom grew flustered as he tried to put the headband onto Haeryong as he was feeling extremely shy. "It's okay, Chris-ssi. I can do it myself if it makes you feel better." Haeryong assured the male as she took a hold of the head piece and put it on herself. "Thank you though." "Ah, yeah, you're welcome. It looks really nice on you." Yugyeom responded as he shuffled away to join the others.
Jaebeom took quite a while compare to the other three as he was spending time in fixing Melanie's hair from out of her face before tenderly placing the headband onto her head. "There we go." He smiled proudly. "Thank you, Jay-Jeffrey." Melanie laughed at her close mistake in calling the idol by his real name as she smiled at Jaebeom a second later. "Haha, thanks." "You're welcome. Oh, wait." Jaebeom said as he once again swept a few strands of her hair out of the way and re-adjusted the headband to his liking. "Okay, now that's much better." "Alright, Jeffrey I'm sure it's fine the way it is, really, but thank you." He cast her his signature smile. "You're welcome, noona." He returned to the others a moment later.
"OK!" Seolbi announced as she linked arms with the other three. "We need to be on standby. We'll be the final contestant and there's like a total of eleven acts altogether. Cheer for us, okay. We're Seouldae Beauties." Seolbi informed them as she ushered them away. "Good luck!" The boys called out to the girls as they watched them climb up onto the Garden Stage and disappearing behind it later. Soon enough an older guy appeared on the stage who must have been the MC for the segment. "Let's go a spot to watch the performances." Jinyoung said as the group made their way to the area to get good spots so they could see the acts better.
Later Serena found the boys thanks to Mark messaging her. "Thanks." "Welcome." "How many has passed?" She asked as BamBam answered her. "This is the fifth act. There's eleven altogether and they're the last one." "Alright, cool. I got time." She pulled out her phone and began messing with the setting so she could record the girls' performance. "Are you gonna record?" Jackson asked Serena as she nodded. "Yeah. Seolbi needs proof to get the extra credit to count or the teacher won't accept it. That's why she asked for Chaewon's help along with the other two, too, when the others ditched her."
Just then a familiar song began to play and Serena did the fan-chant unconsciously while still adjusting the setting on her phone's camera. "JB~ Markeu~ Jackson~ Park Jinyoung~ Choi Youngjae~ BamBam~ Kim Yugyeom~ GOT7~" GOT7 turned to look at Serena surprised that she was singing along to their latest song, Hard Carry, while also doing the fan-chant despite being around them. The song came to an abrupt stop and this caught Serena's attention as she focused her eyes onto the male contestant who stopped dancing in the middle of his performance. "What happened?" She asked as the crowd began to whisper among one another and she noticed that the younger male was holding back tears.
The MC urged the boy to continue on as the song came back on, but the pre-teen stopped once he started as he forgot a dance step once again. The song was cut off again shortly after. "It's okay!" Serena screamed at the boy. "You can do it!" She gave the boy two thumbs up as the boy wiped away his tears and smiled brightly at her. "Thank you!" He shouted back as she yelled back in response. "You're welcome!" The little boy told the MC for one more chance and the MC reluctantly complied as Hard Carry began playing again and the boy danced to it confidently than he did before with Serena cheering for him excitedly as GOT7 laughed at her behavior and she clapped when his act was over.
The next act was a group of teenage boys and when the song started Serena grinned upon recognizing it instantly as she began doing the fan-chant louder than she had done GOT7 and sang the song with more animation than she did earlier. Several of the boys judged her silently at how she was more excited this time around hearing MONSTA X's Fighter compare to their song a moment ago. "Nal jikyeobwa~ I can make it~ I CAN MAKE IT~" Serena continued to sing and chant loudly despite one particular member being a bit jealous of her behavior towards another group that wasn't currently his own. "Nan modeun geol jeonbu naeryeonasseo~ Ilheul ge eopneun naya~"
Soon enough Seouldae Beauties finally came onto the stage and they began dancing to BLACKPINK's Playing With Fire. Serena made sure to get them as a group and zoomed in enough to do so without cutting out one of them from the frame. The group of eight cheered loudly for them before the MC came back on stage and thanked the girls for their performance while they walked off. A moment later everyone was called back onto the stage to announce the winner which was a female singer who sang IU's Good Day and did the three octaves pretty well. The group of twelve reunited as the boys mentioned that they should have won and such before separating from the trio who actually had to attend a group date.
"Let's do one more thing before going home." Youngjae suggested. "How about the Camelot Carousel?" Melanie suggested as her eyes lit up. "That would end this night off perfectly, especially for my birthday!" GOT7 agreed as Serena muttered to herself. "Ah, still no viking, huh?" She sighed while looking at the ground. "I guess another time since it is her birthday." "Jyongri noona are you okay?" Jackson asked upon noticing the older woman looking sad again. "It's been a long day. I'm just really tired." She partially told the truth which wasn't technically a lie as it had really been a long day.
"We can go home once we ride the carousel." Mark told her with a small smile as Serena returned one of her own. "Okay." "Let's go!" BamBam cheered as the group of nine were halfway to the Camelot Carousel while passing by the ice rink when one of the boys accidentally got bumped by another passerby. Unfortunately, the two ended up falling all over one another with the passerby freaking out. "OMG, it's Jay Are." The girl squeaked and began to fan herself while the other person she was with suddenly came over. "Yerim unnie! It's Jay Are!!" Dayoon began spazzing as Yerim began to squeal crazily, too. "That must mean JB's here, too, Dayoon!"
"We need to go now." The sisters said while facing one another as the duo tried to rushed the boys away from the still hyperventilating cousins who were making a scene. It was almost successful until they heard Dayoon screaming a few seconds later. "Where'd you go, My Love?!" "Split up!" The girls spoke loud enough for the boys to hear as the girls already had this planned since forever. "Run in different directions and meet at the front exit!" Just as the duo were about to run off in different directions from one another they felt a hand grab a hold of theirs while pulling them in the opposite direction. The sister each turned around and before they could say anything they heard him say, 'I got you', and with that the girls trusted him as they let him lead the way with their hearts thumping hard against their chests.
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