#in this au Carole is related to Ice
pollyna · 2 years
au in which all Bradley knows of Mav and Ice is in a cardboard box in the back of the attic and vague memories he has of when he was a child and they were always around. There used to be photos, around the house, of them with his dad and his mom and other people he never knew the name that are now empty.
(When Ice makes COMPACFLT he's on everyone's mouth, for his new position and his coming out and for his husband, but all Bradley can think is that were people he used to know and maybe, when he will be out of the house, he could know them again.)
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the-ace-with-spades · 2 months
Someone posted about Jake having a sister who is deaf and uses ASL (I can't find it, sorry) and it woke up the fic idea I had some time ago from hibernation
An AU where shortly after Carole's death, Bradley starts losing his hearing. At first, Mav thinks it's just a lack of focus and him being inside his head too much (which, normal given the mourning/depressive state of Bradley's emotions at the time). But then he and Ice notice it only happens when they're on his right side and start to get worried.
A visit with a family doctor and a visit with an audiologist later, and they find out his hearing loss is expected to progress, they just don't know how far — it can stay mild, it can get worse over the years, or it can get worse quickly. It's probably been happening for some time already, they might have not noticed because so much was happening (which Mav will forever feel guilty about).
Mav and Ice are left to explain all that this implies to Bradley. Mainly that Bradley will never be able to become a pilot with hearing loss, even if it stays mild. And even at thirteen, almost fourteen, all he's always wanted to be was a pilot and they have to break the news to him — even if his hearing doesn't get worse, he won't be able to join the Navy in any deployable role.
Obviously, it doesn't go well. Bradley is in denial, rebelling against anything related to the hearing loss — won't go to the SLT, to the audiologist, won't wear the hearing aids.
Until he starts high school after the summer break and realizes he can't hear the teachers well — not in the front seat, not when the classroom is silent. Turns out, the hearing aids are not enough — he needs a new set up already.
Mav takes out a sabbatical and they start everything from the beginning. New audiologist appointments, new hearing aids, new ASL lessons for the two of them, and some extra ones for Ice as well, lip reading lessons, SLT. Bradley doesn't have a choice, his hearing is getting worse and either he will adapt or his life is going to get difficult — and they're in a good enough situation, financially, and with Mav and Ice caring enough, that he can adapt as much as possible.
By the time he's in junior year, his hearing loss is severe. Their options are either sending Bradley to a boarding school for deaf kids or having him have an interpreter at school. Bradley feels strange about the boarding school so he has an interpreter for the rest of high school — which doesn't get him many friends...
College-wise, he doesn't know what to do. There's a few colleges in California that offer programs with support for deaf students, but the degrees are limited. Eventually, he decides to enroll in the Rochester NTID for aerospace/mechanical engineering and it kinda changes his perspective a lot.
There are other deaf students on campus, some even on his course, and it shows him so many different ways life can be still okay — he's never met anyone deaf his age before and being friends with people who either lost their hearing like him or were born deaf and had been involved in the Deaf community for years is amazing eye-opening. He stops being so bitter about life, even if he'll never stop feeling sad about not realizing his dreams. It teaches him to not care about what others think he is capable or not capable of doing and just do his own thing.
The Institute also has great support, also including the newest hearing aid tech. Cochlear implants only became widely available when he was finishing high school and despite many people celebrating being Deaf on campus, there's many people who also opted to have surgery or implants to help restore or conserve their hearing.
By the time Bradley gets the cochlear implants (funded mostly by Mav and Ice), he's not that set on having them, actually, not as much as he was when he was seventeen and they just came onto the market for kids. In fact, he only wears them for the purpose of work (he gets a civilian contractor job for the US Air Force of all places...) and prefers to have them off when he's at home or around people who know ASL (which is most of their family now). Being deaf is part of him, a part that is bigger and more settled than the part that used to wish he was 'normal'.
He only swaps the implants for a newer model sometime around the early 2010s because they can actually meet the FAA regulations and at the age of twenty-seven, Bradley is finally able to get his pilot license and then a commercial pilot license.
Now the hangster bit...
TG:M happens — Mav is there with the team obviously but Bradley is kinda around him because he's been contracted by the Navy the past few years (kinda like Charlie) and working with Mav in China Lake before.
Bradley shares the office with Mav and they hang around whenever Mav isn't training the Daggers — the whole group is kind of speculating on who he is — and Jake actually meets him once when he's looking for Mav and comes to the office.
He makes an ass out of himself (because this is Jake Sersin we're talking about) and basically shouts at Bradley, who is not wearing his hearing aids at the moment (he's doing paperwork, near the airfield, it's easier to focus if he doesn't hear ever single aircraft taking off) and gets super humbled when Bradley looks at him and only then clicks his very visible external processor on, and then asks him if he needed something.
After the mission, Mav and the Daggers stay close, work and outside as well (trauma bonding, even though Bradley calls them his little ducklings). This means Bradley is around them a lot, too.
Around the Daggers, Bradley wears the cochlear implants almost all the time, just for the sake of being able to be part of the conversation and having a better grip on the background noise and to know what is happening around him.
Now, this is when Jake gets a little... enamored.
Bradley is objectively cool, okay? He's deaf, but he's a commercial pilot and a stunt pilot on the side, he likes to jump out of planes (for research), he volunteers as an ASL interpreter and is certified to interpret. He's hot as well and Jake's brain overheats anytime he answers his half-flirty remarks with the same, if not bigger, force.
And Jake is a bit smitten, but Bradley never really makes a move. He's obviously contemplating making a move himself — Bradley is chill, even if it was a no, he'd not make a big deal out of it — but he's also his CO's kid and the COMPACFLT's kid and like, Jake doesn't wanna be the one to cross the line.
It's Mav who tells him — when he notices him staring at Bradley playing piano (and isn't that super cool? he's deaf and he can play piano better than anyone Jake knows) — that if he wants it, he should go for it because Bradley is too shy to make the first move, ever.
So one evening when they're at a barbecue at Mav's, Jake stays late, basically the only one left, and he is helping Bradley bring the dirty dishes into the kitchen, and Mav leaves them alone (giving him a goddamn wink as he steps out...)
The second Bradley begins with, Look, I'm flattered, he knows he's in a losing position, but tries to negotiate anyway — because he can see Bradley does like him, and for whatever reason, he just needs to point out it's enough and that he can see they have some chemistry and he promises to treat him to a good time if he gives him a chance.
So Bradley tells him how it is — he hasn't dated anyone who isn't deaf/hoh since he was nineteen and he doesn't plan to. Jake is great and he's sure they'd have great chemistry, but he's not the type to do the casual bit and he's pretty sure Jake will never make the effort he needs him to make because he doesn't understand how big part of Bradley being deaf is.
Jake denies it — so Bradley starts signing at him the alphabet (the first thing people learn when they learn ASL usually) and Jake just blinks at him dumbly, proving his point.
Obviously, Jake doesn't get it and says exactly what Bradley expected him to say, Well, I don't really need to know it, you've got the hearing aids.
And to Bradley, it proves that he's either not thinking of them as something long-term or that he just doesn't get what Bradley being deaf means, long-term, for his life. You realize I don't wear them all the time, right? Not at home, not around family, not around most of my friends. Wearing them constantly is exhausting. What will you do when I take them off? Or do you just expect me to never take them off?
Jake goes home and that's it, really.
It's sometime later, a few weeks or a couple of months. Jake's never brought up going on a date again and Bradley made peace with that — he was right and Jake either didn't want to commit or the effort was too big and he's no longer interested in him. Shame, but it's not the first time it happened — mainly why Bradley doesn't date people outside the deaf/hoh community anymore, they don't understand, he's cured or acceptable kind of deaf to them, because of the implants but when they come off — he's deficient.
The Daggers are sitting down with Mav when Bradley comes home and they're in the middle of a conversation and Bradley doesn't want to interrupt Bob so he just asks Mav via signing if he ate dinner already. Before Mav answers, Jake says out loud, We ordered in, leftovers are in the fridge.
And fair enough, Bradley goes to the kitchen and he's unpacking gyro from the plastic container when it hits him — Jake just understood his signing. And like, what the hell.
He doesn't want to make a scene so he waits until Jake is a little bit more alone (not really possible with their group).
When Jake notices him staring, he just goes, Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?
And Bradley feels a bit stupid, but he signs the same thing he asked Mav before and waits for some kind of answer and Jake just says, Shit, and gets all red in the face.
So Bradley just starts signing. How long, why didn't tell me, what the hell, and all that. Because why didn't Jake told him he could understand, that he knows ASL?
And Jake just stares at him. You're going way too fast, I'm not that good at it yet
And Bradley stops and stares at him dumbly. Yet?
Sheepishly, Jake's face gets even redder, and he's avoiding Bradley's gaze as he says, I was gonna tell you once I can actually communicate and not just know a few words and phrases.
You know it's going to take months, right? I took me months and I was learning for hours every day and practicing with my dad all the time.
Well, I assumed you meant I need to know it if I want to take you out so, y'know...
And Bradley just looks at this dumb dumb man and just maybe falls in love a little bit. You don't need to be fluent in a whole new language to date me, just acknowledging you'll have to at least try is enough.
It's actually more than enough. Maybe Bradley is a bit fond of Jake, sue him, but it's more than enough to give him a chance.
Oh, is all Jake says, okay then.
And Jake clears his throat, steps a little bit away and takes a minute to revise in his head, and then signs,
It's a little clumsy and a bit slow, but Bradley takes his time to slow down and just signs YES in reply
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tgmsunmontue · 3 months
From the top 1/? (WIP)
IceMav, (eventual) Explicit, (background Hangster who are already established). Set post-TGM. (No dead Ice obviously).
Featuring not-mistaken identities (where they (Ice and Mav) pretend to be in the dark for REASONS), Ice is Jake's Uncle Tom, Mav is Bradley's Dad, everyone knows everyone, (un)requited love, coming out as an older person, and a little bit of a circus-vibe where Ice has a horrible realization that this is indeed his circus and these are also his monkeys.
An AU where Mav married Carole and adopted Bradley to make things easier legally. A USNA Bradley who has been very careful to separate Dad/Pete from godfather/Maverick. They had an argument prior to TGM, but it was around Maverick being careless with his life (RE: Darkstar because Bradley got the call that Maverick was missing, presumed dead). So it was about risk taking and thinking while flying, so that was happening and Bradley admits to the Dagger Squadron that Maverick is his godfather and they have a ‘complicated relationship’ which isn’t a lie per se, however it’s… complicated.
                He and Bradley haven’t reached the stage yet where they’ve met any of each other’s family. They haven’t even introduced each other to their friends as boyfriends yet, and their circle of friends overlap. And he’s okay with that. More than okay actually. Doesn’t quite know how he’d broach the whole by the way I’m sort of related to the COMPACFLT through my mom conversation. He’s close with Tom now, closer than he is to any of his mom’s other cousins that’s for sure. Idolized him when he was young, and now also holds a deep-rooted respect and affection for the man. It had also helped knowing he had someone to look to as a role model, someone who was gay in the Navy and got so high up no-one could do anything to him now. Jake wanted that. Badly.
                But he also kind of wants his Uncle Tom to be happy. Although, hell, for all he knew he could have had a secret lover all these years. If anyone could keep it hidden it’s Uncle Tom, face quiet and impassive, unmoving and unflinching. He’d really hoped for a callsign half as cool as Iceman, and even if Uncle Tom jokes that he does have a literal half with man, he wishes he didn’t have the connotations of Hangman, even if it’s because of fucking song lyrics he was forever quoting and now twisted into something that make people assume things before they even know him.
                Not that he really has that problem now, with the Dagger Squadron being made a permanent detachment and with them all knowing each other so well now. They know he’s got their backs when it actually comes down to it. And he likes being based where his Uncle Tom is, because while he’s meant to be based in Hawaii they’ve made some concessions due to his cancer treatment. He knows their entire family is grateful, not least his Aunty Sarah. God, he knows it’s the high of surviving a literal suicide mission but life feels so good right now. He’s expecting Bradley to turn up any minute, they’ve got plans for dinner and a movie and then sex, not necessarily in that order.
                When he opens his door and Rooster is there, he can’t help the little happy swoop his insides do and he lets Bradley kiss him hello.
                “Hi. How are you?”
                “Good. Little annoyed… my dad is talking about getting back together with an ex…”
                “Is this the ex you like, or don’t like?”
                “You can safely bet money that it’s nearly always an ex I don’t like. I don’t think he’s ever had a relationship with anyone I’ve actually liked… shit that’s depressing.”
                “Maybe you just have really high standards for him?”
                “You mean unlike for myself, where my standards are really low?”
                They end up play-wrestling which quickly morphs into not-play making-out and yeah, the sex comes before dinner but he was sort of banking on that, making food that would be perfectly fine just staying warm in the oven. They end up curled around each other on the sofa, queuing up a movie and Jake asks about his day. Listens as Bradley talks about going out to Maverick’s hangar to work on the plane, having lunch with his dad and he wonders if Maverick has met Bradley’s step-dad. Obviously he must have, he’s been around even longer, although it must be weird to have two people called Pete wandering around, he guesses that’s why Bradley calls Maverick Maverick, and his step-dad dad. Stops the confusion.
                He knows Maverick and Bradley had a falling out of some sort, they’d been very angry with each other. He figured out that Maverick flew with Bradley’s dad, was the pilot when his dad died, and he’d thought it had been that. But then Bradley had dropped the bombshell that Maverick was his godfather and they’d had a fight over something he can’t talk about, but they would be fine. So Jake hasn’t pushed wanting to also hang out with Maverick, because when Bradley talks about the P-51 and the hangar his fingers itch but he gets Bradley wanting to mend bridges with his godfather.
                More than that though he wants to meet Bradley’s step-dad, doesn’t understand Bradley’s reticence about introducing them. It’s not like he’s going to care. But they’ve only been doing this, whatever it is, for a couple of weeks, which he guesses is early days, but with everything they’ve gone through in the last couple of months it also feels like several lifetimes. Then again, he’s in no rush to introduce Bradley to Uncle Tom, so maybe it’s for the best they wait a few weeks. Or months.
                “You still thinking about your dad?”
                “Yeah. I just need to get him seeing someone else. Anyone to take his mind off getting back with Georgia. Or any of his exes for that matter. Georgia especially is… well. I have no idea what she gets out of sleeping with Dad. She’s anti military for a start.”
                “The fact that she gets to sleep with him?”
                “Ew, gross…”
                “Maybe she thinks she can convert him to a non-military life one blowjob at a time…”
                “You could try that on me you know, see if you can convince me to do something with a blowjob…”
                “Don’t think I need the promise of a bj to convince you to do anything,” Jake says with a grin. “You know, my uncle Tom is gay, maybe we could set them up? Well, assuming your dad swings both ways?”
                “Huh. Yeah… He does. Keeps that pretty much on the down-low, very much on a need to know basis. Pretty sure I only know because I saw him trying to sneak a guy out when I was seventeen. Did make me feel safer about coming out to him myself though.”
…            …            …
                “Jake, I am not installing Grindr on my phone, work, personal or otherwise.”
                “Thought you might say that, so I bought you a burner. Well, please don’t actually burn it, but you know what I mean.”
                “Jake…” Tom lets out an exasperated sigh. “I wouldn’t burn it. I know what a burner is. I’m not an idiot. I just don’t want to go on a date…”
                “Okay, so you don’t actually have to go on a date. All my cards on the table. I’m using the app to introduce you to the step-dad of my… uh, a friend.”
                “A friend huh? Is this the same friend you won’t introduce to the family?”
                “Yes. The exact one. Anyway, I just want you to send him a couple of messages. Let’s say ten messages. After that you can go back to ignoring it, remove the battery from the phone and pretend it never happened. Okay?”
                “Will you let it go if I do this?”
                “I mean… yeah. I hope you make a friend or something, but he’s military as well, so you guys have something in common at least…”
                “Fine. But I want the name of your friend.”
                “No! You’ll just look him up.”
                “He’s Navy?”
                “He is! Good job.”
…            …            …
                “Bradley! Why is Grindr amongst my recently installed apps!”
                “I’m setting you up!” Bradley calls out, grabbing two beers to go with their takeout Chinese.
                “I don’t need setting up. I can find my own dates. I don’t need an app!”
                “Yes, you do. You can’t get back with Georgia just because you’re lonely. Look, I’m not going to make you swipe through dick-pics…”
                “Maybe I want to swipe through dick-pics!”
                “Mav, be serious! You just said you didn’t want the app!”
                “Seriously? You’re the one that installed Grindr on my phone.”
                “God, maybe this was an awful idea.”
                “Yeah, you think?”
                “Okay, give me a second,” Bradley mutters, rolling his eyes and pulling his own from his pocket and thumbing into his contacts.
                “Hi… how’s it going?” Jake asks, voice quiet, and he must still be at his Uncle’s house.
                “Not well. You think we can maybe just set them up with an app that blocks their numbers and then just let them talk that way?”
                “Can’t hurt to try… your dad resisting the Grindr approach too huh?”
                “So much. And I get it, HE’S REALLY OLD,” Bradley says, raising his voice while looking Mav dead in the eye.
                “Hey! I heard that!”
                “You were meant to!”
                He ignores the glare Mav shoots him and pokes his tongue out at the back of his head as he walks away.
                “Okay, let’s see what we can find. I’ll message you and let you know.”
                “Sure thing.”
                Fifteen minutes later Jake has sent him the information, an end-to-end encrypted messaging app, one which hides the number of the phone sending the message. It’s silent and has to be manually opened to check for notifications, which is very old-school but means there’s no potential odd sounding pings. The icon is a mundane looking tower symbol and he guesses that could mean anything.
                “Okay Mav – you need to give this guy a chance okay? Please?”
                “What’s in it for me?”
                “I will stop bothering you about… uh… your love life for six months?”
                “No deal. I want to meet the guy you just rang. Who’s he in all this?”
                “Uh… I guess he’s my boyfriend.”
                “Ooohhh… it’s new huh? You’re in that new loved-up stage where you want everyone around you to be in the same stage.”
                “Uh, I mean we’ve known each other for years, but we’ve recently… come to an arrangement.”
                “Is it boyfriends or friends with benefits?”
                “Well, we weren’t exactly friends before, so definitely closer to boyfriends I guess,” Bradley says, carefully skirting the fact that Mav actually already knows Jake quite well.
                “Great. I’ll send what, ten messages to this guy and then I get to meet your guy in two weeks.”
                “No! Three months. And twenty messages.”
                “You realize you can’t force me to do anything right? You have no bargaining power here?”
                “I know, but… for me?”
                “Ugh… sad cow eyes. Fine fine, put them away. I’ll message the guy. But I do want to meet your guy when you feel the timing is right.”
                “Yeah, of course.”
                God he hopes this works because he has no idea if Mav will like the fact he’s with Jake or not.
…            …            …
                They meet up every week when they’re both in the same place, and it’s been a treat these last few months, but also a trial. Usually the distance has been a unintended blessing, making his unfortunate case of unrequited love easier to ignore. When he was younger he’d thought it was just a crush, that it would just… fade away. Instead the opposite has happened, time and distance have hardened and solidified similar to how pressure and temperature turn limestone into marble his love for Maverick is a solid and unmoving object that is ever present. Every time Mav walks through his front door he has to fight the urge to enfold him in his arms and just hold him. Every time.
                “Did you ever want kids of your own?” Pete asks and Tom startles, looks across at him.
                “No. I have nieces and nephews and cousin’s kids coming out my ears. They’re enough trouble to be getting on with, without adding my own genes to the mix. Wasn’t ever going to happen anyway,” he tacks on, and he wonders if this, today, this moment, will be the time it twigs and Mav will ask what he means.
                “Too much trouble by half. Do you know what Bradley did the other day? Installed a dating app on my phone.”
                “What? Why would he do that?”
                “He thought I was considering getting back with Georgia for some reason.”
                “And you’re not?”
                “No. Anyway, he’s trying to set me up with someone. At least you don’t have to worry about that.”
                “You’d be surprised. My cousins kid bought me a phone, a burner phone, with a dating app installed on it.”
                “Oh yeah? Which one?”
                Tom swallows.
                No more subtle hints.
                It’s now or never.
                He didn’t purposely wait for Mav to have a sip of his drink, but he still sprays it out across the coffee table, eyes bugging out and he can’t seem to look Tom in the eye and he feels his stomach start to sink.
                “You… ah… you know that app is for gay guys right?”
                “I’m aware.”
                Pete just stares at him and he wonders if this is it. The moment his best friend just gets up and walks out of his life.
                “You never told me.”
                “You never asked.”
                “Yeah well, there was a whole thing about not asking and not telling until about ten years ago so… sorry if I thought you’d have maybe mentioned it. Or at least… alluded to it.”
                “I did Pete. With something called subtlety. I know it’s not your strong suit, but I tried to leave it there in the open for you to pick up on. I’m only just… getting to the grips with the idea of being more out.”
                “Okay. Uh. Does anyone else know?”
                Tom snorts.
                “Yeah, my whole family for a start. Had to get them to stop trying to marry me off. Slider of course.”
                “Why of course? Why Slider?”
                “He’s known me for a very long time.”
                “I’ve known you for a long time.”
                He doesn’t want to mention that Slider figured it out, because he’s had to learn to be subtle, and his weak point has and will always be the man in front of him. And he can never let him know. Still, Mav sounds annoyed.
                “Slider figured it out. He’s too perceptive for his own good,” Tom mutters, because he’s also the one person who knows about his lifelong torch bearing.
                “Huh. Okay.”
…            …            …
                Tom locks the house up, Mav having left to go home after Tom had soundly beaten him at chess. He knows it isn’t one of Mav’s favorite games, that he really only plays to humor Tom and give them something to do while they talk… his brain is catching on something and it’s going to bother him until he figures it out. Pete. Playing chess simply to spend more time with him...
                He stops.
                Pete had said Bradley had installed a dating app on his phone.
                Within a day of Jake giving him a phone with Grindr installed, which quickly morphed to a simple encrypted messaging service.
                He’s learnt to not ignore his gut and this is deeply suspicious with the coincidence.
                He wonders if Jake and Bradley are dating. The idea of that makes him smile, even if it’ll cause an administrative nightmare. He knows they know each other, they’re part of the same squadron and there are rules, however it wouldn’t surprise him at all if both Bradley and Jake decided that that particular rule was for other people.
                He suddenly needs to know which app it is exactly that Bradley installed and he has his phone in his hand ringing him before he even considers the time of night, or where Bradley might be right now.
                “Hey Uncle Ice… Everything okay?”
                “Hey Bradley. Sorry for the late call, Just, uh, Mav mentioned you installed a dating app on his phone. You mind telling me which one it was?”
                “Uh… Grindr. Why?”
                “Oh. No reason. Just curious Thanks. Have a good night.”
                Why would Bradley install Grindr.
                Maverick’s not gay.
                To his knowledge Maverick isn’t even bisexual. Or anything else that might imply he’s anything other than overwhelmingly heterosexual.
                Maverick didn’t say anything tonight when he learnt about Tom’s own sexuality.
                Maybe Bradley knows something Tom doesn’t.
                Scratch that.
                Bradley definitely knows something Tom doesn’t.
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abeinginsand · 9 months
Some hcs and snippets For Hot Glenn Holidays
(there's an idea for each prompt of the week)
Sweets and Baking:
Glenn likes spicy hot cocoa and coffee. It never occurred to him to look up a proper recipe for it, so usually he tossed a few drops of hot sauce in the beverage of choice and called it a day.
He does this with ready-made cookie dough as well. Both Darryl and Ron were appalled by this info but Henry seemed excited to ramble about some related family recipes.
Fun in the Snow (Post S2 AU):
It snows in hell all year so snow ball fights are pretty common. His favorite ones are yearly though when--most of the family (including Hermie) are wrangled into participating (compared to dragging over unsuspecting demons in the area). He also has an ice rink set up down there and is a DJ for it.
Caroling (Teen High School Band AU):
As the school's band teacher, he's always excited about performing with his students during the local parade. Its a performance mix of instruments and holiday tunes. One part rock 'n roll and the other being a mix of anime and traditional stuff. The anime music is courtesy of his grandson Taylor, also in the band. One of his old Glenn Close trio band mates always drives the truck for their float and of course the whole thing has protective guard rails on it. A few students and himself sit in chairs within big cardboard present boxes with no bottoms or tops. During certain cues in the songs, they are supposed to stand up to pop out of the box and then sit back down. Its a big hit with crowds and the candy canes others hand out seal the deal too. Little candy bags that even have coupons to local shops inside too.
Caroling and Saint Nicky:
Back when Morgan was still alive, she'd work some pretty long shifts sometimes. It was rarely around Christmas, but if it was, Glenn and Nick would do some caroling around the neighborhood and surprise her with a holiday serenade when she got back.
Present Wrapping (cw self harm):
Glenn's gotten into the bad habit of scratching his wrists to chase away the phantom feeling of cuffs and chains. He should stop but its easier to try and keep it a secret instead. Until he's at Darryl's holiday party and the sight of Jesus strapped to the cross makes his stomach flip. And he's off to the kitchen to get away from it all, wrists stinging as his nails-- But...with the sound of footsteps, he realizes Ron followed. The shorter man doesn't call out the obvious or ask any related questions to the red marks peaking out from under his baggy ugly christmas sweater. Instead, his friend asks him something else: "Can you try this ribbon on for me?" He doesn't remember if he even said yes or 'mhm' but the soft feeling of the present ribbon is nice. The thin fabric is warm from Ron's hands, tied loosely so Glenn could slip out of it at any time. He lets go of the breath he was holding, flexes his fingers, and stares at the pink ribbon now around one wrist "This looks dumb."
Ron doesn't hold back his little laugh at all and pats his shoulder. "Sure does. How does it feel though?" It was a thinly veiled 'How do you feel?' that Glenn decided to answer. Maybe because they were alone or because Ron was willing to laugh at him instead of assure him. Or a bit of both...
Glenn felt himself smirk and say a tired but honest, "A little better."
Christmas in the Sand:
Before the divorce, Bill used to take the family to the beach at least once a year. It was to have fun and make some business while he was down there. Getting a hotel at the beach was a lot cheaper in winter too. He'd often wake up earlier than his wife and son each morning to go browse the boardwalk. Again, there was money to be made with talks and setting up new gigs or busking.
But, regardless of the deals, his favorite part was waking up little Glenny and showing him the bag of trinkets he bought or traded for that day. The three also played out in the sand. Mostly Christine and Glenn burying a napping Bill in the sand. Christine wasn't one to laugh much except when looking at her sand mermaid husband snoozing away. Both were awake to play with their kid in the waves later on too. Glenn and Morgan took Nick to the beach as well, but they all tended to wander the city instead of play in the sand most of the time. It was so hard to get sand out of everything when they did go over there. Also having to convince their son not to munch on said sand was a whole other challenge! Still a lot of fun though and so many great pictures too.
Trees and Ornaments:
Since that blunt existed in the close family mail box regardless of the timeline shift, lets go with the thought that some other misc. items stayed behind too. Like a few worn family pictures from old vacations mentioned above. Glenn has a giant Christmas tree set up in hell and the beach day photo with Morgan by his side, an arm around his waist, and Nick on his shoulders always goes at the top instead of a star or other ornament.
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calkale · 10 months
Okay because i put my thoughts in the tags the first time heres some of my spn au thoughts
Also disclaimer i am changing the supernatural story so dont get mad at me for not including things or changing things you like this is my house and i write the au <3
Characters: Dean -> Mav, Cas -> Ice, Sam -> Slider, John Winchester-> Duke Mitchell, Mary Winchester -> Slider’s mom (her name is also Mary in my Slider lore so), Bobby -> Viper, Ash -> Goose, Ellen -> Carole, Jo -> Bradley (he’s like a teen in this but don’t worry theres no Jo and Dean content 🤮 thats his godson) 
-slider and mav aren’t actually related, they were both 6 (mav older by a few months) when their parents got married, duke was a widower and mary was never married 
-Getting this out of the way although i love the chevy impala i am a truck freak so mav drives his dads black 1990 toyota sr5 with an extended cab 
Backstory: -viper and duke were both navy pilots now “hunting buddies”, they took mav and slider out hunting occasionally but whenever they went on long “hunting trips” they left slider and mav at home, that’s because these hunting trips were monster hunting trips
-the same thing that happens to sam and deans mom happens to mav and sliders mom but when they’re both around the age of 10, since they’re older and not stupid they have a lot of questions that duke can’t just bullshit answers to so he tells them about monsters and what he thinks took their mom (because he doesn’t actually know at this point)
-since they no longer have a house they stay at vipers or go on the road with duke 
-once they both start high school slider wants to stop hunting and stay with viper to focus on school, his relationship with duke gets weird after that because duke wants him to keep hunting to find what killed his mom but slider wants to do well in school to make his mom proud, they come to an agreement where slider stays with viper but once a month he has to come hunting
-slider leaves for university (idk what hes studying), mav graduates but stays with duke, he starts hunting on his own 
Now time: -This au starts in 2005 like the show
-duke picks up a lead on the thing that killed mary but is super vague about it when telling viper and doesn’t tell mav anything, he says he’ll be gone for a week but a week and a half later theres no word from him, viper refuses to go after him because “he’s gonna get himself killed” and “ive been telling him to let it go for years” but mav still has to go look for him
-mav finds slider and this basically carries out exactly how it does in the show, he agrees to help for one day, when he gets back his gf is dead, agrees to ditch school 😎 to come help look for duke
story wise thats all i've got so far, i want ice to come into the story a lot sooner than cas does in the show and i dont remember when ash, ellen and jo come in but i want them to come in sooner too. hopefully ill actually work on this more but i hope you guys enjoy
Character descriptions:
Mav: -has the classic dean necklace given to him by slider
-dresses basically the same as 86 movie mav but with flannel 😎
-does wear his cowboy boots but he’s normally wearing work boots
-eyebrow scar eyebrow scar eyebrow scar!!!
Slider: -wears his mother’s wedding ring on a necklace, duke gave it to him after she died
-dresses like early season sam, carhartt jacket, hoodies, tshirts and baggy jeans
-silver eyebrow piercing 😎
Ice: -exactly the same as cas but with a dark grey trench coat
-his eyes always glow a little, not enough that its noticeable unless its in the dark
-has a grey hoodie and black jeans for when he needs to look a little less “formal” 
Goose: -has a mullet its a key part of ash’s character so 
-just think mater from cars personified mixed with goose idk
Carole: -dresses exactly like ellen 
-her classic curly meg ryan hair stays tho
bradley: -just a mini goose
Duke and Viper: -they look pretty much the same, just some dad with a mustache and flannel
-only difference is duke always wears his wedding ring
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polutrope · 10 months
Modern AU Holiday Prompts
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I’m feeling in the mood to play around in the modern AU I stumbled upon writing What Happens at Camp Eglarest, Stays at Camp Eglarest, so... 
Send me an Ask with a prompt + character(s) for some lighthearted ficlets set in the “Beleria” universe during the time of wintry celebration. I’ll make sure you don’t need to be familiar with the universe to get it!
Characters: Any First Age Noldor, Sindar + their mortal associates
Relationships: Any platonic or romantic canon relationships, plus Daeron/Maglor, Fingon/Maedhros, Aredhel/Celegorm
Prompts (Closed)
Playing in the snow
Ice skating
Reflections and resolutions
Sending cards
Building a gingerbread house
Gift giving
Ugly sweaters
Reconnecting with an old friend
Snow day (work/school cancelled)
Singing carols (1, 2)
Making sugar cookies
Decorating a tree
Doing crafts
Being a scrooge
Hooking up on New Year’s Eve (1)
Winter driving/transit (1)
Cancelled flight
Pets and decorations
Boycotting a holiday
Kissing at midnight (1, 2)
Polar bear swim (1)
Going from a hot tub/sauna into snow/cold water (1, 2)
Tropical vacation
Winter wonderland vacation
Accidental drunkenness (1, 2)
Meeting significant other’s family for the first time
Playing a board/card game (1)
Doing a jigsaw puzzle
Embarrassing childhood videos (1, 2)
An unwanted gift
Sick for the holidays (1)
Working for the holidays
Enduring the in-laws (1)
Bittersweet memories (1, 2, 3)
A bit about the universe: present-day "Beleria'' bears an uncanny resemblance to urban centres of the Pacific Northwest. The third generation Finweans are between early 20s and mid 30s. Fëanor is Fingolfin and Finarfin’s brother by adoption; the sons of Fëanor are not blood-related to the descendants of Indis. Of the fourth generation, Celebrimbor (10), Idril (5), and Maeglin (4) have been born. Others have not been born, though if I'm sent sent them I’ll work something out. I may also go back in time to show characters at different ages. 
A bit about “holidays”: I am a non-religious person who was raised celebrating a Christmas that had little to do with Jesus (or consumerism, though there was that; it was the 90s), so my writing about “holidays” will likely reflect that.
Feel free to copy/adapt this prompt list, which was itself inspired by others!
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Sick Boyfriend Character profile(Update) (My AU Headcanon)
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Name: Sick Boyfriend
Real name: Stephanie Benjamin Sickest
Age: 20
Gender: Bigender/ Biologically female/insexual
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Alive/Immortal and Married
Birthday: September 19th, 2001
Love interest(s): Drugfriend(Husband), Boyfriend(2nd love interest) and Girlfriend(3rd love interest)
Friends: Penelope and people he could trust
Enemies: Senpai, Other Senpais, Lila Sky, Cherry Rose, Layla miller, Fanzo Miller, Victor Valentine, Tammy Parker, Sick Daila, Sick Ember, Sick Lila Sky
Neutral: Sick Sky, Sick Girlfriend(Ex-girlfriend, Frenemies), Sick Carol, Sick Nene
Family: Micheal Stomachache(dad), Aria Sickest(Mum), Sick Miku(older sister), Sam/Beta Sick BF (Older brother), Soda Cola/BBB Sickfriend( Big brother), Rachel Sickest/Sick babefriend(twin sister), Sick Kaity( Sister), Sick Boy(little brother), David flu(cousin), Mrs. Snickers(pet cat)
Child: Shirozu Handles Sickest
Likes: hanging out with friends, eating anything chicken related, fast food, ice cream, cake, protecting his friends and family and sweet things
Dislikes: sour candies, Among Us, losing video games, Senpai and villains
Week: SickPants week
Fandom/mod: Friday night funkin Vs Spongebob Parodies Mod
Songs he sang: Stomach Flu and Shark Hunt
Powers: Angel powers
Noticeable features: his thicc butt, his body
Other abilites: Power kicks, Vibe power, Healing, Electric shock, laser beam.
These are the list of colors of what Sick Boyfriend is feeling
Red: Angry
Dark Red: Pissed off
Black Red: Crazy or Murderous
Dark Orange: Lazy
Yellow: Happy
Dark Green: Naueous
Light Green: Jealous
Blue: Sad
Indigo: Tramatized
Purple: Scared
lilac: Sleepy and dreaming
Pink: Flustered
Dark Pink: Flirty
Black: Bad mood
White: Not amused
Brown: Bored
Lime green: Jealous
Form: Golden angel form (with cat tail)
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His cat tail is even sensitive, it's not shown when he hides his form
Has a blue heart birthmark
I updated my verison of Sick Boyfriend
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brabe · 2 years
What have you done to me for chrissake?!
In an alternate universe where everyone lives (Goose, Carole, Ice), what if Goose meets Hangman first (or Hangman meets Goose the first, same) and THEN Jake meets Bradley?
But like they could be in a hospital: Goose for a checkup about the injuries caused by the Canopy accident, and Hangman for a general checkup after a mission. They're in the same room. And they end up talking. They hit it off so fast it's like platonic soulmates at first sight. AND THEY'RE HONKING LIKE TOTAL DWEEBS! SAME KIND OF HUMOUR AND EVERYTHING!
[I'm totally fine. What are you talking about?! xD]
[Oh btw! Hiiiiiiiiiii!!!! 😄😄😄]
Hello there @redfurrycat!
I do have a lot of feelings about Hangman and Goose and all the could have been's! (It's always the 'could have been's with Hangster, isn't it?).
It's interesting that Hangman and Goose generally have an immediate negative connotation because of the classroom incident, but I really think they would have hit it off right away (as you said in your tags—duh of course! Goose would get along with Mav 2.0), which is especially funny when Hangman and Rooster did not! I can imagine a mellower Rooster huffing on the phone with his dad during flight school about Hangman this and Hangman that (and Goose nodding along but you can see his smirk from space because yeah, absolutely painfully familiar), and then they figure it out, and Rooster brings him home. And Jake is actually nervous, which is a first. Because in my heart, Jake is a romantic and doesn't care for casual, exactly like he doesn't care for mediocrity in the sky. He only goes all-in or not at all, and when he met Rooster he knew. Add that, again in my heart, Jake is a good southern boy, proper old-fashioned (I'm picturing him showing up with flowers for Carole). So makes sense that he would be worried about making a good first impression on Rooster's parents. And maybe if his relationship with his own father is strained, and in his point of reference fathers are angry and distant, and then Nick is so sunny and chill and hilarious and let's not forget QUICK-WITTED—like, affectionately, Goose is also a lil bit of a bastard too, which would delight Hangman. So yeah, as I said, they would have gotten along alright!
Kind of unrelated but related, once I thought about this au where guardian angels are real, and after his death Goose becomes Hangman's guardian angel and is there watching over him during his first kill. And then when Hangman saves his boys during the mission it all comes full-circle. Also it was really amusing to me picturing Goose getting second-hand embarassed when Bradley keeps putting a foot in his mouth with Hangman because 'That's no way to treat a mister, son!'
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sohemotional · 2 years
I'd give you a Finn baked good if you wrote the Baker!Finn AU where Rachel stops by to buy cupcakes and pastries all the time. Wait no, 2 Finn baked goods.
Aww this is a cute prompt! They live in NY in this AU. Also posted this here on AO3
Carole's Cupcakes was all Finn had ever known. He had grown up as a small boy learning recipes straight from his mom as she spent all of her time preparing huge batches of cakes, cookies, pies and other sweets. The boy had a giant sweet tooth and getting to taste all of the treats was half of the fun for him. He also liked the bonding time with his mom, as she was the only family he had. He also liked how methodological and scientific everything about baking was, as he had to measure out the perfect ratio of every ingredient.
It was sometimes difficult when business was slow and Carole could barely afford to pay her bills but somehow they kept the bakery going. Since he was a teen he had worked there as a pastry chef and he loved his job, even though spending all of his early mornings baking bread definitely killed any social life he could have had.
They just couldn't seem to bring in any customers lately. It was just a few days before Christmas and Finn noticed how exhausted his poor mother looked as she walked around the shop early that morning, putting the finishing touches on a fresh batch of snowman cupcakes and Christmas tree shaped sugar cookies to set out on the display shelf. He wished there was a way to make things better for Carole.
Rachel Berry was walking briskly in the direction of the theater, speaking into her phone in a loud voice that made several other pedestrians nearby flinch, or give her strange looks.
"No, please I'm on my way. I'm sorry, you know I'm literally never late in my life. This medication I took made me oversleep and my limo was in an accident... I'm literally two minutes away!"
The woman was distracted and yelped as she slipped on a patch of ice. Her day was already a mess and it just got much worse. A few people nearby stopped to help her up but her ankle already felt twisted. She groaned in frustration and noticed a bakery nearby that seemed to be open. She was shivering in the bitter cold and decided anything was better than staying outside as the snow continued to pile up. She had seen the sign for this store many times but hadn't gone inside.
She hobbled into the bakery. It seemed to be a tiny, family-run hole in the wall shop and Rachel suddenly remembered how hungry she was, her mouth watering as she saw all of the sweets on display. Rachel never usually ate anything with flour or sugar but she was so stressed out that there was nothing she craved more right now than a cupcake.
She was embarrassed when she tripped on the way to the counter in the middle of staring at those baked goods. At least no other customers were around to see her. A tall man with a friendly, boyish face who she thought might have been the owner held out his hand to her with a smile. Rachel fell silent, noticing how handsome he was and she had never seen eyes that were such a light brown, bordering on gold or warm amber. She thought he looked cute in the apron he was wearing and her cheeks flushed.
"Hi there, are you okay?"
"No, not at all!" She complained, wincing as she stood up. "Thank you for your help. My ankle seems to be injured and I am terribly late for work."
"I'm sorry to hear that," He said in a warm voice, helping her into a chair. There was a middle aged woman standing in the background wearing an apron and Rachel could tell from their features that she was related to the tall man. "Can I get you anything, Miss?"
"A coffee and one of those... snowman cupcakes, please."
Rachel's eyes widened because it was one of the best cakes she had ever had and she was so hungry that she quickly devoured the entire thing. The boy with the broad, friendly face was grinning at her.
"You hated it, right?" He joked.
"It's the best I've ever had in my life!" Rachel announced dramatically.
"Here's a little surprise on the house... just for you!" Finn pulled out a cupcake with bright green icing that resembled a Christmas tree with a little star on top from behind his back. Rachel gasped. She loved stars but this boy had no way of knowing that.
"Oh no... I really couldn't, I mean I'll pay for this, I couldn't ask you to... but I'm supposed to be watching my diet and these are too good to resist."
"C'mon, I know you want to try it," Finn added mischievously, ignoring her protests. "It's totally on the house."
"You're bad for tempting me so much." Rachel joked but gave in, her eyes rolling back as she bit into the cupcake. The mint chocolate of the cupcake was so rich and she loved the crunch of crushed candy canes. There was something so nostalgic about this shop that brought her back to her childhood and her mood was already lifted. She was starting to warm up and the coffee was also great.
The two of them fell into easy conversation as he took a seat next to her for a moment since they were no other customers around to attend to at the moment. Rachel was surprised but delighted as it had been such a long time since she had ever been able to connect with a complete stranger. They were both in similar situations of working extremely long hours and having not much of a social life.
Finn chuckled at her expression as she stared lovingly at a red velvet cupcake then he looked at her for a long moment. He recognized her face and distinctive voice. She was a very pretty, striking girl and Finn had always had a thing for tiny brunettes with brown eyes so it was difficult to stop himself from being smitten. Suddenly it clicked... he looked over at a pamphlet on the counter for a show that was now playing in town... this girl was a huge Broadway star! Finn suddenly felt very nervous and he gulped, wondering what he should say.
"You're Rachel Berry?! As in Funny Girl's Fanny Brice Rachel Berry?"
The brunette girl nodded with a huge megawatt smile. Finn couldn't believe that he and his mom had this star who had been in all of these musicals in their humble little shop with its tacky wallpaper and old, breaking down furniture that had been there since the sixties.
"Did you make these cupcakes yourself? They're amazing." She told him, giggling after he had remained in stunned silence for what felt like forever.
"I did," He admitted bashfully, feeling his face turn red. "I'm Finn, by the way. Finn Hudson. Sorry for not introducing myself properly before."
"Well Finn, I'm going to have to order five cases of these for my co-workers. Actually we'll need those cakes and cookies as well for one hundred people."
Finn looked over at her in shock and saw his mom's eyes widen at the same time because of what Rachel was offering like if it was no big deal that she was asking for hundreds of items.
"Sorry, I hope that won't be inconveniencing you and your mother. Will that be alright? Will you need additional time?"
"More than alright. We'll have everything delivered to you." Carole shouted to her. She was happier than Finn had seen her in a long time.
Rachel grinned, winking playfully at Finn who was still staring at her in awe while she went up to pay for everything. Everything about her gave off the impression that she was ridiculously rich.
"I must be going, Finn but you've certainly made my day a little more special."
Finn beamed, wondering if he was just imagining the flirtatious tone in her voice. He was amazed that a guy who was as completely ordinary as himself had attracted someone as interesting and important as her into his tiny little shop. She was so friendly even though she had no reason to be. They both felt reluctant to part from each other when the time came for her to go.
"You're welcome. Rachel I... I hope we see you again. You're always welcome here."
"I hope so too, Finn. Merry Christmas."
She kept gazing at him as if expecting something more after they shook hands. He kissed her on the cheek quickly and Rachel seemed stunned, touching her face constantly on the place he kissed as he smirked at her teasingly while she blushed. From then on, it became a tradition for Rachel to pop by before or after, or sometimes even during her workdays to chat with Finn. Sometimes he even got her to give in to eating a cupcake. He got a new customer... and somehow, he thanked his lucky stars... a new girlfriend.
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fexlyn · 9 months
This is a dis-continued version of my TMNT au, this is all I had written down for this. Enjoy I guess?
I’ll be updating this when I have an idea but I won’t make anything big out of it.
Oldest (16)
Oldest child syndrome
Hawksbill Sea Turtle
Tics (unconsciously clicking throat)
Voice actor potential = AJ Michalka or Natasha Lyonne or EJ Johnson
5’6ft - 66 inches - 167.64cm
Stiff / sensible / serious / lil silly
Loves the show Stardust Heros
Admires Janus Seyfert (♀)
Knows a lot about medical action and theory –stuff
Second oldest (“16”)
Mum syndrome
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Related to Raph only
Keeps everything that's given from his brothers
7’ft - 84 inches - 213.36cm
Voice actor potential = Parvesh Cheena or Freddy Rodríguez or
BPD (Borderline personality disorder)
Favourite flower is the Red spider lily
got aged up to 4yrs - 2 yrs later Raph was mutated and aged properly
Sometimes forget words that are simple
Remembers every word that are considered ‘big words’
Jhanna is Dons gf (did not meet till s4; s5 is the confession)
Will literally make you anything if u just ask
Tries to be a pacifist (trained to kill without second thought)
Second youngest (15)
Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles
ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder)
Trans masc
when scared he hugs himself / cover himself in blankets
Early bird
5’5ft - 65 inches - 165.09cm
Voice actor potential = Alastair James or Freddy Rodríguez or Zach Barack
Fears of being forgotten
Spray painting is his favourite art form
fidgets with a rubix cube
When needing comfort he goes to his older sister
Youngest (10)
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Related to Donnie only (by species)
Loves attention from his blood brother
Or attention in general
Disappears- somehow- anytime there's a fight
Loves paper mache
Feral (not actually just likes to bite)
Best friends with Casey- dont tell Len…or Don…-
His favourite blackberries
Voice actor potential = Alexander David Linz or francesca marie smith
5’1ft - 61 inches - 154.93cm
Likes the show stardust heart
Splinter Hamato
He became a mutant rat at 18 due to a mishap
He meets the turtles at [insert age] hes now [insert age]
He's cripled due to the mutagen not being complete
But don't underestimate him he can whoop yo ass in seconds
Big fan of the renaissance artist and wanted to be a artist himself
Casey Jones
Middle child (12)
Bestfriends with Raphael
Has not told anyone that he's friends with mutant turtles (yet)
Feels like someone trying to burn a hole in his head every class
Taking hockey training
Taking ice skating as well
Cassandra Jones
Oldest child (15)
Has a crush on Lenna (knows about Casey's turtle friends)
Angel Jones
Youngest child (6)
Hangs around Micheal and Donnie
Cheeky little shit
Has some interest in machinery
Has a lot of interest in paint
April O’Neil
Shes 12
She's was 5 when her parents died and got moved with her aunt
Wishes to be a famous reporter
Believes that one of her classmates [read: Casey Jones] is some evil spy
Will literally hang off of vents, trees, wall cliffs; to get the scoop
She has a lot of bruises… and sticks stuck in her hair…
Carol O’Neil
How do they exist?
Baxter Stockman, a teen genius, spent 22 years (17-39) creating a serum for perfect super soldiers-a classic I know- creating failures upon failures he finally perfected the chemical mutagen. But with the twist of it not working on humans due to something that humans have that ‘lower-intelligence life forms’ don't.
When used on humans they will [insert super painful symptoms] and a clinical death happens.
Baxter Stockman was promoted and awarded from the higher ups-he's now head of the renewed US bioweapons program.
Len - backstory
Putting the unmutated tot len into a tank of water then releasing the mutagen into the tank mutating them into a humanoid baby.
She was treated carefully, due to her being so-new, they tested her with anything possible without harming her. She was kept in a room, alone, being studied from the outside behind see-through mirrors.
As she got older(5) the experiments and studies started to become more often and a little more risky, they started to do more hands on like extracting blood or muscle reaction (they can't take scutes yet).
She got older, again, because they age…
Experiments got worse-like-painful- worse.
Donnie - Backstory
4 years after the creation of Lenna…
An agency (clan) in Japan heard (stalked) about the Mutagen that was perfected, they did a little something (killing) something (torture) getting the components of the mutagen to make their own soldiers.
They wanted a weapon that can be both in land and water, and large in size as well- since bigger weapons are more stronger right?- so they took the idea of a turtle as well. Leatherback sea turtle was their pick, soon or later will be known as V-1-L-0-T Donatello.
After the turtle was mutated, he was young- a baby
But being the smart-ego filled Ninjas they thought it would be best to make the ageing process a little bit faster so they're ahead of the enemy or the very least the same pace of making a weapon
Mikey - Backstory
Raph - Backstory
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cakemagemaeve · 2 years
Dear Yuletide Santa,
Thank you for volunteering to write for one of these fandoms! I can’t wait to see which one you pick and what you do with it! Below are some details on what I would like to see, but of course you’re welcome to use your own judgment instead.
My favorite part of this show is watching all of the ghostly hijinks and mayhem, and so I'd love to see a sort of slice of life (or death, as the case may be) of them getting into mischief over the decades/centuries. Alberta and Sasappis are my favorites, but Flower is rapidly catching up to them. Her relationship with Thorfinn is also adorable as hell, and if you're up for it I'd love to see their first meeting, even if it's just a short little scene sandwiched in-between tales of ghostly antics. Or it could be all about them. Or if you'd rather, I'd also love a fic where Jay gains the ability to see the ghosts and we see how his relationships with at least one these three specific characters develop(s) (I mean, we already know he and Pete are destined to be BFFs, but there's a lot of room for interpretation when it comes to the other ghosts).
Do Want*: humor, fluff, wacky ghost antics, Alberta being fabulous and snarky to cover her insecurities, Sasappis being deadpan and snarky to cover his insecurities, Flower doing that thing where she says something smart and insightful and then immediately forgets it because drugs.
*Note, these are just suggestions. You don't have to include all of them.
Do Not Want: crossovers, rape, abuse, gore, or darkfic in general. If you end up writing any sex scenes (which really isn't necessary if you'd rather not), please no rimming, strap-ons, scat or watersports.
The Good Place:
Okay, so I like Chidi/Eleanor fairly well. I mean, as canon couples go, they're like god-tier. That said, I always liked Tahani/Eleanor better, because I'm a huge lesbian like that. That said, Chidi/Eleanor/Tahani is cool, too. As long as Tahani and Eleanor make out (either on or offscreen, so to speak. Writer's choice) and there's lots of creative swearing on Eleanor's part and Chidi gets at least one stomach ache, I'm probably going to be happy. AUs are fine, too. I'm particularly fond of pirate and/or academia and/or vampire/werewolf/supernatural type AUs. Also, I've been trying to start a retirement home AU trend, but so far, no luck. Obviously you don't have to write it (or any AU for that matter, but it'd be hilarious if you did.
Do Want*: humor, fluff, banter, philosophy, swearing, Eleanor and Tahani having heated arguments that lead to make-outs, Chidi ending up happy whether he's with Eleanor or not, and Jason and/or Janet just being themselves in the background.
*Note, these are just suggestions. You don't have to include all of them.
Do Not Want: crossovers, rape, abuse, gore, or darkfic in general. If you end up writing any sex scenes (which really isn't necessary if you'd rather not), please no rimming, strap-ons, scat or watersports.
The Saddle Club:
So I was utterly OBSESSED with this series when I was a kid, just as I was obsessed with anything and everything horse-related. I'm still obsessed with horses (even if I've barely touched a horse since my own died T_T) and I still have a great deal of fondness for these books. I lowkey ship Stevie/Carole, Stevie/Veronica and Lisa/Kate, but believe me when I say that shippy content is not necessary at all. Hell, if you just want to write about them being dorky horse girls, that's cool too!
Do Want*: fluff, comedy, horses, pretending that the Pine Hollow series doesn't exist, Stevie's weird ice cream concoctions, horses, trail rides, Stevie fighting with Veronica, the Bar None ranch, wacky horse girl antics, horses. Did I mention horses?
*Note, these are just suggestions. You don't have to include all of them. Except the horses. There must be horses.
Do Not Want: crossovers, rape, abuse, gore, or darkfic in general. No acknowledging the existence of that godawful Pine Hollow sequel series. Also, no smut please, not even if it takes place in a stable, which is a bad idea in general, by the way. It's like sex on the beach. It sounds romantic in theory, but it's such a terrible idea in practice. So much hay. So much stall bedding. So much dust. So much horse hair. So much horse manure. All things you do NOT want anywhere near your fiddly bits. Also you could spook the horses, but I digress. I just don't want to think of the Saddle Club having sex, even if they're adults at the time. The thought just kinda squicks me out. *shrugs*
Star Trek: Picard:
I have loved Seven of Nine for roughly two decades, and during that time I almost exclusively shipped her with Janeway (which I still do <333). Raffi is pretty much the only real exception, and even then I prefer Janeway/Seven/Raffi (although I do enjoy Seven/Raffi on its own. Just not as much). I also love Raffi and Seven's relationship with Elnor, how he's become a surrogate son to both of them. He'll never replace Icheb or Raffi's own estranged son, of course, but no one ever expected him to in the first place. They're all three wounded souls helping each other heal, and that's what I love most about their dynamic. A fic exploring that dynamic would be lovely, even if you can't manage/don't want to get Janeway involved, too. If you are willing to bring her into it, though, I'd love to see a fic wherein Seven introduces her wife Janeway to their new girlfriend, Raffi, as well as their new son Elnor, both of whom she takes to right away. Bonus points if they all go on a space adventure together.
Do Want*: fluff, humor, Janeway, wacky space antics, time travel bullshit, Raffi and Seven healing together, Elnor being adorable and badass at the same time, Seven and/or Raffi and/or Elnor and/or Janeway just going absolutely feral on some well-deserving asshole or other, Seven getting to say 'fuck' because she absolutely deserves to.
*Note, these are just suggestions. You don't have to include all of them.
Do Not Want: crossovers (except with other Star Trek series), rape, abuse, gore, or darkfic in general. Also, if you don't end up writing Janeway/Seven/Raffi, at least don't refer to Janeway as a mother-figure to Seven, please. If you end up writing any sex scenes (which really isn't necessary if you'd rather not), then please no rimming, strap-ons, scat or watersports.
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aestheticsuwu · 2 years
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Blurrin' the lines between real and the fake
Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky x Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell
Mafia x Hitman/FBI Au
(Click pic for better quality)
IceMan ; One of the top most wanted criminal in the world. Known for the successful running legacy of being the coldest and feared mafia boss in Russia and now expanding his name in United States in all its glory.
Each day theres a different price for his head. The reward get higher by the second but the task becomes harder to accomplish. After all no one has seen his face, and the ones that do , Are now 6 feet under the ground.
The overachiever hit-man Pete Mitchell, ‘Maverick’ ,that has been hired by Charlie Blackwood an FBI agent, takes on the task thinking of it as a challenge . What he doesn’t know is that Ice is always 2 steps ahead and is already waiting for him.
Ice is not going to get wiped out in his watch, especially for his youngest sister Carole wedding .
Maverick wanted to bite his hand , wants to scream and disrupt the guest but he knew better and having the man hand squeezing the back of his neck in warning made him clamped his mouth shut . Maverick still threw him a hard glare.
A young women , dressed in a floral white dress, shoulder length blonde hair and a big smile on her face spots them and comes running towards them. She screeches when she sees Ice. She throws herself into his arm . Ice twirls her around making her squeal and sets her down.
“Tommy , You promises not to bring none of your boy toys . It’s my engagement dinner.” The blonde woman whines , her arms crossed on her chest with a frown adorning her beautiful face. Her kind blue eyes flicker to his and he wanted to protest . He was not a twink nor Ice boy-toy but Maverick just averted his eyes down to his boots and stayed quiet. Biting his tongue . Tom. The long mystery of the real name of Iceman. And all for what. He might never get to tell anyone.
The poor woman was about to get scolded , she didn’t need Mavs.
“Carole , This one special. “ Ice brings back his hand to Maverick neck . Maverick can taste blood from how hard he’s biting his tongue.”Didn’t i promise you that I wouldn’t work or do anything that will prejudice your wedding. Aren’t I a man of my word“ Ice spoke gently and in a tender voice . It gave Maverick goosebumps. It was like a different person in contrast to Ice, the man holding him hostage and holding his neck like he was some damn puppy( and threaten to kill him once his baby sister has gotten married .
“You did gave me your word and in writing.” Carole sunny smile appears making Ice content .
“Where’s Nick ?” Ice smiles proudly , looking around for the man.
“I will go get him. Oh - I forgot where’s my manners. I’m Carole , soon to be Mrs.Bradshaw” Carole waited for his response but Maverick was having a quick debate in his head.
He didn’t know if he was allowed to speak but if the pressure of Ice thumb on his jaw making his sister wait was anything. Mav wasn’t sure what to say , does he say Maverick or Pete Mitchell?
“Im Pete Mitchell but your brother likes to call me Mave-rick , Nice to meet you . Congrats on your wedding .” Maverick mimics the way Iceman pronounced his name. He decides to be honest. He doubts Carole will try to search him up and look at his background. Besides he has a feeling Slider had already wiped his info off the system by orders of his boss. He gives her his best smile which she returns . She looks like a sunshine compared to this cold criminal man beside him.
The last name spiked a curiosity in him, he knew a Bradshaw but it couldn’t be the same person , Goose was dead. He’s snapped out of his thoughts when he feels Iceman press behind him.
“See,” Ice deep voice has Maverick nervous “It wasn’t that hard to be a good boy”
Maverick hates himself for his body reacting to those words. It send a shiver down his spine. He just hope Iceman didn’t see. Iceman goes to take a seat , front and center, assigned for him only. Maverick stands there dumbly not knowing what to do. “Sit” Ice pats his thighs with an amused smirk . This was embarrassing. He refuse to do it. He silently glares at the man making Iceman lose his patience. He moves forward and speaks lowly just enough for both of them to hear,”I wasn’t asking. Sit now. “ Ice tone of voice left no room for discussion.
Maverick balled his fist . He was fuming from the inside . He swung his leg over and sat down on the mans lap. He felt the blondes large hand grab his hip and pulled him closer. Maverick could feel the eyes of everyone on him making him flush down to his neck. He turns to his right, ‘Slider’, Iceman’s right hand and bodyguard ,snicker at him making Maverick feel embarrassed .
Carole comes back with a drink on her hand , vodka on ice , and on the other, a man. A man that makes Maverick go pale . He was dead. How could he be here? Goose?
The man hasn’t notice him yet. He sees his lip moving and feels the rumble of Ice voice against his back . He look exactly like him. The eyes, the height and the stupid porn mustache . It was him. His only family he had left. Here he was marrying the sister of a cold hearted criminal . Nick Bradshaw.
Slider stands up and put his arms around Goose and Carole and begins flirting with them both. Something that looked like something they did . He’s saying something along the lines that he wouldn’t mind being part of the wedding. It’s kind of mushy in his brain, he snaps out of it when Ice laughs at his friend. He doesn’t know why , but he hands go straight for the hand on his hip , needing the reassurance he wasn’t hallucinating . Ice goes rigid behind him.
Maverick takes a strong grip on Ice fingers . He feels eyes boring holes to the side of his face . His breath quickens , he feels like his heat had leapt out of his chest. He hears a glass clink against a surface , then suddenly he feels three cold fingers on his jaw making him face Ice. Who looked laser focused on him, his brows furrowed and eyes high on alert.
Ice opens him mouth to ask him something but Goose beats him to it. “ I didn’t realize you brought someone new. Let me introduce myself I’m Goose .”
“I think he’s shy . “ Carole says making Slider snort at the ridiculousness .
Ice has gone deadly silent and still holding his jaw . His blue eyes flickering all over his face, trying to read him. Suspicious on what was going on, he turns to Goose . With a sharp smile he answers for him, “This is Maverick. Why don’t you say hi , Sweetheart.”
Maverick turns around and faces Goose. Now is his turn to look like he just saw a ghost. Ice clenches his jaw , not liking the situation , He looks at Slider, whose already catching on , and gives him a sign to take Carole and Goose away. They had to deal with this later .
“I was promised a dance . Shall we ?” Slider doesn’t let them answer and is dragging them away . Maverick just listens to Carole laugh and watched Goose look over his shoulder with a fallen expression.
“Mitchell, Your dangerous , and I can’t have you going around behaving like that. Can’t have you snooping around in my business .In the meantime , your going to keep that pretty mouth shut and be on your best behavior until I decide how to get rid of you. Got it.” Ice says in a cold tone , a void of emotions. Like he was randomly talking about the weather.
“What if I don’t . Your going to kill me? I’m not scared of you …Iceman.” Maverick is not backing down. They stare at each fro way too long. His chest is still heaving and Iceman is just calm and collective . It made him tick.
Ice moves his hand up to Maverick face with a mocking smile. The man was hard to read but clearly he was angry.
“You should be , Baby.” Ice thumb touch Maverick’s bottom lip, slightly pulling it down making Maverick freeze , his greens eyes widen. “You’re in enemy’s territory. No one’s going to help you, Not even …Goose.” Ice chomps the air showing perfect rows of teeth. The man still remained dispassionate and composed like he didn’t just threatened to end his life .
The words felt like a slap to his face. He wasn’t expecting the chomp , the action reminded him of a feral dog wanting to bite him. Wreck him. Ice picks up his glass , the one Carole had give. him , and takes a huge gulp trying to shoo away the migraine that was try to creep up on him ever since Maverick appeared. Ice smiles at Carole who’s looking at their direction as Slider twirls her . He keeps his smile when Goose make eye contact with him, he looks away when Slider is trying to get his attention .
“Smile. Everyone’s looking.” With no other option , Maverick smiles that doesn’t reach his eyes . He really wants to kill the guy. Right about now. Like if he was devil , the man mutters, “Keep those thoughts for later , Nobody is dying today. What your pretty little head should worry about is that your sleeping in my bed tonight.”
Sidenote: okay so I saw in a fic where Carole is Ice sister, so I had to use this opportunity to add it in here. Goose and Maverick were best friends and worked together until one day a mission goes haywire and Gooses is presumed dead. But In reality , Slider finds Goose in the middle or fight with another drug lord and Slider gets injured and Goose helps him. Making Slider feel gratitude towards Nick , he takes him in and does everything he can for Ice to let him (Goose thinks Mav is dead too)
The FBI thinks they have a lead on Ice and know who it is , (they think it’s Slider ) Charlie knows Mav (they’re dating or hooking up or whatever ; either ways Mav still ends up with Ice) and she gets him on the deal .
Ice gets all the information back to him. He done his research on Mav by the time he has him close. Ice can’t kill him yet since it’s Carole wedding . He decides to have him by his side 24/7 to keep an eye on him. Literally. And uses this excuse to have Mav sit on his lap like all the time. (Slider sighs because the one time Ice is acting like love sick fool and it’s for the idiot that they’ve taken hostage. He rants about to Goose and Carole )
Maverick is just trying to find ways to escape but at the same time he struggling from keeping himself from throwing himself at Ice.
(Also if anyone writes a fic , can you guys write a scene where Maverick is lying in thousands of dollars and Ice is just having his brain go offline. Mavs wants to have sex on the money even though the money is dirty.)
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Charlie's Top Gun & Top Gun: Maverick Master List
#Top Gun: Maverick, #Top Gun (1986), #Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw, #Jake 'Hangman' Seresin, #Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, #Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace, #Javy 'Coyote' Machado, #Robert 'Bob' Floyd, #Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia, #Reuben 'Payback' Fitch, #Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw, #Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky, #slooserole, #Ron 'Slider' Kerner, #Carole Bradshaw, #hangster, #icemav, #bobnix, #fanback, #MavDad, #Polish Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky, #Italian Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, #Dagger Squad, #Trans Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw, #Ace Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
ignition [hangster, firefighter!Bradley AU, 5+1, humour]
#ignition tag
(sometimes I feel) like a monkey pilot [trans Bradley, transition-related, icemav as dads, hangster, getting back together]
#(sometimes I feel) like a monkey pilot tag
slow down (you're doing fine) [Bradley-centric, icemav as dads, hangster, getting back together]
#slow down (you're doing fine) tag
just hold my hand [Mav's POV, the mission if hangster never broke up, mpreg and Mav/Ice as grandpas]
#just hold my hand tag
This hellsite only:
mini fics:
Family of Seven (Bradley and Jake accidentally adopt five kids) #Family of Seven tag
Angsty Baby Bradley series (Bradley POV, WIP snippets, Slider POV, IceMav POV, Adult Bradley POV) [hangster, icemav raised Bradley, Uncle Slider]
fic ideas/drabbles/prompts :
Mav is declared KIA and Ice finds out he's in his will as Bradley's guardian
Mav stays with Charlie until he becomes Bradley's guardian, Ice starts helping with raising him before they even get together
Carole and Mav get married after Goose dies and Ice and Slider pine
Ice is in denial about his feelings for Mav and Slider takes things into his own hands [fwb Slimav, pre-Icemav] Part 1 (Slider POV), Part 2 (Mav POV)
Polish!Ice and Italian!Mav headcanons
Ice and Mav wear matching clothes - Jake and Bradley mimic it years later
Post on Bradley calling Mav dad
Carole and Ice are Catholics and attend Polish Church together
4+1 'Ice checking on Bradley during the night' ficlet [icemav raising Bradley, hangster allusions]
Ice passes away in his sleep and what is left [Jake POV; ice and mav getting older, icemav as bradley's parents, icemav, hangster]
hangster starts here >>
Mav finds out Bradley who he hasn't talked to in over 10 years (and Jake) have a whole load of kids [mavdad angst, hangster, mpreg?? idea]
Jake realizing how much of Bradley's hot mannierism is inherited from Mav (and Ice)
Firefighters AU - legacy ff! Bradley, bat chief! Mav and baby ff! Jake training under new captain Bradshaw [hangster as cap/probie]
Jake and Bradley becoming flight instructors and becoming a good and bad cop in the eyes of their students [older and 'secretly' married hangster]
Bradley wants to organize a wedding (vow renewal) that Mav and Ice never had - he is terrible at it and needs help from someone who isn't - Jake [hangster, rom com vibes, getting back together]
Bradley learns to pick locks (and people's hearts) [hangster, icemav raised Bradley]
Humour fic AU idea where Bradley's papers haven't been pulled and he does land in USNA but he's doing everything and anything not to be labeled as the nepo baby [icemav as bradley's parents, hangster]
Bradley can't cut onions [hangster, mavdad]
High school AU with Bradley and Jake in secret relationship because Mav disapproves
High school AU hangster being nominated for 'most likely to get married' despite not being a couple (Part 1, Part 2)
Bradley gets Jake small thoughtful gifts (and continues to buy them after they break up)
Jake and Bradley still find their most attractive features to be the ones they had from the beginning [soft hangster headcanon about physical attraction]
Ace!Rooster is avoiding Hangman's advances
Hangster A/B/O with O! Bradley and A! Jake [mpreg & angst, set during TGM and after]
Jake didn't go to USNA AU and met struggling Bradley at college
Hospital AU with nurse!Bradley and doctor!Jake [hangster enemies to lovers, ER coworkers, surgeons icemav] #hangster hospital AU
Actor!Bradley AU where he's filming an ala TOPGUN movie with Jake as his assigned by the Navy aviator, Mav is Jake's CO [hangster, enemies to lovers, mavdad drama]
Jake's dad adores Bradley - or Bradley keeps collecting dads [icemav raised Bradley, hangster]
Hangman and Rooster as a pilot-WSO pair AU
Before Bradley takes the hit on the mission, he says goodbye ala Steve Rogers
10 Things I Hate About You hangster AU idea
Happiest Season AU, Jake takes Bradley for Christmas home
Jake being jealous of Nat (pre-canon)
#Pacific Rim AU - dossier files, idea
Actor tags:
#Glen Powell, #Miles Teller, #Monica Barbaro, #Lewis Pullman, #Tom Cruise, #Val Kilmer, #Jay Ellis, #Greg Tarzan Davis, #Danny Ramirez, #Top Gun: Maverick cast (containing more than one of the crew)
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film-in-my-soul · 2 years
Top Gun/Top Gun Maverick Superhero AU Headcanons
This has been my brain rot for the last few days. So instead of writing the Gahan fic I promised I would, I did this...
Here is some worldbuilding for an AU I will never write, but I hope you guys like it. Be warned, the majority of the headcanons will be IceMav and Hangster related.
Superheros Universe:
Superpowers have been developing for years now. Starting as small advancements in human physicality/mentality (theorized to have been a government experiment gone wrong) and moving through generations, evolving and spreading. They have now taken on stronger genetic mutations that are an intricate part of society and, more importantly, national security.
SFTI program (Super Fighter Tactics Instructor program), more popularly known as TOPGUN, is an elite school for Heroes and Sidekicks organized by the United States joint militant task force with the singular goal of pushing their super soldiers' abilities and team working skills to make them the best they possibly can be.
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(See under the cut for powers/headcanons)
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Pete "Maverick" Mitchell [Hero]
Gravity Manipulation: Maverick can affect the gravity surrounding himself and others in contact with him. By increasing the force of gravity above him while lessening the force beneath him, Maverick is able to generate a tunnel that essentially allows him “flight.” Once in the air, he can maintain the force of gravity beneath him to keep himself afloat. 
Limitation: Maverick, if overusing his power, can cause himself to go into vertigo and or pass out midair. He can only maintain so many different layers of gravitation manipulation and, therefore, can only affect, outside himself, two people at once, depending on mass.
Tom "Iceman" Kazansky [Hero]
Ice Powers: (I know this is very on the nose, but do you have anything  better?) Can generate and manipulate ice/frost/general cold. It’s fairly self-explanatory. Iceman has a move called “time out” where he can essentially freeze the surrounding area up to a radius of 20 feet (the standard radius of a carousel).
Limitation: The larger the distance Iceman stretches his powers or the denser the ice, the weaker the structure or the less time it lasts. Ice’s ice manipulation can be more of a subconscious power, so he has to exercise complete control or risk hurting others. He can also hurt himself if he goes “subzero” for too long.
Nick "Goose" Bradshaw [Sidekick]
Flight: He can fly. He does not have wings. His primary role was Maverick’s sidekick, an extra pair of eyes in the air. He and Maverick also used Goose as a conduit for Maverick's gravity manipulation and allowed Goose faster flight. He was Maverick’s “eyes in the sky.”
Limitation: Little to no use in head-to-head combat situations. Flight has a maximum altitude, and use in ground conflicts was limited.
Ron “Slider” Kerner [Sidekick]
Short Range Portals: Slider can open portals up to fifteen feet apart. They can be held for up to two minutes, allowing the average mass of two people to travel at a time. He is particularly useful as Iceman’s sidekick for Ice’s projectiles or for surprise attacks.
Limitation: Portals can not be one-sided; a second portal must always be opened along with the first. If more mass goes through a portal than Slider’s current ability allows, the portals can become unstable and either collapse or distort the mass that goes through. Velocity of an object does not change when going through a portal.
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Carole Bradshaw [Civilian]
Ultrasonic Vocality: Carole can burst anyone's eardrums with an accidental scream or a jubilant cheer. Her power allows her to amplify her vocality up to 180 decibels. She never went into hero work cause it simply wasn’t for her.
Limitation: Carole’s power can activate without intention if she’s surprised or doesn’t actively think to keep herself lowered. Too loud of a sound can cause temporary muteness.
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw [Hero]
Flight/Ultrasonic: Rooster inherited both his parent's powers (a rarity) and, thus, can fly and emit ultrasonic sounds. He often uses his flight to disorient his opponents before taking them by surprise with his secondary power.
Limitation: Rooster’s flight is his less stable ability, and he often finds himself slipping out of his concentration and losing air. His vocal weaknesses mimic his mother's. Also, because aiming one’s voice is harder than it seems, Rooster often hesitates to use his Ultrasonic ability if there’s potential for his teammates to get caught in the crosshairs.
Jake "Hangman" Seresin [Hero]
Mimicry: (It was a toss-up between this and him just being your standard Superman-esc superhero. Chose this one because of the interview where Glen said something like: “you can swap out the vowels, you can make it an ‘a’, a ‘u’, whatever you want. So yeah…) Hangman can copy the powers of those he touches. He’s able to replicate them at about 85% effectiveness, and his ability has forced him to learn to adapt, pay attention, and become one of the most versatile active heroes. It’s also made him cocksure and forced him to act first since he needs the upper hand if he’s going into a battle without his sidekick.
Limitation: Jake can only copy up to four powers at a time, and the more he has, the less effective they are and the shorter the time period he has to use them. With two powers, he can use them both at full capacity for roughly 4 hours. With four, it reduces to 50% and 2 hours.
Javy "Coyote" Machado [Hero]
Animal Shifting: Coyote can shapeshift into an animal that doesn’t disproportionally warp his mass. He often takes the form of big dogs or cats since they’re easier and don’t stretch his mass too much. He takes on the physical ability and properties of the animals he copies and can copy any animal he’s seen in person.
Limitation: Anything smaller than a german shepherd or larger than a brown bear takes a heavy physical toll on Javy, as a smaller animal condenses his mass to an uncomfortable amount and a larger one stretches it. He can only shift into one animal at a time and cannot mix and match attributes or use only one attribute at a time. Unless it’s his special suit, his clothes do not turn with him.
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Natasha "Phoenix" Trace [Hero]
Rebirth: Phoenix, technically, cannot die. When she dies, she returns and enters “berserk” mode because her body is jump-started with adrenaline and at peak performance. The rebirth states can last up to thirty minutes. Due to the nature of her power, she is highly trained in hand-to-hand combat, as she has to risk herself to fully utilize her power.
Limitation: If the villain won’t kill her or can’t, she has to do it herself, so… trauma. Also, the more rebirths she has in a twenty-four-hour period, the longer it takes for her to be “reborn,” and the less effective the “berserk” mode is. Her maxim rebirths are three within one day. 
Robert "Bob" Floyd [Sidekick]
Ultra Stealth: Bob, unless using an external object, cannot be heard or, oftentimes, perceived. His entire presence can blend into the background. He’s a frontline sidekick for recon and stealth attacks, often paired with Phoenix. 
Limitation: Bob’s powers are innate, and so it’s more like they are his state of being. It’s a lonely power, forcing him to make himself known actively. He must wear a reflective patch or a sound maker to be actively noticed.
Reuben "Payback" Fitch [Hero]
Rebound: Payback can take any damage dealt to him and throw it right back. If he gets cut, he can reflect that same cut back. He can give back energy as well.
Limitation: He can’t throw something back if it kills him, meaning he can’t just take any hit or damage. Because of this, he has a suit that absorbs a lot of damage which he can then convert into kinetic energy. His powers force him to use his body as collateral, though, and can take him down a lot of the time.
Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia [Sidekick]
Temporary Mania: Fanboy, if he can look his opponent in the eye, can cause them temporary mania, like a fanatic. The mania lasts for roughly 10 minutes and completely disorients the enemy. There is no limit to how many times Fanboy can activate his mania on a singular villain.
Limitation: It’s an up close and personal power that doesn’t allow much in the way of a physical advantage. A trained opponent can also minimize the time spent in mania, or if an intense physical stimulant is introduced, the mania can be broken. The more times mania is used, the easier it is to break out of.
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Beau "Cyclone" Simpson [Hero/North Island CO]
Cyclones: (Stop judging me… these callsigns don’t always leave much for the imagination.)  Cyclone can generate and control up to category EF4 tornadoes. The smaller in size, the more intense the wind speeds. He can create a tornado large enough to have an “eye,” effectively entrapping his opponent.
Limitation: The larger the tornado, the weaker the wind speed. The more tornadoes he generates, the less control and the less strength they have, so he is often limited to three at a time, typically category E2. Regardless of his powers, he cannot affect weather or atmospheric conditions as his tornadoes also have a maximum height.
Solomon "Warlock" Bates [Sidekick]
Illusions: Warlock can conjure light distortions or sometimes fully formed illusions that often look like “magic.” His powers are most suited in a support/distraction role.
Limitation: What he conjures are not physical and cannot do actual damage. The sunnier the day, his solid illusions are less effective since they are based on light.
Bernie "Hondo" Coleman [Sidekick/Professional Maverick Handler]
Telepathy: (Literally, I spent 20 minutes trying to learn what Hondo means and got nothing helpful, so… this is what I got.) He can telepathically communicate with anyone and multiple people as long as they are within a thirty feet radius. His largest asset is acting as a multiway radio between heroes in active combat without the fear of radio lines being tapped since Hondo is the radio.
Limitation: The more people on the “radio channel,” the more confusing it can get for Hondo. The longer he keeps his channels open, the worse the fallout will be, full migraine to basically going into a small coma.
Before TGM Headcanons:
The night Bradley learns Maverik pulled his papers for the National Security Heroics Institute Program, he blew up. Almost literally. He went off the rails so badly that he blew out all the glass in Maverik's house with his shouting and didn't even realize he'd caused Maverick's ears to bleed.
Maverick was deaf in his left ear for almost a month after the fight, and that wasn't even what hurt the most. That had been Bradley walking out the door and never looking back.
After Goose died in a TOPGUN exercise (Ice's wall of ice, Maverick attempting to slow Goose's flight by force so he wouldn't hit it, Slider's ill-timed portal, Goose not being able to stop his spinning and get control... an accident all around) Carole never wanted Bradley following in her late husband's footsteps and asked Mav (who had to ask his husband) to pull Bradley's papers.
Ice and Maverick don't actually get together until after Goose's death, after Ice comes back from the gulf, while Maverick opts to stay stateside and help Carole and Bradley.
Once upon a time, Goose was talking about Carole, the lovesick fool he was. "My honey's got the voice of an angel." "Bradshaw, your wife could shatter eardrums with hardly a whistle." "An angel, Wolfman."
Carole used to get teased a lot in high school because she'd always had lousy control over her voice and just got too darn excited, but Goose never made her feel silly for it, taking all her loud energy for himself and making sure everyone knew he was the winner for it. Ringing ears and all when Carole said yes when he asked her to marry him.
Maverick had been wearing earplugs cause he wasn't an idiot.
Mav and Ice aren't enemies anymore. Not after the "you can be my sidekick any time," "bullshit, you can be mine." But neither had planned that it would go beyond a one-night stand (which somehow turned into a weekend stand and breakfast the Monday morning). It had.
Ice couldn't stay stateside like Maverick, and Maverick didn't ask him to. They send letters. They make calls. They somehow make it work, even with the distance and the potential death always hanging over their heads, especially as the villains start getting more overt.
Ice calls him six months later to tell him he's docked on the East port, so close yet so far. Six hours later, when the sun sets, Ice hangs out on the flight deck, trying not to frost over the metal too badly. A shadow crosses over him. It's Maverick. He's hovering like he's not risking getting shot out of the fucking sky by using his powers around a carrier he's not assigned to.
It's dangerous and ballsy and so fucking stupid. It's the first time Ice tells Mav he loves him.
Sometimes when Ice and Maverick kiss, Ice loses control, and it has given Mav a cold once or twice.
Sometimes Maverick accidentally floats them in zero gravity. Ice will never (even though it's very obvious) tell Mav just how much he actually likes making out (and more) without the pressure of the world on them.
During wintertime in Mirimar, if Ice is on leave and Maverick isn't running errands, he will build up an icerink for them, Carol, and Bradley, just for some wintertime cheer because he remembers Maverick telling him once that Goose loved ice-skating even though he couldn't keep his ass off the ice to save his life.
Bradley gets his superhero name because while he's got his Ultrasonic power on lock, flight? Ironically. Not so much. So sometimes, instead of flying, he sort of has to come crashing to the ground.
The other hero trainees had said he was like a Rooster. Loud as hell but a terrible fucking flyer.
Bradley has broken too much glass in his life to ever repay. Sometimes, he's done it intentionally...
Jake has always gotten shit about his powers, especially from his father, because he's "just a little copycat, can't even have a power all on his own, has to ride the coattails of better heroes."
Instead of letting that define him, however, Jake took it as a challenge to take others' powers and make them better, learn to use them in new ways, superior ways, so that no one could say he wasn't worth the title of hero.
This, of course, did not earn him any favors, not that Jake minded all that much. You didn't need friends to be the best.
That changed a bit with Javy, mostly because while Jake could study and analyze and perfect human powers, animal behavior? Not so much, and it actually helped the two become friends pretty quickly.
Jake hates copying Javy's power the most because he doesn't like being in a skin that isn't his own, but Javy is his sidekick, and Jake needs a power to start off a fight.
Once, when he was practicing with Javy's power, Bradley had come in and, knowing it was Jake, had made the joke, "is this your way of telling me you're a dog, Bagman?"
Jake and Bradley did not get along at first. Since Bradley could use multiple abilities like him, Jake thought that Bradley was his best competitor. It made Bradley the biggest target for Jake's need to be better, and Bradley, seeing too much of Maverick in Jake's easy swagger and seemingly endless confidence, pretty much was always on the verge of punching the blonde in the face.
It's only after a tough fight where they have to work together (Bradley needing another body in the sky and Jake running out of possible powers to copy) that they reach a stalemate.
That is, of course, when Jake realizes that it's not just the competition he likes about Bradley. It's also because he's fiercely loyal, just as proud as he is, and is damn good-looking, even with the pornstache.
Jake doubles down on being a dickhead, but at least attempts to keep it teasing, and Bradley takes it in stride more easily.
Before graduating TOPGUN (Jake taking the trophy by half a point with Bradley and Natasha tied for second), during the celebratory drinking, Bradley actually compliments Jake, with no pretense, no double meaning, and Jake, a little too tipsy, takes it as a sign that Bradley might be interested enough to sleep with him.
It goes very poorly, mostly because the room is filled with superheroes, when Jake goes to kiss him. He brushes up against Static, another TOPGUN graduate with an electric power, and ends up zapping Bradley pretty bad instead of actually kissing him.
Bradley hadn't even realized what Jake was going to do and just let that fact he'd gotten a very literal shock go, figuring Jake was too drunk.
The moment was gone, Jake was now sober, and he chickened out from trying anything else.
They were dispatched to other sides of the world two days later.
During TGM Headcanons:
The next time Jake and Bradley see each other, Jake has a villain kill, and they've been called back to TOPGUN for a mission no one knows anything about, and they've back slid into being rivals again. At least from Bradley's point of view.
Regardless of the universe, Jake is actually, in his own stupid way, trying to goad Bradley into being better, doing what he needs to do so he doesn't die with his head up his ass, fighting Maverick for whatever fucking reason.
Phoenix is there too, and gets a new sidekick in Bob, who is cute and uncomfortably unnoteable.
He's not cute enough to stop her from deploying her trauma "joke," upon being asked what her power is. Which is to show instead of tell.
The first time she pulled that same joke on Bradley, she'd jumped off a four-story building. Bradley had thought her power had something to do with flight and only realized, the closer she got to the ground, not doing anything, that he was wrong. He couldn't get to her before she hit the ground, and it took her about a minute for all her bones to reset.
He'd asked her, through tears, because he thought she'd died for good, what the fuck she was thinking, and Natasha had laid it out for him. He was gonna have to get used to it. It was her power, and she had to die to use it.
Bob hadn't cried, but he had thrown up.
The kicker of it all is that Jake and Bradley work well together with Javy, Phoenix, and Bob, but they're both too in their own heads about everything; it's making the whole mission prep a mess.
When everything snaps and Jake brings up Bradley's dad, it's only because everyone is holding them back that Bradley doesn't pop Jake's head like a melon.
Even seeing red and spitting blood, Bradley would never willingly attempt to hurt a fellow hero, especially not when surrounded by other heroes who could also get hurt.
Bob wins them dogfight football because half the time, even with his reflector patch on his shirt, only Phoenix and Rooster can keep tabs on him.
During mission practice, a simulated energy beam almost hits Coyote, but Phoenix intercepts it. Bob is able to get a piece of her away from the blast radius, and she's able to regenerate, but it's terrifyingly touch and go.
Ice does not die.
Instead, he shows up at TOPGUN to get everyone's head set straight.
He and Mav run everyone through drills again, this time working as a team, and it seems to help, but Bradley is still holding himself back.
He's not expecting his name to be called, but it is. Maverick picks him as wingman for the mission, and it goes tits up pretty much immediately.
They manage to infiltrate and blow up the super serum refinement plant but when they leave, they're intercepted by defense systems, and villains are in pursuit.
Maveric takes a missile meant for Bradley, and instead of leaving, Bradley disregards Cyclone's orders and returns for him.
Once the formation is broken, Hondo can't keep the radio channel between the team open.
The only reason they make it back at all is because Jake is waiting with Halo.
The second he hears that Hondo had lost communication with Maverick and then Rooster, he's sprouting wings, grabbing Phoenix's power (since she'd retreated with Bob as directed and is back at the base) while he's at it, and taking off.
Jake dies twice in order to get Bradley and Maverik out of the shit storm they're in, bagging himself another villain kill.
The first time he dies is an accident. A villain intercepts him en route, but it works out in the end. He's able to get to both of them just in the nick of time, catching the projectile meant for them in the chest. He's close enough to kill the villain in the blast as well.
Bradley just about loses his mind in the calm of the aftermath because Jake's on the ground, bloody and not moving.
It's only when Maverick covers his mouth does Bradley realize he'd been screaming.
They get to Jake, and that's when he starts coming around.
"Jesus Bradshaw, I know you have pipes like that, but give a guy a warning. Almost killed me a third time." "A third- A third time?!"
It's not the time and Jake, more refreshed than Bradley or Maverick, goes on ahead of them to clear the path back to base.
After TGM Headcanons:
Iceman threatens to freeze Maverick to the bed if he ever pulls shit like that again. Maverick, of course, just replies that if Ice is in the bed with him, there's no chance of him leaving anyway.
During the "we lived" celebrations, Jake decides he's done not at the very least trying to have something with Bradley and drags him out of the bar. Bradley goes willingly, though he does question what Jake's doing.
"Didn't wanna zap you this time." This, of course, confuses Bradley, but then Jake drags him into a kiss, so he's not thinking about much else for the next little while.
When the kiss breaks, both of them realize they're not on the ground anymore, which is ridiculous and hysterical, and Bradley lowers them to the ground to kiss Jake again.
Jake admits, a few months later, after he and Bradley have talked and are together, after seemingly endless therapy appointments, that he didn't know if he'd come back a second time during the mission, that he didn't know if his mimicry of Phoenix's powers would hold after dying at least once already.
Bradley proceeds to thoroughly ravish him in a life-affirming way after breaking a window shouting at him.
Maverick is taken out of active duty and teaches full-time at TOPGUN so that he can stay close to Ice and Bradley since they've reconciled.
A year and a half later, when Jake asks Bradley to marry him, he has Iceman make him an icerink.
Maverick had given him that hint when Jake had asked for his permission.
Maverick wears earplugs again because Bradley might look like Goose, but he's still Carole's boy through and through.
Well... this was a lot, and basically just the barebones of a fanfiction I will never write. I hope whoever made it through all this had fun reading.
These headcanons and character things are completely up for grabs if anyone feels inspired by them btw.
Thank you again for reading!!
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rooseresin · 2 years
You ever write 6k words and then you read it back and it’s all trash? Just asking for a friend 🤦🏻‍♀️
Anyway, I had this idea for an AU where Hangman and Rooster are reincarnated marrieds, only Rooster doesn’t remember. Hangman is pissed because not only did this fucker forget, Rooster decides to be a fighter pilot AGAIN, as if the first time wasn’t traumatic enough (they flew in WWII and they did not come out of it). Hangman, of course, has no choice but to sign up to be a fighter pilot with Rooster, because he has to stick by him, watch his six, make sure he doesn't get blown out of the sky again - you know, the usual soulmate stuff.
And included in this headcanon:
IceMav are also reincarnated marrieds, and in every timeline where both couples exist, Maverick and Rooster are somehow related. Ice and Hangman get along and commiserate over putting up with their soulmate’s familial drama.
Some of Hangman and Rooster’s skills bleed over into the present. Rooster is a little startled (and turned on) that Hangman is so proficient with a bow and arrow and other things like painting, woodworking, bread making etc. (He might have a little bit of a competence kink. Or he might just like watching Hangman do stuff).
Hangman sometimes switches to another language without realizing it. He usually does this especially when he’s muttering sweet nothings into Rooster’s ear.
IceMav are the couple that write letters or notes for each other. They have boxes and boxes of love letters in the attic. Sometimes they’ll go up there and read through them together.
Rooster regains the memories after Maverick pushes him into the ground. Maverick is a little annoyed because he promised Hangman and Ice (and also Goose and Carol) that he’d keep Rooster safe, and now here he is fucking it up. Rooster realizes what that means and yikes he’ll have to come up with a good apology for when he reunites Hangman - Jake - his husband. He tells Mav he needs to get back to Jake, to which Mav says “yeah, no shit”.
Bradley pulls Jake in for a kiss and a hug instead of the handshake. “I’m sorry I forgot,” he says, “I was just a little slow to remember.” Jake laughs, “Typical!” They kiss again in true Hollywood fashion.
They take a vacation to Italy because Bradley remembers he once proposed to Jake on an Italian hillside at sunset. He thinks he wants to recreate that memory, or better yet just make a new one.
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a-tiny-sloth · 3 years
A (not very) quick rundown of my osemanverse superhero AU for those who are interested
Tori has fire powers. originally this was because i thought it would be funny but it actually works pretty well bc it contradicts the way she might appear to people and that's fun
Michael has ice powers. and yes, of course he still skates. also, can you tell i'm playing with the metaphors in Solitaire?
Solitaire is an organisation whose goal is overthrowing the authorities by giving as many people as possible superpowers
Charlie has super speed. there is no good reason for this. (it's because he got into the Rugby team bc he's fast)
Nick has super strength. there is no good reason either.
Darcy is invulnerable. this is because i think she'd absolutely love it. also because i think it goes with her personality and family background and would make for some interesting explorations
Tara has healing powers. mainly because it's the opposite of Darcys power set and i wanted to explore the ways in which those two are opposites
Elle has (as of now) no powers. she designs the costumes for the Paris Gang
Tao and Sahar don't have powers either (as of now) but they help where they can
Aled can manipulate sound. his superhero persona is called Radio. he is very likely a villain at first (this is Carols fault)
Frances can create illusions. i really wanted to bring her creativity into this. and also, can you see the whole opposites-attract-thing i've got going on here?
Carys has the same power set as Aled, but she has less control of it
Daniel has no powers because this creates an even bigger rift between him and Aled and more reason to be jealous of Frances (yes, i like making characters suffer)
Raine has no powers either. she doesn't need them
Carol is an evil scientist who experimented on her own kids and that's the reason they have powers
The Ark are a famous superhero team working for a totally-not-evil corporation
Jimmy can turn invisible because of the irony (it's great because he can escape from anxiety-inducing situations but also horrible because it makes him a very public figure. also something, something, his real self is invisible to the fans)
Lister has super speed. it's about the rush created by alcohol and the rush created by speed, i guess. also the irony of being able to run as fast as you want but also never escaping your problems
Rowan creates force fields. this is to represent his protector-energy. he can destroy stuff with them too, though
Angel has wings. yes, i desperately need the "an angel saved you?"-scene to happen in this AU.
Bliss has wings too. she hates it, though, bc she saw how stressful being a superhero is for Rowan
Juliet has wings too. i liked the idea of those three very different people sharing the same power set and eventually forming a team
The Loveless squad solves supernatural/superhero-related mysteries. okay, i'll say it. they're the Scooby Doo Gang. i'm sorry
So! this is my AU! feel free to ask questions about it, i could literally talk about it forever. i AM planning to turn it into a fic (or rather multiple) but as you can see i'm not a person with small ideas, so this might take a while.
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